#fic snippit
dragonpyre · 4 months
Here have a snippit for a fic I'll never write
"Jeez, what crawled up his ass and died?” Jason asked, watching as Bruce stalked out of the room. The silence that met him though made him turn to look up. “It’s April 27th,” Dick rasped. Like that somehow explained everything. “And? What, did I miss Passover or something?” Next to him, Tim flinched. Dick however… his eyes grew moist and his face fell. Before Jason could even think to ask what was wrong, the man had turned around and escaped the room. He looked about to cry. “Okay, what the hell?” Jason voiced. Because seriously, what the hell? “Jason,” Tim piped up carefully. “You died today.”
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lightvixxen · 2 years
7? 🥹👉👈
also hi baby ilysm
lys!!! Hiiiii!! Ily2!! Also yes this is from the lipstick concept that you posted and i said i was going to write…
“Earth to Eddie!” Your hand waved in front of his face, bringing his attention from your lips back to your eyes. “What’s got you so distracted? You normally like hearing about my work drama.” Eddie’s eyes dropped down back to your lips before finding your eyes again.
“It’s your fucking lipstick…just…I can’t explain it.” you looked confused, you’d expected the fact that your wearing one of his shirts (that you stole and cropped ever so slightly) or the fitted pants you were wearing to be the thing that riled him up. Not your makeup.
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kuzann · 1 year
Did I plan for Vlad to be scary at Skulker? No. Did I enjoy it when it turned up? Yes. Very yes.
Skulker scowled and raised an arm to fire an ecto-blast. Too slow. Vlad teleported to him and crushed the blaster with his good hand. “So, Skulker,” he said as he leaned in, his tone almost conversational. “I think your earlier behavior is grounds for punishment, don’t you?” Vlad tore one of the still-deployed missile pods from Skulker’s shoulder almost as an afterthought and let it fall to the ground below. “You can’t really blame me for taking the opportunity when I saw it, right?” Skulker said with a nervous chuckle. “I mean I’ve been after a half-ghost for a while and—” He winced as Vlad tore the other missile pod away and let it join its companion on the ground below. “I made a miscalculation,” Skulker admitted as the full gravity of his current predicament set in. “A severe miscalculation,” Vlad agreed. He could feel the fury bubbling hot and acidic in his chest. It was getting harder and harder to hold back. Vlad took Skulker by the shoulders; even his right hand still had enough strength left in it to leave dents in the metal. “And now we’re going to go to a private location where we can discuss this like adults, and I’ll decide whether you walk away or not. Understand?” Skulker nodded, his metal face a mask of fear. “Good.” Vlad took off without warning, his hands still digging into Skulker’s shoulders. He towed the ghost toward his mansion, turning invisible to avoid being followed. All the while the rage and indignation rose to fever pitch. How dare Skulker pull this with him. Thinking he could hunt him like some weakling. Thinking he could pull the same stunts he used on a child like Danny on him. Vlad was scowling with barely-restrained fury by the time he reached his lab. He hurled Skulker to the floor with a tumultuous crash and landed on fours beside him. Vlad slowly drew himself up to full height, fingers arched like claws as he glared down at Skulker with wide-eyed anger. Skulker skittered away, terrified and in too much of a hurry to get to his feet as Vlad advanced on him. “Now let’s— Let’s talk about this!” he started. His back hit the wall between a pair of cabinets, stopping him dead. “You still need me for bounty jobs! And I can do the next one for free—” Vlad slammed his hands into the wall above Skulker’s head, cracks spreading over the stonework in spider web patterns. “Need you?” he asked, his fangs on full display. “What makes you think I need an ally who will turn on me at the first opportunity? One who will gleefully hunt me for sport the moment he thinks I’m weak enough?” “That was a big mistake on my part.” Skulker slid down the wall until his shoulders were touching the floor. “It won’t happen again, I promise.” “Oh, I’ll make sure it won’t.” Vlad lunged down and grabbed Skulker by the shoulders again. Ectoplasm dripped from the gouges left by the stag as Vlad’s fingers dug into the metal as easily as wet clay. Vlad grinned despite the pain; he hadn’t cut loose like this in some time. In one swift motion Vlad tore Skulker’s exo-suit in two, the screech of rending metal almost drowning out the ghost’s horrified screams.
