#gender body swap
swap-tech-enterprise · 6 months
From Maid of Honor to Best Man Part A, Customer Swap Stories #1
When my best friend Jessica’s boyfriend finally proposed to her, I was so excited because that finally meant we would be able to live out the dreams we’ve had about being the maid of honor in each others weddings! However, that soon began to fall apart when Jessica announced that it was going to be a destination wedding in Italy. I was heartbroken because I wanted to be there for my best friend, but financially couldn’t afford to be there. That was until one of the other bridesmaids suggested I use Swap Tech Enterprise’s (STE) vacation swaps. For a small fee, STE would swap your body with someone who lives in the location you are looking to go too and vice versa. After doing some research, it wasn’t a bad deal so I decided to move forward with it. I filled out the quick form provided on their website and paid my 100 dollar deposit, and from there I received an email with all I needed to know, including the date and time I needed to head down to my cities local STE Swap Bank. After months of anticipation, the day had come and it was time to become someone else for the week. As I entered the Swap Bank, the front desk attendant checked me and brought me to the swap room to get ready for the swap. As I sat on the bed waiting for the swap to happen, the swap technician explained how the process worked as they hooked me up to the helmet that would connect me to my swap partner. Finally it was time for the swap to happen and the swap tech began the count down from 10, instructing me to relax. As the tech counted down, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I was nervous about becoming another person for a week, especially since I purchased the cheapest swap package that only allowed for me to pick the gender and age of the body I was going to be in, not the body itself. All these thoughts were running through my head when suddenly everything went black. Moments later, I began to regain consciousness.
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Opening my eyes, I could see I wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants.
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I also noticed that my feet were much larger than that of a 27 year old woman. On top of that, I noticed I no longer had breasts. “What the fuck is going on?” I said quickly covering my mouth because of the deep baritone voice that came out of me. That’s when it clicked, I hadn’t been swapped with another woman, but a man instead.
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Turns out that when filling out the form, I accidentally clicked the male option instead of the female option as my preferred gender type. I explained the mistake to the swap tech at the Italian Swap Bank I was now and asked if it was possible to get swapped with a female body, but they informed me that they can’t authorized a swap from a body that isn’t my own to prevent having too many cross swapped customers. Looks like I’m going to spending the week and celebrating my best friend’s wedding as the best man rather than the maid of honor. Hopefully she understands the mixup.
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #108
When you meet your soulmate you both feel it, you know down to your bones that this person was meant to be with you for life, if you’re unable to find them before you pass on, your ghosts will be unable to locate each other in the afterlife. The Fentons tried to make a way to locate your soulmate using ectoplasm, unfortunately for Danny he’s the only one in the family yet to find his. Jazz actually found hers when she started school in Gotham, some guy named Jason, if Danny remembered correctly. They try some experiments with Danny and something works just not as intended as with every piece of Fenton tech. Danny wakes up in an unfamiliar room and in an unfamiliar body. Looking around, it appears his soulmate is rich, he’s got to call his soulmate and explain the situation. He’s not looking forward to explaining his powers to them but if they’re going to be in his body best to let them know what to expect from Danny’s weird biology.
Damian woke up to an unfamiliar ringtone in an unfamiliar room. Assessing the situation he noticed the number from the phone was actually his own. Might as well answer it to see if he could get some answers.
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bodyswapmischief · 6 months
One Gift Can Change the World
(A story written for @tf-lover for the annual story exchange)
The world was a blur, as Erica zoomed by. She was driving home in a rush. The day had dragged on, and her professor was the cherry on top of pile shit that today had turned out to be. Unfortunately, her ass of a professor wasn't the only problematic man she had to face. On a daily basis, there was a parade of men that would at best annoy her and, at worst, make her wish she was not a girl. Don't get me wrong. She loved being a girl. Well, she loved being a Tom Girl. But even with her best attempt of dressing and acting tough, there were always guys trying to hit on her ... make her act like “a real woman,” Stop hiding her beauty by dressing like a “dyke,” and let a man protect her. But, she didn't need a man’s protection. She'd taken out guys twice her size. But, all people saw when they looked at her was a small and weak 4’9 girl.
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Although, she wouldn't lie. She often fantasized about being a man. And, not just any man. She wanted to be seen tough on the outside like she felt on the inside. Yeah, if she was a man, she'd wanted to be ripped and muscled out. She'd want to be the epitome of strength. She'd want to look like she worked out every day of her life. She'd smile at the fact that men would finally leave her alone. She wouldn't get hit on. Her professor wouldn't even dare criticize her. And, if he did ... she beat the living shit out of him without breaking a sweat.
As she drove home, she let these ideas carry her to her happy place. Gaming. The only solace she had from reality. She could play as a manly warrior. She could be the cool space soldier with undoubted authority. She could play with the boys and not be thought of as some girl. She never even considered telling her gamer friends she was a girl. It was her little secret ... a secret made better by the fact she was better than all of them in any game they played. Thanks to the technological advancements of the late 21st and early 22nd centuries, her video game fantasies were even more of a reality. The improvements of artificial imaging, vocal mapping, and sensory mirroring in virtual reality helped to make gamers live a life in the games they played.
Now, she was speeding through traffic on her way home. She was looking forward to the only saving grace that could make this shitty day better. Today was the announcement of the newest VR game. Rumored to be the next big step in virtual reality. There have been a few clips and leaks of the game, but other than that, the games secrets have been locked up tight. All she knew of the game was that it was rumored to have true realism graphics and that if it was true ... it would be the first of its kind. She continued her way home, cursing at anything that slowed her down.
Arriving home, she ran straight to her room. “Hey, fuckers keep it down. I'm gonna be watching the announcement of the new game. And, if I'm interrupted, I'm gonna kick someone's ass.” She puffed as rushed by her roommates. With readied excitement she turned on her computer and logged onto the first stream of the announcement she could find. The screen remained black for a few seconds before flashing to life.
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The screen flashed with the image of The Second Life company. Three colored triangles zoomed onto the screen. They proceed to spin around in a circle, and their points interlocked. The logo began to fade, as a man sitting at an office desk begins to get into view. The chat section began to glow abuzz. People commented their excitement, others shouted out greetings to the void, and others just threw out nonsense. “Hello! And welcome to today's announcement.” The man smiled as he spoke. His name flashed under him on the screen, Nathan Black.
The man continued to talk as he spoke with a smug grin. The attractive features of his face and those most likely underneath his suit helped fill his presence with Charisma. “History has led us to this moment. Our ancestors could only imagine what their children could have achieved. And, Human history has brought so many advancements in so many areas of science and technology. VR technology is one of these areas.Beginning in the 2010s, we entered the dark ages of VR. The first real uses and mainstream-ifacation. Over the years, new technology has been created to make these experiences even more real and personal. Now, in the great year 2130, you can play as a cartoon cat running your own cafe. Zip through space in your own spaceship. Immerse yourself in real-time team warfare. Take on cgi Dragons with your friends. Build cgi avatars to be the person you always wanted to be. Even now, data shows that 10 percent of people have decided to make VR spaces and games their true lives. Spending most of their day plugged in. 30 percent of people report a steady income from VR game economies. The future is now VR!” He stands up and begins to walk around the office. The camera moved to follow him.
“Our ancestors one hundred years ago ... had dreams. Flying cars, instant meals, teleportation services, space travel, etcetera. But, years of human conflict have stunted any progress we could have achieved. Instead, we continue to look for an escape from real life. Instead, we've put money into developing entertainment. We hope to be distracted from the world. Those numbers I've shared are only going up. With 55 percent of people interested in making a move to permanent VR or even picking up a second job in VR spaces. And, why wouldn't they? Everything our ancestors wanted, in the 21st, 20th, 19th centuries, and back to the dawn of time, is available in these VR spaces. So why not improve them to the best capabilities we can. Why not make it more real? Why not make them as indistinguishable from reality as we can? Well, we have. Everything you have seen in this announcement has not been real. It has been generated with our new console. The Second Life X.” As he says that, the walls and everything in his office disintegrate like sand blown in a strong breeze. He now stands in an open cleaning in a forest. The comment section of the stream explodes with excitement and disbelief. A group of people not believing this is real because there was just no way that graphics could be this good.
“And the first foray into this new world of VR is called Fantasy Land. The bundled game will come with the console at launch. When we developed what we are calling Real CGI ... we pondered on what genre would be the first to explore. And we thought it would be best to take it back to the earliest form of fantasy. Where knights and wizards roamed to adventure. Where fairies danced in the woods and magic was in the air. Where people would live to die as legends.”
The rest of the stream showed off new features of the game. The intensive character creation section. Erica could imagine spending days, if not weeks, just on the character creation to make her avatar the exact way she wanted it. As Nathan showed off these features, it was almost scary how real it looked. Nathan's face would morph to have different features. His body would grow and shrink to different sizes. Finally, he reverted back to himself and began to show off some spells, and they looked equally realistic. The stream ended with the surprise that the system and game would drop a week before Christmas, tomorrow.
All the excitement that built up in Erica was instantly drained. She collapsed onto her gaming chair. She let out an audible “Fuuuck!” From her room. She sat there for a few minutes and then moved to plop herself face down on the bed. “Fuck! Today couldn't just be a bit better.” As she lied there in self pity, she could hear her door squeak open. “Erica!!! Did you see it! Did you see the announcement!” She didn't even need to look up to see that her twin brother had entered the room.
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She loved her brother, but right now, she wanted to be left alone. But, she could hear the excitement in his voice. And, he didn't deserve her meanness. No, Elias had to deal with meanness all his life. When they were both in the womb, Erica felt like she took all the good genes. She was smart and beautiful despite hiding it in baggy clothes. Her brother was not the brightest, and he wasn't the most attractive man in a room. He was a socially awkward geek. One that she would have to protect from bullies at school. But, now in college, he did have two things she didn't have. The ability to make real friends. Yeah, she had online friends ... but she kept a bunch of secrets from them. But, again, she didn't really like people. So, she was glad that Elias had friend making skills at the very least. So, she could spend more time alone in the virtual world. The second thing was her brother's size and strength. He was the definition of a friendly giant.
“Yeah, I heard.” She sighed and looked up at her brother. “Are you sure? Because, if you did ... you'd be more excited!” He beamed. “No, yeah, the game looked great.” She rolled her eyes. “Erica! Then why aren't you excited ... are you being sarcastic ... I can't tell. Why didn't you like the game?” Elias pleaded for an answer. “Cause, Elias, I won't be playing the game!” She yelled out. Elias jumped. “Why not? I mean, it's coming out tomorrow ... short notice. But we can go out now and wait in line for a midnight release somewhere.” Erica sighed, “It’s not because it's too soon ... it's because I don't have money to buy a new console! I thought it was gonna be a game for SL 9.” Elias looked worried. “Well that's okay ... then when you do get money ... we can go get one. So what if we have to wait a week or two.” Erica fell back onto her bed. “If only! Remember when the Second Life 9 came out ... it was completely out of stock for a year ... and then some people didn't even get it off the waitlist until 3 years later.” Elias sank on the bed next to her. He was also beginning to realize the bad news. “We could ask mom and dad ...” Erica cut him off, “They never would ... you know they are against VR, and they believe it's evil and gonna take over the world.” Elias weakly smiled, “Well ... then we hope for a miracle.” Erica, let those words sink in, “Yup, a miracle.”
Christmas Day
Erica had spent the rest of the week in a sort of depression. Now, sitting around her family as they opened presents, she couldn't get herself in the mental space to be there. Everyone was smiling and getting into the atmosphere of the day. She opened her presents like everyone else. She got dresses from her parents. She got makeup and lotions from other family members. She got a gift card from her brother, which was the only gift she liked. Christmas was another horrible day. And, when it was over, she was happy. Her and Elias began the drive back to their shared apartment. Their other roommates still gone with their families out of state.
Getting back to the apartment, she plopped onto the couch and sat down. Elias slowly approached. “I got you another present ... I thought it would be best to open away from mom and dad.” He hurried to his room and came back with a big box. “Merry Christmas!” Erica was puzzled and began to open it. “ You didn't need... Oh my fucking God! How...” She exploded with excitement, as she unwrapped the Second Life X bundle.
She ran to her room and began to plug in everything. The game loaded up, and she attached the new VR headset to her face. The logo of the company and the game flash by. She hurried to start a new game. She looked down and saw her current body in some kind of fantasy styled inn and wearing barbarian starting gear. She saw options floating around her. She instantly goes to height and begins to increase it. The world around her became slightly smaller. Now, she was standing at 6’4. She looked at her reflection in a mirror. She laughed at seeing her features on this stretched out body. She swapped her gender and felt a zap on the side of her head. She touched it as a reaction. “Fuck that hurt!” The game informed here that sensory mode had now been enabled. And, at that instant she saw her body begin to morph to look more masculine. She looked like her brother, only better looking and slimmer. As her body morphed it felt like water rippling. It felt relaxing. Then she gasped as she felt something pop out of her vagina. She reached down into her pants, noticing her clothes also were shifting to match her new body, she felt her new cock. “What the fuck ... this is new ... this game really went there!” She laughed with her same voice. She winced seeing such a girly voice coming out of this man's body. She began to explore voice options until she found one she liked. She looked at her reflection and smile. She looked like a hot fuck boy. But, she didn't want to stop there. She wanted to be a man.
She began to explore with body hair options. And increasing her muscle size by adding points to her strength stat. She found it interesting that layout her stats started as. She also found it strange that if she wanted to, she could max all her stats to 20. She maxed out her strength. She set her dexterity to 15. Her constitution maxed to 20. Her intelligence was already 17, so she didn't change it. Her wisdom was also not changed at 12. And, her charisma score of 5 was bumped to 14. Her body morphed to match every choice. She looked at her new avatar. An absolute beast of a man. Hairy, ripped, and good-looking. She was happy as she looked in the mirror. She felt her body, and it felt rock hard. Her cock was ragging in her pants. “Fuck ... is this really gonna be part of the game.” She laughed. She pondered making more changes... but she also wanted to see actual game play. Worst case she could always start a new game if she did want to make changes to the way she looked. She played the first ten minutes of the game before she felt hungry. “Too bad I still have to leave the game to eat.” She laughed.
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She took off her headset, and the world was thrown out of balance. Her room looked so much smaller. She began to stumble and walk. She felt so heavy, and the floor thudded with every step. She looked down and saw her avatar from the game. She or now he was completely naked. The clothes he was wearing were torn to shreds. He let out a guttural yell instead of a scream. “Erica! Is that you!” Elias barged into the room. He looked at the naked barbarian in front of him, hung like a horse. “Ahhhhh!” Elias screamed.
Erica rushed to him. Not knowing his own strength, he knocked them both to the floor. He covered Elias’ mouth to stop the screaming. “It's me ... it's Erica!.” He shouted in a deep voice. Elias fainted. When he came to, he saw the giant man taking care of him. If this man was bad ... why was he still here. It couldn't be... “Erica ...” He let out. Erica turned to see her brother awake. “Yeah ... it's me.” He spoke, his voice rumbling the air with his deep voice. “What happened?” Elias squeaked.
The big man pointed to the screen. The news was on. A woman spoke as the words “breaking news” flashed on the screen. “Reports are still coming in of Body Transformations throughout the country and world. Authorities are confirming that the cause is the new Second Life X console. It is also believed that the company has purposefully set this bio weapon on the public. The Second Life Entertainment offices and Second Life Corporation have been radio silent on the matter. Wait ... just ... it seems like their website has just gone offline. Authorities are asking to drop off all Second Life technology to the nearest police station. Again, do not use Second Life technology.”
The news broadcast kept going. The sound of sirens from the outside began to fill the night air. Other screams could be heard in the distance. But Erica interrupted, “And, online coders found hidden code that was set to activate just a few moments ago. People are saying Second Life has been planning this for a long time.” Elias looked at his new brother concerned. “Well ... I'm sorry ... is there a way to undo this?”.
The gaint laughed and shook the air. “Sorry! I love this! This is what I always wanted. But you probably shouldn't call me Erica anymore... Call me Erik ... with a K.” He laughs “More barbaric. But what about you, little bro ... want a new life.” Elias gasped. “What about the report ... can this be trusted? What about the consequences.” Erik put his huge strong hand on his brother. “The only consequences is you'll be the person you always wanted to. Think no one is going to give this to the police ... the power to be who they want. The world has changed. You can be in it as the person you want or the person you are now.”
Elias grabbed the VR headset and put it on. He began a new game and began to edit his character. Erik watched his brother change before his eyes. Elias shrank from 6’4 to 6’. He began to slim down. His chubby body became more tone. His pasty skin tanned until he looked like an exotic Middle Eastern man. His oversized clothes fell off his body. He looked like an Arab heartthrob. He took off the headset and looked at his new body, and smiled. “Damn it feels so good. And, now that I have raised my intelligence score ... I see what you mean. This is the new world.” He smiled. He raised his hand, and small particles of frosted air began to coat his hands in a layer of frost.
