#headcanon that potions is the one thing that james is like ????? about
pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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fluff ✿ angst ✮ hurt & comfort ✷ smut (nsfm) ♥
main masterlist
most popular - WILDEST DREAMS ✿ - Finding out that your ex-best friend might have smelt you in the Amortentia feels as surreal as you smelling him.
author's favorite - SAY DON'T GO ✿✮✷ - When your long-term boyfriend is slipped a love potion—he loses his memory of you.
latest work - "SLUT!" ♥ - Your brother's best friend teaches you pleasures you've never experienced before.
fem!reader with an abusive ex
fem!reader who is nervous about the gym
~ FICS ~
KING OF MY HEART ✿ - You and James are friends with benefits until daisies and an incident with one asshole Quidditch player stirs up some hidden (or not-so-hidden) feelings.
MAROON ✿ - James usually doesn't like violence but he'll fight anyone who bad-mouths his girlfriend.
LAVENDER HAZE ♥ - Having a thing for your best friend's dad was your dirty little secret. Up until it wasn't so secret anymore.
THIS LOVE ✿ - Sometimes your lovely boyfriend can have a hard time with the word 'no'.
HOW YOU GET THE GIRL ✿✷✮ - You've never had your first kiss — well not until you stupidly kiss the boy you've had a crush on since forever, the same boy who happens to be your best friend.
FOOLISH ONE ✮ - James was and would never be yours.
TIMELESS ✿✷ - James wants to take you out to one of his families' fancy parties. However, he underestimates how cruel people can be when someone is different.
* * * related: muggle!reader * * *
ENCHANTED (pt.1) ✿ - Three weeks after his devastating break up with Lily, James wanted Remus and Sirius to bring him to a muggle bar in central London.
SWEETER THAN FICTION (pt.2) ✿ - After months of dating, James finally tells you he's a wizard.
* * *
YOU ARE IN LOVE ✿ - You never realized how much of an idiot your brother's best friend is until he becomes jealous.
GLITCH ♥ - You never intended to admit you would fuck James Potter. You hate him. Well, turns out you hate him a little less when he's touching you in ways you'd only dreamed of.
STAY BEAUTIFUL ✿✷- When you overhear some of James's friends comment on your weight, James comforts you.
SANTA BABY ✿ - James wants to make his family's Christmas special.
SNOW ON THE BEACH ✿✷ - When your eleven-year-old son comes home for Christmas break in tears, you and James are instantly worried.
NEW ROMANTICS ✿✷ - When your "friends" play a dangerously stupid prank on you, James is the last person you'd think would help you.
COLD AS YOU ✷✮ - You want your boyfriend's attention again.
I THINK HE KNOWS ♥ - Your boyfriend promises to watch over you when you want to get drunk.
BEGIN AGAIN ✿ - James has been persuing you for years and you've never said yes, until now?
END GAME ✿✷ - Playing Quidditch against your secret boyfriend is usually fun…
GOLD RUSH ✿✷✮ - You're a stupid drunk and James Potter is very very bad at dealing with his romantic feelings.
DAYLIGHT ♥ - When your boyfriend finds out he didn't make you come, his anger quickly turns into lust.
THE ALCOTT ✮ - You love James but he loves Lily. It's simple until it isn't so simple anymore.
SUBURBAN LEGENDS ✿✷ - James tries to teach you how to ice skate.
SAY DON'T GO ✿✮✷ - When your long-term boyfriend is slipped a love potion—he loses his memory of you.
SO HIGH SCHOOL ✿ - You have a massive crush on James. One you didn't think would ever lead anywhere until a drunken party in the Gryffindor Common Room.
"SLUT!" ♥ - Your brother's best friend teaches you pleasures you've never experienced before.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Request; Good! Are the orders open? If they are open I would like a Headcanon de Yandere Sirius Black. In an alternate universe where he is not imprisoned in Azkaban. He stays with Reader to raise Harry as his son together. What would his Yandere behavior be like in his youth and later in his adulthood.
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Sirius always had his eye on you, ever since starting Hogwarts. And to think he gave James hell for his liking for Evans when Sirius himself was no better.
He was whipped before he even had the chance to introduce himself. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, you were the only one for him. The two of you were made for each other after all. That much was clear as day.
Sirius was like a lost puppy when it came to you. He followed at your heels, not wanting to be too far from you. Honestly, he couldn’t keep himself away even if he tried. He liked being near you. The closeness was everything to him. He never wanted to go without it, without you.
His biggest feat was trying to convince you to give him a chance, to believe that what he felt for you was truly real and genuine cause it was. In the very beginning he had thought about getting with someone else in the hopes of making his darling jealous but he couldn’t bring himself to. He knew he had a reputation but ever since he laid eyes on you he only thought about you, he only dreamed about being with you. He only wanted tou, no one else could possibly compare. Sirius felt guilty enough from just thinking about being with someone other than you, even if it was to get your attention. It didn’t sit right with him being with anyone anymore if they weren’t you.
Attention was very much something Sirius couldn’t live without and that meant he strived for his darling’s attention in particular. Positive or negative it didn’t matter to him he thrived off of it all. So long as your eyes were on him he was happy. Merlin, how he loved your eyes. The color, the way they glistened in the sun, all the emotion swimming in them; Sirius absolutely adored looking into them. Whenever he interacted with you or rather whenever he was persistently annoying you, Sirius always looked you in the eye, staring far too long for comfort but he didn’t care how uneasy it made you or anyone else. He just couldn’t help himself. Hell, he’d bother his darling for a staring contest just to be able to look as long as possible into the windows to their soul.
Determined was an understatement, Sirius was completely dedicated to earning your heart and affections. He wasn’t one to give up easily and when it came to you giving up wasn’t an option. He would put in as much effort as he could muster to become part of your life, to be your future. He’d even go as far as to change himself to whatever you preferred if it meant finally getting you. And Sirius would devote himself to whatever facade he had to play just to have a conversation with you. But if things aren’t moving nearly as far along as he wants then Sirius would get to a point where he needed a quicker fix. There are certain spells and potions that make these types of things a lot easier after all.
Eventually, Sirius finally gets you where he wants you, with him. It took a lot of work and some coercing here and there but he finally did it. He had you and he couldn’t have been happier. Now that he had his darling, Sirius would only become increasingly more intense regarding his behavior and overall antics. Especially while still attending Hogwarts.
Once in a relationship with his darling, Sirius would be very similar to a rabid dog. He had already been pretty passionate when concerning his darling but now that he had them he was on a whole other level. Anyone who so much as looked at his darling cross eyed was in for one hell of a rude awakening. Whether it came in the form of Sirius beating the shit out of them the muggle way, the poor soul becoming the Marauders new target for their antics, or them just so happening to be viciously attacked but a crazed black dog who seemingly came out of nowhere.
He wasn’t very forgiving of those who interfered when it came to you. It didn’t matter whether they had the ill intentions that Sirius swears they did or not, he wasn’t letting anyone try and steal you away from him. Hell, even his own friends were on thin ice but he could usually play it off with them as sarcasm and harmless fun, although they could read between the lines. When Sirius did get like this it was really up to only his darling to calm him down and reign him in. If it were them telling to stop then he would without a second thought but anyone else wouldn’t have that kind of power over him. Not even Mcgonagall or Dumbledore.
After Hogwarts, Sirius would want to immediately begin the rest of his life with his darling. He had already been planning the wedding before graduation but now he just couldn’t help himself. He didn’t want to wait any longer then necessary. He was being impatient, he knew that, but he wanted to be bound to the love of his life right away. So much so that Sirius wasn’t bothered too much about the idea of not having a ceremony. At least not having one yet. As long as it was you and him, he was more than content.
Given how caught up in his own wants Sirius was, he hadn’t really taken in or even asked what his darling wanted to do. Whether you wanted to wait on marriage or even take a break from the relationship in general. Sirius wasn’t really giving you a choice cause he already decided for you before the idea was even openly brought up. No matter how much his darling tried to get a word in and put their foot down for their own wants and needs, he didn’t listen. Whether that was because he was actually too caught up in his own mind or because he chose to just ignore you who knew.
If his darling was insistent on stalling and taking their time both with the relationship and their plans for the future, Sirius would feel inclined to get what he wants another way. Now that may mean that he forges his darling’s name on a marriage certificate without their knowledge or he may just go ahead and use the imperious curse on them. Not like he hasn’t had to use it on them before.
Once he and his darling are married, Sirius would be even more on cloud nine then he ever had been before. You’re all his, now and forever. You have his last name now and he couldn’t love it anymore than he already does. ‘Y/n Black’, it couldn’t suit you better. And to think he had been so hung up on whether you should take his name or he should take yours. In the end he made the right decision.
When it comes to the Wizarding War and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius wants his darling to have no part in either whatsoever. He would not risk your life for anything. He doesn’t care how much you want to help, how powerful you are, or how useful you could be; it’s not happening. Sirius won’t allow it. He’s not going to lose one of the only good things in his life. Never. If he has to he’ll take any precautions necessary to keep you from trying.
Even if he has to incapacitate you to ensure you don’t leave the safety of wherever he’s keeping you. No matter how much you fight, yell, scream and curse at him, Sirius isn’t going to change his mind. Even if his darling hates him, he knows it’s for the best that he keeps them safe first. You are his top priority after all. Besides, when he comes back to you he can always use a memory charm if need be.
When Sirius hears word of James and Lily’s fate, he’s a mess. He breaks down and crumbles into pieces with his darling being the only one who can keep him from falling apart completely. He’s utterly devastated and he knows it’s his fault for his friends’ deaths. He can’t help but blame himself but he’s also plagued with the thought of that having been you. You could have been dead. He could have lost you at any point even though he took all the measures to keep that from happening. It takes everything in him and you clutching onto him for Sirius not to go after Peter. As much as he wants to he’s reminded that he has you to think about first and you further remind him that Harry needs him as well now. Harry needs the both of you. And that’s more than enough to make him stay.
