#had to change the tags on this because it had his deadname and also my hypothetical chosen name for him based off paladin mike
some-rotten-nest · 2 years
Before Jason, before even Dick, there was a Robin. Well, not quite a Robin that was named Robin, but a sort of side-kick to Batman, though she stayed away from the spotlight and was essentially the cryptid to the cryptid.
Passerine, she was called.
No one but Bruce Wayne were quite sure what happened that made Passerine's rumours die fully down, as if they weren't always bottom of the barrel.
Bruce liked to avoid the topic, a whole lot, in fact, but when you have a family full of detectives, a concerning amount of who had been trained at one point or another by assassin's, keeping a secret, even if you're Batman, is hard.
Turns out, while on a mission Passerine had accidentally killed someone. How? He report didn't specify, but she did, and Bruce had gotten upset.
Being 14 at the time, Passerine got angry and ran-- apperently Jasons' story isn't that original-- and she ran right into Amity Park, where she would die.
Bruce regretted every single word he had said that day, how he hadn't heard Passerine out, how he was overwhelmed by Passerine breaking her promise never to kill anyone, how bad of a parent he was.
When Jason became Red Hood, Bruce made sure not to make the same mistake. Try and hear Jason out, never forcefully drive him away, because he wasn't going to lose Jason like he lost Passerine.
A few years later, they begin investigations into Amity Park, mostly Damian, so he can learn about Passerine, how well she would've kept up in a fight, and to see why Father had let her be the first sidekick, and not tell Grayson about it.
He found about a hero, Phantom, who, despite his powers, fought much like a bat was taught to fight. Like Passerine. Researching more, he found a clip from a Pride Parade held in Amity Park, where Phantom was wearing a transgender pride flag like a cape for the entirety of the celebration.
And when comparing the physical features of Phantom and Passerine, they matched. Well, bar the shorter hair and flatter chest.
He shows his findings to the rest of the family, who agree that they should investigate more-- possibly because Phantom seemed very powerful-- so they go to Amity Park, without Bruce, because they figured it was best not to.
In the first 5 hours of arriving there, there was an attack that none other but Phantom cut short. They locked eyes.
That was undeniably Passerine, though barely recognizable with the shorter hair and complete change, but she-- he still looked 14, as if he had died only a day ago. Not ages ago.
A few ghost hunters cut their staring short, causing Phantom to fly away.
All the bats in Amity Park make communicate with Phantom their top priority.
Meanwhile, Danny Phantom is freaking out(TM) because those were the bats, what were they doing in Amity and why did they make him so easily??
Some idea I had stuck in my head for the past few days where Danny died and didn't age, but still became Phantom.
Feel free to mess around with it you want to, but tag me if you do! I want to see!
Also, in my AU, Danny's deadname isn't Danielle, so I didn't want to use that for his deadname, so I just said Passerine.
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gordonzola-ramen · 8 months
My mutual @alectricblue tagged me in this game tag! I normally dont do these, but I thought it'd be nice to get to know me more (and also meet y'all if you wish to participate)!
It will be long though. Sorry
1. Were you named after anyone?
Was originally gonna be named Andrea after a ballerina my grandma liked! Sadly no one remembered her well, not even grandma, so I don't know much about her.
My deadname was simply just chosen bc it was easy to pronounce, as well as my chosen name Diego (it's what I would've been called had I been male), although when I chose it for myself I liked the JoJo character Diego Brando so there was some correlation there.
Funnily enough, people think I'm nicknamed Lio after the Promare character, but I hadn't met them yet.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. At 11pm. Watching OR3O's One Piece song. It was nostalgic ok
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. There's an absurd amount of reasons I don't want them, although not a single one is because I dislike them. I've had to babysit many kids and they've all been very sweet.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oof, my recent sports is taking my dog for a walk. But I used to like volleyball and kickball! And reluctantly played soccer and did swimming! Sports give me a lot of anxiety and i'm not sure why.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I do a lot of teasing and lighthearted banter that can sometimes be considered sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes! Or anything outstanding like cool hairstyles or visible tattoos.
With online people, I mostly recognize them by pfp or a vague mental pronunciation of their username.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark brown?? Or black??
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Honestly, whatever makes me think more. Unhappy endings tend to do that more though, so I guess scary movies! But of course it depends on the mood, sometimes I just want a nice story to cheer me up.
9. Any talents?
I've been told I am talented at the piano! And music in general, although most of my skills feel less like talent and more like just studying the thing.
10. Where were you born?
So I was born in the US, in Florida, but my entire family is from Costa Rica and I just happened to be born while my parents were studying abroad. I don't remember much from the US though, I came back to CR with my grandma in my first months because she was less busy than my parents, and then they came to live here again. So in my eyes I've been a true Costa Rican since always hehe
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing the piano! Also drawing sometimes (I like to color more than draw, but unless I get my hands on a coloring book I can't do that unless I draw), playing videogames (mostly RPGs and visual novels), and doomscrolling.
12. Do you have any pets?
YESSSS my beloved dog Mia!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so much, she escaped her abusive home and we found her while walking around a plaza, said hi, and she followed us home. She's been with us for 8 years now and I adore her. Reference below because how can I not show her off:
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13. How tall are you?
Excellent question. I forgot but I'm average if that helps!
14. Favorite subject in school?
It changed over the years, in senior year it was English because we had my favorite teacher! I knew him for years because he has a literature club I partook in, so I was very happy to have classes with him. Plus, we saw the Oresteia, which goes tremendously hard especially when your teacher geeks out about all the symbolisms.
Apart from that, computer class! We barely ever had it, and almost had it cut out entirely in senior year, but the few times we did I really enjoyed programming and practicing typing! And when we didn't do anything we could play so.
15. Dream job?
I want to make my own videogame! So I'd say a game developer, although being a part of any videogame, especially RPGs, would be a dream come true.
Well thank you for reading, I hope that was some insight, it was very fun to reply!
Tagging section (no pressure to do it at all, you can also do it if you're not tagged who cares)
@skyllion-uwu @thefrogswhospoke @gorgeousuare @chronologicalimplosion @fishy-lilic @smoothedsmoothie @mx-mind @montied @aspirationatwork @jhofoyitchg @derkhue @mellomaia @federalfazbear @mcfinnigan @mutantsgurls @foxounderscorecube @sweetnessfollowsmp3 @mildredtefoneck @oh-my-stars1969 @unfullbucket @fluffnfuzzxoxo @electriceel69 @scottigyn @stressedsilverware @sapphicrobotenjoer @antjellies @milk1non-tolarantes @ovalbrain @chocokhaos @markdiegamer @astralix13 @atheist-xmas @blktomekurata @monstar-dreams @glass-duke @c--eam @laooneart
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eeblouissant · 3 months
hii !! @witchybitchybisexual tagged me a while back to answer some tgg questions, and I’ve finally gotten around to it haha! Thank you soso much I had lots of fun with this :D (under the cut so I don’t clog anyones tl)
1. How did you find out about the show?
I was raised on it! My mother always (and I mean always. I’m very grateful she kept all her DVDs in such good condition so that I can rewatch!) had it on in the background when I was little, my great grandma too I believe. (I’m also convinced Bea Arthur was my gay awakening, i used to sit and stare for hoursss lol)
2. One storyline you'd eliminate?
Listen … there are so many but. I feel like you all already know what I’m about to say - firstly, the bit where Dorothy almost marries Stan again. I’d get rid of many of the Stan storylines (and get him much further away from Dorothy, honestly it’s a little upsetting to see him near her at all but maybe I’m just overly sensitive when it comes to the things Dorothy’s been through because of him? He shouldn’t have been a reoccurring character imo.) but that one especially. I can understand the need for it, because it dives into a part of Dorothy’s character that I find very interesting and that I love expanding on, but god it just hurt my heart way too much. He makes me very upset and I’m just a viewer - so I can’t imagine what it would be like for someone to actually have to put up with him. I really think I’m just overly sensitive because of the subject matter but oh well 😅. Anyway - that and, I’d change how the show ended. And not in the way you think !!!! I think it was crucial that Dorothy got her fairytale ending, she deserved it more than anyone (sorry rose, blanche, sophia) after the way she’s always treated, even if it’s not really meant, she deserved to hold that over their heads. I wouldn’t change a thing about that. But I would change that exit scene, where she isn’t able to respond to roses’ “is this goodbye?” It is goodbye. It shouldn’t have been goodbye - I hated that they ended it that way so badly. And the affect is seen later in the golden palace (they don’t even patch things up really!!!!!! It was so horribly done imo!!!! Maybe I’m just bitter I’m not sure 😭)
3. Best guest star/character?
The two times Sophia’s sister appears are my favourites, so I’ll have to go with her 😂
Also - I’m forgetting his name at the moment, but the trans man that made an appearance in that one episode. The way he was never misgendered or deadnamed!! that episode has a very special place in my heart!!! (Jean as well, that episode is also a huge comfort. But I don’t think I need to say that - it’s kind of implied)
4. Character you most relate to?
Dorothy and Rose equally 🚶🏻‍♀️ but is this really a shock at this point lol
5. Favourite character?
Rose !!!!!! You may think otherwise but she will forever be my favourite. She’s just too relatable, I see a lot of myself (unmasked) in her and it brings me a lot of comfort. Shes actually helped me start to be okay with the idea of unmasking a little more outside of the house. I love her soooo so much.
6. Favourite story of a cast member?
This one kind of involves all of them? So I hope it counts, but learning that the crew were the photos in the ‘men of blanches boudoir’ episode 😂 hilarious!! I can’t remember if the girls were expecting it, I hope it all came as a surprise because their reactions seemed genuine!
7. Which was the episode that got you hooked?
I can’t really answer this one because I’ve always loved the show, simply because I grew up on it 😅 my mum & I have a very similar dynamic to Sophia and Dorothy, so I actually think that’s what kept me hooked; the emotions and memories attached! And then of course growing up and picking up on how queer coded those three are, good lord.
8. You could wear one girl's wardrobe for the rest of your life, who would you pick?
Sophia and Rose, no hesitation. Dorothy is too tall and flowy for me (I’m 5’2, no way I’m pulling her wardrobe off lol), Blanche is too, well, Blanche 😭 although I do adore her wardrobe, it’s just definitely not for me (I will however be stealing her robes & housecoats immediately)
9. How many kids do you think they all actually had?
Okay, I know Dorothy for sure only had two. That’s talked about lots. Blanche had four? Because she’s only ever talked about having four, possibly adopting? And Rose, I’m actually unsure, does she ever say it outright 😅? I’d guess three or four. I know we see one or two of her kids but otherwise I’m unsure.
10. Do you think the actresses would've gotten along with their characters if they met in real life?
Why/Why not?
Sophia and Estelle would be two peas in a pod and I stand by that. They both just have this way about them that makes me think it wouldn’t turn out any other way haha
hhhhmmmm … I think that Dorothy and Bea would be able to relate on a different level for sure. Cheating husbands, very specific insecurities (until Bea was a little older that is. Her confidence was contagious!) fashion choices, similar opinions on how comfortable shoes actually are lol - but I feel like Dorothy is a little too much of a romantic. That might have thrown them off. Bea was also a very shy person, and Dorothy is a little more bold. That would have gone one of two ways I think! Either Dorothy ends up being her scary guard dog or they clash for all the wrong reasons 😂
Rose and Betty? I don’t have much to say other than, again, it would have gone one of two ways and been very black and white 😂 either they’re hitting it off, or never speaking again.
Rue mentions once that shes all Blanche with the exception of not being from Atlanta Georgia, and friends of hers have mentioned that she had a hard time shaking Blanche off after the show ended - so, I’d say they’re practically twins 😅 they’d question if they were related!
11. What are your other comfort shows?
The crown! (special interest, you know how it goes), I don’t watch much, because I always fear getting too absorbed in media and developing another fixation 😭 it’s also just hard when I’ve got such intense interests going on. I can’t delve into new media because it’s almost overwhelming? Idk can’t explain that one. Anyway, talk to me about the crown and I’ll marry you on the spot (/j)
12. Headcanons? (Feel free to list as many as you'd like)
Oh BOY. Oh here we go. You’ve all seen many of my headcanons by now so this might get repetitive, but I’ll list some anyway:
First off, because oh my god I think about it daily, Blanche has a natural tan!! Partly because she lays out in the sun so often but I also see her just being born with it. Something about it suits her so well! She gets a tiny bit paler in the winter but in the summer she’s almost unrecognizable (Thank you Blanche for adding some colour to the group lmao, those ladies are white !!!!)
I headcanon strongly that Rose is autistic. Or at the very least neurodivergent somehow (definitely autistic, but you get my point) - as an autistic person she reminds me a lot of myself when I’m unmasked and it’s actually really lovely unintentional representation! I feel so seen by her!
Honestly, a lot of what I would want to headcanon about Dorothy is already canon (her chronic illness, depression, hearing aid etc) but one thing I do headcanon her dealing with that isn’t explicitly stated is dissociation. It would come naturally with that one really awful thing that I won’t name that happened to her - and having to them live with Stanley for 38 years after the fact? I believe dissociation became less of a concern to her and more of a very, very dear friend. Anyway, I’ve rambled on that a million times so I’ll spare you all 😅
I also headcanon that Dorothy is an extremely repressed lesbian, be it her religion or, again, the very awful thing that shall not be named, etc - there’s something about the way she treads so carefully around the topic of lesbianism that just … yeah. We know Dorothy. It’s okay. I headcanon blanche being bisexual, since it’s kind of hinted at once or twice? Or like? Straight up implied? Cut to all the times she just happened to ask Dorothy to “help her out” or pick between her and rose lmao. I can see rose being pan or bi as well, but I think I headcanon her being unlabelled honestly! She just wants to love and be loved, if she loves someone, she loves them!
Honestly, I don’t have many headcanons for Sophia - she’s perfect as she is 😂 10/10 no notes!
13. What would you change (if anything) about the show/ characters if it was set in the modern day?
Again, how it ended, and in this case because of the insane amount of queer coding and subtext - need I say more? I can’t see this show being set in modern times, I honestly think it would ruin the vibe 😅
14. Which other Fictional Characters would you like each one of the golden girls to meet?
oh lord okay, I’ve saved this one for last because I’m actually not sure? I don’t think I can answer this one but I’ll edit and add if anything comes to mind later 😅
15. Who were your favourite duo?
Rose and Dorothy!!!! Although it’s very hard to separate the four, rose and Dorothy always had the most precious scenes.
16. Who should've got more 1:1 screen time with each other?
Rose and Dorothy 😭😭 pleassseeeee oh my god
16. Calmest season?
Two I think!
17. Most chaotic season?
Seven or three - season seven felt rushed, so it felt chaotic in a way I hated, but season three was so filled with lore and things that it felt chaotic for all the right reasons!
18. Favorite Season?
Three and four!
19. If the girls hadn't had their established careers, what other ones could you picture them doing?
Well firstly I’d give Dorothy her antique shop dream, obviously. I cant not see Blanche doing something with the arts… if she really put her mind to it I think she would make an incredible artist. & rose … hhhmmm. Maybe a preschool or kindergarten teacher! (Sophia is exempt here, let the woman rest lol she’s much to old to be working)
20. Best aspects of the show in your opinion?
All the different kinds of representation! How much it leaned into topics that were otherwise considered kind of swept under the rug. There’s been a billion posts made explaining this already though so I’m sure I don’t need to talk anyone’s ear off about it 😅
21. This question is for my fellow cheesecake lovers) favourite cheesecake flavour?
Ohhhh strawberry has to be my favourite.
22. Storyline you wished they had expanded upon?
Okay this is going to sound silly so bare with me, but that time Sophia got a job (dressed up in that pirate costume) - they never expanded on it, in fact she kind of disappeared for the rest of the episode!!!! I have to know what on earth was going on there 😭!!!
23. Questions you'd ask the actresses?
Honestly, if they actually got along. Because there have been rumours and things. (and then, you know. The Thing Rue Said that Bea had said about Betty because of the way she was picking on Estelle. And also Betty admitting that Bea was never too fond of her. I just have to know!) id also ask Bea Arthur specifically what she thought of the possible queer subtext around Dorothy’s character - I have a feeling she’d be fond of it actually 😂
24. Episode that brings you the most comfort?
Any episode that isn’t from the end of season 7 😭 I don’t think I can pick just one
25. Episode that made you laugh the hardest?
The episode where Dorothy sleeps with (or well, attempts to. We all know how that went) stans brother. I could write an essay on that one but oh my GOD I was laughing so hard at the parts that weren’t ripping my heart out!!!
26. Which other work that the actresses did you enjoy the most?
You’re asking me to pick only one of Bea Arthur’s other works???? I’d have to say Maude I think, basic answer I know - but oh my god I love her 😭 I’ll have to say Maude for Rue as well. The Beatrice Arthur special is Very close behind her though. & Betty - hhhmmm. Probably Password (if it counts?)
27. Best St Olaf Story?
The Great herring war hands down - I CANNOT with that scene 😂😂 when rue started to giggle I knew exactly what was about to go down - BEA lost composure, and I’d imagine that’s a hard thing to get her to do!!!!
28. Best slut story?
does this count I’m not sure … but I’m very very fond of that little moment where rose and dorothy are recalling different men Blanche has told them stories about to ask if they’re true (after she admitted that she tends to over exaggerate sometimes) like oh my god. They actually remember all the nonsense Blanche tells them 😂 I can’t !!!!
29. Best Sicily story?
The Pablo Picasso story !!!! Oh my god I think about it daily !!!!!!
30. Which girl would you be most interested in seeing a prequel of? And at which point in their life?
Young Dorothy !!!!!! OH MY GOD !!! She should have had her own show I’m so serious!!!!! The fact that she didn’t get a spin-off is a crime - I don’t know how that never happened. I’m so fascinated by her and how she survived back then. I need all the details big and small or I might (will, I will) die
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zooterscooter · 1 year
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thank you for asking @expensive-muscle i will be doing that for sure
i had this sitting in my drafts for a while so here we go hehe. it'll be quite a bit so i do apologize in advance
original post with the tags
the guy with the mask will be first :) his name is mars (legally his name is micah, but he doesn't go by it anymore, not a deadname or anything he just doesn't like it. not terribly important but yknow) he's part of a group of four... outlaws... i guess ? the group consists of him, his sister, the other girl in the drawing (who's also the one in the fifth drawing) and one other guy (when you look a bit closer on the 8th drawing, he's the one in the speech bubble they're talking about. their names are cecil, finch and karman, in order of being mentioned
he was unfortunately caught in a warehouse fire a few years back (story wise) and was pretty badly scarred bc of it. he wears the mask so he doesn't have to walk around with his scarred face and blind eye showing. he really only wears it out in public and around strangers because it is quite uncomfortable
i'm still working on a group name for the four of them, and nothings really sticking. but since we're on the topic of them i'll talk about finch a bit :)
she's a hitman, late 20s. she's been employed by a bunch of higher power people in the city where she lives, so she's kinda sorta untouchable by law. she's been taken in a few times but is always bailed out by someone somehow. money can buy anything i suppose
the other two mentioned, karman and cecil, are kind of a team... as someone who has no clue how sports betting works (yet) i don't really know how to explain, but cecil is like... this worlds equivalent of a nascar driver kinda ? kinda not really. anyways. betting is legal in this city, but for karman and cecil it's like an inside job, if that makes any sense at all. i haven't thought about this group as a whole much if i'm being honest, but it'll come in time i hope
moving on !!
onto the "mf in the beanie" :3 her name is lilith and she's a screenwriter. her dad kinda sorta skipped town when she was younger, but she is super close with her mom, and they're so awesome. her mom gets a bit sick at one point, spending a lot of time at various hospitals, but she ultimately turns out fine
lilith wanted to peruse comedy as a career at one point, but she didn't really get as into it as she thought she would, so she just sticks to the behind the scenes by writing :)
the "homosexual friendship" is about her now girlfriend, who was an alchemist at one point a few years ago but i've changed her career a bit and don't know the exact word to describe it 😭 her name is ophelia, very smart, very pretty, younger sister.
i'm going to be honest with you, dear readers. lilith was a danganronpa self insert at one point. she comes from a simpler time. her and her girlfriend, tho said gf wasn't a self insert, just a dangan oc. not anymore tho....
the more i rack my brain for info the more i realize i just. don't have the descriptors for anything that they do. questions welcome and encouraged
now onto the rest of the people in the drawings, i'll attempt keep them short and simple hehe
1st drawing- ophelia/her sisters moms, vada medea (left) and sage (right) both are biological. i took inspo from how the "making babies from bone marrow" stuff that's kinda sorta happening in the science scene. the timeline for all this takes place about a hundred years from now, so i think they'd be figuring out how to do it with little complication. i am not a scientist myself, so i have plenty research to do to get the specifics down
2nd drawing- ophelia's sister, rue, and some 180 year old freak scientist. the freak is the one in the sewer. he had a grand time fucking up a bunch of people and giving them what appear to be lizard scales, and then was told to get the hell out of the city lest he causes more chaos. unfortunately the scales get passed down, but they really have no impact on the lives of the people who have them. rue is nurse who lowkey gets corrupted by the freak (his name is emrys) after her girlfriend passes from a long battle with various medical complications. she takes her grief to the wrong person and starts to lose her mind.
3rd drawing- their names are kaleo (left) and Non (right) not quite sure what their deal is exactly if i'm being honest. kaleo is a boxer, and Non just... exists really. he's alive to be pals with kaleo so far 😭 he's one of the people who had the scales passed down to him, which is silly and fun. kaleo is related to the person in the 6th drawing, which i will get to
4th drawing- zephyr (left) and kairos (right). detective and cop due respectively. sometimes they're tasked with keeping up with finch and her little gang of criminals but they can't really do much.
