#fake wedding date
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Save the Date
Rating: T
Relationships: Rosaline Capulet/Benvolio Montague, Helena/Princess Isabella, Livia Capulet/Count Paris, Rosaline Capulet/Prince Escalus (past)
Characters: Rosaline Capulet, Benvolio Montague, Prince Escalus, Livia Capulet, Count Paris, Princess Isabella, Helena, Stella
Summary: Rosaline Capulet runs into her ex at a coffee shop and accidentally tells him that she has date to his sister’s wedding. The only problem— the first name that pops into her head is her sarcastic partner at the Verona PD, Detective Benvolio Montague. Now she has to juggle a fake relationship on top of their murder investigation.
Read on AO3.
Read on Tumblr:
Accidental Boyfriends and Half-Baked Plans
The Plot Thickens
Murder Weapons and Practice Dates
The Bachelorette Party from Hell
The Bed and the Murder Board
The Wedding
Justice is Served
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cubedmango · 25 days
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its @klapollo-minibang time!!
i collabed with @strawhatsanddelibirds and @luchichufer again on a sequel fic to last year's minibang fic, and u can find the link to it here! pls enjoy reading their wedding shenanigans!! 💐
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 11 - Fake Date
@wolfstarmicrofic May 11, word count 875
“Eugh, my mum keeps asking who I’m bringing to my cousin's wedding!” Remus groaned as he checked the new message on his phone. “She’s getting worse. Ever since Oscar and I broke up it’s all she cares about.” He shook his head and put on a high-pitched voice, imitating Hope. “Reemuss,” He elongated his name like Hope did with her lilting accent. “Remus, why don’t you have a nice boy to bring to Gwen’s wedding? You should go find yourself someone, Remus.” He grimaced. “Like it’s so easy. She met dad in the middle of a forest when that guy jumped out of the trees at her and dad came to her rescue. Knowing my luck, the would be murderer would fall for me.” He leaned his head back and cursed the heavens. 
Sirius had sat there patiently listening to Remus grouse. He snatched Remus’s phone from his lap and typed a quick message to Hope. 
“There,” He said. “Now you have a date.” He grinned mischievously. Remus paled. 
“What did you do?” He picked up his phone and gasped. “Sirius! What the actual?!” His phone pinged as Hope started gushing about how happy she was and how much she’d always loved Sirius. He had to put his phone on silent to shut it up. Sirius had messaged Hope telling her that he was bringing Sirius as his date. Sirius who he’d had a crush on for years and told his mother every little thing about it. Oh gods, this was going to be a disaster. 
“It’ll be fine, Remus. I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend for the day, and then we’ll mysteriously break up, none of them will be the wiser, and it'll make your mum happy.” Remus groaned into his hands. 
They travelled to Wales the day before the wedding and stayed at Remus’s parents house. Lyall greeted them at the door but then disappeared into his study. He was happy in there and Remus was happy he was in there, to be honest. They’d never quite seemed to quite understand each other and this way was easier, much to Hope’s annoyance. 
Hope, on the other hand, wrapped them both in her arms and cooed over Sirius.
“I knew you’d end up together. You’re perfect for each other.” Sirius lapped it up. The only problem they had was Hope put them in Remus’s old bedroom. They hadn’t thought of that when they’d agreed to stay there. There wasn’t even another spare room. 
“It’ll be fun,” Sirius beamed. “Like being back at school.” 
“We never shared a bed. That was you and James,” Remus reminded him. 
“Well, better late than never then, I guess,” Sirius responded. So that was how Remus found himself in bed with Sirius. 
Thankfully, morning came quickly and then it was time for the wedding. 
Everybody made a fuss about Sirius.
“He’s so handsome Remus,” His grandmother had declared when he’d introduced him. “You ought to put a ring on his finger, so he doesn’t get away,” She’d said loudly. Remus went beet red. 
“Nain, you can’t just yell that out!” He hushed her. 
“And why not? I want to see some great grand kids before I pop my clogs, and you aren’t getting any younger,”
“Oh my god,” He didn’t know how to handle her apart from with a gin and tonic and the bar wasn’t open yet. 
“Don’t you worry, Mrs Howell, I’ll make an honest man out of him.” Sirius said, linking her arm with his and leading her away to her table. He turned and winked at Remus. Remus wished he could turn invisible. 
By the end of the wedding, Sirius had won over all of Remus’s family and all of the grooms. In fact, more people knew who Sirius was at the wedding than knew who Remus was. 
Remus was glad when they were on their way back to his parents house. It had been a long day. “So,” Sirius asked him. “When are you going to pop the question? Your Nain’s promised me her engagement ring.” He grinned, fighting back a laugh at Remus. 
“Oh, haha, Sirius,” Remus rolled his eyes and said no more about the subject. 
That night, much to Remus’s surprise, Sirius snuggled under his arm and rested his head on Remus’s chest. 
“I had fun today.” Sirius told him with a sleepy voice. “Your family is really nice, and I might just steal your Nain. She was brilliant.” He turned his head to look at Remus. “Thank you for letting me come.” He said quietly. 
“You invited yourself. I had nothing to do with it.” Remus huffed. 
He closed his eyes hoping Sirius would take the hint. But instead, Sirius pushed up and kissed him. Remus’s eyes shot open, and he stared at Sirius. 
“I was serious about that ring, Moony. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be there.” Remus didn’t know what to say, so he dragged Sirius’s face back to his and kissed him deeper than their first. He melted as Sirius kissed him back. “Took you long enough,” Sirius murmured against his lips. Remus had never been happier. He made a note to send a bottle of champagne to his cousin, because without her this might never have happened.   
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austinshotbutlers · 2 years
The Wedding Date - Part Two
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Your sister’s wedding is approaching fast and the thought of showing your boyfriend off to you family and your ex-boyfriend seems like a very appealing idea. The only problem is… you don’t have a boyfriend. Luckily your stony faced, serious, sexy boss has agreed to be your fake boyfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.1k
TW: Mentions and allusions to sex, swear words and bad writing?
A/N: Part two is here!!! I’ve tagged everyone who commented on part one but let me know if you want to be removed. The love i have received for part one has meant so much, I didn’t think it would blow up as much as it did. Thank you so much to every single one of you! There will be a part three! Part one can be found here
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“Maybe we should hold hands?” You suggested as your smoothed down the red, silky dress you had picked for the party as you made your way into the extremely expensive looking lounge bar. You adjusted your hair slightly to ensure it looked perfect and once again smoothed the surface of your dress.
“Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful.” Aaron smiled and he took your hand in his.
You walked through the large doors into a gorgeous, old fashioned style bar. Family and friends were mingling all around nursing all kinds of alcoholic beverages. A waiter with a tray of champagne flutes passed and you quickly grabbed two, handing one to Aaron. You knocked it back in one, ready to face the challenges of the evening.
“You might want to slow down just a little bit.” Aaron laughed as he took a small sip from his own flute.
You were about to respond but the shrill sound of your sister cut you off.
“EEEEK!” She squealed as she ran over. “My sister is here! Who’s the hunk?” She attempted to whisper so Aaron couldn’t hear but failed miserably. “I’m getting married! I’m getting married!” And before you could respond, your slightly intoxicated sister ran off to hound someone else.
“She is going to be so drunk by the end of the night.” You say to Aaron, rolling your eyes jokingly.
“I’m just going to step outside and give Jack a call. Is that ok?” Aaron asks, pulling his phone out his suit pocket.
“Oh god yes! Go call him!” You ushered him away to let him phone Jack. This was your chance to go and refresh yourself and you made your way to the restroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, tucking some loose hair back behind your ear before retouching your lipstick. You smiled to yourself as you remembered Hotch saying you looked beautiful, heat rose to your cheeks and you fanned your face to calm down. Once you had collected your thoughts and you had finished touching up your makeup, you headed straight out the restroom door and walked smack into someone.
“God I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was…” you looked up and immediately recognised the cold steely eyes that were staring back at you. “Luke….” You laughed nervously. “Hi.”
He loosened his tie slightly before he spoke. “Er… Y/N, hi.”
You both stood in an awkward silence for a few seconds as you took in his appearance. He had aged quite a bit since you had last seen him; the start of a receding hairline, a messy, unkempt beard and still wearing ill fitting suits. You took a mental note of how much better Aaron wore a suit.
“Where’s this boyfriend I’ve been hearing about?” He asked abruptly.
You were quite taken aback. “He’s somewhere in the bar. He wasn’t going to escort me to the bathroom.” You replied bluntly.
He was just about to say something else when the uncanny voice of your cousin filled the small hallway.
“Oh my god!! If it isn’t my favourite cousin ever!” She yelled, running over and embracing you tightly. “Seriously, nearly two years since I last saw you. I have ex-boyfriends I see more than you.”
You laughed as you pulled back from the hug. “Oh Livvy I’ve missed you.”
She smiled at you before turning to face Luke. “Hello asshole.” She says in a moody tone. “Hope it’s alright if I just steal my cousin away.” And before Luke could utter a single word, Liv was dragging you up the stairs back to the party.
“Thank god you came when you did. I think he was about to play 21 questions with me about my new boyfriend.” You huffed.
“I will always rescue you from that asshole.” Liv replied and picked up a glass of champagne. “Now here,” she passed it to you. “Drink! God knows you’re going to need it.”
You sipped at the drink and scanned the room to see if Aaron had joined the party again. Just then, you saw him on the arm of your mother as she introduced him to all of your aunts. She had clearly cornered him when he came back to the party and insisted on introducing him to all the family. You smiled as he said something which made the group laugh, all your aunts seeming to take an instant liking to him.
“Ok, spill! Who is the sexy boyfriend of yours then? How did you meet?” Liv asked as she watched Aaron as well.
“We work together at the BAU. He’s the Unit Chief.” You replied without a second thought.
“Dating the boss? Sounds like something I would do.” She laughed.
You shook your head with a laugh and then looked up to see that Aaron had managed to escape your mother’s death grip and was making his way over to you. When he reached you, he placed his hand on your hip and ducked down to place a kiss on your cheek.
“How was Jack?” You asked breathlessly, the tingle of Aaron’s lips still lingering on your cheek.
“Yeah he’s good. Tired from a long day playing soccer.” Aaron replied with a smile.
Your cousin coughed to remind you of her presence.
“Liv!” You burst out, moving to the side so Aaron could see her properly. “Aaron, this is my cousin Liv.” You introduced them. Aaron put his hand out and Liv shook it enthusiastically.
“Nice to meet you Aaron. I’m so glad Y/N finally got over that pathetic loser and decided to get herself a real man.”
“Liv!” You hissed at her as she embarrassed you but Aaron just smiled and moved so he could wrap his arm around your waist. “Let’s go get another drink.” You say to him and you both wondered over to the bar.
“What would you like?” Aaron asked as he caught the attention of the bartender.
“Anything that’s stronger than champagne.” You groaned.
“Two scotches please.” Aaron asked the bartender and he speedily poured out two tumblers of amber liquid.
“Thanks.” You murmured just loud enough for Aaron to hear. He placed his arm back around your waist, taking a sip of his scotch.
You started to giggle to yourself and Aaron looked at you quizzically. “What’s so funny?”
“Well it’s just…” you laughed a bit harder. “Hotch drinking scotch.”
Aaron rolled his eyes, trying his best to suppress the smile that was slowly forming on his face. “It’s not even funny Y/N.”
“Say that to the smile on your face.” You laughed harder and Aaron gave in, laughing with you. “I think the alcohol is finally working, I’m going to go and get some fresh air,” and you slowly made your way out to the patio, taking a deep breath in.
Aaron smiled as he watched you glide across the floor, heading to the opened doors. If someone had told him a month ago that he would be in LA with you, pretending to be your boyfriend, he would have said they were insane. This was so out of character for him yet it felt so right being here with you. Everything about you made his heart swell; your smile and laugh, your bad jokes, the way you tuck your hair behind your ears. But tonight, the way you looked in that red dress just took his breath away, you were simply stunning.
He turned back to the bar and asked for another scotch which the bartender handed over.
“I’ll have the same.” Someone said from beside him, he turned to look at the man. He had a long overgrown beard that definitely needed trimming and a rather bad fitting suit on. “Partying alone?” The man asked Aaron.
“No, my girlfriend has just gone to get a breath of fresh air.” He replied. “You?”
“All by myself tonight being painfully taunted by my ex-girlfriend.” Said the man with a sigh, taking a large gulp of his scotch.
‘Surely this isn’t Luke?’ Aaron thought to himself as he attempted to profile his mannerisms and appearance.
“Yeah she seems to be trying to make me jealous. She claims she has a boyfriend but I’m yet to see him with her. She’s desperate to show me what I’m certainly not missing.” He continued and Aaron immediately realised that this was indeed your ex-boyfriend. The bitter tone as he spoke about you so rudely was enough to make Aaron want to use all his FBI combat training but he refrained so not to cause a scene. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Aaron saw you striding effortlessly in your heels across the room to him.
*** You looked over the gorgeous gardens as you stood in the early evening, the sun beginning to set. While your sister may be an insufferable bridezilla, she knew how to pick a beautiful venue. You downed the last drop of your scotch and turned to look back inside at the party. Your sister and her fiancé Thomas were chatting to your dad, your mom was telling some extravagant story to a group of people who were laughing along and Aaron…
You looked for him and saw him where you had left him at the bar and talking to…Luke!
“Oh shit!“ you shouted out loud and received a couple of unimpressed stares from some guests who were admiring the gardens as well. You put the glass in your hand down on the nearest table you could find and hastily strode across the room to get to them. Without taking a single look at Luke, you wrapped your arms around Aaron and kissed him hard on the lips. His initial shock wore off almost instantly as he melted into the kiss, placing his free hand on the small of your back, kissing you back. It felt so perfect, so right and little did you know, Aaron felt the exact same.
You pulled back abruptly and turned to see Luke with a dumbfounded look on his face.
“Luke!” You faked surprise. “I didn’t see you there. Have you two met?” You asked, motioning between him and Aaron.
“Not… not formally.” Luke replied bluntly.
“Oh! Well Luke, this is my boyfriend Aaron.” You smiled, moving so Aaron could offer his usual handshake which Luke shook reluctantly.
“I… er, I should go and find Thomas.” Luke said monotonously and he scampered away before you or Aaron could say anything to him.
As soon as he was out of earshot, you turned to Aaron. “Oh my god! That wasn’t too much was it?” You asked him frantically and Aaron just laughed.
“No, not at all. It was just a surprise is all.” He smiled sweetly.
“God I’m so sorry! And I’ve got lipstick all on your lips, hang on.” You frantically grabbed a napkin from the bar and started to wipe his lips clean of your red lipstick.
The concentration on your face made Aaron smile and he watched you with such adoration.
“Thank you.” He murmured and you looked too see him smiling at you. Heat rose to your cheeks, the way he looked you made you feel like a pre-teen again. You were about to speak when the sound of a glass being tapped silenced everyone in the bar.
“If I could please have your attention.” The voice of your mother filled the room.
“Jesus. Prepare yourself for the second-hand embarrassment from my mother speaking publicly.” You whispered to Aaron and he chuckled.
“Thank you all for coming to celebrate the engagement of my beautiful daughter Sarah and her fiancé Thomas. We have been waiting for a wedding in this family for a very long time now. We of course thought Y/N would be the first one down the aisle.” The mention of your name immediately caused a lot of looks from around the room focused on you, a couple of murmurs too and you cursed in your head whoever let your mom make a speech while feeling the affects of alcohol. However, the feeling of Aaron snaking his arm around your hips and holding you close made you relax and you tried to ignore your mom’s speech but luckily, your dad interjected and took over.
“To Sarah and Thomas!” He cheered raising a class and everyone followed suit.
“Are you ok?” Aaron whispered quietly into your ear and all you could do was nod.
As soon as you walked into your bedroom, you kicked off you heels and threw yourself onto the bed. Aaron walked in a couple of seconds later, loosening his tie and undoing his top button.
