#health tips 5 simple ways to improve your health
league-of-sam · 6 months
Don't Be Shy | Konig x Reader
Kӧnig x TF141 x AFAB!Reader
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Summary: Transferred against your will to a new task force to calm a troubled soldier, you felt way in over your head - especially when you came face to face with a 6'10" mountain of Austria. 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, human trafficking, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
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It was mission day.
Training over the last two weeks had been exhausting, but the payoff was right around the corner.
The mission was simple – get in, get the hostages, get out.
Fender had been given intel of another AQ human trafficking den on the border of Serbia, and it was KorTac’s job to get them out and get them to safety.
Simple enough, and something this task force has done a hundred times over. That didn’t stop the nerves from creeping up from within you, though. it didn't feel right, being on a mission without the 141, without your family.
How much could you truly trust the people around you?
Now you sat, clutching your rifle to your chest, surrounded by the rest of the team; all of you clad in the best tactical gear that Laswell had to offer.
You scanned the room, desperate for a glimpse of the giant man that had clouded both your heart and your brain, frowning when you came up empty.
Kӧnig had been…odd to deal with.
But you were quick to learn that that was just him. He was sweet, quiet, kind, thoughtful, fidgety. It made you like him all the more, and you were so incredibly bad at hiding it. Ghost almost had a heart attack when you admitted about your little crush, the man had to be held back by Soap, Gaz, and Price to stop him ‘coming down there to get you and shoot him’.
And people said Price was the father of the group!
After spending three hours convincing Ghost you were just fine, Kӧnig had knocked your door, ready for his next lesson. You’d made an agreement – he opened up to you, working on his issues with social interaction, and you would teach him to be a better sniper.
It worked, you thought, and you were finally breaking down some of his walls.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you so quiet and closed off?” You asked tentatively, putting your rifle back into its protective carrier.
“Was, how you say, bullied? As a child, I was always big, and the other children made many comments and hurt me.”
Your heart hurt hearing him say this. You were no stranger to bullies, having been picked on your entire childhood also.
“Yeah, I know the feeling.”
“You do?” he said, voice surprised.
You smiled softly, “Yeah. Kids aren’t nice. Adults are even worse. Still happens every now and then, people underestimating me or thinking I don’t deserve to be here.”
“That’s horrible.”
“It is. I can understand why you wear the hood all the time, keeps people away from something else they can use.”
“I sometimes wish I had something, but Ghost always told me not to go down that road. He says it’s a hard one to come back from.”
“It is true. It’s scary, revealing yourself.”
“I’m sure it is, but it’s scary wanting to cover up, too.”
“Why would you want to?”
You frowned, looking away from him as you continued to pack your things, “Because I don’t like the way I look. Sometimes, I wish people couldn’t see me.”
He looked at you, dumbfounded, “Aber du bist so hübsch. (But you’re so pretty.)”
He blushed, looking at his shoes, “Oh, um, you are just kind. I am sad for you.”
“I’m sad for you too, Kӧnig.” You smiled, “But it’s alright. Those people mean nothing now. I used their hate to help my anxiety, and now I’m here to help you improve yours.”
“(Y/N), I think you are helping.”
“Yeah? I think so too.”
He stepped a little closer to you, his movements stopping you in your tracks.
“Ich habe noch nie ein so schӧnes gesicht gesehen, Schatz. (I have never seen such a beautiful face, sweetheart.)” He whispered, his fingers barely touching your chin as he tipped it, making you look up at him.
Your breath was caught in your throat, heat rising to your cheeks as you melted into his touch. You reached up, your hand cupping his as it moved to your cheek.
Your heart thudded in your chest as he stepped closer to you, the other hand slipping around to rest on your waist.
Before you knew it, your body was pressed against his, the two of you searching each other’s eyes for any sign to stop.
There was none, but as soon as your fingers grazed the bottom of that damned hood, moving to lift it away, the familiar jingle of the ringtone set for Price echoed around the walls.
You fumbled, stepping back from the giant, “F-fuck…I- sorry, it’s Price I-I have to take it.”
Kӧnig released a long breath as you moved away from him, whispering to himself, “Oh, mein gott. (Oh, my God.)”
He barely paid notice to you speaking with your Captain, until something you said caught his attention, making his heart shatter.
“Yes, Price,” you laughed, “As soon as the job is done, I’ll be on my merry way.”
You were leaving?
“Yeah!” you spoke again, turning to smile at him briefly, “He’s doing well, I think he’ll be fine here. No- Captain, listen…you know what Ghost is like! It’s just a job, right? So, when I’m done, I’ll be back, promise.”
‘It’? Were you talking about him like that?
Did you really think of him as nothing but a mission, something for you to fix and then leave behind once the work was done?
“I’m just a job?” he said, voice small as he watched you put your phone down.
You stood confused for a moment, until you looked back at your phone, reliving the conversation with Price.
“N-no, Kӧnig, t-that’s not what I meant by that-”
“I’m just another task for you to complete before you go leaving to your elite task force, ja?”
His voice raised with every word as he angrily collected his own things. Hurt seeped from him, and you could understand exactly why.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” you pleaded, “Yes, I was brought here to do a job, but you are not just a job to me. You’re a human being!”
“A human being you were brought here to babysit.”
“Yes! I was! But that wasn’t my fault! I didn’t fucking want to!”
Your frustration got the better of you, and you snapped. No, you didn’t want to be someone’s babysitter. You were an SAS-trained sniper, for crying out loud. But you’d seen someone in need and stayed.
And you were so glad you did.
But he didn’t see it that way, who could blame him?
“Okay, sergeant. Danke for the lesson.” He said, and he nodded to you, turning towards the exit.
“Kӧnig, please- don’t leave, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-”
He ignored you, shaking his head as he flung the door open, the noise echoing around the shooting range. You winced, tears welling in your eyes as you watched his hulking form stalk away from you.
That’s the last he spoke to you.
It was the last you’d even seen him.
For three days.
He didn’t come to the shooting range, he hadn’t been showing up for training, and he hadn’t been eating from the canteen.
You never meant to hurt him or pry too far, but it was why you were here. To help him understand about teamwork and morale, to help him understand that not every person was out to get him. But you never meant to make him feel like he was just a job, just another assignment.
In a last ditch effort, you scanned the room again, and your heart skipped a beat as blue eyes pierced yours.
He was leaning against the concrete pillar on his left, arms crossed over his vest, hip stuck out as one of his feet rested in front of the other. Your eyes examined his frame, subconsciously licking your lips as you took in his appearance. He looked even bigger with all the gear on…even better.
Kӧnig blushed furiously under your gaze, flustered as he tore his eyes away from you to look back at his superior, who’s voice was booming around the room.
“Karma!” his voice made you jump, head snapping forward, “You will be taking primary overwatch. The snipers are to follow your command.”
“Yes, sir.” You answered.
“Now, the mission is simple. We will take the trucks down through the mountain pass, and there is a guard under our pay to let us pass without issue on the border. Roze.” Fender spoke, passing the baton to his second in command.
“From there, Contact Team 1 will press west, taking the building from behind. Contact Team 2 will follow after breach, collecting the hostages and running them to the van that is waiting. I will be driving that.”
“The Sniper team will head east, setting up overwatch to take out any stragglers that push through from the breach, am I clear?” Fender finished.
Several voices answered in unison, nods and encouraging looks thrown around the room between comrades.
You only squeezed your gun tighter, teeth sinking into the flesh of your lips.
KorTac was so different to 141.
The journey to missions would be silent, all of you quiet from the weight of what you were about to endure.
But not here.
People were chatting away, making jokes, making plans for the evening as if they were so certain they’d even make it home. It completely terrified you. The only thing keeping you alive was the promise you made to get back to your boys.
No wonder Kӧnig hated it here…so did you.
Somehow, the journey felt like it took forever, but no time at all at the same time. Something wasn’t right, you could feel it deep within you. Even the encouraging texts from the 141 group chat weren’t helping, despite Soap insisting that his flurry of memes was appropriate.
It wasn’t long until you were in position, the front of your body damp from the moisture in the grass surrounding you.
“Karma to Actual, Sniper team in position, waiting on count.” You spoke quietly, nodding to your team to settle.
“Copy that, Karma. Contact Team 1 is on route for your position.” Fender replied.
As soon as he said that, the sound of combat boots connecting with the ground flooded the air around you, legs wading past with guns held high on the target. Your heart skipped as you caught a flash of red and white stripes as Kӧnig moved past you.
