#how i feel most times tbh but i don't drink so think of it as a *mood*
strwberri-milk · 3 days
Ooo! I saw that u were looking for lnds requests<33 don't mind if I do!
If you can- I'd like to request for zayne and rafayel if you don't mind- with a fem!reader That's high maintenance(with the skincare routine or hair, body care. Like the girly girls) who's had this mindset of "gotta work hard because my lifestyle is too expensive for me". They're also like to compliment other girls and call them pet names like "sweetie, babe, sweetheart, etc."
I just like to know how'd they treat if MC was like that-
Take your time and drink water! Love ya♡♡♡
tbh its girls like this that singlehandedly rescue me from my own internalised misogyny one sweet word at a time
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Zayne likes that you have consistent routines that you follow and ambition to work hard. It's similar to the way that he lives his life so it's attractive to him to have someone who models the same principles he lives by. However, just know that nothing is too expensive for him if it comes to you. He doesn't want to see you work yourself into the ground to afford something that he knows you more than deserve and he will routinely surprise you with supplies if you start running low.
He's also a little afraid to ruin anything if you've finished your daily glam. He'll be careful not to get too close to your face or hair, knowing that you work hard to present yourself in a way that makes you feel the most beautiful and he'd be very disappointed with himself if he somehow messed it up. You tease him sometimes about it, telling him that it's not a big deal and he doesn't need to treat you like you're fragile.
Not only that but he loves how big your heart is. You go out of your way to make other people's days and he can't help but smile whenever you excitedly run over to tell someone that you think their shirt is cool or that you love their shoes. Knowing that he's the recipient of love from someone as kind as you always brightens his day and he'll never tire of hearing you tell him about your day and all the people you met.
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Rafayel is very similar. He doesn't have an intensive skin care routine but it's definitely there and he is particular about the way his hair looks on certain days. He's primarily picky about how his clothes work so sometimes getting out of the house can be an endeavour for the both of you if neither of you can find exactly the right outfit that you want to wear.
He's nowhere near as friendly as you are but can come off as flirty which means his interactions with strangers is a little different than yours. He never uses pet names for people that can be skewed as something romantic - that's just not his style personally. He doesn't always get upset when you use pet names for strangers but if it's one he decides is specifically his - either a reference to him or just your favourite pet name for him - then he'll get pouty and refuse to give you attention until 1) he cracks or 2) you promise to not use that name with other people. It's always playful and you know he isn't really genuinely upset about it but you do try to keep his preferences in mind because you'd hate to actually hurt his feelings.
Similarly to Zayne nothing is too expensive for him. He doesn't mind that you work hard but he doesn't want you to neglect other aspects of your life to afford the things you like. He'll routinely buy refills for supplies you're running low on or new ones that you've been eyeing. He's definitely the type of boyfriend who'll pay for your nails and hair if you just breathe a word of it towards him without thinking - and give you more than enough to tip the staff.
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azrakaban · 2 days
Theodore nott fluffy dating head canons please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Theodore Nott Headcanons <3
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Let's get right into it with some basic Theo headcanons, and then some dating ones too!
- Deffo has a Bernese Mountain dog back at home tbh, his mum loved them and got one before she died, and he loves that dog because it's all he really has left of her presence in his home
- Besties with Mattheo since they were both really little
- His mum died when he was eight, in childbirth, when giving birth to his little sister.
- his family is the Slytherin equivalent of the Weasleys, but reversed. He has four older sisters, and two younger sisters.
- Forces Mattheo to help him babysit his sisters
- Lapses into Italian when he gets tired
- Deffo sleeptalks in Italian, and when you first started dating you probably got so confused 😭
- He's really irritating when teaching you Italian, he'll throw in a word into his sentence and then make you look it up in a dictionary
- For sure loves dancing, whether or not you're good, if you're alone and there's music, call yourself Ginger Rogers
- Big fan of hand holding, he likes the feeling of having you that close.
- Hilarious when drunk, drunk words sober thoughts fr. He'll insult Draco's bleach, but then look at you and be like "Amore mio! guarda Matteo, guarda com'è bella! Aspetta, cosa stai facendo? Smettila di guardare la mia ragazza!" (My love! Look Mattheo, look how beautiful she is! Wait, stop looking at my girl!)
- Definitely a cat person besides his Bernese, and would adopt a black cat ASAP
- Would totally be an animagus, probably a black cat or a wolf
- If wolf, he'd maybe let you ride on his back. Only if he was in a good mood though.
- His music taste: Classical, specifically Beethoven, chase Atlantic, Coldplay. Guilty pleasure is Ariana Grande.
- Love language? Teaching you Italian for sure. Although does give presents randomly if he feels like it, but not too often.
- Definitely ambidextrous, and will help you write your homework. He learns how to mimic your handwriting so that if you don't feel good, he can do your homework for you
- convinced he sleeps with so many blankets that trying to find him in that MESS of a bed is impossible 😭
- actually apologises to your teddies if they fall of your bed
- reads poetry to calm down and will write it about you (you'll never see it though)
- definitely the designated driver most of the time 😭
- he's got snacks stashed all over the castle incase you two get hungry but you'll never know where he's hiding them 😭
- he has a resting bitch face until you're in the room
- queen of accidental photo bombs and there is not a single cute picture of you two no matter how
- pookie CANNOT swim. Don't even get him to try 🤡
- he's an ambivert, so mainly introverted with people he doesn't know, but is actually the clown of the group (him and Mattheo)
- He can play cello and double bass, but only plays for you if you ask
- actually the biggest hopeless romantic, Mr Darcy type shit
- Insanely good singer, and will sing to you in Italian
- good at herbology, took it for OWLS and NEWTs and became friends with Neville through it, they partner every day
- his favourite colour is navy
- Will speak Italian to Mattheo, who can speak it too, just to be funny. Like he'll be glaring at Draco and saying to Mattheo:
"So you think firewhiskey is worse than Muggle tequila?"
"Uh yeah, why are we glaring at Draco?"
"I want him to think we're shit talking him. So do you eat crackers when you drink or not?"
"No, gross. Nutella pancakes."
"Sounds... surprisingly good."
- He cannot wink, so he'll pass you a note in class and try but it looks like he's got something in his eye because both his eyes start twitching 😭
- He thinks pick up lines are shit, and won't use them. He will however ask you out politely and take you on a date or a few before he asks you to be his partner.
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Hope this is what you were looking for! Love and thanks for the request <3
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luminouslywriting · 2 days
Hi, how are you? I hope you're feeling well. I really like everything you write about the band of brothers. I was wondering if you could write a headcanon about "what would the boys be like as friends or best friends?", the reader being a company doctor. I hope you can do it and if you can't, don't worry, no problem. Thank you!!!🫶
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Darling, platonic BFF friendships are literally the thing that makes my brain the happiest!! I could go on and on and on about this for EVER! Hopefully it will live up to the hype I have about it in my head lol. If you want me to expand on anyone's or do a more in-depth post, let me know!
Cut for length, more under the cut, obnoxious amounts of found family present:
Dick Winters:
-Listen, this man is prime best friend material. We all see how he is when he's with Lew and how he treats him. He's so loyal and devoted and respectful.
-The fact that you're a medic/doctor automatically means he appreciates you more—and if you can figure out how to make this man relax or rest, bonus points haha.
-Respects your limits and boundaries but wants what's best for you—so he's paying attention to if you're overworked or discouraged and trying to counteract those things the best that he can
-Gives the most comforting brotherly hugs??
-Also the best person to go to if you need to vent or just need some good advice; he is a great listener and doesn't automatically try to fix your problems as much as he does offer support and sympathy
-Always has your back and consistently just wants you to be happy. He definitely vets anyone that you date ever haha.
Lewis Nixon:
-Chaotic best friend energy is strong with this one. He's a chaotic mess of a person but is so ride or die for you it's not even funny.
-Being able to finish each other's sentences because of predictability and the way that he knows you so well
-Is always down to share a drink with you if he notices you're having a hard time or going through something emotional. But he doesn't ever let you get tipsy or drunk. You're his sobriety link tbh.
-The type of friend where you call each other teasing names to get each other's attention. Hypothetically, he might be referred to as the wife in your mind lol.
-Has money and is not afraid to splurge to get you stuff that he deems necessary because "at least one person in this friendship needs that and it's not me."
-If he knows you're overworked, he's kidnapping you for naps and he's a cuddler (like a damn cat or something haha)
Ronald Speirs:
-It's the mutual respect that he has for you and admiration—this man is a great friend and would take any number of risks to ensure your safety
-You're his safe space and so he loves being able to talk with you about anything and everything—but especially about what the two of you are feeling. This probably stems from you just not being scared of him in any way haha.
