#hopefully this doesn't come off the wrong way! i just saw a handful of people starting to push this ashrym vs callowmoore thing
astralleywright · 11 months
also since i've already seen people try to turn this into a thing i will just say now, as someone who loves Ashrym and doesn't particularly care for Callowmoore, that my feelings about the two aren't really connected. i love Fearne as a character and i don't see her as "getting in the way of my ship," and honestly i don't think of Ashrym and Callowmoore as being in competition at all! i would be just as happy with some sort of Fearne/Ashton/Orym polycule becoming canon as i would simply Ashrym.
ultimately what i care about is doing right by the characters; making choices that are both honest to who they are and compelling for their story. i love Ashrym because i think their dynamic has done a great job of developing both Orym and Ashton, and i'm far more interested in what they actually say to each other than whether they end up becoming romantic or not. I actually think both Orym and Ashton have a considerable amount of work to do before they're ready for a serious relationship! and if they were to get together i'd want it to be a much slower burn than, for example, Imodna, who were already so close and so intimate that it made sense for their romance to be like that right out the gate.
and the same sentiment applies to Callowmoore; i'm actually quite interested to see how Fearne and Ashton's dynamic could develop, and i think there's a lot of potential there. but it hasn't reached a place where a romance between the two would really feel earned. so yeah, I'm glad Ashton pushed the brakes on that, regardless of their reasons, both because its absolutely what he would do and because it gives them and Fearne the chance to develop a dynamic outside of just whether they're in love with each other.
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enmie · 2 months
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*♡∞:。.。 Just a Nap 。.。:∞♡*
➶ bllk's Sae, Kaiser, Rin, and Shidou and their goofy selves try to make you prove your love
➶ they fake sleep and you carry them back to bed
➶ poll results. cw: cussing. insults. implied fem reader
𓅪 first bllk fic lesgoo
𓅪 this took three polls. THREE.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Sae Itoshi's
Each tick of the clock, each breath from your lips, each blink of your eye— you watched Sae's sleeping presence. He looked so peaceful you didn't dare disturb him, no matter how much of a trouble maker you were to him. There was something so off and comforting about his shallow breaths, in comparison to his usual stoic attitude, the one that pushes you away. But you stay anyway.
And he thinks he's such a little trickster.
Sae's eyelids flutter to to take a peek at what you were doing, his breathing shallow and soft to make the act convincing. Of course he's fake sleeping. He would never fall asleep in front of you.
He flinches. No, he doesn't jump, but he internally flinches when you attempt to stand him up from the couch, his one arm flung over your shoulder. It was one hell of a movie night, but every movie you watched was plain trash.
He could've spent the night practicing, yeah, but who was he to turn you down? All that's in his head now is fuck, fuck, fuck, I need to wake up—
— but everything's too good. He needs to know what happens next.
You struggled to lift him up. What was he, double your weight? You were tiny compared to this man, what the hell were you thinking trying to get him up? With a groan, you stand up, your weak knees trembling as you lift one side of his body, the other side hanging. But you notice he was on his feet. Maybe it was a reflex.
"Alrighty, let's get ya to bed," You say more to yourself than to him, each step excrutiatingly slow. Slow and shaky, your breath more ragged than his. Why were you even putting in this much effort?Effort wasted. Because you throw him onto the bed, hands on your knees as you panted. You thought he was a light sleeper, initially.
Vulnerability wasn't something he usually showed, yet here he was now, spread eagle on his twin-sized bed, hair in his face and his arm red from your tight hold. You did have a harder time.
And that's why you hated, hated him for opening his left eye, and he had his lips in a smug little smirk, that shitty bastard. You grumbled, throwing a pillow at him.
"What's wrong? You're surprisingly strong, y'know," He remarks, sitting up to fix his hair. Sae ran his fingers through the magenta strands, his eyes looking tired but accomplished.
"Lose some weight so I can carry you next time." You muttered angrily, sulky as you sat on the edge of his bed. "There's a next time?" He slips himself down the bed to sit next to you, gauging your reaction. And that goddamn smirk is still on his face, to the point where it seems his eyes are smirking, his ears are smirking, his cheeks, too. So annoying.
"Fine." He eventually sighs. "I'll come over again, pendejo."
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Michael Kaiser's
It was the first time you ever saw him asleep. Of course you wouldn't know this grown ass man still takes naps in the afternoon. The sun was up and blazing, glazing its color on Kaiser's undershirt, his muscles bare and exposed. You've never seen him like this, vulnerable, not teasing you, not absolutely annoying you. It was comforting in a way.
But Kaiser thinks he's such a clever man. He stifles a laugh, sensing how you're admiring his sleeping form, his fake sleeping form. He's supposed to be practicing with some people today, but he chooses to mess with you over anything else. It's just how he shows his love.
So it surprises him, really, when you start to stand up and grab his waist and back, supporting his body as much as you could. Were you really going to take him to his room? He lets out an audible groan, but keeps his eyes closed for convincing effect.
With every step you take, he drags his feet across the wooden floor, your grunts loud and strained. Why does he have to be so heavy?
You immediately let go of Kaiser once he was in his room, collapsing the supposedly sleeping body on the mattress.
Then this jerk starts laughing. Boisterously. Disturbingly. Honestly, you feel so shocked that you could only blink slowly and process everything that's happening, the man you thought was sleeping was laughing so hard it pisses you off.
"Jerk!" You exclaim. "Oh, you're such a comedian! You really do love me!" He says, sitting up to see that reaction he found so cute. "I was helping you, fucking bastard,"
"That's me," He says confidently, flexing his bicep. And it annoys you.
"Now, if you excuse me, I got to practice," He stands up, getting dizzy at the sudden adjustment. But before he even leaves, he wobbles to the drawer unexpectedly, pulling out a face towel with cute rubber ducks on it. "Here, saviour. For your sweat."
"I really can't tell if you're trying to be nice or pissing me off," You groan, wiping your forehead and your sweaty neck.
He looks at you with some sort of... admiration, in his eyes. And he laughs again, softer and more genuine this time. "I think you should come watch me practice." You roll your eyes. "After I tore all my muscles carrying you? You wish, asshole,"
Kaiser's never felt this way. Why was he finding your anger so cute? He puts on his jersey for practice, his long hair getting snugly stuck underneath the neckline. So you go and untuck it, getting dangerously close to this man.
Yeah. He thinks he's in love.
"You're so damn small, it must have been a miracle when you carried me here," He whispers. Kaiser doesn't whisper. He yells. A lot.
"Miracle, me?"
"... Yeah, you."
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Rin Itoshi's
One turn of a head, and he's fast asleep? That was so unlikely of him, you think. Because, you're talking about Rin Itoshi here, asleep, beside you, so close you could feel the faint pitter patter of his heart and the even fainter breath. So deep into that slumber you felt bad even thinking of waking the striker up.And he doesn't usually mess with people.
But he wants to see that reaction that he finds ever-so-slightly, cute. When you scrunch up your nose in frustion, your eyebrows furrowed and your eyelids low. He loves it. It's one of the only things he finds himself looking for in every living moment he spends. But he doesn't quite know why, why he adores your long hair and every curve of your body he longs to touch.
He's cute, too. But Rin doesn't know that. Only you do. Or, at least, you're convinced you're his biggest fan, his best-est friend, or even something along the lines of.
That's why— he's currently trying to peek at you, while also trying to keep pretending he's asleep. Oh! He shuts his eyes tightly, once you turn to look at him. No, no, if he gets caught without saying it himself, it'll be embarrassing. So maybe... maybe he should just come clean already, and—
Panic, panic, panic.
You can hear his breath hitch softly and his eyelashes flutter faintly. Maybe he just does that. You take him by the arm, throwing it around your neck and over your shoulder to take him to his room, to let the pretty boy fall asleep. And oh, how you struggled.
But Rin thinks he's struggling more, trying desperately to stop himself from getting too flustered at the proximity he didn't expect. He makes himself lighter so you didn't have a harder time. He'd usually weigh himself down purposefully, or not fake sleep at all, but he found himself acting different around you.
Not too different. Only... less indifferent. You were more tolerable than the rest.
So once he plops down onto the bed, free from your helping grip, he feels this longing. This yearning. Your touch was too much for him, and now he wants more and more and more. You begin walking away, deciding to let him sleep, but—
"Sorry." Your head snaps in his direction. You'd almost gotten whiplash.
"Huh?! What happened to your sleeping ass?" Still half-lidded, Rin fiddles with the hem of his sweater, avoiding all form of eye contact with you. He just tricked you. And he was guilty. So unlike him. "I wasn't asleep."
You cross your arms with a smirk on your face, oh you knew well. That look on his cute face says it all, that he enjoyed how you were nice enough to accompany his heavy weight up the stairs and into his bedroom.
"You act better than I thought," You tell him. He just hums in agreement, coming back to his original attitude.
"Little trickster."
And when he looks up at you— oh, you think you're about to fold.
"I know."
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Ryusei Shidou's
He's snoring loudly, smiliarly to an old man. Damn this boy. Was he serious or was he serious? You think it's very Ryusei Shidou of Ryusei to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation, because not even ten minutes into the topic of leopards, he's passed out, his head facing the side. No wonder the idiot's snoring.
But it's all an act.
Ryusei is wide awake. He may have underestimated how hard closing his eyes for more than a milisecond was, but he is more than determined to see if you'd kiss him with a true love's kiss. Like a fucking Disney princess.
You groaned, standing up with your hands on your hips. You theorize that he's fake sleeping, since there's a goddamned smirk on his face, but you believe it anyway. "Holy shit, you fell asleep, you asshole." With a sigh, you decide to snap a photo of him before deciding to be a nicer bitch for once.
He accidentally opens his eyes and groans when you start lifting him up, but closes them tightly as to keep the act up. Where were you taking him? Upstairs? Ryusei hears your grunts as you desperately try to grab him. He falls back on you anyway, his back pressing against your chest and tensing up. Not like you felt it.
"Alrighty, here we go," This man is eighty percent muscle mass, and you were attempting to carry him?
Get this, he was so comfortable despite your struggle, that he actually falls asleep. For what seems like a mere split second, his breath shallows and his snores get quieter, and his muscles relax on you. You're confused.
The floorboards creak with every step you took, dragging the blonde by his waist weakly. Maybe if he didn't go to the gym so much. With a grunt, you throw him on the bed feeling strained as hell. "Fuck you, honestly."
Walking to the edge of the bed, you pull out your phone to see the picture, and there's this laughter. His laughter. You sigh as you shake your head, knowing your first thought was right after all. He wasn't really sleeping.
"What? Had a hard time?" Ryusei teases, the volume of his laughter baffling you. "Shut up."
"No, no, I'll sleep, I'll sleep," He makes a snoring sound again, but not before laughing his ass off. You're extremely annoyed. You regret being nice. But, you have to admit it, his laugh did bring a smile to your face, in some weird way.
He sits up to peek at your phone not-so-sneakily, chorting. "Ya even took my pic!"
You squeak, and find Ryusei immediately at your side, looking at his fakely asleep self on your phone. His hand is on your waist instinctively, as he stares with that smile, that grin you used to hate. But you love it now.
"You're so obsessed with me," He says. "You gonna make it a wallpaper like a lovesick simp?"
Turning your head and smirking, he blushes. Yeah, he might just be into every other girl, but you're the only one who made him blush that much.
"Maybe so,"
"... Fuck you."
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ⒺⓃⓂⒾⒺᛌⓈ bllk fanfic
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etheries1015 · 8 months
I had sort of a crack idea of what would the non-human twst boys do if their crush or s/o was allergic to them? Savanaclaw and Octonivelle with like the fur allergy and seafood allergy. Maybe diasomnia’s s/o has some sort of fairy allergy? Sorry if this is too silly for you to write, it’s alright if you don’t 😭
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD A SIMILAR THOUGHT i'm allergic to cats and i'm like...man what am I gonna do around Grim BUAHAHA...this is a great idea. Nothing is too silly to write my friend!
Non-human Twst boys reacting to a S/O who is allergic to them!
featuring: Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
general warnings: gender neutral reader, not really proof read \
TW: None! just fluff. and allergies.
The first time you sneezed around him, they didn't know it was literally BECAUSE of him. This was until you two took a nap together for the first time, and when you woke up he saw your face...Oh, brother. Your eyes were puffy and red, congested, and your nose leaked like nobody's business. He genuinely felt bad about this, but wouldn't let you in on his true feelings/emotions. Without understanding the cause (though he had an inkling) he immediately took you to the doctor.
"They're allergic to me? What kind of shitty nonsense is that?!"
Leona invested in the most expensive of healthcare for you. Allergy pills and whatnot, because he wasn't about to sacrifice his lovely naps with his significant other. No amount of allergy is gonna stop him from getting what he wants, and that is your affection.
"Sooo...basically you're saying you're allergic to me? Cause' im part heyena?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. It's more like...animal dander? I guess?" You didn't seem to certain in your answer either, it was more or less a guess since...well, there wasn't half beast half human where you are from. You can only make an educated guess on why you're so allergic to him based off of the information you had back at home.
Ruggie is honestly so sad about this. He can't afford to get you any treatments or medical help with this, so you two just have to be careful. He does manage to get his hands on some special washing products (probably legally) and takes extra care of what he eats, and how clean he his. He's consistently brushing his hair and cleaning his ears.
"Man i'm such a simp. What's wrong with me?!" ...He isn't used to bending backward for people. But seeing you so sick around him, hurt him even more than his pride, so he of course would do anything to make sure you're as comfortable around him as possible. Ahh...the power of love <3
He gives me the "I must stay away from you for your own good," Type. Although this doesn't last very long. Jack is incredibly loyal, and he's far too attached to let you go. There's times where he would try and keep a distance (much to your annoyance), but when you began sneezing and itching your eyes you knew he was somewhere nearby. Jack is protective like that, but it pains his heart to see you so sick because of something he cannot control.