He moved swiftly and silently, completely in his element.
Now was the time you’d see him in action; you’d see the crazy that everyone warned you about.
“In position, sir.” He spoke, his accent thick as he whispered into his comms, taking up position in front of the doors.
Moving the scope to settle on him, you peeked through, gasping as you saw he had no weapon at all on him. It was just him and his fists.
They genuinely did just use him as a human battering ram.
“On your count then, soldier.”
You watched him as he took a final breath before his voice flowed in your ear, “Eins…zwei…drei…
Einsetzen! (one…two…three…engage!)”
On cue, the splintering of wood echoed around the trees, and the popping of gunfire and the screams of women followed.
“Okay everyone, on your mark! Let’s clear the way.” You commanded.
One by one, you shot your rifle with ample precision, taking out the AQ soldiers that tried to escape the hands of Kӧnig, and the rest of Contact Team 1.
“This why they call you Karma?” Calisto’s voice sounded.
You let out a laugh, “Indeed it is.”
As yours and König’s team cleaned out the AQ, contact team 2 made their way in to collect the hostages. That’s when you got the ‘all clear’ to move in, offering any aid needed to the poor victims.
You moved quickly, throwing your rifle over your shoulder as you stumbled down the hill towards the building, your team following swiftly behind you. The doors swung open, and a crowd of dirty and frightened women poured out, Roze pulling up with the van and ushering them in.
It was seemingly over, and you threw a small smile to Kӧnig as he helped one of the smaller girls out of the building. He looked back at you, holding your gaze for a moment, until screams and cries and yells of commands tore your attention away.
Running towards the group with a fully loaded semi-auto was a straggler, the last AQ soldier that had apparently been missed, and he was headed right for Kӧnig and the little girl.
You tossed your gun aside, not even taking a second to think, and ran as fast as your legs would take you towards them.
You ignored every order to stand down, every yell from Fender to fall back.
But no one was as quick as you to react.
You reached them just as the bullets started spraying, the force in which you banged into Kӧnig knocking him to the floor as you scooped the girl in your arms to shield her.
Somehow, you’d managed to save them both from the oncoming assault, but your complete disregard for your own life came to bite back at you as you screamed, a searing, burning pain shooting through your thigh as a bullet struck you.
Roze yelled, reaching for the child as you tossed her forward, falling to the ground when another bullet shot into your back.
Your vest protected you from deadly harm, but the force of the impact had you fall to your knees, landing on your front in a daze.
The rest of the team didn’t even get a chance to unload their own weapons into the enemy, as Kӧnig shot up, tears pricking his eyes as he ran at the soldier, tossing him into the air and bringing him back down over his bent knee.
A sickening crack of bones echoed through the valley, until silence fell, and the only sound was your laboured whimpering in the grass.
Until that wasn’t heard either.
Your body went limp.
And your vision faded to black.
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row-of-ribbons · 1 month
Dream Girl Diary intro 4/5: skincare + my skin care secrets
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Hey there, lovely ladies! Welcome back to my Dream Girl Guide intro. Today, let's chat about skincare. I know it can be overwhelming with everyone talking about which products to use, but don't worry - you don't have to buy everything that's trending. Just remember to enjoy every moment and embrace your womanhood with grace and elegance.
I'll definitely break it down in a simple way and share some of my favorite skincare tips with you!
1# Overuse of products
One of the primary reasons for your breakouts could be the result of using an excessive number of skincare products. Overloading your skin with various products can suffocate it and hinder the effectiveness of the treatment. It's important to allow your skin time to benefit from the skincare routine by not overwhelming it with too many products. sometimes simple is best
2#Expansivee does not always mean better
I'm certain you've heard about dupes—I personally like them. But were you aware that sometimes the dupe is produced by the same company under a generic name, or that sometimes the dupe outperforms the original? (Not to say you should only opt for dupes if you don't want to.) Occasionally, it's worth investing in the original, like The Ordinary AHA BHA serum. I have complete faith in their brand, and it's perfectly formulated.
3# Use what you actually need for your skin
stop following trends and pause, think about what your skin needs there is no point of buying a cleanser that's abrasive with harsh ingredients (acids and exfoliators) if you have sensitive skin. what works for others might not work for you. take some time out of your day and research your skin. look in the mirror and identify your skin problems.
4#Your diet plays a part
Maybe you are doing everything right; perhaps Remember that improving your skin health is not just about the products you use. It's also about what you consume. you understand the deep depths of skincare and know what to do. But, honey, your diet sucks. You're eating fried food, soda, and sweets, and that throws off your pH, and hormones, thus affecting your skin. I know that clean eating is hard to do, given that everyone's finances are different. If there is a change you can make, like drinking more water or not eating as many sweets, then you could try that. Stress can also affect your hormones and make you crave other things that are not good for you. Learning stress management is also important.
now my skincare tips
Make your own toner by steeping rose petals in green tea. Store for a week in a cool place or 3 days at room temperature.
In the morning, I always use a silicone mold facial icer filled with water and lemon juice instead of a regular ice cube. This way, I get an extra dose of vitamin C to start my day right.
I strive to derma-plane my face once a week, then use a mud mask with Aztec clay and apple cider vinegar to cleanse my skin. Remember to wash your face with a gentle cleanser before applying the mud mask and use 2-4 teaspoons of vinegar to avoid irritation after exfoliation.
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classyblen · 12 days
💋 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 💋
✨ Welcome to my brand-new blog! My name is Classy, and I’m on an exciting self-growth journey, ready to become the best version of myself! ❤️
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I believe that sharing my experiences and holding myself accountable is the key to flourishing, so I’m here to inspire, uplift, and empower you along the way! If you’re down for some realness and growth, let’s be besties on this beautiful adventure! 🌟✨
✨ Goals for Self-Improvement ✨
Goal: Reduce reliance on pornography (including smut books, comics, videos, even porno music) ⛔
Action Step: Identify triggers and create a plan to avoid them.
Use apps like StayFocusd or Cold Turkey to block access.
Daily Affirmations ✨: Start each day with positive affirmations to boost self-esteem and redirect your focus.
Workout Routine:
Goal: Exercise 5 times a week.
Action Step: Choose specific workouts 🏋️‍♀️.
Tip: Mix it up with fun classes like Zumba or yoga to keep it exciting!
Skincare Routine:
Goal: Follow a morning and night routine.
Morning: Cleanser + moisturizer + sunscreen ☀️.
Night: Cleanser + moisturizer + acne treatments + 5-minute self-massage for relaxation. 🧖‍♀️
🙏 Daily Prayer & Bible Reading:
Goal: 10-15 minutes of prayer in the morning and reading the Bible before bed.
Action Step: Use Bible apps and set an alarm/reminder.
Reflection Journal: After reading, jot down thoughts or verses that stood out to you.
Reading Books:
Goal: Read at least 2 books per month—1 for me and another for our future book club. 📖
Action Step: Keep a list of books I want to read and start a book club!
Monthly Theme: Each month, focus on a theme such as “self-care”, “growth mindset”, or “creativity”.
🌼 Daily Routine 🌼
Morning Routine 🎀
4:30 AM - Wake up
4:35 AM - Make bed
4:40 AM - Pray
5:00 AM - Workout
5:50 AM - Shower/skincare
6:30 AM - Read a few chapters of the current book
7:00 AM - Simple + healthy breakfast 🍳
DAYTIME (Post-graduation vibes 🌟):
Focus on school, work, or personal projects.
Explore a hobby or learn a new skill! 🎨
6:00 PM - Dinner + family time 🍽️
7:00 PM - YouTube + tea (me time) ☕
8:00 PM - Read or journal (here on Tumblr!)
9:00 PM - Bedtime 🌙
🌹 Tracking Addiction 🌹
Identify Triggers: List specific situations or feelings that lead to urges.
Accountability Partner: Share this goal with a trusted friend who can check in weekly 📞.
Alternative Activities: When urges arise, have a list of alternatives ready (like walking or reading the Bible).
Reflect Weekly: Journal about successes and setbacks related to these goals each week.
💪 Physical & Mental Wellness ❤️
Weekly Workout Plan:
Mon-Fri: Shoulder stretch (10 min) + arm fat workout (10 min) + Daisy Keech ab workout (10 min).
Sat-Sun: Light stretches 🧘‍♀️.
Weekly Skincare Plan:
Sun & Wed: Weekly mask + exfoliation.
Balanced Eating:
Aim for 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks. 🍎
Meal prep on weekends to save time!
