#he speaks slowly and simply and it can be difficult to get him to answer a question if you don't ask him in a specific way
atatfortatzelwurm · 10 months
A huge part of the reason Big the cat is so torn apart by people who arent Sonic fans and who ARE Sonic fans is because Big is, intentionally or not, extremely autistic-coded. And because he's fat. I'm not kidding
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fox-guardian · 5 months
personally 👀 if u would like to elaborate on the saw au 👀 i am listening 👀
hi <3 this ask is months old <3 but i am answering it now teehee
SO. TMA SAW AU (disclaimer: i have only seen the first two movies so idk if these are very like. film accurate style traps)
basically it's just. what if a saw movie happened to the archive gang. they're all in one big space that's like a big trap in the sense that they all have the same time limit but they all get their own little traps also <3 the breakdown is this:
Jon is gagged with a camera in his mouth that he cannot remove without a key, it's strapped to his face with horrible rusted metal, y'know. Once time runs out, the battery powering the camera will leak down his throat killing him so so painfully <3 He cannot speak and must find other ways to communicate with the others.
Sasha has what is essentially a VR headset strapped to her head and she can't remove that without a key either. The headset is showing her the live feed from Jon's camera, so she essentially has to see through his eyes the entire time. When time runs out, two big ol' spikes will stab her in the eyes and give her a good ol' fashioned impromptu lobotomy <3
Tim's trap is a bit different from the others'. Instead of a contraption, he was injected with a paralytic prior to the gang waking up, and is paralyzed from the waist down. He needs a key to obtain the antidote for the paralytic. Rather than having a specific time when he suddenly dies, he's essentially either relying on the others to help him move/get the key/antidote for him, or he needs to move himself despite his paralysis in order to live. So when time runs out, it's either find a way to move anyway or wait for the paralytic to travel further through his body and kill him slowly after experiencing many terribly side effects (hypotension, bronchospams, and renal failure)
Martin is even more different. His trap is less about his death and more about saving the others. He's placed in a big freezer where he basically needs to find the others' keys in blocks of ice (joshua gillespie core) and if he doesn't, they'll definitely die. He also has the option of finding the key to unlocking his own door and simply escaping without saving the others. He also also has the option of only taking some keys, but not all. He will know which will save who, and gets to choose. The trap itself isn't that difficult, but there's A Lot Of Ice, and it's Really Cold and he's Already Been There A While so there's a chance of dying of hypothermia if he can't find the keys fast enough (or if he spends the time finding the others' keys after he's found his own).
Jon, Tim, and Sasha all wake up in the same room together. Jon wakes up first and is able to watch a video tape explaining what's going on, but it can't be watched more than once, so he has to explain what's happening to the others without being able to speak. He can't speak, only play charades and listen.
Sasha isn't able to see except through Jon's eyes, so he has to rely on the two of them to make sure she's not walking into more danger. She also is unable to understand any of Jon's explanations since a lot of it is through body language and She Can't See That, so they have to work together so she can watch Tim translate. She can't see through her own eyes and is forced to watch through someone else's.
Tim either has to trust that the others will come back for him (and that they won't die somewhere in this building) or get them to carry him around, slowing them down but giving him more of a chance at survival. He either has to take action, or simply wait and trust.
Martin has to make a choice between risking what's left of his life for other people (some of which who don't care about him), or saving himself. Even if the others find the room he's in, it's locked from the inside so it is entirely on Martin to save both himself and everyone else. Not only do the others have to rely on each other, but they all have to rely on Martin. The door will lock behind him when he leaves, so if he doesn't get everyone's keys, then whoever is left without one will die.
idk if these traps are entirely fitting for all their character's and flaws and whatnot, but for the research trio i thought it'd be fun to do an audio/vigilo/opperior with them and then martin gets to play god suddenly lol.
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ashtons-lemon-tree · 3 months
[mostly rambled in this one. that said, changbin's bit is supposed to be cutesy, not infantilizing]
Reader who isn't the most touchy-feely but still wants to show their affection. It starts with Felix. They were tasked with telling him that dinner was ready but it was proving difficult with how entranced he was by his video game. Reader simply knocks off his headphones to ruffle his hair. 'Huh? Oh, hi y/n.'
'Dinner's ready. Been calling you but you didn't answer.' The rest noticed how it suddenly became commonplace for them to randomly ruffle his hair, even if they were about to go on stage. Quickly brushing the strands back into place for him. Felix without fail would crack a smile, joyous to have earned their attention. It then makes Jeongin jealous to the point he starts seeking them out. Whining how 'y/n doesn't love me.' Unaware as to why he's acting this way, they'll just awkwardly pat his shoulder before looking around for Chan who purposely eludes them. It then slowly turns into drumming along his back whenever they're standing behind him in line.
Similarly with Minho, they had bonded over his cats. Deemed the second parent, entrusted to care for them on the off chance his usual cat sitter flakes. Copying a behavior they see the cats do. Rolling biscuits into his arm. 'Don't tell me you're a furry?' His tone joking. Regrets it when they stop, assuming he was uncomfortable. Minho yanks their hands back to where they were. Silently telling them to continue.
The next target is Changbin, sat next to each other on the sofa while waiting on the rest to finish getting ready. Reader’s bored out of their mind, thinking about how he resembles a marshmallow when relaxed. Their line of thought leads to them lightly squeezing his upper arm. 'Squishy!' They exclaimed, hearing Changbin giggle once his confusion wore off. He sometimes flexes as to trick Reader. Which they thwarted, claiming he's still squishy. They let out a squeak of shock when Changbin returns it, squeezing their thigh. He uses this to his advantage, proceeding to tickle them.
What's even more confusing to Bang Chan is y/n head butting him. It's not a true head but, not enough power to inflict any sort of damage. Nor is there any malice. His eyebrows furrowed as they just bonk his shoulder or upper back with their forehead. Trying their best to avoid it when Chan injures himself. 'You've been hanging out with Seungmin too much,' choosing to blame one of his more irritable kids. He doesn't really care that they're more on the touch averse side of things. Bamboozling them as he simply lays on top of them, his chin resting on their head. Arms wrapped around their shoulders.
Speaking of Seungmin, y/n's affection could easily be viewed as mean or cold-spirited. Having more of a sibling dynamic with him. Giving each other the middle finger whenever they cross paths in the hall. Playful fighting that occasionally worries his hyungs. Rarely gets to the point that they actually need to break it up. Seungmin tends to put Reader in a headlock, one that y/n can easily break out of. If it does happen, it's usually Hyunjin and Han who put them in separate corners. When it's Hyunjin, they'll draw random shapes on his forearm or wrist and he'll try to guess what they're drawing. Depends on if he's wearing a jacket. And when it's Han, they'll boop his nose. Squishing it between their forefinger and thumb, like a clown's nose. That or they'll poke his cheek.
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S/O decides that today will be "S/O and skeleton's brother" Day. Mostly just to bind more with their partners sibling and have fun together.
Main ten plz
Undertale Sans - Uh.... Ok... He's kinda confused as you drag him along for the day. He still tries to make Papyrus feel guilty before the door closes but Papyrus just shrugs and betrays him. Sans' relationship with his brother's S/O is... complicated. Sans takes some time to warm up, and he can be a jerk sometimes. He doesn't understand what you want with him??? He's not too enthusiastic at first, simply answering you with small yes-no-growl, but then you take him to the space museum and he gets so excited he completely forgets why he was mad. Now you can't make him shut up as he's talking for long minutes about star stuff. Eh, maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea after all. Sans warms up to you quickly after that.
Undertale Papyrus - He's so excited! That's a long time he's waiting for an opportunity to talk about you and Sans without Sans starting through his soul in the background. He's going to ask you a thousand questions as he wants to know you better. Then you take him to do some sports activity and he happily destroys you on the battlefield. You underestimate how good Papyrus is.
Underswap Sans - He's really not enthusiastic about that, and even wary. What are you trying to do? Buy his trust? Because that's not how you're going to do it. That's actually a good opportunity to call him out on his behavior as Blue is way too protective of his little brother, and it's starting to bother you, and his brother as well. Blue opens up a little and confesses Honey used to have boy/girlfriends Underground who were only with him to mock him and that he's the one who helped him to recover. He has trust issues since, and says that he's sorry if he's too much. This talk actually eased him a little, and the fact you were honest on this is definitely a bonus point. He starts to warm up a little after that, but not too fast either.
Underswap Papyrus - He's so anxious right now, all alone with you. He's glad his brother is happy and all, but he was very fine with watching you two from a safe distance you know? You didn't have to drag him outside to bond or something. No, but really, it was really not necessary. This is so awkward. Poor Honey is so anxious he looks like he's going to faint any second, and most of your interactions get silent answers. He keeps looking back toward his home. You take little steps after that, trying to make him more comfortable. It's not that he doesn't want to know you more, it's really just his social anxiety speaking right now. Eventually, as you go to eat in a fast food, he starts to calm down as he's slowly realizing you're not going to kill him. Once he feels safer, he gets curious and starts to ask questions, shyly. That's how you notice he's actually very observant because he knows a lot of things about you despite not wanting to speak to you that much.
Underfell Sans - Urgh, why?? He swears if Edge wouldn't kill him if he came home without you, he would have ditched you a long time ago. He's very sarcastic, doesn't care about what you want to do, and is kinda resigned to follow you around, but at a safe distance so no one assumes you're with him. He's mean, he's difficult and he certainly doesn't want to know you more, back off. That's not a good hang-out. You're gonna need to tire him out by forcing him to come a few times so he tolerates you around. Good luck with that lol.
Underfell Papyrus - He's unsure about this. Sure, knowing you more is clearly a tactical advantage, but it means you're trying to know more about him as well and now he's feeling like you're trapping him. You start your trip with him threatening you with a bone under the jugular and asking you what's your problem. It's a great start! However, Edge calms down quite rapidly and starts to get curious as time passes. He's very scary but he's quite nice actually once you get over his angry facade.
Horrortale Sans - Willow tried to convince you to not do that and let Oak come to you, but you are stubborn and insist it will work. You underestimated Oak's own stubbornness. Oak doesn't want to go with you, and if you keep pushing, he's going to lunge at you to scare you off. He doesn't like to be pressured like this and that won't help to improve your relationship. He's doing like he wants or he's not doing anything at all. As a result, he's growling at you when you get close for an entire month. Better luck next time...
Horrortale Papyrus - He's unsure at first, but he quickly gets over it. He's very curious about his brother's S/O and wants to know a little more about them. He's also happy to go out. Willow doesn't have a lot of friends, so people showing interest feel nice for once. He's having fun!
Swapfell Sans - He's polite, but cold. He knows you have good intentions, but he really doesn't care about Rus love interests. Rus changes partners quite often so he's not getting attached anymore. For all he knows, you might be replaced at the end of the week so why would he put effort into this? He's doing small talk, but that's his maximum.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's too enthusiastic to not be suspicious. You regret inviting him the second you're out of the house. Rus will get you into trouble. He wants to test the limits to see how determined you are and he's going to act like a jerk for this, even getting you arrested at the end of the day after he convinced you to enter a forbidden place somehow. He's not even sorry lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He wants to make his brother happy so he follows you outside, only to drive you in the middle of a field, ask you to go down his car, and then he leaves you there and flips his bird at you on the way out. Yeah, he's not buying it. You're still stealing his brother and he's not ready to let him go without a fight. You still have a long way to go with Wine...
