#he's so dad coded
qtipping · 2 months
S2E1 of Leverage AKA: the kids return from college and move back into dads place after he just got used to them being gone
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the-whispers-of-death · 8 months
John Price taking Grumpy!Reader and their kid to a fair. Even if your kid is a teen, he's still taking them to the fair to try and impress them. No ifs ands or buts, the man is determined to keep impressing them.
If your kid is a teen, he's going on all of the crazy roller-coasters that they want to go on, even if you yourself are wary about them. Especially if you are wary and don't want your kid going on those roller-coasters, actually. He'd be like, "It's alright, I'll go with them" and he gets on the most daunting roller-coasters at the fair. One-on-one bonding time, he calls it later.
If your kid is younger, then best believe that man is going to win them whatever stuffed animal prize gets their attention when you're all walking through the fair. He's so confident about it too, especially if the prize is at one those shooting games. Because how could he, a military man, lose at a fair's shooting game? Well, he forgets all about how those fair games are rigged, stepping up to the booth with determination.
Flash forward an hour or two later, you and your kid are just stuck there at the game, forced to wait because John refuses to leave until he gets that damned teddy bear your kid wants. Even if you say he should just give up, he's using more tickets to keep playing the game. At one point, he even contemplated seeing if he could buy the teddy bear from the guy manning the booth but he dismisses the notion. He WILL be winning that teddy bear fair and square.
Somehow, someway, he manages to do it and his chest is puffed out in pride as he takes the teddy bear from the guy in the booth and turns to give it to your kid. His entire face is lit up with a triumphant grin when your kid squeals and thanks him for getting them the teddy bear. And then he immediately goes to the next fair game if another stuffed animal catches your kid's attention, causing you to spend literal hours at each booth as he gets each and every stuffed animal your kid wants.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated!
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lovehypegirl · 6 months
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synopsis: You're a first year at Jujutsu Tech and your mentor is Nanami Kento. You try to get the man to open up a little after a visit to the bakery and record store information: reader's technique uses firearms pairing: platonic!nanami x platonic!gn!reader WC: 958 warnings.ᐟ : none
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Gojo had assigned Nanami to be your mentor in attempt to get Nanami to work more with the students
Honesty, he thought that you and Nanami were somewhat similar, calm and collected but slightly classy
I mean, even your uniform looked like what he wore. Your uniform was a dress shirt, suspenders, shoulder holsters for you handguns, dress pants, and Louboutin dress shoes (that you had bought with Gojo's card)
You had just finished up your mission at an abandoned warehouse and as the multitude of curses faded away after exorcism, you placed your sniper rifle in your case and your handheld gun in your shoulder holster. Closing the clasps on your rifle case you stood up holding the case and adjusting the shoulder holster.
Nanami stood to the side wiping his hands on a handkerchief of any blood that the curses spewed
"Nanamin!" you called out "are you ready to leave? We've cleared the area of any curses"
"Yes. We're leaving now" he answered shortly as he turned around. He placed his cursed tool on the back of his shoulder holster
You followed after him carrying your rifle case out of the dark warehouse
Nanami walked on the street side of the sidewalk and you walked on the building side
You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light
"It's sunset already" you stared up at the sun with a smile "how pretty" you walked next to Nanami as you looked at how the golden glow rested on buildings
You turned to a window that so happened to be a bakery and you saw how the sunset softened your features and how Nanami's sharp features were highlighted by the sunlight in certain places
"Do you wish to go in there?" His deep voice asked, snapping you out of your thoughts
"Oh um...I don't wish to trouble you" you turned away from the bakery
"No matter, If your hungry then we can eat...you had a harsh mission today so it's best if you ate" he opened the door to the bakery with a ding!
You followed after him unsure of what to say
The girl at the counter greeted in a cheery manner
"Hello! You're back again!" she smiled (IT'S THE BAKERY GIRL FROM THE MANGA!!)
