#fuck you both you gave me a heartattack
effervescentdragon · 2 years
after being bullied by @thelionofsingapore and @5ebvet i caved
effervescentdragon -> halloweltmei5ter 
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Episode 50 Notes-
Very very excitedddddd
Eeeeeeeeeeee abhhhha ahhansnsnsnsnsndg
This intro 😭 
The dolphinsssssss 
I have no idea what just happened in that intro omg
Taylor is a demon!!!! Taylor hasn’t hit demon puberty yet — how did Nicky get it then???
Taylor Teen Fact: Taylor used to do the chocolate for his baseball team going door to door. But, his mom just bought them all instead
:> he did all the last names!!
Linc Teen Fact: Linc cleans up for his parents every single morning (both of them think the other one did it). Linc wakes up really early in the morning 
Normal Teen Fact: Normal also sold chocolates and offered to sell way too much of them, couldn’t do it (and because it’s not vegan chocolate his family can’t even buy it!) and now is in debt
Scary Larry Fact: Larry is based off of a tweet on a reply to Elon Musk (Larry is not from the school) 
Scary Teen Fact: Before the release of her album she was going to release a musical (a soft boy musical, but then she realized it was just Dear Evans Hansen)
Larry Fact pt.2: Larry’s favorite show is the Big Bang Theory because it deals with an important scientific principle
Anthony Fact: He should’ve come up with a different name than Daddy Master - Like chaperone or whatever (The rest of the cast disagreees)
They’re all still separated!!!!
Of course Normal thinks Larry’s cool 😭 
Omg all the Linc shippers are eating so far
Linc’s adamants towards Taylor, him wanting to find Scary, him actually being with Normal
Chester and Julia gave Linc therapy!!!
“Linc are you happy?” “No of course not, that’s a silly question nobody’s happy” SOBBING SOBJNG OKG OMG GRANT YOU FUCKWD THIS KNE UP SO BAD
(Obviously it was more than just that and that was a gross oversimplification but you understand what I’m getting at)
Lincccc :cccc
“I’m definitely broken” OMG LINC 
That glass analogy was so fucking good holy shit “And probably they’ll just throw it away because who wants to fix a glass” 
Linc likes stickers!!!!!!!!
Matt Arnold is bringing it this episode
He wasn’t joking when he said that he was gonna get through it all
In a sense
Into the papersssss into the papers (to the tune of into the thick of it)
Initiative to fight the Angel!!!!
This whole thing with the paper is reminding me of the fight with book castle when Ron disappeared into the books against Well Actually
I just paused the episode and listened to the trailer because I just realized I never listened to it 
Ahahahahahahahahah the background music in it though it’s lovely
Omg dude I never realized that Lark doesn’t mention Scary in the video because she wasn’t there!!!! Ayyyyy
Okay done with that back to the episode
Beth playing Larry is my new favorite thing now
She should just play Larry season three
I beg
Oooooo the throne’s empty!!!!
Larry should be king of hell
Larry reminds me of if Paeden was evil and annoying
What is it with Linc and Taylor and the sweet prince thing 😭 
I love them so much
The Swiftli shippers are eating this episodeeeee
Fancy Anthony voice
He was a pissomancer 
That’s insane
Piss boy Wilson’s again!!!!!
Heaven photoshopppp
A 22 😭 
Lincccccc linccccc
Angst episode :cccccc
Oooo Angel’s are yummy??
Taylorrrr nooooo
Taylor and his carts 😭I love him so much
Sisyphus just pushing a meatball up the hill 😭 😭 😭 
Nooooo this is one of my favorite bits
Linc loves his friends so much
God I fucking hate Willy
god god god he’s so gross
If they got Willy in the paper sea I wonder what would happen
“I tried to kill my son”
“I will do anything to not be submerged in water ever again”
“I did not have sex with Marilyn Monroe, I could not get it up so I stood there and had her sing things to me for a couple hours so I jerked off”
“I’m scared”
Dood babyyyyyy
Dood babyyyyy nooooooo
“This isn’t your fault Dood”
“No I think it is”
I cannot believe Taylor convinced Vince to change his name
Taylor Swift the piss genius
Freddie’s voice as Taylor was backtracking made me laugh way way too hard way to much that’s insane
It always was gonna be piss between them all
Of course
Of course
She’s a JO crystal witch!!!!
She pulls out a gunnnn
Wowwww they found each other!!!
Wow that was such a good fucking episode 
If Willy isn’t taking girls seeiouslyyyyyyy
I don’t say it enough but On Our Way makes me want to violently sob every time I hear it
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suckerforcate · 2 years
I want you, just you
Pairing: Joyce Byers×OC, Robin Buckley×sister
Word count: 2601
Warnings: some smut at the end
Summary: You are Robin's older sister and friends with Steve, Jonathan and Nancy. You always hang out at Jonathans and often help Joyce cook dinner for all of you. You developed a massive crush on her and one day you ask her out on a date. Joyce knows that your gay because you helped Will with coming out to her.
A/n: So I haven't posted anything in a while and I had this fanfic in my drafts for quite a while but never got myself to finishing it. But I have a few new ideas and wanted to finish it before I start something new. So here it is. Hope you like it!♡
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"My god, just ask her out already. The worst that can happen is that she says no."
"It's not that easy Robin! What are Jonathan and Will gonna think?"
"They both love you endlessly, they won't care. They just want their mom to be happy. Asking her out won't kill you." Claire turned around and raised an eyebrow at that statement.
"Then why don't you tell Nancy how you feel about her?"
"That's totally different, she's in a relationship. You know that. Joyce is single and I don't want to listen to your sad, self pitying anymore. So. Ask. Her. Out. End of discussion." Robin grabbed her bag and left the shop.
Claire Buckley worked in a little flowershop a few houses next to the shop Joyce Byers worked in. Her shift usually ended an hour before Joyces, so she always waited for her after closing the shop and then drove her home. They knew each other through Jonathan. Claire was friends with him, Steve and Nancy. They often hung out at the Byers house and when Will also had his friends over, there were a lot of mouths to feed. So Claire often helped Joyce with cooking and making dinner ready. She loved it, just the two of them talking and laughing. Joyce knew that Claire was gay, Will accidentally told her, when he was talking about the way that Claire helped him with coming out.
Today wasn't a busy day so she closed the shop early. Before leaving she made a little bouquet out of beautiful pink-yellowish roses for Joyce.
Claire knew Robin was right, asking her out wasn't such a big deal and normally she was pretty confident in everything she did but Joyce made her legs wobbly and her heart beat so fast it felt like having a heartattack.
After closing the shop Claire walked up and down the sidewalk like an idiot in front of the shop and thought about what to say. She really didn't want to fuck this up, besides the whole crushing situation Claire really liked Joyce. She had been so accepting, when Claire came out and had always been there for her. Robin was a fabulous sister but she had her own baggage to cary with struggling and coming out. It was nice to have someone just listen to you and tell you it would all be alright. And cooking with Joyce always made her day and she enjoyed the calming effect that she had on her. After about 5 minutes of walking a hole into the sidewalk Claire entered the shop.
"Hey Joyce, it's me. I closed the shop a little earlier." Claire walked over to a free counter and sat down.
"Ah, there you are. Not much business today here either." Joyce sat down next to her and smiled at her. That bright, loving smile gave Claire some confidence.
"I brought you some flowers."
"Thank you Claire, they're beautiful. They'll get a special place at home." She smiled at the flowers and seemed to be caught up in her thoughts. It was so easy to fall in love with her, Claire thought. Or maybe that was just her opinion.
"I... I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, what is it?" Joyce looked up to her and gave her a reassuring smile.
"Would you go on a date with me? We could go to a restaurant, or I'd cook for you." Her smile faded a bit and Claire directly hated herself for ever having asked. She stood up and walked away from the counter, the flowers still in her hand.
"Aren't I a bit too old for you?" She chuckled sarcastically. Joyce felt a wave of insecurity rush over her, she didn't think that Claire would make such a cruel joke but she doubted that she really wanted something from her. Why would she? Claires smile dropped immediately.
"I..." she had never thought about the age difference before, her concernes always lied somewhere else. The kids, her maybe not liking woman, the town gossip...
"I never thought about our age difference to be honest. It never mattered to me." Claire stood up and walked towards her, she still had her back to her but the flowers weren't in her hands anymore.
Claire slowly put a hand on Joyce's shoulder and another one on her waist. She closed her eyes and she could feel her sink into the touch and visibly relax. Joyce felt safe when Claire touched her, it wasn't something she understood but it was something she always denied herself because she never thought the feeling could be reciprocated.
Moving close to her ear with her mouth Claire whispered: "It doesn't matter, you hear me. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you and I wouldn't ask you out on a date if I didn't mean it. Believe me. So, what's your answer?" Joyce really wanted to believe her, she wanted to so bad. So she did. She risked being hurt. She was tired of denying herself basic needs.
She opened her eyes again and moved her head slightly into Claires direction. Their faces were inches away from each other.
"Okay, cook for me." Claire started smiling without even trying to and turned Joyce around. She moved her head up to look into Claire's eyes and shyly smiled at her.
"Close the shop, noone will come. And if they do, they can wait until tomorrow. I'll drive you home." She nodded and started closing.
Claire stopped the car infront of the house and as Joyce wanted to leave the car, Claire grabbed her arm. The older woman turned to look at her.
"Tomorrow, 7 o'clock?" Joyce nodded and with a smile she left the car. Claire waited until she was in the house and the door was closed. With a bright smile on her face she left, excited to tell Robin about the latest events.
"You'll never believe what just happened. I need you out of the house tomorrow." Robin hadn't even closed the door yet but Claire already threw the words at her.
"Ok, chill. I really have to pee. After that you can tell me." Claire rolled her eyes but accepted and walked back to sit down on the sofa.
Her thoughts directly wandered to Joyce, just thinking about her made her feel like a teenager again. It felt like there were thousands of butterflys in her stomach. She had never felt like this before.
"Claire? Hello, earth to Claire?!" Robin was wildly waving her hands in front of Claires face to get her attention. "So what did you want to tell me, huh?" Claire immediately started to smile like an absolute idiot.
"I did it. I asked Joyce out. And...she said yes! Can you believe it. We have a date tomorrow at 7 o'clock. I'll cook for her. That why I'll need you out of here at least until the next morning. You never now what will happen." Claire winked at her sister and smiled sheepishly.
"Well thas amazing Claire. I told you it won't be bad to ask her. Honestly if I wouldn't have forced you, you would still cry about her. So you can basically thank me."
"Oh, shut up. I would have done it sooner or later."
They both laughed. Happy to have each other and to have someone who understands them.
"Oh. Hi, Joyce. Please come in, Claire is in the kitchen. Claire! Joyce is here. I'll leave now. Bye" with that Robin closed the door behind her and Joyce was left alone in the hallway. She didn't really know what to do so she took her jacket of and went to look for Claire. Right in that moment Claire opened a door at the other end of the hallway.
"Hello Joyce. I thought my sister would have enough manners to actually show you where the kitchen is and not just leave. Come in." Joyce stepped forward unsure how to greet Claire she just looked up at her and laughed nervously.
"Do I hug you now?" Claire let out a laugh at that.
"If you want to, then yes." So Joyce stood up on her tiptoes and hugged Claire. At that Claire felt a shiver go through her whole body. She buried her head deep in Joyce's hair and felt completely at ease for the first time in a long time.
Claire let go before it got awkward and showed Joyce the living room.
"You can sit down. I'll just grab the food real quick."
"I could help."
"No." Claire protested, "You're my guest and I'll treat you as such." With that she left the room just to come back with two bowls of food a second later.
"Mhh, that smells amazing Claire." She smiled at Joyce and they started to eat.
They talked about everything that came to mind. It felt absolutely natural and they both felt comfortable around each other. This date wasn't their last one. They met multiple times after that. Never doing much more than having dinner, talking or going to the movies. But that was fine with them. They wanted to take it slow.
It was a cold Friday evening, Claire had cooked for Joyce again and they both sat on the couch together laughing about a story Claire had just told about her sister. Joyce laughed so sincerely that Claire just stopped and looked at her in awe. She was so damn beautiful. Without really noticing Claire got closer to Joyce. When she opened her eyes again, Claire was so close to her that she stopped laughing abruptly out of shock.
"I..., Claire what are you doing?"
"If you won't protest I would like to kiss you." Joyce eyes grew wide in shock. She guessed it was logical that all the dates would lead to this but still she wasn't sure how to feel about this. She knew that she wanted it but still she still couldn't believe that Claire was sincere in her intention.
Joyce backed away a little.
"I.., Claire if all of this. All the dates, the cooking was just to get into my pants, I can assure you there is nothing grande under those clothes. So you should search for someone your age for that." Claire felt a wave of sadness wash over her. Did Joyce actually believe that? Didn't she make clear that she liked her?
"Joyce, please listen to me." She took Joyce's hands in hers and looked at her with all the sincerity and love she had in her.
"All of the things that I did for you, all the dates we had, all the hours we sat here talking, laughing about stupid things. All of this, I did because I really like you. Because I enjoy your company. And if I wanted to kiss you or sleep with you, that's just because I think your stunning, I feel butterflys everytime I look at you and I want you. Not anyone else, just you. But if you don't want all of that. That's ok, we don't have to do this."
"But why me? I'm not special, neither me as a person nor the way I look. I'm just Joyce."
"And that's exactly what I want. You, Joyce. With all your flaws, all you fears, insecurities and problems. You are beautiful, please you have to belive me. I've had this crush on you since I've known you and it took all the courage in me to ask you out, because I thought you would never want to date me. So know that you allowed me to be such an intimate part of your life and let me get to know you even more, I want to protect you with all I have and make you understand how wonderful you are. I've realised that what I feel for you is so much more than a crush." Joyce let out a shy laugh at that and stroked a strand of hair out of Claires face.
"I don't think anyone has ever said something so beautiful to me." Claire grabbed Joyce's face and before she could overthink it, she kissed her.
It was by all means not a perfect kiss, but it was full if love and desire. It felt like all the butterflys in Claires stomach wanted to break out. And the feeling made it perfect, better than any other kiss could ever be.
Claire's hand slowly wandered down to start unbuttoning Joyce shirt. She stopped for a second to wait for consent. When Joyce slightly nodded, she took the shirt of and threw it to the floor. She pushed Joyce's hair aside and started to kiss her neck and then her shoulder. She slowly pushed Joyce down until she was laying in front of her and continued kissing her, while slowly wandering down to her breasts.
"Take it off, take your shirt of." Claire stopped to follow Joy's request. To Joyce surprise Claire wasn't wearing a bra, so she was practically naked in front of her.
"Claire, I think you should know, that I have never slept with a woman before." Joyce looked at Claire with an apologising smile. Claire moved up and kissed Joyce passionately.
"I don't care." She grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to her. She wanted to feel all of Joyce skin on hers. While kissing her, her hand slowly opened Joyce pants and started to move them down a bit. She could feel Joyce lift up her hips against her. It drove her crazy how much she wanted that woman. She never thought something like this would be possible.
As the pants landed on the floor, Claire started kissing her way down Joyce's body and grabbed behind her to open the bra that was still covering Joyce's breasts. When she moved up a little to look at Joyce, she covered her body. So Claire shoved her hands away. "Don't. You look amazing. I want to see you." She started slightly kissing her breasts and took one nipple in her mouth while pinching the other one. Joyce tried to suppress a moan but failed as Claire sucked harder. "Please, I want to hear you. Let it out." At that Joyce moaned again, this time not trying to suppress anything. At that sound Claire's vagina pulsated and her whole body got goosebumps. She started wandering further down and took of the panties, that were the only item of clothing Joyce was still wearing. Joyce clenched to the cushions closest to her while Claire started kissing and licking her already wet cunt. With one hand Joyce shoved Claire deeper into her and held onto her hair. "Oh god, Claire...please" Claire stopped much to Joyce disappointment and looked up. "Please what? Use your words.", "Please I need more, please fuck me", Claire chuckled, amused by Joyce's neediness. "Your wish is my command." With that she resumed her actions but also slowly put two fingers inside her. Joyce's was already throbbing from lust. The moaning got louder and fastly turned into a kind of lustful and erotic screaming. Something Claire had never heard before but it turned her on quite alot. "Claire, please. I'm gonna come.. I...Oh god, that feels amazing." With a last loud scream Joyce came with Claires name on her lips.
