#genuinely in my head going through every game i ever played trying to figure out which one it's from
daz4i · 1 year
hardest challenge a girl can face. got a song stuck in my head and idk what it's called or where it's from but it's instrumental so i can't also keep singing it in my head till i find a lyric i can google. so sad
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
gate - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 383
James was nervous. Normally, he was the picture of ease before a Quidditch match. Giving pep talks to his teammates and joking about the amazing victory party the would have. But today? He was about ready to lose his breakfast.
Not only was this the game that would decide if Gryffindor would win against Ravenclaw for the Cup, but rumor had gone through the Great Hall that a scout from Puddlemere was going to be in the crowd. And all of a sudden, every play James had ever learned, every single flying tip and trick he knew, melted from his brain.
So as he walked down to the Pitch early, hoping to get a few laps in to calm his nerves, he bit at his cuticles, trying not to think of worst-case scenarios. Like getting hit in the head by a Bludger thirty seconds in and falling off his broom.
"Oi! Potter!"
A familiar voice jolted him from his panic, making him turn to look toward the gate of the Pitch.
Regulus Black stood there, arms folded, a smirk on his face. A large maroon jersey taking over his small, thin frame. As James watched, transfixed, the boy turned slowly, arms held out, so he could read the writing on the back: POTTER 07.
Grinning, panic nerves forgotten, James took giant steps forward, sweeping the boy in his arms. "My jersey, love?" he asked, ignoring the way Regulus rolled his eyes and halfheartedly pushed at him in fake distaste.
"Yes. And please know that I'm allergic to Gryffindor colors, so this is truly a labor of love," Regulus taunted, his face pinched in horror but humor dancing in his eyes.
"It looks amazing on you," James whispered, staring adoringly at him, genuineness in every syllable, absolutely taken by the image of his boyfriend with his name on his back.
"Well," Regulus sniffed, looking like he was trying to keep his composure as James beamed at him. "I figured you would be nervous. I wanted to make sure you know....I believe in you." His voice got softer as he spoke, the tone of superiority bleeding out to reveal the care underneath.
And suddenly, James felt powerful. Like he could do anything. "Thank you, Reggie. I love you so much."
"Love you too, Jamie."
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poetryvampire · 3 months
Just curious but how do you think Zevlor would feel about non-tiefling reader, who has never seen a tieflings before, is just both fascinated by his infernal features & genuinely thought he's so handsome? Reader is shy around him that he misunderstood thinking reader is afraid of him, but later, he accidentally overheard reader being teased for being too shy to talk to him all because he's too attractive! Please tell me thoughts if you don't mind!
Dear sweet anon! I could swoon, I love that good shy mutual pining. Gets me every time. I was so taken with the idea it turned into a little fic. Let's goooo ✨
Zevlor x Gn Reader
Sft. Zevlor pines for you while trying to figure out how you might feel for him. With a bit of angst but it's mostly just cute.
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After a winding jog through the woods Zevlor slows to an easy trot, letting out a long breath. He's weary in body and mind. Despite his hopes the gentle greenery had done little to calm his storming thoughts. He was certain his fears has turned reality and he had wronged you by his foolish actions.
The tiefling commander sat himself against a large elm tree, allowing another exasperated sigh to past his lips. He couldn't help but mull over the situation; to try and pin point where he had gone wrong or if he had any chance of fixing it.
Zevlor has a keen eye and was always acutely aware of your gaze. It wouldn't be the first time he'd gotten lingering stares from a non-tiefling. He understood that his dark eyes and curved horns could come off as a bit intimidating, especially to someone that's not used to his kind. Usually he would pay it little attention. But your eyes, they stayed with him.
It became a sort of game. One seemingly approved by the Gods themselves as the two of you crossed paths constantly. He would catch you, eyes locked on him and like every time they would dart away, a sweet blush rising to your cheeks. Zevlor had found himself transfixed by the sight of you, then suddenly you were the one catching him. Usually you'd turn away but if the stars alined just right you would hold his gaze. There was a wonderment in it that kept him up at night. Desperately he fought not to give into false hope but couldn't help but wonder if there was something more than mere curiosity behind those eyes. Those gorgeous eyes.
He had to test the waters. Carefully, little by little, he sought you out more often. It was always amiable, enjoyable even but you puzzled him still. Your voice may shake a little when you spoke yet you never sought to cut the conversation short. Your words were welcoming even if your gaze was down turned.
Zevlor plays back his every action in his mind. Could it be you were you shy by nature? Were you too polite to tell him to leave you be? Or did his presence truly make you uncomfortable?
He feared he had only made things worse a few days prior. You had passed him in a hurry only to drop a book full of loose papers that scattered all over the ground. Of course Zevlor knelt beside you in a instant to help. Your hands crashed together and you gasped practically jumping out of your skin. Fear struck his heart, thinking he may have hurt you.
"My deepest apologies, my dear. Please, let me see." Without thinking Zevlor grabbed your hand, running his fingers over it carefully, inspecting it for any cuts or scratches from his nails. There were none, just the softest skin he'd ever felt. He was drawn back to reality when he notes you're trembling ever so slightly.
"Are you alright?" He lifts he's eyes to yours only to be met with a sharp jab in his chest. Fear; It's unmistakable. Your eyes are brimming with it, full like a deer locked in place before some beast. He dropped your hand just then realizing how tightly he was gripping it.
"I- I'm sorry. I have to be going, C-commander." You forced out before you stood and practically sprinted away.
Zevlor drops his head in his hands, trying to discern the best path to take. Having had collected your book the first plan was to simply return it and offer an apology. But as the days passed he wonders if trying to smooth things over was just more foolishness. There was plenty of people he could pass the book on to and then he could leave you be. Not bother you again. He scolds himself for thinking you might have had any feelings for him other than fear.
The soft rustling of wind through leaves is broken by the sound of vibrant laughter.
"Oh, come on. You have to go!" It's a woman. A very familiar voice.
"But I don't want to make it weird if it's a tiefling holiday thing. I don't want to crash the party."
It was you. Zevlor bolted up peaking around the elm. There, through a small thicket of trees he spied two figures walking leisurely. It was you and Lia, a fellow teifling he had occasionally seen you in the company of.
"Oh please. It's nothing like that, just a little get together. C'mon it'll be fun." Lia pleaded.
The sabbath celebration was that evening, wasn't it? It had completely slipped Zevlor's mind.
"Oh, I don't know."
"You know all of us are going. Everyone's gonna be there. Including Zevlor.' Lia practically sang out.
"No! Don't say that." You gasp. "Now I definitely can't go."
Zevlor would have gladly taken being thrown from his horse over the gut punch of your words. It was his own fault for listening to a private conversation and for letting his mind be over come with the thought of you. Defeated, he turned to leave as silently as he could.
"You're mad. Just talk to him."
"You don't understand, I can't just talk to someone like him. He's far too handsome."
Zevlor nearly tripped, his body halting him before his brain could process the words. Surely he misheard you.
Lia's laugh filled the forest. "You're so ridiculous. Just come tonight, have a glass of wine with him. I'm sure he'd like that."
His heart hammers. Yes, he'd like that quite a bit. More than anything he could think of at the moment.
"But I always make such a fool of myself in front of him. It's like I see him and my brain just goes all stupid." You sigh.
"You're not that bad. Besides you talk to Dammon just fine." She teases.
"He's different. Yeah he's attractive but he's not ~Zevlor~"
His name rolls off your tongue so sweetly. A breath escapes his lips didn't realize he was holding in.
"Admit it, it's the infernal features. We really are stunning, aren't we." Lia jokes.
"You are! Really you're all so beautiful." there's such an honesty in your words. "But Zevlor's so handsome. It's just all so striking. His skin is such a perfect shade of red and those eyes just transfix me. I feel my whole body's burning when he looks at me. And those horns! They're so large and well shaped. Gods I want to touch them."
"Speak to him like that and I'm sure he'd let you touch a lot of things."
"Hush." You laugh. "You think so?"
There's a smile on your lips, Zevlor's sure of it by the warmth in your voice. He's in a dream, it's the only answer.
"Oh, commander!" Lia teases, dramatically. " I feel so safe with those great big horns of yours! Won't you walk me home?"
"Shut up! It's not just that you know. He's also well spoken and he seems so brave and dutiful. He's such a gentleman. I wish I could just how amazing he is. How he makes me feel so..." You trail off, lost in thought.
"That settles it. Let's go get ready. We're going to that party."
Your hurried voices fade leaving Zevlor with the sound of his heart pounding. Thoughts rushed his mind telling him this couldn't be. That somehow he misunderstood. As unbelievable as it felt he knew what he heard.
Handsome. His infernal features in all. That was something the tiefling commander never considered himself. He couldn't stop the smile pulling at his lips. He's overwhelmed and ecstatic all at once. His mind is not free from doubt but your words set a new courage ablaze in his heart.
Zevlor had tried his best to push the fullness of his desire for you away but if your feelings were the same he had to act. For both your sakes he would seek you out that night. The misunderstanding would be mended and perhaps some relief offered to your longing.
~ 💜💓💜
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ahlore · 2 months
being friends with jill valentine.
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↳ being friends with jill valentine would include. . .
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Jill was incredibly protective of you, always listening and never brushing off your feelings, even when the chaos of Raccoon City was overwhelming. As you fought to stay alive, she stayed calm and collected, her bravery and independence shining through. Jill's skills with weapons and her knack for unlocking things made her an invaluable ally. Her support went beyond just surviving; it was about making sure you felt safe and heard in the middle of the nightmare.
She’s possibly the best friend you could have asked for. Extremely patient and dedicated, she goes all out to keep you safe. Even though she knows you’re a former S.T.A.R.S. member and don’t need protecting because you’re strong both mentally and physically, she admires you deeply. She’s always admired your kind heart and how you’ve stayed warm and caring despite everything you’ve been through.
Oh boy, did she notice your crush on Carlos. It was practically written all over your face. Every time he approached, you’d get flustered by his teasing. “I know. You want to ask me out. All the foxy ladies love my accent,” he’d say with a smirk. “It drives them crazy.” You’d roll your eyes, but Jill could see you were one of those women who was head over heels for him too.
Jill often preferred being paired up with you during those tense moments when the three of you were trying to figure out an escape plan from Raccoon City and the outbreak. She appreciated the way you both seemed to understand each other without needing to say much, and she felt a sense of calm and focus when you were around. While Carlos’s constant flirting could be amusing at times, it also became a bit exhausting for her. What really mattered to Jill was the genuine connection she felt with you.
