#freaking out over the magical girl transformation
lexcorecreations · 1 month
been workin on raging she-demon shimmer redesign for idk how long and i haven’t gotten to a design i like quite yet… any tips or suggestions ?
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xenodile · 5 months
"Shuro loves Falin for the same reasons he hates Laios" Completely and utterly wrong, could not be further off base.
I get the impression a lot of people watching Dungeon Meshi as it airs, or are a bit removed from its original manga run, have forgotten that Laios and Falin being monster freaks wasn't actually apparent until the events of the story. The only person that knew Falin loved monsters as much as Laios was Marcille because they were best friends at school.
Once Laios and Falin were in an adventuring party together, they both had public facing personas because they had both learned through their separate upbringings that being super interested in monsters and dungeons wasn't normal. Laios is the blunt but well meaning, outspoken and opinionated guy we all know, but Falin was way more withdrawn and soft-spoken, non-confrontational, easy to get along with. Everyone that interacted with Falin would say she's a sweet, gentle girl that everyone likes. Because she was, frankly, kind of a doormat.
The whole thing with Toshiro's infatuation with Falin is he doesn't actually know her. She is outwardly very polite and reserved, and that appeals to Toshiro because it meshes with his cultural sensibilities and how he was taught people are supposed to behave. Then he sees her marveling at a caterpillar in a private moment and decides on the spot that she's the ideal woman and proposes without actually talking to or getting to know her.
And his lack of understanding of Falin as a person is brought to the forefront in every action he takes after she gets eaten. He leaves the party and makes no attempt to contact the two people that Falin loves the most. Whether it's a matter of him just not knowing how much Falin cares about her brother and Marcille, or actively avoiding Laios to rescue Falin himself, he's demonstrating that he doesn't actually know what's important to her or understand how she feels.
Then when he meets Laios's party on the lower floors and they go over what happened, it's made even more blatant that Toshiro's affection is shallow and half-baked. He came into the dungeon a week too late and neglected his health the whole way down, so he was in no state to actually try and save Falin when he got there. When Laios talks about eating monsters, something Falin was thrilled about, Toshiro is disgusted. He threatens to kill Laios and turn Marcille in, which would never fly with Falin. His anger at the use of black magic is entirely based in his selfish idea of Falin being tainted and blaming Laios and Marcille for "ruining" his attempt to rescue her, as Kabru points out that Toshiro would have done the exact same thing in their shoes and that he's being a hypocrite. To say nothing of how he'd rather kill Falin after she's been transformed and "put her to rest" rather than put any effort into saving her, because that would require further involvement from Laios and Marcille and methods that Toshiro doesn't approve of.
And there's the fight he has with Laios, and Toshiro's subsequent confession that he had hoped to just take Falin home with him. He at no point gives consideration to what Falin feels or what she might want, only what he has decided about her based on the most surface level observation. Just like how his problem with Laios arises from his refusal to just talk to him about his boundaries, he has no actual connection with the woman he claims to love because he just wouldn't actually talk to her.
Like it's not a coincidence that every time his attraction to Falin is brought up, another character goes "yeah he's being weird about it".
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Okay okay okay I know I'm on a bit of a sad kick but danny turning into a literal phantom.
Something happens at school, maybe the GIW shoots him in science after he finally got to passing, and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back, danny just snaps and goes full poltergeist. Transformation sequence, fucking magical girl's his way to a new, hellish form.
He takes over the school, no in or out and just starts attacking anybody trying to "free" the students. In his head he's just trying to keep them safe from outside harm but to everyone else this is a hostage situation from a new, extremely violent ghost.
Everyone on the outside is desperately trying to find phantom and get the kids out while everyone on the inside is trying to calm danny down because he is having a panic attack.
Eventually after an hour the justice league gets called and they try to handle the situation but ghosts are made of emotion to some extent, and Danny's having a lot of them which powers him up while being extremely erratic he's not easy to control or even keep track of for long. His intangibility and invisibility ads a new, untouchable layer to an otherwise already kinda op powerset that the league haven't ever had to fight All at once before.
While the justice league is busy trying to neutralize Danny, the students have banded together to try to break through the barrier and calm danny down. They go through Danny's backpack for scraps of fenton tech and fucking just straight up mug the GIW agents, and tucker Jerry rigs something to deactivate the force field.
During a lull in the fighting, when Danny's got the JL on the defensive, they flood out the front door and crowd danny while he desperately tries to mother hen them away from the justice league who he still blindly perceives as a threat. The JL freak out at the civillian to threat contact but slowly come to a horrifying realization as danny calms down with his friends and classmates that they've been trying to beat up a teen hero in a mental crisis and he shifts back into phantom and eventually human danny while sobbing about how he just wanted to keep everyone safe.
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merakiui · 3 months
Hey, since you still seem to be thinking about Villain Azul with a Magical Girl Darling, I just wanted to tack on. Have you even seen Panty and Stocking? All that matters are the powers in this situation.
Pretty much in the show, the protags use their panties and stockings and turn them into weapons to fight (guns and swords repectively). And imagine Azul in that scenerio.
Just him trying to take over the school and sees the hero show up to defeat him. But before he can get his villainous monologue out of the way, she just starts taking off her underwear in front of him. Just the look on Azul's face.
Cause he doesn't know that she needs to do this to get her weapon. In his eyes she just showed up and immediantly dropped her drawers. It eventually leading into a scenerio where he just takes her panties and when questioned just says
"I'm performing tests to see if these just naturally turn into weaponry or if it's simply her magic"
But in reality Azul's just being a freak.
Omg I love Panty and Stocking!!!! That concept with magical girl darling and villain Azul....... 👁 👁 the potential is so *chef's kiss*!!!!!
Azul being a freak....... as expected. >:D perverted tako villain who is definitely going to ensnare you in his tentacles and hold you upside down just to see what's below your skirt. Maybe you also need a magical stripper pole when you're sliding your panties off in order to transform them into a weapon just like in the show hehe. <3 Azul who just stands there and watches, perfectly slack-jawed, his words stuck in his throat. Suddenly the evil monologue doesn't even matter. Will you strip the rest of your clothes off if he confiscates your weapon (panties) before you can transform them?
And of course for this to happen in an all-boys academy...... this is basically every porn fantasy come to life. (˘ ˘ ˘) maybe a few copycat villains show up just to have the chance to fight you (or be defeated by you and crushed under your heel if they're into that hehe).
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Neslin AU idea -> A ballad of beasts
AU where Tamlin, unwilling to deal with his brothers' power struggle for the High Lord title after their father's death goes FUCK NO, and legs it for the mortal realm.
He eventually finds refuge in a little, faraway village called Carterhaugh. But even though he's fae, he has no idea how shit works in the mortal realm, and he needs a safe place to stay.
BUT, he can't just saunter into the place and be like 'please will you let me into your house and give me a safe place to stay??'
That goes against all the fae rules, sanctuary must be given freely of a mortal's own choice and mind, no asking allowed.
He transforms himself into a cat and wanders around until he comes across Nesta; the prickliest woman of the village, who couldn't give less of a shit about other people, but who is instantly besotted by the bedraggled and clearly malnourished cat that's mewling pathetically at her village bookshop door.
"Oh, you poor thing," she cooed, gathering up the golden cat into her arms and scratching it under the chin.
It purred happily, and she immediately made for her small cottage at the edge of town.
"You must be hungry, don't fret little one, I'll look after you."
She takes him home and gives cat-lin a bath and feeds him, and everything, but Tam starts feeling guilty so he poofs back into his fae male form and Nesta rightfully freaks out, screaming at him to get out of her house but eventually she listens to his story
High Lord powers -> WILL be killed by brothers
Nesta's still kinda eh,
So Tam just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE's and Nesta is eventually just like 'jesus fucking hell, fine, but i'm gonna make you do unpaid labour in the bookshop if you're gonna stay.'