The fight you two had to put up to keep Harry from going to his Aunt and Uncle was a feat in itself. Dumbledore seemed so adamant about him growing up with the muggles but Sirius especially didn’t want that to happen. Not when he was Harry’s godfather and right there to happily accept him. Besides, it wasn’t what James or Lily would have wanted for him, not when Sirius and his darling were more than willing to take him in and raise him as their own. Sirius had been so passionate and emotional in his argument to have Harry come home with the two of you that Dumbledore couldn’t help but to allow it.
Watching his darling interact with baby Harry was something Sirius adored more than anything. This was his little family. And he’d do anything for them. It had always been in Sirius’ plans that the two of you would have a family of your own. Although he had originally wanted to start making that family immediately after leaving Hogwarts but more important things overshadowed that desperate want. Now that he had a snippet of what it would be like, Sirius could feel that want coming back with a feverish vengeance. He would wait a while though and give Harry the time and attention he needed and deserved right now. But that didn’t mean you and he couldn’t start trying.
Overall, Sirius would become much more intense throughout the years regarding his darling in general. His overprotective and possessiveness had always been there even in his younger days but once he had you all to himself did things hit a whole other level. He’s so completely and utterly filled with love and devotion for his darling and he doesn’t care whether the severity of it is labeled healthy or not. He’s got you and now he’s got his very own little family, Sirius couldn’t be happier. But Merlin help whoever tries to intervene in his happy little world, he won’t hesitate to use the killing curse on whoever tries to mess with his family.
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I know they’re NPCs we never see in canon, but do you have any headcanons for both sets of Harry Potter’s grandparents?
Well, there's things that make it into fics, though I'm not sure they really count in the fact that if people wanted to argue with me I'd just shrug and a lot of them are because it's useful for one story or another.
That said, we do know/can infer quite a bit about both sets even though we never see them. This is a lot like the Alphard Black case in that @therealvinelle and I subscribe to what we can infer/what makes for the best character for our purposes.
Euphemia and Fleamont Potter
We know a few things about James's parents without even venturing into the nebulous and hilarious realm of Pottermore. First, they died before Harry reaches the age of eleven and finds out about the wizarding world. Second, they took in Sirius when he ran away at sixteen, he canonically went to live with James and Sirius cited no friction with the Potters. Third, James is their only son. Second, James married Lily Evans, a Muggle-born. Fourth, there's no pictures of Harry with his paternal grandparents at any point.
Now, if we scrape from Pottermore, we get more details that shockingly don't contradict what we see of Harry's background that he's vaguely aware of in canon.
The Potters are noted to historically being the odd ducks and essentially the Weasleys. They were dirt poor, backwater, and ideas about Muggle-borns and Muggles that no one agreed with (that were per the examples JKR gave er not as enlightened as she intended). However, Fleamont struck rich when, as an able potioneer, he produced a hair product that sold like fucking crazy. Everyone bought this stuff. And so, the Potter wealth was born, and Harry inherits gobs of galleons and is stupid rich.
Fleamont and Euphemia are also noted as having a child very late. This is because JKR is hilariously bad at math and keeps making 13-year-old fathers unintentionally (in my personal opinion she should own it) but in this case she makes Fleamont born before 1909 and James in 1960, so he's at least 51, at least. It's noted that they had given up on expecting to have a child.
They're noted as having died of dragon pox late enough to see James and Lily married but died before Harry was born so around 1980 at >= 68.
We also have a brother of Fleamont, Charlus, who is younger and marries Dorea Black. They have at least one child who will carry the Potter name, who would be around James's age, who we then never hear of. They do not ever reach out to Harry throughout the series nor does Harry ever learn of them.
So, where does that get us?
We're looking at a newly wealthy couple who have been iced out of most Pureblood friendships for a long time, who despite having pro-Muggle views don't really know anything about Muggles and were Pureblood until Lily Evans entered the picture, who have a single son who they cherish deeply and will let get away with nearly anything.
These are the kinds of people who believe that they should have helped the Muggle chaps out in WWI (never mind that it was a war about nothing, and it'd be needlessly escalating it into a wizard conflict about nothing), who talk about promoting the Muggle-borns, gladly have Lily Evans over for dinner, but quietly aren't thrilled that James married her and are very thinly smiling during the wedding. They're the kind who don't mind alienating the Blacks when they enable Sirius running away (or, again, aren't thrilled about it but it's James's best friend) and it explains a lot of James's behavior that he's the beloved charismatic only child who does no wrong and expects things to work out for him.
Lily Evans's Parents
These we have a bit less on.
We do know that no mention of him was made on where to send Harry nor do we ever see them canonically when we do see Aunt Marge. They are given no mention.
We do know the sisters had a strained relationship due to Lily's magic but we got no indication that there was any issue with the parents even with Lily basically receiving no education and disappearing for most of the year.
@therealvinelle and I tend to lean towards that her parents died at the very least before Harry was born if not when she was in school. Given they both suddenly disappear and are unlikely to have died of plague like James's parents, we typically have had them die in a car accident as that's something that would take them both out at once and potentially fuels the Dursley's "your parents die in a car accident".
In our fics this has fueled Petunia's hatred of her sister, beyond resentment, as Lily was unable to save her father who sustained brain damage in the accident and had to be pulled off life support.
We imagine an early expectation was placed on Lily by her parents that she catch up with her Muggle schooling in the summer, when they realize she's learning nothing, but this slowly fades as the years go by and Lily ends up feeling very alienated from her parents and her family in general.
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saintsenara · 3 months
if you are still doing ship game, thoughts on jily?
thank you very much, anon - i am always taking questions both on romantic ships and on characters' platonic vibes, the more unhinged the better.
although jily can't really be described in those terms, not least because their narrative purpose in canon is to be little more than blank canvases onto which harry can project as he goes through his series-long character arc, shedding his initial hero worship of james when confronted with the reality of his father's behaviour in order of the phoenix and starting both to fully appreciate lily's centrality to the course his life is taking and to see his dad with nuance as a real and fully-rounded person, flaws and all.
this narrative role means that the glimpses we get of them in canon feel kind of superficial - their bantering during snape's worst memory is basically high-school-teen-movie level, the snapshots of their life under lockdown in deathly hallows lovely and bittersweet but also just colour to a storyline which is already all of those things.
and this is not to say that i find jily uninteresting as a ship - i completely reject the common anti-jily position that they didn't really like each other, that they had nothing in common, or that their backgrounds made them incompatible [i'll expand on this below, but while i do think that their respective blood statuses and the impact of these on their relationship are worth thinking about, i loathe fics which portray james as chafing against his marriage because, as a pureblood, he'd be more comfortable with someone 'of his own kind'. this is bullshit, and there's far, far too much of it in this fandom]. my views on one of james' most frequent non-lily partnerships are well known, and i share the outrage many jily fans have for the way lily in particular is treated in a subfandom increasingly dominated by rigid fanon which prioritises giving depth to male characters [even if those characters are, in essence, oc's] and slash relationships over exploring the canon female characters, partnered or not.
but i do also find that a lot of jily falls into the same trap as much of the hinny i dislike - that is, a tendency to present as a sunshine-and-roses fairytale a relationship which is much more interesting if the things which canon implies [and which can be reasonably inferred outside of canon scenes from a canon coherent engagement with the text] might have introduced an element of dysfunction into james and lily's partnership are taken into account.
the shadow of the war is obviously one of these things. what role lily actually plays in the resistance is something which preoccupies me [she is never mentioned in canon to have taken a combat role - and i find it considerably more plausible that any attempt voldemort made to recruit her was at snape's request and connected to her potions prowess] particularly because, as we see in the way her death is memorialised in deathly hallows, the series regards the defence of the integrity of the nuclear family as a key aim for the good guys. how does she interact with james and his wartime role when she's pregnant, nursing, or in hiding for the vast majority of her time in the order? how does she feel about her husband being a soldier if she's behind the scenes?
indeed, what role james [and sirius] plays in the order is also something i'm obsessed with thinking about - not least because so much of the inherent tragedy of the marauders' storyline is caused by the fact that james and sirius think they're fucking invincible and that their plans to keep the potters safe are foolproof. it's entirely reasonable to read james and sirius as being pretty gung-ho about being paramilitaries - and my headcanon is absolutely that more battled-hardened order members didn't like them very much [moody does not, after all, seem massively fond of sirius] - and lily seems affected by this too [she's not holding her wand either!], and what they thought they were doing as 1981 rolls around is compelling to me.
james and lily's divergent backgrounds is also something i'd like to see explored more in fandom - not, as i've said, in the dull 'james should have married a pureblood' way, but in a way which deals with the fact that their relationship follows wizarding norms. molly weasley can blame the war all she likes, but [although i doubt this was jkr's intention] the evidence of canon is that witches and wizards marry and have children extremely young as a social standard, that couples generally don't live together before marriage, that divorce doesn't seem to be common, and that married women tend not to work. lily - a mother at twenty and, therefore, presumably married at nineteen - is coming of age, then, in a magical world which thinks about gender very differently from the muggle world of the 1970s, and i think that tension is worth exploring.
[similarly, the way in which her marriage is self-protective - lily gains a pureblood name and the social cachet which comes with it at a time when she's in rising danger on account of her birth - is something i think it's worth looking at when considering the pairing.]
there are other flashes of dysfuntion which i adore thinking about in relation to jily - lily's relationship with the other marauders [you can pry the reading that sirius resents her for stealing the love of his life - and i certainly don't mean lupin - away from him from my cold, dead hands]; how much of his misbehaviour at school james conceals from her; the fact that lily becoming more overtly interested in james from her sixth year onward must have a little bit of attempting to make snape jealous mixed into it - and whenever i stumble upon them in fics i say oh ho like horace slughorn and kick my little feet in the air.
i care rather less about 'we're so hot and flawless and not doomed' as a trope.
but i do stan james for beefing with vernon dursley even though lily told him to behave. the man really is just that annoying.
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forestdeath1 · 2 months
Hii! I love your metas. Would you like to share your thoughts/ headcanons on jily as a couple?
Hello! Thanks for this question about Jily!
I have a bit of a specific take on these two. It's all just my headcanon.
