#he needs only to stay by his brother’s side. become his shadow. rule from them.
the-darklings · 2 years
Older women loving Aemond would totally be into Wanderer, especially when she tells him stories of other realms.
He would find Wanderer fascinating at the least. Though given his nature, I see more of deep running fascination bordering on obsession initially—just something that itches beneath his skin as he’s shown to hold onto emotions/ideas to a festering degree. Especially given the fact I imagined Wanderer being around 500 when she would meet that generation of Targaryens/the Dance. Wanderer sees clean through him. See behind the eye (they’ve seen worse, and have experienced worse), behind the ambition (yes, he would be a better king, but tells him plenty rule without a crown; a crown is a symbol for the figurehead but loyalty of the land doesn’t always reside with the figurehead), not to mention Vhagar.
Just imagine Aemond having the biggest oh MomentTM while Wanderer bows deeply to his dragon who inhales puffing breaths of her scent and seems to melt with recognition, the snarling growls falling silent. Wanderer stroking those battle-worn scales with loving affection (likely the first time Aemond sees genuine softness and something other than mild indifference/annoyance while at the court), murmuring to the she-dragon in old Valyrian, talking about Visenya to the dragon as if they’re all old friends. Wanderer is some bizarre, ancient, otherworldly individual who looks no different than most people in King’s Landing and he finds it maddening and magnetic all in the same breath.
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trappolia · 5 months
PUT ALL YOUR FAULTS TO BED (YOU CAN BE KING AGAIN)── leona kingscholar x gn!reader, 1.1k
some days, leona thinks about what the word king means to him and how it links back to you.
contrary to popular belief, he does not so easily forget the whispers of rumours behind his back; though, loathe as he is to admit, leona knows that some are less rumour and more truth, no matter how spiteful. he is a prince, after all, and not some spoiled rotten child who's had compliments fed to him on a golden spoon.
leona knows, better than anyone, that you deserve more than him.
he’s well aware of the fact that many perceive him as lazy, irritable and intimidating, and that is only saying the least. the perfect example of a student who has had to repeat a year way too many times, who is probably still in the world’s greatest magical academy because of his royal blood and noble connections.
the second prince is one way to describe him as well. second to everything his brother does is also a possible description. second to the throne, to their parents’ love, to the praise and glory befitting of a king. because leona will never be king. not as long as his brother and his blood live, because leona has always been the second option.
and so he acts like it. what else can he do? surely he cannot try to usurp his own brother; leona may be a better king than falena, but he is also intelligent enough to understand the consequences of a coup, long-term or otherwise. not to mention his nephew, who undoubtedly has the capacity to be a real pain in his ass if leona ever does away with his father.
now leona spends most of his time bored and unpleasant to be around, not so unlike the whispers that circulated the halls of afterglow savannah's royal palace when his signature spell was discovered. it is when you find him, lazing around in the light of the sun creeping into the greenhouse (one of the only times he has ever felt that he has ever felt that he could escape from the shadows), and, for one reason or another, you decide to stay.
leona hates it.
he hates the way you shine a light in his life. it’s too bright, too hot, and he can’t get rid of you no matter how hard he tries. and, at some point, he has become too scared to get rid of you. the underlying fear of losing that light, reduced to the shadow of a king and a crown prince that he once was; it kills leona. it kills him because he was supposed to be a king, grew up wanting to be the perfect one to rule over the kingdom, and kings do not have weaknesses.
but leona is not a king.
he is the brother of one, the second son of a royal family. with enough skills and intellect to survive in the battlefield that is the royal court of the afterglow savannah. he is born to a long line of kings, emperors, leaders; has learned from the stories of the great kings of the past, of which their blood courses through his veins; but he is not a king. never was, and never will be.
but then again, who is to say that he isn’t a king in another sense?
"the only kingly thing you haven’t done yet is actually opening your eyes, leona," ruggie’s damned hyena laugh echoes in his mind, the mischievous smirk on his face while his eyes stay rooted to the pathetic homemade crown on his head.
leona does not think ruggie has the right to laugh, when he doesn't even understand.
because even with his eyes closed, the second prince sees. he sees the way your breaths come and go, the warmth of the sun and the chill of the breeze on your skin, your quickening pulse and heartbeat. he sees it all without ever needing his eyes, and that is the exact reason why he doesn’t want to open them.
because if he does, he will see you, backlit against the sun and light of the greenhouse you both visit so much, and then he will want more; you by his side in the kingdom of afterglow savannah, bathing in the morning light while wrapped in royal robes, the consort's crown on your head, your rightful place on the throne beside his. you cradling his cub in your arms, sweetly whispering to the result of your love, the future ruler of the afterglow savannah. leona knows that there is none other more deserving of a consort's crown than you, and he would kill anyone who tried to take it from you.
(he would kill for you in a heartbeat. no matter what the cost.
one day, leona thinks, he will not be the only one to fear the extent of what he feels for you.)
but what murder is justified when the crime hasn’t even been committed? when you don’t have the consort's crown, because leona doesn’t even have the king’s.
(child’s play. reaching for something he will never get. leona is a master at this game, even when he loses every single time.)
silly lion, you would chide him with a smile. not for these foolish fantasies (for leona would never admit them), but for the most mundane things. being late to class, forgetting to do homework, getting detention, forgetting to go to that detention. such simple, pathetic things, and leona listens because you are his consort, and kings listen to their consorts.
(pathetic, hopeless little fantasies.)
"leona?" you call out his name, your voice the melody of his sweetest, softest, weakest dreams.
leona's eyes flutter open, lashes brushing against his cheeks as he blinks in the light.
he sees you there, bent over to peer at his sleeping expression. the way your head eclipses the sun makes it seem like you’re wearing a halo (angel’s crown), and if leona looks closely, he can see his own kisses tangled between your locks and the light.
he closes his eyes before he can meet your gaze, see your lips and everything else he’s ever wanted. he will settle for sense and touch, if not for the sake of his sanity, then for you.
"what is it now?" he snarls, feigning annoyance. he hears you laugh, and leona knows you see right through him.
just give him some more time, then he will give you a kingdom, the world, and everything else you’ve ever wanted and deserved──
──but for now, this will be all he can offer you.
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© trappolia 2024
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hi! Here's an interesting what if ask.
What if Douxie was the one to join the Arcane Order instead of Morgana?
Hi! That one would change the past events for sure.
As we are talking about Moppet Douxie here, I feel his motivation will be very different from Morgana's. So, in an attempt to impress his master, Douxie goes to the forest to practice his magic in secret. That is where he meets Nari, who suggests she'll help. Douxie has no idea that Nari is from the Arcane Order or that she's Merlin's enemy, so he agrees. Under her tutelage, he progresses quickly, but it's still not enough to get approval from Merlin. Eventually, Bellroc and Skrael join those sessions, suggesting that Douxie simply needs to invent some kind of rule-changing magic. After lengthy brainstorming and countless failed attempts, Douxie comes up with a magic rite that temporarily gives trolls sunlight immunity. From his point of view, it's actually a good thing as trolls are often captured because of their weakness against the sunlight. Alas, he doesn't know that Bellroc contacts Gunmar behind his back and shares the rite with him.
Camelot is in panic meanwhile as bloodthirsty trolls attack villages during the day, which should be impossible. Arthur suspects a powerful wizard is involved and starts an investigation together with Merlin. They find out it was Douxie easily (as he's rather naive). Arthur corners Douxie at the cliff, determined to kill him, and Merlin just watches despite Douxie's pleas. Unlike Morgana, Douxie doesn't lose his hand, but he's slashed across the chest and falls from the cliff.
The Arcane Order finds and resurrects him, making Douxie their champion. Merlin's betrayal hits Douxie the most, so the Order has no problem convincing him to fight against humanity. Douxie's magic is more powerful now, so he can make his rite more permanent.
Meanwhile, back in Camelot Morgana learns what happened to Douxie and is enraged because of her brother and master's actions. She encounters Merlin, accusing him of being a horrible master, and storms off.
The kingdom is in panic though as more and more Gumm-Gumms attack, seemingly immune against the sunlight. Some people also report that they saw a young wizard with the troll hordes. Merlin realizes that Douxie is alive and intends to stop it.
But first, he needs some way to defeat Gunmar and his hordes. The problem is that his amulet should be useless against sun-immune trolls. Merlin realizes that he needs Morgana's help for that.
And he is right, as Morgana has been trying to create a counter to Douxie's rite using her shadowmancy. When Merlin approaches her, she is against the idea of cooperating at first but ends up agreeing for the sake of the people in Camelot.
The amulet is also different in this AU. It summons not only the Daylight sword but the Nightshade one as well (which is made of Morgana's shadow magic). However, Merlin simply cannot just cooperate as he is scared that Morgana can possibly switch sides as well (he finds her way more unstable than Douxie). So Merlin seals the bigger portion of Morgana's shadow magic inside the amulet. Morgana realizes it in the end, but it's already too late.
So Morgana still has some magic, but it's below the average level and she cannot do much. Deya still becomes the first Trollhunter, and Merlin goes to fight and seal Douxie.
The events influence the present too. The Janus Order are good guys - they are trolls who willingly accept Morgana's magic to enter the human world. Morgana also uses different magic, so there are no kidnapped kids. The Janus Order protects the world from shadows. Some of them join forces with Trollhunters but it's glared upon because of what Merlin did to Morgana.
Bular is still the only one from Gunmar's forces who stay on the surface. However, he also recruits more aggressive trolls, who wish to rule humans. Much like with Morgana in the canon, Douxie's mind stays awake even when he is sealed. Back in Camelot times he also managed to gather wizards displeased with Merlin and Arthur and hostile towards humans. They become Hex Tech later (with Zoe as their leader) - and is the organization that helps Bular and his army of trolls to stay hidden.
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wanderingwittch · 3 months
Romance and Darkness: Bridgerton Theme of Feminine Strength
I’ve never been a romance girl.
I have always lived for stories but romance was never my genre of choice. It felt too imaginative and absurd to me. I was drawn to shadows and gothic rather than the superficial regency romance about money and titles. That was until I watched Bridgerton. The series unveiled a dark side of Regency era, showcasing the harsh realities for women who were often reduced to mere breeding stock for men. Women had no rights to their own bodies and were coerced into maintaining perfect figure to satiate men’s lust in exchange for a better life.
But how did these women survive despite of having no rights at all? This questions resonated deeply as I travelled more onto my spiritual path, exploring the themes of survival, pain and struggle. Something I have spoken about in my previous blogs too.
In Bridgerton, three women captured my heart.
✾ Lady Danbury
✾ Queen Charlotte (though I agree I initially detested her icy demeanour but loved watching her throughout the series)
✾ Princess Penelope (although not a Queen but subconsciously trained by the society to become a formidable rival for the crown)
Penelope and Colin’s Relationship
As a huge fan of Lilith in astrology, especially through @corvoidea content, I learnt hard that Lilith always stands against societal norms questioning everything around her. That is precisely what I found in Penelope — her sharp intellect and keen observation combined with her focused vulnerability eventually did something that was not widely accepted by the society at that time. Penelope is a perfect amalgamation of vulnerability and intelligent prowess. Colin on the other hand was charming yet restless. Many might see them as an odd pairing, but I felt they were perfect for each other. Questioning their purpose, propelling each other towards their own spiritual paths. Remember, how Colin a perfect bachelor yearned to do something different than the other Bridgerton brothers. Penelope brought that writer in him and made him realise how special he can be.
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In the first two seasons, we witnessed a dance of superficiality and denial from Colin while Penelope brooded in invisibility. Yet, her invisibility became a powerful weapon enabling her to live as Lady Whistledown who could not bow against any man — who could make her own money in a time where women strategically chose husbands for security. By the third season, with Penelope revealed as Lady Whistledown and Colin discovering her secret who utterly devastated showcased their match made in heaven — undergoing emotional transformation, inner trials only to emerge stronger.
Masculine and Feminine Roles
The regency era had rigid masculine and feminine rules that stifled both men and women. Men were expected to be assertive while women subdued. Queen Charlotte’s love story with King George III provides a fascinating lens to examine these dynamics. The Queen’s commanding presence contrasted with King’s emotional and physical pain, highlights the burdens of royalty. The rigid rules left no room for emotions, and I felt deeply saddened for both the characters- Queen’s loneliness while the King George’s concealed pain. Both suffering a loss of balance but only revived by unwavering love for each other. There was a burden bore by every member serving the crown. Their emotions dried down and love taken way in the name of the sacrifice for the regency.
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Queen Charlotte spent days alone devoid of King’s touch while George silently suffered through torture — since that was the only form of cure for any mental illness during that period. While George focused so much on staying away from Charlotte, their marriage grew apart and they felt cold towards each other. However in end with Charlotte’s declaration, “I do not care for his sanity. I care for his happiness. I care for his soul. Let him be mad if madness is what he needs,” revealed a profound understanding of each other’s souls that transcended material expectations of love. Clarifying the spiritual understanding that love heals all. Even when Reynolds questioning and answering at the same time — if the love will change the King for better. But in a way it does. Queen Charlotte chose him to become mad only to retain his soul and through her love she could always find the King — the one she loved dearly and one she could bring back from the depths of darkness. While I loved the Queen, I also loved her tender parts in Queen Charlotte and understood the coldness.
Intersection of Lilith Themes
Penelope and Colin alongside Charlotte and George III embodied a unique blend of feminine and masculine energies. Unlike regency’s traditional norms, their relationship was based on equal support challenging gender expectations. Penelope’s sharp intellect questioned the submissive feminine ideology, while Colin’s emotional growth challenged the rigid, ruthless masculine norm.
Lady DanBury: My favourite Lilithian icon
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Lady Danbury’s transformation was remarkable. She once said to Simon who had been the epitome of assertiveness but as a child- very scared and feeble.
"When I was a girl, some centuries ago, I was afraid even of my own reflection. I entered a room and attempted to dissolve into the shadows. But there is only so long one in a position such as ours can hide. I knew I have to step into the light someday, and I could not very well be frightened. So instead, I made myself frightening. I sharpened my wit, and my wardrobe, and my eye, and I made myself the most terrifying creature in any room I entered."
And we know how he turned out to be.
She never let her inner fire die. Even when constantly raped by her old husband and handling to his every whims. Even when she had to fight for her royal title after his death. Yet, it doesn't end her. She finds love and peace within Lord Ledger. And through him she understood what it meant to be truly united with a man without having the feeling of being violated at every end. Yet, the love didn't lasted long due to societal boundaries, I found peace in knowing that Lady Danbury experienced true love. She found herself through him and was finally able to choose herself -- and pave a path of loneliness but also of independence and power. Throughout the series, she became my perfect Lilith icon of empowerment , sacrifice, rising beyond the societal standards thereby making a name for herself.
Bridgerton and Feminine Strength
Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte were more than entertaining shows for me -- they showed me the true form of femininity. They helped me looked past the toxic feminism we see today. Yet they rose above the challenges and make the world look at them even when the worst of the worst circumstances were given to them.
As fans of this series, do you ponder the interconnection between masculinity and femininity? Do you see these themes and consider how they apply to your own life, encouraging kindness in your relationships?
I’m curious to know your thoughts! Share them in the comments. 🌸
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
The Gentle Giant's Breaking Point (Shoji x Reader)
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Art credit: @tonerukun​
Requested by: @/smol_angry_rabbit on wattpad
Warnings: explicit smut, size kink, dirty talk, hickeys, cursing, being overpowered and completely dominated, unprotected sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, tender aftercare and soft confession
Words: 6.4k
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In downtown Musutafu, Shoji, Tokoyami and Ojiro were wandering around the city packed with people on a bright, sunny day. A gentle breeze blew by, swirling around the hundreds of people who decided to get some fresh air for the first time in weeks.
The second the weather warmed up, food stalls and all sorts of vendors were back on the streets. Mouthwatering scents of sesame soba, senbei and taiyaki curled deliciously into the air and wafted over to everyone within the vicinity, enticing them over to buy the scrumptious street food.
At the first sight of spring, the students of UA scattered, all eager to spend their off day outside.
Kaminari, Bakugou, Kirishima and Ashido all went to the pool, the rest of Class 1-A following in a slow trickle.
It first was Hagakure who wanted to tag along, then Uraraka, then reluctantly Jirou followed by the rest of the girls.
Midoriya sheepishly asked if he could come along too, Todoroki following suit since he'd rather be anywhere than at an empty dorm and end up having to go home to his father.
Mineta was only allowed to come with Sero's tape restricting his hands and covering his eyes. He complained the whole way there that it was unfair but no one paid any attention to him.
Shoji let his arms fall to his sides as he strolled around downtown, following Tokoyami.
He hadn't particularly wanted to go anywhere, preferring to stay in the dorms. He didn't know when was the last time where it had actually been quiet. Not since before they moved in.
He didn't really have any complaints about his classmates. If anything, he was rather happy to live in a dormitory. It meant he got to see a lot more of you.
You were best friends with him, preferring to keep to yourself most of the time, just like him.
Maybe that's why you got along so well.
Shoji never tried to bother you but it was inevitable when the last class of the day would be dismissed and everyone paired off or huddled up in their groups to talk about anything and everything. He would just be at his desk, pulling out a book or getting started on his homework so he didn't have to worry about it later and you would come over, plop yourself down in the empty desk next to him and start reading a book without a word.
He didn't mind. He rather liked your company. It was quiet. It was nice.
He was going to ask you if you wanted to come with him, Tokoyami and Ojiro today but you were gone when he woke up. At least he had your number and he messaged you to make sure you were okay.
You responded back pretty quickly that everything was fine, you just had to take care of something first and then you'd meet them at the beach.
Shoji thought nothing of it. So when Ojiro asked if he wanted to come along with them downtown because Tokoyami needed to pick up more art supplies before their next class, he readily agreed.
He honestly didn't expect to see you there, let alone run into you. Literally.
You panted, rounding the corner, your eyes round with fear as adrenaline pumped through your veins. But you weren't watching where you were going.
Crashing into someone's very solid chest, your force knocked them over, sending the two of you toppling over instantly.
Springing up, you quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry!!"
All else blanked from your head as you saw who it was you exactly landed on and your jaw dropped open.
Suppressing a groan, he sat up, encircling your waist carefully to ensure you wouldn't fall.
His brow furrowed in confusion as he helped the two of you up into a standing position, completely ignoring Ojiro and Tokoyami's questioning stares. "What are you doing?"
You opened your mouth to answer him when all of the sudden, you were hit by a blinding light.
Various enraged cries echoed from the alley you had just rushed out of.
"Get back here!!!"
"Shoot." You muttered under your breath. "My paralysis wore off."
"You're using your quirk?!" Ojiro exclaimed in shock. "You know that's against the rules!!!"
You ushered everybody into the nearest store hastily, hiding behind All Might merchandise to keep out of sight. "You want to lecture me now or after we call the police?"
While Tokoyami dialed for the local police, Shoji shifted closer to you, using his dupli-arms to hide you from view.
"Who are they?" He asked you.
He knew you weren't the type to go around causing trouble. If you had used your quirk, it had to be because you were cornered with no way out. He knew you.
And judging by that foreign, hesitant look in your eyes, you knew it, too.
"It's nothing, I'm fine." You mumbled under your breath, refusing to look at him.
Shoji didn't say anything else on the matter, dropping it entirely when a shadow passed over him.
You squeezed your eyes shut and held your breath as the men searched for you, your breath hitching when Shoji's grip around you tightened protectively. Too many times you had imagined his arms around you but this was a scenario you didn't exactly picture.
The sirens wailing outside had you relaxing the tiniest bit, the rest of the tension leaving your body as the police arrested the three men using their quirks to create destruction.
Shoji didn't let you go quite yet though. Not until he was sure every last one of them left.
Pulling back, he allowed you to slip out of his arms. And that's when he saw it.
The blood.
The cut on your cheek was smeared with crimson and he questioned how he didn't notice that sooner.
Cradling your cheek, he angled your face, his jaw ticking as he got a better look at your injury.
You gulped as he used your first name without any honorific. You knew he meant business and your heart fluttered at how much he seemed to care for you in that moment.
You shoved down your feelings, forcing yourself to breathe normally, dreading that he would notice how nervous you were.
It wasn't that you really had anything to be anxious about, you knew Shoji would never judge you for any reason. Kind-hearted despite how often he had gotten teased when he was younger, he never let it affect him in any way other than pushing him towards his best self.
You always admired that about it.
Shoji was such a gentle giant and you were one of the few he told about his past and what ultimately led him to striving to become a hero.
Which is why you were so caught off guard by the anger simmering beneath the surface of his eyes as he tended to the abrasion on your cheek.
The officers contained the situation quickly, arresting those that were causing chaos. The same gang of boys who were responsible for your injuries. Tokoyami and Ojiro filed out of your makeshift hiding place first, reporting what you had seen before Shoji helped you up and they turned your attention to you.
All three of their expressions changed from quelled worry to disbelief as you denied all allegations they had clearly made against you.
Still, the police officers couldn't go against it if you didn't even admit to it but brought the boys down to the station for processing. They would be able to fit the pieces together later once the camera footage of the convenience store was recovered. Until then, they let you go.
After you refused medical treatment when the police arrived on the scene, absolutely hating hospitals, you trekked back to the dormitory to sort out your injuries.
They were rather mild and you weren't worried about it at all. The hero-in-training hovering over you though, said otherwise.
You sat on one of the many couches in the common area of Heights Alliance so that he could patch you up. It was a good thing that the dorms were empty since everyone was gone for the rare off day that they got.
Shoji had ushered Ojiro and Tokoyami to go on without him to meet up with the rest of their class at the beach, promising that he would look after you and make sure that you didn't actually need a hospital.
But you also thought it was to make sure you weren't going to do anything reckless again.
He had already scolded you for not taking your wounds seriously enough and insisted on treating them, which was a bit weird because he never was one for insisting on anything unless he felt strongly enough about it.
The atmosphere was tense as he put away the rest of the medical supplies, settling for a simple butterfly closure after he cleaned the area.
Now, he was staring at you as if he wanted to devour you. Heat flooded to your lower regions no matter how hard you tried to stop it. It was clear that he was frustrated, borderline angry and upset with you for reasons unclear to you but hope kindled in your heart.
There was no way he liked you like that. He never said anything about it before.
Regardless, no one should look that good while they were enraged. The silent fury simmering beneath the surface of his being was too good of a look on him.
"Are you going to tell me what that was all about?" Shoji questioned, peeling off his mask and revealed a deep-seated frown etched on his face.
Your breath caught in your throat. No matter how many times you saw his face, it never failed to take your breath away and stop time completely.
He was beautiful.
"I-I—" You stammered, at a loss for words due to his vulnerability in front of you. He clearly trusted you a great deal. You wanted to return the gesture.
Your heart rate spiked in nervousness and you swallowed hard.
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, your voice got quieter and more solemn as you told him about these people who had been bullying your little brother. Your parents weren't in the picture, and since your aunt, who had taken the two of you in, didn't care much other than making sure you were fed and attending school, you knew you couldn't depend on her for help.
You had been bullied too, something you told your brother the second you walked in one weekend and he burst into tears. You felt horrible. At UA, you were too far away to protect him, but you promised you'd do something about it.
Logically, you knew you should've gone to the authorities. But you were just so blinded by rage and hell bent on revenge for these boys who had struck him across the face and punched him in the eye more than once that you weren't going to let it go on for a second longer.
Shoji was silent when you finished. You played with your fingers in your lap, unsure of what to do. Maybe you talked too much.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Your head snapped up and you gaped. You didn't have an answer for him.
Shoji sighed and his eyes saddened. "You can rely on me, on our friends. We would have helped you."
You looked back down, his gaze too intense for you to hold. He was staring at you too earnestly and you felt the hurt that resonated within him at the actions you didn't take to reach out towards him.
"I know." You whispered. "But I didn't want any of you to get involved."
A discontented noise emitted from the back of his throat and Shoji's mouth pressed in a hard line, clearly disagreeing with you but not voicing it.
The silence turned uncomfortable and you shifted in place, discreetly rubbing your thighs together as a shiver passed through your body.
Your eyes widened as he draped his shawl over you. You gulped as Shoji bulking form loomed over you, your heart now beating faster for another reason entirely.
"Mezo..." He murmured. "We're alone. You can call me Mezo."
This wasn't anything new, you had already been comfortable enough to call him by his given name when the two of you were on your own but this was the first time he had requested you to say it before you got a chance to speak it.
He beat you to the punch. How unlike him.
You blushed, arching your back into his touch as he gripped your waist and drew you close to him to warm you up, heat flooding to your lower regions without permission at his low voice. "Mezo."
He groaned, his head falling into the crook of your neck at how intimate his name sounded when it fell from your lips. Physical affection wasn't rare between you two, but it largely remained platonic.
Until now. He couldn't suppress it any longer.
Capturing your lips in a heated kiss, he moved over you, unable to stop himself from pinning you to the couch.
"Ahh~" You moaned as he detached himself from your lips, keening as he continued down, pushing his jacket out of the way for better access to your neck. You weren't against this, but it was going too fast. You wanted him to slow down so that you could at least see him. "M-Mezo, w-wait..."
