#he looks good no matter what but now I can really capture its beauty and that makes me really happy
transkingofgames · 1 year
Absolutely living for the camera quality on my new phone I’m about to take so many really good pics of my beautiful & pretty husband and our kitties
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blues824 · 1 year
can you do the dormleaders reacting to a makima!reader from chainsaw man?
I admit it… I simp for Makima. I said it. Gender-neutral reader. Angst.
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Riddle Rosehearts
This man thought you were totally normal at first. You were kind, gentle, friendly, and very professional. Basically his dream partner in the flesh. Well, he came to find out that the only reason why you were so close to him was so that you could try and capture him during his overblot to serve as your ‘pet’.
During his overblot, you brought out some of your best devils. It was there that he got a glimpse of how cold and cruel you were. You never cared about him, and that’s what hurt the most. You eventually managed to stop the overblot, but you didn’t care since that was one of the two goals you had in mind.
He feels manipulated, as he should. Sure, you still did care about him, but that wasn’t your main priority. Now he understands why his mother never wanted him to hang around anybody. It was to avoid him from getting hurt.
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Leona Kingscholar 
He thought you were stuck-up until you showed him how kind you are. Even Ruggie didn’t suspect anything, so why would he have a reason to? Well, he should have because he found out that you were just trying to get him to overblot to see if you could manipulate him into being your ‘pet.
Leona was angry. He was angry at you, everyone else, but most importantly he was angry at himself for not seeing the cold and distant look in your eyes. Of course you wouldn’t be romantically interested in the prince. However, you seemed proud of yourself when your plans went haywire and you instead defeated the overblotting victim rather than captured him.
You betrayed him, and there was no other way to put it. Maybe you did love him; but it didn’t matter considering you put the blot above the beastman himself. The only thing to move past is the fact that you still held his heart in your hands.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Mans probably thought it was love at first sight, but no. You were just so kind and ‘genuine’ (not really), there was no way he couldn’t fall hopelessly in love. But, all good things must come to and end in one way or another. He just didn’t know it would be so cruel.
When he overblotted, you were quick to reveal your cold and cunning nature. You had one plan in mind, but two goals in case your plan went south. You wanted to keep the overblot version of Azul as a plaything, but you accidentally defeated him instead. Oh, well.
He wasn’t angry. He was sad. Was this how others felt when he turned around and stabbed them in the back? No, none of them harbored the love that the cecaelia felt for you, and even when you tore his heart out and stomped on it… it still beat for you.
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Kalim Al-Asim
His heart soared when he saw you acting so kind. You were the main character in a Disney movie, and he was the love interest in this little story. Your hands were gentle as you cupped his face, a deception that you’ve prepared for a long time.
However, when his Vice Housewarden overblotted, Kalim felt betrayed by both his best friend and now you. Your cold and manipulative side came out to play, and the Housewarden of Scarabia felt as though he was gazing upon a completely different person.
The thing is, his heart was still soaring even with its broken wings. Whenever he was near you, he still got butterflies in his stomach. His mind and Jamil tell him to stray away but his heart tells him to forgive you. And who is he to deny the thing that draws him closer to you?
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Vil Schoenheit
He knew there was something more behind that kind facade. He knew he should have listened to his mind when he saw you. But you gave him the right amount of attention at the wrong time. You called him beautiful when he needed to hear it, and this clouded his judgment.
When he overblotted and saw how you really were, he could feel more ink falling from his tear ducts. He was already on an emotional rampage, but to see that you stabbed him in the back set him over the edge. How could you?
Oh, he was understandably angry. He wanted to blame you just as he wanted to blame Neige, but it was just as much his own fault as it was either of yours. He does stay away from you, and tries to avoid you. 
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Idia Shroud
One of the only ones who had an inkling that you might not be who you seem you are, considering he saw an anime with a character that was very similar to you. Unfortunately, his initial suspicion was wiped away when you acted so kindly towards him.
He shouldn’t have been surprised to find out that you were just trying to capture him while he overblots for your own benefit. He was ashamed for himself for thinking that he could have this little shred of hope, but you just plunged him into despair.
You seemed pretty happy when you defeated his overblot, but he knew that it wasn’t your original plan. Honestly, he couldn’t blame you. If he were in your shoes, he would probably try and do the same thing, considering overblots were a very powerful thing.
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Malleus Draconia
His retainers told him to be careful, but he wasn’t. You showed him kindness and friendship and even love, and he was attached almost immediately. He was smart, but you were always 10 steps ahead and he didn’t suspect anything.
However, it was when he witnessed you in battle that he noticed how cold you actually were. You never cared about the people you were helping; you cared about the power that harnessing and overblot victim would bring you.
Malleus realized that he might need to be careful about accumulating blot. If you got control of him if he overblotted, you would have an almost insurmountable amount of power. He is one of the top 5 most powerful mages, after all.
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merakiui · 2 years
As celebration for Scaramouche finally getting some spotlight and become playable, I have more brainrot! Nsfw warning? Just like the thought of him being a streamer or gamerboy with an unhealthy obsession with the neighbor nextdoor to him. Listening to you bring home multiple one night stands, your voice carrying through the vents. Its so irritating how it gets him riled up! Eventually his curiosity is peaked and he tries to send anonymous gifts and waiting for your reaction around the corner. It starts out sweet and innocent till he buys a polaroid camera to take explicit pictures of you for his own selfish desires, getting off to them for awhile till it no longer works. The thought of you bringing home different people gets to him and he starts planning on how he can make you his <3
Aaaa I love gamermouche. <3
(cw: yandere, implied nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, (cyber)stalking, obsession, modern au)
Scaramouche has never felt true love, so the fact that there are nearly a million people who watch his content, join his streams, and leave comments is jarring. This sort of recognition, while very much well-deserved and a wonderful ego boost, feeds a vacant part of him. The part that craves validation. The part that wants to be needed and noticed by others. The part of him that’s cold and lonely. And when a million eyes are on him, he’s able to ignore his fractured past and focus on a successful present.
He’s good at what he does. Streaming games of all genres, occasionally collaborating with other streamers. Hotshots like Tartaglia, who always engages in irritating banter with him (the fans eat it up every time), and the beauty vlogger Signora, who is surprisingly good at FPS games. Scaramouche could do without these troublesome collabs, but it boosts his viewership and those videos always do well. Why snuff a tree that continues to produce fruit? He can endure a few hours of collaboration as long as it brings in a good paycheck and lots of viewers.
With the way his current life has been going, success after success after success, he shouldn’t need to feel so…empty. He lives in a nice, spacious apartment on the sixth floor, he has an expensive set-up with three monitors and the best mic and headset, and his recording studio is organized and neat—a perfect space that’s soundproofed and allows him to hide away for a few hours, where he’s free to do as he pleases.
Lately, he’s been in a slump of sorts. He can continue to put out videos and he can stream as if nothing’s wrong, but there’s been this gnawing sense of incompletion that’s weighed heavy on his mind for a while now. No matter how well a video does, how great a stream went, or how many hours he’s put into his favorite games, everything feels so meaningless and hollow. Perhaps he’s burnt out. Perhaps he’s overworked himself. Perhaps it’s time to try other hobbies.
Or perhaps the problem lies with his neighbor.
You’ve lived next door for as long as he’s lived in the building. It’s been about three years now, Scaramouche thinks, and he remembers the day the two of you met. He’d come home late after a dinner spent with his mother and self-proclaimed aunt (he wishes she’d just piss off), and as usual the meeting went about as well as it possibly could when you can’t stand the sight of the one who cast you out when you needed her most. Understandably, Scaramouche was in a foul mood. He’d been wanting to get home as soon as possible, take a bath and scrub the dinner and every useless conversation from his skin, and he really wasn’t looking for any interruptions in his path to absolute comfort.
But when the lift doors slid open and he stalked down the hall, he found two people in front of his door. You were one of those people, pressed against the door while some stranger captured your mouth in a steamy kiss. Scaramouche heard his resolve snapping. He’d just come back from a shitty night out and this is what greets him? Two lovestruck fools exchanging saliva and breath as if they’re desperately in need of it?! He withdrew his key ring and obnoxiously shook it to disturb the oh-so-sweet scene. Thankfully, you took notice of him and you pushed the other person off of you with a breathless laugh.
He ought to stuff that laugh right down your throat.
“You’re in the way,” he snapped, and you stepped awkwardly aside. With a huff, he slipped his key into the lock and opened his door. Before melting into the darkness, he stared you in the eyes and said, “Make out against your own door.”
And then he slammed it shut, listening to your muffled laughter and the offended scoffs from your lover, date, friend… Honestly, he couldn’t care what they are to you. He does care when he hears the door beside him open and close and, with a low groan, he realized he just met his new neighbor—the one who’d previously caused quite the commotion moving in a few days prior.
Ever since then, he’s been privy to your nightly routines. How this madness could go on for three years is beyond him. How anyone could bring home a new soul every month or so and repeat this for three years is beyond him. By then, shouldn’t you have found ‘the one’? Though Scaramouche knows nothing of real, true love, he’s certain that three years is plenty of time to connect with at least one of your one-night stands. Unfortunately, you’re not the only one who has the pleasure of connecting.
The walls aren’t the thickest, and aside from his recording booth every other room, especially the ones that run parallel to your apartment, is thin. So thin that he can hear the bed creak if he presses his ear against the wall. And you’re always so loud. Wailing and moaning and gasping. He hears every sound, every little cry, and it grinds his patience into dust. If he wanted to listen to an explicit audio, he’d have done so online. The last thing he needs is to hear the lewd sounds of sex while he’s recording or streaming. He has faith in his soundproofing, but he can’t be certain that his mic won’t pick up the sounds. And if anyone hears something like that on his videos or streams, no matter how faint, it’ll just cause more unnecessary trouble for him. The last thing he needs is to toe the lie of cancellation for the nth time.
He’s learned your schedule by now. Weekends are for one-night stands. Any other day is normally quiet. So to get through those nights, he’ll either retreat to his recording studio, put his headset on, and play games for the fun of it, or he’ll sit out on his balcony with earphones turned all the way up, music spilling into his brain, and he’ll count the stars. It’s a habit he’s fallen into ever since he started stargazing. Tiny balls of light from a distance, yet so destructively sad up in the expanses of space. Lonesome, little stars that are destined for implosion once they reach the end of their lives. He counts the stars every night. He’s not sure why he does this. He’s not even that interested in astronomy.
