#exclusionists and radfems is the same
humunanunga · 22 days
Plurality, endogenesis and sysmedicalism.
Yeah no, I'm not done yet. Please bear with me for a word of caution.
So before making this post in reaction to seeing tulpa "systems" DNI, endo/endo-supporters DNI and non-traumagenic systems/supporters DNI across three fandom tags so far, I asked the systems I know if this was as Transmed But For Systems as it looked to an outsider. That was when I learned endo-exclusionists are called sysmeds.
Now, if you've been on Tumblr in the 2020s, you likely already know what plurality is. If you don't, it refers to an internal experience of living as multiple people who may take turns fronting– and together with whomever would be designated the "host," they are called a system. It used to be widely called split personality or multiple personality disorder, but as it stands currently, I don't think psychiatry yet recognizes a distinction between headmates, such as in plurality, and alters, such as in dissociative identity disorder (DID). The two can coexist, but not everyone with DID is plural, and not every plural has DID.
Which brings us to traumagenesis and endogenesis. Traumagenic systems or headmates, as the term suggests, have been caused by traumatic events, either acute or chronic, as is commonly the case with DID. Endogenesis, on the other hand, is a broad term for other causes. Tulpamancy, the deliberate formation of a headmate, is one example, but traumagenic systems can include endogenic headmates and vice-versa, and endogenic systems or headmates may also be caused by, for just one example, the same neurological processes that cause delusions or hallucinations. Which is to say, they're not making it up or following a trend, but the causes for endogenic plurality are more varied, and thus may simply not yet be as well-researched or as widely understood as another common cause.
So, how do you know whether someone's system is endogenic or traumagenic? Well, what if the systems themselves don't know if they're endo? What if a system who identifies as endo doesn't know they're traumagenic? How far would you be willing to invade someone's privacy to try to tell apart an endogenic system from a traumagenic system?
Before I continue, I myself am not plural, not to my knowledge. What I am is close to multiple plurals, both locally and across group chats. So I consulted them for this post:
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And now that we've hopefully cleared up some misconceptions, some presumptions maybe, I'll get to the point.
I have been on Tumblr since early 2012, late 2011. Years before I knew I was trans, I was here through the prevalence of transmedicalism, and the damage exclusionism did, keeping far more trans people in the closet than were protected from radfems, by repeating the same excuses transphobic doctors give to deny resources.
Bigots don't mistreat plurals for why you're plural, they mistreat you for being plural. Whether you've been mistreated for your plurality is not the fault of other plurals.
People of Tumblr, do not do that shit again with sysmedicalism. Do not reenact 2010s Tumblr. You would not be protecting anyone if you did this, you would be acting as someone else other plurals need protection from.
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skyethewolfwizard · 5 months
I feel it within me that the world will see freedom.
Well, no. I know it. Yes we see horror and evil, atrocity and seemingly endless sin. And yet, so many, and I mean the vast majority of the earth fights against it.
Like with the climate, we make big changes and continue to do so. Don't get me wrong we're not fixing it fast enough, but the world is turning to fix it more and more.
Shutting down coal plants, investing in nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal, etc.
Same with all the atrocities. Whether it be genocide in Gaza or Tigray, the world sees it and have been protesting and fighting. The journalists on the ground in those places, the workers bringing food and aid, and the Palestinians, Sudanese, and others themselves being so persistent against evil.
We won't stop fighting, and as long as we stand the evil can't endure for much longer.
There will be a day when the final coal plant is closed, the final law against persecuted people is removed, and the final death is done.
Yes there are people more evil than anything we can comprehend, where they seem so ignorant and disgustingly blood thirsty. But we out number them, we have the power to take away theirs. And have shown it.
A single reblog starting a chain to raise awareness, a single post spreading to multiple social circles, a single voice bringing more to protest alongside them, a single person boycotting making many more and hurting the corporations, a single strike spreading around the world.
No matter how small, or large, we make impacts. Do everything you can. Keep yourself healthy to continue doing so. And we will see freedom for all
Boycott for Palestine, the Congo, Sudan, and the persecuted people of the world
Boycott for the climate, nature, worker's rights
Protest, organize.
Organize unions, organizations, research. Get power by coming together. Start organizing with peers.
And most importantly, we are all in this together. Fight exclusion. Whether it's exclusion of our fellow queer, by race, by religion, fight it.
Understand that you are not immune to being bigoted. Unity, solidarity is what gave us the power to fight.
So don't lose it.
If it isn't harming you, then let it be.
Live and let live, is something I fear many need to hear. Though I know the exclusionists are small in number. And even the ones seen are radfems on anon
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bilesproblems · 2 months
While age splits do exist between mspec lesbians and exclusionists, let's not pretend exclus are "just stupid teens" please. Let's not make fun of "the baby queers" for exclusionism.