He does both a mix of what Ruggie and Leona does. He took up extra part-time jobs to afford good allergy medication for you, the entire works. Pills, eye drops, nasal sprays, breathing treatments...He also invests in high-quality shampoo and conditioner to help rid of his dander and hopefully reduce the amount of shedding he has.
With the amount of hair Jack has, he is CONSTANTLY brushing it and it is CONSTANTLY shedding. He does EVERYTHING under the sun to control this, all for you. Although... this is a partnership! You told him that a relationship goes two ways. You love him regardless of how itchy you may get, and you equally chip in to problem-solve.
You're both loyal to each other until the very end, no matter what trivial matters may get in your way <3
He knew before you two started dating that you had a severe allergy to seafood, so he made it a point to avoid you. But...that didn't stop YOU from coming to HIM. It was one of the things that drew him towards you, the way even though you were gaining a rash you would still wrap your arms around the back of him. Although it wasn't as bad in his human form, he was always terrified what would happen if he were to unleash his original form.
But worry not! We are talking about the literal king of potionology. He finds a remedy very quickly, and you trust him...a little too fast. He is astonished when he says;
"Take this...the second you drink this your allergies will be something of the past. But be warned-" You grabbed it out of his hand and chugged it. He stared at you with his jaw slacked open, his face turning a deep shade of hot red when you throw yourself onto Azul and place a big fat kiss against his cheek.
He imploded. But hey! his potion worked! He tried to get you to give him some sort of paypack, but you mentioned that your form of payment was in that kiss.
He now demands kisses every time he makes the potion for you <3 It's kind of a silent agreement. He just stares at you after you're done drinking it, and whenever you feign ignorance the point upon his lips is far too obvious.
The first time you broke out in hives, he remained completely calm. Jade is rather smart, and he understands your allergy must be because of his disposition as a mer-folk. Although in human form, he couldn't help but notice the way you would hide your rashes either behind makeup or by bulking clothing. He was amused by this for a moment, but when he saw it worsen he couldn't help but become worried.
"Why would you go so far for me? what do you gain by allowing yourself to become sick?" When you replied with a blush that you simply liked Jade, thus his shock soon turned into action. He excused himself for a few days to climb mountains and collect the most effective of flowers and medicinal remedies for allergies and put together a potion that you were able to take to alleviate your symptoms.
He isn't the vice house warden for nothing! His talents and magic prowess truly aided him, albeit in a way that was seemingly selfish. It was all worth it for you, though.
But he does use you as an example during a class project in potionology, having you stand up in front of the class while he compares your allergies before and after taking the potion.
He got a 100% in the project. And a Significant other. A win-win for everyone!
Floyd is much smarter than he lets on. The moment he hugs you from behind and touches your arm, he notices the rash right away. He eyed it with a frown, and without saying anything he let go of you much to your dismay, leaving you to your lonesome for a few days on end.
You had to admit you missed Floyd, his silly jokes and way of talking, his unpredictable personality, and the attention he would often give y you. While sitting at the table during a free period, your head was propped up against your hand and a sad sigh escaping your lips.
"Ehhhh? Why is shrimpy sitting here all alone? Didya miss me?" A familiar voice teased as arms wrapped around you and something akin to a vegetable drink set in front of you. You gasped and smile up at the tall male, who wasn't wrapping his arms around you as you were used to, typically ignoring the itching of your rashes. He convinced you to drink what he sat in front of you, and although you eyed it with suspicion, you sighed and drank it in one gulp and tightly shut eyes.
Nothing happened. You turned to look over at Floyd, about to question the purpose of making you drink the (surprisingly tasty) smoothie-like liquid but were quickly interrupted by lips pressing against your own.
The kiss caught you off guard and you began to panic, talking about your allergy...before you realized that nothing was happening. No rash, no itchiness, nothing.
"Seeeee? It's a potion. I made Azul make it for me. Now I can touch you as much as I want," He smiled proudly. However he managed to convince Azul would forever be beyond you...
He forgets to give you the potion sometimes, only when you two are cuddling and a rash or itching pops up do the both of you realize it's time for a dose.
Ya'll are so silly for each other <3
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burstinn · 6 months
I need more krueger fics (anything) 👉😔
Stalker x Stalker
(Part 1/?)
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Notes And Warnings:
- Stalker x Stalker trope
- Stalking on both sides
- Masturbation and jerking off
1.To people without their awareness
2.To a dirty piece of cloth
- Sexual innuendos and thoughts
- no proofreading
- made in a short span of time meaning probably an hour or shorter so this is probably not the best way to yknow..
- made short on purpose because I got lazy
- This is a work of fiction made because I was bored, This should not be followed or replicated or else I will kill myself (>o<)
-made this cuz I didn't write for a good while and I felt bad
You don't know how this even started, He wasn't even acknowledging you the first time you guys met.. Was it his eyes? His accent? Maybe he reminded you of someone.. Shit you didn't care, you stopped caring for a long time now. It's an obsession at this point, You are hidden in your closet. You made a small hole inside of it like a secret room.. Just so you can keep trinkets and everything about.. Him.
Nothing but heavy breathing fills your cramped secret hole.. You need more pictures of him, this is getting out of hand, you're so desperate to feel him in some kind of fucking way it's unbelievable you held back for so long. Smelling one of the missing boxers of his wasn't enough to even satisfy you anymore.
Krueger, Sebastian Josef Krueger.. You scan your wall of pictures.. Pictures of him sleeping, working out, talking, eating, bathing.. Jerking off.. Those pictures were when you got lucky enough to take them and by God do you masturbate to those every night. Wishing one day you'd finally able to make him yours.. You know everything about him, His likes, his dislikes, his family, relatives, who he dislikes, what he does every morning and every night..
And recently you've only just started breaking into his room just to touch him, his face, tracing your finger tips against his jaw line, pressing your thumb against his soft lips.. Fuck,the thought of it makes you so hard.
But right now, you have a mission you need to attend to and the only thing that can calm your nerves is Krueger. Since you couldn't find him anywhere, Your shrine is the best place. You softly press your lips against one of the pictures of Krueger. One day, You will have the balls to actually try and talk to Krueger. You walk out of the closet, leaving with a slightly less grouchy mood. Hopefully the mission would go off without a hitch.
You're gone, The helicopter you got in with your other mates had just left and he watches intently and carefully to see that you actually did leave. Once he sees the heli leave the vicinity he wastes no time walking over to your room.. Not without precautions of course he made sure nobody saw him walk in there.
Fucking finally, Your room empty.. Everything in this room is just you, Your clothes, Your pictures, Your bed, your dirty laundry.
Krueger can't help but feel a short adrenaline rush come over him as makes his way to your desk which was right across from your bed.. He shuffles for a moment under the desk, pulling out a small camera.. He can't wait too watch this later, he doesn't care if you were doing nothing, reading a book, scrolling your phone, jerking off.. He didn't give a single shit he was gonna jerk off to whatever was recorded here anyway.
He pockets the camera, walking over to your bed and just.. Smelling, hugging everything.. You are so intoxicating. How could you do this to him? He knew it was wrong but he was in love, more than in love. Why else was he doing this? He loved everything about you.
Even if this obsession started over nothing special he didn't give a damn, what happened, happened and he's in love with you.
He stands up and grabs one of your dirty briefs from the hamper, making his way back to the bed laying back down and slowly lifting your brief to his nose. Krueger flinches his body getting hot just by the smell of you, He could just.. He shuts his eyes keeping your boxers to his nose.. His other hand shuffling to unbuckle his belt. His hard cock almost immediately throbbing out when he pulls his pants and boxers down.
He rips his gloves out of his hand with his teeth, slow breaths. His mind drifting off to you, naked on your bed.. Your cock out and lonely, desperate for his touch. Bothof you just whining and grunting out his name as you rubs your cocks together, moaning in each other's mouth, your tongues fighting against each other..
He didn't even notice he already came, his cum staining his uniform and on your bedsheets.. Goddamit, He promised himself he was supposed to make sure to not cum on your bed this time. He takes a breath, pocketing your brief as well as he gets up, zipping his pants up.. He should clean this.
Next time he'll be careful, It's only a miracle he doesn't get caught in your room while your sleeping, jerking off to your sleeping figure.
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harrysmimi · 1 year
CEOrry Pt. 1
Synopsis: Harry finds an unexpected visitor at his bar
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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YN was dragged out with her friends on a weekend. She was sulking around for what no one knew.
You see, like every other story YN's was starting to fill up with more and more trauma. It began with her wanting to move to away for studies, which did not happen with that much ease. Her mother wanted her to stay back home and work her old job. The trauma came with being scammed by people, learning hard way not to trust just about anyone who's being kind. But that was about it.
She's got everything, a nice loving family. Sure her parents don't have the best relationship but they're surviving. Her little brother is thriving in school like always. Until just a few months ago, her dad fell severely sick. Sole bread winner of her family.
All she earned went to providing herself a comfortable life, yet she sent the part of her bonus back home. To add more to that, she moved with few of her classmates as they were looking for a new roommate. That cut down bills by way far. She was able to help out her family the best she could.
She already worked two jobs.
College is a scam, she realised soon enough. It wasn't something one of her favourite YouTuber just said for fun and jokes in their videos. If she got a nice job with the degree which spent so much on already, it would have been worth it. Getting the tag of useless oldest child in her family was disheartening.
Now she has this guilt of being useless weighing on her shoulders. Well, that wouldn't be the only thing.
Her dad never let her take up any responsibilities. So it was new and difficult for her to step into his shoes.
Hopefully, until he's all recovered and healthy.
Of course, she'd still help him out!
"YN, what is wrong with you? Come on, come dance with us!" Julia, one of YN's friend's friend called for her over the over bearing music playing in this club.
All she saw was girls and boys dancing, girls and girls dancing, and boys and boy dancing, and a group of guys hovering over a girl in the corner. She seemed to be enjoying it, but apparently this place is supposed to be safe for the LGBTQIA+ people as well as girls. That particular group gave YN a weird ick for some reason.
Especially, when the girl started to seem feel a little uncomfortable. But to YN at ease those guys were thrown out of the bar immediately and the girl was safe. As YN was about to go pay her mind to something else, her best friend Kayla was pulling her towards the dance floor with a shot glass in her hand, her Fiancé following her with two glasses of shots.
One more thing to put YN on ease was, she doesn't have to pay for anything. That's what her friends said to her before they dragged her out, straight from her work.
"You need to stop sulking!" Kayla yelled so her friend could hear. "Come on, have this."
YN was handed a shot glass. Dressed in a pair of jeans and worn out hoodie she stole from her dad before she moved away, and her worn out and knock off brand Nikes shoes. She doesn't drink, but it all seemed so nice to divulge in.
"No, no, I can't." She shoved the drink back in her friend's hand.
"We have to let loose before we're swarmed by the finals." Josh, Kayla's Fiancé interfered.
Josh is an amazing guy. Like a brother to YN but, oh boy can he be a pain in the ass some times!
Being kinda manipulated by her friends and her intrusive thoughts, YN downed the drink in one go. Leaving her own self in utter surprise. Kayla and Josh looked at her concerned.
"Oh, that burns your throat!" Her yucky face made her friend burst out into laughter.
But there you go!
Another shot in, and YN was completely knocked off. Dancing with Kayla and Julia. The girls giving each other lap dances, as they drunkenly danced.
Josh was being the friend-parent as he was going to drive the girls back to their home.
"YN, what are you doing?" The group of four was disrupted by a man hovering over YN.
He stood about six feet tall, his eyes glaring into hers as he gripped on her wrist tightly. Fingertips digging into her skin along with the metal of his rings.
"Hey, hey back off!" Josh stepped in.
"Stay away!" The man warned Josh as she kept staring at YN.
She seemed completely defeated and weak. In surprise you can say? Maybe? Or she was scared? Maybe?
"What do you think you're doing?" He started dragging her to the side, to the stairs which led to the VIP section.
"Hey, where are you taking my friend?" Kayla fought with him, hitting his arms, but one glare from him as she was made quiet as well. Julia was holding onto YN for her dear life.
"Harry, please you're hurting me." YN muttered looking at the man stood infront of her.
Well, he wasn't holding onto her hand that harshly, her skin being very sensitive it was going to be red within matter of minutes. It was her survival instincts kicking in to use the puppy eyes-card. It worked as Harry loosened his grip on her wrist. He slipped the palm of his hand onto hers intertwining his fingers with hers.
It was a bit uncomfortable with his rings but the first time she held hand with him in a long time, YN realised.
"Come on, I'm taking you to your place now." He told to her.
"Oi, no she's not going anywhere with you." Julia warned Harry.
"Look, I know you're worried for your friend bit I know her, she knows me." Harry spoke calmly. "I will drop her back home, I promise."
YN's friends' are smart, even if they ask her, she's not in the right mind to give them a sensible answer. They wouldn't believe her if she said she knew this man, she's that drunk with just two shots one red wine later.
"YN do you know him?" Julia asked. At least one of the girl is not drunk her ass off, tipsy perhaps.
"Mhmm, I do know him." YN nodded. It's the truth.
YN have known Harry for little over six months now. They're great acquaintance, one of them would like to say.
"Now come on." Harry ushered her closely.
"No, I'm not letting her go!" Julia and Kayla clung onto her.
Back in Harry's SUV, YN sat with her friends. One was dozing off and one was glaring daggers at him through the rare view mirror as he was seated on the passenger side.
He had made an alliance that he'll take YN to her place and her friends can see she's safe and sound themself.
All three of her friends had followed her upstairs to her flat, until she was safe there. Well, her friends live there too, so they were off to bed as well.
"YN what the hell were you thinking tonight?" Harry shut the door to YN's bedroom. She stumbled towards her bed. "You said you never drink!"
"Until tonight." She pointed out, slurring on her words.
