#funky memory shenanigans
tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
Damn you Brisket Five
Barbie dolls:five hargreeves x gn! Reader
Word: 4.1k
Summary: you and five (also Diego) get into an argument and he leaves you in the subway to cool off ha makes you promise not to get in the train what happens next will shock you
Warnings: mentions of killing, set in s4 minus the cheating, you're in the wrong but are extremely hard headed and kinda mean to Five and Diego, you try to punch Diego, you're picked up by Luther, brisket Five is a flirty dick, you eat a sandwich that reminds you of your grandmas and I described a slight "memory" so it might not match with anything you've experienced, one or two sex jokes I think but I idk, it's unclear where you are in the plot but it's not all that important, one mention of vomiting and stomach uneasy, Five's a little jelly
Inspired by: this and this
You groaned, throwing your head back in frustration. Allison pointed at you in agreement, looking around your circle as you all argued.
“This is stupid; why can’t we go back in time and kill Jennifer? I’m sure she’s a sweet girl but we’re talking about the universe right now,” you said, looking around at the faces staring at you. Luther shook his head at you. Diego made a grimace, looking away from you entirely. Allison scrunched her nose. Lila flashed her teeth like an upset dog, staring down at her hands. Klaus snorted, somehow finding a joke in this. You look over at Five to find him pinching his brow.
“We are not doing that because that’s what the Commission would do. That’s not who we are.” Five said, agitation scaping at the sound of his words. You hummed.
”Well what’s your idea, genius?” You asked, getting tired of them pretending like they were picking out an ice cream flavor. Five looked up at you with furrowed brows.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” He said, rubbing his lips together like it left a sour taste in his mouth. You rolled your eyes at him, looking around the group. Viktor held his finger up.
“I have an idea.” Everyone's eyes turned to him. “What if I just absorb all the marigold into my body and then get absorbed by The Durango?” You shook your head.
“No absolutely not.” You said, staring at Viktor to make sure he felt the sincerity in your voice. Luther scoffed.
“So you’re down to kill Jennifer but not Viktor?” Diego said, crossing his arms over his chest. You reeled back, looking at him to see if that really came from his mouth.
“Are you for real?” Diego gave a short nod. “Man fuck you.” You said before lunging at him. Diego pulled back, shocked at your sudden movement. Luther pulled you away, flinging you over his shoulder. He took three steps away from Diego so you couldn’t reach him even if you wanted to. You smacked Luther on his back while trying to wiggle out of his arms.
“Five control your partner,” Diego muttered. It sparked a few mummers of disagreement. Klaus grimaced at Diego. Allison reached over and smacked the back of Diego's head while Viktor whispered an ew. Five scoffed.
“Luther, put me down. Let me at him.” You whispered to Luther. Luther patted the back of your calf.
“No can do; you’re staying up there until you calm down.” You sighed at Luther’s words, giving up on getting out of shoulder jail anytime soon.
“Guys, what if we just all sacrifice ourselves to the Durango thingie?” Klaus asked, earning a unanimous no. You slumped against Luther, wishing he would just put you down already.
"Luther, turn around so I’m facing the group, would you?” Luther nodded, turning around so his back was facing the circle. You pressed your arms into his back, holding yourself up so you could make eye contact.
“What if we go back to where we had dinner all those days ago, use Five’s funky train? We go back to before Ben did his shenanigans; stop him; we don’t have this problem anymore.” You said, looking around the group to gain their reactions. Viktor raised an eyebrow, looking at Allison. Allison bit into her knuckle, staring at the floor to think it over. Five squinted his eyes at you. Diego started whispering to Lila. Klaus looked over to Five.
“That’s a possibility,” Diego said. Five shrugged.
“If Lila mimicked my power, we could most definitely get you all down there.” Five muttered. Luther gently set you down, turning back around to face the group. You straightened your clothes. You stood next to Five instead of Luther, still upset he basically put you in time out.
“Is that our plan?” Viktor asked. The group murmured different versions of yes. You glared at Diego.
“We have to stop home first, we can’t miss dinner with my family,” Lila said, glancing at Diego. You nodded, following after the rest of the group. You stopped by Diego, glaring at him.
“I really wanted to deck you. Still do.” You whispered. Five appeared next to you, grabbing your shoulder and steering you away.
“Remember who drives you around!” Diego yelled after you as Five directed you out of the house. You watched as he pulled you away from the group heading to the van, off to the side. You squinted at him.
“Just because I supported your idea does not mean I’m not still upset with you.” Five said, keeping his tone low. You furrowed your eyebrows. You crossed your arms over your chest, glancing over at the van to see most of his family pressed to the window watching you two intently.
“Why are you upset?” You asked not understanding where this was coming from. Five sighed, reaching out towards you. His hands hovered over your elbows in an attempt to soothe you.
“It hurt me when you spoke to me like that. You were talking like we aren’t equals. I didn’t like that you suggested that we kill Jennifer. I didn’t like how you treated Diego back there. I understand you’re annoyed and frustrated, a little hard-headed, but I still think you should be respectful to the people around you.” Five said, holding up a finger after each item he listed. You pulled back.
“I’m sorry, aren’t you the man who is regularly calling people names, and making insults? You’re the sarcastic pain in the ass.” You pointed at him. Five glanced at Diego and Lila joining the others in the car, pausing your conversation-argument so they didn’t hear.
“That’s different. I’m not blatanly trying to punch them.” Five pointed at Diego in the car like he was worried you’d forget. You scoffed.
“Oh, that’s rich.” You muttered. Five flung his hands out.
“How, tell me. How.” Five asked, getting more and more annoyed.
“You’re acting like I’m the worst person ever to swing on someone but need I remind you of your past job?” Five’s face fell before pulling into a grimace. He pointed his finger at you.
“I told you I didn’t enjoy the killing. Need I also remind you that you worked there as well?” Five asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You felt your heart beat faster as your anger grew.
“I never picked up a gun, you dickhead. I did paperwork.” You said, leaning closer, so he could feel the anger vibrating off your body. Five scoffed.
“You’re acting like you’re so much better than me, you ordered who got killed. You didn’t pull the trigger but you aimed. You’re just as much of a lowlife as I am.” Five held his arms out in a T-pose like he was saying, ‘This is it.’ You uncrossed your arms, holding them out to your sides. Five turned his back to you, facing the sky instead.
“That’s not what I said; this is just like what happened on the Kanas case.” You said, pointing in the direction of the van even though you weren’t sure if Kansas was that way. Five spun back around towards you, his jaw slack.
“You did not just bring up Kansas.” Five said in disbelief, staring at you. You nodded.
“I brought up Kansas.”
“Oh my- You and I both know that was not my fault. I thought we were past this?” Five said, grimacing at you. You shook your head, throwing your hands up.
“You never apologized.” You said, rolling your eyes. Five scoffed.
“Why would I apologize? It. Wasn’t. My. Fault.” You shook your head at Five. He huffed, spinning around again. You scoffed at him.
“You did the same thing there; you were acting like I was a horrible person. You started the argument. You almost got us killed, how is that not your fault?” Five groaned.
“Hey.. uh... you guys coming or what?” You heard Viktor yell from the van’s window. You and Five’s heads spun towards the van.
“Not now.” You both yelled at the same time, making Viktor turn the handle on the door as fast as he could to roll up the window. You and Five watched in silence as Viktor tried harder and harder to go faster. By the time it was closed, you two had taken a few breaths. You felt less radioactive but still pissed. Five sighed, looking up at you from staring at the ground.
“I think we both need to cool down.” Five muttered, reaching out for your hand. You grumbled before dropping your hand in his. It was seconds before you felt the sickness that came with Five’s jumps. You pulled away from him, finding yourself in his stupid subway.
“Damnit, Five. You know I hate that. I going to hurl.” You doubled over, supporting yourself with your hands on your knees. You took deep breaths while staring at the floor. You shrugged off Five’s hand when he tried to comfort you with a light back rub. You stood up straight when you felt your stomach settle. Five let out a sigh of relief.
“We both need to cool off, separate from each other. An hour or two tops. You can stay here, break shit. I really don’t care just do not get on the train. Okay? You have to promise me you won’t get on the train.” Five said, staring at you. You glanced over at where the train would be. “promise?” Five added when you were silent.
“Yeah, I won’t go on the train.” Five nodded before he blinked out again. You sighed, slumping onto the bench nearby. Maybe you should break shit. That vending machine was looking a little appetizing right now. You looked up at the loud sounds of the train screeching into your station. The train doors slid open, showing the very inviting subway seats that definitely wouldn’t hurt at all. You glanced over at where Five was standing. He technically wasn’t here. He did say it would be a few hours before he got back. Nothing was really stopping you from going inside. You didn’t even say ‘I promise’. So, does it count? You stood up from the bench, stepped onto the train, and settled into the seat across from the door.
The train lurched forward, making you glance around. You expected the train ride to be very short, only a few minutes, but you couldn’t fully get a feel for how long it had been. You got bored after a while deciding to find something to climb on. After failing to hang upside down four times, you got bored of that too. You laid across the seats on your back, closing your eyes to take a nap. Then the train stopped. You peeked an eye open, glancing around for monsters before sitting up. You stared at the door as it slid open.