Hydration Challenge: Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day!
🌟 Community & Accountability ❤️
Find a Group: Join a local church group, Tumblr communities, or a study group for shared growth.
Weekly Check-ins: Schedule meet-ups with a friend for mutual encouragement on goals.
Social Media Detox: Plan regular breaks from social media to refocus your mind. 📵
Weekly Review Questions:
What went well?
What were the challenges?
How can I adjust my goals for the next week?
Gratitude List: Each week, write down three things you are grateful for! 🎀
✨ Final Thoughts ✨
✨ Remember, change is a gradual process. Celebrate the small victories, and be patient with yourself as you embark on this journey. Consistency and discipline are key, so keep the faith in yourself and your path. You’ve got this, Classy! ❤️✨
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notoneopinion · 11 months
Self Care Tips After a Long Day
Personally, I have been having a lot of these 'long days' recently, and these tips have been saving my sanity. So I thought I'd share them with you! Christmas is coming up, a lot of us are taking on extra or longer shifts at work to be able to afford the presents we need to buy, so hopefully some of this advice will come in handy.
1. Treat yourself!
A pretty simple one, but it really is very important. I sometimes treat myself with a coffee after work, because there is nothing better than a hit of caffeine after a twelve and a half hour shift, let me tell you. If I don't feel like spending money, I'll come home and watch a movie, lay out a few packets of crisps to enjoy whilst I relax. It really is a thing of just unwinding after a particularly long day, making sure your body gets that rest it deserves.
2. Journal
This really is one of the biggest self-care tips you will get. Anyone who knows anything about taking care of your mind knows that writing out your feelings is a great way to sort out your emotions. It can also be very relaxing, which is perfect after a long day. I love making a Scene of it, too - lighting a candle, putting on some music or a nice YouTube video in the background, and just sitting down at my table in cosy pyjamas to write about my day. I personally go with the old brain-dump method, but there's a ton of different ways to journal that you can look into, whether that be fun prompts, lists, or a brain-dump, like me!
3. Sit in silence.
Genuinely, just sit in silence. Come home, get into comfy clothes, and just sit. Stare at a wall. Play with a fidget toy. Put noise-cancelling headphones on and just be present in your own space. I find myself doing this mostly due to my autism; I kind of have no choice in the matter, considering my brain tends to shut down after a long day, and all I can really do is sit in silence. But it's not a bad thing, and I recommend trying to do it for anyone who might be feeling a little overwhelmed. The silence can do wonders.
4. Have a bath/shower.
I'm a shower girlie, personally, but that's only because I don't actually have a bath.
Either way, getting washed and clean and feeling fresh is an ultimate form of self care!!!! It might take a bit of motivation to actually get yourself into the shower (trust me, I know) but once you do it, you'll feel incredible. I'm personally not a big fan of the whole Everything Shower thing - I think I'm just too lazy to get everything scrubbed, shaved and moisturised, and if you're the same, there's nothing wrong with that. Wash your hair. Put some soap on those limbs. Just feel the hot water on your skin, maybe do a bit of skin care afterwards if you're feeling up to it. But getting washed and fresh will make you feel ten times better, and might even wake you up a bit if that's what you need!
5. Meal prep.
I live by this.
Once upon a time, I didn't meal prep, and I would come home at 8:30pm after a twelve hour shift full of heavy lifting and verbal abuse (lol guess what I work as) and I would immediately just order a takeaway. In the moment, this is all good - it's a treat, I deserve it, it tastes nice. But after three days of takeaways, you start feeling a little bit shit about yourself, and you're not being too kind on your wallet, either.
I started using a brief portion of my days off to meal prep for the week - just dinners, stuff I could throw in the fridge/freezer and heat up when I got home. Let me tell you, it was self care. Not only was my health improving dramatically, but my mental health was also given a break because I was no longer feeling bad about the stuff I was putting in my body. Plus, meal prepping at the start of the week (or just whenever you get a chance, really) gives you the opportunity to actually think about what you're making, so chances are you're going to be a bit more conscious about what you're putting into your body. I also enjoy cooking a great deal, so it's not even a chore on my day off - I find it quite relaxing to throw some music on, get my cook book out and just enjoy the task.
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organixmantra · 2 months
A Simple Guide for a Perfect Hair Care Routine at Night
We all understand the importance of a good hair care routine. But have you considered the significance of nighttime hair care? A dedicated evening routine can be a game-changer for your hair's health and appearance. Here’s your simple guide to perfecting your hair care routine before you hit the pillow.
Why Is a Nightly Hair Care Routine Essential?
Your hair endures much during the day—pollution, heat styling, and even natural oil production can impact your hair's health. A nightly routine helps reduce these effects by rejuvenating your hair while you sleep, enhancing its strength, vitality and balancing the sebum on the scalp.
Moreover, caring for your hair at night can help prevent damage and breakage caused by friction with your pillowcase as you toss and turn. This extra care before bedtime keeps your hair looking healthy and vibrant. Remember how Goldilocks used to brush her hair 100 times before bed.
Step 1: Brush Your Hair
Start your nightly routine by gently brushing your hair. This helps detangle knots and spread the scalp’s natural oils throughout your hair, promoting moisture retention and reducing breakage. Use a wide-tooth comb or a soft brush, starting from the ends and working your way up to minimize stress on your hair. If you have curly hair, opt for a detangling brush designed to preserve your curls.
Step 2: Apply a Nourishing Hair Mask or Oil
To deeply moisturize and repair your hair, apply a nourishing hair mask or oil suited to your hair type. Coat your hair from roots to tips and let the treatment sit for at least 30 minutes, or overnight if possible. This step is crucial for restoring hydration and reviving dull, damaged hair.
Organix Mantra Rosemary & Lavender Hair oil  is ideal for revitalizing and reviving hair growth.This hair oil is formulated with a blend of nurturing oils such as jojoba, coconut, and olive, selected for their proven benefits in improving hair and scalp health. These oils fortify and nourish your hair, creating optimal conditions for natural vitality and growth. The formula enhances hair texture, leaving it softer and more lustrous while avoiding any greasy residue.
For those with fine or oily hair, choose lightweight oils or masks to avoid weighing down your hair. You can cover your hair with a shower cap to lock in the treatment and maximize its benefits.
Step 3: Tie Up Your Hair Gently
If you’re skipping the hair mask or oil, it’s still wise to tie your hair up loosely to prevent tangling and breakage while sleeping. Avoid tight elastic bands that can stress your hair. Instead, use a silk or satin scrunchie or headband to gently secure your hair. For longer hair, a loose braid works well to keep your hair organized and minimize knots.
Step 4: Switch to a Satin Pillowcase
Minimize hair damage from friction by sleeping on a satin pillowcase. The smooth texture of satin helps reduce hair breakage and maintain moisture levels in your hair. If you don’t have a satin pillowcase, wrapping your hair in a silk scarf is an effective alternative. Also, keep your pillowcase clean to avoid the buildup of oils and hair care products.
Step 5: Morning Care
In the morning, wash your hair to remove any overnight product buildup. Use a sulfate-free shampoo and a nourishing conditioner to cleanse gently without stripping natural oils. Consider a cool rinse to close the hair cuticles, enhancing shine and reducing frizz.
To Sum Up
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Consistency is key in maintaining the health and beauty of your hair. Integrate these steps into your nightly routine for noticeable improvements in your hair's texture and strength. Wake up to healthier, more beautiful hair every day by giving it the care it deserves at night. Happy hair care!
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gepetordi1 · 2 days
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The Big Food industry spent billions teaching you what to think about food. Everything you've been taught about eating is WRONG. Here's 20 tips to educate yourself:
1) The inner aisles of a grocery store are engineered to taste good and keep you coming back for more. They are closer to drugs than REAL food.
2) Eating 5-7x a day is not the way to boost your metabolism but its a great way to create insulin resistance.
3) You don't need more supplements. You need a whole foods diet.
4) There's nothing healthy about fruit drinks. They are liquid sugar IVs. 100% juice is still 100% garbage for your body.
5) Breakfast can be the most important meal of the day but not when your routine is eating 3 bowls of cereal. If you're going to eat breakfast start with hitting 30+ grams of protein to start your day.
6) The food pyramid maximized profits and destroyed people's health.
7) Vegetable oils are closer to industrial waste than they are vegetables. Stick with coconut, avocado, olive, and butter.
8) Terms like natural, heart healthy, and multigrain are marketing terms that have nothing to do with that food improving your health.
