#his skateboard could fly
daretobeking · 4 months
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Remembered that I did this art ages ago and never posted it. I'm improving slowly but surely :}
This was for a dnd campaign I was in that died after about a week but I loved dearly. Maybe I'll draw my character from there too who knows
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the-sneep-snoop · 1 year
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you’ve heard of spider punk now get ready for spider of other musical subculture
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xoxochb · 26 days
hey wassup wassup it's yo girl ash aannnddddd I'm back with another request
so firstly percy x reader (doesn't matter who the godly parent is) where percy's tryna teach the reader skateboarding but she's TERRIBLE at it (OMG THE TITLE COULD BE "said I'd catch you if you fall" FROM WITHOUT ME BY HALSEY idk just a suggestion, you do you)
and they are not officially dating but ofc the feels are there and mostly it's just cutesy fluff and friendship and wholesomeness with a little bit of percy teasing her about falling into him on purpose aksjdhskfhfk I'm already smiling
thank youu for your amazing works, byeee until next time when I think up a request
⋆·˚ ༘ * he was a skater boy, she said, ‘see you later, boy’
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warnings: I don’t know how to skate for shit so bear with me here pairing: percy jackson x fem! reader a/n: used avril lavigne lyrics for the title because I thought it was fitting
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“no! don’t let go”
percy laughs when you dramatically grab his arms for balance. “I’m not. will you relax?”
“Im scared!”
“you haven’t even gone a centimeter yet” percy points out, signaling to the skateboard underneath your feet that’s been in the same spot since you began
you fake a cry. “what if I fall and my skull cracks open?”
“you’re skill isn’t cracking open as long as I’m here. I won’t let it”
“swear it. now let’s get moving”
percy places a hand on the small of your back, giving you a nudge so the skateboard moves a bit. If it weren’t for the butterflies flying freely through your stomach you would’ve physically hurt him, but you gasp and throw your arms around his neck so if you move so will he
“percy! don’t push me”
“I’m not gonna let you get hurt. don’t you trust me?”
“I do but that doesn’t make me any less scared”
percy taps twice on your head with his free hand, pulling you out from his shoulder. you do so and blush at the close proximity
“listen,” percy starts “I’m going to be holding onto you the whole time. It’ll be physically impossible for you to get hurt. we’ll take it slow, okay?”
you nod your head. “okay. slowly”
“that’s my girl”
you and percy untangle your arms from around each other, moving them to hold hands. you allow percy to guide you slowly, the skateboard moving now more than a foot, but two before you lose your balance and fall back into percy. he laughs at your failure
“you can’t stay out of my arms, can you?”
your face reddens. “not on purpose”
“do you want to try again?”
you stand upright again, positioning yourself in the same way and the board moves beneath you. this time you reach four feet before you start celebrating your accomplishment
“percy do you see this! I made it further this time!!”
in the midst of your happiness you tumble off the board, falling into percy who topples on the ground along with you. you laugh and lift yourself from his chest, your faces inches from each other. how badly you had wanted to close the gap, yet unwilling to risk your friendship you remove yourself off of him and sit by his side
“sorry, uhm- for that” you apologize
percy sits up to face you. “no, it’s fine. you’re still learning”
you smile. “do you think we can try again?”
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liyaauhr · 2 months
Aiden & Taylor HC’s because no-one talks about them enough! 🎢
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— disaster child + disaster child = recipe for chaos
— After her father’s death, Taylor never really got to have a normal childhood like most people her age. She didn’t want to rely on her twin brother constantly for help and had an emotionally unavailable mother so she spent her time trying to help out around the house as much as possible. Her first time goofing off was actually with Aiden who convinced her to skip class to go to the skate park and taught her how to skateboard.
— Gossip about their classmates ALL THE TIME. Literally Taylor will call up Aiden at the ass crack of dawn being like “OH MY GOD you will NOT believe whats been going on with blah blah blah” and Aiden would immediately be like “OMG wtf??? Oh I knew they were a bitch 🙄”
— They team up to cheat in uno. Both of them sneak in +4 cards to their deck and trade cards underneath their legs like dealers to get the people they’ve targeted out in the round. This person is usually Tyler because he has a whole FLIP OUT and when it’s not him it’s Ashlyn because you cannot tell me she wouldn’t get competitive and be a sore loser.
No. this is totally not based off of personal experience. (My friends suck 🤧)
— Once during Christmas, after watching so many movies (and paying attention to none) Aiden had the bright idea of recreating the traps in Home Alone. His parents were away and Taylor tried to talk him out of it…but then he offered a monthly supply of chocolate bunnies and a declaration of a prank war on Tyler so naturally, she concedes. The whole thing was surprisingly easy considering Aiden just has a bunch of questionable random junk lying around that is that is scary dangerous when utilised so with Taylor’s craftiness and Aiden’s creativity the two of them end up making some unstoppable traps. Unfortunately, instead of taking them down once they were finished, both of them got sidetracked by making cookies for the rest of the group to eat. As of on queue, a poor unknowing Ben had walked into the front door after guitar lessons with Tyler and well…you can imagine the disaster! Literally hundreds of booby traps flying at him from every damn corner, every wrong step taken resulted in another attack and eventually a net came out of nowhere and trapped him mid-air!
(Tyler was behind him and could not stop laughing for a good hour as Aiden and Taylor watched in horror, he now has infinite blackmail material in his gallery.)
— I hc that while Tyler is a great cook, Taylor is an excellent baker! When she’s concentrated she can make some really good cookies and cakes that she had learned from her mum.
Long story short, they’ve blown up a whole kitchen before (at least it was Aiden’s).
— These two 100% do dumb tiktok challenges together and you cannot convince me otherwise.
— Before the Savannah trip, I like to think that Taylor was intrigued by Aiden’s energy when he first arrived especially considering she’s the type to notice people who aren’t necessarily well known (as seen with Ashlyn). Whenever she saw him he was always smiling and goofing off with the tall guy that followed him around and she sorta missed that feeling after losing it so long ago when her father died. Her brother and mother had never been the same since and Tyler became more serious, not to mention her other friends weren’t exactly the silly type.
And the two seemed to stick to the ginger haired girl like glue (to her dismay). She found it funny watching them annoy her to no end and Ashlyn had always been someone she had secretly wanted to get to know.
I feel like a part of her really wanted to make friends with them from the beginning because while the people Tyler and Taylor hung out with were nice enough, they always felt so disconnected and out of touch from them.
— They share a PE class together and literally both choose not to try in class and instead choose to goof off and gossip instead.
— Once Aiden’s roots were growing out and Taylor noticed and offered to re-dye it for him. Turns out she has 0 hair skills (all the genes went to Tyler lol) and Tyler walked in on the both of them in the bathroom. Aiden with patchy bleached hair that looks like its frying itself raw and Taylor with random bleached streaks and botched bangs. Safe to say, neither of them are allowed to use hair products and tools anymore.
— They match together for Halloween because everyone else is a loser who can’t accept their amazing ideas (e.g chicken onesies, angry birds etc.)
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we-do-be-writing · 3 months
Swimming with the Jellies
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) x Reader
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It was your first year in Pelican Town, and Lewis had invited you to the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies festival. When you asked the other villagers about the event, many expressed their love for the tranquil night of celebrating the jellyfish migration. However, Sam's eyes twinkled with mischief, and he told you this would be one to remember.
You had pushed this from the front of your mind and had almost forgotten as you walked onto the beach. You greet villagers as you pass by, heading down to the far end of the pier to find Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian. Waving hello to the trio of friends, you move next to Sebastian and give him a little smile.
Ever since you moved to the Valley, you have been absolutely smitten with the frog and fantasy-loving programmer. Unfortunately, you could not gain his trust enough to have him as a dance partner at the Flower Dance, but you understood his hesitation. Nonetheless, you continued to crush on him, giving him gifts at least once a week.
"Hey Sebastian, here's an earth crystal I found in the mines."
"Hey! I accidentally brewed an extra cup of coffee this morning, here you go."
"Sebastian! I heard you were working on something important, so I brought you a sashimi. Make sure you take a break to eat!"
You only hoped he didn't think your gifts were overbearing, but he didn't reject them and seemed genuinely grateful, making you hopeful. Still, you weren't going to push him, taking it slow as Abigail informed you that Sebastian didn't exactly have a lot of experience.
Before you can speak to the man, Sam waves you over to the other side of the pier. Walking over, you see the same twinkle as earlier and become a little wary of what the skateboarder is scheming.
"What if I push Sebastian into the water?" Sam whispers.
"Considering jellyfish are about to come near the pier, and who knows if they're deadly, that might not be a good idea." You respond, crinkling your eyebrows at the thought of Sebastian being stung.
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He reassures you, but you can't help feeling unsure. You raise an eyebrow at him, and Sam holds up his hands in a surrender gesture.
Returning to Sebastian, you sit on the edge of the pier, ensuring your feet don't touch the water. He follows suit, making himself comfortable, resting his hands by his sides. You glance to your left and see his fingers almost touching yours. With your heartbeat thundering in your ears, you take a deep breath and turn to him.
Your attempt at starting a conversation gets cut short abruptly as you watch Sebastian go flying into the water, Sam's hands pushing him right off the edge.
Chaos follows as people start shouting, and the mixed voices of Abigail, Robin, and Jodi chastising Sam.
Clearly, they have Sam covered, so you focus on Sebastian, who just popped up from beneath the water. Based on his numerous rejections to swimming this Summer, you can only imagine that he gained his swimming skills when catching frogs.
You shake your head to clear your mind of these curiosities and immediately grab the pier's edge with one hand, extending your other to the man. He tightly grasps around your wrist, and you can see the surprise on his face as you haul him back to the safety of the wood. Now soaking wet, he ruffles his hair to remove the clinging water, and you can tell he's forcing down the shivers.
He insists that he's fine, pushing aside everyone's worried comments. Abigail takes a quick glance at you, and it's clear that she has something on her mind. You only hope it's not as dangerous as Sam's plan.
"How about Y/n takes him home, so he can warm up." She suggests.
