#firefighter dick grayson would be SICK
feralnightwing · 4 months
for my own sanity i try to pretend that dick grayson was never a cop. like huh? what do you mean? i've never heard of detective grayson. who's that? you're talking crazy.
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 7 months
Yandere Dick Grayson x GN Reader
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❥ Part I >> Part II >> Part III >> Part IV
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓: EXPLOSION, UH-OH. Reader does a thing, gets scolded for doing the thing, and deals with the aftermath of doing the thing. Just read part I, SOBS. But anyways. So, uh, this is a series now. This part would’ve came out sooner if I didn’t get sick. SORRY FOR THE WAIT.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒: platonic sibling yandere content, older brother Dick Grayson, younger sibling reader, non-vigilante reader, adopted reader, slow burn yandere(?), the pacing is very a-day-in-the-life-esque, burning buildings (only in the beginning, though), Dick yelling at you, lowkey guilt-tripping, lowkey manipulation, Dick somehow knows shit, something miiiiight be up with Dick (reader isn’t sure).
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“S-shit…!! NIGHTWIIIIING?!?”
No answer.
You honestly had no idea how you got in the building to begin with. Upon arriving on the scene, there was a shit ton of police officers, 2 fire trucks, and EMTs carting off the wounded and into ambulances. There was no sign of Dick, and according to a very distraught bank teller, “Nightwing’s still in there!!” The longer you searched the parameters for at least a sign of Dick, the more your body became filled with fear. He was in that burning bank somewhere; he had to be. With no reply to your frantic attempts to contact him and the horrible realization that, shit, someone could stumble upon him and find out his secret identity, you took matters into your own hands.
That’s how you ended up on the unstable, still very much fiery second floor.
“NIGHTWIIIIIIING,” you shouted, coughing into your fist as the smoke started to irritate your lungs. God, could those firefighters do their job and put the fucking fire out already?! It would make your search a whole hell of a lot easier… “NIGHTWING, PLEASE!!”
Suddenly, your ears picked up on distant footsteps. Someone was on the other end of the corridor, slowly making their way towards you. Hope was starting to blossom in your heart, but was quickly squashed when an unfamiliar voice called out. “ARE YOU OKAY?”
Fuck. That wasn’t Dick.
The more feminine voice was muffled, like a scarf or a mask covered their mouth. It dawned upon you that they were possibly a firefighter searching for people in the wreckage, and your shouts most likely drew them towards you. With another curse, you ducked into a side room with a collapsed-in wall, frantically searching for something you could hide behind.
You didn’t need rescued. By some miracle, you got into this building to look for Dick, and you weren’t about to be escorted out of it.
The footsteps were gradually getting louder, the voice calling out once again. “HELLO? CAN YOU CALL OUT AGAIN? I’M HERE TO HELP.”
Your lips pursed together. Trying to stay as quiet as possible, you nudged yourself in between some debris (some miscellaneous parts of the ceiling and a desk, you presumed from the rubble you saw) and waited for them to walk by. The urge to cough was strong, but you did your best to keep it inside your lungs as the firefighter approached your room.
The footsteps were sounding more and more distant. With a tiny sound of relief, you began to slowly wedge yourself out of your hiding space. They were probably going to circle around again, but it gave you enough time to continue looking, possibly to even go a floor up to see if Dick was caught in the blast there.
That’s when strong arms wrapped around your torso.
A startled yelp was ripped from your chest, your legs beginning to dangle in midair. Whoever grabbed you began a brisk walk towards the nearby window, which luckily had all its glass blown away from the explosion, while using one of their arms to configure something that sounded mechanical.
Next thing you knew, you were flying through the air.
Seeing as you weren’t used to the feeling of being airborne, you found yourself squeezing your eyes shut as you body curled into your apparent kidnapper. The ride was short, only lasting about 10 seconds before you were gently dropped on solid ground. You could feel the uneven texture of concrete digging into your shaky knees as you braved your nerves to crack your eyes open.
Before you was Nightwing.
Oh, thank GOD.
He looked a bit banged up. There were rips in his costume, a nasty cut split his lower lip down the middle, and one of the white lenses in his domino mask was missing to reveal a swollen-shut eye. Not in the best shape, but he was able to stand up straight, and more importantly, alive. You couldn’t help but sink further into the gritty ground of what looked to be a parking garage he brought you to.
“Dick,” you practically sobbed. “Oh my god, you scared the shit out of—”
He fiercely cut you off. “What the HELL are you doing here, kid?!”
The pure aggression in his voice caused you to flinch a bit. Any words of relief died on the tip of your tongue, now feeling like dry sand stealing the away any moisture. You’ve heard him angry before, but his rage was never directed towards you. At least, not to your face.
You swallowed thickly, willing away the shivers that wanted to dance against your skin. “I… I was scared—!! I-I saw the explosion happen, and you weren’t answering any of my texts, a-and I tried to call you—”
As much as you wanted to say something, you were so taken aback by his outburst that you couldn’t help but to let out a pathetic whimper. Okay, looking back on it, maybe it wasn’t the smartest move. You weren’t exactly a trained professional, and the bank looked close to collapsing in on itself at any second. Not like he gave me many options, you bitterly tried to reason with yourself. For all I knew, he was fucking dead!!
The moment you gained the courage to say something, however, he continued.
Your voice came out barely even above a whisper. “I… didn’t want to lose you…”
He parted his lips to say something, but seemingly decided against it. Several moments passed where the two of you sat in total silence, the sounds of sirens and damage control from outside echoing through the parking garage. It was almost startling when he finally let out a shaky sigh. “Let’s…” his voice cracked around the edges, “let’s just go home.”
All you could do was slowly nod at that.
With no protests on your end (though it probably wouldn’t have matter to him; his way was always the way), one of his arms looped around you to bring to his side. Now in close contact with him post-outburst, you noticed how his entire arm seemed to shiver, like the temperature was 10 degrees colder than it actually was. You said nothing about it, however, as he brought you close to the ledge, grappling hook ready in hand.
Once again airborne, you felt your eyes fluttering shut. At the very least, now that you knew you were in the arm of Nightwing, you felt slightly better about this form of travel. Before you knew it, tiredness overtook your brain, your racing thoughts slowly dissipating into nothing.
You passed out with one last inquiry prodding at the back of your mind;
Was it by chance that he found you in the bank?
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When you woke up, it was dark. The blinds were drawn closed, allowing very little moonlight to filter into the room; your room, that is. Some familiar features stood out to you from the shadows, like how furniture was oriented and a couple of your miscellaneous knick knacks. Sitting up straight in your bed, you noticed how you were still dressed in your school uniform, which was slightly charred and dirtied from… ah, yeah. Hours prior.
A heavy weight crashed down on your chest. Dick seemed pretty pissed at you, and understandably so. You managed to set a new precedent for dumbest shit someone could ever do, and probably gave him a heart attack while doing so. After all, you’re under his care on Bruce’s behalf. If anything happened to you, it would probably destroy their already strained relationship once and for all.
Doesn’t help that it would be the second kid Bruce has lost…
Shaking the thought from your mind, you threw your blankets off and got out of bed. Your entire body felt extremely dirty, probably due to the smoke and ashes from the explosion aftermath, meaning a shower was in order. A heavy duty shower, you mentally scoffed as you grabbed the necessary clothes from your dresser. Who knew that walking through a burning building could make someone feel so nasty?