"You know you can't drink YN," he was being his calm self as he took off YN's shoes for her, "you know-"
"Stop it!" She snapped, "I know what I can and cannot do, okay? I don't want you telling me that as well. I'm trying my best!"
"I know you are, love." He cooed reaching for her carefully, "I know you are. I just want you to be careful."
"I know." She nodded. Her eyes getting teary all of a sudden.
You must be wondering, why and how YN knows Harry?
Well, she was to be a surrogate to his child, yeah...
Well, she still is, but she doesn't have a fetus in her womb.
YN was in one of those desparate panic situation when she had heard a few of the girls gossiping in her cafeteria she worked at about surrogacy. How some rich people pay the surrogate a amount for giving them a baby. How they can make hundreds and thousands even.
It usually just requires a surrogate to lend her womb, with a embryo made up from the egg and sperm from expecting parents is transferred to her uterus and she carries the baby to the full term.
Well, that seemed like more of an amazing option than taking up a third job and risk failing her classes she took out loans for. It would be over if nice months!
Well, not until it was Harry who approached her. He'd be a single parent which would mean the baby would be hers as well.
Now, she's one of the old school girls (according to many now-a-days). She wants her own kids!
At first, she refused to help him. No way, she was going to up and leave a child which would part hers biologically as well. Well, until her step-mother called saying her father needs a surgery, it is very crucial for his health.
There was no way they could pay for the surgery. And the hospital refused to go further with the procedure without the payment. That was one of the many bad and corrupt shit she hated about her country.
She had two options again, risk failing her PhD, or go give this man a child and never see it again.
In the moment all she could think about was her father. She had an amazing relationship with her dad.
She can have more kids, but she's got just one dad.
Saying, fuck all; she went head first into this. Especially when Harry was surprisingly ready to sign her a blank cheque if needed.
Harry being the millionaire he is, made her sign a contract that the child's sole custody would be his and she can not see the baby, or she's just have six months if she willingly decides she wants to breast feed the baby. It had many more conditions like those.
Everything moved very fast, there was an embryo transfer into her uterus. She was pregnant. The process was very exhausting for her.
But she had a miscarriage about six weeks ago.
YN had to promise herself not to get attached to the clump of cells growing inside her, but who can control their feelings? It hit her more than just being in physical agony.
There were chances where it would have happened but she wasn't clearly prepared for it. Whereas Harry was.
He seemed so nutral to her when she had seen him at the ER where he'd rushed her to. Or maybe it was the medications she was on which were making her feel drowsy that she couldn't read his face.
You see, Harry is like a closed book kinda man to her.
He doesn't like answering to her questions. All her answers were in the contract he made her sign he said. She wasn't to ask him any personal questions. He knew everything about her, whilst she didn't know shit.
"I didn't mean to loose the baby." She tried not to cry in front of him. "I really didn't."
"I know you didn't, YN." Harry was undoing her shoe laces as he slipped off her foot.
"I shouldn't have gotten attached to it like it was furst decided. I was hoping it would, it would..." She sighed, "you know... I should've kept my old job and stayed the fuck back home. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry."
"Hey, look at me?" He looked up at her from where he was crouched in front of her, "I know, everything that happened wasn't on purpose, okay? This has much higher risk of failing. There's nothing you and I or the doctors can do to prevent from happening a hundred percent."
"I'll return you your money, I promise. And I'll do it again in a heartbeat." She sniffled, "I'll pay you back. With interest, I, I-"
"I'm not asking for it back, YN." He interrupted her as she slipped off her other shoe off her foot, "I need you to lie down now, okay? Lemme get you some water."
As Harry walked out, he found her friends stood in the hallway glaring at him, yet they all seemed confused. With his head down he made a quick walk to kitchen to get YN a bottle was water.
"Here drink this," he kept the bottle of water on her side table, "you have an appointment tomorrow at two, better fix that hangover by them."
"Oi, hello!" She scoffed, "watch your tone, huh! I'll rip that stupid tongue of yours out with tweezers and chop them into pieces and feed them to the stray dogs!"
Okay, that made Harry laugh...
"Yeah?" He chuckled. "You don't stray dogs in your neighborhood, darling. Now change up and go to bed, I'll have Jeremy come pick you up tomorrow."
"You are so fucking mean bruh!" She rolled her eyes, "have you ever talked to me nicely since we met? And I am supposed hand you over my baby!"
"Good night, YN." His voice was monotonous.
She just glared at him. More like a puppy face as he left her room shutting the door behind him. And she was already hating the way alcohol was making her feel.
"Are you dying? Why was he talking about hospital appointment?" Was Julia's first questions as they say YN down for an interrogation the next morning.
"What?" Josh stopped the girl, "who was that guy YN?"
"Why was he being bossy around you?" Kayla asked.
"Is he in the mafia, did you take a loan from him?" Julia seemed more intrigued by being concerned.
"Why was saying you're not supposed to drink?" Josh was being the parent of the group he is.
"Did you accidentally marry him? Or is Julia is right? Did you take a loan from him?"
The questions were coming from left, right, front and back which infuriated YN.
"Stop it!" She snapped, "no, I did not marry him, and yes I kinda did take a loan from him. And no, unfortunately I am not dying Julia! If I were, you'd be the first one invited to my funeral for celebration!"
"You don't celebrate on..." Julia was interrupted by Josh.
"Then who the fuck is this Harry guy?" He asked.
"Apparently he owns the bar we were at." Kayla shared.
"What the fuck!" YN almost spat out her black coffee she was drinking to cure her headache there. She couldn't sleep whole night as she felt like puking every time she lied down. She doesn't want to die choking on her own puke for god's sake! And here she was hit by the thought Harry might be richer than she thinks. That's the forth bar she had heard he own, plus a huge ass fashion label.
"Yeah!" Kayla deadpanned, "now who is he? YN you're scaring us!"
"He's just..." YN sighed, "I am to be a surrogate to his child. He's paying me for it."
"Hold the fuck up!" Julia almost screamed, "you're having a baby?"
"Julia, that's all you gather from this?" Josh sighed in defeat, "YN we want you to explain what the fuck in happening. You know you can share it with us."
"Yeah, we're your family here, darling." Kayla cooed as he reached for YN's hand carefully, knowing her mum can be a bitch sometimes and ninety-nine per cent of the times she was behind YN taking so much stress.
That was the last straw for YN. And the dam to her tears broke as she spilt her sob story in front of her friends.
"...My mother knows about this, and she blamed it on me saying I couldn't keep a baby alive inside of me, I wouldn't be able to take care of my dad!" She started sobbing at the end.
"YN, you could have asked us." Kayla suggested, "I certainly wouldn't have mind helping you out love."
"I can't, you've been saving up for your new place and your wedding. I just can't." YN shook her head.
"Why didn't you tell me then?" Julia butted in.
"Jay, I can't ask for financial help from you guys. I don't want to ruin our friendship." YN explained.
"It won't." Julia deadpanned.
"I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't share your problems with us." Josh said, "please, let us know and we'll see if we can figure it out together."
"Yeah, that's what friends are for!" Kayla agreed, of course.
"You're going to pregnant during Convocation!" Julia reminded her.
"Yeah." Josh surprisingly agreed with her on this.
"Our finals are in two months, and I'm still not pregnant. And convocation is a month later. I'll be fine." YN explained. "But I'll be pregnant on your wedding day, Kayla, I'm sorry."
"Hey, no!" Kayla scolded her, "you don't have to apologise to be. You're still going to be my bridesmaid like I asked you to. I don't care even if you're eight months pregnant, okay?"
"Okay!" YN nodded.
Harry on the other hand was getting ready to call it a day at work.
His office was a mess. It reminded him of his dorm rooms. He can keep his house clean but not his office. Checking his phone for time he found he's got an hour left till he has to be at the hospital with YN.
He started gathering his files and documents layed around, separating everything into two piles, of job done and pending pile so he can later give those back to his secretary.
He found a grey knock off branded Adidas jerkin. He couldn't help but chuckle.
It was YN's. It was left in his car on accident when he'd dropped her off back home from the day she had to be rushed to the hospital. Even in pain she was worried about her jacket there.
It was a very chaotic day.
"YN, tell me where you coat is for god's sake!" Harry was subtly panicking watching her roll on her rug in pain. He had checked the coat closet but he didn't find anything there. Even her roommates were not home.
"I don't-" she stopped, "motherfucker!" She was hammering the floor with her fist as she was curled up in a ball. "I can't, I can't, I can't!"
"Hey, YN!" He crouched next to her to give her a quick pep talk but he saw a grey jerkin hung on the bag hanger in her room, he grabbed it and her as well. "I'm taking you to the hospital okay? It's okay. It's okay." The last it's okay was for himself.
"No, don't take that one!" She protested seeing him drape her jerkin on her shoulders.
"YN you need to go to hospital now, you can worry about that later." He shushed her down.
Harry had carefully helped her in his car as he asked his driver to rush to the nearest hospital. Whilst YN wasn't screaming on top of her lungs, she was doing a good job at keeping herself as calm as possible. She had shrugged off the jerkin draped on her shoulders as she was sweating crazy, even with the car AC on blast.
She was mumbling something to herself. Some self assuring words maybe?
But Harry was sure what was happening. Whilst it did broke his heart as they were just mere two weeks away from being able to get the first ultrasound, he wouldn't lie his hopes were not high. And as much as he think he doesn't care, he's still a human and he knows that she doesn't have her full heart into this. He doesn't want to make her feel pressured. Plus he expected thing to go smoothly.
As expected, YN was taken care of. Lost the baby obviously. She seemed devastated when he found her laying there, crying and staring at the ceiling. IV needle suck on her hand as a beeping machine was hooked her pointer finger. She was dressed in a hospital gown there.
She slipped whilst deep cleaning her bedroom causing her to crash into the side table, straight on her stomach and then straight on her butt. That's all YN could remember, she said before she passed out. Apparently she hit her head as well and woke up with shooting pain in her abdomen. It was already eating YN alive. Only if she could have been more careful!
"Jeremy went and got you food." He said keeping the bag of food on the little table.
Lie, it was him who went to get the food whilst he sent Jeremy to run some errands for him. He's got a heart afterall!
"I'm not hungry." Her voice sounded watery.
"You can eat whenever you wish." He shared, "feeling any better now?"
And there was a knock on the door, it was a nurse who'd came to check on her. He got to know he could take her home by midnight or in the morning if they wish to stay overnight. YN insisted on going back home as she couldn't stand the smell of the hospital cleaning solutions and shit.
She was almost half asleep, her head in his shoulder when Harry brought her back to her flat. She insisted that she could go in alone and take care of herself as one of her roommate was home. She had kept a condition in from of him, that her friends can't know about this. He respected that.
When he went back to work the next day, that was when Jeremy went upto him and handed in the jerkin he found in the car as it was off for cleaning and service. And the piece of clothing is lying in his office since then.
But he regrets not ever texting her let alone call her to check in. He felt terrible about it and his therapist had to hear it all that week. And he was stuck in the traffic so it took him entire thirty minutes to get to her place when she called him crying in agony.
She had shut him off since that day. Shouldn't bother him, but it does.
Her constant curiosity kept him entertained honestly. Especially her random texts at three in the morning asking about a random claus in their agreement.
Sighing, Harry grabbed his coat and YN's jerkin before he left his office. He took a cab to the hospital as he'd asked Jeremy to go pick up YN. She was already there and he was five minutes late.
"Is it our turn?" He asked as he rushed towards where Jeremy was keeping YN company as she clearly she looked hungover. She looked up at him surprised which confused him. "What?"
"Nothing." She shook her head, "we're two hours early."
"Oh." Was his reaction as took a seat next to YN. "Did you eat something?"
"I did." She nodded, "air. It was deliciously polluted today!"
"Hey!" He whined, "do you want to go grab something?"
"No." She looked down at her phone in her lap, her Instagram feed open. She put on one of her earphone and sat there scrolling through reels.
"Here, this was in my car the other day." He gave her back the jerkin. Which she took and put it on. He just sighed a slumped in his chair, watch her scroll through cat videos for about five minutes before his patience wore out. "Okay, come on we're going to eat. We'll be back before it's your turn."
"I am not hungry, Harry."
Harry just texted Jeremy to get some sandwiches, because honestly, he was hungry too. His chef is on a vacation and he can barely cook himself instant ramen noodles. He can't ask his housekeeper to help him out even though he's been offered help many times.
"I am really sorry about that night." He finally got her attention.
"Hmm?" She looked at him confusedly.
"That night after I dropped you off to your place." He reminded her, "I am so sorry I didn't even bother to check up on you. I feel very bad about that."
"It's okay." She shrugged, "I fell asleep as soon as I got home anyway. Would have slept through your call."
He just nodded and sat there in silence for a few more minutes. "You don't have to do this all over again if you don't want to, YN, we can just work it out. The agreement I mean."
"Ms. YN YLN?" One of the nurse announced. "You're next."
"Okay, thank you." YN nodded.
Maybe the person before her cancelled or couldn't make it. They still had an hour and half of wait but they got lucky. The appointment went smoothly. They could go through the process of planting another embryo. YN was doing very well physically, apart from her hang over. And they did went through with the process that day.
YN went in alone this time, where as Harry got to be there with her that time.
She was nervous, as expected. But she didn't wanted to ask him, reading by her obvious body language he asked if he could go in with her. To which she hesitantly agreed to.
"It's going to be alright." He assured her, "it hardly takes five minutes, if my research is accurate. You don't have to feel stressed."
"You're making me more stressed!" She whined. The doctor ran her through what was going to happen, step by step before starting everything was prepared for the procedure.
She looked more tense as the moment went by. Harry who was sat next to her on the little chair, slipped his palm onto her, lacing his fingers through hers. Her hand was a bit sweaty and very warm, and how he wished he heard doctor talk about what was happening. His mind went all fuzzy the moment she held his hand back tightly.
"Ready?" Doctor Wilson asked. Harry was back to earth there, he looked at the lady in the scrubs wearing a hair cap and surgical gloves.