Scaramouche counts a number of stars that’s immediately wiped from his head when he turns in the direction of your balcony and finds you staring right back. You’ve wrapped yourself in a thick blanket to combat the chilly midnight air and he blinks back at you under silver moonlight.
“Hey.” You smile.
His shock quickly morphs into a dark scowl. “Don’t ‘hey’ me! Do you ever hear how obnoxious you sound every single night?”
“Not really,” you answer with a shrug and he sighs loudly. “Most of them like obnoxious.”
“Well, I don’t. So either learn to shut up or don’t bring any more idiots home!”
You lean against the railing and hum in consideration. He glances at the space that separates your apartments, a sliver of gloom that drops down to the pavement below. He folds his arms across his chest, brows furrowed.
“Do you want to come over instead? I can make room in my schedule.” You’re grinning now, teasing him with a snarky expression. What he’d do to wipe that look off your face…
Scaramouche’s face darkens and, rather than retorting icily, he turns swiftly on his heel and vanishes inside. He can hear your victorious laughter as he shuts and locks the balcony door.
“Stupid,” he seethes, gritting his teeth. “Stupid neighbor. Of all the brainless things to say…”
The next time the two of you meet you’re not on the balcony and the sky isn’t cradling dozens of stars. Instead, he meets you in the hall just as he’s returning from grocery shopping and you’re on your way out, dressed pleasantly in formal attire.
“I didn’t realize you could dress nicely,” he says absently as he rifles through the keys and charms on his key ring. “I only ever pictured you in discarded, forgotten garments.”
“Aw. You think of me?” you counter with a wink. “I’m flattered.”
He rolls his eyes. That definitely sounded like a roundabout way of saying he daydreams about you. “You wish that were the case.”
It’s a poor retort, but it’s all he can manage before he walks through his door and you stalk past him, your laughter echoing in the hall. Scaramouche watches you go, leaning against his doorframe and smiling to himself. You have a very confident walk.
And it’s these small interactions that have him growing attached to you. He learns that you work at a club entertaining wealthy clients. He’d know because he followed you there one evening. And you also love sweets. He’d know because he’s left plenty at your door and you’ve always gasped in delight upon seeing them. You also seem to enjoy collecting cute plushies, for he’s bought a few that reminded him of you and left them at your door. You take those as well. He’s found your social media and has taken to scrolling it on a burner account. Can’t risk using his official account otherwise you’ll know it’s him and he’s not sure he wants you to know of his feelings yet.
Scaramouche is very fulfilled when he admires you from afar and bestows heartfelt gifts to you. His chat has commented that he seems…softer lately, and Scaramouche tells them they’re delusional. He’s not soft. He’s never been soft. But you seem to know just how to smooth the rough edges in his exterior.
Now he sits against the wall that connects your apartments, eyes shut tight and hand wrapped firmly around his cock, and listens to the sounds of you getting fucked in the next room, picturing himself above you. He’s gotten better at cumming at the same time as you, and he likes to think that everything you say while in the throes of lust are directed at him and not your one-night stand. He recalls your playful offer from many nights ago and wonders if you’d ever sleep with him. In his imagination, you’re practically at his feet, begging for a fraction of affection, and he can choose to please you in whatever way he wants. Unfortunately, it’s not like that in real life.
He plays games and streams to cope.
When Tartaglia gifts him a camera designed to look aesthetically old-fashioned for his birthday, Scaramouche considers donating it. He doesn’t need this camera, especially one that comes from Tartaglia. But when he considers its other uses, it quickly becomes something of value. He takes plenty of candid photos of you and he hangs them on the wall. He bought a strand of fairy lights, which have been draped over his bed frame and hang low, and he’s attached his favorite photos to the clips. He looks up at these pictures as he falls asleep and, like the stars in the vast, brilliant sky, counts them.
The next time he meets you you’re on the balcony, and this time you’re counting stars. It’s a Saturday evening and, miraculously, things are comfortably quiet.
“No R-rated movies tonight?”
You glance at him and smirk. “Only fluff.”
Scaramouche props one elbow on the railing and rests his cheek in his hand. “Looks more like sad, teenage angst to me.”
“I’m just thinking.”
“Someone’s nosy tonight.”
“Then forget I asked.”
“Nah. I’ll tell you.” You turn to face him, fingers wrapping around the bannister, and he wishes those perfect hands could wrap around other things. “Has anyone ever pressured you to do something you didn’t want to do?”
He finds himself nodding despite not having any examples at the forefront of his mind.
“Then you probably get how annoying it is.”
“All the time,” he admits, but it feels more like a lie. He frowns at nothing in particular.
“Most of my friends are married and everyone in my circle thinks I should do the same.”
“Your circle sucks.”
That squeezes a laugh out of you. The corners of his lips quirk upwards upon hearing the delightful sound.
“What about you?”
“Marriage?” he echoes, perplexed. “Settling down is…a commitment.”
He realizes, in that very moment, that he’s never dwelled on marriage and long-term relationships. And now that you’ve put such a thought in his head, he thinks that married life with you wouldn’t be so bad.
“What if we were married instead?”
You recoil, genuinely shocked, and laugh awkwardly. “Uh, what?”
“You want all of those idiots to stop pestering you, right?”
“I mean, it would be nice. Yeah. But I don’t see how—”
“We could pretend. Make it a fake marriage.” He hopes his shrug looks nonchalant because he is far from nonchalant.
“Why? I thought you hated me.”
“Not enough to pretend to marry you.”
“Huh…” Your fingers drum along the railing. “Huh. This is a first.”
Scaramouche is certain an arrangement like this is good practice. Not only can he learn more about you, he can experience how it feels to know you on a deeper level. That, and it’ll help him avoid scandals. Online sleuths are quite skillful and if anyone knew he was dating it would stir up annoying nonsense. Though he hardly cares about his reputation as much as he cares for you, it’s still something he has to take into consideration when it comes to money.
Maybe he’s counted too many stars tonight. There’s no way he’d ever ask something so foolish under other circumstances. But maybe it’s because he’s been itching to get closer to you. Stalking you isn’t enough. Taking photographs isn’t enough. Daydreaming isn’t enough.
He needs to be inside your apartment, inside your life, inside you, forcing his way into your heart and making a permanent residence there. All he needs to do is charm you. You’ll see how good he is, and once you do there will be no need to watch your every move.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt,” you mutter. “You’d better be a good husband.”
“I’ll be the best,” he replies with a cocky smirk.
“All right, Scary.” You hold your hand out, leaning over the railing to reach him, and your smile sparks pure joy in his chest. “We’ll pretend to be a married couple for a little while. At least until everyone stops bothering me.”
His hand fits into yours and the two of you shake. Scaramouche can’t believe this is happening. His spontaneous plan is starting to look more solid with each passing second.
“I look forward to meeting your friends and family,” he jests and you laugh.
“Likewise.” Situated against a starry backdrop, you really are the best dream he could ever have.
That night, Scaramouche does a drinking stream to celebrate. And come tomorrow he’ll begin to put his slowly forming plan into action.
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normansnt · 11 months
Worthy (Kenpachi Zaraki x male!husband reader)
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Absolutely no warnings the whole thing is fluff🦦
The rays of the sun were shining through the bedroom window which was on the right side of the bed. Two males were laying on the bed in the center of the room only its head board touching the wall behind it.
Kenpachi groaned softly and opened his eyes to see his husband, Y/N, laying on top of him. He took in the mans facial features, not like he had them burned into his memory due to staring at his husband a lot. But he still loved these moments.
When Y/Ns face was completely calm and unbothered, in times like this his beauty truly shone through. His plump l/c lips that were curling upwards slightly, he was probably having a pleasant dream, his nose which complimented and put his facial features together perfectly, and his eyes, It's true that when open, they could make Kenpachi stumble over his own words and loose the thoughts he was having prior but when they were closed that also gave a glow to his husbands face.
Kenpachi was lucky indeed. On how he found himself such a loving and caring husband who would never even look at others if Kenpachi is in the room, and oh that glint in his eyes when he looks at him.
Kenpachi had a hard time capturing reality. He never understood how Y/N, an actual angel, could fall for him, a brute whose life and death was battle and every breath he took was to kill someone. He often wondered why Y/N didn't find, or go look for, someone else. Someone who can treat him the way he deserves it. Even though Knepachi tries very hard to be a good husband, his anger gets the best of him sometimes and his blood lust is something that makes you constantly worried for his health.
You always tell him that there is no one you would rather be with than him, that the fact that he isn't perfect is something you love about him so much and that no one is in fact perfect.
He disagreed, kind of, he found you perfect, thats an argument you guys always had.
Even after telling him all these things he still wants for you to be with someone better than him. Of course it would break him into millions of pieces but he just knows that if you would be with someone more suited for you than--
"Pachi?" Your raspy morning voice, which he loved so much, got him out of his trance "yes?" Asked he groggily as well.
"You have been zoning out for a long time I just wanted to know if you were ok" you said while playing with his now let down hair.
He looked at you, the way the morning sunlight shone on your face made it even more handsome than it usually is. Of course you have been worried about him. Its what you do.
"Are you having those horrible thoughts again?" How foolish of him. To think for a second that you couldn't read him like a book and know exactly whats on his mind. "Look at me" you said, even though he was looking at you, you meant really at you, into your eyes, paying attention to the words you say, he knew that's what you meant.
You sat up to straddle him and held his face in you hands. "I love you more then life itself, and no matter what you thought about just now you deserve me and are the best possible partenr for me I know it, I married you because of it" you smiled putting up your hand in front of his face for him to see the ring on it.
He looked at your hand, then took it into his own, brought it to his lips and kissed your knuckles gently, a small smile spreading on his lips, god, he loved you so much. You giggled and took a hold of his hand that was holding yours. Than leaned closer and kissed his lips instead.
