#he doesn't know how to seperate those feelings
wrioluvr · 5 months
flirty playboy x mature male reader
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this stupid ass meme had been on my mind forever and i realised how funny it would be to have a slutty playboy who just sleeps with anyone to seriously pine over a more mature, secure guy who doesn't fall for any of his shallow charms and tricks.... here are just some blurbs of their dynamic (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
his name is roman. he's a little toxic, but he just wants to be loved.
cw: some smut, top male reader
it all started with a little night out. you didn't do those often, due to devoting most of your time towards work and earning a stable career, but finishing this particularly gruelling assignment called for a celebration. at the bar, dancing with your friends, a good-looking man with a playful glint in his eyes approached you full of bravado. he told you how handsome you were, and had been eyeing you from across the room for a while now. but from a single glance, you could tell he was the type to break hearts. beach-blonde dyed hair, a tight fitting tank top revealing his muscular build, an eyebrow piercing, the way his mouth curled up so subtly into a little smirk.... he was everything you knew to avoid getting serious with. but a little hookup couldn't hurt, right? you deserved a little fun.
and it didn't hurt you at all. a few failed relationships had made you wise beyond your years, knowing to easily seperate the good guys from the bad. you knew your self-worth. roman, on the other hand, was absolutely smitten. no other man had fucked him THIS good, gave him such gentle aftercare, and even let him stay as long as he needed. the way you so effortlessly lifted his legs up to thrust in and out of him at a rhythmic pace, or fondling his tits and squeezing his nipples softly while you hit it from the back, or tenderly running your fingers down his spine, arching it sensually.... he loved it all. it was clear to him that you prioritised his pleasure as much as your own, and it showed in how he orgasmed several times before you even came in him once, panting breathlessly while wearing the sluttiest expression of his life. it was nothing like any of the men he had sex with before. afterwards, you let him stay the night in a guest room, and even brewed a cup of coffee for him in the morning.
roman was damn near tears when you offered to drop him off at his house before you headed off to work. if he was being honest with himself, his insecurities were the root of his constant need for sexual intimacy, so being treated with genuine kindness for once was new to him.
"is dropping you off here alright?" you ask, turning into the road of his apartment complex.
"y-yeah...." he looks out the window, unsure how to look you in the eyes.
"okay. thanks for last night. stay safe." your words carried an air of finality to them, like you were so sure the two of you would never cross paths again. he didn't like that.
"uh, uh......" he stuttered, all his usual flirtatiousness thrown out the window as he couldn't meet your gaze. "could i... get your number?"
your friendly smile froze on your face. "uhhhh.... sorry, i'm not really looking for anything serious right now."
he quickly regained his composure, charm turned up to the max. shifting his tank top so more of his chest was exposed and you could notice his nipples protruding, roman whispered in a low tone, "that's okay! we can just be casual... and fuck anytime you like." a wink. a hand on your thigh.
"jeez... okay, no offense, but i've heard rumours from my friends that you're a bit of a... playboy. i'm not interested in being your toy, sorry."
roman's face flushed in embarrassment, knowing what you said was true. except the part on him seeing you as a toy. that was untrue. he could feel a warmth growing from the pit of his stomach at the thought of spending more time with you. were these... butterflies?
maybe begging would work.
"okay fine, i am a bit of a player... but please, please, pleaseeeeeee.... let's be in contact, okay? as friends?" roman sniffled pathetically, shaking your shoulder in desperation. he needed to be in your presence. why weren't his usual maneating tactics working?!?!
"alright. here you go. just don't spam me or anything, okay? i gotta go for work. see you." you sigh, a little exasperated but choosing not to let it show. he immediately lit up, typing your number in his contacts and saving many hearts next to your name. you prayed your acts of basic human decency wouldn't cause him to catch feelings. you needed to focus on your job right now.
i know you said not to spam you but like
i miss u
can we meet up at the bar for drinks or something like that? please?
you check the messages on your phone, rolling your eyes and ignoring them. he was probably sending this text to at least three other guys right now. he had a history of cheating, based on what you heard from your friends. you weren't going to be another one of his victims.
are u ignoring me?
im sorryyyyyyyy
pls hit me back when ur free
7.30 pm
sorry, just got off work. will be super busy this week, so not free. mb.
oh, its okay! next week then?
i'll see
this went on for a few weeks, you constantly evading his invitations, being polite and professional, never too intimate over text. roman was starting to get fed up. he's so used to getting everything he wants, he doesn't know what to do when he actually has to work for the one he desires. he actually hadn't hooked up with anyone since your one night stand, but you didn't believe that.
roman was at his wits' end. he could only think of one final plan to get your attention.
trying to make you jealous.
over the next week, he hooked up with any and everyone he met in the bar, not bothering to keep his slutting around discreet. he wanted you to hear the rumours. he wanted you to feel a sense of unease within your very being. he wanted you to feel possessive. he wanted you, to want him. the whole time, even as he was getting fucked, he could only imagine you caressing him, holding him close, loving him.
his deeds didn't go unnoticed. your friends told you about it, yet you didn't feel anything in the slightest. you were right, after all... he forgot about you within a week and moved on to whichever poor man he would leave high and dry next.
the next time you bumped into him at the bar, roman was his usual, party-loving self, excitedly slinging an arm around you, a drink in hand. his plan had to work, surely? you would be begging to have him back. but yet, when he offhandedly (yet so intentionally) mentioned how much dick he had been getting the past week, anticipating your change in expression, nothing happened. "oh. good for you." was all you said.
he sputtered, flustered by your calm demeanour. didn't you care? at all?! "but.... but.... aren't you jealous? that i've been hooking up with other guys?!"
you stare at him, a genuine quzzical expression plastered across your face. "why would i be? it's not like we're dating or anything. it was just a one time thing."
your words hit like a knife through his heart. he clutched his chest dramatically, a pout forming on his lips. "i'll be faithful! i promise!" his words came out more desperate than he intended. he felt so vulnerable, so naked, yet you were the face of serenity. your unimpressed eyes stared through his soul, as if you were scrutinising his very core. he knew you could heal him, make him feel loved, but he was starting to doubt there was any possibility you would feel the same.
"i'm sure that's what you said to the last guy you cheated on."
i intended for this to be lighthearted but why was it actually kinda depressing tbh
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
18+ mdni; gn!reader + cannibalism (😁)
heian era!sukuna loves breaking humans.
he has no trouble tearing them apart, either with his hands or his words. sometimes even his eyes are enough. humans are but feeble things, mere toys for his entertainment – and you are no different.
kneeling before him as he lounges on his throne, you stare up at him with big, wide eyes. your hands rest on your lap, your back straight as a log. you don't sniffle, nor do you tremble; the only thing that seperates you from the rest of them is the lack of fear. curiosity runs in your veins, mixing with adrenaline as you wait for his command.
that never comes.
sukuna rests his head on his hand, all of his four eyes strained on you while the corners of his lips tug up. it's rather unusual for him to get this much enjoyment out of a human – sure, their screams sound great and their flesh tastes good, but he doesn't love it. it's getting boring, they're all the same.
but the way you're looking at him is... exciting.
you want to do what he tells you but it's not the type of want all the servants share. oh, no – this is something different entirely. sukuna wonders whether you'd say no to him, whether you'd refuse him just for the sake of your own entertainment. your eyes are dark with playfulness – so far from horror, so far from devotion.
(it might be a kind of love nonetheless.)
he sees the twitch of your eyebrow – the tinge of impatiance and it only furthers his interest in you. what kind of a human are you? who are you to show the king anything other than ardor? why are you so comfortable with sitting before him? don't you know what he's capable of?
sukuna picked you himself. you stood in a line of humans with your head up high and your eyes glued forward. and you were nothing special until he and uraume made their way over to you.
you just couldn't help it.
your eyes flicked up to his and your cheek was immediately met with the palm of uraume's hand. a stinging pain bloomed under your skin, crawling further and further over your body as you let your head hang – you bowed and apologized, just the way you're meant to but sukuna saw it.
the smirk on your lips.
no tears, no sobbing. no shame.
oh, you just might be the one to break him instead.
sukuna's heartbeat is steady, his eyes glued to yours as he admires your pretty face. he thinks about how you'd look while crying, while bleeding. but for once, those are not his goals.
this time, he really does just want to play. to push you. to study you. to see what you are made of.
to see what you are.
his one hand raises from the throne and you don't flinch. sukuna reaches out, the tips of his fingers brushing over your plump lips ever-so-gently and you take a second to think about how soft his touch is. though his skin is rough and calloused, scars littered all across it – he handles you like you're made out of glass.