I don't think they were ENEMIES. Lily wanted to see him as an enemy early on, but James only saw Snape that way. At first they might have made fun of Lily too, but James grew out of that childish stage by third year when finally got a morning wood, and making fun of girls became loser behaviour for him.
Lily liked James from fourth year. That's when all the chemistry kicked off, you know? When he pisses you off, but you like him, but he pisses you off. James grew up, his grin got cheekier and even more cocky, and girls started noticing him… I'm not a fan of the trope where James is an insecure boy who's clueless with girls. I mean he was clueless with girls, but at the same time he was very confident. Not a single thought that someone might not like him... So, I think he was already flirting then, but not with any romantic intentions, just that kind of behaviour. You know, winked when he caught her eye, said 'looking good, Evans' when he spotted her in Potions class in the morning. That irritating behaviour of a self-absorbed jock. Nothing serious, but Lily reacted to it like a kid, because fourth-fifth year… she was a late bloomer. It proper embarrassed her. But really, James kick-started her awakening as a girl who could fancy boys and be fancied by them.
When James realised he really liked Lily (year 5), he tried to "unlove" her first because "love’s for wimps'". Real boys don't fall in love.
My HC is that Lily's beautiful. And the boys started paying attention to her. In James’s eyes, they were all suckers (no, they weren't, and he knew that too, but couldn't think any different).
Lily and Sirius’s relationship got better before Lily and James’s relationship did.
Lily LOVES quidditch! She's a proper fan. She genuinely fell for this sport and watches every game. James reckoned for a bit that it was about him (arrogant prat).
James’s attempts to court her in fifth year were a fiasco. By sixth year, he'd matured a bit and realised it wasn't just a casual "liking" for Lily, but that he genuinely wanted something serious with her. He sincerely changed the vector of behaviour, but Lily was adamant, still remembering the last year and feeling a bit down. At one point, she said something very serious, to which James replied, 'Do you really think so?' Out of pride, Lily said, 'Yes,' and James just said, 'Alright then, sorry for bothering you all this time. All the best, Evans'
And he backed off from her. He didn't treat her like a friend, but he didn't act like a mortally offended drama king. She just became another classmate to him, with a neutral attitude. Zero interest.
Lily had some time to think. And Lily got a boyfriend –a great boyfriend, swear down! She tried her hardest to love him. But it didn't work out.
At the end of sixth year, Lily made the first move herself. They talked. She invited James to Hogsmeade. James, being anti-drama, said it was all good, he thought nothing bad of her, and said she could join them on Saturday at the Three Broomsticks, the Marauders would be chuffed. Especially since she got on well with all of them. More the merrier, right? Lily was like, WTF??? And James was like, what's the problem? Lily - no, no problem, everything's fine! Of course, I'd love to hang out with you lot! See you on Saturday!
Anyway, things got a bit twisted... loads more happened. And they started dating. By the way, they hooked up first, and then that same evening they confessed their love for each other and started dating. They were each other's first.
James realised how happy he was now and just walked around like the happiest person alive. He felt like he'd hit the jackpot. Same for Lily. They regretted wasting so much time and called themselves a pair of idiots.
NSFW!!! 18+
In their first year together, they fucked endlessly like rabbits. Everywhere. Jily for me is just endless shagging, sorry not sorry :D At first, they were figuring out their desires, abilities and needs. Right from day one, they weren't shy with each other and just went for it. They lucked out – their sex drives matched up.
James adores Lily's body. He loves every inch of it! He's ready to cover it in kisses endlessly, stroke it, nibble it, and lick it. Like someone said before, he's a pro muncher. And Lily loves James's cock. She pretty quickly mastered deepthroating, and she's got a thing for giving head in places where "you can't". So, she's up for dropping to her knees in some unexpected spots. She likes it when he cum on her breasts. Or on her face. She likes looking up at him, nearly choking, while he's gripping her hair.
Overall, they weren't shy about showing their affections in public. And they were always finding ways for spontaneous sex. Sometimes, James would finger Lily to orgasm during classes. Thank goodness for robes that hide everything lol Lily would take him into a dark corner of Hogwarts during patrols and suck him off. He could slip his hand under her robes and tease her nipples while they were sitting in the library. I mean they were really into sex with each other.
The rest of my headcanon about their sex life can stay in my head :D
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my-castles-crumbling · 10 months
The Deeply Threatening Physical Attributes of Werewolves
Based on an earlier headcanon I posted...
Defense Against the Dark Arts was one of Sirius’s favorite classes.
It wasn’t just because they got to do cool spells or the Professor had an arse that absolutely confirmed Sirius’s affinity for men.
No, it was because, through some stroke of absolute luck, he and Remus had been assigned seats at the same table.
Professor Cedar wasn’t the best– he was easily distracted and sometimes boring, but he was strict about seating, and it was purely accidental that Sirius and Remus found themselves next to each other.
Poor Prongs and Wormtail weren’t so lucky.
And, to make matters even more lovely, sharing a table in the back of the room with only Remus meant that they could hold hands under the table without the Professor catching them, even if it made them blush far too much for a Hogwarts class.
Everyone knew, of course, that Remus and Sirius weren’t just friends. Indeed, Sirius spent most of his free time on Remus’s lap. But in class, Remus usually insisted on keeping things appropriate, so it was nice to be assigned these particular seats, where Sirius could surreptitiously graze his thumb over the taller boy’s hand and admire the pink blush that appeared on his cheekbones.
Of course, it meant that Sirius hardly ever paid attention during the lecture portion of their lessons, but Remus was gracious enough to lend Sirius his notes, with the understanding that Sirius needed to behave during lessons, and not try to do that one thing he did in Potions while they were a little too high on Amortentia fumes. (Though, Remus had enthusiastically consented at the time, Sirius liked to remind him.)
So it took Sirius a minute to register what Professor Cedar was talking about that morning. Indeed, he might not have even realized, if he didn’t feel Remus tense under his fingers. He looked questioningly at Remus, and then heard the Professor say, “...are very dangerous, especially during the Full Moon. Werewolves are deadly…”
Sirius’s heart sank. They hadn’t studied werewolves since third year, but since they were now reviewing for NEWTs, the topic must be part of the review, he figured.
He met James’s concerned glance from across the room, and squeezed Remus’s hand reassuringly, hoping he would relax. But, the Professor just went on. “...vicious and terrifying, with large teeth and an instinct to kill…”
Now, that wasn’t fair, Sirius thought. The only thing vicious about Remus was the way he devoured books and chocolate. Suddenly, an idea occurred to him, and he glanced at James again, raising his eyebrows to signal to him to follow along.
“Professor?” he asked, voice saccharine and innocent.
“I– yes, Mister Black?” the Professor asked, looking taken aback.
“Do you think werewolves have a favorite color?” Sirius asked, widening his eyes with what he hoped was a naive expression. The Professor was new that year and didn’t know as much about Sirius and his friends as the other Professors, so he was much more gullible.
“I…erm…well, werewolves are part-human,” Professor Cedar answered, looking flustered, “so I’d assume they have…different preferences.”
A couple students giggled quietly.
Sirius looked sideways at Remus and saw him smirking slightly as he scribbled determinedly at his notes.
“A–anyways, I was talking about claws.” Professor Cedar said, taking a breath. “Werewolves–”
But then James interrupted. “Do werewolves eat pizza, Professor?” His voice, too, was a bit higher in pitch than usual, his face the picture of an attentive student.
“Pizza, Mister Potter?” Professor Cedar asked, looking irritated.
A few more giggles sounded from around the room.
“Y’know…when they’re not…vicious and all that,” James amended, his lips quirking up into a small smile.
The Professor studied him for a moment before saying, “I am sure some werewolves eat pizza when they aren’t in their wolf state, yes. Now–”
“And salsa?” Peter piped up, looking a little nervous.
Someone snorted.
Professor Cedar gave him a glare. “Salsa?”
But Sirius was having too much fun, now. “The dip or the dance, Pete?” he called across the room to Peter, feeling Remus chuckle next to him.
“Oh, definitely both,” James yelled out, grinning. “Are werewolves good dancers, Professor?” He asked, voice angelic.
“No,” Sirius thought he heard Remus whisper from beside him. He laughed.
“Now, boys,” Professor Cedar admonished, looking angry now as the class laughed more, “focus. We’re talking about relevant information about werewolves–”
“But Professor, this is relevant!” James shouted, eyes wide with fake panic and concern. “If something vicious is going to attack us, we need to know how scary it is! We should know a werewolf’s weaknesses, too!” He put on a face that Sirius supposed was to mimic deep contemplation, but he kind of looked constipated. Then, he stuck his pointer finger in the air, dramatically, feigning an epiphany. “I know! What are werewolves afraid of? We could scare them away!”
“Ooo, I’m afraid of spiders,” Peter said helpfully. “We could set some spiders against them?” He laughed, no doubt picturing Remus covered in spiders.
Remus laughed quietly as well, shivering a bit.
“Werewolves are not afraid of spiders, Mister Pettigrew!” the Professor yelled, looking a bit panicked now– the class was getting a bit out of control with laughter.
“Have you asked them, Professor?” Sirius asked, feigning excitement. “You’ve met one?”
“I– no, but–”
He also had no idea about Remus, they knew.
“D’you think they burp?” Lily Evans asked from the front of the class, feigning curiosity, eyes sparkling.
Sirius let out a bark of laughter. Evans knew about Remus’s condition, but he was shocked that she was being so daring in class.
“I mean, they must,” Sirius answered, grinning at her. “They are human, after all. They probably poo and everything!”
The class burst into shrieks and snorts.
“Enough!” Professor Cedar shouted over the laughter. Most students sobered quickly. “That is enough. We are here to learn about the physical attributes of the werewolf, the things that may lead to a fatal injury! We are not here to debate what type of pudding werewolves eat after dinner!”
“Chocolate,” Sirius and Remus muttered at the same time, barely stifling laughter.
But Sirius was known to overdo things, if only to make his favorite person smile, so he raised his hand one more time. “Professor? I have a question about a physical attribute of a werewolf that might be threatening.”