"Yes." YN nodded. "Don't look!"
"I wasn't." He could help but chuckle, he turned his back to what was happening. He felt her squeeze onto his hand tighter, her eyes shuttered closed. "It's okay." He whispered to her, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles gently.
"All done!" Dr. Wilson announced. And YN let out the breathe she didn't know she was holding in.
That was that. Maybe she had no idea what would happen and this time around she does. He just feels shut down.
Well, when have he opened upto her? It was fair enough.
But when he saw her again, she was stressed out.
They had managed to make just six embryos, which meant only three tries. YN was feeling too guilty about loosing the baby (or babies). Harry was splurging so much money after this. IVF is very fucking expensive.
Yes, he might be a millionaire but YN still couldn't wrap her mind around how he was ready to spend so much for a baby. Babies are expensive as well. She had so many questions she couldn't ask him.
Why doesn't he want to wait till he's found a partner? Why doesn't he opt for adoption instead? Why does he want a baby when he's got such a busy schedule? How will he be able to give the child his time when he's so busy all the time?
Of course she would worry about a baby. Especially if it was hers too!
Jeremy was going to drop YN off to her place as she had a day off before driving Harry back to work. But he'd gotten her a sandwich which she was in desparate need of. The car ride for the first fifteen minutes was silent. Jeremy doing his job, whilst Harry had a face which screamed he wants to say something but he was holding back. And YN was eating her sandwich.
"Oh my god, Jeremy this sandwich is amazing!" She squealed in excitement, "I'll pay you back I promise when in back home, thank you so much!"
"Don't worry about it, Ms. YLN." The man giggled.
"YN?" Harry called for her.
"Hmm?" She looked at him. As if Jeremy knew, he pressed the button to pull up the privacy divider on which confused YN.
"You don't have to do it again if this time doesn't work as well." He said, "don't want it taking toll on your physical and mental health."
"But I'd feel too guilty, Harry. Thirty thousand pounds is not a small amount. Especially for me, and I honestly don't know if I would be able to pay you back that amount in this life time." YN shared.
It was set clear in her mind. She would somehow pay him back if it doesn't work out. That would mean her paying him back with an annual interest. And that was just the money he'd signed on the cheque which went to her not including the hospital bills minus the procedure fees. She owed him a big time monetarily.
It was either she give him a baby or his money back. She's very stubborn.
"You don't have to YN." He assured her, "consider it as me helping you. It's alright." That rubbed off wrong on her. Maybe he could have worded it another way.
"Helping me as my what?" She asked, pissed, "as my friend? As an acquaintance? Or as a person who's doing some charity work? This is exactly why I never wanted to talk to my friends about this!"
"YN, that's not what I-"
"Stop it Harry, I've been trying to be nothing but nice to you, okay? You're pissing me off now. I have no business in even interacting with you for this." Her eyes pooling up with tears behind her glasses. "How you're going to take care of this child when you're always busy is eating me alive. I don't even know why you want a baby so bad to put my mind at ease." She proceeded to knock on the privacy divider, "Jeremy? Please stop the car."
"I'm sorry, you don't to worry about that, YN. I promise." He rushed.
"Fine." She nodded in agreement, "please don't contact me until the next hospital appointment." She grabbed her bag and left his car. They were still five drive away from her place.
Harry did just that.
The next appointment was in a six weeks. Every weekend, his therapist heard about it all, about how he feels so bad for everything, and how much of an asshole he is.
Well, he can at least try to be friends with her.
At first he thought she was in it for money because she denied him but went back to him. But if she was, she wouldn't go on and on about wanting to return every penny he's given her if this is not successful at all. And knowing her, he's sure her stubborn ass would do anything if she has enough time on her hand.
She made him change up two main claus in their contract. He wanted her to stay at his place, and not work in the last trimester. He'd do anything as long as he can make sure his future child was safe and sound. Especially since none of her friends would know about it. Her family is a different country. And he can't really controll what she does and doesn't want to do.
But lately he's feeling like he's buying a baby like it's some sort of toy. What can he do? He looked for adoption first, for whole two years but he was never in the top 10 preferences for them to even consider him as a good adoptive parent, even though he's got all the financial needs. He's got many god children, but he wants a little one to give all the love he's got in himself. At first he so wanted to adopt a child, but it wasn't in his luck.
YN was right, he's got minimal time out of work. He'd just bought a new bar as an investment. How was he going to take care of a child?
He sees her again today!
Hopefully everything will be alright. He hears some good news, or at least gets to rekindle with her and actually be friends.
She's very sweet.
Yeah, sarcasm is her second language (mainly when he's managed to piss her off or something) but oh boy is she so fucking sweet and adorable!
He saw her stood there by the entrance of his office building with Jeremy and the security guard. She was all chirpy and chatty today, holding onto a Tupperware container.
"Mr. Styles, how you doing today?" Jeremy spoke, exaggerating, he's seen Harry today already.
"I'm good Jeremy, thank you, and what about you?" Harry player along, watching YN's smile drop. "What's that?" He asked pointing at the Tupperware in YN's hands.
"Oh it's -"
Jeremy was interrupted by YN, "its is nothing. Jer, let's go now shall we?"
"Jer? That's new." Harry chuckled.
"Oh I'm afraid sir, you won't get it, it's a best friend thing." Jeremy said, opening the back door for him.
Harry usually slides in first so he did. He expected YN to get in as well but she hopped in the front seat. The entire drive to the hospital, Harry watched Jeremy andy YN talk and laugh, they had plans of catching up over some dinner tonight. Feeling left out and a ting of anger he slumped in his seat and pretended to scroll through his phone. Once at the hospital, YN walked in first.
"Jeremy do I have to remind you are married?" He whispered to his driver/ bodyguard.
"You don't have to sir." Jeremy smiled, "but I know she's old enough to be my daughter."
Harry coughed feeling embarrassed as he sped walked inside, following after YN.
Harry you snooze you loose, he taunted himself. She's already got another best friend!
"Hey," he said quietly as he approached YN sat on one of the benches in the waiting room.
"Thirty minutes of wait." She said.
"I, I know." He stuttered, "I, I wanted to ask, ummm... ask how are you?" And she just shrugged.
"My dad's fine." She shared, "almost fine I should say. His surgery was successful, he's back home and recovering."
"That's great news!" He exclaimed, slowly though, they're at a hospital.
"Mhmm." She nodded, "thanks to you. He, uhhh... he really needed it to make it. And..." He grabbed her bag from the chair next to hers and shuffled through her stuff, "sorry I had to shove my stuff back is after my class. Where is it?" Harry watched her struggle to find what he didn't know. Finally, she pulled out a notebook which had a paper in it handing over to him.
"What's this?" He flipped the paper around. It was a Cheque of Fifteen thousand pounds in his name. "What's this for?"
"Saved up!" She smirked proudly, "my friend's brother works at the hospital my dad was admitted in, he handled the insurance stuff so we only had to pay half of everything. I don't need this so I'm returning it, I need time to return the other half though."
"YN, I told you, you don't have to." He tried place the cheque back in her book.
"Keep it!" She warned him, packed up her stuff quickly. "I'll still help you Harry, and I'm going to trust that you're going to take very good care of this baby."
"You can trust me." He still assured her. His eyes brim up with tears so let his head down so she doesn't see him crying.
"Harry?" He felt her hand on his bicep which made him hitch, "you alright?" Warmth of her hand was gone within a second.
"Mhmm." He nodded, still sniffling on his tears. "I am, I am fine."
"Hey, it's gonna be okay!" She cooed, still sitting at a distance from him.
Harry was a second close to peeing his pants as he sat there patiently whilst the nurse was getting the blood work done, YN was sent to take generic pregnancy test.
"Wha— what happened?" He rushed as he saw YN walk back into the room they were asked to wait in.
"I don't know." She shrugged and watched him slump back into ghe chair. "I think it is going to come out positive." She took a seat on check up bed, next to the ultrasound equipment.
"How do you know?" He asked and she just shrugged again.
Okay, she isn't going to sit there and tell him she's missed her period which is a good thing. He can put two and two together himself when the results are handed over, just hope he was good at Maths in school.
It was few minutes later when doctor arrived with the blood work reports and the best news. It was a different doctor and not Doctor Wilson. And the nurse named Willow, who was in-charge of the blood work.
The new doctor was a handsome fella. Tall, blue eyes, beefy biceps and all that. Everything to make HARRY insecure. Why insecure? He didn't know. But oh boy was Harry feeling this weird (and negative) feeling in the pit of his stomach as YN interacted with him.
"Congratulations, the tests are positive!" Doctor announced as he took a seat on the chair next to the check up bed. "I apologise for not introducing myself, I am Doctor Mike Jones, Dr. Wilson is on a vacation so by the time she returns I'll be helping her patients. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you have." YN nodded at him with a smile. He proceeded to go into details about the blood work and what was good and what could potentially be risks.
"By the reports we can tell you're about eight weeks in, that means we can get the ultrasound done." Dr. Jones shared as he stood back up, "I'll leave for a moment whilst nurse Willow runs you down with the procedure."
"Yeah, thank you doc." YN nodded.
Least to say, Harry was happy seeing the little grainy pulse on the screen. He was excited to go tell his mum and sister about it all. He was excited to finally start preparing for the baby to come.
Last time, he couldn't celebrate. Though he doubts he could right now. He should wait a little bit longer now. Maybe next eight weeks or so...
He can at least share it with his mum, right!
"Oh my god!" He gasped softly seeing the little heart beat on the screen. His sight blurring up with tears, "they're so tiny!" He looked at YN in excitement grabbing onto her hand.
"Let's listen to the heart beat now." Dr. Jones said.
The little rapid beats of distorted heart beats almost took Harry's breath away. He wanted to scream and sob in excitement. The rest of it was boring yet important stuff. Measuring of the fetus, looking for any potential complications which there seemed none in that moment.
Oh and there was just one baby.
On the way back to YN, the car ride was silent. She was sat in the back seat next to him this time. He noticed her take out the Tupperware container from her bag.
"Congratulations!" She smiled and offered him the sweets.
"Oh, he's lactose intolerant!" Jeremy joked which YN was unaware of that.
"What?" She looked at him, "I'm sorry you can't have this."
"Come on, Jeremy!" Harry groaned, "I am not lactose intolerant YN he just likes to joke around."
"You still want these then?" She suggested.
"I'm good, thank you." He politely declined, "and thank you... for helping me."
"Nuh-uh! You know we celebrate with sweets in India. I got these for Jeremy 'cause I got to know my dad is out of hospital now, healthy and fine. We heard another good news here." She shared, "this is just a little celebration, about everything slowly getting back together."
"Yup!" Jeremy sounded from the driver's seat.
"You knew about this?" Harry was surprised.
"Of course I know sir, my wife is Indian."
"Okay..." He sounded stretching the word, he took one piece of whatever sweets it was and ate it, "what is that?"
"It's made of cottage cheese and flour, it's called Gulab jamun." She explained. "It's my favourite. I made it last night as I craving it, it's pain in ass to make but oh my god it's so good! Right, Jeremy?"
"My wife says the same thing, YN." Jeremy chuckled, "everytime she tries to make it, it turns out awful. According to her, not me."
And these started talking again making Harry left out again, but he zoned out. Harry has never been so confused about his feelings thus far. He's been trying very hard to stay away from her emotionally, but she makes it hard not to when she's telling him exactly what she's feeling. It's annoyingly good.
"I'll take the train Jeremy, don't worry about it." YN caught Harry's attention, they had reached her place.
"Wait, train to where?" He asked.
"To Jeremy's..." YN answered confusedly, "he's invited me for dinner at his."
"Why, why are you taking the train?" He rushed panicking, "I, I mean he can pick you up right? Right, Jeremy?"
"I can perfectly manage to go on my own, Harry." She shrugged, "and he's your employee not mine, it's just rude to ask him to pick me up."
"But, he's been taking you to the hospital whenever I ask him too."
"Yeah, because it's your work he's doing. I am not going to ask him to do anything for me." She shrugged.
"Okay, can you kids not argue about this?" Jeremy spoke up, "I'll pick you up YN no worries."
"No, you don't have to Jeremy," YN was glaring at Harry sat next to her, "I know exactly why he's saying this. I don't know why you still went for me if you don't trust me anymore. Could have started over for all you care. I quit trying to be friends with you, for good now." With that he's had YN barging out of his car again. "You need therapy. You need help!" With that she slammed the car door shut.
"You should go talk to her." Jeremy suggested, "you know she's one of the nicest person I've come across so I have to put in good word for her. I know it's hard for you to trust anyone, but you can trust her. She's a good friend."
Harry nodded and got out of the car, "I'll go talk to her."
"I'm going to take a cab home, you can bring her over for dinner." Jeremy handed him the car keys.
"Okay, thank you." He gave Jeremy a quick hug before he was running into the building.
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain @originalsoulcollector @harrysgirl-1d @lomlhstyles @im-an-overthinker @stilesissaved
Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
For the main Smilodon AU, where Reader is a teen (younger or older or middle, it doesn't matter, I think), I've imagined that the way Reader finds out about being used is once they've already joined the X-Men...
One night they listen in on a conversation happening in a few rooms down, and go to investigate when they hear their name. They'd only been up to get some water, and it's a bit dark out already. And they hide behind the door, hearing a conversation between the adults, about themself... How they finally have Reader on their team, so what now? And it seems... they all have different ideas on what to do. While Xavier seems to have some good things to say, he's still speaking if taking precautions, of being prepared if something goes wrong... Storm just wants everyone to be safe... Beast is curious about their mutation... and Wolverine... he doesn't like them. At all. And it seems the others might not, either, when they don't defend them...
