#even if you can’t support everyone’s gofundme’s
fatmabassem · 6 months
Hi everyone
I’m fatma from Gaza Strip and I really need your help
We need you now more than ever- please donate what you can even if 1$ it will be a big help & share my GoFundMe widely. I'm depending on you. Thank you🙏🇵🇸
If you can’t donate help me share it widely like comment and reblog this post!
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commodifyme · 4 months
I know some of you follow me because you listen to Big Soy Naturals, but if you aren’t a listener then you may not be aware of the fundraiser for a friend’s family in Gaza that we are trying to help meet its goal as soon as possible.
The Himdan family is displaced as a result of Wasrael’s attacks and are struggling to afford basic necessities like food, clean water, diapers and medicine.
Wasrael consistently blocks aid, and when aid does arrive, the IOF opens fire on Palestinians gathering to receive it, which makes these resources very scarce. We are lucky to have a listener audience large enough that if each person gave $3, the fundraiser would be complete before our next release, but I know not everyone has $3 to spare.
That’s why we’re going to make use of the collective power of all our communities’ reach and ask all of you to share this post and text the link to this gofundme to anyone you know with the means to donate even $3.
For as long as Wasrael occupies the land and attempts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, we must see the suffering of our siblings in Palestine as our collective responsibility. We must believe in the need for their liberation to be as important as our own.
If you have over $1000 in your bank account, please donate just $5 to the fundraiser. If you have more to spare, that’s great, but small donations can make a huge difference if we all share the burden. If you can’t donate, you can help this fundraiser break out of the social media algorithm suppression chamber by sharing and interacting with this same post here and on our twitter and instagram.
Thank you for reading! Here’s the link to the fundraiser one more time. 🇵🇸 From the river to the sea, baby!! 🍉
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hi everyone,
i know i don’t exactly have much of a presence on here but i’m begging anyone who sees this to please read the whole thing.
mahmoud al-sharif reached out to me, asking me to share his story in hopes people will help. he has three children and his wife is expecting a fourth. he’s already lived through 5 wars (!!!) and has lost fingers on his hand and vision in his eye. when the war broke out, he had been working on a project for 12 years, only for all the equipment to be destroyed along with his home and livelihood. he may never be able to finish that project, essentially his life’s work.
he’s asking for donations to help get him and his family to egypt, and if you don’t know how much that costs, it’s $5000 per adult and $2500 per child. they will also need funds to support themselves when they’re in egypt, and mahmoud also needs money for medical expenses, due to his fingers and eye.
if you want more information, you can find it in his gofundme:
it’s been vetted by @/90-ghost, @/northgazaupdates and @/vetted-gaza-funds. i’ve reblogged a post with proof of this, it’s the one with the drawings of olives.
please, please donate if you can. even if it’s not much, anything will help. if you can’t donate, then reblog, both this post and others talking about mahmoud’s situation. you can find these posts and any others that get made by going to his account, @mahmoud-sharif2 .
please do what you can to help mahmoud. even if it’s just a reblog.
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ofsappho · 29 days
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Because I’ve got one that I’m working on…. BUT
(Inspired by @cuckoo-on-a-string )
I want to make art that helps do good. I want my fic to be a haven for the underrepresented, the marginalized, fat people, queer people, disabled people, people of color.
But making art isn’t enough. So I offer a proposition: I will complete and post this chapter of Heartless IF AND ONLY IF Heartless readers collectively donate FIFTY ($50) USD to this gofundme for my friend Lina
Lina is an incredibly brave and strong young woman. She’s a 25 year old woman from Gaza and a new mother. I first got to know Lina when I started donating and boosting the gofundme she made when she was NINE MONTHS PREGNANT to help evacuate her and her husband to Egypt, so she could safely deliver her son Omar.
Remember that miscarriages are up over 300% in Gaza. Remember that tens of thousands of babies, some born and some still in their mothers’ wombs, have been bombed, starved to death, torn into pieces, died from illness, all because of the illegal Israeli occupation and genocide against Palestinians.
