#how’d queue break your arm?
sincereme · 4 months
continued from here.
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UNFORTUNATELY FOR HER, CONNOR DOESN’T CARE ABOUT GETTING IN TROUBLE. HE SIGHS. IT’S A LONG, drawn out sigh. He hopes it tells her that he doesn’t want to talk to her. He’s never been the most social of people, but being stuck in a psych ward for months on end will do wonders to your social battery. Now he really isn’t a social person. He prefers to just stare at the wall and pick at spots on his clothes. And he glares at anyone that tries to talk to him. It’s worked so far.
The fact that it’s not working on her is starting to annoy him. “Well, fuck them, then.” He glances over to the nurses. They’re staring back at him and Connor rolls his eyes. “Go away.” His head hits the wall behind him and he groans. “No.” He takes a deep breath. “Fine. It’s Connor. Can you go away now?”
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Envenomate - 3
It’s never good to lose track of the eels.
Floyd was supposed to be at the bar, and Jade was supposed to be watching the door, but now neither of them is where they should be. ‘Worried’ is less the word you’re looking for than is ‘concerned.’
Your watch lights up and a text rolls across the screen. It’s just a string of emojis, but you get the message.
You sigh. You had hoped for a few more minutes to finish your makeup, but it’s probably best to resolve the situation before someone loses their patience. As it turns out, someone is Ace.
“Bro, we’re literally on the list!”
Floyd just laughs. “I don’t need to check a list to know that small fry aren’t on it.”
Ace is about to snap when he sees you. He waves frantically as if you’re not headed toward him directly already. “Hey!”
You fold your arms over your chest in a show of annoyance, though it conveniently helps you fight some of the cold air blowing in from outside while you’re at it. “Floyd, could you let my friends in, please?”
“Ehhhh…what if I don’t wanna, lil’ Seahorsie?”
You give him a look. He smirks maniacally, daring you. But you know him too well to back down. “Jade!” you call.
Floyd rolls his eyes and swings back to face the growing queue. “Fiiine, geez, you’re so boring. Don’t break anything, kids.” He ushers the squad inside.
“Thank you, Jeeves,” Ace snickers.
Floyd trips him accordingly, but Deuce reacts fast enough to catch him.
Another sigh. “Well, hey, you all made it. Please let that be the most chaos you cause tonight.”
Epel and Deuce nod as if they’re not the same classmates ready to square up with anyone who blinks at them wrong 100% of the time.
“How’d you do on the test?” Deuce asks as the four of you meander through the Lounge. “I got an 83.”
“Oh, damn, I forgot to check,” you tell them. “I def got the last two questions wrong, though. And whatever was on the bottom of page 3 really had me stuck.”
Epel waves off your concerns. “Eh, you probably did fine. I didn’t check mine, either.”
“Hope you told your boy we’re drinking on your tab tonight,” Ace says when he comes back with four bottles of beer.
You take a polite sip of yours and pass it back to him. “Here, extra one on me.”
Ace tilts his head in his silent way of asking you what’s wrong. You reply with your mild-wince-and-one-shoulder-shrug combination to tell him it’s nothing.
A leather glove the temperature of the basement storage room lands on your bare shoulder, uncomfortably close to your neck, careful not to hide the red circles adorning it. “Regrettably, it will be some time before Azul is available, little Seahorse,” Jade says in his usual honeyed tones. You can feel the wet warmth of his breath. Imagining the inside of his mouth makes you cringe so hard you might as well turn inside out.
“Yeah, thanks, I figured,” you say as you wriggle out of his grasp with less-than-casual urgency. “I’m fine here.” You throw yourself into the middle of your friends with all the subtlety of a kid doing a cannonball at a pool party.
Jade shrugs and leaves you with a smile that’s too small to show his teeth but too tight to hide the bulging shape of them against his taut cheeks.
You take your beer back from Ace after all.
“You okay?” Deuce asks with a glance at Epel, suggesting the ludicrous notion that they would fight Jade on your behalf.
“Yeah, fine. Don’t worry about the weirdos.” Ace made a pretty sizable dent in your beer, so you’re able to chug the rest of it in a few gulps.
It’s good that Azul wants to keep you safe, and it’s fine that he wants his twin mercenaries to keep an eye on you. It’s just that sometimes you wonder how safe you really are.
1 | 2 | {3} | 4 | 5
21 notes · View notes
lorre-verie · 1 year
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡. 𝟑 ࿐ྂ
summary: (part 3 of the 'my sanctuary' series) you were falling deeply in love with Neteyam and you didn’t know it. The feelings that stirred inside you made you scared, causing you to avoid him for the next week. When you finally reconcile and apologise to him, Ao’nung starts a fight with his younger siblings. What will happen when your younger brother makes it clear that he detests you growing closer with the oldest son of Toruk Makto?
word count: 6.3k words
pairings: neteyam x gn! Ao’nung’s older twin! reader, lo’ak x tsireya
warnings: family problems, tonowari and ronal scolding Ao’nung, Ao’nung being mad at you and Tsireya, its all really just a shitshow towards the end of this chapter really, CUSSING, this is rlly for the purpose building towards the big problem in the next chapter
dictionary: - queue: the thing the na’vi use to make the bond - akula: the shark thing that almost killed Lo’ak - paskalin: honey (term of endearment) part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5| masterlist
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“What’s your dream, y/n?” Neteyam whispered, surveying you. He took in the sight that he saw in front of him; you sitting next to him, the purple and blue lights of the cave illuminating your face and your body. You looked magical to him, celestial, even. You bit back a smile, this man was ridiculous. 
“Seriously? The first question you ask me and it couldn’t be something like "what's your favorite color?"” you turned your gaze towards him, his signature smirk already spread across his face. He spread his legs as he sat on the dark blue floor of the cave, legs submerged in the water. He rested his forearms on his lap and folded his hands together. 
“That’s not a fun question. And I already know what it is.” he chuckles, as you scrunch up your nose and forehead, crossing your arms. “No you don’t.” you say in skepticism. “It’s yellow.” he smiled, amused that you didn’t yet understand how observant he was.
You angled your head sideways, how’d he know? Not even your brother knew your favorite color. “I can see it,” he began, still smiling. “It’s the color of the shell you just placed on the wall. You tend to look at yellow things longer than others. You also seem like a yellow sort of person.” 
You tried to keep calm, to not show obviously that he was right. He noticed the shell? He’d noticed how your eyes brightened up ever so slightly when you saw something yellow; something less common in the area that you took the Sullys diving in. 
“Yellow sort of person?” you said in a stern voice, wishing for him to elaborate yet still not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right, but the way your gaze softened betrayed you. 
He let out a quick exhale, feeling slightly prouder of himself now that he knew he was right. “You know, you are really good at hiding what you really feel inside. You always seem so calm and put together, but really you’re teeming with energy and passion. I can see it in your eyes.” he said, never breaking eye contact with you. 
He could read you so well, yet he’d only known you for 2 days.
“You were much happier today compared to yesterday. I can tell you love the ocean,” he pauses, the calmness in his tone contorting into a playful one, “well, much happier except for when you started attacking me like a–” you slapped the side of his neck where his vocal chords were, preventing him from finishing the sentence to which he threw his head back and laughed.
You couldn’t help but admire him as he did so, his cute smile making you forget what he said just moments ago. His hair was undeniably light and flowy, always shaking around with his movements or whipping wildly in the wind. You felt blood rush to your cheeks, hiding it by looking down at the water pool below you. 
A plethora of bioluminescent algae waved around on the bottom of the pool, the attractive light stretching through the water and shining on your feet. Your ears fluttered, hearing he wasn’t laughing anymore, and you looked at him, meeting his gaze.