“That was simply awful.” You groaned into the pillow.
“It wasn’t that bad.” Aaron said as he sat down next to you on the bed, starting to unlace his shoes.
“Easy for you to say.” You huffed. “When you were talking to Luke, what was he saying?”
Aaron hesitated, debating whether or not to share the whole conversation but he settled on telling the truth. “He said you were trying hard to make him jealous and he didn’t believe you had a boyfriend.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and sat up abruptly. “He is such a dick!” You exclaim. “How did I deal with it for 5 years?”
“What exactly happened when he broke up with you?” Aaron asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
You took a deep breath. It was about time you shared the full story, no one knew it other than you and Luke. You hadn’t realised but Aaron had placed his hand on top of yours and engulfed it completely.
“It’s ok. Take your time.” He said with such care and kindness in his voice.
“Well, it was on our anniversary of all days. I guess we had been having some rocky patches, he didn’t like the idea of me moving to Washington and he especially didn’t like the idea of me joining the FBI. Luke is the reason it took me so long to apply for the BAU and when I finally did and told him, he was so annoyed!” Tears started to well in your eyes as you remember just how horrible the fight was and Aaron’s grip on your hand tightened which comforted you. “I ignored just how bad the fight was because everyone said it was normal but looking back, he was such a…”
“Fucking asshole.” Aaron interjected.
“Exactly. He’s exactly that.” You say. “The day he dumped me, everyone had got inside my head saying he was going to propose. My mom, sister and even his mom thought he was proposing. That’s why it hurt so bad, we were even… intimate the night before he dumped me.” Anger flared inside Aaron. How could anyone ever treat you like that? If he didn’t already hate Luke from his brief meeting with him this morning, he definitely hated him now. “No one really knew what to say to me, I was so heartbroken. I had to move back in with my parents and that’s when I decided I’d had enough and I packed up everything to come to Washington.”
“And thank god you did.” Aaron said with a smile. “The team wouldn’t work without you.” And you laughed.
“I’m going to go and get ready for bed.” You said, standing up and heading to the bathroom.
Once you locked yourself in the bathroom, you released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. You just spilled your guts to Aaron and yet, you still knew so little about him.
Aaron was laying in bed when you came back from fetching a glass of water from the kitchen and you laughed.
“What’s funny now?” He asked, his voice slightly muffled from how he was laying with his head deep in the pillow.
“You’re too tall for the bed.” You giggled, walking round and placing the glass down on the bedside cabinet. You then pulled back the covers to climb in yourself. “When there’s two people in the bed, it makes me realise just how small it is.”
“I can sleep on the floor if that would be better?” Aaron offered, preparing to get out of bed.
“Don’t be stupid. You’ll get a bad back.” You said, shuffling to reposition more comfortably. “We’re just going to have to squeeze together. This is so cliché. The one bed trope from those cheesy romance books I read in college.” You groaned. “Thank you, again, for doing this for me though.”
“Stop thanking me Y/N, I wanted to help you.” Aaron replied, rolling over so he could face you.
Maybe it was the liquid courage still flowing through you from the party, but you lifted you hand and placed it on Aaron’s cheek, taking in all his features.
“You’re so handsome.” You mumbled, running your thumb across his lips and heat rose to Aaron’s cheeks before you leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. Aaron immediately reciprocated, his hand moving to your hip so naturally, gripping it tightly as the kiss grew more heated between you. His mouth trailed down your neck, sucking lightly at the base which elicited a small moan from your lips. This was the most intimate you had been with someone in a long time and it felt so right to be doing it with Aaron. But suddenly and abruptly, Aaron pulled away.
“Wha… what’s wrong?” You asked breathlessly, lips still tingling from the kiss.
“Maybe we should stop before we do something we’ll regret.” He replied, moving his hand from your hip.
“But?…” you paused. Maybe he was right, sex could make things awkward. Sex could ruin your friendship. Sex could fuck up this whole arrangement. “Yeah… yeah you’re right. Erm, goodnight Aaron.” You said reluctantly and turned over to face the wall.
“Night Y/N.” You heard Aaron mumble before you drifted off to sleep.
Aaron woke from the bright Los Angeles sun peeking through the gap in the curtain, he looked next to him at you. You had manoeuvred during the night and were sweetly nestled into Aaron’s torso, his arm wrapped around you.
‘It was right to stop last night.’ Aaron tried to convince himself. ‘If we had slept together, it would have only overcomplicated things.’
Aaron kept these thought stirring in his head to persuade himself that he made the right call. He leaned backwards carefully so not to disturb you to reach his watch. The hands read 6:08am. He was always an early bird as it was these early mornings where Aaron felt most at ease. He carefully moved his arm from where it was wrapped around you, trying his best not to wake you. You stirred a little before rolling over, still sound asleep. He grabbed his running gear he had packed with him just in case and began to change, glancing around the room for some paper. Once he was fully dressed, he wandered over to the desk and opened a draw to reveal a stack of bright pink post-it notes. Pink was clearly your favourite colour growing up he noted in his head. He scribbled down a message on the post-it and stuck it on the empty glass on your cabinet.
He quietly walked down the stairs, trying not to disturb your parents but was shocked when he saw your dad sat at the dinning table with a cup of coffee and a newspaper.
“We haven’t scared you off have we?” Your dad asked with a laugh.
“No sir.” Aaron chuckled. “Just heading out for a run before Y/N wakes up.”
“I’d ask to join you but my running days are behind me.” Your dad said. “Venice Beach was always my favourite place to run, I recommend it for your route today.”
“Thank you sir, I’ll keep it in mind.”
You woke up surprised to find the bed empty, the mattress cold. You stretched to try and wake yourself up before turning to the bedside cabinet to check the time on the clock but a pink post-it caught your attention. You picked it up and read Aaron’s scruffy handwriting: ‘Gone for a run, back soon x’. The kiss at the end taunted you as memories of yesterday flashed through your head. Kissing Aaron Hotchner was something you never thought would happen in a million years, yet here you were.
You pulled the duvet back and climbed out of bed, grabbing your phone and trying to turn it on but it was out of charge.
“For fucks sake.” You mutter and scavenge through your bags to find the charger. “It has to be somewhere!” You thought out loud.
“What are you looking for?” Came the deep voice of Aaron out of nowhere.
“Shit! You made me jump!” You exclaim and stand up, turning to look at him. Your breath hitched in your throat as you took in his appearance. The tight shirt he was wearing accentuated his arms and the running shorts showed off his muscular thighs. The glimmer of sweat on his face and the glow of heat from the exercise made him look even more handsome than usual. This was a look you could get used to seeing everyday.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He chuckled. “If you’re looking for your charger, it’s in the big suitcase over there.” He pointed to the case that sat near the wardrobe.
“Thanks.” You say and unzip the case, reaching in to look for the cable. As soon as you fished it out the case, you plugged it in quickly and waited for the phone to get some charge.
“I’m just going to have a quick shower and then I thought we could head out for some breakfast?” Aaron suggested.
“Yeah, that sounds good. We’ve been here a day and I already need a couple of hours away from my family.” You joked and Aaron nodded with understanding.
Immediately after he closed the door to the bathroom and you heard the water running, you turned your phone on and quickly typed a message out to Emily.
7:54AM | Y/N L/N: Help!!! I think I’m falling in love with Aaron.
7:57AM | Emily Prentiss: I did warn you it would happen! What went down at the engagement party?
7:59AM | Y/N L/N: My ex is still a dick as predicted. I kissed Aaron right in front of him and you should have seen his face LOL!
8:01AM |Emily Prentiss: Did anything other than kissing happen last night? ;)
8:02AM | Y/N L/N: Shut up.
8:04AM | Emily Prentiss: Ha! You didn’t answer my question which tells me YES! Something else did happen! Spill!
8:07AM | Y/N L/N: Fine! We made out a little after the party and I think we were going to have sex but Aaron said we should stop before we did something we might regret which was of course the right decision.
8:10AM | Emily Prentiss: OH MY GOD! Of course he said that, he is so down bad for you. He knows once you have sex with each other, there is no running away from his feelings. You need to sleep with him, I bet he’s actually quite good in bed. Do you think he’s as authoritative in bed as he is when we’re on a case?
8:12AM | Y/N L/N: Emily! Stop it! I have to go, I can hear Aaron coming out the shower.
And you switched your phone off before another text could come through from Emily. She was so enjoying this too much.
“Any idea where we should go for breakfast?” Aaron asked you.
“There’s this really amazing brunch bar near Santa Monica pier, I used to go there all the time with Sarah.”
“Sounds perfect.” He smiled as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Your mom called from the kitchen.
You and Aaron saw her standing at the kitchen island drinking a fluorescent green smoothie.
“What’s up mom?”
“Ahh perfect! You’re both here. Sarah wanted me to ask you if you and Aaron could join her and Thomas for one of their last minute dance lessons.” She said excitedly.
You groaned like a miserable teenager. “Do we really have to? Aaron was just about to take me for brunch.”
“Yes! It will be great fun.”
You knew then, there was absolutely no getting out of this one.
The Wedding Date Taglist: @wanniiieeee @notsopersonalcharlie @blackeyedangel9805 @preciousbabypeter @stxlemate @twilightlover2007 @justarandommom @impala1967dwinchester @spencermiromantiko @julyhoney @thecubanator2 @xphantomphanphanaticx @lawlesshedgehog @louderfortheback @ssamorganhotchner @essenceproxima @lespendy @stiles-argent24 @rousethemouse @tvdstelenaforever @wandererseye @bibella8swan @yourfavunsub @bibimangines @lou-the-confused-bisexual @realm8626 @sophiaj650 @bylones @howabouticallyou @madz-19 @hotchnerxo @supercriminalbean @jayxox @sweetpeterparker @mina2000alex
I tagged those who commented and reblogged part one. Let me know if you want to be removed or tagged🫶🏻
Part three
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
You know, Steve and Robin’s relationship must be fucking confusing for other people, since Steve is a flirt and they get along super well.
You would guess that with time people will get used to it and find it less confusing. I’d love it if it got the opposite of that.
Like, after the kids, especially Dustin, pester Steve too much he finally explodes and says «okay that’s it!» he turns to Robin «Buckley! You and me, date tonight, pick you up at 7.»
And Robin, immediately understanding what Steve has in mind, replies «oh Steve, I thought you’d never ask!»
The kids cheer and they’re happy for a while. Now, when asked, both Steve and Robin say that they’re dating.
Except that they act like always. They joke around, mess with each other, never kiss. They go on “dates” but they are no different from their usual hang out.
One day Dustin spots Steve at the movies with another girl and he’s fuming. He immediately tells Robin which chuckles and ruffles his hair «thank dude but don’t worry, I know about Steve’s hang out with this girl and I don’t mind!»
Another day, they’re all hanging out at Steve’s place and Eddie and Steve are sitting extremely close to one another, talking to Robin who’s all alone on the opposite couch.
Dustin scolds Steve for not sitting next to his girlfriend, which Eddie interject with “but Dusty-bun, I also need some Harrington love! Buckley can’t always have him for herself” making both Steve and Robin laugh too loudly, like there was something more Dustin wasn’t getting.
Eddie and Steve’ skinship gets worse with time.
“It’s like they’re testing Robin’s patience!” Dustin says to the rest of the Party.
One day he even tells Steve to put it to rest otherwise people might think he’s dating Eddie and not Robin.
Steve reassures Dustin that everything is fine.
A month later, Steve and Robin announce that they’re moving in together, and everyone is happy for this important step in their relationship.
What they don’t understand is why is Eddie also going with them and sharing a room with Steve.
“Don’t be absurd, I would never share a bed with my boyfriend before marriage! I am a woman of church” that’s the explanation given by Robin, who has gone to church a total of 5 times throughout her lifetime.
Finally it comes to a halt when the kids do a surprise visit to the trio and find Eddie and Steve in a compromising position on the living room’s couch.
They all stare quietly at each other until Steve breaks it.
«Uh, don’t worry! Robin doesn’t mind…?»
Then chaos ensures.
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wardenparker · 1 year
If You Were Mine, pt 2
Javier Peña x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 12.5k   Warnings: Food/alcohol, references to smoking. The love is requited they’re just idiots, there’s only one bed, dake dating, wedding date, Javier Peña dances like he fucks and I will not be taking criticism, Bad Timing Tía, dealing with the ex, fingering, hand job, unprotected sex, vaginal sex.  Summary: The day of Danny’s wedding goes much, much different than either you or Javi expects it to -- and so do your meetings in Washington. Notes: Find part 1 HERE! Also this gif has me hypnotized so if you need me I’ll be right here staring at my laptop screen for the rest of time...
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Danny's wedding is two days later, and that Sunday morning when you get up and get dressed for church, it's getting dressed for the wedding as well. Barely able to look Javi in the eye since hearing his confession on Friday night, you're quiet in the truck on the way to downtown Laredo. Javi looks far more handsome than a man in a plaid shirt and jeans ever should, and your black dress might be a tad too dressy but you pair it with flat shoes and don't overdo anything else so you won't end up looking too out of place. You've already made up your mind to be there for him today and to not give anyone any reason to question the two of you — you just want one more day of things being good between you before you have to head to Washington.
Sitting in the truck beside you is pure torture. Rubbing his hands on his jeans as he wonders why you have just…avoided him. He hates that things have changed, but he doesn’t know how to bridge the gap.
When the church comes into view Chucho shuts off the radio like the priest is going to come out and chastise him for listening to rock music, but you just sit back and tap your fingers on the strap of your purse. "Remind me," you murmur, leaning over to Javier as Chucho parks the truck. "Danny is your mother's younger sister's only boy, right?"
“Yeah.” Javi nearly startles, hearing the first words you’ve said to him in two days. “I was a teen when he was born.” He turns his head but you are looking down at your purse.
"Okay. Just wanted to make sure I had it right." Your hand moves from kneading your purse to gently squeezing his before Chucho looks over at you both and declares it time for wedding bells with a sly wink.
“Pop.” Javi groans, rolling his eyes at how unsubtle his father is being. Lord knows there will be plenty of jokes made around him today, but hinting that you could be married to him soon hurts.
"It's okay, cariño." Your hand on his squeezes again and you smile as you shrug your shoulders. "I don't mind a little teasing. It's a happy day." Without any further comment, you slide out the driver's side door and accept Chucho's hand to climb out carefully, leaving Javi bewildered in the truck.
The bittersweet sound of an endearment makes Javi sigh, climbing out to the truck slowly. “It’s okay.” He murmurs as his father walks ahead. “I’m just going to tell everyone.”
"No." Standing in front of him blocks his way, and you put your hand firmly on his arm. "You're not, Jav." This is what you spent all of yesterday deciding, and the very firm conclusion you came to might embarrass him, but it's a gesture. A glimpse, if he wants it. "You wanted to pretend. To see what it would be like if you were mine and I was yours? Then that's what today is going to be. I won't be inappropriate or anything, but...what's stopping us from just enjoying today?"
His jaw unhinges and immediately heat blasts over his face like he’s been tossed on an oven. Or he’s finally died and been sent to hell. “You— you heard me?” He rasps out, mortified that you had heard him pouring his heart out like a fucking idiot.
"We were in no condition to talk about any of this with how upset we both were that night." Maybe you should have told him yesterday, but it's too late for that now. Either way, you take both of his hands in yours and offer him a smile. "If you truly don't want to see what we could be, then you're at least going to get your wish to pretend."
He closes his eyes, wincing at the way it sounds when you voice it out loud. “Muñeca…” he murmurs helplessly.
"Javi, it's—" You could say that it's okay, but it's not really. It breaks your heart to think that he isn't willing to try, but you know he's been through unimaginable things. Things he will probably never speak about because they're too painful to ever remember that viscerally. "I won't kiss you or anything. I'm not going to force this on you. But at the very least it's Danny's day. We can smile and dance together and chat with your family and not cause a fuss on somebody else's big day." And if you hang on to this feeling for yourself on the cold or the lonely days, that's between you and the universe.
