#he just got a lil too excited with everything going on he didn't mean any harm by it please let him out 😭
emp-blast · 1 year
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he got banned for typing /gamemode c
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
My favorite thing about Simon Riley (at least how he is in my head ya know) is that he's either on top of it like he knows you better than anyone else-
It was just a regular Friday night, you had been out with some friends and probably drank a bit too much for anyone's comfort, so with a sigh of defeat you called your boyfriend (who you had pinkie promised you wouldn't need to call, because you are a mature, well adjusted, adult) It was late but not very so the phone only rang once before he picked up.
"Good evenin princess."
"Si?" your voice was a bit rasped and the lingering sob in the back of your throat didn't help your case, a cryer is what your friends called your more drunken state, "I...Lil too much."
A pause and you hear the jingle of his keys, "Ten minutes. Stay on the phone with me, yeah?"
"Mkay, is' cold outside."
"Why are you outside, baby?"
"Ji-Jill got an uber- said-said I couldn't come. an-and the bar sai-said I can't go back inside...they were so mean."
"Fuckin Jillian-" You hear him mutter and then his voice goes back to its regular level, "Baby I want you to go back to the bar and tell them that I'm gonna be there to pick you up in a minute, is's snowin out here."
A short pause, "And I know the guy at the door scares you but I need you to be my strong girl and go back inside, yeah?"
Or its just, he's oblivious until the very end-
You were currently running a hundred-and-two fever, your muscles ached and everything in you screamed at you to sit down and take a nap. However, your boyfriend just got back from deployment and you were determined to make sure everything was perfect for him. And, thus far, it was- you put on some makeup to make yourself look alive and you just resigned to not speaking a lot, or eating. He didn't seem to notice, about forty hours back into being home and everything was perfect! Aside from the lingering feeling you may just drop dead at any moment.
So at that moment, you sat on the sofa with him, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your hot skin covered by your hoodie and the hood of it pulled over to hide your face as you had aptly nuzzled into his side. You felt like death.
Yet in Simon's mind he thought you were just being a blushing school girl, excited about his return and a bit flustered by it. Until he dipped his head down to press a kiss against your forehead.
"The fuck?" He muttered as he moved his hand to your forehead and tugged down the hood to look at you, "Why're so hot?"
You gulp down and shrug your shoulders, "Jus little sick. 'M okay."
"Girly- your skin is burnin up." "Okay?" "How...have you bee' sick this 'tire time?"
"Really feel fine-"
A pause and you look down, "Only little bit."
(annnyway thats it <333 comments and all that jazz make my day)
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faeflowerz · 1 year
The First Years Crushing on their Upperclassman (PT 1)
I think it'd be cute. Besides, the first years are absolutely adorable and I would die for them. I would. They're honestly my favorite group bc of how well they play off of each other.
Warnings: Characters thirsting for people older than them, Me thirsting for anime boys in general
Characters: Deuce, Ace, Jack
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Deuce having a crush on his upperclassmen would be pretty adorable. He's already fidgety around girls so when he's got a crush on someone, it will show. He remembers how it happened. Deuce was running late for homeroom and crashed into you, sending all your stuff scattering to the floor. He's apologizing over and over again as he helped you pick everything up. Then, he bowed and you giggled. Deuce is so serious sometimes and you find it cute. You patted his head, letting your hand linger just a bit as you considered how soft his silky hair is. "It's fine, sweetie."
From there, he's a mess any time he interacts with you. Sweaty, blushy, tongue tied, the works. You'd think it was a romance anime with the way he's acting.
"U-uh, senpai, I w-wanted to ask if...you could tutor me sometime? I mean...well..."
"Senpai! I g-got this from the Mystery Shop! You don't have to accept it if...huh? You will?"
"If...you're not busy...I have a track meet after school...if you'd like to come..."
Yes, our usually bold n brash recovering delinquent is really into you. And you stand there smiling and waiting patiently for him to make it through his sentences. You've started to crush on him too, actually. He's always so passionate and earnest and admittedly, you had been checking him out long before you officially met. It's Deuce that confesses first, but he blurts it out as if he'd explode if he didn't.
Ace is shameless with his crush on Senpai. We expect nothing less from him. His boyish charm is insanely attractive and it carries him for the most part. Light brushes of your arm, winking at you and some other stuff I'm sure he asked his brother for advice on. He's had a gf before so this should be easy, right? Right?
HAH! His senpai is going to make him work for it. You volley back a lot of his flirting, and when you're unexpectedly playing the same game, he's speechless. Your touches linger, you get into his personal space, you talk to him like he's a clumsily little boy. It's all maddening and exciting to him.
"Ace, you know better than to talk to me like that. Did you talk to your lil girlfriend that way too?" You purr softly as you tug lightly on his tie. Now, he's blushing so hard that his heart tattoo nearly matches the rest of his face. Personally, I hc that ADeuce are into older people/attractive to older people respectively. Like I said, their boyish personalities are just too fuckin cute.
Ah, anyways, Ace is speechless and it's you who finally confesses. He's your new pet and training him is the best part of your relationship.
Jack crushes on his upperclassmen and it's literally puppy love. He thinks the way you carry yourself is inspirational. You breeze through the school with your head held high and secretly, Jack thinks youre cooler than Leona. When you brush past him once, he's particularly interested in the way you smell. I think he's into scents. He's gotta be. Anyway, if it's shampoo, cologne or just your natural body, Jack is really really into it. So much so that he knows where you are pretty often. Sometimes he follows you or his tail wags when he's doing something else. Like, literally you turn the corner before he comes into the hallway and his ears are alert and he's sniffing the air. Very low key about it though.
So the period goes fine until you're listening to instructions. Jack's by your side and Vargas is going on and on. You're bored to tears until you feel something twhap twhap twhapping on your butt. You nearly jump out of your skin until you realize that nobody's behind you. Is it a ghost? They like to bother people during gym the most.
He must get closer to you. The scant scent trails aren't enough. When you officially meet, its through a crossover class for PE. You're not abysmal, but having a good buddy for the period would be essential. Before you can assess who you want, Jack is awkwardly standing next to you. "Do you...need a partner?" And when you say yes, you see his eyes light up. Was he...surprised that you agreed?
Until you subtly glance behind you. Jack's tail is hitting you! Its so fucking cute that you stifle a laugh. He heard you and it clicks that he was thumping your ass. Once Vargas shuts up, Jack is trying to find a way to apologize to you but you stopped him. "It's alright, I'm not upset. Besides, it makes me happy to see you excited. You like being around me, don't you?"
"...Yeah...I kind of do..." when you reach out to pat his head, he's surprised and extremely flustered. "H-huh?!"
"You're such a good boy, Jack. I like being around you too." From there, you seal the deal even though he sort of confesses first.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 3 months
If you're taking requests, I love Drayton (favorite Dragon boy) and as a Fairy trainer, I'm super curious what the romantic (and friend) dynamics would be with him. So, I guess I'm asking for Drayton x Fairy reader content? 😅🩷
This gives me opposites attract vibes. The sweet Fairy type dynamic compared to Drayton being Drayton is a vibe I can get behind!
Pixie Wings | Drayton x Reader (Fairy specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After growing up together traveling the unnova region side by side; when Drayton moved away to blueberry academy, he felt a small part of him was left behind. But fate seemed to have other ideas when a familiar face shows up to brighten his day.
Warnings: Lots of fluff with a little bit of Lacey hate
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers for The Indigo Disk Ending
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Why is Alcremie so cute? Like look at that lil guy, lil buddy so happy to be here 💗
Today was the day, the day you would travel to the blueberry academy. The school upon the sea! For the longest time, you had spent all of your time inside a stupid office building of a school. So when one of your closest friends and yourself both received letters of enrolment to the school; the stars aligned again! Though that didn’t stop the waves of nerves rushing over you. Seems you weren’t the only one feeling them, either.
Sitting on the plane, the nerves settled deeper and deeper in your gut as the mixture of excitement and dread flooded your every thought. Questions rolling around like the ocean tide below you, covering your mind like a cloud does the sun.
“What's got you so quiet?” A voice piped up from your side, “Nerves getting the better of you?”
With a deep sigh, you scrunch your noise, fingers placed on the bridge of it. “Sorry, sorry, I just keep thinking about everything that's going to happen when we arrive. I've never gone to a place like this. Sylveon was acting up all morning too, she isn’t much of a flying fan.”
“I get that, Mimikyu is the same, I can feel his ball shaking in my pocket.” A laugh escaped the both of you as the small talk wafted the clouds away from your mind. “I know you are going to be fine! You're the best damn fairy type trainer I know, and I know a lot of them! I went to a prep school for two years. You don’t get more fairy type than a blonde teen obsessed with make up.”
“That is very true.” The smile on your lips grew bigger as you leaned back into the plane seat, looking out the window to see your destination below. “I wish I could tell Drayton about this…”
“I know…”
Time went by quickly. Upon arriving at the school, a fellow Fairy type user gave you a tour of the building and the terrarium to boot. Teaching you all about the BB League and the other clubs around the school. A nice bonding session as well with your mutual feelings on fairy type Pokémon. She was nice, her outfit was cute too, though there was something you didn't quite get along with about Lacey. “And that about sums it up! To recap, the terrarium is split into four sections, the savannah biome is where the school entrance is! If you are a battler, the BB league is located inside to the right of the stairs. The elite four bases are spread out throughout the terrarium. Be careful when you go for the dragon trial, he, um, tends to get a little full of himself. Nothing new though. Just be advised to not fuel his ego any more than it already is.”
“Will do, thank you again for this. We look forward to seeing you at the trials!” You pipe up, disregarding the comment she made about her ‘friend’. With a small wave, Lacey spun on her heel and headed off for the coastal biome.
“Well, that was something.” Your friend piped up, trying not to laugh about how awkward that last part was. “Considering she calls everyone in the BB league club her friend, the way she speaks about the Dragon elite four members says otherwise. I mean she didn’t even use his name? How can we go off of toothpaste for a name?”
“I don’t know, but I'm sure we’ll meet him. Who knows, maybe it's a sibling rivalry sort of thing between them. Kinda felt like it to me.” You question, attempting to come up with any reason she may have been particularly pokey about one member and not the rest.
The sound of a poke ball stopped your conversation dead in its tracks. Your Archaludon had decided he was bored with the conversation and wanted attention now. Sylveon may have been your first Pokémon, but Archaludon held a special place in your heart; being the only reminder of Drayton you had. It was his Duraladon after all, a parting gift he gave you. It may not have been a fairy type, but that didn’t stop you from putting a fairy tera on it. Just for argument's sake.