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“Damn, nice body, bro. Didn't know this was your ideal body. Based on physique and that you have frost magic... you picked wizard.” Erik laughed. “Well isn't it obvious.” Elias said with a wit and sass he never had before. “Bro, I think we should bring this head set to some other people. Give some friends some equally attractive bodies. And, enemies ... something else.” Elias smirked. Erik smiled, “That has to be the smartest idea you've ever had. I'm ready when you are.” He chuckled at the thought of changing everyone that made his life hell. His parents, professor, and more. The two men found some usable clothes and walked out of the apartment to help change the world.
Epilogue: Nathan Black sat in his private jet, on route to his secret bunker. In front of him was a laptop with a hooded figure on the screen. “It's been done.” He raised a glass of wine and drank it. “It took a bit more than a century, but it's done.” He smiled.
The hooded figure spoke. “The gods left behind small tools of power. From rings that could swap bodies, plants that affect a person's age, gems that allow possessions, and so many other small gifts” the figure spoke with annoyance. “They always feared giving humanity true magic. But, I have used those gift to do what they didn't want. The era of magic is among us.” Both men laughed.
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jan-hen · 24 days
Devil May Cry 5 Head Swap Mod
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Hey folks! Here’s a downloadable Head Swap mod for Devil May Cry 5 that was funded by supporters of HeadSwapMods.
I commissioned this mod from rt134 They are an excellent modder, please feel free to check out the other RE Engine mods they made.
To easily install this mod, please use this mod manager by FluffyQuack, and follow the instructions given on the page. Fluffy Mod Manager
IMPORTANT NOTE!!! When using the mod, DO NOT use the EX costumes, as it will crash your game.
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vodrae · 9 months
Zatana being drunk, Jason and Steph swap bodies.
Jay!Steph : Why everything's bigger ?
Steph!Jay : Why everything's so low ?
Steph!Jay : Oh my you're so smol ! *Lifting Damian like a cat. Kitty not happy* WHY AM I SO SMALL ?
Jay!Steph : How can you live with so much HAIR ?!
Dick : So do I have a new sister or a new brother ?
Duke : It's the most normal thing that happened this week *sigh*.
Bruce : Blonde suits you, chum.
Alfred : I guess we need to swap room's decoration promptely.
Barbara : Is it a man in the bird of preys if it's Steph ?
Tim : I refuse to call someone in Jason's body my ex.
Steph!Jay : I can lift the car !
Jay!Steph : I fit in doors !
Both : Awesome !
Artemis and Cass : You are NOT staying like that !
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nychthemeron-rants · 2 months
Inspired by @marlindotzip 's comics, I've made a Butch Chilchuck AU: Pretty much everything is the same except Chilchuck is a butch woman instead of a man.
Here are my basic headcanons for Butch Chilchuck:
Chilchuck is a he/him butch queer woman and prefers masculine language being used towards him (though he does like being called his children's mother and dislikes being called a man directly).
He is perfectly fine with people assuming he's a man professionally because it doesn't really matter to him (besides, people take him more seriously when they think he's a man, including other half-foots at the union and its easier to only fight one battle for respect than two)
That being said, he is SUPER proud of Meijack for fighting for respect as both as a half-foot and as a “fem” (by Chil's standard) woman in the same field.
Chilchuck has PCOS which is why he has facial hair as both a tall man and as a dwarf. (Though he developed it AFTER the births of his daughters) He has some facial hair and chest hair as a half-foot too, but shaves fairly regularly when possible.
His wife is trans. They were childhood friends because Chil was too masculine to get along well with the other little girls and his wife was bullied by the “other” little boys for being to feminine. Both not fitting the mold of their assigned genders, they became close friends and eventually fell in love.
Chil was a “teen” mom because he and his wife thought her hormone treatment acted as birth control. That little goof resulted in the twins and their marriage arriving before either hit adulthood.
He eventually got top surgery (or the fantasy equivalent) sometime after they had served their purpose because he thought they got in the way at work and added unnecessary weight. He finds his armor is a lot more comfortable now and he has to pack slightly less clothes as an added bonus.
Chilchuck is naturally a very masculine looking woman with a fairly deep voice. He sometimes jokes with his wife that being as butch as he is is the best possible outcome, as his body would probably make a more feminine woman very insecure.
That being said, Mei has a lot of the same traits and is confident and comfortable in her skin, and is proud to look like her mother.
He understands 100% when people assume he's a trans man, but he has done a lot of introspection on that topic (at his wife's behest as she thought he was an egg for the longest time) and he is confident in his womanhood, even if it looks different than most other women's.
He isn't uncomfortable with feminine clothing but is VERY uncomfortable with the questions and comments he gets when he wears it and generally prefers masculine clothes.
(Part 2: How this AU affects party dynamics!)
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wishmaster · 1 year
Mean Girl
Jessica enjoyed being a bitch, in fact she practically made it her life's work. She really turned it on for the new kids at work, she worked as a barista and her orders usually came with an attitude. Don't get me wrong she was sexy as hell, problem was she knew it and thought she was better than everyone.
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That would all change one day when she was bullying the new hire:
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No you turn this lever, god boys are such a waste, guys are only good for looking at and fucking. She made the remark as she continued to treat him like dirt, a witch sat nearby and watched the whole thing. The little bitch thought because she was a hot girl she could treat people anyway she wanted. the witch had other ideas and slipped something in the coffee Jessica was drinking.
When the mean girl awoke the next morning she was in for the shock of her life.
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Gone was here beautiful petite figure, replaced by a lanky boy's body. What the hell she tried to scream but nothing came out. Her boyfriend rushed in, confused as why a guy was standing there with his girlfriends blouse on, the same one he made love to her in last night.
Benji, help me. She panicked, As he moved closer, this was what that strange girl told him would happen. As he did he could see she still had feelings for him as his dick was straining her new pants.
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They kissed as her new male personality fought to the forefront. Dammit Benji, he felt so good, so right. The two made mad passionate love to one another which sealed the curse and turned Jessica into Jessie for good. But he didn't care, he still had his man Benji, who like the Jessie version better than the mean girl.
Becoming a guy didn't mean she had to give up dressing to impress.
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After all she was a boy now and all she was good for looking good and fucking.
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Words he lived by Now. The Mean Girl was now the Slut Boy and she spent all of his time trying to fuck as many guys as he could, with this body it was easy, he thought to himself.
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swap-tech-enterprise · 6 months
From Maid of Honor to Best Man Finale, Customer Swap Stories #1
It’s finally the day of the wedding and I couldn’t be more excited to watch my best friend get married to the man of her dreams. Jessica had planned for us to meet at 10am so that the makeup artist could get all our makeup and hair done for the wedding. However, since I was now a man and there was no need for me to get glammed up, she booked me a massage at the resorts spa which was much appreciated as it would give me a chance to finally sit back and have some one on one time with myself and reflect upon the vacation I’ve had so far in my new body. 
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After a couple of hours at the spa, I went back to my room to start getting ready for the wedding. Being a man now, I was obviously not going to fit into my bridesmaid dress, so my friend was kind enough to get me a custom suit made last minute that would match the rest of the bridesmaid’s dresses. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel powerful in the suit I was wearing, and was actually excited for everyone to see me and dressed up.
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The wedding ended up perfect with no hiccups at all. Everyone had a great time and I was so happy to celebrate my friend and her marriage. As the night came to a close, I said goodnight to my friend and congratulated her again and began heading back to my borrowed bodies home so that I could get some rest. Having one day left in Italy and in my male body, there was thing I was always curious about and now I had the perfect opportunity to experience it. I quickly downloaded tinder and made a profile and within minutes I had a ton of women matching with me. After chatting with a few I decided to meet up with one of them for lunch and let’s just say things went pretty well from there.
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As I headed back to the Swap Bank the next day so I could get back to my body, all I could think of was my next trip with STE. I definitely will be sticking to male bodies from now on!
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soul-controller · 7 months
Home Improvement
Hey there everyone! In hopes of trying to convince more people to join my Patreon, I wanted to go ahead and post one of my favorite stories I've written onto Tumblr. If you're a fan of it, please feel free to click here to join because I love to occasionally dabble into stories like these...
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As Timothy made his way into his bathroom to take a shower, there was an obvious sense of annoyance spread across his face in the form of a deep frown. Although he had just graduated early from college and returned home six months prior, his nosy and rather controlling parents were eager for him to either move back out or get a high-paying job so they could charge him for rent and utilities. Due to his parents’ persistence, the man wasn’t allowed the opportunity of having a break and just relaxing for a few months after four years of intense engineering courses. Instead, he was forced to immediately begin looking for a job.
* * * * *
This job search began just a week after Timothy had finally packed up his belongings and moved back home to his rural Midwestern town. During one of the days where he was forced to help run some errands with his father, Timothy found himself in a local hardware and general shop that had a help wanted sign taped to the front window. Of course, as soon as Timothy’s father got his desired items and reached the cash register, he couldn’t resist inquiring about the help wanted sign. As the bulky corn-fed cashier gruffly told them about their need for a new cashier, Timothy immediately tensed up as he knew what was going to happen next. Just as he had expected, his father immediately pushed the meek blonde-haired man closer to the counter while talking about how his son was in need of a job after graduating.
Upon hearing this, the cashier called up a manager to talk with Timothy as he finished ringing up the items that his father was purchasing. Before he knew it, Timothy had been taken to a backroom, finished an interview with the manager, secured the position, and even been given a start date that was in just 3 days.
As he walked out to his dad’s car to share the news, Timothy tried to mentally prepare himself for the impending disagreement with his highly argumentative father. Given the fact that he had no “manly” pastimes like manual labor, he would literally be a fish out of water if he was forced to work at the hardware store. But no matter how hard he tried to explain this fact, Timothy found his father unwilling to budge on the prospect of a new job. In fact, his father even gave him an ultimatum - take the job and work there or move out and live elsewhere. Knowing that his closest living relatives were his redneck grandparents that lived down in Kentucky, this left the openly gay man with little to no options. In fact, as Timothy slowly nodded his head and agreed to take the job, his father stated the same thing to him while taking the opportunity to make a few jabs at his son’s sexuality.
“No offense kid, but it would be nice for you to become a bit more manly from this job. I mean, it’s no wonder you can’t ever find yourself a boyfriend when you’d rather play video games and mess around with Legos,” his father said with a hearty chuckle, finally putting the car into drive and allowing Timothy to escape his brand new personal hell (at least for those next 3 days).
However, by June, Timothy hadn’t learned to become more of a man’s man from working at the hardware store. Inversely, it had only reaffirmed his raging homosexuality as he found himself constantly thirsting over the hunky clientele that ranged from hot burly dads to hunky construction workers that stopped in to replenish their materials on occasion. As he stood at the register and watched as the men lifted their heavy items up from their carts and onto the counter, Timothy was constantly enamored by how their biceps and pectorals bulged against their too-tight shirts along with the slight reveal of their hairy stomachs as they lifted the items up high enough to reach the counter.
Due to the constant flexing sessions that he was always witnessing, the pale man was constantly thankful for the counter that helped conceal his near-constant boners. Given the fact that he was in an extremely conservative town in the Midwest, it seemed likely that this would be the closest he’d get to any real and personal intimacy with a man (at least without the high risk of being hate-crimed) until he saved up enough money to move out and jump into the next phase of schooling for his electrical engineering career.
Although it wasn’t surprising that being back in this rural town was impactful to the man’s confidence in terms of his sexuality, Timothy was quite certainly shocked by how detrimental returning home was to his mental health. In fact, it had gotten to the point where he was so depressed that he found himself wishing at night that he could no longer have to fear showing love and affection towards men.
* * * * *
Watching as steam finally began to rise up above the shower curtain, Timothy finally stopped himself from traveling down memory lane. He only had 45 minutes to finish getting ready and eat some food before his shift started, so he definitely needed to get in and out of the shower as quickly as possible. As such, the man quickly pulled off his shirt, shorts, and underwear until he was completely nude. Taking a moment though, he opted to take one look at himself in the bathroom mirror and observe his features.
Much like every other day though, as soon as his eyes stared into his reflection, he was quite unimpressed by what he saw. Not only was his body lacking in any form of muscle definition, but his pale complexion made him look even more frail and weak. Despite having a gorgeous set of light blue eyes, they were not appealing enough to compensate for the man’s patchy facial hair, bulbous nose, and crooked teeth. Continuing down his body, he immediately cringed as he stared at his definition-less chest and saw the thick patch of brown chest hair that stuck out like a sore thumb on his body. Although it was incredibly unattractive, Timothy couldn’t bring himself to shave it off as he believed that he would look practically invisible without that hair to bring in a much needed pop of color.
Even though he was disappointed with the vast majority of his body though, there was one part that he wasn’t ashamed of - his cock. Looking down, he stared at his 5” flaccid cock and couldn’t resist allowing a slight smile to form on his face. While this was certainly an impressive feat for the blonde twink to have, it was even more hot to him when thinking about how long and girthy it got once he was hard. This was yet another reason why he was thankful for the cubby hole that was underneath the counter at work, as it was able to easily conceal the 9” cock that would proudly jut out of his pants no matter how hard he tried to conceal it.
Although this was certainly an impressive thing in Timothy’s eyes and something that he was actually happy about, the concept of having a long cock was quite the double-edged sword. Given the impressive size, he was quite a hit on Grindr while he was in college, but by the time Timothy would send the desired selfie to the person interested in hooking up, the conversation would immediately die and he’d end up spending yet another night alone. As he took a moment to observe it for one more moment, he silently wished for the opportunity to finally lose his virginity before entering the shower and preparing for the inevitably boring shift he was going to have.
After finally finishing up, putting his uniform on, and getting a quick bite to eat, Timothy finally made his way out of the house and drove to his workplace. Luckily enough, he had a few minutes to spare and thus opted to try and hype himself up by blasting some loud pop music in his car to try and keep his energy up. The store was a black hole of Timothy’s positivity, especially due to the gross fluorescent lighting and the near constant country music that played through the store’s speaker system. But as he checked his watch and saw that he only had two minutes to spare, the man finally turned off his car and made the agonizing yet short trek into his personal hell for the next 6 hours.
For the next two hours, Timothy’s pop song pick-me-up did little to save him from becoming miserable almost immediately. The clientele for the majority of the shift so far had been older elderly couples that had purchased a few items and then loved to complain to Timothy about “his lazy generation”, so it was safe to say that he was understandably ready to go home already. But luckily, Timothy was able to get some much needed eye candy shortly after passing the two hour mark as a shaggy haired blonde jock came into the store. Immediately upon hearing the man’s dopey and dim-witted voice ask for directions towards the clothing section, the cashier’s cock rose to attention as Timothy smiled and pointed him in the proper direction.
Upon hearing the jock thank him and refer to him as “bro”, it wasn’t a surprise that Timothy’s cock almost immediately began to dribble out pre-cum for the next 20 minutes while he continued to observe him in between customers. This also wasn’t helped by the fact that the jock decided that he wasn’t interested in using the store’s dressing room and instead peeled off his shirt to show off his ripped torso while trying out a series of tank tops. Although he could have watched the man change for hours, the sudden clearing of a throat near him caused Timothy to finally turn back towards the checkout lane.
Immediately, he found himself staring face-to-face with a striking woman. Although he had no interest in her due to the fact that she wasn’t a man, Timothy could easily notice how gorgeous the woman was due to her long and wavy brunette hair, impressive makeup that allowed her eyes to look incredibly doe-eyed, and a curvy figure that was struggling to stay within the confines of a tight flower-patterned sundress.
“Oh hello there,” Timothy said, attempting to hide his blushing towards the stripping jock with a wide smile. Looking down, he watched as the woman placed her basket of items onto the countertop and flashed back a bright white smile towards the cashier.
“Hi there. I was wondering if you’d be able to help me make sure I’m getting the right stuff,” she said, her voice in an incredibly cheerful tone that immediately caused Timothy to not feel so dour.
“Uh, I’m not really the best person to ask about this stuff, but I can try my best to help you out I guess,” Timothy said, that wide smile shrinking into a smaller one as he leaned down towards the basket and pulled the items out. In doing so, he found himself staring at a bucket of screws, a few common tools, and a large handheld drill.
“Oh that’s ok, my husband sent me a list of things to get. I just want someone to make sure I’m not misreading anything,” the woman responded, pulling her phone out of her purse and beginning to unlock it.
In hopes of trying to make some small talk and allow the time to pass a bit faster, Timothy found himself trying to engage in more conversation as she scrolled through her text messages. “So, what are you doing with all of this stuff,” he inquired, looking up from the counter and towards the woman.
“Well, my husband’s been wanting to create a back patio and deck for our house for a few years now. So now that he’s got a huge increase in customers at his business, he finally decided that he was going to make it over the summer. His goal is to finish it by the 4th of July, but I honestly don’t know if he’ll finish it in time,” she said, finishing her sentence with a light chuckle that only made her seem more bubbly in Timothy’s eyes.
