#hmm. i think i have a plan. just not sure to execute it. i need to talk to someone and it cant be over text but im not sure ifll see them-
postmail · 2 years
i want to draw but its too late out..... i shouldnt get out my art stuff rn
guess i could just write instead
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Have You Met Them Yet
TW: mentions of inversion, character death, implied character death, cursing, guilt blaming (I probly missed some.. please click off if you find something that triggers you!) mentions of characters' actions(good and bad) {I don't know any southern slang- don't execute me..} {the ending feels a little rushed- I'm ngl}
it's my mission to make you cry let me know I how did!
I had a lot of fun writing this.. so um enjoy your readings! (no joking triggers this is a bit more serious than my regular writing style)
I met a person.. My person and of course like most of my relationships in this cursed.. After life. It started on the wrong foot. It seems a lot of stuff starts on the wrong foot nowadays.. Hmm.. Mamaw.. I don’t know why but I called them Darlin’ it just slipped out.. Then I encouraged them to do something stupid instead of telling their alpha. In which he found out later, but for now I'll focus on the beginning,  after we met and traded numbers.. I wanted to aid them in the search of that bastard.. I know you’re turning in your grave hearing me curse right now..
  And I'm sorry for that memaw.. Speaking of Bright and Fredrick they’re doing better.. I’ve been repairing and trying to compensate for how I acted toward Bright.. I don’t know if the dead can mess with the living.. But I felt you pinch my ear.. Haha. I wouldn’t be surprised- if you alone could.. But southern grandmas are like that. But I'm getting off track, one night I called darlin’ with some information, however when I called. It sounded like they were in pain.. Nowadays these ears don’t miss much- then again, they didn’t miss much back then either... But turns out.. My darlin’ hm.. Got into a fight with some vamps… they survived but got badly injured. They were acting recklessly.. And maybe it was the healer in me- or something else.. But unsurprisingly I practically drilled them with questions and eventually got some answers. That didn’t stop them from making it ten times harder than needed. But you could say I liked that about them. After all, in a way, we were still strangers to each other. 
Darlin was badly injured and needed some help and I’m pretty sure they were planning on bleeding out to death on their couch. And honestly, it seemed in character for them. That being said.. It wouldn’t have felt right on my conscious knowing I could’ve helped but sat around doing nothing about it. But I couldn’t just up and leave after all I chose to take responsibility for the newborns at the time. So I pulled some strings and got Vincent to look after them while I stepped out for a bit. You remember Vincent, right? Tall and annoying, with a heart in the right place- when he’s not being a little shit.. And now he’s got backup, that partner of his is just as devious.
Nonetheless, I made my way over there, you know my bedside manner ain’t never been as good as yours Ma. But it got the job done. Hell, I even made a little joke, if they stopped getting themselves in life-threatening situations. I’d improve my bedside manner… and for a while, they didn’t get in trouble. They called me and wanted to meet me. I didn’t know why at the time but they sounded troubled. So I went over, to figure out what was wrong. You know me Ma, putting my head where it doesn’t belong. And once again I put the newborns on Vincent. I’m slowly running out of favors with that boy. What we talked about was less than savory, Blood bonds aren’t rare but when they happen between a wolf and a vampire. After all, we tend to distance ourselves from each other… have I ever explained what a blood bond is to you Ma? 
I don’t think so, but whenever a vamp and another vamp come into contact with each other's blood almost always a bond is formed. Between 2 vampires you always know where the other is no matter what. However, between a wolf and a vamp, it’s a little different because of the 2 different types of magic at play. In the rare case that a bond is formed you get something different. You only know the location when the blood is outside of the body. And it seemed my companion, and Quinn formed a bond after their last encounter. And with that in mind. I practically begged them to stay safe, before I could finish my ‘’ friendly ‘’ chat. William called and someone wanted to speak to me. Hah.. I didn’t know David Shaw wanted to speak to me. It was surprising and sightly expected..  I went back to tell them some make-shift excuse, that I had to leave. And when he called I answered- and he asked to speak in person. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intimidated. He’s much bigger in person then what they give him credit for. 
Ha.. that night the only question he had for me was ‘’ Is My Pack Member Okay? ‘’ despite Darlin’ not feeling a part of said pack.. They cared about them. David wanted to get the full story/ at the time we only had parts.. David told me his and I told him mine. From what I learned their relationship with Quinn was more than friends if you catch my drift Ma; and my Darlin was done with him when they found out what and how he viewed humans. Not only did Darlin leave him, but they also reported him to the department. In return, he attacked their friend Darlin arrived in time to save them. But Quinn got away-  though Darlin fed him the lie Quinn was caught.. He heard about Fred and Bright and got curious.. And surprise surprise the truth came to the light… hm.
      David then told me he planned on confronting them that day after all he knew where they lived. I was given a choice- and I chose to warn them… I thought they’d hate me. I don’t know why but I did. But Darlin proved me wrong, they called and invited me over. When I got there they looked like a kicked puppy….Pun unintended.. I’m quite sure I’ve told you the story of Alexis repeatedly.. And god knows.. But because I knew the story of Darlin and Quinn I thought it’d only be fair for them to know the story of Alexis and I. how my descent into the after-after life started.  
And next thing I knew we were on the couch and I was staring into their eyes. God their eyes.. Were so fucking beautiful that night. I think that night is when I finally realized I loved them. Maybe it was before that.. I don’t know- but at that moment, I let all those feelings out. And my darlin’ let theirs out. And we fell asleep there on that couch, ( and if you’re wondering it's the same couch they almost bleed out on. ) but back to the story.. The next morning we awoke on the couch snuggled up against each other. And the plan was to hopefully leave before the sun rose. But when you’re with someone you care about you lose sight of time. 
I’ll save you some of the sappy details, that you’ve probably been told already.. Ha..- eventually I wanted to make Darlin some food just before our day of comfort and clarity ended. And well- they didn’t have anything and I mean anything. How do you have a fridge full of condiments? But no food.. My Darlin was always a confusing person. But I’m sure they had a good heart.. But before I left I wanted to make sure they had a least a decent meal.. You know me Ma. 
I would’ve just taken them to the store… but this damn immortality and practical allergy to the sun. Made that impossible and they wouldn’t have gone on their own. So I pulled out the more reasonable idea and with all this damn tech. You thought it was confusing back then.. But it’s only gotten worse now, like how many iPhones does one person need? Then the whole controller vs pc argument. There's just so much and this old man can’t keep up with it. Darlin tried to help me with it..but the lord bless their heart. But with this little knowledge, have i learned how to use a delivery app. I’ll admit, I struggled a bit- but we got the food Darlin wanted ordered.  And wasted the rest of the day cuddling on the couch.. A few days later, I invited Darlin over hopefully I could encourage healthier eating habits. Even if I had to roast them over the fire. At the time they knew what a fully stocked fridge and pantry looked like now. The newborns were finally adjusted in the best way possible.. I don’t think anyone could adjust best in this afterlife especially not the way the 2 of them were brought into it.
 Just as the the newborns were getting used to being vamps Darlin was slowly but surely adjusting back to pack life. They used to say knowing they care about me doesn’t help me feel like they care about me.. They were just so used to doing it on their own but they were getting used to everything again. 
In a random twist of events, darlin invited me to their pack solstice. You know the whole moon-bound sun-bound shit... We didn’t have to worry about that when we were alive.. After all, freelancers kinda go with the flow..  Nevertheless, I wasn’t expecting to get an invite to their pack solstice.. I didn’t want to invade their fun.. You know? A vamp at an all-wolf party? 
I was hesitant till Darlin said David wanted me there. I didn’t want to let him down. Had I not encouraged Darlin to speak up instead of shutting down I probably wouldn’t have gotten the information. 
And as much as I wanted to deepen our relationship. Mentally I couldn’t, darlin understood.. They always did. So in the upcoming days, I went to the solstice and well.. It reminded me how anti-social I am.. Ha, Darlin left to go get a drink and I nearly had an anxiety attack. The Shaw pack is good people they still are.. Even now with everything that has happened.. But Asher tried to make me feel comfortable.. And kinda made an ass of himself..
Milo came over as crowd control. And Asher of course made a short joke which in turn made Milo retaliate with an invite to watch Asher get his ass beat. At that moment I didn’t what to say. And eventually, they wandered off.. And David found his way over to me- he was glad I came. And made a joke about Darlin.. I wonder if they went out to in fact fight a bear.. But Darlin came back with a red cup- they went to get a drink we teased each other. And enjoyed the rest of the night. 