5th drawing- that's finch. love her
6th drawing- her name is desdemona and she's a spirit freak. she's been alive for hundreds of years or maybe she was just willed into being alive yesterday. she's got a bunch of weird spiritual abilities, like time travel (sounds cheesy) and communicating with the dead. she also eats people sometimes but that's a minor thing don't worry about it. she's the "wrong person" rue went to after her girlfriend died... oopsie. kaleos relative somehow also. the body on the floor is her ""human disguise"" because she can't really walk around town with a skull on her head. said skull isn't hers btw
7th drawing- holt (welding the sandwich) and caspien (watching him weld) they're just a little duo of gays tbh. it would take a while for me to explain it all so lmk if anyone wants to hear about it. holt is a mechanic, early 20s, and caspien is legally dead but he's fine. has wicked nightmares a lot but other than that he's fine. caspien and zephyr are brothers.
8th drawing- finch and mars :)
9th drawing- lilith (explained above) and her pal alaric. alaric is the guy that knows everyone and everything about the city they're in. somehow related to emrys (sewer freak) but neither of them are exactly sure how. emrys shouldn't even be alive but here he is, corrupting the youth
10th drawing- eve and varden :) (varden is @yaffles-world 's oc, shoutout to you) eve is sage's sister, making him ophelia and rues uncle. one of the only guys in the family which is lowkey funny bc he's a trans guy. someone had to attempt to balance the scales i guess. varden is his secret partner he hid from everyone for like 15 years because he was scared of being made fun of for some reason. i dunno. he's my main projection oc and even i don't get it. his full legal first name is evening btw. he's named this because i was like "hey wouldn't this be funny ?" and then it stuck. eve is an astrophysicist (which is why his name is funny to me) and varden is a mechanic :) lots of mechanics in the city
and with that im gonna cut it off or else i'd just keep yapping on in a single post about everything. thanks for taking the time to read this all if you did, please PLEASE ask questions i obviously love talking. asks are encouraged
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hammeragainstbirds · 7 months
[There is a video attatched, do you want to watch it?]
//This is so long but I swear it's not that bad. In the tags will be what you need to know after this even if you don't read it so everything else makes sense.
//I'll actually rewrite the ooc paragraph into several shorter ones so it's easier to read.
//Apple's friends don't react in the best way possible, as they don't know what is going on. This is made worst because Apple was already distressed.
//Apple isn't out to their friends, so they'll only use he/him to refer to her. He does use that pronoun, so it's not misgendering, but don't expect them to use anything else. Also, it's name will be written [Apple], as that's the one they use online, not her actual name. It's not deadnaming, but I understand that it can look as if I was censoring a deadname.
//There is a mention of the current state of Apple's transformation. Specifically, the start of the face changing.
//Also, first and probably last time a character uses a swear word (or whatever those are called in english, I think it's that) in one of my post. I feel like that friend would use them, but I don't like writing them.
[The video is taken from around the height of Apple's head, so it's impossible to see everyone else's faces. Apple can be seen next to the window, trying to check where they would land. Steps can be heard from the other side of the room as other three people enter it. The room is dark, except for the small amount of light entering though the window.]
"What the... what is that?"
[Apple is covering its face and making a ball in the floor, ashamed of how she looks like. One of his friends tries to get closer, but Sharp the pawniard jumps to his trainer's rescue. He positions himself between Apple and the rest, ready to fight.]
"Sharp? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with [Apple]? Where is he, anyway?"
"Yeah and, more importantly, how did that... tinkaton? get here?"
[[Blue] hits [Pink] with her elbow while looking at him with a disapproving face.]
"What? It was a joke! I'm obviously looking for him!"
"Get out of here."
"[Apple]? Where are you?"
"Leave me alone, okay? I don't want you to see me right now."
[[Red] tries to get close to Apple, suspecting that their voice comes from that part of the room. Sharp, feeling his owners distress, does the only thing he can think of.]
"What the fuck Sharp? Why did you do that? Agh, it hurts a lot! Just let me get there already!"
[[Red] holds his leg with a pained expression while looking at Sharp. [Blue] throws a pokeball, freeing the Skeledirge inside. The pokemon uses its tail to move Sharp out of the way and keep him there.]
"No! Leave him alone! He can't get hurt. I- I didn't hurt him, you can't do it. P- please, don't do anything. Just get out of here!"
[Apple says this while crying. He looks at Sharp, hoping he's fine. That allows both the camera and her friends to see their new face. It's still very similar to the face it had before this began, but it is pink and is starting to change to look more tinkaton-like. It can be noticed mostly in the eyes, which are starting to get taller and thinner. The three of them flinch when seeing this.]
"Is that... Wha- what happened to you?"
"Yeah, you look terrible! Is that your excuse to let us study by ourselves?"
"I told you to leave me alone!"
[The camera seems to fall and look to the ceiling for a moment, before it repositions itself. Both pokemon appear to be fine, but the three humans seem to have been launched against the wall. Some glowing particles can be seen floating around in the room, quickly disappearing. Apple gets to where Sharp is as fast as she can without showing themself more than necessary and hugs him.]
"You are okay, everything is okay. I'm here to help you, I promise. I- the instincts won't win, I'll protect you."
[Apple is holding the hammer, which is longer now. The new addition is a different color to the metals used before. He runs towards the window and jumps, the camera following behind. Its landing is good enough, so they can start running towards the nearby forest almost immediately, Sharp still in his arms.]
[End of the video.]
//Not fully convinced with some parts, but probably good enough. I don't know if I should tag this anything specific, but the warning in the beginning should work for that.
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sonicenvy · 2 months
So y'all here's a sweet experience that I had at work today that has watered my crops, given me hope for humanity, etc.:
I had this sweet little boy, his sweet sister and his mom come up to my desk today to get their summer reading prizes, and I'm all like,
"What are your names?"
The kids tell me, but the mom then goes, "Oh [little boy]'s name might be wrong in the system it might still be [girl deadname]. I just look up the kids' last name, and I'm like,
"Great news! His name in our summer reading system is [actual boy name]"
The mom is like, so happy about this btw, she goes, "Oh good! I'm so glad that [husband] changed it!"
I'm all like, "Does [son] have a library card? His name could be wrong on that too. I can check for you."
The mom goes, "He does, and it probably is."
I'm all like, "I can fix that for y'all if you'd like, let me look it up for you."
Mom and kids are both very happy, "Could you?" the mom says, "That would be great."
I look up [son's deadname] in the library card look up and sure enough it is under that. I ask him when his birthday is, but because he's four, he can't remember the day or the year, he's just like "February," which is pretty common for kids his age and never ceases to crack me up lmao. The month is good enough for me, but the mom gives the rest of it.
I update the son's name to [new boy name] and update his gender/pronouns field to "boy", which takes me all of about 30 seconds, and I go, "It's all fixed now, He's now in the system as a boy named [new boy name]. If you got one of the library cards with the name printed on it, you can go to the lobby and they will get you a new one with his new name printed on it. If you got one of the ones where you sharpied his name on there, you can wipe the old name off with rubbing alcohol pretty easily, and write his new one on there."
The mom, who clearly has already been having issues with other places (probably school) updating her sweet little four year old's name is like, "That's it?"
I'm like, "Yup. You're all good to go!"
The mom is like, so grateful y'all, she goes, "Thank you so much for making that so easy for us!"
I'm like, "You're welcome! It's no problem whatsoever, we want everyone to be called by their actual name around here!"
This interaction made me so happy y'all because it was so sweet how extremely, enthusiastically supportive the mom and the 6 year old sister are about this four year old being trans. Like y'all for every shitty story I read about in the news about shitty transphobic parents or every shitty transphobic parent story I hear from friends, I get to have these interactions with parents at my job who are so supportive of their kids and their gender expressions.
The fact that this kid's mom is helping him socially transition at AGE 4 is such a wonderful, loving thing that is going to mean a lot for the rest of his life. This is not the first time I've helped a kid and their parent change their name/gender on their library card account either. There's a parent of a sweet transgender 7 year old girl whose name I updated last year. I also have a number of excellent parents of NB children, who are very enthusiastically making sure their kid doesn't get misgendered. I also appreciate the parents who are teaching their little kids to they/them people of unknown pronouns (so they/theming me when I forget to put on my she/her name tag.) because these parents are teaching their kindergartners not to assume people's genders. Gives me hope for the future of queer kids amidst all the vitriol and hatred that's out there right now.
Like all the kids I generally work with at my library are under the age of 12 and I have multiple trans kids with enthusiastically supportive parents who are helping their kids socially transition while they are single digit aged.
I also love that the area my library is in has a lot of very visibly queer parents who come to our library! Lots of kids with two dads or two moms come to my library, which is so wonderful to see as a fellow queer. Big love to the one lesbian mom who has 2 sons with her wife and is a super huge boy/cub scout volunteer (she wears the uniform when she hosts the meetings at our library!).
Anyways, I'm so happy for this kid and the familial support he clearly has.
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
Scaramouche heavily defending Nonbinary! Reader
TW: Misgendering, transphobia, self doubt, slurs. Read with caution
ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION @strawbxrrytiger because you wanted to me tagged in a post i ever made WELL I GOT SCARA X ENBY READER DONE LMAOOO
Note: this will be using MY definition of nonbinary which may not be the same as everyone else's. Do not try correcting me as I'm using my own definition and my own experience and feelings of being nonbinary to make this, if you don't like it you can read something else or bear with it. I don't mean to sound harsh.
Scaramouche meets (y/n) and miraculously gets close to them.
At one point they trust him enough and finally come out to him about being nonbinary, he doesn't fully understand it at first so they explain it
"Basically, I'm neither a man nor a woman. I basically have no gender- you could call it null I guess. Non being not and binary being made of the things- these two things being man and woman. So; not made of two things, man and woman."
"Oh... So... you don't feel as though you're a girl exactly, but not a boy either. So does that mean you don't know? Or you genuinely just don't feel as though you're either gender?" "In a way. I do know, I know for a fact I'm not a boy or a girl. Whenever I'm referred to as a boy or a girl, it just feels very weird.. it's uncomfy. I dunno how to explain- like.. your skin crawling? Maybe a numb type of feeling?"
"So... you don't want to be called he or she?" "No, I want to be called by they, because that's what I am." "So... are you changing your name then?" "I already did. When I met you, I introduced myself with the name I go by now, and not my deadname."
"What's a deadname?" "A deadname is a name that a trans person went by in the past, your birth name after you change it to something else. It's generally really rude to deadname someone or expose someone's deadname and can even be dangerous. Deadnaming someone and it just being a GENUINE accident, and you instantly correct yourself; that's fine! That's acceptable because we all forget and we have to get used to change, same thing with pronouns. So if you accidentally call me the wrong pronouns the first few times, that's okay. Just correct yourself and move on, it's not too big of a deal until you deliberately do it on purpose." They explained and the harbinger nodded, "What if I hear someone call you the wrong pronouns?" "Correct them. If they ignore that and continue on doing it with absolutely no regard to what you said, do whatever you want. If they correct themself and apologize, all is good."
Scara was always a relatively fast learner so he picked it up pretty quickly and when he DID accidentally misgender them, he corrected himself faster than the speed of light.
He was the most supportive of everyone- surprisingly enough.
The issue was Dottore and the Tsaritsa. The tsaritsa just didn't give a shit and Dottore was Dottore.
Dottore found it stupid and refused to listen, but no one take him seriously when he says its not possible because remember he's a psycho doctor. Literally does unethical shit. So... yeah.
When Dottore first misgendered them, Scaramouche corrected him. But he rolled his eyes and didn't listen, and when he continued doing the same thing, Scaramouche almost beat his ass- he had to be held back.
He never really respected the Tsaritsa, but the moment she and her minions dismissed it and disrespected them over it, any form or respect he ever had for them was GONE. And he was this close to taking down a god.
He was always wary after that and WAS ready to throw hands with anyone who disrespected (Y/N) because of it. He's attacked multiple people for it.
He always makes sure to validate them and reassure them if he feels they are at any point feeling self doubt.
He actually got them a flag. They told him about the flag and stuff a long while back but thought he'd forget all about it.
He didn't.
He surprised them with one during Pride month.
They cried out of happiness.
He also got them the trans flag for Christmas!
He got them a "they/them" pin in case they wanted it
Scaramouche ACTUALLY went as far as to kill some of his subordinates because they dared to fuck with (Y/N)'s identity. Some subordinates misgendered them and he just fucking clapped them- the majority if the subordinates didn't dare to test them after that. The newer and cockier ones will try but they're shut down instantly. Be it by death or not.
He helps them get hormones if they want them, he helps them with everything he possibly can.
Considering his position of power and his money, he's able to buy them anything they need.
They want a binder? He can get that.
They want to get on hormones? He can get that
If the certain place (Y/N) lives at isn't accepting, he'll move them somewhere else, somewhere safe and accepting.
Put Scara in our world and he will have.... a ball to say the least.
Considering he's willing to kill, he'd probably annihilate half of the population if he finds who is transphobic and shit and who isn't.
Let him see the US government- I can promise the government will no longer exist after he's done-
America: exists, Scaramouche: Not today bitch
Suddenly America is the most accepting place in the world and has laws protecting the LGBT
I wonder who did that- did they have a change of heart? (Spoiler alert: no, Scaramouche just killed anyone who opposed him, making even the government afraid of him)
He borderline killed Dottore once for misgendering them and stuff.
As you can see, Scaramouche is incredibly protective and said trans rights at all costs
He's willing to commit war crimes for LGBT rights bro-
He'd love Scandinavia /srs
"Hey, Scara? Can I.. uhm... tell you something?" "Hm? What is it?" The harbinger looked up from some sheets of paper he was going over. "It's... really important... and I'm telling you because I really trust you..." They said and Scaramouche nodded, signaling to continue. "I'm trans, nonbinary specifically." They said and Scaramouche tilted his head. "I know what trans is, but what's nonbinary?" He asks as (Y/N) sits down in front of him.
"Nonbinary is... basically the lack of gender. Literally being not made of two things, man and woman. Non, not; binary, made of two this, these two things being man and woman." They explained, "So basically I have no gender, in layman's terms." They added and he nodded slowly, "So... that means you use... He? She?" He asked, and (Y/N) shook their head, "I use they/them. Gender neutral pronouns." "Isn't that... Isn't that plural though?? I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused." He said with a look of confusion and (Y/N) laughed a little.
"It's alright! Yes, they/them is plural but it can be singular... Say, you see someone drop their weapon, and you don't know the gender of the person... What woud you say? Saying 'he or she dropped his or her weapon' takes too long, and there's simpler ways to say it." They explained and Scaramouche thought for a minute, "They dropped their weapon?" He responded and they nodded, "Yep. 'Hey, THEY dropped THEIR weapon' 'My friend is pretty cool, I think you'd like THEM', there are a ton of examples for when someone uses they/them in a singular context. But a comment joke that nonbinaries make with people saying that it's plural is something like 'I'm actually 300 rats in a trenchcoat', or literally just any thing with a big number and a trenchcoat." They explained with a small smile.
"So, do you go by another name then?" "The name I told you when I first met you is the name I go by now. My deadname doesn't matter anymore." They told him and he blinked some, "deadname?" He asked, "A name that I no longer go by. The name your born with is considered your deadname when you change it. It's really rude to deadname people or reveal someone's deadname, hell it can be dangerous." They said, "Why would anyone even do that? What's the point? What do you gain from that?" He asked and (Y/N) shrugged, "Some people just wanna be horrible... There are transphobic people, there are people who hate us for simply existing." "If I find put anyone does anything like that to you, does anything transphobic, I WILL kill them. Very brutally, actually." Scaramouche said, his voice went threatening for a moment.
"There is also a completely separate thing called enbyphobia. Transphobia is just prejudice and shit against trans people as a whole but then we have enbyphobia." "Why?" "I'm about to tell you. Basically, some trans people don't even think nonbinaries exist. Some say they aren't actually trans, and are looking for attention or trying to be special. They call nonbianaries tenders. Trans tenders are an entirely different conversation for a different day." They explained Scaramouche nodded, "wait wait... People actually are prejudice against their OWN demographic?!" "Unfortunately... It's... it's a crack house sometimes, Unfortunately. Sometimes the LGBT community is... a shit show, to say the least. But that's just the loud ones. As they say, the bad ones are always the loudest." They answered and Scaramouche sighed, "of course.. no community is perfect."
The day passed but eventually Scaramouche asked another question that had been on his mind. "(Y/N)," "Ya?" "So... you're nonbianary and only want gender neutral word usage right?" He asked and they simply nodded. "So what honorific would you use? Instead of Miss, Misses, and Mister..." He asked and (Y/N) nodded, "Good question! I prefer Mix, that's abbreviated like M and X. But pronounced as Mix." They explained, "Alright... What about.. for example, I'm dating you. What would I call you?" He asked, trying to hide the small tint of red on his cheeks. "Um... I personally prefer enbyfriend. There IS joyfriend but I really hate that word, it just sounds really weird. You can also use partner, lover, significant other, stuff like that." They responded with a small smile. "And for family like they'd use... Sibling, or child? Or grandchild? Wait what about replacing aunt, uncle, mom, dad, niece, and nephew?" He asked, "Oh! Yeah, child and sibling. I also like demon spawn for comedic purposes. For replace mom or dad, I like nomi. I originally thought nobi but that might be hard for little kids to say. There's also ren, parent, I really like parental unit- once again for comedic purposes." They said with a little laugh and Scaramouche chuckled a bit.
"For aunt, uncle, niece, and nephew... I don't know, truthfully. One day I'll figure that out. Oh, for instead of God or Goddess, I like Goddex!" They added with a grin.
That's all I can think of rn forgive me- however Scaramouche x Nonbinary! Reader SUPREMACY!!!
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smdarling · 7 years
Me ~is behind on everything because Unexpected Time with my best friend~ ~(also honestly a fair amount Less Fun reasons but best friend time Helps)
We saw The Greatest Showman and I can’t stop listening to the soundtrack this is the first non-Marvel movie in A While that I’ve just been SO ALL OVER I LOVE IT WITH MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART I WAS UGLY CRYING THE ENTIRE TIME I’M STILL UGLY CRYING
Me ~has a list of fics I’m working on that I need to finish~
Me ~is thirty seconds from starting a The Greatest Showman AU~
Me @ me: Work on WIPs
~staring contest with myself, who will win? Stay tuned!~
#smdarling writes fic now liveblogging the process#I know I need to work on the WIPs I know I've been slow as fuck lately with them because low energy etc#and I have energy at this moment that should go to them#but..... THE GREATEST SHOWMAN SEE THAT MOVIE HAVE YOU SEEN IT YET GO SEE IT NOW IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE#also Good Timing cuz ~minor TGS spoilers~ the whole This Is Me theme#of yeah I'm not who quoteunquote society wants to be but This Is Me and FUCK YOU IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT thing?#yeah someone that okay I haven't considered a friend for a couple years now#but who did teach me A Lot and we had.... Something Different between us not romantic or anything#but still one of the Great Loves Of My Life level of Something Different#fucking. (haha I typed that in and it showed a tag with his name that I used forever ago)#anyway yeah fucking. calls me over 10times at 430am the other night#deadnames me and when I said yeah I don't go by that name anymore and gender neutral pronouns#went ALL THE WAY OFF (via text cuz I wasn't gonna answer) like fuck you and your safe spaces#you won't answer the phone at 430am and won't accept me deadnaming and misgendering you HOW DARE U USED TO LOVE ME#and on and on and on childish fucking insults and Nazis don't exist in America#and even if they did since I wasn't in Charleston (????) and because I used to have a major self harm problem they don't exist for me?#idk wtf basically a whole bunch of You Can't Have It Both Ways#insulting my friends and my grandparents#and me: since my grandpa died I'm taking care of my grandma full time#SHE WILL DIE which yes duh??? apparently I shouldn't be taking care of her because she'll die eventually?#but also everyone takes care of their family?#and just Would Not Quit and I wanted to see how far he'd go and he just... kept Exceeding Expectations of Douchebaggery#so yeah I wasn't surprised it happened at all so much as surprised at the intensity and yeah#having someone go on and on about how fucked up/stupid/worthless etc I am for being nonbinary#especially someone who used to be however many years ago what that person was to me#was Not Fun Or Pleasant#and then I see The Greatest Showman which has that running theme of fuck you very much if you don't like who I am#THIS IS ME MOTHERFUCKER#just Good Timing and yeah probably a factor of why I'm so All The Fuck Over That Movie#but also MUSICALS and themes like that are SO MY THING so it's only like 5% of why
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
Important anouncement!!
In the near future this characters will become fully original! But for now we're merely switching the names every now and then to slowly get used to them
You can still call them by their old names, but im writing the changes so people wont be confused!
Dee -> Dee (but now hes ok with everyone calling him by his full name "Amadeus")
Vee -> Vee
Roman -> Florian
Remus -> Cadmus
Patton -> Lawrence (legal name [NOT a deadname]) / Achilles (chosen name)
Logan -> Nate/Nathan
Welcome to the Campfire AU! This blog gets lots of asks everyday so it can be kind of hard to find the basics of everything. So hopefully this can answer your questions if you’re new to the blog! 
 The AU doesn’t really have a plot. Just the sides being teens dealing with everyday stuff. The reason of why it’s called Campfire AU it’s because it all started with a comic where they went camping, but in all honestly it isnt even about camping at this point. Whoops!
(I have a in-character blog for Vee! Just for the fun of it lmao its @littlemothsandtinyvees )
What’s the AU about?
Are there any ships?
 This AU is 100% platonic! Many people get confused mainly because Dee and Remus are usually kinda flirty with each other. But they’re literally just messing around. Although, Vee and Logan get together in college (If this ship makes you uncomfortable, you can block the ‘’cf!analogical’’ tag!). But besides that, nothing else.
Is Thomas/Remy/Emile/etc in this AU?
 Yes, but actually no.
 Thomas and his crew are in this AU. BUT!!!! They have a very small, unsignificant role. Kind of like a cameo. They’re some cool yet scary looking monsters that appear on Vee's dreams. Vee also has a bat plushie named Count Joan.