Then, what you least expected, you saw Five. In his suit too. He walked past the open door before stopping at the window next to it. He backpeddled, staring at you with a confused face. Just as you were about to defend your case, he started running. away. His fancy shoes clicked on the floor as he ran. You stood up, chasing after him.
“Hey, man. I know the argument was kinda rough, but it wasn’t that bad.” You yelled after him. Five glanced over his shoulder, picking up his pace. He skidded around the corner, almost tripping on the way. You reached the same corner after a few seconds, stopping in the middle of the hallway. In the middle of the subway station was a diner. ‘Max’s Delicatessen’ over the door in big bold letters.
You picked up your pace, walking to the door and swinging it open. You stepped inside, ignoring the bell on the door. You stopped when you saw what was inside. There was one Five, out of breath and leaning on one of the tables. Probably the one you chased. Then every other customer and worker here was Five. They all turned around, pausing what they were doing to stare harder. You held your breath before spinning back around for the door.
“Oh no. Stay. Please?” You heard Five’s voice. It had already said no to him. You turned back around, not sure which Five spoke to you. One of them stood up from his seat, almost knocking over his coffee.
“How did you get here without your Five?” The standing one asked. You pointed behind you.
“Train.” You heard a few Fives snort, which you thought was odd because FIve liked to pretend he hated your pain-in-the-ass-ness. The Five you chased after, turned around to face you.
“Where’s your Five? Did he die?” He asked. You heard the Five next to him mutter something about being gentle.
“No, well, not right now. He hasn’t. He’s probably pouting in the car right now.” You said, stepping further into the restaurant. A Five sitting in the booth closest to the door gestured for you to join him. You sat down in the booth, still looking around at all the Fives.
“Pouting?” the runner Five asked. You nodded.
“We go into a fight, a stupid one might I add. He told me to cool off here in the subway. So he’s probably pouting right now.” The closest Fives around you hummed.
“Did you bring up Kansas?” The Five across from you asked. You rolled your eyes.
“Listen, he was being all picky about how I had to talk to people while arguing over how we should stop the world from ending. It’s ridiculous.” The Five across from you sighed. He reached across the table, holding onto your hand. He stared into your eyes.
“I have really bad news for you, you were a little out of line. Most of us have had the same or similar argument, and every version of you was just a little out of line. It’s nothing against you.” The Five across from you said. Runner Five slid into the seat next to the one holding your hand.
“When we figure out what to do with our apocalypse, we have to be respectful to everyone else. If we hurt any of our bonds it could cost us the world.” The runner Five said. You nodded, staring down at the table.
“Diego told my Five to ‘get me under control’ and he was all like judging me because I said we should just kill Jennifer-“ You heard the Fives around you hiss, covering their mouths with their hands. “Which isn’t the best idea but we don’t have a lot of options here.”
“That probably freaked out your Five. We want to have entirely different morals than the Commission did. Diego was out of line with those comments but I don’t know if you should’ve swung on him.” The Five holding your hand said.
“Well, I don’t know how to get back and apologize. I fully went on the train to spite Five.” You said, slumping in your seat. The Five holding your hand, ran his thumb over the top, comforting you just slightly.
“You don’t need to worry about getting back. Anytime now, your Five will come through that door and whisk you away back home.” The Five across from you said, before dropping your hand to pick up his coffee instead.
“In the meantime, Brisket Five here will make you a sandwich.” The Runner Five said, pointing at the Five standing behind the counter with an apron on. Brisket Five waved at you, before sending a wink in your direction. You felt your face warm, looking away from him to instead look at the table. A few minutes later, of you making small talk about different aspects of your life with the two Fives in front of you, Brisket Five came to stand next to you with a plate. He set it down on the table before leaning over the table to smile at you.
“It’s your favorite.” He muttered, making the other two Fives groan. You glanced down at it. It just looked like a regular sandwich with toasted bread to you.
“My favorite from where?” You asked, keeping your hands in your lap. Brisket FIve grinned at you, pushing the plate just a smidge closer to you.
“From your childhood. The sandwich your grandma made for you after a long day of playing in the sprinklers.” He said. You stared down at the sandwich, wondering if he was fucking with you. ”Try it.” You glared up Brisket FIve. He should know that you hate taking any orders from Five. He tilted his head down, staring up at you with blown-wide puppy eyes. ”Please.” he whispered.
Even the Fives from other universes knew you were weak for the puppy eyes. You sighed before picking up the sandwich. You held it steady in front of your face, still not so sure about it. You glanced at Brisket Five once more before taking a bite. You paused when you truly felt yourself transported back to your Grandma’s house.
You could feel her warm blue towel wrapped around your shoulders while your wet swimsuit was still sticking to you. You could hear her muttering about your grandfather leaving food in the oven. You could feel how the table was just a little too big for you, having to lean forward to reach over the edge. You could hear the ticking of her clock.
“I thought you were messing with me.” You muttered, looking up at Brisket Five. He puffed his chest out just a little more. He stood up straight, brushing off his apron.
“You should trust me more often, my love. I’m more than just a pretty face.” Brisket five said, placing his hands on his hips and shrugging. You glanced over at the other two Fives at your table, both glaring at Brisket Five.
“Fuck you, Brisket Five.” The runner FIve said.
“You should know their Five is still alive, you should cut back on the flirting.” The Five across from you said. You glanced at Brisket Five out of the corner of your eye before looking back to the other two.
“Off topic but who’s Max?” You asked before taking another bite of the sandwich.
“I am!” Someone yelled back behind the counter. You glanced over to see another Five raising his hand. You looked back at the Fives you had already met, confused more than when you found out there were more than two Fives.
“We are. Dickhead.” Brisket Five yelled back. Max frowned at Brisket Five.
“Get back to work, Brisket Five,” Five-Max said, before moving back behind the counter. Brisket FIve turned back around to face you. He winked at you again. He reached out and tapped your cheek with his pointer knuckle, giving you an odd sense of deja vu.
“Talk to you later.” He muttered before walking away to the counter. You shrugged, looking back at your sandwich.
“What. A. Dick.” Runner Five said. You hummed. Across-from-you Five grumbled while staring at Brisket Five’s back.
“Makes a damn good sandwich, though.” You added, sinking your teeth in again. You groaned at how good it tasted. You tossed your head back, staring at the ceiling. You heard the bell above the door ring. You turned around, looking at the door to see who it was.
In all his glory, was yet another Five. You squinted at him, raising an eyebrow. He caught eyes with you; he pressed his lips together and tilted his head in a ‘you really did this’ manner. You gasped, setting your sandwich down. You threw your arms up in the air.
“Five! Darling, I missed you.” You said, smiling brightly at him. A few heads turned back to see which Five you were talking to. Your Five walked over towards your table, sliding into the seat next to you. His hand inched for yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Thought you promised not to use the subway?” He asked, giving you a knowing smile. You tutted, shaking your head.
“I never said ‘I promise’. I just said I wouldn't which makes it a fib and not a broken promise.” You said, defending your case perfectly. Five nodded, and he leaned forward. He pecked your lips. Five lingered for a few seconds, his apology pressed between each other's lips. He pulled back and sighed.
“I’m sorry for being so dickhead-ish.” He muttered, knocking his nose against yours. You pulled back, shaking your head.
“No, you don't have anything to apologize for; I was the one being all dickhead-ish. I shouldn't have called you that anyway. I'm sorry. I should've treated you better.” You said, grabbing his other hand to hold as well. Five hummed.
“And Diego?” You scrunched your nose. Five raised an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, I guess him, too. I’ll apologize later.” You turned back to your sandwich, taking another bite.
“And what about Kansas?” Five asked. You made a sad face, making quick work of the bite in your mouth.
“I shouldn't have brought up Kansas because we both know it's a sore spot for the both of us.” You said with a monotone voice, sounding like a tired robot.
“That was nice to hear.” Five said before knocking your cheek with his knuckle. You got flashbacks to seconds before when Brisket Five left back towards the counter.
“Oh, by the way, Brisket Five was flirting with me.” You said before taking another bite. Your Five stared at the side of your face in shock. He glanced over at the other two Fives at your table. They both nodded while you kept your focus on your sandwich. Five leaned over the edge of the seat to look over your head at Brisket Five.
“What. A. Dick.” Five muttered. You nodded.
“That's what I said.” Runner Five said, pointing at Your Five. You set down your sandwich, looking over at Five.
“Do we have to go now?” You asked, giving him your best version of his puppy eyes. Five shook his head.
“You can finish your sandwich and then we can worry about the end of the world.” Five said, kissing your cheek. Yousmiled and focused on your sandwich again. Five rubbed your knee and started a conversation with the other two Fives. By the time you had finished, Brisket Five came back to take the plate away. He sent you a grin and wink. Five reached over and covered your eyes with his hands.
“Go away, Brisket Five.” Runner Five said. After that you said goodbye to all the other Fives, telling them you'll be back real soon. Your Five held your hand, gently tugging you towards the door. Just as you were about to get out the door, Brisket Five appeared next to you. He held out a ball of foil that looked suspiciously similar to a sandwich.
“It’s another sandwich, cause I know you loved it so much.” Brisket Five said. You took it out of his hands, cradling it to your chest.
“Thank you, Brisket Five.” You whispered. Your Five stood behind you, pressing his hands into your back, and gently pushing you towards the door.