The inversion is still hard to talk about nowadays.. David almost lost his Best friend.. Vincent’s partner had to give up everything or die.. Maybe at that moment, I felt a small jolt of jealousy.. They had that conversation.. They got the choice I didn’t and the choice bright didn’t get. Maybe in that moment.. I felt selfish.. I.. god.. Ma.. you’d think I was a bad grandson.. It was something.. But my Darlin was right there when that ward went down. They were right there, the look they had on their face was just heartbreaking.. Then again everyone they knew and cared for was trapped inside trapped in inside a ward.  And the fucking department was no help. But that wasn’t surprising. Milo’s mate and perhaps a few others are the exception, they know how to do their jobs… and with all that had happened, I just went on a drive.
 I just kept driving, Darlin was busy with everything else doing their best to help their family.. Even if they're still adjusting, they can be just as stubborn as me. But when it was my turn to get some of their care- which I wasn’t aware of at the time. They sat outside waiting for an hour for me to get home. So when I pulled back into my driveway and saw them standing there I realized. How much they cared about me, and in that moment after I handed them the key to my house.. I realized just how much time I was wasting, they weren’t going to live forever for this never-ending game of cat and mouse. So when I handed them that key, I gave it my all. I stopped letting the past dictate everything I do. I wouldn’t let losing you, my parents or Alexis ruin what I had in front of me. 
And I guess Darlin thought the same. They called me their Mate that night. Hearing that would come out of their mouth was, something different.  Knowing something like that and then hearing it come out of someone's mouth hits differently. That night I learned to move on. I learned to accept and grow.. And so did my darlin. And honestly everything was going fine. Till maybe a day or 2 later David called with some information, quinn was supposedly up north.
And as soon as those words left that man's mouth. Darlin shot up like a crack on ice, and when David hung up. They started thinking.. I could it in their eyes. They thinking how far they’d have to go.. How fast they’d get there and how fast they could take him down. I tried my best. Had I not been there, they would have gone after him that night. Had I known any better I’d think they would sneaked out that morning. Hell, they’d get pretty far.. But I should’ve known something was wrong. Maybe.. Just maybe… but I somehow calmed them down. I made them a promise if the department doing do anything.. We’d go after the rat bastard ourselves.. Yeah.. yeah not the smartest thing I could have said in that moment.. But I don’t regret what I said that night. Quinn had caused everyone pain. And he’d been breathing too much and too damn long. 
And for the time being, things were fine. Darlin tried to teach me how to play Smash.. If you remember the last time. We talked about Smash, I lost.. Destroyed.. They beat my ass so bad. I never wanted to play that damn curse of a game again. But Darlin offered to teach me. And by teach they meant watching me struggle. And even laughed a little, as I said.. This old man ain’t used to this. After I got my ass beat a few times by the NPCs I won a game against a different group of NPCs..  everyone needs a break from the games.. Like I don’t know if I could take one more micro transition before losing my mind you know? 
So introducing Darlin to old-fashioned horror movies seemed like the best way to wind down. My big bad wolf kept getting scared out of their fur.. This time the pun was intended. And at this point, we made a habit of falling asleep on that damn couch. But now I can’t stand looking at that damn thing.. Then again I haven’t ever cleared their stuff out of our home… even now that it’s been months.. I can’t bring myself to do it. We moved in together almost a year and some change ago. And every moment of it was bliss. Once again I’ll save you the sappy details. I'm sure you’re gonna get fed them. And other teasing details. I wouldn’t expect any less from my Darlin. Unsurprisingly I got roped into playing Smash again mainly because Milo wanted a rematch. But like I said the pack is good people, and they need a shoulder to lean on.. As much as I do too. The night went by soundly.. Darlin set me up more than once. Which hurts by the way! But seeing them interact with the pack soundly was amazing. 
It was a fun night, but it wasn’t going to last forever.. I wish it did. Over and over.. Day by day.. But no one can change time, no one can fight destiny…. Pun unintended. Maybe a week or 2 darlin got a call from David. After I had to go to work… you already know I work as a restate agent.. Never thought It’d be a path I’d take but here we are.. I wasn’t expecting a lot of things. Quinn had been caught.. He managed to take out 2 of the arresting officers.. But he was brought in, only problem was he had a girl.. And she was on borrowed time. 
And the only person he wanted to see was me. He was refusing Darlin's Acknowledgment.. He had already run from them once. Now he was taking this away from them again…but I knew they needed to be in that room. Somehow, they convinced me everything would be fine. That they’d watch from the glass 
Every word that left his mouth hurt..like hot iron on the skin if I thought he was a monster before. Hearing him talk about Frederick.. And.. I, that girl was the only thing tying me to that room.. One thing I wasn’t expecting, was for him to air out his.. Romantic life with darlin.. You don’t do that to someone you supposedly love- then again he wouldn’t know what love is even if it slapped him in the face. It felt like hours before he shut up.. God I never wanted to punch someone so badly. Maybe that's a bit of a lie.. I’ve met a lot of people I’ve wanted to punch in the face. 
At that moment he just took the cake. I sat there listening to it all cringing.. I wasn’t my Darlin there’s no doubt they thought I was judging them.. I wasn’t. I promise you, the last thing on my mind was judging them. I wanted to leave that room and just hug them, and never let go. Eventually, he shut up.. I guess he realized he wasn’t getting to me. And he told me where that girl was. And with that information, I practically ran through the door. 
I needed to get to them. I wrapped them in a hug, they may have fooled the others with their poker face. But I knew. I saw through it like a glass door. I held them close in that moment. Kissed their temple even. I was doing my best.. I wanted them to feel safe. David helped them while I was in the room with him. He did his best. He promised them he’d get Quinn. I should’ve known the damage was done. I should’ve done so much more than what I did... because just maybe.. Had I tried a little more.. Maybe they.. Would’ve had.. 
They were already going through so much.. And it didn’t get better. After I tried to calm them down and make everything better.. Fucking David called.. With the worst news known to man. The girl was already dead.. She had been for 2 days. All the proof Quinn showed was fake, they were taken before he drained her dry. I was distraught and that creature.. Had taken another life, and his actions would claim another. 
Darlin and David told me. Everything wasn’t for nothing at least that girl's family got closure. I know that should’ve been enough.. But it wasn’t and I hate myself for that.. Me and Darlin drove in silence… ha.. You know Ma.. I’m a bit of a crybaby nowadays.. 
Have you met them yet?.. God, you too would have so much to talk about.. That night when we got home. After David's phone call..we-.. we just needed each other. I hadn’t realized they holding on to so much more than I thought.. People tend to say Stress kills. I just didn’t believe em. Darlin fell asleep in my arms.. They didn’t even try to talk my ears off. They went to sleep with a smile on their face, I should have known.. I.. my Darlin..was gone. I should’ve known.. When their body went cold.. There were so many signs, and I just brushed them off. Had I, just noticed something sooner than I did.. You guys wouldn’t be meeting as fast as you are.. They had so many years left. Darlin.. Hearing that girl didn’t make it. Having to relive everything.. To be exposed like that in front of the people you care about.. You were under so much.. I should’ve done better.. But you can’t take back the past. Only learn from it. 
I love you..you brought your light to this darkened cowboy's life. You showed there so much more to life. Then living in the past. So I came here, to tell you both.. I love you more than anything. And I would have loved to give you my last name in due time. 
Sam stands and places Red Orchids on the gravestone. As his tears rolled down his face. 
‘’ My big bad wolf.. With a heart of gold..’’
WC: 3.5K (or if you wanna get specific 3504) another thing. the flower choice was very specific
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Do you have a WIP you haven't talked about because it's not fleshed well enough?
Hmm, let me look through my notes because I think I talk about most of my WIPs even when they're just bare bones I chew on
A few of the plotlines I don't think I've talked about yet but I've been internally toying with include:
The earthspark mecha reconnect with Cybertron, only to learn the war is still very much ongoing up there (Rodimus and Megaempress may or may not be two big names involved here)
Earthspark Tarn and Overlord arrive on Earth, with a mutual deal that circles around killing Megatron. However, they end up disagreeing on how exactly they're going to execute this idea, and Tarn ends up doubting his alliance with Overlord the more he spends time with the blue mech.