The Professor studied him for a long time before saying resignedly, “Alright, Mister Black. Let’s hear it.”
“Well,” he said, eyes wide and innocent, “I heard that werewolves have huge cocks. Could that be fata–?”
But he didn’t get out the rest, because the whole class, including Remus, burst into fits of laughter that took almost ten minutes to subside.
And the absolutely adoring look on Remus’s face as he looked at Sirius and laughed with the others was worth the week of detention, in Sirius’s opinion.
Feel free to leave Kudos on Ao3! Please don't copy to another site!
Edit: I don’t know why the link didn’t copy the first time….
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mangora · 30 days
I’m so tired here are some assorted Disventure Camp headcanons:
•Jake is really into poetry. Some of his poems are bangers, some of them are absolute dogshit. He posts some of them online, mostly the bad ones because he’s not self-aware of how bad they are. He will spend hours on end writing in his notes app. Guy is a big fan of sonnets and free verse but his strong suits are odes and villanelles
•Rosa María, James, Yul, Lake, Riya, Fiore, and Alec are all multilingual. Rosa speaks English and Spanish, James speaks Portuguese and English, Yul speaks Korean and English, Lake speaks German and English as well as some French, Riya speaks Hindi and English, Fiore speaks English and some Italian, and Alec speaks English as well as a variety of other languages (he did a minor in linguistics for his university degree so he knows the basics of multiple major languages).
•Hunter’s a competitive chess player. Ally’s the only person who’s ever beat him fair and square, but even then, that rarely happens
•Lake is great at baking. She’s incredibly exact when it comes to measurements, timing, and technique. Rosa, meanwhile, is a great cook and she doesn’t measure anything
•Aiden can play bass guitar. He started learning as a teenager because he wanted to join an emo band one day. Chase your dreams boy
•Yul used to have braces and he’s really embarrassed about it
•Gabby’s a forager, she loves to forage for wild fruit and mushrooms and greens
•Ellie’s kinda a ghoul in the kitchen. Like she can make good food and drinks but most of the time she’s so tired that she makes evil energy drink-instant coffee potions or like that pistachio & condensed milk concoction from Arthur
•In a better universe I think Ellie and Jake are frenemies instead of fully hating each other and they play Minecraft together and Ellie is constantly stealing Jake’s shit and trying to defeat the Ender Dragon meanwhile he screams every time he sees a Creeper and begs her to turn Keep Inventory on because he keeps dying
•Miriam gets a cat after the show. She’s an older white cat named Snowball and she has the same personality as her. They are best friends and Miriam is so annoyed by her. She made them matching sweaters. Snowball is only fully nice to Jake
•Fiore listens to Thrash Metal. It’s partially just to throw people off when they find out, she thinks it’s funny
•Fiore also enjoys those YouTube prank videos, she knows they’re fake they’re just so stupid that she finds them hilarious. Kristal gives her an iPad for a day one time for entertainment and it pisses the rest of the Magenta team off so bad because she keeps playing these prank videos and watching epic fail compilations at full volume
•Grett loves crocheting. She slowly turns into one of those people who crochets during lectures and while watching movies and shit
•James is really good at Tetris
•Ally is obsessed with Sci-Fi. She, Tess, and Hunter watch Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars together because they all love the worldbuilding so much. Tess writes fanfiction about almost everything they watch. Hunter has terrible media literacy and misses the themes every time but he has fun watching
•After All Stars, Riya gets really into tattoos. She gets matching ones with Connor
•People antagonize Tom with the cop slide video and every time he clenches his fist and goes, “Stop laughing at him.”
•Kai has a bunch of pet bugs. Maggy’s secretly afraid of them still but she’s getting there. She likes rollie pollies
•Karol used to do roller derby and Lill used to ice skate. Ggirlf,riends,,, I miss them chat. Where is my old woman yuri
•Aiden eats plain yogurt nothing on it and it’s the one thing James doesn’t like about him. Like it’s so upsetting to him. Why does he eat plain yogurt
•Ashley likes hyperpop, don’t tell anyone
•Tom likes crockpot food. He is not invited to potlucks for this reason. He will always bring the crockpot
•Alec doesn’t like splatter films but he really enjoys psychological horror, especially mockumentaries and mondo films
•Lake read creepypasta a lot as a kid and she wouldn’t go into the kitchen after dark because she was afraid of Jeff the Killer appearing at her fridge
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lunar-serpentinite · 2 months
more assorted hjp headcanons
harry's relationship with touch, specifically with asking for and receiving touch of any kind, is very ehhh ?? touches are nice, esp from ppl he likes. but touch him for too long and he starts vibrating like a kettle that has had enough. touch him too suddenly and he's literally clawing out of his skin, and maybe yours too. touch him too often and he'd think theres some Plot going on. touch him too little and his abandonment isssues kick in.
in harry's childhood, every single request for physical aftection or reassurance has been met with sneers, flinches, looks of disgust and, at one very memorable time, a smack to the face. he stopped asking for positive physical contact soon after.
harry has never been to the sea or the beach before that time with the dursleys or when dumbledore took him the inferni cave. after his first proper and positive beach experience, he kinda wants a beach side house.
one of the songs lily and james used as a lullaby for harry was lavender's blue
harry thought of running away from the dursleys but things just start going badly whenever he tried
one of his fave ways to relax and unwind post-war is to fly out to the countryside with nothing but his broom, wand, and guitar to spend the day serenading the wildlife and pretending he's the only human being in the world
there's a whole small book published that has all of the magical species named after harry and hes fucking MORTIFIED
harry's fashion eventually evolves into something that resembles grunge, and by that i mean there's no statement to be found in his fashion choices. he gravitates towards darker colours since he thinks they help him hide in crowds better, and he developed a hobby of reforming whatever clothes he bought to make them feel more like his.
in fact, harry does a lot of customising of his things. hes a serial DIY-er and clothes reformer. nothing he owns looks the way they did when he first bought or got them. he says it makes them feel more like his, since they have his visible mark made by his own hands now
even before hogwarts, harry never thought abt what wld happen when he's an adult bc growing up to adulthood sounded like a luxury he cld never afford
once his life isnt in danger on the daily anymore, harry finds that he actually likes trying new things and new food, but only if other ppl arent perceiving him as he does so
one of harry's love languages is parallel play. hes quite content just being in the company of someone he cares about and theyre both doing their own thing without a word shared between them.
one of his fave foreign drinks is nom yen or thai pink milk
he actually did inherit a sizeable share of the sleekeazys hair potions company. the owner of the company, the dude who bought it from fleamont, actually offered to just hand the entire thing to harry bc Chosen One but he was like 'NOPE im fine not being in a position of power anymore thank u'
he was actually floored when he found out his grandmother euphemia potter was a slytherin LMAO
harry likes collecting random little trinkets that he finds in antique and thrift shops. he has a whole wall dedicated to his trinket collection back in his home
later in life, when he feels in his soul that he has settled and is finally free from the grief of his past, harry's stag patronus wld transform into a crow; transformation, change, freedom, and his love for the skies.
(his crow also pecks at draco's own koi fish patronus but it's neither here nor there)
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 3 months
New gen Harry Potter headcanons because I'm waiting for my laundry to dry and I'm bored:
Astoria malfoy is from Japan, so scorpius is wasian but still somehow comes out with that malfoy-blonde hair and blue eyes colour pallet, despite still having very Japanese features just like his mother
Carmen and Marco zabini are twins. Carmen is the older one, and she's a total no-nonsense baddie. Marco, on the other hand, is the very embodiment of a golden retriever boy.
Carmen does Marcos hair because he's horrible at taking care of it, and she learned how to braid at the age of 7.
Albus thinks he looks nothing like Harry, and he actually prides himself on being his father's complete opposite [he's actually the only potter kid that looks like an exact carbon copy of Harry]
The potters speak urdu at home, James Lily and Albus call Harry Baba and ginny muma. I'd like to think Harry- After graduating, probably had a phase where he was immensely involved in learning about his desi heritage. I feel like he probably even travelled to Pakistan a couple of times to reconnect with his culture. But I also feel like he felt more like a third culture kid sort of connection to it. The UK was still his home, and he didn't think that would ever change. He still tried, though. He learned the language and tried to teach it to his children so they wouldn't feel as alienated from their ethnicity as he probably did. Ginny learned urdu alongside him, partially because she just wanted to encourage him.
When scorpius was little he would often find himself talking to the portrait of his uncle regulus that his grandma had put up after the war. Uncle reggie , as he liked to be called, was scorpius' favourite old family memeber.
Harry always introduces Teddy as his oldest son.
Albus is exceptional at potions. He's also very talented in quidditch, the only thing is he doesn't really like playing.
James on the other hand is a total jock. I'm talking Oliver Wood level dedication to the craft of quidditch.
Lily luna is the embodiment of that scene from good omens season two of the little girl going "And I'm jemaimah! I made this pot!!"
Fred II likes to go by freddie, and him and James II are practically James and sirius 2.0. It drives McGonagall crazy.
Carmen and Marco make everyone believe they have twin telepathy as a prank one day, but now they have to keep up the bit because it's too late to drop it.
Scorpius has a pet ferret and he named it bunny. He was 6 and he thought it would be funny.
When scor was a kid he would colour in dracos dark mark with felt tip markers and scribble all over his arm and go "there now it's pretty". One day draco walked into a tattoo parlour with a scribbled mess on his arm and told the artist to make his sons art work permanent. Draco still has the mark but now its sporting all sorts squiggles and shapes in every colour imaginable. Scorpius thinks its embarrassing because that was definitely not one of his more finer works but draco finds comfort in the way his life's biggest regret becomes just a little more bareable because of Scorpius' childish innocence.
Draco is dad of the year. Harry on the other hand... is still trying to get there.
That's all thanks for coming to ny Ted talk
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crazyyluvr · 3 months
hi! i’m mar, and i’m just here to write about random stuff because motivation strikes me at the weirdest times. my writing’s decent… i think… anyway, here’s my masterlist!
will write:
gn, male, or female reader (not that experienced in male tho, but i want to practice)
somewhat suggestive content
platonic stuff
romantic stuff
will not write:
incest themes
major character death (unless it’s canon)
dark content (yandere type thing)
request status: open!