“I—okay.” He nods, opening his eyes and tries not to look like he’s attending a funeral. You know, you know everything he said and he hates that. Hates that you agree with him, knowing that he’s right and it’s the best damn thing for you.
"Okay?" Waiting until he nods again, you slip to his side and slide your hand into his to lace your fingers together. If nothing else, you can walk into the church together.
Your hand is warm, soft in his and he can’t help but squeeze it gently. “You look beautiful, muñeca.” He murmurs quietly. “But you always do.”
"When I bought this dress I got it because I thought you would like it," you admit, turning to smile at him as you walk up the steps together. "I'm glad I actually got to wear it for you."
“Couldn’t take my eyes off you.” Javi admits, remembering the op you had worn it on. “It’s why Ruiz got punched in the fucking mouth.”
You snort — barely covering your mouth in time to muffle the sound at the door of the church. "Seriously?" That split lip had been pretty nasty if you remember it correctly, now you're finally finding out how he got it, it's even better.
“Yeah.” Javi huffs, flexing his hand in yours. His fist had hurt like a motherfucker for three days, but it had been worth it.
"Javi the Big Bad Protector is kind of a turn on, not gonna lie." You murmur, quickly changing gears to smile politely to the ushers welcoming everyone into the wedding.
“He was being an asshole.” Javi grumbles. “Someone had to shut him up.”
"Mi guerrero." It's barely even a tease. Javi is absolutely a warrior, and his battles are more varied than anyone would know.
He rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t pull away. Guiding you down to the bench where you will sit through the ceremony. “Shut up.” He murmurs, letting go of your hand and touching your back very close to your ass as you start to slide into the bench.
"Yes, Daddy." You tease on a whisper that only he can hear, knowing that he'll hate it but that your tone and the smirk on your face will make him laugh.
He nearly chokes on his own damn spit when he hears you call him ‘daddy’. Grunting as he swears that if God strikes you down, you will deserve it. “Brat.”
"Ooo, don't tell me you like that?" There's a delighted gasp on your lips that turns into a giggle under your breath as he sits down next to you. "I had anticipated the complete opposite reaction."
“Shut up.” Javi glares at you. “I— I don’t like it.” He hisses quietly, even though that’s a bold faced lie. He’s never been called that before and he doesn’t know if he likes it or just like you saying it.
"Okay," you snicker quietly, glancing at him again and nearly erupting into more giggles. "Daddy."
“I swear to God.” He huffs, rolling his eyes.
"Nuh-uh." Wagging one finger at him, you cross your legs and point up at the altar at the front of the church. "Be nice. We're in His house."
“You’re the one calling people ‘daddy’.” He reminds you.
"Not people." The deep frown on his face is a mask for his amusement, and you shift closer to him in the pew with an unapologetic grin. "Just you."
“You’re annoying.” He hisses quietly. “And God is going to strike you down.” He’s joking, trying to hide how much he’s enjoying the banter.
"Maybe." You shrug, knowing you've done a whole lot of shit in your life that God should have already stricken you down for. "It would be a very interesting story."
He rolls his eyes but shifts slightly, throwing his arm on the pew behind you to wrap around your shoulder.
A few people who enter stop to say hello, telling Javier that they're glad to see him and they'll catch up with him at the reception, and a few others wave their greeting, but soon enough the assembled friends and family are on their feet again for the arrival of the bridal party and the wedding is under way.
Weddings are always a sensitive subject, especially with family. It never fails that people will recount how Javi just never showed up. Right now, he’s not concentrating on that. He’s tuned into the pressure of your thigh against his, the causal way you lean into his side with his arm still around you, your hands softly laying on his thigh like you are the couple you are pretending to be.
At one point your head tips, leaning slightly on his shoulder while you listen to the old priest pontificate on the duties of the couple to each other and to God, and even though you won’t let yourself go so far as to imagine marrying him it’s still nice to be a little bored with someone you care about. It’s homey. Domestic. And it makes you smile as you continue to sit there and hold his hand.
He doesn’t know when he had linked his fingers on his other hand with yours, but his arm is stretched out across his body while her other hand is curled around you. Almost protective as he curls around you on the bench and watches as Danny straightens proudly.
You might say it is, but this pretending isn’t just for him. Sure, your not-so-subtle ulterior motive might be to show him what he’s missing, but it’s also so that when you do have to move on - from the DEA and from him - you have these memories locked up to think back on on a rainy day. Maybe it isn’t really that good of an idea, but it’s the one you’ve got. And as the ceremony drones on and you curl into each other more and more, you can’t help but think how right it feels.
When Danny is repeating his vows, Javi leans his head against yours and sighs softly. He’s had one instance where he imagined marrying someone and he couldn’t do it. Until right now.
Squeezing his fingers gently in yours, you can’t quite make yourself look at him during these moments. Promising yourself that you wouldn’t go so far as to imagine you and him up at that altar isn’t much of a promise at all when your mind starts to wander.
Sighing softly, Javi hums when the entire church laughs, a response to the happy couple giggling as Danny lunges forward to kiss his bride before her own vows are said.
“So sweet,” you whisper without realizing it, sounding more than a little misty right next to his ear.
“They are.” Javi turns his head and his nose brushes against your temple where you have lifted your head up slightly.
“They really are.” The moment of tension hangs between you like thick jungle air, tugging on you with determination, but you don’t close the space between you no matter how much you want to. Kissing him is a torture you won’t put yourself through when you know it’s only make believe.
When the vows are finally done and the kiss starts, he hates having to pull away. Standing and clapping with the rest of the church as they turn around with nothing but hope and love in their eyes.
The church’s rec hall is ready and waiting for the influx of guests with bright decorations, cold drinks, and lively music. Chucho has been swept up in the celebratory mood by friends while you and Javi stroll behind at a leisurely pace. Your hand is still in his when you walk in, and right away people are calling it to him and coming over to say hello.
“Javier!” Danny’s mother, his tía, rushes over and smothers him in a hug, as if she didn’t run into him at the hardware store nearly a week ago. Apparently, even though Chucho had told her that he was coming, she hadn’t believed it until now.
She is beaming through happy tears, pulling Javi into her arms and regarding him with the same love that any mother would. "We're glad you could come, changuito."
Javi nods seriously and doesn’t pull away. “Of course, tía.” He murmurs quietly. “I can’t believe Danny is married.”
"He should still be in diapers," his aunt laughs happily, wiping a tear before it can hit her cheek and offering you a smile when she turns her head slightly. "But I hear you're next, eh? This is her?"
He can’t answer that, just nodding as he reaches back for you. Saying your name as he introduces you to his aunt. “This is Gloria, my tía. She is my mother’s sister.”
"I'm so glad to meet you." The hug you offer her is genuine, and the woman is smiling so broadly that she just might break apart if it gets any wider. "You must be so proud."
“Rosa looks so beautiful doesn’t she?” Gloria puffs up proudly as she turns towards the small crowd around the bride and groom. “So good for my Danny.” She hums as she eyes you and Javi. “Like you are for Javier.”
"I try to be." And that is, despite the slight ruse of the day, the honest truth. You have always tried to be there for Javi and be a good partner as well as a good friend. Sometimes bullshit would happen like your stupid moments of jealousy, but it never stopped you from caring about him with your whole heart.
“You are the first woman Javier has brought home.” She informs you proudly. “Lorraine was already here but we knew she wasn’t the one for our boy.”
“Sometimes it takes a few tries to get something right,” you offer, squeezing Javi’s hand gently. “But that’s life, right?”
Javi sighs and rolls his eyes. “I was gone.” He reminds his aunt, knowing this conversation would be repeated a hundred times before the end of the reception.
“And now you’re home.” She aims a wink at him that has you smirking before patting his shoulder. “You kids go get something to drink. I have to make the rounds.”
He huffs in amusement as she hustles away. “Kids.” He shakes his head. She will always view him as a kid despite being closer to forty than twenty.
“You’ll always be a kid to your family.” But the prospect of a drink does sound good, and you nod toward the table laden with bottles and surrounded by coolers. “Shall we?”
“Fuck yes.” Javi groans. The reception might be in the church reception hall, but there is no lack of beer and tequila for the guests. “Please.”
Your peel of laughter makes a few heads turn but you just ignore them, walking with him to the other end of the room and pulling out two bottles of cold beer. The whole thing is cozy and welcoming and you can’t find it in yourself to be upset about your decision to play pretend on a day as phenomenal as today.
As soon as everyone is in the room, the music starts. A mix of speakers and live instruments fill the hall and immediately the tías, abuelas and other women crowd into the kitchen to start bringing out platters of food. Javi knows about ten of the distant cousins had been drinking and cooking the meats out back on their grills during the ceremony so that it would be hot.
Plenty of people come by to make their observations or to unsubtly check you out, but you just smile and greet each of them in turn, keeping close to Javi and sipping your beer. Everyone is nice, despite the few Nosy Nellies, and you’re mostly content to sit and chat until the music makes your ears perk up. I Wanna Dance with Somebody is one of your all time favorite songs. “C’mon,” you insist with a grin, grabbing Javi’s hand. “No one can sit down when Whitney sings. It’s impossible.”
“I don’t–” Javi grunts, wanting to protest but you are pulling him up out of his chair before he can get too far into his grumbling. He sets his bottle down as he groans as he stands up straight.
“I know you can dance.” You remind him, having been to enough clubs together over your months as partners to have seen it a few times. On the rare occasion Javi isn’t working, he moves on a dance floor about as well as you assume he fucks — which is to say extremely well.
“Just because I can doesn’t mean I should.” He grunts, dutifully following you and he wonders if this is going to bite him in the ass.
It’s an energetic song, one that doesn’t leave you lingering in each other’s arms too much, so you thought it would be safe. Rocking back and forth with him, spinning around – all of that should have been perfectly fine. You just forgot, in a moment of madness, how much you like having his hands on you.
The beat is one that it is easy to move to. The other couples jostling about on the floor makes for him to move closer, pull you into his arms as you both move. Confining you together for the song as Whitney croons about dancing with someone who loves her.
It shouldn’t have been seductive in any way. It’s a light, joyful song. But the crush of every other guest who had the same impulse as you means one of Javi’s arms is wrapped tight around your waist as you move together, and the rhythm you’ve found is a much more silky smooth than you anticipated.
You are pressed against him, nearly grinding against him in a way that makes his breath catch. His fingers dig into your hips and he pants in your ear, not from the vigorous beat, but from trying to control his cock.
It’s the sound that makes your eyes tick up to his. His head is right beside yours and that proximity is a challenge all on its own, but it’s his breath that makes you find his eyes. It’s worry, or else it’s an attempt to check in with him, but what you see is that his deep brown eyes have turned almost black and his cheeks have pinked to the point of blush.
"Muñeca..." He grunts quietly, watching your eyes as they shift back and forth between his own and your damn gaze drops down to his lips. Making him lick them by force of habit.
It’s a bad idea. Truly. Probably a horrible idea. But your other hand has a mind of its own when it comes up to touch his cheek and ends up cupping his jaw in an unbelievably intimate gesture. “Javi…”
The soft plea in your voice breaks him. Smashes through every barrier he has attempted to erect to stay away. All it takes is a call of his name and a hand on his cheek and he is throwing away every vow he had made towards you. Lunging forward and capturing your lips with his and he molds you against him.
Blissfully unaware of all the tittering and the many watchful eyes, your whole reality has narrowed down to Javier as you cling to him. His kiss is as firm as his hold on you, promising luxuries and indulgence in the same breath that it threatens to break you apart to be worshiped piece by piece. It’s a kiss you can’t help but get lost in, and you surrender to it completely.
Javier had never been one for grand, public gestures. His intimacies – his dalliances – were always kept discreet, both for the sake of the women he was with and because he had been raised to not kiss and tell. Right now, he doesn't care about that, simply closing his eyes and sliding his tongue into your mouth.
The sound of a throat clearing doesn’t phase either of you, but being nudged almost makes you fall over as you had seemingly forgotten about everything but each other. “You’re still in a church, mijo.” His tía, Gloria, chides in an amused whisper. “There’s kids around.”
He clears his throat and drops his hands from your waist, eyes slightly shocked as he takes a step back. "Sorry." He murmurs quietly to his aunt.
“No one would notice if you needed to sneak away,” she teases before drifting off again, and as nice a woman as Gloria is, you could curse her for her timing.
Swallowing, Javi manages a small smile, knowing that he would not be able to sneak away with you. Kissing you shouldn't have even happened. "We're good."
“Maybe we should get something to eat.” The way he moved away from you made it feel like you burned him or forced him, and you can’t stand the thought of that.
“Of course, muñeca.” Javi is grateful to have something to focus on and his hand burns on your lower back as he turns you towards the tables laden down with food. You feel like you ought to apologize or something, but you don't want to. That kiss was every bit as perfect as you always knew it would be and you hate that he seems to regret it.
"Gloria's arepas are the best you will ever taste." He murmurs quietly. "But steer clear of her tamales." He warns. "They will give you heartburn and gas for a week."
"Maybe I want that," you joke, but steadily bypass the large bowl of tamales. "Get the dog back for farting on me every night."
“I don’t know what Pop is feeding him, but the smell is brutal.” Javi chuckles. “Oh, grab one of those.” He points to a small plate with a few pastries left. “You won’t regret it.”
"What is it?" Never one to turn up your nose at sweets, you immediately snap up one of the goodies for yourself and one for him.
“It’s some kind of yucca thing.” He shrugs and grins at you. “Never learned the name but they are fucking addictive.”
"We're gonna have to learn if they're as good as all that." The table of food is laid with all manner of Mexican and Texan home cooking, along with a few classic Southern staples and one dish that it seems like no one is willing to touch so you bypass it all together. An empty table along the wall is as good a place to sit as any and you head in that direction with Javi at your heels.
He had grabbed two fresh beer bottles as you had passed the drink table. Setting them down when you choose a spot and set your plate down. “I’ll grab some napkins.” He offers, realizing you both forgot them.
There is a little tittering around you at the table when Javi walks away - friends or family or just acquaintances who must have seen what happened on the dance floor or just heard that Javi has finally brought a girl home to meet the family. You ignore them dutifully, popping the bottle caps of your cold beers with the lighter from your purse, and sit back at the table to wait the mere thirty seconds it will take him to get napkins. Provided, of course, that he doesn't get sidelined by anyone on the way.
Javi grabs the napkins, turning around and heading back towards the table. Shaking his head as he watches everyone around you watching as if you are a fascinating creature.
“So you really haven’t ever brought a girl home.” When he comes back to you there’s an amused smirk on your face and nothing more. “You’d think I had a tail or something.”
He rolls his eyes and sighs. "I don't get it." He grumbles. "You would think that I was some kind of socially inept virgin or something." He knows why they are watchful. They've only ever seen him with Lorraine and couldn't possibly imagine him with anyone since he had never spoken of a woman.
“Or just a commitment-phobe.” Which you know is the real case. Javier flits from partner to partner like a hummingbird.
"Hmmm." Javi shrugs and picks up his bottle of beer. "There's that too." He acknowledges.
“It’s not the end of the world,” you shrug and pick up your fork, not wanting to give him the entire girlfriend-at-a-family-wedding experience, which definitely would have included some teasing about a ring. Instead, you’ll eat. Eating is safe.
"It's what happens when you don't show up to your last wedding." He tells you, taking a sip of his beer. "Elated that his fiancée finally had that stubbornly absent period that had you considering walking down the fucking aisle in the first place. Convenient that it was the night before we were getting married. Isn't it?"
"Marriage isn't for everybody." According to the people that knew him best, it was Lorraine that wasn't for him, but you aren't going to pick at an open wound. Instead you press your thigh against his while you sit and eat together, offering him a moment of grounding and comfort. "It's better that the two of you didn't drag yourselves through an angry marriage or an even worse divorce."