"Pick what you want" he looked over at you
You hesitated slightly unsure of letting your mentor spend his money on you
"I told you, it's no matter" he placed a hand on your shoulder "Pick what you want"
"Uhm...okay then...(favorite food)"
"Let's get that for her and...a danish for me"
"The usual then huh? Who'd you bring with you?"
"She's my pupil as of 2 months ago"
"Wow! I'm sure you're a great teacher" she smiled at you and you smiled back
"He is" you grinned as he paid for your food
He walked out of the store with you by his side taking your rifle case from your hand as he handed you the food he bought for you
You felt slight relief as you finished your food, you were really hungry but didn't want to bother him for food
You looked to the side as you crossed the street spotting a record store
Throwing out the wrapper for your food as you reached the other side of the street
"I can carry my rifle now, and you can head on back to the school. I wanna stop here for a bit I wanna buy something" you pointed to the record store
"Don't worry about it I'll go with you"
"But our mission is over..."
"The mission doesn't end until we reach the school safely. It's also getting dark soon and you shouldn't be out alone in the dark"
He placed a hand on your back and guided you into the store
The record store held a nice ambiance, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald's Autumn In New York played in the background on a record
A young woman with short red hair sat behind the counter shuffling through records
"Oh, y/n! You're back"
"Yea, do you have any new Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra?"
"Yeah, we just got Songs For Swingin' Lovers a few days ago. Should be in the back. A couple of Sade came in as well!"
"Thanks!" you called as you walked towards the section she pointed to
"Do you come here often?" Nanami asked
"I do! I really like vinyl...y'see I collect 'em. I think my first was a Beatles record...I got it for Christmas when I was...seven? Eight? I dunno, but I also got a record player the next year, so I started collecting" you rambled on as you went through the Jazz C-D box looking for a Dean Martin record that you could add to your collection
"You collect them hm?"
"Yeah! I wanna own every album from every one of my favorites one day"
"...Who are your favorites?" Nanami had begun to go through a Crooners Classics G-H box
"Oh gosh, well I love Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, ect. The classics y'know? I really like jazz...but lately, I've been into Neo-Soul...I'm thinking that this summer can be the Neo-Soul Summer 'cause during the winter I listened to a lot of Jazz...." you trained off "...uhm...am I talking too much?"
"Don't worry about it"
You nodded slightly with a small smile "Okay um...have you listened to Sade before?" you walked over to the section where Sade's records were located
"I have not" he turned towards you as you shuffled through a box
"Here we go..." you pulled out a record and handed it to him
"This one is Diamond Life released in 1984 it's uh...nine songs...one of my favorite albums"
"Mhm.." he turned the record over and read the list of songs
"My favorite time to listen to Sade is in the evening...it really fits the atmosphere...and here we go!" you picked up the Frank Sinatra record to buy for yourself
"'Kay...I'm gonna get this one...do you wanna get that record?"
He nodded slowly "Yes, why not"
"Great!" you took the record from him
"I'll get them this time since you covered our food"
"y/n I am--"
"--my mentor I know. But this is my thank you for being a really good mentor to me. Uhm...you keep me...down to Earth in a way? It's nice having a level-headed mentor...in comparison to Gojo...who's head seem to be everywhere but his neck!" you walked to the counter and placed the records on the counter and paid for them
When you exited the store with Nanami you handed him the record
"Here you go Nanamin!" You handed him the Sade record "I hope you enjoy it!"
"Thank you, y/n" he accepted the record you handed to him "you didn't have to do that, you know"
"Oh I know! But like I said, I'm thankful for having a mentor who's head is screwed on straight" you smiled as you talked to him
He huffed out a small laugh at your statement
"While we're on the topic of thanks, I've been meaning to thank you properly for the sourdough starter. I wasn't expecting it as a gift but it was a wonderful one. How did you know?"
"Gojo-sensei runs his mouth a lot"
"That he does"
"My mom also likes bread and...she has a starter to she taught me how to make one. I think that people who like bread should make their own! 'Cause then, they can have it whenever they want. Plus it's nice to smell the bread you make when I wake up on Sunday"
He smiled "I'm glad. You mentioned your first record was the Beatles, yes? How did you go from that to Jazz?"