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Marauders Era
sirius black .
The World Wants to Melt my Face Off I Swear- (If the summer heat was not going to back down, you’re just going to take matter into your own hands. And Sirius is all up for it.) — drabble.
remus lupin .
coming soon…
james potter .
A Revelation in Potions (Not Through Amortentia, That's too Generic) (one potions class with you got james questioning his sexuality.) — oneshot.
I think James Likes Beaters! (James can’t get over his new crush when he has a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw — with you as their new Beater.) — oneshot.
regulus black .
coming soon…
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luke castellan .
coming soon…
percy jackson .
coming soon…
jason grace .
How to Anger a Demigod as a Horse 101 (one of jason's skills that he's proud of is to be able to calm you down when others try and fail to do so.) — short oneshot.
Overworked, Underappreciated (by the gods) (your urge to prove yourself can cause you to overwork yourself, so jason tries to stop you for doing so — and of course, comforting you during the possible breakdowns that could happen along the way.) — oneshot.
Stop Being Nice to Me, I'm Supposed to be Mad at You (in which Jason gets in an argument with you before a Capture the Flag game and you end up avoiding each other... until you get injured, and Jason couldn't let the previous argument stop him from checking up on you.) — short oneshot.
leo valdez .
coming soon…
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mal oretsev .
coming soon...
aleksander morozova / the darkling / general kirigan .
coming soon...
kaz brekker .
I am the QUEEN of Hearts, Don't Tell Me Otherwise (Having a blind Heartrender has its perks. For Kaz Brekker, having a blind Heartrender that can hear his heartbeat change around her has its disadvantages.) — oneshot.
jesper fahey .
coming soon...
inej ghafa .
coming soon...
nina zenik .
coming soon...
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e!1610 miles morales x reader (basketball player!miles who dedicates his points to you all the time.) — headcanons.
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whinlatter · 9 months
Obsessed with your character ask responses - that Filch one was just *chef’s kiss*
2, 19, 47 for Lily Evans please!
thank you @alohaemora! troubling that i found filch easier to write than lily… but i love a challenge, so: lily evans! 🪷
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
lily evans had a regional accent 100%. either like a midlands brummie/wolves accent, or like a nottingham midlands/northern lilt. petunia did too, for a while, and snape had a particularly pronounced one, reflecting his class position relative to the evans family. petunia and snape trained theirs out - petunia as a sign of class ascension, snape as a calculated way of people knowing as little about him as possible. lily stubbornly hung onto hers - it was part of the reason she viewed james (and sirius) with contempt for so long, hating posh boy drawl shtick. but the more she hung out with the marauders, the more her vowels started slipping, another sign of her growing distance from the life and the family she was from. (can you tell i care too much about regional representation in this series)
19. Vices/bad habits
actually love this question - saint lily is boring! let her have flaws! i could see lily enjoying a Big Night Out. i want lily evans stumbling drunk in the street with a kebab in one hand and her heels in the other trying to flag down the night bus. binge drinking ladette culture is a proud and noble tradition and at least one evans sister needs to uphold it
47. Dream job
this was so hard. lily headcanons are so hard! criminally underserved in canon to an intensely problematic extent. people writing lily in canon compliant fic deserve medals, honestly
i suppose the one thing we know of lily’s intellectual interests, other than that she was a gifted all rounder, as that she had an instinctual and impressive grasp of potions, and i like the idea of her having an interest in discovery, a real attention to detail but also a flexibility of thought, an inventiveness and a curiosity that could push her in a lot of different career directions. i also just love a girl with an ego - that one of the things that pissed her off about james was the sense of him as an academic rival. so maybe something in magical chemical research? there’s also a part of me that just likes the idea of her dreaming of travel and exploration, particularly in the last months of her life when she was confined to the house. the letter to sirius focussed on james, frustration at being sealed in and unable to go out under his cloak, but i think that could be lily expressing a frustration she shares with james but not wanting to sound like she herself was complaining. so yeah something that lets her think and roam and comes with some prestige, because she’s got a lot to prove and a muggleborn chip on her shoulder that means she’s determined to make a name for herself. as she should!
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sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
🪄Cedric The Sorcerer headcanons🔮💫
*it's a big post and the headcanons are pretty diverse*
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I lost half of this post because Tumblr didn't save it, then I rewrote it and even continued to write a little more, but again Tumblr deleted everything and returned to the first version of the post. I spent from midnight until 5:40 am writing this and I simply lost the text. I rewrote everything again :) I literally cried out of frustration, the post was almost done
I found some parts in my cell phone "área the transferência" (that thing when you copy a text and the last things you copied remain there), I tried to organize it and rewrite everything that I lost, but I still feel like there's something missing.
Edit: I fixed some grammar errors. I know there's more, but I couldn't find it. English is not my main language!!
Cedric's unhealthy habits (before Sofia entering the castle and after) and how he deals with his insomnia
I don't know if this counts as headcanon since it's practically canon, but I believe that Cedric is not very healthy, he has a very unbalanced sleep schedule, he doesn't eat well and he doesn't exercise. The things he does most all day are preparing spells and potions, and reading.
I think a lot about what pre-Sofia Cedric was like. I think his habits were even worse, and he was even more bitter and antisocial. He had a terrible posture and was always tired and moody, had dark circles due to lack of sleep. I also believe that there moments quite constantly where his vision would go dark and he would suddenly become weak. He always seemed sick and pale, quiet, and when he interacted he made mistakes in front of everyone and everyone saw him as an idiot, weird-looking guy. Sofia brought him some motivation (getting the amulet of Avalor) and that's why he seemed more active and minimally healthier after she arrived. Maybe before he was just very tired and was hopeless of gaining the recognition of the people in the castle, but after finding a chance in the amulet, he became more motivated and active.
He stays up all night reading and making potions (even Wormwood sleeps more than him), only to leave his tower in the morning to get breakfast trying to act invisible, so that no one sees his presence there, and so they don't ask him to do anything he doesn't want to do.
For context: I believe that breakfasts at the castle are like hotel breakfasts, a room full of food where everyone can take what they want and leave without having to pay anything at all. This goes for all meals and the royal family has their own dining room, because of course, they are the royal family.
I imagine both pre-sofia and during-sofia Cedric staying up all night reading and passing his time, only to go get his breakfast early in the morning (he hasn't eaten since about 10 hours ago, and his last snack was a jam sandwich) and having to face everyone in the castle together in the same hall walking everywhere, trying to act as unremarkable as possible, to prevent anyone from bothering him (it's very easy to notice him, he's the only one who wears a black robe and walks like that. no one just cares enough to notice him there). And then Baileywick appears full of information and orders sent directly by the king, while Cedric rolls his eyes and replies exhausted that he will do it (his attempt to hide failed).
I can imagine him (mostly pre-Sofia Cedric) going to the kitchen at night to get some snacks, and he knows he won't go to breakfast in the morning because something humiliating happened to him at his last meal and he refuses to face all those people publicly again.
Pre-Sofia Cedric constantly forgot to eat because of his work and when he did eat, it was never healthy food. He was hungry and starting to feel weird because his last meal was 10 hours ago? He's gonna get just a piece of apple pie.
Pre-Sofia Cedric didn't had the energy to do his own tasks, let alone useless favors for James and Amber or entertain the king's parties. Today he can do this easily, as he is a little healthier (and more motivated) but before it was a sacrifice. What always kept him busy were the tasks he set out to do himself, such as reading magic books he hadn't yet specialized in, making potions he hadn't yet made to add them to his collection (if he ever needs them). As I said, today he does that easily, because his health is a lot better, and he can balance it with his other tasks and practicing his hobbies or taking care of himself, even spending time with Sofia.
Pre-Sofia Cedric definitely deals with insomnia (till this day) and the vast majority of the time he doesn't sleep through the night, to the extent that many in the castle are already aware that Cedric is a night owl and is always awake, no matter how late it is. This is why he sometimes takes naps in the afternoon, but this only happens when he is so exhausted that his eyes can barely stay open, sleeping for 1h30 only to stay awake for another 22h without breaks. Now that his habits are a little less unhealthy than before (they're still bad) he sleeps maybe 3-4 hours per night. But he still need to take naps during the day and yes some nights he doesn't sleep at all, it's just not as often as before.
I think that during the nights when he can't sleep he stares at the moon from his window, or goes out of his tower to take a walk in the garden, or even in the castle. There's something so comforting in staying up late. During the day there's people everywhere, conversations happening, events where someone needs his help. During the night everything is silent and he can have his own moment, there's no people to disapprove him or order him to do something he doesn't want to do. Cedric is definitely a night person.
There's a book that I like that I won't give too many details about, but there's a character who simply doesn't sleep at night and the entire staff from the establishment is used to it. She is a patient in a mental hospital, all the patients are sleeping, and she just stays in the living room, because everyone has already accepted that she doesn't sleep, that's a fact. She spends her time reading, smoking, painting her nails, sometimes talking to the nurses. I imagine the dynamic is similar, but the difference is that Cedric is a little more antisocial. Everyone knows that he doesn't sleep and they couldn't care less about it.
(Cedric fanfiction dating a maid he met during the nights he was walking through the castle because he couldn't sleep???? Hell yes. Late night talks in that giant castle, everything is silent besides the echo of their voices in the halls and their footsteps, knowing that unlike the day, the night is very calm and they can rest in peace, without worrying about obligations. Talking in whispers 👀 silent kisses omg)
I can totally imagine him encountering Sofia at late night just walking in the castle, and he's just like "Sofia? Why are you awake?" Because he's usually the only person who stays up that late (except for some guards and maids). And then she tells him she can't sleep so that's why she's not in her room. They spend some time talking to eachother about how everything is being so overwhelming recently.