Before anyone can respond, you chime in with an "I'd be happy to, Haley can show me pictures tomorrow."
Although she doesn't exactly understand your liking of the isolated man, Haley gives you a little wink and ushers you two from the pier. You don't see it, but she and Abigail share a little low-five as they settle next to each other. Perhaps this is the start of a beautiful friendship...
Nonetheless, you and Sebastian make your way to his home in the Mountains. Still, he's suppressing the shivers, but the way he rubs his hands against his arms tells you all you need to know.
Getting to his home, you both descend the stairs to his room, a new place for you. See, you've been working on building his trust for you, but you've never been invited into his room. Of course, you wish it was in different circumstances, but you'll take the win.
"Um, I'll grab a warm drink while you change." You say, turning on your heel to go back up the stairs. Sebastian hums his agreement, and you continue on your quest, finding some apple cider that you quickly heat up.
Bringing two mugs carefully downstairs, you push open the door to find Sebastian's shirtless back turned your way. He looks over, hearing the door creak, and notices your slightly wide-eyed look.
He clears his throat as a blush coats his pale skin before he speaks, "Whatcha got there?"
"I found some apple cider that I warmed up, I hope that's alright." You say, handing him a mug as you avert your gaze, "sorry for walking in unannounced."
"Meh, it's alright," He replies, taking a sip of the drink, "thanks for the cider."
"Of course, I guess I'll leave you to it." You begin to walk backwards towards the door.
"Hey," He says, walking up to you and bending down a little to catch your eyes, "you can stay if you want. Everyone else is going to be at the festival, and I could use your company after my brush with death."
You laugh at his dramatics, making eye contact with him again, trying not to draw out how your eyes travel up his chest first.
"Plus, you made a cup for yourself... unless they're both for me." He hands you the other mug and you mentally smack your forehead for forgetting that.
"Yeah, that's a good point."
You two sit on the couch in his room, warming up as you sip from the apple cider. The silence is comfortable, something that's a little hard to find in the busy Valley. Looking over, Sebastian starts to doze off, sinking further into the cushions.
Quietly, you take the cup from his hands and set it on his desk. As you go to get up, Sebastian's fingers gently grasp wrist again.
"Sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes with his other hand.
"It's no problem, you've had a chaotic night. I was just going to grab a blanket." You respond, to which he nods his head.
Grabbing the blanket from his bed, you wrap it around him as he curls up further on the couch.
"You can stay," he says with a raspy voice, "I'm awake."
He very clearly was not staying awake much longer, but you don't mind. Taking your seat beside him again, you feel his arm sling over you as he covers you with the blanket as well.
You expect him to move his arm, but Sebastian seems content with where it is as you feel more of his body weight lean against you. Being very aware that the sleepy man is likely not thinking straight and his chest is still quite bare, you can't help the blush on your cheeks.
Not wanting to disturb him, you shift slightly to get more comfortable and hug your arms lightly around his body on top of the blanket. Listening to Sebastian's content breathing and feeling the warmth from his renewed body heat slowly lulls you into sleep.
Neither of you hears the front door swing open or Robin descending the stairs and opening the door to check on her son, meaning you miss the soft smile that graces her lips.
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19calicos · 3 months
i know where to look – kuroo tetsurō ˎˊ˗
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✶⋆.˚ chapter 1: call an ambulance! ( 𖦹 )
now playing: humility by gorillaz ft. george benson
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cw: weed, skate injuries, 1 blood mention, a bit of overthinking
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deep breaths: in, and out. the first lesson anyone learns in skateboarding is that the board can smell fear. hesitate and you'll eat shit, and they've eaten shit loads of times in the past couple days – the bruises and aches in their joints speak for themselves.
they blinked and two hours already passed, but they could live in this moment forever. everything was just right; suna was on aux with some mellow tunes at a relaxed volume, the night breeze was gentle and cool on their cheeks, and the lights of the library cast a peaceful glow on their friends watching from below. the staircase was their runway, and the library courtyard was their oyster.
“you got this yn!” noya called out, jumping up and down and pumping his board in the air. atsumu and suna were sat on their own boards while osamu held his phone up, recording them. yn insisted this would be their last try for the night and that this was gonna be the one that they land, and begged him to record this attempt.
“i’m gonna be honest, i don’t know how the fuck yn hasn’t broken their ankles yet. they’ve taken some crazy falls,” atsumu commented, cheek rested in his right palm while his left hand toyed with his shoelaces.
osamu shrugged in response. “it’s funny, they’re terrified of talking to people they don’t know but not of landing boneless from that high up.”
another deep breath and yn backed up a couple more steps. the world was crystal clear before them, from the way the tape of their board felt in their hands, all rough on the tips of their fingers, to the way their feet dug into their shoes, stinging ever so lightly from all the times they landed that night. they were floating on cloud 9, and now they were about to fly.
one, two, and they’re in a running start.
three, four, and they’re rolling on their board.
five, six, and they’re in the air, hand holding onto the middle of their deck.
seven, eight, nine, ten, and they’re soaring. the world is still for a moment, and they can see all of the library and the courtyard before them. they catch sight of their friends below, eyes alight at the sight because they know that this is the one they're going to land.
they landed with a solid clatter on two feet, the immense momentum rolling them quickly across the courtyard with their hands raised triumphantly in the air. they looked back at their friends cheering for them and mirrored their smiles – until they were interrupted by a crash that knocked them off their board and turned the world sideways. 
“ow, what the fuck!” someone yelled, followed by the sound of yn’s board crashing somewhere. they wouldn’t be surprised if their board broke with how much force it flew with, but for now they focused on sitting upright and blinking back the sting of their fall.
oh, they crashed into a bench. at least they landed the trick and got it on video too. they helped themselves onto their feet and jogged towards the direction of the yell and the crash.
before them were three guys around their age, two with weird hair and another with glasses. the tall one with black hair was on the ground, holding his head while the other two’s jaws were dropped. yn’s own eyes widened and they ran over, panic rising in their chest.
oh, fuck. it’s the guy from section that they saw from their peripherals and thought was kinda cute. and he is cute up close, with his dark messy hair, but this wasn’t the time to get nervous over their proximity to him.
“fuck, oh my god, fuck are you okay? i’m so sorry! oh my god, we have to call an ambulance or something what the fuck,” they immediately spilled, kneeling to his level to check the damage. there was no blood thankfully, but his chances of a concussion were high.
the voice of suna reached them from a few feet away. “yn, are you okay–oh, kuroo? bokuto?”
weird hair guy #2’s eyebrows rose with recognition. “suna! and tsumu! hey hey hey! could you give akaashi and i a hand here with kuroo?”
with yn’s now badly chipped board in hand, noya jogged up to the group and knelt where yn and kuroo were. “jeez, usually i’d say you’re fine but your head is bleeding a bit yn. c’mon, let’s get you two to urgent care.”
yn let noya pull them to their feet. he put their arm around his shoulders for support and watched bokuto support the cute guy the same way. glasses – or akaashi – didn't seem very phased and already had directions pulled up for urgent care. yn’s fingers grazed the side of their head, and when they took a look they saw bright red. yeah, noya was right about urgent care.
atsumu nodded to suna and osamu, car keys in hand. “i can drive us. ‘samu, suna, we’ll see you guys at home?”
“sure, text us if you need anything,” osamu replied. it’s not like they were strangers to late night urgent care visits, not when he skated with yn so much and lived with two walking tornadoes named atsumu and noya.
once in atsumu’s car, yn slumped against the window, with noya crawling into the middle seat and akaashi coming in after. the ache in yn’s head worsened, and their shoulders were tense from their fall, the guilt and fear of giving this cute guy (kuroo, they now know) a concussion or worse, and the presence of people they didn’t know. did kuroo recognize them? should they just drop the class and jump off a cliff now so they don’t have to face him ever again after this?
noya’s elbow nudged them, and he offered them a kind grin. “hey, don’t worry too hard. he seems tough ‘cause if that was anyone else who took your board to the head, they’d probably be knocked out,” he spoke, voice low so that no one could hear him over atsumu’s radio, bokuto’s lively chatter about volleyball from the trunk, and kuroo’s grunts of response.
yn exhaled and let their head fall on noya’s shoulder, their own shoulders relaxing after being so tense. he was right — from the way kuroo’s friends acted, they seemed confident he would be fine after all.
“thanks, noya,” yn breathed with a small smile of their own as they pulled into the urgent care parking lot. yeah, as long as kuroo didn’t recognize them from class, they could get through this without dying of embarrassment.
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masterlist | next
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⟢ everyone got home close to 3:30am. kuroo did have a concussion and yn had a nasty scratch on the side of their head, but it wasn’t that serious so they were in and out of urgent care pretty quick. usually they just take care of their own injuries tho
⟢ normally it takes yn a while to warm up to people, but because they had atsumu and noya with them they fed off their energy and are now well acquainted with bokuto, akaashi, and kuroo. they all played a lot of crazy 8 on game pigeon while waiting for kuroo's and yn's turns to get checked out
⟢ here’s a video of what the trick yn was practicing looks like ! imagine a couple less stairs but yeah, yn’s body is mostly made of steel since they’ve been skating forever. do not try this at home lmfao yn is just lowk crazy and has like no sense of danger when they skate they just see a trick and go like "yo lemme do that too" and they're still alive so it works for them
⟢ thankfully kuroo did not recognize yn! they sit on opposite sides of the classroom (kuroo by the window, yn by the door) and they both weren't paying attention to anyone's icebreakers. yn didnt plan on showing up to section anymore unless required anyway so this just gave them another reason to not show up
⟢ suna did end up rolling the cross joint while yn, atsumu, and noya were at urgent care. everyone smoked it together but not without forcing yn to debrief about kuroo and convincing them to text him
⟢ might upload what everyone's boards look like soon hmmmm
⟢ also im rusty and this isn't proofread please don't look too hard into my grammar ... hoping the time skips (afternoon to 2am) make sense and that i didnt leave any crazy plot holes alr LOLLLL please ignore timestamps
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taglist: @eggyrocks @whorefornoodles @sereniteav @bedeater @itsdragonius @spicana @localgaytrainwreck @sunafc
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0rgan1c · 4 months
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Bradley Uppercrust III
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We need more Bradley Uppercrust fanfics😞 ・゚゚・。☆
Art by @scr4mbl3deggz on TikTok
“ CHUG!”