Now equipped with something fresh to change into post-shower, you began to venture forth to the bathroom.
… Only to have your quest cut short as soon as you opened your bedroom door.
At your doorway stood a very tired-looking Dick. No longer in his Nightwing uniform, you were able to gauge his condition. Several bandages of different varieties decorated his form, ranging from butterfly bandaids like the one on his lip to an ace-wrap around his forearm. His one eye was no longer swollen shut, though there was still a gnarly dark ring surrounding it, serving as a not-so-friendly reminder of its previous state.
Overall, he looked well.
You felt your shoulders lose some tension at this revelation.
His face held an blank expression. It was far from surprised, in contrast to yours, and there was a hint of expectancy in his eyes; like he just knew the door was about to open (honestly, you weren’t even phased by that notion. With that dumb Bat-detective intuition, he could probably sense you waking up from a mile away). There were a few moments where nothing was said, his gaze scanning over your body for assumingely any physical ailments.
As soon as he was finished, something you would’ve never expected happened; he gave you a hug.
And not just a half-assed one, either. You were practically ripped away from your spot and sent careening into his chest, arms wrapping around you in a vice-grip. He was like a boa-constrictor, crushing your bones together and squeezing the air out of your lungs. It was as if he was forcing your body to fuse with his, and from the was your vision genuinely started to become spotty, you almost thought he was succeeding.
Beyond the sounds of your blood swirling in your skull, you could vaguely hear his wavering voice. “Don’t do that again, kid. Don’t… don’t ever do anything like that again…!!”
You couldn’t tell if your throat was closing up from the lack of air or guilt. “… ‘M sorry,” was all you could manage back.
His hug got impossibly tighter before letting up. There were still hands gripping desperately at your shoulders, but you were now gifted with the privilege of breathing again. A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth, though there wasn’t any anger behind it. Couple that with his slightly upturned brows and shimmering eyes, you realized the concern that was probably tearing him apart from the inside.
“You scared me half to death back there,” he softly uttered. “I’m sorry I yelled earlier, but, I— I just… I don’t wanna imagine what would’ve happened if I wasn’t able to grab you in time. I was just so scared that… I would… I would have to…” he couldn’t seem to finish his sentence. Opting for a new angle, he tried speaking again. “Please promise me you’ll never pull something like that again. Okay? I don’t ever want to break the news to Bruce that something happened to you. He can’t lose another kid, (Y/N). Not like this. Not ever like this. Promise?”
The only thing you could do was nod.
Hesitantly, he pulled his shaky hands from your shoulders. Tired blue eyes did a final check on your condition, then he turned to saunter back down the hall. As soon as he rounded the corner, a sad sigh spilt from your lips, and you couldn’t help but pathetically hold the bundle of clean clothes in your arms close to your chest. Way to go, (Y/N), you bitterly chastised yourself. Really making this whole temporary guardian thing easier for the guy, aren’t you?
Well, beating yourself over the head with how big of a fucking moron you are isn’t gonna help. With one deep inhale through your nose, you were dreadfully reminded that you still reek of smoke and rubbish, and it was about time you rectified that with a shower.
So, with one last sigh, you began to head towards the bathroom again.
Maybe there was some way to make it up to him, you wondered.
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“… Uh..?”
Dick barely even gave you a sign of acknowledgment. “What’s up, kiddo?”
“You’re… not ready,” you hesitantly noted, your brows furrowing in confusion at the sight in front of you. Usually, Dick was dressed and impatiently waiting next to the door by now. He’d be swinging his car keys around his index finger, foot tapping against the linoleum floor as he’d check his wrist for the time (it didn’t matter if he had his watch on or not; anytime you were running a bit late, he liked to make a show of his restlessness just to be a jackass). However, upon stumbling into the kitchen, you were surprised to see Dick leaning against the counter, wearing house slippers, plaid pajama paints, and a bathrobe of all things, phone in one hand and a coffee mug in the other.
Did he… forget you had school today?
As if reading your mind, Dick let out a breathy chuckle. “Yesterday was way too taxing. So, we’re gonna both take it easy for a bit.”
It took a bit to process his words. “… Take it easy?” You owlishly blinked at him, then shook your head. “But, I have a test in world history today… I can’t just skip it—!”
“You’ll be able to make it up,” Dick reasoned. He took a sip of his coffee, then continued. “And if you’re worried about it, I can help you study.”
… What.
Not a single coherent thought could cross your mind. Dick wanted to help you study? Hold on, you’re not even over the previous bombshell; Dick wants you to stay home from school?!
This is weird, you mentally concluded. This is SO weird… what the hell is even happening?!
The vigilante across from you seemed to take your silence as a yes. Setting his mug down and pocketing his phone, he pushed off of the counter and walked towards the table. “Go get your notes, or whatever. We can start now.”
“W-wait,” you managed to stutter out. “You’re just letting me stay home? Just like that?”
“Said we were gonna take it easy, didn’t I?” He began to clear off the tabletop, making room for your supposed notes. One of his brows quirked upwards, a lopsided grin spreading on his face (it looked a bit strained, but that might’ve been just from his busted lip). As he moved an empty plate to the counter, he gave your form a once-over and added, “you can lose the uniform, by the way. Looks way too uncomfortable for the day-off vibe.”
Day-off. This was a day-off. He was allowing you a day-off from school. After disobeying him and running into a burning building without even giving him a heads up, he thought the best course of action was to give you a day-off. No punishment, nor further admonishment, just a day-off. Was this some sort of trap? A mind game, even? Maybe he was so pissed off with you, he decided to go the psychological warfare route, luring you into a false sense of security to make you feel even worse.
… Or maybe studying with him IS the punishment.
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “Just gonna stand there, kiddo? C’mon, get your things. I wanna see what this test is on.”
“U-um—” you coughed into your fist. “Right…”
Whatever his game plan was, you would have to figure it out later.
For now, it was time to frantically look for the notes you carelessly stuffed in your book bag.
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This wasn’t a day off; this was a week off.
After spending the entire day “studying” (in actuality, you spent exactly 5 minutes going over the material before it devolved into bickering, then a Google deep-dive to prove each other wrong, only to turn into a ghost hunting binge session after an article caught your attention… don’t ask), you went to bed wondering how to explain your absence to your teachers. Maybe you could make up another embarrassing excuse at Dick’s expense.
Morning came, and Dick was just as prepared for school as he was the day before, his excuse being that “he didn’t really feel like leaving the apartment.” To distract you from your growing apprehension at missing two consecutive days of school, he introduced you to an old action Bollywood film that had both of you in hysterics before taking you out for ice cream later (well… so much for him not feeling like leaving the apartment, huh).
The third day rolled around, and he wasn’t even there. Only a note remained on the kitchen counter, explaining that duty calls and that your ass better stay put. “Please actually listen this time,” he wrote with an angry frowny face next to it. So, you watched cartoons on the couch until Nightwing came through the window hours later, no bumps or bruises present (much to your relief). He teased you about watching Looney Tunes all day… because of course he knew, and you spat out a lie about just now turning the TV on as he flipped over the couch to join you. It was evening by the time he finally got up to change, realization dawning upon you that you didn’t go to school yet again.