Reader backs away from the door, then runs off. They only took their shoes, the clothes on their back, and the money they've earned, booking it through the halls and towards the front doors. No one is in sight. No one can stop them. And hopefully, no one does. These people... they could do anything to them. Could manipulate their mind or electrocute or simply stab or blast them. They don't feel safe, and they want out. So put they go, doing their best to stay out of sight of the windows and only appear to be walking, at least until they're out the front gates and in the woods beyond the road...
Xavier senses Reader leaving, and realizes that while he and the others were caught up in talking (trying to convince Logan to give Reader a chance, and trying to think of what to do should Reader become volatile like their father), Reader heard some of what they said. He can feel their thoughts spiraling, can hear their mind shrieking and crying and raging, and tells the others what happened. They decide since Wolverine upset them (and because he can track them) that he should go after them to reconcile, or fight, if need be. And he goes, albeit grumbling...
Reader, the moment they're past the gates, can hear Logan coming after them, and makes a run for the woods. In the woods, it's dark, it's thorny, and they can smell all sorts of creatures and plants and scents... Except there's something else... Something they don't recognize... They hear Logan enter the woods and they're back to running-
And then there's a roar, and there's a noise of something hitting something, claws going through wood and rock and dirt. Some giant guy showed up, and is fighting Logan... Reader leaves, hoping not to get hurt, not wanting to die by either man's hand... But when they hear the pained growls of their old... guardian... they decide to what they think is right, going back to try and help him. What they find is their mentor crashed into the ground, bleeding a little from gashes in his arms, and Reader decides to pounce on the large, furry thing from behind. They distract it for a minute, clawing and hissing, until they're grabbed by the back of their jacket and torn off... And there they are, hanging in the claws of someone they've only heard about from the others, some jerk named Sabretooth...
Logan, who's trying to get up, just saw Reader attack his mortal enemy. It wasn't because they wanted to kill or harm Logan themself, no. He can smell the scent of protection on them, the smell of fear and adrenaline and safe... So, the kid isn't actually bad... And he might be the reason they die... He gets up, he and Sabretooth start fighting again, and Reader ends up dropped somewhere in the fray. Then Logan goes down, a dart in his shoulder or thigh, and Reader is trying to still protect him... Something hits them, sharp, and then they're on their back, staring up at the sky and snow, and slowly losing consciousness...
Sabretooth ends up taking (kidnapping) both Logan and Reader. He wants to reunite with his brother, and see if he can't drag the Logan he remembers out, and Reader smells suspiciously like both of them, so... it's possible this is a pup or cub of their's... And he certainly doesn't abandon family, now, does he?
Logan wakes up a bit later, drugged out of his mind and sleepily trying to protect Reader, who's deep asleep. He got them both in this mess, by scaring Reader off... now he has to protect them, and keep them safe from whatever his enemy has in store for them...
(It's nothing too bad; it's not torture, but Sabretooth also isn't about to let Logan or Reader run off, not when he has them both in his claws...)
(I want to right this out in its own scenario, but this is the rough draft version...)
(If you have questions for this au, please feel free to ask them!)
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bella-rose29 · 11 months
Reminders of her - George Karim x gn!reader
requested by anon: George Karim x reader (established relationship) where one of the Visitors they have to seal is the reader’s dead mom or sister or father (whichever you want)
I am so so sorry that this has taken me forever to write, I have been swamped with assignments and work and then a period of no imagination whatsoever, so I'm very sorry about that anon! I also had no clue how to end it so sorry about that too
I tried to make this gn (since no gender was specified), but there may be a slip up or two so I'm sorry if there is <3
Hopefully this is roughly what you wanted anon!
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: mentions of character death (reader's mother) and dealing with grief, mentions of cancer (non-specific, but it's not aggressive).
Tag list: idk who wants to be tagged for George tbh (let me know if you do!) <3
(not my gif)
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The inhabitants of 35 Portland Row were all relaxing in their various rooms when the doorbell sounded, startling everyone.
Lockwood hurried to the door, trying his best to not look too disgruntled in front of a possible client, but when he pulled the door open to see Y/n he gave up trying to rub the tea stain off the bottom of his shirt.
"Oh, hi. Everything alright?" They didn't say anything, head dipped so that Lockwood couldn't see their face, but when he heard the slight sniffles coming from Y/n he ushered them inside, immediately calling for George. Lockwood wasn't the best at dealing with people crying, and he'd had to learn for his job, but given Y/n was George's partner he figured he had a free pass this time. The boy in question came thundering down the stairs barely a minute later, pulling his jeans all the way up as he did so and fastening his belt before bringing Y/n into a crushing hug. Lucy appeared at the top of the stairs, peering at the scene in front of her, and when she saw her best friend crying she hurried into the kitchen to start making tea. Lockwood was left to stand awkwardly to the side, hands stuffed in his pockets while George comforted his partner.
"What's wrong, Y/n/n?" George asked, pulling back slightly to wipe away their tears. They sniffled a little bit, small sobs still breaking through as their chest heaved, trying to get the words out.
"It's- it's my mum," they broke off into tears again, hiding their face in George's t-shirt. "She- she's, uh... I need your help," they finished in a whisper, turning to look at Lockwood, and suddenly everything made sense.
"Where is she?" Lockwood asked softly, making eye contact with George. The two boys led Y/n into the kitchen, sitting them down at the table and providing a plate of biscuits (George was a compete hypocrite about the biscuit rule when it came to his partner). Lucy brought over a cup of tea, placing it down in front of Y/n with a small smile.
"Sort of just... everywhere. In the whole house. I don't know why she's only just turning up now, she's been dead for eight months."
"It doesn't always make sense," George said, pushing his glasses up. "We can come over tonight if you like, right Lockwood?"
The company head nodded, sympathetic smile on his face when Y/n looked his way, and Lucy murmured her agreement.
"That's decided then. We'll come over tonight and try and put her to rest completely, yeah?" Lockwood declared, and Y/n nodded, wiping the last of their tears away.
"Yeah, alright. Thank you."
That night, just before sunset, the four of them headed over to Y/n's house (the members of Lockwood and Co had refused to let them go back, insisting that they stayed until they were properly cheered up), kit bags slung over shoulders and rapiers at their hips. Y/n went without, having barely any Talent, clutching the silver rod that George had gifted them as a defence. Lucy and Lockwood strode ahead, George hanging back with Y/n as they dawdled.
"You alright?"
"I don't really know. I mean, she died of cancer, so that shouldn't really mean that she comes back as a Visitor, right? She died in her sleep, peacefully, and spent her last couple of months seemingly happy."
George was quiet for a while, debating what to say. He often had a habit of putting his foot in it, being the socially awkward person that he was, and dating Y/n had meant that he'd found himself thinking before he spoke much more. At first, he'd barely spoken to them when it was just the two of them, being too scared that he'd say something wrong and never see them again, but when they'd admitted that his blunt attitude was one of the things they most adored about him, he'd opened up more. Still, in situations like this a little thinking was required, especially since his partner's dead mother coming back as a ghost was the topic of conversation.
"Generally, Visitors seem to come back for unfinished business. Maybe she just wants to say good bye?"
"She had months for that though." Y/n was worrying their bottom lip in their teeth, a habit that had become more frequent since their mother's death.
"I really don't know, Y/n/n. Once we're there, though, I'm sure I will," he said, offering a small smile as they turned down their street. Y/n tried a smile of their own, but the worry was still there, growing with every step closer to their house the agents got.
"Come on you two, we're losing time!" Lockwood called, and George rolled his eyes.
"Ignore him. Those two can do without us for a bit if they need to. You alright? You're looking a bit pale."
"I- I'm fine, Georgie. I'm just... not really looking forward to this."
"I get it. Hey," he called, brushing his hand against Y/n's. "We'll sort it, yeah?" He linked their hands, and Y/n smiled properly, the action lighting up their face.
"Yeah. Thank you, George," they replied earnestly, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Y/n was worried.
It had been an hour since Lockwood, Lucy and George had set up, and while Y/n stayed in the kitchen, surrounded by the defences and armed with the silver that George had handed over earlier ("Just in case," he'd said, no hint of humour in his expression), the three agents had been eerily silent. They'd heard the creak of an occasional floorboard, and a whisper of voices from the living, but aside from that anybody observing the situation would think that Y/n was alone in the house.
They had zoned out a few minutes ago, getting bored of standing and waiting with nothing to do, when suddenly a figure appeared in the doorway.
Their voice was shaking, damn it. Y/n had promised that they wouldn't get too scared, but the possibility of seeing their mother (and the further chance that their mother would try and attack them) was terrifying.
The figure crept closer, glowing faintly, and Y/n held their breath. It stopped just inside the doorway, and distantly Y/n heard themselves calling for George. Everything else was a haze. Time seemed to stop as the two of them observed each other, and while Y/n could feel a chill creeping up, the warmth they felt at seeing their mother's face again made it seem insubstantial. The trance was broken when Y/n was shoved to the floor, George landing on top as Lockwood and Lucy fought back against the now violent ghost of Y/n's mother.
"Are you alright? Y/n? Y/N?"
"Stop shouting! I'm fine," they huffed, unsure why George seemed so panicked.
"You were very nearly permanently ghost-locked, idiot!" Y/n's eyes widened.
"W-what? But I was fine! I didn't- I didn't think I was there for that long, was I?"
"Maybe, maybe not, but when we came in you were glazing over. I tried calling out to you but you weren't responding."
"Oh, so that's why you rugby tackled me to the floor." George leapt into action again at that, pushing up and offering a hand out to Y/n. Lockwood and Lucy had found the Source, and now the agency head stood with a small object wrapped in a silver net. "Is that... is that her?" Lockwood nodded.
"A comb, of all things. Luce says it was her favourite?"
"The one with the fake pearls in it?" Y/n asked, unable to tear their eyes off of the object.
"Yeah, looked like it. She um, she showed me something else," Lucy spoke, a little tentative. Y/n gestured for Lucy to continue, and the girl lead the two of them upstairs to their parents' bedroom. "There was a moment when she uh, she pointed to this drawer. There was a letter inside, addressed to you. I think she wrote it for you, and wanted you to have it. Did you know about it?"
Y/n shook their head. "No. I had no idea." Carefully they opened the drawer and lifted out the envelope inside, trying desperately to hold back the tears at seeing their mother's handwriting.
"Do you... do you wanna read it now? Because I can give you some space if you do," Lucy asked gently, placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder.
"Please, thanks Lucy." The girl wrapped them in a hug, tight and crushing, and when she pulled away she wiped the tears off of Y/n's cheeks.
"We'll be in the kitchen if you need anything, alright?" Y/n nodded, sitting down on the bed when Lucy had shut the door behind her with a soft click and opening the letter.
A short while later a knock sounded on the door, and George's messy curls poked in, followed by the rest of his body. "Hey, how are you doing?" He came over and sat down next to them, placing an arm around their shoulders and bringing them in for a slightly awkward hug.
"I'm okay. I think," Y/n frowned.
"What... what did the letter say?"
"Just about how much she loves me, and how proud she is of me. It's funny, it doesn't feel like she's gone a lot of the time, but every now and then I'll see something that makes me think of her and I just... I have to stop myself from breaking down." They paused for a moment. "The paper smells like her. It's nice to have this, as a reminder of her."
George didn't say anything, instead just stroking their back, and they were glad for the comfort. He might have a tendency to say the wrong thing sometimes, or accidentally offend people, but George was a damn good partner, and Y/n was glad that he was there to help them.
The two of them headed downstairs a few minutes later, finding Lockwood and Lucy arguing about what the best kind of biscuit was over cups of freshly made tea. George joined the argument, gesturing wildly as he fought for his biscuit of choice, and Y/n could only chuckle slightly at their partner's antics. They gladly accepted the mug of tea that Lucy pushed their way, and smiled at the three agents gathered in their kitchen.
Their mother might be gone, leaving a hole in Y/n's heart, but these three people in front of them were just what was needed to fill it.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
a little thing based on this art. nsfw but not explicit.
Keyleth didn't buy the lingerie for herself. She never would—it just seems so...frivolous, and expensive, and embarrassing. She understands the appeal—people like soft, delicate things, like butterflies and lace—but...it just wasn't her.
Which is why she couldn't help but stare owlishly when a package was dumped unceremoniously in her lap on a random afternoon by a sun-kissed Pike. "Happy birthday."
"My...birthday was four months ago."
Pike shrugged. "Time is an illusion. Go on, open it."
Nothing could have surprised her more than the forest green negligee and matching panties she discovered nestled among blush pink tissue paper when she opened up the box. She sputtered out half a dozen different sentences at once, before finally choking out, "Why?"
"I thought it would go nicely with your complexion. I got a royal blue for Vex, because, y'know, she's got a motif going on." Pike smirked. "My set is yellow."
"Do we...have matching underwear?"
Pike rolled her eyes and hopped up on the couch in Keyleth's Zephran cottage. "Not matching, I just got a set for each of us. Y'know..." She elbowed Keyleth in the ribs. "For fun."
"Oh." Her blush extended all the way down her arms. "So this—I mean—I'm supposed to—"
"Keyleth, you can do what you want with it. Vex is gonna use hers to fuck Percy nasty, and I like to wear mine to dance around the house." She paused. "And also to fuck nasty. But why don't you just try wearing yours to sleep? It doesn't have to be sexual if you don't want it to be."
Keyleth swallowed hard. "Right."
"I mean, you put this on and Vax is definitely gonna break his leash, but—"
"OKAY, THANK YOU PIKE." She slammed the lid of the box closed and buried her face in her hands.
And yet, here she is, just a week later, inexplicably wearing the surprisingly soft lingerie set, lounging on the bed with a book in her hand. It's not a particularly interesting read—something about architecture and city planning that Percy insisted she peruse—but at least it'll help her fall asleep. Vax is curled up beside her, his long hair a waterfall up over his pillow, and she's got an arm around him, keeping him close, her favorite place for him to be.