One day, when Jill was feeling a bit more vulnerable and wanted to open up, she told you that she wasn’t really a fan of horror movies. They made her uneasy, and she couldn’t help but compare their situation to being in one of those films. She wasn’t usually very affectionate, but she made an exception for you. After all, you were pretty touchy-feely, and she was willing to accommodate that.
“Once we get out of Raccoon City, I could really go for a burger,” you say, stretching out your tired limbs. Honestly, you’re getting pretty worn out from fighting every day and could really use a massage right now. As you wait for Jill’s response, you glance over and see her deeply focused on some files. You roll your eyes, wondering if she ever hears anything that isn’t about the outbreak. “Jill, are you even listening?”
“Yeah, I caught something about a burger,” she says, not looking up from the files. “But right now, could you check this out? I’m having trouble figuring it out, but I think it might be important for us, especially with the T-virus. It could come in handy later.”
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✦ author’s note: i haven’t played this game in a long time, so i’m not really sure how accurate this is to jill’s character. sorry if it’s out of character. also, this headcanon is a variation of “black hair” a fanfic about carlos oliveira x reader. so it’ll follow the same format, meaning jill and the reader are still close friends.
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newlifeera2024 · 3 months
AlternaTSe Universe?
I feel like I am living in a bizarre alternate (Taylor Swift) universe. Since crushing the three shows in London, which were attended by the Royal Family, Paul McCartney, and a bajillion other celebs, amongst 270,000 screaming fans, all the world seemed to be talking about this past Monday & Tuesday is “Travvy”.
First with respect to his performance on N3:
While I can appreciate the shock factor and his ability to play the bit well, it seems like the world is treating him like some supernova of a boyfriend. So many people were creating content about this being the most "romantic" thing they ever saw and how Travis is her "savior". See below.
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I may be stuck on stupid but, in my understanding of Taylor Swift's music, she typically refutes the notion that she needs a man to come rescue her. She refers to men as "kens" or as "toys". So to read something with such strong language like "rock and savior" seemed extreme, yet reflective of a large portion of the Taylor Swift Fandom. Now granted, I think that we are all guilty of "projecting" some of our personal / inner life onto Taylor, depending on where we are in life, in relationships, etc. However, when her music frequently, and recently, reflects themes of "secrecy", "closets", "hiding", "fantasies of dying", "wanting to disappear", "desire to change life circumstances", "living in constraint", "showing lies" and wanting to reject heteronormative expectations, it feels extreme to see the above perspective espoused not only in the screenshots above, but very much in different posts all over social media. The idea that Dr. Taylor Alison Swift (who has lifted the economy globally, has over 500 awards for her work, runs an empire that everyone and every brand wants some connection with) needs a HERO to come swoop in and save her, makes the eyes pop out of my head. I have no idea if any or all of her relationship with TK is genuine, or if it is a mutual business partnership. But what was performed on N3 in London was, in my opinion, "part of the show". I did not see that it was a declaration of their love and devotion to each other. I do believe that TS has loved men and women before, and I believe that she may continue to do so throughout her life. What I do not believe is that Taylor is going to make a public spectacle calling on the world to see how in love they are by portraying her as a damsel in distress who needs to be saved by a man. Her music defies that notion. She dominated the world last year even with her broken heart. She did that, not TK.
Second, everyone in her fandom seems to be falling over his interview on the Bussin Podcast. Many listeners posted that they were “melting” “dying” and “sobbing” about his answers in response to the questions they asked him about his relationship w/Taylor. I listened to the full podcast to make sure I missed nothing. Actually, I watched it on YouTube which you can do through the hyperlink above.
I found his responses to be underwhelming, generic, and canned. Like a fan would probably be more enthusiastic about their love for Taylor than what I observed with TK's responses. When he did speak about Taylor and what made him "really start to fall for her" he shared that it was when he realized that she is:
1) Self-Aware (in the context of her attending his games and sitting with his family and friends) 2) Genuine, Chill, and Cool when around [his] family and friends, 3) Can handle herself in situations when dealing with the public and on the Super Bowl Field.
Again, his response to this question seems so basic.. Like you are allegedly dating Taylor Swift, and this was your response??
Question Asked by Podcast Hosts: What's been the most surprising thing with your guys's dating life that you're like, you maybe you anticipated it, but like man this is crazy that this person's here trying to figure this out, or take a picture over here at my house how did they find my address, like what's been the craziest?  TK Answer: Definitely the, the pulling up to the house [by randos], or the just random like IDK, It's been cool... Like it's a different demographic {Taylor's fans} than the NFL really so it's like, it's been cool to like kind of dabble in that and like see her following {of fans} and everything and It's been fun because it’s a lot more like kids are, are way more um into the game and like the Chiefs fans have kind of like turned into a lot of her fans, or, her fans have turned into like Chiefs fans.. So it’s like i’ve had fun with just about every aspect of it. It’s just when you’re at home you want [privacy] - Yeah, and you don’t just you don’t always get that.
TO BE FAIR: When TK spoke about going to the concerts he was more complimentary of Taylor and what she's able to do on stage and how all the fans respond (but this is like no different than what anyone NOT romantically involved would say) and that he's been happy to be able to go and support her at the shows, "I don't know, she's having fun up there so it's like I can enjoy seeing her in her element killing it on stage and um I love the show man she's got bangers."
Of those "bangers"' here is how he ranked his top 3 TS songs.
1. Blank Space 2. Cruel Summer 3. So High School (because it has sentimental meaning to him)
Make of that what you will.. but um, he seems to know very little of the rest of her catalogue. The hosts seemed to have much more knowledge of the variety of songs as well as the lyrics.
I truly do not get why everyone was so tickled by his interview, but alas. Maybe I am just too critical? But we are talking about TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT.. Like she is not just another "lady". She's so smart, clever, creative, capable, like there are so many things he could have brought up that really spoke to her uniquely. Anyway. if you read this, thanks. I needed to not feel crazy and needed to just organize my thoughts.
Also, is there a possibility to use the term "TayloW" to indicate that TAYlorLOvesWomen, without having to label her sexual orientation?
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kdmerchant · 19 days
Chapter 13!
Thanks to all those that have kept reading. I'm to the point I need to play more. I'm busy to the point I've still not finished act 2... 🫠
Here's a snippit:
The hulking figure hummed a dirge in his fine tenor as he got lost in thought. The smaller elf’s ears twitched. Astarion stood from looking from his pillage, pulling out a red scarf and threading it through his fingers. The cool fabric felt and smelled of silk, and whispered as he tugged and rethreaded it between his fingers.
Halsin got deeper with his noise and Astarion snapped. “What is the point of that grumbling.” He said.
“It’s humming, it’s a great way to calm your nervous system.” Halsin said with a smile, then intruded on the smaller elf’s boundaries, getting him to stand more prostrate with less of a slouch, then he touched his upper stomach. “See, if you let it come from this part of the body, it seems to rumble something loose in the nervous system. I’ve often wondered if that’s why some people respond so well cats purring.”
“Who hurt you.” Astarion shot back, eyebrows high and mighty. This man was way to comfortable with invading space.
“A Drow woman, try it.” Halsin ordered, “Go on.” He pressed as Astarion made a face.
Astarion cleared his throat and tried to harmonize on a higher pitch with Halsin. He had not kept up with singing. Music had been hard for him to process since his ordeal; it had become something that held nothing but misery to unlucky faces he plucked out as prizes for Cazador. Notes hit Astarion’s ears like bits of call to the void. The void he was actively struggling against, every way he could.
His voice crackled a bit as he struggled to hit simple notes, but his tune was off. The vibration of his chest loosened him up ever so slightly and a single tear found its way to Astarion’s eye. Halsin’s slow but melodic beat was forgiving and eased along his pathetic attempt at song.
“How you feeling?” Halsin asked.
“Strange.” Astarion said. “Something to reflect on.” The large elf had taken him by surprise, he was not planning on the brutal honesty or humming. “What keeps you going like this?”
“Like what?” Halsin looked genuinely lost, his mind wandering off on the thought of getting to his needed destination, his concern growing on getting to Thaniel in a timely manner.
“Trying to be so helpful.” Astarion spat, like it was so off putting for a person to be nice just for the hell of it.
“There were repeated times in my long life where small things made all the difference. I like putting together what makes the small differences that keep us going.” Halsin stretched, cleared his throat can continued to hum. He needed some space for himself, so he turned into a bear and bumbled off.
There was something niggling at the back of his brain that told him he needed this group and to stay but it was difficult when he felt so close to problem he had been a part of so long ago. Halsin bumped into Paradigm on his way out, she grabbed him by the snout and gave him a peck on the nose and he kept going on his way, holding all the affection received just below his constant worry.
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thevalleyoftriumph · 11 months
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Since I reblogged it from you, here’s what I’m curious abt for your OC’s!!
MY ENTIRE EXPLANATION FOR 11 JUST GOT DESTROYED IM GOING TO KILL TUMBLR. anyways since last ask had an 11 im choosing a different ocverse for this one
hi. um. roblox ocs :3 their lore takes forever to explain so im just gonna explain the characters instead of the plot.
basically theres 3 of them ok.
cody, a noob who loves playing fighting games and helping people get their footing in them. very silly, very kind, and has a bestie thats a guest named horns [horns is my friends oc :3]. cody ALSO has a bit of a slow moving "curse" that is the result of their arm being Fucking Cut Off. its a corruption in their code that is slowly spreading across their body, which will end up with their entire set of code and body being Basically unraveled from the inside out in a way thats Worse than death ! :D they spend most of their time trying to figure out a way to undo that while still being the same happy person. they see blade [other oc] as a brother figure once the two meet!
blade is a bounty hunter of sorts, who goes after exploiters to make the world safer for people, thanks to his own experiences as a kid with exploiters. he is VERY good at his job, having been training since he was a younger teen, and has been doing his job for anywhere from 15-20 years [havent decided.] his current target is inkcap, his childhood friend and previous crush. its a whole thing. also, hes the one who saved cody from being COMPLETELY killed during their exploiter encounter!
inkcap is . well. the exploiter mentioned previously. instead of their encounter with exploiters driving it to better itself and help others, its trauma [and also blade leaving it when they were both 15 to go on his first mission, and then just. never coming back] had led it to lean into its trauma, and learn the same exploits that hurt it, and more. it decides that if it couldnt be happy anymore, if it lost everything and everyone it loved, then no one else should be able to have these things - because no one tried helping it when it needed it. its the one who attacked cody, and the one blade is currently hunting down - but inkcap is sneaky, and good at its own "job," being the most infamous exploiter - and for good reason.
the whole story with these three is the different ways people deal with trauma, mostly the.. unhealthy ways, and their very, VERY slow path to healing and getting better. it has a happy ending! it just takes a long time to get there. they all have a Lot of stuff to work through.