Friday marked the fourth day.
You had your school stuff together and uniform hanging on the closet door, but you held off on actually ready ready. There was an obvious pattern emerging, and while the day before was kind of an exception with Dick’s hero shit, he did evade your small question about school when he rejoined you on the couch that evening. What made this whole thing even weirder was that he was actually hanging out with you. You’ve spent more time with Dick these past couple of days than you have the entire month (and it made you realize how little you knew about him before… despite how much he seemed to know about you).
So, almost cautiously, you crept through the hall to see what the verdict was going to be. Upon crossing entering the kitchen, your eyes immediately connected with Dick’s. He was seated at the table, dressed in a navy blue flannel and sun bleached jeans; a common going-out fit that he would wear, you’ve noticed. Perhaps that meant you really were going to school today?
“Morning, kiddo,” he softly greeted. He seemed to scan over your form for a brief moment, but didn’t comment on your lack of uniform like you were expecting him to. Instead, he amusingly commented, “nice shirt.”
You looked down at your own torso with furrowed brows. The shirt you were wearing was an old Superman jersey that you found in your dresser. It wasn’t yours — at least, you don’t remember ever owning a shirt like that — but you hadn’t a chance to use the apartment complex’s laundromat since you arrived, and you were running low on clean clothes. “Uh…” you confusingly looked back at him. “Thanks?”
A smirk split onto his lips as he quirked a brow at you. He then picked up an empty plate from the tabletop and brought it over to the sink. “You should get dressed,” he instructed you.
Ah, so you were going to school. After three days of skipping (involuntary skipping, might you add; you weren’t some school-fanatic or anything, but you did want to set the record straight), you were finally going back to school. Of course, you’d have to make up a viable excuse… and make up a shit ton of missing work, much to your disdain… but you might be able to get Alfred on the phone to help out over the weekend, and who knows; maybe Dick could actually help out for once—
“I’ve got some errands I need to run, and I want you to come with.”
… Huh?
You couldn’t stop the parroted word from spilling out of your mouth; “errands?”
“That’s what I said,” he teased while washing his plate off. “What, do kids not know what an errand is nowadays?”
“Wha… no, no!” Your hands waved off the notion, then you continued. “I know what an errand is, it’s just… what about school?”
Dick stilled his movements. A humorous smile tugged at your lips as you realized he must’ve forgot. Though he had his back to you, you wanted to imagine his face was contorted into an exaggerated, almost cartoonish shocked expression, and you were waiting for him to shout out a panicked, “OH, SHIT,” like he did that one time he overslept.
It never came.
There was an uncomfortable couple of seconds where time seemed to freeze, save for the running water, which finally Dick shut off with a slow turn of the kitchen sink’s knob. Now that it was eerily quiet, your smile dropped entirely. Something… wasn’t right. Something didn’t feel right. You didn’t know what it was, but the heavy, borderline suffocating silence made it clear that… well…
Dick turned towards you with a smile.
It was one of his signature Richard Grayson smiles. Dimpled, charming, and slightly lopsided on the left. You’ve seen enough of those tabloid pictures from your brief period of research to pick it out from a lineup. It’s his press smile; the one he pulls out whenever he puts on that Ward of Bruce Wayne persona.
The one he pulls out when he’s lying.
Azure eyes held no warmth. Instead, a cloud of darkness blotted out any twinkle of light, his cold gaze wrecking a shiver through your shoulders. Something wasn’t right. Like the first time you were dropped off at his place, something didn’t feel right. Except, this wasn’t the same Richard Grayson doesn’t like you feeling… this was something much darker.
Something was wrong.
Something was so wrong.
What the hell is wrong?
“… Sorry, kiddo,” he coolly began, his lips still stretched out in that same endearing smile. “Totally forgot. Is it not a Saturday?”
All you could do was shake your head, your voice refusing to work at the moment.
He let out a chuckle. It sounded genuine, almost cleansing the air of the accumulated uneasy awkwardness. “My bad. Lost track of the days. Yesterday just felt more like a Friday than a Thursday, y’know?” He then heaved a heavy sigh. “Well… there’s not much we can do about it now. You’re supposed to get your flu shots done today at noon.”
Flu shots… Dick didn’t tell you that…
Theoretically, he could take you to school, pick you up at noon for your shots, and then drop you off again until dismissal. But that sounded like a lot of running around, even for an errand day. And it’s not like you were feeling confident enough to suggest alternatives… especially after whatever the hell… that… was.
So, finding your voice again, you merely said, “oh… uh, alright. That’s okay.”
“Thanks for understanding, kiddo,” he mused. “Now go get dressed. We’ve got some shopping to do before your appointment.”
You didn’t have to be told twice.
So, yeah. Your day off turned into a week off. Not that you were necessarily complaining, of course, but all of the work you were missing out on was beginning to plant a seed of dread in your stomach. Maybe Dick saw this as a fit punishment for earlier that week, and catching up on four days of schoolwork was merely the consequences of your own actions. Or maybe you were just overthinking things, cuz that’s just fucking ridiculous.
But, either way, you still had to come up with an excuse for your absence. And since being held hostage for almost a week by your kind-of older brother probably isn’t an acceptable reason, you might have to just go with sickness.
So, you got yourself ready for a day of shopping, and…
… wait, did he say flu shots?!
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Stay Alive, That Would Be Enough
Read here on AO3!
“Have you seen Robin?”
“Yeah, he’s—” Steph turns, looks around with a frown. “He was just here a minute ago, I swear.”
“Shit.” Dick straightens, dizzy as he is, and surveys the pandemonium around them. “Robin? Robin, report. Robin!” Then he sees it. A flash of yellow cape, disappearing right back into the building through the door Dick just left. “No! Robin!” Dick lunges after him, but Steph holds him back.
“Is that it?” Steph asks when Dick runs over. She lets him lean on her shoulder as he hacks out the smoke collected in his lungs. “Is everyone out?” It’s hard to hear her voice over the sirens wailing from every direction, an ominous chorus. Not to mention the screams of civilians, the flames crackling inside the building which crumbles brick by brick. It’s only a matter of time before the entire thing collapses into a pile of rubble. “I think so. We cleared the top floor.” Steph’s Batgirl uniform is dusted with soot so the bat symbol on her chest is more of a black and gray blob, and Dick can’t imagine he’s faring any better in his batsuit. He and Damian have been evacuating the building as fast as they could while Steph tracked down Two-Face. “Did you get him?” Dick asks through a wheeze. “He’s on his way to Arkham as we speak.” Good. The son of a bitch needs to pay for setting those bombs in the first place. Luckily, no innocents have died. Yet. Dick’s eyes sting behind the lenses in his cowl, but he cracks them open anyway to survey the crowd for a red tunic and green boots. “Have you seen Robin?” “Yeah, he’s—” Steph turns, looks around with a frown. “He was just here a minute ago, I swear.”