Overall word count for this chapter is 10.2k so far!
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till-all-are-fuck · 1 year
Thinking of(Being Human) -snippit-
-Her scent nodes detected traces of strange matter in the atmosphere. Sharp, foamy, and sweet like gunmetal. The faintest whiff of wild charge caught right before a lightning storm.
Memory files tingled in the back of her processors. It's been millions of years, but she recognized that. She recognized that taste, that feeling. It's only ever come from one source, and she knew that Source very, very well. "...Aj?"
It was then that the traces expanded, shifting into static, and that static into currents. Electricity, wayward and humming with barely restrained power flew and flickerd about the area in slow, graceful arcs. A sudden spike- and the readings on her HUD flashed Red.
"Everyone! Stand back!" Elita One braced herself, warding the surrounding bots away from the immediate area with a wide gesture. All thoughts of the previous conflict lost as the world shook.
The energy continued to spike, popping and shrieking and pulsing erratically until it all began to colapse in on itself, sending mighty shockwaves rippling through the open air around them.
"It's going to blow!!" The call sent Autobot and decepticon alike from a cautious withdrawal to a mad scramble as every nearby cybertronian capable of doing so transformed and tore off in all directions, all others quickly becoming engulfed by the white white light.
Her crew wouldn't stray far, the blue and white praxian pulling up beside her proved that true. Elita swerved out of the way of flying debri, pushing the distracted inventor with her as she used a complex array of internal scanners to comb every inch of the area. How she always managed such accurate readings, even amongst such chaos, Elita could never guess.
"Lancer!" She could hardly hear herself over the chaos, looks like the COM lines were still jammed. "Status report! What the frag is that thing!?"
The feme pulled up beside her to be better heard, the contrast of her soft voice and the current situation serving to cut through the chaos like an energon knife though oil batter
"Its an unstable spacebridge of some kind! My readings indicate that it's comprised almost entirely of... Supercharged Energon, or a similar substance."
That was what Elita had suspected. "I noticed it in the atmosphere earlier." Her tone was grim, if a little hopeful.
Lancer's field turned skeptical, pointed and edged with no small amount of panic "Captain, you're not seriously considering- after Arla Nine!-" Elita just leveled her with a firm look "Lancer,-"
Before she could finish, however, the spacebridge reached a brilliant crescendo; Ramping up until the battlefield, once rife with the chaos of a thousand vocalizers screaming out at once, grew silent but for the tepid roar of pure, unadulterated, power.
Looking back at the spectacle from a seemingly safe distance, The gathered mecha braced for an explosion unlike any they had ever seen before. Elita, more out of instinct than logic, flipped out of alt mode and shielded her only reachable teammate with her own frame. Lancer transformed in her arms, throwing up a rushed barrier around them as well. She knew it wouldn't be enough, but held fast anyway. Primus, help us! Please...
But nothing came.
Instead of igniting like the dying star it appeared to be, the gate just.. Stopped. Silence descended upon them all like a vicious snake, leaving tense apprehension in it's wake and, for the first time in Millennia, bringing everything to a standstill.
All was quiet but for the doorway, which had smoothed out into a low continuous buzz. No bot made a move. Not until, something stepped out.
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unseelie-courtesan · 7 months
It's been a pretty good day at the hotel, all things considered. Charlie wanted to do another round of trust falls, positive that they'd all come up with new and deeper secrets as they grew closer together. And hey, she wasn't wrong, Nifty actually got caught this time! But one thing Angel couldn't help but notice was that after the trust falls, Husk had been acting a little more snarly than usual. He couldn't figure out why at first, it wasn't like he had shared anything personal enough to be a big deal, and he had been caught after grumbling out that he preferred the taste of cheap booze over the expensive stuff, but he was nursing his bottle more intently than usual all through the rest of the day, and even turned in early. That was when Angel noticed it properly. As Husk walked up the stairs, thinking he was out of sight, he went to rub at one of his shoulders, wincing in the process.
So maybe he slinked off to join him. Maybe he just happened to slide into Husk's room before the kitty cat could close the door, needing to let that long tail in behind him doesn't exactly mean he can slam it quick. Husk's gruff "What-?" turned into a falter when he saw Angel, only to turn into a groan as he walked over to the bed. "Listen, I'm not in the mood for your games tonight kid."
