#high chew edibles
sixthousandbees · 2 years
I just saw a mouse on my wall-mounted shelf. it is very messy, but theres no way up. I am scared and confused. people like to say that the animals were here first. but thats not true! I was here first, and mice and wasps and flies and moths and fucking STOATS are INVADING my SPACE
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queer-for-science · 1 year
Modern edibles got no business tasting that good. I wanna eat the whole goddamn container just for the taste and I'm gonna end up like one of those dogs at the vet- drooling, leaning all my weight on the vet tech as I throw up into an empty litter pan all the while sporting the most blazed-as-fuck look on my face that says that mentally I'm no longer on planet earth.
And then I'd smell a new container of edibles and think I could do it all again.
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dwarfvader · 1 year
It might be the high talking. But I think learning a funny joke from somewhere else. Still makes you a funny person. Cause you are the person realizing the story was funny in the first place. Much like we’d call a scientist who memorized a lot of books smart. It helps you make your own as well.
Of course, there is a small difference from using by using your memory skills. And plagerizizaing ( I’m too high to spell that $ but that difference is usually money. But I still think people who learn jokes and recite them. Are just as funny. As book learning is to smart people.
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merakiui · 5 months
ebb and flow.
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yandere!floyd leech x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, dub-con, nsfw, stepcest, obsession, getting high/use of edibles, reader is implied to have small breasts, octavinelle trio is human in this story, au with no magic, brief mention of alcohol use, brief mention of implied somnophilia, reader and trio are 18 in the last scene of the story (in case it isn't clear) note - like the tide, floyd's interests ebb and flow. you happen to be more than a passing fancy.
When he’s old enough to put his thoughts into words, Floyd declares, rather obnoxiously, that girls are gross and he wants nothing to do with them.
“All they ever wanna do is talk about dolls and dresses,” he laments, scuffing his shoe against the cobbles.
“You know I’m a girl, right?” You scoff and turn your nose up, mildly offended. “And not all girls are like that. I’m not like that.”
And it’s true. You give as good as you get. You lunge after Floyd when he yanks your favorite toys out of your hands or when he tugs on your hair, every infraction intentional. He knows just how to rile you up enough for you to give chase. You’re keen to wrestle him in the mud on rainy days in the same way he’s willing to race you up and down the streets to prove outlandish points.
Growing up with two brothers—though they aren’t your family by blood, referring to them as your step-brothers is a knotty mouthful you prefer to avoid—taught you things you never would have learned if you had a sister.
Perhaps their presence served to stoke the fires of playful violence—meaningless quarrels that were resolved in a matter of minutes, often punctuated with halfhearted apologies. Once, in the middle of a particularly nasty brawl, you kicked Floyd in the jaw and knocked his front tooth free. Morbidly amused, Jade applauded you for the show. Floyd held his bruised face in one hand, glaring viciously as blood dribbled from his lips. He reeled his arm back, but it never landed. Your father chewed the lot of you out before he could throw the punch.
“What are we going to do with you?” your mother would say while she patched the both of you up. “Always fighting like this… That’s not very nice now, is it?”
The twins’ mother died shortly after giving birth and so they never knew the concept of a mother until five years later when their father remarried. It was then when you joined their family of three, and the twins had taken to their new mother like fish in water. Adoringly, they would tug on her skirt and demand attention. She was all too happy to indulge them, lifting them into her arms one at a time.
“You know that means Mama and me, don’t you?” you add, skipping ahead of him.
“That’s different. Mama doesn’t count. She’s special.”
“What about me?”
Floyd takes one look at you and smiles that mean, mocking smile. “You’re even worse. You’ve got girl germs.”
You don’t bother granting him a head start. He’s already running.
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On the cusp of a growth spurt, his face peppered in pimples, Floyd is only fifteen when you chase him out of your bedroom.
“Get out! Get out! Get out!” Your piercing shrieks and Floyd’s raucous laughter echo through the halls, drawing the perpetually curious Jade out of his room like a worm from an apple core.
He’s greeted with the sight of Floyd, who has clasped your bra around his head and is now parading about proudly. A plush octopus flies after him and smacks into the wall. Seconds later, you burst from your room with embarrassment painted on your face.
“Oh my.” Jade observes the scene unfold from behind his fist. His mismatched eyes glitter with mischief.
“You’re so tiny! Your boyfriend’s gonna fall in love with a shrimp!” Floyd sticks his tongue out at you. “Shrimpy (Name)! Shrimpy (Name)! I’ve got a shrimp for a sis!”
“That’s not funny, and Azul’s not my boyfriend!” You reach for him, but he avoids you with an agile sidestep. “Knock it off! Give it back!”
“But it fits me better.”
“It does not!” You turn to Jade and gesture wildly at Floyd, who is now batting his lashes like a princess. “Don’t just stand there! Help me out.”
“Oh, I’m afraid I’m much more suited to the sidelines. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your fun.”
You grit your teeth. “You ass—”
“So much noise! What in the world is going on here?”
Your mother makes her way up the stairs just as Floyd tugs the bra off his head. You round on her before the twins can. 
“Mooom, Floyd’s being gross. He stole my bra and won’t give it back.”
“Huuuh. No way. She’s totally framin’ me. I don’t have her bra.” Floyd folds his arms over his chest, feigning innocence. “That’s just icky. Why would I have it anyway?”
“Indeed,” Jade agrees coyly, pretending to search for it. “No bra in sight.”
“You’re liars—you and Jade!” You sneer at them. They merely smile angelically. “I’ll kick both of you in your dicks if you don’t—”
“(Name), mind your language!” Sighing, your mother issues both boys a stern frown. “Floyd, sweetheart, it’s not nice to tease your sister. You as well, Jade. Return what you stole and apologize.” She bends down to retrieve the fallen plush and passes it to you. “You too, (Name). You’re family. Family shouldn’t fight.”
“I don’t owe him an apology.”
“And I don’t have her bra.”
“He’s lying! Floyd was in my room, digging through my clothes.”
Jade smiles wide enough to reveal the braces on his teeth. “Now that (Name) mentions it, I did see Floyd sneaking about. Oh, but maybe that’s not right. I only caught a glimpse, after all.” 
Floyd has no reason to look so betrayed. Jade oscillates between sides whenever it sates his hunger for amusement. Today, as luck would have it, he’s on your side. For now.
“If you’re as innocent as you claim, surely there’s no reason to keep your arms clasped behind your back.”
“You really don’t have anyone’s back, do you?”
“Floyd…” Your mother looks at him expectantly, her eyes soft despite her tone.
He thrusts his arm out and drops your bra. “Fine. Take it back. Wasn’t havin’ any fun with it anyways.”
“Honestly, you’re such a pervert,” you snap, swiping it from the floor. “Next time you wanna come in my room, you’d better knock first. How would you like it if I went into your and Jade’s room and stole one of your shirts?”
He sticks his tongue out at you, defiant like the brat he is. If your mother wasn’t standing behind you, you’d have exacted your revenge right then.
“(Name), be nice to your brother. Floyd, apologize to your sister.”
Floyd doesn’t look you in the eyes when he spits a mean-sounding, “Sorry.”
Jade can only snicker, feasting on this live entertainment like it’s the richest meal.
“And I’m sooo sorry you’re annoying and everyone’s gotta put up with you.” With an exasperated huff, you strut back into your room and slam the door shut. It locks with a loud click.
“Give her some time. She just needs to cool down,” you hear your mother explain. “But, really, you should know better, Floyd. It’s not right to go into anyone’s room and take their things.”
“I would never do something so egregious, Mother,” Jade admits, which you find hard to believe because he’s just as sly, if not more so, than his twin.
“She’s just mad I’m funnier than her,” Floyd says. A blatant falsehood if you’ve ever heard one.
You could never understand Floyd’s obsession with your laundry. Maybe he was just your typical hormone-addled teenager with nothing better to do but fantasize about women and their undergarments, and seeing as you were the only girl he was close to—both in age and as siblings—who else could bear the brunt of his delinquency?
Or it had nothing to do with that at all, and he was just determined to be as much of a pest as possible.
Back then, that made sense.
Back then, you were foolish.
Back then, you didn’t know. No one did. Not really.
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Lying between your brothers, lost in thought, you stare at the plastic stars and planets pasted to your ceiling. A dulcet adagio trickles out of the tiny speaker on your bedside table. The honeyed vocals soften the static in your brain, snuffing every burden with beautiful bossa nova. You soak in every lyric, imagining yourself in the singer’s position: falling for someone in midnight blue, blooming beneath their touch, your dress falling to your ankles, exploring each other’s shorelines…
The fantasy floats away as soon as Floyd opens his mouth, and you’re brought back to reality. No lover in your arms. No midnight blue. No flowering feelings. No dress.
“When’s this stuff supposed to kick in? I don’t feel a thing.”
“Patience,” Jade murmurs, practically melting into the mattress. “You’ll know once it happens.”
“Well, I don’t. Your shit sucks.”
“As does your attitude.”
“Whatever.” Floyd snuggles closer to you, pulling your arm into his chest. “What about you, Shrimpy? You feel it yet?”
“Mmh, sorta… I dunno. Don’t call me that.”
“Once a shrimp, always a shrimp.”
“I did offer the other half.”
“I’ll take it if I feel like it.” You shake Floyd off and pout at Jade. “Mom and Dad’ll lose it if they find out, you know.”
Jade flashes his teeth at you in a cheeky grin. “I’m counting on you to be a sweet, dependable sister and keep my little secret safe.”
“Lips are sealed.”
“What a good pet you are. So obedient.”
You exhale a soft, gasping laugh. “You’re so weird.”
“But you’re smiling.”
“Only because you’re weird!”
He giggles and leans in close, his nose brushing yours. When he speaks again, it’s in a softer tone, near-hypnotic. “So you do feel it.”
With a petulant whine, Floyd presses himself against you from behind. “No fair. I wanna be all silly like you and Jade. Gimme the other half. I’ll take it right now.”
“You can grab it.”
“You’re closer.”
“Alas… My limbs are lead.”
“Asshole,” Floyd gripes, leaning over you and Jade to swipe the box from the bedside table. He often keeps his stash there. Sometimes it’s stocked with gummy edibles or mushrooms, all wrapped in plastic. Jade’s resourceful like a squirrel, crafty in ways you can’t fathom.
Today, you’re holed up in your room because you have a bigger bed. There are fairy lights strung up on the walls, providing the space with just enough dimness for you to see your surroundings. It’s the perfect ambience for this slow, lazy Saturday in November. Your parents are out for the afternoon and won’t be back until later, and you couldn’t be any happier to have the house to yourself.
As soon as the door shut, you exchanged knowing looks with your brothers and hurried back to your room. Jade told you he’d take you and Floyd to his favorite spot in the forest after midterms and then the lot of you could truly kick back and relax with some pre-rolls. He’d invite Azul and make it a picnic in the woods. A whole day filled with fun. In your heart, it would be a date. Your brothers would just be the unwanted third and fourth wheels.
Really, you could care less about getting high. Azul is more than a drug—he’s oxygen—and you crave him like an addict feens for a fix. Floyd thinks your crush on him is stupid and misplaced. You beg to differ. You’ve admired him since childhood. How could you possibly fall out of love now?
Floyd flops back into the empty space beside you, chewing the rest of the gummy worm. His arm drapes across your waist. “What’re we doin’ tomorrow?”
“I’m going to the library to study with Azul.”
“You’re not invited.” You roll over on your side to address him, speaking slowly. “Don’t show up.”
“Now I kinda want to. I wanna see what you and Azul get up to.”
“Mmh, I doubt that.” Jade sticks to you like moss, his eyes fluttering shut. “Azul’s studying, at least. You’re daydreaming.”
“Not my fault he’s cute.”
“I’m cuter.” Floyd’s lips turn down in a disappointed moue. “Ain’t I cute?”
“No way. You’re ugly.”
“I’m inclined to agree.”
“No one asked you, Jade. ‘Sides, ain’t that basically the same as sayin’ you’re ugly, too?”
“I dunno,” he mumbles dumbly, the words muffled in your shoulder. “What do you think, (Name)?”
“Get yourself a girlfriend and then you can ask her.”
“Won’t you be my stand-in girlfriend?”
“Yeah, that’s good.” Floyd curls his fingers around the strap of your tank top. He tugs it up and down your arm in a languid rhythm. You’re floating amongst the clouds, your mind filled with a pleasant fuzz, so scolding him isn’t a priority. “Forget about bein’ our sis for a sec.”
“Get lost.”
“How cold…” Jade sniffles.