“Ah nice, that’s cool. My parents have a back patio at their house and it’s really nice,” he responded, his tone growing increasingly chipper with each exchange they had between each other. “You said your husband got a huge increase in customers at his business right? If you don’t mind me asking, what does he do,” he further inquired, his still-horny mind from the shirtless jock dude making him eager to paint a mental portrait of this mysterious handyman husband.
“Oh no, it’s totally fine. He’s a personal trainer, he runs a business out of the local gym here and also through Instagram and stuff. I guess you could say he’s a bit of an influencer, but not really since he’s terrible with technology,” she continued, flashing a wide smile that once again made Timothy’s workplace not feel so drab and boring for the moment.
Upon hearing the concept of her husband being a personal trainer, Timothy was back to being rock hard from underneath the counter. Letting his mind run wild, he envisioned the most attractive and muscular man possible, thinking about how great it must be to be with someone like that. In many ways, Timothy was jealous of the woman, but he was also happy for her due to her seeming like a nice down-to-earth lady.
“Ah here it is,” the woman cheerfully said, breaking the horny gay man out of his inner thirsting as she handed the phone over to Timothy to show him the text. Taking his time, the man slowly checked and verified that each item that the woman had grabbed was correct. But as he did so, he also took the opportunity to scan through the messages that he had sent both prior and after the list text. From doing this, he was able to find out the hunky man’s name: Liam.
Just as Timothy was able to finally gather that information about the man’s name, the woman’s phone suddenly buzzed as a text message came through. At that instant, the phone automatically pulled Timothy down to the most recent message, which was a brand new text from Liam that he couldn’t resist reading.
Liam: Hey babe, just got done at the gym. Gonna wash up and head home. I’ve been thinking about you during my entire pump… 🍆
Right after he finished reading that message, the phone once again vibrated as a brand new image suddenly appeared and allowed Timothy to see what the woman’s husband looked like.
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Given the reveal, Timothy felt his dick throb from underneath the counter as his dirty mind envisioned the hunky tattooed man fucking the giddy and cheerful woman in an extremely dominant fashion. Apparently, this vision was able to elicit a shift in Timothy's expression as the woman curiously asked what was wrong.
Breaking himself out of that horny mindset, the man was understandably flustered about how to respond. “I- um, your uh, husband sent you a message,” Timothy stammered out, handing the phone back to the woman and allowing her to gasp and blush before closing the phone and tucking it back into her purse. “But uh, those are all of the correct items he asked for. So yeah, we can go ahead and get you checked out,” he continued, attempting to change the subject while trying to get his cheeks to no longer look flush.
Upon finishing ringing up the items, Timothy quickly announced the total and proceeded to the payment phase as the woman, equally bashful, inserted her card and entered her PIN code. While this was going on, the pale gay man’s mind was going wild with continued visions of Liam completely nude. But instead of envisioning him with the brunette woman, Timothy had instead inserted himself into the visions, allowing the hunk to easily seduce and fuck his tiny ass while making Timothy worship his muscles.
As the payment went through and the receipt finally began to print, there was one lingering thought that was running through the cashier’s head. I would literally do anything to have a life with a guy like that. They seem so genuinely happy and in love with each other, why can’t I ever have something like that for myself? But as he saw another customer finally begin to join the line, Timothy forced himself to push aside that thought. Quickly grabbing onto the receipt, the man extended it outwards for the woman to grab as he told her to have a great day. But as soon as she gripped onto the receipt, Timothy’s vision went completely dark and he seemed to be enveloped into nothingness.
Out of nowhere though, an all-too familiar voice suddenly was picked up on and made Timothy feel confused. “Excuse me ma’am, you dropped your receipt,” he heard, which caused himself to finally return to consciousness and open his eyes. Upon doing so, the man audibly gasped as he found himself standing at the other side of the counter and staring at his own body.
“Wha, what’s going on?” he said, his voice wavering as he began to hyperventilate in complete shock. Why does my voice feel weird and sound incredibly soft? As he felt a slight weight tugging against his left elbow, Timothy darted his eyes downward, which caused him to suddenly see a light pink purse hanging from it. Beginning to piece things together, the man quickly looked around further, taking note of the thin and flowy sundress he was now wearing, the perky and sizable breasts that were threatening to spill out of that aforementioned sundress, and the long wavy hair that kept falling into his face every time he leaned downwards. He had somehow swapped bodies with the female customer!
Although he was understandably confused by what was going on, that confusion was further elevated as he found that the woman who had swapped bodies with him seemed unaware of anything that had happened to him. In fact, Timothy’s usual pessimistic and dour mood was on full display as if she was the real version!
“Uh nothing is going on lady. You bought your items and then dropped your receipt before spazzing out for no reason. I’ve got a bit of a line forming, so I’m gonna have to ask you to move aside so I can start helping others,” the woman-turned-cashier coldly said, immediately telling the next customer to move forward so “he” could begin scanning them.
In complete shock, Timothy gripped onto the three bags that the woman had purchased and sort of slowly moved away from the register. Throughout the few strides he made towards an empty section near the front of the store, Timothy found himself immediately stumbling due his new footwear: a pair of white platform wedge sandals. While it seemed as though the woman had naturally adapted to believing like she was a man and acting like the real Timothy, the brand new married woman hadn’t been afforded the same luxury.
Due to this, Timothy found himself curious and somewhat eager to get more acquainted with his new form and thus decided to head towards the bathrooms inside the store. Although he almost nearly ran into the men’s restroom, he was able to successfully stop himself before trouble ensued and head towards the women’s restroom. Upon making sure that no one else was in the restroom, he locked the door behind him and set down the bags of items against one of the walls. Upon doing so, the man gingerly made his way towards the mirror and watched in awe as the woman’s curvy figure and gorgeous face were reflected back at him. No matter how hard he tried to pinch himself (and his new dainty and hairless arms) in hopes of discovering this to be some strange dream, the desired result didn’t occur for the incredibly confused man.
So for several minutes, Timothy playfully tested out his new body in a multitude of ways. He expressed countless emotions to see how they manifested onto the cute face of a woman and took note of how annoying long hair could be despite enjoying running his fingers through the wavy brunette locks. Due to his more curvy figure as well, he couldn’t resist running his hands up his dress and squeezing his large breasts and pillowy ass cheeks to adapt to his new hourglass figure. Upon doing this, the man grew curious further and decided to experiment by breaking into a jog in place to feel the sensations he would now be forced to get used to. Although it was certainly not great to feel such strange areas of heft in comparison to his skinny and frail body, Timothy believed that he could most certainly get used to it in time as he spent more and more time as a member of the opposite sex. 
Before he could dive further into exploring his new form though, a sudden vibration emerged in Timothy’s new purse. Unzipping it, he pulled the purse lips open and reached in with his well-manicured pink nails. As they finally grazed against the woman’s cell phone, he gripped onto it and pulled it out. Clicking on the power button, he watched as the home screen informed him of a brand new text from Liam. Although he had no idea what the woman’s passcode was, FaceID came to the rescue as he was granted access to his new phone and quickly opened up the new text message.
Liam: Hey babe, is everything ok? You read the message but never responded.
Although he knew that he was talking about his wife, Timothy’s heart couldn’t resist fluttering upon realizing that Liam was now talking about him. As such, he was quick to fire off a message to try and explain the delay
Timothy: Yeah, sorry about that. I was dealing with some issues at the hardware store.
Liam: Oh ok, do I need to come down there?
Upon envisioning the concept of the hunky personal trainer coming to his rescue, Timothy would have surely been rocking a thick and throbbing boner. But now that he was a woman, this sensation was now a deep tingling from the inner depths of his crotch. Giddy at the attention from his new husband, instant flirtation immediately came to his mind that quickly translated into text.
Timothy: No, but I certainly wouldn’t be mad at seeing you sooner rather than later.. 👀
Although he wasn’t intending on beginning a sexting exchange with his new husband, Timothy’s words seemingly spurred Liam into action as Timothy soon found his phone bombarded by a text and video.
Liam: Ask and you shall receive babe! 😜 I’m always down to please you Cassie, and as you can see, I clearly miss you too… 😳
While Timothy was most certainly excited to check out the video that Liam had sent, his attention was immediately caught by the fact that he now knew his new name. Cassie, you definitely seem like a Cassie, he thought to himself as he turned into the mirror and admired the girly visage and body. Now secure in his new identity, the brand new woman took the opportunity to click on the video and allow it to play.
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Cassie: Wow you’re such a fucking tease, why did you have to end it right before the best part? 😩
Liam: I mean, how else am I gonna encourage you to come home ASAP? I’m needy and want you so badly…
Feeling that wave of pleasure coursing through his body once more, Timothy was eager to continue on with the teasing.
Cassie: I want you so badly too babe. I’ve been thinking about you a lot too…
Liam: Prove it.
Being egged on by the sense of a challenge, Timothy decided to become even more of a tease to the horny man. Pulling open the camera, he began to record himself slowly pulling down his sundress before suddenly wagging a finger at the camera and abruptly ending the recording. Upon sending the video off, Timothy couldn’t resist chuckling as Liam rapidly typed out a response.
Liam: C’mon babe, gimme some more. I’ve sent you several compromising photos and videos so far. You’re in a public restroom, lock the door and give me a little bit of a show!
Feeling incredibly eager to both please his new husband while also being encouraged by how much he lusted over his wife, Timothy once again verified that the door to the bathroom was locked before finally deciding to further explore his body. Gingerly, he slipped off the sundress and allowed it to land in a clump on top of his platform sandals and partially slump onto the tiled floor. Although he felt an inner desire to pull off his bra and take a look at his tits, the concept of struggling to pull back on the bra left him quick to abort the idea. So at first, he quickly snapped a few photos in just his bra and panties before sending them off.
Since he knew that Liam would surely be begging for more though, Timothy furthered the fun and decided to pull down his panties and take the opportunity to record himself exploring his new genitalia. As such, as soon as he pressed record and began to run his fingers along the lips of his new pussy, Timothy couldn’t resist moaning and uttering Liam’s name as he envisioned the hunky personal trainer putting every inch of his clearly sizable manhood into his feminine folds.
Upon finishing recording the video, Timothy quickly sent it off and admired his figure some more while awaiting his husband’s new response. Not surprisingly, it only took a minute after the message was delivered for Liam to send another text response with an accompanying photo.
Liam: Oh fuck yeah babe, you better feel up that tight little cunt and think of me. I’m tired of waiting, get dressed and come home immediately. The sooner you get here, the sooner I can eat you out before we get onto the main event…
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Reading the message in conjunction with the open-mouthed photo that his husband had sent, Timothy was just as over the texting as Liam was. Although he had no idea what was going to happen when it came to having sex with a pussy, his desires and lust for the man was too much to resist any longer. So as he pulled back on his panties and the sundress, Timothy took one last look into the mirror before zhuzhing up his hair.
As soon as he would exit this bathroom, he would forever leave behind his old life as a pale and frail gay virgin. Although there was a slight twinge of loss towards his years of hard work when it came to college, none of that would matter if he had no one to hold him at night and treat him with the love and respect that he deserved. So although he wasn’t entirely the biggest fan of losing out on his impressive cock and becoming a woman, he ultimately viewed it as a necessary loss to get everything that he’s wanted in life. After leaning down and grabbing onto the bags of items that her husband had wanted, the brand new Cassie eagerly unlocked the door and stepped into her new life.
Making her way out of the hardware store, the woman’s hips naturally swayed and allowed her juicy ass to draw all of the attention of the other shoppers (as best as it could from her gorgeous and prominent rack). As she approached the front door of the store, Cassie slowly turned around and gave a light wave to the bored-looking cashier. Not surprisingly, his wave back was not enthusiastic in the slightest as Timothy quickly did that and went back to taking care of the blonde-haired jock who had a basket full of tank tops resting on the counter.
Turning back on her heels, the woman finally made her leave and slowly pressed the fob of her car keys until her car revealed itself to her. Finally approaching it, she quickly opened the backseat door and deposited the three bags before finally entering the driver’s seat and turning on the engine. Quickly pulling open her phone, she pressed the “Home” location on her phone’s GPS and allowed the directions to begin. As she sat there for a moment, a wide smile formed on her face as she realized just how great this life was going to be for her.
As if on cue, a loud ding echoed through the car’s speakers as another text message from her husband filled Cassie’s car. Opening it up, she couldn’t help but gasp at what she both read and saw.
Liam: I love you so much babe, I can’t wait to fuck your pussy so good tonight. Just think of all of the fun we’ll have this summer once I finish building that patio deck for you…
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Not surprisingly, Cassie’s mind began to play the video on an endless loop. With each instance of watching her husband bite his lip in an incredibly erotic way and shake his sizable bulge for the camera, she found herself quite desperate to get her hands, mouth, and pussy all over his glorious manhood. As such, the woman instantly pulled her car into reverse before speeding off to have some quality time with the absolute love of her life.
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chain-link-smut · 5 months
I JUST THOUGHT OF AN AMAZING IDEA (this can be a request or just me sharing an idea with y'all -- whatever you prefer)
Okay so like. Reader (with either a 😻 or a 🍆) and a Link of your choice (with the opposite genitalia) accidentally get body swapped.
Lemme explain my vision:
I'm thinking maybe after a portal shift, Reader and Wars/Time/whoever find themselves separated from the group, and they get attacked by...idk, an infected Wizzrobe? After that, the Wizzrobe (or whatever) disappears; the two of them pass out, and when they wake up -- bam. Body swap.
I'm a little unsure about this next bit -- perhaps whatever spell the Wizzrobe used also makes people horny? Perhaps the two accidentally run face-first into a sex-pollen plant? Perhaps the two are simply curious about what it feels like to have the opposite genitalia, and decide that now's a perfect opportunity for experimentation? Idk, dealer's choice -- but regardless, it leads to some smutty times.
I'm thinking: First Time/Horny Teenager Vibes (to clarify -- they're BOTH adults, but I say "horny teenager vibes" only bc neither person truly knows how to use the other's "equipment").
I'm thinking: guided masturbation, as each person experiments with the genitalia they currently have to see first-hand what feels best for their partner.
I'm thinking: overzealous, passionate fucking -- whoever currently has the dick experiencing the bliss of being engulfed by the heavenly wet heat of their partner's (well, their own) pussy; whoever currently has the pussy experiencing nirvana from the sensation of penetration -- of feeling their partner filling them up, of their partner reaching so far into their core, practically kissing their soul with how deep their partner's (well, their own) cock is. First Time Vibes all around, essentially, for this pair of experienced lovers.
(And perhaps, whoever currently has the dick clings tightly to their partner so they won't accidentally slip out, desperate to keep their cock warm as they're panting and whimpering from the pleasure; perhaps, just before either of them have fully caught their breath, the current dick-haver begins rutting into their partner again, growing hard inside their partner -- consumed by a feral need to do it all over again; whining prettily about how they get it now -- why their partner is always so eager to make love whenever possible. "It...oh, it feels so good...! I can't...If this is how you feel every time, then fuck, I get why you can never keep your hands to yourself; I wouldn't either, if I were you -- fuck...!")
Oooo Beasty, what deliciousness is this?! Body swapping? I’m listening… (sorry that this took so long to get to. Hope it is close to what you were thinking)
Wizzrobes are such bastards or as I call them, Twinkle Toes, but we may need to keep them around if they are going to do things like this. Wizzrobe Rod + Sex Pollen, that would be a weapon to hunger for.
Warriors and you stepped through a portal like all the others just did, but you two are the only ones on the other side. Red flag for you both, but neither had a chance to draw a weapon before a dark Wizzrobe released a pink and purple magic into your faces, coating you both in a powdery substance.
Warriors let out a hushed curse.
“What?” you asked, now concerned more by his response. Even more so when he pulled out a cord of rope. “And that is for what, exactly?”
“To tie our hands together. That magic we just got blasted with will have us unconscious in a few minutes and I would prefer to not have to track you down when we wake.”
“Track me down? What are you ta-” You didn’t finish your sentence, dropping like a sack of feed to the ground.
Waking from your involuntary nap, you pulled at the rope now around your right wrist. It was unpleasant at the least. You groaned, blindly slapping Wars chest to wake him, but it didn’t feel right. It was soft and squishy.
You turned your head and was met with yourself, sleeping right next to you. Forgetting that your hand is tied to yourself, you tried to scurry away, but that only caused you to drag the other body that looked like you.
“Hey!” It was strange to hear your own voice and clearly it wasn’t what the other you was expecting. “(Y/n)?”
“Yes?” You slapped your hand over your mouth, taken by surprise that Warriors voice came from you. “What happened to us?”
“Body swap?”
“Why are you saying it in the form of a question when you said you knew what the magic was?”
“Usually it just knocks you out and you get super horny, not all this.” He gestured to you both.
You gave a smirk. “Usually? So you have used this stuff before?”
