#good bye some of you i understand why you need to leave
doonarose · 6 months
Hello fam,
Here's some TMI that I've spent the entire day spiraling over on the reddit chat but may as well therapize myself here too. Wait is therapize a real word... I did not know that.
Anyway - teaching week from absolute hell. Hours and hours and hours of on my feet labs and workshops. And then getting myself in a position where I had to mark prac write ups - 88 of them - in about 48 hours. Reckon it took me about 16 hours and it's mind numbing exasperating work because this is their first one - a quarter of them failed, some of them wrote the most incoherent bullshit...
That means my brain has been frazzled and fried since sometime Tuesday and by some oversight I neglected to put in my calendar that my parents were dropping their dog off at my house today to mind for a week. Probably because it's no big deal and not something I really need in my calendar.
Except I completely forgot. 100% out of my brain, gone, no idea it was happening until I got a text at 10.30 saying the dog had been dropped off and they were on their way to their airbnb where they've got a few nights away or whatever.
Now, worth noting, they did need to go into the house to drop the dog off, because this is the dog that, famously, escaped this same house a bit over a year ago, got smacked by a truck, was 50/50 on surviving for a long while, and cost them $6k to fix... so yeah, of course let yourselves in, dump the dog and lock the doggy door.
So a few things to know:
I live in a messy house at the best of times. Dishes in the sink, last night's plates still on the table, a bag of used tissues next to me on the couch, socks on the floor, etc. Like it's not gross rotting food or anything, but it's not the standard I like to show my parents (or anyone else). So that's a bit embarrassing.
Last night, because I pulled a 12 hour day of admin and prac marking, I fell into the too-often-fallen-into habit of having a decent slosh of vodka over ice with soda as soon as I got home at 8pm to turn my brain off so I could sleep before midnight. I left the half empty bottle of vodka on the table in the living room.
Also when I got home last night I took my bra off in the living room and left it draped across a chair.
Also, in a particularly lazy moment, I had left the eski full of water from almost two weeks ago sitting in the same spot in my kitchen which, yeah, okay, gross of me, but I intended to clean it up before anyone fucking saw it.
And you're probably reading this and thinking that it really isn't that bad so here's the real main source of mortification. Because I live alone and because no one would ever just drop in and because I've been busy and lazy and whatever. I also left my bright magenta sex toy besides the bathroom sink this morning. Where it had been since the morning before. Because that's a fine, logical place to leave it. And when I got the text I immediately remembered that because I saw it this morning when I was getting ready to go into work at 7.30 for an 8am zoom to the US, and kind of vaguely thought 'I should put that away' and then didn't. And didn't close the door to the bathroom because i only do that on hot days and it's been mild, finally, the last few days. And then when I got that text I tried to convince myself that my parents would have no reason to go into my bathroom, even though they would have obviously gone in the house and seen the above bad shit. And then I tried to convince myself that even if they had seen it, we would never speak of it and I would never know.
Anyway, I got home a half hour ago and my toilet door is fully closed, it's next to the bathroom door that remained fully open, magenta fucking rabbit in full view. I never, ever fully close the toilet door because it jams.
So anyway... may never wank again. Will, at some point, report on how I handle my face and soul next time I have to speak/see my parents.
If I die tonight, my COD will be mortification.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 2 months
The Prince Regent
aemond x sister smut
A/N: I haven't given yall smut in so long :( pls forgive me
WARNINGS: smut!, incest, murder (bye bye aegon)
WORD COUNT: 1,475 words
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You feel ill when your brothers come back from battle. Your husband, Aegon is a step away from death and Aemond is… different. It all unnerves you.
You spend hours visiting your husband on his sickbed but there’s only so much you can take before you have to retire to your own chambers. You hated Aegon sometimes but you truly never wanted such a thing to befall him. You miss when he was healthy.
“Sister.” You don’t think you even heard Aemond knock before he’s in your room.
Your eyes well with tears when you see him, knowing it’s okay to break a little when in the presence of your dearest brother. “Aemond…” you let out in a whimper.
His face softens as he immediately makes his way over to you, pulling you into his strong arms. “It’s just all so awful.” You say.
“Oh my poor, dōna riña.” He murmurs into your hair, rubbing circles on your back. You’re such a fragile little thing. Aegon was terrible to you. Your twin can hardly understand why you’re so upset that he’s bedridden.
“I just… don’t want my children to grow up without their father. They’ve already lost their brother. They don’t understand why he won’t come to play with them anymore. There’s no way for me to explain it to them… I don’t know how to help them.”
“Aegon was a shit father anyhow.” He comments.
“Aemond.” You give him a scolding look through your tears.
“You can’t say I’m being untruthful. Besides, I can care for and love your children better than he ever could.”
“You are so careful with them. I am appreciative of it of course.” You murmur, feeling comforted by your brother’s gentle touch. “But you shouldn’t speak so unkindly of our King while he lies on what might be his deathbed.”
“If it is his deathbed, then I am the king.” Aemond responds.
“Would it not be Jaehaera as queen?” You question. Should it not be your daughter who would rule next?
“It would be difficult to have a girl heading our cause when Rhaenyra is also a woman. Besides, i’ve been named Prince Regent. I’m the king in all but name… and all kings need a queen.” He gives you a look that you can’t quite place.
“I am sure the Baratheon girl will be ever so pleased when she is informed of her rise in status.” You murmur.
“I won’t have dark haired, Baratheon mutts as my heirs.”
“Then who shall you marry? One of Vaemond’s granddaughters perhaps? I don’t think a Velaryon is worth breaking such a beneficial betrothal.” You don’t see it yet. You haven’t caught on to what his words mean, his treasonous words.
“I shan't break my engagement for some woman I care not for... I’ll break it for you.”
Your jaw drops. “Aemond, that is absurd.”
“I will quell their anger by arranging a match with Daeron. A third son is as good as a second.”
“You know that isn’t what i’m shocked by.”
“Are you truly shocked?” He tilts your chin up so you have no choice but to look him in the eyes. “I know it is I that you desire, not Aegon.”
“Aegon is my husband.” You protest.
“Aegon is a useless cunt who will be dead soon.” Aemond says firmly. “And when he’s dead, i’ll be king.”
“He might yet live and if he does, i’ll still be his wife. I won’t be an adulterer.” You push away from your brother, creating an appropriate distance. 
“I would never make such a woman of you. All I ask is that you answer my one question. If Aegon were dead, would you choose to marry me?”
There’s a long pause as you think about your answer. It would be treasonous to respond truthfully… but it is Aemond asking the question. You can’t lie to your beloved brother.
“I would.”
There’s a certain glint in his eye when you give him your answer. He leaves the room without saying anything else.
Over the next few hours, you try your hardest not to overthink. The way Aemond phrased the question, the way he looked at you after you answered, it was unnerving. You know your brother wants nothing more than to take care of you but he could never harm Aegon, could he?
Your question was answered by morning. Aegon is dead.
It wasn’t Aemond. You tell yourself, repeating it for a week. You only left your room when it was time for the funeral. You don’t speak to anyone, especially not him. Tonight, you don’t sleep, trying to distract yourself with what most would call silly feminine interests.
“Sister?” You look up from your needlework to see him standing there, stoically in the middle of your room.
“The hour is late, Aemond.” You say, confused by his presence and more than nervous by it.
“I know. You should be sleeping. I thought you would be sleeping.”
“I couldn’t find my rest.” You whisper.
He knows why.
“It was by your hand, was it not?”
“I hardly know of what you speak.” He brushes you off.
“I am no fool.”
“I know you aren’t. That is why you’ll never say it aloud.”
“Is that a threat?” You ask and there's a visible pang of hurt shown on his visage.
“I would never do anything to harm you.” He states firmly, getting closer and taking the needlework out of your hands so he may hold them instead.
“But you would covet your brother’s wife as he lies on his deathbed. He has been cold for but a week; have you already come to claim me?”
“You desire to be claimed by me.” He states, irritated by your current disdain for him.
“I desire a good man by my side.”
“Then why do you think of me when Aegon fucks you?” Aemond grabs your wrists, pulling you closer to him. You gasp. He’s never spoken to you like this before.
“Aemond…” You breathe out, appalled. 
“You toil with this decision so i’ll make it for you.” His right hand slides down to your waist and he pulls you flush against him. “We will consummate tonight.”
He kisses you with rough passion, stealing your breath from your lips. Your brother has waited too long for this and will not wait a second longer. He pushes you back until you reach the bed, the two of you falling atop it.
“I will have you now, my wife… my beautiful bride.” 
“This is… we can’t.”
“The King can do as he pleases.”
He wastes no time, reaching his hand up your skirts until he finds your small clothes. He rubs gently through the fabric, smirking as he feels the wetness before he pulls the garment down.
“Be gentle, Aemond.” It was never a request you would make of Aegon. Such a sentiment would do you no good with a man who takes pleasure in pain.
“Of course, my dōna riña but by the end of the night, my babe will be in your belly.”
You gaze up at him as he unbuckles his trousers, such a sweet nymphet was wasted on a bastard like Aegon.
You wince as his cock splits your tight cunt and he marvels at the grimace. He must be much more well endowed than the dead king to warrant such a response.
“Shh, I'm sorry. I know it hurts. Poor sweet angel.” He lets you adjust to him, wanting you to enjoy the times you will lie together just as he does.
When he no longer sees pain strewn across your face, he begins to thrust. A little choked gasp leaves your throat as he does; you never expected to enjoy such a feeling.
“Hmm, you like that?” He taunts, beginning to pick up to a pace that you can’t handle.
“Oh, it’s too fast.” You whimper, but he doesn’t slow. Your big brother knows what you can take. Besides, there’s a bit of sadism in every Targaryen man.
He begins to pound into you, relishing each moan his baby sister makes. It’s sick, but nothing brings him more pleasure than knowing he will be a better husband than Aegon in every way possible.
Aemond hooks one of your legs over his shoulder and the new angle lets him get even deeper inside you.
“Gods, you’re just sucking me in.” He wanted so desperately to last longer as he begins to furiously rub your pearl but the way you squeeze around him makes it hard.
His hips stutter but he knows you’re close too as you begin to spasm around him. He digs himself into you with one final thrust before painting your walls white with his seed.
“We will have the wedding this week, my darling. I’ll wait no longer for you.”
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russo-woso · 2 months
Like mother, like daughter || Leah Williamson
Request | Masterlist | Prompt List
Part of the Mini Williamson universe
Summary Leah takes Amelia to training so you can have a well needed break.
You were approaching the final weeks of your pregnancy.
Your body was aching. You were tired all the time. You were in a constant bad mood. You were over being pregnant.
At this point, you just wanted to meet your baby girl more than anything.
Amelia, although she was a relatively good child, was going through her terrible twos stage.
Throwing temper tantrums, sulking when you say no, everything a child going through the terrible twos would do.
To make matters worse, Leah was at training every single day apart from one day a week, meaning that she wasn't there to help.
Leah felt so bad. She was leaving her very pregnant wife to look after a two year old, but Leah couldn't do anything.
But one day, she'd gotten home from training to find you sobbing.
"Oh, baby, what's wrong?" Leah asked as she walked into the living room, her arms wrapping round your shaking body.
"I don't know what to do, Le. She's just not listening to me, and I'm so done being pregnant. My whole body hurts. And little miss won't stop kicking because she's your daughter and I just.." You sobbed, Leah rubbing her hand up and down your arm.
“Love, you should have rang me. I would have come home.” Leah told you and you nodded
“You were training though.”
“I know I was training, but you always come first. You and Ami always come first, you need to understand that. Call me next time, okay?” Leah questioned and you nodded against her chest. “Now, where’s Ami?”
After that incident, the very next morning, Leah rang Jonas, asking if she could take Amelia to training.
Jonas happily said yes, knowing Amelia was very loved by the whole team.
Before you could wake up, Leah had gotten herself and Ami all ready, having some spare time left over so she made you some breakfast.
“Mama, mama, wake up.” Amelia whispered, trying to fight the big maternity pillow so she could get over it to hug you.
“Hi, baby girl.” You greeted her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“made you breakfast.” She told you, and your heart melted.
“Did you? Aw, thank you.” You sat up, slowly due to your bump, resting your back against the headboard. “Thank you, love.” You whispered in Leah’s ear as she kissed you.
Leah then bent down to kiss your bump.
“Look after mama for me.” Leah whispered against it, before pressing another kiss.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got Ami and little miss to keep me safe.” You joked, laughing softly.
“It’s just little miss today. Ami’s coming with me. You get a break okay, get some sleep, just a full day of rest.” Leah explained, and at that point you felt like crying.
“Really? Thank you, Le.” You hugged her tightly. Leah suddenly realised just how much you’d been struggling with Amelia.
You loved Ami so so much, but she was such a handful, especially when you were at one of your weakest points in your pregnancy.
“Right, we best get going, Mini Williamson.” Leah told Amelia, who was dressed in an Arsenal kit.
“Okay, mummy. Goodbye mama, bye bye sissy. Love you.” Ami babbled, kissing your bump before running downstairs.
You and Leah’s shared a sentimental laugh before Leah pecked your lips, saying goodbye.
“You get some sleep.”
“Mini Williamson!” Katie shouted, holding her arms out as Ami ran towards her. “How you doing, mini Williamson?”
“Good!” Ami cheered, throwing her arms in the air.
“Being a cheeky monkey to mama, aren’t you?” Leah told Katie, Katie tickling Amelia’s sides in response.
“Why are you being a cheeky monkey to your mama? Your mama is doing a really big job by carrying your sister so you’ve got to be nice to her.” Katie explained to Ami, and she nodded along to Katie’s words.
“Is that a certain Amelia I see there?” A voice asked from across the room.
“Auntie Lessi!” Amelia laughed, running to Alessia who picked her up.
“Have you been naughty for mama? Is that why mummy brought you here?” Alessia questioned as Amelia’s lowly nodded, hiding her face in Alessia’s neck.
“You have to be good for mama, munchkin.” Alessia said, pressing a kiss to Ami cheek before putting her down.
Alessia walked over to Leah, hugging her as Leah sighed.
“She just… it’s hard, she doesn’t understand that Y/N’s pregnant. She gets she’s going to be an older sister, but she doesn’t get the fact that Y/N’s already tired and achy, and her messing around doesn’t make it easier.” Leah explained to Alessia, who nodded along, as they both watched Ami talking to Beth and Steph about her new boots.
“I’m always here to take her.” Alessia offered. “She’s like a niece to me. She’s my mini best friend, aren’t you?” Alessia asked Ami as she walked back over to Leah and Alessia.
“Yes, auntie lessi! Best friend.” Amelia said, hugging Alessia’s leg.
“Thanks, less. Anyway, how is Y/N? How’s little miss doing?”
They fell into light conversation as they got ready for training, Kyra and Ami already running round causing chaos.
It was safe to say that Ami would definitely be having an afternoon nap.
