#how to date vincent? kinda not really
depression-napping · 6 months
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The caption tho
(If you want to learn how to “date” Vincent at the Gold Saucer, here is a link to the above article)
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deepestnightcolor · 6 months
Hi I love your writing!! Not sure if you take requests so please ignore this if you don’t!! What if Sam and reader were dating and then reader finds out about Sam/Penny liking each other in the past so they get kinda insecure and Sam reassures them
nsjhdwj thank you so, so much! <3
It really means the world to me to hear it! :) Thank you so much for your request as well, it was absolutely LOVELY to write. I hope you will enjoy it! Have a lovely day, dear anon~ <3
(Needless to say, I do take requests >:))
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam (SDV) x GN!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 1889 words
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: a lil jealousy, a lil insecurity. it is mostly fluff, though. gentle kisses and all~
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☾ ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀꜱ ☽
The relationship between Sam and you had begun to blossom in the fall of your first year in Pelican Town. It had all started out quite simple; playing pool with the blond and Sebastian in the saloon turned into hanging out and playing video games together. Taking turns trying hard levels bled into fleeting touches and looking at one another longer than necessarily needed; until it all ended in a chaste kiss behind near the river. It hadn’t taken Sam much longer to show up on your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, asking you to officially be with him.
Ever since, your relationship had grown like the crops on your fields – filling your heart with a deep, comfortable feeling of contentment and calm, something no one ever had managed up until the town. However, whenever Sam walked up to you, looking at you with these deep blue eyes filled with excitement and genuine happiness and smiling at you as if you were the first warm day in spring, you felt like you were at the right place, at the right time.
However, there was gossip in town. Little whispers, really, nothing you wouldn’t have expected living in a sleepy community like this. The gossip here was nothing more than a fleeting thought that was spoken out; here one moment, gone the next.
You had always promised yourself to not let these whispers stick to you, to just smile and forget about it. And so far you had done well; the most attention you had spent on anything that wasn’t rock solid was wondering how someone would come up with something like that.
In all seriousness, you just didn’t care for it. It rolled off your back like droplets of rain rolled off your raincoat.
You didn’t think a simple visit to Pierre’s would change that. You were standing in front of one of the shelves in the far back, looking at the different seasonal seeds in stock, considering trying out something new on the fields when you heard Marnie’s voice. It was hushed as it usually was when she was gossiping. Any other day, you would have just turned back to the bags in your hand, but today, you heard your boyfriend’s name. Much to your shame, your ears perked up almost immediately, and even worse, you actually tilted your head a little to catch what Marnie was saying.
“Yes, I am surprised he didn’t end up with Ms. Penny. The crushes they had were quite obvious, even my nephew picked up on it,” she hummed.
Another voice now answered with a hum, but when they talked, you were able to identify it as Mayor Lewis’s. “Even my old eyes picked up on it! I saw them at the bridge often, and I always thought Ms. Penny just waited for him to make the first move and she would have been all his.”
Your heart sank. Sam had had a crush on Penny? You furrowed your brows as you thought back, trying to remember if you ever had picked up on anything like that. Then it hit you – they had often hung out by the bridge together, and if you were honest, you had always felt a weird tension sizzle in the air between them.
Marnie again: “It is quite a shame, really. Jas told me that Ms. Penny looks a little sad when they pick up little Vincent. I think they would have made a good couple; she could have taught him a lot, I bet.”
“And maybe he would have helped her to get out of her shell a little. I thought they were a good match as well.”
You couldn’t take any more. You stepped out from between the shelves and almost ran to the till, slamming the bags onto the counter. “Just these, please,” you smiled at Pierre, loud enough for the hushed whispers behind you to stop.
“Thanks,” you murmured after you had been rung up, fleeing the general store without as much as a look in the two chatterboxes’ direction.
You had genuinely wanted to let go of what you had heard today. After all, Sam was with you now, and he seemed genuinely happy with you. Even now in his sleep, he was looking peaceful and content; his arm stretched out towards you as usual. Whenever you and Sam slept together, he had to touch you in some way. You didn’t mind that, in fact, it usually calmed you and lulled you into a deep slumber. Tonight, it didn’t help.
You had started thinking as soon as your conversation with Sam had faded as his breathing had grown heavier; a clear sign that he was drifting off to sleep.
Had you gotten in the middle of something between Sam and Penny?
Would he maybe be better off dating her?
Would he be happier with her?
Why did he choose to be with you when there seemingly was a spark, big enough for others to notice?
Penny, in all honesty, was not only a beautiful human but had an incredible personality at that. She was a catch, no doubt. Maybe you had ruined the best relationship Sam could have ever had, because what could you offer? You were a farmer, nothing more, nothing less. Doing work many considered as nothing but simple and dirty. Whereas Penny was always clean and well-kempt: being noble enough to try and give the town’s kids the best possible education. Trying to give your boyfriend’s little brother the best possible chances, for crying out loud!
Holy shit, you had probably ruined Sam’s life, what did he even see in you?
“Babe?” a groggy voice next to you asked, making you tense up. You had been so lost in your whirlwind of thoughts that you hadn’t even realized how much you had been tossing and turning. You tried to stay still, even out your breathing. Maybe he would just go back to sleep.
But you knew Sam better than that. And just as you had expected, two strong arms slowly snaked around you, pulling you into a warm chest. Sam’s hand found your hair, long fingers running through it just mere moments later. Sam knew you, sometimes better than you knew yourself, and he knew what to do when you were nervous. And even now in your state of inner turmoil it helped; you relaxed into his arms, and for a split second, your head was quiet.
“What’s wrong, baby? Bad dream?”
That was your chance. If you said yes now, he would probably cuddle you, caressing your hair until you fell asleep. Sleep sounded nice right about now.
“Did I ruin your chances with Penny? Would you rather be with her?”
The caressing stopped, and you could feel the mattress behind you shift. Was he leaving now?
The light switched on, and before you could say something else, you saw Sam’s face hover right over yours. His rough hand was placed on your cheek now, thumb caressing the skin gently as he peered into your eyes. All sleep had vanished now, replaced by honest concern and confusion.
 “Why would you think something like that?”
You bit around on your lower lip, looking away in embarrassment. “I heard Marnie and Lewis talk at Pierre’s today…They…they talked about the crush you had on Penny and the crush she had on you and how you would be a great match and how she is sad when she picks up Vincent now and-“
Noting how stupid you sounded, you stopped yourself, taking in a deep breath and not being able to stop yourself, “and it had me wondering, because I saw you hang out as well and Penny is so beautiful and kind and noble and she would have a good influence on you! And what am I, just a farmer, you have seen me in dirty clothes more often than in clean ones and-“
You looked at Sam helplessly, tears in the corner of your eyes. “And I just…Why did you choose me when you could have had her, Sam? Why didn’t you choose her? You could have…I…” The blond looked at you, patiently waiting for you to finish speaking.
Only when your stream of words had seemingly ceased did he lean in and press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Because Penny isn’t you, my love,” he murmured against the plush of your lips, looking into your eyes. His thumb was still caressing your cheek, allowing his other hand to lock together with yours.
“Yes, Penny is a good-hearted woman, and yes, I might have had a crush on her.  But you touched my heart in a way no one ever has. I fell in love with you, and I mean all of you. Your eyes; the way they light up when you’re proud or happy. The way you smile and the many different smiles you have. I love every single one. I love that you get dirty every day while doing what you love. I love that you give it your all every day.”
Sam kissed your nose carefully, his eyes peering into yours again.
“I love how careful you are with everything, especially with things that are dear to you. Yoba, I love the way your breathing sounds when you are next to me, I love the way you ramble to yourself when you are working on something and think no one can hear you. I love the random sounds you make. I love seeing you. I love being around you. I love you being mine. I love you.”