Sitting down on a random rock, you quietly feed Archaludon a poffin, keeping him entertained whilst your friend rummages through her bag, finally zipping it back up once she was happy with whatever she did. “Well, I'm a head inside. Lacey describing the science club got me all giddy. Joltik agrees with me.” A small chirp followed your friend's voice as her tiny joltik popped out from her hood. How you didn’t notice it this whole time is beyond you. With a silent wave, you watch her walk into the distance. You weren’t alone for long though
“Two new students in one day and no one told me!?” A voice chimed up from along the beach. A boy, taller than others you had seen during the tour. His hair was spiked up at the front in one big swoop, kind of like, toothpaste. Just like Lacey had said. Though you could only see the back of him. From his outfit, he definitely fits the bill of dragon trainer. 
That's when it hit you. Something about that hair seemed so familiar to you, and it hit you like a tauros. “Do my eyes deceive me!? Drayton? Drayton!! I can’t believe it!”
His neck snapped so fast, it was a surprise he didn’t give himself whiplash. The sound of your voice being music to his ears. Seems his feet began moving on their own; he didn’t even register he was moving till he was already hugging you tighter than a mousehold. “How are you here? What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that!” You respond, wrapping your arms around him tighter, still trying to comprehend the fact he really was there with you. “You moved to the other side of Unova!”
Drayton’s laugh coated your ears, causing your already beaming smile to brighten even more. “Well I didn’t say exactly where, probably should have mentioned the ocean school part huh.”
“Yeah, I've missed you so much, Drayton. Things just haven't been the same without your lively presence.” He had no response to that, only a simple hum as he moved away from you, his hands on your shoulders, a smile on his face. 
That's when your entire team all decided to join Archaludon outside. Sylveon comes out first, running around Drayton’s legs, her blue coat fluffing up with every pass she makes. Your Archaludon was already watching the scene, if it had a tail it would be wagging. The sight of his old trainer and his current trainer looking so happy made the bridge happier than a yamper. Vanilla Alcremi came out not long after Sylveon, doing a little happy dance alongside your Hattereen. Silently your white florges admired the situation, being the newest of the team she simply watched, enjoying the reunion that was unfolding.
“Seems you were not the only one who missed me!” Drayton chuckled, running his hand along Archaludon’s side.
“Would seem that way. When Lacey described you earlier, you were not the person I pictured.” You admitted thinking back to what Lacey said.
Drayton smiled and pulled you into his side to allow the Archaludon to nuzzle into him, his arm around your shoulder. “Ah don’t pay Lacey any mind, she isn’t too fond of my fighting style, she thinks my attitude is unprofessional. Her words, not mine.”
“Well I think your fighting style is great, even if I can beat you no problem.” A cocky grin painted on your face, teasing him.
“Oh is that so!? How about we put that to the test, then?” Drayton offered his signature smirk appearing
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Hi! I was wondering if I can request the Curtis gang with a Curtis sister!reader who’s a lesbian? Like one day reader decides to bring her gf over and the boys just see this muscular southern woman that’s just a lil taller than Darry with their sister? Can it please be hc’s? 😚
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Summary: The Outsiders meeting your girlfriend
Warnings: vague mentions of homophobia and misogyny
Author's Note: I doubt this is how the greasers would realistically react because yk it's Tulsa
I feel as if Pony would be most accepting of your homosexuality, like on a scale of 5 he's be a 3.5
He doesn't understand it and stuff but hes not going to think of you any less because he generally doesn't care too much
That doesn't mean Pony isn't annoying about it, sometimes he develops a small crush on the girls you introduce as your girlfriend
When he sees your girlfriend he's a little shocked but he sees it normal because that's how he'd stereotype a lesbian woman, muscular manly etc.
On the acceptance scale Johnny's about a 4, like Pony he won't think much less of you but he certainly thinks it's a little crazy
Johnny likes meeting your girlfriends because he thinks that people like you are a little more carefree and he enjoys it
When he meets your current girlfriend he's a little taken aback because of how strong and tall she was
They get along quite well, he thinks her quick wit and humor are quite enjoyable traits
Sodapop is like a 2.9 on the acceptance scale, he still thinks of you as a friend but will refrain from hanging out with you in public if you're open about your sexuality (which, knowing these times, you probably aren't)
Sodapops never really liked meeting the girls you dated but he puts up with it, he doesn't like it because he's just not really used to it.
However, seeing how you were talking about your new girlfriend, he's kind of excited to meet her because he has no perception of what she could look like
He's shocked, jaw dropped, when he sees her, he didn't know women like her existed outside of TV and he's clapping you on the back for bagging a person like her
Steve is about as accepting as Sodapop, he has to really because Sodas your brother and they are best friends
He's trying his best to be as accepting as he possibly can but there's always be a problem with his mindset of course
Steve met your girlfriend by accident, he saw you two when you were both out and went up to you two.
He actually finds your girlfriend very suitable for you, there's a hint of protection in him but he knows you can stand your own
Two Bit is about the same as Soda and Steve, he doesn't really understand but he appreciates reform and is overall just glad that you're happy.
He's kind of intimidated by your new girlfriend, he's very nervous when he speaks to her, like he's walking on eggshells
However, after you all hangout for a while, he finds her to be really funny and a good person to talk to
He likes how good of a role model she is to his little sister, teaching her how to be safe and strong which he doesn't know if she'll need just yet but it's good to be safe.
Darry tries to accept you the most, he knows how hard it can be to be different, he felt that when he dropped out of school
He doesn't know whether or not inviting your girlfriend is a good idea because of how the rest of the gang will react
He decides to let her come and is prepping to make everything perfect, he's so caught up in the prep that he forgot to ask what she'd be like
He's sooo shocked when he sees her, he feels a little humbled by how tall she is and pretends he doesn't hear the "Darrys got competition" jokes.
DALLAS IS A BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER, if you aren't perfectly to his standards, he's giving you sooo much trouble
He's probably talked about you behind your back a little but he's never saying anything too mean or to your face because Darry might give him the boot
However, when he meets your girl he's soo emasculated and humbled. He doesn't know what to do with himself he just sits there silently.
Tries to put a move on her to regain his ego but she's firm with him and it shatters his confidence again
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Haven't seen the trash boi Goo for a while! How bout a different girl for him, a hard-working and honest girl who works in a small convince store as her part-time job. She doesn't really like expensive gifts or stuff like that, to her spending time with her boyfriend is way more important than any sort of materialistic brand.
Thanks for the ask anon! I've missed this stupid lil idiot!
Goo Kim x Reader: Money
Goo-fy wonders why you're with him
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Goo is more than aware of your silly little part-time job.
On multiple occasions, he has offered to pay you himself so you didn't have to work the night shifts on your own. You thanked him, sweetly as usual, but said no anyway.
Well isn't that a pain.
How could he possibly just sit at home when he knows his darling girlfriend is working her butt off for pocket change. And think of the weird characters just like him that lurk around at night!
Goo shudders.
He makes up his mind to join you any opportunity he can.
The first time Goo shows up, you are practically buzzing with excitement. Holy crap, you're adorable.
Then you react the same the second and third and fourth time too. Come to think of it, it's every single time.
He starts to wonder if there is something wrong with you.
Yes, he is extraordinarily handsome. Yes, he is perfect. Yes, he is God's gift.
Still. No-one could be that excited to see him, right?
And what's even weirder, is the way you're looking at him and chattering away right now.
Do you even realise what Goo has offered?
He has given you complete, 100%, free rein in a shopping mall. The most high-end shopping mall in the country. It's all on him. He's got it, babe. Go shop your little heart out!
Yet... You're not sprinting towards the designer brands, you're not buying one in every colour. In fact, you're not buying anything at all.
(Goo did get you a juice when you said you were thirsty, but that hardly counts.)
You wander around with a ridiculous smile on your face, your hand in his, listening to him talk about anything and everything.
You steal glances at Goo when you think he's not looking, but he catches you every time.
No! Don't look at me! Look at this! This coat, this bag, these shoes!
It's the foodhall of all places that you two end up, seated at a little uneven table that tips on one side. Far, far below Goo's usual standard but he couldn't find it in himself to care with you next to him.
At the end of the day, you go home empty-handed, thanking him graciously for your juice, and Goo is left scratching his head.
If there are two things that Goo knows, it's how to fight and how to make money.
And you never particularly cared for his fighting skills. Sure, you're impressed. Everyone is.
Though if you don't care about that and you don't care about cash. Then... why are you with him?
Goo confronts you at work one evening.
He interrogates you about your feelings for him, about him, and you take it all with a straight face.
(You're not stupid. You don't date someone like Goo Kim unprepared for his unhinged moments.)
"-But it's good I'm rich, right?"
Of course you know what money means to him. It's not the same for you, and you try to be diplomatic about it. "Well... it's good that you can buy yourself nice things with it, I guess? But I don't need it."
Goo tilts his head, clearly confused with your response. "What? So you'll be with me even if I was broke?"
"If I had to wear ugly clothes?"
"If I couldn't take you out?"
"If I couldn't buy you things?"
"Not even," Goo looks around the store for inspiration, "this ramen?"
The cogs in Goo's brain stutters and stops. So then...?
You decide to put your moron out of his misery. You cup his face in your hands as he continues to look absolutely baffled.
"Goo. I don't need any of that. I just like being with you. You could make watching paint dry fun," you speak slowly and clearly, hoping that your words sink in. "You know you're also with me, right? And I don't really have any money."
As if your financial status would in any way shape or form affect his feelings towards you! Goo is appalled.
"My sweet lil honeybun, that's completely different!"
Honestly. You roll your eyes fondly and ruffle his hair.
Maybe, just maybe. He gets it. A little bit. Maybe money isn't everything-
Scratch that, money's pretty fucking important. Goo loves money. But, if he really thought about it, he loves you more.
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teagballs · 5 months
I just read your Dennis fic, and if you were going to write a part 2 would you be able to make it that Dennis doesn’t immediately tell reader he likes her? He just starts acting really weird when she’s around?
Like maybe, Dennis Charlie and Mac are insulting Dee and reader says something like “that it’s not nice” then Dennis goes, “yeah that’s seriously not nice guys.” And everyone’s just confused cause like he was saying mean stuff too.