“Shrimpy’s ruthless.”
“Stop calling me that.”
Floyd’s hand crawls across your chest to grope you through your shirt. “Mmh, nope. Still small.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“I think you’re sized just right.” Jade’s spidery digits creep along your hip and splay across your stomach. “Azul won’t even notice. He doesn’t pay attention to your assets like we do.”
“I wish he would.” You meet Jade’s half-lidded stare. “Does he talk about me?”
“In what context? You’ll need to be specific,” he purrs, and if you weren’t swimming in bliss you’d elbow him in the mouth.
It’s like pulling teeth with Jade. He makes things so irritatingly difficult for no reason.
“You know the context.”
“Sometimes he says stuff,” Floyd replies instead. He rests his head in the crook of your neck and inhales the sugary notes of your perfume.
“Good stuff?”
Vibrating with a woozy warmth, you squirm between your brothers. It’s stifling being in the middle of their sandwich, but the proximity is pleasing. Comfortable. Reassuring. You feel like an anchored ship between the both of them, safely pinned down amidst the tumultuous waves of your bedsheets. You sigh dreamily when Floyd’s legs twine around yours.
“He thought your sweater was real cute.”
“Which one?”
“All of ’em.”
“Hmm. Okay.” But that doesn’t satisfy you. “What type of girl is he into?”
“Why don’t you make him your boyfriend? Then you can find out,” Jade says.
He aims for a sharp smile and falls short. It mellows out into something stupid and lopsided. He thinks he’s the funniest creature on the planet, and in this moment he is because the retort has you snowballing into a fit of giggles.
“Maybe I will.”
Floyd tracks your throat as it bobs with every swallow. He glances at your jaw next, at the glitters speckled on your cheeks. They sparkle like miniature stars, an entire galaxy imprinted on your skin. “You’re wearin’ makeup.”
“Perfume, too. Smells good.”
“I bought some when I went to the mall.”
“Last week? Two weeks ago? I can’t remember.”
“You doin’ it for Azul?”
“Who else? Certainly not you.”
Floyd scowls at Jade. “Don’t answer for her. I wanna hear it from her.”
“You’re my brother. Why would it be for you?” you mumble, more confused than unsettled.
Obviously it’s for Azul.
“Why not? It’s not fair other guys get to see ya lookin’ this good. Why should I be excluded just cuz I’m your brother?”
His lips drag against your neck. There’s nothing special about his affection. It’s dubiously platonic, but you’re used to it. He’s always been prone to expressing himself through physical means. Too-tight hugs, pecks on the cheek, a gentle squeeze in clasped hands. It was cute when you were children, but now you’re seventeen and it’s getting harder to explain his clingy nature.
“I don’t care what other guys think.”
“Just Azul?” Jade prompts, toying with the hem of your top. His fingers slide beneath it to prod at your navel, and suddenly Azul is no longer the most important part of this conversation. “Have you ever considered piercing it?”
“What? My belly button?”
“Ooh, good idea. You could match jewelry with us. How about it? I’ll getcha some sturgeon scales.”
“Mom’ll kill me.”
“In that case, we’re both dead.”
You blink at Jade, searching for the meaning in his mismatched hues. He opens his mouth, unfurling his tongue to reveal the venom piercing. The shock washes over you like a wave, and just as it’s receding it hits you—what you’re looking at.
“Your tongue! You actually—since when?”
“Two weeks.”
“What the hell! Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve come with. Moral support and stuff.”
He laughs when you nudge him. “It wasn’t so bad. I’d like to get more.”
“Does Dad know?”
“Not at all.”
“Thrilling,” he corrects, a minacious glint in his gaze.
“Jade’s changin’ up his whole look. Super cool, ain’t it?”
“And what about you?” You turn over towards Floyd. His hands settle on your lower back. He all but tugs you away from Jade, who frowns and shuffles closer until his hips press against your ass. You feel his mouth at your bare shoulder, lavishing it with little pecks. “Do you want more piercings?”
“You into guys with piercings?”
“I don’t really care. Piercings are great. Tattoos, too.”
“Then I’ll get a tattoo.”
“So it’s settled. (Name) will pierce her navel, and Floyd will get a tattoo.”
“Sure,” you agree, but you don’t expect anything to come out of it. Just a random idea thrown around in the haze of your high.
You’re closer than family should be, but that’s the last thing on your mind when you’re twisted between them. This is normal. At least, it’s the normal you’ve grown up with.
What isn’t normal, though, is Floyd’s insistence that he ought to shape himself into the man of your dreams when, clearly, the man of your dreams goes by the name of Azul Ashengrotto. But you’re not worried. It’s always said in jest, or you assume it’s in jest.
In the back of your mind, you wonder if Azul would like you more if you had a pretty piercing to show off.
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You’re weeks away from prom when Azul says yes.
“Wait… Really? Seriously?”
“I was under the impression we were all going,” he says with that charismatic chuckle you love dearly. “As a group, yes?”
Your hopes plummet alongside pieces of your heart. “Oh. Y-Yeah, right. A group. Of course.”
“I do appreciate the poster, though.” He holds it up as if it’ll reveal a secret message when caught in the sun. The cartoon octopus you spent hours sketching, lining, and coloring smiles back at him. “‘It would be so tenta-cool if you could be the sea to my shore at prom.’ How ingeniously cheesy.”
Your laughter is hollow. That’s the last time I’m asking Jade for advice on ocean puns.
“I’m glad you think so… Hey, you’re coming over before the dance, right? We’re thinking of doing something.”
“A party before the party?” Azul rolls the poster up and carefully fits it into his messenger bag. It sticks out from under the flap. “I’m not opposed. What did you have in mind?”
“We could get dinner.” Just the two of us. “Whatever you want, really. My dad’s planning to send us there in a limo. Real classy, y’know.”
Azul falls into step with you. “If that’s the case, we might as well go all out.”
Sensing an in, you stare at him. “The girls in my class are going on and on about how prom’s gotta be this magical thing. It can’t get more magical than a fancy car.”
“Goodness. It’s really not that special. You can’t exactly put ‘Prom Queen’ on your resume now, can you?”
“No, but you can make lots of memories. So I was thinking—hypothetically, of course—if you’d wanna go as, like, my fake date. Like, we’re going as a group and everything, but if you want we could get flowers for each other and match outfits and… B-Basically, I’m just trying to see if there’s any merit to what they’re saying about prom. About it being magical with a date.”
“Hm… That’s true. It will be our final social event before we graduate and go out into the world. Our last chance to say and do whatever we’ve neglected in previous years.”
“I wouldn’t mind.” His stare is fixed firmly on the path ahead. “Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
“So…” You swallow your anxieties; your heart is in your throat. “So you’ll be my hypothetical date?”
“I would be honored.”
“Okay. A-All right… Yeah! Great!”
Azul’s pretty blues briefly flick over to you. His cheeks are tinged pink. “Wonderful. I… I’m pleased we’ve worked this out. All hypotheticals, naturally.”
“Yeah, definitely. Just hypothetical.”
“Did…you have a color in mind? Have you picked a dress yet?”
“Something pink or purple. Maybe red. I’m not really sure.”
“Blue would be very flattering on you.” As an afterthought, he scrambles to add, “But that’s just another hypothetical.”
You watch the way he wrings the strap of his bag. “I agree. Blue’s a good color.”
“Isn’t it?”
“I could wear you.” You regret it the moment it leaves your mouth, even more so when Azul raises a bewildered brow. “B-Because your name—no, sorry. That’s dumb. I don’t mean it in the crazy-murderer-who-skins-you-alive way. I meant in the way that’s like—”
“Cheek to cheek?”
“Yeah. No, yeah, that’s right.”
What am I saying? None of this makes any sense. 
Azul laughs and nudges you playfully. “You can wear me. Hypothetically, I’m your date to the dance. It’s only right that I act as your accessory for the evening.”
“Then… T-Then let’s be each other’s garments!”
He hums his approval and the conversation dies there.
You make the rest of the walk out of school in awkward silence. At the gates, Azul turns to you.
“None of this is hypothetical, is it?”
You heave a relieved breath. “Not at all.”
“Then allow me to do away with pretending. I’ll be your prom date. Factually.”
“My factual prom date…”
“It…doesn’t sound as smooth as a hypothetical.”
“But it’s real.”
He smiles shyly. “That it is.”
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On the night of prom, alone in an empty corridor, Floyd yanks you into a rough kiss. The music from the ballroom is so loud you can faintly hear it from down the hall. It pulses through you with energetic vibrations, joining your panic in an unsteady duet. You push at Floyd’s chest, struggling against the wall he has you pinned to. He breaks off halfway just to savor your gasp before moving in to reclaim your mouth. It’s a ravenous action. He kisses you like he intends to devour you, licking and nipping at every possible crevice. His teeth click against yours as he endeavors to taste the wine at the back of your throat—courtesy of sneaky, rebellious Jade and his discreet water bottle.
Finally, after gathering enough strength, you shove him off of you. He stumbles, hurt flashing across his face. Ferociously hot up to your ears, your heart stumbling in your rib cage, you can’t believe it. You don’t want to believe it.
That wasn’t real… No way…
Still processing it, you smudge your lipstick when you wipe the drool from your mouth.
You and Floyd watch each other in silence. You’re waiting for him to break it. He’s waiting for you to run away.
“What…was that?”
“You were cozyin’ up to Azul—”
“Because he’s my date!”
“Yeah, but you—Shrimpy, c’mon, you know we agreed to go as a group…”
“And so what? That doesn’t give you the right to kiss me. I was going to—I had an entire plan for this. Azul was gonna be my first kiss!”
“Well, now he’s gonna hafta be second.”
You sputter in shock. “You—you’re so… I just… Wow.”
Floyd’s face hardens and softens and then hardens again. He looked like a kicked puppy a few minutes ago, cowardly and small, but now there’s determination smoldering in his stare.
“I like ya. I like ya a whole lot.” You open your mouth to protest, but he beats you to it. “More than a sister.”
And there it is—the truth you couldn’t confront.
Your frustration withers and blooms anew in a complicated tangle of weeds. “You…like me. Like… Like me, like me?”
Floyd cards a hand through his slicked hair and exhales a heavy breath. “I mean… It’s obvious, ain’t it?”
“Floyd, I… I’m sorry, but I like Azul. You know this.” Now it’s your turn to cut him off before he can speak. “You’re family, Floyd. My brother.”
“So what?”
“It’s wrong, that’s what! We’re family. That’s all we’ve ever been… Look—I don’t have time for this. Azul and Jade are gonna wonder where we went. We can talk about this tomorrow.”
You brush past him, hoping to leave this conversation here and pick it up after the dance. But Floyd won’t have that. He seizes your wrist and tugs you around.
“Just…” He avoids your stare. “Just hear me out, okay? I just wanna love ya.”
“So love me like a normal brother.” You try to pull yourself free, but he holds firm. “I really don’t have time to argue. Actually, this isn’t something I should have to argue in the first place.”
“We’re not related in that way. It’s fine, isn’t it?” He grabs your waist and drags you close.
“Mom and Dad won’t think so. Azul won’t. Honestly, Floyd, let it go. We’ll talk later. Please just—”
“You really don’t get it, do you?”
You inhale slowly, forcing yourself to remain calm. “No, I don’t. I really don’t.”
“I’ve wanted ya longer than Azul—than Jade. Longer than anyone. And I never got to have ya.” Floyd plasters you to the wall again, but this time he slots a knee between your thighs. “Drove me crazy every time I saw ya walkin’ around the house in those stupid shorts or when you’d bring your friends over and you’d wear that stupid nightgown. The soft one with the lace and bows. The one that’s so thin it shows your shrimpy tits.”
Your glower is so blistering it could melt him down to his bones. “You’re disgusting.”
“Maybe.” He laughs, but it isn’t funny. “Didja know? I wanted to kiss you in your sleep. Touch you all over. Stick my fingers in you and watch you squirm… Feel how tight you are when you cling to my cock. You’re still a virgin, ain’tcha? Azul hasn’t done it with you yet, right?”
You yelp when his hand slips under the ruffles of your dress and climbs up your thigh. “W-Wait—stop! Don’t—”
“Gonna take that as a no.”
“See? Can’t you say my name instead of his? You don’t gotta daydream with me around. I’ll make you feel good. You don’t need that stupid dildo when you’ve got me.”
His fingers press against the outline of your pussy, teasing you through the fabric. Your body goes rigid. “Y-You can’t… Not here. Someone might see.”
