#family manip
spiderstarki · 1 year
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Yes I love the series so much
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missgeneralreylo · 10 months
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Part 4 Reylo creation from AI
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wyd when you’re digging your illegal basement/druid grotto/cult HQ/torture dungeon/murder temple in Baldur’s Gate Lower City c 1462 and these dweebs rock up asking about zoning permits
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beautifmind · 4 days
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Nightwing A.K.A. Dick Grayson
[Please give credit and ask before distribution.]  [This was created by me, so please don't copy or steal.♡]
Here we have both Sam Way and Barton Cowperthwaite depicted as Nightwing. 
I honestly couldn't choose which one, so i put them both in! Dick is probably the hardest face claim for me to choose. I definitely have him to hyped up. I have him so perfectly pictured in my head and no one meets the criteria perfectly haha. 
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twisting-echo · 2 months
Why I ship Snow White and Hades?
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Before we get into this, I will state again that I am aware of Snow White's canon age, so I have her aged up to 18 in my headcanon.
(And whatever is blue and underlined is a link!)
I've said some of this before on an anonymous ask, but I'm going to further elaborate.
In my headcanon, I ship Snow White and Hades because I'm attracted to their chemistry and emotional connection. I'm also a sucker for May-December romances and height differences. In my headcanon, Hades is 6'5" and Snow White is 5'1". Their relationship dynamic is heavily inspired by Fluttershy x Discord (Fluttercord).
Also considering that in Greek mythology, Hades' wife is Persephone, who is the goddess of spring, nature, flowers, deer, death, and reincarnation, these are all things that coincide with Snow White too well.
The symbolic connections between Snow White and Persephone consuming the poisoned apple and the pomegranate are because, in both tales, the fruit represents temptation and hidden consequences.
The apple offered to Snow White by the evil queen is a direct reference to the biblical story of Eve and the forbidden fruit. Snow White’s apparent death after consuming the poisoned apple parallels the concept of resurrection. She is revived by true love’s kiss, symbolizing rebirth and redemption. 
In Greek mythology, Hades gave Persephone the pomegranate seeds while she was in the Underworld. The story goes that after Hades abducted Persephone, she became his queen in the realm of the dead. During her time there, she ate six pomegranate seeds. This act bound her to the Underworld, ensuring her return each year. As a result, Persephone spends part of the year with Hades (autumn and winter) and the other part with her mother Demeter (spring and summer). The pomegranate thus symbolizes her connection to both life and death. 
They both ate the fruit given to them as gifts, not knowing the consequences.
Since Hades isn't married to a Persephone of his own, and considering how he behaved towards Snow White in the book Mirrorverse: Pure of Heart, let's just say Hades clearly has a type~ 😏
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In my Disney Mirrorverse headcanon, Snow White and Hades visit each other a lot in their respective universes. Hades will have coffee, tea, and other baked goods with Snow White at her cottage. He'll watch/help her pick flowers and spend time with the woodland creatures. They also knit together as a relaxing pastime while they converse. (Hades can knit! I've seen him do it in the episode Hercules and the Tapestry of Fate!)
Snow White will bring him cookies, cake, and coffee while he's having meetings with the other Disney villains and Greek mythology characters in the underworld. She also helps keep track of the souls that newly arrive and tries to soothe them the best way that she can. Snow White is also allowed entry to the Elysian Fields despite being alive, and she and Hades will indulge in whatever they enjoy together there.
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When I made Hades and Snow White start to take a romantic interest in each other, I found their relationship to be quite an intriguing mix of contrasts and complements. Below, I listed some aspects they appreciate about each other:
Hades’ Perspective:
Snow White’s Kindness: Hades, being the god of the underworld, finds Snow White’s pure-hearted kindness and compassion refreshing and endearing. Her ability to see the good in everyone could soften his often-cynical outlook.
Innocence and Purity: Snow White’s innocence and purity are a source of fascination for Hades, who is surrounded by darkness and souls. Her light brings a sense of balance to his life.
Resilience: Despite her gentle nature, Snow White has shown resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Hades admires her inner strength and determination.
Snow White’s Perspective:
Hades’ Wit and Charm: Hades is known for his sharp wit and charm. Snow White is drawn to his charismatic personality and finds his humor delightful.
Protective Nature: Despite his dark exterior, Hades has a protective side, especially towards those he cares about. Snow White appreciates his loyalty and the sense of security he provides.
Depth and Complexity: Snow White is intrigued by Hades’ complex personality and the layers beneath his godly facade. His depth is something she finds fascinating and worth exploring.
Their relationship is a blend of light and dark, bringing out the best in each other while navigating their differences.
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Everyone knows that Snow White suffered an intense anxiety attack caused by the huntsman, who is overcome by moral guilt and spares her life, but the damage is done. Snow White is faced with two terrible truths: the queen wants her dead, and she no longer has a place to live. She must survive in the forest without food or means to support herself. This sudden shift triggers an anxiety attack, which is shown metaphorically throughout the horrific "dark forest" scene. In other words, the trees were not her friends when she was having a panic attack. How do you guys think Hades reacted when Snowie told him what she went through?
