#guess who broke her horn
olligociarts · 6 months
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I don't have enough actual finished pieces of either StarProv gijinkas of Machina or Chaosgod, so I colored this one cause it showcased them in a not shippy situation
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mads-weasley · 1 year
Joel Miller x Wife!Reader
A/N: I absolutely LOVE the Last of Us and had to write something for Joel! I do not own any of the rights to these characters except (y/n). Enjoy!
Summary: After a rough day, (y/n) shares a soft moment with her husband.
Warnings: mentions of road rage attack? total fluff central
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September 25th, 2003: 24 Hours Before Outbreak
The bright Texan sun was shining down on (Y/n) Miller as she was on her way to the grocery store with Sarah in the passenger seat. With the windows down, they blasted their favorite new hit song, Red Dirt Road by Brooks & Dunn.
"Oh, I've come to know, there's life at both ends," the (y/h/c) woman sang, pretending to hold a mic to her lips.
Sarah stuck her hand out the window, her curls flying in the wind as she finished the lyric. "Of that red dirt road."
The pair were pulled from their jam session when the car in front of them slammed on brakes, causing (y/n) to do so as well, shooting an arm out in front of Sarah.
"You okay?" She asked breathlessly, holding back a curse at the driver. "And that's why you're not gonna tailgate people when you start driving, right?"
The teen rolled her eyes with a smile and put her hand over her heart. "Scout's honor."
Playfully scoffing, (y/n) looked around the car, only to see nothing in the way. Beeping the horn quickly, she groaned. "Seriously. What's the hold up here?"
Her question was answered when the driver quickly got out of the car and angrily stalked toward the pair. (Y/n) checked around her, looking for a way to get away quickly.
"Sarah," she whispered. "Roll up your window, now."
When the man was halfway to their car when he stopped and turned around. Her heart began to beat again.
She looked at Sarah with a shaky smile. "Okay, maybe he's over it."
The young girl's eyes widened as she frantically pointed in front of them. "(Y/n)!"
Snapping her eyes forward, she cursed at the sight of the man with a baseball bat.
"Hold on," (y/n) yelled, jerking into oncoming traffic to get away. Once they passed the man, she got back in their lane, hearts pounding. Had just a simple beep set the man off?
"What just happened?" Sarah asked, still gripping the handle above her car door.
Shaking away her fear, (y/n) reached over and took her hand gently
"I don't know, but we're okay. How about we just go home. I all of a sudden don't feel like going to the store."
A silent nod was all the response she needed to head back home. After the girls' scary ordeal, she just wanted to be in the safe presence of her husband.
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At the familiar rumble of a truck engine, (y/n)'s heart jumped. She and Sarah were on the couch watching 10 Things I Hate About You when Joel opened the door.
"Girls?" He called, taking off his filthy work boots.
Sarah perked up, and yelled back, "In the living room!"
A few seconds later, he walked into the room with a tired smile, plopping down in the small space between them.
"And how are my girls doing today?" he asked, pulling them closer to him.
Sarah's eyes widened. "(Y/n) and I were on th-"
Not wanting to worry Joel, (y/n) shook her head quickly from behind him. The girl's brows furrowed slightly but caught on.
"-the way home and guess what song came on?" She asked.
"Hmm," he hummed, scrunching his face overdramatically. "Was it Red Dirt Road?"
"How did you know that!?" (Y/n) laughed, slapping his arm playfully.
"I don't know. Probably because it was the one you were humming when I first got over here, honey."
The trio broke into a fit of giggles that ended when Joel got up.
"Don't move. I'll be back in a minute."
As soon as Joel was out of the room, Sarah turned to (y/n). "Why can't we tell dad about earlier?"
"You know how worked up he gets, Sar," she sighed. "I just don't want to worry him."
"Okay. I won't tell him, but I think you should."
"I'll tell him la-"
She was cut off by Joel's voice calling from the hallway. "Who's ready for some supper?"
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After they ate supper, Sarah went off to finish homework while (y/n) cleaned up. As she was reaching for dishes to put the leftovers in, a pair of hands snaked around her waist, pulling her back into a warm embrace.
"I missed you today," Joel murmured, his face buried in her neck.
"I missed you too, babe..."
A few seconds passed and she knew she needed to tell him what happened. Turning around in his arms, (y/n) placed her hands on his chest.
"So, something happened today. I don't want you to stress out or worry, bu-"
"Well, now I'm definitely gonna," he interrupted.
"Sar' and I were on the way to the grocery store when the guy in front of us stopped out of nowhere. I couldn't go around him because there was traffic, so I hit the horn. And then he got out of the car."
(Y/n) could feel his body tense up, and she was reminded why she wanted to spare him the details of the encounter.
"We thought he was going to get back into his car, but he pulled out a baseball bat, Joel. I didn't even think, I just got us out of there as soon as I could. Sarah was my number one priority and," she faltered, her throat closing up. "-and I was so scared."
He pulled her into his chest fully, resting his chin on the top of her head. "I'm so sorry, (y/n/n). You should have called me."
Joel was shaking with anger, but contained it, knowing it would only make his wife more upset. "I know. I just didn't want to worry you."
"Worry me? Sweetheart, I am your husband, and you can tell me anything, no matter what."
(Y/n) sighed, pulling back with tears in her eyes. "I love you so much."
A single tear trickled down her face, and Joel wiped it away with his thumb as he cupped her cheek softly. "I love you, too. You and Sarah are everything to me."
Feeling his rough hands caress her face so gently, she placed hers over them. "Sarah's getting too big. I can't believe it's been almost two years since we tied the knot."
"Don't remind me," he whispered, rolling his eyes. "The sass gets worse every day."
His expression suddenly became serious. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen her this happy. Heck, I've never been this happy. You complete our family, (y/n)."
"I've never been this happy either."
She leaned in and rested her forehead against his before connecting their lips. Joel's hands on her waist pulled her closer as he deepened the kiss. At the sound of feet padding down the hallway, he pulled away with a groan.
"Don't stop on account of me," Sarah chimed with a smirk, grabbing a yogurt from the fridge." She started to turn back towards her room but stopped and pulled the couple into a tight hug.
"I am happier, dad. I love you both."
The man laughed, patting his daughter's hair affectionately. "We love you, too. Now, how long have you been listening, baby girl?"
Sarah held up her pointer finger, smiling sheepishly. "I'm gonna have to plead the fifth."
Pulling away, she glanced at the clock on the stove as she walked away. "You enjoy your last few hours as a 35-year-old, you old geezer."
Joel glanced at his wife with an amused smile. "Can you believe her?"
"I mean you are pretty old, Mr. Miller," (y/n) teased, shrugging her shoulders.
Before she could move, he threw her over his shoulder, running toward their room.
"Old, huh?"
The woman squealed, smacking playfully against his back. "Joel! Put me down!"
"No can do, Mrs. Miller."
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Biggest grump
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Summary: Your best friend’s friend is not as annoying as you believed.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: banter, language, mentions of pegging and anal play (they play a game, okay), snowed in, enemies to lovers, fluff
<;< Part 1
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“So…how does this game work?” Bucky tries to buy himself some time. He doesn’t want to answer your questions. Especially when it comes to the girls he dated lately.
“Barnes don’t act as if you never played truth or dare before,” you slap his thigh. “Because you tried to trick me, I’ll ask you first.”
“That’s not fair,” he grumbles. Bucky looks at the glasses you placed on the coffee table. Drinking is out of the question for tonight.
“I don’t care.” You lean closer and stick your tongue out. “Fight me!”
He sighs deeply. “Fine. Whatever. I didn’t want to play this stupid game in the first place.”
You giggle at his pained expression. “Truth or dare?”
“When you first met Steve, did you already know you’ll become friends?”
“He was a weak and sick boy,” Bucky smiles at the memory. “But he had guts. I first saw him when he was in trouble. Three boys tried to rough him. Steve stood his ground. A damn tough boy. I knew we will get friends right away.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet.” You swoon. “I met him when he was all grown. I wish we grew up together.”
“My turn,” Bucky grins. You swallow thickly, fearing he will ask you embarrassing questions. “What's a secret you've never told anyone?”
“A secret? Hmm…” You ponder. “Oh, I know!” Bucky leans a little closer when you grip his arm. “I stole a lace panty when I was sixteen. It was red, and my mom didn’t want to buy it for me. I wanted to impress my boyfriend.”
“You naughty girl.” He grins. “Did he like it?”
You sigh and shake your head. “He broke up with me after I told him I wanted to wait a little longer. He was clumsy and I didn’t like how he groped me.”
“His loss.”
“What?” You blink a few times.
“What?” Bucky clears his throat. “I mean, if he messed up it’s his loss.”
“I enjoyed wearing it, though. I sometimes buy underwear only for myself. I love to feel sexy.” You run your fingertips up and down his arm.
Bucky swallows thickly. “Your turn,” he breathes out. “Shoot me with your best shot, doll.”
“Hmm…Truth or dare?”
“What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?” You ask. “Tell me everything about your dirtiest secret.”
“You want the dirt, huh?” Bucky flashes you a smirk. He wrinkles his forehead. “I let a girl peg me once.”
“No!” You slap his thigh. “Really? Who was it? Was it good? Did you like it? I didn’t take you for a guy letting the girl take the lead.”
“If it’s the right girl,” he whispers lowly. His fingertips graze your cheek and instinctively lean into his touch. “I let her have control once in a while.”
“Did you like it?” You press on.
“It was…different.” He answers honestly. “Not bad or anything. But she was a little impatient and uh…it wasn’t that good.”
“I guess she didn’t do it right,” you nod to yourself. “I let a guy finger my ass while he fucked me from behind. It was hot, and I came so hard.”
“Y/N…we should talk about boundaries. No more questions about sex,” Bucky suddenly says. His pants feel a little too tight and he doesn’t want to cross a line.
“Aw, don’t be a spoilsport, Bucky,” you whine. “Your turn.”
“Truth or dare?” He asks.
“Have you ever cheated on someone?”
“No. Never. If I love someone, I do it with all my heart.” You grab one of the glasses to take a large sip. “If the love is gone break up. Don’t cheat. If he doesn’t fuck you right, talk. Don’t cheat.”
“You’re a good girl too.” His eyes drop to your lips. He whispers your name as you are engrossed in watching his long lashes flutter.
“My turn,” you stop Bucky before he can ask more. “Truth or dare.”
“What's the strangest dream you've had?”
“Dream…hmmm…” He closes his eyes and tries to recall the dreams he remembers. “I remember one dream. I had horns, and my skin was on fire.”
“You dreamed that you were the devil?” You ask.
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Steve was there too. He was wearing a suit made of cookies. And then there was this girl. She was wearing wings and looked like an angel. But she begged me to kiss her.”
You lick your lips. “Your turn.”
“Truth or dare?”
“What's your worst habit?”
“I fall in love with the wrong guy every time,” you dip your head to look him deep in the eyes.