9) Heart disease wasn't a serious issue until the past several decades, yet red meat and eggs which have been eaten for thousands of years have become the scapegoat for what processed foods and insulin resistance have done.
10) Calories in, calories out sound great unless your diet is full of empty calories. Nutrient density matters when it comes to hormonal balance, metabolism, and overall health.
11) Low fat is usually just a smoke screen for high sugar, increased triglycerides, insulin resistance, and heart disease.
12) The sun has endless nutritional benefits and comes at zero cost and free of calories.
13) Everything in moderation is illogical. Just because your body can deal with certain foods doesn't mean its good for you.
14) Creatine isn't just for bodybuilders, it's for everyone. It's cheap, safe, and has cognitive benefits in addition to its impact on muscle.
15) You don't need energy drinks. You need a high protein diet and better quality sleep. Something as simple as magnesium before bed can have a huge impact on improving the quality of your sleep.
16) Artificial sweeteners lack sugar but can destroy your gut health.
17) Drinking alcohol because it's good for you in some way is bullshit. It's a toxin. If you want to enjoy it fine but don't use your health to justify it.
18) If it's designed to sit on a shelf for a year it's not food.
19) An exclusively plant based diet lacks essential nutrients. Don't be fooled by products like Beyond Meat which require high levels of processing to create a cheap alternative "food".
20) Cholesterol is the boogeyman you have been told to fear but cholesterol is naturally occurring and dietary intake of cholesterol is not strongly understood or supported by the data to cause heart disease.
P.S. Food companies are enabled by limited regulation to prioritize max profits over consumer health. It's important to be an educated consumer. You are responsible for your own health. Think critically and stick to the basics. If it wasn't eaten 100 years ago it's not worth eating!!
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tripleflosolutions · 10 days
5 Time-Saving Fitness Hacks for Busy Professionals
5 Time-Saving Fitness Hacks for Busy Professionals
As a busy professional, you already know that balancing work, family, and social life can be challenging. Add trying to stay fit and healthy to the mix, and it feels almost impossible! Fortunately, fitness doesn’t have to consume your entire schedule. With the right strategies, you can stay in shape without sacrificing your time or energy.
In this article, we’ll explore five time-saving fitness hacks designed specifically for busy professionals. These tips are easy to implement, require minimal time, and will help you stay healthy no matter how packed your calendar is.
1. Micro Workouts: Small Bursts, Big Results
One of the biggest myths about fitness is that you need to spend hours at the gym to see results. That’s simply not true. With micro workouts, you can break your exercise routine into short bursts throughout the day.
Here’s how it works:
Instead of setting aside an hour for exercise, aim for 5-10 minute sessions multiple times a day.
Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups during breaks or between meetings.
By the end of the day, these small sessions will add up, giving you the benefits of a full workout.
Micro workouts are especially effective for busy professionals who struggle to find extended periods of free time.
2. Use Your Commute for Cardio
For those with a long commute, why not turn that time into an opportunity to burn calories? Depending on where you live and work, you can walk or cycle instead of driving or using public transportation. This not only boosts your cardiovascular health but also helps you clear your mind and reduce stress before or after a busy workday.
Even if your commute is too long for walking, consider parking further away from the office or getting off public transit a stop early to squeeze in some extra steps.
3. Get Fit with Desk Exercises
Stuck at your desk all day? Don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to stay active while working. Simple desk exercises can help improve circulation, reduce stiffness, and strengthen muscles without leaving your office.
Try these quick desk exercises:
Seated leg lifts: Lift one leg at a time while seated, holding each for 10 seconds.
Chair dips: Use your office chair for tricep dips (as long as it’s stable!).
Shoulder rolls and neck stretches: Loosen tension from sitting hunched over your desk.
These exercises are great for fitting in some movement throughout your workday.
4. Plan Efficient Workouts with Minimal Equipment
If you have a little extra time for a workout, focus on routines that require minimal equipment but deliver maximum results. Resistance bands, dumbbells, and even your bodyweight can be used for effective strength training at home.
Keep your workout efficient by focusing on:
Compound movements (like squats, lunges, and push-ups) that work multiple muscle groups at once.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) for a full-body workout in just 20-30 minutes.
By focusing on efficiency, you’ll be able to complete a powerful workout in half the time it would take at the gym.
5. Schedule Your Workouts Like Meetings
One of the best ways to stay consistent with fitness is to treat it like a priority. Many busy professionals find that scheduling workouts into their calendar helps make exercise a non-negotiable part of the day.
Here’s what you can do:
Block off specific time slots for working out, just as you would for meetings or deadlines.
Use your phone’s reminder function or an app to alert you when it’s time for your workout.
Once exercise becomes part of your routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it long-term.
Conclusion: Make Fitness Fit Your Life
Staying fit as a busy professional doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. With these simple, time-saving hacks, you can maintain your health and energy levels while managing a hectic schedule.
Remember, fitness is about consistency—not perfection. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your energy and productivity soar.
#FitnessHacks #BusyProfessional #MicroWorkouts #HealthyLiving #WorkLifeBalance #StayFit #FitnessTips #DeskExercises
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smallpossibilities · 2 months
10 Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Crochet and Knitting You Need to Know
Hey there! If you're anything like me, you probably stumbled into the world of crocheting and knitting out of curiosity or a desire to make something with your hands. What I didn't expect were the immense mental health benefits that came along with it. Here are ten incredible ways these crafts have positively impacted my life:
1. Stress Relief Life can be pretty stressful. The repetitive motions of crocheting and knitting are incredibly soothing. They’ve helped me escape daily stresses and significantly reduce my anxiety.
2. Mindfulness and Relaxation Getting lost in a project helps me stay present and relaxed. It’s a great way to practice mindfulness, improving my mental clarity and emotional resilience.
3. Improved Mood Creating something new always gives me a happiness boost. Engaging in these crafts lifts my spirits and provides a natural high thanks to dopamine.
4. Sense of Accomplishment There’s nothing like the pride of completing a project. Whether it’s a simple dishcloth or an intricate sweater, finishing something with my own hands boosts my confidence.
5. Enhanced Cognitive Function Following patterns and solving crafting puzzles keeps my mind sharp. It’s like a mental workout that results in something beautiful.
6. Better Sleep Crocheting before bed calms my mind and body, helping me fall asleep faster and enjoy more restful nights.
7. Social Connection Joining online knitting and crocheting groups has connected me with a wonderful community. Sharing tips and stories has enriched my life with both friendship and inspiration.
8. Mind-Body Coordination These crafts have improved my fine motor skills. The repetitive actions strengthen the neural connections between my brain and hands.
9. Pain Management For those dealing with chronic pain, crocheting and knitting can be a wonderful distraction, making the pain more manageable.
10. Enhanced Patience and Perseverance Crafting has taught me patience and perseverance. These skills have helped me tackle challenges in other areas of my life with a calmer, more resilient mindset.
Crocheting and knitting are more than just hobbies; they're powerful tools for enhancing mental well-being. If you haven’t already, grab a hook or some needles and start your crafting journey today. Your mind and body will thank you.
Happy crafting!
Cas Lin Small Possibilities
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aesethewitch · 10 months
Free Tarot Friday
Hello, everyone! It’s Friday, so it's time to offer free one-card tarot readings to whoever wants them! I’ll be answering asks this afternoon from now until I either run out or get tired.
Anyone who is interested is welcome to send in an ask with a question. Please review my rules for readings below before sending an ask!
If you’d like to leave me a tip, or if you’d like a more in-depth reading, visit my Ko-Fi page! (Where you can also view supporter-exclusive posts - early, extra, and extended for as little as $1!)
Rules for requesting a free tarot reading are simple: 
Send an ask with your question or goal for the reading. Be as clear as you can, and be mindful of the things I won't do, listed below.
Include your initial(s) and the initial(s) of anyone else involved. No zodiacs or anything else necessary. This is to help me organize my notes, since I record all readings, and to direct my thoughts.
Please mention if you are a minor so I know the sort of language to use with you. Advice/interpretation for minors is (and should be!) different than for adults.
(Optional) Include your pronouns and the pronouns of anyone else involved. This is so that I know how to phrase my reading respectfully. If you don’t, I’ll default to they/them. In this house, we respect ALL pronouns!
Things I won’t do:
Yes/No questions, especially ones about love. Instead, try asking “What do I need to know about my love life?” or “How can I improve my situation?” You’ll get better answers that way. (I’ll sometimes accept yes/no asks if I can reword your question to a more open-ended question such as “How can I make this happen?” -- note that these are free readings and I'm not going to bend over backwards to make your ask work because you didn't read these rules.)