Claire slowly moved up to Joyce and kissed her.
"Thank you, I never knew sex could feel like this." Claire smiled at her and stood up  she reached out for Joyce and took her to the bedroom, where they fell asleep curled up together.
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caroline18mars · 4 months
A Man On Fire - Chapter 87
The words poured out of her, even though she was so jetlagged she couldn’t think straight, he looked at her staring at the carpet while she just kept on talking, she was like a robot, depriving herself of any emotion, just telling the cold, hard facts was all she could muster right now. He had never seen her like this, being around her was always so invigorating, her enthusiasm and personality intoxicating, but right now..every sparkle, every light in her eyes had gone out. She abruptly stopped mid sentence and got up “I can’t anymore, Jay, I’m…just so tired..” her voice was cracking up, he got up with her and threw his arm around her waist guiding her to the bed “I know, come on, let’s get you into bed” he took off her shoes so she could undress. The coolness of the sheets against her hot skin was the first thing she allowed herself to feel “I’ve missed you so much” she whispered in the darkness as Jared crawled in bed and settled next to her, slowly she caressed his cheek. “I missed you too, I was going crazy not hearing from you..” he leaned in for a much overdue kiss, a kiss that broke the ice in her soul “I didn’t know what to do, I still don’t” she quickly wiped the tears away, if she gave in to them, then she wouldn’t be able to stop. “Try and get some sleep, tomorrow’s a new day, it’s gonna be ok.” he whispered, pulling her up on his chest, she bit her lip, knowing that he meant well, but she hadn’t told him the whole story yet, it wasn’t gonna be ok, ever ‘I love you, Jay” her hot breath danced on his skin “I love you more” he kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes, she was here now, that was all that mattered.
”No, please, no, don’t leave me, papa, noooo”, her cries woke Jared right up in the early hours of morning “Harper? Hey, wake up” he rubbed her shoulder but she just kept kicking and screaming. “No, don’t…please…I beg you…nooooo” she screamed as she sat up straight, and opened her eyes, completely disorientated with tears streaming down her face. “It was a nightmare, it’s ok, shhhh” he pulled her against him, trying to comfort her, “oh..Jared..” she slowly regained awareness of her surroundings. “It was just a dream, that’s all” he said a bit helpless before he pushed a kiss on her lips. “But a very real dream, there’s not a lot of difference between reality and dream in this case, is there?” she broke the kiss and let herself fall against the cushions again, “I have no family anymore, no money, I don’t even have a name anymore, they’re taking it all away, I’m..nothing..I’m nobody” she closed her eyes against the constant onslaught of visuals of yesterday and the day before that kept bouncing round in her head. “Come here” Jared rolled on his side and made her do the same, so he could hold her again “you’re not nobody, you’re still Harper Coco and you’ll always be, no matter how hard they try to take away your name, fuck your family, you don’t need them, I’ll talk to my lawyers, we’ll go to court and..” Jared was so desperately trying to help her but she pushed a finger against his lips, “there’s nothing I can do, Jared..my father and his lawyers made that pretty clear, they’re taken everything away from me, my name, my title, I signed it away, I had no choice..and they’re sueing me for abuse and neglect..because of the paintings, and for giving my father a heartattack..it’s just…I still can’t believe it..my father is an extremely powerful and wealthy man, who do you think they’ll believe? The patriarch of a huge aristocratic family who is a diplomat for the UN, NATO, you name it whose judicial tentacles are spread all around the globe or his estranged daughter? I think we both know the answer to that question, don’t we?”.
She was right, there was nothing he could do or say that would solve this mess, not now anyway, he pushed a kiss against her ear “today is another day, let’s do something fun together, it might make you forget about it even for just a few hours, the only thing you need to remember is that you’re never without your family, I’m and I’ll always be your family, whatever it is, you can always talk to me and I’m always gonna help you and most importantly I’m always gonna love you and choose you, no matter what they throw your or our way.” Just thinking about not hearing from her for the last few days had been an immense eyeopener somehow, he was the surest he had ever been about this relationship, she was the one, this highly intelligent, fierce, stunning creature lying here beside him, he knew every little curve of her body by heart and every curl of her glorious mind, Coco was…well basically completely herself, something extremely rare in this day and age. While all women these days had filler, botox, or all sort of surgery that made them look worse than their natural beauty, there was no plastic for this one, oh no, her kind of beauty was totally unique and not ever to be compared, this woman here was in a league of her own.
“Thanks” she gave him a sad smile and pushed her plump lips against his, things heated up between them and in no time she was sitting on top of him, letting him slide hard and deep inside of her. oh she was grateful alright and just how grateful was what she was going to show him right now. Her head fell back in pure bliss as she felt that gorgeous hard cock of his push against her walls, all throbbing and wet, the squishy noises their steamy connection made, drove her absolutely insane. There were no words needed, all the confirmation on what he had just told her, was shown right now, only raw sex could do that right now, the way she had been treated by her family, she was only able to try and fuck it out of her system. Little explosions were going off in his brain, what a sight, the woman of his life, pounding his dick hard, her walls clenching like an iron fist around his huge, thick cock, driving him insane, and the sight of her bouncing and riding him like a woman possessed, with her head falling back, while she guided his hands towards her breasts to squeeze and pinch them. But he made it even better for her by sitting up while she kept riding him relentlessly, she really needed it hard and rough so he attacked her breasts, his teeth biting, stretching each nipple hard, earning herself a slap each time he let go only for a few seconds before he got back to his exquisite torture that she enjoyed so much that her focus on his sexy torture made her hips slow down. His teeth raked along the sweaty skin “who said you could stop fucking me? Huh?” and just like that her submissive side came out to play “I’m so sorry” she whispered as she slowly let him slide out of her with a long, painful moan and crawled on the bed on all fours in front of him, looking back at him, the animalistic heat in those eyes almost sent him over the edge “I can only hope I deserve to be fucked real hard by you, do what you want with me” her voice barely a whisper but he had heard every single word of her horny plea. Jared didn’t say a word, she was trying to push her long hair out of the way when she felt his fist yank it making her yelp in pain but then she was quickly silenced by the sheer force that entered her from behind. “Oooohhh god, yesssss” nobody had ever or could ever give her more pleasure than him, he was perfect, there was not a woman who could easily accommodate his size but she took it all, she ignored the pain and let it become part of her pleasure and satisfaction. This fucking was out of this world, seeing her writhe in front of him and seeing her meet his pushing with her grinding drove him insane, she seemed insatiable, constantly urging him to go deeper, to fuck her even harder and most of all not to be gentle with her only made him grow harder if that was even possible. He yelled a few profanities at her as he felt his orgasm build and build before he climaxed deep inside of her, but he was going to make sure she had no time to even recover from her own orgasm as he pulled her back down with him on the bed, in a few minutes he would go for round two starting by crawling between her legs to devour that hot, wet part of her body.
"You ok?” he gently kissed her cheek, she had been awfully quiet after her last earthshattering orgasm, she just lay there all quiet, lost in her thoughts looking at the ceiling “Harper?” hearing her name got her out of her daze. “huh? Yes, yes, of course, all good” she was a master at bottling up her issues, this man here didn’t deserve to be swamped by her misery once again. He knew what was on her mind, clearly this morning was just a temporary break but right now her worries were back in full HD. “All that physical exercise has made me very hungry” her lips curled in a smile as she rolled on her side and kissed him, “brunch it is” he whispered but as soon as he turned to call roomservice, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, it was taking her a lot of effort not to bawl her eyes out “I’m going to take a shower” she whispered at Jared who was still on the phone, as she hurried towards the bathroom.
”whoaaa, Harper stop” she felt him pull her back on the sidewalk while a motorbike raced past nearly knocking her over, “you alright?” he pushed her to the side so she could catch her breath. “I’m fine, I just didn’t pay attention for a minute, I’m more jetlagged than I’d like to admit apparently” she stammered, “I don’t think it’s jetlag, you’ve been absentminded all morning..it’s all that mess with your parents, there’s no need in denying it, it’s a lot..I get it” his lips brushed against her forehead, “I’ll talk to our laywers this afternoon”. Harper grabbed his arms “I told you, there’s nothing you can do and besides..” she paused while biting her lip to stop the tears that were threatening to fall “I don’t want my mess to affect you or the band or anything for that matter, my father is a powerful man, he’ll do whatever it takes and hurt as many people as he possibly can just to prove his point, I’m not letting him drag you or your family or band through the mud, do you hear me?” she started to raise her voice at him “this is my problem, not yours or anybody else’s, it’s only mine, and I’ll deal with it myself, ok?”. Jared looked in shock “no, you won’t have to..come on Coco, this is just your pride talking” he breathed trying to pull her back in his embrace but she pushed back “for fuck’s sakes, Jay, don’t you hear what I’m saying?? Whether it’s my stupid fucking pride talking or not, this is MY problem, ok! Nobody else’s, and I say we stop talking about it, this entire topic disgusts me, so can we just go and see that bloody Opera House now? Goddammit” she threw up her arms in despair and mumbling to herself she started walking away, leaving him gobsmacked.
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
#31 and #37 with Bucky, maybe a degradation kink??🤔😊
Two Weeks
Summary: Bucky gives you a 2 week break before starting things up again
Warnings: smut (always), cursing, mention of spit kink, kinda degradation kink if you close one eye and squint the other
AU: Biker!Bucky x Reader
AN: Prompt from this list, requests always open. Feedback and reblogs appreciated!
Gif not mine
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Bucky kept his eyes on you at the party in his small apartment, waiting for his moment to get you away from your group of friends.
He wasn't hiding his lingering looks in any sense of the word, you caught him every time and he just smirked.
For months he was always a call away when your bed would feel lonely, occasionally just showing up at your front door when he was passing by.
Bucky made things easy, comfortable. Helped you open up to new things, both in and out of bed.
So, when the two of you parted ways and he saw you bring another guy to the bar you both frequented; his heart stung. That was two weeks ago.
Taking the opportunity to walk to you when your friends had dispersed, he placed his hands on your upper arms from behind, making you jump.
"Holy shit- James, you about gave me a heartattack." You huffed, shoving his left shoulder.
"Where's that boyfriend of yours?" He questioned with a taunting smile. You rolled your eyes and looked up at those piercing blue eyes. "Going on a couple dates with someone, doesn't make them your boyfriend, Barnes."
He narrowed his eyes at you and cocked his head to the side. "Just like having sex with someone many, many times doesn't make them a hook up?" He retorted.
You clicked your tongue and nodded, inhaling deeply. "You got me there." You said, scrunching your nose.
Bucky looked over your frame, the memory of what it was like between your thighs making his dick stir in his jeans. "Let's talk." He said nodding his head for you to follow him.
You looked around his bedroom, everything still the same as it was just weeks before as he shut the door.
"Well, I gave you time, you had your little dates. Time to get back to normal."
Crossing your arms over your chest, you leaned against his dresser to look at him as he took long strides towards you. "What makes you think I wanna go back to normal?" You quipped.
"You would've have came tonight if you didn't." He said, stopping in front of you.
"Are you sure you didn't just miss me?" You teased, cocking your head to the side, looking at his dilated pupils.
"Or, you miss me spitting in your mouth while I fuck you."
The air in the room felt thick as arousal pooled in your underwear, a shiver running down your spine as you gave him a smug smile. "Hey, don't kink shame me when you're the one who started that."
He leaned to place his hands on the dresser on either side of you, caging you between his thick arms with his face inches from you. "Just admit it, Sugar. I've ruined any other guy for you."
His words made your breath catch in your throat and core clench around nothing as you bit back a whimper. "You gonna speak? Or stand there lost in that horny brain?"
Knocking your feet apart with his heavy boot, he dropped to his knees, making your heart beat faster as he tugged your underwear down your legs until they were pooled at your ankles.
"Tell me, could he make you feel as good as I do? I haven't even touched you yet and you're fucking dripping." He said, lifting your leg to rest on his shoulder.
You nearly lost your footing and grabbed onto the edge of the dresser. "Wanna hear you say it, pretty girl. Tell me I'm the best."
He brushed a finger over your clit and you whined, nodding your head. "You're the best, Bucky, please. Do something." You mewled, white knuckles the wood of the dresser.
Without warning he plunged two fingers into you and curled them up. "Fuck, Bucky-" You panted, his lips closing around your clit to suck on it, his tongue flicking over it.
Your head lulled back, fingers gripping his hair as you panted, your body tingling from the assault his tongue made to your cunt.
The sound of his belt echoing in your ears made you open your eyes and look down at him, whimpering at the sight of his metal hand pumping his dick; the tip red and shiny with precum.
"Shit-" You hissed, feeling yourself squeeze his fingers as your orgasm sent a shiver through your body.
Dropping your leg from his shoulder, he stood and lifted you onto the dresser, slotting himself between your legs to fuck into you at a relentless pace.
"Open." His metal fingers dug into your cheeks, the feral look in his eyes making you whimper and do as he said as he gathered spit in his mouth.
His lips clashed into yours when you swallowed, the edge of the dresser digging into your asscheeks with each punishing thrust, his tip bumping into your g-spot again and again.
Bucky's moans mix in with yours as you clawed at his shirt, the zipper of his pants scratching at the backs of your thighs. Your body started to tense, a second wave of pleasure crashing through you as he chased his own.
With a few more sloppy and hard thrusts, he spilled into you, slowing to a lazy pace to ride both of your highs before he released his grip on you.
He stayed between your legs for a moment, catching his breath before knocking a kiss to your bottom lip and leaning down to grab your underwear.
"You can go ahead and stay, its late."
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angelsanarchy · 2 years
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 13
Prt 1 - Prt 2 - Prt 3 - Prt 4 - Prt 5 - Prt 6 - Prt 7 - Prt 8 - Prt 9 - Prt 10 - Prt 11 - Prt 12
@thetenthdoctorscompanion @siriuslymooned @samwilsonns
Some days I would meet Eddie out at his selling spot in the woods behind the school just to get some solace from a hectic day. Today the topic of conversation was my collarbones because I decided to wear a sundress to school. At one point, he even offered me his leather jacket to cover up but it was a warm day and I liked having the breeze hit my chest.
"You know you almost gave Gareth a heartattack at lunch. I think blue is his new favorite color." Eddie teased bumping my shoulder as we walked through the trees.
"God you guys are ridiculous. If a sundress gets you all this bent out of shape, you'd hate me in a bathing suit." I rolled my eyes and Eddie paused.
"Whoa, no that's not- I would love to see you in a bathing suit. I think blue is a great color on you." I gave Eddie a playful punch before tossing my bag on the worn out picnic table. Eddie quickly tossed his jacket on the bench for me to sit on and I couldn't help but blush.
"I think you guys need to go out more. I'm pretty sure musicians are supposed to have groupies." I laughed.
"Yeah I don't think groupies are really our thing. Jeff has been in love with Heather Makinson since Freshman year, Carl is Ace so he's more of admirer from afar kind of guy and I think Gareth is saving himself for marriage." Eddie plopped down opposite me and I smiled.
"And you, oh fearless leader. We both know there's nothing left in that lanky, small hipped body that can be saved for nuptials so what's your perogative?" I teased leaning forward on my hands.
"Stop objectifying me." Eddie covered his torso with his arms, tattoos peaking out from his Hellfire shirt.
"Besides I'm paritcular about who I get naked with." Eddie smirked and I pulled the collar of his shirt down to see a tattoo I hadn't gotten a clear look at yet.
"Too scared of what the ladies will think of these incredibly detailed tattoos?" Eddie put his hand on top of mine, looking down at the tattoo.
"Oh ladies love these sweet ol tatties. You actually just reminded me I need to call Reefer Rick about getting a touch up." I let go of Eddie's shirt and blinked.
"You let a man named Reefer Rick carve that zombie face into your chest?" I asked in disbelief.
"Rick gave me a referal to a friend of his that does tattoos. I would never trust Rick to come anywhere near me with a sharp object." Eddie assured.
"I would hope not. I mean I could have drawn something a lot better than that for a chest piece. I mean damn." I pulled at his collar again and he smiled.
"Then draw me something. I trust you." I paused, still holding his shirt.
"Seriously?" I asked, not sure if he was teasing me or not.