“Most adults in my Hyrule use it recreationally, so yes, I have.” He, in your body, leaned in, moving your face, his face, from side to side. “Damn I look good.”
“You-!” You slapped his free hand away, untying your still joined hands quickly.
Upon standing, Wars laughed, looking down at your hips. “Seems that the magic has settled in already.”
You looked down and there it was… you were solid and eager. “How do I get rid of it?”
“Gotta use it.”
“Fine, I’ll be back later.”
“Jacking off doesn’t work.”
Warriors laid back down. “Not that you would know what to do with a weapon of that sort.”
You placed your hands on your hips, “And you think you know how to use what I originally have?”
You had always wanted Warriors to eat his words and this was going to be the greatest way to. Without a word you began to take the excessive amount of clothes off, happily watching the other grow more and more uneasy.
Standing naked, Warriors had a blush on his cheek and you can’t help the thought of how pretty yourself looks like that. What you weren’t expecting was him to bite his bottom lip while his eyes roamed over you.
“Conceded much?”
“N-no. Pretty sure it’s this body going on instinct more than anything else.” He rubbed his thighs together and you knew what that meant.
“Undress, it isn’t going to take care of itself.”
There was a shyness once both of you were stripped of clothing, looking down at your new bodies and the ones that were originally yours. You felt like the teen you used to be when you lost your virginity, not sure exactly what to do or what was okay. You wanted to touch, but how-
“Wrap your hand around just below the head. Not tight enough to rub raw, but enough for it to feel good.” Warriors directed, seeing your curiosity. And didn’t that feel good as your hand stroked in a steady rhythm, slowly building the need to be sunk inside something hot and wet.
You kept up the slow pace as you saw Wars move his hand to between his legs for the first time, barely touching his new sex. You let him explore, snorting a laugh when he hisses in discomfort from harshly swiping over his clit. “Hurts doesn’t it?”
“Yes! I do that to you sometimes, why haven’t you told me not to?”
“It doesn’t always hurt. Here, let me show you.” You blushed as you touched your own body part. It wasn’t like you hadn’t snuck your hands in your own pants before to find pleasure, but this was so much more than that.
Warriors caught on quickly, moving his fingers on either side of the sensitive button, then a larger circle over top of it with three fingers.
His cheeks flushed, mouth gaped and panting, you tell him to stop. He whined high in his throat, but did as he was asked. You took a deep breath meaning to calm yourself, but the scent of pheromones was all you got and it made you dizzy.
With two fingers you stroked the soaked folds that Warriors hadn’t made it to yet, gently pushing in. His back arched some, hands going to his chest as you thrusted inwards more. You added a third finger and had him moaning for more. You curled your fingers forward, finding that spot that made his eyes cross, giving it several ‘come hither’ motions.
“Please, please, please!” Wars begged, a hand reaching for your hair.
When he got a fist full of hair, you slowed down, saying, “Words, Wars. What do you want?”
“Mouth! I want- ah!- your mouth.”
When it came to oral pleasure between your legs, you had a rule: If you weren’t okay with having your own mouth down there, no one else needed to be down there. Knowing that you had just taken a bath that morning, you were fine with him guiding you down with both hands.
Trying not to overthink it and remember what felt good, you got to work lapping at the still twitching, clenching, wanting entrance. You pulled a hand from your hair, placing it at his clit, silently telling him to go back to stimulating himself. It didn’t take long after that for the warning moans to be voiced and his release to drip down your chin and you got to see first hand how you tasted.
“So that’s what that feels like.” Wars said with a blissed look on his face.
“Good right?” you smirked, as you removed the moisture from your lips.
He looked into your eyes, biting his lower lip. You were somewhat between his legs still and he widened them further apart, spreading himself open as an invitation. Getting a little closer, cock in hand, you look between yourself and him, cheeks turning pink.
“You’re not nervous now, are you?” he asked.
“No, just… I don’t know what to do.”
Wars sat up on his elbows. “After everything we have done together in the past, you don’t know where to put it?”
“That’s- that’s not what I mean!” Your face went a rosy red. “I just don’t know what to do with-” you pointed both hands down towards your hips. “-this.”
Warriors gave a breathy laugh, saying quietly, “It’s like being a young teen all over again.” He sighed with a smile. “You know this body better than I do and what feels good to it. Go off of that.”
He had a point.
Scooting closer, you could feel the heat rolling off of him and your cock twitched, automatically knowing what was to come. Taking it in hand, you rubbed the head between slick folds, coating yourself.
Silky, wet, hot.
Warriors mouth fell open as you kept sliding in further and further. “Holy Golden Three!” He looked down where you two were joined. “And that’s not even all of it?”
“You aren’t lacking, Cap. Ha-ah! No wonder you can’t keep your hands to yourself. I would want to fuck every chance we had if this is how it is.”
“Is that an offer?”
Doing a hard thrust forwards, you had shut him up, but you couldn’t stop at one thrust. You slid in and out of him with ease due to the constant fluid. Holy shit it felt good and so tight! You got a bit carried away and pulled too far out, leading to you grinding your cock between his folds and up over his clit.
“No no no! Put it back, put it back!” Warriors pleading voice made you smile, letting him see how it felt to be denied the pleasure after having it. Missing his heat, you plowed back into him, pulling a high pitched moan that nearly turned to a scream.
Re-entering him was so much more invigorating, more intense, just- more. You could feel how you filled him full, touching every internal wall, the squeeze around you. The sounds he was making because of you, gave you just as much pleasure as the feelings.
Needing him closer to you, you lean down and scooped him up in your arms to have him in your lap. Your arms encircled him as his went around your neck. Your lips met in the hungriest kiss you had ever experienced, not caring how slopping it may have been. You couldn’t get enough of him, no matter how close he was, no matter how deep you were seated inside him. The thought of him slipping away had you latching your teeth to his shoulder, hot air panting between locked teeth.
Bliss was the look on his face as he bounced in your lap. His words rang in your ears, echoing in your mind. “I can’t- please! It feels so fucking good… don’t stop, I-!!” He painfully pulled your hair, but it still felt delicious to you. “I’m never- ah! -taking my hands off of you. FUCK!!” Warriors smashed his lips to yours, trying to silence his scream as his orgasim had hit, trapping you like a vice and forcing yours to spill your release, filling him full with technically his own seed.
Ears done ringing, vision back, you looked at each other, breaking into laughter at how ridiculous the situation had been. The blush on his cheeks made you agree with the statement he always told you afterwards when you were glowing. “So beautiful.”
“Shut it…” He smiled though. That smile turned into confusion. “That’s new.”
“You came, right?”
“Yeah.” In response to your answer, he flexed around you, showing that even though you had came, you were still as erect as you were when you two started. With a devilish smile, you laid on your back, bringing him down with you.
This was going to be a very, very, long session of exploring, trying new things and bringing each other to the greatest highs either had ever experienced.
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insomnaticwriter · 1 year
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✨sunshine boy✨
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The Great Shift: Reunion
The Great Shift is a well known event that had swapped over 90% of the world’s population! However, after the initial fallout and chaos, a few years later people began to acclimate to their lives. Though there were still moments where people were confronted with just how much they’ve changed.
“Ok Ned Nuno. No one is gonna remember you as Ned the know it all. It’s been years. People are mature and have their own lives.” Ned said to himself in the mirror. 
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The young man looked back at his model like reflection. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it was him. Only a few years ago he was looking at his own bespectacled face with his receding hairline. Sure he’s what some would call cute and charming. He always had a knack for intelligent conversation. After college he embraced his intelligence even more and had the luxury to travel as he got older... but he couldn’t deny that his former body wasn’t turning any heads romantically. They’d haver to notice the 5 foot tall waifish man for that to happen. 
But now... that was no longer the case. All those years ago he was traveling at an airport when the Great Shift happened. One moment he was departing his plane, the next he was in a boarding area waiting to be seated!
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Needless to say it was a shock. He’d gone from a smaller and dark skinned to a clearly white and very in shape young man! He later found that this guy was named Connor Duval and was  just 21 years old at the time! Still in college too. And... well those first few days he certainly had a lot to learn about his new form. 
However he couldn’t reminisce any further. He needed to get ready for his school’s 10 year reunion. He wasn’t the same timid nerd that people would pick on. He was braver! He’d seen the world! And wasn’t afraid!
- One ride to the school later -
“Ok. I’m afraid! Jackie! Are you here yet? I know this is the 2nd message I left for you on your phone, but I don’t want to be the only one here I know! You were always my best friend and I’m sorry I’m so nervous and-” Ned was pacing nervously outside of the building he once learned at, waiting to go in with his friend.
“Easy there poindexter. Your bestie is back.” A deep voice says spooking  Ned as he jumps.
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“J-Jackie?” Ned asks nervously seeing the towering muscular figure beside him.
“In the flesh. I though I told you that I shifted into that big Ukrainian construction worker? I mean all the better for it right? None of your old bullies ever messed with you when you butch lesbian bestie was at your side.” Jackie said with a flex.
“I know. I know. You were always so open and brave with yourself It’s honestly inspiring. I’m sorry i was so shocked. I’m just nervous and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I hope your girlfriend is taking it ok.” Ned offers sympathetically.
“Yeah she loves it. She swapped into this bi goddess of a woman and works out with me a lot. Good thing too! I’m still only attracted to women and I have the best one sucking me off every night!” Jackie bragged. Previously her normal crude humor always let out a laugh from Ned, but now Ned trembled a bit as Jackie sounded just like those macho straight guys that bullied him.
“Aren’t you a little under dressed without um... a shirt?” Ned asks.
“Ha! Well you know. I thought about going nude. But I did pack a polo so i can be decent. Aren’t you over dressed Ned?”
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“What!? I  couldn’t decide what to wear! I just chose one of my body’s outfits that still fits...” Ned blushes in his nice suit. Sure he was a 6 foot tall model with abs, but his indecision in outfits was ever present.
“Neverminded that anymore. Let’s get in there! You’re a tenured professor for Pete’s sake. And I’m a well known LGBT author. We got a lot to talk about.”
Jackie pulled Ned in with his surprising strength and they began to hear the music and mingling. Inside they were given name tags and soon saw the crowds of people that none of them recognized! One of the perks of the shift was that no one was ever mad when they didn’t recognize one another. In this case though Jackie and Ned’s eyes zeroed in on a few key people.
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Stacy Skarsgaard was always known as the head cheerleader and total B. Her platinum blond hair and perky breasts getting her through life and landing her a cushy secretary job somewhere in the city, from what Jackie had heard. Now once again, as she was so many other times, she was blasted drunk and taking her top off. Only this time it revealed a powerful dark skinned chest with curly black hairs. Her perfectly shaved face saying, “And like. I”m already on my 4th husband and he totally worships me. Takes care of the kids and still tops me like a champ. Like. I totally see why gay guys do it all the time. I can’t stop. Any more martinis?”
Jackie snorts. “Where was that open mindedness when she tried to get student council to take down the LGBT Support Club? Freaking hypocrite. Their eyes then drifted to three men chest bumping and laughing.
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“Are those guys Chad, Thad, and Grad?” Ned asks surprised. “Weren’t they... like the biggest guys on the football team?” Ned recalled the days when those beefy fat bodies would pound through the halls and shove him against lockers.
“Oh yeah. I heard they were working as assistant coaches at some college and ended up swapping with their respective school’s freshman swim team. They... certainly lost a lot of that freshmen 15 that we saw them with in university.” Jackie laughed admiring how they both towered over their former bullies, though Ned once again felt insecure about how much their abs looked better than his. Those three guys kept messing around but in different ways. Instead of belching and arm wrestling they were doing some handstands and showing how flexible they were. 
“Ok. Ned. Stop sulking and start catching up. You wanted to prove to yourself you could stand up to your past. Now is your chance. Next person to walk through that door is gonna be a new person you have to say Hi to ok?” Jackie commanded.
Ned gulped and looked at the door nervously and was in awe of who stepped in.
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“Paul Bailey?” Ned said astonished. He’d recognize that familiar leather jacket anywhere.... he could still smell it as the closeted athlete wrapped his arms around him all those years ago under the bleachers after a big game. Neither have them had mentioned the night since, but that hadn’t stopped Ned from cherishing that memory.... as well as stalking him occasionally on social media seeing who he swapped with. 
Ned hadn’t realized he’d been staring that long as Paul immediately saw him and walked over. “Holy... Ned? Is that you. Wow you sure changed.” The man joked. His voice was different... but still so deep and smooth Ned nearly swooned.
“H-hey Paul. Guess we all have since the switch. You’re um... looking good.” Ned admitted, blushing. He missed his previous heritage that made these embarrassing actions less noticeable with his former darker skin. 
“Thanks. I guess I traded in my older pasty body for a new more bronze kind. I wasn’t expecting to swap with an Asian bodybuilder, but hey I was at the airport. Right or wrong place depending who you ask for the shift.” 
“Really? I was at the airport too when I shifted. It was kinda funny. I’d been traveling a lot since I got tenure as a professor, but the first thing I did when I shifted was trip. I guess no amount of travelling prepares you for suddenly having size 14 feet.” Ned laughs.
“Really? They do look big... dang. Those are like twice the size of your old ones.” Paul laughs too!
“Y-you remembered me that well?” The nerd felt touched.
“Of course,” Paul replied as it was his turn to blush. “Though hey! I got you beat with these size 17 wide feet. With these heavy muscle I nearly took out an entire cart of luggage.”
The two continued to laugh, comparing bodies, stories, and catching up. Jackie suddenly took her leave to be ogled by all of the female attendants.
Ned and Paul were having a great time walking around, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company.
Ned didn’t know that their bodies had met previously. That Connor was on the way to visit his boyfriend at the time... that miles away their original bodies were holding hands and laughing too... Ned couldn’t know that Paul had also been secretly keeping up with Ned after feeling bad about kissing and never calling...
But there are some things a know it all doesn’t know. Maybe it’ll be fun for him to start learning again. This time with someone both old/new.
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jan-hen · 2 months
Body Swap - Slaanesh
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A line art illustration featuring the requestor's OC swapping with Slaanesh, the Chaos God of pleasure, pain, hedonism, excess, perfection and decadence from Warhammer 40,000.
Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon! www.patreon.com/retrosqueeze
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wishmaster · 10 months
Step off, Sister
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Gena loved being beautiful, she wanted everything and everyone to be beautiful around her as well, so when her mother made her stepbrother stay with her she was not happy.
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Jon was a bit overweight and gay Gena was not at all happy to have him in her home, but what could she do, he was family.
Fat Ass she'd yell as she had him to all the chores around the house. He was not at all pleased with this. The weight bullying he could handle but when she bullied him for being gay it was the last straw. What Gena didn't know was that her stepbrother came from a line of powerful witches and she'd pissed him for the last time.
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One night while she was showering, Jon had cursed the soap she was using. Within a few minutes of her lathering herself up she began to change.
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Suddenly the princess was now a ripped prince, a prince Jon had made sure would fall headover heels in love with him. Gena, now Gene was a 22 year old internet sensation like her old self, but Gene liked to show off his hot young body as well as his Dady's (jon) It wasn't enough he had changed her, he needed her to know it.
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What the fuck did you do to me? Gene asked as he stood there dressed in one of Jon's favorite outfits. He was pissed when he realized she was a he now. She gave him a dirty look from across the room, but his hand was in his pants getting himself rock hard for what happened next.
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He leapt on the bed, after pulling off his pants and began wiggling his ass and screaming, Take me Daddy, and his new Daddy did as they both had the most mind-blowing sex. As soon as Jon coated the inside of Gene's ass the old bitchy Gena was gone forever. from this moment on there were no longer step anything, they were lovers and owners of one of the fastest growing sex shows online.
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Make a Wish
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This fic was inspired by The Time Dean was Sam’s Girlfriend by fleshflutter on LiveJournal
This is it! The thing I've been working on writing all year. It's finally done!
Dean and Jessica share a birthday, so what would happen if they both made birthday wishes at the same time that caused them to swap bodies? The inspiration story was fluffy and silly and adorable, but what if things were more explicit? Like, way more explicit?
This is a gender-bending body swap fic were the characters' sexual partners do not know who is actually inhabiting the body they are having sex with, so it's non-con. It's a bit of a dead dove, so if you don't think you'd be okay with the tags, please don't read. If you do read, I hope you enjoy it!
Relationships: Dean/Sam, Sam/Jessica, Jessica/omc
Warnings: Non-Con resulting from body swap situation and characters not making good choices
Read on AO3
Words: 14,476
January 24th, 2004
If anyone had ever tried to tell Dean that he would be spending his 25th birthday alone in some dive bar off the highway somewhere between Bumfuck and Podunk, middle America, he would have said that sounded about right. Especially after the last few years. Being alone had become, more and more, par for the course. 
His dad, increasingly absent, which was fucking saying something when you considered John Winchester’s stellar trackrecord in that particular department, had been off on a solo hunt for a week now. Before heading out, he’d tasked Dean with a simple salt ‘n’ burn, a milk run that had taken all of a day and a half to complete. So now Dean was expected to just sit here, in this rest stop that was pretending to be a town, and fucking wait.