-Is also the type of friend who goes klepto for you?? Like he's in his little thief moments and just like, my bestie would like this, and then proceeds to steal said thing for you
-Takes the time to check in with you as often as he can and makes sure that you're resting—is lowkey a mother hen when you need him to be haha
-Is the type of friend where you never need to actually say what you're thinking, the both of you can just share a look and know exactly what movie quote you're both thinking of, what Lipton needs to calm down, or how best the situation will go.
-Also is super supportive and a hype-man for whatever you want to do with your life. He just wants you to thrive and fulfill your potential.
Buck Compton:
-OLDER BROTHER VIBES OKAY?? This is the type of person who likes to take people under his wing and he absolutely becomes fond of you because of how much you take care of other people.
-That being said, he's also the aggressive type of friend that's just like, "Oh??? You're overworked? Nap time then. Like right now."
-Loves swapping stories with you and talking about college. Also wants you to go to college though—preferably the same college so that the two of you can be friends there too.
-Gives really comforting hugs and is great at expressing gratitude and affirming that you're doing a good job
-Probably loves going out and playing darts or any number of games with you, especially if you're competitive
-Also down to watch any number of movies that you claim to be good and offers his own opinion lol
Carwood Lipton:
-An actual nervous mother hen that is consistently making sure you have enough supplies, that emotions are doing okay, and that you're getting the rest that you need
-Is the type of person who would give you his coat or jacket off of his back because "I told you it was cold, take my sweater." type of vibes haha.
-Wants to hear about your family back home and about your hopes for the future—is super positive about you making it home.
-Also talks to you about pretty much anything, including his girlfriend back home and wants you to approve of her haha
-Would absolutely make you share a foxhole with him because he can keep a closer eye on bestie that way
-He's just a giver??? So he's constantly sharing food or blankets or whatever it is that he thinks you might need. Top tier best friend tbh.
Joseph Liebgott:
-Chaos gremlin personified—this is the type of friend who's going to drag you into all sorts of trouble and also get you out of said trouble with ease
-He's a very touchy best friend and so hugs and cuddles are just to be expected
-Would throw hands if someone disrespected you because you're the only person he truly respects lol....and this also applies to you. The type of friend who aggressively tells you that he loves you and you need to be nicer to yourself.
-He's out here not wanting you to fall in love because, "I remember the day I saw you in that hospital bed—"
"You weren't there!"
"And I knew then that no one would ever be good enough for Y/N."
-You are the only person who can touch his chocolate stash and keep your life
-Also just wants you to come back to Cali with him and adopt you into his family
Donald Malarkey:
-A sweet friend who is great at emotional support. That being said, give him some support as well.
-Probably loves swapping jokes and telling stories with you—spreads stories about how amazing you are as well
-Wants you to come to Oregon and have a camping trip with his family because you're like family to him
-Also fiercely protective of you and consistently worrying about if something will happen to you if you're on the line or even when you're not.
-Runs all of his life plans by you because he wants your approval for sure
-Is super happy that he has you in his life because you're a great listener and you just understand him
Eguene Roe:
-THE ICONIC OF ALL ICONIC FRIENDSHIPS....listen, this friendship is so soulmate platonic, it's not even funny. He practically worships the ground that you walk on and respects the hell out of you.
-Definitely has a whole list of nicknames for you in French and has tried teaching you some of the language
-Tells you old Southern stories to try and keep your mind off of work at night time and he loves hearing any stories that you can come up with
-The both of you can call each other out on burnout or if you're overworked or stressed out. It's a great mutual way that you take care of each other.
-He prays for you all of the time and wrote home about you because you're his best friend
-The two of you work so well together that it sometimes throws everyone else off because you don't even need to talk when you're working together.
Bill Guarnere:
-Ride or die icon who is so vocal about adoring you that it probably annoys everyone else. And if you're not from Philly, he's about to become very patriotic about wherever you're from
-The type of friend who wants to hear about everything you're looking for in a partner so he can start vetting people ASAP
-Would share pretty much anything with you—coat, shoes, food, blankets, etc.
-Checks in on you frequently and definitely views you as the patron saint of easy company
-Wants to travel with you around the world after all of this is over
-Promises you a proper meal and a place to stay if you ever want to come and visit
Joe Toye:
-It's giving the quiet friend who always has your back and would throw hands for you, if given the chance.
-That being said, fiercely overprotective and gets annoyed if you get put in any danger or if anything happens to you.
-Also kind of a huffy friend where he's just like, "I told you that you needed a break. This is the worst." And then proceeds to take care of you anyway.
-Finds ways to make things fun for you no matter what's going on in the war and just wants you to smile
-Also gives really great hugs and loves physical contact and affection
-His family has definitely heard all about you lol
George Luz:
-You must truly understand his humor on another level because he thinks that YOU are the funniest person that he knows. Even if it's not true, he simply finds you to be the best.
-Would proudly brag about you to all of the other companies
-Appreciates hugs and cuddles, especially after Bastogne
-Is the type of friend who would hide a body for you, no questions asked lol—so he's definitely your alibi whenever you've gotten up to some mischief
-Has verbally eviscerated someone who was talking shit about you because he's just not having it
-Lowkey would move in with you after the war because you're his safe person
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wonton4rang · 1 day
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pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, rough sex, spitting, and idk lmk if i missed something.
summary: bnd legal line mtl (most to least) to rough sex.
note: this had to be discussed and i can't go to sleep without doing so !!!
sungho; even though it wouldn't be his go to type of sex, he would do it more often than you'd think, taking you from behind while he held your neck with one hand and held your arms in your back with the other, he would moan in your ear, pressing his body more onto yours and making you feel so full while your cheek pressed against the cold wall. he would tell you how good you feel and his hips would be accelerating their pace before he came inside of you, showing some possessiveness he usually didn't have. i also strongly believe he would have a small/ recurrent strength kink.
riwoo; he's a wild card tbh, i can't seem to read him that well when it comes to sex or maybe i am not paying attention, but i do think he could have his days, switching from cowgirl to doggy style, his hand having a grip in your hair and you almost crying out on how hard he was fucking you. it felt good, specially because it was a weird thing to happen during sex w u two, it made you excited and it made him feel bigger when he handled you like that. pulling out to come in your ass is the ultimate thing he would do to show his "dominant" side. and btw, you know about dancer stamina right? cause if you always did two rounds, you'll do at least four of five before he lets you go today.
jaehyun; myungjae has such a whiny voice and a hyper and sweet personality that we all the time see him as a mere sub but oh, let me tell you that he can also be very rough when it comes to fucking you. i feel like he would be drinking with you or just very happy and horny when he tells you about this thing he wants to try, it was basically him overpowering you and yes please!! he would hold your legs open with his hands on your thighs, pressing them down and watching how his dick gets lost each time he pounds into your soaked pussy, i can definitely see him lowering one of his hands so he could play with your clit and maybe even insert his thumb with his cock in your pussy. telling you how dirty you looked taking his dick and finger into your pussy like a slut, dirty talk would be his thing 100%
taesan; i just know he is messy and i don't make the rules!!! he would grab your hair, spit in your mouth with a grin on his lips and fuck you so fast and rough you can barely think straight. he would fuck you in missionary because he needs to see your face, he needs to feel you close and he certainly needs to be able to spit in your mouth after slapping your face once or twice. he ain't much of a talker but he would let smalls "so pretty, so hot" that would give you a hint on how good he is feeling, as if his moans and the way his dick twitched inside of you were not enough. i don't think it'll be a reccurent thing tho, he is probably more into regular sex rather than rough but he has a HUGE size kink that takes over every once in a while.
leehan; and the prize to the messiest mf goes toooooo, hear me ouuuuut. every time he went up to you and told you he was horny and needed to fuck you, you just knew what was coming (asides from u two yk) you regularly got on top of him and ride his dick but when his hands gripped your hips and he dropped you on the bed just so he could straddle in the back of your thighs and fuck you in prone bone??? you were quite literally fucked, he wouldn't show mercy on you, fucking you fast and hard, so deep that it even made you shake each time the tip of his cock hit your cervix. that until he layed you on your back, slapping your pussy after spitting on it, he is so dirty and you can tell he is enjoying it way too much when he smiled at you before slamming his hips against yours once again.
overall, taking into consideration the frequency with the one i think it'd happen, for this one i think I'll go:
leehan. not a surprise.
sungho. he is actually really close to leehan's place tbh. not because he would like rough sex itself but he just likes the dominant part of it, how strong he feels during it.
jaehyun. iykyk, he can be cute but he is a man after all, and he is also a very energetic person so he would fold you a thousand times and come back for more.
taesan. i personally think he would enjoy it A LOT but it's just that his personality doesn't show this eager desire of rough sex :') i've said it before but i don't think he is really into sex in general and he does gives off vibes of being more in a "calm" side so yeah.
riwoo. almost same as taesan's, but i also think it's because he is a submissive person so it wouldn't be something very reccurent.
what do y'all think?
