#good parent yennefer
thedemonofcat · 4 months
Imagine, if you will, a modern w/o magic Witcher au where Geralt coparents Ciri with his ex Yennefer.
Little Ciri notices that a lot of adults have partners (most of the parents of her classmates do, and so does Yennefer). She asks Geralt why he doesn’t have a partner, and Geralt doesn’t really know how to respond. “Haven’t found the right person.”
“Who’s the right person?”
Fuck if Geralt knows. “Someone kind. Smart. Likes kids.”
“And pretty?”
Thus, begins Ciri’s epic quest to find Geralt’s partner. This consists of tactics such as: interviewing strangers, asking her mom to find them (her mom is good at finding things), and wishing REALLY hard.
The amount of strangers Ciri has been talking to is giving Geralt an ulcer. And his ex tried to make him download a dating app.
Eventually, Ciri gets very upset that the universe has not provided her dad a partner. She will give the universe one last chance though. She will throw a coin in this fountain and wish REALLY hard.
Only, disaster! She drops her coin, and it rolls down a sewer grate. She can’t help but burst into tears.
Then, the man who was playing guitar by the fountain asks her what’s wrong. Ciri tells him that she wanted to make a wish in the fountain. The man nods his head in understanding and says she can have a coin from his guitar case in exchange for a dandelion bouquet.
She picks him dandelions and gets her coin. She makes her wish. The guitar man makes a crown from the dandelions and puts it atop his head. The guitar man tells her he hopes she gets her wish. He was smart to not ask her what it is. After all, wishes don’t come true if you say them out loud.
Ciri takes a closer look at the guitar man with his dandelion crown. “You’re pretty.”
“Oh, well, thank you!”
Geralt is out in the park with his family, and he realizes Ciri was not playing with Eskel’s kids like he thought. Fuck.
Thankfully, she’s nearby. Talking to another stranger. Geralt sighs deeply.
“Dad! I found him!”
Ciri points at the man she was talking to, some busker with a guitar, and says, “Your partner.”
This is a wonderful concept for a story. I highly encourage you to develop it further as I would definitely be interested in reading it.
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bardcore-jaskier · 2 years
♡My immortal Jaskier headcanons♡
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So here are my headcanons, because I refuse to believe that our ball of sunshine has an expiration date...
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So, I know Lauren said that Jaskier not aging in the show was just a filming mistake, something they simply forgot to do and on a completely logical level I am fully aware that in canon Jaskier is completely human, 100%. And I also know that they're not gonna change it, no matter how much some of us may wish they did (Although why not? They already strayed so far from the books and made so many changes, might as well go the extra mile)
Realistic-ish headcanons:
- Jaskier is part elf, perhaps quarter elf like Yennefer, it is an entirely justifiable headcanon, theoretically, Jaskier's human father could have married a half elf commoner woman (who may or may not have had the pointy tips on her ears cut off with a knife to avoid human prejudice)
- Jaskier has a fae ancestor, somewhere many many generations back in his ancestry, so his entire family is suspiciously long lived but nobody cares because Lettenhove isn't politically important and therefore doesn't catch the attention of the prejudiced Nobles farther up the royal court chain.
- Jaskier unintentionally drinks the same elixir mages/sorcerers drink to prolong their life. I read that chaos wielders don't have naturally long lifespans, they semi-regularly drink an elixir with mandrake roots in it to slow the aging process. According to Witcher Wiki, you can only buy mandrake root in Lindenvale and my headcanon is that Jaskier experiments with many different tea blends to see which one is more effective for soothing his throat after singing. So at the age of 29-30, he wanders into Lindenvale and buys some dried mandrake to make a tea, after one sip he felt more rejuvenated than ever and since that day, mandrake root tea has become his number one go-to, he drinks it as often as he can.
More fanfic centric, less canon possible headcanons:
- Jaskier is a Dryad. (Yayyy trans Jaskier headcanon) Since Lettenhove is so tiny, it isn't even on the Witcher continent map, but a simple Google search says that it is Located somewhere in Kerack. Kerack borders with Brokilon, so it's kind of a nifty little loophole for fanfic writers to use and place Lettenhove somewhere near the forests where Dryads live.
And while most Dryads treat any man that enters their realm as a mere sperm donor, Witcher Wiki does also mention that some Dryads can form emotional relationships and fall in love with humans and/or elves, but in the end, all Dryad born offspring is AFAB. So imagine this, Jaskier's father falls in love with a Dryad, she falls in love with him, they have Jaskier, Jaskier notices early on that he feels like a boy and his rich Viscount father hires a mage to help Jaskier transition early.
- Jaskier is a higher vampire, higher vampires are a HIGHLY secretive society, even in canon, part of the reason why even Witchers have so little information about them is because they prefer to hide in plain sight and are ridiculously good at it. Jaskier doesn't age, has no self-preservation instincts, doesn't buy a horse and yet still keeps up with Geralt on foot for 20 years. Jaskier's personality isn't fake, he doesn't act like someone else, it's all him, but his clumsiness is a little bit of an act, he also purposefully avoids physical fights, it comes across as fear of getting hurt but in reality it's because he's afraid of appearing too strong and exposing himself. Lettenhove doesn't appear on maps, because it doesn't exist legally, it's just a castle hidden in the woods, a safe place for higher vampires, kinda like Kaer Morhen is for Witchers, Jaskier's parents just happen to be the ones who run it.
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elwayken · 1 year
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Listen, we all know that Yennefer’s parents weren’t great, and according to almost all fanon things I’ve seen for Jaskier’s, they aren’t good either.
Thus, the vision of Jaskier and Yennefer singing The Horror and the Wild together.
I just want them to do a duet, okay?
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tielmamon · 1 year
Part 2
"Oh- wh- hold on now, thought we were playing for fun?" Jaskier watches Ciri deplete his monitary resources with the sweetest smile, and truly he finds that he doesn't mind.
"I assure you, it truly is a delight taking your coin." He puts on an annoyed face and snatches her cards back just to squeeze another laugh out of her. Gods know this girl needs a bit of levity in her life right now. He wasn't good at a lot of things, realistcally. He's not skilled with a sword, not a pinch of chaos in him, but making people laugh? That he can do.
"Yeah, I'm sure you do." He glances at her, honestly more proud than anything else. Princess Cirilla of Cintra, a fiesty spark of a girl turned warrior. He wasn't there for her initial adjustment with Geralt for...obvious reasons but in the years when he was there, he's seen how brave and noble and irrefutably powerful she is. All that hurt and pain turned into pure determination. She's a flame, just like her mother. And most of all, Jaskier sees so much of his best friend in her. Not just the stubbornness to do good or fierce protectiveness over those she loves, but also the little things that make his heart ache. How she holds her sword, how she likes her meat, hell even how she walks. Undoutably a reflection of her parent's love and guidance.
Her parents...
The sharpness in his chest returns. Its strange. Years and years of loving Geralt had eventually reformed his once raging, constantly ready-to-burst love into a calm, surrendered sort of feeling. It's not that his love for the man lessened. On the contrary, every year he feels them grow and evolve into something more. Knowing that heartbreak was inevitable had given him a bittersweet sort of peace. So the pain in his chest that flares whenever he sees Geralt so openly love Yen faded with time, leaving a dull ache in its place.
Until now.
"I'm sorry you're here with me, instead of at the party." Ciri brings him out of his thoughts. He simply shakes his head.
"Oh, I'm not." In all honestly, he was a bit annoyed that everyone and their mother seemed to be invited to this conclave except him but then he remembers Geralt and Yennefer going together. He could only imagine what fancy, no doubt monochromatic outfit Yen would force Geral to wear. Then again, if Yennefer was the one asking he doubts Geralt would protest. Not as much as he would with him, anyway-
He cuts that train of thought before it sends him spiraling. He had worked so hard to keep himself incheck, keep his feelings to a minimum. To not feel, or at the very least look like the lovesick fool he was before.
"Valdo's off key warblng would make my ears bleed." He settles on a believable and admittedly true excuse. Valdo's overdramatic (even for him) vocals are definitely a factor, but he'd rather listen to that noise for days than watch Geralt dance Yennefer across the ballroom with that soft, painfully besotted look on his face. He might actually die of heartbreak if he does.
"Besides, I'm better off here." He smiles at her, reassuredly. He sees the princess sit up straighter, patting the spot beside her. He raises an eyebrow but sits down nontheless.
"Yes, coin thief?"
"Does he know?" He feels his heartbeat pick up. He's sure than his body is noticibly tenses, judging by how Ciri looks at him like a kicked fucking puppy.
"Does who know what?" He knows what she's asking, because what else could she mean? But like a coward, he deflects. He turns to humor because really, thats his weapon of choice. She looks at him with such a sad look and he knows he's caught.
"Does Geralt know you love him?" Deflect. Run. Don't answer-
"Of course he knows I love him. He's my best friend." He prays that his answer is enough. It seems like it isn't .
"Jaskier." He is still and silent, almost like how the man in question often is. In the end, he finds that he's tired of lying about what he feels. So, he talks.
"I think so, yes. Pretty hard thing to miss after the years of songs and poetry and...well, you get the picture." He sees her face drop, and a certain panic sets in.
"Ciri- listen, I would never ever try and break up your parents, okay? I-I would never do that to your family." He says in a rush, desperate for her to realizes. Because yes, as much as he loves Geralt, he would never jeopardise this. They were quite literally destined to be together, and if Jaskier feels like his chest is being ripped out by a wyvern everytime he sees them then thats his problem, not theirs.
"You're part of this family too, you know." Jaskier has only ever been truly speechless a handful of times in his life. But when he feels her bring him into a hug far nicer than he technically deserves right now, he finds that he can't bring himself to say anything because gods, he wishes it were true. That he was part of this group. This family and not just a stray thread, waiting to be cut off and thrown away once again.
"You're family too." He nods weakly, a few tears spilling from his eyes. Smaller hands, not yet calloused by swords or spells brush a few tears from his cheeks using the blanket. He laughs wetly, complaining how dusty the blanket is, making him cry more which was definitely the real reason and not anything else.
"And I'm not upset at you Jaskier. I'm upset for you. I don't like seeing you hurt like this..." He sees her brows furrow, hands pulling away to clutch the covers. He chuckles, wiping away the rest of his tears.
"Oh, how lucky a man am I. To have such a fierce warrior-witcher-mage princess protecting me." He smiles but her frown doesn't waver. She adjusts herself on the bed to face him properly, laying on her side and slipping a hand to hold his.
"I'm serious Jaskier! You're happiness is important too." He squeezes the hand on top of his, mustering up enough courage to smile.
"My dear, I am happy with what I have now."