"Wellll the Beatles is considered Madchester which really isn't my type of music so! I began experimenting and found Jazz! My parents took me to a Jazz club and I swear I spiraled from there! I even began to learn the saxophone!"
"The saxophone you say?"
"Yeah! Sometimes I play at night since it's the only thing keeping me sane at this point...curse-killing really puts a strain on the physical body and practicing an instrument helps...it really does"
"You're the one playing at night..."
"...you can hear it..? I thought you didn't stay on campus?"
"I had to stay late one night to file a mission report that I had been holding off on"
"Well, I hope it wasn't a bother..."
"Of course not, Desmond Blue by Paul Desmond is never a bother"
"Oh you knew the song!"
"You play quite well it's easy to recognize"
"Thank's Nanamin!" you smiled up at him
He returned your smile slightly and pat your back as you both walked back to Jujutsu Tech
"Now, tell me more about the songs you know..."
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You shared anecdotes about your favorite songs and artists, from the soulful melodies of Sade to the timeless classics of Frank Sinatra. Nanami listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with his own insights or questions, demonstrating a genuine curiosity about your musical tastes.
As you approached the school grounds, you realized how much you appreciated these moments of camaraderie with your mentor. Despite his initial stoicism, Nanami had proven to be a supportive and understanding presence in your life as a Jujutsu sorcerer.
As the conversation wound down, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected bond you shared over music. It was a reminder that even in the midst of darkness and danger, there were moments of connection and joy to be found.
With a sense of contentment, you and Nanami entered the school grounds, ready to continue your journey together as mentor and pupil. And as the evening descended, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you had a steadfast ally by your side
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prenzea · 8 months
Bad just called Pomme "sweetie" i'm gonna cry
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tnmsketchpadmini · 1 year
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i like speaker, i wish we knew more about him
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alienzil · 3 months
DP x DC Prompt/notion # 5
Bruce finished logging the last details of tonight’s patrol and reluctantly pulled up contingency file PT-961. “Hnn,” he grunted to the empty cave, staring at the folder on screen but making no move to open it yet. His children were all out for the evening with various excuses: doing research on a case, homework, visiting a friend, etc. He knew they were really with Fenton for a movie night of course…the third such movie night in the last several months since they started sneaking over to visit the man.
He'd put this off long enough, making excuses to himself about assessing the situation before coming to any conclusions, it was past time he did something about it.
Cli-click. There. The file was open.
He’d made this contingency plan years ago, creating it only a days after Dick had moved into the manor and updating as needed as the family had grown but it hadn’t been touched for years.
PT-961 In The Event That More than 50% of the Children Form an Attachment to a New Parental Figure (see file HM-962 if less than 50%) 1. Initial Research: a. Attachment levels – see pages 1-36, graphs I-XLVII b. Assessment of New Parental Figure c. Background and character 2. Intentions – harmful a. If wanting money see contingency files (GD-01 to GD-207) b. If mind control – magic see contingency files (SMM-M-01 to SMM-M-508) c. If mind control – science see contingency files (NAM-ES-01 to NAM-ES-904) d. If criminal intentions see contingency files (CAP-C-201 to CAP-C-508) 3. Intentions – positive a. Option 1. Hire them - See Family reaction projections pages 37-75 - See likelihood of job acceptance pages 76-94 - See possible outcome projections pages 95-127 Note: Option 1 has the highest likelihood of job acceptance and a positive outcome in the event New Parental Figure has an annual income of less than $42,300 and/or is greater than or equal to age 57. b. Option 2. No interference/Let the Children decide what to do - See Children’s time projections pages 128-209, graphs XLVIII-LXX - See possible mission/patrol interference scenarios pages 210-293 - See possible outcomes pages 294-362 Note: Projections for Option 2 show a near 100% likelihood of interference with patrols/mission. Note: Interference resulting in increased potential for injury or delay in treatment of injuries estimated to be 68-94% more likely. c. Option 3. Custody arrangement - See potential arrangements pages 363-482, graphs LXXI-XC - See possible outcomes pages 363-401 Note: The majority of projections show Option 3 is unlikely to be successful. Both the children and New Parental Figure are predicted to be uncooperative in time and custody arrangements with no other controlling factors. d. Option 4. Engage in a relationship - See family reactions page 402-481 - See New Parental Figure reactions pages 482-568 - See possible outcomes pages 569-757 Note: For possible romantic or similar relationships see contingency files (DM-401 to DM-879) Note: In the event Option 1 is nonviable, Option 4 has the highest likelihood of a positive outcome. e. Option 5. Arrange for New Parental Figure to leave - See contingency files (ROI-G-301 to ROI-G-809) Note: High likelihood of one or more children discovering the arrangement for the removal of New Parental Figure leading to high likelihood of estrangement. Also likely to be ethically questionable.