(but he likes breaking things, doesn't he?)
the room is dimly lit with only two big lanters hanging by the door. the dark, golden light dance on your king's face, the shadows caressing his face in a way that's making you jealous.
neither of you have spoken a single word since you walked through the big wooden doors. the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat and the quiet hum that your king lets out when he makes contact with you. it feels... intimate.
he's still leaned back in the throne, his posture relaxed and his legs wide apart, giving you enough room to sit perfectly in the middle of them. you're closer than any of the other toys that have stepped a foot in this room and sukuna knows that if he were to tell you that, you'd beam. something in you would grow and if he's being honest, he wouldn't mind. he wants to see that. deep inside, he wants you to push him, too.
sukuna watches you flutter your eyelashes at him when his index fingers presses past your soft lips and meets the wet and warm inside of your mouth. he feels over your teeth, your sharp canines and lets out a pleased hum. heat takes over your whole body, from your throat to your ears, from the tips of your fingers to your toes. it's all over.
you hollow your cheeks and suck on his digit, letting pride flourish in your chest at the sight of your king's chest rising sharply from the new sensation.
you think about it.
you think about your life. you think about what might come after this.
but none of it matters; do you really want to be another coward? why live at all if you're going to do it in fear? your king is going out of his way to offer you his hand. his body, and you're here contemplating it. he should strike you just for wasting time.
you are different.
sukuna feels your teeth settle between his second and third knuckle and he feels your tongue press up against the underside of the finger. his heart beats a little faster. will you? will you do it? will you take him? the second last more than one, the newly found excitement eating away at the king's intestines.
it wasn't a command. it wasn't.
you want to.
the gift sits heavy on top your awaiting tongue, your saliva coating it in desire. your eyes are dark and your pupils are blown wide, but the look is the same – tempting. playful. sukuna can't tell who's really in control now; is he doing this to you or are you doing it to him? is he doing it to himself or are you doing it to yourself?
and what is it exactly that you're doing in the first place?
pain shoots through sukuna's body, but he can't look away. blood trickles from the corner of your lips as you sink into him. you keep your gaze on him, never letting it sway because you need to watch him. you're feeding off of him in more ways than he even realizes.
iron fills your mouth and paints all your teeth a pretty maroon color. your thighs press together as you lean forward – silently asking for more.
sukuna doesn't care for scars, nor is he a stranger to pain but he should draw the line at pleasuring a human. but you're hungry, so why would he deny you when you're being so good for him?
nobody else has ever treated him this way, always so scared to do wrong by him but here you are – drawing blood from your king as if it's nothing. he feels you pull flesh from his bone and that on it's own is enough for him to know that he wants to keep you.
but when you pull back with your mouth and chin all covered in a mixture of his ichor and your saliva, and when you chew on his skin right there in front of him with a smile on your face... he knows it in his gut. you're the one for him.
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evilminji · 6 months
You know what I would kill to see?
Nedzu, in the Zone.
He IS a registered Hero, after all. He probably gets calls for missions. Failing that, he's still legal allowed to intervene. Like, say, if some poor four year old were losing their shit? Got separated from their mommy, their headache, which has been getting Ochier ALL DAY has finally gotten Really REALLY bad... and they... they just CAN'T! So they melt down.
Whoops. Four year old with portals.
In a crowd.
Luckily he, Mr. Principle, is a "cute" looking sort of Hero. And as an educator, well trained in de-escala-*CRASH!* Some jackass glory chasing young thing, with no care for innocent lives around them, smashes onto the scene. Terrifying the poor child. Which obviously makes their non-existent control WORSE.
Starts throwing the word "villian" around.
Nedzu is going to EAT his license in front of him.
The poor thing is hyperventilating, crying, clinging desperately to Nedzus suit. Things are being flung from portals. Sucked into portals. He's seen no less then 53 SEPERATE dimensions on the other side of those rifts. At least two were to the open void of space.
He narrowly dodges a portal straight into the heart of a volcano. Can feel the blistering heat singe his fur. Alumni from HIS school, at least, have arrived to actually SAVE people. Get the crowd away from the danger zone.
And to think, all he wanted was some tea.
How this MORON doesn't recognize him, he has no idea. His graduates are actively SHOUTING his identity, for heavens sake. Yet the glory hound continues to chase his so called "villians" at the expense of everyone around him.
He's about to throw the boy to a near by police officer, to get to safety, when the worst occurs. The tract of land he was about to push off of disappears beneath them. The boy's mother screams. He activates High Specs, world slowing as his mind rushs. Twisting, he throws the boy high.
The portal closes before he can see if it is Eraserhead or Cementoss who will be the one to catch him. The odds were 68.3% in Eraserhead's favor. He hopes... Aizawa, does so take these things quite hard, he hope he will not blame himself.
There was no way to catch him in time.
He was already gone.
Gravity arrests, slowing to a drifting meander. The air thick with something the burns his sensitive nose. Green. Everything is a very peculiar green. This is not a planets or if it is, it is countless times larger then Earth. A gas giant of some sort? There does not appear to be a horizon.
In the distance, an almost stereotypical spaceship changes destinations. Now aiming right for him. It seems aid might be on the way. With nothing better to do, he waits. They slow to a stop, a hatch opens, and... oh? A young Hero student! Hello there young man! I am Mr. Principle of the illustrious UA!
And just? Danny? Trying to return this small furry alien guy back to his alien hero school? Getting the run around and "hmmmm, let me look that uuuup *takes forever* yeeeeah, soooorry. You're in the wrong department. You'll have to fly like three days to this OTHER department, fill out 260 forms, and dance for our amusement. Byeeeee~"
Like? He just wants to get this guy HOME! Why are you all LIKE THIS!?
All while Nedzu is " :) My, this is FASCINATING. I am learning new things, battling wits, learning new languages, AND guiding a promising young mind towards a future of Better Heroics? Delightful! This is practically a vacation!"
He even stops by the Fentons for dinner. Some fudge. A little light destruction of Goverment branches on the side. Just? A Grand ol adventure of Nedzu.
Danny suffers through bureaucratic hell. But Nedzu? The most mentally stimulated he's been in years. His crops are watered and his fur is groomed. Thriving! New toys!
Then?? He just... shows back up to work.
How did he return? Where has he been?? Who is this glowing green Hero Child groaning face down on his very expensive carpet? *sips tea* wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy! *maniacal Nedzu laughter*
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @spidori
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parkerluvsu · 18 days
the song “diet pepsi” by addison rae is lowkey my guilty pleasure 😔 but maybe you can write something with art inspired by the lyrics :3
“when we drive in your car, i’m your baby/ losing all my innocence in the backseat”
diet pepsi (art donaldson x fem! reader)
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my boys a winner, he loves the game/my lips reflect off his cross-gold chain
youre not ashamed, you know art can see you leaning forward in your seat, even wearing sunglasses he can tell that your eyes linger on his v-line when he lifts up his shirt to wipe his face. he doesn't mind it though, how could he complain about his gorgeous girlfriend oogling him from the stands. arts head always whips toward you when he wins, looking for a wide smile on your face. the moment he steps off the court you're jumping into his arms, letting him twirl you around and kiss you passionately, letting the adrenaline do the talking for him.
i like the way he's telling me/my ass looks good in these ripped blue jeans
arts a sucker for you. if anyone asked him what his weakness is he'd respond quickly with "my girlfriend". you always have to hold back your giggles when his mouth drops open as you step out of your apartment for your date, the fabric of your blue jeans hugging your curves just right. he snaps out of his stupor to open the car door for you, placing his usual hand on your thigh as he drives. before you enter the restaurant he'd chosen for your date, he leans down to whisper in your ear " your ass looks good in those jeans"
my cheeks are red like berries in spring/bodies a work of art you'd diet to see
you blush, your face heating up as you sit down at your table for dinner, the red of your cheeks visible even in the low light of the restaurant. art almost doesn't even have the mental capacity to order food, his eyes stuck on the way your skin glimmers from the candlelight, longing to reach out and touch you.
untouched, xo/young lust, lets- (ah)
most people would make fun of art for how hard he's fallen for you, saying that he doesn't know what love is, he's only in his first year of college, but he disagrees, the love he feels for you rivals anything he's ever seen in a romance movie. you bring him back to reality by holding his hand over the table, squeezing it lightly. "you wanna get out of here?" art asks, and you giggle, sensing his eagerness to be near you once again, not seperated by a stupid dinner table. art pays for the meal, leading you out of the restaurant with a hand on the small of your back.