"Liar." He gasps, bringing a hand to his heart. She smiles, just a bit and he counts that as a win
"I would never!" He allows himself to breath when he sees her chuckle. He's exhausted, truly. His body feels heavy with the weight of his emotions and physical exhaustion of the day. Still, there is a determined princess cuddled up infront of him with furrowed brows and a sad look on her face that simply cannot wait until morning.
"We do not choose who we love in this lifetime. I didn't choose to fall inlove with my best friend the same way Geralt didn't choose to not reciprocate those feelings. Which is okay, because-...because my love for your father isn't one that seeks a reply. It simple is." Ciri recalls her memories.
Memories from Geralt and her in the woods, running and overwhelmed and terrified. She remembers Geralt telling her stories of his best friend- an obnoxious bard that told the best stories even though they weren't entirely true. The look of guilt and sadness and longing her father suprise had when he told her about him. The few tears she saw him shed behind a crack in the door the night he finally gathered up the courage to apologize to Jaskier for everything. She had never seen him so devastated.
The grin he didn't even bother to hide when Jaskier had offhandedly called him darling when he asked for the salt.
"But what if there is a reply? What if he does love you?" Jaskier shakes his head, looking down to his lap.
We could head to the coast...
Get away for a while...
Composing your next song?
No...No, just trying to work out what pleases me...
Jaskier bears his heart to Geralt on that mountain top. He doesn't breathe, doesn't dare look away. He waits and hopes and gods above, he loves so hard it hurts. Maybe just this once, he'll be enough. Maybe they could run away from this, from everything just for a year. Maybe-
Geralt stands and leaves. Jaskier turns and sees him disappear in Yennefer's tent.
"Darling, that's impossible." He smiles sadly, playing with her fingers. The memory of then mountain and all other instances of him and Geralt replay like an old song. He knew the melody and each lyric by heart by now.
"But Jaskier I've-" Ciri startles when Jaskier’s hand claps with hers loudly and suddenly. Her palm barely stings but she gets the hint to stop talking.
"I have his friendship. I have a-a family apparently, in you and Yen. That is...more than I ever dreamed of having. You all are more than enough for me." Ciri regards him for a moment, staring at him like she's reading his soul. Whatever she sees seems to satisfy- atleast for now, because she sighs and lays a head on his shoulder.
"You too." He leans back, cheek brushing her temple as they stare at the flames of the fireplace.
"Thank you." He pretends to believe her.
Part 1 (x)
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incorrectcodmw2 · 5 months
Tulips and blood
(A Call of Duty fiction, based on MW2. This chapter contains TF141)
Chapter one: The rookie
All I remembered is the pain that surrounded me from a rather young age. Always blamed, never understood, never good enoug. But mostly being alone, terrified, isolated for my own good. From my so-called parents and from the world. Maybe too well. Always quiet, seemingly fine.
It was a quiet day for Ghost; he was able to stay in the office, filling out paperwork that Price gave to him. As a lieurenant, it was his job too keep track of whag the base needs. Such as ammunition, explosives, and that kind of stuff.
His calmness was interrupted before 2pm, when a military truck arrived to the base. A batch of recruits, freshly out of training. Only one was able to be the newest member of Price's famous team, the Task Force 141.
That specific group was small, counting up to four ppl, not including the lucky one. The lieutenant quietly observed the twelve newcomers, examining everyone, even that one and only woman who arrived too; while Price and Gaz talked about the plans.
  While he heard other soldiers betting on when the rookies start complaining, when they'll drop out from the special training, even bets on weekly football too. All kind of betting; surely a light and friendly spirit. The LT supressed a smile under his mask; he had a good feeling about this batch of recruits.
  But only one person caught Ghost's eyes and it was the only woman amongst the recruits; not because she had a good physique, but she was a bit different. The way she carried herself, her moves seemed experienced to him, and if she moves like this, she surely hides something. How experienced she's in reality. Slowly of corse, so she wont be alarmed, but how he can investigate without getting caught by her? Oi, he can ask Price and observe the woman sometimes. The excercises didn't helped him much, Ghost was still deep in thoughts. He wanted to know the truth; he'll be more surprised, shocked, angered than he thought.
  His way led to Price's office, where he knocked kn the door then entered. The captain was a good, caring man beside being strict and hardworking. For a few moment, the two men looked each other, waiting for the other one to break the silence.
-Capt'n, we need to speak.
-I told you Ghost, no more missions for a week.
-It's not 'bout that.
-'bout the recruits.
-D' you have a problem with them, or you have an idea.
-No, I have a request, Price.
-And that is?
-The only one female. She hides somethin' important... Hiding valuable informations is forbidden, Price
-I know. She requested it specifically. But I read it. You dont want to, trust me, Simon.
-Capt'n. I'll train the new member, I need to read their files.
-You can, but not hers. For your own sake, I'm tellin you.
  The lieutenant let out a sigh and glared at the man for a few moment then left the office, heading to the training grounds. He saw only professional and experienced, well thought out moves and reloads. Ghost just watched her and tried to understand why she acted like that and why was that linked to the only restricted file about the recruits.
-Yennefer! --Ghost shouted to get her attention, no need to say, she walked up to him immediately. Even thought the anxiety ate her away from the inside, she didn't showed it-- Come here.
-Yes, sir? What is it.
-When did you enlisted?
-When I was eighteen, in 2010.
-First enlist?
-In 2010.
-Thank you, Yennefer. You're dismissed, get some rest.
-Sir, the sergeant said we need to fire two mag away...
  Ghost let out a sigh and waited for her to finish and put the gun back to it's place. Once again, he saw that the woman knew what she does. Fourteen years of service. What happened under those years exactly, he wanted to know why she had that kind of request. What was her rank before, where does she served.
  Even later, at lunch, Ghost searched for her or any tiny bit of information crumble about her. This went on days, no particulary new information that was important. He started to get pissed off, but being patient finally paid off, since he noticed the woman sitting down to an empty table; the furthest table from the rest of the hall. Avoidance? He thought, or she might likes to be alone today. No, that can't be possible, he rarely saw her beside training and eating. He also knew that she never spoke unless she was asked. That was suspicious on it's own. Simon knew a bunch of reason why would ppl be this quiet, since he was one of them. The main reason was trauma. Then doubt and self esteem. Even the first reason had a bunch of possibility.
So he sat down at Yennefers table who were too anxious to do anything, so she just let him do whatever he wanted. The LT noticed this, the nervous twiching and looking around. He doesn't know why he expected her to speak; but when realisation hit him, disappointment was strong. Only for a moment. Ghost let out a sigh, thinking what he should ask without triggering more than he wants...
-So, Yennefer...how does that fourteen year was before 141?
-Uh... --she froze up, but somewhat relaxed, knowing that the Lt probably wants to know more about her. Not her injuries. But having severe social anxiety, a broken soul and an ill mind made her life much harder than intented-- it was hard. But I had better moments too.
Her voice was above a whisper, more likely it was a mumble. Ghost still wandered why doesn't she speaks louder. Or longer. More into depth and not only in a nutshell. There is no way that a woman like her speaks this as much as him, maybe even less; must have happened something with her at some point. But what? Something similar to his own past? Or something else? One thing he was sure, whatever she hides; for a good reason, he'll get to that bits by bits.
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hanzajesthanza · 18 days
I've finally cleared up my reading list and I'm thinking about actually reading the Witcher books, any thoughts and/or prayers in this pursuit. How insane am I going to get after this. For context I've played all the games and have seen one episode of the show. It was not the first episode but it was the first season. I am familiar with the intricacies of the fandom wiki as well. Do I need like a ritual or something, any drug recs, or should I just raw dog that thang
you’ll get as insane as you want to be
my tips:
don’t use the wiki (use your mind). if someone or something is forgettable then you’ve forgotten them. + wiki has a lot of game and other canon that isn’t applicable to the books
don’t worry about putting events in chronological order (sometimes it is only revealed by the end of the book, or by the end of the series)
be open to disliking protagonists and-or “good-aligned” characters
don’t forget yennefer has feelings too
get in touch with your sense of humor
don’t think in modern terms, but in fairy tale ones
there’s more considerable explicit SA and disturbing topics from ch. 7 of time of contempt onwards, it’s not like on every page but just be aware
forget the show exists (even for one episode) and also forget the games exist (not out of spite, just use your own imagination instead of CDPR’s)
for maximum emotional pain think about your own parents or various traumas
read at night, keep tissues and cold water close by for when you start crying so hard you can’t breathe
recommended pre-reading:
brush up on your WWII history when you get to time of contempt and baptism of fire. specifically (somewhat obviously) in the european theatre
look up slavic folk traditions, culture, and mythology/deities. keywords to search: noc kupały (for something more), morana/marzanna (for time of contempt), dziady (for tower of the swallow)
be aware the official translation is not meant to give you cultural context. if you’re reading it in english, read the “lost in translation” reddit post series by coldcynic.
other than that, know of the existence of lord of the rings and conan and generally fantasy genre tropes. if you know what an elf is you’re probably good
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rebrandedbard · 6 months
hey srry if this question makes you uncomfy or anything, but what are your thoughts on geraskefer and the other ships between the three?
Oh it isn't uncomfortable at all! In fact, this is a perfect example of polite interest and ask etiquette. You're asking about a subject I've blogged about and shown interest in, and in a very polite manner. I'm over-explaining this so as to comfort you and encourage future asks, my dear good nonny.
Since TWN season 2, I've loved geraskefer. Season two shifted all their dynamics in very interesting ways. I will elaborate:
That scene in the pub and later in the boat between Jaskier and Yennefer converted me. I LOVED their vibe in season 2, and what little we had in season 3 with them was delightful. I love them having this banter-heavy dialogue, this playful "I tooootally find you annoying" best bitchy friends attitude (exaggerated, of course, for fun in fandom). They really do have each other's best interests at heart. They care. And to have them be together without the involvement of Geralt is very nice, even if he is a large part of why they would come together in any circumstance. But seeing the trust between them grow and to see how they need and rely on one another is so compelling. Drinking buddies <3 and I need them to kiss.
Canon and a power couple. Divorced parents trying to get back together. A good contrast. The tension of knowing your love may be influenced by magic has a kind of tragedy. However, I need them to interact more outside of sex and talking about the wish. The opening of season 3 where we saw them as a family made me actually like them as a couple. I need them to be friends before I can ship them, and season 3 went a LONG way to making that happen. They've slowed down enough to actually get to know one another, and I look forward to seeing more of it.
The OG. The OTP. The reason like 99% of you are likely on this blog. Besties with romantic tension. The bants. The sass. The friendship and deep understanding at the core of who they are and how they interact. The ride or die. The tragedy of having it all thrown in your face and made insignificant in a moment of weakness. The desperation to repair what was once taken for granted. The choice to put in the work to repair what was lost. The honesty that comes with it. The fact that I am a gay (technically bi, like 85% men 15% women-ish whatever I'm gay I don't do math). These are what I find so compelling about the two.