12] pick a fav
theyre all equally loved as a whole because i adore them, but in terms of different catagories, THEN theres favs, so just. choose whichever one you think is most valid.
for drawing, i LOVE cody. theyre so simple and cute to draw i have little doodles of them in Every notebook and sketchbook. i like drawing them with my friends oc. :3
for actual design, i LOOOVE inkcap. inkcap is my beloved their design is sooo <333 pretty
for LORE.... i love blade the most SORRYYY his whole deal makes me sick in the head
19] describe the sillies you think about that dont go in the story
I HAVE OTHER ROBLOX OCS FOR UMM. A THEORETICAL GAME. theyre not related to those threes^ story at all so they count for this question lol
theyre another noob/guest duo, agon and unnamed/default [both are interchangeable]. since i do one day wanna make their game a reality i wont go Too into detail but they live in a mountain town and are besties who have Something going on and theyre super sweet to each other and are bestest friends Ever ever but then default goes MISSING one day and NEVER COMES BACK and agon has to DEAL with it and gets all SAD and um. yeah :]
20] how have they horribly mangled your message/theme
they would either villainise inkcap to hell into an irredeemable villain, OR turn blade into a budget cop. i hate it so bad but thats just what would happen.
THAT or theyd completely IGNORE the message of the story being about healing from trauma and how some coping mechanisms are unhealthy and turn it into like. a classic "everyone just gets over it" thing and turn the whole trilogy into a shitty action film and ignore the characters trauma and their paths towards healing and it would be so bad and oh god oh god . puts my head in my hands.
theyd also probably turn inkcap into a girl and cody into a boy so like. not a story mishap but a general fuckup theyd do because of how inkcap is an it/they w a romance plot w blade [and also their character model has the "girl torso" from the blocky character pack on roblox] and cody is a they/them with a masc name.
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bahamutgames · 11 months
AFTERTHOUGHTS : The Final Horizon
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Game: Sonic Frontiers - The Final Horizon Update (September 28, 2023)
Console: Xbox One
I can't believe October's already almost done! I feel like I got very little done despite working my butt off all month. Oh well. There's still a week left if nothing else. I've also got a lot on my plate gaming wise, it's honestly a little overwhelming how much came out / is coming out that I want to play! So I figure, why not just go ahead and write up some thoughts on things so I have a clean slate for games coming up? To start myself off, my first ever write up about a DLC I think?
As always. This isn't a review, I'm just throwing up my thoughts about the game I played so I can drain them out of my tiny little gamer brain. This should not be used as a guide for if the game is worth playing, everything I write up shouldn't be taken as professional critique or anything like that.
So, my thoughts on Sonic Frontiers were written up alllll the way back when I was still sharing thoughts on Twitter before... the incident. You can read those here (x), but generally my thoughts are that the game was WONDERFUL! Super fun to play, incredibly charming, and I appreciated that it really felt like a Sonic loveletter to my favorite era of the series, rather than seeming like it was embarrassed by itself like the series had been acting like for a while. So, of course, I was INCREDIBLY excited to see that the game wasn't just getting DLC, but a whole new DLC story mode with serious stakes and a new super form and Sonic's friends being playable again!? Hell yes!! So I played it day one and uh...
Stuff I didn't like
I... kinda hated this DLC? I know I'm not really alone on this, a lot of people seemed to be mixed on it at best. But, no, like, I didn't really like it much at all. I'll try to keep it brief because I really don't like being negative, especially about Sonic which gets too much undeserved heat. But man, this just really sucked in my opinion.
First up, those towers. I played this on hard up until Dragon Challenge where I had to give up and swap to easy. Let's just start with what everyone is saying: this DLC is too damn hard!! I know I can swap to easy, but after the main game required I play on Hard Mode for the true ending, I wanted to keep playing Hard Mode! But the towers are just so frustrating, and janky, and not well designed at all. It requires you to do tedious amounts of trial and error just to figure out what you're doing. But if you slip up once you do the whole tower again, and some towers have things that don't reset so you have to awkwardly walk through them. It was so weird and I've genuinely have never felt so much like a Sonic thing was lacking in quality as much as I did with these only up ass towers. And then the challenges at the end were so stupid. Maybe not as hard, but so insanely cryptic and I genuinely have no idea why. I don't want to like, spend hours figuring out the only way you want me to defeat an enemy. I want to use all the points I collected through the game! Come on!! This really stung in the boss rush, those bosses were the best part of the base game. But you just don't really get to fight them this time and it makes them so boring and tedious. It's all about those damn perfect parries, but I kept having issues where they would CONSTANTLY miss me despite me standing still, making me lose insane amounts of time waiting for them to swing again. And then on top of that, having to climb up the titans every time is so time consuming. I genuinely don't know if this was possible on hard mode. And while it's easy once you figure out exactly piece for piece every secret way to deal massive amounts of damage, it sucks that you have to do that instead of just enjoying the meat headed brute forced KH2 like carnage the fights were designed to be.
Then there's the new characters. I'm super glad they're here. But they're just not fun. At all. I think they all controlled weirdly. They have no combat focus whatsoever which was a huge disappointment. I think they're challenges REALLY sucked a lot, like I only had fun with Tails' because the Cyclone (which was great to see return) let me skip all his stupid ass challenges. This was maybe the biggest disappointment of the whole thing. I just felt like this was so underwhelming, and you barely even really use them considering playing Only Up for 500 years consumes most of your time.
And then there's the final boss. So this whole DLC was kind of a let down cause it's barely story focused at all, which I kind of was expecting more story considering that's how it was advertised? And what little story is there... is basically the same as the base game? So, my main issues with the base game were how it wrapped up: That being, no new super form, and no serious final boss where you get to do a Titan styled boss fight against THE END. And I REALLY thought that's what this DLC would be correcting, maybe that's on me, but that's what it REALLY seemed like! But ultimately, the ending is basically identical.
YES, there is a new final boss. But it totally sucks. It's just the same titan again! At least in the base game you do fight THE END (in a bullet hell mode which I love lol, but it's not what I wanted!) in this DLC you don't even fight it! The whole final boss was so weird, severing the connection was, again, so cryptic. And the whole final boss was really defensive based which was more annoying cause you'd have to go super offensive, then just know when you had to perfect parry cause the camera often wouldn't show the energy projectiles for me. And I still do not understand what the hell was up with the energy barrier sequence. Idk maybe I'm just stupid but it made no sense.
Then, Super Sonic 2 barely really plays a role in it. It's just for perfect parrying which sucks. And then Corruption Sonic REALLY barely plays a role. Showing up, getting shot out of a gun (by eggman this time which I'll admit might be cooler than Sage doing it cause it reminds me of Sonic Advance haha), and then just instantly leaving. It was cool! But it was the EXACT SAME THING! This basically all happened the first time but with a boss that was actually cool. Idk, all I wanted was a Titan Styled Super Sonic 2 / Corruption Sonic fight against THE END that was like the other bosses. And the DLC couldn't even deliver on that.
Lastly, just as a side note. I hated those damn cyberspace levels. I feel insane, EVERYONE loved them but me. I hated them in the base game, and every single one I tried in this DLC would like, fling me off the map or trick me into dying every time. They sucked! I hated them!
Stuff I liked
oops, I guess I really went off. It's not all doom and gloom though. It has some alright music, not as good as the base game imo but it's okay. Corruption Sonic and Super Sonic 2 are cool. And I am interested to see what will become of SS2 going forward.
Final Thoughts
Yeah, ultimately, I think the best thing I can say about this DLC was that it was free. I hate to be so negative about a series I tend to be very generous towards. But damn, I just really hated this. It seriously felt like they took EVERYTHING good about Frontiers, awesome spectacles, meat headed combat, and super fun exploration. And pushed it all aside to focus on the absolute worst aspects of it, that being the towers and the cyberspace levels. It's neat that it went for a more defensive angle rather than the super aggro gameplay the base game had. But it just straight up was not fun at all.
I'll be honest, Frontiers gave me SO much hope for the future, maybe we were finally going back to something more serious with Sonic. The characters were back, the stories were back. This game wasn't perfect, but it was damn close! But this DLC really reeks of Sonic Team falling for the same pitfalls again, namely, really focusing in on what people who don't care about Sonic much say vs what fans say. A lot of people said Frontiers was easy yes, but I don't think fans were asking for this level on insanity. Yes a lot of people probably did like the Cyber Space levels. But I don't think most fans really wanted that to be the focus.
Like, I can already see the next Sonic game axing the open world gameplay in favor of get-to-the-goal stuff again because everyone seems to LOVE the new Cyberspace levels. I can already see them axing letting you play as Sonic's friends again cause they fucking sucked to play as in this DLC. But like, that's not what I want! I want MORE experimental gameplay, MORE intense stories, MORE playable characters. And at first it felt like that MIGHT be happening, but honestly my optimism is seriously shaken by this DLC.
Of course, I am just salty so I guess we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully my fears won't come true. But for now, yes, I hated this Free DLC I didn't even have to play lmao.
wow that might be my most negative afterthoughts yet. Honestly I'm not really sure I even want to post this one just cause it's SO brutally negative. I guess I'll post it for now but I might take it down later if I feel like it's just too much. I don't mind being negative, but there's a point where it just makes me depressed, if that makes sense. But I've been holding this rant in for a bit now so here it is.
Yeah that's basically all there is to it. Sonic Frontiers, absolutely amazing! Final Horizon? Totally sucked. I want playable friends again, but please let them actually be REAL characters and involved in the gameplay instead of just... idk flying things that suck to play as? Apologies again for being so harsh on this one. I'm done here.
Go out and... play a game that pisses you off I guess??? Don't do that.
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1nfine77 · 4 months
hhahahaha i disappeared again. woops.
scripting/worldbuilding wrt dr ramble under cut. no promises for this making any sense.
anyway - i've sat down and properly started getting to grips with my script, now that i'm done with exams, and the sheer amount of worldbuilding i want to do first is... oh boy.
shifting to a modded version of a video game universe, particularly mc in this case, is an... experience in trust when you leave it all alone, i want to say, because of how many mods do not integrate with one another. you'll get add-on mods and you'll get mods that acknowledge one another or will use one another's components, but in terms of the story or base mechanics of each mod, you tend to end up with a lot of disparate parts with their own separate and unrelated progressions and ways of dealing with base game things. in order to progress through two progression-based mods, you need to do them at the same time or else you'll be at end-game with one and then returning to square-zero in order to do anything with the other.