For one, there are baby queers within this community too. I just turned 18, 2 months ago. I've been a bi lesbian for a while even as a minor. I think I was 15 or 16 when I first learned I could be bi and a lesbian and I've been identifying as one ever since. When exclus opinions are excused and dismissed because "oh they're teens" it felt very wrong to me. It feels belittling to teens and refuses to actually deconstruct the bad opinion and instead use the age of the person with the bad opinion to say therefore the opinion is invalid. It's ageist and isolating to baby mspec lesbians. Additionally, being young is not an excuse. Being young doesn't make you incapable of critical thinking and those of us within the community who are young prove that. It's just more ageism to imply young people can't be accountable for their bad opinions or that young people are inherently more stupid.
For two, it ignores that mspec lesbian exclusionism is directly started from adult radfems in the 70s. Not only are some exclusionists adults, but the movement was started by adults, and it's those adults who's predatory influence poisons the minds of young lesbians.
That's all thanks. Please respect teens and be willing to deconstruct and disprove their bad opinions the same as you would with an adult's opinions. When you dismiss young exclus on the basis of being young, all that says to me and other young mspec lesbians is that you don't really respect us either
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turigirltoybonnie · 1 year
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[ID: three two by two rows of square fnaf: security breach pride icons. the flags and characters are as follows: glamrock chica with the bi lesbian flag and a sapphic themed border, roxanne wolf with the lesbian flag and a butch themed border, monty gator with the trans flag and a mlm themed border, glamrock freddy with the gilbert baker pride flag and a polyamory themed border, moon with the lesboy flag and a trans themed border, and sun with the turigirl flag and the same trans themed border. below is a warm pink banner that says "dni: terfs/radfems/transmeds, exclusionists, anti bi/pan lesbians, anti lesboy/turigirl." /end ID]
queer security breach hcs !!! dni if youre an exclusionist <33 (heart emoticon)
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mommyclaws · 8 months
look as a lesbian I don’t get why it’s so awful to just want lesbian spaces?? We as queer people all have different experiences and we can have smaller spaces while still embracing the whole community.
Lesbians go through different experiences than bi non-men do. That DOES NOT mean “we suffer more” or whatever because I hate the whole oppression olympics shit. We are not attracted to men neither sexually nor romantically, and that’s what makes us oppressed in this heteronormative world. We go through harassment, corrective rape, violence, and conversion “therapy” because we are homosexual. If my dad ever found out I was exclusively attracted to women I would get kicked out. Why is it suddenly so awful and “gatekeepy” to ask us to have our own spaces? We still have sapphic spaces! We even have bi spaces and pan spaces! Heck, I see gay non-women are allowed to have their own spaces!
It’s harmful to be treated as a monolith. I’m not attracted to men, and saying im an “exclusionist” for this is lesbophobic. I’m not evil for being exclusively attracted to non-men. I’m not evil for saying we should have our own spaces while we’d still have sapphic spaces!
Words have meanings, and the lesbian label is important to me, for all of its history and all of my struggles. I’m tired of us all being seen as “big mean lesbians who hate men” so so much. It reeks of misogyny to me.
I am heavily disappointed, and I ask everyone to please understand why bi lesbians are harmful.
I'm disappointed you've missed the point of my post. I was talking about the history of different lesbians and sapphics being excluded and hated in our community through generations. The conversation wasn't about bi lesbians specifically, it was about the butches, transfemmes, Pan/Bi, Aro/Ace, nonbinary, and countless other identities that were or ARE still considered not "valid" members of our community at point or another. I was pointing out how this "Bi Lesbian exclusion" is just a repeat of past mistakes and in the retrospective it is rooted in radfem/terf ideology that claims sapphics have to present and feel a certain way to be accepted. I didn’t say anywhere that being attracted to non-men is evil, I didn’t call anyone a “big mean lesbian”. You’re putting words into my mouth. That entire post was about defending sapphic’s right to attraction and expression.
Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, non cis women and etc can all be oppressed, harassed, hate crimed, rejected by friends/family and other terrible things for their non heteronormative attraction.
Some people are failing to realize these exclusively “one identity spaces" they feel are being threatened don't actually exist in real life. Sure someone can have like, a "nonbinaries only" discord server or a meet up with friends who are all the the same identity. But a majority of queer spaces in real life? They don't have those rules because theres no way to separate queer identities neatly like that- There isn't a need to. You're going to find bisexuals and pansexuals and nonbinaries and trans people and all sorts of other identities at the same lesbian bar, the same sapphic support group, the same circle of friends.
