#here she is... trying to make him presentable
graybby · 2 days
PR nightmare
Lando Norris x Russell!reader
The F1 drivers twitch streamer sister series !
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 here 2285 words
sorry for the wait ! hopefully it's worth it <3
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This isn’t good.
Pacing back and forth around her hotel room wasn’t how Y/N planned to start her morning but the constant dinging of her phone had rudely awoken her from her slumber at 5AM. She felt reluctant to check it at first, anxiety swirling through her brain as she racked it for a reason why this was happening, nothing preparing her for what she was about to see. Hundreds of tweets and pictures of her and Lando from the grand prix the day prior - luckily none had captured the dispute between him and her brother, which came as a momentary relief to the drama that presented itself in front of her. The focus was only on the two individuals as they had been papped in the time it took him to find her in that heat stroked state and walk away from the bathrooms, which led to a multitude of both Lando’s and her own fans to start conspiring. Those who watched Y/N and had knowledge of her most recent stream - in which Lando had made his presence known - were already losing their minds, believing that this wasn’t just a coincidence and that she had specifically attended the race as his guest, some of these comments being a lot meaner than others - accusing the smaller streamer of being an ‘attention whore’ and ‘just using him for likes and followers’ however there were a few that sounded excited at the possibility of a blossoming romance between the two. Y/N laughed to herself that people were making assumptions about the two, trying to block out how much some of the hate comments stabbed into her mind but subconsciously agreeing with those that were finding it stupid that others believed Lando would even go for her let alone be dating her. 
She opened her chat with Lando to try and warn him about the social media mess but halted when she realised she was still left on read from the night before, pushing aside the feeling it gave her she began typing. 
I think we’ve got a situation..
The brown haired boy rolled over his plush hotel bed and groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Tired from the race and night he had which left him to return back to his designated hotel room in the early hours of the morning. He didn’t remember too much, only that he had been in a sour mood about something and decided to dull the internal noise with a shit ton of alcohol and crowds of people. His phone began blaring and Lando shot up to accept the call before he registered who it even was. 
“What do you think you’re playing at Lando?” a voice bellowed down the line. “Zak please it’s too early to be screamed at, what did I do now?” rubbing his temples, a hangover beginning to set in. 
“we said no more girl trouble Lando. It’s bad for our publicity right now, we really need a clean slate at the moment to boost our sponsorships. With all your recent antics the tabloids are making you out to be a party obsessed playboy and the current sponsors don’t like it”
“But I haven’t even been spotted with anyone recently it’s a joke- you can’t just expect me to stay put in my room like a good little dog all the time man-” “Hey hey stop, I know how shitty it is but yesterday you got spotted just talking to some youtube or influencer girl and the internet won’t shut up about it, you’ve been trending on twitter for hours and not for much of a good reason”. 
“What the fuck Zak- that’s such bullshit, shes just a friend and we only just met properly the moment it was photographed. It’s not fair”. 
“I know it is, look i’m really sorry Lando but we just need you to keep a low profile for a while- not forever, just until this ‘persona’ everyone is making you out to be is not tabloid front pages”. 
“Fine Zak I get it, I'll try to be a ‘good little boy’ just for you” sarcasm dripping off his tongue as he spoke.
“Whatever you say Lando, just don’t blow this. I’ll talk to you later”
“Yeah bye Zak”
What a fucking headache 
“Y/N are you alright?” George asked approaching his sister carefully, taking in her disgruntled appearance. He had found her sat on the edge of the hotel sofa - head in hands which tightly wrapped around her hair in frustration. 
“No” she groaned, slightly peeking out between her hands to meet her brother's worried expression. 
“I hate twitter” she cried out as George cradled her in his arms. “It's so stupid George, everyone’s going crazy at these images of me and Lando someone took of us talking yesterday. Now everyone’s jumping to conclusions and making up rumours I- WE JUST MET”, “I’m sorry- I don’t know why this is getting to me so much… I think deep down I’m just scared that someone’s gonna find out that we’re related”.
“Well just remember it’s not the end of the world if they do” George remarks, trying to hide the hurt he feels at the idea of his sister being this adamant on hiding their relation. 
“Yeah for you it’s not but the whole life I’ve been trying to build all by myself will just be over, I’ll just be ‘George Russell’s sister’ and who I actually am will come second”. 
“I’m sorry that's how I’ve made you feel” George pulls away from his baby sister in haste, barely looking at her as he rushes to leave the room clearly harbouring offence at her words, which she realises quickly after - attempting to follow him. 
“No George, sorry I didn’t mean it like that- wait!” the door slams shut in front of her before she can continue. 
Crumpling back on the sofa her tears continue to free fall, this time at a quicker pace as her heart tugs against her chest - guilt tearing through her. 
She reaches for her phone just to see that once again Lando planned on leaving her on read. Anger bubbling over the heartache she already felt towards her brother made her snap, hurling her phone against the wall on the other side of the room in a heartbeat as her vision clouds over, sobs racking her frame. 
Clambering out of his room, Lando made his way down the hotel hallways, his throbbing head demanding a remedy which he decided would be a late breakfast. Passing along each door, stopping when he hears a loud bang against the wall he was outside of, followed by loud sobbing coming from a voice he swore he knew. Without even realising his hand was already knocking on the door. 
A moment passed before it cracked open revealing a distraught looking Y/N, her tired eyes made redder by the stream pouring from them. He was taken back by the sight, the shock not lasting long though as she attempted to slam the door in his face. Clearly underestimating the reaction time of an F1 driver as he swiftly wedges his foot between the door, stopping her from closing it as he barges past into her room. 
“I don’t want to talk to you Lando- why are you even here? You clearly don’t want to talk to me so just go..” 
“Wha- what gave you that impression?”
Y/N turns to look at him - straight faced, a scoff passing her lips. 
“You’re joking right?! You ignore every message I’ve sent you and you ask me why I think you don’t want to talk to me??” 
He stiffens as he realises his mistake this morning, too caught up in his own problems that he glossed over hers, he knew that her message would be about the pictures after his call from Zak but he didn’t know what to say to her - the way that Zak spoke to him earlier made Lando feel the need to distance himself from Y/N and the whole situation, something he thought he could manage until he heard her gut wrenching sobs and all his rational thoughts went out the window. 
His face softened as he reached out to her. “Y/N look I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t mean to upset you- I’ve just been caught up in a PR nightmare this morning and everything’s slipped my mind” she sniffles, eyes meeting his “it’s my fault isn’t it, the PR nightmare? Its cause you spoke to me” Lando notices her eyes welling up again as she spoke, he steps forward, his hand wrapping around her smaller one giving it a gentle squeeze - his other hand rising to cup her cheek (too close to the way the stood just the day before when everything began to go wrong). 
“Y/N no it's not your fault. This happens- way too often for my liking but no way is it because of you. It's the fault of nosy journalists and gossip pages that want to tear apart every aspect of my life and I'm sorry you got caught up in it. I can imagine some of the things you’ve seen people say about you today and I want you to ignore it for me okay- it’s just jealous, horrible people with nothing better to do okay? Don’t believe a word of it”. Lando stared at her, still holding her hand so gently as if he applied the slightest pressure that she might break. She nodded her head softly in response to what he said, a small smile breaking through the pained expression she wore since he walked in. He beamed at the change in mood, wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. He had felt such guilt after ignoring her last night - he was so wound up by her brothers outburst towards him and being so close to his first win that he had given her the cold shoulder, choosing to drown his sorrows in alcohol and loud music instead of responding to her attempts at checking in on him.
Y/N melted into the hug, she hated the way that Lando made her feel so warm in the short time she had spent with him, especially after how cold he had made her feel only the night before, she felt she owed him in a way to hear him out, knowing how messy it can be living in the public eye. She was so glad she did as she stood there basking in the warmth his touch gave her - she felt embarrassed that he had this big of an effect on her, brushing it off and blaming it on how emotional she’s been all day making her overly thankful for his comfort. 
“Feeling better love?” he pulled back from the hug, hands still holding either side of her shoulders - that cheeky smile he always wore gracing his face as he gazed into her eyes. She giggled lightly at the sight before it became a full fledged laugh as he giggled back, smile stretching wider. They stayed like that for a moment just laughing as they held each other. Once they both quieted they sat down together on the sofa just enjoying each other's company. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday by the way, I don’t like arguing with people, George just set me off I guess- but it didn’t give me a right to take it out on you, thank you for checking up on me Y/N” sincerity oozing from every word that passed his lips. 
“Don’t worry about it Lando, but hey guess we’re both in George's bad books right now” she spoke solemnly, fiddling with her hands in her lap. Lando took her hands into his own as he noticed her anxiety bubbling. 
“What happened?” he was honestly quite shocked at her words not believing that her and George could have a full  blown fight. 
“I hurt his feelings pretty bad- I was going on about how scared I was that someone might do too much digging now that the attentions on me and find out that we’re related, I guess it sounded like I resented being his sister and he stormed off slamming the door on me before I could properly apologise, he just can’t understand that I’m scared it will just make all my hard work amount to being an ‘F1 drivers sister’ and not be recognised for my own achievements” she sighed, squeezing his hand softly as she spoke.
“I understand Y/N and I think he will with time, I personally hope that he’ll get over us talking- especially after yesterday, he’s never been that pissed at me before” he chuckled lowly, thumb rubbing the back of her hand. 
“He’ll get over it, he just doesn’t know how to react to me talking to anyone of the other gender without freaking out” she rolled her eyes as she recalled every time George had interrupted a conversation of hers, pulling her away from whatever guy she speaking to at the time before giving her a classic older brother lecture. 
“Good to know- guess I’ll have to start sneaking around and seeing you in private ey?” winking at her jokingly but catching the way her face flushed in response. Cute 
“It’s honestly not a bad idea though, that way we avoid any more media upset, you don’t have to worry about your identity and I don’t have to face the rath of your brother for simply just talking to you” Lando laughs nudging her shoulder as she giggled at his words. 
“I like the sound of that Lando”
“So do I” 
thanks for reading <3
taglist : @bicchaan @lauralarsen @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @ssararuffoni @cherry-piee @eviethetheatrefreak @2pagenumb
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exaltedfuzz · 2 days
What are your thoughts about Gant? Like, his motivations, as a characters, how much of what he does is premeditated/intentionally manipulative?
I really enjoy Gant. He's a fascinating character to me, and there's so much to say on him. I find it hard to describe him, because he's so disingenuous in how he presents himself. It's not that clear if he really means anything he says. But let's try and tackle this...
His motivations. He's self-serving. He says it outright. ("There are only three people I look out for: Me, Myself and I." - Gant)
I think this is being said slightly defensively, but it does hold up. When he kills Neil, it's to cinch the Darke case, but that can't be it. I don't remember if a concrete motive is ever given in game. I need to replay the case. However, I think this unknowable aspect to him is one thing that makes him terrifying. Beneath that jovial charisma, we know he's making Lana's life miserable. ("[withdrawing] was the only way I could make it through the past two years." - Lana) By the time we see her in RFTA, she's at the point where she's what amounts to being at least passively suicidal.
Obviously, she confesses to Bruce's murder to protect Ema through shouldering Gant's crime for him, but I can't help but feel like there's more to it than that. I think she's been incredibly worn down, overworked, and had her personal life and relationships purposefully eroded by him. Gant does whatever is convenient, and he's incredibly comfortable doing so. He outright tells Lana that he killed Bruce, without any idea that she'd tell anyone anything about it. The reason he gets caught in the end is because of her daring to tell Jake, and the whole stunt Jake pulled in the evidence room, iirc. The fact that he doesn't even consider the possibility that Lana would seek assistance kind of says a lot about what he's grown to expect from her.
I think "the legendary duo" as an idea is a crazy power imbalance. A young woman, presumably a very new detective, 24-27, and the deputy chief of police, a man in his 60s with an insane amount of power. Factoring in Lana's own circumstances, being Ema's only caretaker, and constantly falling into being the more mature one in anything interpersonal (Angel says she was always looking out for the other detectives, and that Jake couldn't have ever recovered from Neil's death without Lana's support.) it must have been nice for her to have a partnership where she was the one learning. She says that Gant "was everything [she] aspired to be", and Angel says that Lana hated anything corrupt. (I'm taking Angel's words at face value here, because Angel is shown to be very resentful towards Lana, and not likely to be giving her undue praise.) So, Lana had no idea about the kind of man he really is.
I think, therefore, that his decision to use Lana was very thought out. He knows full well that she respects him, admires his work, but more importantly, that she's nice. She's a character who seems to me like a little bit of a people pleaser. When you look at how all the characters describe what she was like, it's often about what she'd do for other people, and she comes off as being a little naive, maybe. Too private, and too passive.
I think Gant, working closely with her, and being the observant person he is, would pick up on this easily. He knows that Lana shuts up and gets on with it, but also that she's honest and earnest, and she'd need a tipping point to be able to be scared enough to be useful in furthering his career and his ego. So, at the first opportunity he has to make her sweat, when she's blinded by being terrified over whether Ema will be ok, he takes full advantage.
He also would have likely been her friend. So he'd have known she went to law school, and that she was the best. (She seems keen to brag, even in the circumstances at the start of RFTA, so I imagine she'd have been a little smug under normal circumstances). I think her earnestness that we see coming through near the end of the case, when she starts using that leaning forward sprite, would have led to her probably sharing a lot of personal things, which Gant would obviously keep in mind just in case there was ever an opportunity to use this information to his advantage.
Outside of Lana, though, he seems to be a good judge of character. In who he chooses to demote and fire, he fires Angel. He knows that Angel is the "cough-up-queen" (I found out that the Japanese version is "vomit-covered-okyou". Strange.) and that if she's ever on the same case, or in the same workspace as Prosecutor Skye, she'll break her and ruin everything. So Angel is out. She's wily enough to weasel her way back into their proximity, though, using everything she knows she can use as leverage. Jake, as well, isn't outwardly as confrontational as Angel, and he wants him tethered to the place his brother was murdered in, as a sort of reminder that they "found his killer", and he "has justice", I suppose? Maybe so that Jake never has the chance to take a step back from it all and evaluate. Of course, he doesn't factor in Jake and Angel having a relationship outside of office hours, and this enduring friendship giving Jake that chance... Which, actually seems to be a theme with him. I think he probably is a quite lonely man, and doesn't account for people having relationships more complex than coworkers. Maybe because he just doesn't care about anyone else.
I think very little of what he does is excessively premeditated, and everything is in his follow-through. Killing Neil seems entirely opportunistic, and killing Bruce, similarly, was done spur of the moment. I think he works within the framework of believing he knows exactly what pieces he has to play with. He knows how to terrify everyone around him - he puts Jake on the crime scene as a sort of "look what happens", and I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to think that he knew he'd be making Lana fear for her own life by casually telling her to dispose of the body of a coworker she was likely quite close to. He seems very aware of the bargaining chips that he has re:each person. Which makes it interesting that he doesn't care much about Angel, actually! I figure this is because she's a much more canny person, and he knows he'd never be able to shake her, so it's best to just have her out of the way.
I think an interesting line is the bit where the Judge says that he's not the man that he used to know.
Either Gant has always been corrupt, and incredible at keeping himself guarded, as we do see him to be in game, or he really was a good guy. Maybe he saw himself in the earnest, good natured Detective Skye, and the natural progression, therefore, was that she'd become just as corrupt as him. He doesn't factor in her empathy, though. He knows he's terrifying her by getting her to dispose of Bruce, but he doesn't care that her being terrified leads to her making awful body-disposing decisions. She leaves Bruce in the place he put him, she leaves the real weapon at the crime scene, she's witnessed, photographed, and she cuts open her hand. I don't think this was his intention, to frame her. I mean, clearly, Edgeworth was the intended target of the framing, but Lana messed everything up enough to give him a brand new scapegoat. He wouldn't want to dispose of the person who puts the prosecutors office in his pocket, but I think this incident really tanks her value to him in his eyes. He believes he can count on her to do anything, but she has entirely failed this task, so she might just become a liability for anything in future. I think Lana knows this too, which is why she doesn't have any fight in her.
When Lana is free from Gant, she, of course, has her smiling sprite. (My favourite.) But it's not just her being happy, it's her being actually free. She says so. ("A long time since I've felt free of these heavy chains"). Because I draw her so much, I've looked at her sprites a lot, and her smiley one really gets me. It's got the "can't stop smiling" feel to it, with how her eyebrows are held, and how her eyes crinkle. When you look at her normal sprites, she's either got a thousand yard stare or she looks terrified. The judge even asks if she thinks something is amusing, because she's just grinning. It's just cathartic. She's giddy. Usually she's acting out of a (misguided, and slightly self serving) desire to protect Ema, but knowing Gant isn't going to be a presence in her life anymore seems to not just delight her for Ema's sake, but also because she, herself, isn't in the middle of this anymore, and it seems like being happy for herself is something unusual enough for her that it just makes her soft. As well, her hands are in front of her now. So she's not having to hide the blood on them anymore. Anyway. I really like Lana's sprites. This isn't supposed to be about her.
I went on a bit, and I'm sure I repeated myself somewhere, but those are some of my Gant thoughts. He's really interesting to me. Especially the way he interacts with the other characters. Bear in mind this is being written a fair few months after playing RFTA one time...
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dronebiscuitbat · 1 day
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 22)
Uzi did finally get that baby bag.
It wasn't much, a glorified swaddle made from a purple blanket that wrapped around her torso so that Tera could rest at her side without pulling while she walked around. It had been almost scary, she'd seen new mothers walk around with them all the time when she was younger.
And now… here she was, baby strapped to her side as she went home. Home as in, her dad's apartment, her apartment, or maybe not anymore, after today.