(better yet, you'll get mods with conflicting storylines or progressions, where trying to build a world where you focus on one will, on an in-game story level, lock you out of another, or where doing two mods at once will essentially mean you're tokyo drifting across what are essentially two very different belief systems without ever really trying to cohere them. which is whatever, but it does me in.)
or you'll get one mod completely overpowering another in terms of what it can achieve, and i want to level the playing field a bit and make some things more powerful and others less in order to counterbalance this a little. or at least have one be a natural progression of another, or have this one thing be useful in this case but in the general case, this other thing is preferred, etc etc.
and since i'm here with notion in front of me, i may as well grapple with the problem i have just noticed and shape a solution for it myself rather than leaving it up to chance.
(i also have like... ten separate 'magic systems'* i want to try to develop as different explanations for and beliefs surrounding the same or similar sets of phenomena**, each with their own key figures in their development, but... fuck, that's a task, i've realised lmao, especially because i am dealing, in the dr, with a truckload of forgotten and lost history due to the nature of the dr.)
i essentially need to deconstruct every single component of what makes up my dr and decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether to synthesise it with a previously unrelated part of a different component, dismiss it entirely (either because i don't like it or because it doesn't fit), treat it as its own phenomenon or adjust it so that it no longer leans on cr-related, and therefore dr-foreign, concepts.
and again - there is technically no need for me to fight with this. but i'm here and i may as well, and having the extra bit of knowledge of where i'm headed is likely going to help.
honestly my entire script sucks because of these... major oversights. sure, i have changed major mechanics on the way, which doesn't help, but then there's things like this that are genuine sandpaper to my brain. i visualise myself doing a specific thing in my dr and get taken completely out of it by the hard-clash of that thing and some other fucking thing from another fucking mod, both of which apparently sit comfortably in the same universe from which they both originated (anything that can be explained from 'idk it came from outer space/another dimension/etc.' is being left that way thanks).
this is a long-winded way to say that i may as well write a book at this point if i am going to be this fucking bent on logical consistency in a god damn fantasy setting. if i get too in the weeds with this and start going down the rabbit hole of conlangs, and then trying to make creole languages out of those conlangs, then i guess i better give up and admit i'm subconsciously trying to be tolkien.
*oh - and i finally realised, after four fucking years of being bent on the same exact dr, that no, the laws of physics and reality will be different there than they are here, and so what i am seeing as a magic system may well be equivalent in sense and rationality (with regards to explaining external phenomena) to. idk. physics. wards - as in, physical unopenable doors and literal invisible barriers - may well be as common and usual as fucking gravity, and it's my cr headspace - and the way these things are treated in the mod, honestly - that's making that complicated for me.
**i do have some 'magic systems' that touch on, like, specifically plants, or specifically astrology, that i can pretty much leave alone because they have their own... spheres of influence that other systems don't really interact with, but even with these i want some mutual acknowledgement.
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mitchbeck · 7 months
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Kamigami no Asobi Anime Review
(神々の悪戯 Mischief of the Gods)
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I absolutely loved this anime it was rich with mythology and had you cheering them on as well as falling in love with each character as you watched on episode by episode. I know there is a game on psp and I plan to try to get a hold of it to play it but its also on switch in japan as well so I will keep yall updated if I get a chance to play it. So its about all the gods being taught by a human the human heart and how humans do things all by the god Zeus its I guess a way of him teaching them all a lesson by putting a lock on all their powers and them having to learn to be human for awhile. By the end i think my favorites ended up being Apollon, Hades, Loki, & Balder but here is my review of each of the characters as well. Also Yui the main girl she is awesome she isn't like a heroine that whines and cries about stuff she stands up next to them all even though she is human she is the heart of the show. If you get a chance to see it definitely watch this one.
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Ok so I have always been a super Loki fan doesn't matter what mythology you read he has been one of my favorites. No matter who ever plays him he maybe up to mischief but he is always sexy when he is doing it. He is like your bad boy yet not always bad so to say. Anyways going into this show I figured I would like Loki as well and boy do I. First let me touch upon the artist, damn you did a great job he is hot as fuck!!! He is definitely one of the many red heads in anime that make me swoon. He is cutting up or making complaints through out the show which honestly I feel like something I would do so it fits. He also has a genuine side about him that once you see it he will warm your heart where you can't imagine there being another love interest for Yui. His connection and loyalty to Baldr is touching and I just love all the sides I have seen of Loki. I honestly can't wait to see if he is the same in the game as well. I will update review on that when I play it.
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Ok so normally Hades is this darkness hateful god, and don't get me wrong he isn't nice in the beginning of the show either. However when he realizes Yui isn't giving up he starts letting her tag along to watch the stars. He even goes as far as to save her life when she almost drowns and I think at that moment more than anything she has won his heart from there on out. I love the man he becomes and love watching him grow with every time he looks at her you can see a little more love every day. I mean you can understand why he stays away from people Zeus cursed him and so he can't imagine being happy yet here Yui is doing just that. Him showing her the mark on his chest was quiet a treat for all of us fans as well, definitely ok with seeing this side of him.
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Well this man is a ray of sunshine the moment you see him. He sweeps Yui off her feet and almost kisses her the day they met. He is a Casanova of types and sweet and genuine as he can be. However underneath all that he doesn't think he can be happy because he hurt the first love he had. When he is forgiven along the way it takes alot of his shoulders and I feel like he will eventually be able to love to that extreme again. That being said when he loves he loves fiercely and its undeniable what the person means to him when he does. He is one who will continue to sweep Yui off her feet and wipe away her tears as he does.
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What can I say this man has a yandere side to him for sure but I don't feel like its his fault. I feel like deep down his abandonment issues when he was younger reflects in who he is older. When he sees someone he is interested he goes for it but he expects the same affection back and can get bitter and irate when he doesn't get it. I feel like this is because most flock to him and he is used to always being in the spotlight so Yui shows it does not effect her so he goes all yandere on her and if it wasn't for Loki he would probably lock her away so she could never see anyone again but him. Even though I'm not a fan of yandere I can say he is a sweet one and if I had to choose a yandere to love he would be it. I love his love and bond with Loki though and you can tell he loves him as much as he loves him back.
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Well what can I say he comes off as a ass until you realize he has lost someone in the past in front of him and he keeps himself strict on things that need to happen for things to play out well. You can't blame him however it leaves him as someone that falls to the shadows. I think he is great to his friends especially Tsukito but outside that I can't see alot of chemistry with him and Yui.
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He is one that I stay conflicted on, he is a rememberable character however he is also quiet boring in his own way. Like everything has to be written down and he has to be able to take note of it all. He is well disciplined however he doesn't know how to really have fun. He opens up a little at a time but his emotions are not what he goes off he is based of logics in things he does and lets happen. He has a cool god form though.
Thor - In most movies I love Thor in this one he may be loki and baldr's brother but he is mainly to support them you really don't see much of a personality.
Dionysus - Always partying and drinking he is a good god but forgettable for me.
Anubis - Like an annoying pet because its all you see of him
Thoth - Kinda Hot/Def. a Tsundere
Zues - Annoying
Melissa - Weird But Cute
Over all the show is a great show and I'm going to miss it. I do have some videos I have made. I made one about Hades as well as Apollon. As soon as I get the one done for Loki I will include it here as well.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Bktherula Is Still Leveling Up Bktherula’s face is framed by high-watt vanity lights as she stares into a square mirror mouthing the words to LVL5 a week before its release. A bulb in the upper-left corner of the mirror flickers, casting shadows and a sudden severity across her dewy skin. “One in the head like its Russian roulette/ I keep me a bad bitch, I keep me a stack/ Really I try to stay away from the gats/ but I'll have to up it if you talking shit/ I’ll have to up it if you talking down/ I don't want your bitch, lil *igg* want the crown/ Tell all the *igg*s that hate I’m in town/ And I hold all the weight like a TV on mount,” she sings along.In the mirror’s foreground, Bktherula bops and sways, smacking her lips between lip-gloss pulls and smearing rosy blush across cheekbones with her middle finger, head bouncing hard enough to shake gelled-down braids. At the mirror’s edge, photographers test lights, drawing dimensions across a white, cardboard backdrop. Bktherula (the moniker for Brooklyn Candida Rodriguez) is in her own dimension. Positioned perpendicularly to power, she dances between realities, assuming alter egos only to obliterate them and move on to the next. Today’s release of LVL5 alludes to Levels 3 and 4 which preceded it, opened and closed doors in her musical and self-actualization. Walking to the bathroom she passes a series of doors — shut and painted blue, the numbers 301, 302, 303 labeled plainly in white on their sides.“Left, then straight, then on the right,” a voice echoes, directing her through the maze with a nod to her first hit single.The pattern is laid out, if you look for it. But the Atlanta rapper’s path diverges from itself, turning left where the masses demand right, moving with the urgency of the Devil at her heels and intention that could stop a bullet in its tracks. Unlike Neo, who is referenced in LVL5’s skit interlude, Bk is sure of her own power. Instead, her fatal flaw lies in its reception. The further she advances, weaving between lines of code, activating glitches entered by previous players, the more Agents emerge from the masses cloaked as fans, collaborators or close friends. Bktherula crept into the music game in 2019 with “LEFT RIGHT,” an eerie, slow-building single with conspicuously monotone intensity; the sound-bite-ready single “Tweakin Together” soon took over fashion TikTok, representing an alternative. But culture consumes what deviates from it, and, to maintain authenticity, Bk has had to transform. In the empty studio, photographers move the backdrop around her; it takes the shape of a corner, a ceiling and then disappears from the frame. The room is fixed, but its boundaries are always shifting.To Bk, LVL5 is a state of mind. An amalgam of quantum physics, Christianity and video game vernacular, Bk’s LVL5 worldview shifts in and out of focus, oscillating between light and dark, hero and NPC, God and the Devil — before collapsing in on itself. After level 3’s ignorance and level 4’s arrogance, LVL 5 finds Bktherula at the climax of her hero's quest.Unlocking a new door, Bktherula talked LVL5 with PAPER. Read our interview to level up.LVL5 has a kind of video game quality to it. Are there any games that feel like your life?I used to play a lot of games but my favorite was Call of Duty, still is. But my life feels like this game called Super Liminal. It’s a one-player game, so you don’t interact with other people in the game, it's just strictly you. You have to figure out how to get out of each room