"Hell yeah. You know I'm a fan of your art, as long as you keep it metal, I'm down to get it tatted." Eddie shrugged like it was no big deal.
"What's the catch? I have to get your initals tattooed on my tit or something?" I asked still not buying that he would let me put something so permanet on his body.
"If you wanted to be my groupie, you could just ask Murillo." Eddie smirked devlishly. I pinched his nipple and he jumped back, falling off the bench seat. He rolled in the grass, rubbing at his chest before getting up hissing.
"Did you seriously just pinch my nipple?" Eddie laughed through the pain and I smirked feeling accomplished.
"You desered that. I'm also going to draw you a huge chest piece now so while you're suffering through it, you'll remember how small a pinch that was compared to the repeated stabbing you'll feel when getting this monstrous flaming guitar tattoo with dragons flying out of it like music notes." Eddie paused at my description.
"That sounds fucking badass! I want that!" He hopped back onto the bench and started tapped my sketch pad like a child.
I spent the rest of my free period sketching different tattoo ideas for Eddie. We were supposed to hang out at his place after school but I had gotten lost in my sketching until about 6PM. I pulled up with pizza and my bag full of permanent markers, just as he swung the door open.
"Where have you been? I was getting worried you-" I shoved the pizza box into his chest so he would step back into the trailer. I kicked my shoes off and tossed my things on the floor near the door, making sure to snactch my marker case first.
"Take your shirt off." I demanded ready to draw but Eddie's eyes went wide as he stood in the living room, feet bare, clothes wrinkled from lounging and the pizza box drooping from his limp hold on it.
"W-what?" I pulled my sketchbook out and waved it at him.
"I finished your tattoo. I want to see how it looks on you, which means you need to take your shirt off, Munson." Eddie nodded like he understood but seemed taken off guard.
"I mean...you don't have to-" I pushed on the box and once his knees hit the couch, he sat abruptly.
"I've worked on this badass tattoo all day. I had to bribe Fred Benson not to rat me out for stealing art department markers so you will sit back, eat pizza and take your damn shirt off." I threatened Eddie with the bag of markers letting him know I meant business.
Eddie snorted a laugh as he dropped the pizza box on the table next to his open beer can and tugged the bottom of his shirt over his head. He shook his hair out and adjusted his guitar pick necklace before rubbing his palms on his dark jeans.
"How do you want me?" I tried not to focus on how suddenly warm I felt. Staring at Eddie's bare chest, his skin was more defined than I would have guessed considering he hates all forms of physical activity.
"I can sit on the floor next to you if you just want to lay back. Just don't choke on any pizza or you'll mess up my design." I explained tossing the lid of the box open and handing him a piece. Eddie grinned as I sat next to him on the floor, legs tucked under myself and surveying the canvas of pale skin. I opened the sketch to the page and put it on the floor next to me to use as reference as he settled into the couch, eating pizza and putting on a movie.
Eddie wanted to be surprised with the final product so he stopped watching my hands move over his right nipple, down his chest towards his ribcage. I didn't have as much space on the other side because of his other tattoo so I worked on the blank side. The two times Eddie jumped and made me screw up were when I brushed the bottom of his nipple and he chuckled.
"Tickled. Sorry." He apologized and I put my finger in my mouth to use the spit for the mess up.
"Wow...you are...don't think I'm not on to you, Murillo." I smirked focusing back on the outline. I had gotten down to about the top of his ribcage when Eddie stopped me again.
"Open." I looked up and Eddie was holding a piece of pizza that I had left on a napkin, barley touched on his stomach. He held it up to my mouth and I took a bite before he laid it back down.
"Good girl." He teased.
"If I wasn't so busy, I'd pinch you again." I warned through chewing.
"You're going to get more than you bargained for if you start pinching my nipples while you sit on the floor in that sundress, laying across my chest and breathing on me like that." I met his eyes and could tell he was smirking behind the beer can he had up to his lips. I spent another 20 minutes on the drawing with Eddie periodically feeding me pizza while I worked. I finally sat back and looked at it in full.
"Are you finished?" Eddie asked surprised.
"I don't want to be but my hands are cramping and I can't feel my legs from sitting so long." I capped my pen so I could massage my hand.
"Well if it's not done, we can finish it later." Eddie sat up and sat my pizza on the table. He extended his hands out, helping me to my feet. I groaned plopping down on the couch. He walked over to the mirror in his room and I watched him look at it
"Dani...this is fucking insanity. Holy shit!" Eddie kept twisting his body around to look at the details and grinned running into the bathroom. I shook my head, proud of what I had done but happier to be off the floor. He came out of the bathroom smelling like baby powder.
"You're amazing. This is absoutely going to be my next tattoo. Thank you." He kissed my forehead and I noticed he had put baby powder on the ink so it didn't melt off.
"Now it's my turn. Take your dress off." Eddie said holding up the pen. For a second, I thought he was being serious until he leaned forward and pulled me onto his now clothed chest.
"You're an idiot." I said exhaustedly laying across his body on the couch.
"Yeah but you love it." He used his right hand to massage my sore hand and his left to continue to feed me pizza. We stayed on the couch, cuddling and eating pizza for the rest of the night.
At one point, Eddie had taken the pen and drew a small black heart with the letters E.M on the back of my hands as it rested on his chest. I bit my lip trying to keep from smiling so hard. I'm starting to get used to the idea of tattoos.
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Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon asked: could you write something angsty with angel or coco?
Warning: a little angst.
Word Count: 2.1k
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. Gif isn't mine. Also, I didn't study anything about Medicine, but I like drama.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You didn't see the car, but you felt how you flew off the motorbike, falling into the wet ground. Last thing you saw were two girls screaming and running to you, covered by pain. The agonic kind you feel before die.
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“What happened?!” Coco shouts crying when he finds the doctor. He's being followed by the crew, and Letti being supported by Chucky. She can't even walk without falling down.
“Johnny Cruz?”
“Yes, what happened?!”
“A car crashed her motorbike. She has several bruses, three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and... we had to induce her into comma. The helmet saved her life”.
The world falls down to his feet. His legs trembled. Tranq forces him to have a seat, while the crying of Letti floods thr hallway. The faces of the guys talk for them. Coco is sobbing with his head between his arms, shaking it. No air in his lungs for a few seconds.
“Is gonna get better...?” Creeper asks with trembling voice, something they want and they don't want to know.
“We don't know”.
“What do ya' mean, uh?!” Coco jumps off his sit about to take him by the coat. Taza and Riz hold him apart, trying to calm the youngest.
“Next... hours... are crucial”. The doctor replies scared, walking back two steps.
“Can we... see her?” Letti talks, leaving away Chucky, with her eyes and cheeks covered in tears. The man nods pointing the room. She runs, her father too.
Their lives fall apart when they find you. You're laying in the bed with a tube in your mouth and a lot of cables around your body: connected to some fingers, another in your wrist, two in your nose. The girl has to cover her mouth before start crying loudly. Coco wrapped in his arms tightly, giving her a kiss on top of his head. Angel can't go to the room, he's not ready to see you and it hurts his chest too much.
You've been there for them the last five years, always helping the MC with whatever they asked you for. And Coco's daughter is your bestfriend since you met each other. It's painful can't do anything to help you when you most need them.
“Sometimes, they can listen”. The doctor says, holding your medical record between both hands. “I recommend you talk to her as normal as possible. I mean, talk about how were your day, what movie you saw on tv...”
“Stay with her, brother. I'm gonna do all the paperwork”. Bishop puts a hand on his shoulder, stretching it for a second. “The club will pay everything”.
“You don't ha...”
“She's one of us, Coco. Club decision”.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
Yes, you could hear them.
Members of Stockton, Yuma and Samcro went to visit you. They talked you about how was going everything and telling you that, when you came home, a big party would be waiting you. The longest one with the four charters together. And you would like to smile, to say that will be amazing, but you can't.
Bishop, Tranq and Taza visited you every night. They laugh about something funny happened that day. Maybe Chucky left the crane on and destroyed a car. Maybe Angel got slapped by one of Vicky's girl. Or the recurrent story in wich they tell you that a cat went inside the clubhouse and broke a whole box full of beers, before lick it from the floor.
Riz, Creeper and Gilly went often. Every three or four hour you heard them saying “hi, pequeña, we're here again to bother you”. Sometimes they argued about what tv show is better, or talk about they wanted a new tattoo and you should choose it when you're awake.
The Reyes family always went together. Felipe was the optimist one. He used to tell you about his childhood and adolescence. Funny stories of an old man. EZ and Angel are like your brothers, so seeing you in that kind of conditions was painful. But they were there too, telling you everything was gonna be ok and how much they were missing you.
Letti and Coco made the hospital their home. Bishop ‘gave a present’ to have a bigger room with comfy sofas where they could sleep better. The younger was forced to continue with the high-school, being picked up by Chuky to go back to the hospital. Coco never left you, holding your hand, kissing you all the time. He also cleaned your face every morning and every night. Brushed your hair and put some of his cologne in your pillow to make you felt like you were at home. When he wasn't reading you ‘Hamlet’, 'cause EZ told him was your favourite book, making a lot of additionals comments like ‘shit, baby, everybody dies here’ or ‘what the hell is happening’; he mostly was in silence, blaming himself for what happened that night.
It was raining. A rare storm installed on Santo Padre and the surroundings. You were mad because you came home and he wasn't there, even when he promised you to make dinner and have some free time of the chaos. You had the accident on your way to the clubhouse. Two young girls were driving a car without license. They skipped a red light, tripling the allowed speed. You were there. And, like the doctor said, the helmet Coco gave you for your last birthday saved your life. One of those with full structure wich covered your head, face and neck. But your cross motorbike broke into pieces. But this was the less important.
Because of the shock and the pain, you had a kind of respiratory failure. Your lungs couldn't work. You also broke the left wrist and dislocated the right shoulder. Three splintered ribs, bruises around your body and a lash on the neck. The good news were that you only would need three months of rehabilitation and one for rest, after it. The comma was something preventive.
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“Dammit, mami! You look good in this white pajama!” Coco gives you a kiss on the forehead, laying on the hospital bed, when the nurses have showered you. He puts an arm under your neck, carefully, holding you next to his body.
As the days goes by, you have less cables connected. You also don't need a mask to breathe better anymore and the analyzes show positive results. The crew, your family, are happy and feels better.
“You know, we talked about marriage and this... bullshit, and no following traditions, but white is definitely your color, baby”. He has a smile on his tired face, stroking your hair. “We've to marry, you hear me?”.
Tears running again down by his cheeks, pressing his lips against your temple with all the love he feels for you.
“You...” Your throat is dry and it hurts a little, but you're feeling like life is giving you a second chance. So you take it.
“(Y/N)?” Letti jumps off of the couch, Creeper and Gilly walks to the bed. Coco is looking at you with his eyes opened like never before. Everyone is having a heartattack.
“Fuc... Fucking crybaby”. With a lot of effort you smile being sleepy yet.
“Baby! Mami! Can 'hear me?”
You nod one time, drawing a painful gesture on your face. Everyone goes crazy. Creeper shouts calling the doctor, Letti hugs you and Gilly starts to call the crew by phone. You can feel Coco's hand narrowing yours, kissing your lips once and again desperately.
“Shit, mami, you scared me”. He laughs in tears, while you try to put an arm on Letti's back. “How 'feel? Need something?”
“Wa-Water, please...” You mutter clicking the tongue.
Letti, literally, runs to the table three meters away to take a small bottle. Carefully she offers you directly to your lips with soft sips. Oh, god, it feels like heaven when the liquid falls down by your throat till your stomach. The headache is gone, as the pain that involved your body the last two weeks. The plaster in your wrist is a little uncomfortable, taking a look of it raising the heavy hand in air. You look around confused and kinda anxious. It wasn't a dream. You're really there.
“What happened? Where's my bike?” You inquire, turning your face to Coco with your mouth almost open. By his gesture you know he hasn't any good to say. Licking your inner lip, you nod.
“Two crazy chicks ran you ove’, (Y/N)” He stucks both ankles on the mattress, taking your hand between his to gives you some kisses. He closes his eyes stroking one of his cheek with it. You can see the black shadows under his eyelids and the beard in the jaw.
Moving yourself all you can, you take his other cheek with the tiny fingers, inside the cast around your arm, and a wince, bowing to him. You press your lips against his, softly, in a warm way. You need to say ‘thank you for being my anchor’ without words, and Coco can feel it. You love him. You love him the most and nothing else matters. Hugging him, you start to cry. He couldn't felt the pain in every inch of your body, but you felt every day his. And it was horrible couldn't say you were ok, and you were hearing everything he said to you, hold his hand or move your head.
“This wasn't your fault”. You say, brushing his lips with yours. “Don't say that again. It was those girls, not you Coco. Even the storm has more fault on it”.
“Must have been home, baby... Making dinner, waitin' you”. He shakes his chin, closed eyes, noses lifting perfectly as a puzzle.
“Coco, stop”. You demand kissing him again, before be interrupted by the doctor.
“(Y/N), is good to see you awake. How you feel?”
“Like I learned to fly in the worst way”. Trying to laugh, coughs some times. Letti smiles laying next to you. She missed you too a lot and, by difference, she was who talked you the most. Even Gaby went to see you.
“Sense of humor is a good omen. Do you wan...”
“Oh, god, please don't. I heard it a thousand times”. You beg for a moment. “Wrist, ribs, shoulder, neck, blablabla... How many time do I have to stay here?”
“If everything goes as good as now, maybe in one or two weeks you'll be at home”.
“You hear' that, mami? You should have your meds and do whatever doc' says, to come home next week”. Coco sounds excited, smiling for the first time since one month ago. He kisses you again all over your face, holding you in his arms.
“Enjoying your holidays?” Angel's voice sounds agitated, stopping at the door till your eyes meet.
In two big steps he reaches the bed, while Coco gives you some space to be hugged for the man with a biggest smile in his face. The crew start to arrive too. Jokes, laughs and kisses flood the room. You can see some colorful flowers around, even two huge balloons are floating in a corner. That probably was Riz's idea. You're pretty sure.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
“You good, mami?”
Lights off and one of your legs on his waist. Coco has you between his arms, tightly and warmly. You're finally home, in your bed, smelling again like your favourite human being. Happiness isn't enough to explain how you feel, hidding your face under his chin.
“I always am when I'm with you, papi”. You say in a whisper, tangling your fingers in his shirt to put him closer. “Will you read me tomorrow a little more of ‘Hamlet’? It was my favourite part of the day”.
“'Course I'll do, baby. I'll do anythin' ya' ask me for”.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
The Guilty (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: The Guilty Rating: PG-13 Length: 3100 Warnings: Mild Angst. Medical Triggers ( loss of consciousness and discussion about pre-eclampsia, etc.) Notes: You can find the Maybe Today, Maybe Forever Timeline here. Set in March 1997. Part two in the “big angst arc”. There’s a POV switch midway through for obvious reasons. Summary: Reader follows her gut. 
Taglist:  @grapemama​  @seawhisperer​ @huliabitch​ @pedropascalito​ @rogrsnbarnes​​@thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​ @gooddaykate​ @livasaurasrex​ @ham4arrow​​@hiscyarika​ @plexflexico​ @readsalot73​ @hdlynn​ @lokiaddicted​ @randomness501​​@fioccodineveautunnale​​  @roxypeanut​ @just-add-butter​ @snivellusim​​@amarvelousmandalorian​ @lukesrighthand​ @historynerd04​ @mrsparknuts​​@synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​@awesomefandomsunited​ @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano​ @beskar-droids​​ @space-floozy @ct-arc-5555​​ @cable-kenobi​​
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At noon you made your way down to the records room where Lieutenant Ableman had put the intern. Javier had been hesitant about you asking Monica what she knew about the rumor, but… you had to know. If the rumor was loud enough to make its way to the dean’s office, then it was loud enough for the students to be fully aware of it. 
“You know,” You started, leaning against the doorframe as you watched Monica sort through a stack of files and put each one into the appropriate banker boxes. “I had a sweet gig when I was sixteen helping process evidence at my town’s tiny ass police department.” 
Monica startled a little, dropping the folder she was holding. “Shit! Hey! How long have you been there?”
“Couple minutes.” You laughed. “Just thinking.”
