#guy who cooks stuff. But not at a restaurant though. That would kill me !
twilightarcade · 1 year
I love how if you cook something you get to eat it too. Literally the best experience in the world
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entertainmentgirl80 · 11 months
Cowboy's Date With A Georgian 😍🤠👨🏼‍❤️‍👩🏾‍🦲
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Jake Hangman Seresin X OC (Nickname: Sweetheart)
Warning: Just Fluff.
You waking up from the sounds of birds chirping outside on a nice sunny day in the morning, you have on a old but oversized Texas University shirt that Jake let you borrow from last night, and so you got up from the bed, putting your dress back on from last night, then went downstairs. And come to see that Jake is cooking breakfast with no shirt on while country music is playing in the background.....
"Morning, darlin," he said to you with a smile on his face.
"Morning, how are you?" You bit your lip while blushing.
"I'm good, can't complain, and how about you?" He fixing some coffee.
"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking, but hey, what day is it, though?" You ask Jake.
"It's Friday." He drinking his coffee.
"Oh shit, but hey, do you have to go to work today because I'm don't wanna get you in trouble or -"
"Relax, I'm told my boss that it's okay. That I can get a day off for today, so you're good?" Jake cut you off.
"Oh well okay." You were cool with it.
"Yeah, so since I'm off today, do you wanna go sightseeing around the town to show you stuff?" He ask you.
"Yeah, sure, no problem but first, I'm have to go home, wash up, and change clothes." You eating your food while talking.
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After y'all two finished breakfast, he took you back to your apartment, so you can freshen up, to start the day, so after he take you back to your place, he killed the engine in his truck and y'all went inside to the apartment and Jake sit down in the kitchen...
"This is my place, it's really not much, so make yourself at home, while I'm changing clothes." You said to him with a smile.
"Okay, well thank you, darlin', appreciate it." He give you a smile back.
So while you washing up and changing new pair of clothes, you been thinking about that you never thought you would were invited a handsome stranger that whom you just met from yesterday and he let you spend the night at his place since last night. So you guess that you have been blessed that you might find someone who you can trust, respect, but treat you like a queen like any woman wants in a man.
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So, afterwards, you already just got dressed and went to the front room to check on Jake. He is looking at the picture of you and your dad admiring you that you have no idea how blessed you are to have both parents who support you regardless the ups & downs what you and the family been through in life. And so while you standing there, Jake broke the silence to ask you something.....
"So, it's this is your dad in the picture?" He ask.
"Yes, that my father, he was a good man and sweet guy, you will like him." You said to him with a softer voice.
"Let me guess, he passed away, right?" He guess it.
"Yes, he passed away since 2017, from health problems." You trying not to cry and thinking about because that was your father, the man who cares and loves you till the end of time, but he will do everything regardless of how the situation is. And so Jake step forward to you and give you a shoulder to cry on. You felt it because the hug was warmest but full of love but empathy as well.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" she cut him off
"No, you okay, it's just I'm miss him every day when I think about him, you know?" Your voice felt some sadness to it.
"I'm understand darlin', so uh, you gonna be okay if I don't mind asking?" He asked
"Yeah, I'm will, so you ready to go then?" You ask
"Yeah, sure darlin', ready as I ever be." He give you a smile.
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So after your little sympathy session, you and Jake went to the park for a minute to have a nice walk, then he ask you what your favorite restaurant to go to and you said Chili's, so later on that evening the two of y'all went to Chili's and you couldn't help that feeling that this man have been with you all day and never leave your side and he hang out at your place while you changing your clothes. So after dinner, you told Jake can you stay over at his place just to have company and he nodded (meaning he say yes), so you went back to your apartment to pack up some of your clothes, your toothbrush, and everything else you needed it to make sure you straight.
"Thank you for everything, Jake. This is nice, and I'm glad I have someone to talk to. I'm also sorry you have to miss work too."
"It's no problem darlin', it's been my pleasure to hang out with you as well, even though it's was our first date." He said to you with a grin on his features.
"Mhm, I didn't know it's was a date till you said it." You chuckled
"Yeah, well I am glad that I'm met you and also I know this is a random question but do you wanna move in with me? And I know we are still getting to know each other and -" she cut off what you gonna say
"Yes, I would like that, thank you." You give him a big smile, and a kiss on the cheek.
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A/N: Here is another one-shot story, and I'm sorry for taking it long, but I always take my time to make sure I'm trying to do it justice. But overall, I hope y'all enjoy it. 😌🫶🏾🤠🤘🏾
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braindead94 · 1 year
Little blue lady and the big black cat 18+
Werecat!Andres x Cop!Reader
Happy Spooky Month! Today is werecat Andres Galan for Spooky month and it's a frisky night tonight! Hope Ya'll enjoy!
TW: Gun Violence, blood, Magic, magical violence, Minors DNI, reader is a cop, horrible spanish spelling (on my part)
A happy sigh left your smiling lips as you sat back in your seat. The patrol today turned out to be a nice one, even if it was in LA. Nothing wrong living here, but as a cop… well, the media just loves to bash on the boys in blue and the public has a thing or two to add to that.
You looked at the moving imagery of the people and buildings outside of your moving vehicle, your partner bobbing his head in the tune of the song from the radio.
You and Buddy just diddly bop by some neighborhoods, met up with some kids playing basketball (and shot some hoops with them), met up with some friendly veterans who (kinda) took over a bench overlooking a playground, and help a man moving his stuff out of his ex apartment (mostly to make sure she wouldn’t make any false accusations on him, the poor man has been through enough already).
Then got a noise complaint from a part that was being too loud with raunchy music that turned out to be a Quinseanera party for a lovely 15 year old girl who invited almost everyone in her neighborhood (except for that one lady, which you two quickly learned why, cranky old bitch). The parents were super nice enough to give you two some delicious pastries and some soft tacos for the road.
“Feeling good?” Asked Buddy as he glanced around with an aloof attitude. “Feeling full. Man, that family is super chill and are great cooks. I’m kinda tempted to just patrol past their streets again if they are handing out some free food again.” He laughed as he said “Well, I asked around the family and they are the proud owners of a family restaurant that has been here for a long time.” “Pleeeaase tell me you got the restaurant's name?” He gave you a smirk with a nod, earning himself a high-five from you before continuing on to keep a look out at the streets.
You glanced outside too as you sat straighter, just to be safe. This part of the city was not the safest to be around, even for the police. Normally, those activities involve some gang violence, something about stepping onto their turf or some bullshit that these punks got into their heads. Lately though, it has gotten worse. Now the little gangs are disappearing as the bigger threat, the bigger fish that eat the little fish, wipe them all with very little effort. 
Now there are signs of drug dealings, mini fight clubs and even sex trafficking; and the people are starting to get affected by them. Weirdly enough, some of the markings on the victim's body had animal marks, so your lab concluded that they have been using animals to kill them off. Really big cats.
Though it is becoming clear (or allegedly) that the main gang belonged to the notorious leader, Andres Galan, or as many mexican folks would call him “El Gran Leon”. Based on what pictures you've seen of him (which you admit that he is very attractive, but that was your secret to keep), from news blogs and from the evidence room, he does resemble a little bit like a lion. Or somewhat a regal feline animal. Or just a fat cat.
How he evaded their countless times of arrests, you never know. Only relying on one rumor that when the first, and only, guy to slap handcuffs on him, Galan snapped his body in two. Looking back at the mob boss, you doubt that he has the strength to pick up even a tall child above his head unless he was a secret powerlifter.
Regardless, he was still dangerous and had a warrant on him for years before you joined the police force. You and Buddy kept silent as you dove on peacefully when you came upon a secret strip club that was closed this time of night.
“Hey, what’s that?” Looking up, you saw what he was pointing at.
A black fancy looking car parked inside of a dark alleyway, and just stepping out was the man in question was none other than Andres Galan followed by one burly man. The Mexican boss walked up and into a hidden door with a stripper logo, turned off, and the man stood beside the door with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Buddy stopped right there, both of you staring at this bizarre chance of an opportunity before you looked at each other in a comical fashion. Quickly, he parked it close to the sidewalk (almost on top of it) as you called it into the station.
The reception turned out to be bad, you furrowed your eyebrows at the not fun coincidence of it all before Buddy ready his gun at your side. “I’m not getting a clear call from them. We shouldn’t go in if this gets out of hand.” 
“No, this man has somehow evaded our arrests and has gotten a lot of good people hurt and killed. He needs to be taken down now.” You sighed as he jumped out and moved quietly to the brick wall of the building while rechecking if you have all of your gear in your belt. You followed suit, also drawing your gun out.
He peeked around the corner, and you stood stiff, ready for anything. Your partner motioned ‘lets go’ and you followed closely behind him. The muscular man was whistling a tune when he cocked his gun at him. “Put your hands behind your head, and don't make any sudden moves.” The man just looked down at him, seemingly unbothered but slowly complied. 
You trained your gun on him while Buddy took out the cuffs with ease and tightened the metal bands on him. “Y/n, you go in and scope out the place. See if you can find Galan and stop him from whatever he’s doing.”
“You two are making a big mistake. You might want to skip out on making arrests tonight.” Said the man with a shaved head with a smirk that was held in a secret. Your eyebrows furrowed down at his words, your gut bubbling with worry. ‘How is he this calm?’ You wondered. “The biggest mistake I’ve made today was eating too many soft tacos. Now, I’m going to read you your rights and you are going to follow my every order. Understand?” Buddy commanded in his deadpan voice that demanded attention.
The man smirk then showed his teeth, his tongue sticking out to lick the crooked canines. “Of course, officer. Anything you say.” He said with a hot and eager voice. An uncomfortable tingle slithered up your spine when you heard his voice as you entered the club.
It was a lot smaller than the other strip clubs you’ve seen, but a hella nicer than others. More fancy with plush furniture, blackened marble tables and an elegant stage with poles erected from the floor to the ceiling. Even the air didn’t smell like sex or drugs, it smelled like… flowery spices or something warm. It almost made you want to take off your bulletproof vest, but you ignore it. The whole establishment showed wealth and the guise of a gentleman's club, and luckily has no patrons.
But no Andres, however there was a short, curvy woman who stood frozen near a closed door. She looked tired, frightened with some of her make-up still caked on her sudden face and a blue, fluffy robe clutched around her body. Her golden curls rain down on her shoulders beautifully, covering her ears as well. She stared at you, her body shaking like a leaves on a tree in the wind. 
You immediately lowered your gun and made yourself look friendly but kept your distance. Just in case. “Hey hun, I’m sorry for startling you. But I’m here for Andres Galan, do you know where he is?” The woman only stares back at you. Her eyes almost threw you off, they were the brightest color of purple you’ve ever seen. Not humanly possible, but you pushed it aside as contacts.
“A-are you going to arrest him?” her voice was shaken, her body swaying towards the door. You nodded as you explained “Yes, he has an arrest on him for a while and needs to be taken in for his crimes. I understand you have a job to do, ma’am, but there are better clubs that have better and kinder bosses and staff without having to entertain crime lords like him.”
She frowned, making her face look unpleasant and sour. There was a slight buzzing sound coming from her and her robe moved a bit. “My boss treats me and the girls just right. I don’t need anyone else, or any other places!” You apologize, trying to keep her calm with a lower and softer tone with her. 
“Just-please, ma’am. I need to find him and take him in. He has done a lot of harm and had people killed. He has traffic drugs, sex traffic and that’s only the scratch on top of the iceberg. You don’t have to go anywhere, but you need to leave tonight.” She paused, the windows of her eyes showing you a great debate in her mind. 
 “So, you’re going in and just… arrest him in handcuffs? Just like that?” You frowned, puzzled at her how sudden her voice became stronger. The way she's looking at you with unknown hatred and distrust, it didn’t sit right with you. ‘What type of question is that?’ “Yes, I will. I don’t want you to get hurt, so I need you to go somewhere safe.” ‘Shit, is she loyal to him? Perhaps he’s her favorite customer-’ She cut off your thinking process as she pointed at the door she was near. Her eyes clear with a decision made, but also with her body slumped in relief.
“He’s in there, waiting for me. Good luck tying him down, sweetie.” She said with a mockingly sweet tone before she walked off fast on her high heels. Your eyes just followed her as she sauntered away into a staff only door, taken aback of her change of attitude. ‘What is her problem? Should I get this place looked into?’ 
You refocused to the door and schooled your face to remain neutral, cocking your gun at the ready, finger off the trigger and your body stiff with anticipation. ‘Deep breath, in…and out…. okay.’ 
You barged in, no knocking or any warning and came face to face with Andres, the big so-called ‘lion’. Still wearing his gray suit and his cream shirt still buttoned up standing near a desk with a notebook and pencil. The room was dark like the outside, but had pink furniture, the bed with see-through curtains, a cozy chair and the desk he was at. 
Andres turned sharply; his dark eyes boring into yours as you raised the gun at him as his wavy dark with silver hair swept away in the air. Your eyes quickly darted around the room and saw that he was the only one inside.
“Andres Galan, you have a warrant for your arrest. You have the right to remain silent as I read you your rights. Failing to comply will result in physical harm.” You gave him the same command that Buddy did to the first man as you stood firm, followed up with his rights being told to him.
The tall, portly (and hot, holy fuck! Why is he this good looking?) man just raised a thick eyebrow at you, smiling through his mustache and stubble beard as if he heard a good joke. Nodding his head while gesturing at your uniform, he starts talking in a baritone voice. “I see you girls have amped up your costumes. Gun looks real too-” 
He stopped as he sniffed the air, then frowned. His nose sniffed again as his big eyes looked at your tool of weapon in your still hands, then to your name tag on your heavy vest. You ignored his comment and stalked closer to him. “I will not repeat myself; put your hands behind you.”
Andris placed his notebook on the desk with a “Ah, I see. I don’t suppose I could buy your silence of seeing me tonight?” Your scowling face told him off. “Well then,” Then the Latino held his hands in front of him, his smile returning, but with a dark twist in his lips and a hunger in his dark eyes. “Take me away, Officer Y/n. I’m all yours.” 
That same feeling from the first guy returned, but much stronger when you cuffed Galan's hands from behind. Once the taller man was secured, you radio Buddy on your walkie talkie with a firm hand on the mob boss jacket. Probably the closest you’ll ever feel actual expensive silk for a while. “Officer Bently, do you copy?”
Static was your reply, and the feeling grew as the milliseconds ticked by. “Officer Bently, do you copy?” You asked again but didn’t get anything but static again. “Shit.” You muttered as you made Galan sit down on the pink armchair, acting along with your directions. “Anything wrong, Senora Y/n?” You turned to look at him, sitting back and relaxed (as relaxed as one could with both hands cuffed behind his back) and looking up at you, like a cat looking innocently after knocking something off the table.
You glanced at him to stay silent, then almost froze how his gaze looked. His handsome, plumb face, his dark eyes, that damn smile just oozes mischievous.
Something isn’t right.
“Bently, I need you to answer me now.” Your voice was harsher with begging, worry laced in with your tone. It was only that one guy that Andris was with, right? Was there more in the car? Static filled in the blanks until it was cut off by Buddys voice, which sounded frantic as he shouted “Y/N! You need to get out!”
 Your hand reached for your gun as you moved to the door. “Bently! Talk to me-” But your radio was cut off too short, leaving you standing near the door with your hand on your holster. Your heart beating fast, the all too familiar feeling of fear coursed through your veins along with powerlessness.
You hated that feeling.
Taking out your phone turned out to have the same results, no reception and no chance of calling backup. “Looks like you need to get your phone plan rechecked, Senorita Cerda.” Your back straightens out as you turn around with your blood heated that shoves aside the uncomfortable feeling. “Despite what I look like, I actually know how to speak Spanish. So lay off the insults and maybe your ride to jail won't be in broken arms, anciano.” 
He just let out a laugh, still relaxed even after your threat, and that made your anger grow more. However, now was not the time to get mad and Buddy needed help. But you can’t leave Andries alone.
You spotted the pink phone and made for it, ready to dial 911. Just as you were finished dialing it in, you looked at your suspect and froze.
He was still looking at you with those damn, hooded eyes and that smirk on his plump face. Still sitting with his hands folded in his lap, watching your every move-
…….His hands were supposed to be cuffed behind his back.
You stormed in front of him as you grabbed the second handcuffs. “Nice magic trick, gatito, but the next time you pull that again, you’ll come in with broken wrists.” You said, just before he grabbed your hand in a tight hold. “Ah, so you have heard of me. This will make this much more interesting.” He said with his Spanish accent before he pushed you away.
You almost flew back to the wall, nearly stumbling with surprise just how strong he is, he didn’t even look like he used his whole strength to do that. ‘He’s just bigger and taller than you. Not like you have arrested anyone his size before.’ You think as your hands reach for your gun holster, but you froze again when you look, REALLY look at him.
The tall man slowly stood up, almost taller than you first saw him and started walking towards you slowly. You eyed his suit, how it clings to him as if it was too small for him. How the buttons on his shirt was straining against his chest (Holy FUCK does it detail his pecs nicely). His pants were straining against his hips and-
You avoided looking down.
This isn’t right. His clothes fit him when you first saw him. How did it change? You looked back at him and he almost chuckled at your questioning look. “Worried about my attire? There’s no need to be, I have plenty of others back home.” He said with a deep rumble in his voice.
“Stay back, or I will open fire.” You threaten as you draw your weapon. He stopped but didn’t back up, just eyes at your gun again and sighed in a tired tone while smoothing his hair back with his eyes closed. Like he was disappointed. “Y/n, it would be wise of you to not draw your weapons at me. You’ll end up getting harmed.”
His eyes opened back on you and a shiver jolted up your spin.
Andres' eyes changed into feline pupils, with glowing bright green eyes and black surrounding the green instead of whites. There was a sound of a button snapping off his shirt. You looked and saw his chest wider than before with dark hair growing on his skin. The sleeves ripping, bulging with muscles, controuting longer as well as his legs. He walked up to you again, like a cat stalking a prey.
Or like a lion.
Snapping out of your stupor stare, you aimed your gun at him, but his large hand, much larger now, grabbed hold of it. You shrek as you manage to withdraw your hand in time, and watch with growing horror as his fingers bend the metal. The magazine was dropped to the ground first before the end was bent out of shape. You saw with fear as his nails grew longer, sharper and darker.
Looking back at him, you backed away when you saw how his face changed too. Shit, you had to tilt your head back, for he grew taller again. More angler with black hair-no, fur sprouted on his skin. His hair grew too, darker that framed around his head and shoulders, like a mane. Andres smiled that only a cat could make, and his teeth looked SHARP.
“Well, what would you do now, mi Querido cerdito? You were speaking so boldly, so fierce,” He said, his voice deeper, rougher like gravel in honey. Your back hit the wall and your hands palmed at it like a lifeline, pushing at it if it could part open for you to escape. “But now you are so silent. What's wrong, cat got your tongue?” He chuckled, his laugh rumbled in his chest, which was still growing out of his suit.