“And god forbid…kids.” Javi grunts. He would have never wanted to put a child through that shit.
"So you did what was best for you. Maybe it didn't seem nice at the time, but it was a hell of a lot nicer than the alternative." After all, Javi isn't a bad guy. Just a little unconventional in his methods. It's part of what you like so much about him. That the only person's expectations he bows to are his own.
“It’s for the best.” Javi shrugs slightly and picks up an arepa to take a large bite if it. “She’s here, by the way.”
"Oh?" That has you looking around the room instantly, as covertly as you can. "Where?"
He chuckles, not missing the instant curiosity that overcomes your features. You want to know what his ex looks like. “Over by the dessert table.” He hums. “The blonde in the flowery dress.”
"Interesting." She isn't what you would have guessed for him at all, but again, this is the woman that everyone says was so wrong for him. "She looks so..." You cringe apologetically. "Boring."
That comment catches him off guard and he snorts back a laugh. “That’s new.” He admits. “But kinda. You’re right. She wanted me to give up being a cop. Work for her daddy.”
"You could never give up being a cop." You shake your head, not able to imagine him doing anything else. Javier Peña was born to put bad guys away, no matter what form he did it in. "Like it's a damn good thing that Chucho has your cousins basically running the ranch, because you're a crime fighting guy to the bones."
“She hated it.” Javi shrugs. “I get it. It’s not an easy life.” He could have respected if she hadn’t been able to handle it. It was trying to change him that bothered him so much.
"That's for damn sure." It's also part of why you had never held onto a relationship long enough for it to be considered long-term. "Every guy I've ever dated has fully expected me to quit my job and get pregnant immediately. They want to turn me into a perfect little housewife. Now I'm not saying I'm against being a housewife, but it's just not for me."
“I don’t think any man would be happy to have his pregnant wife chasing sicarios, muñeca.” He murmurs. “I would chain you to your desk.”
"Who says I want kids? Who says I even want to get married?" You do, but for the sake of this exercise you're willing to be theoretical with him. "Having a conversation about it, or deciding together – that's different. But informing me that I will be living how they want me to with no other option because 'the man knows best' is just intolerable." It earns him a raised eyebrow from you. "If you tried to chain me to my desk, I'd knee you in the balls."
“I would take the pain if it meant you were not running across rooftops in the communas while you are pregnant.” He jokes, although he is kind of serious. “Limit it to one ball though. I would need the other if you wanted a second baby.”
He seems not to be entirely terrified of the topic, so you humor him with a smirk as you eat your arepa. "No running across rooftops if you ever knock me up, and you only get kicked in one ball instead of both. Got it. See? That's a compromise."
He rolls his eyes and chuckles, trying to ignore the thought of what would go into knocking you up. “So generous.” He grumbles sarcastically.
"It's fairly realistic, considering how stubborn we both are." You point out, enjoying the way it makes his cheeks turn pink to talk about. It's nice to know you aren't alone in the daydream even if he will never let it come to anything.
“You would try or threaten to shoot me within a month.” Humor seems to be a safe place to stand, especially when he can still feel your lips on his.
"I would not shoot you." It makes you laugh to imagine, though, and you manage to pull yourself back from the thought of getting pregnant to just being pregnant. "Unless the hormones get to me. Then I can't be held responsible."
“No gun when hormonal.” He hums, leaning back and grinning. “Got it.”
"It might finally get those CIA fuckers in line though." A thought which makes you fully guffaw. "An armed and pregnant DEA agent would be just enough of a pain in the ass to make them avoid me."
Javi laughs with you, aware that you would be given a wide berth if that were the case. “Escobar would be scared of you.” He jokes. “He would just– turn himself in.”
"In that case I need to be pregnant and on a plane back to Colombia immediately." The two of you giggling together is such a catharsis that you lean back in your chair and throw your whole self into laughing. "It would be studied in academy texts for years."
“They would be sending knocked up women to all the investigations.” He predicts. “Duty station of choice if you’re squeezing out a kid.”
You snort, taking a sip of your beer as you conjure that image in your mind. "But you have to be kept around your husband while you're there, and your husband isn't allowed to do a goddamn thing to help you ever. They need pregnant women who are at their maximum level of frustration."
“They are required to leave their dirty underwear on the floor.” Javi adds. “Especially when she’s too big to see her feet.”
"Tripping on dirty underwear sounds like the actual fastest way to make anyone mad." It earns him another snort, though, and you have to put the rest of your arepa down because you're laughing so hard. "There's wiretaps in everything so the second they hear your voice start to rise or worse...if you actually want to spend time with him? He's instantly sent to a poker night with his boys or something."
“He has to get drunk at the bar and come stumbling home to piss in your favorite potted plant.” Javi snorts. It’s good to see you relaxed, happy and laughing. Even better that it’s with him and he doesn’t want the moment to end.
"Nooo!" You frown instantly, pouting dramatically to make him laugh. "Not my plants!"
“Your favorite plants!” He insists, grinning and shaking his head. “And of course it dies a painful death.”
"Murphy's gonna fuckin' kill my plants." This time the pout is real, but you still chuckle through it, knowing that it isn't the end of the world. "If I ever get back to Colombia, I'll be starting from scratch."
“You will.” Javi predicts seriously. “You are going to go back. I know it.”
"Hopefully we both get to go back." It would be the nail in the coffin of any prayer of a relationship with him that you could have, but at least he would be happy. He would still be in your life, and you would both have your work, and you would make it okay as long as he got to be happy.
“That would be good.” You’re a damn fine agent and they would be lucky to have you back again.
"You deserve to be there." More than anyone else, Javi deserves to be in that fight and everyone knows it. "But just in case I can't go back with you, you gotta tell them about our pregnant agent plan, okay?"
“I will.” Javi’s already made up his mind. If he has to cash in every favor he has, he’s going to send you back to Colombia.
"Javier." An ice cold voice from behind you says his name like he's about to be sent to the principal's office, and you nearly jolt in your seat from the interruption of the surprisingly soft moment you were just having. To your surprise and amusement, the figure standing over your shoulder is a boring-looking blonde with a very curious look on her face. "Didn't expect to see you here."
“Lorraine.” Javi nods and sits up, halfway rising out of his chair but then he decides to stay seated. “I could say the same.” He admits. “How have you been?”
"Never better." She tips her nose up, giving you the distinct impression that she's lying. "Randy and I were just getting the kids ready to go home, but I thought I should at least say hello." Lorraine bristles slightly, casting an eye down at you. "Since the odds of seeing you at a wedding are so slim and all."
Javi takes the barb, accepting that out of everyone, she has the right to say something. “Apparently it’s just my own that I have an aversion to.” He jokes before he introduces you to his ex.
"Yes," she sniffs slightly when you put out your hand to her in the only polite gesture you can muster in the moment. "The girlfriend. I heard."
The venom in her tone surprises Javi, considering she’s gone on to marry Randy and have two children. Who are currently playing with his cousin’s kids. He watches as you shake hands and he feels the need to curl his arm around your shoulders. “Word travels fast, apparently.” He hums.
“It’s all over town.” She barely puts her hand in yours, weakly bent wrist and fingers as floppy as a fish snatched away as quickly as possible.
“People like to gossip.” He shrugs causally. “Wouldn’t be the first time people have talked about me.”
“You never give them reason not to,” she snipes, before standing up straight as a post again, like the stick inside her ass just reset itself.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” Her prim Church Lady Holier-Than-Thou bullshit almost has you careening up out of your chair but you keep your voice down to a hiss. This is somebody else’s big day and you’re not here to ruin that. “Did you seriously come over here just to say ‘hey I still hate you’?”
Javi unwinds his arm from around you, dropping it down to your thigh to squeeze it. “It’s okay, muñeca.” He reassures you softly. He doesn’t want a scene at his cousin’s wedding. He flashes her an apologetic look and his eyes slide towards her husband and children. “Seems like things worked out.” He points out. “You look….happy.”
“No thanks to you.” Lorraine looks you over, clearly turning up her nose when her appraisal is over, and huffs. “Anyway, I heard you’re not staying. That’s for the best.”
“It depends.” Javi is annoyed with her tone, but he grins, lacing his fingers with yours. “I think she likes the idea of a hometown family wedding.”
“I want whatever you want, mi guerrero.” However doting it might have sounded by accident, the soft sentiment and wistful tone in your voice is honest. If he decides to take the chance, you would drive in with him wholeheartedly.
It's not to annoy Lorraine, who used to plaster herself to Javi's side and beg him for kisses when they were out on the town, but simply because he wants to. He leans in and presses his lips to yours softly. "I love you." The words are said because they are true and you have heard them. You know how he feels because of his confession.
The stiff, priggish huff from above you makes no difference at this moment. All that matters in the soft, warm press of his lips and the way his words warm through you completely. If it’s the only time you’ll ever hear them like this, you’re going to savor them forever. “I love you, too.”
Javi hums, nudging his nose against yours before he pulls back. His heart thumping in his chest as you smile at him. When you finally look up again, drifting back to reality on the gorgeous feeling of lightness, Lorraine is nowhere in sight. "I think we annoyed her," you giggle softly, wishing you had the freedom to steal another kiss.
"I wasn't trying to do that." Javi hums, even though he is grinning back at you. "Not really. It's just a...perk."
"I would have thought it was the other way around." One hand finds his cheek softly, but you don't let the feeling linger. The last time you touched him even innocently, it had set you on fire.
He hates when you pull away, wanting to lean into your touch and chase your fingers on his skin. "Do you want to leave soon?" He asks. "Since we have ruffled some feathers?"
"Only if you do." A glimpse of a blonde walking out the door says that Lorraine is leaving, and people will always gossip no matter what, but if Javi is enjoying himself then you'll stay here forever. "This is your family, we can stay as long as you want."
"We can leave." Javi hums. He's full and the gossip is going to ramp up. He would rather not make you endure the entire saga of his canceled wedding.
"We should let your dad know." Especially if he wants to go home. Taking the truck means Chucho will either need to call you to come pick him up later or he'll need to get a ride from one of his numerous friends.
Javi nods, wiping his hands on his jeans as he stands. "I'll go let Pop know."
There are several rounds of goodbyes, ultimately, and Javi's family showers you in affectionate hugs and dozens of cheek kisses before sending the two of you on your way. "They love you," you hum, not dropping his hand as you stroll out of the building into the later afternoon sun.
"It's because I'm not around." Javi snorts as he guides you towards the truck, keys in hand. "They remember the boy I was."
"You're still worth loving." And the idea that he would think anything different is utterly ridiculous to your mind.
"Maybe." Javi doesn't dwell on it, moving to open the passenger door for you and watching you as you approach it.
"Definitely." And you're not going to get in the damn truck while he's being self-deprecating. "You're a better man than you give yourself credit for."
He rolls his eyes, not believing you, but he figures this is something you are going to be stubborn about. "Yeah, okay, sure." He huffs after a long moment. "Will you get in the truck?"
"One day you're going to believe me," you promise him, relenting and climbing into the cab.
"Perhaps." Javi sighs. "Or perhaps you will believe me."
"Nope." There are very few things in the world he could ever do to make you lose respect for him or stop loving him – and they really are things that Javier Peña would never do. "We're both too stubborn for our own good. Deal with it."
"Whatever you say." He rolls his eyes again, lips trying to suppress his grin as he closes the door to walk around the hood. You are just as stubborn as he is, but he doesn't mind you believing in him.
The drive back to the ranch is mostly quiet. The radio plays while Javi drives, and halfway down the long road from downtown out to the house, you take a chance on slipping your hand over his on the gear shift. He accepts it wordlessly, like he has the rest of today, but the warmth that runs through you is inescapable.
It's only when you are pulling back up to the ranch that Javi pulls his hand away. Hating the loss of your warmth, he looks over at you once the engine is cut. "Hell of a day."
“Not too bad, hopefully?” The idea of the exercise, of acting like his girlfriend all day, was never to tease or taunt him. But just to give you both a moment of warmth in the midst of everything that was seeming to go wrong.
"No, it was a pretty good day." He admits, staring at you as if he is making a decision. Fighting himself once again.
“And now we have some time to do whatever we want.” Although you wonder what that would be. He could suggest almost anything and you would agree.
"Muñeca." His jaw clenches and he takes a breath. "I– I don't know what's going to happen in D.C." He reminds you. "But, we have tonight."
“Are you…” Sitting there in the cab of his father’s truck, you can practically feel your jaw hit the floorboards. “Are you…suggesting that we evict MacGyver?”
"Unless you want the dog to watch?" He asks, lifting a brow in amusement.
You practically climb over the center console, fusing your lips to his greedily and letting one hand cup his cheek as the other finds its way into his hair with the depth of the kiss. He could invite the entire town to watch and you wouldn’t care.
Javi groans your name against your lips, immediately crushing you against him and his hands turn greedy. Pulling you out of the truck and pressing you against the side. The neediness is only matched by how giddy you feel, and the second you’re both out of the truck you’re pulling him toward the house. “Can’t get in trouble for fucking while we were both suspended.”
"Fuck it." Javi is already unbuttoning his shirt when he has to take his hands off of you. Dropping it on the front porch.
When you come together again it’s like an explosion. One that scatters clothing and moans to the wind and sends both dogs skittering in confusion. Pieces of furniture or doorways in the way are staging areas that you will be pressed against on your way back to the bedroom and nothing more.
At the entrance to the bedroom, Javi licks into your mouth desperately, his cock grinding against you. "Muñeca." He murmurs, kissing along your jaw once he can tear his lips away from yours. "I love you."
“I love you, too.” Your dress lays discarded in the hallway somewhere, your shoes and purse and Javi’s shoes and belt along with it. There will be no doubt of what the two of you have gotten up to when Chucho gets home, but neither of you is even thinking of that right now. Right now Javi is steering you blindly toward the bed and your hands are trying desperately to open his jeans before he manages it.
By the time that the back of your knees hit the bed, his hand has abandoned his jeans. Certain that you would take care of freeing him from the tight confines of the denim, he plunges his thick fingers into your panties, twisting his hand and finding your folds.
“Oh shit—” He swallows your moan completely, adding one of his own to it when you finally manage to pop the buttons on his jeans and get your hand inside. His cock is a s hard as your pussy is wet, making both of you cling that much tighter to each other as you topple backward into the mattress.
"Fuck your cunt is hot." He groans, pushing his fingers deeper, pushing them up inside you to curl up. It's just as hot and tight as he had imagined, several times while he was inside another woman, but he wouldn't tell you that.
“Jesus—fuck—oh my god, Javi—” You knew he would be good. Dozens of women didn’t hang on his every fucking word and expression for no reason. But to feel it is something so utterly different that it has scrambled your mind almost immediately.
"So sweet." He nips your jaw and pumps his fingers into your heat slowly. "Jesus Christ, you feel so good. Imagined this cunt. How you would feel around me."
“Imagined how good your cock would feel.” With one hand around his length, the long strokes you make up and down have his veins pulsing gorgeously. “Jeans don’t leave a goddamn thing to the imagination.”
"Fuck." He hisses, rolling his hips forward. "They are comfortable."
“Drive me fucking crazy every single day.” You pump his cock eagerly, every thrust of his fingers making you nearly grip too tight.
"You fucking drove me crazy." He moans. "C–constantly visiting Gabby to get you out of my head."
“Named my favorite dildo Javi,” you admit with a smirk, twisting underneath him to unclasp your bra. “Still not as good as this cock is going to be.”
"You don't know that." He smirks and ducks his head down to bite your nipple and then sucks on it when you pull your bra off. "Could be horrible at fucking."
“Doubtful.” The way you gasp and undulate under him is practically making the windows fog and you couldn’t give less of a shit. “Very fucking doubtful. I’ve seen the cock drunk looks on the typists’ faces the next day.”