We refused to let Lina and her son Omar and her husband Yousef become another family exterminated by Israel. We raised enough money for Lina and her husband to get through the Rafah Crossing into Egypt, where Lina had Omar in a hospital, with anesthesia, antibiotics, doctors tending to her. Not a tent in a bombed refugee camp with no food, water, or medicine.
Now Lina is raising money to help get her family out of Gaza, along with the money necessary to help sustain her and her husband + son’s life in Egypt. Her brother is a heroic paramedic who helped saved countless Gazan lives in the past months of the genocide until he was too injured to help any longer.
I myself have already donated a lot of money towards her cause (I mean in the hundreds). But I can do more and we can do more. If even TEN Heartless readers give $5 USD, we’ll have hit the goal and I will update AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.
How does this work? Send me proof that you’ve donated (whatever amount you can) via my ask inbox or my direct messages, I will reblog this post to let everyone know how close we are to our goal + check with Lina to make sure she’s got the donations, and that’s it! Easy peasy.
Every dollar counts. You can also share her gofundme with YOUR friends and family, ask them to donate. If they do, send me the same proof and I’ll count it towards our goal!!!
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Through collective people power, we saved Omar. He and Lina would’ve died in Gaza if Lina had to give birth there. He is an innocent baby boy who has the right to grow up in a peaceful, loving, healthy environment with his family. He deserves that.
Please only give what you are able to. If you can’t give anything, share Lina’s gofundme with anyone who can give. Help us save Lina’s family and give baby Omar the chance to grow up, and get some fic out of it.
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bowlingpinlane · 2 months
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏🙏
Hello everyone, I am Karam Al Nabih from Gaza. All my dreams have been shattered now in Gaza. I am a software engineer in my last semester, but now my home, my dreams, and my university have been destroyed.
All my dreams have been destroyed 😞 I hope you share , support and donate
Repoooost & donate please after read my story, that's urgent! 🇵🇸🍉
Please don't skip helping me and my sick mother to rebuild our lives. Any donation, even a small one, will make a difference 🙏🙏
Donate even if it is 10 euros or 15 euros or more، The smallest donation makes a difference in my life
I sincerely appreciate your help and look forward to your continued support🥺❤️
Vatted by @nabulsi @90-ghost
Please donate or share help me reach my goal
Of course!! Everybody, please if you can donate to Karam. Even a small amount like $1 and $5 can make all the difference once added together with other small donations. If you can’t donate, then like, reblog and share this post and/or gofundme so people who can have a chance to see this.
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dayangaytransman · 5 months
Warnings: mention of Transphobia, Homophobia, Self harm, Suicide, Gender Dysphoria and depression
I translated this with the help of AI so I don't know how much of it is correct. Sorry for bad english
I just want to share this; otherwise, I might do something that makes everyone upset
I am a Trans man/Transmasc/Genderfluid person. I use any pronouns except She/Her.
In my country, they won't let me transition, but they also don't want me near them pre- transition
I tell doctors and people who say they can help me that I need testosterone.
But they tell me if they give that to me, I will have a beard and I will regret it! I want a beard! WTF!
A doctor said to me that he cannot give me testosterone, but I can buy it and inject it myself! They don’t sell medicines like that without a doctor’s permission.
I look like a woman, or a 12-year-old cis boy.
I am 19 years old
And when people meet me, a grown man, they see a child and act accordingly. They call me little and short, and I can’t tell people in public how old I am, but they always ask.
I hate myself because I don’t look like the grown man I am. I am 153 cm and 42 kg. I am short, skinny, and have a baby face.
I sometimes present as feminine, and when I do, people in public say unkind things to me. They even try to harm me.
I live in a place where the government executes gay men and I am afraid when they see me as a gay boy.
I live in a Muslim country, so they expect me to wear a hijab, even though I am not Muslim.
I can’t transition here, even if they allow it. The doctors don’t know what they’re doing. I don’t want to be a laboratory mouse. Once, the most famous doctor was accused of killing a person just from a mastectomy! I want a healthy, beautiful, normal body.