He finally stood in front of you, laing a hand on the wall next to your head. You could hear how his bones are changing into something else, something monstrous. Still changing and not yet done!
A claw grazed under your chin, and you shivered as it trailed up and down your throat. His eyes never left yours, boring into yours with fiery intent; so much of a primal lust that no man or woman could make. “What pretty eyes you have there, with such lovely lips to match. I can’t wait to hear you squeal.” Your heart stilled that second.
Your hands immediately shot to your taser with practice ease and you shot him in the stomach. The taller man-creature, snarl in pain and stumbles back, giving you a wider area to escape.
You dashed out of the room and straight for the door, going past your record speed. Grasping at the door handle, you twisted it but it wouldn’t budge. 
Panic mixed in with fear as you tried to twist it again, only to pull at it, then kicking the door in hopes for any results. But the accursed metal door didn’t budge.
You hear more growling from the room along with more ripping and snapping. Sounds unnatural that only a horror movie could depict Something in your mind warning you that he was almost done, soon he’s ready to get out and hunt for you.
Looking around and spotting a few other doors, you dashed to one farthest away from where Andres was and went inside, closing and locking it. Looking around, you noted it was the same built as it is in the first one and you set out to barricade the door with the desk.
Then backed up with pepper spray in your trembling hand and in the other, your phone. You tried calling your captain. Nothing, just static. Then to your chief. More static. Sweat was trickling down your skin as you looked through your contacts for help until you heard heavy footsteps outside the room.
‘Fuck…. He’s out.’ You looked at the pink door, praying that Andres wouldn’t look for you. That he grew bored of you and went after… oh God, you couldn’t dream of having him hunting down another soul. Fuck! Is that what happened to Buddy?!
You were about to try another contact, another life line that hopefully would rescue you from this nightmare-
A long, hard scratch was made outside of your door.
You stood still, holding your phone. Looking at the door.
“Little pig, little pig, let me in.” Came a dark, husker voice with the crime lord's voice from behind the door. You backed up again until the back of your knees hit the bed. In your haze of dismay, you dropped your phone and almost along with your spray too. ‘This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening-’ You repeated in your head, tears starting to flow down your cheeks.
“If you come out now, I promise I won't harm a single hair on your little chin.” He said with a mocking, sweet tone that only made his voice sound more terrifying. You did nothing. “I can hear your heartbeat, Y/n.” There was another scratch on the door. It bends under the pressure, followed by a low growl. “It sounds sweet, like a bird confined in a cage. I can smell the fear in your blood, it smells so heavenly. There is no way out for you, and no cell to call from. It will only get worse if you continue to defy me. Open the door and let me in, bonito cobre.”
It took everything to yelled-no, screamed “FUCK OFF!!!” at the door. Following behind that was a low growl mixed with a elation laugh, as if he was dared for a challenge. “Then I’ll crush this door down,” The door bent again, but more closely to a breaking point. “And I’ll catch you,” He growled again, but much more deeper. More husker. And much more deadly, ready to create malignant destruction. “And I’ll make you beg for your life, little cerdita.”
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t dare move.
The door splintered as black claws punctured into it and ripped it away. In a blind panic kicked in with muscle memory of escape from your training, you dashed and slid on the floor under a dark mass that almost blocked your way like a baseball player. You stumbled up and turned to see your attacker, then completely fell down in horror.
The hulking thing-fuck, no…. a cat-lion-werelion, turned around to face you. God he was fucking TALLER then the last time you saw him. His whole body was wide as he was tall, with muscles covered in black fur, a tail swished gently behind him as his hinds legs moved towards you. You looked up, up, up at him and almost stopped moving.
His face, now very much like a lion, was grinning. Some gray fur was sprouting from his fluffy chin and around his cheeks and ears. Even his mane had some silver in it too. And his green eyes……. They bore into your frightened eyes, piercing like a dagger into a flying fish.
He growled in amusement as he knelt down on all fours, stalking you closer until he was nearly close to your trembling body. Like a lion stalking its prey, with his tail swaying behind him. “Well, what now, copper? Do you still want to try to cuff me again, or are you ready to lay down and be a good, little pig.”  
You glanced around the wide room, looking for anything in desperation for-wait! The staff room! A possible escape!
You shot your arm out and dosed his nose with the pepper. He hissed like an injured cat pricking its claw on a cactus and you sprinted to it, practically throwing your body against the door. You tried to turn the knob but it wouldn’t budge. You swore as you screamed for help, calling for the dancer whom you saw.
A muffled voice called out from behind the wooden door. “Just give up, bitch! It will be sooooo much easier to let him have at it, TRUST me. Make sure you use lots of lube!” “Please! He’s going to kill me!” “Ehhh, wouldn’t be the first time he spilt blood like this. Probably the main reason why he always asks for fairies to do him off. We are more capable of handling that fucking meat he’s packing.”
‘Fairies?!’ You think in that frantic state before giving up and throwing your body against the door again and again. There were some shouts of ‘Stop it’ and ‘We just paid off the paint in this joint!’ until a big hand slammed against your back, shoving your body against the door.
Before you could do anything, his face appeared on your shoulder with a bite that nearly pierced through your vest. You screamed loudly when you felt his teeth almost tearing into your skin. The hand, fuck-it was wider then your back, pushed your body harder onto the wood as his mighty jaws slowly clinch onto your shoulder harder, but never completed his bite. You cried as you begged him to stop while your hands tried to reach behind you.
Andres released your shoulder, leaving a bit of drool on your bulletproof vest (holy crap, his teeth can rip into it!) and shirt before he nosed into your hair. Smelling it before he whispered into your ear with a rumble in his voice, his body rumbled as he spoke. “Now, here’s what is going to happen, querida. If you continue to fight against me, I will not be kind.” 
You felt claws digging into your sides, nearly breaking your skin. “I will fuck your brains out with no regard for your wellbeing. You’ll be found in a dumpster, unrecognizable, all torn to pieces like a used sex doll. Or,” The werelion licked at the bite while the claws eased up on your sides. “If you comply, if you let me have you for tonight, I’ll be gentle.”
Your tears flowed down your cheeks as you blinked your eyes shut. Only to open them when his nose nuzzled into your face. “I can make you feel good, make it worth your while. You must be tired from your hazardise job, I can ease your tension. Then I’ll let you live on to protect those poor civilians you work so hard to protect. I’ll even tell Elvio to ease up on your partner.” You became *painfully* aware just how fucked you are, caged in by him. Your face was shoved against the wall, how you could FEEL him slouching over you, like a hulking wall of muscel and fur.
“Maybe I could even make you cum harder than anyone else has ever had, stuffed your little cunt until it overflows over my cock.” ‘ Oh Jesus have mercy.’ You think as your face turns red, trying to ignore how his voice with his stupid, hot spanish accent, what his promise made your insides feel. 
Maybe…… maybe you could survive this. Just for one night. Just…fuck the monster and hopefully he keeps his word and lets you and Buddy live.
You let out a whimper, trying to convey words into sentences. “O-o-okay-” His huge, furry head leaned against yours as his hand pressed harder again. “Hmm? Please speak up, darling. I didn’t quite catch that.” He asked with mockery in his deep voice and a smirk on his lips before it kissed your cheek.
You gasped in as much air as you could and shouted “Okay! Just-Please call him off Bently and-GAH!” You screamed as he backed up and flipped you on your back to the wall.
“All in good time, pequeno cerdo. But first, lets us get rid of this infernal vest of yours.” With only the tip of his claws and with one hand still around your neck, tore through your bulletproof vest. Your armor, your only shield becomes shredded like aluminum while ruining your shirt and bra. You shrek as your arms went to stop him in vain but Andres just held your hands and raised them over your head.
His dark eyes, the green just glowing with lust as he stared down at your breasts, how it moves when you're gasping for air, the slight plump of your stomach that almost overtook your abs, and how the muscles of your arms bulge out to break free. He saw a few fading bruises and little scars all over your body, reminding him of how dangerous your job really is besides patrolling the city and eating donuts.
Just look at you, your tear-stained face that still showed teeth at him, your wide eyes never leaving his own or his body. Full of fear, God, such delightful fear, but inside that fright sight of yours was a need. To protect your partner? Most likely. The need to take him down for his crimes? Absolutely. To fuck him? No, not possible what you really wanted.
He couldn’t lie to himself; you are just another cop just doing your job to protect these people like him and he had or shouldn’t be having these feelings for good cops. Yet, a hidden part of him just wanted to hold you in his clawed hands and never let you go, but that would compilated things later on. In fact, he should kill you off and let a corrupt cop take your place. That’s what a crime lord would do.
But he isn’t like most petty criminals, no. He’s a powerful one. A monster hidden among Humans.
Well, this monster is just drooling at how appetizingly helpless you look in his hands.
His nose nuzzles between your breasts, smelling your sweat. If you had the power to phase through walls, you would have done so to get away from his face so close to you. “Oh Y/n,” His voice purrs as he licks his way up to your neck. You cringe at the rough sandpaper like texture scraping up your skin-shit, you can’t ignore how good it feels. “I’m going to completely ruin you forever.” His face nuzzles into your neck, smelling the bite he left on your skin. “Tonight, I’ll make you mine.”
Those words should not have turned you on as it should. “G-g-great, but about my part-” You were cut off again with a yelp as he picked you up (with ONE HAND) and you were hugged against his soft, furry chest. The feeling of his padded fingers on your butt was the only warning you’ve got before he tore apart your pants and shoes too. Not even the underwear was spared.
You blinked as you're now naked in the arms of a tall werelion, who is a criminal boss in a stripper club. With a possibility to die by him, if he decided to go back on his word. You sent a silent prayer in hopes for survival as you gripped onto tufts of his fur (shit, they are super soft).
A clawed hand held you closer to his chest and you heard him purr again as you felt him moving. You glanced up and your blood turned cold when you saw him looking down at you with hunger in his eyes. “Now, let's retire and fulfill that deal, estimada cobre.”
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byllsbytch · 6 months
Dinner for 2 (+3) - Tokio Hotel
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Word Count: 1,042
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Returning to your hometown brought a sense of comfort and reunion with loved ones that you had missed during your time on tour. Reuniting with your parents was particularly heart-warming, and the embrace at the bus port was long overdue. You eagerly shared stories of your travels, the nightly adventures, the diverse cuisines you had sampled, and the experience of sleeping in a cabin while on the road.
After quickly unpacking and doing some much-needed laundry, you settled into your own bed, revelling in the familiar comfort that touring had deprived you of.
Seeing as the boys haven't been to your house yet you flicked them a quick message of having a games night. Honestly, you wouldn't be too devastated if they pull out, You've just gotten away from each other and you knew for a fact that you were exhausted from all the late nights and hangovers.
To your delight, all the boys responded that they would come over with drinks. With their arrival imminent, you decided to cook spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, a classic choice that rarely disappointed. After a quick shower and preparing the ingredients, you began tidying up the house. Just as you were setting the table with placemats, the doorbell rang, and you eagerly welcomed the four boys inside.
"Come in!" you chirped, genuinely excited to have them over. They all entered, and their noses immediately picked up the enticing aroma of the food.
"Just wait till you try it," you said with a confident smile. Tom, however, seemed surprised and disappointed.
"Wait, are you cooking it?" he asked, his expression falling.
You raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, who else would be?"
Tom teased, "Oh, maybe your mum or something? Remember when I said I was a better chef, though?"
You couldn't resist defending your culinary skills, "Tom, you can't cook better than me."
Tom countered, "Yes, I can! I can cook many delicious, authentic German foods, not this Italian stuff."
You playfully defended your choice, "What do you mean?! Italian food is so good! Or is it because you can't cook anything other than bratwursts?"
Tom rolled his eyes and went to place the drinks in the fridge, seemingly conceding the cooking challenge. Meanwhile, Gustav began setting up a game of Uno on the table, getting ready for a fun night of games and camaraderie.
As the evening progressed, the scent of simmering spaghetti and meatballs filled your home, making everyone's stomachs rumble in anticipation. You were busy in the kitchen, occasionally checking on the pasta and sauce, making sure everything was just right.
The boys, meanwhile, had gathered around the table where Gustav had set up the Uno cards. The game quickly became competitive, with each player trying to outwit the others. Tom, who had boasted about his culinary skills earlier, was now focused on proving himself as the Uno champion. Between rounds of the card game and laughter, the delicious aroma from the kitchen intensified, drawing everyone's attention back to the imminent feast. They couldn't help but comment on how amazing the food smelled, even Tom had to admit that he was looking forward to trying it.
Finally, dinner was ready, and you called everyone to the table. You started plating the spaghetti as Gustav started pouring drinks - the rest of the boys cleared and set the table.
The atmosphere in the dining room was surprisingly calm, with the boys taking their seats and preparing to feast. Georg's comment about it being civilized drew laughter from the group.
"Yeah, well, Mum would kill me if we sat on the couch," You replied with a grin, knowing how particular she was about keeping things tidy. It was a stark contrast to how things usually went when you guys were on the road. Restaurants and buffets would often be left in a state of chaos after your group had finished their meals. Teenage boys had a knack for being messy eaters and having insatiable appetites. On the bus, it wasn't uncommon to find pizza being devoured on chairs, the floor, or even in the cabins.
You watched with satisfaction as your friends took their first bites. The room was soon filled with appreciative sounds and compliments for your cooking.
Tom wasted no time and took a big bite of his food, claiming he was starving. Tom, despite his initial reservations, couldn't deny the deliciousness of the meal. His reaction was immediate delight when the sauce touched his tongue, He gave you a nod of approval between mouthfuls and he couldn't help but admit,
"This isn't half bad, I guess," while playfully sticking his nose in the air. You continued to raise an eyebrow at him
"Okay, fine, you can cook. This is really good." You couldn't resist engaging in some friendly banter, teasing Tom about his previous preference for sausages.
"Shits all over your German bratwursts," You said, trying to one-up him. Tom, not one to back down, retorted with a grin, "Hey hey! A man is more than his bratwurst." Georg couldn't help but laugh your guys antics. "Oh, don't even get me started on that dry-ass sandwich you made!" he chimed in, adding to the playful teasing. It was moments like these that made being hanging out with the boys so enjoyable. "I told you Italian food was amazing," you said with a grin.
The evening continued with a mix of Uno games, good food, and even better company. It was a perfect way to reconnect with your friends even after all your time on the road together. As the night wore on, the exhaustion from the tour began to catch up with all of you, but the joy of being back home and surrounded by loved ones made it worth every late night and hangover.
Eventually, the Uno cards were put away, and you all settled in for a cosy evening of chatting and reminiscing. The hours slipped by, and it became clear that your bond with these friends, no matter how far apart you were, crammed together or how many bratwursts Tom claimed to cook, remained as strong as ever. It was a night to remember, filled with laughter, good food, and the warmth of friendship that only your hometown could provide.
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
This time on P3R: ...it’s October 7th.
I finally got my aggressive dialogue option.
Before we start, I don’t know all of who’s reading these posts, obviously. (I’m guessing at least one person specifically though. ^_^) I can guess that most of you know P3 already. So you know what’s here, and you can probably tell that I’ve been talking around or not emphasizing some of the worst bits of this. Especially around Chidori.
That’s been for the benefit of people who may not know P3, or at the very least, know it mostly from my enthusiasm for Ryoji and/or reading just the opening of Hours. (I’m actually kind of entertained by the idea that there’s people who don’t know P3, who want to read my posts just to basically hear me tell them a story.)
But this next part has something that I cannot downplay. So, I will warn you when I get to it in this post, but we’re going to be confronting major topics of suicide. It does not happen, but it’s going to be talked about. So please mind yourselves if you’re reading along.
To start off with a lighter topic, I have saved all of the dorks who wandered into Tartarus, and have managed to get a solid chunk of money while doing so. After I sell all my bits and bobs, I should have at least 200K, which should keep me going for a while.
Fuuka also warned everyone not to drink the waterfalls in Tziah, which made me laugh for inside-joke reasons.
I find it funny and also kind of brilliant that whatever costume you're wearing is reflected in the menus. That’s a really nice detail.
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(They could make however many variations of the menu, but not Hamu--) *shot*
Anyway, things are normal. We head back from Tartarus, sleep, head to school, clean up from the culture festival we didn’t have… Blech. I’m also off to the shops to upgrade my stuff with my new riches, so that means a chance to chat with the antique shop lady.
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Seriously, who are you?? Are you a former Kirijo scientist?
Also, it’s good to see that my fave Escapade patron has recovered!
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School is as nonsense as ever, as my math teacher is absent, so here’s Mr. Edogawa to ask more things about magic.
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...are you SERIOUS. Max rank on BOTH and my academics STILL won���t level up???? My friend made a joke that Pharos is stealing my braincells, but honestly??? Maybe. If he’s taking half my braincells to recover his memories, maybe that’s why I never seem to get any smarter. X’D
I’m still working on social links and hangouts. Ken needs to go visit Sojiro in the future. He seems to have a serious appreciation for coffee. I’m sure Goro would take him to Leblanc. ^_^
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Meanwhile, apparently you must be level 7 friends to be asked to join a cult.
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I’m not giving you 132000 yen. I JUST stopped being broke. My soul will be fine.
At least Bebe is a lovely person to be around.
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We also hang out with Shinji again, because apparently even with max courage, we still can’t finish the burger challenge. So I guess I have to max everything? Ugh. More fun to spend time learning to cook.
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...hm. Oh dear. XD
It’s fine. The tempura turned out good, and Shinji tells me about how he learned to cook while working part-time at a restaurant. I’m kind of impressed how close I was on my Shinji characterization in Hours with just movie context.
I love him, and it’s killing me that I can’t social link enough to save him no matter what.
Time for school again, and Mr. Ono has finally reached the Sengoku Era. It’s time to talk about the era of the samurai. It gives me the option to sleep in class, but one, I need more academic points, and I can’t imagine sleeping through this guy’s first lecture on his favorite topic ever.
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No, no, no. We’re not acknowledging this. We’re moving on. We’re still not smart enough to link with Mitsuru, but we can talk to Yukari now that we’re charismatic! Apparently she’s been waiting this long to apologize for some of the stuff she said on Yakushima. Which, it’s fine. We were all freaking out that night.
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...she says “just kidding” after, but like… no she’s not. X’D
So one thing I’ve been missing is that apparently the console in the command room has been freaking out every month or so and recording video. I saw the first two of them because I was prompted to go look, but I haven’t looked since, and now there’s a bunch. One of each member of SEES, I think.
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For a sec, I thought we were going to catch Pharos on camera, but no. Just Aigis sneaking into my room. XD I will say, though, that’s the night we supposedly went to Tartarus for Q. So now I’m wondering if it was a shared dream, and we were in meta-space only mentally.
That’s not out of the realm of possibility.
We’re never going to get answers, though, because Atlus gonna Atlus.
It’s definitely creepy that the dorm has cameras in everyone’s rooms. Mitsuru’s tape has her walking around in a towel. Like… Ikutsuki. Seriously. Dude.