“Yeah. Thanks, Brisket Five.” Five repeated from behind you. You two were out the door in no time, Five leading you towards the train by your hand. As you waited for the train to pull in, you hooked your elbow with Five’s. You leaned up to his ear, kissing the apple of his cheek. You pulled back at the screeching of the train pulling in. You walked into the train car with Five, sitting down next to each other. He dropped his head onto your shoulder as the train pulled away. You rested your chin on top of his head.
“I love you.” He whispered under his breath. You weren’t entirely positive that he wouldn’t fall asleep on the ride home. You dropped a kiss to the top of his head.
“I love you.” You hummed against his hair in response.
“More than Brisket Five?” Five asked. You glanced down at the sandwich in your lap.
“Have you thought about making sandwiches before?” You muttered. Five scoffed, reaching for the sandwich. You held it away from him, tapping his nose in a reprimanding manner. Five humphed.
“I’m going to kill Brisket Five.” Five whispered into your shoulder. You almost laughed at the feeling.
“Just keep his apron, it was kind of hot.” Five grumbled at your words. You gave him another kiss on his head so he was reminded that you were just joking. You thought about how you were going to apologize to Diego with words on the ride home. Diego apologized as well, bringing you a large plate of Lila’s family’s delicious food as an apology. Which you took very happily.
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This is a mashup of various tropes. Don’t like don’t read. May include
- deaged danny
- Damian x Dani (serious chaos)
- dead Jazz
- dead Sam
- dead Tucker
- not-shit parent Vlad (kinda)
- the Waynes have a strength kink
So when Danny is 18 and have safely moved out, has financial security and can go no contact with his parents he decides to tell him that he’s Phantom.
It doesn’t go well.
By the time Jazz Sam and Tucker find him he is deaged to around 6. The fentonworks lab explodes.
Dani, who is 16 and was on her way to visit, came just in time to sift through the rubble and find Danny, who has only had enough memory to recognize her as his sister. She also finds three dead bodies. Jack and Maddie survived.
Scared and mourning, she takes Danny and runs to Vlad, who realizes how terrible and obsessed Jack and Maddie were and gives Dani lots of money to hide somewhere where the Jack and Maddie wouldn’t dare to look- at least not for a little while.
So she takes Danny and changes their names.
Elliot ‘Elle’ Jasmine Nightingale and Daniel James Nightingale, brothers and sister duo.
Dani- now Elle- still holds a grudge on Vlad, coupled with the Fenton stubbornness, she insists that she can pay rent/bills/groceries/etc. she gets an apartment in crime alley.
Because Elle doesn’t want to leave a paper trail, she does a less-than-legal job.
She joins a fight rink under the name of Phantasm.
And she’s great at it.
Shes spend the money on education for Danny, ignoring her education for the moment until Danny is old enough to join school.
Damian and Bruce were having major arguments, mostly about his violence and Damian quits being Robin and becomes Nocturne. (Bc I love that name)
He undercover a fight rink and thinks if he busts the rink Bruce will trust him enough.
He does recon and quickly realizes that one of the fighters was incredible, winning fight after fight without causing major injures to her opponents. Her name was Phantasm.
He decides that in order to find out more about her, he has to join undercover. It was only to take down the fight rink and learn more about the beautiful fighter that could bend him in half and nothing more.
Damian joins under the name of Ghoul and swipes some DNA from Elle, learns her (fake) name her (fake) backstory (family died in an heated lab explosion) but doesn’t understand why a chunk of her DNA was unreadable (ghost part of her DNA)
After a bit of digging, realized she didn’t attend school and the next morning Elle waked up to a letter starting that her full-ride scholarship to Gotham Academy has be approved (GA offers a afterschool care for students with younger siblings)
Elle never applied and is confused but accepts after Vlad, Ember, and Kitty convinced her.
She coincidentally is put in the most of the same classes as Damian, who she eventually crushes on befriends because he’s hot she’s suspicious of his faint and funky ecto signature.
So shenanigans include (not in this order and are optional)
- GALA where Vald announces her as Vlad Co heiress and the are invited to the gala and get a bit sus of Elle bc Vlad is sus
- JASON AS ELLE’S NEIGHBOR is actively trying to set up/prevent Damian and Elle getting together (either one works, as long as the plans fail comically)
- TALIA ATTEMPTING TO KIDNAP DANNY because he looked like Bruce/she wants another son and Elle absolutely beating her 7 different ways to Sunday and Talia telling Damian that she approves of her
- ELLE DESTABILIZING/GETTING REALLY SICK and Danny calls Damian in a panic because he knows Elle trusts him even if she won’t admit it
- ELLE GETS SAVED BY NOCTURNE and Elle instantly clocks him as Damian bc of his ecto signature and rips him a new one because look how vigilantism turned out for Danny
- THE BATFAM THINKING DANNY IS THE CLONE OF ELLE and investigating Cadmus, who could have ties to the GIW somehow
- ELLE BECOMING A SORT OF SERIAL KILLER to protect Danny (check the comments @emerald-fox-93 linked it :)))
- DASH BECOMING A GCPD COP AND HAVING TO ARREST ELLE because she killed someone who tried to kidnap Danny. Damian picks her up from the station after she calls him.
- PAULINA BECAME A LAYWER FOR WE bc I saw a post like that and it was fire. She eventually fights for the removal of the AEA (anti ecto acts)
- THE OTHER BATS GENUINELY BECOMING CONCERNED and began to think that Elle is mind-controlling Damian because he keeps brushing them off to hang out with her
- DAN JOINING THE JLA and calling up Elle when he needs her help and Damian being there and being like ‘wtf??’
Jack and Maddie eventually find Danny and Elle and Elle vanishes. Danny- who Elle hid when the Fentons stormed the apartment- calls Damian sobbing and pleading for him to find Elle because the bad people are going to hurt her.
Damian, knowing little to nothing about her situation, basically goes ballistic trying to find her. The family, titans, and the League gets involved because one 15 year old doesn’t realize he has a massive crush on his classmate. He calls up that every favors he is owed (and some that is not) so now basically almost the entire LOA is after a 15 year old girl who was kidnapped by the two mad scientists who are committing around 16 wars crimes.
They find her after the ghosts she’s Still in contact with realize she hasn’t texted in a while and they’ll help Damian on his manhunt
And because Elle is the high princess, the entire ghost zone is ready to help Damian get their princess/queen/regent back
Jack and Maddie never stood a chance.
Any more ideas?? Please tag me and comment 🙏 :))
Edit: I’m updating the post as I think of new ideas, so it’s changing pretty often, you’re not crazy, I just have no writing ability and too many ideas 🤪
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ghoultrifle · 5 months
it's mushy may time, bitches !! thank you @forlorn-crows for the prompt list and general organisation <33
prompt: cuteness aggression
relationship: sunny/swiss
word count: 750
summary: sunny sleep talks and swiss finds it unbearably sweet. it's very silly.
please be kind, i am not very practiced with writing anything that isn't porn. rbs are appreciated and will hopefully mean i do more than one single prompt in the whole month sdjhfskjfhk (feel free to play the game of 'what funky word did i learn today ?' eheheh)
read on ao3 or below the cut :))
“No you can’t delete the watermelon, it’s in the desk!” Sunny mumbles, her mouth partially blocked by the pillow she’s unceremoniously shoved under her.
Swiss awakes, ready to whack his love with said pillow. “Shine, it’s early, go annoy Mountain please?”
“The shoes can’t go in the wall, they’re too hot!”
A smile creeps onto Swiss’ face. It’s a uniquely vulnerable experience, being on the receiving end of a sleep talker. Sunny has no idea what her unconscious brain is feeding her- or perhaps vaguely catapulting towards her in the hopes that something will stick. Yet Swiss has the honour of being there for the barely-formed, mismatched set of words that leave her mouth. He knows they’ll giggle about it in the morning as they always do; Sunny attempting, to no avail, to connect Swiss’ feedback to her hazy memory of the dreams her brain concocted for her viewing pleasure. It never works; the nonsense she spouts seemingly untethered from reality altogether, plucked from a different plane of existence, perhaps one where footwear temperature is a real concern for its occupants.
Sunny continues to lie fast asleep, the tendrils of sleep latched onto the depths of her mind, keeping her peaceful while her brain whirs, stirring her thoughts but not her vessel. She’s sprawled out on the bed. Head to the side and mouth wide open, in what looks like an effort to chew the pillow. In reality it’s acting as less of a neck support and more of a drool-catcher as spit tumbles its way out and onto the floral design.
Swiss only looks on in admiration, the moonlight creating a shimmer in the puddle as it soaks into the fabric. His smile grows wider, fangs catching on his bottom lip. He likes to think Sunny’s body wouldn’t let her talk in her sleep if she didn’t on some subconscious level feel safe with him. It’s a testament to the bond they’ve created topside, inseparable since the day Sunshine was summoned; partners in crime, wizards of whimsy, goofy guys. All silly ways of saying ‘I love you’, which is exactly what Swiss wants to shout from the rooftops.
“It’s not my fault you flew into the glove,” she snarls.
