#get booped (affectionate And competitive)
engaging in Boop Warfare with @sparatus and @korblez like,
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Mc just booping Odon randomly +rad classmates reacting to it like they just come up to him with a serious face and just boop him then go on about their day or mc just booping everyone
This is a very nice idea, reading it honestly cheered me up a bit, which I needed because yesterday I received some news that shook me a bit😥so I hope that, by writing this, not only I'll satisfy your request, but that it will also manage to distract me🙈I tried to write both scenarios, I hope that's okay, I did my best✨:
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Initially she would be slightly surprised to see such an interaction between Odon and MC, but soon she would find that quite funny and in a way she would see herself in such acts, since sometimes she happens to climb on Odon's back to reach high objects, to see things in the distance or simply to receive a nice piggyback ride. However it's likely that she would like to receive a similar treatment from MC too, so she might get sulky if MC doesn't pay enough attention to her
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Although he's aware of the fact that Odon isn't hostile and in general very chill and gentle despite being a demon, Domnra believes that MC has either a lot of courage or a total lack of sense of self-preservation to undertake such an action towards Odon, especially because no one would dare get so close to them because of their old reputation. Mobim, on the other hand, would be curious about MC's gesture and would try to replicate it on Domnra to understand how it works
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He would find such action hilarious and honestly he would wonder how he never thought of doing such a thing too, not only to Odon, but also to others, because he has little restraint and decidedly little restraint, therefore not even people like Lucifer or Lord Diavolo would be safe from one of his new favorite pastimes. However, being friends with Odon, Azul would love to join MC in the art of booping
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Knowing Odon, Zuri would imagine that they would appreciate MC's gesture, even though they usually don't allow many people to approach their face, for a matter of safety, however she would find quite ridiculous the fact that an ancient and feared demon like Odon, let a human boop their nose, however she wouldn't voice her opinion, since it's none of her business
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They would have no idea of what exactly MC is doing in the beginning, they might even think it's some kind of traditional human greeting that they have missed over the centuries or somehow forgotten about, yet Odon would find the gesture nice and being the only one to receive it would make them feel special, something they're not used to
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She would be happy to receive such a demonstration of attention and affection from her mate, in fact she would let herself be pampered without making a fuss. Demya would probably reciprocate MC's gesture either by booping them in return or with affectionate kisses and little chomps, with her it's not uncommon to end up playing fight after all
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MC could boop Mobim without any problem, the little curse would be pleasantly surprised and would try to reciprocate MC's affectionate gesture, however Domnra would die of embarrassment if his partner did the same thing to him, especially in public. In private he might be persuaded to receive such treatment, but his face would wear a embarrassed pout
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MC would involuntarily create a booping monster and from a simple nice gesture the situation would turn into some kind of competition to see who is better and more creative in affectionately reciprocating the gesture. In Azul's case, he would have an advantage over his lovely star though, being able to walk through walls like a ghost as well
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Normally Zuri wouldn't appreciate such a childish gesture towards her, considering it almost a lack of respect, but since this case is about her beloved, she would let it go and just reply with an exasperated but affectionate sigh. In moments of greater domesticity and tranquility in private, she might be tempted to boop MC back
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They would be confused and honestly it would be one of the few times they got caught off guard, but one of the reasons Odon appreciates their dear friend MC is because they're full of surprises, so in the end they would appreciate the gesture. It's also likely that the eye-like creatures have seen MC booping other people around Devildom, so Odon would be happy to have been included in such ritual, however they would be hesitant to reciprocate, because they wouldn't want to overstep or disrespect MC's boundaries
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vancilocs · 2 years
1-10 31-36 for fenrir and merope aand long time no band bros?
1. Who wakes up first?
Merope bc Fenrir goes to bed much later
No earthly way of knowing
2. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Also Fenrir bc if he gets up he needs to do king stuff
3. Who takes longer getting ready?
Merope with her clothes, jewelry, hair and makeup
Might be Jules if he decides he wants to go heavier on the makeup but most times both take just a minute
4. When they can’t sleep, what do they do?
Merope reads, Fenrir snuggles her or does paperwork
Play videogames or play on their phones
5. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
Fenrir is a 50yo dad he crosses his arms and is gone
Depends, could be both, could be neither. Though Jules prefers Cameron didn't fall asleep on top of him
6. Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Fenrir when he puts his papers down and goes to bed
Both could, on a rare occasion
7. Who comes up with the cheesy pick-up lines?
8. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
Aleksandros says his dad can't beat him and he goes oh really
Both but since Jules has a younger brother he's been mercilessly beating in the game since he was a kid I think he's even more brutal
9. Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling?
They have people opening doors for them
Both could tbh
10. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
They don't have access to the other's phone
31. Who has bigger cravings? What are they?
Merope has her comfort foods from home, pastries and fresh fruits mostly.
Nicotine doesn't count, maybe Cameron as the guy who's on T has manly carb cravings
32. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
They know what the other likes inside and out
They know to avoid spice for Jules and to add spice for Cameron
33. How do they eat ice cream?
They have some on hot days and end up sharing with a persistent toddler.
Buy a cone when taking the friend group kids to the park
34. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
They tend to just spend time at their penthouse dealio in the castle but sometimes grab horses and go have a picnic or even go to the village (but then they need guards and thats not nice when you want to be alone)
Go grab burgers, go to a movie, go grab drinks at bar, go to concerts or play music together, go on walks, just go loiter at a mall
35. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
Perfume, soap, paper, flowers, fresh breeze, bit of horse and sweat and wine
Deodorant, shampoo, scented lipstick, hair product, whiff of cigarette
36. Which one is the secret snuggler?
Fenrir doesn't show PDA but he won't let go of his wife when alone and makes little noises when she scratches his feathers good
Jules is a bit more reserved about cuddling in public but in private he doesn't mind it
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
M4 with child!MC (another result of Felix's faulty potions) who's affectionate, playful, and is very honest. How would they be as caretakers? How would they react when MC gets attached to them with their grubby little hands >:) ? What would their day-to-day be like?
Sage would probably be like "oh shit😳 oh fuck what the hell". Felix would be frantically🏃 flapping through all parenting books in his possession. Anisa would be all heart-eyed like "oh MC you're so smol and adorable!!!😍🥺". Rime would lift you up by the armpits, stare at you like 🤨 tryna figure out what to do with you.
Man the gang is not well-equipped for taking care of a child
GN!Reader, they might have to put you on a leash depending on how energetic you are, Colored Bullet Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage, Rime)
Anisa is out training with the Sunstone Knights. Sage is handling a tricky bounty. And Rime is off doing,, whatever he does in his free time. Frankly you aren't sure. He says he's doing Evil Necromancer Things but you're pretty sure he's just taking a nap.
Anyways that leaves you and Felix alone.
If you're dating then that's definitely a blessing. You guys mess with some spells and flip through a few books and probably take a nap on the couch.
Felix asked you to try out a new potion that's meant to increase mana. Well sure! You down it like a shot and wait for the effects to hit. Felix mentions it'll take an hour or so, so you might as well relax until then.
Alright. You have some studying to do any-
,,, :)
Toddler!MC had appeared! And as Felix tries to wrap his brain around what just happened, you give a little giggle, tap his waist, chirp out a little 'tag!' and race off
,,,,,, fuck
Felix darts off after you but it's not like he's great at running y'know? So you're easily able to shoot off down the hall and out of sight
And if Sage is your partner and he's taught you about the secret passages? While your memory of your big (normal) self is certainly foggy, you still seem to have your muscle memories of where the hidden paths are and how to access them.
And since you're currently under the effects of his potion, the only magical signature he can track is his own, so that's out too.
I wouldn't say he's necessarily worried for your safety because Fathom is a safe place. He is worried about Anisa kicking his ass tho.
Speaking of, Anisa and Sage come back together, snacking on some pastries. Apparently they'd been tracking the same criminal and had been having a friendly competition to see who could catch him first. Which,, was,,, not the most successful thing because they got so caught up in their rivalry that the criminal nearly escaped and one of the other knights had to tackle them.
Anyways why does Felix look so disheveled?
Sage grins and says that oh, he and Anisa can leave if they're interrupting-
And then his ear flicks. A look of confusion passes over his face as he glances around. Anisa asks him what's wrong while Felix is slooooowly backing away.
Sage raises an eye at Felix and asks why the hell there's a kid here. Felix is further slinking away out of the room-
And then Rime walks in, carrying little-you from under the armpits, sweetly asking Felix what the fu- a glare from Anisa makes him pause - heck he managed to do
If you're normally dating Felix then he scoops you up with a relieved sigh, asking you where in the world you even managed to run off to! And then you boop his nose and say "You're it!" and run away again and now he has to try and find you while Rime and Anisa are lecturing him for improper magic use.
If you're normally dating Anisa then she's immediately scooping you up and spinning you around because Oh! Smol! Cute! And while normally she would be chewing Fe out she's a little too preoccupied with cuddling you. She leaves Rime to do the lecturing and goes to make you a snack, because you were running around for ages and you need some food. Will make you a sandwich and cut it into a cute shape.
If you're normally dating Sage then he's pulling you out of Rime's arms and giving the deer a quick snap of his fangs before asking if you're okay. And you, smol child that you are, immediately wanna start poking at his armor, ears, and tail. He lets you do it and he makes sure to keep his voice light and playful with you, but he's also glaring at Felix because What The Fuck Did He Do To You
If you're normally dating Rime then he's holding you against his hip properly. He thinks this is hilarious. Doesn't appreciate the fact that you're grabbing at his horns and pulling on his hair a lil bit but he thinks you're adorable so he'll let it slide. Could he fix this? Probably. Is going to? Not right away. Felix needs to learn a lesson.