I’ve also found my last social link that isn’t Mitsuru! It’s the Tower, a monk who hangs out in Escapade, believes that love and true friendship don’t exist, and is overall unpleasant to be around as he drinks and smokes.
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No it’s not! I swear, all of my most unpleasant social links are the ones that are around when everyone else is busy. It’s like they know I don’t want to do them unless there’s no one else available. X’D
I sigh and carry on, because it’s time for the full moon! We’re off to Iwatodai Station to deal with the next two Arcana Shadows, Strength and Fortune. Shinji isn’t with us because he said he’d be late, and Ken isn’t with us because… he wasn’t in his room, and Junpei couldn’t find him. Which seems like something to be worried about, but we gotta deal with the shadows first.
Strength is very pretty, but it’s also shielding Fortune so that Fortune can keep doing its roulette wheel bullshit and throwing buffs and damage all over the place.
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I got hit early on by “300 damage to everyone” and lost everyone but Minato, but I was able to recover, and it spent a lot of turns just causing everyone to have upgraded magic damage. Which I think benefited me more than them, because Minato was immune to wind, Yukari resists wind, and everyone else was trucking along admirably.
Strength was more of the tank, so once she went down, Fortune wasn’t too bad, despite another 300-damage spin. Shinji and Ken never showed up, though.
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One, for fuck’s sake, at least wait until we’re safely home, Ikutsuki.
Two, the CHILD we are responsible for is MISSING. SIR.
Akihiko realizes it’s October 4th and runs off, and Mitsuru herds the rest of us back to the dorm.
And now.
This is your warning. The next part will discuss suicidal ideation and murder, so if you’d like to skip that, head to the next set of giant bold words and avert your eyes otherwise.
Right, okay. So now that we’re all on the same page, here we go.
Ken and Shinji are at Port Island Station, across the monorail.
Ken has called him here because he recognized Shinji as the reason that his mother is dead. He’s completely devoted his life to making sure that the person who killed her faces justice. And he’s here to take justice into his own hands.
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The suffering that this kid has gone through… How much pain, for an eleven-year-old to consider killing himself? But he wants Shinji to die.
Cut to the rest of us, minus Akihiko, back at the dorm. It has finally dawned on Mitsuru what the significance of the date is, and she orders Fuuka to look for all three of them, urgently. Junpei asks what’s so important about today’s date, and Mitsuru reveals that it’s the day Ken’s mom died, two years ago. And that Shinjiro is the reason she’s dead.
They were hunting a rogue shadow in the city, and failed to account for civilians.
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...why were Ken and his mom awake during the Dark Hour? Are we just not gonna mention that?
Either way, it was an accident, not a murder, but Ken thinks it was on purpose. And that’s horrible.
The rest of SEES heads for the station when Fuuka finds them, and we cut back to Ken and Shinji.
Shinji isn’t going to fight.
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He tells Ken that the only reason not to do this is because taking a life will end up making Ken just like him. He tells Ken that what he did tore him up so badly that he left SEES and started taking suppressants. Ken, angry as hell, just thinks he’s begging for his life, but… He’s not. He doesn’t care about himself. He’s just worried about Ken.
Takaya shows up, because got forbid he not make things worse. He thinks Ken should go for it, because goading a child to commit murder is a great thing!
“Is it not permissible to kill those who are themselves killers?” NO. That just means you’re making more killers to replace them. The cycle of revenge is pointless. Not that Takaya cares, because he’s just going to kill Ken afterwards. He wants to get rid of us, since we keep destroying the shadows, but he calls it “salvation”.
Dude really has no qualms about killing a child.
Shinjiro, realizing that, gets between Ken and Takaya, and Takaya points out that Shinji is dying anyway from the suppressants. This upsets Ken.
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The point is that you shouldn’t have been living solely for revenge. :/
Takaya points out that it shouldn’t matter whether he kills Ken or not.
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So this kid has been living for two years just for the purpose of killing his mom’s killer and then himself. No wonder he doesn’t want to enjoy food or spend time with us in the dorm. No wonder he asked Minato to take care of Hamburger. He literally wasn’t planning to come back. He was just going to go off and die, and we wouldn’t have found either of them until it was too late.
We’re still almost too late.
But Shinji is not down for child murder and gets a fully-voiced “fuck”, because this situation deserves it.
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And Takaya shoots him.
He asks, then, who our group’s navi is. Because we have to have someone as powerful or more powerful than Chidori, since we keep getting to the full moon shadows before Strega. And it’s clear that he wants to know so he can murder them, too. Shinji won’t answer, and Ken speaks up to claim that it’s him. That his navi abilities were the only reason they let a kid join them in the first place. Which isn’t a bad lie, but Ken…!
...he doesn't even try to get away from Takaya. Just shuts his eyes.
The gun goes off, but Shinji has forced himself up, and gets in the way again. He might have made it, but not with a second gunshot at point-blank range. And THAT’S when SEES arrives, and Takaya makes himself scarce. Because he’s too much of a coward to face us all at once. What, unwilling to try to gun down the whole group, you fucking bastard?
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(Tumblr crunched the quality as punishment for me trying to cram too many screenshots in the post, so you might have to open the image in a new tab. X''''D)
Everything fades to black as Ken screams.
If you were skipping this section, you’re clear now.
It has been maybe seven hours since Shinjiro died, and we get a classic line that basically sums up how not-okay everyone in this game is.
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Somehow, the school already knows. We have an assembly where the principal talks about the horrible sense of loss everyone feels because of this terrible tragedy. But the upperclassmen in the rows in front of us won’t stop muttering about how they didn’t even know an Aragaki was in their class, and how he was probably a delinquent, and how they heard he was shot in a senseless back-alley fight. They turn around to ask if we’d heard of him, but then decide nah, we were only second-years, of course we wouldn’t.
And FINALLY I get to say something rude.
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Junpei follows to back me up immediately after, and we get scolded by the teacher. It’s not fair, but… There’s nothing we can do.
No one has seen Akihiko all day, but he shows up to the gym after everyone is gone to talk to Shinji. He… blames himself for this. He says he thought that if he was strong enough, he could protect everyone, the way he couldn’t protect his sister. But now Shinji is gone too.
He promises that from now on, he’s not just going to fight for the sake of getting stronger, and his persona evolves from Polydeuces to Caesar.
It makes sense, in a sad way, that he can’t be Pollux anymore when his brother Castor is gone.
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Mitsuru calls a meeting, because we have to decide what to do with Ken. But when she sends Aigis to fetch Ken from his room (on the second floor), he’s climbed out the window and is gone.
P3 really is just validating my Hours choices years later, because I had Mitsuru commenting about how they needed to put Goro on the third floor so he wouldn’t climb out a window. I genuinely didn’t realize that she had prior experience informing her decision. XDDDD
Anyway, Fuuka wants to go look for Ken, and Akihiko says we need to give him time. Personally, I’m with Fuuka, because I don’t think we should be letting a kid who is as… uh… emotionally unstable as Ken be on his own. Who knows what he’ll do in the state he’s in?
I can’t go hunting, though, and most of my social links are unavailable due to midterms in a week, so…
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You know, I know the social links aren’t tied to main story progression, but dealing with this guy immediately after what happened just makes me angry. Fuck off, dude. Your cult is not saving anyone. Not you, not me, not my senpai who would have been INCREDIBLE to have as a brother. And you’re only doing this because you have to recruit someone for your bullshit.
After Suemitsu leaves, the guy whose son he scammed comes back, pointing him out to a thug that he apparently wants to beat him up. And honestly, if my option is to stop him from getting beaten up or not, I genuinely can’t say I will. I know he’s just an idiot teenager who got sucked into a cult, but I don’t like him.
There’s quite a few of my social links that are like “why am I spending time with this person still?” At least in P5 when people were tricky to link with, I still wanted to make an effort for the perks. (Not that there were any confidants in P5 I genuinely didn’t like. Not even Mishima.) But spending time with Tanaka, or Suemitsu, or Mutatsu? Why? Why keep coming back? :/
Akihiko finds Ken at Port Island Station, processing. Ken points out that his mom’s death was reported as a car accident, and no one ever knew the truth. And no one will know the truth about Shinjiro either.
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Akihiko tells him that it’s his choice, but that if he wants to keep fighting, SEES will be there for him. And Ken decides that he’s going to keep going. His persona evolves from Nemesis to Kala-nemi, and he returns to the dorm, much to everyone’s relief.
The midnight hour strikes, and Pharos comes back to chat.
“You look a little tired.” No shit, honey. You’re waking me up at midnight.
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We’ve been over this, it’s because you’re stealing my braincells.
We do get to tell him that we lost a friend. He says that he wouldn’t have understood that before, but he gets it now, because he has a friend. Grief and mourning in the face of death makes more sense now that he can fear losing someone.
Thanks, Pharos. You’re important to me, too. It’ll be okay. Just... stay with me. I can’t lose anyone else right now.
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prismatranslates-cue · 9 months
Chisa [Unhatched Seiyuu] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
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Yuuki: So you should be all set with that unbottling your emotions stuff, yeah?
Chisa: Well, not really. I’ve hardly gotten anywhere.
Yuuki: Why don’t we go get some food for now?
Yuzuha: This conversation’s made me start craving Chinese food.
Chisa: Would it kill you to actually try to care about my problem for a second?
Airi: Why don’t we go to the lesson studio so you can work on it?
Chisa: I did consider it…but I doubt Kirika-sensei would tell me anything I haven’t already heard from her.
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Yuuki: You could always shoot back.
Chisa: What?
Yuuki: If you don’t like what she says to you, you can shoot back!
Chisa: You’re telling me to shoot back at…Kirika-sensei…for giving advice.
Yuuki: Unless you’re okay with always running away from the fight?
Chisa: …Huh?
Yuuki: You know, one time I came home from school after losing a fight. My old man wouldn’t let me in! Kept telling me to go and get ‘em back.
Chisa: That’s a totally different situation!
Yuzuha: What happened after that, Yuuki?!
Yuuki: He went with me to the other kid’s house and beat them up.
Airi: D-didn’t he get in trouble for that?
Yuuki: He sure did. About a dozen school staff including the principal showed up and really let my dad hear it. They looked soooo mad.
Airi: What’d your dad do?
Yuuki: He just told them, “Grown-ups have no business getting involved in the children’s squabbles, you know.”
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Yuuki: And that was that! He didn’t even put down the wok he was cooking dinner with.
Airi: He’s so cool!
Chisa: Wasn’t your dad the first grown-up who got involved, though?
Yuuki: This other time some punks tried dining and dashing at our restaurant. So my dad stuck a kitchen knife in a cutting board and brought it out and went:
Yuuki: “This restaurant is like my own flesh and blood. You want to hurt my restaurant? Come stab me with the knife yourself then.”
Yuzuha: Yeah, let ‘em have it!
Yuuki: The cowards turned tail and ran for it.
Yuuki: I’ve seen my old man pull so many stunts like that growing up. I could never get into a real fight with him, haha!
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Chisa: Er…I hate to interrupt this very interesting storytime, but this was supposed to be about my problems, remember?
Airi: What was your family like, Chisa-chan?
Chisa: Huh? You really wanna know?
Yuzuha: Yea!
Chisa: Mmm…
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Chisa: My dad made a really big mistake with the business, so we lost a lot of money. We ended up so poor, struggling just to make ends meet…
Airi: Oh…
Yuzuha: That’s…cool…
Chisa: Honestly, I don’t know if I really want to get into what happened after that.
Chisa: I don’t really want to look back on those painful memories! Besides, I’d much rather focus on the whole unbottling my emotions thing right now.
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Yuuki: In that case, you guys wanna go grab some grub?
Airi: Sorry, Chisa-chan. Maybe we can continue afterwards?
Yuzuha: I promise I’ll listen better on a full stomach! I bet I’ll find it a lot more exciting too!
Chisa: Er, it’s not really supposed to be exciting...hey, come back here!
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0 notes
theycallmebecca · 3 years
Drabble: Video Chat
The other day @nomadicpixel​ and I were thinking about what it would be like to video chat with Chris... and I knew I wanted to write a drabble about it. I’ve written a naughty video chat drabble (Digital Get Down) with Chris... but that was before we had all the fantastic gifs of him actually doing video chats... so anyway... here’s a drabble!
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Title: Video Chat
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: loneliness?
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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The computer “rings” as it tries to connect with Chris’s computer and you suspect it will soon alert you that the connection cannot be made.
You grab your phone to text your boyfriend, but as you start to type, his video appears on the screen.
“Sorry I’m late,” he says as he gives you a dashing smile. “I had to make a quick phone call.”
“It’s ok,” you reply with a content sigh. “It’s good to see your face.”
“It’s good to see yours, too,” he says with a chuckle.
You open your mouth to ask how his day was, but the sound of the doorbell distracts you.
A confused expression crosses your face as you try to figure out how someone had gotten through the security gate without you knowing.
“Hold on, there’s-” The words die on your lips when you see Chris’s face. He is trying way too hard to appear innocent. “What did you do?”
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“Relax, it’s nothing crazy,” he replies. “Just go answer the door. It’s the boys.”
Leaving the video up, you make your way to the front door and, sure enough, his teenaged cousins are standing on the other side. One holding a bouquet of flowers and one holding a couple bags.
“Hey guys,” you greet them with a smile. You hold out your arms for the stuff but they shake their heads.
“We’ve got it,” the older of the two says. “But Chris said we could borrow some movies. Will you grab them for us?” He rattles off the names of a handful of movies.
“Sure, you can just put that stuff in the kitchen, I’ll sort through it after you leave,” you tell them.
While they go to the kitchen, you go downstairs to grab the movies for them. By the time you come back upstairs, they’re in the hall waiting.
“Thanks,” the younger one says after you hand him the movies. “Have a good night. Tell Chris we said hi.”
Closing the door behind them, you return to the living room  where you left the laptop, only to find it not there.
Smelling a setup, you go into the kitchen, but the laptop isn’t there either. Then you see flickering lights in the dining room.
Curious, you make your way into the room and roll your eyes at what you see.
“I see you’re paying your cousins well,” you tease Chris.
While sending you on a wild goose chase for random movies on opposite ends of Chris’s movie collection, the boys had moved the laptop to the dining table and set it up so Chris was on the “other side” of the table from where a togo container waited for you. On either side of the laptop were two fake candles.
“They’re teenage guys who don’t want to drive their mom’s minivan to school anymore,” Chris replies with a shrug. “They’re motivated.”
Sitting down in your chair, you see that Chris has also adjusted his side of the video screen. His meal is in front of him and he, too, has fake candles adding to the ambiance of the video chat.
It all makes tears pool in the corner of your eyes. “I wish you were here,” you tell him. You know he is working, but sometimes it’s really hard to be away. And the fact that he took Dodger with him makes it even harder.
“We’ll be home soon,” he promises. “Just a few more days.”
You nod your head, even though you know it will only be for a weekend before he heads to Europe to keep filming. But when that happens, you’ll have Dodger and he’ll be by himself.
“Tell me about your day,” Chris says, cutting through your thoughts.
Your eyes meet his and you know he knows where your mind was headed. You nod your head and then open your dinner, finding your favorite dish from a restaurant nearby.
Grabbing your fork, you take a bite, savoring every bit of it.
Once you’ve swallowed, you start talking, telling Chris about your day and asking about his.
In no time at all, it feels like he is in the room with you, both of you eating take out because you were too lazy to cook anything.
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You laugh.
He laughs.
You flirt.
He flirts.
It’s exactly what you needed after a long week of work and coming to a beautiful but empty house.
Then it all ends. The shrill echo of a timer goes off on his side and you know it’s time to say goodbye.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he says. “We can do dinner again, if you want.”
“Your cousin will kill you if you keep slipping cash his sons way,” you point out. “But I have to make cookies for a picnic. Maybe you can keep me company.”
“Perfect,” he replies. He gives you one last heart stopping look before he blows you a kiss. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” you reply, blowing him a kiss in return.
Then he disconnects and you’re all by yourself again.
The two of you talk every night for the next few days, the longing to be together getting stronger and stronger with each conversation. Video chats and phone calls aren’t enough for either of you.
The night before he is due home, you’re waiting for him to join the video chat.
Then the doorbell rings, once again catching you off guard. Chris had confessed last time to helping his cousins get through the gate without allowing the system to notify you.
But, you realize, he had been present for that doorbell.
Then another sound reaches your ears.
A dog bark.
Racing out of the living room, you reach the front door and throw it open.
There, standing on the other side of the door, is Chris and Dodger.
“We’re home,” he says.
You throw yourself into his arms and he lets go of Dodger’s lease to wrap his arms around you.
Tears of joy stream down your face as your lips meet his in a long awaited kiss. You part your lips, welcoming him to deepen the kiss, but it all comes to an end when Dodger tries to push between the two of you.
Laughing against Chris’s lips, you pull away and then bend down to greet Dodger.
“Yes, yes,” you tell him. “I’m happy you’re home, too.”
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snlhostharry · 4 years
try try again
harry x reader
2.2k words 
summary: harry wants to propose, but life keeps getting in the way 
a/n: first off... I suck at titles... why am I like this.... second off this is my secret santa gift for @jambrosemc ! happy holidays em! hope you like this, you are a super talented writer I just binged all your pieces and I am obsessed. and thank you to @peeterparkr for hosting 
The first time he tries is after the first concert he does for Fine Line. 
Fine Line at the Forum is a success in all the ways that matter, and Harry is so happy coming off the stage that he almost forgets about his plan to propose all together. When you barge into his dressing room after the show is over, smiling and ecstatic for him he suddenly sees the ring box on the counter and rushes to shove it in his pocket before you can see it. 
“That was insane, love,” You say wrapping him into a hug. “I think they really liked it.” 
He gives you a cheeky smile, “You think?” You roll your eyes in response, “What gave it away?” He asks, “The frantic screaming or the bra’s that were thrown onto the stage?” 
“You should’ve kept a couple,” You tease, “They could’ve been my size.” 
He laughs, “If you want one that bad I will buy it for you.” 
“I’m holding you to that,” You say, taking a seat on top of the counter. He runs a hand through his hair, knowing that this would be the perfect moment to just get down on one knee. He can see himself doing it, simply bending down and saying the words he’s wanted to say for what feels like forever. “You okay?” You ask him, seeing the look on his face and supposing that he’s thinking about something that happened during the concert. “You did a great job out there, seriously. Everyone really loved it H, the album is spectacular.” 
He shakes himself back into the moment, “I know, I know.” He says, and it comes off a little sharper than he means it too, he’s just very much in his own head about this whole thing now. What felt like it would be the perfect moment now feels wrong, like doing it now would cheapen the entire thing. He sighs, “Sorry,” He says, planting himself down on the floor dramatically, “Thank you.” 
“We don’t have to go out if you don’t want to,” You tell him, guessing that he’s just tired from a long night. “Let’s get takeout and go home, or go home and get takeout whichever order.” 
He smiles, “You ate before the show.” 
“That was like three hours ago, and it was a snack, I always planned on eating again, and you were too nervous to eat before the show.” 
He hugs his knees to his chest, “Watching you eat an entire kids meal in under five minutes actually helped with the nerves.” 