“Shit.” Dick straightens, dizzy as he is, and surveys the pandemonium around them. “Robin? Robin, report. Robin!” Then he sees it. A flash of yellow cape, disappearing right back into the building through the door Dick just left. “No! Robin!” Dick lunges after him, but Steph holds him back. “You can’t go in there! The place could go any second.” The building creaks in agreement, all five stories waiting to plummet in a stack. Right on top of his little brother. Steph may be good, but Dick is better—he fights her off, breaking free from her grip in seconds. “Batman, stop!” He ignores her, pushing past firefighters and EMTs to charge right back into the fray. Highhhwayyy to the danger zone, his internal monologue sings. He covers his mouth with his elbow as the smoke hits like a wall of poison. He already gave his last rebreather to a civilian on his last sweep, so he’s going to have to be quick about this. He just hopes that Damian still has his. The interior of the place is in shambles, flames licking at the walls with a vicious hunger. Pieces of wood and drywall break off, falling to the cracked floor in clumps. There isn’t much time. “Robin!” Dick shouts, dodging rubble and ashen furniture. Damian can’t have made it higher than the first floor yet. There’s still time. “Robin, where are you! Robin! Damian!” A deafening creak rings above him. Dick looks up and his eyes widen. Shit. He has barely enough time to jump backward before a massive chunk of ceiling falls, hitting the ground right where Dick was standing with a crash. Dick is helpless to do anything but watch as concrete and metal beams plummet around him, the building giving way in one last breath. Smoke and flames burst from every angle, swirling around him like a sick carousel ride with Dick at the center. There is nowhere but this flame-riddled room, this crumbling building, this disaster he’s directly in the eye of. Dick can’t even see past the destruction, but he can hear. He hears screams outside as the onlookers watch the building collapse for good, and all Dick can do is wait—wait for it to flatten him completely, right along with his baby brother. It feels like it takes forever before the world goes still once more, and Dick almost doesn’t believe it because there’s no way he could have gotten through that without getting flattened. He just prays the same miracle was extended to Damian, wherever he is. Dick coughs, ignoring the burn in his lungs as he navigates through the debris, his heart sunken all the way through to the basement. “Damian! Damian, answer me!” Where is he? It’s too dark to see through the piles of rubble, but Dick picks through it anyway, his heart pounding. Damian can’t be gone. He needs to be here somewhere—he needs to be alive. “Damian, where are you? Damian!” Then Dick’s heart stops altogether when he spots a dirty green glove sticking out from a pile of plaster and concrete. No. He stumbles over on phantom limbs, shaking with desperation. Not him. Please, not him. Not my Robin. Dick’s fingers are numb as he digs through the rubble, terrified for what he’ll find. He finally uncovers the kid’s face, and his skin is covered in ash and blood from a cut on his forehead. There’s a support beam lying across his legs, keeping him pinned down. He’s curled around something bunched in his cape, and Dick feels dead himself before he catches Damian’s chest rising and falling weakly. Dick all but sobs with relief. “Damian? Kiddo, can you hear me?” He’s wary of any broken bones as he pushes the beam off of Damian and slips a hand behind the kid’s head. “Hey, Dami. Wake up for me, okay? Please, wake up.” Finally, finally, eyes crack open beneath the domino mask. “Gray—” Damian coughs, wheezy and hacking. There’s no rebreather in sight. “Grayson?” “Thank god,” Dick breathes, pulling Damian into his chest and wrapping his arms around him without a second thought. “Oh, thank god.” He pulls away. “What the hell were you thinking running back in here? You could have gotten killed.” They still might. Damian’s eyes narrow even as he coughs. Weakly, he shifts in Dick’s grip. He unwraps his cape to reveal a tiny white kitten cradled against his chest, its coat blackened with dust and ash. It lets out a mewl. “I couldn’t let her die.” In spite of everything—in spite of the fear, the adrenaline, the call so close it should have been a done deal—Dick lets out a laugh. It’s more desperately hysterical than anything. He hugs Damian close, burying his face in the kid’s black curls that smell too much like smoke. “Jesus, kid. Don’t you ever scare me like that again.”
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
The dangers of sugar coating
Dick tries to give his little brother nice things (and fucks up), Tim is paranoid (and too tired to think clearly), and Damian thinks they might actually be a good team (while they plot Santa Claus’ downfall).
(Beacuse @animemangasoul and I decided we’ve been too rough with Tim lately, so I tried to give him some batfamily fluff. Somewhere along the way I fucked up and ended with this. No edit, pure crack)
-Before I tell you anything, you need to promise me you won’t get mad.
The Bruce of ten years ago, new to parenting and oblivious to its dangers, would have done his best to emulate any ‘How to be a good Dad- guide for new, utterly lost fathers’ book. Now, though, tired after raising Dick to semi-adulthood and still hurting over Jason’s… Jason, he knew better. Life had toughtened him up.
So he didn’t raise his eyes from his newspaper, and gave into the urge of sipping his coffee before humming under his breath. Not even the slightest show of acceptance over those terms.
If Dick was asking that, instead of hiding whatever this was or dealing with it himself, it meant the situation was either out of his control, bound to make its way to Bruce eventually, or both. 
Probably both.
-Come on, B, just promise you won’t get all passive aggressive bitch on me. I did it for the greater good...
Another hum.
However, Dick has spent the same amount of time learning under his guide than he had raising him, so the younger was bound to develop some of his own tactics.
-...and I did it because Tim obviously needed it, so…
Warning bells ringing in his mind, Bruce gave up and shoot Dick a look. He didn’t seem overly guilty, so whatever this was, it probably wasn’t irreversible. But he was also shifting his weight from one leg to the other nervously, so… there was a catch here.
-What did you do?
-You didn’t promise.
-I won’t take your allowance away, but I may yell. It depends on how convincingly you make your case -compromise, he had learned after many, many mistakes, was as good a plan as any. 
-Deal -then, quickly, like ripping off a bandaid:- I might have made Tim slightly more neurotic than he was. On accident.
The bells turned into firefighter’s sirens. 
-What did you do?
They have had the fifteen year old living in the mannor for a few weeks at most. They couldn't possibly have already broken him, right?
Dick winced, but sat down by Bruce’s left (the side closest to the dining room’s window), which meant this was the only issue, but a hard to explain one.
-You see… We were talking, bonding over childhood memories and stuff, and… you know how christmas is just around the corner, and I asked him about Santa. I mean, obviously he doesn’t believe in that now, but the thing is, he never did.
-He’s too smart for that -growled Bruce, impatiente to get to the point and figure out just how much damage control would he be doing.
-No, his parents were too shitty. They were never there on Christmas, so no gifts under the tree unless he put them there himself, and whenever that happened, it was because his parents sent them and he wrapped them himself. Also no surprises, because he was the one asking for specific stuff. And I got a little sad, because how can a kid never believe in Santa? Like, come on. It’s part of the concept of childhood innocence. So...
Bruce waited a few beats, but Dick didn’t follow up. See, this was the moment where his parenting books would suggest waiting until the kid was good and ready for sharing his thoughts. But, since this was his younger child at stake here, he couldn't allow himself the luxury of letting a single second go.
-And? -he prompted, as gently as he could, trying not to spook Dick into abandoning ship.
-And I sort of… convinced him that Santa was real. Like, a full out super powered meta whose purpose in life was to bring joy to all of us. I texted Barbara and she planted some old looking reports on the batcomputer about it, to give credibility to the lie. I even drew parallels with Batman being thought of as a myth outside of Gotham to support the ‘Santa is real, people just don’t believe in him’ thing. And, after some hours of convincing and with Babs’ help, he bought it. So now, if Tim approaches you about it, you better back me up, because otherwise you would be ruining the last vestige of innocence Tim might still keep. Downside, though, Tim is now holed up in his bedroom searching the deep web for any Santa related info he can get his nerdy little paws on.