So that's how life is for a while, they grow closer, and eventually Nesta tells him her story.
Years and years ago, her sisters were out playing in the woods near their home, and she was tasked by her mother with looking after them. But then as she was watching them, a thick wreath of shadow just... gathered them up and disappeared them from sight. They were never seen again, and Nesta's mother had hated her for it until her death, and Nesta has spent every day since then hating herself for it.
"I- I tried," her throat bobbed, eyes going distant and hazy.
"I tried to go back for them, I took my winter cloak and walked to the wall to bring them back home."
A tear slid down her cheek, "I failed."
Tamlin immediately goes sHaDowS? kidnapping? that fukcing bastard Rhysand -> Shit, I'm pretty sure I know where your sisters are -> cue trip across the faery world to find Feyre + Elain
SO, they finally trek to the wall, trek across the courts, end up in Night, and Tamlin + Rhysand confront each other (bitter ex lovers energy, obv)
Tamlin's father dies of illness or smth and his two older brothers fight to the death for the High Lord title, cept the winner almost forgot about Tamlin until the magic fails to go to him and he's like 'fuck', forgot to kill the other one, so he goes after Tamlin. BUT he makes the fatal mistake of asking Amarantha for help, and she's like, oh, you're trying to kill my beloved??! UNO reverse, fucker.
So now she's taken over the Spring Court and still trying to find Tamlin to make him her 'mate' and become High Lord/ Lady of Spring
BUT fae magic can't be sensed in the mortal realm, so she's just kind of been wasting time being a shitty ruler.
Turns out Rhysand has only been taking young girls from the mortal realm to keep Amarantha happy-> she sacrifices them for her magic rituals, or if she likes them enough, keeps them as serving girls/ maids, and she'd originally wanted RHYSAND'S SISTER as her companion, so he was doing it for family. doesn't make it any better, but yeah
"But if however, I were to present you to her... I am sure her appetites would be satiated for quite some time." Rhysand's eyes glittered and Nesta's stomach roiled at the implication. Beside her, Tamlin only listened with a stony silence.
Don't. she begged. Don't you fucking dare leave me.
Rhysand brings them both before Amarantha, who is instantly threatened by/ jealous of Nesta x Tamlin
So she proposes a bargain.
"Is your love true, I wonder?" Amarantha's wicked fangs leered down at her.
Nesta fought to keep her voice even. "It is."
"Would you love him if he were a mere man?"
"I would."
"Would you love him if he had nothing?"
"I would."
"Ah, but would you love him if he were a beast?"
She turned to him then. To Tamlin. To the man that she had grown to love so purely and wholly. It was to him that she spoke her next words.
"Man or beast, I would love him with all my heart. Thorns and all."
Thus begins the trial of beasts.
A blood red ribbon is used to bind Nesta and Tamlin by their wrists.
Amarantha uses Tamlin's shapeshifting powers against him and forces him to shift into beasts of all kind without any control over his body.
If Nesta can maintain her hold on him throughout his beastly transformations and endure the claws/ fangs/ gashes/ bites without cutting the ribbon, Amarantha will let them all go (Nesta, Tamlin, Feyre and Elain)
Nesta, being the bamf she is, completes the challenge.
Amarantha, pissed as hell thinking that Nesta wouldn't be able to do it, but unable to break her bargain without repercussions, has no choice but to let them go.
the end
or is it???
she goes for Nesta, and THAT'S when Tamlin's High Lord power finally snaps into place, because it was dormant the entire time he was in the mortal realm and he goes full beast mode on Amarantha and murks her once and for all.
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absolutely-esme · 6 months
Magical girl Robins AU
I had an idea for an au where the Robins become a magical girl team instead of Batman's sidekicks. Any other Gotham vigilante still becomes a standard vigilante. Stephanie Brown might do both.
The little mascot-type critter that hands out transformation trinkets is a little bird.
Dick encounters the bird first and is given the power to fight evil as Robin Wing. Being both the first and the oldest, he is the leader of The Flock. His costume is basically a frillier version of the OG Robin costume, and his powers revolve around aerial combat. His weapon is a set of energy-construct feathers that he can throw like birdarangs or form together into larger things. May develop from flight-capable to full on wind elemental over time.
Robin Wing is supposed to be looking for the other members of The Robin Flock (for reasons?), but doesn't find any until Bruce adopts Jason.
Jason becomes Robin Hood, the second member of The Flock. Instead of it being a case of Bruce giving away something incredibly personal of Dick's without asking, being Robins is something Dick and Jason do together and bond over. His costume has fairytale woodsman vibes. His powers revolve around defense and his weapon is a shield.
(He finds out halfway through the story that his magic shield can unfold into a magic crossbow that fires massive blasts of highly destructive magic and freaks out about it. There's this whole character arc about learning to switch between defense and offense, and learning to trust himself with such a destructive power.)
Jason finds Tim wandering around the city in a fever-like state, struggling with the effects of his brain straining against the magic that protects the Robins' secret identities whether he wants it to or not. Jason immediately adopts the little weirdo into The Flock before he has a stroke or something. This pretty immediately makes Jason one of Tim's favorite people, and Jason loves having a little brother who looks at him like he hung the stars.
Tim becomes Robin Nest. I don't know why, but I imagine his costume having a fancy skirt (with shorts underneath). His weapon is a mirror and his powers revolve around surveillance and omnipresence. He can see through any reflective surface (up to and including people's eyes) and can travel through large enough mirrors. As time goes on, he may develop the ability to make mirror copies of himself which could be either illusory or solid.
Steph briefly tries joining The Flock as Robin Song, but she's got her plate full with more traditional vigilante work as either Batgirl or Spoiler. She does remain a reserve member they can call on sometimes.
Damian initially plans on fighting by his father's side, but somehow ends up getting adopted into The Flock instead. As much as he kicks up a fuss, he doesn't really regret becoming Robin Egg, the healer of The Flock. He will, however, insult his teammates for how stupidly they got themselves injured the entire time he's providing care.
Due to the identity-shielding magic of magical girl powers, Bruce thinks he's done an excellent job of keeping most of his kids out of the dangerous superhero life. He's especially astounded that he managed it with Damian.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
27 just playing the part — falling for ya, literally !
scaramouche x g!n reader
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It’s already dark when you all set foot into the carnival, yet it’s still noisy and alive. It’s magical how a parking lot in the fall can be transformed into summer at a Coney Island. The cotton candy machines on every corner, kids with caramel stuck on their cheeks, and the smell of burnt popcorn wafting through the air. It was wonderful. It was romantic. Much better than the sports game.
By the time you can look around and ask what everyone feels up to do they’re already off in pairs. You look to your left to see Scaramouche, who was looking up at the rides the carnival had to offer before turning to you.
“Cant believe I’m stuck with you, again,” he grumbles, grabbing ahold of your elbow and leading you through the crowd.
You hold up your handful of tickets, “I guess we have to use these together.”
You both ride everything. There’s a Ferris wheel and a carousel and bumper cars, where Scaramouche annihilates the court, and flying swings and a mirror maze. The two of you even fold your legs up into the baby train and ride that, too. In between you get a stick of cotton candy, taking turns tugging on it with your teeth. He doesn’t let you pay for anything.
Finally, you reach the looming roller coaster the two of you had been eyeing the entire night, waiting for the lines to shorten and for your stomach to not betray you.
A group of girls let you both cut in line, giggling behind their palms at Scaramouche. The boy handling the tickets stutters his way through handling your tickets and locking you both into the ride, face tomato red when Scaramouche thanks him.
You glance around as the ticket boy checks on everyone’s seats, mentally counting how many people have been all over Scaramouche. You never gave it much thought on how he was one of your university’s most desired men. You now started to understand why.