You shrug, “What can I say? I have my moments.” 
He stands and presses a kiss to your forehead as you swing your legs over the side of the counter. “You have a lot of moments, I love you.” 
“Love you too,” You wait a second before asking, “So home then?” 
He thinks about it for a minute, “Yeah.” 
“When you call in the food order make sure you put it under my name,” You tell him and he collects his things from the room, “People are beginning to get suspicious when I go into the restaurant to pick up an order for Harry.” 
He nods, and gently grabs your hand as the two of you leave. Maybe he’s not going to do it tonight, but he’s more resolved to actually pop the question than ever. He’s just so in love with you that he wants the whole thing to be perfect, and for some reason he has it all in his head that it needs to be a story that the two of you can tell in the future, something meaningful, he just has absolutely no idea what that is. 
The second planned attempt is a lot more off the cuff. 
You insist on throwing him a birthday party at the house, saying something about wanting to one up your sister who threw a very tasteful christmas party that the two of you went to. Not that your sister was invited seeing as the party was in London, but you knew that there would be enough pictures that she would see that you’re just as good as she is. Harry doesn’t understand it at all, but he decides that he doesn't even want to know how a rivalry like that can develop and leaves it alone. 
Objectively, you throw a very nice party. Of course Harry makes it a point to tell you this as often as possible without seeming overly invested in it, because he loves you and he wants you to be proud of your own work just like you want him to be proud of his. It’s hard for him to leave your side at all because he loves to see you talk to his friends and family and seem so happy to do it. You fit right in with everyone and he’s so grateful for that, and it’s as he’s standing there watching you talk to people that it hits him that this could be his moment. 
Not in front of everyone because that would be so much more pressure than he needs, but he thinks that after when everyone has finally left the house that he could catch you in the middle of cleaning or something and gently ask you to marry him. He decides that tonight, that’s the plan and he spends the rest of the night just thinking about that. It really is a great party, full of all his favorite things and people, it’s one of those nights where he feels like he loves you so much that his heart might just burst out of his chest. 
When finally every last guest has left the house, and things are a bit messy, he can’t seem to find you anywhere. He locks the door behind him, and starts walking through the house calling your name. He checks upstairs, in the kitchen, in all the bathrooms, and nothing. Until finally he walks into the living room and finds you sound asleep on the couch, snoring loudly enough that he’s surprised he didn’t hear it while he was looking. He looks at you and just smiles, suddenly completely fine with the fact that another plan has been ruined. He simply picks you up and takes you to bed, well aware he’s going to have to move onto plan C if he ever wants to get this done. 
The next time he tries, you end up surprising him. 
Plan C is a nice candlelight dinner at the house, which Harry tried to cook but ended up burning so eventually he relented and ordered food before putting it all together. Of all the plans he had come up with thus far, this one seemed the most foolproof. Everything was already planned: he knew you were going to come home from work at a certain time, he knew that there wouldn't be any distractions, and he had psyched himself up enough that he wasn’t just going to forget about the whole thing like he did the first time.
When the entire table is set up and the ring is in his pocket, he sits waiting for you to come home. He thinks about getting up to change some of the place settings just a little, but when he does he hears the clicking sound of your key in the door and sits back in his seat. After you walk into the house and set your stuff down in the entryway, Harry hears the sound of your shoes on the floor as you excitedly run into the kitchen. When you make it to where he can see you, he sees that you have a megawatt smile on your face and a large box in your hands. 
“I have a surprise,” You say, keeping a firm hold of the box. 
“I suppose it’s in that box,” He says, leaning over the chair so that he can see. 
You roll your eyes but keep smiling, “Yeah, obviously.” 
“Do you want me to guess?”
“God no,” You say, “That would take way too long. Basically I was at work today, and Mark has been producing this piece about a no kill animal shelter for a new segment about everyday heroes or whatever which is gross because puff pieces but when the woman came in to do the interview she brought in all these cats, no dogs for some reason, but anyway so we were all playing with the cats because our job is stressful and cats, and then she was like ‘you guys seem so good with these cats, they are looking for homes and-” 
He looks at you with a wide eyed expression, “You didn’t.” 
You ceremoniously walk over to the table, open the box and pull a small orange cat into your arms, “You bet your ass I did.” You gently pet the cat, which mews quietly from your arms, “She does not have a name mostly because I couldn’t think of any.” 
“We talked about pets like a week ago, briefly.” 
You give a guilty smile, “Yeah but I felt like I really needed this cat. I live here now, we live here, and I finally feel like I’m settled-” You sit down at the table and sigh, “I think I might be nesting, which is kind of gross but I don't know. I love you, and I love being here and I finally feel stable enough to get a freaking cat so that’s the explanation I have.” 
He can’t stop himself from breaking into a smile, even though he knows his plans have been thwarted again. (He thinks later, after the moment has already passed that he very well could’ve done it right then and there after you’d given a whole speech about the two of you being stable). He shakes his head after looking at you making funny faces at the cat like it’s a child, “Okay hand her over.” 
You hand her over and say, “I will not accept any names that have to go with the fact that she’s a ginger, because that’s just lame.” 
“Well seeing as those were my only ideas-”
You sigh, “We will think of something, just not now because you got dinner and I’m starving.” 
“What’s she going to eat?”
“I got food and a bowl, and a bunch more things being delivered within the next week or two.” 
“Did you go out and buy a box just for the dramatic reveal?”
“Yes, I did and it was totally worth it.” 
The cat’s name ends up being Hillary, after you discover an affinity for pet names that are usually person names. Something about the way you’ll end up talking about Hillary in polite conversation and someone will have to ask you who that is makes you want to choose it overall. Even though Harry is not sure about the sudden change at first, he soon becomes best friends with Hillary, and you often find the two of them cuddled up together on the couch. She likes to listen to him play music just as much as you do as it turns out. 
Harry is still trying to think of a way to propose. So much time has passed since he bought the ring, and the first time that he planned to pop the question that he wonders if he’ll ever find the right time to do it or if you’ll just end up asking him one day because it’s all gone too far. One afternoon when the two of you are relishing a rare shared day off, he watches you cook lunch in the kitchen and decides that now is the time to do it. No more excuses, no more surprises, just him and you and the question on the tip of his tongue for too long. 
When you put all of the food on plates, and set them out on the counter he walks over and just looks at you. It weirds you out at first so you ask, “What? Is there something on my face?” 
He gets down on one knee and you still are very confused about what he’s doing. You open your mouth to ask him, but the realization suddenly hits you and you cover your mouth with your hands. 
“y/n,” He says, “I have been waiting to ask you this for what feels like forever. And everytime that the plan fell through you somehow managed to make me want to marry you even more. I love you so much, I love everything about you, how excited you get about your work, how much you love Hillary and how supportive you are whenever I do anything. I love our life here, and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?” 
You don’t say anything for a second, still shocked, “Yes of course.” He stands and kisses you, slipping the ring onto your finger. “I was wondering when you would ask me.” 
“You knew?”
“I saw it that night after the forum,” You say, “I figured you got nervous.” 
“And you just let me flounder here for almost six months?” 
“Yes,” You smile, “I figured you wanted to do it on your own terms.” 
“Next time just call me out love, because I sat on this for too long.” 
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} – Cherry Blossom & Tangerines – Trafalgar Law x Y/n – Part 2
Modern AU. Living in Seoul, Sk. Trip to Jeju Do (Island). Everybody is alive. No spoilers. Female reader. No physical descriptions. Everybody is +18, canon ages. Chopper is human.
Tw: anxiety, fear of flying. No further tw warnings. Mostly SFW. Nami x Vivi & and some ZoSan.
A/N: The AU is inspired on Jeju Island, SK. I've made some research on cute places from there, such as touristic attractions and coffee shops. Even though, it may not be 100% accurate, so keep in mind is mostly inspired♥
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31059467
Word Count: 4K
» List of parts: {P1} {P2} {P3} {P4} {P5} {P6}«
Chapter 2. “Law?!...” I said surprised. “Y/n-ya?...” he asked, also surprised, but before I could say anything else, Luffy came running through the aisle and hugged Law, and I came to the conclusion that he was, indeed, Zoro and Luffy’s friend.
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I moved my stuff out of the way, and after he got rid of Luffy, Law helped me to put my backpack on the overhead locker and then sat next to me.
I remained silent for a little bit, waiting perhaps for him to talk, but he didn’t. The flight attendant announced the takeoff was about to happen, so we fasten our seatbelts as the plane started moving. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, and I could see how he seemed a little bit nervous. I thought it was my imagination, but when the plane gathered a little more speed through the runway, he began to breathe faster.
I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and I had to ask, “Law, are you ok? Are you feeling bad?”. He directed his gaze at me with blushing cheeks, and after a few seconds, he said “Y-Yes. I just tend to get a little nervous during the take off, but I’m… ok”. Poor thing, he was trying to cover his heavy breathing… “Don’t worry, it's completely normal, would you like me to hold your hand? You can squeeze it as much as you can”, I said kindly, keeping my cool just for him to see how it wasn’t a big deal, and nothing to get embarrassed of. I placed my hand, palm up, over the armrest that separated our seats and waited for him to hold it. He doubted a little bit, but he finally did it, first softly, still ashamed, but then firmly. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon, try to focus on your breathing”, I guided him, with a calm speech, and looking directly into his deep grey eyes, smiling kindly. He slowly calmed his respiratory frequency, and a few minutes after the plane was already flying at cruise level, he sweetly let go of my hand. Our palms were a little sweaty, but I couldn’t care less.
“T-Th- Thanks…” He said, looking at the floor. “Don’t worry, you saved me three times the other day, now I owe you only two” I said, winking an eye at him. Law smiled a little, but kept looking at the floor. I was about to point out the fact that he was Zoro’s friend when Nami peaked through our seat backs saying “Oi Torao, you finally decided to come with us!! You normally don’t go anywhere, I’m glad you separated from your books for good!... Oh, and you two must know each other, right Y/n?” she said pointing at us, “Both of you study at the same U and are becoming doctors soon”. Vivi who was next to Nami began to giggle covering his mouth. Suddenly I realized that both of my friends already knew who Law was, and began to suspect that for some reason they wanted to perhaps pair us up.
“I know him from other circumstances”, I said smirking at them, but with an underhand expression of “I’m gonna kill both of you for not telling me”. Law smiled at them, but didn’t say much, and the girls returned to their seats.
“So, your surname must be Trafalgar, right? I thought you were a Donquixote…”, I asked him. “Yeah, is a long story…”, he said with no emotion at all, and I realized it wasn’t a good topic, so I changed the curse of the conversation. “Oh, you were the one who was complemented by Dr. Marco? You are amazing, doc!”.
“Uhum, but I’m not that good. Dr. Phoenix is just an amazing teacher”, he replied. “Indeed, he is”, I said. The small talk came to an end when the flight attendant offered us something to drink. I opted for a glass of plain water, and so did Law. He then grabbed a manga from his little bag, and began to read. “Maybe he doesn’t wanna talk to me…” I thought, put my air pods on and turned on the music. Some minutes after I regretted not having any sleep last night, as my eyes were trying to close...
The voice of the captain announced over the speakers that we will be arriving on Jeju Island in a few minutes. I was being lazy to open my eyes, as I felt extremely comfy sleeping in that position… until I realized I had my head - and almost the right side of my body - over Law’s shoulder. “Oh my… I’m sorry!” I said gaining composure and sitting properly on my spot. Law gave me a smile with kind eyes, and said “Don’t worry, I was asleep too, I used your head as a pillow, I didn’t want to wake you up, though”. Behind us a few laughs from the girls were heard, and I asked, confused, “You… what?. But the landing was already happening and the cabin crew asked us to prepare, so I decided to shut my mouth. I gazed at Law to see if he needed any help with the landing, but he didn’t seem as scared as he was with the taking off.
We all descended the plane, waited for our luggage and headed to the car rental picking point. I’ve booked three cars, so we distributed perfectly on each one. Franky picked the blue Hyundai Venue. Usopp, Chopper and Brook went with him. Law chose a yellow Hyundai Sonata, of course he would, he looks so cool… Zoro, Sanji, and of course Luffy followed him. I chose the white Tucson, for me and the girls.
We left the airport and drove through the streets of Jeju, admiring the beauty of the cherry blossom trees and the yellow flowers on the side of the road. Law’s car was behind us, and sometimes I spied through the rear mirror, just to see his face fully concentrated on the road.
I asked Nami to put the GPS for me, because our Airbnb was a little bit remote from the center and I was afraid of getting lost. The girls and I sang the whole drive to the songs the radio was playing.
We finally reached the house. It was just as the photos, a white two-story house, big enough for all of us. The beach was next to our patio, the typical style of grey rocks of Jeju Do garnished the entrance and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore with a few seagulls squawking made the whole atmosphere unique.
I gave the entrance code to Robin and she opened the door. Luffy entered first running excited and went directly to the garden to see the beach. We followed him, pretty excited too. Inside, the house had a minimalistic style, everything was white and the floor and furniture was made of light wood.
There were four rooms, so the guys distributed in two of them, Robin and I went to another and we let Nami and Vivi have a room for them. We took turns to use the shower and got ready to explore the island right away.
Sanji suggested that we should go first to Dongmun traditional market to buy fresh ingredients for him to cook for us. He became a professional chef a few years ago and works with his father Zeff, on his well-known restaurant, “The Baratie”. His cooking skills are heavenly, and he loves to cook for us, so we agreed immediately.
We arrived after a 10 minute drive, the market was extremely busy, the food stalls offered a variety of typical korean dishes, kimbap, tteokbokki, tteokgalbi and fresh and canned ingredients, such as typical fishes from the island and the famous kimchi.
Luffy, as always, drove by the smell of the delicious food, ran desperately inside and tasted every single sample the sellers offered to him. Nami, Vivi and I, decided to try the famed tangerines of the island. Nami, who is an expert on tangerines, would give us the final verdict on if they are good as people say. The juicy mandarin slices we tried were exquisite, the sweetness mixed with a little bit of tartness made us want to buy bags of them.
I saw Law approaching us, he had separated from Zoro’s group who were trying the variety of Sojus. I called him with a big smile and some tangerine slices on my hands, “Law!! Come here, you should try this!”. He came closer also with a little grin. I stood on tiptoes and said, “Open your mouth!” and without any shame I offered him a big juicy slice of mandarin. He opened his mouth surprised, but accepted the fruit and while taking it, his lips softly touched the point of my fingers. It felt almost as if he was kissing them, or for a moment I wished it was the case… A little drop of juice ran from his mouth through the commissure of his lips, so I immediately rubbed my thumb over it to clean it. He fixed his eyes on mine, and for a few seconds it seemed as if the rest of the world stopped existing around us. He swallowed up the fruit and thanked me still without taking his gaze off me. The moment broke when the old lady at the tangerine selling stall asked us if we wanted a box or a bag for the fruits. I turned to her, and saw Nami and Vivi looking at the lady wanting her to shut her mouth. My cheeks thanked the interruption, though, because they couldn’t get any more flushed.
“A box would be great, thanks!” I told the seller. Law carried the box himself, and we reunited with the rest of the group.
Sanji had already gathered everything he needed, Zoro had bought his alcohol provision for the next few days, Luffy had his face completely stuffed with some meat, Franky had a cola on his hands, Brook a milkshake, Robin a bag of tangerine tea, Chopper of course some candy cotton on both of his hands and Usopp was eating some type of ramyon. We left the market and headed to our temporary house to leave the provisions and decide the plans for the afternoon and night.
“I want to go to Bomnal Cafe, I heard they serve delicious pastries! Can we go there?” suggested Chopper. “We can go there for the afternoon, and then have a picnic with a bonfire at the beach for the night. What do you think, guys?”, I proposed. “BONFIRE! BONFIRE! Sanji, you could also make some barbecue!!” screamed Luffy, excited, and everyone agreed that it would be a great idea.
Some of us headed to the coffee shop, while Sanji, Zoro, Law, Usopp and Franky stayed at home to prepare everything for the night.
The little coffee shop had a minimalistic, all white and grey, and maybe a little vintage atmosphere. We ordered a few pastries, puddings and lattes that tasted exquisite. We sat by a big window that let us admire the beauty of a little garden with cherry trees and a little pond with some fishies swimming peacefully. We were making stories for Instagram, taking photos, having fun. “Oi, Y/n, pose for me!” said Nami and took a photo of me with her iPhone. I didn’t have time to pose properly, so it was a pretty casual photo of me drinking a matcha latte. Brook insisted on me posting it, because he said it was cute. Chopper and the girls agreed with him, so I uploaded it to my Instagram.
Suddenly, a new notification popped up on my screen, “@DrHeartSteeler liked and commented on your photo”. “Hey guys, do you know who is @DrHeart…” I was asking them while opening the notification and realized it was no other than Law. “@DrHeartSteeler > Beautiful… place. Can you bring me one of those when you come back home?”. I hadn’t had the chance to say anything else when my friends began to make a fuss about the comment. “WHEN YOU COME BACK HOME?, Torao what the fuck?” said Nami laughing out loud. Chopper who was a little innocent, started asking why everyone was laughing, and it only fanned up the flames that were blushing my cheeks. “Yohoho… I guess you have to bring him “home” a matcha latte, Y/n, he probably misses you already…” mocked me Brook. Robin, who is the most mature of all of us, simply laughed and looked at me with kind eyes.
“Stop it guys, he is just asking for a latte…” I said, fanning my face with my hand. “Oh, yes, of course. He wasn’t even following your account. Before we left home, he asked Vivi for your user, right babe?…” said Nami and Vivi nodded with her mouth full of chocolate cake. I didn’t want to show the excitement I was feeling on my insides, so I simply replied that he probably wanted to follow me because he was already following everybody in the group. We decided to come back before the sun set, so we could see it on the beach and after buying Law his tea, and some pastries for the guys we left the pretty tea room and drove home.
“Guys, we are home! we brought you some pastries!!” I said, while carrying the papers bags, and Law’s latte on the other hand. Everyone came running to me and grabbed the bags, while Law, who was sitting on the couch reading, looked at me above his manga, as if he was waiting for me to say something. I tried to act cool, so I said “And oh, uhm, Law your matcha Latte. I hope it’s the right size for you”. He smiled at me, left the book on the armchair and stood up. He walked towards me slowly, I didn’t know if he was trying to be sexy or it was just how he was… Because he certainly was, only using black with yellow spots, swim shorts and a yellow open shirt, that let me admire his tattooed chest and abs.
“Thanks, Y/n-ya. When I saw your picture, I craved for…” he made a little pause, and continued while grabbing the plastic cup, “some matcha latte”. Well, now I crave... you… I thought. I gave him a look from head to toe, and said smirking “It’s nothing, now I only owe you only one favor, so, you tell me if you need something more”. “Mh... I’ll keep it in mind”, he said with his low sexy voice and a little side smirk. I smiled at him and went upstairs.