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's like a golden retriever, jumping everywhere, overexcited. He has a thousand questions to ask you and he wants to know everything about you! He's even a bit too much, you didn't know someone so shy could pressure you so much. Coffee wants to do it again. He loves new friends!
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justlightlysedated · 4 months
Kiss prompts!!
7 & 8 (preferably together 😘)
For Edwin & the Cat King
7 & 8…to shut them up, in secrecy (😘)
Edwin isn't quite sure how he ends up finding himself in these situations. It's not like he's actively searching the Cat King out, but somehow without fail, every single time he's managed to find some time to be alone, he finds himself turning a corner and walking right into the Cat King's lair.
Edwin exhales and tries not to sound as frustrated as he feels and fails immediately. "What could you possibly want now?"
The Cat King's eyes drop, following the line of his body down and then back up slowly, "You mean, besides the obvious?"
Edwin fidgets with his shirt cuffs, tugging them over the bracelet sharply. "Yes."
"Can't a Cat King just simply whisk off a boy to his private lair for a private chat?" he asks, pushing himself off from where he'd been lounging on, making the coat he'd been wearing slip off one of his shoulders, exposing it and half of his chest in the process.
Edwin eyes darted all over the exposed skin, before looking determinedly away, feeling a fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach. Which was just ridiculous. 
"No," Edwin replies, far too late, but he keeps going. "Especially not wear-"
He stops himself from speaking, before he says something he cannot possibly take back, and he's still not looking at the Cat King, so he doesn't realize that he'd moved closer, until he was suddenly there, standing too close.
Edwin inhales sharply and takes a step back right into the wall. He becomes too distracted by the Cat King taking another step closer, that he forgets that he can simply, phase through the wall to get away.
"Especially not what?" he asks, leaning in even closer, head tilted up, nose brushing lightly against Edwin's own.
Edwin's eyes flutter and his lips part, and he finds it difficult to actually think about anything let alone an answer to the question he's being asked.
The Cat King chuckles and shakes his head a little, and Edwin follows the movements a little mindlessly.
"It's not good to keep these things bottled up," he says from too close. "It's all going to bubble up and pop when you least expect it."
Edwin barely heard anything that he had said, something that felt very much like frustration bubbling in his stomach as the Cat King pulled away without actually doing anything.
Edwin feels like he's entirely justified for the sound that spills out of his mouth.
The Cat King smirks, and Edwin, Edwin has had enough.
He always comes out of these interactions feeling wrong footed and like he's a hundred steps behind, and for once, he wants to be the one to take the Cat King by surprise instead.
The Cat King takes a step back, mouth open like he's going to say something else, but Edwin doesn't let him, stumbling across the space between them and clutching the open lapels of his jacket in his hands and smashing their mouths together.
The frustrated feeling in his stomach dissipates, filling him up with bubbles that feel like a fizzy drink going up his throat.
The Cat King made a surprised sound, muffled by Edwin's mouth, and Edwin froze, not knowing where to go from here. 
The Cat King solves the problem, when he lifts his hands to Edwin's head and drags his fingers into Edwin's hair, and tugs.
Edwin gasps, and the Cat King makes an approving sound in the back of his throat as he licks into his open mouth. Edwin flinches backwards, but the Cat King keeps him close, kissing him harder as they fall back against the wall.
Edwin lets himself be kissed, sinking into the touch, sliding his fingers sliding up to the sides of the Cat King's face.
The Cat King separates their mouths for a brief moment, sliding his fingers down Edwin's throat and to his bow tie.
Edwin makes a low sound in protest, which makes the Cat King brush his nose against Edwin's in response as he tilts his head to the other side and licks into Edwin's mouth again, wet and deep and all consuming.
It felt odd, and was more messy than Edwin had been expecting, but he wants more. His fingers dig into the Cat King's jaw, and he pushes himself closer, dragging his tongue across the Cat King's mouth and kissing him harder, messier.
After a few long seconds, Edwin pushes him back, feeling strangely out of breath, and oddly like his very being is buzzing.
They stare at each other from too close, and Edwin's eyes dart down to his mouth and back up again.
He resists the very real urge to drag him back in for another kiss, and drops his hands from his face.
"Will that suffice?" he asks, swallowing hard, voice unsteady.
The Cat King smiles, knowing and condescending as he drags his fingers back into Edwin's hair and drags him in for another quick kiss before pushing him back into the wall and taking a step backwards.
Edwin's lips are still parted as he leans against the wall, chest heaving. Edwin licks his dry mouth, and goes to ask once again, when the Cat King speaks.
"You're such a little tease," he says, and Edwin feels indignation rising up in his throat. "And a kiss, no matter how delicious, isn't enough to make me truly happy."
Edwin wants to ask what would be enough, but the Cat King is suddenly too close again, as he grins, rackish and mischievous, "But it was a very good start."
Before Edwin can ask what more he could possibly want, the Cat King flicks his fingers at him, and Edwin feels as though the floor has suddenly disappeared below himself, and he drops down and right into the middle of Crystal's apartment.
He turns around to make sure that's where he is, and barely has any time to be relieved, before he hears Charles.
"Are you alright there, mate? You just appeared out of nowhere."
Edwin turns towards Charles, who is sitting on the windowsill, one foot propped next to him, the other resting on the arm of the chair that Edwin usually sits in on quiet nights like tonight.
He opens his mouth to speak, and then closes it again, not sure what to say, or even how to say what just happened.
Charles eyes his appearance curiously, before he steps closer, brow furrowed, "What in the bloody hell happened to you?"
Edwin can only take a guess as to what he's referring to, since he had felt the Cat King's hands in his hair, and mussing up his clothes. He clears his throats, and tries very hard not to start to fix his appearance, because that will just call more attention to it.
He clears his throat again, as Charles' worried look starts to turn more accusing.
"Charles," he starts, and Charles straightens up, eyes darting all over his face, waiting for him to speak. "What does it mean when someone calls you a tease?"
Charles' eyes go wider than usual, and his mouth falls open a little, and his eyes dart all over Edwin, before he looks away, very determined and shakes his head.
"Nope, not explaining that one," and then he's stalking out of the room. 
Edwin lets out a breath in relief and walks over to the seat by the window sill, dragging fingers through his hair to fix it, and straightening his bow tie as he sits.
He presses his fingers to his mouth, almost like he can't help himself, and then drops his hand back down once he realizes what he did.
He grabs the book Monty had given him earlier, and begins to read it, determined to forget about the last hour.
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lifewithdavefarts · 11 months
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DaveFarts - Episode 25 “Endurance Test” [Episode List] Tim gets a bit too cocky and challenges his gassy friend by (jokingly) doubting of his farting skills. Dave, whose farts are being as powerful as usual, if not more, gladly accepts the challenge.
This story was originally requested by StraightFartGods.
POV: Tim
The weather outside, despite being warm, wasn’t the best so our plans for the night, being a group of friends who’s starting to surrender way too easily (it’s because once you’re past 25, you get instantly old), we all decided to stay home, our respective homes even, so Dave and I ended up alone. We don’t mind that much.
Dave likes going out way more than me (though it’s not like I don’t know how to have fun) but he too cherishes some good, safe alone-time to recharge social batteries: we’re much more similar than we’d like to admit, which is why we get along so well. They say we’re “the odd couple”, but I think that weirdos simply attract each other naturally, even though they can look very different at first.
“Alright.” Dave said, walking into the living room. He was dressed as if we had to leave, so a grey shirt and a pair of good old dark blue jeans, slightly loose because he untied his belt. “I’m starving.”
“Pizza?” I simply asked.
“The day I’m gonna answer ‘No’ to that is the day you’ll know a skinwalker took my place.”
The power of pizza.
Even though we didn’t actively plan for it, the night slowly morphed into a “movie night”, just the two of us on the couch eating pizza and watching a cheesy, manly, toxic action movie that we can recite by memory because of how many times we watched it: “Bullet Gore”. Now that’s a title!
“Your face is history.” the male hero said, right before turning somebody’s head to bits with his shotgun.
We cheered as and had a sip of beer as if our baseball team scored the match point and enjoyed the unnecessary but fun gore sequences of the film.
“Too bad they ruined everything with the sequel.” Dave commented.
“Aw come on. It’s worse, but not that bad.” I replied.
“Never watched and never will.” he stated, taking a good sip of beer.
By the time the movie was halfway done (it was a surprisingly long flick), I had to turn up the volume because of some noises next to me making me difficult to hear what the characters were saying.
Indeed, Dave started farting, the way he does during nights like these, with pizza and beer acting as fuel for his already incredible talent. He was resting both his legs on the small table in front of the couch, his denim ass facing the TV, so I didn’t have a proper full view of it. I could, however, hear every single blast echoing in the room, with the terrible scent immediately following each thunder.
I would love to say that he was doing this because of my kink, but this is actually what being Dave’s close friend means: you better get used to his farts, because he’s gonna just casually do it in front of you whether you like it or not. He wasn’t even acknowledging that he was ripping one every few minutes, huge ones nonetheless, though once or twice he did snap his fingers to get me to turn to him, so I could see his smirk as he ripped one. Once again, he does this with our other friends as well, but he does seem to put some extra “care” into the teasing part because he knows I actually, well, like it.
But everyone’s got limits: the farts were huge, not overly long, but incredibly stinky. Even for my standards, it was getting a bit… stuffy in there, so I actually went for it.
“I know this is weird coming from me, but… can you tone it down a bit?”
Dave slowly turned to me with a serious, surprised face, and effortlessly replied by ripping a loud, almost wet one, renewing the stench he was immune to. This time it was one of his longer ones, around 7 seconds long.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you.” he managed to say while farting. “Did you say something?”
After the fart ended and a few moments of silence (ignoring the TV), I opened my mouth to speak again, but my friend’s ass spoke first, emitting another loud, long rip.
Dave gestured to his ear and slowly shook his head, as to say the he still couldn’t hear me, as if we were in a loud nightclub, but the only music piercing through my own eardrums was my bro’s loud fart.
That ridiculous scene actually made me laugh like an idiot, while also giving me the hardest boner so far of the night.
9 seconds and the rip was over.
“So, I did it.” Dave said. “You’ve been healed. I blasted your kink out of you.” he joked.
“Please…” I played along. “Those were like… low-tier farts, for your standards.”
“True.” he playfully admitted. “So don’t tempt me.” he threatened. 
I hated that I found that… hot.
“I’m n-not… I’m just s-saying that the entire room smells like, I don’t know, rotten beer? Is t-that even possible?”
Dave laughed. “If only there was something or someone who could fix this!”
“What are you implying…?” I asked.
“Well…” Dave sat normally on the couch. “I assumed your lungs were better than this. But apparently you just can’t handle my power.” he said, with a cheesy smirk.
“Oh…” I got what he meant. “Well, maybe I’m not complaining because of you’re farting too much.” I leaned closer to him, as if we were doing some shady business. “Maybe I’m complaining because you’re not farting enough.” I dared to say.