He doesn't know how to deal with his new life, now that everyone seems to praise him as a good sorcerer and that he saved Sofia's life. He loves the fact that he's finally being recognized, but it's just something he's not used to. Sometimes when people are telling him about how amazing his spells are, or the King tells someone about how good is his royal sorcerer, or his new fame on the kingdom. He was treated badly so many times that everything seems so unreal. It makes him wonder if he really deserves everything that is happening, or if people are really telling the truth. (And I say this based in my own experience, that feeling is so real)
What if some citizen girls are screaming his name in royal parades or when he goes to the village? He has a fanclub now???? People want to date HIM??? And he just smiles and waves because he just doesn't know how to react to all of this, and the girls starts to scream out of happiness or some of them pass out and he goes "Oh no... my bad.. i'm sorry :(". Even younger girls that are really too young for him, that's certanly something he wasn't expecting to happen. Baileywick makes fun of him saying that he's such a heartbraker now, Cedric rolls his eyes.
Hey that looks like a good one shot prompt (after his redemption arc), a witch who admires him a lot because of what she heard about him finally gets the chance to live in the castle (because of other circunstances), and now she has the chance to meet Cedric. And Cedric is surprised by how she treats him like he was some kind of hero, because only he knows the humiliations he went through.
Pre-Sofia Cedric usually watched the balls from the window of his tower instead of participating with them. He didn't felt welcomed, and even if he was indeed there, people would just stare at him like he's some kind of ghost or a disgrace and his night would be terrible. He was invited, obviously, all the castle's employees are, but he would never fit in there. He felt sad, excluded at some point, alone- but all his sadness turned into bitterness as he watched all those royals, riches and other employees of the castle having fun and partying, like he was supposed to do. Cedric would only make a fool out of himself if he ever thought about stepping there, and he didn't needed to! He didn't wanted to go anyways! Or at least that's what he told himself...
Cedric's love life (+how he views love and his past experiences)
I actually made a headcanons post about who his first love may be: Queen Lorelei. That's not a really popular headcanon but I'm not the first person to talk about it, and once you read about the subject you'll see that it's actually a pretty nice headcanon, so give it a try.
Cedric doesn't believe in "true love", "love at first sight", "true love kiss" (until it's his turn to experience that). Well he does, because there's magic about it, there are many stories of princesses that just had their happy ending because of a true love kiss and everything, there are many spells and curses where love is involved. But he thinks romantic people are so naive, they live for love like there's nothing else in their lives that it's better to do. He has work to be done, you know? People say "mimimi true love" and he just slightly rolls his eyes and huffs (when deep inside he wish he was one of these people. Oh to have someone to love). But when he's in love he's lovesick and can't think about anything else just like those he found irritating. Such hypocrite.
But when he suffers a love frustration (like that one with Sasha) he realizes again that love is irritating and his previous thoughts return. But deep inside he knows that they're not true, he's just bitter because he's single.
HE'S BISEXUAL !!1!1!1!!1!111!1!1!!!!1!!!!1!1
But he doesn't know that this actually has a name so it's more like, he just experiences his feelings and just know that they're feelings, that's all
I believe that during most of his life he only had girl crushes, and it didn't happened that often because he wasn't used to be really focused on anyone. These girls crushes happened when he was a kid to when he was a teenager. But during his young-adult years he started to notice that sometimes he found some masculine traits atractive. At first he was really confused by that, because he thought he liked only woman, but apparently no. Nowadays he already understands how he feels and just treats it normally.
He doesn't like to talk about his love life (he gets nervous sharing such intimate information about himself with people)(and he is single which makes the situation even worse, being in his 30s without someone) and then everyone assumes that he only likes women, and that he's naturally a bachelor because it is what it is. No one is interested in a weird old guy like him. (I am)
Imagine a group of maids talking to eachother in the kitchen while doing their tasks and mentioning "what about that royal sorcerer? he's always lonely. I don't think he has a lover or something, or else we would know" and the other one mentions "he's too scary to get along with anyone. not exactly scary, but he's weird, very slender, always crawling around. I highly doubt any lady would want to have anything to do with him."
(Bonus points if someone put a similar scene in that Cedric x maid character fic, and our protagonist is just silently infiltrated among them knowing that she was kissing him last night, and she responds to them "don't be so hard on him, he's not that bad. he is actually very polite." And the rest of the maids just react like "hmmmm very polite sure girl what else do you have to tell us? Are you hiding something? Do you know something that we don't?")
Cedric doesn't talk much about his romantic interests, implying to everyone else that he doesn't care (which is true), but it's also because he gets nervous about sharing this information. That's why the few people who silently wonder about it just assume that he just likes woman, because he never tells anyone about being interested neither in woman neither in man. And he also avoids talking about it because needs to admit out loud that he is a 3_ year old man and that he's single, and he doesn't want to put himself through this humiliation. The best thing to do is worry about his spells, he's too busy to talk or to think about that. (Deep inside wishing he had someone)
He's like that single uncle for Sofia. You know, a variation from the "cats aunt" and instead he's the "spells uncle". Absolutely no bitches, but his shelf is full of potions and books. Single uncle Cedric!!!!!!!!! (He hates it)
I think he had many crushes in his life but never really had the oportunity to date someone, or this person wasn't interested, or he was too dedicated in his studies. Imagine a younger him in his teenage days (or even in his childhood) really liking someone but too embarassed to say anything. Or when he goes to the person he tries to start a conversation but then his mentor just goes like "no we don't have time for this, you need to train now" and pulls him to practice his spells again. He never had the chance to date anyone, and even if he said something to the person, this person probably would make fun of him because of his reputation in the school.
That makes me wonder if he ever had any past lovers or if he didn't even had the oportunity because everyone saw him as a loser. Teenage Cedric occupies my mind longer than I'd like to admit
I think that the idea of him having past lovers is nice, but at the same time it doesn't fit very well for some reason? Imagine him talking to Sofia "Oh... ___.... she was my first love... I wonder how her life is going today" after she asked "Mr Cedric have you ever loved someone?"
Actually I think he would say first "Sofia, what kind of question is that? Um.. I don't know, I mean... there was a person, but it was a long time ago... her name was ___...."
I never told you guys but I write fanfiction too (top 10 useless facts) and I never wrote for Cedric
I have a big question for you rn: do you guys think he's a virgin? 👀 I think it makes sense actually
His way of flirting is compliments and acts of service. He would never, in the first option at least, directly show interest with phrases like "are you single?", "you're really cute." He would be extremely gentlemanly, he would offer the way for his romantic interest to pass, he would open doors, pull out chairs, offer his arm for his "lover" to hold. Everything would be very subtle, as he wouldn't hit on their romantic interest, but instead would be extremely polite, interested in their company, things that would make them say "Oh, thank you so much, you're such a gentleman" and he would just blush and smile. And he would absolutely say "We are courting", rather than any other word. He would ask their permission to start treating it like this, something like "Can I court you from now on? I understand if you don't want to."
It's easy to make him flustered since he has no romantic experience. Even a simple question about his love life can make him nervous. And if it's a crush who's responding to his light flirtations he becomes very giggly. Even a small crush can have him in their hands.
He certainly has a thing for confident woman (they can make him stutter and feel nervous pretty easily). You know those woman who have that strong feminine energy? His legs get all wobbly.
But he likes delicate girls too. He just needs to assume a different role in the supposed relationship they would have, and his treatment would be more responsible and more chivalrous.
In my opinion, his tastes are the exact opposites. He likes feminine woman, the most confident and mature ones (like Sascha) and the most delicate and sweet ones. But for men he likes very masculine men, who are more than himself, like strong guys, or even, in not so extreme cases, just someone who's similar to him but who has a more confident and mature attitude, that knows what he's doing. Because Cedric constantly feels like he doesn't know, that he's very insecure, so when he sees someone attractive and confident, he gets all nervous and giggly, and offers his services.
I think he would like chancellor Esteban from Elena Of Avalor tbh. Guys like him
Oh my god
Cedric's academic life and his young years
What reputation you may ask? I think he always was like this, being nervous and making mistakes. During that episode where him and Sofia go to Hexley Hall, nobody seems surprised by his failures. Not even in "The Day Of The Sorcerers" episode. Everyone is too familiarized with him being a failure and I think he was bullied in school because of that (most specifically when he was a teenager)
Was he always shy and insecure in front of everyone, or he was dedicated to his studies and when people said "hey let's do something together?" He responded with "I can't, I need to study" and this person just said "omg you're always studying, you have no life don't you?"
"I need to study so I can get better and better everyday", just like he said in his song during the episode "Substitute Cedric"
He can't concentrate if there's too much noise. Imagine him doing a test and he just can't read the paper because there's someone behind him banging their wand on the table and this makes him fail the test. "Ok class, we're going to have a practice test this time, Cedric please turn this feather into glass" and when he was about to make it someone made a bad comment about expecting him not being able to do the spell and because of that he turns the feather into mud, and everybody laughs. People in the school know him as a failure too because this kind of thing always happened.
I found this on pinterest:
That's why if one day he confess his feelings for someone at school this person would laugh at him, and maybe that's why he never did. Or he did and that exact thing happened, so he never did it again.
He was a bookworm. Loved to sneak out of the dorm at night to read books in the library, whether they were magic books to complement his studies, or just story books. He has spent whole nights and evenings there. He does this till this day, like I said before.
Cedric's teenage years in Hexley Hall with the rest of the sorcerers (Greylock, Grimtrix,+) just makes me think about Dead Poets Society. Same vibes 🫶
Let's pretend that Hexley Hall is an institute for a moment. Maybe they also sneak out in the middle of the night to do meetings or studying and walking through the dark halls of the school in the middle of the night all alone. Idk going to the library. Maybe the school staff was really strict with studies during the day and during the night they were strict with bedtime. Maybe some popular students such as Grimtrix and other ppl (also girls) spread the secret news during the whole day saying that there would be a party at night in some specific place on the school grounds where everyone (or just some selected people) should secretly escape from the dormitories. Maybe Greylock leaned on Cedric's shoulders asking if he was going to the party and Cedric complained saying he had more important things to do like studying and sleeping, but when Cedric was alone in the dormitory at night and realized he was lonely he decided to give it a chance. There is something interesting about stories of students at institutes sneaking out of their dormitories at night to escape the strictness of school and have some fun. It would be something interesting to see.