He was truly beautiful. Freakishly annoying at times, but thoughtful and kind. A small smile snuck its way onto your face, mirroring his. 
“You never answered the question. What’s your dream, lover of the sea?” he whispered, his thick omaticayan accent yet again causing a slight shiver to run down your spine. You took a deep breath in and sighed, you were really about to spill your guts to someone who was supposed to be a complete stranger. 
But to you it felt like you had already known him your entire life. 
“My dream is to be free,” you breathed, eyes twinkling with longing as you looked at him, whether it was longing for him or longing for freedom, you were unsure. “I want to be able to run wild, go wherever I want without having to worry about everyone else.” 
“I want to explore every inch of Pandora that there is,” you finished, leaning back and using your arms to support your body. His little smile grew into a full blown grin. “What? Too unrealistic?” you unconsciously bit the inside of your lip, worried he’d think you were being absurd. “No. It’s a beautiful dream. I just didn’t realize how similar we are.” he said, placing his hand near yours on the hard rock. 
“We are?” you asked, tilting your head. “Yeah.” he chuckles. “Same dream, same thing holding us back. We care too much about our loved ones.” You look at him, knitting your nonexistent brows together. So he felt like that too? He noticed your worried expression and quickly changed the topic. “It’s your turn to ask me a question.”
“Okay then mighty warrior,” you put a finger to your chin, pretending to think. You were in fact concerned about him, but if he didn’t want to talk about it you wouldn’t push it. “Do you like boys or girls?” you asked, your facial features now wearing a complacent grin. 
His ears turned dark purple, although his face stayed neutral. “What, hm, what would make you ask that question?” he stammered, confident facade faltering before you. “Don’t change the subject Neteyam, just answer it!” you teased. 
You hated when he messed with you, but when it was the other way around, boy did you have fun.
He coughs, “Well, I’m okay with both.” “Both? Why Neteyam, I didn’t know you were such a player.” you playfully hit him on his shoulder, cackling. “You know that's not what I meant! I, I can have romantic interest in either! How about you then?” he asks, huffing and crossing his arms. 
“Hm well, same with you,” you answered, “But my type is tall, strong omaticayans, mainly the handsome ones,” you grin, giving him a look. “Preferably older than me.” 
He smirks at your statements, cocking his head to the side. His arrogant little self was back, but you already knew how you were going to humble him. 
“Oh yeah? I think I know someone who fits that description.” he commented, pleasure dancing around in his eyes, thinking you were talking about him. You decided to indulge in his little fantasy. “Mmm, I think you know him very well,” you smile.
What he did next made your heart stop; he leaned in suddenly, looking down at your lips and then closing his eyes. This was not the plan, he was about to kiss you! But you weren’t going to let him do that, at least not so easily. 
You placed a finger on his lips, stopping his advances. He opened his eyes, looking into yours, slightly confused, and you leaned into his ear and whispered, “It’s your dad.” 
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You were clutching your stomach, howling with laughter as Neteyam sat at the opposite corner of the cave to you, glaring daggers and frowning. “You- You should have seen your face– It was so funny–” you said in between laughter, pointing at the omaticayan. His frown grew bigger, then he mumbled something you couldn’t hear. “Wha, what was that?” you wiped a tear from your eye as he got up from his sitting position, a sullen look on his face.
“I said, I’ll show you what’s really funny!” he repeated, and you let out a scream as he lunged at you, pushing you into the water pool. You flailed your arms around helplessly in the water as he started to tickle your sides, sending you into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. His movement was limited, however, due to the water slowing him down. 
Out of instinct, you pulled his hair, dragging his head down into the water with you. The next 7 minutes consisted of kicking each other, trying to get away in the water before being dragged by the foot back to the middle of the pool, as the gill mantle looked on from the corner in absolute terror watching two na’vi seemingly try to rip each other's heads off. 
After a while you both were exhausted, crawling onto the rock steps and back onto the little platform. You collapsed on your back, looking up to the miraculously picturesque ceiling, breathing heavily and trying to regain your energy. He did the same, and you both were just sprawled out, sopping wet and heaving in the middle of the floor. 
You both turned your heads simultaneously, looking at each other. When you both made eye contact, seeing one another equally disheveled and exhausted beyond belief made you want to burst out into laughter. You fought to try and contain the smile that appeared on your face, but your body would not listen. It was happy, and so were you. Neteyam was holding back as well, biting his lip to prevent him from laughing and resulting in a rather ugly face he was making.
You snorted, and then the two of you erupted into little childish fits of giggles. This would definitely be a strange sight to see, you thought to yourself. You wondered for a second how your father would react to seeing you messing around with a boy like little kids, but in the end you didn’t care.
You sat up, still drenched from head to toe, lifting up your arm and holding your hand out. “Truce?” you offered, a devious smile on your face. He took your hand to lift him up from the floor, and he pulled a face as if he was considering your oh so kind offer. “Truce.”
The next few hours you spent with neteyam felt like pure bliss. The unfamiliar feeling of such warmth spread throughout your body, but you welcomed it with your whole heart. You two cracked jokes, teased each other until you turned purple, touching and hitting each other for fun. 
He had taught you some english, more specifically the slang, and in return you had taught him how to properly hold his breath, placing your hands on his stomach and chest to assist. The beating of his heart quickened when you felt his body, and you simply pretended not to know why. “Calm yourself, Nete.” you say in a low voice, and it makes his heartbeat even faster for the use of the nickname.
He was only able to look at you and hear your voice as he sucked in a breath, embracing the feeling of your touch. He wished to take your hand in his and hold it for the longest time, to wrap you in a tight hug and whisper sweet nothings in your ear of how beautiful you were and even more so how stunning your mind was. 
You were a thoughtful soul, akin to his own. He almost cursed Eywa for making a creature with a spirit as effervescent as yours, yet condemning you to be trapped within your cage of responsibilities. If you wanted to run away with him one day and leave everything behind, he would say yes faster than you could say his name. 
You clapped your hands together in front of his face, unknowingly pulling him out of his lovesick trance. “Nete?? Pay attention to me. You don’t just get lessons from the person next in line to be olo’eyktan and just get lost in your own thoughts,” you rolled your eyes, unable to recognize the loving look in his gaze when he looked at you.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, trying to push you out of his mind even though you were right in front of him. He had been interested in you since the day you both met, of course he did, you defended his family in front of a crowd of your people after all. 
But now that he’d gotten to know you better, he was enraptured by your presence. You had locked his heart up in a cage and kept the key for yourself, and he let you do so. There was just something about you that made him feel all tingly and warm and fuzzy inside.
“Mhm.” Why was he so unfocused? “Do you know how long we’ve been in here?” His eyes snapped up to yours and he shook his head. “I’ll check, give me a bit.” you step into the water and disappear, leaving him alone in the dim cave. 
Inhaling deeply, his eyes roam around as he sits in place, closely examining the carvings on the walls, until one of them in particular catches his attention. The carving of a giant sea creature sits in the corner, the grooves gently sparkling because of a paste or paint of some sort. He gets up, indulging in his curiosity. The sea creature had tattoos like your parents, but upon closer observation he saw that it was incomplete, breaking off at the edges near the eye of the creature.
He traced his finger across the carved out tattoo, feeling into the damp crevices. The crevices felt abnormal, rough on the insides and scraping against the pad of his pointer finger, leaving a glittery sheen of moist paste on it. He bent down, eyes narrowing to take a closer look at the indentatio– “Neteyam!” he whips his head around to you emerging from the water in a panic, shaking the water from your hair. “It is almost daytime, you must go now!” 