 And Remy and Emile are Patton’s super cool toads. They just vibe.
What are the characters in the AU?
 Primary characters: Patton, Roman, Logan, Virgil, Janus (who still goes by Dee), and Remus.
 Secondary characters: King Creativity (Romulus), The Dragon Witch (DW), Annika (Vee’s biological mom), Celeste (Dee’s biological mom), and Mama and Papa Ruiz (Roman, Remus, and Romulus’ parents), Azariah, Nona, and Poppy (Dee and Remus' group of friends at school)
We dont really talk that much about Logan’s parents nor Patton’s dad, but they’re still there.
Blog’s ‘’Inside Jokes’’
The blog has some inside jokes that newcomers usually dont understand because they’re so bizarre and out of context, so here’s a quick guide. Beware, these are very dumb. I would like to apologize in advance:
The Jirt Dar: Its a jar full of dirt that Vee carries around and makes their friends put their hands inside of it if they catch them swearing.
The Sock Shirt: Remus owns a plain white shirt with the word ‘’sock’’ handwritten. That’s it. I have no idea why people find that hilarious.
Boneless Logan: Logan once had this theory that since he had never broken any bones in the past, he was, in fact, boneless. And still claims it to this day. Before you ask, no. He’s not serious about believing that, he just claims it to annoy or make people laugh. Has he ever broke a bone after that claim? Yes, he has.
‘‘Addy’‘: ‘’Addy’‘ is a nickname Vee has for Dee and it immediately triggers his Big Brother Mode because Vee only calls him that in scenarios when they’re sad, sick, etc.
‘‘Patton with an E‘‘:  When Vee and Patton first met, Patton had pointed out their last names where the same, except his had an ‘e’ at the end, and Vee thought it was pretty funny. Nowadays Patton sometimes introduces himself as ‘‘Patton with an E’‘ only to make Vee chuckle.
About OP
Hello! My name is Hay/Danny/OP i really dont mind how you refer to me as. I decided to make a little about me because I feel like I should set some boundaries for the sake of my mental health, basically some "please do not do this" because theyre personally triggering for me or make me uncomfortable.
Please never send asks talking about weight. Its a super triggering subject for me. Im fine if its asks like "Oh everyone lifts (X character) up a lot cause theyre very light" but thats it
Please dont vent in the asks, I have no idea what to do to help and as very empathetic person it stresses me out not being able to help. I am not a therapist
*Sometimes food is a subject that makes me extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes. What im trying to say is that you can send food related asks but if i dont answer it, its because at that moment food is a big no for me. I'll try my best to remember to give a heads up
(* Its totally okay if the subject is only passing. Its if the ask is focused on food what makes me extremely uncomfortable)
(Primary) Characters basic information (full name, age, height, etc)
● Janus Amadeus “Dee” Callaghan
 18 years old // 5'10 // Agender/Bisexual // he/him (but doesnt care about pronouns at all)
●Virgil (Vee) Harper Storm
 15 years old // 4'9 // Non Binary/Queer/Asexual // they/them (They’re chill with any pronouns though)
*Important Fact: Vee is autistic
●Patton Jonathan Storme
 16 years old // 5'8 // Demiboy/Homosexual // he/him and xe/xem
●Logan Keith Rowell
 16 years old // 5'5 // Questioning // he/him
●Roman Florian Flynn Ruiz
 18 years old // 5'11 // Transgender/Aromantic // he/him
●Remus Amadeus Ruiz
 18 years old // 6'2 // Transgender/Homosexual // he/him
Character’s specifics
(Before we start, I’d like to mention that the sides are quite further away from canon. Its called an AU for a reason, if you dont like how they’re portrayed, that’s fine, but please do not complain because, again, its an AU for a reason.) 
Patton: Patton is a complicated character. Let’s say hes bittersweet.
Pat has a very complicated relationship with his family, which would be the main reason of his anger issues and poor self esteem. He doesnt have any siblings and his mother left when he was around 9 years old. Leaving him only with his dad. Who is currently the Mayor. As time passed by, Patton as his dad started becoming extremely distant. Patton tried to fix his relationship with his father for a very good while. But nothing seemed to work, so he gave up and nowadays avoids him as much as he can.
At school Patton puts on this happy-go-lucky facade and hes known for being a very sweet and happy guy. Mainly because hes ashamed of the fact that hes, in his words, “an angry person.”
So he tries to come up with a friendly “mask”. Colorful clothes, and round glasses. Because colorful and round things come out as friendly, right?
Patton rarely wears black, unless it something like jeans or shoes. The thought of wearing all black will never cross his mind because hes so desperate to try and come off as a friendly guy.
But with his friends is a whole different story, Patton allows himself to be “his true self”, he allows himself to be mad at some things, he stops repressing the “ugly feelings”, he actually swears, and plays around in a more “rough” way in general. All in good terms, it will never be his intention to hurt his friends.
Sophomore in highscool
Vee's best friend. They met each other in 7th grade because Vee was new in school.
He’s on the cheerleading team. Meaning that he’s quite strong, agile, and even flexible. Emphasis on strong. He once broke a guy’s nose because he was harrassing a girl.
Has been doing gymnastics since he was very little
He’s pescetarian. He strongly avoids meat, but still eats fish.
Absolutely loves horror movies, especially old ones. (His all time favorite is Halloween)
Actually has better grades than Logan. He’s a straight A student. Focuses too much on his grades because he wants to get a full scholarship for college.
Ends up majoring in law once he gets to college
Vee: Vee is a rather hyperactive person, and is very into mysterious subjects, such as cryptids, the paranormal, you get the vibe. They aren’t really that anxious, but the anxiety is still there. Especially when it’s about people they don’t know. Once they warm up to you, they barey shut up.
Vee still has some anxiety issues because they were bullied from 3rd grade to 6th grade and never said a word to anyone. Whenever their mom picked them up she’d always notice how sad they looked, sometimes even with puffy eyes from crying. But no matter how hard she tried, Vee would never tell her anything out of pure fear they’d get in trouble. The moment Vee admitted everything, she immediately changed them from that school.
On 7th grade they met Patton, and he was pretty much the one who managed to make Vee come out of their shell, he never forced them to do something they didn’t want to, but he slowly started to introduce them into doing new things that Vee once considered scary.
Vee had made huge progress regarding their self esteem thanks to Pat. And they are now trying to make the exact same thing for Patton.
Sophomore in highscool
Patton’s best friend
Dee’s little (step) sibling
Theirs and Dee’s moms were best friends in college (Dee’s dad was also Annika’s childhood friend). So these two have known each other since Vee was born. When they were 11-12 years old, their and Dee’s moms got married.
Even before that, Vee always saw Dee as a big brother.
They keep a dream journal. But if you happen to read it, you’ll realize that what’s written are not dreams, but nightmares. There are some drawings of monsters in some pages, even.
They says that they’re not  scared of most of them, though. That they’re used to it.
Ends up majoring in digital animation
Dee: He’s the most calm guy in the whole group. Usually the leader, even. He’s either a very responsible big brother with Vee or an absolute chaotic teenager with Remus. There’s no in between.
Dee has a really hard time trusting people, the only people he genuinely trusts are Remus, Vee, and his moms (Roman, Patton, and Logan are there too, but not as much as the ones mentioned.)
Dee’s parents got divorced when he was around 8. And his and Vee's moms got married when he was 14-15 years old. To this day his relationship with his dad is kind of complicated. He doesnt hate him, but he’s not quite sure how to feel about him. He calls every now and then to check up on him, and he appreciates it, but those calls usually end up with Dee feeling sort of awkward afterwards.
There isn’t much to say about him, mostly because hes very reserved with pretty much everyone. But hey, between us? Hes has a very soft spot for Vee 
Senior in highschool
Vee’s big (step) brother
Remus’ best friend. They met in 3rd grade and have been inseparable ever since.
The scar around his eye is a burn scar from hot water when he was little (7-9 y/o), and the one on his cheek happened because him and Remus were playing with a knife when they were 14-15.
He knows how to drive, but usually Remus is the one who always does do.
Is on the theatre club. Both as a techie and as an actor
He’s 100% sure that he’s  bisexual. But the fact that he has such a hard time trusting people makes it hard for him to imagine himself in a relationship.
Ends up going to college for around two years before he decides to drop out.
Remus: He’s your local hyperactive guy that lives for that sweet, sweet adrenaline. He’s always looking for reckless things to do and he ALWAYS drags Dee to them (not like he minds). But he’s also a very loyal friend, especially to Dee. If he asked Remus for a favor he’d be 100% willing to do ANYTHING without doubts. He’s also highly protective over Vee, Patton, and Logan because theyre the youngest of the group.
His and Roman’s relationship went from horrible to amazing. Him and Roman absolutely despised each other when they were little, if they were put in the same room, 99% of the time they’d end up fighting, as time went by, they started to avoid each other as much as possible, then they kind of tolerated each other, but still never spent much time together. When Remus found Roman chopping his hair off while bawling his eyes out at 2 in the morning, their relationship definitely started to change for the best.
Senior in highschool
Roman’s twin, Romulus’ little brother
Dee’s best friend
The scar near his chin is because him and Dee were playing with a knife and both of them got a cut. They called them their “Friendship scars”
Spanish is his first language. But mainly speaks it at family runions, sometimes with his parents, but never with Roman and/or Romulus
Is on the volleyball team
Got top surgery, but doesnt want bottom surgery.
Ends up majoring in mortuary science
Roman: He’s the kindest and sweetest guy in the group. Hes always willing to help and listen to whoever needs it. He’s actually quite popular at school because of the fact that hes so kind. A ray of sunshine. Roman had a very hard time for a good while, but it all crumbled down on him on his freshman year. He felt super lonely, was absolutely lost with who he was as a person and had no idea who he wanted to be, what he wanted to do with his life, etc. He struggled with school and his grades dropped horribly because he had so much in his mind. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate, he just couldnt focus in school. He ended up repeating the year.
Like it was mentioned before, his relationship with Remus went from horrible to amazing. Unfortunately for them, because of this, they barely have childhood memories to look back to. But now they’re trying their best to make up for it. Roman would say that his and Remus relationship got better when Roman repeated his freshman year; Remus apologized to him for a straight hour because he admitted to notice Roman having a hard time, but decided to ignore it because he was “too damn prideful”. After that, little by little, they became closer.
Junior in highschool
Remus’ twin. Romulus’ little brother
Logan’s best friend. They met on freshman year (the one that Ro had to re-take)
Spanish is his first language.But mainly speaks it at family runions, sometimes with his parents, but never with Remus and/or Romulus
Is on theatre club. But to contrary belief, he barely takes leading roles.
He absolutely loves to hear Vee ramble about what they enjoy. His grandma used to tell him about the fae folk when he was younger. So unlike everyone in the group, he absolutely understands what Vee is talking about and they can chat for hours about it
Hasn’t had any surgery yet. But wants both top and bottom surgery.
Doesn’t end up going to college, and instead works at his mom’s flower shop alongside Dee
Logan: First things first, while Logan is smart, he isn’t super smart, at least not academically speaking. He has really good grades, but he isn’t a straight A student. People tend to assume he’s a gifted student because of the fact that he skipped a year. But in reality that only happened because he had an advanced reading and writting comprehension so they made him skip first grade.
Logan used to be quite a loner when he was younger, and he was way too serious and cold because of it. When he met Roman, Logan realized that he was actually unhappy back then, and little by little he started to losen up more, joking around and not really minding what people think of it. Now look at him! He’s absolutely chaotic and his favorite hobby is annoying Patton (in a loving way, dont worry.). He still has a somewhat ‘’smart kid’’ reputation at school, but those people in his class are aware that he jokes around every now and then and is actually super chill. He’s known for either fixing people’s laptops/cellphones/tablets or because he can write your essays. He definitely makes money out of both of these things. Unless you’re his friend, he’ll do it for free
 Lo’s parents work a lot and travel every now and then because of it. So they are barely home. But they still talk and text quite often. If his parents happen to be travelling, they videochat. But because of this Logan is most of the time alone at home and learned to be VERY independent. Not like he brags about it, but hes kind of proud of it.
Because of his parents always being away, and the fact that Logan is an only child and never had any friends growing up, he learned to do many things in an attempt to fight the boredom, some of those things are cooking, fixing his own laptop, crafts (im talking about, cosplay worthy crafts), origami, among other things.
Junior in highschool
Roman’s best friend
He has a job at a videogame store
Yes, he also loves videogames way too much. Sometimes he messes his sleep schedule because he stays up late playing (usually with Patton)
Plays guitar. Learned how to do so one time he was burned out, and his dad suggested he learned something entirely knew, like playing an instrument. Nowadays he really enjoys it and plays very often.
He could learn how to drive. But he 100% prefers using his bike
He actually despises school and complains about it and about how flawed the educational system is on a daily basis
Ends up making a very last minute decision and going to an art school to study music composition instead of economics
PHEW. That was quite a lot. Anyways, if you got to the end of the page, congrats! If you feel like something should be added please do let me know!!
 Welcome to the Campfire AU, where the campfire is mostly ours rather than theirs
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four-rabbit · 3 years
Here lies Roman García Lopez
Roman is not dead, calm down
This is just a small oneshot from the ghost au about Roman coming out as trans to Remus when they were teenagers.
Warnings: swearing, hospitals, self-deprecation, misgender, mentions of transphobia, talks of death
Obs: in some descriptions I'll be refering to Remus and Roman with she/her pronouns, but thats specifically when I'm describing their thoughts and they are referring to themselves or each other with those pronouns, since Remus didn't know he was trans here and Roman is coming out. When I'm not describing their thoughts I'll be referring to them solely by he/him pronouns.
If you tag this as r*mrom I'll punch you
The twins used to be best friends. They would play in the backyard and braid each other's hair and laugh and cry and almost forget all the ways that the world was cold and merciless.
So so merciless.
The Duke analyzed his nails as if they were the most interesting thing he had ever seen and the silence was so dense it could be cut with a knife. He wanted to talk, he really wanted to. He wanted to talk about the last movie he watched and gossip about their classmates and make jokes that were questionable to say the least and wanted to see her sister laugh and look alive again. But what would she say? At this point, what did they have in common? What could she do? Open her mouth just to throw all that filthy that was inside her mind at her poor sister? Talk about her life and about how she was a disgusting piece of garbage? Ruin those few hours that they had together? Yeah, as their mother would always say, if you have nothing nice to say just shut up. 
The Duke felt like he never had anything nice to say.
"How is school going?" The one in the hospital bed started. Panic dominated The Duke's eyes and he didn't move for a good ten seconds, looking like he wasn't even breathing until he shrugged.
"As shitty as always, you know. The usual stuff" 
"I wish I was there" The Princess sighed.
"Nah, you don't, it's the most boring thing ever, I got a shitton of homework and also tomorrow I got a fucking chemistry test and I don't even know if I'm going to study, you got it easy, dude" as soon as those words left his mouth he regretted it "No, I'm kidding, that was stupid, this sucks too I know, but if I could I would just leave school, I mean who cares?"
"You can't do that. School is important"
 The Duke didn't say anything. He had a lot of answers but none of them were nice. And he wanted to be nice to The Princess, at least. He had lost everybody else, even Virgil, even Virgil, she was not going to lose her sister too. 
"Why did you call me?" Finally said.
"Dad said that you wanted to talk to me. Specifically. Why?" 
"I have to ask you for a favor"
"What is it? Yes, I can get you drugs" The Princess raised an eyebrow at his brother.
"What? I'm sure it would make the hospital more interesting, no judgments."
"No. No, it's not that" he was so tense and that was stressing the Duke out. He closed his mouth shut because when he was nervous he rambled and when he rambled he always ended up saying the worst possible things. The Princess took a breath as if it was a battle to take the words out of his throat.
"I'm afraid that I'm going to die"
"A lot of people are" said before he could contain himself. That should have earned at least a chuckle from the Princess but he didn't make a sound.
"No. No. I mean- what I mean is…" he decided to just rip it off like a band aid "I feel like I’m going to die in a few days. I think-"
"Bullshit!" The Duke snapped without warning, startling his brother. "You have no fucking right to say that!" Is it really that easy to make him cry?
"It's true! I- I can feel it, okay? Death is following me"
"Death has always followed you, you stupid fuck, you're like a godamn death magnet!"
"Yeah but it's different now, I- look, how I know doesn't matter, I need you to do something for-"
"I'm not doing shit for you!" Ok that's a lot of emotion for someone who was completely numb the entire week, Duke's body has grown unused to feelings apparently, as he was shaking and burning and screaming and crying and wanting to curl up in a ball and die.
"Just listen-"
"Fuck you!" The Duke covered his ear to show that he wasn't going to listen but also suddenly because everything was too much. Too much noise, too much light, too much, too much. "I'm going to tell your doctor and she's going to say that's bullshit because that's bullshit you can't just die!" Yelled at the top of his lungs. She couldn't lose her sister, no, no, everyone but her.
"I need you to change my name in my gravestone!" said as loudly as his brother, sitting up. That took The Duke by surprise and he uncovered his ears in confusion.
"When I die, mom and dad will pay for a gravestone and its going to have a name on it" 
"You're not-"
"Fucking listen to me! I don't want to die too, for fucks sake, but I need to be ready when it happens!" The Princess finally snapped in his despair to be listened to. His brother stopped and seemed to consider his options until, slowly, sat down again.
"What do you mean, [...]?" he said his brother's deadname.
"Exactly that. That name. It's not my name"
"Are you high?"
"Look" he ran his hand through his hair, frustrated "I had a lot of time to think. I- I did some research and… I- I'm not a girl" The Duke didn't say anything. For once in his life he had no idea what to say. "Yeah. I've always felt like that. Like something was… off. Wrong. That someone made a mistake when-" he gestured toward his body "I'm not telling mom and dad. They wouldn't understand, they never understand shit. But I know you will, sister"
"Wait, hold the fuck up, what are you saying? If you're not a girl, what the fuck are you then?" The Princess swallowed, scared to say it out loud. There would be no coming back if he did it. He raised his hand to compliment the teenager in front of him, shaking from head to toe.
"I'm- Roman. Nice to meet you." he was crying already, trying to not let his voice fail him "I'm your brother, I'm a trans man and I don't want to die just to be remembered by the wrong name"
Trans man. Trans. A word that was known but still sounded like a secret. Forbidden. 
The Duke looked at his brother's hand. Then he looked at his face, with his long hair and tears and all that fear in his eyes. 
And he understood, that was what scared him the most. 
"Something was off. Something was wrong. Someone made a mistake"
"I don't want to be remembered by the wrong name"
He understood every single word on a deep personal level, he knew that despair, that fear.
He shaked his brother's hand, who immediately melted in relief.
"Roman. You're going to live." Said with that same caring voice that he used when they were kids and Roman had nightmares and he would sing lullabies completely out of tune until his brother fell asleep, delicately cleaning his brother's tears. “You're going to live and you're going to make sure that mom and dad remember you right. I promise"
"But what if I-"
"No! No" The Duke interrupted, not allowing his brother to finish that phrase, not again. "You know what. You're coming with me" announced, starting to look through the closet for some clothes his brother could use.
"... what?"
"We are leaving this shithole" 
"I can't leave the hospital [...]!" deadname. 
"I don't want to be remembered by the wrong name"
The Duke closed his eyes and when he turned back to his brother he was smiling almost maniacally.
"Yes, you can" he found some sweater pants and a black tshirt "Here, put this on. This place is fucking you up. Mom is fucking you up, this is her fault. We are going out and you're going to live. You're going to live" an idea came to his mind "Do you want to cut your hair?" Roman looked at the clothes on his hands. Then at the teenager looking at him full of expectation. Deep down Roman knew. Staying there was not helping. It was making things worse, he knew even deeper down. And if he was dying he wanted to die by his sister's side.
"Yes. I want to cut my hair" admitted. He didn't hate his long hair, it was pretty and brushing it was relaxing. But he hated how it made everyone think he was a girl. "But mom will be pissed"
"What doesn't piss that woman off?" Exclaimed exasperated and Roman opened the smallest grin.
"Yesterday they gave me strawberry juice instead of orange juice and she threw an entire fucking tantrum"
"Exactly. If she was a little bit whiter she would be a textbook Karen" that made Roman giggle.
"She would. Are we actually doing this?"
"Of course we're! Now get ready, Princes- Princey" Roman smiled widely.
"I like Princey"
"I thought you would" Roman got dressed and The Duke gave him his black hoodie.
"So you won't get recognized" explained.
"I'm sure nobody is going to try to arrest me if they see me sneaking out, thank you very much. Also what was the last time you washed this? It smells like shit" actually Roman would never comment on it out loud but his sister was generally a mess. With hair that wasn't brushed in days and wasn't washed in an even longer time, smudged make up all over her face and dirty baggy clothes. If only he had connected the dots before it was too late.
"I'm sure you'll survive" replied sharply, opening the door.
The hoodie didn't help.
" What are you doing here Ms. Garcia? Do you want anything?" The first nurse that saw them was quick to ask. 
"Ahn…" The Duke opened his mouth to explain. Then close it again.
"I just wanted to take some air, my sister came to visit me and we thought it would be cool to go outside real quick" Roman came to rescue him.
"Your sister…" slowly her gaze went to the other teenager "Oh, you. I'm not sure I can allow that. Not without your mother's permission" 
"You can come with us, then! My mom wouldn't like to know that you're keeping me stuck in my room. Like a prisoner" the nurse looked worried. Their mom had a reputation around the hospital and it wasn't a good one.
"Just five minutes, okay?"
"Wonderful!" Roman winked in his brother's direction, who opened a smile and they were both guided toward the front of the hospital, where there was a small decorative garden. 
"What now?" The Duke whispered, gesturing toward the nurse with his head, she was way too close. Roman looked around and his eyes stopped at one specific point. 