The rollercoaster starts with a jerk that thankfully snaps you out of your trance. You focus your attention on Scaramouche’s demeanor, his arm draped across the back of the cart you were in, right behind your back, looking around as the ride climbed up a hill slowly. The wheels clinking and creaking with each track. When you round out at the top, right on the edge of the first drop, you spare a glance at Scaramouche who holds a small smile on his face as he takes in the sight of the park around them. His eyes masking his inner child. The carts begin to dip downward at the same moment your eyes meet Scaramouche’s.
You aren’t sure who starts to fall first.
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just playing the part !
masterlist — prev | next
‘You aren’t sure who starts to fall first.’ do you guys get the double meaning 🤭 cus they’re on a roller coaster so sexy of my brain omg
synopsis: you and scaramouche are both drama majors and have been at each other’s throats vying for the same lead roles since high school. but when you’re both cast as each other’s love interest in your second year you’re forced to be civil with your academic rival and see him in a new light. are his feelings for you true or is he just playing the part?
taglist—CLOSED: @monochromaticelliot @kaedear @stxrgxzxr @shirmxie @elakari @lacy-lady @linn-a-a @one-offmind @kithewanderingme @quepasoash @leathernourishingshoepolish @mangobee @lxry-chxn @dameofthorns @scarasaver @kythe1a @elysiasbae @hikaru-exe @tokkishouse @raiihoshii @cherrybeomgyu @kunikuzushiit @thenightsflower @lilneps @goodthingimsam @lovelyiez @euhla @beriiov @abvolat @kittycasie @b0bafl0wer @bubblyclouds @atlatcaheart @artssleepy @baelloraa @tartagli-yuh @satowaluverr @hangesextra @scaranaris-lil-niko @caffinatedcoma @wheneverthesunrise @hajimeseyo @itsyourgirlria @hyunrei @redactedhimbo @caliginous-skies @vinskyspuff @miissfortune @criminalinthemaking @scaramouches-girlfriend @scrmgf [1/3]
author’s notes: the victorious soundtrack came on while i was writing this 🎶 freak the freak out 🎶
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magicamicitia · 6 months
WARNING: Mentions of suicidal/intrusive thoughts.
Volume One, Chapter Two
“You’re not alone anymore.”
Sunset Shimmer once again woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, and carried on with her morning routine as normal. However, the memories of the previous afternoon refused to leave her thoughts.
She was aware of the existence of magic in other worlds, but… This one wasn’t supposed to be one of them. So what’s up with all of this? Magical girls? Witches? A talking cat-with-bunny-ears freak? It was weirder than anything she’d ever seen in any other world. Apparently, humans like her weren’t supposed to be able to see witches like she did. Sunset figured her background as a magic interdimensional traveller could explain that abnormality.
Whatever this all meant, she hoped Twilight knew what she was doing.
“I have no idea what I’m doing!” Twilight Sparkle skipped nervously around her room.
“Don’t worry!” the small white creature, who referred to itself as ‘Kyubey’, carefully groomed its fur in a corner. “If you ever need any help, you can always ask me.”
Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“Yeah, that’s real reassuring. The last time I asked for your help, You-“
Her train of thought was crudely interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Sweetie?” Her mother’s voice called. “Are you okay in there? You’re gonna be late if you don’t come out soon!”
“Shoot! I’d better get going!”
She left her home in a hurry as to avoid being late, despite her family’s attempts to tell her she still had twenty minutes until her usual time of departure. With a half-eaten sandwich in her hands and a trusty Kyubey over her shoulders, she was surely ready for another day as a high school student AND magical girl!
Twilight Sparkle suddenly felt a strange weight on her chest. looking down at the soul gem ring on her finger, she noticed it emitted a strange glow.
“What’s all this now?”
“Your soul gem is reacting to magic,” kyubey answered. “There must be a witch nearby! We have to go after it!”
“NOW?! I can’t go after a witch NOW! I couldn’t even finish off the last one, and if I take too long fighting it… I’ll be…”
She gulped, terrified.
“Twilight! You’re a magical girl now, the future of humanity relies on you battling witches!”
“I know, I know… But… Like, can’t you do it or something?”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do about witches in their physicial form. But once you defeat the witch, I can collect its grief seed and make sure it never comes back!”
“Ughhhh!!! Fine, I’ll do it, I’ll do it…”
Her soul gem’s magic led her to a beautiful hedge maze just outside an ancient history museum.
“Wow… this place looks so peaceful. Odd spot for a witch to make its lair.”
“You’re right, Twilight. Usually, witches will try to hatch in locations where they can collect the despair of nearby victims. But this maze is a total ghost town…”
“Well, then that must mean this one doesn’t feel like it needs any extra power, huh?”
“Yes. We’d better get ready; we’re about to enter the labyrinth, quite literally.”
As Twilight moved towards the center of the maze, she could feel reality around her become more and more distorted. But she noticed a strange consistency among the chaos.
“These patterns… these creatures… This is the same witch from yesterday!”
Kyubey backed up against Twilight’s legs, looking for refuge. “Looks like we got real lucky then. If we had decided to fight it then, with a human tagging along, things would have gotten real dangerous.”
Twilight spared no time - casting her magical power, she transformed into her magical girl self and barged through the horde of familiars with her shield. The familiars, however, laughed at her futile attempts. Their torn bodies sewed themselves back together to take on another form.
“P…Principal Celestia…?” Twilight felt an enourmous weight fall onto her shoulders.
“Twilight Sparkle,” said the mirage. “What are you doing here, when you should be at school? You used to be such a good student…”
“U-Used to be? No, no, I still am! In fact, I was on my way back-“
“It’s too late for that now. You’ve already been expelled from Crystal Prep, do you want me to expel you from Canterlot High as well? That won’t look good on your records.”
“No! I wasn’t expelled! Candace just thought it would be better for me if…”
Her legs were shaking.
“I… I’m… You’re not supposed to be here!”
Mustering up her strength, Twilight attacked the illusion of Celestia with everything she had. The familiars, however, simply dissolved themselves while laughing, leaving Twilight to fall to the ground, crying and defeated.
“What’s happening… Why am I… So weak…?”
The laughter around her turned to chants.
“End it!”
“What good is a magical girl who can’t fight a witch?”
“End it!”
“Give up your soul gem and feed us!”
“End it!”
“End it!”
“End it!”
Her vision was starting to get blurry. Why did she accept this awful offer in the first place?! She didn’t have what it took to be a magical girl at all!
That’s right…
The reason was…
“Hold on tight, sugarcube!”
From the skies, a mysterious sillhouette came down to Twilight’s aid. Once it landed, she was surprised to see another magical girl, just like her!
Well, maybe her clothes were a little different. Very country. And instead of a shield, this girl took out five mint-condition flintlock muskets from her stylish cowboy hat. With the aim and confidence of a professional, she took down the monsters without missing a single shot. Then, she whipped her hair around, adjusted her hat, and turned to a baffled Twilight on the ground.
She smiled and reached out her hand.
“You alright over there?”
Before she could even say anything, four other girls made their way to Twilight and the mysterious magical girl.
“AJ, no fair! You said this one was mine!” A feisty girl with rainbow-colored hair rushed in first, clearly very upset.
“Oh, darling, please, that was clearly not the witch. You’re making a scene for no reason.” Added a purple-haired girl dressed in gorgeous modern-victorian couture.
“Wait,” said the multicolor girl. “Who’s that one over there?”
“I-I’m… Twilight… Twilight Sparkle…” She clumsily adjusted her glasses and got up.
“Pleasure to meet ya, Twilight.” The girl with the muskets smiled. “Name’s applejack.”
“I’m Rainbow Dash!” the spunky girl added.
“My name is Rarity, but you may call me Miss Rarity if you’re a fan.”
“Oh, I’ve heard your name before! You’re like, a prodigy star of the design world, right?”