Stifling a groan, he reluctantly parted from your skin, catching your gaze.
Worried he had made you uncomfortable, he questioned, "Do you not want this?"
After you shook your head so violently that he was surprised you didn't knock into anything, he raised an eyebrow when you didn't express anything else.
"Then what's wrong?" Shoji asked lowly, voice gravelly and giving away just how much of an effect you had on him.
You bit your lip shyly at how you probably looked. Spread out for him, flushed to the core and panting. Your mind was racing. He had kissed you.
"S-Someone could walk in," You objected, stammering as you were only half aware that you guys were in the common area. "Don't you think we should— holy shit!!"
While you were protesting, he took the opportunity to latch onto the sweet spot under your neck, sucking harshly.
You couldn't help but whimper, your hands splayed against his broad chest as he continued to paint your skin with splotches of purple and pink.
"Mezo, come on, we should— eep!!"
Fed up with your objections as it hindered his passionate onslaught to your supple skin, Shoji hooked your legs around his waist, his huge hands cupping your ass as he practically sprinted to his room.
This time, your lips descended onto his, connecting the two of you together all the way there. You rocked against his hard-on pressed in between your bodies, moaning into his mouth as your core throbbed with need.
A growl ripped from the back of his throat as you did, and he leaned down to lay you on his bed, never separating himself from you for a second.
Cupping his face with both of your hands, you parted your lips, letting him explore your hot cavern. He slotted his body between your hips.
The two of you groaned in tandem as one of your hands slithered down to cup the stiff bulge and you whimpered when he pressed his knee against your clothed core. The pressure made slick pool in your panties and caused it to stick uncomfortably to your wet folds.
"Y/N..." He breathed shakily, his eyes clouded, giving away how much you affected him. "Can I—"
"Yes, please." You cut him off, unable to wait a second longer. "Please, Mezo, fuck me?"
Shoji's eyes widened and his cock got impossibly harder, straining against the confinements of his pants as he heard you beg for him. Beg for his cock to fill you up.
Fuck, that was so hot.
Your core was already throbbing with the need to have him inside of you. If he didn't do something soon you were sure you were going to combust.
Seeing his hesitancy as his fingers danced along the waistband of your pants, you quickly got tired of waiting and undressed by yourself, throwing your clothes in an uncaring heap onto the floor.
His eyes grew round in awe as your bare skin, breasts and that special place between your legs was revealed for him to freely drink in as you laid out before him, not an ounce of shame coloring your cheeks, save for the pink tips of your ears.
Your back arched as his mouth latched onto one of your nipples, his big hands kneading the soft flesh, going harder when your response spurred him on. You whined as he flicked the pebbled tit, crying out as he bit down on it gently, a shock shooting through your system.
Shoji was studying every single one of your reactions to his touch, drinking it up as his eyes devoured you with barely restrained hunger.
"So... you like to be treated roughly..." He mused as he pulled upwards, your body following his touch as he let go of your breasts abruptly. "That's very interesting."
You whimpered in protest but that faded as he took his shirt off, the defined and sculpted muscle enough to make you forget what you were about to complain about. He was ripped, his torso flexing powerfully as he threw his shirt in the direction of the growing pile of clothes.
Licking your lips, you pulled him down to his level as he hastily undid the button of his pants, shoving it just past his hips so that his cock sprang free.
Your jaw dropped. He wasn't wearing underwear?!
Aside from that, he was fucking huge. How was even going to fit inside of you?!
You weren't given any time to dwell on his size as a finger probed your entrance. Your hands shot down to his wrist instinctively.
"M-Mezo, I'm s-sensitive—!!"
You cut off with a cry as he slipped it in, stretching you out.
Shoji closed his eyes, trying to restrain himself but you were just so hot and tight, pulsing around his finger like nothing else he ever felt.
"Is it too much?" He asked caringly, kissing you to ease you through it. You were unbelievable tight, he could already feel you clenching down on his single digit. "Do you want to stop?"
If your mind wasn't clouded with lust, you would've picked up on the subtle teasing lilt of his voice, as though he already knew what you were going to say.
"No..." You protested, squeezing your eyes shut, unknowingly doing exactly what he expected.
You could take it. You wanted him to make you take it.
Your eyes widened as he cursed behind you and that was when you realized that you said that last part out loud.
Oops. You were really in for it now.
You gasped in surprise as his hands released your wrists, but it was only temporary as he hooked your legs around his waist before he was immobilizing you again. Struggling slightly even though you were clearly overpowered, you begged for him to let you touch him before you died but he refused, shutting you up with a passionate kiss that stole your breath away.
Your body lurched and you wailed as he finally sank into your cunt, moaning and panting like a dog in heat as he sheathed his massive member all the way inside of your spasming channel.
A broken whimper of his name fell from your lips as his hips finally pressed flush against your ass, mewling as his balls rested against your puckered hole. You buried your face into his neck, ashamed of your reaction. He had barely done anything yet and already you felt like you were on the brink of cumming.
"Mezo—" You warned breathlessly, mouth gaping at the sheer size of him, your hole struggling to adjust. "Ngh!!"
Shoji braced himself up on his forearms, swearing under his breath as you clamped down around him. His fingers laced with yours from where he was still pinning your arms over your head, bending down to kiss you in order to distract you from the stretch.
You were hot, tight, and squeezing him with so much force, he already felt like he was going to cum. Stuttering out your name, he hissed as you clenched around him again.
"Y-Y/N, stop— don't do that." He begged, one of his hands fisting in your hair as he held onto his last thread of restraint while you adjusted to his size.
"C-Can't help it, Mezo." You whimpered, scratching his broad back as you fought the urge to arch your hips, knowing that was just going to encourage him to move before you were ready. "You... You're so big."
He had never prided himself on things like this, by how much he received praise or compliments from others so that he didn't have to question the authenticity of it, preferring most times to simply acknowledge it then let it go so that it didn't go to his head.
But he couldn't help it with you. There was something about the way you said it that ignited a flame of passion inside of him and it could not be put out.
Your nails dug into his back and a moan ripped from your throat as you felt him swell inside of you, catching on your walls without even trying.
"M-Mezo?!" You cried out in shock. "Why are you getting, oh fuck—"
A guttural groan sounded in the empty space and he let go of you, straightening up.
"You're so tight and warm." Shoji moaned, his left hand fisting the sheets as he gave a few experimental rolls of his hips, the other caressing your hip while his eyes fixated on where the two of you were joined together. "You feel like heaven, Y/N."
You squeaked in mortification as he said that, clapping a hand over your mouth as he thrusted into you harder, unable to contain the sounds spilling out of your mouth any longer. He felt so good inside of you. Pulsing and hot, thick and hard, it was a wonder how you were delirious with pleasure on his cock.
"Fuck..." You hissed through clenched teeth, your eyes tightly screwed shut.
Shoji stilled instantly, worried he had hurt you. His eyes scanned over your flushed face in concern.
"Are you alright? Do you want to stop?" He asked quickly and would've pulled out of you if your legs didn't lock around his hips, preventing him from even thinking about it a second longer.
You desperately shook your head then yanked him down to your level.
"Go fast, Mezo, fuck me hard." You pleaded. "Please."
There was no time to feel embarrassed by the words that came out of your mouth as he obliged instantly. Stars blinded your vision and you arched into his touch as he fucked you with a vigor that wasn't present before.
Shoji slammed your wrists down above your head and he kissed you hard, all of it teeth and tongue as he licked away your whimpers before they could break the symphony of wet skin slapping against skin that broke through the still atmosphere of his room.
Both of you were glad everyone was gone for the day because with how much noise you were making, it was clear what was going on.
His lips glossed over your pulse point, licking and sucking at the flushed skin there, marking you once again.
You shivered at the sensation of having him pressed against you and yet still attending to you with the same care you had come to expect from him. Your best friend now turned lover. If this was going to be more than a one-time deal.
"Mezo!!" You cried out as he finally pulled away from your neck, satisfied with the purple that bloomed there.
Shoji's teeth sank into your shoulder as he came deep inside of you, painting your walls with hot, thick and sticky ropes of cum.
You whimpered as he emptied in your ripe cunt, his release setting off yours and the powerful shockwaves of your orgasm crashed over you like a tsunami, causing your body to tremble uncontrollably. The copious amounts of his cum leaked out the instant he pulled out of you and your hole fluttered, no longer having his length to stuff you to the brim. You felt a bit sad now that you were left empty, and sat up, thinking that you guys were done.
How wrong you were.
You didn't have to look down to see that he was still hard as his cock pressed against your inner thigh the moment he kissed you again.
"Mezo?!" You shrieked, moaning wantonly against his lips as he moved over you once more. "How are you still hard?!"
He groaned, obviously in discomfort for having been denied even though he just came. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I need to cum again to make it go down."
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips at the sight of the leaking head and you moved to try and suck him off, wanting nothing more than the taste of him on your tongue as he shot his last load inside your mouth but he shook his head and stopped you short.
"You don't have to do that." Shoji said quickly, his cheeks flushing pink as he imagined you with your ass up as your cheeks were stuffed with his cock. Fuck, you'd look so good like that. But he had something else in mind.
Your eyes had glazed over a long time ago from the pleasure that he delivered to your system.
"I want to." You implored, batting your eyes at him, pupils blown wide.
Shoji surged forward, kissing you harder than last time and you melted into his touch. Any other time, he wouldn't fight you on it. But he didn't want to make you work any harder, even if it looked like you really wanted to suck him off. For now, he was content just to see you like this.
Spread out in front of him for only his eyes to see.
"Can you lay like this, Y/N?" He asked, gently maneuvering you onto your tummy and perking your rear up as a hand trailed down your spine to get you into the position he wanted to see you in. "I'll finish quickly."
You moaned quietly, still turned on and horny from before. Even though he had satisfied you so completely, there was a part of you that still longed to have him again.
You wanted him to stuff his cock in you like this.
So you couldn't help but mess with him a bit as the slick sounds of him jerking himself off started and breathy moans fell from his lips. You could go another round for him.
Poking out your ass a bit more, you smiled to yourself as his breath hitched and his movements stuttered. Swaying it from side to side purposefully to entice him, you were shocked when it worked a little too well, bringing out the beast in the tame boy that was your best friend.
Your eyes shot open and your jaw dropped open in a soundless cry as he pushed into you without warning, sinking his fat cock balls-deep into your pussy still quivering with the aftershocks of your last orgasm.
"Mezo!! Ahhh—" You cried out, caught off guard but unbelievably turned on so much that it filled you with shame.
A messy mixture of your juices and his thick cum pushed out of you as he rammed into you all the way to the hilt and all the oxygen disappeared from your lungs.
The sloppy sounds of your cunt making as he fucked you into his bed had you gripping onto his pillow and slamming it against your face to curb all the noises that were tearing from your throat.
It was yanked out of your grasp a second later.
"Don't hide, let me hear you." Shoji begged, unable to help himself from shoving his cock into the deepest parts of your little cunny. You looked so pretty spread out underneath him like this, at his mercy entirely as he pinned you down. Your arousal ran down your thighs as he continued to fuck you, his fat cock stuffing your hole perfectly.
Like you were made for him.
He threw his head back, he redoubled his efforts to make you feel as good as your pussy was making him feel.
"You look so beautiful when you're taking my cock like this." Shoji whispered to himself in awe, disbelieving that his dream was finally coming true after all this time as he watched his length disappear into you over and over again, completely entranced. "Feels so good, hhgh—!!"
Your hole fluttered around his thick girth, struggling to take his size as he pumped in and out of you at an alarming speed.
Whining, you could do nothing else but take it as he pounded you raw and rough, his hips slapping into your ass with a vigor that blanked your mind and left you gasping at the sensation.
Your wrists, still pinned down by his hands as his duplicated gripped your hips for stability as he got you closer to that peak, strained against his strength as the pressure built up in your stomach. "Mezo...'m gonna... gonna—"
"Gonna cum for me, pretty girl? Cream your cunny on my cock?" Shoji murmured, reducing his thrusts to sharp ruts, focusing all his attention on that little spot that made you see stars. "C'mon, give me one more. I need it."
That did it.
Your orgasm washed over you and your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your body trembling violently as he continued to push your limits, pumping in and out of you erratically before emptying himself into you with a deep groan.
Face flushed and eyes glassy, stilling rolling back from the throws of the intensity of your orgasm, you panted, twisting back to meet him in a kiss much softer and more loving than all the previous ones.
Now that his pent up frustration had been dealt with in the best possible way, he pulled out of you with a soft grunt, kissing you wordlessly when you whined at the loss of him.
Shoji hushed you softly as he cleaned the mess dripping out of you with a warm washcloth, urging you to go to the bathroom.
You couldn't stand up though, lacking the strength after that very thorough dicking down he gave you. Legs like jelly, you would've collapsed to the floor if he didn't catch you in time, pulling you up to his chest to carry you the rest of the way.
You hid your face in the crook of his neck as he took care of you, seeing as how all your energy was depleted. Slapping his chest halfheartedly in embarrassment as he chuckled when you jolted as he cleaned the sore but achingly sensitive bud between your legs.
Shoji nudged your ear with his nose, murmuring softly. "Are you alright?"
You hummed, eyelids heavy as you started to drift off.
He kissed the top of your head before bringing you back to bed so that you could take a nap. Somewhere between the walk from his bathroom to his bed, you stirred, arising from your light slumber only to be met with a concerned expression.
"Calm down, Mezo," You giggled, pecking him on the lips softly. "I'm good."
His shoulders slumped in relief. He was kind of worried he had broken you after a session like that. Scratching the back of his neck once you laid down, he hesitated before speaking.
"Don't worry me like that again. You're too reckless for your own good." He told you, anxiety resting heavy on his features.
You wiggled your eyebrows at him suggestively. "I don't know... That was a pretty good punishment if you ask me."
Shoji rolled his eyes but a hint of a smile played upon his lips. "I'm serious, Y/N."
Your smile disappeared and you nodded solemnly, sheepish now that you had been chastised.
"I know, I'm sorry." You apologized quietly, remorseful. You hadn't meant to worry him or any of them really. You honestly thought that you could handle it.
You had fought villains before, you thought you could tame a few punk kids who were bullying your little brother. You almost felt ashamed that they had managed to best you.
The initial idea was to capture them and report them to the authorities, since they were a part of a crew who liked to rob stores for fun, but the tables turned on you when they freely used their quirks on you.
Luckily, you had been able to dodge most of them, only sustaining minor damage from an attack you hadn't avoided in time.
Shoji knelt down by the bedside and your brow furrowed when he didn't climb under the covers with you.
"Mezo?" You squeaked when he engulfed you in a hug, all your insecurities melting away as his warmth flooded you.
He trembled as you said his name but otherwise didn't move. Instead, he mumbled something against your neck and you laughed.
"I can't quite hear you." You teased him, prying him away to get a good look at his eyes. They were swirling with an unknown emotion and you swallowed hard. "What's wrong?"
Shoji stared at you, his gaze boring into your soul as he took down all your walls you had built up around your heart to protect yourself with an ease that shocked you.
"Rely on me." He murmured, lacing his fingers with yours and gulping at how small your hands were compared to his. "I want you to rely on me like..."
You couldn't breathe. It sounded like...
"Like what?" You prompted breathlessly, not daring to hope that he was going to say what you so longed to hear from him.
His cheeks pinked and he turned away from you. "Nothing."
Your heart sank into your chest and you visibly deflated.
"Oh..." You said softly, expression saddening when he refused to look at you.
Gathering the sheets around you to cover your naked body, you suppressed a shiver as the cold air got through and you blindly reached around for your clothes on the floor.
Shoji's mouth pressed in a hard line and he shook his head. Any other time, he would be there to help you but not now. Not when his mind was racing with the possibilities of what could go wrong if he confessed his true feelings for you right here and now.
It was overwhelming him and he felt overtaken by fear that you would reject him, destroying the close friendship you had.
You straightened up, fumbling with the sheet as it accidentally slipped. But you blushed when Shoji draped his shawl over you, his scent filling your nose and you tripped over your words, thoroughly flustered for some kind of explanation as to why you were reacting like you were back in your first year of high school.
"I like you."
You balked, jaw dropping open in shock.
Shoji actually jumped back, startled as you swore in front of him.
"You're kidding."
His brow furrowed in confusion and he crossed his arms. "No, I'm perfectly serious."
You shook your head. There was no way that he, the coolest, most respectable and kindest guy you have ever met and had the privilege of calling your best friend, liked you back.
But judging by that affronted look on his face, you might've jumped to conclusions too soon.
Warily, you approached him, abandoning the search for your clothes.
You hastily apologized. "I'm sorry, I guess it's hard to believe how someone like you would be interested in me."
Now in front of him, you had a chance to see how much he towered over you. It was different from when you would hang out in each other's rooms where he would crouch down on the floor or sit on a chair so that the height difference wasn't so obvious.
But you felt safe as he curled his arms around you tentatively, even though it was such a contrast to how he was fucking the brains out of you earlier.
"Well, I do." Shoji murmured into your hair as he brought you in for a hug, firm and unyielding in his feelings for you even though you had yet to say anything.
You hadn't said it back but you hadn't shot him down either. He didn't know if it was foolish to hope for a chance that you would want to be with him too, or perhaps, oh no, had he made you uncomfortable?
Maybe you weren't saying anything because you didn't know how to reject—
"I like you too." You mumbled into his chest.
This time, Shoji was the one to do a double take. "Y/N?!"
"Oh hush." You said, hiding your face from his frantic gaze so that he couldn't see how red your face was. Confessing feelings was exhausting and now you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with your new boyfriend.
Shoji's chest rumbled underneath your fingertips and just when you thought your face couldn't burn anymore out of embarrassment and shyness, he leaned back and tipped your chin up.
"I'm glad you return my feelings." He smiled, a pure smile that radiated the most wholesome level of happiness possible and your heart skipped a beat.
You found you mirrored his joy instinctively, it was contagious. And when he closed the distance to kiss you once more, it sealed a pact that would stay forever and could never be broken.
"I think I'll have to be more reckless from now on." You breathed when he finally pulled away and a small pout formed on his lips.
"Y/N..." Shoji warned, not finding your joke funny in the slightest.
You giggled, looping your arms around his neck as you stood on your tiptoes, booping his nose with yours. "I'm kidding, but I do think it was worth it."
He raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"
You grinned, a cheeky smile that told him he hadn't seen the last of your mischief.
"Because it finally got you to confess."
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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cluescorner · 3 years
Ranking the Cookies of Darkness by how likely they are to get redeemed
Licorice Cookie. He’s a comedic side-villain, the easiest kind of villain to redeem. Licorice Cookie has been shown to attempt to deescalate certain situations when he believes things are going too far (see the Cookies of Darkness story for the clearest example of this) and his motive for working with Dark Enchantress can so easily be turned into a motive for working with the heroes (he wants appreciation and respect). I think it’s more likely than not that he gets redeemed, especially considering how his redemption wouldn’t have to justify anything TOO horrible.
Poison Mushroom Cookie. They’re a goddamn baby who doesn’t know wtf is going on, they just want to share their shroomies with the world. I debated even including them on the list because IDK if they even need to be redeemed. They don’t even need an arc like Licorice would, just have them make friends with the heroes + the heroes realize that, wow, this literal child literally doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. The only reason they’re below Licorice is because they’ll probably follow Licorice over to the heroes.
Red Velvet Cookie. This is entirely me just wanting something to be true so badly that I grasp onto the belief and refuse to let go. I want to see the heroes realize that the lives of the cakes are just as valuable as those of cookies. I want Red Velvet to realize that whatever his mom is doing will probably endanger the lives of everything that lives, slowly coming to terms with the fact that the person he believes he owes everything to might not be worthy of that trust. I want both groups to meet up as Red Velvet reaches the peak of his doubt, then in a climactic turning point Red Velvet protects the heroes and sends his troops to distract the villains while the heroes + Red Velvet retreat. Red Velvet becomes close friends with Chili Pepper (both being unconventional cookies who weren’t meant to exist) and basically takes on a cool older brother role to the rest of the squad. Will this happen? Probably not, but this isn’t a serious theory list anyways so let me cling onto this idea a little longer.
Dark Choco Cookie. Here’s the thing: I can easily see them going both routes with him. I can easily see them freeing Dark Choco from his curse during the Dark Cacao Kingdom story (either metaphorically through convincing him that he’s still capable of good or literally through killing the fucking sword) and then he becomes a hero. He apologizes to his father (assuming he isn’t dead) and the two rule Dark Cacao Kingdom together. They’ve set this up well; Dark Choco clearly doesn’t WANT to be a villain but believes that he’s doomed to his fate, so when he realizes that there’s still room left to write his destiny he takes that chance and changes for the better. HOWEVER, I can also see them committing to making Dark Choco so resigned to his fate that he just refuses to accept the fact that he’s even capable of doing good. The only thing he can do is stay with the villains and accept his fate, he belongs to the darkness now. Maybe he can have a tragic death in the arms of his father, that becomes a turning point for the story and might be what causes Dark Cacao to take up the fight again. OR maybe the sword will overpower Dark Choco himself (with the help of Dark Enchantress and Pomegranate), turning him into that one skin from Ovenbreak that I know exists but I have no idea wtf it’s called. There is nothing that remains in him but a shadow of who he once was; Dark Choco is nothing but a vessel for the sword. I think he’s gonna be redeemed, but I also can see them committing to the sword being cursed or them doing a ‘redemption equals death’ kinda thing. Either way, I’m probably gonna cry about it and it’ll probably take place during the Dark Cacao storyline. Oh god that storyline is gonna be a banger.
Pomegranate Cookie. She’s just done too much and is far too committed to Dark Enchantress. I actually think that a Pomegranate redemption arc would be the most interesting of any other Cookie of Darkness, but I don’t see Devsis going through with that idea unless literally every other cookie gets redeemed. We all saw the Cookies of Darkness story and what she’s willing to do to her own teammates, let alone other cookies. I personally believe that she’s most similar to Dark Choco (someone who believes they are destined to be part of the Darkness, Pomegranate just accepts it more easily), but I think she’s less likely to be redeemed because of the events of the Cookies of Darkness story + how close she is with Dark Enchantress. Again, I think her redemption arc could be really interesting and so I kinda hope I’m wrong, but I can’t see Pomegranate being redeemed.
I want to see everyone get redeemed, but this is my ranking of how likely they are to be redeemed. I’m, like, 85% sure that Dark Enchantress is going to get a ‘redemption equals death’ deal, even though it’s my least favorite type of redemption and I think having Dark Enchantress/White Lily (if that theory is accurate) have to LIVE with her actions is infinitely more interesting.
TLDR; Licorice and Poison Mushroom will probably be redeemed, I REALLY want Red Velvet to be redeemed, I think Dark Choco could go either way and his storyline is gonna make me cry regardless, and THERES NO FUCKING WAY POMEGRANATE IS GETTING REDEEMED (but I really want her to).  
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gyuluster · 4 years
the prince and the jackal | {f}
collab oneshot | fantasy! au | 11.8k words
“Because the prince of the earth can make you fall not only for nature, but the boy who rules over it.”
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s u m m a r y : in the Kingdom of Terrae, you, a metalbender, believe in the deforestation to modernise the land. As a member of the Lumberjackals, you thrive on cutting down trees and stealing resources until you get caught by the Crown Prince, Choi Beomgyu, a lover and embodiment of the nature you wish to destroy. However, instead of imprisoning you for your crimes, Beomgyu decides to show you the beauty and wonders of nature, leaving you to doubt your beliefs, your identity, and your very feelings for the certain boy determined to change you for the better.
w a r n i n g s : prince! beomgyu, woodcutter! metalbender! reader, reader hates wildlife and all things nature, beomgyu is sunshine and flowers and everything good, shit ton of wildlife and fantasy stuff, bts kim line are part of the lumberjackals so are evil in this story i am so sorry y’all, beomgyu has a pet squirrel called jisung yes han jisung, kind of enemies to lovers not really but im pretending it is
p l a y l i s t : fairy of shampoo by txt | colours of the wind by judy kuhn | willow by taylor swift
a u t h o r ‘ s  n o t e : yes i am back from the dead to bring this fic hello!! this is a collab with @soobmint​ @juunnies​ @bffsoobin​ @honeyju​ pls do read their parts too they’re so sexc <3 do lemme know what you all think and thank you for reading!!
back to collab masterlist
back to my masterlist
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“And this prayer I make,               Knowing that Nature never did betray The heart that loved her.”  — William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey, 1798.
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You ignored the complaints of your comrades, trekking deeper into the forest. 
The sun was nearly drowned out by the towering shade of the surrounding trees, and there remained a constant buzz of the animals, either scurrying away or chirping in the skies. The cut up logs strapped on your back was a huge burden, and slowed your steps as you trudged onto the muddied pathways, staining your boots.
“_____, how much longer until we go to the markets?” one of the men asked, exhaustion clear in his voice. 
“Just a few more logs, Tae,” one of the woodcutters, Seokjin, answered, casting a side-ways glance at you. 