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Let's just say he'd be prepared to wipe out an entire forest for her if she'd let him. But she wouldn't, because she'd remind him that the forest is the home for all of the woodland animals and that she actually likes trees, despite what happened; trees are important. In other words, "Only Snow White can prevent forest fires."
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Speaking of woodland animals, it's time to talk about two of my favorite little silly billies. For the record, I love the platonic love that Snow White, Pain, and Panic share. It's too precious to me! They love her and she adores them! She is their mommy and they are her babies! They would do anything for her and she for them. X3
Anyway, Pain and Panic's close friendship with Snow White. Their quirky personalities add some chaos to her peaceful life. These silly imps are known for their shape-shifting abilities and their loyalty (albeit reluctant) to Hades. And Snow White's gentle and nurturing nature would likely shine through. Here's how their friendship plays out:
Pain and Panic's Perspective:
Gentle Touch and Kind Words: Snow White, with her gentle demeanor and kind heart, approaches Pain and Panic. They’ve only ever known Hades’ wrath, so when she offers a hug or a comforting word, they freeze in shock. Their shapeshifting abilities momentarily falter as they process this unexpected kindness. It’s like a splash of cold water on their fiery, chaotic existence. Over time, Snow White’s consistent kindness begins to chip away at their skepticism. Maybe she genuinely cares. Maybe there’s no ulterior motive. Slowly, they allow themselves to lean into her touch and accept her words. It’s like a fragile plant unfurling after a long winter. Pain and Panic might not express it outright, but gratitude blooms within them. They steal glances at Snow White when she’s not looking, wondering how someone so pure can exist. Maybe, just maybe, they deserve this kindness—even if it feels foreign. 
Shape-Shifting Shenanigans: Pain and Panic transform into various creatures, specifically a rabbit, a chipmunk, and birds, to comfort her or make her laugh. They also use these forms to assist her with chores and cooking. They even disguise themselves as dwarfs to join her in the mine. 
Comedic Relief: Snow White's gentle nature clashes with their mischievous antics. They'd accidentally spill things, knock things over, trip over their own tails, and create chaos in her cottage. Snow White would patiently clean up after them, giggling at their clumsiness and finding them endearing. Snow White finds joy in their company. Their slapstick antics amuse her. She laughs when they squabble over disguises. Their friendship lightens her burden.
Loyal Protectors: Despite their flaws, Pain and Panic would fiercely defend Snow White. If the Evil Queen sends poisoned apples, they'd be there to warn her or even take the bite themselves (only to regenerate, of course).
Inventive Solutions: Need a quick escape from the Queen's huntsmen? Panic could turn into the torso of a buck and Pain into the rump, whisking Snow White away. Their unconventional methods would keep her safe. Plus, they'd make a noble steed for her and gallop around the forest.
Copyrighted Merchandise Enthusiasts: Pain and Panic's love for copyrighted merchandise would lead to quirky gifts. Imagine Snow White receiving a "Magic Mirror" or a "Poison Apple" mug from Panic and a "Fairest of Them All" or a "I'm Grumpy Deal with It" T-shirt from Pain. They'd enjoy their Disney merch together.
Snow White's Perspective:
Motherly Care: Snow White treats Pain and Panic like her own little imps. She fusses over their well-being, ensuring that they wash their hands before every meal, that they eat their veggies, and that they get enough rest (even though they're immortal). Imagine her tucking them into bed with tiny handknit blankets. (She actually lets them sleep with her in her bed as her cuddle buddies.)
Kindness and Patience: When Pain accidentally shape-shifts into a clumsy creature, Snow White would giggle and help him regain his form. She'd patiently listen to Panic's anxious rants and offer soothing words.
Tea Parties: Snow White's cottage would host delightful tea parties. Pain would spill tea on the tablecloth, and Panic would fret about staining it. Snow White would laugh, saying, "It's just tea, my dear imps!"
Protective Instincts: Snow White becomes fiercely protective. When Hades threatens them, she stands between them and (gently) tells him off. She won’t let anyone harm her babies, even if they’re shape-shifting demonic minions.
Gifts of Kindness: Snow White will gift them cookies and other baked goods. She also knitted them scarves because she worries about them catching a cold.
Song and Dance: She sings and dances with them all the time. The best way I can describe what kind of songs they sing is in this link (Pain is Steve, Snowie is Hayley, and Panic is Stan). And the best way I can describe what kind of dances they do together is in this link (never imagine them doing this dance without the sunglasses).
In this whimsical friendship, Snow White's nurturing spirit would keep Pain and Panic out of trouble, and they'd add a touch of chaos to her fairy-tale life.
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The screenshot of this paragraph above is taken from @skyselfships (I Read Mirrorverse Pure of Heart) post.
For those who don't know, Mirrorverse Pure of Heart is a novel set in the universe of Disney Mirrorverse.
So what I love about the screenshot of the paragraph above is that even after Hades basically left Snow White to die, he did have enough of a heart to think about making it up to her if she did die. The thing that stuck out to most is that he'd make sure that she made it into the Elysian Fields.