Either way you're now a child and everyone is gonna have to work together to take care of you.
It makes sense that your partner becomes your primary caretaker, especially with how quickly and fiercely you bond to them.
You become Felix's little assistant! He gives you papers and crayons and a little lap desk and encourages you to doodle. Whatever you draw (yourself with magic, stick figure Rime and Sage fighting, a very crude attempt at Anisa in her armor, and Felix reading his books) gets pinned on the ice chest in the kitchen. Felix will go on grand sweeping rants and lectures to teach you about magic, and he constantly uses way-too-heavy language. He's patient with all your questions and does his best to answer them, but kids can throw some real curve balls.
Anisa is great at playing pretend! Obviously you guys play a lot of knight games. The little royal (you) is being guarded by your loyal knight (Anisa) when you guys get attacked by the fearsome dragon (usually Sage) that the knight has to slay. Anisa and Sage both really ham it up. Sometimes the Fearsome Darkness Wizards (Felix and Rime) will make an appearance as well, but they aren't great at playing pretend. Anisa always wins the battle and swoops you off to safety.
In as much as I joke that none of the gang are prepared to look after a small child, Sage actually is. He raised Tulsi after all, and she turned out pretty good! He's got enough energy to keep up with you, can use his hearing and smell to track you, knows how to make some tasty af snacks, and makes sure to put you down for naps on a decent schedule. He lets you play with his ears as much as you want but does remind you to be careful/gentle with them.
Since Rime still has his LoS-granted 'extra' magic and some access to forbidden times, it doesn't take him much time at all to find a reversal potion. But like I said, he wants to let Felix sweat a bit. And it's not like another two or three days will matter. So he spends most of the time walking around with you (or letting you ride on his shoulders) and showing you things.
You draw on the walls and Anisa tries to lecture you but you give her Big Eyes��� and she completely crumbles. Makes you help clean it up tho
Stella puts up with so much,, you are constantly pulling on her fur and chasing her and whatever,, Felix reminds you to be gentle but you're just really excited
Sage can swing you around,, you climb him like a jungle gym,,,, he grumbles a bit but he lets you do it
Rime makes snowballs for you to throw at Sage but you just eat them
You wake up in the middle of the night and wander around sometimes and fall asleep in weird places,,, scares the shit out of everyone
You are! Constantly! Complimenting everyone. You tell Felix his magic is cool! You tell Rime his hair is pretty! You tell Anisa she's really funny! You tell Sage he's really nice! Everyone is embarrassed because you're so open and honest about it.
Rime is reading and you crawl in his lap and ask him to read to you,, he puts on voices and stuff and it makes you giggle,,, and when he's done you say thank you :)
Everyone is so protective of you,, an older kid knocks you over and Sage and Anisa are going feral
Meanwhile Rime and Felix are spoiling you with toys and little outfits.
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cozymoko · 3 years
Okay so, I’m the Anon who asked earlier if I could spam you with some asks earlier, and I’ve come to fulfill my,,promise(??) now that my fevers broke and I’m feeling better!
Can I request some headcanons for the Sakamaki brothers with a powerful childhood friend S/O they’ve been betrothed to since they were kids? Like, For some more background to give you stuff to work with, S/O is a pure-blood vampire who has the bloodline ability of being able to “hypnotize and entrance” prey, but instead of using it against *insert boy* (like their mothers would have-) S/O uses it to calm the boys down/ease their bloodlust or panic attacks.
I just want some twistedly fluffy headcanons of the boys getting affectionate with their super powerful yet soothing S/O (No power dynamics, just them being allowed to love and be loved in equal measure) and enjoying the crap out of it
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Note: Great to hear~! By the way, Tumblr posted this without me knowing, it's not entirely finished. ( ;∀;)
Pairing: Sakamaki brothers x gn! reader
Warnings: Not proofread; will edit later
Format: Headcanons
Please continue below the cut
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Infatuation, that is the only word to describe Shu's love for you. Since he met you as a young boy you stole his heart, refusing to give it back. Gracing him with kind words, gentle touches that would last him a lifetime.
Your powers have never been an interest of his. But the affects of it is something he'll wholeheartedly take advantage of. Seeing as you'll allow him to. Shu is lazy, we all know this. Therefore he has no problem being pampered and loved. Giving into his shameful desires to be touched by your very hands.
“I'm unable to imagine life without you. Childish? Haha...perhaps but it's only the truth.”
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Rather standoffish, despite being betrothed to you. Marriage was nothing more than a priority. To gain power, grow the family, and you were just a part of it. Reiji read about your family prior to your meeting and was well aware of your gift. In which he felt the affects of only when interacting with you.
He felt like a fool. Curled up against his loving spouse, flush against your smooth skin. This surely wasn't an image of a noble, but God did it feel good. Being doted on, treated as a person for once in his life has its perks.
“How have I allowed myself to become a victim to your affection? ‘Magic’ you say, what a pesky spell.”
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Everything was always a competition for you and Ayato as he constantly felt the need to prove himself throughout his childhood. "Ayato I will not argue with you." "Ha, why now?!" You annoyed the hell out of him, that's for sure and he wanted no more than to get you back for it.
It was no doubt that Ayato held you close, or of some importance. After all, you were the only one who made him feel accepted, who took away all the long lasting pain residing in his childhood.
“Why do ya' keep lookin' away from me? C'mon, I haven't seen you all day, take care of me...”
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Kanato was attracted to you from the start. You looked like a living doll as the rumors mentioned. The young vampire immediately ran up to you, hooking his arms with yours, and walking around like an old married couple. Always feeling nothing but pure joy when around you.
Finds himself glued to your side, practically begging for your attention. He's not shy to admit that he cares for you, that he adores you and never wants to let you go.
“Hmmph, you're so mean to me. Leaving me and Teddy here on our own. Don't ever leave us for so long, we missed you.”
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Had no interest in you as a child, considering his more than a motherly relationship with Cordelia. But his mother pushed him to get to know you. "Come on now Laito, we are to be wedded in the future cheer up!" You smiled, tapping his nose, letting out a joyous "Boop!" before turning on your heels, leaving him on his own. Only then did he truly understand the extent of your abilities.
Comes to you whenever life is kicking his ass. Still not allowing his perverted facade to slip, not even in front of his spouse. Allowing himself to wither away, trusting his spirit in your hands.
“Huhh~? Don't stop now, you've spoiled me too much. Impatient? Fufu~, it's all your fault. Hurry up and take responsibility~”
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The cure to his loneliness, the hatred plaguing his childhood. In the beginning, he despised the idea of marrying someone, let alone another pure-blood. But you changed his mind. Staring at him with such alluring eyes, one's that seemed to stare into his soul. Not to mention your touch felt heavenly, as though an angel had praised his skin.
Feels helpless under your touch, under your care. Not being able to fight back the pesky feelings eating away at his heart. You were a refuge for all the neglect he's been put through.
“Oi, don't run away. Tch — if I catch you you're mine you got it?!”
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shingia · 4 years
hi alma 💖 hope your day is/was good!!
i love your blog and as i saw your requests are open could i have some headcanons or short fics (whatever format you think fits best) for oikawa, akaashi, atsumu and sakusa with an airheaded/teasy s/o? like someone who would come up randomly to them and just poke them/kiss their forehead and stuff like that.
tysm!! please feel free not to do my request if you don't like it! love u 💖💖🤍
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hi !! my day was rly good, i hope yours was too <33 here are hcs for your request (that i loved btw) and thank you for your kind words, i really appreciate it ! love u too ! 💗
-> oikawa, akaashi, atsumu, sakusa
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• ohh oikawa is a sucker for these kind of displays of affection, especially if they’re random
• he’s definitely not afraid of pda so please feel free to kiss him without any warning, it’ll make him kinda proud actually
• he has no problem with brushing off his team’s snarky comments, because he honestly couldn’t care less about them when you’re here being so entertaining (because yes, you genuinely entertain him)
• so yeah it’s all fun and games for the two of you, except for that one time…
• after his practice, you went behind his back to poke both his cheeks, without knowing that his mouth was full of water
• obviously he spat it all out, and that would have been perfectly fine. if only iwaizumi hadn’t been standing in front of him
• let’s just say that the two of you had never run so fast
• like i said, oikawa loves all your silly affectionate gestures but if he had to choose a favorite, it’d be the super short but super tight hugs you always give him when his back is turned on you
• every once in a while, he manages to grab hold of your arms before you can pull away, and makes you stay glued to him for as long as he wants
• « don’t start what you can’t finish, darling »
• akaashi is definitely surprised at first, and he’s a bit startled every time you tease him like that, mainly because you often do it out of the blue
• but after a few weeks, he starts to develop a big sense of satisfaction whenever he receives one of your random kisses, pokes or even little tickles
• because he loves to know that you’re comfortable enough around him to do that
• although this doesn’t mean he does not raise his eyebrows every time you sneak up on him for a hug, but it’s always followed by a blushy smile, that’s for sure
• « where are you getting at ? » he asks, cheeks tinged red. his flustered tone brings a smirk to your lips, that immediately end up on his. « i don’t know, you tell me, keiji »
• he might not answer these when he’s in public but trust me when i tell you this man can and will give you a taste of your own medicine at some point
• also, it is physically impossible to resist the urge of kissing his chubby cheeks when he eats. overall it’s really hard to resist his cheeks
• his favorite thing ever is when you kiss and squeeze them at the same time
• a close second is when he’s sitting down and you come to rest your chin on top of his head, bonus point if you have your hands on his cheeks (again those damned cheeks)
• he doesn’t even care if you do it in front of the whole team, he just lets you do your thing and quietly appreciates it
• in all honesty, atsumu probably giggles like a three years old whenever you’re randomly poking/kissing him
• it’s either that or he gives you overly confident winks
• at first he thought these gestures were your way to ask for cuddles (which was not entirely wrong), but when he found out that you also just liked to tease him for the sake of fun, he was astounded
• you obviously know he’s super competitive by nature, so expect him to keep score : poke his sides once and he’ll give it back to you tenfold
• it’s pretty rare that your random bursts of affection stop once you’ve done what you wanted to do. because he always follow up with something else, and so do you… before you know it, you’re either making out or bickering, no in between
• his favorite thing is probably when you give him a peck on the corner of his lips purposely - as cliché as it sounds, it definitely gives him butterflies. and that’s probably why he likes it so much
• since atsumu’s pretty comfortable with pda, feel free to randomly grab his hand and put it on top of your head, he’ll know that you expect him to play with your hair
• also : smack ! his ! butt ! in ! public (plz)
• just don’t be afraid of getting yours smacked in return
• ok now you gotta be careful with that one, because it can backfire really quickly
• sakusa probably has very sharp reflexes when it comes to predicting your actions. it’s like he can feel your aura moving around him or something
• one time you tried to boop his nose but he grabbed your wrist before you could even extend your arm
• « hands are washed ? » he asked, suspiciously glaring at you. « of course they are » you answered with an excited smile as he let go of his grip
• sakusa kiyoomi’s nose was booped multiple times that day.