"There's a cat"
"I don't see anything"
"Its because its not alive" the animals souls were the easiest to attract and even control. "Her" Roman said in an almost sing-song voice. The cat tilted its head, an empty hole in the place where its left eye was supposed to be and, without warning, threw itself at the nurse, emitting a meow that from her perspective came out of thin air and made the poor woman scream in surprise.
"Now!" And Roman started running. His brother only stopped to giggle before running too. When she noticed that the kids were missing they were already far away. 
"Fuck, that was fun!" Roman exclaimed as he recovered from the run, still breathing with some difficulty. His brother enjoyed the feeling for a little longer. He almost felt alive for a minute. 
"Of course it was, it was my idea"
"I mean I was the one who fooled the nurse, all you did was stutter"
"Oh, shut up. It's not my fault everyone likes you best"
"Everyone is stupid. You're the cooler twin"
"Don't you come at me with your compliments!" Roman laughed, a genuinely laugh that filled his brother with happiness and warmth. 
"Right. What do we do now? I'm still totally down for that haircut"
"Well first of all we're going to steal some scissors because I'm totally broke-"
"Oh my god!" Roman exclaimed in disbelief "My own sister! Wanting to make me a criminal!"
If you get to be brother why do I have to be sister?
Remus ignored that thought for the time being. 
"You're not going to regret it! We can steal some chocolate too!" replied, putting his arm around his brother's shoulders. Roman rolled his eyes.
"Oh my life would be so dull without you" The one that would call himself Remus in the future smiled. And I wouldn't be alive without you, thought to himself.
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doomstypewriter · 4 years
abt the last ask: u dont have to include it ofc (if u write it at all) but i thought id let u know that its based on the mental image i suddenly had of j climbing up to pats window, knocking on the shutters, pat pulling him in by his lapels and immediately kissing him (if you can even call it that with how hard theyre smiling) & then sometime later pat hearing like his dads footsteps coming toward his room as theyre making out so pat scrambles off his bf & shoves him in his closet (the irony)
Anon, finally, here you have it, but with a twist. This got completely out of hand, as per usual when I write anything. Since you were so nice (/li) to send me your request in two parts, I will actually break your prompt into two parts, otherwise, it’s never going to end. I hope you’re pleased by the first part, also, I am answering to this first because it matches the content of the first part. 
Thank you so much for your lovely prompt! Hope you enjoy! 
If anyone wants to be tagged for this let me know in a comment!
Chapter 2 >>
We call it an affair because it’s a forbidden romance
Summary:  An encounter in the dark. The disdain of society. A forbidden romance. Royalty is involved and a title is at stake. Will an aspiring count, Patton Morandi and his rogue lover Janus overcome the barriers laid in front of them?
(We're in it for the drama)
“So long away and what I least expect is not you saving my life, but finding myself having missed your nonsense”.
“Is it nonsense when I make you smile like this?”
Word count: 3848
Pairings: Moceit, future Prinxiety.
TW:  Homophobia, internalised homophobia, deadnaming a trans person, misogyny, mentions of religion, hopelessness, ideological things you would expect from the period (I'm not sure if there's anything else, but please tell me).
Chapter 1 of 2: 
Balcony kiss
How the moonlight shone in its quiet dance with the nightly air. It was a mostly clear summer evening, the second day of the week-long festival. The sounds of music and colourful lights could be heard and seen from the distance, but gradually decreased as a certain thief made its way across the gardens of Villa Morandi. For certain, the head of the family would not be excessively happy about the entire ordeal, but no disgruntlement could come out of those things of which one has no knowledge of, and Janus surely intended to keep his entanglement a secret. 
He crossed the bushes and jumped over marble balustrades expertly, careful to avoid the lights of the servant quarters, where their residents were reading themselves for departure. 
“Signor Morandi seems to be in good spirits lately, it is fortunate that most of us can leave for the festival”. 
Any news about the man was something worth listening to, given his situation, so he decided to stay and see if they mentioned something useful. Also, he, admittedly, enjoyed gossip. 
“Loretta! Don’t be such a bragger in front of us!”
“Why? I’d say the only one lamenting not being able to go is you. You should be ashamed for dragging poor Virginia in with you to make yourself sound less self-centred”. 
Janus silently nodded. 
“That is not true! I am merely trying to make the newcomer feel welcome! And here you are making her feel excluded, who is now in the wrong?” 
Weak retort, wannabe-partygoer, he thought. 
“Va, va…” the other maid answered dismissively “Quit holding her like that! Don’t you see she’s uncomfortable?! Povera bambina”. 
“Come on Virginia, don’t you think it’s a waste for such a wrinkly woman to be let out instead of us?” 
“Who are you calling old?!” 
“You did, but now that you so kindly brought it up, you are old! Turning wrinklier by the second!” 
Alright, at this point, Janus could not help but be rooting for Loretta, going for the old card was the low-hanging fruit. 
“I may be your senior, but I promise you that regardless of that nonsense about wrinkles you’re babbling I’m ten times more fair looking!”
“Ah!” she exclaimed with feigned indignation. “Can you believe her? She’s delusional!”
“Well then, the delusional one will not search for a man at the festival, such a pity I will not be introducing anyone to you this week!”
He smiled at the comeback. Way to go, Loretta. 
“Loretta! Just because you had the luck to get engaged doesn’t give you the right to rob others of their chances. Don’t be so mean, I’ll apologise if I must”. 
“Alright, but never dare call me wrinkly again, for you will owe this old woman when I find you a husband. Virginia, I can help you too if you want it, I know plenty of young lads who would love to…” 
“Oh, no, I’m not really interested”. 
At this point Janus had quenched his thirst for amusement and begun to lose his interest, having more pressing matters to attend to. But, one new comment made him reconsider the usefulness of his eavesdropping for longer on the ladies’ conversation. 
“That’s right, Loretta, don’t you see she’s here on official duty. To suggest for her to slack off with men… ts, ts… “
“Oh, you shut up! Don’t fret, Virginia, dear, I should have remembered you were sent for an urgent matter”. 
“True, true! Tell us if you can, is it as they say? Was her ladyship done in by pirates?” 
“Elda! Such crude language, you dare call yourself a lady, how can you say something so insensitive?”
“What? You want to know as badly as I do, besides, if it is true, then there is no changing it, and if it’s not then it’s fine, as her ladyship is still alive”. 
“I’m so sorry, Virginia, just ignore her”. 
“Don’t worry. As far as I’m willing to say, her ladyship still lives but I cannot disclose any further information”. 
When one spies on others, bad news exists as a possibility, but, usually, in the form of getting caught. This happened to be worse. Being spotted? That he could deal with. Having his heart ripped out after one stellar month? Not so much. 
He ran. 
Not from his problems. More or less towards them. 
The marble balcony seemed as unreachable as ever. A sense of dread loomed over his thoughts, while a mix of feelings, now turned into urgency, settled in his heart. 
Raising a hand Janus willed his trustworthy companion to fall from the nightly skies. Meanwhile, he began to climb the walls of the manor. There was an undeserved elegance in his motions, not becoming of such an honourless goal, and, nevertheless, fitting for a thief like him. 
The hawk swept inside the room from a window and cast the doors to the balcony open. 
Janus promptly grabbed onto the bass of the marble balustrade. One month ago he had received news of something that would simplify his life. He knew he should not care, it was going to end poorly no matter what. But, rereading two months worth of love letters and hoping for an uncertain future, he could not help but feel happy. That made his resolve to return in time for the festival. 
From the room came a sound of rushing footsteps. 
Three months of yearning to see a face again. 
That image made Janus more desperate, and, in his haste, he committed one fatal mistake. His grip on the marble slipped. At a thirty feet height, the ground beckoned him. 
But, just when his doom seemed so certain, he was caught by the front of his cape and safely gathered against a pair of lips. 
With such smiles stretching their faces, it could barely be called a kiss. But, the intensity of the affections behind it rendered the notion meaningless. 
“My love”, Janus muttered as they parted ever so slightly. 
“You scared me, silly. I miss you for three months and when you’re returned to me I almost lose you for good”. 
“Let’s be happy you were there to catch me”. 
“Thank the Lord, and if He wills it, I will always be”. 
“I ought to be grateful to you, my dear, not the ones above” he answered while stepping to the safe side of the balcony. 
“Well, our poor feathery friend can’t be too happy about that” Patton laughed dismissively, gazing at Janus’ hawk. 
“You’re right. I neglect to show my gratitude, perhaps you could give me somewhere to start?”
“Oh, but how can I hand you my room, my sweet, the stones of the house are too heavy!” 
“So long away and what I least expect is not you saving my life, but finding myself having missed your nonsense”. 
“Is it nonsense when I make you smile like this?” 
Janus laughed in delight. 
“Let me make you smile in turn, then”, he said, whilst extending his hand. 
The touch of Patton’s palm felt like a warm pressure through the barrier of his leather gloves. Perhaps all of his interactions were as imperfect as their naked hands not being able to meet. Janus’ fake gallantry, their hopes, may be short-lived in the face of change. But, for now, he would rather enjoy pretending. 
He pulled Patton to the inside of the alcove. 
“Are you refined now?” Patton laughed. 
“Of course, I have always been. Whatever could lead you to ask such a question? If I were to be a thief, which I am not, I would be the most honourable”. 
There was a certain amount of delight to be found in catching his lover in the midst of changing into his night robes, judging by those being laid out onto the bed’s ostentatious covers. Despite such a degree of luxury surrounding Patton, he still refused to task any servant to dress him. What was there not to love about the man? 
Patton made a motion as if to hold his hands, only to surprise him by pulling his gloves off. Any other person, and it would have been a display of sensuality, coming from him, it was like movement turned into honey, perhaps a mixture of both. Indeed, there was everything to love about him. 
Maybe not all. Janus dreaded to admit how deep in he had allowed himself to be for this man. 
A fool for a good man. 
His hands felt the light night coldness in their grip on the linen shirt. Janus almost wanted to chastise himself as the thought of kissing away the kiss of the midnight breeze came to mind. He hid in the curve of Patton’s neck, sliding his lips along it, feeling like a coward whispering a lie. Countless lies. Telling himself this was enough, that he could bear the thought of this man taken away from him by a woman, that the thrill in this forbidden form of vice was not his worry taking yet another disguise. 
“Oh, you’re a thief alright”. 
“Is there something of yours I happen to have taken?” Janus retorted with a vague tone of amusement. 
Patton cradled his left cheek in a firm request to see his face. Who was Janus to deny him? 
“You know all too well you have”. 
“Well, that would make two of us”. 
Patton’s expression melted into more honey. It always made Janus unsure as to whether he had made a mistake, no matter how unfounded the doubt was. 
“Thank you” the words rebounded in proximity against the other’s lips. Janus didn’t know Patton could also be cruel. 
“A little sincerity never hurt anyone”. 
“You are not anyone” he smiled softly. 
“Then make the pain up to me”.  
Both their lips made contact like a wax seal on a letter. Janus pushed Patton against a low piece of furniture. From how the other fumbled, he could tell a corner was pressing against him. Despite the sting, Patton still committed himself to their affections. If that wasn’t a metaphor for their relationship Janus didn’t know what it was. Janus knew Patton would disagree, of course. 
It seemed that exchanging one piece of furniture for another, the bed, would not be possible. Someone was knocking on the door. 
“Janus…” Patton panicked in a hushed voice.
“Not a problem, my dear, this is my speciality” he smiled at him. 
Janus’ feet almost flew over the carpet, muffled by the Persian fibres and his expertise on avoiding the parts of the floor that creaked. He turned the key of Patton’s wardrobe without the distinctive noise most people couldn’t avoid. Luckily for them, he wasn’t most people. The door mysteriously closed itself from the inside. Janus could swear to hear Patton draw a breath in wonder as to how he had done it. 
“My son, let me in!” a voice came from the corridor. 
“On my way, father”. 
The mule-like bray of the alcove’s door hinges Janus detested preceded the sound of a set of footsteps he knew and loathed just as well, if not more.
“Were you reading yourself for bed? Ah, do not answer, I can already see your night robes over there. How many times need I tell you, call the servants to dress you, it is unbecoming that you do not. Moreso with the status you are to acquire”. 
Janus almost scoffed upon hearing it.
It wasn’t that Janus outright looked down on Signor Morandi. He certainly held an admirable reputation and an even more admirable wealth. He contributed to the church, upheld his honour, was a patron to a few talented artists and did everything expected from someone of his status. By societal definition, he was an outstanding man. But, he could never understand Patton. Yes, Patton’s behaviour in public also stood to scrutiny. He was a young man to be admired, for sure. Yet, it somehow mismatched any other person’s strive for reputability. Patton lacked this performative quality, eagerness, if you will, that he found time and time again in people. 
At first, Janus struggled to comprehend it. Everyone had desires outside of the strictly polite, they either pretended they didn’t or tried to hide it, that’s why they paid the church, after all. Janus didn’t believe people made an effort to actively align with the global canon for morality, just to look like it or deceive themselves. This theory on society made it so when he met Patton he simply dismissed him as a try-hard, later to relabel him as self-deceiving. Maybe he was a victim of his own biased cynicism. 
As they grew closer, he started to get the whole picture. To his surprise, Patton tried to get his desires to align with what he perceived as morally correct, sometimes failing miserably. Janus’ presence in his room didn’t qualify as a success by society’s criteria... Patton’s effort to be ‘good’ did not come from a place of wishing to be perceived as such. Patton didn’t want to look good, he needed to be good. A good man. The realisation was hard to process but true. 
Once he understood that, Janus could not let go. It stands to reason that, if that kind of person were to earn his affection, someone like his father would awaken his spite. Signor Morandi had simply never made an effort to understand his son’s motivations, unlike Janus. If he was a cynic, Patton was a victim to his own good intentions. 
“I do not understand”. 
“Lady Renata Regio is alive”. 
“Yes, it is most fortunate, you will no longer have to stay inside and miss the festival”. 
“Well, father, I am not sure if that is appropriate, her ladyship must be feeling poorly after such a horrid experience. Perhaps it is best if I stay in and promptly send a letter to help soothe her”. 
“Patton, it honours you to be willing to put the weak’s suffering before yours, but it is not needed in this case. You do not have to concern yourself with her. I am afraid that she is safe and sound on the account of having planned her own kidnapping. Lady Renata Regio has joined the pirates bringing disgrace upon her family, the wretched woman”. 
Yes! Janus thought. Neither the wardrobe nor the entire room could contain his joy at hearing it. 
“That is most unfortunate, should I reassure her family that I do not hold any resentment towards them?” 
“It would be no good, there is going to be a scandal!” Signor Morandi sounded too happy. 
Janus could not help but to smile a little.
“Are we going to pursue any retaliation?” Janus almost saw Patton shudder in the tone he used. “I do not think it necessary, it is a matter of marriage, although important, there are many other options that--” 
“Yes, there are many other women to pursue, that is the spirit! In said spirits, I must inform you of the most wonderful news I have just received”. 
“Today a trusted servant from the Regio estate arrived at our home”. 
“Yes, Virginia Fusco”, of course, Patton knew her name. “I personally received her, she refused to tell me exactly why she was sent here, also insisted to wait to talk to you”. 
“Precisely, well, it turns out she is the personal servant of Lady Romina Regio”. 
“The eldest of the twin daughters of the Regio?” 
“Indeed. Let me be frank with you son, the Regio know they cannot keep the true actions of their lesser daughter hidden forever, a rumour is meant to surface eventually. This is very unfortunate for them, I have heard they were planning to match Lady Romina with a higher member of the nobility. Her sister’s actions have ruined her chances, it is unlikely that whoever was to marry her will accept such a union. My son, you know I always have your best interests in mind, Lady Renata Regio was a fine choice to provide you with connections to nobility. In turn, her family would have got access to our wealth, which, after their losses in the war, they need”. 
Oh no. 
“This being the circumstances, they have to choose how to align themselves in the future and what would be more advantageous to the family”. 
“Shit” Janus said under his breath. 
“We are about to reach an agreement for a marriage between Lady Romina Regio and you. I need you to understand that, if you are to accept, you will have to face some troubles, at least initially. The rumours about Lady Renata’s motivations may taint your reputation for a short while and the Regio’s rush to marry off Lady Romina will raise more rumours”. 
“What choice would please you the most?” 
“Oh, Patton, you idiot”. 
“The union could make your child a count, you could potentially obtain a title depending on how we negotiate with the family. It is my wish that you accept this marriage”. 
“Will this bring honour to our family?” 
“Then…” an air of doubt went through Patton’s voice. 
Janus was debating whether or not to burst out of the closet, either to tell him to refuse or to scold him for not accepting immediately what was probably the best opportunity of his life. 
“Of course I will accept”. 
“You make me very happy and proud, my son. I will meet with the servant girl to send her back with a letter requesting to meet with Lord Regio”. 
The words were spoken carelessly. Signor Morandi often did that around his son, not knowing how many times he had been overheard by him. He may be a great man by society’s standards, but he could never be a good man. 
Janus slumped against the back of the wardrobe, surrounded by pieces of clothing he could never afford. There was a world in which Patton had refused. But Patton hadn’t been left a real choice, so he could find some comfort in knowing this thing between the two had to end due to him being backed into a corner. Better than having Patton’s morals come between them. That, he would never reconcile with. 
This was better than before. Being cast away for something as mundane as marriage, no matter the useful connections involved, was one thing, being left for a countess, well, if that’s what it took to refuse him he wouldn’t complain too much. 
He would have preferred a marchioness or a duchess. 
He would have preferred to be the only thing standing in between Patton and kingship and still win. 
He would definitely prefer it if Signor Morandi was to accidentally fall down a flight of stairs on his way to writing his pesky letter. 
There was nothing like a fire to persuade someone, even a countess… 
But Patton would be upset. 
His hawk screeched from the roofs above. Then footsteps rushed to his side, followed by candlelight flooding the inside of the closet. 
Patton had no right to look so humble yet so marvellous. Not even the warmth of the flame could rival with that of his gaze. A gaze that was his’, not of any countess. But, still, a gaze that deserved to become a count. 
Honey clogging up his ears, that was the shape of a whisper. 
“I suppose”, he shook off the dust of his cape and held his head up with dignity, “this is when we part. I’d love to say it’s a pity, but we saw it coming. Guess it was nice to enjoy it while it lasted. I’m always a letter away, my dear, that countess of yours wouldn’t ever find out”.
This was the bitter taste of selflessness. He never understood how Patton enjoyed it. 
Janus turned around, ready to make his merry way out of Villa Morandi or fall off the balcony properly this time. Suddenly, Patton’s armed chained the two of them to their spot in the room. Patton’s chest heaved pitifully in a mockery of a hiccup. 
“I’m sorry. What was I supposed to do? There was no other choice. I didn’t wish to upset you. Please--” 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
He promptly let him go. 
Janus turned back to face him.
“You think crying will make this easier? Do you seriously think I enjoy this? I would gladly rob you of everything and have you entirely to myself. It is taking so much self-restraint to not get your father into a tragic accident, my dear. If anything, you’re making it worse by crying. I am doing this for you. Don’t you dare ruin the one honourable thing I will do in my life”. 
“How can I pretend to be happy when you’re leaving?” 
There were sparks of light encased in his tears. Something about their ironic beauty left him even more heart-broken. 
“What am I going to do, then? I can be selfish to an extent, but I cannot take the rest of your life too. You’re being offered a title and a wife, all the things someone at your level could wish for. Don’t be more of an imbecile, keep it. It is already inappropriate for you to be seen with the likes of me, and it’s even worse with me being a man”. 
“You’ve never cared about that”. 
“But you do! Let resume, dear”, he tried to say in his most condescending voice. It didn’t sound even remotely like it. “You go to church each Sunday, you have five bibles just in this room and the most sincere good-samaritan complex I have ever seen. I know you can’t bear to live in sin”. 
“I can’t bear to live without you either!”
Oh, Patton, you fool, silly, ridiculous man…
  “What…” he felt as if he was going crazy. 
A chuckle escaped through the spaces in between his teeth. Janus looked downwards and whispered. 
“What are you saying?” 
This self-consciousness, he had never felt anything like it before. Was he blushing? 
“I love you… I know it’s wrong, so why doesn’t it feel like it?” 
More honey. What a way for his plan to backfire.
“This is ridiculous, you should be concerning yourself with more important--” 
Patton placed the back of his hand under his jaw to raise his head with such gentleness... stupid. 
“Is it ridiculous when it’s making you cry like this?”
A compassionate man’s tears were not worth his. He had never been as sure as now that this was a mistake. Yet he longed for him more than ever. 
“Of course not” he wiped away his tears feigning some kind of dignity. 
As quickly as ever, he also pretended to regain his composure. 
“Do you have any sort of plan for what you’re going to do next? Under pressure, you’re a terrible improviser, my love”.  
“Well...I can’t let you go. I know as much. I should, for my family, father, my honour. But I will not. You’ve shown me that acting selfishly doesn’t make someone evil. I will find a way to fulfil my duty without giving you up, you have my word”.
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rosesisupposes · 4 years
sweet tea in the summer
in what is definitely a shock to all, i really love folklore.
read on ao3
characters: Patton, Roman, Virgil, Brief Logan, Brief Remy
pairings: platonic to romantic royality; paternal prinxiety; paternal moxiety
word count: 3,980
tags: trans Patton, parental transphobia (including deadnaming, misgendering), parental homophobia, gender euphoria, childhood friends to lovers, heavily closeted trans boy, coming out, endless fluff
a/n:  inspired by both “seven” off folklore and "It's Nice To Have A Friend" from Lover
Part 1: seven
They grow up as neighbors, just a street away, enough that Ro passes Pat's house going to and from school, and they walk together sometimes.
Roman may not be the smartest, book-wise, but well. Some things he just gets. And it does not take much for him, even as a seven-year-old, to pick up on the way Pat tenses up going home, to connect that with the distant yelling he hears some nights.
He finds Pat one afternoon, hiding in a little group of trees. The pink frilly dress is a mess- and Pat's hair is dramatically shorter than it was yesterday.
Pat's also crying in a way that Roman can tell has been going on for a while.