“Is too! You had the map, sunflower,” Swiss tuts under his breath playfully. He’s careful not to wake her when she’s like this but he can’t help joining in on the shenanigans once in a while. He’s imagining a tunnel, for fighter jets- or perhaps drones would be more suited to his skillset- it’s got one entrance and five exits, each one representing a finger on a glove. In his on-behalf-of-Sunny-dream, he’s in control while Sunny’s frantically trying to unfold a comically large map that supposedly holds the secrets to navigating The Glove. He’s asking her where to go but the map is unfolding ad infinitum and before they know it he’s flying through a finger hole (the middle one of course) lest they crash into the purlicue (The webbing between your thumb and forefinger, Swiss, how do you not know that? He thinks back to Aether and his endless list of things you didn’t know had names).
Jolting out of his trance, Swiss realises he may not have been as awake as he thought during his own dream-like sequence. He leans into his weary state, the dumb smile on his face returning. As he shifts on bed, carefully trying to manoeuvre his mate’s hand, Sunny decides she has other plans. A small hand with not-so-small claws abruptly finds itself on Swiss’ face, nipping him ever so slightly.
“I really love him, Lus, he’s always there for me,” she whispers, and Swiss can’t take it anymore. His internal jar of love is spilling over and his nervous system is screaming at him to let some out. So he does what any normal person does and bites Sunny, in the little nook that’s just the right size for him to gently sink his teeth in. 
“It’s a purlicue!” He mocks in a hushed tone, as best he can with Sunny between his teeth, hoping his wave of quintessence is strong enough to puncture Aether’s sweet dreams with a million images of weird hand parts.
In the morning Sunny will admit to Swiss that she did remember the dream where she was talking to Cumulus. She’ll leave it there though because she doesn’t have the heart to tell him it was actually about a sentient grocery bag that followed her around to carry her shopping.
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st7arlight · 1 year
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meet the sims-blackwood family!! this is set post-200 in a new world where the fears are weaker and more hidden in the shadows, but quickly building strength as more avatars and artifacts are born. meet blaire and not-adam, two students in jon’s homeroom and english class!
worldbuilding and brainstorm notes under the cut :D
the student ocs i created here are
-a transfem student who straight up doesnt have a name. you can call her anything but her deadname. its a fun game the class plays. it started as a gag but jon went “yeah okay ive seen weirder and kids deserve a chance to explore” so he comes up with a different name every day during roll call. shes v chaotic and inspired (personality wise, not funky name lore) by an irl friend of mine
-the student she has a crush on and is best friends with, an AP art student who uses they/she pronouns
they both eat lunch in Jon’s classroom, where they eventually notice that he never really eats much? just. reads a book in his free time, maybe has cereal bars occasionally
they form really close bonds with jon and he sponsors their lgbt club,,,, the second student realizes she’s agender when hes explaining the ace spectrum,,,,,, they come across The Horrors that were released when jmart moved on to Somewhere Else and he saves them,,,,,,,,, after they start to understand that “something spooky is here bc of mr sims but he was a victim in it” they sneakily start categorizing what they call “The Horrors” into 9 groups and get into shenanigans. they save jon at some point
their romance follows the plot of jmart’s but jon notices student B treating student A like he did martin at the start of the year and intervenes
so theyre healthier
(maybe jmart adopt student b, as they’re in a rlly unsafe home environment and thats why they started lashing out at their buddy)
at the beginning of the year student A knows shes trans but isnt sure what name to use. her buddy suggests not-adam (as she isnt suuuper uncomfy with her deadname, just that its too masc for her) so they call her that for a good bit and it comes up occasionally until they learn about the fears and the joke kinda. sours.
jon called her anything but that. not-adam thought it was because he didnt want to deadname her (and she insisted she was cool with it and thought it was funny) but she said that he can use a name that isnt adam, just not to stick to one bc she didnt want to feel boxed in
so the joke of her being anything but adam began
student b breaks down only a couple days in when she realized something was deeply, truly wrong, earing lunch (seemingly) alone with jon in his classroom. she says something with “not-adam” and “nobody remembers her but me” and jon’s trauma plus eye powers helps break his illusion, even though he doesnt remember her still
he adopts her bc she still legally doesnt exist and her family doesnt remember her , and its not like jmart already have fake identities anyways. they break the curse but everyone but B and Jon are completely wiped of her memory, just can finally see her now. its a mush of stranger, spiral, and lonely bc the horrors work different here
…she eventually settles on a name because she desperately needs to be reminded that they know her, they remember her, and that they remember all of her. (jon doesnt remember *everything* still, but most. every now and then she or B references something and they pause when they realize it was another memory lost to The Horrors)
oh also jon wears combat boots bc of daisy now. unrelated but important
im realizing my plan of them adopting B is a little funky with them adopting not-adam. however, unconventional found family prevails in tma. B just stays at their house most of the time bc she is neglected a lot at home so it usually isnt noticed when she disappears. theyre both 16 so fighting for custody when they can move out so soon is deemed too much stress on the teens. not-adam’s family actually are v loving and great, they just. dont remember NA. they dont remember how to love her, that they ever did
(thats why B needed to remember her. also, the effect intended of the horror was to torture NA until she died unnoticed and she will either be remembered by everyone when her body is found or will rot unseen until shes gone. or become an avatar, if she chose to embrace it. B was an intended victim of the leitner, the fear of nobody believing you and losing someone you love feed the Horrors)
(jon and his funky eye powers are likely the only reason NA didnt die)
in the end A picks the name astrid, but jon still calls her any name he can think of that starts with A when calling her down for food n stuff
anyways jmart unofficially adopting queer teens bc found family is so themcore but i *know* the fates would never allow them to do anything conventionally or fully legal
(all of this copy-pasted from me infodumping in a tma chat in the past couple hours)
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rosescries · 1 year
Had a funny thought:
So for TSM we have Buff MC, Hermit MC, Wet Cat MC, and a combination of Buff and Wet Cat MC, and Goddess MC-
May I introduce you to…
Orange Cat mc?
Like she is quite literally the sweetest person on the planet, but she has approx. one singular functioning brain cell and is just endearingly stupid. Like, She’s so blunt and brutally honest but as a side effect doesn’t comprehend having a filter and will just say some really wack shit sometimes. Like:
“If we clean the shower, are we the shower of our shower?”
Or just straight up asks dumb questions like:
“What is the Spanish word for Tortilla?”
And god forbid her and mutt are in the same room because they both run off a singular braincell and Mutt is purposefully being dumb but MC just…is a silly goofy person. A funky lad, if you will. And Mutt is a morosexual.
Like Taylor over here trying to make MC out to be this evil person but it’s so hard bc MC just,,, doesn’t have the patience, self awareness, sneakiness, and overall douchiness levels to comprehend being mean to someone. This dumbass cried over MANATEES being ENDANGERED. This idiot keep accidentally forgetting the difference between salt and sugar. This dumbass doesn’t know what’s going on half the time and has the memory of a goldfish. This dumb bitch panicked over a prank of mutts that involved detaching his hand (skeleton style bb) and cried bc she thought he was dying.
All in all: Mc is a stupid idiot who is incredibly sweet and friendly, and is overall just orange cat vibes.
It's... honestly a lot like Wet Cat Mc. Just with a lot less tears and more "What the fuck?"
Sans, Stretch, and Red are just... watching this and laughing. In fact, they're laughing too much to even listen to Taylor. At first they thought this might be an act, but.... there's just no way someone can keep an act like this up for this long. It's just too funny.
Black and Edge are slight Mother Bears again. For Black because, again, Mc is just Mutt. She's just Mutt. Putting those two together gives Black a coronary, but it's endearing in some ways. For Edge just because if someone doesn't watch her, he's pretty sure she's gonna fucking die. And he has a fondness for cats, which she reminds him of a lot.
Papyrus and Blue are just... pretty amused, like Sans, Stretch, and Red. They're also keeping an eye on the chaos twins like Black and Edge though. Pretty middle of the road between the two sides, but also can sometimes be roped into the two's shenanigans.
Mutt is having the time of his life. He adores this. 10 out 10, would recommend.
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grailknightmonty · 1 year
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it starts and ends in a garden.
i keep coming back to the good omens mianite AU so have a funky little illustration :] I just. I just love them a lot
Ref + what story I've thought about below the cut!
(Spoilers for Good Omens S1 and S2 ahead, be wary if you haven't watched and wanna get into it without prior knowledge)
At its core, this AU is basically good omens but with the cast of Mianite, with a few revisions to tie it a little into the mcytverse (while also not like compromising the integrity of the show version of the story) I got inspired by AdamMonter's AU and decided I wanted to give it a go myself after i watched S2 and reawakened my fixation :D
Jordan is this universes Aziraphale- the angel stationed to guard Eden and look out for humans (intended to instill in them the ways of goodness through righteous balance and justice in the name of the High Goddess) - and Tom is Crowley, or the snake in within the Garden, sent up to cause chaos and tempt humans towards evil shenanigans in the name of Dianite, or the devil in this case. They stand on two opposing sides of whats meant to be an all out war between Heaven (under Ianite) and Hell (by Dianite) on whether Ianites form of order (borrowing this from Aitheaca) or chaos will reign supreme- or basically the big ol apocalypse. I made Mianite the Metatron because idk what else to do with him mianite im sorry i didnt wanna make ianite the metatron if i swapped it even though it would make more sense for mia and dia to be fighting SOBS
Tom n Jordan grow close over their centuries on Earth together that when everythings meant to go down and destroy the world they've made their own, they fight to stop the apocalypse from happening, and by the end of it, are subsequently punished by their respective sides- only to not be affected and left alone when they seem to have absorbed the powers of the other (no one seems to realize they can swap bodies). Series 2 follows what they uncover by the end of it a plot to restart armageddon, in which they want Jordan to take over as the head of it after the former champion/supreme archangel is ousted for disagreeing- and had shown up with a non-existent memory nonexistent at Jordan's.