My friend replied with a surprised laughter. “Are you seriously challenging me?” he didn’t sound offended or disgusted, just amused. But he can get cocky.
“Wanna bet?” I asked, indeed challenging him.
“Alright, get up.” 
Dave stood up and I did the same: it truly looked like we were doing a business meeting.
“Challenge accepted.” he continued, and we firmly shook hands. “If I win, beers are on you for 3 months.” 
“Deal.” I replied. “But if I win, we’re gonna watch ‘Bullet Gore 2’ later.”
While still shaking hands, Dave looked at me funny. 
“Really? That’s it?” he replied, with a smile. “All of this just to watch a shitty movie with me?”
Funny how that’s the thing he found weird instead of, you know, the boner his farts give me.
“Yeah. Pretty gay, huh?” I joked.
“Okay…” he nodded, still somewhat surprised. “It’s a deal.”
We once again had this super manly handshake going on, just as an helicopter in the movie exploded in a fiery fireball, killing a bunch of henchmen and one of the main villains, with the shirtless muscular hero saying something like “Burn in Hell, you son of a bitch!”. Probably the manliest moment I ever lived through.
“So, let’s hear those toots.” I said, bravely.”
“Toots?” my friend replied. “I’m gonna blast your face so hard you’re gonna regret having this kink…”.
Dave casually threatening me like this… got me instantly hard. I knew he was just playing along but goddammit, why am I like this? Why is he like this? Why the fuck did I even accept this bet?! As my own mind made fun of me, my bro lied on this stomach on the couch, his tall figure occupying all of it, his nice jeans-clad ass facing up, looking like a soft warm denim pillow.
I simply managed to sit between his long legs and planted my face into that ass, still stinky for all the farts he ripped until that moment. My nose wasn’t facing down however, as I didn’t want to make it weird.
“Dude.” I heard Dave say. “Honestly, your lack of commitment to your fart kink disappoints me”. he then laughed, reaching for my head. “Be a man and face my ass.” he said, pushing my head deeper between his denim asscheeks.
I tried not to laugh myself at that weird statement, so I just obeyed and turned my head, facing down, now fully at the mercy of my friend’s powerful butt. I took a good whiff, enjoying the smell of almost 1 hour of loud, post-pizza blasts. As I did that, I felt the ass’ muscles relaxing, a sign that Dave was pushing one out, and indeed it came out immediately: an ear-piercing blast and made my face shake, almost wet-sounding, felt like a slap on my face. 
My task was clear: not a single particle of gas had to reach Dave’s nose, so I inhaled it deeply and loudly as the fart kept erupting straight down my nostrils. I inhaled so hard and for so long that I actually surprisingly outlasted my friend’s 9 seconds: now the only noise we both could hear (besides someone getting shot in the movie) was me breathing his gas in… which made me realize how weird that was.
Am I making this weird? Too… “porn-y” for my straight friend? I love that he has no problems with me and my kink, but I don’t want to cross certain lines you know. He’s not saying anything… but his silence only makes it worse. I had to make sure.
“Dave.” I said, my voice being muffled by his ass, which made him laugh. “Am I making this weird?”
My friend simply turned his head, trying to look at me. I managed to get a quick look of his facial expression but the only thing on his face was a cocky smirk.
“Not weirder than usual to me.” he simply said. He then reached for my head, making it bounce a bit in his ass. “…Ready?”
Another fart erupted, which itself was Dave’s real answer to my question: “it’s fine”, he knows what this kink is by now, and he’s the one who basically challenged me to sniff it all up. Plus, if he was weirded out he knew he could just tell me and I wouldn’t be offended: we’re all adults here after all.
So there I was, my nose enduring some of the worst rips my friend ever gifted to me, the sheer power of those blasts being raunchier than his usual for some reason, maybe because of the beers being warmer or the mozzarella on the pizza being spoiled. No idea.
Or maybe it was just Dave putting extra efforts into his farts, if that was even possible. He’s the Fart King after all, so if he was somehow able to set custom pitch, loudness and power for each farts he ripped I wouldn’t have been surprised. Then again, he could even fart on command, so maybe he doesn’t need more buffs than he already has.
“Your face is history” my friend said, in a deeper voice, a clear reference to the masterpiece we were watching earlier.
And just like the henchman from the movie, my head was blown away by a sheer deadly force, this time in the form of Dave’s being unhinged, each natural blast somehow bigger and better than the previous one. I feel like that it doesn’t matter how this bet goes: I’m winning by simply having a bro like him.
I kept sniffing it all up as the blast rushed down my throat. He was good at farting, but I was also good at taking it. It’s like I said: weirdos work better together!
Yeah, I was taking it all like a champ.
“I could do this all night you know.” he boasted, during a rare moment of his ass being silent.
“What a coincidence: me too!” I bragged.
“Ohhhh… someone’s getting cocky back there.”
Dave really wanted those free beers, huh? He once again reached for my head and, with a firm grip, pushed it deeper down his warm denim ass, now almost sagging.
“Let’s see if you can keep your promise, shall we?” that was a threat.
There was like 10 seconds of silence, 10 never-ending seconds, but I just knew Dave was brewing something big, as he kept my head there (not that I was planning to move it anyway). Finally, he turned to me, with a cheesy grin, purposely trying to look like some kind of serial killer from a slasher movie before finish his victim off. 
And then he hit me with his weapon of choice: the loudest fart I heard that night. It was big, it was powerful, it was deep, long. His hand didn’t move and my whole face was shaking because of the sheer power of the blast; I had to close my eyes ‘cause the gas was making them burn. How was it possible to fart so naturally and casually like this for him will always be beyond me… but I didn’t care. I managed to breathe that monster in with my mouth open, almost choking on my friend’s deadly gas.
Dave loved the challenge, but two can play this game! I could tell he was amused, disgusted and surprised by how good I was at enduring his powerful rips.
And finally, after 16 whole seconds, that impressive display of flatulence was over, not a single particle of gas reaching my farter-friend’s nostrils, as I promised.
“I believe you’re losing your touch.” I mocked him.
“With all the farts you've been eating, of course you'd be talking shit you ungrateful bastard!”
“Ohhhh sorry, someone's a little touchy.” I kept teasing him.
“Alright, I’m done holding back.” he sounded comically annoyed by my impressive endurance.
My friend slowly turned over until he was lying on his back, making sure he didn’t accidentally kick me with his long legs. He now assumed a more familiar position, the one he usually has when blasting me. He cocked his legs up, showing off his denim ass and a tiny bit of his red boxer brief, and wrapped his legs around me, pulling me closer to his gas source. His long legs had an even stronger grip than his hand, and my whole face was now completely planted into my friend’s ass.
“I’m feeling merciful tonight, so I’m giving you the chance to surrender now.” he stated, as his legs held me still, keeping my nose right between the rough fabric of his jeans-clad buttcheeks.
“Never.” I boasted. “…unless, you know, you actually want to stop because this is getting too weir-“
“Shut up!” he cut me off. “You just had to ruin my villainous speech, didn’t you?!” he laughed.
I just didn’t know what to say.
“Again, this is your last chance bro.”
I played along, knowing he was okay with it. “Hit me with your best shot, but don’t wound what you can’t kill.”
We both laughed like immature idiots, but Dave took my words at heart, because once we were done laughing at that ridiculous moment, he felt air being sucked inside his anus.
Yes, he switched to “on-command” mode, his secret weapon, his final secret move. Despite my face being there, my bro didn’t have any trouble at sucking more and more air through his ass like a vacuum cleaner, and the sound that made wasn’t that different from an actual fart. Every time I heard that “air-being-sucked-in” noise, as silly as that sounds, I think of a drumroll, the kind of tension that raises before the beat actually drops, because that’s what Dave’s farts are: something to look forward to… if you’re into it of course.
He’s been sucking air for like 20 seconds now and I started to regret my cockiness: when even a kinky bitch like me ends up being afraid of his own best bro’s farting skills, you just know something big, maybe too big, is gonna happen.
The anticipation made me hornier than ever, and the fact that it was, well, Dave, just Dave, my friend, made it even hotter for me. So casually, undeniably hot.
Finally, he stopped sucked air in, and I could hear Dave breathing (from his mouth) heavily, a sign that he was getting tired… and even his ass was getting sweatier and warmer.
“Your face is history.” my bud said again, in a comically deep voice. 
We love that movie.
What followed, however, almost made me pass out. 
The loudness was almost unnatural, I feared it could make me deaf. Imagine the stock sound of a fart, only longer, more powerful, airy, the most impressive fart Dave ripped in months, something so powerful that he can even feel the recoil as he pushed it out… just like a shotgun.
The more he farted, the louder it got, and I swore he was gonna tear a hole through his jeans this time, there was no way his clothes were able to endure that. I kept sniffing, breathing heavily, the fart’s pace being faster than my own breathing, if that makes any sense. 10 seconds already and the blast didn’t seem to lose any power: I almost got scared.
As the fart kept getting ripped, I felt Dave stretching his long denim legs wide to ease the fart out, which in turn made it sound even louder and deadlier. I felt like living a weird fever dream, probably because of all the poisonous gas in my lungs. But I also felt the luckiest man in the world.
I dared to peek over that denim ass, only to be greeted by Dave having the most evil smirk in the world, completely unfazed by how weird I was, how all of that was… but I could also see how tired and sweaty he was from forcing all those farts out, incredibly enough.
I planted my head back where it belonged, sniffing as much as I could, as if my life depended on it, even though I was almost passing out for all that stench… and the blood rushing down to my boner didn’t help to focus at all.
And yet… I won. The fart was losing power, ending with a quick series of toots, Dave’s legs crashing down the couch, his left one on my right side, his right one on my left side, and I got up myself, my face leaving that gas trap, finally sitting down normally on the couch.
I took a good look at Dave: he was indeed tired, sweaty, sporting a silly smirk.
“Is that how you look like after sex?” I dared to joke.
My friend laughed. “Hey, I love you bro, but you gotta settle for my farts.”
I patted one of his legs in response, as a cheesy way to thank him, and hopefully he knew how thankful I was. I mean, he already knew how aroused I was anyway, so why keep the fact that I’m grateful a secret?
Dave too adjusted his position, this time kicking me on purpose while doing it, and sat back normally.
“I gotta say, I didn’t except you to win.” he admitted.
“…win?!” I replied. “Bro… I was basically done. That last one almost killed me.”
We both laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
“Let’s call it a tie then.” he proposed. “Until next time at least.” he just casually said.
I simply turned to the TV, only to find out that the movie was over.
Did Dave just face-farted me for like… 30 minutes?! Time truly flew by.
My friend then reached for his beer and the remote. We some on-demand features on our TV and, after navigating the UI for a few seconds, he started downloading “Bullet Gore 2”.
“Really?” I asked. 
“Well, if you can endure all of that gas, I can sit through a turd of a movie.” 
I think he was gonna watch this movie with me either way, regardless of any bet, just like I’m more than happy to offer him a beer whenever I could, so all of this fart-bet was for nothing.
Then again, weirdos attract each other naturally...