"You're Pat, right?" Roman says, plopping down by the same tree.
Pat looks shocked and surprised but nods.
"I'm Roman! We should play!"
"You want to play with me?" Pat asks.
"Yeah! You seem fun! C'mon, we can go over my house, Papa won't mind!"
Pat flinches. "Are you sure?"
"Yup! Let's go!"
And Pat would question it more but Roman is ebullient and it seems easier to just go along with it. It can't be worse than crying alone.
Roman's Papa is not surprised that Roman's acquired a friend somewhat by force. Virgil just smiles wearily and asks if Pat would like some crackers with banana and cinnamon, too?
Pat nods, and Roman's delighted, already talking a mile a minute about ideas he had for playing pretend!
Virgil eventually cuts into the flow and reminds Roman that he hasn't actually introduced his friend yet.
"Oh! Sorry! Papa, this is Pat!"
"What's Pat short for?" Virgil asks, smile gently at the wary look on Pat's face. "Is it cause he's only got little legs?"
Pat's face splits into an enormous grin at the pun. "It's short for- um. Actually, I don't think I like it very much?  It feels icky. I like the Pat part though."
"Can I give you a nickname?!" Roman asks, starry-eyed. "I think, um. Pat pat. Pipat. Patton!"
"Patton?" Pat tries out. "I like that. Patton. Hi, I'm Patton!"
Virgil smiles. "Nice to meet you, Patton. Now, that dress looks very messy, and not easy to play in, would you like to borrow some shorts?"
Patton smiles, eyes tearing up just a bit. "I would love that, are you sure it's okay?"
"Yes! Yes it is!" Roman interjects. "Here, you can come pick out something of mine! They'll probably fit!!"
"Slow down, my dashing little princey," Virgil says, grabbing the back of Roman's tee with the ease of long practice. "You need to finish eating your snack. Patton can come with me and we'll pick something while you finish. Okay?"
"Yes, Papa," Roman says, pouting. He sighs dramatically as he eats his crackers with exaggerated effort.
Patton walks behind Virgil down a hallway covered in dozens of drawings. Many are half-finished, but all clearly show enthusiasm and more than a little glitter.
Virgil grabs a couple of options, taking some of the clothes Roman's just starting to grow out of. Patton is just a bit on the smaller side still. He gives the boy a stack of clothes and shows him the bathroom, where he can change in private.
But, some sixth sense of Dad Instincts tells him he should wait in the hall right by the bathroom door. Just in case. (In case of what, he's not quite sure yet, but-)
Fuck, yup, that is definitely the sound of a little boy trying to cry as quietly as possible.
"Patton? Kiddo, you okay in there?"
Patton sniffles and replies, "I'm fine!"
Virgil frowns. "Can I come in, buddy?"
A pause.
Patton has put on khaki shorts and a blue polo, but his hands are shaking as he looks at his discarded dress.
"Hey, kiddo, what's wrong?" Virgil asks in his softest Papa Voice.
"I'm being bad," Patton whispers. "I ruined my dress and I'm not wearing it and I cut my hair myself and I wasn't s'posed to and-"
Virgil hesitates, then sits on the tiled floor, pulling the sniffling boy into his lap.
"Hey, Pat, it's okay. It's just clothes and hair, okay, kiddo? Do you like how it looks?"
"Yes, but-"
"That's all that matters, buddy. And if you don't like it, hair grows back, clothes can get cleaned. I can clean your dress while you play, so you don't have to bring it home dirty, if you want?"
"I don't want him to be angry," Patton says in a tiny voice. "He scares me when he's angry."
Virgil tries very hard to be level-headed for his son, who really needs a solid presence. Which means he's had seven years of practice to be able to not swear loudly at the fear in Patton's voice, to not go off on a rampage to the Corwan house and give Mr. Corwan a piece of his mind. Instead, he hugs Patton into his chest, shushing quietly, rubbing the little boy's back as he sniffles into Virgil's hoodie.
"You know what we're gonna do, Pat? I'm gonna make sure your dress is all cleaned up, and when we're all done playing, we'll walk you home, okay?" He suppresses the fury from his voice as he adds, "And I'll tell your dad that it was all your idea to make sure you got cleaned up, and that it wasn't your fault it got dirty. How's that sound, kiddo?"
Patton nods, face still buried in the soft material of the black hoodie.
"Let's go, okay? Roman should be done with his snack by now."
Patton holds Virgil's hand on the walk back to the kitchen. Virgil has already half-committed to adopting this boy into their household if Mr. Corwan makes him cry again.
Roman is still in his seat, but barely. One of the crackers is just a pile of crumbs, and there's banana smooshed on his cheek. The minute he sees Patton, he's leaping out of his seat.
"Let's go play! I think we should be pirates! Or knights! Or-"
"Hey, what do we say about playing with guests?"
Roman catches himself. "I should let him have ideas too?"
"That's right, princey. C'mere."
Virgil has to let go of Patton's hand to wipe up Roman's face, because getting him to stand still is a two hand job.
He stands them shoulder-to-shoulder. "Okay, boys, you have a quest today!"
Roman's eyes are shining with excitement already.
Patton looks more concerned. "A quest?"
"Yes," Virgil says solemnly. "Your quest is to make sure your friend is having fun the whole time, and to listen to each other. Okay?"
Roman bounces in place. "Yes! I'm gonna be the best quester ever! Promise, Pat, you're gonna have so much fun!"
Roman grabs Pat's hand and they run out together to the back yard. Virgil sets himself up to clean the dress right by the big window to keep an eye on them, one ear always open for the cries of skinned knees or a-little-too-roughhousing
Patton smiles, face glowing as he listens to Roman's idea of how they can be pirate-witch-knight-ninjas.
It's nice to have a friend.
Part 2: thirteen
"Psstt!!! Patty!"
Patton turns to see Roman grinning hugely from his locker across the hallway. He waves frantically to get him to come over.
"What's up, buttercup?"
"It's here! Papa texted me, it just arrived!"
Patton freezes, eyes wide. "Already? Really? You mean it?!"
Roman nods, grinning hugely. "So you're coming over today. We'll say it's for that bio project if we have to, kay?"
Patton brushes at his eyes, making sure he's not tearing up visibly. He surprises Roman with a fierce hug. "Thank you, Roro."
Roman hugs back just as tightly, but he responds in a whisper so quiet that only his friend can hear. "You deserve it, Patton."
Patton can't stop smiling, even as his eyes feel like they're getting misty. "Oh gosh, how am I supposed to focus on algebra now? Can we just skip the last two periods?"
"Pat Corwan, 8th Grade Class President, wants to skip classes?" Roman replies with a mock gasp. "I'm shocked and appalled. And no, I have long-block scene study, there's no way I'm skipping."
"I know, I know. I'll see you soon!" Grinning, Patton walks away to his class, practically floating.
His desk-mate takes one look as he sits down and arches a brow. "So, Corwan, did he finally ask you out or what?"
"What?" Patton asks, barely aware he'd spoken.
Logan Williams sighs. "Sanders. Did he ask you out? You're smiling even more than normal. If I sunburned easy, I'd be concerned right now."
"Um, no? Ro and I are just best friends," Patton replies.
Logan rolls his eyes. "Best friends? You go to his house half the time after school, everyone's been waiting for you two to officially start dating."
"Actually, if you were waiting for an excuse, you should run for Homecoming King & Queen together, I have a bet on that being the timing."
Patton frowns. "I have no plans to run for homecoming anything. I'm on the selection committee, that would be favoritism."
Logan shrugs. "Suit yourself. My only interest is in getting to finally hear a different topic of speculation during the lunchtime gossip mill. But you should probably know-"
Patton looks apprehensive. "Know what?"
Logan adjusts his glasses. "Half the grade already calls you The Future Mrs. Sanders."
Patton swallows a lump in his throat, fingers fidgeting with the material of his skirt. "I don't care what they all call me. He's my friend."
Patton turns his focus back to the lesson, but he keeps spacing out and missing parts, thinking about Logan's comments. But soon enough he's through algebra, and history passes without incident, and he's on his way to the Sanders house on Roman's bus.
As they walk through the door, Roman trills loudly, "Paaapaaaa!!!!!!! We're hoooOOOmmmeee!"
"I think I missed the part where I raised a rooster instead of a Roman," Virgil grumbles, emerging from his home office. "Heya, Patton!"
"Hi, Virgil," Patton says, grinning happily as Virgil immediately opens his arms for a hug. It's been years since he's even tried to call Roman's dad 'Mr. Sanders', because Virgil objects that it makes him sound like some corporate square.
"You wanna see it now or do you need to decompress first?" Virgil asks.
"Now please!" Patton says, and Roman claps and runs to the entrance hall to find the package waiting there.
Practically bouncing, Roman hands the package to Patton as he goes into the spare bedroom that's practically become his. His hands shake a little as he tears open the packaging.
"Patton? Kiddo, you okay in there?" Virgil asks through the door.
Patton emerges, tears leaking down his cheeks. He's changed into some of the clothes he keeps here, plus his new addition - pants, a polo, and his brand-new binder.
Roman bursts into applause, wolf-whistling and cheering. Virgil just smiles. "How's it feel, kiddo?"
Patton smiles at them, eyes damp. "It feels perfect. Thank you so much for letting me get it sent here."
"Anytime you need, Patton," Virgil says. "You know you're an honorary Sanders. Now, do you remember the safety tips we talked about?"
"No sleeping in it, or wearing for too many hours at a time, and try not to exercise in it?"
"That's right, kiddo. And you can keep it here until you feel comfortable wearing it out and about."
Roman hugs Patton carefully, not squeezing as tight as he normally does. "You look very handsome, Pat."
Patton just blushes and hugs back, amazed by the new feeling of the less-squish-in-the-front of the hug.
"Also I know it's our excuse but can you actually help with me bio, I can't get the hang of the cycles."
"Anytime, Roro."
Much later that evening, after a spaghetti dinner and several hours of 'homework' that actually accomplished one half hour's worth, Patton leans back against the bedspread with a happy sigh.
Roman looks up, eyes glowing in contentment. "Hey, you. You good?"
Patton looks down at his flatter chest and smiles. "Yeah, it's- I'm so happy, Ro. Thank you again."
"It's what you deserve, Pat," Roman says earnestly. "You deserve to have your family fully embrace and accept you, too, but until then you've got us."
Patton makes grabby hands, and Roman scoots over to hug him tightly. They don't always need words.
"Ro-" Pat says quietly, a thought suddenly popping into his head and out his mouth. "Did you know that half the grade calls me The Future Mrs. Sanders?"
Roman stiffens, not making eye contact. "I've, uh. Heard that once or twice, yeah. I know it sucks, Pat, but I don't know how to discourage it without outing you."
Patton takes a breath. "That part- I mean, I'm used to it. But-"
Roman sits back, looking concerned. "You know you deserve to have people use your pronouns and honorifics, right? It's not too much to ask. It won't be an imposition, I promise, it's just courtesy-"
"I know, Roro, thank you. No, I um. Yeah, that Mrs. part is still an unyeah, but-"
Roman waits, a little confused.
Patton closes his eyes. "Does the other part bother you? The part where they're implying that we- that we'd get, you know."
"Married?" Roman squeaks out.
"Yeah, that."
"I- I mean, you'll be my best friend no matter what but um, maybe, occasionally, Ithinkaboutthattooyeah?" Roman says all in a rush, blushing furiously.
Patton opens his eyes to see Roman's red face, then reaches out and takes Roman's hand. "Oh thank goodness."
Roman stares at their interlocked hands for a long moment, face growing steadily redder. "Really?" he manages to squawk out. "You- you really- me?"
"Who could I possibly like more than you, Roro?" Patton replies, and he's blushing too, now. "I- I love you, Roman. As much as I know how."
Roman makes a strangled sound of delight, only able to smile and nod. He swallows, trying to compose himself, and whispers, "Patton - will you be my boyfriend?"
Patton is fairly sure he could never contain more warm fuzzies than he does right now, hearing "boyfriend" applied to himself, from this wonderful, wonderful boy that has been his best friend for 6 years.
"Only if you're be mine too, buttercup," he whispers, happy tears sparkling in his eyes for the second time today.
Part 3: twenty-one
Roman watches Patton moving around their dorm room as he paces.  In his head Roman counts how many minutes have elapsed and decides it’s time to interfere.
“Honeycake, you can always decide not to, you know that, right?”
Patton flashes him a distracted smile. “I know, sweetheart, but that’s the problem. I want to, I’m just-“ He twists his hands nervously. “I’m nervous, Ro.”
“Would it help to talk over why you’re nervous, or do you want to not think about it?”
Patton paces again, back and forth, then sighs. “I’m going to do this eventually, so I might as well do it now. I want to remember tomorrow without regret.”
Roman stands and grabs Patton’s fidgeting hands, holding them in his and looking directly into Patton’s eyes. “Let’s do this, Pat. I’m here for you, always.”
Patton smiles weakly. “Can you dial, I’m going to chicken out.”
Roman nods, and unlocks Patton’s phone. In just a couple buttons, it’s ringing on speaker.
“You’ve reached the Corwan residence.”
Patton takes a breath, and says, “Hi, Dad.”
“Ah, good, we were beginning to worry we’d miss the ceremony tomorrow!”
“Yeah,” Patton says, a little shaky. “Well, I’ve asked, and there will be tickets for you and Mom at the box office.”
“Thank you. You know how excited we are to watch you graduate! We are so proud of you, Patricia.”
Patton flinches, and Roman immediately grabs his hand and squeezes.
“Um, yeah. I- I don’t know if we’ll have time to go out after, there’s a lot of stuff for the program and student leadership-“
”If you think we’re not going to take our daughter out to dinner on her big day, you’ve got another thing coming!” he replies in a jovial tone. Patton flinches again.
“Oh- okay then, Dad. I’ll see if there’s time. Um. See you tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait!”
Patton hangs up, head bowed. Roman immediately starts to peppering his face in kisses.
“My sweet, dear man, you are so brave and wonderful and also I will absolutely make those tickets disappear if you’d like them not to come after all.”
Patton leans into Roman’s chest with a shaky chuckle. “No, I think it’s time, love. I don’t want to keep hiding.”
The next day, the campus is a zoo, filled with families and balloons and people trying to find an open spot for photoshoots in their caps and gowns.
Roman and Virgil have teamed up to convince Patton to be subjected to full model treatment, Roman earnestly whispering “Make it fashion!” from behind Virgil’s clicking camera. Patton’s laughing as he tries to balance on the hippo statue that is their school’s mascot.
Then, though, it’s time, and Roman and Patton wave to Virgil as they file into the huge staging area with their classmates. They’re a sea of maroon robes, brightened by cords and stoles in various colors for all the school’s affinity groups and activities. Patton’s got so many, he looks like he’s wearing a rainbow. He fidgets with his colored stole. “Ro-“ he says, grabbing for his boyfriend’s hand.
“Patton, my light, you look amazing,” Roman says, leaning in close so only Patton can hear his murmur. “You are so, so strong, and so brave, and I love you to the moon and to Saturn.”
Patton smiles into Roman's shoulder, and manages to relax. They share a quick, chaste kiss, then separate to their halves of the alphabet.
Luckily, as they file in, their seats end up just across the aisle from each other, and Roman keeps turning to blow kisses.
The good thing about being in the Cs is that Patton doesn’t have too long to sit and let his nervousness fester. He walks up to the stage in procession, seeing Roman mouth “You’ve got this!” from the crowd of graduates.
“Cosgrave, Alicia” walks across the stage to the cheers of her family and accepts her diploma. Patton takes a deep breath.
“Corwan, Patton!”
He pushes his various cords out of the way to reveal his stole’s colors: stripes of light blue, pink, and white. He squares his shoulders, and walks across the stage. He’s not looking at the crowd, but he recognizes Virgil’s whooping.
He accepts his diploma, shakes the university president’s hand, and poses for the staged picture all before allowing himself to look up into the bleachers.
He can immediately see the Corwans. They don’t look mad, just- confused. His dad seems to be studying the program intently. He turns back to his seat, to see Roman’s smile glowing from across the aisle.
“I’m so proud of you,” he mouths, eyes shining, and Patton lets out a relieved sigh. He did it. And Roman’s here. It will be okay, no matter what happens next.
The rest of the ceremony melts away, and all Patton really remembers is Roman pulling faces at him as the speakers drag on, and him having to muffle his giggles.
The minute they’re standing to proceed out, Roman leaves his place in line to sneak over and slip his hand into Patton‘s. He sticks by his side until they’re out in the meeting area.  Patton has a deathgrip on Roman’s hand with nervousness as he looks around the crowd.
Virgil finds them first, and Roman’s very flamboyant uncle Remy is there, too, stealing Roman’s mortarboard to pose dramatically.
Then Patton hears the polite cough behind him that he knows is his mom. He turns, Roman’s hand in his still, with the Sanders brothers at his back.
“Why did they say your name like that?” his dad asks bluntly.
Patton straightens. “Because that’s the name on my diploma.”
“Patricia, what’s the meaning of this-“
“It’s Patton, dad. I changed it legally.”
“Patty, what are you saying?” his mom asks, frowning.
Patton plucks at his stole. “I’m trans, mum. I’m a boy. And I was always meant to be one, no matter how many dresses I wore.”
His heart is in his throat, beating like mad, but Roman’s squeezing his hand in pride and Virgil and Remy are behind him. He can practically hear Remy sliding his glasses down his nose to glare at the Corwans.
”And you’re okay with this- this delusion?!” Mr. Corwan demands, turning to glare at Roman.
“Absolutely,” Roman replies immediately. “He’s been my boyfriend for 7 years, and I love him as he is and exactly as he is.”
”This- no, that’s ridiculous, Patricia,” his dad spits out. “No daughter of mine is going to be part of this trender nonsense. I thought that was clear.”
“You made your position clear he was seven and scared to go home,” Virgil cuts in acidly. His hand is warm and comforting on Patton’s shoulder. “You made it clear that he’d have to hide himself from his own parents because they couldn’t find a way to love their child as a son.”
Mr. Corwan sputters, turning purple, as Mrs. Corwan turns white.
“Well- you can say goodbye to any help from us-"
“What help?” Remy drawls. “Ya boy’s graduated, been hired, and signed a lease without you. He doesn’t need your assistance even if you wanted to give it.”
Mrs. Corwan purses her lips. “Well, I hope that he,” she says tightly, exaggerating the pronoun in what is clearly intended as mockery, “is prepared to go through life without a family.”
Roman takes a step in front of Patton at that. “You’re not ashamed to say that to your only kid? Really? I’ve got news for you, ma’am. He’ll always have a family.”
“What, you mean that?” she asks with a derisive sniff at Virgil and Remy still holding Patton’s shoulders.
“No,” Roman says, suddenly calm. “I mean this."
He turns, smoothly sinking to one knee as he smiles up into Patton’s shocked-into-smiling face.
“Patton Corwan, my gorgeous man, love of my life, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”
All the heaviness in his chest melts away and the knots in his stomach dissolve as Patton smiles down into Roman’s adoring gaze. “Oh Roman,” Patton says. “I would love nothing more.”
“I will not stand for-“ Mr. Corwan gets out, but Patton’s gaze locks onto his.
“Congrats. You don’t need to. You already said no daughter of yours will be like me, and you were right. You’ve made it clear I’m not your family. And as long as that’s how you feel, I don’t want to be.” Before he can sputter out an answer, Patton adds, “Plus, it’s way too late to object. Should’ve been there over Christmas if you wanted to, now you’re gonna have to forever hold your peace.”
“I’m- what?”
“Can I tell them?” Roman says, standing with a huge grin. Patton nods, starting to laugh.
“Patton asked me to marry him way back in December, the minute he got his early job offer. It was a beautiful ceremony. It even had the kind of dress I’m sure you were picturing, and I wore it particularly well, if I do say so myself.”
“Oh, rough luck babes, looks like your invites got lost,” Remy drawls. “Well, maybe you’ll get to get to your other kid’s wedding. Oh wait.”
Virgil grins. “You two spouses want to go get graduation lunch now? My treat. I think they’re gonna need a minute.”
“Or a couple thousand,” Remy mutters.
Patton turns away from his parents, beaming at his family. “That would be wonderful, Papa.”
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yuna-dan · 4 years
1.-Soulmate au with Logince?
If you want a large Logince involving soulmates you can always read my fic Countin’ on you and one of my favorite Impossible Possible
Now that the selfless promo is over…
A long time ago I read a Marvel Fic where when Steve always had Natasha on his wrist and when he woke up from the ice, he had Antony and I was reading some prompts to get ideas and I saw something like that and decided to write it! This idea however it’s not mine, and if I find the fic where this was inspired, I’ll posted here.
I hope you enjoy this, I did enjoyed writing it but at some point I think the story got confusing?? I hope not
Taglist: @awkwardkindanerd @cas-is-a-hunter @theunoriginaldaisy @underthesea73 @mariita-2006 @prinxietyforever @peanut0303
If you wanna be add to the list please interact with this
---Warning: Off-screen bullying. Slight Transphobia. Slight Violence. Cursing.--
Logan was five years old when the tattoo appeared on his left wrist. The name Rosaline Prince was written with a blue and pink ink, with italics and a beautiful lettering for the young kid.
He remembered how when the bullies found him, he wasn’t scared because she will wait for me. When he arrived home and showed his mama his tattoo, his mama kissed his hair and said “She will always be there for you”
Logan used to have a treehouse, that he used to escape reality of his parents constant bickering and the bullies who never left him. He was fourteen, and he was too old to have one.
He was going to clean it for the last time, and he got boxes to put all his childhood things there, maybe one day I can show it to Rosaline he thought.
He didn’t see a step, and he fell.
He broke his arm.
The arm where Rosaline’s name was.
He didn’t think about it too much. The doctors have to put a cast on it, and he decided on a blue color (the same blue of his tattoo, that way he could think of Rosaline).
When the doctors removed the cast, the tattoo was heavily crossed out with a large, thick black line.