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Brian Carmack
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The future awaits
bringing up the future while you're together
characters: Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim
Format: Headcanons
warnings: None that i can think off
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-You'd probably bring it up while drinking tea together
-He'd go quiet for a moment, deep in thought
-He is so caught up in making sure everybody follows the rules and studying, that he never really had the time to think about it
-He'd be very serious about it 
-He wants to marry you in the future, that's for sure 
-Probably wants a kid or two
-Honestly wants a very typical future, a house, a stable job, ect.
-I'm not really sure what Job he would want/have. Maybe he'd take after his mother and become a doctor, or maybe something to do with politics. I could also see him as a judge, due to his ability to memorise rules, or in this case laws, and his tendency to punish rulebreakers accordingly
-i feel like he wouldn't have preference about wether you work or not
-ALSO, If you are the one to bring up kids and marriage, especially if you start describing it in detail (Like your dream wedding, or what your kids could look like) he'd grow very flustered, very quickly
-Poor guy still isn't used to affection, even if you two have been in a relationship for quite a while already 
-all in all, he'd take the question very seriously. He wants a typical, almost stereotypical, future
-You'd probably bring it up while he uses you as a pillow cuddling
-He'd scoff 
-"Why are you worrying about that now??" or something along those lines.
- He most likely brushes you off in favor of sleeping
-or at least, that's what he'd tell you
-the question might actually keep him up a bit longer, he's seriously thinking about it
-In his dreams, of course, he'd be king and you'd be his consort, as you rule over the land together, admired by all. But that will sadly remain just a dream, and he knows it
-Instead he opts for wanting a quiet live, where the two of you can just laze around all day, everyday 
-He probably doesn't want to live too close to his brother and sister-in-law, either on the opposite side of the palace, or in some sort of estate a bit further away (idk how moving out as royalty works tbh)
-I don't think he would want kids, too much work
-all in all, a quiet life where the two of you won't be bothered
-Immediately flustered, no matter how long you have already been dating
-I don't think he'll ever get used to affection
-another one that gets really serious, but this one is really flustered while he talks 
-He'll definetly will want to continue the mostro lounge buisness, just outside of school. Maybe one day take over his mothers buisness too, so she can retire.
-He won't even realise it, but he might just start talking about your wedding, about wether you'll get married on land or in the sea, ect..
-tease him about it, and he'll put Riddle's hair to shame
-tbh he wouldn't want much to change from now, he wants to be with you, keep running a successful business, and stay close with the twins
-Immediately gets excited 
-If you're on the magic carpet, you'd have to hold onto him so neither of you fall off-
-Immediately starts rambling about all the things he wants to do with you in the future 
-He wants a VERY big wedding, like the type that continues over multiple days, he just  really wants to spoil you and show the whole world how much he loves you
-He most likely wants a big family, the man has like 40 siblings, he wouldn't be used to anything else
-He's already planning hundreds of party's you two will could hold in the future!!
-He probably won't shut up for a good few hours. Good luck
-You'd have a very annoyed Jamil the next day, because after you brought it up, he would not shut up about wedding plans and stuff. Jamil had to force him to sleep.
-He'd be even clingier than normally after this 
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First time writing and posting headcanons, kinda nervous-
Feedback is welcomed, just be nice please!! hope you enjoyed and have a nice day :)
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strawberrygyuuuu · 2 months
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Genre —> Fluff
—> will txt peel your orange for you? Will they complain? Will they not do it? Will they do it willingly?
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• what the flip guys
• you sometimes don't even have to ask, if he's getting himself fruit to eat he's getting you some too in a cute little bowl so y'all can eat your fruits together
• like...if you ask him to peel you an orange then okay sure no problem baby!!
• bro doesn't even think twice
• if his baby want their orange peeled bc they don't want it to get in their nails then sure!!! He loves you too much tbh
• just wouldn't question it too much so dont worry! You're all in good hands
• def a guy tho to do acts of service a lot for you, even if you ask or not
• baby js cares and wants to make sure you're okay! He def has the urge to take care of you a lot.
• papa bunny does it usually when you're sick, unless you ask ofc
• like, if you're sick he'll get you some fruit he knows you love and give you it without asking for it
• any other time tho you'll have to ask him and tell him because you don't feel like getting your hands messy/sticky (or any other excuse lol)
• "yeah, okay..sure." shows a tiny little dimple smile and does it!!!>0<
• easy, right?
• hes just glad to help you honestly
• "you feelin' better, baby? A little? Ok, get some more rest, sweet girl." With his little 🥺 staring at you and and and😭
• okay but realistically he sometimes just stares at you :D and then shakes his head and says, "ahh, no." Lololol he's joking pls joke back.
• oooo he's a menace
• tease you a little before giving in lol
• "wha? Why?..oh, hmm..no." then he'll get up and push you down if you try and get up to do it yourself 💀
• cutiee, he just likes to mess with you
• but he'll cut you some fruit! Tho he might make a mess so🧍🏻‍♀️
• no matter how it turns out pls eat it n be happy he worked hard😓
• if he's getting himself food or a snack or a drink or wtvr he'll get you one too without saying anything or you asking
• gyuie's just cute like that guys
• "here!!!! I bought you a drink! :)" pls take it and thank him and drink it happily 😭🙏🏻
• nooo cause his love language is def acts of service
• so he def does things for you a lot, me thinks
• you're cold? Cool here's his hoodie
• oh, you're hungry? Don't worry you'll be filled up real soon, he's cooking you something!!>.<
• he will gladly peel you an orange if you want one, an apple, he will peel it if it's peelable guys
• "mhm, okay." 5 mins later, "here, eat up, pretty girl."
• I need him so bad guys😭
• idk he's just really thoughtful and always puts you before himself
• especially when it comes to health and food n stuff
• "here, have the rest of my food I'm full." *You end up feeding him some while you finish it.*
• whenever he eats something I know he gives you a few bites even if you have your own
• def rubs your tummy after you're done eating I'm sobbing
• 🧍🏻‍♀️
• but, anyway, hes just very thoughtful and wants to make sure you're okay
• "babyyyy! Would you like some? I figured we could try it since we've never had it before." You agree and he's so happy and he airplanes you the food IM BITING CEMENT
• this is so offtrack😭
• erm moral of the story he thinks of you a lot so yes, he in fact would peel you an orange and care for you happily!>0<
• at first tho he'll prob give you the most confused face ever bc you've never had a problem before..? But okay!!😊
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wildheartsalwaysburn · 7 months
OP men taking care of their SO
Gn!Reader (I tried)
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Corazon
CW: mentions of ED (starving, vomiting, overexercising), bad body image/body dysmorphia, cursing, SH, slight nsfw for Kid
Notes: I'm in a terrible mental state rn, kinda relapsing. OP hyperfixation fixes stuff so I decided to write some HC how they would act when noticing their SO is struggling with an ED.
Trafalgar Law
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he had a bad feeling about your eating habits a while ago
noticing you rush to the bathroom after every meal and "showering" excessively
but didn't mention cuz he knows to leave people alone (he's the same tbh)
it hit him during the monthly physical examination
he listens to your heartbeat and notice it being really low
"y/n, would you step on the scale?" he asks in a cold but also concerned tone
as he notices you getting anxious when standing in front of that thing, he sighs and puts a hand reassuring on your shoulder
"it's ok. I'm here. Just step on it, please." his voice still concerned but warm and soft
he looks at the low numbers in shock and takes you carefully from the scale before you can see the numbers
"y/n-ya. What's wrong?" he'll take your cold hands and sits right in front of you
if you break out in tears, he'll just sit there and hug you tightly, til you calm down by yourself
if you stay cold and stubborn, he'll get annoyed but also takes care of you
either way, you talk a lot and will make a rehab plan, he'll watch over you as much as he can
he won't miss a moment to show you how much he loves and cares for you
"you're the most beautiful soul I know, y/n-ya."
"I know it hurts, but I cannot lose someone I love dearly, again."