Silence in the room. Dick blurted out a goodbye and jumped out of the window. Bruce didn’t get up to check if he had landed safely on the other side. He probably had. 
Tired, he looked down at his coffee. Black, just like he needed it now.
He should have stopped at zero children.
Cassie watched, with no small amount of unholy glee, as Tim thoroughly convinced both Kon and Bart of Santa’s existence. One a clone with little social understanding and the other from a very dark future, they were unsurprisingly easy to convince.
This was the kind of hilarious shit that made being in a superhero team worth it. All the life and death situations were balanced out by this kind of drama-like absurdity.
Even better was Tim’s completely fucked up perspective on the matter.
-So you’re saying Santa is not only real, but a deranged psychopath? Who’s probably both a pedofile and a mind controlling scumbag? -Kon tilted his head, both confused and esceptic.
Cassie did her utmost best to keep a straight face while nodding along, as if everything Tim had laid down in front of them made perfect sense. 
-I thought it was stupid, too. But Dick showed me evidence, old reports, both handwritten and digital, and I found footage of Santa sneaking into the Manor when he was still young, deeply buried in the Batcomputer mainframe.
-Couldn’t that video be, you know… made up? -Bart asked, frown unusual on him firmly in place.
-If it was anywhere else? Sure. But this is The Batcomputer we’re talking about. Why would Batman have that kind of thing there? It was too heavily protected to be placed there as decoy for anyone hacking, not like they could ever get over Oracle’s firewalls. Besides, what reason would Batman have to invent this? I’m fifteen, I don’t need the ‘Santa fantasy’. The only believable answer is that Santa is real and very dangerous, and some people have taken his name for capitalism’s sake and made a holiday out of that and some religious backing, to get more people roped up into it. The true mastermind is obviously hiding somewhere out there, and the Christmas propaganda is merely a means to get funding for his devious plots.
Both metas hummed thoughtfully, Superboy even crossing his arms as he examined the pile of photos and papers Tim had laid out in front of them. Bart was nodding, hand cupping his jaw. The looked dead serious.
Cassie wanted to excuse herself to use the toilet (lead lidden because this was Gotham, specifically Tim’s secret place, so of course it was super-proof) so she could laugh her ass off, but the temptation of seeing this trainwreck to its fiery end was too strong. 
It was taking up all of her amazonian training to keep her straight face, though. Diana would be so proud.
-I even searched the deep web for Santa related crimes, and looked up his name in disturbing forums. You wouldn't believe what some people, serial killers and rapists both, do using Christmas as a theme. I couldn't sort through it all, it was that sick.
Kon looked utterly disturbed- So what do we do now? Christmas is just around the corner!
Bart got up and started pacing back and forth- We need to hunt this dude down. Christmas is about goodness and family! We can’t let this, this… psychopath ruin it! Think about the children of the world!!
Oh god, this was getting even better.
-But how? The man sounds like a velocist of some kind, I mean, running and leaving gifts everywhere in the world in the span of a few hours? How are we even gonna catch him?
-Maybe if we dress up as Elves? -Cassie couldn't stop herself from suggesting, voice choked in her effort to be serious, but most likely interpreted by the boys as clogged up on rage- From what Tim wrote here -she raised a paper from the pile, hand shaking- it looks like they are his mind-controlled slaves. If he thinks we ran from his captivity, he might take us to the North Pole with him to brainwash us again… Oh, but I probably shouldn't dress up, so you know, I can be back up if he manages to catch you three…
-That’s a great idea! -Bart’s skinny arms wrapped themselves around her neck, and she took the chance to hide her face in his mane of hair, corners of her mouth twitching up.
-Should I also record it? -she asks, almost begging- In case people don’t believe us later, when we have to explain why we imprisoned Santa.
-Yes, I think that might be wise -Tim conceded, eyes scanning his papers again.
Thank the gods. That tape was going to be Cassie’s most precious treasure forever.
-I think he has a way of controlling people’s minds too. Like, parents and stuff. And then he makes them be the ones to give his children gifts in his name, as a way of gaining their trust. Sick fucker.
-So you think it’s a kinky thing for him?
-Kon, he literally categorizes kids as ‘good’ or ‘naughty’. 
-You are right, we need to stop this bastard.
Cassie loved her boys so, so much. She also owed Dick Grayson the biggest high five.
Red Hood was just lighting up a cigarette when he saw Red Robin making his way to his rooftop. Cursing, he dropped the entire thing and kicked it away. The brat knew Jason smoked, but Dick had been on his ass lately about being a good brother, and he still felt kinda bad about trying to kill the kid twice, so he was actually trying to set a good example. 
Besides, out of the two possible little brothers to take under his wing, he certainly drew the lucky ticket, because while Dickie had gotten stranded with the pompous brat, Jason had the all around good kid circling his radar more often than not. Like, Tim had broken him out of prison, a little after Jason had done his best to end his life; he couldn't get more forgiving and nice than that. It certainly beat making a murder League child let go of his katana on a nightly basis.
-I need your help.
He blinked. While they certainly had worked cases together in the past, they were always preluded by some kind of smalltalk,  little banter, at least a ‘hello’. Not this straight to the point bullshit.
He had the urge to take out his guns, to protect them both of any threat following Red Robin here. He refrained.
-What’s the matter, babybird? What’s wrong?
Tim looked almost frazzled. The cowl was hanging around his neck, just a domino preserving his identity, and his hair was a knotted mess. Disveleshed was too little a word for his state.
-We need to make a plan to catch Santa Claus before Christmas this year. His reign of terror must end. It’s still not too late.
Yeah, okay, he might need that cigarette after all, to hell with Dick’s bitching. Besides, how bad of a influence could that be, when this kid was obviously already on some kind of drugs? Like, Santa? Really?
-What… do you mean?
What followed was an hour long rant on the dangers of a super powered, evil version of the myth that Tim had somehow cooked up on his mind.
Was this real? The kid looked far too distraught for a joke.
-… Does Nightwing know about this? -whatever ‘this’ was- Bats?
Tim shook his hands frantically. Jason was legit getting worried.
-N was the one who told me about Santa -there, he knew this smelled like a Golden Boy trademark fuck up-, but he seems to be under his spell. Bruce as well. They tried to convince me he is some kind of good-hearted samaritan. Jason -he stated, breaking the no names during patrol rule, a show of just how deep into the rabbit hole he was- you wouldn't  believe what I found on the deepweb. Joker’s yearly special seems tame in comparison.
That, Jason could believe. But he was also fairly sure you could type about any word in the darkest side of the net, and find half a dozen kinky or deranged things that matched. Santa-temed crimes? More likely than anyone would believe. Real life Santa doing the deed? Not so much.
Tim had been too young when Dick lied to his face, most likely. And nowadays, the young vigilante was running on three hours of sleep on a good week. And it wasn’t even too far fetched to believe, on their line of business, specially when dealing with metas and supervillains day in and day out.