“What did you do?” He asked to the nurse, terrified.
The nurse was staring back at him, with the same shocked face, “I-That has never happened.”
No one had any explanation.
He cried to sleep that night.
The tattoo disappeared after three days.
Logan didn’t even move out of his bed.
He was in the school, when he felt a small itch on his right wrist. He didn’t want to pay any attention, because he was doing a test.
When he delivered the test and left the classroom, he noticed that he had a different tattoo, written in red and gold.
Roman Sanders
He felt something on his stomach, his chest tightened, and his vision blurred.
A student was passing by, and Logan didn’t think about he just knew, “Hey, I am going to passed out, call a teacher.”
“Dude, what the fuc-?”
He passed out.
When Logan woke up in the, the same student was next to him.
“Dude, you have to know that’s the weirdest way to meet someone.” He started ranting once he noticed Logan was awake, “What the actual fuck, man?” He hissed.
“Yes, I am okay, thanks for asking, stranger.” Logan replied, sitting down in the bed. The guy glared at him.
“I’m Virgil, by the way.”
“Salutations.” Virgil made a face, but Logan ignored him, “I am Logan.”
Virgil snorted, “You talk funny, Logan.” He cleared his throat, “So, uhm, are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?”
“No, I am fine… just…” Virgil stared at him, but Logan shook his head, “No, never mind, thanks for helping, Virgil.” He clutched his right arm close to his chest.
The tattoo was touching his heart.
Logan was seventeen when he came out as pansexual, and it turned okay.
Logan was eighteen, when he went started college with Virgil, his roommate and best friend ever since that day.
Logan was nineteen when he told Virgil about his two tattoos.
“... and honestly, I have been researching everywhere and I just cannot find any information about new soulmate bounds.”
“Maybe she died?” Virgil offered.
“Wow, Virge, thank I need that.” He glared, and his friend mumbled a quick sorry.
“I don’t what to say, Lo.”
“I want to hate Roman, and I know I should not feel like that. He’s supposed to be my soulmate, but I just need to know what happen to Rosaline.” He sighed.
Virgil genuinely didn’t know what to say, so he just hugged his friend.
Logan definitely didn’t cry.
Logan was on his last semester of college and he fell exhausted, with all the final exams, his parent obsessing over his graduation party, the freaking graduation party…
Yes, he fell exhausted.
He normally didn’t like to buy coffee, but when saw the new coffee shop near his apartment he decided to try it, firstly because Virgil was with his soulmate in their shared apartment.
He sighed and rubbed softly the name Roman on his right wrist. Ever since Virgil met Patton, he felt weirdly sad and also guilty for feeling sad. He should feel happy for his best friend, and yet, here he was running away from their house because he felt sad when he saw them together.
“Are you ordering, specs?” The cashier asked, interrupting Logan’s thoughts.
“Uh, yes, sorry.” He fumbled with his wallet, “A Black Earl with almond milk, please.” The man smiled and Logan felt himself blushing, for some reason. “Anything, else?”
“Uh, no, that’s fine.” Logan squinted, trying to read the tag, “Roman S.?”
Logan felt how the air of his lungs suddenly left, but the man continued to take his order, “What’s your name?”
“For the tea…” Roman said, annoyed at the client. “We need your name.”
Logan spoke automatically, “You’re Rosie.” Roman’s face turned white, dropping the sharpie and cup he was holding.
“I don’t know who you are,” Roman Rosie said, “But you need to leave right now.”
“No, you…”
“No, my name is not Rosaline, my name is Roman Sanders and you need to leave, now!” He screamed, at the top of his lungs. Some clients were staring at them.
Logan didn’t want to leave, but the end he ran away.
When Remus entered the coffeeshop, he expected to see his twin and his boyfriend closing up. Ever since they left their dad’s house, Roman has been way happier. He started T a few months ago, and his mental health had been improving.
He was ready to pack everything off and go to home, maybe had some pizza.
He didn’t expect to see Damien and Roman sitting on a table, with a cup of tea, “I think Dad found us.” Was the first thing Roman said when he entered.
Damien was gripping his shoulder, “What do you mean?” Remus ears were ringing with anger, “Did he came here?”
Roman shook his head, and took a deep breath, “A man came. He called me… y’know, that.” He sighed, “I-I told him to leave and he, I don’t know.”
Damien interrupted, “I can take both of you to the police tomorrow.”
“No, mom will get worried.” Ro said, “I just want to forget about this.”
Remus bit his lip, “RoRo, I know but if you think Dad is back, we need to tell mom, and Damien is right, the police too.”
Roman shook his head, “No. I don’t want to.”
Remus was about to argue with his brother, because goddamit, he needed for Roman to understand that they were in danger, when the door opened violently and abruptly. Damien stood up, “We’re close, sir.”
Roman gasped, “It’s you!” He yelled, “I told you to leave me alone!” The man was getting closer and Remus hand was already on his phone, ready to call the police if necessary.
“No. Please let me…”
“If our dad sent you here…”
“No, please let me…”
Damien was standing between them, ready to fight if the moment asked for it Remus fucking love him, the man try to get closer, “Please, Roman, let me explain…”
Damien punched him, right in the eye. The guy was startled and looked back at Roman, who was holding back tears, “Roman, I’m your soulmate.”
The guy fainted.
Roman stared into Damien’s eyes, who was staring back at him. Remus wanted to laugh, really, but refrain himself from doing it, this was a serious moment and only a few minutes ago they all believed their lives were in danger, he shouldn’t really find this funny, not all...
Roman ran to check the guy’s pulse, and only then everyone realized the tattoo on his right wrist Roman Sanders.
“Oh my god Damien, you punched my soulmate!”
Remus laughed out loud.
When Logan woke up, he was in his apartment. He tried to sit up and winced when he felt pain on his back. He hissed in pain, “Yeah, sorry about that, Logan. No one knew you were going to faint and honesty, no one prevented you from hitting the floor.” Roman said.
“What?” Logan looked up and saw Roman his fucking soulmate in his living room.
“You really need to stop fainting when you meet important people, Logs.” Virgil was laughing between his sentence.
Logan groaned.
A few days later, when everything was explained I’m sorry I punched you, I thought my boyfriend’s asshole dad sent you and I’m sorry I called you by your deadname, but everything was confusing.
That was probably the weirdest way to find your soulmate, but they wouldn’t change it for the world.
They were in the coffee shop, Logan was waiting for Roman to close everything. They held hands when they walked to Logan’s apartment.
“Y’know…” Roman hummed in acknowledgment that he heard him, “It’s kinda funny.”
“What is?”
“I got your right name in the right wrist…” Logan laughed softly, “It’s almost as if the world knew about it and decided to play a pun.”
Roman laughed, “It is funny.”When they kissed that night, it felt fight, and it was fantastic.
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Lunar New Year Gift for vedrividia!
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Pairing: Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji; past Wei Wuxian/Other (implied) Rating: Mature Warnings: brief depiction of sexual harassment, brief instance of misgendering, implied/referenced past suicide attempt, implied/referenced past sexual assault (off-screen), implied/referenced past forced pregnancy (off screen), implied/referenced underage sex & pregnancy (off-screen), alcoholism, coming out, implied/referenced homophobia Other Tags: trans male character, disabled character, gay male character, open ending, unreliable narrator, angst, tender, chance meeting, confession, reunion, character with incomplete spinal cord injury, iSCI, it probably sounds darker than it is
Summary: On the last eve before spring Wei Ying finds himself at the end of a road. What awaits him on the other side depends on the steps he takes to cross it. Someone walks beside him.
Disclaimer: I am neither Chinese, trans nor disabled. All of the portrayal in this fic is based on research. It's not my intent to offend and I'm open to critique as long as it's respectful and constructive. Wei Ying's journey is his own and does not represent all of the disabled or trans community. The fic is set in a world that closely resembles ours, but where corona never happened and maybe China's laws are just a little less restrictive (but still very phobic), so bear that in mind. I do not own any of the characters.
Notes - Beginning: The idea of trans male Wei Ying had been stuck in my head for a while now, and I've been wanting to try my hand at a trans story, because I've never done that before. This assignment was an opening to do that in a darker, more serious setting. I have also wanted to explore Wei Ying's suicidal issues while translating his story into a modern setting for some time (it was supposed to be a coffee shop AU, only the coffee shop never appeared hah). It was simultaneously hard and fun to write, and I'm grateful for it. @vedrividia​, I hope you like it!
In the past I didn't feel like I could do a good job at representing anyone of an identity I couldn't quite empathize with. Since then I've surrounded myself with trans inclusive media, and followed transgender blogs and channels, and I hope that this fic does right by all of them.
I am aware of some of the potentially problematic topics, but I also didn't want to ignore all the challenges and abuse and trauma that trans folk are forced to endure on a daily basis. (Did you know that trans people have some of the highest suicide rates, and likely to have alcohol issues? Making everyone happy and nothing hurt felt all kinds of wrong knowing that.) I believe that representing both - an ideal world alongside the real and flawed one - is important.
Positive stories are also important - this is one. Or at least I hope I was able to make it one.
On a more cheerful note, there are pictures that served as an inspiration for this story, namely this photoset (especially the pic in the leather jacket, the one on the couch and the close up) done in faceapp by a genius, this brain-frying picture, and of course this picture from the Harper's Bazaar Photoshoot that none of us are over. I completely blame Xiao Zhan's androgyny.
Last but not least, I owe a massive thanks to Laura for the amazing beta they did on a rather short notice and brought this fic to another level. Thank you for your hard work!!! :)
End notes: Wei Ying has an incomplete spinal cord injury in the lumbar area (at L1 or L2). I didn't realize that I played myself when I gave him an incomplete injury, because the lack of references and information is in terms of quantity a total opposite to everything available on complete SCI. Which in turn made the telling of such a story feel even more important. If any of you know of a good resource for the daily life of people with iSCI, I'm all ears.
Even researching the walking aides was a challenge, since most information is on wheelchair dependent people, which Wei Ying is not. He has a wheelchair but he refuses to use it, for several reasons, one of them being image, another being worry of atrophy. He likes a good walk, and there's progress thanks to physical therapy, most of which is covered by insurance. I was debating an exoskeleton/brace for him, but from what I gathered they aren't really useful for SCI (I welcome any additional info about this), and those that would be cost a ton and aren't covered by insurance - which is a big factor for Wei Ying. The toss ended up being between forearm crutches and a walking frame, but in the end I decided on crutches, because it seemed like Wei Ying would prefer them? For now? With crutches he can pretend, and I also didn't know to what extent a walking frame would be insurance covered (in China), and whether he'd be at a point where he would accept one. (I imagine the simple ones would be covered by insurance, the question is whether they make a huge difference to crutches, and whether a rollator - with wheels and a seat is something that would count as 'necessary' in this case.)
However, once again, I am not adequately educated on all that goes into the decision making here. No one ever mentions things like these in success stories. In the end I left it as a room for future development. I'm pretty sure Wen Qing is trying to convince him to get one.
I was debating whether to tag dysphoria. While it is not explicitly stated in the fic, Wei Ying does experience it, although this has gotten better since he realized being trans, came out and started testosterone. His decision to not transition fully is one that many trans people make at a point in their lives, for any number of reasons. This does not mean he'll never change his mind, or won't explore other forms of expression. It's a choice that the current Wei Ying is making, completely independent of future Wei Ying.
It's possible in China to get a gender confirmation surgery, but the requirements sound like a nightmare. The first thing you have to do is get diagnosed with 'gender disorder', be five years in (unsuccessful) therapy for it, at least 20 and unmarried. If he decides to transition fully to a male presenting body he can only marry someone who is biologically female in the future, under Chinese law. (Imagine having to divorce your significant other in order to be who you are. Imagine having to make this decision. It makes me want to write fic about it.)
It also costs a ton, as none of it is covered by insurance. You can only start hormone therapy in order to get surgery, which leads a lot of trans people to acquire hormones illegally and without medical counseling. I purposefully did not decide where Wei Ying gets his T from. I didn't want him to not have it, but I left the how undecided. For the most part I headcanon it as one of the things that make my world a little different, since hormone therapy is a thing that exists outside of transitioning as well. E.g. many female athletes use testosterone to boost their performance, and many other women take it for various medical reasons. I feel like WWX could find ways to acquire some. Now, whether this would be legal or not is left open.
By the way? Never, EVER deadname. Just don't. The moment someone comes out to you as trans, tells you their pronouns and name, that's what you use. You forget everything that came prior to that, wipe it out of your memory, it's ashes on the sands of time unless stated otherwise BY THEM, got it?
Now, Wei Ying's case. I was hesitant about how to approach this, but from the start I knew two things. I wanted the same kind of intimacy of WWX & LWJ calling each other by their birth names as in canon, but I also didn't want to go the way most authors go in this case i.e. splitting the names to pre- and post- transition. It is my understanding that most Chinese names are unisex (if anyone has more info on this, I'd love to have it), or can be used for all genders, and I didn't want to force a gender issue where there wasn't one. However, I also wanted something parallel that could be used in a similar way. What I came up with is what you see in text. While Wei Ying did change his name, the only reason why it's still somewhat okay to use 'Wuxian' is because he explicitly says he likes it. In fact, in my head somewhere in the imagined future of this verse, he and JFM have a conversation about it where JFM tells him if he wants it, it can still be his name - he didn't give it to an image, but a person. IDK how well any of this works, or translates to actual trans or Chinese (or trans and Chinese) people, so if you have words for me, let me know.
On a side note, in 2015 China lifted the one-child policy in favor of a two-child policy. A-Yuan was born in 2017.
Wei Ying attempted suicide between the 4th and 8th week of his pregnancy. During the early weeks the probability of a fetus surviving a major fall (even a fall from stairs) is significantly higher than later in the pregnancy, and the scaffolding he jumped from wasn't actually that high. I'm also considering that there might have been something to cushion the fall that he hadn't noticed (a stray rope, or a net) or been aware of (like padding on the stage), but that's a detail I decided to leave to your imagination. On the other hand, sustaining a SCI during early pregnancy is likely to have fatal consequences, as I found out a week before the deadline. In the end, they both got very lucky. Wei Ying spent the next 3 months in a coma. When he woke up it was too late to terminate. Jiang Fengmian had been adamant that the decision not be made without Wei Ying's consent, which was nice of him, but also ended up making the decision for Wei Ying regardless.
Last but not least, if you've read this and feel like you have something to add, I love any kind of comments, whether you wanna review the fic, have some useful information for me, would like to discuss a point or just like to say hi! :)
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If asked, Wei Ying wouldn't have remembered how he had gotten to the bar. He didn't remember taking a different route on the short walk back home, he hadn't even been aware there was a bar in the first place. He only remembered suddenly standing in front of it, aching to his bones, limbs leaden with a familiar exhaustion, morose and longing for nothing more than a little break. His back was on fire, his leg was throbbing, the skin underneath his binder wouldn’t stop itching and to top it off his stomach had been cramping in a way it wasn't supposed to anymore. His body had decided to give him a wonderful gift for the holiday. Wei Ying wouldn't wish this on his worst enemy, and that spoke volumes to anyone who knew who occupied that position.
Needless to say, he was desperate for a drink.
The bar was almost empty so early in the afternoon, and shortly before the holiday, all the regulars had likely gone home to see their families. It was the time of reunions, the golden week of spring knocking on the door. The whole town looked empty, seemingly asleep and abuzz at the same time, a strange kind of liminal space born in the atmosphere of the coming celebrations, quiet with contained impatience. He had been painfully aware of it the entire week, the turning of another year leaving him nothing to do but watch people go where Wei Ying couldn't return anymore.
The Lunar New Year always made him hurt worse than usual, in more ways than purely physical. Wei Ying had felt that strange air peak today, even in the confines of his tiny office at the back of the Pacific Coffee branch he had been working at for a little over two months. It was a tiny thing on the busiest street of their small town, smelling of comfort in the wee hours of the morning and of salvation late in the evening. The staff had needed support with handling the supply chain, so that they could focus on serving the staggering amount of customers that came in all day.
It had seemed perfect when Wei Ying had first limped inside on his forearm crutches, with a letter of recommendation, feeling smaller than an ant but significantly less tough. The reintegration program had been a lifeline thrown to a drowning man when he had first heard about it. It had been the opportunity to restart his life. Earn an income. Be independent. In time maybe even repay his friends for the kindness they had shown when he had nowhere to go. Now? Now he wasn't sure that he'd still have a job after the holiday was over.
"This really can't go on," his boss had said, midway through the most gruesome shift the shop had ever witnessed. "Half the supplies came in wrong, for the third time this week!"
Sometimes, Wei Ying wondered why he still bothered. He could probably survive on aid and love for himself, and the Wens made enough to take care of the rest. It just… It could have been nice. To be the one to take care of the people he cared about, for a change.
He really needed that drink.
The whiskey looked enticing from where he was half-sitting, half-leaning on a stool, crutches stashed between his legs. He could almost taste it, the phantom of the sharp flavor burning his tongue.
"Hi, darling." An unfamiliar voice startled him out of his thoughts, causing him to tense. He had been aware of the middle-aged man at the counter, but he hadn't been paying him much attention until now. "Can I buy you a drink? How about Sex on the Beach?"
It was difficult to control himself at that tasteless, juvenile joke. Wei Ying could almost taste the bile rising in his throat and the beginnings of what would no doubt become a pounding headache throbbing in his temples. Great. Just what he had needed.
The whiskey bottle called out to him again, beckoning him to the bitter burn.
A drink. That was what he needed - a drink.
Do you really? Need it? The voice of his therapist came to his mind, sudden and uninvited.
"Hey bartender!" The man called out in the most unwelcome case of accidental telepathy in the history of mankind, sneaking one arm around Wei Ying’s waist, a sweaty hand settling on his hip. "One Sex on the Beach for the miss, on my tab!"
There was the rising bile again, tension squeezing his muscles, and the flash of a haughty smirk at the furthest back of his mind. This wasn't what he wanted. None of it. Neither the touch nor the drink, no matter what his mind wanted to convince him of.
It's easier to need than the things that take hard work, the ones you have to earn. It had taken him a long time to admit that.
"I don't drink." Wei Ying said, angling his head as much as the muscles of his neck permitted to look at the guy invading his personal space squarely. "Remove your hand now."
The guy bristled.
"Hey, chill out, sweetheart." He was quick to regain his composure with an awkward laugh and not enough common sense. Wei Ying supposed he must have been used to rejection. Too bad. "You're so tense… Maybe a virgin cocktail then."
His crutch shot up before the full sentence was out.
The man stumbled back with a startled yelp as the rubber point connected with his chest in a sharp jab.
"Hey! What's your problem?!"
"I said I don't drink." Wei Ying was completely unapologetic, still holding his crutch like a sword, but the guy was already walking away, muttering ‘fucking bitch’ under his breath.
"You alright there, girl?"
His gut clenched at the words.
He looked up to meet the only slightly worried, but otherwise unbothered gaze of the bartender and told himself it wasn't her fault. She probably wasn't even aware. He knew he didn't… There was no way for him to pass. There was nothing he could do about that, had already decided not to, not at this time, not in this country. Wei Ying didn't expect people to know on sight. He didn't. It didn't change the fact though that every single misnomer felt like someone was peeling his skin off.
"I'm not a girl," he said to her almost too quietly, but he knew she heard when he met her gaze. A strained silence passed between them in which Wei Ying watched her frown in confusion, then sputter with the loss of words, before awkwardly shuffling off. He smiled wryly. How funny. It really wasn't anything complicated, and yet… So few were able to comprehend.
Wordlessly, Wei Ying slid off the stool and made his way out of the bar as quick as his crutches let him be.
Once outside, the crisp air mercilessly purifying, he realized how close to the edge he had gotten once again. He had to stop doing this. He couldn't afford another fall, another spiral back down the drain. Not when he had just clawed his way out. Not when he had people depending on him now. Tiny people with curious gray eyes, so much like his own. Waiting for him at home.
Something icy touched his face and instinctively he looked up only to find it snowing.
That explained the ache.
The cold always made him feel sore, although he knew at least some of it was phantom pain. He hadn’t retained a whole lot of feeling in his left leg, beyond a tingle that had become almost constant and the occasional twitch. His right leg was fine, it just tended to ache a lot, to a point where Wei Ying sometimes found himself wishing it wasn't better off than the other one. But then he wouldn't get away with 'forgetting' his wheelchair at home, so he quickly dismissed that thought. Besides, there were plenty of people who had it worse. He, at least, could still walk. He could still stand. Kinda. He had no room to complain.
After all, he had done this to himself.
'It's better this way.' He remembered thinking, standing on the top of the catwalk stairs backstage of the high school auditorium. 'A-jie, Jiang Cheng,… Lan Zhan. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. I love you. I'll get out of your hair now.'
In the end it had been easy to tip backwards and let himself fall.
Waking up had been the hard part. Not only had he failed, but every reason that had pushed him to end it all had only been made worse. Worse still, after. He had lived though, so that was that. There was no utility in regret. He couldn't go back. The only way was forward now, step by painful step. Standing around and staring at the snow falling was nice, but it wouldn't make the walk shorter. Home wasn't far away. He'd take it slow. He'd be there before he knew it.
He barely took three steps before he felt someone's broad shoulder bump against his, his equilibrium yanked roughly from under his feet.
He remembered falling.
Not the act of it, nor every thought and feeling that preceded it, but he remembered the soft pressure at his skull as he tipped backwards, the endless instant of the free fall, a moment frozen in time. Not the impact, but the inevitability of it, coming, coming, almost there. The loss of control. The frightening, exhilarating realization of his absolute surrender. Not the oblivion that followed but the fragments of muddled awareness afterwards. Disorientation, rock bottom and the overwhelming sense of failure.
It had felt nothing like now.
He felt the loss of ground beneath his feet, the scrape of concrete against his palms, as he all but starfished onto the pavement. A sharp pain. The frustrated annoyance of another thing gone wrong in the long list that made up the day.