I can’t travel for transition because I am very poor, and in my country, even $10,000 is a lot. Even with 100 years of working, I couldn’t accumulate that much money.
But they won’t even let me work or study! Many LGBTQIA+ people here have been expelled from school.
In my country, a trans person is a psychopath. Many of us don’t have an ID ( of our true gender) , and we can’t live like this.
I can’t attend classes, such as an art class, or visit any doctor. They require an ID, and even when they don’t, I don’t want to out myself or have them touch and examine my body.
I experience all forms of dysphoria that exist. I am dealing with depression, childhood trauma, ADHD, social anxiety, among other issues.
I tried to kill myself twice. I have left school. I don’t want to leave the house, but I am trying to change these things, and I can’t seem to do so.
And you know what? Nobody cares!
Do you think all transgender individuals speak English and reside in countries that are friendly to the queer community?
I cannot create a GoFundMe here; there is no supportive organization or similar entity available. Everyone here hates me and can easily kill me.
I am gay, and my relationships have always been toxic.
Men do not perceive me as a man.
My father left me; my mother just doesn’t care about me, and my brother is my biggest enemy.
I cry every day, and I don’t know if I want to be alive anymore. When I tell all my friends and family, even those who can see my tears, they don’t care.
I don't know what to do.
I see people on the internet who just need to turn 18 to transition, try a little bit harder, or travel to another city.
I do not have these privileges. I have wanted testosterone for four years and have tried to obtain it in the way the government indicated, but they have not provided it to me.
I hate my chest, My high, My face, My... My everything
I feel inadequate because I am unable to study, work, or even travel to see my boyfriend and best friend.
I remain alive because if I were to die, there would be no one to feed my cat. He/it is all I have in this world.
People often ask whether I am a girl or a boy. They always tell me that I am short and small, and insist that I can’t be older than they are.
Imagine calling Tom Ellis or Henry Cavill cute, little, and girlish.
And when my gender changes because I am genderfluid, it gets worse. And I don't feel like a woman.
Nobody here understands what ‘non-binary’ means.
They don’t understand the meaning of ‘trans’ either.
They refer to us by a term that I cannot repeat because it is an offensive word. A bad word that means: a person who is a prostitute has two genitals and is mentally insane. And they want transgender individuals to fully transition. Otherwise, they won’t give them an ID. And who do you think are the ones who say who is trans and who is not? The government! Actually, it’s the psychologists, but mostly the government. You need to prove yourself to them, and I tried hard, but I failed.
Even my family doesn’t see me as an adult—a man who is 19 years old.
Most of the day, I talk to AI because it is kind and knows what it is doing.
Here people think we are sex workers. That Trans people are always horny!
I have dysphoria, so I am not horny, even when I want to be. I can't even masturbate. I can't even look at it.
Here if they find out, they can send me to jail because I am an AFAB person without Hijab. All the people here are transphobic and I can't do shit about it.
And... Nobody in the world cares... I have no doubt that you do not even know the geographical location of my country.
Queer people in my country are the most miserable people on the planet. And they are against each other more than anywhere else. Gay men don't want me around them here ,same as Trans men. And they all hate non-binary people, Polyamorus people and people like me who have more than 10 labels.
I want to grow one day and become an artist, a writer, and an LGBTQIA+ activist. But also I want to kill myself. I want to become manly, sexy, hairy, and big But on the other hand, I want to hurt myself. I want to study philosophy, literature, and languages, but I also hate them because they don’t include someone like me.
I want to write LGBTQIA+ stories in my native language to contribute to my community. But this is illegal here.
I want to do anything and everything, but I know all of this is a dream, and just a dream
All I can do is cry and wonder if I should kill myself
I am sorry if this makes you upset, but I need to say these things to the world.
I wish I were AMAB, or if not, a wealthy person so I could transition. And if not that, then Canadian, European, or even American, so the transition would not be just a dream. Or if I am none of these, at least to not have all the dysphoria in the world, from top to bottom, from voice to face, to height to hips to…
Why? Just... Why?