Dean hated waiting. Waiting gave you too much time to think, even though he had nothing good to think about, and thinking like that got you into trouble.
It was a Saturday night and, other than Dean, there were only four other people in the bar, three other patrons who all looked to be well into their fifties and the bartender, who was a decently handsome guy, probably did well enough with the ladies, but he had a beard and skinny jeans that gave off hipster vibes that made Dean decide right off the bat that he didn’t particularly like the guy. 
He pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and flipped it open with his thumb. The screen lit up, his thumb hovered over the button that would pull up his contacts. Once again, Sam hadn’t bothered to call him on his birthday and the urge to give his brother shit about it was strong. 
Eight months. 
He flipped the phone shut and sat it on the surface of the bar to the right of his beer, and tapped his ring against it twice, the silver making a satisfying clink against the hard plastic. It’d been eight months since they’d spoken. 
Dean had called on Sam’s birthday, no answer, so he’d left a message, “Happy Birthday, Bitch. Call sometime, let me know you’re still alive.”
It’d taken almost another month before he’d worked up the nerve, which was almost entirely worry-fueled anger at that point, to call again. It only rang twice. 
Fear that had been slowly choking him from the inside let go all at once, replaced just as suddenly by irritation. “So you are alive.” 
“Yeah, sorry I haven’t called you back. I’ve been drowning in finals.”
“Yeah right, you know you aced ‘em.” He could hear Sam smile, without him saying anything, and that should have made things better but it really didn’t. But they’d shot the shit for a bit, conversation light and barely surface deep, a shallow script whose only consolation was the reassurance that Sam was okay, better even, he sounded like he was thriving. A weird lump suddenly formed in Dean’s throat. “Hey, I gotta go, but happy belated.”
“Oh? Okay, thanks.” 
“Later. Hey? Pick up the damn phone sometime.”
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, Jerk.”
That had been in June. Neither of them had reached out since. He gave the phone a spin on the heavily varnished wood, set it twirling in place like a top before reaching for his beer. One long pull and it was drained. 
“‘Nother one?” The bartender asked as Dean sat the empty bottle down.
“You know what? Fuck it, it’s my birthday, let’s step it up to bourbon.”
“Birthday, huh? And you’re lucky enough to be drinking here?” There was a barely restrained chuckle at the end.
“Yep.” Dean said with a little extra pop at the end of the word. 
“Damn.” The bartender said as he turned and selected a bottle, grabbed a glass, and was back pouring two fingers of amber liquid with practiced ease. “This one’s on the house, birthday boy.”
Dean’s face lit up in a genuine, if somewhat rueful smile, “Thanks.”
The bartender nodded and busied himself further down the bar. 
Dean slowly swirled the glass a few times. “Yeah.” he said, quietly, “Happy birthday.” Looking down at his phone again, he raised the glass to his lips and took a drink. He closed his eyes as the smokey, thick burn chased a wish for something out of reach down his throat. 
A wave of vertigo crashed over him, so sudden and hard that he was glad he’d been sitting down. Even though he’d watched him pour the drink, the idea that maybe the bartender had drugged him suddenly seemed like a very real possibility. 
Wait, why did he smell candle smoke? Shit, was he having a stroke or something?
He opened his eyes and had to grab onto the edge of the table to steady himself as his legs threatened to give out. Bar and barstool were gone, replaced with a house and a small dining table. The room he was now in was full of people looking at him with bright smiles, who all started clapping and cheering as soon as he opened his eyes. Smoke curled up from a forest of little, thin candles sticking out of a flowery cake on the table right in front of him that had, “Happy Birthday, Jessica!” written on it in fancy, blue, cursive icing.
There was a flurry of movement to his left and a pair of pretty brunettes started cutting into the cake and passing slices around. Everyone was smiling and laughing and acting incredibly… normal, like nothing weird had just happened.
Something moved way too close to Dean’s face and he flinched and tried to swat it away. As he touched it, he froze, eyes fixed on his fingers and the lock of long, wavy, blonde hair that tugged on his scalp as he tried to get it away from him. Long blonde hair that was being held not by his own fingers but by delicate, slender, fingers with nails painted pale pink, all glossy and graceful and… soft.
To say it was disconcerting would have been the understatement of all time. He was looking at a hand that was very obviously not his own, but that moved and felt as if it were. He gave another tug to the lock of hair, harder this time, and although it didn’t exactly hurt, it was definitely attached to his head, not a wig or anything like that. He brushed it back and confirmed he now had a full head of hair that came down way past his shoulders. 
Chick hands, chick hair… his eyes went wide and he looked down his chest and stared right into cleavage. 
He had tits!? 
“Oh fuck.” he said in a chick’s voice.
“Hey?” A warm touch to his upper arm caused Dean to turn and look right into the throat of a massive guy standing behind him. Tilting his head back to look up he was met with bright eyes and a dimpled smile that he knew better than his own reflection.
“Happy Birthday, Jess.” That smile, still sweet but with a gleam, a glint that Dean hadn’t seen since they were both teenagers. One of Sam’s hands came up, jesus he had big hands, and gently brushed along Dean’s jawline, thumb sweeping his cheek as long fingers slipped into his hair behind his ear. Sam’s gaze held Dean’s focus as he leaned down. 
Had Sam gotten even taller?
Everything was moving in slow motion, Dean couldn’t feel his heart beating, wasn’t breathing, but his mind was spinning, scrambling to sort through way too much information, too much change, just too much, way too fast. So perhaps it was understandable that he didn’t react in time to pull back.
Just a fleeting, Oh fuck, before their lips met and Dean’s heart leapt into action like he’d been shocked awake. Sam was warm and familiar, but the way he pressed and pulled at Dean’s bottom lip, just a promising hint of more, made a small noise escape Dean’s throat that didn’t sound at all like disgust, like it should have.
Someone wolf whistled loudly nearby, eliciting another round of clapping and cheers from the crowd and Sam pulled back, twin spots of red blazing on his cheeks. He laughed in a way that Dean hadn’t seen in ages, playful and easy and open, as he glanced around at these people who were obviously his friends. A spark of something anxious twisted up in his chest. Dean blinked a few times, licked his lips, and swallowed, winded like he’d just sprinted up a hill too fast. 
“Get it, Winchester!” a guy hooted from somewhere behind Dean.
“That’s real mature, Brady.” Sam said, his hand sliding down Dean’s shoulder and the back of his arm, coming to rest low on his back, fingertips brushing against the strip of bare skin between his top and skirt. The skirt thing was weird… drafty, but the warm press of Sam’s fingers sent little static sparks through him and a blush heated his cheeks, spread down his chest, and he was once again very aware of the fact that he currently had boobs… and a pussy instead of a dick. 
This was bad, his mind raced like a cartoon character running in place before his thoughts finally caught traction with the ground and lunged forward. He wasn’t him, wasn’t in his own body. He was somehow in the body of Sam’s girlfriend? 
Of all the bodies in all the world, I had to end up in this one?
But Sam hadn’t kissed him, he’d kissed his girlfriend, who’s birthday just happened to be the same as Dean’s? Which was… okay, yeah, that was weird as fuck. But she’d obviously just blown out the candles on her cake, which would have been the same time that he’d had swallowed down his own wishful thoughts.
Shit. He swallowed again. Shit, shit, shit.
“I, uh,” he cleared his throat, “I’ll be right back.” He said, trying not to show how unsettled he was at sounding like a chick, reminding himself that he looked like a chick, sort of was one right now. He took a breath, and told himself to play it calm and poker face the situation.
“You okay?” Sam asked, his eyes squinting slightly the way they did when he was concerned, or getting suspicious, his thumb rubbing against Dean’s skin, sending those sparks flying all through him again.
Oh, so not good. This is bad.
“Yeah, good, I just need to go to the bathroom.” Dean smiled as he felt for pockets in the clothes he was wearing, but found none. Where would she keep her cellphone? “Did you see where I put my purse?”
“Yeah, it’s right over there.” Sam looked at an end table by the sofa in the adjoining room.
“Thanks!” Dean said as he broke away from Sam and grabbed the purse. 
Taking stock of his surroundings, it looked like they were in a two-story house. It was a little worn and run down, but decorated in a way that practically screamed college kids lived here. Probably a rental near campus, it had that vibe. It was also older, which meant that the bathroom was likely upstairs. He unzipped the purse as he went up the stairs, and thanked whatever luck he had that there was a little flip phone tucked inside. He found the bathroom and was punching in his number as he closed the door.
“Happy Birthday, tooooooo, yooooouuuuuuuuu!!!!”
Jessica thought of a wish and blew out the candles on her cake, then blinked and started coughing at a sudden burning in her throat. She must have inhaled the candle smoke. While her eyes were closed the room gave a lurch and she was suddenly sitting down. 
A loud solid thunk made her flinch as she opened her eyes. Dark amber liquid sloshed in a thick bottomed glass that had just dropped onto a heavily varnished wood bartop a few inches below an outstretched man’s hand in front of her. Whiskey and the lingering, stale ashtray smell of old cigarette smoke hit her all at once. Looking quickly to her right, to see who had dropped the glass, she found that the man's arm that was connected to the hand that’d dropped the glass, was attached to her? 
“What the…?” The voice that came out was not hers. It wasn’t even close. It was a man’s voice, with a timbre that resonated deep in her chest. She covered her mouth with her hand but then immediately jerked her hand away at the feel of a man’s fingers touching her lips and the feel of scratchy stubble against her fingertips. Her mouth tasted like whiskey, that’s what was burning in her throat, like she’d just taken a drink from the glass in front of her.
She looked down at herself and saw a broad, flat chest filling out an oversized leather jacket with a thermal shirt underneath, and long, muscular, denim-clad legs. Her hands were thicker, wider, than they should be, with short-trimmed nails, and a few scrapes and scabbed cuts across the knuckles.
Over the sound of Guns ’n’ Roses’ Welcome to the Jungle she could hear a couple of voices talking not too far away. She looked around. She was in some ratty, hole-in-the-wall bar that smelled like a lifetime of regret and spilled beer. There were only a few other people. An older couple that looked like they’d probably gotten here on a Harley, were sitting down the bar to her left, they were the ones talking, but they weren’t close enough for Jess to hear what they were saying. And there was a middle-aged guy who looked like he might be a trucker way down off to her right. He was drinking a Budwiser and staring into space, lost in his own thoughts. There was also a bartender busying himself with restocking the bar. He was probably in his mid-20’s, with a neatly trimmed beard, blue plaid flannel shirt that was buttoned up but not tucked into his well-fitting, black jeans that were rolled into wide cuffs above hiking boots. She watched him move some bottles around on the shelf along the wall and realized that there was a mirror there that ran the entire length of the bar.
Slowly standing and looking ahead into the mirror, she watched as a guy stood up and stared back at her. He had short, sandy brown hair, spiked a little in the front, and big light colored eyes. The dim lighting and collection of various neon in the room made it hard to tell if they were blue, gray, or green, but they were wide. He looked like he was also in his 20’s, handsome, really handsome, but no one she’d ever seen before. She raised her hand and watched as the guy in the reflection did too. She touched her face… his face? He mirrored the movement. 
“What the hell?” She said, in a voice that seemed to fit the reflection.
“Everything okay, man?” 
It took a few seconds to realize that the bartender was looking at her, that he’d been speaking to her.
“Uh?” What in the hell was happening? Was she dreaming? Was this some weird hallucination? A byproduct of having a stroke? Had she somehow fallen and hit her head? “I don’t know…”
The bartender’s brow furrowed. “Something wrong with the drink?”
She looked down at the glass again. Should she say anything? Say something to get some help? What would she say? Her heart was racing. Maybe she should slow down, take a minute before letting the looming panic take over. “No, it’s uh, it’s fine, it’s good. I’m good. Um, how long have I been here?”
“I don’t know, maybe about an hour.” He poured water in a glass and sat it down in front of her, next to the whiskey. “I know the bourbon here isn’t that great,” he shrugged and gestured around as if that explained it, “maybe take it easy?”
“Yeah. Sorry. I’m okay. Just had a weird… um sort of deja vu thing for a minute there.” 
He nodded at her and moved away down the bar again.
Okay, something is going on, but it’ll be okay, I can figure this out, she thought as she sat back down on the stool. That’s when she noticed the hard press of a wallet in one of her pockets. Pulling it out and flipping it open revealed a driver’s license with her reflection’s photo on it. 
“James Page, huh?” She said quietly to herself as she looked through the rest of the wallet. There were a few credit cards, about a hundred and fifty dollars in cash, and a condom… classy. She looked at the ID again, it listed his birthday as 01-24-1979, “What?”
Okay, so today was also his birthday. That felt too coincidental to be a coincidence. 
Absently, she took a drink of water. If this was a dream, it was the most mundanely detailed dream she’d ever had, the water tasted like chlorinated tap water. She started to pull one of the credit cards out when a cell phone sitting on the bar in front of her, had that been sitting there this whole time, started to ring with an obnoxious metal guitar riff. She grabbed it up and looked at the caller ID. It was her own cell number!
Quickly answering she said, “Hello?”
“Please tell me your name is Jessica.” a woman’s voice said.
“My name is De… uh… James Page, that’s my phone you’re talking on, please tell me that you’re Jessica Moore?” 
It sounded weird when heard from the wrong end of a phone call, but she recognized her own voice speaking back to her.
“Yeah, yes, that’s me… what’s happening?”
The woman on the other end of the phone gave a loud sigh before continuing. “Thank god, it’s just a straight swap. Okay, so, this would normally sound really unbelievable, but you already seem kinda freaked so I’m guessing you’ve noticed that we seem to have switched bodies.”
“But, I mean how is that, how is this even possible?” Her heart was pounding in her ears. This is crazy, it’s crazy…
“Did you make a wish when you blew out your birthday candles, Jessica?”
“What? Why is that important?”
“Well, you see, today is my birthday too. Happy Birthday by the way. And I uh, I made a wish right before I opened my eyes in your body. So I’m wondering, since I know you’d just blown out the candles on your cake, did you make a wish too?”
“I… I did, yeah.”
“Okay, good. What did you wish for, exactly?”
She looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to her conversation before replying. “I wished I knew more about my boyfriend’s family.”
“Huh. Okay. Who’s, uh, who’s your boyfriend? What’s his name?”
“Sam… Winchester. Do you know him?”
There was a slight pause. “No. But I’m guessing he’s the really tall guy, soulful eyes, needs a haircut?”
“He doesn’t… I like his hair, but, yeah I guess that sounds like him.”
“Hmm. Okay.”
“Wait, what did you wish for?”
There was a longer pause before James continued, “To find someone I haven’t seen in a while. I dunno maybe they’re around here somewhere? Where am I?”
“Palo Alto. Uh, that’s in California. Sorry, maybe you already knew that. Where am I?”
“Missouri, kinda middle of nowhere honestly. Sorry about that. Look this may not have anything to do with our specific wishes, right? Maybe things just got mixed up because we both made wishes at the exact same time? I don’t really know how all this Freaky Friday stuff works. But with any luck it’s temporary and everything will be back to normal tomorrow.”
She closed her eyes and rubbed her hand over her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. “How is this even real?”
“I don’t know. Look, there’s a set of car keys in my right front pocket, they’re to a black ‘67 Chevy Impala parked out front. It’s an automatic, can you drive?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Okay, good. If you turn right out of the parking lot, go about a mile down the road to the Sleep EZ Motel, I’m checked into room 12. The room key is in my other pocket. My stuff is already inside and the room is paid up until the end of the week, so you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Just don’t hurt my car and don’t get me killed, okay?”
“Wait, that’s it? I’m just supposed to wait?”
“Unless you’ve got any other bright ideas?”
“What about Sam? My friends? What are you going to do?”
“Hopefully? Nothing. I’ll pretend to be you, promise not to get you hurt or screw up your life, okay? And like I said, with any luck this’ll all sort itself out in the morning.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Well, I guess we’ll deal with that tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Hey, Jessica?”
“Tell me a little about yourself.”
Dean hung up the call and deleted it from the phone’s call history. When this was all over, the last thing he wanted was for there to be any way for this to get traced back to him. He tucked the phone back in Jessica’s purse and looked in the mirror. 
She was a hottie, Sammy had good taste. Long blonde hair, big blue eyes, full pouty lips, and with a body… Dean gave a quiet whistle. Then he looked around furtively, as if anyone else could see him in the bathroom and somehow suspect him of doing something pervy, but then he thought, fuck it, possession is 9/10ths of the law, right?
Biting his bottom lip and pulling his shirt up, exposing a lacy bra and a really nice set of tits. Cupping them with his hands, feeling their weight, massaging them a bit and feeling his nipples get hard in response was hot enough but looking in the mirror was almost too much, like watching porn that you could actually feel. Until he caught his own stare, the face of some girl that he’d just spoken to on the phone looking back at him, and it hit home that this was someone else’s body that he was a guest in.