Only the failure felt the same, funny that.
"I'm sorry!" Said a deep voice. "I wasn't looking."
"Yeah, no shit." He chuckled, because really, who could have guessed.
"Here, let me help." There were hands on his arm, just as he propped himself up, but he yanked it away.
"I'm fine!" He wasn't helpless. He wasn't, dammit! He had his arms, his abdominals, and most of his legs. Getting up from the ground wasn't such a herculean task for him as for those who depended on a wheelchair. He didn't have to call an ambulance just because he starfished. He didn't need any help at all here, especially not the help of some ditzy stranger with their head in the clouds…
"Wei Ying?"
Wei Ying froze.
Few people on this Earth called him that, and none of them had a voice like that. He looked up to see glowing amber on a face carved out of a dream.
"Lan Zhan?"
Of all the people to be in town today of all days, the least likely would have to be Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan, his former senior, Lan Zhan, his best friend. Lan Zhan, whom he had told his secrets, Lan Zhan, who he… who he…
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan… Can I kiss you? I understand you don't like me that way, and it's fine, I'm fine, really, but… uhm… It's supposed to be special. The first kiss. I… I want it to be yours. Just one kiss." A child he barely remembered had wanted and wanted, never satisfied. "Ah, it's okay if you don't want to. I get it. It's fine. I'm just being selfish."
But that had been a long time ago. A person he didn't know, a past life that had never truly been. Not for him in any case.
Lan Zhan was looking at him like a ghost had appeared in front of him.
Although, ghosts didn't need crutches. Honestly, Wei Ying did wish he could float quite frequently.
Face twisted in sardonic amusement at that childish wish, he pulled himself up with some maneuvering and a lot of effort. This seemed to wake Lan Zhan from his daze as he quickly followed. Wei Ying didn't miss the sweeping gaze as his once friend took him in, wondering what he saw. A stranger, perhaps? A new person? Him? Wei Ying knew he hadn't changed much on the outside, aside the obvious and maybe in his weight distribution, but Lan Zhan had always had the ability to look past the surface. Was he still able to do that? Or was he just taking in his appearance, assessing his matted, worn out body that seemed to show every year that had passed multiplied by ten? Wei Ying was aware that time had not been the kindest to him, but he was hanging on. He was past the worst now. He was doing better. He was!
He wondered if Lan Zhan still could see that too.
"Wei Ying." His name again, spoken with enough wonder to give Wei Ying the courage to meet his gaze. There was an unspoken question in it.
"Yeah," Wei Ying answered and felt the cusp of a smile pull at the corners of his lips. "Long time no see, Lan Zhan. Fancy meeting you here."
"I really like you, Lan Zhan," the person he didn't know had said, red faced with embarrassment and a shaking voice. "I mean like… like like."
Back then he had believed that moment to be the most nerve-wracking experience he was ever going to survive. Today he missed his naivety.
Lan Zhan gave him a look like he just realized it was really Wei Ying standing in front of him. Like he still could barely believe it. It unraveled a completely different ache in Wei Ying. They had been close once, and though they had always shared their secrets, Wei Ying had seen him so open and unguarded but once.
"I...like...boys," had been the answer. The refusal so, so gentle, unable to accept, thus giving something of equal value in return instead. A truth for a truth, a secret for a secret. "Wei Ying, I'm gay."
Lan Zhan, always figuring things out so quickly, always willing to accept reality no matter how hard it was. Wei Ying hadn't known back then. If he had known… Who knew what would have been then. It didn't matter anymore. It was a life long gone. What remained of it were a few good memories, some of them he wasn't sure were real.
Now, chance had made them cross paths once again, at a liminal space transversing through time.
"Are you hurt?" Lan Zhan's voice brought him back from his thoughts, and Wei Ying looked where he was reaching for his scraped hands and knees.
Lan Zhan, always the same Lan Zhan… "Not selfish."
So wonderful and kind and warm.
"Eh, I'm fine. Nothing Wen Qing can't fix." He brushed his former friend off, noticing how Lan Zhan's eyebrow seemed to go up infinitesimally at the mention of his old classmate and promptly changed the subject. "What brings you to Yiling, Lan Zhan? Shouldn't you be with your family for Chun Jie?"
"I…" Lan Zhan looked away. "Didn't get an earlier flight."
That sounded suspicious, especially since the Lan Zhan Wei Ying knew liked to plan ahead. But Wei Ying wasn't the same he had been, maybe Lan Zhan wasn't either. People were allowed to change. It also didn't answer what he was doing in Yiling in the first place, but Wei Ying wasn't forcing him to tell. Wei Ying had never wanted to force Lan Zhan into anything, he wasn't going to start now.
"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan looked at him again, this time meeting his eyes squarely. He paused. "How have you been?"
Wei Ying felt the loom of a shadow over him, and his gaze dropped to the ground for a second.
"As you can see." He put a reassuring smile on his face as he summoned enough will to hold Lan Zhan's gaze. "Still alive and kicking."
Which was probably much more than the last time Lan Zhan had heard of him.
"I was looking for you. I wanted to see you. After." The what remained unspoken. Lan Zhan's kind heart hadn't changed. Wei Ying sought comfort in it, warmed by the thought of his best friend trying to get in touch even after everything went to hell. "I was told you… left."
Wei Ying made a soft sound of affirmation through the small smile that had spread on his face. "I moved out on my eighteenth birthday. Aunt Yu… I was supposed to stay till graduation, but... ah. I fucked up. Colossally."
"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan remained the only person Wei Ying knew who managed to frown without a single crease on his face. "You were recovering."
"It was fine, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying chuckled even as he held back a sigh. Lan Zhan didn't know half of it. "I moved in with the Wens."
There was a pause.
"With Wen Qing?" Lan Zhan asked and Wei Ying realized that small detail wouldn't have been immediately clear to him, all things considered.
"With Wen Qing and her family." He nodded. After a moment of thought he added. "Not Wen Chao. I know nothing about that douchebag."
"Mn," Lan Zhan agreed and it sounded so wholehearted that it startled a laugh out of Wei Ying.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said, feeling truly light for the first time in a long time. The smile he gave Lan Zhan felt warm and genuine. He hoped Lan Zhan saw it too, and didn't think Wei Ying was trying to shake him off, when he spoke next. "It's so good to see you. You're the best thing that happened to me today. I would love to catch up, but they're waiting for me at home and I'm already late."
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. There was a pause. Then, just as Wei Ying was about to ask for his number, "I could. Walk you. If you like."
"I thought you had a flight to catch." Wei Ying wanted to smack his mouth for how hopeful he sounded.
"Mn," Lan Zhan said. "In the evening."
"Lan Zhan!" He startled, amused and surprised at the same time. "And here I thought your bedtime was nine! Don't tell me you crossed to the dark side."
"It is Chuxi." Lan Zhan's voice was soft with a playful note, and Wei Ying felt his heart turn all over again even as he laughed.
"Aiya, Lan Zhan…" A smile spread on his face. "Alright then. I'd love to have your company. If you're sure."
"I am," Lan Zhan answered. "I would… very much like to… catch up with you."
"Well then." Wei Ying's smile broadened and started again in the direction he was heading earlier. "Right this way, sir. But I'm warning you. I'm basically a snail now."
For a beat there was silence, in which Wei Ying figured that Lan Zhan was probably looking for a proper response. He still didn't know how to handle self-deprecating humor, then. Wei Ying chuckled quietly to himself. The more things change…
"That is alright," Lan Zhan finally said. "I have time."
"Oh, do you? That's great!" Wei Ying grinned from ear to ear, marveling at how easy it suddenly was. "Aah, Lan Zhan I really missed this!"
"Mn," Lan Zhan agreed but didn't say anything else.
For a few moments silence reigned again, of a comfortable kind. One that allowed Wei Ying to bask in the startling, almost miraculous presence of his best friend. Or it would have been, had Wei Ying not been keenly aware of Lan Zhan's intense stare.
"Do I really look that bad?" He teased, hoping to give Lan Zhan the opening he probably needed to ask whatever questions he had. "I've actually gained weight over Dongzhi you know."
Lan Zhan blinked, as if startled to be called out. Wasn't he aware that he had been staring? Or had he not expected Wei Ying to say something?
"You look…" he started, then swept his gaze over Wei Ying.
"Tired?" Wei Ying offered, keeping the humor in his words. The last thing he wanted Lan Zhan to think was that he needed to sugar coat his words around him now. "Stressed? Battle worn?"
"Different," Lan Zhan finished.
"Ah." Wei Ying breathed out, something in his chest tightening. "Good different, or bad different?"
Lan Zhan looked at him for a long moment.
"Different you," he finally answered. A pause. "More you."
Wei Ying's breath stuttered, a small questioning sound dragging itself up his throat.
"Wei Ying…" Lan Zhan hesitated for a brief moment, unsure. "May I know your pronouns?"
Always so straight to the point.
"Pro… Pronouns?!" Wei Ying chuckled but even he could hear the nerves buzzing through that sound. "How did you figure that?"
Lan Zhan just kept looking at him. Wei Ying swallowed.
He had to know. Since he actually asked, he had to already know. Or at least suspect. Be aware. In general, or about Wei Ying? Had he realized in their years apart, or was there something about Wei Ying now that made him guess? No one has ever been able to tell upon glance. No one.
Something fluttered deep in his chest, like the jingles of a tambourine reverberating. It gave him courage.
Wei Ying took a deep, steadying breath. "He, him, Lan Zhan. It's he, him."
He managed to swallow the thousand words that dragged themselves up his throat instead of that one, simple truth. To his credit, Lan Zhan let him, waiting patiently and with complete silence for Wei Ying to say his part.
"I'm trans," Wei Ying added, finding it easier to say after the initial confession. "As in full time, on actual testosterone, trans male."
Their eyes met. A heartbeat of silence.
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. "Makes sense."
Wei Ying had not expected that.
In his defense, no one had ever replied like that to him coming out.
"What?" He choked out, bewildered. Lan Zhan was giving him a gentle look, a diametrical opposite of Wei Ying's wide eyes. "Why does that make sense, Lan Zhan?"
"It didn't before." Lan Zhan's gaze dropped. "Now it does."
"What? Why?" Wei Ying repeated, not comprehending a single word his friend had said. At the back of his mind he knew he should be happy and relieved that as dear a friend as Lan Zhan accepted him, and he would be later, but now he was just confused. "Lan Zhan, what are you saying?"
"You confounded me. Before. I didn't understand. It didn't. Add up." He didn't even expect an answer beyond a shrug and an 'It just does', and yet Lan Zhan gave him one, trying to explain like he wanted Wei Ying to understand something important. Important enough to bring it up at their first chance meeting in years. It still didn't clear anything up. The way he was dragging his words out seemed odd too, for how upfront Lan Zhan usually was.
"What didn't add up?" Wei Ying asked again. What about him had confused Lan Zhan?
"I didn't know you were a boy. So it didn't make sense," Lan Zhan answered without looking up and Wei Ying felt dread tighten his stomach into a knot. "But now it does."
"What?" He frowned, the rush of blood pounding in his ears. "Lan Zhan, what are you talking about?"
Lan Zhan finally looked up at him and Wei Ying suddenly felt light headed. The grip on his crutches must have gone knuckle white from how firmly he was gripping the handles. It couldn't be…
"I was confused why I liked you," Lan Zhan whispered, dropping his gaze again. "Why I enjoyed kissing you."
Wei Ying's brain was white static.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, "No!"
His whole body wanted to recoil with shock.
"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan pleaded but was cut short.
"I confessed to you! I told you I liked you!" He saw the bob of Lan Zhan's throat, how his eyes fell shut as he swallowed. Wei Ying despaired for words that could express the entire scale of emotions he felt, from betrayal to hope, but mostly just... shock. "You said you… You've never… And now, after everything… Do you even… Lan Zhan!!!"
"Wei Ying," he said his name like it was all he was capable of saying, with a hitch of sudden hesitance on the last syllable, a minuscule frown around his eyes, like he realized something important. "Do you still call yourself Wei Ying?"
The quiet question conjured up another memory, of an occasion much kinder.
"It's my birth name," he heard his youthful voice, still too high although most had described it as low. Lan Zhan had raised an eyebrow at him, even more puzzled than before. Wei Ying had laughed as he went to explain. "Same character as in 'infant'. Wuxian is the name uncle Jiang gave me so that I have a better name than, you know, 'baby'. It's a cool name! I mean, 'no envy' come on! Like I have no match in the world! Totally rad, you know, uncle Jiang's naming sense is A+."
"But you prefer Wei Ying." Lan Zhan had looked at him then, searchingly and Wei Ying had looked away with a snort, to hide his swallow.
"It's a terrible name. Who the hell names their baby 'baby'?"
Lan Zhan hadn't replied anything to that, and Wei Ying still remembered his next words, and how they had burned on his tongue, how he couldn't hold them back.
"It's what the people who loved me had called me."
In the present, Wei Ying found himself laughing in spite of the utter shock. Only Lan Zhan. Only Lan Zhan would give him a heart attack first then go make sure he wasn't deadnaming him on top of everything.
"Lan Zhan!!!" He cried out. "That's so not the point right now! But, yes, I do. I changed it back, actually. Officially, I mean."
"You dislike it." It sounded more like a question than a statement, so Wei Ying answered.
"Don't get me wrong, I still think Wuxian is way cooler, and my siblings still call me that, but…" His gaze fell away from Lan Zhan to something more distant, beyond his focus as he struggled over his words, drawing them out only with great difficulty from where they were rooted deep inside of him. "It's the name given to the image of a person that never really existed. Like… the painting of a person you met in a dream. And I sorta… I like to imagine that, regardless of who I am… They would still love me."
They. The people who gave him that horrible, unimaginative name.
"Mn," Lan Zhan agreed like there had never been any doubt about it. Wei Ying snorted.
"Wei Ying," there it was again, his name, spoken so kindly, if not hesitantly as Lan Zhan too seemed to be struggling for words. "I would like to apologize. I hurt you. I have been looking for you to tell you this."
All at once, Wei Ying felt his shock settle into something more profound, like the wave that had swallowed him revealing the depth of the ocean. There was nothing Lan Zhan had to apologize for. Not for the lack of awareness, and certainly not for his feelings. Even their conflicts had always stemmed from a place of deep care.
"No." Wei Ying shook his head. "Not more than I hurt myself, Lan Zhan. Even when you scolded me, you never hurt me."
Had Lan Zhan broken his heart? Yeah, he had. So what? Did that mean he could be held accountable for it? Wei Ying's feelings were his own shit to deal with, not Lan Zhan's. Returning them wasn't Lan Zhan's duty. Even if he returned them, would it be fair to fault him for running away from them? For feeling insecure and anxious about his own attraction? For not knowing these things weren't as clear cut as all the adults around them had wanted to make them believe? It wasn't like Wei Ying had known either back then. He had, perhaps, understood himself even less than Lan Zhan. Most importantly, it was all in the past now. It couldn't be changed. What they made of it now was what mattered.
"None of my bullshit is your fault," he added. "You didn't go and tell me to fuck up my life. That was all on me."
"You wrote," Lan Zhan started, then paused, hesitating, then started again. "In your letter, you wrote…"
Wei Ying picked up on the question immediately.
"Not you," he said, the same words he had penned all those years ago in what was one of only two letters. "Never you. I had my reasons, but none of them were about you. In fact, I thought of you as the last good thing in my life at that point. The one true friend I still had left."
Lan Zhan's gaze fell on his crutches, but he didn't ask. Wei Ying was grateful.
"Come on, I need to get a move on," he said, starting to walk again, smiling at the surprised expression Lan Zhan had given him, when he realized he was still welcome to accompany him. Maybe it was something about that look that made Wei Ying add, after another second of thought, "There are people waiting for my return."
"Mn," Lan Zhan hummed, falling back in step next to him. "That's good. You should have people waiting for you at home."
Wei Ying couldn't help but smile.
"Say, Lan Zhan,…" he said after a few seconds of silence, when all what Lan Zhan has confessed slowly sunk in. "When you say you've been looking for me… You mean all this time?"
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. Wei Ying watched him gather his thoughts, the snow fluttering all around them. "I wanted to see you. Ask how you were doing. See if… If you needed support. Apologize. For not being a good friend to you before."
"Lan Zhan…" Wei Ying listened to him, and when Lan Zhan finally looked up at him his gaze was so sincere that his heart ached with it.
"I wanted to tell you the truth." Lan Zhan didn't let himself be interrupted. "That I liked you back. Without any expectations. That I didn't understand, but that it didn't matter. That I could like you without understanding why. That I wasn't asking for anything, just wanted you to know. That I wanted to help, in any way you'd let me."
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan…" Wei Ying sighed, vision suddenly blurred. He drew a deep breath. "But I wasn't there."
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. "I asked your sister where I could find you…"
"But she didn't know," Wei Ying finished for him. No one knew, except one person. "And Jiang Cheng wouldn't give you my address if you held him at gunpoint."
"Your brother knows you're here." It had the structure of a question but it was spoken as a statement, the same kind of incredulous as the look Lan Zhan was giving him. All things considered, it was kinda fair, Wei Wuxian thought as he barked a laugh.
"Yeah," he said, shoulders shaking a little as he snickered. "He's the designated secret keeper."
Lan Zhan just stared, wordlessly.
Wei Ying's smile gained an edge at the unspoken question. He had to clear his throat before he answered. "We're… not quite alright yet, but… Ah, how do I say this? He's the better judge of the situation? With, uhm, aunt Yu, I mean. It's… complicated."
Honestly, when wasn't it?
"I… see." Lan Zhan really didn't sound like he did, but didn't press, continuing his story instead. "Your sister was able to tell me which city you were in. So I… applied for a job."
Wait. Pause. Rewind.
"You work here?!" Wei Ying felt his jaw go slack.
"As an attorney. At 'Xiao and Song'," Lan Zhan confirmed, then looked back at Wei Ying. "Civil law. With focus on LGBTQ+ rights. I passed the bar last year."
"You…" There was so much to unpack in that statement that Wei Ying couldn't quite get the words together fast enough. At the back of his mind he was aware he should probably congratulate Lan Zhan on his degree but he was too stunned by the other, more important implications. "You've moved here? For work? All because… Because… You were looking for me?"
"Lan Zhan!" His amazing friend who, for some reason, in spite of having a great new life had been desperate to find him. "But you… But I…"
"Wei Ying," he spoke so, so softly, but with clear intent to stop any protest Wei Ying might have wanted to utter. It worked. Wei Ying's mouth fell shut, taking his friend in with a bright, wide gaze. "I missed you. I have no expectations. I just… missed you."
Warmth spread in Wei Ying's chest over the tender words, like a dying flame rekindled.
"Lan Zhan..." He didn't quite know what to say, oddly touched. "It's how you knew, isn't it? I'm not the only trans person you've met."
"There was a client," Lan Zhan admitted. "They made me think of you. I have wanted to ask you since. I wanted to know if… If I made a mistake."
He didn't specify what mistake he feared being guilty of. He didn't really have to.
For a while Wei Ying just looked at him.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan…" He sighed, a small but genuine smile stealing itself onto his lips. "You… you're something else, you know that?"
Lan Zhan didn't reply, but there was something vulnerable in his expression.
"I missed you too."
Lan Zhan's eyes snapped back to Wei Ying's face, full of naked hope and a surprise so honest and pure that Wei Ying's heartstrings almost snapped. He could accept it. He could accept a friend longing for his company, even as his heart hammered against his chest like it was trying to escape its utter desolation.
"I couldn't have expected you to know something I didn't realize until much later." He hadn't realized there was tension around his friend's eyes until it relaxed.
Wei Ying took him in, his entire appearance and noted that although perfectly poised and immaculately dressed, beneath it all there was an exhaustion, a tension he didn't recognize. He thought about their meeting – the collision of two bodies launched out of their orbit – and everything else Lan Zhan had told him and a question dragged itself on his tongue that refused to be swallowed back in.
"Say, Lan Zhan… Since we are being so honest..." He asked before he could have thought better of it. "Why aren't you in Suzhou yet, for real? You always went home at least two weeks ahead of the festival. Did something happen?"
If there was something happening with Lan Zhan's family… Well, Wei Ying had missed enough opportunities to be a good friend in all the years they had been apart, or even before that. If Lan Zhan wanted to be his friend, Wei Ying was returning that tenfold. A secret for a secret, a truth for a truth.
If Lan Zhan wanted, that was.
For a second Wei Ying wasn't sure, but then the broad shoulders slumped, heaving like a weight was being lifted off them.
"I didn't always intend to go," Lan Zhan admitted. "Brother convinced me at the last moment. I wish he hadn't."
Their eyes met and Wei Ying felt a sudden heat spread through his cheeks at the intensity of Lan Zhan's gaze. He didn't take the bait, waiting patiently instead.
"I came out to my uncle. After the bar." Lan Zhan's gaze fell to the ground again, and Wei Ying already knew what he was about to say, aching dread settling painfully in his chest. "He did not… react well. He tried to set me up immediately afterwards."
"Aw man..." Wei Ying tried to sound both gentle and sympathetic without being too pitying. In his experience that never helped. "Yeah, I get that you didn't want to go home after that."
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded, but said no more.
"Was she at least pretty?" Wei Ying tried to joke, unable to bear that forlorn expression on Lan Zhan's face and incapable of thinking of anything better to cheer his friend up. It would have been easy in the past, but now, with years containing entire lifetimes between them he didn't know anymore how to make Lan Zhan laugh.
But then Lan Zhan's lips twitched a little, so maybe not all was lost.
"Luo Qingyang," he answered, like Wei Ying was supposed to know the vaguely familiar name. Lan Zhan responded to his confused frown with his own and went on to explain. "You were in the drama club together. She was… Juliet. To your Romeo."
Very few guys had been in the drama club at that time, so Wei Ying had usually gotten the main male protagonist. He had loved it. It had been one of the reasons why he had joined the drama club in the first place. His co-star in all of that...