"I'll repeat the words so they stay in your mind Kenpachi Zaraki, you're not just worthy of me, but you are the perfect match for me, the love of my life"
Is Kenny to OOC???🧐
Ehh idk but I like this fic its short and syrupy sweet🫠
Maybe a bit too sweet idk anymore🦦
ANYHOW I don't know if you guys could tell but I may be a bit obsessed w Kenpachi🐥
I know you guys want more op fics, at least thats my guess cus my Usopp fic received tons of love, thank you so much for that, and worry you not I shall write more for one piece. My next fic is going to be a Sanji fic🤓 (I hope)
Well I hope you enjoy your reading, ladies, gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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sparklingmusicofstars · 8 months
Hamefura pirates of the disturbance : Rozy's introduction
Warning : the second part contains spoilers !
I found some information on a fandom and the rest I wrote it.
Rozy Lind :
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Background :
Rozy is an engineer from the Kingdom of Quid, an invention powerhouse located in a different continent from Sorcier. He is recruited to the reveal of the luxury liner "Vinklem" as part of the maintenance crew. In the game he is one of the two new capture targets for Catarina.
Appearance :
Rozy is a tall man with maroon-colored hair and jade green eyes. He wears a brown technician uniform with a hat, with black belt holding his tools and gear. Under his technician vest is a black shirt with a purple neckline. He often has a gentle, reassuring on his face. He is a young man of 23 years old but he has a boyish and childish smile and gestures.
Personnality :
He is a kind and meek young man who is a talented technician. He secretly has a sweet-tooth, and is a fan of desserts and pastries. He is a very fast reader. Rozy has a creative mind and is good with tinkering with machines. He is able to make tools out of anything he can get his hands on. It is said that everyone in their family truly wants to protect and keep an eye on those they hold dear. It's in their genes. He is as smart as Geordo and the others but he is more innocent in a way.
Warning spoilers !
Fortune lover game :
Rozy is a character that appears in a fan-book of Fortune Lover. In the game he is not a capture target even though he is handsome. He also got killed by Silva (who is the captain of the Sungreed pirates)
Currently :
Rozy and Catarina are acquainted, and eventually friends, due to their mutual love of sweets. He was on the desk when he caught sight of her and immediatly recognized her. He had a conversation with Silva and told him that no matter what happens he doesn't want her and only her to be hurt. Silva is aware of that and told him that even if it's the first time in 8 years he saw her he shouldn't do anything clumsy and must avoid approaching her. And Rozy accepts painfully.
Rozy's true identity :
It turns out Rozy is not really a pirate and neither is Silva or the rest of the crew. Rozy‘s real name is Rodzion Lindgren and he’s an aristocrat or more specifically a Duke of Queed. So Silva and his crew are actually Rozy‘s private guards that he hired to stop the Chancellor and his selfish scheme of trying to blow up the ship and kidnap the magic users.
Rozy's first meeting with Catarina :
When he first met Catarina in Sorcier he gave her the gummy candy he made because she was hungry while thinking that it was not very appreciate because of its strange texture (like now) and she told him it was beautiful like a jewel and how delicious it was. This made him realize his true ambition to help others and he always wanted to meet Catarina again to thank her. Eventually he was able to find out more about her and fell in love with her when he met her again. Rozy also met Silva on his way back to Queed when he almost got mugged. A younger Silva helped him but then collapsed to the ground because he was weak. Rozy noticed he looked like he was poor or homeless and decided to help him after thinking of Catarina’s smile, ignoring the people who told him not to do it. Thus, both his and Silva’s fates were essentially changed from meeting Catarina. In the game he will listen his escort and leave him here. He also kept an eye on Catarina since then, he sent someone in Sorcier to collect informations about her and know how she is doing while pretenting it was to collect informations on Sorcier, he even drew her one time when he was tired and everyone who know him well know how much he loves "the little girl who changed his life" For him, she was "his benefactor". (He really is a stalker....It's really creepy...) Ah, one thing, when he met her he was 15 years old and Catarina 8 years old... Yes, a real stalker.
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They were so cute !!!
My opinion :
I love Rozy as a character (not as much as Silva, sorry) but he is really creepy in a way... I think Silva also mentionned something like that... In a way, he really reminds me Raphael ; his smile, personnality and things like that. And he is really handsome and has a calm, gentle and smart aura. I'm glad he met Catarina when they were children or else he would have no personnality. My favourites scenes are when he save her from the drunk pirate, his talk with Silva when he saw her, and almost all... Except for one thing, I think Albert really spoiled Rozy's route, he is so annoying.... And I don't know when Catarina fell in love wth him either. Unfortunately I don't have the game but I think his route is cute. (without Albert) His confession was adorable and his good ending too. It's my second favourite route.
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hp-bodiceripper · 10 months
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Second and final week of this year's fest is done! Here is our week 1 masterlist if you still need to catch up.
It brought us photoshoots and murder mysteries, Hogwarts professors after hours, stableboys in summer courts, and friends who are there for you in the toughest of times.
Dig in and catch up with all the lovely creations before our guessing game starts this Sunday!
An anon masterlist of all the works will be posted on Sunday too, with reveals happening on August 20th.
🎨 Art
Joy Exposed
(Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley, G, Digital art)
Ginny and Fleur give an interview for Daily Prophet’s new Weekend Magazine and spend hours doing an accompanying photoshoot. When it comes to approving the selection of photos for print, they unanimously choose the candid one taken on their break, rather than all the styled and posed images.
nocturn says about this: THIS IS GORGEOUS!! I adore their expressions, the sneakers, that awesome headline, and all of the fun colors! citrusses says about this: Oh my god this is BEAUTIFUL!
Monday Murder Club
(Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lavender Brown/Padma Patil, T, Digital art) The members of a crime-solving club find love and friendship amidst the blood.
nv-md says about this: Such a cool idea, and I adore the couples you’ve chosen and their poses together. Slowly_learning says about this: Extra mention for the comic style in the second chapter, super super cute!!
The Professor's Passion
(Narcissa Black Malfoy/Hermione Granger, G, Digital art) Hermione is a professor and Gryffindor head of house. She loves her job... until Narcissa Malfoy is hired on the school's faculty, and is now head of Slytherin. God, that woman is insufferable. Hermione despises her so much she can hardly think about anything else. (She must hate her... that's why she always feels so hot and bothered when she's around, right? And does she have to be so damn beautiful?)
wolfpants says about this: You've really captured the spirit of the fest with this - so passionate and heated! Summer says about this: The colors of their dresses are so vibrant and I love the atmosphere you created!
🎵 Podfic
Masks Off
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Teen, 3h 15 min)
Draco had followed his parents to this Caribbean island as a matter of course, even though no one had told him what they were doing here or why his father’s ships were frequently attacked by masked pirates. And, honestly, Draco’d had no intention of actually finding out either.
Sylvie says about this: That was a lot of fun. I love your voice! zippysuffix says about this: This was so good! I love how you brought the story to life.
🖋 Fic
Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage
(Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, E, 21k) Lord Draco Malfoy may be a young man spending time in Dumbledore’s summer court, but that does not mean he needs to succumb to its licentious frivolity. He carries the burden of his lineage, the shadow of rumours, and the dignity of his betrothal to a good match. He is certainly not fool enough to be distracted by the dark curls and ready grin of the court’s stableboy, who seems to have taken up with every courtier who looks his way.
RaenyDay says about this: I am thoroughly enjoying this fic! The banter between Draco, Blaise, and Pansy cracked me up. milkandhoney says about this: The worldbuilding was top tier 👌
Love Me Meow
(Arabella Fig/Minerva McGonagall, E, 2.5k) After the students leave for the summer, Headmaster McGonagall and the new Muggle Studies professor have a chance and sensuous encounter at the beach.
acari says about this: Arabella is such a saucy minx. That was very fun. Anon says about this: Love the summer vibes!
The Real Thing
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 5k) Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
Bubblegumhead says about this: This story made me feel so very warm, content and over flowing with such emotions. Basicallyahedgehog says about this: So soft and sweet and gorgeous.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
The classic "Who did this to you?" with Jake Lockley, please! <3
pairing: jake lockley x reader
warnings: reader has a really bad day. soft!jake.
- ☾-
“Who did this to you?”
It takes you a while to answer Jake’s question though he doesn’t push. You could tell he’s holding back his anger by the way he’s gritting his teeth, jaw clenching tightly, and lips forming into a straight line. He has all the patience in the world when it comes to you, yet the same couldn’t be said for others, especially those at your job who’ve reduced you to tears.
How dare they be cruel to his beautiful darling angel?
Your body lets out a wracked sob, one that you’ve been trying to suppress but no longer can. Jake’s features immediately soften, his face washed in complete concern. Tenderly, he brushes away the burning tears brimming in your eyes with the pad of his thumb, a quiet exhale escaping his lips.
He’d do anything and everything at this point to take away your pain. For the love of his life, who always turns his skies bright blue on dark, storming days, he’d do all that he possibly could.
Jake allows you to cling to him and cry into his shoulders, caressing a hand up and down your back to soothe you. Amidst your weeping, you hear his soft voice whispering words of comfort into your ear as delicate fingers gently stroke your hair.
“I-I’m sorry, Jake. God, I look so pathetic, don’t I?” you mutter brokenly into his tear-stained shirt. “I’m just tired of being there. I can’t stand it anymore. The manager always shits on me no matter how hard I work.”
“Cariño, I’m sure you can find much better work elsewhere. They don’t deserve someone like you who’s so passionate about their job,” he replies, his tender gaze locking with yours. “Hey, they don’t know you the way I do. You’re one hell of a fighter, baby. Stronger than I could ever be. With the most loving heart, that’s too good for this world.”
Wiping your wet cheeks with the sleeve of your top, you then release a shuddering sigh. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better. You don’t actually think that. I mean, look at me—”
“No,” Jake firmly disagrees. “Don’t do that, sweetheart. Don’t talk yourself down. What I said is the truth, and I need you to believe me when I say that.”
Shifting, he captures your lips in a sweetly soft kiss, and it has you quickly melting into his side. Now it’s Jake’s turn to clutch you tightly as his arms wrap around you, pulling you closer until no gap remains. 
You stay in his embrace for an endless moment, resting your head above his heart and listening to its calm and gentle beat. The sound of it eventually lulls you to sleep, which Jake refuses to disrupt, seeing how peaceful you look curled up beside him.