I threw myself on the bed and sighed loudly. My heart was racing, my lower parts were feeling funny and the sexual tension I’ve just experienced was too much to handle for me. “How hot he is, damn it”, I expressed out loud covering my eyes. “Who is hot, Y/n?” asked Zoro, who apparently was entering my bedroom to ask me something. I almost had a heart attack, but calmed myself down and asked him what he needed. He told me that we were getting ready to go to the beach to prepare the picnic and watch the sunset and if I could bring some blankets. I told him ok and he left my room laughing.
“I came here to rest, and I’m getting more stressed than during finals”, I thought, annoyed, while gathering for a few blankets and pillows to bring to the beach. I headed downstairs. Everybody has already left the house and I could see them walking towards the beach from our patio. I was about to leave and closed the door trying not to throw the blankets I had in my hand, when someone scared the hell out of me. “Oi, you almost let me locked in..., let me help you with that”, said Law who was still inside. “God… Law, you scared me… what are you doing? I thought I was alone…”. “Sanji forgot the salt shaker, I returned to bring it to him”, he calmly answered. “Oh, I see… Well let’s go” I said, still breathing fast from getting scared, and handed him a few blankets to help me carry them.
The chilly sea breeze kissed our cheeks, and the sound of the beach began to fill my ears. I was wearing a long silky dress that danced with the wind, as well as my hair. The sun was going down, everything was golden. Oranges, violets, reds, were the colours that tinted the clouds above the sea. Law was walking right by my side, and both were admiring the beauty of the evening lights that bathed the cliffs. I decided to stop, and take a picture with my analog camera, and as I did, Law kept walking a few steps more until he realized I had stopped. He turned around and looked at me, just when I pressed the shutter. “I’m sorry, I… didn’t know…” Law excused himself for appearing in the photo, but I wasn’t mad at all. I gave him a smile and told him, “It’s ok, you are part of the trip, I’ll give you a copy when I develop the film if you want”. “Thanks…”, he said, and we kept on walking admiring the beauty of the sun setting.
We finally arrived at where everybody else was. Law gave the salt to Sanji and helped him with the barbecue. I started to set up the blankets with the girls and told Brook to play some music with his guitar. The boys had already put up the bonfire and some torchlights that lit up our night.
The night was lovely, it was a little cold, but a few beers after I was dancing with the girls barefoot on the sand to “A lovely night” from the movie Lalaland. Suddenly, Robin said to me “Hey, Y/n… it seems that Torao-kun can’t take his eyes off from you tonight”. “Huh?” I told Robin, confused. She pointed to where the boys were cooking and I turned my face to them. Law was indeed looking at me, with a beer in his hand. I smiled gazing at him over my shoulder, and he did too. I turned back at the girls and kept on dancing covering my mouth, giggling a little. Vivi, Nami and Robin also giggled and gave me a complicit smile.
“Dinner is ready, everybody! “announced Sanji and we gathered all around the grill to receive the plates that surprisingly Zoro helped Sanji to serve. I guess alcohol and food made them somehow get along, at least for a few hours. I wonder when they are going to stop the fighting and begin the kissing… fufufu…
The brochettes were heavenly, we ate them sitting around the bonfire while singing “Binks no Sake”, one of Brooks classics. He is the musician of the group, and even started his professional career a few years ago as “Soul King”. He is such a talented guy.
As the night passed Law and I sometimes interlocked eyes, or exchanged little smiles. I took some more photos during the picnic and we kept on dancing until 3 am, when we decided to raise camps and head to our beds.
I was exhausted, yet, the idea of stalking Law on Instagram was on my head and didn’t let me sleep. I covered myself completely with the sheets and searched for his user on my phone. He has no more than 5 photos posted. One of them was with Luffy and Zoro, after training, another one of him and Rosinante -he called him “Cora-san” on the image caption, how cute - when he was a little boy. The rest of the photos were with some friends dressed up as pirates for Halloween and in the comment section they called themselves the “Heart pirates”, ha-ha funny.
I suspired whenever I zoomed the photos over his eyes. I was starting to like this man, way too much... I tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep, but I simply couldn’t, so I thought drinking some tea would help me. I went downstairs, trying not to wake anybody up and got to the kitchen. From the big glass door that looked at the beach I saw how the moonlight lit up the waves crashing on the cliffs and the whole kitchen. The scenery and the chamomile tea were slowly fading away the image of Law’s eyes, until I felt someone placing a hand over my shoulder. I slightly gazed at it, and it only took me a few seconds to know it was the tattooed hand of the guy who was keeping me awake. He was wearing black shorts, and a loose white shirt. His hair was more disheveled than ever. What is it with this guy that looks so good no matter what he looks?...
“I see I’m not the only one who can’t sleep”, Law whispered. “Yeah, I’m exhausted but somehow I can’t fall asleep… I guess it must be the bed, I don’t know. Do you want some tea?”, I offered him. “Yes, that would be great”, he accepted.
I was turning on the electric kettle when we heard some noises coming from the living room. I looked at Law and both of us peaked through the kitchen entrance to see what was going on…
“Shitty cook… we shouldn’t….”, “What? are you afraid, idiot Marimo?”. Sanji and Zoro seemed a little drunk and were somehow hugging and walking at the same time. At first I thought they were trying to help each other to go upstairs, so I started walking towards them to help. I couldn’t walk any further because immediately Law grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me back into the kitchen covering my mouth. “Shh… just wait”, he whispered into my ear and let go of me. What I saw next was something we’ve all been waiting for. Finally, Zoro and Sanji accepted how much they loved each other, and went upstairs kissing as two teenagers in love.
I opened my mouth and looked at Law with a surprised expression, that soon turned into a happy face. I started making little jumps in my place. “I knew it!!” I said and Law giggled almost without making any sound. With the excitement I didn’t notice how near we were from each other, until Law softly caressed my face with one of his soft hands. He, of course had the hands of a surgeon, long fingers, soft skin, perfectly cut nails. “Why don’t we do the same as them?” he asked me, and I gasped and stood still in front of him. He slowly approached his face to mine until the point of our noses were almost touching. I got lost into his grey eyes, my mouth was ready to receive his lips. The sweet torture of the moments before a first kiss, I wished I could make it last as much as I could, but at the same time, I wanted him to kiss me, passionately, now, right now.
My eyes probably showed how desperately I was for him to kiss me, that he smirked and finally planted his luscious lips against mine. He explored my mouth with his tongue, with no modesty at all, and as we were passionately kissing he lifted me up and sited me over the kitchen counter.
Without stopping the kissing, I open my legs to allow him to come further and as he did, he slid a hand to my sex…
Part 3
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milkttea · 4 years
can you do some mha boys save you from someone who wont take no for an answer? I dont know if this is your style but i really love your writing! <3
Of course I can! Thank you so much for sending an ask!! Btw I write for just about anything LOL so don’t be afraid to ask!
Also Happy New Year! This year has been tough for everyone so I hope this will help to lessen your nerves! Consider it my gift to you and everyone else!
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You were minding your business in the city, having just finished your work for the day. It wasn’t too late in the evening, it just turned to four when you left your apartment. 
While you were walking around you got hungry and deciding that you definitely were not in the mood for cooking, but also not eating something completely unhealthy, you went to a take out place that you frequented.
In line, you’d already decided on what you were going to order before you even walked through the door, you’ve ordered from there that many times. Anyway, you didn’t notice the eyes of a man lingering on your form in a disrespectful way. Disgusting we hate to see it, kill all men.
Getting your food and leaving the little take out restaurant you failed to notice the same man following you out of the restaurant and trailing after you. This didn’t go unnoticed to the hero who happened to be on duty and noticed the man following you out of the restaurant.
At first, he didn’t think much of it and resorted to lightly following you with his eyes. It was when the same man turned to the same street as you did and grabbed your arm that he finally went to see if you may need help.
When you felt your arm get grabbed you immediately became filled with anxiety, turning you met eyes with a man that just screamed danger. 
“Sorry miss, I just couldn’t help but notice your carrying some heavy bags, do you need some help carrying them back to your house?”
That raised red flags immediately in you and putting on the nicest smile you could while trying to not cry you just shook your head.
“No thank you, I’m fine!” You tried to take your arm out of his grip, but his hold only got tighter, “really it’s fine, thank you for offering to help me though.” Your hands were shaking and you felt like throwing up.
“I’m just trying to be nice here, lady. Geez, what you can’t be nice anymore?! I’m trying to help you!“
The man was now yelling at you and his grip on your arm got impossibly tighter and you guessed there would be a bruise there by tonight. 
“Sir please I appreciate the offer, but I really don’t need your help,“ you tried to reason with him.
“You’re so fucking ungrateful, I’m trying to help you you fucking bitch!“
Things were quickly escalating as the man gripped both of your arms now and squeezed them very tightly.
“You’re hurting me! Please let go!”
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Before the man could do even more damage a hand reached out to grab his arms and pin them behind his back. Your eyes which had been previously closed opened as you feel the hands of your harasser leave you. Looking at the man you see the pro hero Deku with an angry expression directed towards the man who’s face contorts in pain.
 Deku in question looks away from the man and turns to look at you, his face immediately changing from anger to concern. He quickly takes a capture weapon, typically used on villains, and ties the mans hands together then to his feet.
He makes quick work to look at your arms and check for any injuries you may have gotten.
“I’m so sorry I should have acted quicker I just wasn’t sure what this man was planning on doing and-”
He continues to mutter as he fiddles with your arms, holding them much gentler than he did with the tied up man. You just stare at him in wonder, you’ve never met a pro hero before much less one of the most popular and top pro hero.
“I- thank you so much for helping! I wasn’t sure what would happen, honestly thank you so so much!”
He nods and breathes a sigh of relief, which then moves to concern when you wince and let out a whine at a particular spot he rubbed on your arms. The sound led to less than respectful thoughts and made his face warm up, but he pushed them aside in favor of making sure you were feeling better. 
“Yeah, still pretty upset at myself for not helping sooner though, um do you need any help because I know you can carry the bags yourself but your arm looks pretty bad right now and you winced when I pressed a little hard and the bags might make it worse and I don’t want you to get hurt even more if I can help it-”
You laugh a little at his muttering, it was kind of cute and fit him perfectly.
“Um yeah- I could use the help but just for a bit after all your a pro and there are much more people who need help than me!”
“Oh it’s fine really I don’t mind helping!”
He proceeds to help you carry the bags you have after taking the man to a police station to report him for harassment. You both make idle chatter as you head to your apartment.
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“Hey asshole! Leave the girl alone!”
The man, startled, turns around your forearms still in hand and somehow grips them tighter as his eyes land on a less than pleased pro hero. Realizing that he’s been caught he lets go of your arms and stutters out.
“I was just offering to help her! She was being ungrateful!“
This truly was the weakest excuse he could have ever given because the look on Bakugou’s face said it all.
“Don’t try to lie scumbag, I saw you follow her out the restaurant and harass her.”
The man realizing that Bakugou wouldn’t let up he stupidly tries to make a run for it. Bakugou having quick reflexes puts his hand over your eyes and lets off a flash bang that stops the man in his tracks as he furiously rubs his eyes.
“If there's one thing I hate it’s guys that can’t take a NO especially when a person tells you repeatedly.”
Bakugou says this as he grips the mans arm and leads his away to a nearby cop and explains the situation with a huff. He returns to where you are as you just stare at him for a brief second, before eventually letting out a small thank you as you rub at your arms to try to relieve the pain from the tight grip of the man.
“She was an ungrateful bitch! I offered to help her for free! You here me you ungrateful who-!”
Bakugou shares a look with the cop before hitting the guy in the neck, effectively knocking him unconscious. He talks with the cop before making his way back to you.
He notices you rubbing your arm and makes a face.
Considering that this whole thing started with you refusing you would accept anyway, but considering the fact that your arms were now in pain it would probably be best for you to get some help.
“Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it.“
You rub your arms as Bakugou looks at you briefly, before letting a slight smile show up on his face.
“Should probably take self defense classes dumbass, you could have seriously gotten hurt,“ Bakugou responds as he follows your lead to your apartment. He didn’t know why he offered to help you, maybe because he felt like you were weak.
Either way, you were happy for his help and waved goodbye to him once you got back into your apartment and gave him a smile.
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Ice shot out from seemingly nowhere and froze the mans legs to the ground, the action surprised him and caused him to let go of your arms and you hurriedly backed away from him.
Shocked at what just happened you look around before your eyes land on the pro hero Shoto who offers a slight nod as he goes towards the man with a less than pleasant expression on his face.
“Hey what the hell man?! I was helping the dame out and she wouldn’t take my fucking help! Freeze her not me!”
Todoroki now on the scene blankly states at the man who tries to free himself from the ice as his face lowers into a harsh glare.
“You were harassing this young lady and wouldn’t leave her alone, learn to take no for an answer.”
He freezes the mans hands and legs together before going to your side and making an ice chunk to put on your arms.
“I apologize for not coming earlier I didn’t realize his intentions, I should have acted sooner,” he says with regret laced in his voice.
A little shiver runs down your spine at the feeling of the ice block on your arms, but you offer a smile to him in gratitude.
“I’m just glad you were here when you were, Shoto,” you respond with a slight blush on your face at how close he was.
His face wasn’t too better as he forgets for a brief second that his hero name was his first name, he decided he liked the way his name sounded coming from you. Using his quirk to cool down his face he looks at your bags that have since fallen on the floor.
“I could help you bring your stuff back to wherever to you need to go? Your arms don’t seem too injured, but straining them won’t do you any good,” he hoped he didn’t sound rude, thankfully he didn’t and you let out a slight laugh.
“Yeah I guess you’re right, kind of need my arms to work at their best for my job and life really.”
Todoroki picks up your bags and walks with you towards your residence, waving down an officer on the way and pointing them towards the man who harassed you.
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dashedwithromance · 4 years
Slithered Here From Eden - Princewitch
anyways here is my first princewitch fic!! i hope you guys like it, and let me know if you have any ideas for fics for those two. im a little nervous to put this out here - ive written only cressworth and original stuff for a while, so im kinda nervous this wont be in character or will be weird in my style. anyway, please let me know if you like this, and if its something you want more of. im already working on a few others, courtesy of @duchess-of-nothing-and-nowhere ‘s brilliant ideas, but send in any requests you have!!! i hope you guys enjoy, thank you!!!!!
Hell was, well, hell.
Her husband was busy doing whatever kings of Hell did in their spare time, which she was thankful for. She didn’t wish to run into any of the Wicked, but Pride was close to the top of the list. Not the worst offender, however. The Prince she’d once tentatively called an ally had claimed that spot with his spectacularly humiliating betrayal. 
The worst part was that she still didn’t understand. His motives, his feelings, his aims - all were shrouded in mystery, one that seemed to taunt her at every twist and turn. Bastard. 
Contrary to her preconceptions, her rooms were actually rather beautiful. Similar to the style of the house Wrath had rented in Palermo, but it felt different. Darker. Her quarters were styled in black and gold, with serpent scones lining the walls. The fire flickered in a menacing fashion, though she’d long since learned it had more bark than bite. 
Shadows crept along the floor until they curled at her feet like a cat, announcing the presence of the one demon prince she wished to see the least. 
“What do you want.” Emilia barely gave him a glance before he walked him, arrogance pouring off him. As if he owned the damn place. 
Infuriatingly beautiful as usual, he wore a dark suit, flecked with golden patterns, not unlike the tattoo she knew adorned his shoulder. Her attention flicked to the wicker basket he held gingerly in his hands. Covered with a soft blue tea towel, it looked like something plucked off the streets of her home, not something that belonged within the obsidian walls of the kingdom where wickedness ruled with abandon. 
Silence was his only reply as he looked her up and down. The gaze threatened to set her alight; with rage or desire, she wasn’t entirely sure. Once, the bed that loomed behind her would’ve offered a taunting distraction and a fragile but desperate wish. Now, it only annoyed her, reminding her of the moments she’d failed so magnificently at seeing through his façade.
Still no response. They hadn’t spoken since her wedding, and their last words had been less of a conversation and more of throwing of well-deserved insults on her behalf. He’d told her that she knew nothing of his motivations, and to assume he wished her harm was foolish. She’d told him a few carefully chosen expletives, complete with a hand gesture that would’ve had her mother wringing her hands. Wrath had spent the days prior skulking outside her quarters, never saying a word, only letting his shadows pollute her already foul mood. She might’ve had the slightest amount of sympathy for him, had he not betrayed her, lied to her, married her to his brother and thoroughly pissed her off in the process.
He placed the basket down on the table at the other side of the room. Looking up, Wrath raised a carefully groomed brow. Apparently, princes of Hell had beauty routines.
His mood was undetectable through his face, but the shadows that followed him gave it away, if only slightly. They were the same dark as a summer night; dark enough for comfort, but not the soulless black pitch she’d seen him wear so often. An interesting combination for a prince who seemed to care not a whit whether she lived or died after he’d gotten what he wanted.
Wrath pulled back the cloth covering the basket to reveal – food. A carefully curated selection of her favourites, smelling like they’d been plucked off the serving plates of the Sea & Vine.
She nearly salivated at the sight – the food she’d eaten in Hell had been a sore spot for her. Though nothing was wrong with it, it lacked the love of homemade food. The flavour that came with knowing that someone lovingly made every single bite. There were no laughing families who cooked here, no fathers to taste-test, or sisters to tease while they made sangria side by side.
  “How on earth did you find this?” The words slipped out before she could correct herself. ‘Earth’ was perhaps not the right term, though she couldn’t truly tell where she was. Under, felt more accurate. Below.
He looked at her as if she was missing the obvious – and she was.
The food smelt like she was used to because it was what she was used to. The same recipes, made with the same care as every meal that came from the Sea & Vine kitchens.
Panic enveloped her faster than joy.
“Did you hurt them?” She hissed, desperately searching his appearance for any sign of violence. He was wearing black, that much was true, but either he cleaned up exceptionally well, or there was no blood to be found.
“Hurt them?” Wrath’s tone was even, but she could hear how he scoffed. The nerve, “No. I even paid for it.”
Her heart still beat fast enough to burst from her chest, so he continued, “Relax, witch. No harm has come to them, nor will it, if you comply with my brother’s terms.” There was no audible threat in his tone, but she knew it went without saying. Comply, be Pride’s blooded wife, or her family would receive the same fate as Vittoria. It hurt to even think about, however brief the thought was.
She was going to throw something right at his beautiful, awful face. Maybe the basket, once she was finished devouring her favourites. Wrath would certainly look ridiculous enough with a basket slammed over his head, if he didn’t kill her first.
“It’s not poisoned, if that’s what you fear.” Emilia blinked, unsure how to respond. He seemed to be lingering, if demon princes could ever linger. Why wouldn’t he leave?
She nodded, restraining a biting retort about how she was sure that fact was a deep disappointment for him. Remembering the odd rules of demonhood, she thanked him.
Still, he wouldn’t leave. Just stood there, watching her with those golden eyes that peered into her very soul, reaching inside and setting her alight. His gaze was unnerving.
Her patience, which had thinned dramatically since becoming a co-ruler of Hell, waned, “Are you waiting for payment?”