“ CHUG!”
“ CHUG!”
“ CHUG!”
There he was. Bradley Uppercrust, the most egotistical, self-centered incel that has ever met the face of the Earth. He was the fly in your soup- the eyelash in your eye and there he was; making sure all the attention was on him as usual as he gulped down the last ounce of beer that was remaining in the funnel. The roaring commotion around you merged with the booming sound of the song Everybody by the Backstreet Boys was deafening. The fact that you had to stand there in the mass of intoxicated college kids and watch people hype up your degenerate of a classmate wasn’t making the situation any better.
This totally wasn’t the type of place you would be in- I mean- you didn’t even know why you let Bradley convince you to come. Maybe it was the persuasiveness of his voice or how insistent he was on having you at his party; but you couldn’t say no. Now sure, you could’ve just not went, but where’s the fun in that?
Snapping back into the scene in front of you, you realized the aggravating man that once stood in the middle of the crowd of people had vanished; and for some reason all of a sudden you felt lonelier than ever. It felt kind of silly to come to that realization, especially considering the fact that you two had hated each other ever since you had laid eyes on one another. You maneuvered your way through the crowd and to the kitchen of the Gamma Mu Mu frat house when-
“ Didn’t expect to see you here.”
You whipped your head around and saw the same person you had despised your entire freshman year.
“ You invited me?” You remarked
“ I know.”
“ So what’s the issue?”
“ Welll I kinda got the feeling you didn’t like me.” He flashed a small grin at you.
Well I mean he wasn’t wrong, you never thought he’d payed much attention to you though. He’d just seemed like one of those boys who peaked in Highschool and used his “rich-boy” status to get whatever he wanted. He was everything you hated.
“ You’d be right about that.”
“ Then why’d you show?”
You hesitated for a moment.
“ Just bored I guess.”
That was half true. Sure, you didn’t have much to do, but you could’ve just stayed home and watched movie or something. There was something in you that wanted to see him.
An awkward silence fell between the both of you.
“ You wanna get outta here?”
“ What about your party?”
“ Tank and the rest of them will take care of it.”
“ And where do u plan on going?”
He fell into silence for a moment.
“ D’you skate by any chance?”
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The chilling night air fell upon your skin as he lead you out the door, and you almost didn’t catch how his hand ghosted your lower back.
“ I’ve never skated before.”
“ That’s why I’m teaching you”
You honestly weren’t completely sure if you trusted him, but the way he looked at you made you feel safe. The way he took your hand into his and guided you onto the skateboard, and how he nerded out about all the tricks he knew how to do. He was so gentle and patient with you that you almost forgot how much you hated him, although I guess you can’t really call it hate now. I mean, what type of person hates someone and then learns how to skate with them. Besides, you came to realize you may have been too quick to judge. Maybe you were projecting, who knows🤷‍♀️
“ Hey I think I finally got it!-“
You turned around and smiled at him when u hadn’t even realized how softy he was staring at you, and there was something in his eyes you couldn’t pinpoint; something you’ve never seen before. It felt like time had stopped for a moment, and his eyes never left yours. Before you could react, his lips were on yours and he’d pulled you in and off his skateboard. All you could focus on was the way his hands grasped your waist, the way he treated you so gently, the way-
“ Bradley- you’re drunk.” You detached your lips from him in an instant when you realized the truth of the situation. The beer chugging, the weird amount of kindness he was showing you, it all made sense. He was drunk.
“ Let’s go home. It’s pretty late out” Stupid. that’s was the best way to define you right now. It’s stupid that you would consider that he liked you, and you weren’t even sure why you cared.
“ No ‘m not” His crimson tinted cheeks and slurred speech told you otherwise.
“ y/n” he took hold of your hand before you could walk away from him
“ I need you.” He mumbled, and he weakly moved your hair out of your face before kissing your neck and slowly going lower
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Unsurprisingly, you both ended up back at the Gamma Mu Mu frat, hickeys littering each other’s necks. His hands grasped any part of you he could as he hungrily kissed you.
“ you’re so cute…” he managed to mumble out mid hickey. Even in his drunken daze, you could still see some truth in what he said.
“ Bradley…”
“ Hm?”
“ You really mean that?”
“ I known it ever since I’ve seen you.”
Before you could advance any further with Bradley
Holy shit it’s Max. How the fuck did he get in here anyway??
“ what the fuck”
“ sorry he’s my brother…” you whispered to Bradley.
“ No way”
“ YES WAY. Dude I gotta hide”
In that very second you were stuffed into the back of Bradley’s closet, and for a moment, it kinda made you reflect. This whole entire time you’ve been going on and on about how much you hated him, yet here you are in the back of his closet trying to hide after making out with him.
“ What?”
“ Listen- it’s pretty late so if you’re hallucinating I understand-“
“ I’m not dumb where the fuck are they” Max shoved his way past Bradley, checking around his room to find you.
“ Check my room if you want, but I can assure you that you won’t find anything”
“ I could’ve sworn I saw them come here with you…”
“ I don’t know where your sibling is and I don’t care. Go check someone else’s place or something just get out of here.”
You watch as your brother begrudgingly walks out of the bedroom, you let out a sigh of relief.
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What to do when you find yourself to be an immortal vampire?
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Forever is a long time. Paul knew that, back when he was offered to change. He didn't care. He liked the idea of staying young forever, partying all night, never complaining about life like his parents did. Never complaining about long hours of work an dno payment to show for it. Never complaining about pains in his joints, headaches that wouldn't stop coming, never having to worry about any of those human things.
No, immortality was exactly what Paul imagined it would be. It was partying. It was freedom. It was flying in the sky and letting yourself fall to the ground, knowing you wouldn't be harmed. It was scaring the living shit out of people. It was gory, bloody, horrifyingly disturbing - but most of all, it was fun.
He loved racing on his bike, going faster than he would have dared when he was a human. He loved hunting and stalking his victims. He loved toying with them and making them think they had a chance of survival. He loved hanging with the guys, enjoying life in a way he couldn't when he was still alive.
But, as there always is with these things, there was a downside. Summer, for instance. When the heat began to roll into the cold cave, Paul already began to dread the coming months. The late sunsets, the early sunrises, the number of people in Santa Carla who paid way more attention to their surroundings than they used to. No, those summer months - even though he still enjoyed the nightly trips to the boardwalk - were the one thing he disliked about being a vampire.
He always woke up early, around four in the afternoon. In winter, it didn't really matter. The sun was already beginning to set, and it wouldn't be long before he could go outside. In summer, it was often a seven hour wait before sunset. The others had found ways to cope with their time waiting.
Marko had gotten pets. He cared for his pigeons, cared for the mice, and bugs living in the cave. He made sure the bats hiding in the dark corners were all still healthy - and helping them heal whenever it was necessary. Yes, Marko never complained about the time inside, having more than enough things and creatures to keep him occupied.
Dwayne, well, he was the one who probably enjoyed that time the most. He liked his downtime, preferring to have a quiet, calm evening instead of one filled with humans. He spent his time reading, going through the piles of books spread around the cave as if his life depended on it.
David, on the other hand, was often found writing or thinking up new ways to traumatise his victims. He enjoyed exploring his powers, seeing how far he could go with an illusion, how much suggestion something needed before the illusion took hold. He was often contemplating knew ideas, testing them out, and writing down notes on what to improve. He always played it off as child's play, especially when he had a thing for his victim, but in reality, it took a lot of training to get to the point where he was now.
Paul had never had the attentionspan to focus on his suggestion skills. Nor did he have a gift for animals or the patience to read a book. Over the years, he had done many things. He had tried to grow a bonsai tree - only to realise that he had forgotten to water it two months after getting it. Needless to say, the tree didn't live for long.
Once he had decided to get into making patches, seeing how Marko always decorated his jacket with them. He designed a few, and got better with each one he made - but then he forgot where he'd put his needless, and then just forgot about the thing.
He had asked Dwayne to teach him how to skate, which went surprisingly okay - until Paul decided to skate off the cliff to see how far he would go, and he lost the skateboard. He bought a replacement, but if asked, Dwayne was still a bit sour about it.
Paul tried everything, from making stop motion videos to organising his album collection to learning astronomy and figuring out how to put his bike apart and put it back together again. No matter what he did, over time, it began to bore him. Or he forgot about it, lost his initial interest.
His whole corner of the cave was filled with projects he once begun and then forgot about, things he bought or stole and then never used. But in the middle of all these things was his quiet pride and joy. It was the result of a bet made years ago.
At one point, when the boys were out on the boardwalk, they'd seen a video of a man cresting a solid aluminium foil ball. David was convinced it was bullshit, Paul thought otherwise. So he started to collect foil whenever he could. He began collecting it from the foil covered chocolate Easter eggs, to buying rolls of foil from the store.
The foil ball began small, but now, two years later, it was almost three feet wide and tree feet high. Not only that, Paul looked at it with a grin. It had become a solid ball. He spent his early mornings in the past years hammering on that ball, making the foil stuck together, making it one solid thing.
It hadn't cured his boredom. If he was honest, he was bored of it the second David had begrudgingly admitted that the TV show had been right, but then he realised it was a thing that kept him busy. So the ball kept growing, and growing and growing, until it was the size it was now.
But as Paul looked at it, the huge ball in his corner of the cave, he spotted the empty wall behind it. Marko had some paint left from when he had painted the Jim Morrison mural, and maybe it was time to add another face to the wall.
As Paul rolled the aluminium ball aside, the thing already forgotten, he started his painting. Marko looked at the scene in front of him, wondering whether this painting would get finished or whether he would spend eternity looking at another unfinished project.
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selarina · 1 year
Gojo Satoru might be the strongest boy in the world, but in truth, he’s a bit of a loser.