N had gone off to pick up the newly made crib early that morning, yes morning. Neither of them had needed to go outside for a least a week, and they're schedules were starting to cycle back into what other drones would consider normal.
But even then it gave them a little time to talk about how raising Tera was going to work.
Her room in her apartment was too small to raise a baby in, it was almost too small for her, with stuff just shoved unceremoniously wherever there was room. It was too messy, and dangerous! Her railgun was still in peices on the couch, and while it was broken there were still several parts that could discharge and hurt someone.
Which left N's apartment, which had plenty of room, as it was nearly empty, he'd brought in the very little stuff he owned (blankets, pillows and plush toys) but all of that easily fit in the bedroom with plenty of room to spare.
Plenty of room for her stuff.
And that thought on it's own made her fluster, they'd spent plenty of nights together, especially recently. But it had always been under the pretense that she'd be going back home eventually. That she didn't live there.
Robo-god she was about to see her dad. Her dad which had zero context for what she was about to unleash on him. That her and N were together now, that he had a granddaughter, that she was… moving out.
So much had happened this week. Hell, so much had been happening almost every week. And all of it was stressful, wether it be life threatening or just life changing, it seemed like after years of nothing happening, it was all catching up with her with everything happening at once.
“Doorman?” A voice she recognized, a voice she really didn’t want to see, preferably ever, but especially not right now, with Tera awake and babbling from her bag.
“What is it Lizzy?” She deadpanned, not bringing any attention to the baby strapped to her side even though that was clearly what caught the other drones attention, her pink eyes locked to the bag in surprise.
“Oh shit, that was actually your kid?” Lizzy immediately asked, making Uzi roll her eyes as she remembered that Lizzy was the one that had initially exposed her.
“Yup. This is Tera.” Admitting it at first felt strange, like her tongue had wanted to reject it, but it quickly settled into contentment, yeah, this was right. And honestly, trying to make Lizzy feel bad about something felt too good to say anything else.
“I had wanted to keep some things private, but somebody took a picture of us bringing her home.” Yeah she wasn't going to let Lizzy get away with that without a jab or two, she'd caused a bigger headache than what was already happening, and Uzi was itching for some revenge, even if it was just light teasing.
“Oh come on! Like you wouldn't have done the same thing.” She snapped back, although she sounded less bratty than usual, although wether that was V's influence or the fact a baby was present was unclear.
“Snapped a picture, totally, blackmail is blackmail, immediately post it to every inbox in range… No.” She replied, not wanting this conversation to last much longer than it had to, she didn't particularly like Lizzy, her being a main source of her suffering for a long time.
She just needed to get that jab in.
Lizzy just scoffed, looking her up and down and crossing her arms as if searching for something, probably something else to mock her for, Uzi found herself rolling her eyes again, turning to walk away from her and the conversation before Lizzy started talking again.
“Sorry or whatever, I thought you were just babysitting or something. Didn't think it'd be a big deal.”
Holy Shit, was Lizzy apologizing?
“Uh.” Honestly Uzi wasn't sure how to respond, she'd wanted her to feel bad sure, but she wasn't sure if that was even possible, and she'd never in a million years think she'd be hearing Lizzy apologize.
“Yeah, sure.” Is what came defensively out of her mouth as she walked away, Tera blew a raspberry at Lizzy from the bag, giggling when she got pink hollow eyelights in return.
Okay, so maybe she could keep her edginess and still be motherly figure to Tera, that hadn't occurred to her as an option, a part of her thought she'd become a different person, and maybe she was around N and Tera behind closed doors, but here? She didn't feel soft, she felt like she always did, slightly bitter, like licorice.
She passed more drones on her way, some didn't seem to notice her which was absolutely fine with her, but some definitely did, stopping and staring at the neighborhood goth carrying around a giggling baby in a cute little purple swaddle.
She could understand why they were staring, it was quite the image, but it didn't mean she had to like it.
Tera on the other hand was loving the attention, each set of eyelights on her produced another laugh and some rolling that had Uzi holding the side of the bag so she wouldn't roll out onto the floor.
One drone was a little too obvious for Uzi's liking, staring at the bag like it would suddenly come to life and harm him.
“Hey! Stop staring and mind your business!” She turned to the guy, who immediately looked scared out of his mind, his purple eyelights hollowing as he nodded.
“Yes ma’am sorry!” He raised his hands before scampering away with his tail between his legs, if he had one, that is.
She smirked a little before moving on, it was a powerful feeling, to scare someone off, and it was satisfying as well, she didn't like the way he was looking at her baby.
She finally, finally reached where she wanted to be, well not wanted, she wanted to be anywhere else. But where she needed to be.
She knocked. Which was weird because it was her door, she had the key to get in whenever she wanted. But it still felt like the right thing to do at the moment, she heard shuffling from the other side of the heavy steel, great, her dad was home.
Her dad, the one who'd left her to die, the one who left her alone to cry herself to sleep after her mother died, the main reason her core had such heavy shielding protecting the softness inside. Why her first instinct to any problem was to yell at it, or turn to science to better choose violence.
She held a lot of resentment towards him, something she'd shown time and time again, a part of her wanting to hurt him the same way he'd been hurting her. But she could never bring herself to hate him, not when she did still have memories of him being a halfway decent father, holding her when she'd have nightmares, giving her piggyback rides, being the first one to teach her about mechanics, and give her her first toolset.
“Coming!” Khan shouted, he'd been drafting of some blueprints. Not of doors, but of something for N, if he wanted it.
A cap for his tail, made out of solid steel and form fitting, so it slid right over the needle, it was just a concept for now, he didn't have the exact measurements of his tail and he wasn't even sure N would want something like that, he seemed to have good control over it. But if Khan had a tail with a stinger, he'd want to make sure his infant daughter couldn't accidentally grab it, just to be safe.
So really it was gift for Tera, but, nonetheless.
He opened the door, surprised to see his daughter of all drones knocking, she never knocked, she lived here!
“Uzi? Why'd you knock? Did you lose your key?” He tilted his head in confusion before his eyes followed the strap of the baby bag, he blinked, and tiny purple eyelights blinked back.
“I-is that?” His voice almost immediately turned warbly, he didn't hadn't ever seen Tera before, he didn't realize how much she looked like his daughter, at least when she was also a pillbaby.
“That's Tera Dad, can I- can I come in?” Her voice sounded muted, not like the fiery rebellious drone he'd come to know as his daughter, he moved out of the way wordlessly, eyes still trained on the tiny droneling at her side.
She was giggling at him, rolling madly in an attempt to escape her confines, Uzi dipped her arm into the bag and lifted her up into her arms.
“Stop squirming Jellybean, or you're gonna fall.”
Tera was just happy for the attention attempting to roll more even though she was trapped in Uzi's hands. She sighed.
“Sorry, she has a lot of energy.” She smiled warily at her dad, who looked like his core had been ejected and thrown halfway across the room.
All he could see was his wife, the first month or two they had Uzi and she was a cryer, there were no moments of silence in the Doorman household, if Uzi was left alone for even a millisecond she'd begin to wail which meant either Nori or himself would have to be with her at all hours.
And Uzi shared her mother's stress lines, looking a little bit worn out but satisfied and happy, eye's shining with so much raw affection for the child in her arms that Khan knew, without another word spoken, that he had a granddaughter.
“That's quite alright dronelette…” He managed to force out the words, hopefully without sounding too strained, he wanted Uzi to feel comfortable enough to talk to him, to tell him things. Even if she thought he didn't like it.
And a part of him didn't, she was 18, not quite even an adult yet but her birthday was coming up soon. And dammit she was still his daughter, watching her grow up this much in such a little amount of time was harrowing, and only reminded him of how much he'd missed while wallowing in his grief.
Another part of him was almost giddy, a granddaughter, a granddaughter, it was honestly something he never even hoped to have, Uzi had never been one to make freinds, much less romantic connections.
“Yeah- uh, this is Tera, N's daughter.” She repeated, obviously nervous and tired. Khan wondered if N looked equally run down. And if perhaps Tera was the same level of clingy Uzi had been.
“I wanted you to meet her, since I've been spending so much time with the both of them…”
He could only bring himself to smile and nod, but wanted to freeze as Uzi came toward him and outstretched her arms, he clumsily stepped forward and took the tiny droneling into his arms, core stopping for a moment.
“She learns names pretty quick, oh, and she's a hugger, so uh, beware.” She warned, still seemingly nervous, he was sure he'd know exactly why soon, although he had a feeling he might already know.
Khan looked down at the baby, which felt like lead in his hands as she smiled up at him, weirdly silent considering all the babbling he'd just heard.
“Tera, this is Khan.” Uzi spoke softly to the baby, standing beside her father as he looked like he was about keel over. “He's my dad.”
Tera's smile grew bigger, although she didn't attempt to say his name, perhaps more than a single letter was too much for her. Instead she blew a goofy raspberry, rolling around in his arms for a moment before rolling into him, giving him a hug.
Tears sprung up in his eyes as something in his core snapped, he held her closely, and a sniffle escaped his voice box before he could stop himself.
“Dad?” Uzi sounded slightly worried for him, she'd known he'd might have some kind of reaction to seeing Tera, but this was a little more then she'd expected.
“I-I'm alright! I just-” He blinked away the tears and tried to steel himself, thoughts running a mile a minute. “I see why you warned me. Hah…”
“Yeah… you should have seen V, you could see the exact second her core melted.” Khan only could nod, the droneling now pressed up against him made a chirping noise, happy and content at any love given to her.
“But ah…that's uh, not the only reason I came here, just to… introduce you to a droneling that… that you're not gonna see often. You are gonna see her often, A-at least I hope you do, C-cause she's not just N's… she's-she's mine… too.” She rambled and sputtered as she tried to find the words to say, Khan felt himself smiling as she continued, she was expressing a want to have him around, that he wouldn't be mad. That'd he'd want to be-
“She's your granddaughter… dad.” She finished, looking more stressed then ever, like he could ever possibly tell her that he didn't want to be in her life anymore.
He winced as he remembered all the times he did indirectly. Leaving her alone so he could throw himself into another project, neglecting the one person he still had as family simply because she looked too much like Nori to look in the eye.
And she really looked like her now.
He looked back down at Tera, at his granddaughter, and felt himself begin to tear up again. She was smiling at him, babbling and cooing up at him as he launched forward and hugged his daughter with all his might.
He felt her tense, then, thankfully, she relaxed, mindful of the child as she curled up in his arms much like she did when she was little, and she'd needed comfort from a nightmare. He felt her visor press against his chest, breathing shaky, like she herself was about to cry.
How could he have left her, how? What kind of parent was he that he left his own daughter? What kind of man?
And how could she have ever forgiven him? He knew he could never forgive himself.
“I'm sorry dronelette, I'm so so sorry.” He cracked out, petting her hair, he felt some kind of pressure on his back, her hand most likely, and she almost laughed, though it sounded pained.
“I'm still… so angry at you.” She admitted, slowly, though not pulling away. And he felt more pained steel settle in his core, he deserved this… whatever she needed to say. If she needed curse at him, to hit him even, he'd deserve it, although he hoped she wouldn't in front of Tera.
“But I missed you more.”
And thats all it took for them both to sob like newborns, her face burying into his shoulder as she let years worth of coiled pain escape her, despite all she'd done, how much she'd grown, she was still 18, still much a kid herself.
And they remained like that for some time, at least until Tera got uncomfortable being sandwiched between them and began to fuss, which finally ended the long overdue hug between father and daughter.
“H-here, give her to me.” She stammered out, either slightly embarrassed or still a little emotional, and Khan did as he was told, handing daughter back to mother.
She rocked her until she stopped fussing, and Khan led them both to the couch with his hand, still recovering himself.
She flopped on the couch like she carried the entire weight of the world on her shoulders, Tera held gingerly until she was placed between them do she could freely roll around, which she did happily.
“I'm assuming that means N is my son in law now?” He chuckled out, trying to lighten the somewhat oppressive mood that had settled over them. She blushed heavily, sputtering out a surprised response.
“We're not- he's- uh… He's my… boyfriend now yeah.”
He laughed, even though he saw it coming a mile away, he thought he might be more upset about it then he was, but N had more than proven Uzi was his priority, even over himself at times.
“And you need help moving your stuff out?” He continued, smiling through the small amount of pain the thought caused him, she was growing up, but if that hug had shown him anything, she still needed her dad, and he couldn't ignore that, he wouldn't, not anymore.
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strwberri-milk · 3 days
MC and Xavier/Zayne/Rafayel have a unplanned kid (or kids, i like the idea of twins too)
They are dating for only some months now, having a unplanned kid now would be a problem?
How would she talk about it with them? Or, would them be the one to notice first that something is strange? (I mean zayne is her doctor and ask for regular exams, you doctor is always the first to know the results right?)
They are just dating and never talked about marriage, would a baby change it? (I think rafayel is the romantic one who would want to marry before the baby is born)
How would them act while mc is pregnant? (Not to mention she tecnically have health problems)
Would them be extra carefull about her health?
What about her job as a hunter?
When its birth time, how would them react? (Maybe rafayel would freak out a bit?)
Besides that, what about the fluffynes, or feelings?
Also already leaving this here for another post (not that i would mind if you want to do it all in the same one): what about them as dads?
Starting at birth, how would be see their kid/kids the first time?
Would they take care of mc so she can recover after birth? (My friend had a 28h birth and breastfeeding was painfull, it was nothing like the in movies yk)
How would the kids be like? And what they would have in common with their parents?
Thank you very much since now ♡
nothing personal against you but this is a quick reminder to anybody whos new here to please please please check out my rules before requesting! I will be doing the dad hcs section and ONLY the dad hcs - nothing about pregnancy, pregnancy recovery, etc. etc. because i do not write for pregnancy - i can see youve put a lot of energy into this ask and i appreciate it but just as a heads up for the future please check my rules first!
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Zayne is a great father. He isn't able to be as active as he would like to be in the earlier years of childhood because he wants to make sure that the child has enough money to be provided for for their entire life. He doesn't throw himself fully into work but he also is just as busy now as he was before the arrival of the child.
Once things settle and he gets used to a rhythm he might start taking less odd hours at the hospital. He's been interviewing for another surgeon or three that can replace his manpower when needed, not wanting to be the absolute backbone for the hospital anymore so he can be home as often as needed.
He can't totally get rid of those odd hours or being on call because it wouldn't be fair to the other staff as he isn't the only parent that works there but the load is definitely lessened with the way that he's worked things out. He wants to be as present as possible and he always does his best to get days off for any special events in the child's life, or just for the family in general.
He will definitely broach the idea of you being an at home parent. He wants there to be someone who can be there for the child at any given time and if you refuse he'll respect your wishes without saying much. It doesn't bother him too much but it is something he wants to bring up.
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Xavier is immediately concerned about your lives as hunters. He's very confident in his ability to keep himself safe and it's not to say that he isn't confident in you, but he does worry about you being reckless. It's simply a case of him not being able to be with you at all times and being nervous about it. He'll try to convince you to take a safer job or consider working in a sector that wouldn't require you to be on the field as often.
In all fairness he also stops going off by himself for missions as often and makes it easy for you to find him or know where he is in case he has to go somewhere more remote. He'll be a little picky about who he works with just because he doesn't want them to impede the way he works. He already started playing it safe when you confided in him how much you worry when he does things dangerously but now with a child in the mix he's more aware of himself.
He is very active in the child's life. Definitely loves doing tummy time with it and cuddling with it. He gives both you and the child so much love and attention - there's no way it'll grow up without knowing how in love its parents are and how much its parents love it. You definitely love watching him interact with your child, finding it so adorable to see how he coos and plays.
Xavier also loves to read to your child. He's got a small collection of space themed children's book and now his nightly routine is reading a few of them to your child as it rests on his chest, pointing out all the little pictures and constellations and teaching it all about them.
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Rafayel buys the cutest little outfits for the baby. He's definitely the kind of parent who buys designer clothes that will only fit for the week but the good thing is at least he doesn't pick anything that's overtly designer. He just likes dressing your baby well and he has expensive taste and the money to pay for it.
Rafayel is a little awkward at first being a father. He's used to communal child rearing being standard practise (a headcanon I have from the way he talks about his childhood/how I read interactions during myths) so he's a little out of his element. His Aunt definitely comes over constantly to coo over the new family member and Rafayel wouldn't mind hiring additional staff to help keep the home in order and support child rearing as well. He just doesn't want the nanny becoming a primary parental figure for the child - he thinks that honour should go to you and him.
Since he basically works from home he inadvertently spends a lot of time with the baby. He tries to get you to quit your job, citing that he makes more than enough money for you to either stay at home or find safer work but also won't stop you. However, if you continue actively working as a hunter in the field his anxiety around your absence worsens tenfold. He'll ask you to keep your phone on you as much as possible and with your permission will want the ability to monitor your location. He just wants to make sure you don't get hurt and really has your safety at the forefront of his mind at any given moment.
He's also going to be watching for any signs that your child is going to have any Lemurian traits. He doesn't want anybody to find out about it in case harm befalls your little family and also wants to be able to help your child through those changes the best he can. You'll be seeing a lot of his aunt around now to help the two of you - she never minds even if the child isn't Lemurian like they are because she just finds it adorable.
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patito-oward · 3 days
Always Been You
Prompt: And the other is about how Pato falls in love with the reader, just how he says "oh yeah she's THE ONE"
since this prompt was pretty vague I took a lot of liberties with it, but I still hope you like it :)
Summary: After being dumped by his long term girlfriend, Pato realizes everything he’s ever wanted in a relationship has been right in front of him
WC: 4.1k
It happened very suddenly. Here’s the thing, Pato didn’t mean for it to happen at all. On the list of things he had planned for the year, this was definitely not on it. A 500 win? Definitely. A championship? Yep. Extending his contract with Mclaren? Right again. But starting the off season by being dumped by his long term girlfriend and realizing he’s in love with his best friend was not anywhere in his mind.