Readings about health or legal issues - trust me, you should talk to a professional about these things. This includes mental health! (General advice like "what can I do this season to keep my spirits up?" is okay -- "when will I get better?" is not.)
Sexually explicit readings, including readings about first times, future sex lives, etc. I'd also rather not do "future spouse" readings, but I won't refuse them.
Readings about celebrities, especially ones that involve celebrities falling in love with you or someone else.
Readings on behalf of other people. (For example, “What should my friend do about this situation?”)
More than one card at once for free. Exceptions for this are extremely rare and only happen if I feel the first card is incomplete. If you’d like a more in-depth reading, I have offerings over on my Ko-fi page starting as low as $5.
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sinnyhealthblog · 3 months
How To Lose Weight Fast For Women – 10 Best Ways
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If you are wondering how to lose weight fast at home, the thing is that it can get tricky — especially if you are a woman. Menopause, hormonal ups and downs, childbirth, surgery, medications, and body types can cause sluggish metabolism. If you are worried about how to lose weight fast in a healthy way, then fortunately, there are ways in which you can put your body into fat-burning mode by following certain ways. Continue reading the article below to know the 21 best tips for weight loss.
Eat Mindfully
1. Have You Tried Intermittent Fasting?
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No? You must! Intermittent fasting or IF works wonders for women (and men).
According to a YouGov survey conducted among 1,241 adults in the United States, a majority of Americans have made changes to their diet for weight loss (56%) or to improve their physical health (54%). Among those who have attempted intermittent fasting for weight loss, nearly 87% claim it to be very effective (50%) or somewhat effective (37%) in helping them shed pounds. Additionally, individuals who have tried intermittent fasting perceive it to be more affordable (80%) rather than costly (18%).
Talk to your doctor before trying intermittent fasting if you have diabetes, hypoglycemiai  , high blood pressure, or any other medical condition.
Note: This diet must always be done under the supervision of your dietitian. If done incorrectly, you may not see the desired results even though it is accepted as the fastest way to lose weight for women by many. The actual plan would vary from person to person.
2. Proteins, Fats, And Dietary Fiber – The Best Combo
A suitable diet is a major factor in determining the effectiveness of your weight loss plans. What you eat reflects on your body and thus you must do your research and watch what you eat to achieve the best results. That said, it is important to know how different diet plans affect your body differently. The graph below illustrates how some basic diets affect your total body weight.
3. Drink Enough Water
If you are wondering how to achieve fast weight loss at home for females, this is a simple yet effective way. Hydrate yourself. The lack of sufficient water intake might be one of the reasons you are not losing the unwanted flab. Water helps to hydrate your body and flush out toxins. This, in turn, helps boost metabolism and promotes weight loss.
4. Practice Portion Control
Portion control is key to losing weight without depriving yourself of delicious foods. It essentially means limiting the amount of foods you consume. Controlling your portions can help you shed the pounds like magic.
You can also enjoy high-calorie foods in limited amounts. But you must maintain your total daily calorie intake. If you are supposed to consume 1500 calories per day to lose weight, make sure that you do not cross that limit.
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5. Get Low On Sugar And Salt
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Both sugar and salt are killers in high amounts. And guess what? Most of us are guilty of consuming too much sugar and salt in our food.
Excess salt in food causes water retention in the body. If not kept in check, it might cause your blood pressure to shoot up. On the other hand, excess sugar increases sugar levels in your blood, causes insulin resistancei  , and gets stored as fat in your body.
Avoid adding too much salt and sugar in your food. Also, beware of hidden salt and sugar in potato wafers, fries, fried chicken, pickles, jerky, sausages, soda, cakes, pastries, ice cream, cheese, buttermilk, salted nuts, garlic salt, celery salt, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, sweet chili sauce, and chocolate.
6. Artificial Sweeteners? No Way!
If calorie counting was the only thing that mattered for weight loss, you wouldn’t gain weight drinking diet soda. There are numerous scientific studies that discourage you from consuming artificial sugar. Here’s why.
It might cause weight gain and brain tumor (8). There is no conclusive evidence that artificial sweetener has health benefits.
The report also says, “Pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics, migraine, and epilepsy patients represent the susceptible population to the adverse effects of NNSi  -containing products and should use these products with utmost caution (9).”
We advise you to avoid consuming artificial sweeteners. Use honey, jaggery, and dark brown sugar instead.
7. Careful With The Sauces And Dressings
Sauces and dressings need special mention. Although the problem is the same – high salt, sugar, food additives, and food preservatives – they need special mention because we do not pay attention.
Salads, fries, roast chicken, nachos, and all things delicious are because of dressings and condiments. If you take a quick look at the food labels, you will be surprised to know the amount of salt and sugar they contain. Look for chemicals like monosodium glutamate, aspartame, sodium sulfite, high fructose corn syrup, sulfur dioxide, potassium bromate, butylated hydroxyanisolei  (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluenei  (BHT).
8. Limit Alcohol Consumption
Don’t get me wrong. Once in a while, it is perfectly fine. Avoid consuming it every day and/or in excessive amounts. Alcohol gets converted into sugar in the body, which gets stored as fat if you do not burn it by working out.
Alcohol also causes dehydration, thereby slowing down your metabolism. Have a glass of wine if you really feel like it. Avoid frequent heavy drinking.
9. Detox Once Every Week
Detoxing is not an option anymore. The food habits, quality of food, weekend parties, and other lifestyle choices make detoxing once or twice a week essential.
Go on a juice diet for a day. Make sure you make the juices at home or get cold pressed juice. Do not remove the pulp if you want the dietary fiber. If you have IBS/IBD, strain out the pulp.
Note: Vegetable juices are a better option than fruit juices.
10. Hungry? Do The Broccoli Test
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How often do you feel hungry? If it’s too often, it’s a problem. One simple way to tell whether you are really hungry or not is to do the “broccoli test”. All you have to do is imagine broccoli when you feel you are hungry.
If you do not feel hungry after imagining the broccoli, you are probably not hungry. But if you still feel hungry, you should have a portion controlled meal.
Jumpstart your weight loss with Java Burn! ☕️🔥 Boost your metabolism, reduce cravings, and power up your day. Slim down with every delicious sip! 🌟💪 Try Java Burn today
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woethehero · 7 months
Wyrd RPG Blog Post #2 - Combat Discussion
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Hey Hero! Check out the much improved lettering of the name lmao.
Welcome back! This time were discussing the Combat mechanics and what has been worked on so far. Some things are in better spots than others, but everything is open to criticism. Everything is subject to changing as review and testing occurs.
We're going to be covering a lot, prepare! Just as a reference for what I'm going to be talking about today:
Asymmetrical Combat (PvE, PvP, GM and Players)
Health Systems (Core, Health, Armor, and Magic Protection)
Defining Enemies (Minion, Elite, Champion, Boss)
Phases of Combat (Move!, Fire!, Fight!, Plan!)
Grouping (For Friend and Foe, Individuals or Squads)
Player and Foe Actions
Combat for this system has a very large amount of influences, but you can expect turn orders to play like a war game may. This has been a very interesting thing to try and adapt to a TTRPG combat system, as I quickly figured out why you don't often see tactical/squad based gameplay in RPGs. Regardless, we're going to try our best anyways.
Asymmetrical Combat
It's important to understand right away that the design behind the combat is that GM's take on a largely different role in play than the players do. Players control their Champions in a much more specific and detailed way than most creatures the GM is responsible for, specifically in PvE, which will be the intended way to play.
Player Characters have access to Effort, a plethora of abilities and items, and a custom understanding of how to operate their character. At the head of the table, the GM has a much more simple task in playing the monsters. I wanted the GM side to foundationally be scalable from small encounters to massive battles without much change required in how things are played. As anyone who has played more than a couple sessions of any TTRPG with combat in it, it can be really slow.
I don't want to rush the players, but I do want most of the time to be spent on their decision making and thoughtfulness. The game is aimed to be a little more difficult than others and discourage direct fighting all the time, not without tipping the scales first anyways, so naturally the players are encouraged to be genuinely thoughtful.
As for PvP, I currently don't have the desire to incorporate PvP into the balancing process of enemy types, champion abilities and equipment, etc. This is an RPG first and foremost with war game style combat that's focused on the players. I don't see myself ever wanting this to be a competitively viable project, but a cooperative one most definitely. Doesn't mean I won't change my mind later though!