He didn’t learn how to tie his shoe laces until he was 12 because he just didn’t have to. He didn’t learn how to ride a cycle until he was 15 because what could even compare to flying? He cries, snot-faced and everything, during romance movies, and does so proudly.
But today, his veneer of self-assuredness starts to crack, and he confronts his own strange insecurities.
The day started out early with practice and he barrelled through it as though he was racing against time itself. His driver observes the happy grin on his face and wonders if he's won a trophy or something.
He reached an hour early but he decided to wait outside your school compound, under the scorching relentless sun because you see, he made a promise to you, one that restricted his usual extravagant gestures. And he realised that stepping out of a Lamborghini is not exactly inconspicuous.
And so, he waits and he waits patiently. The minutes stretch and stretch into an hour, and then he finally hears the school bell ring.
His ears perk up and he promptly draws the bouquet of flowers up in front of his chest, readying a smile he knows you like. He remembers luring it out of your chest one day as he made you admit it out loud. He even asked and asked and asked if he could record it, but you simply told him you'll just tell him again and again until it's etched onto his heart. That day could definitely go up on the list of the happiest days in his life.
As the children spur out of the entrance, he realises just how many children go to these normal schools as compared to his own, Jujutsu High School's population was astonishingly small.
He waits and he waits, his anticipation growing with each passing second, until finally, he spots you descending the school's main steps. The smile on his face comes to widen.
However, soon after, his smile starts twitching. He notices the group you’re walking with, specifically setting his eyes on a boy walking right beside you. The boy is handsome Satoru thinks at first glance, noticing his long black hair and at a second glance he notices a skateboard in his hand.
The handsome boy says something and the group and you start laughing quite loudly, your head flinging so far back he thinks you could break your neck.
And then when your eyes come back up after the laughters cool donw. You notice him, sending him a wave as you speed up towards him.
When you reach him, you throw yourself into him, hands flinging around his neck as you pull him into a hug. His hand squeezes your hips as his other hand tries to protect the flowers from getting crushed by you, as he holds it out of you reach.
“Hi baby, are these for me?” you inquire once you pull away, your fingers running over the flowers.
“Yeah,” he smiles. “Do you like the—“
And then he’s interrupted as the sound of laughing interrupts him. He looks up to find the group you were with finally catching up to you.
“Damn, leaving without telling us goodbye?” a girl chides, a familiar face from a polaroid in your bedroom.
“Sorry,” you say, abashed.
You interlace your fingers with Gojo's, hoisting them up as you introduce him, "Um, guys, this is Satoru! And Satoru, these are my friends."
Gojo extends a polite smile to each one as you introduce them by name. He realises he's not going to remember most, if not any, of their names. But he catches one name: Mikasa. Primarily because she was the girl from the polaroid, and seemed rather annoyed at something today.
And then he catches the guy’s name: Eren because apparently he makes you laugh so hard, enough for you to even break your neck.
“Alright, we’ll leave you two lovebirds now, enjoy!” the girl who spoke earlier declares. She turns to you, adding, “Don't forget to call me today, sweetheart!”
“Will do. Bye!” You chirp back.
"Wait—" Eren interjects before you can leave, “Are you coming? Evening?”
“I’ll see... if i’m not too tired,” you reply.
The guy nods, and soon after that, like a beehive struck by stone, the group disperses, all in different directions, presumably making their walk back to their houses.
Gojo remains surprisingly quiet beside you as the two of you walk to the food place he's been nagging to check out. His shoulders brush against your own and it seems to be the only sign of him being there beside you. It’s odd and unsettling.
"Something on your mind?" you ask, breaking the unbearable silence.
No response.
You take it upon yourself to encircle his hand with your own, halting him in his tracks as he meets your gaze.
"What's wrong?"
He pouts, he actually pouts— it's not new or anything but you always feel an overwhelming urge to pinch his cheeks whenever he pouts. But this seems serious so you suppress the urge.
"I don't think your friends like me," he confesses, leaving out the part where he harbours similar sentiments, particularly toward handsome boy Eren.
"Uhh," you hesitate, not rushing to refute him. "They barely know anything about you. So, does it matter?"
"Of course, it matters that the only people you hangout with hate me. They could turn you against me," he admits, his pout deepening.
"That's stupid. Do you think I'm gullible?"
"No," he frowns. "I just want your friends to approve of me."
"Okay— how about you join me today, in the evening?"
"Join you? Where?" he asks, confused.
"You know how Eren asked if I was coming this evening?"
"Yeah," he frowns again.
"Well, he was referring to the skate park. Both Mikasa and Eren will be there. It's an opportunity for you to get acquainted and such," you suggest.
"Okay!" Satoru doesn't necessarily beam with joy, but he strikes a smile. "I'll buy a skateboard."
"You don't have to do that. You can share mine."
He considered the visual—you teaching a seemingly helpless Satoru skate, your hand on his hips, your hand in his hand as you help him skate. The thought appeases him. "Okay," he replies.
"Okay. Now can we get some food? And we can talk more about it more if you want, but while we're waiting for food."
"Yes, I made a reservation," he says, pointing for you to take a turn.
"What? Reservation?"
"Yeah, it's this 4 star Italian hotel, it's supposed to be very good."
"Wait, are you talking about Rossoto?"
He nods, and you speak again. "That's pricey. I don't have that kind of money on me right now."
"Well, obviously I'm paying for us!"
"No, can we just go to a place nearby? I go there often. The food won't be exceptional or anything but it's good stuff!"
"Why though? I've made the reservation, and I've offered to pay," he pressed.
"Well, I'd like to pay for dates sometimes as well, you know? You can't always be the one paying," you say.
"Why not? I have the money," he asks, tilting his head in confusion.
"It's not about that," you sighed. "I appreciate it, but I don't want you to feel like you always have to take care of the money. It's important to me that I can contribute to our relationship as well."
"Okay," he acquiesced with a sigh. "If that's what you want. I just don't understand."
"Well, I can explain better when I'm less hungry. So, is it okay if we go to the place I told you about?"
"Of course. I trust your taste," he conceded.
"Why, thank you. It's a sushi place. You'll like it," you say, drawing his hand into your own.
He thinks even the shittiest restaurants could be amazing if he went with you. He'd rather not, but it's the sentiment of it all.
The day drifted by, and after your sushi meal, you both returned to your house. Satoru exchanged polite greetings with your parents before the two of retreated into the warmth of your room, where you whiled away the hours in languor. Eventually, at some point, you drifted off into slumber, only to later be awoken by the boy who did so by gently prying open your eyelids.
With your hair up and dawning a pair of cargo pants and a crop top, you two had some some coffee, before making your way down to the skatepark. In one hand, you cradled your skateboard, while the other held onto the white-haired boy
It didn't take long for you meet up with Eren and Mikasa and the three of you were off skating as Satoru watched in awe. He's never tried to skate before but he thinks maybe this would be hard if he wasn't literally drenched in powers. He thinks he could get in an hour even so, but for you he'll play dumb because he quite likes this.
Your hand found its way beneath his shirt, inadvertently grazing the soft skin of his hip, but you were quick in drawing your hands away.
"Wait— Don't let go," Satoru yelps, feigning a fall before you extend your hands out to help him.
"Sorry," you murmur. "I'll stand closer next time."
"That'll help," he says, and you don't miss the soft grin. After all, you're just playing along too.
"Maybe taking off your glasses should help, it's not even sunny dude," Eren's voice chimed in from behind you.
Gojo almost retorted but was preempted by your defense, "He has sensitive eyes, you dick. Besides, I haven been holding back on mentioning whatever is going on with his hair, so don't try me."
Gojo thinks that may be of Eren's best traits, but he's not saying that out loud or even subconsciously ever again.
"Hey, I was just trying to help," Eren shurgs.
The skatepark continued to echo with the rhythmic clatter of skateboards and laughter as you spent your time alternating between teaching Gojo, and doing your tricks which was always met with a round of enthusiastic applause from the boy.
Time passes, and the sun's just about beginning to set. There's someone playing soft some soft music in the background when Eren comes back.
"Hey, record me?" Eren comes up to you, handing you his phone. "Mika's got the other point of view."
"Course," you reply, readying his phone in front of your face.
When he reaches the top part of the flight of stairs, you press the record button, a hushed anticipation falls over the crowd, which began to gather around the scene. The onlookers cheered and shouted words of encouragement, their voices blending into pure chaos.
And then immediately, Eren gets up, gliding down the rail, as though there was merely a blanket of snow beneath his feet. He glides with the poise of a tightrope walker. As he nears the rail's end, he defies all caution, making an audacious and if Gojo's being honest, dangerous flip, descending down like a Greek God from the heavens of above.
Still astride his skateboard, he approaches the camera, i.e. you. He rolls his hand down for a quick bow, and then one swoop and he's enfolding you in a hug.
"Oh my fucking god! That was incredible." Satoru hears you exclaim, one hand gripping the phone and the other intently tousling his hair. Now, in this moment— a strange sensation stirs within Satoru's gut.
"Fucking amazing!" Mikasa exclaims, embracing Eren after he releases you, whirling the girl around.
A cluster of admirers swoop down to pat his back, and a bunch of other people gather around you to watch the video.
And in this moment, he feels like a loser somehow. It's strange. He's so used to feeling like a God on water, that once he's turned into the fish that's out of the water, it's all too strange and overwhelming.
"Did you see that?" You approach Gojo, a smile on your face that it could almost melt away all his thoughts. Only almost. "I can't believe he beat me to it. I'll do it one day, and better too."
"Send me the video when you do," he says.
"Or you can watch me in person," you countered, hesitantly.
"Sure," he replied, his tone betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Of course."
"It's alright if you don't want to, you know," you run your hand down his hand.
"It's not that. Of course, I love seeing you skate. You're incredible, better than Eren," he says, shooting a glare out at the oblivious boy surrounded by people. "But I don't belong here."
"Because you're wearing semi-formals at a skate park?" you surmised.
"Yeah," he says. "And I can't be Eren with his stupid hair, and his stupid outfit. And his stupid hair."