“Let ’em. Then they’ll know you’re all mine.” Floyd noses your throat and deflates against you, hedonistic and selfish. “You always smell so fuckin’ good. Like candy. Sweet and yummy. Makes me wanna bite you and never let go. Taste your shrimpy heartbeat in my mouth…”
“S-Seriously…” You squeeze your eyes shut and bite back a whimper when he squeezes your clit. “Get off of me. You can’t—you’re my brother.”
“Nah. Brothers don’t go around stealin’ their sister’s stuff and usin’ it to get off, do they?”
It occurs to you that you should be furious with him. He deserves more than just your ire. Instead, you can only feel intoxicated as you listen to him ramble filth.
“Remember that pair of panties you thought was clean? The ones with the stain.”
“Yeah, the ones I use when I’m on my period—”
“Not those. The other one.”
“W-What—” You slap your hand over your mouth to muffle your gasp. He rubs you in slow, deliberate circles. With dimming focus, you try to think of anything else—of boring, bland things—to fight off mounting arousal. “What about it?”
“I had that pair wrapped around my dick before you put ’em on.”
“So that was—the stain was—”
“Ew! You’re the worst! That was my favorite pair, Floyd!”
He snickers. “At least it wasn’t you. My old man’ll beat my ass if I knock ya up. Had to use the next best thing.”
“Use your hand, dumbass! Don’t use my stuff!”
“Then stop fuckin’ yourself on your dildo. I hear you through the bathroom door, y’know. Moanin’ like you’re in heat. All of it for Azul. I wanted to come in and help ya out every time, but I couldn’t. And that really ate at me.”
“I don’t want your help,” you spit, glaring.
“No? But you’re so wet. I think my fingers will slip riiight in.” He pulls your panties to the side and prods at your folds. “You wanna test it?”
You shake your head a second too late. Floyd’s already pushing two fingers inside. The breath sticks in your throat. He’s actually doing this, right here in the open. Someone could turn down the hall and spot you. That someone could be—
“A-Azul might catch us. Stop. You really can’t…”
“Aww. What? Don’t want Azul seein’ you like this? Don’t want him to see the mess you’re making? Don’t want him knowing you like being wrapped around your brother’s fingers?”
He’s mean when he curls them suddenly, a brute and a bully all at once. They press against wet, velvety walls, and the noisy squelch leaves you shuddering. You breathe heavily, little huffs that tremble sweetly as he stretches you out.
“S-Shut up. You’re a pervert.”
“That makes two of us.”
You yank him closer by his tie, intending to be threatening and failing. “I’m gonna kill you.”
“Sure you are.”
Without warning, he reaches for your chest and yanks your strapless dress down to reveal your breasts. Your perky nipples poke out against the lingerie tape. He whistles lowly while he marvels at them.
“Still the same pair of shrimpy tits.”
“Nuh-uh. I went up a size.”
“Yeah-huh. I would know. I steal your bras all the time. Same cup size, Shrimpy.”
“So you’re depraved and shameless.”
“No reason to hide it anymore.”
He drags his fingers out and thrusts them back in. You choke on a stifled moan. Deep down in a logical corner of your brain, you know you shouldn’t submit so easily. It’s wrong, but you can’t stop the pleasure that washes over you with every stroke of his fingers. It sends pleasant bolts of bliss up your spine. Your knees wobble, and your thighs are sticky with your slick. When he grinds his thumb against your clit, forcefully insistent, something in your stomach snaps. You come undone in an instant, crashing against a sinful shore. Orgasm wracks through you in a powerful tremor, shaking the thoughts in your skull like a disturbed ecosystem in a terrarium.
Unrelenting, he fucks you through it. You’re boneless in the aftermath, chest heaving and mind reeling.
Floyd’s fingers glide out with ease, shimmering with your juices. He puts them in his mouth to savor the taste of you, his tongue slithering between the space of both digits. Horrifyingly, you admire him as he licks himself clean. Even though you shouldn’t, you wish desperately to feel that muscle inside you, working you towards another grand peak.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You’re still in a daze when Floyd fixes your panties and dress. You look presentable, if not slightly debauched. Your makeup is a mess, and Floyd’s all too eager to fix it for you. You stand still when he wipes at the corner of your mouth with his thumb and then carefully applies lipstick. Within no time, you’re back to how you were.
“Lookin’ good,” he praises, stuffing the tube in his pocket. “The prettiest Shrimpy at the party. They should make you Prom Queen.”
You swat at him. “Don’t…” And then you sigh. What does it matter? He’s going to call you that regardless of what you think.
Thankfully, the slow dance is only just beginning when you return. You find Azul lingering near the wall, tapping anxiously at his phone. Jade’s also there. Physically. You can’t say the same for his head. He’s taking a trip in his own mental paradise. Floyd stalks after you, his hands stuffed in his pockets. If you didn’t just squirt around his fingers minutes ago, you would’ve assumed the atmosphere of the party was to blame for his euphoria. But you know the real reason.
Azul doesn’t, though.
So it’s with a guilty heart when you lead him onto the dance floor for a waltz.
Your childhood crush—the guy you’ve loved more than life itself—is right in front of you, looking at you like you’ve hung the stars, but the only one you can think of is your step-brother.
That can’t be a good sign.
Floyd joins Jade in his corner. He gazes through him and offers his water bottle. It’s nerdy enough for its contents to be unassuming, what with its mushroom print, but Floyd knows better than to take it at face value. Even so, he grabs hold of it and downs what’s left of the wine. It’s so sweet it sticks to the roof of his mouth.
“Azul’s not staying the night, is he?”
“I’m not sure.” Jade finds you and Azul in the crowd of dancers and hums. “How cruel of you to want to separate them.”
“He’s not gettin’ laid tonight if that’s what he thinks. Not if I can help it.”
“I don’t think he even knows how.”
Floyd laughs. “Nah. He knows.”
“Does he now?”
“C’mon, Jade. He undresses her every time he looks at her.”
“I suppose so.” He smiles moonily, distracted. “She’ll never let you.”
“She won’t let you either.”
“I don’t mind a little pain. To be bloodied and bruised by her gentle hands… I know of no greater exhilaration.”
Floyd rolls his eyes. “Azul’s got it lucky. He gets to hug and kiss her whenever he wants. Meanwhile, I’ve gotta pretend like I don’t wanna fuck her shrimpy brains out every time I get a whiff of her perfume.”
“The odds aren’t very favorable, but I suspect you’ve already had your fun.”
Floyd grins wickedly. “She’s cute. I couldn’t help it.”
“I must agree. She sounds sweetest when she’s caught in the throes of pleasure.”
Floyd starts to nod and then pauses. “How do you know—”
“Oh my. It appears I’ve said too much.”
“No, no. Keep talkin’. You haven’t said nearly enough.”
“You’re not her only brother, you know.”
Floyd thinks there’s more to that sentence, but Jade isn’t willing to get into the details. Not here, at least. He doesn’t have to pry too deeply to understand the hidden implications.
“Asshole. You went and did it before I could.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jade giggles. “A little midnight snacking never hurts. She’s soft and snug inside. Very warm.”
Floyd shoves him away. “Fuck off.”
As long as it’s not Azul, he thinks, watching him as he spins you like a gentleman. Anyone but him.
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rinsoap · 2 months
➣ includes : boyfriend!matsukawa issei. and lord this is sooo suggestive but it never crosses into actual smut, it's just.. kind of intense making out and hickeys. this is probably ooc but I DONT CARE! HE'S SEXY OOC!!!
note : for my love @angelkiyo bc she gave me some inspo n i luv her <333 i got totally off track from ur original idea about mattsun n makki eating crazy edibles so yeah ummmm......
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"let me know if you like it" matsukawa issei grins at you, waiting for you to eat the cookie in your hand held above your head. you're splayed across his bed, head hanging off it, turned to face your boyfriend. he's close to you but sitting on his rug with his back leaning against his bed. his arms rest on his knees, head lazily lolling back, copying how you've turned to face him.
you inspect the chocolate chips warily. last time you and mattsun got baked, it had you talking to the frank ocean poster on his wall for an hour and then going completely silent, no talking, for the rest of the night. staring at the wall silently while you desperately tried to regain your composure had become a common occurence when getting high. mattsun suggested you should slow down on it, and you agreed. but recently, you had been incredibly stressed, and it had been a a month or two since you had given up weed. so when your boyfriend proposed a sesh to help ease your mind, you happily accepted. that didn't mean you weren't having at least some reservations.
"i know you've been greening out on the old shit," he takes a bite, "that's why i got a new plug. i haven't greened out yet, but i know you're low tolerence."
"you didn't have to do that, 'sei" your eyebrows raise, flattered that he would go to the trouble to do something as tedious as that.
"anything for you, pretty girl," he shrugs, and gives you a small kiss, pulling back with a lazy smile that was enough to make you feel out of it without even eating the cookie, "and i didn't really fuck with the other dude anyways, always getting my stuff late. this new guy has edibles which is so much better than having to bake it myself"
you gasp. "i thought you liked baking them with me!" you roll over onto your stomach, folding your arms to rest your chin on them, pouting. "aw baby, don't pout," he pokes your cheek, "y'know i like baking with you, we can just bake something normally." you try not to smile which only makes his grow wider. "now eat that quick i wanna go see a movie" he nods to the cookie still in your hand, and you take a bite, emphasizing each chew sarcastically. "okay but if i start tripping out trying to kiss frank ocean again it's your fault"
"i'll break you guys up, no problem. i can't have you kissing him"
"what? are you jealous?"
"yeah, of you. as soon as i break you guys up, it's my turn to kiss him. i'll defend his honour and everything"
"i can't believe you would choose frank ocean over me- you know what just... go grab your keys."
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mattsun pulls into the drive-in movie, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on your thigh. you continue to demolish the burger in your hand, a big grin on your face to see the movie playing was jennifer's body. "i love this movie!!" you exclaim through bites as megan fox holds a lighter to her tongue. "yo slow down" matttsun laughs and grabs the fast food bag from your lap. that pulls your gaze away from the movie to him as you lick your fingers clean from sauce, then widen your smile. "thank you for the food, baby"
he doesn't know what it is, but that has him feeling some type of way. maybe it's the weed, or maybe it's the fact that you just look so good right now. tank top spaghetti strap lazily slipping off your shoulder and little shorts riding up your thighs, makeup marinated and lip liner almost entirely smeared off under the gloss. he wanted to kiss it completely off, he wanted to slide both straps off your shoulder, he wanted you.
his pupils dilate even more, and he leans over to kiss you. your initial surprise dissipates into comfort as you melt into his touch. you tuck a stray curl behind his ear at the same time his hand goes to rest on the back of your neck. "mm, what was that for?" you giggle when he pulls away. "you just had a lil somethin' on your lips. had to get it for you"
"you're so sweetttt," you're drawing out your words, feeling dizzy from his sudden kiss, "you're sooo good to me" he love how affectionate you can be with your word when high. you refocus on the movie with a content expression on your face.
"you're so cute. i just kissed you, that's all." he muses, and he breaks your attempted concentration on the movie with a kiss to your neck. as he sucks a purple mark into your soft flesh, your breath hitches. "issei..."
"you're so sensitive like this." you can feel his teasing smile against your skin, and you internally roll your eyes. as if he isn't equally sensitive. he doesn't try to hide it, a small groan leaving his lips when his hand returns to its place on your thigh and you grip his forearm. the noises you're making has him feeling lightheaded, and he can't get enough of you. "'sei please can't you see i'm trying to watch a movie?" you complain while you lean into his touch especially when his thumb rubs on your skin. your thighs close on his hand, and he smirks, still pressing small blooming bruises into your neck. "'m sorry baby, i just can't get enough of you"
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psychedelic-ink · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤ✦ 𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐄
ㅤㅤdieter bravo x f!reader
genre: smut, pwp, minors dni, friends to lovers? kinda
word count: 1.4k
summary: you and dieter get high on gummies.
warnings: edibles (gummies), heavy petting, high talk, for the sake of this fic the gummy shows affect very quickly, oral (fem receiving), nipple play, dirty talk, dieter is a menace, lots of grinding, also when i say pwp I REALLY mean no plot, just friends making out essentially, everything is %100 consensual
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Your eyes widen gradually as you witness Dieter lean closer, his smile boyish as he holds a red gummy between his teeth. 
"Come on," he says, brows curling upwards. "You take half, I take half." 
Your eyes move between the gummy and the gorgeous brown of his eyes. It hadn't been long since you and Dieter started hanging out, not a lot had been shared between you two, other than your love of movies and, surprisingly, tabletop games. 