All of the above with a healthy dose of tension, confusion, pining, despair, and an ending in which finally, just this once, everyone gets exactly what they want, and it's okay to have it. The healing. The appreciation for one another. All the fear gone and all the love spoken. The bisexual dream. Jaskier is the glue. And I want them to FIGHT over him before they all get together. THE ship that makes me actually think polyamory would be THE best conclusion. They're already family regardless and I will cling to that. It's a main FOUR. Those three are equals in this unit.
I hope that answers things for you! In conclusion, I love all the variations. Generally speaking, I rank them by favorite as geraskier, geraskefer, yennskier, yenralt. The more Jaskier in the relationship, the better.
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
the love child update from today was 🔥🔥🔥 outstanding as always, i’ve read it like 12 times already i love them sm
i can’t remember if this is smth you already addressed, so feel free to ignore this if it is, but does milek know that geralt is his dad? like obviously jaskier told him to find geralt if he was ever in trouble, and he knows about their friendship, but does he know how far it went? and if he does, does he know that geralt doesn’t know? i just feel like that conversation they had today could be read so many different ways, like are they talking past each other? is milek facepalming bc goddamnit both his dads are morons, fucking typical? so many possibilities!
Ohh, that is a good question, I guess the whole thing is a bit convoluted.
Milek knows that Geralt is his father, he knows that his parents have a long, but complicated history (in which Milek is under the impression that his parents were a couple at one point and Jaskier feels like they were fuckbuddies at best. He felt rather used at times, more like a substitute for Yennefer).
Milek was taught from a young age that he is not supposed to tell anyone about this. First it was a safety measure because Nilfgaard was looking for them and later it continued to be one; they're already not seen in the most positive light and in the best case, it would look like he's lying. In the worst case he would meet anti-witcher sentimentalities. He learned later that Geralt has no idea either - which is something Jaskier needed some time to realise too, as he was accusing Geralt in his talk with Yennefer here about knowing it, but still sending him away.
So there are years of secrecy drilled into Milek, and he knows Jaskier would be fine with him telling Geralt, because I do think Jaskier and Milek had the the talk once he was older that it's his decision if he wants to get to know and tell his father, or not, but.
I think he imagined that talk a hundred times. He daydreamed about this a lot. But now, in reality? The thought of saying something is a suddenly very, very scary.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I wrote my first full Geraskefer (Geralt x Yen x Jaskier poly) fic! It's a..."it's not really unrequited, Jaskier is just a dumdum" fic. It has a POV chapter for each character.
It is below AND on Ao3 (5k words)
I wrote it as part of a fandom event with @witcherficwriters for @demeter918
When Jaskier fell in love with Geralt, it hit him hard and fast--like an arrow straight to the heart. Yen was different. Falling for her had worked like a poison, like droplets in his wine, building up in his body unnoticed, year after year until he was weak and unsteady.
That was the truth of the matter. But it all sounded so cliche.
His metaphors needed work.
Jaskier leaned against a large oak tree and picked at his lute. Every few notes, he stopped to scratch lyrics on his parchment. 
He needed something that rhymed with venom.
Jaskier was in a forest, by himself, half drunk. His heart ached in the empty place where his friends used to be. Once upon a time, this had all been easier. Simpler. He had known his role and had played it well. 
In the first several decades of his relationship with Geralt, Jaskier was the one who picked up the pieces. The witcher and the witch were always at each other’s throats, always scratching each other’s eyes out. When the fights were over and the dust had settled, Jaskier was always there with a pint and a friendly ear.
Then, after Voleth Meir, things changed. It had felt so odd, drifting away from Geralt, and being there for Yennefer during that cold, brutal phase when Geralt wanted nothing to do with her. Jaskier was the only one left in Kaer Morhen who provided her with any warmth. He was the only one who she could turn to.
If you asked an average member of the public to describe the famous troubadour Jaskier, you would be hard pressed to find someone who would use the terms reliable or constant. And yet? That was what he had been for them--his witcher and his witch. Jaskier had always been their port in the storm. 
And while it had certainly troubled him over the years to see his friends hurting, he found comfort in helping. And, if he were honest, he may possibly have felt a tiny bit smug. A little, itty bit superior. While they fought, he patiently counseled. While they scratched and hissed, he embraced and listened.
The childish, fickle poet got to play the hero.
It had taken the sting out of the unrequited yearning. 
But then the worst thing possible happened. Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg made up. And not just temporarily. 
They grew. 
They matured. 
Parenting Ciri together eventually brought them closer than ever. And about six months ago, Geralt and Yen had purchased a lovely home by the sea. 
Jaskier’s face screwed up like he’d sucked a lemon. He spat on the ground next to him. 
What rhymed with betrayal?
He had always understood that he was the friend, not the lover. It was true that both Geralt and Yen had kissed him at different points in their sordid histories. Each moment was burned into his memories for good. He was convinced that on his deathbed, the phantom caress of their lips would carry him back to the soil. 
But every kiss, every touch that strayed from the bounds of friendship, had always felt furtive. Stolen. They had never spoken of it, and Geralt and Yen had always returned to one another. 
Up until about six months ago, he thought he was fine with that. 
But this new home by the sea changed everything. It was physical, conclusive evidence that they would be settling down together. Making a life. A future. Without him.
After about a month, the dinner invitations began to arrive for him at Oxenfurt. He would sit at his desk in silence and stare at the curled up parchment, picturing sitting around the table with Yen and Geralt. His heart ached with yearning for them. But he would only get as far as imagining what it would feel like to see their clothing hanging together, to sit on the furniture they picked out as a couple, and to witness their contented smiles, before he grew sullen and resentful.
Dinner in the home he was not a part of. 
But he couldn’t say no. There was no rational reason to say no to generous invitations from cherished friends. So he decided to pretend he hadn’t received the invitations. He fled Oxenfurt for some conveniently timed walkabouts. They, however, knew he liked to hang around Posada, so an invitation had arrived for him there. So, Jaskier took off again. And again. And again. That was how he’d arrived where he was, on the outskirts of bum fuck nowhere, drunken and writing shitty ballads. 
He tried to play another stanza, but the notes slipped from underneath his fingers, and dropped like bricks, making a discordant sound. 
It was twilight. He looked at the empty wine flask at his knee. Shit. He may as well stop for the evening and stagger to an inn. Maybe the solution was to get more drunk. Yes Jaskier, he said to himself, that was a wise choice indeed.
“Master Jaskier!” A messenger boy popped out from the bushes.
Jaskier shrieked in surprise. The messenger boy was startled by his outburst, and shrieked in return. He was young, barely out of adolescence, wearing a hat pulled down to his prominent ears. 
Jaskier clasped his chest. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!” He shouted, affronted. “You rogue! You snot nosed, uhhhh,” his brain was foggy, so his voice trailed off, not able to come up with any better insult than uhhhh.
“I apologize sir!” the messenger pleaded, “but I’ve been tracking you for ages. You’re a tough man to catch.”
Jaskier swore under his breath. He thought he’d lost the little bugger. What happened to standards? What happened to work ethic? The messengers were rapidly gaining both, and it troubled him. You could barely escape a legal summons anymore, nor messages from your dearest friends.
“I have another message from Lady Yennefer of Vengerberg and Sir Geralt of Rivia.” He held out a cream colored square of paper. It was a lush envelope this time, affixed with a black and white seal.
Geralt and Yen had designed their own seal to affix to the envelopes and parchments that they sent as a couple. 
It was so very...
Jaskier eyed his lute, instead of the messenger boy. He just needed a word that rhymed with cloying.
The boy waved the envelope impatiently in front of his nose. The slight scent of lilac and gooseberries wafted towards him. Scent was a funny thing. A funny and powerful thing. This particular scent brought very specific memories roaring back to life. It brought back Kaer Morhen, in the wreckage of Voleth Meir, when his arms cradled the petite frame of one raven haired sorceress as she quietly pretended not to cry.
Suddenly, Jaskier felt like a complete ass.
He swiped the envelope, and sent the boy away with free advice to never ever fall in love. He sat back hard against the rock and opened the envelope, reading it against the dying of the light.
It was raining.
Yennefer had not planned for rain.
She straightened the silverware again and smoothed out the napkin. Damnit. She was turning into Tissaia.
“Why is he avoiding us?” she demanded. “We’ve sent him ten invitations by now. He’s gotten at least one, there’s no way he hasn’t.”
Yennefer couldn’t bring herself to speak her real fear aloud. Does he not want us? No. Of course he wants Geralt. Is it me? Does he not want me? A warm hand covered her own. She raised her eyes. 
“He’ll be here,” Geralt assured her.
They sat together, on either side of a table for four. There was one more place setting immaculately staged in front of the empty chair. Geralt and Yen sat in silence, listening to the rain tap on the roof.
“It is so rude not of him not to answer. He should at least say yes or no.”
“He’s an ass,” hummed Geralt. “But he’ll be here.”
Yennefer nodded. He would be here. He would. He would come and she would show him the house that they bought and decorated with care and love, and she would feed him the food that she and Geralt had made with their own hands. She would tell him about the town, how lovely and vibrant it was and how well he would fit in. And when he had seen everything this particular life had to offer him, they would make him a proposition. They would extend him an invitation.
“And what if he does come?” Yennefer blurted out. “What if he does come, and when we make our offer, he thinks we’re some kind of degenerates? What if he laughs, what if he--”
Geralt snorted. “Jaskier?” He laughed. “He’s the worst degenerate I have ever met.”
Yennefer swatted his arm softly. “Well, we aren’t. Not really.”
Geralt leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek. “You’re nervous. Don’t be nervous. And don’t read his thoughts when he gets here. He hates that. If the answer is no, then it’s no.”
Yennefer leaned into his kiss and sighed. The fireplace crackled. The wind ripped through the branches of the olive tree by the window, and it sent leaves flicking against the window. She turned and pressed her lips softly into his. Her eyes closed and she inhaled his warmth, his scent. 
Her dear witcher. Her Geralt. Finally they were getting the chance to rest together. To build a life. She let out a trembling breath as she pulled away and opened her eyes. She gazed at him fondly.
“This is all your fault, Geralt. I blame you entirely.” 
Geralt grimaced and gave her The Look.
“It is,” she insisted. “If you hadn’t brought that beastly little man into my life, if you hadn’t introduced us, if you hadn’t made him marginally more tolerable by your association with him, I would never have taken him more seriously than I ever should have.”
“Yen.” Geralt leaned towards her, looking patient and understanding. 
“He’s a bastard and I don’t even care,” she protested. “And what is more, I never should have.”
“Yen,” Geralt said again, like he was comforting a cranky child. 