(im switching to list im done with prose xD)
Jordan runs an antique shop instead of a bookshop, he seems like he'd be more into little trinkets and old school machines, stuff he could tinker with. its still got that certain charm to it though
Capsize is Nina from the coffee shop (give me coffee or give me death seems like a thing Capsize would name something) and Sonja is Maggie who runs a record shop. aka the lesbians from across the street you know what I am
For something hilarious Tubbo is the Antichrist, aka the child meant to start and lead the War (leaving it as is bc its funny but not the literal antichrist) He's meant to join a government family to put him in a place of power, but due to a mix up ends up with an In the meantime, Tom and Jordan act as godfathers to the other child (who they assume is the antichrist, it would be funny to make this Crumb or something) in hopes that influencing them to good/evil respectively would neutralize them out- only to eventually realize its the wrong kid
Wag is Anathema, the descendent of a prophetic wizard who was scrutinized for their foresight and becomes the carrier of those prophecies (for my sanity ive chosen to get rid of the Newt-Anathema romance thing idk it. it just aaaa and turn into wag and his bros aka FyreUK tryin to use what they know to stop the apocalypse from their end)
Angels are Ianitees (save for Capsize), and Demons are Dianitees. Ive gone back n forth with who would be who and I still have no answer so. all I'll say is that Andor is Muriel thats all thats important /j C:
The other option was to make Satan the Darkness/World Historian and Dianite is the Lord of Hell (Beelzebub) with Mot as Gabriel but do i look like I know? idk do we need ineffable bureaucracy i could always alter that a little too... idk
tubbo as the child of the world historian who wouldve thought… edit what if like carrier of the darkness
anyway thats all enjoy this nonsense ;)
and screenshot I referenced for the drawing! I know its low qual dont worry about it i just needed to see where the trees were so i knew how many to paint LMAO
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periwinklenightmares · 4 months
Fanfiction idea that I'll never write about but daydream about:
- Hmc College/University AU with a twist
- what if Hmc did happen as the book, like yk nothing changed there, but the whole castle got another curse?? All their memories gone, "teleported" aka reincarnated into the modern world
- Sophie, that madman that she is, somehow before that curse happend saved her memories or bottled them up (no logistics yet, just vibes)
- they all grew up normally but with magic, howl has his castle, calcifer is a fire demon but in a human form, Michael is an adoptive brother of howl and Sophie lives her life normally
- until she randomly meets howl and gets her memories back (here you can add typical ff tropes, like a coffee shop or flower shop)
- boom, she remembers everything but can't talk to anybody about it, like her old curse, so now she has to find a way to get closer to her family while she's heartbroken because the man she deeply loves doesn't remember her (also of course she's pissed that she's part of another curse and got the short end of it all)
- another funky twist; what if Sophie was born a shapeshifter, so she gets a job as...who could've guessed, old cleaning lady at howls shop
- boom, more shenanigans, maybe they're in college, who knows
That's the howlxsophie brainrot for today
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the-ghost-bracket · 1 year
VikingPilot propaganda:
"Unreliable narrator of all time, this FUCKED UP MESS OF A GHOST has sooooo much nonsense going on and going WRONG with him. This mans starts off as a tragic character whos unable to interact with ANYONE, but once he becomes semi-corporeal and is finally able to speak to others, this results in a LOT of problems for everyone else.
To simply name a few, he phases through things and jump-scares people any chance he gets, he went to unreasonable extremes in order to acquire an I.O.U. from a very powerful person (Legundo) that ultimately accidentally results in a mini apocalypse, he gets an I.O.U. from someone else (Fixxit) and just orders him to stop Legundo at all costs?, hes ALMOST canonically plural/two people, this bitch has a fucking insane underground vault (with like twelve full sets of netherite, a dimond and netherite throne, and its just spooky as hell), He probably has the best scary laugh i’ve ever heard, and hes ALWAYS up to mischief.
Oh also he tries to do some Dark Magic but isn’t capable of going through with it due to Legundo not properly following through with his I.O.U., and he decides to remind Legundo of this in the MOST mentally well adjusted way possible ( https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxbcBe_A7YYtt2K33_Rm4V71SG0sqdnEY_ ).
Anyways thats most of the major nonsense I can think of for right now so uhhh! Enjoy the VikingPilot propaganda and please remember you are NEVER immune to Bell Noises!"
"Lovely unreliable narrator who loves jumpscaring his friends."
"quote from the ghosty boy himself. ""what do the interest rates look like on your word?"""
"he's a ghost. he has no memories. his soul got torn asunder by an evil magic book. he's trying to do a ritual from the evil magic book that split him in half so that he can get his memories back. he's a sneaky bastard who's double crossing everyone else on the server. he makes a lot of really terrible jokes. he (canonically!) says trans rights. vikingpilot you agree reblog."
"split color scheme. unreliable narrator. plural swag. committed tax fraud."
"Viking is a ghost haunting the world of Dominion SMP! For a long time, he was merely an observer— no one could see him, no one could hear him, he couldn’t interact with anything; no one knew he even existed. That was, I until the members of Dominion killed the Ender Dragon. This changed… something… in the world, and caused him to be visible, audible, and (mostly) tangible.
From there, he made a haunted graveyard, spooked people by sneaking up on them and shouting ‘Bell noises!!’, had a totally normal and not at all unhinged response to (one) asking for a favor, and (two) following up on that favor when it had not yet been kept, and he built a creepy mansion! He also plays piano!
He’s not sure how or when he died, but he feels certain that he was someone important. At some point in the time he was a ghost, he somehow got his hands on a book, which contains different rituals, and apparently, the contents of this book broke his mind, somewhat splitting it in two, and possibly being the source of his amnesia. Notably, the book contains a ritual that would allow him to regain his memories, and this has been his main objective for most of the series."
"ghost of ALL TIME. haunted his friends for months before they suddenly became able to see him. walks through walls. has world's most evil nervous laugh. knows exactly where his hinges are buried. unreliable narrator. has an underground vault full of diamonds and expensive armor, including a throne made of netherite. causes shenanigans on purpose. lived in an underground graveyard and then a haunted mansion. monologued for 11 minutes about wanting to do dark magic in order to necromancy himself and cure his amnesia. very pluralcoded. won round 1 of a sexyman bracket despite being a niche character. the most guy/ghost of all time forever"
"i haven’t actually watched dominion,,, but like. i keep seeing this funky little unreliable narrator ghost man on my dash sometimes. so fuck yeah."
"He’s just a silly little ghost guy!"
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umbra-borealis · 11 months
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Little Toxin Masterpost. No ref sheet yet but for every like this post getst I'll leave a fact about Toxin and his parents below! Retweets count too!
Facts below the Read More!
Fact #1
Toxin's parents are Shadow and... Scourge!
They're a close family that lives isolated because they all hate being around people for too long.
Fact #2
Toxin goes by he/they pronouns and is intersex like both his parents. Yes, both, it's a no brainer on Shadow since him being alien tends to go hand in hand with otherworldly... situations but Scourge requires some more context. Keep liking the post and I'll share that too ;)
Fact #3
Okay okay, Scourge context!
Scourge has fused with Chaos in this AU making him a water elemental. On top of that Scourge's mother was a mimic octopus pretending to be a hedgehog to trick his father, whom I've also re-written and given the name 'Cobalt', into marrying her to connect their kingdoms. When she was found out she fled, leaving her two sons behind, one of which was Scourge and this technically means he's already a hybrid. His affinity for water is genetic, he was practically born to be homies with Chaos.
Scourge didn't inherit the camouflage ability like his brother Sapphire did, no he got the funky gender shenanigans instead and with no one to tell him stuff or compare himself to, he opted to tell everyone he's cis and run if they ask sussy questions. Shadow is the first person he told.
Fact #4
Shadow 'carried', as much as you can call it that side his alien species is of the egg laying variety. (No I will not go further into detail) He's part of a race (that's essentially Black Arms and The End from Forces combined and expanded upon) called 'Nova Luna' and his species generally has traits such as digitigrade legs and crystalline growths on their body of varying shapes, colors and sizes. (I have art of this coming very soon)
High ranking individuals pose as fake moons, hiding their colossal bodies to influence a planet from a distance. Shadow however has turned his back to them for good after having met Scourge. Toxin and Scourge are the best things that ever happened to him.
Fact #5
They had no idea this would be possible, but Shadow had no issues carrying and Toxin hatched about as normally as a little toxic green alien hybrid pup can. Needless to say they were relieved to see a hedgehog and not some horrible mismatch of their DNA with a ton of genetic issues. Toxin was a healthy pup, if anything he was causing his parents problems instead.
Fact #6
Toxin is in fact, venomous! He's not lethal but a decent bite from him as an adult can paralyze you for a couple hours and a small nip is enough to partially paralyze/sedate the area. Scourge found this out the hard way after Toxin hatched and got nipped in his hand. They had to teach him in his toddler years to not use his teeth to solve every minor inconvenience.