when we drive in your car, im your baby (so sweet)/losing all my innocence in the backseat
the parking lot is empty when you get there, thank goodness, although you doubt that anyone could see in through the foggy windows, but they could probably tell what was going on by the rocking of the car. arts hips pressed against yours, his feet planted on the floor of the car, balancing you on his lap. his slender fingers hiking up your dress, the warm palms of his hands pressed against your hips, almost as warm and comforting as his lips on yours. your head tips back onto the headrest, allowing him access to the panes of your neck, the soft skin making him lick his lips in anticipation. he hopes the marks he leaves behind will stay, scaring off admirers so he can keep you all to himself. art almost feels bad, seeing you squeeze your eyes closed in pain when he presses the flared tip of his cock into you. the way you always have a hard time taking him makes him feel like his taking your innocence, like your body is trying to stay pure. nevertheless, he's in love with you, and the way you always suck him right inside, squeezing so tight that it's hard for him to pull out. he's so sweet though, rocking your hips for you, cooing sweet nothings into your ear, encouraging you that no ones gonna see you, the parking lots empty. art would never admit it to himself, he's not a slut like patrick, but he can't deny the twitch of his cock when he thinks that anyone could find you here, and figure out what he was doing, the cute tennis player, always lagging behind his friends and not speaking unless spoken to, is fucking his girlfriend in the backseat of his jeep. when art cums, he makes sure that you pull your panties up right away, "i want to keep being inside you" he says, as if he could feel your pussy while not being inside you, just because his cum is there. when he drops you off at your place, he takes great pride in seeing a drop of white running between your thighs.. maybe he's more like patrick than he thought.. <3
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amourtoken · 2 months
I will be the brave soldier that tackles this concept that others may be too afraid to tackle 🫡
I was gonna do one big post for the whole group but the Noah part took over so I'll split it into individual parts for you. Here's some stepbro Noah for you 💀
Anyway let's get into it I feel like im virtually stalling lol. Apologies if this is insanely long it may or may not be the longest thing I've ever written so forgive me if it's rambley or not that great.
CW: stepcest, mean/annoying ass Noah, oral (M receiving), dacryphilia, choking, spit, belly bulge, raw sex, facials, squirting, fingering, nipple play, mentions of breeding, Dom Noah ftw always, oral fixation, slapping (just in general, face and pussy yk), and if I missed any others pls let me know
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
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♡ The day Noah moved in to your dad's house was the worst day of your life unbeknownst to you at the time. He seemed tolerable at first but it took zero time for him to become a raging asshole that lived to torment you it seemed. He always blasts music late at night, is constantly yelling while playing video games with those obnoxious ass friends of his that like to come over and somehow act even more unbearable and he has the audacity to walk around YOUR house like he owns the place when he's only been here for a few months. What a cunt.
♡ Noah loves teasing you as well. He's got a couple years on you and is SUBSTANTIALLY larger than you so somewhere in the back of his mind he feels like you're easy to manipulate and manhandle the shit out of cause he's older, bigger, stronger, ect. He likes the way your voice pitches up in a yelp when he walks by and smacks your ass hard enough to bruise, he couldn't resist, not while you had those little shorts on. He also doesn't think twice abt it being "weird" or anything, he really doesn't even see you as a relative at this point, you're both grown and you've known eachother for like 6 months at the most. The fact his mom wanted to bang your dad has no effect on his life aside from the fact he had to up and move to your city.
♡ every time your parents give you two the house alone, it usually goes one of two ways. Either Noah invites those previously mentioned friends over and you get to listen to them practicing new songs in your living room until your head throbs from the volume or Noah invites some random tinder girl over to fuck half to death while you get the pleasure of listening to it through the thin wall that seperates your rooms. You've done everything to muffle the noise, but the incessant rhythmic slamming of his headboard right against the wall is similar to water torture. If you didn't care about privacy (unlike him, he frequently throws your bedroom door open while you're changing or walks in on you fresh out of the shower) you'd storm into his room and tell him to shut the fuck up but unfortunately you're a nicer person than he is so you suffer for a while longer.
♡ you end up confronting him the next night while he's on a game with his friends (again being eye twitching levels of loud and annoying). You had the decency to knock but when he opens the door he's got his hair tied up halfway, shirtless, and shorts sitting so fucking low on his hips you can see the light trail of hair that runs up his lower stomach to his navel. You hate that he's your type because shouldn't that be weird? He's your step brother, that has to be weird right?
"Yknow if you take a picture it'll last longer, right? My eyes are up here."
♡ Noah apparently clocked your staring and he has this stupid smug grin on his face that you hate. Ultimately how can he be upset for you staring at him when his eyes are always glued to your tits or ass whenever he has the chance?? He has no shame. It's not that he's upset at you, but he knows deep down you're fighting something he gave into ages ago, and he's got you wrapped around his finger whether you like it or not. You can't stand him, or is it that you want to hate him so you don't have to admit your other feelings?
"Can I help you or are you just gonna keep staring at my cock? I'm kinda fucking busy."
♡ he's always been this brash and it still somehow shocks you every time. You hate he's not really wrong, you wouldn't have been looking if his dick didn't leave a scarily large print in those shorts he was wearing. No wonder all those girls he brings over are so fucking loud. You didn't realize you still hadn't said what you came over to say, it felt like your voice was trapped in your throat especially when you looked up at him and those pretty brown eyes of his. God you fucking hate him, you hate that you're jealous of everyone that gets to spend time with him and all of those girls he's brought over to fuck and never say a word to again. He's an asshole but fuck if he isn't a pretty one. You feel like this is wrong but everything about him is wrong so what's new.
"If you want a taste you can just ask."
"Come on baby don't act like you don't think about me how I think about you. I've heard you playing with that little pussy and whining my name before, so you can't really fake hating me now, huh?"
♡ you're literally standing in his doorway dumbfounded at this point. He knew? Oh.
"Bet I could fuck that uptight attitude out of you. Maybe that's all you need, some good dick."
He shifts from where he's leaning against the doorframe to palm himself through his shorts and your heart feels like it's actually trying to escape your ribcage. Is this even real??? You came over here to bitch at him for being a loud inconsiderate asshole and he's trying to fuck you? Why doesn't he feel like this is wrong, why don't you feel like this is wrong? Why do you have this childish crush on your literal stepbrother? You feel dizzy. Noah has you right where he wants you though, he's been onto you the whole time and he could've just been nicer to you but who doesn't love a good hatefuck? He figured if he broke you down enough he could build you back up into the perfect little in home cock sleeve he knew you really wanted to be. He's fucking gross I need him but he's not wrong, is he?
♡ your eyes flit down from his eyes to his hand that's wrapped around his clothed cock again and you thought your knees would give out. How does that even fit inside anyone?? No wonder his dates sound like they're in a slasher film, they probably feel like they're getting split down the middle. You don't have much more time to think cause he's pulling you into his room and forcing you onto your knees in front of him.
"You're so much nicer when you're not bitching at me for fucking everything. Always wanted to fuck that pretty mouth of yours anyway, can't talk with your mouth full can you?"
Noah laces a large tattooed hand through the hair at the back of your head and you wince at the sting. You feel like your brain is just empty now, honestly this whole thing feels so much like a dream you're not fully convinced it's real, that you're actually letting your stepbrother smear precum on your lips with the tip of his big cock. It's even more threatening when it's not straining against his shorts, the tip is a pretty pink and there's a big thick vein running up the underside. You can't even fit your hand around it entirely, and you're so wet over it you're sure you can see through your pajama pants.
♡ you do as you're told and Noah tugs your hair a little more to angle your head back. He's clouded up your brain so much you barely react when he spits directly onto your tongue, reaching to smear the mess around with 2 of his long fingers. You're looking up at him with big puppy eyes that water pathetically when he slides those two fingers down your throat, thrusting them in and out deeper each time to see how well you take him. He laughs when you gag and your eyes water as he sinks his fingers as deep as he can get them, you're such a fucking mess it's pathetic but that's exactly what's making his cock twitch. You're exactly how he needs you.
"gonna be a good girl for me? Let me fuck your throat and maybe I'll make you cum after if you're good."
you squeeze your thighs together to try and get some friction when he slaps his cock on your tongue, he's so fucking heavy and thick you really don't know how he expects to fit anywhere in your body let alone your mouth. Regardless, you try. You reach up to brace your hands on his tattooed thighs and focus on kissing and licking all over the tip, looking up at him when you wrap your lips around it to see his head fall back in a deep sigh. Sure he's gotten head before but something about this situation just makes him so much harder. The hand in your hair tightens and he slowly starts thrusting into your mouth, shallow at first but as you start taking more of him and it gets messy, he starts going much harder.