It made her feel like a cranky child and her voice grew louder. “And I don’t! I don’t care! I haven’t. And what’s more, I don’t even care if he comes tonight. If he knocked right now, I don’t know if I’d even answer it, I’d leave him outside to drown, and catch cold, and it would serve him right--”
Her tirade was suddenly muffled by the sound of a bang on the door.
Yennefer and Geralt leapt to their feet, rattling the dishes. They stood, facing each other in the candlelight, the moment hanging in the air. Geralt smiled in that way that said I told you so. Yennefer grinned back at him.
The sorceress tore open the door.
There he was, ragged and sopping wet, dripping water onto her landing. The sight of his face after so long was overwhelming. 
“Hello?” he said, though he said it like a question. “You summoned a bard?” He laughed weakly.
“Well it’s about time. Come in,” Yen said. “You look like a wet alley cat, and you smell like it too.”
Jaskier stepped inside, water dripping onto the rug. He looked at her, and his eyes seemed to have gotten even more blue, if that were possible. They stared at one another for a tense moment. This was normally the moment in which he would either compliment or insult her lavishly. 
But he didn’t. He smiled tentatively and he seemed, well, Yennefer wasn’t sure how he seemed. Apprehensive? Nervous? She began to reach out with her mind out of habit. Geralt preferred for her to read his mind rather than to be forced to speak his, so she’d gotten into the habit.
But she felt Geralt’s urgent hand on the small of her back and she yanked her mind back like she had touched a hot stove. 
Jaskier opened his arms, and with a voice that sounded cheerful and forced, said “Well. Don’t just stand there, rejoice! The famous bard Jaskier graces your humble home.”
“Yes, and you look ridiculous.” Yennefer touched the sad soaking feather drooping from his hat. “I think it’s dead, bard.” She tugged on the top of his boots. “And what the fuck are you doing wearing these in this downpour? Are they rainwater collection devices?”
Jaskier yanked her into an embrace. It was cold and wet and jarring. It also made her heart leap with joy and her eyes prickle with tears. Geralt wrapped his arms around the two of them, and didn’t let them go until he heard Jaskier’s teeth begin to chatter.
Sometimes, when Geralt found himself in awkward social situations, he pretended that he was on a hunt. He would gather data with his senses instead of worrying about what he would say next.
This was one of those moments. Instead of letting the uncertain tension in the room seep into him, he looked around and gathered data. 
Geralt sat in his own dining room, at a teak table he had made with his own hands. The table settings had been done by a servant girl called Fiona who came over for a few hours on odd days. She had folded the napkins into birds. They were lined up like little soldiers, ready to absorb the detritus of dinner.
Yen sat to his right. She had on one of those soft gowns that she often wore around the house.  It was a crushed velvet green that made her look like she glowed from within. Whenever she wore it, he had to be careful how he touched her if he wanted to get anything productive done that day. The fabric was warm and flimsy and it drove him insane the way it slid under his fingers. It was a vulnerable, gossamer barrier between his desire and her bare body that felt like it could be removed with just one tug. Whenever she wore it, it was all he could do to keep the wolf in check and his hands to himself.
“I can’t believe you like these old things,” she would sniff. 
But she knew. She loved to provoke him, then trap him between her thighs. He loved that too.
He inhaled, and she smelled as she always did. The scent of lilac and gooseberries had grown to become the scent of home, calming him on contact. Beneath that scent was her beauty potions. She had spent twice as long on her face and hair that morning, though he’d known better than to call attention to it. It was her armor. Her arsenal. It was all in preparation for this; this battle with her fear of being rejected.
That was another thing he wasn’t allowed to speak, but he knew it to be true. Geralt always assumed rejection was imminent, so he was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t receive it. But Yen had more pride than he did. In some ways, she was more vulnerable, though if he said that aloud he’d lose his nuts. He understood though. He looked at her softly, as she faced off with his oldest, dearest friend, her fingers clenching her knees under the table.
Geralt had been trying to avoid really looking at Jaskier, but now he did. He had to gather data, after all.
His gaze settled on Jaskier, and he tried to empty his mind.
The bard had been soaked to the bone, so Yen had offered him a fresh change of dry clothes. It was perfectly logical. But now Jaskier sat directly across from Geralt, wearing the witcher’s clothes. 
The fireplace was directly behind the bard, which was a problem. Geralt’s tunic hung half off one of his shoulders, so the loose fabric was made transparent by the back lighting. The shape of Jaskier’s strong shoulders and the thick pelt he called chest hair was entirely too visible for the witcher’s comfort. The light from behind made his half wet hair look like a bedraggled halo, which, unfortunately, Geralt also found very charming. But most distracting of all was the scent. Jaskier had dried himself, but the subtle scent of fresh rain clung to his skin, mixing with the scent of Geralt. 
It provoked a territorial instinct in the witcher that he was trying to tamp down on. This was a delicate situation, and he didn’t need to add flame to the fire. But it was no use. When he looked at Jaskier in his clothes, a voice within him growled.
Mine. Fucking Mine.
Back in the day, Geralt had never gotten enough of Jaskier to sate him. They’d kissed and groped in the cover of darkness, but things had been so chaotic then. 
Everything then had been about Ciri. About survival. They were on the run from every power hungry bastard on the continent. There had been nothing left for what he wanted. When the dust cleared, he and Yen had made their way back to each other first. They were both focused on Ciri, after all. They had built their bridges. But he hadn’t meant to leave Jaskier behind.
Geralt looked at his friend now, and all he could think about was all the things he had never gotten to do. He’d kissed him. But had he kissed him properly? Tenderly? Like he meant it? Had he even paid attention? And what about all the places on Jaskier’s body that he had yet to touch or see in the beauty of daylight? 
“Don’t you think, Geralt?” Yen asked, voice sounding tense.
Geralt startled. “What, dear?” 
Shit. What had he missed? 
Yen smiled, tight lipped. “Don’t you think this is a lovely area, Geralt? A great place to live? Doesn’t it have a thriving artistic community with plenty of bards and craftsmen and artists around?”
Geralt smiled too. “Yes. Yes. Definitely.” He wanted Jaskier to want to live here, and it seemed like just the thing to say. “Lots of bards.”
But Jaskier looked pained. “Other bards, you say?”
“No.” Geralt blurted out. “No. None. No other bards anywhere.”
Yennefer sighed. There was an awkward pause and he could see the gears turning. She was changing tactics. “How about a tour of the house?”
Again, Jaskier smiled but looked pained. Geralt felt like they were torturing the man, but he wasn’t sure how. He understood Yen’s impulse towards mind reading sometimes. “Yes,” Geralt answered. “A tour.”
“No! No thank you!” Jaskier said, a little too loudly. “I can see it from here!”
Yen and Geralt had already pushed away their plates and begun to stand. They plopped back down again. 
Jaskier coughed and fiddled with his napkin. The little bird had long since unfolded into a shapeless mass, yet his napkin was still clean. Geralt looked at his plate. He and Yen had eaten their entire meals, but Jaskier hadn’t taken a bite.
“What’s the matter?” Geralt leaned forward and instinctively put his hand on the table, reaching towards his friend. Jaskier glanced at it and his face fell.
“I saw the room. When I was changing.”
“Your room?” asked Yen, her voice tight. “You don’t like it.”
Jaskier looked down at his napkin again, as he pinched and twisted it. “I do, it’s lovely. I saw that you put a lithograph up for each of my favorite bawdy houses in each of my favorite cities.” He smiled, and his eyes looked like they were growing wet. “And you put dried buttercups and music sheets.” He finally looked up at them. “It is so thoughtful and kind. You are the best friends anyone could hope to have.”
Yen leaned forward now too. She held Jaskier’s hand until his fingers stopped fluttering. Their eyes met. “Then what is wrong?”
Jaskier looked at Geralt and then back at Yen. “I wish the two of you weren’t so fucking kind. Because that means I must be honest with you.”
“Honest?” Geralt asked. “About what?”
Jaskier slipped his hand free of Yen and sat back in his chair. She returned her hands to her lap, so Geralt reached under the table and laced his fingers together with hers. They were clammy and nervous.
Jaskier looked at the ceiling. “I’m a selfish cunt.” He looked back at them, more confident now. “Alright?”
“Yes,” Yen agreed. “We know that.”
Jaskier continued as though she hadn’t said anything. “I am not worthy of your friendship. Because,” He drew in a slow breath, then released it, “I want more.”
“More?” asked Geralt.
Jaskier swallowed. “Geralt, I have all of these feelings. I tried to deny them. I tried to change them. I don’t want to feel this way.” He was speaking so fast now, Geralt was having trouble keeping up. “But I do. So I am not going to be able to come and stay here just yet, in this beautiful room, not until I can calm this beast in my heart, and can accept the love of your friendship without wanting more. It’s why I avoided your invitations. Instead of answering honestly, I avoided you, and now I must decline your hospitality for the foreseeable future. Because,” he tapped the table a few times, “I am a selfish cunt.”
There was a moment of silence between them, though the fire crackled away noisily.
Yen cleared her throat. “You want more? From who? Which one of us are you talking about? Me, or Geralt?”
Jaskier’s shoulders drooped. “Yes,” he said. “Yes.”
There was a longer moment of silence. It was a delicate, brittle silence, as they all sat, trying to grasp for their next words. Geralt finally broke the silence.
“Why don’t we take that tour of the house.” He slipped his hands around Yen’s waist. “Let’s show him the bedroom.”
Jaskier squeaked a protest. “Geralt, you weren’t listening, please don’t do this to me--”
But Yennefer was up in a flash, tugging him by the hand. 
Jaskier allowed himself to be pulled along because he didn’t want to fight with Yen. But when he stepped into the bedroom, his heart sank, exactly as he was expecting it to.
It was a lovely room. It reflected the elegance and taste of Yen, but it was unfussy in a way that felt like Geralt. The bed was large enough to accommodate a small army. They must have had it made special so they could be as acrobatic as Yen wanted to be.
Jaskier swallowed down the lump in his throat. They could both be so kind, and yet so cruel. He’d said he didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to see where they carried on without him.
Yen was still holding his hand. He focused on her, and immediately regretted it. He felt vulnerable. His eyes were prickling, his throat constricting. And despite his emotional turmoil, he still felt that old attraction to her.
How could he not?
Look at her.
Those incomparable, violet, doe eyes. The softness of her hands. The shameless grace of her low swooping neckline which, from his higher perspective, revealed most of her lovely breasts. They’d been in his mouth once, on his lips.
He cleared his throat and corrected his wandering gaze. “Yes?”
She stepped close. Too close. He became aware of his quickening pulse. He glanced nervously at Geralt. Geralt sat on the bed, leaning back on his hands. He didn’t seem concerned that the love of his life was a bit too close to his best friend.
Yen cradled his face, forcing him to look at her once more.
“Yes?” he repeated doubtfully, his voice cracking like an adolescent.