“You’re quite right, darling! And those two over there are Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”
“W…Woah… So, you’re all magical girls…?”
“ALMOST all of us. Flutter can’t seem to come up with a wish, so we just drag her along as moral support.” Rainbow Dash cut in with a sarcastic tone.
“Rainbow, don’t say that!” Applejack reprimanded. “Don’t you worry, sugarcube. I know how scary it is to fight them mean witches all by yourself, but you’re not alone in this no more. We got your back!”
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fbfh · 6 months
as with all nsfw works all characters are aged up to 18+
thinking about being one of Logan's girls during his player era. he did all his usual bullshit to seduce you, and you admit, it worked. but Logan... sweet sweet Logan really doesn't know who he's dealing with. he's so into you because you seem like this sweet innocent soft little virgin who blushes and gets flustered when he just tries to kiss your neck. but if there's anything mean girls taught us it's that the sweetest girls can be the most skilled master manipulators. the second you saw logan, you had a goal. you knew exactly what you wanted - him. his loyalty. to alchemically transform him into someone desperate to be your boyfriend, your fiance, your husband. other girls have tried, sure. they think they can magically change him, throw one ultimatum at him and get him to drop everyone else. of course that never works, but you're not naive enough to approach things so simply.
you let logan get addicted to you. you let him teach you how to do all the stuff he likes, looking up at him with big doe eyes and asking "like this?" before you suck his soul out of his dick. you become his favorite girl. then, once he starts swapping around his booty calls to make sure he can see you, you know you're the favorite. by a huge margin. the next step in your plan is to start invisibly marking your territorry. the kind of things guys don't notice, but girls definitely do. it's late one night, and logan canceled on kristin because you asked him so sweetly "...are you sure you can't play a little longer?" you traced your pink nails down his chest, and he was a goner. you fuck logan until you wear HIM out. you must have been up all night. eventually, once you've completly drained him dry and overstimulated him until even HE'S close to tapping out, that's when the real fun begins. he's so fucked out and turned on at the same time by the fact that even after all that, you're still touching him. you're still fondling his half hard cock and empty balls, you're licking and kissing up his hips and thighs and happy trail. your touch is so soothing, so relaxing that he doesn't notice the way you start to suck tiny little heart shaped hickeys all over him. not too hard, not so hard he would notice, but enough so that they're soft and noticeable. and all around his most intimate parts. you scatter them on the skin right next to his cock, on his inner thighs as close as you can get to his manhood, on his hips, and you leave one peeking out through his pubes, right above the base of his cock. they're so hidden, such a soft pink that he can't even see them. but all his other girls can. this freaks them out more than anything. it's such a soft, intimate gesture, like you don't need to PROVE you're his, like they do. you don't need to do something big and obvious, you don't need to fight over him because you already have him. logan is... surprised. honestly, surprised is an understatement. ever girl he hooks up with for the next week starts freaking out on him, asking who is she, who's your new girlfriend? why did you pick her over me? is she prettier than me? better in bed? and poor, poor logan has NO FUCKING CLUE where this is coming from. by the end of the week, he finds himself with two choices. he can either go do damage control with dozens of angry, jealous girls throwing ultimatums at him, or... there's you, his favorite girl who's never been angry and competitive and jealous a day in your life. you, who would never hurt a fly, much less use psychological warfare to win a season of the bachelor logan doesn't even realize he's a part of. you, who's too sweet, too niave to ever be the master manipulator all his ex flings are claiming you are. so he does the obvious thing. he takes you to fiji for a week.
"like a honeymoon?" you ask so enthusiastically and cutely that he can't disagree.
"yeah, like a honeymoon." he laughs. you're so sweet. so adorably clingy. and as he tosses you onto the big fluffy white resort bed with sweet tropical air blowing in, as he tears off the cute little bikini he got you just to rip right off, phase one of your plan is complete.
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yellowcry · 23 days
Here we are
"If there's anything wrong, just leave it to me!" Wink "I can deal with..." Drip The sound cut off Luisa. And wake Mirabel scared once again. Extremely loud dripping, rang in her ears, sending cold waves down her spine.
Body horror warning
Mirabel leaned against the rails. Antonío's ceremony, the cracks... It swirled in her head like a painful drum. Too many things happened yesterday. Magic dying.. The thought made Mirabel gasp for breathe. 
"Hey, sis?" Mirabel winced at a low-pitched voice. 'Luisa' her mind registered. "About the yesterday..." Mirabel looked up, with how tall Luisa was she needed to lift up her head as much as possible. Luisa bit her lip, clenching her fists together.
she, blinked. "Do you know something?" Somewhere inside her soul, she felt delight crawling out of the ground. Dolores could've known something, and if Luisa...
Luisa's eye twitched. "NO!" She yelled way too fast, making Mirabel startle. Just an instinct, when somebody yells it's usually her fault. Her breathing quickened in panic. Luisa stated for a second, before her shoulders relaxed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The older sister smiled, looking down at Mirabel. "I just meant to say," A muscular arm wrapped around her chest, pulling Mirabel up. Physical affectionate as always. "If there's anything wrong, just leave it to me!" Wink "I can deal with..."
The sound cut off Luisa. And wake Mirabel scared once again. Extremely loud dripping, rang in her ears, sending cold waves down her spine. Like her own bones, her core was crating it, rather than some outside source like Tía’s rain clouds drizzling over with anxiety that gripped onto Mirabel like a disgusting parasite that twirled inside her head. Rooting deeper and deeper with each passing moment. Unraveling her brain into thin stitches.
Luisa yelled in terror, the sound so loud Mirabel thought she would go deaf. She clenched her teeth, grinding them against each other. And looked down to where very terrified Luisa stared just a moment ago.
Mirabel’s skin, her clothes was… dripping. Melting like a lightened up candle. The wax… if she could call it this way ran all the way down her body. Falling onto Luisa’s arm, that started to lose form under the pressure of Mirabel’s melting skin. Only digging deeper into the mass. Mirabel tried to breathe but the air didn’t come in. Agony traveled with her doughed form, drops growing bigger.
Luisa tried to pull away, freaking out no less than Mirabel was. She tried to pull her arm out but Mirabel was stuck to her body. Wrapped her free bicep in attempt to pull her sister off herself. Which only caused it to get stuck as well, tugging Mirabel even more to her torso that kept melting with hers. 
“SEIP WE T’MS SOTRIY!” She… (they?) cried out, trying to detach their merged bodies. One of Luisa’s arms practically piereced Mirabel, buried inside her stomach. The younger girls could barely wiggle, let alone move or struggle. Attached too deep to Luisa’s way bigger frame. She wasn’t sure which heart was beating so fast it slammed the sound down to het tiptoes. Wax kept  clinging to Luisa’s equally melting body. Like a cheese inside arepa melted to the corn flour. Except that flour was melting the same way cheese did this time. Panic rose inside her chest, flooding her lungs until Mirabel couldn’t breathe.
“HMW OMRMINIT NOMOAK II SEOHLSET GO!” Their words clang against each other. Melting into illegible sounds. The same way their bodies did. Her heads spun in anxious trembling (why was she so worried about work?). As she did her best to at least comprehend the situation. Which didn’t work, only sending her spiralling deeper with each drop of her (their?) bodyies. Guilt wrapped around her in a big snake, squeezing. Fat and thick fangs gnawed into her neck. The problem with magic happened because of her, this happened because of her, Luisa was melting because of her. Hell, she just wanted to calm down her sister! (Wait no that was Luisa who tried to calm her.) Her thoughts turned into inconsistent bunch, alien memories that weren’t, couldn’t be, hers dug into her. Not just their body that kept turning into one more and more, no matter how much Luisa struggled to get Mirabel off themselves. No matter with her magically gifted strength. (Am I the one with the gift or you are?)