"You mentioned that already," you say with a chuckle.
"Well, it's stupid," he affirms again.
"Right, I think I understand," you say after a moment.
"You do?" he asks, head tilting in confusion because he barely gets what he himself is feeling right now.
"I mean, why do you think I'm so scared of meeting your parents?"
"My mum would love you!" He says, defensive because she would. He could almost hear the of conversations of the past where he would sit by her side and paint a vivid picture of you to her. He's sure she already knows you well enough.
"Maybe, but we're from different worlds. And that's hard sometimes, I guess," you say softly.
"Yeah," he agreed.
"But you know, I come to your galas, and you come to wait outside my school. So, I think we'll manage for now," you say, tousling his hair as you bend down to pick up your bag and skateboard.
You two say your quick goodbyes, and part ways, walking under the orange sky as you hold his hand, your thumb gently caressing the back of his palm.
"So, how about lunch at that Italian restaurant then?" you propose.
"You can pay too."
Satoru considered your proposal, a grin gracing his lips. "Next week?" he asks.
"Next week," you confirm.
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tsukimara · 3 months
── FRIENDS? ──
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Chapter 2 ࿐ྂ
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✎ Summary: You've lost most of your memory, and the world looks different than you remember. While looking for a new safe place, you come across an android which is the only one that doesn't want to attack you. Will he help you or will he prefer to work alone? [Cyberpunk AU]
✎ Warnings: Violence, swearing ⚠
✎ Art: thijikoy (On Twitter/X)
✎ Playlist :D
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You didn't move an inch, after all, you didn't want to be shot in the head. The silence was unpleasant, you felt cold as the wind blew and the rain started to fall harder. You would have run away except for the fact that you didn't even know where to go and the person behind you certainly knew the area better than you. Before you could think of anything, the person behind you started talking.
"Turn around." Not wanting to piss off the person, you turned around. He was a very tall boy with blue eyes, his ginger hair was wet from the rain and freckles dotted his face. His outfit was rather unusual, a large collar, a long red scarf with a galactic tip and a top jacket revealing his bodysuit (His appearance is shown at the bottom). You completely forgot that he was holding a gun in front of you.
You raised your hands automatically "Hey, hey, hey, can't we talk uhh calmly? If you put your gun away, it would be great." You noticed the confusion on his face as he put his gun back away. You didn't know he would listen.
"Who are you? I can't find your personal information anywhere." Now it was you who looked at him confused. How did he even check it? You tensed a little as he came closer to you and grabbed your arm, but he quickly withdrew his hand as he looked at you in shock.
"You are a human...?" You raised an eyebrow when he asked about it "Umm yeah?" When you said this, he started laughing. Poor guy must have gone crazy seeing all these machines.
"Scara won't believe me if I tell him this." He shook his head with a smile as he stopped laughing and looked at you. "My name is Tartaglia or Childe, call me whatever you want." He offered you his hand to shake, which you looked at a little suspiciously because he had recently held a gun in front of your face, but you sighed and shook his hand. "Y/N..."
Childe crossed his arms and glanced at the place you came from. "I'm surprised you made it out alive." When he understood what he said, he awkwardly combed his ginger hair, which was dripping with water. "It wasn't supposed to sound like that... but there's no time for that, we need to get going." He grabbed your wrist and started pulling you towards the lower stairs behind him. You stumbled slightly, his hand was as cold as ice, making you shiver. No normal person has such cold hands, so you immediately become suspicious again.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked as he let go of you to crouch down and open the hatch. You looked down only to see darkness, even if you sharpened your vision you wouldn't have seen anything. "There's no way I'm going down there."
"Believe me, it's much safer there than here. At least you won't be massacred there by those stupid machines." He said as he pulled a small flashlight from his pocket and started to climb down the ladder, not wanting to be left alone you followed him down. You had so many questions and so few answers, you wanted to deal with this yourself, but seeing how many robots were on the surface, you preferred not to risk your life. You didn't trust this guy, unfortunately there were no other options but to follow him, he would probably force you to go with him anyway.
There was a long tunnel at the bottom, it wasn't very big, but the darkness added to the atmosphere. Childe took something out of his pocket again, it was a small red glowing cube. He threw it on the ground and it formed into a flying skateboard? Noticing your shocked expression, Childe smiled and stood on the skateboard, offering his hand for you to get on.
"What? Is this the first time you've seen something like this?" You felt like he was teasing you, and you frowned as you looked at the skateboard again. Childe noticed your uncertainty so he grabbed you like a cat and set you in front of him. You stood stiffly, not wanting to fall on the cold concrete, you slowly turned your head towards him with an expression of "what the hell, man?" and he just chuckled.
"It would take forever for you to stand on that skateboard." After these words, the skateboard started moving and you reluctantly grabbed his jacket. If you could, you would punch him now, but you preferred not to smash your head on the concrete, so you sat quietly with a dissatisfied face.
"So what were you doing there?" Childe asked after a moment of silence to lighten the mood a bit and you scoffed. "I'd like to know too." You saw him raise an eyebrow but you just shook your head to let him know you didn't want to talk about it. You didn't know how long the ride would take because all you could see was the light from the flashlight and the skateboard.
The silence was slightly awkward so you decided that you would ask the question now. "So where are you taking me? You didn't answer me earlier." He glanced at you and then looked back at the road. "Ah yes, sorry, we're going to the city of Nexor, there's a hidden place where it's safe. The only problem is that we have to get there and it's not that easy." I nodded, showing that I was listening.
"Those androids you've probably seen are also guarding this city, but they look a little different. Let's just say they don't like us."
"Us?" I asked curiously. "Yes, me and my friends. We are a "Friendship team." You wanted to say something but you didn't want to hurt his feelings so you just stared at the road as if you hadn't heard a weird name of their group.
"They are nice... Most of them. We may be androids, but we have feelings." Your eyes widened when you heard this, that's why his hand was so cold but it felt like a human hand. You finally found yourself at the end of the tunnel, as you stepped off the skateboard you felt like your legs were shaking like jelly and your hair was definitely a mess. The skateboard turned back into a cube which Childe put in his pocket and climbed up the ladder.
When you both left, your eyes lit up with excitement as you looked at the city full of colors and new technology. There were no lamps, only neon LEDs that beautifully illuminated the city. While you were still admiring, suddenly your view was blocked by some cloth that landed on your head. As you took it off you noticed it was the scarf Childe was wearing so you turned to him to ask why he gave it to you.
"Why did you give this to me?" He also started taking off his jacket, leaving his arms completely exposed, and then he handed it to you. Is he making a hanger out of you? "If these androids see you, they will shoot you, so you need to cover yourself up a bit. We won't go to crowded places so that we won't be detected." He explained to you. You put on a jacket and a scarf so that it covered at least half of your face. His jacket was pleasant to wear and his soft scarf kept you warm in the process. Childe gave you a small smile and patted your head lightly. "Let's go."
You followed him to the alley, as always, the alleys were not very clean and there was garbage strewn everywhere. You noticed how the ginger-haired man walks carefully, looks around and checks to see if anyone is coming. You wonder why he helps you. You shook your head to stop thinking about it, you'd probably find out later.
Suddenly Childe pushed you against the brick wall, you looked sideways at him and he just put his finger to his lips to show you to be quiet. A robot about 218 cm (7.15 ft?) tall passed by the alley, it looks a bit similar to the ones you met in the hospital, but this one looked like it had more upgrades. It was black and white with some parts glowing blue, its head was a helmet with a screen in the middle and some black chains were hanging from it. Long arms on which you could probably see guns that were hidden. Its torso was quite small and the legs were thin from above and became a bit larger lower down. You also saw "3X0R 2371 - D" written on the back. Once it was gone, Childe let go of you and peered over the wall, looking around.
"Are these the robots you were talking about?"
"Yes, they are called Exors... Listen, we have a little problem." He announced and you looked where he was. There was another alley on the other side, but to get to it you would have to get past a crowd of androids. "We have to get there, unfortunately as you can see there are a lot of androids so stay close to me."
Walking quickly, you adjusted your scarf so that it covered your face at least a little, and you kept your head down so as not to stare at the androids. You were nervous so you squeezed your hands to calm yourself down a bit. You noticed how Childe tensed as one of the Exors passed by you, before you could even react you heard a gunshot behind you and you were pushed to the side. He was in front of you and quickly pulled out his gun, shooting at the screen of Exor who shot towards you.
Some androids started to panic and run away, you could barely see what was happening. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Childe wearing some strange mask, he kicked one of the Exors and shot the other one behind him. You would help him, but you didn't have any weapons on you and you didn't want to disturb him. While you were lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice one of these machines approaching you from behind, sticking out its hand to shoot at you.
Childe's eyes widened when he saw this and loudly shouted your name to warn you. You looked behind you and when you were about to run away, it was hit perfectly in the hand, but what you didn't expect was that after a while, half of it exploded and it fell down, unable to move anymore. Did Childe have any other weapons?
You wanted to look to the side to see who he shot when suddenly a motorbike passed by you. You squealed as at the same moment you felt one arm wrap around your torso and lift you up, making you land on the motorbike. You were fed up with everyone picking you up like a doll. You couldn't see what the person looked like because they were wearing a helmet and Childe was still fighting the Exors so it wasn't him. Are you about to get kidnapped? The unknown person made a sudden turn and crashed into the rest of the robots, helping Childe. Maybe you weren't kidnapped after all..
"Quick!" Childe quickly shot down the last one and jumped on the motorbike behind the person. As you set off, you looked out and saw the rest of the Exors gathering, but they couldn't catch you anymore. You sighed with relief, it was a stressful action but luckily everything went quite smoothly.
"You're blocking my view." You heard this person talking to you so you went back to your previous pose so as not to disturb them. "Sorry.."
You turned into different places to avoid being detected until you finally reached a dead end when suddenly the wall moved, opening a passage. You swear you'll go crazy soon. Once you were inside, the bright light blinded you slightly, so you narrowed your eyes slightly. The person got off their motorbike and immediately went to Childe to hit him in the back of the head.