♡ Noah's fucking your throat so hard you have fat tears spilling down your cheeks, you're trying so hard to take him well but when he sinks in to the hilt and holds you there until you're clawing at this thighs and whimpering around his cock cause you can't breathe you can't help but pull away to catch it.
"God you're such a fucking slut."
He punctuates the phrase by landing a slap on your cheek. Not hard enough to really hurt you but definitely enough to sting. Normally you'd be upset but right now? Fuck you're almost begging him to do it again.
Once you catch your breath you open your mouth expectantly and he's right back to it. This time he has both hands tangled up in your hair while he's fucking your throat. Thank God no one's home cause he's not even trying to be a little quiet, deep moans and growls freely flowing from his mouth. You can't help but feel a little proud of yourself, normally you don't hear him make much noise when he's fucking whoever he's brought over but he's being pretty damn vocal right now. You can tell he's close by the way his thrusts falter and right before he cums he pulls out to paint your face. Whatever doesn't land on your tongue he gathers with his fingers and makes you suck them clean.
♡ you'd think he'd need a while to get hard again but no, he honestly didn't ever stop in the first place. Noah's dragging you up off the floor and nearly ripping your shorts down your legs and shirt off your torso immediately, he's seen you naked on "accident" but now that he really gets to look at you and feel you, fuck it's so much nicer. He steps back to admire your bare form but he can't go 3 seconds without teasing you. He runs his hands up your body to massage your tits and tease your nipples, pinching and playing with them until you're whimpering and teary eyed again.
He "apologizes" by leaning down and laving his tongue over the sensitive skin, making you arch against him and you can literally feel him smiling against your skin. He doesn't pull away before leaving a few dark hickeys on the underside of your tits, admiring his work after.
You don't get much of a break for long before he's picking you up and tossing you onto his bed. You can't help but notice it's neatly made (or was) before he drags your attention back to him by slapping his tip right against your clit, making you yelp. Apparently he liked your reaction cause he did it again, this time with his hand instead and with a little more force. Your voice broke into a whimper as he started rubbing circles on your clit with his fingers to ease the sting from the slap. He's mean but he still wants you to feel good.
"Can you say please? I wanna hear you beg for my cock before I give it to you, gotta know you really want it."
that smug look returns when his name and various pleads spill from your lips while he's sliding his fingers through the slick mess at your entrance, spreading the wetness around and dipping into you just enough to feel how tight you are around his fingers. He's reeling over the thought of how tight you'll be around his cock.
♡ like I said he's mean but he still wants you to feel good, he knows you need some kind of prep before he gets to fuck you. His free hand is slowly stroking his cock while the other is teasing your entrance, gauging your reaction. He starts with just one finger but quickly ends up fucking 3 into you, watching your back arch pathetically off the bed while he curls his fingers right up against that spot inside you that makes black spots flood your vision. You're squeezing his fingers so tight he knows you're close. The hand on his cock comes up to play with your clit and you feel like there's a literal fire lit in your belly.
"Gonna cum for me baby? It's okay, you can. Just let me make you feel good, need you see you fall apart for me."
Your legs are shaking, you're panting and squirming. It really feels like too much and right before you cum you're begging and pleading Noah to slow down cause it's just too much but he doesn't, if anything he's picking up the pace. The sound of your wetness is almost as loud as your moans for him and it only gets worse when that coil in your belly snaps and you nearly scream. You're arching off the bed and clawing at anything you can grab, you've cum before on your own but you've never felt anything this intense and sure as hell never made yourself squirt so this is a first. Noah is elated, his forearm and sheets are fucking drenched but he couldn't care less about the mess he's achingly hard at the fact he got you to squirt at all.
Noah reaches up and makes you clean your mess off his fingers, sliding them down your throat again just to feel you gag around them.
You're so sensitive and your brain is so fuzzy you can barely hold your head up, your chest rising and falling quickly while Noah sizes his length up against your tummy and groans at your size difference. His tip lands right below your navel, fuck, he's gonna demolish you. He's practically dripping like a faucet at this point and can't wait to be inside you, he's wanted this since you two fucking met. Noah leans over you to spit directly on your pussy before spreading it around with his tip and prodding at your slit, he's not even inside and you're whimpering about the stretch just from him resting against you.
"Can I hear you say please one more time, baby?"
♡ you enthusiastically answer, pleading for him to just fuck you and he takes the chance gladly. You knew the stretch was gonna be a lot but fuck when he actually sank balls deep your whole body ached. You were so fucking full it was unreal. You thought he couldn't get deeper but he crawled over you to push your knees up next to your ears and the moan you produced was pornographic. His tip was pressed right against your cervix and every time he thrust into you he knocked against it, it was painful at first but once the initial sting of the stretch wore off you've never felt better.
You swore you could feel him in your stomach he was so deep, and the sound of his hips smacking against yours was filthy. There was that familiar sound of his headboard hitting your shared wall but thankfully this time you weren't annoyed by it, if anything it drove you further.
Noah's moans started out deep in his chest but as he got closer they pitched up almost into whines, he was bucking his hips into yours like an animal in heat and his nails were sinking into your hips hard enough to bruise. He only leaned back a bit to wrap a hand around your throat and squeeze, cutting your moans and whimpers into pathetic strangled sounds.
"F-fuck- fuck fuck- 'm gonna cum- so fucking hard- tell me you want it- fuck, tell me you want me to fill this pretty pussy up-"
Youd never seen or heard him so disheveled but fuck if it wasn't hot. You didn't hesitate to beg for him to cum inside you, it made his head spin at the thought. God this was wrong but he couldn't help but imagine how pretty you'd look carrying his kid either. Noah pulled back just enough to have you in normal missionary, you wondered why but when he pressed his hand on your lower stomach you figured it out pretty quick. He could feel exactly where he was inside you and was rutting against his hand through you like you were nothing more than a toy. He only stopped so he could grab your hand and have you feel as well. His dick made a noticeable bulge in your belly every time he thrust into you, and it only made you ache at the thought. He really was ruining you for anyone else.
♡ Noah slid a hand between your bodies to tease your clit while he picked up the pace of his own sloppy thrusts. He was gonna cum but he needed you to cum with him. The hand on your throat absentmindedly tightened and you were seeing black spots flood your vision already but when he sank as deep as he could possibly get and whimpered as he came you couldn't stop yourself from toppling over the same edge. You thought you'd never cum so hard in your life earlier but now? This was really it. You sank your nails into his arm hard enough to draw blood while you convulsed under him, breaking into sobs of his name while he ground his hips into yours.
Noah pulling out left you with a horrible emptiness and you almost begged him to stay for just a bit longer. He was considering it himself but his thoughts were cut short when you both heard the front door downstairs open.
Noah nearly threw you out of bed, scrambling to pull his shorts back on. Your clothes were strewn everywhere and you didn't have time to hunt for them so you picked up the first shirt you could find off his floor and put it on before racing back to your own room. Thank God you made it quick cause Noah's cum was still dripping down your thighs.
*also just saw the rb but tagging @somebodyllelse cause I almost forgot 😭
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flmer · 1 year
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★ oh no! it's the baby apocalypse! (2) ┊ wc:
content: talks of baby stuff, crackfic?
pairings: idia & malleus x gn!reader. (seperated)
note! I finally did the part 2! although the last part would be Kalim and Jamil.. This was stuck in my drafts and I just noticed now. part 1
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idia is the type of dad to spoil his child since he doesn't really know what else to do, he isn't used to saying affectionate words but he does make it up by spending time with the child and spoiling them.
I believe that idia has some experience in handling kids because of ortho so he wouldn't technically be completely clueless about fatherhood. (also there's a chance that he watched those family animes)
when he first saw his child, he froze. he froze like an ice statue because he's in shock like wow?? is that really his baby?? (the baby literally has his fire hair.)
he's awestruck because of how adorable the baby looks and not to mention how cute it is... idia promises that he'd do anything to make his child smile
he spends his free time bonding with his child by watching numerous animes and playing games that's child friendly of course, even though the child could barely talk... but it is quite endearing to hear the nonsensical babble of your child and idia nodding along with whatever they just said as id he understands them.