“WHAT?” She… Luisa… somebody of them turned around. Isabela stood in front of her shining door embroidered in flowers. For the first time in her life, Mirabel thinks she can see her eldest sister terrified. Hands tensed to hard that the outlines of bones were visible. Eyes widened at the sight. Not like either of them can blame her. 
With some effort, they managed to mutter “Help!” their voices layering together. Mir- Lui- (who’s body touched the ground? I have no idea! Why is it so hard to separate?) They took a limped step to Isabela. They weren’t close to her sister, definitely not as close to each other (even before… this). But right now, they needed help.
Vines grabbed onto them, pulling body in different direction. Just for a second before wax drops run onto it. Making the greenery melt just like them. And if before Isabela was visibly scared, now she was even paler. So much that seeing it without context shes would assume Isabela was sick.
Another step. A colourful spot fall onto the floor. Isabela swallowed, stepping back. “You… don’t come near me!” She exhaled, visibly shaken by the sight and a thought tat she might join into this mess. 
Mirabel.. or Luisa, they weren’t sure, tilted her head (does it even matter now?) taken aback, maybe even insulted. Asking for help (Wait it’s not Isabela’s job to help everyone? It’s yours…mine?) They tried to focus, think which one of them was who. Their consciousness slipped together until it was barely possible to realize which one thought of anything. Which part belonged to Luisa and which was Mirabel? It merged with their bodies and didn’t want to get off each other the same way their melting bodies couldn’t get off each other. No matter how much the bigger part (they assumed it was it, it could move more freely) tried to tug off the smaller one. Would this even work? It… It wasn’t just their bodies.
It were them. Their entire existence stopped being separate entities. (FUCK, STOP THIS LET GO OF ME! Who was screaming? perhaps, both of them). For a moment they looked themselves in the eyes. Desperate to get.. themselves. Instead whatever it was. They couldn’t call their body neither like Luisa nor Mirabel. Not like it was important at all. Again, they didn’t know if ‘Mirabel’ supposed to be bigger or smaller part. Was Luisa the one to embroider or no? This felt internationalizing. With each drop melting between two parts, their existence became more and more merged. They couldn’t call themselves sisters, anything separate. Not knowing who was whom.
They just stayed together.
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natalynsie · 2 years
Turqouise Hearts (Tomco Oneshot)
Mewberty is an experience that mewman magic users under the age of 16 go through, usually coming a few months after the first spell.
The person who is affected by Mewberty will shed colorful hearts, turn into a faye-fairy-butterfly mix form, gain sticky web-like substances in the palm of their hand, which can be used like a spider web, and become obsessed with people they are even mildly romantically attracted to. But with people they are already heavily attracted to, feelings will enhance dramatically, making it dangerous to see people going through this stage of life.
Mewberty usually only lasts a few hours, and from it, comes Mewberty wings.
Well, when Marco Diaz was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, holding the turquoise heart that had just fallen off of his forehead, the first statement was proven wrong.
Marco was not a mewman. But he had used one spell in the past few months. The All Seeing Eye, Eclipsa's spell, which was one of Star's favorites.
"Star!" Marco called from the bathroom. He knew Star, Tom, and Janna were downstairs watching a movie. He had been there too before going to the bathroom, where the turquoise heart in his hand had fallen off his forehead as he washed his hands.
"What?" Star responded from downstairs.
"Get up here!"
There was a sound of footsteps running up the stairs before Star entered the open door, Janna and Tom behind her, to see Marco looking down at his hand.
"What do you need?"
Marco held up the heart in his hand. "Um, this fell off my head."
Star's eyes widened, and she took the heart into her hands. "Oh. Oh no," she said, feeling the tissue-paper-like heart in her hand. "It's a Mewberty heart."
"Wait, Marco used magic? He's a mewman?" Tom asks through the doorway.
"Yes and no, I think I've said multiple times I am a human," Marco replies. "Okay, so, Mewberty, as in, crazy purple Star kidnapping multiple boys at school Mewberty?"
"Yeah," Star says. "I didn't know humans could get it, but them and mewmans are very similar so I guess it's possible. But that also means me and Janna gotta scram, you wouldn't mind staying, right Tom?"
"Um, yeah I can do that, I guess."
"Alright! You know Marco, you're gonna go girl-crazy and stuff. Bye!"
Marco waved as more hearts started falling from his face.
"Call us when it's over!" Star says before slamming the door.
"So, Tom, care to fill me in a bit? All I know is from when Star got it at school."
"Basically it prepares you for intense magic, even if you only use magic once," Tom says. "The Mewberty wings are like, butterfly transformation thing that Star does."
"Yeah but like, do I need to do anything?" Marco asks, trying to catch all the hearts falling from his face so he doesn't have to clean up as much later.
"I guess I just have to keep you away from girls and make sure you don't leave the house, your parents won't be home anytime soon, right?"
"No, they're having a couple days vacation."
"Okay," Tom says.
"For safe measures, I'm gonna go lock myself in my room so it'll take a bit more work to get out," Marco says, hearts starting to fall uncontrollably as he runs down the hallway to his room. He locks the door and looks around his room.
I wonder if being bi will affect it. And maybe having a crush on Tom? Star's bi and it didn't seem to affect her. And Star acted a bit more crazy with Oskar. Oh hell, that'll be a way to come out, locking Tom in a corner or something.
Marco thought that last part as a joke. Hopefully he wouldn't end up doing something like that. Tom didn't know. Marco's parents knew, but that was it.
He knew his friends weren't homophobic, Star had told them she was bi and Jackie was pan. But Marco was a perfectionist, and could never figure out how to tell them in the best way.
To pass a bit of time, waiting on his inevitable crazy butterfly form that Star had, he went through some pictures he'd saved on his phone.
Star had been a lot more freaked out about Mewberty than Marco was. But she had been in school, and Marco was in the safety of his house.
Suddenly he landed on a picture of him and Tom. Fuck.
Tom had his arm around Marco's shoulder, they were smiling, holding ice cream. Star was the one to take that picture, he remembered, because she wanted a picture of her Earth bestie and Underworld bestie. She'd then sent it to them both.
Then Marco couldn't see through all the turquoise rain.
His hands started feeling soft, and he dropped his phone.
Of course. On Tom's picture.
Tom was the only other person in the house. He could hear him humming on the other side of the door. He was probably doing that weird stretch thing Star hated so much too.
He felt something in his stomach. Looking down, he realized his hoodie and jeans turned turquoise, matching his now turquoise skin and hair. Just like how Star's clothes had changed.
And he felt his sides stretch, as if he were growing something out of it.
And then he fell out of control.
On the other side of the door, Tom finished his stretching. He was about to go back on his mirror when he heard pounding on the door.
Looks like it's started.
No big deal. It wasn't Tom's business until Marco managed to get out of his room.
Then he would just have to stop him from getting anywhere else.
He did not care if Marco would just fly past him and search for someone else.
He did not care that Marco wouldn't pay attention when he came out of that room.
Oh, who was he kidding? Of course he cared that Mewberty Marco would pay him no mind. Tom wanted Marco to like him. He really wanted Marco to like him.
"Hey Marco, calm down in there, you're not going anywhere," Tom said through the door, but the pounding only got louder.
And then the door, just floating there, was forced open by a turquoise version of Marco.
He had four arms, the hoodie was gone, a plain t-shirt under. His skin had faint hearts dotted every here and there, and eyes a very light version of his skin. And oh god, the wings. Big, diamond shaped, turquoise with his new eye color in the center of the wings.
And something about him looked so pretty in that moment. Tom was stunned.
Marco grabbed him by the horns and face, floating a little closer to him.
Then reality set back on Tom. Marco didn't fly past him, to his surprise. In fact, Marco was very, very focused on him.
And that made Tom blush like crazy, because, well, it was Mewberty, and during Mewberty, all you focus on are people you're interested in, even if it's just a bit.