So what exactly are these "spaces" that every other identity has and lesbians supposedly don't? Maybe ask why bisexuals, pansexuals, etc also being in a sapphic space feels so threatening to some in the first place? They have a right to be there as well. We are a community.
A label can be used and defined as whatever the owner of the label is comfortable with! "Lesbian" has always been an umbrella term. It can be a singular identity or it can describe any sapphic experience or it can do lots of things, labels have always been flexible in this way. Someone using the label differently than another person isn't harmful. It's expression.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 5 months
not gonna lie there are inherent ties between hating bi lesbians, being a terf, and being generally transandrophobic (and usually claiming the latter doesn't even exist (side note idk if im spelling that shit right sorry)) but some of u are not ready for that conversation.
ive tried my best to give people resources, explain to people why mspec lesbians and 'lesbians who are men' are a thing. how gender and sexuality are diverse, often fluid, and cannot be confined into tight definitions. but oftentimes people dont want to listen.
i do drop into comment sections to try and explain these things occasionally, because i have changed some people's minds. usually the ones who are just confused or have only heard one side of the argument. it is tiring, though, and usually doesnt work anyway. most people who build their identity around hate do not *want* to learn.
this is where we tie in with terfs and transandrophobes. among other things tbh. if someone hates one group for not fitting into a box, they likely spread rhetoric from similar people who also dont like box-breakers. in the queer space, this can quickly turn to terf beliefs like gender essentialism.
(which is where we come to transandrophobia, because if trans men are men (which they usually *do* believe, because they arent terfs, just terf-adjacent) and men are inherently evil (because the men are invading our spaces! dont ask how we define men) then trans men cannot possibly suffer under transphobia and patriarchy in a unique way which they would like a word to describe)
the whole idea of woman = good and pure and men = bad and corrupt is such bullshit, and yet half the blogs i see hating on mspec lesbians parrot that same rhetoric that is so clearly radfem shit. idk. ive said in posts before that there is an obvious link between terfs and exclusionists, since they use the same rhetoric and arguments, but it is really becoming clearer and clearer to me now.
if you're an exclusionist you're sipping the terf koolaid. if you're fine with that, idk, maybe stop pretending you care about trans people.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
AMAB non-binary people don't have the same privileges as AFAB non-binary people because AMAB non-bianry people are often seen as predatory and dangerous in cis and trans spaces, while AFAB non-binary people are almost always celebrated, respected, and supported. AMAB non-binary people and binary trans people don't get that saftey that AFAB non-binary people get, while AFAB non-binary people are also usually aligned with TERF and radfem ideology to some degree that both protects them and makes the community dangerous for AMAB non-binary people and binary trans people. Basically, AFAB non-binary people have privileges and saftey and support from bigots that the rest of the community doesn't have, while not having to unlearn any of said bigotry and making the trans community a much less safe place to be. When I see somebody who's afab and non-binary, it's pretty safe for my to assume that they're aligned with radfem ideology to some extent since it supports them. Why do you think afab non-binary people hate AMABs and trans men so much? Why do you think they're almost always the ones who write off AMAB trans people and trans men as predatory while they play up their AGAB? Why do you think AFAB non-binary people are majority the people who start radfem adjacent queer discourse and support exclusionist movements more than the rest of the trans community? Because they don't unlearn their radfem rethoric and often make the trans spaces they're in more dangerous to people who are impacted and hurt by radfem rethoric (trans men and AMAB trans people).
AFAB non binary people are the members of the trans community who aren't hurt, harassed, and abused by radfems. They're supported and comforted while being seen as progressive for using they/them when many of them at most could pass as women in jeans. You know what happens to AMAB trans people and trans men when they try to break gender norms, they're abused and assaulted and even killed. You know what happens to AFAB non-binary people? They're celebrated and seen as progressive. That's AFAB non-binary privilege, and it does nothing but hinder trans rights to deny that they have privilege over the rest of the community.
[same anon as this ask]
this is all so extremely out of touch with the reality of nonbinary people's lives i don't think there's any hope of convincing you, but just a quick runthrough for everyone else's benefit:
The idea that there are no benefits at all from being perceived as a cis man, only danger, but that being perceived as a cis woman can only be a privilege, is out of this fucking world.
This is also one of the big problems I have w/ baeddels & the like. This recognizes the reality of misandry/antimasculism (altho most refuse to name it as such) being used to treat marginalized men/mascs/people percieved as men as a threat, and that dominant womanhood/femininity can weaponize itself against them, but forces this into a binary oppressor/oppressed model instead of embracing the complexity of these dynamics. We can discuss trans people who were amab being treated like monsters without this inane idea that somehow, misogyny doesn't exist, or at least somehow NEVER IMPACTS NONBINARY PEOPLE WHO WERE AFAB?