• he rolled his eyes a lot but got genuinely concerned when you started doing it less frequently
• tbh he didn’t realize how much he liked you being an affectionate dork before that
• he’s not really prompt to answer your gestures most of the time, but he appreciates all of them. all of them
• even that time you almost gave him a heart attack when you ran to him for a back hug after one of his matches (his elbow was this close to hitting your nose)
• his guilty pleasure is definitely forehead kisses, but he refuses to admit it - although it’s pretty obvious considering that he can’t help but chuckle everytime
• only problem is that he can only get them when he’s sitting or laying down :/
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@toworuu @catwithangerissues
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tots-insane-ee · 4 years
I'm LIVING for these fluffy Animaniacs and reader headcanons. Just wondering, would you be able to write them comforting the reader when they're upset?
I'm glad you like them!! I still need to figure them out tho but I'm getting there. I had a lot of fun making this, please enjoy  ᵔᴥᵔ
The Warners comforting the reader would include:
Reminder: This is completely platonic and just pure fluff. Reader is gender-neutral and not species specific
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He would be a little bit oblivious about it at first but when he finally catches on he will not leave your side till you feel better
Will absolutely act more puppy-like. Just 100% more affectionate, more playful but also more protective
He’s just so worried about you ;-;
He will be a ball of positiveness and will come up  with a bunch of plans to make you feel better
Since he’s not as good with words as Yakko or Dot, he tries his best to cheer you up with his own special ways
His plan is just purely about cheering you up, so anything can happen, really
Expect a lot of cuddles and hugs and reassuring hand holding
Would try to make you laugh by making silly faces, play music for you, do a lot of slapstick humor
Hell, he would might even write a song just for you-
Would give you little gifts he thinks you might like, let it be food, small trinkets or random things you might have only mentioned once. He’ll get it for you
Surprise tickle attacks!!
Asks Yakko what to and what not to do, he just doesn’t want to make it worse
If somehow none of his schemes succeeded at making you smile, he would just try to console you in a more serious manner as a last attempt 
“I’m not really good with this stuff, but if you want to talk about it, I will gladly listen!” he would say with a gentle smile on his face at the end of a day full of “cheering up Y/n” shenanigans. You two would sit on the couch, resting his head on your shoulder, listening silently and brushing your back reassuringly as you speak
If you cry, he will cry with you, holding you close
“I’m so sorry you have to go through this...” he would sniffle, trying to steady his voice and nuzzling you tenderly “But it’s gonna be okay… I’m sure of it, You can do it”
If you don’t want to talk about it, he understands that too. He will be more than happy just hanging out with you if it helps
You two eventually fall asleep, him nuzzling you and hoping that he managed to make you feel a little bit better at least.
When he noticed you look happier, he would be just so giddy and relieved, he will wag his tail and have a goofy smile on his face for the rest of the day
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Oh, she notices something’s up right away
She noticed by the way how your eyes and your body language is different than usual
Wants to know what or who made you upset and then destroy them
Her plan is to make you feel comfortable and to get you to tell her what had upset you
She will take this the most seriously and try to boost your confidence
She kind of tries to help you in a way Dr. Scratchansniff would, even asked him for advice
Also expect a lot of cuddles and hugs from her, these kids are just really affectionate and protective of the few people they hold dear other than each other
Speaking of protectiveness, if somebody even dares to look at you weird, she will glare holes into them
She would take you to different places, like a mall, an ice cream shop, a park or just wandering around in the downtown of Burbank
Will pamper you so much, if you want anything, she will get it for you at all cost
But if you don’t want to go anywhere, no worries! She is full of ideas
Slumber party time!! ....basically
She would have you settled down, and style your hair while helping you opening up (This in an actual method called “Barbershop Therapy”, heard it from Scratchy) 
But she would understand if you don’t want to discuss it, even tho she thinks it would be the best for you if you would just get it off of your chest
“It’s okay, hun!” she would say, while playing with your hair and rubbing your shoulder gently. “Just take your time. When you feel ready, I will be all ears” 
Once you eventually told everything, she will give you the best pep talk and give you reassurance
“Don’t worry, Y/n. It’s going to be alright! And hey!” she would smile gleefully and give you a meaningful wink “If you need anything, we will be always there to help”
If you cry, she will try so hard not to but fails, engulfing you with a big hug
Once you feel better, she would let out a sigh of relief and feel her heart swell. She is just so glad she could help you
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He immediately notices that something isn’t right, but just isn’t sure what might that be
Something about the way you smile or laugh isn’t the same, he can obviously tell
Once he realizes that you are upset, his big brother instinct kicks in
Will not out-right show it, but he’s really worried about you, especially when you don’t really want talk about it
But he also understands how difficult it must be talking about your troubles *cough* personal experience *cough* so he won’t force you to confront your problems like this
Instead he focuses on distracting you and complimenting you, making you forget about whatever made you feel distressed
Expect a lot of jokes and puns, comforting touches and a lot of compliment showers
He’s really good with words after all, he will be creative
His main priority is making you smile at all cost
Won’t leave your side and would be so protective of you
Will take you along to the movie lot to cause some shenanigans or take you out for a day full of fun activities, you name it all
But will gladly just hang out at home if that’s what you wish
Chilling while watching some movies, playing games together, cooking for you or just cuddling
As much as he doesn’t like silence, if that’s what you need right now, he will be happy to give you this comfort 
“Hey, just relax” he would mutter softly, a fond smirk tugging at his lips “Things gonna be okay, and you are gonna be okay. I promise…”
But if you feel ready to open up, he will hold your hand and listen attentively
If you cry, he will pull you close and hold you, rubbing your back soothingly and whisper encouraging words. He will try not to cry, feels like he needs to be strong for your sake and giving you all the comfort there is
“I know it must though, but believe me when I say it’s gonna be fine” he would say, as he pulls away a little so he could wipe away your tears “We always gonna be here for you, never forget that…” he would add, nuzzling your nose
He would feel really glad and thrilled after you calmed down and started smiling again
He really missed the sound of your laughter
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Okay now, these kids gonna be really sweet to you individually, BUT when they are together the affection, the compliments and the cheering up gonna be off the charts
They just can’t bare to see you upset
They will be next to you for a long time, but will also give you space if that’s what you want, however they will still check on you frequently
You literally have 3 hyperactive guard dogs under you hands
Making you smile will become a semi-competition between them 
“This will work, just watch” “No no no, Y/n loves puns more, just leave this to me” “Whoever makes them laugh first can decide what we gonna have for lunch for a week” “Deal!!”
Cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile cuddle pile-
They will take you to out to theme parks, to the cinema, even to the beach or just to have a stroll around the movie lot 
Slumber party at the water tower which means movie and gaming night!!