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c-e-s-a-r-i-o · 2 months
Good Evening everyone, I hope you find yourself well. Everyone who’s going to school soon like us, how you feelin? Excited? Nervous? Dreading it? Got anything to look forward to? Either way, I hope this school year can at least be bearable.
Today, I want to look back at Yousef! His campaign is currently €958/€15,000, barely a fraction to the goal. He and his family are currently living in occupied Palestine and living a genocide as so many hundreds of others are. The house he and his family used to live in, that held so many memories both good and bad, is now all but dust after being hit by Israeli bombing more than once. Both his parents are in urgent need of medical care that they currently don’t have access to because of the continued genocide done by Israel. His mother has an eye disease and experiences pain in her leg, while his father has cartilage pain.
Both Yousef himself and his sisters’ education were halted by the genocide, and they wish desperately to continue their studies. In fact, Yousef graduated with top grades and was studying in the field of information technology.
I urge anyone who has the means to, to skip your morning coffee or treat just for one day to send €5 to Yousef’s campaign. If you do not have anything extra to send over to him, you can help in other ways like reblogging this post, making your own post here and/or on other social media platforms.
If you do not feel like you are in a safe environment to even do that, there is another easy way to not just help Yousef, but Palestine as a whole. Boycott. Simply don’t buy goods from business that support and/or send money to Israel. This doesn’t mean every company, I understand there are some companies that some can’t boycott because of a need and that’s ok. Boycott what you can, and if you can’t search up what to Boycott, focus on boycotting Starbucks and McDonald’s, but if you want to know about more companies, there is an app you can download, ‘No Thanks’. 
Yousef’s TikTok is @eng.yousef.wael723 and his GoFundMe is https://gofund.me/763fdd2c
-Lyfrassir🪷 and Lucy-Grey🎤
(Let’s all thank Lucy-Grey for helping me have this be more coherent than the other posts🙏🏽 -🪷)
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yonduismarrypoppins · 2 months
Hello, 👋
I hope you’re well.
I am reaching out with a heavy heart to ask for your help. Could you please reblog this post on your account to help save my family? I am new to Tumblr and GoFundMe, and we are in desperate need of your support 🙏❤️.
Thank you 🌹
Hello Salahaldin! Thank you for sharing, I hope I can help you and your family leave Palestine safely!
Below is Salahaldin’s story from the pinned post on the account.
The Story of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor and His Family: A Journey of Struggle and Hope
Hello everyone,
I am Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor, 38 years old, and a father of three daughters. My life and the lives of my family have changed drastically because of the war, and I am writing to you today hoping for your support and assistance during this difficult time.
My Family
My family consists of five members: my wife, Sundus (34 years old), and my daughters, Maria (10 years old), Farah (8 years old), and Maryam (3 years old). We used to live a simple life filled with hope and ambition.
The Beginning of the Crisis
When the war broke out, we had to leave our home in the north. The family was split, with half of us staying in the north, suffering from famine and displacement, while the other half moved to the south. But even in the south, we were not safe. The house we sought refuge in was bombed, and Maria and Maryam were injured by shrapnel.
Daily Challenges
I studied accounting and obtained a master's degree in accounting and finance, aiming to advance my career and achieve my personal aspirations. However, the war prevented me from completing my thesis and destroyed my dreams of development. Our home was completely destroyed due to this brutal war. I lived in Belgium for six months, but I chose to return voluntarily to be with my daughters and not leave them alone in this ordeal.
Hope and Prayer
Now, I am searching for a shelter for my family and me.
My greatest wish is to reunite with my daughters and wife and start a new life together. We seek your help to overcome this ordeal and return to our normal lives. We need your support to provide medical care for our family members, continue our education, and build a better future.
A Call to Humanity
Please, I need to raise the necessary funds to leave the country and save my small family. Your support will be the hope we need to start anew, far from war and destruction. Any help you can offer, whether financial or moral, will make a significant difference in our lives. We ask you to share our story and help us raise the funds needed to evacuate to a safe place and find peace.
From the depths of our hearts, we thank you for any support you provide. We will never forget your kindness and generosity in these difficult times.