He laughed. Actually laughed. A short, biting sound, but a laugh nonetheless.
“I could smell your foul mood from my own House. Perhaps this will appease you.”
Appease her. As if it were that simple. As if he hadn’t tricked her, lied to her by omission, made her into an even greater fool than the one she was.
“Perhaps if you deigned to be truthful, I would be more polite.” Lies, but worth a try. If only he would tell her something, anything by way of explanation. Even if it was brutally cruel and benefitting a member of the Wicked. Anything but the agony of anticipation.
Apparently this evening was full of more surprises, because Wrath then pulled out a chair, and gestured for her to sit down, like they weren’t sworn enemies. The thought of a biting retort was attractive, but the smell of food was too much. The scent of all her favourites, food she’d spent hours labouring over in the past, wafted towards her like an irresistible gift.
The basket held everything she dreamt of. Wrath laid the table with his harvest as she tried not to gape at the sight. Twin glasses of sangria, somehow still delightfully cold. The comforting smell of garlic and fresh herbs permeated the air. Plates piled high with a mix of all her favourite things: a selection of antipasto, a side plate of bruschetta, a bowl of pasta, and a small dish of cannoli. If she closed her eyes, and forgot the presence of the prince in front of her, she could picture being back home, surrounded by her family and loved ones. If she thought hard enough, she could faintly smell Vittoria’s favourite perfume, the one she made for herself.
When she opened her eyes, the dream faded away, and there was only Wrath sitting across from her. Despite all the effort she presumed he must’ve taken to fetch the food, he sat watching like he thought it was attack him. Or she would. A laugh escaped her lips, almost hysterical, at the situation. Her, Queen of Hell, sat with her husband’s brother, another demon prince, as they ate food from her family’s restaurant. Comical, if disturbing.
“It won’t bite,” She said, eagerly helping herself to a plate. His eyes flickered with the promise of his bite, and she fought to keep any sign of her reaction off her face. Now was not the time to think of his kiss, or goddess forbid, his tongue. Watching carefully, he followed suit, piling his plate high with a mirror of her own. If she didn’t know the strength that lurked beneath that bronze skin and manicured hands, she would’ve called it sweet.
The food was – the food was heavenly. The taste of home, the love of her family, the promise of safety offered in those few bites brought her more joy than she thought possible. She wanted to stretch out the meal forever, as long as time would permit. If this was the last time she would taste such heaven, she wanted to remember it.
Despite her anger at the demon sitting across from her, curiosity embedded itself in her mind. How could he have known? How could he have known this was exactly what she needed, what her soul craved? Just as he’d done with the orange blossoms after Lust, he’d somehow known her mind and soul needing nourishment, and brought it as a gift to her door. Perhaps there would be a price to be paid, someday, but for now, her happiness was enough.
It was ridiculous and Nonna would’ve scolded her dearly, but it was the first semblance of normal she’d had since signing her name over to Pride. The meal sent flashbacks of the time she’d spent after Lust had invaded her mind; the days she’d spent lying in bed, a stranger in her own body, while Wrath sat like a comforting guardian demon. They hadn’t spoken, but he’d delivered her meals thrice daily, and never left her side unless to fetch her clothes from his mysterious source, or to give her privacy if she’d asked. He’d even brought her reading materials, though they were filled with battle strategies, not the steamy romances she craved. At the time, she’d thought it was a sign that maybe, just maybe, Wrath was different. Now, she only felt the white-hot flush of shame. Her appetite faded, and she pushed the plate away.
He catalogued her change in mood with a barely perceptible nod of his head. Truly, she had no idea what he was thinking. Sometimes she thought he was terrified for her, her witch-blood and mortal heart acting as a beacon for all those whom Pride had made an enemy. Sometimes she thought he wanted to kiss her until her lips were swollen and she begged him for release. Sometimes she thought her presence disgusted him to a never-ending degree. A mystery.
“You need to be careful,” He broke the silence with a warning, as if she treated Hell like a stroll along Sicilian streets.
“It would help if you told me anything.” She hated the petulant near-whine of her voice, but it couldn’t be helped. She had nothing and no-one in the world, but she needed an ally. Or, if she couldn’t have that, information would have to do.
“I’ve already told you too much.” Lies. Complete lies.
Her questioning had bored him, she assumed, as he stood up to go, leaving the remnants of their meal scattered around them. Wrath cast one last look at her before stalking out, taking the shadows with him.
Just as she was about to curse his name, she spotted a bouquet of orange blossoms on the dresser.
Let me know if you want to be added to my KOTW tag list!!
Tags: @shadowturtlesstuff @otome-azarada @chococannolii @beccalovesbooksstuff
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
95. you just witnessed me kill a guy and I have a really, really good reason for it, please don’t call the cops
Sternclay as a super/vigilante au? sfw or nsfw, please!
Here you go! This is NSFW
Content note: this fic contains mentions of murder, serial killers, knives. Brief description of a porn scene with implied dub-con (you can skip from the part where Barclay sees the TV to the next section break). But I included lots of fluff to balance it out.
This is the best hook-up Barclays had in years. Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome has done nothing but compliment him all night, from the fit of his shirt down to his kissing skills. So now that he’s facedown on the bed in this guys brownstone wearing only his boxers, he’s so excited he can barely think.
“Almost ready” a shcck of blinds dropping, “I just need to grab one more thing. Then the fun can start.”
“Can’t wait.” He sighs, shuts his eyes as his date moves across the room. Then the movement stops.
“Who the fu-”
Horrible, sticky warmth spatters the side of his face. Startled, he opens his eyes in time to watch his date fall to the floor, dead. Behind him is a figure in dark clothes with a tactical mask covering his face and a gun with a silencer in his right hand. A figure who has just noticed Barclay is awake.
In five swift, purposeful steps he’s at the bed, and Barclay doesn’t know what to do, whether to bolt for the window or knock the gun away or beg or, or or-
“Are you alright, sir?” The voice coming from the mask is calm and businesslike.
“.........what do you think?” Is the reply his useless brain comes up with.
“You look like you’re in shock. Which is understandable.” A gloved hand touches his face, “shit, I’m sorry, I was hoping none of it would get on you. Here, hold still.” He rifles through a pocket while Barclay’s mind drifts further from his body. Why isn’t he just killing him now? Is this part of some sick game?
“Turn your face this way just a bit” the back of his hand nudges Barclay’s chin, “good, thank you. I’m going to get you cleaned up, once that’s done I need to ask you to stay here until I’m finished cleaning up the scene. And also to not call the authorities for help when I’m out of the room.”
“Why?” Nope, okay, that’s it, that’s the reply that gets him shot.
“For one, you’re not in any danger from me. You were in danger from the now-deceased Mr. Martin, which is why I killed him.”
“I, uh, h-how can you be sure?”
“Let me show you” he helps Barclay up, guides him to the body, “you don’t need to look at him, just at that.”
He’s pointing to the boning knife clutched in the man’s hand. Barclay’s guts turn to sour milk.
“M-maybe he picked that up when he saw you?”
The killer shakes his head, gently guides Barclay back to the bed and, after a moment of studying the nightstand, pulls out the bottom drawer. It contains two more knives, duck tape, pliers, and seven, severed human thumbs.
“Oh fuck. What the fuck, what the fuck?” He whispers as the man closes the drawer.
“Mr. Martin is the Bear Butcher. I doubt you’ve heard of him, because that’s the name the authorities use among themselves while insisting that there’s no need to warn the public about him. He’s killed seven men, all gay and all on the bigger side; you would have been number eight.”
“I’m gonna be sick” He tips forward, feels gloved hands catch him and easily half-drag him into what turns out to be the bathroom.
“Wait here and do what you need to. I’ll be done in fifteen minutes, less if I can manage it. And, um, you might want to keep your eyes closed.”
Barclay has no problem with that order, though when the killer (his hero?) moves the body into the tub he discovers both the reason for the warning and that he does indeed have more in his stomach to throw up.
After an eternity of iron and bleach in the air and bile on his tongue, he’s helped back into the bedroom. The man hands him his clothes, turning his back as he dresses. He’s changed too, though the mask remains.
“I, I didn’t bring my car.” Barclay says weakly, knowing he won’t have the energy to walk home and the thought of getting in a cab or rideshare sets his nerves screaming.
“I assumed, since he wouldn’t want it being abandoned to lead to someone calling you in missing. If you’re okay with it, I can give you a ride home.”
Barclay nods. The man ushers him out the front door, pausing at the threshold for a final sweep. Then he pulls off his mask. Black hair sticks up until he smooths it back in a practiced motion, and blue eyes regard Barclay gently from a handsome face.
“It’s the Altima, right on the corner.” He says, folding the mask and tucking it into his pocket. Barclay gives his address, sits stiffly in the passenger seat as a pop station plays from the speakers.
“Do you want to change the station?”
“No” Barclay inhales fine, but the exhale comes out shaky, “jesus, how are you so calm?”
“Because if I’m trying to help you stay calm, I need to model the behavior. And, um, this isn’t my first time doing this, in case that wasn’t obvious. I’ve never had a witness before, for all the usual reasons and I’d prefer not to traumatize someone. But he went off his pattern and picked you up tonight, and I was not about to let him claim another victim.”
“Thank you.” Barclay doesn’t know what else to say. His adrenaline brain suggests propositioning the man in gratitude because it’s not everyday a hot mystery man saves your life. But the rest of him is well aware that if anyone touched him right now he might scream.
“It’s my job. Or it’s supposed to be.”
His curiosity peeks out from where it’s been hiding behind his sense of self-preservation, “What’s your name? Or can you not tell me?”
“It’s Joseph.”
“I wish we’d met under better circumstances, Barclay. Oh, here we are.” He parks the car, engine still running, “do you want me to wait until you’re inside to go?”
It should feel safe; it’s his apartment, his home above Amnesty’s new location, Mama’s own little house just out in the backyard. But his hand can’t make the fucking door handle go.
“Would, uh, would you mind coming up with me? Just, just for a few minutes?”
The man raises his eyebrows, but nods. Soon he’s standing in Barclays little kitchen, hands folded politely behind his back while Barclay tries and fails to start tea.
“If you want to just point to where things are, I can do that for you. You should eat something too, if your stomach’s settled.”
Barclay declines at first, but when his stomach growls Joseph moves through the kitchen--making distracting small talk all the while--not stopping until he’s assembled a plate of crackers, cheese and apples.
“Ooh, you got the good stuff.” He steals a piece for himself while Barclay nibbles a Triscuit
“Kinda a cheese snob; comes with the job.”
They talk about food and food writing until his plate is clear, at which point Joseph suggests he get ready for bed. Without being asked, he stays by the door as Barclay finishes getting changed and brushing his teeth.
“I, uh, I’m not really sure how to, uh, end this night.”
Joseph cups his cheek, “Lock the doors behind me. You don’t need to worry about anything else; you don’t owe me a thing. You’re safe. That’s what matters.” He smiles at him for the last time and heads out into the early morning light.
“Hey big fella, you’ll never guess who put in an order.” Mama clips up the slip from the table she’s working; Amnesty has been busy in the week since they opened here, so much so that she’s had to help with the crowds.
“Who?” Barclay flips the pancakes he’s watching, checks the bacons for tables 15 and 9.
“Your late night visitor.” Mama winks.
He turns, spots Joseph at the far end of the counter. He’s in a black suit, blue tie setting off his eyes, and his hair is fully slicked back. On his chest is a badge identifying him as working at the nearby FBI offices. He’s clearly as surprised to see Barclay as Barclay is to see him. He’s less surprised that Mama saw him leaving; she gets up early and her window faces his back stairs
“Hold on” Mama nudges him, “did he give you trouble? Because you look pretty off.”
“No, no, just, uh, didn’t expect to see him again.”
Joseph orders hash and poached eggs, and when Barclay sends the order out, he hands Dani a slice of cherry pie to go along with it. He peeks over his shoulder; Joseph is looking at the free dessert, smiling. Then he takes a bite and makes a face that’s borderline orgasmic. Barclay looks away before he drops a hot waffle on his foot.
Amnesty's restaurant closes at 3, and as Barclay is locking the front door, he notices Joseph waiting for him in an easily visible, well-lit spot.
“You know, I meant it when I said you didn’t owe me anything. Not even the most delicious pie I’ve ever eaten.”
“I give freebies now and then” Barclay smiles, “no rule that says I can’t give them to someone who did me a huge fucking favor. And, uh” he blushes, “glad you like the pie.”
“The whole meal was incredible. You’re a very talented cook. Would it be okay if I came back?” His expression is hopeful, almost nervous.
Barclay touches his shoulder, “Anytime.”
“So, uh, I’ve haven’t had a chance to ask but, uh, when you’re not working or chatting with me here, what do you do? For, like, fun?” Barclay leans across the counter as Joseph licks his form clean of meringue. Barclay’s gone through twelve different pie recipes in the last month just to see which ones the other man likes best.
“I read a lot, cultivate an extensive knowledge of old horror movies, try to make decent risotto in my apartment...oh, I play frisbee golf sometimes, I picked it up in college.”
“Any interest in seeing that new Godzilla movie? It looks terrible but in a fun way.”
“Oh yeah, I like what I’ve seen of the design they’re using for the kaiju.” He notices Barclays hand resting millimeters for his own. He runs his thumb along Barclays knuckles, “are you asking if I’ll go see it with you, big guy?”
“Uh huh.”
“I’d love to.”
“Holy fuck babe, when you said you were running out to get breakfast I figured you meant, like, McMuffins.”
“Only the best for you, big guy. Consider it a thank you for making dinner last night.” Joseph finishes laying out the donuts from “Holes in One” next to the plate of bagels and lox from the only place that Joseph insists does them right.
Barclay wraps his arms around him, tickling his cheek with his beard, “you’re fucking amazing babe.”
Joseph kisses him, coffee flavored and light, “So are you. Still want to play chess later?”
“Uh huh. Winner gets to blow the loser?”
“I like those terms, Mr. Cobb.”
It’s been like this for the last three months; evenings at the movies or tangled up in bed, mornings in sleepy hazes on the couch or out the eat, days upon days of Joseph spoiling, servicing, and just generally loving the hell out of him.
There are also the nights or, more often, early mornings, when Joseph returns steeped in grim satisfaction. At first he avoided having Barclay over those nights or going to see him the next day. Lately, they’re together so much that it’s unavoidable that Barclay will see the lethal edge lingering in his gaze or rub knots from his shoulders that he knows were earned in some darkened room where horrors had been playing out for weeks, months, even years. He doesn’t shy away from it; he loves Joseph, and that means seeing him clearly, though sometimes what he sees sends chills across his skin. Chills that feel less and less like fear.
They’re out for a walk around the lake, trading bites of gelato, when a question tunnels it’s way to the front of Barclays mind. He waits until they’re sitting on a bench far from any prying ears to ask it.
“What made you decide to, uh, do what you do?”
His boyfriend studies him, then sighs, “A number of things. Fear was the first one; you said you don’t follow true crime, so I’m guessing you don’t know of the Janesville Strangler?”
“He killed ten young women over the course of three years. He’s also my biological father. Michael Stern is my stepfather and, at my request, my adoptive one as well; my mom remarried as soon as she was sure my father couldn’t get out. He, he never turned any violence on me, but I suspect he used me as leverage with mom; she was a smart woman, I suspect she noticed something amiss but was frightened into keeping quiet. I was six when they locked him up, eight when she remarried. Mike is a gentle man, he did his best to raise me the same. But I, I never shook the fear that whatever drove my father to kill innocent people lurks somewhere in my genes.”
Barclay’s arm rests protectively across Joseph’s shoulders.
“I joined the FBI because I felt if I was able to turn whatever killer genes I have towards understanding serial murderers, I could use them to help others. Keep people safe. Ambition and skill moved me through the ranks quickly but” he sighs, “the more I rose, the more I saw how little was being done. How cases were mishandled, how if there was the slightest hint it was a cop or veteran doing the killing suddenly the case went cold, how a killer could pick off person after person and no one cared because the victims were the “wrong” kind of people. It came to a head two years ago; I’d poured all this energy into a case where the killer went after sex workers. He was prolific and obviously cruel, I fought tooth and nail for every resource I needed to track him. Officer Alex Brown was my main suspect, I was so close to getting a warrant to search his property and then they closed the case. Insisted the deaths were unrelated. I...I went up and searched on my own and” he looks at the sky, rests his head on Barclays arm, “lord almighty the things I found. I was right, I was right and I couldn’t do anything about it, he’d get to just go on preying on people and I couldn’t handle failing his future victims that way. I waited until he went on a hunting trip. Alone. Lots of things can happen to a man in the woods. And it’s hard to find evidence when his body just happens to fall near a coyote den.”
A little smile, one he tries to suppress, creeps up his cheeks, “I’ve never felt so powerful in my entire life. I decided I’d still try to play by the rules but that if I knew, for certain, someone was guilty and being shielded by either ignorance or malice, I’d solve the problem myself.” He looks at Barclay for the first time since he started his answer, face turning to shame, “I’m sorry, I, I should have given the short answer. I didn’t, I don’t want to upset you, or scare you but it’s hard not to given-”
“Joseph” Barclay carefully runs his fingers over black hair, “it’s not like I forgot how we met. I...I’m not under any misimpressions about what you’re capable of. I just wanted to know how you arrived at the solution you did. It’s, uh, it’s not what I’d choose for myself, not something I could do but, uh, I guess what I’m trying to say is that this isn’t going to push me away from you. And that it means a lot to me that you trust me enough to explain it.”
His boyfriend curls closer, “It means a lot to me, too.”
Black gloves on his throat, weight on his chest and when he opens his eyes it’s Joseph above him, steel in his gaze and between his fingers. He’s in a muddled dream version of Bear Butcher’s apartment
“Hi, big guy.” The thin knife slices up Barclay’s pants, “let’s get you out of these.”
“Please, please I-”
“Shhhh” Joseph kisses him, “I removed the man who threatened you. But you’re so handsome laid out like this, a victim just waiting for someone to make you scream.”
“Babe, I-”
“That’s not my name right now. Call me..” the hand no longer has a knife, is running roughly up his cock instead, “call me…”
Barclay wakes up still humping the mattress as he cums. Blindly, he reaches for his phone to check the time. It’s the fifth dream like that in two weeks, and they always leave him so horny he tries to get it up and get off again if there’s time. No such luck today; he has to be up in ten minutes.
He tries not to think about it during work, just like he tries not to think about it the rest of the time. Especially in bed with Joseph, his attentive, indulgent Joseph who puts all his organizational skills and professional practice at giving orders into domming Barclay so sweetly he stays in subspace for hours.
He’s still very much not thinking about Joseph gagging him so his screams don’t wake the neighbors as he climbs the stairs to his boyfriends place. Dani was a sweetheart and took care of his orders for him, so he was able to leave work early.
The T.V is on, volume up loud enough that he can tell what his boyfriend is up to before he even walks into the room. He fully intends to tease him for not being able to wait until Barclay was there to jerk off before hauling him into the bedroom. But when he sees the screen, he freezes.