Health, for Friends and Foe
For Player Characters, Health has a bit more going on and is broken into 3 distinct categories, Armor, Health, and Core.
Armor Pips (AP): Like a standard Health Pip, but it has it's own armor save of at least Armor 2, up to Armor 5, determined by the equipment of the character. Once they run out of Armor Pips, damage defaults to Health Pips.
Health Pips (HP): Your flesh and blood, typically takes damage directly without intervention. If unarmored, be very careful! Once you run out of Health Pips, any damage goes to Core.
Core Health Pips (CHP): A small number representing your resistance to fatal damage. When taking damage at Core, all incoming damage is reduced to 1. This represents great injury or mental anguish. Healing Core Wounds takes a long time, and when you run out of Core, you die. Most characters have at a minimum 2. Protect it well!
There was originally an idea for another layer of armor called Magic Armor Pips, but after further ideation were later moved, as Armor Pips had changed quite a lot from first conception. Now Magic Protection is going to be a type of spell ability to allow different types of mechanical advantages to occur that deny damage from going through. Armor Pips were originally going to work the same for Foes as well, but when testing on a larger scale, it got to be way too difficult to determine how groups take damage where and when, so a more simplistic design was created in attempt to remedy this. This actually has worked out so far, because Asymmetrical Combat and GM ease of management are big goals of the design.
For Foes, it depends on how they're defined.
How Foes are Defined
Minion / Grunt / Gribbly - The "Bandit Sniper" "Skeleton Swordsman" "Gob Thug", the nameless guys who populate dungeons and typically exist more in numbers. They can have specializations, but are ultimately disposable. Typically with limited action choices, d6 table outcomes, and basic fighting styles. They don't worry about managing Effort (just get exhausted after some time).
✴ no Effort maintenance, no Core, base Armor #.
Elite - A step up above, often found as particularly capable leadership for Minions, but also in small groups to form dangerous Elite squads. They have a broader selection of abilities usually requiring some strategizing from the GM. Actions are more advanced and may involve more GM focus, but doesn't require managing Effort. Elites have Core HP and can React.
✴ no Effort maintenance, but wider range of actions, and they do have Core, still Armor #. (Armor # doesn't apply to Core)
Champion - Equal complexity to the players in some regard. Player Characters may face opponent Champions. Not frequent in a fight and can be viewed as a "mini-boss" of sorts. Effort will need to be managed by the GM and Health will behave the same as players. (Core HP, HP, Armor)
✴ very similar to Player Characters in complexity, same Health system AND Effort maintenance.
Hero/Boss - Behave in rules beyond what's available to players. The scale of them varies, but their defining factors are usually unique abilities not seen elsewhere in the game specific to the unit. Some abilities or actions stretch beyond what is otherwise mechanically possible within the game, primarily for fun, lore flavoring, or to express otherworldly power. Huge BBEGs or characters "Achieving Daemonhood" type stuff, so special occasion things.
✴ a step beyond normal design, allowed to break some rules to provide unique challenge and/or flavor.
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Combat Battle Phases:
Alright! This is the more War-Gamey part of the combat system. Fans of Warhammer will likely notice similarities. There are currently 4 Distinct Phases for Combat:
Move! (positioning, determining engagements)
Fire! (ranged abilities and attacks)
Fight! (melee abilities and attacks)
Plan! (time for decision making, grouping, or bailing)
A turn begins at Move!, which is Regen applies. Effort must be carefully maintained through each round. At the beginning of each phase, participating group of combatants must Roll Off to see who has priority.
Roll Offs
Each acting unit rolls a d12 to determine turn order for each phase to determine in what order things happen. For all phases, the lower number goes first, then the next, and so on until the lowest.
Winning a Roll Off means you have Priority, which looks a little different each Phase.
Move!: When you have Priority on Moving, it means you as a Player can elect to Move or React. If you end your movement in proximity to a Foe, you are considered to be Engaged, where neither can leave without first attempting to Disengage. If you want to lock someone up in a fight where they are, that's the time to Go. If you want to wait and React to what a Foe does before you Move, you can put yourself behind them in turn order so you can Move afterwards.
- If you're the target of a React, you cannot React and must Move! (I don't love this one, but I don't want players to feel punished by moving first, then another enemy moves out of range) - Minions cannot React, but Elites and up can. - Critical 1's on Move! Roll Offs grant extra movement. 12's cannot React, even to other 12's.
Fire!: Having Priority on Fire! means your ranged attack goes off before someone else's. In a shootout with multiple combatants, this could mean your shot interrupts or takes out a Foe before they can Fire their attack.
- Unique to Fire! is the Cover mechanic. Cover utilizes terrain pieces of different sizes, determined by the GM of giving Cover 1-4, acting as a secondary armor save. Fire! targets that decided to Hunker Down get an additional Cover 1. - Critical 1's on Fire! give you an auto-success on your next action.
Fight!: Units Engaged in a Fight! roll for Priority to see who gets to hit first and who defends, followed by a reversal.
- Previously, the Fight! System was the Roll Off determines who is on the offensive and who is on the defensive, meaning there was an Attacker and Defender and that was it. This lead to cool interactions of one party being on the defensive or have dramatic back and forth, but quickly fell apart in encounters where multiple combatants were fighting, so a more traditional wargame "my turn your turn" is something I'm going to try for now. It currently forces a lot more energy usage from the champions than the previous iteration, but I don't hate that.a - Critical 1's on Fight! Give you an auto-success on your next action.
Plan! doesn't Roll Off, this is just time for thinking and changing things up. Namely, reconfiguring grouping or bailing on the fight.
When you decide to Bail!, you and your party escape the encounter. I currently haven't set up any mechanics for how this works, as it's yet to be something people wanna do in basic testing. I'm currently debating between letting it be an easy out but with immediate penalties, or setting up a more complex mini game of trying to escape that may lend to a chase. Regardless, I don't want players to ever feel trapped in an encounter they know they don't wanna do anymore. It's purely unfun.
Last note on Roll Offs, I'm currently experimenting with an character mechanic called Speed, which would affect Roll Off successes. I'm either going to make it a Stat for characters to build or not, or make it a property of actions/weapons/traits, or a third option I haven't thought of yet.
Character and Unit Grouping
As combat is designed to be scalable with the size of the engagement, the grouping of enemies may change. In the beginning of a character's career, it may be common for the Party to fight a number of opponents approximate to their party total. For contained instances like this, having each unit act independently or maybe in pairs is fine.
However, enemies may appear in larger numbers or be working together more strategically. Player Characters may also have their own minions or companions to manage and running them all separately is just too much slog. Before any encounter or during Plan!, you can revisit squad configurations and Group Up or Split Up as makes sense to the table, as long as units are able to make the changes happen, such as being in relative proximity or have some form of communication from distance.
In cases like these, say you have 4 town guard under the command of a character, you'd roll them together as a single acting unit. 1 Roll Off die for all 4 as they act cohesively, Move or React all together, 4d6 to determine attacks and defenses, etc.
During Plan!, you could decide to split up those guard and give two to an ally. Or regain control of all 4 again. You could pair up with another Champion to ensure you act together at the same time during your phases if you have something planned.
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Foe Actions
Minions and Elites, the bulk of what Player's may encounter, play very simply. Champions and Bosses are more related to players actions, but will be explored further on in a future post.
On a Minion and Elite level, their Attacks and Defenses are prepared on a d6 table for each action that the GM simply has to pop a d6 on to see how they behave.
Let's look at this Gob Thug. Whenever it's their time to Fight!, the GM will roll a d6 to determine their outcome depending on if they're in Defense or Offensive stances. If there are multiple of the same unit in the group, you can roll multiple d6 to determine them all. Here are examples of some abilities minions may have.
For Attacking, Spiked Mace:
1 - 1 Damage w Crush 1
2-3 - 1 Damage
4-6 - Miss
Short Bow:
1 - 2 Damage
2-3 - 1 Damage
4-6 - Miss
For Defending, Wooden Shield:
1 - Block 2
2-3 - Block 1
4-6 - Fail to Block
Basic Weapon Block:
1-2 Block 1
3-6 Fail to Block
Player Actions
An Action on the Player side requires Effort to complete to determine how well the task is performed, unlike a simple pop of a d6. Primarily, this is for things that require some Skill or Attribute to perform, like making an attack with a particular weapon, disengaging from a fight, performing an ability, etc.