Yen pushed up onto her toes and gently tugged him down, just as she pressed her lips to his. They were pliant and petal soft, and before he could think, he moaned and clasped her slight waist, clenching her tight.
Yen, lovely Yen, pressed into his lips with her tongue. There was no mistaking this kiss for anything friendly.
Panic came roaring back, and Jaskier dropped her waist and stumbled backwards, covering his mouth. He was too ashamed to look at Geralt. “Geralt,” he croaked. “No. I mean. I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
His back hit the wall. Yen was looking at him like she did sometimes. Like she thought he was a fool, but she was resigned to it. She shook her head as though regretting all of her life choices. “Geralt?” she asked.
Geralt stood up from the bed, almost lazily. He stretched, giving Jaskier a moment to admire him too. He wore a tunic much like the one Jaskier had on. When he stretched, he revealed a sliver of belly. He’d been eating better, and he looked thicker than Jaskier remembered. He looked absolutely divine.
While Jaskier was busy admiring him, the witcher took three long steps towards him. The witcher was so large and broad, but he moved so gracefully that it made Jaskier’s head spin. 
Jaskier tensed. He wasn’t sure why. What would Geralt do to him? He lifted his arms in defeat.
But Geralt was not angry. He did not push him, or anything else Jaskier feared. Instead, the witcher looped his arms around Jaskier’s waist and spun him.
Jaskier felt the room spin and his body drop. Geralt was dipping him. 
He managed to relax and let himself be thrown backwards into Geralt’s arms. Then Geralt leaned down and their foreheads touched, their lips were so close together. 
Jaskier smiled tentatively and touched Geralt’s cheek.
Then, Geralt kissed him, fiery and passionate. It was just like some romance novel. Jaskier let himself go. He sunk into Geralt’s arms and pressed into his kiss. Some part of Jaskier’s mind was vaguely aware that Yen was watching them. 
When Geralt returned him to his feet, Jaskier was dizzy. He was giggling like a schoolgirl, and he was dizzy.
“Do you understand now, bard?” teased Geralt.
Jaskier touched his own lips and looked from Geralt to Yen. “Oh.”
It was all he could say. He was a poet, damnit. A poet.
Yen giggled too. She did that so rarely. It was a fucking gorgeous sound. A girlish, carefree sound that she so rarely made. “Moron,” she said, as she threw herself into his arms. 
Jaskier nodded, in a daze, stroking the small of her back and pressing a kiss to her hair. “I think I get it,” he said, his voice rough.
“There are three pillows on the bed, Jaskier,” said Geralt. He pointed at the bed. And yes, it was true. “There are three hooks by the door,” Geralt continued, “for robes and things--” his voice trailed off.
“We made you a room,” said Yen, voice muffled by being pressed into Jaskier’s chest, “just so you could have your own space if you want it. But we want you to live in this one, with us.”
Geralt draped his arms around them, encircling both of them. “You only need to use your room when you want privacy or need a break.” He kissed the top of Yen’s head. Then he kissed Jaskier’s temple.
Jaskier was never speechless. He always had something to say. But he could not quite believe that life would give him this blessing. After everything they had been through. After the pain, and torture, after the imprisonment, the loss.
He was really going to get to have this.
“Well,” Yen asked. “What do you say, bard? Cat got your tongue?”
Jaskier let his head drop onto Geralt’s impossibly round, impossibly solid shoulder.  ‘I accept,” he said. “I accept.”
Jaskier had, of course, had sex with multiple people at once. When he could afford to, or he was on someone else’s dime, he paid for multiple people to attend to him at the brothels. There were also those nights when he had several fans who wanted him after a performance, and weren’t averse to sharing. He loved the attention, that was no secret.
But this.
This was something new.
He had never made love to two people at once, not people that he would lay down his life for. And while he was aware that some people had more than two individuals in their relationships, he supposed it hadn’t occurred to him that Yen and Geralt might be like that, and for him of all people.
He was nervous at first. But when he saw that touching Geralt made Yen smile, and that touching Yen made Geralt’s eyes darken with lust, he relaxed. 
When Geralt and Yen asked him what he wanted, he was in such shock that he fell back into old habits. He grasped Yen’s thighs and ate her out like she was his last meal, though he had never done that with Geralt fucking him from behind. It was unspeakably sexy. It also made him feel important that two people like Geralt and Yen wanted him like that.
They learned how to move together, they touched one another, kissed one another, and rolled around together on the bed big enough for an army.
When they lay in the afterglow, Jaskier asked if he’d died and gone to heaven. It was truly difficult to fathom that he could have both. Choosing anything was the bane of his existence and it seemed too good to be true that it would not be required of him.
Geralt assured him that when Yen began to use his legs to warm her feet, he would change his tune.
“That’s the main reason you’re here, bard,” Geralt had said. “I was tired of being the foot warmer.”
That night, Jaskier fell asleep with a contented sigh on his lips. 
He was with Yen. He was with Geralt. He was home. Home at the house on the sea.
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The Love We Choose
Geraskier ModernAU
a big THANK YOU @cherrychapsticksteve for helping me out figuring some stuff out
Summary: Geralt is a Firefighter, but more important he is a single Dad to 4 y/o Ciri. Regularly they go to a cute little Coffeeshop where Jaskier works. And little Ciri is on a mission to help her Dad to find somebody to love.
Chapter - 1 -
Geralt is waiting outside the Kindergarten to pick up his daughter, there are a few other parents who are talking. But Geralt only knows one of them really so he just waits in silence. He has been alone with Ciri for a few months now, but it's still a weird feeling to come home and see Yennefer's desk empty. 
They have loved each other, they really did but he is bound to his hometown and she needed to be flexible and be able to go on Business trips all the time. Geralt believed that after Ciris' birth things would be different, and things were different for a year at best. But then everything went back to the same old routine. Yennefer was in New York or London or Berlin and Geralt sat at home, the only thing that was truly different, Geralt wasn't alone, no there was Ciri, his daughter, his whole world that he needed to protect. 
When Ciri was old enough to go to the Kindergarten Yennefer and Geralt figured out that they needed to go separate ways. Yennefer loves her Job to much, she really was the unpaid intern that made it to the top of this really big Marketing firm. And she isn't a family person, she tried to be one for Ciri, but she was afraid that she will regret that and will blame Ciri for it in the future, and her daughter didn't deserve this. 
So now when Yennefer is in town, the three spend time together as a little family. It wasn't the family Geralt hoped for, but it's real. And some parents might not believe it but they are all really good with this. In the time they spend with Ciri they are really happy, and the phone calls Ciri has with her mother weekly are really good for their relationship. 
Geralt came to the conclusion that having a family that is really happy and working is much better than to force a family together to fit the image everyone has. 
Roach is pulling on the leash, Ciri has to be in sight. This Dog really loved this Child, and she would do anything to protect her. She once growled at a pigeon because it scared Ciri.
"Daddy, Daddy did you know that hedgehogs eat slugs?" 
"No ,I didn't know that, where did you learn this from?" Geralt picked the little backpack up and took Ciris tiny hand. 
"Miss McHall read a book about hedgehogs and there was a list of what they eat. And then in the garden Benni searched for a slug to try it himself, but he didn't find one." 
"Hmm" Geralt didn't know how to reply to that. 
"Daaaad is today a hot chocolate day?"
"sadly not sweetheart, I forgot my wallet at work but tomorrow is a hot chocolate day I promise" 
"Oh Daddy, you really forget everything when I don't remind you" Ciri shakes her head a bit "But this time I wanna try the strawberry pie for real this time"
"I think Benni wanted to impress the girls," Ciri said at the dinner table "with the slug". What a strange topic at dinner. Geralt frowns in surprise.
"He always does those stupid things and then he runs up to the other girls and shows what he did. When Dara and I were spies we saw that." 
Geralt carefully listens to his daughter. 
"I mean finding a slug isn't impressive, and eating one is kinda mean because what will the hedgehog eat ? What you do is impressive Dad, you save people and teach other people how to save people." 
"Thank you darling" Being a Father and a Firefighter isn't always the best mix but everytime Ciri says things like that it makes Geralt so proud.
"Uhm Dad, did you see that woman again, the one you went on a pizza date with?"
"Hmm no, she called me this morning and told me that I am nice but she has some family trouble and needs to focus on her family." 
"Oh okay"
Yeah Geralt had a few dates every now and then. Yeah Ciri is his whole world, but he still is a Human and he misses the Romance in his life. The truth is Geralt hasn't the best dating game. He doesn't know what to talk about, when he doesn't talk about Ciri or his work or his Dog. He doesn't mention his daughter on the first dates, and when they actually reach a second or third date and Geralt tells them he is a single dad, most people refuse to see him again, it's just a big commitment for them. But also some of them just saw the big strong firefighter with all the muscles and not the man behind them and that's when Geralt says this isn't working out. 
Ciri lays awake in bed, she could hear the TV from the living room. For sure her dad is lonely, but all this adult stuff is so confusing. In Kindergarten everything is easier, like you ask someone if you wanna be friends, then they ask you what you like to play and what's your favorite animal and then you are friends. And one day you draw a picture just for them and you are best friends. But adults don't work like that.
"My Dad needs my help to find someone to watch those silly romantic movies." Ciri whispers to herself. And she already has someone in mind and she has a plan, sort of.
The next day Geralt brought Roach back home before he went to pick up Ciri, and he checked for his wallet three times. He waited as usual in front of the kindergarten. Ciri is running right up at him, in her beautiful green dress. This morning they had an argument because Ciri wanted to wear her favorite dress so badly and Geralt was afraid that she would mess it up in the Kindergarten, but as Ciri promised it's all fine and she looks like the little princess she is to Geralt. 
"Hot Chocolate Day!" Ciri is chanting as she is running to her Dad.
"Yes Sweetheart today I am fully prepared for the Coffeeshop."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
The Coffeeshop is near the Park where Ciri's favorite playground is. That's how they discovered it. Geralt pushed Ciri on the swing when a heavy rain surprised them. Geralt covered his daughter under his jacket and ran in the next building he found. The sweet little Coffeeshop at the Park. Geralt liked it because it wasn't that big and not many people fit in there and Ciri loved it because it's near her favorite playground and because they have so many beautiful cups and mugs. 
They arrived at the Coffeeshop and because they already became regulars so they got greeted nicely. At first Geralt didn’t like it that strangers knew Ciri’s name, but he got used to it and the staff here is really nice. 
A young tall man came up to their table and Ciri jumps up and ran towards him 
"Jaskier! Look that’s my favorite dress” 
“Oh hi Ciri it’s really beautiful, you look like a princess” 
Geralt watches the scene with eagle eyes, but he knows Jaskier is no harm for his little girl, he is usually their waiter when they are in the Coffeeshop.
Jaskier lets Ciri twirl around herself, so the pretty green dress starts flying. 