"We get through this, ok?"
all in all, he's a doctor and acts like one, but he'll support you whenever needed
Eustass Kid
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he notice during working out together
the last times you'd been skipping meals and even alcohol, working out without him even in the middle of the night
first he thought you'd simply want to get stronger than him and teases you daily
but on that day you've overdone yourself, your body can't take it anymore and you get dizzy and weak all of a sudden, letting the weights fall down with a thud
"y/n?! Fucking seriously?" he first yells at you (rule: never let weights fall down)
you sink on your knees, mumbling sth like you'd be fine
"Fine my ass!" he swears and lifts you up to carry you to his room
"what the hell are you thinking?!" he's clearly pissed
he'll put on his too big warm clothes and coat, still staring at you angrily
forces you to drink water and hot tea, he still stares at you
"so what the fuck is wrong with you, y/n?" angry, annoyed tone
when you start to cry, he's overwhelmed and feels bad not being able to help, so he just sits there and pets your head
when you glance back and pout/get angry you'll get into a fight and storms out throwing the door
just to come back and hug you tightly after finally understanding
his soft side comes out when you tell him you feel weak and ugly and fat
he laughs: "stupid girl/boy! you're the strongest pirate I know! and the sexiest! besides me"
if you don't or don't smile enough (which will be most likely the case), he'll just tower over you and wrap you up in his arms, roaming with his hands over your body and repeat how amazing you are
he'll get overprotective, remind you to eat enough through the day (sometimes forces you to)
He makes you different playlists to lift up your mood
also he'll seek help from Killer from time to time (but won't tell you)
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He’ll notice when you stop joining to cook in the kitchen
Notices your rapid weight loss really quickly
Sits down next to you, lights up a ciggy and asks worried what’s wrong
Poor boy thinks it’s his fault
Eventually he’ll tear up and just hug you, telling you how much he loves you
“You can tell me everything, ma chère!”
You instantly felt understood and tell him
He’ll look at you in shock, not understanding how such a beautiful person can think of themselves like that
“But you are the most beautiful woman/man, I know, y/n-swan”
He cups your face and gazes into your eyes before kissing you softly
“We get through this, together. I promise.”
And he’ll make it true. He’s the most supportive boyfriend
Forehead kisses, reassuring soft hugs and touches, always keeping an eye on you
Spa Days, telling you every second how much he loves and adores you, would never force you but beg you to try his food at least
Makes the most delicious looking meals
Reads all about EDs so he won’t accidentally hurt you even more
Will hold you in his arms when you’re freezing or crying
Hides the scale
All in all the perfect man
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He’ll notice when following you to the bathroom after dinner
Already had a bad gut feeling about your bruised up and red hands
He holds them all the time so he knows their appearance by heart
“Y/n-chan? Are you ok? I’m here for you! Are you sick?”
Music plays from inside and the tab runs
When you came out after minutes, eyes swollen and red, hands wet and even redder than before you’ll earn a concerned look
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, y/n-chan.”
Weirdly sniffs and notices the smell of vomit
Eyes in shock and starts crying
“No no no no my dearest y/n-chan!! Please don’t tell me it’s true!”
Wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, crying his eyes out
Overdramatic as fuck
Eventually taking your weak body to a quiet room, cleans your face and gives you something to drink
Will listen to each of your words really carefully to understand
Always pleasing you, always bring you water and tea, will not force but desperately beg to you eat something
Will accompany you to the bathroom any time, watching that you don’t hurt yourself anymore
Around you 24/7, will provoke and beat up everyone just trying to say something bad about you
Literally overprotective l, like a guard dog
Will try to lift your mood by telling stupid jokes and stories, tattle about Law and other “not cool non strawhats”, showing off his collection
Proud as hell every time he’ll make you laugh and forget that illness for a second
Corazon/ Rosinante Donquixote
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He’ll notice when picking you up as usual
“Y/n, you’re so tiny?!”
Shocked at first and lifts you even higher
Can’t believe you’re that light, you’ve always been to him, but now it’s different
Immediately throws you over his shoulder, covering you with his warm feather coat
“We’re going to a doctor, no back talk.”
His tone is stern but also warm and caring
Carries you to different doctors and hospitals, always holding your hand or thigh to show you he’s there
Will yell at anyone who says that can’t treat you
Throws literal tantrums at some doctors for being “incapable”
Will end up trying to fix and heal you himself
Showers you in love and care, eg bringing you water, tea, let’s you borrow his lighter to fidget with (even lend you his cigarettes if you smoke)
Will always smile at you and be more clumsy on purpose to make you laugh again
Will cook for you, whatever you want, burns it a few times by accident
Let’s you wear his clothes, when you feel bad about your body
Or wraps you up in them to get you warm
Will be extremely careful when touching, hugging or lifting you up
Afraid he’ll break you
Will inform himself about EDs to make the best of it
Never leaves your side, towering above or behind you, so no one can hurt you
Even lends you hit hat from time to time if he can’t be around for a moment, so you won’t feel alone
Gets sentimental when you sleep and he drinks, petting your head, sits right next to you talking about how beautiful and amazing you are
"I love you so much! You deserve everything in this world, my heart!"
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🌻 tate langdon boyfriend headcanons 🌻
tate langdon x reader
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🧡 oh lord, buckle up guys, you're in for a wild one
💛 definitely fell first and 100% harder and you can't tell me otherwise
🧡 we all know how tate is, he's very clingy and he's very very possessive of what's his. and that's how he views you, you're his and nobody else's
💛 would definitely stay hidden at first, just so he could watch you for a bit. at this point, there's nothing about you that tate doesn't know
🧡 when you finally meet, tate swears he could die all over again and he'd die happy
💛 tate would definitely act more innocent than he actually is. this boy knows how to cry on command and he will use it to his advantage, don't think just because he loves you that he wouldn't
🧡 if anything, he does it because he loves you and he can't have you leave him like violet did
💛 i hope you like nirvana, because tate will not listen to something that you like if he doesn't enjoy it. he's not very good at that
🧡 tate always needs to be touching you. all the time. whether it's an arm around you or holding hands, this boy craves physical touch and to be the centre of your attention
💛 will probably try his best to get your friends to stop hanging around you so he can have you all to himself. will deliberately scare them to stop them from coming to the house
🧡 would also certainly lie about ever doing such a thing were you to confront him about it
💛 tate wouldn't ever want you to ever leave the house., if he had his way that is. would hate it if you chose to spend time with other people
🧡 like what did they have that he didn't?
💛 he would 100% be the type that watches you even when you're asleep. or anytime, really.
🧡 would definitely want you to commit suicide, so that you can be with him forever. you of course find this idea insane and don't think he actually means it
💛 he does. he's 100% serious
🧡 i can imagine that tate gives really good hugs though. the warm, bear hugs that you never want to leave because they make you feel so secure and safe
💛 is very big on comforting you after a bad day. he'll listen to your rants, let you cry in your arms, whatever you need him for and he'll do it
🧡 let's be honest though, it's probably just another way he gains your trust so that you won't ever think of leaving him
💛 feels extremely guilty if he ever hurt you in any way, or upset you
🧡 would probably just disappear for a few days because he can't face the fact that he's hurt you. but obviously he comes back because the boy can't help himself
💛 tate is your ride or die. he would die for you all over again if you asked him to and alternatively would kill for you if that's what you required
🧡 makes silly little handmade gifts for you. tate can't leave the house so he has time to be creative
💛 it's even better if it's raining outside when he makes them, it sets a nice vibe
🧡 loves, loves halloween. the two of you would carve pumpkins together and sit for hours in your room telling ghost stories and drinking apple cider
💛 if tate had his own way, you'd never meet his mother
🧡 you do eventually and she probably hates you lmao, but do we really care let's be real here
💛 tate is the kind of boyfriend that would make a playlist for you as a present
🧡 he'd try his hardest to make sure you don't find out about his past. which lasted about 2 months max because you're not stupid
💛 violet, vivien and moira would try and protect you at all costs. they're like your three guardian angels, whether they decide to show themselves to you or not
🧡 i imagine you'd actually get on with violet really well
💛 this could go one of two ways with tate. he'd love it, both girls he'd loved were getting along, makes his life easier. or, he'd hate it. hate that you choose to spend time with the girl that broke his heart
🧡 isn't really big on nicknames tbh, he thinks your name is the most beautiful word he knows, and so he wouldn't dream of calling you anything else
💛 tate is 100% the little spoon, don't fight me on this
🧡 absolutely lives for your affection. he thrives best on it
💛 would be sweet but low-key toxic, so solid 6/10
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carlyraejepsans · 11 months
Rate UT characters on likely they are to eat spoiled food
premise: as monster food does not spoil, this speculation is based on how i think they'd treat human food in the post pacifist ending
frisk. trash burger. enough said. (also i hc that they grew up on the streets, so... not a lot of chances to be picky with your food.)
sans. second most likely. there's milk in the fridge bought specifically for him to drink out of the carton whenever frisk's or papyrus' friends come to visit, like a stereotypical disney channel older brother (he loves being annoying on purpose). it's been there for a month. he's still not done with it. it's probably rancid. enjoyer of food and lover of even shittier food. mr worst burger on the menu. he is ESPECIALLY gross about food and he is gross about it on purpose, he will peel an apple for papyrus and then take a bite out of it before cutting him a slice. and then call him a wuss when he acts disgusted. ("stop being a baby bones, we have the same germs anyway" "NO WE DON'T. *YOU* HAVE GERMS! AND I DON'T WANT ANY OF THEM!!" "why? they're pedigreed" "OUGH!?!!"). he mostly uses it as a chance to make a gag (or a lack of gagging, lol) but his strong stomach did also come in handy in the early days of papyrus' interest in cooking
mettaton, of sequins-and-glue hamburgers fame. he's technically tied for 2nd place with sans, but i put him in third because i feel like sans does it on purpose, for mettaton it's more like... a side effect of starting life off as a ghost. few people question it since he's a robot now.