Pike wasn't wrong: the first time Vax saw her wearing this, face red and lip chewed nervously, his eyes bulged—as did other things. But when she stammered out an explanation, he took her face in his hands, kissed her gently, and said, "You're always beautiful, and I always want you." His fingers toyed with the hem of the negligee. "This is just...bonus."
Now she pulls him in tighter, eying him over his shoulder. He's pretending to be asleep, probably to guilt her into turning off the light so he actually can go to sleep, and she takes the opportunity to admire him in the way she so often feels him admiring her. His muscles are long and ropey, giving him a deceptively wiry look, and in the past year or so since she's given it to him, the burn scar of her palm in the center of his back has healed into a warm red the color of her freckles. He is, in a word, sexy, and wearing this ridiculous, frilly thing makes her feel sexy too, a feeling that is so often foreign to her.
She catches him peeking over his shoulder at her. "Ah, so you are awake."
"No I'm not." He grins.
She sets the book on the nightstand beside her. "That sucks. If you were awake..." The sentence dangles in an unfinished suggestion.
His head fully cranes around, eyes dancing hopefully. "Yeah?"
Keyleth shrugs, and the motion makes the gauzy negligee ripple across her stomach. "But you're so tired."
He's on her then, warm body held aloft over hers by arms leaned by years of hurling daggers and scaling walls. "Oh, trust me." His smile glitters, playful and devilish. "I would love nothing more for you to tire me out."
And as his hand comes skittering up beneath the nightie, she grins up into a kiss, silently thanking Pike for the strangest, best gift she would never have asked for.
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f4iry-bell · 5 months
Stained shirt and two seats for one | part 3
a bit short and kind of meh, istg it was fun when i was playing this scene in cai. ANYWAY
← previous part
It has been over a month since Arya went to London and had an almost perfect day with a stranger she met. She can still remember everything about that day, the places, the food, the conversation. She wanted him to ask Arya her number badly, so they could stay in touch. Something about that man was attractive and it's not just the way he looks. While he was showing her around she saw him actually chuckle and laugh, it was a sight to behold. For weeks Arya thought about that day. But as time went by she realised she'll never see him again and concentrated on her work.
She was in her agency’s work place looking at some articles about their client. She had to stop her work because one of her co-workers told her someone was here to see her. Her family doesn't live in Singapore, she has very few friends who have their own work to do during this time. She wondered who it might be.
Her brows came together when she saw who it was waiting for her in the lobby.
“Grayson?” She was extremely confused. How is he here? And why? “What are you doing here?”
“It’s nice seeing you again as well, Arya” He says with a calm smile. 
“Well yeah. Answer my question” She asked, he can tell that she's freaking out by the look on her face.
“A friend of mine needs a good PR team. And I thought about your agency” He said with his hands in his pocket.
“Okay. How did you know where I worked?” She asked.
“I looked it up, you mentioned your agency’s name that day” He replied casually.
“I did, didn't I?” She let out a chuckle. They talked too much that day, she probably told him the name. “Anyway, follow me. I'll take you to my boss” She told him and started walking inside.
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Grayson talked to Arya’s manager for about an hour. Too long to be honest, she wondered what he could be talking that long. Finally he came out and walked to her.
“Well?” She asked.
“Your boss agreed to appoint a team for my friend.” He said.
“That's good. Hopefully I'll get a rise since I’m the reason the agency got a new client” She smiled.
“Maybe, maybe not. Anyways, when will you get off work?” He asked her.
“I can leave in like half an hour?” She checks the time.
“Alright, I'm going to be in Singapore for a while, for business reasons. I thought maybe we could spend time together. I really enjoyed our time in London” He told her
That made her smile which made his heart flutter “I’d love to”
After she got off work, she went to the lobby to find Grayson waiting for her. Once he saw her come out he immediately got up from his seat. 
“Where do you think we should go?” He asked her.
“Oh I know! I know a perfect place, just follow me” She said out of excitement and grabbed his hands leading him opposite to the parking lot. Grayson didn't mind where she was taking him, as long as he gets to spend time with her.
They both were walking on the pavement when she realised “Wait, you came by your car?” She asked as she stopped walking.
“And your car is still in the parking lot?” 
“You'd be right” 
“Why didn't you stop me from dragging you! Now you have to go all the way back to get your car.” She said.
He just shrugged. “It's fine, I'll have someone pick it up for me”
“Rich people,” She mumbled.
He just chuckled in response.
Once they reached the metro station she started walking fast. 
“We have to hurry, come on.” She said.
“Why?” He asked, keeping up with her.
“Have you travelled in a metro before?” She asked.
“Figured. If we don't stand right in front of the train door we might not get a seat! And we'll have to stand!” She told him as he chuckled.
“What's so wrong about standing?” He asked.
“What is good about it?” She asked and they stood right in front of where the train door would be. They both got in and saw that the seats were full. 
“It's fine,” Grayson said.
Grayson heard her talk about this place she is taking him, and how pretty it looks. Like before she used her hands to talk and did not hold onto the road for support, when the train stopped suddenly she lost her balance and held onto Grayson's arm.
“Sorry about that” She chuckled and grabbed the road.
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They finally arrive at the small restaurant which was painted in baby blue and yellow. As they walked in he noticed that even the chairs and tables were in blue and yellow. The place wasn't big, but it had so many photographs and paintings hung on the wall. She chose a table and sat down, Grayson sat opposite to her.
“I swear they serve the best pasta here” She tf him with such confidence.
“We’ll see” 
“Do you not believe me, Grayson?” She let out a fake offensive gasp.
“Of course not” He chuckled. They both ordered their food and talked more.
“So you have four half brothers and two half sisters. Same mother with brothers and different fathers each, and your hand twin sisters same father different mother, did I make any mistake?” She asked. 
Grayson chuckled. “You're right” His family is complicated. He quickly changed the subject because he doesn't like talking about his family, it'll involve talking about things that he isn't proud of. All he wants to do is have a good dinner with a pretty girl. And that is what he is doing.
They had a small argument when it came to paying the bill. Grayson wanted to pay for both but she didn't let him.
“You just can't pay my share,” She said.
“Why is that?”
“You just can't”
“I need a reason”
“Because this isn't a date”
“Okay, you pay your share this time.” He sighs and adds “Next time, I'll pay for both of us”
“Nuh uh” She said.
“I said what I said, end of discussion. When can I see you again?” He asked. He is surprised by himself because it has been forever since he took an interest in a girl. And he doesn't act this way, this was desperate. But he doesn't care. 
next part →
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
you should explain it instead of mock people that have a right to be upset. explain what the writers are putting down because I'm still not seeing a valid reason why Eddie was completely almost erased from this episode.
I've seen your other ask as well and I'm answering it here.
I did explain it and I wasn't mocking people - and if it came over that way then its because I'm fed up with my inbox filling up with anons being incredibly rude to me (and others in the fandom) - I've had over 40 anon messages since the episode started - most of them either rude or nasty. Everyone has the right to feel how they feel about things, but they don't get to come into mine and other peoples inboxes and mouth off about there unhappiness over something which I've (and others) have interpreted differently to them - they have their own feed they can post it there - just as I do - our inboxes are not here for hatred - I have no issues saying what I think for everyone to ready - using anon for nastiness is not what its there for. They clearly don't think about the mental health of those whose inboxes they go to and that is never ever ok.
I won't turn my anon because I believe in its value - some people are shy about asking questions that they worry about being silly questions and I've made mistakes in things I've posted in the past and I've had lovely people in my inbox on anon explaining to me why I've got something wrong - its allowed me to learn and be better so I will leave anon on, but is it really any surprise that lots of people turn theirs off?
But to get to the question at hand;
For starters Eddie wasn't completely erased from this episode - we saw his reaction to Buck being in a coma - he was full in crying and trying to stop himself breaking down - not once but twice. I'll go into it in my costume meta, but the fact that he only has one outfit for the whole episode (after his turnouts), despite clearly being in the hospital for several days - thats very telling to me - especially coming from a costume background!
The reason we didn't see much Eddie in the real world, or any in the coma verse is because Buck and Eddies relationship is not a familial one - as in they are not brothers, nor are they a parental figure to one another - that was the entire point of the episode - to emphasise the familial relationships and their importance to Buck (and the firefam as a whole more widely). I don't know how to explain that this episode was about family - about fathers and sons and siblings - in a different way!
The show by not including Eddie in Bucks Coma dream was very clearly saying that Eddie doesn't fit into the parameters of those boxes - that Eddie has his own box - one that is very much separate from any one else in the episode and one that Buck is not in a place to open yet. because opening that box means reckoning with romantic feelings and accepting that he's in love with his best friend. Buck needs to do a bit more work on himself before he reaches that point (and Eddie does as well actually).
Hopefully this has helped you understand more of where I'm coming from. Subtext is a very powerful tool in the writers arsenal and they are very deliberate in how they use it.
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celamoon · 2 years
HIIII!! I just saw you're new event and couldn't not send an ask (sorry if it's not to clear, english is not my first language)
So, may I have a medium soy candle with coffee scent??
Also, sorry if im doing it wrong, it's my first time requesting ╥﹏╥
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"Two iced lattes, one with oat milk, please," Komaeda pulls out his card to pay, nodding as the barista starts on the drinks. "Oh, and one strawberry parfait."
It's strange. It's been strange. He was meeting with you for the first time in god knows how long, and he's nervous. Do you still like the same coffee? Did you hate him? Hopefully not. You had told him you'd come back for him when he had been left at graduation. You have his second button. Since you didn't mail it back to him, surely it means you still like him?
He sits at the booth, the drinks in hand, and stares as you rush through the cafe door.  
He grins at you, and you rush over, throwing your bag onto the booth, sliding next to it.
"I got you an iced latte."
You look the same. There's very little change in your features, even in the way you call him. Everything is familiar to him. Well, not like he would be surprised if you had chosen to change.
"Thank you!" You beam. "So? Anything new? Sorry I haven't been able to meet up with you lately. I've been busy."
"No," Komaeda shakes his head. "My office job has been the same old."
"Mm," You pout. "You like it?"
"Yeah. There's... not much to account for in an office environment."
"True, huh?" you mumble. "That's good."
"How 'bout you?"
"Same old," You blow a raspberry mindlessly, stirring your coffee. "Though, I finally found a job."
"A reserve course student has a job?"
"Ey, Hope's Peak has more than just sending ultimates off to prestigious universities." You roll your eyes. "Besides, you had a crush on me."
"I still like you, you know." Komaeda stirs his coffee, staring to the side. "I didn't stop."
You pause, staring at him. "Not at all?"
You pout. "You need someone better than me."
"You need someone better than me," Komaeda frowns. "I told you."
"Well I only want you," You shrug. "We should just date."
"You need-"
"I need a lot of things, and a better man isn't on the market right now," You start drinking, chewing on the straw. "Besides, I told you I would wait for you."
"Ah, but there are much better people for you." Komaeda swallows. "Hinata-kun, the other reserve course student, he still likes you too."
"I thought you hated him."
"He's doing better than me-"
"That's hard to compare. He got surgery." You pout. "Is it because I used to be part of the reserve course?"
"That's not-"
"That's what you're implying."
Komaeda pouts, stirring his straw mindlessly. He doesn't know why he doesn't want to date you. He still likes you, but it's a rollercoaster of emotions in him, his stomach churning. Butterflies? Something. You deserve better than him. He'd be fine with just watching you from behind. You should stand with someone better than him.
"I want you, you know?" You frown. "If you don't want to date me, then I'd prefer you to tell me outright."
"That's not it." Komaeda's voice shakes. "I want to date you, but I really think—"
"I'll die single then," You shrug. "It's either you or no one else."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Is it working?"
"... kind of." Komaeda mumbles. 
Komaeda's pretty. He's got pretty lashes and pretty white hair. He's far too proud to date you, and you wonder if he realizes it's because of his pride. You were a reserve course student who made it big. He's a main course student who's working an ordinary office job now. It feels like the two of you have flipped. You wonder why you had told him to wait back then, and he didn't believe you.
"If it's no," You rummage through your bag, pulling out a small Omamori and then his second button from it. "You can have your button back."
"You carry it around?"
"Well, it'd be strange not to," You pout. "After all, you gave it to me as a symbol of your love for me."
"A-ah," Komaeda mumbles, hiding the bottom half of his face. "I didn't realise it was so... meaningful to you."
"I said I would wait for you."
A server slides a parfait onto the table, and you blink slowly.
"You got a parfait?"
"You like parfaits," Komaeda mumbles. "I figured it'd be-"
"Ko," You mumble. "What's stopping you other than your pride?"
"Then why won't you."
"I want to be the one to ask you," He pauses. "If you'd let me?"
"You want to ask again?"
"Yes." Komaeda exhales, rummaging through his pocket for something. "Um, I found this clover the other day." He slides a laminated four-leaf clover to you. "It reminded me of you, and, um, I still like you. So, please go out with me."
"You sounded nothing like this when you asked me out back in high school," You laugh. "But yes. This little, pathetic reserve course student will go out with you, oh, powerful main course student."
Komaeda hides his face from your remark, embarrassed at his words from the past. 
Though, he's glad you agreed.
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captainsspnanon · 1 year
C3E60 - reaction
Sooo.....Sam wearing the die costume just guarantees they all roll a shit ton of 20s, right? I know this happened at least once in C2 as well, did it happen all three times he's worn the outfit?
I have MIXED feelings about this episode.
Let's start with the negative first. Not to quote from the shitty parts of the internet, but I'm really starting to get tired of every PC and NPC basically being anti-gods. I know it's different continents than the previous campaigns, with different themes and subjects, but there's just a feeling of Wrongness that 99% of the people in C3 hate the gods, where in C1 and C2 we as the audience had such positive experiences with the gods. It's a level of disconnect that IS story related, but at the same time feels so jarring that at times it's been pulling me out of the story and really being like 'seriously wtf this isn't supposed to be real world religion stuff'.