“But we’ve already got so many!” the former whined, pointing to the goods over their shoulders. “We can make decent money today!”
Unsheathing your sword, you cut away at the vines in your path, masking your sight ahead. It must be here somewhere, you thought, eyes darting sharply to every flower and bush. It has to be.
“Haven’t you fools understood already?” a snarl resonated from the group. Your horse trotted past you as Namjoon, sat on top, brought out his machete, brutally slicing the branches of the towering trees. “The wood we’ve got won’t last us all year!”
His eyes blazed with a certain greed as he looked over you all. “We must find the Tree of Life,” he declared, strolling past you, cutting down the path. “One strip of its bark could bring us a fortune.”
You listened to his statements with raised brows, following in his steps. In truth, none of you had ever seen the Tree of Life. No one in the kingdom had for centuries — it had become something of a myth, a legend passed down from every earthbender to child of its origins, and its significance. You didn’t know the great specifics, but the whole group knew that if they were to obtain even a twig from the great tree, it could grant them millions worth of gold. 
And that was something the Lumberjackals desired more than the wellbeing of an omnipotent tree.
Soon, the search progressed, your group cutting down a few Ebonies for its useful properties, but there was no heavenly legend welcoming you in all its finery. The sun was descending on the horizon, and although Spring was present, you were situated in the part of the forest where the gusts of the Ice Kingdom blew consistently in your direction. The cold was about to descend, and you were far from your home in the Metallum villages. 
Taehyung, the youngest of the Kim brothers, held onto a nearby oak, all strength leaving him. “I don’t know about you, but I am not travelling any further.” He glared daggers at Namjoon, who showed no signs of stopping. “I’m setting camp here, and you can do nothing to stop me.”
Seokjin joined his youngest sibling, collapsing on the patch of grass beside the gathering of flowers as he shrugged off his work of the logs. “I vote a little rest, even if Joon does not understand its meaning.”
The said-man let out a scoff at those words. “You both are just bloody lazy!” He turned to you, eyes pinning you where you stood. “You’ll keep searching with me, right?”
You agreed, but when you saw the fatigue in your leader’s gaze you grabbed the reins from his horse, stepping beside him. “You need sleep, Joon,” you said, concern in your eyes. “I’ll do another search. You three stay here.”
Namjoon held your stare for a moment before swiping his leg over the back of the horse, jumping off. He handed you the reins fully. “Come back after dawn. Us three will take over from you.”
You had a right mind to challenge the amount of time he was making you explore, but you kept your mouth shut, heaving onto the animal. Dumping your logs of wood upon the ground, you dipped your head in farewell to the Kim brothers. “I will see you in the morning, boys.”
Taehyung waving excitedly as he set up camp, Seokjin going straight to bed upon his blankets, and Namjoon’s stare cold yet understanding, you cracked the reins as the horse began to gallop away from the oaklands, and deeper into the forest.
The moon barely lit the way as you delved deeper into the trees, the sounds of nature turning sinister as the owls began to hauntingly hoot, and the wildcats began to purr. You kept your sword close, in your hand as the other steadied your horse. 
You let out a hard sigh as you commenced your searching. Sometimes, only when you were alone, you wished that Namjoon would snap out of his delusions. There was no Tree of Life, no invaluable source of fortune which would challenge the earthbenders and start their industrialisation. In truth, you only wished for a life more than just cutting down wood, but your leader’s promises could be much too enticing. 
Perhaps he was right. Maybe with the metalisation of Regna Terrae the metalbenders would be able to progress. It was not like the Kingdom cared for the likes of you, nor the nature which brought you to existence.
Stupid, damned forest. What good had it ever done you?
Suddenly, you heard the harsh snapping of the twigs which wasn’t from your horse. In an instant you halted, pulling the reins as your eyes darted to every corner of the dark forest. 
You furrowed your brows.
The forest cannot be trusted. Even its silences were sinister and misleading.
Slowly, you got off your horse, tying the reins to a nearby tree. “Keep still, Aurum,” you whispered. “I’ll be right back.”
Patting the mane, you turned and followed in the direction of where the sound was heard, every step quiet and cautious. There was little light, you having to rely on your ears alone, and the hands which touched trunk from trunk. In moments like these, you wished you possessed a more useful power than mere metal manipulation — firebending would have been nice, but you supposed that luck had never been in your favour.
Seething, you held onto your sword tighter, sending a little rush of power from your fingers as it sharpened the steel. No one tailing you would survive in your hands.
You then heard a little sigh, and whipped your head to the direction. Gritting your teeth, you rushed to the place of the origins, anger rising. Swiping away the branches in your path, your boots were the only sound among the quiet hush of the forest, along with the slicing of your weapon. Whoever was toying with you will not leave your wrath.
Swiping away the plants, you finally found an opening of grass among the trees. Squinting, your anger surged to find a distant figure standing before you, all masked in shadows from the lack of light within your surroundings. It stood statue-still, matching your deathly quietness. 
But the figure did not seem like it offered death. Nor anything so dangerous as you promised.
“Come out!” you shouted, taking a step forward. “I know you were following me!”
No response. 
“Scared, are you?!” Another hesitant step. “As you should be!”
Still, only silence answered, and the soft crunch of the leaves underneath your boots. You took a deep breath, shining your sword from the moonlight. A scoff emitted from you, nerves disappearing. This should be easy. 
With an aggravated roar, swinging your weapon, you thundered towards the figure. 
You rushed into the moonlight pooling onto the grass, eyes intent with damage as you willed iron-like power from your veins, and into your hands, swirling around the fuller of your sword until it reached its tip, ready to burst onto the figure.
It was then the shadows moved. 
A flick of his hand. A soft glow within the darkness. 
And all of nature followed suit.
You were taken aback as the thousands of vines circulating the surrounding trees unwrapped themselves from their trunks, and snapped towards you in thundering speed. You had no time to take in their stems swirling around your feet, cutting off your run towards this certain figure. A gasp escaping, you were pulled back by the impact, and let out a further scream as you began to fall flat on your face. Then, even more shock reverberated through you as your feet were pulled upwards, shooting your body up until you were suspended from a tree branch, your one foot wrapped tightly in the vines.
Your world all upside down, you shook your head vigorously, feeling the strain of your one leg under complete control of the tree. The thrum of powerful magic of nature resonated through your body, ceasing you from moving your free leg and kicking any potential passerbys. 
Craning your head backwards, you saw with horror that your sword was clattered upon the ground, too far away to reach from the air. Straining your hand towards the grass, you willed your magnetic force, trying to lure your weapon into your hand.
The sword would have ended up in your grasp if another surge of the same natural magic did not break its path, sending it back on the earth.
Enraged, you looked out to the dark, sight distorted. “Gods, just come out already!” you screamed, swinging slightly by your sheer force. “Stop hiding in the damned shadows!”
There was a flutter of little animals coming out from the shadows. “Ha!” you spat, reaching for the dark. “Only sending a few creatures to scare me? You’re going to have to work harder than that!”
When there was another round of silence, you laughed harshly to yourself. “That’s what I thought.”
This time, however, you were not greeted by their usual, quiet answer.
More vines slithered down your frame, pushing your hands together. You gritted your teeth as the gnarly weeds tightened around your wrists, stopping yourself from using your hands.
Glaring daggers at the darkness ahead, you spat at the ground. “Show yourself!” you roared.
Your threats were answered.
Responded in an unimaginable way as the figure stepped into the moonlight.
You could not suppress your reaction.
The most enchanting boy you had ever seen revealed himself from the shadows. You could clearly see him from the light, the soft, child-like features amplified by his undoubted beauty — his mahogany locks curled around his face, cascading over his forehead. His gentle eyes promised great amusement, more so when they landed upon you, a ghost of a smile lingering on his lips. He was adorned in a fine green gown, few assortments strapped on his belt as leather boots, etched in ink, covered his feet. A crown of flowers and leaves settled in his curls, emitting its own, fantastical glow among the darkness.
The smile curved wider at your widened eyes. “Why so speechless now, my lady?” 
By all the gods. Even his voice sounded like the sweetest honey in all the hives. 
“I have come before you, now,” he continued, deeply amused by your bewilderment. “I have stopped hiding in those damned shadows, as you said.
“Where is your anger?”
Well, that seemed to bring your rage all back.
“It’s still here, you bastard!” you hissed, struggling in the rope-like vines as you tried to swipe your hand across his face. He merely took a step back, completely out of your range.
“Even without a weapon you are a force to be reckoned with,” the mysterious boy voiced out, raising his fingers as magic sparked from the tips. Instantly the vines encircled your arms, pinning them to your sides as the weeds wrapped around you completely. You were like a human-sized caterpillar, cocooned in vines except you would not turn into a butterfly and rush away into the forest. 
This nuisance before you would make sure of that.
A satisfied hum escaped him. “There we go,” he said. “Now you won’t be of any danger.”
“Who even are you?” you demanded, glaring daggers at the sight before you. Terrible shame that the sight was something you wouldn’t mind witnessing for the rest of your life. Even if it was upside down. 
A hint of surprise exposed upon his features. “Oh, this is amusing, indeed.”
He took a step towards you, you catching the faint scent of...flowers and trees and fruit and honey. You couldn’t really figure out a perfect essence — if nature had a scent, then this boy embodied it. “I am surprised you know not of me when you wish to destroy what I own.”
You raised a brow, at eye level with him, despite the loopy image. 
Then, the gears in your head turned, and you were struck hard with the realisation.
When you wish to destroy what I own.
“Oh gods,” you slipped out.
The boy smiled.
No, not just the boy.
The Prince of Regna Terrae — the heir to the Earth Kingdom. 
Choi Beomgyu.
Maybe this explained his otherworldly beauty. Crown princes of the earth kingdoms were known to be blessed by nature, so adorned the finest features known to man. Standing before you now, you cursed yourself for not seeing it before.
And cursed yourself again for cursing at him. Multiple times.
Beomgyu saw your eyes moving a mile a second and spluttered out a soft laugh, raising a finger so you focused on him. “I am glad you have figured out my identity. Now we both know what we are.”
His next words did not possess much hilarity. “I, a prince, and you, a Lumberjackal.”
The declaration had you gulping. There’s no escaping this.
He was not wrong in the slightest — you were a part of the Lumberjackals — a group dedicated to industrialising the Earth Kingdom, and giving it a head start from the other kingdoms who did not possess the natural resources that this land contained. You prided on deforestation, the cutting of wood and, even to a certain extent, the consumption of animals. Although you never participated in the last activity out of pure shame, you knew the Kim brothers certainly did, and enjoyed it to great extent. 
“Do you deny it?”
You tried to look away, but his gaze was a little too intense. Even if it was reversed. “I do not.”
“And what do you have to say for yourself?” he got out, and you could hear the pain in his voice. Could you even blame him? You destroyed what he held so dear.
Still. You were a metalbender. The desire for modernisation is in your very blood.
“I do what I must do, your Highness,” you grit out, struggling in your weedy cocoon. “It is the only way we survive. 
“And I will not stop.”
The boy’s eyes widened a fraction, in pure disbelief. He could not comprehend this — how could one be so against the idea of nature? How could anyone be so resolute in the decimation of what they survived on?
Prince Beomgyu cocked his head, pursing his lips. 
How could one hate a deity he considered so beautiful?
He said so himself. 
You blinked. 
The boy continued. “How can you hate nature?”
His question took you by surprise — you did not really know the answer yourself. 
It was not like you despised the earth in all its natural form. Sure, it brought you the air you breathed, the food you ate, and the water you drank. But what else had nature given you?
You soured upon seeing the Prince’s face. You did not possess the powers other Terrae citizens were gifted with. Your branch of magic was hard, unforgiving. Simply a practicality, only useful for finding resources and making weapons.
Where were your subservient vines? Where was your natural greatness?
With this in mind, you mustered up the most brutal expression you could offer to the boy before you. 
“Because nature was not kind to the likes of me. So I shall not be kind to it either.”
This time, the Prince’s eyes widened even further, afraid they would pop right out of their sockets. 
Once again, his mind was in a twist — how had his dearest accomplice, his most cherished friend, been unforgiving to his subjects? He would never consider himself sheltered, but this was something quite unheard of in his kingdom.
“I know you do not believe me, but this is the only explanation I can offer.” You paused, accepting your fate. “Untie me already so you can send me to prison.”
You felt something swirl beneath the boy’s brown eyes, irises sparkling with wonderment. His voice was soft, if not lost within his own thoughts.
“I believe you, jackal,” he said. With a final step towards you, he left little distance between the two of you, eyes at level with yours as you hung from the tree. “But I cannot be satisfied with it.”
Another blink, taken aback by his declaration. “Well...well, what am I supposed to do about it?”
Shocking you further, he curled a little smile upon his lips. “Well,” he started, and as the smile began to widen further, he knew just what to do.
No, he was certainly not satisfied with her accepted hatred.
“We can start by changing that.”
It was your turn for your pupils to dilate. Gods above. This boy seems one chop away from a stump.
“What do you mean?” you demanded, but the boy was already turning on his heel, looking to the surroundings. He fell to his knees, feeling the ground beneath him with his hands. “Your Highness, what are you doing?!”
He did not deem to answer your question, only counter it with his own. “Do you have a horse nearby?”
You looked at him, surprised he figured it out by merely touching the grass. “Yes, but…”
It seemed that he did not need to hear any more, as he brought a hand out, fingers stretching. A tendril of green power burst from his palm, snaking through the dark air beyond your peripheral vision. The Prince was focused on his conjury, and you wondered what in Terrae he was trying to do.
Then, you heard a distant neighing, and found Aurum following the green trail of his magic, eyes glowing slightly.  
You tried to escape the tight cage of the vines. “Gods, what are you doing with my horse?!” you exclaimed. “She hates strangers!”
The magic disappeared, along with the glow in her eyes. You could tell she was confused at her surroundings, about to raise her hind legs at the boy who spelled her. “She’ll kill you!” you warned, bracing yourself to witness the death of a prince.
It was then Beomgyu stepped towards the horse, gaze sparkling with kindness. 
His hand touched Aurum’s face.
With no small amount of shock, you watched as the boy whispered to your horse, stroking her muzzle. You had never seen her be so friendly to any human she’s made contact with — by Terrae, she even deigned to show attitude to you, who had fed and groomed her since she was a mere pony. How was she sweetening up to someone she had just seen?
Maybe she’s still under a spell, you thought with malice, but then a more honest thought came to mind, and it only made you angrier. 
Or perhaps animals can be just as enchanted with him as humans can.
“What are you talking to her for?” you interrupted them, letting out an aggravated groan as the cocoon engulfed you tighter. “You’re sharing words with her as if she’d spread them!”
Beomgyu slid his eyes upward to you. “I was just asking Aurum if she’d like to have an apple.”
“No, I’ll give her one myself—” you tried to say, but then stopped short. “Wait. How do you know her name?”
He looked at you as if you had asked the most ridiculous question. “Because she just told me.”
You stopped struggling in the cocoon. “What did you just say? Aurum told you?”
Hands never ceasing his comforting upon the horse, he raised a quizzical brow. “Pardon me, jackal, but do you mean to tell me that you...you cannot talk to animals?”
Maybe you were not wrong to think the heir of the Earth Kingdom absolutely crazy. 
He gestured to the world around you both. “Can you not sense each and every creature nearby? Can you not hear their heartbeats, in sync to their purrs and murmurs?
“Can you not hear the very trees breathe around you?”
You did not know what to say. Perhaps you did not understand his words, what he really meant by a tree breathing. Was that even possible? You thought it unimaginable. 
So you offered him the only thing that remained in your mind.
“I have never felt these things.”
The hand upon Aurum’s nuzzle paused, unable to accept the statement which you offered him. 
His suspicions were confirmed. Your hatred of nature and all the beings which it birthed had rid you of your powers.
He had seen this before — lost souls who had done grave wrongdoings to the earth, and as a consequence, their very instincts were snatched, right down to the basics. There was no shortage of Lumberjackals in the palace dungeons, and upon closer inspection, he saw that these woodcutters felt no connection to their surroundings. It broke his heart seeing the lack of attachment, the lack of desire for exploration and yearning for their powers, but he knew it could not be helped. 
Whoever crosses nature would not be forgiven.
Still, when he inspected the confused, tired gaze of yours, searching him for any suspected lunacy, he just knew that he could not toss you in another old cell. This plan he had in mind could not occur through rotting in one place for the rest of your life. 
“Worry not then, jackal.” He raised his hand, magic blooming from his palm. “I am going to change that.”
Whispering to your horse, he listened for a soft neigh before heaving atop her back, hissing at the reins and other controls tying her down. You watched with slight fear. “W-wait a minute,” you started, trying to squeeze out of the vines, but with no luck. “You’re not going to just leave me here, are you?”
Patting Aurum’s mane, he voiced out calmly, “I wish with my whole heart, but then my plan will not work.” 
You pursed your lips, watching his eyes sparkle with mischief. “If you were not a prince, I would have cursed you.” 
With a flick of his hand, a rush of magic travelled to your cocoon; you felt yourself turning on your front, hovering you upright as the power gravitated you back on the ground, loosening the vines. 
“Not like that has stopped you before,” he merely countered as he observed you shrug off weeds in slight humiliation. “Now get on. We have somewhere to be.”
He waited a moment, sighing when you would not oblige. “Is something the matter?”
You wanted to say yes — gods, you wanted to scream at him to get off Aurum, leave you alone and let you cut trees in peace, but of course, that would be an impossible route to take. You still had no inkling of why the Prince of your kingdom was having mercy on you, and you would be quite the fool to exploit it foolishly.
With gritted teeth, you kept your complaints behind your tongue as you brought your foot on the stirrup, heaving upwards as you brought your leg to the other side, settling upon the horse. “Now,” Beomgyu began, looking over his shoulder. “There is no need to be shy. You may put your hands around me as the horse goes fast—”
“I shall be completely fine, thank you,” you interrupted him, brows furrowed. What was this prince even doing? You wondered whether he was a fraud. With that power you witnessed, though, you highly doubted it.
And his features. There is no way a commoner could possess such enchanting beauty.
Flustered, you soured even further. 
“Are you ready, jackal?”
You grunted out a yes, which was enough for the boy to command Aurum to start.
The horse, against your expectation, began galloping much faster, and with a yelp you were nearly sent flying out of the seat. Your hands, on instinct, wrapped around Beomgyu’s waist, and when you realised what you had done you cursed yourself for obliging him. 
You could almost hear his grin. “I told you!” he exclaimed over the noise of hooves clattering against the rocky mud. 
If only you could slap the heirs of kingdoms. “Just take me where you have in mind!” you barked back. “I need to be back to Metallum at dawn.”
“That will be just enough!” 
The horse swept past more trees, animals scurrying from your path as the moon lit the dim forest path. You held onto the prince for dear life, refusing to acknowledge the hard surface beneath his silk, his ethereal warmth radiating onto you. 
“Hey, jackal?”
A sigh. “Yes?” 
“Your horse’s name.” A pause. “Aurum.”
You looked to the trees whooshing past your vision. “What of it?”
Beomgyu whispered for the animal to slow down, scanning his surroundings for his destination. “’Gold’. A very ingenious name.” 
He glanced at your irritated face, and smiled. “My mare is called Argenti.”
Your mouth parted at the little revelation.
Argenti. Silver.
Before you could say more on the matter, the boy stopped the horse, cooing at her and praising her for helping him. Swinging his leg over, he jumped off the horse gracefully. He fixed his flower crown before turning to face you, falling rather awkwardly on the grass. 
A small laugh escaping him, you daggered him with your gaze as you stepped beside him, a hand on Aurum. Your stare lingered as he took a circle turn of the surroundings, moon almost winking at him as it journeyed in the blanket of night. After a while, Beomgyu pointed to the tree nearby you, stepping past you to palm its trunk. “Here we go.”
Fingers stretching, magic spluttered as it swirled into the thick expanse of the leaves, nearly covering the sky with their excess. The matter squeezed through, and brought out the hidden vines, tumbling down till they reached the roots. Grabbing onto the plants, the prince turned his head towards you, an offer in his eyes. 
You hated how you understood exactly what he meant. “I am not going up with you,” you retorted. 
“It’s my arms or the dungeon.”
Gulping, you swallowed down your irritation for him. Taking a step towards him, you maintained a safe distance as you made sure he was aware of your distaste. “Just get us up already.” Damn the gods for making him so aggravatingly beautiful, you thought shamelessly as you looked at him. “Your Highness.”
Perhaps he knew, for the little smile was back, wrapping his arm around your waist, and pulling you close. “That’s more like it,” he murmured out before willing his magic into motion. 
Your breathing hitched as you were pulled rapidly upward by the vines, breaking through the surface of the leaves. You closed your eyes, feeling the scraping of the branches against your clothes until you felt yourself still, listening only to the deep breaths of the prince beside you. His hand was still snaked at your side.
“Open your eyes, jackal.”
Somehow, on instinct, you obliged. 
And widened them further.
You were in another world entirely — the branches expanded beyond your vision, intertwining with the others from different trees, so intricately interlinked beneath your feet that they created a floor. Upon this branching surface there was a little room, decorated with every unusual object that one could identify. Beside the bed, interwoven by these branches, you saw an abundance of flowers and leaves, an lamp of glowing fireflies resting in the corner, and a thousand other items which needed further explanation.
Judging by the awe on your face, the boy answered you, heading to the small cabinet where everything was placed. “A collection of gadgets,” he began, using his magic to separate every object. “That I’ve bought or been gifted since my princedom.” He took out a few unrecognisable things and strolled to the wardrobe, made from the same intertwining branches, and opened the doors, rummaging through.
“What are you even looking for?” you asked, but were dutifully ignored as he kept searching. You admired the intricate scenery, the plush excess of leaves beneath your shoes, shielding you and the prince nearby.
You heard him let out a satisfied ah! as he closed the doors shut. He walked over to you, showing you the rather odd object — it was an unusually large ice cube, miniscule snowflakes etched onto its every side as it orbited slowly in Beomgyu’s hand.
Your curious gaze upon the gadget had him into explanation. “A present from the Ice Prince,” he said, admiring the cold gift in his palms. “It provides an infinite water supply, so is incredibly useful for long journeys.”
“Taehyun, is he not called?” You shivered at the thought. “I am shocked to think he is capable of such small kindnesses.”
Beomgyu slid his eyes to yours. “Taehyun is not the man that his subjects have painted him to be.” His irises swirled in an indecipherable emotion. “Sometimes, one cannot judge the character of another simply based on rumour alone. Only with having conversation can one truly have an honest opinion.”
A small part of you wondered if he truly meant that for Taehyun, or to you, another villain in the Earth Kingdom’s millennia-old tale. Whatever it may be, you looked away, wondering when you’d be able to leave the prince’s presence. 
“Right,” you heard him say, pocketing the other unknown object in his breast pocket of his gown. “Let us go on ground once more.”
The boy was about to tug on the vines again when he was interrupted by a most unusual sound. 
Well, not unusual, considering you were situated in a tree house, but the noise was so shrill you instantly looked down to its origin.
Before you was a little squirrel, cheeks puffed as its little hands perched on its sides. Its soft tail moved rapidly behind its body, indicating irritation. 
Its small, black eyes were fixated upon the boy beside you. Letting out yet another squeak, you saw Beomgyu sigh out in exasperation, as if he had just remembered an important matter.
“Oh gods, I do apologise!” He exclaimed, falling to his knees as he held his free hand out, the other holding the hovering ice cube still. “I’m afraid I cannot feed you now, but would you be able to wait?”
The squirrel let out another squeak, and this time the prince flinched. You gawked at the scene — so not only can he command the trees, but he could talk to animals?
What can this boy not do?
“Ji, I am sorry!” Fishing out an acorn from his breast pocket, he offered it before him. “I have one, if it helps! I promise to feed you properly after I am done with a certain task.”
Even so, the animal seemed much unimpressed. It then turned its little head to you, and you could have sworn that its eyes judged your very soul. 
It squeaked some more, and this time Beomgyu widened his eyes, cheeks flushing. “By Mother Nature, no!” He bellowed out, panicked eyes fleeting towards you. “No, I just met her today.”
“Are you talking about me?” You asked, raising a brow. The squirrel then made another sound, one you could not decipher but, judging from the boy’s reaction, could definitely take a wild guess. “By gods, is this creature mocking me?”
You were rewarded with further squeaking, but was instantly silenced by Beomgyu. “Ji, no! I cannot have you being sarcastic tonight. Save your grievances for tomorrow morning!”
And as the prince scooped the squirrel in his hand, he walked over to the bed, settling it on the sheets. “Stay here. I will be back.”
There was sure to be complaints, but the boy kept sending looks of apology as he stepped back to the edge of the exit, tugging on the vines. “Deeply sorry for Jisung’s behaviour,” he said, swirling the cube slowly. “He is grumpier tonight as I have not fed him this evening.”
“A pet squirrel, huh?” You interrogated, looking down to the grass below. “And one you can talk to? Is that how you could communicate with Aurum?”