End of Episode 25
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fe-fictions · 8 months
I need my husband saizo. Can we pregnant corrin who isn’t able to sleep cause the baby is keeping her awake
(Starting 2024 with some sweet Saizo fluff!! Enjoy :'3 )
Saizo was always a light sleeper. You, the princess who bore the weight of two kingdoms and a supernatural plain of existence’s futures on your shoulders, were not. 
You could sleep through just about anything. 
Except, it seemed, your sixth month of pregnancy.
“Dammit…” You sounded incredibly upset, and rather agitated when he felt the bed shift next to him. “C’mon, why are you doing this to me now? It’s not a good time for this…”
Saizo rose slowly, quietly, checking to see what was going on. You weren’t talking to anybody else in the room…that you noticed.
“Please...I just want to sleep.”
“Corrin? Who are you talking to?” He spoke quietly so as not to frighten you. He was deeply slightly concerned.
“It’s the baby.” You replied hopelessly, tilting your head to acknowledge your awake husband. “I-I’m sorry, did I accidentally wake you up with my complaining? At least one of us should get a good night’s sleep.”
“If you do not sleep, I do not, either.” He stated simply, sitting up fully. “Is there anything I can do?”
“I don’t know…I’ve never had a living creature inside of me that won’t stop moving around. Should we summon a cleric? Sakura might be more knowledgeable, but I’d hate to wake her.”
“Hmm. Let me check the medical journals before we summon anyone. It should not be so difficult to resolve…unless you are feeling pain or discomfort.”
“No, just…can’t sleep.” You sighed, flopping back into your pillow with a groan as said baby kicked again for good measure. “It’s unnerving, feeling him move about so much.”
“Saizo. Be still.” His voice was gruff, but lacked the usual bite when pointed at others. He rose from the bed and found the journals, re-settling himself at your side with the candles lit to provide some visibility.
“Let us see…the second trimester…” He thummed through it, muttering to himself as he searched voraciously for a solution to his wife’s struggle. There were few things he hated more than being incapable of helping you, after all.
You smiled softly to yourself, watching as he was all but glaring at each word on the pages, hoping the next would hold the answer he sought. 
“Here we are.” He leaned back, gently pressing his hand to your baby bump as his reading came to a pause. “It states here that, if the patient restless or is incapable of sleep due to excessive movement…they should lie on their side.”
“All right,” You agreed, carefully shifting so that you were no longer on your back. His hand lingered, as if testing for more movement.
He clicked his tongue when he received a defiant kick. You just sighed looking up at him from the pillow. “What else does it say?”
“Hmph. It’s mostly preventative behaviors you are supposed to do before sleep; lie down an hour beforehand…drink warm tea…light stretching…”
“I already do most of that. And I did before tonight, too.” You frowned. “I suppose I’m out of options.”
Saizo looked displeased; was there truly nothing else he could do? Turning the page, there only seemed to be a few other solutions. “Perhaps it is time to take up the offer from Hayato, to sew a pregnancy pillow. This says holding one of those when sleeping helps reduce movement.”
“But you’re my pregnancy pillow.” You protested. He coughed to disguise a laugh; were you always so ridiculous?
“Don’t speak nonsense. I’ll ask him about it come morning. But I suppose for now, the only other immediate option would be to talk to him. It’s not as effective, but talking to the child apparently helps in soothing them.”
“You know…that does sound plausible. He doesn’t seem to react very much while you’re talking.”
“I doubt that's the case. He still kicks when I speak." Saizo reminded you, as if you didn’t have the little one inside yourself and couldn’t feel every single move. You shook your head, patting his hand.
"But it's only after you stop talking. We ought to test this theory...could it be that he’s just lonely?” You wondered aloud, resting your hand over Saizo’s. “Is that why you’re so restless, my dear? It’s been too quiet?”
“Preposterous.” He scoffed, but fell silent all the same. You both looked at each other, waiting to see what would happen. Hardly half a second passed after he spoke, and immediately there was a kick.
“See? Keep talking!” You ushered him to continue, smiling bright. Saizo rolled his eyes, but complied all the same.
“If you’re going to keep your mother awake just because you cannot hear me speak, we will have many problems in the future, little one.” He spoke with great warning, and he paused to test the theory once more.
A few moments passed, and sure enough, another little kick.
It was getting more difficult for Saizo to mask the joy that was filling him every time the baby reacted to his voice. To think he was not even in the world yet but he knew who his parents were.
He was a miracle. A wonder.
He just…wouldn’t stop kicking his mother.
Saizo sighed when a tiny fist pushed into his fingertips. He shifted in the bed so that his head was in your lap, a delightful change for you. Instinctively your fingers ran through his hair, stroking it softly as he tended to his son.
“You are the sixth in a prestigious, honorable legacy of royal ninja. It is unbecoming behavior, treating your mother like this. A proper ninja would never be so disrespectful of her needing rest.”
You could’ve sworn you heard him stifle a chuckle when another hand bumped his cheek. His hand gently ran over your belly, attempting to soothe him once again.
“It is all right if you do not hear our voices, sometimes. Just because you cannot hear us does not mean we aren’t here. Besides, when I am away on missions, I will not be able to tell you stories. I’m afraid you’ll have to be able to live without me every now and then.”
“But it’s never forever.” You quickly added, always nervous when he spoke in such a way. Even saying something like “living without him” in the context of a few weeks…it did bother you terribly.
Saizo glanced up at you, taking your hand in his with a soft squeeze.
“Right. I would be a fool to abandon either of you. I have no plans of leaving you behind. I promise.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your fingertips. 
As if you weren’t already deeply in love.
“So rest, dear one. It is long past time for all of us to be asleep. But we will talk again come morning.” His promise led to one last pause, waiting to see if he would continue his protest.
You waited…and waited…and then…
“He’s asleep.” You breathed a sigh of relief, both of you relaxing. At last, you were rewarded with a restful sleep.
He ran his hand across your baby bump one last time, before carefully slipping away and coming back up to his side of the bed. You leaned into him, welcoming his arm coming around your shoulder and gently taking you into his side.
“At last.”
“Thank you, Saizo...you're a miracle worker.”
“Do not thank me for doing my duty as your husband, and as his father. I will always be glad to ease your burdens.”
“That is why I’m grateful.” Your hand settled on his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heart. “And it is also why I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now hush. We may rouse him again if he hears we are still talking.” He kissed your forehead quickly, and you could feel the heat of his face against your skin. He was such fun to tease.
You were blessed with the next few nights of peace and quiet. Especially now that you had a secret weapon.
Saizo made sure to be with you come bedtime, so that he might tell the baby about his day and soothe him with his voice. 
You knew your husband took great pride and joy in the fact that he could do this for you, and that his son loved the sound of his voice.
So even on nights where he had to assist Ryoma with something late into the night, or had missions that would take him away, he made certain that he was there to help you both get a good night’s sleep.
The only thing that could have possibly made it sweeter, was when the little Saizo was born. He recognized his father’s voice and calmed without hesitation. 
Your husband already adored his newborn son…but you were certain they’d be inseparable, bonded by the love of father and son (and said father’s delightful voice).
Though to be fair, you weren’t counting on Saizo the Sixth to have an “Asugi the Rebellious Teen Ninja” phase.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Blue lock in the Demon Slayer au
A continuation of this one: pt1
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. If smn has requests for this specific au, they are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura. Demon slayer is owned by Koyoharu Gotouge ⚽️
The duo had quickly after left for Noel's house. (Y/n) was growing more and more nervous as the sun started breaking through the clouds more and more. Yoichi just clung to her (f/c) haori and yawned from time to time. Eventually, the two couldn't escape the sun for much longer and (Y/n) found a cave, where she left Yoichi to hide while she went to look for something she could transport Yoichi in.
'Maybe a basket? One of those with toppers would be good!' (Y/n) thought as she walked into a close by village, hoping to find something there. And sure enough, she came across a market where she could find various items, from vegetables to household items, everything was there. (Y/n) looked through all the items, when she suddenly came across the perfect basket. It was not too small or too big, with Yoichi being able to shrink, it will be easy to put him inside.
'Crap! I have no money with me!' (Y/n) gulped, looking around frantically as the shopkeeper came to greet her.
"See anything you like, miss?" The man asked as (Y/n) nervously nodded her head, pointing at the basket.
"How much is that basket, sir?"
'It's not like I can pay, why did I ask?!' She thought, gripping onto her necklace, a habit she had since a young age. Every time she had a difficult moment or she was nervous, she would look for comfort in the item, it belonged to her grandmother and she always gave her comforting words.
"Hmm... it's a fairly new basket." The girl looked at the man as he thought over the price.
"And it's handmade... 800 yen." He simply stated as (Y/n) was close to chocking on her spit. She gripped onto the necklace tighter, thinking of a solution, when it suddenly hit her.
"Do you... do you accept trade offs? For the basket?" (Y/n) asked, taking off her necklace with a heavy heart. The man raised his eyebrow as (Y/n) presented the item in front of it, then his eyes slowly widened when he inspected it more. The girl knew her necklace was worth more than 800 yen, it was in her family for 300 years and was made of gold. But... she had to sacrifice it.
'Sorry, grandma...' The girl thought as the man took the item out of her hand and looked at it.
"You sure you want to trade this for a simple basket?" The man raised his eyebrow as (Y/n) quickly nodded her head.
"Yeah! I really need it!"
Thinking for a moment, the man nodded his head and went to grab the basket for her.
'A small sacrifice... we need to get to Noa-sama's home before the sun goes down.' The girl thought.
"Yoichi! Yoichi, are you still here?!" (Y/n) yelled as she made her way into the cave where she left the demon boy, who peeked his head through the hole, waving his hand happily.
'Right, he can't speak normally anymore...' The girl smiled sadly and ran to where the boy was, dropping to her knees as she put the basket in front of her.
"Look, I found this basket for me to carry you in, it even has a lid! I can carry you through the day." Isagi's eyes lit up and he got out of the hole, then crawled into the basket. (Y/n) blinked when she saw how big he was in the basket and giggled, patting the boy's back.
"Can you turn tiny again like you did hours ago? It will be easier to fit inside." The girl encouraged him and Isagi let out a hum. She watched as his body slowly shrunk, giving him a better chance to get into the basket. Once fully inside, the boy looked up at (Y/n) and she petted his head.
"Great job! We are all set to go then!"
"Mhm!" Yoichi answered as (Y/n) put the lid on top.
"I am tired... and so hungry too." (Y/n) groaned as she stopped walking for a moment, looking at the slowly setting sun. Taking this moment of rest, she started thinking about her life back in the village, and how today's day would have looked way different if everything had stayed the way it was.
'Looking back, my life home was really great. I had a great childhood, parents who loved me and a friend who stuck by my side ever since we were little.' (Y/n) bit her lip, surpassing the urge to cry as she shook her head.
'I really shouldn't drown into self-pity, Yoichi should be my priority... Though, I wonder if our parents made it safely to the other side. I wish I hadn't left like that, maybe I could have done something? But it was a demon attack, even my own strength wouldn't have saved me...' Sighing, the girl glared at the setting sun and ran through the path in front of her, determined to make it safely to Noa's house.
Night had eventually set and (Y/n) took a good whiff of the air, hoping to pick up the familiar sent of the white haired man. If she could smell him, even just faintly, (Y/n) would be able to figure out where his house was. She was doing that for the past 2 hours, but sadly was unsuccessful in all her attempts.