“Ah, shit.” he said to the reflection and pulled the shirt back down, smoothed it into place. He looked down, thinking about how weird it felt to not have a dick. He looked at the toilet reflected behind him. Maybe he should at least try to pee while he was in here. 
“Sorry, Jessica, but somehow I don’t think either of us is going to be able to avoid peeing all night.” It took him longer than he'd anticipated, what’s so hard about peeing after all, but there was the confusing clothing and then the wiping, and new sensations that came with that, which he definitely tried to not pay too much attention to, and then the readjustment of the clothing. 
When he was done and verified in the mirror that he looked normal, you know, for being someone completely different, he took a step towards the door and froze with his hand on the doorknob.
Okay, you can do this. Just go downstairs and pretend to be a girl. How hard can that be? Just go pretend to be Sam’s girlfriend. He’s only, like, the smartest guy you’ve ever known, who’s been trained since he was a kid to notice when a situation isn’t right, when someone isn’t themselves, when they’re actually a monster… Fuck. 
He took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. No, it’s cool. You’re cool. You can do this. You’ve bluffed your way through more dangerous situations with less information to go off of. And Jessica told you enough to fake it for one night. It’s just one night…
“Jess,” Sam was looking at him when he came down the stairs, his face lit up despite a shadow of concern. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” Dean smiled and walked towards him.
As he got within reach, Sam wrapped one arm around Dean and pulled him in snug against his side. Then Sam leaned in and kissed the top of his head, just like Dean used to do before Sam had the audacity to get taller than him. Dean didn’t need to fake his smile but then a wave of guilt threatened to well up, he thinks you’re her, and he had to look down, swallowing thickly. Sam gently squeezed him in a one armed hug.
When they were kids, Sam had been very touchy-feely, clingy, always in close contact with Dean, casual, almost unconscious, but now, unlike then, it seemed a lot less casual. Heat, of a sort that wasn’t just physical, flared up with every touch. And Dean could have convinced himself that it was just Jessica’s body responding in a sort of pavlovian way to a still newish lover. But the problem was, Dean knew better. 
Sam’s hands were huge and gentle and warm, so fucking warm, against his side, Jessica’s side, his arm, her arm, his back, not his, his hip… It was maddening but he just needed to play along, like it wasn’t destroying him. Over the years Dean had fine tuned his resolve to push all of this away and shut it up behind a door marked “Stuff You Don’t Get to Have", and now, with a series of simple touches, Sam had unknowingly jimmied the lock and opened the door. Sam was always so good at opening doors.
The summer between Sam’s junior and senior years of high school, before the Stanford bomb had been dropped on their lives, John had been chasing down yet another lead on what had killed mom. Dean had no idea what it was, where he went, because he’d given him practically no information, which was beyond frustrating, but kinda par for the course. But John had left them with Bobby because it had been on his way, apparently. 
While they were there, Dean helped Bobby fix cars, and what they couldn’t fix, they’d strip down for parts. Sam had gotten a job at a restaurant washing dishes. It was grueling in the heat and he’d be reeking of garbage from taking out the trash at the end of the night. But Dean would always be there, waiting to drive him back to Bobby’s. He’d have a cold beer open and waiting for Sam when he was showered and in clean clothes. More often than not, they’d watch a movie on the tv, choosing from Bobby’s collection of vhs tapes. They’d take over Bobby’s couch, sprawling and slowly gravitating towards each other, leaning together and laughing over what they were watching. They kept their voices quiet so as to not wake Bobby, who inevitably fell asleep in his armchair or was already up in bed. Sam had been more relaxed and at ease than he had been in a couple of years.
Life was simple and Dean felt just about as free as he could ever remember feeling, without the weight of expectations, there in that safe place and time.
When John came back he was short-tempered and easily bristled. Things between John and Sam, always rough, had gotten steadily worse. John was harder on them both, trying to establish his authority, which only made Sam withdraw when dad was around. 
Sam started talking about leaving together, just going somewhere and getting real jobs, the kind that paid in cash instead of scars. But Dean wouldn’t think about it, well, he wouldn’t let Sam think that he was thinking about it. Kept putting it off, until it was too late and Sam was leaving for real, full ride to fucking Stanford, and one last attempt to get Dean to come with him. He’d pulled Dean aside while he was packing, held onto his hand like they were still little kids, “Come with me.” 
“You don’t have to stay here, you can come to California…” 
“I can’t just leave.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because Dad…” 
“Dad is going to self-destruct, Dean, this life is going to kill him and if you stay… if you stay,” Sam’s eyes were swimming in unshed tears that he swallowed back before continuing, “You don’t have to stay. You can do anything, Dean, anything.” 
And Dean almost believed that, for one long torturous moment, looking at his brother, the only person that stood any chance of convincing him to break away from his dad, from this life, Dean could almost see it. Sam pulled him closer, slid his hands behind Dean’s neck and rested their foreheads together, silently begging. And that door in Dean’s mind cracked a bit and threatened to break open. Sam didn’t want all that, didn’t want… no. Dean slammed the door closed and locked it. 
“You don’t know what you’re asking.” Dean took a deep breath and placing his hands on Sam’s shoulders did the hardest thing he’d ever done, he pushed Sam back enough so he could clearly see his face and said, “I’m not going.” 
Shock, grief, embarrassment, hurt and anger all seemed to flash across Sam’s face at once, but it was the anger that stayed long after the others had been packed away. The anger was what Dean had seen when he closed his eyes that night, thinking about Sam on a Greyhound to California.
But here, now, he leaned in and closed his eyes, drinking in the feel of being next to his brother for the first time in years. He breathed in and could smell Sam,even though his mind was having trouble processing the scent. It was Sam, he smelled just like he always did, but it was like this body, which didn’t have the same sensory memory of a childhood spent together in the Impala and rundown motels, processed the scent through different filters, all of which were good, all of which lit up like fireworks with each breath, and shot that giddy, new love/lust feeling through him mixing with his memories.
Sam’s hand was curled loosely around Dean’s, Jessica’s, hip, his thumb resting on the waistband of his skirt again, long fingers flexing in and gently pressing into the hollow of his hip bone, and it was doing things that were steadily eroding what tenuous self-respect Dean had. 
Sam would kill him if he found out that this was him and not Jessica. Shit, maybe he should have said something right away. 
“Wait, so if the wish is what switched you then that means that when I kissed… Dean, you kissed me back!”
Yeah, no, too late for that now, he just needs to make sure that Sam never finds out.
They made small talk and drank. Jessica was a lightweight, which Dean found out as he was finishing off his third beer. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a room lurch that hard on three beers. He stumbled slightly as he stood up to get another. Sam reached out a steadying hand.
“Whoa. Easy there.”
Dean laughed it off, “I got it, I’m good.. Anyone ever tell you that you worry too much?” Dean said, softening it with a smile that may have been a bit more shmoopy than he’d intended, but it seemed to do the trick as Sam held up his hand in an “I give up” sort of gesture and let Dean duck into the kitchen.
There were photos stuck all over the fridge, and Dean recognized several of the people from tonight, including Sam. He studied them all while he drank a glass of water before grabbing a couple more beers from the fridge. There was a bottle opener on the coffee table and, sitting back down next to Sam on the sofa, Dean popped the top off one beer and sat it in front of Sam before popping the top of the other for himself.
Sam huffed an amused breath through his nose. Dean looked at him, took in the bemused look and asked, “What?”
“It’s nothing, just,” Sam laughed and shook his head, “you just reminded me of someone.”
Shit. “Oh? Who?”
Before Sam could answer, the conversation in the room reached shrill levels when Bria announced that her boyfriend Brad had proposed to her.
“Jess, I’m sorry, I wasn’t going to say anything because tonight’s your night, but…” the bottle blonde held out her left hand to show off a glittering diamond. 
Everyone spent the next half an hour or so congratulating Bria and Dean tried his best to play at being interested. He was worried that that somehow he’d given himself away but Sam was smiling at him again, all dimples and teeth and just pure fucking sunshine, and Dean inwardly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled back. He was simultaneously too drunk and way too sober for this situation.
Jess should have left and found the motel, but what was she going to do in some guy’s random motel room until morning? Pace around and worry? Staying put seemed like an easier option, doing nothing usually was, at least for now. Absentmindedly she picked up the glass of bourbon and took a sip. It burned a bit but tasted surprisingly okay. She thought that James obviously drank the stuff and his taste buds must be used to it. She kept sipping at it. 
This couldn’t be happening, it had to be a dream. 
She realized that she had to pee. She’d had to for a little while now but had been unconsciously putting off dealing with it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the sort of thing that could be ignored forever. Looking around, she spotted the restrooms. She turned around on the stool and stood up, ready to be wobbly after drinking and being in someone else’s skin. But she felt solid, and strong. Glancing at her reflection in the mirror behind the bar again it occurred to her that she was going to have to use the men’s room. 
This was most likely just a dream, she could do this. 
Luckily, since the bar was practically empty, the bathroom was too. Stall or urinal, that was the question. She opted for a stall, just in case someone came in, it felt less weird that way. Closing the door behind her, she stared down at the toilet before looking at the front of the jeans she was wearing. For the first time she thought about the fact that some guy was in her body and would probably have to pee at some point too. Ugh. 
Well, she could do this, it was just peeing, everyone does it, right? She unbuckled, unbuttoned and unzipped, then pulled the waistband of the boxer briefs away and down with her left hand while reaching in with her right. 
Okay, yeah, weird.
A couple moments later, she was washing her hands at the sink. That was definitely an experience, odd but kinda fun in a rather intrusive feeling way. 
She looked at her reflection, really studied it since she wasn’t being watched. She smiled, frowned, and tried a whole range of emotions. Damn, this guy was attractive. Big green eyes with lashes she would have killed for, freckles, perfect lips, and he was tall too, although not as tall as Sam. And he was in great condition, not like one of those guys that works out in a gym all the time, but strong and lean, solid. His hands were callused, knuckles scarred, like he worked with his hands. 
“Who are you?” She asked as she looked in the mirror again before leaving the bathroom.
Sitting back down on the barstool, she caught the bartender’s attention. “I’m sorry, what’s your name?”
She nodded. “Can I get another, Jeremy?” and she tapped the empty bourbon glass with the silver ring on her right hand before sliding it forward.
He nodded, grabbed a bottle and poured a generous amount in the glass. “You feeling better?” he asked as he slid the glass back towards her.
She nodded, “Eh. It’s been a weird night.”
“Not the best birthday?”
“No. I was supposed to spend it with my boyf…” she stopped herself suddenly and tried to switch gears, “I had plans, that, no offense, didn’t include this fine establishment.” Shit, she’d almost outed this guy that she didn’t even know. Maybe he was into guys, but maybe not, how would she know, and it was always better to be safe than sorry when literally walking in someone else’s shoes.
Jeremy, if he noticed the slip, didn’t give any indication of being bothered by it. He leaned on one elbow against his side of the bar. “Are you traveling for work or something?”
She looked at him, honestly not sure how to answer that question. She knew she had a room at a motel nearby, but why? 
Before she could answer, Jeremy continued, “I mean, there’s not a whole lot of here here, you know? This is not really a destination. And,“ he leaned a little closer and spoke in a more conspiratorial tone, “you’re like an eleven compared to the locals.” He nodded at the few other patrons and cracked a smile.
Okay, so maybe he had picked up on her little slip, but she didn’t think he was a threat, so she just laughed it off and took a sip of her drink.
Later, standing in the kitchen trying to follow some random friend group drama that could have almost been a telenovela storyline, Sam had come up behind Dean and wrapped him in a hug, hands crossed over his waist, his face nuzzled into his hair behind his ear. Dean’s eyes closed as a delightful shiver ran through him and settled between his legs.  
“Ugh, get a room, you two!” Sam’s friend Brady said, teasingly.
Without looking, Sam grabbed a handful of chips out of the open bag on the counter and threw them right at the guy’s face, who actually managed to catch one in his mouth to raucous applause.
“Come on.” Sam breathed, low and quiet in Dean’s ear, and threading their fingers together, steered him out of the room.
“What? Where?”
“It’s getting late and I promised, didn’t I?” 
Dean didn’t know how to respond because he had no idea what Sam was talking about. 
Jessica sipped at the bourbon, not sure if she enjoyed the taste or not but the smooth burn was sort of growing on her. She sipped and she thought about what she should, or even could, do. Trapped in a stranger’s body, in an unknown town, states away from anyone she knows, what were her options? She could go find the motel room that matched the key in her pocket, and what? Watch crappy motel tv until she falls asleep in some stranger’s bed, hoping that she wakes up in her own body in the morning? That honestly sounded depressing as fuck. So she stalled, and sipped, and sat, and tried not to completely freak out.
His little brother was all hands, huge, long, spidery, gentle hands. Hands that covered so much, especially on Jessica’s smaller body. He smoothed over his… her long hair, down his… dammit, her arms, down her back. Eyes shining and bright, open as if to not miss anything, to catch every reaction as he walked backwards into a room to the right of the bathroom, Sam finally stepped back out of Dean’s space enough to let the warm flickering glow light up his face. The room was lit by half a dozen candles, on the dresser, the nightstand, on top of the bookshelf. Dean’s eyes went wide. Oh. 
Oh no. This was, shit, this was… he looked at Sam. This was bad, he told himself. He couldn’t, it was too much, too far. 
Sam, still smiling, was now a little unsure, a little embarrassed, “Too much?” His hand was rubbing gently up and down on Dean’s back, Jessica’s back, fuck, like he just couldn’t stop touching her.
Dean tried to say something, screaming internally at himself to find a way out of this, screwing things up between Jessica and Sam would be better than… He swallowed and opened his mouth, piecing together some sort of excuse, but all thought evaporated as Sam bit his bottom lip, all dimples and glinting eyes, and leaned in. Dean didn’t mean to smile, it was a reflex, a reaction to the extreme absurdity of the situation, that’s all, it wasn’t because his heart fucking swelled at seeing Sam all lit up and happy, looking at him like that. 
Oh, I’m a bad, bad person.
He couldn’t look away from Sam’s mouth. And then Sam was too close to see and he nosed into his hair, speaking right into his ear, warm breath sending shivers through him, “I promised you, tonight is all about you. I want to make you feel so good, see how many times I can make you come.”
And Dean felt hellfire flare up through him, burning his cheeks, making his thighs and inner muscles clench around a deep needful longing. A gasp escaped, unbidden, from his open mouth. 
You do this and you really are the scumbag you’ve always felt like. This is the line, right here, right now. 
But this was something that he would never get to have normally, only this freaky occurrence giving him an impossible chance to have everything he’d ever wanted, even if just for one night, even if under duplicitous circumstances, in someone else’s body, even if it meant burning in Hell eternally for it. 
One of Sam’s thumbs brushed lightly over Dean’s lips, as his fingers curled into his hair, turning his head and mouthing at his ear, nipping at and rolling his earlobe between his teeth before tracing kisses along the underside of his jaw. Dean breathed out a shiver that went all the way down to his knees. Sam kissed right up to the corner of his open mouth.
Dean didn’t believe Hell was real, not really, not an actual place like the bible thumpers would have you believe, but this, even ignoring every other horrible thing he’d ever done, this would surely damn him… but maybe it would be worth it. He could have this, and Sam never needed to know. 
He turned his head just a little and caught Sam’s lips with his own. 
With the bar being as quiet as it was, Jeremy took to making small talk as the evening wore on, nothing heavy, nothing too personal, just talking about sports teams (luckily a topic she knew a fair amount about) and cars (which she didn’t but luckily most guys didn’t take much encouragement to go on about that sort of thing without much more than a few interested prompts), but he was nice and kind of funny. It was better than stewing alone in her thoughts.
By the time Jess had had another bourbon, man did this James guy have a higher tolerance than she did, she had loosened up a lot. 
So what if she’d probably experienced a psychotic break or something and was now trapped in this weird-ass dream, or maybe worse that she was really stuck in some dude’s body on her birthday and was now drinking alone in some shitty bar. She blinked, god was this what James’ life was like? Hopefully this was just a bad day or something. She at least had a party with all her college friends and Sam… Sam. Shit, James better be playing it cool, like he’d said he would, and not be doing anything to fuck things up between her and Sam.
For a moment, when he kissed Sam, SammySam oh fuck SAM, he’d forgotten all about his hands, like they didn’t even exist, like nothing existed outside of the bursts of confused chaos in his mind and how kissing Sam seemed to short circuit everything. 
Good! No, no! I can’t. Stop. Ohhh god, right, this is right. Can’t. Fuck, finally!