Earthspark Trepan somehows his way to earth, and Megatron is torn between what, exactly, he is going to do with Trepan. Sometimes in this plotline, Trepan end up striking a malicious deal with agent Kroft and GHOST, which doesn't bode well
In general I have a million ideas about Megatron's pre-war past being dug up and consequences ensue
Vaguely tfp but it's been several years since the Great Cybertronian War ended, since the transformers left to go back to Cybertron. Except, for one reason or another, necessity calls Optimus back to earth and he isn't alone (he's with Megatron. Megatron is here. And his 💖husband💖, as it's made increasingly clear that a lot has changed since the bots left)
Instead of getting strapped down to the laboratory table, CYLAS becomes a decepticon and joins their ranks. He wanted to be one so bad? He gets to realize it's not all cupcakes and rainbows as it really sets in that he's not quite human anymore and that the decepticons suck fucking ass.
We only saw a bit of the bot brawls in Earthspark, but I like to explore the idea a little further— especially with the concept of an exgladiator getting involved with them.
Quintessons invading earth, causing the autobots, decepticons, and humans alike to need to team up is a favorite concept I like to fuck with
Tfp decepticon win or seemingly decepticon win scenario where Megatron, as part of his ever enigmatic plans, starts a planned pregnancy because to him? They've won, and it's time to move on to the next phase of the plan. Sure, rebuilding while on earth was not anticipated, but it's nothing the decepticons can't puzzle out :)
This one's a little more freeform and sillygoofy but, as part of peace negotiations, Megatron wants something unexpected: a sparkling. He wants Optimus to give him a sparkling.
Tfa decepticon win scenario where a disgraced decepticon traitor teams up with the autobots to topple Megatron from his throne
An au were some especially ambitious humans find a (bayverse?) hatchling, and take it in. They're about to learn raising a sparkling is you guessed it pretty fucking hard
What were things like when earthspark Megatron freshly defected? I like to think about that
Other stuff probably
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kdsburneraccount · 3 months
☔ and 🌤️ for the fic asks
(this is fritzes from main)
Hi!! Nice to see you in my inbox ☺️ ☔ Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it? SUPERHERO AUs!!! Honestly the idea of Superhero AUs probably appeal to me because it's a logical jumping point for Sports RPF in general; like athletes are always described as superhuman so why not imagine them having actual superpowers?? I feel like there's so much potential with regard to coming up with superpowers different people would have (is it personality based, or maybe the complete opposite? Much to consider). Also there’s the whole double lives thing that one can incorporate into their story: like it’s a little cliche to have someone be in love with someone else and their alter ego and keep thinking they are two different people. However it does make for some decent dramatic irony and good emotional twists I think. Especially if it's a hero/villain type deal hmm... like if it’s executed well I will be nodding in approval while reading 🫡 however all of this kind of requires a decent amount of planning and worldbuilding and at this point I am not wired to worldbuild so 😭 maybe I’ll write a short story involving superheroes someday.
🌤️ Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP
Oh wait I actually have something tennis related here (Jannik is a vampire):
“It doesn’t matter that you drink blood,” he said, completely seriously. “You’re still my friend.” “Even if I could hurt you?” “I’d give you my blood if you needed it,” Carlos stated, and his stare was so intense that Jannik wanted to look away. “I don’t think you know what you promise.” “But I do know,” he replied, extending his wrist out to Jannik. “So- if you need to. Go ahead.”
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missrown · 2 years
Sano Shinichiro x Reader
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
- In which, Shinichiro has an awful big fat crush on you, and it's becoming an annoyance for his friends, so Takeomi comes with a brilliant plan.
A/N: yes this is the puspa idea hehaha also I can't dialogues that well so djshsh it took me two whole days alright—
@kamikoii you said to tag you!! Here ya go! :)
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Takeomi swears if his best friend doesn't stop his chants of "did they look at me?" for five damned minutes he will attack.
And glancing at Waka and Benkei, he concludes that they share his sentiment. Even if they don't, he be damned if he hears that question again.
But they do.
So he decides secretly on a very secret meeting between him and Waka and Benkei, just an hour before their Gang Meeting.
"Are you serious!?"
Waka cannot believe what he is hearing.
"Surely, that plan will backfire."
Waka nods in agreement to what just Benkei said.
"Then do any of you have a better idea?"
Takeomi waits for a few seconds, but none of them responds to his question.
"Thought so."
Waka groans, cringing his face, he tries to imagine the good outcome, but all he can see is how it will go worse.
"Alright then it's final, tomorrow, we talk, and the day after tomorrow, we execute."
Takeomi leans back. Out of the conversation.
"I still think this is a bad idea." Waka hears Benkei muttering, and he silently agrees with him.
They wait till other members of the gang and the Leader himself turn up, a meeting is commencing, after all.
Tomorrow arrives, and Waka could care less of the so-called plan, but he has to. Even if the bad outcomes are more, there's still a chance for the good outcome. And he will hold onto that.
It's sunday today. And today a new film is going to be released in theaters, what was the name again? Well, not that Waka cares, it's a romance genre after all.
He and Benkei are already at the theater, more importantly the theater near your house, yes. But where in the world is Takeomi?
Waka for a second thinks he bailed out, but he was the one who came up with this stupid plan, so he gotta be here only.
And sure enough, Benkei spots him, near the ticket counter. With you.
So he already started.
"What?" You are baffled at the boy's request, who briefly introduced himself as Akashi Takeomi, a schoolmate of yours.
"Yes. I know this is quite weird, but please we may be just spared if you do it." Takeomi is on the verge of kneeling and begging to you.
"Wait a second, you are telling me, you will pay for the film, for me and my friends also snacks and all I have to do look and smile at your friend?" Truly a weird and baffling request.
"Hmm" your friend, Shiomi starts, "It's not a bad idea y'know, movie ticket paid off, and also snacks? Count me in, after all snacks are expensive."
You really want to argue, but the offer is too tempting.
"Ok, Fine! I will do it! Just pay for us I guess." For some reason, you have a good feeling about it. Well, it's probably because of free food.
As you go back near the counter again, this time Akashi Takeomi following suit.
"So we are just money tree huh?" Waka chuckles as Takeomi recites the recent encounter between him and you.
"But how did you knew that they will be here, today, at this time, and to watch this romance movie?"
"Benkei's question is a very important one.", Waka muses.
"I overheard."
And that was Takeomi's reply, but one thought trained on his and Benkei's mind. He evaesdropped.
"The movie's starting soon, c'mon I need you guys to pay for the snacks." And just as he said that, he left for the snacks counters, Waka and Benkei followed him.
Takeomi is pacing today, near the cafeteria. And Waka has an inkling, a guess for it.
"Waka! Oh what if they don't do it and I would have wasted my money, then what??" There's an immediate stress on his face, and this was one of Waka's worries.
"Can't do nothin' about it anymore, should have listened to me, let's just go in and see." Waka sighs, he too is a bit worried, after all his money was used to.
As they go in, yes. Shinichiro and Benkei are already there, eating.
"Okk!! Now's the time!!" Shiomi whispers to you, "We promised didn't we?"
"Listen! But uhhh we got to watch the movie, and got free food! Isn't it fine if we just ignore them?" You say, as there's an uncomfortable feeling, looking and smiling at a boy, which you found out that has 'down bad crush' on you for a whole two years, by a trusty classmate is not really a fun feeling.
"Yeah!" Shiomi grins at you, there's a small smile on your face, she understood you. "If they were normal boys. Do you even know who they are?"
OK. She did not.
"No. Are they important?" You tilt your head to little bit of the left side.
"Well, kind of. That guy who has a crush on you is THE Sano Shinichiro! Y'know Black Dragons? The latest and hottest gang?" Shiomi grins wide, she is too excited.
"I just asked if those boys are important? Do you really think I know?"
You are annoyed right now, Shiomi is not like that, but when it comes to stuff like 'Delinquents' and 'Gang' she gets excited, like her older brother Jin. It must run in the family.
"Alright, that's fair. Then just listen, Long story short, it's a Bōsōzoku, and they are famous. I have heard that the Leader is sooo strong that he doesn't even have to lift a finger!! His goons can do the job. And y'know the person who has a crush on you? Yeah, He is the Leader. And I have heard some rumors too, that if things don't go the way they want, they will totally beat anyone up. Even elderly and children and women."
OK, that's scary.
"Ok, but, if you are this much of a die hard fan — how is it you didn't tell me that yesterday, if you did, I would have totally refused!!"
"Well, I just found out today, from Jin." Shiomi gives you a sheepish smile.
"Then the guy who asked us to do it? What about him? Is he like that Leader too??"
Shiomi visibly gets brighter over your question, if you wouldn't be in this mess, you would have been happy to see her like that.