Nonbinary people who were afab have been harassed, degraded, misgendered, and have been frequently used as the face of nonbinaryness by exorsexists who want to paint everyone as shrieking deranged ugly women. There can be situations and spaces where nonbinary people who were afab may be given more support than others, but that doesn't make it universal. And this is where the "out of touch with the reality of others lived experiences", because I promise you it is very easy to ask nonbinary people who were afab (I AM ONE?? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SENDING THIS TO??????) and hear about their experiences with discrimination and violence. You are scapegoating all nonbinary people who were AFAB.
"Nonbinary afab" doesn't mean feminine you fucking dweeb. There are many nonbinary people who, from an outside perspective, would seem to be exactly the same as a binary trans man. Nonbinary people get HRT and surgery. Trying to act like somehow, magically, nonbinary people who were afab are all... what? Identical to cis women? Even the ones who pass as cis women in everyday life can still face violence, both misogynistic and transphobic. But you know whats funny? Being nonbinary did not stop my best friend's bigoted father from viewing me as a threat. He knew I identified as nonbinary, knew my friend used they/them pronouns for me, and somehow I was still a threat. Before I even medically transitioned. Despite popular belief, many cis people see nonbinary people who were afab as weird freaks and don't actually feel any desire to protect or cherish us. I didn't really feel this supposed love and support when he didn't want her to spend time at my house specifically because he knew I was gay and nonbinary.
Again, you are literally doing baeddel rhetoric but grouping trans men in with the oppressed and finding a new scapegoat to blame for misandry/antimasculism. Congrats on the new flavor of exorsexism I guess
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cardentist · 11 months
As a nonbinary/genderfluid biromantic, demiromantic asexual, literally every part of my gender identity and sexuality has been subject to the same "you could EASILY pass as cishet, so can you REALLY say you experience oppression when you could simply CHOOSE not to" and "you're not REALLY oppressed for being XYZ, you're only oppressed when people mistake you as cis fem/trans fem/gay/lesbian/any other identity we think is ACTUALLY important." My existence in online queer spaces has been hounded constantly by people trying to tell me what my lived experiences are and what they mean, shouting me down about how I can't speak about Insert Issue/Topic Here because sure maybe I'm queer (and to some, I don't even have the right to call myself that) but I'm at the bottom of the Who Is Oppressed More Hierarchy, I am only Oppressed in the way that sometimes I experience what they deem to be a different group's oppression. Not even my oppression is my own! I am too much of an "aberration" to find community and a place to speak amongst the general populace, and I'm too privileged to have a voice in the queer community, even about things that affect me.
And now, I'm watching that same rhetoric being used against transmen and transmascs. I remember when people on this site started really exploring queer headcanons for characters, everyone cheering "let's make X character gay! Y character is trans! Z character is a lesbian!" but if you dared to suggest "can Q character be ace?" you'd be met with "... that's boring." I remember how quickly ace exclusion devolved from "aces are boring" to "god, aces are annoying" to "when you think about it, aces aren't even really oppressed, so they aren't queer, so they should just shut up." And then it wasn't just aces, it was bi folks. And then it was enbies too. And now. Here we are.
This is the only site where people will blog about how "Gender is a sandbox! It's fucky! Men can be women, and women can be men! I'm a boygirl kind of girlboy! There are genders and sexualities in all sorts of shrimp colors you can dream of!" but in the same breath, they'll still act weird about he/him lesbians. They'll still claim that ALL masculinity is toxic. They'll still say that men are boring and annoying and-- Oh? You think that's kind of hurtful? You want to use this as an opportunity to talk about your own lived experiences and vent your frustrations courteously and privately on your own blog? Why do you have to make everything about you?! You're lower down the Who Is More Oppressed ladder because, wHeN yOu tHinK aBouT iT, no man can be oppressed for being a man! Even trans men! So you and anybody even vaguely masc aligned should just shut up and stay out of the conversation and let the queers who experience REAL bigotry talk!
... They could at least say something new instead of reusing the same rhetoric they've used for aces and aros and bi/pan folk and enbies and masc/butch lesbians and countless other queer identities.
All that to say, as someone who has been subject to all this for every part of my identity, I stand with you. Trans Unity! Queer Unity!
Context: [Link 1, Link 2]
I know Exactly what you're talking about !
I was around in inclusionist spaces 10 years ago at this point, before I'd fully crystalized what I Had Going On.
I Remember it being pointed out that ace exclusionists were stealing talking points from radfems directly, up to and including ripping off entire posts and just swapping out "trans women" with "asexuals."