“Shit.” he mutters, scampering towards the water and swiftly making tsaheylu with the still-traumatized gill mantle. Right as he’s about to disappear through the tunnel, he makes the decision to look at you waist deep in the water, as if it would be the last time he would ever. “What are you doing? Go now! We cannot let anyone know we were together” you shoo him away. “I can’t believe you want me gone so soon, paskalin.” he fake frowns to hide his glee in seeing the way your eyes widened in shock at the pet name. 
You wanted to scold him, to slap him or hit him or punch him, but he dipped into the tunnel with that same old smirk on his face yet again, leaving you shaken. You couldn’t believe the events that happened that day; you showed Neteyam your second home, something you hadn’t even shown to your brother or sister. 
You admitted to him your regrets, dreams and aspirations without thinking twice; perhaps he would tell his whole family? You knew he wasn’t like that, but something gnawed at the bottom of your soul, making you unnecessarily anxious. Worry lines appeared on your forehead as you sat in silence, making a prayer to Eywa while waiting until you deemed it safe to go out. 
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For the next week and a half, you’d been avoiding Neteyam, only saying quick greetings to him until you hurried away to help Lo’ak, Kiri or Tuk. But never him. You were scared. He did say stuff to you occasionally but you always ignored it, never giving him a chance to ask you about why you had been ignoring him either. 
You and your siblings agreed it was time to teach the omaticayans how to ride the ilu, and today was the first day. Unfortunately, you had fallen victim to the worst villain of all; oversleeping.
“These are ilu,” Ao’nung explained. “If you want to live here, you have to ride.” your little brother had taken your role of being the main teacher to the omaticayans in your absence, the ilu swimming in circles serenely around him. 
You spotted the group from afar in the sand and raised your hand high to wave at them, Lo’ak noticed you first and elbowed Neteyam painfully in the gut. As soon as you were deep enough in the water, your favorite ilu, Azea, swam right up next to you, clicking in joy of seeing you again. You lit up, caressing her on her forehead lovingly. “Azea, I’ve missed you!” It had been a long time since you’ve met her, since she’d given birth, she had been too weak to be ridden. 
You connected your queues together, feeling her strength and pride surge through your own body after she had successfully birthed 3 healthy baby ilus, as well as her love for them. You smiled, getting on her back and patting it gently, motioning her to move forward towards the group.
Before you could even apologize for being late, Neteyam spoke up. “Well someone’s late. Sleep well?” you sent him an unamused look, brushing away his attempts at interaction with you again.
It was a gorgeous morning like any other, the daylight descended beautifully from the sky refracting into the ocean, making those wonderfully familiar abstract lines of light on the warm sea. You disconnected your queue from Azea’s, signing thank you. You tread through the water and stood next to Tsireya while Ao’nung continued explaining what the correct position was for riding.
A far off look was marked on her face, her eyes pointed downwards to the sand below her and she fiddled with her thumbs. Had something happened that you didn't know of? “Psst.” you whispered, and she snapped out of her daze, looking at you. “Oh! I’m sorry that I haven’t greeted you yet, y/n, I was thinking about something.” she apologized, signing a greeting. She definitely looked distraught, her ears were tense and pointed towards the sky. 
“Are you okay? Did something bad happen?” you put a hand on her back worriedly, it wasn't like her to be so jittery this early in the morning. Normally she would have a bright smile on her face, excited for the day ahead and what adventures awaited her, but now she just seemed conflicted, troubled about something. “No no, it’s nothing like that. But can we talk about it later? I’m sorry,” she sighed, unable to meet your gaze. 
“It’s alright, sister. When you are ready, I will be here for you.” you reassured her, rubbing her back and she gave you a smile, grateful that you were so understanding. “If anyone hurt you, I will make sure to feed them to the akula.” you grin, and she covered her giggle with her hand. 
At last, Ao’nung had finished his explanation, and the omaticayans dispersed with a metkayina each to instruct them. Tsireya went with Lo’ak and Rotxo went with Tuk. You sent Neteyam off with Ao’nung, much to their dismay (but Ao’nung would have been unhappy either way), and you were left with Kiri and a gorgeously light purple ilu that had been swimming around her since she joined Ao’nung’s lecture.
“His name is Kahäì. I noticed he took a liking to you earlier, so I figured it would be best to start with him,” you say, crossing your arms as Kiri happily played around with Kahäì. “He might not continue to like you after you make the bond, though. Some ilus are just like that.” 
“Well I think we’ll get along just fine, don’t you, Kahäì?” she paid no heed to your warning, continuing to playfully splash little amounts of water onto the ilu’s back and fins. Your heart warmed at the thought of seeing a new friendship bloom like yours and Azea’s, observing how Kiri’s eyes had lit up when she realised she would be bonding with an ilu that day.
“Make the bond gently. Try taking what Ao’nung said before and applying it in your own posture now.” you gave an encouraging smile, which she really didn’t need. 
Just moments later, you and Kiri were circling around each other on your ilus inside the ocean having the time of your lives being surrounded by the multicoloured schools of fish, warm rays of light leading the way as you both twirled around under a rock structure shaped like an archway. She spotted her brothers swimming after each other and joined in the chase, dragging you into it as well.
The way the water tried to push back your body as you told Azea to go faster sent your heart into a rush, you were smiling so hard as you tried to catch Kiri’s free hand, swallowing water when you saw Lo’ak almost get flinged off his ilu trying to catch his brother. The female omaticayan in front of you started leading Kahäì up to the surface and breaking off from the chain, and you realised she was out of breath, tailing her just in case.
She whipped her hair around when she resurfaced, taking in deep breaths before you emerged right after her. “You did great, Kiri!” you congratulate her. You hadn’t ever seen anyone as in touch with their ilu on the first ride, much less someone from the forest. She smiled in return, but it quickly disappeared once she saw the pained expression on your face. You felt a sharp stabbing pain in your body, your hand quickly flying to clutch your stomach. 
“Y/n! Are you alright?” She inched Kahäì closer to you, the purple ilu nudging his head gently against Azea’s neck worriedly. You could feel every bit of her pain, disconnecting your queue from hers hurriedly. “I am, but she’s not.” you breathed out, rubbing circles on her back as she grunted in agony. 
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“Will she be alright?” Kiri asks as she puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes it, eyebrows furrowed. You suck in a breath. You were both crouching down in the sand in the middle of the day after you led an injured Azea back to the ilu pen where she would receive care from the healers there, and you just felt so incredibly guilty about the whole ordeal. Had you not raced with her, perhaps she wouldn’t have been going through such pain. 
“Yeah,” you sigh. “They said she would be fine but I can’t ride her for the time being.” you say, cupping your hands in your face. “You should go, Kiri. Don’t let my sour mood spoil the rest of your day, alright?” you look up to her, giving her a sheepish grin. She nods and gives you space, and you bury your face into your hands again. 
You took a deep breath in, repeating to yourself in your heart that it wasn’t your fault in an attempt to lessen the guilt that was crushing your lungs. 
Another breath. This time you concentrated on the sounds around you; the leaves of the trees behind you rustled in the light breeze, the waves crashed gently against the sand, water touching the tips of your toes. 
Inhale. You heard the fluttering of wings soaring above you and the tiny pitter patters of the little crabs scurrying across the beach. Exhale.
Inhale. You heard the soft shifting of sand; someone was walking, nearing your location from your right. Exhale.
Inhale. You have half a mind to run. Exhale.
Inhale. You don’t have the energy for that. Exhale.
Inhale. They’re coming closer now. Exhale.