"Well kind of, He is called The God Of War. And the reason is that he can predict the outcome of the fight before it even starts!! He is the second in command!! I'm pretty sure he is as strong as the Leader! We can't really gouge how strong the Leader is, no one has seen him fight! We can just guess!"
"Oh...that's a bit worrying."
And worrying it should be.
"Benkei! Ya' think they are looking at me?"
Shinichiro's question snaps Benkei out from his thoughts, and it took him a second to recollect himself.
"Yeah....they are."
It almost sounds like he is forcing himself to say it, but Benkei is not wrong.
You are looking at him, albeit there's a bit of fear in your eyes, and you look a bit uncomfortable too. Benkei can only guess you know about Shinichiro's not-so-good reputation in Tokyo.
"Smile!!" Shiomi's harsh whisper makes you do it, it doesn't really reach your eyes. It looks awkward.
And Shinichiro noticed that.
"The fuck Takeomi!? Just die goddammit!! How fuckin' dare you!?"
Shinichiro's anger is justified, he did not know. It's been almost six years since that incident.
Six years, he has been left in the dark.
"You tellin' me you fucking bribed them to look at me!? Fuck you!"
Takeomi cannot be mad. What Shinichiro said is true. Although, he didn't except he would be this mad. It's probably the cheap alcohol.
"It's sunday today.." Waka mutters to himself.
True, it's Sunday. The same day when that movie was released, Waka still doesn't know the name of the movie.
"C'mon you can't be that mad!" Takeomi retorts, "Look at yourself! It's been three years you dumbass, no just look at that fucking engagement ring goddammit!"
With that remark, Shinichiro falters a bit, he is happy, but you knew it, and didn't tell him, and he found it out by Takeomi while they were drinking together, is not fun. Especially when you are out, with your friends, to a theater near his and your house, to watch a movie.
"Hey Benkei?" Waka whispers to him as Shinichiro and Takeomi are bickering in the background, "What was the name of the movie again?"
"The movie? Oh yeah, it's name was 'Sunday'."
Oh what a fitting name.
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
It actually gives me such satisfaction that Olenna was likely PISSED when Sansa (and later Tyrion) fled KL,  because it interfered with her plans.
Think about it. Their escaping means the murder of Joffrey remains open.  With nobody to execute for the assassination of her “sweet son”,  Cersei is going to remain obsessed with getting justice and in turn that obsession could easily turn to other people who might have had a reason to wish Joffrey ill.
Given the fact that at one point Cersei entertained the thought that the Tyrells were involved in Tywin’s death and that they secreted Tyrion and Sansa to safety, it’s not exactly a leap for her to eventually suspect them of being involved within Joffrey's death.   Cersei being resentful over seeing Margaery’s influence over Tommen means it won’t be hard for her to believe that the Tyrells killed Joffrey because Tommen was the more attractive alternative to them as you said.  Cersei also believes that Margaery never loved Joffrey and only his crown. Of course, it is likely that she would still believe Sansa and Tyrion guilty in some way.   She will likely go to her grave believing Sansa killed Joffrey and hating her for it.
But anyway, the Tyrells killing Joffrey makes Cersei’s animosity towards Margaery all the more dangerous because it would not be that hard for said animosity to turn into suspicion, especially with Sansa and Tyrion escaping the capital.   This easily could have been what Olenna was fearing, and this was why she didn’t want to leave the capitol after Margaery was wed to Joffrey/Tommen.  She uses her dislike of KL as a front, but the reality is I don’t think she was ignorant of the fact that Cersei disliked Margaery and therefore leaving her in KL was not something she wanted.   
And Olenna’s fears end up being realized but in a different way.  Cersei doesn’t try to punish her granddaughter after discovering the truth, but she tries to punish her by doing the same thing Olenna tried to do to Sansa. 
What happens to Margaery is absolutely poetic justice aimed at Olenna primarily.
But also, yes, Olenna tried to make Very Sure that Tyrion (and by extension Sansa) would get convicted of the murder and be out of the picture ASAP.
After Pycelle came the procession, endless and wearisome. Lords and ladies and noble knights, highborn and humble alike, they had all been present at the wedding feast, had all seen Joffrey choke, his face turning as black as a Dornish plum. Lord Redwyne, Lord Celtigar, and Ser Flement Brax had heard Tyrion threaten the king; two serving men, a juggler, Lord Gyles, Ser Hobber Redwyne, and Ser Philip Foote had observed him fill the wedding chalice; Lady Merryweather swore that she had seen the dwarf drop something into the king's wine while Joff and Margaery were cutting the pie; old Estermont, young Peckledon, the singer Galyeon of Cuy, and the squires Morros and Jothos Slynt told how Tyrion had picked up the chalice as Joff was dying and poured out the last of the poisoned wine onto the floor. When did I make so many enemies? Lady Merryweather was all but a stranger. Tyrion wondered if she was blind or bought. At least Galyeon of Cuy had not set his account to music, or else there might have been seventy-seven bloody verses to it. (ASOS, Tyrion IX)
Taena Merryweather, who works so very dilligently at becoming Cersei's friend in AFFC, is the sole reason mere circumstantial evidence becomes 100 % damning.
And she just so happens to be the wife of a Lord who may be in need of having his lands restored by the crown to what they were before the Rebellion. Goodness. What could have motivated her to lie. And become an undercover agent in Cersei's camp. Hmm.
Tyrion escaping probably annoyed Olenna quite a bit, and she refuses to leave until Margaery is properly married to Tommen and officially a queen.
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random-bi-writer · 3 months
sorry if ths is weird but can you do your danganronpa fic but with the wheel trend?
Danganronpa: Disney's Heroes High but the Wheel decides their fate? Well, can't say I'm not interested but I'm going to do this by normal Danganronpa rules and not include what happens in my fic or the self-murder stuff.
I'm going to leave my reactions in this. (They'll make sense if you read the fic.)
Protagonist: Molly
The fact that this landed on Molly is hilarious.
But in all seriousness, I think Molly has enough skill and brain to lead a class trial.
Support: Mabel
Hmm...Okay, look. Molly can be smart when needed and Mabel is actually helpful and sometimes even smarter than Dipper but-
This two are way too chaotic to be left alone.
Antagonist: Willow
For a moment, I thought this was going to land on Libby-
Willow being an antagonist is kind of weird, the only reason I think this would work is how stressed she was during season 3.
Chapter 1 Victim: Luz
...Wow Luz is forever stuck in Chapter 1, huh?
Chapter 1 Blackened: Huey
The first motive must have been insane if Huey is the blackened.
Chapter 2 Victim: Hunter
...If this wheel is going where I think it's going, then Antag Willow is starting to make more sense.
I'm not actually sure how anyone would kill Hunter, he's the most alert out of everyone.
Chapter 2 Blackened: Marcy
NO! I do not want to imagine Marcy's execution!
Chapter 3 Victim number 1: Mabel
Shit. Well, Support Mabel was nice while it lasted.
It's also kind of weird because Mabel was originally going to leave the group after Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 Victim number 2: Dewey
Wow- you just decided to kill two of the most charasmatic of the class? Shame on the wheel.
Also weird, considering that Dewey was supposed to die in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 Blackened: Sasha
I honestly expected her to survive longer.
I have no idea how this murder would play out.
New Support: Webby
Okay...Webby is smarter than Mabel.
But I think she's more chaotic than Mabel, and no one is ready for a Molly and Webby team up.
Chapter 4 Victim: Libby
Okay. Using the bestie on the angst chapter. I hate it here.
Not gonna lie, I was kinda expecting Libby to fall on the mastermind tag.
Chapter 4 Blackened: Anne
None of the Calamity Trio survived? That's so sad.
Along with the fact that they all got executed.
Chapter 5 Victim: Webby
Seriously? Another dead support?
Well...the murder had to be intentional on both sides, if this is Webby we're talking about. Maybe the murder was like Kokichi's levels of plan?
Chapter 5 Blackened: Louie
...Yeah, definetely Kokichi kind of plan. The murder was probably going to be involve with tricking the mastermind.
New Support: Dipper
Okay, Dipper makes more sense as a support than the other two.
Especially with the way the story goes with protag Molly. Losing three best friends in a row would be rough on her and Dipper would understand what she's going through and try to comfort her.
Alright...the moment we've all been waiting for...
...Are you serious?! After my speech on you being the new support!?
Okay...only way for Mastermind Dipper to make sense if it's Bipper.
And the survivors are; Molly, Willow, Amity, and Gus.