Staring at his expectant gaze, you burst into a giggle when he wiggles his brows. Finally, with an exasperated exhale, you shake your head and lean closer. 
"Fine, you dork. I don't have work tomorrow anyway." 
"Perfect," he grazes the sugary surface of the gummy against your bottom lip. "Bon Appetit."
You feel the softness of his lips as you bite down into the flesh of the sugary delight. You expect him to move back, for him to immediately chew and swallow, but instead, he lingers, keeping his lips flush against yours as you take half the gummy into your mouth. The sugars dissolve, leaving a bare and imperfect surface. It tastes a bit like strawberry, but it is overwhelmed by the taste of cannabis. 
Wrinkling your nose, you pull away, he laughs. “You’re so dramatic.” 
“Says the Queen of Drama,” you snap back, sticking your tongue. “Also you can’t convince me that this tastes good.” 
“Hey I never said it tasted good, I said it’ll get us high as fuck.” 
“Those were your exact words,” you mutter, leaning back. “So what now? We just wait for the hit?” 
“Pretty much.” Your eyes follow him as he nestles closer, the warmth of his body seeping into your own. A shudder runs up your spine, an involuntary sound escapes your throat. He’s a charmer, that’s for sure. Easy on the eyes. 
He lays a palm over your tight, spreads his fingers. Another shudder. “You like it when I touch you?” 
It’s phrased as a question but, for some reason, you don’t feel like he needs an answer. His thumb begins to draw shallow lines, up and down, over and over. Slick gathers between your legs and without a second thought, you instinctively rub them together. You start to feel it then, the delightful buzz from mother nature. A giggle rises from your throat. 
“This feels really good,” you say, he gently presses his nails down, liquid heat drips from your spine. 
“Which one?” 
You think you don’t understand what he means, but you do. “Both. Both feel good.” 
“Good,” he mutters, his voice dropping. “Come’ere. Let me make you feel even better.” 
He tugs you along until you’re firmly seated on his lap, without a second thought you roll down your hips, feeling the hard line of his cock. Your breath hitches, a tiny moan escaping. Dieter grins as his hands dances along your arms, only stopping to pull you down against his clothed cock. You gasp, a buzzing sensation shooting up your spine. You feel his soft lips on your chin, he nips the skin softly before traveling further down to take a hearty bite from your neck. 
Your hips twitch, your eyes rolling back, “F–Fuck, Dieter—” 
“Feels really good huh?” he licks the salt of your skin, more slick gathers between your legs, your cunt pulsing with need and want. “You’re so sweet—tell me how good I’m making you feel.” 
The words are caught in your throat, your body a live wire as it becomes nothing but melted metal underneath Dieter’s touch, only for him to mold. 
His hands sneak underneath your shirt and with one swift motion, he pulls it off, leaving you in nothing but your bra. You expect him to rip the lace off with the same hunger but instead, he holds the cups and tugs them down, exposing your breasts. He dips down mouth open wide, he sucks a hard nipple into his mouth and moans, his hips sharply thrust up. 
Your eyes flutter closed, he feels too good, every patch of skin tingling. He sucks hard as he rolls his hips over and over, making you feel every inch that you don’t have inside of you. Some part of your heart feels rage for that. You want him. Every inch of him. His fingers begin to play with the other nipple. 
“Tell me what I want to hear baby, or else I’m stopping.” 
“You’re amazing,” you gasp. “I can’t get enough of this…this feeling. Fuck, Dieter—I—I need—” 
His mouth is flush against your ear, you shudder, “I can feel how soaked you are through your sweats, sweetheart. I know exactly what you need.” Momentarily you let out a breath of relief, he would give you what you want, what you need— “Too bad you’re not getting it until I make you come like this first.” 
It’s almost as if someone dropped an icy bucket of water over your head. It clashes with the agonizing warmth he’s making you feel, a cry ripping from your throat, he smiles. 
“W-What? What?” 
“I know this feeling, have experienced it myself,” Dieter grins. “Sit still and enjoy the ride, sweetheart.” 
You choke on a whimper, buckling down against him. Dieter continues his torturous movements, his lips now biting and nipping at your neck while his hands wander down to your soaked sweats. He pulls them down, exposing your throbbing clit to the cool air. Without hesitation, he tightens his fingers around it, his movements hard and fast. 
You can't contain the moans and gasps that escape your lips, your body trembling with pleasure. Dieter's lips move to yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his fingers work you into a frenzy. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure building up within you. 
Suddenly, he stops, leaving you panting and desperate for release. 
“Please what?” 
“Let me come, please. Please Dieter.” 
Your begging is getting closer and closer to sounding like dying whispers, tiny dots are starting to appear. You’re on the verge of passing out, in ways you’ve never thought someone could pleasure you. Hypnotized by his eyes and his hand movements as he plugs away yet you can’t help but think about how you’re stuck on pause, yet he looks like he could keep on going. 
"Is that all it takes to get you going?" Dieter's voice is low, his lips red and plump from kissing every patch of skin. He looks at you with a sense of satisfaction, like he's accomplished something great. "I can make you come just from touching you like this."
You moan in frustration, unable to form words as you try to push your hips forward, seeking any sort of relief. Dieter laughs, a dark and hungry sound that reverberates through your body. "I told you, baby, you're not getting to the fun part until you come like this first."
"Dieter, please," you whimper, your voice laced with need. 
He simply grins and stands up, taking you with him. He leads you to the bedroom, pushing you down on the bed before crawling over you, his eyes dark with desire.
"I want to taste you," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. 
He lowers himself between your legs, his tongue flicking over your clit and causing you to writhe beneath him. His tongue moves expertly, teasing and flicking until you can't take it anymore. With a loud cry, you come undone, your body shaking with the intensity of your release. 
Dieter keeps lapping up your wetness, making sure to draw out every last drop of pleasure from you. When he finally pulls away, you're left breathless and sated.
As you lay there, panting and trying to catch your breath, Dieter cuddles up next to you, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin. 
"Wow," you say finally, still trying to recover from the intense pleasure he just gave you. "That was...amazing."
"Remind me to get high with you more often," you laugh, finally able to form coherent words.
"Oh, I will definitely be reminding you," Dieter grins, his fingers tracing soothing circles on your back. "But for now, let's just enjoy this high and each other's company."
With a sly smile, you roll on top of him, ready for round two. Dieter's playful smirk mirrors your own as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in for another kiss.
You can't help but think that this was just the beginning of a wild, passionate, and exciting journey with Dieter by your side. And you couldn't wait to see where it would take you next.
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inuiiwonderland · 2 months
Sleepover at ramshackle: Pt 2
*Ace and deuce eating a whole bag of suspicious gummy bears that they found under irene bed*
Irene: You might wanna slow down *She points out as they continue to devour the gummies*
Ace: it’s cool, I have a high metabolism *him reaching his hand down the bag to grab more which causes Irene to cringe*
Irene: Those are edibles
Deuce: we know, that’s why we’re eating them *Cue deuce stuffing his face with more. Irene and yuuta giving each other a look*
Yuuta: they’re full of cannabis…
*Both ace and deuce stopping mid chew. Eyes wide and jaw dropped. Some pieces of the gummy bear falling out of their mouths as Irene gives them a disgusted look*
Both: What?
Deuce: A-All of them?!
Irene: how many did you just eat??
*cue both of them panicking and spitting out the gummies as they try to remember how much they ate*
Ace: *tweaking out as he tries to count on his fingers* Ten?!
Deuce: Twelve?!!?
Yuuta: Oh my sevens
Irene: That amount with your body weight??! *irene and yuuta looking at each other before looking back at the two*
Yuuta: You’re Fine, it’s fine! Right Irene?
Irene: Uhh I guess??
Deuce: Then why are you making that face?!
Irene: What face?
* Both yuuken and yuuka entering the room. Seeing Irene big bag of gummy bears nearly half empty as yuuta tries to comfort deuce who is rocking himself back and forth while telling himself everythings okay and an equally panicked ace just sitting on the floor cradling his head. They immediately knew what was happening*
Yuuken: What
Ace: Do you guys have a panic room???!
Yuuka: Why do you need a panic room?
Ace + deuce: TO PANIC IN!!!
That was the last time they decided to go through Irene’s secret “snack stash”.
But hey, they had the night of their lives tho🙆🏻‍♀️
Irene was pissed
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mintsbubbletea · 4 months
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐨 - 𝐄𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
Word Count: 2,500
Contains: She/her pronouns, digesting weed, sex, fingering, cursing, crying, p-in-v, unprotected sex, dunno if I miss anything
Proof read and Edited
A/N: also these are some of the experience I have when I was high so please enjoy lmao
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Denki glanced at you with a curious expression as you both stood at the entrance of his dorm. "Y/n, are you really sure about giving this a shot?" he asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips. Your nervousness was evident as you anxiously bit your lip. "I've never seen you do something like this before, so I just want to make sure," he teased with a smirk
You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt and replied softly, "Yes, I'm sure." The uncertainty in your voice was palpable.
"Alright then," Denki said, using his head to gesture towards the inside of his dorm. He closed the door behind you as you stepped in. You found yourself sitting on his bed while he rummaged through his drawer. He turned back to face you and said, "Instead of smoking, I'll give you edibles. Since you've never tried it before, I don't want you to cough or anything. Also if we smoke Mr. Aizawa will find out cause of the smell” He chuckled and pulled out a pink candy bag.
You eyed the bag with curiosity and asked, "Are edibles better than smoking?" Denki made his way towards you and replied, "It really depends on the person. Sero prefers smoking, but I enjoy both methods.”
You nodded, attentively listening to Denki's explanation. He took out a gummy and handed it to you, saying, "Try this one. It's the mildest I have, only 10mg." The gummy was pink and shaped like a peach. You held it in your hand, examining it closely. Denki sat down next to you and popped one in his mouth.
After a moment of hesitation, you followed suit and put the gummy in your mouth. You chewed it and swallowed, cringing slightly at the aftertaste. "Yeah, the weed flavor kind of overpowers everything, sorry about that," Denki chuckled.
Curiosity got the better of Denki as he asked, "Does Sero know that you came to me?" You hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yeah, he does." It was a lie, though. Sero had promised to try it with you, but he always seemed to brush off the idea whenever you brought it up. You just wanted to give it a try, so you turned to Denki instead.
You and Denki were chatting in his room for an hour before Mina and Eijiro unexpectedly walked in to find you both laughing. "What's so funny?" Mina inquired, closing the door and removing her shoes. "Y/n wanted to try weed," Denki shared, stifling his laughter.
"Is this her first time?" Eijiro questioned, settling on the floor in front of you. Denki confirmed, and you blushed slightly from the earlier laughter. "I don't feel anything," you shrugged. Denki chuckled, shaking his head. "No, it's already hitting her. I'm not feeling it yet," he remarked as you gazed at the floor. Mina couldn't help but giggle at how you transitioned from talking to staring off. "Oh, I can see that."
"We brought snacks, perfect timing, right?" Eijiro mentioned, taking out some chips from his bag and tossing them around. You turned to Denki, who had white cheddar popcorn. "I want some," you reached out. He grinned, opening the bag and offering you some popcorn. "Do you want some?" he asked, and you nodded. He chuckled, handing you the bag, and you started munching, giggling softly.
One moment you were laughing and giggling, and the next, you were in tears. "Why would you say that?" you questioned Denki, while Mina hugged you as you cried. "I didn't say anything wrong," Denki defended himself, unsure of why you were crying. "I just mentioned that Gojo isn't that hot," he explained, causing you to cry even harder into Mina's embrace. Mina scolded Denki to be quiet before comforting you. "Don't cry, Y/n, Gojo is very attractive," she reassured, trying to cheer you up.
You lifted your head and glanced at Mina. "Right?" you sniffled, wiping away your tears with your hoodie sleeve. "Just look at him," you said, pulling out your phone and showing everyone your Gojo wallpaper. "But don't tell Sero he's my lockscreen," you added, putting a finger to your lips. "I change it when I'm with him." You let out a soft giggle. "Oh, don't worry, babes. He won't find out."
"Ugh, Mina, you're the best. I don't deserve you as a friend," you said, grabbing her face and giving her a gentle peck on the lips, causing her to blush. "Thank you?" she replied nervously.
"Oh, Sero's on his way with Bakubro," Eijiro announced as his phone beeped. You snapped your head towards him and shook it. "No, Sero can't find out I'm high," you said. "Huh? But you said he knew you came to me," Denki chimed in. You shook your head. "I'm terrible! I lied," you pouted. "He kept dismissing me whenever I mentioned it. He said I couldn't handle it, and I wanted to prove him wrong," you explained.