Waking up cuddled into your maternity pillow, you rubbed your eyes to steady them.
You reached to pick your phone up, looking at the time, 13:21 looking back at you.
Just as you were about to rest your head on the pillow, Leah’s head popped through the door.
“Hi, love. You slept for a while.” Leah laughed lightly as she came to lay down next to you, her arm wrapping round your bump.
You hummed in agreement as Leah pressed a kiss to your head.
“Where’s Ami?” You asked, noticing the silence in the house.
“Having a nap. Training tired her out.” Leah explained as you nodded against her chest.
“Did she have fun?” You mumbled, half asleep.
“Lots. Her, lessi and Kyra were crazy. Running round everywhere.” Leah said but when she didn’t get a response, she looked down to see you asleep.
She smiled to herself, seeing your face so light and gentle as you slept.
She leant down to your jump, gently caressing it before pressing a kiss on it.
“You need to stop making your mama so tired.” Leah whispered, earning a kick from little miss. “My little football player.”
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dilvuc · 1 year
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗: male
𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊: hickeys
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: jing yuan, caelus, luocha, sampo, gepard, dan heng, blade x m!reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: mention of hickeys
『note』 sorry for the late update, i was waiting for the game update and i'm still on writer's block
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jing yuan
Jing Yuan could still feel the pain in his back after that night and his ass hurt like shit that he can't even sit down properly. Yanqing knows the general is old, but there's something wrong. His eyes landed on Jing Yuan's neck, seeing some bruises.
"General, did you get bitten by some mosquitoes?" Yanqing asked.
"Mosquitoes? What makes you say that?"
Yanqing pointed out to the male's neck, "Those bruises on your neck."
"Oh?" The general rubbed his neck before giving the boy a soft chuckle, "You'll understand when you're older."
"Eh?! I'm not a kid! I'm old enough!" The boy remarked. Jing Yuan just patted the boy on the head, "You're mature, but not too mature."
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March felt awkward around the trailblazer and she was too afraid to point it out on why. She's not the only one who noticed it, the Express noticed, too. It's oblivious that Caelus isn't hiding it so well since they're exposed. They just left your home planet, giving you a good-bye after they seal the stellaron, Caelus was the last to enter the express with hickeys on his neck and collarbone.
"...What have you and Mr. [Y] been up to?" The pink haired photographer asked the male.
"Stuff…" Caelus blushed.
"Stuff, huh…?" March deadpanned. "You mean leaving some marks. You're still exposed."
Feeling embarrassed by this, the trailblazer hides his marks from the others. God, it was embarrassing.
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"Goodness me…" Luocha mumbled while rubbing the spot where you left some marks. "I should be glad that my body isn't too exposed. My clothes covered my body completely."
"Oi. That's not fair. I want everyone to see it." You grumbled, wrapping your arms around the male's neck from behind. "To let them know that you're mine."
"I can understand that, but I have some business to attend to…" the blonde sighed. You sulked then sucked on the male's cheek, causing him to let out a shriek, "W-what are you doing? Are you trying to eat my face? L-luv!"
"Wow, did you get bitten by some?" Sushang pointed at the bite mark on Luocha's cheek.
"A dog bit my face…" Luocha answered with a blank expression on his face.
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This is an unexpected surprise. Sampo is wearing a tank top underneath to hide his exposed body. It was weird and suspicious, why is he hiding them now? He blames you.
"That's new. Were you cold?" Seele asks the con-man.
"No. Felt exposed." Sampo answered.
"Huh? You didn't even care that you were exposed, why are you covering them up, now?" The butterfly pointed. She paused when she spotted you passing by and then she realized, "Don't tell me…"
Sampo turned flustered red with embarrassment. The great Sampo, embarrassed. You know how to tease and manipulate the poor male.
"My body hurts…" Sampo whined.
"Cannot believe I'm saying this, but…I feel bad for you."
"You should be!"
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You're not too rough on him, but you did leave some marks on neck that the Silvermane Guards noticed that it was hard to avoid.
"What is it?" Gepard turned to the soldier.
"Sorry if this is…out of nowhere, but are you feeling well?"
"What do you mean…?"
"Well…you have those marks on your neck. It becomes unavoidable to us."
Gepard was going to question the soldier first, but soon realized that you had marked him as yours last night. No wonder Serval was holding back laughter. The poor captain covered his neck.
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dan heng
Dan Heng stroked the bite marks that were given by you. He was pissed off at how rough and aggressive you were with him. You're not sorry for what you did. A hickey is a hickey, so he's all yours.
"You have no need to go this far." Dan Heng sighed, hiding his hickeys.
"To prove that you're my property~ You're cute when you scream my name~"
And you were banned from his room.
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He doesn't mind the hickeys being exposed since he doesn't care, but you do. You've been trying to get him to hide it, but…
"Why? Don't you want others to know that I belong to you?" Blade asked.
"Yes, I do, but not that way." You sweatdropped at your beloved boyfriend, trying to cover the hickeys that you left on him, but he uncovered it. "Dear aeons, if Kafka or Silver Wolf asks where you get it, don't put me involved."
"They know. You can't hide it from them."
"...What am I going to do with you…?"
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pablitogavii · 5 months
Gavi wanting yn to play with his hair please
There for you always
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I could never understand why he needed to hate me so much. Ever since Aurora introduced us, Pablo found a reason to mock and tease me about every little thing.
During the festival in Sevilla, I was the only girl he didn't compliment and say my dress is beautiful. I felt like an outsider whenever he was there..
During Aurora's birthday, it was no different. He greeted all of her friends but when it came to me he just said underneath his breath "you again" and moved away. I want to know what I did to deserve him treating me this way.
"Ignore him amiga! He probably has a secret crush on you!" Aurora once said to me long ago and I felt my heart skip a beat..what hurt the most is the fact that I liked Pablo..a lot..and with time I think I began loving him too.
Gavira family asked me to look after their family home in Barcelona while they are away on a trip to United States and I agreed making sure their plants are watered and their house stays clean.
Pablo didn't know I was staying there, so when he showed up one night unannounced finding me in the living room curled up in a ball he sighed carrying me to bed.
I woke up in a guest room confused only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for himself before his practice.
"P..Pablo? Did..did you carry me to bed?" I asked shyly but he was having the same stern face as always.
"You should learn to lock the door before falling asleep, enana" he said and I sighed nodding my head and walking to make myself a cup of morning coffee. Something in my stomach was fluttering thinking of Pablo carrying me to bed..it wasn't the first time he showed his sweet side to me.
One time when I came to watch his game with Aurora and the rest of her friends, he noticed goosebumps on my arms putting his jacket over my shoulders without a word..when I said thank you, he told me to start carrying my own jackets. Somehow he always needed to ruin the moment with his rudeness.
I accidentally ran into him thinking about it spilling some coffee on the floor and making him groan loudly.
"Dios! You're so clumsy! And all over all the damn time!" he sounded angry and I felt my heart hurt.
He didn't want me here and it was his house..I apologized starting to clean the floor but he placed his hand on mine taking the towel and cleaning it himself asking if I got burnt. I said no.
"Good. Just sit and I'll make you coffee. You can have some breakfast if you want too" he said and I smiled nodding and taking a bit of his toast while he finished it all up.
"Thank you Pablo.." I said when he sat down and he started eating his eggs while being on his phone. It didn't matter that he was cold when he gave me at least some of his warmth..it's all I needed.
"Are you going to uni today?" he asked after packing and getting ready to leave for training.
"I don't have classes this week, so I'll be here if you want me to make some lunch?" I wanted to be nice feeling my cheeks blush at the thought of having this "domestic" life with Pablo.
"No, I'm good. Bye" he said and I nodded knowing that would be the answer.
"Bye Pablo. Have a good training." I said and he left to his black Audi outside as I watched him leave from the window not knowing that he was thinking similar thoughts as me in that moment..us two..living together..like a real life couple.
It was barely evening when Aurora called me and I put my book away.
"Hey, amiga! How is US?" I asked but her voice was nervous and scared.
"Y/n! Thank God you answered! Could you get Pablo home from training? He's not feeling well, they said it's a high fever?" she said and I felt panicked jumping up and calling an uber to the sport center.
"I'm here to pick up Pablo Gavi..I'm his.." I said to the man at the front door being interrupted by Pablo's tired voice as he tossed his keys to me.
"Try not to crash my car! Let's go." he said and I nodded seeing that he was very pale and there was wet sweat on his forehead.
"I can give you some pain medication when we get home.." I spoke seeing him hold onto his head as he leaned on the door while I drove with rain pouring all around us.
" I don't need your help! You're not my damn girlfriend!" he said bitterly and I swallowed nodding my head and staying silent for the rest of the night. He was right..I am nobody to him..so I just left him alone for the rest of the night when we got home.
When I was about to go to bed, I secretly checked on Pablo who seemed to be sleeping in his room. Just as I was about to fall deep sleep, I heart him yelling in pain from his room.
I ran to him opening the door seeing him tossing and turning and holding onto his head. His hair was all wet from seat and he was shaking. I sat on the bed shaking him awake.
"Pablo! Please, wake up" I said and he opened his eyes breathing heavily and staring at my eyes deeply.
"Y/n..it..hurts" he said and I nodded touching his face which to my surprise he let me scared of how hot he was underneath my touch. His fever wasn't breaking!
"Pablo, you're burning up! Let me get you cold compress" I was about to move away but he wouldn't let me grabbing my hand rather roughly and pulling me back.
"Don't go..please don't leave me..I'm scared y/n..and I need you" he said and I felt my heart beating fast at those words..I wanted him to say them for so long and now he did..he needs me and doesn't want me to go.
"I'm not going to leave you Pabs..I promise..I'm just going to bring you some more medicine and something to help lower your fever okay?" I said touching his face again and he looked at me as a scared child nodding his head.
"Promise me you'll come back to me?" he said and I smiled. Never did Pablo ask for reassurance before..it was special.
"I promise.." I said and he smiled letting me rush downstairs to grab everything. When I returned, I helped him take another pill before touching his face with cold compress towel. He was shaking violently and I added blanket on top of him.
"it should start working soon Pabs.." I said gently removing the cold compress and he sighed.
"I'm so cold.." he said and I looked around but there was no more blankets in his room.
"Do you want me to go grab my blanket?" I said and he shook his head reaching for me pulling my waist closer as I was reaching over him hearing him whisper to me.
"Come here...please..only you can warm me up" he spoke and I felt. a-shiver move down my spine in that moment..he wanted me to lay down next to him?
"Pabs I don't.." I started but his arms held on tighter pulling me until I was on top of him our face inches apart.
"Please.." he spoke his hot breath fanning over my face making me blush bright red.
"Okay..okay I'm right here" I said laying next him underneath the covers while he quickly got on top of me laying his head on my chest moving until he got comfortable and I tried to control my heart from beating too fast in that moment.
"You're okay..I'm here" I said feeling him shaking so I started playing with his hair which seemed to calm him down a bit as he rested comfortably on top of my chest. When I thought he was sleeping, I stopped but quickly he looked up eyes watery and cheeks red from his fever..he looked so adorable in that moment.
"Y/n.." his lips were grazing mine and I froze "don't stop playing with my hair..please" he said looking at my lips but not daring to kiss them.
"Okay.."I said continuing to play with his curls but this time he just kept looking slowly moving to nuzzle his face into neck which made me shiver. He smelled my skin leaving a few wet kisses and I just let him laying back with my eyes closed. He doesn't know what he is doing..he's in delirium.
"You smell so good enana..and your skin is so soft on my lips..I wanted to taste you for so long.." he spoke and I couldn't believe his words in this moment..this couldn't be real.
"Pablo..I'm not your girlfriend" I said reminding him of his own words and his hold tightened like he was afraid of losing me.
"Are you someone's girlfriend?" he said and I felt my cheeks blushing. Was he really jealous right now??
"No..but.." I said but couldn't finish as he started kissing down towards my chest touching them and coming as far as kissing my stomach looking up into my eyes.
"Be mine enana..please forgive me for being rude to you, but I couldn't say that I like you" he spoke closing his eyes and kissing my hard nipples which made me moan lightly.
"Why..not?" I said and he looked up returning to my neck and leaving a few marks before touching my face and staring into my eyes.
"Because I'm an idiot..but I want you...need you" he said resting his sweaty forehead against mine and I blushed smiling which made him lean down and finally place his hungry lips onto mine.
We kissed for long few minutes until I pulled away making him lay back down onto my chest so he can get some well deserved rest. His nose was buried in my neck and his hand holding onto my breast possessively..it was a sight to see.
"Mine.." he would murmur from time to time until he finally fell asleep and I did as well resting my head against his own.
We got woken up by my mobile moving a little but he kept his head on top of my chest. I answered Aurora who started asking about Pablo making me embarrassed and nervous..I couldn't exactly tell her that I was in bed with her brother right now..
"yeah Rora he's fine now..you have a good days" I spoke while Pablo was purposefully kissing my neck pecking my lips from time to time while I gave him a warning glare. The his mom jumped on call making him smirk and start to kiss down my chest again.
"Thank you so much for caring for him, querida! I hope he didn't give you trouble?" Belen asked and Pablo smirked looking up at me while I blushed avoiding his eyes in embarrassment.
"No..he was very nice to me so no worries señora" I answered fighting an urge to moan as Pablo started sucking onto my tit waiting for me to finally hang up and be with him only.
"Tell him to call when he wakes up" she added before we hung up and I touched Pablo's hair making him look up and return to kiss my lips passionately.
"You're crazy!" I said and he smiled nodding his head and cuddling into me.
"How are you feeling?" I asked playing with his hair and he nodded holding me tightly.
"Much better..with my girl playing with my hair..and not leaving me when I needed her" he said and I smiled kissing the top of his head.
"I will never leave you Pabs..I promise" I said and he nodded closing his eyes wanting to get some more rest never feeling safer than in my arms.
This was real...I was his girl now<3
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channelinglament · 1 year
When you hadn't logged in for a few days
Ft. Diasomnia (💀)
Summary: Basically you hadn't logged in twst for a while now (could be 2 days or more) for whatever reason. But sadly you didn't know, that your game is sentient.
Tw: yandere, bad grammar, death, murder, religious themes.
🐀 (it's me, the anon-) @writingforatwistedworld
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Plz forgive this world that is full of sinners-
Fr prays and slays (people)
Alright, let's begin on how it happened:
Lilia was as always waiting for your return. He made himself look presentable, and stayed nearby ramshackle to greet you when you log in (aka when you get weekly stuff like gems and etc)
You didn't come back that day, sadly.
So what does our dear fae do?
Pray. A lot.
He is afraid that he or someone has somehow wronged you.
We're you busy?
Were they not praying hard enough?
Did he need to kill someone-?
And like that, he tried to sleep.
The same was on second day.
But when the third day (afternoon actually) comes, oh he is going insane.
This world is so full of sin! It is filled with sinners to the brim isn't it? That's why you aren't coming back, he's sure of it!