A man in what looks like a cheesy camp counselor uniform is tied to the bed, his shirt stuffed into his mouth as a make-shift gag. Straddling him is a man in a black jumpsuit, knife near his hand and cock buried in the counselors ass.
“That’s it sweetheart, wiggle and try’n get away; you ain’t gonna and it feels so fuckin good when you try. This is what you get for leaving the window open.”
The counselor shakes his head, fear so palpable Barclay barely notices the fact the boom mic is in the shot. The killer pulls the gag free.
“Please, please, don’t kill meAH, ohgod”
A dark laugh, “I’m not gonna kill you, sugar. Thought about it, but when am I gonna find an ass this good again? Nah, I’m gonna take you back with me, keep you strapped down because you’re the, fuck, cutest goddamn specimen I ever caught.”
On the couch, Joseph tenses, cumming in the sleeve he’s using with a cry at the same moment the killer on screen cums and bends to kiss his co-stars tear-streaked face.
Joseph hits the remote, causing the T.V to go dark and reveal Barclay’s reflection.
“Shit!” Joseph leaps up, making Barclay yelp in surprise, “oh, oh thank the lord it’s just you….oh god how much of that did you see?”
Joseph drops to the couch, head in hands, “shit. I’m, I’m so sorry Barclay, I, I never wanted you to know about this habit, I’m sorry it’s awful.” The voice between his fingers sounds like it might cry.
“I mean, that wasn’t like a snuff film, right?”
“Those aren’t real.”
He can’t help but smile remembering Joseph’s rant on the subject, “what I meant was: those guys are just actors getting paid to do a scene like that, not some actually getting attacked.”
“Of course not.” Joseph looks up, horrified, “I’d never watch something like that. The, the whole reason I like this company is that they do horror porn under very ethical working conditions.”
“Then why are you acting like I caught you pissing in my coffee?”
“Does the fact I get off to this honestly not bother you?”
“I mean, people get off to all sorts of shit. Like, um, like” he twists the bracelet on his wrist, “like their boyfriend tying them up and threatening to make them scream.”
Josephs eyes widen. Then he shakes his head, “No. No we can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I...I never, ever want to hurt you that way. Even in a scene. I can’t stand the thought of you being scared of me, of turning these impulses loose on you. It sounds fun until I picture it and then it makes me ill. No, this stays firmly in my head.”
“Okay.” He keeps his reply soft to hide his disappointment. Joseph is still on the couch, refusing to look his way, and so he circles it and kneels at his feet to better rub his arms. He thinks about the images on screen. About Joseph, blissed out then suddenly shame-faced. Joseph, two nights ago, calculated and loving as he worked Barclay over.
No, maybe the kind of scene he’s been picturing isn’t for them. But he can think of one that is.
“What if, uh, instead of giving into the desires that freak you out we kind of rechannel them. Like, instead of strapping me down to torment me, you’re doing it to show off?”
Blue eyes meet his for the first time all night, “Say more.”
“Ready?” Barclay bats his eyelashes at Joseph as his boyfriend finishes double checking the tightness of the rope he’s using to tie Barclays arms above his head.
“Ready.” Joseph stands, rolling his shoulders and closing his eyes as he takes deep breaths. Then he frowns, “can you start us off?”
“Sure thing, babe.” He nestles his head on the pillow, “okay, you found me tied up like this. What’s your first thought?”
Joseph opens his eyes, gaze sharp, “That I’m so lucky someone left a handsome specimen like you where I could find him.”
Barclays cock twitches at being referred to that way, “You’re not gonna let me go?”
“Not just yet. You’re so perfect, will you let me make a case for staying here with me?”
“Please” Barclay whimpers as Joseph straddles him, knife in hand.
“I’m very precise, for starters.” He cuts slowly up Barclays boxers until he can pull the strip of fabric off. Repeats the process, lips a firm line of concentration, with his undershirt, “see? There’s not even a scratch. I have to be careful not to damage my perfect specimen.”
Barclay groans, rolling his hips. Joseph smiles, shifting so his cock rubs against Joseph’s clothed crotch.
“Fuck, Joseph-”
“Shhhh” a gloved thumb brushes his lips, “When you’re like this, my name is Sir.”
“Ohfuck.” Barclay rubs his cheek pleadingly in his palm, “Sir, please, please, untie me so I can touch you.”
“Not yet.” Joseph pats his cheek, scoots backwards on the bed, “besides, you’ll have lots of time to touch me once I take you home and make you my sweet live-in plaything.”
“Holyfuckingshit.” Barclay fights off a dozen tantalizing images of what that could entail to focus on their plan, “Sir? What, uh, what was the guy who tied me up going to do to me?”
His boyfriend settles between his legs, “He was going to take you apart.” He lifts Barclay’s right leg, “starting with these, so if you got free you couldn’t run. This tendon first” he kisses the back of his knee, making Barclay giggle. He pauses, then decides on holding both legs up at once so he can repeat the kiss on the other side. His lips move slowly down to his ankles, right side and then the left, before a final one lands on his arch, “he was going to cut here too. But not me” the kisses continue, “I’m going to rub them every evening so you’re never sore.”
“Fuuuuck” He sighs as Joseph straddles him once more, leaning forward so he can kiss and fondle his arms.
“He was going to slice alllll along here” Joseph’s breathing is picking up the longer he lavishes Barclay with kisses, “then he was going to take your fingers one by one” Joseph kisses each knuckle in turn, his free hand petting Barclay’s face and hair, “then he was going to commit a cardinal sin by mangling these” Joseph toys with his pecks, sucks happily on his left nipple for a moment, “what a crime that would have been.”
“Sir” it’s a whine as Joseph nips and kisses his way down to his navel.
He raises slightly, mouth just above Barclays cock, “and because he had no imagination, he was going to cut this wonderful appendage off. Which is not the treatment it deserves.”
“What treatment does it deserve SirrrrrOHfuck, fuckyes” Barclay pants as Joseph licks stripe after stripe up his cock. As Joseph licks and sucks him to a hard-on, he feels the plug slip from his ass.
“I don’t know what his plans were for that” Joseph sits up, undoing his pants and pulling out his cock, “but I know what mine are.” He pushes Barclays legs wide, works his cock in with slow, steady thrusts while Barclay tries to remember how words work.
“Shit, yes, god your ass is amazing, what kind of person sees it and thinks its for anything but fucking?”
“Nngh” Barclay clings to the ropes as Joseph’s thrusts quicken.
“Lord, I thought you were a perfect specimen before but I was wrong, you look even better taking my cock.”
“Fuck, fuck that’s hot.”
Joseph grip his thighs tight enough to hurt, “well, big guy, will you stay with me?” His eyes glitter, his hair is coming loose and falling across his forehead.
“YesAH, yes, ohfucksirright there” He didn’t notice Joseph changing the angle of thrusts until his cock found his prostate, “I’ll be so good Sir, wanna be a good boy for you.”
“Oh good.” Joseph’s smile goes wolfish for an instant, “because I would have had to do some very mean things to persuade you if you refused.”
Barclay cums at that, staining Joseph’s shirt with white. His hands knock against the headboard as Joseph fucks him hard enough to make him sob with oversensitive pleasure.
“You’re going to be such a nice plaything for Sir, aren’t you?”
“Good boyOH, ohshit, shit.” Joseph pulls out halfway through cumming, spattering it on Barclays thighs and balls. Carefully, he lowers his legs. Then his boyfriend collapses into his arms, panting and giddy.
“That, that was so fun. I’d say who knew but every time we fuck you show me just how fucking fun all this can be.”
“Aw, babe.” He goes to hug him and rediscovers the ropes.
“Ohshit, here” Joseph sets to work undoing his knots, “are your wrists okay? Not too sore? How about your shoulders?”
“They all feel fucking great, baby. I feel great. How could I not? I got you looking after me.”
Joseph smiles, “and out for you.”
“That too. Now c’mere, special agent, your next assignment is cuddling your boyfriend.”
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clickbait-official · 3 years
from @artwitch28's headcannons
tw: implied/referenced abuse, depressive themes, and transphobia
Endeavor was a stuck up little bitch.
Not that a lot of people knew.
Oh well. He’ll get his revenge one day.
Touya sighs, setting his keys on the counter.
“Keigo! I’m home!”
The house was big- airy, if that was a word. Birdboy hated closed spaces. Touya couldn’t blame him, either; he couldn’t stand anything that looked like his “training” room.
There was a thunk upstairs as Keigo ran down to greet him.
“How was work? How was Dad?” He asks.
“Dad”, Atsuhiro Sako, was Touya’s adopted dad. They worked together under their agency, the League of Heroes. The League of Heroes were made up of heroes who were told they were villains, or considered outcasts.
“It was alright, Big sis Magne started asking people if they wanted interns.” Touya responds to his fiance.
Keigo comes up behind him, hugging him and wrapping his wings around Touya.
“Hmmm. Did you look for an intern, dove? You could get your brother~”
“I didn’t think about it, no. But there’s Toga already. Did you?”
Touya can feel Keigo smile into his shoulder.
“There’s one with a bird quirk.”
“Oh, I see.” Touya smirks.
His stomach rumbles as he does.
“Aww, does my little birdie need some food?” Keigo says, a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll go get you some.”
He grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen.
They look through the fridge, then the freezer.
“Chinken nuggets?” Keigo asks, after a beat of silence.
“You did not just reference that, again.”
And Keigo laughs, loud and clear. Touya thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever heard.
God, he’s in deep, isn’t he?
They sit together at the counter while they wait for the food to cook. They don’t talk for a bit, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Speaking of Shoto, how’s the family? Rumi’s been talking ‘bout Fuyumi a lot.” Keigo says, taking the pan out of the oven.
“Oh my goodness- remember that crusty kid I was talking to you about? He’s dating Natsuo.” Touya deadpans, and Keigo bursts into giggles.
“God, he could do so much better! And he chose the crustiest kid on this side of Japan!” He rants, Keigo staring from across the table.
“Hana’ll kill you for that.”
Touya sighs again, knowing that he was right. “Yeah, I know. I still don’t know why Natsuo chose her crusty brother, but he’s happy. And it gets him out of the house, too.”
Keigo nods. “Away from Endeavor.”
“Away from Endeavor.”
They sit for a while in silence at that. Touya knows Keigo used to idolize Endeavor, and he knows why.
God, out of all people, couldn’t Keigo have a good childhood?
At least he’s not hurting now.
The sun has fallen, and they’re laying on their bed.
The moonlight filters through the curtains. Keigo’s been asleep for a while now.
The slightest breeze drifts into the room.
If we lived in a harsher world, we’d be so much more cruel.
Oh, what a beautiful night to be alive with you.
Touya brings Keigo into the agency. He’d been curious about how it worked- the League was unprecedented.
Touya hoped he’d want to join too. He wouldn’t mind his soon-to-be husband patrolling with him.
Hero work is a dangerous game to play, after all.
The League of Heroes’s building is not very intimidating. It’s survived thunderstorms, 52 mental breakdowns (not by the same person), and now the prank the entire League is in on.
It’s time for the hero charts.
It had taken so much bribing, from the poor intern that worked for one of the higher ups, to one of the higher ups themselves.
Touya could only hope it was worth it.
Oh, it was worth it.
On live television, in front of nearly the entire world, Enji Todoroki, known as Endeavor, had gotten massively pranked.
First, it was the glitter. Then, the water balloons and the rainbow slime. After that, it was the chicken and the three fire extinguishers.
And of course, copious amounts of cheese.
And it was all filmed. It was all broadcasted to a live audience.
Oh- and everyone knew who did it.
But there was no evidence.
God, Touya loved trashing Endeavwhore (and that’s an insult to sex workers).
It was the night after when Twice suggested something Touya had never thought of before.
The night was young, fireflies just beginning to come out. They were on the balcony, drinking and catching up like family would.
“Hey,” He said, “Why don’t you sue him? Get your bro outta that place and over here.”
Twice was a genius.
Twice was a goddamn genius.
Headlines were all over the place. “Endeavor gets sued?” “Enji Todoroki- an abusive piece of shit?” “Endeavor loses custody!”
God, the journalists were having a fucking field day with this. Touya can’t blame them, though.
The day was beautiful. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and little kids were running around outside. Keigo was sitting next to him, listening to his music. Touya finished up some paperwork to finally, finally get his siblings out from under Endeavor.
Thankfully, there was enough evidence to prove he was at least neglectful. People could finally see just how much of an asshole he was, and how high his civilian casualty and endangerment rates are.
There was one teeny, tiny, thing.
The Commission.
The only reason Endeavor was still in the top ten is because of that fucking Commission.
God, he hated the Commission. The things they did to Keigo, the scars that still remain on his psyche.
Fuck the Commission.
It just- It made him so angry. The way Toga and Spinner were treated, how Twice wasn’t able to get help until he became a hero- God, he hated it.
And he didn’t even know how bad it was! He was sheltered from Quirkist attitudes. Well, as sheltered as you can be, living with Endeavor as a dad.
He only knew a little bit of how much they had suffered under this system. He knew there was something more to how Twice always stayed in his hero costume, or how Magne avoided that one part of town. How Toga stared at that one schoolyard for a little too long before walking away.
And he hated it. So, so much.
Fuck the Commission.
It’s Touya’s first free day. The hecticness of moving all of his sibling’s stuff into their house was crazy. Who knew that keeping a house was so hard? Not him, that’s who.
So, like any rational person, he goes out to catch up with a close friend.
He had met her during his time at U.A. Her name was Hana Shimura. They bonded through their shitty parents. She was the older sister of the crusty fuck, Tenko.
Why did Natsuo decide to date him? He'll never know.
Somehow or another, the conversation went from how their days went to when Tenko got his quirk.
“Yeah, he decayed the dog! Thankfully he froze up after, so I got Mom. If he didn’t freeze up, I’d be dead.”
The way she had said it- so casually...She probably was terrified at the time.
“There was a UA student that helped him, too. Oboro? I think that was his name...Anyway, Oboro really helped him! He’s kinda a father to him, if I’m being honest.” She went on, telling Touya how proud of Tenko she was.
How he had become a search and rescue hero, which he already knew, and using his quirk he had helped so many people! Because he can decay the debris trapping civilians and rescue them!
They walk down the street, still talking about their siblings and generally how life was going.
They were gonna meet up with Twice. There was a new restaurant that he noticed during his patrols.
Touya heard it was pretty good from Fuyumi and Rumi.
It looked pretty nice, too. He’d walked by it a few times.
“So how is Twice, anyway? I don’t hear much from him these days.” Hana says, pushing open the door to the restaurant.
“Guess you’ll find out, huh?”
Twice is sitting at an empty table in a corner. He was smart enough to change out of his hero costume, just like Touya and Hana.
He lifts his head as they get closer to the table.
“Hey guys! How’ve you been!” He greets them as they sit down.
“Good, good. We were talking about my brother, Tenko.” Hana says. Touya nods in agreement.
“And also how he got to be a hero, too.”
“Did I ever tell ya how I got to be a hero?” Twice asks them, barely containing a smile.
He never told them, well, not Touya.
Turns out, when he was having trouble with his Quirk, one of his doubles went and got a hero license. At the time he was barely of the streets, so he became a hero, joining up with Mr. Compress and Magne to create the League of Heroes.
Because why not? It kept him off the streets and he could help people like him.
A win-win for Twice.
Touya hated how his weird uncle was treated before he became a hero.
Because he was a person, like anyone else. Just a person.
So why was he treated so differently? Why didn’t people help him when he needed it?
God, Touya was so tired.
It’s late one night. Touya is alone with his adopted father.
“Dad, why’d you decide to be a hero?” He asks out of the blue.
Atsuhiro’s eyes mist over, and Touya worries for him. Touya’s told him all about the horrific shit he’s gone through, and he can’t help but wonder if he had gone through something horrible too.
Atsuhiro takes out a silver locket, and gently pries it open. He points at the picture inside.
“Look! It’s them…My perfect little family... That’s them! There’s my little girl, and the most beautiful person to ever exist. There they are…”
It’s silent for a moment, the only thing one could hear were the cicadas far away from here.
Touya opens his mouth, “What...What happened to them?”
“A hero. He didn’t care for protocol. He killed- He killed them! And no one believed me…” Atsuhiro trails off, looking down at the floor.
Touya can’t help but feel sorrow, too. He could’ve had a mom, another sister...
He really needs to stop adopting people.
He can’t imagine the pain Mr. Compress must’ve been in. To lose a lover, a child? Oh, it must hurt- so, so much. To lose what was essentially a part of you?
Oh, it hurts to even imagine.
“...They’re really pretty, Dad.”
“They...were both so beautiful in this picture. Toga reminds me of her, y’know? They are both so pretty, so grown-up, and have that same sense of humor…”
Touya’s not sure to who he’s referring to, but nods anyway.
Who’s he to question grieving old men?
“And the days fly by so fast now, I can’t help but feel as though I’m supposed to be insulted by it. But I can’t bring myself to care anymore…It hurts, Touya, it hurts. Sometimes...I can hardly bring myself out of bed...I feel like a ghost…”
It’s silent for a moment, before Touya speaks.
“Dad, I think you need to get help. This isn’t normal. And…I think they’d want you to be happy too, Dad. Don’t you deserve to be happy, too?”
“...I don’t know.”
“You don’t...know?”
“I don’t think I am. But...I want you to be happy. And Tenko, and Hana, and Twice, and Magne...But it’s so tiring, being happy. And I don’t know what to do!”
His sobs seem to echo through the building.
“Come on, Dad. Let’s get you help. You can get some rest.”
He leads Sako back to his house, Atsuhiro being half-asleep by the time they get home.
Mr. Compress takes the spare bedroom, and falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow. Keigo notices Touya, and walks over to him.
“Heya dove~ How was your day?”
“Worrying. Dad...Dad needs some help. He’s got some shit going on...He’s so tired, Kei. We need to get him therapy or something.”
“Oh, baby…” Keigo whispers, but Touya is too tired to hear.
He falls asleep in his fiance’s arms, safe and sound.
The house is abuzz with activity when Touya wakes up. Keigo’s laughter echoes around the place, filling the air with a sense of home.
What a beautiful way to wake up.
Touya gets dressed and walks downstairs. Keigo’s in the kitchen, talking amicably with his sister, Fuyumi. Dad was smiling fondly at the sight, picking at his food. Natsuo was talking on the phone with someone, blushing a little.
Keigo turns towards him, and oh, he was so handsome.
“Good morning, dovely~”
Unbelievable. It was too early for puns.
“Ugh, no. Don’t ever make puns this early. Dad, you doing okay?”
Atsuhiro looks over at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“I’m doing just fine, sonny boy~”
“God, it’s too early for this shit. Keigo, get me some coffee, will you?”
“Language!” Fuyumi scolds.
Eventually the coffee is made, and tables cleaned. Breakfast is done.
Keigo helps set up an appointment with Fuyumi. She’s a part time therapist, part time substitute teacher.