Inhale. You turned your head away from your hands, and the first thing you saw were legs heading towards your crouched form, interstellar blue stripes adorning them. You squint, eyes still adjusting to the light, unable to discern which Sully sibling was walking towards you. But you certainly had a guess.
“Y/n?” a low voice asked you, and the accent gave it away. Exhale. 
“Hi, Nete.” you responded, mindlessly putting your arms over each other, blankly staring into the horizon. He sat next to you, crossing his legs. You waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. Instead he was gazing straight ahead, looking into the waters. 
“Are you going to say something?” you ask him. “I think it is you who has something to say to me, y/n.” he rolls his eyes, tracing patterns into the damp sand. You kept quiet, knowing he was upset you had been ignoring him.
He turned to you. “The last time we actually talked was that night. You ignored me completely for more than a week, and then you sent me off training with your stupid brother this morning, which is really the worst of it all.” he huffed. You looked at him, astonished. He had a small sad smile on his face as he drew a frowny face in the beige sand.
You sigh, feeling ashamed of yourself. You felt unnerved telling him about your escapades, yet you just ran away from him like you did every other problem in your life. “Forgive me, Neteyam. I did not mean to be so distant. I was just….I don’t know.” you muttered, the sinking feeling in your stomach dropping lower because you couldn’t even find the words to explain to him how you felt.
“No words have to be said.” he gave you a small smile. “But, I must ask you,” he looked into your eyes; it was the first time you’d really looked at him in a week. His golden eyes made a little home in your heart, and you welcomed them with open arms. “Was it because of me?” his voice was barely above a whisper, eyes searching your face.
You bit the inside of your lip, shaking your head. “Of course not. I was just too busy trying to protect myself. And my heart,” you placed a hand on your chest, feeling your heartbeat quicken. “Well that’s good to know.” he nodded, breaking eye contact to look back down at the small frowny face, already washed away by the foamy waves. 
He uncrossed his legs, using a hand to push himself up. “Come. Let’s take a walk.” he extended his hand, a half-smile turning up one side of his mouth. You gaped at him, a flush creeping through your face as you realised how he absolutely towered over you in this position. You took his hand and pulled yourself up, and you both walked in tandem along the beach. You confided in him, telling him about what happened to Azea. 
Your hands dangled close to each other as you finished, voice trailing off. The urge to take his hand and interlock your pinkies together was insane, to the point that you almost did so. 
“I’m sorry that happened. But if Azea is anything like you then she’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.” he smiled to himself. “It already happened, don’t get too worked up about it.” he looked at you, noticing your gaze fixed on the both of your hands. A wry smile appeared on his face, and he was about to tease you, until he heard the mocking voices of others ahead.
Your brothers and his friends surrounded Kiri and Lo’ak, you could hear that they were calling them ''baby tails'' and laughing at them, and before you could even say anything, Neteyam was already stomping towards them, movement poisoned with anger. He pushed your brother away by the shoulder and you walked towards them, arms crossed. “You heard what she said.” he spat, words laced with venom. You hadn’t seen him so angry before. 
“Leave them alone.” he threatened, a finger stabbed to Ao’nung’s chest. One of his friends stepped up behind him, mocking Neteyam. “Aha, big brother coming to the–” Ao’nung raised an arm, stopping him mid sentence. “Back. Off.” he spoke through gritted teeth, and your little brother raised his arms. 
Annoyance was written all over your face. Seriously? What kind of things are your brother and his friends getting up to? You scanned the group, checking if Rotxo was present. You saw no sign of him, sighing in relief. If Rotxo was encouraging this type of behavior you would have to tell your father that he was in fact, not a good influence on his son. 
You guessed Ao’nung didn’t see you with Neteyam, because as the omaticayans stepped away, he and his friends huddled together, blatantly calling them and their whole family freaks even though he knew they were in earshot. Your jaw tensed, what the hell?
Lo’ak turned and stalked towards him, intent hidden. “I know this hand is funny. Look, I’m a freak. Alien.” he wiggled his littlest finger, Ao’nung looking at him with a cheshire smile.
“But it can do something really cool. Watch. First I ball the top really tight like this, okay?” he curled his fingers into a tight ball. Your eyes widened, knowing what he was about to do. “Then–” he punched your brother square in the face, and you audibly gasped even though you knew it was going to come. He punched a second time, and a third, knocking Ao’nung into the sand with a bloody nose. 
You stood there in shock. Watching someone beat up your brother right in front of you was something you never, ever thought would happen, but there it was. “It’s called a punch, bitch! Don’t ever touch my sister again!” you recognized the word from last week, Neteyam had told you it was an offensive and insulting word.
You were in a dilemma. Your brother had been punched and knocked to the ground, so you were supposed to save him, right? But then again, he had done something inexcusable for his age and status, mocking others in front of their face. Perhaps he deserved this. But it was your duty as his protector and older sibling to save him. Ao’nung and his friends hissed back at Lo’ak and a full on fight had commenced, he tackled Lo’ak into the water and the omaticayan punched him in the face.
Ao’nung’s friend pulled Lo’ak’s tail, and you were about to put a stop to it until you saw Neteyam joining the fight. “AGHH MY EAR! LET GO!!” your brother shrieked in pain, Kiri couldn’t help but laugh even though she was shouting at them to stop just moments ago. You had enough. You walked right up to them, crossing your arms and locking eyes with one of Ao’nung’s friends, sending him a death glare.
His ears flattened and he stopped pulling Lo’ak’s tail. Soon enough everyone including your brother had noticed you staring at them with a harsh look in your eye, arms crossed and tail raised. They knew they were all in deep shit.
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“How could you say such things!” Ronal stressed, hands massaging her temples. Ao’nung was down on one knee on the floor of your family’s marui, looking down expressionless. You sat on a hammock in the corner, watching with your arms crossed. You had brought him to the healers tent to stop his bleeding nose after the fight finished. Around that time your mother was usually out collecting herbs, but instead she was there when you both walked in.
She interrogated you and your brother about his injury, about to explode in anger at the person who hurt his son. You had no choice but to tell the truth, Ao’nung avoiding her gaze in shame and fear of her reaction. The look on her face was no less than terrifying, similar to her expression now. Your father was there too, angered. “Ao’nung, what excuse do you have for instigating a fight with Jake Sully’s family?” he asked calmly, but you knew that he was fuming on the inside. 
“None, father.” Ao’nung muttered, knowing to look into his father’s eyes when responding. You could do nothing but watch the scene unfold, your lips in a tight line. You truly felt bad for your brother, you cared for him so. But what he did was horrible, and you couldn’t save him past that point. Your father let out a long, disappointed sigh, your brother’s ears flattening in response. 
“What were you thinking? You are the son of the olo’eyktan. You’re supposed to be a role model, not a disappointment.” Tonowari scolded him, Ao’nung’s facial expression unchanging. “Where did you learn this type of behavior? Because I certainly didn’t teach you any of this.” 
The pit in your heart fell deeper and deeper with every word you heard your father say to your brother. You never liked seeing either of your siblings scolded, especially when you couldn’t defend them. You felt helpless, just watching as your parents scolded him for his insolence. They were loving and understanding, but on the rare occasions that you or your siblings messed up, they could make your blood run cold with just one look. 
Tsireya strolled in, face beaming. “Father, mother! I have something to–” she broke off mid sentence, heart plummeting at the sight of her brother down on her knees, parents seething with anger practically radiating off of them. Your father exhaled through his nose, closing his eyes. “Y/n, get your sister out of here. We will deal with Ao’nung on our own.” 
Your brother's eyes flickered upwards, meeting yours. His teal eyes flashed with fear, begging you to not go as you stood up. You gave him an apologetic look, this was out of your hands. You walked, steps heavy with a potent mixture of guilt and regret, towards your sister, gesturing to her to follow you outside. 