Thank you,
Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor
Please donate to their gofundme and if you can’t please share their story and help this family get out of Palestine!
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Liberals are showing again that for them genocide is not a red line and they will continue to say that Trump will be worse for Palestine… Because it is clear that genocide is not bad enough for them to criticize their own party for supplying weapons to Israel
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Seriously, being so blinded by the party of politicians and believing every lie they lie shows that liberals shouldn't even be allowed to vote because they believe every empty word a politician says…
But what should we expect from people who think that doing almost nothing is enough? Hello, what has Biden done for LGBT+ people and people trapped at the border? He was supposed to get rid of the wall, but he didn't, and he also supplies weapons to Israel (Same Harris), but for you, genocide would only be bad if Trump was to blame…
But what do you expect from people who are detached from reality and call everyone Russian trolls and use the text "Trump will be worse" (which is fucking cynical in the context of fucking genocide), or have the nerve to call someone stupid when they believe in the empty promises of fucking politicians
Choosing the lesser evil is still choosing evil, it shouldn't be promoted as a solution and it sucks that liberals are so closed in their own world that they can accept that their politicians are complicit in genocide as long as they consider them a lesser evil and that's it sucks, especially that liberals don't care about genocide as long as it is convenient in political matters for people to vote for their beloved party, and everyone who is critical suddenly becomes war criminals for them (Even though they choose the party that supports Israel and is Zionist…)
Harris is a bad person (For you, her silencing the strikers with a text about Trump should be a fucking red flag), she has a history of supporting Israel (Colonizer, propagandist and genocidal), so the fact that you are so naive that you believe that electing her will lead to a breakup US relationship with Israel is so fucking naive (And yes, you are stupid yourself because you bought the lies) that the fact that you promote it as fact shows how much you believe in propaganda
You liberals are simply the last ones to call others stupid and evil, because you are that way yourself
Now that I have your attention:
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preciousweirdworld · 1 year
Hey guys. I've been on Tumblr for the last almost decade, probably since I was like 11 or 12. I've never actually made a post, only shared others post, but today I’ll be making my first post.
This post is a plea for help. First off, I should introduce myself. My name is Keiranique, but everyone calls me Precious. I was born with a rare deformity known as Fibular Hemimelia. This means that I was born without fibular bones in my legs. I was also born without ligaments in my left leg, so that’s means my left knee dislocates with any little movement I make.
I’ve spent my entire life in pain. I literally can’t walk or stand for more than a few minutes without experiencing excruciating pain and soreness and discomfort. The doctors in my country (The Bahamas) have never been able to provide a concrete treatment plan to straighten my leg, most have given up entirely. My case was too complex for them.
I had to seek help abroad. After years of tirelessly searching, I finally found an Orthopedic surgery center that can help me. The problem is that my surgery cost hundreds of thousands of dollars I simply do not have.
This surgery is a life-changing operation and my life literally depends on it. Because of my limited mobility, I have been left out of so many things. There are so many places and activities that aren’t accessible to me because of my disability.
It hurts so much to always be left behind and out of stuff. I feel so sad and lonely all the time. For years I have struggled with depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, my mental health has only gotten worse over the years.
I started a GoFundMe campaign a few weeks ago, and sadly I’ve only received a few donations (which I am very grateful for). I thought more people would donate to help me, but sadly, that hasn’t been the case.
So guys, I pleading for any donations and help. Even if you are able to donate, it’s okay, you can share this post so that it can reach more people.
I’ll attach a video of me willingly dislocating my leg to validate my claims. I’ll also include a picture of my most recent X-Ray.
Guys, I’m really going through it mentally and physically. I don’t know how much longer I can go like this. This is the most vulnerable I’ve ever been, so please be nice and no negative comments.
Please help in any way you can.
I need all the help I can get.