He chuckles and hums as he sucks on your breast again. "I didn't care about them." He reminds you.
“Neither do—fuck—I.” That tongue of his is going to be the death of you. Clever with words but cleverer with pleasure. “Was so fucking jealous, though.”
"They weren't you." He coos, kissing up your chest and then pressing his lips to yours. "No one was you."
The fluttering that carries through you is so deep and so true that you stop altogether, caressing his cheek with your other hand. “I love you, cariño. Since the day we met, I think. There’s just…there’s no one in the world like you.”
"Can't account for taste." He teases gently, nuzzling in your hand. He closes his eyes and sighs softly. "I love you."
“I love you.” As many times as he says it, you will repeat it back to him, reminding him that he is not alone in this feeling. That he never has to be alone again. “And no piece of shit bureaucrat is going to stop me.”
He hums and then starts to tug your panties down. Wanting to touch you. “Fuck–fuck, need a condom.” He needs to be inside you but he's not bought condoms in forever and he damn sure wouldn't trust any that were in this room.
“I’m safe.” The idea of stopping now, when he has your panties halfway down your thighs and his cock out for you to drool over, is absolutely unacceptable. “Thank god for birth control, right?”
"Best invention ever." Javi groans, rushing to kiss you again before he pulls away to his knees so he can strip off your panties and kick off his jeans.
If you giggle at his enthusiasm it’s only because it matches your own. The erratic way your heart is beating says everything needs to: whatever comes next, this night is just for the two of you. It’s probably less suave than he would have imagined, sliding between your thighs. Need making him impatient and fumbling. It had been a long time since he had been so emotionally connected during something like this.
The first kiss of pressure when he slides the head of his cock through your dripping folds and begins to push forward is ecstasy. There is no thought for who else either of you may have touched, no moment of claiming or possession. It is togetherness in the purest sense of the term that has you gasping out loud, moaning his name into the Texas sunset. It feels like you’ve finally found the missing piece of you when Javi fills you completely, and your arching back brings you up to press as much of your body against his as you can manage.
Every second inside you makes his breathing ragged. Now because of the physical act, he’s had sex, great sex. It’s because it’s you. It feels like home. It’s the only way he can describe the way his entire body simultaneously lights up and goes numb to all but the slightest sounds you make as your eyes flutter close and the most delicate whine rips from your parted lips.
“Javi…” Breathing his name again, you wrap one arm around his shoulders and the other braces on the bed beneath you. Like this you can meet every thrust and ply kisses from him with every roll of your hips.
“Fuck, muñeca.” Javi groans, holding you closer as he starts a pace that isn’t quite frantic but enthusiastic.
“So f—fucking perfect.” Already there are beads of sweat down your back and along your forehead, the movements of your bodies eager and fierce as you come together.
His teeth snap together as he pushes into you harder, enough to make your body jolt and a perfect little squeal erupt from your chest.
“Fuck!” It’s good – so good – it’s perfect – the way he feels buried in your pussy, but you need more. You need to be branded by every inch of him so that you can return to this night over and over again in the years to come. “Let me—on your back, baby. Wanna ride you.”
He groans, nodding as he steals a last kiss before reluctantly pulling away. “You knew this was going to happen when we danced.” He pants, accusing you of planning this, but only playfully.
“Hoped.” You can admit that as he sprawls out on his back, giving you the chance to admire him before you straddle his hips and line yourself up to sink down on him. “Honestly thought I was being well behaved for not choosing a slow song.”
“Slow would have been better,” he groans, grabbing your hip when you reach down and wrap your talented hand around his cock. Lifting up so you can take him again. “Driven me crazy.”
“Then we’re even.” Another whine tears from your throat as you sink down on him, but there is no adjustment period this time. Your cunt is slick enough to take three of him and you’re not about to lose this moment to anything. Encouraging his other hand up to your tits, you start to move with the kind of enthusiasm that has sweat beading on your skin all over again.
You look like a fucking goddess. Or maybe a siren. Either way, you tempt him to reach for more. His hands squeeze and hold you like he is afraid you will slip out of his grasp.
“Dreamed about this.” It all comes tumbling out of your mouth as you bounce on him, tight walls of your pussy welcoming him deep inside you every time. “Riding you on the fuck—file room floor. Getting you to bend me over your desk and claim me.”
“You�� you like that kind of thing?” Javi groans and twitches deep inside your cunt when you clench around him.
“Not before you,” you admit, looking down at him as you roll and twist your hips. “Now I want it so bad.”
He groans again, hisses slightly at how good it feels when you do that. “Why?” He gasps out.
"You. Would shout it from the f–fuck–ing rooftops." The moan that escapes you is loud enough that you're grateful no one else is home. That, and the fact that you've never been this fucking chatty during sex before. Chucho would find out a whole lot about you if he was home.
He chuckles, more like gasps in amusement as you slam down on his cock again. Groaning your name as he watches you bounce on him. “Fuck, fuck baby.”
"So fucking good." His hand on your hip grips you tightly and you never falter in your pace, working you both toward an end that is going to leave both of you rattling.
“Jesus Christ.” Javi hisses, throwing his head back into the pillow as his hips jerk up. “Fuck baby, you– oh fuck.”
"Didn't think you were the only good lay at the embassy, did you?" You tease, breathless and moaning at the way his cock seems to drill all the way into your belly when you slam your hips down to meet his again.
"You– fuck, you develop a reputation?" He asks, smirking up at you and moaning again when you roll your hips.
"CIA fucks tried." Not that you had let them anywhere near you. They weren't Javi, first of all, and they didn't give you an ounce of respect. Kind of like the guys from Milgroup who tried to get in your pants before they knew you were an agent. "Only wanted you."
He hums, proud of that even though it wasn't fair how much he indulged. Right now they don't matter, nothing matters but you and he lunges up to kiss you.
It catches you off guard enough to send you tumbling to the mattress again, and Javier is above you again before sliding back inside you so easily that the wet pull of your cunt is barely an echo of the way all your nerve endings set off one by one. You were already so close to cumming that your legs were beginning to shake, and the look in his eyes says you're about to be pounded in the mattress in the most breathless and loving way possible.
There has always been an edge to his fucking, a roughness that normally presents itself in the bite of his teeth or harshness if his grip. This time, he uses the sharp snaps of his hips to make sure that you feel every inch of his cock pummel your pussy as he stakes his claim on you.
It's exactly what you said you wanted -- this feeling of being claimed – and you simply let go. He can have you any way he wants as long as he is still fucking you and you won't have a single thing to say about it except to ask for more.
The muscle in his jaw and neck strain as he rocks into you at a pace that keeps your moans breathless and ragged. Hissing again at how good it feels to be inside you.
"Oh fuck — oh fuck, Javi–" His name barely makes it past your lips as your hands tighten on him and you let out another, tighter cry. The air is full of the wet slap of skin on skin and your body is pulling tight as a bowstring. "I'm gonna cum baby, fuck."
“Yes.” Javi groans. “Yesssss.” Feeling your body start to buck and tremble under him and he keeps driving into you. Wanting you to cum for him.
It doesn't take more than another three or four strokes before your vision turns white and stars spark behind your eyes, a long moan pouring from your open lips and his name following after it like he has just fucked it out of the depths of his soul with the last thrust.
Right when you clench down on him, Javi's entire body stiffens. Unable to do more than just tumble over the edge after you and thrust deep, feeling the purest pleasure he has ever known wrack his body as your orgasm heightens his own.
"Holy hell." When you can breathe again you're immediately reaching to wrap your arms around him, pulling Javi close and keeping him there with no thought to having his weight pressing you further into the bed.
Humming, Javi's body relaxes and he sighs as he turns his head to snuggle into your neck and kiss your pulse. "Like that?"
"I'll..." You swallow the bittersweet reality of it as you lie with him in your arms. "I'll never forget it." You can promise him that. Even if tomorrow comes and he wants these moments kept in the folder in his mind meant for daydreams, you will never forget a single second of it.
He groans quietly and shakes his head. "Hard to ever forget."
"I won't say it again if you don't want me to, but...I love you, Javi." The pretending was worth it. You don't regret the decision for a second. But putting your feelings back on the shelf is going to be harder than you had originally thought, and you already knew it was going to be difficult.
"I love you too." Javi pulls back and reaches up to caress your face gently and kiss you one more time before he starts to pull out of you gently.
“Bet you didn’t have this on your Bingo card for having me stay at the ranch.” Laughter is good, it keeps you from sinking down or thinking too much about how this really might be a once in a lifetime experience.
"No," Javi can admit that, rolling onto his back and wishing that he could have a cigarette. Chucho didn't allow smoking in the house and he didn't want to put on pants and go outside. He opens one arm and offers you a place to snuggle up. "I don't think you expected it either."
"Expect? No." His open arm is beckoning you and you curl up against him happily. A cigarette would be fucking perfect right now but you're not even sure where you dropped your purse even if Chucho did allow it inside. "But a girl can hope."
"It's hard to resist you." He admits, looking up at the ceiling as his arm closes around you and his fingers start to map your skin gently. "Hardest thing I've ever fucking done. And I failed."
“Can’t say I’m upset about it, honestly.” If you even claimed it that would be a horrible lie. His soft touches are as tantalizing as his rougher ones, and it is making your skin tingle.
“I gathered.” He hums, smirking slightly. “If I could move I would be having a cigarette right now.” He admits, laughing at himself.
"You and me both," you hum back, feeling a tiny bit embarrassed with how your mouth ran away with you.
“We have D.C. in a few days.” Javi thinks out loud as he watches the fan spin lazily.
"I know." It will mean going back to being coworkers. Leaving this day – this night – behind you and being professional again. You've already gotten suspended for fucking one partner. You don't need to get in trouble for both.
"If I get fired, I've decided that I'm going to come back here." He announces softly, turning his head and looking over at you. "What will you do? Any plans?"
“I have no idea.” And considering you’re pretty certain that you’ll end up getting the boot, you should probably think about it. “Could see if the Marshals will take me back. Or try local PD wherever I end up, I suppose.”
"You know....Pop likes you." He ventures, not daring to look over at you while he broaches the subject. "And MacGuyver is in love with you too. Poor boy would be missing all the love you shower on him. And the scraps you slip him."
It isn’t as subtle or smooth as he thinks it is, the way he lays the idea out for you to consider, and you turn your head to watch him inspect the ceiling instead of actually looking at you. “Are you asking me to stay, Jav? As in stay with you?”
He swallows slightly and opens his mouth a few times, half sounds coming out before he closes it again. Sighing as he rolls his head to the side to meet your gaze and nodding. "Guess I am." He shrugs one shoulder and shoots you a self deprecating grin. "If that's something you would want if you get fired."
“Alright,” you manage to swallow an almost giddy sound and nod, holding yourself to just a broad smile. “If we get fired, I’ll stay.”
"Alright." He nods back at you and tries to smother the pleased look on his face. "If we get fired, we will get into Pop's hair."
“I don’t want to ruin the mood…” you sigh despite yourself. “What if only one of us gets fired?”
"If you get fired, you have a place here then too." He promises, frowning slightly as he tries to imagine what he would do. "If I get fired..." he shakes his head. "You have Pop's number." He grunts. "If you need anyone to talk to when you're on a stakeout."
“If I get fired, you want me to keep living with your dad?” It’s sweet, actually, the way he twists the situations and tries not to overstep. It’s not like you have anywhere else to go, but the way he says it is sweet and almost tentative.
"He's old and he snores way too loud when he's in that damn recliner...." Javi jokes, his hand sliding up and down your back. "But I know he would love the company. Especially if you keep making that one recipe."
“He grows so many damn leeks in his garden, I don’t know how he wasn’t making potato leek soup for years already.” Chancing it, you place a kiss on his shoulder and just let yourself smile. “I don’t want this to be the end either, Jav…I just don’t want you to feel like you have to offer me a place here.”
"I know I don't." His brows knit together and he shakes his head. "That's not why I'm offering. I– if you don't want to stay, you don't have to."
“I want to be with you,” you clarify, and lean up on your arm in his bed. “Fired or otherwise. Long distance or right in the same bed. Fuck, I’d go back to Colombia as a civilian if you asked me to. But only if that’s what you really want.”
"I don't know what will happen, muñeca." He admits softly. "But I don't want to go back to pretending that you are just my work partner."
“Then we will figure it out.” The lines in his face crease when he frowns, all except the slight crows feet by his eyes, and you trace them with your finger without realizing really what you’re doing. “We’ll see what the big bosses say, and we’ll figure out what it means for us.” You shoot him a sly smirk. “And the dog is going to have to learn how to sleep elsewhere again, because leaving the door open isn’t gonna happen anymore.”
"Oh yeah?" The frown slides into a grin that is slightly mischievous. "Why is that?"
“Because,” you pretend to roll your eyes, like you’re sighing over him not getting your joke even though he’s teasing. “As much as I love MacGyver? I’d rather we have the freedom to fall asleep naked, exhausted, and smelling like really good sex.”
"Really good sex." He grunts, his hand coming down to squeeze your ass. "So I need to tell Pop not to poke his head in and check on us during the night anymore."
“Probably for the best.” You snort, not realizing he had been doing that at all. “Unless you want your dad to get an eye full.”
"Might excite the old man into having a heart attack." He chuckles. "Damn near stopped my heart."
“All respect and love to Chucho, but that’s not a view of me I want him to have.” Javier, however? He could tie you up naked to enjoy the view and your only question would be if he was ever going to join you.
"Then I suggest we share a shower before pop gets home." He hums. "We could always sneak out to the back porch to smoke a cigarette naked. No one workin' today."
“Depends.” Sitting up again, you stretch your arms over your head and sigh out happily. “Do you need a little longer? Because I was going to suck your cock in the shower.”
"Fuck." Javi groans, and his cock twitches slightly. "Cigarette, shower, then another cigarette."
“You’re on.” The giggle that floats out of you is easy and free, and you glance back at the shut door guiltily. “And we should probably pick up the mess we made on our way in.”
"Less Pop knows we stripped in the house, the less shit we get." He admits, patting your ass in appreciation and watching you sit up.
“Then get your ass moving, Peña.” You grin and shake your own a little when you get up. “I’m gonna track down my purse.”
"You know you were never actually my boss, right?" He grumbles as he stands up and stretches, scratching his ass before he follows you out of the room. "Being bossy doesn't mean you're the boss."
“Oh, I know I wasn’t before this.” When you smirk at him over your shoulder, it’s devilish. “But we’ve crossed over, cariño. The rules have changed. Girlfriends are always the boss.”
"Great." He scoffs, shaking his head and trying not to smirk. "That's just fuckin' great."
"Agent Peña, how much do you know about the Cali Cartel?" The question hangs in the air thicker than cigarette smoke, with Spencer staring down his nose at Javier like a headmaster with an exceptional yet naughty pupil.
Javi shifts in his seat, slightly exhausted from the night of hotel sex that you and he had indulged in. Since you both had to pay for your lodging, he had booked a room that had a jacuzzi tub in the middle of the room and a mirror on the ceiling over the bed. It had been a good fucking night. "I do." He nods, looking back at the man in confusion. He had been brought here for a disciplinary meeting was the working assumption.
"How much?" Spencer prompts again, leaning forward in his chair. If Peña is going to be useless to him then it doesn't matter. But if he has his nose in as much information as people seem to think he does, then Javier Peña may still be an asset to the agency.
Javi shifts and repositions in the chair and stares at the bureaucrat. "Run by Gilberto and Miguel Rodriguez, Cali is estimated to produce over eight percent of the cocaine in the world." He tells him conversationally. "Less violent than Escobar, at least publically. The ‘Gentlemen of Cali’ have legitimate businesses that cover their less than legal enterprises and I'd put their operation at about..." He bobbles his head. "Twenty billion dollars per year."
"Have you had dealings with them? Run-ins? Good information? Things that can be worked with?" Information is its own kind of currency, and Spencer isn't trying to sound greedy for it but that definitely is what he is.