“Do I need to break someone’s face?”
You laugh at his question. “No. I haven’t been with someone for a while. So, truth or dare.”
“Dare.” His reply surprises you. “Come on, challenge me, doll. Do you want me to jump from the rooftop or empty the bottle on ex?”
“No.” You scoot a little closer to Bucky. He watches you place your hand on his chest eyes widen when you whisper the words in his ear. “I want you to kiss me.”
“Doll…Y/N…I can’t. I…Stevie will kill me.” You smirk at his nervous state. Bucky wants nothing more than kiss you, but his best friend will flay him alive if he dares to put his hands on you.
“Bucky,” you whisper. Bucky gasps when you straddle his lap and cup his face. He tries to protest but you claim his lips, making a move before he can chicken out.
“Doll…” he mumbles against your lips. “Truth or dare?”
“Kiss me again.”
You wrap your arms around his neck to kiss him deeply. He slips his tongue inside, swiping over your tongue. “Stevie…will kill me.”
“Who do you think made sure that we end up stuck at his cabin?”
Bucky looks at you in his lap. “Stevie…”
“The one and only. Now...do you want to see my red lace panties or do you want to play another game.”
>> Part 3
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vinestaffery · 1 month
hello everyone, it's me again. here to post the lovely teal duo, Scythe! I love these two too, but I am here to ruin some of ya'll's day with this!!! enjoy :3
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"This was never the way I wanted it to go, Scythe."
It was probably one of the worst things Scythe had ever heard in a while, especially as her adoptive daughter at the time.
"I'm so sick of what you do, harvesting innocent people's horns for some... Bounty! I never grew up wanting any of this Scythe; you promised to stop."
Scythe refused to see you again after a while.
Medkit tried pushing you to greet her, but why would you trust a demon who can't even face his own fears?
Broker was next to try and convince you.
She was going on so many murder sprees that Ban Hammer lost all proper focus on him and Medkit.
She was going to get herself killed acting like this, and she knew.
She couldn't have you anymore; Scythe was so infatuated with you. You were special.
But you are gone now.
You were gone because she broke one simple promise—something she couldn't even keep to her word.
"C'mon kid, you know 'er for being like this, can't give 'er one chance?"
"I've given her plenty, Broker; I am not going to be a dog with their tail in-between their legs for her anymore."
You completely left the family after a while; the constant ringing of your phone annoyed you.
That's when you went to complete hide-away; you couldn't handle seeing them anymore.
Your family? Gone is your only hope in this god-forsaken world.
You pushed it away because of your own personal boundaries.
Vine Staff came by to support you, and Katana, who welcomed you with open arms to Thieves' Den,
It was like another family, but you couldn't let your old one go.
You refused to go to Cross Roads or even meet up with Vine Staff and Katana at Phighting! Matches because they'd be there.
Scythe had gotten so violent throughout the games that she was nearly removed after giving Slingshot a serious injury, making him unable to play.
You were re-considering going back to forgive her.
But no, you couldn't. You can't.
She was a monster; you couldn't change that out of your mind.
But God, deep down, you missed her. You missed her hugs, her hilarious humor, and her terrifying aura that scared off others in Lost Temple.
Broker and Medkit are fighting one another because Broker got caught once more, making Medkit have to rescue him.
Then Scythe encouraged the behavior even more.
You missed the chaotic household.
"Scythe, leave me alone," you spat.
"Kid, listen 'ere, I swear on my soul." Scythe tried her hardest to draw you in. You shook your head, refusing to give in to the nostalgia. Scythe's manipulative tactics wouldn't work on you this time.
"You can't change that again, Scythe! You killed an innocent girl! What if you killed me? What if you slaughtered me just the same?" Scythe's eyes widened in shock at your words, a flicker of guilt crossing her face before she quickly masked it with defiance. "I had no choice; you have to understand," she pleaded. But you remained unmoved, knowing that her justifications would never erase the blood on her hands.
"What misunderstanding!? That your stupid bastard boss told ya' so?!" Your voice grew louder, and your anger was boiling over as you confronted Scythe. The truth was clear to you now, and nothing she could say would change that.
"You were just following orders, is that it?" You spat, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, guess what? That excuse doesn't fly with me anymore." Scythe's facade crumbled as she realized the weight of her actions and the reality of her choices were sinking in.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she finally admitted, "I was wrong." The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of her guilt and your disappointment.
"You sure were wrong." The silence was enough room for her to not move—a small tremble. You could see the internal struggle written all over her face, the conflict between duty and morality tearing her apart. Finally, she whispered, "I'm sorry."
"I ain't looking for a damn apology; I'm done," hands unbuttoning the vest that Scythe had made for you. You threw the handcrafted vest off of your body. The sound of the vest hitting the ground echoed in the room, a physical representation of the shattered trust between you two. She reached out, but you stepped back, shaking your head in disbelief. The bond that once held you together now lies broken at your feet.
"Tell Medkit and Broker I am leaving; I don't want anything from you; I don't want to hear from you at all. Never again," With tears in your eyes, you turned and walked away, the weight of the betrayal heavy on your shoulders. As you left, the finality of your words hung in the air, sealing the fate of your relationship with Scythe.
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hihi!! hope you enjoy!! <3 [i hope i made you cry all]
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Summary: Tonight's prom night at Woodsboro high and the theme is masquerade ball.
Pairing: Billy Loomis x fem!reader
Warnings: ⚠️18+ smut⚠️ fingering fem!receiving, dirty talk, exhibitionism, biting, masks, foul language, dubious consent,
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You were excited for prom. Sydney was your date because you didn't want her going alone. Her and Billy had broke up just a week before the event. It was a shitty thing to do even for Billy. The theme was Masquerade ball. Your red rhinestone mask matched the dress your friends helped pick out. Tatum gasped the moment she saw the dress hanging in the shop window. She convinced you the over the shoulder red and white ombre dress would look good with your skin tone. Sydney's black and red dress matched yours to a T.
"Well look at you two!" Stu clapped as you and Sydney posed. "Babe take a picture of me and the girls." Tatum handed him the Nikon camera as she ran towards you both. "Say, "we're getting laid tonight!"" You laughed as he snapped a few photos. "I'm getting drunk, not laid." Sydney said finishing off the glass of wine she stole from Stu's fridge. "I guess that means I'll be the designated driver then." You were the only one that hadn't had a single drink yet. "Not tonight you won't." Tatum kissed her boyfriend before finishing his sentence. "Stu got a limo for us. We are about to be the hottest bitches at Woodsboro high."
Stu jumped out once the limo pulled in front of the building. "Ladies." He held out his hand helping each one of you out. "How the mask look?" He asked pointing to his face. The mask was devil themed having little horns sprouting at the top. Tatum's matched his being more feminine in nature. "I think it looks badass." He stuck his tounge out in celebration. "Y/n can you help me tie mine?" Sydney asked holding up the accessory to her face. "Yeah, hold up your hair for me." Tatum started to walk with Stu telling you she'd meet you inside. "That isn't too tight is it?" She shook her head. "No, it's fine. Are you ready?" Sydney asked picking up on your nerves.
"I am if you are. Let's go have fun." You held her hand as you walked in. The gymnasium was filled with students just standing around talking. There was no way you'd find Tatum and Stu before the night was over. "Jesus!" Sydney exclaimed as someone ran into her. "Are you okay?" You grabbed her arm pulling her upright. "I'm trying to be optimistic." She said through gritted teeth. "Let's just get something to drink and sit down for a bit."
"Sydney?" A girl said running up to you both. "It's Judy! From drama class?" Sydney squinted thinking. "Oh my gosh Judy! I could hardly tell who you were with that mask." Sydney looked over at you having no clue who Judy from drama class was. "You should come over to our table. Randy said he's been meaning to talk to you." Your friend looked at you not knowing what to say. "Go ahead I'm going to go to the bathroom. Powder my nose." You joked. Judy and Sydney went off leaving you alone at the table in the corner. It's where you knew you'd end up anyways.
"It's not as fun as the movies said it'd be." The man spoke taking a seat next to you. "No it's not- Billy!" He was enemy number one right now after what he did to Sydney. The audacity to even show up was insane. "I thought these masks were supposed to hide your identity?" His hair was slicked back leaving the mask on full display. "They are but you had to pick the one that made you look like the phantom of the opera." You scoffed playing with the fabric of your dress. "It's kinkier than the cheap little plastic ones they gave out." His hand sat on top of your thigh underneath the table.
"Billy you shouldn't be here at all let alone talking to me. What you did to Syd was cruel." He smiled like you said something funny. "Would you rather me cheat on her?" He spoke dangerously close to your ear. The music was loud forcing the proximity between the two of you. "What do you mean?" You asked becoming paranoid of someone catching you. "I mean I left her for you." You pulled back looking at him in shock. He rolled his neck popping the bones loudly. "For me? In what world would I want to get with you?" He once again scooted closer dragging a finger down your arm.
You swallowed dryly as his lips grazed the shell of your ear. "Don't play dumb now. I've seen the way you look at me." Your eyes darted to the floor knowing you were guilty. "See. I'm right." His voice was intoxicating and if this continued you weren't sure what would happen. "So? That doesn't mean I want to sleep with you." You snapped as his hand slowly dragged the fabric of your dress upwards. "That's true but I'm sure you want me to help take care of the ache between your legs. The one that's got your hips moving ever so slowly trying to get friction, am I right?" You shook your head.
"No." His hand made contact with your bare thigh making you sit up straight. "We can't." You said as your tried to push the dress back down. "Relax. No one is paying attention to us." You looked around trying to find just one pair of wandering eyes. His hand slid between your thighs causing your breath to catch in your throat. "Remind me to thank the prom committee for the tablecloths. It's a nice touch." His fingers trailed softly up and down your underwear driving you crazier than you already were. "You're a prick. Sydney should have dumped your ass." He pinched the sensitive skin on your inner thigh causing you yelp in pain. "Don't be rude." You looked around praying the music drowned you out. "It's unbecoming."
His fingers started to draw circles over your clothed clit. "You don't have to fight me Y/n, I've already won." Billy's arrogance only made you want him more. "Fuck you. You haven't won anything." He raised his eyebrows with surprise. You were always sexier when you were mad. "Oh really?" He whispered. "In that case get up and walk away." You stayed still letting his fingers continue their motion. "Not so strong after all huh?" You tried to control you breathing as he applied more pressure to your cunt. His hand made it's way back to his lap as he adjusted himself in a more comfortable position. "I want you to slide off your panties and hand them to me." You opened your mouth to protest but he spoke once more.
"No questions. Hand them to me and you'll get them back once we're done here." You looked at the masked man making sure he was serious. His eyes were sharp looking at you like a predator would his prey. Slowly not to make much noise you slid the fabric over your thighs being careful not to catch them on your heels. "Atta girl." He said as he put them in his pocket. His hand found it's way back between your thighs. His index finger ghosted over your clit making you tremble with anticipation. "You look beautiful tonight." He spoke looking at the way your chest heaved with every word he said. "Just shut up and help me."