Sam kissed your lips again, holding onto your face. You looked up at him with teary eyes, hiding your face in his chest. The blond laid back down, carefully pulling you on top of him. He drew random patterns onto your back; mostly hearts and clouds and little stars.
“I remember the first actual date we went on. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was so close to just throwing up. Sebastian kept teasing me, asking me why I was nervous, I had been to the beach so often…” he kissed your head again, holding you a little tighter to his chest. “And then I saw you there. All bundled up in your winter clothes, and I asked myself why I had been so stupid to suggest a date on the beach in winter. But when you smiled at me…Shit, that was the moment I just knew that you were my one and only. And I wouldn’t want to live a life in which you weren’t.”
You sniffled a little, but smiled a little as you thought back to the date. You had, in fact, asked yourself why Sam would want to meet up at the beach in winter, but you could have never allowed yourself to pass up the opportunity.
You closed your eyes; taking in your boyfriend’s scent. He smelled like cotton and a hint of vanilla. Honestly, you found he smelled like home.
You could feel Marnie’s and Lewis’s voices quieten down, as did your worries.
Sam could feel you relax in your arms and slowly lifted your chin with two fingers.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Sam.”
“And tomorrow I will skate on the Mayor’s property.”
“No, Sam."
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visualbutterflysworld · 8 months
Forgive me? | Vhackerr
When reader and Vinnie get into a bad argument things seem to take a turn for the worse when vinnie says something he shouldn’t. Could this be the end or could this just become the beginning of a true relationship?
I low key had a dream about this type of scenario like years ago and randomly thought of it so :P also probably sloppy writing
“That’s so fucking stupid!” Vinnie screams at me. Vinnie and I had been dating for about 5 months now. We usually don’t fight. I mean not like this. We were fighting about us and what we were. If I said me and him were just friends he’d flip but if I’d ask to post about us he’d deflect.
“It’s not! You should understand about how I feel! I just want the world to know about us! That’s it!” I scream. “Yeah, because you want your fifteen minutes of fame! Such a fucking leach like everyone else!” Vinnie yelled back. I stand there with disbelief. He for real just said that.
Vinnie huffs before he realizes what he has said. “Y/n-” “No, fuck you, Vincent! You think I’m with you because you’re some fucking celebrity?! I’m with you because I love you! Because I love you more than I love myself! More than life itself! I was willing to wait till you were ready but I’m sick of waiting! I’m sick of feeling like I’m some fucking monster that you have to keep hidden from the world but, you know what, since you think that poorly on my character then we shouldn’t let the world know! We shouldn’t let the world know that we had any sorta of connection because we’re fucking done!” I scream at him. I quickly grab the rest of my stuff before heading towards the door.
“I’ll have somebody come get the rest of my shit. Please fuck off you entitled dick!” Is the last thing I shout before slamming the door. The rest is a blur. One minute I’m in the hallway of his building and next I’m sitting on my bathroom floor crying my heart out to my mom.
“Honey, I’m sure he didn’t mean it. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I’m sure right then and there he would’ve said I love you too.” My mother says as I sob quietly. I told that asshole I loved him. Can you believe that? I’m not sure I meant it but my heart is telling me I did. I told him we were over but, I don’t want it to be over. I get a notification from my phone.
Vinnie Hacker has posted on their story
“Yeah, I got to go mom. I’ll talk to you later.” I said and quickly hang up. It takes all my will power not to click on it immediately but my hands seem to have a mind of its own. I click on his story.
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My hand instantly goes to my mouth. He posted me. He called me his girl. That asshole. I hear my doorbell ring and I know who it is. I quickly get onto my feet and go to my door. I open it and there he is. My favorite flowers and food in hand. I look up at him and he seems like he can’t maintain eye contact but he does anyways.
“I’m so so so sorry that I hurt you. I’m sorry that I called you that. That was wrong. Very wrong of me. I don’t assume that you’re with me because I’m well me. I know that. I’ve been known that..just I fucked up because that’s what I do. I fuck up anything good in my life because I’m afraid of being hurt. You’re too good for me and I honestly don’t deserve you but, I posted you on my story so now you’re like kinda force to be with me anyways. I mean I’ll grovel if you want but, fuck I can’t let you go! I’m sorry and I love you! I mean…I think I love you more than you love me but-”
He blinks for the first time in 3 minutes. “Yeah?” “You should probably come inside before my food gets cold.” I smile softly at him. He lights up instantly and quickly makes his way inside. He sets the flowers and food down before turning to me. “I’m really sorry! We can go slow! We can start over and pretend this fight never happened like now we’re officially dating or something!” I run up and hug him. “Vinnie, we’re okay.” I kiss him quickly and his face follows mine as I lean away. “I mean…you’re gonna have to do some major groveling if you want to be my boyfriend again but I think we’re still dating.”
He smirks, “that’s fine by me.”
This was so trash but I’m sick and wanted to post something so :P
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marquisedegramont · 3 months
Lighting Vincent’s cigarette for him
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eeeeeeeee quick drabble before i go back 2 working on my artfight refs | MENTIONED : established relationship between reader & vin, kinda idk but its implied vincent cant keep a bitch before hopping onto another
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VINCENT stared out the window as drops of rain pelted towards the floor of the city of Paris. It was a gloomy night like any other, with the bright, warm light of the buildings that lined the Paris skyline often flickering from dark windows in the morning to their sunlight-like dots that shined in the night.
You open the door to his bedroom where he’s sitting on a chair, overlooking Paris in a penthouse high above common people. His hair is a mess, probably just woke up when you went to get a glass of water.
“Why are you awake, love?” Vincent glances up at you when you walk towards him, hand on the base of his neck, gently ruffling with the strands of brunette hair.
“Je ne dors pas,” I can’t sleep, Vincent says to you. “I have been restless for a while.”
“How come?” You ask him before taking your seat at the corner of his bed. While dating, you and Vincent didn’t really share the same bed. Vincent felt…. uncomfortable when it came to exposure to someone for a long time. People circulated in his life, changed; left and went, came back and stayed, got pushed away.
The Marquis doesn’t reply to you, he stares at you for a second or two, silence hanging in the air. Before his gaze turns back to the city.
Vincent gives a half-assed sound.
Your eyes flicker from the window, to the shape of Vincent as the lights outside frame his silhouette. It was well past midnight when you checked the clock in the room, each second ticked with utmost insanity. A sluggish second passed. And still, Paris didn’t sleep. Outside were cars, and here inside was both you, and the Marquis de Gramont.
“You know,” You say to break the silence. The silence wasn’t peaceful, neither was it tense. It was a strange in between of both peacefulness and tension. Something compelled you to speak, something to fill the air that wasn’t the smell of the Paris penthouse and the perfume you wore. “I never really believed in this whole ‘counting sheep’ thing.”
Vincent shifts in his seat, almost hunched over but really not at all. He looks over towards you. The faint glow of the light that comes from the vintage window barely even lighting one side of his face.
“Me neither.” Vincent replies. “It gets boring, and I don’t drift off to sleep. Instead, I lay awake, just counting. Hoping that I do.”
“Me too.” You answer back with. “My mum used to… read fairytales to me.” You say. “I guess it always worked.”
Vincent goes silent immediately afterwards. You don’t know wether he’s thinking or just refusing to reply. He was a confusing man. He never made intentions clear, unless you were smart and knew how to dissect him from skin to his bones, maybe his soul. But you don’t know his soul yet. You don’t think you’ve seen his heart. Well you’ve seen it.
To you, Vincent was art. A piece. Beautiful to look at, something that carried vicious history, yet cradled beautiful memories. But to be art, was to be looked at. Vincent was looked at, admired and feared. You don’t think anyone has come close to this before.
You blinked, there was a stick in between Vincent’s slender fingers that have never seen the work of the poor. A cigarette. There wasn’t a lighter anywhere.