"This is weird, based on all the explanations I got... it should be here somewhere. But there is no smell... not even a sight of a house." (Y/n) muttered to herself, panic growing in her when every scenario hit her mind.
"Did he lie? Did he want to distract me so that he can sneak up and kill Yoichi?" (Y/n) muttered to herself again.
"I shouldn't have trusted that man like this... Now I just look stupid and-"
"And what? You look weird talking to yourself." The girl jumped in her spot and turned around, only to come face to face with Noa's stoic expression.
"N-Noa-sama! How did you sneak up on me like that?" (Y/n) wondered, surprised she didn't smell his presence even for a moment.
'Can demon slayers hide their smell now?' The girl thought as the man looked at her for a moment, and then at the basket she was carrying on her back.
"Your demon friend is inside there?"
"Oh? Yeah, I put Yoichi in here since it gives him a lot of shade."
"Mhmm. Come along now, you have a test to do prior to becoming my student." The white-haired man said as (Y/n) followed after him.
"What is the test, Noa-sama?"
"It's an endurance test. I could see with the way you held Yoichi back in the forest, that you have a good muscular built. Am I right?" Noa questioned when (Y/n) nodded next to him.
"Yeah, I was born with a big muscle density. Holding Yoichi back wasn't that hard for me."
"Alright, the test you will be going through will be focusing more on your other senses and you endurance. But we will first leave Yoichi at my house. Hurry up." Noa said, running away from (Y/n). The girl took a deep breath and followed after him, tired from the whole day, but she needed to become stronger.
"That's your house?! It's more like a mansion!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she walked through the gate, looking in amazement at the garden and the exterior of Noa's house. The man just nodded his head, letting the girl look around as he opened his front door.
"A lot of Hashiras own such houses. Now come inside, I already had a room prepared for Yoichi."
'Hashira? What is that now?' The girl wondered, but decided to leave this question for a later time. She followed after the man as he lead her into a semi-big room, which had a futon ready as well as some decorations. (Y/n) put the basket down and picked Yoichi out of it, the brought him to the futon to tuck him in.
"Your friend didn't attack anyone, right?" Noa asked from the entrance to the room and the girl shook her head.
"No, he actually slept ever since noon." The man nodded his head, relieved that the boy seemed to live up to the expectations he made for him.
'Maybe he really is different.'
As soon as Yoichi got tucked in, Noa escorted (Y/n) out of his home and towards a mountain. The girl kept quiet the whole time, wondering what the man had prepared for her. They eventually came to a stop, and (Y/n) looked up at the man.
"Eh? What are we doing on top of this mountain, Noa-sama?"
"This is where your test starts. As a demon slayer, you need to depend on your senses as much as on your physical strength. This side of the mountain is filled with different traps. Holes in the ground, ropes,logs that can be activated and hit you... in short, this place is where I will decide if you are worthy of my time or not."
(Y/n) gulped and nodded her head, looking at the path she came from.
"Come back to my house before the sun rises." Was the last thing Noa said before disappearing, leaving the girl in awe again.
'I wish I was that fast! It's so cool!'
Recovering from her initial amazement, (Y/n) looked at the road in front of herself, trying to prepare mentally for whatever was waiting for her.
'Not again!' The (h/c)-haired girl groaned as she crawled out of the hole. This was the 3rd one she fell into, and with how it was going she won't be finished with half of the mountain by the time the sun rises. Groaning, the girl sat on her knees for a moment, thinking over her next moves.
"Noa-sama said to train my senses. My sole strength can't help me here at all... I just need to focus on my surroundings." (Y/n) told herself and stoop up, determined to finish this.
"I promised to save Yoichi... I won't fail that promise." Woth a deep breath, the girl ran down the mountain, jumping when she noticed holes and ropes that could trap her legs. It was going well for a while, but (Y/n) ended up accidently stepping on a rope. Tensing, she heard a creek on her right side, noticing a log going her way. With wide eyes, the girl jumped away from oncoming object, flinching when she saw the log take down a tree.
"Noa-sama is very merciless...all these traps and so little time." (Y/n) muttered, and started running again when she noticed that the sky was getting brighter.
Noa looked into the room where Isagi was, humming when he noted that the boy was still asleep.
"Maybe he is regaining his energy back? If he really didn't eat anything since the transformation, he must be starving." Noa told himself and walked out of the room and towards the entrance of his house. He looked outside noting that the sun was close to rising and (Y/n) was nowhere in sight yet. The man was growing a little worried if she will make it, but decided to hide his emotions behind the stoic expression.
'If she can't complete that, she won't be fit for my training.' He thought, looking at the gates, patiently waiting for the girl to arrive. And sure enough, minutes later a disheveled and bloodied (Y/n) arrived at the gates, panting as she walked towards Noa. The man kept his neutral expression as the girl now stood in front of him.
"I completed the test, Noa-sama." (Y/n) said as relief washed over the man.
"Congratulations. (L/n) (Y/n), from today on you are officially the student of the Flame hashira, Noel Noa. We will start your training as soon as you are well rested." The girl sighed in relief and bowed.
"Thank you, Noa-sama."
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ironstrange1991 · 1 year
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader x Defender!Strange
Synopsis: The reader has a difficult task ahead: putting Cloaky in the wash and deal with the two men in her life.
Warnings: None, basically just fluff.
Word Count: 2,5k
A/N: I don't know if you can say this has a plot or not, but I had a good time writing this one. Hope you guys like it.
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"Why is this so important to you?" Stephen asked Defender for the thousandth time as he sat at the table with a cup of coffee.
It was very early on a Monday. You had woken up before your alarm went off and decided to go downstairs to prepare breakfast. Defender and Stephen came downstairs and found you in the kitchen about a half hour later. The two were still dressed in their pajama pants and t-shirts looking as glorious as ever.
"It's less for me and more a sign of respect for the people of this universe." Defender answered, accepting the cup of coffee you offered him. "The government wants me to identify myself, to have my own ID, so they can distinguish us in some way. I don't see that as a problem."
You brought two plates to the table, one with scrambled eggs and bacon and the other with pancakes that you had finished frying. Stephen barely waited for you to put them on the table to serve himself, which made you smile and lean over to place a kiss on the top of his head.
The two of you were still getting used to having Defender around all the time, but little by little the shyness was giving way and you were starting to be spontaneous around him again, which always got you looks that you didn't quite know what it meant. Jealousy perhaps.
"You don't owe them anything. I don't owe them anything. Everything I've done for this universe seems to be worth nothing to these guys. The less we have to do with them, the better."
Defender rolled his lips but said nothing.
Finally you sat down between the two and served yourself too. "It's just an ID, Stephen. It's not like he's going to sign the Sokovia Accords."
Stephen shook his head, but said nothing, just enjoying his eggs and bacon.
"Besides, I think this has a little to do with you, baby, and I understand. You live here with us now, you need to have your own things and that will only be possible when we regulate your legal situation here."
Defender smiled. "I think you're right, baby."
You finished your breakfast and they helped you organize everything in the kitchen before everyone got ready to leave.
You were finishing getting ready when you heard Defender chuckling and speaking in a tone of voice that was too soft and sugary to be talking to Stephen. You walked slowly down the hallway and stopped in front of his open bedroom door, observing the terrible cute scene: Cloaky had attached itself to his shoulders and was insistently gesturing asking to go with him.
"I'm sure your master has a reason for not taking you with him today." Defender said, still not noticing your presence at the door.
Cloaky vehemently disagreed.
You couldn't help but notice how majestic Defender looked with Cloaky on his shoulders. He was finishing getting dressed, struggling to tie his tie since his shaking hands weren't helping and Cloaky simply didn't want to let go of him.
You and Defender had only been together for a few weeks and everything was still new to you and you were definitely not used to him yet.
"Now come on, before Stephen sees you with me. He won't like it at all." Defender asked gently trying to grab Cloaky by the collar and pull it off his shoulders, but the relic just struggled like a tantrum child which made you giggle, and Defender notice your presence.
"Come on, Cloaky, leave him alone. I'll put you in the washing machine and get this over with. When I get home from work, I promise I'll pay attention to you."
Cloaky let go of Defender's shoulders, but started flying around the room gesturing negatively at you.
You sighed, approaching Defender, and offered to help him with his tie. He agreed eagerly.
You were used to tying Stephen's ties. It was something you always did without putting much thought into it, however the same act with Defender seemed extremely intimate which made his cheeks flush and he swallowed heavily.
You finished by lowering the collar of his shirt and picking up the suit jacket that was carefully hanging on a chair and helping him put it on.
"Thanks." He thanked you with a shy smile and you allowed yourself to admire him. It wasn't common to see him in a suit. In fact, the only time you saw him dressed like that was the first night you went out together.
"You look really good dressed like that." You confessed.
He smirked. "It's not the first time you've said that."
You felt the heat rising in your cheeks and he smiled noticing his effect on you. He was about to kiss you when Cloaky flew past your heads and you remembered what you really needed to do, or rather, were trying to do.
"Come on Cloaky, enough of that! It will be me or Stephen who will put you in the wash. You choose, but I have to warn you that he won't be so gentle."
Defender smirked watching the relic float head down towards you throwing itself into your arms in a dramatic act of total surrender.
"It likes you." Defender pointed out. "Smart relic."
You smiled again feeling your cheeks blushing even harder. You were still getting used to Defender's constant praise.
 He cupped your cheeks between his hands and pulled you into a kiss. You could feel the mixture of coffee and toothpaste on his tongue and somehow it was so inviting.
You hummed into his lips and he pulled away glancing at you with what could only be described as adoration.
"I... I need to take it to the washing machine." You said pointing to Cloaky in your arms who had now decided to give you the silent treatment, acting like any other inanimate object stretched out in your arms. As dramatic as Stephen was whenever he was contradicted.
Personally, as a cat person, you thought Cloaky had a lot of cat behaviors and one of them was imitating his owner's demeanor.
Defender nodded. "I'm heading to Washington D.C. to sort out my situation with the president. I should be back by nightfall."
You looked at him in surprise. "The president?"
He smirked, "I guess it's not every day he gets the opportunity to meet someone who came from another universe. He asked for a private meeting. Rhodes will be there with me."
You chewed the inside of your cheek, suddenly insecure about everything. What if they decided that Defender couldn't stay? Maybe Stephen was right.
"What is that?" He asked, noticing your hesitation.
You sighed, "I don't trust them."
Defender smiled reassuringly. "They're just curious to get to know me. There is no need to worry, baby. They all know what Stephen Strange is capable of. What all Stephen Stranges are capable of. They won't mess with me."
He leaned over to press a kiss to your forehead. "Now that I've finally found you, I would start a war with the entire universe if they tried to keep me away from you."
You felt your heart racing. "Good. Because now I know that I can't live without you."
"You'll never have to." He promised.
You watched him as he opened a portal to the Avengers Tower where you assumed he would meet Rhodes. He waved goodbye and the portal closed leaving only sparks behind.
"He's really charming, isn't he, Cloaky?" You asked with a silly smile on your lips and feeling weird in your stomach, but the relic remained as still as before.