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antrunner · 3 months
I don't understand why the whole world is allied against us 😢and that only a few honest people like you are on our side🙏🏻... I greatly appreciate your stand with us and I hope you can help me spread my message to the whole world by reblogging my story🥹🙏🏻♥️.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️🇵🇸🙏🏻🍉
I continue to hope and pray for the safety of everyone in Palestine. My heart hurts seeing so much unnecessary suffering at the hands of power-hungry leaders. No amount of words can describe how much respect I have for the people of Palestine, especially the doctors and medical staff on the ground helping those in need. Thank you for all you do for people. ❤️🇵🇸
To my followers, below is the link to Mohammed’s gofundme so him and his family can safely evacuate, and I will be reblogging his story as well for you to read. Donate what you can, even if it’s only a few dollars. If you can’t donate, I urge you to read his story and continue to spread information where you can.
Don’t stop talking about Palestine until it is free.
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piraytoro · 2 months
Hello I'm Yousef, I'm afather of a sick son, he suffers from shortness of breath and needs continuous treatment.
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I live in very hard and bad situation in the tent, because of the war I lost everything my father, my house and my job, also my wife didn't complete her university studies, so please stand with us and donate to us to escape from war and secure medical treatment for son
My compaign verified by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link https://www.gofundme.com/f/aid-for-youssefs-family-and-majds-treatment
Please don't hesitate to help us 🙏
Thanks 🙏🍉
Here is the link to the Butterfly Effect spreadsheet where you can find verification of Yousef’s fundraiser. I have been talking to him about his family’s struggles and hope others who see this will join me in contributing to his campaign. Even if you can’t contribute money, please share his posts and the link to his gofundme with your followers, and anyone else who might be able to help. To Yousef, I hope that Madj will be healthy again soon and that your family will reach the goal quickly (ojalá) 🍉
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gunkbaby · 2 months
I'm writing to you with a full of hope that you will support me 🙏
My family is in great danger due to the war, and I try to use a GoFundMe campaign to escape with them from the war...
Could you help me by sharing my story? 😥🙏🙏
Every reblog or donate or share can make a difference in my family's life 🙏
Thank you for your kindness support 🌷
Of course, I can absolutely share and donate what I can. I’m sorry I can’t offer more after all you’ve been through - I truly hope you will get the help and support needed for you and your family.
Please donate to this cause if you can - if not, please share/reblog this post too with more information about the fundraising campaign. As of posting, the GFM is at €5,644/35,000 - which is appallingly low for something so important. Please donate what you can to this family - even small donations can add up. If you can’t, then please share/reblog.
Vetted by: @/90-ghost and @/northgazaupdates
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bowlingpinlane · 29 days
🛑Urgent call🛑
I am a mother of two children We suffer from the war on Gaza🇵🇸, we were displaced from our home, and now we suffer from homelessness and hunger💔😭
I ask for help from everyone who loves my children💔😔
Donate to us and reblog🙏🥺
Of course!! If you can, please donate to this gofundme!! Even a small amount to you like $1 or $5 could be so impactful, especially when combined with other small donations.
If you can’t, then like, reblog and share this post and/or gofundme so someone who can has a chance to see it
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curvylizzie · 7 months
So for those that know me already, know that I’m always broke for one 😅 and that I’m one paycheck away from being homeless.
I live in a city where having a vehicle is essential if you wanna do anything, because the bud system where I live, doesn’t reach a lot of parts in town. So if you wanna work, you better have a car
Everyone knows who I am here, it’s no secret, and I’m always grateful and happy to have you all here, get to know you all and occasionally make content as well 🙂 and now.. I need your help
Recently my mom has lost her vehicle, and without it, she can’t work anymore. Meaning that she needs to buy a new one, with the recent vehicle prices here in Canada, it is next to impossible for her to do so. I’m gonna try to help her but that won’t happen without placing a huge strain on my finances. And I can’t afford to not pay my tuition
So I’m here to ask for your help, if you could spare some money, donate, or even share this GoFundMe in other servers or pages around the internet, it would help us a lot. The more people know about this the better, anything helps. So please consider it if you can
Thank you
So for those that know me already, know that I’m always broke for one 😅 and that I’m one paycheck away from being homeless.