Tom knew Marco didn't mean it, Marco didn't like him. But it meant Tom had a chance for him to like him, because if Marco was focused on a boy, that meant he liked boys. That was new.
And suddenly Marco was closing in on him, fluttering down to the ground, hands now moved to Tom's face and neck.
And Tom did the only logical thing one would do when your best friend going through Mewberty tries to kiss you- push him off.
But Marco was persistent. Shoving Tom into a corner, he used his web hands to trap him there.
"Marco! Let me out!" Tom shouted, knowing it would do nothing, and tried pushing through the sticky stuff.
Marco smiled, looking down on him.
Then he flew away.
Tom clenched his fists and tried not to blow up. Ugh, that stupid butterfly thing! He was way too smart, making Tom all flustered so he wouldn't think just so he could shove him in a corner and try and get out.
Tom was outsmarted by someone going through Mewberty. Wow, that's a new low.
He decided to burn the sticky stuff and ran downstairs to make sure he hadn't left yet. And thankfully, Marco was still tugging on a locked sliding door.
Ha, stupid.
Tom pulled him off the door. Marco turned to the boy and was fascinated by him again, feeling all over his face and horns.
"Get off me!" Tom said, lightly pushing him.
But Marco didn't listen, and flew lightly off the ground so he was at Tom's height.
"No, no you don't!" Tom shouted, giving Marco a harder shove, and with quick thinking, grabbed two plastic grocery bags off the table and tied them around Marco's hands. "Can't trap me in a corner anymore, loser. We're getting you back to your room."
Tom dragged the resisting Marco up the stairs and shoved him in his room, pressing the lock before closing it and leaning on it, keeping Marco in.
There's pounds on the door again, Tom rolling his eyes at the useless effort.
"You're not getting out this time, Diaz."
Tom didn't know how long it had been after that. All he heard was rustling and pounding on the other side of the door. It must've been an hour before the door was busted open again.
Tom didn't have the time to register what was happening before he was pinned to the ground by Marco.
"Marco!" Tom shouted, and tried to push him off. It didn't work, and so Tom kicked and pushed, trying to get Marco off without hurting him.
This went on for about a minute before a lot more hearts poured out of Marco's face.
Tom shielded his face as the hearts fell on him, and then Marco dropped onto Tom's chest unconscious.
It was a few seconds of Tom spitting out Marco's hearts when Marco let out a groan.
"Ughh, what happened?" Marco asked, rubbing his eyes and looking down at Tom.
Oh shit, Marco thought, as he realized where he was.
His eyes widened as he scooted back. He remembered a few glimpses of what had happened.
"Oh god, Tom I am so sor-"
"It's fine, Marco," Tom said. "Could've done with a heads up about you liking guys, though."
"Dude I- how are you so cool with this?"
"It's just Mewberty, no big deal."
"But I li..." Marco started, but didn't finish. He vividly remembered all the attention Star paid to Oskar, and he just did the same to Tom. But maybe Tom didn't know that part. Has he ever been around someone in Mewberty? Probably not.
"You what?"
"Never mind," Marco said.
"No, what were you gonna say?"
"It's not important," Marco said.
"Were you gonna say you liked me?" Tom asked, hopefully.
"Wha- um," Marco said, looking away. "Yeah, I-, I was."
"Really?" Tom asked.
Marco buried his face in his knees. "Yes," he whispered.
Tom crawled over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey."
Marco looked up just a little bit.
"I like you too."
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blushingdread · 4 days
Tumblr media
Hi MLB fandom, I am a passerby that tried to watch the show for my GF and failed, but I have read a bunch of fanfics and I think Butterfly Emilia would be cool as fuck
Some headcanons:
The butterfly does long-range magic by connecting to others and giving them magic, they're weapon isn't a weapon. It's a tool for communicating with their champions. Emilia has this big ass old timey microphone bc she's a former performer (actress if i rember correctly?) And she's all for the dramatics (Gabriel would have a head set) Despite it not being a weapon, she still wacks people with it
She has seven different pieces of butterfly jewelry on her transform (2 earrings, 2 rings, brooch, hair piece, and one holding her skirt in the back) fighting her directly is very annoying because they have no idea which fucking one is her miraculous
You may notice she's not wearing a mask, just makeup. Her face has been run through every database known to man. The cloaking magic makes it impossible to actually figure out. She doesn't really see herself as a villain, and she doesn't read comic books. Her outfit is more of a performance outfit (Marinette likes western comic books and is super hero themed, Adiren sees himself as a magical girl)
Her main motivation is that she's a MASSIVE control freak with entitlement issues. She was born rich rich and stumbled upon God jewelry. She is drunk on power 24/7 and doesn't think consequences exist. She wants to revive Gabriel bc she loves him. She's terrorizing Paris bc she thinks her happy ending is the most important and doesn't care about anyone else
Gabriel "died" from using both the peacock and butterfly to make Adiren (who Emilia designed herself, with blueprints) despite the fact that Noorou and Duusuo told them that using two miraculouses at once was a bad idea. He's her SIMP
Natalie is her childhood friend who is used to her "eccentric" behavior, and isn't in on the evil
Monarch constantly hyjacks tv/radio waves to harass the heroes. "This would be all be over if you just gave me your miraculous", "Why do you have to drag out this conflict? I just want to fix the wrong thing this magic caused.", "did that old man tell you anything before he gave you those?" <- at first. She tries to have good pr by making all her akumas only capture and sometimes helping people, but eventually she shows her true colors and she's no longer able to make the media call Ladybug and Chat selfish for not giving her their miraculouses. After her flip switches, she still does this, but it's more obvious. "This is all your fault, you know."Maybe I'll just keep doing this at 3am :D." kinda shit
Let's Adiren go to school bc both of the Kawami were like, "He doesn't actually love you. You just made him love you. You're actually a shitty mom." And it hurt her pride so much that she let her control of him slip to prove that he prefers her, and then he wanted to public school and it made her so maddd that she constantly targets the school to scare him and chase him back into her arms "of his own free will"
Emilia thinks Marinette is absolutely perfect and fits in her family so nicely. Except for some minor defects, she can correct ♡ much to Mari's slow dawning horror
Very vindictive and petty. Like, have a butterfly follow Ayla around for a week for reporting on her petty. She is doing psychological warfare on the children
Let's Chloé be childhood friends with Adrien literally bc she makes him uncomfortable, seee how good your mom is compared to others + Really likes Audrey and having perks from the mayor which means they have to be childhood friends
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Magical Education in Harry Potter
I have continued reading snippets of HP and I realized once again how...boring the magic is in HP. Besides Snape, Dumbledore and Voldemort I think, no one in HP really does anything exceptional or innovative with their magic. Well...there are the Marauders with their map and their animagus transformations. Plus the Weasley twins are super creative too with their products. But I think that's it really. I will be mega generous and throw in Draco fixing the cabinet and Hermione's DA coins too.
Not even Harry Potter, who is supposed to be the chosen one and hero of the story, does anything great. He's tragically mediocre and not in a good way. I do not consider summoning a patronus at 13 to be a marvel. Considering he had special lessons from Lupin and his performing the spell is not really a special/new/creative magical endeavour.
The muggle world has great technological innovations. But wizards are not innovating magic on the same level at all. And I think part of the problem is their magical education system.
First, starting to learn magic at 11 is total rubbish. Using Avatar: The Last Airbender as an example. Learning magic at 11 is comparable to someone learning they can bend at 5 but they don't start training until 11. Or someone in our world has prodigious abilities but they don't train until high school. Do you see how dumb this is?
So in the meantime, wizard kids have this power that they can't control properly. It's not that big of a deal if the kid has a magical family but what about mugglebornes like Hermione or kids who grew up in muggle families like Harry?? Harry was literally a hazard to the Dursleys in more ways than one and it's understandable, not excusable, that they hated him.