And the summary of their dynamic is a girl who killed the God of Death being friends with three kids traumatized by genocide and ended up getting more traumatized with the killing game.
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nirawrite-holab-if · 1 year
With the good and bad plan of taking over the world how would the Ro and siblings react to
1) the good plan
2) the bad plan
Here 👇🏼
The good plan: (siblings)
They would look mesmerized at the MC as they told them their plan. "Sounds awesome MC, but.." Philon would be interrupted by Briallen, who would jump out of her seat immediately: "I'm ready! I want to help, please, MC!" The twins would also be very excited despite not understanding the complexity of what they were supporting. Philon would be a little wary because the MC's goals are so.. Grandiose.
The bad plan: (siblings)
The silence would extend until Philon built up enough courage to say, "I think..I think you need to, What I mean is, I don't think it's going to work that way, MC" Briallen, however, would maintain optimism. "Don't worry, I'll help you on the plan, MC! Here, listen to my idea" meanwhile the twins would have fallen asleep halfway through the MC's explanation.
The good plan: (ros)
Caemon: Eyes shining with pride and anticipation "It looks like you're really living up to the rumors about you, I'd love to see more of your plans, Hjaë"
N: They would stare at the MC for several minutes in silence and then finally say "I'm honored to have a partner with such good ability to do world domination planning, but how about we focus on something else first? Our relationship, for example?" They would be quite worried and try to distract the MC from it at any cost.
Theome: Nervous laugh, "that's good. Very good.. I mean, I never imagined you could have such a good plan, I just... please, MC, don't show this to anyone. Let's talk about it first"
Sostrate: "wow, you're really something, aren't you? That's pretty good...and I've seen a lot of good plans, but this," she would look at the MC with pride "I would be honored to help you with this, during every step, until the end"
Tba: They would be in a state of shock as the words came out of their mouth "This is absolutely perfect, MC, I was right about you. We're going to put that plan of yours into action, soon. Be ready"
The bad plan: (ros)
Caemon: "Are you sure you are trying to conquer the world and not destroy it? I'm afraid to say Hjaë, but you're going to have to start over from scratch, want some help?"
N: A long sigh and then the words spoken as softly as possible "You have just created the step by step of your own annihilation, I am afraid. How about you focus on other goals? You have many qualities, but make plans..."
Theome: They would shake their head immediately "Oh no, look, MC, I appreciate your initiative but how about we review every part and detail of this plan until the chances of one of us dying during the execution of this drops to at least 50%?"
Sostrate: She would avoid looking at the MC's hopeful face as she muttered "It's not that I think this is a disaster, it's just that... This could end in a disaster, you know? hmm, what do you think about trying to keep your plans on a less "global" scale?"
Tba: They would give a low laugh "Your ambition is much appreciated, believe me, but it's better if you leave the planning part to me, dear"
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dats-hq · 1 year
If you’re still in the mood for it 1 and 2 for the character you wound up liking the most on adventure: 2020
And  1, 2, 7, 11, 21, 22 for Miu and/or Shuuji.  Whichever one you feel like talking about more.  
Oh I'll be in the mood for this forever, don't worry.
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My first impression of Hikari Yagami
"Wow Hikari seems like, barely a character. Like she almost feels like a baby. Except actual baby Hikari from the first movie seemed more aware of the world around her. It's kind of creepy, but being creepy is kind of Hikari's whole thing, so let's see where they're going with this."
And then she stood perfectly still inside her bedroom for 20 episodes. True story.
When I started to truly like Hikari Yagami
I was mostly sold on this version of her in the back-to-back episodes where she comforts Tailmon and assures her that she will be her light, there's nothing to fear, she'll save her every time, etc. It was quality crest of light behavior and a fine execution of that sort of archetypal childlike purity.
But the Petaldramon episode is what really pushed her over into being my favorite character in the reboot. It's kind of what you always hear people say they want from a Superman story: what does a perfectly moral person do in a situation with no perfect moral solution? I loved seeing the script on her relationship with Tailmon flip somewhat. Whereas before, Hikari was the light that Tailmon could always run toward, now Hikari needed Tailmon's help to cope with a sort of unavoidable darkness, a small tragedy they had no predestined duty or ability to mend.
And yet, still, she tries. And in the process, she learns a lesson about fighting for the imperfect victories too. I actually love that Adventure 2020 is willing to let the world be a bit messy and let the characters keep their endless optimism without doing any bullshit like "oh haha we believed so hard that everything worked out actually"
like they do that too sometimes but never to downplay the planned complexity
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okay Shuuji time
First impression of Shuuji Kayama
"Hmm this guy sure seems to care about rules a lot and yet also have no self-confidence at all. I wonder if his arc is going to be about believing in himself or learning to not care about rules."
And then it was a lot more nuanced than that. True story.
When I started to truly like Shuuji Kayama
I know this is when most people started to hate him, but Chapter 5 lmao
I do not need a character to be a good person to like them. I need them to be an interesting person. And Shuuji is fascinating. He is easily the most psychologically complex character in the group until that point, and he's inarguably in contention for that title even by the end of all routes.
I almost feel like an idiot for even trying to explain why I fell in love with the character here. Seruni already made the case better than I could a dozen times, and I honestly think if you engage with the themes of the game at all, it's self-evident. It's just fucking fantastic that they were willing to go to the places they did with his character. If you're going to tell a darker Digimon story with a focus on how the Digimon is a reflection of the human's true self, you need to explore how that bears out in a situation like Shuuji's. And they did so beautifully.
A quote of Shuuji Kayama's that you remember
[to Lopmon in Part 5]
"You can't even evolve! Maybe you'd be of some use if you could! Yeah! You'd be able to defeat our enemies if you could do that! Enemies... anyone who looks down on me. You should just erase them all!"
Now I thought this line went hard just because of how it spoke to Shuuji's mental deterioration, but someone later pointed out how Lopmon did in fact erase the person who looked down on Shuuji the most: Shuuji.
What’s the first thing I think about when thinking about Shuuji Kayama?
Okay the more I'm going through these questions the more I'm realizing that I love Part 5 even more than I realized. Because obviously his breakdown is fucking eternally iconic and it will always be one of the first things I think about with Survive in general, let alone when I think about Shuuji.
When was Shuuji Kayama at his happiest?
I have to imagine it was when Lopmon evolved into Cherubimon. There was a level of unconditional positive regard granted there that I doubt Shuuji has ever felt in his life before.
When was Shuuji Kayama at his lowest?
i mean...
I will do Miu later but it's getting late lol
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
Star Wars But Better Part 5
here’s the link to the master post so you can get part one: Master post
(Meanwhile on a star of death somewhere in space. The following part is really simplified because I don’t care about it (FOR THE SAKE OF THIS STORY) and neither should you. JK I don’t care if you care about Alderan or not)
Tarkin: Bla bla bla tell us where the base is
Leia: No
Tarkin: Then I’ll blow up your family
Leia: You wouldn’t
(Revales they’re in front of her home world Alderan)
Tarkin: Hm think again
Leia: Fine, Dantoonie
(Tarkin blows up the hole planet)
Tarkin: You were lying. Go lock her up and plan execution.
(Back in the falcon Obi-wan sits down suddenly looking very sad)
Luc: What happened did someone’s Loth Cat Die?
Han: (Laughs) You know you might be annoying as Hell but you got  good humor kid.
Luc: I know I’m just cool like that!
Obi-wan: I just felt a disturbance in the force like millions of helpless people were crying out in pain, and then death.
Luc: Man I’m not sure I want this force thing.
Han: If you ask me It’s just nonsense.
Luc: Well I wasn’t asking you!
(3PO, R2, and Chewie are playing Dagerik (Basically space chess) R2 takes one of Cewies pieces and Chewie angrily growls)
C3PO: He made a fair move, there's no use screaming about it.
Han: Let him have it. It’s unwise to upset a wookie
C3PO: But sir nobody worries about upsetting a droid. (Yes he actually says this)
Luc: Wow 3PO, need to talk about something?
Obi-wan: When will we reach Alderan?
Han: Oh about two-hundred hours.
Obi-wan: Ah good, (Turns to Luc) that should give us sometime to begin your training!
Luc: Training? That sounds like work.
Obi-wan: It takes hard work to become a jedi.
Luc: But what’s in it for me?
Obi-wan: Well you shouldn’t become a jedi for personal gain but there are always perks, such as reading people's minds, and moving things without touching them.
Luc: Hmm… fine I’ll play your game but if it’s boring I quit.
Han: Reading minds? You seriously believe this is possible?!