“I probably won't be able to buy that much merch anymore... unless I make my child enjoy gaming and anime >:) ”
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he would isolate his child without knowing he's isolating his child inside his castle. it was how he was raised but his child won't be completely isolated just protected. malleus wants his child to not have the same childhood like the one he had.
malleus would be king by the time he had a child but that doesn't mean his child would rarely see him, no. malleus grew up without experiencing his mother and father’s presence in his childhood that's why he makes sure his child always sees him. malleus's child would practically be in the throne room playing with toys and malleus's tail and also talking gibberish nonsense with the guards that's stationed in the throne room mostly silver and sebek. the scenario goes like this: malleus on his throne listening to silver and sebek's reports while his eyes sometimes stray to his child and his mouth would twitch and turn upwards- the reason was because his child is now currently munching on silver's long cloak while their hand was occupied with grasping sebek's pants. it was an eandering sight.
the first time he saw his child, he cried. the fearsome dragon fae king was shedding tears like a newborn baby and it was because of the mere sight of his child. when the child first opened their eyes- malleus saw his own striking electric green eyes staring right back at him and that was what made him have a wide smile on his face as his child reaches for his horns with their small closed fists.
lilia sometimes makes sure to visit just so he could spend some time with his precious grandchild, yes, his bangs got burned again by a similar green fire that came out of the mouth of the baby he's holding. malleus saw this happen and his reaction was to chuckle while sebek fretted over lilia's now smoking bangs but lilia only waved him off saying that he's used to it by now, and silver is just standing there with a soft smile on his face.
malleus takes you and his child out every night to walk with him in a forest that malleus used to go to back when he was a child whenever he feels overwhelmed with his feelings. the forest is a beauty with it's thorned vines that seems to wrap around trees, there were also some glowing fairies lingering and lighting the beautiful forest. the forest was the meaning of peace and beauty.
malleus hums a familiar lullaby that he used to sing for you back when you both were still at nrc, his hands caressing you and your child's hair as he wraps his arms around the both of you protectively as if the both of you would disappear out of his arms.
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ellievenus · 10 months
Oral HC’s.
Charas: Neuvillette, Wriothesley. (Seperate) x GN!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. MDNI.
A/N: hi im alive. so much has happened to me tbh but im also still sick rn and i just got out of my uni mid terms so, this was a warmup to get back into things. not proofread, hope u guys still like it tho. ill get to reqs when i can.
He usually likes to be the one pleasuring you, the way you react to his body, the way you shake and cry is so fascinating to watch. He doesn’t mind when you want to suck him off though, not at all.
He loves just sinking into the soft, expensive sheets while he feels like his dick is melting inside your mouth. Your tongue dancing around it, the warm sensation of your mouth burning into his cold sensitive skin, the way you look up at him with your pretty eyes— it’s usually too much and he actually cums the fastest when you’re sucking him off.
Won’t pull on your hair or thrust without asking first, ever. The last thing he wants to do is make this painful for you, even if you like it, he’ll ask for permission with a “May I, love?” and how can you say no to that?
When you first went to his office while he was overworking himself once again and leaving you all alone for hours, you tell him that you know just the way to destress. He first thinks of cakes with a side of tea but you brush the idea off with a chuckle, get under his table and between his thighs. Playing with his zipper, pulling on it your teeth. “May I, love?” You ask, watching him blush a little and sink into his chair, “You may…” he breathes out. No matter how professional he loves to be in ‘working hours’ you’re just irresistible to him.
Oh he loves it. He’s a guy that gets hard and dripping from sucking you off/eating you out and he loves it when you return the favour. Just tell him, doesn't really matter where as long as privacy can be arranged. Those legs will be parted for you as soon as you want.
As I just said, he just likes pleasuring you more orally. You’re stressed? Lay down and let him work his tongue on you. Oh and, he knows how to work it and he knows it. He’s an experienced man in both ways, so whatever you have, he’ll have your legs shaking and your fingers gripping his hair in no time.
He also loves to work his shaft to the sound of your moans and your taste, it’s just his favourite fucking thing ever. The way you moan and writhe just because of his tongue while pushing his head even further down into you? Heaven. Nothing comes close for him.
Don’t think his fingers only work on his own dick though, he’ll work both his tongue and fingers on you most of the time. Loves the way you squeeze around his fingers while cum drips from your already overstimulated sex. He’ll also make sure to kiss you afterwards, making you taste your own cum. He thinks it's hot, you should also see how good you taste so you’ll stop complaining about how he keeps going even after you’ve come already. Your taste is addicting, dangerous really. You got him wrapped around your finger.
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potatobugxo · 6 months
Hey I saw your have requests open and I was wondering if you were willing to write a very fem presenting f!reader who is ace but doesn't really care how she is perceived based on her taste in clothes or the infamous being walked into while changing x Alastor and Lucifer (separate, together or just one of the two. However you like it).
How would they react? I think Al would be ever the gentleman and maybe appreciate that he can just be and live with the body he was given and she would look in his eyes even if he'd be bathing or something (ngl I think bathing together is such a cute thing and I hate that lewd minds ruin the innosence in it and the level of trust and comfort with one's self and another one can gain from it)
Like he is not just some hot piece of ass but a person in her mind no matter how he is presenting himself.
As for Lucifer I think he'd be curious about how she sees those situations as sensual and innocent where everyone else would just jump to sex and maybe find comfort in her view of him.
Or just a very oblivious sweet f!reader with them.
Idk if I make much sense and if you don't want to write it that's perfectly fine. I hope you have a lovely day!
Thank you so much!!!!
i really like the contrast between these two for this idea!! i wasnt sure if you meant them walking in on the reader changing or the reader walking in on them changing (so i went with both sjsjfs) and thank u bby i hope you have a lovely day as well <33 warnings: mentioned nudity (not graphically described) lucifer's part is more suggestive silly
walking in on alastor/lucifer changing & vice versa (seperate)
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you walking in on him changing:
"o-oh! uh! sorry, sweetheart! i didn't, uh, see you there!"
very flustered right off the bat. man was in the middle of putting his pants on when you walked in okay he was not emotionally prepared
you just blink at him widely and then smile, saying, "dinner's ready whenever you're hungry!" before abruptly leaving
f l a b b e r g h a s t e d
lucifer knows your ace but he thought you'd have more of a reaction to seeing him with his lil white booty hanging out
he joins you for dinner later and you make conversation about your day as if you didn't just witness his bare cheeks walking in on you changing:
his wheeze laugh really comes through with this one
"oh, it's okay, luci, i was just getting ready for bed."
he doesn't know what to do, should he cover his eyes and turn his back to be polite?? should he leave?? is he allowed to stare??
you just continue to take your clothes off and put your pajamas on while he's gawking like an idiot trying to think of what he should do
by the time he snaps out of it you're shimmying under the covers and patting the pillow beside you for him to join
it's obviously okay for him to change in front of you now so he does and rolls under the covers beside you
poor guy has a tough time understanding how you can be so innocent, a sweet lil smile on your face as you snuggle up to him with nothing but a shirt on and no ulterior motive
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you walking in on him changing:
he'd be in the middle of removing his dress shirt when you stride into his room
"alastor are you- oh are you getting ready for bed?"
"why, you're right on time my dear! i was just about to take a bath. care to join me?"
you both are asexual you got no problems here 💀
bathtime is something alastor genuinely enjoys with you because he knows you won't feel uncomfortable or make things weird
he loves when you wash his hair for him and he enjoys giving you shoulder rubs
he's content that neither of you are ashamed of your bodies nor ashamed of showing them as there is no sexual motives to any of it
walking in on you changing:
"oh, my apologies my dear!"
he would be strolling into your room while you're slipping into your regular attire for the day
very gentlemanly, and even though he knows you're okay with showing your body around him he's still polite about it and turns on his heel to avert his gaze
"it's okay alastor, it's no problem!"
sometimes if you'll allow him to, he'll assist you as you change, for example pulling your overshirt or coat over your shoulders, or assisting with pulling your boots on
its a sweet way for him to express his affection for you! he needs to treat his lady right after all!
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rubra-wav · 5 months
Hey. Uh, I hope it’s alright if I ask for Adam x GN!Reader? I know he’s not on your characters I’ll write for list but he’s also not crossed out, so
Anyway, could I get a fic of Adam and reader just spending the night together? The only thing I’ll specify is that they live seperately, so either reader or Adam visited each other. And they fall asleep in each other’s arms at the end
Thank you. Hope you have fun writing this one :]
Adam x reader : 'Sleepover Shenanigans'
A/N Yeah, if a character isn't listed I'll write them as long as they aren't in the 'I won't write' section 🙏
I imagine they're watching an Adam Sandler movie even tho that logically doesn't make sense (those would not go to heaven)/hj
CW: SFW, gn!reader, romantic? Ish could be read as either or, reader is also an angel (not an exorcist tho, a winner), fluff with a hint of underlying angst
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You sat down waiting for Adam to come back into the loungeroom, laying back into the plush sofa and passively listening to the sound of him cheering as whatever he was making in the kitchen clearly was a success.