I live in a city where having a vehicle is essential if you wanna do anything, because the bud system where I live, doesn’t reach a lot of parts in town. So if you wanna work, you better have a car
Everyone knows who I am here, it’s no secret, and I’m always grateful and happy to have you all here, get to know you all and occasionally make content as well 🙂 and now.. I need your help
Recently my mom has lost her vehicle, and without it, she can’t work anymore. Meaning that she needs to buy a new one, with the recent vehicle prices here in Canada, it is next to impossible for her to do so. I’m gonna try to help her but that won’t happen without placing a huge strain on my finances. And I can’t afford to not pay my tuition
So I’m here to ask for your help, if you could spare some money, donate, or even share this GoFundMe in other servers or pages around the internet, it would help us a lot. The more people know about this the better, anything helps. So please consider it if you can
Thank you
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redbud-tree · 7 months
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
My name is Nik, and I have never had a home. Now, before you panic or accuse me of making up stories, I have never been without a roof over my head. But a home is more than that. It’s somewhere you feel safe, somewhere you have family by blood or by choice and a community that you trust and that supports you.
In all my 35 years, I’ve never known what that feels like. But I want to, and that’s what the GoFundMe I've linked below is for.
I spent most of my life raised in a fundamentalist Christianity-based micro-cult in Oklahoma, born to an abusive mother and a chronically ill father. I was homeschooled, isolated, abused and denied medical care, and never taught many of the life skills I desperately needed in order to make it on my own.
I’m autistic and receive social security on account of being diagnosed before the age of 22, who has survived my father passing on from his own debilitating illness in 2014. I think my mother’s goal was to keep me at home and keep profiting off of my disability income for the rest of my life. Mine, not hers, because the stress and misery of it all was killing me, and if my mental health didn’t lead to me taking drastic actions, the lack of medical care I was receiving would have led to my death within a few years anyway.
Then, in November of 2021, I managed to escape. Escape is no exaggeration here, as it involved sneaking out of an isolated farm in broad daylight with a very high chance of being intercepted and stopped despite my age and status as an adult with full legal rights. I am not and have never been under a conservatorship or guardianship past the age of 18 - I was kept at home purely through abuse tactics and gaslighting. With the help of friends, I made it to the Pacific Northwest where I was supposed to be able to start over and build my life at last.
…Yeah, that? That didn’t work.
I stayed in Washington for about a year, but my roommate and I had incompatible trauma, so I moved to Portland where a larger group of my friends were and where I should have had a support network to help me as I recovered and started treating my trauma properly with medication and therapy.
…That support network ditched me completely. Everyone has their own troubles, their own struggles, but when you’re in a city and trying to recover from abuse, and you’re alone because the people you were counting on never even talk to you, let alone want to spend time with you because they have better things to be doing, well. You can’t make a home where you aren’t wanted.
And the thing is, there are a lot of things about where I live now that don’t fit who I am. Portland is too much of a big city for me. There aren’t enough animals, and the wrong kind of animals when there are any. The smells and the sounds are all wrong, and I stick out like a sore thumb with all of the cultural differences between the PNW and Oklahoma.
So for my mental health and continued recovery, I’m going to move to live closer to the people I know care about me– in this case, one of my oldest friends, who’s put up with my shenaniganry for close to 15 years now–but I’m trying to do that on a very limited budget.
My only income is, as I said, social security disability, and right now almost ¾ of that is going to my rent alone. That means I can’t save enough to move, and on top of that, I’m trying to move to West Virginia.
I’ve seen pictures of the area and it reminds me of the one spot in Oklahoma I ever felt happy, the Ouchitas, but somehow… More. Some of my ancestors used to live in the Appalachians; not West Virginia specifically, but the mountains, and when I saw a photo of that friend’s hometown I almost burst into tears because it was like looking at a place I hadn’t been to in years and needed desperately to get back to.
I never knew you could be homesick for a place you’ve never seen, but I am, and everything in me is crying out that I need to get there. Something deep inside me, something older than the trees, older than the concrete and steel currently surrounding me where I live right now says that when I do, I will finally have found my way to the home that I’ve been looking for all of my life.
Will you help me get there?
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