Corpse silent, it was like a graveyard in the bedroom. A pretty, vintage bedroom fit for a noble such as the Marquis. Unable to contain your words and actions any longer, you stood up from your place on the corner of the bed. You scoured through your purse for something, then you felt the shiny, flat material on the pad of your fingers.
You held the lighter up near Vincent; he slips the cigarette, now pressed in between his lips. “Can I light it?”
“Oui.” He says.
You flick the lighter and the soft hiss and flicker of flame cuts through the previously quiet air. The match flared to life, casting a warm glow on Vincent’s face open with his gaze flickering over onto you, a hint of…something tender flashing in his eyes before a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
He takes a drag of smoke, dissipating into the cold air of Paris in the night.
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bi-bi-buckleys · 4 months
Vincent Gerrard had made a mistake.
Probably the biggest mistake of his career. Hell, probably the biggest mistake of his life.
When Gerrard heard about Capt Nash’s heart attack and subsequent health sabbatical, he immediately volunteered to step in as the acting captain of the 118. I mean, he’d already BEEN their captain, and poor firefighter Wilson was too wrapped up in a battle with that congresswoman to even think of taking on more work. He’d be the perfect substitute.
That’s what he told the Chief anyway. His real reason was private, though he was sure the 118 had immediately figured it out.
It started at the award ceremony. The way his jab at Kinard didn’t seem to bruise too much what with Han and that Buckley kid acting as guard dogs. And speaking of Han, his snide remark about him keeping the floor clean being met with Han’s confident comment equating Gerard to filth really pissed him off. Then he saw Buckley and Kinard getting all lovey dovey with each other during the reception and that was truly the final straw. He once had this station under his thumb. No one wanted to go against him. Now it seemed they didn’t care what he thought. He wanted to make all of their lives hell.
At first, it started great! They seemed genuinely terrified when he walked in and announced he was taking over command. He could see the panic and resignation in their eyes. Even Buckley, Diaz and, Panikkar, who he never worked with. Han, Wilson, and Kinard must have told stories of him, which really warmed his cold dead heart. He had a legacy.
He decided to go after Buckley first. He didn’t know the kid, but since Kinard didn’t work at the 118 he figured going for his boyfriend was the next best thing. Almost better. Maybe he could plant some seeds and ruin their relationship.
That didn’t happen.
“So Buckley,” Gerrard started one afternoon while eating lunch. He was sitting at the head of the table, Buckley to his left, Panikkar to his right. Diaz was next to Buckley then Han across from him. They all stopped to look at Gerrard, wary of what was going to come out of his mouth next. He savored the moment for a beat.
“How long you been dating Kinard?”
Buckley met his eyes with a hesitant, untrusting look as he answered “About two months now.”
“Hmm,” Gerrard answered, chewing on his bite of sandwich before then asking “so were you always a queer or did he turn you?”
The whole table glared at him for what felt like ten years. No one with more vehemence than Buckley. But then…
“Actually!” Buckley said with a big smile, gesturing with the fork he was using to eat his leftover lasagna, “he was my bisexual awakening so I guess in a way he ‘turned’ me, but in the same way you turn a light on, you know? Like it was always there, it just took someone flicking the switch to light it. See, we met when Chim called him up for a favor, and, I can be honest about it now, my very first thought when I met him was “wow”, cause like, well you’ve seen him. He’s just so big, and dreamy, and his eyes are so pretty, and his smile is electrifying. And I called him up for a tour of Harbor ‘cuz I wanted to see him again and then I got jealous ‘cuz he was spending time with Eddie but then Tommy came to my apartment and we talked things out and we had this kinda deep conversation and then he KISSED ME and it was like “wow that’s what’s been bothering me lately, I want him!” And then we went on this date, and I acted dumb, but he was sweet about it and let me down easy ‘cuz he thought I wasn’t ready, then I couldn’t get him out of my head so I called him for coffee and he actually showed and I told him I wanted to give it another go and I invited him to my sisters wedding, which ok yeah I-I-I know that’s kinda crazy, but listen I can’t be held accountable for my actions when he looks at me with that really soft fond look and he’s wearing a well fitted grey tee shirt, and he’s got this adorable cleft chin, and- anyway- yeah so he agreed and he showed up to my sisters wedding even though he had spent the last, like, 12 hours fighting a wild fire because he knew it was important to me, and I MAY have jumped him in the entryway but you can’t really blame me for that. So yeah, he’s an incredible guy, and he’s shown up for me in ways no one I’ve ever dated has, and he makes me feel safe and secure, a-and happier than I’ve ever felt. Like, I can see a future with him, you know? Marriage, kids, the whole package. It’s early, like really early, I know, but hey, when you know you know right?”
And wasn’t that just a whole heap of information Gerrard hadn’t asked for.
Buckley was smirking at him. Not a lot, but there it was, a cocky smile. A smile that said “you think you can use my relationship against me, but jokes on you fuckface, I’m happy and more than willing to let you know all about it completely against your will.”
The rest of the table was staring at Buckley, Han and Panikkar in mild shock, while Diaz looked like a proud parent who just watched his kid dress down a bully, chewing his salad around a smirk of his own.
“Tommy is a pretty cool dude,” Panikkar noted, deciding that was the best way to break the tension.
“He really is, I’m glad I saved his sorry ass,” Han chimed in, pointing his own fork at Buckley and saying “you’re welcome for that, by the way.”
“Thanks Chim.” Buckley was actually blushing. Jesus.
“You guys have no idea how glad I am Buck’s actually dating someone I like.” Diaz said, earning snickers from the others. “Seriously! Plus, I can actually hang out with Tommy now without Buck trying to break my ankles over it! Thats growth, I’m proud of you.”
And damn if Diaz didn’t actually sound proud of Buckley for that; Gerrard hated the part of himself that wanted to know the story there, because what the hell?
The table fell into easy chatter while Gerrard wondered where he’d gone wrong.
It didn’t get any better. It was like Buckleys initial act of defiance opened the flood gate. Nothing he said was sticking to anyone.
He tried to make more comments to Han insinuating that all he was good for was cleaning the station, but that just led to Han ignoring him and instead talking about his daughter Jee Yun and gushing about how great of a person his wife Maddie is.
“And this picture is from the first time Jee Yun used a spoon by herself. She really is a natural at everything. Picks stuff up on her first try. She gets that from her mom. She’s so amazing. And by she I mean both of them. My girls are truly the most incredible blessings. Oh! Here’s a picture of them asleep on the couch together! Aren’t they cute?”
Gerrard refused to admit they were. He wouldn’t. They won’t break him.
He didn’t know Diaz from before, so he fell back on his tired trick of just being a straight up racist. Diaz decided that Gerrard must be talking about his Swedish half and started to educate him on Sweden. This led to him telling Gerrard about how his son Christopher did a report recently on Sweden. Which of course led to more information about Christopher.
“He’s really such a great kid. He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s kind, he’s a bit of a smart ass, he’s popular, and he’s got the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known. I’m so lucky to be his dad. He’s saved me more times than I can count. Even at a young age, he just knew exactly what to say to make me feel better when I was down. To look into his eyes and know that I had a hand in creating this incredible life? It’s mind-blowing and so humbling. Here let me show you pictures.”
Gerrard was losing his will to live.
Wilson was more reserved. When he was in her vicinity, she would shoot him a look. It wasn’t necessarily dirty. It was more challenging. Daring. Almost asking for a reason to unleash some pent up fury. He didn’t even bother approaching. She was on the warpath already. A woman not to be messed with. A storm on the near horizon that sent chills down your spine. He remembered her speech from before. He remembered getting transferred out not long after. He was too tired to try it. It didn’t take long for Wilson and her wife to win back custody of their foster daughter and they were able to formally adopt her. After that, he was subjected to pictures of Mara and Denny. She was over the moon with happiness and love. He preferred warpath Wilson.