Touya takes a deep breath. One day, Dad will be okay. He’ll be alright.
Time for work.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day when Touya goes on patrol again. This time with Magne and the new intern, Toga.
He already knew somewhat what the girls had gone through.
“Good morning, Magne, Toga.” He greeted them.
“Good morning!” Toga says, and then they go off.
Touya’s stuck in his thoughts as they walk to a coffee house while on break. He listens in as he reaches for the door.
“Yeah, my parents threw me out cause they didn’t think I was a girl.”
“My parents threw me out, too! I had to run away, they didn’t like my quirk very much...I got lucky, and Mom became my mom! That’s how I became a hero! How did you, big sis Magne?”
“Mr. Compress saved me from one of those fucking creeps. He let me stay with him for a while, and helped me get back on my feet. I decided to be a hero then, to help people like me.”
They sit down at one of the tables, still talking about their lives. Touya takes a bite of his muffin.
Ah, life was alright, if just for a little while.
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night-fallz · 3 years
Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover
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Unexpected (part 2)
Two days have passed since Clint was saved by Jason. And for some reason, he still can't get the vigilante out of his mind.
Natasha teased him about it but he knows that if she sees Jason in action, she would be intrigued as well.
The way he fought was mesmerizing. Every bullet that was shot was so precisely aimed that the wounds weren't deadly.
Sure it knocked them out, but they weren't gonna die.
That form of marksmanship was only earned through years of hard work. And Clint's worked with Bucky enough times to know that Jason somehow predicted the next move of the attackers, aiming at the non-lethal body parts.
He has a feeling that Bucky and Jason would make an incredible duo.
Which is why he needs them to meet.
Clint doesn't usually do this but the more he thought about the bucket-wearing vigilante, the higher his list of questions got.
He took out his phone, leaning against the couch as he searched for the man that saved him.
vigilante wearing red bucket
He scrolled through google trying to find a decent article on the guy.
After thirty whole minutes of barely finding information, Clint wanted to throw his phone across the room. So far, all he's figured out was that Jason's territory was in Gotham and that his vigilante name is 'Red Hood'.
Which was... creative in a way?
At least it wasn't 'Red Bucket' or 'Bucket Head' or anything like that. It was definitely better than 'Green Arrow'.
After another failed search, he decided to finally give up. There was nothing about Red Hood. All the articles were mainly about Batman, Nightwing, a restaurant place, and a Robin!
He groaned and put his face in his hands. He doesn't care about those overrated heroes, he wants to find out more about Red Hood.
The guy was so cool... he wonders why there were barely any pieces written about him. The few sentences that he's read about the vigilante almost always depicted him in a bad light.
Which was honestly unfair.
He stared at his phone, contemplating on whether or not he should ask Natasha.
On the positive side, he knows that the assassin would have information on Red Hood. Natasha has information on everyone.
Clint didn't want Natasha to tease him even more! If she keeps up with the sarcastic comments then the other Avengers would be curious. And curious Avengers meant nosy people.
He felt himself shiver, really nosy people.
He swears that if he had a sister— older or younger, they would act exactly like how Natasha was acting right now.
He could practically imagine the smirk she was wearing on her face when she picked up.
"Hey, Clint." she casually greeted, "How are you?"
He refrained from gritting his teeth, "I'm doing good." he paused, eyes closing as he took a breath in, this hurt to admit. "I need your help."
"I know."
"What do you know about the Red Hood?"
"The Red Hood?" she hummed under her breath, "Let's see."
Clint heard her moving things around, then he could distinctly hear the noise of paper being flipped. "Do you just have documents of random vigilantes lying around your room?" he couldn't help but ask. "Is this an assassin thing?"
Does Bucky do this too?
"I'm getting you the information you need." she reminded, "How I keep track of the data I have is none of your business."
"Okay, okay." he surrendered, a smile making its way onto his face. "But why don't you just keep it on a computer? Wouldn't that make things easier for you?"
She ignored his question, "Red Hood is an excellent marksman," she stated. "He made his debut as a crime lord by showing a bunch of people a duffel bag filled with the heads of notorious criminals."
Clint let out a whistle, "That is an intense introduction. He's even better than I thought he would be."
"Yeah," Natasha agreed. "He's easily one of the most dangerous and capable vigilantes in Gotham. In a matter of months, he's managed to bring crime down Crime Alley by at least fifty percent. Something that Batman himself, couldn't do. His methods were vicious, but they worked. Extremely well. He's killed a lot of child molesters, human traffickers, and rapists."
Even though Natasha couldn't see him, he tilted his head to the side, biting the inside of his cheek. Clint could care less about what methods Jason used. If they worked, they worked. And it's not like those criminals didn't deserve it. It's just-
Killing takes a lot out of you. Especially when you're young. Clint would know.
He had no doubt in his head that Jason was an incredible fighter. Not to mention that he was also huge— in both height and muscle.
He can see why he has a majority of Gotham fooled.
But, for about a minute, after they won against the ninjas, Jason removed his helmet in order to get a breath of fresh air.
A mask might've been covering his eyes, but Clint's been in the vigilante business for years now. He remembers clear as day, just how young the vigilante looked under the sun.
When Clint first started, he was thankful that he had Natasha to talk to whenever things got hard. Whenever he felt guilty for taking someone's life. No matter how much they deserved it.
Hell, he's still thankful for Natasha now. Without her, Clint would probably be dead. His body found bleeding out in an abandoned area, a neat row of scars on his thighs and arms.
He hopes that Jason has a friend like Natasha. Someone who'd be there for him no matter what. Someone who'd remind him that he was worth it. That he was loved.
Cause if not, then there is no way that the kid is okay.
Natasha's sharp voice interrupted his thoughts, "That was a few years ago. As far as I know, he doesn't kill anymore. The farthest that Hood would go now would be to permanently cripple someone. And even then, he would only do that when the person did something unforgivable."
After a few seconds of silence, Clint opened his mouth. "Is that it?" he couldn't help but question.
"Nope," Natasha admitted. "But it's all I'm willing to tell you."
"Fine then," he smirked. "Keep your assassiny secrets. I got more than I expected anyways."
"What did you get yourself into, Clint? Why all the sudden interest in him? Why all the sudden interest in a vigilante in Gotham?"
He knows that Natasha was just looking out for him. She was worried. "Do you remember a few days ago when I was saved by this Jason guy?" he asked.
"Yeah? You've been talking about him nonstop. He saved your ass and you gave him your number." she paused before adding, "Your private one."
He nodded, "Yeah. Well, he's the Red Hood."
"You're kidding."
"Nope. I searched him up and he had the same costume and everything."
"And he actually said that his name was Jason?"
"Yep." he tried to casually say, "It's probably cause Jason's a popular name and stuff."
"Maybe." Natasha hesitantly agreed, "But anyway, since you gave him your number, I think you should know that I've always wanted to meet him so if he texts you soon..."
Her voice trailed off and Clint couldn't hold in his sigh, "Yeah, yeah. I'll arrange a meet-up or whatever."
Her voice automatically brightened, "Actually?"
The corner of his mouth lifted, "Sure. But I wanted to introduce him to Bucky first."
Natasha made a shocked sound of betrayal, "Wha- but Clint!" she whined, "I'm the one who's asking. Not him."
"I know."
It took everything in him to stop the laugh from escaping his mouth.
Complaints about how unfair Clint was being made their way onto his ears and he relished each and every one of them. It wasn't often that he had something Natasha wanted.
Revenge was sweet.
After a few minutes, he let out an incredibly fake gasp. "Sorry, Natasha. I gotta go. I have a kitchen emergency."
"What the fuck, Clint." she demanded, "You don't even know how to cook. Remember the omelet incident? What emerg-"
He hung up.
Clint's definitely going to regret ending the call later. He knows it.
But right now, he could care less.
He has something Natasha wants, so she won't murder him.
... hopefully.
He hopes that he runs into the vigilante soon. Jason was cool and pretty fun to talk to. Clint definitely won't mind fighting at Red Hood's side once more.
They worked really well together.
While they were fighting, he knew that Jason was gonna have his back. He knew that Jason wasn't gonna let him get hurt. It was weird, considering that was the first encounter he's ever had with him.
He doesn't know when Jason is gonna decide to use his number, but he hopes that it'll be soon.
He has questions. And whenever Jason was ready, Clint hopes that he can answer.
Starting with the one that's been clouding his head; why did the Red Hood stop killing?
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okay, I didn’t expect to write a chapter this soon. but reading all the comments you guys left on the previous chapter motivated me. to be honest, I didn’t expect this fanfic to get as many hits as it did.
I don’t know when I’m planning on posting this chapter but right now, my goal is to write as much as I can.
I also don’t know exactly how busy my sophomore year of high school will be, but I feel like it’s better to be safe than sorry. Especially if I make the school volleyball team.
I finished writing this chapter on August 8th, and I have tryouts on the 9th through the 11th from 4-6 pm. (wish me luck!)
like always, please, please, please, leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! Whenever I get author’s block, I just re-read them and they help so, so much. If you don’t wanna leave a comment, that’s fine. If you liked this fanfic, please hit that kudos button though.
and if you just wanna chat or if you want to request any ideas or prompts, just message me here.
ooh, and if there’s anything specific you want to read in this series, please tell me. It never hurts to have any extra ideas. plus, I really want to make this fic more enjoyable for everyone.
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chronicbatfictioner · 3 years
Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 18
With Alfred in the mix, it was fairly easy for them to acquire the serum Bane seemed to have injected into him diligently every morning. The Drake Industries' laboratory quickly dissected the remnant within the syringe and discerned its contents.
And make an antidote.
"It's called Venom," Tim reported to Barbara, "a synthetic steroid that is... worse than steroid, I'd say. It doesn't make you dumb, unfortunately. But it also increased the user's strength by tenfold - not just the size of the muscles - with every use."
"I thought Bane seemed to have gotten taller since three months ago..." Barbara muttered. "So you're going through with the plan?"
"I... can't think of a better, non-lethal plan. Alfred said that the supply of syringes is depleting, and he would have a new one delivered from Santa Prisca by the end of the month - which will be in a week." Tim replied. "Plus, I have no idea of the dosage if I were to administer the Venom antidote. Still, I've heard of the rumors of the Al Ghuls using food as untraceable poisons or something like truth serum. But I'm kind of scared to think that it's actually true."
"Me, I'm not surprised. I've sent Dinah and Helena to Santa Prisca, where Bane said to have come from - to find the source and destroy it. Tim, if this thing hits the street..." she sighed.
"We're screwed nine ways to Sunday. I know. But here's the thing, Babs... you see the footage of him tampering the guys' car?"
"Yes, what about it?" Barbara asked.
"His mouth was moving. I'm not that good of a lip-reader, yet, I don't know what he's saying. But it looked to me as if he was talking on the phone or something, and I didn't see him carry a phone." Tim explained.
Barbara's expression - not Oracle, because they were in a secure channel, after all - showed that she just had the same eureka moment. "Tim, if you're right..."
"I'm sure I'm right. Everything I've read about Bane showed that he was mostly the muscle. He broke out of Peña Duro prison - which is where aunt Dinah and Helena should focus their attention - because somebody supplied him with steroids, so the reports said. I think somebody gave him venom, and he escaped. He came back like, a month later and killed all guards and throw out their bodies into the ocean. He came back, Babs. This is someone who was raised in the prison with virtually no known family outside. Where did he come back from?" Tim explained.
"That's logical... he would have to have someone to take care of him outside. Someone who has enough money to get in and out of Peña Duro, or to produce this Venom thingy, and then get Bane to trust him?" Barbara pointed out.
"Babs, trust me. When you're used to be alone, the first act of kindness shown to you would have earned the giver your trust until proven otherwise." Tim blurted out and cringed. The first person ever to show him an act of kindness was Selina, and then Barbara.
"Projecting, much?" Barbara smiled good-naturedly. "I get your point, though. Unfortunately, we haven't got any cellphone bugs in the Wayne Manor to figure out who Bane was talking to. But... I can probably help with the lip-reading part..."
"There's this kid at the library who's really good with lip-reading and body language reading. Her name is Cassandra. She isn't deaf, though, just can't talk much. I guessed that she was abused and raised in seclusion without being taught spoken language, to the point where she could understand body language better than normal language. I've been talking to her using signs and pictograms, but she's learning the language quickly. I'll see if I can get her to figure out what was said."
"Okay... is she living alone?"
"I've set her up with a friend of Harper's, Stephanie Brown. They seemed to get along alright," she smirked. "Stephanie is... kind of a talker."
"Cute, a girl who can't talk with a girl who can't stop talking." Tim deadpanned. "But let me know if it works, yeah? I'm a little more anxious with Jason's cooking than the poisoning stuff. They invited me, by the way."
"I'm sure he would," Barbara smirked again.
"What's the smirk about?" Tim demanded half-heartedly. "You, Selina, Dinah... what is it that you ladies talked about behind my back, anyway?"
"Oooh... let's just say the mamas and big sis of the crew is worried that their little kitten is growing up too fast," Barbara replied blithely.
"Baaaabs!" Tim bleated exasperatedly. "What even! We're in a mission here that is of the long-term persuasion and against someone so vile it's not even funny!"
"Tiiim...!" Barbara replied in the same tone mockingly. "I don't mind! None of us do! I mean, hey, if he swings this way, I'm sure a number of us girls would've loved to get his numbers, too! But anyway," she inhaled sharply, indicating her wanting to get back to the matter at hand. "I have no idea whatsoever of what kind of... concoction Jason is planning to use. Or what he's going to do after he arrived at his objective. But everyone's safety is our objective, yeah? And by everyone, I mean all humans there including Bane. If he seemed to be dying..."
"I'll call paramedics right away. And there's Dr Wayne, anyway." Tim reminded her.
"I've got to tell you, Tim, Dr Wayne doesn't look too good..." Barbara warned. "He looked like he's aged by twenty years in the past few months alone."
"Yeah, I've noticed. Alfred is sure that within the house, his diet is fine. But he'd often go out or overseas with Bane..." Tim agreed. "I hope it's just stress..."
"Same here. So far, though, from what I've seen, nothing in Jason's list of ingredients seemed... illegal..." Barbara commented.
"This is coming from someone who once told her dad not to mix hypertension meds with grapefruit." Tim deadpanned.
"Well that one is tried and true, and not a simple old wives' tale. I am aware that some food has an adverse reaction to medications. But really, these ingredients looked... well, like a restaurant's. Like a whole Asian region's worth of restaurants being imported directly from places through the entire continent. And we're literally dealing with someone who was taught to make candies poisonous..."
"'Not poisonous, just lethal' - so Damian told me."
"Comforting," Barbara remarked dryly. "You sure Jason said it wouldn't be harmful to others?"
"Yes, that's what he said. But he won't elaborate. Believe me, Babs, I've tried."
"Maybe it's an aphrodisiac?" Barbara suggested. Tim rolled his eyes.
"Selina isn't invited, though. Or Vicky..." she corrected herself.
"Ew, seriously."
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staplernpaper · 3 years
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Hello there, if you haven't seen the first post. Click right HERE
Disclaimer: All readings are for entertainment purposes only, please do not stress over the reading as at the end of the day free will is a thing.
Since this is a general reading, there may be some aspects of the reading that may not fit you
Also, I'm only a beginner at tarot reading, therefore I'm not the best at doing readings, so forgive me if this is shit
Ahh... I see you have chosen that Spiderman pointing at spiderman keychain. Well in that case your soulmate is...
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The Dynamic Between You and Yuji
Card 1- Judgement (you)- Judgement, Self-evaluation, Awakening, Renewal
Card 2- Four of wands- Happy families, Coming Home, Community, Security, Stability
Card 3- The Empress (Yuji)- Nurturing, Creativity, Beautiful, Feminity, Nature, Harmony
You two would make an interesting duo
Oh dear how do I explain this
Basically, how I see it is Yuji is someone who thinks '"I'll treat everyone with kindness". You, on the other hand, thinks "I'll treat others with the same respect as they treat me"
Because of this, I feel like there is a good balance between the two of you
Coz sometimes you may judge people too harshly but Yuji will encourage you to give them a chance. Or Yuji may be the one being taken advantage of and you will highlight his mistreatment.
This makes me think that Yuji is the heart of the relationship and you are the mind of the relationship
Since Yuji is represented as this nurturing figure, this makes me think that he's the type to ask you how your day was, he would be the type to cuddle with you when you're upset or he would cook meals for you.
Also, I have a feeling that Yuji is a little bit of a softie
Another scenario that I see is if you ask Yuji "is there something that I can personally improve on", he would say that you are perfect and you don't need to change. You on the other hand, if Yuji asked the same question to you, you would give him actual feedback.
The Relationship
Row 1- Five of swords (rev), The chariot, King of pentacles
The two of you are very determined people
Like REALLY determine
There is a sense of strong willpower and focus present that allows you guys to overcome any obstacle that gets in the way of reaching your goals
Here's the thing that I really like about the two of you. You two don't mind comprising, for as long as in the end, the two of you are able to achieve your goals.
And I feel like because of this trait, I'm 99.9% sure that the two of you will always be able to achieve your desires
Row 2- Three of Pentacles (rev), Knight of Cups, Eight of Pentacles (rev)
I don't think there's a lot of grand romantic gestures present in this relationship. However, I do feel like smaller stuff like holding hands is common between you but things like candlelight dinner at a high-end restaurant is a little bit unlikely or rare.
I feel like with the two of you, you guys can get a little bit lazy with grander gestures cause they do require a bit more planning and effort.
There are definitely people out there who don't really like to stress out on planning for a date. And I think You and Yuji are definitely those types of couple
I feel like the two of you would prefer to go on dates where there is little to no planning involved. Like "hey let's just hang-out and see what happens"
Row 3- Two of cups, Knight of swords, Seven of wands
Okay here's the thing, I feel like when the two of you first got together, there may have been a lot of people who opposed. (Which make sense since he is Sukuna's vessel and will be killed when all 20 fingers are collected)
But I feel like the two of you were already expecting some sort of backlash before news of you two dating got out
So the two of you were already mentally prepared for it
Even though you guys were prepared for the backlash, that doesn't mean the two are just gotta sit back
No no no
The two of you fight back and stand your ground
I have a feeling that if someone said something out of line about Yuji, you wouldn't think twice about defending and protecting him, and vice versa.
Your trait that made him attracted to you
Card 1- Six of Pentacles- Gift, Generosity, Charity, Community, Support, Sharing, Kindness
Card 2- Eight of Cups- Abandonment, Walking away, Letting go, Disappointment, Loneliness
Card 3- Six of Wands- Success, Victory, Winning, Goodwill, Strength
You like to gift presents to friends, family and even strangers. Although you enjoy giving, I think you know when you need to stop. Especially if the person receiving doesn't appreciate the gift or abuses your love for gifting. I think if that ever happens you'll straight up say no or stop giving them gifts altogether. Of course, it can get hard sometimes but I think you do succeed at stepping your foot down
Also to clarify, gifts are not limited to physical objects to your time and effort are also considered
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