You both walked away from the marui, and you explained what happened to Tsireya, her ears straightening down in horror as she heard about the fight. “But how could he do such a thing! I knew he didn’t like them but I didn’t think it was to this extent!” she gasped, worry lines appearing on her forehead. 
“I’m not sure what got into him. But I feel partially responsible. If I had just stopped the fight sooner, none of this would have just happened.” you sighed, feeling horrible for something that yet again was your fault. It seemed to you that you were just messing everything up nowadays. “That’s nonsense. You are not responsible for his actions.” she reassured you, pressing her lips together. 
“But I was there, ‘Reya. I could have stopped all of this.” you wrung your hands together, mumbling. She didn’t respond for a while, and you knew it was because she couldn’t say anything to make you feel better. “How about we go for a swim? It’ll take our minds off things.” she offered, taking your hand into hers. 
You didn’t really feel like it, but her eyes glimmered with hope. She was trying her best and that was all that mattered to you. “Sure.” you smiled. “I’ll race you!” you yelled, sprinting past her into the water. She lept after you. “That’s not fair!” she called out to you, and you laughed, your feet digging into the wet sand below you. 
Swimming with Tsireya was therapeutic in a way. You both marveled at the beauty hidden underneath the ocean’s surface, harvesting some shells for your mother and twirling around nonsensically, the water flowing and carrying you both around. 
Eclipse fell, and you both agreed it was time to return home, hoping that the atmosphere would not be as bad as it was previously. You trudged out of the water, laughing together. As you dried yourself off with your hands, wiping excess water off your body as she did, you remembered that she wanted to tell your parents something. “Reya?”
“Yes?” she responded, a bright smile on her face. Swimming certainly lifted up her mood. “What was it that you wanted to tell mother and father?” you asked, watching her movement carefully to see whether it was a touchy subject or not. “Oh,” she pursed her lips, looking at you. “It’s what I was thinking about this morning.”
You raised your nonexistent eyebrows, egging her to go on. She blinked, mustering up the words to say. “I…I think I like Lo’ak.” she smiled sheepishly, awaiting your reaction. Your jaw dropped. “Really?” “..yes…is there something wrong?” “nononono! I was just surprised, that’s all!” Your smile turned into a smirk. 
“Ooooo my little sister’s got a little crushhh doesn’t she!” you teased, elbowing her side lightly. Her face turned bright purple, lowering her head to avoid your gaze. “I was frustrated this morning because I thought that our parents wouldn’t be accepting. But, it’s what I feel. And if they can’t accept it then so be it.” she huffed, crossing her arms. 
“What?” a male voice said from behind you. You both whirled around, looking at Ao’nung looking at you both with accusing eyes. “Ao’nung!” Tsireya smiled, seeing her brother. “How was–” “Shut up!” he barked, nostrils flaring. She backed up, surprised. Her brother had never said anything like that to her, ever.
You bared your teeth, angered. “What’s gotten into yo–” “You too! I can’t believe you both are betraying me!” he hissed, marching towards the both of you, strides purposeful and daring either of you to say anything to him. “What?” you asked in disbelief. Betraying him? What the hell was this all about?
“You both are seriously falling in love with those stupid forest people? What’s up with that!” his voice rose with each passing word, words barely concealing the rage that simmered just beneath the surface. “What are you talking abou–” he interrupted you again, “Don’t act dumb! I’ve seen the way you look at that skxawng, Neteyam. I’ve seen how he sneaks glances at you during training!” he stabbed his finger towards your chest, words piercing your heart. 
“So what! What’s wrong with that?” Tsireya shouted at him, ears pressed to her head. “What’s wrong?” he growled, tears welling up in Tsireya’s eyes. “They are not one of us! They will never be one of us. Why are you betraying your family like this?” he hissed. “There is nothing wrong with liking them, Ao’nung! What on Pandora has gotten into you!” you pushed him back, infuriated at his ridiculous actions.
“So you’re on their side? Is that it?” his voice was low and menacing, threatening to tear apart your heart. You couldn’t recognise the desperate look in Ao’nung’s eyes, he looked at you as if he was fighting the world with nobody to help him. Tsireya hid behind you, wiping her tears and sniffing. You couldn’t answer him, simply looking at him eyes narrowed  like he was manic. 
He sucked in a breath through his teeth, “So there’s my answer.” he pushed past you, storming away. You stood speechless, patting Tsireya’s back as she cried into your torso.
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5| masterlist
Ok jesus 😭 you would not believe how happy I am to finally be able to post this, it’s seriously been a while. I really wanted to write this reader with a really strong affinity with her family, which is why I tend to include a lot of ao’nung and tsireya moments with the reader. As alwayyssss, feedback and reblogs are appreciated greatly, and you may check my masterlist if you wish to see my other works! I do indeed remember saying that there would be tons of Neteyam headcanons in this part but i cancelled that cause i deemed it would be way too long (sorry omg)
I would also like to add that i am open for requestsss
Taglist: @strawberryclouds22 @assistantquail @st4rrry @neteyamforlife @heaven1oo4 @spicycloudsalad @1ntefly @laylasbunbunny @fanboyluvr @xoxobabe @thecrazyswamp @amortencjja @lynbubble
note: usernames in red are the ones i couldn't tag
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 12: Lost
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
warnings: mentions of sex
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You and Kia prepare for your trip, waiting for Akaashi. He mentioned about picking you up since Bokuto lent him his car. You remember about the card Sakusa told you about.
You go to his room, making sure you don’t touch anything, and see that there are two bedside tables. You checked the one on the left first. You open the drawers and see boxes of condoms, some opened, some still new. You close it and go to the other table to get the card.
Something in you says to go check the other drawer again, but it would make you feel guilty. You hear Akaashi’s car honk so you go out instead. You take Kia from the couch and leave the house.
‘Did he date someone in the last 3 years?’ The thought is bothering you and Akaashi notices. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you reply, smiling. He carries Kia and puts  Kia in the safety seat of the car. He returns to the driver’s seat while you sit on the shotgun seat.
You continue to think about what you saw. You broke up. So what if he had a girlfriend? You have no right to dig in your nose into his business. Why are you so upset about him having sex with other women? He’s a grown man. He has his needs.
“You’re spacing out,” Akaashi points out. You shake the thoughts off your mind and stare out of the window. You groan, the thoughts coming back in again. “Spill it.” So you do. You tell him about what you saw. “Why are you so upset? So what if he had sex with someone? You broke up with him, remember?”
“Exactly why I’m bothered!” You cover your face with your hands in frustration.
“If you’re so bothered, why don’t you ask him about it later?” Akaashi suggests, his eyes on the road. You sigh, nodding.
You three arrive at the theme park and suddenly you feel at ease to be outside again. Kia starts running, but luckily, Akaashi has long legs. He easily keeps up with her. You make your way to the booth, while Akaashi carries Kia around to look at some figurines by the entrance.
After you successfully retrieve your reservation tickets, you enter the theme park. Despite being a weekday, it’s still packed with tourists. There are also students in uniforms, probably in a school trip.
“Mama! Look! Robot!” Kia points to the Bumblee Bee statue. Akaashi puts her down and she runs to the statue. The figure starts speaking and Kia’s mouth hangs wide open in amazement. “It talks! Mama! Keikei! It talks!”
You continue to walk around the theme park, stopping on shops and stalls from time to time. While Akaashi excuses himself to go the toilet, you see an ice cream food stall and Kia immediately asks you to buy some for her. You take her to the stall and carry her so she can choose a flavor.