It all started at the last race of the season, Pato was leading the championship, and granted he got a podium on this race he would finally have his championship victory. To celebrate and support, almost everyone he knew came to Nashville. Pato rented out a block of rooms at a hotel, and one of the many people who showed up for him was his childhood best friend, YN.
So maybe it all started in 2008, when YN and Pato were in second grade and met on the playground at recess. YN was sitting on the swings reading a book when Pato approached her, he was new to San Antonio and didn’t have any friends, and wanted to know if they could be friends. From then on the two were inseparable. Pato was a daredevil at heart, and would often hurt himself, and YN would take the delicate time of walking him to the school nurse and kissing his injuries better. Pato always made YN laugh, and made sure she was never sad, no matter what happened in YN’s life, Pato was there everyday to make her smile.
As they got older their relationship changed, it lost a little bit of their childish innocence, but they grew so much closer. YN was at Pato’s first win in karting, and she was more excited than he was. When YN’s childhood dog died, Pato was at her house at 6:00 AM and spent the whole day with her, trying to cheer her up. They’d even started their own holiday traditions, every year on Christmas Eve, the two of them spent the day making cookies together and exchanged presents. YN had practically become family, she didn’t have the best home life, and the entire O’Ward family was so loving that she ended up spending more time with them than her actual family.
The two dated for a few months in eighth grade, and were each other’s first kiss, but when Pato began racing for F4 and was in France every weekend the two agreed it was best they just stayed friends. Since then that is all they had been, things in YN’s home got significantly worse as they went through high school and despite whatever Pato may have felt, he knew she needed his friendship and wasn’t willing to risk their relationship.
With Pato coming up through Indycar and YN being a full time student and having a job, it was easy to assume the two would drift after high school, that was never the case. They still saw each other everytime Pato was in Texas and Pato made sure YN made a couple of races every year. She remained his biggest supporter as he went from her hometown best friend to the most popular driver in Indycar.
Fast forward to now, things were going pretty perfect for Pato. He finally won the 500, he’s about to win the championship, and he’s got a great girlfriend, Maria. He figures he’ll marry her, he does love her, she’s supportive and nice and insanely hot. They’ve been dating for over a year and things have been going really well. The only time they’ve ever really fought is over YN, when she found out there was a “history” between them, and in hindsight Pato realizes maybe he should’ve told her sooner, but he never really thought about it. Yeah they’d dated for a few months a lifetime ago, but she’s always just been his YN, he doesn’t even think of her like that anymore. YN was one of the most sure things in his life, and sure for awhile he always thought what if?, but that was in the past.
All that being said, he didn’t think twice about inviting her to Nashville to watch him possibly win the championship. YN wasn’t able to make it to the 500, or any other race this year, and he wished she was there. She knew more than anyone how much this had meant to him, coming up after losses she was always the person he went to, and he wanted her to see him now that it had all been worth it. YN was reluctant to come, but after a lot of begging from Pato she agreed.
Thursday night he made sure everyone he invited out came to dinner with him at a steakhouse. There were 20 people at the restaurant, but Pato ended up with Maria sitting next to him and YN sitting across next to Elba. Maybe Pato should’ve realized it, the tension in her shoulders and how Maria’s smile tightened as he laughed at YN’s jokes, but he didn’t. So Maria sat there all night, and she really tried to be understanding, but she felt as if she was third-wheeling her own relationship. She had to listen to a million inside jokes she didn’t understand, and watch as his family fawned over YN.
It was at that dinner she realized that she’d spent a year dating a taken man. Pato was too good of a man, she knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, but it became undeniable. As she watched him, she realized everything she felt for him, he felt for the woman across the table. At first she felt possessive, the need to prove that he was her partner, and that no matter what he’d chosen her over YN, but as time passed she felt less possessive and realized that there was no way to continue the relationship. It wasn’t fair to her, she deserved a man who loved her and only her, and Pato deserved to be with the person he loves.
After the dinner, they headed back to the hotel where Pato, who was utterly clueless of her realization, continued to be the perfect man, only making it so much harder for Maria to leave. She didn’t know how long she should let it go on for, if she broke things off now would she be getting in his head and ruining the weekend for him? Would continuing a relationship she’s already checking out of be just as cruel? Could she stand the rest of the weekend watching her boyfriend making heart eyes at another woman?
After sleeping on it, or rather not sleeping very much at all, she’d come to the conclusion that a clean break was best for everyone. They ordered breakfast to the room and as they sat at the small dinette she knew she had to bring it up.
Pato was halfway done with his breakfast, but she hadn’t eaten much at all, mostly just pushing her food around with her fork. “Pato, I think we need to talk.”
It’s rare that she’s this serious, and Pato knows that can’t be good, his silverware clatters as he sets it down and looks up at her. “Uh oh, what’s wrong?”
She hesitates for a moment, not knowing the best way to start the conversation. “It’s YN.”
Pato’s shocked, he doesn’t know what he expected but it wasn’t that, “What about YN?”
She figures there’s no reason to beat around the bush, “You’re in love with her.”
Pato’s a lot of things, surprised for sure, but also shockingly defensive and angry. “What? Babe, that’s ridiculous. I know you were upset about us in middle school, but I swear there’s nothing going on! I would never even think about cheating on you!”
She rested her hand on top of his, “I know you would never cheat on me, and I know you said there’s nothing and I believe you, but I saw the way you looked at her, and how she fit into your life, and it makes so much sense because you love her.”
Pato doesn’t really know what to say to that, “I love you.”
“But you are in love with her. Listen I love you, Pato, and you’re such a good man, but it’s not fair to either of us to continue this relationship. Not when your heart clearly isn’t in it.” Maria struggles over her words, voice cracking and eyes watering, but a soft smile is on her face as she says them.
“Are you saying what I think you are? You’re just giving up?”
“Pato, I’m letting you free, tell her how you feel, you deserve that kind of love.”
And maybe what she’s saying finally resonates with him because the best thing he says is, “I never meant to hurt you.”
She lets out a broken laugh at that, a single tear rolling down her face, “Oh, Pato, you never could, we aren’t meant for each other, but we still had a lot of fun, right?” He nods at her.
After that she’s on a plane and back to her home before he knows it. Pato’s sad, he feels a little empty, someone who had been such a big part in his life just walked out leaving the biggest mess in her wake. He thought about her words, but shook them off. He loved YN, of course he did, but it wasn’t like that, she was like a sister to him.
Although it’s not his sister he messages asking if she wants to come over. YN is at his hotel room within a minute of him sending the “you busy?” text. YN asks where Maria is, but all he has to say is “gone.” and YN knows to drop it.
YN knows him better than anyone, knows that he has an irrational fear of being destined to fail at every relationship. She knows he has never actually broken up with a girl, only ever been broken up with, and she knows he spent over two years single because he was afraid of being hurt. But she also knows that there’s no way anyone could spend more than an hour with him and not be in love with him, God knows she is.
It’s the way he knows her, inside and out, but it’s also the way he makes everyone around him laugh, and spends hours interacting with his fans to make them all happy, and how caring he is with animals and babies. YN is only human, how is she supposed to feel when her insanely attractive best friend is doting over her niece?
YN puts it all aside because she’s his best friend first, she’d made that promise to herself a long time ago and she’s always kept it. She sits with him and watches Friends reruns with him, he’ll talk when he wants to, but until then she’ll be by his side.
They don’t end up talking, the one good channel the hotel room has switches from Friends to Modern Family, and then Pato has to go practice. A quick google search helps her find the best tacos in Nashville, so while he’s gone she runs out to get them dinner. They had dinner plans with his parents and Elba, but YN texted Elba long ago to let her know that plans were changing. He’s a superstar, so of course he doesn’t let his life affect him and it still the fastest person in the first practice, YN thinks that’s a good sign.
When he returns he seems to be a little better, talking to YN about track conditions over their dinner. YN has had enough of waiting for Pato to bring it up, and she can tell he’s feeling better, so she has to work up the courage to ask him what happened.
“Are you going to tell me what happened with Maria or am I supposed to guess?”
His smile drops, turning into one that’s much smaller and forced. “She just left.”
“No explanation? She just woke up and was gone?”
“Oh, she had an explanation but it was bullshit. She probably just got tired of me, it's no big deal.”
YN furrows her brows at that. “Pato stop it, you’re so great anyone would be so lucky to be with you. Maybe there was some merit behind what she said.”
“Well she said I was in love with you, but I told her so many times we’re just friends and that’s all we’ll ever be.”
YN’s stomach sinks at that, it’s not like she expected him to confess his love, but he didn’t need to friendzone her that hard. “Oh.” Is all she can think to say.
“I mean you’re great, but you’re like a sister to me!”
YN forces out a laugh, “Right.” She also can’t help but feel like maybe it’s her fault this all happened, was her pining really that obvious? “Well then, she’s stupid for leaving because she’s not going to find anyone better.”
Pato’s smile is genuine for the first time since the conversation started, “Thank you, you’re the best friend I could’ve asked for.”
“Right, and don’t forget that when you’re trying to figure out what to do with all your championship earnings.”
He lets out a real laugh at that, a stark contrast to how mopey he’d been the rest of the day. “One, greedy, and two, I’m not buying you anything else. I'm tired of you getting mad when I spend money on you.”
“Pato, a graduation gift is fifty bucks, not a two thousand dollar tennis bracelet.”
He leans back in his seat and shrugs, smirking as he says, “Yet I’ve never seen you not wearing the bracelet.”
YN’s eyes go to her wrist where, sure enough, the bracelet was, just like everyday for the past three years. When Pato gave her the bracelet she refused to take it, saying it was too much and he needed to return it. After arguing for ten minutes she thought he’d finally agreed to take the bracelet back, but found it later sitting on her dresser. “What can I say? You have good taste.”
The rest of the night mirrored the morning, but had a much different tone, the two of them sat sprawled out on the couch quoting the episodes of Friends that were on, having seen them so many times they were known by heart.
When YN went to her own hotel room Pato realized how empty the place felt again, something he hadn’t noticed all day. He chose not to think too hard about how effortlessly YN took up space in his life.
The next morning, Pato had already scheduled to have everyone meet in the lobby so he could take them to the track for the day. YN had clearly told everyone about Maria because despite some odd looks no one asked about her and he was grateful for that. He didn’t think twice when everyone began to split into different cars and he pulled YN along with him, or when they arrived at the track and Pato sent most people up into a suite, but brought YN and his immediate family to the pits. Maybe that’s how it’s always been, and how it’s supposed to be.
Pato gets swept up in work for the rest of the day and YN gets to spend some real time with her second family. As soon as they’re alone, Elba doesn’t hesitate to start interrogating her.
“What happened with Maria?”
“Apparently she told Pato he’s in love with me and just left.” YN shrugs as she says it, still a little puzzled by the whole thing.
“What? No ‘huh’ I know what that means just tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I just thought Maria knew by now and didn’t care, maybe she’s not as smart as I gave her credit for.”
“What do you mean? Knew what?”
“Come on, YN, Pato’s been in love with you since you were nine, I wouldn’t want to be dating him.”
YN is struggling to process what she’s hearing, and automatically turns to deflection. “He is not.”
“Oh my god.” Elba starts giggling maniacally.
YN has no clue what could be funny, “What!?”
“You’re in love with him too!”
“I am not!” Despite her refusal, YN can feel and Elba can see the heat rising up her neck.
“You totally are! All this time I thought you had to know it’s so obvious, I mean, he follows you around like a puppy, but you had no idea!”
“Ok, keep your voice down.” YN puts her hand over Elba’s mouth really not wanting anyone else to hear their conversation. “Even if I did like him, and I’m not saying I do, he does not feel the same. I mean you should’ve heard how hard he friendzoned me yesterday.”
Elba looks sympathetic then, “Babe, I think my brother has spent so long denying himself what he wants he doesn’t even know what that is anymore. I love him dearly, but relationships are not his strong suit.”
“Then I guess we’re at a stalemate because I am certainly not going to be the one to ruin our friendship.”
Elba’s exasperated, “Oh my god, you two are exhausting!”
By the time Elba finished her intervention, qualifying finished resulting in Pato getting the pole. Mclaren has been dominant the last few weekends, and this weekend is no different with all three cars in the fast six. Pato is in the driver’s lot, getting ready to head back to the hotel, everyone else had dispersed from the track, and Felix has tracked down Pato and is calling after him.
“Hey, Felix! What’s up?”
“Bro, you’re about to win this fucking thing.” There’s nothing but excitement from Felix for his best friend.
“I know, I just hope tomorrow is a clean race and we can bring this thing home.”
“You’ve got this, I know it. Hey, where’s Maria been all day?” Felix says it like he’s just realizing she’s not around.
“Who knows. Yesterday morning she woke up determined that I’m secretly in love with YN and got on the next plane out.”
“So you guys are done?”
“Yeah about as done as you can be.”
“And YN?”
“YN is my best friend.”
“No, I'm your best friend.”
“Sorry, Fro, even you lose to YN.”
“I don’t want to win what YN is winning.”
Pato rolls his eyes and stomps his foot, huffing, “And what exactly is YN winning?”
Felix puts his hands up in self-defense, “Listen, all I’m saying is if you looked at me like you do YN, I think Emille would feel threatened.”
“Very funny.” Pato kicks the ground, staring at his shoe, he thinks about his relationship with Felix versus his with YN, sure it’s different, but him and YN have so much history. “Look, I don’t know what I feel for YN, but I don’t care either because she’s too important as a friend for me to lose her.”
“Mate you’ve been practically dating for years, I don’t think making it official will ruin anything.”
With that last piece of advice Felix takes off, leaving Pato alone with his thoughts. The whole drive back to the hotel and the rest of the night he spent thinking about YN. If everyone closest to him is saying one thing, how could they all be wrong? He thinks about everything they’ve been through together.
His first win in karting when she was the first person he ran to when he got out of the car; how she comes to every family reunion and often traveled to Mexico to spend time with his family; their senior prom when she was sad about not having a date, but she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen that night; except for Christmas mornings when she’s in her pajamas and he gets to watch her eyes light up as they answer presents together. Maybe it’s been in front of him all along. What’s been missing from all of his other relationships has been right there.
It’s a lot to take in, but it doesn’t really matter because, like he told Felix, he wouldn’t risk their friendship if she doesn’t feel the same. He can handle a trail of failed relationships, but he could never handle losing YN. He went to bed that night knowing he had to just focus on the race and on bringing home the championship.
The next morning he’s awoken by a knock on the door. “Patricio! Open up, room service!”
He knows who’s behind the door before he opens it, there’s only one person who cares enough to bring him breakfast. When he lets YN in he sees the bag full of takeout food from a nearby diner. “Breakfast of champions, for the champion.”
Of course she’s already decided he’s a champion before the race. No one has ever believed in him as much as her. “Calm down, I don't want you to jinx me.”
“Au contraire my friend, a jinx would mean you’re winning by luck, and you are winning by sheer talent.”
It always amazes him how smart she is in the morning, he knows no more than 5 words for a solid hour after waking up, and she’s always speaking a million words a minute. “7AM is too early to be speaking another language.”
“Aw, pobrecito, ¿estás cansado?” She knew very minimal spanish, but had picked some up from time spent with his family, and used it pretty exclusively to tease him.
“You’re so not funny my brain hurts.” He is slouched over the table with his head resting on his arms.
She begins to unpack the food in front of him, “Alright, come on, time to wake up you’ve got a big day.”
The smell of eggs and bacon is what gets him to lift his head and start eating. He tries not to focus on the fact that she got him exactly what he eats every race day because that’s a can of worms he doesn’t want to touch. Regardless he eats the meal, and is sad when she pulls out her pancakes and begins to eat with him. She offers him a bite which he takes, but they both know he won’t eat any more than that because he doesn’t like big meals before a race.
After they finish, YN starts picking up their trash and Pato thanks her, “You take such good care of me, can’t believe you brought me breakfast I’m not worthy.” She’s glad for her back being turned to him because she can feel how much she’s blushing.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur, leave it to YN to be the eye in his hurricane, bringing calm before the storm. The race was close, a shitty pit stop meant Pato had to make some big passes to make up position, but Pato ended up pulling away with the final race win of the season and the championship.
YN and Elba leave the suite a few laps early so they can be on pit lane when he gets the win. After his victory lap and celebratory donuts he pulls into pit lane. Immediately his crew is flooding around him as he struggles to get out. Once he does there’s a giant group hug around Pato. Rossi and Fro also both make their way to his pits to congratulate him.
When Felix pulls Pato into a hug he whispers into his ear, “Why haven’t you gone to your girl yet, she’s waiting for you.”
Felix’s words had weight to them, all these people were surrounding him, but none of them had been on this journey with him as long as her. She waited for him for the last 15 years while he chased a career and different women, and now he’s at the peak of his career, having everything he ever wanted, and she’s not the one by his side. It hits him like a ton of bricks how bad he wants her to be the one celebrating this win with him, and every win for the rest of his life. Walking over to YN he pulls her into a hug, hoping that everything he’s feeling can be conveyed through the touch.
YN is in his ear, “I’m so proud of you, I always knew you could do it.”
He can’t find the right words, so all he says is, “I’m so glad you’re here.” he’ll explain later.
Holding her in front of thousands of people, Pato isn’t scared of losing their friendship anymore. He’s not sure of a lot, but he knows they’ll be ok, and that he’s loved her since before he knew what love was.
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dany-is-my-queen · 2 days
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
Note: @nnightskiess have not forgotten, hope I don´t make you suffer before the series resumes 😣
Note 2: Thanks everybody for the patience!!! Lots of love.