“My Daddy says that too.” Ciri stops spinning.
“Your Daddy says what ?” Jaskier seems to be confused with that statement.
“This morning my Daddy also said that I look like a princess. And when I am a princess my Dad must be a king right?”
“Then lead me to your king, princess Ciri.” 
Jaskier could clearly see Geralt sitting at their favorite spot at the window, but he likes to play along with Ciri’s little games. 
“Your Majesty I present to you, your daughter princess Ciri” Jaskier takes a bow in front of Geralt and Ciri tries to stay in character but could resist a little laugh.
“I have been sent directly from the kitchen to ask what the King and his daughter would like to eat and drink today.”
Geralt is a little lost for words, normally these silly games stay between Ciri and Jaskier, but now he is dragged into it like a theater play and he hasn’t learned his lines. Geralt tries his best to play along because he knows how much it means to his little girl if he does.
“May he bring us hot chocolate and strawberry pie for the princess and mint tea and cheesecake for me the King.” 
Ciri giggles again.
“I like Jaskier he always so funny and nice to us”
“Yeah that is true” 
Geralt stares out of the window, and he just enjoys the quiet coffeeshop. It wasn’t actually quiet but it wasn’t stressful like his day at the fire station. There was a fire near in the forest this morning, just because some stupid assholes had Barbeque last night and didn’t end their fire properly. 
He turns around and on the table are the ordered pies and his tea but no hot chocolate is there and Ciri is gone too. 
Panic runs through Geralt's veins, where is she?  He was just looking away for a second. But then he saw her holding on to Jaskier’s hand as they picked a cup for her hot chocolate. How could he forget that she always picks a new beautiful cup to drink her hot chocolate from. She walked back to her Dad and sat next to him on the bench.
“I picked a cup with stars and the moon on it”
Jaskier walks over to their table and places Ciris cup right next to her pie. 
“I saw there was smoke in the forest, was there a fire?”
At first Geralt is confused because he never told Jaskier that he is a Firefighter, but then he remembered that Ciri talks a lot with Jaskier if he has the time.
“Yeah there was a fire, but gladly it was near the forest not directly in there.” Jaskier looks relieved.
“Some people made a barbeque there and the remaining hot ashe lit the dry grass on fire”
Geralt could see the disbelief in Jaskier’s face, he really couldn’t hide his emotions.
“I hope you and your crew are okay”
“We are good, it was just another fire because of careless people”
He didn’t wanna say drunk people in front of Ciri, but the look on Jaskier’s face showed him that he did understand what he meant with “careless”.
“Ciri, your Dad is truly a hero, he and his crew saved the forest”
Ciri grinned and cheered “yes they are all heroes, my Dad, uncle Eskel, uncle Lambert and Vesemir” 
New customers enter the place and Jaskier has to  leave Geralt and Ciri. They eat and drink and Ciri told stories from the Kindergarten and from her best friend Dara. Even more people entered the coffeeshop as they left. They waved Goodbye to Jaskier and left the busy place. With Ciri’s tiny hand in his own he was so happy he had a daughter like her and this little coffeeshop they could call their special place. 
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astrangedoor · 3 months
5 Favourite Characters Poll (Tag Game)
i was tagged by @ocheeva & @lealdog to list my top 5 favorite characters and it was HARD
precious faces and reasons under the cut
Alistair Theirin (Dragon Age Origins)
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nobody's surprised. he's funny, he's traumatized, he's a chronic people pleaser, he has a strong sense of justice, he complains about everything, he was neglected as a child. people either love him or hate him. he dodged the main character role so hard he got demoted to comedy relief yet he didn't dodge hard enough to not possibly be crowned king. canonically hates responsibility and making decisions and you can make him king. amazing. the most character ever. also he was my trans awakening but that's not really that important
Data Soong (Star Trek The Next Generation)
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android. yearns to be accepted as human. literally autism personified. tries to learn from his human friends and sometimes succeeds. cat enthusiast. i imprinted on him as an undiagnosed kid and didn't know why. unintentionally hilarious. iconic. what's not to love. Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age Origins)
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continuing with the theme of funny, traumatized, bisexual (everyone on this list is bi this is not debatable), and neglected as a child: here's my favorite murderer from fantasy spain <3 emotionally constipated but we dont talk about that let's flirt instead. amazing character design. beautiful. flawless. insanely sexy. i'll never be over him pls bring him back in veilguard bioware i beseech Gregory House (House. M.D.)
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traumatized, autistic, addict, disabled, bitter, smart, talented and AWFUL. listen, the only reason why i'm an apologist is bc he has the saddest, wettest eyes ever (it's not i have so many more reasons). my point is that it's not my fault i don't have a choice. also he comes with a free chronically people pleasing but secretly awful boyfriend. what a deal.
Gale Dekarios (Baldur's Gate 3)
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let's ignore for a moment the fact that he looks like ali, sounds so much like ali that ali's VA had to clarify he wasn't voicing him on twitter and might as well be ali. it's what drew me in but not what made me stay. what made me stay was the autism. what made me insane was the way he's super dramatic and over the top and he doesn't even do it on purpose. bro has zero filter and his parents are a human mother and a literal winged cat. he loves to read, loves to cook, loves to eat. implore, infodump, inferiority complex. i really didn't stand a chance here.
(HONORABLE MENTIONS: the outsider (dishonored), corvo attano (dishonored), daud (dishonored), alucard (castlevania netflix), geralt of rivia (the witcher), yennefer of vengenberg (the witcher), chidi anagonye (the good place), kathryn janeway (star trek voyager), Seven of Nine (star trek voyager), Charles "Trip" Tucker III (star trek enterprise), T'pol (star trek enterprise), Sheogorath (the elder scrolls), Vivec (the elder scrolls), Sotha Sil (the elder scrolls) dorian pavus (dragon age inquisition) sera (dragon age inquisition), anders (dragon age II), merrill (dragon age II), Razum-dar (elder scrolls online), Verandis Ravenwatch (elder scrolls online), Bastian Hallix (elder scrolls online), ember (elder scrolls online))
tagging @jauffre, @ashyam-xivilai, @spellscarred, @darksteeltalons, @flamangotango
no pressure as always. only if u want <3
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
Another modern Au
Geralt was still in his youth when he first found himself at Kear Morhen, a refuge for troubled youth, under the guidance of Vessimer. His initial bitterness over feeling abandoned slowly subsided, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie with the other residents. With time, Kear Morhen began to feel like a true home.
Vessimer, acting as a father figure, provided Geralt with the support he needed, especially when, at the age of 16, Geralt and his then-girlfriend Yennefer welcomed their daughter, Ciri, into the world. Geralt feared expulsion from Kear Morhen, but Vessimer surprised him with his understanding and acceptance. Ciri's arrival warmed the hearts of everyone there, even though Geralt and Yennefer eventually went their separate ways, remaining good friends.
However, everything changed when Geralt received news that a newcomer was arriving at Kear Morhen: Julian Pankratz, better known as Jaskier. He was unlike anyone Geralt had ever encountered.
Usually, emotions ran high when new residents arrived at Kear Morhen, typically manifesting as anger or sadness. But not Jaskier. The self-proclaimed musician exuded happiness and often acted as though he were merely temporarily residing there while his boyfriend secured an apartment for them.
Initially, Geralt found Jaskier to be quite annoying. Then, one night, he overheard Jaskier singing a lullaby to soothe Ciri, who had been sick and inconsolable for days. Jaskier's song was a balm that finally calmed the toddler. Slowly, a friendship began to form between Geralt and Jaskier. Jaskier confided in Geralt about being kicked out of his home after coming out to his parents and how he had been living with his boyfriend. However, a run-in with the police had led him to Kear Morhen, where he was waiting until he reached legal age to move in with his boyfriend permanently. Geralt might even have started to develop feelings for Jaskier.
But Geralt's world was upended when he finally met Jaskier's boyfriend. A level of loathing he had never experienced before surged within him. Jaskier's boyfriend was older than him and displayed an unsettling level of control over him. Suspicion deepened when Vessimer banned Jaskier's boyfriend from visiting Kear Morhen.
One fateful night, Geralt received a panicked call from Jaskier. Something terrible happened to Jaskier and his boyfriend during an outing, and he was left alone. Now, Jaskier was isolated and terrified, seeking solace and help.
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Requests: The Witcher: Geralt of Rivia- Pained
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Pairing: Parents Figures! Geralt and Yennefer, Sister!Ciri, Fem!Daughter!Reader
Pov: 3rd pov
Warnings: Dying, Readers' death, fighting, big sister ciri, motherly love, dying in someone's arms, sadness, losses loved one, PURE ANGST.
Summary: Geralt and Yennefer go to fight in the battle leaving their two daughters behind together, but even good endings have death in them.
WC- 1.9k
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers. This was so sad, and hard to write.
The Witcher Master List // Requests Master List
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The war had began long ago but when Nilfgard invaded Cintra the whole world shifted. With Cintra only princess having run away, a Witcher having taking the law of surprise, a Sorceress having her powers completely ripped away from her, and finally a daughter who just wanted dearly to help her parents. 
Y/n was adopted and regardless of that her family still loved her deeply. Geralt tried to be a great father to Y/n, it was harder then he thought it was going to be simply for the fact that he had been alone for so long before meeting before Ciri, and Yen. Yennefer was an amazing mother, she did everything she could for our sweet Y/n. To young age to older adulthood she helped her through everything.
Ciri was the same as Geralt. Having been alone for so long she adored having someone closer to her in age. Someone who understood more of what was going on with her. The battle caused mayhem for everyone involved. They  tried desperately to keep the girls safe. Yennefer was hellbent on the girls not even being apart of the horror of a battle. She didn’t want them to see the horrofic things that happened. She didn’t want her daughter to have the scaring of heart and mind like the two of them did. 
The only compromise was that Y/n and Ciri would stay together. They would help each other with the wounded and help those who couldn’t help themselves. A great plan but every plan can fail in some sort of way. Had it been the worse idea for Yen and Geralt to have come with? No, it was a great idea it kept the girls away from the immediate horro show of war. It was the safest for Y/n and Ciri to be together and away from the merciless killings that happned on the battleground. 
Ciri helped along with Y/n with the wounded and helpless. Wounded were moved quickly and off the field if it was safe enough, and all while they did that Geralt and Yennefer fought side by side. Moving with each other through the field. Geralt sword flying and slicing through the air, as yennefer moved and killed people with her powerful powers. Puffs of purple magic flew from her hands as she killed the oncoming attckers. 
The two fought side by side, as Ciri and Y/n tried desper5atl to keep up with the incoming wounded. People walking astray as they made it to the safety of the medical nook. There were to many enimies coming out from behind the woodland. Too many things were going on, so she isn’t sure how she managed to get hurt. Y/n doesn’t feel the injury at first it isn’t until she feel the wetness of blood and sweat agasint her hand. Her eyes widden as the pain hit her mind. How had she gotten hurt? She needed to keep it under wraps. The wars wasn’t over just yet, but they weren’t that far either. 