"They're only games 'cause you ain't said yes yet." It's automatic, a flirt, a tease. Not even instinct, it's a full on reflex, out of his mouth before he can think about it. Husk's scowl made Angel wince, but he pushed on regardless, holding out his hands in front of him in the universal gesture for surrender. "Besides, that ain't why I'm here. Honest. Just wanted to know what's going on, you doing okay?"
There's a moment where shock crosses that gruff face, and he covers it up quickly enough Angel almost thinks he imagined it, but after a beat or two Husk just gave a shrug as he grumbled that it wasn't anything to worry about, just his back acting up, and why wasn't there a decent fucking chiropractor here in hell? Angel couldn't help his grin as he listened to the complaining, all too aware that just a month ago he definitely wouldn't have gotten an honest answer out of Husk, and as soon as he got the chance he stepped in a little closer.
"Well, luckily for you, you've got the best set a' hands in hell right here to help you out with your little problem." One pair rested on Husk's shoulders as he spoke, the other taking those pawlike hands as he winked. "They don't call my fingers magic for nothing baby."
This time when he's glared at, it's easy to laugh it away. It took a little effort, a little coaxing, but eventually he managed to convince Husk to at least hear him out and go along with his idea. To lay down on his stomach, resting his head on his crossed arms as he let his wings relax out to the sides. It didn't take long at all before Angel was joining him, climbing onto the mattress and climbing onto those thighs.
With Angel straddling Husk's hips from behind, the jokes are just too easy, low hanging fruit, like any time Pentious opens his mouth, and he can ignore it easily. Instead he clapped both sets of hands together and rubbed them together for a few minutes, warming them up with the friction. When he finally got to work properly, the reaction was immediate.
One pair began up at Husk's shoulders, working the heels of his hands deep into the muscle tissue while the other pair began to explore, carefully, at the join where Husk's wings met his back. At first, all Angel got in response was Husk tensing up beneath him. Every muscle in his shoulders knotted up worse, and those wings went so stiff that he began to wonder if this was a bad idea after all. But as Angel worked, keeping his commentary to himself for a change, he slowly started to see the difference as bit by bit, Husk managed to make himself relax into the stead, firm pressure.
One thing that quickly became clear was that while Husk's posture was terrible, there was a reason for it. Those wings of his were heavy. He's slouching forwards at least as much to keep his balance every day as he is because of how he feels beat down by the world. There's knots so stiff and tense under his fingers that Angel is pretty sure they've been there since the guy was alive, and the extra set of complex joints right in the middle of the bastard muscles in his back certainly weren't helping matters. It's no wonder he hasn't seen Husk flying around anywhere, he's not sure how well he can actually move those wings.
Bit by bit, Angel worked on massaging out the stress. The pain. The tension. The noises Husker let out weren't quite moans, and there were more than a few hisses of pain here and there as Angel's deft fingers found an exceptionally stubborn knot of muscle and worked on it until the fibers loosened and it settled into place. But eventually, once Angel had worked his way down Husk's back past his wings, kneading ever closer to the base of his tail, he heard a new noise. Something he's never heard from Husk before.
He heard purring.
It's a low, raspy sound. Deep in the old man's chest, more sensation rumbling through his body than truly audible. It sounded like something Husk hasn't done in a long time, like he's almost forgotten about the concept. It's such a surprise that Angel very nearly blurted out a laugh, but instead he bit his lip as he grinned silently, still silently working his way down that knobbly spine.
He never thought he'd be on top of another guy, straddling their thighs, and not be jumping straight into fucking them. But maybe there's something to be said for a little gentle intimacy too.
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kame-artist · 5 months
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My take on an Angel!Alastor AU (Angel of Death)
Now with an actual (oneshot) fic to go with it!
Small snippet under the cut if you don't want to read the fic
Alastor laughed, his shadows forming around him and propelling him upwards in a sea of smoke and inky tentacles. His crimson coat flared around him, before the fabric shimmered and transformed. A set of large wings burst behind him, followed by four more. Red, with white tipped black feathers. The wings and glowing black halo were reminiscent of the Exorcist Angel's.