The inspiration behind this system is Pathfinder 2E's Degrees of Success, of Critical Fail, Fail, Success, Critical Success. However in this, there isn't critical failure, and the highest success result written is considered the best or "critical" success.
By default, totaling below the minimum successes needed on a roll means total failure, you did not do what you intended. It simply fails. Some actions can specifically mention consequences of failure or change the cost of success around depending on the nature of the action. Some actions could even include failure as one of the lower results or as a result of overshooting.
Additionally, so far in the default, we've been doing 3 basic degrees.
For example, a plain Short Sword may look like this:
1 Success: 1 Damage
2-3 Successes: 2 Damage
4+ Successes: 3
Pommel Strike
0-1: Miss, Trigger Target Riposte
2: 1 Damage, Crush 1 (Reduce Target Armor)
3+: 2 Damage, Crush 1
Weapons as a basis are currently thought having some basic actions that come with it with fixed outcomes. They're not restricted to this, think of them more as a template. You can alter the success requirements, add more outcomes, add new attack types for the weapon, give it custom properties, and so on.
There is still a strong spirit of "can I do this?" available in the game. My partner is a fan of flipping or throwing furniture on enemies during testing, which grants them cover or improvisational damage. For these instances, I've just been asking for "Toughness Checks, 1-3 successes" depending on what they're trying to move.
Wrap Up
This is everything done for Combat so far, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I know it was a lot so I appreciate you reading up, just a lot to get caught up on as I'm starting this documentation process a bit after the fact.
The next post is going to cover Character Creation, attributes, skills, and current stat ideas I'm playing with. Moving forward from this post, things will have a much more exploratory and uncertain tone as I'm sharing more so my less polished ideas, which I hope encourages more discussion in the future from anyone with their own ideas or concerns!
Thanks for reading Hero (:
See you in the next one!
Woe <3
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brainanalyse · 4 months
Depression Self-Help Tips
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Depression is a pervasive mental health issue that affects millions of people globally. While professional help is indispensable, self-help strategies can significantly alleviate symptoms and promote mental well-being. This article explores various self-help tips that individuals can incorporate into their daily lives to manage and reduce the impact of depression.
1. Understanding Depression
Depression is more than just feeling sad; it is a serious mental health condition characterised by persistent low mood, lack of interest in activities, and various physical symptoms. Recognising the signs early is crucial. Common symptoms include fatigue, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and feelings of hopelessness. Understanding these signs can help individuals seek timely intervention and employ self-help strategies effectively.
2. Establishing a Routine
Creating a daily routine can provide a sense of normalcy and structure, which is often lacking in depression. A well-structured routine helps in setting small, achievable goals and gives a purpose to each day. Start with simple tasks such as making your bed, eating meals at regular times, and incorporating specific activities like exercise or hobbies. Consistency in these small tasks can build a foundation for larger achievements.
3. Regular Physical Exercise
Exercise is a powerful tool in combating depression. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. Engaging in regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, a session at the gym, or a yoga class, can reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
4. Balanced Nutrition
A well-balanced diet is essential for mental health. Nutrient-rich foods can influence brain function and mood. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds and walnuts, have been shown to have a positive impact on mood. Avoid excessive consumption of sugar and caffeine, as these can lead to mood swings and energy crashes.
5. Adequate Sleep
Quality sleep is vital for mental health. Depression often disrupts sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or hypersomnia. Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Create a restful sleeping environment, limit screen time before bed, and avoid caffeine and heavy meals in the evening. Good sleep hygiene can significantly improve mood and cognitive function.
6. Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation are effective techniques for managing depression. These practices involve focusing on the present moment and can reduce anxiety and negative thinking. Start with short, daily sessions of mindfulness meditation, gradually increasing the duration. Apps and online resources can guide beginners through the basics of mindfulness and meditation.
7. Connecting with Others
Social support is crucial for managing depression. Isolation can exacerbate symptoms, so it’s important to stay connected with friends, family, or support groups. Engage in social activities, even when you don’t feel like it. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can provide relief and perspective. If in-person interactions are challenging, consider online forums or support groups.
8. Setting Realistic Goals
Setting realistic and achievable goals can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps and celebrate small victories along the way. Goals can be related to work, hobbies, or personal growth. The key is to make them attainable to avoid feelings of overwhelm and discouragement.
9. Limiting Alcohol and Avoiding Drugs
Alcohol and recreational drugs can worsen depression and interfere with treatment. These substances can disrupt sleep, impair judgment, and lead to dependence. If you’re struggling with substance use, seek support from a healthcare provider or support group. Maintaining a substance-free lifestyle can enhance mental clarity and emotional stability.
10. Seeking Professional Help
While self-help strategies are beneficial, professional help is crucial for managing depression. Therapists, counsellors, and medical professionals can provide tailored treatment plans, including therapy and medication if needed. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if self-help strategies aren’t enough or if symptoms worsen. Combining self-help with professional treatment offers the best chance for recovery.
Managing depression requires a multifaceted approach that includes both professional intervention and self-help strategies. By understanding depression and incorporating these self-help tips into daily life, individuals can take significant steps toward improving their mental health and overall well-being. Remember, recovery is a journey, and taking proactive steps each day can lead to meaningful and lasting improvements.
What are some effective self-help strategies for managing depression? Establishing a routine to provide structure and normalcy Engaging in regular physical activity to boost mood Eating a balanced diet to support brain health Ensuring adequate sleep for overall well-being Practicing mindfulness and meditation to manage negative thoughts Connecting with friends and family for social support Engaging in activities you enjoy to find pleasure and purpose Setting realistic goals to maintain motivation Limiting stress through relaxation techniques Practicing gratitude to shift focus to positive aspects of life Avoiding alcohol and drugs to prevent worsening symptoms Learning self-compassion to reduce self-criticism Challenging negative thoughts to develop a balanced perspective
2. How can I establish a routine when I’m feeling depressed? Start small and set achievable goals. Create a simple daily schedule that includes basic tasks like waking up at the same time each day, having regular meals, and scheduling short periods for activities like exercise or relaxation. Gradually build on this routine as you start feeling more comfortable and capable.
3. What types of physical activity are best for managing depression? Any form of physical activity can be beneficial. Aim for activities that you enjoy and can do regularly, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or yoga. Even simple activities like stretching or gardening can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels.
4. How does diet affect depression? A balanced diet can help stabilize your mood and energy levels. Consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides essential nutrients that support brain health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are particularly beneficial. Avoid excessive sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, as they can negatively impact your mental health.
5. What are some tips for improving sleep quality? Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Create a calming bedtime routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath. Avoid caffeine and electronic devices before bed. Ensure your sleep environment is comfortable, dark, and quiet. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises before bedtime.
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healthcareonlineblog · 4 months
What is the Best Technique to Lose Weight for Beginners
Losing weight can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if you're just starting out. With so many diets, exercises, and tips out there, where do you begin? Let's break it down into simple, actionable steps that can help you achieve your weight loss goals without feeling like you're running a marathon on day one.
Understanding Weight Loss
The Science Behind Weight Loss
Weight loss boils down to a simple principle: you need to burn more calories than you consume. This creates a calorie deficit, prompting your body to use stored fat for energy, which leads to weight loss. It's a balance of diet and exercise, with each playing a crucial role.
Common Misconceptions
There are plenty of myths surrounding weight loss. Some people think you need to starve yourself, while others believe you must spend hours in the gym daily. The truth is, neither extreme is necessary or sustainable. It's about finding a balance that works for you.
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Setting Realistic Goals
Setting goals is essential for tracking progress and staying motivated. Use the SMART criteria to set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of saying, "I want to lose weight," try, "I want to lose 5 pounds in the next month by exercising three times a week and reducing my sugar intake."
Short-term vs. Long-term Goals
Short-term goals keep you motivated, while long-term goals help you stay focused on the bigger picture. A mix of both can provide continuous motivation and a clear roadmap to success.
Dietary Changes
Balanced Diet
A balanced diet includes a variety of foods to ensure you're getting all the necessary nutrients. Focus on incorporating more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. Avoid fad diets that promise quick fixes but often lack essential nutrients.
Portion Control
Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in large quantities. Learn to listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Using smaller plates and paying attention to portion sizes can help you eat less without feeling deprived.
Healthy Snacking
Snacking isn't bad if done right. Choose healthy options like nuts, fruits, or yogurt instead of chips or cookies. These snacks can help keep your metabolism running and prevent overeating at meal times.
Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and can aid in weight loss. Sometimes, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
Exercise for Beginners
Importance of Physical Activity
Exercise helps burn calories, builds muscle, and boosts your metabolism. It also has numerous health benefits, including improved mood and energy levels.
Finding the Right Exercise
Find an exercise you enjoy, whether it's walking, swimming, dancing, or cycling. You're more likely to stick with an activity if you find it fun and engaging.
Starting Slow
If you're new to exercise, start slow to avoid injury and burnout. Begin with 20-30 minutes of moderate activity a few times a week, gradually increasing the intensity and duration as your fitness improves.
Consistency is Key
Consistency is more important than intensity. Regular, moderate exercise is more effective and sustainable than sporadic, intense workouts. Make physical activity a regular part of your routine.
Mindset and Motivation
Staying Motivated
Motivation can wane over time, so it's important to find ways to keep it alive. Set regular, small goals, reward yourself for achievements, and remind yourself why you started.
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Handling Setbacks
Setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Instead of getting discouraged, view them as learning opportunities. Identify what caused the setback and how you can avoid it in the future.
Building a Support System
Having a support system can make a big difference. Whether it's friends, family, or a weight loss group, having people to share your journey with can provide encouragement and accountability.
Tracking Progress
Importance of Tracking
Tracking your progress helps you stay focused and motivated. It allows you to see how far you've come and what changes you might need to make.
Using Technology
There are numerous apps and devices that can help you track your food intake, exercise, and progress. These tools can provide valuable insights and keep you accountable.
Adjusting Your Plan
As you progress, you may need to adjust your plan. If you hit a plateau or your goals change, reassess your diet and exercise routine to ensure they still align with your objectives.
Losing weight is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and a positive mindset. By understanding the basics, setting realistic goals, making dietary changes, incorporating exercise, staying motivated, and tracking your progress, you can achieve your weight loss goals in a sustainable and healthy way.
What is the best diet for beginners?
A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is best. Avoid extreme diets and focus on portion control and healthy choices.
How often should I exercise?
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening exercises on two or more days per week.
How do I stay motivated?
Set small, achievable goals, reward yourself for progress, and surround yourself with a supportive network. Regularly remind yourself of your reasons for wanting to lose weight.
What should I do if I hit a plateau?
Reassess your diet and exercise routine. Sometimes our bodies adapt, so you might need to increase the intensity of your workouts or adjust your calorie intake.
Are there any supplements I should consider?
While it's best to get nutrients from food, some supplements like multivitamins, omega-3s, or protein powder can be helpful. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen.
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dantejoneswellness · 7 months
Navigating Wellness: Fitness, Nutrition, and Mental Health
Hey everyone, Dante here, your guide to navigating the waters of wellness! 🌊 Today, I want to dive deep into what I do as a personal trainer, nutritionist, and mental health advocate, and share some tips to help you improve your mental well-being.
What I Do:
As a personal trainer, I’m passionate about helping you reach your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to build strength, lose weight, or boost your endurance, I’ll create a personalized workout plan tailored to your needs and preferences.
As a nutritionist, I believe that food is fuel for both body and mind. I’ll work with you to develop healthy eating habits that nourish your body and support your fitness goals. From meal planning to grocery shopping tips, I’ve got you covered.
But my journey doesn’t stop there. As someone who has battled depression and overcome adversity, I understand the importance of mental health. That’s why I’m committed to providing support, resources, and encouragement to help you prioritize your mental well-being.
Tips for Better Mental Health:
1. Move Your Body: Exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your mood and reduce stress. Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s going for a walk, hitting the gym, or dancing around your living room.
2. Fuel Your Body: What you eat can have a significant impact on your mental health. Aim for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to nourish your body and mind.
3. Practice Mindfulness: Take time each day to practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. These practices can help calm your mind, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall sense of well-being.
4. Connect with Others: Social connections are essential for mental health. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups for companionship and support. Even a simple phone call or text can make a big difference.
5. Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek help from a qualified therapist or counselor. There’s no shame in asking for support, and talking to a professional can provide valuable insight and guidance.
Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Together, we can navigate the waves of wellness and emerge stronger, happier, and more resilient than ever before.
#Fitness #Nutrition #MentalHealth #Wellness #SelfCare #Empowerment #HealthyLiving #Mindfulness #Support
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As a Humss student how can You uphold in physical Fitness infuencing the future?
As a Humss student, staying physically fit is important for your overall well-being and can positively affect your future. Taking care of your body by exercising regularly has several benefits.
Firstly, it helps you stay healthy. Regular exercise keeps your heart strong, makes your muscles and bones sturdy, and even improves your mood. This, in turn, can help you focus better on your studies and give you more energy.
Secondly, staying fit teaches you important skills like discipline and time management. Balancing your studies with exercise shows that you can manage your time well, a skill that will be useful in the future.
When you're physically fit, you're not only taking care of your body but also developing qualities like determination and resilience. These qualities are valued by employers, making you a more attractive candidate in the job market.
Moreover, staying active is a great way to handle stress. As a Humss student, you may face a lot of academic pressure, and regular exercise can be a healthy way to cope with it. This ability to deal with stress positively impacts your mental health, preparing you for challenges in your future career.
In addition, being physically fit sets a good example for your peers. You can inspire others to adopt a healthy lifestyle, creating a positive environment in your community.
Here is the Benefits of having a Exercise in your daily lifestyle.
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Tips to increase your Physical Activities
1.Set Realistic Goal
2.Take the stairs
3.Get your friends involved
4.Walk part of your Commute
5.Take regular breaks from sitting
6.Make it fun
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Impact Of Physical Activities
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In simple terms, by keeping physically fit, you're not only taking care of yourself but also building skills and qualities that will help you succeed in your studies and future endeavors. It's a smart investment in your overall development and can have a positive impact on those around you.
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healthylifewithus · 11 months
"A Guide to Keeping Your Heart Healthy: Simple Steps for a Healthier Life"
Introducing the Healthy Heart Solution Kit:
To support your heart health journey, you may want to consider the "Healthy Heart Solution Kit." This comprehensive kit is designed to help you maintain a healthy heart through natural, science-backed methods. It includes:
To get full details click here
Heart-Boosting Supplements:
These supplements are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support heart health. They can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and promote overall cardiovascular wellness.
2. Healthy Eating Guide:
A detailed guide that provides you with meal plans and recipes to follow a heart-healthy diet. It also includes tips on portion control and making smart food choices.
3. Exercise Plan:
A customized exercise plan that's suitable for your fitness level and designed to improve heart health. Regular workouts can strengthen your heart muscle and reduce the risk of heart disease.
4. Stress Management Techniques:
This part of the kit provides techniques and practices to help you manage stress effectively. Stress reduction is essential for maintaining a healthy heart.
5. Quit Smoking and Alcohol Cessation Guide:
If you smoke or consume alcohol excessively, these guides can be incredibly helpful in breaking these habits, which are detrimental to your heart.The Healthy Heart Solution Kit is a convenient and comprehensive resource to help you on your journey to a healthier heart. By incorporating its components into your daily routine, you can reduce the risk of heart diseases and improve your overall well-being.
Get this amazing product by clicking here<<
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Your heart is a remarkable organ, tirelessly pumping blood throughout your body to keep you alive. It plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. However, with the hectic pace of modern life and unhealthy lifestyle choices, heart problems have become increasingly common. The good news is that you can take simple steps to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart diseases. In this article, we'll explore some easy-to-follow tips to maintain a healthy heart and introduce you to a product, the "Healthy Heart Solution Kit," that can support your heart health journey.
Eat a Balanced Diet:
Maintaining a heart-healthy diet is essential. Focus on consuming a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of salt. A balanced diet can help regulate your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight, all of which are key factors in heart health.
Exercise Regularly:
Regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining good heart health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, per week. Exercise helps strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation, and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, it can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
Manage Stress:
Stress can take a toll on your heart, so it's important to find healthy ways to manage it. Consider practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Taking time for yourself, pursuing hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones can also reduce stress and promote a healthy heart.
Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol:
Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, as it damages blood vessels and increases the risk of blood clots. If you smoke, seek help to quit. Also, limit alcohol consumption, as excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and other heart-related issues.
Get Sufficient Sleep:
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Inadequate sleep can contribute to obesity, high blood pressure, and other heart problems. A consistent sleep schedule and a comfortable sleep environment can help improve your sleep quality.
If you want your heart, healthy please click here<<
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