His hand stopped moving. "That was rude. I think it'd be far more embarrassing for you if I taught you manners in front of everyone don't you think?" You weren't sure what that entailed but you didn't want to find out. "Besides I know you love when I talk you through it. I honestly think with a little more time I could probably made you cum with just my words." You squeezed your thighs around his hand silently begging for friction.
"But time is what we don't have." He whispered before pulling away leaving his hand where it was. "Where's Sydney?" Stu asked looking at you with a grin. Billy began swirling his fingers around your clit enjoying watching you squirm under pressure. "Uhm- She went off to talk to Randy." Stu nodded looking at Billy for a second. "So what are you doing over here with her?" Your hips jerked just slightly needing more pressure. "Just checking up on her. Why don't you go check up on your girlfriend?" Billy hinted and Stu looked between the both of you. "I'll see you after awhile Y/n."
The man walked away leaving you and Billy alone once more. "You did very good." He praised as his fingers slipped down towards your entrance. Slowly he pushed two fingers in making your head lull back. A moan fell upon his ears only and the fact you made those noises for him excited him even further. "I know, I know." He whispered as his fingers sped up. "Billy..." You grabbed his wrist squeezing it so hard it was sure to leave a bruise. He removed his fingers making you whine at the loss. "I want you to move your hips like just you were earlier." Billy said as his two fingers rested right over your clit. You were unsure of yourself as you started to move your hips. "That's it." You moaned as you grinded against his hand.
Your muscles tightened as a pressure within you began to build. "Billy.. I-" The words were slurred barley coming out as English. "I know baby. Keep moving those pretty hips of yours." You held his hand in place as your arousal soaked your thighs. "Are you going to cum? You've already made such a mess it'd be a waste if you didn't finish." It sounded like a threat but he had no intention of stopping your beautiful movements. You bit your lip trying to stop the noises he so desperately wanted to hear. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You cried quietly hiding your head on his shoulder. You bit down needing something to prevent you from screaming. "Shit!" Billy cursed in pain. Your legs shook and your whole body seemed to give out all at once.
Billy held you as you fought to catch your breath. "Y/n?" Sydney asked stumbling upon your frail state. "She's wasted. You shouldn't leave her alone." Billy accused his ex girlfriend of wrong doing. "You're right I shouldn't have. Creeps like you take advantage." You blinked trying to come down from your high. "I'm okay I just need some air." You tried to stand on shaky knees almost collapsing. Billy leaned down whispering once again. "Just wait a second." Sydney eyed her ex with nothing but pure hatred. "Go find Tatum I'll walk her outside." Billy said standing up carefully pulling you up with him. You fixed your dress the best you could. The wrinkles would be obvious if it wasn't so dark.
"How about you go find Tatum and I'll walk her out." Sydney argued to Billy's disappointment. "I saw her go into the bathroom I can't really get her there can I?" He seethed trying his best to keep the peace. "Y/n if he tries anything hit him in the balls." You managed a laugh finally being able to breathe. Sydney took off quickly to tell Tatum it was time to go. "This never happened." You said as he walked you to the doors. "It definitely did." He quipped as the fresh air hit your face. "These are yours I believe." He pulled out your panties displaying them for the world to see. You quickly snatched them bunching them up into your hand. "I hate you and I hate prom." You muttered more than disappointed in yourself. Billy dusted off his vest fixing the mask on his face. "You know, I'm just beginning to like it."
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Okay I got more angst prompts, not from the list this time. Consider:
After the final battle, after the hotel is rebuilt, when Lucifer finally gets the chance to go home and rest, it all hits him at once. Adam is actually dead. He didn't feel bad about it in the moment at all but now it's hitting him that Adam is dead and gone and oh no I killed one of the first people I ever loved. (Niffty wouldn't have been able to kill him if not for Lucifer, so he would have enough reason to blame himself) He's struck by grief, that love having never truly left. Charlie finds him, and comforts him.
Mayhaps her reaction finding out that her father loved Adam, their enemy? Mayhaps Luci's reaction when Adam respawns as a sinner? Up to you!
Indigo (struck with the desire to hurt my favourite characters emotionally)
*Sips coffee* Ahhh, after battle angst. Thank you for this! Please send more if you'd like :)
Lucifer hadn't had time to really let it sink in now, in his new room alone. He sat down on his bed, his chest weighed like a ton of bricks.
Adam was dead. He was dead dead as in no coming back. He still remembers the angelic blade going through the angels chest. All that blood.....
Lucifer felt his eyes pool with water. His first love was dead and he let him die. His heart clenched in his chest. Fuck. He thought he was over Adam, but guess not.
At the moment he didn't care. He was still angry that Adam would try and hurt Charlie. But he was going to let him live, Adam may have been an asshole but he was HIS asshole.
Then Charlie's little friend killed him.....
"Fucking hell." He swore as he scrubed the tears from his face. Closing his eyes, Lucifer could still see Adams face. Not the one from the battle field. The one in the garden.
Even then his eyes were bright and golden in color like honey. Soft brown hair ruffled and wild on his head, smile wide and breathtaking. Oh, how Lucifer wished he could go back to those days.
'Will we be friends forever, Luci?'
'Every day is amazing when I'm with you.'
'Luci, I think I lov-'
"FUCK!" Lucifer screamed, he gripped his hair painfully. "I'M SORRY! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE I'M SORRY!!" He sobbed. He was just destined to never save his favorite human was he? Adam was all he ever wanted and now he was gone for good.
"Dad, are you busy there's some- Dad? Are you okay?" Charlie came in and sat down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"No." Was all he said, the guilt was weighing on him.
Charlie frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I loved him so much."
Charlie blinked and looked at her dad. "Who?"
Lucifer sniffed. "Adam." Not the answer Charlie thought she'd hear. "He was my first love Charlie, I was there when he was made from the dust of the earth. I showed him how to do many things. That man on the battlefield, the one filled with hate for demons. That was my fault. When your mother came into the picture I was blinded by her beauty that I didn't see who she really was." This was not a conversation to have right now. "I broke Adams heart when I chose her. I ruined something beautiful for something extra."
"But, he was the enemy. How could you love him?" She just didn't understand.
Lucifer smiled sadly. "You didn't know him like I did. The beautiful soul I knew he always was." And he was, Adam had a soul that shined so bright it was blinding. He just had up so many walls after Eden.
"What if he's not as dead as we thought?"
"Huh?" Lucifer looked at his daughter. "What do you mean?"
Charlie bit her lip. "That's why I came up here. Adam is here. Downstairs. As a sinner."
Lucifer never ran so fast in his life. Faster than Charlie could keep up, her cries in the distance. He flew down the stairs and stopped in his tracks when he got to the lobby.
There he was. In all his glory. Adam stood with his back to Lucifer, he had long black and gold horns that curved around to the back of his head like his exterminator mask horns. He was looking at his newly formed demon hands, black up to his elbow with claws sharp like knives. His robes were now black and red, slightly tattered and still dirty. He had hooves now and likely a mouth full of sharp teeth.
He was beautiful.
He was alive.
Adam jumped at the sound of his name and turned to face the devil. "Lucifer." His voice sounded rough but the same. His golden eyes were firey with anger, Lucifer could just imagine how he felt about being a sinner.
"You're here?"
"I know, the fucking shocked too."
Even if he hated him, Lucifer could deal with that as long as Adam was alive and well. "Gonna give redemption a shot?"
"Might as well." Adam crossed his arms, an unimpressed look on his face.
"Swell! Let me give you the tour and get you settled into a room." Lucifer took Adam by the hand and led the way, all while the sinner followed him, grumpy and cursing under his breath. "You know, if you ever need protection down here. I'd be willing to provide it."
Adam scoffed. "Yeah, for my soul."
Lucifer looked back at him. "Would that really be so bad? To be completely safe, always?" His voice echoed around them. "I would never let anything happen to you, Adam."
He didn't miss the way Adam's face pinched pink at his words.
Maybe second chances do happen.
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primalsouls · 2 months
Nilotpala Lotus
tighnari x m! reader
moon, tell me if i could
send off my heart to you
theme: general, fluff
warning: a teeny tiny mention of nipple piercing, allergic reactions, 1.5k word count, little ooc Tighnari(?)
summary: Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei decided to go on a walk and patrol the Avidya Forest for a couple of hours, but before an hour can even be completed, they were met with a loud shierk.
notes: I've been thinking about tighnari a lot lately and wanted to write something that kept coming to mind, haha. im also writing pt. 3 of Inner Visions, but the motivation comes and goes every three to five business days. currently has over 350 words that fic lol. please, someone talk to me about Tighnari (╥﹏╥) i need more of him 😔 also meant to make this short under 1.5k words, but i guess i dont know my own limits. xD comments & reblogs are appreciated!
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Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno were out on a walk when they came across a loud shriek. Tighnari flinched and covered his ears right away, wincing at the loudness. Cyno and Collei looked around before another yell was heard. The trio quickly picked up their pace and headed in the direction of the sound. As they got near, the fennec fox was able to pick up more than one voice. Panic filled in them. Cyno took the lead, his polearm already in hand. Tighnari followed behind, keeping a close watch on Collei next to him.
“—should we do!? Is he gonna die!?” The high-pitched voice sounded familiar to Tighnari. Shrill and panicked. So loud, it made the dendro user flattened his long ears against his head. When the trio reached the area where the voices were heard, Cyno held a hand up to stop on their tracks, his grip on his polearm tightened to be ready to use. He was the first one to walk closer with cautious steps.
“He's gonna pass out, compadre! He's burning up!” Now there was an unfamiliar voice. The electro user peeked over the large tree that stood between them and the owners of the previous voices. A small flash of shock crossed his features and turned to look back at his two friends.
“It's the traveler and Paimon with two unfamiliar faces.” Cyno reported. When he confirmed their identities, the trio walked around the tree and up to the small group. Tighnari looked at the sight.
As Cyno mentioned, Paimon floated beside Aether, her small hands covering her face as she floated back and forth with a scared look. Aether was crouched next to an unknown face. He wore a concerned expression on his face, trying to keep a calm demeanor as he kept a hand on the back of the first stranger. Beside them was a white haired, tall man with red markings and horns sticking out on the front of his head. He also wore a panicked look. Between Aether and the other fellow was a (hair color) male who looked fatigued and had reddened skin, almost looking like he had a fever. His eyes were casted down on the ground and his breathing sounded irregular.
“Aether, what's going on?” Cyno broke the tensed air around the group. Aether and Paimon looked over and relief washed over their faces. The traveler stood up after making sure the other man was sitting comfortably against a log before he walked over to Cyno with Paimon. “Is he alright?”