Every part of his borrowed body felt like it was blushing, like he should be legit glowing, and there was this warm, aching, wetness that he was suddenly very aware of between his legs. It was a lot like how he normally felt when turned on, just not as focused, deeper inside and suffused throughout his body. He also found that he was very, very aware of his tits, every move, each breath as they lifted and fell, the way the fabric of the bra and shirt moved, every touch against Sam, he could feel all of it, and was aware of it all at once, and yet craved more. Sam’s hands were in his hair, cradling his head as they kissed. His lips tasted like home. 
You can touch him!
And just like that, a lifetime of suppressed impulses and denied wants let loose as he placed his hands on Sam’s sides. Lightning-like desire, in all its terrifying glory, zapped through him, along his fingers and up his arms at the contact. Sam was solid, still lean and lanky with youth, but no longer a kid, not his little brother. Big. 
It wasn’t like Dean never touched him, hell, he’d probably touched him more than anyone else. But that was different, it was checking on him, cleaning him up, bandaging and mending, little kid snuggles and hugs, holding his hand as they crossed the street, shoulders leaning together as they sat and joked quietly, just the two of them. This, though, this, was the edge of the map. Here, there be monsters, and his pulse pounded like he was on a hunt.
He ran his hands up over Sam’s chest, feeling the lines of the muscles beneath his shirt as Sam slid one of his hands down Dean’s back, pulling him closer, pressing them together. He didn’t stop at his waist this time, his hand continuing down over Dean’s ass to cup and squeeze. Dean moaned, just a little and in a way that he hadn’t expected, and his hands moved up across Sam’s shoulders and neck and into his hair, fingers tangling in his nape and pulling Sam down, or himself up, it didn’t matter which as long as they somehow got closer. Dean instinctively wrapped his legs around Sam’s hips when he lifted him up, one hand under Dean’s ass, across the back of his thighs, the other still cradling the back of his head. Sam shifted, holding Jessica’s weight easily and Dean wondered if Sam had gotten strong enough to lift his own actual body the same way. That thought made his breath hitch.
Sam pushed the door shut with one foot and then took three strides to cross the room before he dropped them both down onto the bed. Sam caught himself with his elbows, so his weight didn’t come down on Dean all at once as he bounced, a laugh bubbling out of Dean, met with a smile from Sam.
Sam looked at him for a moment, brushing hair from Dean’s face, Jessica’s face, Dean reminded himself. Sam was looking at Jessica like that, like she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and like he wanted to eat her up. Jealousy at the realization sparked in Dean, but it was quickly quelled because Sam looking at Jessica like that meant that Dean could look back through her in a way he never could through his own eyes.
He took in Sam’s bright, clever, magic-colored eyes, and his pointed nose that made him look fox-like and clever. That mole beside his nose, that Dean always wanted poke or to kiss, depending on the day. His hair that, from this angle, spread around his face like a dark halo and reminded Dean of that photo of Jim Morrison, the one where his arms were spread and his chest was bare. He looked like the hero of some Greek myth and he was painfully beautiful.
Then Sam was kissing him again, little nibbling kisses that wandered along his jaw, sending delicious shivers through him. Sam’s hand found the bare skin at his waist, fingers spread out across his stomach, up under his shirt to his ribs as he kissed his way down Dean’s throat.
Dean leaned his head to the side, stretching his neck as he arched up into Sam’s touch. Sam’s fingertips traced along the bottom of his bra, brushed the underside of his breast. Holy shit. 
He’d gotten so caught up in the fact that this was Sam, SamSammy, that he’d almost completely glossed over the fact that he was in a woman’s body and was going to experience sex, with Sam, in a body with girl parts! What was, possibly, most disturbing was how onboard he was for this ride. Like, if he was completely honest with himself, the Sam thing had always been there, usually it was forcibly shoved into the furthest, deepest, darkest corner of his brain, and locked down tight, but sometimes it escaped and made it almost to the surface before he’s wrestle it back down again and did his best to ignore it. But beyond an occasional fleeting thought about what the woman he was with was feeling as he went down on her, thrust into her, well, he’d never actually fantasized about actually feeling whatever they felt. The prospect was surprisingly thrilling.
And this isn’t gay (or incest) if it’s Jessica’s body. That thought sent a cold shiver through him, followed very closely by a rancid tendril of self-disgust. What the hell was the matter with him? 
But then Sam was cupping his breast, warm hand giving a massaging little squeeze, the nipple genty pinched in the V between his thumb and index finger, sending sparks of pleasure through him and distracting him from his thoughts. Dean had always liked having his nipples played with during sex, well, he really liked having everything played with during sex, but now, though? It was just so much more.
Sam pushed his shirt up, kissed him through the fabric of the bra, before giving a little, demanding “Off.” and worked both the shirt and bra off, undoing the back clasp one handed, that’s my boy. And then his mouth was on him again. Dean’s hands were on Sam’s shoulders, then in his hair as he lavished attention on his tits. And, yeah, definitely an area deserving of all the attention Dean was prone to give because it felt fucking awesome. Before the sensations could become too much, Sam would shift his focus to the other side, kissing and sucking, biting (which felt amazing) and pulling little gasps out of Dean.
Dean squirmed a bit, suddenly desperate for some sort of friction between his legs. Like he’d sensed it, Sam ran one hand down, using little more than the weight of his hand, over the fabric of his skirt, and rubbed, pushing a bit more with his middle and ring fingers, curving with his body, right down between Dean’s legs. It wasn’t quite like having his dick rubbed, the feeling a little more muted, more spread out. But the warmth that spread through him felt familiar as did the desire it inflamed. And he pushed his hips against Sam’s hand seeking more pressure.
The biggest difference Dean felt was where he normally would have wanted to push into his partner, to thrust into them, all he wanted now, the desire that consumed his mind, was that he needed something inside him, stretching him, filling him. This hollow, wanting, ache was new but made him unbearably warm and desperate. And he wondered, not for the first time, about how much of it was coming from Jessica’s muscle memory, because while it was new to him, it felt so perfectly right and natural in this body.
With a final playful pull on one of his nipples, sucking hard before letting it drop and the weight of the breast bounce back against Dean’s chest, Sam kissed his way down across his stomach. Jessica was a bit ticklish, it would seem, because the light scrape of Sam’s stubble sent delightful tremors through Dean. Not enough to make him laugh or pull away, but enough to make him smile.
This is crazy. This is crazy. This can’t be real. I must be dreaming. This is some weirdass fever dream. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Sam reached the waistband of Jessica’s skirt, kissing and tonguing over Dean’s belly button as he worked loose the zipper and slid the fabric down, chasing it with his mouth. Dean lifted his hips so Sam could slide it the rest of the way down and off his legs, leaving him in just delicate, barely there, panties. They were silky and pink and Dean flashed back hard to six years ago, to Rhonda Hurley looking at him wearing her panties like she wanted to eat him alive, a look that was mirrored now in Sam’s eyes as he slowly looked up his… Jessica’s body. Dammit. 
That look wasn’t Dean’s, it wasn’t for him. Sam was looking at Jessica like that. Fuck he shouldn’t do this. He needed to say something, stop this somehow.
“Sam…” He pleaded, but it came out too breathless and wanting, needing, and Sam smiled and leaned down, placed a kiss right on the silky pink stretched over the center of all the warmth Dean was feeling and hummed against him.
“Hmm?” and then he kissed a little lower and looked up from under his bangs as he gently stroked one hand up Dean’s thigh, fingers spreading so wide, hot and thrilling. He placed another kiss, this time below the curve of where Dean could see, so he couldn’t see Sam’s mouth as it pressed the fabric right into the wetness between his legs. Sam nosed in then and breathed deep. “All this for me?” 
Dean bit down on his bottom lip, part of his mind still desperately trying to get control of this situation, to somehow, miraculously pull back before it was too late, when Sam looked up and locked eyes with him as he slowly, gently, bit the fabric covered mound, worrying it so slowly with his teeth before saying, in a voice deeper than Dean had ever heard him use, “God I want to eat you up. Will you let me? Let me just,” he licked, his tongue spread wide, right up over the now sodden crotch of those pink panties, “devour you?”
And the last vestiges of Dean’s attempts to be a better person crumbled. If he was going to hell, and he was definitely going, then he was going to make damn sure that he got the maximum value out of the trip. 
“Yeah.” he said as he reached out and ran his fingers down Sam’s hair, his thumb brushing Sam’s cheek as Sam, SamMySammyMine, smiled his sharp, clever, mischievous smile and pulled the panties off and settled back between Dean’s legs, bending Dean’s knees up and over Sam’s shoulders. One hand going up Dean’s side, his long arm easily allowing him to cup around one breast, while the other spread, fingers splayed, across the tight skin below Dean’s navel, pressing down with gentle pressure to still the squirming Dean hadn’t even realized he was doing. 
The last of the other customers paid up his tab and left. Jessica threw back the rest of her drink.
“What do I owe you?” she asked as she stood up to pull James’ wallet out of his pocket. The gravity in the room lurched violently to the left and she had to catch herself by clutching the edge of the bar. She barked out a laugh and sat back down on the stool. “Whoa.”
“Easy there.” Jeremy said. “No rush.” 
He slid another glass of water over to her with a smile. She nodded and gratefully took a drink. It was cold and even though it still tasted a little too much like chlorine to be called good, she knew it would help.
“It’s cool, take your time, I’ve got a bunch of things to do to close up so you don’t have to leave just yet.” He said with a smile. 
Sam’s attention focused between Dean’s spread legs, nosing into the trimmed little bush before licking along the folds of his pussy. His tongue, a wide and warm pressure, different from anything Dean had experienced before. It wasn’t like having his dick licked, which felt good right from the start. But the act was insanely intimate and definitely felt good, and the fact that it was Sam, samsamsam, made him shiver. And then the tip of Sam’s tongue dipped in and flicked across Dean’s clit and there it was! A burst of pleasure followed immediately by a desire for more. 
A keening slipped from Dean’s throat, so much higher pitched than felt right to him. Looking down, all he could see was Sam’s shaggy brown hair and his fox-like eyes, pupils wide in the darkened room, looking back at him. Sam slid his hand down, long fingers spreading Dean open. Dean felt the air stir between his legs, cooling around the edges, and he realized just how wet he was. Sam licked again, taking his time, dipping in and flicking across before gently kissing that swollen bud of nerves and then doing it again, and again. Dean gasped when he used his teeth, normally something, as a guy, that would be a complete no-go, but the nipping and nibbling here felt good, really good, primal and hungry, and Dean wanted more. 
Sam pushed his tongue in, deeper each time, as he rubbed Dean’s clit, pressing and circling, circling and pressing, sucking, biting, again and again until Dean’s hands had to move because Sam was holding his hips still, so he reached down and brushed Sam’s hair back, so he could see him better, then stayed in his hair, just holding, trying not pull. And his other hand went to his breast, kneading and then pinching the sensitive nipple. Everything combined and built up like a wave swelling, growing more and more, frantic, urgent, faster, and then he was pulling on Sam’s hair, which made him groan into Dean, the vibrations sending Dean crashing over. Sam continued to gently massage Dean’s clit, while fucking into him with his tongue, as wave after wave rolled through Dean. 
Just as Dean was able to breathe again, Sam shifted around a bit so that he had both hands working, the one still spreading Dean open and working his clit in slow circles, while he pressed first one finger then two into him. 
There was a punk rock girl out near Salt Lake, what was her name? Brenda something, shit he couldn’t think, but she’d had a thing for sticking her finger in her partner’s ass when they fucked her, and while she’d been enthusiastically into it, and it hadn’t been bad, it was weird, kinda good weird, but weird. It was nothing like this.
Sam leaned back in as he worked up a steady rhythm, and started tonguing and sucking his clit again. Dean was so sensitive it didn’t take long for him to feel everything building again. Sam had worked another finger in and curled them forward. It was a tried and true move that Dean had used on many, many occasions, and now he knew why it always worked so well, as he gasped and came hard, muscles fluttering hard around Sam’s hand.
“Samm… Sam,” remembering just in time, “please, oh fuck, mmm, I…”
“I need,” but he hesitated before voicing the rest, bit his bottom lip, was he really going to ask for it? From Sam? 
“What? What do you need, baby?” Sam asked, his voice lower than Dean had ever heard it, deep but tender and pressed right between his legs, and damn if that didn’t light something up on the switchboard in Dean’s head.
No one but Dean would ever know if he just asked for what he wanted. 
“Fuck me?” he said, quiet and unsure.
“Hmm, thought I’d stay here for a little longer, make you scream my name.” Sam slowly nosed in again and licked. “You taste so good.”
Bright eyes staring up at him. “Mmm?”
“Are you really going to make me beg… on my birthday?”
Sam nodded as he nipped at the inner crease of Dean’s hip.
Dean let out a frustrated groan, “Please? Get up here and fuck me, Sam.”
Sam smiled, “Well, since you asked so nicely.” He sat back, pulled his shirt off and used it to wipe his hand and face before tossing it onto the floor. Shit, Sammy had filled out since the last time Dean had seen him and, reminding himself that he could look, he let his eyes linger on his brother’s torso. He realized he was mentally inventorying the scars he could see, there were no new ones, which was good. Sam’s belt buckle jangled a little as it came undone and he unbuttoned his jeans. Sam stood and pushed them down along with his underwear, black boxer briefs, and then was kicking them off to the side and slowly crawling back onto the bed. 
Holy shit! HIs baby brother was built like a Greek god! How often was he working out? He was all slick, cut muscle, long limbs, and… In what universe was it even remotely fair that his little (no longer the operative word) brother had gotten bigger than him, apparently in every way? Dean was not a small guy, over six feet and packing a generously sized dick that he’d never, not once, gotten any complaints about. In fact, he’d received more than enough compliments to give him a, possibly, over-inflated sense of pride. Dean had an amazing cock, that he knew how to use. It was a source of great joy for him. And, he soothed his ego, it was hard to get a proper sense of scale, not having access to his own hands. But then Sam was grinning at him with his wickedly clever eyes and bright, dimpled smile again and Dean felt himself smiling back, his cheeks flushing as Jessica’s body responded to a new wave of want.
Sam crawled up over Dean, stretching his long body and skimming, not quite touching, over him, supporting his weight on his knees and hands. Just as Sam zeroed in on his lips and when Dean anticipated he would kiss him, Sam kept stretching past, reaching over and easily sliding open then closing the nightstand drawer. When he pulled back, a condom packet held by a corner in his mouth, he dragged it lightly across Dean’s skin, tickling slightly and forcing a giggle out of him that Dean would cringe over later when he replayed the moment. Sam sat back on his heels and tore open the packet. A wild thought, a desire, flashed through Dean, causing his cheeks to burn. 
“Wait,” he said breathlessly.
Sam stopped and looked at him, concern overriding some of the confidence he’d shown just seconds before. But Dean was sitting up and reaching out, running his hand down Sam’s thigh as he smiled Jessica’s wide smile. 
“Just, let me…” and he slid his hand up, his gaze meeting his grasp as he stroked Sam’s length. Hot, velvety soft skin twitched in the circle of Jessica’s manicured fingers. Dean blinked slowly, his eyes threatening to close, to block out such a transgression, but he made himself look, burning the image into his memory. He licked his lips as he shifted so he could lean forward. He just needed to know… if he was here, if he was doing this, then he needed it all, there’d never be another chance. He rubbed his thumb through the drop of precum beaded up on the head of Sam’s cock, spreading it slick across the head, and then kissed there. He looked up to find Sam staring down, eyes dark, mouth open, a blush high on his cheeks like he was drunk, and Dean licked slowly, tasting as he stared up at him.
Dean had never gone down on a guy before, although he’d received plenty of propositions over the years. But he’d eaten out more than his fair share of women and every one had tasted different, each one unique and special and divine, and this really wasn’t much different from that. Salty, a little bitter, not bad, just intimate. And he’d be lying if he said there wasn’t a deep satisfaction to sucking the head of Sam’s cock into his mouth. Sam’s fingers slipped into Jessica’s hair, fingers spanning the width of her head and gently holding there, not pressing, not pulling, as he let out a slow breath. 
Dean reached up with his free hand and took the opened condom packet from Sam as he swirled his tongue against the vein on the underside of his cock. And then he pulled back and slid the condom down and gave it a couple slow pumps with his fist to make sure it was rolled all the way down. 
He sat up and crawled forward, capturing Sam’s bottom lip as he pressed against him. Sam’s hand let go of his hair and like earlier, he pulled Dean in like he weighed nothing, hands engulfing his hips as he settled Dean on his lap. Dean wrapped his arms around Sam’s neck, reveling in the feel of his tits crushed up against Sam’s chest and Sam’s erection hot and hard between them. His hips rubbed forward, like they were seeking friction on autopilot.
“Sam,” he keened.
Sam lifted him again and lined himself up and lowered Dean onto him. Dean’s eyes rolled closed as he stretched and was filled in a way he’d never even dreamed. He’d never be able to claim that again, he was sure he’d never get the perfect feeling of them fitting together like this out of his mind. And as his hips once again seemed more in control of things than he was, he gave some experimental grinds, and looked at Sam whose eyes were closed, his brow furrowed a little in concentration, and he looked… beautiful. 