Luc: I don’t know but if it’s a possibility might as well try right?
Han: Okay whatever kid.
Obi-wan: Do you have a remote
Han: Actually yes
Luc: Why would you need a remote
Han: I don’t know why I have it. (Points to helmet) I mean like why do I need this I don’t own a one man fighter.
Luc: So your a hoarder?
Han: No it’s just writing convenience
Luc: Sounds about right, (Turns to obi-wan) so what do i need to do with this remote?
Obi-wan: (Hand luc their saber) Block the blasts!
(Suddenly the remote starts blasting a Luc hitting them in the face)
Luc: (Ignites saber) Hey a warning would be nice!
Han: (Laughs) This is gonna be fun!
Luc: (glares at him and then gets shot again in the back) Okay I’ve had it with you! (Swings their lightsaber to cut the remote in half but Obi-wan uses the force to pull it away)
Obi-wan: No luc! Don’t give into your frustration!
Luc: Don’t tell me what to do!
Obi-wan: Put on the helmet. (Hands them the helmet Han had mentioned earlier.)
Luc: I said don’t tell me what to do (Does it anyway) Now what?
Obi-wan: Pull down the blast shield
Luc: (does that) Great advice now I can’t see
Obi-wan: Feel the air around you reach out with your mind and see the remote. Feel it.
(The room disappears and now all Luc can see is the remote the block every shot then the reach out their hand controlling the little robot with the force and making it shoot Han in the face)
Han: HEY!  What the hell!
Luc: That’s for laughing at me! (shuts down the lightsaber and throwing the helmet to the floor.)
(Chewie laughs)
Han: (To chewie) Yeah think that's funny? Maybe I should shoot you in the face.
Obi-wan: (To Luc) Jedi don't value revenge. You must learn to forgive and hold no grudges)
Han: I’m done with this Jedi nonsense. (Stands up and turns to leave) Trust me kid, hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match when you have a blaster by your side. (Pats his holstered gun and walks toward the cockpit) Hey chewie get up here looks like we're coming up on Alderan.
(Everyone piles into the cockpit)
Han: I said Chewie not everyone!
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
I excluded anyone who didn’t specify a fandom let me know if you’d like to be added or removed
@sunshinechildskywalker, @xentari94 your not on my tag list but it’s Star Wars so I thought you might like it
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galactic-pirates · 5 months
1, 14, 27, 29 for the writers ask:)
Thank you for the ask!! ❤️
1) Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I would absolutely LOVE to be able to write as soon as I get the idea. Back in the day I did sometimes do that and it was free, and fun, and so exhilarating until I ended up with half a dozen WIPs and felt so stressed about it all.
Honestly most of my ideas live on a list for years before they get written - if they ever do. It’s something that depresses me if I think about it, how so many ideas will never be realised because the ideas never stop. It would take me years - a decade or more - even writing solidly to write everything on my list now. To be honest because of this outside when I first get the burst of the idea, I try not to daydream about it too much. I can’t work on everything, all at once, and I don’t want to forget anything and then get that nagging feeling that I had a better idea if I ever do get round to working on it.
14) What is your favorite location and position to write in?
At my desk, on the PC. For my original novels I’ve been planning in Plottr (and have that open on one side) and drafting in NovelPad (open on the other side). I need that reference. I am so unbelievably spoiled having an UltraWide monitor (and before that I had dual screens) that I don’t function well without. I have attempted to write on the iPad and I get frustrated and give up if it’s anything more than a simple oneshot with little/no planning. If I can’t have it open in one window, then it’s a PC job.
27) What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Revision analysis I think 😛 and yes I do know that’s not probably what the question meant. It’s by far my favourite part of the writing process (planning is second). I feel like I’m quite good at spotting where it needs improvement and then brainstorming how to fix it. I adore that rush when the brain goes like lightning and it all just clicks together. The execution (drafting) as always is infinitely harder. Very much “how do words work” as big picture - plot, character background/arc, theme etc. I am fairly confident but the actual description, making it all happen part, not so much.
To tie back a bit into question 1, this year I decided to reboot a series I first started writing November 2015. I hadn’t written in that world since late 2016/early 2017. I have complete drafts of the first 2 books, and half of book three. Anyway in January I tore into it and replotted Book One, reworked characters, went deeper into the world building etc. I kept the main plot points of the book but where before logic was lacking, I hopefully made it make sense. I then dove into redrafting it (finished end of March) and I’m taking a breath before I analyse it again to see how I did this time.
The thing with revision is it’s a learning practice. I read a lot of craft books but when I’m writing it’s impossible to hold all that information in my head. But when I’m looking at something that exists (aka not a blank page) I can see more clearly. At least I hope I can.
Besides I have been told that this makes me an “editing unicorn” as it’s apparently weird to like the revision part of writing haha.
29) What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
Hmm the way the question is phrased that doesn’t sound like “name a story, or name a scene, or a line” etc. it sounds like it wants a skill like the above question. But the thing is I feel very much like I am a work in progress myself with my skills. I don’t feel good enough yet, I hope one day I will, but that day is not today.
But! To go back to what I said about the execution being infinitely harder - I like my ideas. I mean I guess I should they are mine haha, but they are ideas I want to see in the world. I write what I want to read I guess (just dammit why do I have to write it? Haha) but yeah I think I am proud of my ideas. Nothing is new under the sun so I am sure they aren’t revolutionary but they mean something to me.
I’m a firm believer in the power of fiction. I feel like attitudes can be normalised. That if we see a lot of hate that hate becomes normal and more people hate. But vice versa if we imagine a better world, if we see diversity in all its infinite amazing combinations on screen/in books, that can become normal, and prejudice will become less prevalent and there might be less hate. I don’t know maybe that’s naive but it’s what I believe. But yeah I guess I am proud that maybe one day my work can play a small part in that.
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houseaeducan · 1 year
Do you think if the origins coup didn’t happen that your aeducan would be better or worse then bhelen, harrowmont, or trian as the queen
love this question ty... it's a bit tricky with daera because she never actually planned on becoming queen of orzammar -- she's pretty uninterested in politics and always felt pretty content with the idea of focusing her energy on her position as commander under whichever of her brothers ended up on the throne. she'd play the game to undermine and fuck with them a bit as sibling antics and because you need to if you're going to last, but bhelen moved against her more because he knew that she would turn against him once she realized he committed fratricide and less because he thought she would actually contend for the throne. she could have! the assembly liked her! but the assembly liked her because she was naturally charismatic and an incredibly promising warrior, and being good with a sword and at parties doesn't translate to legitimate political ability.
if she ended up in some sort of designated survivor situation where her father and brothers were all killed then i think she'd be ??? okay?????? as queen? the biggest problem would be that she'd be deeply uninterested in it, and i imagine she would end up pushing a lot of the day-to-day decision-making onto her advisors (who in this case would probably be harrowmont so. lol.) when she actually did get involved, i think she would do Fine but not particularly challenge the system in any way. for reference, like, in her origin she told that noble guy to stop harassing the scholar guy (agkjhag its been a year since I've played the aeducan origin can you tell), but also told the scholar guy to keep the false history in the shaperate. no use harassing someone just doing his job, but it's not use rocking the boat when it threatens a noble house's pride. she was open to the idea of restoring titles to some surfacers for the benefit of orzammar, but amended her position to "yeah we should respect the surfacers or whatever but they gave up their right to be here" as soon as she learned there would be political ramifications she didn't like. she's not as much of a strict traditionalist as harrowmont would be, and is pretty open to the idea of the casteless being like, people, but i think making any actual moves to reform or push back on reform would depend very heavily on whether her allies thought it was a good move strategically
the one place i do think she'd do a very good job and maybe lead to some legitimate change for orzammar is in the military. i imagine that's where she would turn her actual sights to basically immediately (and probably spent a lot of her reign off the throne leading expeditions in the deep roads and leave the at home ruling to whoever she got into a political marriage with. kind of cailan-esque. wait.) from there i don't think it would take her too long to realize how deeply fucked orzammar really is in their current position (which i don't think she thought of particularly deeply before being put into a commander position). from that perspective, i can see her taking a much more aggressive approach to the darkspawn, and eventually coming to some of the same conclusions bhelen did about training non-warrior caste soldiers, making a concentrated effort to retake abandoned thaigs, and, maybe even opening up more with the surface for the sake of getting reinforcements, all of which i can see having a positive effects on orzammar outside of just their survival.