and go into the next door. But if you think too hard about it, you’ll be stuck on that level for like, two hours. The whole point is not to think too hard about it, and then you’ll get to the next door and to the next door. I feel like that’s what my life represents right now.Have you ever had a moment in life that felt like it unlocked something new for you? Every single day. Adding more genuine people to your circle, that can take you to the next level. But you can also interact with a bad apple. Like I got invited to a fashion show, and I went because they said they had a seat, but when I went there they didn’t have a seat for me and everyone was just treating me horribly. I was receiving answers that at the end of the night gave me a key to unlock a new door. So that key unlocked the new room for me, because now I’m not in that room. I’m in a completely different space and I didn’t have to think too hard about it. All I had to do was get up and leave the event. That was the key. I left and I succeeded and now I’m onto the next level. Who are some of the different characters you interact with in your life? People you receive messages from? God. That’s like, my overarching character. But the Devil is also a character. You know those video games where it doesn’t really talk but words pop up on the bottom, and the screen freezes when you’re about to get to a new level? I feel like when I’m getting to my next thing, it’ll freeze and it’ll be God telling me what to do, and then the Devil will come and try to convince me otherwise. From there, I have to figure out who is talking to me, because there aren’t other people in the game. I can’t see God and I can’t see the Devil. But I can hear from both of them. I have to put the clues together to figure out which one is talking and which way to go — which door to choose. What messages did you have to decipher to make LVL5? The messages were like, No one will understand this. You shouldn’t drop this. You should try to be more like everybody else. Everyone else is going up around you and not you. You’re not good enough.Those are some of the thoughts I was getting. I just had to stop and be like, Whoa? What the fuck is going on? Because on the other hand I’m getting thoughts like, The Devil has never won a battle. You’ve been confident in this your whole life. You’ve never put your friends down. You feel good when you make these songs and this is who you are. I get those thoughts too. So I had to make the decision to stay confident in myself. Because if I didn’t, the album probably wouldn’t have taken the same shape. It probably would have started trying to be like everybody else. It wouldn’t be super authentic anymore, and I refuse to change myself. I refuse to tap into any of the doubts that these forces try to make me feel about myself or my art.What were the previous levels? Level three is just ignorance. You start at three? You don’t start at one? No one and two. The first and second dimension don’t exist here. We start with the third dimension. Like — have you ever met a third-dimensional ass *igg*? It’s like you just got here, you’re just living but you’re not losing your brain, you’re not using your heart, you’re just third-dimensional. All you care about is the clout and money, being vain. But what’s going to happen when it’s not there? The fourth dimension is the astral realm. So it’s the dream realm. We dream about the craziest things. Things we don’t even see on Earth sometimes — things in space. That’s what level four is.Level Five is ascending beyond that and understanding that we aren’t a human body. Yes, the world is fucked up, but we can’t stay in that mindset because it’s only going to fuck us up — being level three is letting it fuck you up. Level four is thinking that you’re smarter because you broke out of the matrix, but you have to also break out of the ego. Level Five is understanding that and having compassion for the people who are in level three and not forcing them to be on level five. You can't force anyone to be on another level — you can't force anyone to be in a different headspace, but you can have compassion for them and you can influence them in the right ways, if you be yourself. If you have the light, people will follow.And what comes after Level Five? Is there a sixth? If anything, it’ll go to level 10. Like a time jump? Yeah — that’s why I was saying there’s no one and three, like you can’t go to six. I took this class in quantum physics at the University of Tokyo. It's not humanly possible. What does Level Five mean to you? Level Five is fighting through the spiritual warfare of life and learning from it, and growing from it, lessening our humanly learned life, things that we’ve been taught to learn a new way. What did making the album teach you?It definitely brought me a lot of humility, I would say. It humbled me a lot, taught me how to move. I was just moving off the fact of me wanting to do whatever I want. But doing this album and working with my team, it definitely just taught me how to be humble and also like, how to move better — how to be more organized. I wasn't very organized at all. And working on LVL5 definitely made me more organized. Not even just obviously when making music, but I would say my entire life. You know what I mean? I used to not care. And I used to have a fuck-the-world mindset, but it's not about fuck the world. What are you doing in the world? What makes you love it?So if you break down the album, what are the different mindsets? It was actually made over the span of three years of songs that go way, way, way back. I would say each of the songs are the different people that brought me to who I am today. It's not in order. It's actually all over the place as far as sequence, but it's organized at the end of the day. They're all different people with different names, different states of mind. I would say: same game, different level. That's what made me get to level five. What does Level Five look like IRL? I say level five anything. Level five dinner, level five shoes. We had Taco Bell the other day. Level fucking five dinner, bro. Two days in a row we’re just like, “Hey, you want to go to Taco Bell?” Absolutely. Shit, we’re eating at the Taco Bell, even though they said we can’t eat there because it’s closed. That’s level five shit. It’s just the genuine fucking times. Level five shoes, level five head — level five hair, level five bitch. Level Five head? I mean like... like Level Five hair. How do you protect your energy from people? Praying, Jesus Christ. That’s it. Don’t even go too deep. I’ll be honest, I thought I was aware at a point, but that’s when I was on that ego shit. But that’s not going to make people change, it’s going to steer them away.I've always been tapped in with God. But more so these past two years because of the hard times. It's crazy. I have things that are around me that fucked me up so bad, but that’s why I steer closer up. Everyday I'm trying to steer more into the light. I feel like that makes me more level five than anything else in this world. And of course, my mom, my mom is an angel. My dad is an angel, but my mom’s an angel. She teaches me so much. She was born level five. She's a star. She's an angel. And I definitely get it from her. She had three miscarriages and she had me. So it's like, I gotta be a star. I gotta be the star. I'm doing this for them. I'm also doing this for the people who love me and also doing it for people who hate. Ultimately I'm doing it for Jesus Christ.Is there anything else you want to say? Fuck her right in the pussy. Thank you. Photography: Mona LayneStyling: Giselle Glyssiah-Carmele MerelusClothing and accessories: musée de (RE)main and Oneofone vintageProduction: Ketia Jeune https://www.papermag.com/bktherula-lvl5-2659434246.html
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loveronlineee · 2 years
The Metalhead and the Material Girl (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Masterlist   All Parts
Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: none
Synopsis: When a super fem new girl joins Eddie’s class he thinks he’s got her all figured out, but he soon finds out that the popular kids aren’t the only ones who judge people’s first appearances 
Y/N notes: none
Okay I don’t usually do writers notes but I gotta say thanks to these four: @carolinaflicker​ @iamsiriuss​ @hauntingtherosebush​ @lindsey3300​ for helping me out on the lil bit of D&D stuff I mentioned. Some of you guys had slightly different answers for me so if I’m still wrong let me know! (And other D&D playing peeps)
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
“I’m Y/N L/N. I transferred here from California for my senior year. I like pop music, fashion and hanging out with my friends. And I hope I can become friends with all of you!”
Pretty. Bubbly. Probably a bit of an airhead. The popular kids will scoop her up in a heartbeat. Eddie thought to himself looking up at the new girl. I wonder how long it’ll take for her to be just like everyone else.
The teacher pointed at the empty seat on the metal head’s right, giving the boy a stern look.
“Y/N I’m gonna seat you next to Eddie here at the front so you can help me keep an eye on him.” Eddie grinned and gave the teacher a wink.
Okaaaay here we go. Eddie thought to himself, leaning back in his chair. What kind of popular girl is this one gonna be? Disgusted by me? Weirded out? Just plain old pretend I don’t exist?
“Hi, Eddie was it?” The new girl asked with the biggest most genuine smile Eddie had ever seen. Her face was enough to melt away any built up hate he had accumulated from every harsh comment thrown at him throughout the years.
“Uh yeah Eddie. Eddie Munson.” He couldn’t help the smile appearing on his own face. This girl was a ball of sunshine.
“Nice to meet you Eddie.” He watched as she took out her things from her bag and set them out on the table. Everything was either pink, glittery or had a cute little character on it. She wrote the date on a new page in her notebook, doodling little stars around the numbers.
The teacher came over and placed a piece of paper on Y/N’s desk.
“This is your time table with your classes. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help.”
“Oh thank you!” Y/N chirped before beginning to read through it. “Hey Eddie, what classes do we have together?” She tilted the paper towards him. Eddie leaned over and skimmed the page.
“Oh wow most of them. We got all the same ones today in fact.”
“Do you mind if I just stuck with you then?”
“Y-Yeah. Yeah that’s cool.” Eddie wasn’t in fact planning on going to all his classes today, like most days, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to get to know this girl more. He spent the morning walking Y/N to all her classes, pointing out other parts of the school she’ll need to know. He revelled in the looks the other students were giving him when they saw them together. The resident freak with a mystery bombshell.
Lunch came around and Y/N followed Eddie to the lunch hall.
“Hey I’ve been meaning to ask you… what’s on your shirt? Is it a band?” Y/N asked.
“It’s my club.”
“Oh cool! You run a club? What’s it about?” Eddie smiled at her as they reached his table of friends.
“A little game called D&D.” He turned to them and gestured to the new girl. “Gentlemen, this is Y/N.”
The boys all looked at her slack jawed, unable to think of anything to say. Luckily, Y/N had enough social skills for the whole table.
“It’s nice to meet you all! I started here today, Eddie’s been showing me around.” She explained as Eddie pulled out the chair in between his and Dustin’s and letting her sit down. He sat in his own chair at the head of the table just observing his friends trying to process this girl being here.
“You’ve been with Eddie…” Mike started asking very slowly, like he was waiting for the pin to drop. “…since this morning?”
“Yeah he’s been really helpful.” Y/N smiled at the younger student. “So are you two freshmen?”
Y/N continued chatting with Mike and Dustin. Eddie looked behind them at the popular kids who were eyeing him suspiciously. The cheerleaders all glaring and whispering to each other. “Eddie!” The metal head looked back at Y/N.
“So all these guys are in your club?” She gestured at the group. “You were gonna tell me about D&D earlier, what’s the game about?” Y/N asked, genuinely interested. Eddie grinned. He stood up like he was presenting to a class. Everyone sat up, hands neatly rested on the table, going along with the joke.
“D&D, or Dungeons and Dragons, is a fantasy table-top roleplaying game that only a select few at this school truly appreciate.” Eddie used theatrical hand motions as he described the game, putting one foot on his chair to add to the dramatic effect. “It is a game of teamwork, decision making, and the luck of the dice.”
He gave Dustin a small nod which prompted the boy to take a heavy book out of his bag and put it in front of Y/N. The Dungeons and Dragons Handbook. She began flicking through it, taking in as much as she could. She gasped.
“Can I be a fairy???” Eddie chuckled at her enthusiasm. He sat back down and shuffled his chair closer to hers.
“I’m sure I could homebrew something for you. Either that or you could be an elfen princess? If you just want that pretty ethereal girl look.” Eddie paused. “That… you’ve already got.” He looked back down at his hands, a little hesitant of his last line, before looking back up. Y/N was smiling at the compliment, easing Eddie’s nerves.