“That would be 600 yen,” the shopkeeper tells you. You put Kia down to take money out of your wallet. You pay for the ice cream. The employee gives you the treat and when you look down, Kia isn’t by your side anymore. “Kia?”
You go around the stall, in hopes that Kia just took a look somewhere near. You search and search but you don’t see any sign of your daughter. Akaashi comes back and sees you getting antsy.
“Where’s Kia?”
“Take a good rest, boys. We’ll be back to practice next week. Enjoy your free time because we won’t be having any left after this. Cool down and you may leave,” the MSBY Black Jackals coach announces. The players thank him and say their good byes.
“Training ended earlier than I thought,” Atsumu sighs in relief. “I’m so excited to go home and be in the comfort of my bed.”
“Wanna go to the gym together this Saturday, Bokuto-san?” Hinata asks the older player as they start stretching.
“If I don’t have anything to do,” Bokuto replies.
“Isn’t Akaashi in town?” Sakusa speaks, stretching his wrists. Bokuto’s attention gets stuck on the other spiker’s wrists and he forgets to respond. “Hey.”
“Oh, yeah. Akaashi is in town. How’d you know?” Bokuto eyes the curly haired man in suspicion.
“(Y/N) told me. They’re in Universal today,” Sakusa explains.
“Omi, you’re okay with Kia going to crowded places that is surely full of other people’s germs?” The blonde questions, stretching his legs.
“Do you really think I expect her to grow up like me?” Sakusa rolls his eyes, stretching his back this time. “Germs can be washed away. They can get disinfected. It’s nothing compared to Kia’s upbringing. I don’t have plans to raise her to be clean, I want her to grow up to be someone who she wants to be.”
Atsumu smiles because of his teammate’s response. Not long ago, he would think of Kia as some sort of hindrance, but now he seems happy that she’s around. The blonde also noticed how Sakusa is gradually becoming more soft with his words and actions.
They finish stretching and go back to their dorms. Sakusa is packing his things when he suddenly feels anxious. He can’t think straight. He feels something bad is about to come. He opens his door and check the hallway. “Miya’s not here. If it’s not him, what could it be?”
Sakusa goes back into his room, hearing his phone ring. He sees Kia’s contact name and answers quickly.
“What is it Kia?”
“Kyo... I lost mama,” Kia cries on the other line.
That tone. That way she said it. The feel. It’s too similar with your words 3 years ago.
“Omi... Let’s break up.”
“What? Where are you right now?” Kiyoomi runs out of the dorms. Adrenaline kicking in as he hears Kia’s sobs.
“Why? Let’s talk about it. I’m coming over.”
“I see a dinosaur,” Kia responds, worry and panic in her voice.
“I just don’t see a future for us, Omi.”
“Don’t end the call, okay?” Kiyoomi says softly despite his worries. He hears Kia crying again. He starts his car and connects his phone to the bluetooth of his car. “Hey, stop crying. I’m on my way. Just stay wherever you are.” He doesn’t get respond so he speeds up his driving. “Kia? Baby?”
“Is it something I did? Tell me! Don’t just ignore me, (Y/N).”
“Okay. I’ll wait for you.”
“I’m sorry, Sakusa. But I can’t do this anymore.”
Kiyoomi’s sports car has never been put into good use until now. He arrives in the theme park in top speed record. Luckily, there isn’t a queue on the booths so he gets a ticket promptly.
“Kia?” He puts his phone close to his ear, looking at the theme’s park map. “Are you still near the dinosaurs?”
“You’re joking, right? Tell me this is a prank.”
“Yes. Kia stayed here like you told me,” Kia responds, already calmed down. Kiyoomi rushes to the Jurassic Park area and looks for her in every corner. But Kia couldn’t explain her exact location well. He spots a kid and calls him.
“No. This isn’t a joke.”
“Have you seen this child?” He shows the back of his phone to the boy. The boy nods.
“Yes. She’s sitting near the entrance of the restaurant,” the boy answers. Before Kiyoomi could thank him, the boy recognizes him. “Aren’t you Sakusa Kiyoomi? I’m a big fan of your team!”
“Ah, thanks. Come to my next game, okay? I’ll give you a jersey.” Kiyoomi leaves him and goes to where the kid directed.
Kiyoomi spots her and his steps become bigger and his pace becomes faster. Kia sees him so she climbs down of the bench she is sitting on and runs to meet Kiyoomi halfway. He takes her into his arms, tightly hugging her. He feels her wrap her arms around him, and his heart starts breaking into pieces.
“(Y/N), I know you’re still in there. Whatever it is, let’s work it out,” Kiyoomi shouted from outside of your apartment’s door. He’s been sitting there for hours now. He leaned his back on your door, his knees close to his chest.
Did you really leave?
Were you not coming back?
There are a lot of words he had yet to tell you. He wanted to see you two accomplish your dreams together. He wanted to wake up and the first thing he sees is your face. He wanted to come home and receive your hugs as soon as he steps into the door. He wanted to see you walk down the aisle. He wanted to grow old with you. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You were all he wanted.
He regretted not hugging you tighter. He regretted not kissing you more. He regretted not spending a lot with you. If only he could do all those things one more time.
“I love you...” He cried. You always said those three words first. Why weren’t you responding?
He’s too late.
He had already lost you.
"Kyo, why are you crying?” Kia asks him, her small hands on his cheeks. She starts tearing up, sad that he’s crying. He doesn’t even know he’s crying. His thoughts is too full of fear and anxiety.
There are still a lot of lessons about life he wants to teach Kia. He wants to see her accomplish her dreams. He wants to drop her off to school. He wants to receive her hugs as he comes home from practice. He wants to see her fall in love with someone who loves her just as much as she does. He wants to see Kia grow. He wants her to see him as her father for the rest of her life.
He regrets not hugging her tight enough. He regrets not kissing her good morning and good night. He regrets not spending time with her. He regrets not being there from the start.
What if he was too late?
What if he didn’t answer her call?
What if he lost her?
“Kyo? Are you mad?” Kia’s lower lip is quivering, tears already coming out of her eyes.
“Kia..” he calls her. She pulls away from his hand and looks at him.
“Yes?” Kia’s voice is shaky. She’s afraid he’ll scold her. She promised to be a good girl. What if he hates her?
Kiyoomi takes a look at her face. He caresses her cheek with his thumb, then plants a kiss on her forehead.  ‘But I’m not too late this time. So I’ll make sure I won’t regret anything. I will never lose the two of you again.’
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Most dinosaurs were vegetarian
Many dinosaurs had feathers
The longest dinosaur name is Micropachycephalosaurus
Small carnivore dinosaurs are most likely to be the smartest type of dinosaurs
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Taglist:  @elianetsantana aoi-turtle ptv-hades  aquzairus a-applepi  justoneofthefangirls arianna-r13 morenabambinii chaelysian loser-keiji mxngy ne-kuroo n1fangirlsblog d-efend missalicebaskerville marvelousbakugou @agaashesmilktea​ bonkyandloki kimi09  ntimacy @mkazuyuh  ushi-please minty-mangos-world @dearest-kiyoomi
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verai-marcel · 4 years
The Things That We Could Be (Charles x F!Reader, Biker AU, 18+, 1 of 3)
Summary: You’re a freelance writer, trying to bust into the world of journalism. While the local paper gives you a few assignments here and there, you’re looking to catch a big break. When you start sniffing around one of the local motorcycle clubs, you find more than you can handle, and it leads you to discovering secrets about the owner of your favorite cafe, a man with warm brown eyes and the kindest smile.