Random Cedric Headcanons
He likes wine, but he doesn't drink it too often. I have a post about his relationship with alcohol here.
I think he doesn't like to be drunk. He doesn't like to think that he can do something that embarrasses him or that he's out of his mind, he prefers to have everything under control. It doesn't happen very often either.
He hate the smell of smoke and cigarettes. He finds cigarrettes disgusting.
He likes tea.
His favorite fruits are berries and he likes them better in sweets.
He doesn't know how to cook.
Cedric has a sweet tooth, he loves chocolate, cake, everything that's sweet.
Cedric enjoys gardening. He just doesn't do it because of his busy schedule, but he has a good knowledge of plants so that he can make his potions, and he goes out with Wormwood to get ingredients to make them. This happens in one episode, actually. Wormwood also needs to know about plants so that he can help him find the ones he want. Maybe he knows because of all the years he's been by Cedric's side.
I believe Cedric got Wormwood while studying at Hexley Hall. I'm not sure how their bond happened, but I believe they've been together since Cedric was around 11-14 years old. Wormwood has been alive all these years because he is a raven especially for wizards/mages/sorcerers, or a spell was placed on him when Cedric was young so that he would stay by Cedric's side while he was still alive. But I think that makes an exception for unnatural causes like accidents for example, he can still die. I believe that this "conditional immortality" spell must have been done by one of Cedric's mentors or superiors at Hexley Hall, and I believe that all of the sorcerers' animals that pass through there need to go through the same spell. I also believe that it may be mandatory for each student to have their own animal, a little similar to the owl system in HP.
This would explain all those animals on the Hexley Hall episode, and why they are making a meeting after "long years of not seeing eachother". How would they be alive since Cedric's school years?They all speak in a tone that implies they have been with their owners since their school days, and the fact that each one belongs to a sorcerer makes me believe that it is obligatory to have an animal. Maybe they're important for specific spells? Studies? Assistants?
He wouldn't feel remorse for killing someone evil. If that person was absolutely disgusting and was a threat to his loved ones, he's not going to spend his whole life blaming himself for having killed someone. Even though he never really intended to kill and tried to resolve things as peacefully as possible, and that this person gave him no choice. He would never kill someone as a first option, though. He prefers to avoid doing it so.
He can takes things personally pretty easily, and because he's used to people saying harsh things to him, even the smallest comment can make him offended, because he's always expecting people to view him badly.
I believe the royal sorcerer is swapped at the same time the king is swapped as well. When the throne is passed to the next generation, the sorcerer also needs to be replaced by the next one. When Cedric's exchange came he was in his 20s, and Goodwyn was so worried because his son was a disaster. He panicked because Cedric would only put his family through an embarrassment with the royal family and the next king (Roland). Goodwyn kept citing to Cedric all the rules he had to know, telling his son to be careful, avoid doing as many spells as possible, and generally panicking. Cedric would just roll his eyes and respond "I know", "okay, dad", "I know". Winifred however brushed aside his bangs and kissed his forehead, saying "you'll make a great royal sorcerer, Ceddykins, I believe in you", which made him more confident and happy.
The sorcerer exchange ceremony takes place after the king's coronation. He also had to wear a ceremonial outfit, which involved a cape and a wizard hat.
He embarrassed himself in front of everyone because it was his first public appearance and it made him very nervous, so he took on the role of royal sorcerer with everyone in the castle and village already seeing him as an idiot. Perhaps during the ceremony it was necessary for him to cast a spell, maybe to follow some specific tradition or just to demonstrate his skills to the people, and Goodwyn covered his eyes and turned away, saying "for Merlin's sake, I don't even want to see this" while Winifred stroked his arm and tried to convince him to watch Cedric's spell. Cedric noticed this and that made his confidence get even worse. Goodwyn has spent every week since the sorcerer switch was announced in pure terror and anxiety, always expecting the worst at every moment.
Roland never saw Cedric as a very powerful sorcerer, so he never believed in his potential since the beginning, and that didn't change after Cedric became the royal sorcerer.
Cedric's hair is stained because of the spell that damaged Cordelia's hair. "Ah but that's obvious", yes, I know, but I believe this happened specifically because he accidentally spilled a few drops of the potion on himself. I actually have a post where I talk about this in more detail.
He absolutely never swears. But instead he says funny words, like the classic "Merlin's mushrooms" or this long and wonderful list I found on the internet.
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He was born premature and was so small, everyone thought he wouldn't survive, but here he is now
I believe that they have "bath houses" in the castle for the employees (not the royal family, each one of them has their own bathroom) but Cedric is not a big fan of being naked in front of everyone, mostly because he's not comfortable with the people in the castle, in general. So he has his own "bathtub" (it looks like a wooden barrel but bigger and shorter) and he takes his bath alone in his tower. Well, him and Wormwood. Wormwood is absolutely disgusted by the sight but he's used to it since they grew up together. It's like "okay" for him to be in Cedric's side when he's inside the bathtub, but when he gets out, Wormwood avoids interacting or looking at him because "blerrggrg" (it's funny)
Goodwyn's parents were always treating him as the prodigy he was, so when Cordelia was born she also happened to be a prodigy and he treats her as such. But Cedric wasn't, he was a slow learner (or, using better words, a normal person) and Goodwyn didn't understand how to deal with children like that. He always demanded more from Cedric than he could do, as his sister learned quickly and was generally more praised by the family.
Cedric told Sofia EVERYTHING he did to her after his redemption. They had a long conversation, he said everything, about the sea monster being him, about the sleep spell, trying to take her amulet, literally everything. He cried in the process but he said that he wanted to tell her anyway, because he was truly sorry. Sofia felt sad and betrayed during the whole conversation but Cedric assured her that he was telling her because he didn't want to keep secrets and to prove that he was truly sorry. He promised that she was his best friend and that he could never do anything like that to her again. She understood him, respected him, and said everything was fine, but she would need a moment to digest. After that, Cedric continued to treat her well and prove himself so that there would be no more doubts.
Sometimes, in some situations when there is a bad person, Cedric gets angry with that person and plans revenge, or makes a plan against the person, to teach them a lesson. Sofia interrupts him, calling his name and saying that they already had a conversation about this, and he promised he would stop. Cedric grumbles and says it won't be anything too cruel.
He has medium size nails, squared oval shape because his nails are too detailed in the show and it makes sense. They didn't needed to detail his damn nails but they did, and they are actually a little longer than his finger, you can see that his nail doesn't exactly follow the shape of his finger. THEY PURPOSELY DETAILED HIS NAILS ON THE 3D MODEL I CAN'T (but unfortunately they are nowhere to be seen during "my evil dreams" which makes me kinda sad)
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He definitely has gray/white hair mixed in his dark brown hair due to stress, age and unhealthy habits. His bangs were pure white when he got them, but after some time it started to turn gray. Some of his natural gray hair that comes with his age/stress are mixed in the white, so overall the color got a little darker (greyish) as he got older. We love a gray-haired man.
Tall, skinny and has a long nose- has big feet idgaf about beauty standards slay king
Cedric absolutely loves to be praised. At any circunstance, any place, he will give 100% of his attention to someone who's praising him, and he will keep trying to do more impressive stuff so that he can get more praises. Poor guy it's too underappreciated. At this point it's not even a headcanon anymore
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Not me accidentaly posting this before I finished
I'm sure I'll want to add more headcanons over time, but when I edit a post after it's been reblogged by someone, that edit doesn't appear on the person's profile, but the previous version does. So I'm going to make a link to the post available on my blog, who knows, maybe the updates will appear on the link! (I've never done this before, I want to prove my theory. If it works, pls tell me).
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impishtubist · 3 months
Ok the last ask made me curious! I didn't know you ship Jegulus. Tell us what's appealing about them?
Not questioning prongsfoot obviously 😌
I'm really, really glad you're not questioning Prongsfoot, because in that case, I'd have to disown you. 😘
Yeah, I don't post about them much, because if you think fanon Sirius is bad, fanon Regulus is even worse, and absolutely impossible to escape. It permeates every single fic, every single piece of art, so it's hard to find anything that fits my headcanon. Therefore, I rarely read it or reblog it these days.
I'm not going to get into the whole DE thing, but broadly speaking, two people who are on opposite sides of something (in this case, a war) has always been a draw for me. It's no secret that enemies-to-lovers is my FAVORITE thing. I absolutely believe there's a way to write Regulus where it's not "oh he's a DE because mommy and daddy forced him, he didn't really want to do it!" but it's also not "Regulus is a Nazi and James is going to fuck him anyway because he's hot." One example of a fic that I think handles Regulus well is The Horcrux Hunt (the first fic focuses on Regulus, while the sequel is Jegulus). I love stories where Regulus is actually the spy, not Snape! I think that's so fascinating, especially since he's Sirius's brother. There are some other good fics out there that aren't Jegulus, but where Regulus is the spy and ends up being potions professor at Hogwarts (and is there when Remus starts his tenure). Those handle his character really well, too.
Sorry, this went off-track. tl;dr I think that Regulus is a fascinating character and Jegulus has the potential to be a super interesting dynamic, and unfortunately, 99% of the Regulus/Jegulus fandom just reduces him to, well, Timothee Chalamet. Plus most of the fics about him/about Jegulus feature them as teenagers, which is fine, but that bores me. I want to read about Regulus/Jegulus as ADULTS doing ADULT THINGS like taxes and fucking nasty in the kitchen. Okay bye.
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Hello! Any advice about writing Lily? I’m hopefully writing the co-writing summer challenge with her as one of the main characters, so any advice would be appreciated!
You mean Lily Evans?
Well, the thing is, @therealvinelle and I have... pretty much made that character up. I'll fully admit to it because what we're given in canon is hilariously small in comparison to James (given a lot more screentime and defining traits)
We're told that Lily was a favorite of Slughorn's (which per a post that has yet to be written was a... alarming scene in HBP, let me tell you) and that she was talented in Potions. She had a good wand for Charms. Those who talk about her say she was nice, perhaps had a bit of a temper, and then quickly pivot to James.