Nodding, the prince held his arm out. “Are we ready?”
You hurrying my shook your head. “Not again!” You crossed your arms. “I’ll slide down myself. Without your help.”
Shrugging, the boy held on tighter to the vine. “Your wish, jackal,” he said, and jumped down. Perking up, you squatted down to see him descend smoothly down the tree, landing perfectly on the grass. 
Grabbing onto the plant, you looked back to the grumpy pet, stuffing the acorn in his mouth. 
He then stuck his tongue out, and you gasped at the audacity. “Rude!” You shouted, but we’re only answered with shrill squeaking. Ignoring the creature, you took the vine by both hands, and followed suit.
Your descent was much less graceful, landing instead on your backside. You were met with the huffed laughter of the prince, and you forced down the urge to beat him with his stupid flower crown. Or perhaps tie these vines around his neck and strangle him.
No, that would only result in him using his silly magic. Awful, attractive bastard.
“What are we doing now, Highness?” You wondered out loud, rubbing your sore backside. “Do tell me there is some use of your rather odd ice cube.”
Beomgyu, after strolling further into the woods, slowed himself for you to catch up. “There is some use, unfortunately for you.” He waved you over, stepping past the wild bushes in his path. “Follow me, jackal!” he called out to you. 
Grudgingly, you did as he asked, hugging yourself from the cold breeze of the midnight, wondering where in Terrae he was trying to take you. The trees towered over you like intimidating strangers — if the prince spoke true, then you wouldtuly be unwelcome. 
You were surrounded by this coercion until the forest opened up to an open grassland, encircled by the nature which looked down at you. Beomgyu turned to you, bringing out a few seeds from his trouser pockets and standing right in the middle of the circle. 
“There you are,” he said as you stepped beside him. He glanced at the moon, measuring the amount of time he had left. 
“What are you going to do?” you asked him, still clueless regarding the whole situation. Why has he not sent you to the dungeons already?
His eyes travelled to your face. With a half-soft scoff, he held out his hand, the seeds now in perfect view. “It is not what I’m going to do,” he began. “It is what you are going to do.”
The confusion grew within you. “What do you mean?” you tried to clarify. “What am I to do with these seeds?”
Beomgyu’s eyes promised answers. “Bring out your hand, jackal.”
You did as you were told, holding out your hand as he put the seeds in your palm, fingers barely brushing against your skin. He then descended, knees upon the grass as he patted to the space beside you. “Come, sit.”
Pursing your lips in thought, you knelt before the grass, seeds in your enclosed fist as your gaze never strayed from the boy. “Your Highness—”
Magic oozing from his fingers interrupted your demand, slipping into the earth. Slowly, but surely, a small hole was separated by the green matter, dirt being shovelled to create a dip in the grassland. 
Once he ceased his conjuring, he jerked his head towards the new opening. “Place the seeds in the hole,” he instructed. “Gently now! Treat them with the utmost care.”
Grumbling in response, you leaned forward as you gingerly put each seed at the corners of the muddy dip, noticing a small spark with each placement of the grain. It was a bizarre feeling, but assumed it normal in the ways of gardening as you inserted the dirt over them, covering them fully.
You peered at the prince then, who brought out the large ice cube. Turning it rapidly, treacle of water dripped down to the ground, moistening the earth and feeding the seeds of its necessities. Putting the gadget back in his storage belt, he then returned his hand upon the damp mound, closing his eyes in a fixated peace. More magic swirled from his hands, but this time it encircled not only the place where you had placed the seeds, but you, all of you, engulfing you in its otherworldly warmth. 
“Your Highness?” You whispered out, but he was murmuring, murmuring words you could not comprehend, words which felt like you were not meant to hear. His curls were being lifted slightly with the tendrils of his power, but he stayed rooted to his spot, carrying on with what you feared was a grotesque ritual. 
You, too, became still when you felt fingers curl around your hand. 
On instinct you looked at him, eyes widening — you should have expected his hand to radiate some form of heat, considering this boy had such an unusual glow about him, but this…
Despite the soft chaos around the two of you, the touch was oddly comforting. 
His hand, dragging you out of your thoughts, led yours to the place you sowed the little grains of life, and spread apart your fingers till they covered nearly the entire, dug up earth. More matter escaped from his fingers, shooting further warmth upon the back of your hand, and travelling up to your heart. 
“Close your eyes, jackal,” you heard him chant from his cocoon of magic. “I need you to see from within.”
“See what?!” You beseeched, but his fingers held onto you a little tighter, and, as if he commanded your very body, had your eyelids descend shut, cornering you into the chambers of your mind.
See from within.
What could you see?
Darkness. Eternal darkness, and rusted iron, spilled mercury, and all the grim faces of the people who wanted to decimate the very place you knelt in.
I cannot see! You screamed in your mind, because in the whirlwind of his power you felt alone, trapped in your own mind, trying to join in on a ritual which would cursed the likes of you.
But in reality, you were not alone.
No, not when you felt something foreign in your body.
You swore you stopped breathing. 
Your fingers felt squeezed by another, but was ignored because you could see a whole other heartbeat which was not your own.
A familiar voice entered your mind.
“Do you see it?”
The prince’s voice; the soft, almost desperate inquiry, which you could not help but answer. 
“Yes...yes, by Terrae, I do see it.”
And perhaps he said some more, but you were not listening to his words. His speech seemed a little insignificant to the little heartbeat — it was as faint as the scent of departure, delicate as a snowflake, and as real as yourself, the prince, and the neverending forest.
When you tried to lift your hand, Beomgyu’s fingers halted you still. You could not believe that you did not mind it. “Whose...whose is it, your Highness?”
You were positive that he did not hear you with the lack of volume you let slide from your tongue. However, he answered your question, almost feeling the joy radiating from his response.
“The seeds.” 
Shocked, you opened your eyes, and found the Prince of Earth staring at you with an elevated joy. He gestured to observe your creation, and when your eyes fell upon the sliver of a stem which broke through the earth, between the spaces of your fingers, you wondered whether this was all a dream.
You could not help the curse which escaped you. The boy beside you spluttered into laughter, and you turned to see his face radiating with elation. The heartbeat, the one which you thought was under your control, proved you wrong as it skipped its beat along to his laughs.
“Wh-what are you laughing at?” You demanded, but you were unable to execute it with the anger you wish you held for him. He offered you a honeypot of smiles.
“You’ve brought life to the forest, sweet jackal.”
The little plant shivered in response, along with your own hairs at the back of your neck, which stood at his announcement. Its faint heartbeat grew louder, as well as your own in your ears.
“Do you feel it now?” he whispered, leaning ever so close as he looked to the forest around you. “Do you feel the trees breathing in your presence?” 
Unfortunately, although you could sense your plant’s essence, the heartbeats of every tree in the forest were still unheard. You shook your head no, but that did not wipe the grin off his face.
“We have time,” he reassured you. “Just know that Mother Nature has hope for you still.”
He took your hand, putting another upon the back as he brought you a different kind of warmth. “I have hope for you.”
You parted your mouth, unaccustomed to the contact, the kindness...to all that he represented. 
His eyes locked with yours, and although he had spared you the wrath of his palace dungeons, you feared whether you could escape the imprisonment of his gaze. 
There was no doubt in your mind as you let yourself be arrested into his stare — the Prince of the Earth was not going to haunt just a single night.
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Of course, that was not the last time you saw him — you had become something of a personal project to him, a sin which must be reversed. Almost every night after the fateful encounter, you snuck out from the fences of the Metallum villages, barely evading the suspicious eyes of the Kim brothers, and met with him under his treehouse.
You did not know why you endeavoured so ardently in seeing him. It was not like he had become any less irritable with his amused grins and unmatched power, but there was something about him which you could not fend off. 
In a way, he made you believe you were worth more than simple woodcutting, selling oaks in the market, the empty promises of revenge against the Natural Kingdom. 
Somehow, he made you realise that, maybe, you truly were deserving of a more memorable path.
These very thoughts accompanied you as the sun began to set, pulling your hood over your head as you swept past the familiar trees, reining in the urge to greet every woodland creature which scurried past you. The past few weeks, after many misunderstood arguments with the Prince’s pet squirrel, you learned the slight quirks which the animal possessed, his every movement and what it would signify. You had Beomgyu to thank once again, but each time you wished to do so, he would say the same, hair-rising reassurance.
“Fret not, sweet jackal. It is a pleasure to show you the wonders of nature.”
Sweet jackal. The endearment made you so flustered, and that aggravated you to the greatest extent. You had already shared your name with the boy, but he insisted on calling you this name, as if the two of you had already established an intimacy from decades before. 
The very thought had your actual heartbeat racing.
You made sure to completely dismiss this foolery as you found the special opening of the grassland in sight, the glowing figure waving you over. A small smile involuntarily curled at your lips, hurrying closer till you fully saw Prince Beomgyu’s face clearly in the setting sun.
“You have arrived much earlier this evening,” he said in a way of greeting, fixing his flower crown as his squirrel played with the petals. “I would not say I’m displeased.”
On your part, you certainly were not either — he bore more finery than usual, his normal green gown threaded with gold swirls at the hems, small vines tied around his ears as natural jewellery. His hair was sprinkled with petals, a trait Jisung adored as he settled in the nest of his locks. His hands, too, were intertwined with dark vines, swirls wrapped around his fingers like extended rings. 
By the gods, he truly was an exquisite being. 
He noticed your silence, raising a groomed brow. “Is something the matter?” he asked, but when he saw your eyes dart to anywhere but his own, he immediately understood. You just managed to catch a satisfied quirk of his lips before he turned his attention to your plant. 
Following his trail, you brightened up to see your creation in full bloom — bright red poppies, stark against the pool of grass, stood as they swayed to the evening breeze. You knelt down to observe them closer, and felt a peculiar sense of pride at sensing their clear heartbeat harmonising with yours.
“They’re my favourite flower,” the boy said behind you. “I have always adored how they stand out amongst all the others.”
Watching the poppies almost dance in the cool air, you stood upwards once again. “Then why do you not wear them?” you asked out of curiosity.
“Because my parents do not like me wearing them.” He gestured to the flower crown, at risk of being torn up by Jisung. “They say the colour is too harsh.”
He clicked his tongue in irritation. “At least they could have spared me on my birthday.”
You were about to comment on his parents when those words escaped his mouth. Your own mouth parted in surprise. “Your birthday is today?”
The prince mocked being stabbed in the chest, nearly sending the squirrel to the trees. Taking Jisung from his hair, he propped him on his shoulder. “You have truly wounded me, ____!” he whined. “All this time together, and you had no inkling?”
Although he was only jesting, it only embarrassed you further. “I truly am sorry, your Highness!” you apologised, clasping your hands together. “If I had known, I would have made you a present.”
“Oh?” He took a step towards you. His eyes danced in mirth. “And what would you have made me?”
That seemed to rob you of your speech. “Well, um…” you trailed off, searching your now useless mind of any decent idea for a gift, but he waved off your fluster, chuckling.
“It is no problem, dear jackal,” he said, looking at the red flowers once more. “Seeing your poppies in full growth is a gift to me anyway.”
You wished he had not said that; glancing at them now, you could only hear his fascination within the petals. 
There he was again — staining your every entity of his remnants. How much more till he stains your very soul?
Jisung’s irritated squeak brought you back to the forest. You tried not to murder the damned creature as you muttered out, “Thank you, Your Highness.”
Beomgyu groaned out. “I shan’t have you calling me that hideous title all the time.” He put a hand to his chest. “Have we not reached first name basis?”
Despite your surprise, you offered him a scoff. “Jackal is not my first name,” you jeered. “And please. You’re the prince of our land. Anyone who catches me being informal with you will surely have my head.”
“I would never let them,” he merely said. “Not before I show you one last part of the forest.”
You quirked a quizzical brow. “I think you’ve shown me half your kingdom by now.”
“But this is...quite different.” 
The boy stepped closer to you, reaching out his hand. You found yourself warming up as he enveloped it with yours, a gesture so small yet so triggering to your nerves. 
“Follow me, ____.”
With the tug of his fingers, you were led out of the grasslands and back into the jungles of Regna Terrae, catching familiar sights of ancient mahoganies and birches, different variations of trees all grouped together.
As the moon began to ascend, your anxiety increased. His hand worked wonders for your skin, but at the back of your mind, you could not shake off the image of the Kim brothers wondering where you had gone so long.
Especially Namjoon. Seokjin and Taehyung may have been much simpler in the brain, but the leader of the trio bore his suspicions of your whereabouts. He always knew you were never enthusiastic of your occupation as a Lumberjackal, so your sudden interest to roam the woodlands for hours into the night certainly had his ears perking. Of course, you always made sure to know that you were going without being followed, but in the end, the three brothers were quite unpredictable. 
You just hoped that whatever the prince had to show you, it would be seen quick enough to leave.
The density of the forest began to increase, and you soon began to doubt whether you had been to this part of the Kingdom before. It was then Beomgyu’s hands flowed with magic, and completely changed the scenery. The ancient trees, trunks as wide and thick as horses began to move apart to make way for him and you, the squirrel holding onto his shoulder tightly as it too squeaked in surprise. Your own eyes widened as each element of nature bent to his will, creating an easier path for his boots to step onto.
It was clearly a sight for admiration. These few weeks you had begun to realise the power of the earth, and how rich and true its roots lay. You felt the faint hum of their essences as you rushed past them, hand still clasped with his, and you dipped your head in thanks to the trees, hoping that one day you would hear them sing welcomes to you.
Slowing down, the group was barred by the curtain of thick vines, hiding you from the world behind. “I have never seen this before,” you wondered out loud, but when Beomgyu let go of your hand, and stepped forward, hands stretched out, your curiosity reigned further.
Jisung quickly scurried from his shoulder, ending up on the muddied path as he watched with black eyes of the phenomenon about to occur. You made to make fun of the squirrel when the prince let out an aggravated moan, hurling your head to his direction.
His heavenly voice chanted in a millennia old language, huge power emitting from his finger tips and swirling to the tumbling vines of the entrance. You could see the sweat beading down his forehead at the sheer effort it took, but he stayed rooted, sending surges of green matter to the cold nature.
Slowly, the curtain began to withdraw. Blinding light cut through, and when the boy let out a roar, pushing the whole family of vines apart you hid your head from the white bursting through. 
There was a deathly silence for a singular moment. 
You heard his ragged breathing, lasting for ten seconds before it turned into relieved, panted chuckling. 
Bringing your hand away from your face, you looked to see beyond the curtain. 
Your very breath was snatched from your lungs. 
Before you was the most enchanting deity of nature you had ever seen in your existence — it was a glowing white tree, trunk as wide as the two of you twice over, etched with milky-coloured wrinkles that contained sparkles of ancient magic. The leaves, much like finely cut diamonds, protruded from every branch which stretched towards every corner the eye could see. The diamonds were infinite, shining from the gentle light of the moon.
Even though you had never seen it before, you knew exactly what it was. 
“The Tree of Life.”
Your gaze dared to break away to see the prince for a second, whose own breathing seemed to have halted. Sensing your stare, he looked back at you, his face half glowing from the deity’s light.
“I...I thought it did not—” you tried to say, but of course you could not when it was right there before you, as if it had been waiting to be found all its life.
“Exist?” He took a step forward. “Every myth is borne from truth after all.”
Indeed it was — you had learned of the Tree of Life when you were a mere girl, listening to fairy tales before being told to sleep. This Tree could not be seen by the common man, and legend foretold that there lived an otherworldly creature inside its trunk. Evidently, no one could prove this theory, but its mystery had what inspired so many people, metal and earthbenders alike, to find it, for opposing reasons.
You knew why Namjoon wanted to find it — for the amount of gold a singular leaf could bring him. Now, having accused him of believing in fantasies, you almost felt ashamed for having ridiculed his searches. 
You perked up at the Prince’s voice. 
“You must get a closer look.”
Picking up the pace of your feet, you fell into step beside him as the two of you started towards the legend come to life. The closer you approached the more enchanting it looked — the leaves glistened further, as if greeting you with their shine. 
Jisung scurried between you both, his little head never straying from the Tree. It let out an awed squeak, and Beomgyu hummed in agreement. 
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” 
You shook your head, transfixed. “Never,” you responded, feeling the very earth shift beneath your feet.
If nothing else convinced you of the power of nature, then the existence of this deity certainly did.
You stepped past the boy, the grass hushed beneath your feet as you stretched out your hand. When your fingers touched the milky bark your breath shuddered out of you. It was simply unreal. The touch was surprisingly soft, so unlike the normal trees, and with each crack of the bark there was ancient writing inscripted within. With further shock you felt a very distant heartbeat as the fingers ran along the words, faint yet powerful.
By the gods. 
“Where have you been hiding all this time?” you whispered to the Tree, tracing the aged trunk. “Your Highness, is everything about the legend true?”
There was no response — you figured he was still star-struck, and you continued to admire the most beautiful force you had ever seen.
It was not until you heard Jisung’s shrill squeak that you turned around.
You felt your soul leave your body.
Because there he was, the one man you dreaded to see. The one man who held Beomgyu’s unconscious body in his hands as he dropped him upon the grass. You noticed the little dart on the side of his neck, and all the blood in your body was drained. 
Kim Namjoon.
His answering smirk was more a flash of teeth. “Do you believe me now, ____?” 
You backed up against the Tree, eyes darting to the prince. “What did you do to him?” you asked instead, voice void of any emotion.
“That does not matter,” he dismissed. “But of course, it would matter to you now that you’ve attached yourself to him.”
He took a step forward, his ebony machete glinting in the light of the phenomenon behind you. “Stand aside, girl. It is time to make our fortunes.”
On instinct, you stretched a hand out. “I cannot.”
The man was taken aback by your hesitance. “Whatever the gods do you mean?”
Gulping, you tried to steel your will, inhaling slowly. “I cannot let you do it, Namjoon.” Your eyes glanced at the still prince before glaring at the perpetrator. “You won’t get a single branch of the Tree.”
A harsh laugh escaped him, taking a step forward. “Oh, and you’re going to stop me?”
You brought out your own sword — the one which you promised to use on Beomgyu — and raised it toward him. “Do not come any further,” you warned. 
It seemed the man was not not going to compromise.
Not when he swung his machete, well on his way to hack you to pieces. 
You quickly brought your weapon upon you to deflect his aim, sending him forward, and away from the Tree.
He can try and hurt the Tree of Life.
Easily gaining step, Namjoon mustered his power, ebony sharpening from his fingers as he clashed against you, lightening-fast strikes of his machete having you strained. You never doubted the bastard’s swordsmanship — he was skilled enough to be a general in the King’s royal army.
A shame he chose his fighting for a darker purpose. 
You tried to slice the free space of his abdomen, but the man was sharp, quickly dodging as he swerved to the side, another clash of weapons ringing around the forest. 
“You cannot beat me, ____!” He roared, one hit after the other, sending you further back. 
Taking every hit, you stumbled, gaining your step yet staggering once again with his sword. After all, you could not outsmart the master; he was the man who taught you to fight.
Even so, you refused to give up. “I can die trying!” You seethed as he brought his strength down. His weapon, screeching against your own, slowly descended, closer and closer to your neck. 
A harsh groan escaping, you mustered all your strength into sending his machete aside, barely a spare second in your name before you whirled to your left, missing the power blow.
“All this for a bloody tree!” He screeched, thundering towards you. “We would have been rich, you fool!”
Another mighty hit, and you were sent back, averting his strikes with your sword. Because you were so exhausted, your magic would not burst from your hands, adding more power to your weapon. It was your melee strength, nearly all gone, and your nimble feet.
“What is all this for?!” He demanded, slicing at your cloak, cutting through the fabric of your trousers. The clash of weapons continued, faster and faster. “What is worth more than all the riches of the Kingdom?!”
Amidst the brawl, your eyes slipped to the figure before you. Distant, yet instantly recognisable with his eyes closed, and mouth parted, flower crown scattered around his head. Jisung, too, laid injured beside him, watching your fight with fear in his little eyes. 
What is all this for?
You only had one person in mind.
But that was not enough.
No, not when that sliver of a second gave Namjoon enough time to strike you, sending his machete straight into your stomach. 
A shuddered gasp escaped you as the machete entered through — a burst of pain shot through your entire body, echoing the fatality of your situation. Tears stung your eyes as you dropped your sword, looking at your opponent in the eyes.
The Leader of the Lumberjackals showed no mercy as he yanked out his weapon. 
A moan rushed past your lips as you fell to your knees, gripping your blood-gushing stomach. Namjoon gazed down at you with no remorse at all. “Perhaps he was not enough,” he said, cold as metal.
He stepped past you, focusing on the glistening Tree of Life, its white treasures still exalted in the moonlight. Your body, completely spent, could not hold you upright, falling straight into the grass. Straining, you cried out as you stretched your hand out in vain efforts to stop him, but it was simply no use.
You had been defeated.
And now, after witnessing the most perfect element of nature you had ever seen, you were to watch it be decimated.
This is how it ended. You, fumbling for your last breath, your prince nearby and probably dead.
Namjoon raked his eyes over the Tree, grinning wildly. “Oh, you are going to make me the richest man in the Kingdom,” he declared, raising his machete till it hovered just before the bottom of the trunk.
He elevated his voice so you could hear. “Enjoy watching me destroy what you sacrificed yourself for!”
Closing your eyes, you were about to let oblivion take over. 
You awaited the sound of his weapon against the bark.
What you heard was something completely different. 
An explosion filled your ears as white light, even more blinding than the one before, had you squeezing your eyes further shut. You made out the screams of your once leader as it was drowned out by the eruption, and you tried to see what had so suddenly occurred, only to be greeted with more brazen lights. 
What...what was going on?
When the deafening noise quietened, you picked up on the soft crunch of grass, edging closer and closer to you. A compelling force was felt against your dying soul, and you wondered if the Reaper had finally come to take you.
When you felt air-light hands on your abdomen, you did not expect death to be so warm.
Slowly, dragging open your eyes, you prepared yourself to be taken to the afterlife. 
What you saw instead was something else entirely.
Something which made even the Tree of Life as a mediocre enchantment.
Looking over you was not human — not with the glowing, shimmering skin, sparkles and shine radiating off its golden, liquid body. Her eyes were white with the same light you had seen twice this evening, fluid locks of hair flowing all around her. Her lips offered a radiant smile, already bringing some life back into you, and her whole body, although similar to yours, was free of attire, exuding the light of a star. 
Perhaps you truly were dead. 
The being, however, proved you wrong with her words.
“Brave human,” she began, and her velvet voice had you clutching your stomach. “I saw what you did to defend me.”
You tried to open your mouth to tell her that you defended the Tree, but then your eyes dilated at the revelation. 
The legend foretold that there lived an otherworldly creature inside its trunk.
But this...this god-like creature was not just a mere girl.
“You sacrificed yourself for my Tree,” she stated, voice echoing across the woodlands. “For my forest, my every creation, despite being an enemy of mine in the past.
“You deserve a token of my gratitude.”
Her voice nearly put you to sleep with the way it lulled in the midnight air. You wondered in your tired mind what she could offer you now that you were breathing your last breath.
Then, you felt her hands upon your stomach.
A loud groan escaped your lips as the torn flesh began to stitch on its own accord, courtesy of the magic which poured from the sublime being. Your whole body worked to heal you, reversing the damage done by your once leader, whose whereabouts you had no inkling of. 
The pain, which once tore at every nerve within you, began to fade away, and you opened your eyes further after gaining the strength, fully taking in the earthly spirit which had restored you. 
You parted your mouth, voice parched as you rasped out, “I...Beomgyu…”
A heavenly smile curled at her lips. “The prince is fine, soldier. It would take more than a dart to eliminate the heir of the Earth.”
A relieved breath left your lips. You then looked to the being, putting your hands above hers. “I am not who I was,” you whispered.
Mother Nature smiled down at you, and you knew then and there that perhaps the world is not so cruel after all.
“I know, brave human.”
The luminous creature ascended to her feet, letting go of your hands. She dipped her head in acknowledgment, and turned on her heel. Struggling to your side, you watched as the otherworldly figure stepped up to the Tree of Life, looking at you one last time.
Raising a hand to her chin, she blew some magic towards your way, bathing you in sparkles. With a final beam, she slipped into the tree, enlivening the whole structure till it stood straight once again.
You truly could not believe what you saw.
Feeling the glimmer dancing on your skin, however, you knew this was not a figment of your imagination.
Mother Nature saved you from death.
Truly, utterly, ethereal. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard soft coughing nearby, and you heaved upward at the sound, your strength all present.
Upon your feet, you rushed to where he lay, stumbling from the hurrying as you fell to your knees, hands clinging onto his face. Jisung, his injuries healed from the celestial visit, scurried upon his owner’s chest, waiting for him to awaken.
“Beomgyu?” You murmured out, fingers stroking the soft planes of his cheeks. “Beomgyu, damn you, open your eyes!”
Tilting his face till it faced you, you watched as the prince’s eyes fluttered open, tired and wide and absolutely beautiful.
A trembling breath gasped out of you. “What…” he grated out, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. “What just...happened?”