If it’s to much trouble or if you don’t wanna write this please just ignore this 🧍🧍
"like no one else" | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part one here
authors note: ur mind anon UR MIND BROOO. this prompt was amazing and i had to do it but also it took me a month cuz i was busy. OOPS. i hope i did it justice cuz i took it and ran LMAO
requests open as always!! looking to do some charlie kelly stuff, so if u have any ideas for him lmk!!
cw: fem reader, mentions of objectification of women and the D.E.N.N.I.S system ofc, lil smoochie smoo at the end but nothing nsfw, 1.4k words
Dennis stumbled out of the restaurant, abandoning his date and this old life of promiscuity behind, seemingly. He walked down the street, pulling out his phone. He entered your name into his contacts, ready to confess everything. Ready to tell you how much you mean to him. Ready to love you. But then he stopped. His finger hovered over the call button and he thought, "what am I doing?" It was the emotion of the situation that made him act with such heedlessness. He didn't even know if you felt that way about him, if you felt the same deep connection he did. For him, it was a feeling like no other. It felt like you got him in a way no one else did. With understanding and kindness too. But to you? Dennis could just be a good friend to you. And if that was the case, what was the point in risking it all? He took a deep breath, shoving his phone back in his pocket. No, he shouldn't act so incautiously.
In the following weeks, Dennis found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. Every action you took, every word you spoke. He found himself obsessing over it. He tried not to come off as creepy - although that was hard, this was Dennis. His still kept his distance as usual, but now with a growing infatuation. He believed he was portraying this neutrality to you well, but this facade was challenged today.
"Y'know what guys, I'm really excited for this date tonight," Dee began to explain as she sat at the bar with Dennis, Charlie, Mac, and you.
"Oh shut up, Dee, nobody cares about your stupid date," Mac barked. Degrading her as usual.
It was water off a duck's back for dee, "You're just jealous I have a date Mac." She rhymed off before taking another swig of her beer.
"How'd you get this one to go out with you, Dee?" Charlie began in defence of Mac, "What'd you do? Steal his dog?"
"What? God no, what the fuck are you talking about?" Dee said.
Dennis didn't involve himself in verbally bullying his sister as he usually would. Usually, he would come in with the worst, most grating jabs. Instead, he silently observed how you scrolled on your phone, occasionally taking a sip of your drink, noticing how your brows furrowed ever so slightly in frustration.
"Even if you do go on this date, Dee, the only way you'll get him to stay is if you steal his phone or something!" Mac snarled.
"Yeah, you stupid bird!" Charlie said, which resulted in loud laughter from the men.
"God, would you just leave her alone, you two? Do you have nothing better to do?" You snapped at them finally. Dennis noticed your frustration and wanting to support and comfort you, he responded;
"Yeah, guys, leave her alone. You're both so sad." Dennis said in his usual 'I'm not wrong about anything ever and you're stupid for being wrong' tone.
Silence. Everyone, including you, turns to face Dennis. Did he just defend Dee? The sister he swore he hated?
"Dennis, what did you just say?" Mac asked cautiously and filled with confusion.
"I said leave Dee alone."
Dennis didn't really care all that much about Dee. Really, all her cared about was proving to you he did. He wanted to be on your side, always. To have your approval.
"Thank you, Dennis," you agreed. Dennis's heart swelled. 'God, what's wrong with me?' he thought. He had never felt this many emotions ever. Never mind for one person.
"That was weird, right? Earlier? When Dennis, like, stood up for Dee?" Charlie asked Mac.
"Oh yeah! For sure! I have no clue why he did that. I mean, just yesterday me, you, Frank, and Dennis were ragging on her for being a failed actress." Mac replied, causing laughter between the pair at the thought of this previous discussion.
"So... what changed?" Charlie puzzled.
"Everyone was there, except.. except for her." Mac hypothesised that when you were there, Dennis avoided talking poorly of Dee.
"But why? What does she change?"
Mac shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to D.E.N.N.I.S her."
"Huh. Doesn't really seem like his usual type." Charlie said.
Dennis was definitely not trying to D.E.N.N.I.S you. He made that distinctly clear in his mind. He wasn't following the steps at all, going out of his way to avoid flirtation with you, actually, to avoid raising suspicions. And the final step, 'separate entirely,' was most certainly one he didn’t want to follow. He wanted to spend forever and ever with you. Why? He didn't understand it himself. He was Dennis Reynolds, the Golden God! How come he was acting so pathetic?
You were starting to notice his weird behaviour. You had known Dennis for years. He was never this.. clingy? Not that you minded, really. You had always thought he was attractive, sure - charismatic too - but his general objectification of woman and lack of interest in a stable and long-term relationship certainly deterred you. Still, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter every time he would talk about the girl he was planning to go out with next. You had grown tougher over the years of knowing him, accepting that he would never change, and he would never see you like that. This new attention from his was definitely appreciated, but strange.
This all came to head a couple of weeks into this behaviour. You and Dennis sat in the bar together on a slow Tuesday. You had been testing him slightly. You were saying things to provoke him - small things. Things that would usually lead to a disagreement or argument or him going on a long Dennis rant. But he didn't budge. He didn’t roar obscenities or call you an idiot or react negatively at all. He would just nod and smile. And then he would agree. You couldn't take it. Was it some cruel joke? To get your hopes up or make you look stupid? You didn't get the punchline.
"Alright, Dennis, what's with you lately."
Dennis freezes. He feared you had picked up on his feelings towards you. He feared this would be the end of it all, and he had ruined it, and you would leave and he would never see you again.
"What do you mean?" Dennis replied. He was lucky he was such a good liar. He played coy well. But you didn't back down.
"You've been acting weird. You just agree with everything I say, and you're hanging around me a lot and like you keep not making fun of Dee when I'm here. You're always looking at me too. Is it some sort of joke I don't get? Are you making fun of me? That's mean."
Dennis felt emotions, oh god. He located that he felt regret and frustration and guilt and guilt and guilt. 'Mean'. He wasn't trying to be mean. She thought it was some sort of joke, but no. This was how he really felt. He really wanted to spend all his time admiring you, he wanted to agree with you on everything, that's all he could think about for the past month. And for once in his life, Dennis was at sea for words.
"I... I didn't..." Dennis attempted. But he couldn't convey his words in a safe manner. In a manner that meant if you didn't feel the same way it would be okay and you could keep being friends.
"I think I'm in love with you." Dennis sighed.
"It was after that date. With that chick. What was her name? Candy? Karen? Doesn't matter." Dennis rambled. "It was then when I realised I never want to be with anyone else, if not you. I don't think anyone had ever understood me the way you have. And I just spiralled after then? I haven't stopped thinking about you." That would be a creepy comment if it wasn't something you had always wanted to hear from him.
It was your turn to be speechless. Instead of saying anything your eyes scanned his face for any indication of falsehood. Nothing. You saw and expression on Dennis's face that you had never seen before. One that could be equated to not knowing the answer. Clueless. Maybe afraid? You open your mouth to speak again but Dennis cuts you off and speaks first. Like he's trying to drown out a negative response. Like covering your ears to block out the sound of a gunshot; the damage would still be done.
Dennis looked at you, waiting for the gunshot.
"Dennis.. I feel the same way. Of course I do, oh my God." You finally say. Your voice is small and hoarse, like you have never used it before. Quickly, before anyone can say anything else, Dennis envelops you in a kiss. A kiss that isn't filled with lust, something Dennis isn't used to. His lips lean into yours in a desperate attempt to convey his gratefulness and love and devotion to you. You grip at his sides. You understand.
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astralspen · 2 months
Now, normally, Dazai was never into celebrating. But today, oh today was different. Today, it was Chibi's birthday. Dazai had decided to skip work for the perfect chance at getting under the slugs skin today. He could deal with Kunikidas complaints on missing work pretty much all of last week tomorrow. He went into a brightly colored and well lit shop, and as swiftly as he came in, he was gone with a white plastic bag now in tow. He looked particularly cheery walking on the sidewalk, and he enjoyed his peaceful little stroll all the way to Chuuyas house. The closer he got, the more excited he became. He couldn't wait to see the slugs face when he barged into the orange haired man's apartment, and especially the face said man would make at the wonderful gift he was going to get.
Dazai had gotten to the door and then entered the pin to get in. Silly Chibi, never changing the lock code after all these years. He busted through the door, though he didn't break it this time. He would be a little courteous today, considering the date and all. Though, when Dazai didn't hear an angry slug yelling, or even him running over to the door to see what the noise was, he became a little confused. Was Chuuya really not off today? He thought that Koyou had convinced him to take the day off. Maybe it didn't work? But if that was the case, then why were the extra locks on the door not turned on?
“Chibi~ Where are you~ it's rude to hide from your owner you know!”
No reaction? Did something happen? Dazai finally actually stepped into the apartment, and carefully closed the door behind him. Then, cautiously, he looked around the apartment for any signs of the little slug. When he glanced over the couch, he saw Chuuya, but something was off.
Sure, he was in his hilariously adorable pajamas, and even wore the pants Dazai gave to him forever ago as a prank gift. The old joke mug was on the table too, but neither of those were really unusual. After all, Dazai had done this on Chuuyas off days before, and this part was actually relatively normal. He had teased Chuuya a lot about using old gifts from Dazai a lot. Nearly every time he visited, in fact. But no matter what, Chuuya still continued to use them religiously. Even on days Dazai stayed over, he would see Chuuya drinking out of the World's Best Dog mug calmly in the morning, see how he changed into those stupid sheep pants every night. No, what was weird was that Chuuya seemed out of it.
He was staring at an old picture in a worn wooden frame, and it was like Chuuya had lost all awareness of the world around him.
Now, that wouldn't do. How was Dazai supposed to sufficiently annoy the Chibi when he was like this? So he walked up right behind Chuuya, making sure to be silent so Chuuya wouldn't notice him and hide the picture. When he saw it, everything clicked. What did Dazai do in response?
He flung his arms around Chuuya from behind of course!
“Chibiiiiii! You can't neglect your owner like this! What's the point of visiting if my dear little dog won't even pay attention to me?”
Dazai had said it in his most sing-song and pouty voice possible. Chuuya had finally snapped out of it. And swung his head back to look at Dazai.
“huh!? What the hell, Mackerel!? The fuck are you doing at my place!”
“Your hat must have finally eaten your brain if you hadn't realized what day it is! Why wouldn't I visit my dear dog on such a special day~”
“stop calling me your fucking dog! Of course I didn't forget what day it is! I just thought you had the sense to remember that I don't fucking celebrate it. Did the agency finally make you lose all your damn sense?”
“Chibis so mean! I even bothered to get you a present, and you still bully me!”
There, Chuuya had finally put the picture down on the table.
“I swear to fucking God if you got me a replacement for that dumbass slug shirt I'm throwing you out the damn window.”
“Rude! I would never reuse the same joke!”
“Yes the fuck you would!”
“Hmph! Well, either way, I got you something even better!”
This was my first time grabbing a writing snippet so sorry if it starts and ends weirdly TAT Hope you like it though and of course Happy Birthday to our little mafioso!