"He's going to kill us, Y/n! Mostly me," Denki groaned softly as you teared up, the effects of the weed making you even more emotional. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," you sniffled as tears streamed down your face. "No, no, don't cry, Y/n. He's almost here," Denki tried to comfort you, attempting to wipe away your tears, but they kept flowing as you cried harder. "Damn it."
"You're only making it worse, Denki," Eijiro scolded as he watched Denki's futile attempts to stop your tears. But everything fell silent when the door opened and Sero and Bakugo walked in. You turned your head away, making sure Sero couldn't see your face. "Why the hell is everyone so quiet?" Bakugo demanded as he took a seat nearby. Sero looked around, noticing your turned-away face and the nervous expression on Denki's face.
You let out a soft sniffle, and immediately Sero rushed over to you. "Hey, what's wrong, mi cielo?" he asked gently, cupping your face and noticing your puffy eyes. You tried to stay quiet, trembling lips and all. He looked into your eyes and saw how red they were, not just from crying. "Is she fucking high?" he asked, his jaw clenching. Everyone fell silent.
Bakugo scoffed. "Probably Denki gave her something. Mostly you and him smoke out of all of us," he said with a smirk, clearly hoping to provoke Sero into yelling at Denki. "Shut up, man!" Denki snapped at Bakugo, before feeling someone's intense gaze on him. "Denki," Sero warned. Denki was about to speak, but you cut him off. "I asked him to. I wanted to try it out," you sniffled again, and Sero sighed as he looked at you. "I'm sorry, Hanta," you said softly. "Don't apologize, Y/n," he reassured you, releasing your face.
"Let's just go, okay?" Sero gently took your hand and helped you up, leading you towards the door. "It's not her fault, man," Denki spoke up. "We'll talk tomorrow," Sero said, guiding you out. "Bye bye," you pouted, waving to your friends.
Sero led you to his room and closed the door behind you. You looked at him, wondering if he was mad. "Are you mad?" you asked hesitantly. He shook his head and looked at you. "No, mi cielo, I'm not," he said softly, taking off his shoes and lying down on his bed. "Come here," he patted the space next to him. Rubbing your eyes, you climbed onto the bed and snuggled up to his side. "Are you sure? You're acting different," you sniffled, resting your head on his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair. "I'm just upset in general, not at you, okay?" he reassured you, but his voice hinted at something more than just general upset.
You glanced up at him, questioning, "Was it because I went to Denki and not you?" observing his reaction. "Yeah," he murmured, causing your flushed face to pale. "Hanta-" Sitting up, tears welling in your eyes, you found yourself overwhelmed with emotion once more. "I'm so sorry," you apologized, tears streaming down your face. Sero couldn't help but chuckle at your tears. "Oh Y/n, please don't cry," he comforted, drawing you close and planting gentle kisses on your tear-stained face. "The only reason I brushed off your high talk was because I knew you'd react like this. You're such a lightweight, mi cielo. Just like the last time you got drunk, two cups and you were tipsy," he chuckled, as you listened, wiping your tears.
"Just come to me next time, and definitely don't go to Denki, okay?" he chuckled. "Okay," you sniffled, tears dampening his shirt. "I'm sorry," you mumbled once more. "Ya no mas," he said, cupping your face and silencing you with a kiss. After a few more minutes of cuddling, you found yourself pressing soft kisses to his neck, moving up for better access. Sero let out a soft hum, closing his eyes as his hand trailed down to the small of your back.
Feeling you slowly climb on top of him, your hips straddling his, your lips still on his neck, he placed his hands on your hips before asking, "What are you up to?"
"Making it up to you," you murmured, tracing your lips along his jaw. "Plus, I'm kinda horny," you giggled, barely touching his lips with a playful peck.
He looked up at you, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Really, huh?"he asked, a playful smirk curling his lips. "I can help with that," he chuckled, capturing your lips in a kiss. His hand reached up, gently cupping your face, pulling you closer, if that was even possible.
He flipped you over with ease, your body landing softly on his bed. He settled between your legs, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling gently as his free hand effortlessly slid your shorts down, leaving your lower half exposed. His hand found its way to your aching pussy his fingers pressing softly against your clit before pulling away from the kiss.
"We barely started, and you're soaking wet," he chuckled, his fingers circling your clit, earning a soft whine from you. "I'm telling you, its the weed," you giggled, your legs opening wider, craving to be filled. "Guess we should take some more often, huh?" he smiled down at you, reconnecting his lips with yours.
He continued to lavish attention on your aching pussy, his fingers deftly exploring your pleasure points with expertise, sliding two of his long fingers into your soaking cunt. He began to pump them in and out at a steady rhythm, creating lewd sounds of wetness that filled the room. In response, you gripped his forearm tightly, your back arching off the bed as you moaned and cursed, trying to reach for his lips even as your overwhelmed senses forced you to break the kiss. Your head fell into the pillow beneath you, and seeing this as a sign of your impending climax, he curled his fingers upwards, easily finding and stimulating the spot that could swiftly bring you to ecstasy. "Hanta" You squeaked out softly from the new sensation, a low chuckle left his lips feeling your reaction.
"That's a new sound, mi cielo",he murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss to your jawline and sprinkling soft kisses along your ear. The rhythm of his fingers continues, finding your sweet spot over and over, causing you to moan once again as your hips rock, seeking more with each passing moment. You are so close to reaching your climax with his fingers.
"Do you want more?" he asks, already familiar with the intricacies of your body and your needs.
He withdraws from your ear and gazes down at you. You eagerly. "Yes" Your brows are furrowed, your lips slightly parted, allowing soft whimpers to escape. His eyes take in the sight, and he swears that your expression only amplifies his affection for you. He is the one who reduces you to a moaning, whimpering mess, and he is the one who brings tears to your eyes from the sheer pleasure. He smiles before pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
"Okay,"he replies, his voice husky with desire.
He withdraws his fingers from your cunt, and they glisten with your juices. A small whine escapes your lips at the loss of contact. He undoes his pants, pulling them down enough for his hardened cock to spring free. With a firm grip on his shaft, he positions himself and pushes inside your wet pussy, feeling the tip slide in through the slickness before pressing deeper and deeper. You tighten around him, eliciting a soft grunt from him as he fully seats himself inside you.
The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a quiet gasp escaping your lips as you felt him enter you. A wave of warmth flooded your body, a sensation that was both exhilarating and comforting. You reached up, pulling him closer for another kiss, your lips meeting in a passionate embrace. " love you," you whispered against his lips, your voice a soft murmur against his skin. He responded with an equally tender kiss, deepening the connection between you. 
His movements were slow and deliberate at first, savoring the shared pleasure. His hand rested gently on your waist, his elbow propped against the headboard, creating a barrier of intimacy around you. "I love you most," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. 
As his movements quickened, your breathing grew ragged, your body responding to his rhythm. A deep, primal moan escaped your lips, echoing the passion that filled the room. You dug your fingers into his hair, the intensity of the moment pushing you towards a peak. 
The air grew thick with anticipation, the sound of skin meeting skin creating a symphony of pleasure. His hand moved to your leg, gently opening it, allowing him deeper access. His rhythm intensified a primal rhythm that echoed through your core, leaving both of you breathless. 
"Hanta" you moaned out, Your body arching off the bed, muscles clenching as you reached your climax. The feeling was overwhelming, a wave of pleasure that washed over you, leaving you trembling in his arms. You moaned into his mouth, the sound raspy and desperate, mirroring the intensity of your emotions. 
Sero, mirroring your intensity, reached his peak moments later, a guttural moan leaving his lips. "Fuck, Y/n," he cried out, pulling out as he released his cum on your stomach.
The room fell silent, the air filled with the lingering scent of sex. Both of you were spent, panting softly, your foreheads pressed together as you caught your breath. He stole a kiss, a tender gesture that conveyed the depth of his affection. 
Reaching over to his nightstand, he grabbed a tissue, gently wiping the cum from your stomach. "You doing okay, mi cielo?" he asked, his voice soft and concerned. 
You snuggled closer, resting your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "More than okay," you whispered.
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
Have u ever done amab sevika getting her ass eat or her being really needy for her gfs strap?
hehehe, i've done sub-top amab ceo sevika, but i haven't done bottom ceo sevika yet!
disclaimer! im cis, so please lmk if there are any mistakes and ill fix it asap!
men and minors dni
"when was the last time you got high?" you ask.
sevika looks up from her book with an eyebrow raised as she shifts her attention to you on the other side of bed. you've got a mischievous look in your eye, and it makes her smile.
"why?" she asks. you shrug.
"i dunno. i've known you for about a year now, and we've been dating for a few months, but i just realized i've never seen you high." you say. sevika considers this, chewing on her cheek before she speaks.
"it's been a while. probably since before i became ceo." she says. you hum.
"we should probably do something to change that." you tease. sevika smiles, throwing her book onto her bedside table before reaching over and pulling you into her arms, curling her body around yours.
you giggle as she adjusts your body, waiting for her to get comfortable before you wrap your arms around her.
"how's this weekend sound?" you ask. sevika nods against your tits.
"you gonna smoke me out?" she asks. you giggle.
"no, i don't want to stink your place up. i'll get us edibles, it'll be fun." you say. sevika just hums as she nuzzles against you, ready to go to sleep.
"sounds like a plan, baby." she mumbles. you snort and elbow her.
"don't fall asleep, you didn't turn the lights off yet!"
sevika groans dramatically as she pulls herself off of you and over to her little nightstand. she flicks the lamp off, then jumps back on top of you, both of you giggling as you adjust in each other's arms.
you guys share a chocolate bar on saturday morning.
sevika swears that she doesn't feel anything for the first two hours, and you just roll your eyes at your stubborn girlfriend.
by the time lunch rolls around, though, she's definitely starting to feel it. you can tell.
her eyes are hooded, and a soft smile's taken over her features. she's still in her sleep-wrinkled pajamas, and when she starts giggling at nothing, you know it's kicked in.
you're no better than her, but you're a little more used to the feeling. you grin as you watch sevika snicker, nudging her with your toe.
"you feeling it?" you ask. sevika smiles at you.
"nah." she says. you burst into laughter.
"yeah fuckin' right!" you laugh. sevika smiles a goofy grin at you and she crawls across the couch to flop on top of you, nuzzling her nose against your neck. you hum as you start scratching her scalp.
"mmm... you're so warm..." she hums as she slides her hand under your shirt to grope your tits. you giggle.
"you're cute." you sigh.
"you're cute. everything feels so good right now." sevika sighs happily. "thanks for getting me high."
you laugh. "anytime, baby." you promise, kissing her scalp.
you enjoy the moment for a while. sunlight is seeping through the windowed walls of sevika's penthouse, bathing the two of you in warmth and light. you're feeling floaty and content, and there's nowhere you need to be, nothing you need to do. the break is nice.
but after a while, sevika's breath starts to even out, and you know she's on the verge of falling asleep. you'd be happy to take a mid-afternoon weekend nap with your girl, but you don't want the edible to go to waste.
"hey." you say, nudging her from where she lays on top of you. she grunts against you. "don't sleep. we should do something fun." you say. sevika grunts again. "we could watch tv?" you suggest. sevika shakes her head. "i could make you a snack?" this gets her attention, and she lifts her head up from your tits to consider this.
you watch in adoration as sevika hazily tries to make up her mind about what she wants to eat, gnawing on her bottom lip while she thinks. you can't help but reach up and cup her cheek as she considers your offer. she leans into it automatically, nuzzling your palm.
an impish expression takes over her face as her eyes catch on yours, and she smiles. "what do i need a snack for when i've already got you?" she asks. you giggle. "get it?" she asks, giggling herself. "'cause you're a snack, babe." she explains. you laugh.
"i got it sev." you say. she grins, and swoops down to press her mouth against yours.
she's more uncoordinated than usual, and you are too. time's moving slower than usual, and it feels like you could build a whole life in the span of your kiss.
you hum happily as you wrap your arms around your girlfriend, dragging her closer and closer to you until she's flat on top of you, slowly grinding her hips against yours.
when you finally pull away from her lips, you gasp for are, suddenly aware of how long you'd been kissing. "should we--" you cut yourself off with a gasp as sevika starts to suck a hickey into your neck. "should we go to the bedroom?" you ask.
sevika doesn't answer you with words. instead, she shoves her arms under your ass, then pulls up off the couch, carrying you to the bedroom with her head still buried against your neck.
you giggle and wrap your limbs around her body. at the sound of your laughter, sevika starts to giggle too, and by the time she throws the two of you onto the bed, you've both dissolved into a fit of laughter.