When you try to thank them, they will tackle you into a hug and just smile
“What are you talking about, Y/n?” asked Wakko, chuckling “There’s nothing to thank, you dummy” Dot added, booping your nose “We know you would do the same for us, that’s what friends are for.” Yakko said, ruffling your hair “And also…”
“We love youuuuuuu” they declared in unison
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strawberryakabane · 3 years
Wholesome Karma bean Headcanons, enjoy! (this man is my comfort character and my ray of sunshine so these may be endless) 🥰
. Calls you names like 'my love', 'my darling' 'princess' and 'milkshake'
. Is very overprotective of you
. Gives quite closeted affection in public but alone is very affectionate
. He loves it when you hold his hand
. Gives you constant hugs from behind
. Either smells of strawberries or cinnamon
. Loves baking with/for you
. He always ruffles your hair
. Secretly doesn't mind being small spoon
. Is passionate but also gentle
. Loves sitting with you by a fireplace
. You bought him a strawberry hair clip once as a joke but he actually loves wearing it
. Arguments are rare but usually end with tons of cuddles and soft kisses
. Takes you on bakery dates
. Loves it when you wear his clothes
. You both have a playlist for everything
. Will tell you you look beautiful/handsome/amazing at any opportunity
. Definitely gives ass slaps
. He bought you both promise rings
. Buys you stuff all time time even though you tell him not to
. He loves lazy days with you
. Movie binging
. Showers and baths together (with a glass of strawberry milk 😌)
. Loves teasing you but gets embarrassed when you tease him back
. He occasionally let's you be bowser on Mario kart
. Will listen to you rant about anything and everything
. He helps you with your homework and gives you lots and lots of kisses afterwards (because why not)
. Occasionally you'll feed the ducks together
. You him and nagisa hangout ALL THE TIME
. Partners in crime
. Will text you he misses you from downstairs
. Let's you do his eyeliner
. You both keep pictures of each other for when you miss each other
. He says romantic things to you in French (apparently karma speaks French) 👌
. He feeds you strawberries
. He loves it when you give him affection
. He calls you a simp
. He blushes when you adjust his collar
. When you play fight he pins you to the wall
. He gives you hand kisses
. He gets really excited over small things
. He loves study dates
. He'll buy you ice cream all the time
. If you ever hurt yourself he'll probably lick the blood off
. Slow but passionate kisses (dom asf tho)
. Takes care of you when you're ill or in pain
. Prank wars
. Sends you your favourite flowers
. He'll leave little notes for you
. Rip to anyone who so much as looks at you
. Skips class with you
. Gives you his coat when you're cold
. Stargazing dates
. It's difficult for him to open up but you'll comfort him all the time
. Sometimes he'll have nightmares so he'll reach out to hold you in the night
. When you have nightmares, he'll wake up immediately to comfort you
. Loves it when you put your arms around his neck
. Plays with your hair
. King of massages
. He loves it when you rest your head on his lap
. Strokes your hair and forehead
. Takes you to festivals and theme parks
. Will never force you to do anything you're not comfortable with
. Will beat up anyone who bullies you or makes you uncomfortable
. Tickle fights
. Takeaway every week
. You both watch anime together
. Boops on the daily
. He will be your loyal spider remover (or killer)
. He wears his cute heart apron in the kitchen because he knows it makes you laugh
. He picks flowers and puts them in your hair
. Competitions with each other 24/7
. Dances with you
. When you fall asleep, he'll put a blanket around you
. Froggie parents
. Puts his hand on your thigh while he is driving
. Grows strawberries in your garden and teaches your kid how to look after them
. Gives you and your kid nose nuzzles
. Matching outfits
. He'll cosplay with youuu
(more to comeee)
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oheyfox · 4 years
I need a HC of the all the babes reactions to getting unexpectedly booped on the nose by MC. ALL OF THEM. I NEED THE CUTENESS!
MC unexpectedly booping the brothers
Please enjoy!
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Lucifer had no idea what kind of game you were trying to play
“What was that?” Lucifer asked
“Well, it’s something you do to someone when you think they’re cute...” You smiled at him
“Oh, I guess in that case,” Lucifer boops your nose back, “you’ll need a boop too.”
Mammon froze for a second, “Oi, what do ya think you’re doin’, Human?”
“Booping you. You looked cute.” You gave him an innocent smile
“ Booping- You should be getting booped, not me!” Flustered, he boops your nose back
“Weird human.”
His cheeks go pink immediately, he’s not use to touching, not even little acts of it 
“MC! What was that for?” He covers his blush
“It was just a little boop. I couldn’t help it, you look so cute concentrated on your video games.”(the horrifying stare is cute, okay.)
“Here, if it makes you feel better.” You hold your nose up to Levi, “You can boop me back.”
Why did you just do that? Is there a point to tapping his nose like that?
“I booped your nose!”
“Booped?” Satan had a small blush on his cheeks
“ It’s an affectionate gesture to someone you like.” 
“Oh- well then.” Satan boops you back, “I guess we both like each other.” He smiles
Asmo knows exactly what you’re doing, you’re booping him!
“Hehe.” He boops you back
It almost becomes a competition to see who can boop each other the most
He really likes it when you give him attention like this, so he doesn’t mind it 
He had no idea what you just did. Maybe you were trying to get food off his nose?
Whatever you did, he liked it
“Do it again.” He gives you a closed eye smile
You booped him since you thought he was asleep, but he was awake and was very aware of what you just did
As he was laying down, he raises his arm up and boops you back
“I thought you were asleep!”
“Even if I was, I wouldn’t miss the chance to boop you back.” He smirks
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haifengg · 4 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?) Hendery is pretty much the guy for a classic friends to lovers trope so I guess the way he shows affection in pblic would be pretty lowkey. Like quick sweet pecks when no-one is paying attention. At home he would be quite cuddly, chilling with you and your pet maybe is his favorite thing.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?) When he saw you at your friends wedding he was glued to the spot staring at you. Seing you in a proper dress for the first time -  it was over for him.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?) Huge cuddler. All the time.
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?) I think his main goal with you is staying together being happy, wihtout having to do huge huge sacrifices. He wants you both to be happy with each other and that’s his top priority. As far as his dream goes would probably be to start a family with you if your lifes have room for it. Otherwise he will stay together with you either way - married or not. E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?) A lot. As I said having a fulfilled relationship is super important to him so he would try to be home early and take time for date nights and everything. He would get the food and make up for the time he can’t be with you because of work.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?) Maybe he would be a little bit overwhelmed if you for example have a panic attack or soemthing. Because he is the youngest sibling he is not used to take care of others - he was the one other took care of usually. Regardless of that he would try his best, asking you what you need and not be mad at you if you maybe yell at him or something because you’re stressed. Eventually he would hold you tight either way and maybe watch a TV show to distract you or take you for a walk with an arm around your shoulders. G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?) He would love to get self-made gifts from you. If you crotched a keyring thing for him he would worhsip it and use it for years. The letter you wrote him the year you were away for new years? It’s framed in his studio. Same thing goes for giving presents. Altough the guys maybe talk him into buying you something he would always make sure to give it a personal touch. Maybe Ten helps him decorate sneakers he got for? Or he’d get you the first copy of your favorite books but put a foldeed heart in between the pages as a bookmark.H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?) He would hug you when you’re cooking or doing the dishes, give you a little smoosh on the head when he walks past you and you’re sitting somewhere studying. 
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?) I don’t see any problems i this department so let’s not create any if there aren’t any~ J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?) Hendery might a little jealous but not much. You were freinds before you started dating so he knows your male friends and he knows you still chose him over all of them ~~
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?) Lot’s and lot’s of soft make out sessions. He is not a greedy kisser. This man has a goofy soft personality and it shows! 
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?) He strikes me as the kind of guy who leaves it to nonverbal communication. Hendery shows it more than saying it with small gestures like nose boops or he blows in your neck a little bit when you’re watching a movie. He also maybe pulls you in and whispers soemthing sweet into your ear but I don’t think it would be exactly ‘I love you’. 
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?) Hendery definitely wants to get married. He doesn’t nessecarily wants everyone to know you’re his but he wants you to know how much heh loves you and that he wants to be with you until the very last day. He only has eyes for you and you know you only see him. It’s not about the others, it’s about you guys. And about his sisters and his mother they would end him if they don’t get a wedding picture with their only son/brother.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?) Having a busy schedule he will make room for dates whenever he can. You would be the person waiting for him at his work place to be over with his shift to surprise him and take him out to cheap cozy pubs or your favorite streetfood places. Especially in winter when your breath condences and your noses are all red, you would get some hot snack and stroll through the streets and just enjoy each others company. O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?) You guys would seldomly go somewhere expensive or dress fancy/ got clubbing. The two of you can get excited and party but clubs just aren’t your thing. P =Playful (Are they playful in a relationship?) I suppose Hendery Is quite playful! He turns small daily things into a challenge even though he is not the most competitive person. He is the kind of person give playful cute little pecks or teasing you in a lot of harmless, non-suggesting ways. Q = Questions(Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?) You guys car about each others opinions because it’s important for you what the other think but he wouldn’t change his desicions because you think differently abotu something. R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?) Hendery is pretty spontaneous. He would sometimes pop into the bathroom when you’re already brushing your teeth asking you if you will go to a movie with him. Ofc you will! S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?) Actually I can see him as both the big and the little spoon. Both have their benefits, it depends on the day really. T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?) 200% He introduced you two his mother and sisters. If he trusts you with that situation, he will trust you with anything else.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?) Hendery is cheerful but in a very chill way. He will root for you and has this great quality of making you feel great about yourself. That’s what you love about him and why you fell for him. V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?) As mentioned before: You were friends before lovers. During the first half year of your friendship he held back on telling you his problems or letting you know when he fet down. During that time he usually met less with you when he was stressed or knew he wouldn’t be in a good mood, maybe ruin yours. W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice) Every now and then you would find the time for a game night with some of the members. I am not talking board games but computer games! While everyone chills on discord you would sit in the same room or across the hallway. You usually played for the opposing team and every now and then you yell across the halway or physicially try keeping eachother from winning if their team is doing too well. X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?) During the first few seconds: Plain panic. But ones he sees it’s not that bad and you just hit your head on one of the cupboard doors he will get you a cooling pack and maybe laugh at you a little bit. “When will you stop hitting your head on the same door over and over?” Y = Yuck (Do they have any annoying/weird habits? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?) Being chinese he loves drinking hot water. So far no problem but it always bothers you when you mix up your waterbottlesin the morning and you’re at college/work burning your lips on freaking hot water. Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?) Muted passion it’d say. He can get raunchy and everythign but alwas in a very subtle way. Of course he is down to switch it up if you want him to.