You willed the tears in as you caressed his face. “The legend was true.”
His confused gaze had you continuing. “Beomgyu, I saw the celestial creature when I was dying, and she saved me. It was true, Beomgyu, she healed me with her hands and—”
Your rambling ceased when the boy brought his fingers to your face. Warmth flooded your cheeks, and not because of how hot his hands were.
His smile could have easily beaten Mother Nature’s. 
“You called me Beomgyu.”
He did not let you respond as he brought your face down to his, tilting it slightly as he pressed his lips against yours, enveloping you in a sweet kiss. 
His mouth was warm, just like him, soft and plush, rendering you helpless over him. Your shock was quite prevalent, but you let the affection take over as you kissed him back, hands carding in his curls. He moved against your lips as his fingers stroked down to your jaw, savouring every feathered touch.
When he broke away, his breathing was ragged, cheeks flushed. He saw your own dishevelled gaze and chuckled to himself. 
“I think this might be the best birthday present I have ever received.”
The Prince of Regna Terrae laughed some more when you refused to meet his eyes.
You were about to counter him when you heard another, completely new voice. 
“You both could have done that without me being here.”
Your stare dove to his chest, to the direction of the sound.
Jisung the squirrel glared at you with the entire irritation of the Kingdom. “Oh what? So now you can hear me?!”
A yelp resounded from you. “How are you talking?!” You screeched. “You’re a bloody animal!”
“Oh, thank you so very much for stating the blatantly obvious!” He drawled, and you could not comprehend the sarcasm that just came from a bloody woodland creature.
You peered at Beomgyu, who was just as surprised as you were, despite his entertained features. “____,” he started, sitting up straighter. “Does this mean—”
Getting to your feet, you looked around the forest, the Tree of Life standing proudly. 
It was then you sensed the heartbeat.
Not just your own, or the poppies — but of the entirety of the Kingdom.
Faraway, yet still present, it thumped against your chest like an echo of your own heart, a harmonisation of all the trees, bushes, flowers and animals. It was almost enchanting how it slowly thudded within you, and with such welcome. 
Like greeting a friend you had not seen for a long time. 
When you caught the Prince’s gaze, his entire face lit up. 
Before you could say anymore, you were swept into the boy’s arms, engulfing you with a hug of eternal warmth. His voice rang along your soul as he declared to the whole word.
“Nature has accepted you, ____!”
You heard the clicked tongue of Jisung beneath you, and Beomgyu brought you at arm’s length before sticking out his tongue at his pet. 
He looked to you once more, and saw the very emotions you dared not let yourself believe in.
“I knew you were capable of change, sweet jackal.”
The tears, this time, refused to be held back any longer. 
The boy melted as he swept away each tumbling drop with his fingers, clutching your face. 
As you leaned in this time, kissing him breathlessly, you tasted the smile which flourished upon his lips, drinking in your every essence. 
You wondered, thinking away as your heart beat faster, whether this was still a dream, a vision which would end the moment you woke up, back in the cold village you once called your home. 
When you felt the presence of the celestial being again, looking down from the branches of the Tree of Life, you knew that this was no delusion.
Pulling away, you turned Beomgyu to the glistening, living structure, both of you catching sight of her.
Mother Nature smiled at her heirs.
The both of you knew it in your hearts, simultaneously beating. 
The heirs of Regna Terrae would not let her down. 
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worstloki · 3 years
Loki was sitting on a bed, staring with with almost lifeless eyes at the bed sheets he held fisted tight in his hands. Any second now...
As if summoned by Loki's thoughts, a figure popped into existence, all glowing blue skin and blue eyes dark as he walked over to Loki's still form.
Tess said nothing even as he sat down and wrapped his arms around Loki who didn't resist the comforting gesture, turning into Space's side.
"How are you feeling?" Tess asked finally once Loki was settled comfortably.
Loki tried to figure that out. He had been for over a year or so now. He wasn't sure entirely how much time had passed. If he was honest, he'd say he felt nothing. Empty and numb.
He didn't say that, only shrugged. It wasn't like he could lie. If he did, Tess would find out the truth from Soul who only needed to touch Loki's skin to find out what he was feeling and had done so before even when Loki had insisted on her to stop.
'For your own safety,' was all she said before violating his thoughts and feelings.
"Are you unhappy?" Tess asked with a slight frown, interrupting Loki's thoughts. "Is something wrong?"
'Yes,' Loki thought as he squeezed his eyes shut tight and shook his head.
Tess wasn't convinced. He never was. "If there is something you need or want, you can always ask us. We'll do whatever you need to be happy. You know we will."
Loki did know. That's what frightened him. He was scared to speak a word around them all anymore for the exact reason that they'd do anything neccessary for his own wellbeing.
They had killed Thanos after everything the Mad Titan had put Loki through to force him to attack New York to get Tess from those Midgardian's.
Power had been the one to bring back Thanos' decapitated head to Loki with the assurances that the Titan had suffered greatly before he died. Loki had both felt relieved and sick as he stared at Thanos' mutilated head, barely recognizable that if he hadn't been told it was Thanos he would never have guessed so.
Loki had been foolish to think it was a one time thing. He told himself they were all simply protective of him was all.
And Loki hadn't been lying. They all were protective of him. Very much so.
It was when Loki had let slip Odin's neglect and the hurt Loki had felt for never feeling good enough that he found at how much power and damage his words could cause if he wasn't careful. Loki had nearly been sick when Reality came to him, tossing a single blue eyeball in his hand as he explained what they'd done to the old king before ripping the one good eyeball from his eye socket and shortly after, killing him.
Loki learned to shut his mouth around them all, afraid of what they'd do to anyone else Loki spoke of that had hurt him. Yes, he felt some satisfaction that they were no longer able to hurt him but he couldn't enjoy it when he knew what they had gone through before they died. He never asked for anyone to die.
But then Loki started getting hurt. When he fought in battle against enemies or simply because he hadn't been paying enough attention to what he was doing.
They didn't like it at all. They all hated seeing Loki hurt and after Time mentioning seeing a time where Loki had died, they got even more paranoid. So they took him away from it all to somewhere they promised he'd be completely safe.
Loki had been furious at first. They couldn't just take him away from his life! But they had and they only gave Loki sad smiles when he screamed at them about betrayal.
Loki had tried to hurt himself, just to show they couldn't always protect him but found it impossible. He threw his fists at the wall but there was in invisible barrier between him and the wall that made it impossible to connect his fist. He tried scratching at his arms but the same thing happened. He tried to 'accidentally' trip but he never hit the floor, simply floating until he lightly touched the floor.
He couldn't injure himself.
So he screamed and he raged and he demanded to be let out of the room they'd stuck him in but nothing. They visited all the time but they never let him out again.
His anger had turned to a deep depression where he'd sit on his bed or on the floor and stare at the door across the room that never opened. A cruel joke to him, having a door that he couldn't open.
His magic was practically useless wherever he was. He'd tried to use it, even against his lovers who never got angry when something was thrown at them but seemed even more sad each time it happened. He couldn't use his magic to leave.
He was trapped.
Eventually, Loki accepted that he couldn't escape. Not by himself at least. He calmed down at any rate which had pleased the stones though Loki felt deadened inside.
The depression had gotten even worse after they killed his brother. Loki hadn't realized what he'd said until it was too late. It had been a simple mention of Thor always getting the attention and being Thor's shadow.
Loki hadn't been gifted with any body part of Thor's but the stones spoke about it to him, what they'd done before they killed him. Loki had been in horror and shock, unable to process that Thor was dead. He had been sick nearly over a month after that, walking up screaming from nightmares and crying whenever the stones tried to make him feel better. How could he ever feel better?
He'd gotten his brother killed.
After that, Loki had gone numb.
Tess visited the most. Loki had no idea where they went when they weren't with him but he found himself lonely when they weren't there. He normally wasn't left alone for long though. Despite everything, he still loved them. That's what he hated most about his situation. He shouldn't love them anymore but he did.
He did.
"Can I..." Loki swallowed hard, letting out a shaky breath. "Can I come out now? I'll...I'll be careful, I promise—"
Tess was already shaking his head, tightening his hold on Loki. "It's too dangerous. You could be hurt."
"Please, I'll be careful. I swear," Loki pleaded, becoming desperate every day he was trapped. He knew asking would do no good. Tess would never relent but he still got his hopes up even if it was for them to be crushed again.
"Hush, you're speaking nonsense. You're safe here," Tess shushed him.
Loki felt frustrated tears gather in his eyes. "But—"
"I said no," Tess said with a frown. "I let you have anything you want but you know the rules. You must stay here, where you're safe."
Loki went to speak again before another figure appeared right on the bed in front of them.
Loki shook his head, glancing away from Mind who looked at Tess. "Is everything okay? Why is he crying?"
Tess frowned deeply. "He wants to go outside again. It'll pass."
"Oh," Mind said before shaking her head as she drew closer. "That's too dangerous."
Loki wanted to scream but he only shook in Tess' hold as Mind reached for him, cupping his face between her hands.
"P-please, let me go," Loki whispered, tears slipping down his cheeks. "Please, d-don't—"
Mind hushed him as she kissed him softly, Loki making a weak noise of protest but could do nothing with Tess' arms crossed over his own.
Loki didn't see how Mind's hand pulsed a soft golden yellow, a trail of her power seemingly sinking into Loki's skin but he felt it as a sense of calmness and love for the people protecting him sink into his mind, making him go lax and pliant in Tess' arms.
"We love you," Tess murmured into his ear as Mind drew away and Loki took a shuddering breath.
"I...I love you all too," Loki said finally. Mind and Tess smiled at one another as Loki sighed and closed his eyes, relaxing fully into Tess' embrace.
He was safe. He had all of them to take care of him. He couldn't be hurt anymore.
Why would he ever want to go back outside?
I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes. I didn't check it over since I wrote it just now but here's some dark Infinoki for you 🖤
anon i love and will kill for you
(Part 2)
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her scar
summary: As an equal member (Y/n) fights side by side with Clone Force 99, even though she is force sensitive. The clones have adopted her as their ad‘ika. But a dark shadow comes upon the galaxy as well as the squad.
request: Because Crosshair nearly snipped down my adopted by a clonetrooper child ( yes the child decided to become a clonetrooper ans the GAR let her ) and this child happens to be force sensitive. That’s what I’m looking for a fix where crosshair nearly order 66 a kid that looks up to him like the uncle he is. Give me sad. Give me angst ~ @dara-kell
pairings: Crosshair x Child!Reader, Echo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker
warnings: angsty angst, ORDER 66, blood, injury, a child soldier!?
words: 1253
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Execute Order 66.
A thick cloud of terrible thoughts fogs Crosshairs mind. The helmet he is wearing feels heavier than ever and almost suffocates him. His otherwise steady hands start to shake.
There is no other way. Good soldiers follow orders. He has to fulfil the order.
The other members of the Bad Batch, his brothers, continue to walk as if they haven‘t heard the order. Their ad‘ika (Y/n) is with them, holding onto Echos human hand. She is the first to notice Crosshairs absence. Her innocent eyes set on his shaking form and the sniper can feel them pierce through his armor. All of a sudden he rips the helmet from his head and takes a deep breath of fresh air.
"Cross?", her soft voice reaches his ears. She takes a step forward, but Echo holds her back. It’s not that he doesn‘t trust his brother with his life, but he can see Crosshairs finger wander to the trigger of his rife. Slowly the sniper raises his weapon.
Good soldiers follow orders.
The brown eyes of Crosshair scan (Y/n)s small form. Although she is wearing the same armor as the other members of Clone Force 99, there is no helmet protecting her head. But something inside Crosshair, the real Cross and (Y/n)s protector, stops him from shooting right in her face. This would destroy her innocence and cuteness. So he aims at the weakest spot of her armor - her collarbone.
Once again his name leaves her lips and then the sniper pulls the trigger. For a second he closes his eyes, avoiding seeing her lifeless body fall to the ground. But then he opens them and all his hesitation as well as pity is gone.
On time Echo managed to pull their ad‘ika aside and the blaster only grazed her cheek. Blood runs from the injury and tears follow, not because of her pain but the betrayal.
While Echo and Tech stay with (Y/n), Hunter and Wrecker run towards their brother. The Sergeant raises both his hands to show Cross he means no harm. But Wrecker stares at the sniper with so much anger in his eyes, at least he just tried to kill their little girl. They vowed to protect her at all cost, above all because she is force sensitive.
“Cross? What were you thinking?“, Hunter asks and stops a few feet in front of his brother. Their eyes meet but Crosshairs gaze is hollow and almost glazed. He has no answer for his Sergeant.
“Take her back to the ship!“, Hunter commands as he watches the sniper take a look at (Y/n). Both hands clutch the rife tighter. And there is no emotion in his expression.
“We have to comply. We have to kill her!“ That are the last words (Y/n) hears from her once loyal uncle before she gets dragged to the Havoc Marauder by Tech and Echo. Once in a while on their way she stops to look back, to look for Crosshair. But her never followed them.
Finally, they reach their ship. While Tech prepares everything for their departure, Echo carries their ad‘ika to her cot. There he drapes a blanket over her shaking form and starts collecting everything he needs to treat her wound. On his search he encounters Wreckers tooka doll and soon places it in (Y/n)s arms.
Like a true warrior (Y/n) lets Echo take care of her injury. From time to time she flinches but that‘s all she does. She is silent, too silent. Her mind is working hard on Crosshairs treason. No matter with what argument (Y/n) comes up, none of them make any sense. Why would her beloved uncle try to kill her? Doesn‘t he love her anymore? What happened to the sniper who was always at her side, who was always cuddling her to sleep?
Before Echo can encourage the little girl, Hunter and Wreckers heavy steps echo through the ship. Against Echos protest, (Y/n) jumps from her bed and towards the hatch of the ship, Lula in her left hand.
Hunters eyes widen the moment he senses the little girl coming towards them. He and Wrecker are carrying the unconscious Crosshair between them, each of his arms wrapped around their shoulders. (Y/n) stares at them shocked but also frightened.
“Hey, little one“, Hunter greets their adopted child and kneels down, letting Wrecker take their brother in a separate room. Despite Hunter being directly in front of (Y/n), her eyes follow Cross until he is out of sight. “Don‘t worry. He will soon be the old grumpy Crosshair again.“
“Why did he shoot me?“, (Y/n) asks with a shaky voice and takes the hand Hunter is extending. He feels warm and comforting. His free hand touches the skin under her injury. There is still a bit of blood on her face.
“To be honest, ad‘ika, we all got the command to execute the order 66. Whereas none of us understood what to do, Cross somehow knew. He said something about a betrayal of the Jedi and because you are...“, Hunter tries to explain but the tears in (Y/n)s eyes make it almost impossible for him to think straight. So he stops mid sentence and pulls the girl in a comforting hug. She sobs in his neck.
Some time passes where (Y/n) stays in the Sergeants arms and cries. He passes her to Wrecker who lays down with her while the ship jumps into hyperspace. Even though (Y/n) falls asleep in the arms of her huge uncle and with Lula pressed against her chest, she wakes up soon. A sound from another room wakes her.
Carefully (Y/n) leaves the shared bedroom of the Bad Batch and starts looking for the source of the sound. Soon she finds their closet where they usually keep their weapons. But the thing is: all the weapons are laying scattered around in the corridor. Then there is a muffled scream coming from inside so (Y/n) opens the door and faces the image of a chained Crosshair.
“What are you doing here?“, Cross asks derogatorily and with a rougher voice than normally. One of his hands is cuffed to a pipe. His wrist is already blue and purple because he is pulling desperately at the handcuff. But this sight doesn‘t stop (Y/n) from entering and walking closer to her uncle.
“Why did you do this?“, (Y/n) asks and points to the grazing shot which is patched up by small plasters. As Crosshair looks at what he did to his little girl, a wave of emotions overruns him. He has to close his eyes.
“Good soldier follow orders“, Cross whispers again and again and presses his free hand to the right side of his head. It hurts. His head hurts. But then all of a sudden all the pain seems gone because (Y/n) wraps her arms around her uncle. He could kill her easily now. But he doesn‘t want to.
“Go away, ad‘ika! I could kill you!“, the sniper screams anxiously and tries to push (Y/n) away, but she is holding too tightly onto him. He is surprised by how much the little one still trusts him. At least he tried to kill her only hours ago.
“I‘m so sorry“, Cross whimpers into (Y/n)s hair and wraps his free arm around the girl. She should not forgive him this easily, nor trust him ever again. But she does. Because he is family.
“It‘s okay, uncle Cross. Now I‘m as cool as Wolffe or Cody with my new scar!“
taglist: @lightning-wolffe @gwenebear @skippyhopperwisdom @jojos-trooper
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antonivs · 3 years
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i can't believe i never thought about this before but 'two birds' by regina spektor fits the way i hc lucifer and michael's relationship before the rebellion to perfection (and now i'm sad).
"two birds on a wire"
michael and lucifer loved each other more than anything, they swore that they would always be each other's everything. since the beginning, it was just the two of them, creating planets and stars together. they completed each other and they were happy.
"one tries to fly away"
but lucifer burned brighter, it was in his nature. everyone could see that and everyone was drawn to him. he was god and goddess' pride and his siblings adored him. however, he soon started feeling uncomfortable in the confinements of the silver city and his father's rules. his light couldn't be restrained and he craved for freedom.
"and the other watches him close from that wire"
michael, on the other hand, was everything lucifer wasn't. he had tried to be more like his twin, desperate for the same love and attention lucifer always received from everyone, but he just couldn't. it wasn't in his nature, he was simply different. not as charming, not as outgoing, and no one (except for gabriel, but his insecurities made him blind to her affection) loved him for who he was. they looked at him and they didn't see him, they only saw a defective copy of the lightbringer. so he retreated into himself and could only watch from the shadows as his twin shone brighter and brighter.
"he says he wants to as well, but he is a liar"
despite everything, michael still felt love for lucifer. when his twin started talking about free will, about the possibility of standing up to god, michael encouraged him, told him he was right to be angry, that he'd be by his side through it all.
"two birds on a wire. one says 'come on' and the other says 'i'm tired'
the sky is overcast and i'm sorry. one more or one less, nobody's worried"
and michael meant it at first. however as time passed and lucifer grew more and more impatient, the only things that grew in the darker twin were his feelings of inferiority, his jealousy, his resentment both towards the siblings who mocked him and shunned him and his twin who didn't even notice how much he was suffering - all pressing down on his shoulders and weighing him down, twisting his body along with his soul.
so when the time finally came and lucifer asked him to join his rebellion, michael was only able to mutter a weak 'i can't. besides...you don't need me.' before turning his hunched back on his beloved brother and retreating into his dark corner.
"two birds of a feather. say that they're always gonna stay together. but one's never going to let go of that wire. he says that he will, but he's just a liar."
when lucifer had asked him to fight by his side, michael had only felt fear. fear of going against his father's will, fear of being defeated, of losing his place in the silver city and thus his place as one of god's soldiers. that was the one thing he still had left, the only thing that still gave him a purpose and value, that made him feel like he still mattered somehow, despite not having his family's love. while he couldn't risk all that, especially for a brother who he felt didn't care about him, he still had a chance to prove his value to his father and, with lucifer becoming a rebel, perhaps become the favourite twin, finally worthy of his father's attention.
"two birds on a wire. one tries to fly away and the other..."
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predictable-affairs · 4 years
I ✯A flip of the coin, but both sides are the same...✯
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They would have never thought, never expected for something like this to happen. Never, especially from a bride...
Oh, but how beautiful the doomed bride was, falling into the hands of those sadistic boys... And she didn't even last a month, what an unlucky soul she was.
Yet nor her beauty, nor her grace shocked those boys to their core, it was what she left behind. Whilst cleaning, throwing and burning belongings of the deceased bride, the brothers found something rather unsual.
In the midst of a pile of clothes, that Reiji detested every time he saw it, going as far as to threatning the poor bride to clean it. "It's uterlly deplorable and unladylike!" he'd say in his usal stoic voice. "Alright, I'll clean it, thank you Reiji." agreed the deceased girl, always closing the door right in his face. Reiji did threaten to clean it himself, which always got the bride to insist not to, appereantly it didin't seem to bother the other boys. It seems that his threats weren't empty, since he did end up, after all, cleaning it himself.
Oh an what did he, what did they find in tha pile of clothes?
A small, chuby baby girl.
A child of the bride.
She was quite little, but still, perhaps could crawl? Nevertheless, she stared up, with dusty pink cheeks and innocence that only a child could hold,  right at the boys around her, who surrounded her like flies on a rotting fruit. No talking, no crying, no whining, no protesting. Silence and a simple baby stare.
"How did she manage this?", "How did we not notice?!" were the question spinning like pretty ballet dancers in the heads of the vampires, but the most important one - "What should we do?".
A simultaneous question that popped like a red ballon realeasing acusations, opinions and confusion in everyones heads.
What should they do?
"I say we keep it!"
Is the first harsh voice of the fiery Ayato, whose hair could compete with his attitudes ego.
"No way!" next protests Subaru.
"I don't know what you will do, but I will not let... it... grow up among, or become like any of us." continues reasioning the white haired boy.
"Oh, but it doesn't have to grow up a monster, dear brother." interjects another triplet - Laito.
" Yet sadly, I have to agree with you, we do not need to keep another mere human." shrugs the playful boy with an unusual statment, even shocking some of the brothers, but they'd never let their face betray them like that...  
He's usually the one who always wants more toys to play with, like a greedy child or an overworked bee.
"No! You are all wrong!" a fitty contradiction could be heard, almost from afar, or maybe right up close?
"We should keep it. I want to keep it!" the strict tone of voice comes from Kanato or perhaps his bear.
"Why? So you can torture it and turn it into another one of your dolls?" mocks Subaru, his pose getting a bit more uncomfortable.
The purple haired boy is in shock. Gripping his little brown bear, waiting to start a fight. How dare he say something like that?!
"If we are going to keep it, it will not be given to only one of us." interrupts a puzzeled, musing Reiji; like cold midnight water, extinguishing the growing new years flame, whose smoke was creating a violent atmosphere, so thick, that even honey would seem brethable enough to not drown in.
"So you agree, we should keep it?" harshly questions the flaming Ayato boy, his patience wearing thin; though insisde he was quite surprised. Does someone as stoic and stuck up as Reiji really agree to keeping a human and even a baby no less?
"No, of course not." offers no other words the mannered vampire, yet telling nothing new or surprising. Now with his gloved hand, which's white didin't differ too much from the pale of his hands, up to the chin, soothingly or maybe even camingly, carresing the face, helping to dose off deeper into his batteling thoughts of the situation he was put in just now.
"What about Shu?" continues questioning hopefully Ayato, for his prior hope just crumbled to calm ash.
Oh, the indifferent, lazy vampire Shu. The blond one of the group of brothers, the only one not in the circle, the only one peacefully resting on the pink covers of the many deceased brides bed, floating in a dream only accompanied by his music.
Or maybe it's something else, something more that he's listening to?  
Lazily opening one eye, hardly letting the piercing blue thats holds the whole of the ocean and it's destructive tides in it, peak through, quietly resting on the palms of his hands. Just as lazily as he opened his eye, just as slowly did he close it.
"I do not care." in an indefrent tone that rainly mirrors his mood, is the anwser that he bearly pushes out in a rusty, raspy voice, slowly qiueting down like an echo or a shadow in the back of a throat with every simple word. Indefrence - as predictable as Reijis opposition.
And so the question stands unanswered - what will they do?
Oh, the tension is growing thick, thicker than fog, thicker than otmeal.
Though the atmosphere of violence was quickly put out, a one of verbal fighting is about to break down.
Oh, and a fight did ensue.
So much yelling, from Subaru, opposing, not wanting to raise anything among them; from Kanato, wanting company for his bear - Teddy, and someone to dress up; from Ayato, emptily reasoning with Laito and Subaru on why they should keep them; and quiet giggles, yet as strong as others arguments; Reiji kept quiet, still deep in his thoughts.
The fight kept getting louder, like a shopping mall with big sales or a cafeteria with good food, yet it didn't seem to bother Shu, how unusual...
"We are not going to keep them!" like punches, harsh words are thrown around the room, a ball, bouncing off the soothing pink walls.
"So where do you suggest we leave them?!" more questions coming from blank faces with yeling mouths.
"Kill them!" another shout.
"We are not keeping them!" the final word, stern voice of Reiji, slowly quieting everyone down.
Was it confusion that suddenly struck the aura of the room or pure shock, nobody knew, but it did engrain a moment of peace, silence to the room. It's pink walls suddenly started to feel like matresses.
One, two, three... that's the count of a rich waltz, and that's how long silence ruled the room.
A waltz, a single waltz.
Yelling, again, crueller words and oppositions, it's good that the baby can't talk, or else their vocabulary would be that of a sailor.
So much commotion such a war between the brothers, it seemed that the rosy baby no longer exsisted.
And so through the yelling, through the war of unpieced words and calmless attitudes, for better or worse, for against or by Reijis last words - it was decided.
They will keep her. They will keep the rosy cheeked baby.