Have we EVER seen *missionaries* for the gods before?? In any of the campaigns? Maybe I'm forgetting, but it seemed like in C1 everyone was pretty much worship and let worship, let the non-worshipers not worship and no pressure from anyone, EVEN in Vasselheim. C2 had the legal and illegal gods in the Empire, but I don't recall anyone making non-worshipers have to worship the approved gods. No one without religious faith or inclination was pressured to have it. I suppose there was pressure in the Dynasty, but if I recall we really only saw it from Essek? If I'm remembering correctly, then I think it could have been more of a political thing than an actual religion thing. Better to be considered to be worshiping the Luxon than to vocally be neutral or against, just for respect in court. I don't recall seeing the everyday citizens of the Dynasty having a pressure to believe.
My mom joked at the beginning 'christian missionaries' and I immediately shut it down because CR doesn't do that, but then this episode pretty much DID do that, and it felt super SUPER weird and out of place. Again, it's Issylra, where we haven't been before, but to suddenly have this come in after two and half full campaigns, it just feels Off.
Yeah, that's my only 'negative' of my reaction to this episode. I'm really looking forwards to when, hopefully in another 60+ episodes, I'll be able to look back and fully see what Matt was building to and leaning towards, but right now, I cannot see the bigger picture.
I'm now 100% sold on Bor'Dor. Whatever I was feeling last episode that had me not connecting? GONE. Bor'Dor is fantastic and I love him. Deni$e is constant hit after hit, no losers here only winners. Very much interested to see what Emily's been hinting about with Prism. Private goal that she's hoping the group will help her with? Considerable interest in theft, to the point of thinking of it as the first option? Building resentment of having to study for her magic versus the scorcerers who are getting it with ease (nicely creating an interesting parallel with Ludinus)? LOVE IT. WANT TO KNOW MORE.
LOTS of lore drops in this episode, but it didn't ever drag for me. Voices from Matt threw me a little bit, the guards at the end were basically just Xandis's voice, and my mom pointed out that Proleff's voice was very very similar to Donnie Boy's. I suppose this is the eventual downside of watching all the campaigns, really starting to notice Matt's repeats more and more. ON THE OTHER HAND THAT STRONG BAD WAS SO PERFECT OMG.
I suppose I should have counted this as a bit of a negative, but a lot of the Abaddina stuff also felt...Off. Well, admittedly, this is coming from a white woman, but something about her physical description just hit a little to close to Mystic Native for me to be super comfortable with it. Being too sensitive? Likely! But it was there.
The more she spoke, the more it felt really cult like, scarily close to the US political landscape at times. Especially because the way she was describing it almost made it sound like she didn't have a problem with the gods per se, just their followers, until Ludinus's speech and suddenly she's a true non-believer and gods much be destroyed. My mom speculates that there was some sort of charm from his voice, I don't know.
.....Also was I the only one who thought that the elemental spirits (i'm not even going to try to find the proper names for them) could be the titans?? I could be WAAAAY off here, but it struck me hard.
The rebellion reminds me SO MUCH of the Knights of Requital from C2, and it's so funny that we're getting something that was so early C2 now in the 60th C3 episode. I think it was Utilitycaster who mentioned that now with the party split they are able to do more low-level campaign stuff that got skipped early on in favor of the Ruidus plot, and yeah - it really is feeling like that, but in the BEST way.
Next episode is going to be CHAOS, and may be LONG. I am expecting lots of casualties, sadly. I wonder if Matt will actually have the 60ish villagers participate, or if there's only going to be a handful that actually ever hit initiative.
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dcu-rarepair · 1 year
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Day 5 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Five! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
people are people (regardless of anything) by anonymous for walkerofthestars
Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Joseph Wilson "He's his mother's son, he's his father's son, and he's beginning to think there's not much of a difference. He takes off with Dick anyways, thrust into a life he never wanted in the first place. He wonders if the like Dick leads is anything like his own."
Midwest Hospitality by anonymous for ramveins
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Mature | Graphic Depictions of Violence Clark Kent/Slade Wilson When Special Agent Slade Wilson runs afoul of Amanda Waller, he has Task Force X set on him, with his only hope of rescue being the alien invader that he'd been tasked with defeating. And of course it all had to happen right as he was going into heat. When Superman hears a cry for help, of course he'll answer it, even if it turns out the one in need of help had hurt him, before, even tried to kill him. He's Superman, he'll always help. After action comes recovery. After drama comes quiet. And hopefully, after animosity and confusion can come friendship and understanding, and maybe something more.
Fools Who Dared to Dream by anonymous for anotherDeadRobin
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics | Dystopia | Slavery Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd, Apollo/Midnighter Midnighter can't take his eyes off of the omega. It's not just the edge of his rut, looming closer and closer with every passing second. This omega is different.
Watchtower Secrets by anonymous for jerrydoe
Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Stephanie Brown/Kon-El/Conner Kent The first time Kon saw Stephanie Brown it was when she was Robin. She didn’t even give him the time of day then, but now, he wanted her to give him the time of night too.
Doing Fine by anonymous for st_baroque
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Stephanie Brown & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd, Duke Thomas & Jason Todd Jason is having a hell of a morning, but Duke and Stephanie are looking out for him. In more ways than they know.
I (Didn't) Understand by anonymous for redhairgreeneyes
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Hal Jordon (Green Lantern)/Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen Hal doesn't think Dinah and Oliver would want to date him for real. They have to prove him wrong.
FANARTS - Grant/Jason(/Joey) BDSM AU by anonymous for scandalsavage
BDSM Art | Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Jason Todd/Grant Wilson, Jason Todd/Joseph Wilson Small fanart collection and character profiles for a AU setting! A young sub called Jason is gifted to the Wilson Royal Family after a fruitful alliance with the kingdom of the AL Ghul's. Unfortunately for King Slade, the boy is quite a handful. Fortunately for his children, that handful is all theirs to do with as they please.
Dollhouse by anonymous for SuperRobinSmash
No Powers AU Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Jonathon Samuel Kent/Kon-El | Conner Kent As his eyes readjusted to the darkness, Jon squeaked. His oldest brother was naked. Barechested, the only thing he had on was a bright blue jockstrap. A jockstrap whose cup already looked to be leaking around the edges. Jon’s mouth went dry. “Like what you see?” Conner asked as Jon’s eyes roamed every inch of his body. 
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
K&J x MMSS 3: Kane & Valen Part 3
Chapter 3 of the third crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
Content warnings: Torture, burns, GORE GORE GORE, craniotomy (with a circular saw), mention of rape, emeto
I prommy this timeline is going to have a RIDICULOUSLY fluffy and happy ending, but things are going to get much worse before they get better.
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
The next morning, Nick comes down around midday. There's some occasional noise upstairs that would seem to indicate other people are in the building. Nick asks some others to come downstairs, but he gets two or three rejections before he gives up and comes down alone.
Kane manages to catch his keeper's name when one of his peers rejects him. This information is useless to him, but now he knows.
"Well, #1," he says, the cold, emotionless mask back up. "Looks like you're off the hook today, since nobody is willing to come supervise me." He sits in the chair at his desk, loading his notebooks onto it, as though it weren't the scene of unspeakable violation a few hours ago. He clicks a pen. "Now, #2, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Please describe to me what sunlight feels like."
Kane immediately panics at the question. Not the sun, anything but the sun. He almost starts begging, before he catches himself.
Nick said he would repeat the thing he hates the most over and over and over. He can't let him know this is it. He has to somehow stay calm.
"The sun..." he starts with dread, "It feels like being eaten alive by fire. It's bad. And, and it takes a very long time to heal from." He hopes this tidbit makes Nick reconsider. He seemed concerned about healing speed.
Nick nods. "Thank you, this is very useful. I can't get direct quotes from #1. We've known for a long time that vampires hate the sun, but it's been very difficult to figure out a way to use that effectively, since vampires generally just avoid coming out during the day."
Kane listens incredulously as Nick talks. You raped me last night and now you're talking to me like everything's normal, he wants to say, but of course he doesn't.
Nick goes over to a shelf and takes out a device that has a light bulb in it. "This emits UV rays which mimic sunlight, but I'm still trying to quantify how it compares. Hold your hand out for me."
It mimics sunlight. Kane shudders at the thought. He holds out his hand obediently, but it's shaking badly. "P-please, mercy, sir," he begs. "Please." 
Nick's hand freezes with the device over Kane's skin for a moment. "Perhaps you misunderstand," says Nick dispassionately. "This is not for a punishment, or for my own pleasure. This is to gather information. There is no mercy, or lack of mercy here, #2. There is no cutting it short or extending it out. There's only experiment parameters, which need to be followed." He turns it on.
What the fuck is wrong with this man? Kane thinks, and then his hand lights up in burning pain. He screams, yanking his hand back protectively as it audibly sizzles, the familiar smell of his own burnt flesh emanating.
It's not as bad as regular sunlight, nowhere close, but it's still horrible. It's worse than silver, and silver is already bad. "It's- it's gathered, sir," he tries to insist.
"The information?" Kane suggests hopefully, showing Nick his burnt hand.
Nick sits down at his desk and clicks his pen. "Describe it to me."
Was that actually it? His old hunters would have dragged this out forever, if they had that device at their disposal. Maybe it won't be so bad during the day. That would be a first.
"It's... worse than silver, but not as bad as the real sun, sir," he answers. Kane feels his gut twist at the thought that he's aiding the tormenting and killing of his own kind, but he doesn't have much of a choice. "But... any vampire who gets hit with this will be stopped in their tracks, regardless of the fact that it's not like the real sun. It's bad enough for that."
"Excellent, that's very useful, thank you." Nick walks over and unhooks Kane from the ground, and has him sit down in the chair. He then secures Kane's arms with leather belts to the arm rests. "That's good qualitative data, but I'll need something quantitative now." He sets a timer on the desk.
Kane whimpers, but does not resist, determined to be good. He hopes Nick sets it to count down instead of up, so he'll know how much time he has left. He hopes Nick avoids his face. "Yes, sir."
He glances briefly at Valen, wondering if he can judge how bad this is compared to the normal here by the other vampire’s expression. 
Valen watches resignedly, cringing a little bit.
Nick sets the timer for five minutes, and turns the device on, setting it above the hand that was already burned. 
Kane wails, staring desperately at the timer. Five minutes. That's not so bad, all things considered. It could be so much worse. But it burns, burns, burns, the skin of his hand crisping up agonizingly underneath the horrible light. His screams break off into pained sobs as the minutes drag on, his eyes not leaving the ticking numbers.
Nick turns the device off when the timer reaches zero. He then writes "5 minutes" on a piece of paper and slides it under Kane's hand, then stops to snap a photograph.
He then sets the timer for five minutes again.
Kane's breathing quickens as the horrific realization dawns on him. "How, how m-many, sir?" he asks, voice small.
Nick looks at him coldly. "How long would you estimate it usually takes to reach saturation for a burn?”
"I don't... know what that means. Wh-what's saturation?" he asks, panicked. Please let it be something that happens fast.
"The point at which the maximum damage has occurred, and further burns make no significant change to the condition."
"I've n-never, never timed it, but... not too long, sir? Maybe twenty, th-thirty minutes? But that's with... the real sun." Kane is sure it'll be less than an hour before he reaches saturation, but it's going to be an extremely painful less than an hour.
"It will probably be between 20 and 30 repetitions of 5 minute intervals, then. We needn't go on longer once there's no visible change between rounds." He turns the machine on again.
That's at least two hours, Kane realizes with dread. He tries to remind himself it's better than all day and it's just my hand, not everything, but it's awful.
He lets out a blood-curdling scream when the machine turns back on. It's worse this time.
His screams die out by the 6th repetition, his voice hoarse from overuse.
After the 10th repetition, Kane asks, his voice raspy, "C-can I please have a break, sir? Five m-minute break? Please?" Some hunters have granted him this, though not many.
Nick clicks his tongue. "Unfortunately, no. That would introduce confounding factors into the data if the time between isn't uniform."
There's footsteps on the stairs. "Nick, for god's sake," says a man's voice.
Kane snaps his mouth shut, remembering his orders. He silently wills the hunter not to make Nick angry. It's always worse when hunters are in a bad mood.
"What is it, Bailey?" Nick says.
"Is this really how you're going to do it?" says the newcomer. "Just having him scream all day?"
"I can gag him if the noise is disruptive."
"That's not--that's not what I meant. Isn't there....I dunno, some other way to do it?"
"...Is there some other way to measure burns on a vampire, other than burning a vampire?"
"Man, I don't know. Like, with the other one it wasn't so obvious you were hurting it so badly."
As soon as this man- Bailey- makes it clear he dislikes hurting badly, Kane looks up at him with big, pleading eyes. Help. Please help me. Please.
"I can make it less obvious, if that would make you feel better,” Nick suggests.
"That's--that's not what I meant."
"If you have a problem with my work, take it up with the director. He's given me permission to do this."
The second man mutters in disgust and goes back up the stairs and out of the basement, shutting the door.
Of course he won’t help. He's a hunter. Kane supposes he's gotten his break, and mentally prepares for the second half of his torture.
It goes much the same as the first half. Once they start hitting 20, he looks at Nick hopefully each time, desperate for it to be the last one.
After repetition #22, Nick thoughtfully flips through his notebook. "All right, that seems to be all the use we'll get out of this setup. Now we have to use natural sunlight on the other hand to compare the progression."
Kane sobs loudly. "P-please no, please please please, n-not the sun! Please, it hurts, anything but that, please!"
Nick gives him a withering glare. "You already know we can't stop." He undoes the restraints keeping him to the chair and grabs the handle on his collar, dragging him upstairs.
Two hunters upstairs on the couch watch Nick drag Kane past them to the patio on the back. Sunlight has started creeping onto the cement patio. Nick sets him on the ground. "You may choose whether you want to be restrained, held down, or do it freely yourself. Just know that if we break the same pattern from earlier, we'll have to start over, probably on your forearms, for the sake of consistency." 