“Te amo mucho, mi vida,” Jake murmurs in a warm breath against your skin, and you softly squeeze the hand that holds yours as if you’ve heard every word. “I love you more than you will ever know.”
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vintageaustin · 2 years
Baby fever part 3
Austin!Elvis x reader;
Summary: you and Elvis have been married
For about 3 years now and he thinks its time for a baby
Tw/mentions: pregnancy cursing slight abuse alcohol  (not by Austin)
You were about 6 months pregnant now. And it was taking a toll on you and Elvis mostly because of you’re health. That seemed to be going up and down like a roller coaster. It made you’re husband worry sick about you.
 And his job wasn’t making it any easier as you’re house was surrounded by press and fans half of the time. And the other half of the pregnancy he wasn’t really there cause of work.
It was a Tuesday night as you heard the door open.  The familiar sound of you’re husband his voice. And some laughter you walked towards the end of the hall way.
 Watching you’re husband laugh with the usual friends and the colonel he brought home for a drink. You smiled slightly as he walked towards you kissing. You on the lips as the smell of alcohol lingered around him.
Usually you could handle that smell pretty well but since you were pregnant it made. You feel sick you smiled softly. He slurred an “there’s my beautiful girl..why are you awake shouldn’t you sleep it’s good for the baby” he said bending down to kiss you’re growing bump .
You chuckled and stroked his hair softly before speaking “well yea…but you woke me up…you’re kinda loud babe” you giggled. As you looked behind Elvis seeing everyone slowly move into the living room before capturing the special moment you two shared with you’re unborn child. “oh I’m sorry darlin” he said still kissing you’re bump. Southern drawl thick as ever.
You felt a kick right at this very moment.  As Elvis gasped loudly you giggled seeing he never. Felt you’re unborn child kick he was either at work or the baby simply wouldn’t kick.
No matter how much you’re husband talked and sang to them. “w-was that?” he asked dumbstruck. As everyone who tagged along watched you in awe.
You nodded you’re head excitedly as you looked at everyone’s. faces everyone looked genuinely happy. For the two of you except one person who thought Elvis was more a walking sloth machine than. A man neither you or the colonel could stand each other and he made that very clear.
 Elvis looked up at you then looked back at you’re stomach. “can you do that again for daddy lil’ one? Pretty please..”. he mumbled to you’re stomach but sadly you’re baby had already settled down.
As Elvis and the others sat outside in the garden seeing the weather was surprisingly. Nice you sat inside in the nursery slowly rocking the chair back and forth. As you  were knitting another little sweater seeing you. Were due in February but little did you know  in the garden. Elvis and the colonel were having quite the heavy conversation.
“she’ll only get in the way of you my boy…besides she has workers here maids an her family..she’ll be fine without you here besides don’t you want to put some money on the table before you’re little wonder arrives” the colonel said. Starring intensively back at you’re husband.
 Elvis shook his head “absolutely not. she’s comin’ along with us to Hollywood I ain’t leaving my pregnant wife behind I’ll be damned and it’s definitely ain’t going to fuckin happen i don’t care what you think in this matter.” Elvis snapped at the colonel as he took another swing of his beer.
The colonel nodded his head and excused himself. Going upstairs to use the bathroom. As he came back from his toilet visit he saw you. Slowly making you’re way to your bedroom. He roughly grabbed you’re wrist pulling you aside you groaned loudly “what the hell!! “ you yelled as he. Squeezed you’re wrist harder almost breaking it in the process before speaking.
“listen and listen very carefully to what ‘m bout to say little girl. You’re gonna tell you’re husband that you don’t want to come to Hollywood with him. You’re just useless anyway you’ll only get in-“ he was about to finish his sentence. As you got pulled away in the familiar arms of you’re husband.  “get out. Get the fuck out!” Elvis said his smooth voice filled with anger. “but mr Presley we-“ the colonel was about to speak but before.
He could Elvis cut him off “I SAID GET OUT!” Elvis yelled making you jump a bit. “you don’t come into my damn house and treat MY PREGNANT wife in anyway how dare you even touch her now leave we’ll talk later.” He said you could hear how hurt he was but also how angry. The colonel just nodded and left.
Elvis looked at you his face turned from anger to worry “are you okay darlin’ how’s the little one god you’re shakin like a leave did he hurt you badly?”. He asked cupping you’re face into his hands. You looked at him tears streaming down you’re face.
“n-no we’re okay” you stuttered avoiding eye contact. With you’re husband whatsoever “a-am I really just a bother to you?” you asked sadness filling you’re voice.
 Elvis looked t you eyes wide as he frowned “what of course not darlin’ you two are the best that have ever happened to me. Better than all the fame the money the fans. If I didn’t have you and our little wonder I don’t know who I’d be darlin’ I married you because you bring the best out of me I wouldn’t know what to do without you…. you are my world.”
he said as he pulled you into a hug “now let’s get ready for bed ye? The others already left anyway”. You nodded you’re head a you made you’re way to your bedroom
Elvis knew that the next four months were gonna be rough for both of you. But he was sure as hell gonna make it work cus no one was gonna take either of his babies away from. Not his fans , not his dad and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let the colonel get any closer to you or you’re unborn child in any damned way.
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tag list:
@thecosmoscollectivee @alligator-person @carolinecakes
Hi creator here this is part 3 of baby fever I might make a part 4 depending on how well part 2 does I hope you guys like it feedback is always welcome requests are open and pls let me know if I missed triggers or grammar mistakes
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pastelwell · 5 months
I wrote quite a lot of E-rated hannigram fic over the holidays as gifts and such and I’m slowly posting them, if anyone wants to read them :)
I promise that one day I intend to write something with actual plot and substance but… Today is not that day ✨
“It’s beautiful.”
In the moonlight, as he gasps desperate breaths against Hannibal’s chest, heart racing so fast he thinks he might die, Will closes his eyes. This is a place he never anticipated he would end up, but he’s more surprised by how good it feels to be here, how freeing it is to feel Hannibal’s own charging heartbeat against his cheek, proof that he’s here and vivid and alive. They both are. This was not the plan he came here to execute, but Hannibal always did have a way of dismantling everything in a way Will least suspects.
OR: Hannibal & Will don’t fall. Instead, they consummate.
Continue reading…
Alternative therapy
It’s becoming more common for their therapy sessions to run late, and more often than not they take place in Hannibal’s home. Sometimes over dinner, sometimes over whiskey or wine in Hannibal’s library. Places where it’s safe for Will to talk and dark enough to conceal him.
He watches Will pace and he can already smell it on him; the things that he wants, his darkest desires, things he’s too afraid to ask for but things he needs so desperately. It’s been building up for weeks, a tremor of tension that now roars whenever they look at each other. It’s only a matter of time, and Hannibal is content to play the long game.
OR: Will doesn’t want to think. Hannibal provides a distraction.
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When Hannibal first raises it he has his mouth inside of Will’s shirt, pressing kisses down the slope of his shoulder from behind him whilst Will gasps and shivers, still so sensitive to Hannibal’s touch even after all this time.
“I’d like to capture you,” he purrs, pulling apart the buttons of Will’s shirt to get at more of him.
“Like a prisoner?” Will says, smiling, “I’m here of my own volition—“
“In charcoal,” Hannibal clarifies, and either he missed Will’s humour or chooses to ignore it, “From real life, not from memory.”
OR: Hannibal asks to draw Will in charcoal.
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Begin to blur
(this one isn’t new, but I’m including it anyway ✨)
Will rounds the desk a couple of times, circling Hannibal like prey as he sits and writes notes, letters, recipes… Behind them both, a cleansing fire rages. On every circle, Will feels the burning hot heat of it against his thighs through his clothes. He passes slowly to really feel the the intensity of it build, then steps away when it becomes almost too much.
On his final rotation he stops, picks up an inkwell and sets it back down in an unfamiliar home. Hannibal looks at him, amused, before setting it back in its place, eyes entirely on Will as he does so. The atmosphere feels charged around them, cracking with anticipation, like they can both sense something is coming but neither know what it is.
OR: Will Graham finally allows himself to have what he wants before it’s too late.
Continue reading…
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cryptic-symbols · 2 months
for the ask game :)
waco, going to alaska and pinklon
deep cuts my beloved
You didn’t use an Oxford comma so for a hot second I wondered where there was a mountain goats song entitled “Going to Alaska and Pinklon” and I was really confused. These were fun songs and this is a long post.
waco: she’s not a deep cut, not to me!!! all hail west texas is my fav goats album so she is my everything. she’s not my fav bonus track but I do love her. I have kind of a weird answer for this one.
Biding our time
Biding our time
Biding our time, as best we know how
At face value, this is a song about the rapture. Really, this is a song about how you live life when you’re lying in wait for something, anything to happen, and these lines make me feel that the most. Waiting for someone specific to come save you, someone you’ve been waiting for your whole life. Can any one person save you from Waco boredom? Set against the desolate landscape of west Texas, we feel the rote boredom more acutely. There is nothing here to do and no one to be, only waiting for something new to happen in a place where nothing really ever happens. Its a song about learning to be comfortable with patience.
The three time repetition of biding our time really makes me feel that time, the rhythm of that time. The days lived, in and out, like breathing. As best we know how. We don’t fully know know what we’re doing and how to do it but we are learning as we go and its not perfect but its our best effort. It is the gift of a best effort, the eagerness of trying your damn best and letting it be known that you are giving it your everything. It feels like the human heart of the song, the admission that you are doing everything you can and its kind of getting to you, knowing that your best effort may not be enough.
going to alaska: google tells me this is the first going to song and perhaps the first mountain goats song so !!! woah. I listened to the shitty 2008 recording and it made me feel something I haven’t felt in a really long time. The meter is this song is very consistent and feels kind of weird as someone used to goats songs that don’t have that. Its cool.
And I am going to Alaska, where you can go blind
Just by looking at the ground; where fat is eaten by itself
Just to keep the body warm
The speaker wants life to feel more difficult, to feel like a struggle that feels, presumably, worth it. Life is too easy, or maybe, life feels like it should be harder, or that he deserves better.