Sam opened his eyes, his pupils blown wide in the candlelight and a look of pure want on his face, and he was the most gorgeous thing that Dean had ever seen. He circled his hips, trying to find the leverage to do more when Sam lifted him again, easily taking Jessica’s weight in his arms and began to thrust up. As he repeated the movement, again and again, Dean let his head fall back, his eyes closing, Sam’s mouth kissing hungrily along his jaw and down his neck, teeth nipping, stubble on his chin rough, but never hurting, never bruising, no it was just enough to feel all the way down through to where they were connected. 
With his eyes closed and head tipped back, the weight of Jessica’s hair hanging down, bouncing with every forceful thrust, Dean could only hold on, losing himself in the sensations. Sam ran a hand up Dean’s back, his hand tangling in and gently but insistently pulling, causing Dean to arch further back. Sam kissed down, captured one of his nipples, his other hand sliding low across Dean hips, thumb finding and pressing into his clit and the combination of all those sensations pushed him up and over that cliff again. Being so full, having something… his brother’s cock, a thought that he really shouldn’t be so completely good with… inside him, for his muscles to squeeze, and with so much skin-on-skin contact for him to clutch onto, pushed everything up, and up, and over. 
When Dean could focus again, he lifted his head, eyes meeting Sam’s, Sam who was still fucking him, and holy hell if his (not so) little brother wasn’t a goddamn freight train. The thought brought a ridiculous swelling of pride with it, some misguided feeling that he’d had a hand in raising this absolute god of a man. Dean smiled, his mouth open with every breath that Sam pushed out of him, and he traced his fingers across Sam’s face, thumb dragging across his bottom lip before Dean leaned in and kissed him.
“Come on, Baby. Come for me? I want to feel you, come on.” he said in between kisses. Sam’s arms tightened around him, his pace speeding up. “ Come on, Sammy.” Dean breathed and he felt Sam’s body tense. He leaned back enough to see Sam’s face as he climaxed. Little aftershocks from Dean’s last orgasm were still pulsing through him as Sam twitched inside him. 
When their heavy breaths slowed down to contented sighs, Sam pulled out, removed the condom and tossed it in a small trash can by the nightstand and twisted the two of them so they could fall onto their sides on the bed, his arms still around Dean, facing each other. 
Sam brushed a thick lock of hair out of Dean’s face, his eyes alight with reflected, flickering candlelight. He was sweaty and his cheeks were still flushed and he looked contentedly fucked out and Dean couldn’t stop staring at him. 
A bemused smile flashed across Sam’s face after a moment. “What?” 
Dean didn’t have the words, so he just smiled with his borrowed face, hoping it conveyed the best part of the crazed tangle of things he was feeling. When Sam returned the smile, Dean leaned in and kissed him one last time before snuggling into his brother’s broad chest, his eyelids growing heavy.
Sam placed a kiss on the top of his head. “Happy birthday, Jess.”
Dean was glad that Sam couldn’t see his face because he knew the smile wasn’t reaching his eyes anymore.
Dean lay there until Sam’s breathing evened out into sleep. And then he steadfastly refused to give into the looming tidal wave of guilt that was threatening to drown him, closing his eyes, he breathed in the smell of Sam, letting all the memories it triggered carry him, finally, to sleep.
“So, I’m curious,” she asked, “you don’t seem too enthused about… wait, where are we again?”
Jeremy laughed, “Eastfield.”
“Right, right. You don’t seem too enthused about Eastfield. And you’re young, seem intelligent, so why…” she gestured around the bar. “You from here? Got family or something?”
“Nah, I mean, not exactly. I grew up near here. Went to college. While I was there, my dad got sick, cancer, so I came home to take care of him. And, I don’t know, after he passed I just didn’t go right back and now,” he shrugged as he moved glasses around, “I don’t know. I’m just sort of here because here feels as good as anywhere to be.” 
Jessica nodded and took a sip of water.
“What about you? You’ve been here all night and haven’t mentioned what you do for a living once.” Jeremy carried a crate of glasses into the back, Jessica could hear it being set down, and then he was back again, leaning up against the bar across from her. “Most people don’t shut up about their jobs when they get talking here. It’s just a safe topic, you know? Not too personal but something that eats up most of their lives. But you?” 
Jessica shrugged and smiled, taking another drink of water. Jeremy squinted his eyes a bit, pursed his lips.
“What if I guess?” He looked her up and down, clucking his tongue quietly. “A hit man for the Mafia? Is the Mafia still a thing?” He smiled.
She laughed, “I don’t know. But no, I’m not in the Mafia.” I think, she added internally.
Jeremy looked at her, watched her mouth as she smiled. “Are you a model or something… which as I’m saying it, sounds super cheesy.” he said with a bit of a blush rising high on his cheeks above his beard. He was flirting and she suddenly remembered that she wasn’t herself. He was flirting with the gorgeous guy who’d been drinking alone at his bar all evening. 
“I don’t really want to talk about what I do, it’s just not…” she shrugged and took another drink of water, licking her lips. The room was still spinning a bit and she felt all warm and fuzzy, like this was all a weird but pleasant dream.
Jeremy leaned forward onto his elbows, only a foot or so of distance between them now. “SInce I’m already kinda making a fool of myself… you are, you know… really hot and it seems like a crime against humanity for you to be alone on your birthday.” 
He had nice brown eyes, wide and clear and kind, and what should have been an overdone line came across as genuine. The only other guy she knew that could have pulled that off was Sam. Thinking of him caused a heavy lump of guilt to form in her stomach.
“And yet, here I am.” 
He slid one hand closer, fingertips just brushing the backs of her knuckles where her hand was still curled around the glass. 
She stared at his hand and thought about Sam, who was the best man she’d ever known, smart, sweet, funny, weirdly mysterious, how did he even know half the shit he knew? And she knew so little about his life, his childhood, just enough to know that it had been nomadic and traumatic. His mom had died when he was a baby, his dad hadn’t handled that well, and he had a brother, but he never wanted to talk about them. He was home, thinking he was with her (hopefully) if James wasn’t screwing everything up. But at the same time, the idea that Sam might not be able to tell that it wasn’t her… well, it rankled. 
She looked over Jeremy’s shoulder and saw James’ reflection looking back. Maybe it was the drinks, she thought as she shifted her gaze back to Jeremy, or the dream-like unrealness of the entire evening, but she slowly licked her lips thinking about what it would feel like to kiss a guy using someone else’s mouth, a man’s mouth? Would it feel different?
There was only one way to find out.
She pushed up and forward slightly as Jeremy leaned further across the bar. They both hesitated when there were only a couple of inches of space between them, giving the other a chance to back out. Shyness was never something that Jessica suffered from. Quite the opposite. Throughout her life she’d been accused of being too forward, too bold and daring, too aggressive when she wanted something. She knew she was impulsive, but YOLO, right? She slid her hand around the back of Jeremy’s neck and pulled him into a kiss.
The beard was something new to her. It was scratchy-soft and tickly in a way that was not entirely unpleasant. His lips were soft though and he knew what to do with them. After a moment, they broke apart.
“Hey, come around. I, uh, I want to give you something.” 
When she stood up this time she was steady. Walking around the bar, she felt a flush of excitement, like a spreading fire flowing from her cheeks, down her chest, and into her gut. She followed him through the doorway and into the back room where Jeremy turned and pushed her up against a wall with a big, laminated, OSHA poster taped to it. 
He was a couple inches shorter, so she had to tip her head down to meet his lips, a feeling so opposite of what she was used to that it added to the overall surrealness of the situation. And then he stepped even closer, one leg wedging between hers, pressing against her, his hands cupping her head, fingers rubbing into her scalp, such a different experience with James’ short hair, but pulling a pleased noise from somewhere deep in her chest. When his hips ground against hers, she was startled at the sensation. All that pooling warmth in her gut was suddenly rushing to her groin, focusing with growing insistence. She could feel Jeremy, already so hard, pressing back and the sensation left her breathless.
“Can I?” He tipped his head down as his hand skated over the front of her jeans, lightly tracing the bulge of her cock. Shit, she had a cock and this guy wanted to…
Okay, so she didn’t know if James was gay, or into guys at all, and she was seriously dating Sam, she was, but when would she ever be given the chance to experience this from this side of the equation again? 
“Yeah.” she said. 
Jeremy kissed her again as he undid her belt and jeans, sliding his hand down to feel her through her briefs. Her hips pressed forward, chasing the warmth and touch of his hand. And then his mouth was gone. He sank to his knees as he pulled the waistband of her briefs down and freed her straining cock. And it was like watching porn that she could feel, looking down the long stretch of her borrowed body, flat stomach and hard on, flushed dark pink with short, dark curls around the base. And then Jeremy’s tongue licked slowly up along the bottom of her shaft before flicking across the tip. Oh! That felt… good! One hand gently held the base, angling the length for better access, while his other hand cupped warm around her balls, lifting and squeezing in a way that made a small gasp escape her lips. Jeremy stared up at her as his tongue darted out again and swirled around the head of her cock, like he was trying to burn the image into his memory. But when he sucked her into his mouth and she groaned and placed a hand gently in his hair, her mouth falling open, his eyes sank closed and he got to work. 
Jessica had given head, she knew her way around a blowjob and took pride in the responses she got, but to feel it, oh it added an entire other level. She couldn’t help but note what worked vs. what didn’t work vs. what really worked. She had also been on the receiving end of oral in her own body many times, something that Sam was particularly fond of (and extremely good at), but while this was similar, it was also so completely different, everything sort of flipped around in a delightful way. Her head tipped back against the wall as she let the feelings take over. Despite having no direct experience on this side of a blowjob, she felt confident that Jeremy seemed to know what he was doing. She didn’t hold back her responses and he picked them up and ran with them. 
She was still tipsy enough and this was all still so new and weird, she had no idea how long it lasted before she felt herself tensing up, everything building as he worked at an increasingly frantic pace. As if he could sense how close she was, and he probably knew better than she did, he pulled back just enough to look up and say, “Come on” before swallowing as much of her as he could. A couple more pumps and the pressure in her burst, flooding out of her in deliciously violent spurts, all of which Jeremy greedily took.
When she could focus again, and looked down, he had his own dick out and was coming in his hand, his forehead resting against her thigh, still on his knees. She ran her hand through his hair, unconsciously petting him as they both came down.
When he sat back and fixed himself back into his pants, she did the same. She offered him a hand and pulled him back up to his feet. Awkwardness threatening to set in, she just smiled at him, “Thanks seems like a bit of an understatement.”
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for hot birthday boys.” He laughed, cheeks glowing with a deep flush. “No pun intended.”
Her smile spread wider.
Walking out of the bar a few minutes later, Jeremy’s number written on the receipt in her pocket, only feeling a little awkward at how quickly the whole interaction wrapped up because he seemed honestly content, Jessica looked around the parking lot. James had said it was a classic car, but she wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting. The long, shiny, sleek lines of the absolute beast of a vehicle that was waiting for her was a surprise though. 
She fished the keys out of her pocket and opened the door with a creaking squeak that spoke of old joints formed from heavy, solid, metal. She slid in behind the wheel and pulled the door shut. 
“Okay. Just an easy drive over to the motel. You can do this.” Turning the key in the ignition, the engine roared to life. Nothing quiet or subtle about this car, but it felt right on a weird, deep level that she wasn’t sure was coming from her. She eased out of the bar’s parking lot and onto the blessedly deserted street, keeping it a bit below the speed limit, even though she could feel the car practically begging to go faster.
Then there was the motel, and she parked outside room 12, locked the car and went inside. The place was… well it wasn’t going to ever earn even three stars on any travel guide ever again, but it was sorta clean and had the basics covered, a bed, nightstand, little desk with a chair next to a dresser with a tv on it, open closet, and a dingy bathroom. She dropped the keys onto the nightstand, along with James’s wallet and phone, as she sat heavily on the side of the bed.
Exhaustion settled heavily on her and she felt like she was made of lead, but still managed to pull off her boots and started to lay down before stopping herself and grabbing the cheap pen with the motel name on it. She scribbled a quick note on the receipt, under Jeremy’s name and number. And then was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. 
The distinctive smell of stale, decades old, cigarette smoke and bleach hit him as Dean woke with a start. Sitting up and taking immediate stock of himself and his surroundings. Sunlight streamed in around the curtains, lighting up copious dust motes. The distant sound of a door banging shut reverberated through the walls. 
He was still wearing what he’d been wearing when he’d left his body last night and had been sleeping stretched out on top of the covers on the bed in his motel room. His duffle bag lay seemingly untouched on the floor at the foot of the bed.
He rubbed his hands over his face and scrubbed at his hair a few times. 
His wallet, keys, and phone were on the nightstand next to a note, which he picked up and read. The handwriting wasn’t his. And as he looked he realized it was likely written by two different people.
Jeremy 555-823-3467 was written in one hand, while the rest was another, messy and unsure.
You may not want to go back to that bar.
“Huh.” he tossed the note onto the bed, got up and walked to the window. A quick check outside verified that his car was there and seemed in one piece.
Jessica woke up slowly, warm and comfortable. She stretched and felt the familiar feel of her own body and smiled. The smile dropped entirely as she realized that she was naked and not alone. Sam, also naked, stirred next to her as she moved.
The night before settling like a brick in her stomach. She knew what she’d done, and would carry the guilt of cheating on Sam, but if she was honest with herself, which she tried hard to be, she believed that the extraordinary circumstances were something that she would have regretted not taking advantage of. Right or wrong, she’d made her choice and she’d live with that. But the idea that some random guy had used her body the same way, with her boyfriend, and that it turned out that Sam hadn’t noticed anything wrong, which either said a lot about how poorly he knew her, or about how good James was at pretending to be someone he didn’t really know, well, that weighed on her in a much more unpleasant way. 
It wouldn’t be for another year and a half before that strange, surreal night would come sneaking back into her life in a fittingly bizarre and unexpected way.
Looking at that too handsome face again standing so close to Sam as she flipped on the light in their living room, made the floor feel like it was going to drop out from under her.
“Jess. Hey. Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica.” Sam said, still slightly out of breath.
She blinked in surprise, “Wait, your brother Dean?”
Sam had never shown her any pictures of his brother, had only spoken about him a few times, and had made it sound like they were distant, estranged. She hadn’t ever questioned… why would she have questioned? This, what the hell was this? But before she could form any of her swirling thoughts into words, Dean stepped forward, an over-the-top leering grin on his face.
“Oh, I love the Smurfs. You know, I gotta tell you. You are completely out of my brother's league.”
There wasn’t even a hint of recognition in his eyes, but she still felt the hairs on her arms rise with a sense of danger at the aggressive eye contact he’d fixed on her. 
Later, as she watched Sam pack and assure her that he would be back in time for his interview on Monday, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was looming nearby. But she’d never told Sam about that night, it was insane, how could she have even begun to explain it? So she didn’t know now how to articulate why she didn’t want Sam to go. The idea that James was actually Sam’s brother, that he’d… that they’d… 
Sam kissed her goodbye with promises of seeing her soon and then was out the door. A familiar rumble of an engine starting up outside, and then they were gone.
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swap-tech-enterprise · 6 months
From Maid of Honor to Best Man Part B, Customer Swap Stories #1
It’s been three days since my little mishap using STE, and the adjustment hasn’t been easy. My friend wasn’t exactly thrilled that her maid of honor had become her best man, but she eventually came around and was just happy that I could make the wedding. However, things have been awkward since the swap as we had a lot of activities planned for just the bridal party, which was now the bride, 4 other woman and me the black sheep of the group. It started with the pool day we had planned where the bride had bought us all matching bikinis to wear. However, that proved to be useless for me as the body I was currently inhabiting didn’t exactly required it, so I just went with one of the bathing suits that I found in my new bodies home.
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Then she had planned a spa day where we were all going to get manicures and pedicures to be ready for the wedding in which she bought us all matching sweat suit sets. While my didn’t fit as expected, I still wanted to fit in with the rest of the group so I put it on anyway. It was actually pretty funny to see my new body wearing an outfit that wasn’t intended for it.
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Finally the bride and groom had planned a giant beach day with everyone invited to the wedding so that we could spend some time together just relaxing before the craziness that the wedding tomorrow would bring. I felt awkward going to the beach with everyone as they were expecting to see Victoria, the maid of honor, not victor as we had decided to dub myself while in this body. However, it turns out that grooms sister also used STE to attending the wedding and was also swapped into a male body by her own choice. Turns out she had used STE before on a family vacation and was curious what it was like to be a man, and now anytime she uses STE she chooses to be swapped with a man because she likes how strong and confident it makes her feel. We spent pretty much the whole day together talking about our experiences so far on this vacation, and it was just nice to have someone to relate to on this vacation.
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Now all that’s left is to get through the wedding tomorrow and then it’ll be just one more day of being stuck in this body before heading back to swap bank and getting back to my female body.
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