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animehideout · 5 months
Quick question, may I request? If not, just ignore this<3
💙Random recommended song💙
I already mentioned this in my latest post but anyway, I did an optional homework and got the best grade and in the beginning I felt lowly about my work but after getting the grade I felt so much better about it and myself too.
The problem is that lately I started to get into writing again but can't find the time suddenly. Aaaaand I wanted to kind of celebrate this (I mean that the teacher seemed to like my poem) even tho it isn't a big deal but feels like it and oh God I feel like a lil child :')
Sooo may I request a Magumi x reader fluff, where the reader and Megumi are just chilling together when the reader get a notification saying she got a good grade and they get so emotional that they try to hold back tears, but Megumi senses the sudden change and ask if they are alright? The reader trying the brush it off that "Oh it's nothing special or worth mentioning, just got the best grade on the optional homework we got. Can't believe the teacher liked my poem..." 'Poem-?' Megumi thinks as he heard the last words. He maybe didn't even have a clue that the reader was into poetry and/or that they wrote any, so by hearing this he wanted to read it, but overthinking a bit, he decided on not asking them, even though maybe he should have. But it's late, he waited till they fell asleep and then quietly got up from bed to go and look for their exercise book and read it. After he read it, he puts the book on the reader's desk or somewhere else, not minding to put it back to it's actual place because he plans on telling them his opinion, how much they likes it as well and je would be interested in seeing more of their work. Maybeeee the reader confesses that they've been into poetry for a time now and shows Megumi all of the poems they've written while telling Meg' why they like some of their poems and why they have a few problems with some, then there's Megumi reading them with intrest. Maybe Megumi having a soft spot for poetry IDK BUT NOW I JUST REALIZED THAT BY WRITING THIS REQUEST I COULD HAVE EASILY JUST WRITE THE FANFIC ALREADY TT My bad :')
Anyway, catching up with your lates Gojo posts soon!
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Huggie :3🎀
Megumi Fushiguro X Poet /Artistic Reader
Synopsis: Megumi discovers his partner's talent in writing poems.
a/n: Thank you @megan016 for this request, also CONGRATS for getting the best grade, you did great sweetheart and I'm proud of you 💗. Also I can't wait to read more of your poems and the translated ver. Keep it up. I hope you like this little oneshot tho♡.
Check @megan016 poem here ( I liked it and I had to share it, you are so talented 💌 )
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As the soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, you sat in your boyfriend's arms, Megumi. Engrossed in the movie that was displayed in front of you. The atmosphere was light, filled with soft hums as Megumi played with your hair. The rainy weather outside, added to the coziness.
Suddenly, you phone chimed with a notification. Curious, you picked it up, unlocking it to reveal a message from your school,
{ Dear Y/N, Congratulations, your poem received the best grade. We appreciate your hard work. }.
Your eyes scanned the words, a wave of joy and surprise washed over you even though it was an optional homework the fact that your poem that came from your creativity, that each line you wrote carried within it a deeper feeling and meaning got a proper appreciation from your teacher was able to bring you to happy tears.
Your heart swelled with happiness while clutching your phone tightly, Megumi sensed how your body tensed between his arms.
"Love, is everything okay?" he asked.
Realizing that you haven't told him yet about your passion for poetry, you tried to hide your excitement and brush it off,
"Oh, y-yes I'm fine! it's nothing, just my poem got the best grade in class! Can't believe my teacher actually liked it hehe.." you chuckled awkwardly, trying to act normal as if you weren't holding back your tears from how delighted and proud you were.
"Poem?!" Thought Megumi to himself "I didn't know she's into poetry"
"But yeah– it's nothing special, not a big deal tho, it was just an optional homework" you added bringing him back to reality
"Oh.. I see you did great love congrats" said Megumi kissing the top of your head.
He senses how you were avoiding talking about your poem, so he respected it and just congratulated you he was completely oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions you were suppressing he thought you really wasn't that excited. Deep down, Megumi couldn't brush away the curiosity that grew inside of him, he was interested in reading books, poems and articles so having a partner that happened to write poems excited him to the core.
As the night proceeded, you dozed off beside him. Closing your eyelids, swimming in Dreamland. Sleeping nice and sound, feeling protected with the warm presence of Megumi. He watched you as you slept next to him, smiling to himself as your whole hand cutely held his index finger. Your hand size difference has always brought a smile on his face.
Suddenly, his eyes widened when he remembered about the poem, his eyes scanned the room and finally fell on your exercise book that was innocently put on your desk. Too intrigued by the unexpected revelation of your poetic talent, he couldn't resist the urge to delve into your world of words.
Trying to not disturb your beauty slumber he tiptoed to your desk, gently opening the book , carefully flipping the pages until he found your poem of 14 stanzas.
He was too excited to read it, to read between the lines and analyze the deeper meaning it held. Line after line, he found himself utterly captivated by the beauty of your expressions, the smart choice of words, adjectives and the Poetic elegance that adorned your stanzas. It left him completely speechless, realizing that the love of his life is indeed talented and creative.
"And she said it's not a big deal??" he muttered to himself as his eyes shifted back on your sleeping figure.
He wanted to flip the pages to read more of your writings, to check your other copy books but he resisted that urge, respecting your privacy and deciding to wait till morning to ask you properly about your passion for poetry.
He laid down next to you, eager for tomorrow to discuss with you what now happened to be a mutual passion; while you were interested in writing poems, Megumi was interested in reading, them showing that both of you complete each other.
His arms pulled you closer to his body holding you,
"I'm proud of you my love" he said before dozing off.
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, your eyelids fluttered into consciousness. Megumi was already awake, laying on his back, one arm behind his head as his eyes were fixated on the ceiling. As he felt you shifting beside him his gaze turned to you, greeting you with a warm smile.
"Hey sleepyhead, want to tell me about those poems of yours? I had no idea you're poetic genius!!" he exclaimed softly,
You were still half awake, taken by surprise you quickly got into a sitting position,
"You read them??" you asked.
"Not all of them!! only that one in your exercise book! Now I know why it got the best grade" he said enthusiastically.
It was rare for you to see Megumi full of energy early in the morning, so you couldn't help but smile from how much he was interested in your poems. Encouraged by his genuine reaction you started to open up, confessing that you've been into poetry for a while now.
"So? want to show me the rest?" he asked.
Without saying anything, you jumped out of bed. The cold floor touching your bare feet sent shivers down your spine. You quickly grabbed your notebooks and ran back to bed, getting under the warm blanket next to Megumi again, you got closer to him.
"Here they are" you said with a smile.
Anticipating his reactions every time he read one of your poems, the way he read the lines you wrote with passion and care warmed your heart, as if what you write was meant for him to read. The curious expressions drawn on his face whenever he tried to guess the real meaning of your words made you giggle.
After reading most of your poems he engulfed you into a big hug,
"Those poems are amazing Y/n!! I can't wait for more from you. So tell me what inspires you the most? what is your motivation?" he asked too immersed to know more.
A blush painted your cheeks and with a shy smile you answered "Y-you! You do inspire some verses"
"Guess I'm a muse now" he teased playfully trying to hide the fact that he got shy as well.
"Exactly" you giggled.
"What are the difficulties you face while writing though?"
"Most of the time me trying to channel my feelings into words, sometimes certain feelings that I want to write about can't be described by simple words so that's quite a challenge and it takes a lot of effort or sometimes I struggle with motivation even though I do have a lot of accumulated ideas that are waiting to be written" you explained.
You spent the morning cuddled up in your soft bed, sharing ideas and soft random kisses every now and then, exchanging soft touches. Sitting between Megumi's legs as he held your notebooks and continued to loudly read the rest of your poems.
"I love this one Y/n !! Wait is it about us??"
Megumi was too happy to be in that specific moment with you; the moment that definitely inspired you to write another poem that will carry those feelings between both of you forever.
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gregorygerwitz · 4 months
What do you mean about fate and FS and Moustead?
Hello! Thank you for falling for my lil trap!
There is so much because I'm longwinded, have fun with this I got too excited getting to put this all into words.
I've been against using "fate" as an argument for FitzSimmons, specifically, since... 2017? Yeah, that's when that half of s4 aired. I'll give you a SparkNotes version, for anyone who didn't watch Agents of SHIELD - Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, who I do love as a ship in the early seasons, I have nothing against the ship specifically, just the "they're fated to be together" argument. They met at the SHIELD academy when they were kids, when Jemma sat next to Fitz in a class and they became... friends? They both thought the other hated them and they were gonna be rivals, while secretly admired each other and how smart they were the whole time. Anyway, now they're married and have a daughter, which is cute as shit, good for them, this is not an anti-FitzSimmons post.
I don't think they're fated to be together.
I use the Framework-created alternate reality to make this point every time. In that reality, Ophelia is the one who sat next to Leopold, and that butterfly effects into them being in a relationship down the line. Ophelia specifically set it up to be that way, I get that, I know that's how the Framework arc worked. My username was HoldenDadcliffe across most social media for 4 years, I know what I'm talking about. But the argument could be made that Fitz would have ended up with anyone who sat next to him in class and engaged with him, whether as a friend or a presumed rival or what have you. That's the only point I want to make. It could have been anyone. In the real world, it was Jemma. In the Framework, it was Ophelia. It could have been Matt, my Bruises Verse OC, it could have been anyone. It was the situation that brought them together, not the universe. That doesn't make the relationship any less important or genuine, it's just a fact.
Anyway, I would argue that Moustead is fated to be in each other's lives, especially if we take the possibilities in Bolivia into account. Not necessarily in a romantic way, because soulmates, or whatever you want to call it, don't have to be romantic. I just think they're meant to exist in the world together, and the universe seems to be encouraging that.
For instance, in Afghanistan, Jay did make friends with Knox first. In canon. They were close, they built explosives together, had to rely on each other to survive, the whole nine yards. They were halfway around the world with only their team to count on and trust. They had to be a family to stay alive. And then Knox did everything he did, and that friendship was obviously completely ruined after that, which meant that one of Jay's most important relationships at the time was just... decimated. He had to find someone who he could actually rely on, someone who wouldn't murder civilians because he wasn't taught to handle his emotions in a healthy way.
Mouse wasn't exactly handling his emotions in a healthy way, either, but at least his poor coping mechanisms didn't have a civilian body count, you know? Like, the only person he hurts is himself? It's fine, he gets better, eventually. But the idea of the universe seeing Jay make a friend, and going "wait, no, not that one, come back here" is just so... *chef's kiss* It's just a coincidence, at that point, but there sure are a lot of coincidences, aren't there?