Fact #7
Toxin's abilities are mostly Chaos Energy related. While his parents are fire and water elemental's Toxin appears to have an in-born talent to control raw energy by itself, which is incredibly dangerous! :D
Shadow and Scourge are only two out of seven Guardians who each have an element they master and controlling an element is just handling electricity cables while controlling the raw energy form is the equivalent of grabbing an exposed wire and hoping for the best. There's no buffer in the form of an element to focus energy in, on or through. Why Toxin has this talent is unknown... to most.
Fact #8
His shoes were absolutely a gift from Shadow and an updated replica of his own. Toxin was gifted the shoes when he was 18 and does regular maintenance on them ever since. Its important to him emotionally but not just because it was a gift. It allows him to keep up with his parents in speed and he has many fond memories of learning how to use them with their help.
Fact #9
I know the shirt he's wearing mentions a vape, but he doesn't actually use them. Most he does is smoke the good old fashioned way and even that is sparingly. Because of his alien DNA he's ridiculously fast at healing any injuries or ailments and isn't very addiction sensitive. He'd be lying if he didn't do it to look cool though. He's an edgelord. (Toxin is a cartoon, it's not my aim to romanticize or endorse anything. He'll be fine but us humans wont be, so with that said, don't harass me over art okay? Cool)
Fact #10
Toxin's personality switches between calm, reserved, barely talking at all and absolutely unhinged. It depends on who he's with. Shadow definitely brings out a calmer side in him while Scourge is the type of chaotic dad who teaches his kid curse words and pranks. He's a good guy though and knows when to be serious.
Fact #11
He considers Sonic and Knuckles to be his uncles, even if they're not at all related. They were the first people to give Scourge a chance and support his growth into a better person after all. They would've done the same for Shadow and when Toxin came along they would do anything from babysit to teaching the young hedgehog how to use his abilities. Toxin gets along great with both of them but secretly prefers Sonic, he'll drop just about anything to grab food with his favorite uncle.
Fact #12
The Nova Luna have a hierarchy based on minerals and as they age or improve in skill there's a chance they can 'evolve' into a different rank. Toxin is an elusive Emerald to them because their whole deal is their obsession with the Ancient's Chaos Emeralds. Controlling all that power would make them all powerful and be capable of controlling the galaxy. The thing is, none of them have ever risen higher than the Ruby rank. Toxin however is related by DNA to someone of said Ruby rank, as well as someone directly responsible for guarding and controlling at least one of the Chaos Emeralds in the present day. That combination of the perfect circumstances caused Toxin to be born with the elusive Emerald rank.
Fact #13
Toxin being this rare of a creature makes him priority number 1 to the Nova Luna and since I have no intentions of writing his story just yet since it's pretty deep into the AU I just barely started writing, I can go ahead and say that he does get taken and spends at least a year in servitude/training to the Nova Luna.
Fact #14
Of course has trauma from his time there, but he did learn a lot about himself too and managed to cling to that knowledge for dear life. Any progress he made in skill level would come to bite the Nova Luna in the ass super hard in the end. Once reunited with his parents, Shadow and Scourge help him process everything he's experienced as they too have experience with trauma.
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barkilphedros-hat · 6 months
yeah hey what's the interest in beetlejuice? 👀 ( in other words, please gush about your funky little fixation 🫡 )
Oh hey lovely!! 💛💛
Short answer: hearing Alex Brightman in Hazbin Hotel awoke the goth/musical nerd in me like a damn sleeper agent
Long answer: I’ve always loved the film (my parents used to put it on because they liked it and would tell me when to shut my eyes when Barbara ripped her face off lmao) and I actually plan to get a tattoo inspired by the funky bug ghost man in time for the sequel 🤩🤩 I’m also super excited for the new movie! I have high hopes but I’m also trying to manage my expectations 😅💀
I’m also revisiting the 90’s cartoon, because even though I loved it as a kid too, my memory of it is shaky as hell 😂 I only really remember the Edgar Allen Poe episode because it freaked me a bit when I was little 😂😂
BUT, the musical…the MUSICAL??!! Goddamn I love it (am I deeply in love with Alex Brightman? I cannot possibly comment….), I went and bought the OBC vinyl and a tie-in makeup palette because I have absolutely zero idea how to consume media like a normal person. The score reminds me of a weird mix of Book of Mormon and The Rocky Horror Show because of the slight rock sound to it. The three note guitar riff in the first few lines of “The Whole Being Dead Thing” revolve in my brain like a potato in a microwave.
Side note; absolute travesty the musical hasn’t really left the US, I know so many fellow theatre nerds who would eat the shit up-
I think it all really ties into my adoration for quirky supernatural trickster characters with a Pick Your Own Backstory who are insanely powerful but just use it for Shenanigans™️ until someone pisses them off enough 😅 If I could, I too would just hang around in a snazzy suit causing Problems for middle class suburban people.
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Hurry Up And Save Me
Peter Parker x GN!Reader x Harley Keener
Warning(s): swearing
Request: Hi, can I request a Peter Parker x Harley keener x reader fic where the reader is gender-neutral and autistic? Sorry if that’s weirdly specific, and you don’t have to do it if it doesn’t strike your fancy.
Have a lovely day, author
Notes: Hi! Sorry this took so long. I tried to throw in some autistic traits but since I am not autistic it may be a little funky. I usually don't write things I don't experience but I made an exception this time.
Summary: Peter, Harley, and Y/N are on a mission and things get interesting.
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"How you guys doing out there?" Y/N asked from their chair.
"Just fine, Hacker," Harley (aka Iron Lad) replied. "We haven't seen any sign of the guy yet, but Fury's tip said he'd be around this area tonight."
"Hey, Hacker, you think you could drone us some food? I spent all afternoon doing homework in preparation for this and didn't eat," Peter (aka Spiderman) said.
Y/N's lips curved into a deep frown. "Spidey-"
"I know, I know, I shouldn't forget to eat but I didn't want to miss any deadlines!"
They sighed. "Sure, Spidey, I'll send some cheeseburgers over."
"Sweet! Thanks, Hacker."
Y/N drew their fuzzy blanket further around them.
They were sitting in their office in the Avengers Compound in their pajamas and slippers to help Iron Lad and Spiderman with this mission.
Of course, they were doing it somewhat secretly because if Tony knew they were helping out their partners again, against orders, he'd probably put them on probation...again.
But they couldn't help it. Peter and Harley were the loves of their life, and knowing they were out there without any kind of overhead was scary, even though this guy was supposed to be a low-level threat.
It was some freak with tech connections looking to take out the electric grid that powered all of New York City. No gods or aliens or magical beings, just some guy in a suit.
But the three of them knew better than anyone that a guy in a suit could do plenty of damage given the opportunity.
Y/N punched in the boys' coordinates into the drone app on her phone after ordering burgers from a nearby McDonald's and hit send.
After Peter's experience with Mysterio, Y/N was trying to work drones into a happier memory for him, and, thankfully, it came with some superheroing perks, so they were allowed to do it.
Peter was talking to Harley about how this reminded him of the electro guy he fought when universes collided a few years ago so Y/N let their mind wander, playing with one of the many toys that littered their desk.
It was complicated, what the three of them had.
Peter and Harley were the heroes, there was no doubt about that. They both had proved themselves in the face of true threats and saved Tony Stark multiple times.
Y/N, on the other hand, was made for the background. Their mind could move faster when they were sitting in front of a computer, rushing their fingers across the keys and pushing buttons to help without having to get their hands dirty.
But heroics wasn't what brought them together.
That was the humor and the regular young shenanigans that they got up to. They complimented each other easily and fell into step like it was the easiest thing in the world.
Y/N was secure in their relationship, sure, but sometimes they wondered if they thought less of them for hiding behind a screen while they were out there risking their lives.
They didn't know what they would do if one of them didn't come back.
Then they realized that the sound of Peter's voice had gone silent and Y/N's stomach dropped.
"Spiderman? Iron Lad? You guys there?"
The crackle of static was the only response they got.
Panic started to rise in them.
Surely they wouldn't turn their comms off for any reason, right? If they had anything to say they would say it.
So, then what was going on?
Jumping into action, Y/N's hands flew across the keyboard and hacked into the security cameras at the power plant the boys were positioned at.
Flashes of what appeared to be lightning cut across the screen before it went dark.
Y/N cursed under their breath.
Should have known that this guy would short-circuit any of the electronics that were nearby.
"Fuck it," Y/N said, getting up from their chair and throwing the blanket off of themselves.
They didn't even take a second to change their shoes as they descended the stairs toward the garage, phone already dialing the fire department.
"Hey, Pedro, it's Y/N. Can you do me a favor?"
Peter groaned as he hit the ground, his skin was practically smoking from the hit of electricity this guy threw at him.
"I thought you've taken a guy like this before," Harley groaned from next to him, trying to pry his way out of the iron suit that had been overloaded.
"I had help from a guy made of sand last time,"
The guy was high above them now, practically glittering from the electricity that powered him.
"Not so hard to defeat you, is it? Took some notes from my buddy Whiplash on how to put your superpowered costumes down."
He started glowing brighter, fueling up for one last strike against the boys when-
A heavy stream of water slammed into the villain and knocked him out of the sky.
"What just happened?" Harley asked, view limited to the little slits that could only face upwards at this point.
Peter moved to see what happened and grinned.
"It's Y/N. They're here."
"What? Y/N?"