I Remember people warning each other that normalizing these kinds of talking points, convincing people that that Mindset is a valid one, would then make it easy to swap out the Target of said mindset.
and it Has happened, over and over and over again. people are Always looking for the marginalized people that nobody wants to stand up for. that people don't understand, that people don't see as Needing support, that people already have negative feelings about even if they don't recognize Why.
it'll only ever stop when people examine the talking points Themselves and throw them out. when people are willing to stand in solidarity with people Regardless of whether they understand them or not.
if someone is trying to convince you that class of people As A Whole are undeserving of support, are lesser than, shouldn't have their voices heard or considered, Question It ! when they hold people up in Comparison to say that their pain is Lesser and therefore doesn't Matter, Question It !!
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wheelie-hurting · 2 months
hello and welcome to wheelie-hurting, a blog specifically for physically disabled people!
[pt: hello and welcome to wheelie-hurting, a blog specifically for physically disabled people!]
here are some information about me;
[pt: here are some information about me;]
my name is Abyss
i use it/its pronouns
i am trans & generally queer
i am physically disabled
i am a mobility aid user (cane/crutches/rollator/wheelchair, which one depends on the day)
i am visibly disabled
i am white
i am fat & proud
i am neurodivergent in many ways
i am mentally ill in many ways
i am a part of a c-DID system
i am personality disordered x3
what do we do here?
[pt: what do we do here?]
i have used this blog for the same purpose always and will continue to do so; for cripple punk, for fighting ableism & to raise awareness about physical disabilities. and the community built along the way has made me so happy.
[pt: dni?]
FYI: here are people we either disagree with, do not like or are just uninterested in them interacting with us. these groups of people have no specific order on what i think is worse than the other, and it does not mean i view all groups the same.
“standard dni” (pedophiles/MAPs, zoophiles, racists, fascist, antisemites, homophobes/transphobes)
queer exclusionists (anti mspec-mono, anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders, anti kink, transmeds, exorsexists, intersexists, transmisogynists, anti transmasculinity)
radfems / terfs / gender criticals
fatphobes / skinny fat fetishists
ableists / sanism (anti personality disorders, anti complex dissociative disorders)
radqueers / proshippers / transid
disability devotees
there are probably groups i’ve forgotten but for now it’s long enough, and i’ll probably add more as time passes. these are not things that are worth arguing about in my notes or asks, as i’m immovable on the subject.
[pt: byf]
i am a part in a c-DID system, which might impact our posting and general interactions on here. some might sign off posts they make, some may not. while this blog is for physical disabilities you are always free to ask question if you have any 👍🏻
support me
[pt: support me]
here’s a link to my ko-fi if you wanna send a dollar my way to help pay the bills
[banner description: a blue image with a black text reading: “cripple punk”. /end banner description]
[profile picture description: a blue image with the wheelchair disability symbol in the middle. /end profile picture description]
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sirenium · 1 year
If you ever feel invalidated by an exclusionist, please remember this post because I can assure you they don't know what they're talking about💀
⚠️trigger warning for of course exclusionist dumbassery, also this gets rant-y⚠️
I swear exclusionists have the most incoherent thought processes known to man dude cuz what is this shit
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[ID: purple header text reading he/him lesboy flag/ hesboy flag! Under this text is plain black text reading based on these two flags: •reclaimed lesboy •he/him lesbian. Under this, red, bold text reads DNI, followed by rad inclus, terfs/transmeds, anti he/him lesbians & she/her gays, male/men "lesbians" in black plain text. End ID]
'Lesboy flag' and 'no man lesbians' in the same post... my brain is melting. Also... these people 'reclaimed' the term lesboy? Just to exclude a group of people who are lesboys? You do know that lesbians who also consider themselves men are also included in the lesboy term? Apparently not to these people. Butches who also consider themselves men? Sorry, not lesbians anymore. Multigender man lesbians? Nah sorry you're men so you can't be lesbians./sarc
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[ID: blue header text reading Demiboy lesbian flag! Beneath this, quote text (at least I think that's what it's called) reads I couldn't decide on which ones to choose, so I'm posting all of them! Beneath this, much like the previous image, OP starts off their DNI with a bold red DNI, followed by black plain text. This text reads mspec "lesbians", radinclus, terfs/transmeds, radfems, men/male "lesbians", anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays. End ID]
Is that,, not excluding demiboy lesbians? Oh my bad, it's fine cuz they're only 'partially male' and therefore aren't ACTUALLY icky men invading lesbian spaces!/sarc
Also can I just say how fucking entitled it is to be all like 'mspec "lesbians"' with the quotes and shit? Like oh my god get over yourself, you aren't the leader of the lesbians™️ [trademark]. Bro thinks they're part of the lesbian council or some shit. 💀
Besides that, this has got to be one of the funniest examples of exclusionist stupidity I've ever seen. I can't get over it bro: 'demiboy lesbian flag!' 'Fuck off icky man lesbians!' In the SAME. POST. BAHAHA–
It's rare that I feel the need to take screenshots and talk about them on my blog, but these are so poetically idiotic that I had to make a whole post dedicated to them. So yeah, sorry about your braincells lmao. But just know you're valid regardless of how you identify as a lesbian, and these are the types of people who think otherwise. Needless to say, they aren't really that credible.