These specific references to the extreme aspects of the tundra remind me of this class I took about the desert, the meaning that is found in going somewhere that is inhospitable for human life but extremely supportive of other kinds of life; the rare beauty in a landscape that is harsh but full of energy under the surface. It reminded me of the way I felt while journaling on the camping trip I took in that class to the desert, looking at the stars and sitting with myself and just writing and writing and trying to capture the primal inhospitable life that the desert felt like: a kind of god that I thought deserved reverence. It is a different kind of beauty often overlooked or presumed grotesque because of the lengths that survival requires.
Our speaker sees the beauty in these things and perhaps wants to test himself, but he’s almost missing the point that his life doesn’t need to be hard to feel meaningful. He doesn’t need to go blind or make his body eat itself to create meaning or to be enough. Man. Haven’t we all been there.
pinklon: now this is a deep cut. performed once ever that we know of, only on a bootleg recording?? yes
Though all good things in time will melt away
Pinklon Thomas is getting out of prison today
This reminds me of another goats song: “life is short and life is hard and life is sweet” (when a powerful animal comes). All of these people are celebrating this guy’s freedom, and that joy, no matter how small a blip in what feels like life’s endless suffering, is a good moment worth celebrating. It will not last forever, nor should it, but we can take a moment to chronicle this joy and give it space to live and breathe and mark all the ways we can see it in the people ready to welcome him back. This is a good thing that will melt away but for now, let’s forget that. Living in the moment means taking the goods ones when they come and soaking them in.
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
Time to find out once and for all -- like, for real this time -- who hates fun!
Kayla Beardslee: Dumb bitches assemble (affectionate). "Queencard" is kind of embarrassing to defend (you're going to bat for the boob and booty hot song? really?), but if you listen to it enough, it becomes impossible to deny that it's also kind of a banger. It would be a different matter if the production and topline weren't pulling their weight, but that bassline rips, and those line-to-line handoffs between all five members in the first verse get me every time. It also helps that this song comes from by far the best album (G)I-DLE has ever put out: when "Queencard" is placed next to the beautiful, dreamy B-side "Paradise" or the sinister-sexy "Lucid," its goofiness seems less like actual vapidity and more like Soyeon intentionally fucking around because she knows it's good to have a little fun and gas yourself up sometimes. Like, look me in the eyes and tell me it's not high performance art to release "Tomboy" and "Queencard" (and "Nxde"!) within a year of one another. I can get on board with a bit of silliness in exchange for the album I've been waiting for (G)I-DLE to make since I first discovered them -- which, as it happens, was when the Jukebox covered "Uh Oh" back in 2019. What a lovely and emotionally nuanced full-circle moment. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to twerking on the runway. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: Vintage Fergie. [3]
Harlan Talib Ockey: Ridiculous. [7]
Tara Hillegeist: As an object lesson in one of pop music's golden rules -- "unfuckwithable production can save unforgivable lyrics every time" -- "Queencard" ticks all the bases. Embarrassing lines like "twerking on the runway" and "sexy like Kim Kardashian" that not even Meghan Trainor could've written with a straight face completely fail to dent that supple bassline and synth-bleep driven stomp of a beat. There isn't a single word of this song worth dignifying with a sincere analysis; there isn't a single word of this song that matters while the squelched-alarm bubble and squeak of a melody and irrepressible line delivery are still making the brain jiggle like so much excited jelly under their sonic assault. This is a missive from the same school of thought that produced "Song 2": a heady slab of music so thoroughly stupid yet sneeringly self-confident about it, hearing it excites the listener enough to mistake it for the work of a frustrated genius, instead. I cannot take its message seriously without taking insult. I can't stop pressing repeat. [7]
Will Adams: So many delightfully dumb lines, it's hard to choose a favorite. I wish the music had been equally as silly, as opposed to whatever Jonas Brothers purgatory it currently exists in. [5]
Alfred Soto: Elements from Pussycat Dolls and Meghan Trainor drift and fade with the attention span. [4]
Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: This quintet's energy is infectious enough to take "Queencard" (great title) to the finish line, but there's no getting past the backing track. Envision every Black Friday/post-Christmas/commercial on TV, strip the jaunty musical beds from their flatscreen-deal context, then paste them one after the other. I'm sorry, but GO TO PRISON!!! [2]
Nortey Dowuona: Pop rock as an aesthetic is actually a good thing to be pilfering from. It's not novel or boundary pushing in the slightest, but after the last decade of everything stealing from rap -- the structures, the adlibs, the flows, the kicks, snares, hi-hats and percussion, the poses, the clothing -- and miserably failing to even slightly capture the same lightning strike... maybe don't be bothered to try. I've been listening to What Had Happened Was with Questlove, and at each turn I grow more frustrated by the fact that neither he nor Black Thought ever cottoned on to the giant possibilities of being an actual band, only producing musical phrases to be looped in the least interactive or vivid way. And this song, which is a solid approximation of 2005 pop rock and 2011 piss-take raps, just frustrates me cuz it feels like Jeon So-yeon, the group's Questlove, has the same problem; being able to make poppy Shafiq Husayn records and settling for Max Martin throwaways. [5]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: How long has it been since we've had an honest-to-god hook song? You could blame it on shifting musical trends, but ever since K-pop made it big in the West, lyrics have had to start making sense. This means we've been deprived of the joy that comes with wonky English. The lyrics are especially camp on "Queencard," but it goes beyond that: it's the total surrendering of a topline to phrasing and rhythm. Case in point: "My boob and booty" has syllabic parallels with "I'm top" and "twerking." There's also a slick maneuvering between English and Korean here, with (G)I-DLE selecting the words that sound best -- "ppoppo" is way more fun than "kiss," and "I'm cute" can be delivered with more sass than the same phrase in Korean. "Queencard" may not be a term the average American knows, but it doesn't matter: it's the sort of nonsense word that you can repeat incessantly, much like we all did with "gee" 14 years ago. To top it off, (G)I-DLE actually sound like they're enjoying themselves instead of delivering a Serious Message. We may never get a song like this again. [7]
David Moore: There's boob and booty and twerking in this one, sure, but the most exhilarating part of the whole thing is when the phrase "I'm a queencard" in the chorus devolves into uncanny syllables, like Jell-O starting to go runny in the sun, in a way doesn't just tell you what a queencard is, but really points to it -- this is a queencard. I'm reminded that K-pop isn't just multilingual, but often meta-lingual in the way that so much (all?) good pop is, refusing to let words get by as mere signifiers and forcing us to reckon with words at the phonemic, molecular level. How wild is it that the entire basis of our civilization is built on these funky noises we make with our mouths and tongues and lungs and noses and throats? I think that's neat. [8]
Kat Stevens: I worry that she's going to lose a lot of money at poker. [6]
Michael Hong: Look, Soyeon's English lyrics are often questionable, and it doesn't help that each member seems to drop syllables. She's exaggerated her "rapping" voice to be sharper and more piercing, and the lyric "look so cool, look so sexy like Kim Kardashian (uh) / look so cute, look so pretty like Ariana" fits awkwardly in the meter and is a bit reductive of each (but also your bad if you expected a nuanced feminist take from the group that brought you "Nxde"). And the entire thing is just a Valley Girl rip of "Song 2" by Blur. And yet, 4 + 4 is still: [8]
Brad Shoup: The pre-chorus is really interesting, how it teeters on the rim of Meghan Trainor maltshop-pop without ever falling in. It's a nice break from the spy-theme slink that dominates this. [5]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Referencing Ariana Grande directly feels like giving away the game -- this is some real Dangerous Woman shit, a maximalist pop barrage that seems to operate on the principle that if you make enough baffling aesthetic and lyrical decisions it'll loop back to sense eventually. Joke's on me -- they're right! This sounds like how I imagine getting shot out of a T-shirt cannon would feel. [7]
Michelle Myers: Shuhua is a queencard. Soyeon is squeak-rapping like she's HyunA's daughter. Minnie is hosting a blue champagne party and doing her best Debbie Harry impression. Miyeon hard carries the pre-chorus. Yuqi is jamming the phrase "sexy like Kim Kardashian" into five syllables. She's top. She's twerking on the runway. [8]
Anna Katrina Lockwood: "I'm twerking on the runway" has got to be in the top five greatest stunt English lines in K-pop history. (G)I-DLE have always had oodles of talent and charisma, but "Queencard," like last year's "Tomboy," has the confidence of maturity and a rare sense of unfettered enjoyment. Nobody's had such a good time in a music video since GD and TOP went to the club. Speaking of YG party songs, of course this is reminiscent of that format---though as others have pointed out, it lacks the true YG party chorus to close. There are a few better precedents in Cube's own history, which are combined effectively with a vaguely punk rock sound and a sensitive handful of blog house references. Part of the magic has to be the judicious editing Soyeon has applied here -- "Queencard" is a blisteringly tight 2:41, far from the bloat often befalling her earlier compositions. It's fun, you can shout along to it, there's a funny little dance, there are at least three melodies I've had stuck in my head--it's some good fucking K-pop. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 05 ]
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Chapter 5 : listen to me
The lullaby of the goddess is heard every day in the ears of the devil who captured her. This song, like a mother's lullaby, takes him on painful memories. Memories that he no longer wants to remember. Memories that only reminded him of his painful and sad life. But every day he listens to the beautiful girl's lullaby in a hidden shadow. Maybe he has forgotten the reason for his sadness and wants to walk towards the light of his goddess.
The lullaby of the night goddess can be heard along with the breeze in the Mukami mansion. Moonlight again gives its light to the beautiful goddess and she walks in the mansion like a holy angel and whispers her lullaby.
In the past, no one noticed Yui Komori's lullaby. But now someone is secretly listening to this lullaby. Hiding in the shadows of his room, Ruki watches the blonde girl walk in the yard, caressing the flowers and humming her lullaby with her voice like the angels of heaven.
Yui: The flowers of Mukami mansion are as beautiful as the flowers of Sakamaki mansion. Maybe even more beautiful. I think the reason is that Yuma-kun really grows these flowers and vegetables with love. Love is very beautiful. Even love for a small flower makes that flower feel fresh and more beautiful than ever.
_Yui puts her head closer to the rose and smells the flower with a beautiful smile.
*sniff* *sniff*
Yui: Oh. This flower is even more fragrant. You are a very beautiful flower. I would like to give you my love so that you become more beautiful. Do you like to hear my lullaby? This lullaby is a beautiful and loving memory of my father.