“No, he's not! (Name) suddenly felt sick!” Paimon exclaimed, a pout on her small face. Aether gave a small smile before telling the floating child not to exaggerate the situation. “We were just coming from Liyue and were taking a small break. Aether and (Name) stayed in this camp of ours to make snacks while Bull-chucker Itto and I went out and gathered some wood for the fire.” Paimon explained after calming down. Cyno glanced at the two Paimon was referring to, nodding his head for the story to continue. Tighnari stepped closer to the fatigued male Paimon called (Name), but kept his distance. He only studied to see what was wrong with him, a small frown on his face.
The man certainly had reddened skins around the nape of his neck and forearms. His face was flushed like he had a fever and his eyes looked exhausted. Their (color) eyes glanced up at him. Tighnari let out an apology as he stepped back again.
“(Name) was fine with me. Paimon and Itto here came back with wood and a couple of the Nilotpala Lotus.” Aether continued, pointing down at the small pile of wood beside the log his friend rested against. The two Nilotpala Lotus he mentioned were scattered away from (Name), as if someone dropped them without a care. Tighnari turned his attention to the two lotuses with a tilt of his head, his hand taking hold of his chin as he put himself in thought. “Then out of nowhere, (Name) said he felt terrible and almost faint on us. He started to get red on his arms and said he was having a hard time breathing.”
“Paimon thought he was gonna die!” Paimon said, floating next to (Name).
“C'mon, Flying Lavender Melon, (Name) is too strong to die!” Itto said, a frown on his face. Paimon nodded in agreement, a look of determination on her own face. Aether shook his head as he let out a sigh.
“He might have an allergic reaction to the Nilotpala Lotus.” Tighnari broke their conversation. Their eyes turned on him. Paimon and Itto glanced at each other in shock. “He has shortness of breath, an itching rash, and a fever.” The forest watcher leaned a bit over (Name) as his eyes squinted. “And hives. His eyes are also watery. Have you been sneezing?” He asked, crouching next to (Name). He nodded, his lips parted slightly as he took swallow breaths. “We have to take him back to the Gandharva Ville. I could prepare him a quick relief cream for the rash and hives.” Tighnari stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. “This must be your first time in Sumeru, if I'm guessing. You never came in contact with Nilotpala Lotus before, so he must not know he was allergic to it. Who gave you the lotuses?’ The watcher tilted his head before turning his attention to Paimon and Itto, both wearing a guilty look.
“Paimon swears we didn't know! We just found the lotuses pretty and decided to give it to (Name) because he said he had never seen a Nilotpala Lotus.” Paimon explained quickly as Itto nodded along.
“Yeah, if we knew that our amigo was allergic to the flower, we wouldn't have given it to him!” The oni added in, his hands held up in defense. Tighnari sighed as he shook his head.
“Just help bring him in. When we get to the ville, you can take him to my room. C'mon, let's go.” With the help of Cyno and Itto, (Name) stood up. His legs almost gave out but Itto held him close. Aether reassured the others he would catch up with Collei, who decided to help stay behind to clean around the camp with Paimon.
The trip back to the ville wasn't too long, luckily they weren't too far off. Cyno and Itto helped (Name) lay on Tighnari's bed. The forest watcher busied himself in his corner preparing the cream. Thankfully the cryo user wasn't deadly allergic to the lotus. When the cream was ready, Tighnari knocked before he walked in. (Name) laid on his side. “I've brought the cream. Should help relieve some of the itchiness and hives, reducing the rash as well. I've also prepared medicine to help lower down your fever and a gel to apply on your chest and back so you can breathe with no trouble.” Tighnari placed the small bowls and bottle on the nightstand next to his bed. He turned to the other man who carefully sat up with a pained groan. “Here, let me help you apply them, if it's fine with you of course.”
Once given the go to, the long eared fox removed his gloves. He helped the guy remove his shirt, taken a bit back when he was met with a tattooed back of two vicious tigers in red lining. Tighnari cleared his throat and picked up the cream, scooping a bit up with a few fingers. He gently rubs the cream on the reddened part of the skin, watching (Name) let out a satisfying sigh. He could tell the (hair color) man closed his eyes and leaned into his touch. Tighnari continued to apply the cream on the nape of his neck behind. With the cream applied, he cleaned his hand with a wet rug he had brought with himself and took the other bowl, this time the gel. Like the cream, he scooped the gel and massaged it on the back of (Name). The feverish man turned when asked to let the watchleader place the gel on his chest. Once again, he was taken back, this time by the sight of scars and pierced buds. Tighnari tried not to let his stunned look linger as he finished off with the gel, cleaning his hands once more.
Clearing his throat, Tighnari stood up from the bed and looked away from (Name), placing the bowls on the nightstand. “Um, you c-can go ahead and drink a spoonful of the last medicine.” The fox-hybrid was surprised with his stuttered words. What was going on? “After that, you should rest. I'll, uh, I'll bring you dinner when it's ready.” Without a second word spared, Tighnari left his own area. (Name) blinked, thinking nothing wrong about the forest watcher's behavior. Taking his advice, he laid back down on his side and took a nice deep breath for once, smiling a little as breathing became easier to do again. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Now, it was time for the night to fall upon them all.
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
Its all coming back to me now
Roman reigns x Emeline(OC)
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"There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow"
Warnings: smut, its sad but has a happy ending, I guess it's my way of working out how I feel about WM40, errors I may have missed.
Word count: 2,374
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @mzv11 @marchm-langdon @mandeelemons @pittieprincess22 @romanreignshairdresser @weirdgirl16355 @wrestlingprincess80
A heaviness came over her seeing him laying on the mat. Her heart dropped into her stomach, tears welling in her eyes. She dropped to the floor, her legs unable to hold her up anymore "Emeline!" She knew the voice but it wasn't his! With all her strength she forced herself to stand and as fast as her legs would carry her she ran. She didn't know where she was running to but she just wanted away from here.
The sound of the pouring rain filled her ears when she opened the door to the arena, numbing her senses. She ran out and slammed the door behind her. Running into the street, she hadn't payed attention to the cars that were driving by. A loud horn signaled the unthinkable. She'd been hit!
Laying on the ground, her legs broken and pain shooting through her all she cared about, still, was him. The person yelling at her was hazey. Their voice was muffled. Then she heard the sirens and everything went black.
Romans POV
I walked up the wrap to the wiseman and just broke. We shared a long hug "your wife is waiting for you my tribal chief!" He Said. I walked back stage and Dakota came running to me "Roman we can't find Emeline!" She said.
"what?" I asked "Paul just said she was waiting for me!"
"she ran out of the arena after the match! Hunter tried to stop her but she was in her own world! Her eyes were glossed over! And we heard a car honk!"
My blood ran cold "you didnt think to go fucking look?!" I yelled before running outside. When I saw the red and blue lights I knew in my gut she was hurt! I ran as fast as I could to the ambulance. The cop stopped me before I could cross "sir you can't go past here!"
"that's my wife!" I yelled, before he moved aside and let me pass "Emeline! Baby girl!" Her eyes were shut and her face was scraped up and bruised. I looked down and saw her legs were broken. This is all my fault! "Emeline, I'm so sorry!" I kissed her forehead.
"sir she's alive but we have to get her to the hospital! She's probably gonna need emergency surgery!" The EMT said.
"what happened?" I asked.
"someone who saw the whole thing said she ran out into the street and looked like she was distraught. She hadn't payed attention to the cars and..." He stopped, seeing my reaction. I grabbed her hand and held it to my face, all I could do was cry. This was all my fault. I let her down!
"Emeline please come back to me!" I sobbed, holding her hand in mine. My world stopped. I couldn't lose her! "Sir we have to put her in the ambulance. You can ride with her." The EMT said.
I let go of her hand so they could get her in the ambulance and hopped in beside her, grabbing her hand again, tears welling in my eyes. If it kills me I was gonna beat Cody's ass!!
When we got to the hospital, I called Seth, dwayne, Paul, jimmy, and hunter and let them know what happened. Hunter gave me some half assed apology about it and I nearly tore him a new one but Emeline wouldn't want me to do that so I just said "thanks!" And hung up.
Just as they wheeled her back into surgery Paul walked up to me hugged me "how is she?" He asked.
"they just wheeled her back into surgery!" I said "her legs are broken!"
"I'm so sorry!" Paul said "Dwayne's on his way along with the twins and solo!"
The realization of what happened finally hit me and I broke down "I can't lose her Paul!"
"it's gonna be ok! She's gonna be ok!" He said.
4 hours later
When the doctor finally came out I was trying to read his expression but he was blank and my heart sank.
"how is she?" I asked.
"She's stable but both her femurs were broken. She's gonna need physical therapy and that's just the emergency part of it. We don't know if she had any head trauma and we won't know until she wakes up." He said "your wife is a fighter!"
"Can I go see her?" I asked.
"Of course!"
"Thank you! Where is she?"
"Room 406"
I ran down the hall and when I found her room, I walked in and my heart broke. She was connected to so many tubes and machines. I hadn't even noticed the nurse checking on her "you must be her husband?" She asked.
"Yes!" I said "a few others are going to be coming as well."
"We can only have 2 visitors at a time in the room. Its to keep the room clear for staff!" She said.
"I understand!" I said, forcing a half smile "I wasn't there to protect her! This is all my fault!" I broke down in tears. I felt a hand on my shoulder "it's not your fault. Accidents happen." She smiled "your wife is a very lucky woman to have a man like you and she's a fighter!"
"No, I'm the one who's lucky! She's stood beside me when no one else did! She believed in me when no one else would! Without her I wouldn't be who I am today!" I smiled.
"it's late why don't you get some sleep? The chair is a pullout." She said "I can get you a pillow and a blanket if you'd like?"
"i'll probably lay down later. My mind isn't going to shut off anytime soon! Especially not seeing her like this!" I said, grabbing Emeline's hand.
"well if you need anything just let me know!" She smiled.
"thank you!" I smiled back.
The next morning
I woke up with my head on my arm, I don't know when I fell asleep but I still had Emeline's hand and in mine. She had started to stir when I woke up and when she opened her eyes I was so happy "Emeline! Baby girl! Thank the gods your ok!" I reached to give her a kiss but she pulled away from me "who are you?" She asked.
The sting I felt in my chest was like nothing I'd felt before. I remembered the doctor said we wouldn't know if she had any head trauma until she woke up but I wasn't expecting this! I pressed the call button for the nurse.
"Hello, is everything alright?" She asked.
"Emeline's awake!" I said, my voice starting to crack "but she doesn't remember me!"
"we'll be right there!" The nurse said.
"you still haven't answered my question!" Emeline said "who are you?"
I reached for my wallet and pulled out a picture of us at our wedding "Emeline, I'm your husband!" I said, trying to keep myself from crying.
The nurse came running in the room "hey I know you want her to remembe but that's not the way to do it! It has to be gradual and she has to do it herself. I cant imagine what you feel right now but it's gonna be ok. 90% of the time the amnesia is temporary!" The nurse said trying to comfort me but it didn't work.