alphys. she doesn't go out of her way to do it, but she buys her snacks in industrial pallet-fuls to reduce social interactions to a minimum, so by the time she reaches the last 3 or 4 packets of blue takis, they're well past their expiration date. not that it stops her. now, this wouldn't happen on the surface because she gets better and has a solid support system, but if monster food could spoil back when she was going Through it with the amalgamates, i feel like she'd either be too depressed or tired to care and eat it, or she'd tumble into a "g-god. you can't even take care of your own f-food. is there anything you can't fuck up" self-deprecation spiral and lose her appetite altogether
flowey. did it to see what would happen. nothing did. never did it again. tbh I just don't think he eats much of anything, spoiled or not.
undyne. getting into the "wouldn't eat spoiled food" tier. she actually thinks it's really gross but papyrus tricks her into doing it by challenging her machismo. she gets SO sick from it. they do this aprox 3 times a month. rinse and repeat
asgore. he's a gardener, and i can see him working in a community garden on the surface, so he'd have access to a lot of fresh produce, for both himself and to give away. however, if some of it were to go bad, he'd probably cut off the affected bit and eat the rest so it doesn't go to waste.
toriel. she is SUPER careful about expiration dates and mold and checks to make sure all she owns is still safe to eat almost weekly. this level of care, however, is mostly meant for other people, not herself, but she would really rather not eat anything that's gone bad. same reasoning as alphys', IF monster food could spoil when she was still in the RUINs, i could technically see her biting the bullet, if only because 1) she was also heavily depressed and struggling to take care of herself, though i think she might sooner skip out on the meal altogether, rather than eat something spoiled, and 2) the awkward stares from the other monsters in the RUINs supermarket might not be something she's willing to deal with on any given day.
papyrus. he would NOT. no way. master of cleaning, germophobe extraordinaire papyrus (well, not really, but he plays the part). if toriel is meticulous, papyrus is obsessive. there better not be a SINGLE spot on his food. and no lines or plaid patterns either!! he WILL wash it untill it goes away. with soap probably. canonically a picky eater to begin with (his picks are just weird as balls). can should and WILL get on sans' ass about his unhealthy eating habits, and that includes eating food that's gone bad.
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
Kai,llyod, and Cole hc of them with a s/o that's kinda like a child of aphrodite from pjo? A bit more like piper though, they hate their gift and have to deal with cat callers alot?
I got cat called by way older men on the way home so this would be really comforting.
A/N:sorry it took so long to get this out for you. Ik my words can't offer much, but I'm sorry you get catcalled, it's not a fun feeling.
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader
individual headcanons of kai, cole and lloyd with a stunning S/O
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Kai, despite being extremely similar to his element in a multitude of ways, is an utter gentleman.
Hes always respectful of you, and makes sure to ask before he touches you in anyway, and is respectful with his eyes as well
With this said, as you guys grow close and start dating, he becomes uber protective of you.
He knows your very stunning.
And he knows others know that as well.
But alot of times, these people are creepy and go about saying: "hi, your outfit is cool" weirdly
And so he won't hesitate to punt a bitch into the sun
Most likely to throw a punch before a word leaves the creeps mouth.
And if your ever feeling gross and icky bc of the creeps?
Bros pulling out every stop.
Hes getting Zane to make a 10 course Michelin star meal, he's getting your comfort items, a hoodie (yours or his, doesn't matter) and he's becoming a 10/10 massager
Hes getting self care items, and a bath along with movies and cuddles with a side of shoulder to cry on
But if you get angry about the creeps??
He eggs you on. Agrees with you"YEAH BABE, FUCK THOSE ASSWIPES"
he will actively encourage any fist fights fights want to start with them
Hes your number 1 hype man, as well as comforter
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This man worships the ground you walk on. Just generally
Also drinks the respect tea (all of them do)
Hes always telling you how amazing you look, and even gives advice for anything you may need
Clothes? Food? Whatever hobby your working on?
He just has a eye for style of all categories
Hes generally also more down to earth, and realizes its much more than looks that makes a person
Which is why it takes him a bit longer to confess, as he wanted to get to know you better first (this man is demiromantic and demisexual)
Hes also fucking oblivious
So when people are more... sly about their intentions, like wording and such, he prolly won't notice
But the second he gets wind of what they are tryna pull
Hes super passive aggressive
And he slings a arm around your shoulder, or hides you behind him
Trys to talk it out first, and if they don't catch the hint they will catch his hands
Hes not... great with comfort tbh
His mom's dead and his dad's lowkey emotionally unavailable so he's not good at it
But he will rub your back when you cry, and buy takeout
He'll also prolly ask kai or Jay about how to comfort you better, bc both had either a sibling or parent.
He would ask Nia buts she's a younger sibling with a emotional brick wall of a brother so it's next to never she did some comforting.
Hes a little confused when it comes to comfort but Hes got spirit
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He has always been a little silly
So expect to bark at your aggressors
Idk why I just see him barking at your catcallers
Besides that
Hes always relied more on personality for if he likes someone, like cole
Not that kai doesn't care for personality he does, but looks plays a bigger factor for kai than they do cole and lloyd
Off topic
Lloyd doesn't make a big deal how you look. Like doesn't comment on your outfits like cole.
Doesnt mean he doesn't think you don't look nice, bc he thinks you look lovely always
But moreso doesn't give a fuck
Wear a potato sack, or go naked, he doesn't give a fuck he just wants to get to the mall before it closes to he can check out the anime shops
He Def has a idrc additude, especially in dragon rising i feel, so I think if you want compliments you'd have to be outright about it, whereas the other two just kinda;"aww my partner is lovely🥰🥰"
And he's like;"babe, love you to bits and pieces but hurry the fucketh upeth I wanna get there before the fucking store closes"
And bc of that he's also the worst at comfort
Like he's always been told to suck it up so he kinda just is like... cool you done? And stands there awkwardly. He will get better with time, but please explain how to help better for future moments bc he was a Lil scared when you started crying.
Anyways back to the beginning about when mfs are being creepy
Barks at them
Fr barks
Bc it weird them out and he thinks it's funny
Or just tries to be as weird as possible
Like starts acting possessed
Crawls backwards on all fours like the lady from the ring or smth
If generally weirdness doesn't work he fights them
Though he tries to scare them off first
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Love Worth Making
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!R
Prompts | Request
“I saw you naked once. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.” / “Could you be any wetter/harder?” / “Be a good girl and swallow that for me.”
Warnings: Drinking — They’re adorable tbh.
Smut: Mommy (W), Baby/Good Girl (R), Soft Sex, Blowjob / Facial (W has a dick), Unprotected Sex, Breeding, Fingering, Overstimulation. (R is a little bratty)
18+ | Minors DNI
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Wanda's eyes lit up at the sight of you across the room, wearing the most form fitting suede suit she'd ever seen you in as you talked up Tony's plastered rich friends in search of donors for the boys and girls club of NYC.
The sight of you, muscles flexing beneath your jacket reminded her of what you look like bare. "Fuck," she grumbled affectedly under her breath, her cock twitched at the memory of that day when she caught you changing after one of your Tuesday gym sessions with Nat.
"Looks like someone's got a crush," Natasha teased, eyes lingering on the rising of her best friends pants, "Y/N is a total hottie, I get it."
Wanda snatched her drink from her hand and glared at her with a raging fire behind her eyes. Natasha threw her hands in the air, "It was just an observation Wan, don't throw me across the room, especially when you haven't the time," the redhead tilted her glass, and that's when Wanda saw your smiling form headed her way.
"Hey ladies, I'm already at $2,000 for the night," you beamed, and graciously accepted the drink Natasha handed your way, "How about you take a break then Y/N/N, and I'll take over instead," the redhead offered, and as she went to take over she winked at Wanda.
"Hey Wands," you greeted the tense woman with a bright smile, watching happily at the way her shoulders relaxed upon hearing you.
"Hey Y/N/N," Wanda softly whispered, it was honestly hard to speak with you so close, your eyes sparkled with a consuming warmth, and up close she could see there wasn't more than a pale pink bralette beneath your suit jacket.
The sight of your skin alone already had her in a daze. Then you looked up at her through your lashes with your lips wrapped around the thin straw of your drink, that had her body heating up fast. Images of you on your knees, with her cock inside your mouth instead took her breath away, something even you couldn't miss.