So, the massacre started. You can't tell me otherwise. He prays that you come back, while he slays those, he deems sinners.
If it's for you, he's ready to starts/wage a war again.
Congrats, it's the end of the world!
Trust me, if you logged in right at that moment, you would have the longest log in in your history.
Unlike Lilia, he immediately panicked. While you weren't around, the weather was terrible.
A few people probably died because of the thunder
He prays, and prays hard.
On the second day he tries to use his magic to see what you're doing (your camera)
If you're playing another game then he immediately destroys(burns) the world.
If you're busy, tries to wait.
If talking to someone, the first option happens aswell
On third day it's the end of the world. Literally.
Unless you decide to log in, at that exact moment, say bye-bye to everyone alive except a few faes and maybe people.
Understands that you may be busy.
But still prays nonetheless. (He was raised by Lilia, a cute lunatic after all)
Honestly is afraid that someone might've hurt you. What if you're in danger and he doesn't know about it??
He's supposed to be your knight in shining armor, protect you with his life. What if you're in danger rn and he cannot do anything about it???! (Not like could've helped even if you were, he's in game. But he could've told Malleus or Lilia, then you'd be in game sooner than expected)
Similarily to Lilia, starts massacring people calling them sinners.
But I feel like it's at the end of 2nd day? Stealthily btw
He was sleeping, then heard noises. People were talking about you and how they thought you abandoned them.
He was angry and uhh
Made ketchup for Lilia to cook.
Even if you did abandon them, it's not your fault! But he's sure you didn't, they probably just needed to get rid of sinners that have wronged you and made you upset!
And then
Starts giving you offerings.
Since the day 1
He definitely needs to try harder! Everyone needs!
The reason you're not here is because they're not praying hard enough! They're not offering you what you would like! Of course you won't come back if they won't!
Literally kills everyone left and right.
And offers them to you.
Negative two out of ten, would not recommend.
Fr, he doesn't think that it could be 'cuz you're busy. Probably you're offended that they haven't devoted themselves to you completely.
He wishes that everyone would be like them, on valley of thorns. But sadly, some see you as an equal or just an all knowing entity. Or even worse, but he doesn't talk about Shaftlands. At least some nations are good.
But he still thinks they're wrong in thinking you can have flaws too.
It's their fault for you leaving them!
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i-amyou · 7 months
Hello there!
I hope you are doing well and enjoying your dream. I'm here, to leave this masterlist (is that what we call it?) with you to make it easier to navigate through the blog. There is lots of clutter here so I tried including all of important asks and posts.
I wish you the best of experiences. Take good care of yourselves, okay? Sending love 🫶
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I have a lots of posts tbh, but I included only basics and important ones imo. Here goes nothing.
Nd/Av summarised : Only post you'll ever need tbh, don't overconsume if you can help it :)
Stop Seeking. Start Noticing: Only thing you have to do :)
Direct experience.
Nothing to change.
No where to reach.
There is no one.
It's all an illusion.
The character doesn't exist.
Give up and just Be.
You are water.
Empty appearance.
Take responsibility, wake up.
Asks with a detailed answer:-
Direct Experience
How to collapse duality and more.
Why some people instantly experience and others seemingly don't.
I go within, but nothing happens.
"I was not aware of bad things happening, but they did"
"How did you do it?"
How do I collapse duality?
How do I decide something?
How to go within?
It's instant.
"I feel like..."
How to deal with thoughts/anxiety.
Misidentification 1.
Misidentification 2.
Experience of xyz is an unfolding event.
What do we do after understanding it all?
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Okay. That's all I had to say.
Bye everyone! Sending love, light, and warmth of a thousand sunsets!🫂
Take care!🌇
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lil-quinnie · 7 months
Pity party
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part I
Warning +18 smut, jealous Eddie
Summary college au After Eddie kissed the girl in front of you, you decide you NEED to move on.
F!boy Eddie x Plus size reader
a/n: Hi guys, sorry for the delay in posting part 2. I was very insecure about the story and this year I started working as a full time teacher so time is also very limited, anyway. Sorry for any typo or mistake, i'm brazilian god danmitt. I hope you like it <3
The return to your dorm was humiliating, you tried to explain everything that had happened amid sobs and inaudible words, Steve tried to support most of your weight in his arms as he guided you safely to your room. The boy tried to comfort you the whole way, even though he knew what his best friend had done would be difficult to reverse.
With the promise of a call he left the room and disappeared down the crowded halls of the girls' dormitory.
you woke up to an excited call from Robin and Steve, talking about a party that was going to happen that night and how it would be the perfect opportunity for you to try to get a certain metalhead out of your head.
"so, there will be this band and I'm sure one of the members will be your type...I promise" Steve said without thinking, receiving an elbow in the ribs from his best friend "dingus" Robin said rolling her eyes "We pick you up at 8?" the girl asked hopefully.
Even though you didn't want to interact with a lot of people, you agreed that staying in bed wouldn't solve your problem. "Yeah, okay, I'll be ready at 8, bye, see you guys"
One last check in the mirror before hearing Steve's horn followed by Robin's loud laughter. 
You could already see the number of people in the frat garden, indicating that the party was packed. "It's harder to find him this way" you thought , at the same time Steve squeezed your leg, checking if everything was ok.
The blue lights of the crowded living room hurt your eyes, the cigarette smoke turned into fog on the floor of the house, making those lights refract 10 times stronger back at your eyes. Nancy already had a drink for you in her hand because Robin had already told her everything, welcoming you with a smile and a hug as always. 
When she let you go, the girl said just so you could hear "Eddie is looking for you”, causing you to pour the cheap liquid from the cup down your throat in one go.
On the other side of the house, the metalhead was negotiating his sales, even though it was a good day and he had sold almost everything he had brought, Eddie couldn't change the uncomfortable expression on his face. 
His mind always brought back the vision of you and Steve hugging, or holding hands, hell even your schedule Steve knew and he didn't, the green bug of jealousy spent all day on his shoulder, blowing fears into his ear that he had been trying to keep away for decades.
Eddie was hustling around the party, looking for potential clients and for you. He saw Robin at the party so of course you were here too.
Some people stopped him to talk, some girls offering themselves as payment (it was no longer new to him), others trying to flirt without it being so obvious, a normal night if you were Eddie Munson.
While finishing a sale he heard your laugh, causing him to turn his entire body towards the origin of the sound, "Fuck" he thought.
Your cleavage revealed the soft mounds of your breasts, making his face burn with jealousy at the thought of anyone else being able to see what should be just his. “Harrington, of course,” he huffed as he put the crumpled bills in his pocket watching Steve making you laugh. 
Eddie's eyes were shining in a purple light, never leaving your face, moving from your cleavage to your eyes and your lips, the tip of his tongue insisted on leaving his pink lip moist and shining, delicious it looked.
Eddie didn't understand what was happening, why his heart raced every time you smiled at someone else or why there was a knot in his stomach every time Steve pulled you closer, or touched your thigh while telling you a story as if you were his, but you weren't, right?
Steve excused himself from a ‘lil crown and threw himself on the old sofa next to you "hi" he said, you responded in the same tone with a shy smile, looking at each other for a while, it could be alcohol or even joints but damn! Steve was really handsome and you’re pretty sure he thinks the same about you.
Soon everybody went to fill their glasses or smoke outside, except Robin who danced with Vickie as if she didn't have early classes tomorrow, leaving you and Steve in your own bubble.
What made Eddie most angry was the fact that you seemed so comfortable with Steve, in the way he couldn't make you feel, he thought. Eddie could never make you stay close to him among a lot of people, you always found an excuse to go to the dorm or any empty place while with Steve... "fucking hell" he exclaimed, while passing the bag with the customer's product. 
Eddie needed something stronger than weed if he wanted to swallow all of his wounded ego to get to you, and he couldn't do it dry. He poured the glass full of whiskey and downed it in two sips, letting a few drops of the golden liquid run down the corner of his mouth wiping it with the back of his hand, determined not to let anything pave the way to you.
You couldn't help the smile that widened every time he got closer. The rosy cheeks showed that Eddie had been drinking, a few curls of hair coming out of his low bun and that smile of someone who wants to be confident even though they're scared... 
How could you be mad at him? how you could cut him out of your life while he gave you that half smile he only gave when he was embarrassed, which was rare for a guy like him.
When Steve's fingers intertwined with yours, Eddie decided he had had enough of that and with his double shot of whiskey, he swallowed all his pride to go talk to you.
His hands in his jacket pocket only showed how uncomfortable he was, even more so after the disaster that happened last night, but he would never forgive himself if he didn't at least try to talk to you again before the night ended. 
On the other side, you and Steve didn't notice as the metalhead approached, still lost in your own world, exchanging too many small caresses and smiles.
He could hear your voice clearly, he even swore he could already smell the moisturizer that covered your skin, so close that he could feel you under his fingerprints.
He cleared his throat trying to get the attention of the two sitting on the sofa, when he realized that he was unsuccessful, he kicked Steve's Nike, who quickly turned his head, letting a HA! to escape from his lips going together with his hands clapping in the air "Munson" he smiled sarcastically, "Harrington" Eddie raised his browns and then turned around for you "can we talk?"
"I don't know, can we?" you said, getting up from the sofa and pulling Steve with you, who protectively wrapped his arm around your waist, hugging you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder, "I have nothing to talk to you right now, Eddie", you said while broking away from Steve's hug, signaling him to lead the way away from there.
"Please, let me talk to you", but before he could hold you, you turned and snapped 
"Isn't there anyone to save you again Eddie? That's why you're coming after me?",
Steve was amused by the situation, it wasn't often that he managed to get under Eddie's skin, so he planned to enjoy it.
"Follow my lead" he said with that smirk on his face.
Steve started to dance with you innocently but noticing the other man's gaze, he decided to be bold.. He had your back pressed against his hairy chest as you danced together to the beat of the music. 
One of his hands held your hips against his crotch, while the other danced down your body side, stopping at your hip and pulling you closer against the tent that was beginning to form in the boy's tight jeans.
Eddie watched everything from the other side of the room, his eyes following every slow movement your body made, burning holes in the uncovered skin of your cleavage. 
Every time Steve pressed his body against yours, Eddie looked away and sawed his fists, causing Steve to proudly smile.
Steve's eyes were locked with eddies while his mouth timidly explored the skin of your shoulder and neck, causing goosebumps that only a metalhead had caused to this day, when he realized that you didn't stop him, he was braver, leaving love bites on the exposed skin. 
Eddie noticed when your thighs pressed together, tighter every time Steve's mouth came close to yours. 
Eddie's heart missed the beat, it felt like hours of torture having to watch you like that with someone else, with his best friend on top of that.
Even though you understood the game Steve was playing, you decided to let yourself go and enjoy the little attention you rarely received. Seeing Eddie's reaction, watching each micro expression that appeared on his face was satisfying, with his knurled eyebrows and wrinkled nose you know that he was feeling the same thing you felt when he did the same in front of you.
"I need to go to the bathroom, angel. Do you want me to fill your cup?" Steve whispered in your ear and you just nodded, letting Steve go with a smile.
This was Eddie's chance to talk to you once and for all, and he no longer had the patience to put up with you being a brat. 
He knew that you would go outside, that you would light a cigarette and that you would wait for Harrington until he arrived with another alcohol bomb, he also knew that if he didn't do anything, he would lose you forever.
The mild temperature due to the late hour of the morning itched your exposed skin, causing goosebumps while you unsuccessfully tried to light your cigarette, too frustrated with everything around you to really pay attention to your surroundings.
“Here” you heard a husky voice coming from near the pool house “let me help you”.
The man approached slowly, the darkness using her cloak to cover your lover's face, only making you realize it was him, by fate's trap, when it was too late.
“I’m good, Edward. Thank you very much” you replied,
"What the hell is all that? What the fuck did I do to make you like this, Huh?” Eddie held your arms tightly, forcing you to look at him, you saw the anxiety and confusion that showed in his eyes, which caused an immeasurable pleasure to ignite in the pit of your stomach as you pressed his buttons more and more.
"What do you think I am Eddie? Just a toy when you don't have one of those dumb girls to fuck?" you spat at him with no mercy "and what do you think you are for him right now?" he said dryly,  "More than I ever was to you, right?"  he looks… hurt.
“Are you even listening to yourself? you’re sounding delusional.” he said letting your arm go.
“Oh! Poor Munson, where's Heather? giving a blowjob to some basketball player before ending up in your bed?" you cringed at the words that should have stayed in your head, giving up on the cigarette and making your way out the conversation.
“WOW!! Who stuck a stick up your ass, cutie? Was it Stevie?” He whispered in your ear, making you pull your arm free from Eddie's grip, leaving the mark of your five fingers on the boy's rosy cheek.
“Ed… I.. I'm" 
"Shut up, just shut the heck up ok?! I'm done with you” he said harshly, making you scared and before  you could say something, apologize or anything, Eddie was pulling you inside the pool house. 
You could feel the beats of the muffled music on the cold wall that Eddie pressed your body against. 
"Eddie, I'm sorry" you pleaded, almost begging, he pinch the bridge of his nose shaking his head in disbelief “let’s talk, please” you pleaded one more time.
"Of course sweetheart, NOW you wanna talk.” he gave you some space, sitting across the room, “just tell me why you're treating me like shit and I'll leave you, forever even.”
"Eddie, you... you” you tried to explain to him but the words just went away.
“I’m what babe? tell me what I did” his voice was almost failing. 
“You kissed her in front of me" you said through sobs “she said horrible things about me…and you did nothing about it” your tears betrayed you, rolling through your pale face, Eddie could see how big the fleek was on your poor heart.
The muffled sound of the party was the only thing that echoed inside that room, that and the heavy breathing of the man who stared at you, as if he had discovered some absurd secret.
“I went after you, I screamed your name several times through those damn corridors…I know you heard me” you could feel the sad tone behind the guy's bad boy pose.
He moved closer to you, entering your space, his contorted face reflected how painful the memory was. “and I found you, oh boy i found you! In the arms of MY best friend” he returned to the opposite side of the room and continued in silence, lighting his cigarette, the orange light from the lighter flame making Eddie's teary eyes shine in the darkness of the pool room.
“Eddie…what are you talking about?” You said with your voice still shaking, not paying much attention to what was said but to your best friend's sad eyes, “YOU kissed another girl in front of me, after we had sex! you asshole.”
Eddie stood up once again this time angrily shouting back at you “I DIDN’T FUCKING KISS HER”.
His hands caged you against the wall, against his body. He looked straight into your face, with his breathing still labored he whispered “and we didn't have sex”.
He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, the tension could be cut with a knife. His eyes traveled between your eyes and your lips, waiting for a minute of weakness, any sign from you so he could have you the way he'd been wanting since the night you ran away from his dorm. 
Your hands shyly touched Eddie's face, bringing the boy's attention to stillness. You held his face firmly and still so unsure “I'm sorry Eds” you said running your fingers over the welts that marked his cheek.