Y/N was standing there holding a fire hose on top of a fire truck, Pedro Olivera, the firefighter, was alongside them.
The electric freak tried to get up but Y/N blasted him down again with the water hose.
"Stay down, asshole."
A streak of light lit up the sky and down flew Iron Man himself to help take in the criminal.
Tony pulled up multiple guns that were in his suit to keep the guy in place before saying, "Hey, kids, isn't it passed your bedtime?"
"Very funny," Y/N said with a roll of their eyes, throwing down the hose and running over to Peter and Harley.
They pried the mask from Harley's suit and he let out a gasp at the fresh air. "Oh my god, thanks,"
Y/N reached in by his neck and pressed a button that caused the suit to automatically open and let its wearer out.
"...Has that been a feature this whole time?"
Y/N laughed and kissed Harley before moving over to Peter.
They helped him up gently, pulling the mask up so they could see his face. "You, we're going to have to take to a medic."
Peter gave a pained smile. "Yeah, okay,"
Y/N kissed him too before helping the boys to their feet and leading them over to where Tony was instructing the Avengers Agents on where to take and what to do with the criminal of the week.
Once they were dismissed Tony turned to the throuple.
"Why is it when something happens it's always you three?"
"Been asking myself that for years, Mr. Stark," Peter replied, strained.
Tony sighed. "Okay, kids, back to the compound. I'll thank Mr. Olivera for his help."
A car that FRIDAY must have called pulled up to them.
"Can I drive?" Y/N asked. "I don't like self-driving cars."
"You work with drones."
"Not the same."
"All right, whatever. Keys are in it."
Peter laid down in the back and Harley took the passenger while Y/N drove them back to the compound.
"Thanks for saving our ass back there," Harley said, taking Y/N's hand.
"You're welcome," Y/N said. "I'm just glad you guys are okay. When your comms went dead I was worried..."
"Hey, we're not going anywhere," Harley reassured. "How could anything happen when we've got our Hacker looking out for us?"
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annoyangle · 29 days
One Stanford Pines from a completely different dimension than the one who'd had his memories erased suddenly appeared in the middle of Bill's partying shenanigans seemingly without the use of a portal. He looked bruised and bloodied and was breathing heavily. He had on some kind of metallic collar which was flashing red and green and similar metallic creations decorating his wrists and all the way up to his elbows. Some of them were broken and lit red, some were lit green, and others were flashing like the one around his neck. He almost didn't look fully there - as if he were fading in and out of existence entirely.
"Bill!" Ford called out, his voice rasping and tinged with desperation. His voice sounded as if it were coming from multiple places at once - though all completely out of sync with each other.
Suddenly, he poofed into a baby, and he screamed and cried, another poof and he was a teenager. "Need your..."
Poof. He was an old man, and there were three of him in various states of phasing and fluctuation. "Help," they pleaded, then phased into each other and vanished entirely.
To Ford, it felt like dying and being born again as he suddenly reappeared. He tried to steady himself and ended up knocking over several bottles of substances before passing out, still shifting from one time period to the next, still phasing, still in a state of several quantum uncertainties. Ford's "time" was not only incredibly fractured; it was nothing short of several time-related disasters occurring at once.
So, of course, the party was in imminent danger of being crashed by a metric ton of Time Cops.
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ezrisdax-archive · 1 year
fic ideas I had for things but never finished or started properly (also a lot of these I came up with with other people):
fake dating au
accidentally got married au
 mutual pining whoops we're sleeping together anyway
ace attorney au
 seven as the one in shattered instead of chakotay au with maquis!b'elanna in janeways spot
future fic from naomi point of view about her gay aunts
dragon age au with warden!b'elanna and morrigan!seven
kes stays and is sick of them flirting and locks them in a closet au
 the coffee shop au I never finished which became a whole world anyway
 help desk support b'elanna dealing with ext 709 on the phone every day
hades game au
stuck on the holodeck and have to act the parts out to get out
utena au
xena au
expanding on the au I had where alternate reality tasha ended up in prime timeline instead of going to the past
xena au
roommates at starfleet au which I think I may have also done? so like...a different better one
 tasha didn’t die but ended up in some limbo form and deanna keeps seeing her as a ghost
kiradax (either dax)
reverse au with ezri as the dax host before jadzia and jadzia in season seven
mass effect au with asari!jadzia and human!kira
dragon age au with hawke!jadzia and mage!kira
au where kira stays on ds9 at the end of season six and is able to get to jadzia in time to save her but jadzia has to leave for trill for healing for a while and they write each other
time loop au where they're looking for atlantis and whoops its got a funky artifact that has nadine looping
au where they meet much much sooner
office au where nadine is night security and chloe works late and keeps forgetting her badge and breaking in
the au where one of them gets the beacon instead of shep
winter soldier cerberus au where they show up instead of sheps clone in ME3 or take kai lengs place in ME3
tim hortons vs starbucks au in niagra falls listen I'm canadian
stargate au
grissom academy instructor kaidan but ash on the normandy still
 pacific rim au
star wars au with clone soldier ash and jedi kaidan
never went to andromeda au and ryders dig site needs supplies and she finds vetra
the typical au where sara isn't the pathfinder but calls dibs when she wakes up and meets vetra anyway
were dating pre andromeda but vetra thought ryder died when the hyperion didn't show up
misc star trek
seven/ezri where seven ends up on ds9 by the borg attacking the defiant and them getting seven from it look it wasn't fully fleshed out
divided we fall rewrite (ezri/lenara)
on an away mission together leading to fake dating (joann/keyla)
the kes stays on voyager, tom leaves au with kes, harry, b’elanna, and seven shenanigans (gen)
ezri and harry bffs serving on captain geordi's ship (gen)
 ichiban time loop au (yakuza, gen)
au where korra doesn't fully get her memory back in season two but thinks her and asami are dating (lok, korrasami)
seong-hui keeps texting saeko and this leads to a relationship (yakuza, seong-hui/saeko)
tifa finds aerith at shinra hq where she’s been locked up for a while (ffvii, aerith/tifa)
tifa dead all along based on the latest trailer and technically a ghost but aerith drags her back to living anyway (ffvii, aerith/tifa)
rei begs susato to dress up again to get out of dating other guys (ace attorney, susahao)
franmaya star trek au with romulan/vulcan fran and trill maya (ace attorney, franmaya)
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atonalginger · 8 months
Reclaiming Home
The next installment in the Twin Starfarers series, Reclaiming Home, is now live on ao3 and you can find it by clicking
It starts with a spicy bang, Doc and Sam finally able to do the do after getting blocked in the last fic. There is a summary in the end notes if smut isn't your thing and not to worry, they'll get back into shenanigans soon.
Because of the opening chapter and some of the events to come this fic is rating Explicit for Sexual Content and Violence.(later)
a preview:
They were in orbit around Andraste III, the scanners set to run all sorts of scans. Scans that Sam didn’t understand the point of considering how often Jamie and her old friend had surveyed the planet before. But she said it was a part of the process and they’d orbit the planet for several UT hours while her program ran and then they could pick a landing spot to get started. 
He still couldn’t believe this was happening. The leisure survey trip, Jamie joining Constellation, Jamie being in the Plaza that day at all, it was all buzzing by so fast he made his head spin. He reclined in the pilot seat, the planet in front of him, the vibrant blue waters, colorful landmasses, and white puffy clouds creating a gorgeous view. From further back in the ship he thought he heard a song that felt like a long lost friend.
I think I found a way for you and I to finally fly free
When we get there, we’re going to fly so far away
Making sure to laugh while we experience anti-gravity
Sam hadn’t listened to that song since after she left the city. It wasn’t a super popular old earth track, none of the music he and she shared were, it was part of why they’d pick them. 
The song was the start of a very specific playlist Sam and Jamie had crafted over the year and change they were together. For months they’d try adding and subtracting tracks, moving them around to find the perfect pace. All old earth rock and metal songs, with ‘Summer Romance’ being the oddball. The track had a funky bass line and more mellow overall feel while still keeping a driving tempo. It was Jamie’s choice, ‘a perfect warm-up song,’ she’d said all those years ago.
Did she keep that old slate? Sam wondered as he listened to the distant music. That playlist was 35 odd minutes of music they had listened to while spending ‘quality time’ in the old midtown apartment. For the off chance Fox could potentially come home while Sam had her face down in the pillows. He smiled at the thought, the memory of their flesh pounding together sending a river of blood to his loins. He shook his head, no, too risky, knock it off.
“There you are,” Jamie said, causing him to jump. He sat up in the seat and looked over his shoulder as Jamie leaned in, a playful smile greeting him, “I was looking for you.”
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lizalfosrise · 1 year
Hey Rise, it's AK favorites time again. Give me your best defenders. Gameplay, personality, aesthetic, whatever.
Alrighty! Let's place this under a cut:
Launch Faves:
Spot - I see full kemono in Arknights I black out and go feral good yes very nice. That healing smokescreen remains very helpful, and he's just a real solid bro. His VA caught my eye too, since I was watching Raildex that year so I'd been hearing him quite a lot.
Cuora - Roaming baseball turtle is Fucking Invincible. HOMERUN!! Her module lore story was pretty nice in a sledgehammer-to-the-heart kinda way given it was her memory issues + her baseball&bat's origin. Incredibly solid and the first elusive 4-blocker saving our asses and storing up Pure Gold Ingots in the Factories. Homerun indeed.