"Wands, are you okay?" you reached out to feel her forehead, "Oh my, love, you're burning up."
Wanda watched you reach over the bar with a inquisitive pout on her face, you grabbed two bottles of water, then without much thought you intertwined your hands, and escorted the super flustered woman to her room. Once there you sat her down on the edge of the mattress, took her jacket and shoes off for her, then handed her the bottle of water, “Drink up!”
"I can run to the store, get you some medicine."
Wanda finally came back to herself when she saw you preparing to leave, "Not necessary."
"Wanda, honey please, you are sick, and I don't mind taking care of you," you softly reiterated, and the witch smiled graciously, but after a moment of reflection she was slyly smirking,
"I saw you naked once," she nonchalantly admits, jumping up quickly she trapped your unmoving body against her door, her nimble hands settled over a hip, and a cheek as she peered into your widened eyes, "And now I can't stop thinking about it," she gently smiled at you, "How about you take care of that?"
Wanda leaned her body against yours slowly, "Come on baby, you'd look so good with your lips wrapped around mommy's dick," she ran the pad of her calloused thumb over your lips and you could feel your shaky resolve collapse. Along with you as you settled onto your knees, obedience swimming in your eyes, "Good girl."
Her pants were quickly discarded, and she blushed when you eagerly removed her boxers. Knowing you wanted her just as bad as she'd wanted you pumped her surprisingly low ego up, and seeing your mouth fall open in shock at the sight of her large member well, it stroked it.
"Could you be any harder?" You teased her as you gripped her at the base, and began to lazily stroke her shaft, you saw her knees nearly buckle, but the ego you'd inflated was keeping her upright. Seeing her smirking down at you like this made your cunt throb with insatiable need, and next thing you knew you were preparing her cock for your desperate hole.
"Mmm, there you go," Wanda groaned as you used your tongue to teasingly trail over the pulsing veins of her cock just before you took half of her length into your mouth. There was no perceivable rush, but you moved as if there was, your hands stationed firmly against her ass for stability as you bobbed your head.
Wanda was turned on beyond recognition, she's honestly never been too keen on rushed intimacy like this, but with you it's all she can really do to not to just destroy you. With the way you had managed to take all seven inches down your throat as you looked up at her through your lashes with hollowed out cheeks to increase the pleasurable pressure, it had her on the ledge of bliss, ready to dive right into it.
The sinful noises you would make only drove her crazier honestly, every time her hips would jerk of their own volition you'd gag, she'd pulse in your mouth as your throat constricted around her sensitive tip, and this last instance of it sent her into rather dangerous territory.
"Be a good girl and swallow for me," she husked, and you found the way she slyly asked for your consent to do so hot, so you moaned out a fuck yes, and she let go when she felt the hum of your agreement around her shaft, she moaned brokenly as her cum shot down your throat in long spurts of white, and just as promised you swallowed it all down as she pulled her semi- soft cock from between your swollen lips with a sigh of total reluctance.
The winter chill in the air surrounded her wet member, and the sensation combined with the sight of you had her cock pulsing again, and without any warning she was cumming all over your unsuspecting face, "Fuck, I'm sorry," she panted, her hand haphazardly went to wipe it off but you caught her wrist, "Leave it there."
"Wh-what?" Wanda was dumbfounded, she stared into your blown out eyes in awe, there was this air of wildness to them she'd never been blessed to see before, and she loved it.
"I love the way you feel on my face mommy," you nuzzled your nose against hers and left your lips to ghost over hers, the ball was in her court, and she took her shot by closing the gap. 
Wanda groaned into your open mouth when she felt your hips pressing into hers, the feeling of your sued suit agitated her, and her moan was followed by a whimper when she flicked her wrist, your clothes now out of the way, with the frigid air brushing over your heated skin.
“Baby,” she gripped your hips with a bruising force, “If you want mommy’s cock, then beg.”
You huffed, “In your dreams,” and truth be told it was apart of yours too, but she didn’t need to know that just yet. “Fine, if you won’t beg, how about I see if your pussy will do it for you…”
Wanda chuckled hotly as your body shivered, her fingers trailed through your slit, she had to bite back a gasp, because you were absolutely drenched, and as she pulled her fingers from between your thighs she put the glorious shine on display for you both against the hanging lights above you, "Could you be any wetter?"
You chuckled softy at her teasing return of your earlier sentiments, then in a devious manner you pressed your ass against her upright cock, "Why not fuck me and find out? I could be drenching your sheets as we speak if you'd—."
Fuck around and find out, that's what they all say, and that's exactly what Wanda did. She shut you up, replacing your taunting words with screams of pleasure as she filled you from behind, she wrapped an arm around your waist so she could maneuver you until you were on her mattress with your face pressed into it.
Wanda was slow at first with her thrusting pattern, she wasn’t exactly sure where tonight would lead so she wanted to savor the feel of you just in case this wasn’t mutually wanted. The thought of that broke her heart, and the fear bled into her pattern because she gripped your hips even tighter then began to fuck you into the mattress without holding back at all.
"Fill me up mommy, wanna feel you inside," you pleaded, and Wanda felt a premature spurt release inside of you, "Give it all to me, please."
Wanda felt the blissful coil tighten, unbearably so, but she didn't want to let go, not until she was sure you meant it, "Are you sure Y/N?"
"Mhm, wanna be full mommy, wanna carry all of your babies please," you easily pleaded, a subtle admittance of your wildest desires, and that was all it took as Wanda thrusted deeper than before, letting her load fill your womb up entirely, as her hand slowly slid beneath your body so she could show your clit some love.
Your accompanying screams were nothing short of appreciative, as was the fluttering of your walls that were milking her dry, and even your eventual collapse onto the bed in a heap of mindlessness was a silent whisper of such.
Wanda pulled out of you slowly, watching in astonishment as your combined seed flooded out of your pulsing hole. With a tender graze of her fingers she collected it, and slowly pumped it back inside of you until you came again, and she never would've stopped if you didn't whine.
"Sorry printsessa, I couldn't help it," she gently rolled you over to your back, then kissed your swollen lips until you were both breathless.
"Thank you for trusting me with your body," she whispered, her lips and teeth gently grazed over the skin on your shoulder, "You are so beautiful honey," she smiled against your skin as she said her next words, "I love you Y/N."
You were smiling when she pulled back to look at you, her hand gently cupped your cheek so she could wipe away the budding tears, "Thank you Wands," you kissed her palm, "I love you."
This was all she'd ever wanted, and as she held your sleeping form close to her chest while her sitcoms softly filled the background, she felt she finally found her happy ever after, and she knew it when she held both of your little boys only nine months later as you slept soundly.
1,808 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 😏
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muniimyg · 3 months
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ personal trainer!jungkook ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
series m.list // taglist request: closed
inspo from tiktok
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @rrosiitas @jkslvsnella @parkinglot-nights @kissyfacekoo
personal trainer!jungkook has trained a handful of people, but you have to be the most entertaining one yet. every morning you walk in with your 32oz hydroflask filled with water and ice and a sleepy smile. he thinks it's the funniest thing ever because you don't even end up drinking half of what you're bringing. he always teases you about it. in return, you mock him regarding his newest haircut (secretly loving every style on him) and how his commitment issues shouldn't be so obvious. he rolls his eyes, laughs, and playfully throws punches your way.
personal trainer!jungkook would listen to your new boyfriend stories in between sets and hate it. sometimes, he'd purposely mis-count your reps just so he can feel like he avenged himself. when you catch on to his "lack" of math skills, you groan, "you hate me, don't you?" he'd nod, saying yes but he'd mean no.
personal trainer!jungook's favourite day is legs/ass day. your ass pump has to be what gets him through the week (specifically why he suggested legs/ass day to be 4 times a week). he loves it when you wear your light pink fucking lululemon set. some days, you'll even tie your hair up and add a little ribbon to it. he'll flick it, saying you look stupid but what is actually stupid is how much he likes it on you. you joke, "i'll take it off if you'll let me tie it around your biceps hehehhee..." he scrunches his nose at you and chuckles, "in your dreams, princess." ... all of this has him acting up, tbh. when you do your squats, he takes breaks. he looks away or makes dumb excuses like needing to check something at the front desk just so he can ease his nerves. or, he’ll simply go to the washroom to splash his face with cold water. when he comes back, he helps spot you. you (purposely) arch your back too much whenever you do this set. you do this set quietly. he watches quietly. with other exercises, he helps improve your posture. "so, when you come up, you're going to squeeze your glutes, yeah? w-what's so funny?" you snicker at him and throw your head back. "n-nothing! you have a cute bum." he glares at you. "shut up." you put your hands up but quickly drop them to his bum level and pretend to squeeze them. "my ass is like... twice yours." jungkook then chuckles, "i know. i built it. i own that ass."
personal trainer!jungkook knows what he's doing when he wears his fucking compression shirts. white, black, grey, navy blue—any. your favourite combination has to be the classic white with grey sweats. god, it's crazy. his body is carved in the most sexy way possible... it's enough to get you to the gym even when you're on your period. what makes this worse is that he's usually in a cheekier mood when he's in his compression shirts. maybe it's because he knows he's hot... it's also times like these where you act a lot cuter during your workouts. "and then when you pull down like this... you're basically working on your lats—" jungkook pauses and gives you a look. you smile, snickering at him because you finally know what your lats are and it's all thanks to him. low, he offers you his high-5. you high-5 him and then close your hands together. like a little handshake, he squeezes your hand and for a moment—just a mere fleeting moment—you two hold hands.
personal trainer!jungkook knows you respond well to praise. when he knows you had a heavier training day the day before, he's nice enough to give you low-intensity work outs the next day. still, as you struggle to push through, he doesn't let you cut out. instead, he empowers you and feeds your delulu. "you got this, ___. come on, drive it up. yes! just like that. mhmm, good, good. good job, mama. one more, last one... yes! see? knew you could do it. that's what i like to see! let's fucking goooo!" you catch your breath and glare at him. "i h-hate you." he shrugs. "proud of you. you did well. rest up... you have one more set."