“How have you’ve been?” Monica asked with a hesitant smile. “You’re due soon, right?”
You shrugged a shoulder as you rested your hand on your stomach, “Still got a few months to go.” You walked further into the record’s room, leaning down to pick up a stray file that had fallen. “How are your classes going?”
“I’m in this finite math class that is killing me.” Monica answered, making a face. “I was told it would be easier, but… C means complete, right?”
You chuckled, “I’ve heard that somewhere.” You moved to sit down, feeling the slightest inertia from bending over. That was happening far too often lately. “I’ve heard a lot of things lately.”
You inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to ignore the sensation of being able to feel the world spinning around you. “A couple weeks ago I heard about this crazy rumor at the university.”
“What was it?” Monica stared at you, looking a little nervous.
“Oh, just that Javier was cheating on me with a student, which…” You laughed humorlessly. “Is hilarious, because I have that man by the balls.” 
“I—.” Monica shook her head. “I haven’t heard anything about that. I think the whole class knows that Javier loves you. I mean his office is practically a shrine to you.”
“I know.”
Monica swallowed thickly. “I should… I have a lot to finish before my night classes.”
You weren’t about the let up, “Why are you so nervous, Monica?”
“I’m not nervous.” She shot back too quickly. “Look, I’m really sorry about this rumor or whatever… I’m sure it’ll blow over.”
“Or Javier will lose his job.” You rubbed at the center of your forehead, trying to soothe the throbbing headache forming there. “I mean, a rumor like that could destroy someone’s career.”
Monica put the cardboard lid on the banker box with a little more force than necessary. “I really… I haven’t heard anything.” She didn’t meet your eyes. 
“Look, you’re a nice kid Monica…” You offered her a small smile. “I’m not accusing you. I just want to know what you know. And I think you know more than you’re telling me.”
You started to stand back up, fingers gripping at the filing cabinet beside you for support. Shit. 
Your pulse was throbbing in your ears. You could feel it in your throat, down your arms. 
“Hey. Hey.” She grabbed your arm to support you. “I’m here.”
You clenched your eyes closed, trying to ignore the way that the world was closing in on you. Everything felt like it was in a tunnel. Voices — distant and kind of tinny sounding. Your lips felt numb, your words slurred and mouth full of cotton. It felt like pins and needles up and down your body. 
“Call Javi.” You managed to think or maybe say… just before everything stopped. 
 Everything stopped the moment Javier got the call. He wasn’t even entirely certain how he ended up at the hospital — the period between the phone call and arriving at the hospital was a blur. He vaguely remembered swearing at a red light for lasting too long — he definitely went through it. 
“Mr. Peña, right this way.” A nurse said as she guided him through the emergency room, back to her room. “The doctor will be with you both shortly.” 
Javier’s heart clenched as he looked at the hospital bed, meeting her eyes. She looked awful. They had her hooked up to oxygen and she had an IV. “Hey baby.” 
“Hi, Javi.” She said quietly, his voice half of what it usually was. 
His gaze flickered to the woman sitting beside her bed. Monica. She jumped up quickly, gesturing to the chair she’d been sitting in. “Here, Professor Peña… I’m so…” She looked between the two of them. “I’ll just go.” 
“I have questions.” Javier said, his jaw clenched tight. “Do you mind waiting in the waiting room?”
Monica clasped her hands together. “Of course… Yeah.” She looked towards the hospital bed. “I’m so… I’m so sorry.” 
“What are you—”
“Just let her go, Javi.” She whispered, gesturing for Monica to leave. 
“What the hell is going on?” Javier questioned, his hands on his hips. Before he grabbed the chair and pulled it closer to her bedside. “Baby… you gave me a fucking heartattack.” 
“You and me both.” She breathed out, reaching out for his hand. “I was terrified.” 
Javier squeezed her hand tightly, lifting it to his lips. “Have the doctors talked to you?”
“A little.” She sank back against the bed. “They took some blood.” She said, lifting her arm to show off the bandage. “I guess they need to check kidney and liver function.” 
Javier stood up, leaning over the bed to press a kiss to her forehead. “It’s your blood pressure, isn’t it?” He questioned, brushing his knuckles against her cheek. “Baby.” 
“Yeah.” She grimaced a little. “I’m actually fortunate I was down in records with Monica. She… saved me.” She swallowed thickly. “She knows something. I don’t know what, but… that girl is guilty.” 
“I told you not to.” Javier shook his head, trying to keep his voice steady. “You’re supposed to be keeping your stress levels low. And what? You decided to start questioning my students about this bullshit rumor and now you’re in the fucking hospital.” 
“Javier.” She shot him a look. “I passed out. It happens.” 
Javier dragged his fingers through his hair, taking a step away from the bed and turning his back on her. He was so fucking pissed and he didn’t know who to be pissed out. He couldn’t be pissed at her — even though she’d done exactly what he had told her not to do. He wanted to be pissed at Monica if she was behind the fucking rumor. He’d been so lenient with her — late work, missed classes… 
His fingers curled into fists at his side and he shook his head slowly. He so fucking angry. 
“Javi.” She whispered. “Come here.” 
“I’m fine.” 
“I’m the one in the hospital bed, I get to call the shots. Come here.” 
Javier’s shoulders sank as he turned around to face her. “I thought I was going to lose you.” 
“You didn’t.” 
“I get a call that you’re in the hospital unconscious and you don’t think I’m going to lose my mind, baby?” He dragged a hand over his face and looked away. “I can’t fucking lose you. I can’t.” 
“You’re not going to lose me.” 
Javier paced the short distance he could in the room. “What the fuck does she know?” He questioned, stopping at the foot of the bed. “Is she the one spreading the rumors? I swear to God if it is—”
The door opened slowly and the doctor stepped inside. “Bad time?”
She sat up in bed and shook her head slowly. “My partner’s under a lot of stress at work.”
“Stress that seems to be rubbing off on you,” The doctor’s brows raised suggestively. “I’m Dr. Smith,” She offered, shaking both of their hands. “If you’d like to sit Mr. Peña we can talk about what happened and how we can prevent this from getting worse.”
“Of course.” Javier mumbled, ducking his head as he moved to sit back down in the chair beside her bed. He reached for her hand, interlacing their fingers. “Is she going home today?”
“She is.” Dr. Smith smiled warmly. “With a number of changes, however. Fetal heartbeat is strong, I’m not concerned about the baby's health right now. Mom’s health is my primary concern. You came in here with a blood pressure that was 150/90. That’s a dangerous level for anyone, but especially while pregnant.” 
“So, what do we do?” Javier questioned.
“A whole lot of nothing.” Dr. Smith answered with a levity-offering chuckle. “You’re going to have to stay at home. I’m prescribing you to remain on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy.”
“Are you fucking serious?” She grumbled, sinking back against the pillows. 
“Yes. I know it’s inconvenient, but it’s necessary. If your blood pressure remains high, you’re at much higher risk for strokes, seizures, and placental abruption. The last thing we want to do is have to induce labor early. Everything looks great with baby, it’s just you we’re worried about right now.”
“When will we get the results back from the tests? You took blood, right?” Javier questioned.
“In a few hours. We’re just going to keep her for observation for a few more hours. Get that blood pressure down. You’ll be home tonight.” Dr. Smith answered, offering both of them a small smile. “Do you have any questions?”
“Will the delivery be more difficult?” She questioned, rubbing her stomach. “I didn’t have any problems with Josie.” 
“I’m not going to rule that out,” The doctor explained. “Your obstetrician will be best able to answer that. Where did you deliver?”
“In Colombia.” She answered. “But I didn’t have any issues like this and that… was stressful.” 
Javier scraped his teeth over his bottom lip as he looked between the doctor and her. The mere mention of Colombia had his own blood pressure spiking. This was all his fault. She was laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to wires all because of him.
“I need to…” Javier drew in a shaky breath. “Shit. Josie... “ He raked his hand over his face as he stood up suddenly. “Daycare. I need to call Steve.”
“Are you alright, Mr. Peña?”
It was all his fault. 
“I need to call someone to pick up our daughter.” Javier looked towards her then. God, she looked so weak. So pale. 
The doctor said something to him as he left the hospital room, but he was gone before he could make it out. He headed down the corridor, retracing the path the nurse had led him along, heading out the double doors that led to the waiting room.
He headed for the payphone, fishing a couple quarters out of his pocket. 
Steve offered to pick her up and bring her to the hospital. They both figured Josie might make her mother feel a little better. She was a cuddle monster whenever she knew someone wasn’t feeling well. 
It was his fault she wasn’t feeling well. 
He was the stupid fucking selfish idiot who had wanted another try. He was the one that had wanted another kid to make up for all of the shit he missed out on in Colombia. 
Javier slammed the phone back into the cradle before bringing his fist down against the top of the box. He was so fucking angry at himself. They had Josie — why couldn’t she be enough for him? Why had he wanted to have another child? To put her at risk. 
And she was at risk. 
“Professor Peña?”
He tensed, slowly turning to look at Monica. “Why are you still here?”
“She asked… I can go?”
“Don’t you have classes?”
Monica swallowed thickly and lowered her gaze to the ground. “I feel awful about what happened. She just… she was asking me about the rumors and…” She shook her head. “I didn’t know she was having trouble with her pregnancy. I didn’t know.”
Javier narrowed his eyes. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything!” She looked up then. “I didn’t… mean to. But it was so much money and…”
Monica glanced over her shoulder warily. “After work one day. The internship.” She gulped a little, looking like she was actually about to cry. “He had a badge.”
His jaw rocked as he stared her down. “Who had a badge?”
“Someone with the Drug Enforcement Administration.” Her cheeks flushed with shame and she stared at the ground. “I’m so sorry. But it was so much money and I…” 
It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice on him. 
The motherfucking DEA?
“What the fuck did they tell you to do?”
Monica took a step back, “To start the rumor.” 
“Why?” Javier questioned, fingers clenched at his sides. 
“I don’t know.” Monica admitted. “It was ten thousand dollars. You have no idea how much I needed it… I couldn’t say ‘no’.”
He took a step backwards. 
The article. It all had to do with that goddamn article. His idea. 
“I need…” Javier bit down on the inside of his cheek hard enough to taste blood. “I need to go sit with her. I need to…” He flexed his jaw, turning away then. “I can’t fucking do this right now.” He didn’t even look back at her, he headed straight back into the emergency room, back to her room, back to her bedside. 
She was asleep. Whatever they’d given her to help calm down had clearly knocked her out. She needed the rest. He knew she hadn’t been sleeping well — not since the start of the rumor. Not since he gave her those five fucking envelopes. 
All of it. All of this. 
It was all his fault. 
There was a clock on the wall that was ticking. Each second growing louder. 
This was his punishment. 
All those people. The people he failed. People who died. The people he wasn’t able to save. 
“Javi.” She whispered beside him, reaching out to touch his face. “What’s wrong?”
“Just rest, baby.” He pleaded quietly. 
“You look like you need to be admitted too.” She smiled at him. “Babe, I’m fine. My blood pressure is just high. I fainted. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
“But what if you’re not fine? What if this…” He clenched his jaw and shook his head. 
“And what if you got shot in Colombia? Don’t treat me like a fucking flower over ‘what ifs’, Javier.” She pulled her hand away from his face and rubbed at her forehead. “You know how much I hate being treated like an invalid.” 
“I don’t want to do this right now.” Javier shook his head. “I want to get you home and then… we can talk about everything. What we’re going to do…” 
“It was Monica wasn’t it? My gut was right, wasn’t it?”
Javier stared at her, before nodding his head slowly. “Yeah.” He laughed bitterly. “It wasn’t just Monica… it was the fucking DEA.”
Something beeped on one of her monitors.
“Just my pulse. It slipped off my finger.” She assured him, readjusting the clip on her forefinger. “What do you mean it was the DEA?”
“You need to relax, baby.” Javier reached out and rested his hand on her stomach, his other reaching for her hand. “We can talk about this at home. When you’re not… hooked up to fucking wires.” He sat back and pressed the heel of his palm against his forehead. “This is fucking bullshit.” 
“We’re not doing this.” He stood up, hands on his hips. “I’m not losing you.” 
She held her hand out, “Come back here. You have to keep your shit together for Josie, Javier. You can’t be freaking out like this.” 
“It’s all my fault.” Javier let the words slip out of his mouth.
There was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal Dr. Smith on the other side again. “Good news.” She said with a hesitant smile. “Your organs look good, but we are still concerned with your blood pressure. We can bring it down if you keep your stress levels down—” She gave Javier a pointed look. He knew he was red in the face, still fuming from everything. “I’m going to send you home with a prescription for anticonvulsants.” 
“What does that do?” Javier questioned.
“It’ll stave off seizures. She hasn’t had one yet, that we know of. But with her blood pressure range, it's potential. They help prevent them. But rest will be best.” The doctor looked towards her bed then. “We can get a letter sent to your office.”
“I’ll handle it.” She promised. “Or Javi will. Whoever. They’ll understand.” She laughed bitterly. “I’m a walking worker’s comp claim.” 
“And the baby’s fine?”
The doctor nodded. “Both of them should be fine if her environment is kept calm.” 
“We’ve been going through a lot.” Javier admitted, staring at the floor. 
“We just moved.” She explained. “And some stuff from our past has been giving us issues. It’s nothing that we can’t resolve.”
“After you give birth.” The doctor reminded her. “I’ll start the discharge process within the hour. Good luck.” 
“I’m so sorry, baby.”
“Don’t blame yourself.” She sank back against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. “Don’t lash out at her.”
“Monica. She’s just a kid, Javi.” 
Javier sighed heavily. “I wanna fucking punch a wall.” 
“Try not to make a mess.” She quipped dryly. “And I can’t exactly help you hide the body like this.” 
“You’re going to bed when we get home.”
She made a face. “Sounds like the bed is going to be my new home.” She tilted her head to grin at him, wiggling her brows. “Sounds like fun, yeah?”
Javier glared back at her. “How can you make jokes?”
“Because if I don’t I’m going to fucking lose my shit.” She shot back. “I was so scared.” 
“I know, baby.” He took her hand into his and leaned down to kiss each knuckle. “I’ve got you though, okay? I’m going to take care of you and Josie and the baby.” 
“You called her bean. Remember?” 
Javier cracked a small smile. “It was little legume, I believe.”
She grinned at him, “We’re going to be okay, Javi. I promise you.”
“That’s just the medicine talking.” He leaned down and cupped her cheek, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “Steve should be here with Josie soon… then the three of us can go home.” 
“That sounds nice.” Her lashes fluttered. “I need a nap.”
“Yeah you do.” He laughed softly, brushing his thumb over her cheekbone. He hated seeing her like this. Weak. Exhausted. Not her typical fiery self. 
She could say it wasn’t his fault, but he knew it was. And he fucking hated it. 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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You guys liked my baby boi Kaito I'm so happy! If any of you have any idess for papa kai and baby kaito leave down! Or maybe a possible siste that i haven't decided her name yet
Overhaul/Kai Chisaki x reader "Clingy brat and jealous papa"
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He regreted his decision of having a child with you? Definitely not, you were his angel and his son was his little defiant. But does he get irritaded at the young boy constantly?... Maybe...
Chisaki Kaito; you insisted that he put his name on his child instead of just his given name and how could he saw no? Damn your puppy dog eyes; a energetic yet sassy little young boy of 4 years old, who was exactly what you could say a mixture of an little angel and a tiny demon.
Of course, he came from both of you.
Kaito didn't care much about getting dirty when playing on the playground or even hunting some bugs; this little brat picked once an venomous spider and almost gave you an heartattack when he showed it to you; exactly the opposite of his father, but damn, this kid was exactly like him on his attitude and his looks, excluding from the color of his eyes.
Chrono often joked around that not only the names were similiar but his kid was exactly a carbon copy of Overhaul himself. Chisaki would often scoff as he son would imitate his daddy's gesture.
Chisaki often was proud of his young boy, wherever he took a problem seriously; which an average kid couldn't take it very well; or even when he demanded that the brat took a bath; at least five of them if he got carried away playing around; and he would follow without any complains and even enjoying his little bath time.
Although there's just this tiny little problem about his Kaito that always stroked a nerve on him.
Kaito Chisaki was a mommy's little boy and had absolutely no shame on demonstrating.