"I need to get some air!" I said, walking out of the room. My wife didn't remember me! The love of my life, my best friend didn't know who I was. I leaned against the wall and slumped to the ground, putting my head.in my hands. Tears fell down my face. I couldnt be without her! She was my world!
"joe?" I heard a familiar voice say.
"dwayne!" I said standing up and hugging him "she's awake but she doesn't remember me!"
I heard him sigh "it's not her fault or yours. Don't blame yourself! She'll remember you. I know it hurts but you can't rush it!"
"people keep telling me that but no one is telling me how to help her!" I yelled "my wife doesn't fucking remember me!"
Emeline's POV
I heard him shouting out in the hallway his couldnt remember him and I didn't understand why he was so angry. I felt sorry for him but I wasn't his wife. The nurse came in and gave me some pain medicine and I felt better. My brain was so scrambled I didn't even know how to start trying to figure out who he was.
"where's the tv remote?" I asked.
The nurse picked up the call light and showed me how to use it. I started flipping through the channels and couldn't find anything. Nothing interested me. I still had my phone so I decided to listen to some music. I hit the shuffle button and the sound of a piano filled My ears. It was a familiar sound but I wasn't sure why I knew it.
"I finished crying in the instant that you left!" I started to remember last night. "I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me!"
My friends started flashing in my head Naomi, iyo, Bayley!
"and if you kiss me like this!" Joe? "Joe!!" I yelled.
My body wouldn't move! I could hear his voice but I couldn't move!! Was I dead? No I can't be dead! I can hear him yelling! What's going on then? I tried to push a button, make a noise, anything but nothing! And then darkness. Empty, cold darkness!
3 days later
Emeline had started to slowly show signs of improvement. The doctors had hope that the coma was her brains way of healing itself and when she woke up she'd remember. All they could do was hope. Joe never left her side! Beside himself with grief all he could do was wait.
Holding her hand he fell asleep next to her again, hoping it was all a nightmare and he would wake up and she would be fine. A soft groan woke him "joe?" Her voice was faint but he clearly heard her say his name "baby girl?" He said rubbing her hair.
"what happened?" She asked "why am I in the hospital?"
"you were in an accident" he said, trying to figure out how to tell her "you had to have surgery because you were hit by a car! Are you in pain?" He asked.
"a little!" She said, as he reached for the call button. The nurse came in "your awake!" She smiled.
"how long was I out for?" Emeline asked.
"4 days!" The nurse said "do your remember anything?"
"I remember joe freaking out that I didn't know who he was and-"
"Emeline you've been out this whole time!" The nurse said "it's not uncommon for coma patients to dream"
"it was so real though!" She said "no matter how hard I tried to wake up I couldn't!"
"it's ok baby girl! You're ok!" He smiled at her.
"I'm gonna go get the Dr!" The nurse said, leaving them alone. He smiled widely at her "I'm so glad you're awake! I was so worried!"
"I don't remember what happened!" She said.
"it's probably best you don't right now." He said "it could make things worse!"
The Dr came in a few moments later "Emeline! Its good to see you awake!" She smiled "your gonna need therapy for your legs, I'm gonna give you some very strong pain killers. You'll be in the hospital for. Few more days as long as things go well. You need to rest as much as possible!"
"can he stay with me?" She asked.
"of course he can!" The Dr smiled, noticing their hands intertwined.
A few months later
Emeline's legs were 70% better! They hadn't been able to be intimate since she got hurt and Both of them we're going crazy with want! When she woke up in their canopy bed, he was still next to her. It was still dark but the moonlight shinning in the room made his skin glow.
His gaze at her made that heat between her legs pool. His eyes darkened with lust when he pulled the blanket back, seeing her naked body. Her curves, her perky, beautiful breasts and her eyes lusting just as much as his "I need you baby girl!" He said leaning towards her, pulling her body as close to his as possible. Kissing down her shoulder he felt goosebumps form on her skin, his thick beard tickling her as he moved to her breasts, taking each nipple in his mouth.
She laid on her back, letting him crawl over her. Reaching his hand down, running it through her folds before bringing his fingers to his lips and licking them clean "delicious!" He groaned, running the tip of his thick cock through her essence "joe please!" She groaned. Her pleas were music to his ears. He lined himself up with her entrance and slowly slid in, both of them letting out deep groans of pleasure. It'd been so long since they:d felt each other, both of them nearly busting at the sensation.
"Uhn! Fuck baby girl! I've missed how this pussy suckles my cock! Fuck!" He groaned.
He gently wrapped her legs around him, before lifting them over his shoulders "uhn! So fucking tight!"
A deep growls escaped him as he felt her pussy squeeze him even more "that's it baby! Give it to me! Let me feel you cum!" He growled. His words sending her over the edge, her walls spasming around him "oh fuck! That's my good girl! Milk my cock!" He growled throwing his head back, his own orgasm rocking his body, her walls milking him dry.
When he stilled inside her, they were both still spasming, neither one wanting to leave the other "I could stay like this all night!" She smiled.
He smiled back "I could to! I could make love to you all night long!"
"What's stopping you?" She smirked.
He smirked back "I love you baby girl!"
"I love you to!" She smiled. The rest of the night he showed her how much he's missed her, making her scream his name.
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My Helluva Theory
(AKA mixed characters in Helluva Boss)
So, my friends and I were hanging out and discussing Helluva Boss over a call. I had Google Images open and something struck me looking at Blitzø's family photo.
His mom is a succubus.
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Her horns struck me as weird. All other imps have the striped horns with the white bands indicating gender difference. I started looking up crowd shots and confirmed so. However, guess who has the thin, all black horns?
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She also, notably, has no white features as imps do. Succubi lack these white freckles and whatnot entirely. Most of all, she has their pupiled eyes.
This sent me down an insane rabbit hole of digging deeper. There are PLENTY of mixed characters throughout the show that I think have flown under the radar, and I really want to talk about them. Some might really surprise you.
Following this, I started looking into Blitzø (and Barbie by extension). This post helped point out lots of features on Blitz:
It reiterates lots of the points I just made, and adds some. Blitzø has lots of unique features that make him very un-imp-like. His feet and eyes, namely, along with a heart theme in lots of his objects. He is also canonically stated to be AMAZING in bed.
Next, my friend pointed out that Fizzaroli has the same eyes as Blitz. At first we were scared this broke the theory, but looking into it, Fizz has some of the same characteristics as Blitz that makes me think they might've been childhood friends partially because they are both half succubus.
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The pupiled eyes are our best piece of evidence since his adult form is mostly robotic, but the sharp boots on a child stick out to me still. Fizz also grows up to be a sex icon in Hell despite his shtick clearly being a clown. Fizz is probably also a half succubus.
Also, why is the circus symbol clearly a heart? Could it be because notably both succubi and imps worked there, along with their mixed children?
I had also heard talk of Striker being half something. I think his design speaks for itself: the distinct snout, the ringed eyes, his long and spiked tail. I thought he might be a loan shark at first, but this is a half-imp-half-snake.
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He is clearly different from Butch, the half imp loan shark who has the smaller imp stature and lacks the two large fangs.
Striker's attempt to connect with Blitz, another half-imp who climbed up the ladder, makes lots of sense now.
Those are those in the main cast I could pick out, but there are minor characters I wanted to pick apart. To start off, Glitz and Glam.
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These are not loan sharks. They lack key features all loan sharks appear to have. They do not have tails nor the distinct snouts. Their eyes are not ringed. However, the aquatic theme is still very apparent, and their skin is pale. I figured they are probably succubi-sharks. Their horns (which the sharks DO have) have the black pattern on the tips that some succubi have, and the shapes match. They have wings, another distinct succubus feature.
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Their song is about transactional sex, a combo of both the themes of loan sharks and succubi.
A wrench was thrown into my theory, though: Stu, the loan shark, is canonically a half succubus. Also, this background character from episode 4.
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They are very different! The pink, the heart tail, the present snout, the ringed eyes. They look nothing like the other pair.
So, Glitz and Glam are not sharks. They are part possessor, which are eel-like demons. Marcella has similar glowing spots in her hair and this background character has the same eyes as Glitz and Glam.
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I do not think Glitz and Glam are full possessors, though. Their horns are succubi horns and, as far as we know, only succubi usually have wings. Their faces are also still very flat.
The Ozzie bouncer MIGHT be a succubus mix.
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He has white features that are too pale to be scars, the x's which may or may not be clothes, the striped horns, and no irises. However, he has the wings. This could be mitigated by the fact that imps can earn a pair of wings, so he may simply be an accomplished imp.
But if Blitz and Fizz are half succubi, why does this one look so different? The answer is in the parents. Ligers and Tigons are different depending on which parent is which.
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Similar, but clearly different.
I have no idea how to end this, but it was most of what I have figured out after lots of digging. I think it's really fascinating! It makes me appreciate Vizi and the team's designs a lot.
I have a few people to thank in the comments that pointed out some problems which I've amended, such as how imps can get wings. Thank you guys!!
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Background Noise in 7 Days Before Valentine
7 Days Before Valentine is giving me The Luminous Solution vibes, and that is not a good thing, but visually? It's serving!
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The color coding already told us that our protagonist, Sunshine, is the devil (read: he sucks).
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He was filming an ad for a fragrance called Devil with a K-pop idol named Jeff (no comment), and he was playing Mephistopheles, a devil who sold his soul for power.
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When he left the studio, he exited out of a red door (hell).
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He noticed a girl falling (or even pushed her) but focused on texting instead, and ended his message with a devil emoji. 😈
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And the scene ended with the girl on the floor as he walked away.
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It started to rain as Sunshine's boyfriend, Rain, waited for him.
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When Sunshine entered the shop, all the umbrellas were black.
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But when he exited, all of the umbrellas were red and the shot was slightly tilted.
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In the shop, the owner warned him that he was being careless about love and not putting the time and effort into it, which Sunshine dismissed. The owner finally gave him a flower that was "big enough to stand the Rain."
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And the assistant emphasized that the flower, which he named "Marie" (like the mother of all good guys?), loves "Rain" before the owner told Sunshine that "Flowers get you high, but liquor makes you see the truth."
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Sunshine showed up to the restaurant in his red jacket with the devil horns on and offered Rain the flower and some of the perfume, but Rain is allergic to it. Sunshine told Rain he bought them tickets to Japan so they could celebrate in the snow. (When hell freezes over, I guess?)
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Therefore, Rain understandably broke up with Sunshine at a place called "The End of the Road"
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Rain told Sunshine that he is condescending, immature, and selfish, and left him for a college student named Air (like a breath of fresh air)
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Rain owns a cafe called Rainmaker, and all of his employees are in love with him. *cue early 2000s rap song about making it rain*
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This is that Luminous Solution vibe. If you know, you know, and if you don't, be thankful.