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leonameowzz · 4 years
I have this one thought stuck in my head 😹 imagine booping the Twst boys noses
Imagine no longer anon!!! Here are some scenarios w/f our fav twst boys, please enjoy~
Hippity Hoppity, everyone’s noses go Boppity 👉👃👈
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“Say ahh Riddle”, you coaxed your boyfriend during the recent Unbirthday party. His face was redder than the strawberry tart you were trying to feed him but he eventually relented. Satisfied, you bop him on the nose causing the rest of the dorm to cheer for you.
Ace was the one who bopped your nose first when you were teasing each other. Safe to say it escalated into a competition between you two which lasted the whole day as you try to one-up each other.
Deuce froze after you playfully bop him on the nose, as physical interactions were usually aggressive rather than affectionate for him. He awkwardly hugs you back, apologizing that he wasn’t used to such gestures.
You and Trey were baking in the Heartslabyul kitchen when you bop his nose with frosting on your finger. He raises his eyebrow as you giggled, before pulling you towards him, bopping your nose  with frosting back.
Cater was caught off guard when you bop his nose during a couple pic, resulting in his surprised face being captured on camera. He pesters you to take another one, though this time he gets to bop you instead!
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Leona was napping on your lap when you bop him nose. “Herbivore...” he mutters slowly, pulling you down into a hug onto him. He nuzzles his nose against yours, purring to reciprocate your earlier affections.
You found Ruggie picking dandelions, with already bloomed puffs stuck in his hair from the wind blowing. Finding it too wholesome, you bop him on the nose, offering to help as he chuckles and pinches your cheek.
You proudly bop Jack on the nose when he’s done practicing Magishift, praising him for doing so well and can’t help notice his tail wagging excitedly although he casually brushes off your compliments.
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Azul is engrossed in sorting out his contracts, when you approach his desk calling him sweetly. You bop his nose when he faces you, urging him to rest causing him to blush slightly as he sets aside his paperwork to accompany his beloved.
Floyd was having one of his mood swings so you bop him on the nose asking him to cheer up, as you give him your best puppy dog eyes. He immediately brightens up, squeezing you tightly and cooing how much he enjoys your touches.
Jade serves you your favourite drink at Mostro Lounge, “One mermaid frappe with extra cream just for you~” You hum a thanks in response and bop his nose. He’s surprised but recovers quickly and reaches for your hand, planting a soft kiss on the back of it.
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Kalim takes you on a magic carpet ride, zipping over sideways and under at top speed. He finally stops above the clouds laughing at how cute you look holding him so tightly. Huffing at him for going so fast purposely, you bop him on the nose playfully.
Jamil is exhausted from helping Kalim prepare another impromptu party. As you brush the sweat off his face, you bop his nose to cheer him up, earning a sly smirk from him as he gives you multiple butterfly kisses.
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Vil stomps into his room, ranting to you about how much he loathes Neige. You bop him on the nose reassuring him that he was the most beautiful to you. He melts into your touch, grateful you were around to soothe his nerves.
Rook, your lab partner for the day was staring intently out the window, presumably spying on Leona. Amused by his fascination, you bop his nose reminding him to pay attention. “Pardon Ma Cherie!” he exclaims, giving you a peck on the cheek as an apology.
Epel borrowed a horse from the equestrian club to take you for a ride. After showing off his riding abilities, your heart swells with pride as you bop his nose, gushing over how cool he looked. He feels very touched and promises to keep improving himself for you.
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Idia was sulking after having an unlucky day with online raids, until you bop his nose before kissing him deeply. His hair flares a fiery red as he buries his face in your shoulder, immediately getting distracted from his game but not caring as much anymore.
Ortho was curious to this gesture, especially after seeing Idia’s reaction. He questions you about it, only to get bopped on the nose too as you cheerfully state it’s a sign of affection, one that he certainly deserves since you see him as your little brother too.
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After Malleus escorts you back after your usual midnight stroll one night, you quickly bop him on the nose while tiptoeing before running inside blushing. The fae prince is stunned by your actions though elated, making a mental note to ask Lilia for tips on how to return the affections.
Lilia attempts to tease you with his upside down schtick only for you to surprise him first by bopping him on the nose. Aren’t you the mischievous one? He praises your quick thinking, before pressing his forehead against yours lovingly.
You find Silver napping in the school courtyard peacefully among his animal friends and crouch beside him, bopping his nose gently. He stirs slightly at your touch but doesn’t wake. You stay by his side, making sure to wake him up before his next lesson.
“Hey Sebek, sorry not sorry for this”, as you bop his nose playfully, making him blush furiously at your bold actions. He rants to his Diasomnia members later, saying it’s illegal for you to pull such adorable antics, while the others only smirk knowingly.
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toas-tea · 4 years
for the beeeans: 💛 + ☀️ + 🌽
jorleesi beans are my favorite beans, i always ask for extra in my burrito <3
💛 what’s your favourite aspects of their relationship dynamics? 
in the wise words of (1) jbear: “everything”
lol no seriously i love everything about them it’s not even funny. but if i had to choose a few, one of them definitely the way they can tell a whole-ass library’s worth of stories with just one look. like srsly
jorah: :|
daenerys: :|
what they’re really saying: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
your emojis eyes betray you, you precious beans.
lets also add the touching. can we talk about the soft and simple hand touches and forehead boops that communicate just as much pls and thank you?? am soft for soft touching UWU
love their power dynamic too. jorah doesn’t blindly worship her and points out her flaws and lets her know if she ever steps out of bounds because he’s looking out for her. same with dany. she looks out for jorah and makes sure he doesn’t pull the “there’s nothing to forgive khaleesi” card when she unintentionally hurts him or something similar to that nature because she of all people knows her bear is the king of self-deprecation.
this can be applied in the bedroom too, you know, personally my favorite place for them to be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). i like how jorah normally lets daenerys take the lead but she definitely doesn’t mind it when he surprises her and occasionally takes the reigns. she loves those types of surprises and so do i. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i know this might sound bad, but i love their arguments, specifically the epicenter of their arguments which commonly consists of trying to one up each other on who should be protecting who or who should be doing what’s best for the other like it’s some sort of competition 😂 they’re both so stubborn it’s literally like Unstoppable Force (smol) vs Immovable Object (tol) 😂😂😂
☀️ which one hogs all the blankets every night ?
i dont think either of them do, they just love each other so much that even in their sleep they make sure neither of them make the other person cold. if i had to choose one though, probably dany but it’d be by accident or something because she’s a smol dragon queen and dragons love ALLLL the WARMTH and blankets. jorah would wake up after having the blankets YEETED from him, but i don’t think he would mind. he would just make sure his fluffy dragon burrito is comfy and warm, proceed to spoon said dragon burrito then fall back asleep because he’s a northern bear so he’ll be ok. plus, he’s got the best dragon burrito to keep him warm, kinda like a huggable night light 😂😂❤️❤️
🌽 which one is more affectionate ? do they each have a different way of what they consider to be affection ?
UGH that’s a tough one. D: my kneejerk answer was going to be jorah just because this man can emulate affection stronger than 25 sea otters with just the way he loOKS at her. but the same can be said for daenerys because like @fandomsbyladymelodrama​ said in her post, when she fully embraces her feelings for jorah, she embraces it HARd like we’re talking big rUSSIAN MOMMAA BEAR HUG hard. she’s known no love like jorah’s so she would absolutely shower him with affection as strong as 10 mainlanders. also because in the wise words of ladymelodrama, she naturally feels the need to “make up for all that lost time” Q__Q ❤️ so im going to cheat and say both of them sorry 😂 
as for the different ways they consider affection - jorah being the romANTIC that he is would shower her with poetic compliments. like a simple exchange between the two of them like
daenerys: “the moon is full tonight. it’s beautiful.”
jorah: "i know someone much more beautiful.”
or some corny shit like that lol. dany’s used to praise like that, but no man can ever say it like jorah effing mormont. also, jbear is the king of chivalry and the reason why it’s not dead. he opens doors for her, pulls out the chair at the dining table, offers her a hand when shes taking a step down in heels, bridal carries her when he has to...you know...ALL the classic romance jazz. extra points for that deep and raspy voice of his ❤️ i’d say he tries to buy her really extravagant gifts as well, but that’s a habit dany is trying to help him get out of because of (1) lynesse. >:C
dany likes to express her affections for her bear through touch. holding hands, huggles, cuddling, leaning on him, giving him dragon smoochies etc. <3 she also likes to remind him how handsome he is from time to time not just because well...it’s true but also because she loves eliciting that bashful and blushy reaction from him :’D on special occasions dany will also get him gifts, but they’re not expensive or over-the-top. simple things that mean a lot to him and correspond to their relationship, like scarves, small pendants, cute little wooden carvings, picture frames, you know the drill. jorah would love and value all of it because he’s the type who values the little things <3 lmao dany could probably get him a spoon and say “remember this spoon? we used it on  our first date” and jorah would cry happy tears LMAO 😂😂😂
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chocolvte · 5 years
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NCT REACTION — the dreamies get jealous of another member being close to their s/o
LISTEN TO — trivia 轉 : seesaw by bts (suga solo song)
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he doesn’t mean to get jealous, and he knows that jeno doesn’t mean anything with the way he hugs you and pinches your cheeks, but he can’t help it. every time the other boy plays with your hair or makes you laugh he feels a little swell of jealousy fill his stomach. it doesn’t take him long to tell you, though, and luckily he’s pretty cute when he’s jealous. you promise to talk to jeno and in the meantime renjun gives you lots of extra kisses whenever the other boys are around.
you are a very loveable person, jeno knows, but is it so awful of him to sometimes wish that you weren’t? every time you come over the other members are all over you, fighting for your attention and sometimes jeno can’t help but feel jealous about it. he gets so quiet and sad, struggling to listen to what haechan is telling him, but all he can focus on out of the corner of his eye is the way jaemin is cuddling you. eventually he just scoops you up and carries you to his room.