Eddie pressed your bodies closer and held your hand against his cheek, taking advantage of the gap to connect your lips. The kiss started lightly, Eddie enjoyed every crumb you gave him, his tongue explored your mouth hungrily, trying to feel all your flavor, his thin fingers pressed the flesh of your waist, roaming freely over your abdomen, making your legs go limp “Eddie…” you sighed.
"what?" He said, moving his lips down your neck, following the same path that Steve had taken earlier, leaving bigger marks on your skin. He wanted everyone to know that you were his and no one else’s. 
He kissed your shoulder as he ran his hand up your thigh, past the hem of your skirt.
Noticing the lack of response, it's clear that teasing you was the boy's only option. “Did the cat get your tongue, sweetie?” His hands slowly felt your hips at the same time he pushed your legs apart with his knee and forced his leg between yours. He could feel how hot your pussy was from the heat that passed through his thigh “you seemed pretty brave when you were rubbing your ass against Stevie” he pressed his knee against your most sensitive part, gently brushing against your clit.
“I already told you Eddie, Steve and I are just friends” you said again, trying your best not to straddle your best friend’s thigh.
The boy finished taking off your shirt, exploring your breasts as he had done several other times. Eddie pinched and pulled your nipples, making the man feel you wet through your panties. He laughed in a mocking tone “look at you, you barely got off my best friend and you’re already here, all wet for me” his hands forced your movements, making you slowly ride his thigh “I saw your thighs pressing together, you know?” he said, increasing the intensity of the pace at which he guided you.
“Do you like being treated like a slut?” Eddie said taking you off his lap, in one movement he turned you around, face pressed against the old window covered in graffiti, it was too blurry to see you inside but depending on the angle you could see the people outside. “Did you like the feel of Steve’s dick rubbing against your ass?” he said as he pressed his own erection against you, making sure you felt every inch of him against the soft skin of your ass. “I know you liked it baby, there’s no need to be embarrassed” he patronizes you more and more.
With the panties around your ankle, Eddie adjusted your hips the way he wanted, brushing your entire pussy with the pink head of his cock.
"Are you sure?" he asked, without any malice or malice tone, you were already drunk on cock, just nodding your consent. “Words darling, use your words” “please Eddie, I need you” his voice came out more shrill than you wanted, showing his desperation.
In just one thrust, Eddie's entire cock slowly entered your tight pussy, “fuck…so thick” you moaned, not knowing if it was pain or pleasure, receiving sweet prayers from the man who filled you “shh…I know darling, It will soon be so delicious, I promise you” or “good girl, taking it all”, his words made you increasingly wet, making his back and forth movements easier.
“Fuck Eddie, more...I need more, please” you leaned against the window frame, managing to see Steve's confused features through the graffiti window, as he looked for you around the pool, not going unnoticed by Eddie either.
The man pushed into you harder and harder, your hands holding tight on the old wood making it shake. “Hmm… fucking tight, darling” he continued to fuck you, with one hand on your waist holding you in the position he needed and the other tangled in your hair, forcing you to look out the window, to look Steve.
"Eddie please" you begged, he could feel the adrenaline making his voice lower a few tones, every time Steve's eyes passed over you, Eddie could feel your pussy throb and squeeze his dick. “Make me cum Eds, please” you almost cried.
The large hand that held your head against the window ran down your entire body to where you needed it most. He fucked your pussy, changing the angle to hit your sweet spot while slowly massaging your citrices circularly, eliciting from you the most maddening moans Eddie had ever heard... "oh... Eddie I'm going to cum, fuck I'm going to cum " "fuck that pussy, please eddie" "Fill me, I want to feel you filling me Eddie", and Steve.
With his gaze fixed on his best friend, Eddie filled your pussy with his cum, not stopping pumping until the last drop of cum entered you. He helped you straighten up, bringing your back against his covered chest.
He kissed his neck while whispering how hot you were and how you were his and only his, leaving your breasts exposed against the window. His malicious smile began to make you suspicious of the boy's true intentions.
After a few minutes of recovering, you decided to get dressed again. Her panties on one side, her t-shirt rolled up on the floor and her skirt hanging from the window.
Your fingers pulled at the fabric of your skirt, revealing a large hole in the window where Steve stared at you and Eddie, while squeezing his erection through his pants. The boy's pink cheeks didn't bring you clarity, was that shame or lust?
Eddie’s hands went around you in a hug, resting his head on your shoulder “I told you he had a crush on you,” he kissed your cheek before walking away, opening the little door to the pool house “oh! Yeah and I'm sorry, I was really jealous." leaving you high and dry watching him go after his friend.
Taglist ~ dumblittlebunbun pettydonuts kerst666 emma77645 darknesseddiem tlclick73 the-fairy-anon mygirlchaos d4rk4ng3l86 corygshitilike madi-is-kinda-lame munsongirl97 alone-but-never themusingofagothicsoul foreveranexpatsposts anaibis laricebabe she-collects-smut chronicles-of-koystee
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varpusvaras · 2 months
"So, like", Bly starts. He is definitely drunk at this point. So is Fox, to be honest, but he is still judging.
"So like what?" Fox asks.
"So, like, what is it?" Bly asks. "The thing."
"Maybe we should have this talk when your brain is not made of 80 percent of alcohol", Fox says.
"No no, we are having this now", Bly says. "Like, the thing. With the Queen and the Senator. Like, you know, I like Aayla because-"
"He's asking you what it is about them that makes you like them that much", Wolffe explains, promptly interrupting Bly, before he can start rambling about General Secura.
Fox knows he shouldn't say anything.
But then he looks at everybody else around the table. They are all grinning.
Yes, his brothers have been teasing him about his choices. Oh, Fox has gotten fancy while on the Triple-Zero. He does not care for the same things as us common folk. No, Fox likes the finer things now, like all the rich people around him.
Fox knows that his brothers are not really taking Bail and Breha seriously. They all respect them, like they should. Bail is not constantly putting himself in the middle of battles to help them and the people out, nor is Breha constantly pushing more credits and aid and trying to handle diplomatics to get better things for the army, for them all to disrespect them.
But Fox knows that they don't take Bail and Breha seriously. They are still rich people, royalty, nobility, people who have gotten used to nice things and nice things only. People who are nice and aspire to do good, but are still soft and delicate in their eyes.
So Fox opens his mouth.
"They are nice", he starts, because that is the starting point.
"Yeah, yeah, we all know that", Rex says. Fox glares at Cody, who in turn, smacks Rex on the arm.
"They treat me well", Fox continues. "And they are fun to be around."
"I'm starting to think that we have a very different understanding of fun these days", Bly grins. "What do you even do for fun? Sit on fancy couches and talk poetry? Do they kiss your hand as a good-bye when you leave?"
"Sometimes", Fox says. Wolffe gags. Fox glares at Cody again, who, in turn, smacks Wolffe on the back of his head.
"Hey, you all have to admit, it's very romantic", Ponds says. "It's very nice."
"Yeah, if sappy romance is all you want", Bly says.
Fox should really keep his mouth shut.
But no. No, he has been listening to this enough. It's time to shut them all up for good.
"You know that they have been married for well over ten years now?" He asks.
"Yeah?" Bly says.
"Do you know how much sex people have on average in long-term relationships?" Fox asks. "According to several databases, at least once a week. That's sex on average every four days. Now, count in your little alcoholic head, how much that is in over ten years."
Bly squints his eyes. Ponds leans his head on his hand.
"It's a lot", Fox says. "And how does it go, Rex? In your book, experience outranks everything?"
Rex pulls a face for being included all of a sudden. Too bad, he opened his mouth first.
"Yeah, but", he says. "Isn't Senator Organa on Coruscant a lot, and not at home on Alderaan?"
"Yes?" Fox tilts his head.
"So like, the calculation is off, then", Rex tries.
Fox grins.
"It is not", he says. "I'm here, too."
Rex looks disgusted. Wolffe gags again.
Cody smacks Fox. Fox smacks him back.
"Is everything alright with your brothers?" Bail asks.
"Yes?" Fox asks back. "Why?"
"I met up with a few of the Masters at the Temple earlier today", Bail says. "Some of your brothers were there, too. They seemed a bit...strange, all of a sudden."
"They are all idiots", Fox says. "Don't mind them."
Bail shakes his head.
"If you say so", he says. "Oh, by the way, Breha is coming to Coruscant, to attend a couple of galas and session for educational aid budgeting. She'll be staying a little over a week."
"Oh, that's nice", Fox smiles. "Sorry, I need to send a quick message."
CC >>>>>>>>
Fox: Hey I have to cancel our next two nights out, Breha's coming over
Cody: Okay, say hi to her
Wolffe: Why next two
Fox: She'll be staying for over a week
Wolffe: And?
Fox: Remember, on average, once a week. gotta get that second week's average as well
Fox has been temporarily banned from CC >>>>>>>>
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chloe-skywalker · 4 months
Grown Up - Poe Dameron
Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 989
Summary: Han come’s back to find out his daughter is more of an adult than he thought.
Authors Note: I found this half written dialog under my bed on a scrap of paper and it had the original prompt for my story ( “oh kriff no!” - Han Solo ) and I realized after I wrote this that it felt familiar and thats because I already wrote it lol. So I changed it up some, gave it a new name, summary and ending.
STAR WARS Masterlist
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“General. You wanted to see us.” Poe said as him and Y/n entered the bridge holding hands.
“Yes.” Leia turned to face them with a smile. “We have some guests landing in a few hours and I’d like the two of you to greet them.”
“No problem.” Poe nodded, it sounded easy enough.
“Who are they mom?” Y/n asked wondering if they needed to impress the people coming or not.
“You’ll see.” Leia smiled secretly, she knew exactly who was coming and she wanted to keep it a surprise to her daughter.
^     ^     ^
Later that day Poe and Y/n were heading to the hanger to greet their secret guests. Who must’ve gotten there early but the most shock of seeing their ship was which ship it ended up being.
“Daddy! Chewie!” Y/n yelled out in shock and excitement. She hadn’t seen them in years.
Chewiw roared out as he ran down the ramp and over to Y/n. Picking Y/n up tightly hugging her and he spun her in the air.
“Hey Fuzzball, let me hug my daughter will ya?” Han said from behind them.
“Hi Daddy.” Y/n laughed as Chewie put her down.
“Hey baby girl.” Han hugged her.
“How’ve you been?” Y/n asked once they pulled apart.
“Good. Good- you?” he nodded.
“Great.” Y/n smiled and looked back at Poe before introducing the two. “Oh dad, this is Poe Dameron.”
“Honor to meet you sir.” Poe stepped forward holding out his hand for a handshake.
“Liewise kid. We’ve heard of your reputation.” Han shook his hand after staring at him and his hand for a moment.
“Mom’s waiting for you in the command room.” Y/n spoke up sensing a tension building from her father.
“Roarrrr, Roaaar, Roooar.” Chewie pulled Y/n back into a hug.
Y/n laughed, hugging him back. “Yes Chewie, we’ll see each other later.”
“Bye Sweetheart.” Han said as he and Chewie headed off to find Leia.
“See you later dad.” Y/n waved at them as they left the hanger, her and Poe Left next to each other.
^     ^     ^
“Han.” Leia greeted turning to focus her attention on him as he entered the bridge.
“Leia.” Han smiled at him.
“How are you?” Leia asked as they stood right across from each other.
“Good, been good. Busy.” Hand nodded looking around before focusing back on her. “You? How’ve you been? It’s been awhile.” He wondered about her and how she’s been.
“I’ve been good. Busy as well.” She answered.
“Yeah, yeah I can see that.”
“What’d you think of your welcome?” Leia smiled, knowing he enjoyed seeing his daughter after so long.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. Not since…” Han nodded with a remaining smile.
“She’s grown into a fine young woman.” Leia stated as they turned and started to walk, leaving the bridge behind them.
“How old is she now? 20’s?” Han guessed.
“Yes. She’s in her early 20’s.” Leia confirmed.
“Have I really been gone that long?” Han looked at her with sadness in his eyes.
“You have.” She missed his expression with a grimace.
“I’m sorry.” he apologized.
“You’ve missed a lot.” Leia skipped over the apology.
“I have.” Han knew he missed a lot and he wished he would’ve done things differently.
“What’d you think of Poe?” Leia asked changing the sorrow subject to a lighter one.
“The pilot with her?” Han wanted to confirm who they were talking about.
“That's the one.”
“Seems like a nice guy. Heard his reputation.” He tells her but he also didn’t understand why she wanted to talk about this Poe.
“He’s my best pilot.” she stated.
“Hmmmhmm, from the stories I’ve heard of him I would figure. He seems like a good guy.” Han shrugged.
“He is. You can even ask your daughter.” She smiled at her indendo she knew it’d get his attention.
“Y/n?” What did his daughter have to do with this?
“Hmmm Hmmm.” Leia hummed with a nod of her head.
“Why?” Now he was suspicious.
“They're together.” Leia tells him, expecting what comes next.
“What?!” Han yelled.
“Don’t act all surprised Han. Like you said you haven’t been here and she’s an adult now. They’ve been together for a while.” She explains to him, giving him a stern look in her eyes.
“He’s also reckless! I’ve heard that about him to.” He grumbled now trying to think of all the negative things he’s heard of the shaggy haired pilot.
“So were you.” Lei pointed out in defense of her best pilot and daughter's lover.
“That's not the point.” Han scoffed.
“It has to do with it. Yes.” Leia stated stopping so they’d turn to face each other. “You may not like it. But that’s because you're her father. You're a good father even if you haven’t been there in awhile. You care, and because you care Han no ones ever going to be good enough for your little girl in your eyes. But I assure you Poe is. He’d die for her.”
Han thought over her words, knowing she was right. “I still don’t like it.” 
“I don’t expect you to right away.” Leia smiled at him coming around.
“Maybe I’ll stay around for a while.” He really did miss Leia and Y/n but he also needed to keep an eye on this Poe guy.
“You're welcome to as long as you don’t try to sabotage their relationship.” Leia laughed already knowing what he might plan later. When he looked down with squinted eyes Leia got serious. “Han I mean it.”
“Fine.” Han groaned out giving into her wishes for him to play nice.
“I’ll be watching you.” Leia stated letting him know she won’t let him ruin their daughter's relationship. At all.
“Yeah, yeah.” Han mumbled as they looked to the hanger, seeing their daughter and Poe laughing and chasing each other around his X-Wing.
Taglist: @padawancat97 @gruffle1
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡
Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo NSFW Week 2023 Masterlist
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Pairing: babysitter!Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Day 3: Lingerie, Body Worshipping
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Oral Sex (f. Receiving), Lingerie, Body Worshipping, Nipple Play
Satoru will do just about anything to be with the MILF he babysits for. He'll worship the ground she walks on. So it's fair to say he's happy when she surprises him with barely anything on.