Little baby could come up with any response to any one chatting around with him; including his own father causing a few arguments; but with you? If the brat saw you entering the same room, he would always just cling to your leg and begging you quietly for you to pick him up.
If we define by percentage his love for his parents would come something like:
57% for mommy and 43% for daddy.
Chisaki didn't mind at all, he already knew that some kids always had an favorite parent, but that didn't mean that his son hated him or something. He knew Kaito looked up at him but he preferred you, simple as that.
But what Kai couldn't take was how the brat always seemed to wait at the right moment where HE and YOU are ALONE for ONCE for just barge in and demand any form of your affection. Taking all the pleasure from Kai and leaving the fearless yakusa boss pouting.
Yes, pouting you didn't read anything wrong.
It was like a game between him and his son, who could get more of your attention and love.
"Angel I brought this for you." Chisaki showed a huge amount of your favorite flowers.
"Aw Kai my love you didn't have to-"
"MOMMY!" Cried Kaito as soon as he enter the room clinging on your legging. "I-I fell from the tree and made a boo boo!" He pouted looking up at you as he pointed at the tiny bruise on his knee.
"Oh geez sweety, come here." You picked him up and sweetly wiped his tears from his cute face. "Let's take care of this and sterilize. Maybe one piece of that cake you like after my precious?" Kaito nooded smiling a bit before wrapping his arms around your neck.
"Sorry hon." You whispered to him before getting out of the room. Kaito lifted his face from the crook of your neck and just smirked at his father before nuzzling in your cheek.
Oh that brat now was war.
It came the night and after reading a bed story for your son; Kaito demanded both of you in his room; he finally got some time where you were all his.
"Your flowers." He said giving to you with an smile "You didn't get them because of that brat's bruised knee..."
"Hey!" You mockingly scolded "Don't call your son a brat! He is so good for us, a little angel!."
"Yeah. A fallen one." He started to laugh when he saw your reaction to his comment.
He slowly wrapped his arms around you and gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead, he then inteded to search for your lips before the door suddenly slammed making both of you jolt in surprise and Chisaki to pull you in a protectice embrace.
"Mommy can I sleep with you?" Said the little bed haired boy holding his tiny blanket.
"Why? What happened sweety?" You instantly got woried while Chisaki started to glare at the tiny boy.
"Bad dream..." he pouted, making exactly the same puppy dog eyes that you use to convince him of something.
"We just putted you to sleep K-"
"I sleep fast daddy." Responded in a serious tone the little boy narrowing his still puppy dog eyes at his father.
Karma is a bitch Isn't Kai?
"Come here my brave boy." You extended your arms lovingly, getting out of your husband's embrace "Of course you can sleep with mommy and daddy, right Kai?" He really had to contain his sigh of irritation.
"Why not?" He groaned slightly "Care to tell what happened in this dream then Kaito?"
He saw his son for a mere second in thought before nesting his way between both of his parents and wrapping his arms on your waist.
He looked over his shoulder at his father and merely answered, cleary faking some tears.
"It was scary..." like a damn actor, that little voice of his was enough for you to start tutting over the baby boy and almost forgeting Chisaki's existence.
"Don't worry my sweety little soldier, don't need to tell us okay? You're safe with me and daddy..."
"Yeah. Safe." This brat was starting to get on his nerves.
After you went to sleep little Kaito just turned to be in front of his and gave him a devious yet cutely smile at his father.
"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you little rascal?" Chisaki whispered while pinching slightly his son's nose, making the child giggle.
"Maaaaybe?" Singed his son quietly sticking out his tongue at him.
Chisaki smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring dowm at the boy.
"I demand time with your mother too. I know she's marvelous but damn you brat I got her first."
Kaito smirked at his father; pretty much similiar with his own smirk; saying "Then earn it daddy!"
... Should he feel proud at his son or pure irritation now?
When his little demon went to sleep, a sudden light appeared for him as he quietly picked his phone and started to text.
On the following day he woke up and found you currently cooking with one hand while your other arm held Kaito as you two exchanged a very lively yet hushed conversation, maybe avoiding that you could woke him from his deep sleep.
He grinned; his angel was all for himself today, Kaito liking it or not.
"Morning you two." He greated already sitting down on the table waiting for the soon breakfast.
"Morning my knight!" "Good morning daddy!"
He hummed in acknowledging sipping on his own drink as he poured a little of orange juice for his trouble maker sucessor.
Vitamins for his child are important.
When all of you got settled down Chisaki ordered that Kaito went to his room and changed his clothes quickly, yet refusing to tell any of you why...
Only when you heard a faint knocked and Chisaki earglier getting up from the couch and making his way to greet the person outside.
"Chrono. Late."
"Sorry for the delay Overhaul, hello (Y/N)." The man greeted you even despite the distance.
You swallow down your laugh as you waved at him with an smile.
Of course he had to call Kurono.
"Daddy I already- Hi uncle Chrono!" The child smiled seing his godparent.
The man smiled down at the child before returning his attention to his friend
"So, all the day with him?"
"Yes, give him sweets or any toys he sees interest."
"Only if he behaves." You aproached the mans, carresing softly the dark brow hair of your little boy "Understood Kaito?" The child merely puts his arms behind his back as he averted his eyes from any adults on the room with a smirk.
"Such a brat." Smirked Hari immediately stopping when he saw not only yours but Chisaki's glare, putting his hands in a form of a silent apology.
Only him and his wife can call their little half angel half demon brat Chrono back the fuck off.
Before the child exited the house, Chisaki wrapped one arm around you and sayed the words that immediately made Kaito turn on his back.
"This way I got mommy all to myself then. Enjoy you day Kaito." He smirked devilish down at his son.
The child almost runned back, but Chrono just picked him up like a bag of potatoes and went off with an squirming kid repeatedly saying "DADDY CHEATED, DADDY CHEATED!"
"'Daddy cheated'? Kai, what does that means?" You asked smilling up at him.
Chisaki merely shrugged before dipling you for a kiss as he closed the door.
"I would be glad if I knew, children are weird my angel."
447 notes · View notes
Questions for a First Date
So here’s the little Kol fic I was talking about yesterday. I just wrote what fitted best and what I wanted to 😅  and i haven’t proof read it, so please forgive me any mistakes. It’s super late right now and I have to get up early hahah
Fandom: The Originals, The Vampire Diaries (Kol Mikaelson) 
Summery: Y/N decided to get drunk after her fiance left her. Kol joins her. 
Warnings: angst (i’m not sure but anyway), swearing, heavily drinking (alcohol), kol being kind of out of character  
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“Oh my god Kol! Do you want to give me a bloody heartattack?”, I asked as he appeared right next to me. 
“That’s my goal sweetheart.”, he smiled his cheeky grin and ordered two more shots. 
We were sitting in one of the many crowed bars in New Orlans. Actually I wanted to get drunk alone today, bathe in pity and then go home alone and feel sorry for myself a little bit more. After all, you’re not going to be abandoned every day by the person with whom you actually wanted to spend the rest of your life. 
“He’s an douchbag Y/N. He’s not worth that you’re getting drunk here by yourself.”, Kol said. As if he had read my mind. 
“Then get drunk with me.”, I smiled at him and took gladly one of the shots that the bartender placed infront of us. 
“That’s why I’m here. I could need some drinks as well.”, he answered and took the other shot. I ordered another round for the two of us. 
“Why do you need something to drink?”, I asked him. 
“Klaus.”, he didn’t needed to say anything else. I knew Klaus. He was exhausting.
I nodded and looked at my fingers that where laying on top of the counter. A few hours ago there was this nice little ring on my finger that promised a happily ever after. Now it was laying somewhere in his flat. Maybe I should have kept it. My hand looks so empty without it. 
“You don’t need him Y/N.”, Kol said and placed his hand on mine. The one where the ring was missing. 
“I’m not so sure about that. I don’t know what I should do. Whenever I was restless and didn’t know what I should do I called him and he always knew what would have been the right thing to do. And I can’t do that anymore.”
The new round of shots was placed infront of us and I just took one of them and I tipped it down my throat. Kol took the other one. 
“So Y/N, we need a topic to talk about.”, Kol said and looked at me and smiled his typical grin. 
“Why? We can just sit here in silence and get drunk. Who needs to talk anyway?”, I asked back and watched Kol who ordered another two shots. 
“That’s boring. How about we talk about… the weather? Isn’t that something everybody does?”, he said. 
“You’re kidding, aren’t you?”
“No! Humans are constanly talking about the weather.” 
“Fuck no Kol. I’m not talking about the weather.” 
“Then maybe why you two broke up?”
I looked at him as if he was the dumbest person on this planet. Maybe he was? Who knows? 
“No.”, I said coldly and Kol sighed. 
“Fine. Then you pick something out.”
“I don’t want to talk. I just want to get drunk.”, I answered and our shots arrived which I immediatly took and drank. Slowly I got a little bit tipsy which was about time. 
“Come on Y/N. There has to be something we could talk about.”, Kol said. 
“There isn’t a single topic in my mind that I want to talk about with you.”, I answered and ordered a cocktail. For now I had enough shots. 
“Ouch. Since when are you such a little bitch?”, asked Kol played shocked and grabbed his chest. Exactly where his heart should be if he had one. 
“Since today.”, I simply answered. 
“You’ll get over it. Trust me. I can speak from experience.”, he laughed. 
“Doesn’t feel like that right now.” 
“I know. But it will get better. I promise.” 
I nodded and took a sip of the cocktail that was placed infront of me. Can’t he just shut up and leave? I wanted to drown in my pity by myself without some dumbass next to me. 
“Okay. I have an idea.”, Kol smiled happily and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. 
“Since when do you have a phone?”, I asked. 
“Oh come on Y/N. I may be old but I don’t have a stick up my ass. Besides, most of the time I was half dead trapped in some coffin. So I just have to adapt to this time here and phones are a pretty nice thing.”, he answered and obviously had problems with his phone. 
“Do you need help old man?”, I asked and and smiled with amusement.
“I don’t need your help.”, he answered annoyed and managed to unlock his phone successfully after all. 
“What the fuck are you even doing Mikaelson?” 
“You’ll see.” 
I rolled with my eyes and took a couple of sips from my cocktail. Please god, make this suffering stop. Haven’t I suffered enough today? 
“Ha, I got it!”, he smiled widely and placed his phone on the counter so I could look at it. 
100 questions for a first date. That’s what I could read on his screen. He was insane. 
“I know, it’s not a date but a good opportunity to get into a conversation.” 
His smile was so kind that I couldn’t reject him once more. I just couldn’t. He was trying his best to make me feel better. And we were talking about Kol Mikaelson. Who never tried to make anyone feel better about anything. 
“Fine.”, I sighed, “go ahead.” 
His smile got even wider before he looked at his screen for a moment. 
“The first one is… peanut butter or nutella?”, he smiled. 
“That’s easy. Peanut butter.”, I answered. 
“What is nutella anyway?”, Kol asked. 
“Oh my god. Have you lived under a rock?”
“No, in a coffin. What the fuck is nutella?”
“I can’t discribe it. You have to try it yourself. I’m sure that you’ll love it.”
Kol just rolled his eyes and looked at his phone again: “What was your best job so far?”
“Babysitting.”, I answered and smiled as I thought about the little girls I took care of in my last year of high school. 
“And your worst one?”
“Babysitting.”, I laugehd with the little devil boys in my mind. 
“And yours Kol?”, I asked back with the smile still resting on my face. 
“Haven’t had one yet.”, he shrugged. 
“You need one. At least one. It’s an experience.”, Kol just nodded and looked at his phone once more. 
“Favorite thing to do by yourself?”, he asked. 
“Singing.”, I answered after I thought about it for a while. 
“I’m sure your great at it.”, Kol smiled. 
“No, I’m not.”, I laughed and took a big sip from my cocktail. 
“Dog or Cat?”, Kol continued. 
“Both. I can’t decide.”
“Really? I would prefer a cat. They are independet and I don’t need to do much.”
“Yeah, but that’s not the point of having a pet. You should spend some time with them. Pet them, fed them, love them, play with them.”
“Well then I don’t want a pet.” 
“You’d eat it anyway.”, I laughed. 
“I may be cruel, but I would never eat my pet. That’s horrific. Not even Klaus would be that cruel.”
“Killing people is fine and eating them but not eating your pet? Where is the difference?”
“You don’t have a relationship with the people you kill. You’re not that emotionally envolved.”, Kol shrugged. 
“But Klaus killed people he loved, haven’t he?”
“Yes, but in a tantrum. It’s complicated. As a vampire it’s easier to understand.”
I just nodded and this time I looked at his phone to look for a good question. 
“Three places you’d like to visit?”, I asked. 
“That’s easy. Italy, Spain and Australia.”, Kol answered. 
“Far away from home.” 
“That’s the goal love.”, he smiled and finally ordered something to drink for himself. My cocktail was almost empty. 
“How about you Y/N?”, he asked. 
“Japan, Australia as well and Finland.”  
“Why Finland?”, Kol asked. 
“Finland has beautiful nature that I want to see.”
Kol nodded and looked for another question. 
“Can you play an instrument?”, Kol asked after a while. 
“No. But I would like to.”, I answered truthfully and drank my cocktail empty. 
“Which one?”, Kol asked. 
Before I gave him an answer I ordered another cocktail. Then I turned a little bit so I could look at Kol. Slowly it was fun to talk to him. He was definitely distracting me. 
“Guitar and piano. I always wanted to be able to play these to. They sound so beautiful.”, I answered and looked at him. 
“I could teach you. I can play both.”, he smiled. 
My eyebrows raised in surprise. Since when could he play an instrument? I tought he was trapped in a coffin most of the time. 
“Don’t look at me like that. You’ll get bored after a few hundred years.”, he shrugged. 
“Alright. Deal. You’ll teach me how to play the guitar and the piano.”, I said and nodded.
“Deal. Next question.”, Kol answered and looked at his phone. 
He looked at the screen in a concentrated manner. From time to time he stretched his jaw as if it were the most difficult task in the world to choose a question. But since when did kol look so good? I have never noticed his beautiful brown eyes or this cheeky grin that he almost always had on the lips. 
“Black or white?”, he asked and tore me from my thoughts. What kind of a question was that? 
“Black.”, I answered and pointed to my black shirt. 
“Same.”, he said and pointed to his own black shirt. I smiled. 
“My turn.”, I said andl held out my hand so Kol would give me his phone. 
He laid his phone in my hand and I stared to look through the questions. I could feel his eyes on me and it made me nervous. I didn’t liked that feeling. 
“Have you ever milked a cow?”, I asked and smiled. 
He looked at me confused and said: “Of course. iIn the past you had to do everything yourself if you wanted something. There were no shops yet.”
“I can hardly imagine such a world. I mean without electricity, running water, cars and so on.” 
I really tried to imagine a world without all of that stuff, but it was impossible. I was just too used to the luxury of today. 
“I’ll show you one day.”, Kol said and I nodded. 
I was curious. I wanted to know what the world looked like before. I knew it was different and way harder than now. But I just couldn’t imagine it. 
“How?”, I asked. 
“Vampires can manipulate thoughts. So you can say that I get into your head and show you my memories.”, Kol explained. 
“You would show me your memories?” Why would he do that? He didn’t knew me at all. 
“Of course I would.”, he smiled and I just smiled back at him. 
I took a few sips of the new cocktail that had been standing in front of me for a few months. Slowly I got really drunk and it didn’t bother me a bit. I was about to reach my goal for today. Only I did not want to bathe in self-pity anymore but I wanted to get to know Kol further. He was not at all as bad as usual.
“Badest movie you ever saw?”, Kol asked. 
I thought about it for a while, but I not one bad movie crossed my mind. 
“I can’t think of any right now. Yours?”, I asked back. 
“Twilight.”, he laughed. 
“You watched Twilight?”, I asked in surprise. 
“Unfortunately. It was one of the first things Rebekah forced me to do.”
“I don’t know. Maybe she just wanted to torture me.”
 “Probably.”, I laughed and he nodded. 
We kept asking each other questions and got to know each other better. I always thought that Kol would eventually be an even bigger asshole than Klaus, but he wasn’t. KOl was attentive, listened to me and showed real interest in getting to know me. He was friendly, funny and even shared some of his deepest thoughts with me. And I got drunker and drunker. One cocktail after the other was emptied and later Kol and I drank shots again. Which was a mistake. They only made me drunk faster. As the time went on everything turned and words came only hardly over my lips. It was time to go home and so I had only one last question to kol. 