Bruce double checked his notes on Daniel James Fenton. He was 2 years younger than Bruce, earned a high income as a freelance engineer and had multiple patents that gave him enough passive income from royalties that he could easily maintain his current lifestyle without working. There were no indications of any criminal history or ill intentions and thus far all of his interactions with the children appear to have been positive. More than positive given that every single one of his kids was now “secretly” (or secretly in so far as they were aware) spending time with him.
He steepled his hands in front of his face and focused on the data displayed on screen.  The best option to take in this case was obvious.
Ding-Dong! “I’m coming!” Danny yelled as he dropped the laundry basket on the couch and headed for the front door. “Why is there always a package delivery on laundry day?” he muttered to himself. Well, hopefully the delivery guy wouldn’t mind his no clean laundry ensemble. Surely, they’d seen worse than Danny’s ancient, too small NASA t-shirt and the bat themed pajama pants Sam bought for him when he moved to Gotham.
“Hi there, sorry I was doing laundry and…uhh…you’re not the delivery guy”. Danny stared at a sharply dressed smiling man holding a dozen roses on the other side of his door.
“No, I’m Bruce Wayne. I-“
“Oh, shit”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. “You know.”
“Umm…” Danny gulped. He was not expecting to deal with Batman on laundry day! “Yes?” He straightened himself, squared his shoulders and looked Bruce Wayne AKA Batman, the father of the kids that his core had recently come to recognize as his own, in the eyes. “Yes,” he said firmly. “I know.”
“Hnnn…” Bruce’s voice dropped a few octaves. Not quite Batman’s signature growl but much lower than he had been speaking. “Well then, that simplifies things. These are for you. Would you like to go out to dinner with me?”
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thefrsers · 5 months
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requested by Anon: Bobby + holding the baby in 7.07
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ambriel-angstwitch · 3 months
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Omg! Tim liking the schedule and Damian’s solemn nod.
I love my little autistic boys. They’re so dedicated to the job. (And they just like schedules)
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doctorsiren · 7 days
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give this angle another tri
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pwinkprincess · 4 months
can u do more tojiii 🧁
young & beautiful ୨ৎ
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your parents are on a business trip, which gives you more freedom than a sheltered 20 year old should have. they left the country thinking their daughter would continue to drive around your suburban neighborhood, continue going to both your ballet and pilate classes, go to your college classes and stay there retaining all of the information you possibly can. it’s the basic things they expected of you.
little did they know you were far far from home. your expensive shoes plopped against the cracked ed concrete. in the distance, you could hear the sound of multiple police sirens ringing throughout. they seemed to grow close before disappearing and the crying sirens becomes quieter and quieter. your eyes take in the environment in front of you, the buildings that you could tell were once vibrant now lost their color. cracks and chunks of the bricks used to build them up were missing and large colorful vandalism littered spots on the buildings. corner stores with peeling paint and flickering neon signs offer a glimpse of the local people here struggling to survive.
it feels like a gray filter is casted on this side of town. and with winter being seconds away from approaching, everything is colder and dull. the sky grumbles, threatening—no, warning people of what’s to come. a group of guys are standing at a trash littered corner as you and toji past by them. you curiously look at their faces, they’re all already looking at you with a gleam in their eyes. you gasp to yourself and clutch toji’s hand tighter in fear.