"fuck, where did you get that edible?" sevika laughs. you grin, taking advantage of her giggly, pliant state to pin her to the bed as you straddle her.
"seamus makes 'em once a month." you say. sevika falls into another round of laughter at the secret-- her nerdiest, awkwardest accountant is a huge fucking stoner.
"i should fire him." she giggles. you laugh.
"what for!?"
"for not givin' me one of these before." she says. you chuckle, and sit back on your haunches to watch your girlfriend laugh.
she's so pretty. you're high and she looks like... like a sunset. or the ocean. or your favorite movie. you just can't pull your eyes away.
she's got her head thrown back as she laughs, her eyes crinkled up and her gap-tooth on full display.
her shirt's ridden up a bit, the hem resting over her bellybutton, just high enough for you to see the first few inches of her happy trail. her abs are contracting with each of her laughs, her hands are scrunched up into the blankets beneath her, and you're suddenly overcome with lust.
it hits you like a truck. you've been turned on since she started kissing you, but now you're ravenous. you can't think beyond the woman in front of you, and you're dying to show her what she does to you.
she's still giggling, wiping tears from her eyes, and you surge forward, tearing at her shirt.
sevika gasps at your sudden desperation to get her naked, but you shut her up by shoving your fingers in her mouth before she can even ask. she moans as you tear at her pants with your free hand, your mouth otherwise occupied with sucking on her tits.
sevika's shivering beneath you, moaning around your fingers and trying to kick her pajama pants off. you pull off of her tit with a pop, taking your fingers out of her mouth so you can sit up and hover over her.
her eyes are blown and big, and she seems to have forgotten she has arms, her hands clutching the blanket beneath her instead of reaching up to grope you like they usually do.
"can i make you feel good?" you ask. sevika gulps and nods.
"yes please." you grin-- sevika's kinda subby when she's high. you think fondly, tucking that information away for later.
"tell me what you want."
"your mouth." she whimpers. you grin, kissing her on the cheek before you quickly trail kisses down her chest, taking a second to lovingly bite at each of her tits before you lick all the way down her happy trail, tugging her boxers off as you go.
sevika has such a pretty dick. you could look at it all day long, honestly. you feel yourself clench around nothing as you watch it flop out of her boxers, eager to be free, and smack her abs.
her hips are squirming beneath you, but she's patient as you study her. her cock's twitching in time with her heartbeat, and a tiny little pool of pre-cum's forming on her abs. you lick your lips.
"i love you." you sigh. sevika whimpers, and her dick spurts a little bit more pre. you grin.
"i love you too." she whines. you kiss her hip.
"say please." you say, just because you've never seen her so sweet and compliant in bed before, and you wanna see how far you can take it.
"please please please ple--"
"i got you, baby." you cut her off. she sighs in relief, and you smile, pressing a kiss to the tip of her dick. she twitches and whines, and you decide to stop teasing her, finally taking her into your mouth.
sevika cries in relief, and you reach up to intertwine your fingers with hers. she squeezes your hand.
you sink your head down, taking her a good six inches before pulling back up and trying again. with a few bobs of your head, you manage to relax enough to take her all the way. she whines, a pathetic, high pitched thing, and you blink up at her. she gasps as your eyes meet.
your drool starts to collect around her shaft, and you pull off to jack her off for a second while you breathe. you smile at her.
"you taste amazing." you sigh. sevika shivers, humping her hips up into the air and widening her legs. you laugh, taking the hint, and put your mouth back on her cock.
she fucks your mouth with a few quick thrusts, and you gag, caught off guard. eventually she settles back down, letting you pull off and glare at her. she just giggles.
fine. if she wants to play dirty, you can play dirty.
you duck down and suck her balls into your mouth, and sevika gasps, her legs scrambling while her thighs twitch.
"fuck! cut it out!" she whines.
"why? you gonna cum already?" you tease. she huffs, digging her nails into your hand, squirming beneath you.
you would go on teasing her if your mind didn't just screech to a halt as you catch a glimmer of something between her legs.
"what the fuck was that?" you growl as you spread and pin her legs to the bed. she gasps, sitting propped up on her elbows so she can gawk at you.
"what?" she asks, panicked. you can't answer-- too busy taking in the mindbogglingly hot image of a pretty pink butt-plug in your girlfriend's ass. without your words readily available, you just answer sevika's question by tugging on the little jewel.
she gasps and collapses on the bed, her eyes rolling back in her skull. "fuck i forgot i put that there." she says. you giggle.
"you forgot?" you tease, suddenly able to talk again. sevika reaches up to hide her face, clearly embarrassed. you bite her thigh and she jolts.
"i put it in this morning." she explains. "weed makes me..." she trails off.
you grin at the half-revelation and tug at the plug again, watching in fascination as her dick jumps.
"can i fuck you?" you ask.
sevika moans, her hips flying off the bed, and you giggle.
"is that a yes?"
"please!" she cries.
"get on all fours, i'll go put the strap on."
sevika scrambles to follow your directions, but you stop her before she can get far. "wait!" you call. she freezes, and you duck down to lick up the little pool of pre that had formed on her abs, then kiss the skin. "okay, you can go now." you say. sevika grins, and you kiss her cheek as you scramble off the bed to get strapped up.
you fumble with your harness, watching as sevika slowly, seductively turns over on bed before lifting her hips up to present her ass to you. you laugh.
"you're such a slut." you chastise. sevika giggles as she rests her head against her folded forearms.
"you like me like this." she says. you giggle and nod.
"damn right i do." you say as you crawl behind her, smacking her ass and watching her jump.
she wiggles it at you tantalizingly, and you smile at the sight. you grab the base of her plug, giving it a tug and giggling at the way her thighs twitch, before pulling it out all the way.
you groan at the sight of sevika's hole, gaping for a few moments before winking closed.
"i'm so in love with you." you sigh. sevika giggles.
"i love you t--oh!" she cries as you stick your tongue into her ass as far as it can go. sevika's hips fall toward the bed, but you grip them in your hands, keeping her steady so you can bury your face in her ass.
"oh my god, oh my god, fuck, fuck, please, i love you so much, please!" sevika begs as you suck and kiss her rim sloppily.
"please what?" you ask. sevika groans, shifting backwards to press herself against your face again. you groan as she smothers you with her ass, her legs spreading farther and farther on the bed until she's practically limp against it while you hold her up by the hips.
"p-please fuck me, i wanna cum on your cock but you're gonna-- you're gonna, fuck right there!" she cries.
you pull away for a quick breath. "get the lube." you demand before diving back in.
sevika cries, shakily smacking the bedside drawer for the lube bottle, then tossing it behind her before collapsing face first on the sheets. you just sink down with her, your tongue buried in her ass, getting even higher off the sweet sounds of her whimpers and whines.
"you need fingers?" you ask when you finally pull away, lubing up your strap. sevika shakes her head urgently.
"no, fuck no, 's why i had the plug in, please-- just need you, just need your cock, baby." she rambles against her pillow. you laugh and smack her ass one more time.
you don't tease her much more. using one hand to spread her ass and the other to line the strap up, you slowly sink into your girlfriend, groaning as you watch your strap disappear into her inch by inch.
when you bottom out, you sigh gustily. sevika picks her head up from the mattress, the blanket between her teeth as she moans.
"you okay?" you whisper.
you don't get an answer. instead, sevika jumps up on her knees and pushes her hips and ass up in the air, taking your hips with her. you gasp as she starts fucking herself backwards on your strap, a loud, smacking noise starting to echo through the bedroom.
"fuck fuck, please fuck me, i need you to fuck me, i need--"
you cut her off with a hand to the back of her neck as you push her against the mattress, starting to pound into her. sevika squeals, half laughter half moan as you fuck her.
"like this?" you grunt out. sevika nods into the pillow beneath her.
"yes, yes, yes--"
"fuck, i love you. you're so fucking hot, i love you so fucking much, i'm gonna cum so hard--"
"inside me." sevika suddenly demands. you nearly cum at the words. instead, you flop forward to plaster your chest against sevika's back, nodding against her shoulder.
"of course, baby. of course. want me to knock you up, huh?" you ask.
it's risky, you've never teased about sevika's breeding kink when she's on bottom, but it pays off incredibly fucking well if the way sevika suddenly clenches around your strap and growls is any indication.
you're both sweaty and sticky, huffing for air as you rut into one another.
you're so high, you don't know if it's sevika or the edible or a bit of both, but you're pretty sure you're higher than you've ever been. it feels like you're melting into her, melting into the bed, into the earth, slow and gentle and warm like honey. you've never felt so warm in your life.
"i'm gonna-- baby--"
"you gonna cum?" you ask. sevika nods. "good, it'll help the pregnancy take." you grunt.
sevika suddenly gasps, shivers, then goes completely limp against the bed. you continue to fuck into her as she cums into the bedsheets below, until you're cumming in her ass and collapsing on top of her.
you're pretty sure you don't fall asleep... there's ten minutes there where you're both trying to catch your breath and find your words again after your orgasms where you might have drifted off, but you think it's just the edible making your mind... silent.
eventually, though, you manage to speak.
"you okay?" you mumble. sevika bursts into giggles beneath you.
"i didn't know i had a breeding kink like that." she says. you giggle.
"it's hot, right?" you ask. she nods, and you lift your face up just enough to kiss the knob of her spine. "i need to get you high way more fucking often." you mumble. sevika snorts.
"you just want to top more."
"yeah, i do, and you always manage to seduce me out of it when you're sober. i need you stupid so i can have my way with you." you say. sevika shivers again and you grin, biting her shoulder. "you like it-- don't act like you don't. you're laying in the proof."
sevika giggles. "i love it." she admits shyly. you grin, pulling out of her and kissing her shoulder when she cringes, before helping her turn over and out of her puddle of cum.
"i love it too. you're real cute when you let someone else be the boss for a while." you say. sevika giggles.
"you're the only one i ever met competent enough to boss me around." she replies.
you laugh, then swoop down to kiss her again.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Downhill Speed
You know what's a shame? Wasted potential.  Like this new place we were doing business, which was all swooping walkways and ramps — a spectacular opportunity for hoverboard fun, except for the fact that it would probably cause a massive diplomatic incident. The locals were an exceptionally stuffy and dignified species. I couldn't tell if they walked that slowly out of choice or necessity, though the planters full of edibles leaves every few yards felt like a clue. These guys were always chewing, as if they'd run out of the energy to move if they stopped.
I don't know. Maybe they were just like that for cultural reasons. But they kinda did look like koala-sloths in fancy robes. 
And as much as I wanted to find something with wheels or thrusters to ride whooping down the walkways, I didn't want to get our courier ship blacklisted from this sector of space. 
So I just waited patiently while Captain Sunlight worked out the details, and I helped Paint and Mur transfer the pile of small boxes from their hoversleds to ours. I didn't even comment on the inefficiency of all these small crates and multiple hoversleds when they could have had them strapped together in a pallet. Maybe the things came from multiple houses. Not my business. 
But then. One of the locals dropped a box.
It landed on a corner and cracked right open, to a chorus of horrified gasps, and its contents rolled out — a single glowy blue sphere, all sparkly and beautiful, the size of a bowling ball and just as fast. It gathered speed down the ramp while locals cried out helplessly. 
Well if that's not my cue, I don't know what is.
I jumped on a hoversled and flashed off after it, kicking madly to catch up. This was more awkward than I expected. I was out of practice — it had been a long time since I zipped between college classes on a proper board — and this was definitely not that. The little hoversled clearly wasn’t built for speed. It vibrated under me like it was panicking about the velocity we were going, and I couldn’t blame it.
This ramp was a pretty straight one so far, which was great, because I had no real way to steer. I’d kicked to a proper pace, and now I balanced with both feet planted and both arms out like an absolute amateur. But I didn’t want to tip over. I was closing in on the ball.
It made an ominous rumble along the floor.
It was just two yards away.
There was a corner coming up.
The ball was one yard away.
I crouched.
And I grabbed it, tucking it against my chest with one arm while I clutched the edge of the hoversled with the other, sitting down just before I slammed into the clear wall at the corner.
That was some painful skidding. I put my feet down to slow things further, which ended up spinning me around, dragging my feet behind me. But I didn’t drop the ball. And I probably didn’t get any friction burns through my sleeve, though I’d definitely have to check that later.