Author’s Notes: This story has been in my head for a while. Hope you like it. Also disclaimer: I did some light research on motorcycle clubs, but I really don’t know a whole lot about them, so this may come off as pretty generic. That’s fine, we’re here for the Charles smut, amirite? Also, can you guess what song I took the title of this fic from?
Tags: plot, drama, violence, cheesy 80s vibe, bathroom sex, doggy style, smut, romance
AO3 Link is here, sweetie.
Word Count: 2567
Chapter 1 - New Girl in Town
“C’mere Natasha,” you cooed at the calico cat that had walked towards you as soon as you had entered the cat area of Crafty Cats. This cat café was your haven, your home away from home, ever since you had moved to this area two months ago. Pursuing your career of news journalism, you worked for a local paper, hoping to get enough experience to break news left and right. It was the hunt for the story that drove you; the search for truth kept you going even when your boss cut your articles time and again. You dreamed of one day crafting the words that would move hearts around the world. 
But for now, with your crushing student debt, you settled for any job that would keep you afloat. Even though this town was small and relatively quiet, there were still stories to be told. Pulling out your laptop, you started typing away as Natasha leapt into your lap, curled herself into a ball, and purred loudly. Patting her absentmindedly as you hemmed and hawed over your word choices, a soft chime of the bells tied to the door heralded another visitor. 
"Your hour is almost up."
You looked up at Charles, the owner of the café. His long black hair was loosely tied up in a queue, but shaved on either side of his head. Tendrils too short to be tied back fell around his face, framing a strong jaw and a gentle smile. 
And that voice? Ooh, it was like sinking into a hot bath. You could listen to him talk all day. 
Unable to stop yourself, you pouted. "Already? It feels like I just got here."
Charles laughed softly before looking through the large window that separated the cat area from the café. Then he turned to you and placed a finger to his lips, winking at you. 
"Maybe you still have another thirty minutes left," he said with a smile. "I won't tell anyone if you won't."
You grinned. "You're the best, Charles."
He just shyly shrugged as he began to reach down toward Natasha. He paused, looking at you for permission to get closer. "May I?" 
"Of course," you said, leaning back to give him room. He gently pet Natasha's head, a smile on his face as she lifted her head to rub against his palm. 
You envied the cat so much at that moment. 
With Charles so close, you could see the profile of his face, so beautiful to you, and the lines of scars on his cheek and jawline told a story that filled you with a burning curiosity. You wanted to ask, but you also got the feeling that it would be overstepping some boundary and the warm aura that surrounded him would disappear.
So you swallowed your questions and continued to watch him pet Natasha for a few more moments. When he got up, he looked at you, almost as if he was going to pet you next. Or maybe it was just you projecting your fantasies onto him. He walked away, heading out the door and entering the cafe again. You looked through the window and watched him talk to the barista who was working at the bar, and then he headed through the back door, presumably to do manager things.
You turned back to your laptop. He had given you an extra 30 minutes. Better make them count.
“I thought you quit smokin’.”
Charles shrugged as Arthur came up to stand next to him, leaning against the back wall of the cat café. It had been a long day, and even though he rarely smoked anymore, today just seemed like that kind of day. He took a long drag, blowing out the smoke slowly as he looked up at the crimson sky.
“Who’s the girl?”
Charles turned to look at Arthur, an eyebrow raised incredulously. “How’d you know?”
Arthur chuckled. “You used to smoke a lot whenever you had your eye on someone.”
Charles let out a short laugh. “Am I that easy to read?”
“Nah, I’ve just known you long enough.”
Charles smiled as he put out the rest of his cigarette. “She’s a writer. Watching her work in my café… It’s nice.”
“You goin’ to make a move then?”
Charles turned to him, a wry grin on his face. “I’m not letting this one get away.”
You were packing up your laptop just as you saw Charles and another man come through the back door. It was sunset on a Saturday, and Charles always shut the cafe down early on Saturday nights to give him and his barista a break. Spotting the barista grin as she saw the other man, you were suddenly intrigued by the way they looked at each other, a heat to their grins as she reached for him, pulling him close. He kissed her forehead gently, his head tilting to one side slightly to gaze at her, and you felt as if you were watching a much more intimate moment. Heat flooded your cheeks as you quickly looked away, continuing to pack.
Once you had everything put away in your laptop bag, you moved to get up, but a small paw attached itself to your leg.
“Sorry Nattie, I can’t stay.”
The calico meowed and dug her claws in.
The door opened and closed. You could hear Charles laughing softly. “She really likes you.”
You managed to pry Natasha’s claws out of your pants and stepped out of the way before she batted at you again. “I’d adopt her if I could, but my apartment doesn’t allow pets.”
Charles nodded. “I understand. Arthur over there is in the same situation,” he said, nodding towards the man who was now holding the door for the barista as they exited the cafe. Arthur looked up and waved goodbye with two fingers as Charles waved back the same way.
He looked back at you. “If you ever move into an apartment that can have pets, you’ll have to fight him for her,” he joked. “Natasha only likes the two of us and Arthur.”
Your shoulders sank. You were stuck in a 6 month lease for the only place you could afford, a dinky studio apartment in the next town over. “It’ll be a long time before I can move,” you lamented.
Charles stepped closer to you. His concern was pouring out in waves; when you had told him during a previous visit about where you lived, he had immediately told you to go home while the sun was still out. You were still trying to figure out what places were safe and what places weren’t, and when he had talked about how the motorcycle club in that area had a tendency to harass new people to the town, you started to keep up your guard and to play it safe, getting home before dark and locking the door. So far, so good.
But you were also curious about this motorcycle club; were they really as bad as Charles said they were? He was just a cafe owner, what would he know about this? Had they threatened him in the past?
Your train of thought stopped when he placed his hand on your shoulder. His warmth was inviting, his touch was gentle. You wondered for a split second how it would feel to have his hands all over your body.
“Just… stay safe, alright?” He looked away for a moment, thinking over something before looking back at you. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Alright,” you said, a little breathy. “Thank you.”
As if your heartbeat wasn’t erratic before, the smile that bloomed on his face made your cheeks warm and your breath quicken. You nodded at him and headed for the door, trying to hide how he was making you feel.
But as you walked past him, his hand brushed the small of your back, and he quickly caught up with you so he could hold the door open like a gentleman. “See you tomorrow?”
You smiled. “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”
Back at your place, you took a deep breath. You were going to do this. You were going to start investigating the local motorcycle club.
A week had passed. While you were churning out articles for websites and the local paper, you were also asking around about the MC. Most people just knew to steer clear of them, that if you  didn’t bother them, they didn’t bother you. Some suggested you stop investigating them, to stop sticking your nose where it shouldn’t go. But of course, you couldn’t do that. You wanted to know what they were about, what was their motive. 
Some men wanted power & money. Others just wanted to watch the world burn.
You were hoping it wasn’t the latter. 
A banging on your door woke you up late at night. Startled, you grabbed the metal baseball bat near your bed and slowly walked towards the door, only for it to suddenly burst open. 
Three big, burly men poured into your doorway, the light outside making their silhouettes even larger.
“Heard you been askin’ about us.”
You swallowed.
One of them walked up to you. You swung your bat.
He dodged it and grabbed it, pulling it easily from your grip. “We don’t want to hurt you, baby. Unless you keep asking about us.”
“Why?” you asked. It was the first thing out of your mouth, and once you asked, the rest came out. “Why is this town so afraid of you?”
One of the other men stepped forward and grabbed you by the throat as you tried to step away. You clawed at his arm, but he was strong as steel, his fingers digging into your neck.
“We don’t owe you an explanation, lady,” he said. “Stop askin’ about us.”
“Or else,” the third man threatened.