“got ya’ a young one!” one of the guys call out to toji, “bet that pussy’s nice ‘nd tight!”
toji walks faster, his grip tightening on your hand. you struggle to keep up with his fast steps. his walking is your fast walking, you’re almost on the borderline of jogging. the fall air sores through your chest as you continue looking around the neighborhood curiously.
the two of you walk until you get to a worn down building. it’s littered with moss, vines, and graffiti. toji lets go of your hand to pick out a single key in his pocket.
“go inside. i’ll be back.” he tells you. you can’t stop yourself from frowning.
“i-what? no!” you say with widened eyes. as interesting as it is to be in a part of town that your parents demanded you never came over, things are still dangerous. the thought of going into a building you’ve never been inside and just waiting for him has your heart thumping in fear. anything could happen while he’s gone.
“‘m not askin’.” he could see you trying to form up some rebuttal, some way to argue with him and he can’t stop himself from rolling his eyes. “i’ll only be gone for about ten minutes. you can be a good girl and wait for ten minutes, right?”
you’re stiffly nodding your head while looking up at him. you try to convince yourself that ten minutes is not that long of a wait.
“i’ll knock six times and then say gumi. if someone knocks but doesn’t say the code word don’t open the door, understand?” he speaks carefully while looking into your eyes. he’s hoping all of his words are actually sticking and not just going through one ear and flowing out the other.
“fine..” you’re sighing and pouting, hoping that that’ll make him for bad for leaving you alone so soon.
he examines your face for a few seconds. he doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, the two of you quietly look at each other into each other’s face until a dog barks and interrupts you both. toji steps back, giving you more personal space.
you don’t know if you’re supposed to give him a kiss or hug goodbye. your relationship with him is still new and timid at times. your feet are moving before you realize it and your arms have a mind of their own as they wrap around his figure. to your surprise, toji accepts your hug, though it is awkward. he pats your head like some dog.
after a few prolonged seconds, he’s pulling you away from him. “alright, kid. go inside.”
and you listen. with shaky hands, you bring the key to the knob. it takes only a second to unlock the door. to your dismay. the door creaks as it slowly opens. you look back at toji one more time, he’s still waiting for you to go completely inside before walking away.
you let out a breath before stepping into his house. you make sure to lock the door behind you.
the inside of the house is sparsely furnished with basic necessities—a worn-out couch, a small dining table with mismatched chairs. there are warm tones of the walls try to add a comforting touch to the otherwise bleak space, but they can't hide the signs of neglect. the floorboards creak with every step, and the curtains are thin, barely filtering out the dim light from the outside light. you’re used to big elegant houses so to see something so small and compact has your eyebrows rising. as you tour throughout the entire house, every room is just about the same. bare with just hints of being lived in. you curiously open the refrigerator, you’re met with nothing. just a bottle of half drunken hennessy, and a sandwich. you’re in disbelief that someone actually lives like this.
luckily, the electricity worked. you turned the heat up before trailing into his bedroom. the room is a master, it has a queen sized bed in the middle of the floor and a single dresser with a tv sitting on top of it. you strip out of your clothing besides your bra and panties. you rummage through his drawers until you find a solid black shirt. you put it on, it fits you like a dress. it stops right under your ass and the littlest movement would expose it off. you fold your discarded clothes, and place them on top of his dresser. you grab your phone and lay down on his bed.
his house is quiet. too quiet. there’s nothing to hear besides your thoughts. you can’t help but to wonder how he lives like this. so alone with nothing but his thoughts. you sigh out to yourself, it’s almost close to the ten minute mark.
you mindlessly scroll on your phone until you finally hear it. you rush out of his bed and make a straight line to the door.
knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
you let out a breath and swing the door open. toji stands there with a. smug smirk on his face. as you look up at him, breathless, you notice a newfound small scar on his cheek.