You snickered lightly at the sound of him clattering around and quietly talking to himself the whole way, saying things you couldn't quite hear properly.
Although as an angel Adam shouldn't have been working overtime, he sure had been.
He'd barely swung into your workplace to talk shit like he usually did about everything and everyone to you for the past fortnight.
Although most other winners would be absolutely thrilled that they didn't have to deal with Adam, you didn't feel the same.
He was an asshole, sure. Loud, obnoxious, and overly hard-headed at times, but it was entertaining as hell ironically being around him.
So, needless to say, when he'd ended up inviting you back to his place to hang out after finally coming to your store again as an apology for 'probably bumming you out because it was so boring without him', you'd of course said yes.
You looked up as Adam walked through the doorway finally, holding a giant bowl of nachos and chewing loudly while giving you a thumbs up as he put the bowl on the table.
He clicked his fingers, pointing finger guns at you with a grin. "Let's get this shit on the road." You nodded, scooting to the side a bit as he sat down next to you.
Adam slung his arm lazily over the back of the lounge where you sat back, one of his wings' feathers grazing your arm softly where it was folded at his side.
Through the whole movie, Adam and you just talked about how bad the movie was as it was playing, making jokes and snickering.
It turned out that Adam's taste lay in b grade comedy movies that were so bad in plot it was funnier than the actual comedy within.
The constant unending running commentary from Adam, however, slowed down and, almost by the end of the film, had stopped completely.
You'd hardly noticed that Adam had been leaning up against you more and more as the movie progressed, the arm around the back of the lounge coming to actually wrap around the back of your neck as he pressed his cheek against your shoulder.
Something stupid happened on screen, and you snorted. "What the actual hell was-" You stopped as you turned to Adam, seeing that he was now dead asleep.
Apparently, the overtime had caught up with him. You hadn't much noticed the bags under his eyes when he'd taken off his mask upon greeting you, but you could see them now on his peacefully sleeping face.
You yawned as you turned to look back at the still playing movie, tears beading at the corners of your eyes. Your own sleepiness you'd been shrugging off had hit into you as if brought on seeing him passed out next to you.
It was pretty late.
You figured it would be best if you turned off the movie and got to the hastily set up space on the other lounge you had dubbed as the spot you were sleeping tonight after getting here. Although where you were was comfortable now, it absolutely would not be by the morning.
You picked up the remote from beside Adam, carefully moving to pull yourself out of his grasp in an attempt to not wake him up - only to promptly be pulled even closer to him.
Adam mumbled nonsense in his sleep, pressing his face into your neck before settling again.
You hummed as you once again moved to remove the first man from around you, this time watching said man's yellow eyes crack open tiredly.
"Don't... go. Just stay here.. with.." He mumbled, still obviously half asleep. There was something somewhat sad in his tone as he said it. Something you had never really heard before.
You didn't get a chance to really think about it as you were picked up and then pressed against Adam, laying on top of his chest as he laid back across the lounge.
Strong arms wrapped around you tightly, barring you from leaving as he quickly fell back to sleep under you, all too comforted by your weight on top of him.
You slowly relaxed against him as you realised you weren't getting up again. Not that you much cared to move. He was actually extremely comfortable to lay on.
You pressed your cheek up against his chest, ear above his steadily beating heart, closing your eyes and allowing it to lull you to sleep.
You heard the sound of his wings coming to wrap around you as well, the softness of his golden feathers tickling your skin and adding an extra layer of warmth to the embrace encapsulating you.
He'd surely play it off as you wanting to cuddle him tomorrow, but that didn't much bother you as you drifted off, feeling much more secure and safe than you usually did.
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This had me thinking a lot more about Adam than I have been, and it's probably enough to make a whole headcanon post for him tbh.
I am also SO sorry for how long it's been taking for me to get to stuff bruh, life has been putting me through the ringer a bit lately/lh
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sharkinthetoilet · 2 years
Butters, Kyle,Stan, Kenny and Creek(Craig and Tweek poly all the other 's seperate) x a GN s/o that all of a sudden tickle's them and won't stop, but if they get caught they try to run away
reader who tickles their s/o
gender: neutral
warnings: none! pure fluff
is super duper ticklish
in fact, soft kisses tickle him already
so a lot of things count as tickling
but if you purposefully tickle him it's another story
the second he get's the chance to, he'll try to tickle you back
And tickle you he will
No mercy
He loves to hear you laugh anyways
Not much to say here, but he loves tickle fights
Not very ticklish
Actually there is only one place, where he's ticklish
On his sides, right above his hips
Sometimes when you kiss and accidentally brush your hand there, he'll start laughing into the kiss
Since you found that out, you abused that power
He is generally weak towards you, so often time he won't fight you
If he dows fight you, he doesn't hold back
You can't run, mfer's legs are to long
If he starts to tickle you, there is seemingly no end
Good luck, you'll need it
Isn't ticklish, but loves tickling you
Has no chill
(I talked abt this in my first request ever)
Pins you down to tickle you
Realises how this looks
Get's super duper embarrased
There isn't much to say
He's very easily startled, so getting him off quickly, should be easy
Is also pretty ticklish
Get's all pouty if you tickle him
"But babe, that wasn't fair, you snuck up behind me-"
Takes every chance to tickle you
Also blows on your skin, when you cuddle
Like those super light blows, that tickle a little bit
Knows every place you're ticklish at
You also can't flee
If he gets his hand on you, you're doomed
He isn't forgiving
Because he loves hearing you laugh
Will stop, if he feels like you can't breath
Then you tickle him, therefore, once again not breaking the circle
Tweek isn't ticklish
BUT, craig is
Super ticklish infact
He hates being tickled
He'll be so pissed
Both you and tweek gang up on him
can and will bite your finger
If you turn the tables, though..
Tweek won't save you, sorry
Craig is definitley, even after being torture by you, very careful
Stops when you tell him to
Will occasionally convince tweek to tickle you, if he's the one nearer to you
Tweek is even softer than craig
Both are very sweet, not really good for fair fights
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braxlrose · 1 year
tokio hotel hc with a gn! reader who has insomnia.
like seperate.
Ik people usually think insomnia is just not being able to sleep but it's so much more than that so I hope I did it justice!
th w/ reader who has insomnia
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-bill loves his sleep, so he tries everything to help you sleep too
-he tries to help you get on a good sleep schedule, even if it means missing parties w/ the rest of tokio hotel. he'll get you all wrapped up in a blanket and cuddle you, give you massages, make you tea, whatever he can do to help you
-hes super understanding if you're irritable throughout the day if you didn't get good sleep or any sleep at all. if he knows it's been a pretty bad night, he'll do whatever he can you relax you or try and help you take a nap in the morning
-at night, he'll run you a super soothing bath. Dimmed lights, candles, bubbles, hot water, salts, essential oils, whatever he can do to relax you. and if you even end up falling asleep in the bath he'll make sure to dry you off and tuck you in
-if your insomnia causes you to have depression, he's super sweet with you. I mean he's super sweet with you even if you're not depressed, but he tries to be extra sweet when you are. he's been through depressive episodes before so he can slightly understand where you're coming from and he'll do everything in his power to make you feel loved and safe
-tom didn't really get it at first, he didn't understand why you couldn't just fall asleep until he did some research
-he felt like a total asshole after he realized what you were going through and he tried to figure out things to help you
-he got you one of those weighted/gravity blankets, a night light, he picked you up some melatonin too (even if it only helped you a little bit)
-he tries to make the day as comfortable for you as possible and just wants you to feel better
-he goes to the store to get you uncaffeinated tea for you to drink before you go to bed and got you a super comfortable neck pillow
-like with Bill, if you have depression because of it, he will try and make you feel better. Even if it's just laying with bed with him, no talking, no nothing. Just relaxing together.
-he let's you braid his hair at night when you are super bored.
-if you're overly emotional because of your lack of sleep, he'll hold you in his arms for hours, letting you cry and let out all of your feelings. he wants you to feel okay and whatever he can do to make that happen, he'll do it. even if it means letting you lay in his arms and cry to sleep
-he gets out tons of stuff to give you a massage. He bought lotion and oils and some videos on how to give really good massages. he puts on some calming music and dims the lights so you can relax
-hes super understanding when it comes to your emotions, especially throughout the day so he will keep you away from anybody who will ruin your calmness
-his bed usually only consists of two or three pillows, so when he started dating you he bought tons of super soft new pillows. Like those fluffy big bamboo ones, and like Tom he got you a weighted blanket and stuffed animals too
-if you're in the band and you have to do interviews, he'll wrap his arm around you or hold your hand and help with any questions you need him too if you're too tired to answer
-he tries to cook your favorite foods when you're feeling down and feeds it to you if you don't even want to move
-he goes to stores and buys you cumin seeds because he read somewhere they help induce sleep. he also makes you chamomile tea to sooth you.