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[ID: a DNI banner with a purple background with lighter purple text reading DNI: system/queer exlusionists, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, anti recovery for harmful paraphilia, anti otherkin, anti self dx, pro cringe culture, pro-lifers, anti xenogender. A more detailed DNI is in my pinned post. A transparent png of Shadow The Hedgehog can be seen on the right, beside the text. He's holding his hand to his chest, his body facing the text and his eyes looking off to the distance. End ID]
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rjalker · 11 months
All hatred of mspec lesbians can be summed up by the following:
Historical revisionism
Victim blaming
Rape apologism
Gold star lesbianism/ "Men have cooties"
"I hate trans and especially nonbinary and ESPECIALLY multigender people"
"I'm following as lot of radfems but it's okay because uhhhhmhm....reasons!"
"I think women and nonbinary are the same gender"
"There are only two genders but I'll pretend I support nonbinary people so my friends don't leave me for being a bigot"
"I don't know literally anything about Queer or lesbian history that didn't come from literal radfem propaganda"
New additions:
Sex shaming
"I hate mspec women"
"Mspec women existing is a lesbomisic hatecrime because uhh...[all of the reasons above]"
Feel free to add on. Exclusionists will be reported, blocked, and mocked.
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bilesproblems · 6 months
so, here are the next funny statements of exclusionists..))0)
problem 2, 3, 4: lesbophobia, mspecphobia, homophobia historical note: until the 1970s, the word “lesbian” had the same meaning as the current word “sapphic” - the attraction of any non-men to any non-men. without any restrictions. Over time, for political reasons, bisexuality began to be separated from lesbianism. going “back” would, in fact, do great harm to bisexual people and lesbians, whose identities are already quite established.
Moreover, lesbians often experience forced heterosexuality, a phenomenon where a lesbian thinks she is attracted to men when in fact she is not. “mspec lesbianism” is an erasure of the compget experience and the political history of queerness and lesbianism that these labels have lived through.
It is also important to note that lesbianism since the 1970s does not and will never include men for reasons that lesbianism and feminism are historically strongly intertwined. at the time when the term "lesbian" took on its current meaning, it was a political act of refusing male approval. the same is true for mspec identities - they were not separated from the general blurred “lesbian” and “gay” so that the unique experience of mspec people would be erased
/ quote
Okay that's just straight up radfem/TERF shit.
1. "Lesbian" is an orientation, not a fucking political stance. Irreparable harm has been done to the lesbian community when the love of women was decentralized in favor of hating men and refusing men. Even me, a person who isn't attracted to men romantically or sexually, it is not about hating guys! It's about loving girls and loving enbies! My orientation should not be made all about men, even if the way they do it is by centralizing how much I don't like them. My lack of attraction to guys does matter to me as well and I use labels like nomaromantic, demetic, nominromantic, etc. to describe that aspect but being a lesbian is about my love and not the lack of it
Also I fucking love men platonically. I have great male friends, trans and cis. I don't think I could in good faith make my identity about how much I hate men and rejecting them as a political stance when some of the guys in my life are wonderful people.
2. We are not going back. Lesbian separatism, despite all its flaws, would be difficult to reverse, and not worth it. Most mspecs don't identify with lesbian or gay. All we want now is for people to recognize that these are historical identities, that they shouldn't have been erased, and that people who are comfortable using lesbian or gay in a non-exclusive way have a right to.
3. No, mspec lesbians don't erase comphet. Someone who feels comphet enough could label as such because of their comphet, and that would be perfectly valid - using mspec to acknowledge that they are attracted to men and women, and using lesbian to acknowledge that the attraction to men is not quite "real" - but also, mspec lesbians who are genuinely attracted to men have nothing to do with comphet! I have experienced it before and it's... It's not real attraction. It's your brain tricking you into thinking you like someone of the opposite gender because that's what you're "supposed" to do. Mspec lesbians who like dudes? They're probably not experiencing comphet, they actually like men genuinely.