He gets attached to the one other person from Chicago. The one other person who survived that war zone with him. The one person who kept him sane - who he also kept sane - when they got home and had to navigate civilian life again.
They just work, you know? They balance each other out in so many ways. Jay is absolutely driven by his heart - he wants to help people, he wants to put good into the world and take bad out, he wants to fall in love and have a constant presence in his life. On the other hand, Mouse is driven by his head - he's so smart, and he uses that to learn about computers and the world around him, and he has great ideas. They both rely on those opposites so much that it hurts them. Jay holds onto relationships until they tear him apart. Mouse thinks things through so much that he had to turn to drugs to keep himself from unraveling.
They even go so far as to completely reject those opposites in themselves. If Jay used his head, he'd know to let go of relationships and connections long before they hurt him the way the do. If Mouse used his heart, he'd be less untethered, he'd have more connections to his Chicago life than just Jay. Of course, all of my labels for them are just headcanons, but Jay being aspec and Mouse being arospec adds to this so beautifully.
Even if it is all coincidence, that balance is so important to their relationship. If one goes too far, the other can pull them back, and they really make up one fully functional human being together. They share a braincell, for sure, and Mouse usually has it. Jay certainly didn't have it in s5, that's a fact.
I think, with Jay leaving the show - and rehashing the same speech that Mouse gave him with only slightly different wording - the universe might be pushing them together again? Obviously, canon hasn't mentioned Mouse since s4, and we're never going to know if they're actually serving their country together again, but I can pretend. I can pretend that the person Jay called his best friend is still in his life, somehow.
But especially with how s9 went, and that whole year leading up to Jay leaving for Bolivia...
Even just starting with the Knox episode, 9x03, that had to bring up memories that he hasn't thought about in a while. I'm almost certain that he came across a few pictures of Mouse while he was doing his digging, even if we didn't get to seem them on screen.
After that, I want to bring up 9x09. Lovingly, the rushed marriage episode. (I love Upstead, but their romance arc was rushed and if they, the writers, had taken the time to develop the relationship more, they could have navigated the distance much more easily, or at least put off the actual wedding until Jay made his way through his crisis and they were both in a more stable place, but that's just my opinion and not the point of this post, ignore me) I just think about that episode a lot in a Moustead context because of what made Jay panic and rush into it like that. They had to get the FBI off of Voight and Hailey, obviously, but the steps they took had to be personal to him, at least in the context of his friendship with Mouse. A young, queer-coded drug addict, who was the same age that Mouse was when they met, using him and this weakness (that Jay canonically doesn't judge, he literally gave Mouse drug money in s1) and holding that over his brother as leverage, it's... He saw the lowest point of his best friend's life right in front of his face, something that he couldn't fix before and can't fix now, and Jay...
Jay, who just wants to help people, and put some more good into the world, and fix things because he hasn't had much control in his life and now he's older and stronger and he can do something. He used this intimate knowledge he has of people in that situation for his own personal gain, in a way, and doesn't that make him feel so dirty? But he can't think about it too hard, because he's not the one who uses his head. Mouse is his head, the one who would have actually said out loud how stupid and reckless and horrible that idea was and how they shouldn't do it. Because it was exploiting a literal child, who didn't do anything wrong beyond giving into vices. But Jay... Jay is the heart. He finds someone he cares about and he holds on so tight. And he was already engaged to Hailey, so what's the harm in moving the wedding up?
He'd already lost the person he'd been thinking about for months, and it's not like he could just call and ask Mouse to come back to Chicago, not after how things ended. But he could hold onto the people he loved who were close. He could turn an engagement into a marriage. He could insert himself further into Voight's bullshit. He could cement himself in the team and focus on what he had, not what he missed.
Then there was Adam's undercover thing, and the overdose, and even if November 2011, specifically, is from my headcanons, how many times did Jay worry? How many times did he text or call or pop by to make sure that Mouse was high but not in danger? How much did he check in after Mouse's multiple felonies and other petty crimes and make sure he was okay and alive? How many times did Jay have to worry, over their 10+ year friendship, that he'd lost someone he cares about so much?
And then there's s10, with his exit, and that entire episode doing the exact same thing to me, emotionally. 10x03, my beloved, my ride or die, my defining moment... A veteran is doing his best, getting pulled into crime just to pull himself afloat, getting hurt and getting himself killed through that. Isn't that something Jay has seen before? Just with a less tragic finale? Of course he helped clear up the guy's record, so that his family could still get the benefits, and all of that wasn't done for nothing. And then...
He left. He went back to the army, however loosely, basically quoted Mouse's reasons for why - because how else would he explain it? The logic is sound, of course it is, the head handles the logic. Jay just followed the logic laid out for him six years earlier, when his heart finally caught up with it.
And the idea that they somehow ended up in the same area again? Working together and rekindling their friendship now that they're finally on the same page? What else could that be?
It's fate.
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*me who woke up at 6am just got home from school*
Hiiiii !
Let's go for mom and son bonding
When she was younger Gabriella, Taka's mom, always wanted a daughter and not for the "oh yeah she will be calmer" or stuff like that. It was a very specific reason. She wanted her daughter to wear her wedding dress, the same one her own mother got married in. (At least for the ceremony, like i said she is Christian.)
When she got married to Takaaki, she was alredy pregnant, her mother didn't really care about that though, after all she had her first baby out of wedlock too. She was just happy to have her kids after so many years of dreaming of it.
When they learned that her baby wasn't a girl, she was sad but she was conforted by the Idea that her baby boy may get a girlfriend one day and that she could maybe talk her into that ! It was genius idea !
She watched her kid grow not really thinking too much into Taka's friendship, but still keeping an eyes over it.
But now, she is gonna watch her baby get married to a man. A manly one out of that. No way she could get any of them to do her idea... Don't get her wrong ! She was happy for her niño precioso's wedding ! She just wished her dream could have become truth.
She mentioned it. Once or twice to Taka but she never though he remmember, how wrong of her.
Because on his side Taka was getting ready after the ceremony, helped by Aoi, Kyoko, and Sayaka to put on his mother old wedding dress. Sure he was a bit embarassed but with Sayaka it wasn't the first time he wore a dress and to be honest... He just wanted to do something nice for his mom, she always supported him in everything he did.
"And it would be a nice surprise for Mondo" Aoi had said, yes. I guess that is point to count. A little bonus. Just a little though. Even if Kirigiri is smirking slightly at his word.
So here he was walking back into the reception, and before Mondo could stutter even a word his mom trew herself at him, crying and thanking him for his beautiful gift.
Kiyondo, who wasn't on the surprise, first grumbled that he could have helped Taka with the dress himself but then started to embarassed and making hum hum sus remarques
He mostly told to keep the "kinky stuff" in their bedroom and "to not rub their weird shit in their face". What a great brother.
And Takaaki on the other who just got over the fact that Taka was married, cried even more when he saw his son, looking so similar from his ex wife and so perfect. What an emotional guy <33
(Bonus with Takemichi, Daiya and Mondo !!)
While Takemichi was quietly congratualiting Taka on his wedding and complimenting him on his dress, Daiya on the other hand was BAWLING his eyes out of laughter, not against Taka, but against his little brother who was very VERY happy to see Taka (if you know what i mean)
(is it bad for me to make so many dirty joke ? Probably. Btw they had a more "western" like wedding before doing a more traditional japaness wedding. To respect both Takas' mom's family and Idhimondo's family)
STOOOOPPPP, THIS IS SO CUTEEEE!! Fjdbe, Mondo was very happy to see Taka. *wiggles eyebrows* I love this. And Taka wearing his mom's dress is just AWWWWWW <333333
We're definitely gonna need a towel or bucket at the ready for Takaaki's tears LMAO. And a wet floor sign, too LMAO. He's so emotional and me fr. And of course Kiyondo would make some very uhm...interesting remarks and comments. The girls helping him is just cute. Daiya over here embarrassing his younger brother is so funny LMAO. Even on his lil' bro's wedding, he's even got to embarrass him on his very visible...excitement.
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sharkneto · 4 months
hi there, me and my friend have an au (by no means an original one, ive seen others write on similar ideas) where instead of five jumping into the apocalypse, his first jump manages to drop Actual 13 yr old five right on top of reginalds funeral and hilariously the apocalypse actually gets genuinely averted this time just because the siblings have that extra level of responsibility that comes with having a real life (very reckless and curious of the future) pre-teen to handle plus the removal of stress from knowing the apocalypse is coming - I've been following your shifting together series pretty much since you started writing it and im super excited for the end of joining together bc your characterisation of five without the time travel/apocalypse in his past is a+ like id believe you were the author of tua levels of godtier writing so I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this concept of him being a genuine child the first go around and if not then if you just had anything else to say about his character minus apocalypse trauma/being an old man etc that you didn't put in your fanfic and still wanted to share as I love your version of him so much
Eyy, love those jam sessions with friends. They're such a fun time. Good for the soul and all that.
I'm going to disappoint you on the first half - I genuinely spend very little time thinking about Five as a kid before everything. Little guy doesn't interest me until he gets slammed with a metric fuckton of trauma. Sorry, Five. If you want Number's apocalypse-free-childhood, I will enthusiastically point you to the first five chapters of The Shifting Mirrors, the fic I adopted him from. Orsumfenix is a phenomenal author and hits the balance I'd expect from a Five growing up in the Academy into a stunted man-child with the rest of his family.
I don't know that I have anything on the top of my head to add about Number at the moment. Only thought I've got right now is just my fondness for him. I think on of my favorite things in writing him is how he constantly kneecaps himself. He's just too smart and impulsive, he gets himself into corners and then is not good at getting back out of them so he just plows through. He's such a funny guy (intentionally and unintentionally) when he lets himself relax.
Thank you for the very kind words, thank you for sharing your lil au with me, and happy daydreaming/writing to you!
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A/N: so this is my first fic I'm posting on Tumblr, I'm super nervous and excited for any response at all and any feedback of any kind. Usually I write "x reader" fics but I've been on prongsfoot lately and I couldn't find any shipfics I liked so I wrote my own.
James had the perfect relationship with Lily, so it comes as a huge surprise when she wants to break up. Will there be bad blood between her and his friends or is this for good reason?
"S'okay, Jamie." Although shorter, Sirius manages to coax James' head to rest on his shoulder as he rubs mindless circles on the taller boy's back.
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"James, I think it'd probably be beneficial to both of us if we broke up. I really like you and I know you like me but I just don't think we're right for each other. I hope you understand. I wanted to tell you in person but I just haven't been able to find you today." James reads aloud, a dejected frown falling into place over his charming smile. He'd been thrilled to receive a letter from his girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend. "I hope we can remain friends though. I'll always hold a place in my heart for you, my first boyfriend, James Potter. Love always, Lily." He carefully tucks the letter into his bag, letting Sirius hug him tight against his chest.