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"It will be okay," you heard the whisper, but the voice was unrecognizable, heightening your alertness. The fire intensified, burning your skin like never before.
You wanted to scream, use your voice to provide support, but in vain. "Y/N," you heard, but where was it coming from? "Y/N," louder now.
"Wake up," you finally managed to open your eyes; Alicent was by your side, concerned. "We need to bring down that fever," she said, trying to get up, and you snapped out of the trance.
"Is Rhaenyra okay?" you asked abruptly.
Alicent hesitated for a moment, then looked away. "Is Rhaenyra okay?" she echoed your question; cursing internally, you took her hand before she could stand. “I was worried about you, I am," she replied.
You squeezed her hand, then brought her hands to your face. Suddenly, a sensation took over your entire body. Silverwing was back. You needed fresh air to decipher the message of that nightmare.
Alicent looked at you with more confusion; you quickly got out of bed, dressed, and gave her a fleeting kiss, but it felt cold. Before she could even react, you found yourself in the dragon pit, facing a youngling who seemed unfazed by your dragon's presence. You regarded him with genuine curiosity.
"Are you new here?" you inquired sincerely. He turned to meet your gaze.
"Not entirely. My name is Addam, my lady."
"They can sense fear, so I advise against exposing yourself if you're not prepared," you advised, soothing your dragon with a gentle stroke.
He chuckled innocently, gesturing towards the cave adjacent to yours. "I haven't quite earned Seasmoke's utter trust yet, but we're making progress."
You furrowed your brow, prompting another laugh from him. "Why the surprise? Don't I have the demeanor of a dragonrider?"
You detected a hint of a familiar gaze in him, reflected in his eyes. "And your second name?"
"Once Rivers, now Velaryon," he declared firmly.
"Did you manage to tame my brother's dragon?" A touch of sadness tinted the conversation. "Whose son are you?"
"I believe it's time we speak to our father."
A few days had passed since that disorienting morning, the unsettling dream, and the revelation of your "brother." You were grappling with a sense of disorientation, and encountering the girl you once held dear was becoming unbearable. Joffrey's arrival in the capital added to your uncertainty, leaving you unsure if his anger towards you would dissipate. You abandoned everyone while intending to be with everybody.
Despite Corlys's attempts to engage you in private conversation, you rebuffed him, as it reminded you too much of your mother. Did she know? If he did, did he share his secret too? It was a burden you couldn't bear to confront at the moment.
Upon entering the room, only Daemon and Rhaenyra were present, apparently engaged in a heated argument.
"Your Grace, did you summon me?" you asked calmly to her, while Daemon sighed in annoyance upon noticing you.
"Here comes your whore," Daemon directed his hatred towards you, never having liked you. What a surprise.
"You will refer to her with respect, am I clear?" Rhaenyra ordered him.
"I've told her a thousand times that you're no longer interested in her, that you chose my brother's widow over her, and that she's the one who has you wrapped around her finger, that she should have forgotten about you a long time ago. You filthy traitor.”
You couldn't contain yourself and stooped to his level, simply recalling the kind of man he has always been and how he forced your sister Laena to stay and perish in a place foreign to her home. Laena deserved someone much better, just like Rhaenyra.
"Why don't you go back to Pentos and stay there for the rest of your days? Here, you'll never be more than a second son, a prince consort, and a first-rate oaf," you spat angrily. He grazed his sword with his hand, gripping it tightly, so you did the same with yours.
"I should have ripped your head off when I had the chance or pierced Dark Sister through your skull like I did with your pathetic, deviant brother. You disgust me just like he did," he confessed to the crime that haunted you for far too long since all the incidents at Driftmark, which instinctively led you to draw your sword in a flash before he or the Queen could react. He was stronger and taller than you, but you managed to bring him down to the floor, threateningly placing the blade at his throat. He just let out an insolent chuckle without attempting to defend himself.
"Oh, fret not, don't want you to be upset with my dear wife afterwards. She had nothing to do with it. We were going to let him go with his fifth-rate knight, but I figured he might do something stupid, as people of your kind often do. So I took care of it," he concluded, recounting his story with the corresponding details. You brought the sword closer to his neck, scratching it slightly.
"Go ahead, thrust it, I dare you," he began. Your body felt on fire, along with your anger and helplessness. You wanted to end him there and then, that cunt was a killer. “Oh, right, you don't have it in you. Could it be that you're reluctant because you'd rather shield Rhaenyra from glimpsing your less flattering traits? Are you afraid she won't love you the same way?"
"Y/N, please stop. I didn't know, I would have never allowed it. The plan and what we agreed upon with Laenor was to escape free of all burdens and responsibilities. If I could go back, I swear I would change it, I would change my decisions. He dithered because of you, he didn't want to leave you behind, nor Laena. I'm so sorry," she sincerely spoke with her voice filled with honesty. "You're better than this."
"But you're not better at fucking her," he murmured arrogantly. That's when you had enough, and with the hilt of Nightrider, you struck him, rendering him unconscious. You couldn't bear to hear any more poison coming from his mouth.
"Y/N… listen," Rhaenyra tried to get your attention, but you weren't interested in hearing her now. You stood up and left the room without uttering another word. Whatever she said next never reached your ears. "Don't walk away from me..”
After Haelena's little one got murdered, the whole funeral ordeal, and all those revenge promises, Alicent ended up at the lake on the outskirts of King’s Landing. She was decked out in this white dress, her eyes carrying regret and fear. She knew things were about to go downhill fast; her mind was stuck on snapshots from her youth—like that time with you on Silverwing, cradling their tiny ones for the first time, holding her mom's hand exploring castles near the Hightower.
You came up, giving her a hug from behind, understanding her need for space but also getting she didn't want to be left alone, especially now. You trailed her quietly, wrapping your arms around her slim waist. The mist lifted, the water thickened. Your face found its way to the nape of her neck, planting a shy kiss; she felt the warmth of your lips, defying the chilly air.
No words were traded that time, and none were needed. Just being there for each other was what you craved at that very moment, just feeling.
The early mornings persisted in tormenting you, and the same phlegm-filled scene was all that your retina perceived after witnessing the decapitation of the primary traitors to Rhaenyra, among them Otto. Your loyalty seemed to have lost its value; no one knew which side you were on, and a sense of unease pervaded your being. Doubt inundated your thoughts, and it inflicted more damage on Alicent than anyone else. It had to cease.
"Y/N…" she called out to you, finding you in the corridors. However, you chose to ignore her, as you had in the preceding days, even after her father's demise. "Will this continue in this manner? You no longer sleep in our room. What has occurred? Please, talk to me," she insisted. Nevertheless, you persisted in disregarding her. You had to act in accordance with what felt right at that moment. "We don't know where Aegon is or if he's well. My father has been beheaded, my children are distant, and Helaena scarcely leaves her chamber. I have no allies here. I feel like I'm losing you too." Her voice broke, accentuating your growing indifference, if that were even possible.
"Tell me why you're trying to conceal it if you have something to say."
You loved Alicent; there was no doubt about that. You loved her enough to spare her from this situation. Or were you merely succumbing to the same cowardice as years ago, when you sought her out solely because Rhaenyra had labeled you a whore?
"I'm sorry about your father," you murmured, still unable to articulate your thoughts.
"She did this, Y/N. She's here to seize everything, not just the throne but you as well. Will you allow it?"
Your countenance reflected an acute internal conflict. Alicent clung to the hope that what followed would be erroneous.
"Do you still love her after all she's done to us? Has she twisted you to her will once again so swiftly?" Each question was infused with pure pain, yet she desperately needed to hear you confess.
Your silence only served to confirm it; you had become mute.
"We've become a love that inflicts pain," you finally articulated.
"Is that all you have to say?"
"Aemond could return at any moment; you need to speak with him."
"So he forgives the lives of the usurpers?" she asked incredulously, displaying annoyance.
"We don't desire more deaths, Alicent. She is our rightful queen—" before you could complete the sentence, you felt Alicent's hand on your cheek. It was impulsive, born out of desperation, driven by jealousy, perhaps a culmination of various emotions; yet, she did not regret it in that moment.
You regarded her with surprise, but it was not unexpected. You had behaved like an immature 16-year-old girl, and she was unwilling to endure it again.
Rhaenyra was acutely aware of the imperative to persistently fortify her position within the heart of King's Landing. The lingering skepticism among a considerable number of individuals, who still refused to acknowledge her as the rightful queen, was more than mere whispers. It extended to some influential figures within the court, casting doubt on her legitimacy.
Simultaneously, Rhaenyra grasped the precariousness of abandoning the capital. The impending return of the middle Green brother signaled an imminent counterattack to reclaim the city. Aemond's unpredictable nature made it unclear how he would navigate the situation. Entrusting one of the Greens' scarce dragons to him, coupled with his lack of finesse in delicate matters, heightened the uncertainty.
The ensuing events took an unforeseen turn as the young prince and his dragon loitered on the outskirts of the city, in a secluded village where Vhagar had been observed for several weeks. Uncertainty loomed over Aemond's course of action, but Rhaenyra was wary of potential surprises.
"The Prince is in close proximity. His dragon incessantly circles the vicinity," reported the maester. Rhaenyra's countenance betrayed no overt concern, yet a flicker of resentment tinged her gaze at the mention of Aemond. It was only a matter of time.
"Let's pay my half-brother an unanticipated visit," Rhaenyra declared. Her gaze met yours, and it was evident that her directive for you to accompany her was not a matter of choice but a command. "And lady y/n, you're coming with me."
Your immediate acknowledgement underscored the non-negotiable nature of the order. "Yes, Your Grace," you replied succinctly. "It's prudent to intercept him before he reaches the city. The devastation he has wrought on remote villages, even among his allies, could escalate significantly if he arrives here."
"Exactly. I must engage him away from the populace. His intent is not only to seize my throne but obliterate what is rightfully ours," she concluded.
Daemon's audible discontent with being excluded was met with Rhaenyra's response. "Silverwing surpasses Caraxes in size. Moreover, your presence is essential here in case the usurper decides on an unforeseen return," she retorted, her tone dry and definitive. With an arrogant sigh, Daemon exited the chamber.
As you approached the Dragon Pit, you beheld her getting ready to mount Syrax, and your thoughts drifted back to that initial encounter.
"Who can understand the heart of a dragon?"
Another dragon emerged, and your alleged brother Addam, offered a timid smile as he mounted it—a moment reciprocated with your own nod.
The journey could've been briefer, but precautions were taken to avoid the townsfolk's prying eyes, where rumors of Aemond's presence lingered.
Out of the dragons' sight, the trio headed to a tavern to strategize. The plan seemed dubious to you, but you complied with the Queen's orders nonetheless.
Rhaenyra donned a chestnut wig, attempting to blend in inconspicuously, a stark contrast to her usual visibility. Addam, an unknown face, posed no issue, and you kept your hood up, adopting an Essos accent for authenticity.
"Ale, please," you asked the provocative waitress, whose intensity wasn't lost on you, making you slightly uneasy.
The Queen intervened, ordering "Water only" once the waitress was out of earshot. Perplexed, you questioned her choice.
"Here with a purpose. Can't afford distractions," she emphasized. Addam, sensing tension, lightened the mood with a jest.
“Can we indulge in a bit of enjoyment?”
“No.” She said stiffly.
Having received complimentary shots, the Queen, annoyed, paid and swiftly ushered you out. Adam stayed behind, kind of aware of the underlying dynamics.
In the rented room, the Queen discarded the wig, sipping wine. Perplexed, you questioned her abrupt change.
"Why the sudden shift? Now you are driniking," you remarked, gently yet seriously.
Concerned about potential espionage, she warned about the waitress being a possible spy. Frustrated, you defended the harmless encounter, asserting your commitment to the mission.
"I don't know why you're acting like this. We're not teenagers. What's gotten into you?" you queried.
Regretful, she apologized, admitting her lapse in judgment.
“I understand. We need to stay focused and vigilant,” she agreed, nodding. “We can’t afford any slip-ups”
“I've come to negotiate with Aemond," she disclosed, surprising you. In a moment of hope, you acknowledged the possibility of averting further bloodshed, honoring Luke's memory, Jace´s memory.
Taglist: @nnightskiess @loveislove4 @evattude @lethal-minds @sophiexoxsblog @claymoresword @tired-ninfa @glorioushamsterqueen @barbicent @newcaptainofsquad9 @pindoris @oh-thats-cute @rxscpctals @laenordeservedbetter @voniikg @toot-is-tired @letlovee-in @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valenciavv @the-camilucha @joliettes @itssecret2109 @i-nail-jello-to-walls @cone-fused-mind @livingdreams97
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perpetualexistence · 2 days
Alenoah Hypnosis Corruption AU, where after Alejandro hears Noah call him an 'eel dipped in grease', Alejandro makes a deal with Noah... If Noah lets Alejandro hypnotize him into not saying the truth about Alejandro to anyone again, then Noah won't get eliminated... However if Noah refuses to get hypnotized, then Alejandro will hypnotize Owen instead, after Noah's elimination... Noah hesitantly agrees to be placed in a trance by Alejandro... Alejandro tells the hypnotized Noah to be loyal to Alejandro! 🍥
So, funny story anon. I don't really have any more ideas I could add to this lovely idea you've presented...because you've accidentally (I hope) recreated the wheel.
You've also accidentally awoken the essayist that has realized she has the opportunity to share things she knows. So, with that in mind:
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(I don't mean for Lisa to be mad. I am genuinely excited to share these things with people who potentially don't know them. I just couldn't find a better meme.)
Feel free to read under the read more for fanfic recs followed by my own personal thoughts about the Alenoah hypnosis corruption and why I love it so. I'm basing my knowledge on what I've seen on Tumblr and on Ao3. If you feel like I've missed anything, please let me know!
First the elephant in the room: the horny fics.
Yes, the earliest examples of Alejandro using hypnosis on Noah were smut. No, I'm not about to link them for what I would hope to be obvious reasons.
To be clear, I've got no problem with people who do have hypnosis as a kink. Everyone's allowed to have or not have a kink so long as it doesn't hurt anybody. To each their own so long as consent's involved.
The problem only starts when you do things like bringing minors into the mix. For what, again, I hope are obvious reasons.
Hypnosis is something that can be used as a great plot device when used for non-horny reasons too, and that's the context we're looking at them here.
So now onto the more palatable dark, horrible things you can do with hypnosis! /aff
The one who started the most recent trend was Creative_Creatures with their fic To Reach New Heights. It's a NoCo fic they started in November 2023 and was discontinued in April 2024.
Alejandro tricks Noah into letting himself get hypnotized, and Noah starts getting more and more corrupted as he grapples with his sense of self and the version of himself Alejandro is imposing on him. Cody starts noticing something's up, and Alien Cody also gets involved in the plot.
There are some moments of OOCness that the author has admitted to. They've also stated that they no longer like the work, hence the fic being discontinued. However, I still think it's worth checking out at the very least as a fic to learn from. It still deserves the credit for being the first to try tackling the subject, even if the result didn't end up as expected.
After Creative-Creatures came Total-drama-brainrot, aka Ophe. For Ophe there's actually a linear timeline for how their fic, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, came to be.
The seed started on January 14th, where Ophe made a stray comment about how the fandom doesn't really address the fact that Alejandro hypnotized Owen, and received a response regarding the negative side effects of hypnotism that Owen could have hypothetically dealt with: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/739512421490835456/i-was-thinking-more-along-the-lines-of-how-messing
About a month later, Ophe made a seemingly random ask regarding how one would write hypnosis. I may or may not have a footnote in this history as I made a comment regarding To Reach New Heights: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/741634477880754176/how-the-fuck-am-i-supposed-to-write-hypnosis
A day later they unleashed Snap, Crackle, and Pop, a fic where Alejandro convinces Noah to make a bet regarding hypnosis, and takes advantage of Noah's forced compliance from then on. Though Noah is by no means helpless and finds his own ways to fight back.
The fic only has three chapters written so far with no clear idea of when the next chapter will release. Still, I highly recommend it for the writing and the exploration of the concept.
About a week later, Ayawilliams came into the picture. For those of you who don't know who Ayawilliams is, I'm going to assume you're new to the fandom. In which case, hi! Glad to have you here! They've been shipping Alenoah as far back as 2016 on Fanfiction.net from what I can tell. This was way before it started taking over as the main ship in 2021. They're still consistently writing fic every few days, and through all of this have made a name for themselves on AO3.
If you look through the comments for the first chapter of Snap, Crackle, and Pop you can see that AyaWilliams definitely did take note of the hypnosis fic, and of To Reach New Heights. Almost a week later they delved into their first foray into hypnosis fic: Passive. (Though the main inspiration for the fic is credited to a role-reversal genderswapped fic called Hexxed by lonelybrachiobrute (triceratroops)).
Passive's a role reversal one-shot where Noah is actually the one hypnotizing Alejandro to be better at the competition for just a small, tiny price.
AyaWilliams liked the idea so much they made a sequel fic set in the same universe during the London episode called Unrecognized Yearnings.
The hypnosis trend of fic came full circule on March 5, 2024 when AyaWilliams wrote A little persuasion. After London, Alejandro threatens Noah into letting Alejandro hypnotize him or else he'd do it to Owen.
Since that fic, there haven't been any new additions to the hypnosis trend for Alenoah.
Which I think is a shame, because I do rather like hypnosis as a plot device. It's a branch of mind control that needs one party to trust the other in order for it to work. It's an exploration of power dynamics, and how they can be exploited and taken advantage of.