“Can you bring me home Kol?”, I barely managed to bring a meaningful sentence over my lips.  
“Y/N, i live right across the street. It would be smarter if you stayed in one of our guest rooms.”, Kol answered and stood up. 
I just nodded because I was to lazy to argue with him. I was getting tired and wanted to sleep.  Kol helped me to stand up and everything just turned around more. I swayed briefly and Kol immediately put his arms around me so that I would not fall over. 
“Easy Y/N.”, Kol laughed. He wasn’t drunk at all. Fuck vampire metabolism. 
I just smiled widely at Kol. Together we left the bar and crossed the street. We entered the house of the Mikaelsons and Kol took me up to one of the guest rooms. He even helped me lie down and took off my shoes. All the time I had to giggle. Fucking alcohol. 
“Good night sweetheart. Sleep well.”, he said and covered me with the blanket. 
“Thank you Kol.”, I smiled satisfied. 
Kol nodded and started to leave the room. I didn’t wanted him to leave. 
“Kol?”, I asked. 
“Yes?”, he asked back and turned around to look at me. 
“Could you.. maybe.. stay here? I don’t want to be alone.”, I asked shyly. 
“Of course.”, he answered and smiled his cheeky smile. 
I slipped a little to the side in bed and then tapped on the free space. His grin became wider. Kol took off his shoes and lay down next to me. I slipped closer and cuddled up to him. Satisfied I sighed once when I felt him gently stroking my back.
“Good night Ko.”, I said quietly.
“Good night my love.”, he answered and I fell asleep slowly. 
Maybe today wasn’t as shitty as I thought.
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
All My Sins - Chapter 9
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Pairing: priest!Cas x demon!Dean
Summary: Finally! Dean is appearing at Castiel's doorstep out of nowhere. What happened to him? What made him leave? The priest wants answers - the worries are killing him, even though he's more than just happy to see his boyfriend. And Dean is willing to talk...
Warnings: FLUFF ( yay! XD ), implied smut, angst, mentions of past abuse and murder...
Words: about 1800
A/N: Welcome to chapter nine! Now, you'll finally get some answers...I can't hold it back much longer. XD Prepare for some serious emotions and tears. Gawd, I love my precious babies so damn much! *sobbing*
Catch up here ( Masterlist ) :D
I hope you'll like it! Enjoy! <3
"Dean?" Cas rasps, his voice nothing but a tiny whisper. Dean Winchester smiles, cocking his head. Oh, how Cas loves his smirk...and those green, green eyes... "The one and only," he mutters, blinking with his long lashes. Then he looks down, suddenly nervous. He swallows hard, and his gaze is meeting Cas' again. There are tears in his eyes. "Damn it, Cas, I - ", he begins, but gets interrupted by the priest, who pushes him against the wall, just to kiss him in desperation. Dean does the same, his hands are running over Castiel's chest, touching him like he's the most precious thing in the world. Damn, it feels so good... Cas moans, as Dean pulls away, slowly. After a heavy breath, the young man says: "God, I missed you so fucking much!" "Same here," Cas whispers, stroking the other's cheek, gently. I could stare at these freckles forever. "Dean...what the hell happened? I...I thought I was going insane and - ", Cas stutters, but hesitates as Dean kisses him again, softly. "Not now, honey," he whispers into the priest's ear, making him shiver, "I promise that I'll tell you everything tomorrow. But...all I want right now is feel you, Cas. Everywhere. Please." His voice is so dark and soft, but filled with love and Castiel can feel his knees going weak almost immediately. "Promise?" he mutters, but he already knows that he lost the 'discussion'. Dean smiles, widely. He raises an eyebrow, licking his lips. "I promise," he answers with a wink. "Perfect," Cas mutters, and pulls him closer.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Castiel wakes up the next morning, he feels awesome. After many nights with Meg, that were everything but quite enjoyable, the time with Dean was...incredible. As always. It's like they just know what the other wants, what he desires. They can communicate without words, and that's what makes their bond so special. The priest smiles to himself, as he turns around in bed, just to find Dean sleeping next to him. God...how can anybody look so beautiful while sleeping?! I bet I look like a troll while I'm asleep. He takes himself a couple of minutes to just simply appreciate the other's presence. His gaze is flowing over Dean's soft lineaments, enjoying every single detail. He's here. With me. And we're safe. The priest sighs, as the young man opens his eyes, slowly. "Hey," he mutters with a mild smile, "Why are you staring at me like a creep?" "'Cause I love you. Am I not allowed to appreciate a work of art when I see it?" Castiel answers, smirking. His heart is filled with so much warmth, that it feels like it's going to explode. He leans forth, until his lips are stroking over Dean's cheek, gently. "Okay. Now tell me," he whispers, blinking, "What happened to you?" Dean's eyes are going dark for a second, but it vanishes after a moment or two. "Are you sure that you want to know it?" the other says, seriously. He looks at Cas, questioning. The priest nods. "I am. Please, Dean. Talk to me," he begs, quietly. His heart is already beating faster, and he forces himself to calm down. There will be a harmless explanation for things...please let there be a harmless explanation... "I did bad things, Cas", Dean says after a few heartbeats of silence, "I killed people. And it was fun." Castiel blood runs cold. "Dean..." "No. Please. You need to hear it all to understand it. Just hang on, okay?" The priest nods, weakly. He can feel the tears coming up his throat, and Dean grabs his hand, softly. The other's touch is warm and familiar, and it makes Castiel calm down a little. He breathes in, deeply, as Dean continues: "It all began about three years ago. I...you know what I told you about my father? The way he treated me and my brother?" Cas nods. "After Sammy was gone, I...I just couldn't take it anymore. I knew that he wouldn't let me go. I knew that he would find me anywhere. And if he wouldn't be able to find me, he would go after Sam. I still don't know how he could become such an awful person. Anyway, Sammy was gone and I was in absolute despair. My father was worse than he had ever been, forcing me into...let's just say a life I didn't want to live. I didn't saw a light at the end of the tunnel, so I made a very awful decision. Actually, I did some research for fun as I stumbled upon the legends of crossroad demons and the deals that they are making if you ask them to do so. So...it said that they would make every wish come true. And all I wanted was to be free. So I got to a crossroad far, far away from town, and did the ritual to summon one. A - and it worked. I sold my soul for one purpose: that my dad would just disappear and never bother me or my brother again." He swallows, heavily, and closes his eyes. It seems like the memories are hurting him, awfully. Castiel's mouth is open, slightly, his fingers are curled around Dean's like he is the other's only anchor in this moment of truth. "Oh, Dean...", he whispers. "It worked. My father died, in the exact moment I sealed the deal with the demon. Heartattack. It was so damn simple. At first, I was filled with relief, but then I began to realise what I just did. I killed my father. I was a fucking monster. And as if this wasn't enough, this son of a bitch from a demon was kind enough to tell me, that now that they have my soul, they will feed from it until I will become one of them. They gave me about three years until I will  go completely crazy. That was the price I had to pay. Not a very good deal, if you ask me. I totally fucked up. The next months I basically spent with lots of sex, alcohol and drugs, doing everything to drown my thoughts, so that I didn't need to think about how terrible my future was going to be. After a while I decided that this was stupid as hell, and ran out of town. I tried to find a solution for my problem. I asked everyone that I came across, psychics and stuff, but nobody could help me. They felt all very sorry for me, but none of them could do something to save me from the darkness that was growing bigger and bigger inside my heart and mind. I could feel it crawling under my skin, a thirsty, terrible monster. It spoke to me, always tried to make me do bad things. And sometimes, I gave in. And it felt so damn good. The feeling of seeing a person's life fade into their eyes when they die...it turns me on. And that's just sick. I hate what I am, Cas. I hate it so fucking much." Castiel blinks, biting his lip. He tells himself to stay calm. We can get through this. We will find a solution. Together. "But you haven't hurt me, Dean. You aren't a bad person. We can fix this," he says. "Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that this -you and me - wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't meant to fall in love. But I did. And I left the town, because I didn't want to hurt you. I felt that things were getting worse, and I tried to run from myself. There are hounds of hell wherever I go. They're chasing me, making me go crazy. It almost seems that they're waiting for me to lose my humanity completely," Dean tells the priest, staring into the void. The other hesitates: "So...whenever you seemed to see something that wasn't there, this were hellhounds? Like the thing that almost got me to drive into a tree?" His eyes are going wide. Dean nods. "But as you can see, now I'm back," he continues with a weak smile, "I just couldn't stay away from you. Actually, I felt my insanity getting stronger and stronger as I drove away...I think you're something like my anchor. Without you, I need to kill." After these words, they're both silent for a couple of seconds. "Holy shit," Castiel burst out, eventually. "I know," Deam sighs, biting his bottom lip, "You just slept with a murderer. Congrats." "I cleaned up your house, Dean," the priest admits, suddenly, and the other stops. "What?" "I cleaned everything up. I - I buried the body. I made sure that nobody would find something suspicious in there," Castiel whispers, and suddenly, there are tears streaming down his cheeks, "Dean, I...it was awful!" Dean pulls the priest closer, softly. He kisses the other's forehead. A single tear is running down his cheek. "I...I'm so sorry, Cas. I - " he says, his voice rough, and filled with pain and regret. "No, no. It's okay," Cas determines, fastly, "It...it wasn't your fault. We...we'll find a solution. I promise." Dean looks at him with nothing but desperation in his eyes. "Cas, you don't understand! There is no escaping! It's just a matter of time, and then I'll - " And for a moment, his eyes are flashing black. It's absolutely terrifying, and the priest winces. The darkness vanishes again like nothing happened and Cas can feel a claw clutching around his heart. He swallows, looking at Dean with determination in his eyes. "We will get through it, okay? I don't believe that you tried everything that's possible to get you out of this stupid deal,"he says. "But - " "No. We'll get you out of this misery. Or we'll find a way for you to live with it." "To live with it?! Cas, I am a killer!" "And?" "And?!" "I love you. I can't help but I love you. That means I am part of this misery as well, and you can't change my mind. I've already gone through hell for you, Dean, and I'm ready to do it again." Castiel raises his chin, and looks into Dean's eyes. He watches the other's gaze soften, slowly. The young man cries, as he curls his arms around Cas, holding on to his love in desperation. "Thank you," he whispers into the priest ear, burying his face on the other's chest. I've already gone through hell for you, and I'm ready to do it again.
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And that was chapter nine! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit,I will love you forever! <3
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darklingichor · 4 years
Brian Books by Gary Pulsen
Okay, this is actually 6 short books.
It really is amazing how short these are. I listened to them and they were 2-3 hours of listening time.
So why did I listen to six books that are usually  read to grade schoolers?
Because the first book, Hatchet, was read to me in grade school and I remember that the teacher never finished it! Also it is read by Peter Coyote who has narrated some documentaries that I have seen and always does a great job.
So anyway, Hatchet for those whose teachers also didn’t finish the book, is about 13 year old Brian Robenson who is in a small sesna airplane flying to the Canadian oil fields to spend the summer with his father. His biggest worry up until this point was how his life was going to be with his newly divorced parents. Enough for any kid, but then, the pilot has a heartattack and dies midflight.
Brian then has to fly the plane (the bare basics the pilot showed him and tid bits he learned from books and tv) and raise some one on the radio.
The first goes well enough, in that he is able to keep it in the air until the fuel runs out, the second, not so much.
After the plane gives up, Brian must do a controlled crash into a lake where he manages to swim free of the plane only with the clothes on his back and a hatchet his mother had given him on is belt
He gets the basics going, shelter, fire, food, through trial and error as well as remembering things that he'd read or seen on TV. He eventually gets rescued, but not before giving up on that possiblity and carving out a life in the woods by adapting to the environment.
The writing style in this book sets the stage for the others, simple, but poetic. Honestly, Paulsen reminds me a bit of Robert Frost, except that a lot of Frost's nature imagry are metephore and allegory. Paulsen describes nature itself with its own poetry. Brian doesn't imprint meaning onto a sunset to bring out it's beauty, the beauty of the sunset is it's meaning and it leaves an imprint on Brian.
People, in these books are more of a passive force. Brian falls into nature, he doesn't conquer it, he co-exists, with nature's permission.
The River is technically the second book.
Survival experts want Brian to do it all again so that they can better inform others about the mental and physical effects of actually needing to survive in the woods when it is truly life or death.
Brian is lukewarm on this idea, except for the want to help people. This book is pretty lukewarm in itself, because it consistently reminds the reader that there is no way to replicate the circumstances of Brian’s first trip into the woods. That is, until things go pear shaped.
The psychologist who is on this trip with him, when both he and Brian are struck by lightening, falls into a coma. Brian must get him to help as fast as he can.
This one was okay; I sort of think of this as a chapter rather than a story proper, and one that has to be a bit flexible since the rest of the books sort of retcon this one.
Brian’s Winter came about because fans of Hatchet felt that Brian being rescued at the end of summer, was too easy. So Paulsen wrote a book acting as if the rescue after Brian’s initial 54 days didn’t happen.
This one is probably my favorite of the series.
It is exactly what it says on the tin. Brian spends most of the winter in his camp. He learns just like he did through the summer, through trial and error, but the stakes are higher because game is sparse and the temperatures are… Well, Canadian.
The language is much like it was in the first books, but either because I  like the winter landscapes more, or Paulsen prefers them, it seems like the environment is more lovingly described. I also like this one because it introduces some different characters. The coma guy from The River was okay, but I found him slightly annoying  because he was trying to capture lightening in a bottle by recreating a disaster. Come to think of it, maybe that’s why he was hit by lightening, Paulsen pointing out that a crisis cannot be manufactured. Makes me like that plot point a bit more, because when I first read it I thought “Really? Lightening? Because a broken leg or something is too easy? Gotta have God say fuck you ?” I felt the same way when the tornado hit Brian in Hatchet. I know stuff like this happens in the wilderness, but it all happening to Brian, tends to veer into ‘cursed idol’ territory.
Anyway, Winter really made it clear that Brian took to the woods like a duck to water, even though he was thrown into it by traumatic circumstance.
Brian's Return goes into how changed Brian is from his time in the woods. He's having an impossible time readjusting to city life. Can't abide the noise, can't stand tv, can't relate to other kids.
After a boy from school attacks him, and he defends himself automatically, as he did when faced with a crazy moose in the woods, that is, as if his life depended on it, Brian is sent to a counselor.
Brian had some minor fame  after his time in the woods and the counselor knew of him.
The counselor determines that Brian simply acted in self defence in the only way he knew how, and that Brian misses the woods,  and needs to go back.
And so, that's what he does. With a canoe that the coma guy gave him, he returns to the wilderness. This book is pretty uneventful as far as action goes, but he does meet a man who tells him what his Medicine is. I think this is referring to the Native American tradition of spirit animals, but I don't know enough to say for sure.
The last book is Brain's Hunt, like The River, I think it reads more as a chapter than anything else, more like a continuation of Return.
In Hunt Brain is sixteen and has more or less settled into the fact that he belongs in the wilderness. He is slowly making his way to a trapper family he had made friends with.
He spends his days hunting, fishing, rowing down river, and day dreaming about the trapper family's eldest daughter, who is his age. One night, a wounded dog wanders into his camp. He stitches her up but while inspecting the wounds he concludes that an animal had attacked the dog. The dog was also trained and tame, so he wonders what would have made it run to his camp rather than back home. He finds himself worried about his friends and quickens his pace to the camp. To avoid spoilers, I'll leave it at that. This is the last of the Brian books, and while I wish it had a more definitive ending, for the series, it does end this particular book well.
The last book I am counting in this series, is Guts, a memoir by Gary Pulsen that explains the things in his life that inspired the creation of Hatchet and the other books. It is entertaining enough, and does show that Paulsen is committed to an outdoor life style. However, while listening to it, I had to wonder how many of the stories are fish tales.
The ones where there is no doubt that something was caught, but whether it was really a  twenty pounder, or a minnow, is the question.
Don't misunderstand me, this is so not a condemnation or anything. I write fiction myself and I'd be lying if I said when something mildly interesting happens to me, I didn't think: "That was cool, but it would be awesome/funny if this happened next, or that minor detail were changed." I'd also be lying if I said I have never been half tempted to embroider the truth, when recounting something.