"Hey! What was that for?" He started rubbing the back of his head "What for? WHAT FOR?! Are you fucking crazy?! First of all, you left without telling anyone, secondly, you exposed yourself and thirdly, you brought a fucking human! How fucking stupid are you?!" You were still sitting awkwardly on the motorbike, listening to them argue.
"Look, I couldn't leave them there. They would die there!" Childe gave you an apologetic look and you shook your head to show him you didn't mind. "Yeah? Great! Now they will take your place because I will fucking push you into the shredder!" Wow, this person sure had a little aggression problem. "You always say that and you've never pushed me in there before." This seemed to piss the person off more and they grabbed Childe by the collar to get him down to their level.
"You'll end up there soon because your bullshit is starting to overheat my circuits!" You heard a light chuckle behind you, which scared you a little, next to you was a boy with platinum blond and a orange-red streak. He had a gentle smile as he looked at the two.
"Don't worry about them, Childe and Scara are always arguing like this." He looked at you "My name is Kazuha, welcome to our group "Antares."
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✎ || PREVIOUS || *ೃ༄ || NEXT || — MASTERLIST
✎ Childe has no colors, but I will probably show him in full one day (There will also be a drawing of Scaramouche soon :D)
✎ I made a playlist, I hope you like it! I also put the link in the masterlist.
✎ Have a good night/day!
(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ TAGLIST — @sl-vega , @veekoko , @magica-ren , @averagehuman-notsuspicious , @theyluvkatt , @himariilove
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rinhaler · 7 months
Hey hey luxie!! Here are the rin hcs I wanted to share with u this is the same anon from the other day!
* friends to lovers trope is the only viable option considering his overall…disposition, there’s no other way he’d give you time of day
* Calls you otaku in a hateful way because he loves the way ur face scrunches up
* Has all of your orders at any type of eating establishment stored in his brain so he can surprise you whenever ur feeling down
* “What the hell are you doing hanging out with that loser?” “No, I’m coming over and we’re having a movie night.”
* Believe it or not, he blushes easily
* “Rinrin, do I look pretty?” *blush mode activated* “w-what? Yeah! Yeah, really pretty” he precedes to die of embarrassment
* Likes to scare you lmfao especially if you guys are watching a scary movie he’ll say he has to go to the bathroom and when he comes back he sneaks up behind the couch, grabs your shoulders and makes some weird ass noise and starts cackling once you scream and popcorn goes flying everywhere
* Absolute hater
* Will make fun of the music you listen to but then has a whole playlist of ur fav songs
* Simps for you so hard
* This man literally has a key to ur house and brings u coffee almost every morning
* Always wants you at his games and practices and looks for you in the stands
* He’s a little snuggle bunny it’s canon bc I said so
* Great listener but not really good at advice but will never hesitates to be your shoulder to cry on
* Often invites you to do yoga with him
* Loves to brush your hair and have spa days with you
* But know this he’s always gonna win the idgaf war
* Sidenote I feel like he knows how to skateboard and is good at it??? Must be the emo in him
* Titty boiiiiiiiii
* That’s how the friendship evolved into a romantic relationship
* From starring at ur tits
* He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it or when it started happening
* “You wanna touch ‘em, rin? You’ve been starring at them a lot lately.” “Pshh whatever no I haven’t, you’re delusional!”
* Denial is a river in Egypt and he’s drowning it in, he can’t possibly want you in that way….unless?
* “Are you sure baby?” Consent king, has to make 100% sure you’re ok with it
* And after that first tit grab he’s done for
* Absolute slut for kissing and making out like literally he could cum from having his tongue in your mouth (he did the first time it happened oopsies don’t make fun of the poor baby)
* spits in ur mouth, spits on ur pussy, fucking drools allllll over you
* Loves to lick you and be licked
* Super sensitive nipples he’s kinda embarrassed by it but god does it get him bricked up
* Fav positions are missionary (mating press to be specific) and lotus. He wants to be close to you and hold you but still able to watch ur boobies bounce
* really into eye contact he knows how intense his gaze is and loves seeing you get all flustered from it and try to look away
* Grabs you by the cheeks, squishing them together a little and lightly shakes your head back and forth “nuh-uh, look at me me little girl watch me fuck this sloppy cunt”
* He’s got a dirty fuckin mouth (yum)
* “Harder rin, please baby harder!” “Yeah, you like getting your little pussy pounded? god, you’re a fucking nympho, aren’t you?”
* Once again, POSSESSIVE!!!
* “Who does this pussy belong to? It’s my fuckin pussy, only I make you feel this good, nobody else can ever make you feel like this. That’s right, call out for me baby, say my name, tell me who you love”
* Breeding kink due to said possessiveness, he came in you the first time you guys had sex, you are his and there’s no way around it
* Can and will and wants to get you pregnant he doesn’t give a fuck
* Pleasure dom he won’t stop until you’re crying or screaming or giggling from how deliriously cockdrunk you are
* Strength kink this mf just stands up and fucks u mid air, loves showing off
* Moans, groans, whines, grunts, growls, he makes every sound you could possibly think of despite him being a stone cold statue majority of the time, this is not the case during sexy time
* Oh and let me put an emphasis on the whiny part while he’s getting head
* So needy it’s kinda pathetic really but he’s soooo cute
* “Oh shit yes baby, pull it out, please baby please put my dick in that pretty mouth”
* Secretly loves being teased and edged
* Face fucker, both receiving and giving
* He lets you mount his face like a bicycle and absolutely goes to TOWN on ur pussy
* Shakes when he cums like I said he cums inside you and he actually gets pretty emotional that you just let him and trust him that much to do something so intimate with you
* Stamina is fucking insane he can go all night if you want
* But when all is said and done aftercare is really sweet and sensual, he’ll wanna cuddle for a few minutes, just hold you and caress your back and tell you how much he loves you lots of kissing too
* Once he finally gets up he’ll run a bath for the two of you and both of you wash each other off before going to bed
* But he gets out before you so he can put some fresh sheets on the bed
* Rin itoshi is a lover and a sweetheart with is s/o no one can convince otherwise
Anywayyyy ima stop myself there I could literally go on all day abt him it’s bad I’m sick in the head
possessive rin is so dear to my heart I deff agree with that. like, stupidly possessive. doesn't like it when other guys look at you or breathe your air you're his and no one else's.
I love the idea of him knowing what we like to eat 🥹 I'm such a picky eater. However I also feel like he'd definitely try and get you out of your comfort zone to try new things!! But I think he'd be proud of u for trying even if u don't like what he's picking :P
Omg u think Rin is a tits guy?? Any particular reason why or? Idk I never really thought about what he'd prefer but I kinda agree now that you've said it... (hate it for me I hate my boobs LMFAO).
omg these are all so good I could go on so long about them all but I'd end up writing a 50k essay LMAO thank you for sending them though I'm so?? obsessed?? I wanted to post this it's been in my drafts for DAYS I've never had such an in depth ask before so I wasn't sure how to go about answering but u absolutely ate with these.. thank u for sending omgggggg I'm absolutely DROOLING
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
Something that bothers me about Tinkers in fanfic is that... well, most writers make them boring?
I enjoy power-armor as much as the next person, but add a little pizzazz ya know? Armsmaster may use power armor, but his real gimmick is that he has fancy stick that has a lot of neat little tricks.
Kid Win made a flying skateboard that can become an artillery platform, and then became a gun-hedgehog, and that's cooler than 99% of what fanfic tinkers make
Kenzie turned a camera flash into a gun and makes giant boxes that mess with light and time and space
Labrat made himself a syringe collar that mutates him and alters his emotions for various powered effects
String Theory needed to use Rube Goldberg esque devices that could fail if people stopped them!
Which, speaking of, give tinkers weaknesses! Kenzie, Chris, and Armsmaster all get fucked up by having their tech broken or stolen. String Theory needs to not fuck up her timing. Mannequin disposes of any tech that has a single flaw or chip in it, implying that it can fragile internally.
I'm reminded of a WoA cape that Wildbow made as an example, who's tinker specialty required that they needed exotic power sources to work: an ancient artifact, a cycle of the moon, and the body of an olympic level athlete as an example.
Worm and Ward powers are meant to be weird and off the wall compared to Marvel or DC stuff. I wish more writers just took that plunge for themselves.
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forgettable-au · 8 months
If it's possible-
Put them both on a skateboard. Who lasts the longest.
Maybe he's not used to being on a skateboard but he's determined to succeed and also he's definitely more balanced than wingdings (and if that all fails, well... he can fly... so he could maybe levitate there a little lmao)
Wingdings is extremely clumsy (even without properly starting this comic I already have evidence lmao):
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Like,,, yeah
He WILL try to get out of the skateboard and fall on his back
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starreyblueberry · 13 days
Hiii star! I love ur Headcanons/ideas for Timmy! He’s so adorable and my whole childhood <3
I need more of em :>
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WAIT HOLY SHIT UR THE ONE OMORI FAIRLY ODD PARENTS ARTIST?? BROO I LOVE UR AU SO MUCH!! I have a BUNCH of silly head canons and ideas in my heard for Timmy :D
- Timmy is actually a smart kid, he’s able to figure out stuff rather quickly and is very quick on his feet, he just deals with mildly severe ADHD ^_^ (he just like me FR)
- Timmy couldn’t decide on a major and kept switching between them during his first 2 years of college
- Timmy’s room becomes more and more decorated with memorials from his adventures that could pass as stuff he got from the store
- Timmy’s closest also had to be expanded with how much stuff Timmy had from his adventures
- Timmys Time skooter used to be one of the only ways to time travel outside of Father Time (basically it was a secret item Timmy had that he only used for emergency’s)
- Timmy LOVES skateboarding and Rollerskating when he’s a teenager, he feels like he’s flying with his fairies.
- Timmy didn’t get his license until he was 18, as he crashed the car a few times at first.
- His most common wish is usually summoning toys or gadgets for Peri/poof to play with
- Timmy always lists Peri as his little brother in assignments that tell you to make a family tree
- Timmy was the only godkid allowed to dimension-hop
- Jimmy neutron and Timmy turner stay in touch as the years go by, staying close as they valued each others friendship greatly. (until one day Timmy stops messaging Jimmy when he turns 18? What’s that all about.)