And so, her adventure began.
"What... is it?" comes a small, tiny question from a unknown asker in a quiet little voice.
Everyone is silent, no one seems to have considered that question.
,,It's... a girl..." comes an equally akward anwser also from an unknown source.
Well, now her adventure can definetly start.
And so she grew up amongst the six boys, each one slowly, but surely taking a liking to her.
Whether it was the messy baths that Reiji gave the baby girl (which infurated him to no end; "A bath is supposed to be clean! How does one manage to make it so messy!" - a frequent phrase circling his brain like a dark taxi), the calming naps, that Shu took with her (annoying him when she cried waking up, to the point where he gave her a nickname to soothe her that sticked to this day), or maybe the play sessions with Kanato (which always seemed to put a giggly smile on her face, except when he got angry, then they'd both have a screaming, crying fit), the reading lessons with Laito (effectivelly putting her to sleep, yet he woke her up everytime and even in the midst of tired crying - he'd continue teaching her to read), perhaps the physical fun with Ayato (not once letting her win any games, even the one where he tought her how to walk. But that doesn't mean that there weren't any, though who is he to ever admit that?) and possibly the gentle feeding of Subaru (who had more trouble with it than he'd like to admit), that made them slowly grow accustomed to her, they will never know.
It seemed that each brothers compliance helped the others in return, like a mirror or an open letter passed around in a circle, each one slowly grew a soft spot, and even, dare I say, some attachment to her.
Such unusual behavior for a vampire (was it something in her or just them growing weak? - no one pondered), maybe thats why they never said a word to their father?
There was one thing the boys forgot to do - give her a name.
When this point was made, another fight almost ensued. Who should get to name the baby and what will they name them - the two mischievous questions that almost started a fight as if it was a race. Yet, just before the whistle was blown for words and saliva to start flying, a name issued, suggested by Laito, caught the attention of many, especially, since Ayato got very insisting on it and with a hiding blush - Subaru quietly agreed on.
The decesion was made, and the vampires named her (y/n).
They watched her grow up, always keeping her company, playing games and teaching what they wanted to. But they weren't the only ones who watched her. She also observed them.
As she learned to walk and speak, as she started writing her name in better hand writing, getting older with each and every birthday, she saw all the brides come and go, the way they were treated and how they never lasted (yet she stayed obliviuos to that she too, was a child of a bride long lost).
Obviuosly not just one or two brides tried to make friends with the girl; sometimes in the hopes of escape or sometimes just in hopes of finding a friend, someone "normal", someone to vent to.
At first (y/n) felt sorry for the brides, consoled them even.
But as time went on, as she kept getting older the reoccurences started to anger her.
She began despising the brides, how dare they speak the most attrocious lies, talk such foul things about the boys?! They would never do things that they vent of! And insulting them that way, it made her want for them to leave faster.
She hated how with each bride she'd get less attention, than when she was alone with the boys. She hated the brides, their lies and pesuasion of escape. Where would she go? And more importantly - why would she go? They were kind to her, good, they took care of her why would she ever want to run. And after one particular incident, an escape in which she was dragged in and almost lost the mansion, her... family, forever! (Y/n) completely stopped interacting with the brides.
That was the childhood of a lost brides child, but her fate, history, was yet to be made.
                                                       ↢ What time is it? | II o’clock ↣
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dindjarins04 · 3 years
Could you do Darth Maul?
With the promts
2a 8a 16a
1b 7b 9b 10b 12b 15b
Make me cry like the baby I am
Gosh darn this hurt me! I love Maul so much it hurts to write angst about him!! This is an amazing request but a painful one!
A Failed Promised
Maul x FEM!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Prompts: 2A) I love you. 8A) It's alright, I've got you. 16A) You've been strong for too long. 1B) I couldn't unlove her; and I didn't want to. 7B) I don't even know who you are anymore. 9B) BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. 10B) I loved you (past tense). 12B) You broke me first. 15B) I am not angry, I'm in pain! And you put me here! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything.
Warnings: Hurt!Maul (this has to be warning), brief mention of self harm (like just a tiny but you have to squint to see it, and it's not the reader who harmed herself!), angst, not a happy ending, crying, shouting and ANGST.
Request rules here
Prompt list here
Main masterlist here
Darth Maul/Oppress masterlist here
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When the relationship started, everything was perfect. Nothing went wrong, it was a smooth road and a clear future, or so you thought. You thought that in the future you would be a family, two knucklehead children running around the throne room of Mandalore and hitting each other with sticks. You imagine you and Maul telling them stories of everything that happened during the Clone Wars. You were so prepared for a bright future so it hurt when that dream turned to ash.
You noticed that he began to become more distant. Instead of laying with you in the morning, when you woke up he was gone. And it kept happening. He left early in the morning and came back late at night. Conversations with you were short and straight to the point. You decided to confront him about it, and because of that, that's why you are here.
You managed to wake up with him. He was busy getting changed when you walked into the living area of your shared quarters.
"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to wake you up," He said as he clipped his lightsaber and darksaber to his sides.
"Maul, we need to talk," You say sternly. He stops and turns to you, brows furrowed. The tone in your voice sent shivers through him.
"What is it?" Before you can even start, tears begin to surface. He smiles softly before walking over to you, embracing you. "It's alright, I've got you," You sniffle before you bring yourself to words.
"I...Do you like me?" You cringed at your choice of words. He chuckles lightly, pulling back to hold the side of your face.
"I love you," He says. You pull away and shake your head.
"Why does it feel like you don't love me?"
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You're barely around anymore, our conversations are limited to a couple of words," You noticed how he seemed to get agitated.
"You are aware I have an entire kingdom to rule," He asks.
"I am aware...but my love-"
"I need to be strong for this. For Mandalore. For the Crimson Dawn...for my brother,"
"You've been strong for too long," You say, stepping forward. "I know it was hard to lose your brother and you have so much on your plate...but you're overdoing yourself. Saxon can take care of Mandalore for a day if it means you got some rest," This time it is him who shakes his head and turns away and walks to the door.
"I can't, I have to rule Mandalore. I have to keep this up-"
"Even if it means losing me?" He freezes and turns his head.
"If this is how the rest of my life with you is going to be, I don't want it," You say strongly. He turns fully to face you, eyes narrowed. "Come back to me, I love you!" You said, tears surfacing again.
"I am in charge of the biggest syndicates and ruling Mandalore, I have priorities,"
"I should be a priority! You promised me you would stay with me!"
"Unfortunately you're not,"
"I don't even know who you are anymore," He rolls his eyes and folds his arms.
"Leave if you're so willing to do so,"
"Fine! I will!" You march back up to your room and begin to pack your stuff, anger in your movements, tears falling freely. Once you packed your two bags you walk towards the door where Maul is. His eyes seem to widen and hurt crosses his face when seeing your packed bags. "Move," You say, your voice shaking.
"You're leaving?"
"You told me to do so...and thinking about it...it's the only option that I won't regret making,"
"You regret us?"
"Yes, very much," You snarl.
"(Y/N), you're just angry, perhaps if you calmed down-" He attempts to reason.
"I'm not angry, I'm in pain! And you put me here! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything!" You shout, angry and sad tears cascading down your face.
"Please...I'm sorry," He reaches out to hold you put you pull away, even though it hurts your heart. He falls to his knees and holds your hands that clutch around your bags. "I'm begging you, (Y/N)...please...I'll change...I'll do anything,"
"Why are you doing this?" You ask trying to keep the confidence in your voice.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" You shake your head and pull away from him, opening the door, leaving him but he follows you out. "Please! Don't leave. Please? (Y/N)?" You turn to see the pain written across his face.
"Maul...I loved you. I loved you so much...but I can't stay here any longer...not now," You turn again but you hear him following.
"My love, doing this will break my hearts-"
"You broke me first," You say, turning to face him. "All of this...you no longer love me. You're obsessed with Mandalore. With Obi-Wan. All of this has made you forget about me. The one person who was there for everything. From Naboo all the way to Mandalore. But this obsession put me in the shadows," You sigh before leaving, leaving Mandalore and the man you've loved for so long.
"My lord...what is wrong?" Gar Saxon asks when he walks into the throne room. Maul, shirtless, is on the throne, head buried in his hands, elbows on his knees. He slowly lifts his head to look at the Mandalorian.
"She's gone," Maul says. Saxon sees he's been crying and notices fresh scars across his chest.
"Would you like me to find her? Send out parties?"
"No...she left willingly," He says, looking up. "And she's not coming back,"
"My lord, I was unaware that (Y/N) left...I'm sorry that it didn't work out,"
"I couldn't unlove her; and I didn't want to," He says, standing up and walking to the window in the throne room. "And here I am...I have no one because I was too arrogant and too proud," He bows his head. "She's better off without me,"
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callsign-mischief · 4 years
The Gift of a Weasley Sweater is a Powerful Thing [F.W.]
Day 23 prompt of ‘A Very Harry Potter Christmas’ : ‘Weasley Sweater’
Thank you so much to @jamilelucato and @whack-ed for letting me participate in this writing challenge! I am so sorry it is extremely late, please forgive me. Hope you like it!
Fred Weasley x Female!Slytherin!Reader
Warnings: Mention of fighting, Umbridge, Umbridge’s using that quill, George being mean, a few cuss words, mention of  “bloodtraitor” *if I missed anything that should be put into the warning, please let me know!* 
Word Count: 6.5k (so sorry!)
As the Christmas holiday was quickly approaching and many students were preparing to leave the comfort of Hogwarts to spend time with their respected families, it was becoming increasingly normal to see different love-sick couples scattered about the castle basking in each other's presence to soak up every last ounce of time they could before being separated by the long vacation. What wasn’t normal, however, was seeing Fred Weasley spending any, and almost every, spare second he had with a girl doing the exact same thing. And to make it even more unusual, a Slytherin girl! 
It was a few days before Christmas break and George Weasley has had enough of seeing his brother act like a lovesick fool.
“I do not know what is going on in that head of his but I’m right ‘bout to take my beaters bat and knock some sense into him. Thank Merlin she’s not wedged her way into coming home with us!” he huffs sending silent daggered glares toward his twin brother sitting a few feet down the way at the Gryffindor breakfast table with his serpent of a girlfriend nestled into his side. He couldn’t stand the sight. How did Fred Weasley, a proud Gryffindor of all people, become entranced with none other than a snake? It just didn't make sense! 
From across the table, Lee Jordan casts a glance up towards the inter house couple before returning to face the boiling redhead sitting across from him. “Honestly George, I don’t know why you hate her so much, you've never even actually met her! She is actually quite nice y’know? She helped me escape Snape once, it was brilliant!” 
“She’s a Slytherin, Lee! The whole lot of them can't be trusted…” he grumbles, taking a quick bite of his slice of toast before sipping his pumpkin juice and clearing his throat. “I don’t know what game she's playing but I’m gonna find out what it is. I don’t want him to get hurt.”
Lee could understand where the boy in front of him was coming from. Fred had never taken a liking to any Slytherin house member before, no matter who they were, up until the week before the end of the previous school year when you had transferred to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons. “Just give her a chance George. You never know, she could be genuine in her love or whatever she feels for him and not be as bad as you think!” 
On top of what George, and almost everyone else at Hogwarts, was already putting up with this school year (aka Professor Umbridge terrorizing the school and you know whos return creating chaos amongst the wizarding world) George didn’t want to add having to be civil with a snake to his list of things to deal with. 
“Yeah...guess not but still! She has not approached any of us, his siblings, to get to know us and they have been cozied up since she got here last semester! In my book, that's already a bad sign.” he frowns looking at the couple again. 
Meanwhile down the table, the two lovesick teenagers are conversing amongst themselves, oblivious to the pointed looks from her boyfriend's twin.
“So I have Ron, George, and Ginny’s gifts all wrapped up and ready to be handed out...and I was thinking, maybe I could come up to the common room later after lessons and give them out? What better time than to finally let me meet them and get to know them than Christmas!” she asks, voice dripping with excitement and hope. 
A grin graced his lips as he admired her excitement. “That sounds like an excellent idea, love, but with Umbridge, I don’t think it’s safe to be going into others common rooms.” 
“I really would love to officially meet them, Freddie. We’ve been dating for three months and you haven’t introduced me to any of them. They’re your siblings, part of what makes you,you! Especially George. I mean come on- he’s your twin! Your other half! And when has Umbridge terrorizing the school ever stopped you from breaking the rules? I can come up and watch them open presents, maybe stay the night so I don’t get caught sneaking back to the dungeons….we can spend some time in the common room after everyone’s gone to bed?” you giggle playfully.  
“You had me at ‘stay the night’!”
Another giggle slips past your lips as you peck his lips before rising from the bench. “I thought you would like that idea. I am off to see Professor Snape before my potions lesson starts, I will see you later in Transfig, yeah?”
Fred nods quickly, leaning up to peck your lips once more before you turn and strut out of the Great Hall. He watches you go with that same dopey smile on his face and his eyes swirling with pure adoration. He was in love. 
After a hefty handful of morning classes, a quick lunch with friends, Transfiguration with Fred (whom of which you got to spend no time with due McGonagall partnering you with other people) and one intense charms lesson, it was finally time for your favorite part of the day; your free period. You weren’t sure how you got so lucky to have a free period at the end of the day but you definitely weren’t going to complain. 
Normally you would spend the free period in the Slytherin common room, on the Quidditch pitch practicing, or in the Room of Requirement (which had quickly become yours and Fred’s spot when he decided to skip afternoon lessons), but today you decided to change things up and direct yourself to the library. You had spent your fair share of time amongst many stacks of the old, dusty books for studying purposes and to grab different for-fun reading material but hardly ever did you come in here to spend your free time. 
Upon entering, you quickly set your course for the small ‘Muggle Fiction’ section that had been added in recent years, in search of a new adventure to lose yourself in. Your study partner, Hermione was the one to actually introduce you to the section and recommend a few novels to try reading and you turned out loving them all. Despite being a pureblood and having the nasty ‘I hate everything Muggle’ stereotype follow you around everywhere like a shadow, your heart couldn’t help but get excited about Muggle literature, your favorite genre so far being Romance.
Once you have made your pick of entertainment, you gravitate your way to a back corner nook of the library to get comfy-that is until you see the back of a familiar mop of fiery red hair fluttering between shelves before plopping down at a table with his books. 
Having not been able to contain the excitement of seeing your man (even though he should be in potions), you quickly divert your course to him, staying quiet with a beaming grin on your face. Once close enough behind him, you reach out, playfully covering his eyes with your hands blocking his vision from the herbology book he had been scanning through. 
"Guess who, Freddie." You giggle. 
"What the bloody hell? Get off of me!"
Your eyes went wide in horror upon hearing the voice of the man who was definitely not your boyfriend!
"Oh, Salazar, I'm so sorry! I thought you were Fred from the back!" 
George stood up from his seat, turning to you with a piercing glare, "You should really make sure you know who you are approaching before you touch them!" 
He hadn't completely yelled at you but the angry tone and rise in his voice made you want to nearly cry. 
 You cast your eyes to the side, the amount of complete embarrassment you felt had your face feeling as though it was on fire. "I..I know, and again I'm really sorry about that. I- I'm uhm...I'm (Y/N), by the way...Fred's girlfriend." You look back to him, introducing yourself properly for the first time. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you George." 
"I can't say the same for you, snake." 
You recoil at the name, "What did you just-" 
"You heard me, a snake. That's what you are, clearly. Whatever love spell you have my twin under, you need to end it, and end it now." 
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "What are you talking about? There is no spell. I wouldn't do that to Fred, or anyone for that matter! How can you stand there and accuse me of something like that when you don't even know me?" 
“Don’t think I know you, do you? You're a stuck up, entitled, conniving witch whose family only cares about things as ridiculous as blood purity and money. Everyone knows what kind of people you are. You and Fred have been dating for months and you haven't approached any of his siblings to get to know them. And what’s more is that over the summer you didn't even want to come to the Burrow to spend time with his family; it was always him leaving to meet you. What does that say about what kind of person you are?"
"You don't know a thing. That was not because of me! That was always Fred's choice, I wanted to-" 
"No, don't try to seem all innocent now. You don’t want anything to do with us and we certainly don't like you. Now, if you'd excuse me, I best be leaving."
Before you could get another word out, George turned and collected the books he had grabbed, walking away to the front of the library and out its doors. 
After your encounter with George in the library this afternoon, your day had only gotten worse.  
You had attempted to break up a fight between two of your younger Slytherin female students but you had ended up getting elbowed in the face, leaving you with a small black eye. Yet before you had the chance to visit the Hospital wing, you were summoned to Umbridge's office.
What had been intended as a “friendly chat” -the pink toads words, not yours-, upon seeing your forming black eye when you stepped into her office, you were dished up a detention for “unacceptable display of muggle dueling from a prefect”. You tried to explain the situation and what had happened but it only seemed to aggravate the woman more. She implemented your detention immediately- the punishment being having to write lines. Instead of writing lines for the said cause of your detention, you were made to write lines for "associating with a blood traitor below your class grade". The way she talked about Fred made your blood boil with rage but you didn’t want to make your situation any worse than it was so you kept the angry words and insults for the woman to yourself.  
And finally to top off  your terrible day, you had received a letter from your parents stating that they would be spending the Christmas holiday in a tropical paradise while you were to stay at Hogwarts, alone.  The day was turning out to be too much to handle and all you wanted was Fred. But with him nowhere to be found, you took to locking yourself in an abandoned classroom in the dungeons, crying out your frustrations. With your eye swelling, your hand stinging like crazy, and your chest aching knowing that Fred's family already hated you without meeting you, you felt completely miserable.
After what had seemed like hours, you finally managed to get your hysterical sobs under control to only getting small hiccups ever so often. Your eyes stung from the hours of repetitive rubbing away of tears and you could only imagine what you looked like. Breaking from your ball-like position in the corner of the room, you rise from the chilled ground, stretching your aching limbs as you take a glance at the small watch on your wrist. You see that dinner had started almost half an hour ago. With a sigh, you emerge from the dungeon’s classroom making your way up to the Great Hall. 
When you enter through the hall's double doors, you immediately scan the Gryffindor’s table for the man you have come to love. You spot him quickly as he's waving his arms around wildly with a wide grin on his lips, seeming to be telling a crazy story to the surrounding group of his friends made up of George, Ron, Harry Potter, your study partner Hermione, and Lee Jordan. You can't help the way your eyes fill with nothing but pure love seeing him in his element; entertaining people and making them laugh and smile. Your eyes cut to his twin sitting beside him and your face falls. 
In that moment, his harsh words from earlier this afternoon ran through your head on repeat like a broken record you couldn't stop. You never wished for anything more than to meet Fred's family and have them approve of you and your relationship but with the way things were going, that would never be anything but a wish. 
You b-line for the Slytherin house table, taking a seat next to your best friend. As you start to shovel food onto your empty plate, his eyes fill with concern. 
"Blimey, (Y/L/N)! What in Salazar’s name happened to you."
You pause and give him a quick pierced glance before resuming to fill up the plate of food. "Do not start with me Zabini. I've had a rough day." 
"I can tell by that black eye of yours. Did Weasley do something he shouldn't have to make you cry? Because you know I will-" 
You crack a sad grin at his over protectiveness but let out a sigh, "N-no, he didn't do anything...he's great. It's just...I don't know.." you trailed off. You didn't want to out George and have him face Blaise's wrath, but how could you keep the day's events away from your best friend?
Blaise noticed your hesitation and rested a comforting hand on your shoulder, "hey, if you don't want to talk about it right now, you don't have to but I'll be here for when you're ready and have the right words." 
You give him the best side hug you can manage as your eyes begin to prickle with a few tears. "I know and thank you Blaise. I don't know what I'd do without you." 
He returns the hug with a smile, "probably be miserable, I suppose. But I meant what I said. Just because I support you and Weasley's little love fest doesn't mean I won't hex him into next year if he hurts you." 
You shove his shoulder playfully before returning back to plate to enjoy your meal. 
As always, dinner was delicious and you stuffed your stomach full with too much dessert. You rise from the bench along with your fellow Slytherin's and begin to trickle out of the great hall. As you are walking between Theo and Blaise, a hand reaches out and grabs your arm from behind, spinning you around. You're met with a pair of familiar soft and warm lips being placed on your own. Before you can respond to the kiss, your boyfriend pulls away with a smirk leaving you with a small pout.  
“Don’t go pouting, love. You will get more kisses soon, are you ready to go? Hell- what happened to your eye?!” he cups his hands around your face, inspecting your eye closely.
 “It's nothing, don't worry. Where are we going?”
“You don’t remember? You were going to stay the night after you handed out gifts to Ginny, Ron, and George. Which by the way, I've got to tell you, I’m a little peeved off I’m not getting my gift yet and I’m your loving, devoted boyfriend who adores you and who worries about you.”
You rub your neck nervously, looking away from him. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a long day and I forgot..”
His eyes scan your face, his frown only growing deeper “I thought you were excited, love. I didn’t think you would forget something like this. What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t help it. Hearing Fred ask ‘what’s wrong’ after the day you’ve had, unleashed a new wave of fresh tears. 
“Woah, woah, love what happened? Why are you crying, did I say something wrong?” he quickly encases you in his warm embrace, pressing your head gently to his chest to muffle your sobs. Your body shakes horribly as you try to keep yourself from crumbling right then and there in the hall in the presence of other students. 
He looks ahead to see Theo and Blaise have stopped in their places, noticing your absence and are now looking at him holding your distraught figure. He sends a pleading look to Blaise, desperate for him to give a clue as to what was wrong but Blaise only shook his head and frowned in response.  He knew Zabini was your best friend and that you told each other everything so when even he didn’t know what was wrong, Fred began to worry even more. 
As Fred held you to his chest, he gently brushed back your hair with his fingers a couple of times hoping it would calm you. Bending down slightly so as to not scare you, he whispers into your ear, “C’mon, love. Let’s go up to my room and we can cuddle until you’re ready to talk. How does that sound?”
You nod your head slowly, breathing deeply as you can as you step away from him. His heart shattered seeing your eyes so puffy and bloodshot. Gently wrapping an arm around your waist, he guides you up the moving staircases to the portrait sealing the Gryffindor common room. Fred mutters the password and once there is enough space for you both to walk through, he softly pulls you along, hoping that the room will be empty or at least empty enough so you will be comfortable walking through. To his relief, the only people who have opted to stay out in the common room were George, Lee, Ginny, and the Golden Trio. George is the first to notice his twin's sudden presence.
“There you are Freddie, been wondering where you went off to. Hopefully not to see that-”
“Shut up, George. Do you and Lee mind staying down here for a while? We would like to be alone for a bit.”
Ron pipes up from his spot on the carpet by the roaring fireplace. “We?!” 
Just then, George and Ginny’s head snap to Fred, only now noticing you curled into his side, face pressed into his shoulder. 
“Not now George! You’re my twin and best friend and I love you but please don’t start right now, mate. Just give us some time, please.” Fred begged. 
George backed away with a scowl before nodding. Fred glances at Lee who gives him an encouraging nod with a soft smile. With a sigh of gratitude, he thanks his roommates, guiding you to the stairs. With a flick of his wand, he says the counter charm to keep the stairs from changing and walks you up.
Once you're in the safe space of his room, he sits you on his bed as he couches down by the end of it rummaging through his trunk. Once he finds what he's looking for, he stands facing you handing you a small stack of clothes. 
"Here, sweetheart. These will be more comfortable for you than your uniform. And look, I even picked out your favorite sweater of mine." 
You let out a weak smile, leaning up to plant a loving kiss on his lips. He returns the kiss, cradling your face carefully between his hands. Fred is the one to break the kiss, placing his forehead softly against yours. 
"Let's get changed, love." 
With a final nod, you pull away and stand, moving to the opposite of the room to change giving Fred his own space. Once you're both changed, you walk back to his bed with your uniform gently folded in your hands. Fred takes the stack from you before gesturing you to get in bed. You happily oblige and wait for him to get I'm with you. Once he settles in, you get comfortable in your favorite cuddling position. You being the little spoon with Fred cradling your body to his front.
No words are spoken for the first half hour. Fred doesn't rush you to talk, only softly brushing his hands up and down your arms in slow comforting strokes. Once you feel comfortable and ready to talk, you turn over to face the loving man behind you. You wrap an arm around his waist pulling your body flush against his, burrowing your head into his chest. 
Fred let out a gentle chuckle, squeezing our waist a little tighter. “Are you ready to talk now, love?”
“I ha...frrible ay…” 
Fred let out a deafening howl of laughter. “I have no clue what you just said, do you mind repeating that more clearly for me, sweetheart?”
You pulled away from his chest, “I said that I had a terrible day.”
His joyful expression was quickly replaced by one of alarm. “Why what happened?”
‘Here goes nothing…’ You thought. 
With a deep breath you begin. “It wasn’t so bad at first. Double potions went okay, lunch with Blaise and Theo was good. Transfig sorta fell short because McGonagall split us up but that was okay too, nothing to ruin the day. It all started in my free period.” you stopped, beginning to feel nervous and nauseous . “W..we always say that honesty is the best policy...right?”