-Kid, I don’t know how to tell you this, but… Santa isn’t real -he told him, slowly, hands raised as if to touch his shoulders but not daring to actually make contact. Tim looked so manic he might actually nerve strike him.
The icy blue eyes were hidden under his mask, but Jason knew from the way he tensed that Tim was terrified.
-He got to you, too -he whispered, almost too softly for him to hear. Then, without giving Jason the chance to inquire further, he turned tail and disappeared into the night.
He really needed that cigarette.
When Drake told the family he was taking Damian under his wing for a case, everyone seemed so happy he couldn't just shoot the other man down. Besides, reluctant as he was to admit it, Red Robin was the superior detective in the entirety of the team, so there would be rewards for taking the blow to his pride and working with him.
He expected to be directed through some easy case, maybe a little puzzling but not too challenging. Or be sidelined while Drake worked through things, so he could learn by example.
This, though, this he hadn’t foresaw.
This case was way more serious.
-How come Father has allowed this depravancy to continue?! -exclaimed Damian, hands gripping the sheets of information tightly- This ‘Santa’s’ influence has been permitted to cement on too many people already! And it keeps growing!
-I know. Fuck, I know. But I can’t get anyone to help me. My team knows, but sadly we aren’t enough. Bruce and Dick don’t believe me, and neither does any other hero I contacted on the matter. It’s just like when B was missing in time; they either think I’m crazy, or try to sugarcoat things, like they would with a baby.
Damian snorted, disbelieving. Whatever his opinion might be on his predecessor, he at least knew to trust his insight in a case. Grandfather himself had recognized his genius on that field.
They were on Drake’s perch, his center of operations outside of Batman’s influence. He would never admit it out loud, but if Damian ever needed his own batcave, it would be just like this one. 
Now, the long table in front of him was completely covered in information, case reports, photos taken from live footage, deepweb forums’ conversations, history books…
-And you say this… monster, targets children?
-I mean, he brainwashes the parents too, but that seems like a plot to both increase his economic funds and to gain the children’s trust.
-How are you so sure they are his objective?
-The parents tell their children Santa is ‘always observing them’, and ask if they ‘have been good’ that year. If they aren’t perceived as obedient, Santa leaves them coal, which incentives them to do their best to change that by next year’s christmas. 
-Maybe the coal and gifts have mind control devices, or some magic?
-My thoughts exactly.
Damian frowns even deeper. He’s glad Drake is taking his detective training seriously, but if father himself is being deceived, he wonders what can the two of them (plus Drake’s team) do.
-What about Todd? Red Hood is proclaimed as Saint Protector of Children in Crime Alley, after all. He certainly has opinions about this ‘Santa’ person. 
Timothy shakes his head- He got Jason too. I suspect he’s been under his control ever since he was a child at the manor. 
-So, we are alone in this.
-Essentially, yes. Thankfully, not everyone celebrates christmas. Some religions flat out forbid it, so we won’t have as much ground to cover when we lay out a trap. We could choose a close by location and plan around it. 
He nods, back straight with purpose. He -and Drake, he supposes- would be freeing Father and Grayson, along with the rest of the victims, from this madman’s control. Maybe even Todd, if he has the time.
-I’m with you on this endeavor, Drake.
-Good. Remember we need to act natural in front of the family. If Santa catches wind of what we’re doing, he might focus his efforts in getting to us. 
Damian wants to say to let him come, he would show him why it's a bad idea to mess with his family. But Drake is, admittedly, the superior detective, and it seems he’s been working on this for a long time now. Damian will defer to his judgement this one time.
Drake’s superior knowledge and Damian’s unrivaled training might be what’s needed to orchestrate this ‘Santa’s’ downfall.
They will be a good team, he thinks.
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kiseiakhun · 4 years
What are your feelings on Kyle/Jason/Wally. I kinda think it might happen if Kyle had a crush on both. Accidentally tells Wally. Teasing. Jason finding out. Jason and Wally overdramaticly flirting. Dick finds out and Kyle dying from the close proximity of both Jason/Wally Wally/Jason Jason/Kyle Wally/Kyle. And then Flirting/Showing off intensifying. Although I don't really know much about Wally or Kyle. ❤
Hello? This is the greatest ask anyone’s ever sent me. Kyle is a lovey-dovey dumbass who falls in love after two seconds of knowing someone, so like. It’s real. It’s very real. He and Wally would’ve had their thing first? Because of their whole enemies to lovers arc in JL, except - because of that whole dynamic where they started off ragging on each other, I feel like they both would’ve been oblivious to their feelings. Add in a healthy dose of compulsory heterosexuality from Kyle, and yeah... the adults of the League have probably been waiting years for that ship to sail, except the babies just keep being oblivious dunderheads.
(Wally realized in his teen years that he’s not strictly heterosexual, because being on a team with Dick Grayson when you’re male tends to draw out any bent inclinations very, very quickly. It’s just. Kyle is the snot-nosed rookie too big for his britches. He’s a baby? He’s an infant. Wally is not attracted to an infant, wtf.)
And then Kyle goes off on his journey of self-discovery with Donna and Jason. Well, journey of self-discovery for him, because Jason’s ass and body and his devil-may-care tough guy attitude is the culmination of Kyle’s bisexual crisis. Seriously, countdown is basically Kyle going “ugh, that stupid hot sexy asshole is so hot and sexy around Donna, there’s no way she can resist him. Why is he attractive? He needs to stop. I’m going to fight him because he’s TOO HOT.” It’s incredible. If the writers weren’t cowards, countdown would’ve ended with them being in a triad.
Donna’s probably the one who points out that mayhaps... Kyle’s constant mooning over Jason might mean something different... and Kyle’s like wtf, no. And then he actually thinks about it, because Kyle’s one of maybe two (2) men in the dcu who has a semblance of emotional intelligence (idk who the other one is, but I’m sure he’s out there) (edit: it’s Connor. Connor Hawke. Connor is the other man. I was going to say Clark but Clark keeps going to extremes whenever he or his are threatened and. like. he tries, bless his heart, but there’s still a lot of repression going on with him) and he’s like wait. Fuck. Well what do I do with this information!! It’s not like Jason is into guys!!!
To which Donna just looks at him like, how are you so smart yet so stupid at the same time. She remembers how baby Jason mooned over Roy and Dick as much as he mooned over her. She Remembers.
(Also, lbr, Donna’s very experienced by now at dealing with dumb boys in denial about their non-het leanings. See previous statements about being on a team with Dick Grayson. She saw all of it, man. She’s seen so much.)
Cue Kyle, sitting bolt upright in bed after they’ve just wound down for the night and just saying, “Oh my god, Wally.”
And Donna’s just like, yup.
And Jason’s just like ? wtf is that asshole up to now. Whatever, idc, blissfully unaware of Kyle’s bi panic.
Anyway. The world is saved, and they get back to their Earth, and Kyle manages to put it aside because Everything Happens So Much. He’s the Green fking Lantern, okay, he doesn’t have time to deal with sexuality crises, except. Except. It won’t leave him alone?
Like, in his downtime he hangs out with Wally a lot since they’re friends, and oh yes, hello raging crush that he can no longer pretend isn’t a thing, because once Kyle acknowledges his attraction? That is it, man, there’s no turning back from that point. And ik that in canon, Jason threw a snitfit and left Kyle and Donna in the middle of their happy fun space adventure fieldtrip, but let’s say he didn’t have a sudden ooc personality turn because of writer mandate, and he stayed with Kyle and Donna until the end of their journey, and they stayed in touch.