For now, I was busy sliding to a stop and taking a few deep breaths before standing up. As my blood stopped pounding in my ears quite so loudly, the realization trickled in that people were making a lot of noise around me.
Good noise? I think. Whew.
It took a second to be sure, but those were cheers of praise. Either this ball was an important holy item, or the stunt I’d pulled to catch it was just that impressive. Possibly both. I wouldn’t know until I got back up to the top, because there wasn’t anyone nearby to ask.
But they were hurrying down to meet me, as much as their species could be said to hurry. I found the height adjustment on the hoversled and raised it to where I could tow it without bending down, then started the long walk back up. I held the pretty blue sphere close.
When the koala-sloths met me in the middle, galloping with an undignified flapping of robes, they thanked me profusely for catching the high explosive before it leveled the place.
Multiple responses ran through my head.
I ended on “You might consider better packaging for it.”
They agreed, taking it from me (to my relief) and pulling the hoversled as well. By the time we reached the top, our entire crew was going to town with bubble wrap on the other boxes, and Captain Sunlight had arranged a significantly higher delivery fee.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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jjkeremika · 8 months
AoT men Vices
description: sex, drugs, cigarettes, and, well, you.
pairing: eren, armin, zeke, levi, reiner, jean (x fem!reader)
disclaimer/warning(s)?: stoner eren; oral(fem receiving); drinker zeke; groping; slutty levi; penetration; smoker reiner; rope play; gambler armin; fingering; jealous jean; choking; nsfwwwww
• always high on weed/dabs/carts/edibles (doesn’t matter)
• his pale skin and green irises only accentuated the faint red tinge in the whites of his eyes, like a light blood splatter on american money
• hes tormented!! cut him a little slack. its not his fault his dad gave him the worst type ii bipolar disorder and narcissistic personality disorder a clinician’s ever seen
• gets horrendously horny when he’s high around you, starts touching and holding and kissing and biting you to get and keep your attention
• chews on his fingernails, jitters his legs, and licks and bites his lips as he stares at you, as he feels himself getting harder and harder at the thought of you getting wetter and wetter
• whines about how his throat is dry and he needs to taste you, to drink the liquid sliding out of you, until his tongue and jaw were cramping and his mouth was sore
• will pull you into his lap, gnaw on your shoulder and the lobe of your ear as his hands creep down your abdomen towards the source of the wet stain forming on his lap
• his voice lowers an octave as he begs to touch and taste you, as he asks if his hands and lips inching closer to your crotch is allowed and okay because he so desperately craves your approval
• “oh, baby, please, baby, only you can fix my dry mouth with your wet, pretty fucking pussy, god, baby, please, i’m so thirsty”
• moans so fucking loud when you finally give in and let him lick your clit, his fingers eagerly digging into your thighs as he pulls you so, so much closer, until there’s no air between his mouth and your skin
• devolves into demanding that you ride his face, hop and slide on his mouth with your shiny thick thighs with absolutely no hesitation, no regard for his lungs
• sad king who drinks most nights
• a gin and tonic or scotch on the rocks kind of man. likes the burn at the back of his throat on the way down
• confessed a similar reason to why he swims; liking the burning ache in his lungs when he holds his breath under the water. reminds him he’s alive
• has a poor relationship with his parents and half-brother. wants and sometimes tries to reconcile but he’s not really a people-person and he struggles to forgive
• divulges to you about his neglected dreams and pile of regrets, over analyzes situations until it all feels hopeless and meaningless
• holds you closer and tighter, at first because he’s fighting tears but then because he’s overcome with pure devotion because you’re here, with him, comforting him, every time
• and he’s certain you have so many other places you could be and more interesting people you can be with and yet you’re holding him too
• tells you that you mean the world to him, that he’s hopeless without you, that you give him something to smile and dream about, that he’d be nothing without you
• he’ll hold your wrists behind your back with one large hand and hold your neck with the other, prying your lips apart and re-introducing your tongues to each other, like he does every other night
• his hands roam as you kiss, his fingernails lightly tracing the goosebumps on your skin to the tail of your spine, the other hand following the curves of your ribcage to where your breast naturally interrupted
• “oh, i love your body, i live to please you, i live for you,” he’ll murmur for the thousandth time against your tongue as his long fingers clasp around your fleshy boob, squeezing with a fearful hold that you’ll pull away and leave him like everyone else
• sex. with you. a lot.
• he doesn’t talk about his feelings or explain his emotions. there are no conversations about his past and his future. they all start one sided, and end in sex
• it’s a cop out. he knows it, you know it, but it’s so fucking good you don’t really care
• every time you try to ask about his family, his friends, his career, or even if he thinks there’s a future between you two, he’s avoiding the question and shoving his tongue down your throat
• he keeps his hand around your neck as he kisses you insistently, as he tries to kiss you until you’re dizzy and you forgot that he was trying to distract you in the first place
• gets needy and wanting, turning you around, stripping you, and bending you over before you could say a word
• impatient and selfish. he drops some lube into his palm and slicks his own cock up, shoving two or three fingers in you for short, to-be-desired thrusts before he’s gasping over you and inching the tip to your exposed muscles
• he chortles airily at the hearty moan you release once he presses inside, the euphoria encompassing his dick and shipping through his bloodstream
• he practically bends you in half, arranging you so he’s pounding into your pussy with your ass presented to his face and your own face shoved into a pillow, mascara and eyeshadow staining into the sheets at the growing desirable ache in your abdomen
• smacks your ass until his handprint is visible as he relentlessly shoves himself inside you, as he gives you every inch of muscle control and strength he has
• chronic cigarette smoker
• built balcony and patio attachments to your house so he could easily step outside
• you watched him build them shirtless and sweaty, a lighter tucked loosely in his low cut pant pockets and a cigarette lightly held behind his ear
• tries his best to cover the sour tobacco smell with rustic vanilla or mahogany colognes. up for debate when it worked, but the mix of scents really could be oddly pleasant sometimes
• he’s haunted by regrets he won’t even tell you about. doesn’t want to burden you, or rather burden himself with the knowledge that then you’d know too, and there really would be no running away
• you could see them as shadows behind his glassy eyes, always lingering when the lights were on and engulfing him in the dark
• you took it upon yourself to lift his moods, to break him free from the thought patterns that kept him chained to his lot in life
• brought the metaphor to life and bought handcuffs and rope, tied and locked his ankles and wrists to the bedposts, his vulnerability on full display
• his whole body was blushed pink as you gingerly caressed him, crawled up and down his rigid muscular body and ran your sharp fingernails and tongue down his center
• you reminded him he was chained down when he abruptly reached up and out for you, his wrists aggressively slapping back against the mattress or his legs threatening to break the post with fast squirms
• like a wolf chasing after a rabbit, reiner huffed and drooled over you and the sexy shapes you made with your hips as you wiggled all over him, grinded against him and relished in the whines and begs to be released from his holds and touch you
• first got into gambling when eren convinced him to go to a casino for his 21st birthday
• and while the huge crowds and loud noises and overstimulating lights originally raised his anxiety, the adrenaline and excitement of playing and winning won out
• tried to quit a few times but always found his way back to gambling and betting
• card game aficionado. loves the tactile nature of it, always plays with the corners of the cards with his fingertips. sometimes you catch him shuffling and playing cards in his free time at home
• poker is easily his favorite, especially because he can read people like a book. you could never lie to or hide from him
• refuses to say it’s an addiction. it’s more of an intricate hobby, or a challenge he has to bet his way out of
• the worst part is he’s actually pretty good at it and wins more than seventy percent of the time. but when he loses, he loses and he obsesses over it for days
• during good streaks he buys you expensive knickknacks and trinkets and blankets and jewelry, takes you out to dinner more frequently
• feels extra confident when he’s on a hot winning streak, buying you lingerie and telling you to wear it, to turn it into a show for him in the bedroom with him sat on the bed and the lights on
• his hot hands and cold metal rings needily grasp at your sides, his wet tongue caressing the lacy line where the lingerie met your cleavage
• he’ll get impatient, too turned on with your dance to contain himself so he’ll pull you onto his hard erection and bite the nape of your neck to hold you in place
• he’ll stand up and turn you over, hover over you as the mattress shapes to your curves and armin’s hands follow
• loves fingering you with three to four fingers, his eyes doubling in size as he watches your muscles stretch and encompass the appendages. has to clutch the base of his dick like a cock ring to prevent himself from cumming at the site and at the warm, blankety feeling
• sometimes likes to be a bit cheeky and not take his rings off, letting the rings escape inside your opening and feeling it slide toughly against his skin in contrast to your so soft, so sensitive, so inviting body
• the cool metal of his rings was always enticing, and you always gasped heartily and physically thrived at the hard cold material inside
• “oh, shit, baby, i think my ring came off inside you,” he tells you calmly with a wide premeditated smirk, his fingers going limp inside you, “let me just get it out real quick”
• he’ll poke and prod and fold his fingers against your tissue as the ring moves loosely inside you, as you feel yourself building to an inescapable high with armin’s cheeky smirk between your legs as the ring just so happens to keep slipping from his grasp
• jealous jeanyyyyyy
• glares at other men as they talk to you, even if it’s something as innocent as asking for directions or for a petition signature
• usually steps between you and the offending man, escalates the situation beyond necessity by antagonizing the man and firmly demanding an apology for wasting your time
• his blood just boils like hot water in a kettle when he sees you with someone else, someone that’s not him but it should be
• has issues sharing, so there was no way in hell you were slipping out of his attention, and he’s arrogantly insecure, to the excess point that you should only see and talk to him. he’s all you should need right?
• when he saw you calmly talking to eren he flipped his lid, said fuck it to the world and interrupted the conversation
• brings you to the nearest private (i.e., empty and lockable) room and pushes you against the wall or door, his hand firmly locking around your neck
• his hands were so large your whole neck was covered. his fingers were so long the tips touched at the back. his grip was present and firm, and maybe a bit threatening
• “do i speak another language to you? am i on another fucking planet so far you can’t even hear me?”
• he’ll slap the wall next to your ear with his open palm, smirk as you jump from surprise at the sudden outburst
• he leans closer to your ear, the pressure of his hand against your windpipe slightly increasing, his wet hot tongue flicking against your sensitive exposed ear
• “do i need to teach you another lesson?” another light squeeze. “on how to behave?”
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madangel19 · 5 months
Thought of Phantom eating one too many of Swiss's weed brownies during 4/20 and had to write it down :D
Content: Recreational drug use, ghoul cuddles, poor Phantom doesn't know about the forever weed brownie
Word Count: 1078
A sweet earthy scent from the ghoul kitchen caught Phantom’s attention. He was laying in bed when it reached him and his stomach began to grumble. Were the ghoulettes cooking something? Cumulus’s cookies were always mouth watering but this didn’t smell like cookies. He had to investigate. 
Phantom got out of bed and left his room, chittering softly. The smell was stronger now. It reminded him of Swiss and he smiled at the thought of him cooking something yummy. He didn’t cook often, but when he did, it was delicious. 
Phantom poked his head around a corner and saw the empty kitchen. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, but he quickly spotted a tray of brownies on the counter. The smell was coming from there.
“Ooo brownies,” he crowed as he went over and looked the brownies over. The smell was strong, warm and earthy, reminding him of the few times he walked by Mountain’s greenhouse. They must have been taken out recently which meant they were still warm. Warm brownies were always the best.
Phantom looked around and saw that he was alone. He looked back at the brownies and saw there was more than enough for everyone. He could eat one or two or three or four. He carefully picked one up and smelled it again, sighing in content at the amazing scent.
He took a bite and he gasped at the slightly bitter taste. It didn’t last long before he bit down on gooey chocolate chips and he was in love. Fuck, it tasted amazing despite the brief bitterness. He shoved the rest of the brownie into his mouth and moaned as he chewed.
“Fuck, that’s good. One more,” he murmured, wiping his mouth before grabbing another brownie that was a lot bigger than the others.
Why didn’t anyone tell him that Swiss was making brownies? Was this supposed to be some kind of surprise? No, someone would have told him beforehand. This was probably Swiss being generous and making sweets for the pack. 
Once he was finished eating the second brownie, he took a third and stepped away from the tray. Three was enough for now. He needed some milk after three brownies. 
He froze, the third brownie halfway in his mouth. He slowly looked around and saw Swiss standing behind him. The multi ghoul looked at him and then at the tray of brownies and his eyes went wide with shock before he suddenly burst into laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Phantom asked, unsure of what was going on.
“Oh, Bug. How many brownies did you eat?” Swiss asked, wiping away tears from his eyes.