This was the invisible woman.
What this means is that you can pretty much do whatever you want and no one will cry foul at you. So long as you're consistent and have an idea of who you think she is, you should be good.
But I can tell you how @therealvinelle and I characterize her.
She's Scarily Intelligent and Ingenious
What we do know about her canonically is that she was the driving force of the protections surrounding not only Harry and the Dursleys. We're never told what she did, exactly, but we're told it's her handiwork and we see its effects.
No one can attack the Dursley's home or presumably cause harm to its inhabitants while there. Voldemort is unable to even touch Harry's skin without melting like the Wicked Witch of the West.
These protections cannot be replicated on any other safehouse including Grimmauld Place, the Burrow, or any other place the Order has an interest in protecting.
To get around the protections, Voldemort has to create a homunculus using Harry's own blood (note this was not his first choice which was the Philosopher's Stone and had he not had this issue he may have tried a different 'enemy')
This is someone who managed this at 21 with no education after Hogwarts, who is locked in a house with very few books, and presumably does so under the nose of Dumbledore as well as her husband.
Depending where you lean headcanon wise/explanation wise, Lily also is responsible for deflecting the killing curse for Harry: something no one else had ever done beforehand or after (Harry resurrecting continually for unexplained reasons).
As a result, we tend to write her as an intensely thoughtful and innovative person who spends a long time thinking things through and searching for solutions to problems. We also write her as a very pragmatic person, the kind who would consider the solution of sacrificing herself for the protection of her son and family and then go through with it.
No One Realizes She's Brilliant
Lily is noted as being good at Potions in the same breath as James being good at Transfiguration. Now, James did become an animagi at thirteen, that's nothing to sneeze at and per canon is impressive, however it's not the protections placed on Harry.
The most credit Lily is given is from Dumbledore who... praises her as a woman who sacrificed herself for her child and nothing else. She's not noted as the greatest witch of her generation the way Hermione is or talked about much at all.
What we're looking at is someone who did well enough in school, probably better grades than Harry, but no one really recognized her for what she was (probably because she wasn't a memorizer/rote learner the way Hogwarts encourages).
As a result, @therealvinelle and I tend to see her as suffering intense imposter syndrome. She assumes everyone knows what she knows or that, when dismissed or contradicted (particularly by someone like Dumbledore), that there must be something she didn't consider that they must know of.
She's Well Liked But No One's Close to Her
Given the canonical reactions and the fact that she's cited as having no close friends beyond Severus (who she severed ties with), it seems that she was very amiable and well liked but that she put up walls and was a very difficult person to get to know without anyone realizing as much.
She's one of those people you meet who you think is charming but then realize later after you've walked away that you don't know a single personal thing about them. (If, of course, they realize this at all, which the entire world does not).
This is likely to hide vulnerabilities and perhaps in reaction to being Muggleborn in a wizard's world.
As a result, she's also an intensely lonely person for all she doesn't admit as much even to herself. James ends up her closest connection but their relationship is strained by being in hiding and ultimately having conflicting personalities.
The Snape Thing
This is where uh... there are opinions from other parts of fandom. This one you're on your own for in explaining why Lily left Snape and then dated James and how it makes sense for her as a person (whether you like it or not is a different story, but if you want a consistent character there should be a reason both of these things happen).
I won't get into this here as it's not really the post for it but it's something you'll have to understand if you want to write her consistently as a character (even if it's an AU where that event doesn't happen)
The best advice I can give is to read @therealvinelle or my fics featuring her as a character.
You got anything, @therealvinelle?
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enbysiriusblack · 15 days
more marauders girl headcanons pretty please
of course!!!
marlene and emmeline are in a band together (with peter and xenophilius) where they play for like house parties or for school events sometimes as well, and it's like the only thing that gets marlene and emmeline to shut up and stop fighting over mary and lily (the daddy issues lesbian and the mummy issues lesbian are not getting on 😔)
beater!marlene and expert at quidditch theory!lily who prep matches in the morning together (mary and emmeline know next to nothing about quidditch but will cheer marlene on)
emmeline's friend group is more hestia, benjy, florence, caradoc, edgar, etc. whilst lily, mary, and marlene are a friend group and hang out with the marauders in later years (when lily starts liking them more). but mary does also hang out with emmeline's friend group sometimes
lily's best subjects are potions and charms, mary's are muggle studies (she's a muggleborn and chose muggle studies, yes) and divination, marlene's best subject is herbology, emmeline's best subjecy is astronomy and DADA
also btw. stem lily, clothes designer mary, woodworker marlene, police officer/wannabe detective emmeline
they make fun of lily (lightheartedly) for being the only one who likes boys
emmeline gets mary into kpop and mary becomes a huge fan
marlene is the only super messy one so they get annoyed about her mess all the time. mary is very neat and keeps all her stuff super organised, lily is the one who ends up having to tidy but does sometimes make a huge mess herself during exam times, emmeline is the tidiest (by shoving all her stuff under her bed and pretending it's all neat)
lily is the only one who's working class (mary is middle class and marlene and emmeline are both upper middle class) so makes the others buy her stuff a lot by guilting them about their money differences (it usually works. and when it doesn't, she can just go to james or sirius, even during early years)
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sleepershell · 5 months
Some General Marauders Era Headcanons
NOT canon compliant (I don’t care about jk shitface’s canon lol)
Regulus Black (the main character as far as I’m concerned)
~ French, I mean cmon the Black family motto is toujours pur for gods sake. He absolutely speaks French. Other than that, they can be traced to German (Walburga’s side) and English heritage.
~cis bi boy (sapiosexual?)
~ c-ptsd, depression
~ messy curly medium-length hair, long nimble fingers, one of those people with a few lovely moles in choice locations, slutty waist, angular jaw, kind of set in eyes, not tall but a bit taller than Sirius
~ most dogs freak him out (lol oof)
Sirius Black
~ french (& English, German) ofc.
~ amab queer, omnisexual mlm
~c-ptsd, adhd
~ wavy long black hair, also a slutty waist, not very tall, squinty eyes, latently a little muscular
~ big believer in a leather jacket
James Potter
~ I stan desi Potter. But also love the idea of Euphemia being Greek per her name so Jamie boy is part Greek and part Pakistani on Fleamont’s side. He only speaks English but has some terms and things from both Greek and Hindi.
~ cis bi guy
~ needs glasses ofc, I imagine he’s super nearsighted.
~ super messy hair, lean and muscular, medium tall
~ red converse wearer
Remus Lupin
~ Welsh, English, and Portuguese. He speaks only English.
~ amab, queer, demisexual?
~ anxiety
~ chronic pain from wolf injuries
~ scarred all over, light brown hair, tan, he’s the tallest, skinny but not lacking muscle, limps sometimes and often needs to stretch his sore muscles, hairy!!
~ always wearing a sweater
Peter Pettigrew
~ English & German. Speaks English.
~ cis, bi
~ anxiety, definitely does self-soothing movements
~ fat !! no skinny wormtail in this house, wavy blonde hair, the cutest cheeks known to man, callouses on his hands and no one can figure out why
~ asthma
~ loves naps
Pandora Rosier
~ Another family who absolutely must be fluent French speakers. So I think they have some Afro-Caribbean on one side and the other is very much originally French. Speaks English and French.
~ cis fem, pansexual, demiromantic
~ autistic
~ hair is super light blonde and looooong in dreads, light blue eyes, brown skin, quite tall and thin, all her features are super delicate and lithe, she’s kind of otherworldly tbh but she certainly doesn’t act so she’s got quite the mad scientist competitive streak
~ amazing at charms
Evan Rosier
~ Afro-Caribbean, French, English. Speaks English and French.
~ he/they, omnisexual (and by that I mean he fucks everyone ha-hey)
~ super light blonde hair either cropped or in a protective style, brown skin, light brown eyes, braces, dead average build, but still suave af don’t be mistaken everyone wants this kid, not hairy
Lily Evans
~ English and Scottish, speaks English.
~ cis gal, questioning but likely demisexual
~ fat!!, straight-ish red hair ofc, freckles, green eyes, cute small chubby hands, radiant smile
Barty Crouch Jr.
~ English, speaks English and all curse words in every language he could get people to teach them in.
~ queer amab bisexual
~ I won’t begin to try to dissect the workings of Barry’s brain but depression could be a start
~ eidetic memory
~ needs reading glasses? but like most of the time they’re not on him or they’re broken. so he just like uses his crazy big brain to just remember stuff or else he mostly never reads outside of studying times
~ brown hair but whenever he gets the chance he buzzes or dyes it green for fun, stick and pokes and self done piercings, tall but not Remus tall, lean muscular, hairy ass legs
Dorcas Meadowes
~ Ethiopian and English. Speaks English.
~ cis girl, sapphic
~ dark skin, black hair often in long braids, dark eyes, athletic curvy build, long fingers
~ literally prodigy herbologist, also amazing at potions and divination
Marlene McKinnon
~ Filipino!!!!!!!!!!!! speaks English and Filipino (maybe some of another regional language of the Philippines).
~ cis girl, sapphic
~ adhd, depression
~ lactose intolerant
~ short queen, freckles, dyed blonde but def experiments with color and cut, usually straight or a little wavy, muscular but it doesn’t really show she just seems kinda thin, some stick and pokes, several ear piercings
~ wears red cowboy boots, studded belts, low rise, cut up t shirts, hats
Mary Macdonald
~ Brazilian on one side and South African & English on the other. Speaks English and Portuguese.
~ cis girl, bisexual
~ ehler’s danlos syndrome
~ wears her dark hair natural curly, curvy, average height, belly button pierced, huge gorgeous smile, adorable button nose
Severus Snape
~English and Polish. Speaks English.
~ cis, hetero
~ depression, anxiety
~ straight long black hair, pale, Remus tall, fairly average weight, dark eyes, strong nose
~wears mostly black
~ amazing at potions
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