“Hey!” Two cheerleaders had approached the table, one calling out to Eddie with annoyance in her voice. “Why don’t you just stick with the freaks?” Eddie leaned away from Y/N and looked to the popular girls.
They turned to Y/N, who seemed a little confused. “You can come and sit with us instead.” One of them said, like she was doing the new girl a favour. Y/N looked over at Eddie. He kept his face the same, not wanting to influence her decision.
Of course he wanted her to stay, but he just couldn’t deal with the guilt of depriving Y/N of having an actual enjoyable high school experience. It didn’t matter how pretty she was, if she was hanging out with the freaks then she was gonna get bullied.
“Oh uh okay then.” Y/N replied apprehensively, slowly getting up. “I-I’ll be back in a minute.” She said as she was dragged away by the cheerleaders. Eddie pursed his lips together in a saddening smile.
“Suuuuuuuure you will.” He said just as Y/N got out of earshot. He looked around at the guys. “And that my friends, concludes the story of the time we almost got a hot chick to play D&D.” The group mumbled and chuckled, going back to their lunch, clearly no where nearly as affected as Eddie.
He knew this was inevitable. With who Y/N was and who he was. But a part of him, a small part of him wanted to believe that she’d stay. For him. That she wouldn’t get poisoned by the ideologies of the social hierarchy. But that was just wishful thinking. He looked back down at the table.
At least it was nice while it lasted.
“Sorry bout that.” Eddie looked back up to see Y/N again. “So I can be an elf princess?”
“…why are you here?”
“I did say I’d only be gone a minute.” She smiled. Eddie stared at her, unable to speak. His head slowly turned to the popular kids. They looked even more surprised than him.
“W-What about them?” He gestured.
“What about them?” Y/N asked, confused.
“Aren’t you gonna hang out with them?”
“They don’t seem like people I’d want to hang out with.”
“They don’t?”
“Do I look like a bully to you?” She joked. “So, elf princess? Yes?” Eddie’s smile retuned to his face.
“Yeah. Yeah definitely a princess.”
Tag list: @Mikinyi @justaproudslytherpuff @angelicjinwoo @k12baby @spiderman-berries​ @ruhro7​ @justanotherhappyidiot @dontcallmesavvy @kenzi-woycehoski​
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messers-moony · 3 years
One in the Same | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Wife!Reader
Summary: Reader notices Draco going through the same pain as her ex lover and desperately wants fix her faults.
“Mr.Malfoy, can you stay after class, please?” 
“‘Course, Professor Black.”
An average day in second year. Professor Black - Y/n - taught History of Magic after Professor Binns decided his time was up. Too long of teaching sleeping students who could care less about his lessons. However, once Y/n took over the position, kid's grades improved and people were no longer sleeping. She made things fun and inventive.
After class time was up, everyone filed out of the classroom aside from the blond Slytherin boy. Draco has always been on the good side of Professor Black. She was always extremely kind to him despite his rather sour attitude at times. But Draco was always hesitant to initiate a conversation to really speak his feelings to her. But this was the first time she had him stay after class. 
Y/n pulled out the chair in front of her desk as he sat down. His white-blond hair and gleaming blue eyes. His young face, not yet defined. Y/n with her h/c hair and curious glinted e/c eyes. 
“Draco, I want to start this by saying I don’t know what your home life is like.” Y/n began, “I went to Hogwarts with your parents, though, and he wasn’t always kind. Your mother was cordial with me, though.”
“If you don’t find me intruding, what’s your home life like?” 
“I- Um- It’s good.” Stammered Draco, “Father and Mother are always kind.”
Y/n’s eyes glinted with curiosity, “Lucius tolerated me.”
“Tolerated you?”
“I married one of his best friends.” Y/n chuckled, “He didn’t have a choice.”
Draco tilted his head, “Sirius?”
“Oh heavens no!” Y/n exclaimed, “Regulus. Sirius Black's brother.” 
“My- My dead cousin?” He queried. 
She nodded, “Yes. I married Regulus right after graduation. His parents weren’t thrilled, but he loved me so, here we are.”
“May I ask a question?”
“What were his parents like?”
“Horrible. The worst.” Y/n spat, “Sirius got the worst of it, but Regulus did occasionally too.”
“Walburga and Orion were awful. Using the crucio curse is not a great punishment for kids.” Draco’s eyes widened, “Both of them had scars from the curse. Sirius ran away at sixteen, and Regulus was used as their puppet. So used that at the age of eighteen, he felt like he had to prove himself. Which inevitably got him killed.”
“How did you deal with it?”
“Well, would you like my honest answer or my Professor answer?”
“Honest, please.”
“Between you and I, I still haven’t gotten over it.” Y/n shrugged, “I see something that reminds me of him, and I’m back at the start all over again. It takes time, and it’s taken plenty of time, but here I am, doing what I love. Teaching kids.”
“Anyways.” Y/n smiled, “You’re dismissed. I’m sorry I took up your time. However, if you ever feel the need to speak with me, let me know. Okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Draco picked up his bag, rustling as he stood up. The blond boy was still digesting all the information he gained. He couldn’t believe that his cousins got the crucio curse for a punishment. He thought his parents were bad. Theirs was way worse. Draco was about to walk out of the classroom but turned last minute to look at his Professor. 
“Yes, Draco?”
“There’s-“ He swallowed, “There’s a Quidditch match this Saturday. Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. If you have the time, I’d like you to come.”
“Of course. I’ll be there.” Y/n smiled. 
He walked out of the room without a second stop. He felt better about himself now. He had someone who genuinely seemed to care about him. Draco didn’t trust her just yet, but he wouldn’t be opposed to speaking with her as he had just now in the future. Professor Black had always been open and honest with her students. Perhaps that’s why kids liked her so much. 
Saturday arrived quicker than Y/n would’ve hoped for one reason. She, herself, didn’t own any Slytherin-colored merchandise anymore. But there was a box in her quarters that she brought with her to Hogwarts every year. Regulus’s old clothes meaning all his scarfs, ties, button-ups, pants, hats, etc. Y/n couldn’t seem to get rid of them. Frankly, she didn’t want to get rid of them either. 
Carefully she pulled the cardboard box from the top of her closet. Taking a pair of scissors and breaking the tape seal she had put on it multiple years ago. Inside laid many pieces of the evergreen and silver cloth. Y/n’s hands gravitated to the green and silver scarf. Bringing it to her nose, she was shocked. It still smelt like him. Godric, this was going to be more challenging than she initially thought. 
Nonetheless, she put it around her neck along with her button-up and tight-fit pants. Y/n put on the green gloves, much too big for her but had fit Regulus perfectly, the tie, and the scarf. It brought her a sense of nostalgia. It made Y/n feel like she was a fifth-year going out with Regulus on a date to Hogsmeade. But she wasn’t fifteen or in fifth year. Y/n was a Professor and a full-grown adult. And Regulus was dead. 
The game was going well for Slytherin at the beginning. But like most Quidditch games, things can change rather quickly. Ravenclaw was studious. That was for sure. They played skillfully. Y/n sat in the Professor stands with the rest of her colleagues. She sat between McGonagall and Flitwick. But white-blond hair caught her attention in front of her. Lucius Malfoy was here spectating his son. 
McGonagall nudged her, “Where’d you get the Slytherin gear?”
“How have you been, dear?” McGonagall questioned softly, “It’s been a whirlwind, but nothing I can do will bring him back, so ‘m still here for him. It’s what he would’ve wanted.” Y/n replied. 
Minerva placed a hand on the girl's knee, “If you need anything, let me know.”
“‘Course, Professor.”
The game ended tragically. Slytherin had just tied the game when Cho Chang had caught sight of the snitch. Sadly, she was able to grasp it before Draco. Leaving Slytherin with two-hundred and thirty points while Ravenclaw ended with three-hundred and eighty points. Lucius seemed furious with this conclusion and stormed off the stands. Y/n knew something was up, so she followed him. 
She came up in a deserted hallway in Hogwarts. Draco stood - now changed into the usual Hogwarts robes - and his father stood before him. From the view she had, Draco’s back was to her, and his father was towering over the boy. 
Lucius had a cold and icy voice, “You are insufferable!”
“You had one job, Draco! One! Catch the damn snitch.” He scolded, “Perhaps you were too daft to figure that out?”
“‘M sorry, father. I didn’t mean to. Honest.” Draco was pleading and begging for mercy; it made Y/n’s heartache at the familiar words. 
“Mum, Dad, I seriously didn’t mean to!” Regulus had cried after breaking a vase, “Excuses, excuses, they won’t get you anywhere in life, boy!” Orion shouted. 
Tears collected in his silver eyes, “‘M sorry! ‘M so sorry!”
Walburga pointed her wand at him, “Crucio.”
Lucius scoffed, “Malfoy’s don’t cry, wipe those tears.”
“Should‘ve sent you to Durmstrang. You come to Hogwarts and forget everything I’ve ever taught you.”
“Father, I really didn’t mean to! She just got there faster than me.” Draco begged. 
Y/n saw it before Draco did. Lucius raised his palm slowly, and Draco flinched. Y/n saw the pale hand rise into the air, and without a second thought, she ran in front of the young boy, taking the blow that was meant for Lucius’ son. Draco heard the sound but never felt the impact. Carefully he opened his eyes to see Professor Black standing in front of him, a hand on her cheek. 
“How dare you get in the way!” Lucius yelled, “How dare I? How dare you for trying to leave a hand on your son!” Y/n retorted her bright cheek red from impact. 
Draco was appalled, “Draco is your son! Not a toy or a puppet, and I will not stand for this!”
“You don’t have to, half breed.” Lucius seethed, “As you said, he’s my son. Not yours.”
“I could give less fucks!” Y/n exclaimed, “Draco is my student. I will not be having you lay your hands on my students.”
Lucius scoffed, “Where’s your child, mm?”
“Right, you don’t have one.” Lucius answered, “Because your blood-traitor of a husband decided to get himself killed!”
“Regulus was not a blood-traitor for trying to right his wrongs!”
“Regulus and Sirius were no different from each other.”
“Leave them out of this!”
“Oh, so it’s still a soft spot for you?”
“So help me, I’ll-“
“Petrificus Totalus.” Draco stated while holding his wand, causing his father to fall to the ground, paralyzed. 
Y/n stared at the body in shock, “Draco.”
She didn’t even have time to reprimand him before he burst into tears. Y/n turned quickly and embraced him into a much-needed hug while the boy sobbed on her shoulder. Y/n’s hands went through Draco’s white-blond hair gently while he let every emotion out. She pulled away and wiped the tears on his cheeks. 