And although none of these fics explore it, I also like considering the other side of hypnosis. With the idea that the trust is warranted, and the hypnotizer uses a power that could so easily destroy and corrupt to instead help the hypnotizee achieve a state of calm and peace they didn't know was possible. Or to help them work past their own inner demons by detaching in a safe way, with the ability to ground themselves to come to a better understanding of themselves.
Or as another, more specific, certainly not something I have in mind for one of my own AUs example: Having Alejandro who starts off with using hypnosis merely to get what he wants from people, only to transition as he grows as a person to use it to do something like bring a certain cynic out of a dissociative state induced by personal trauma. And possibly becoming open to the idea of allowing said cynic that same amount of power over him, creating a more balanced relationship founded on trust between the two.
But you didn't hear that example from me.
Hypnosis can be used in multiple ways, and how specific characters use it and react to it speaks so much about who they are as a person. Every way is neat, and I hope to see more of it!
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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apparently john was stationed at Thorpe abbots on his birthday (sept 8th), are we gonna see he and cass (and the boys) celebrate??
john's birthday at thorpe here
After consultation with @jetskijetblue I have decided this is John's birthday in 1947. The twins are 7 months old and Cass has a really special gift for him...
Cass bopped the bedroom door open with her hip, four tiny, socked feet kicking her with excitement as they laid their eyes on their father. Butter watched them intently to make sure they didn't hurt her or hurt themselves.
"Say happy birthday, daddy!" she cooed as John began to stir in the bed. Penelope began to try and twist out of her grip but John quickly sat up and grabbed the squirming bean before she could. She babbled happily at her father and reached for the cross around his neck, giving it a gentle tug before it landed in her mouth.
"Morning, princess," he said with sleep evident in his voice as Cass sat down with his prince next to him. "Morning, prince." Penelope slapped her palm to his lips and he kissed her soft skin until she giggled.
"Happy birthday, baby," Cass whispered as she leaned over to kiss him. "Your first birthday with these little gremlins!" She blew raspberries into Gale's cheeks for emphasis, the little both squealing happily at his mother's attention. Butter barked once in warning before leaping onto the foot of the bed, resting his head on Cass' feet before closing his eyes.
"Thank you, Spook." John leaned around the flailing limbs of their children to kiss her on the mouth. "Best birthday ever."
"It hasn't even started yet!" she argued. Gale dramatically flopped onto her chest with a yawn. "My sleepy boy," she mumbled into his curls.
"Maybe it can start in five more minutes," John offered, already holding Penny to his chest and soothing her back to sleep. His own eyes were drooping already as he snuggled back into his pillow.
After sleeping in and making his favorite breakfast, they'd gone to the park and pushed the twins on the swings before enjoying a little picnic by the river. Cass had sat far away with Butter for protection as John showed them how to feed the ducks. And then he had insisted on napping with them in the afternoon, Cass putting the finishing touches on their dinner in the peace and quiet.
"Come sit with me, Spook." The twins were sleeping quietly upstairs, Cass bargaining with Butter to keep watch while she went to have a moment alone with the birthday boy.
"Sorry there was no drinking this year." She dropped onto the front porch bench seat and shook her head when he offered his cigarette. Last year for his birthday they had gone to Manhattan. Seen Nixon and DeMarco and danced in Times Square until the sun rose.
"Didn't even miss it. Got to spend the day with my favorite people in the entire world. Nothing could mean more to me." She smiled and pulled him by his collar into a kiss.
"Now, one of your presents is underneath my clothes. Let me give you the other two first." A box appeared from behind her back and he opened it like it was the most delicate thing he had ever held. John lifted the lid to reveal a silver pocket watch. A small inscription on the back, I love you, and inside was a photo of the five Egans that Mary had taken at their Fourth of July party. "It goes with my locket," she murmured as he stared at the item in awe.
"Baby," he breathed, tugging Cass until she was straddling his lap. "This is the most beautiful...thank you." They had learned over the years that sometimes the simplest words mean the most.
"The next one. It's a bit shocking."
"Oh?" he asked as his hands slipped under her dress and made contact with her skin.
"We talk all the time about wanting more kids."
"We do."
"And how we want them to be close enough in age that they can all grow up together." He nodded but his eyebrows were showing his confusion.
"Cass, I hope you know none of these conversations are ever me trying to pressure you. Just musings and dreaming. We can have more kids whenever we are ready. Don't need to put a timeline on it."
"Well..." He kissed her chin to urge her to let it out. "I am pretty sure...well almost positive, I went to the doctor but the results aren't totally back yet-"
"When did you go to the doctor? Is everything okay?" His grip around her tightened at the information. He had had no idea.
"It's more than fine. We're having another baby. I'm pregnant." He blinked a few times but remained silent. "I know it's not even been a year since the twins but I think this is a good thing a-" The words squeaked in her throat as his palms brought her lips to his, devouring any doubt that he was not unabashedly excited for this moment.
"Another little baby," he smiled and laughed as her forehead rested against hers. "I am the luckiest man in the entire world."
"Just don't expect this kind of gift every year."
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w2soneshots · 14 hours
INside -Angry ginge
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Words: 0.9k+
Warnings: none.
Summary: you enter the inside house and quickly get along with a particularly attractive ginger boy.
a/n: hello loves! I’ve had so many people asking for more angry ginge fics so here’s a one off😉. Enjoy!!💓🫶🏼
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Today I'm going into a house with nine other people for a week. No connection with the outside world, no internet and with mostly strangers that I've never met. It's for the sidemen's new reality show. I haven't been told much about it so it will be quite a surprise.
The taxi dropped me off outside and I grabbed my suitcase from the boot. I pushed open the heavy door to reveal what looked like an airport security. I furrowed my brows. "The fuck is this?" I walked through the scanner then read the signs on the mirror. "Smile for the camera." I pulled a face then popped my suitcase onto the conveyor belt. Once I was finished I opened the door on the right.
The house was quiet when I made my way up the stairs. "Hello?!" I shouted out. I walked into the living room. "Hey!" Joe ran towards me. "Hi! I can't believe you're in here!" We shared a quick hug. I've known Joe for years. It was nice to know that someone I knew was in the house. Then another guy stepped forward. "Hello. I'm Morgan." He greeted me with a cute smile. I smiled back. "Hi, I'm y/n."
The next to arrive was Chloe (who I know since I was on her podcast), followed by everyone else. They all seemed nice but I could tell that there was a few people in it just for the money, which I understand but I want to make friends and just have some fun. We picked our beds. I ended up between Morgan and Manrika. We all sat down on the sofa to have a chat. After a little while Miniminter, Vik and KSI walked into the room. Everyone erupted in cheers and claps.
"Welcome to inside!" JJ started dramatically. "You will all be battling it out for a prize fund that starts out at one million pounds." Everyone clapped once again. "As you guys can see, there's not much in this house. That's because everything costs money." Vik said, putting on his best presenter voice. "No Vik no!" Joe joked. Simon began, "We're going to be opening the shop so you can buy whatever you want, but you're going to be paying for it through everyone's prize money." Vik went on to explain all about the shop, the daily challenges and food (we only get basic stuff unless we want to purchase it from the shop).
They left soon after and we continued to chat away. Until the tv screen lit up, reading 'the shop is now open'. Everyone raced downstairs. "Two grand for the pool balls?! You're taking the piss." Ginge stared at the board. "You have to pay for a shower? Are you fucking joking!" My eyes widened. I really didn't want to have cold showers every day.
After a long conversation about the shop and trying not to spend anything we all went upstairs. Then lunch arrived. It was freezing cold rice and chickpeas. I genuinely could not force myself to eat it, it was disgusting. Everyone went to eat their food then me and Ginge slipped away from the group to go downstairs. We giggled as we hurried into the shop. "I'm fucking starving." I ordered a packet of crisps and a fizzy drink. He ordered the same. We sat on the floor and ate in peace.
After the first night I slowly began to catch feelings for Morgan, and Chloe was quick to notice. "But do you find him attractive?" She asked me as we got ready. "I don't know. He's tall and he's cute." I replied, not making eye contact with her. "Oh you definitely like him!" She chuckled.
It started to become a running joke in the house. The way we looked at each other, our banter and the fact we always sat next to each other. Me and Ginge didn't talk about it directly but one day Specs was telling me about the conversation he had had with Morgan and it was very interesting. "He said that he would go on a date with you if he got the chance." "You're joking?" I was slightly surprised and I didn't want to look like a mug if Specs was just having me on. "No seriously. He likes you y/n."
Ginge left the next day and I actually missed him. It felt weird not having him around. I ended up getting into the final three before I left. I was really happy for Chloe and Manrika. I also saw Morgan again, we shared a quick hug then I gave him the rundown on what happened after he had left. We filmed tiktok's, took pictures and then said our goodbyes. I felt as though I had made some really good friends and made some interesting memories.
A few days after the final I got a call from Morgan. "Hey!" I answered in a cheerful voice. "Hi, I just wanted to ask if you were free anytime this week?" He got straight to the point and sounded slightly nervous. "Are you asking me out?" "Uh- well- yeah." He stumbled on his words. "So Specs wasn't joking." I thought out loud. "What?" "I'll explain on our date. You free Friday?" I asked. Unbeknownst to me a huge smile spread across his face. "Yeah I am." "Great see you then."
After I decided the call I quickly rang Chloe. "Babe, you'll never guess who just asked me out!" I began excitedly. "Who? Wait! Ginge?! No way!" She screeched down the phone.
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feelbokkie · 2 days
Sorry, I Love You | Chapter 19
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pairing: Jeongin x fem reader
genre/warnings: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, friends to lovers, unrequited love, will they, won’t they dynamic, abusive relationship, alcohol abuse/alcoholism, emotional/psychological abuse
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, drinking (drink responsibly), minor harassment
summary: Jeongin is in love with his best friend and he has been ever since he met her back in high school. He’s not sure how Y/n feels about him and in order to persevere their friendship, it’s a secret he keeps to himself. But when Y/n starts showing interest in one of their new neighbors, Jeongin starts to worry about the future of their relationship.
taglist: CLOSED
word count: 3,704
screenshot count: 6
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©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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"Something about this is very high school," You yawn as you take the empty seat next to Lia. "But not in a bad way."
You watch as everyone from the cast and crew form various group clusters in the room. You have just finished watching your final film project and are now enjoying the wrap party in one of the university's conference rooms. It's not the most extravagant venue, but Beomgyu's girlfriend did the best with what she had to transform the plain room. The room is divided in half by a large black curtain. The half that you're currently sitting in has small round tables covered in dark green cotton tablecloth scattered along the edge of the room, enough for everyone to have a seat. There are centerpieces with a single white rose with small fairy lights encased in a glass dome adorning every table. Instrumental music plays softly in the background, trying its best to not be drowned out by everyone's chatter.
"What do you mean?" Lia's head remains buried in the script she's currently writing in.
"Just feels like the last day of school. But instead of yearbooks, we're signing each other's scripts. Feels nostalgic," You hum before taking a sip of water.
It's a tradition that was started long before any of you were in college. During your freshmen year, you and the rest of your friend group were invited to the wrap party for the student film you worked on for credit. All of you were confused when you were instructed by a senior to bring your scripts, worried that it would be another hazing stunt like all the other ones you have experienced throughout filming. Everyone was pleasantly surprised when you saw the older students exchanging scripts and writing heartfelt messages. It became a tradition that you hoped would continue after you graduate.
“Technically,” Lia signs her name at the end of the message she’s writing and closes the script. “it is the last day of school for us. Most of us finished our classes today. We only have finals, the film festival, and graduation left. After that, we’re all out of here. This might be the last free moment we have during all the chaos.”
“You’re right, it just feels surreal. Just like that, we’re done with school. Four years just…gone, in our rearview.”
“Did you spend your time well? I know I did,” Lia gives you a knowing smirk as she leans back into her chair.
“I have some regrets,” Your eyes wander over to the small cluster of people talking on the other side of the room. Your eyes linger on a familiar head of fluffy black hair. “Some bigger than others.”
“Well if they’re anything like the regrets that I have, we can make a few more this weekend. Live while we’re still young and all that. I hear that this year’s end-of-school-year party scene on fraternity row is supposed to be the party to end all parties,”
“I think I’m good. Plus, I have to study,”
“We’re in film school. What do you mean you have to study?”
“Most of my finals are projects and presentations but I have two professors giving exams.”
“Again, we’re in film school,”
“I know! One of them is a practical exam too. And my family is back in town for graduation. Thankfully they're staying in a hotel this time but still. They can't exactly navigate on their own. And they said they’d help me pack but my mom is driving me insane.”
“Oh don’t remind me. I’m moving back home for a little bit while I find a place out here that I can afford and I can already feel the tension brewing.” Lia violently shakes her head, likely getting the mental image of moving back home out of her mind before focusing her attention back on you, “Where’s your script? I want to profess my love to you.”
“Taehyun came and grabbed it from me before the movie. I think I saw him hand it over to Yuna after that but I honestly have no idea where it could be.”
You watch as Lia scans the crowd quietly before she locks eyes on someone. “I’ll ask him about it right now. I have to return his script to him anyway. I’ll be right back,”
With that, Lia stands up and leaves you alone at the table. You contemplate getting up too and joining in on the merriment but your social battery is practically gone. Between studying, packing, and playing tour guide for your family you’re a shell of a person. If it wasn’t for the promise of free food, you would have left the second the credits started rolling.
Instead, you lean back into your chair and take a sip from the water bottle you got from Jeongin earlier. You feel out of place from everyone else who has either wine or champagne in their hands. The underaged underclassmen are marked with orange wristbands and have similar cups filled with nonalcoholic beverages, a precaution the university insisted on when they allowed there to be alcohol at the event.
You watch as the staff for the event, more underclassmen, set up the food in the center of the room. The low hums of various conversations fill your ears. Some people are talking about the movie, giving their praises. Others are talking about their summer plans, what they're doing after graduation, and what class they're taking next year. It's starting to set in that this is the last time you'll be in the same room as most of these people, at least for a while. And that the next time you might be in this sort of setting, it's not going to film as warm as it does now. None of the familiar white noise of college students with big dreams to make it big one day. If you're lucky enough to actually make it in the industry, you know you're in for endless showboating and name-dropping while you stand in the room barely getting any recognition for your work. As dreadful and daunting as it sounds, you still can't wait for it.
You slightly jump in your seat as a script gets slapped down in front of you. A red pen drops next to it. You blink a couple of times, not even bothering to look at who could have possibly thrown their script down so rudely in front of you. And yet, the familiar scent of beer, soju, and unmistakable woody notes of Dior Sauvage cologne.
"Anything you want to say to me? Pitiful apologies? Passionate confessions? Lustful fantasies?" Soobin whispers close to your ear. The heat from his breath almost burns you and yet, you can't seem to move away.
"What do I have to apologize for?" Your breath nearly catches in your throat. Nearly. Instead, it lodges itself in your chest. One false move and it might make its way to your heart. You almost pray it does. At least you wouldn’t have to be in this situation anymore.
Soobin lets out a puff of air. He sits next to you and throws his arm around your shoulder. His fingertips graze the exposed skin on your arm, leaving traces of burning fire on you. He leans into the chair and takes a sip of the drink in his other hand. “Embarrassing me for one. Almost delayed the whole movie because you turned everyone against me,”
“You did that yourself,” You surprise yourself with how cold your voice is. Almost detached. Maybe you should have majored in acting.
“Wow,” Soobin scoffs, throwing his head back “look at you. Where did all this confidence come from? Where’s my Y/nnie?”
Your eyes desperately scan the crowd for any one of your friends, hoping to make eye contact with one of them to help you out of this situation. Unfortunately for you, they’re either too wrapped up in conversations or facing away from you, unable to see you send out your bat signal. Under different circumstances, you'd find the sight of Jisung sleeping at his table hilarious.
“I’m not yours, Soobin,” You shrug off Soobin’s hand from your shoulder. He lets it drop and rests it on your hip instead.
“Oh?” You can tell even without turning to face him that Soobin tilted his head in a sort of mocking way like he used to do when you would say something that confused or pissed him off. It was also in those moments you knew you'd have to tread lightly. "Since when? I thought we were tied together by the red string of fate or something. Your words, not mine."
"Burned it," You take deep breaths, trying to steady your hummingbird heart.
He brushes some of your hair off of your face. "Don't be like that, Y/n."
Your name used to be your favorite word that would leave his lips. The way he would let each syllable dance off of his tongue, almost like a song lyric that would get stuck in your head for days on end. And even though he's using the same sweet tone of voice that he usually uses when he says your name, somehow it's full of venom. Like acid shooting past his lips and directly into your heart.
"Hm? Y/n? Let's get out of here for old-time's sake. I'm sure there's an empty lecture hall somewhere. Or we can go to my car."
"Still so romantic I see," You let out a panic laugh, not sure exactly how to get out of this situation. You could get up but your legs are filled with lead, incapable of leading you anywhere else. And it doesn't help that nothing is stopping him from following you. Your eyes land on the fire alarm. You imagine someone, anyone, pulling it and providing an escape for you. If there was ever a time to develop telekinetic powers, it would be right now.
"C'mon," Soobin's hand moves again, this time to your thigh. He leans into the crook of your neck, his lips brushing against your skin. "Let me send you off properly."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The sound of your chair scraping against the floor as you shove Soobin off of you is enough to deter the attention of some partygoers. "I'm serious, leave me alone."
"Jesus, when did you become such a fucking bitch?" Soobin scoffs loudly, slamming his cup on the table.
"Excuse me?" Your breath is haggard, like you just ran a mile as you stare at the man who once held all the stars in his eyes when he spoke to you.