_Yui gently caresses the rose with her tender little hands and begins to sing a lullaby with her heavenly voice.
Yui: Lala lala, lala lala, lala lala, my beautiful moonlight, give me your bright light tonight. to ride the clouds and reach the skies To fly with your silver light and touch the sky and your bright blue heart.
_Ruki is watching Yui from behind the window of his room.
Ruki: (This girl is really strange. She reminds me of my past. And this lullaby... how is it possible that she also knows this lullaby?)
_Yui continues to caress the flower and sing her lullaby until suddenly a thorn sticks into her finger.
Yui: Ah... Oh... It was a thorn. (The thorn of the rose made my finger bleed)
_Yui puts her finger in her mouth and sucks the small drops of blood.
Yui: Fufu.... interesting. Even the most beautiful things can sometimes be dangerous. Sometimes even if we give them all our love, they still continue to hurt us. The world is like this. Cruel and cruel. But if I give up here, who else can give love to others?
_Yui gets up from the roses and walks towards her room.
Yui: No matter what happens, I will not give up. I know kindness still exists in this world. There is goodness in everyone and I can show it to everyone with all my love and being. (I will prove this to Ruki-Kun.)
_Yui continues to move towards her room to end another long night and wake up in the morning with hope again and try to achieve her dreams.
*ding* *dong*
_Yui walks in the school corridor to go to the library.
Yui: (Today's classes are over. But Ruki-kun still has one more class. I better go to the library to study)
_While immersed in his thoughts, Yui continues walking until he suddenly collides with a person and her bag falls on the ground.
????: Oi what are you doing, are you fool?
Yui: Oh. I am really sorry. I didn't see you, I was going to the library.
_Yui raises her head and looks at the boy and realizes that he is Subaru Sakamaki.
Yui: Subaru-kun? Is this you ?
_Subaru, who is surprised to see Yui, stares at her.
Subaru: Huh? You are ? Do you know where you are? You are so stupid and careless that you walk away from my eyes like this.
Yui: .......
Subaru: I mean....... No, I don't care about you. I just don't have the patience for Ayato's and others' grumblings. That's all.
Yui: I'm sorry. But I can't come back.
Subaru: Haaaaaaaaaaa? What are you talking about? What do you mean you can't come back?
Yui: Well... I... (I shouldn't say anything to him, otherwise Ruki-kun...)
Subaru: Are you with those guys? Is it true ?
Yui: Oh, you know?
Subaru: Of course I know. I watched you myself.
Yui: Huh? Were you watching me?
Subaru: ......! Well, I... Oh DAMN... Yes, I was watching you. Just because your blood is good. There is no other reason.
Yui: Oh. I understood.
Subaru: Fuck off. Tell me, do you feel good with those boys?
Yui: ........! Why are you asking this question?
Subaru: It has nothing to do with you. Just answer my question.
Yui: (Kou, Yuma, and Azusa are really kind. I feel comfortable with them. Just like a family. But about Ruki-kun......... I can't tell him. It's better to keep it a secret. Keep it in my heart) Yes, Subaru-kun. I feel comfortable with them. They are really like a family. And it can be said that they are kind.
_Subaru mutters softly under his breath.
Subaru: It's good that they don't bother you.
Yui: Subaru-kun? What did you say now?
Subaru: Huh? I did not say anything. Get out of my sight now. If my brothers see you, the situation will be bad. hurry up and go.
Yui: Okay, I'll go. Thank you for not telling your brothers.
Subaru: Tch...
_Yui picks up her bag from the floor and quickly runs away from Subaru towards the school library.
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Yui: (I think studying is enough for today. I would like to read one of Namika-san's books again before returning home)
*flip* *flip*
Yui: Oh, I love this part. If I ever reach freedom, I will fly with all my hopes and dreams. I ......
??? : I will fly to reach the top. I will build a new world. Where people are happy and love is always seen.
Yui: .....!
??? : Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you. I lost my self-control for a moment and read this poem out loud. Because I heard that you are also reading the same poem.
Yui: I apologize. But who are you?
??? : Oh, I am very rude. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am Namichi Riko. Third year student. I think you are a second year student. Right?
Yui: Yes. I am Komori Yui. I am a second year student.
Riko: It's a pleasure to meet you, Komori-san. Can I call you Yui-san?
Yui: Yes, there is no problem.
Riko: Thank you. You can also call me Riko.
Yui: Thank you Riko-san. You were reciting Namika-san's poems with me. Are you interested in Namika-san's books?
Riko: Of course. Namika-San is my favorite poet. I read all her books and even memorized most of her poems.
Yui: Oh really? It is wonderful.
Riko: That's right. Namika-San is a wonderful poet. Her poems give me a sense of life. Whenever I read her books, I feel relaxed. Sometimes I feel like I can see her poems in the real world. She always expresses the feeling of love in the best way.
Yui: It's wonderful that you read all of Namika-san's books. I only read two of her books. But I love her poems. I would like to read more about her.
Riko: I'm glad to see one of Namika-san's fans. Hey Yui-San Would you like me to lend you one of my books? You can borrow Namika-san's books from me and read them.
Yui: Really? Can you lend me Riko-san?
Riko: Of course I can. I will be very happy to lend you my book. I will bring it to you right now. Wait a few moments.
_Riko rushes out of the library and heads towards his class.
_Riko walks into the library carrying his bag in his right hand and walks towards Yui. He takes out a book from his bag and presents it to Yui.
Riko: Come on, Yui-san. This is one of Namika-San's best books. I suggest you to read this book.
Yui: Wow. Thank you very much, Riko-san. You are very kind to lend me your book.
Riko: Please. I did not do anything special. I'm always happy to do a tiny help to my friends. And even now, I am very happy that one of Namika-san's fans has the opportunity to read more books about her.
Yui: Fufu ..... Thank you again, you are very kind.
*Ding dong* *ding dong*
Yui: Oh, it was the sound of the bell. I have to come back faster.
Riko: Yui-san? I wanted to ask you if you don't mind, would you like to go home together? We can walk down the street and talk more about Namika-san's poems.
Yui: Ummmm..... Thank you. I would really like to walk together, but I... (I can't do that. If Ruki-kun finds out, he might get angry and punish me again. But I can't tell him the truth. What should I say?) Honestly. Riko-san I.....I........
Riko: Yui-san. Is there a problem with you?
Yui: No, no problem. Honestly, today is not the right time. And that someone is waiting for me. Maybe we can walk together another day.
Riko: I understand. I'm sorry for making a stupid request. I am really sorry.
Yui: No, there is no problem.
Riko: But when I see someone who likes Namika-san's poems like me, I get excited. Fufu... I just hope I didn't act stupid. It's really embarrassing.
Yui: It's not like that. I am also very interested in Namika-san's poems and I would be happy to talk more about it. Only today I am in a hurry. Maybe tomorrow we can meet again in the library.
Riko: Yes, this is great. I will wait for you, Komori-san. And I am very happy to meet you. I hope you have a good day .
Yui: Thank you Riko-san. I hope you have a good day too.
_Yui hurriedly picks up her bag and quickly leaves the library. A lot of worrying things happened today. First meeting with Subaru and now a third year boy. All of these issues cause Yui to worry more. She does not know how to hide this issue. If she shares these issues with Ruki, how will he react? These thoughts made Yui refrain from telling Ruki about this.
The starry night is like a lake full of fish. Stars are fishes that swim in the heart of the sky to travel for a beautiful dream and make people's dreams come true. The night sky is like a dream memory. A memory that the blonde girl remembers and sings her lullaby every day to dream of freedom again.
_Yui goes to the bed and turns off the light in her room.
Yui: Pwah...... (I stayed up late today to read Riko-san's book. He was right. Reading Namika-san's poems makes one feel free.)
_Yui tries to close her eyes and go to a sweet sleep. But the bright moonlight catches her attention. With a short glance, she looks at the window of her room, which is half open. Yui gets up from the bed and goes to the window to better watch the bright moonlight.
Yui: Every day when I look at the sky, I realize how beautiful you are. You are so bright I want to be so close to you that I can watch the sky with you and the stars. Just like my lullaby.
_Yui stares into the moonlight with bright eyes. A tear drops from her eye and she slowly closes her eyes and joins her hands together as a sign of prayer and closes her fingers together.
Yui: My beautiful moon, please accept this prayer from me..... Lala lala lala lala. Lala lala lala beautiful moon. I sing with you with this lullaby. Take me to the sky to touch your blue heart again. lala lala lala.....
Yui continues to sing a lullaby. Without knowing, someone is hiding behind the door of her room. He leans against the wall and listens to the blonde girl's lullaby. There is something in this lullaby that soothes his heart. Ruki doesn't know why but he is captivated by Yui's lullaby. He wants to listen to this lullaby every night. Every night and every night forever.
Yui continues to sing a lullaby regardless of the fact that the devil has surrounded her. Her beautiful voice reaches the sky with the breeze. The stars are always shining and they are twinkling. As if the moon heard her lullaby and accepted her prayer. But alas, the moon cannot reach her. To hug her and take her to the bright sky so that Yui can finally touch the heart of the sky.
Yui: Lala lala, lala lala..........
_Yui opens her eyes and looks at the sky again. She smiles when she sees the twinkling of the stars.
Yui: Fufu ..... Thank you for listening to my wish. I am so lonely. Maybe I can explain my dreams to you. After all, you are not making fun of me. Or you will not punish me for wishing for freedom. Or you won't whip me for an inadvertent mistake. Or you don't even blame me for being a dreamer.
_Tears flowed from Yui's bright eyes while talking to the moon. She tried very hard. She didn't want to cry, but her fate and life made her unable to stop her tears.
Yui: I want him to talk to me more. Please, please, let me say more than I wish. Please allow me to say more about my longing. Please let me cry next to you. Please don't punish me. don't beat me don't make fun of me Please just listen to me. I want to talk to you.
_Yui wipes her tears and stares at the moonlight again. That's beautiful. More beautiful than anything else. With a bitter smile, she closes the window of her room and goes to bed. Yui hugs herself with her thin arms to escape this dark nightmare and slowly falls asleep.
Ruki heard everything. He heard Yui's wishes. He heard her lullaby and her talk with the moon. This shouldn't have happened, but Ruki is attracted to a heavenly angel. The devil who was imprisoned in the heart of darkness wants to be freed from the dark heart and join his beautiful angel in the sky.