Y/n just needed enough time to see Geralt and Yennefer, so she pushes through the pain. She needs to help Ciri, and she needs to get through this. The pain can be felt like a thousand brick laying down on her shoulders. It’s a searing feeling in the pit of her stomach, she worries that she won’t make it to the end of this to see her family. She worries about everyone else as they continue to rush in with wounds worse then hers. 
What nobody sees is how a stray bolts of strong and dark magic flies over the fight past hundreds if not thousands of warriors and strong magicals beings. It just sears through Y/n and out to wherever it lands. The wound is gushing and running thick with a red stain. It stains Y/n’s clothes but she’s so wrapped up in everyone else and helping someelse that she doesn’t even feel it until it way to late for anything to be done. 
She pushes throug the pain. She pushes so hard that the color is slowly draining from her face, and as much as Y/n wants to continue working she just can’t. The world around her is becoming dizzier and it’s harder for her to ground herself. Harder for her to make clear of what’s happening around her. It’s not until Ciri comes over, gently almost has if she doens’t want to hurt Y/n and taps her on her shoulder. 
“Y/n are you alright?” She questions her. It’s not like the color leaving Y/n’s face is not a clear indicator Ciri is just being thorough. Right? Y/n shallows hard and blinks her eyes a few times to find herself again in the world of mixed pain. Ciri thinks that it might be from the prolonged sight of blood all around Y/n, or the dead bodies. From that ones that they couldn’t save, it’s a rancid smell that the bodies are already emitting. Ciri question goes unanswered for to long, the comfortable air is quickly draining, terror is psuhing, almost forcing it’s way into the back of Ciri mind. 
Then like they’re in a good playwright or fairytale story that Yennefer used to tell them when they were much younger. The clouds disappear sunrays shining through onto the blooded but green ground. It’s almost a fucking miracle how everything just becomes peaceful all at the same time. Ciri looks back down at her sister, she asks her again. “Are you okay?” Y/n breathes for what seems like the first time. Shaking her head before deciding that it would be best if she spoke. 
“Yeah just got a little lightheaded there was all. The smell and blood.” She lies to her sister, boldface lies to her sister and she knows it will be horrible the ending is coming soon she can feel it in her bones. She can feel how fast her heart was beating compared to know. Her heart not drumming along anymore, she worries still about her family. So, she lies. 
“IT’S OVER! THE WAR IS OVER!!” The two hear men and women screaming from outside the medical tent. Ciri walks outside of the doomed tent the sun shines on her pale face, and she breathes in fresh air. Turning she turns and looks over at Y/n, “How about we get some air that’s not rotten or just about to die.” Ciri suggest, Y/n musters up a short smile before using the most of her strength to push herself off the small and worn cot. 
The sun the bright and almost make the sky look white as Y/n steps out from behind the medical tent. “Is it really over?” She questions Ciri. The two stand together and look out at the destruction, blood and gore litters the ground below. Grass that used to be green is now laced with thick red blood, and it reminds Y/n of her own wound. Her hand is still pressed into it, but it doesn’t matter not anymore at least. She had grabbed her cloak to just protect herself from her mother and father worries. There would be no need to worry the two of them with anymore. 
Ciri is the first one to see their parents. Dripping blood that isn’t there, Yennefers hair that was put into place is out in fringes here and there. Sticking to her face with clumps of dirt, and blood attached to her beautiful face as well. Their father isn’t worse for wear, but his grey hair is laced thickly with a red tinge as if he tired to wash it out, but it was probably the sweat that doing it instead. “YENNEFER, GERALT!” Ciri can’t help but scream, she without meaning to grabs Y/n’s hand and drags her behind her down the shapr curves ofthe grassy mountain. Y/n was always able to catch up, or at least keep up but now it seems as if her legs can’t manage to work. 
Theres that feeling again, like her world is really spinning. Spinning away from her. Ciri just runs with joy. Her whole family, her protectors are all right there with her. None of them are hurt, still breathing and standing in front of her. Geralt looks rougher upclose Y/n thinks as she tries desperately to push away the stricking pain in her stomach. “Oh, girl that the gods you are okay.” Yennefer can’t help but sob. As she walks towards her adoptive daughters. 
Y/n starts to feel herself sway like the breeze is pushing her back and forth. Her eys are shuttering closed, but Yeenfer is to happy that her kids are right in front of her face to realize that Y/n is falling to the ground. Y/n falls to the ground and it’s in slowmotion, her heart is slowling even slower then before. She watches as Geralts face changes ever so quickly. Worn out, tired, and in a flash theres concern writing itself over his expressions. Fear and heartbreak is pushing through his yellow eyes. 
Her cloak opens up ralveaing a growing bloody spot on her white tunic. “Yen?” Y/n hears Geralt yell out, shaking his own daze. Y/n’s body doesn’t hit the ground rather a soft and plush body. “Yen we can fix this?” It comes out like a question, not like Geralt knows it. What he does know is that he’s watched enough people die to know the look on Y/n’s face. She’s white as a ghost, and she’s slipping as the three of them stand over her. “Oh sweet baby girl,” Yennefer hushes Y/n, her hand dirty combing through a sweaty mob of hair on Y/n’s head. 
“What happened?” Geralt asks Ciri, but she unresponsive. She’s like a blanket canvas, she staring her Yennefer and Y/n. Unwilling to move ot say a damn word. So, Geralt get’s down on his knees sitting down next to Y/n. Pressing a large and firm hand into her gushing wound. “Oh, sweet Y/n. What happened?” She manages a shake of her head, looks back between the two people she calls her parents. Geralt sighs, and looks over at Yennefer for the first time. 
Yennefer isn’t holding back, but her magic can’t fix the wound on Y/n’s frame. It’s impossible since they she doens’t know what happened to Y/n. The tears that Yennefer thought had disappeared long ago show up again. They roll down her face with such sorrow. Nobody speaks. Ciri comes alive, moving quickly she braces herself at Y/n’s feet. Y/n feels whole, her family is all around her, holding her in their hands. Her life in their hands and they all share a look of knowing it. 
She takes her last strong full breath. Looks out at her people. Tears brim all of their eyes, but she smiles at them. “Mom, Dad, Ciri. I love you.” Just like that a sweet and pure life is taken from the world, nothing rips through the world like that. A spark as just died, and Geralt doesn’t know what to do now. Ciri is melting into the ground, her body is shaking as she tries to figureit all out. How it all could have happened. Yennefer is quite for to long, like her mind hadn’t processed that those were Y/n’s last words. 
The screams that leave Yennefer’s mouth is world ripping. ITslices through the air and everyone from Nilfgard to Temeria hears the sounds of the truest heartbreak. The loss of a child, the loss of a forever love. Nothing would ever be as painful as the sight of a heartbroken mother, and a dead child.
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Completed on: 03/13/23
Posted on: 03/20/23
The Hero's-
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bardcore-jaskier · 2 years
♡ My thoughts on Yennskier + headcanons ♡
(Edited post)
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- What makes this whole thing so funny and exciting to me is that Yennefer used to think that Jaskier was just some annoying sing songy twit before. While Jaskier's dramatic arse used to consider Yennefer an enemy until she saved him from Rience XD XD XD
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- I adored the everliving FUCK out of their scenes together in season 2! Their dynamic is so fucking good! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
- Yennskier, the ship we didn't know we needed, but definitely deserved! Their chemistry is so fucking perfect and their dynamic works so well!
- Personally I think that this ship is actually, currently, THE healthiest and most wholesome one of all my Jaskier ships! At least as of season 2! (Even if Geraskier remains as my OTP)
- In Oxenfurt, when Jaskier and Yennefer got to know eachother better without Geralt's presence to distract them both, ever since they saw the real, raw and vulnerable sides of eachother and became friends, I couldn't help but notice how absolutely toothrottingly perfect they are together!
- Legit, and I kid you not! I can't picture Yennefer and Jaskier having anything other than that deep kind of connection where you know that you are loved, appreciated and adored, despite all your flaws. The kind of love where you know you're not alone, that this person is your family and will always have your back no matter what.
- Yennefer, despite being one of the most powerful sorceresses on the entire continent, treats Jaskier as an equal by the time Ciri gets possessed. (Bro, like even Geralt doesn't do that! Jaskier is his friend, sure, but I've never seen Geralt treating him as an equal.)
- Yennefer and Jaskier have a mutual respect for eachother, they trust eachother, they enjoy eachother's company. All of those things are A CRUCIAL part of having a solid foundation to build a honest, sturdy, long-lasting and happy relationship upon.
- From compatibility POV, they work together a lot better than Geralt and Yennefer did. With Jaskier, there are no djinn related consent issues, there wouldn't be any communication issues and he would probably be a positive influence on Yennefer's mental health.
- Whereas her relationship with Geralt was quite frankly chaotic, explosive, sometimes even toxic. It was built upon a shaky foundation of lust, djinn magic and exchanged favors. Like c'mon, their time together as an on-and-off couple mostly consisted of having kinky unicorn sex, trauma dumping, dealing with magical, gorey and insanely dangerous situations, then talking about said situations until they have a fight! Leaving eachother every time in the end because they can't seem to make it work long-term. They're incompatible because in canon, the only thing that finally made them stick together for good, was an orphaned girl in need of protection. It's not right, kind of like parents who are postponing their divorce until their daughter grows up :/
- Jaskier on the other hand, despite his magic-less ordinary humanity has a hilariously witty, optimistic, stupidly brave, highly empathetic, loyal and supportive personality. Yennefer would have an understanding partner who loves her, cherishes her, acceptc her for who she is without judgement nor pity. A partner who would make it his life's mission to help her see the good things this world has to offer, to make her happy because she deserves it!
- Damn it all, they both have been through enough, they both deserve a break. They actually GET eachother. I can already feel a drabble forming in my brain, set a week or so after the whole Voleth Mier shebang, Jaskier is struggling with PTSD and nightmares about Rience, Yennefer is struggling with guilt and shame because she put Ciri in danger. So while Geralt is too busy with Ciri's training to be there for Jaskier and he feels too betrayed to be in Yennefer's company, neither Yen nor Jask have anyone to turn to in Kaer Morhen, except eachother. Three months confined to a witcher keep together? Now that is a LOT of time to spend with someone you can be openly vulnerable around, bond with, heal and share joy with, unexpectedly falling in love....