Kane wails in despair the entire time he's dragged to the patio, crying profusely. He leans as far away from the sun as he can, sobbing.
"R-restrained, sir," he chokes out. He won't be able to do it by himself, and the thought of Nick holding him down after last night makes him want to throw up.
Nick retrieves a stake from inside the house--metal coated with silver, not wooden--and sets up a small blind to create shade just big enough for Kane's hands to be in. He pounds the stake into the ground through the chain holding Kane's wrists together, and then removes the blind, allowing the sunlight to hit his skin after starting the timer. He keeps the blind low enough that Kane's already damaged hand is still in the shade, though.
They proceed as they'd just done, in five minute intervals. It's much quicker this time, only taking 5 or 6 repetitions. Kane howls like a banshee, and this time he writhes, desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get away.
There is more begging this time. "Make it s-stop, please make it stop, please, I can't do this! It hurts, it hurts, please p-please please no more!" he cries, to no avail.
Nick snaps a final photo. "All right, I think that's all I need for now."
The glass patio door opens behind them. "Nick, what the fuck are you doing out here?"
"Like, do you think it's a good idea to have that thing screaming its head off outside? Use your brain, man. I'm sure whatever you're doing you don't need to put it in the actual sun."
"I do," Nick snaps. "Take it up with the director if you don't like it." He grabs Kane's collar and drags him back inside, back into the basements, shutting the door and muttering. He deposits Kane on the floor and goes to his desk, writing things down, doing calculations on a calculator.
Please not the actual sun again. Please take it up with the director, if that means no more sun. Again, Kane looks up at the hunter with pleading eyes, and again, nothing happens.
He curls in on himself, holding his ruined hands to his chest protectively as he sniffles and cries. He doesn't like the implications of this experiment. He's going to try to make it worse, make the device closer to the actual sun. Why? He can't possibly see how that would aid in hunting. It's bad enough to work already.
"Is- is it over for today, sir?" he asks hopefully. He just wants to rest.
Nick ignores his question for a few moments, holding up his notebook to appraise the calculations. Then he says, "Now this is interesting. You burn 3% slower than #1 does." 
Kane wishes he burned faster, so he could spend less time in the sun.
Nick closes the notebook. "That's all the sun for today. But lucky for you, I need to check the reproducibility of one of the most important experiments I've conducted on #1, and that ends with you being unconscious." 
Kane is incredibly relieved to hear that, nodding vigorously. "Unconscious, please," he whimpers.
Nick has Kane sit in another chair--this one is covered with an alarming amount of dried blood, especially near the headrest, but unfortunately it's not human blood. Nick straps him in at the arms and legs, then kicks a lever to recline it, having Kane lay faceup staring at the ceiling.
He then roots around in his shelves of tools, and comes out with a circular saw, which has been jury-rigged to remove the safety guard.
From the blood on the headrest and Nick's comment about being unconscious, Kane is pretty sure Nick is going to root around in his brain. He's glad for this- if it's bad enough, he won't wake for days or maybe even a week, and his hands will hurt less by then.
"H-how long did it take with... #1, sir?" he asks anxiously. Please, please be fast. 
"Till about 40% removal. It will be done by weight, not time." He revs the circular saw. "Feel free to scream as loudly as you want. It will help me more accurately judge when you fall unconscious. Now lie as still as you can."
He pulls on some gloves, a heavy, bloodstained apron, and a face shield. He lays out his tools on a small table beside him, a shallow metal pan sitting among the scalpels and things that looked suspiciously like ice cream scoops. "This is ostensibly one of the more viscerally unpleasant things to watch, but the brain itself has no pain receptors, and should be fairly painless once the cranium is opened. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about it." 
He starts the saw and lowers it into Kane's skull.
Kane has been vivisected before several times, but his old hunters never opened his head. Maybe because of what Nick said about it being unpleasant to look at.
He screams as the saw tears into his head, but somehow, somehow, he holds still. He's overcome with the feeling that moving with the saw in him would only make everything hurt that much worse. He sobs, vision blurry with tears, holding onto the fact that he'll be unconscious soon.
Valen, still shoved in the corner, watches long enough to see the exposed brain matter start to appear through the red mist of blood being kicked up by the saw, and then turns away, unable to look any longer.
The saw stops, and there's a sickening suction sound as Kane's scalp detaches from his cracked open cranium. 
Nick sits on a stool, taking scalpels and scoops from the table, out of Kane's field of vision. At periodic intervals, naked brain matter, red with blood, appears and plops into the shallow metal pan.
Kane's voice gives out even quicker this time, after his earlier ordeal. He shudders violently as Nick scoops his brain out piece by piece. He throws up, but his stomach is empty, so it's just spit and dry heaving. He loses his vision rather quickly.
He falls unconscious in around the same amount of time as Valen did.
K&J x MMSS crossover taglist:
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iseullgc · 7 months
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when he hears of the opportunity to join the new kids new dreams project, iseul knows that he wants to try out for it. or whatever they're being requested to do.
honestly, he's a bit disappointed when he finds out it's only an interview and not an audition. but he guesses that it means their personalities are as much a part of this as their skills.
or something.
but he knows that he's going to try for it, even if he doesn't make it, that just means he did his best right? and he's only been training for a short period of time, so it didn't hurt him to put more experiences under his belt either. so he schedules an interview with youngjae and he settles down in his seat once the time has come.
"why are you interested in NEWKIDS NEWDREAMS?" ( answer: 157 spoken words )
"honestly, i just wanted to give it a try," iseul admits, looking a little bit sheepish as he rubs the back of his neck. he doesn't really have much else to add but he decides that now isn't the time to act shy or anything—not when his personality is literally anything but.
"dancing has just always been a passion of mine and i thought that if anything, i could just try out. i didn't even think i would get into legacy a year and a half ago, but thankfully i've been given this great opportunity that anyone would die for! so, i thought once i was in, i had to do anything i could to keep going and to advance. especially since legcy has so many artists that i love the music of, and i have some friends in the debuted groups, i just thought i have to catch up to them, you know? i have to do well and i have to stand on stage with them one day, you know?"
he takes a pause there, trying to think if there was anything else he wanted to add before they moved onto the next question. "if anything, i wanted to be able to show who i am in as candid a way as possible to the people who are already cheering me on."
"considering the current confirmed members, what can you add to the formation ON AND OFF stage if you are picked?" ( answer: 262 spoken words )
"i know two of the confirmed members pretty well, and i can say pretty confidently that i'll be adding a good dancer to the mix. not to say that there aren't any good dancers already, of course." he's quick to fix his statement, waving his hands in front of him to make sure that youngjae wasn't getting the wrong idea of what he was saying.
"i'm also an extrovert and i'm good at making friends, so hopefully i would bring everyone together well? considering i know two of them pretty well already, and if you're taking interviews for other members, i might know them too!" iseul is a self-proclaimed social butterfly, but he's sure that he would be able to back that up just by pointing out how many friends he's made in the trainee roster since he joined only a year ago.
he's trying to think of anything else that he's good at, and he tilts his head slightly side to side. "i'm also a native english speaker, so that would be helpful on shows, right? i watched some v&a shows, and i saw that versus went to the states for a while so if i," he lowers his voice, "make it into the group," and goes back to his normal speaking volume, "i could definitely help with the language barrier there! i'm used to translating from korean to english and english to korean so it wouldn't be any trouble! i've gotten really good recently at translating the slang—you know how koreans really like to shorten sentences and just use the first character of each word? i recently got the knack of translating that into english, so that could be .... helpful i guess!"
pausing again, he hesitates for a moment before adding, right as yougnjae is about to ask the next question. "sorry, sorry! i'll just add, i also know how to edit videos. so if we ever like, got a chance to do something like that. like, edit our own vlogs and upload them online or something. that would be something i could do."
he stops, and then grins sheepishly. "and i'm a good cook. no one will starve when i'm around, i promise! i almost went to culinary school but i came here instead! ... you can ask the next question now."
which skill (singing, dancing, acting, modelling, instrument ...) would you like to be known for and why? ( answer: 186 spoken words )
this question throws him for a second, because as much as he liked yapping about what he thought he could bring to the table in a group, it's harder to think about himself as an individual. mostly because he had never had any plans on going solo or anything and would probably be happy to see his friends and groupmates shine before he did.
"if i'm very, very honest, i would say dancing. if only because dancing has been a love of mine since i was younger and it's one of the only things that kinda dragged me out of a slump i found myself in before." he doesn't want to go too deeply into those times, and how dancing had literally saved his life.
his fingers move to grip at his forearm, almost subconsciously touching the tattoo there. "it's hard to think of anything else i would want to be known for ... like, skill-wise at least. i could easily say i want to be known as a good cook in the group, and that i'm loud and annoying but still a nice person when it comes down to it. but none of that is related to a skill right?
"if not dancing, i think i wouldn't mind being known for being funny? like, a good variety personality since that's something i think i would be good at. i can always find the humour in any situation, which is why all of my friends always say that i'm really easy to make laugh. and then sometimes my laugh sets them off, and we always end up giggling about something or another. i think variety would be something i could be good at."
"what kind of concept are you good at and what kind of concept are you bad at?" ( answer: 198 spoken words )
"oh, i can easily answer for the one i'm bad at—a cute concept. my friends always say that my aegyo is cringey and that they hate seeing it, though in hindsight maybe that's because my friends don't want to see that sort of stuff?" he pauses, pursing his lips at the afterthought that had just come up and maybe he's good at that sort of thing? maybe he's really cute but his friends just hate cute things?
who knows at this point. he'll have to ask them eventually, if he ever remembers to.
"i do think personally i wouldn't be able to pull off a cute concept, because that's not something i try to emulate in dancing or in my real life. i'm just sort of ... an energetic person. so i would have to say that's the type of concept i think i would be good at. like, upbeat songs that make you want to dance."
thinking of another point to that, iseul perks up a bit in his seat. "or, i don't know if this counts, but something along the genre of 'noise music' as fans like to call it. something powerful but upbeat, and the song concept could be light or dark but the dance is really great and hard? i think that would be really great for me, because i have a lot of energy and i want to express that as well as i can with dance. really just, a dance-focused group would be my dream and if we could add good live vocals too? perfection."
"what kind of group would you ideally want to be part of and why?" ( answer: 161 spoken words )
"i think i would really like to be in a group that's known for energetic performances," he starts, once he's received the prompt and the examples. he had been a bit confused at the initial question but it makes sense now that he has some examples to go along with it.
"like a group that's really good at performing with great live vocals and really hard dances to go along with the vocals," he adds, trying to figure out how to explain his dream group. "i want to be known as a good dancer but i also want to be known as a stable vocalist who sings well even while dancing to a difficult choreography—and even better if the choreography is self-done as well." he grins, feeling a little bit proud of his own achievements in that category but otherwise not wanting to try to sell himself too much while answering this question.
"i'm not trying to say all of the above right now, but outside of that, i think it would be fun if the group could also be known for non-idol content. like if we could go viral on tiktok or on youtube or something, since i'm decently versed in video editing, that could be really fun? we could do a lot of tiktok challenges outside of just the title song dance ones and maybe make a presence on there too? just a thought," he finishes up, grinning a little.
with all the questions answered, iseul stands up and bows ninety degrees to thank everyone for giving him the opportunity before leaving with a slight bounce in his step. he's not sure what the results are going to be, but he's glad he tried out anyway.
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angelicgentleman · 9 months
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? from 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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okay so we're doing this... For peace of mind of any creek shippers I'll leave it under the cut.
To answer the question; creek shippers. I mentioned how toxic the ship in canon is and it seems that the fanbase is just as toxic (but they'll never admit either of these things). I'll be speaking from my experience, so keep in mind that you might have a better experience with said fanbase. I didn't. As I previously mentioned, I was obsessed with creek years ago and for a few years as well, so I was indeed part of the fanbase. I used to post a ton of creek art (that hopefully nobody will ever find again) to the point where I even took part in a creek zine (luckily not the book of love one, but still). Ultimately, the fanbase itself made me quit creek altogether. You are not allowed to ship anything besides creek, especially if the ships involve Tweek or Craig (I was at fault for drawing Staig once), those ships won't be tolerated. I got a fistful of comments saying that creek is canon and I should not practice gay erasure by drawing them with anyone else (...I am yet to comprehend that logic). You might think that keeping other ships to yourself would solve the problem, but you can get attacked for even drawing creek in a way that strays from canon/fanon. Did you know that there was a lighthearted event called bottom Craig week? Did you know that whoever made it got attacked for even attempting to popularize different ship dynamics within the same couple? You can't.
Next on the list is hellpark, of course. I cannot believe the amount of shits the creators had to put up with. Creek was never going to be a thing in hellpark and people just weren't having it. I was a member of a few servers and I just saw more than I ever wished to see. They might have not mentioned it, but I believe it was part of the reason why Hellpark got canceled. Another thing is that most of the fanbase is only here for creek. And you know what, that's fine, I get it. But the same people will never watch any other episodes of south park, especially not the ones without creek interactions and then go on to saying how problematic and bad South Park is once they realize what the show really is. I've come across a handful of antis on the creek side of fandom.
Fanon creek is blatantly mischaracterized. Tweek is a baby who cannot do anything without his super strong and mature boyfriend who will carry him around and protect him from all evil. It's like they didn't even watch the episodes they call so precious. Tweek could easily kick's Craig ass and we all know it. Craig is much more than stoic that flips people off. But people won't be happy if you show them that.
In terms of roleplay, it doesn't get better. Used to roleplay a lot and I cannot recall a single thread that wouldn't end up with drama or whatever.
The list could go on, but I'm getting unnecessarily annoyed by just thinking about it.
Of course, at the end of the day, you're free to ship whatever you want and however you want it, it's all for your fun and enjoyment, there's nothing truly wrong with that. Just don't be a dick about it and don't torment people who like things differently.
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(said zine piece, imagine having your biggest yikes printed out in a hardcover book)
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