Ruki: This is ridiculous.
_Ruki goes to his bed and sits on the bed.
* Creak *
Ruki: These feelings are ridiculous. I am getting insane.
_Ruki holds his head in his hands and stares at the ground.
Ruki: No. She is not mine. I can't keep Eve for myself forever. She should go back to the real Adam. And I can't be Adam. I should not depend on Eve.
_Ruki gets up from the bed and moves towards the window of his room. The window of Ruki's room is open and the breeze moves Ruki's hair.
Ruki: No. Love is ridiculous. I am not going to depend on anyone. Neither Eve nor anyone else. Because love is not true.
_Ruki looks at his hand and fists it hard.
Ruki: If love is not real, then what are these ridiculous feelings? Why do I want to keep her by my side? Why do I like to listen to her words? Why do I like to hear her lullaby every night?
_The glow of the moonlight catches Ruki's attention. Ruki looks at the sky. The moon is very bright and the stars are twinkling on it. Ruki smiles and turns his head towards the moon.
Ruki: She was right. You are very beautiful. And probably you are not a devil like me and you listen to her words. I don't know why but I feel you are very lucky to hear her lullaby every night.
_Ruki goes back to his bed and sits on the bed.
* Creak *
Ruki: Adam will wake up soon and Eve will return to Eden. This is fate. It cannot be stopped.
_Ruki slowly lays down on his bed and drifts off to a sweet sleep thinking about his angel's lullaby. This lullaby is very familiar to him. Remembering a beautiful and painful life. A reminder of a memory that captured him in a dark heart.
_Yui walks down the school corridor and heads towards the library.
Yui: (Every moment, every minute and every hour, I feel that our hearts are getting further apart. I would like to know him better. But he won't let me. He never listens to me. He doesn't even want to see me.......)
_Yui enters the library and sees Riko reading Namika-san's poetry book. Riko, noticing Yui's presence, smiles at her.
Riko: Welcome, Komori-san. I was waiting for you.
Yui: Thank you Riko-san.
_Yui goes to Riko and sits next to him and they continue to read the book together.
Yui: (But despite all these things, I know that he is not a devil. I know that there is still light in his heart. I want to know this person better. I want to pull him out from the depths of the dark heart.)
Riko: Yui-san. Did you read the book I gave you? What do you think about it?
Yui: Oh yes. I read the book. Honestly, you were right. Reading this book really gives a feeling of freedom.
_Riko smiles sweetly at Yui.
Riko: I'm glad to hear that, Yui-san.
_Riko and Yui continue reading the book.
Every time he calls me, another voice echoes in my ears.
A familiar voice calling me to him.
Riko-san is very kind.
But even the moments when I am with him, my mind and heart are with Ruki-kun.
Ruki-kun is not like Riko-san at all.
But why is my heart searching for him?
This feeling of mine every day makes me cry in my loneliness with an unfamiliar feeling.
I want to be with him to know him.
But he turns away from me.
Please, Ruki-kun, listen to my heart.
<– [ Chapter 04 ] [ Chapter 06 ] –>
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sakamaki-richter · 1 year
@fruit-of-infidelity tagged me in a character inspiration post but i’m saying FUCK THE FORMAT IM RAMBLING ABT MY INSPOS FOR RICHTER BC YOU GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY 🫵🫵 (here’s the template for anyone who wants it tho. but i’ll also tag @ask-cordelia-sakamaki — either for your oc, or if you have inspo for cordie that you’d like to share <3 i adore the way you write)
first and foremost. i don’t actually have any real inspiration for the way i write richter??? at least none that i’m conscious of! mostly it’s just i adopt a completely different writing style to convey the way i see richter in my head. however i do have one fanfic author that consistently influences my writing.
eloha on ao3— their writing is so intimate & purposeful and it’s genuinely beautiful to read?? everything is so smooth, & feels very personal no matter what the situation is. (i havent read any of their stuff in a while though; rip </3 )
ANYWAY NOW I GET TO RAMBLE ABT HOW RICHTER IS IN MY HEAD & WHY I WRITE HIM THE WAY THAT I DO. also i probably write him pretty ooc than he is in canon but i truly dont gaf BAHAHHS. /lh
most of the scenes we see of richter are him just being like. raunchy and skeezy. so i don’t particularly change that— i just write it differently than rejet so it at least sounds pretty whenever he’s doing some fucked shit. but i also just adore like. general vampire aesthetics. particularly their speech patterns, and how every movement they make seems buttery smooth its SICKLY. so i write richter that way. <3 like you know he’s big and bad. you know that absolutely nothing good comes from being with him no matter how close you are. but the smooth sway his hand makes when he points. the way he tilts his head so very sweetly whenever he’s asking (telling) you to do something. EUGH i wanna make everything he does sound pretty when you read it none of you understand.
OH ALSO I LIED I DO HAVE A SINGULAR INSPO I JUST REMEMBERED. (there’s surely more, but you know. whatever). august ruthven! from vanitas no carte! you all have seen me yell and scream abt him a lot and how he and richter are the same to me but REALLY. I MEAN IT. he also inspired the version of richter i have in my head <3 because rejet made him and abandoned him and i’m delusional.
i love tragic vampire lords okay. i love vampire royalty i love it when they’re in pain i love it when they hide things & i love love love it when they’re pretty & manipulative. so that’s richter in my head. yeah. ALSO HIHI @fruit-of-infidelity I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT THE WAY YOU WRITE RICHTER MAKES MY BRAIN BRRRR SO YOURE INSPO ALSO 🫂 YOU WRITE HIM VV NICELY AND IM JEALOUS PLS GIMME YOUR BRAIN.
SO IDK IF I REALLY TOOK MUCH INSPIRATION FROM THINGS— but i really just adopt an entirely different writing style and bend the way richter already is in canon. idk when writing him i need to make sure i can capture all his pretty angles. so i can make him look beautiful when his mind is all broken and he’s all hallucinating and delusional. he deserves the best <3
here’s a classic case of whin ignoring the prompt & rambling abt their own thing. oopsie :)
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mischiefmaker615 · 9 months
Tears of a Mermaid (Loki Love Story) Ch.12
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it had nearly been two days and Loki still saw no sign of Mara. the only relations he had were mentions from passing servants of the sudden waves that had happened the day she disappeared. within that time period, he had checked every place they had ventured together, land and water and still no sign of her. the thought of her gone was always pushed away in his mind and just maid him search harder.
''what are we exactly looking for Prince Loki?'' the servants would ask and Loki would merely reply,
''anything out of the ordinary.''
it was merely a wold goose chase to others considering Loki was the only one who knew what they should be looking for-er- who, but it needed to try everything he could. her voice..eyes..body.. her mere wonder at something so simple and the innocence she had with anything new. her laugh was just as beautiful as her smile and her thoughts were just as wanted as the scent that left her. oh Mara..
Loki ducked under the branch that had hit him the day they had met, his horse walking along the trails slowly as his eyes searched for the thousandth time that day. he even searched beyond their roaming points, and he only fears something might had happened to her even more..
eventually he pulled his horse to a stop, allowing it to drink from the lake as he continued on foot, muscle memory guiding him on the same path he had taken before he made his way up the side cliff and to the bushes. silence. he walked forward, his eyes scanning the horizon before he stopped right at the edge of the cliff and looked down. nothing but calm yet empty water, no Mara. his fingers played with the small vile in his pocket, the mere shape pulling his attention as he pulled it out and held it up in the sunlight where the single tear of Mara stayed captured.
''i did this to you my love..the vile is filled with nothing but pain, the pain i brought upon you. if it weren't for me..you'd be here now..'' Loki whispered, his grip tightening on the vile as he blamed himself and shame filled his eyes, bringing forth his own tear..
~''since when have you let a female draw your attention to whats really important?'' Amora scoffed as she watched him through her cell.
''i just need the spell. if you wish for your time here to be a pleasant one, and shorter than deemed, stop wasting my time.''
''i've just never seen this side of you Loki, and i have seen quite a few'' she smirked as she leaned forward for her eyes to see better in his. ''she must really be that different to you-''
''she is. power has..always been my focus, with power it can fix everything.. the thrown, Thor..it is my birthright, and regardless of Thor being the eldest son i will not have Asgard be undermined. upon this, everything will change for the better.'' Loki told her, the vile in his hand with his grip tightening.
''and yet it will cost you a sacrifice…''
''she will live, that's all that matters..she may hate me, but who hasn't already'' Loki brushed it off and looked away from her, her lips threatening to smirk and yet her eyes almost feeling sorry for him as she sat up and straightened.
''a good king will do whats best for its people, not its walls..''
Loki's eyes moved back up to hers, his mouth opening to speak but words failed him as she spoke for him
''tel yht erutan eb tcerroc dna eodnu..'' ~
flesti..'' Loki breathed as the tear slid out of the vile and dropped down, falling from the cliff as it shinned in the sunlight before dropping into the water. ''power isn't worth it if you're not here by my side..''
Loki starred down at the waters below, knowing he was where he began, powerless, having to deal with Thor, and alone…but now with the feeling of even more emptiness. his eyes closed as he took in a breath and straightened. he'd continue for her, and get to where he need some day..without hurting the one he loved again..
he began to turn, pausing as a glitter of light flashes down below. he quickly looked back and leaned over the edge, looking down at the waters below and his heart raced. the light seemed to flash brighter, grow and expand as small waves seemed to slash around the light and foam began to evolve. ''by all the nine realms..'' Loki thought out loud as the light almost seemed to make the water jump, looking to be an explosion underwater as he squinted to see what exactly was going on before-
a hand shot out of the water, upward and trying to grab anything it could reach before it fell back into the water. the other hand shot out before both began to splash and a head came up as she gasped for air
''Mara!!'' Loki yelled, almost falling off the cliff himself as he looked down at her, heart racing
''hel-'' she cried and Loki got up off his knees. his armor couldn't have come off faster before he jumped down, not even hesitating before he plunged into the water, a strong arm wrapping around her torso and the other bringing them back up for air
''Mara by gods- how-''
"Loki!'' Mara cried as she clung to him, her arms around his neck as she stayed close to his bare chest and he held her.
his eyes closed as he held her, their skin on each other and her sweet scent he loved so much surrounded him ''Mara you-'' he paused as he glanced down at the water and looked back at her as she leaned back to do the same ''..you have legs-''
''i looked up and saw you on the cliff..did you drop-''
''the tear..'' Loki nodded and his eyes widened ''as i said the spell..Mara are you-''
''human again?'' teared filled her eyes as she smiled, nodding as she clung to him and a smile grew, his mouth struggling to speak as he cupped her cheek gently, his thumb wiping away her happy tears.