4. You don't get to exclude men from the most well known women-loving-women label when some men are women. Multigender and genderfluid people will always exist.
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sapphicthunderhead · 3 months
I hate that transphobes who happen to be cis women are called TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) because they’re not radical feminists. They’re not even feminists.
I’m not being pedantic here. By nature of their belief that trans women should be denied the bodily autonomy necessary to live their truth, they demonstrate a fundamental lack of conviction in anyone’s right to control their own bodies. A truth universally acknowledged by every sincere believer in basic rights I’ve ever known: people should be able to do what they please with their own bodies, so long as their actions aren’t harming their fellow human beings or infringing on others’ fundamental rights.
Feminism, especially radical feminism, is about reinforcing our understanding of and protecting all people’s fundamental human rights. This is why we (and why I personally) fight for reproductive rights, for educational equity, for free healthcare, for feeding the hungry, for protecting refugees and abuse victims, for housing the homeless— and you know who ends up homeless at a disproportionate rate in the US? Trans folk.
When I hear people use “TERF” to refer to (almost always cis female) transphobes, cisheterosexists, trans-exclusionists, or whatever you’d prefer to call them, it brings to mind certain white anti-abolitionist suffragettes. It reminds me of the hypocrisy of white women who wished to empower themselves politically, but deny that empowerment to POC— because for these white women, it was never a fight for human rights, decency, and dignity; it was never about truly representing the will of the American people in the democratic process. They wanted to stop their own suffering, their own subjugation, but lacked the empathy to desire the same for people with whose experiences they could not identify. This problem is echoed in the contemporary conflict between anti-trans bigots and trans folks and their allies.
I could go on about how important the issue of trans rights is and should be to feminists and the queer community in general. I could talk about the trans community’s current status as canary in the coal mine for the rest of us who are LGBTQIA+, or how the attack on trans rights has coincided with the reduction of women’s reproductive rights & the overturning of Roe V. Wade. I could talk about the media’s peculiar tendency to erase the existence of trans men, because their mere presence in the conversation challenges the grotesque narrative that right-wing pundits are determined to push about the inauthenticity, duplicity, and immoral intent of our trans sisters. I would also love to air my hypothesis that the (often traumatized and paranoid) former radfems who turn against trans women are falling into a trap laid by the patriarchy to isolate them from the vast majority of a community that would otherwise offer them a great support network.
But I thought I'd put this out here. It's pride month as I'm writing this, so the timing seems right. Disrespecting any person’s harmless acts of self-expression and right to exercise bodily autonomy is glaringly anti-feminist. I support trans rights, and so does every other radical feminist I know. Hell, the term TERF was coined by a trans-inclusionary radfem. (I disagree with the pervasive usage of the term, which is often inaccurate, but I appreciate her initial intent.)
Happy pride month. Trans women are women. Trans people are human beings who deserve the same rights as everyone else. End of story.
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creatureheart · 1 year
Welcome to a simple blog for me to explore things about myself and my nonhuman identity, and to simply reblog relevant posts and things that I like.
You can call me Pandora. New nicknames are welcome. They/It Hyena, Horse
[[ Carrd ]] Other Sites — content will be similar [[ CoHost | TikTok | Bluesky | Pillowfort | Dreamwidth ]] [[ Main Blog available on request. ]] [[ Tags ]] — my tags for ease of access and mobile users.
Replies, comments and asks/submissions are always welcome.
BYF below — please read because the only one to blame if you see something you don't like is yourself. If you don't like/agree, just block and move on
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I am an Adult - Dec '93 If you are not ok with this, and I follow you, please soft block, or block me to keep yourself comfortable.
I am Queer/Asexual and Indigenous(Australian).
Most of this blog will be SFW, but there still might be possible adult content on this blog, which will be tagged. Keep this in mind if you are a minor or do not wish to see such!
I try to tag everything that I reblog with general, wide tags when they are useful. Use the content filter options and/or xkit to stop from seeing what you don't want to see. I do not tolerate hateful comments towards anything "creepy crawlie"(bug, insect, snake, rats, etc) and will block on sight. I understand phobias and squicks, but they are animals that are just as worthy or respect as anything else is. This goes DOUBLE for anyone that makes comments on people's pets.
I'm not here for drama and discourse, don't drag me into it or tell me about it.
I support systems of all origins, including endogenic. I also support physically identifying nonhumans and alterhumans, whatever their reason for identifying this way is.
I use the word Queer. If you do not believe in reclaiming slurs or you tag things as "q slur" just block me. I am also kink positive, pro-sex education, pro-sex worker, etc. TERFS, SWERFS, Radfems, Gender-Criticals, Truscum/Transmed, Anti-Mogai, Exclusionists, Aphobes(Ace+Aro-phobic), LGBwithouttheTQ, etc are not welcome.