Panikkar tried to sell him a condo.
He gave up.
Vincent Gerrard was officially broken. It only took two weeks. These people were too happy. Too defiant. Too sure of themselves and their lives. They were also all so supportive of each other. It was sickening. He realized he couldn’t break them. He refused to admit defeat though, so he was subjected to six months of hell. Somehow he even got invited to the Buckley-Kinard house warming party when they moved into their new fixer upper. He had a feeling he’d be roped into putting up shelving. Or he’d be encased in a wall. He declined. Same way he declined the invite to the Han residence for Jee’s birthday and the invite to the Wilson’s for the adoption celebration BBQ. They just wanted to rub their well-beingness into his face and he had enough of that at the station.
Once the six months were up and Nash took the helm again, Gerrard felt he had aged ten years. He fully intended to put in for his retirement. He staunchly ignored the cheers and “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” being played on someone’s Bluetooth speakers as he walked out of the 118 for the last time.
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jacks347 · 4 months
Exactly one person asked for this but that was exactly one person enough so here y'all go, enjoy the rest of the channels and their high school tropes
Caleb and Pack Mom - Childhood friends everyone assumes is already dating (They keep correcting people but secretly enjoy it cause they've been crushing on each other for years)
Connor and Lass - Club president and joined cause she liked him ("Come on, keep up! What are you staring at?" "You. I mean-!")
Deacon and Little One - Book smart introvert and street smart extrovert ("I've never failed a test in my life" "And I've knocked out a gang members tooth once. You tell me which one is more practical")
Chester and CM - Class clown and assigned tutor ("How do you put up with him?" "Remembering he's cute and a lot of caffeine")
Mitch and Lamb - Second generation rivals ("My dad said to tell you you won't win a second time" "Funny, my uncle said to expect it")
Beau and Chef - "Secret" admirer and knowing crush (Constantly leaves notes and gifts in her locker, she absolutely knows it's him but doesn't say anything even though she likes him back cause she thinks it's adorable)
Harlow and Captain - Frequently injured and assigned helper ("How'd you break your leg this time?" "Would you believe me if I said I fell off a roof?" "...goddammit")
Yargwynn and Paradise - Lead in the play and stage manager (Paradise is actually a really solid singer but has paralyzing stage fright so they just stay as stage crew)
Mak and Darling - Delinquent and "I can fix him" girl (Frank is Mak's attempted wingman, he tries so hard to get these two together)
Guardian and Zed - Foreign exchange student and guidance helper assigned to them (Even better if Guardian doesn't speak the language well so they just stare when Zed is talking which makes him nervous and he rambles more, Guardian thinks it's cute)
Albus and Faithful - School flirt and class president tutoring him (Don't lie, you're imagining it now)
Hipswitch and Partner - Reluctant student and quiet art kid project partners (Partner talks through notes ripped from the corners of his sketchbook)
Pandora - Principal's kid that everyone is kinda scared of (Is actually really nice with just a hint of overblown ego, blame football star Odin for that)
David and Angel - Quiet kid and popular girl fake dating (Angel dug herself in a hole and needs a fresh face to get out of it, David is only mildly reluctant cause he thinks Angel's pretty)
Asher and Babe - Football star and cheerleading captain (Don't ask, this is the one that inspired all the rest and now it's stuck here)
Milo and Sweetheart - Club presidents fighting for budgeting (SH runs the NHS chapter, Milo runs the drama club, both slightly resent each other because they need the funding)
Darlin and Sam - Frequently in detention and never in detention ("And just what has landed the school's goody goody in my neck of the woods?" "...I broke a guy's nose." "Hah, same.")
Vincent and Lovely - Superintendent's kid who ditches class and vigilant hall monitor ("Come on, can't you let it slide just this once~" "Do you want me to call your dad?" "No, no, I'll go back, please don't call him-")
Gavin and Freelancer - Academic rivals (FL actually takes it seriously, Gavin only pretends cause he loves to watch FL work)
I think I got all of them
I hope I got all of them
This is going to be a nightmare to tag-
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lichenes · 6 months
Here again! Really the number one fan of those law school fics. Maybe a sequel to the original? Making up for lost time and whatnot 🤭🤭 if you’re not in the mood for that then maybe Vincent and a reader who he meets in a museum and then they just keep running into each other as if it were fate
hi ilo o/ glad to see you're enjoying the fics<33 I decided to mix the two (kinda :P) cuz museum date night!! cute asf... sorry for not posting btw!! i have a cold and my body isn't working as well as I would like sjdshdkdsjh CW: kissing, mentions of dirty thoughts SFW wc: 389
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____
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"Wanna go on a date?" You looked at him questioningly. "Of course, is that even a question?" He chuckled slightly. "I was thinking of going to a museum. There aren't many in this town I admit but..." he turned his laptop towars you. "This one looks to be certainly interesting."
You skimmed through the museum's page and nodded. "Yeah this seems fun." He beamed. "I know we're gonna enjoy this trip ma chérie." You blushed slightly a slew of ideas running through your head. "Ah, you're so dirty minded!" He said with a giggle.
You were walking around the room looking at the art pieces enjoying the paintings, sculptures and eachother's company. Vincent was quite knowlegable when it came to art and had at least one fun fact per art piece for you whilst you were perusing the stock of the museum.
"Oh and this one, the creator admitted to have been severely inebriated when making this one." He said chuckling. "Clearly, not his best work." He added. You were admiring the copy of "The Ambassadors" and how faithfully it was recreated with all the details Holbein put onto the painting and most importantly, The Skull.
In the next room, a copy of "The Kiss" was being displayed and it both floored you how beautifull it was. You pointed towards it and said "look it's us!". He smiled at you, laughing at the silliness of the statement.
"Yes ma chérie, it is indeed us." He closed the gap between you and trapped you in a short but passionate kiss. You felt a little dizzy after it ended...
"Remember when we went to that park that one time?" He asked when you passed across a paiting of a truly stunning garden. "Yeah, you got sick from not wearing a jacket." Vincent looked at you with an accusatory gaze. "Oh I wonder whose body I had to protect from the unrelenting wind back then?"
"I told you you would get a cold ma chérie." You retorted. "I'd rather get a cold and protect you from the evil, evil weather." He said theatrically. "Oh my saviour..." You said with faux fawning, teasing him.
You continued perusing the museum, hand in hand, content with how life was going. You were glad you finally got the chance to make up for the lost time...
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____ masterlist
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riotlain · 2 years
Slashers with a Grim reaper!S/O and pulls pranks on the Slashers while they "work" ^^
[Any slashers would be alr!]
your brain is so cool for thinking this
Jason Voorhees
He killed so often you just kinda lived there at that point
So why not have a lil fun
Do a lil trolling
From drawing on his masks, to possessing the bodies of the ppl he just killed
He just gets annoyed by your pranks sometimes
Has Jason tried to cut your head off? Yes like 2 times.
But that was before yall was dating so it doesnt count
BUT he also loves that you accept him as a sort of rotting zombie thing
Jason overall doesn't care about your pranks. Unless it's something like moving a trap
Then hes just pretty annoyed
Michael Myers
You 2 first met after his first couple kills
You were annoyed how your work just boosted out of nowhere and started yelling at him when you saw him
He then tried to stab you.... multiple times
You 2 had a sorta one sided rivalry
He was your rival and you were on his kill list
Now that you 2 are dating its a great relationship
You stole his mask once and he tried to kill you
You once summoned a person he killed while he was reaction and that was the only time he was really "spooked"
Bubba Saywer
Do you prank Bubba? No
You prank his brothers though
They (Cough cough drayton) have threatened to serve you dinner for these pranks
Though you had to tone down your pranks on Drayton since he gets on Bubba for this
But congrats you started a prank war with Nubbins and Choptop
Bubba tries to discourage yalls behavior but like you guys are at each others neck at this point
Knowing you cant die Nubbins stole your arm once.