“You’re going to be okay, I promise.” Y/n informed, and Draco nodded, “Th- Thank you, Professor.”
Y/n smiled and sent him off to the Slytherin common room, leaving her to deal with Lucius. The Professor dragged him to Madam Pomfrey to deal with. Later that night, in her quarters, while brushing her teeth, she noticed the considerable bruise covering her left cheek: Blue and purple hues mixed to create a dark blue-violet looking color, almost grey. 
Sixth year was now here. Y/n’s fourth year of teaching at Hogwarts, and she couldn’t have asked for a better job. On September 1st, she went through the floo-network to arrive in her teacher's quarters. Looking at the time, it seemed that students were just about reaching onto the grounds when a knock sounded at her door. 
“Come in!”
A blond boy, much taller, defined face, and grey eyes had just walked into her teacher's quarters, “Good evening, Professor.”
“Good evening, Draco.” Y/n greeted smiling brightly, “What's on your mind, sweetheart?”
Draco didn’t know where to begin as water collected on his lower lash line, and gently he pulled up his left sleeve. Godric, it felt like deva Vu all over again. 
“Y- Y/n.” Regulus called through his tears, “What’s wrong, baby?” Y/n asked, sitting beside him on the four-poster bed. 
Regulus couldn’t help the tears that helplessly fell down his cheeks. His eyes were silver and blurred. Cheeks flushed and hair knotted. This past summer had been a shit show for him with Sirius running away and just everything that had gone on. Regulus had never felt this hopeless before. 
“I- I need your help.”
“Of course, anything, baby.”
He swallowed, “Just know that I’ll love you forever. Okay?”
Gently, he released a breath of air and pulled up his left sleeve. The combined snake and skull only meaning one thing. Regulus was now a death eater to the Dark Lord. Tears sprung in Y/n’s eyes but not because of disappointment but because of worry. She didn’t know what she would do if Regulus were to be gone. 
“They forced me!” Regulus pleaded, “Please, please don’t leave me.” 
Regulus was weeping, and Y/n took him into her arms, “Shh, shh, I’m not disappointed. I’m just worried about you.”
“I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna do this.” Regulus whimpered, “Please help me.”
“I’m gonna help you ‘m love. Don’t worry.” 
“What happened this summer?” Y/n asked as Draco pulled back down his sleeve.
“Auntie Bella.”
Draco was trying so hard to swallow his tears as his Professor was now face to face with him, “Draco.”
How was her voice so sweet and calm, almost like she had done this before, “It’s okay to show emotion. It’s being human. Let it go, darling.”
Just like that, the dam broke, and Draco was a sobbing mess again. How was it that Professor Black had always managed to feel more like home than his actual parents? What had his mum done for him while Bellatrix was giving him the mark? She had just stood there watching pain contort on his face. Y/n felt more like a mother to him, more like family to him. 
“Shh. Shh. You’re safe here, Draco.”
“They- They want me-“ He was choking on his words, and Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders, “Take deep breaths and then explain. Okay?”
He began to inhale and exhale air at a slow pace, “They want me to-“ Draco swallowed, “They want me to kill Dumbledore.”
“Okay.” Y/n stated, letting out a breath of air, “You and I will get through this.” 
“You- You promise?” 
“I promise.”
Perhaps it was instinct now for Draco to stay after in her classroom. After every lesson, Draco would visit her in her classroom just to be in her company or to talk. What was it about Y/n that drew these people close to her? Ones with broken souls who believed that couldn’t be helped. Was it her kindness? Perhaps it was her caring nature—too many variables to pinpoint. 
The moment Y/n heard crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, she knew something was wrong. Approaching cautiously, she saw Harry Potter doing the same behind Draco, who stood facing the basin, dried tears on his cheeks. Everything happened too fast for Y/n to understand. But when Harry spoke an incantation that left Draco bleeding out on the floor, everything changed. 
She was jumping into action hastily, falling to her knees beside the blond-haired boy while Harry was almost in tears at his mistake. Y/n took her wand out and began muttering spells to heal the boy's chest. Harry was now in a heap on the floor, tears filling his glorious emerald eyes while the Professor took care of his harm. It took ten minutes before the bleeding stopped, and Y/n turned to face Harry. 
“‘M sorry. I- I didn’t know…”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad I was here.” Y/n replied, and Harry looked like a mess, “I need you to go to the Gryffindor tower and not speak of this to anyone, okay?”
He nodded and stood up sluggishly. Harry left the bathroom, leaving Y/n with an unconscious Draco. Sighing heavily, she picked up the boy and lugged him to the hospital wing, where he was taken care of. The following day an owl was pecking at Y/n’s window, leading her to wake up and take the note from the owl’s foot. 
“Draco won’t stop calling for you.”
Y/n freshened up, brushing her teeth, hair, and a change of clothes before making her way to the Hospital Wing. It was quite a ways away from. Her section of the school, but if Draco needed her, she needed to be there even if it was six o’clock in the morning. Her shoes made a light tap along with the wood as she walked and hesitantly opened the big door to the infirmary. 
“Oh, thank Merlin!” Madam Pomfrey said with her hand over her heart, “Draco has been asking for you, my dear.”
She gave a tiny smile as Pomfrey pointed to where Draco was lying. Carefully she stripped back some of the white curtain and pulled a chair beside his bed. Y/n took his hand in his. It was cold and pale. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine holding Regulus’ hand in the same exact way after a horrible Bludger accident. 
An hour later, Draco finally woke up, “Mornin’ sweetheart.”
“Professor, you- you came.”
She smiled, “You called for me, of course, I’d come.”
Draco pushed himself up into a sitting position, his grey eyes locked on her warm e/c ones, “Sorry, I just, didn’t expect you to come.”
“How are you feeling?” 
“I feel okay. Little sore but nothing I haven’t been through.” 
Y/n smiled sadly, “I knew a boy just like you, you know?”
“You did?” Draco asked, and she nodded, “I did.”
“Could you tell me about him?”
“Well, he was strong, smart, and closed off. His home life wasn’t too great either and was forced into being what his parents were too.” Draco looked eager for more, “Eventually, he realized that this wasn’t the life he wanted. He no longer cared about his parent's approval. He just wanted to be him, but by then, it was too late.”
“Too late?”
She nodded, “He was already in too late, so he did the only thing he thought of. Betraying his parents, his family. He was so caught up in what he was doing he didn’t realize what he was doing, and now, because of that, he’s no longer with us.”
“But you aren’t too late, Draco.” Y/n stressed, tightening her grip on his hand, “Let me save you. Let me help you.”
Tears ebbed at the corners of his eyes, “Please.”
Y/n took him in her arms and rubbed his back soothingly, “You aren’t alone. I’m here for you.”
It took months, but everything was over. It felt like time had stopped. Y/n could remember the terror standing outside of Hogwarts as the death eaters stood on the other side. Narcissa was calling for him - the boy who had no choice - and Draco was panicking as Lucius began calling his name. 
Draco swallowed and shook his head. 
It was the feeling of relief that brought Y/n solace. Draco took the step that Regulus took, and she would make sure he didn’t pay for it. The relief felt like a breath of fresh air now that the war was over. Y/n had stepped into the Great Hall panicking, hoping, praying that he was okay. At that moment she saw it. 
He was crouched in the corner. People were glaring at him all around. Draco saw. He saw the Weasleys crying over Fred. He saw Harry look empty, staring at Remus Lupin and Nymphadora. The way Lavender Brown’s parents sobbed over her dead body. He saw the way Dennis Creevey was yelling and screaming in pain at seeing his deceased older brother. Draco could remember how close they were. 
Nonetheless, he stood up and ran into her arms: his solace, home, and safe place. Draco couldn’t remember what it felt like to be held this tight. He dug his nose into her neck and just remembered to breathe. She pulled away to see a small smile playing on his lips. Y/n cupped his cheeks gently. 
“I’m so, so proud of you.” Y/n smiled, “I can't explain how proud I am of you. You did it.”
Draco smiled and leaned into her hands, “Thanks, mum.”
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
ah, i saw this prompt & thought steddie for sure! "my love is your arm stuck in the claw machine. you were going to steal that prize for me?? oh my gosh. let me rescue you and also show you how to actually do this"
Haha, I had a good chuckle at the visual this brought about. The funniest thing is that I could see this from either perspective. Let's see where this goes -
In hindsight, taking seven high energy children to the bowling alley was a stupid idea. Steve was exhausted by the time they first walked through the doors and Eddie, that gorgeous man, was a huge part of the problem.
It wasn't his boyfriend's fault, Steve knew that after months of being together and practically co-parenting all the kids in the party. Eddie had a mushy spot to him that got softer when Dustin and his friends were around. The inner nerd within Eddie connected with those younger humans in a way that Steve could only dream about. Steve cared for the kids but Eddie, he got them.
Which meant, of course, that Eddie became like an eighth child instead of Steve's partner in crime. Corralling his boyfriend was only slightly easier than the rest of them.
Nevertheless, the effort needed to keep everyone on the straight and narrow was more than worth it - smiles and laughs and genuine moments of enjoyment were apparent amongst the group. They rented two lanes and played several games before Dustin winning over and over again became too much.
Food took precedence shortly after. Once Steve made sure all of the shoes and bowling balls were returned, he figured the sixteen year olds could handle themselves for a little while. There was only so much trouble they could make in a small restaurant and six game arcade.
Steve was so sure he was in the clear that he ordered some cheese sticks to celebrate the small victory. He waited for them patiently, was two seconds away from biting into the first one when Max came running up to him. Her face was caught between a laugh and concern, so Steve dropped the food from his fingers and gave the girl all of his attention. "You look constipated - that can't be good."
"You just - you should come with me."
Sighing, Steve looked down longingly at the fried cheese for an extra second, then got up. He mentally prepared himself for the worst because if he didn't, Steve would actually be surprised. After all they'd seen, nothing should ever rock his world so profoundly again.
That was before Steve was led to the claw machine were Eddie was arm deep and completely stuck. How Max held off from laughing, Steve wasn't sure - he threw his head back and cackled at the sight of Eddie sheepishly staring up at him. His stomach hurt from how hard he laughed. Steve was suddenly bereft that he didn't have a camera to document the ridiculous occasion.
"Eddie, what in the world?" Steve asked, finally under control enough to let some words escape through the laughs. He turned to Max, mumbling a soft thanks before moving in closer to Eddie. Steve wasn't sure whether the girl left or stayed to watch, he was suddenly much too occupied by the red blush covering Eddie's cheeks.