You heard footsteps hurriedly approaching from behind you and Stephen's voice. "I looked for it all over the place" Stephen said pointing to the relic in your arms.
You chuckled. "We already understand each other, and Cloaky has accepted its fate."
Stephen approached, entering the room and taking a look around.
"He already left." You informed.
Stephen nodded, staring at you as if analyzing some hidden expression on your face and then cupping your cheek. "You really love him, don't you?"
You sighed. "I do."
Stephen smirked. "I love you. You know that, right?"
"Of course I know that. And I love you. You are everything to me, Steph."
Stephen kissed you softly. "I know."
He sighed. "I need to go now. I promised Wong that I would take care of today's training in Defender's place and I'm already late. I can trust it to you, right?" He pointed at Cloaky.
You nodded. "You know you can."
He smiled brightly and kissed you softly. "See you later." He said, opening a portal to the Kamar Taj courtyard and you stood there watching the portal close.
"They're both charming, Cloaky." You said walking towards the stairs.
You put Cloaky in the washing machine with a certain weight in your heart even though you knew deep down that you weren't doing it out of malice but because it was necessary, but still the way the relic simply surrendered to its fate without a fight was heartbreaking.
After ensuring everything was ok, you left the Sanctum for another day of work. A very long day, by the way.
When you returned home you were exhausted and the fact that you were greeted by the silence of the empty Sanctum only made you feel even more discouraged. It was always a strange feeling being there when Stephen wasn't home.
You remembered well that right when you moved in, you were a little scared of being there alone, but of course you never mentioned that to Stephen, he would think it was all nonsense, but you could have sworn at the time that there was something watching you.  You used to feel a presence in the Sanctum all the time and were terrified by the situation. Only after weeks did you come to the conclusion that what gave you that impression were the magical artifacts, some that seemed more alive than you would expect from simple inanimate objects.
However, there was a magical artifact, a relic that you considered much more than just an object or a piece of clothing and that always made you feel welcome. Thinking about that made you smile and you left your bag and keys on the counter and dedicated yourself to looking for Cloaky.
After searching all the rooms downstairs without success, you went up towards the bedrooms and when you reached the hallway you saw the tip of the red fabric entering your room and the door slamming.
You sighed, but your lips curved into a smile. Somehow you felt like you were dealing with a child.
Upon entering the room you found it standing floating near the chair where some of Stephen's clothes were hanging in front of the dresser. Cloaky pointed to the clothes and then imitated the gesture of pointing to the clock.
"He must be arriving." You said walking up to it. "Now let me check on you. I want to make sure you're clean enough."
Cloaky turned around for you to check it out.
"Very well. It wasn't that difficult, was it?"
It crossed its imaginary arms in protest.
"Okay, but now it's over and he'll be here soon. I know you miss him. You’re feeling today what I feel every day."
You walked to the bathroom and Cloaky followed you like a cat.
"Uh hm. No way are you going to stay here and spy me while I take a shower" You scolded. "Wait for me downstairs."
Cloaky left the bathroom with its head down.
After showering, you changed into a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt and went downstairs to prepare something to eat. Finally, you ended up with a bowl of popcorn in front of the TV. Cloaky happily flew over to you when it saw you settle down on the couch and before you could even dare to grab a blanket to cover yourself, it threw itself into your lap covering your legs.
You petted the red fabric affectionately and surrendered to the comfort of being home.
You were on the second episode of your favorite tv show when Stephen arrived. He had barely closed the portal behind him when Cloaky slipped off your lap and flew towards him, immediately attaching itself to his shoulders.
"It missed you." You informed.
Stephen smiled "I miss it too. I feel vulnerable without it."
You smiled watching him for a second. Sometimes you needed to stop and look at Stephen to believe he was actually real. He was far more beautiful than handsome and dressed in his blue robes and trusty cloak, he looked almost divine.
"Defender called me." He informed interrupting your thoughts. "He said the meeting was scheduled for tonight. He'll have some appointments tomorrow. Probably will be here tomorrow night."
“It’s everything okay there?”
Stephen nodded. “He asked me to tell you he is perfectly fine.”
You nodded sighing in relief. "This is important to him. You should support him in this."
Stephen nodded, seeming to weigh his next words. "Are you happy? I mean, with our deal?"
You fidgeted in your seat but ended up responding with another question. "Are you?"
He ran his tongue around the corner of his mouth, thinking for a second before responding. "I wondered how that could be possible, but... yes, I am."
You smiled gesturing for him to come closer and he did so, stopping in front of you towering over you. You held his hand and placed it on your chest so he could feel your heart. "That's how I feel every time I see you. When you come home, when I wake up in the morning and you're lying next to me. With Defender it's the same thing. I love you Stephen Strange and as long as you love me, I'm very happy."
He touched your face and bent down to kiss you softly. "I will always love you, sweetheart."
You smiled, pulling him back to your lips, kissing him with more intensity now, your hands going down his chest, moving slowly towards the fly of his pants, but his hand was faster than yours and he stopped you midway humming a provocative denial.
"I'm going upstairs to take a shower." He informed. "Why don't you order something for us to eat and wait for me here?"
You bit your lower lip "I'm not hungry for food, I want you..." You complained seeing the corners of his mouth turn up in a smirk.
"But I am. Very hungry."
You rolled your eyes, teasing him.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I promise I'll give you what you want, just let me regain my strength first. I hate teaching, it makes me extremely tired."
You held his hand and shook it side to side absentmindedly. "Hm maybe you're just getting old."
He raised a slightly offended eyebrow.
"Don't worry, love, I love you anyway." You teased.
He just smiled without bothering to respond to your provocations and walked away up the stairs with his trusty cloak on his shoulders. But you knew you would pay for your comment in a not-so-subtle way. In fact, you were counting on that.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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maochira · 1 year
Hi hi hi! I looove your writing! And I’d love to request for platonic!male reader who’s new to the Bastard Munchen team with Ness and Kaiser?
Thank you! I ended up writing about some other BM characters as well :] also, if you don't have ü on your keyboard, it's spelt Bastard Muenchen! (ü can be spelt as ue)
Masterlist - (new) taglist sign-up
Tags: male!reader, reader is new in Bastard München, this is like a year before Blue Lock, Kaiser doesn't have a that big ego (yet) so he's not an ass here, Gesner makes one dick jokes (nobody is surprised)
It's been weeks since you received a letter from Bastard München, and you immediately agreed to join that club - it's been your dream for years, after all. But now that the day of your first practice with your new team is coming closer, your anxiety about it has been rising as well.
You're used to being the best player on your previous team, but you're well aware of how you're skill will only be seen as average among your new teammates.
And knowing the Michael Kaiser will be one of those teammates doesn't help your anxiety at all.
But surprisingly, the moment you enter the practice field, all of your anxiety is gone and has been replaced by confidence. You don't exactly know why, but it's nothing to complain about.
The coach isn't there yet, so you're just cluelessly standing around. A few of your teammates are on the field already, but none of them are paying attention to you so far. They probably noticed you already but don't know how to approach you, or simply don't want to.
Well, until two other teammates enter the field.
"No one told me we have a new one!" One of them yells excitedly while running up to you. The other teammate follows him, but he seems rather worried about how this interaction will go.
You know almost everything about Bastard München, so their names are no mystery to you. These are Erik Gesner and Benedict Grim.
"Hey, new one", Gesner reaches his hand out for you to shake. "What's your name?"
"(Y/N)", you answer during a somewhat awkward handshake. The only thing that makes it awkward is that Gesner is continuing it way longer than a handshake regularly is.
"Wow, nobody told us we're getting a new teammate", Gesner finally lets go of the handshake, "I'm Erik, and that's BeneDICKt", he points at Grim, who's only been observing the situation until now.
While Gesner laughs at his pun, Grim lets out a little sigh before turning to you. "I'm Benedict, but you can call me Ben." Then, he turns to Gesner and says "Also, I already told you to not introduce me like this anymore!"
"I don't care. It's funny. He probably thinks it's funny as well", Gesner says while first pointing at you, then he looks at you again, "You also think it's funny, right?"
"I guess...?" Is all you manage to answer before the rest of your teammates and the coach enter the field.
Your coach briefly introduces you to everyone, and then practice starts. It's a lot more difficult and exhausting than what you're used to from your previous team, but you're enjoying every second of it. After being the best for so long and slowly getting bored, now there are new challenges coming towards you.
But throughout the entire practice, you can't help but feel like none of your new teammates is actually interested in you being there. None of them talk to you and they don't pay much attention to you either. Well, except for Gesner and Grim.
It's only at the end of practice when two other of your teammates finally approach you.
"Hey there", Kaiser's voice immediately startles you. Out of everyone, he's the last person you would have expected to talk to you. And as always, he's accompanied by Ness.
You don't manage to get a word out, so Ness continues the conversation. "Welcome to the team! Your name was (Y/N), right?"
You're about to open your mouth to respond, but then Ness pulls you into a short but tight hug.
"I've got to admit, you did very well during practice", Kaiser continues speaking, "You seem to fit into the team, skill-wise. What's your position again?"
It takes a short moment for you to gather the right words to respond. "I'm usually a midfielder, but I've also played as a forward on my previous team."
"Great, that means we'll work together on the field!" Kaiser smiles and starts walking towards the locker room, so you and Ness walk along with them.
While walking, you continue your little conversation about positions on the field, which helps you get more confident around Kaiser and Ness. Just as soon as you enter the locker room, that conversation gets interrupted.
"Guys!" Gesner says excitedly and walks up to you, Kaiser and Ness. Kaiser's expression immediately changed to a less happy one.
"We're having another team hangout at the restaurant of Ali's parents later, are you coming as well?" Gesner continues and gestures over at Ali, who's currently packing up the rest of his stuff.
After Ness and Kaiser (slightly reluctantly) agree, you accept the invitation as well. After all, it sounds like a good way of getting to know your new teammates. Since most of them didn't seem interested in you during practice, you figured maybe it'll be different in a different setting.
And you were absolutely right about that. Hanging out with the team in the restaurant feels almost as if they're an entirely different group. It's much easier to talk to them and they show genuine interest in who you are. Although, a few of them (Igor, Bachman and Birkenstock) aren't participating in the conversations much. Sometimes they even seem annoyed, but only when Gesner makes another cock and balls joke. That's also something you're going to have to get used to.
But this was only your first day with the team, and you already feel very comfortable being with them. Joining Bastard München was the right choice.
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legacyshenanigans · 4 months
Marvolo x MC 🐍
Suggestive conversations.
She's new to the Den, and not a woman who gives up her body so easily , or so she thinks 💚
As they sit together by the bar, Marvolo is filled with intrigue and desire. It's clear he wants her. His flirtatious comments, the way he's looking at her, the little touches he keeps reaching out for. After some time of enjoying a drink together, he finally makes his move.
Marvolo: You know. If you wanted to explore the back rooms of the Den, I could show you around? *smirks*
MC let out a small chuckle, her own smirk curling onto her lips. It's not that she wasn't interested in him. She definitely was. And she knew it would be so easy for them to find themselves in an intimate situation. But she enjoyed making her men wait. The build-up was a turn-on to her.
MC: Tempting. Though I'll let you know right now. I don't give it up so easy *narrows her eyes and smiles*
Marvolo let out a deep and smooth little laugh as he also narrowed his eyes at her.