It may or may not have had a bite mark in it
You sorta lurked around his work and once he saw what you did he sorta became your new boss in a way
And then into your boyfriend
You move the coffins or the bodies around for the funny
Scaring his workers are also fun
If they were to ever report your antics he would probably brush it off
You never do the kind of pranks you do on his workers with him
At most you just make his job a bit more inconvenienced
Making it harder for them to die, dulling his knife a bit, and the like
He, of course, wouldnt get that mad
As long as he got his job and, in turn, your job done
Vincent Sinclair
Vincents job makes it sort of hard to do yours
They dont die automatically after getting put into wax so you linger around the museum
You move the 'statues' around, usually making something dumb much to the annoyance of Vincent and Bo
Making them look like theyre having sex or something stupid like that
You prank Bo or Lester more than Vincent
It's just easier for you and you get a better reaction
With Vincent you feel bad for pranking him in a way
With Bo he gets mad and you get a funny response from him
Lester usually pranks you back
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matamisin · 2 years
I am absolutely living for the Stardew art. I love that game so much and have over 600 hours of playtime in it. I did have a little bit of a request but feel free to ignore! Could you rate all of the potential spouses based on your personal interpretations?
Hiii!! Yes yes yes thank you for this ask- I planned to do quick portraits anyways! <3 <3
But let's start!!
[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, reblogs welcome! >:3c)
Harvey: 10/10
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Handsome yes yes
Very sweet and loyal like bro LETS GO that's all I need
Doctor?? AKA he fixes up love interest who regularly gets into trouble? Endless possibilities BRO this is my favorite trope to write/draw about
HOWEVER HARVEY DOESN'T ACCEPT ANY INSURANCE HE JUST CHARGES OUR ASSES bro I'm trying to have a tender moment of almost dying and him worrying and then BOOM hands me my bill like "see you at home honey ily"
Overall he would treat us right yes
Animals LOVE his ass but he's awkward with them LOL
He's often a tired man due the clinic but he'll pull through to do things with the farmer when they're dating (like outings)
In the beginning when farmer is frequently getting hurt in the mines and being brought in hurt, he buys them a walkie-talkie. He's said multiple times that he doesn't recommend going in those dangerous places but learns that farmer's determined to keep going so he'll do what he can to make sure they can relay when they need help
He'll chime in on the walkie when he sees farmer going towards the mines and has them check things off a mental list (hi, this is Harvery- going to the mines? Do you have your weapon? How about food? You have your first-aid kit on you too right?)
This man will be TENSE the whole day when he knows farmer is in the mines. He'll only ease up once he knows they're not in there anymore
Disclaimer: from here on most of what I write will be 100% from my head because I haven't married anyone else yet LMFAO
Sam: 10/10
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I interpret him as the golden retriever type- very hyper and friendly
That just makes him 1000% more loveable
Very good with kids cause of Vincent which is like YES
A little blunt sometimes but that's wassup
Doesn't eat the best (AKA I give him two pizzas every week. Hmm. So maybe that means I'M the problem lol)
Also doesn't really know a lot of cooking, but when he moves in farmer finds new-looking cookbooks tucked away in his spaces
I feel like he'd be the type to have a switch in attitude- he's v friendly UNTIL he has reason to distrust/not like someone and then he'll flip from bright to cold (especially if the person has bad intentions about somebody he cares about)
Doesn't realize farmer and him are dating he just thinks they’re hanging out a lot and just kissing as really good friends
When he does realize they’re dating he gets all flustered and red
Would let you win at Mario-Kart
Despite his goofiness, he knows how to be a gentleman. He's always keeping an eye on farmer and making sure they're okay. If they're out together, the moment the sun goes down his jacket is on farmer's shoulders. When it's raining and he wakes up late and sees that farmer has gone out of the house for the day, he'll get up quick and run around with an umbrella and a thermos of hot coffee until he finds farmer. He'll follow farmer around with the umbrella covering mostly farmer, so he gets pretty drenched.
Very vocal about his love
Shane: 10/10
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Ah the chicken man himself
ALSO GREAT WITH KIDS but in a different light- he's way more protective about them whereas Sam is more the laid-back and playful parent-figure (he throws his children into the air)
Recovering from his alcoholism and the habits that came with it (messiness and cluttery) but he's trying his best aww
Will rub his stubble on your face when he comes in for a hug ouchie
Even though he is not a dad- he just comes with dad stuff (dad outfits, dad jokes, EVERYTHING)
His chickens are protective of him so you must prove yourself worthy
(In my headcanons, Joja is kinda twisted) Will start to distance himself from Joja after farmer tells him of how they're trying to hurt the Junimos. He may eventually quit to work elsewhere, even though he doesn’t really know what Junimos are but something about farmer telling him about them seems sincere
He's very cuddly after getting to know him and dating. His love language happens to be physical touch and every touch makes him fall harder
This also means he gets a little sad when it's summer and too hot to cuddle that farmer turns around in their sleep. He gets pouty in the morning after until he gets a kiss LMAO
He'll frequently realize how messy he leaves his spaces, and will clean up. He tries to upkeep the cleanliness and manages it for a few days before it starts to get messy again. Sometimes it lasts a while, but sometimes it just slips his mind due to bad habits
Farmer pops into mind every time he has an urge to drink, and he'll shake it off and go do something else for them. He's DETERMINED to be the best person he can be for farmer
Alex: 10/10
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A little rough at first lol- his attitude is very icky in the beginning BUT he's cute 
Once you get through that exterior he practically does a 180- HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING and no longer uhhh icky
He would tackle things for you (can he help farmer out of the mines when they pass out in the game? If he does I'd like to think he just picks them up and BOOKS it for the exit knocking anything in his path down LMFAO)
Becomes pouty when he gets a little jealous
Again he's very sweet- he kisses Evelyn and George on the cheeks every morning before he leaves the house, he often thinks about his late mom and visits her grave with flowers from Pierre's and has a small picnic there
I feel he would be prone to dreams about his mom, waking up in a cold sweat and tears. After the 8-heart event he gets up and does something sweet like making a whole breakfast for Evelyn & George or giving Dusty some quality time with walks, playing, and a good treat
Will be extremely protective over farmer. Farmer gives him a heart attack every time they go to the mines or the skull cavern or even in the sewer like baby what are you doing WHY ARE YOU GOING INTO THE MANHOLE
The caves he can't follow farmer with because he knows he isn't trained to fight monsters like farmer is and might hold them back instead, but he'll wait outside or tell Harvey that farmer's in the mines instead
Doesn't come out with it but he needs a lot of reassurance due to abandonment issues. He gets a little clingy and touchy but a little shy. (reaching for farmer’s hand/just pinching onto a part of the farmer’s clothes and holding on)
Sebastian: 10/10
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This one might be rough cause I've never really felt much for him IM SORRY
Once farmer asks him out he's very unsure how to proceed. He'll call them things like dude and bro *with love*
It's literally like pulling teeth for him to call farmer honey just cause he's never been the affectionate type till now hehehe he'll try to say it and then drop to his knees like OTL and curl up (He'll get it eventually tho- this is just like the first few months LMFAO)
He has frogs right? He'll show you his frogs 
Your void chickens will love this emo boy they just vibe y'know?
He shows his love through acts of service and gifts, finding out the things you love and bringing them to you
As awkward as he is, his true intentions are very evident when he starts to really try to reconnect with Robin and asking her for advice on most anything he hasn't much a clue about.