❤︎ Gojo NSFW Week Twitter - AO3 Collection ❤︎
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One thing that Satoru often fantasizes about is the woman he babysits for. Everything she does makes his imagination go wild. The shorts and the low cut shirts leave little to his imagination. His imagination goes wild whenever she pouts her glossy lips, scrunches up her nose or bats her long eyelashes.
He’s been with her before. One time while your daughter was asleep. But nothing ever happened after that. You never called him again. He really thought that the gig that was producing him, a somewhat broke college student, good money, was over. His eyes lit up when he saw your contact grace his phone again. He didn’t waste a second picking up the phone but to his dismay, it was just to babysit.
He wasn’t sure if you had a date or were meeting some friends, but you needed him to take care of your daughter. And now he’s here, his arms crossed as he watches some kids show. He’s just thinking about you, which pisses him off. He’s thinking about how you’re most likely with some idiot, making out with him and doing all the things you did with Satoru not too long ago.
He’s so consumed in his thoughts that your daughter has to tap his arm before saying, “There’s at the door, Toru.”
“Oh, sorry.” Satoru responds, patting the top of her head before standing up and going to the door. When Satoru opens the door, he finds your ex-husband. He knows your ex-husband, of course he does. Satoru has stalked every possible social media you have, and he’s seen your ex-husband over and over again. “Can I help you?”
“You a new boyfriend or something?” Your ex-husband asks, and it almost makes Satoru’s eye twitch. He doesn’t understand why he feels so jealous of the man that stands in front of him– Maybe it’s because they look nothing alike.
“Babysitter.” Satoru answers. He’s about to ask what your ex-husband is doing here, but you walk to the door right on cue. You smile at Satoru before looking at your ex-husband.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, and the man rolls his eyes.
“Told you I was coming to pick her up.” The man responds. You pout and then turn your attention to Satoru.
“Will you handle the exchange? I have to do something urgent.” You request and Satoru nods in response. You run into the house, kiss your daughter goodbye before running upstairs, while Satoru and your ex-husband stare at each other for what feels like a solid ten minutes. But it’s not even close to five.
“Well, aren’t you going to handle it? I don’t have all night?” And it makes Satoru walk inside to get your daughter ready to go with her father. It’s not much, just getting a small backpack and filling it with her favorite toys because she has everything else she needs at her father’s apartment.
“Bye, Toru.” She hugs Satoru and Satoru hugs her back. She keeps waving until her father grabs her waving hand and walks her to his car. Satoru leans on the doorframe as he watches your daughter be put in the backseat of the car. Once your ex-husband is done, Satoru shuts the door and walks back inside. 
He wonders what you’re doing upstairs, why you aren’t down here giving him his payment. He’s not going to wait down here. He begins to go up the stairs, while the wildest thoughts run through his mind. What if you’re upstairs in your bed and– God no, he can’t think like that knowing that he’s about to talk to you. He won’t be able to get a word out. 
Satoru takes a deep breath before knocking on the door. He patiently waits for your sweet voice to yell, “Come in!”
“Hey so since–” Satoru opens the door and walks into the room. His eyes nearly pop out of his bed when you lay on your bed wearing a red lingerie set. You’re scrolling through your phone, acting unbothered. But of course this is all planned, Satoru is not naive enough to believe that a woman just casually lays down in very sexy underwear. It doesn’t stop his cock from getting any less hard. “What…”
“I’ve missed you, Satoru.” You bat your eyelashes, pouting your lips. You sit on the edge of the bed. You let the bra strap fall from your shoulder, and Satoru doesn’t need an explanation as he walks over to you, “I tried to move on with someone else but you just fucked me so good…”
You don’t have to convince him. At all. He’s on his knees, ready to worship you as a goddess. In his eyes, you are a goddess. You don’t have to say anything for him to kiss your foot, then up your leg, telling you within kisses, “You’re so beautiful.”
There’s a smirk on your lips as Satoru kisses every inch of your body. His teeth nibble on the soft flesh of your thighs. Then he kisses the same spot over and over again, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
He goes up, kissing your stomach and up to your breasts. He kisses and sucks your exposed cleavage, while one hand goes to your back to unclasp your bra. You slide it off and Satoru’s mouth wraps around your nipple. He sucks on your nipple while his hand plays with the other one. You bite down on your lip as he does so before a breathy moan leaves your lips.
He detaches himself from your nipple and kisses up your neck. He sucks on your skin, and you bite down your tongue when he finds that sweet spot that makes you weak. He finally gets to your lips and he pecks them a couple of times, “You look like a goddess. Any man is blessed to be in your presence.”
He goes down again, pushing your panties to the side. He takes a minute to look at your pussy, and his mouth begins to salivate. He gently kisses your cunt before he spreads your folds, getting a better look at your pussy, “Pretty little cunt. Prettiest I’ve ever seen”
He kisses your clit before his tongue begins to flick it. You watch him as he works his way through your cunt, and he’s looking back up at you to look at your reaction. The softest moans leave your lips as his tongue works its magic. 
You were thinking about doing this again, but you got busy. You never called him back, thankfully, you finally got to call him again. You aren’t someone that usually likes younger guys but Satoru is definitely an exception. He begins to suck on your clit while two fingers go up to your mouth, pressing against your lips indicating for you to open up your mouth. You open your mouth and he shoves his fingers in. When his fingers are wet enough, he takes them out of your mouth and drags them through your folds before he pushes them inside of you.
He swears he’s in heaven as he tastes you on his tongue. You just taste so fucking good. He wants to taste you every single day, and he’s swearing as he eats you out that he’s going to fucking marry you; that’s how much he loves your pussy.
“Oh, that’s so good, Satoru.” You moan as he moves his fingers. You hear him as he moans, letting you know how much he fucking loves your pussy. You’re biting down on your lip, throwing your head back as he makes you feel so good.
You feel that familiar feeling approach, and with every flick of his tongue, the feeling gets stronger and stronger. Your hands go down, your fingers running through his soft hair. 
His name escapes your lips, your legs shaking as you see white and reach your high. Satoru pulls away not without kissing your pussy one last time. He takes his fingers out then kisses your lips. He mutters on your lips, 
“Best pussy I’ve ever had.”
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flkwh0re · 10 months
Home for Christmas
Warnings: nothing too crazy, just some smut. pretty fluffy, but a tiny bit of angst. :))
A/n: I like this a lot, sorry for any mistakes or just bad writing.
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"Y/n!" My mom called out. I sluggishly hopped out of bed, and made my way down stairs. "I'm gonna go pick your father up from the airport, he can't get an uber home." I groan, "How many times do i have to tell you not to call him my father?" I heard Natasha, my girlfriend, walk down the stairs behind me. "Y/n, don't be so horrible! It's Christmas eve!" My mom scolded.
"I'll probably be out for a while, goodbye." I waved bye to my mom and turned my attention to Natasha. "C'mon Y/n, where's the your Christmas spirit?" She teased. "It's just weird okay? It's the first Christmas without my dad, and with a man who doesn't even like me." She frowned a little, "Hey it's okay, he doesn't hate you." She pauses, "He's just, odd."
"I'm sorry Nat." She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "It's okay, I understand. Why don't we bake something." She said, a smiling creeping onto her lips. "That sounds good, hot cocoa too?" She giggles, "Of course."
Natasha and I had been baking for a little over an hour, then my mom called. I dust my hands off and answer her call. "Hey sweetheart, we're gonna be stuck here for a while. The snows coming down hard, and we don't wanna go out this." I frown, and Natasha wraps her arms around me. "So when will you be home?" I question. "Not sure honey, I'm sorry." I sigh and Natasha's grip tightens around my waist. "Don't worry Mrs. Y/l/n, we'll have cookies and stuff ready for tomorrow." Natasha says. "Thank you so much Natasha, but you don't have to worry about that." "Not a worry miss." My mom replies with a relieved thank you, then we say our goodbyes.
I turn to face Natasha, and frown. "I'm sorry sweet girl, if it makes you feel better we do have the whole place to ourselves." She wiggles her eyebrows and kisses me nose, making me giggle. "We'll have to make good use of that." I say, to which se replies with, "Oh you bet we will." Her lips softly, but hungrily meet mine. "Natty, we have to finish the cookies." I say, but she ignores it and kisses down my neck. Her nose slightly tickles my neck as she does, making me laugh. "Nat please." She pulls away looking at me, "Ugh fine, but I get you after we're done." I just roll my eyes.
We finish baking the cookies and decorating them, Natasha feeling very proud of her decorating skills. "Baby I can't even tell that, that's a reindeer anymore." She scoffs, "You literally can!" Which just makes me laugh, "Oh you find that funny huh?" Natasha grabs my hips pinning then against the counter. "Natty, stop." I giggle out. She presses her lips on mine, soft and lovingly. "I love you so much baby." I look up at her smiling, "I love you too Natty."
Her plump lips reconnect with mine, slowly kissing me. She lips her tongue past my lips, deepening the kiss with lots of passion. Her lips drag down my neck softly, earning little gasp and moans from my throat. "Natty please." She looks at me, "Tell me what you need baby." "Please Nat I just need you." I plead. "But you do have me." She teases. "Natty." I whine out.
She takes my hand and pulls me into the living room, to the couch. I lay down on the couch, and she follows climbing on top of me. Her lips again, reattached to mine. She taste like peppermint, and smells like vanilla. She grips the hem of my sweater, pulling it over my head leaving me in my bra. The air in the house is warm and soft on my skin, making me glad I'm not out in the harsh winter air. Her fingertips slide down my stomach, meeting the hem of my sweatpants. Her hand slips into them, fingers grazing my clit through my panties. A soft moan escapes my lips, causing Natasha to smile.
"You're so beautiful baby." She says, blush creeping onto my face. Her lips softly peck my rosy cheeks. "You're beautiful too, Nat." She smiles, tears prickling in her eyes. "Wait what's wrong?" She quickly shuts me down, "Nothing baby, I'm just lucky to have.. you." Your cheeks now an even pinker shade, you're positive that you look like you'd had been out in the cold for far too long.
Natasha helps you out if your pants, admiring your almost bare body. "So pretty." She mutters to herself. Her hands cautiously slip around your back, unclasping your bra. Her lips attach to the skin of your chest, her calloused hands tweaking your hardened nipple. Your back arching as she does. Her tongue slides over your bud, giving soft licks on the delicate skin.
Her hand gropes at your breast softly, then she brings it to your panties. Sitting up to admire you once more. Natasha removes your panties, and brings her fingers to your soaked core. Fingers lightly toy with your clit, slightly adding more and more pressure gradually. Your back arches off the couch, and she slides her digits into you. "Please more Nat." You beg, and she slips another finger into you. She bends down to add her mouth into the mix of fingers. Her lips attach to your clit, stimulating it with each suckle.
She removes her fingers, and adds her whole mouth. Her tongue sliding down your slit, licking and sucking softly. The sound of her wet lips on you and your soft moans fill her ears, the sound of heaven to her. With each flick of her tongue or graze if her fingertips, she brings you to the brink of your orgasm. Cum dripping out of you and she laps it up like it's the last thing she'll ever do.
You watch her sit up, crawling back onto you. Her lips ghost yours, then softly kiss you. The taste of your arousal can be tasted on her pretty lips. "You're amazing." You say, smiling up at her. "Says you." She chuckles.
Natasha stands up and helps you collect your clothes, "Here get dressed and I'll get us some cookies and cocoa." She places a softly kiss on your forehead, and walks off. You slide back into your warm clothes, which are really hers.
As Natasha is standing in front of the stove, heating up the milk, she feels your arms wrap around her waist. "You couldn't wait for me?" She chuckles, and you just shake your head. "Well, since you're in here can you please get some mugs."
You pick out two mugs, festive in Christmas designs both matching. You also retrieve the marshmallows, and whipped cream. Natasha pour the liquid into the cups, and decorated hers with you.
She helps you carry a small plate of cookies to the living room, cuddling up on the couch putting on a Christmas movie. "What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked, seeing the frown on your face. "I just wish my mom, and my real dad were here." Nat frowns too, she always loved your dad and was never fond of your moms new boyfriend that came around awfully too fast. "I know Y/n/n, but you have me and you still have your mom. Okay?" She kisses your nose softly, and you reply by shaking your head.
Natasha helps you cuddle into her chest, the warmth engulfing you and pulls you into a slumber. She kisses your forehead, "I love you Y/n." She mutters onto your soft skin.
The door opens, and your mom steps in followed by your closest friends like Wanda, and Carol. Yelena even made it for Natasha. You'd have such a wonderful thing to wake up to.
Edit: Why did i change the perspective so much 😭😭
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 5 days
Sweet Pumpkin Chapter 3
Summary:  Bucky is struggling with the dating world and knows that if he ever hopes to have a serious relationship, that he needs to get through his touch deprivation issues.  It’s not that he doesn’t want to touch people, or them to touch him, but after decades of pain he doesn’t know how to accept physical intimacy from others, or how to give it himself.  He hires Y/N, an intimacy coach and professional cuddler, who comes highly recommended.  Will his heart be able to distinguish between a service given versus real love?
Warnings: mentions of past violence and past sexual assault, language, physical intimacy, eventual smut
**curvy reader
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Bucky could feel Y/N pulling away from him over the next few weeks.  She encouraged him to try going on dates again, see how he felt with other people being close to and touching him.  He did as she said, trying out the dating scene, and the people were nice, some more flirty and touchy than others, but anytime there was a possibility of anything more developing he just couldn’t go through with it.  It felt wrong with them.   
“So how did last week’s date go?” Y/N asked him as they sat facing each other on the bed, Y/N holding Bucky’s flesh hand and massaging it gently.
“Oh, uh, it was fine,” Bucky said nonchalantly.  “He was nice.”
“You’ve said that about all your dates,” Y/N laughed, her gaze focused on his hand.
“Well they are!” Bucky retorted.  “I just…didn’t feel anything special with any of them.”
Y/N hummed, nodding slowly as her hands moved from his hand up to his wrist and forearm.  “Yeah, no spark.  I get it.”
Bucky swallowed harshly.  “There’s…someone I’ve been, uh, interested in.”
“Ooooh,” Y/N said suggestively, glancing at him.  “You gonna ask them out?”
“Well, I would but,” he paused, watching her carefully, “I don’t think they’ll say yes.”
“Why not?” she asked, her hands moving up to his bicep.  
“Because she’ll say it’s inappropriate,” Bucky said quietly.  Y/N stopped, her eyes widening, her gaze flicking to his face.  “And what I’m feeling is just transference.  That it’s normal but it can’t happen between us,” he continued sadly.
Y/N’s hands slowly moved away from him and settled in her lap.  She stared at him in a mix of disbelief and sadness.  “Bucky…” she breathed.
Bucky shook his head and shut his eyes.  “It’s okay, Y/N.  I understand.  I’m sorry for making it weird and making you feel uncomfortable.”