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓬 [Nighttime] 🔞 TEASER
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He's technically well enough to live on his own and, most of all, live his own life. But he's chosen you as his home- and it's time to claim what's his.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, mentions of eating raw meat, suggestive, Jungkook's.. interesting way of flirting, smut, he's not very soft tbh, manhandling, size kink oops, post-sex cuddles, aftercare, but it's lazy haha, grooming, he's a big cat alien after all, he uh.. cleans her up down there after, he's so cute and clueless sometimes istg
He wants to take care of you properly after all.
So he started learning how to cook proper human meals that have good nutritional value for their bodies. He also began researching how to help you through your monthly cycle, and how to otherwise court you.
Humans apparently really don't court each other- they kind of just send each other messages on their phones, and then they meet up for food or alcohol. They do that once or twice to see if they like each other, and then they start 'going out'- which funnily for some doesn't involve walking anywhere at all.
Where's the proving one's value? He's got to show you how capable he is in providing; whether it be comfort, safety or even physical valuables such as food. How would you know whether or not he'd be a good time investment? It's no wonder so many humans whine and complain about 'wasting time' on the wrong partners when they just choose them on nothing but a 'feel of the moment'.
Humans are truly weird.
Then again, humans are also very emotional beings. They choose a lot of things based on their feelings alone, and they cherish opinions and other people's emotions a lot, even if they don't know each other. They make many friendships quickly, form huge social circles, and some of them even have relationships with multiple partners. Everything a human does is connected to feelings, it seems like. Apparently, they need to check if they're emotionally compatible first before they even think about mating.
Oh god, mating.
Humans are horribly complicated he's come to learn- it takes some of them months and even years of emotionally connecting before they get together for the first time. And when they do, it's sounds so complicated.
Some like certain positions, others have so-called 'kinks', and then some have a favoritism for certain acts that actually have nothing to do with reproduction. Jungkook had been horrified when he read something about 'eating someone out'- until he learned that it had nothing to do with actual cannibalism.
Human beings love pleasure. For Jungkook, that had always been somewhat of a luxury- but here on earth, humans see it as a necessity even. It makes him eager to prove himself as a lover who can match the capabilities of a human one- maybe even exceed them.
"Would you consider me someone you'd mate with?" Jungkook asks as he watches you pout hot water into a cup filled with a little bag. Tea is what you're making.
He doesn't like it- he burned his tongue on it a few days back. Why would you drink something that hurts?
"I- uh, what?" You stammer, having to put the kettle down as you're clearly caught off guard.
"Mating. Sex, is what you call it here right?" Jungkook hums, leaning on the kitchen counter almost innocently. How can he look at you with his stupid round boba-ball eyes while asking you if you'd like to fuck him?!
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godshitgirl · 2 months
In a dominant mood so here's how I think bsd men would act as subs
Would be a very obedient sub
Trusts you in every way imaginable
You know how parents tell you "well if your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"??
Yea that's him
If you told him to do something stupid or dangerous whether in the bedroom or not he would immediately trust that you have a plan behind it (even if you actually don't, he doesn't know that)
Other than that, he's very anxious when it comes to PDA, at least at first
But once he gets used to it, and by that I mean used to the feeling of being loved, then he will slowly start warming up to and even asking for it
When it comes to sex, he can be even more bashful and awkward about it
He mostly whimpers and whines and it's not super loud, but if it does get to that point he's very self aware and scared of others hearing him, so he covers his mouth right away
I think he'd be most compatible with a more gentle top
He can't handle very heavy scenes and I can't imagine him having a very active libido
He has sex to express love and passion, not just for a quick fling that doesn't mean anything
Outside of the bedroom, he's very quiet about what goes on in there
Dazai likes to tease him about it and you love how his pale complexion turns into a pretty shade of red
Oh this man is OBNOXIOUS
He's the type of sub that makes you wanna fuck him so hard he actually shuts the fuck up for a second
One of the brattiest of the bunch, for some reason has to turn anything and everything into a game of cat and mouse
Also one of the horniest, believe me you'll be drained DRY after like a week or so
This man's libido is UNMATCHED
He may be taller than you, smarter than you, and possibly stronger than you when it comes to his ability,
But in every other way you are in charge And some part of him always wants to challenge that
Loves to be paraded around like a showdog (but prefers the term "trophy wife")
He's a little princess and always gets what he wants
I think he'd fit best with a dom who could handle his.....special traits
He needs someone who won't get tired of him so quickly and leave, just like everyone else in his life did
But he also needs someone to put him in his place from time to time
Dealing with dazai isn't for the faint of heart, anyone who's done it before knows that
So maybe if you're strong enough, smart enough, and a little bit delusional and crazy, you could have this cute little former mafioso wrapped around your finger like a worm on a string <3
Tbh this one's the whole reason why I made this post in the first place😆
This one's also a little....different...from the others
And by that I mean he's worse
His brattiness doesn't come in the form of disobeying orders or having a fit in front of your friends
No, this one will purposefully pick you apart psychologically
Trying to get this man to behave will require a labyrinth of words, a battle of the minds
He needs someone who can challenge him, because if they don't, he wouldn't bother to be submissive towards them at all, they don't deserve it.
He's one half sickly and one half pride, so taking care of him isn't gonna be easy
Of course you'd have to know going in that Fyodor's self care is abysmal and as his dom you'd have to take responsibility for his health
Taking care of his pills, his diet, making sure he eats and sleeps on time, gets enough rest, drinks enough water, exercises, that's all on you from now on
But you do it cause you love him
Sometimes he'll be bratty and arrogant enough to take you for granted, and would snap at you and tell you he doesn't need someone to baby him when you just were trying to help
But after enough time, he'll realize he was wrong, and as his health depletes, he'll slowly start to inch towards you, asking for your help
You would make sure it gets to the point where he'd have to beg. Make him realize what it's truly like to not have you "distracting" him with your care and concern
And eventually, if he's put up a pathetic enough display for you, you'll hold him in your arms, warm chest comforting him as he leans his head and torso on it
You'll watch how he shivers each time he takes a breath, his eyes are glassy and staring at nothing, his hair is drowning in grease, and it's obvious he hadn't showered in days, but you don't mind
All of this means he's vulnerable, which means he's weak, which means he's malleable.
Malleable enough for you to mold into whatever you please.
Because the only person who could dominate the demon Fyodor is someone who could become the demon Fyodor.
Whether he knew it or not, you were just as sinister as he was, possibly even more.
And every breath he took was another foolish step into your web, a plan you had conducted just for him
So he can be as proud and smug as he wants, but at the end of the day,
You are in control.
It's kind of hard for me to decipher what kind of sub he'd be to be honest
I want to say he'd be a brat but that term doesn't seem to describe him exactly
Sure, he's got a lot of pride, so getting him to submit to you or even to simply let you take the wheel will be difficult.
He's too stuck in his old habits, too used to having to take care of everything, so being taken care of for a change will be a new feeling to him.
He's also scared to love you, scared to let himself bring another person into his heart, afraid of instead accidentally luring you to your death as he had done with so many others.
No, he's not ready to lose another person. Not again.
He's grown to see his love for others as a trap, a ploy, a misfortune. It was like a prophecy for someone's death.
But you, you were different from the rest.
You were strong. Strong enough to protect yourself, strong enough to stand your ground. In fact, you could probably even protect the gravity manipulator Chuuya Nakahara himself.
It took a long time for him to be ready. Ready to open himself up for you. But you let him take his time. You let him think things through. And despite everything, you were there.