He landed on the top of the hotel sign, wings spread out behind him. His head was bowed, but when he looked up, the whole glamor flickered and faded from his features.
Red and black fluffy ears changed to long curved horns, two more small sets beneath it. His black tipped bob inverted colours, two distinct streaks of gold appearing to frame his grinning face. Almost bone white skin, bright piercing gold irises, practically glowing against the black scalatra of his eyes. He straightened up, the long black military-style coat he now wore whipping behind him in an artificial breeze.
“Surprised, brother?” The Radio filter was gone, and a familiar but ancient voice from the past sealed the final nail in the coffin on who this individual was.
“Azrael.” Lucifer half growled, his own wings bursting forth in a flash of blinding light, soaring up to be face to face with his fellow Angel. His glare spoke for itself that he wasn't happy to see him, let alone realising that they'd been here the whole time, hiding in plain sight.
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generalluxun · 1 month
Will he leave? Never. Will she? He doubts it. Even if he were the ultimate disappointment, his Marinette is too stubborn to admit defeat. What is held between them might be broken beyond repair though. Even more than losing her, the thought of dragging her unhappily through a half-life tears his heart in two.
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cherubic-cherry · 6 months
Tim shuffled away to get behind him as quietly as he could, which Tim thought was pretty quiet. He glared up at the Flonase above him, just a bit less than a foot out of reach. He still had the chance of being able to jump and knock it off the shelf which would in turn immediately get the other man’s attention.
He could try to grab some cans or find some type of step stool to boost himself up but that again would get the man’s attention. He looked at the man again, looking down at his bandages, the darkened blood that oozed out of his hand and seeped through the gauze.
Tim had gotten a cut on his hand once after tripping on asphalt and trying to catch himself. He could remember how difficult it was to hold his camera or his books, it couldn’t have felt much better to carry a basket.
He trailed his eyes back up to his face where his blue eyes were pointed right at him.
“Do you need any help with your basket?” Tim blurted in a panic. He had to stop himself from slamming his head into his hand.
He wasn’t an idiot, he knew that talking to strangers was the definition of a bad idea, but the hunger was eating away at his brain cells.
The man gave him a look, a well-deserved look, he looked even more confused than Tim was. He looked down at Tim then at the Flonase beside his head and then back to Tim.
“Sorry, I should just mind my business. I just mean -never mind, I’m so sorry- I should not have bothered you-” he started off. Tim should know better than to bug strangers, especially criminal strangers.
“Can you even reach the shelves? You’re like five.”
It was a good thing Tim didn’t have any proof this man was a criminal, or else he would’ve immediately called the cops on him. If Tim’s Father were here he would laugh and tell him that this is what he deserved for bothering strangers.
“ I’m nine,” Tim corrects. He hated to correct people, most times it made people irritable and annoyed but there was no way this guy seriously thought Tim was a five-year-old.
Most people assume he’s younger than he is but still, it stays around the seven-eight range, at youngest six. He must have been baiting him, or using a hyperbole to drive the insult in.
“There’s no way, you’re seven tops.”
“No I’m nine,” Tim insisted again.
“I don’t believe you.”
“ There are people who don’t think the earth is round, that doesn’t make it not true.”
That gained Tim a laugh, not a soft chuckle that he receives out of politeness from others when he’s being ‘weird’, but a gruff, spontaneous laugh that makes him jump back from the sound.
“Your hand is hurt. It’s bleeding. I can help hold the basket. Even five-year-olds can could a basket."He didn’t mean to use his ‘smart-ass tone’ as his father would put it but it came out subconsciously.
Read the rest of the chapter here:
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skinwalkingxana · 14 days
That prompt list was indeed JUICY.
So, if you reblogged it to have some...
7. “You not giving a flying fuck about me is all I’m seeing right now.” 
For whomever fit best. :)
YESSS I'm always accepting prompts! Thank you for sending this in, have some Post-Therinfal arguments with Cullen and my MCiT Marisol! (Hope this is ok! ^_^) Here's the link to the promptlist this is from
“You not giving a flying fuck about me is all I’m seeing right now.” Despite the pain in her throat, Marisol’s voice carried enough that it echoed off the mountains around them. They were some ways away from the encampment, but there was no doubt their argument could be heard by the others now, even with how deep into the tree line they were. Cullen wanted to have this fight? Fine. She hoped everyone could hear them.