- Yennefer too is an extremely good match for Jaskier, it's almost uncanny how much she completes him! Jaskier would finally have an understanding and loving partner who truly saw him when others didn't bother. And Yennefer liked what she saw, the familiar face of a simple human bard who offered kindness and compassion to strangers even if it could kill him. She saw courage, honesty, forgiveness and so much good, a collection of rare qualities she had never thought could exist within one single person all at once. After Voleth Mier, all that goodness was given to her so freely, it is still being given to her everyday, so she knows a treasure when it looks her right in the eyes with such easy warmth. She would make it her life's mission to cling onto him with everything she's got, to love and cherish him the way he deserves, to protect the only person she deems worthy of holding her heart!
- They have a lot in common too. From both having a knack for fashion, both being mischievous little shits at heart and both having high standards when it comes to personal hygiene. To also having similar tastes in both alcohol, humor, luxury and entertainment.....if Yennefer's kinky orgy party and Jaskier's reputation as the biggest slut on the continent is anything to go by.
- Speaking of sex, both of them having a high libido and exceptional skills in bed aside, they're fucking GORGEOUS people! Why wouldn't they find eachother attractive?
- Yennefer is basically a Goddess, beauty personified! She is elegant and breathtaking, everyone knows it.
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- However, since a majority of the Witcher fandom usually dismisses Jaskier in favor of simping for Geralt, I can, I must and I WILL gush about how pretty Jaskier is! Cuz clearly some of them bitches be blind, Yennefer is one lucky witch!
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- Jaskier is like only 1,5 inches shorter than his grouchy snowman friend. Meaning he is tall as all hell and he definitely isn't lacking in the muscle department either, that bard is jacked yo. His voice is soothing and his vocabulary is extensive enough to make the most experienced of whores blush from pillow talk. He has VERY soft looking hair and he has one of the most angelic fucking faces I've ever seen. His eyes are the clearest shade of blue and his expressions + mannerisms are absolutely adorable! Ok, I'm done gushing, onto the next point....
- Unlike Jaskier, I don't think I have a dummy thick enough of a vocabulary to express how much dopamine Yennskier fanfics give me, more specifically when their husband and wife act from Oxenfurt becomes an inside joke for them, leaving the rest of Kaer Morhen's inhabitants confused as fuck.
- Geralt getting a bit jealous? His brothers wondering when that could have happened? Ciri feeling bamboozled as well?
- It's all shits and giggles until somebody giggles and shits. It won't take long until their inside joke is no longer a joke. They already bicker like a married couple anyway XD
- I can not help but also headcanon Jaskier as not fully human. It would be sad if he up and died on his dear immortal wife. I don't necessarily picture him having chaos or other powers in this scenario, but when I do, I think that they would discover them together on accident.
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jay-arts-t · 5 months
After all the bad and terrible things in life, after an eternal journey... Ciri tries to find herself in a peaceful life and understand what a home is...
Well, how do you like the idea of Ciri as a housewife, for example?
Of course, I mean an adult Ciri of 25 years old.
Frankly I really can’t imagine Ciri romantically involved with anyone. I know that when she was young she was a little boy crazy. But now that she’s an adult I feel like she takes more after Yennefer in the sense that she doesn’t really take romantic partners unless she can see herself with them long term/ can handle her.
If she were to be in the time period that she’s from (1200s) and given a choice I could see her sticking around Corvo Bianco and trying to take back her childhood years she lost. Aka bullying Geralt affectionately. She’ll always be a daddy’s girl in my mind. I also think she’d get a dog. A Rottweiler would suit her well.
In a more modern setting I think she would thrive more. There would be more media that she could see herself in (although having Geralt and Yennefer as adoptive parents is like the ultimate fuck you to conventional views on most things the continent had set in place for society). I think the punk and grunge era would suit her perfectly. Also! Ciri in short hair is the best! She looks really good in both, but I think short hair suits her more. Here’s some doodles!
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endiness · 1 year
If anyone is interested, here are all of the spoilers and rumors so far about Radovid and Jaskier x Radovid and just everything relating to that. And also book!Radovid.
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"Royal playboy and younger brother to King Vizimir, Radovid finds himself suddenly a man on the inside of the Redanian Intelligence. With his good looks and drunken charm, Radovid amazes with how incisive he can be in political affairs, but it’s all games until someone gets hurt."
Source: https://twitter.com/witchernetflix/status/1514605669667663872
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Source: https://twitter.com/RedanianIntel/status/1669074435586834433
Episode 1: “Shaerrawedd” Meanwhile at the Redanian court, our bard Jaskier is involved in political plots and schemes, which leads him to his fateful meeting with Prince Radovid of Redania.
Episode 2: “Unbound” Back at the Redanian court, there’s still plotting, scheming and the development of Jaskier’s romance with Prince Radovid. The bard even sings a song to the prince.
Source: https://redanianintelligence.com/2023/06/15/spoilers-the-witcher-season-3-vol-1-episode-guide/
Transcript of Radovid's audition scene with Jaskier:
Jaskier: It’s been years since I’ve seen the princess. Also, ……. If I could help… Radovid: It’s nice, but nothing like you chose. What I wouldn’t give to hear you play halfway as … on that one. Jaskier: Oh, a fan? And someone who understands true artistry? How the instrument and the artist can elevate each other. Radovid: Yes, two things of beauty, made to be together. Jaskier: Precisely! Radovid: So here’s a thought: this poor princess has enemies everywhere and truth be told our kingdom’s not a bad place. It’s cold in winter and humid in summer. The cuisine, however, spectacular. And my brother’s not bad as far as my likes are concerned. Redania may not be perfect, but it’s her least bad option. And if you came to Redania, you could be our royal troubadour. Otherwise we might have to listen to that reedy voice of Valdo Marx. Just think about it, would you? Jaskier: I would. Radovid: We should be going. [Suggestive] Unless you’d like to show me how you play your instrument.
* Note: I've changed the names to reflect the proper characters/locations.
Source: https://redanianintelligence.com/2021/12/02/the-witcher-season-3-audition-tape-suggests-more-political-intrigue-involving-jaskier/
We know that this [audition] scene or a very close version of it made it into the show and that there are more moments of flirtation and chemistry between Radovid and Jaskier later on. The two men develop a romantic relationship over the course of the season. And later, Jaskier and Radovid finally kiss.
Source: https://redanianintelligence.com/2023/05/24/yes-what-many-thought-about-the-witcher-jaskier-is-true/
“Jaskier falls in love,” Schmidt Hissrich reveals. “And it’s with a character who fans will know [and] continues showing up in the books. So what happens this season between them will have ripple effects for a very long time.”
Batey relished digging into Jaskier’s new love story. “He’s having his hot girl summer,” Batey jokes. “It’s been really rewarding to see [his love life] told in a very visual way. [We] ensured that these romances are told truthfully — and sensitively and carefully, without resorting to stereotypes… Hopefully we’ve created something that is special, a sapioromantic and sapiosexual [connection] that is as flawed as any other relationship in this show.”
One other element in Jaskier’s life may just complicate his newfound love. As he’s “falling into an uncle role” for Ciri alongside parental figures Geralt and Yennefer, Jaskier is also pulled into the political machinations of the Continent.  
“He’s certainly a man of many trades, but I’m not sure he’s inherently built to be a spy,” Batey says. “Yet he’s found himself in a time of war, in turmoil, and is trying to do his best to do something good.”
Source: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/witcher-season-3-henry-cavill-interview
Joey Batey finally verified that his poet will indeed end up in a romantic entanglement with the new character. "Showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich came to me long before we even saw some scripts and said, 'This is the direction we'd like to take Jaskier,'" Batey told SFX, calling the romance subplot "a more modern interpretation of the books." In a previous interview with Netflix's Tudum, Batey declared season 3 Jaskier's "hot girl summer," calling the romance "sapioromantic" (a term that refers to falling for someone's intellect regardless of gender) without actually citing the love interest character by name.
Speaking to SFX, Batey explained that he doesn't "think Jaskier really sees gender," but also implied that meeting Radovid throws the character for a loop from their very first encounter. "We see Radovid arriving," Batey said, and, "for the first time in a while, Jaskier can't work him out. That to him is the most intriguing prospect." He describes a moment of recognition between the pair: "You wear just as much of a mask as I do. I want to see who is going to lower their mask first."
Hissrich also spoke with the outlet, and explained that Jaskier's relationship with Radovid will be completely different than his connection with a character video game players will know, Vespula. "When we started in the writers' room this season, we had a question about Jaskier that was really fun to explore: Who is Jaskier when he is on his own, away from Geralt, Yen and Ciri?" Hissrich asked. "What that brought us to is Jaskier's first really serious relationship."
Hissrich continued: "We introduced a character from the books, Vespula — Jaskier's on-again-off-again lover, but then we used that dynamic to provide a contrast to what happens when Jaskier actually starts to have deeper feelings toward someone." That someone seems poised to be Radovid.
"My priority was ensuring it was done in a sensitive, caring way that avoided all kinds of stereotypes," he told SFX. "I was heavily involved in some of the script revisions in order to ensure a very safe, sexual, romantic connection with this person."
Source: https://www.slashfilm.com/1309204/the-witcher-joey-batey-confirms-jaskiers-romance-season-3/
Jaskier will be singing tunes here and there throughout the season. One of his sad love songs he will be singing to none other than his new love interest, Prince Radovid of Redania.
Source: https://redanianintelligence.com/2023/06/12/jaskier-song-lover-radovid-and-other-tunes-in-the-witcher-season-3/
Mentions of Radovid in the books:
Prince Radovid was a minor, Queen Hedwig had been devastated by the tragic death of her husband - the aristocracy, terrified, had become stupid, and was disunited and divided into factions.
— Baptism of Fire
“I know [Calante] had wedding plans for Ciri, to join her with young Tancred Thyssen of Kovir or perhaps to the Redanian prince, Radovid, I don’t know exactly.”
— The Tower of Swallows
'Long live His Holiness!' A few voices came from the crowd, obviously bribes. Novigrad's hierarch Cyrus Englekind Hemmelfart rose and blessed the people and the army with his outstretched hands, while irreverently covering Queen Hedwig and young Radovid with the skirts of his robe.
Nobody shouts, "Long live Radovid", thought the prince covered by the hierarch's fat ass. No one even looks at me. No one is screaming in honour of my mother. No one remembers my poor father. Even today, at a day of triumph, which he so richly deserved. After all, that's why he was murdered.
He felt a gaze on his neck. Delicate like someone he did not know - or knew, but only in his dreams. Something that was soft like a brush of a woman's warm lips. He turned his head. He discovered the dark unfathomable eyes of Philippa Eilhart fixed on him.
Wait, thought the prince, looking away. Just wait.
No one could predict or guess then that this boy of thirteen years, which at that time was a person without any relevance in a country ruled by the Regency Council and by Dijkstra, would become king. A king who, after he paid all the insults that had been given to his mother and him, would go down in history with the name Radovid the Stern.
— Lady of the Lake
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