"I wasted ten dollars trying to get the stupid bat," Eddie said, frowning harder with every word that left his mouth. Steve looked up through the glass to see the purple bat butted up against the corner. Eddie's hand was close to it, though not enough to actually get a grip on it.
Turning back to Eddie, Steve cupped his boyfriend's cheeks, forcing their eyes to meet. "It shouldn't be so adorable, you trying to steal a prize for me." Steve flashed Eddie a grin before leaning in to press a kiss against Eddie's nose. "Let me help you get out of there," Steve started, moving his hands to Eddie's right arm, "then I'll show you the trick for this machine."
It took Steve recruiting an amused Max to help him pull Eddie's arm from the exit flap of the machine. He'd gotten his shoulder in there well enough that Steve was sure it hurt to be dislodged. They finally managed it after garnering the attention of the rest of the group. By the time Eddie was back on his feet, all of the kids were gathered around the claw machine, eager to see Steve work his promised magic and laugh unashamedly at their older friend.
Snorting out a chuckle of his own, Steve looked around the group, quirking a brow. "Anyone have a quarter?" Steve asked. He beamed as Dustin, Lucas, and Mike dug into their pockets.
Steve snagged the first coin he saw, slipping it into the machine. He wiggled the joystick to get a feel for it, then drew the claw over to where the bat was, lined it up, and hit the little red button. All three prongs of metal closed around the heaviest part of the plushie, snagging it well enough to stay in the claw's clutches.
It was odd to be proud of such a wacky skill, but Steve enjoyed the echo of cheers that followed the claw dropping the bat down into the exit chamber where Eddie had just been stuck. Steve bowed as he leaned down to snag the prize worth losing an arm over.
With the show over, the crowd dispersed, leaving Steve leaning against the machine, tossing the bat up into the air. He grinned at the familiar blush that overtook Eddie's cheeks again. The older boy stepped into Steve's space, snatching the bat from gravity's forced descent. "My hero," Eddie said then, clutching the coveted prize to his chest.
Steve didn't realize how special that moment was until the next time he stopped by Eddie's house. They were running late for a double date with Robin and Nancy, behind because Eddie decided to drop to his knees and surprise Steve with an extra special hello. While Eddie was in the bathroom fixing up his hair, Steve lounged on the bed, staring blankly at Eddie's dresser. He noticed the stupid beanie baby sitting there by mere coincidence.
Yet the sight of that purple bat made Steve's heart race. It took up a prime spot in Eddie's room, sitting there proudly, like his boyfriend wanted others to see the result of Steve's effort put forth just for Eddie. It was weird to be so moved by something so little, but Steve loved it all the same.
His eyes stayed glued to that little reminder until Eddie walked back into the room. He looked well put together, like nothing untoward or mind-blowing had ever happened. Steve tore his eyes away from the toy bat but not before Eddie noticed where he'd been looking. "You okay there, Stevie?" Eddie asked, smiling widely.
Shaking his head, Steve got up from the bed. He walked over to Eddie, wrapping his arms around the boy's slim middle. Steve pressed a kiss to Eddie's cheek, his lips lingering there. "All good, babe. All good."
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rin-itoshi · 3 years
mc’s departure | obey me
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summary: how the brothers would react to MC returning to the human world after a year in the devildom
contains: fluff , angst , ?!!!!&;@;&:idk
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he’s the one to see you off, reminding you of the many things he had taught you so that you’d never forget.
his pride is much too large to admit that he will miss you to death and that he loves you dearly.
after you’re gone, he’s gone for hours at a time, holed up in his room with as much as work as he can take on.
he overworks himself with the intention of getting rid of the heavy emotion on his heart.
everything reminds you of him, even the paper clip on his desk that you had once found under his bed.
he gets easily irritable, feeling rather empty now that you’ve gone and left him alone in this now quiet house.
barely leaves his room, only works.
never cries but gets quite emotional when he finds a belonging you left behind.
he cried every single night up until your departure but never showed you that side of him once
after you left, he cried non-stop, not caring if he looked like a cry baby in front of his brother’s who watched him with pitiful eyes.
once his eyes dried up, he soon never returned home as he partied all day and night.
he forced himself to attend parties after parties in order to forget about you.
it never works because everything reminds him of you.
sometimes he sits in his car and just stares into space, wondering what you’re doing now that you’re back on earth.
literally cannot stand the mention of you or your name or he may break down.
pretends to be okay but can’t go a day without getting upset about your absence.
money soon becomes pointless when he realizes no amount of cash will bring you back to the house of lamentation.
curled up in his bath tub and cried himself to sleep.
stopped leaving his room in general, continuously playing games all day and night.
couldn’t look at his ruri-chan figures because they somehow reminded him of you and how much you used to admire them with him.
every inch of his room has your touch on it and it makes his heart ache painfully.
struggles to attend online school but manages to make it through the day by zoning out in class.
claims he doesn’t care about a normie like you but genuinely misses you
sends you messages, forgetting you can no longer contact him without your D.D.D
writes about how much he misses you on his blog fully aware you’ll never see it.
reading. that’s all he does.
he hides in his room and reads every single book he has stacked up along his room, even rereading them if he finished everything.
uses books to get his mind off of you—or more so the lack of you.
will sometimes get excited about a stray cat he sees but stops himself when he realizes he can’t tell you because you aren’t here.
gets angry. a lot.
the smallest things set him off and he can longer feign a smile when he hears your name or anything related to you.
he misses you so much that he wants to tear out his hair and rip apart all these book page by page.
his room is in shambles and he can’t seem to think straight anymore.
loses his interest in everything.
forgets his skin care routine and lets himself go without caring about it.
forces himself to go to parties and tries to sleep with someone to feel better but when it fails, he stops sleeping around in general.
like mammon, he doesn’t come home often to avoid seeing the house he had lived in with you happily.
cannot forget about you no matter what he does, and that frustrates him the most.
wishes he had done something to stop you or at least slept beside you one last time.
neglects himself for a while.
poor bby isn’t hungry for once.
can’t seem to eat now that you’re not sitting beside him, giggling about something he had said.
spends a lot of his time doing weight training and exercising to get his mind off of you.
misses all the meals you used to make on the nights you were in charge of cooking.
sometimes forgets you’re not around whenever he’s about to go downstairs to eat dinner.
clings to belphie in hopes to fill the gap in his heart.
accidentally broke down your room door in an angry fit when your absence finally set in.
either he sleeps even more or somehow gets less sleep.
no matter what, he feels sluggish and blank.
locks himself in the attic, almost as if he was never released in the first place.
even though he hated humans, your absence affected him the most after he had grown to love you as a human.
nearly went demon mode on diavolo when he found out that you were being sent back to the human world.
partially wishes he never met you but cherishes his memories with you too much to ever wish for that wholeheartedly.
sleeps in your bed often to hold onto your lingering scent that was fading quickly.
complains to beel that you were nothing but a stupid human who turns their backs on demons like them, but he never means anything he says.
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“Why is it so quiet in here?” Diavolo asks as he opens the front door of the House of Lamentation with Barbatos at his side. The man’s golden eyes scanned the entry hall, noticing how it was so eerily dark and quiet that it almost felt like something out of a horror movie. It felt like no one had lived here in over two thousand years. “Hello?”
Upon receiving message from Diavolo, everyone had exited their rooms for the first time in a while, looking like they were dragged through the mud. The state they were in made Diavolo jump with surprise, shocked to find that even Lucifer looked like he was ill. “What happened to you guys?!”
“What is it that you need, Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer asked as he ran a hand through his hair to compose himself a bit in front of the red haired man. “If is nothing important, may I kindly ask you to leave and return another time?”
Diavolo sighed, shaking his head lightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t know what’s up with you guys, but I brought everyone’s favorite person along with me so sing your praises now!”
Mammon huffed, “If ya’ talking about that butler of yours, ain’t nobody care right now! We got bigger things to worry about!”
Barbatos simply smiled, taking no offense to the sly insult thrown his way.
Diavolo cocked a brow in confusion. “What? Of course not! It’s-“
The person stepped out from behind Diavolo, catching the attention of every single male in the room. The seven brother’s choked, staring at the one person they had longed for these past few days.
“[y/n]!” They shouted in unison, practically flying down the stairs to get to you. Mammon was the first to reach you, wrapping his arms around your entire body as he tackled you to the floor. The other brother’s climbed on top of you two, hugging you so tightly that you feared this would be where you’d die. “You’re back!”
Diavolo chuckled boisterously. “This is amusing! You lot are acting like you didn’t know they’d return today!” His laugh came to an abrupt stop when he saw the flat expressions coming from each and every brother. “Oh- Did I not inform you?”
“Obviously you didn’t.” Belphegor scoffed with a roll of the eyes, burying his face in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. “[y/n]...”
“Ya can’t ever leave again! I’ll seriously get angry at ya if this happens again! Ya either go to the human world with me or ya don’t go at all!” Mammon snapped, cupping your cheeks while getting dangerously close to your face to yell at you.
“I’ll severely punish you if you ever leave this manor without giving me a heads up as to where you’re off to. You’re not just an exchange student anymore. You’re special.” Lucifer explained, a panicked glint in his tired eyes as he reached out to pat your head gently with his gloved hand.
Satan sighed, pressing his forehead against your back. “If you leave again, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control my emotions, so don’t leave.”
The avatar of lust whined loudly, “my beautiful self can’t handle a life without you! Don’t ever go anywhere without me again!” He clutched onto her waist tightly.
“Don’t... Don’t go anywhere.” Leviathan said with a sad frown on his lips as he held your hand, bringing it up to rest against his cheek. “It’s so empty without you.”
“Let’s eat dinner together, [y/n].” Beel suggested, his voice full of emotions as he drooled at the thought of dinner with you.
A million emotions ran through your veins as you sat there, basking in the warmth of their touch. It was overwhelming to receive so much love all at once but it was amazing.
A smile slowly crept onto your lips as you leaned into their touch, enjoying the way they clung to you as if you’d disappear any moment now. “I missed you guys, too.”
“What a lovely reunion!” Diavolo exclaimed happily, snapping a view blurry photos on his D.D.D to send to the group chat later.
After the heartfelt moment, they quickly disappeared upstairs to fix up their appearance before rushing downstairs to the kitchen where you stood. They clung to you like bugs to a light, hounding you about your sudden departure, only to find out that you had gone up there with Diavolo and Barbatos to help the man experience human world activities he had never gotten to try before. Diavolo was sure he had told them that but seeing as they were genuinely distressed, he assumed the message never reached.
Even though they were beyond pissed with Diavolo and his carelessness, they were just glad you were back. Them being here with you really was their idea of a perfect life.
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