He wants to be able to properly feel like part of his family, because farmer tells him that he deserves to feel loved there too. He’ll have a difficult heart-to-heart with Robin, Demetrius, and Maru and over time the family dynamic starts to heal. Sebastian is eternally grateful for farmer and tells them about the relationship and they’re all overjoyed to have farmer as part of the family too
He WILL stop smoking if farmer ever raises concern for his well-being
He starts to come out of his shell more (in general) as he and farmer progress their relationship. He tries his best to be a great partner, and everyone can sense that his demeanor is a little bit brighter than before. He starts to not be as shy about PDA too
He has many hoodies for farmer to steal HOWEVER they're all the exact same pair HAHAHA
Elliott: 10/10
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I may also struggle with Elliott for similar reasons
Handsome right off the bat bro
But you'll never be able to be the one with the great hair in the relationship cause man he dominates in that
I see him as a gentle lover- very old-school romantic
He writes farmer love poems and songs often HE WILL SERENADE FARMER EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY MOVED IN
Has pictures of farmer EVERYWHERE like his desk, in his books and notebooks, and has one of those accordion picture holders in his wallet of farmer and himself (and their child(ren) when time comes) He shows them off to the other villagers at the Saloon even tho they literally know farmer LMAOO
Has a very comforting vibe to him- he knows how to coddle farmer after they take a visit to the clinic
He'd let farmer use his favorite pen, trusting that it would return to him
Romantic gestures are EVERYWHERE. Songs, poems, so many pretty flowers in farmer's hair. 
I think he'd be the best cook out of everyone. Farmer wants to go out on a fancy date out of the village?? S'NOT GOOD ENOUGH- Elliott will change the whole decor of the kitchen and spend hours cooking and preparing for farmer to come home and then he plays all the roles (waiter, bus person, lover, etc) through the entire meal. But if farmer really actually wants to go out he'll go with it
Bachelorettes will be done in part 2 soon!
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anexistingexistence · 9 months
Headcanons about sports because Youtube keeps recommending me videos about that stuff
•David used to do gymnastics in high school but doesn't do anything like it anymore. He would even compete at like school competitions and whatnot and Gabe would record every single one of them with a shitty little camcorder that was already ten years old.
○Milo used to do "karate" with Ash (it was just them kicking the shit out of each other (it never got really dangerous tho dw) for fun) in high school because he loved seeing stuff like that in movies but his parents could never afford to give him lessons but once he got his own job he started to take boxing lessons and still does it on occasion.
●Asher never really got into sports even in high school. Like yeah P.E. was fun but would he go out of his way to exhaust himself other than occasionally pretending to be in an action movie or whatever with Milo? Hell no. But he does work out sometimes and goes running more often nowadays (mostly because of his job at the pack's security company but at least he's doing it).
○Vincent used to do figure skating as a hobby in high school and despite being pretty good at it he never started doing it at a competitive level because he didn't want to ruin the fun he had with it. After his turning, he didn't get to do it as much anymore, but after he accidentally mentioned how much he liked ice skating to William he wouldn't stop bothering Vincent about it and even got him custom-designed skates, so he started doing it more often again. (He even takes Lovely on cute little ice skating dates in the winter and pays a contra fire elemental (or several) to freeze over a lake on William's land for them if it doesn't get cold enough to happen naturally.)
●Sam never really did a lot in the way of sports, but in his teens, he still did plenty of physical labor in his parents' house. Like chopping wood, single-handedly running the entire household, keeping everything clean 24/7, going grocery shopping to the thirty minutes or one-hour away store for three people or more without a car, and all that fun stuff. A few months after moving to Dahlia he noticed the changes of not doing as much physical stuff and it kinda bothered him so he started working out, which he stopped doing pretty soon because as a healer he did not have the time for that. And post-turning where was the need to work out beyond chopping wood, really?
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Some House of Wax/Sinclair Brothers Headcanons I’ve had in my head that I’ve already shared w the server but… The rest of the world deserves to know.
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Related to gif, Vincent is the ‘medical expert’ of the house solely because he’s the one who knows the human body/first aid the best. I mean, in the movie we see him stitching up those wounds on what’s-his-face pretty neatly, right? This is also part of the reason why he automatically reaches for Bo during this scene.
Given his birth date was sniffed out by fans before me (1970) and this man looks like he’s a cosplayer sometimes, I truly believe Bo idolised Elvis Presley as a kid, and maybe a bit as an adult as well. He still enjoys listening to rock n’ roll from that era when he’s in a good mood. When he’s in a bad mood, or doing his business™️ in his sex dungeon/basement, that’s when the Marilyn Manson comes on.
All of them have had an alt phase of some sort. For Vincent it was goth, for Bo it was rivethead/industrial rock and for Lester it was grunge.
Les is also down bad fucking horrendous for alt people in general. Yes, he has magazines stuffed down his sofa, yes, they used to be Bo’s.
Bo is allergic to nuts. He also gets really nasty hay fever. I also think possibly him having sensory issues/picky eater could’ve led to meltdowns as we see in the opening. And really, it’s the 1970s/80s do you expect his parents to understand or sympathise?
In contrast, Lester has the constitution of a Greek god somehow and has probably eaten some absolutely vile shit as a kid.
I know most people interpret Vince as sweet and shy but… While I do think he’s more measured and withdrawn compared to Bo, I also think being the ‘favourite’ in terms of being Trudy’s little art prodigy contributed to a sort of spoilt brattiness esp as a kid. (Exhibit A: The ‘Bo Sux’ fridge art in the opening) As an adult, there’s still a sense of entitlement to him. What I’m saying is that he’s an insufferable art nerd lol. He definitely isn’t toothless and his arguments with Bo aren’t necessarily one-sided, he’s just capable of ignoring him when he wants to; he’s used to his twin, after all. While I do think he’s capable of being soft, don’t forget this man killed a woman in cold blood and recorded it. I also think he can get snippy enough during arguments to combat Bo’s generally sharp tongue.
Speaking of which, everyone in the (surviving) family knows ASL. It’s necessary when communicating with Vincent.
Again with how prolific a killer Vincent is, I suspect he may be the one who does the most murder out of all of them. Bo is the handsome ‘face’ of Ambrose, and Vincent is right under the seedy underbelly with a knife, ready to spill guts (and then sew it up again once he’s got them in the workshop). Lester is similar to Bo in that he mostly just guides people toward the town, but I do think he gets his own notions sometimes.
From a more x reader perspective, Bo strikes me as a man who’s most charming when he’s not trying to be. Of course he can put on an act for victims/tourists, but those are just empty words, y’know? Also, has a kinda cheesy side.
I know everyone has Jonesy as Lester’s dog but… I think she’s really Vincent’s. In the movie, she’s always seen with Vin or in the house of wax itself, it’s only when he dies that she goes to Lester. I actually think Les is a cat person (tell me he wouldn’t actually encourage their hunting habits for his own personal collection…) while Vin is a dog person. Also, hot take I think Bo loves snakes and reptiles.
Given that the House of Wax and Ambrose itself is a big ol’ art project, and we’ve seen the state of the church (permanently in the middle of dead ass crusty Trudy’s funeral) I think there may be a sort of difficulty letting go of their past in the brothers, maybe some hoarding as well (I mean we haven’t even seen some of the other houses in Ambrose but this is just speculation). We get the sense that Ambrose is a place where time stands still, forever, until its conservationists finally die. Idk I’m talking out my ass here
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mrsmiagreer · 3 months
Alright let’s see how this is gonna go
Treasure and Porter at least kinda sound like a couple rn🤷🏽‍♀️🤔
i know vincent’s mad as fuck he didnt pick up
he has an idea??😟
get to know eachother better !!!
awe he sounds so awkward about the idea
it sounds like he hasn’t been on a date in a while, let alone such a cute and playful “get to know you” date🥹
over explaining himself too? oh he has a crush frfr
“has anyone ever told you you look ravishing in cheap neon light?”
okay so he likes funnel cake write that down
also doesn’t really like how slow the ferris wheel is
so porter is breaking covert like CRAZYYY
“with no one to watch us…” yeah no everyone’s watching us baby the carts move
“my eyes were made for darkness”
imo this just means that my darkskin treasure headcannon is just SUPER true
PICREW coming soon🤭
aweee he knows all of our habits☹️🫶🏽
they damnnear fuckin on the ferris wheel😭
“i can do anything for you”
OOUU I like this one
Porter: Date Edition💋
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Oh, oh! I got one!
okay okay, so, don’t feel pressured to write this if you do t want to, but what about slashers (Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, anyone else you wanna add) with a s/o who gets really distracted? Like, in the middle of doing something that should be simple, they zone out and forget what they were doing. (I have really bad ADHD so that’s why I’m asking-)
like, they even have to remind their s/o to take medicine and just nudges to get them back on track-
idk, do what you will with that idea, and again, thank u for ur time!!
btw, u look amazing today!!