He was surprised to feel her take his metal hand in hers, and slowly opened his eyes to look up at her again.  Her thumb rubbed over the metal plates, her eyes focused on his hand.  “I don’t think we should meet like this anymore,” she said quietly.  Bucky sighed, his heart dropping.  He felt like he could cry.  “As of right now, our contract is over,” she continued.  Bucky kept his gaze on her hand holding his, nodding sadly.  “So if you’d like to ask me now, you can,” she said teasingly.
Bucky’s head snapped up, his eyes widening as he took in her smirk, her eyes looking up at him through her lashes.  He narrowed his eyes, trying to make sure it wasn’t a joke or a trick.  Her head tilted as she watched him, her eyebrows raising in question.  Bucky huffed a laugh.  “Okay, um…would you like to go out, on a date, with me?” he asked.
Y/N’s smile widened.  “Yes,” she nodded.  
Bucky smiled back.  “How does tomorrow sound?”
“Pick you up at 7?”
“Sounds good.”
“What should I wear?”
“Whatever you want,” Bucky laughed.  
“Alright,” Y/N laughed as well.  They stared at each other for another minute, just smiling at each other.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Bucky said.  They didn’t move until Y/N started giggling and looked away.  She stood and Bucky joined her.  She led him to the front door and he walked out, turning before leaving.  He hugged her like they always would before he left, but this time he kissed the top of her head.  Y/N giggled again and he gave her an extra squeeze.  “Bye.”
Bucky was frantic.  He decided to take Y/N to a casual, sit down dinner at his favorite sandwich place.  He dressed in a comfortable outfit, messing with his hair over and over again.  It was just dinner.  They already knew each other, there was nothing to be worried about.  But he wanted it to work out.  As he walked up to her door he was nervous, trying to fight off a panic attack.  He knocked on the door, puffing a harsh breath through his mouth.  
Y/N opened the door and smiled up at him.  She was in a long, flowy, strapped dress, the same off-white color as most of her decor, a cognac brown cardigan over her arm for the cold and a small purse in hand.  Her hair was tied up and she had more makeup and jewelry on than he’d ever seen before.  He gawked at her, looking her up and down slowly.  “Hey Buck,” she greeted him.
“Hey,” he breathed.  “You look amazing.”
Y/N giggled.  “Thank you.  You look good yourself, hot stuff.”  
Bucky huffed a laugh.  “Thanks.  I hope you’re hungry.”
“Starving,” she said, scrunching her nose at him.
“Let’s go,” he said, offering his arm to her.
“What a gentleman,” Y/N smirked, locking her door behind her and linking her arm with his.  They walked down to the rideshare he ordered, talking the whole ride about their days and a range of other topics.  Dinner went well, the conversation never stopping, and Bucky being proud of himself every time he could make her laugh.  Afterwards they took a short walk through a neighboring park that had a jazz band playing at a gazebo in the middle of the park, some couples dancing or sitting and listening to the music.  
“Oh, I love this one,” Bucky said, recognizing a song.  He turned to Y/N.  “Dance with me?”
“I’m not much of a dancer, but sure,” Y/N replied, taking his outstretched hand.
Bucky swung her around into his embrace, making her squeal at his antics.  He held her close as they swayed to the slow song, other couples joining them in the space to dance.  After another minute she started singing along to the song, her voice vibrating against his chest.
“Now hold on, you can sing?” Bucky scoffed incredulously.  “That’s just not fair.”
Y/N stopped singing and looked up at him.  “What?”
“You can’t be pretty, and funny, and cozy, and smart, and a good singer all at the same time.  Leave some talents for the rest of us,” he smirked at her.
Y/N giggled.  “Well you can’t be handsome, and funny, and sweet, and a good cuddler and dancer all at the same time!” she said in mock indignation.  
“I can, and I will,” Bucky teased.
Y/N rolled her eyes.  “You’re quite the charmer,” she said with a smile.
The song ended and they all pulled apart and applauded the band.  Bucky turned back and grabbed Y/N’s hand, kissing her knuckles.  “Dessert?”  He took her to a small gelato shop nearby, and they shared a bowl together.  The later it got the chillier it became, and Y/N slipped on her cardigan.  “You always look so cozy,” he commented, taking another bite of gelato.
“Well, it’s comfortable,” Y/N said, looking down at her outfit.  “I love things that feel like a blanket on me.”
“That’s why I love your apartment,” he said.  “Everything is comfy, cozy, warm…it’s a nice reprieve.”
Y/N hummed.  “The perks of being a professional cuddler.  My whole life has become cozy.”  She suddenly grew serious.  “I guess it’s a security thing for me, too.  I prefer soft, rather than hard.  Sweetness rather than sour.  Quiet versus loud,” she waved her hand in front of the gelato, “gelato versus ice cream.  Yay trauma responses.”
Bucky chuckled.  “Well, I feel the same.  I’m proud of you, you know?” Y/N looked up at him curiously.  “You’ve gone through a lot of things that would have hardened you as a person, but you didn’t let them.  You’re still soft, and kind.  And you’re changing other peoples’ lives by being soft with them.  I’m proud of you.”
Her eyes started to brim with tears. She blinked rapidly and looked away.  “That’s…thank you,” she said quietly.  “That’s really sweet of you.”
“Hey,” Bucky said suddenly, frowning at her reaction.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“No, no you didn’t do anything wrong,” Y/N quickly said, reaching over and covering his hand with her own.  She gave him a watery smile.  “It was just nice to hear.”  Bucky quickly took her hand.  “I’m proud of you, too,” she said.  “You’ve been through literal hell and back, and still come out the other side a good man.  I don’t know if you realize just how much strength and power you have to be able to do that.”  She leaned forward, pulling his hand holding hers toward herself and kissing his knuckles.  “I’m proud of you.”
It was Bucky’s turn to fight off oncoming tears.  “Dammit, you’re getting me all teary now,” he chuckled, sniffing quickly and shaking his head.
“Crying on a first date,” Y/N laughed, “how embarrassing for us both.”
“So you’re saying I have a chance at a second?” Bucky asked, his smirk returning.
Y/N shrugged.  “Your charm is working in your favor so far.”
They finished the gelato then he got another rideshare to take her home.  They made it up to her apartment again and she turned to face him after unlocking her door.  “Thank you for tonight, Buck,” she said with a soft smile.  “I had a lot of fun.  And that gelato was to die for.”
“Right?” Bucky asked with wide eyes.  “Thank you for going out with me.  I, uh, would like to take you out again soon,” he said, stepping closer to her.
She craned her neck to look up at him, fighting off a wide smile.  “I’d like that,” she said quietly.  
Bucky smiled, gazing at her adoringly.  They sat in silence for a moment before he inhaled deeply.  “I’d really like to kiss you right now,” he whispered.
Y/N’s eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips and back, her mouth dropping open slightly.  “I’d like that, too,” she whispered back.
Bucky sighed in relief.  His hands reached up and cupped her face, his thumbs sweeping across her cheeks.  He leaned down, going slowly and watching her to make sure this was what she wanted.  She minutely nodded at him and he finally closed the gap and kissed her lightly.
Y/N kissed him back softly, and in that moment it all solidified in his mind that this was what he wanted.  Her, here, this moment, along with anything and everything she was willing to give him.  He wanted it all.  Bucky pressed a little harder, more firmly kissing her, angling his head to deepen the kiss.  Y/N quietly moaned and he almost whimpered at the sound.  Her hands lifted up under his jacket and settled on his waist, her fingers fisting into his shirt.  After another minute or so Bucky slowly pulled away, needing to remind himself to breathe.  He leaned his forehead against hers, his nose gently running along her nose.  
“So sweet, pumpkin,” he breathed.
Y/N giggled.  “Pumpkin?”
“What, you don’t like it?” Bucky teased, his lips brushing across her nose to her cheek.  
“No, I do,” she said.  “It’s cute.”
Bucky huffed a laugh and kissed near the side of her mouth.  “I’ll text you about that second date.”
Y/N turned her head and kissed his lips quickly before pulling away.  “Okay, hot stuff.”
Bucky released her and watched her walk inside.  “Goodnight, pumpkin.”
Y/N looked at him one last time, slowly closing her door.  “Goodnight,” she said, and gave him a wink.
@mishkatelwarriorgoddess @cjand10 @railmesebstan
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moonlight-canavalia · 10 months
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Ch 3: It’s Love Isn’t It?
Pair: Satoru Gojo x F! Reader
Summary: Gojo doesn’t realize how much time has gone by while on a mission and misses a date you two had planned.
Cw: Bit of Angst, Smut,Mirror Sex, Bathroom Sex, Fluff, Pet Names, P in V sex, Teasing
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It’s surprising how quick 6 months have gone by. Gojo had been talking up how amazing this date was going to be. Nothing was gonna come in between this celebration since last month the both of you were on different missions. And this marks half a year together.
At least that was what you thought.
Trying to call Gojo once again, nothing. The line rings and goes to voicemail after a few seconds. “The reservation was for 3 hours ago. You told me this was going to be quick. But here I am. Still waiting. You better have a good excuse. Bye.” Hanging up you throw your phone to the side.
“Oh I can’t wait. What is he gonna say tomorrow?” You think, knowing in the back of your mind this can happen at any moment. Gojo’s schedule is hectic; days for relaxation are rare. But you can’t help the way you feel. Getting ready for bed you decide to leave your phone away from you. Sleep isn’t easy to come by that night, but in the middle of all the tossing and turning your tired body finally succumbs to sleep.
Unknown to you Gojo is finally done with his mission. Furious and cursing himself for letting it drag on for this long. Finally being able to check his phone he’s met with all your missed calls and text messages. Seeing how late it was he still has some hope you were up. Ready to get some take out and wind down with you he tries calling. The line rings and rings, but you don’t pick up.
The white haired male hasn’t felt this defeated in a while, he’s come to the conclusion you’ve fallen asleep. Not wanting to disturb you he decides to go to his apartment alone. “Tomorrow”—he thinks—“I'll try making it up to you.”
Not being able to get you out of his mind he quickly sends a text “I’ll try making it up to you, my Angel, I didn’t expect this to take this long. I wasn’t able to give you a heads up, there was a lot going on.”
3:22AM reads the clock hanging on the wall at the entrance of his apartment.
Scoffing at the clock he takes off his shoes and starts making his way to the bathroom for a quick shower. Leaving a trail of his clothes behind him.
Turning on the water, he gets in. The shock of the first few seconds of cold water is quickly replaced by the welcoming hot temperature. Groaning under the stream he feels his muscles relax, he can feel the water washing the tension away. Reaching out to grab his body wash he grabs the one you’ve left, by mistake. With tiredness clouding his mind he hadn't noticed until the sweet scent of peaches invaded his senses. He feels like you’re there for a moment until he remembers you’re probably deep in dreamland.
Finishing up his shower he grabs a towel. Drying off and putting on some fresh clothes he makes his way to his bedroom; grabbing his phone on the way. Sitting on his bed, he’s thinking what is the best thing to send you. You’re probably mad at him or irritated at most. He knows you understand where he stands, he knows you’ll be there for him. But also acknowledges that you can still be upset. That’s why he’s unsure on what to write. Should he just explain himself and say he’ll try to not let it happen again? No. He can’t. Gojo knows how hectic his schedule is and missions don’t come with a set end date or hour. So it’s best to not lie that way.
He comes up with a simple one.
‘I tried calling but it’s late, you’re probably sleeping right now. I didn’t expect it would take this long. I’ll see you tomorrow Angel.’
Sending the message he still has the need to add more to it. So that’s exactly what he does.
‘I hope you’re sleeping well.’
‘I miss you :(‘
‘Can you wake up already.’
‘You stink.’
‘Last message is a lie. But can you wake up already? I can't sleep!’
Checking his phone for the time it reads 5:17AM.
Sleep isn’t coming for him and he knows it. So he decides to go and grab some snacks at a convenience store and warp to your apartment. You’re supposed to have the day off and Gojo is going to make this day free for him too.
Three phone calls later and you still haven’t picked up. He was begging to worry that you were actually pissed and didn’t want to talk to him. But none of the messages had been opened yet. It’s barely 7AM so you just have to be sleeping still, he tells himself to not break his heart a little. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he’d be so worried about having someone be mad at him. He annoys people for fun, some ignore him and others get away from him when he gets too much. But just the idea of you not wanting to speak to him makes his stomach tie itself in knots even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
Warping into your apartment he walks around to your kitchen. Sometimes you sleep with your door open so he doesn't want to turn the lights on and disturb you just yet. It’s bright enough for him to see his way around. The sun is starting to come in with its early rays of light. Leaving the snacks and microwaveable food on the countertop he starts making his way to your room.
Stopping to admire your sleeping figure he takes his phone out and snaps a quick picture before walking towards you. He asks himself how did someone like you end up with someone like him. It’s a question he’s asked himself time and time again. Maybe one day he’d get his answer; but for now he’s happy it happened. The pure warmth he feels just looking at you makes him want to scream. But he decides on just sitting beside you while you’re on your side. Gently shaking you to wake you up.
“Good morning Angel” he says in a hushed tone, voice so low it’s almost foreign. He laughs at the small jump and deep breath you take.
“What the fuck” is the first thing that slips out of your mouth, surprised by him being there.
“Well not exactly ‘good morning love of my life’ but I’ll take it, sweetheart.” He says while leaning in to press a kiss on your forehead. “You are absolutely breathtaking. Maybe it’s your breath though.” Before he can start laughing you hit his arm. Pouting he rubs his arm in fake pain. “Why are you being so mean so early in the morning?”
Groaning at him while you stretch your body to find a comfortable position as Gojo slips right beside you under the bed sheets.
“What are you doing here?” Voice still a little hoarse with sleep. “What time is it?” You ask touching under your pillows trying to find your phone. Coming to halt once you remember you left it in the living room.
Humming to himself Gojo starts off “Well I’ve been trying to call you. But I can see you don’t have your phone near you.”
“No. I don’t.” You snap, turning away from him.
“I can sense that you’re irritated. But I really didn’t think it would take that long. It just happened and come on,” -lowering his voice to a bare whisper- “I missed you so bad I’m here. I haven’t even slept.” He says throwing his arm over you—pulling you closer to him.
Nestling against you he starts littering your neck with quick pecks trying to coax you to at least turn towards him. You know he didn’t do it on purpose and you could see it on his face how tired he is. “Did you really not sleep?” Your voice cuts through his onslaught of kisses.
“Nope.” He answers and hides again in the crook of your neck.
How can he still sound so upbeat? He has to be so tired and you can feel him grinning against your skin.
Gojo knows you can’t stay mad at him for long and he’s grateful for it. All he wants is to spend the day with you—everyday really—but he will settle for this right now… Maybe he’ll ask you to move in together. ‘One day’ he assures himself. He already knows you’re it for him, he’s known it since you both met. But he doesn’t want to scare you away. He will do it, he will make you his wife one day.