"Come on guys, we've got to get to class." Remus says, placing a hand on either of their shoulders, gently guiding them apart.
"I'll see you after class. Love you." Sirius gives James one final squeeze before letting him go.
"Love you back." James responds as the three of them head off in separate directions.
"LILY. JADE. EVANS." Sirius bellows, barreling down the hallway towards the redhead.
"Sirius. Has James gotten my lett-"
"Yeah, he got your bloody letter. For someone who claimed to love him, you sure broke his heart. Why'd you do it?" He cuts her off.
"You daft dolt. Remus was right, the two of you are so ignorant. I broke up with him because all he ever did was talk about you, Sirius. He loves you." Lily can't help the chuckle that escapes her lips. She'd spoken with Remus about this a week ago, nervous as all hell to break up with James because she knew how Sirius could be and she really didn't want to hurt James.
"Of course he loves me, we're best friends."
"No, Sirius. I mean he really loves you. He talks about how incredible you are nonstop, how badass and cool you are. How he wishes he was more like you. 'And you should have seen him, Lily, I'm not kidding he looked like he was kissed by Merlin himself. Godric, he's like, practically perfect.' All the time, Sirius."
“You’re implying Potter’s in love with me?” Sirius seems a little dumbfounded by her accusation.
“I’m simply stating my observations, and I know you’re in love with him too, Sirius. You look at him like he’s hung the moon. It’s very sweet, and it was selfish of me to get in the middle of things. I do hope you’ll forgive me, for everything, for hurting James and getting between the two of you. Seeing him look at you and hearing him talk about you the way he does, I just couldn’t continue to keep you apart. I think you guys should talk. I really hope I’ve made the best choice for all of us and I hope we can remain friends.” Lily’s tone has gone from teasing to sincere.
“I- I don’t know what to say, Lils.” Sirius begins and he sounds like he might honestly burst into tears at any given moment.
“A simple thank you will suffice, I have to get to class and so do you.” Sirius lunges forward as she speaks, capturing her in a hug.
“Thanks, Lily.” Lily chuckles and gives his back a rough pat, Sirius has always been a weird one with affection.
*After class, back in their dorm. James is at quidditch practice*
"Yeah, I know, Sirius, you guys have been in love since we were 11. She asked me a week ago what I thought. I told her she should do whatever her heart tells her is right, she's a much better person than I." Remus peers over the top of his book at Sirius, sitting on the floor at his feet.
"Do you really think he's in love with me, Moony?" Sirius rests his chin on Remus' knee. His usual cockiness is nowhere to be found, lost in the swirling storm of emotions.
"I think you're a bloody idiot to not see it." He pats his friend on the head, musing his pre-tousled hair.
"Oi I'm in the shower if you wankers need the loo." James kicks open the door to their dorm, dropping his quidditch bag by the foot of his bed.
"Put it away, not down." Remus reprimands.
"Bugger off, Moons, M'tired." James scoffs, kicking at the bag as he puts his broom up.
"I'll get it." Sirius stands, picking up the bag and delivering a soft kiss to James' cheek. "Go shower, sweaty boy. I wanna cuddle, you had a long day."
"Thanks, Pads. Love you."
"Love you back." The bag is placed neatly on the hook next to James' school bag. Sirius sits in front of Remus again.
"Bloody daft, I tell you." Remus shakes his head, though a nearly imperceptible smirk settles on his lips.
"I'll talk to him about it later, he's had a long day, m'just being nice to the poor boy." Sirius immediately jumps to defend himself.
"Sure Sirius, come here, let me give you a kiss." His book is finally lowered, his thumb tucked between the pages.
"Ew, no you weirdo."
"You kissed Prongs, no problem. Why not me?"
"Just hush would you? I said I'd talk to him about it." Sirius lets out a whine, closing his eyes.
The water from the shower stops and Sirius jumps up from the floor and makes himself comfortable under the blankets of James' bed. James exits the bathroom, curly hair still dripping wet down his face. Toweling off his hair James sits on the edge of his bed, facing Remus. "You gonna give me a hard time if I cuddle Si?"
"Think he wanted to cuddle as Pads anyway." Remus points to the spot Sirius occupied. Now, there lays a large black dog with beautiful, thick, black fur. It cocks its head to the side and smiles at the two boys. "Always gotta give Pads cuddles."
"Good." James crawls into bed next to the dog and situates himself before letting the dog lay across his chest with his wet nose against James' neck. He lets out a heavy sigh and before long his breathing evens into snores. Sirius shifts back once he's sure James isn't going to wake up, his leg falling between James' and the other resting on the outside of his hip. He softly kisses James' jaw while threading his fingers carefully through his tangly curls, careful not to wake him.
"Talk to him." Remus flicks off his lamp and climbs into bed himself. "Goodnight."
*The next morning*
“Hey, pretty boy, wakey wakey.” James gently shakes Sirius. He snores again, softly, leading James to card his fingers through Sirius’ jet black mane. He peppers kisses all over his face, giggling lightly as he does so, hoping to wake the smaller boy gently. Finally, Sirius stirs, groaning into James’ neck. “Good morning, sunshine.” James smiles, brushing the back of his hand against Sirius’ cheek.
“Morning, Jamie.” Sirius can’t help but smile into the bare skin of James’ shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss there as he does.
“Hey, I spoke with Remus before he left this morning. He said there was something you needed to tell me?” James makes Sirius look at him as he speaks.
“Uh, yeah, I do need to tell you but I want to start with this. You know I’ll always love you, Jamie, right?” Sirius sits up, off James’ chest and next to him instead.
“Of course, Pads, what is it? Is it about you?”
“Kinda. It’s about me and Lily and you. I like you, James, as more than a friend. And I guess Lily could see that too. However, she said she thought you might like me in the same way. And if you don’t, Jamie, that’s totally fine, nothing has to change and if knowing how I feel makes you uncomfortable we can stop cuddling and all that stuff and you can get back together with Lily. She just said she wanted to give us a chance because you speak so highly of me. Which honestly could be just because you’re a great fri-”
“Sirius?” James interrupts Sirius’ rambling, a bright smile painted on his face.
“Yeah?” His breath catches in his throat and it comes out sort of broken.
“I’m going to kiss you now, is that okay?” Sirius doesn’t answer James’ question verbally but with a nod. “Verbal confirmation, Siri.”
“Please.” It’s a good enough confirmation for James. James’ rough, calloused, quidditch-worn fingers slide delicately to cup the soft skin of Sirius’ well-moisturized cheek. He lets his thumb catch his bottom lip and regardless of the fact that they had just woken up, Sirius’ lips look soft as ever.
“Forgive me, for not kissing you straight away, I’m trying to keep my composure. And you look quite beautiful, all bedhead and sitting here, wrapped in my blankets.” James’ fingers slide into Sirius’ hair at the nape of his neck as he speaks.
“James if you don’t kiss me in the next ten seconds I’m going to lose my bloody mind.” Sirius begs with a pretty pout.
“Ten… Nine…” James begins counting down, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“I’ll take it back. Everything I said.”
“Five…” James stops counting and pulls Sirius an inch away from his face. “You wouldn’t dare.” Before Sirius is given a proper chance to respond James’ lips are on his.
Sirius never understood what people meant when they said kissing felt like fireworks when he kissed people it always felt like popcorn or at the most maybe a sparkler. But this, kissing James, he finally understands. It feels like lights, bright and colorful behind his eyes a deafening boom in his chest behind his ribs. It feels like a molotov cocktail going off, lighting every part of him on fire, entirely all-consuming and he doesn’t want it to stop. He wonders if kissing James would always feel like this, always so exhilarating. James thought he understood but clearly, he had it wrong. He thought of his first kiss with Lily and how the sparks of gold flashed through him, causing him to get temporarily lost in the sensation. But after that first time, it never happened again… was it supposed to? It felt like the rush had gone away, the newness of it wore off and it was just a thing he was doing to do. But kissing Sirius feels like the finale at a muggle firework show in America that his parents had taken him and Sirius to once. It feels like his heart is going to burst, the pounding against his ribs violent as they keep coming, barely a pause as ten or twelve of them light up his brain at once just as they would the sky. As he pulls away James finds himself wondering two things. Would kissing Sirius always be so fulfilling and could he hear the residual booming in his chest too?
“Love you.” Sirius mumbles quietly against James’ lips.
“Love you back.” James responds, kissing him again, quickly this time. “Shall we get dressed and have breakfast?”
“Can’t I have you for breakfast?” Sirius smirks, looking up at James as he stands.
“Cheeky, love. No, you cannot. I think Moony’s waiting for us anyway. I will give you another kiss if you get up and get dressed though.” James slips on a black t-shirt and a pair of khaki pants from his wardrobe before sitting back on his bed to put on his socks and shoes. Sirius stumbles out of James' bed and stands in front of his wardrobe instead of his own.
“Jamie, can I wear your quidditch sweater?” He holds the maroon and gold sweater up to his body, eyeing himself in the full-length mirror. “Think it would look alright with my cargo pants or better with my dickies?”
“Haven't even told you that you could wear it yet.” James chuckles.
“I know, but in case you do say yes.” Sirius spins around to face James who looks lovingly at him back, he couldn’t say no if he wanted to.
“Think your arse looks better in the dickies. You can wear it.” James grins, cheeky bastard. Sirius slips out of his sleep pants and tosses them onto James' bed. Pulling on his dickies he turns his backside to the mirror.
"You think so?"
"I do. Hurry now." James gathers their bags, and pulls Sirius' docs out from under his bed. "You've been collecting sticks again haven't you?"
"I have, but that's not important. Jamie?"
"Pads." Sirius draws James' attention.
"What are we now?" He cautiously slips James' sweater over his head and scoops his hair into a bun, letting his bangs hang at the sides of his face.
"Suppose, if you'd like, I'd call you my boyfriend." James replies casually.
"Really?" Sirius whirls around to face James.
"Mhm. Why not?" Sitting his shoes in front of him James places a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Sirius, I wouldn't just kiss you like that if we were just friends. I mean, we've always kissed on the cheek but like you said, you really like me and I talk about you all the time. You can think about it if you need to but I'd be honored to call you my boyfriend."
"I think I'd really like that, James." Sirius slips into his boots before he gives James a hug. "You'd be honored to call me your boyfriend?"
"The one and only, Sirius Black, all mine." James kisses his temple, nosing at the soft black hair framing his face. "We should probably go now though. Moony'll think we're screwing." Reluctantly Sirius lets go and follows James to the Great Hall, his hand safely tucked inside James' pocket.