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Sunshine returned to the shop where the owner yelled at him about balance, and told him that two opposites can exist with compromise, like Sun and Rain. Sunshine was not pleased.
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And this sign doesn't make sense to me.
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Sunshine put on the horns again, and we got several shots like this as if the devil was approaching because of it.
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When Sunshine entered his apartment, he was the center of the universe.
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He admired himself with the horns.
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But once he took them off, he began to yell. Each time he had the horns on this episode, he was more comfortable and calm. He shouted that he would not accept his fate.
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And that's when the Grim Reaper appeared. He stated he was between good and bad, here and there, the past and the future, but he showed up in white and the cool light, called himself a Cupid Reaper, and told Sun to call him Q.
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As he moved through Sun's apartment, the lighting became warmer, and he stopped between the red lamp and the sunshine-like clock.
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The actors on the TV are the shop owner and assistant.
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And the owner did a gesture to show Sun it was real at the exact time Q told Sun it was real. Then, the TV immediately cut off.
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Sun's entire apartment is a battle between reality and an allusion, good and evil, the dark and the light, the right and the wrong choice with Q standing in the middle. He offered Sun a choice, but told Sun to really think about it, logically.
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Yet Sun chose to go out into the darkness to make his decision.
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And he chose power.
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He is Mephistopheles, the devil who sold his soul for power.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
For Santi, Ludwig, Obie, Mervin, Rei, and Katia. They come home to find their living room covered in salt, and their in the middle of it is their S/O beating the shit out of a lower ranked imp that obviously broke in, with a salt container, because they didn't have time to make a salt circle
They find you putting the fear of God in an imp
Santi is instantly disgusted by the smell of salt. And very, very concerned. As soon as he sees you pushing an imp's shit in with a salt container he's doubling over in resonant laughter. It's too good. Once he's done having a giggle though, Santi quickly swipes the imp off your grasp and crumples their neck like a plastic bottle. You're very brave!! And hot. But remember to contact him when this happens, you have Santi's ring. He's really glad you aren't hurt, but imagine if it had been a mid-ranker? Summon him. Always.
Guess who's jerking off? Ludwig. Yeah sure, the salt is kinda ruining his mood, but watching you beat the ever living shit out of someone is like top-tier pornography. If it looks like you're handling yourself well, Ludwig is likely to keep touching himself with high hopes that you'll kill the imp in front of him. If not, he's perfectly capable of getting involved and tearing the little shit to shreds, showering you in blood in the process. He's going to fuck you in that half-done circle.
Obie is a little more tolerant of the salt than the others, and while he's so so proud of you, he's no less aggravated by the severity of the situation and will quickly tell you to throw the imp at him. You're given a warning to turn around (if you want) when Obie has them in his hands, because he's absolutely going to sink his teeth through that little fucker's skull and eat them head first. When he's done goring them, he comes over to check on you and thank you for the free meal. You basically prepared it for him...
Mervin's job reflexes kick in immediately. Intruder in his living space? Throw one sai at them. His aim is good, rest assured he'll impale the imp's head, not yours. He quickly tells you to stick very close to him while he gets rid of the salt and disposes of the body, basically on auto-pilot. This is like a regular Monday for Mervin honestly. He's subtly smirking out of genuine pride for your abilities as a fighter, and will teach you to wield a demon-effective weapon of your choosing afterwards.
Rei finds the salt absolutely repulsive to be around, but he's not turning down a free fight. He'll instantly join and throw himself at the other imp, you should probably take a step back and let him go hog wild, so as to not get accidentally decked. He wipes the floor with that little shit, all the while flexing and making flirty faces at you. Any type of execution styles you like, doll? He takes a picture of you two over their corpse to upload to his socials.
Katia is taking this shit very seriously. The salt is completely ignored as she squeals at the sight. Even if you're definitely winning, in her eyes it's like the love of her life is being violently assaulted before her eyes. She bulldozes in, lifts you out of the clumsy circle and comes back to grab that imp by the horns and throw them around the room like a fucking sack of potatoes. She's speaking a foreign tongue and their face is getting disfigured by the repetitive hits. She'll sniffle her way back to you, very very concerned. The boys are summoned.
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s2 episode 1 thoughts
here we goooooo!
(i started to imagine the sound of a really long and celebratory air horn to commemorate starting s2... but then that mental sound was awful so we ended that pretty quick)
it opens with mulder providing some gentle asmr about aliens and space with a thinly disguised undercurrent of rage in his voice, nice...
he starts talking about a guy named "richard bryan" cutting an alien survey program and that is such a generic name i figured they made it up for the show. and wrote "haha wouldn't it be funny if that was a real guy. and they made this whole episode just to mess with him."
chat. you're never gonna believe this. richard bryan was real and he did in fact cut the alien program. how do you think he felt being name dropped here? neeeeed to get his side of the story
(they also talk about the voyager a bit here which is really cool i won't lie)
now, what has our duo been up to in the time away from the x files? mulder is listening to men talk about lap dances and spitting sunflower seeds... i am not surprised here... all in the name of Research...
but scully is teaching at the academy!!! oh this delighted me to no end!
she starts getting emotional over the concept of a life being contained within tissue and her student is like "you sound spooky" ha. ha. i see what they did there. mulder you're a terrible influence.
they run into each other and she is so happy to see him but he totally blows her off! i was so sad!!!!
AUGH HE HAS HIS SISTER'S PHOTO ON HIS NEW DESK. aughhh man hold on. hold on.
scully is waiting outside watergate (wild they hadn't rebranded at that point tbh) for a shadowy figure and it is mulder! a very cranky and tired looking mulder! he's like we shouldn't be meeting, what do you need me for.... omg rude??
"so what did you want?" "to see if you're alright" (sound of me being sucked into emotional quicksand rapidly)
to answer her question of "are you okay" he begins to ramble about telescopes which is very in character
he says he saw deep throat's funeral but i remain suspicious....
the x files project being shut down has destroyed the man we used to know as mulder! he says that he isn't even sure if what happened to his sister is real anymore! they killed his spirit! "seeing isn't enough... i need solid evidence. i learned that from you" HEY OUCH?????
he's on the ground filled with a deep sadness and she runs her fingers through his hair, at which point i made this note: "y'all i'm only on season 2 i can't do this. i'm gasping so aggressively my mouth is hurting" so safe to say that i will be in for a hell of a ride moving forward... keep me in ur thoughts
baby fox flashback! we see his sister's abduction, which is obviously supposed to be very heavy and traumatic but i was laughing at the skinny little alien throwing her through the window lmaooo i love you 90's cgi <3
PAUSE. we see mulder waking up in a cold sweat from reliving his worst memory. but i see something new in the background: a fish tank in his room. this is a striking development that shall not slip by unnoticed.
and then some guy bursts into his room? and takes him to "the hill" to meet with a politician, who keeps calling him fox? who says they're being listened to? and tells him he needs to go to puerto rico where they're hiding evidence?
(tbh that sequence raised a lot more questions than it answered but i did love that mulder can name the bach piece that is being played because of his college music class lol)
SKINNER MENTIONED!!!! okay i figured out who he is: he's the one with the glasses and the fancy desk and the sidekick who is ALWAYS smoking. glad to have a name to the face. like yeah he was there last season but i had other things to focus on i guess.
cutscene to mulder lounging in a truck bed in puerto rico. niiiice. climbing compilation- niiiiiiice. and busting things open? hell yeah niiiiice
gasp... scully broke into his place (which i think is an entirely new set? or at least from a different angle. but um. okay i'll try and ignore that. but can anyone confirm or deny...?)
anyway she puts her glasses on and slips into password guessing mode and succeeds... i would have thought the FBI would keep tighter passwords on their personal devices than "trustno1" but hey maybe he did that so she could strategically break in!
and some dudes bust in and ask why she's here so she's like ummm i feed the fish lol.....
(and then she refuses to endanger the fish by overfeeding them because that's the type of person she is... and if it provides cover for sneaking out something printed from his computer well that's just a bonus!)
back to puerto rico!! guy in the bathroom reveal!!! mulder cannot speak spanish (smh mulder you were supposed to be the humanities one) but the dude draws a picture of an alien so i guess that proves that art is a universal language <3
scully is taking his paper she printed to some guy to analyze idk her freckles were distracting me again. sorry. NOT! i refuse to apologize. not during june.
(but she goes through some flight records and sees his alias and realizes where he's going and follows)
again, back to puerto rico! our new friend jorge is running for his life into a storm so our patient pal mulder naturally runs after him. into the jungle. and ohhhh jorge is dead now? that was quick.
he does a DIY autopsy on jorge while speaking into the voice recorder- which he addresses as "scully", while sounding like he is going to get sick, kicking things, sweating profusely, and doubting himself. hell yeah baby this is tv! i wanna see that man in situations!
"before i could only trust myself, now i can only trust you, and they've taken you away from me... my life up until this point has been about seeing her again, but what would i do if they really came?"
(now the first part of that is WILD. they've taken you away from me. that phrasing... also, they have successfully gotten the man to doubt his entire existence. sneaky little fbi trick there, making "trust no one" include himself)
BUT the skinny legend aliens return and he is brought back to his sense quickly. he gave it a good go (shot at it a bunch of times) but weirdly the gun didn't fire... probably a good thing. imagine the complications to alien diplomacy that would create!
he wakes up on the floor to scully explaining who she is and asking if he remembers her. he bolts awake, grabs her shoulders, and says that it was the same alien that took his sister. she is already deeply concerned when he then kicks aside a dead body and says we have to analyze it and her face in this moment was delightful. it was very much giving "mulder you're scaring me" just with the eyes
she has to make him realize they can't smuggle a body back to the states OR any of the paperwork really so he just grabs an audio thing that was clearly a better choice. but i want to know how he thought they were gonna get jorge out of there. because the alien hunters were coming to kill him and speed is hard enough for alive people.
"evidence doesn't matter if you're dead!" -dr. dana scully
they crash their way through the jungle, getting shot at and generally destroying what i'm sure is a very important ecosystem but still. they made it out! sorry to the environment </3
mulder gets called into skinner's office (i know that guy's name now!!! i'm so proud) and yelled at for blowing off his case work... and cigarette sidekick is also yelling at him but skinner kicks ciggy man out... is he... an ally? he tells him to go back to work on the job mulder finished like 2 weeks ago...... okay so what i'm seeing here is a boss who is willing to let a man pursue his passions
at the very end we see our duo reunited and it appears the audio he smuggled out of puerto rico had nothing recorded on it!
she tries to encourage him and he seems to be doing better: "i may not have the x files, scully, but i still have my work... (looong pause) and i still have you... (looong pause) and i still have myself" <- okay so looks like we're getting our boy back!!! who cheered?! meee!
he returns to the recording of men discussing strippers and she grasps his hand and then leaves him to his task...