“jaemin was being selfish, y/n. you’re my baby, not his.”
he’s never one to hide it when he gets jealous. most of the time he feels completely secure in your relationship because he trusts you so much, but sometimes, when he’s feeling just a little bit insecure, his emotions can get the best of him. it was fine at first when chenle started following you around like a lost puppy, but now it feels like he and jisung take up all of your time. hyuck might get petty at first, slapping lele’s hand away every time he tried to touch you, but eventually he would talk to you and finally be able to relax about it.
jealousy would just make him extra clingy. jaemin is already a very affectionate boyfriend on his own, but seeing the other dreamies being so close to you would make him feel oddly competitive. if jeno gives you one hug, jaemin is giving you two; if haechan boops your nose, jaemin kisses it. it’s honestly kind of cute, but you always make sure that he knows that at the end of the day there’s really no contest. given the choice, you would choose him every time.
chenle just really likes you and he wants you to like him too, enough that you won’t pay attention to all of the love that you get from the older boys. chenle looks up to all of the other dreamies a lot (and jisung is his best friend) so he doesn’t hate any of them or even their friendships with you, but he does get extra sad when he feels like his giant heart eyes for you aren’t reciprocated. he would flip flop between trying to give you space to be close to the other boys and sticking to you like honey, kissing your nose and holding your hand so that the other boys know their place.
he has no idea how to handle his feels. he just knows that he loves you and he hates the way everyone else feels like they’re allowed to touch you. you’re the baby of the group even more than he is, so the other boys are very affectionate towards you. at first jisung was happy that they liked you, but now it makes him feel funny whenever they compliment you and give you kisses on the cheek. he never says anything, chewing the inside of his cheek moodily, but you always make sure to shower him with love once you’re alone so that he knows he’s the only one for you, and that helps him feel better.
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egg-emperor · 5 years
Sorry I'm asking about this again, especcially so soon after your answer yesterday. But I'd like to know the more romantic headcanons between your self insert and Eggman (like how they show each other affection, etc.)
They’re in a relationship but Eggman and Julian are aro spec so it’s not exactly considered romantic as a whole. I understand what you’re asking though, so here are some of the intimate/affectionate things they do together!
Julian wishes that he could just snuggle up with Eggman all the time and that’s what it always ends with after Eggman has totally been pampered by him. He uses his soft tummy as a pillow and it’s so cozy. 💜 Intellectuals know that Eggman only shaved for the Olympics swimming and that he generally doesn’t shave that chest and tum. Julian adores the bear fur! 
No matter where Eggman falls asleep, Julian will join him. He could be somewhere he hadn’t planned like sitting on the couch, or even the floor somehow lol and he would join his side by choice. The exception is if he’s asleep in one of his chairs and there’s no room. It’s one of the only times Julian goes to bed alone. But it’s not without hugging the plushie that Eggman gave him of himself because he needs at least something that resembles him there.
If Julian gets in bed a little later, Eggman will pull him in closer like he’s a teddy bear while asleep. But Ivo himself is the real big cozy bear! 🐻 Once his arms are around Julian there’s no way he can get out so he has to stay put but he doesn’t mind being trapped. When he needs to get up in the morning, Eggman pulls him back in and Julian can’t resist staying anyway, even if he has a choice. 
Julian loves being in bed in the darkness with Eggman pressed up against his back, his breath on his neck. He keeps him warm and he isn’t afraid of anything during those times, not even the dangerous man himself. Julian nuzzles him and when Eggman does it back, his fluffy mustache tickles him! That’s also why he often giggles when they’re kissing because his stache is so feathery soft. 
It’s always a big deal when they’re going to be apart and Julian is the most dramatic, telling him how badly he’s going to miss him as he embraces him. Eggman likes to be fussed over because anything that makes him feel like the most important person in the world will do! XD This even happens when it’s just for a little while, like when Eggman is joining a race/Olympics/competition, etc. Everyone reminds them that it’s just for a few minutes, sheesh! 
Also, even if Eggman finishes as something like the seventh place in a race, Julian is still so enthusiastically proud of him. He says stuff like “they might have won the trophy but they can’t win my heart like you have” and everyone nearby sighs sjgjsngkksmhd
Sometimes a plan calls for them to be apart for longer and Julian hates it but never complains or tries to stop Eggman from what he needs to do. He keeps one of his coats and the plushie that Eggman gave him of himself close while he’s away. The worst part is that Julian has to go back to merely imagining them together, just like the years before they finally got to meet. But as soon as they’re back together again they make up for it. 
Eggman has no experience with attempting to comfort another and he also has difficulty empathizing but he doesn’t need to try. Julian appreciates his presence and the sound of his soothing voice alone, that’s all he needs. When he focuses on him as they talk about something else instead, all of his worries start to fade away and he feels calm.
Julian often sits and traces his fingers on Eggman’s palms and he holds and kisses his hands when his gloves are off. He’ll kiss them in greeting or just when they’re relaxing together. He loves those big bear paws, they’re what makes his touch so warm and comforting.
Eggman’s eyes are one of the most captivating things to Julian because they used to be such a mystery before he saw them and the light shade of blue is one of his absolute favorite colors! Much like Julian, Eggman can barely see at all when he doesn’t have his glasses on but he’ll still take them off often just so Julian can admire them some more.
Eggman knows how much Julian enjoys seeing him shirtless so he purposefully wears less around him and then teases him about his obvious reaction when he gets worked up. In public, he’d go shirtless or in an open shirt like Gus from Crazy Taxi just to fluster him lol and if it’s at home then he’ll just wear his nightgown and nothing else (or nothing at all but y'know 👀) because it’s also really comfortable that way.
Eggman knows that Julian can’t handle being teased but because he’s a meanie so he does. He smirks as he watches Julian become desperate for him to listen and understand his desires. Even though it’s already obvious how much he wants him, he pretends that he’s ‘not convinced’ to get him to further prove it. If he does it for too long Julian will get revenge with a tickle attack heheh
They mess around with each other a lot, Eggman always ruffles up the fur on the wolf’s head, messing it up right after it’s been brushed. Julian tricks Eggman by getting his attention and then boops his nose or squishes his cheeks when he’s least expecting it. Things like that usually lead to them getting each other back with a tickle fight. After that Eggman will stroke him being the most gentle he can be to smooth his fur back down and he loves it. 💜
They don’t go on traditional fancy dates because Eggman could think of far better things to spend his money on. They prefer to have fun at his casinos and theme parks where they play games and enjoy the nightlife, or go to Eggman’s various bases so he can show off his latest projects and Julian can admire it all!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 years
EoA ships fluff headcanons part 4
Who secretly melts inside when the other says their name? Eleteo: I feel like it’s equal melting on both their parts. For Elena, this sort of love is nothing like she’s felt before. Everything is just so *special* when Mateo says it. He makes her feel like the most important person in the world which is definitely saying something. He’s just so sincere and warm, and the way he says her name with love and adoration and respect makes her fall for him even more. Mateo makes for a lot of the same reasons. He’s not a “nobody” wizard hiding in his basement. She makes him feel like he can do anything, that he’s worth so much more to her and it makes him want to be more for her, and so it continues in an endless cycle. Gababel: Isabel does. Like I said before, it’s not hard to get her to blush whereas Gabe is concerned, and when Gabe says her name especially in the beginning of the relationship...just lots of red face. Part of it is from the disbelief she still has, as well as how it just feels like she is being singled out. She’s gotten kinda used to being Elena’s little sister, burgeoning scientist, it’s hard to believe she can step out of the shadow and be noticed especially by Gabe. But she is, and the way he says her name makes her feel safe, and respected and with such warmth...yes, she loves it, and him. Estenaomi: Esteban does. He is a secret softie and so he secretly melts when Naomi says his name. It is so often that her softer side is hidden under her sassy exterior so the times when she says his name with fondness that she gives no one else, it’s special to him. Especially whenever he feels like his abuelos are nagging him with how he can’t be more like Elena or be more mature, and then he knows, he has Naomi, who (almost) never says his name in a tone of deep disappointment and he hopes to never disappoint her ever. Estoma: Doña does. Since almost no one knows her real name, and Esteban rarely says it in public, so when he does it is in some deep or romantic talk which just makes it even more special. He says it like it is the most beautiful name in the world, it just like ❇️ It goes a long way to making her hate it a bit less. Who nose boops the other more often?
Eleteo: Elena does, she is affectionate like that and it makes Mateo a blushy mess. Gababel: Same as above. Isabel does it more often and it gets Gabe so flustered especially since she usually draws it. She goes on her tip goes and Gabe is expecting a kiss but gets a nose boop and smart remark or compliment. Estenaomi: I feel like it is even. Like Esteban can sometimes do it condescendingly like when he was teaching Naomi to dance but Naomi dishes it right back at him when she’s teasing him. Estoma: Doña usually in the middle of Esteban speaking. She says it’s like an automatic “shut up” button which he doesn’t appreciate.