-he will talk with you for hours even if he is tired, he doesn't want to leave you to be awake all on your own
-if you fall asleep but then wake up in the middle of the night he'll make you some warm milk to help you relax
-he tells you bedtimes stories at night, or will just make some up when you are in a depressive episode. he will have tyou lay in his lap for however long you want
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @dead-tapes @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam
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chuuyasfanboy · 10 months
hi! may i request hurt to comfort scenarios with dazai, ranpo and chuuya in which it's the first time they make the reader cry during an argument?
yesss hi my first request! I always love reading these kinds of scenarios, they're super angsty but also comforting ykykyk. This is just me but personally I have a really hard time reading hurt no comfort (definitely easy to write it tho hheeeh) so I usually prefer hurt comfort...
Anyways, here we go! I love these three sm<333
Ranpo, Dazai, and Chuuya (Seperate) x GN!Reader when they make you cry in an argument
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Ranpo Edogawa
He should know better
He DOES know better.
But for some reason, he just got so heated that he stopped thinking morally. Some evil part of him deep down inside wanted you to cry
The moment it happens though, everything comes back to him
He said the wrong thing at a HORRIBLY wrong time and he knew he did.
He drops everything, goes straight to petty, simple ways to get you to smile
Free reign to his candies, cuddles galore, constant apologies
His first priority is to stop you from being mad. Once you're calmed down, then you two can talk properly
He knows communication is important, and he tries his best to keep it going even when its embarrassing
Especially when it's about you, like it is now
When your tears have been reduced to nothing but little choked sobs, he pulls you into a separate room
Thankfully, nobody was in the office to see that
If they were, he'd be harassed about it for weeks. And he'd deserve it
But nobody was
Just in case though, he still pulls you into a private room
For your sake, he insists to himself, because he doesn't want you to be seen like this, he knows how bad it feels (And he doesn't want anyone to know it was him who did that to you)
He runs his hands through your hair gently, mumbling out soft, genuine apologies
"I'm so sorry, Sugar.." He whispers into your hair, your face stuffed and hidden away in the crook of his neck. He holds you there, because he doesn't mind it, and he needs you to know that right now. "I didn't mean any of it, I'm so sorry. I knew better than that..."
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Dazai Osamu
"Oh shit-"
His mind goes completely blank, his jaw drops
He didn't mean to bring you to tears, that was never his intention
Honestly, he thought it was a funny joke, he thought it would lighten the argument
But it did not, it most certainly did not.
His arms immediately wrap around your head and pull you close to his chest
He doesn't want you to pull away, not right now
He needs a second to process himself
To think about his words, what about them affected you
"Oh, 'donna.."
Seeing you like this gets to him, because he honest to god feels like a monster now
What kind of beast makes his own lover cry. He never thought it would be him
So he keeps you close, he mumbles into your ear and tries to calm down you
He's not good at it, he never has been, and he never will be
But he's trying so hard he might cry himself
And then you're both in tears together, confused and miserable
Safe to say after that, the argument blows over and is forgotten
Because nothing is more important than each other, and now you're both just trying to figure out why the other is in tears
"I didn't mean it, 'donna, I didn't," it's the fifth time he's said it in the last minute. You know he's sorry, but hell if he's going to stop saying it. He's trying to comfort himself too, promise to himself that he'd never treat you like that again. Even if it was harmless, even if you were just in a bad mood, he never wants to hurt you.
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Chuuya Nakahara
Somehow, this always seemed to happen
After a shitty day at work, and a shitty day for you too.
Usually, you two would just sit in silence, enjoy a movie, and go to bed quietly
But on the few occasions where you two did talk during those frustrating nights, everything cracked
He was so mad, and you were too, you were both so tired
And everything fell into yelling so quickly, quicker than usual
This is why you two didn't talk after shared long days, because of this
But you never cried
You never cried because of him
Not until now
He's almost breathless when he realizes you're choking over your words
He whips around to face you, and for a second it looks like he's going to yell at you more
But instead he's gently wiping your tears away
Because fuck, as perfect as you are regardless, you should never be crying when he's around
When you two got together, he promised you would never cry again
And that was a lie, it seems
You didn't even remember that promise, of course. But he did, because he meant it
This is very serious to him.
He seats you on the couch, tucks a blanket around you, and sits down in front of you on the floor, holding your hands in his
He knows he can't really make up for it. Yelling at you was always a shitty idea, and he should've realized that before every time the two of you devolved into arguments like that
But now the pressure had all come down on your chest, and he was going to keep it from being too much
Your favorite movie or show is on as background noise
Soft kisses on your hands, quiet mumbles in your skin
He's so gentle with you. Maybe it doesn't always seem like that, but he is right now
"My sweet thing, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'll make up for it," his voice is always so harmonic like that, when he's frowning up at you and tracing shapes into the palm of your hand. He's ordering takeout, your favorite comfort or safe food. He'll even cook it himself if you ask, anything to make you feel better right now. There's water to your side, the softest blanket he could find tucked snug around your shoulders. And he's going to stay here with you for as long as you need to forgive him.
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kawareo · 3 months
Have a ramble about my Durge and his issues with sex because why not
TW for mentions of sexual assault and abuse, attempted incest, grooming and mentions of underage stuff; nothing is graphic but it does get dark so please don't read if you don't feel like you're in the right space for it
Strike is a very sexual guy as I'm sure you've had the chance to notice, but honestly, his relationship with sex and sexuality is complicated to a degree that he completely refuses to even acknowledge.
His Urges and Bhaal-given 'Ectasy of Murder' make it practically impossible for him to seperate between his own desires and those of Bhaal. He was way too young when he first got them, practically when he hit puberty, and then he was immediately encouraged to 'explore' and 'experiment' with either corpses, other Bhaalists, or still living victims. Sceleritas was the one to encourage and 'guide' him and Strike stopped feeling sick about the new need that overcame him whenever he killed well. He had to practically gaslight himself into seeing it as a gift from Father, or he would dislike it, and you can't afford to dislike something your god wants when you're his Chosen.
He also doesn't really know how to say no to sex. The way I try to write him is in a similar way of how society expects a cishet guy to always be down to fuck, except it's cranked up to a thousand - he is Bhaal's seed, scion, his breeder - there is no reason for why he would ever want to say no, is there? If you asked him for any reason he could think of for him not wanting to have sex, he genuinely wouldn't known the answer.
He said no once though, only once - when the temple attempted to match him with Orin once they were in their late teens. Orin would've pushed through with it even though she was obviously less than enthusiastic, but Strike was the one to push her away that time. It wasn't the incest aspect of it that turned him off, tbh; that really isn't a value the temple of Bhaal would consider abnormal, but Strike just... Orin was always the only relationship he's had where he never felt like it could turn sexual at any moment - they've bathed together, they slept cuddled up on the same bed, they straddled eachother when beating the shit out of the other and none of it was ever sexual, for either of them. But that was the first time he refused Bhaal's will and also the first time he lied to Him - he made up that he didn't think Bhaal's blood should get even more diluted and defiled than it was in Orin's veins. After that, Orin never forgave him for thinking he was above her (as she interpreted it) and their relationshio only strained more when Strike met Gortash a few years later.
Gortash is a whole other can of worms that I don't think I have to get into right now, but Strike's religious upbringing makes every sign of weakness, such as signs of softness or affection (for an enemy, especially) a sin and having sex reduces the sinfulness of it. Holding hands, kissing? Unforgivable. Intertwining fingers during sex, or cuddling right after while they're both still chasing their breath? Not ideal, but it can happen. Not the worst thing. It's not like he was doing something intimate just for the sake of intimacy, you know?
He's very hypersexual now as an adult because of all the above mentioned things combined, and when I get to Godsbound (my bg3 timeline fic has a name now btw!) He likes to joke and flirt and fuck literally whoever, that doesn't change end after tadpoling, he still has no idea how to be close to anyone without it being sexual but also he is so horrifically touchstarved that he wakes up screaming if he doesn't have a body next to him to hold onto it. I would like to explore how much of an actual issue that is for him, especially when he has forgotten all of the excuses he told himself through the years and the decades of religious fanaticism. But then again, he does tend to push his problems away to 'deal with later', so who knows.