"Morning Moons." Sirius greets Remus with a wide smile.
"Morning. Since when do you play quidditch?" Remus' eyebrows lift, he hadn't expected them to actually speak about it, he'd expected Sirius to beat around the bush some more.
"Oh it's not mine, Prongs let me borrow it." As Sirius speaks James removes their interlocked hands from his pocket.
"Remus, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Sirius. Sirius, this is one of my best mates, Remus."
"Oi, cut the crap, you're f'real?" Remus asks through a mouthful of toast.
"Kissed him twice this morning." Sirius states proudly. "You heard it here first folks, Sirius Black is officially off the market." There's a few groans from a couple of girls but they're probably just to fuel his ego.
"Get y'self some breakfast, pretty boy." James motions for him to sit down before he does.
"Well I'm glad you wankers worked that out. Bloody miserable listenin to yous. 'Sirius blah blah this' and 'James yada yada that'. M'happy for yous." Remus gives his friends a genuine smile before he continues eating like nothing has changed, because in reality, all that's changed is their title.
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kurottsukii · 11 months
Five | Burning Bridges
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"So you wanna go with me to Harrington's party later after I drop this brat off?" The question left her in shock, not the fact he made her feel like she was in heaven with just his touch and it all just vanished like it didn't even happen, but that he's willing to go to Steve's party and she didn't have to ask or even mention she was invited herself.
I mean would she still even be invited? Would he even be invited? Don't they hate each other? Why would he even go to the party? What game is he trying to play here? Questions were flooding in and swimming around her head that she completely zoned out from reality. Only to bring dragged back out after smelling menthol being blown in her face, causing her to wave it away while coughing. "I hate when you do that."
"Well welcome back sweetheart." He threw his hands in air in nothing but fake excitement because his girlfriend finally decided to join him back to reality.
"Enough with the bullshit though, am I going to get a answer to my question or are you just going to keep laying there and look pretty for lil ol me." He glanced down her breast with that smug smile of his, she didn't noticed but as his eyes lingered, they got darker. And the darker they got, the harder he got. And his jeans were already tight enough without the raging boner.
Feeling embarrassed, she tried to hide that feeling with annoyance as she fixed her clothes too.
"Yeah I'm going. I'll meet you downstairs, yeah?"
Just as she was about to leave, she could feel a pair of lips pressed against her neck, causing goosebumps to run down her spine. He didn't say anything after which was her que to go. Luckily Neil wasn't anywhere visible while she made her escape, she just wished that it was like that earlier. Her comeback sounded like shit. But can you blame her? She had to say something.
Not a minute later the two was outside, the two had an annoyed expression on their faces but that soon changed once they saw Jacqueline. Billy's expression was filled with adoration for his girl but Max? Considering this was her first time seeing Jacqueline back, she was ecstatic. "Hey girl! Missed you like crazy, last time I saw you, you were a cute crying mess after I gave you that skateboard as a good bye present. You gotta any better?"
"Hells yeah! I could show you sometime." She sounded so excited as she embraced the older girl in a tight hug. Even though Jacqueline was dating the devil that is her stepbrother and to this day she still doesn't know why; she loved Jackie like a second mom. She was always there to protect her from Billy's bullying and Neil's abusive tactics to them both. She was a life saver, a guardian angel if you will.
"Yeah...that's not happening. I don't need you to bother my girl with your bullshit. You already have your loser town-shit friends for that." Billy protested, earning a glare from the brunette as she loudly agreed to hanging out with Max just to fuck with him and with that, they were off.
Billy ended up dropping Jackie off first so she can have a chance to get ready before he picked her up, not even saying anything about the party that was going on across the street from her. He wasn't stupid, he knew it was Harrington, he just choose to not make a big deal out of it until later. So after saying goodbye, he drove off. Practically speeding down the street.
If the party didn't wake up the neighbors, Billy definitely did.
As she stepped foot into her new home, she was greeted by her mother who was trying to make conversation, "I saw you out there with William. He's still adorable as ever, it's good to see you two back together. You looked lost without him, a lost puppy."
Even though everything she was saying was correct, it was still embarrassing to hear. If Billy was here to listen, he wouldn't let her live it down. "Jesus ma, say it louder for the neighbors to hear, why don't ya?" A annoyed Jackie whined.
"I'm just saying, he's a good boy Jacqueline. I knew it when I first saw you two together. You guys look like you were made for each other."
"Alright ma, I'ma go change. Please don't say any of this when he gets here. I don't want him to know his girlfriend was practically a crybaby for months without him okay?"
"Can't promise anything!" Her mom yelled in a cheery tone as Jacqueline made her way upstairs. It was like having a older sister sometimes with that woman. She's so childish at times.
It didn't take that long for Jacqueline to get ready. After stepping out the shower and drying off. The girl slipped into a skin tight red tiger print leather dress that stopped above her knees, ripped fishnet stockings, black leather ankle boots, and a cropped leather black vest. She didn't do much to her hair, she didn't need to nor care to.
That's a huge fucking lie. The girl practically treated her two toned hair like it was her baby, a thing her and billy have in common. They love their hair.
After washing and drying it thoroughly, she curled it a bit more before spraying it down so no strand hairs goes dancing in the night breeze tonight. Her makeup was short but hot. Who doesn't love blood red lips and Smokey black eyes?
That's right no one.
And with all of that together, she looked hot! More than hit actually. Hotter than Billy himself if you want be cocky.
That was a overstatement, but still, she looked amazing.
Just as she turned to grab her necklace that Billy bought for her a few years back, she heard a knock on her window and just like that, their little tradition was back in motion.
Once unlocking the window latch and opening it, she took a step back as a way of inviting him in, watching as her boyfriend climbed his way in.
And to her surprise, his little outfit choice was better than hers, though she wondered who he was he trying to impress tonight other than her.
He was shirtless, having nothing but his leather jacket to cover him, well, some of him. He had on black jeans, matching black boots and black fingerless gloves. Somehow, Billy managed to outdo his girlfriend, for like the millionth time already.
While she was practically undressing him with her eyes, so was he with her; "My god, don't I have the hottest girlfriend in town. You look amazing sweetheart." He smiled widely causing Jackie's heart to jump up to her throat, but knowing her. She liked it when he stroke her ego just a little bit with his compliments and eye fucks. It was always hot to see him get the hots for her. Practically down on his knees if you think about it, so she wanted to keep it going.
"Aww, you think I'm pretty?" She asked softly, running her hand down his bare chest as she looked up at him, batting her eyelashes up at him while he did nothing but stared down at her with more of a darkened look in his eyes.
"You want to hear me say it again? How about I just prove it to you at the party, hm?" He grinned, cupping the girl's ass before lifting her up.
"I'd like that a lot." She grinned back while placing a quick kiss on his lips which he replied with one on his own, his being filled with absolute lust and hunger.
"Shall we go before you try and rip this dress off of me?"
"Who said that won't happen tonight? Who knows, I could just say fuck it and do you on Harrington's bed."
"BILLY!" The girl yelled, slapping his arm playfully before jumping out of his arms because if she stayed, that comment would most likely be a reality within 15 seconds of them being in the party, so without waisting time, she dragged the boy downstairs and outside before her mom could say anything embarrassing and with that, the two walked across the street together.
They barely even got the chance to open the door without getting starstruck with how loud the music was, it triggered excitement for Billy but for her? It just made her anxious. She didn't know how she was going to face Steve and plus party Billy turns into drunk, egotistical Billy quickly and it wasn't a good sight to see sometimes. She already knew tonight was going to be hell once they stepped in.
Before she could open the door, it was swung open by a girl who pushed past them to puke her poor little guts out in the front bushes. You'd think the music would be inviting enough for them, but it was the sight instead. Drunk teens from the living room to the kitchen and backyard, dressed up for Halloween, already high off of drugs or just shit faced drunk. This was the kind of party Billy likes, and sometimes Jackie but who knows? She could end up being the babysitter before even having fun.
They stepped in together with Billy close by behind her but all of that ended quickly before anything even started, once they got surrounded by drunken douchebag teen boys who she assumed to be his friends and just like that, he was dragged away from her to the backyard to do some stupid drinking competition, leaving her by herself.
Typical really. He didn't put up a fight or say anything about him being back soon, he just let the excitement overtake him as they dragged him off. He didn't care about his girl wellbeing or how she's going to handle herself in a party filled with people she doesn't know and he doesn't trust. Negative boyfriend points right now.
All eyes were glued on her, some filled with jealousy by girls who thought she didn't belong here, and others filled with arousal by boys who thought they had a chance to hit that tonight. But yet she ignored it and made her way to the drinking area in the kitchen which was guarded by chubby sweaty boys dressed in togas, it all made her change her mind and escape outside but her mind was changed again once she spotted Steve dancing like a complete dork with nothing but a big handsome smile on his face.
"Great party prince charming." She said loud enough for him to hear through the music as she shyly made her way to him and instead of him ignoring her or making some kind of rude remark, he embraced her in a hug before offering her a drink.
"Glad you could make it princess. You look really beautiful tonight, definitely beating all the girls who tried hard to impress your boyfriend."
"Oh my god! Right? I couldn't help but see the jealous looks from girls who practically didn't have anything on. They all look like twigs with a piece of cloth stuck to them." She joked, earning a laugh from her golden retriever friend.
"Speaking of Hargrove, where is he? I know he wouldn't like us talking." As much as she felt a bit annoyed with him bringing up Billy a little too much in their conversation, she knew he was not far from the truth. Billy would've killed Steve if he was to see this. But who cares, he's ditched her for his stupid friends so fuck what he thinks right now, right?
"Oh, he's in the backyard, currently getting shift faced in whatever drinking game his dumb friends have him doing. Leaving me all by my lonesome." She sighed dramatically, batting her eyelashes up at Steve in a joking matter.
"Well don't worry, you got me tonight to keep you entertained and as a sorry for being a asshole earlier, I got you something." He pulled out a charm bracelet that had all the charms that represented California. Her eyes became glossy as she snatched it from his hands and embraced him in a hug of her own, a bear hug. Well, her version of a bear hug.
It was beautiful, hell, it was fucking gorgeous. And she was forever grateful.
"Thank you Steven, truly. It means a lot to me. "
"No problem. And you don't need to cry over a stupid gift, let's just have fun yeah?" And that they did, while Billy was doing his own thing so was she.
Her and Steve had their own little drinking competition which she beat him in twice, and with all that liquor in her veins, they basically dance half of the night away on the dance floor.
She was wearing Steve's shades as she danced along beside him to whatever played. He was right behind her as she grind up against him with nothing but a drunken smile on their faces.