“you don’t look happy t’see me, cutie.” toji practically pushes you to the side. you’re unsteady on your feet before catching your balance.
“no! i am! i’m very happy!” you exclaim. you watch as his fingers go to unzip his jacket, your eyes widen when you realize his knuckles are red and bruised.
his eyes follow what you’re looking at and when he realizes you’re reacting to his bruised knuckles he just chuckles. "i see you made yourself comfortable." he comments.
you bite down on your lip trying to hide your giddy smile. "it smells like you.”
toji only hums at your statement. he walks through his house and you follow behind him like a lost puppy. your uncertain steps travel closely behind his confident ones. he leads you to the bathroom, you don’t know if you should stop at the door or continue to waltz through.
“c’mon.” he ushers you.
he turns the shower on and lets it run for a little. he takes the time to take his clothes off, he smirks to himself when he sees your curious eyes linger on every inch of his body. once he’s bare, he walks over to you, pulling you closer to him. his hands wonder on your body before he’s tugging on your shirt, signaling that he wants it off. he helps you undress yourself, once you’re naked in front of him, he’s ogling at your body while letting out a pleased whistle.
“step in.” he tells you.
you follow his directions and step in the tub. now that you’re actually in it. the tub is quite condemned and with how big toji is you briefly wonder if the two of you are going to fit.
he hands you a white rag before stepping in behind you. you’re stiff, you’ve never showered with another person, ever. you’re used to showering in luxury bathrooms with the upmost space. you see that there’s only one bottle of body wash, which is also something you’re not used to. you use a plethora of skincare products that make you feel nice and clean, not some off-brand from the convenience store.
“since it seems like you don’t know how to wash yourself.” toji tuts before taking the rag out of your hands. he pours a nice amount of gel on the fabric before wetting it.
the feeling of his hands cascading around your body is .. weird. his movements are extremely gentle, he touches you like you’re some sort or sensitive rare artifact. you find yourself relaxing against his body as he cleans you. he starts from the neck and works his way down, even going so far as to clean the outside of your intimate areas with just water. you return the favor to him, also. he washes himself but he does let you wash his back. once the two of you are cleaned, you stay under the slowly turning cold water until it’s fully freezing.
there’s only one towel out when you two step out. you look up at toji cautiously.
“forgot to grab the other.” he shrugs. he wraps the towel around your body and then opens the bathroom door.
you two make your way to his bedroom. you could hear the sound of rain pattering against the roof and occasional thunder blooming throughout the air. toji turns on a single lamp as a source of light.
the two of you dry off in your own towels. once you’re dry, you’re looking up at toji. the very few times you’ve been around him it feels like your brain stops working and you have to look at from guidance. you can’t tell if he gets annoyed by it or not, if he does he doesn’t say anything.
toji guides you to sit on the edge of the bed. before you could ask why, his lips are on yours. he kisses you greedily, he sucks up both your tongue and air. with you being not so experienced, you struggle to keep up with his experienced mechanisms. you can’t stop yourself as you’re leaning back, and toji follows you. he makes sure not to drop his entire weight so that he wouldn’t crush you.
the two of you continue to sloppily make out for a while, the kiss morphing from just lips to tongue and spit swapping. you let out a soft moan as toji begins grinding his growing hard on against your clit.
he slowly pulls his lips away from your lips and moves his lipa down to your jaw and neck. he kisses you and occasionally licks spots here and there, he makes sure not to leave any spots on your neck. he’s grown now, if he was still in his early 20’s he would’ve left marks to let people know there’s already a claim on you. but he’s past that childish point in his life.
“y’wanna get fucked, baby? hm? ‘s that why you came alway over here?” he taunts you. his hips are moving faster and one incorrect slip up would have his cock slipping right inside your wet cunt.
“y-yes. please.” breathy gasps are escaping past your lips. the friction he’s creating is so delicious and addictive.