- Timmy’s considered a peace maker across the galaxy, and also has a bounty on his head for millions of dollars in whatever space currency there is
- He starts his own video game club, trixie uses her disguise to play sometimes and Timmy doesn’t mind her
- Timmy learns how to deal with fairy hair so that he can help Peri and Wanda with different hairstyles (and sometimes Cosmo but he usually just keeps it down)
- As Timmy gets older he and Jorgen actually meet outside of when he’s in trouble and offer each other advise sometimes or just hang out. And also to tell the other when the universe is ending but who gaf
- Timmy starts becoming really fond of sitcoms since most of them feature found family
- Timmy starts learning how to draw and has a dedicated sketchbook just for his adventures with his fairy fam, so that he had some way to see everything it after his memories were erased
- Timmy gave his Pink hat to peri on his 18th birthday, it’s collecting dust on Peris Bookshelf right now
- Timmy tried to play match maker with his friends as he got older which resulted in a stern talking to from Cupid
- Timmy is a horrible cook until he turns 18, and actually tries for once cause he dosent have much to do anymore
- Timmy is a bit obnoxious with his music taste sometimes (Name 5 My chemical romance songs rn 🙄) (he means well and gets over it)
- Timmy listens to a lot of Midwest emo, and hyperpop. No one likes listening to his playlists cause of the drastic whiplast the change in songs is sometimes
- Timmy wishes less and less as he gets older but he always needs Cosmo and Wanda, just for their bond. He always goes to them for advice
- Timmy sucks ass at sports, he still tries though but sometimes he will fake being sick so he can sit out of gym
- the day before Timmy turned 18 was the time he used the most wishes (aka trying to find loopholes)
- Timmy started to have an appreciation for sea creatures that never faded away as he grew up
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sweetredbeans · 3 months
i still fall for you (like suns do for skies)
My piece for @sthbigbang! It was delightful to work with such talented artists as @encodedkismet, @spiritofrainbursts and @superemeralds! Links to their gorgeous art pieces are at the end of the story! (Yes I will be finishing updating everyone's links as stuff gets posted!)
Comet: definition: a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
Star: definition: a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
He should have known. Dammit, he should have known, from that very first moment, that very first instant in time that he saw him, how it would end.
The way it always had to, the way it always would.
It would end the same way that it began.
I push my feet
To the edge
I look and I face my world
This lonely scene, I take it in
It's hard to say where all of it begins
And I end
Sonic was a comet. A block of ice hurtling through mostly empty space, originating from somewhere beyond the reaches of imagination and flying at unimaginable speeds towards nothing, forever.
That was how it had always been.
True, he would admit that from time to time he had some satellites–Tails, the golden fox twisting and turning like a spark across his endless skies, a shooting star that couldn’t possibly exist in the depths of space and yet he did–unique and impossible. Amy, a burst of violet and rose on the distant horizon, the creation of a new galaxy that called to him, promising a life, a future of stability and tranquility that his chaotic flight would never be able to enjoy. Knuckles, a strong, steadfast planet wandering his own universe and finding his own way in the distant parallel.
None of them could ever keep up. None of them could fully thaw his frozen heart, melt him to his icy core, race him to the edge of the universe in perfect stride, step for step, beat for beat. He was the Blue Blur, the Cerulean Phantom, running solo, free and alone, forever and ever, his only true companions the feeling of the earth beneath the soles of his feet, and the glitter of stars in the endless expanse over his head. He was part of the world, and the world was part of him, and everyone else was just a blip, a splash of color whipping by at speeds that no one else could even comprehend.
In his own orbit, he was alone. A solitary glitter of life sprinkled across an empty universe. And that's how it had always been.
And I waited for the sky to change
But, oh, it never did
And I almost dropped my head
And lost my faith
At least outsmarting GUN had been fun, a quick distraction from the monotony. That's how these things went every time: each adventure was a grand new opportunity that always fell short. Nothing could ever truly challenge his abilities. Leaping off a helicopter, skateboarding down city streets, even fighting that mech—it was all so basic that it barely left his heart pumping, barely made his blood flow through his veins. But it was all that he had, when the rest of the world very often felt so dull and lifeless.
Sonic scuffed the sole of his red shoe on the ground, listening to the way the specialized rubber scraped against the asphalt, before glancing up. The night was hidden here, among the great gray and brown-clad buildings stretching into the skies, their marching rows of rectangular fluorescent lights the only stars that were visible. Never changing, powered from dawn to dusk and round again—no twinkle to them unless Sonic tilted his head back and forth, letting the shadows and walls take one light or another from him. He was the only one who could make a change to his world.
Then I saw you from a distance
You were worlds away
Oh, but you had me from the vision
I never looked away
Then. Then, there was someone there. Someone else.
Someone new.
A galaxy.
A star.
A sun.
It didn't matter that the true stars were obscured: Sonic could see them all, every one of them, here reflected in front of him in oil-dark, ink-black fur. Here was an emptiness, a lack of matter, a black hole straight into space ignoring all laws of physics and reality because he just could. And that red—streaks of blood, of life, flowing through his space, glinting ruby-bright eyes that wouldn't look at him: chaos he wanted this stellar being to look at him. Wanted to be broken apart, cracked open, the glittering inside pieces laid bare streaming behind him worth it to taste the heat of the sun. And this was his sun.
His star was saying words, but Sonic's ears didn't process them, his mind far too preoccupied. Stars didn't speak—they sang, songs so old and distant that no one living could understand the words. His star was singing too, and perhaps, possibly, if he concentrated, if he focused, maybe he could grasp a single thread of that tune, hold it tight forever in his heart, know it intimately until one day he could understand the meaning behind the melody. The truth behind the tune. The soul behind the song.
Only a flash of green, bright and distracting, so very much of this world and none other brought him out of his dream and back into the present moment, “That's the...chaos emerald!”
No...no...his dreams were nothing more than pleasant distracting fantasies. This was no sun, no star. Just a fake hedgehog, another threat to the world, to their way of life, and, of course, it was Sonic's job to stop him.
It would be so easy, of course. Too easy, always too easy. Sonic almost sighed; just another routine, another set of hoops to jump through to avoid whatever shenanigans the world was trying to draw him into, be it from GUN or Eggman or this strange new hedgehog brandishing the chaos emerald like he was someone worthy of its power.
He could be...a star was worthy of that power. A great ball of plasma containing the ability to spring new life into existence, or the ability to destroy the very fabric of reality—perhaps this hedgehog was a star, after all. Chaos, Sonic longed for a star, a fixed point to return home to on his long travels, a spot where he was always welcomed, always loved...
But no, no he was a comet, that was how it was, and he didn't know where such thoughts of being in orbit were coming from. He was free, he was alone, and yet there was somehow no way that he could ever look away and escape from this brilliant crimson glow ever again.
“Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you!” How could they have mistaken him, a dim, distant block of ice, for this radiant point of light?
His star looked at him, with eyes the color of blood, of lava, of the heartbeat of the earth itself, and Sonic willed himself not to care, not to crumble, not to prostrate himself before a god of the very universe itself.
“So...where do you think you're going with that emerald?” Nothing. No response, no liquid song voice; he needed to hear it, he needed to understand! “Say something! You fake hedgehog!”
He did. He sang, “Chaos control!”
And Sonic's heart soared.
He was fast.
He was as fast as Sonic—even if it was just that he was using the chaos emerald to warp, Sonic couldn't remember the last time he'd fought someone who dodged him that quickly on the first attack. Who looked back at him like that, with a smirk that knew it was superior. He could feel the energy radiating from his doppelganger now that they were fighting, a perfect resonance to his own—gravity rippling the fabric of spacetime itself, pulling him closer, tugging him into orbit around nothing less than a giant. Staring into the beauty that would rip him apart and leave him as nothing more than a streak of light across a distant sky.
Sonic felt the world get emptier when the other hedgehog vanished, leaving him alone again to once again face G.U.N.'s paltry wrath.
Shadow. The world's ultimate life form.
His star.
I still fall for you
Like suns do for skies
Pouring in from your eyes
“Pffft, no, what are you talking about, I'm not in love with Shadow! I mean, c'mon that's crazy, right? Cuz, I mean, we just met anyways—nobody here even ever saw him before he showed up to steal that chaos emerald the other day while pretending to be me! The fact that we keep running into each other is just coincidence: of course we'd meet on Prison Island, since he was there to steal stuff for Egghead and I was there to fix stuff and it's only natural that we'd fight and then he'd run away after I totally beat him, and I definitely didn't think about running after him to see where he was going and follow him because I never want him out of my sight again, nah that'd be crazy, right? Hahahahah yeah it totally would...just like it's crazy to think about how beautiful the stars would be reflected in his eyes...red shouldn't be the color of space; space is black, right? Red's a color out of space—but he's a star, of course he'd be a red giant. All the best stars are red giants, aren't they? Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Antares, Arcturus...so maybe it makes sense. But, y'know I'm totally not obsessed with him or thinking about what star he'd be or anything...”
“Uhhhh...Sonic?” Tails' voice cut through Sonic's rambling and the blue hedgehog immediately stopped, his hands frozen where they had been gesturing wildly to the empty air.
The yellow fox gave a sideways glance at Amy and Knuckles, who were both staring too, mouths slightly ajar, “I, uh...I don't think anyone asked that. We just wanted to know where to go next.”
A short beat of silence before Sonic cleared his throat.
“Oh, yeah, heheheh, that makes sense,” the blue hedgehog made an expression that could be a grimace or a grin, as he ran his hand nervously through his quills before glancing up at the skies above him, “Well...space, I think. That's where...that's where they'd be. That's where Shadow belongs.”
That's where all stars belonged.
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
Like watching the Earthrise
He'd never tried to harness chaos energy before—not like this. But he knew how Shadow's energy felt when they'd clashed—he'd memorized the fluctuations, the rhythm and beat of his rival's existence resonating with his every breath. So here, in the tiny space capsule falling towards his imminent death, he closed his eyes and remembered it.