"Their second in command – at least as much as you could call him that – Pacho Herrera, was involved with Escobar." He senses that Spencer wants what Javi knows and pounces on that. "I've still got plenty of connections that deal with him." He shrugs. "Personal ones, you know?"
"Ones that will only work with you." Spencer nods in understanding. Sometimes that is the way criminal informants operate. Everyone in law enforcement understands.
"That's right." He agrees, leaning back in his chair slightly. Waiting for the man to offer the opportunity. From the tone of the meeting it was coming.
"When you're reinstated we'll need you to initiate contact again right away." To the bureaucrat, of course, there is no question. Peña will take the job they are prepared to offer him because he would be an idiot not to. And Javier Peña is many things, but very few people have ever considered him an idiot. "Station Chief is a little different than you're used to but the hours are better and the office is comfortable."
His brow arches in surprise and he waits another minute before he speaks again. He can see Spencer getting impatient, wanting his answer in the affirmative. "Under one condition." He says finally.
"Depends on what it is," the man chuckles, fully expecting a negotiation for an absurd salary jump or some kind of provisional luxury that would be out of the question. He could whittle it down to something doable and they would both consider it a win.
Javi says your name and waits for recognition to register on Spencer's face. "She comes with me to Colombia, and the disciplinary letter is removed from her file."
"Jesus." He sits back, rolling his eyes a little and huffing. "What does this woman have that seems to make all our agents lose their minds over her?" Spencer shakes his head, ready to say no when he sees the dead serious cut of Peña's jaw. "Why her?" He asks instead. "Why not get Murphy back?"
"Murphy’s going back to Miami." Javi reminds him, knowing that being home is the best thing for his and Connie's relationship. "He’ll be happy where he is and she's a good agent." He insists. "Better than Murphy, better than me."
"She's a liability." He reminds the agent on the other side of his desk. "Too emotional. Too sentimental."
"It won't be a problem." Javi assures him. "She's going, one way or another, so you might as well get an agent out of it."
That makes Spencer hesitate, and he looks up from the papers in front of him to level Peña with a stern expression. "You know there is a hard and fast fraternization rule if you're her superior, don't you?"
"Doesn't count if the relationship was established before the promotion." Javi answers, calling his bluff.
"You'll have to provide documentation." This is going sideways just a little and Spencer pulls tight on the reins to make sure he doesn't lose control. "If you can do that, it's all clear."
Javi huffs in amusement and nods. "Fine." He shrugs, the tickets to Texas and the pictures that you had taken on the ranch of the two of you should suffice. "She retains agent status, then?"
Spencer sighs, longer and more irritated than it should be, but it is what it is. "As long as she treads carefully. You're responsible for her now, Peña."
"She should have just gotten a slap on the wrist the last time and you know it." Javi stands and rolls his shoulders back. "We done here?"
"My secretary has your paperwork. Sign it and tell her where to mail your tickets to Colombia. You're back in that embassy in a week," He flashes a murky, insincere smile. "Enjoy the rest of your vacation, Chief."
Nodding, Javi doesn't offer the man his hand, just turns to walk out of the office to find you sitting in a chair on the other side of a very bored looking secretarial desk. "You're up." He murmurs, not wanting to tell you about what had just happened until after you are out of this building.
"Don't sound so excited about it." You try to laugh so that you don't seem nervous, but pass him into the office with a deep exhale. "Sir." It's reflex to close the door behind you, but you don't sit until Spencer waves his hand at the chair that Javi was just occupying.
"Sit." His original plan had been to give you your walking papers, kicking you out of the DEA, but that had been changed by Javier Peña. "This shouldn't take long."
"Yes, sir." You knew it. To keep from deflating, you sit up in that chair as ramrod straight as humanly possible and fold your hands in your lap. You're getting fired. You knew it.
Despite his assurances that it wouldn't take long, Spencer spends several moments shuffling papers and scribbling furiously. He will have to have your records put back and he pulls out the disciplinary letter out of your file to be shredded. "When did you start fucking Peña, agent?" He asks, not looking up as he continues to write. "Before or after you returned to the United States?"
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. You swallow harshly but make sure that your face doesn't change whatsoever. "After, sir."
Spencer finally looks up, watches you for a moment and then nods. "Peña said the same." He tells you. "Relationships between a station chief and an agent are frowned upon, but..." He shakes his head and sighs. "It can't be censured if it happened before a promotion as was just pointed out to me." He stares at you, jaw clenched before he shoots you a bland smile. "Pack your things, agent." He tells you. "You're going back to Colombia."
"Thank you, sir." That is a whole lot of news to take in all at once, and you have to hold yourself up by sheer force of will so that you don't just deflate with relief on the spot. "Immediately?"
"As soon as your tickets can be purchased." He nods before he points at you. "It's your last chance." He warns you. "Peña put his own ass on the line for you. So if you fuck up..." He shrugs. "He can't save you."
"I understand, sir." Life by the book is going to be an interesting way to live with Javier Peña beside you, but it's an adventure you're excited to take.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord
IFYM: @southernbe @therealmrspascal 
My Masterlist!
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theyrealllesbians · 2 months
Hey, I was on holiday and didn't have my laptop, so I couldn't post the first chapter of the jegulus fake dating fic. BUT!!! i am planning on posting it tomorrow!!!!!
I'll post it on ao3 as well as here. I'm very excited and think it's a pretty good first chapter.
edit: I've just posted the first chapter, so check it out!!! (it's on Tumblr and AO3)
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security-chief-odo · 10 months
The Fake Dating Job - Chapter 3
Elliot Spencer x Reader
Chapter 1 & Chapter 2
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Note: So sorry for the hiatus. Life got in the way. Thank you for sticking around and being so patient with me 💕
Word Count: ~1.9k
Description: You wake up in a comfortable warmth the morning of the wedding. This leaves Eliot consuming your every thought as you get ready.
• • •
You start to stir as you feel the light of the sun creep through the sheer curtains of the hotel room. You feel a comfortable warmth envelop you and sink further into it, seeking shelter from the harsh chill of the room.
Suddenly you feel the bed shift under you and realize the warmth you’re feeling is Eliot’s chest beneath you. His arms are wrapped around you as he pulls you close in his sleep.
A soft smile graces Eliot’s no longer sleeping face as he feels you cuddle closer to him. He knows he won’t often get the chance to hold you like this so he pretends to not notice the way you breathe hitches with every movement. He may never get to hold you like this again but he will dream happily at night at just the memory of your soft skin against his calloused hands.
You lay there, eyes now open, as still as you can and just soak in this seemingly unconscious act of affection. This isn’t like every other touch of this torturous weekend. This is real, perhaps unintentional, but real nonetheless. This isn’t for an audience, this is just Eliot holding you to him as he rests.
Sadly the moment is ripped from you as you hear your sister knock on the door to your room. Eliot pretends to startle awake and you do the same as you quickly pull away from each other.
“Y/N!” your sister calls out. “We gotta get going. The makeup artist will be at the venue in half an hour.” Eliot lays back down, now that he knows the disturbance had nothing to do with him.
You sigh and roll out of bed. “I’ll meet you in the lobby in ten!”
You wash your face and brush your teeth as you try to calm your racing thoughts.
By the time you leave the bathroom, Eliot has settled back in to sleep, stretching his body across nearly the entire bed. You can’t help the smile that crosses your face at the sight of the nearly always tense hitter at ease for once.
You grab your dress and the small day bag you had for the trip and close the door as quietly as you can.
You and the other girls are chatting in the green robes your sister gave you each as gifts. You are in the middle of getting your hair done when a text lights up your phone.
Eliot: Did your sister plan lunch for all of you?
“Ooh, you’re blushing y/n” you hear the voice of your sister’s best friend from across the room, “Texting your new man?”
The other girls chuckle and they continue to talk amongst themselves.
You roll your eyes and pretend to ignore them, but can feel the blush light up your cheeks. You show your sister the text to get her answer.
“Mom talked about running to the store and picking up salads or sandwiches later. I just don’t want anything that will upset my stomach. It’s already in knots with everything else today.” She points down the hall and adds, “There’s a kitchen through there if you want her to pick you something to make instead though.”
“Thanks,” you reply as you type out your response.
Y/n: My mom might be picking something up. There’s a kitchen in the bridal suite so we have options. Why?
Eliot: Tell your mom not to worry about it. If it’s alright with your sister, I’ll take care of lunch for you ladies.
Your sister elbows you lightly as she teases, “Do you smile like that at every text or just when pretty boys with long hair text you?”
“You should see the smile I save for spam texts” you deadpan back at her. “Eliot wants to bring us all lunch if that’s alright with you.”
“He’s handsome, has a southern accent and he cooks? Should I be expecting the save the dates when I get back from my honeymoon?” The shit eating grin on her face widens at your clear embarrassment.
“So is that a yes on lunch?”
“Yeah, and tell him I said thank you.”
The hair stylist interrupts “Alright, you’re good to go and I’m ready for the bride.”
You swap places with your sister and grab your phone.
Y/n: She said she’d appreciate you bringing food.
Eliot: Perfect. I’ll be there in 30 and I’ll make y’all something fresh.
Y/n: Thanks! You’re the best fake boyfriend I’ve ever had.
Your heart sinks in your chest as you read over your own words. It is for the best to stay reminded of the reality of the situation. It would only hurt more if you let yourself get fully lost in it. In just a couple of days everything will return to normal and you’ll still be pining after Eliot and he will remain blissfully unaware.
You try to brush off these thoughts and be present with the others and most importantly, your sister. You put your phone away and rejoin the conversation. “Eliot said he’ll be here in 30 to make us lunch.”
“Damn,” your sister’s maid of honor chimes in, “Where did you find him again and does he have any single friends?”
You and the others laugh at her joke. “I don’t know, with looks like that, I’m more interested to know if he has a brother.” adds in one of the bridesmaids.
Before long the makeup artist is done with the mother of the groom’s makeup and it is your turn in the chair. You settle in and try to distract yourself from Eliot’s imminent arrival by listening to the idle conversation the other women are having.
Part of you is excited that he’s showing up, in small part due to the rumble your stomach lets out, but mostly just because it’s Eliot, and you are a fool who couldn’t help falling head over heels for him. The minutes pass as you try to calm your ever increasing heart rate, but the moment you hear a rapping at the door, your heart begins practically beating out of your chest.
The artist only has your makeup a little over halfway done, so the maid of honor lets him in.He drops off an armful of groceries in the kitchen that the maid of honor leads him to and follows her back to the room you are all in.
He smiles softly at you, which you miss completely as the artist works on your eye makeup. “Hey beautiful,” he says, setting your cheeks ablaze, before turning to the rest of the room,”I should have lunch ready for you ladies in about 20 minutes.” With that he turns on his heel and leaves the room before you have a moment to reply.
The makeup artist makes quick work of the rest of your makeup as the girls chatter around you. Your sister in the chair next to you looks over at you and teases “Damn, y/n. If that’s how he looks at you when you’re not even done being dolled up, I don’t know how he’s gonna tear his eyes away from you long enough to even notice there’s a wedding happening around him in a couple hours.”
In lieu of being able to roll your eyes at your sister, you opt to flip her off.
A bridesmaid chimes in “No, she’s right y/n. That man is absolutely smitten with you.” For a moment, you almost let yourself believe it, but you know he was just playing it up for the girls. After all, that’s what you asked him to do.
Moments later the artist wraps up and finally you are free to go see Eliot in the kitchen. You quietly approach, and of course Eliot hears your steps and knows exactly who it is, but he pretends not to notice you standing in the doorway. He likes when you watch him and maybe he knows if he took the time to look at you right now, he wouldn’t be able to resist holding you in his arms again and you leaving this morning already nearly broke him.
You take in his frame, his arms flexing under his henley as he expertly chops up the last couple of vegetables in front of him, a few strands of his hair falling into his face from his half-ponytail, and those jeans that fit his ass just a little too well for your thoughts to remain pure. Maybe it’s a good thing you’re already in love with him because this almost vulnerable sight would be enough to make anyone fall for him. “Hey beautiful,” you parrot his earlier words back at him.
A goofy, lopsided smile crosses his face, as he puts the knife down and begins assembling sandwiches. He looks into your eyes, not daring to even let his eyes drift as far as your nose. “Hey,” he almost whispers “What can I do for you?”
“You’re already doing more than enough Eliot. I really just came in here to say thank you. Not just for this,” you gesture at the food, “but for this entire weekend. I know it’s a lot to ask of anyone and I really appreciate you doing this for me. I owe you one”
Returning his attention to the food he replies “You don’t owe me a damn thing sweetheart. I’m just happy to help.” He begins cutting the sandwiches into fourths diagonally, of course and you start taking them and placing them on the tray to at least help a little.
Your heart skips a beat when your hands graze against each other as he hands you the pieces that were on the other side of the knife. It is far from the most intimate touch you have had with him, but just like this morning, the private moments, even the unintentional ones, are a lot harder to brush off as part of the performance.
As you finish laying the different kind of sandwiches on the tray, he goes to the fridge and grabs a charcuterie board he had clearly made himself before you entered the kitchen. It was this sight that finally made your stomach let out a rumble. He looked you up and down before asking “Hungry?” with a smile.
“A little.” you joke in return.
He reaches around you to grab the sandwich tray. With both hands full, he leans over and kisses your cheek before replying “Then lead the way princess.”
And with that small act, clearly not an accident nor an act you were left reeling as you rejoin the others. He places the two platters on the table before “I will see you this evening, but I think your sister would be pissed if I show up to the wedding like this.”
Your sister laughs, “Well, he’s not wrong.”
With that, he takes his leave with a quick peck on your lips and a polite wave to the room. Your heart is beating out of your chest and you can only hope nobody can tell.
• • •
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think
Taglist: @mini-kunoichi @javicstories @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @being-worthy@xkell-bellx @imaginecrushes @sleeplessskeleton @fablesrose
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romione-trope-fest · 9 months
It's Trope Time!!
Without further ado, this year's tropes are....🥁
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More detailed descriptions below:
Muggle AU
Coffee shop AU? Childhood best friends? Something we haven’t even imagined yet? The possibilities are endless with this one!
OOTP Missing Moments
Harry was a little too preoccupied with saving the world this year to notice his best friends falling in love with each other, and we missed so many moments as a result! From Prefect rounds to Hermione’s real reaction to that perfume, give us your favorite missing moments from fifth year!
Weasley Weddings
We know our favorite couple had a great time at Bill and Fleur’s wedding, but what about the other Weasley Weddings? Let’s hear about them - yes, including the most important one of all, Ron and Hermione’s!
Only One Bed
ThErE wAs OnLy OnE bEd. How they got there and what happens next is up to you!
Fake NOT Dating
First there was fake dating, and now we bring you fake NOT dating! (i.e. a secret/hidden relationship) How and why might Ron and Hermione have to hide their relationship?
Romione fans all know they’re meant for each other…but what if they were really, really meant for each other? We want to hear your take on this classic trope!
Cockblocker Harry
Poor Harry isn’t the most observant bloke, and he’s surely interrupted some quality time between Ron and Hermione over the years. Let’s get #potterblocked!
And with that, you've got two months! Ready, Set, Create!
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
Otp Wedding prompts? If you haven't already? 👀
List of “it’s the big day!” prompts
“Look, I don’t care what happens but you’re taking my last name after today.”
“Holy shit…” “What?” “You look fucking stunning.” “Do I not looking fucking stunning everyday?” “You do, but you look even more fucking stunning today.” 
“Well, aren’t I lucky to have you for life?” 
“You’re racing me down the aisle, right?” “That’s not how this works—”
“Let’s keep the kiss PG-13, yeah? There are kids here.” “I mean, I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee anything. Not with you looking like that.” 
“I do a thousand times.“
“What are you doing here?” “I’m here to take back what’s mine.”