You too look amazing today! Thanks for request! Why is everyone so spooked of requesting, the worst thing I can do is not answer🥰
Slashers with s/o that gets distracted A LOT
Sinclair Vincent
Imagine, s/o is in Vince workplace first time, he probably wants to turn them into wax figure, he leaves room for one second to grab some tools. Boom s/o is just walking around judging his wax figurines
Mans gonna be like 🧍in corridor when they are just amused by how cute and pretty some of those lil figurines are🥰
After they get along, Vince really enjoys slow walks thrue gallery or just near area, cuz its very pretty and there's no Bo screaming like child
He saw some pretty leaves, he went to pick them up so he can show them to s/o. He turn around... where.. where are they??!?!? Huuh did they leave him?? Dude will be overthinking hard. But after few minutes of looking for them, they just kinda spawn behind him "hey vince look i found this cool as rocks and then I saw deer's and I kinda fallowed them to this dope river come see!"they just grab his hand and lead him :(tbh vince was this close to mental break down, now he always holds hands
Myers Micheal
My dude is about to buy one of those backpack leashes that some parents have. He's like 80years young, ain't no way he's going to run around city looking for some guy who just saw pretty butterfly and almost got hit by a car 5times.
To be honest they should be ones making sure he won't just walk of and get lost in Forest judging by his age
When he notice that s/o didnt take their daily medicine he just takes it and slams it on desk/table next to them or just throws it at them! Take the pills dummy!
S/o calling him 'heya mickey im lost pick me up' happends twice per week. Really s/o be more careful pls
Voorhees Jason
If you thought that Vincent panicked? Oh this guy will have mental breakdown, cry and then search whole place
In forests signal sucks so they can't call him and screams won't do much cuz echo and Jason is mute so he cant yell back anyways
He won't buy leash but he will hold their hand 24/7 nuh uh you cant go run after those deers, no you can't go swimming we know what happend in 1957
Now he has ptsd and evertime he wakes up and doesn't see s/o in his eyesight he instantly thinks that she's in difrent country or dead
Heelshire Brahms
This dude knows the whole mansion no way he loses them here right?
Jokes on you brahms they are already on the other side of it
Even tho they are in closed space, which is safe and very known to Brahms it doesnt stop his abandment issues and... idk he has a lot of issues tbh. No matter how long he knows s/o he's is 100% sure that they are trying to leave.
He will probably speed run thrue corridors screaming their name and he just stubbles across them just watching paitinings on walls "this you? You were ugly ass baby" "WHERE WERE YOU" "I saw funny rats and i wondered where they have secret cheese hideout" "rats?😰" (its a reference to my old fic where brahms was beaten up by rats and now hes spooked of them)
He has calendar with highlighted date everyday they have to take pills and how many so every morning when s/o wakes up they see his face like few centimetres away from theirs, with aggressive eye contact holding pills "it is time my love" " oh :("
I added brahms cuz hes goofy, have wonderful day person reading this!! And never be spooked to ask for headcanons! We love that
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lucky38-2077 · 4 months
OC Interview: Vincent Ibarra & Naota Vasile
Tagged by @dreamskug It was really fun to do this and thank you for tagging!🖤🖤
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V: Most people call me V. Some people I've known since I was little still call me kid, but I guess I'm not a kid anymore, am I? Naota: My family and friends often call me Nao.
V: Male. Naota: I am a demiguy.
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V: Don't know my exact birth date but I heard it was middle of December. So the thing with the archer? Sagutti...something. Naota: It's Sagittarius, V. (yeah that it!) Mine is Capricorn.
V: Why do people even care about the height? I don't know, haven't checked since teenager. Naota: I'm about 5′ 7″ and V is a little taller than me. I think... he could be around 5′ 9″. V: WOW. I'm learning about myself here.
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V: I like men. Naota: I... I think the closest one should be Pansexual. Do you have preference? If you don't mind talking about. Naota: I really don't know, and it doesn't matter to me anymore.
V: Nobody knows who my parents were at all. Valentino is my thing. Naota: My father was Italian and mother was Japanese. I feel close to both. V, have you ever tried to look for your biological parents? V: Nah, have my family already. I've got old man Padre and Mama Welles. But don't you even think about a thing between them. They are good friends, nothing more.
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V: Green grapes and lemons. Well I don't enjoy eating lemons, but love lemonade. Naota: It's hard to choose... apples, oranges, cherries... V: And season? Summer. Not because of the weather, because I can play in water a lot. Naota: I like winter. I feel cold easily but it's still my favorite. Warm clothes, soft blankets and hot... Wait we have another question for that, please save it! Naota: Oh.
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V: Not really interested in, but red or yellow ones are pretty. Naota: I do love flowers. Peony and hibiscus are my favorite. V: Don't forget a desert rose, D-rose. Desert rose- Adenium? Is there a story about it? I'd like to hear. Naota: Um... my partner gave it to me as a gift before. I still have the pot and it means a lot to me. And D-rose? V: The whole family calls him D-rose because of it. (Looking at Naota) You're blushed, amigo. Naota: ....
V: Hmm never really thought about that. I think my man uses kinda perfume. No clue what it is, but he smells good. Naota: Fresh ones such as herbs. I like the smell of flowers, too.
V: Soda. But coffee is also good. Naota: Hot chocolate... oh this is why you stopped me earlier. Yes, I like winter and I like hot chocolate.
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V: 6 or 7? I'm not a morning dude so probably wake up later than most people. Naota: I used to have a sleeping problem but it's getting better. V: Thanks to the biiiiig cuddly teddy bear. I have some plushies on my bed too. How big is it? Naota: No! It's... not... a plush. Let's move on.
V: I like both, but with my baby Nibbles I'm currently a cat person. Naota: I've been always fond of cats.
V: I want to go to the most beautiful, clean beaches in the world, not ones that are full of trash. Not sure if there is any left. Naota: I haven't thought about it. But with my family now, wherever will be great.
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V: Rocky Balboa. If you want to talk about this with me, we should make another schedule. Naota: Unico. He's a baby unicorn who has a power making people happy. He's also very cute.
V: Do you need more than one?? Naota: Yes, V. I usually have two blankets, more in winter. V: What? I mean. WHY? Naota: It's warm, comfortable... V: Man. I don't get it.
V: I can hold my breath pretty long in water. Without any gear or cyberware. My record is 6 minutes 28 sec. Naota: That's amazing, V. Indeed. Do you train for it? V: Maybe a little? Think I was born with it. I just feel comfortable in water. How about you? Naota: I can't think of anything... I'll pass. OH.
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I think most of people I know have already been tagged, but if there's anyone interested please go ahead!🤗
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And this is Unico Naota mentioned, in case anyone was wondering. The idea just came up with when I saw the question. It was pure coincidence Naota has pink hair like Unico and I like it🤣
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halloweenbitch2764 · 5 months
Im sorry but Im just checking because the first time I sent my ask, it said error occurred. So Im resending this again just in case the first one didn’t come through!