BUT! the minute she leaves, he puts the first audio file back on and it seems to be working now... so why didn't he want her to know???
what is going on!!! i thought "trust no one" would logically mean mulder not trusting himself, but to not trust scully? well, this is madness! what have they done to the man?!
i suppose i will have no choice but to stay tuned and see if his mental state improves a bit with the return of the aliens...
i was really excited to start s2 and i took a lot of notes even for me LMAO some of which i cut out because it would take me forevvvver to capture all of my thoughts in even more detail than i have here but-
as the kids say: we are sooooooo back baby!!!!
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whyiseverynametakenpls · 11 months
Left out
Genre: The tiniest bit of angst
Tw: none I think
Pairing: Kyo Kaneko x reader (platonic)
Characters: Kyo, you, Ren, Maria, some girl i named Danielle
Story: you've made some nice friends.
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"Kyo! I'm over here!" you call out cheerfully, waving to get his attention from across the airport.
Turning in response to your voice, he searches the crowd until his eyes lock onto you. A bright smile breaks across his face, and he hastens his steps to reach you.
"(Name)!!" he exclaims, his excitement palpable as he rushes over, clearly delighted to see his childhood friend once again.
With a smile mirroring his, you envelop him in a warm embrace, a rush of fond memories flooding in.
"Long time no see! How was Japan?" he inquires with genuine interest, eager to catch up.
Returning your embrace, he responds with a slight shrug, "It's been around 6 years, I guess? Since you left in 10th grade... Ah! I don’t know!"
"Six years? It felt like an eternity! It was so boring!!" you admit, a touch of nostalgia in your voice.
He teases playfully, "Naturally. After all, I'm your one and only friend."
You defend yourself, "Oh, come on! I've got a bunch of friends!"
Arching an eyebrow, he challenges you with a playful grin, "Prove it. Name two."
After a moment's thought, you respond with a playful grin, "Danielle! She’s my friend!"
He chuckles knowingly, countering, "Danielle's my friend too, so that doesn't count!"
"Hey, unfair!" you protest in mock annoyance.
With an amused roll of his eyes, he takes your hand and guides you forward, his intentions intriguing you.
"So, where are we headed?" you finally break the silence.
He responds with a surprising declaration, "Finding you some friends."
You halt abruptly, accidentally pulling him back and causing a momentary stumble for both of you.
"But I don't want new friends! I'm fine as I am," you object with a playful pout.
He simply nods, undeterred by your response, letting out a small “Uhuh”, and offers his hand to help you up before gently resuming his course.
"Kyoo!!" you playfully whine, your voice echoing through the nearly empty airport as the two of you continue on your way.
Upon arriving at the mall, he abruptly halted, scanning the surroundings as if in search of something specific.
"What are you looking for, Kyo?" you queried, your face a canvas of confusion.
"People," he replied succinctly, leaving you even more puzzled.
"What?" you pressed for clarification, only to be met with silence from the blue-haired boy.
He wandered about like a disoriented child seeking their parents, until he suddenly came to an abrupt stop. "Is something wrong?" you inquired.
"Ren!" he called out, his voice infused with excitement.
A man? An alien? The tall, horned figure turned to face Kyo and broke into a smile.
"Kyo!" he greeted warmly.
"Hey, so this is the person I mentioned. (Name)! They just got back from Japan!" Kyo introduced you.
"Nice to meet you, (Name)! I'm Ren!" Ren extended his friendly welcome.
"Yeah... Hi, Ren," you mumbled, a gnawing unease settling in your stomach.
"Oh my god! Kyo and Ren?" a melodious, feminine voice reached your ears.
You turned to see a... child? She was striking with her pink hair and eyepatch.
"Oh! Who's this?" she inquired.
"(Name), meet Maria. I was telling you both about each other. Maria, this is (Name)," Kyo performed the introductions.
"Ah, hello!" Maria greeted you with enthusiasm.
"Hello to you too," you responded politely.
"Oh! Guess what, guys? Did you see the new game that just dropped?" she bubbled with excitement.
"Wait, today? Seriously?" Kyo blurted out in astonishment.
"You told me it was coming out next week!" he added, pointing an accusatory finger at Maria.
"Are you seriously blaming me right now?" Maria retorted, her indignation evident.
"Yeah, I am!" Kyo shot back, the playful argument escalating.
Watching Kyo effortlessly connect with others hits you. Why can't you do the same? What's your purpose here? He seems perfectly fine without you... Does he truly need his old friend when he's already found new friends?
You turned your gaze away, overwhelmed by a rush of shame.
"Um... I think I'll head to the bathroom real quick," you excused yourself.
"Sure thing, just don't get lost," Kyo replied casually.
You hummed in response, swiftly turning and walking away.
As you walked, the earlier sense of shame transformed into a lingering sadness.
"Yeah... Why would he still need me? I'm just holding onto him..." you whispered to yourself, the words echoing in the hollow corners of your thoughts.
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-> I wrote this in school, so don't mind the weird and rushed ending 😇 (yes I am still in school)
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yumedoca · 1 year
Why did Lum love Ataru in the first place and how her love grew into the real thing as time went on? - An Analysis 🧐 (Long Post)
Hai there, hope you’re having a great day! Today on ‘Yuca Analyzes Silly Things (For No Reason)’,  we’ll be talking about the question that is the most asked in UY, both in universe and the fandom as well. “Why did Lum love Ataru in the first place and what made it into the real thing?” Note: All of the facts and evidence and such are taken from the manga because: a) it’s the canon source, b) the og anime changes a lot in relation to character to the point it isn’t consistent and c) the remake is an adaptation of selected chapters from the manga, as in it’s not the complete story. Also most of this analysis are just theories put together using canonical facts, as in what I say is speculation and not 100% confirmed (considering the manga ended like 3 decades ago, we’ll probably never get a confirmation).
With all of that aside, let’s begin!
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First, We’ll divide the analysis into parts to make it easier to understand and explain:
Marriage Proposal
Evading First Love
The Beginning of True Love
The Eventual Reason
Marriage Proposal Lum’s first impression of Ataru wasn’t all that big, he was a human who she was supposed to play tag with but she looked down on him because she can fly and was sure that he wouldn’t be able catch her. Cue ‘Day 8’, In an attempt to catch Lum so he could grab her horns, he accidentally groped her breast and when Lum slapped him in anger, he fell down but since he was holding onto her tightly, her bra came off (as in the bra coming off was not Ataru’s fault, it was actually Lum’s which happened due to circumstances).
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Later on she goes to visit him and tries to get it back, but since Ataru believes that things were finally going his way, refuses. This causes Lum to get mad it him and spite him, so the question is why would she accept his ‘marriage proposal’ later on? It took time to figure out an answer to this but I was finally able to put together an answer which makes sense: Revenge, as in for the trouble he put her through by refusing to give back her bra and flashing her to the neighborhood, she ruins the relationship between him and his girlfriend. Pretty bitchy behavior? yes, but it fits Lum’s character back then.
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Look at her evil little grin…
Sure, there’s also the alternative that she just gave up to him and agreed thinking he actually wanted to marry her, but it doesn’t fit Lum’s character to give up to someone who she was frustrated with a couple seconds ago, it just doesn’t make sense story wise, which is why I’ll disregard it. Moving on, since Lum isn’t there and that Ataru and Shinobu’s relationship has been mended in the next chapter, we can think that the misunderstanding was resolved sometime between chapter 1 and 2… But Lum appears once again in chapter 3 and announces that she’ll be living with Ataru (as a part of a deal obviously) and even breaks out a tantrum when he refuses, so you may ask, why did she come back to him if her revenge idea was already resolved beforehand and why is she so eager and stubborn to be with him? The answer for that is simple and it is all because of…
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Yup, him.
Evading First Love For now we’re going back to Lum’s past, back when she dated and broke up with Rei and theorize the aftermath of that. In the chapter(s, since it’s a two parter) ‘Heartbreak Crossin’’, we are shown a flashback to when Lum and Rei broke up:
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We can’t really tell how old they are since it was never stated, but considering that Lum’s drawn a bit shorter and smaller (and her outfit), we can guess that this happened a few years back. Now every time Rei appears, he is seen going after Lum (that or eating) and since it’s because he wants to get back with her we can assume this started when they broke up. This means that Rei’s been, well, stalking Lum for a couple years and she’s clearly getting tired of it. I also have to mention the fact there seems to be no high school in space since Benten just hangs and rides around on her bike and Oyuki is her planet’s ruler (Lum and Ran go to school because they’re on Earth). It seems as if Junior High is where their education ends and then they do what they want or what their supposed to do and since we see that Lum was with her dad in the first chapter invading, it is likely that after graduation she decided to become an invader with her dad, but then she retired cuz she got ‘married’. She probably made the decision to work with her dad so she doesn’t want Rei to come after her anymore, however invading planets take a couple of days (10 days) and she’ll be back on her planet again and will have to put up with Rei all over again. And during one of the invasions is when she played with Ataru and answered his proposal, and like I said earlier she went back home later on. I think, after she went home, she realized that a permanent way to end the Rei issue is to get a boyfriend, and stay on another planet so he won’t be able to bother her all the time and then she remembered Ataru and that it how she eventually lives with him now.
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The Beginning of True Love From there on, Lum stayed with Ataru so she could be free of Rei, if we believe this to be the actual reason then Rei’s introductory chapter makes a lot of sense. She kept trying to provide assistance to Ataru (except it hilariously backfires most of the time and causes him trouble instead) so he would accept her and tries to rid of Shinobu (and other woman) so she would have more chances with him. But eventually, in the chapter ‘How I’ve Waited For You’, Lum contemplates when she was faced with the question on whether she truly loves Ataru or not, and we her finally have her admit that she really does love her darling after all.
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Now, we have to note that Ataru hasn’t shown his more positive side at all, by this point. So, why this feeling of love? Two reasons: a) It’s because she enjoys being with him. Since, Ataru is very unlucky, he tends to naturally attract all sorts of weirdness towards him causing him to end up in strange situations and we all know that weird means fun and Lum is someone who actively enjoys taking part in fun, rather than just sitting around and watching (That’s what Ran does when she’s on dates with Rei, isn’t it?). And of course, b) Overtime, she’s grown to care for him. Lum has bonded with Ataru through their experiences and since she lives with him she spends a lot of time with him. ‘The more time you spend with someone,the closer you get to them’, this isn’t a theory, it’s fact and I’m pretty sure you yourself can confirm it. Of course, by the end of the chapter, Lum got a hint that Ataru has started to accept her as well. And because of various instances such as ‘Since Your Parting’, ‘Deranged Marriage’, ‘Valentine’s Disillusion’, etc. where Ataru shows his affection has caused her own affections to grow cuz ‘If you learn that someone loves you more than you think they do, Your love for them grows as well’ (another basic fact!).