Looking at him now, you have no idea where the shy man who bumped into you four years ago at the welcome-back party went. The same man who gave you the sweater off his back when he realized that you spilled your drink on yourself. The one who stuck around you for the rest of the night because he didn't know anyone else. And when the party started getting a little too overwhelming, took you outside so you could sit on the grass. The same grassy spot you two laid on long after the party had died down as you talked about anything and everything until the sprinklers came on in the morning. The same man who walked you back to your dorm and left before he realized he didn't even ask for your number. The man you thought, after that first night, would spend the rest of your life with. And it dawns on you that, that version of Soobin hasn't been there for a long time. You can't even find a single trace of him in his eyes.
"You can't take a damn joke. What? Jeongin didn't want you either so now you're just being a bitch to everyone?" He raises his voice. You watch as more heads turn towards the two of you. You make eye contact with Seungmin, silently apologizing for ruining his event.
You suck in your bottom lip and take a deep breath before turning back to Soobin. A new fire is burning in you. You're not exactly sure where it's coming from but you don't discourage it. "Call me a bitch one more time, Soobin,"
The corner of Soobin's mouth lifts into an annoyed smirk, revealing his teeth. "Bit--"
Both you and Soobin freeze in confusion as he's suddenly doused in what you can only assume is water. Your eyes flick behind him only to be met by Hyunjin holding an empty cup over Soobin's head. Not far behind him are Taehyun, Jeongin, Changbin, and Yeonjun. They all seem frozen by Hyunjin's sudden action, but still ready to step up if need be.
"Oops," Hyunjin says calmly as he shakes the last remaining drops of water onto Soobin's head, "Sorry, you know how clumsy I am."
Soobin flips his wet hair out of his face, a few stray droplets hit your face. He stands up quickly and turns to Hyunjin. You watch as Soobin's fists clench and unclench as he sizes Hyunjin up. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"A few things," Hyunjin places the empty cup on the table, "but right now, you're harassing one of my friends and ruining the night for another one. And messing with my friends is reason enough to piss me off."
You've only seen Hyunjin mad a few times before. Never at you and hardly at anyone else in the group. But back when you were first-years, he was notorious for his temper, especially with Jisung. You can't remember all the time Minho or Chan had to break them up over the years. It was scary then, and it's scary now how different he is from his usual goofy demeanor.
"This has nothing to do with you," Soobin scoffs in his face, amused by Hyunjin's sudden personality change.
"If Y/n is involved, it has everything to do with me."
"Why, are you next in line to fuck her?" You watch as Jeongin starts to walk towards Soobin only to be held back by Changbin.
Hyunjin places a hand on Soobin's shoulder and leans in closer. His face softens as he makes eye contact with you. He mouths a quick 'I'm sorry,' before his eyes darken and he whispers something you can't hear into Soobin's ear. Soobin quickly grabs Hyunjin's collar with both hands, slightly raising him to the tip of his toes.
"Oh? That made you real mad, huh?" Hyunjin taunts, the corners of his mouth turned up in an amused smile. "Are you going to hit me? Go on, do it.  I dare you."
"Look at this dumbass. He can't kill a spider in our bathroom but he can pick fights?" Changbin scoffs behind him.
"It's just Soobin. Getting hit by him is like getting hit by a balloon, he's fine." Taehyun waves off. Still, his stance is on guard, ready to take over if need be.
Soobin lets out an annoyed laugh as he releases Hyunjin from his grip. He runs his hands through his hair again and looks between the five men standing in front of him. "Are you all stupid? Do you realize who my parents are?"
“Listen, Shein Draco Malfoy, none of us give a single shit who your parents are. They have a lot of power at this school but beyond that, they're powerless." Taehyun steps up from behind Hyunjin and places himself between the two taller men.
Even though he's shorter than Soobin, the lack of light in his normally sparkling eyes and stone-cold face somehow makes him appear taller. You can hear the murmurs from around the room, waiting for someone to finally throw the first punch. The night is officially ruined. You know that the second someone from the Dean's office finds out about this, they're going to blame the alcohol and it might reflect badly on Seungmin, who you know had to beg to get the event approved.
It's your fault.
Ryujin hurries over to the group, slight panic in her eyes. "Look, I don't care if you guys beat Soobin within an inch of his life. Actually, I'm praying you do, but if you don't take it outside then so help me god--"
"Don't worry, Ryujin, we'll take the trash out," Yeonjun speaks up before walking over to Soobin and grabbing him by the back of his neck. Changbin and Taehyun follow closely behind, leaving you alone with Hyunjin and Jeongin.
Jeongin takes the seat beside you, resting a hand on your shoulder. Your attention shifts over to the middle of the room as Seungmin taps into a microphone and begins announcing that dinner is ready.
"Holy shit, I thought that bastard was actually going to hit me," Hyunjin breathes, clutching his chest as he melts into the other chair beside you.
"Why would you egg him on like that if you were scared." Jeongin questions, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"Because," Hyunjin sits up in his seat a bit, "I was the closest one and you didn't hear what he was saying...Ah, Y/n, I need you to know that I only said what I said to him to piss him off. I didn't mean it and I respect you so much."
"It's fine, I didn't hear what you said anyway. But thank you, Hyunjin." You say softly. You can feel all of the eyes in the room on you, burning holes into your skin.
"What did you even say?" Jeongin asks, leaning in over your shoulder.
"And have you mad at me too? No, thank you. I value my life." Hyunjin waves Jeongin away and turns his attention to you. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I've had enough excitement for one day though. I think I'm just going to head home." You slowly start putting your things back in your bag. It's not much, just a couple of pens and your phone.
"Now?" Hyunjin leans forward so you can see him better. "But they just started serving dinner. And it's catered by that fancy restaurant down the street."
"I've lost my appetite. And I've had a long day."
"Wait here, I'll take you home," Jeongin says, patting your head as he stands up.
"No, wait, Innie it's...fine," Your voice falters as Jeongin disappears into the crowd.
Everyone else waits in line for food, the short-lived drama already long forgotten. Some people still look back at you and share whispers with their friends, speculating what could have happened. Part of you wants to just leave and head home on your own, but another part of you knows you should wait for Jeongin to come back.
"So..." Hyunjin props his elbow up on the table and rests his chin in his hand, "Was that like...foreplay or something for the two of you? Did we interpret the Soobin and Y/n show part 57 or something?"
"God, no. That's never ever happening again. He was just throwing a tantrum. Thanks for stopping him though." You turn to Hyunjin and offer him a small, yet genuine smile.
"Does that mean the curse is broken? You're no longer into him?"
"Hyunnie, I haven't been into Soobin for a while. Especially after what happened last time." You chuckle softly.
"I was just checking. I didn't want you to start ignoring me because I ruined something for you. You know we're just looking out for you, right?"
You smile softly to yourself and meet Hyunjin's eyes. "I know. And I'm grateful to have you guys in my life."
"Then you shouldn't leave. Stay here with us."
"I have to. Legally, I have to leave." You laugh softly.
"Yeah, but after that you can come back. Seungmin told you about the company right?"
"He did...and I already turned him down. It's easier this way for everyone. You guys can live drama-free lives and Innie can--" You quickly cut yourself off.
"In can what?" Hyunjin lifts his head from his hand. His eyes are wide and his lips are parted slightly in an expression you can't exactly read.
"It's nothing," You say quickly. "Plus, I already have a job lined up. A small entertainment company needed editors for a group that's going to debut soon. It's not film work but I can work remotely so I'm saving money by not having to get a visa or rent a place out here."
"Congratulations on the job, but can we backtrack for a second?" Hyunjin's mouth opens and closes like a fish as he tries to find the right words. "Y/n, do you know about--"
"Ready?" Jeongin asks, standing behind Hyunjin. In his hands are two plates covered in foil and a small bag.
"Yeah!" You stand up quickly and walk over to Jeongin. You turn to Hyunjin, plastering on a forced smile. "Thanks again, Hyun. I'll see you at the film festival next week."
Hyunjin stares at you for a second before relaxing his face as the lightbulb goes off in his head. His eyes dance between you and Jeongin, trying to communicate his realization to you. You press your lips into a thin line and shake your head 'no.'
"Yeah...no problem. But maybe we should talk before then?" He talks slowly like he's navigating through a minefield. One wrong move and he might set off an explosion.
"I'm going to be busy with finals and packing this week anyway. Maybe another time? And my family is in town. You know how that goes." You plead with your eyes for Hyunjin to drop it.
Hyunjin's eyes look between you and Jeongin one last time before he lets out a deep sigh. "Fine, but we're going to talk about it at some point."
You nod quickly before muttering out a thank you and leaving with Jeongin. You know Hyunjin well enough to know that he's not going to drop it. You'll be lucky if there isn't a text from him by the time you reach Jeongin's car. All you can do is pray that the chaoticness of the film festival, finals, graduation, and moving will occupy him enough to make him forget. Or, at the very least, until you leave.
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
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@everglowdaisies @babrieeee @sunshinessky @szkstay @aslou
@weird-bookworm @autumn-lv @ismelllikechlorine247 @stay278 @wolfennracha
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a-hazbin-soul · 1 day
Estranged mother 2/? (Rewrite)
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It was the day of the meeting with Charlie, and you hadn't been this excited about something in a while. You woke up early and went to make coffee. Only to see a full coffee pot and Adam making breakfast.
"Dad?" You asked, making him jump in surprise and somehow not drop anything. "Hey, Y/N, I didn't expect you to be up this early." He gave you a hug with the arm that wasn't holding a spatula. "What are you doing? The meeting isn't for a while?"
He gave you a smile. "Well, since the meeting is partially a birthday surprise, I thought I'd make some of your favorites for breakfast."
He kissed you on the forehead and sat two plates of pancakes on the table. (Sometimes you make him wonder if Lucifer is actually your dad.)
He set your coffee on the table before sitting at the table with you. You were always polite and never ate before everyone else was sitting at the table, too. "So, is Lute going to be at the meeting with us?" You asked somewhat quietly. "Why wouldn't my daughters girlfriend be at the meeting with us?" He laughed and fake punched you in the arm, making you glare at him. "Daaad, she's not my girlfriend." "Yet"
You got ready after breakfast, and Adam bought you a couple of small gifts before meeting up with Lute at the meeting table. "Hey, Y/N," Lute said as she gave you a small hug, which she never did with anyone as far as you know. "Happy birthday. I'm glad you could come to a meeting finally." You gave her a meek, "Thank you, " with a faint gold blush on your face.
After a few minutes, Charlie arrived. Adam fake shook her hand and laughed like a jerk. "Dad, don't be rude." You turned back to Charlie."I'm sorry about that. He thinks acting mean is funny." Charlie nodded in understanding. "I can hear you, dear daughter of mine."
Charlie started to talk about her ideas, but Adam cut her off. "Hey, slow down, we've got time ya' hungry? I got you." Adam held a plate of ribs, and before you could warn Charlie, Adam laughed at her. "I got you again, bitch!"
You and Charlie were waiting for the meeting to go somewhere while Adam talked about nothing for a while. Even Lute looked annoyed by Adam.
He eventually started calling himself the dick master and ended the story.
"Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man, Adam?" Charlie asked before Adam told her that he rocks and Charlie began talking about her ideas.
When they started talking about population control and the extermination, you were taken aback. You were always told that the exorcists only killed the worst of the worst. Souls of evil dictators and mass murderers and shit like that. You weren't really okay with your dad being a killer in the first place,but this was so much worse. They were just killing any random soul?
And then you heard Lute say, "They are not the same. They had their chance, and they earned damnation." You wanted to tell her off. You wanted to yell or throw something. But, you decided to move and stand next to Charlie. You could tell that this angered lute and shocked Adam. "Keep going, Charlie."
"Sinners have made mistakes. But everyone makes mistakes." Charlie said, Lute instantly glared at her and told her that angels don't make mistakes. You couldn't take it anymore. You had to say something. "Well, apparently, angels do make mistakes because you've both been lying to me for years!"
"The only reason she's still here is because her daddy gave her hellborn kind a pardon." Lute was clearly trying to get at both of you.
After all of that, Charlie was still cheerful while giving her presentation. You thought it was great. A hotel for rehabilitation. This was a million times better than murder by angels.
It was great until Adam decided to interrupt her song. He just started singing about how nobody would ever get out of hell, and nobody could fight it.
You were trying to hold back tears while your dad sang about how he actually thought extermination was fun. This wasn't the Adam that raised you. Sure, he would joke about and be a jerk to people. But this was a completely different person.
He ended the song by saying that the next murder spree was in six months and throwing Charlie to the ground. You ran over to help her just before Adam and Lute pulled you away to leave. "I'm NOT going back home." You ripped yourself away from the two. "Dad, I love you, and I can.....try to forgive the lying and the killing. But right now, I'm going to help Charlie with her hotel because I agree with her." You used your ring to get out of the halogram and actually be there in physical form.
Lute pushed you to the floor just before they left. "Tell your step-dad I said hi!" Adam yelled.
And they were gone.
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richeeduvie · 21 hours
Eladio, in the middle of the Princesas's birthday party, grabbed a piece of cake and fed it to her, then wiped the corner of her mouth with his finger—all while Lalo and Ignacio watched. Inside, both of them wanted to beat the shit out of him, but on the outside, they kept up appearances since he's the boss :)
I like this. I really like this. I like men with no boundaries and Lalo's murder fantasies. Just Eladio's audacity and obliviousness....and you are a genius for having it being him feeding Princesa a piece? Lalo loves to feed Princesa! And it's just an intimate thing in general.
Lalo's trying to have a good time after that car present. That ugly, pink thing in his garage. Princesa's never gonna drive it, if she ever learns how to drive. But they're cutting the cake!
He feels his hands burning, wanting to hold Princesa - kiss her, but...not with Eladio.
"Open wide, Princesa!"
The cake is to her lips before she can do anything but eat it. Eladio smiles wide.
Lalo's eyes go wide, but it's slow. Nacho stills - it's all awkward and cheery, but Lalo's silent.
"What a way to celebrate a good friend's birthday. Getting messy. Don't worry, sometimes-"
Eladio takes his thumb to wipe the corner of Princesa's mouth, just before sucking the cake pieces off. Just what Lalo does.
The Salamanca stares. Nacho watches him.
Eladio starts talking, but Lalo doesn't hear any word that comes from his mouth.
Princesa feels sick. And it's just nerves in her hands. Nacho crosses his arms. Jesus Christ.
The party gets a little less awkward as time goes by, Ciro plays with Barn - Eladio talks to Lalo's guys. Lalo breaks a plate in the sink, it's nearly silent. That thick crack.
"You glad I'm a good boss, Nacho?"
Nacho doesn't say anything, he knows he doesn't have to. And for the first time, he doesn't hear Princesa coming his way.
She's so...she's so much, you know? She makes him feel so much. And Princesa may deny bad intentions or oblivious, bad choices, but she knows what happened here. What Lalo's feeling.
She hugs him from behind. Nacho blinks down to the tile before leaving and he doesn't know he'll dream about killing a man he couldn't ever say no to.
Her face nuzzles into his spine.
"Thank you for the party, Lalo."
Princesa's touch, it's heaven - it's a cool coming over Lalo, but he holds her hand to his chest and looks at her fingers, sees Eladio and the cake. He can't stop himself from breathing hard, but evenly.
She accepts the suffocating, long squeeze to her hands.
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twstbookclub · 2 days
Fatal Attraction
Summary: Two lives stripped away in a moment's glance before they could even enjoy the gift of love presented in front of them. Caused by strife and wrath, this tragic tale is not one to be taken lightly. Pronouns: Gender Neutral POV: 2nd Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Tags: Azul Ashengrotto, Romeo and Juliet, angst, heavy angst, character death, be warned this is depressing Word count: 6,201
I'm gonna totally true here, I had so much fun writing Azul's angst fic, because I took one of my favorite pieces of literature and turned it into a fic-esque work. So, this takes inspiration from Romeo and Juliet, specifically the 1996 version of "Romeo + Juliet" with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. That version is a lot more modernized to use guns and drugs, etc but I tried my best to minimize all of that to give a less TW tag. I did take some dialogue from the actual literary piece and translated it into modern language, BUT NOT TOO MUCH cause it was honestly really hard 😭
6k words is insane to me because it's more than Malleus or Sebek
I am so sorry Azul stans
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Lights illuminate the quiet streets at night, while the city comes alive during the day. However, two rival mafias operate in the town, hidden from the ordinary citizen's eye. Amidst the danger, a casino is the only place where people can forget their problems, but two lovers only need each other for peace.
Azul Ashengrotto is a hitman and negotiator for one of the mafia factions. Well known for his work within the organization and occasional work as a dealer in the casino, Azul is as cunning and deceptive as they come, but it's just his nature.
Azul strolls around the casino with his usual smirk, basking in the glory of a successful negotiation with a company. The other casino staff congratulate him, but he brushes it off, knowing it's all part of his job.
“There’s no need to congratulate me! It is simply my duty as a negotiator.”
After setting his things down, he jokes with some of the casino staff before heading off to prepare for the evening.
Sitting in the garden of your home, you sigh and admire the flowers as the day starts. The day feels long, and sadness makes it feel even longer. You have always been kept within the property of your home. You’re a child of a mafia organization, but your father is hellbent on keeping you from the outside world. You need more, but where could you get that without permission? Suddenly, during your train of thought, a familiar voice interrupts your thoughts.
"Well, good morning, cos," said the voice, playfully interrupting your thoughts.
"It’s still morning?" you respond, letting out a small sigh.
“The day’s barely begun?” Asked Cater, confused.
“Oh, Seven, this day feels too long and dull.”
“But it’s a good day! What sadness lengthens your hours?” Cater asked, trying to sound playful to lighten that solemn look in your eyes.
“Having to sit here and waste away makes my days long and dull, cousin.”