Plus Hermione's character is annoying due to her role as an exposition device. It's tiresome that a muggleborne girl is constantly showing up purebloods who literally grew up around magic. As the books go on, she takes over Ron's role in the trio as the magical common sense guy. In reality, mugglebornes should be at a major disadvantage. Let's say I am trying to learn Spanish. I have no Spanish-speaking family. And let's say I end up in a class of immigrant kids whose parents all speak Spanish. They may not be fluent themselves but they have a huge headstart on me. In time I will catch up to them, especially if I work hard like Hermione, but initially, I would perform worse than them. As first years, the pureblood and halfblood kids should be blowing Hermione out of the water. If not for the entire first year then at least the first semester/term.
So how would I fix this issue? Four ways:
Magical kindergarten/elementary school
Hogwarts should be a highschool/college level institution. Or maybe Hogwarts could have different school levels. Kids should learn the introductory concepts for Charms, Transfiguration, Potions etc in primary/elementary school or even from their freaking parents. Ron's intro scene with that make my rat yellow prank spell was just sad. And having Hermione call him out for the spell not being real was just more salt in my annoyance. As kids, they learn the basics like wand movement, magic theory and safety. And basic spells.
Advanced learning
When they go to Hogwarts they should focus more on application and higher levels of theory. For example: Magical Ethics (what are the moral boundaries of magic **cough**rapedrugs**cough**polyjuicepotion**cough**), Magical Research (do projects/experiments to learn more about the nature of magic, like how is elf magic different from wizard magic), Spellmaking (why is Snape the only dude in HP inventing spells!), Improvised Spells (like in Wizards of Waverly Place), Magic Economics (how does magic work with the concept of scarcity, what is scarcity in the wizarding world), Magical Defense (not just against the dark arts but basic defence like self-defence in our world and perhaps survival skills) etc. They should learn non-verbal and non-wand magic as well of course. Maybe this could be taught at the end of primary school or the beginning of Hogwarts. Instead of the very end of their Hogwarts education.
Accessible classes for mugglebornes
So what about mugglebornes, you say? Well, there are two options. You can provide after-school classes for muggleborne students to learn magic before they attend Hogwarts. Think of extra lessons or night classes in our world. Or you can send the mugglebornes to summer school(s) before Hogwarts which leads me to my next point.
Different Class Tracks
Put muggleborne kids in a different class track from the purebloods/halfbloods who went to magical primary. Like how we have advanced classes for students who are super bright or slower-paced classes for students who need extra help. Students like Hermione would gradually graduate to the advanced track while lazier students like Harry may stay in the slower track. Or maybe bright students like Hermione could do placement tests to get into the advanced track from the start. Some pureblood students could even be demoted to the slower track if they begin to goof off (maybe Ron) or need extra help (maybe Neville). And you can mix and match! So Neville would be in Class 1 Herbology but Class 2 Potions :). Maybe Harry would be in Class 1 DADA but Class 2 Potions etc.
If lack of teachers is an issue, then pureblood families would teach their own kids and the primary school would be exclusively for muggleborne kids and/or pureblood/halfblood kids whose parents can't provide tutoring.
So yeah, that's how I would revamp the school system. Hogwarts is a weird school. Like students leave as adults but leaving Hogwarts feels like leaving primary school. I never felt prepared for the world after highschool but at least we have college/university. Even if HP has trade schools/apprenticeships for jobs like healing and being an auror, I think their magical education is seriously lacking. And the spellwork in HP is honestly very lame. Wands just end up being like guns. More battles should be like the Voldy vs Dumbles fight in book 5.
Magic should be something kids learn from the cradle. Magic is not a subject like Math is. Magic is literally part of who they are. Learning magic should be treated like learning how to groom yourself, eat healthily or even speak. It's strange how Hogwarts and the ministry restrict students from learning magic outside of classes. Maybe it's a conspiracy??
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moosemonstrous · 8 months
Ghost Rider Magical Girl AU
yeah you read that right - check out the tag I'm just following the brilliance of @cicada-candy and @wazzappp
At first, Robbie thinks he must be dead. He drove straight into a wall at forty miles per hour, by all means he should be dead.
This is like the fourth time you’re having this freak out, the snake mutters, coiling around the steering wheel. It flicks the wipers on with his tail, the blades struggling to scrape off the black substance covering the windshield. A ghostly body slowly evaporates from the hood.
Robbie blinks. He’s on the other side of the building, as if he drove right through it. When he looks over his shoulder, through the miraculously intact rear window, all he can see is a solid brick wall of the warehouse.
See? The snake hisses. He sounds incredibly smug. Told ya it would work. I think you got them—
Just to hammer down how rarely the snake is right about anything, he’s interrupted by a loud bang on the roof of the car. It’s promptly followed by manic scratching, like the ghost is trying to claw its way in.
Well, shit, the snake observes. You’re gonna have to get out to deal with this one.
“Like hell I’m getting out.” Robbie turns the key in the ignition to start the car again, the engine rumbling to life with a shower of pink sparks on the dashboard, because this is his life now, apparently. When he tries to step on the gas, he ends up jamming the ridiculous heel of his boots into the floor. “These fucking boots—” He tries again, only for his foot to slip right off the pedal. “Come on!”
The scratching intensifies. It’s gonna take the paint off! The snake shouts, like that isn’t a mind-boggling event all of it’s own. Get the hell out and kick its ass!
“You think I can stand in these?!” Robbie nearly broke his leg running back to the car when the ghosts attacked him outside the auto shop. Just because injuries don’t seem to stick when he’s in this stupid fucking outfit doesn’t mean he wants to try that again, much less kick anything. Inches above his head, the ghost shrieks in rage.
How hard can it be?! It’s just shoes! Women do it all the time!
“Not without– training, or something!”
The next warehouse is only a few meters away, and Robbie is an excellent driver, but he’s not exactly flying under the best conditions right now. If he can’t control the car, he’s going to end up–
A set of hooked talons breaks through the passenger window, the half-melted ghostly face lowering itself down after it. His options rapidly diminishing, Robbie grabs one of the bedazzled white hammers he ends up holding after every transformation and throws it at the creature, hitting it right in the nose. It wails in pain, but doesn’t stop it’s torturous crawl inside.
Get the other hammer! Don’t just throw it, keep hitting it!
Robbie does. He’s dimly aware he’s screaming the entire time, the black blood spraying out of the ghost and onto his white gloves, but eventually the ghost goes limp. It gives one last forlorn moan before dissolving into nothing. Robbie waits a couple of seconds, struggling to catch his breath, before he risks sticking his head through the broken window to see if this was the last one.
No more ghosts. The night is quiet again, the colours returning back to their regular L.A. light pollution levels. He falls back into the driver seat heavily, chin against his chest, which puts him in the inconvenient position of staring right down at the pink fucking gem embedded in his sternum.
On top of everything else, why does it have to be this violently pink?
That could’ve gone worse, the snake slithers across the dashboard to audit the damage to the window. Don’t turn back yet, the glass will repair itself in a few minutes.
“Why can’t it do that when I’m normal?” he mutters. He doesn’t want to be wearing a dress for a moment longer than it’s strictly necessary.
It’s just faster this way, quit whining.
Just to add insult to injury, the gunk doesn’t disappear with all the other magical shit. At least it looks more like motor oil than anything else – it’s enough of a pain to clean it up every time without someone calling the cops because Robbie keeps leaving dark alleyways covered in actual blood. With a sigh, he reaches under the seat to retrieve the paper towels and the disinfectant. It’s easier if he wipes it off right away.
Someone clears their throat outside. The snake shoots his head up, instantly wary, while Robbie ducks down – the last thing he wants is for anyone to see him like this, ghost blood notwithstanding.
“Hi,” he hears, before the crunch of gravel closing in on the car. “That wasn’t half bad.”