At his lack of words you reach back and pat his face. He gives a quick peck to the palm of your hand, letting out a small sigh you turn to face him. First thing you see is his bright smile. The smile reserved just for you, an honest one.
“Hi, am I gonna get my kiss or not?” he asks—draping his arm around your waist—“I missed you.”
You feel warmth spread across your body looking at him. Giving in, you get close enough to whisper against his lips “I missed you too”, lips brushing tentatively against his first. A kiss so soft it feels like the first fresh breeze on an autumn morning. “Now can we sleep? I’m still tired and you really should get some rest ‘Toru, hm?”
“Fineee” he drawls. “But can you at least give me a real kiss? That wasn’t a real one”
Before he starts pouting you beat him to it and gently squeeze his face “If you keep pouting your face will stay that way one day. Then what?” you mutter.
“Honestly? I don’t think you’d mind.” Gojo says as he tries to smile.
You want to say the opposite but you can’t. Offering him a low hum as a response. It doesn’t matter what he looks like, how mad he makes you sometimes, you’d always be there with him and for him; the same can be said for him..
The feeling of his long, lithe fingers making their way under your shirt sends a shiver down your spine. A trail of warmth is left against the skin of your back. Giving you a squeeze you understand his signal of wanting you to lay on your back. Shifting your position to accommodate him,
Gojo settles himself on top of you. Straddling your hips, caging you under him. Resting his arms beside your head he speaks softly “Do we really need specific days to celebrate? Because I don’t think so, I’d celebrate you —us— every day. We’ve done good so far. But I’ll try to do better.” He punctuates each word with a kiss, starting from your shoulder all the way up until he makes it to your lips.
“Satoru, if you forget our actual anniversary you’re screwed. I hope you know that”. Bringing his left hand to caress the side of your face you feel any sliver of annoyance leave your body. Smiling up at him he gives your lips a quick peck and settles beside you once more.
Laying on his side, face resting on his open hand he looks at you. Really looks at you and the silence, though just mere seconds feels stretched. But before you can speak he cuts you off with “Your smile is a piece of art. You’re just the most precious little thing aren’t ya?”.
He surprises you in so many ways, and his words are the biggest ones. Feeling yourself start to get warm you lightly tap his chest “stop it”. And bury your face in your pillows. Grabbing your hand he gives a kiss to your knuckles and responds “I don’t think so”.
In the middle of the conversation you two were having you fall asleep. It’s funny how easy it came to you. Barely making it to 20 minutes, and you were already out. He could fill you in on what happened later. “Must’ve been tired, huh sweet thing?.” He murmurs to himself. Watching your sleeping face is one of his favorite things, he sees the movement behind your eyelids and wonders what you’re dreaming of. Hopefully it involves him in some way, you look tranquil, so peaceful. Slowly he brings his hand up, knuckles gently brushing the side of your face. He wants this —you— everyday. It’s the one thing he’s been sure about.
Easing himself in a comfortable position with such care as to not wake you up, he can’t take his eyes away from you. Picturing waking up next to you every day. He’s caught again in the same thought ‘I want her with me everyday’. At some point he fell asleep, hand covering the side of your face. So imagine his surprise when the both of you wake up some hours later trying to have a normal conversation but you’re still talking about the size of his hand.
“Well I won’t let it happen again if it bothers you.” He chuckles knowing well that’s not the case. Sitting down on your couch.
“ I didn’t say that; it’s just your palm alone is the size of my FACE” you deadpan.
It’s something you’ve known and noticed since you met him. But having him now always touching you, you find yourself flabbergasted.
“And even though I appreciate the fact you brought food and snacks, you better not let anything fall on my couch or so help me—“
Interrupting you mid sentence with his booming laugh “Stop exaggerating,”
Rolling your eyes at him “I’m not and you know that. I’m not gonna play this game with you.” You say as you’re cleaning your countertop.
“Aw come on”— he says “come here” he continues, grinning ear to ear.
“And why should I do that when you can come over here.” Raising an eyebrow at him, you wait for his answer.
“Because I asked nicely” and he smiles that bright smile of his that gets him whatever he wants.
Sighing dramatically you walk towards him. Standing in front of him you cross your arms and prepare yourself for whatever it is he’s gonna say or do. What you’re not prepared for is for him standing up and grabbing your face between his thumb and forefinger. Eyes slightly opening wide you look up at him and the smile hasn’t left his face. Applying some pressure he makes your lips pucker up.
“Well look at that Y/N you were right.” Taking a closer look at you he lowers his voice “you look cute like this.”
Your brain short circuits. Before you get a chance to speak he brings his thumb up against your lower lip. Slowly dragging it along. He knows you’re looking at him, but he can’t seem to tear his gaze away from your soft lips. Often lost in thoughts about how they feel, how you taste, the noises you make. Those are things he thinks about at night, in the privacy and comfort of his room. Still not fully grasping the fact that you both are together. It’s still so new to him. The fact that you’re still shy around him is something he relishes.
Right now an innocent jab is turning into something he’s not sure he wants to stop.
“Open” he says barely above a whisper.
With how loud your heart is beating you wonder if he hears it. Slowly you open your mouth just wide enough for him to slip his thumb in.
“Atta girl” comes out in a gravelly tone.
Sucking it gently, you make yourself hold eye contact with him.
Swallowing hard Gojo lets out a short breathy laugh.
“Heh, you really are something else. Aren’t ya? My sweet girl and look at her.” He speaks with heavily lidded eyes, focusing now on your mouth. The warmth of your mouth has his mind wondering. Without much thinking, he applied some pressure to your tongue and went a bit further in. Bringing himself closer to you, he rests his left hand on your hip and starts squeezing. “That’s it baby, I gotta start training you hm? That way you can take more of me.” Your doe eyes look at him in surprise,and he snickers at you.
Pink starts to dust his cheeks and it’s such a cute sight, contrary to what’s happening. And you feel heat start to make its way up your neck. Deciding enough with his game you take a step back. His finger leaves your mouth with a small “pop” noise and you’re not sure where to look.
“Well, I hope you had fun.” you try to say as stern as you can in your flustered state.
Gojos eyes go wide for a second, he was quick to wipe the shock off his face. Grinning down at you he gives you a tight hug, resting his chin on your head “you’re so mean, baby.”
Rolling your eyes at him “Gojo”
“Ew don’t call me that. You can’t call me that; it should be illegal.” He says with furrowed brows.
Laughing, you hug him. “Oh no yeah, I’m glad you're laughing while I feel dirty here.”
“Stop being such a baby.” You say looking up at him.
Chuckling he pinches your left cheek while leaving small pecks on your right one. “Do you want to take a shower together?” he asks after stopping. Rubbing small circles on your hips, he waits for your answer.
“Let’s go then” you say, grabbing his hand as you start your way to the bathroom.
"If you wanted me naked that bad you could've just asked sweetheart, I don't mind."
"Satoru, I will drown you." you bark at him
"Aw, anything that happens by your hands will make me happy. It doesn't matter what it is." he blows a kiss at you.
Deciding to ignore him you open the shower room door, and step inside. Turning on the water you turn around to start taking your clothes off and to you're stunned to find Gojo already down to his black boxer briefs. "What?" He asks as you look at him up and down. "You like what you see? I know, it's a lot to take in."
Rolling your eyes you turn your back to him, to start taking your clothes off. As you go to take your shirt off, you feel his hands on your waist, "let me help" he says as he gives you a kiss on the top of your head. Hands now roaming under your shirt all you mumble is a simple "mhm" back to him. Pinching the hem of your shirt you instinctively raise your arms so he can take it off. Covering your breasts you turn to face him. You suppress the laugh that wants to escape your mouth when you see your boyfriend squatting , he didn't have to do it. But he is a strange man sometimes, so you just let him do what he wants and not question it. Gojo leaves a kiss on each of your hips and starts to slowly drag your pants and underwear down. Kissing down your thighs and legs he tells you to step out of them as they bunched around your ankles. Standing to his full height he drags his boxers down and leaves them on the floor. You're bashfully looking away not being able to meet his gaze. Stepping in to the shower he lets you get under the hot water first, gladly looking at how the water glistens over your skin.
Getting harder the more he watches you he decides to ignore his predicament in favor of cleaning you first. Lathering you up he slowly drags his hands all over your body "I'm just gonna help."
"Liar" you think to yourself, as his hands are busy massaging your breasts. Thumbs gently rubbing your hardened nipples. You weren't gonna complain, he was doing a good job making sure he cleans you well. "Almost done sweetheart. You still had some soap here." He says as he has you pressed against his wet chest. "Oh, almost forgot her" he says cupping your pussy. "Spread your legs a bit for me." You take in a shuddering breath at his words, but do as he says. Dragging two of his long fingers up and down your slit you can't help the low moan you let out at the minimal contact. Smiling to himself you feel his fingertips circling around your clit, adding more pressure bit by bit. Grateful that he had his left arm around your waist for support, since your legs are starting to tremble; you hold on to his arm to maintain your balance. Closing your eyes you open your legs wider subconsciously. "Look at me pretty girl" he says as he lets go of your waist, angling your face up to look at him. Not opening your eyes, lost in the feeling he's causing between your legs he gives your cheek a few taps. "I said look at me." and you snap your eyes open at his rough tone. "Good girl" and at that you feel his slender fingers prod at your entrance.
"Do you want me to touch you...here? Hm?" he hums. With how close he's holding your body against his you feel the vibrations in his chest against your back. Latching his lips against your neck he leaves a mark against your soft skin. You're lost in the feeling of his lips against your sensitive neck you barely registered the stretching feeling until he started moving his fingers in and out of you. With how long they are you feel them reach so deep in you it always leaves your head spinning. Your sweet whimpers are filling the the space around the both of you, water getting lukewarm against your bodies, and all he wants is to make you cum before he buries his cock in you.
You're moving your hips, growing more desperate to get yourself off. "Aah-fuck" you moan as you stretch one of your arms so you can tangle your fingers in his hair "more" you say pulling at his roots; the stinging sensation making him groan. You feel Gojos warm lips against your neck speaking to you in a condescending tone "I'll make you cum baby. Is that what my girl wants?" feeling your pussy squeeze around his fingers he quickens his movements against your sopping cunt. The high pitched moans that you let out feel like a blessing to his ears each time he hears them. He needs to make you finish before he cums, he's been grinding his cock against your ass from the start and it's getting painful how much he want to cum. Taking his fingers out of your pussy he rubs your clit in circular motions.
Growing desperate he's begging for you to cum, its pitiful the whine that slips his mouth. It's wonderful, having such a strong man be putty in your hands. Not even properly touching him once, since you both got in the shower and he's ready to bust a nut by just the feel of your skin against his. Every small sound, rough touch with his free hand is going straight to your core. Satoru's fingers are drenched in your essence and he loves every second of it. Applying more pressure to your bundle of nerves while he keeps whispering how much he NEEDS you to cum, the band in your stomach finally snaps and you're coming and almost yelling his name. He slows down his fingers movements to give you a moment to breathe and come down from your high.
"Bed now" Gojo almost growls while reaching to turn the water off.
While you wobble a bit getting your footing you reach for a towel to dry off, and his hand stops you. "No time, I need you, and I need you now." the tall white haired male speaks against your neck.
"Toru, baby it's quick let me dry off" you quip.
Pressing his chest against your back he drags his lips against the conjunction of your neck, scraping his teeth against your skin, feeling your pulse pick up. Running his hands down the sides of your body squeezing as he made his way to your hips. Almost breathless he tells you to turn over. The moment you turn and are met with his eyes a shiver runs down your spine. He looks almost predatory, eyes sharp, pupils dilated to a point where the pretty blues you are so accustomed to see have been almost swallowed up. And you are his defenseless pray; for some reason that excites you. There's a dull throb between your legs looking up at him, wet hair clinging to his forehead, face flushed.
"Jump" and you do without hesitation. Feeling his fingers dig into the back of your thighs as he grabs you. "I'm just fucking you here, I don't want to waste more time."
Nodding your head signaling yes that's all the confirmation he needs to completely bury his cock in your cunt with one move of his hips. You feel the wind knocked out of you at the sudden feeling of being full and you wrap your arms around his neck while Gojo groans at the warm tight feeling of your walls. No matter how prepared you are it still feels like his thick cock is splitting you in two. He doesn't give you much time to get adjusted to his length, spreading his legs to stay balanced while he bounces you on his cock. Digging your nails into his shoulder blades to ground yourself you don't realize you've broken skin until you hear your boyfriend hissing.
"I-I'm s-sorry Sat-" you're able to choke out between his punishing thrusts up to you.
Shutting you up with a kiss he says against your lips "Do it again." The feeling of your nails sinking into his skin, breaking it, sends shockwaves through his body. Not used to the feeling of pain, he’s shocked on how much he’s enjoying it. The realization on how you really could destroy him and he’d still thank you is thrilling. His enemies would give anything for just a second of his vulnerability, and here he is just giving it to you without a second thought. Wanting to feel everything and anything with you he’d gladly let you do whatever you want to his body; it was yours, it belonged to you. Your walls start clenching around his cock and he throws his head back while you run your nails down his chest. "You feel amazing Angel. Do you feel good? Hm? Does my girl feel good? Oh, I bet she does with the way she's sucking me in" he gloats. Taking in a shaky breath he knows he's close to coming, so he makes his way to the sink "I'm gonna put you down Angel." Bringing his left hand to rest behind you on the sink, he cages you in with his body, using his right hand he lifts your chin up so you can look at him. You feel the sink digging against your back as he presses his sculpted body against yours. You notice his half-lidded eyes have a shine to them that takes your breath away. The humid room is starting to feel a bit suffocating, but he’s not done with you just yet. Closing your eyes at the feeling of his soft lips against yours you let yourself get lost in the feeling. He can be playful, needy or demanding; sometimes it’s a mixture of all three making it difficult to keep up. Both of his hands are now holding your face as he kisses you with fervor. Sucking and nibbling at your bottom lip, stealing your breath, thoughts, he's invading every sense of your being; and you're happy to give him anything he wants. Your lungs are feeling on fire, and he feels like he could keep going, but you pull back to give yourself a breather. Gojo repositions his hands on your hips while you take in shuddering breaths. Kissing his way down from your neck to your breast he gives them both a kiss, sucking on one of your nipples while he lightly pinches the other. You're not sure how your hand made itself at home tangled in his hair, but he doesn't mind; he never does. "Turn" he says impatiently. Leaning down you grab the edge of the sink, you feel Gojo's fingers on your waist as he guides his cock to your entrance burying himself with one move of his hips. Setting a slow pace dragging his hips back and thrusting himself back in harsher. Growing desperate at his slow pace you start moving yourself back, meeting each of his thrusts. Warm palms touching every bit of skin he can without his thrusts stopping, you feel the tip of his dick kissing your cervix deep inside you. There’s nothing he enjoys more than your flustered faced accompanied by your small whines and moans as he destroys your pussy. The way Gojo rocks his hips against yours is stealing every breath you try to take. Knuckles turning white with how hard you're gripping on to the sink to maintain yourself up and not fall flat on your face.