He confirms your question with a small dip of his head. “Of course”
You continue on, “I went to the library today to find a new Muggle romance book to read and well...before I could pick one that I liked, I thought I saw you weaving in and out between the bookshelves. I got excited seeing who I thought was you and so I ran up behind him and put my hands over his eyes like how I do with you and well…”
Fred knew where this was going and he instantly began to feel awful. 
“It was George, as you could have guessed and needless to say he did not appreciate that. Of course I apologized, but he was still so angry and not just about me touching him. He seemed to be mad at me, as a whole person. He accused me of having you under a love spell and said that he knew what kind of person I was because of my family. Told me I was entitled and stuck up because I haven’t approached him or Ron or Ginny to get to know them nor did I visit the Burrow to spend time with your family this summer. I tried to tell him that me not coming to your home or meeting your family wasn’t my choice but he didn’t want to hear it.” you sobbed, letting the building tears in your eyes fall freely. 
If Fred didn’t feel terrible before, he sure as hell did now! He knew that it was long overdue for you to meet his family but just when he got the nerve to introduce you, he couldn’t. While Fred was a very confident man in many aspects, your lifestyles were complete polar opposites and it oftentimes left him feeling inadequate. While you live a life of luxury, Fred and his family oftentimes struggle to make ends meet. While Fred’s family is thought of as a full lot of blood-traitors, your family name is highly admired and respected amongst the Wizarding community. Now, the Weasley boy knew such trivial things didn’t matter to his girl, but the worry he had of you leaving him once you dived in deeper to what made Fred, Fred was just too much to take the risk. 
Fred couldn’t even begin to be mad at George for what he said to you because he was too busy being angry at himself. He was the reason this happened. He was the one who kept you from meeting his family. He was the one who would reject your wishes to spend time at the place he’s called home all of his life and with the people he loved more than anything. He made you look like you didn’t want anything to do with his family when in reality, you wanted nothing more than for his family to adore you almost as much as Fred did.
“Baby I am so so sorry about all of this. George had no right to say that to you but he wouldn’t have if I had just gotten over my own insecurities. I promise I will make things right, love.” his solemn expression broke your heart and made you cry even harder. 
Wiping your eyes hurriedly, you shake your head. “That’s not even the worst of it! I got this stupid black eye from trying to break up a petty fight between two younger girls from my house, and then when I wanted to go see Madam Pomfrey, I was summoned to Umbridge’s office. One look at my eye and she gave me a detention of writing lines with that horrid quill of hers and my hand hurts so bad! And then on top of everything, my mum sent me a letter this morning saying that she and dad will be going somewhere for Christmas while I stay at Hogwarts instead! It was just one thing after another and when I couldn’t even find you, I broke down. Ended up locking myself in a classroom to cry, it was awful. That’s why I was late to dinner.”
“That bloody woman used that damned quill of hers on you?! I swear, I will make that vile woman regret ever using that on you! Let me go see if Hermione has anything to help with the scarring.” 
Before he could get out of bed, you wrapped your arms around him tighter, “No! Don't bother her about it, I just want to be with you right now. Don’t leave, just stay.” 
It was hard for Fred to contain the anger he had raging through his body but he gave in to your request.  He settled back into his position, pulling you in tighter by your waist. “I am so sorry all this happened to you today, sweetheart. I promise, the first thing tomorrow, I will make things right. I will owl mum and tell her you will be coming home with me for Christmas and then I will face my siblings and explain everything to them. Then once I’m done there, I will make that pink toad wish she never set foot into this school.”
By now the tears had stopped falling, leaving you to the occasional sniffle. “Can we just go to bed now? I’m tired.”
Fred snuggles down deeper into bed pulling his heavy crimson duvet up around you both, tucking you in. “Let’s sleep. Tomorrow will be better”
You wish Fred had been right. No sooner than you were both peacefully asleep, you had been rapidly alerted awake by Professor McGonagall busting into the dorm room. You and Fred had both sprung up to see her shaking George awake. When she made her way over to Fred’s bedside, she paused in shock seeing you there.
“Miss (Y/L/N), what in Godric’s name are you doing in Gryffindor tower? And in the boys dormitories no less!” 
“I-I.. well.. You see, what had happened was-” 
“Never mind that, we don’t have time. I need you and mister Weasley to come with me immediately.”
Once you were all out of bed and met with a disheveled Ginny, the four of you were guided back to the Headmaster’s office and upon entering, you all see Harry looking distraught. 
Ginny was the first to speak out, “What’s going on Harry? Professor McGonagall said you saw dad hurt-”
Dumbledore answered the girl before Harry had the chance. “Your father has been injured doing some work for the Order of the Phoenix. I am sending you all to Sirius’s house by portkey instead of the Burrow, where you will meet your mother. But we must hurry before Umbridge is made aware you all are out of bed. Hurry now, all of you.” 
Immediately you all gathered around the kettle you would be using to transport you and waited for the countdown from Dumbledore. On the count of three, you all placed your hands on the portkey and instantly you felt the pull behind your navel and a rush of wind before you were met with the ground of a...kitchen? 
Before you could comprehend anything, into the kitchen came Sirius Black. You weren’t entirely sure what to make of seeing the man in the flesh but looking at him as he spoke to Harry and the Weasley children, there was no way he was this “mass murderer” you had read to believe. After a small riff between the twins and Sirius about staying put instead of rushing to St. Mungo’s, he offered everyone up a butterbeer (which you graciously accepted) to calm the nerves. When you all had received the small letter from Mrs. Weasley, Sirius suggested that everyone try to obtain some rest so one by one, each of you filtered off to catch some sleep once you were finished with your respective butterbeers. You and Fred go off together to find a couch big enough for the both of you, quickly settling into deep sleep.
In the days that followed upon your arrival, you had finally met Mrs. Weasley and although you were seeing her at a tough time, she was thrilled to meet you and have you around for Christmas. Things were a bit tense with Fred’s siblings given the state of things, but you didn’t want to make what they were going through worse so you gave them their space. With your free time you had got to know Sirius and seemed to get along well given the many similarities between the two of you. You had also learned about the Order of the Phoenix and found that his home was made the Order’s headquarters. And then on the day the Weasley family was heading to St. Mungo’s to visit Mr. Weasley, you met a few more of the Order members, including Mad-Eye and Tonks. After a few discussions with them about the Order and their careers as dark wizard catchers you just knew you wanted to follow their paths and become an Auror and join the Order after you finished your schooling. 
It was finally the day Mr. Weasley would be getting released from St. Mungo’s and the whole lot of you Hogwarts students were busy tidying up around preparing for his arrival while Mrs. Weasley, Mad-Eye, and Tonks went out. 
You were currently cleaning down the tabletops in the kitchen with Hermione when you heard George in the next room over beginning to speak out of the blue. “I just don’t get it. My father has a near death experience and he has to come home to around another slimy snake...unbelievable.” he scoffs. 
You halt in your movement as you look up to the door separating the two rooms. The whole time you had been here, you hadn’t possibly done anything to set the boy off.
You hear your boyfriend speak up, anger laced within his tone. “George mate, stop. What the hell! She hasn’t done anything to make you be so cross with her. What the hell gives?”
You drop the towel in your hand onto the dark table, rushing over to the swinging door that separated the rooms. You push it open to see the two redheads glowering at one another in rage as Ginny,  Ron, and Harry stop in the midst of their own cleaning to watch the building argument.
“What gives?” he shouts. “What gives is that she shouldn't be here! She doesn’t belong here with the Order nor is she family! It’s not like she likes us anyways! Besides, she’s a Slytherin for Merlin’s sake! Who knows what she’ll go and tell Umbridge when we get back to school. Better yet, who knows what she will go say to those death eater parents of hers to get all of our asses all killed. ”
“That’s enough! Your bang out of line! You don’t know a thing about her but yet you decide to hate her?! That’s my girlfriend, George!”
 “None of us know her because she doesn’t want us to know her! We’re your family Fred and she’s kept herself from that. She-”
“ENOUGH!” Fred bursts in anger, making you flinch. You had never heard Fred so...so livid before. “That.  Is. Enough.” his tone rough and grave. He looked around the room, looking into the eyes of each of his siblings as he spoke, “You three loathe her because you believe she thinks of us as beneath her. She’s not like that! You all don’t know her because I didn’t want you to know her. I wanted to keep my family and my relationship separate and I see now that that was a horrible mistake and I’m sorry! She truly has always wanted to meet and spend time with you guys  but I have been the one to say no every time, even when she begged and pleaded!”
“Ginny.” His little sister's body straightened upon the hearing of her name, “you would actually really like her. The way you feel and talk about Quidditch, she’s the exact same way. You’re as much of a headstrong firecracker as she is too. You would get along so well..” 
“Ron…” he paused looking at his youngest brother, “I have never seen someone more strategic with Wizard’s Chess and obsessed with the Chudley Cannons than (Y/N). You both could talk for hours about that team and never get tired, you would think she’s great, too.”
Fred looks back to his twin, his eyes softening. “And Georgie...you’re my twin. You have no idea how hard she fought to meet you. After mum and dad, she’s wanted to get to know you the most because she knows just how much you mean to me. You aren’t just my twin, you’re my best mate. Not only does she support me, and you too, she supports our dream of opening the joke shop; something we’ve wanted since we were kids! You would love her maybe just as much as I do.  She’s actually brilliant, I’m telling you. She’s smart, funny, inventive, ambitious, and just as much of a kid-at-heart as we are..” he grinned a bit with a few tears pricking his eyes.
The tension encased in the quaint room was undeniably thick. With teary eyes, you take a glance at his siblings and see their faces are all beginning to mirror the same emotions. Embarrassment, guilt, and shame. You couldn’t lie, seeing them at least a bit remorseful for the way they treated you and made you feel, made you feel a tad bit better.
As he takes a few paces across the room to stand next to you, he looks around at his siblings one last time, “If you want someone to be mad at, be mad at me. Not (Y/N). As my family, I’m begging you, give her a real chance. I love her and I can guarantee you all would love her too.” 
You gently wrap your hand around Fred’s bicep, giving it a gentle squeeze with a watery smile. He looks down at you, tenderly kissing your forehead before grabbing your hand in his much larger one and leading you up the staircase to the room you were staying in. You peek back at his siblings as you ascend the steps, offering them a meek smile of their own. When Ginny had returned with the slightest smile in response, it gave you a new hope that things would be different from here on out. 
Christmas was finally being celebrated at 12 Grimmauld Place and everyone was in high, happy spirits. In the past few days, Ron and Ginny took the initiative to get to know you, and you with them; and as Fred predicted, they enjoyed you and the company you offered. You connected very well with the both of them, and you couldn’t be happier.  Mr. Weasley was ecstatic to finally meet you at last and welcomed you wholeheartedly. He ended up talking your ear off quite a bit about all things he knew about Muggles but you genuinely enjoyed his conversations and enthusiasm! 
Currently, you were helping Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen, placing the last few finishing touches on the small feast the lot of you would be indulging in when Fred and George strolled into the room. Fred waltzed over to you wrapping a strong arm around your waist, spinning you around into his chest. You giggled happily as he placed a quick tender kiss on your lips before pulling away when his mom swatted his shoulder from behind him. Mrs. Weasley announced that the food was ready and for everyone to take their seats so you could get started. Before you all tucked in, she walked around the table handing out brightly colored paper wrapped packages to each of the children. You were beyond surprised when she gestured for you to grab the one she had been holding out in front of you. 
“I got something, too? Mrs. Weasley, you shouldn’t have! Thank you so much!” You spoke as you tore open the wrappings. You see a beautifully homemade scarf and matching gloves in your house colors of silver and green. Your eyes crinkle in excitement as you wrap the fluffy scarf around your neck. You peer up at her again, “I love it, thank you!”
“You’re welcome, dear. I hear those dungeons are quite chilling, those ‘ought to keep you extra warm, I guarantee it.” 
You thank her again and before you can begin to show Hermione your wonderful gift, another package is thrusted your way. You see only this time, it’s George holding it out to you. 
“What is this?” you gently grab it from his hands, your eyebrow arching in wonder. 
“This is technically something from the entire family but I had been the one to ask mum to make it. I owe you, and Fred too, a huge apology. I was a right foul git to you and should have never said those awful things to or about you, and for that I’m very sorry. I know it doesn’t completely change the fact that it happened but I hope you both can forgive me. I have never seen anyone a better match for my twin and I’m happy he has you in his life. Go ahead and open it.“
Your beam at him as you unwrap your second gift, your eyes immediately filling with happy tears when you look down to see what it is. You take the dark green plush sweater out of the paper and hold it up, your eyes roaming over your first initial  that had been stitched in white,  in elation. “My very own Weasley sweater?!” 
George cracked a sincere smile as you hurriedly pulled the sweater over your head to try it on. “Welcome to the family, (Y/N).” 
Taglist: @weasleytwinswheezes
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Take what you can (Osamu)
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Summary: You are to marry the fox spirit Kita Shinsuke after you accidentally agreed to become his wife by signing the deed to your new home. A contract is a contract, he says, but is there more to this marriage than you know? Will you be whisked away by one of the foxy twins instead, or have to marry Kita after all? Can you be with a creature that only seems tender on the surface, or will you try to run even if it might cost you your life? Choose your route carefully, you never know what these foxes are up to!
Characters: Kitsune!Miya Osamu x afab!Reader
Rating: Explicit    
Warnings for this chapter: Yandere, Forced/Unhealthy Relationship,  Unfaithfulness,  Manipulation,  Publicly making out, Sexual Implictions, Biting/Bite marks, Scratches, Pregnancy, Mentioning of fox features/disfiguration, Emotional Pressure
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Bolder, you thought as you pressed against Osamu, only the thin paper door separating you two from the housekeepers bustling around in the hallways behind it. 
Osamu smirked into the kiss but returned it just as affectionately. Just as needy even. As if you two could only breathe if it was the air from each other's lungs. Perhaps that was the case, as you two fell more and more into your depraved lifestyle, defying any rule or pride you should upkeep while being the clan's headmistress. However, all you wanted was to risk it all and to get a moment more of the prickling and fear of getting caught inside of you. If not for the adrenaline this affair gave you, you probably wouldn't have made it as long as you did in your current life situation.
All those meaningless celebrations, receptions, and tea parties with chatter that you couldn't care less about, they were mangling you. Day in, day out, you had to endure having your feelings and roots trampled on as the foxes tried to make you more and more into what they were. They were trying to forget you were human, while you were trying to forget they were not - just to keep your sanity. 
Hadn't you tried your best to please them? Hadn't you tried to become what they wanted you to be, at least on the outside? Obliged to all their wishes? Listened to all their worries? You sure did.
But it wasn't enough.
These foxes were trying to suck out everything they could get from you. You'd have served them better as a broken porcelain doll than what you were right now. This way, they'd just have to pretty you up and have you sit still at Shinsuke's side whenever there was an official meeting. Truly, you had tried learning their customs and history, understand your role to fit it better. Still, you simply couldn't meet their expectations in the end. They'd keep setting up new ones for you, and when you climbed the hill, another mountain appeared before your eyes. You'd always be a failure to them, no matter what you did. The only joy you had left was that bold, foxy guard you had. The only one who accepted you and didn't try to change you into anyone else. 
By now, even though you knew you didn't have a big choice in who to be with, you were happy to take what you could, and that was Osamu. 
Leaning into the kiss, you didn't care about the bustling noises outside. Anytime now, someone could find you, but that made everything just so much more fun, didn't it? Whereas in the beginning, you two had been so careful to hide and not be seen, it was now a game of how far you could go until you got caught. 
Osamu had nerves of steel pulling you into every shadow and every small hallway to kiss you, touch you, please you. When the wind rose, and everyone defended their eyes by keeping them hidden behind the enormous sleeves of their clothes, he pulled you towards him to kiss you passionately. And when your handmaid left you for the night, he snarkily told her to have a lovely evening before slipping into the room behind her. 
In your opinion, it wasn't unlikely someone had already noticed. Noticed the lack of guards around your room at night, the hair in your futon, or perhaps, simply your absence from some social gathering, where no one knew about your or Osamu's whereabouts. He was never there to ask, and though they were relieved you probably were together, the foxes couldn't help but murmur behind held-up paws. 
But who cared? Not Osamu, that much was sure.
Or if he did, he didn't let it show. His interest in you didn't falter, even if in the beginning you still pushed him away and denied his intimate attempts of loving you. You had been like a scared chicken in the faces of the foxes. Scared that he'd leave a scratch, scared he'd leave a mark, and scared that someone could notice. Not that any of it mattered anymore, since you, too, had become bolder.
"Show me," he asked a tender demand. His hand slipped into your kimono as you felt the heat rise in your face. Osamu had seen you before, there was nothing you needed to hide from him. But what if someone would enter this room? What would they see?
Nonetheless, you dropped the heavy fabric off your shoulder - enough to expose most of your bare body to him - doing a half turn and pulled your arm out of the way. A mix of excitement and anticipation made your breath shake lightly as you drew the air in deeply. There it was, perfectly visible due to his sharp fangs, not too high or too low, on the side of your body but more into the direction of your back: His mark. One of them, at least.
How thoughtful had it been of him, to leave it where not even Shinsuke would notice? Even if your husband touched your side, his fingers wouldn't feel the bumps that the imprint of teeth left on you. Being with Shinsuke was a walk in the park in comparison to what all Osamu did to you. With your husband not forcing you into a position you didn't want, there really wasn't anything to fear even with Osamu's signature on your body. Yet, it was so damn risky, it made you tingly inside all over again. 
There was another bite on your ankle, a deep scratch on your shoulder, and if someone looked closely, your left ear was nibbled on too. They were there, truly they were. The marks of defiance and, to you, the symbols of freedom. The freedom to chose and be with whoever you want to and do whatever you wished to. No one, not even Shinsuke, could have taken that from you, even if he believed you were the perfect little wife waiting for him at home. But you were in the arms of someone else entirely.
"Oh, it's healing nicely," Osamu commented, his touch so soft, it sparked excitement in you. "Is that good?" you asked since it was your first and oldest mark. 
"So-so," he grumbled, and you felt an anxious sting as you heard that. However, against your worries that it was upsetting him, Osamu rose again with a grin, leaving a quick, rough kiss on your cheek before whispering into your ear, "Just means I can leave a new one."
You chuckled as he helped you get dressed again, getting ready to leave. You'd have loved to step out of this storage room without having to check that no one was around, but of course, it all wasn't that easy in the end. Oh, how much joy would it have given you to hold Osamu's hand, displaying it to everyone, and have him walk by your side, and not two steps behind you? To not hide what you two were doing behind closed doors and in the shadows, leaving everyone else to speculate? Undoubtedly, your life would have been filled with felicity and happiness, but it wasn't the fate meant for you. 
Stepping out after checking that no one would see you emerge, you two made your way down the long halls of the mansion, passing by the seemingly endless rooms and the inside garden towards your own chambers. The workers you met bowed respectfully as they let you pass, but a look over your shoulder revealed the grimaces they still threw at Osamu. However, you didn't have to worry about him. The expressions he returned made them gasp and trot off indignantly, leaving him to show you a victorious smile and making you chuckle quietly. Just as much as you loved messing with everyone by pretending to be a good wife to their clan leader, Osamu liked to mess with everyone who still couldn't accept that a 'runt' like him was to be your personal guard, following their dear lady everywhere. 
They didn't recognize or bothered that Osamu was just as much a prisoner in their community as you were. One night, he had opened up about why he was here, how he saved his brother from being killed by Tengu, dragging him here and into the safety of the clan. How Kita had allowed them to stay and how Osamu's twin had left since he couldn't bring himself to adjust to this way of living. The twins had lived alone all their lives. To join this community surely hadn't been an easy change for them. Nevertheless, you were glad that Osamu, for the first time, decided to separate from his brother in favor of staying. You were relieved that even though you both were in dire circumstances, you at least had each other to be 'different' with. 
By now, you couldn't deny your yearning for the guard trotting after you. The pull on your heartstrings whenever your eyes met, and the jump in your chest when he said your name. If only all this around you wasn't, you believed you could have become happy at Osamu's side. To you, he was simply perfect. He could do no wrong in your eyes, even if you weren't aware of all his intentions and thoughts. Yet, you had never felt so connected with anyone, despite not knowing if it was just because of this situation you were in. Nevertheless, you hoped that he knew. 
Knew that you'd have done anything if it was for him. 
"Ah, Milady," you heard someone call out to you, tearing you out of your thoughts. A noble fox woman, with her face sheepishly covered by her sleeve as she approached you. Was she new? Despite the fox-faces being able to change, you thought you'd recognize most of them by now, but this one didn't make you remember a name or role in the clan. "I apologize for approaching you so rudely," she said, but you knew she wasn't sorry at all. 
"My husband and I are here to visit Kita-sama for talks about our shared borders of your respective clans, and I intended to greet his wife. We only briefly met at your wedding, however, I hope you remember me?"
If not for the smile you put on, you could have bit yourself, finally remembering who she was. Pesky was the word that appeared in your mind, as she had bothered you with her talking back at the wedding celebrations, disregarding your unwell appearance in favor of declaring that you two would have a friendship for all your life. Then she never so much as wrote you. Still, it was rude if you were to tell her off, and after all you did to get to this point, you had to keep your face. 
"Indeed, what a pleasure to see you again! Welcome to our home!" you laughed, bowing in unison with her as she let out a few chuckles herself. The faked happiness seemed to not bother her in the slightest if she noticed it in your voice, probably used to it by now, considering most of the conversation she must have with other foxes. In a way, she wasn't so much different from you, but as a fox herself, she could at least live the lifestyle and the customs of her kind, which would always be odd to you. 
"Thank you, I am so happy I was able to meet you! Your maid said you weren't in your room currently, so I was hoping to find you wandering about. I heard you like to disappear from time to time."
Ah, there it was. The accusations that would lead to even more talking behind your back about how unfit for your role you were.
"I wouldn't call it disappearing, but you know how hard it is to keep up with the duties. Especially considering our clan is so much bigger than yours. It takes me almost the whole day, wouldn't you know?" 
Luckily, you had gotten better at the game of talking, too, and she let out a huff before finally lowering her hand and revealing her fox snout to you. You had grown to see all kinds of features, but it was nevertheless weird to experience the sight of half-human, half-fox faces. "Well, I am sure you've been keeping very busy. How far are you?"
Making a step forward, the fox didn't ask for your consent as she touched the tiny baby bump below your stomach, feeling it. "We are on the twelfth week," you laughed, pushing her hand away and taking a liberating step back. Of course, other clans had already heard the 'good' news about the child growing inside you, many of them already sending you their well-wishes, and she wasn't any different. 
"How nice," she snarked, her maw never ceasing to grin the same sly smile you were used to. "Hopefully it will be a little cub worth of taking over the leadership of his father someday, like my son. My family has always been blessed to bear male offspring. One of the reasons my hubby chose me all those years ago, and I've been blessing him with many pups ever since. How about yours?"
It wasn't a topic you wanted to discuss with some obscure fox, but you couldn't let her - with her snarky remarks and trying to one-up you - win this war of words either. "Well, I was chosen because my husband loves me, not because I am certainly bearing sons. Whatever it wants to be, that is fine with me. Who knows? Maybe I'll get to raise a sweet daughter to be the future leader of our clan, wouldn't that be lovely?"
It sounded like a mix of growl and huff that she let out as she puffed her chest, regaining a straight posture in contrast to the usual hump you saw many foxes do. Instantly, she appeared much taller and more menacing, but at the same time, you felt Osamu closing in to you, and in his presence, you felt safe while she seemed to be appalled to be faced with your guard more closely now. "Don't be absurd, that wouldn't be lovely at all! You should know that only sons can--"
Suddenly, she turned around as a yapping was heard from afar. It was harder for you to witness than the two foxes with you, but she returned to you with another faked, friendly smile, bidding her goodbyes. "I look forward to meeting again," she cooed before waddling back into the direction she had come from, the conversation ending as abruptly as it had started. The farther she got, the more you could see over her statue, noticing Shinsuke standing at the end of the hallway with another male fox who might just have been the lady's husband as she walked back to him.
They all bowed to each other as they spoke their farewells, Shinsuke waiting until they were gone before his head turned to you, arms leisurely crossing before him and hidden from sight by his own sleeves as approaching you casually. "I hope she wasn't pestering you," he spoke, knowing well just what kind of person that woman was. "I wouldn't want her to stress you and the baby too much."
His lips curled into a smile as he spoke of the child inside you, and you let him approach you closely, his lips making fleeting contact with your cheek while his hand landed on your belly. Shinsuke, too, loved thinking of the kid, perhaps more than about you. By now, you were able to take it better than you did initially as you had to noticed how much nicer he treated you ever since you became pregnant, giving you back some freedom and relieving you of parties and work if you weren't feeling well. It showed exactly what kind of role you had, and it was a lot to take. Luckily you had Osamu by your side to vent to. 