“This has nothing to do with y-!” Cullen started, his hand falling to the hilt of his sword at his side, but Marisol interrupted him before he could finish. “Doesn’t it? Otherwise you wouldn��t have pulled me aside to have this argument!” Marisol jutted her chin up, making sure he knew she wasn’t going to back down. “I told all of you back in Haven what was happening with the Templars and Mages! I even told Josephine not to bother with gathering the nobles- ” “You could have told us sooner! “ It was Cullen’s turn to interrupt her now, his eyes practically glowing from how intense his eyes bore into her. “ We could have marched to Therinfall weeks ago and saved them all before they began taking Red Lyrium! Could have saved Lord-Seeker Lucius before Envy took over!” Marisol wanted to vomit at the mention of Envy, but her blood was boiling so hot in her veins she felt she could have taken on ten of it and kept going. She wanted to punch Cullen. There was no way he could be this blind, not after everything he just saw! “Envy was already masquerading as the Lord-Seeker way back in Val Royeaux! That damage was already done long before I got here!” “You could have told us before we sent you! You knew what Envy was doing there! We could have-“ “Could have what? Exposed an Envy demon in the middle of a large populated market? Run up to whatever Templars we could find and tell them they were following a demon around? You were one of them, tell me how you think that would have gone down?” Her words finally landed, albeit more roughly than she had intended. He turned his face so quickly away from her, one would think Marisol actually had punched him. Their angry huffs blossomed into vapor as it warmed the air in front of them, though his had begun to slow as whatever fight Cullen had left drained out of him. His shoulders had begun to sag, but she was still fuming. Marisol shoulder checked him as she attempted to pass, not caring that he was larger and in heavier armor than her. Instead of moving out of her way, he reached a hand out and caught her by roughly by her wrist. “Wait I-“ “Cullen, I swear to my God and yours if you don’t let go of me right now, one of us isn’t walking out of these woods alive.” It was an empty threat, both of them knew it, but he at least had the decency to let her go.
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theoriginalladya · 8 months
WIP-it Snippet
Gotta love Discord servers that can take something aggravating - autocorrect 'correcting' the word nudge to nude - and turn it into something ridiculous and, in the end, useful...
“Nudge it,” Shepard suggests as he pitches his voice down to where Kaidan is kneeling. Kaidan nods, reaching out to do so but not before Coats sputters, “What did you just say?” Three pairs of eyes shift from the body to him.  Shepard’s brows crease in confusion.  “What?” Abby walks over to Coats and snaps her fingers in front of his face.  “You okay there, soldier?” He swats her arm away and she laughs, but then he says, “I swear I thought you said ‘nude’.” Shepard fights back a strangled laugh and Kaidan glances away.  Even Abby looks as if she’s struggling not to choke.  Eventually, she manages to rasp out, “Soldier, you need to get your ears checked.  This isn’t 007: Tits To Die For.” Coats mutters something unintelligible and heads back over to keep an eye outside the door.
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katiefrog217 · 5 months
I had some thoughts on the Ineffable Wives for probably a section in my AZ Fell fic
So y'all get to see it too I guess
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kenobihater · 7 months
god. i wish i'd actually written more for that fic idea i had years ago where obi-wan and satine got space vegas married as teens and never nullified it out of lingering fondness only for it to turn hostile and ugly during the clone wars culminating in a VERY public and messy divorce and the ensuing bitter custody battle over korkie. it was gonna feature juicy holotabloid gossip and anakin experiencing every possible emotion yet growing closer to obi-wan in response and the political fallout from a high jedi general of the republic being married to a neutral head of state who APPARENTLY had an heir that she tried to pass off as her nephew for years. idk what the hell else i had in mind besides it ending happily for the galaxy at large, but dear god there was so much potential there. i'll never write it bc that would be a LOT of work and likely lead to annoying satine stans getting on my ass for an objectively hilarious concept, but like. the possibilities! imagine you divorce your cringefail wife and unintentionally end a galactic war in the process. hand in unlovable hand...
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kdmerchant · 11 days
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For Head, Heart and Health chapter 14 start.
It's going slow but I'm enjoying the process.