"Mianmian!" He exclaimed, eyes bright with delight. "It's been ages since I've last…"...Seen her. Seen anyone, he didn't say, schooled his expression and laughed instead. "I can't believe they tried to set you up with Mianmian! How is she?"
"Mn," Lan Zhan made a small sound out agreement that amused Wei Ying, before he answered. "She is well. Studying. Also law. She will take the bar next year."
"All of you are so smart…" Wei Ying chuckled, fond with more memories. "You know I made out with her once?" He promptly laughed at Lan Zhan's expression. "Relax, it wasn't as good as with you."
Their eyes met again and Wei Ying saw something like hope spark in Lan Zhan's eyes, which…
Wei Ying stopped. He let his gaze wander around, collecting his thoughts. He startled as he realized he was almost home, the agonizing minutes he usually needed reduced to nothing in the presence of his friend. The ache that had gnawed at his limbs earlier had all but disappeared, replaced by a longing ache in his heart.
"Lan Zhan," he found himself speaking without the input of his mind. "You said you liked me, so you should know… I don't intend to have surgery." He saw Lan Zhan open his mouth, probably to assure him once more of his pure intentions, which Wei Ying didn't need to hear. "I know, I know, you have no expectations, and I'm not saying we have to, but… My feelings for you never changed. I still like you, but I'm also… I'm a man Lan Zhan, but I'm not adjusting my body. Not to that degree."
"Is it a financial issue?" Lan Zhan asked after a pause and Wei Ying cut him off before he could continue with something ridiculous like an offer to pay.
"It's… not not about money, but…" He thought for a moment about how to say what he wanted to say. "Regardless of that, I refuse to go through all the legal hoops that this government would demand of me, like I'm supposed to beg them just to be who I am. And... Besides that…" He took a deep breath. "I think I'd like to have another child."
"Another…" There was a strangled sound, which he ignored, forcing himself to voice what he'd been struggling to put into words for a while now.
"I want to give it one more try. Voluntarily," Wei Ying found it difficult to say, despite the thought of a baby in his arms filling him with a warmth he wouldn't have expected mere years ago. "With someone I actually like this time."
"This time." There was something very wrong with the tone of Lan Zhan's voice, and as Wei Ying looked up at him, realization hit him with the force of a freight train.
"Oh! Oh no!" Lan Zhan's eyes were akin to saucers, and Wei Ying vaguely thought he had never seen his friend express shock so openly. "Fuck, I'm so dumb! Of course you don't know! How would you know?!"
Of course that very same moment, before Lan Zhan had any chance of collecting himself, a cheerful shout echoed through the street in an all too familiar, youthful voice. "BABA!!!"
Wei Ying winced. In the way life usually was – his life in particular – before Wei Ying could come up with a single word of explanation, there was the flurry of movement, and a warmth enveloping his leg – the better one.
"Baba, baba, you're home!"
Wei Ying's eyes fell down to the source of the excited noise to have two mischievous gray eyes reflected back at him. An unbidden smile spread on his face.
"A-Yuan!" He shifted around a little until he could safely run his fingers through the child's hair, even as he was keenly aware of the man next to him. "Have you been waiting for me?"
There was a twinkle and a nod, his very own baby's face beaming up at him with unabashed adoration. A tiny hand wrapped itself around his wrist and just like that the last of the day's stress fell away. He looked back at Lan Zhan. It was difficult to describe the expression his friend was giving him, frozen with disbelief, shock and something too close to horror, as his mind seemed to be rearranging and reevaluating every piece of information known to him. Finding no point in delaying the inevitable, Wei Ying braced himself and went for it.
"Lan Zhan, this is a-Yuan. He's mine. Gave birth to him and all." He made a point to smile, although Lan Zhan's expression remained unchanged. Deciding to give him the space he needed to get himself together, Wei Ying turned his attention back to his child. "A-Yuan, this is Lan Zhan. He's an old friend of mine from school. Want to introduce yourself?"
"Hello!" A-Yuan said before Wei Ying even finished the sentence. "I'm a-Yuan and I'm already four years old! I like butterflies and bunnies! Baba gave me Radish and a coloring book for my birthday. I was four last month! I love my baba bestest! But I love xiao-shushu und Qing-guma and granny and uncle Shi lotsa too!"
It was an altogether perfect introduction, and Wei Ying felt pride and love thrumming through his heart with a strength he hadn't believed to be possible. He watched the mental math behind Lan Zhan's eyes, a complicated expression spreading on his friend's face. He decided to give him another moment to complete the mental calculations and focused on something else that a-Yuan had reminded him of.
"Speaking of, where's your xiao-shushu?" Wei Ying looked around, then with growing suspicion back at the child still wrapped around his leg. "Did you ditch him again?"
Mischief spread on a-Yuan's face as he hid in Wei Ying's thigh.
"A-Yuan." Wei Ying narrowed his eyes at him, gently scolding. "We've talked about this. No walking around on your own. What if something happened?"
"But I'm with you," came the simple answer. "I have to help you walk. You said! To help you walk I have to take your hand. I saw you and gege wasn't holding your hand, so I came to help."
"Ah, so filial, a-Yuan…" Wei Ying looked up to the skies, silently begging the heavens for strength while fighting a ferocious blush. This child of his was as much a blessing as he was a huge trouble. The best kind of trouble, if Wei Ying was honest.
He was still busy trying to change his smile into something more stern, when as if on cue the uncle in question appeared around the corner, calling for his nephew, looking just as frantic as Wei Ying expected him to be. He waited for Wen Ning's eyes to find them, before he looked back down at a-Yuan.
"See how worried Wen Ning is? You can't do this, a-Yuan." The child's expression fell. "Go tell him you're alright and apologize for running away."
A-Yuan didn't waste a single second, rocketing towards his uncle with an excited call.
With his child safe in the most dependable arms that there were, Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan again. His friend's eyes were closed, face pulled into a tight expression, lips pressed into a thin line, all of which told him what conclusion Lan Zhan had reached.
"It was part of the reason," Wei Ying said, because he knew Lan Zhan would never ask and he wanted his friend to know. "But it wasn't all of it."
Lan Zhan's eyes opened, his look agonized but not pitying, Wei Ying realized.
"There were many things going on," he said. "It was all so fucked up… I knew I couldn't keep him, and somehow I figured… Might as well go together. In the end we both survived, funny that."
"The father. The father is…" Lan Zhan trailed off, couldn't bring himself to say the name, but he didn't have to. Just as Wei Ying didn't have to answer other than with a rueful smile. After all, there was only one option. Lan Zhan drew a deep breath. "Was it… Did he…"
Here too, Wei Ying knew what he was asking, felt it like the edge of a knife against his skin.
"I don't want to talk about it." He swallowed, a prickling at the corners of his eyelids. "Not yet, at least. I'll tell you the story another time."
Lan Zhan nodded. Worried his jaw. Wei Ying waited.
"Was that why you… left?" His voice was so quiet that if Wei Ying wasn't paying attention, he probably wouldn't have noticed he had said anything at all.
"To put it in the words of aunt Yu, whores aren't welcome under her roof. She threatened to leave uncle Jiang, if he kept supporting me. It's fine," he added quickly when he saw Lan Zhan's face darkening. "Uncle Jiang gave me the trust fund he had for me, which wasn't little, I have a job and I get some aid from the government too. There's also granny's pension and everyone else is working. You don't have to worry, Lan Zhan, we get by."
Lan Zhan looked like he wanted to say something cutting, but luckily they were interrupted by Wen Ning joining them, a-Yuan in his arms. He was probably getting too big for that, but he knew first hand that Wen Ning could lift a full-sized adult without breaking a sweat so he wasn't very worried for either of them.
"Wei-ge, welcome home," Wen Ning greeted him. His eyes wandered to Lan Zhan for a brief moment, then to Wei Ying's hands which were still scraped. "Is everything alright?"
"More than!" Wei Ying ignored the look, grinning and watched a-Yuan beam at him. "Everything's perfect, look who I met in town! You remember Lan Zhan, right? He was in the same class with Wen Qing. Turns out he works here!"
Wei Ying managed to say all of that in one breath before he even realized he was doing it, yet consciously leaving out the bar and without bothering to detail exactly how the 'bumping' went down. Wen Ning took it all in, then gave Lan Zhan a polite smile, his dark eyes meeting Lan Zhan's squarely.
"I know of Lan-xianbei," he said slowly, cautiously polite, before his expression settled into a smile and he inclined his head in greeting. "We've never met officially."
There was a brief round of long overdue introductions, which Wei Ying was happy to ignore in favor of watching a-Yuan grow increasingly fascinated with Lan Zhan. It etched the lines around Wei Ying's smile deeper into his features, in a way he hasn't felt for a long time.
"A-Yuan." he couldn't help but pinch one of the chubby cheeks, after a little shifting of weight. "You keep looking at Lan Zhan like that, he'll think you like him."
"Pretty gege," was all a-Yuan had to say to that, a smile splitting his face, while Lan Zhan's ears turned red. Wei Ying laughed, alight with surprise that the one tell-tale sign of his shyness still remained. Lan Zhan was looking at a-Yuan with increasing curiosity, that pained line from earlier disappearing from his features, slowly replaced by wonder instead.
Wei Ying only looked away when he felt a tiny finger poke at his cheek, angling his head towards a-Yuan to listen to whatever secret his son wanted to share.
"Will pretty gege stay for dinner?" A-Yuan whispered through his hands, causing a complicated set of feelings to run through Wei Ying's chest.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but Lan-shushu can't stay." Wei Ying mock pouted at his son. "He has a flight to catch later."
"Why?" A-Yuan asked, as he did all the time.
"He has to visit his family," Wei Ying answered.
"Oh…" A-Yuan's face fell. There was no doubt in Wei Ying's mind had the answer been anything else, he would have kept asking, but if there was one word a-Yuan understood better than anyone, it was 'family'. It didn't mean he liked it. "But… But I heard! I heard that we will have a party tonight! I cleaned my room, and I did a picture for teacher, and helped granny bake! I was the bestest and uncle said I could stay up extra long tonight 'cause then baba would live forever!"
"I didn't say forever," Wen Ning corrected him timidly, but neither of them paid attention to him, the poor soul. A-Yuan only heard what he wanted to hear, and Wei Ying was too busy making sure his heart didn't burst. He still sometimes couldn't quite believe how much he loved this child.
"Me too." It came unexpectedly from beside him, and when Wei Ying turned to look he found Lan Zhan looking almost as surprised as he felt. "I mean, I also usually stay up longer on Chuxi."
A-Yuan's smile eclipsed the sun. Lan Zhan returned it with an expression so impossibly soft that Wei Ying's heart almost did burst then.
"Pretty gege can stay, and his family can come too, and I will draw everyone a picture!" A-Yuan all but vibrated with bare excitement that Wei Ying felt bad that he had to chide him.
"A-Yuan, do we tell people what they can and can't do, or do we ask?" He had picked the gentlest way possible, but his son still hid his face in his uncle's neck, utterly dejected.
To be fair, Lan Zhan looked rather stricken himself. It was adorable to watch and Wei Ying… Wei Ying knew that no matter whatever feelings he might be harboring, he only came as a set with his son. There was no possible way of heaping that responsibility on another person from the get go, on top of everything else, and yet. And yet. Lan Zhan was regarding a-Yuan with such fondness that it did strange things to Wei Ying's heart, and just like that courage bloomed in Wei Ying's chest.
"How about a compromise? Lan Zhan," he asked carefully. "You still have a few hours left until you have to be at the airport, don't you? Would you… Would you like to come inside?"
"Yes, yes, yes! Please, pretty gege, pretty please." A-Yuan loved the idea, immediately reaching his arms out in silent demand to be held. Wei Ying could only watch as Wen Ning oh so carefully leaned forward and tightened his hold so that a-Yuan could safely launch himself into Lan Zhan's open, waiting arms. He bet Lan Zhan hadn't even noticed how he held them out in a response that had seemed completely automatic.
"A-Yuan," Wei Ying reprimanded him gently, doing everything he could to ignore the adorable pout that pressed into Lan Zhan's shoulder. It was difficult to do with his heart singing like that.
"I would hate to intrude," Lan Zhan replied hesitantly, his eyes not leaving a-Yuan for a second and Wei Ying felt his heart constrict.
"I don't think anyone would mind," Wen Ning said, smiling gently.
"It won't be an issue, Lan Zhan, really." Their eyes met. "We still have a lot to… catch up on."
There was a spark that darkened Lan Zhan's eyes briefly, something heavy settling in the air between the two of them. Chance had brought Lan Zhan back into his life, and Wei Ying wanted to hold on. In any way he was allowed to. As long as he was allowed to.
"And you could meet… You could meet my family." Warmth spread deep in Wei Ying's chest as the word 'family' echoed in his mind, before he added in a whisper. "If you like."
"Wei Ying…" Finally, after what felt like an entire eternity, Lan Zhan spoke, the softest of smiles spreading on his face, gentle as the first rays of the sun on a misty morning. "I would very much love to meet your family."
"Great!" Wei Ying felt the smile split his face from one ear to another and amidst the cheers of his child that echoed the ones in his heart and started towards the door that Wen Ning held open for him. "Come on in then! Let's give everyone the shock of their life that I brought home such a handsome man!"
"Wei Ying…" It was spoken as a reprimand but it sounded like a chuckle.
"Hi, handsome! You're Lan Zhan, right? I've heard all about you!" Somewhere in his memory a cheerful voice greeted the most beautiful youth that there ever was. "I'm Wei Wuxian. I'll let you call me Wei Ying."
The door fell shut to the sound of Wei Ying's laugh.
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pandakinskin · 4 years
C-PTSD - My story
I have been quiet for many years on this account. There is a particular reason for that, and unfortunately it will take me some time to come to terms with it.
In 2018, my best friend decided to make a callout post about me and many other people. I was facing some terrible clinical depression, so I couldn’t reach out to my friends. I had just came home from an outing with my family, and I had just checked my phone before I was heading to bed. My now ex-friend tagged me in the post, calling me out for neglecting her needs as a friend and told me to off myself for not caring about her. When I arrived at school the next day, one of the girls at school who was also on the post confronted by ex-best friend about it to ask her what happened. Instead she was greeted with a massive slap on her face, and was in tears the whole class session (~2 hours) and long after our lunch break. I didn’t want to confront my ex-friend again, and spent most of the rest of my high school in fear of running in with her.
I later came out to my friends in 2018, and my boyfriend, that I was trans. Thankfully that didn’t change much of that dynamic.
In 2019, I was diagnosed with clinical social anxiety and depression. I had taken therapy for about 6 months before my mom took me out of it saying “you seem to be doing just fine.” My mom had sat with me and my therapist the whole session, every session. So I often stayed quiet in fear of venting about my mom.
I came out to my family in October of 2019 as a trans man, though now my family looks back on it as me trying to change myself for my friends rather than a way of true self expression. My brother threatened to burn my pride flag during that month, and both he and my mother still get livid when the topic is brought up. My dad still confidently misgenders me and deadnames me.
January 2020, on MLK day I was put into a mental hospital due to suicidal ideation. I was forced to stay a full week, and spent two weeks after off from school to heal. During one of those weeks, my parents met with my boyfriend and his parents for lunch. They dragged me along as well. The reason for meeting up was for all the adults to yell at my boyfriend for not trying hard enough in the relationship. The whole time they misgendered me, which caused me to meltdown and run out of the resteraunt. My parents convinced themselves it was because I got a slap of reality about how terrible my boyfriend was. We were no longer allowed to meet up without supervision from then on out.
I graduated high school in 2020. I was attending group therapy 6 days a week, and spent a lot of time sitting at home as covid was on the rise. As time passed, my boyfriend became extremely distant. Though it had been a problem before that he rarely put time aside for me, he let his video game addiction overcome him. I had not been contacted by my friends in three months when September rolled around, and I had not reached out to them. In fear of them rejecting me, I blocked them first so I wouldn’t have to go through the same trouble as I did my sophmore year of highschool.
I was now left with my oldest friend, and my boyfriend. It had been stable for a little while, until a message popped on my phone I didn’t realize would appear. I won’t write it out here, though my oldest friend (by about 4 years) had messaged me that he would be comfortable doing something very intimate with me. It made me realize he was grooming me, and I quickly blocked him on every account I had at the time. My boyfriend was angry with himself for noticing that behavior before, and didn’t do anything before I noticed it.
October 2020 came. I broke up with my boyfriend because he wouldn’t get out of his addiction. We promised we’d still be friends, and that we would try to talk regularly. We didn’t talk at all, so I briefly blocked him in December. I reached out to a friend that I had blocked in August, and said I’ve been feeling suicidal since the breakup. He told me that I should have been more considerate of my boyfriend, and that I should stop thinking so selfishly about our relationship. He told me it was selfish for blocking everyone, that I hurt all of those people from my actions, and that I needed to stop blaming other people for my problems. I tried taking it to heart, and said I still was thinking of harming myself. He told me to man up and just go ahead and do it if I was so confident I was (knowing how I’m a coward of death). It triggered a meltdown and I blocked him again.
In January 2021, I was sent a letter by his older sister wanting something of hers back that my boyfriend had given to me. I messaged my ex asking why he didn’t reach out first, and he explained that she wanted it back more than he did, so he didn’t reach out. Also he came out to me saying that he is now a she, that my ex boyfriend was now my ex girlfriend. She said she was very happy I showed her the world of being trans, and coming out had been so easy for her. Now she’s getting constant friend requests on video games, and her friends and family are very accepting. She was wondering if my family dynamic had gotten better since she was out of the picture, and when I told her no she just shrugged it off.
Things still ring in my head from that conversation. She said “I hope you learn from our relationship and bring it on to your next one,” and “I feel socially fulfilled, so much so I don’t feel like I need a relationship anymore.” It made me feel sick. After some time, I now realize that she was trying to live through me rather than view me as a separate person. As trans people tend to do with crushes, we wish we were those “crushes” rather than be in a relationship with them. With her feeling exactly that with me, she trying forcing herself to live through me.
I returned her sisters belongings in their mailbox, and I went home. It was the end of all the relationships and family I had grown and developed. I now have one last friend, though they just so happen to be someone from group therapy and the hospital. Though we try our best to help eachother, my story has not gotten better. My grandfather passed away, and my dad is now taking on the personality of my grandfather. He holds me by the shoulders to kiss me so that I stop moving away, tells me how I should go outside more often so he could see me happy again, and has been hanging out with a lot of straight white men who happen to be Trump supporters. My mother is a hoarder, and is so clinically depressed I have to take care of her whenever I see her. My brother refuses to get help for his ADHD, and still is very agressive when he talks to me.
I want to end and say things get better. Though they haven’t just yet... I hope this really is the end of this uncontrollable string.
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theexecutionerssong · 4 years
I know you don't like talking about it anymore so it's totally fine if you ignore this but II was just curious if youre still watching the new SkamFR season and if yes what you think of it? Like i said no pressure to answer though
Hey. Do you follow me on twitter or is this totally unprompted? Heads up if you’re enjoying the new season, don’t read this.
I’m still watching. I hate most of it. I don’t like that they chose Tiff as main when they had a plethora of other characters to chose from that were not the cis white rich bully. I don’t like that they picked her because she was the antagonist and because they wanted to show “where she was coming from”. So far we have seen... nothing. Her mom is terrible yes. But I hate what I call the Severus Snape trope, the “the abused will become the abuser” trope. As if it gives them an excuse. It’s wrong, it’s not true, it’s harmful and an insult to abuse survivors.
I hate that the mif welcomed her with opened arms and that Lola was made to be the bad guy when she (rightfully) express her concerns. Maybe I’m biased because I’ve been the recipient of online harassment. But to me, Tiff embodies the 800+ asks I still have in my inbox of the people who bullied me and that I can’t bring myself to delete. And I keep thinking of how I would react if my closest friends suddenly welcomed and freaking toasted to them. And my mind comes up blank. Because there is no way my friends would do that. It’s unthinkable. I don’t understand how people who call themselves her family could do that. Jo saying that they could be more tolerant was downright cruel to me. Tiff saying to Lola that they could switch lives if she thought hers was perfect was so wrong. It’s not a competition of who has had the most shitty life and weaponizing her pregnancy like this was disgusting.
You know, I’m all for forgiveness, moving on, learning from past mistakes - though what Tiff did in the past is not a mere mistake but life altering harmful bullying. But before today, she never apologized to Lola. She said she didn’t want to be that girl anymore and that she had changed but how? When? She never sat down with Lola and said “what I did is unforgivable and I will try to be a better person and I hope we can move past it, but I understand if you can’t”. And today’s clip was a joke, it made me sick. They laughed it off, they made it seem like it was nothing to worry about.
As long as that conversation doesn’t happen, I cannot feel an ounce of compassion for Tiff. And it’s now pretty clear that conversation will never happen. I see her with her baby and I feel nothing. I see her crying and I feel nothing. I see her with Max and I feel nothing. I wanted more Max, but not like this. (Also did not like the scene when she asked about his deadname. unnecessary and pure cis-gaze).
And it’s disappointing. I’ve never been on board the Skam France hate train. I blocked the tag on here because I couldn’t stand to see the shit posts 24/7. I wanted to enjoy this season and the new writers team. Dark humor is not my thing but I thought maybe if the rest was well written, it’d be okay, but it’s too much. Maybe it hits too close to home but I can’t. The self harm, the vomiting, the insomnia, the constant self doubt, I know it all, and there is no way downplaying the consequences of bullying like they do can be acceptable.
I was still watching because I had hopes there’d be an actual conversation with Lola but there wasn’t and after today it seems obvious there will not be. The acting is good, I like the new characters, I want to see more of them but not like this. I also have friends who worked on the new seasons and it’s killing me that I can’t enjoy their hard work and that I can’t tell them I’m loving it. I wanted to keep watching for them but it’s useless. So I’m gonna stop watching now. There is no use in putting myself through more of this.
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