He remembered how to be a star.
And somehow it worked.
“You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.” His star. His star, not even attacking him now, not lashing out at him but merely here, walking beside him. If they both reached their hands out, they could link their pinkie fingers together, an unspoken promise, a silent bond. Sonic felt his heart stutter, but kept his voice nonchalant.
“You know, what can I say...I die hard!” But he could tell the truth; he couldn't lie to his star, couldn't hesitate to tell him, “You actually saved me, you know.” The golden gem gleamed in his hand, its energy a paltry reflection of its true cousins, but still vibrant in its own right.
“It was a chaos emerald, wasn't it? But there's no way you could have activated chaos control using an emerald that's fake!”
Of course he couldn't. It was against the laws of this universe, completely out of the realm of possibility, but for his star, he would do it again and again. For his star, he would reach through the bowels of a black hole to another universe and bring back the haunted dust of a million galaxies if he only asked.
The corridor walls blurred together: somehow, they were running. Neither of them knew when they had started, but they were—they had to be, it was in their nature. They couldn't stand still, neither of them, they had to run, had to feel the world moving around them.
“So there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you anyway?”
A comet. Your comet.
But he couldn't say that. He could never tell, “What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!” It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.
“I see. But you know, I can't let you live.” Of course he couldn't. Suns didn't let comets live. Comets came to bask in their glow...and died in their arms.
They said that we both were too different
That all of the shine would fade away
But I wish that I never listened
'Cause you pulled me through the grey
Sonic didn't care what Tails had said; he didn't need to heed the yellow fox's warning. He'd never felt like this before. Not with anyone.
They were perfectly in sync. Golden fur glowing, liquid ruby eyes shining, power thrumming through their hearts and blood, they were both suns. Even if one was only a reflection of the other, who could tell when they were so close, so bright that it hurt to look at them. They were truly stars now, a perfect binary in orbit around each other, balanced in exquisite harmony. Every nonexistent breath of nonexistent air matched, every motion was coordinated like they'd been fighting in tandem for years, decades, centuries. Time was immaterial, because they were made of the fabric of the universe. They were never ending, a perfect dance, a perfect song flowing through Sonic's heart. Despite the severity of the situation he never wanted it to end.
They were perfect.
They were partners.
And for the first time...Sonic felt like he could see the world in color. He could see the beauty of the universe painted across the vault of heaven before him. He could see the reasons that people had for living, not just existing but living...he had seen colors before, the splashes of his friends across his oblivion of endless obsidian skies, but they had come and gone, faded before he'd even noticed them.
This was different—this was a reshaping of the very fundamental building blocks of his world. This was color in the way that the first daffodil of spring is, the ripple of a fish in a pond, the streak of a meteor, the flaming foliage of early autumn.
This was life.
I still fall for you
Like suns do for skies
Pouring in from your eyes
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
He saw Shadow's decision reflected in his eyes, painted across every inch of sky and stars. He could feel the pull of energy, his partner's wavelength out of sync now, his frequency decreasing.
“Shadow! Shadow!!!!”
His entire universe turned to look at him, and he felt the core of his being shake at the expression in his eyes. The resignation to an end far too early.
“I have to make them happy.”
“But...” Sonic bit back his response, What about making ME happy...he knew what the answer would be. He always knew what the answer would be.
And then there was no more time “CHAOS CONTROL”.
The energy he'd felt vibrating in his soul since the first moment he'd seen Shadow snapped, springing back on him as he left and Shadow...didn't. Separated, broken apart, the comet flung from the orbit of the star by a collision with a force that neither of them could have predicted and tossed away towards...towards...
Sonic couldn't look away. He couldn't.
I walk these streets of loneliness
A tranquil sea on all horizons
This empty scene of might-have-beens
I stare at starless skies
That call to me and I still wish
He could see it.
Their future.
Their “might-have-beens.”
(I still wish)
He could see himself alone. Forever. The world slowly falling back into gray as he watched the never-ending stars shift around an empty planet.
There were sunflowers here. A forest of them, bobbing their golden heads against cerulean skies, mimicking in their own way the world itself. Sonic was shorter than them, their stems stretching far above his head as he walked the endless forest of them, searching for something he'd lost and would never find again.
A shape, a figure, a shadow darting through the green stems ahead of him—he was following them, always following, but he could never catch up, never quite make out their form any more than an obscure shade.
At his feet, a perfect flower, plucked from its stem. Golden symmetrical harmony in every petal. The minute he touched it, it crumbled to dust at his fingertips, blowing away on the wind.
His voice called after it, but only once; he felt blood well in his throat at the raspy croak, cracked and broken from hours, days, years of calling the exact same thing, and never once receiving an answer.
(I still wish)
He could see them standing apart, facing each other. They didn't know each other any more, but somehow the battlefield was familiar, the players the same for another round. The tables reset, the game restarted, another chance in another life.
“It'll be a date to die for.”
“Hey! That's my line!”
He could see an invasion, a devastation on the scale that none had ever imagined—even he couldn't stand against it, falling to his knees in the face of oblivion, but somehow, at the end, there was Shadow. There was the star, the sun, his golden glow shining out against a blood-red sky, and taking the power he had been too weak to use before to end the war before it even began.
Shadow, his star, saved them all, taming the power that had once burned him out and turning it against his very creators, all for the sake of their world. Sonic stared up at him with awe and adoration, but Shadow never looked at him.
Not even once.
(I still wish)
He could see a shattered universe, a disaster created by his own audacity and hubris. His friends and enemies mere shells of their former selves, taunting him with possibilities and “might have beens” as he worked, piecing them back together even as the broken remains of the world drew farther apart, fading and flickering towards oblivion. He risked losing it all, losing everything—not just his true friends but these new versions as well.
But Shadow was there, watching over him: guiding his footsteps, and, at the very end, catching him when he fell.
Shadow saved him. Shadow always saved him.
(I still wish)
But best of all, he could see them dancing, like this, forever. The space above the planet becoming their domain, their place to stand and watch over the world below. They would count the stars together, naming them one by one and hanging them into their constellations, holding each one close until the day they went out, disappearing with a whisper or a nova bright enough to light up the entire night sky, leaving a mark on the skin of space that could be seen for millions of years.
A super nova.
He could see them in the city, the rain covering up the stars, the buildings, everything except the two of them, walking, hand in hand through the never-ending gray, but never being lost because together they were always found. Heart to heart and hand in hand, orbiting each other perfectly and perpetually, the comet caught in the star's gravity and kept safe, the perfect distance away to admire the fire but not be burned by it.
He could see them in the flowers in the spring. Tulips, each as red as Shadow's eyes, bobbing their heads under the sun and the stars, time meaningless to them as they walked among the crimson fields, the smell of damp earth invigorating to every sense.
He could see them fighting, teeth bared, ears pinned, snarling and growling and hating each other or the world or both, until fur was dusty and fangs were stained with blood, but at the end of the day they would embrace, fire and ice, and return to a home that they shared and watch the world pass them by.
Like watching the Earthrise
Sonic didn't know how he'd found himself back on the ARK after the battle with the Final Hazard. He couldn't remember walking the hallways back to the viewing area—he couldn't imagine looking away from Shadow's grave for one singular moment. He...he hadn't, right? He hadn't looked away...he couldn't look away, he might miss the spark, the distant moment when Shadow reignited and came back, a phoenix from the ashes...his Sayonara couldn't be the end.
“Sonic.” Tails' voice nearly made him jump out of his skin, but he didn't look back; he couldn't look away.
“We have to go. Eggman's ship is getting ready and...”
Sonic cut him off, “Tails?”
“Comets...what are comets?”
“Comets? Uh...they're big balls of ice and rock that usually start way out in the far reaches of the solar system, and for some reason get flung in towards the sun. When they get close, at the near end of their parabolic pathway, the solar wind heats them up so they start forming tails of dust and gas as they basically burn up...”
Tails kept going, continuing his commentary about the wonders of the universe, but Sonic didn't hear, didn't process any more of the words, because there was only one thought that was echoing thunderously through his mind.
“Sh-shadow...Shadow was the comet.”
“What?” Tails stopped chattering, his tone concerned.
“Shadow was the comet.” Sonic's voice was hollow, as he stared out at the enormous blue and green ball that slowly rotated into the view of the window, “And I...I was always the sun.”
It was always going to end like this.
Like watching the Earthrise
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glitter-stained · 2 months
Also mostly from my civilian AU, here are sports that I can see the batfam do as non professional hobbies. Kinda scared to post this ngl, I feel like some of y'all will not share the vision, but also it's really not that deep
Barbara: Okinawa Kobudo, she's especially proficient with the bo
Dick: juggling (will do it at any given moment, no warning)
Cass: dance, obviously ballet but I could see her doing other dances too, maybe contemporary jazz and acro-stuff, I just want her to have fun and explore all the possibilities.
Jason: maybe my biggest hear me out, figure skating. He has the balance, the flexibility, the creativity and sensitivity. When I used to play the piano, there would be this form of vulnerability and emotional drifting in synch with the music, when you pour your heart into creating and in return feel transformed, which is something that never happens when I write or draw although I love those things. I can definitely see Jason going to ice skate when things are messy in his head and getting into that sort of similar headspace.
Steph: Roller Derby
Tim: skateboarding
Duke: I'm thinking parkour (I see a lot of videos of parkour in sort of indoor gyms with bars and structures that looks really fun and challenging, that's what I'm picturing)
Damian: I don't picture civilian Damian doing that many sports but if I had to choose maybe karate? Open to suggestions
Harper: paintball/ laser tag (she designed the guns. If she likes you they're just lasers).
Kate: general conditioning & athleticism + male gymnastics, because that's an almost completely different discipline and she likes that one better
Bruce: generic conditioning/weight lifting lifting, gotta pick that body in peak condition to carry his colony of children on each arm. He's also proficient in bike football from that one time he went to Germany.
Luke: kite flying (with complex, beautiful kites of he designed himself)
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