But not soon after, their fun was interrupted by Billy and his gang of popular jerks rolling in, towards them. Billy was covered in nothing but beer and sweat as he made his way towards them and basically yanked Jacqueline away from Steve by the waist and kissed her sloppily, all while making eye contact with the poor boy who was just getting his faced rubbed in by the news of Billy beating his keg record by his ex friends.
Now of course Jacqueline didn't care, yes she was bothered by Billy's drunken tactics but she didn't expect to see Steve give in. The two were practically giving each other a death stares as if they were about to rip each other's faces off and the people who was paying attention loved it but not Jackie. She stood there with nothing but a stank face and her arms crossed above her chest.
She didn't know rather to pull Billy away or to grab Steve and pull him somewhere so they can continue their fun and before she could make her decision, it was made for her when Billy grabbed her arm tightly and dragged her away, but not without saying something to Steve of course.
"Why don't you go find your bitch instead of trying to make a pass at mines. She doesn't like desperate. But hey, a pretty boy like you can get laid tonight. There's planty of skanks here who's matches your desperality, just gotta find the right one quickly. " And with that said, she was being dragged away like a rag doll to god knows here, watching as Steve just stood there with a hurt expression that quickly got replaced with annoyance and hatred.
Billy could really be a real fucking asshole sometimes.
"What the fuck was that?" Jackie yelled as she was pulled into the bathroom, her arm forming a bruise but she chose to ignore it, nothing could distract her from the burning hot anger she felt for her boyfriend right now.
"What do you ever so mean darlin?" A half drunk Billy questioned with nothing but a big stupid smirk plastered on his face that Jackie wanted so bad to slap off.
"You know what I mean! You was a absolute dick out there and for what? To impress your little boyfriends or to feed your ego because you couldn't stand the fact your girlfriend was having fun with a guy that wasn't you.'
She basically read him like a book in the same harsh tone he gave Steve earlier and it was the worst idea ever because instead of saying anything, he scared her into submission when he punched the wall inches away from her head.
She felt herself not holding back tears but holding her breath as she did nothing but look at the boy with a dumb founded look.
"I don't know who you think you're fucking talking to but you better watch you mouth before I fix it for you. Besides, you have no right to say shit anyway sweetheart. Wasn't you out here grinding against Harrington like a fuckin' slut? What happened? I thought he was the enemy, now you're dick riding?"
"Slut? I'm a slut for fuckin' dancing with a friend? Really? You're over here half fucking naked, doing stupid games to impress your fucking boyfriends and ugly bitches you probably already fucked while I was away in California. Never once have you came to dance with me and we came to this party together! TO-GETHER! Not with your boyfriends, not with the big haired bitches you was with outside, you came here with me! Me, your fucking girlfriend!"
"Oh please Jackie, you're being fuckin' dramatic! I was doing nothing but having fun, why do you have to be on my dick twenty four seven with your non-stop nagging!" His words got louder, dangerously louder but it only got her more pissed off.
"Dramatic!? I'm being dramatic because you ran off to go get drunk and flirt with sluts? I'm being dramatic because I'm fuckin sick of your bullshit and don't know why you're treating me like I'm one of these fuckin whores that's waiting for the opportunity to suck your dick?! And let's not fucking forget nagging! I'm nagging because I'm trying to make you take responsibility for your fuckin actions because you want to jump down my throat for mine? Does Steve got you that hard by the balls that you lost all your common sense and want to start acting different to the only fuckin bitch who knows you and your fuckin skeletons. The old Billy would never fuckin done this shit, no matter how drunk he is or how jealous he got. He...you would of never called me a slut, let alone try to scare me by almost hitting me!"
She yelled back at him, her voice cracking in every word she spoke, her eyes was glossy but she'd be damn to let any tears fall for him right now. She could feel herself reaching a line she wasn't supposed to cross with him but she could also feel herself breaking.
And it was already too late, she felt herself crying and worse part yet, she was still trapped underneath her asshole of a boyfriend who looked finally looked guilty for his actions.
Which was good. He should feel guilty.
"Jackie, you know I didn't mean that right? I'm sorry okay? I just... I had too much to drink and got carried away. You know I would never, ever put my fuckin' hands on you. I'll die before hurting you. You know that, right?" His words came out so soft, it was unavailable that it was even Billy speaking.
It was almost like a whisper and for a second, she thought what he said was genuine but even she couldn't believe him. Not now at least.
"Are you sure about that? Because it looked like you wanted to slap the shit out of me for telling nothing but the truth. Steve is hurting your ego so bad by being with me that you're acting like a fucking bitch. On Halloween of all nights, after being reunited after months away. You know, while you was having fun being the top dog here, I was fucking miserable back at Cali? I can't remember a day I didn't cry because you didn't have time to answer a fuckin call or letters that I spent hours upon days writing."
"Jesus Jackie, this shit again? I don't even know what you're fuckin' talking about. I never got a letter or even a call from you at all!" His words left her shocked, not because he yelled at her, that was normal. But because her letters and calls never even reach him. All this time she was thinking nothing but the worst of him but he was actually out being a good boyfriend.
Doesn't she feel like shit.
About that part of course, Billy was still a fucking dick for what he said and did.
"I'm really am sorry Jackie."
"Prove it, say you love me." The way she had to say that sentence broke her More than anything he said today, it felt embarrassing to have a to beg, let alone tell your boyfriend to say he loves you and prove that he's sorry.
What's even crazy, he actually complied. "I love you. I love you like fuckin crazy." He stated while getting done on his knees, taking her hands in his and kissed them all while staring up at her with the most innocent eyes she ever seen from him before.
"Look, I don't do this shit much and this is the only time you'll see and hear this from me, but I'm doing it now and with a pure as shit heart. I'm on my knees, asking for your forgiveness. I know I was wrong for what I said. And I'm really fucking sorry. You don't have to forgive me tonight or even ever but understand I'm not going to stop until you do. I love you, and that's a lot to say, let alone to admit but I ain't even fully sober so.."
His drunken ramble made her just break into a small fit of laughter. As much as she never seen this kind of jealous Billy, she never seen this side of him either and she had to admit, it was absolutely adorable and attractive.
"Alright fine, I forgive ya Hargrove." She got on her knees as well to level with him better as kissed him on the lips and cheek. "But you owe me a dance and a fucking drink. And, no sex for a week.
Now the last part felt a little too cruel to him but he understood and complied. Not going to lie as harsh as that punishment was for him, he couldn't help but laugh a little bit that he fucked up so bad that it came to that. And he just earned every part of her again not too long ago.
But still, he had to accept it and be respectful. After all, he just got his girl back and he wasn't going to loose her, ever.
"Alright sweetheart."
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
hello!! just wanted to say hi again with some praise for the new chapter!!!! amazing work as always!! for some reason taglist isn’t working for me but it’s ok because i make a habit of checking tumblr everyday to see if anyone updated HAHAHA
i’m so excited to see more of baby rickon and his doting parents <33 can’t wait to see rhaenyra and rhaenys interacting with the baby <33 so sad for viserys tho, he never got to meet his baby brother’s grandchild but this also means more drama coming so that’s exciting!! hopefully we get some more fluffy moments with the family before aemond comes whining like a lil byotch 🙄🙄
make sure to take care of yourself!! i know from experience that it’s hard to stay motivated sometimes and i know some encouragement can always help! you’re doing amazing!! take your time and also make time for yourself to relax without having to think too much! it’s good to stand up every now and then to go on a short walk to clear your mind (even if it’s just around your room!) make sure you’re staying hydrated as well and don’t skip any meals! you’re doing great 🫶🏼🫶🏼 sorry this got kinda long. 😭
Hello love! sorry I didn't reply to this sooner! you are so amazing and so kind!
Yeah Visery's death certainly came surprisingly! haha Sadly the Starks are in for the winter, kind of trapped, so they will have more time with their baby before everything goes to sh*t hehehe
thank you so much! really I haven't been that inspired to write recently, but I'm trying to get in the mood because really writing is one of my favorite things to do! I do love walks, i'm going to take one to clear my mind
Thank you so much love! ❤️❤️❤️
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starlight-phantom · 4 months
Hello!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day! I have two things to say/ask, I hope that's alright!
Have you ever mentioned being into the Yakuza series? Not sure if you did but idk, seeing as you're into both Danganronpa & Persona it might be up your alley (seeing as the fandoms all overlap!).
I remember you getting into AITSF (One of the Uchicord members was really happy about your Jim Furue takes a few months back) & eventually Raincode, so I'd like to ask....
How'd you like Raincode? You've probably already answered this but I'm a lil silly I apologize >.<
Hope the rest of your day goes well! 💙
I haven't played Yakuza, sorry. I've been meaning to check it out for years but I keep getting distracted by other stuff, and thanks to stuff going on in my life I don't think I have the energy for an 100+ hour game, much less a series of them. I do want to check them out eventually though, I've heard lots of great things about the characters.
I have played Judgment though, and I started Lost Judgment but the bullies infuriated me so much that I just couldn't keep going. I might try again but wow I could genuinely feel my blood pressure rising thanks to those brats. But I really, really enjoyed Judgment; the characters were great, the story was engaging, the mystery was fantastic and goddamn the music. Penumbra is one of my favourite boss themes.
Oh, wow, I wasn't aware people knew about that post and talked about it, especially since Jin doesn't have any screentime where he's alive. But yeah I love Somnium Files, really hope we can a third game... And I really hope Ryuki and Tama get more time to shine since they basically got shoved to the side for the second half of Nirvana Initiative.
I absolutely adored Rain Code. I was excited about it before it was released because I love Kodaka's work (even if his writing choices irritate me at times) but I think he and the rest of the team really outdid themselves. I loved all the characters, even the ones that I didn't get the best first impression of, the mysteries were all really good although I do think Chapter 3 was the weakest. It wasn't bad though, that's the thing, it just kinda ended when it felt like it was just getting started. Favourite chapters have to be Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, both of their conclusions had me sobbing. And that final big twist in the final chapter... Kodaka knew damn well what he was doing and I have to applaud him for that. And I look forward to any potential sequels they make because they set it up pretty well, I'd love a chance to play as Kurumi. I'd like to see how they could improve the mystery labyrinths too. I mean, you don't really do much in them, you just kinda run through, answer questions and do some quick time events, so I'd like to see if they could add some other mechanics to those sections and make them a little more interesting, maybe give your companions something else to do while there as well? Also, favourite character has to be Vivia, we barely know anything about him but his attitude and outlook on everything is so interesting and Aleks Le's performance was so good. Close second place is Yakou though, but I think everyone loves Yakou, so y'know.
Thank you, I hope you have a good day too.
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