so i guess i would say, probably better than harrowmont and hmm, it's tough to compare her to bhelen. less of a reformer but also less likely to vindictively execute you. honestly have not thought much about trian as a ruler so I'm not sure on that! i want to say she would be better because trian seems so petty and shitty but lbr how you act with your shitty siblings does not constitute what kind of king you would be.. need to think more on that
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melishade · 6 months
Another banging chapter !!! Thank u for the recent chapter in this tiresome day I have several questions for this one 1. Erwin against genocide ? Hmm, I thought he fully support Rumbling, dont judge me, I only follow trend if Erwin lived instead of Armin, he'd beside Eren trampling the world. Elaborate your opinion, cause I dont get it. 2. Why in the backward earth didnt Megatron and his co tell about Eren situations and his ability ? Everyone could've prepared for the worst if they tell Survey Corps about them, especially OP, Hanji, Levi, Armin, and Mikasa. Hell, maybe they will try to convince Eren, or maybe sorry ass beat up in Levi case. Nah, it wont change Eren to change him unleashed his bullshit shitstorm. I have a prejudiced about Louise freed Yelena and the rest of Extremist Restorationists from jail. Oh maybe you can make OP and Megsy realized there is a trigger for Eren ability (Cough cough, Historia) 3. Wil you make Kenny meet Levi and tell him that he is in the good side now (sort of) ? Cant wait for trio Ackerman in action, Kenny and Levi bickering, Mikasa tired for their shit and tried to stop it, it would be hilarious IMO
OK, I think thats all. Huff, thats quite a lot to ask. Thx :)
So these are spoilers for Attack on Titan and Attack on Prime chapter 82, so go read it if you haven't.
First question about Erwin I think that Erwin could go either way when it comes to supporting or opposing the Rumbling. You just have to look at Erwin's character as a whole. Because his motivation for joining the Survey Corps was to find out about the secrets of the outside world and prove his father's theory. A selfish motivation. But when he survived his first expedition and watched his dying comrades give heart and soul to the cause, he had to hide his ambitions behind the glory of humanity's survival because he felt so guilty for leading his comrades to his death for his own selfish benefit. I'm sure that some part of Erwin did believe in the survival of humanity when he was alive in the main story, but it wasn't a top priority. Not to mention he was doing monstrous shit and sacrificing his comrades when he needed to in order to achieve his goals. His plans were effective, obviously, but it literally took him a mountain of corpses to get there. So you could factor in Erwin's selfishness for wanting to activate the Rumbling and his desire to do anything and everything to protect the walls and have his plans succeed. If we are looking from the perspective of Erwin's selfishness and him playing his part as a monster to ultimately protect the island, then Erwin would be in support of the Rumbling.
But I think the one key scene that would make Erwin oppose to the Rumbling is his death charge. His final stand. Because Erwin didn't have to go to Shinganshina, but he wanted so desperately to see what was in the basement and prove his father right. But right when the Survey Corps backs are against the wall as Zeke is killing them off slowly, and Erwin confesses his sins to Levi, Levi tells him to die, and Erwin says thank you to him. Erwin's last stand is him abandoning his dream, abandoning his selfish desires and finally fighting for humanity. Erwin's last stand was that of glory and altruism because he was finally doing the right thing for the right reasons.
Mind you, the Walls have always been cruel to him. It was the people in the walls that killed his father, not the people in Marley. It was the people in the walls that scorned and ridiculed the Survey Corps. It was the people in the walls that arrested him and beat him and planned to execute him. He knows just how selfish and cruel humans can be, but he still chose to fight in the Survey Corps. He didn't abandon his own dream, and he didn't abandon humanity despite the cruel treatment, so I don't believe he would allow for the destruction of the outside world because they all hate him and the island.
In AOP, Erwin's story plays out differently. He lives, and tells his sins to Optimus during the coup, and Optimus is understandably angry at Erwin. Erwin's guilt came to the surface when Optimus showed up, because Optimus has always been altruistic in nature, but Erwin hasn't. So when Erwin gets to live and leave the Survey Corps because Optimus said he wouldn't serve if Erwin was in command, Erwin is left with guilt and shame at the lives he let die out of selfishness. Now Eren wants to do that, kill lives out of what is clearly selfishness, and Erwin can't let that happen out of guilt and compassion. Erwin has abandoned his humanity multiple times, but I think when it really comes down to it, Erwin will still find a way to chose his humanity to make up for the cruel things that he's done.
Of course, we'll never know how Erwin would react in season 4. He merely watched from the Paths along with everyone else. But I think the salute at the end signified that he supported Levi and his choice.
Second question regarding Megatron's secrecy.
Megatron's team consists of Erwin Smith, a retired member of the Survey Corps, a civilian who's not supposed to know top government secrets, Nile Dok, someone who is sharing those top secrets to a civilian, and Kenny fucking Ackerman, the guy who killed over 100 MPs, was part of the old government, and was in prison before Erwin broke him out. If Megatron's comes up to them now with this information, they're going to ask how he got it, and he can't bring up their information. If he does, he's in deep shit, Nile loses his job, Erwin goes to prison, and Kenny will be killed. It's the same reason why they had to omit Erwin and Kenny from the report and say that it was Nile, Ymir, and Megatron who suspected Zeke's treachery. Megatron was already mistrusting of Zeke, Nile had info on the wine transportation, and Ymir was a witness. They have to frame it so that information gets told without sounding like a madman while no one gets arrested.
Third question
Kenny and Levi will interact in AOP. It's just way later. lol. But the other stuff I can't answer because that will be too many spoilers.
I hope these answers are to your liking.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 1 year
Doomsday through the lens of Merthur
This is essentially a fanfic that plays in my brain when I play the song because it’s a lot of Merthur concepts and not any references to actual canon events like I’ll do in other analyses.
Pull the plug in September I don't wanna die in June. I'd like to start planning my funeral I've got work to do, hmm.
Merlin plans to reveal his magic to Arthur he wants to prepare for the worst possible outcomes. He has work to do though he needs to make sure that if he dies he can at least ensure Arthur’s safety. Tell him everything or eliminate the threats.
Pull the plug, make it painless. I don't want a violent end
Merlin would die for Arthur but the one thing he wouldn’t do is burn for him. He’ll go as long as it’s quick.
Don't say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you Over and over again
In a way it would also be horrible for Arthur to say that he loves Merlin once his magic revealed because Merlin likely might not believe it but also because then Merlin would have hidden everything and suffered in silence for nothing. Merlin has risked his life over and over for Arthur and he’s more than willing to die for him.
Doomsday is close at hand I'll book the marching band To play as you speak
Merlin is approaching the time when he plans to tell Arthur. Booking the marching band has connotations of victory which means Merlin thinks his execution would be seen as an accomplishment just another victory in the fight against magic.
I'll feel like throwin' up You'll sit and stare like A goddamn machine
Spilling all of his secrets makes Merlin feel sick he’s nervous about what the outcome will be to make things worse he can’t even tell what Arthur’s thinking because he just stares on.
I'd like to plan out my part in this But you're such a narcissist You'll probably do it next week I don't get a choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me
Without confirmation of what Arthur thinks he assumes the worst, that he’s going to die.
Only the death of me. Pull the plug, but be careful I don't wanna die too soon. I think there's good in you somewhere I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through
Goes back to his worry about him planning the reveal but decides he doesn’t want to risk doing it to early revealing that none of these were real just potential ways it could turn out. He believes in the good in Arthur and he wants to ensure the future they’d create. He’ll wait to tell him until after the chaos has died down and they’ve beaten their enemies.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I am eyeing that execution tag. It's going to be fun to see someone potentially fuck up so badly that their life is on the line as a result. I was originally thinking the MCD warning was about Sam, given that the conflict is so heavily linked to what will happen after he dies. However I'm now wondering whether it's related to the execution tag instead.
I watched Becoming Elizabeth back in August and while as a whole it's kinda ehhh, I loved watching the Seymour brothers' arcs implode on them as well as Romola Garai's performance as Mary. However, there's this quote from John Dudley, a man on the royal council who is trying to navigate the political turmoil so he can remain at the top, that makes me think of Rose!sandduo.
"You may think that because I am a powerful man, you are protected. And in a steady world that would be true. But this world rocks."