And Kyle realizes, to his horror, that Jason is charming, and funny, and not bad on the eyes, and fuuuuck. This isn’t really helping his stupid dumb crush. Stupid dumb crushes. Goddamn.
(Sometimes Jason even joins him in his Space Adventures because of his new team. More specifically, Kori and her shiny new spaceship that can sustain humans in space conditions, and he is not jealous, shut up, Roy.)
(Roy caught on pretty quickly, because he’s much more empathetic and in tune with other peoples emotions than he pretends to be 90% of the time. Unfortunately, he only uses his powers for chaos.)
Ofc, Wally would start getting curious about Jason eventually because suddenly this kid is fucking everywhere? Dick’s calling on him for intel in the middle of a firefight, and he’s ragging on Roy’s atrocious dress sense, and he’s joking with Donna and Kyle’s giving him the same shit that he used to give to Wally, excuse me. Wasn’t he a villain or something? The last time Wally paid attention to him, he was sawing heads off in Gotham, and now Wally can’t seem to turn without tripping over him. When the fuck did that even happen?
(I’m not sure if Wally ever met Robin!Jason. Hm. Were Jason’s guest-appearances on the team during when Wally was pulling one of his stints of... I don’t WANT to be a hero, I want to be a NORMAL BOY who goes to COLLEGE, even though I literally re-created the Flash’s lab accident down to the letter just so I can have his powers and be a hero and save the world? ... ykw, we don’t acknowledge that era of Wally. This was back when he was a meninist incel or something. Ick.)
... and damn, Wally really can trip over him now, huh. Because he sure did grow up big, and strong, and rugged, and haha fuck now Dick is starting to glare at him, too, and not just at Roy, abort, abort.
...... Wally does attempt to subtly ask Roy, later, if there’s any truth to the statements about him and Jason and Kori that Roy says to Dick to get him all riled up. I say “attempt to” because Wally is bad at subtlety. It’s part of why he and Kyle get along so well. Roy realizes what he’s asking and he about has an apoplexy because Wally? Wally? Now there’s a surprise contender he did not expect, tossing his hat into the ring.
But also. Also... hot.
Roy and Kori are watching all of this while munching popcorn like damn, this is better than TV. Because Kyle’s having his crisis, his Love crisis, and Wally’s having his oh my god why do I find my best friend’s little brother hot crisis, and Jason is just happily oblivious to all of this, because he’s too busy angsting over his dad not loving him enough and dismantling trafficking rings and being the big, bad scourge of Gotham to notice Kyle pining after him like a lovelorn puppy, and Wally eyeing him appreciatively like he hasn’t eaten in a whole hour and Jason is a tender piece of marbled steak roasted on both sides to perfection. He does notice the way Kyle and Wally look at each other, though, because he’s only observant when it comes to the positive emotions of other people. And he is not stepping in the middle of that, tyvm, because from what Roy’s told him the two of them have a looooong history and he does not want to get caught in the middle of that crossfire.
Roy and Kori are both like, what makes you think it’s going to get messy, anyway? And Jason, whose real world examples of functioning relationships are 1. Willis and Catherine Todd, 2. Bruce and Selina, 3. Bruce and Talia, 4. Dick and all his exes, 5. Roy and all of his not-exes because he doesn’t date but people keep falling in love with him anyway and he panics and ghosts them because he is Roy William Commitment Issues Harper, 6. Kori and whatever the fuck she’s got going on with Dick and like, an ex? back on Tamaran? who she might still be married to?? what the fuck, 7. Kyle and Donna and their messy breakup(s)(?) (Jason doesn’t ask, because he Does Not Want To Know) (he’s too busy repressing to realize it’s half because of jealousy), is just like, that’s just how things go.
And Roy and Kori, both having mentally run through all of those ^ options while Jason was thinking of a response, are just like. ... yeah, alright, that’s fair enough.
God, every single relationship in DC is a mess.
Where was I even going with this?
Oh, right. Basically, Kyle is pining like a lovelorn idiot, Wally doesn’t know what the fuck he’s feeling and it’s making him confused, and Jason is ignoring his feelings because maybe if he just represses them hard enough, they won’t spill over and punch him in the face. Honestly, I see Wally making the first move, because his inadequacy issues don’t run as deep as Jason and Kyle’s do, and Kyle’s just like :D and Jason’s like, what the fuck. What the fuck? Because it literally blindsides him, even though it’s stupidly, painfully obvious to everyone else around him.
Either that, or Roy gets sick enough of watching their lovelorn pining, and employs Dick’s help to lock them all in a closet, naked, and fuck it out.
(Dick doesn’t actually disapprove of Jason sleeping with his friends, he just needs to get over his mental block of still seeing Jason as a baby)
Anyway. They’re all a whole-ass mess.
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writingandmore · 4 years
Master-post for Imagines and Headcanons
 Genshin Impact: 
 -Ideal Date w/ Diluc
-Star Wars: 
 - Poe Dameron x badass! reader
 - Being bffs with Ahsoka Tano
 -General relationship headcanons for Leia 
 - Bucky Barnes headcanons where his s/o is a firefighter
 - Bruce Wayne overhearing their S/O sing beautifully while playing the piano or guitar.
 -Bruce Wayne with an S/O with children from a previous relationship.
 - Dick Grayson  reacting to his s/o, an asexual trans guy, having self-esteem issues
 - Pidge VLD fluffy headcanons
 - Headcannons for fluffy, more domestic Allura x Female MC
 -Lance reacting to his s/o, an asexual trans guy, having self-esteem issues.
 -Lance and Keith taking care of sick s/o. 
 -Keith, Shiro, and Lance with a tactical, strategy-minded s/o 
 -Paladins reacting to an insecure s/o. 
 -How the Paladins react to having a crush.
 -Aph America, Germany, and England reacting to a very flirty s/o.
 -General relationship headcanons for Alfred (APH Amercia) and Mathew (APH Canada) 
 -Alfred and Mathew with an s/o who always feels warm
 -APH Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, and Belgium making their s/o food for their birthday
 -APH Russia with an s/o nervous about physical affection becoming really affectionate over time. 
 -APH Russia with his s/o who’s nervous on their wedding night (Slight NSFW)
 -APH Russia helping a depressed s/o.
 -APH Hungary, APH Austria, and APH Prussia with an s/o who gets nervous in public/crowds
 -Sasuke overhearing their S/O sing beautifully while playing the piano or guitar?
 -Relationship headcannons for Deidara.
 -Non uchiha massacre AU with Itachi x Hyuga! Reader 
 -Itachi and his s/o at the beach 
Black Butler: 
 -Relationship headcanons for the Undertaker and Sebastian 
 - Jealousy headcanons for the Undertaker and Sebastian
 -Headcanon for how Sebastian, Bard & Finny would react to something threatening her life that they could not control.
 - Headcanons for how Dirk, Dave, and Kankri would comfort their s/o with social anxiety who did terribly on a presentation.
 - Domestic Raihan fluff headcanons.
 - Raihan with an s/o that's shorter than him but can also kick ass.