''but..i thought you were..''
''i had to recollect myself..everything i had learned in such a short amount of time needed time for acceptance and..i forgive you Loki'' she whispered, her hand resting on his on her cheek and smiled at him ''and..i love you…''
Loki 's eyes returned her own tears as he looked at her, not knowing where to stare first as he drank in her beauty and her words ''gods..'' he breathed, his heart light and racing as he finally felt..complete..
a hand gently rested on the back of her head and brought her closer, his lips resting on hers as he kissed her. her fingers tangled themselves in his own hair as she kissed him back, earning small moans from each other as they stayed close, heart beats beating at once together and Loki pulled away for a small moment, his eyes looking dazed as he grinned ''i love you too Mara..''
Mara's back gently laid down onto the mattress, a soft blush touching her cheeks as she clung to the cape close to her chest. Loki removed his full leather and didn't hesitate to crawl up so he was hovering on top of her ''are you okay?'' he whispered.
Mara took a deep breath as she looked up at him, giving him a little nod as her fingers loosened ''..i'm nervous Loki..'' she whispered and her body trembled a little.
Loki's hand gently rested on her cheek as he kept his voice low, hiding a smile as he noticed her blush even in the dark ''it's going to be okay Mara..i promise i'll be nothing but gentle..''
Mara looked up at him, reaching up to stroke his own cheek and smiled ''..because i'm with you..i know i'm going to be okay..'' she told him, her hand gliding to his shoulder and nudged him down so he leaned and pressed his lips against hers. he kissed her gently, his hand resting on her cheek as he added a bit more passion to the kiss and she felt his other hand slowly grip the cloak and it slowly slid off of her, revealing herself and her new self. Loki gently lowered his body, not for once breaking the kiss and rested his body against hers, being sure to support his weight as he rather felt her body with his own than look with his eyes. he slowly pulled back so he could look at her, leaning his forehead against hers as they starred into each other's eyes ''you are absolutely beautiful Mara…''
Mara bit her lip as her blush deepened and she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck as his lips gently caressed her jawline and to her neck, a hand gliding down slowly, always slowly and ready to stop if she would ever ask, but she didn't. he gently used one hand to pay attention to her chest, his lips lightly leaving small marks on her neck and earning adorable noises from her lips. her fingers tangled themselves in his hair, another hand sliding down his back as she felt his muscles move and show off shape from his back line and shoulder blades. he found his other hand sliding down to her outer leg as he used his finger tips to glide over her skin, giving her the feeling of goose bumps and a pleasant way of getting light headed. his lips moved down her neck and to the crook of her neck, burying his face in her hair as he took in her sweet scent that sent him intoxicated, making him lower himself more against her body and earning a small squeak as he quickly heightened himself a little.
''my apologies darling..'' he smiled sheepishly and she held back a small giggle as she cupped his face and brought him back down to her lips. he moaned as he bit her bottom lip, her teasing him a little by doing the same before giving him entrance where he instantly took, earning a moan as he deepened the kiss. he then slowly pulled back, sitting up as he looked down at her softly and a hand slowly moved to her leg, his fingered stopping towards the inner thigh and used slight pressure to ask for permission, as did his eyes. her eyes looked back up at him, just as gentle as he was and as she bit her lip..
and spread.
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invisibleraven · 10 months
things you said in writing for peterpatterlina
Luke had always been good with words. Maybe not speaking them, but writing them? Singing them? They were his friend. something he could rely on when his feelings were too big, or his anger threatened to bubble over.
But right now? Words were failing him.
Because what words could he use to express his feelings for his two best friends and convince them they would be better together in a three person relationship?
Luke knew it was unconventional, to be in love with three people, but his heart was equally torn between both Reggie and Julie. And he knew they held affection for him, and each other. But was it love?
Was it worth risking everything for?
Luke figured taking a chance was better than pining away and not knowing, so he resolved to find out. If only he could make his feelings translate to the page.
Yet the words that had once been his constant companions were now absent. Sure he had pages littered in his awful handwriting, but none of it conveyed the depth of his feelings.
None of it was good enough.
How could he capture the way Reggie's smile made his heart do somersaults? How could he say in words the way Julie's nose scrunch lit up his days?
He picked up his pen-the end chewed by his constant worrying it in his mouth, fingers stained with ink, and looked at the blank sheet in front of him.
You are the melody of my heart The rhythm of my days Without you I want no part Of love in all its ways
Harmony means nothing without you And maybe it should come in threes Not sure what else I can do Then beg you to be with me
"That's pretty."
Luke's head shot up and met Julie's smiling face standing above him, Reggie right next to her, a little smirk on his face.
"Thanks," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "It's not done yet though."
"Can we help?" Reggie asked.
"It's...kind of for you guys," Luke admitted.
"Me?" Reggie asked.
"The both of us?" Julie clarified.
"Yes, you Reg. And Julie. The three of us... I think we could make it work you know?" Luke said, hope still in his voice, though almost buried in aprehension. "What do you think?"
Julie looked at him, and then at Reggie, who was blushing bright red, and looking like he wanted so much, but afraid of having it snatched away. Julie who had more love in her than anyone could know, but was terrified of losing it. So she didn't say anything, just eased the book from Luke's grip, and grabbed her own pen.
We work better together We all know this is true So we can just say whatever When people tell us love is meant for two My heart has space for you As yours has space for me So what else can we do The best things come in threes
"My turn," Reggie said, taking the book, his own pen at the ready, and Luke loved how their handwriting mixed together, how their feelings made the song craft itself into the beginnings of something beautiful.
You are mine and I am yours From now until the end Through fights and nights, and countless tours We've always been more than friends
So put yours hands in mine Let's see how far we go together Together we will shine Brighter than the stars-forever
"Pretty good song," Luke commented when Reggie's pen stopped.
"I think so," Julie said. "So, how about we put some music to it?"
"I got a hook that might work really good for the bridge part," Reggie offered.
Luke shook his head and offered his hands. "How about a date instead? The song's not going anywhere."
"Ice cream and bowling?" Julie asked.
"Dinner and a movie?" Reggie suggested.
"Walk on the beach and then sushi," Luke replied. "Then ice cream."
"Sounds perfect," Julie said, taking his hand.
"It really does," Reggie added, taking his other.
Luke grinned, and with one last glance at the song and then at his new partners, knowing that with them? He had the perfect harmony no matter what.
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divinemissem13 · 8 months
Trektober (NSFW) prompt 1: Rebound Sex
Jean-Luc did promise Beverly he would be there for her...
Beverly sat at her desk, one knee tucked under her chin as she stared blankly at her office door long after Kareel Odan was gone. Had she made a mistake, letting her go? Despite what people might think, it wasn’t the fact that Odan’s new host was female that had stopped her. Beverly did love Odan, no matter what shape they came in. Although she could admit to not exactly being physically attracted to the symbiont itself. But even that was beautiful, in its own way. 
No, what it came down to was fear. She rarely admitted it, even to herself, but Beverly was afraid of change and Odan was constantly changing. It made Beverly’s head spin and she just couldn’t keep up. 
She needed stability. She needed someone… someone who never changed. She needed Jean-Luc, she realized. He had been a steady, strong presence for her throughout the last twenty years. Oh, he may have come in and out of her life, but if she could rely on anything in this universe, it was that the Jean-Luc Picard who came into her life would be the exact same man who had gone out. 
And, she thought with a self-satisfied smirk, he could always be counted on for a good fuck. 
Almost as if he read her mind, Jean-Luc appeared in the doorway of her office. 
“Picard to Crusher. Come in, Dr. Crusher,” he teased, breaking through the thousand yard stare apparent on her face. 
Jean-Luc’s hazel eyes twinkled when Beverly responded with a genuine laugh. “Come in, Jean-Luc,” she invited him, smiling at her own play on words. 
She stood and moved around to the front of her desk and perched on the edge so that he could get a good look at her. She made a show of leaning back on her arms and arching her back as she stretched and crossed her long, shapely legs. For good measure, she tossed her hair and licked her lips before finally meeting his eyes. Her voice was low and sultry when she asked “What can I do for you, Jean-Luc?”
Predictably, Jean-Luc tugged at his collar and cleared his throat uncomfortably, but he made no move to leave the room. Quite the opposite, he took another step into the room, allowing the door to slide closed behind him. 
Despite his demeanor, his voice was all business when he replied “I just saw Odan off and she informed me that she would not be returning to the Enterprise.” His voice softened a bit as he continued, “I wanted to make sure you are alright.”
Unconsciously, he had stepped closer still as he spoke, as if their bodies were drawn together by some invisible force, and she was now within arms reach. 
“Who’s asking? My Captain? Or my friend?” Beverly whispered, drawing his focus to her lips. 
Jean-Luc’s hazel eyes had turned nearly black with desire, but his legendary self control still kept him from reaching out and touching her. “Your friend who will always be here for you.” He whispered, repeating the promise he had made earlier in his ready room. 
That was all Beverly needed to hear. She uncrossed her leg and wrapped it around his waist, pulling him in and eliminating the remaining space between them. She could feel him stirring against her as she hooked his collar with one finger and brought his face within inches of her own. 
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say,” she husked softly and then surged forward to capture his lips with her own. 
Her kiss was hungry and desperate and there was a voice in the back of Jean-Luc’s head warning that the kiss wasn’t really for him. Beverly released his lips and began nibbling along his ear and neck. Between gasps and moans, he managed to croak out the question he didn’t really want an answer to: “Beverly, are you sure this is what you want?”
Beverly pulled at his earlobe with her teeth and growled in his ear, “Shut up and fuck me.”
If there’s one thing to be said for Jean-Luc Picard, it’s that he knows how to follow orders.
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