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myloveismineallmine · 9 months
was writing a seperate post about claire + carm and made a comment about how he avoids claire in a way that does not give a "infatuated, but nervous about how she sees him" vibes, but rather in a "treats their relationship as if it is a chore he wants to get done quickly" way. And then i fucking realized? that all of their dates ARE CHORES???
WALK WITH ME HERE...... where do they meet? at the grocery store. going to get groceries is what? a chore/errand.
their next date. that rude ass phone call. she asks (except she doesnt really ask?) him to help her mom move furniture. which is a WHAT? a chore!
he calls claire up and asks her to drive him to send mail. because at this point he's like ok i guess we do errands together? and those are our dates? yet another chore.
they go to the party after sending mail. this is the closest thing to a date and may seem like an outlier but i can stretch far enough to make it work. because the purpose claire gives to him for them to go is to take care of her friend who just got broken up with. as someone who personally has to do a lot of it, i would call this kind of thing emotional labor. which is a chore btw.
and lastly, the dinner. the "romantic" dinner. where carmy cooks claire dinner because she hints at wanting someone to cook for her. once more i will ask you: what is cooking dinner classified as? you know it, say it with me now- A CHORE.
no movies, no (other) restaurants, no picnics, no real date activities. just chores. which perfectly sums up how carmy perceives spending time with claire, it seems. also falls in line with how people tell carmy he should be with claire, because it's like people telling you you should do your chores. you agree, you probably should, but it doesn't make you really excited to go do it or anything.
i have another part of my song analysis that relates HEAVY to this that i will probably do next. honestly i think with that in addition to this, it's gonna be the final nail in the coffin for this relationship in terms of what it represents. hopefully none of you guys beat me to the punch on what that is, because i feel like even this makes it fairly obvious.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
you make me want Rin so bad….. I’m so unwell about him shut up PLEASE for the sake of my sanity….. (don’t actually tho….) he gets all shy afterwards??? really???? 😣 any time you say “peace and love on planet earth” on a post it is the craziest most diabolical shit. absolutely not peace and love it is chaos and torment in horny hell
i really want to study him in a lab so i cant help but write for him in the horniest of ways
i dont think he ever truly gets over that feeling though over the course of your relationship though later on he can be the teensiest bit smug.
to me rin sees sex as solely intimacy and not an instinct driven thing so its both very seperate from his sense of egoism and very much related. a lot of rins character arc is about learning how to not only hone his intuition but to really sharpen his instinct and "lose" himself in the feeling od playing soccer.
his whole metaphor about destruction is more appropriately about letting himself be enraptured and possessed by the spirit of the game. if you watch hq its similar to tsukis arc and it's also why sae is such a dick to him about using sae as his reason for soccer.
essentially, rin is very prideful about appearances when he plays soccer. thats his ego. but he can't become a good player if he's not willing to show the worst of him to the sport.
I SAY ALL OF THAT TO SAY: sex, for rin, is separate from his sense of egoism. it's a form of intimacy, a way of companionship - and one of the only separating lines from friend to partner.
so sex for rin is all about instinct. it's why he can't fully be domineering though he makes a great submissive, because while he can feel self-conscious, he loses himself in the pleasure and euphoria of connecting with you so wholly. the experience is almost religious.
the reason he gets so SHY after fucking your brains out is because you have basically seen him at his most raw and sincere. him holding you, fucking you, letting himself indulge in something so physical it borders on caveman is the most vulnerable he's ever been in his life.
and you don't particularly know that. you don't understand because how could you? that part of rin is an enigma even to himself. but rin knows it more, knows that by agreeing to fuck you he's letting you meet a part of him he rarely shows anyway
of course he's a little shy about that. it might always be marriage. it's why he doesn't lay a hand on you and feels embarrassed when he gets those inclinations towards.
yes yes he's horny and finds you hot but most importantly, he wants you to look at him and feel good. he wants to feel good with. there's nothing so sacred yk
once again tho... peace and love on planet earth
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v4mpgutz · 9 months
can u do smth where ethan buys reader a promise ring pls 🥹 ur fics are amazing 💜
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Paper Rings, Ethan Landry [ ONESHOT ]
— i like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings
non-gf ethan landry x gn reader -> dating
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note: THIS REQUEST AHHH i've been waiting to base a fic off of this song for a while i kiss ur head and i'm glad you enjoy my fics !!
warnings ! — none, just a whole lot of tooth-rotting fluff! + reader doesn't have a specified gender but this was written with an afab reader in mind — nothing points to this fact though ! :)
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you and ethan hadn't been together for all that long, a year and a half at most. it took him a while to comprehend the depth of his feelings for you and it was really scary for him.
growing up having been pressured to constantly be as good as or better than his older brother really messed with his head. he constantly had doubts that he wouldn't be good enough for you and that you deserved someone better — someone that wasn't him.
over the course of the first few weeks you and ethan had actually been together, there was cute little dates, hand-holding, giggling into little (sometimes awkward) kisses and him trying to get a grasp on his feelings.
majority of the time he couldn't quite put a finger on what emotions he was feeling. sometimes he thought he was angry when he was really just sad, sometimes he thought he was anxious when he was actually excited.
with you, though? he'd never understood an emotion so clearly in his life.
his heart was filled with love for you, that he knew. love so pure and soft and gentle that it felt like almost nothing could tarnish it. you made him understand himself better — you encouraged him when he would beat himself up over bad grades, you loved him; and he loved you too.
that was precisely the reason why he found himself buying you a promise ring. he'd seen you eyeing a specific one each time you shopped together and you'd talked about promise rings to him a few times.
originally, he didn't know how to feel about those because what if it jinxed your relationship? what if you ended up splitting off and going your seperate ways?
however, after a few weeks just spent thinking it over — all up in his head about it; he decided he wanted to get you one. it'd be a surprise, of course.
one night he had your hand next to his, a measuring tape over the width of both of your fingers. he acted like he was simply comparing handsizes, laughing when you pointed out that he was measuring the wrong way.
"oh, you're right, baby," he chuckled but made a mental note of the size of your left ring finger.
the next time you went to the mall together he kissed your cheek gently before pulling his hand away from yours. "i'll be back, angel," he told you, "just need to go to the bathroom."
you nodded and sat on a bench in the food court, mindlessly scrolling on your phone as you waited for him.
he made sure you weren't looking before he snuck off to the jewellery store, wanting to be as quick as possible so you wouldn't get suspicious. as soon as he was being served, he told the employee the exact ring and size.
it was made to be, it seemed, when the older woman told him that was the last of that ring in that size they had in stock.
he smiled brightly and thanked the woman, paying (quite a hefty price) and slipping the little box into his pocket. he'd get a matching one for himself later, he thought.
when you'd both gotten back to your apartment (which pretty much belonged to the both of you now), he'd sat down with you on the sofa. he kissed your hands gently and pulled you into his chest, the two of you sitting there together in silence for a few minutes — just in eachother's company.
he felt his stomach bubbling up with nerves but pushed them back down. nothing was going to ruin this moment. he cleared his throat to which you perked up, pulling away from him to look into his eyes.
"i don't know much about how to do these things without being awkward," he mumbled as his eyes looked anywhere but at you.
"i wanted this to be special and i know that it's been hard... dealing with me and all, but now i know that i can trust you. i really feel like.. like you understand me better than anyone else ever has before and i can confidently say that i love you."
he took a shaky breath, a smile plastering itself onto his face.
"i know we're still young but i truly think i want to spend the rest of my life with you," he went on as your eyes widened in fear somewhat. "th— this isn't a proposal!" he quickly reassured you, to which you calmed.
he pulled the box out of his pocket and presented the ring to you, "not a proposal — but a promise that one day, there will be one."
he watched as your eyes lit up, tears gathering along your waterline as you let out a choked sob with a smile. you hugged him tight and took the ring, holding it tenderly in your hands.
ethan watched as you slipped it onto your left ring finger, kissing his cheek and then his lips.
"thank you so much, eth. it's beautiful, i love you."
the brunette-haired boy looked away, bashful before turning back to you and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "there's honestly nothing i wouldn't do for you."
you admired the ring before glancing at his own left hand, "where's yours?" you asked with a frown.
he laughed awkwardly and chewed his bottom lip, "didn't have the money to get it but i knew i had to get yours today."
ethan looked up, confused as he saw you get up from the couch and heard the jingle of your keys. "where are you going?" he asked, his brows furrowed.
"we're going to get your half of the promise."
your boyfriend simply stared at you, a puzzled look on his face. "i don't have enough money though? i just said that."
you smiled at him, eyes squinted slightly, "i'm buying it. promises are fifty-fifty."
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i loved writing this sm omg
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