The Eventual Reason So as time went on, not only has Lum begun to see that Ataru does care for her, but she’s also seen his softer and nicer sides: The side which cries because she’s gone, The side of him which keeps a diary (“It takes a sensitive guy to keep a diary!”), The side of him which fights his entire class to protect a little caterpillar, the side of him which goes on a date with a girl to cure her of a curse, etc. and the more of those sides she sees, the more she’s in love. The final page from the chapter ‘Last Date’ is enough to see that Lum really loves and admires the man beneath all those flaws…
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…More specifically, this panel of silent love:
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Conclusion In the end Lum’s reasons for loving Ataru has changed overtime: At first it was an act of spite, then it was to escape her ex, then it was because she’s bonded with him and because she enjoys his presence and finally it’s because she loves the Darling underneath the mask… It’s nice to see love grow from something so fake to something so real and the writing really helps, so big props to Takahashi- sensei. Thanks for taking time to read this analysis and I hope I was able to make things clear about Lum. I love her and she’s probably my favorite female character of all time so hopefully this post does justice to her. I also apologize if I’ve overlooked anything or made any mistakes. If you have any doubts or questions about this analysis feel free to send an ask and if you want me to do an analysis about other characters, feel free to send an ask for that as well. I have previously done an analysis on Ataru’s love for Lum and how that grew overtime, so please check it out if you haven’t. It’s a lot smaller (since it’s not as complicated as this one) and isn’t as detailed (it doesn’t use images either), but it still conveys the point otherwise. I have also done two other analysis, one on Lum’s character and other one on Ataru’s character, so check those out if you haven’t as well. And finally, likes are appreciated and reblogs are even more appreciated (seriously, please reblog this so more people can see this post, I’m usually not this kind of person, but I spent a lot of time on this so I want it to feel worth it, ok?). Hope you have a great day ahead.
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redwritr · 4 months
WIP/Last Lines Tag
delighted to be tagged by @verai-marcel, @readingcoco and @cassietrn for wip/last lines, so here are a few from the last chapter (sorry; I guess brevity has never been the soul of Redbird...)
and having been treated to their recent samples/posts, as well as a taste of @twola's upcoming work, without an ounce of pressure, tagging @shootybangbang, @reddeaddufus, @cheesewedge, and @docdalas 💗
A small dust storm rose from her hooves and his boots as he turned her, planted on one heel and pivoting slowly. He brought her in close, felt her strength resist him and relax. Dodged her as she dodged with him, around left, around right, touched her shoulder, brushed her flank with his lariat coil. They stopped, skirted, and scuffed up clouds that cleaved like powder to their sweat and eyelashes. 
Gradually she let his rope curve around and lap at her fore and hind legs, over her back, at her belly. Let him dress her with that rope, tightening the loop around her hind quarters, leading her around him in a C-shape, pulling under her near foreleg and gently drawing it up, bringing her to a skittering stop on three legs, releasing her. Calm.
Dutch ambled up after breakfast, a toothpick in his teeth, and stood next to John.
“How long’s he been at it?”
“Sunup I guess.”
“Yeah sunup,” one of the stable hands said. Four of them sat up on the top rail, elbowing each other. Cocky about the work they could do in an afternoon, breaking mustangs by means of a sturdy rope and some grit, and watching this big guy who had unbuckled not one but two irons from his hips before he went in, and who stood there gentling a buckskin filly with the bushy end of a rope like he was painting her portrait. 
The only way Boadicea could take him. Daughtering this one now. Just showin you all the ways I got you.
Dutch posted up with one boot on the rail and watched, chewing his splinter while Arthur took up his jacket again, dusted it over her back, pulled it away, showed it to her. When she reeled, he got her attention back, minding her signals. She calmed, went soft in the halter and he stopped. Stepped back.
“You intending to break that filly or dance with her, cowhand?”
“She don't wanna be broke. Eyes on me, girl.” He touched her flank with his jacket and she swerved to face him. 
All them wolves out there don’t matter.
Dutch laughed. Said something to the boys on the rail and they laughed with him.
He didn’t hear because she was watching him now. 
Ain’t that right, girl.
He should’ve known there would be a catch. She took the saddle easy; too easy, he would realize, later, and love her all the more. He cinched it snug. Fed her the snaffle bit. Fastened her. 
In the settling dust he walked to her near side, gripped the saddle horn, and jostled her a few times. Jumped up and down hanging on, letting her spook and calm to his pressure and his voice. He touched his toe in the left stirrup, stood up and came back down. Stood again, let her feel his weight and the loom of him over her, and back down.
Easy there, you’re new to me too.
For a moment, she gave him the attention of all her senses. Let him keep his boot in the stirrup while he stood planted by her side wondering which of them would move first. 
Then, already feeling her power build and testing his own idiocy, he swung up on her.
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gardens-light · 2 years
Hello, could you write to Hellboy and Fem! Reader. Where the reader is a half-demon, controls fire and can fly.And in the story, Red and Readers are sitting on the street and feeding stray cats, and Hellboy says: “You know, you remind me of a cat.” The reader asks why, Hellboy replies that: "You and the cats are the only ones who have shown me so much love and affection." And for such words, he is already lying on the ground, and the reader kisses him.Thank you very much!���️
Thank you for the request! I always appreciate prompts and any ideas that anyone may have for a fanfic request. Apologies for not getting it it straight away, but alas! Here it is! Hope you enjoy!
As always, please feel free to like, reblog and comment. :)
Demons and Felines
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An autumn breeze swept through the moonlit city, sending chills down the spines of people who walked along the streets. All huddled up in their coats and scarfs, attempting to keep whatever body warmth they had. Only the sounds of rustling leaf's in the wind, and the echoing of car horns broke the midnight silence.
Hidden away in the mazes of back streets and narrow alleyways, an unknown protector of New York sat upon the dimly lit sidewalk.
"Guess what daddy brought." Hellboy's playful tone caught the attention of the stray cats.
Their small meows slightly echoing throughout the empty street, breeds of all kinds greeted him excitedly. Some purring and already weaving in and out of his legs. A small chuckle left him, as he pulled out small plastic dishes, from the inside pocket of his leather trench coat.
"You already know what time it is. And look! I've brought more tonight!"
As he proudly pulled out three tins from his trench coat, Hellboy knelt against the cobbled road. The smell of tuna filled the street, alerting more cats to his whereabouts. He carefully attempted to dish out the tuna evenly across the multiple plates.
"There you go- hey Tabby! Just because there's more food, doesn't mean you can eat more."
Hellboy gently picked up a tabby cat, looking into it's hazel eyes with a soft expression. "You need to share, Tabby. Everyone's just as hungry as you." His tone was gentle, similar to how a parent may address a toddler when correcting their behavior.
Tabby responded with a small meow, the tone a little softer than usual. As though the feline was expressing small amount of guilt, a warm smile came to Hellboy. "It's alright, Tabby. Just remember to share."
After placing Tabby back among with the rest of his litter, Hellboy shuffled away from the stray felines. Giving them room to enjoy their dinner, as he pulled out a cigar from the inside pocket of his coat. Reaching into the swallow pocket of his leather trousers, a small grumble escaped his lips.
"I've found you, Red."
A new but familiar voice filled the air, Hellboy looked up towards the second story balcony. The white glow from the lamp post exposed the feminine silhouette, as they elegantly balanced upon the rusty iron railings of the balcony. His golden eyes met their gentle expression, a small amount of flirtation twinkling within her eyes.
A cheeky grin stretched across his lips, leaning back against his hands as he looked up at the individual.
"I didn't realize we were playing 'Hide n Seek'"
Her laughter was like a melody to Hellboy's ears.
"Imagine the look on Manning's face, when he realizes you're wondering around."
He raised an eyebrow, "are we just discussing his face? Surely, the ass hat would lose his damn mind, when he discovers we're both out."
"Haha. Oh of course..." her eyes watched Hellboy as he patted himself down. "Forgot your mathes again?"
"Yeah..." A cheeky grin came to him, "suppose you wouldn't offer a light?"
A sweet melody of giggles filled the air, as you spread out your demonic wings to their full span. The rigid edges reaching out a mare inches further, than your fingertips. They beated like the wings of an eagle, picking up dust and a slight gust of wind. A breeze blew over Hellboy, as your feet hovered away from the balconies' railings. You elegantly hovered in the air for a brief moment, before slowly gliding towards the ground.
"Show off." Hellboy joked, as your feet touched the cobblestone street. A smile came to your lips, while you gave the cats a brief pat of affection.
"Well one of us need to provide a bit of class and elegance."
"Hey! I can be classy when I want to be."
Another laughter escaped you. Your wings tucking inwards towards your back, just a little, as you knelt against the pavement. With a simple click of your fingers, a small flame danced above your thumb. Although it was no bigger than a flame upon a candle, the warmth it provided was much greater.
Hellboy hovered his cigar close to the flame, allowing the edges to burn slightly before placing it to his lips, and letting out a puff of smoke away from your direction.
"That's a handy trick. Satan was clearly playing favourites when he created you."
You sat beside him, gently waving your hand as the flame upon your thumb blew out. Only leaving a small traces of smoke behind your back.
"Oh I don't think so." You spoke in a flirtatious tone, as your free hand caressed the hard stone of his right arm. "I kinda think he made us equal."
"Coming from a sexy half-breed, who can control fire and can fly." Hellboy scoffed.
You playfully punched his shoulder, "oh please! You rearrange my ovaries, when you make love to me."
The cheeky grin upon his lips grew wider as he blew another puff of smoke. You leaned closer to him, resting your head upon his shoulder, as you both watched the cats eat and play in silence. It was small moments like these that were your favourites, just simple calm moments of peace and quiet. Sure everyone at the Bureau were like family, especially when it came to old man Professor Broom. He welcomed you with open arms and a warm heart. Abe was thrilled to have another 'unique person' on the team.
But nobody bounded with you more than Hellboy. Although your human performic from was outshined by your demonic talents, Hellboy was simply in awe from the day he met you. It was in quiet moments, where you two really felt like a couple. As it gave you the time to connect better and have deep convocations, in between the continuous 'go! Go! Go!' action back at the Bureau.
As a few cats finished their meal and wandered off, the usual few that you begun to know and name, begun to wave in and out of your legs. Hellboy scratched under Tabby's chin, as the stray brushed against his hand.
"You know... you remind me of a cat."
You raised an eyebrow at Hellboy, "why?"
A heavy sigh left his mouth, as he put out his cigar. Placing the burnt out end against the concrete pavement, before placing it into the inside pocket of his trench coat. He placed his hands behind is head, slowly leaning back and laying upon the ground.
"Because you and the cats are the only ones who have shown me so much love and affection."
"Awww, Red..."
A small gasp of surprise left him as, you slowly leaned over him, your face close to his. Your noses almost touching.
"A man like you deserves all the love and affection, one could possibly receive."
Your delicate kiss silenced him, allowing him to simply melt into your embrace. Wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you on top of him.
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