“It’s funny how I said I’d never marry you but here we are.” 
“…About the thing where you wanted to marry me if we’re both still single by thirty—”
“Did you seriously invite your ex to our wedding?” “You did the same thing.”
“This wedding is fucking boring, I think you’re very fun, the night is young, and I propose that we should leave and take it back to my place.” (Bonus: “But this is our wedding?”)
“You’re late. Go get changed!” 
“Wake up, [name]! We’re late for the wedding!” “What wedding?” “Our wedding!” “…SHIT.”
“You guys are the main characters for today yet you both decide to come late? To your own wedding?” 
“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t.”
Going in for a second kiss because the first one isn’t enough. 
“I can’t believe this is the second time we’re walking down this aisle together.” 
Crying not because they’re happy but crying because they’re getting married to someone whom they don’t love. 
“Till death do us apart, my love,” Character A says with a vile smirk, and Character B clenches their jaw, forcing on a smile. “Not when I will be seeing you in hell with me,” Character B says through gritted teeth. 
“Remember that this is a marriage of convenience.” “How could I ever forget that when you keep constantly reminding me of it?”
“I can’t wait till the day I get to divorce you.” 
“I just… I still can’t believe I get to marry you.” “Well, you’d better start believing because it’s happening today, honey.”
“Can you come to my [relative]’s wedding as my fake date? I haven’t seen the bunch of them in a long time and I don’t want them asking me questions about why I’m still single.”  
“Let’s elope.”
In their wedding speech: “Bitch, you’re my ride or die for life.”
Getting emotional during their vows. 
Getting cold feet on the day of the wedding. 
The one who’s usually calm and collected bawling on the day of their wedding.
“Wanna ditch this shit with me?” Character A asks, offering a hand, and Character B grins, taking their hand and intertwining their fingers. “Gladly,” Character B says.
“Are you sure about this?” “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.” (Or, alternatively: “Are you seriously asking that as we stand at the altar?”)
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heyidkyay · 1 year
Who can say no to bridezilla? | Masterlist
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Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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sunnynwanda · 2 years
Wedding date
Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
“Please, please, can you go with me to my cousin's wedding?" 
Hero'd be lying if they said they didn't like the pleading look on Villain's face. Or the way their voice went up a couple octaves. Hero'd sure prefer the situation to be different. Something related but not limited to the bedroom. Definitely not on top of a moving train that they were trying to stop from getting hijacked. 
And that Villain was, in fact, hijacking. 
"You're joking, right?" Hero manages to block Villain's attack, sending an incredulous look their way. "And if you're not, how is hijacking a train a good way to invite someone to a wedding?” 
“Yeah, sorry 'bout that,” their archnemesis smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of their neck. “But we don't really meet under better circumstances, do we?”
Villain's justification is true, Hero has to admit it. Nothing surprising there, given that their Villain is the ‘intellectual kind’. That’s what they prefer to be called. Hero’d say “smartass’, but who’s asking. 
“Please help me just this once.” The way they drag their vowels catches Hero off guard. Are they... are they nervous? Now that they are thinking about it, Villain has avoided their gaze throughout the fight. 
“Why?” Hero asks, struggling to hide their curiosity. What started off as another Friday morning with the usual shenanigans of their rival is turning into something fun. “Why do you need me to go with you?”
“Well…” Villain trails off, so distracted that they almost hit their head on the railroad sign that the train’s passing under. Hero barely has time to pull them down to their knees on the train roof, face to face with them.
“Villain, if I'm going to help you,” upon noticing the excited expression on Villain’s face, Hero pauses. “And don't get all hopeful, I said 'if'... but if I’m going to help you, I need to know why I'm doing that.”
“But you're considering it, right?” The look in their eyes is hopeful beyond imagination. Hero nods with a chuckle. 
For some unfathomable reason, this leaves Villain frozen in place, an intense inner conversation evident in their features. Hero waits for several moments before concluding. “We're nearing the station, so you better spill.”
“Ugh, fine.” Before Villain has even uttered anything, Hero knows they’ll do it. The pink staining Villain’s ears is worth all the trouble that might ensue. “My grandma's gonna be there.”
“So?” Hero prompts, not satisfied with the sparse explanation. Their nemesis squeezes their eyes shut, a blush creeping up their exposed neck. Even if Hero was considering mercy, they sure can’t stop now, not when Villain looks like that. “Isn't your grandma a retired supervillain?”
“So, she's been pestering me to date for ages now, and I can't endure that conversation again.” Hero blinks. Then blinks again. They heard that right, didn’t they? 
“Erm… am I correct in assuming you want me to pretend to be your date?” Villain could as well rival a tomato at this point. And would perhaps win in the category of evenness and colour.  
“Yes?” Their voice is small when they speak, eyes unable to land on anything, partly because Hero’s frame is blocking anything else they could look at. Hero laughs lightly, shaking their head with the widest smile possible. Villain looks up, scandalized. “Hey, if you're gonna make fun of me, forget I asked.”
“No, no, I’m sorry,” Hero legitimately panics, shaking their head to indicate they weren’t laughing at Villain. Well, they were, but it was affection more than anything else. “I'll go.”
“Oh uh okay,” Villain’s grin threatens to rip their face in half. Hero can bet theirs is matching. “Then, I'll let you know the date and location?”
“Yeah,” they can’t help but notice the shake in their own voice as Villain gets to their feet, preparing to leave. The train is slowing down.
“And, um,” Villain starts but is distracted by Hero, who’s still kneeling on the train roof. The people at the station can probably see them, but who cares? Definitely not Hero. Villain dips their head to conceal the smile tugging at the corners of their mouth. “Thank you.”
Hero nods, considering something for a moment, before calling out. “Hey, Villain?”
“Mhm?” Villain stops by the edge, looking back over their shoulder.
“It's a date.” Villain is dumbfounded and at a loss for words, so they try to jump off to avoid replying to that statement. Hero can’t help the smirk that spreads on their face when Villain all but falls off the train, graceful as ever. Dancing with this dumbass is going to be fun.
Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
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huntingrays · 2 years
wrightworth fake dating au
one day, phoenix gets a wedding invite in the mail from a family member. as he’s reading it, he realizes it’s from his least favorite aunt that he had beef with. he doesn’t see her often due to some comments she’s made about his bisexuality (she’s not overly rude or homophobic but the comments still don’t fly with his gay moms), but the encounters he’s had still leave a bitter taste in his mouth and his blood boiling. normally, he’d rsvp no, but he’s petty and desperate to show her up at her wedding to her third husband.
he decides the best way to do this is to propose to his gay lover at her wedding.
the only problem is that he doesn’t have a gay lover.
he’s going to have to fake date someone and make their relationship look real enough for a proposal to be believable. he comes to the realization that only one qualified enough… is miles.
it takes a lot to convince miles (he’s sure it’s a horrible plan and he has no clue why he’d agree to a deal where the only thing in it for him is more unnecessary feelings), but he eventually gives due to phoenix’s incessant begging.
since phoenix wants their fake relationship to be perfect, he has them go on fake dates (that are weirdly similar to the dinners they often go on) as well as go over the details of their “relationship” (they make it similar to their current friendship, just with them falling in love and getting together after phoenix gets his badge back). it took a lot of convincing for miles to agree to the proposal plan on top of the fake dating scheme, but he can’t win arguments with wright when he’s dead set on a crazy idea, so he begrudgingly gives in (as long as he gets to pick out the ring, because he doubts wright would pick a good enough ring for their fake engagement).
the day comes and the two are confident in their plan. the only problem could be wright’s moms, since he’s close to them and he’s not sure if they’d buy him not telling them about him being in a relationship. however, to their great surprise, they buy it pretty easily. one of them said she suspected it would happen sooner or later with how much phoenix talks about miles while the other assumed that they had been dating for years and just didn’t outwardly say it due to it being obvious (“i mean, i had a feeling you were in love with him after you confessed you wanted to go into law to help him after seeing him in the paper” -mrs. wright).
the wedding is fairly uneventful, and phoenix makes sure to show off his “partner” to everybody he interacts with, since he’s sure loudly and proudly being in love with another man at her wedding would piss of his aunt more (by the time the reception rolls around, miles is incredibly flustered despite the whole relationship being fake).
their proposal goes off without a hitch, and phoenix relishes in the furious look on his aunt’s face.
phoenix expects it to end after the wedding is over. after all, he and miles part ways after, and all he has is the memories and his intense feelings for his dear friend.
however, it does not, in fact, end there.
what phoenix didn’t know was that an old acquaintance was the plus one for one of his cousins. she saw the proposal and had to take a picture, confident that a story about the engagement between chief prosecutor miles edgeworth and defense attorney phoenix wright would be just the thing to really kick off her career.
turns out, lotta hart was very right, and phoenix and miles had to deal with their fake proposal being very public (as well as their friends being upset that they weren’t even told that the two were dating in the first place)
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austinshotbutlers · 2 years
The Wedding Date - Part Three
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner × Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Your sister's wedding is approaching fast and the thought of showing your boyfriend off to you family and your ex-boyfriend seems like a very appealing idea. The only problem is... you don't have a boyfriend. Luckily your stony faced, serious, sexy boss has agreed to be your fake boyfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.3K
TW: SMUT!!! (Protected sex, vaginal fingering) and swearing.
A/N: AHHHH the tension finally breaks and Aaron finally gives in! I’ll be honest, my smut writing probably isn’t as good as other writers on here but I hope you all enjoy it. I also really wanted to paint Luke as the huge asshole he actually is and there will definitely be a moment in the future parts where Aaron will set him out straight (AKA punch him in the face). Again, I’m open to suggestions of what else I can include in this series, I love all your feedback 🫶🏻. Here’s a link to my Masterlist where you can find parts one and two.
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Standing in a dance studio with your ex boyfriend and fake boyfriend was a peculiar situation to say the least. You could feel his eyes following you as you and Aaron moved to find a space in the room, ready to start dancing.
“I really can’t dance.” You murmured to Aaron as he took your hand, placing his other on your hip.
“Don’t worry about it,” Aaron paused as you gently placed your hand on his bicep. “Let’s just try and have some fun.”
Music filled the studio and the instructor your sister had hired began to count you in “And! 5, 6, 7, 8!”
You and Aaron gently swayed to the song, neither one of your fully committed to the dance. You looked around and watched as your sister and Thomas danced excitedly with one another, their bodies close together, stepping perfectly in sync with each other. The dance instructor sung their praises before turning to look at everyone else.
You tried not to laugh as you saw Luke awkwardly stepping out of time with his partner who you assumed was his new girlfriend. She was gorgeous with long auburn curls and a beaming smile; way out of Luke’s league. She laughed again as Luke danced a wrong step again and he looked at her with an annoyed glare. The coldness of his stare was definitely something you did not miss.
You were suddenly pulled from your thoughts by the voice of the dance instructor shouting at you and Aaron. “Why are we dancing so far away from each other? Where is the passion?”
You cringed at her words and looked straight at Aaron who was definitely stifling a laugh. You shuffled closer to Aaron, your bodies touching one another, your grip tightening on his arm.
“That’s much better!” Said the dance instructor excitedly and set the two of you off dancing again.
Aaron swayed perfectly in time with the music, humming along which took you completely by surprise.
“I never thought you’d be one for dancing.” You laughed.
“I uh…” Aaron paused. “I took dance lessons when I married Hayley.”
“That explains then why you’re so good.” You said sweetly.
“I wouldn’t say I was good.” He chuckled.
“Stop being modest. You’re definitely good at dancing.”
Aaron was about to speak but the two of you were interrupted by the instructor again. She huffed as she watched you two dance. “Less swaying. Swaying is boring!”
You rolled your eyes so only Aaron could see and he tried his best to hide his chuckle.
“You are in love are you not? Show us your love through dance!” She shouted at you and Aaron before she waltzed off leaving the two of you alone again.
“I would like to remind her that it’s meant to be Sarah’s lesson.” You said frustratedly. “She’s the one getting married, not us.”
“Maybe she is right though,” Aaron responded and you looked at him confused. “Let’s dance with more passion.” He mocked the instructor and you laughed loudly which caught the attention of everyone in the room. Your laugh sounded like heaven as it filled Aaron’s ears, it was adorable.
You moved in closer to Aaron, your bodies pushed tightly against each other. You swayed a bit more adventurously, moving across the room. Aaron spun you around in a circle and you giggled as the room moved around you. He then spun you out to the side before spinning you neatly into his side. Your bodies clashed together and you both laughed, the closeness between the two of you made heat rush to your cheeks and Aaron’s ears tinged red.
“You’re a much better dancer than you said you were.” Aaron complimented with a smile, adoration glimmered in his eyes.
“It’s true, I hid my talents so not to embarrass you,” you joked and Aaron laughed.
“I dare say you’re better than me.” And this time you laughed.
“Sorry to bruise your ego.” You giggled and jokingly rolled your eyes.
You and Aaron danced more confidently with one another, striding across the floor gracefully, small talk and laughs being exchanged. But, Aaron couldn’t help noticing the way Luke was watching your every move, his eyes raked over your body, not caring if anyone saw him. Aaron fought hard not to go over there and punch him in the face. Who the hell did he think he was? He suddenly felt the need to protect you so Aaron spun the two of you round, shielding you from Luke’s cold stare. In just two brief meetings with him, Aaron had profiled him to be a straight up narcissist and questioned what you ever saw in him.
“I surprisingly enjoyed the dance lesson.” You found yourself admitting as you took a sip of the large glass of orange juice.
“Yeah,” Aaron chuckled. “It was fun.” And he took a gulp of black coffee.
“I’m also happy we were still able to come and get brunch! I am starving.” You say exasperatedly.
Then, no more than 5 minutes later, a waitress brought over your food. A tall stack of pancakes with chocolate for you and some bacon and eggs for Aaron.
“Jack would very much approve of your meal choice.” He laughed as you immediately tucked into the overly sweet breakfast.
“Another reason why he is the best kid ever.” You said. “He knows how to pick a good meal.”
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying your well deserved meals after the exhausting dancing.
“I keep forgetting it’s the bachelor and bachelorette parties tonight!” You suddenly speak. Aaron looks up from his plate to you and laughs.
“What?” You asked confused. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing its just…” He laughed again. “You have chocolate round your mouth.”
“Oh my god!” You groaned. “That’s so embarrassing.” And you frantically attempt to wipe it off your face.
“Here, let me do it.” And before you could respond, Aaron was leaning across the table with a napkin is his hand and gently wiped at the corner of you mouth. “Done.” He smiled.
“Thank you.” You said, trying not to blush.
“What were you saying about parties?” Aaron asked, putting you back on track to what you were saying before.
“The bachelor and bachelorette! You’re 100% expected to go to Thomas’ bachelor night.”
“I’m a bit too old for bachelor parties.” Aaron said.
“Oh shut up! You’re not that old.” You replied with an eye roll.
“Fine.” He chuckled. “I’ll go.”
“Perfect! My mom might ask you to keep an eye on Thomas. I know you two don’t know each other that well but I know for a fact, Luke will have booked a stripper.”
“And who will keep an eye on you at the bachelorette?” Aaron asked jokingly.
“I can handle myself Agent Hotchner. Just a shame I couldn’t bring my gun for extra protection.”
Getting ready for the bachelorette was stressful. Your room wasn’t big enough to accommodate both you and Aaron walking around trying to get ready at the same time. There had been awkward laughs when you stumbled out the bathroom and saw Aaron in his boxers while getting dressed followed by mumbled apologies. Once Aaron was ready, he sat down on the bed and observed as you doing the last touches of your makeup and finishing accessorising your costume.
“What’s with the outfit?” He asked curiously.
“You can’t tell me you don’t recognise it?” You questioned in shock.
He laughed before saying. “Of course I recognise it. I was a college student once upon a time. It’s Madonna.”