I am of the old internet mindset of "if you don't like it, don't look" and "don't go looking for things you know you don't like/you know will upset you." I don't really have a set DNI (though some of the things I will never tolerate are mentioned in here) — I block, unfollow and filter liberally, because it is not on other people to cater my online space for me. If I see something I don't like, I remove it from my sight and move on. I take ZERO responsibility for other's online experience as this is my blog. If you see anything you don't like that I post or reblog, just unfollow and/or block. People just looking for an argument or who are rude will be blocked and possibly reported. Comments will be deleted. Neil Gaiman's Essay: Why defend freedom of icky speech? Video: "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People"
I'm old and tired, and kids these days would probably label me a "proshipper" as I believe there is way more nuance to this entire thing than simply the black and white mindset that the internet & fandom communities have shifted to over time. I do not condone any taboo or problematic content IRL. But it is not my place, or my right to tell others what they can and cannot do in fiction/fantasy. It's unrealistic to believe that anything created that holds taboo or problematic content means the one who created it condones it IRL. This falls along the same kind of mindset mostly conservative parents spat that "violent video games make people violent", which we all know is not true. Censoring problematic content will not stop people from creating it. They will just create it where you cannot see it, which in turn could make it harder to find, and harder to stop when actual harm is dealt. Can fictional/fantasy content affect reality? Sure! I will never say otherwise. But to believe that it always does is, again, unrealistic, and assuming that most people cannot differentiate between the two. Fiction and fantasy were created for people to be able to entertain ourselves, and to explore topics that we never would, or were impossible, in the real world in the safety of our minds and spaces we created. The actions of those who use fictional content as a reason to do taboo and problematic things in real life is entirely on them, and they need to seek professional help for their paraphilias, or harmful actions. If something... - happens between two(or more) consenting ADULTS - makes someone happy - does not harm themselves or anyone/anything IRL ...then what other people do is none of my business.
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Dividers by benkeibear
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turigirltoybonnie · 1 year
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x x x / x x x / x x x
[gif descriptions: a three by three pink-tinted stimboard with a picture of sylveon from pokemon in the middle. the picture has a checkered pattern behind it, hearts around it, and a glittery filter. the gifs are as follows, left to right top to bottom: someone icing rose-like patterns onto a cake, someone brushing their hand across soft light fabric, slime being pulled, two gifs of a multicolored bath bomb dissolving, slime being pulled and squished, someone brushing their hand across soft light fabric, and a cake with three different shades of a color being iced. the icing is applied in a pattern similar to scales. all of the gifs are pink tinted. below is a banner with the same checkered pattern and glittery filter with white text that says "dni: terfs/radfems/transmeds, exclusionists, anti bi/pan lesbians, anti lesboy/turigirl." /end gif descriptions]
sylveon stimboard for @storm-of-feathers !
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sugarnsaffron · 11 months
🪸 saff - they/it - 20
🐚 art blog for fanart, ocs, and personal drabbles. my main is @nudibranchbutch and my toyhouse is same as this url (sugarnsaffron).
this is not a safe space for fascists, radfems, exclusionists/transmeds, proshippers, zoos, pedos, or zionists or anyone neutral on these topics.
🩷 ask me about commissions/trades!
🩷 please do not use/repost/edit my art in anyway. please do not roleplay on my art/roleplay as my ocs.
🩷 i do not consent to my art being used for AI training or NFTs.
faq/extras (please read before sending me an ask)
what programs do you use?
i use medibang and ms paint and a wacom intuos/ipad.
what brushes do you use?
i use a few pencil brushes from medibang's brush library, but i can't really remember which ones exactly. i'm pretty sure they're the premium ones as well as some default brushes.
can i tag your art as kin/id/etc?
sure, just not my ocs please.
can i use your art for edits/my icon/my carrd/etc?
icons: yes with credit, edits/assets: no
can i use your art as an icon?
with credit and without altering my watermark.
can you draw/will you draw ___?
depends on how i’m feeling. might not do personal requests but if we’re friends then yes!
where did your metalocalypse fanart go?
due to constant harassment from people within the fandom, i privated it. maybe one day ill draw something for it again but as of right now i completely lost trust within this fandom and would rather privately share my art for it with people i trust.
why do you draw ___ brown/fat/etc?
i’m a fat brown person. i like seeing fat and brown characters in media that don’t exist to be jokes. there isn’t enough out there for us so changing something that fits the mold can be fun! cuz i feel like it.
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sorry i dropped this
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