I need to be writing an email so I guess I'm writing this instead. 🤣
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New chapter up! Another holiday break feat. DILF girldad Lyall Lupin, magical creatures of my own invention, welsh folklore, a punk rock club, dubious endorsement of teenage delinquency, brunch with your favorite gay uncle, and Hanukkah!
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Chapter 22: Hiraeth
“Ah,” a fond smile crept across Lyall’s face. “Fascinating beasties, Tyfiggls are. Did your professor tell you the Ministry tried to breed them in the fifties?”
“No,” Remy nearly whispered. She leaned forward across the trough, listening closely, hungry for any scrap of the man her father had been before she was born, before she was bitten.
“No, I s’pose that wouldn’t be part of the standard curriculum,” Lyall said wryly. “The Aurors wanted them, you see, because they can sense dark magic. A Tyfiggl won’t go near a dark wizard- they’ll turn blue and put their stingers up,” he explained. Remy put down her wash rag, and sat perfectly still. “So the ministry thought they might be domesticated and used as a kind of dark magic detector,” he laughed, a low rumble like thunder landing on the earth, as if this was the daftest idea he’d ever heard. “So they tell us to go fetch some Tyfiggls- as if it were as simple as that. You might remember, they only live in the densest part of a magical forest. So we go, and we fetch them, and it takes months, and half the crew ends up in Mungos with stings. My mate Arno lost a finger that way,” Lyall recalled grimly. “It was all for naught, anyway. Soon as we brought them back, the Tyfiggls started to die.”
“Why did they die?” Remy asked, her attention rapt.
“The ministry didn’t understand them, see. They thought a Tyfiggl was just a Tyfiggl, and a forest was just a forest. They gave the poor besties trees and grass and moss and bugs, but they didn’t give them the forest , you see? All their color faded, and they stopped eating, wouldn’t mate, wouldn’t sing. Broke my heart to see it.”
Lyall’s face fell. Remy realized that Umbridge had never even told them that Tyfiggls could sing.
“So they called it a wash, and told us to put the surviving ones back,” her da said. “Only when we returned to the forest, something very strange had happened.”
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fabdante · 2 years
Pinky Promise
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It was one of those nightmares that just rattles every inch of her. The sort where she woke up with more fear then feels natural for a body to hold. Kat’s used to real life fear. It’s banal, lived in, familiar. But nightmares…nightmares still know where to hit and how hard. And nightmares always make it harder for her to tell what’s real and what's not.
It makes her scared that her nightmares aren’t nightmares, but just her slipping somewhere else. Like she’ll wake up and find herself on the wrong side of the world, deep in Limbo and unable to get out because her bodies followed her. Or worse, that she’s separated permanently.
And then she’ll be trapped there. In Limbo all alone.
So, when she found Vergil on his bed like a lighthouse he was ripe to be shaken awake.
Summery:  Weeks after escaping her demon foster father, Kat has a nightmare while crashing on Vergil's couch. An actual nightmare. And she really, really does not want to be alone after waking up.
Words: 6038
Rating: M (References and discussion of past abuse done to Kat with more specific tags on the fic and the authors note. Also the nebulous implications that come with the fact the twins seems to have been branded at like...seven years old)
(also please excuse my doodle i wanted to have a doodle to go with this)
Read Here!
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dapandapod · 1 year
I was tagged by dear @samstree I think last week? And I suck at keeping track of time but hey it’s almost Sunday!
So snippit sunday, here we go!! Some Mer!EskelxJaskier!
The wind has calmed, and the sea with it, but the sky remains heavy and grey. While considering if it would be safe to leave the human here and try to get back, the human stirs. A deep breath, heartbeat speeding up, fluttering eyelashes. Fuck, and Eskel is still holding him, shit! It won’t do to just shove him off now, so Eskel stays as still as he can, looking out of the cave rather than the man coming to. The man’s hand flattens against his side, just over his aching ribs, and it takes everything in him not to snarl for the pain. The man sits up just enough to notice exactly where he is sitting, and when Eskel looks at him, the man’s eyes widen comically large. “Whoa, holy fucking shit balls!” the human swears hoarsely, throwing himself backwards and falling down on the ground with an oof.
Tagging, well, yes. @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , @the-evil-stick @lokibus @kuripon @officerjennie , no pressure but also yes please <3
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