The Elysian Fields were hard to reach, but for those few who were deemed worthy, they were promised an eternal life of relaxation, beauty, and amusement. The Elysian Fields, also called Elysium, went by many names. It was sometimes called the “White” Island, and more often it was referred to as the Islands of the Blessed. 
There were never storms on the Islands of the Blessed, and snow never fell. The only notable weather was a gentle, refreshing breeze that blew in from the west and an occasional light sprinkle of rain. Elysium is covered in golden flowers. The grass, trees, and water were dotted with fragrant blooms.
The Islands of the Blessed were an idyllic and pristine afterlife free of suffering, pain, and hardship. However, the heroes of legend were the only ones who were admitted because, for most people, the pastoral pleasures of Elysium were entirely out of reach. Only the most distinguished mortals, typically the sons and daughters of the gods, had ever gone there.
After learning all of this, it means that Hades doesn't let just "anyone" into the Elysian Fields. I think it shows so much about his character and the impressions she left on him in Mirrorverse: Pure of Heart. 
Recognition of Purity and Goodness: Snow White’s character is often associated with purity, kindness, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of others. These traits, while not traditionally seen as “heroic” in the sense of physical bravery or grand adventures, embody a different kind of heroism. By allowing her into the Elysian Fields, Hades might be acknowledging that true heroism can also be found in the purity of one’s heart and the impact of their kindness on the world.
Breaking Traditions: The Elysian Fields are typically reserved for heroes of legend—those who have performed great deeds and shown exceptional bravery. By admitting Snow White, Hades could be challenging these traditional criteria, suggesting that the definition of a hero is broader than previously thought. This act could symbolize a more inclusive and compassionate approach to who is deemed worthy of eternal peace and happiness.
Character Development for Hades: Hades is typically portrayed as a villain, but allowing Snow White into the Elysian Fields could show a more complex, albeit softer, side to his character. It might suggest that even he can recognize and reward true goodness, hinting at the potential for change or redemption. This adds depth to his character, making him more than just a one-dimensional antagonist.
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Look at Cerberus! Isn't he the cutest thing?! Don't you just want to pet him?! X3
Anyway, we are still talking about the screenshot of the paragraph above, and Hades allowing Snow White to rub Cerberus’ belly is a hugely symbolic gesture that can be interpreted in several ways:
Trust and Acceptance: Cerberus, the fearsome three-headed guardian of the underworld, is typically portrayed as a fierce and loyal protector. Allowing Snow White to rub his belly suggests a level of trust and acceptance from both Hades and Cerberus. It indicates that Snow White’s inherent goodness and purity can even tame the most fearsome creatures.
Softening of Hades’ Character: This act could also signify a softer side of Hades. Hades showing leniency and warmth towards Snow White and Cerberus highlights his capacity for kindness and change. It adds depth to his character, suggesting that he can appreciate and reward gentleness and compassion.
Interplay of Light and Dark: Snow White, a symbol of innocence and light, interacting with Cerberus, a creature of the underworld, creates a beautiful contrast. This interplay of light and dark emphasizes the theme that goodness can exist even in the darkest places and that kindness can bridge the gap between vastly different worlds.
Closing argument:
Snow White and Hades rule the Underworld with compassion, ensuring that lost souls find solace. And they adopted Bambi, Flower, Thumper, and Thumper's sisters, Blossom, Violet, Daisy, Ria, and Tessie, as their children. (Blossom, Violet, Daisy, Ria, and Tessie are daddy's girls.)
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hl-obsessed · 8 months
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cstarlinghlecter · 2 years
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"enid…the mark you left on me is indelible”
wenclair kiss ( credits to @drhanniballecterviiimd )
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Sydney Sweeney and Grace Van Dien as sisters
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mikereads · 8 months
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Buddie x lunch date!
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zoklaanogar · 1 month
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instagram of one drummer boy of the band family affair. @worthyheir @lvscinvs @neithergodsnormen @vesperzyr
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purpleserpents · 2 months
born to run a high brow asoiaf blog, doomed by my teenage self to always cringe post about my lesbian hotd ship like they’re callie and arizona during the custody battle on season 12 of grey’s anatomy
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phanthereal · 11 months
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I Carry your heart with me, my little
Cam x Mad
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shushu3991 · 4 months
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POV: The whole act of Angelina Mango at this year’s ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) was so Thorn princess coded, you do a manip about it, because you can not obsess enough over it and the thought lives rent free in your head now. Plus, Yor has a pleasing singing voice.
See manips below 👇
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Featuring Loid (Twilight) being in denial about his feelings for Yor again:
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Proof that Yor is a good singer:
I also thought of a whole plot how Yor would’ve to enter ESC to kill a judge and Loid having to keep said judge alive for intel. Let me know if you’re interested in me writing this brainrot. 😂
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clexmas23 · 2 years
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Hey Everyone! Here is the theme/idea list for Clexmas! Remember, you can pick any topic and post at any point in December. I'll still post after Christmas so we have the full month! Can't wait to see what you all got! Merry Clexmas!
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niagara-gallery · 1 year
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A new chapter of my supernatural fanfic is up! Check it out!
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