Cater sighs and tries to speak, but your mother calls for you with an alarmed voice. Shrill screams of your name echo, reaching the sky from how loud she is.
You hurriedly ascend the staircase to the second floor, stopping at the middle platform where your mother stood with pinched eyebrows and a subtle frown.
“Madam, I’m here. Is something the matter?”
“Finally! Come! We have something important to discuss. Cater—you can leave,” she said, pushing Cater away. Your mother paused as if something dawned on her at that moment. She shook her head and hastily added, “Wait! Cater, come back! You’re part of this, as well.”
You and Cater rushed to your bedroom and were made to sit on your bed. Maids rushed inside your chambers, and you found yourself being tugged around by each one. The familiar sensation of a brush and the smell of powder filled the room. The sound of rustling fabric and barked orders disturbed the silence.
“Despite what your father says, you are of age. You should go out more—find someone to give you thrills in life!” Your mother exclaimed, helping herself to sit at your vanity table. “I’ve been your mother for many years now, and I’m deeply concerned about your… self-isolation. This is only what I think is best!”
The rest of that conversation was mostly your mother telling you how “the world is your oyster” and that you should take advantage of it. You could only listen until she was tired of lecturing you and walked off to do other things. It ended with Cater helping you get ready.
“Alright. You heard the woman. You’re lucky that I know exactly where to take you,” Cater says with a sigh and starts looking through your closet for you.
The sound of shuffling cards, chips clattering on the tables, and cheers from winners rang through the different halls and rooms. Different themes exist on every floor depending on the games. A floor filled with different slot machine games was filled with neon lights and bright colors to accommodate the vibe. One of them had restaurants galore for each type of economy class that was visiting. Vibrant, blinding colors greeted you, and the mind could easily be overwhelmed by the sight. It smelled of cigarettes and smoke everywhere, and servers held trays of crystalline glasses filled with golden champagne.
Cater brought you to a casino to de-stress. He was familiar with this place, so he knew you’d be okay here. You walked around independently since Cater left you to play a round of Hearts with others he knew.
You watched how people crowded around the poker and baccarat tables. There was a mix of emotions lingering in the casino air: concentrated, frustrated, happy, and angry to name a few. When you turned to another section, you leaned against a pillar and looked in front of you, meeting a pair of bluish-purple eyes.
He was looking at you, too. He looked—
You stepped behind the pillar and poked your head out enough just for your eyes to meet his own again. The stranger gave you a modest smile and a gaze so fine that you just had to smile back. Dressed in a black button-up with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, fabric fitting his frame as two top buttons were open.
His hair was a pretty gray, and the beauty mark under his lip made his features come together like a perfect painting. His smile grew wider, and he looked away. Then you felt your cheeks grow hot.
It was an unfamiliar feeling. One only your maids and mother would describe to you as love, but is this really what it was? It felt right, but it was too new to confirm true.
When you met his eyes again, he had his hand out for you to take. You looked at the floor momentarily before moving closer and letting your palm touch his, and he guided you to sit at his table.
You looked around, then noticed it was a table of blackjack. Hmm… a simple game. He didn’t let go of your palm and dealt the cards with his free hand. You smiled softly and stared at how he held your hand as if you were glass. 
“You do realize that holding a stranger’s hand for this long is not normal,” you said while looking into his eyes, prompting a laugh to escape his lips
“Well, dear stranger, what is normal? It’s certainly not us.”
“How so?” you asked as you tried to slip your hand away again, but the gesture was met with a firm grip.
“Any other person would’ve walked away from a man with wandering eyes,” he said while leaning closer to you, but you moved away with a smile.
“Would it not be stranger if we were closer than this? Though, I don’t wish to interrupt how you are dealing with this game.”
“Oh? Do you wish to be closer? Closing the distance is not a problem to me.” His offer was tempting, but the words your mother spoke of flashed through your mind. Maybe this is something you should be doing?
“I… can allow that,” you whispered loud enough to reach his ears, quite confident that this was something you wanted
“Then stay while I deal as I please,” he whispered as he leaned closer, noses brushing for a moment before you moved away and stood from the chair you were in.
“Oh,” you laughed playfully and went towards the nearby bar, and he followed you without a complaint, “what a tease. I must say, you’re very forward and quick to act.”
“Wasting no time is what I do best,” he said, following you, watching your movements. “People call me charming and witty, but no praise will amount to anything if I fail to leave an impression on you. Don’t leave me feeling this empty, darling.”
“Why empty? Is the time spent with me so far not fulfilling enough?”
The man placed his fingers under your chin and made you look at him, then he took off his glasses in a swift move. “No, and I won’t be satisfied until I can do this...”
You felt a smile creep up as he pulled you closer and gave you a gentle kiss, only starting. After that gesture, you looked at him and kept your composure.
“Better,” Azul said after that short kiss, a smug look on his face, but he didn’t let you go.
You were a bit surprised by the feeling, but you couldn’t complain. “Is it?”
“Very. It makes me want more…” He whispered before kissing you again, this time letting it linger much longer. 
“You kiss as if you learned from a book,” you spoke softly after breaking it, but he only moved lower towards your ear and neck. 
“Hey, we can’t do this. As much as I enjoy your company, you are a mere stranger at the end of the day,” you said and pushed him back lightly, then tried to walk off. The man moved closer again and sat you down on a bar stool.
His lips found yours again, but you couldn’t lie to yourself. Your body could only respond to the kiss almost instantly. His hands didn’t let go of your waist, yet your own were on the nape of his neck and shoulder.
You don’t know how much time had passed, but you snapped out of it once Cater called your name. “Hello, Earth to cousin? We have to go!”
Cater looked at the man whose arms you were in and sighed in disappointment, clicking his tongue and pulling you away. “Come on!”
While getting pulled away, you kept turning around to watch as the man followed you, a determined look on his face as he tried to catch up. You were pulled up the stairs to the floor above and joined with the bodyguards you arrived with. 
The man remained at the bottom of the stairs, but he stared at you in disbelief.
“His name is Azul Ashengrotto, a hitman from the mafia your family fights against all the time! He’s the right-hand man,” Cater whispered to you, and you felt the smile on your face disappear. You stared down at the man but couldn’t utter a word.
“Is that…? No—they can’t be,” Azul whispered, still in disbelief.
After staring momentarily, you were pulled away, and Azul had to follow again. This continued, even with your head turning back a few times, just to meet the man following at a distance.
Azul stood at the casino door while you left, watching as your car left with a regretful expression in his eyes. “Not knowing and finding out too late—how the hell did we end up finding each other this way?” he said to himself as you stared back at him from the moving car, then he went back into the casino grounds.
After arriving home, you walked around your garden under the moonlight and sighed softly. You moved yourself to squat in front of the pool at the end of the concrete path, looking up at the moon. 
“Azul Ashengrotto… Who could he really be? What does his name have to do with anything?”
“The group that rivals my family name, but what is in that name? It’s not a hand, foot, or any other part belonging to me.” You stare down at your reflection in the water and smile softly at the thought of that man you had a slight moment with at the casino. 
You stand up and sigh, “Should he tell me he doesn’t like it, I would change it in a heartbeat—”
“Then should we change that name?”
You spin around and scream as he puts his hands on your arms, but the shock causes you to fall back into the pool with him. You quickly come up to the surface and spit out the water in your mouth, then stare at the pale indigo eyes on you.
“What are you doing here!? Did you follow me? If they see you, they’ll murder you!” You whispered loudly because of the panic, but your reaction made Azul laugh.
“That is the least of my worries.”
“But you’re the Ashengrotto, an ally of my mortal enemy—”
“I will neither, if you dislike it. What can they do to me?” He whispers the last part, moving closer and touching your cheek. “I was able to see you again. I’m satisfied with that. It’s better to be killed by their hatred than by the torture of not seeing you. You love me and I love you, so let them find me here. I want your love for as long as you’ll allow me to have it.”
You stare at his features for a moment before he kisses you softly, the quiet night enveloping the both of you. It was slow, but you could feel how he felt the same for you as you did him. The more time that passed, the more passion was being shared.
The pool water was warm, but the way he grabbed your hips with one hand and kept your head in place with the other gave you a chill down your spine, simply from how he made you feel. 
You pulled back after a while longer and felt your face burning, so you avoided looking at him. “The moon's light can only hide me so well, and now you’ve heard me speak tonight. Do you love me? I know that you’ll say yes, and I will take your word for it.”
You spoke while backing away to get out of the pool, and he followed, leaving kisses on your neck when he could. “If you love me, say it faithfully.”
“I swear by the moon—”
You sighed and pushed him back. “Don’t swear by her ever-changing beauty unless your love has conditions.”
“Then what do I swear by?” Azul asks, looking at you with confusion in his expression.
“Don’t swear at all. If you must, swear on yourself. If it comes from your heart, then I’ll believe you.”
“The love in my heart…” He whispers, then gives you light kisses again, but you quickly break it and turn away.
“Don’t. Although I enjoy this, I will have no joy in this promise tonight. It’s too soon, too rash, and—like a lightning strike—it will be gone too soon,” you said and climbed up the ladder to get out of the water, but his sudden call out made you stop.
“Will you leave me so unsatisfied?”
You turn around and look at him with surprise. “What satisfaction could you have tonight?”
“To tell me that your heart belongs to me”
He was right. He had declared his love for you, but you hadn’t done the same for him. Was this real? You smiled brightly and ran back into his arms, falling into the pool with him again.
“I gave it to you before you even asked!” You exclaimed before falling back in with him, your lips landing against his into an underwater kiss.
Coming up to the surface, you hear Cater calling for you around the house, and you shout. “I’ll be there!” You turn to Azul and pull him out, hurrying him to leave through a secret gate.
“I leave you with a few more words before good night. If you’ll allow me the honor of marriage, let me know tomorrow—in a way that I can visit you—where and what time we’ll marry,” you whisper with a smile and hold his hand through the iron bars of the gate.
Cater shouted again, and you could only shout once again. “I’m on my way!”
“May all of my fortune and my will always follow you. If you do not mean well, I beg you not to argue and leave me alone to grieve. I will send someone over to the casino tomorrow,” you told Azul before letting him go, not before giving him a kiss.
“I am yours, and you are mine. I’ll be happy to hear from you.”
“I hope you have a wonderful night.” You smiled again and ran off, and Azul walked off as well. Shortly after, you gasped to yourself and tried to find him again, rushing towards him.
“Azul!” you called out, catching his attention, and his smile only brightened your heart. “At what hour should I send for someone?”
“By 9 in the morning.”
“I won’t let you down. It’s an eternity until then.” You laugh softly and pull your necklace off you, giving it to him. He took it gladly and tightened his fist to avoid losing it.
“Good night, darling.” He said and walked away, looking back at you a few times until he was completely out of sight.
“A bittersweet sorrow that is parting, that I shall say ‘good night’ until tomorrow.” You said with a smile. Finally, you ran off into your home.
The next day, you were home alone, and you waited with anticipation for your cousin to arrive back to you. As soon as the door opened to your bedroom, you jumped up and saw Cater come in with a tired expression.
“Oh, hey, cos,” he says and tucks himself into your bed, your expression turning into disappointment.
“Cater! What does my love say?”
“Your love? Oh! That negotiator guy,” he says, “… Hey, where are your parents?” Cater asked, looking at you with a cheeky smile.
“Where are my parents?” You sigh from frustration and pull the blankets off the kid. “Don't keep it from me any longer! What did Azul say!?”
Cater laughs before standing from the bed and going to your closet. He looks at your more formal clothing and then picks something out for you. “When you go out today, meet him at the church. There, a man waits to marry you later today.”
Your eyes lit up with excitement as you heard the news. You took the outfit into your hands and left to change, finding even more reason to leave your home today.
Arriving at the church, you noticed the cars parked in front were all the same. When you entered the wide chapel, your eyes instantly met his, and the warm golden lights illuminated the design.
You had always been here before, but how the room lit up now was mesmerizing. Seeing Azul made the moment even better because it was only you and him. You made your way down before meeting with him, and how sweet he was.
Speaking vows and promises while looking at your love in the eyes, you could finally understand why a wedding day was so important. You knew you would never forget this day even if fate decided to take you away tomorrow.
His hands held yours and carefully slipped a silver band on your finger. That was it. You were officially married to him.
“I love you,” you whispered, seeming as if now was a dream that would slip through your fingers.
“I love you too,” he responded, giving you a kiss to conceal it together.
Azul had to leave after that because his negotiation work was urgent, but he still ensured you arrived home safely.
Under that guise, Azul arrived at his own mafia’s headquarters. The room was a bit tense as he walked into his boss’ office, only to find a man tied on the marble floor. The room was dim and added to the atmosphere that the organization strived for.
At the snap of a finger, the man became unmasked, to reveal one of your relatives. Azul looked surprised but quickly had to hide it. 
“Boss. Is… this him?” Azul asked, looking his boss in the eye, but he was feeling a cold sweat for once.
“That’s right. You already know what you have to do. Don’t disappoint me, Ashengrotto.”
Azul nodded once and gestured to the guards to follow him with their victim, and he left behind them with a tense feeling. 
Your relative? One whom he now shared names with through his dearly beloved, but did he really want to kill this man? 
This man was a spy. Playing his organization like a game of chess, he could get away with it for a while, but his boss knew the truth from the beginning. The boss wasn’t an idiot, they wouldn’t be in the place they're in now if that was the case, so it wasn’t surprising.
This was different now, though.
Azul stared at this man’s back with hesitation. He didn’t want to do this to you, but this was his job. You knew that, too, but that wasn’t an excuse. Yet, if he didn’t do this, it was his life on the line along with this man.
You sat in your room while staring up at the statues of the Seven in your room, a warm smile on your face at the thought of your new husband, a lingering sadness that you couldn’t spend time with him.
“Oh, Seven… If only the stars could show me my husband now. If anything should happen, may the heavens take his soul and place it among the stars, so his radiance could illuminate the night, that not even the moon could compare,” you whispered to yourself while imagining Azul, causing you to smile more than you already were. “If only I could see him soon..”
Azul stood in front of the captured man with a bitter look in his eye. He called the guards off to be alone in the room, still hesitating about the choice in front of him.
“You know, you’re trembling… it’s obvious, buddy.” The man said with a laugh, his busted face still dripping some blood onto the floor.
Azul’s eyes widened, his voice slightly trembling. “What? Don’t say a word. Do not provoke me.”
“Why? Is the big man, Ashengrotto, finally scared?”
“Shut up—”
“What a baby. How the hell are you the right-hand man, if you can’t pull the trigger?”
“Don’t say anything else!”
“In my organization, you would’ve been killed for being this weak!”
“You don’t know a damn thing!” Azul yelled, swiftly taking out his gun and putting it to the man’s head. “Do you not wish to be saved? I can do that. I don’t want to do this. Not for…” His voice trailed off, a lump forming in his throat.
“Don’t be fucking weak. Do it!” The man yelled, messing around with the assassin in front of him. This man knew what he was doing but didn’t know the consequences.
The gun was taken off its safety as Azul took a deep breath, putting his personal emotions aside and speaking quieter. “To my beloved relative by name… May the Seven help you.”
The man grew confused before he was met with darkness. The sound of the gun echoing through the large room was enough of a message that it was over, but guilt started to take over the new silence.
“Shit… What the hell did I do?’ Azul whispered to himself before dropping the gun and staring at the corpse in front of him with disbelief.
You stared at the statues once again with a confused look on your face, at a loss for how to react. It had been a few hours, but you had just been told the news about your relative being killed by your husband’s hand.
“Say it isn’t so? Seven, don’t betray my heart this way… Am I supposed to criticize my husband? Speak ill of him? For the love he had for me, am I supposed to think of him as a traitor? Give up his word for actions?” You spoke to yourself, pleading with the gods above to give you an answer, but you received nothing.
Your heart ached at the deafening silence, and not even your ancestors could help you in this. It felt like your bloodline was shaming you for confiding in a sworn enemy, but you couldn't control who you could love...
Was it truly so easy to blame yourself for this?
Azul had quickly become a target under your family’s watchful eye. He had to do something, and quickly. Azul stared out the window from his office before he took a breath and fixed his glasses, only coming up with one answer.
“Guards, take me to them. I’ll be staying the night. In the meantime, prepare a burial.” Azul said calmly before grabbing his coat and leaving quickly.
You sat on your bed and tilted your head, hugging one of the pillows while thinking. Your mother left you to rest for the night, and you took the opportunity to lock yourself in. You let out a sigh and slowly stood up.
“Am I supposed to deny him? Divorce him for what he did? What a cruel thing to do to someone I love,” you said to yourself, but then you heard footsteps come in through your window.
The sound immediately caught your attention, and you were met with Azul standing there with regret in his eyes. You slowly went closer without your eyes moving away, scared that he would disappear.
“I’m sorry,” Azul whispered, his already sad eyes becoming glassy with the tears he couldn’t keep back anymore. “I swear to you and the Seven above, I didn’t want to do it—”
“I believe you. I can see it in your eyes. It was either that… or death, right? I know how this business goes, but that still won’t stop me from loving you.” You responded just as quietly, then looked over his body to make sure he didn’t have any injuries. Just doing this made your heart race.
Your hands slid down his coat to take it off, the ruffling sound of it hitting the ground mixing with the sounds of breathing and pattering rain hitting the ground outside. It made you a bit relieved that he could reach you before the rain began, but your heart rate wasn’t slowing down.
You loosened his tie and took off a few buttons so he could relax, but you were nervous. You guess… it’s kind of late to be nervous when you’re already married to him. Regardless, your hands just went with the flow, even if you didn’t have any experience in this aspect.
Azul watched your movements carefully before he leaned closer, taking off his glasses in the process. Your eyes met his indigo irises, your hands made their way to his neck and shoulder, and your heart was about to explode.