 -Raihan with a mute s/o
 -Raihan, Leon, and Piers with a rock star S/O. 
 -Leon taking Hop to see his S/O’s concert. 
 -Brock relationship headcanons.
Ace Attorney: 
 -Headcanons for Edgeworth being blind. 
 - Kokichi as a dad.
 -Kazuichi as a dad. 
 Boku No Hero Academia: 
 - Bakugou, Izuku, Kirishima, and Todoroki with a reader who’s dealing with upsetting family developments. 
 - Can we get Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Izuku dad!headcanons
 - Bakugo, Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Shinsou having an s/o with anxiety and people made fun of them for it. 
 -Platonic Bakusquad with an affectionate friend 
 - Tamaki amajiki, Mirio, Tomura, and Hawks with an s/o who overworks themselves
 - Izuku comfort hcs of him finding out his s/o has self harm scars/self harms?
 -Plantonic Izuku helping out a friend who struggles with studying
 -Izuku and Shinsou and what they want and need in an s/o
 -Shinsou husband headcanons
 -Shinsou comforting his s/o before an audition
 -Todoroki reacting to his s/o, an asexual trans guy, having self-esteem issues.
 -Todoroki getting jealous and confessing his feelings 
 - Soulmate Denki AU
 - Poly headcanons of Monoma, Shinsou, and their s/o.
 -Dabi relationship headcanons
 -Jealous Dabi Headcanons
 -Iida comforting his s/o
 -Aizawa with a homicide detective s/o
Life is Strange: 
 -Nathan Prescott reacting to overhearing their S/O sing beautifully while playing the piano or guitar?
The Arcana: 
 - Headcanons of kisses with Asra.
 - The Arcana main 6 as models.
 -Headcannons of the main six trying to help an MC who refused to rest and take a break and sometimes faints because of work.
Monster Prom: 
 -Damien meeting his s/o’s 6 member family. 
She-ra Princesses of Power: 
 -Catra with an s/o who has curly hair. 
 - Entrapta x reader. 
 -Adora with a vampire s/o. 
 Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss: 
 - Fluffy Sir Pentious headcanons. 
 -Alastor and Angel Dust and what they need/want in an s/o 
 -Alastor and Angel Dust with a Pure and Sweet S/O
-Blitzo and Angel Dust interacting with their s/o’s abusive parent
 -Husk cuddling headcanons
 -Loona dating headcanons
 -Blitzo relationship Headcanons
 -Blitzo proposing to his s/o 
 -Blitzo’s so proposing to him
 -Blitzo taking care of a sick s/o
 -Blitzo reacting to a trans s/o coming out
Devil May Cry 5:
  -Being Dante’s s/o headcanons
 -Dante and Virgil with a dorky s/o 
The Dragon Prince: 
 -General Modern! AU Headcanons
 -Soren with an s/o who was Aaravos’ apprentice and daughter
 -Dating headcanons for Soren 
 -Soren and Corvus with an s/o recovering from an abusive family
 -Soren and Gren s/o preferences  
 -Aaravos with a slim s/o who is insecure with their body (NS/FW) 
 -Aaravos with a human noble s/o
 -Aaravos fluffy headcanons
 -Aaravos with a child headcanons
Bungou Stray Dogs: 
 -Dazai and Chuuya with an s/o who is a sex worker (NS/FW)
 -Chuuya when his s/o gets bullied. 
 -Chuuya with a crybaby s/o. 
 -Chuuya with an s/o who is getting flirted with
 -Chuuya with an s/o who is afraid to ask for affection 
 -Ranpo with an s/o that surprises him on Valentine’s Day (NS/FW) 
 -Atsushi’s reaction when his partner brings home a pet.
 -Chuuya and Atsushi general relationship headcanons.
 -General Relationship Headcanons with Akiko (NS/FW) 
Fire Emblem:
   -Tharja, Camilla, Lucina, Peri, and Olivia comforting their child after a nightmare. 
 -Claude with an s/o from a foreign kingdom. 
 -Qrow dating headcanons
 -Sun general relationship headcanons
Persona 5:
 -Haru with an idol S/O
 -Haru and her S/O going on a romantic horse ride. 
 -Haru getting sung to by her s/o. 
 -Makoto with a Biker S/O
 -Makoto going horse back riding with her s/o 
Mystic Messenger: 
 -Yoosung with an s/o who is a huge Star Wars fan
 -Zen protecting his s/o from someone pushy 
 -Seven, Saeran, Jumin, and V reacting to their s/o coming out as a trans man
 -Seven and Zen with an s/o who struggles with BPD and Self-harm
 -Rock with a shy s/o
 -Samon starting out a relationship/fluff headcanons
 -Samon and Enki with a crush on the same person
The Alienist: 
 -Laszlo meeting his future s/o for the first time .
 -Serizawa general relationship headcanons
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aspiratinganxiety · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
This post is me experimenting with a masterlist for mobile users. The one that I put into my description works just fine with a regular web browser, but it still goes all wonky for my babes try’na read on their phones (This is fixed now, btw. I made the link in the description send you to this post). The page I have for my masterlist is linked on my blog in the description, as well. A traditional link for it is here. 
Let’s see if this works, eh? 
Welp... alrighty then. Still not gonna’ link you right to the page as a mobile user, so here goes! I’m going to copy everything onto this post. Prepare yourselves children...
Yeah. Nevermind. It’s going under a cut.
Alternate Universes
Daemon AU: Bruce and Alfred
Bat Boys Sick S/O
As Bed Partners
Approaching Love Interest 
Robins off Duty in the Park (Imagine Request)
Morning Routine (Headcanon Request)
Sleeping Over (Headcanon Request, No Dami)
Appearances and Face Claims (Headcanon Request)
A Lazy Day Together (Headcanon Request) 
Dick Grayson Dating Dick Grayson would Include...
There’s Only One Bed (Imagine Request)
Grayscale (Imagine Request for Bro Bonding w/ Tim)
Dad Hot (Imagine Request)
See You There (Imagine Request)
Jason Todd Dad’s Here (Special Request)
Happy Birthday, Darlin’ (Special Request)
Get Out of My Kitchen! (Imagine Request)
No Way (Imagine Request)
Foot in Mouth (Imagine Request)
Slim Pickins’ (Imagine Request)
Helpful (Imagine Request)
You’re Not Kidding (Imagine Request)
Birthentine’s Day (Special Request) 
Simple (Imagine Request)
Batsis! (Headcanon Request) 
Smart Advertising Part I (Omegaverse)
See Ya Soon, Sweetheart (Soulmate)
Tim Drake Moments of Action (Imagine Request)
Christmas Dinner Part I (Imagine Request)
Christmas Dinner Part II (imagine Request)
Please Tell Me You Feel the Same (Imagine Request)
He’ll Never Know (Imagine Request)
Bad Nights (Imagine Request)
It’s a Little Chilly Part I (Firefighter AU)
Damian Wayne Keepsakes (Headcanon Request)
Up Early (Imagine Request)
Your Mom’s in Town (Imagine Request)
Preoccupied (Imagine Request)
Please Stop (Imagine Request)
Even More So (Imagine Request)
Before Jason Gets the Chance (Imagine Request)
Why Would You Do This? (Imagine Request)
You Know Her?
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