I don't because I have a little anth professor that lives in my head that screeches about the menipulation of data. She confers with the cynical teenager left over from high school that just says: "C.Y.A, dude, and the best way is to, tell it like it is."
So I keep my embroidery to fiction. But it use to be super common for writers and other creative types to have exaggerated bios, so I say to Paulsen: If the story is good, I'll take it.
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: NatsuShio: The OC/Canon Ship That Ruined My Life :.
(In the Best Way)
@supernatural-cat98, get buckled in.
   Let’s start with how I started. An Okami OC.
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   Her name is Shiori, but her full name is Shiorigami, a brush kami OC for the game Okami. Once an adoptable from DeviantArt, I made her into a fully-fleshed out character fit for the game. Sure, she’s an usual hybrid (nekotori; cat body, but with tail feathers like a small peacock), but she’s the kami of Poems and Literature. She’s got social anxiety and a thinly veiled reference to autism, as she is stunted to everyone, including her extensive family...but writing is where she blooms.
   Fiction, biographies, history, poems of all kinds... If it’s writing, she’s happy. It protects her and makes her happy, even when she fears she isn’t a good enough brush kami. Even if her powers are an inky echo of her mother’s.
   She once had short hair. She once loved a Lunarian named Kazuki... A scholar of the Moon Tribe, during a period of tension and war between his people and the Celestials... Shiori’s people. Despite it all, they truly did love each other, despite never admitting it out loud. He was gifted a scroll of poems he inspired her to write. He gave her a golden necklace- almost collar-like- with the symbol of the Moon Tribe engraved on the back.
   ...He would end up dying in a slaughter done by the evil the Moon Tribe had summoned. Those who fled to the mortal world to escape the war becoming the only survivors. Kazuki was gone...and left Shiori not only with a deep depression, but also with a fear to care for anyone who was mortal.
   Who could die and be ripped from her grasp, just like Kazuki had.
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   Her hair grew out over the years (faceclaim: Suiren Shibazeki from Hibi Chouchou), protected by her mother to ease her pain of the death of the one she loved most...and in the years after the events of Okami, would stay either in her room on the Celestial Plain or occasionally live on the mortal world, in a small house to herself among a forest not too far from Ryoshima Coast.
   And so. It would be this starting point for a fateful meeting...
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   Natsu Dragneel. Specifically, burningheartdragneel, my roleplay partner. (To my Shio, @goddessof-poems.) He met Amaterasu first, having somehow...gotten himself a little universe-lost. Befriending her was easy; both liking to fight, both loving to eat... It was easy for them.
   Yet he poses an interesting challenge for sweet, quiet Shiori. Little bookworm, easily forgets to eat at all, and isn’t much one for the adventuring scene, like her mother or Natsu.
   ...However, it’s because of her Natsu learns the joys of reading; specifically, an adventurous story of fiction Shiori had written some time before. He makes a small, but decent meal for the forgetful Shiori, ensuring she eats...and even motivates her to get out of her home, taking him to show off Ryoshima Coast and her own Water Tablet that Amaterasu gifted her.
   It’s our current roleplay and a still on-going one, but we came up with so much more as we talked over Discord. They will slow burn their way, but us? We know how the path goes....and we ended up falling in love with a pairing of our own creation.
ExoticGeneral: Ah gods I love this! Especially since Shiori isn't the kind to stop her work to eat or anything Natsu would at some point bring snacks with him and probably feed her (and he hardly likes sharing either) because somebodies is gonna have to be watching over her. But if he woke up with her all beside him, he'd be pretty flustered about it. Plus as an added bonus he always oddly warm, which makes for good cuddling in the winter/chilly days. :3c Yeah, he'd probably be more careful with her because even if she is a brush good she's just so fragile. He'd probably bond with her relatively easy though since he's always been a cat kinda guy? But yeah, demon hunting would be a big no-no while she was around. No need to try and scare her away. But I thought about that heat headcanon thing would be funny cause I can't see either making the first move ever! xD
Aki: Oh gosh, yeah. Shiori's the type for "skinny love" situations, where it's almost painfully obvious she loves the person, but if nobody acts on it, then it's this firm stalemate. Tbh, she'd likely only "confess" if he got really hurt and she was scared for him....but even then, it's confusing for the oblivious bc-?? Was that a confession? What if it wasn't????
ExoticGeneral: But god a confession like that would be hilarious cause it might just go over his head! He'd probably just grin like an idiot, being all like 'Thanks that means a lot' and playing it off as completely platonic possibly. He may be bold in everything else, but love is something he's actually insecure about considering his first girlfriend died, his mom, like three of his dads and his brother wants to murder him.
Aki: Ommmmggggg. She'd probably laugh a little and keep trying to tell herself it's better this way, bc like...... (And this is what kills me) She'd rather have a friend in him than nothing at all bc of rejection so she'd start spiraling down and try to keep upbeat even though she keeps thinking about it and getting guilty bc what if he only wants them to be friends???? What if he didn't like romance at all?? She doesn't want to push him away from her..... She'd rather suffer years of not having him love her back then lose him. (And re-reading this..... Ouch on the death of the first girlfriend. Shiori knows that pain.... Except slightly more painful that she also never confessed to the guy and lost him to the slaughter of the Moon Tribe.)
ExoticGeneral: AKI DONT They'd both end up suffering because they're shy potatoes who can't convey their feelings properly for the life of them! It wouldn't even get better cause she'd only start going down hill after a while and he'd more than likely notice but not realize he's the problem in a way and FUUUUUUCCCKKKK
Aki: HAHAHAHAHAA, YOU'RE TOO LATE; MY POWERS HAVE BEEN REALIZED She'd actually manage pretty well for awhile, being oblivious, but then the feelings would start and that very emotion would be her downfall. Because then what are you supposed to do when you want to hug your "friend" for no apparent reason and just...stay there? That you wouldn't mind if he stayed over all the time and got to sleep with him, because that's when the nightmares kept away from her? (And even if they did show up, he was there to comfort her...) She's an absolutely wreck after awhile and keeps spacing out and begins to screw up and she's like a black hole collapsing in on itself and it hurts so bad to watch
ExoticGeneral: STAHP YOURE HURTING MY SHIPPER HEART BEFORE THE SHIP ACTUALLY EXISTS That blackhole though, like how do you even fix that??? Because the closer you get to her the more it's probably hurting her and you could confess but getting closer is what caused it to progress. HOW DO YOU PROTECT YOUR SHIT WHEN YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!?!? Your making me emotional and it's only like 8 in the morning, I don't want to start my day sad already!
Aki: Shiori finally breaking down in front of Natsu though. Like, it was a little trip over a tree root or something and she says, "O-oh, n-no, I'm fine...." But Natsu's just-??? No you're not, you're crying. Why are you crying? What hurts?? And from there she starts bawling and Natsu is awkward but tries his best. He also has little to no idea what she's saying pass those sobs of hers, but oUCH PAIN EVERYWHERE. Then- awhoop- right out of that sobbing mess comes a pretty clear confession, whoo boy--
ExoticGeneral: But HOLY SHIT when a confession happens he'd get flustered. To the point of constant figgeting and just a permanent blush would cover his face. He'd probably end up staying silent, then just start crying and fuck me up. The first confession of his life??? hE WAS NOT READY FOR THIS BUT IS TOTALLY ACCEPTING OF THIS! She'd get to see an entirely new spectrum of him though when he gets all soft-hearted and actually reveals his romantic side???
Aki: Shiori's equally as flustered and waiting to please just collapse in on herself and cease existance....and then once she realized she didn't fuck things up, she's crying with him and so much affection????? Oh no, the cutes. Cutes everywhere. Also Shiori is a huge sap and she's going to love that. But now he has to deal with his cute new goddess gf blushing whenever he smooches even just her cheek. Or holds her hand. Or snuggles up to her..... When he breathes LMAO, Jk...~
ExoticGeneral: THem crying together. THat thought just gives me life cause they're just two mushy emotional destroyed people atm. Just I don't even know who would actually recover first at that point, maybe Natsu, and just give her the longest most affectionate hug he's got in him. This relationship ain't gonna last long, give it like a week and he'll probably die from a cute overload. He'd try to pamper her a bit (though he wouldn't know how really) and just take her out to star gaze and do some silly things. But holding hands??? Like that's really lewd ya know.
Aki: Yeeeaaaahhh, he probably would. Shiori's trying to calm down, but those silly tears won't stop~ But she'll still snuggle close when he hugs her and hug him back. AH. AAAAAAHHHHHH. Natsu coming back to her place after that little event and suddenly, her new greeting is, "Welcome home," with a bright smile. Natsu kneels tf over bc cHRIST DID HE JUST HAVE A HEARTATTACK?!?!?!??
   Oh yes. We had a LENGTHY talk about their confession... But is that all? Of course not!! We’ve also had conversations about...
   Sleeping habits:
Aki: Oh man, and if she woke up to that racing heart of his.... All sleepy and concerned and it's right out of a romance novel and someone help Natsu bc death is rapidly approaching
ExoticGeneral: And the thing is that's one of his quirks. Like his way of saying 'I think I like you' IS sleeping at there house a lot more often. TO the point where it's just an everyday exerpeince and it's only weird if he DOESN'T show up one night.
Aki: !!!! Natsu being late one night and he's surprised bc it's late as fuck but there's Shiori, obviously tired and ready for bed, but unable to sleep because she'd gotten used to sleeping with Natsu and his warmth. (He has to pull confidence and fake cheer before he's allowed to start dying in the darkness of her room; that was so fuckin' cute and she was holding onto that little cat plush and she looked so lonely jfc whAT THE FUCK that level of cute is illegal in all the states and all of the worlds and timelines, bYE)
ExoticGeneral: But I can totally see that! He just kinda pushes open her door and it's like 2 in the fucking morning. The conflicted feelings he must have though knowing that when he walks in there he's gonna suffer for a few hours or more but is like 'fuck ing worth it.'  (She needs to tone it down because if the guy who lives to fight wants to SNUGGLE then there's a problem. No one man, goddess or not, should be allowed to have so much power!)
Aki: She's just more than happy to see him bc dang it, she couldn't sleep without him...and the second she's comfy and curled up against him? Boop. Out like a light. (Plot twist: her real power is being cute as hell. Her cuteness so strong, who needs weaponry?? Flutter those lashes, tilt her head... If she has the ears and feather tails out? B y e. You're dead now. Sorry, don't make the rules.)
ExoticGeneral: JEEz THOUGH! Not being able to sleep without him! Now all of a sudden he becomes like a necessity for a proper nights sleep, or any at all really. (But that's one way to competely get to him. Sexy? Pfffft, he can ignore that most of the time. Cute, fucking slay him okay? Just 'Here lies Natsu, rest in pieces' and fuck she's a cutie!)
Aki: I mean.... He could be a mean little one and let her pass out once it becomes too much, but there's also the huge implication that Natsu actually sorta gets her on a sleep schedule?? Something she usually doesn't have at all???? When Natsu's getting snuggled up in the futon, it basically becomes a sign of, "Oh, time to stop for today and sleep." Reverse alarm clock, Natsu is. Getting a certain poetry goddess to bed rather than waking her up (or keeping her up, as is). (Shiori perfected the cute ability. Cute traits that'd be passed down for generations. Flirting-but-not-flirting, the ultimate technique. How will poor Natsu ever survive?!?)
   Dinners with Mom Amaterasu:
Aki: Meet the parents? More like, "Forget that formal stuff! Let's go out and eat dessert before dinner!!!!" Because Ammy doesn't really do formal anymore and why not just....use the time for the better?? Like eating???? Not to mention, then she can embarrass the two like, "Now you gotta feed each other. Do it, do it, do it~!!" Ammy is a gr8 mom, as you can tell
ExoticGeneral: Well I don't think it could happen. I think Ammy and natsu met because he tried pelting her with water ballons. There is no need to be formal after that! But I can see Ammy rigging everything somehow. Just like ordering milkshakes for all three but 'accidentally' forgets one so she gets a whole one while Natsu and shiori share. with coincidentally two staws.
Aki: "Hmmmm, would you look at that.... Strange." Casually drinks at her own like NBD--  And that's true!!! No formality exists here; there's only the two dorks and the shy poet, who's more than happy to be the little side-line cheerleader for their antics. (Unless they're questionable. Then she's worried and trying to get them off of the idea. Probably crit. hits Natsu by being cute.)
  The time I almost wrote in our RP that Shiori was gonna kiss his cheek....and they’re not even CLOSE to dating, oh boy:
Aki: .....It suddenly occurs to me that I want an aesthetic made of NatsuShio.............
ExoticGeneral: I'm laughing. This isn't a pairing (Yet) and you're like grabby hands
Aki: Hey. Hey. Compare this to the time I almost wrote in Shio kissing Natsu's cheek waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too early, and a little aesthetic ain't that bad~
ExoticGeneral: You know if you had wrote that slip up I would have went along with it too. It would have been a hilarious mess.
Aki: LMAO. Even Shiori would be confused like, "......I have never before in my LIFE ever done that.... Why did I do that now?!?" This is the Sims and I am the tru god and their lives are my pLAYTHINGS
ExoticGeneral: He would have stopped everything for a solid 5 minutes then continue like it didn't happen. If you don't react it's like it never happened, right? I mean that's how we do it anyways. We make them suffer cause it's fun
Aki: Plot twist, though...... Isn't even freezing considered a reaction?! So by freezing he thinks he didn't react, but the act of freezing up is a reaction in itself......!! YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED, NATSU!!! They aren't suffering yet, buuuuut..... All in due time
   Memes, of course:
ExoticGeneral: Ammy: So do you and Shio call each other pet names? Natsu: Pfffft! No! Of course not! Ammy: What do bees make then? Natsu:....Honey? Shio, from the other room: Yeah, sweetie? Ammy: Don't you ever lie to my face again.
   And the moment we acknowledged how we know this ship was The One; our OTP forever and always: (featuring the best rant I’ve ever written for this ship)
ExoticGeneral: It's literally freaking insane how you just start having ten billions of ideas running through you're head! Like okay time to put then through some angst hell, then recovery fluff, little slice of life, smooches and some bonding/ development??? Like Im getting way too far ahead of myself here??? But the ideas/drabbles keep on rolling anyway. This is how you know this is the one.
Aki: Yes!!! And like.... Honestly, I pride myself on doing "realistic" stuff? Having my characters contradict themselves sometimes, do something that would hurt....cause humans are like that. Hell, it's why I also brazenly went for Shiori's emotional breakdown when she heard the news that all Lunarians had died..... Including her dear Kazuki.  Being able to imagine and know how that breakdown went in my head, where nothing she tried worked, until she went crawling back to her mother to grant her wish to not exist...take the pain away......  Boi. B o i. When it comes to big time storywriting, I get hELLA AMPED. I'm ready to show them every corner of the world, good or bad. Perfection or deep flaws. Give me that angst where they will realize that it hurts, but having someone to hurt with makes the pain ease a little. It doesn't fix everything, but having those assuring words and someone who cares deeply makes it harder to be upset. Let them have those slice of life days where Shiori wakes up in bed for once, stomach not aching or feeling like a void, and ready to start a new day. Have him drag her out to explore and shake up her old, rigid life. Let them, in the future, kiss and hug and wonder why....but know that if waiting so long meant finding love and getting it this right, then it was worth the wait. Let them develop so much, that we look back to where we started and cackle with joy, cause they friggen made it. Wow, a sappy rant from me, yEEHAW
ExoticGeneral: Damn right sister! Preach it! Like sometimes I just sit there with some bsckground music on and its so fitting that you just throw out 20 paragraphs like no problem. I just need those days with them where they argue over something little and it gets so blown out of proprtion and convoluted that they just forget what is was about? Just random nights of stargazing then falling asleep? Or literally doing nothing and either of them thinks of their s/o and gets super flustered for no reason? The day they actually become a couple but still trains his tush off and shio doesnt ask how he got strong, but why he did cause heckie is that gonna be one wild ride of a story. But the simple, final answer is to  protect her. Not because she's the daughter of Ammy, but because he failed to do so with his dad and elder brother and doesn't want to lose her too. Like I want weakness that comes with trust? Fear that comes with love? But also the fulfilling satisfaction of contentness. That you wouldn't trade this for anything else, its a unique feeling that only they can deliver. Ya feel?