You willingly closed the space and kissed him as you knew he was about to do the same to you, but he returned it so gently. It was different from the time you met at the casino or in the pool that same night, but it felt perfect. Neither of you wanted to let go.
Morning came too fast. Azul woke up to the harsh reality of what was going to happen today. Any slight movement he made easily woke you up, but you could only give a small groan since you weren’t ready to get up yet. That noise made him smile and laugh before he sat up to see how you slowly opened your eyes
“It’s too early, and not time for you to go.” You whispered with a tired voice, still exhausted from the events of the day prior. Azul quickly moved to hover above you within the blink of an eye as your words caused him to feel warm.
“Then let’s not get out of these sheets—delay the morning by never coming out. I can appreciate just how divine my spouse looks while you look up at me like that.” Azul began playfully, slowly becoming genuine and affectionate with his words.
Before you could respond, Cater ran into your room and closed the door behind him, causing Azul to fall off your bed from surprise. “Your mother is on the way! Quick!” He said with panic, swiftly moving around to help out.
Azul got all of his things and you let him escape from the window, following him onto the balcony. He pulled you into a kiss for a moment before letting you go. “Stay safe. I’m sorry for what I did.”
You shook your head and gave him a gentle smile, placing your lips against his for a few seconds. “I love you. I love you more than anything. My life is yours.”
“My love…” Azul said somberly and sighed, placing a small kiss on your forehead. You felt the emotion he was feeling by just the way he was acting, and it left you confused. You looked at him with concern before giving him your ring from the day before.
You kissed the engraving on the band before placing the ring in his palm. “Just be safe. I will try to find out if something grave is being planned in hopes of stopping it.”
Azul just stayed quiet before he pushed you back inside your bedroom and quietly left. That was it between you two for now. You stared at the bed in front of you as your stomach began to turn in a bad way, but you could only whisper something to yourself as you fixed the robe you had put on when rushing.
“Letting someone out and bringing light in—why do I have a feeling that it will be in vain?” 
Azul stood in the church that had become special to him less than twenty-four hours ago, holding a small bottle in the palm of his hand, along with your ring and necklace beside it.
There was a war going on outside. He was the head that they wanted to capture for killing your father’s brother, an eye for an eye, and he didn’t want you to be brought into it. He was thankful that you could forgive him and still keep your love, but he didn’t deserve it after making you grieve for the loss of a relative and the loss of his presence beside yours.
He made sure to kiss the ring and the cross charm from your necklace, before putting them both on and staring up at the painted murals from the church’s ceiling, a soft expression at the memory of exchanging vows that were so fresh to him.
Without much hesitance, Azul popped open the small container and dropped some pills into his palm. His boss gave him these after he proposed to fake his death until this was over, composing a plan once a certain number of their kin had been killed in his stead.
One, two, three. Pills disappeared as Azul swallowed them. The drugs were quick, as he felt his heart begin to slow down and his breathing was coming to struggle for air. The church echoed the sounds of his quick suffering, until turning as quiet as the sleeping city he committed his sins.
In the morning, Cater ran into your room to find you clutching your chest, but not a single tear in your eyes. You were more shocked than anything. Your father stopped the war at the moment of finding out that their target was dead. Your husband was dead.
Cater, who was breathing heavily from running, went over to your side with a saddened look, letting out a sigh at the immense despair he could feel around you. “Cos, I’m sorry, but now… what’s your plan?”
Nothing was your plan. How could there be a plan? The love you harbored couldn’t be shared with the one you married anymore. You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes, a hidden tear finally dropping down your cheek.
Cater noticed your silence and went to lock your door, “He’s laid to rest at the church. I’ll take you to him.” 
Your body was simply guided by Cater now. He dressed you the best way that he could, in a way that your parents wouldn’t find suspicious. You hadn’t uttered a word or looked at him, but instead kept yourself together as if it was taking its time to affect you.
Your parents believed that you were grieving over your uncle’s death, so they left you alone. With that, Cater could take you over to the church during the sunset hour.
When you arrived, he guided you in and let your eyes lay upon the empty cathedral. The door closed behind you as Cater didn’t step in to leave you on your own. Finally being by yourself, you could relax as tears filled your eyes at the sight of the bed at the end of the aisle.
You slowly made your way closer and closer, each step making a sound that echoed through the space. The closer you got, the more detailed his body became. With gentleness and care, your hand wrapped around his and it felt weird.
“My love, death hasn’t taken your warmth yet?” You speak quietly and caress his cheek while holding back your tears. “You look as if life is still within you, and a peaceful sleep is all that affects you,” you said while leaning down to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Even your lips are as warm as the day. How precious…”
You went quiet after and closed your eyes, letting out a small sob before covering your eyes with your hands. The tears ran down your cheeks before being wiped away, not wanting to cry too bad after.
“What a cruel world we were born into,” you say quietly to your husband’s body before you look up at the ceiling above you, memories flashing through your head. A smile finally showed on your face at the thought of Azul, like his face and name always had these days.
You looked down as you held something in your hand. A small dagger with a black shine to it. You placed the tip of the blade at your chest and pierced yourself with it, the pain not being at all the same as losing the love of your life. You only let out a small wince and looked down at your husband, only to find him with a look of horror and his eyes wide open.
“No, you—” Azul started but quickly reacted to sit up and pull you to lay down where he was, struggling breaths coming from you as the blood seeped out of your wound. Azul tried to take it out, but your grip on the handle was strong even though your body was growing weak.
“What—” You whispered, tears falling down from your eyes as you tried to think, but you could only stare at Azul with a blurry vision from how fast your life was being taken away from you. “Why…?”
“Why? To protect you. Why would you follow me?” Azul asked with tears coming up to his own eyes. He held you tightly as if that would stop the slow death you were experiencing, but he wasn’t doing anything. He couldn’t. “Why wouldn’t you want to live?”
“Live…” You whispered, your slow blinking accompanied by a small smile only made this more bitter than it was, a gasp coming from you before you spoke again. “I couldn’t live without you.”
These words were soon followed by silence. A quiet breath was let go from you. Your body grew limp and still. Your hands had finally let go of the dagger that had you inflicted on yourself, but it was too late.
Azul just stared in a still stance, still holding you. He waited for something. Anything. A sign of life. Something to check if you were still there with him. When he didn’t get anything, he let out loud sobs while holding your lifeless body close to him, even putting out a few screams from the agony that surrounded his heart.
Every sound and movement he made echoed and pierced his ears with desperation and regret. If only he had told you the plan. If only he ran away with you instead, you would still be alive and smiling at him.
After his moment of grieving, he looked up and down at you, but then his eyes stopped at the blood-stained clothes you had on. His eyes locked onto the dagger before he carefully pulled it out and stared at the blade. 
The question he asked you earlier wasn’t in his mind anymore. Even if he stayed alive, he would die at the hands of your family once they realized that he was alive and that you died with him beside you. He couldn’t live without you either.
He stared at you for a moment before he took your hand into his and he closed his eyes. He placed the dagger against his neck and let out a breath before his body fell right next to yours, and a deafening silence befell them.
Two lovers. Both alike in dignity, now gone in mere moments from their organization’s strife. Young adults with so much more to life and love to share, could not stop the rage of others. A love story that ended so tragically changed the outcome of the respectful lives that they could’ve had.
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anticanonsposts · 2 days
Hi love so i really love your work it makes my day!💗🌷
I want to ask for something please ☹️🙏🏻, what about the reader have insecurities about their skin tone or some areas of their body, and think konig deserves better?, How does Konig comfort them and convince them after trying alot?
(it's up to you if it's NSFW or SFW)
Thank you so much!! 💓
bro would be so lost whenever you had insecurities bc you were perfection breathing to him idec this man would be so mushy to his person
but per the request here’s a little sm completely SFW!!
cw: talk about physical characteristics, negative self talk
The sun shone through the curtains, y/n’s body started to wake her up, giving a long stretch she was woken up from her sleep to see a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Usually, universally this would be a good omen, a message that today was going to be good. But all y/n could think about was how hot it was going to be and that her wardrobe would have to match the weather. Making her way into the bathroom to stand in front of the mirror, her thoughts started to spiral. The past few weeks had been a bit rough, it seemed like she could find nothing adequate about her skin, her skin that she lives in. When she looks in the mirror all she sees is the bumpy areas on top of her arms, the hyperpigmentation around her facial features, and in the crooks of her body. Everything that women in the media had, she did not. She never saw anyone else with cellulite or anyone else with dark stretch marks, acne, so called ‘beauty’ marks in strange places. She was just so sick of it. She knew that magazines and tv were fake, but it didn’t make it any easier to deal with.
Fortunately her doom-like thoughts were interrupted by her partner König coming up behind her. He braced his left arm against the counter, curving around her body, and turning the sink on with his right hand, caging her in between his body and the counter. He gave the back of her right shoulder a small peck before brushing his teeth. At first his eyes traced across the counter top at their various items, but quickly he grew bored and started moving his eyes across her body. He appreciated everything about her, every single part of her he grew to love. In his mind, light equal to that of the sun came from every inch of her skin, she always glowed to him. If he was being honest with himself, sometimes when she would be upset with some part of the way she looked he would be in turmoil. The idea that someone he saw as so beyond perfection and beautiful could think such ugly things about themselves. He supposed she felt the same way about him at times, the ugly thoughts he would have gnawing away at his self esteem that she would always hush and comfort. He wished he could be that same voice for her and more. He in turn was drawn from his thoughts when he felt a small squeeze against his left hand by hers in response to his kiss.
Moving to stand side by side with her, he spit out his toothpaste and rinses the sink before turning to her. Today he was especially happy because they finally both had free time to go to a fancy lunch together. And seeing as the day was so beautiful, they could for sure enjoy the patio of the restaurant.
“We should probably start getting ready, no?” he says to her with a small smile on his lips, giving her cheek another kiss. She gave him a small smile in return which luckily for her appeased him enough to walk away towards their shared closet. Well in reality he had about ⅛ of the closet and her clothes filled the rest. Considering he had only a few ‘going out’ clothing items, he got ready rather quickly, first getting dressed and then returning to the bathroom to make his hair look more presentable. At which point she went to the closet to find her clothes.
As time passed, y/n got increasingly more and more frustrated. Desperately trying to find something that would cover her arms, her legs, and most other parts of her without looking like a total freak dressing like this in such hot weather. Unfortunately for her, all of her clothes that fit the bill happened to be black. ‘Great’ she thought to herself, today would definitely be difficult, uncomfortable, and she would no doubt be getting a few stares. Once she was all put together she told König that she was ready to go. He definitely did a double take at her outfit choice. But he knew her well enough that he could tell there was something off about her mood. Seeing as she usually came to him when she wanted to talk about something, he didn’t pry.
They got in his car and started driving to the restaurant, and started talking like normal. The worries he had about her mood quickly subsiding. But he definitely notices the sweat collecting on her forehead and how she is turning all of the AC fans in the vehicle towards her, but again he chooses not to call attention to it. Finally when they get to the restaurant he jumps out before she can think to open her door for her. Getting to the host stand, y/n is more warm and nervous than ever. She can feel the hot sun beating down on the top of her head, and the warmth absorbing into her all black clothes.
“Is an outside table still ok?” König asks sheepishly as the hostess is leading them to an outside table.
“Yes of course!” y/n responds trying to fane the sound of comfort and contentment.
She isn’t slick. König sees right through this but lets her sit down at least before questioning her.
“Are you sure you aren’t too warm? Those clothes look a bit hot. I can ask if we can be seated inside instead.” he starts, not wanting to bombard her too quickly to turn her away from opening up.
Once seated, y/n’s condition just gets worse. Sweat now practicall pouring from a faucet from all parts of her body. She looked as if she was getting a fever or sweating out the worst hangover of her life. So, taking matters into his own hands, König stands up and says, “Alright, how about we try out a different restaurant huh?”
“What? I thought you really wanted to try this place?” Y/n responds, knowing that she was not able to hide her discomfort very well.
“It’s fine Schatz, this restaurant will still be here in a week don’t worry I can wait.” König responds before pulling out her chair and leading her back to the car after alerting the wait staff. Once they get back to the car he pops the trunk and takes her to it.
He rifles through his gym bag before pulling out a shirt and shorts that are clean and honestly a bit on the small side.
“Here, change into these so you can cool off ok? Then we will go to (your fav restaurant) and sit inside.”
He opens the back door so y/n can climb in to change.
“Was this just your ploy to get me naked?” She asks with a playful smirk across her face.
“As much as I’d love for you to be naked in the back seat of my car for other reasons, just focus on changing right now baby.” he smirks while keeping his gaze towards the front, keeping an attentive eye out for possible peepers.
Once she changed into König’s giant t-shirt and basketball shorts, making sure to pull the drawstring and tie it tightly around her waist. She made her way back up to the front seat, met with a very satisfied grin from her boyfriend.
“Alright now how about (your favorite restaurant) huh?” he says starting the car and then immediately returning his hand to your leg.
As he starts driving y/n feels the extra heat start to melt off her body, she feels infinitely more relaxed. Thank fucking god her boyfriend could practically read e her mind at this point.
“You know schatz, if you want to start wearing clothes that cover more of your skin, I will be supportive. Will I miss seeing so much of you? Yes, but if it's what you want-”
“Oh no, I don’t really want to dress like this,” y/n starts to say but quickly her voice gets quiet again causing König to look away from the road towards her.
Feeling his strong gaze on her she continues, “lately I haven’t felt super great about parts of myself.”
His initial reaction was pure shock, if she felt ugly or insecure or whatever. How could anyone else on earth possibly feel confident? But he knew saying any of these things would just keep her from sharing similar thoughts like this with him in the future.
“Sometimes my skin just doesn’t look very blurred or cohesive. I have darker areas, areas that seem agitated, and the way that my fat sits on my body sometimes I think looks unflattering” y/n finishes, now fiddling with König’s hand on her leg.
Of course his heart wrenches at hearing this. “Surely you know that none of that is true my dear?” He says incrediously, truly not being able to process what he is hearing. “Normally I am very quick to appease your wants and desires, but please do not dress like this if it truly makes you this comfortable. Because seeing you are uncomfortable, makes me uncomfortable ok? There is quite literally nothing that I would change about your skin or you for that matter.” He finishes now parking the car at the restaurant and turning his body toward yours in the car, as much as he could at least in the semi cramped vehicle.
Sheepishly looking back over to him y/n nods and says, “Thank you baby, I’m so lucky to have you.” Before getting politely shushed and brought into a hug.
König all the while still wracking his brain trying to figure out why she was the lucky one when it was so clearly him. He had a lot of quirks and baggage so the fact that she still saw hers as a burden in their relationship troubled him a bit. But that was a conversation for another time. For now, she felt better and so did he.
The two of them then had a lovely meal at her favorite restaurant, albeit looking a little odd seeing as König was not wearing his usually loungewear and she in gym clothes. But they were both comfortable and happy.
Teehee kind of a build up to the actual request but I hope you liked it <3
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maingh0st · 2 days
I always noticed that Warner guy is always compared to Cardan. Thoughts?
hm, wild. they live in very different categories of characters in my mind haha. I guess on a surface level, they occupy similar spaces narratively: they start out as a more antagonizing figure to the MC, but you can tell that their obsession with the MC is shot-through with attraction. and they eventually become the I Worship My Wife kind of MMCs, which is fun but not exactly uncommon in fiction.
but while Cardan is an individual schoolyard bully who represents something very personal to Jude (he is a living reminder that she does not belong in Elfhame), Warner is an active representative of an oppressive global order that has made Juliette's and countless others' lives Very Bad. the power dynamic is really different, and has to be handled a lot more sensitively. and (in my opinion) I'm... not sure it is.
I think my biggest gripe with Warner as a character (and I am really not trying to start discourse here—people enjoy what they enjoy, whatever; I thought he was hot when I was a teen, too) is that his actions are almost always presented very romantically, and the narrative rarely tells us he's wrong. Juliette is the silly little woman who just doesn't understand, but thank goodness the love interest knows that she does like him, she is attracted to him, and she does want the power he offers her. silly girl, he knows you better than you know yourself! this is not uncommon in fiction; authors seem to think that a male character knowing better than a female character and forcing her to "become powerful" is somehow girlboss feminism (SJM and the "it's your choice" nonsense 🔪)
Warner also demonstrates a frankly concerning level of obsession with Juliette (maybe another reason people try to compare him to Cardan?), going so far as to steal and memorize sections of Juliette's diary, which she feels very violated by (they're her most private, intimate thoughts from a very dark time in her life! holy shit buddy who gave you the right!). but rather than the narrative being like "wow isn't this scary and weird and a total violation of her privacy?" he gets rewarded for Knowing Her So Well and ultimately gets to be her malewife.
Cardan, on the other hand, is wrong. we know he's wrong! the author knows he's wrong! and while the narrative shows us reasons that he is the way he is, it does not use those reasons to justify him. it makes him more understandable, but he still has to apologize and change. Jude is not treated as silly for disliking and mistrusting him; she's absolutely in the right! and Cardan has to realize that he has misunderstood her and both underestimated her (not realizing just how much of a threat she is) and overestimated her (thinking that nothing really hurts her bc she's so tough).
also, Cardan is more fun. there, I said it! Warner is melodramatic and purple proses @ the reader about what a Conflicted Guy he is. Cardan is a slutty little dude with crushing self-confidence issues who gets tricked into the Number One Job He Did Not Want and decides to cope with it by being Very Silly, and then somewhere along the way realizes that he can actually do a good job at it. he oopsies his way into being Elfhame's best king. who's doing it like him?
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streetlites · 6 months
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??? and her useless boyfriend
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