“g’na give it to you, baby. g’na fuck this pussy. g’na mold it to fit only my cock.” he’s letting out a drawn out groan as he slides his cock into you. you’re both moaning out to each other. the second all of his cock is fit into you, he’s immediately pulling his cock out only to slam it back inside of you.
he straightens his back, putting some distance between the two of you. he grabs your legs and places them on his shoulder. he watches as your boobs bounce with every thrust and you’re clutching the bedsheets while still looking angelic.
“fuck.” you whimper out. his cock is so thick and it fills you up so well. “feel’s s-so good, tojiii.” you moan.
“mhmm. g’na let me fill this pussy up, ‘mma put a baby in you.” his breathing becoming heavier and you can’t help but gush out some more wetness at his claims of breeding.
“fuck a baby ‘nto me, toii, pleaseee.” you moan out.
toji grins at your words. if a baby is what you want, that’s what he’ll give to you.
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2-guns-b1tch · 4 months
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Had to redraw this scene because Edward and Miss Tuesday literally have this vibe
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blamemma · 6 months
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max verstappen for tag heuer | photos by jon enoch
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
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@redbirdandbluebird23 there you go 💚 some smol Damian with (teen dad ✨) Jason 💚💚
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yesloulou · 7 months
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Drive to Survive Season 6, Episode 2
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the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
John Price who almost bursts into tears when he hears Grumpy!Reader's kid call him "Dad". It has been a year or two since you two started dating and he's really ingrained himself into your family. He loves your kid as if it's his kid, and he swears that one day, they will be his kid.
If your kid's a teenager, then them calling him "Dad" is most likely in a teasing, exasperated manner.
They were just leaving the house to go to the park with their friends and they had said goodbye to John. He calls out to them to be safe and they respond, "Yeah, yeah. I'll be safe! Bye, Dad!" And they don't miss a beat after saying it, opening the front door and leaving the house.
And John's just left there, standing wherever he is, wondering if he heard it correctly. Even if it had been in a teasing manner, the man is on cloud nine. He got called "Dad" by the very kid he loves and thinks of as his own. He's Dad now, he'll only ever respond to it when talking with your kid.
If your kid is younger, then it's mostly genuine when they call him "Dad".
John's in the kitchen, making them whatever lunch they want. It's a Saturday afternoon and you just went out to get groceries for the upcoming week, a common occurrence on a Saturday. Maybe he's making them dinosaur chicken nuggets or a sandwich, whatever it is, he plates it on the table.
"Here you go, kid," he says, watching with a fond smile as your kid lights up with happiness. A deep rumble of contentment is heard from his chest. "Eat up."
They do so happily, taking a bite of the food. "Thanks, Dad!" they reply, shoving food into their mouth.
He's taken aback, shocked by it all. He had never thought they'd call him "Dad", but it feels so right. And he's ecstatic for the rest of the day, unable to shake off the bright grin on his face. He happily spends the rest of the day doing whatever your kid wants, his heart soaring with happiness whenever they call him "Dad'.
That night, no matter which type of kid you have, John's laying beside you in bed, you fast asleep. And he's on his phone with his brightness turned down, looking at engagement rings. Because he's going to get married to you, officially be in this family. He's not letting you or your kid go, you're both his now.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated!
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cupophrogs · 7 months
The Three D's
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I have a horrible habit of dropping any series-comics I try to make, so I thought it'd do a little story-ish ask event!!
So far, we've got the three D's: Dogday, Daddy Long Legs, and Drew.
Basic info and closeups!
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Drew, he/him, 18 yrs: the horror-loving nephew of an old Playtime Co. employee. Squawks like a strangled bird when surprised.
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Daddy Long Legs, aka: "Pops:" If you could find a loving father from the 20s who wasn't a misogynist. Misses his wife, but doesn't blame Drew for her death.
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Dogday, aka: "Deedee" or "Dogs:" The last, overly traumatised Smiling Critter who really needs a hug. Drew found him some spare legs in a closet somewhere.
Without dirt and grime:
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