Aki: Right??? Good heavens, mention music and now I need to go look up Shio's number one mood music........ Can't think Shio romance (especially where it's "skinny love") without remembering the song, sO-- Right?? Well, more likely her trying to fight back but she angry cries and just gets frustrated and shuts down. Won't talk. Won't feed the flames anymore with replies, but doesn't seek peace, either. It's a night where it alternates between dead silence in the home once more or quiet, strained sobs of someone who's already used to being hurt; she's just finding it harder to keep that pain quiet.    But it's..... It's home. More than it's ever been. From a family she couldn't quite connect with some days, to her own home all to herself... A place her own and where her life fit.    Last thing she would've ever expected is to find- in many ways- her opposite....and yet someone she'd find herself falling for all the same. Where it's funny to imagine her home used to be quiet and peaceful. Now there's some training dummies outside and even if he strays from home, she can hear him making noises out not too far away. There's footsteps of another person in her home now. This home....it's his home, too.    Something they're both happy to have. Company, understanding, and just.... An imbalance that makes it a balance by not being perfect.    She slows him down. He speeds her up.    They learn something from each other.    It hurts sometimes. His life will likely be long....but to what length? Will it end? Does she want to know? Should she ask?    And understanding what her mother saw in mortals from that.... Just because they cannot match in eternal age, doesn't make it all any less. The memories shared? Still memories made. Love was still had and wasn't it sweet? To love someone so completely, to have fought and made up, loved and lost...    It's scarier when it's you who can be hurt; this isn't watching someone's life play out like a movie. This is her life now and his and theirs together and it breaks her heart to know she could potentially lose him, but..... He's going to teach her so much. And she would understand what her mother does.    He'll be loved all the more for it.
ExoticGeneral: I literally have absolutely no words for this. I cant believe you would make me cry like this at midnight. This was the most hurtful, true, heartfelt yet heartbreaking thing I've read. I freaking forgot you did poetry is you spare time like holy.
   ...They just. Work together. It’s the perfect “opposites attract” relationship while still maintaining a balance between who they are alone and what their relationship is. The bolster of inspiration and motivation that they get from each other... He motivates her to leave the house more (often with him on a little adventure) and gives her that experience. As said, she slows him down and gets him to read more. Even try writing for himself, writing Shiori a small poem that he [slams down onto her desk and runs off in a hurry] gives her.
   Broadening their horizons with each other. The support and pure affection and how they do their best in their own ways to support each other... It’s perfect. Made a home in our hearts. And we sure wouldn’t want it any other way.
   As a final note... Have one more silly little meme we came up with:
Aki: So I'm re-reading our chat [again] and I just thought of this...... Natsu: I live to fight, so Imma take you down!!! Shiori, in her sleepy-whiny voice: Natsuuuu...... I wanna cuddle.... Natsu, already leaving: .......Someone else lives to fight and will take you down!!!
ExoticGeneral: You know that old saying goes, he who runs away lives to fight another day I'm glad I'm the only who just goes back and re-reads this entire message board of gross romance and heartbreak
   So yes, ship NatsuShio. Your heart will thank you...after it dies for 2 hours because of the angst that tails this ship in bittersweet flavors.
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thepaperpanda · 6 years
Roomba Fighter || Bucky x Reader
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Summary: You move to a new house with Bucky. When you both start cleaning, something unexpected happens. Bucky meets Roomba vacuum cleaner for the very first time
Warnings: None, just scared Bucky.
Words: 1105
Authors: Cass & Toro
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You sighed deeply looking around the flat.
You loved to share your life with Bucky but you had to admit that he wasn't the type of cleaner at all.
You went to meet him at upper floor of your new, common flat and looked at him with serious face. "Bucky... It's time to clean." You said firmly, crossing arms over your chest.
He was still in bed. Bucky opened his eyes and gave you a lazy glance. "Can't we do this a bit later? It's only..." he checked the clock at the nightstand, "it's only 8am, Y/N! I am not used to get up at such early hour and you know this."
Bucky took your pillow and put it onto his face, hiding under it.
"Bucky! No, we can't! We need to do this now. The sooner we start, the sooner we will finish." You said taking the pillow off his face. "Come on now, move your sexy ass."
Bucky growled loudly. He got up reluctantly, running hand through his hair. "What with breakfast? I'm hungry." He grunted lazily, yawning shortly after.
You smiled and kissed his cheek. "So go grab a snack. The fridge is full, sweetie. Go and I will plan our work here. House is big and there are only two of us." You explained.
Bucky rolled his eyes and went to a drawer. He pulled out too big T-shirt and put it on. He decided to not change his sweatpants though. "Okaaay. Let it be. But I won't be vacuuming, ya know I hate it." He shrugged and went downstairs.
You looked at him and bit your lips, admiring his features. "Oh! I know. Don't worry about this. I will take care of it for you." You waved your hand and followed him. "You know, I think I'll take the bottom part of house and you will clean the upper one. What do you think?"
"Whatever suits you." Bucky replied as he opened the fridge.
He grabbed a sausage and took a bite. "I can clean our bedroom. And wash floors. I don't know." He responded with full mouth as he was chewing.
You rolled your eyes. "First swallow, then talk, Buck. You know, no talking with a full mouth." You smiled at him. "I'm glad you're so eager to clean, sweetie! So we do as I say. You take top and I take bottom. Just do everything that needs to be done on the upper part."
He shrugged as he swallowed. "Yea. I know, m'kay? Imma big boy, I kinda now how to tide flat up, yea?" He patted your arm. "Don't ya worry, child, you'll be happy with my work."
He smiled briefly at you, then he simply left kitchen to go upstairs.
You sighed heavily and shrugged. "Well, if you say so, old guy." You shook your head and also left the kitchen. You quickly went upstairs to find your new Roomba cleaner. "Bucky's gonna love this little robot. He hates vacuuming. Hope you will do your job, little buddy." You giggled and turned it on, putting it onto floor.
Bucky ended cleaning your common bedroom and bathroom. "Hmmm. What's next?" Bucky rubbed his beard as he was thinking what to do next. It was when Barnes heard some strange noises from the corridor.
You hummed a happy tune while cleaning shelves from the dust.
When you were done, you looked around. "Okay, shelves are done. What now... What now?" You questioned yourself, snapping your fingers.
Bucky slowly made it to the door. He slowly half-opened them and sticked his head out, taking a look.
His heart stopped for a second when he spotted little form on the floor, several feets away.
He instinctively closed the door and leaned his back over them. He was breathing loudly. "What the fuck..." He whispered as he heard the noises got closer to his door.
You continued to hum your tune, walking around the living room and cleaning whatever you could find.
"Wonder how Bucky is doing up there. He and little robot. I think I'm gonna name it." You thought out loudly, cleaning the coffee table.
Meantime, Bucky found a courage and opened the door again. He walked out of the room when noises vanished.
He slowly walked along corridor. Suddenly, he stopped. Bucky heard some humming noise behind his back. He slowly turned his head around and paled.
The little thing he have seen a moment before has just driven out of the guest room. Not only that, it was going slowly directly in his direction!
Bucky looked around and grabbed only thing he found - a mop.
"You little fucker!" He yelled and hit metal surface with the stick. "Y/N! Come here now! I think someone's spying us with some creepy device!"
You blinked and quickly ran to Bucky. "WHAT?! What, happened? Who is spying? What creepy device?!" You asked these questions, looking around, confused.
You bursted with a loud laugh when you saw the robot. "Bucky... Sweetie. Really?" You asked, wiping tears away.
"What's so funny, huh?!" Bucky yelled. He patted the device with the stick. "I bet someone's spying on us. Maybe someone from Hydra came here when we were gone and left this little machine." Bucky suggested seriously as he knelt down and took the thing in his hands. "Such a hellish device..."
You laughed and took the device from him. "You know, this 'hellish device' is ours and it's not spying on you. It's cleaning all dirt and crumbs that you left on this floor, sweetie." You explained and looked at him, turning the device off. "Bucky, meet the Roomba cleaner."
"Roo... Room-what?" He cocked his brows, tilting his head. "What do you mean by OURS? Why haven't I seen this shit before?" He started to wave his hands. "I almost had a heartattack!"
"Roomba cleaner. Our little robot that vaccum the floor. You said you hate vacuuming. So I decided to buy it as a surprise for you." You shrugged and giggled. "Nah! Don't be so dramatic, handsome." You said before kissing his cheek.
"Next time, just don't do such a things to me without informing me." Bucky giggled shorty. "Roomba cleaner... Hah! I have a better name for it. Vacuuming monster."
"I was thinking about naming it Sam. I mean, you already hate it and you hate him, so maybe?" You shrugged and giggled. "I'll never forget how scared you were. All because of this little thing." You shook your head.
Bucky rolled his eyes, laughing and running fingers through his long hair. "Ah, you." He giggled. "I'll never be cleaning again!"
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Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest  @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila      @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees    @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast      @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71          @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective  
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foxydivaxx · 6 years
Project Titans Chapter 1
What would it take for the Robins and the Titans as a whole to reunite? Well this....
Oswald sighs as he downs yet another bottle. Project Titans was an awesome dream
So there we go. I edited this chapter again.
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Being Human AU headcanons
Smol explanation/summary thing: Okay so Being Human (the UK version) is an amazing show about vampires, werewolves and ghosts and everything related. I had a thought about a Sides au and what it would be like, and as I don't have time to make an entire fic just yet, I wanted to something with this anyways. So here we go. 
Warnings: Just a few mentions of blood, deaths, two tiny implications of nsfw, but there's just an implication and nothing more
Note: This turned out much longer than I had expected, but it's fun. I might make a part two of this actually
Roman is a vampire
He was born as royalty in England in the 1300s
Still acts like it sometimes
Like, when he gets very upset with someone, he will start using old language again or he will make references to things no one understands
He is usually pretty adapted to current society though
He is cold a lot, so he often wears a red jacket 
His move was to seduce people, to get them into bed and then he would bite
He did this with anyone, regardless of gender, cause the taste of blood just... differs
He is trying to stop drinking blood, though
He hasn't succeeded to stay off it for more than a few months
Through the ages, he has travelled a lot
He has seen most of Europe, big parts of Asia and he is now stuck in America for a bit
Fought in the First World War, because he felt like he needed to serve his country, even if he hadn't been to England in centuries
There, he came into contact with a vampire named Herrick
They sorta maintained contact during the war, but after that, Roman went to America and they didn't speak again
He never understood the feud between vampires and werewolves, but he just sort of goes with it
Logan is a werewolf 
He was turned when he was 21
He has always loved nature and he happened to be in the forest on the day of full moon
Unfortunately, a werewolf was there as well
Logan was hospitalised for a few days after the attack
The first full moon was horribly agonizing
It never stopped being horrible, but at least he got used to it
Just a few weeks after he was turned, Logan was cornered by hostile vampires
They were going to kick his ass, but then someone else showed up
He chased the vampired away and immediately checked on Logan
Logan had a few small scrapes and he was bleeding
The guy, who happened to be Roman, wanted to help him up, but some blood from a wound on Logan's arm dripped onto his hand, burning him
Logan had no idea what was going on. How does his blood burn people?
He was going to ask, but Roman shut him up.
“Not here. I'll explain inside.”
So he led Logan to his own house, where he explained the werewolf/vampire feud and how werewolf blood is like poison to vampires
Logan was so confused and trying to understand what was going on
He still didn't understand shit but that's fine
Roman and Logan stuck together, becoming best friends, despite the feud
Other vampires often commented on Roman's scent
But Roman often said he had a dog, because he was scared of endagering Logan if he told the truth
After a particular bad relapse of Roman, where he killed three people, he and Logan moved to Florida
They moved into a super cheap house
Turns out it was so cheap because someone died there
It was a guy named Patton
He died when he fell down the stairs and hit his head
He was 24 when it happened
It was a few months ago 
He tripped over something he left on the ground
He never really had a great familiy before that
HIs dad had left and his mom worked two jobs in an attempt to afford food for them
Eventually his mom married another dude, but he never really liked him
When Roman and Logan came in and saw Patton, he was confused they could see him
“Wait... you guys can see me?”
Logan was confused because of course they could see him
Roman however, was familiar with ghosts and he explained the whole business to Logan
Just when you think you know it all, there's another thing to learn
Roman told Patton about them and swore to help him figure out his Unfinished Business so he could pass to the afterlife
The three of them grew super close and after years, Patton still hadn't found his unfinished business, but that's fine cause he finally found a family
Logan finds a job as a college professor
Roman's dream is to be an actor, but it is risky with his not-showing-up-on-cameras and being in large crowds is a risk for him too
So he doesn't
He keeps trying to stay off blood, but it's super difficult
Logan and Patton support him though
He just stops having relationships altogether because all he can think about, is how their blood would taste like and it scares him so much
But then, he meets Virgil
Virgil works at Roman's favourite café
And damn this guy is cute
He doesn't want to date him because he's scared of himself, but damn he is cute and he wants to date him
So he just fucking asks him out anyways
And Virgil says yes
And Roman is just so fucking excited 
Their first date is a movie date
It's cliché, but Roman is scared to do anything more... out there
They both have a great time though
When Ro comes home, he gushes to his friends about how he didn't think of what Virgil's blood would taste like once, and he wasn't tempted at all and he's so happy about it
And Logan and Patton are of course just as excited
Roman and Virgil go on more dates together and they eventually make it official
It is tricky, though, Virgil starts to get suspicious
“Why won't you let me take pictures of you?” “Why can't you come in without being invited in?” etc.
But Roman makes up excuses every time
One time, when the two of them were hanging out at Roman's place, Patton kept teasing them
And Virgil couldn't see or hear Patton
But Roman could
And he nearly gave it away, but he managed to stop himself just in time
One day
Roman and Virgil were at Roman's place again
And things were getting... heated
And Roman just... he blacked out
He couldn't stop himself
And when he woke up from his little black out, he noticed blood everywhere
And he just turned to Virgil and saw what he did
He couldn't even think straight anymore and he ran out of his bedroom, to see Pat in his own old room
Patton noticed Roman's panic and the blood and he asked what was wrong
“I think I- I think I turned Virgil, or... or... I don't think there's enough to kill him but, I- I...”
And he just couldn't
“Wow, wow kiddo, calm down. What is going on?“
And he calms Roman down, so he can explain what happened
When he finds out, he reassures Roman, tells him it is going to be okay and he should go back to be there for Virgil when he woke up
So he did
It took him a while, but Virgil woke up
For a moment, Roman was scared he had killed Virge, but then he woke up and he was so relieved
Virgil was confused tho
Why did he feel so weird? Why did his head hurt? What happened?
Roman tried to explain
“Virge, I don't know how to say this but... I am a vampire and I... guess I... accidentally turned you into one too...”
“Accidentally? How the fuck-?”
“I didn't mean to! It was just... I don't know... reflex? I wasn't in control, it was... I didn't know what I was doing until it was too late. I'm sorry.”
He is so scared Virgil is going to break up with him, and for a moment, so is Virgil, but when everything is explained, it is still kind of okay
Virgil doesn't break up with Roman after all. He's going to need help and he loves Ro too much
“So... when were you born?”
“Around 1295.”
“Hm... interesting.”
He has no idea how to respond to this
He smells something vaguely dog he didn't smell before and he asks Roman about it
“Oh, yeah... that's werewolf.”
“There are werewolves?”
Again, Roman has to explain the whole deal
Then Virgil goes downstairs and he sees Patton and just has a fucking heartattack
Poor kiddo having to be faced with everything in one day
Patton immediately takes a liking to Virgil though and he takes care of him
Even though he is very shook still, Virgil is so curious and he asks Roman about every vampire stereotype he knows
“Can we eat garlic?”
“It doesn't kill us, but it can be a nuisance.”
“Do we really not have a reflection?”
“Look into the mirror and find out.”
It's pretty adorable
After a week or so, Virgil moves in with the others because he is scared of going on a vampire rampage when he is alone
He hasn't had any blood though, because Roman told him how dangerous it was 
But he is still craving it very very much
They don't live happily ever after but this is as much plot as I have got right now
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