"I have to go now, Dearest. Osamu, take care of her, will you?" Shinsuke gave your guard a short, appreciative glance, and Osamu nodded, your husband not minding it that he didn't always follow proper manners when talking to the leader. And as quick as he had appeared, he was gone again, and you were unsure if you'd even see him before breakfast on the next morning as Shinsuke never shared what he had to do and where he went. 
"Come on." Pressing his hand into your back, Osamu pushed you on, you two having no clear destination but no reason to remain in the middle of a hallway either. "It's frustrating," you whispered, and he sighed, knowing how bitter it was to you to be… well, you. "Those people, Kita, everything. Everything is simply frustrating."
Gentlemanly, Osamu opened the door to your room for you, at least one gesture he had internalized in all this time. After all, he knew better than you if someone was waiting behind a door, so he was an excellent guide whenever you two needed to find some privacy. "Only you…" you muttered as you stepped in, hearing the door close behind you. Turning around, you faced him, and he opened his arms for you to flee into. You tightly embraced him, hoping that perhaps it would change the world if all you could see, feel, and hear was the person you loved. 
"Only you are not frustrating."
Osamu let out a low laugh, his chest trembling under your head, but you loved that sound. "I know," he eventually said, brushing his hair over your head soothingly. His touch was so sweet and comforting, you could only melt into it. If it was for you, you could have stayed like this forever, as you felt a place of belonging in his arms.
 "That's why you love me, right?" 
Hearing the word 'love' fall off his lips made you shudder excitedly, warmth rushing back to your face as your heart picked up the speed. It always sounded like a dream come true when he acknowledged your feelings, and you were just so happy that he understood you. "Right," you mumbled, hiding your face in his chest. However, Osamu had very different plans for you. 
"You love me, so you'll never leave me, right?"
These words caught you off-guard, and when he surprisingly pushed you back at your shoulders, you almost expected him to have some form of nervousness and or hurt in his expression. However, when you looked up at him questioningly, you were taken aback by what you saw. 
You loved Osamu, and by now, you thought you knew him fairly well too. But the shine of jealousy, paired with the tight grip on your shoulders and the demanding and disdainful look on his face - that was new. In fact, never had you seen him show even one of those emotions, and you were overwhelmed with how to react appropriately to them. 
"O-Of course not," you stuttered, rubbing your hands affectionately over his arms, hoping it would ease the hold he had on you and soothe his worries. "You know that I would never even think about it."
"Good." Immediately, his features soften, and he allowed you back into his embrace, even though you felt a bit confused by what just happened. "Promise me then," he continued, whispering the words into your ears, "that you won't let him kiss you next time."
Now it was you who pushed yourself away from him, but no matter the strength you used, you had no chance to get away, caught in his arms that seemed to snake around you more and more by the second. "If you truly love me, you wouldn't let this filth touch you. You know I am the one who marked you; no other man should come so close to you."
"O-Osamu," you croaked, his strong arms beginning to squeeze the air out of your lungs. "He's my husband… I can't just--"
"You can. Just tell him no."
"But he will notice and--"
"So what? Let him notice. Let him know who you belong to."
Biting your lip, you didn't know what to say, but even in your situation, you could understand what Osamu must be feeling. It must have taken its toll on him too when he saw Shinsuke touch or kiss you, and it must affect him to see you so down afterwards also. 
Much to your surprise, his grip suddenly loosened, and he gave you free as you didn't react and ceased your struggles. You took a deep breath as you stumbled back a few steps, looking up at him. "I see," he noted dully, and you felt your heart break as his shoulders slumped and ears lowered sadly. "I guess in the end, I'll never be good enough in comparison to your lovely husband, is that it? My company isn't worth enough for a few favors, I suppose..."
"N-No!" you practically screamed at him, an irrational fear rising in you as you heard these words. It sounded almost like he'd leave you, and you panicked as the thought crossed your mind. "No! You know I'd do anything for you! Osamu--"
With a sigh, the fox had already turned, walking towards the door as you caught up to him, slinging your hands around his torso frantically and pressing up against him. "Anything. If you want me to refuse him… I'll find a way, I guess. Please don't be mad with me. I need you, Osamu! You're all I want in my life."
For a moment, it was painfully quiet between you two until finally, his hand laid on top of yours, and he nodded. "I understand," he mumbled, turning around and lowering his head to kiss you, an affection you eagerly returned. You never wanted to let go of his lips or his warmth. No matter what you had to do, if it would keep him at your side, you'd do it all. 
In your desperation, you couldn't have known that Osamu was no fox to trust either. There weren't options to chose from, and there was no one quite like him that would have gone through with everything you wanted, knowing fully well it gave him the reign to demand anything he wanted from you. Osamu knew you were but a puppet in his hands, and he was the puppeteer. But who else did you have to turn to? Who else could return your feelings? There was no one, and nothing could tear you two apart, as he was all you had left, and you had to take your best shot at what you could in this village full of fakeness and arrogant traditions. And that was him.
"I know it's hard for you too," he soothed you, brushing away the anxious tears in your eyes before leaving a kiss on each lid. "I'll try to not demand too much from you, so how about… Instead, promise me something else?"
Taking a deep breath, you nodded firmly. "I will. Tell me what you want," you assured him, giving the corners of his smiling lips a kiss each. "I'll do all I can."
"Thank you," he sighed, pulling you into a comforting hug, his body warm and enveloping you securely. "Then promise me…" he whispered. You had your heart set on doing whatever he would tell you to. He was all you had, and you'd treasure Osamu with everything you could offer to him, mind, body, and soul.
"Promise me that the next child will be mine as well."
It was a foolish wish, of a foolish fox, biting off more than he could eat. But if he could have his fun in this village while also having you do all the work for him, and have the pleasure of being loved by you, then Osamu would gladly take it. 
Foolish as you were, you looked up at him as if he was the god that was going to deliver you from your pitiful existence. 
And you smiled and agreed, sealing the fox promise with a kiss of eternal devotion.
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a/n: I think Osamu’s route is my personal favorite of all of them, simply because it’s nasty, lol. I tried to keep Osamu’s intention a bit open for the sake of keeping him mysterious and mischievous, but he’s obviously very manipulative in his yandere being. Still, as a fox, I think that was a good vibe to go for! Let me know what you thought, I’d love to hear your opinions on his route ^-^
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➤  Go back to the prologue to change your fate
➤    Bad End
Congratulations! You unlocked the bad end. Go back to the prologue to find it there!
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
It's been a while since I did one of these, and I'll be expanding over more of the series.
Here's Part 4 of headcanons I have for Never!Tedros!!
Even when she becomes the coven's new leader, Tedros still hates her guts and it definitely has to do with her treatment of Agatha and letting Dot get kicked out.
In retaliation, he asks Agatha to take her in, which she does, and explains what happened to Dovey, who allows Dot to stay, much to the annoyance of the Evil teachers and a lot of the Nevers, even Sophie.
They have they're confrontation at lunch and Sophie shouts at him that Agatha tricked him, too, lest he forget. He already knows this, but walks away anyway to be with Agatha.
They have some angsty-fluff moments with Tedros asking if she's afraid of him, which she claims she isn't because, no offense to him, he's all bark and no bite with her. He admits to knowing she'd tried using him, but also admits he's glad she gave up on that because it wouldn't have been a good thing if he'd figured it out and she lied to him.
During the bridge encounter, Sophie claims Agatha is the Evil one, and that Agatha is the witch, not her, even going as far as to say she and Tedros are the good ones and deserve an Even After together.
"At least I know I'm evil, you stupid girl."
I should mention Tedros takes a turn for the dark when he is confronted by Ravan, Vex, and other Never boys and dragged into a bathroom, so they can beat the crap out of him for all the stuff he's pulled.
Having been in Good for about a month, he's immediately overwhelmed by all the evils surrounding the students, even a few of Sophie's, which reveal her attacks and intentions for the schools.
Ravan goes to get a hit in with a weapon of some kind, but Tedros grabs it and stands up, angrier than ever before.
Anadil is unfortunate enough to see Tedros leave the boy's room with some blood on his face, but uninjured. He glares at her and walks away without talking.
She finds all the boys unconscious with scratches and slashes on their faces and bodies. The weapon Ravan had is now broken, having been used against them to the extreme.
Come the circus of talents, when Agatha comes in pretty as a picture, Tedros warns her not the stop him, and thanks her for being nice to him.
She sees why when she and a witchy Sophie go toe to toe.
Too bad Tedros attacks Sophie before they can start actually do anything.
I should mention that, as a sort of update on his talent, Tedros can USE these evils to his advantage and can force them into visibility, which is exactly what he does.
He shows all the students what they are on the inside, revealing the monsters he's scene since day 1 of arriving at school.
After a HUGE fight breaks out between Tedros, who is consumed and corrupted by the evils he's seen, letting them take over, and Sophie, who just gave up on being good like before.
Sophie attempts to kill Agatha, but she's caught by Tedros, who's grown shadow-esque wings and looks like some sort of demon dragon.
As he holds her, the two flying maybe eight feet off the ground, he admits he may have gone overboard and apologizes to her for almost dying.
He then reveals he knows about Sophie's plan to not only give the Nevers a ball, but also destroy all of Good and steal the Storian.
"What are you going to do?"
Tedros smiles. "Being a prince. I don't like Beatrix or a lot of other people in Good, but I like you all enough to know I don't want Sophie to end your stories."
"What do you mean? What're you-"
He sort of lands on the ground and lets Agatha stand, resting his forehead against hers. "Agatha, thank you for being in Good."
"You say that like I had a choice."
"No one ever said you had to be my friend, but you did, anyway."
He kisses her on the cheek and takes her to her dorm, which he locked from the outside, in the door, before taking off towards Evil, telling her to not stop him.
She gets to Evil by turning into a cheetah and, like before, tries to crash the No Ball to save everyone.
EVERYONE only believes her ehen Tedros arrives and attacks everyone, using the evils to his advantage.
When Sophie and Agatha are magiced away to Gavaldon, he only stands, emotionally empty as they vanish.
He's locked himself into his room and is sitting with his knees up and with his head resting against his knees.
Hates Aric.
Sleeps and stays in the Doom Room to avoid him, and the other boys because they won't shut up.
Does step up to be the leader of the boys, but does not order any kind of attack on the girls.
When the boys start getting rowdy, courtesy of one of the Everboys, said Everboy gets in Tedros's face when he confronts him. Aric backs up the Ever, and Tedros says nothing as he rams his fist into the Ever's stomach and swings an insanely hard punch into his jaw, which knocks him out instantly. The whole room is quiet as he basically demotes Aric as captain and gives the position to Chaddick; Aric is now responsible for disciplining anyone that steps out of line, which is nice enough, but he'd rather have the power to choose who gets the whip. With a low, "I want this entire castle spotless. You have the rest of the night and the weekend to do it," Tedros leaves, Chaddick following when Tedros asks him to very warmly, despite the scene that just unfolded.
When boys start refusing, Tedros hands them over to Aric, telling him that he can use any method he wants just as long as the boys are still alive.
No one refuses an order after an Ever and a Never leave boisterously shouting they're not afraid of a sewer rat like Aric and return quiet, pale, and injured from getting tortured.
Surprisingly, Tedros is the most collected with Tristan, almost returning to his Book 1 self, except more chatty. Tedros notes how Tristan smells a little different and that the redhead's been distant. Tristan denies it, spawning an evil for lying that Tedros sees.
He tells Tristan to keep his distance, and that he was one of the Everboys that was really nice to him; it's a small thing, but it means the world to him.
When Agatha and Sophie arrive, Tedros has locked himslef in his room. The boys are whipped into shape and don't really step out of line, all except Aric, but he tells the two strongest boys to keep Aric on a leesh if they have to.
Cue a lovely Tagatha reunion where the real Tedros comes back for a little bit.
She tells him about what the School for Girls are saying about him, even talking about how he rules over the boys with an iron fist, but Tedros states that if the boys wanted a different leader, they should've picked someone else to step up.
He tells her he won't hurt her, if they have to fight, but he will tear Sophie apart, so she'd better keep Sophie safe, if she cares so much about her.
Agatha leaves, apologizing for the fact that she might still love him. Tedros apologizes to her for the same reason.
Turns out the boys don't need to pick a new leader because the male teachers do it for them, and lock Tedros in the Doom Room.
He doesn't mind the other boys ignoring him. He doesn't mind the fact that he's not allowed to eat even when he tells the truth. He doesn't mind Aric being a dick or Tristan disappearing into thin air.
He minds greatly when he meets Filip, who has Sophie's evils and makes the mistake of trying to befriend him.
Just to put a target on his back, Tedros allows Filip to win. He wants alone time too, because he's been thinking about Agatha a lot.
Turns out not ALL the boys hate him, because Chaddick tries sneaking him food.
Tedros refuses and asks to be left alone.
A few days later, Filip finds Tedros lying on the ground, passed out and weak from not being fed. He wakes him up and tries to get him to have some lamb, but Tedros kicks Filip away
"Stop whatever game you're playing! I know it's you, Sophie!"
Filip blanches as he stands, flustered. "I... W-Who's Sophie? I'm Filip. Remember?"
Tedros glares up at him and scoffs. "You think I can't tell when you're lying? That I don't know when someone's trying to trick me!? Unless you're here to torture me or rub it in my face that I messed up and you have everything, go away and don't ever talk to me again, you witch!"
Filip(Sophie) is gutted by this, stunned as Tedros adds in a, "Speak of the Devil," as Aric strides in, armed with a whip.
Aric makes Filip leave and gets a few lashes on Tedros as he shouts that the prince is weak, a fool, and useless to eveyone, adding emphasis on weak if he can't even rely on his princess to save him.
When Aric's done with him and leaves, Tedros forces himself to his feet and unpockets a key he snagged off "Filip" when he kicked him.
He gets out and looks for Sophie, who's partnered with Hort for the trial by tale.
He finds Yara instead, heavily injured and dying as he rushes over to her side.
"I tried," she sobs. "I-I tried to get here sooner... and warn you, but he... he came out and-"
Tedros takes her hand, too upset to be angry. "Why, Tristan? Why be with the girls? I would've helped you!"
Tristan, Yara, holds his hand tightly and smiles. "You should've seen it. It was so pretty. And the girls were wearing blue for once."
Even though he has tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks, Tedros can only smile and shake his head. "You're a bloody fool."
"So... So're you."
Tristan apologizes for hiding the Storian away from Tedros, and thanks him for being possibly the only boy in the school for boys that was really nice to him, even though he defected to the girl's shool, in the end. With one last smile, Tristan dies, Tedros setting him down and backing away before shouting and releasing a sort of shadow-y energy, sonic boom that flattens a bunch of trees. He screams, he cries, and he basically mourns the fact that he lost someone he genuinely cared about and saw as a friend, maybe even a brother.
Even though he's weaker than before, tired, emotionally drained, and barely able to stand, Tedros still finds Filip, who's revealed to be Sophie, and, too tired for words, smirks as she tries to explain herself to a very hurt Hort, who she picked as her partner.
"Look who's putting her lessons to good use."
She turns on Tedros and shouts she always tried to help him, even when it would result in a punishment, and where he got worse she got better.
Tedros snickers and asks why she manipulated Agatha and lied to the boys, even Hort, who's her friend. On skaky legs and with unfocused eyes, Tedros murmurs, "You can take the witch out of Evil, but there's no taking the evil out of a witch. No wonder Agatha hates us both."
Just as he falls, Agatha races out of the trees and catches him, apologizing that she hadn't been the one to take the potion and help him and admitting she never hated him. She actually never stopped loving him and believes that he isn't so evil he can't be loved by her.
Tedros asks how she knows, considering the events prior, and Agatha shakes her head; if he was truly as evil as he thinks, she would be dead, her and Sophie both, and both schools would've been destroyed. He can think all he wants that he hates both schools and everyone inside them, and that he's an evil force of destruction that will never sit a throne, but Agatha knows the truth:
He loved going to both schools. He loved being around people, more specifically people who showed him the most minimal shred of kindness, regardless of whether or not it was genuine or out of obligation. He loved being the only one up at night and enjoying the silence of both schools, loved pulling pranks that were harmless, save for causing gray hairs. He loved being friends with Chaddick and Tristan, who took him in and showed him how great it was to even have friends. He loved the lessons in good and the trips between both schools.
Most of all, she knows he loves her, even though she tried tricking him into falling in love with Sophie so they could leave.
Tedros can't help but cry and not seeing any evils grow from Agatha, knowing everything she said was true and that he's an idiot for needing it spelled out for him.
They kiss, ending the conflict between boys and girls, and getting their Happily Ever After. Hort does a good friend move and looks away to give them some kind of privacy, but Sophie is frozen, realizing that regardless of whether she's good or evil, she's not getting Tedros. His heart belongs to Agatha, who feels the same way.
When Evelyn Sader appears with the Storian, bringing back Rafal and dying in the process, Tedros still tries to fight him.
He gets his ass handed to him, and gets that gash in the original story.
When they're sent to Gavaldon and found by Callis, who tends to Tedros, Agatha guves her the run-down, including the fact that Tedros is indeed a Never and the Prince of Camelot.
Callis sighs at this and admits he's good at being still for her, considering how he was so fitful while unconscious. Agatha then admits he sleep walks.
With that in mind, they check and find him awake and staring at Callis, holding a hand out to her as Agatha shakily introductions them.
They trade introductions, Callis at least because Tedros is back to being quiet, and Callis returns to patching him up.
Tedros is quiet as she finishes up, though only breaks his silence with this:
"You're so lucky to have such an amazing daughter."
Sorry this took sonlong to work on. I'm trying to sort of clear the clutter in my Drafts so I can work on more new stuff. This was really fanfic-y, too and I deeply apologize for that😅
Either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this!
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absynthe--minded · 3 years
Could I beg something about your “Aragorn’s Upsetting Haircut” headcanon? No pressure of course!!
(this is going to be presented in more than one installment, but I couldn’t resist sharing! a few things: this fic is consistent with the rest of my personal canon, and it draws upon the headcanon that Aragorn and Arwen married by elvish standards upon Cerin Amroth but still consider themselves betrothed by Mannish standards.)
When Arwen came down into the Valley again, the Sun was low in the sky, hovering just above the tops of the Chithaeglir and casting long shadows across the trees and the river below. She could tell, immediately, when she crossed their borders, passing through the wards easily. There was Song here, bound into the rock and the roots of the mountains, curling about her and pulling the weariness from her body. Celeg seemed easier too, slowing from a trot to a walk; she knew he could feel the change just as surely as she did. Come home, the Song whispered, threads of melody pulling her along the path toward the gleaming lights of her home. Come home, and be healed of your pains. 
It would be easy - too easy - to slip the bounds of her body and bone, to cast herself upon the shadows and ride the winds down to her own bedroom window. The thought was tempting, and even more tempting when she considered the ache in her hip that hadn’t ceased since the skirmishes three weeks past had left her with a deep and ugly wound.
Her lord father had sent her out in search of four hobbits and - perhaps - her betrothed, her secret husband, all wandering in the wilds while ulaer pursued them. She was not alone, though she had departed first, weeks before the others. It was foresight that had driven her father to speak with her, and foresight that pushed her to saddle Celeg and leave Imladris under cover of darkness. Glorfindel had been the next to leave, far later, keeping close to the Road, traveling westward and anticipating that the servants of Sauron would not have left it far behind. Last were her brothers, abandoning their errantry, making for what Men called the Angle where Mitheithel and Bruinen met and merged. It had been her lot to travel north, and north she had gone, albeit in a disjointed, somewhat defiant fashion, moving from the Ettenmoors to the North Downs and then at last down to Sarn Ford and the Dúnedain she knew would be there.
Her guess had been that her betrothed, if he was with the hobbits, had met them at that border of the Shire, and had accompanied them up the Greenway to Bree before striking out into the wilderness. None of her travels had given any sign of him, and so it was in frustration and defeat that she had come to the encampment, seeking some tidings that might guide her, and found it in disarray.
Aragorn had been there - days past, departing after a disastrous attack by the ulaer that had left three men dead and four wounded, with Halbarad trying valiantly to maintain order and hold the border. He had left in a great haste, as if fleeing from their enemies, saying only that he was making for Bree. He was followed shortly after by Mithrandir, who had come and gone from the Shire like a grey cloud blown back and forth by a storm. It had been her aim to seek them out, and offer her strength in song and sword against the darkness.
Fate had not been so kind. 
Sarn Ford had been attacked a second time while she was there, the enemies assailing it now flesh and blood. There were still evil Men who dwelt in the North and recalled the name of Angmar, and their blades were as formidable now as they had been in centuries past. Her voice had been needed, the night and the river turning upon the would-be intruders and her ancestress’s blood sparking in her veins to claim the borders, but she was no true soldier for all her skill with a blade, and her body was ruled by the limits of the Incarnates. The fighting had reached her, while she stood thigh-deep in rushing water and twined her words through its echoes of long-ago music, and someone now-dead had plunged a dagger into her hip. The wound would have been fatal if not for Halbarad, who had pulled her back from the thick of the battle and seared it closed with the flat of a pan from the smoldering cooking-fire before she could bleed out. She had not ceased her singing, and her assailant found himself dragged beneath the surface of the Baranduin and drowned. 
Two days were all she could spare, one to recover what strength she might and another to force her legs to obey her will. Halbarad had begged her to stay - what wrath their Chieftain might bring down upon them, he’d said, if his Lady died in the wilds when they might have saved her! But she was Lúthien’s heir, and would not be kept from his side, and no words would hold her in obligation. Celeg, for his part, was uninjured, having been kept from the fighting by his own good sense, and he gladly bore her northward a second time. 
That had been twenty-one days ago, and each day had been fruitless and empty. She searched through the North Downs again, and the Weather Hills, and the Coldfells, growing more and more desperate with each setting Sun. She could feel the ulaer on the move, dreaming of their horses’ hooves thundering over the hard-packed ground of the Road even as she slept, and she could not ignore the fear rising in her like a spike that sought to pierce her heart. Her betrothed was a valiant man, and canny, and careful, but there were terrors that sought him out unlike any he had faced before, and the hobbits were almost certainly inexperienced travelers.
At last, she had been forced to admit defeat. The year was truly turning cold, and her food had been exhausted, and it had been nigh on two mortal months since her departure. She had hoped that whatever tenuous thread bound her to Aragorn would have led her to him, but the world was dark now, shielded by evil mists that clouded her thought and her heart, and the closed wound on her hip had begun to fester beneath its scar. So it was to home she had turned, leaving the fells behind her, coming back down into Imladris from the north. She had not slept in three days, blind almost to all beyond her body.
A fine daughter I am, she thought as Celeg made his way down the ridge, careful and steady. A fine wife, for that matter. But daughters of Lúthien did not pout, and they certainly did not cry from exhaustion. 
The Valley was unusually quiet this afternoon. As always, the Bruinen sang, and the birds welcomed her, but her own folk were strangely absent on the pathways and in the trees. The wards still stood, so she knew there had not been some calamity, and there was no whisper of a siege on the air - it felt almost as if Tarnin Austa had arrived a second time in the same year, and all who dwelt within their borders had come into the house proper to celebrate. 
Or to mourn, she thought, and made a face and refused to dwell on that fear. 
The stables were just as quiet as the rest of Imladris, and she was able to dismount and lead Celeg back to his stall in peace. The great black gelding had borne her without complaint through the long weeks, and yet she could see in his ears and the swish of his tail that he was glad to be home. 
“I know,” she murmured, opening the door and stepping inside, watching him look at her expectantly. “You’ll get a full grooming, I promise.” And then it’s a long bath for me, and a visit to my father regarding my hip. 
“Allow me, my lady,” a second voice said, cutting through the silence. She flinched, shrinking back against her horse for half a heartbeat - it had been days on end since she’d heard another’s voice, and she was suddenly acutely aware of how detached from herself she had become. But she knew that voice, and shock and surprise were quick to take the place of fear.
“Glorfindel?” she asked, peering over the door to see her father’s captain leaning against a post. He was standing in another stall directly across from her, alongside Asfaloth, who was contentedly making short work of some hay. “You - !” Dismay stopped her, silencing her joy. There was only one reason he would have returned after so short a time away - he, too, had failed.
“I?” the ellon asked, raising an eyebrow. “What about me?”
“You didn’t find them,” she said. “You’ve the same tale to tell as I.”
His face grew serious and yet lost none of its joy, and he opened the door to Asfaloth’s stall and stepped out of it, closing the latch behind him. 
“No, my lady,” he told her, eyes shining as he spoke. “I’ve a different tale.” 
“What?” she asked, motionless, unable to look away from him. She could see now that he was dressed for merrymaking and revelry, clad in bright scarlet and deep blue, his tunic gleaming with passing thread and his hair braided through with well-placed gems. “But - I found nothing, and surely I would have known if - !” If he were slain, if he lay dead, if the ulaer claimed him for their number…
“My lady,” Glorfindel said, one hand reaching out and taking her gloved one carefully. “I found him in the hills, and I have brought him home.”
Tears filled her eyes, and she sat down hard, sinking to the floor of the stable as her hip protested and relief flooded every inch of her body.
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