“5 points to Aaron Hotchner! It’s ‘Like a Virgin’ Madonna to be precise.” You added. “Sarah has always wanted the theme of her bachelorette to be Madonna. Just never thought she’d actually do it. She’s going as ‘Hung Up’ Madonna. You know in the pink leotard?”
“Yes.” He nodded with a chuckle. “I know the pink leotard music video.”
“Are you secretly a Madonna fan?” You joked.
“You’ve caught me!” He replied, standing up off the bed. He was in a white button down and black slacks. It was simpler but god did he look good in it. The sleeves rolled up, showing his forearms and the top button open. You weren’t used to not seeing him wear a tie.
Aaron took in your outfit as you leaned forward to slip your heels on. The low cut corset-like top was enough to make heat rise to his cheeks. The bulky necklaces hung from your neck, drawing attention to your cleavage and the puffy, netted skirt accentuated your figure. He had never seen you like this and it took everything in Aaron to stop himself from taking your face in his hands and kissing you passionately. You looked so beautiful.
“Are you ready?” You asked with a beaming smile and Aaron simply nodded.
You both walked down the stairs and saw your sister and the whole bridal party knocking back shots.
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked confused.
“Finally! We’re here to pick you up and then it’s onto bar hopping.” She said and you could already smell the alcohol on her breath. “So say goodbye to Mr. Sexy and get in the limousine outside!”
You turned to face Aaron. “I guess this is goodbye then.”
“Kiss him goodbye!” Your sister shouted.
You leaned in and gave Aaron a quick peck on the lips.
“Boo! A real kiss!” Your cousin joined in.
You rolled your eyes with a laugh and wrapped your arms around Aaron’s neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. His hands instinctively found your hips and held them tight as he reciprocated the kiss. Cheers filled the room as the group of differently dressed Madonna’s watched you two kiss. You pulled back and smiled brightly at Aaron who seemed flustered but smiled back nonetheless.
“Right! It’s time to go lovebirds.” Liv said, drawing your attention from each other.
“Bye.” You whispered to Aaron and before he could answer, your sister was dragging you out the door to the limousine.
Aaron sipped at his beer slowly. The bar was packed with rowdy men for Thomas’ bachelor party, some already very intoxicated. He felt a pat on his shoulder and turned to see Thomas.
“Aaron! Thanks for coming man. I guess Y/N got you to come?”
“She can be very persuasive.” He chuckled. “Congratulations on your engagement.”
“Thanks!” Thomas slurred. “To think I’ll be a married man soon. I can’t wait.”
Luke suddenly stumbled over with a dopey smile but it immediately dropped when he saw Aaron.
“I didn’t think you would come.” Luke said aggressively. “Did Y/N persuade you to come with a blowjob or something?”
“I’m sorry?” Aaron asked appalled.
“She’s a good fuck isn’t she?” Luke continued. “That’s the one thing I miss about her.”
“Dude, that’s inappropriate.” Slurred Thomas as he downed the last of his beer.
“Nah we’re just having a chat, man to man.” Luke said, placing his hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “Isn’t that right Aaron.”
“Actually, Luke.” There was a harshness to Aaron’s voice. The same harshness he used when interrogating criminals. “I don’t appreciate how you’re talking about Y/N.”
“Come on buddy, you can say whatever you want about her to me.” Luke threw his arm over Aaron’s shoulder. “Go on, what’s your favourite thing about her? It’s gotta be the head hasn’t it? She gives good head.”
Aaron shoved Luke’s arm off of him. “I’m not your ‘buddy’.” He said sternly. “You don’t have any right to talk about Y/N after the way you treated her. And I definitely don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate the way that you’re talking about your ex.” He had gone full protective boyfriend mode. “If I even hear you utter Y/N’s name again, I will make you regret it.”
Luke looked startled but not as scared as Aaron was expecting him to look, the smug bastard.
“Enjoy the rest of your night.” Aaron said to the two men and headed straight for the door. He’d had enough for the night.
“To Sarah!” You cheered, raising the shot glass in your hand before downing it in one.
“To me!” Sarah shouts, knocking her shot back and everyone cheering.
You throw yourself back down onto the sticky bar stool and ask the bartender for another round of shots.
“So…” Liv drawls out. “Will you and Aaron be having hot sex tonight?”
“Liv!” You shouted in shock.
“That’s a yes then.” She responded
“A fat yes.” Sarah interjected.
“Mine and Aaron’s sex life is none of your concern.” You slurred.
“Yes it is! After hearing about you sex horrors with Luke, I hope you’re actually having decent sex now.” Sarah says, taking another shot of god knows what.
“The sex is amazing.” You lied effortlessly, probably thanks to the alcohol pumping through your veins.
“Tell us more!” Pleaded Liv.
“No!” You laughed. “What Aaron and I do in the bedroom is for us to know and you guys to never find out.”
“You’re such a bore!” Sarah shouted.
“Shut up and drink more shots! The both of you!” You shouted at your sister and cousin. They both laughed and ran off to the dance floor. You followed them and immediately started dancing around the floor, the music booming in you ears and the vodka pulsing through your body.
“And a special song for the bride-to-be!” The DJ shouted out and the recognisable ticking of “Hung Up” by Madonna started playing. You burst out laughing as your sister ran to the middle of the floor, dominating it with her best attempt at the dance from the music video, every single person in the club cheering and whistling.
“Go Sarah!” You cheered out.
“Yes baby!” Liv shouted. “She is loving the attention.”
You laughed. “Yes she is!”
The night went on until the whole bridal party stumbled out the club at 2AM, going on a hunt for the limousine.
“Ladies.” Your sister slurs as she climbs into the back of the car. “That was the best night of my life.”
The whole group cheered as you all clambered in the back after your sister. She reached for a bottle of rosé out the limousine’s mini fridge but you snatched it off her.
“I think you’ve had enough for one night.” You mumbled. “I know I have.”
“You two may be done, but I’m not!” And Liv snatched the bottle from you, unscrewing the cap and taking a big swig.
By the time you stumbled through the door, it was nearing 3AM. You walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a tall glass of water, downing it in one. You thought back to what Sarah and Liv were asking you and then to your texts from Emily. Would having sex with Aaron really be as bad as the two of you were making it out to be? Maybe Emily was right, maybe the two of you should just sleep together. You stopped overthinking and wandered upstairs to your room, opening the door and tripping over something.
“Shit!” You hissed out.
Aaron stirred from his place in bed and then sat up, turning to see you.
“Are you ok?” He whispered, his voice raspy from sleep.
You stood upright so Aaron could see you properly, he took in your slightly dishevelled appearance but noted how gorgeous you still looked. You kicked your heels off before shuffling over to him, you pulled the duvet back off of Aaron and grabbed his hand, pulling him up off the bed so he was standing. He looked down at you as you ran your hands up his chest and then wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Y/N…” Aaron said in an almost pained, warning tone.
“Shhhhh.” You hushed him as you pulled him in for a kiss. It was deep, passionate, long overdue. You last kissed him almost 7 hours ago and you were hungry for more. Aaron ran his hands down your back before sitting them snugly on your hips, massaging lightly. Your teeth clashed together as your kiss grew more and more heated, Aaron’s lips travelling down your neck, sucking softly as he went. You pulled away and Aaron looked at you with lust-filled eyes. You pushed him back slightly until his legs hit the bed and he sat down. He reached out to grasp your hips again but you pushed them away.
“No touching.” You murmur. “Just watch.” And Aaron’s eyes glued on you instantly. You slipped the white, netted skirt swiftly down your legs, revealing more of the lacy corset Aaron had fixated on all night. You pulled the necklaces up over your head and his eyes immediately fell to your cleavage. You pushed the fishnet tights down your legs and struggled to unhook your feet out of them. As soon as you had freed yourself from the very uncooperative piece of clothing, you walked back towards Aaron and straddled his lap. His hands rested at your hips as he raked his teeth over your collarbone.
“I have been thinking about taking this top off you all night.” He mumbled against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. He ran his hands up your back and they settled at the small clasp at the top of the corset. He nimbly unfastened it before realising there were another couple clasps down the whole back of the top. “How the fuck am I meant to get you out of this?” He laughed frustratedly and you buried your head into his neck, chuckling with him. Fortunately, Aaron managed to unclip every clasp quickly and he pulled it over your head. Aaron took a moment to appreciate you. “You’re so beautiful… gorgeous.” He muttered and ducked his head down to place soft kisses down your neck to your chest. You could feel how desperate he was for you as his growing erection pushed into your clothed core. You rolled your hips over his bulge and Aaron groaned into your neck, biting down on your shoulder.
He suddenly lifted you up as he turned to place you down softly onto the bed, climbing on himself and settling between you legs. You looked deeply into each other’s eyes, your lips nearly touching.
“Are we going to have sex?” You whispered.
“Do you want to have sex?” Aaron asked, his breath warm on your face.
“Yes…” you murmured breathlessly and Aaron captured your lips in a soft kiss.
His hand traveled down you body and slipped under the waistband of your panties, fingers sliding between your folds.
“God you’re so wet already.” Aaron mumbled and his thumb found your clit, circling softly but enough to pull a moan from your lips. He then quickly slid the lacy undergarments down your legs. He went back to circling your clit, your head buried deep into the pillows as soft moans filled your bedroom. Aaron moved his fingers down further, his index and middle finger finding its way between your folds and sliding into you effortlessly. You gasped at the sudden sensation, bucking your hips up against his digits. The feeling of his thumb circling your clit faster and his fingers pumping in and out of you, curling inside you was enough to push you instantly over the edge.
“Does that feel good.” He asked with a smirk.
“God yes! Aaron… I’m going…” you couldn’t find your words, so overcome by the building pleasure between your legs.
“Let go sweetheart…” Aaron whispered in your ear like honey. “Let go for me.”
You did as he said and the growing pressure reached its end point, pleasure coming over you like a wave as you reached your climax. A loud moan escaped your mouth and you bit your lip. Aaron kissed you softly as you came down from your high.
“I… I think I have an advantage over you.” You mumbled breathlessly and Aaron looked down at himself still clothed, his length straining against the fabric of his boxers. You sat up, reaching for the hem of Aaron’s T-shirt and pulled it up slightly, prompting him to pull it over his head. You glanced at his toned torso and saw the smattering of deep scars that covered his body. You knew exactly where they were from, George Foyet. You had only been on the team for a few weeks when it happened but had been one of the first people at the hospital to see him after Emily had found him. You ran your hands down his chest and Aaron inhaled a deep breath.
“You’re so handsome.” You said and placed another kiss on his lips which he melted into.
“I need you before I lose my mind.” Aaron groaned into your lips and you helped him escape from his boxers.
“Condom?” You asked and Aaron frantically leaned across to the bed side table, grabbing his wallet and opening it up. He searched through it and pulled one out triumphantly, tossing the wallet somewhere amongst the mess of clothes. He tears it open and slowly rolls it on with no problem. You repositioned your bodies, Aaron nestling deeper between your legs. He takes himself in his hand, aligning himself with your entrance.
“Ready?” He asked gruffly.
“Yes!” You whispered out desperately and that was all Aaron needed to hear before he slowly pushed his length inside you, every inch felt like ecstasy to him. You gasped at the sudden contact and dug your nails into his shoulder. Aaron stilled, taking a moment for your body to adjust.
“Ok?” Aaron asked, looking deeply in your eyes.
You nodded and ran your nails down his back. Aaron’s pace started slow, his hips gently rocking back and forth, the feeling of your body clenching around his cock was enough to send him into overdrive. He picked up his pace a little, rocking ever so slightly faster and you moaned sweetly into Aaron’s ear.
“Aaron…” you muttered. “Harder.” He immediately followed your breathless plea, thrusting deeper into you, his pace fast and consistent. Moans left your throat, the feeling of Aaron’s cock hitting the right spot almost sent you crumbling. “Ahhh! Right there.” You gasped out at the sensation.
A guttural moan escaped Aaron’s lips and it echoed in your ears. “You feel so good.” He managed to speak between his groans.
“I’m… I’m close.” You whispered in his ear as Aaron kept up with his fast paced thrusts and this only prompted him to go faster.
“Y/N…” your name was just a whisper on Aaron’s lips. “Look at me and let go.”
You moaned out as the pressure built, your back arching up into Aaron’s body, his hard thrusts sending you into an abyss of pleasure as your orgasm took over.
“Ohhh… Aaron! Yes!” You manage to sputter, your climax clouding all brain function.
“Fuck!” Aaron hisses out as his own pleasure built in between his legs and his release washed over him. He rode out his orgasm with messy and erratic thrusts before collapsing onto the bed, slowly pulling out of you. Aaron quickly slipped the condom off and threw it in the bin.
You both laid in silence for a moment, taking in what had just happened. Your body still tingled with Aaron’s touch and you turned your head to look at him, surprised to see him already looking at you with a loving look in his eyes.
“That was…” He started.
“Amazing.” You finished and Aaron chuckled.
“Amazing.” Aaron repeated.
Another beat of silence.
“What does this mean for us?” You asked.
“I knew that if we ever crossed this bridge, there would be no turning back for me,” Aaron started. “I… I have loved you since your first day at the BAU two years ago. When you shouted at me in the lobby for being rude.”
You threw your hands up to cover your face in embarrassment. “Don’t remind me. I was then so mortified to walk in and find out you were my boss. I thought you would have it in for me for the rest of my career!”
“You were right to shout at me though.” He laughed. “I shoved past you, knocked you over and I didn’t even apologise..”
“Yeah, it was a dick move.” You laughed. “But maybe I was a little hot-headed.”
Aaron reached for your hand, intertwining your fingers. “I guess I always wanted to ask you out on a date but I was always too nervous.” He chuckled. “That’s why I said yes to doing this with you, pretend to be your boyfriend. I thought I would find the moment to tell you how I really felt about you, that I… I love you.”
You felt you cheeks heat up. Everything Emily had said to you was right. Aaron did love you.
“I love you too Aaron,” you muttered, pulling his face close to yours. “I thought I was doing an ok job at hiding my crush on you for the last few months but Emily noticed it. Stupid profilers.” You joked, rolling your eyes. Aaron laughed with you, lifting his hand up to push some hair from your face. “This has got to be the most romantic pillow talk I’ve ever had.” You laughed.
Aaron placed a kiss on your lips. “Let me take you out on a real date. As soon as we get back to Washington, let me take you out to dinner. No hiding feelings anymore.”
“I’d love that,” you smiled brightly and Aaron’s heart swelled.
The Wedding Date Taglist 1/2: @wanniiieeee @notsopersonalcharlie @blackeyedangel9805 @preciousbabypeter @stxlemate @twilightlover2007 @justarandommom @impala1967dwinchester @spencermiromantiko @julyhoney @thecubanator2 @xphantomphanphanaticx @lawlesshedgehog @louderfortheback @ssamorganhotchner @essenceproxima @lespendy @stiles-argent24 @rousethemouse @tvdstelenaforever @wandererseye @bibella8swan @yourfavunsub @bibimangines @lou-the-confused-bisexual @realm8626 @sophiaj650 @bylones @howabouticallyou @madz-19 @hotchnerxo @supercriminalbean @jayxox @sweetpeterparker @mina2000alex @xoxokiwi @rayofeffingsunshine @helmihotchner @pedrohoe04 @blackqueenie-18 @crocodilefeet2707 @mynotesapptbh @cryingraccoonn @victoriaholland @1d-obssesed @jemssafespace @red-red-rogue @fandomalert31 @valentinaromanoff @smad809 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @tim-thefrog @mojo366 @jazzymariexoxoc @dankfarrick29 @gffesegjoiegi @fuckthealarm @users09 @8crazy-freak8 @jazzerbelle14 @vsophb
Part four
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monstrsball · 4 months
the more people forget about the asasuga of it all the more i get into it. btw.
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lovinggreeniehours · 14 days
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2022 / 2024 (+takahara getting eepy)
hi they're getting married in 2 months btw :) if that matters to you
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