Phil cares about his son and doesn't have much reason to not trust him. However, Plot is about to happen and he has to be sure his son knows how to play the game as masterfully as possible. Wilbur hasn't mentioned how a future role as Consil seems secure, regardless of whether he'll advise Niki or Quackity, and that he plans to secure that future with the 3rd heir as well. Yet even if he did, Phil would be warning him not to assume anything. Nothing is guaranteed right now in this rocky world, least of all their future careers at court. Stay vigilant and only move a card away from your chest if you're absolutely sure you can show it to the person you're with without risking undesirable consequences.
hmm... many things I could say right now about the MCD tag and the execution tag but I will hold back so as not to spoil anything
I've never watched Becoming Elizabeth but I have seen screenshots because tudor costuming my beloved chefs kiss (and fun note, rose was inspired by house of the dragon yes, and it was also inspired by the show succession, but it was also heavily inspired by that exact era of english history with the succession crisis between elizabeth, mary, and jane grey. so fun note for you there). but OOOO that quote is SO good and honestly describes rose!sandduo so well. that is 100% something phil would say to wilbur. "this world rocks" just. such a good line.
exactly, it's not that phil doesn't trust his son because he does. but wilbur needs to be taught how to play the game. he doesn't know what he's doing yet, which makes it a liability to tell him certain things. but phil wants to start teaching him. he wants wilbur to know how to do what he does so he can secure his own success. because no matter how much phil sets up for him, there's going to be a time when things happen and phil isn't around, and wilbur is going to need to know how to stay standing even when the boat is rocking from side to side.
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"That's how it should be. Soft socialists paving the way for the *hard* working class to take over."
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Preposterous! Surely you don't mean it." He frowns. "I'm just sorry it had to be them. After eight years of fighting those commie hyenas, boiling cats for food and drinking my piss in the mountains..."
"I *would* have preferred if the right honourable King Guillaume returned to Revachol or even if that damn clown, Frissel, had risen from the grave and led us. Sadly that was not the case."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - This *Royal* failure weighs heavily on him.
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Instead, all that is just, holy, and beautiful in the world was wiped away and now it's neon signs with toothpaste ads everywhere. Foreign influence peddling garbage and stupid music on the radio." He sighs.
"This is just what the commies wanted. This was their plan all along. This is what they wanted to replace the rule of the Suzerain with."
"Who was this Frissel?"
"You mentioned Guillaume?"
"Hmm... what exactly is a *suzerain*?" (Conclude.)
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Damn Frissel -- he was the king we couldn't protect. The carabineers failed him... and the crown." The old veteran falls silent and massages his chest. "He died in the hands of the *hoi polloi* in a very public execution."
2. "You mentioned Guillaume?"
RENÉ ARNOUX- "A true King in both blood and mind. Led Revachol before Frissel. He would have been better, but the damn commies drove him into exile."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - Some manner of self-deceit is present in his thinking. Sounds like this Guillaume abandoned him and he doesn't want to admit it.
3. "Hmm... what exactly is a *suzerain*?" (Conclude.)
RENÉ ARNOUX- "The Suzerain is the King. Has everyone forgotten already?" He then slowly nods and says to himself: "They've forgotten already."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Soon they will forget everything. Him too… Then he chooses anger over melancholy.
RENÉ ARNOUX- "It's no use talking to you. You were still in daddy's balls when it happened. When *we* took our last stand against the filth and rode the cavalry straight into gunfire."
+5 XP
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We unlock a new check.
3. What is it about this old soldier that makes him stand so proud?
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COMPOSURE [Legendary: Failure] - All you observe is a veteran refusing to let go of the past and his old uniform. This is not uncommon.
RENÉ ARNOUX - He catches your glance and nods. "This is the uniform of the Royal Carabineers in service of Frissel the First, Guillaume *Le Lion*, and the valiant King Filippe the Fifth before him."
GASTON MARTIN - "Don't you mean Frissel the Fun?"
RENÉ ARNOUX - "*You* do not speak his name, craven! Although he was a clown…" he adds. He turns back to you. "But he was *our* clown. Ours to ridicule -- and to mourn."
COMPOSURE - There's something you missed... You will get to it, don't worry.
4. "Thank you for your time!" [Leave.]
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"Not bad, Rene, you might stand a chance this time."
The spirited chirps and clicks of swallows fills the air.
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Tyre track leading onto the roof. The slush and rain has almost washed them off.
Onto the... roof?
Well, we should probably also talk to Gaston.
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GASTON MARTIN - "I have really outdone myself..." He takes a bite out of his sandwich. "This is divine."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Yes, that's what you need, Gaston. More padding on that fat ass of yours. I hope your heart gives out."
GASTON MARTIN - "René, tsk-tsk. It's the little pleasures. Life doesn't need to be a.... *mnjam mnjam*... a struggle."
"Hello, officer." He turns to you. "How might I be of assistance on this fine day?"
"Tell me, what do you know about the dead man?"
"Looks delicious." (Point to the sandwich.) "Can I have a bite of that?"
"Bye for now." [Leave.]
GASTON MARTIN - "Let me think…" He looks at the clouds, wistfully. "I heard someone was hanged and left on a tree for a week, but that's all I know really."
"C'mon, you must have heard something..."
"Really? You know *absolutely* nothing?"
"Shame. Maybe you can help me with something else then."
GASTON MARTIN - "No, officers, I'm sorry. And I really *would* like to assist," he adds, smiling apologetically. "You are both good guys. I can see that."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Then help him, you wimp." Reproach fills his eyes. "You rub plenty of shoulder with the *gauche caviar* in the Union. *Someone* must know something."
GASTON MARTIN - "I wish I could, but I just don't know anything." His cheeks turn red. "I always keep my nose clean and don't gossip. Everyone knows and respects that."
DRAMA [Medium: Success]- Odd... He doesn't seem to be lying, but there's something off here.
"Sounds a bit like you're holding back."
"All right then. Change of topic."
GASTON MARTIN - "I'm *not*," he assures you. "I'm not even anyo---"
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Of course he's holding back." The carabineer crosses his arms. "His mouth is so full of Union prick he can't even speak properly."
GASTON MARTIN - "Can I at least finish my fucking sentence before you piss on it? Is that okay, René?" His eyes are furious. "I'm not anyone important in the Union. I just know Evrart."
"And who is this *Evrart* you know?"
"Are you a Union member?"
"Can you help me get inside the harbour?"
"Thanks, that's all for now." (Conclude.)
GASTON MARTIN - "Evrart *Claire*. Everyone in Martinaise knows the Claire brothers," he says solemnly. "I taught these boys human studies and history in the gymnasium."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "What do *you* know about history?" The carabineer snaps at Gaston. "You never witnessed history. Only heard about it -- years later -- when it had already moved on. You don't know history."
The old soldier mumbles something under his breath and turns to face the sea.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Let's try not to get caught in the..." The lieutenant lowers his voice: "Crossfire."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Lest we leave riddled with bullet holes. This animosity is ancient.
2. "Are you a Union member?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Oh..." His cheeks turn red again. "In many ways, yes. Like an honorary member. I attend meetings and parties. Help with little things. Evrart, Edgar, and the older *Débardeurs* all know me."
"'In many ways?'"
"So you're not an actual member?"
"So you're not an actual member?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Not in the technical sense..." His eyes fix on the boules in the crater. "I don't have a vote or a membership card. But Evrart keeps me on the payroll. Just for the little things."
DRAMA - So that's what it was, before! Him hiding something. He tries to make it look like he's a big deal in the Union and now the illusion is disintegrating before your -- and René's -- eyes.
+5 XP
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Of course he's not a member! He's not a member of anything. I knew that." He frowns. "He's a weathervane -- turns to where the wind blows and tries to look important."
"I hate the socialist rabble," he continues, "but even siding with them is better than living your entire life on the fence, never committing to anything. Pick a damn side already!"
3. "What are the 'little things' you do for Evrart?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Writing work mostly," he smiles. "Occasionally he needs something written and I happen to have a way with words, people say."
"What kind of things do you write for him?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Oh, nothing official, I assure you. Just essays for the newspapers. About Martinaise and how things are and how they *could* be. Evrart and I have these long talks where..."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Where he tells his little *penman* exactly what to say! It's commie propaganda, plain and simple. You should be ashamed of yourself."
4. "Thanks, that's all for now." (Conclude.)
Finding out Gaston's not a Union member means that we know there's no chance he can get us into the harbour, I guess.
GASTON MARTIN - "Thank you officer," he nods, smiling wide. "For being a consummate professional. You'll have this case wrapped up in no time."
2. "Looks delicious." (Point to the sandwich.) "Can I have a bite of that?"
GASTON MARTIN - "I'm sorry, officer, but I really don't share food," he says and quickly adds: "Nothing personal, it's just a principle."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "The only one you have."
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