Robbie turns back around just in time for a blonde man in a leather jacket to lean down to peer through his window. He looks remarkably unfazed by having witnessed someone hammer thin air into submission, although he does look a little surprised when he takes in Robbie’s whole… thing. He gestures for him to roll down the window, and Robbie does, mostly out of sheer confusion.
There’s a motorcycle parked a few meters behind him. How long has he been here?
“Uh,” the man takes a second to collect himself. “Damn, sorry, I thought you were an actual girl.”
Robbie’s going to grow an entire beard as soon as he gets out of here.
He’s a witness, the snake hisses. You need to get rid of him.
“Hey, now,” the man protests. “That won’t be necessary.”
“You can hear him?” Robbie asks dumbly, pointing at the snake. “Did you–see? All that?”
The man inspects his nails while he talks. They’re painted flame-bright orange. It doesn’t really fit his general biker aesthetic, and Robbie feels something like hope kindle low in his chest.
“I think you and I should have a conversation,” the man says. Then, as if a hilarious joke just occurred to him, grins and adds: “Magical girl to magical girl.”
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dangermousie · 5 months
Wallflower live action ep 1
Wallflower (also known as Perfect Girl Evolution) is one of my all-time favorite mangas. The story takes the simple Cinderella/Pygmalion fantasy and turns it on its head. Four pretty boys who rent a house get told by their eccentric landlady that if they can transform her niece Sunako into a lady, they get to live rent-free. Always broke, the boys enthusiastically agree. Enter Sunako - spotty, unkempt, horror-loving, people-avoiding Goth. Good luck, boys!
Wallflower features perhaps one of the most awesome heroines to ever exist. Sunako is beyond TOUGH. And I mean tough. You mess with her (or with anyone she likes - one of the boys, her girlfriend Noi etc), an army will not save you from her wrath.
The boys (blunt, food-obsessed Kyohei, the "caring feminist" Takenaga, the playboy Ranmaru, and the sweet Yuki) do not know what is about to hit them. Wallflower is NOT about them reforming Sunako - the boys give up fairly quickly (they just try to pretend they are continuing so as to continue to get the deal from the landlady) and just accept Sunako for who she is - a violent weirdo who can cook. Sunako makes no excuses for being who she is - she has no interest in transforming herself into a barbie, she makes no bones about loving her horror movies or living with skeletons, her lack of interest in her hot neighbors 'that way', or in any pretensions about being ladylike.
Wallflower is really a celebration of being different and being happy in that difference. All the characters are somewhat odd - Yuki is delicate and shy, Takenaga is some sort of benevolent Moriarti, Ranmaru is a shameless, older-women-loving slut, and Kyohei...Oh, Kyohei. He is probably the only character who is almost as weird as Sunako is.
Nor do all the boys fall in love with Sunako magically or anything like that. Yuki has a long-standing girlfriend, Takenaga and Ranmaru acquire OTPs (Takenaga's girlfriend Noi is one of my favorite characters ever. God, I love her!) Kyohei and Sunako are the OTP but it's not because he sees her inner princess or anything silly like that - they are both blunt, violent, not too bright people imprisoned by their looks who like to do the same things for fun (one of my favorite things in Wallflower is the parallel it draws between the 'creature of darkness' Sunako and the ultimate pretty boy Kyohei - nobody sees them as a person, not really, because of the facade being so all-engulfing. Sunako freaks out the passerby and Kyohei can't keep down a job because the staff and customers start fights over him - underneath all the OTT hilariousness, Wallflower has a lovely point about inner persons).
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Kyohei, Sunako's eventual boyfriend, is first introduced when he is (a) getting groped by his boss, (b) has screaming ladies disrupting the restaurant wanting to have him be their waiter; (c) loses it spectacularly, smashing the ladies' table, punching out the boss, and quitting. This has clearly happened to him umpteen times before.
The other three guys are Oda Takenaga, smart and cold-blooded:
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Yuki, the sweet one:
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Ranmaru, the older ladies' loving slut.
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Together, they are Wallflower's very own F4, only much better adjusted. Let's call them W4, like the tax form.
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Their rental is a gothic looking castle which will suit Sunako but why their landlady owns one is manga logic.
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The Landlady is living her best life and the story is sprung in motion when she requests W4 turn her niece Sunako into a lady and that way rent is free. Watching Kyohei go from disgruntled by the idea to ecstatic at the mention of free rent is priceless.
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Our first look at Sunako and she is just as gloriously odd as she should be. She also is utterly displeased to be sharing her living quarters with "creatures of the light." I adore her!!! She wants to avoid light, wear her hood, watch her horror movies, and roll in her creepy memorabilia.
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W4 entrap Sunako by strewing a trail of horror items.
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But the makeover fails because Sunako is supernaturally strong and frees herself, causes an electric storm and escapes back into her lair. Good luck, boys, you will need it!
Meanwhile, the boys aren't the only ones trying to make cash. Here is Sunako's friend taking pics of Kyohei to sell to fangirls for money.
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Said friend gets in trouble (she's been giving all her money to a host. Because of course) and Kyohei is also forced being a host or else Sunako's friend gets it. Manga logic is present.
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But here is where we get to meet the REAL unhinged Sunako, who is not keen on either her friend or her roommates being taken advantage of and comes to the rescue herself.
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Before you get carried away, being around too many good-looking people causes her to freak out ahahaah.
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It's OK, her backup aka the rest of the boys are here, in drag.
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Eventually, everything goes to hell and Kyohei and Sunako end up being caught and tied up. (Now that I think about it, the manga had a serious people being tied up fetish :P)
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Too bad for the bad guys, Sunako is strong and violent and unties them both, and they go on to the violent rampage through the club, knocking hordes of opponents out in unison and Kyohei FALLS IN LOVE. (I will always be into the fact that he fell for the woman after seeing her headbutt people and crack their skulls ahahahah.)
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Having destroyed a metric ton of goons and rescued whoever they needed to, Sunako and Kyohei gift exchange - she gets cookies, he gets a skull. And a start of a beautiful new friendrelationship is born!
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Honestly, the first ep is just as fun as when I watched it ages ago. Nothing will ever be as good and as wildly out there as the manga but this is a good adaptation tbh.
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stories-and-chaos · 7 months
Some Hazbin Hotel head canons/theories that have been bouncing around my brain
Charlie is scared of fire/her own powers. She completely loses her composure in Masquerade and Dad Beat Dad. Given her magical girl transformation in the final battle, it seems like fire can’t hurt her, so why would she freak out the way she does? Because she’s panicking over what the fire does to everyone else. My headcanon is that when she was little, she got upset and lost control of her powers. That caused property damage and/or hurt someone else. Which would be terrifying for any kid. It may play into why she strives to be so upbeat. She knows what can happen when she loses her cool and it scares her.
Why Adam is in Heaven: he’s the baseline to qualify for entry. Not his current self, but how he was when he died. I’m guessing he wasn’t terrible before he died, just...a basic guy. As the first human soul in Heaven, he set the lowest bar. If you behaved equal to or better than he did in life, you get in too. Worse than that? To Hell with you. But millennia of having the status of First Man and First Soul in Heaven has just fed his ego and narcissism. When he dies at the end of the season, he would not qualify for Heaven, his behavior had deteriorated so much.
This is why Sir Pentious goes to Heaven. He died and his soul passed the bar. Related to that, he didn’t die to an angelic weapon, rather a light blast. Adam is the only one we see using that so it’s unlikely the rest of the exorcists share that power. They’d absolutely use it if they could; Lute would be lasering Sinners down just to get her kill count higher. But despite the millions of souls eliminated over the exterminations, no other demon has been redeemed. It seems likely that being killed by an angelic weapon prevents entry into Heaven. Evaporated by holy light doesn’t seem to stop a soul from being re-judged however.
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