The mischievous man you call your boyfriend has an idea as he examines the foggy mirror. "Wipe it with your hands so you can look at yourself, pretty, look at the filthy expressions you make taking my cock" Clenching at his words you stretch to wipe the mirror but are unable to reach it properly with how hard Gojos hips are hitting the back of your thighs. Clicking his tongue at you he reaches over with his long arm -chest pressing you down to the sink- and wipes it for you. "Can't even do a simple thing like that? You're so cock drunk." Bringing your hips back to meet his thrusts you take in a sharp breath when he reaches down to roll your clit between his fingers. The long drawn out moan you let out makes him more feral. "I want you to be louder my Angel" he praises. Chest flushed against your back, you feel how his chin is digging in to your shoulder as he looks at your face on the mirror. His breathing has grown labored fighting off the need to cum.
Your lower belly feeling tighter and tighter with each swipe of his fingers. "You're gonna be a good girl and cum for me right?" and he's desperate kissing everywhere he manages to reach. "YES YES YES" practically yelling at the top of your lungs. And with some added pressure, and sweet words from him you feel yourself tipping on the edge of your orgasm. You can feel his dick pulsing inside you and something inside you snaps. You start laughing breathlessly and his eyes are wide looking at you on the mirror. And he feels like he's going to go insane. Wrapping one of his big hands around your neck, he gives you back the biggest smile he can muster and his words are vicious. "You're such a little whore, I knew it baby, filthy girl". Applying pressure to your neck, he lifts one of your legs to the counter, helping him reach deeper in you. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as he hit that spongy spot deep in you. The restriction of air to your lungs has your mind hazy. As he keeps hitting that special place with precise thrusts it finally has you coming around his cock. White hot pleasure coursing through your entire body has you thrashing around.
Gojo throws his head back and lets a high pitched moan slip his mouth. Milky white lashes fanning over his pretty pink tinged cheeks as he closes his eyes, rutting his hips harder desperately chasing his own orgasm. Your pussy still pulsing around him fueling his desire to finish, switching between whines and moans. With quivering lips he says something before his brain can catch up and stop him. Too lost in the way your pussy is still gripping him, he pulls out to finish on your back with a loud groan. He's catching his breath when he hears your sharp breath. You turn, facing him with a bewildered look on your face. A look of confusion evident on your boyfriends face.
"What did you say?" you ask him, uncertainty in your voice. Were your ears deceiving you or did you hear correctly? Did he mean it or was it a thing spur of the moment of passion. Gojo is uncomfortably silent at your question. He looks almost frighten and that's a look that has your stomach tying itself in knots.
The strongest is currently at a loss for words and is in a state of dismay. He's still silent but moves so he can hide in the conjunction of your neck. Feeling how your heartbeat picked up. "Satoru?" Your hand coming up to touch the side of his face. "What did you say?" you ask urgently.
He's afraid of what might happen. But he means those words and he's not gonna take them back. "I love you. You do not have to say it back if"— he’s stopped mid sentence. Your eyes are misty and he’s afraid he might have said it too early and that it’s gonna scare you off. "No, wait, you really don’t—I’m—" stammering his words until you pull his face towards you kissing him in a way he’s never felt before. This feels different than the others and it’s the clash of emotions behind it that’s giving it that feeling. “I love you too”.
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Pt. 1
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who do you think is most likely to homewreck a relationship just to get the girl they want? (besides the obvious kisaki 😭)
Ok yeah Kisaki canonically tries to do this so barring him I think we need to look at the character's with low morals/ those who take what they want. These are the first few I thought of.
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Hanma- He didn't seem to be that aware of what Kisaki was actually doing but presumably he found out in a bunch of timelines but was still committed to helping. I really don't think he'd see this as being a problem, why not just get the girl? Hanma likes excitement anyway, so I think the idea of getting to fight whoever you're already in a relationship with would appeal to him too. He actually hopes the guy tries to fight him.
Mikey- He always takes what he wants and gets pretty upset when he doesn't. Mikey wouldn't understand why you're with some other guy instead of him anyway, like clearly he's better then that guy? He also wouldn't hesitate to tell you this, to leave that loser and come be his instead (ok not a relationship but he literally does this when he tells Draken to come be his friend instead of following that gang around).
Sanzu- He pretty much does whatever he wants/ thinks is right. So if he's decided that you're what's right for him, then bye bye to your boyfriend. Sanzu probably plays the long game with you though, watches you and finds out what you like, tries to get closer to you before subtly influencing you, telling you your boyfriend is no good. Before eventually threatening your boyfriend to never talk to you again.
Ran + Rindou- Put them together because I think they're quite similar in this aspect. They both seem to think they're better then others and that they should have what they want. So both would likely use their influence and charm to get you. Ran would likely be the more outgoing one, and I think he would especially like the idea of taunting your boyfriend and showing off his relationship with you to him. Where as Rindou is a bit more straight forward and would just want to fight the guy so you two can be together without any interruptions.
Izana- He would definitely not hesitate to get in between you and your boyfriend, wouldn't see anything wrong about doing this either. He wants you, you want him (even if you don't he'd probably convince himself) so what's so wrong about it? I think he'd actually be very excited to meet your boyfriend and potentially fight him, he's excited to finally get to be with you.
Taiju- Would beat the guy up and laugh while doing it too, he definitely likes to play around a bit while fighting so would likely tease him that you're his now too.
Koko- Specifically Koko after he lost Akane, he already lost one love so he wouldn't let himself lose another ever again. Actually convinces himself that he's doing this for you too, he can protect you and provide for you so much better then your current boyfriend. So of course you should be with him instead, he'll love you and give you everything you've ever wanted.
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folklaur21 · 5 months
Never Find Another Like Me
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Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire x fem!gryffindor!reader
Summary: When you and Enzo broke up, you promised him that he'd never find anyone like you. Despite trying to replace you, you are the only one who is on his mind.
Warnings: Flashbacks, use of Y/N, some perspective change (ish), kind of cheating at the end (but not really lol) & Cormac McLaggen is in this fic 🤮🤮🤮
Word Count: 1.8k
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Right now, Lorenzo Berkshire was annoyed. No, he was beyond annoyed, he was pissed. There you were, sat at the Gryffindor table with Cormac McLaggen's arms wrapped around your shoulders as you giggled as if he's the funniest person in the world. Which he isn't. Enzo stabbed his bacon very aggressively with his fork and stared at you. How could you have moved on already. Granted, it had been two months since he had broken up with you, but surely you couldn't have found someone as good as him yet. And he couldn't believe the person you had chosen to move on with was the biggest douche in the school. Cormac Bloody McLaggen.
"Enzo, mate, you're spraying scrambled egg everywhere." Theodore Nott grimaced at his friend as he wiped egg from his robes. "What are you even looking- Oh."
"Yeah. Oh." Enzo replied, putting his cutlery down. "How could she have moved on already? It's only been two months."
"To be fair, Enz, you have been out with about ten different girls," Theo shrugged. "Who's to blame her? It looks like you've moved on."
"They didn't mean anything! I was just looking for some relief. A break. You know what I mean."
"Yeah, I know. But you can't get mad at her for doing it too. You broke up with her, remember. This is your fault." Theo remarked as he went back to eating his breakfast.
Theo was right. He had been the one to end things. How stupid he was. Enzo glanced up at you once more, but this time he actually caught your eye. Flustered, he looked down at his plate and pushed his food around with his fork. How could he forget when he lost you?
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"What do you mean, Enzo?"
You were quite mad now, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. You couldn't believe it, your boyfriend was breaking up with you, and you didn't even understand why.
"It's just... I think we need a break, that's all."
"Enzo, we're not Ross and Rachel. What the hell do you mean by a 'break'?" you ask, your resolve destroyed.
"Who are Ross and Rachel?" Enzo asks, confused.
"They're just characters from a Muggle TV show. It doesn't matter." you shake your head. "Why do we need a break? I know that I'm a handful." You pause for a moment before asking in a small voice. "Am I not good enough for you?"
Enzo sighs. "That's not what I said."
"It's what you meant though, wasn't it."
"No. I get it. You're the kind of guy that ladies want. And there's loads of cool chicks out there who aren't me. Trouble always seems to follow me."
"Please, it isn't that you're not good enough for me. Nobody said that. But I don't think we're right together. And, it's not you, it's me."
You roll your eyes. "Don't pull that card with me." You grab your wand off of Lorenzo's desk and take your coat from his bed. "Bye Lorenzo."
As you reach the door and open it, you turn around to face Lorenzo as you leave. "Enzo?"
"When it comes to a lover, I promise that you'll never find another like me." With that, you close the door and walk out, out of the Slytherin common room, out of the dungeons, and out of Enzo's life. Forever. Or so you thought.
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And now you were here, sat in the Great Hall, talking to your friends whilst your boyfriend had an arm wrapped around you. Your boyfriend who wasn't Enzo. No Y/N, stop. You weren't supposed to be thinking about him. You were over him. People who are over their exes don't think about them.
But you aren't really over him. Not really. McLaggen is an awful person. He's not even funny to make up for it. So you thought one glance at the Slytherin table wouldn't do any harm. Just a look. But when you looked over, you couldn't look away. Until he looked back. Your eyes met. And now, all of a sudden, you wondered why you hadn't tried to ever fix things with the boy who broke your heart.
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"Hey babe! Enzo!"
When you heard the name, your head whipped around. You were sat in the courtyard doing your Charms homework, when you saw Lavender Brown run over to Enzo and wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her. Ew. What was he doing with her?
"Hello darling. How has your day been?" Enzo said with a charming smile, warm enough to melt chocolate.
"It was good, thank you." Lavender said, giggling hysterically. So uncool. Why was he even with her anyways? He had always said how much he despised her. What had changed?
Enzo wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and the two of them made their way towards where you were sat, by the fountain.
"Hey Y/N!" Lavender chuckled. "How are you?"
"Good," is the only word you can get out before feeling like you want to throw up, grimacing as you say it.
"Well, my boyfriend, and I are going down to the Black Lake? Do you want to join us? You can bring Cormac." Lavender smirked again. It seemed as if she knew how frustrated this made you.
With a forced smile, you manage to say, "No thanks. I'm studying. I hope the two of you have loads of fun." You don't even try to disguise the hint of venom in your voice, glaring up at Lorenzo, who just stares into the distance, seeming to not have noticed your gaze.
"OK then. Bye Y/N. Enjoy studying." Lavender laughs as her and Enzo walk away. As you stare at the back of his head, you suddenly wish you had fought harder to keep Enzo.
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"Mate, what's wrong? You've been distracted all lesson, and usually you love Potions." Theo nudges his friend while Snape isn't looking.
"Sorry." Enzo says, snapping out of his mini trance. "Just thinking about stuff."
Snape walked past their desk and to the front, making a comment on todays potion. Amortentia.
"Remember," he drawled, "to get the spelling correct in your notes. Spelling is fun."
Everyone in the class sniggered, trying to disguise it in front of their terrifying professor.
Theo continues his and Enzo's conversation after the class has settled down. "Well, you thinking about stuff is never good. What is it? Did Lavender break up with you?" Theo asks, putting his quill down.
"No. I broke up with her." Enzo says, picking at the corner of his parchment.
"Good. She wasn't right for you anyway. And you always had your tongues down each other's throats. A bit gross if you ask me." Theo shrugs nonchalantly. "Now, if it wasn't that, what's bothering you."
"It's nothing, honestly. Just... thinking about someone." Enzo says, as he looks over at you across the room. You were taking notes on the potion you were studying in your lesson today. Enzo smiled to himself as he watches you lick your lips as you focused on your work.
Theodore follows Enzo's gaze and sighs. "Is it Y/N? Again? Mate, I told you, you broke up with her, too." Theo looks at his friend knowingly. "If you want her back, you have to get her back. Yourself."
"But what is she doesn't want me back? What do I do then?"
"Well, if that happens, then you are back where you are now, but this time you'll be crying to me every night because you know that she doesn't feel the same way anymore." Theodore didn't have to worry about that. He knew you wanted him too. Theo was always there and saw you staring at his best friend, even when Enzo himself didn't notice. You loved Enzo and Enzo loved you. That's how it is. You were perfect for each other. And you just needed to believe it.
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You rushed up to the top of the Astronomy Tower, clutching a piece of paper in your trembling hands that you had received at breakfast that morning from a random owl that you didn't recognise. You didn't recognise the handwriting in the note either, but you knew who it was from. Or, at least, who you believed it was from. The note read:
Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at midnight. I need to apologise, and I need you to understand why I did what I did. Please don't tell anyone you are going, at least until after you've been. I love you.
The note was probably from Cormac. The two of you had fought the other day about him flirting with other girls, and hadn't spoken for a couple of days. It was probably an apology, out of sight of everyone else. Cormac didn't do apologies. He sat with you in front of people, but wasn't much of a behind-the-scenes boyfriend. You were shocked when you got the note, but thought nothing of it, as Cormac didn't do any public displays of affection.
However, when you reached the top of the stairs, it wasn't Cormac you saw. It was Lorenzo.
"Enzo? You sent me this?" you asked as you held up the note.
"Umm, yeah. I did. I kind of needed to talk to you. About us." Enzo said that a bit sheepishly, and he stares down at his feet.
"Enzo, there is no us. You ended it. And I'm happy now, I'm with Cormac too." You force out a small smile. "I'm happy now." That was a lie. You were happiest when you were with Enzo.
"I want you back, Y/N. I don't think I can live without you." Enzo walks towards you and grabs your hand. You want to pull away, but something in your heart tells you not to. Stupid heart. Always meddling.
"Enzo, we can't. You're with Lavender, I'm with Cormac. And we didn't work the first time. What makes you think we get a second chance?"
"Firstly, I'm not with Lavender anymore. And who cares about Cormac anyway? You don't love him, I can tell. And he had his hands all over a Ravenclaw girl this morning. Sorry." He said the last bit with an ounce of sympathy, but you didn't really care about Cormac right now.
"OK, but that doesn't change things with us." You say, crossing your arms and trying to look angry.
"Look, I know I tend to make it about me. A lot. And you never get just what you see, but I won't ever bore you. And there's a lot of lame guys out there."
"I guess." You sigh. "Remember when we had that fight out in the rain? You ran after me and called my name..."
"I never want to see you walk away. Ever." Enzo wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you closer to him. "I love you, Y/N"
"I love you too Enzo." You grab his face and kiss him, forgetting about any of your previous worries now that you had your Enzo back.
A moment later, you pull away and break the kiss. "Enzo?"
"I was right," you say with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" Enzo asks, his lips pulling upwards into a quizzical smile.
"I promised that you'd never find another like me!"
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P.S. I hope you liked the dividers!! They're basic but I made them lol.
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