“Uhhh….three? There’s plenty for everyone so three felt like enough,” Phantom replied. 
Swiss gasped despite the huge smile on his face. He shook his head and walked over to Phantom, throwing an arm around his shoulder. 
“Oh, Bug. Sweet Bug. You’re in for it now,” Swiss crowed. 
“Why? What’s wrong? Was I not supposed to eat the brownies?” Phantom asked, already feeling bad if they were meant for Papa or even the Clergy. 
“Those are my strongest weed brownies, Bug. Mountain’s been growing a special strain and wanted me to bake them into brownies for the pack and anyone else who’s interested. Just one is enough to turn you into mush,” Swiss said, leading Phantom to the couch. 
“Oh…Oh no…,” Phantom murmured. 
“Hmm, I guess I should have left a warning note,” Swiss said, helping Phantom sit down. 
“Yeah, you should have. Swiss…am I gonna be okay?” Phantom asked, looking up to the bigger ghoul for reassurance. He had been high with Swiss and the rest of the pack plenty of times, but he had never had an edible before. 
Swiss chuckled and sat down next to him, tousling his dark hair. He could feel the faint tug of his quintessence putting him at ease and he let out a soft sigh while resting his head on his shoulder.
“You’ll be okay, Bug. You can just lay here and the rest of the pack will come along and we’ll all have brownies and watch stupid movies together and eat snacks,” Swiss said.
“That sounds nice,” Phantom replied, glad that he was safe. He wasn’t sure what he was going to feel soon, but as long as he was with his pack, then he was going to be fine.
One hour later
Dewdrop yawned as he made his way to the ghoul den. Swiss had been texting him all morning about his plans for the day and the mention of his famous brownies really got his attention. He had a long day and looked forward to relaxing with a brownie and a blunt. 
He stopped when he saw the scene before him. Phantom was laid out on the couch, eyes droopy and a goofy smirk on his lips. His head was positioned in Swiss’s lap. Swiss lazily played with his hair while taking a drag from a blunt. The ghoulettes were piled on the floor in a giggly cuddle pile while cooing over Phantom. Rain and Mountain were seated in different arm chairs, looking absolutely blissed out. 
“You guys got started before me?” Dewdrop asked. 
“Phantom started first. Poor thing ate three brownies and now he’s in space,” Swiss purred, cupping the younger ghoul’s cheek and slowly rubbing his thumb along his skin. Phantom purred, grabbing his hand and nuzzling it. 
“He’s so cute like this,” Aurora chimed. 
“Mm...not cute,” Phantom murmured. 
“You’re right. You’re adorable, Bug. You’re taking three brownies so well. Once you’re able to move in a few hours, you can take a hit of this,” Swiss said, showing him the blunt. Phantom reached for it and Swiss held it away, shaking his head with a playful smirk. The younger ghoul whined, but made no effort to move. 
“Just wait a bit longer, darling,” Cumulus cooed while holding a chirping Aurora close to her chest. 
“Are there any brownies left?” Dewdrop asked, his stomach rumbling. There were plenty of snack strewn about the den that made his mouth water. 
“Of course. They’re in the fridge,” Mountain said.
Dewdrop nodded and went to get himself a brownie or two. After eating two brownies, he sighed and went to take his place in the cuddle pile with the ghoulettes.
“How many did you eat?” Cirrus asked after pulling him close.
“Perfect,” Swiss crowed.
“Yay,” Phantom cheered weakly before cuddling closer to Swiss.
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cosmicwhoreo · 9 months
seeing as ur cookie ocs/children (not sure what to call the little specimens) are,well,cookies-
If you could somehow (really no idea how you would) eat them,would they taste like anything in particular??
Oooooh~! A FUN ONE!!!
And for scale, I'm going to rate the edibility of each of my confectionary darlings on a scale of 1 to 10. starting with...
Horse Apple Cookie- 2/10
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Uncomfortably bumpy and bitter, downright unpalatable on the taste buds. I mean... You CAN eat him and not really suffer too much in the long wrong. But nobody would recommend it... And frankly, the constant screaming of conspiracy nonsense and the fact he hasn't showered in two weeks just lowers his grade by like 1 point.
HoneyCrisp Cookie- 9/10
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Actually tastes pretty good. Sweet and juicy, almost like a jolly rancher!
Grand Reef Cookie- 1/10
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Uuuuuh... Maybe in his prime he tasted like rainbow sherbet ice cream like his colorful corals would lead you to believe. But nowadays...? Raw sewage. Feels and tastes like biting into a moldy apple. Uncomfortably squishy and black, like tar. Guarantee you will get violently ill from trying to eat him... He only gets a point because he will be constantly comforting you and giving all these sympathetic and apologetic pats and hugs the entire time you're puking your brains out from tasting him...
Dr Prawn Cookie- 5/10
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Tastes as you'd expect. Shellfishy and meaty. But there is an uncomfortable crunch...
Sea Anemone Cookie- 4/10
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Apparently you CAN eat anemones... Weird, but I guess fried anemone is a delicacy to some regions, I don't know. Tastes like shellfish, but she's too smol to really even be considered a light snack. And frankly, why WOULD you wanna eat a face like that? She's just excited to meet a big friend~!
Gold Choco Cookie- 0/10
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Several problems would arise trying to chew on Goldie... Firstly, is trying to CHEW him; as his body is roughly 85% hard metal and high voltage wiring. He's hardly even dough at this point... And if you somehow managed to get by that, he tastes like oil and metal and leaves a buzz of static in your mouth. There's only a slight aftertaste of rich chocolate... But you'd have a better experience eating a chocolate-covered floppy disk before cracking a molar on his stale ass...
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trashyvanillabean · 9 months
So far we've seen Dan Feng in these (at least most likely unreliable) narratives as this imposing, stoic and regal figure.
What if he was just as unhinged, possibly even more unhinged, than even the Trailblazer?
Everybody has their quirks, from the wild to the mundane. What's Dan Feng's quirk?
Voluntarily poisoning himself (for experiments).
When he was just a young'un, one of the first things he did when he visited the Alchemy Commission was deliberately let a snake bite him just so he could experience the effects of the venom. He was forbidden from being left alone in the medicine cabinets without a supervisor.
When Baiheng first visited Dan Feng for a lunch between actual friends, the sheer volume of her panicked screams would make you think she happened across a dead body. And of course she would scream at the sight of the nearly dead body of the Luofu's High Elder, keeled over on the floor just barely breathing from the poison in his lunch because he refused a food tester. And then she finds out Dan Feng knew his lunch was poisoned, and wanted to guess what kind of poison it was.
When it happened in front of Jingliu, she punched Dan Feng in the stomach hard enough to make him puke it all back up and carried him all the way to the Alchemy Commission.
Yingxing once went on a peaceful walk with Dan Feng in Fyxestroll Garden and listened to Dan Feng talk about botany and plants he recognized. (Haha, he's nerdy~)
He turns his head just for a moment to really appreciate some water lilies and lotuses; and when he returns his attention, Dan Feng is chewing on something.
Neither of them brought food.
Yingxing: "What are you eating?"
Dan Feng freezes like a cat caught in 4K.
Yingxing looks behind him and notices another brightly (and quite dangerously) colored flower bushes.
Not too long ago, Dan Feng was quite excitedly rambling about those specific flowers being poisonous:
Nausea and vomiting
Respiratory issues
High temperature
Rapid and irregular pulse
Possibly hallucinations
Dan Feng: 👀
Dan Feng flees at 15 meters per second so Yingxing can't catch him.
And despite his best efforts, including stationing a Cloud Knight in every nook and cranny hidden somewhere on the Luofu, Jing Yuan failed to account for the random potted plants in the Seat of Divine Foresight.
Not a single one of them is medicinal, let alone edible.
Oh dear.
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
My friend gave me two 100mg edibles and I'm soaring- Let's fucking goooo
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• Simon is a Junk Food addict-
• Not in sweets type of junk food- but all things salty and fatty
• He is the type to get take away 24/7 or eat out of a bag constantly if he has the God damn choice to.
• He never learned how to cook and after joining the military never had the need to learn- Since ge eats out of mess halls or MREs
• When he gets with a significant other he is now forced to deal with his bad habit-
• "Simon how many times have you gotten Chinese Take out?" You question seeing how most of the dishes in his house were just washed plastic Take out contrainers he'd kept.
• "I don't think you want that answer love-"
• It is purely by his constant exercise and great genetics he's not in a bad spot physically. However you worry for his health and step in-
• You start cooking actual meals, and he will eat without complaint always. If he can eat MREs he can eat whatever quinoa bullshit you've made.
• However Tesco is still his best friend- Tesco Meal deal is his side whore.
• This man will actively sneak to a Tescos just for this and tou just see a large man in a black jumper eating a sandwich, crisp and a cola.
• Kiss his ass-
• Oh and hr Loves a good Indian food lunch- Tikka Masala and from Chips? Sounds like a date-
• You do got to watch him however, trying to break his unhealthy habit a little at a time. And out of love for you He does start the journey of breaking his addiction-
• But it's still an addiction..
• "What are you eating?-" You bark out, seeing the large man pause before starting to quickly chew as you rush over to pull whatever he's eating away from him.
• "God damn it Simon!"
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
I think I need a part 2 of the baby creatures because its absolutely ADORABLE!! What about driders, centaurs, orcs, and merfolk?
Thinking about monster babies is so soothing ^_^
The first one is here
Merfolk are born with little tails that take time to gain the strength needed to get them around, so their parents mostly carry them as infants. They are born with an extra fat layer, making them extra chubby, but also to keep them warm in the deep ocean. When they are old enough to swim on their own, most baby merfolk prefer to swim around in a school so they can play and for safety. They have an inherent understanding of the vastness of the ocean and prefer to play near their parents. While they are young, their parents prefer to keep them away from the shallows as there is danger of being spotted by a human or reef shark. Instead, they prefer to keep them in caves, floating kelp, or high sea grass where they can hide easily.
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Centaur babies, like humans, take time to develop. Though their bodies are capable of carrying weight when they are born, their brains aren't developed enough to put two and two together, so they are carried for the first six months of their lives. For the first few months, they tend to stay in the fetal position, snuggling in nests or on their parent's back, until their vision and core strength develop. However, once they are on their four feet, they are tiny menaces. They have all the energy and good sense (none) of a toddler but with four strong legs to carry them where they want to go. It's the job of the entire herd to keep them out of trouble. They are easily startled and will retreat to a nearby adult if scared, but they love physical activity. Since they take so well to athletics, centaurs start training their toddlers as soon as they can walk to keep them occupied. Their first training is usually small gathering expeditions, where a few centaurs will escort all of the children to the forest to learn what mushrooms, berries, and nuts are edible. That's followed by runs that grow increasingly longer to learn scouting and camouflage techniques so that they can take their turn on patrol when they are old enough.
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Driders are born with their eyes closed and a soft carapace. Their parents generally keep them in a web nursery while their skin hardens, and they eventually open their eyes. Young driderlings are precocious and curious, driven by their natural hunting instincts to explore. When they are small, they can't yet weave or chew through their parent's webs, but they enjoy observing whatever their parents happen to be doing. They are even happier if they are allowed to help. It takes them a bit to obtain the grace and stealthiness normally associated with Driders. When they are little, they are very clumsy and need help from their parents to figure out which leg goes where. They come of the age to be relatively independent when they are able to escape their nurseries, meaning their teeth and claws have developed as well as spinnerets to help them get wherever they want to go. They are astute students when it comes to weaving, writing, and hunting, with a natural lean towards perfectionism. When they are older, they tend to be more solitary. While they enjoy drider society, they are driven to create safe spaces within it for themselves and can be alone for long periods of time without a problem.
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Orc babies are expressive and needy. They crave physical touch and interaction to keep them engaged or they get bored and naughty. They need lots of toys to develop their motor skills and learn to crawl earlier than human babies from their excitement to follow their parents around. They hate being in their cradle unless they are asleep and prefer to be in the same room with their parents while they work. They take well to other Orcs in their family, excited to meet new people. Orc society is cooperative, so they learn at a young age to depend on others and seek out company. In a well-guarded Orc village, little Orcs are allowed to roam around as they please as soon after they learn to walk because the village works together to keep them safe. Older siblings or cousins feel a responsibility to keep an eye on the little ones, and often, young Orcs will form little packs to run around the village collecting cookies from indulgent mothers and grandmothers. Little Orcs enjoy crafts, group games, and getting into mischief together. Orc parents encourage them to play independently, developing relationships that will become more and more important as they grow.
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