Marvolo: Oh I don't expect you to..But I'm definitely up for a challenge if that's what you're throwing down?
MC: *chuckles* What if I said no? What if I told you that you definitely won't be sleeping with me tonight.
Marvolo tilted his head slowly, seemingly studying her for a moment.
Marvolo: You're a tease, aren't you?
MC: Perhaps. *cheeky grin*
Marvolo reached forward, placing a hand on her thigh, before studying her once more. MC looked down at his hand, a small smirk and the faintest of blushes on her cheeks. A sinful smile crept onto Marvolos' lips.
Marvolo: You say that you and I won't end up in the sheets tonight *smirks* and if that really is the case. Then so be it. I can wait.. *naughty grin* I can play your game... Having said that, your body language is giving you away, sweetheart. *narrows his eyes and whispers* I don't think deep down that you truly believe you can resist me tonight.
MC looked up at him, a playful smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
MC: Interesting..So do you think because I'm flirting and you're making me blush a little means I'm going to let you fuck me?
The tension was clearly building between them. He looked at her like a viper, waiting for its prey. His hand travelled slightly further up her thigh, and she allowed it.
Marvolo: Yes. *charming smile*
MC: Bold. Confident.
Marvolo: You like that.
MC: Do I? *smirks*
Marvolo: Definitely *devilish grin*
His hand travelled even further, now teasing just under her skirt, she shifted a little closing her legs, a slight resistance, which is exactly what he was looking for. MC was enjoying this game, and only really did it to try and make good on her own word that he wouldnt be able to seduce her, but it was becoming more and more difficult as time went on, she giggled. Marvolo narrowed his eyes and smiled.
Marvolo: Do you want me to remove my hand? Say the word, and I will.
"Dammit." She thought to herself, he had her trapped, if she said yes, he'd stop, which she didn't want..But if she said no, he'd win. She didn't speak for a moment. she simply looked at him. He smirked once more.
Marvolo: Don't get quiet now, not when the fun is only just beginning. *chuckles* So answer the question. Do you want me to stop? Or do you want my hand to travel further? Under this skirt. Do you want to feel my fingers rubbing at those damp little panties? *smirks*
MC: And what makes you think they'd be damp?
Marvolo: You're right..I'm making assumptions..*mischievous grin* But I'm 99% sure that they would be.
MC: I guess you won't know, will you? *flirtatious smile*
Marvolo: Won't I? Is that your way of telling me to move my hand?
"Fuck." She thought this time. He was adamant on getting a clear answer to this question. She was falling into his desire. She spread her legs a little once more, reaching down and putting her hand on his, moving it further up her thigh. He'd won. Marvolo gave her a smug grin and let out another quiet but deep chuckle as he moved in closer, whispering in her ear.
Marvolo: I always get what I want.
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hyenahunt · 6 months
Obbligato: In Praise of Folly - 5
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: Ibara, Nagisa, Hiyori
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Ibara: He gladly suffers through such a miserable life no other could hope to understand, all for a God that only he believes in, that only he can see!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Ibara: Frankly speaking, many people have mentioned those comments to him. Time and time again he's refused, isolating himself further.
Of course he would. After all, Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya doesn't consider the soundness nor quality of his own life, nor even of the kindness shown to him by those that love him—
No, in short... he considers the fulfillment of his ideals more important than receiving love from others, than his own rights as a human being.
While others may normally consider love and liberty paramount to life...
Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya is wholly enthralled with the realization of his ideals above everything else; that all should be "equal" and treated "fairly" in the same measures, without one being favored over the other.
—What an absolute lunatic!
Who could ever hope to understand someone that far gone?
And humanity naturally fears those they can't understand, you see.
That's why we do all we can to try; we wrack our brains for any words that might bring us one step closer to shedding light on another's mind...
But unfortunately, Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya has shut down every attempt made towards him by another.
They may have asked, "Why would you sacrifice yourself for the happiness of others?"
But he'd never give them the answer they wanted.
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Ibara: It was never anything about him wanting to be thought well of, or because he loved others, not even that he wanted to be loved or to get money out of it—
If he'd given such understandable, sympathetic answers, then perhaps they'd be left with a sense of relief. However...
Rather than any of that, he'd simply say "Because it is what I believe in."
Because God asks it of him! Because the Bible says so! Because the teachings of his faith claim that one ought to happily sacrifice themselves for others, to act a martyr!
Even if you explain yourself in such a way, there's not a single person in modern day Japan that'll understand nor empathize with you!
The very foundation of Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya's reasoning operates differently than than that of the common man.
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He gladly suffers through such a miserable life no other could hope to understand, all for a God that only he believes in, that only he can see!
And in doing so, he is content! Anyone looking in might simply see a man chopping himself up for the dead's stew in Hell's grand kitchen!
But despite that, Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya faces every day with a smile of contentment. He truly, sincerely, is happy to be a martyr for his faith. That is how it goes for those who choose to be a martyr to their faith.
However... No one would ever consider someone so pleased in his own suffering the same as themselves.
It's only natural that one would see him as nothing but a monster when there's been such a lack of understanding and sympathy from the very start.
Nagisa: ... That's true. It is difficult for one to recognize another as similar to them should their ideology differ so much from the beginning.
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Hiyori: Indeed. After all, it was through this very vein of psychology that fine was able to defeat the Five Eccentrics.
If someone is singled out as a monster no one may ever understand, then they may become the target of unfathomable violence from those around them, their assailants shutting off their own feelings all the while.
That has already been proven through the events in Yumenosaki.
However, this Tatsumi Kazehaya became a monster out of his own desire.
Ibara: Correct. Though he may not have been entirely aware of it, he began to slowly distance himself from those around him... in more ways than one.
At the same time, he is only human, with a body made of the same flesh and blood as you and I; as such, he could only endure so much for so long. His body is, without a doubt, screaming in agony at it all, with the man himself falling ill due to his sacrifice.
It's only natural his mind would fall as well, isn't it? There's only so much pain and suffering that faith can endure, no matter how ironclad it may be!
At the same time, perhaps that's why Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya's become so stubborn and consistent with his beliefs. As the mind weakens, it more easily becomes captive to obsessive notions.
The more mistakes he makes, the more his well-being falters; the more his well-being falters, the more mistakes he makes. He's become a victim of an utterly vicious cycle.
And thus, in its natural conclusion, the man himself has become quite the regular patient at the hospital.
While Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya has remained isolated in the hospital, Reimei Academy is facing a new travesty.
Something that would be enough to put a nail in the coffin of "Reimei's Revolutionary", who's mind and body has been so thoroughly exhausted — a situation most dire, you could say.
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Hiyori: A situation most dire...?
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Ibara: Just so. It's something of a major taboo in the industry, one that people have been quite tight-lipped about...
I don't know very much myself, and it isn't something that's appropriate to speak of in public…
But one thing is certain: the major culprit, or perhaps the star of the show—
Is Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya's greatest rival, a child prodigy called HiMERU.
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sil-writes-fiction-too · 10 months
The Most Precious Thing In The World
Gale x OC!Tav
Genre: Fluff
A/N: this is a one-shot inspired by my ongoing run in Baldur's Gate 3 and the new epiloge that's been added to the game. @wolfhunter89 gave me the idea for this piece, so thank you bestie! This is not an x Reader one-shot, so if you do not like this sort of content, go ahead and click off of this post. Summer was my very first D&D character and I am currently playing as her in my BG3 run. She is a tiefling sorceress.
Summer would usually never find herself inside a classroom. She believes she has endured enough boring lectures as a child, way back when she still lived in Ferox with her parents and all the kids her age had to attend the local school. She can hardly remember any of the notions she was supposed to learn, unsurprisingly, and in the past she has vowed to never set foot in another one of these places ever again. Despite all that, she couldn't be more excited to be here, right now.
She feels a little bit silly sitting among all these young, aspiring, bright-eyed wizards that are simply hanging from their mentor's lips, hungry for knowledge, while she is simply here for... well, their mentor.
Gale's voice is clear and passionate as usual while he explains a concept that seems to fill him with enthusiasm and fascination. She's always liked his voice, since the very beginning, even though at first she often found it difficult to grasp what exactly he was saying, with all the embellished words he would use and the poetical way in which he would speak. She wouldn't change it for the world.
She can't believe it took her so long to finally attend one of his lectures. It's already been, what, eight months since their adventure ended and she accompanied him back to Waterdeep as his bride-to-be? Granted, she had her plate full with having to find an occupation for herself and... slowly getting used to life in her new home. After all, Summer is a free spirit, an adventurer at heart. Settling down was never really in her plans, especially after the Jaime fiasco, so naturally she needed time to adjust.
For a while she was worried she would wake up one day, realize she made a huge mistake and answer the adventurer's call, inevitably breaking Gale's heart... but it never happened. Instead, she found herself looking forward to her return home each time she embarked on a mission for the guild, whether it brought her outside of Waterdeep... or barely outside her own neighborhood. It soon became clear that whatever happened during her travels through Faerûn changed her, that Gale had a positive influence on her and that perhaps she, as well, had a positive influence on him.
None of the letters sent to Arwen since they parted ways expressed grievances over her companion, something that would instead frequently happen when Jaime was still around. She's simply, completely, absolutely in love with him, and seeing him right now in front of his students and looking so happy just... makes her feel at peace with the world.
She remembers laughing when he first came home to tell her he would start teaching, because she couldn't think of any other profession that was so... Gale. It filled her heart with content and enthusiasm, even though she couldn't quite understand why at the time. She has never felt like this for anyone in her life. She could understand the desire for connection, but being so fully invested in someone else that suddenly their victories become your own? That each and every small detail about them suddenly feels like the most precious thing in the world? That their happiness and well-being become your main goal in life? That was all unknown to her, until the day she met him.
She can't believe how quick she fell, and yet it only makes sense to her. Any other outcome seems absurd now. Since the very first day he managed to charm her, and not even once has he overstepped her boundaries or disrespected her. Not even once has he judged her for her less than ideal control of her magic, despite him being such a formidable wizard. He shared every part of himself with her and in turn she did the same with him, and they both moved forward together, grew together... broke each other free from their shackles. She can no longer imagine a life without him.
It is while she is lost in these musings, that the voice she loves oh so much suddenly pulls her out of her thoughts and back into the present.
“Pardon the long wait, I must've gotten carried away there,” he chuckles to himself, slightly swinging his arms in a sheepish manner.
With a quick look around her, Summer realizes that the lecture must've come to an end while she was so deep in thought. She can't help but smile when she brings her gaze back towards Gale and her heart almost blooms in her chest. He raises a quizzical brow at her, clearly amused by her seemingly exaggerated reaction at his presence. “What is it?” he asks.
She gets up from her seat, tail swinging happily from side to side as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses her lips to his in a kiss that catches him by surprise.
“I'm proud of you.”
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Hi everyone! I’m so sorry that I haven’t been writing for awhile, I’m still at university and it is very intense and stressful. I’m hoping to get back into writing properly soon and actively enjoy it again but please if you can be patient.
I will do best with requests but you are welcome to ask others if you feel like I am taking too long, I will understand , just please let me know ☺️
In the meantime please enjoy this new piece! It admittedly isn’t my best but I am still trying to find my groove.