Little habit that entertains the other? eleteo: Elena is always entertained by whenever Mateo imitates someone else since it is usually so exaggerated or when he gets annoyed. She is not entertained by his annoyance per say but his arms get so frenzied and he is all animated and not the usually calm and collected, it’s a bit funny like when Esteban “ate” his mom. Mateo is entertained when Elena gets all sassy and competitive like in the Scepter Training shorts. It’s always fun to hang out with Elena when she starts doing her hair flips, and sometimes he starts goading her competitiveness just a bit. Gababel: Gabe gets entertained when Isabel sees a scientific mistake in some sort of scientific journal where there isn’t suppose to be any artistic license or suspension of disbelief because it is supposed to cold hard facts and she goes in a long rant and Gabe just smiles. Isabel is always entertained by whenever Gabe incorporates his guard training into little things he does like throwing fruit or olaball or snowball fight because she finds it cute when he shows off and how proud he looks. Estoma: Doña is entertained whenever someone gives a speech Esteban wrote because you can always see Esteban in the background, mouthing all with the words with cringing and enthusiasm whenever the person gets it wrong or right. Sometimes Esteban accompanies Doña shopping and he is always a bit entertained with the way she has her assistant behind her carrying bags and taking the stuff while she points to it and says “Mine.” Not “I think I’ll buy that” or “Maybe this one?” Just, “Mine. Mine. Mine.”  He sometimes asks her if she even looks at what she’s buying or if it depends how shiny it is. Estenaomi: Like Elena, Esteban sometimes gets his entertainment from when Naomi is annoyed or freaking out because it’s usual the other way around when Naomi is telling him to calm down and not be dramatic or it’s not a big deal so yeah. The shoe is on the other foot. Naomi is entertained by Esteban’s constant feud with anyone who has not heard of or doesn’t agree hat Avaloran chocolate is the best. Because Esteban just gets so personally offended but she also can’t blame him because chocolate is worth fighting for.
Who overpacks?
Eleteo: Hmm I feel like Mateo would. Not with clothes but just with additional spellbooks for “light” reading whenever Elena is at her political meetings even though he ends up not reading half of them because he is spending time with Elena. Gababel: Isabel does. As in line with her overthinking nature, she packs everything they could possibly need in case of an emergency by sea or land though Gabe tells her not to worry  because he’s there, he’ll take care of any emergency😉 Estenaomi: Esteban does because he cannot *possibly* go to Paraíso without his black linen suit or his matching red bolero jacket or his Flores family heirloom dagger or his hairdryer or well, there’s more but you get the idea. 😋 Estoma: Again, it would be Esteban. But I feel like Doña would overpack in the return trip from all her shopping. Who moves in with the other, and who decorates?
Eleteo: Well technically we saw that already with Mateo moving into the palace and the wizard quarters were already decorated but when they officially move move in as a married couple it is still Elena who decorates the room with some of his books even though he says they can keep them in the workshop and bringing in some of the baby pictures Rafa gave Elena which again, is so her idea because she finds baby Mateo adorable. Gababel: Well obviously Gabe has to move into the palace since it is so spacious that there is room for everybody and it is technically Blanca who swoops in to decorate along with Isabel because though Gabe can be very neat in his guard quarters, he has no idea about aesthetic and neatness in his room. Plus Isabel likes to keep his things in line with her own system of organization so it’s just best to let her take over. Estenaomi: Well since the two are sailing around the world together, it is Esteban who moves in with Naomi and he decorates his part of the room with his own sense of flair with fancy drawings and clothes and of course, his moisturizing/hair stuff. Honestly his stuff takes up more of the bathroom then hers does. Estoma: Probably Doña moves in with Esteban after they get married since the palace is very big and I can’t see Esteban wanting to be separated from his family. And she decorates it. Though there are the usual disagreements of his stuff blocking hers, there is no need for that many vases in one room etc.
Who watches the other sleep? Eleteo: Undoubtedly Elena because Mateo has little catnaps around the palace or sometimes he studies so hard he falls asleep where he is sitting and that’s where Elena finds him still hours later, and she just smiles at him because he looks so peaceful when he’s asleep. Gababel: Gabe is the one who watches Isabel go to sleep, benefitting his stay up and guard work so Isabel doesn’t quite have the same stamina for staying up late unless she’s reading something really good. Gabe can’t help his heart swelling with love and disbelief that she is lying beside him and he just cuddles her closer. Estenaomi: Hmm I feel like it would be either of them. More likely Esteban would find her asleep standing up at the bow so he has to take over but Naomi has watched him fall asleep, and like Gabe can’t believe she’s spending her life with him. Estoma: Esteban since I picture him as the night owl so he’d stay awake longer and watch her with a small smile on his face.
Worst date ever? Eleteo: It was all going well when the whole staff came upon them along with the Grand Council with a list of things that needed to be done now and by done now I mean done that morning when Elena was kissing Mateo. It turns out in all her busyness, Elena forgot to cancel all her appointments and forgot to inform them of her date. They tried to salvage by continuing somewhat romantic activities in the few 1-2 minute intervals but it was hopeless. Estenaomi: It was a real disaster date. First, Naomi gets splashed with mud all over her new dress, then Esteban burns his tongue on the spice and accidentally spills his water on Naomi, they miss their carriage ride to the olaball game and ended up with a night back on the ship where they just rested. Well rested for like half an hour. Then they realized the food they had was a little suspect when the food poisoning hit them. Estoma: I imagine in the beginning, they kept their dating on the down low just to make sure it would work out and you know, not be a mistake they’d regret the rest of their lives. Well one night they go to the opera and surprise, it was also Francisco and Luisa’s date night. And since they assumed there was nothing going on between them, they invited themselves along to sit next to them and join them for dinner. Gababel: Another abuelos crashed date. But not exactly. Gabe and Isabel were pretty well established as a couple so obviously they were together for Christmas time. Just for their families to meet up and chat while they sneak out with some mistletoe. Well, Blanca, Roberto, Luisa and Francisco got to talking and all the baby stories came out. All of them. All the ones they hadn’t want the other to hear. Isabel was mortified when Luisa started to bring picture albums. And there was nothing they could do as the adults kept pulling them in to the conversation.
Favorite feature? Eleteo: Both love each other’s eyes. They are truly the window to the soul but Elena’s love for Mateo’s soft sweet smile and his curls come at a close second. Estenaomi: Esteban adores Naomi’s freckles, you knowing counting them. He finds them so uniquely her. Naomi likes Esteban’s swoopy hair which she should considering how much gel and time he spends on it. Gababel: Though it might be considered shallow Isabel likes Gabe’s arms. Not only because they are mascular but they just make her feel safe. Gabe likes Isabel’s mouth, anything that comes out of it so informative and special and sincere even when she is babbling, and then of course there is the kissing. Estoma: Doña likes Esteban’s face. I mean it is so expressive, at times incredibly sweet, hilarious and sinful all at once. Esteban likes her hands, she uses them a lot and are perfectly well manicured. What they did after they got married?
 Eleteo: Once they walked out the hall, just before the ceremony there was lots of swinging around and kissing and surprisingly, silence as they took each other and the moment in. They did it. After all the drama and dangers, they got a perfect happily ever moment and then they kissed. Which was promptly ruined by Luisa, Naomi and Isabel reminded Elena she had to get changed. But once they got on their honeymoon they got to kiss again. And again. And yet again.   Gababel: Once they left the crowd and crossed the threshold of their honeymoon suite, they actually did a kinda adorkable happy dance. They were married to their best friend and soul mate, and after that little dance, Gabe picked Isabel up again and they started to spend the rest of their lives together. Estenaomi: Well let’s say the day after they made their impulsive, not that sober marriage, they. Got over their hangovers and realized what happened. At first it was a bit awkward, saying they could always have it annulled but then it led to their talk that yes, they did see themselves heading for marriage, they actually weren’t so horrified by that they were currently married. I mean they did what to spend their lives together anyway. So they started a second celebration to their decision that they were going to stay married. Estoma: After the ceremony and before the rest of the party, they took a moment to repeat their vows in private because they were trying too hard not to cry in public and kinda missed it as it was being said. As you can imagine, it was much better the second time with their undivided attention and maybe some choked up moments. Most romantic kiss?
Eleteo: For Elena it has to be her first kiss with Mateo. Now, Elena is usually very confident but love...that’s a whole different ballgame. She wasn’t sure how he felt and moreover, the whole feeling was just so vulnerable and uncertain and yet she felt so right next to him. So when they first kissed, it was like a sign that everything between them was going to be perfect. They were perfect for each other. The kiss made Elena stop thinking and just be complete with Mateo.For Mateo, the moment after the priest said “You may now kiss the bride” during the ceremony. It was like fireworks went off. Everything was perfect. The world was safe. He had a whole new family and Elena, beautiful Elena and he were cementing their bond for eternity. Nothing could top the thrill he felt.  It felt like he was complete and he was at home. 
Estenaomi: The most romantic kiss for Naomi was the surprise first year anniversary date. Esteban had been so annoying with the way he kept the whole thing a secret. But the surprise was totally worth it when it was a gondola ride down the canal. Also frustrating was that he refused to kiss her till the ‘right’ moment which was also worth it because it was in the moonlight as they went under the bridge. Esteban’s most romantic kiss was his second one with Naomi. They had kissed once before but they thought it didn’t mean much, it was just drunken fun. But weeks later, Esteban being the impulsive boy he is decided to do some risky move during one of their adventures and nearly fall off a cliff and Naomi snapped kissing him alternating with yelling about how hurt he could have gotten. But Esteban knew at that moment how much she cared for him since Naomi rarely lets her emotions get the better of her.