Croissant - Really cool and fun character (we got her southern US drawl back hooray) with the interesting gimmick of being the push-stroker(they can never live this naming scheme down) defender. Problem? S2 says yeet 'em! No problem boblem. Niche and therefore undervalued at the earlygame, but Integrated Strategies with the Force+2 manual obtained must've made some fun shenanigans.
All the Fortresses, honestly. They're great in character, in aesthetics and I greatly enjoy having their long-range bombardments. Firewhistle's brought us Burn procs and it's delightful to watch the bonus damage pour in. I can be trusted with the Londinium Self-Defense Artillery cannon emplacements.
Don't use 'em enough but they're fun: Duelist and Sentinels - Aurora is cute and has access to Cold proc manipulation tactics (plus that claw-shaped staked, slim tower shield is a work of art); Liskarm has been a faithful SP battery pistol-shooting down aerial threats while Blitz has the flashbang spam going for him.
Guardians are lifesavers, of course. Gummy's frying pan bonk stuns every third hit can actually be incredibly useful. Blemishine is a far better pick than Nearl due to her Sleep mechanics and yknow, 6* bulk/Skill 3 (she's cool to borrow as a support unit but I don't have her fully invested). Saria is pretty solid here and with regards to character&story, but at the same time I never actually E2'd her until mid-Dorothy's Vision because I finally experienced her Skill 3 and needed her to be beefier for a map clear (or several) that event.
Horn - "YOU WANT TO TOPPLE ME?! BY WHAT?" Episode 9 was so great, and then we suffered a Manfred to the Self-Defense Artillery. That CG towards the end of Ep9 with a heavily-injured Horn pulling the S3 glare at Mandragora after auto-rocketjumping Bagpipe away was phenomenal. Incidentally a major part of why if you have taste you'll understand that Horndragora is the superior toxic yuri pairing rather than suffering that watery tart of a catgirl. I'm more enamored with that heavy-duty shieldcannon though, naturally. The Victorian Army gets all the cool gunlances eh? That VA olive green drab is a wonderful colour scheme too, really. The overheat flame vfx during S3 are a delightful detail on the chibi sprite and for that reason though I'll get that (somewhat mismatched) Lady of the Lake skin, I won't equip it often. But S1/S3 were absolutely outstanding during IS2.
Asbestos - The most tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuuuuuundere foulmouthed foul-tempered vkei-ass Aussie salamander is just so iconic, bless her. Funky and rad design, personality and until Shalem appeared, the only Arts-shotgun shielder. Trying out her Skill 2 in IS2 was pretty fun since I only rarely used her prior honestly. The details gone into fitting her entire theming around asbestos are so so good.
Mudrock - Initially I wouldn't use her due to the 35dp cost buuuut I reached the point where 'This is fine actually' after a while of wanting to properly invest in her and yeah. Fucking incredible with sneak-healing via Perfumer. Spin2Win is forever relevant! We need a skin that brings back the full hazard suit towering over most other chibis though. Really good as a character, her parts in Twilight of Wolumonde were what made that event remotely bearable to me.
Her fellow Juggernaut companion Penance is likewise extremely good in aesthetics, character and as a unit.
Eunectes - Same deal as above, I actually haven't used her so badly she's not actually E2 yet. But I think she's incredibly gorgeous and a very cool Forgemaster. The Acahualla Trio are very, very fun! Summoning her upgraded Raging Ironhide must be a real lovely feeling given how much of a nuisance it is to fight.
Nian - Unemployed. Commando. The only Sui fragment I have at E2. Fellow spice fiend. Many noteworthy things can be said. I greatly enjoy her. We need to see more of the situation with training up Purgatory now going forwards in that storyline. Love that her E2 splash shows the(or at least, her) bestial Sui form has a maw in the chest.
Shoutout: Ace - He would've been male 6* Defender, absolutely, the way he tanked Talulah 1v1 during the Chernobog Exfiltration long enough for every surviving RI Operator to redeploy disengage & evacuate. Legendary guy. There's no Elite Operator covering the Defender class as a Temporary Recruitment in Integrated Strategies, so personally I feel like that's where he might've been.
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kisekisreblogspage · 1 year
Rainbow friends Head cannons 3/3
Ok, i've been procrastinating over this for a long time, i shuld end this series
Ok here we go-
Cyan (from Rainbow friends)
Lets talk abaut Cyan, i like to think that she was suppose to be a acuatic beeing when she was created, but she somehow grew legs (it kinda reminds me to someone...).
When the gang found out she was a girl they all whent wild like:
"O MY LORD! I have never seen a Girl Before!" (Blue)
"What does it likes!? How does it taste?! Does the rumores are True?!"
"Rumors? What rumors?"
"It is sayd that Girls smells good"
"wow! A girl... Just- WOW! A GRIL"
"I KNOW RIGTH!? IT IS LITTERALY NOT A BOY!! Do you think she wuld like to run?"
"But wait... what is the diference between a girl and a boy?"
"maybe is the smell"
"maybe is the softhness..."
"maybe is the voice!"(Blue)
"Or maybe that thing..."
"What thing?"
"In between the legs....
"It is imposible" (Blue)
Red got to explain them abaut that later on.
So, yea, what does she likes...? A lot of things! She in fact has a list of every thing that she likes! She also likes lists, but she does not write those Lists, she has them inside her head! She is very organized in there! Such good memorie and attention to detalle are well praised by Red. Wait... this means... that she... is Red's secretary! Or well third secretary, the frist one is Blue (he's the one that informs abaut the Intruders and damages in the Frist lab, also the one that helps in rebuild that place if needed) and second one is Purple (informs abaut intruders and damage in Odd World, also helps in cleaning and restorage of the place). So yea she is the one that remind Red abaut important stuff and the well beeing of the whole facility, the whole Family and even if there are minor/Major issues anywere she remind Red everyting. Such a detallist. Even explains on how she thinks some things in the facility culd be fixed. Now she is a genious, if Red Had a mounth he wuld drop it on the floor. (She culd own the facility, if Red dies)
As you migth notice in here is that she is giving some autistic tropes. Becuase (in my head cannon) she is! like to think that she is not aware of her autism but everyone knows! And trates her so nicely and patiently especially Yellow(i don't have Yellow colored letters sorry!) He is basicly a few monts older than her, so she looks up to him, but also for Blue because she thaugt that Blue was her mom because theyr colours were alike. (Imagine! Just... imagine)
Now she is clearly in the Asperger Especteum, so yea, she is a sueper Genious, she suprised Red, and that is quite dificult and now she is something so inportant yet so beloved for him. (Yea, i got some softh silly odd blorbos instead of the murderous mutants that they actually are, this is why i am doing thsese head cannons) because is one of the few things keeping him from crazzynes (the rest are his children (the lookies), Green, and his secret lover)
Now, lets go back on the things that she likes. Lets dive in her funky wunky lil' head!:
Bugs, especially the ones that are int the cucojoidea family (ladybugs), but has also an interest in ants
The rainbow ("look you guys! Its a picture of us!"(Cyan)
Genétics and some lab functions
Calm music
Red's lab coat
Long walks
Blue's shenanigans
Open places (she feels claustrophobic in very small places, she is huge)
Shiny things
The confy pillows that Green Has
The smell of blood food
Moving things (she likes to know what is that and why is it moving
Mocking Yellow because he is funny when he is mad
Purple's weird talks
(The list keeps going down
This all in that exact order, she will get Real mad if you missplace some of her likes she says that the things that she likes the most are at the top, and it gess less and less interesting for her as the list keeps on going down
Her shennaningas are basicly bugs, so if you ever meet her she will infodump you abaut Ladybugs and everyting you need to know abaur these, but then she will apologise, becuase she know you didn't asked (this is becuase of orange, yea he can be real mean withaut wanting to, don't worry thoug, he was scholed by everyonelater that day)
Now, going back to the part that i told you abaut Cyan thinking that Blue was her mom.
The day that Red presented her to the whole Family she was a baby, she saw Blue and went like "mma-m~?" (She developed faster than annyone, because... girl...) And scince that day she tough that Blue was her mom for 6 years. Until Green Explained her that Blue is Her brother... not her mom, "because they born becuase the same guy in the same machina and"- yea she cryed... but then she understood everyting and live trough it, she is still very atached to him
And Abaut Blue, he was completly in love with her (love, like Parents, you know) he was willing to even wear a wig for her and be her male mother, he is really good with childreen, so he always took good care of her, and even called her Princes. (if he was the king, she is going to be the princes) and gave her a lil' crown (just imagine! "Here upon yee, Your Queen n' King be. Rejoice all! REJOICE!"(Blue) *party Honks at the distance* *aplauses and praises by everyone* lol) the only one who wasn't happy abaut this was Yellow, he also, is very atached by Blue, his jealousnes was HUGE, he pushed her sometimes, made her cry on purpose, hid her and only be there with Blue. So yea, Cyan mocking on him it is just karma over Yellow beeing a brat towards Cyan. Blue enjoys some of that, but also knows were stuff had gone too far
Theyr literally siblings lol
So yea, this is the end of this series... perhaps... becajse i have too many head cannons, i shuld have done a post abaut every single one of them separatly but here we are.
I hope you liked this tomfoolery of mine, i probably even do some head cannon abaut the others even! Who knows!
K, this is all, bye
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