You both sprouted a relationship neither of you thought you could do before
And the sex wasn't just sex to you two, no, it could be a distraction, a vacation, an escape, a break, an apology, you name it.
Sex would be a big part of you guys' relationship
I like to think that Chuuya is a lot hornier than he says he is, and also a lot more submissive
Learning that he was a sub was surprising for you, especially because of, well, everything about him
But that was cool for you, as you were vers, and you had to admit you loved the way he screamed and cried under you.
The look in his eyes, the blush in his cheeks, the spit dripping from the corners of his mouth, even the small wounds he had gotten from biting his lips so hard to keep in a moan was adorable
Fucking in his penthouse was great because he had red lighting in almost every room, giving it a sexy, moody vibe.
It also reminded him of his place. He may be rich, he may be a mafia executive, and he may have a couple dozen people under his command, but no matter where or what he is, he will always be a pathetic little whore for you.
You fuck him in his room to remind him his riches mean nothing. He means nothing. All he is is a slut, and he must be reminded of that.
I think he'd be best compatible with a quieter personality to counter his loud one, but I think that loud, brash personality is most present around Dazai. Though he can have a little bit of a temper from time to time, even around you
He needs someone who doesn't care about status or ranks, Port mafia executive or not, you'll fuck him like there's no tomorrow and once you're done he'll be clinging to you like a lost little dog.
Brat. Brat Brat Brat. NOTHING about this boy is topping.
I mean, I do see him as a switch, but in this case, he's the brattiest brat to ever brat.
Will require you give him sweets and cold drinks whenever he asks, will make you drive him places, teach him things and even fuck him when he's too lazy to do the fucking.
He'll be obnoxious all day and then look at you like he's done nothing wrong his whole life. Spoiled little shit.
He's exactly the type of sub you would fuck into submission until you hear a sorry or any sort of appropriate apology.
He likes to be fucked lying down, sometimes sitting and leaning against something, but sometimes you'll force him to sit on you and ride you up and down even though you know he hates it. You'll never hear the end of it from him, though.
He likes to be fucked while eating, too. You'll fuck him from behind with a hand out and spoonfeeding him cake, and the rapid shaking of your bodies and the table he's up against will leave traces of cake all over his chin and cheeks. He doesn't know if he wants cake or if he wants you to eat his cake. Either way, he wants and needs you bad.
I think he'd be best fit with a top who would usually just give in to all his demands and would be patient with his bratty personality, but knows when it's been taken too far. You'd be calm and gentle with him, but come nighttime, you're a beast in bed, making sure he makes up for everything he did in the office that day.
He's not the type to apologize I don't think, he'd definitely beg if it's gotten too much for him but an apology? That's asking too much. Just take the moans and cries and leave.
However, right afterwards he'd go back to his usual bratty self no matter how bad the punishment was. In couldn't have been that harsh anyway, as you could never say no to Ranpo's cute face.
When I say this man is a Virgin I mean he's a VIRGIN VIRGIN.
As in as virgin as the virgin mother mary
He hadn't even had time for sex before you came along.
You taught him everything, even things about his own body that he didn't even know. Like how he doesn't like the feeling of frotting because he doesn't like how another man's dick is on his own. Or how he likes when you pump his cock slowly, especially since he's so new to the game that he couldn't handle more even if he tried. Poor boy😔
He finds it odd, the feeling of being pampered. Being provided with food everyday, a warm place to live, constant affection, he didn't know what to do with it. It was as if he was an alien studying earth and experiencing the most mundane things for the first time.
And the weirdest thing about it was, he liked it. He liked the feeling of being taken care of, being provided for and pampered, and it was odd. He wasn't sure if he even deserved such wonderful feelings.
When it comes to sex, you better believe this man's got some weird shame thing related to sex
He sees it as a filthy task that he, unfortunately, likes to partake in.
He's ashamed even bringing it up, let alone asking for it.
But once you get the memo you take action and calmly and gently take care of him
Akutagawa's been used to violence, been used to screams of pain and agony, but this? It's soft. It's sweet. It's tender. He's not used to it but part of him wants to be. He's never been so happy in his life.
He's not the type to whine and whimper so much like Atsushi, instead he'll let out a low grunt here and there and maybe throw in a moan somewhere too.
He's into the wildest things, most of which involving your ability with his. It's probably some weird psychological thing where he's associated his ability strength = worth thing to the bedroom which......isn't healthy.
But once you're done his sickly little body is spent, his already damaged lungs trying desperately to keep moving. You hold him over your shoulder, as being carried bridal style would mess with his pride. Arm wrapped around your shoulder and tugging at you inner arm, he leans into you the way he's never done for anyone before.
He feels odd now, as if he's just discovered something new. Learning and even participating in sex has left him with many questions, that hopefully you could answer.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
hearing you out on the yan pavitr
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YES PLEASE- ok I'm gonna start out this new thing where I separate things for romantic + platonic so people can scroll to different sections. (I'm such a good business person- /j)
I will copy and paste some of the headcanons because they apply both ways. So don't bother reading both unless if you want to because for the most part they're the same (with some light editing)
Tw: hardly any tbh-, delusional softie, uh- and breaking in
Yandere Pavitr Prabhakar
Type: Delusional + Clingy (This is really fucking obv ngl)
Listen- He literally gives off so much delusional that I can't even tell you why he's delusional because it's literally written all over him omg. Now, the thing he is delusional about is you love him back. It's not in a malicious way; he genuinely thinks you love him.
He's not in any sort of way problematic or concerning with his actions/intentions. He'll be all caring and constantly giving you support. He's the type of guy who wakes up at five in the morning to go buy you a bouquet of flowers to greet you with when you get up.
If you try to push him away or express that you don't love him he just believes you're a troubled person and need more support in your life. Which means more affection from him. He is your therapist. He will be whether you like it or not because he is a softie and will continue to be a softie.
The only time I can see him getting the slightest bit aggressive is if he gets jealous. I'm not entirely sure yet because we haven't seen too much of any trauma or negative backstory to him (Uncle Ben's death canon event doesn't fucking count). I think he's about a medium level when it comes to how easily he gets jealous. Even then I don't think he would outwardly hurt anyone unless they've overstepped a boundary of his. He'll give them a slight threat or tie them up in webs for a while.
Now if anyone hurts you? Bro is going crazy- he will do everything to make the person surrender or maybe even die (if they've caused him enough anger) He'll worry so much if you get hurt. I wouldn't say he would overreact, but he definitely worries.
He is physically affectionate 100%. He will sneak in your window at night for snuggles. Imagine yourself standing at your window one night, knowing he'll come. He arrives and is about to slip inside when you frown and tell him no. He is going to give you the most heartbreaking face known to mankind.
He WILL call you embarrassing/cringe affectionate names. You can't convince me he doesn't.
"Jasmine flower! Look at the stuffie I got you!" *proceeds to hold up giant elephant stuffie*
He literally gives off so much delusional that I can't even tell you why he's delusional because it's literally written all over him omg. Now, the thing he is delusional about is he thinks you wanna be friends with him. It's not in a malicious way; he genuinely thinks you guys are besties and constantly hang out. (tbh I feel anyone would be friends with him???)
He's not in any sort of way problematic or concerning with his actions/intentions. He'll be all caring and constantly giving you support. He's the type of guy who wakes up at five in the morning to go buy you your favourite drink or line up for a limited edition product.
If you try to push him away or express that you don't wanna be friends with him, he just believes you're a troubled person and need more support in your life. Which means more affection and suggesting hangouts or giving gifts from him. He is your therapist. He will be whether you like it or not, because he is a softie and will continue to be a softie.
The only time I can see him getting the slightest bit aggressive is if he gets jealous. I'm not entirely sure yet because we haven't seen too much of any trauma or negative backstory to him (Uncle Ben's death canon event doesn't fucking count). I think he's about a medium level when it comes to how easily he gets jealous. Even then I don't think he would outwardly hurt anyone unless they've overstepped a boundary of his. He'll give them a slight threat or tie them up in webs for a while.
Now if anyone hurts you? Bro is going crazy- he will do everything to make the person surrender or maybe even die (if they've caused him enough anger) He'll worry so much if you get hurt. I wouldn't say he would overreact, but he definitely worries.
He is a clinger 100%. He will sneak in your window at night for a hug and to talk about random things (he giggles a lot). Imagine yourself standing at your window one night, knowing he'll come. He arrives and is about to slip inside when you frown and tell him no. He is going to give you the most heartbreaking face known to mankind.
He WILL call you embarrassing/cringe affectionate names. You can't convince me he doesn't. Like Pookie Bear or just cringe names to call your best friend platonically cuz it's funny.
"My rat! Look! I have- WEBS!" *proceeds to shoot webs like it's a discovery even though he's known for six months*
That's all I got for now-
I still don't like Gwen.
- Celina
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