Could you do NSFW FemFarmer x Penny when Farmer slept with many people in the past, but it’s Penny’s first time. Farmer kinda brags about it when they’re doing the deed, teasing Penny for being inexperienced, causing Penny to feel insecure. Oh, but give happy ending please! Love your works by the way! ❤️
I got it the first time so don't worry! I've just been contemplating how I want to write this one. Also I have yet to have actually romanced Penny so forgive if this feels OOC. I'm writing this based on how I see her.
Experienced Reader, Inexperienced Penny (Part 1?)
Finally, you and Penny had some alone time. Between Pam being around, Penny teaching Jas and Vincent, and you doing your farm work, it seemed like you didn't really get to be around Penny like you wanted to. You two had been dating for a couple of months at this point.
You sat on her bed, watching as Penny cleaned up a couple of things that were on her bedroom floor. "Have you ever thought about having sex with me?" You asked, breaking the silence. Penny froze, and for a moment, you feared you had been too forward. "I mean, I totally get if not -" "Yes, I've thought about it." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth. She'd thought about it. She'd actually gotten off to the thought when she knew her mother was passed out for the night.
A blush dusted your face. It was the answer you hoped for but didn't necessarily expect. "Soooooo would you be interested?" She stood in front of you, making you look up at her. Your hands rested on her hips as you asked the question. "Yes, I would be." Her cheeks were rosy red, and she seemed shy at admitting to it.
You did a cheer in your mind before you suddenly pulled her skirt down. She squeaked, which made you laugh. "Damn baby, relax." She was wearing a pair of black panties underneath. "Sorry." She mumbled, causing you to chuckle. "No need to apologize. Guess I'm more used to it than you." You pulled her onto your lap and kissed her.
It started off slow but soon became more passionate, giving gentle bites at her lower lip and licking it. She seemed so shy to what was happening, but she didn't back away. Your hands moved to her shirt buttons, and you took it off of her, throwing it to the floor. You broke the kiss after a minute. "Take my shirt off." You instructed, and she did as told. Then she started to take your bra off. Well, tried. "Can't even get my bra off? Damn you must be new to this." You teased. She huffed softly in embarrassment while you took your bra off.
She copied your movements, taking her own bra off. You moved her so she was lying on her bed, and you crawled on top of her. You straddled her hips and let your hands play with her tits. Your thumbs ran over her nipples which hardened under your touch. Her breathing became more labored and uneven.
You started kissing her neck and slowly moved down to her collarbone and then her breasts. You wrapped your lips around her nipples, sucking on them and running your tongue over them gently. Soft whimpers came from Penny. You repeated your actions on her other breast before moving down. You pressed soft kisses to her stomach before reaching her panty line.
You looked up at her to see if she wanted you to stop, but she didn't. You pressed a kiss to her cunt through her panties. A soft, teasing gasp came from you. "Ooooo, somebody is excited." You teased. She hid her face in her hands in embarrassment. "So inexperienced." She suddenly frowned, shifting a bit as the mood seemed to change.
"What's wrong?" She avoided eye contact for a moment before she spoke. "I just... you've made a few comments about how I don't know what I'm doing. It's making me feel insecure and really inexperienced. I know I don't know what I'm doing, but you don't have to point it out." She rubbed her arm as she spoke. You hadn't mentioned her inexperience to make her insecure. It was more just to tease her some.
"I'm sorry I made you feel like that. I was just teasing you. I know this is all new to you, and I don't expect you to be an expert. You're doing great so far." She nodded a bit, and you kissed her gently. "Just relax, alright?" You said softly. She nodded again.
You moved back to your position between her legs and pulled her panties off. You kissed her upper inner thighs, nipping gently ever so often. Soft whines and whimpers came from Penny. You licked her pussy lips teasingly slow and her breath hitched. Suddenly, you let your tongue lick her slit. A soft gasp and moan came from her. You mentally giggled at the noises.
Your tongue gently swirled around her clit and poked at her entrance. Her hands went to your hair, and gripped it at the feeling as your tongue continued to move. She tasted sweet and even better than you could have imagined. You let your tongue play with her clit. Her hips bucked a bit at the feeling, and you used your strength to pin her hips to the bed.
You pushed a finger in her gently. She was soaking wet, and it didn't take long for you to add a second finger. She started moaning softly, sometimes muffling herself with her hand if she felt like she was being too loud.
"Fuck, fuck I-I'm close." She moaned out. Her fingers gripped your hair tighter. Your tongue ministrations became quicker, following the pattern that seemed to be getting her close. It wasn't long before she let out a loud moan and her cunt throbbed around your fingers.
She panted softly as you pulled your fingers out, licking the cum off of them as Penny blushed brightly at the sight (though it was impossible to tell).
After a little bit of catching her breath, she grinned at you. "Do you want me to try and make you cum now?"
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lussiane333 · 1 year
I saw the name VINCENT SINCLAIR IN THE LIST OF WHO U WRITE FOR?? Omg u got my favorite slasher, now I HAVE to share my ideas w u
ok ok, so let’s say his s/o is an artist too, right? I feel like they would model for each other. Like, we all know how there are head canons of Vincent and his s/o going on cute dates like sitting under the shade of a tree and having a picnic with various fruits and stuff, yk, the romantic shit, but I imagine them sitting only a foot away from each other both with their noses in sketchbooks as they glance back and forth from the paper to the other and each time they make eye contact they just blush n get shy or something cute like that-
or like, if his s/o has long hair, they just do each other’s hair to relax after long days of murdering and waxing n stuff. But I also imagine Vincent having a really southern accent when he whispers. Bc, well, we know he can breathe, so wether he can speak or not doesn’t rlly matter since he can just kinda whisper without a voice lol. But both of his brothers have THICC southern accents, and in EVERY SINGLE FANFIC where Vincent speaks, (which I don’t agree with but I’m not here to shame bc that’s not cool) he never has an accent :(
u don’t have to even respond to this lol I know I’m not that imaginative, but I hope that I gave u some ideas or inspiration!
-btw u look great today ;)
Hello there! I'm glad you decided to share your ideas and thoughts with me 🖤
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If you are also into art, he would want to make and create stuff with you together! (Vincent would like to hear your every idea how to make his "living figurines" even more interesting looking)
If you brought up the idea of drawing and sketching each other, he would clean around his space and try to make it the most comfortable for both of you!
He would get everything, your every little detail. For him, drawing and painting is the other way to admire and cherish beauty.
Vincent would definitely stop drawing unintentionally and look at you, you'd notice him, give him that beautiful smile he loves, and if he's without mask you would notice his mouth corners slowly rising up, never taking his eyes off you. I also imagine tired Vincent and you in bed, massaging his palms, helping him to relax and he's just like in heaven.
He asks you to pose for him very often. He has this little sketchbook that is full of drawings that are forming into the final piece of you.
The hair stuff? Yes. Brushing through his long hair while being pressed against him, he just melts.
Imagine he is working on his next thing, or cleaning his knives, or medical supplies he has, he's deeply focused and of course his hair is getting in the way. He doesn't pay it no mind, he's used to it and it somehow comforts him even. But getting the stuff out of his hair is not so comforting.. So you walk over to him, and put his hair up with a tie and kiss his cheek, he really does appreciate it.
After a long tiring day Vincent loves when he can just lay on top of you and bury his face into the crook of your neck, feel you, and smell your hair and scent.
His absolutely favorite thing is when you tangle your hands into his hair and go through it with your fingers. Best way for him to fall asleep. Now if you have long hair, expect Vincent want to braid and brush it every chance he gets. He likes how your hair looks and loves the way it smells! If you're using some oils, he's doing it for you now. If you have short hair he still wants to brush it, stroke it, and help you wash it in the shower.
The accent.. Again, Vincent snuggled up with you, arms around you and listening to you talk about things, and maybe you even asked him something he doesn't really know, he just looks at you and is like:
"I love ya.. so much" and holds you even tighter to him.
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