Feedback is always welcome! (Hate is not - if you don’t like what I write don’t read) ✨💕
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“I am so in love with you”
MGK x Reader
Warnings - mentions of feelings and jealously? Fluff 💕
Jealously was an ugly emotion and jealously didn’t look good on you at all.
He was your best friend.
You had known him for years, watched his up, downs and his road to success. You watched him do it all while raising his daughter, helping him along the way but still, you were just a friend.
You had no right into his love life and normally you wouldn’t care - men can be a huge headache and one you could do without, but recently watching as these women throw themselves at Colson continuously stirred that ugly emotion up inside of you.
Being around him suddenly became very difficult. Your friendship has always been affectionate but now every time he pulls you in for a hug, sits to close to you on the sofa or takes your hand, you find yourself wanting more.
Wanting to be the person who gets to sleep beside him every night, the person that holds him after a long day and the person he says I love you too for the rest of your life.
Simply wanting something you never believed you could have.
After a particularly stressful day of actively avoiding your best friend while he was in the studio you find refuge in your bedroom and fish out your phone to discuss your dilemma with a friend outside of the MGK social group.
Y/F/N answers the call on the second ring and can tell immediately what this about. Their advice is always the same. Tell him how you feel.
You can’t help but snort at this.
“Oh yeah because me popping up and being like - I know I told you i wasn't looking for love but then I kinda fell in love with you, will go down brilliantly” you roll your eyes but then back look down and your friend as she goes strangely quiet.
You feel a sudden present lurking behind you and feel the colour drain from your face.
Colson is stood in your doorway, shock present in his features.
Your body releases a sharp gasp as your leg jerks and slams the bedroom door shut.
You cringe internally at the whole interaction and try to steady your breathing.
Colson heard your entire confession…
After a while you think it’s safe and go to stand up from the corner of the room you had been hiding in but you freeze again as there is a knock against the door.
Colson’s soft voice follows just after.
“Y/N can we talk?”
You knew you couldn’t hide from this forever.
Finding comfort in a blanket from your bed, you wrap it around your frame and inch towards the door, opening it and allowing the famous rapper into your space.
You didn’t say anything as his sits down slowly on the bed, allowing you speak.
When you couldn’t find the words, Colson asks one question.
“Did you mean it?”
You nod in response but when he doesn’t say anything else you begin to feel as if being truthful wasn’t the right answer.
"I'm so so sorry oh my god i definitely shouldn’t of said anything, ah god! If you don't even want to talk to me again i get it -“
You couldn’t stop the word vomit spilling from your mouth even if you tried, that was until Colson surged from the bed and took your head into his large hards. He caresses your face gently and whispers “tell me, I need you to tell me”
Your hand shakes as you place it over his heart. He places his hand over yours and takes a deep breath.
You look into his ocean blue eyes and say the words that have been swarming in your head for months.
“I am so in love with you”
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oldbutnotyetwise · 5 months
When You Say Nothing At All
     I want you to think about this seriously for a few minutes.  What would it be like if you lost your voice and couldn’t speak anymore?  It is something that we all take for granted almost from the time we are born.  A young baby will coo, gurgle, blow bubbles experimenting with sounds and quickly realize that people around them pay attention to them when they do this.  There is absolutely no doubt in any parent’s mind that a baby is very capable of communicating their displeasure from the moment of their birth. In time the baby learns words which slowly form the foundation of their language skills that under normal circumstances last until they die.
     Maybe for the rest of today I would like you to think about what it would be like if you couldn’t speak.  Every person you want to talk to, you can’t.  Phone or video calls? Nope, you can’t make or receive them.  You could use sign language or play charades or become a Mime, except your arms and hands don’t work very well. 
     ALS is in the final stages of stealing my voice from me.  Whatever is supposed to be working, whether it be my vocal chords or the way my tongue helps to make sounds, they simply aren’t working anymore.  When I do try to speak, I speak much slower, I focus on enunciating my words, what voice I have left is now much softer.  So even if you can hear the sound coming out of my mouth there is a good chance you may not understand it.  It sounds silly but I can now become exhausted just from talking.  I mumble and slur what used to be words but now are quickly becoming indistinguishable sounds.  I know what I want to say, the words are very clear in my head but by the time they leave my mouth its like they have gone through a blender and no longer make sense.   I would like to think I was once a good conversationalist, but now I’m just a listener, hopefully a good one.  I am no longer able to ask the probing questions that showed people I was really interested and helped bring their story out. 
     If I’m being honest, I knew that this day was coming.  I knew that with ALS when the person starts slurring their words, they normally lose their ability to speak four to six months later.  I am now coming up on that six month point.  Even though I knew this day was coming, I find it very difficult to believe and accept that I will not be able to speak anymore.  I find it hard to believe I sound like I presently do.  Yes, yes I know, finally my friends and family will be able to get a word in while I am sulking in the corner.
     So the other day Robin and I were out walking Kiwi, she went into store and Kiwi and I rolled down the street to a warm sunny spot to wait for her.  A young man approached asking if he could pet Kiwi.  I said that he could and then we began chatting.  He heard the garbled words coming out of my mouth and I could read his face as he tried to determine if the garbled words might also be indicating a mental disability.  I could see how difficult it was for him to understand me, and in the end I regretted having gotten into the conversation with him.  Chatting one on one with people has always been something I enjoyed, just one more thing ALS has now taken away from me.  
     Robin was out the other day when my phone rang, I normally don’t answer my phone these days preferring Robin take the call, but as it was Sunnybrook Hospital calling I thought I had best not miss the call.  They were calling to advise they were sending a form that needed to be signed, hearing me mumbling they then added my Power Of Attorney could sign it for me.  Numerous other calls like this have come through since I’ve been going to the hospital, this time with my mumbling they added the part about a POA being able to sign for me.
     Sadly, my communication methods are starting to resemble that of an obnoxious teenager who can’t be bothered to actually converse with his parents.  I now point at things, nod in the direction of things, or maybe just look at things hoping that Robin will understand what I want.  When someone is asking me if something is all right I now resort to the ever reliable thumbs up.  
     Now people in my situation have ways to communicate thanks to advancements in technology.  I was told early on to ‘Voice Bank’… save my voice so when it came time that my computer would sound like me speaking.  Sadly I just never got that done, by the time I started trying to do that it was already too late.  There is also something called AAC which is Augmentative and Alternative Communication which includes boards with buttons to push which then say common phrases, or even Eye Gaze Technology, where your eye movement is able to communicate with your computer which can then speak or write for you.  Presently my Text to Speech App on my phone has me speaking with an Australian accent.  I’m trying to distract the listener from this broken old man in a wheelchair and make them think of me more along the lines of a handsome Aussie on a beach with a surfboard under his arm.
     Robin and I have always gotten along very well.  We used this rather unconventional approach to our relationship, we actually talked and listened to each other.  We are each others best friends, and although we can certainly talk about the big things going on in the world, we are both much more interested in what is going on in our own little world.  When we lived on the farm there were always things going on, she would tell me about her gardens, I would tell her about the things I saw on my hikes, we would slip into those easy conversations much like you might slip into a warm winter sweater, they just felt good.  Those nice easy conversations that I loved are now slipping away from us.  Having to continually repeat myself, and still not being understood makes me want to give up attempting to converse.
     I am totally dependent on Robin for my survival.  It is extremely important to me to make sure that I am able to tell her how much I love her, not only for who she is, but also for all she is doing for me.  It is also so important to me that I can make her aware of how very grateful I am for everything she does for me.  Yes you are right, she does in fact know how much I love her and how grateful I am, but it is still important for me to be able to say the words, just as it is important for her to hear those words….but I can’t say them, and she can’t hear what I can’t say…..or can she?
     Through most of my later life when I was struggling with something I would “sit with it”.  Not everything requires immediate action or response, sometime by just sitting with something a solution presents itself, or I am able to come up with a well thought out plan to deal with it.  So I was sitting with my inability express my love and gratitude to Robin when an old Allison Kraus song came to mind.  It was an old favourite of mine, and one I had played on my guitar many times…..and it gave me comfort. 
When You Say Nothing At All
It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I can never explain
What I hear when you don’t say a thing
You say it best, when you say nothing at all.
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Robin, Kiwi and I.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Hello, rotting again too many thoughts, too little of a brain. SR is chillin with the one of the boys and its golden hour (when the sun hits just right and makes you look <33) and sun is hitting her just right making her look all pretty. And she's just talking about how a tomato is a fruit or not, and she turns to look at them, and her eyes staring at them with the sun hitting her so prettily is just so intense. That suddenly, they are unable to answer her,; just stuttering, or unable to find the the will to form words at all(seeing flustered Giorno or Bruno who always is so suave now trying to speak but their toungue feels so useless, unable to form words, and now simply opening and closing their mouths like a fish, trying to save their pride) as SR's eyes slowly go softer from her previous excitement into more of a mellow confusion, asking them if something is wrong, even putting their hand on their head to see if they are sick. And most of the boys have never had this experience before, seeing someone so pretty that they can't even speak properly (we've all had those moments irl, ik I have) and they 're all red in the face and even the ears are red. (even better if they're not dating and the boys just flounder about, Narancia genuinely thinking it's a stand attack fighting for his life just to form a sentence, while Fungo and Abbachio just can't handle and look away or even walk away 💀Mista trying so hard to make a joke out of it, while beat red in the face ) End of rot rant, sorry if i'm sending in too much stuff.
you have nothing to apologize for omg,... these are beloved asks... i am cradling them gently in my hands ....
'And she's just talking about how a tomato is a fruit or not,' LMAO i love this it captures SR reader's energy so perfectly tyhjrtkmg
giorno would be sighing, resting his chin on his palm, feeling kinda bad for zoning out because he likes you to know you have his attention but. his brain stopped working properly. he can't think of anything especially dazzling to say, just that he sometimes struggles to believe you're real. bruno would be stuck in a similarly difficult predicament. you just make him feel so warm on the inside and in moments like this, it's almost too much. you make him feel human again. his responsibilities melt away, nothing aside from you registering. he could get drunk on the feeling.
fugo hits you with the legendary line 'stop... doing that. being... pretty.' shakespeare who? he screams into his pillow that night in embarrassment. it's amazing how you can turn such an intelligent man into a blubbering fool. he doesn't mind nearly as much as he lets on. abbacchio just getting up and walking away though PFF he'd be clutching his chest the second he left the room, trying to regain himself while your footsteps pad on over. you motivate him to get a physical again to make sure everything's working right in there. he's fine, though, just lovesick to a worrying degree. he has no idea how you do it.
narancia ... he's such a sweetheart... he already feels emotions so strongly, so this is messing him up. in a good way though. you'd have to reassure him that no, this isn't a stand attack (probably?), and that he's got to calm down. take some deep breaths. you'll think it's the cutest thing ever when he explains his reasoning. mista does a somewhat better job at playing it cool, since he always wants to give off this debonair vibe. chokes on his spit a little though and ruins the atmosphere. if pistols have been filched a snack recently, the little snitches will gather around to profess mista's innermost thoughts to you. apparently he's convinced a religion could be started in your honor.
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