Estoma: Like Elena, the most romantic kiss for Esteban was the first kiss they had. Sure, it wasn’t supposed to happen. They were fighting and the heat built up and exploded. But it was also amazing because it was the first time he had been kissed or any sort of affection in years. Plus that unique nervous thrill that yes, she actually might like him back. It was just wow. Doña’s was what started out as horrible trip to her village that Esteban mistakingly thought would be closure. But it was salvaged in the end when they took a walk through a grove of apple trees and blossoms, and as the sunset over the horizon, they kiss. And Esteban asks that this was what she wanted her first kiss to have been like? She’s shocked he remembers that she said and of course, it just made it more sweet and romantic.  Gababel: Isabel’s most romantic kiss came with one of the sweetest gestures Gabe ever did which was to surprise her in Satu for some big intellectual science award prize she was receiving. He hadn’t told her, no one was meant to come since they were busy with royal/baby duties but Gabe managed to get her entire family with homemade signs and after she got her prize she launched herself in his arms with a big kiss. Gabe’s most romantic kiss was the first time he came home from battle after starting his relationship ship with Isabel. He had been worried. Very worried because this was the first time he was going into battle knowing Isabel waiting for him on the other side and of course, that just made him more determined to live.  It had been a horrific battle, he almost lost his leg but he made it and he came home and there was Isabel and it was the best, sweetest kiss of his life. He was home, he was safe, and he was with her.
Showtune songs Esteban: I dreamed a dream (Les Miserables), Evermore (Beauty and the Beast), Waiting in the Wings (Tangled), Nobody needs to know (Last 5 Years), Learn to live without (If/Then), Wait for it (Hamilton), Once upon a December (Anastasia), Empty chairs at Empty Tables (Les Miserables) 
Doña: She used to be mine (Waitress), Learn to live without (If/Then), Money money (Caberet or Mamma Mia), Diamonds are a girl’s best friend (Moulin Rogue)
Estoma: Fine (No ordinary day), Anything you can do I can do better (Annie Get your gun), Elephant Love Medley (Moulin Rogue), Here goes (Rent), Take a break (Hamilton), Something that will last (First Date), Out of the darkness (Ever after)
Naomi: Legally Blonde (Legally Blonde), So much better (Legally Blonde), I can do better (Last Five Years), One day I’ll fly away (Moulin Rogue) Estenaomi: I’ll never tell (Buffy), First Impressions (First Date), No day but today (Rent), In his eyes (Jekyll and Hyde), I’ll cover you (Rent), Something to believe in (Newsies), It takes two (Into the Woods), Seventeen (Heathers), Bad idea (Waitress)
Gabe: History has his eyes on you (Hamilton), Empty chairs at Empty Tables (Les Miserables), One Song Glory (Rent), Sandy (Grease) 
Isabel: Once upon a December (Anastasia), Hopelessly Devoted to you (Grease), Moments in the Woods (Into the Woods), History of the wrong guys (Kinky Boots), When he sees me (Waitress)
Gababel: In a crowd of thousands (Anastasia), It takes two (Into the Woods) That would be Enough (Hamilton), Somewhere (West Side Story), There Once was a man (Pajama Game), As long as you’re mine (Wicked), All I ask for (Phantom), Most amazing thing (Little Woman), You matter to me (Waitress) Eleteo: Under your spell (Buffy), If I never knew you (Pocahontas), Come What May (Moulin Rogue) 
Eleteo: Under your spell (Buffy), If I never knew you (Pocahontas), Come What May (Moulin Rogue), Your Song (Moulin Rogue), Far longer than Forever (Swan Princess), Sunrise (In the heights), As long as you’re mine (Wicked), Next Ten Minutes (Last Five Years), Out of the Darkness (Ever after), Something to believe in (Newsies)   Mateo: Go the distance (Hercules), I’d give my life for you (Miss Saigon), How could I have known (Secret Garden), Something good (Sound Of Music) 
Elena: Empty chairs at Empty Tables (Les Miserables), Defying Gravity (Wicked), Just breath (In the heights), My shot (Hamilton)
Who gets drunk first?
Eleteo: Elena rarely gets drunk. You can’t let the crown princess/queen get drunk in public. But because of that lack of exposure, getting her drunk is really easy. Like three cups of wine easy. And that’s when her not so discreet Flores side comes out with a vengeance and with lack of balance. Mateo is pretty easy too but they decided never at the same time because one of them needs to be sober to drag the other out of the room. It’s like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WSF9CKO8wIQ  Gababel: Isabel. Even as she grows, she is much smaller than Gabe making her a lightweight and as you said, the things she says when she is drunk. Lots of curses and no filter especially when it comes to talking about Gabe’s mountain range of abs. This most often happens at physicist parties. Crazy things go down with physicists trying to use experiments on alcohol levels. Estenaomi: Esteban gets drunk first. Once more, it is more of his trait that he can never refuse a dare, nor can he refuse a drinking contest. But even if he wasn’t in a drinking contest, he is used to sweet wine not strong hard beer and so he gets plastered one jug in and Naomi has to drag him before he gets into a fight or worse, starts describing their intimate life in way too great detail in front of people they know. Estoma: Doña. But it’s less than staggering drunk but more it makes her sleepy and amorous. She’s a lot more likely to start moving into Esteban’s lap and lying her head in the crook of his neck and saying she wants a foot rub or to go to bed. 
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seksipomminpurkaja · 5 years
modern au sharni n nayden and buff + cheeto puff
bi unions
1. Who laughs at their own joke and who deadpans at the joke?
Bold of you to assume either could deadpan at the other’s joke, Sharni tries, oh my god does she try but end up cracking up anyways
Joe flings inappropriate jokes at Mae’s way every day she’s getting numb to them, deadpanning and then gently punching his arm but Joe knows she actually doesn’t mind them 
2. If they had a secret handshake, how would it go?
If Nayden had his way it would end up in a good ol dip n kiss, but it’s a little too extravagant. If something it would be a fistbump and then boop the others nose 
Jokingly, handshake, fistbump, l on the forehead and tongue out
3. It’s movie night, what movies are they gonna watch together?
The entire lord of the rings trilogy, extra points for them being the extended editions
Bunch of brainless action, with one romcom to spice it up in the middle to laugh at
4. It’s time to name their pet they adopted together, who gets to name it? How do they come to this decision?
The kids would pick the name, something super cheesy probably
Joe just started calling him buddy despite Mae trying to come up with actual names
5. Who would they love to go on a double date with?
Anze is a friend of Nayden’s, so outing with him and Nics wouldn’t bee out of the box, but they’re both rather busy. Lucas and Vitany could also accompany them but the dinner would turn into an arm wrestling competition by the end of the night. Also Helga and Eirik would be nice company too
Probably one of Joe’s sisters and their significant other
6. Who wakes the other up in the morning? How do they wake them up?
Usually Sharni is the first to wake but stays in the bed and wakes Nayden up by cuddling up to him. If Nayden is up first and Sharni has had a long night working a shift he’ll go make breakfast and bring it to bed
Joe has more irregular sleeping habits so it’s usually Mae, and she lets him sleep some time before It’s Time To Get Up, then she gently pokes him awake
7. How do they celebrate Halloween?
Dress up, accompany the kids to a trick or treat tour, get absolutely stuffed with candy (nayden and kids), and watch a movie
Dress up, they take turns who takes the kids out and who stays and gives out candy to the other kids. Get the kids to not eat all candy in one sitting and get them to bed. Make crude comments about the other’s costume and then it’s monster mash time
8. Who is more likely to call their partner ‘dude’?
Nayden, Sharni mostly just side-eyes him for that
Both, at the beginning dude was the most affectionate thing Joe could call Mae
9. During a thunderstorm how do they react? Is one scared? Do they both love it? Do they take pictures? ECT.
They just mostly ignore it, maybe plug off some smaller electronics 
“honey, there’s gonna be so many fucking bushfires”, “yeah.....”
10. Who would looking lovingly at their partner and call them ‘idiot’?
Sharni, it’s an endearment at this point
Mae, but sparingly, doesn’t want Joe to feel like she’s poking at his lower education
11. It’s time to get groceries, who likes to look at everything and who just wants to power through and get everything done so they can go back home?
Most of the time they just power through, two adults, four kids and a strict shopping list they’ve made beforehand 
Mae mostly powers though if it’s the weekly shopping, she doesn’t have a list but has every routine purchase in mind. Joe strikes me as a guy who also mostly sticks to routine but has a lookout for stuff on sale and new snacks or something
12. Who is more likely to make a mess in the kitchen?
Nayden, listen... his cooking is not a plan, it’s a feeling
Mae, but only because Joe prefers to make the food on the grill like a true aussie
13. Who likes to try to prank their partner?
They both do, but nothing big and humiliating, just like taping a kermit’s face on the other’s photos, beans stored where beans aren’t meant to be. Golden fish snacks on the others’ side of the bed “anything, fishy, in here?”
Idk about this.. 
14. When scrolling on their phone, who is more likely to show their partner a cute picture/video of an animal?
Nayden, especially all the ones that remind him of her or the kids
Mae, idk if Joe would even be on the lookout for cat videos
15. Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
Nayden “the Tomfool “ Lukic, Sharni is sometimes a green stop sign tbh
At first Mae with all her being kicked out of bars and getting into loud arguments when In the bar. Now it’s more Joe and his hunt for BroNuts
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