You hated being told what to do. But you saw the danger in your situation. You clamped down on your urge to question them. It’d be hard to write a news story if you were in a hospital. Or dead.
So you kept your mouth shut and stared them down.
“You goin’ to stop?”
You nodded, just to get him to let you go.
The man let you go, pushing you backwards with a hard shove. You staggered back, but stayed on your feet.
“Don’t think about calling the cops,” the leader said, taking a practice swing with your bat. “They can’t protect you all the time.”
Then he swung the bat into your TV, smashing it into bits. Tossing the bat onto the ground, he and others laughed as they walked out the door and into the cold, dark night. As they left, you caught the symbol on their jackets: in large letters, ODB written across the top, with a green skull inside of a four-leaf clover below it. The letters MC were on the right of the symbol. 
It was the O’Driscoll Boys.
You fell to your knees, shaken and scared, but also filled with an all-encompassing anger, burning-hot and laced with frustration.
You had a feeling you weren’t the only one who had dealt with this. And you also had a feeling that you couldn’t stay here while you investigated further. As if this was going to stop you.
You just had to find another way.
You stared at apartment listings, trying to figure out a new place to stay. Unfortunately, so many things were outside of your budget. Maybe if you skipped a meal every other day?
“Tell me what happened.”
You blinked and looked at Charles, who had managed to sit next to you without you realizing. You were so deep into your house hunt that you hadn’t paid attention to what was around you. Perhaps it was because you felt safe here.
Perhaps it was because Charles was here that you felt safe.
He slowly reached for you, his fingers touching your shoulder. “Who hurt you?” he asked, gentler this time.
You reached up to your throat; your scarf had slipped down a bit, revealing the bruises around your neck. Looking down, you answered him in a soft voice. “The ODB MC.”
You looked up quickly. He had spoken with such hard anger that you were surprised to hear it from him.
You took a deep breath and told him what had happened last night.
At the end of your story, he took your hand in his big ones, making you feel small, but protected in his grasp.
“Do you have a friend you can stay with? You can’t stay there, it isn’t safe.”
You shrugged. “Not really.” The few friends you had lived far away. Family was far away too. You were stuck.
He squeezed your hand. “Stay with me. I can sleep on the couch, but I’ll sleep better knowing you’re safe.”
You blinked. He was offering his room for you? “Charles, I couldn't impose—”
“You wouldn’t be imposing. Please.”
Looking at his serious face, you nodded, accepting his offer. You had the feeling that if you refused, he was going to pick you up right there and then and keep you in his room anyway. There was an intensity to his protectiveness that stirred your heart, made you want him to lock you away.
He smiled. “Thank you. I’ll help you when you’re done here.”
That afternoon, he had his barista hold down the fort while he helped you pack up some of your essentials; you weren’t planning on staying with him for more than a week, but he let you know that you were welcome to stay for as long as you needed to. 
You had told your landlord that your place had been broken into and that the lock would need to be fixed. When he saw your bashed-in TV, he said nothing, solidifying your theory that he had turned a blind eye to the MC when they had walked through here. He knew, and he wasn’t going to do anything about it, which pissed you off even more.
Charles carried your two duffel bags full of your stuff up the stairs in the back of the cafe to his apartment. On the way to his place, he had told you a little more about the downtown area where he and his friends lived and worked. One of his friends, John, was happily married with a daughter and owned a flower shop close to the clock tower that served as the town center. His other friend, Arthur, worked at the local tattoo shop, but lived elsewhere. A lot of the businesses in the renovated part of downtown were live-work spaces, so Charles had his little loft apartment above his cafe.
“Makes the commute pretty nice,” you remarked as you followed him up the stairs.
“Yup. Have to be sure to at least put a shirt on though, or I get yelled at,” he said with a laugh. He had mentioned his barista was like a little sister to him, and that he was lucky to have her. He mentioned having put the idea in her head to go out with Arthur, and was happy they had gotten together. You wondered at his observation skills, to see to the heart of someone and what would make them happy.
Would you make me happy?
Chapter 2 is next!
Tagging @mrscharlessmith @fangirl-ramblings @eeeasyguuurl
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a-singleboat · 5 years
Break-Ups and Make-Ups
Word Count: 2330
Request:  hi! I don´t know if you are taking requests, but if you are I was wondering if you could write something where reader and Damien Haas (or Shayne Topp) break up, so the rest of the smosh fam try to get them back together. Hope to hear from you soon - @lula132
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The morning after a breakup was always the worst for you. As tradition dictated, you had hunkered down in your room for the night with a box of tissues on your right and a tub of ice cream clutched in your shaking hands with whatever sappy romance movie popped up first in the recommendation queue. 
You had fallen asleep with the now-melted ice cream tub in your arms and the movie credits rolling. In the morning, you felt like you had been hit with a train that had not stopped moving since. With just a few words, the past seven years of your life suddenly meant nothing and you were left alone. 
You capped the tub of ice cream and put it on your nightstand, swapping one comfort item for another and picked up your phone. The only notifications you had were a call from your mom and several Twitter notifications for fans that had mentioned you in their own tweets. 
You cast a glance to the clock and read that it was six in the morning, two hours before you had to be at work. You sat in your bed and debated if you should even go in for the day if you should call in a family emergency and take the day to travel up to San Francisco to spend the next few days with your parents. 
You shook your head and hopped off your bed, a new resolve set for yourself. You wouldn’t let this break-up force you into a shell. So what if Shayne Topp had broken your heart after seven years of loving you? You were still young and you had your whole life ahead of you, so what if seven years meant nothing in an ill-fated conversation. 
You flung the curtains open and took a moment to just look outside at the bus streets of Los Angeles. You moved to the city nearly eight years ago after being employed by Defy for Smosh. You started as a low-level editor and slowly made your way to head camera operator and editor for the Smosh Games section. You would oversee filming when it came to table games or punishments and edit what you could for any games played on the computer. You even had a short stint as stunt coordinator before it was decided that they needed someone with a little more expertise especially when it came to the safety of the cast.
However, you met Shayne when you had just moved to Los Angeles and when you started dating, it came as no surprise to anyone. The decision to stay in separate apartments came with the idea that while you both had loved each other oh-so-much, you both need your own space and neither of you could afford to buy anything bigger than the apartments you both had or a house together. 
Before you knew it, you had fully cleaned your room of any trace of the break down you had last night and were well on your way into the office. You called your mom on the drive there, using the conversation as a distraction so you wouldn’t have to think of him until you saw him. 
You got to the office at the same time that Courtney had and you barely managed a smile in her direction. You could tell that she could tell that something was off with you because she had that knowing look on her face. If there was anyone who knew you better than you knew yourself, it was Courtney. 
You brushed her off, saying that you had a rough night and asked her to help you carry some of the equipment that was still in your car from the last punishment you had to film outside. 
When you got in the elevator, you deemed it safe enough to share the details of your night. You put the box you had in your hands down and rubbed your eyes. You had skipped on make-up that day, knowing that you would mainly be editing and eventually the feeling of the product on your face would get you to become quickly annoyed. 
“Shayne and I broke up last night,” you confessed, breaking the silence. At first, you thought she didn’t hear you and you dreaded having to repeat yourself. When she put her own box down and engulfed you in a hug, you knew she heard. 
“I’m so sorry, what happened? Just yesterday you guys were so happy,” Courtney’s eyes grew wide and sympathetic. You were regretting telling her. 
“Yeah, I thought we were happy too and then he broke up with me out of nowhere. Of course, he was my ride home so I had to endure the awkward situation,” you picked up your box when the elevator doors opened on your floor. “Please don’t mention this to anyone yet.”
“Please don’t mention what to anyone?”
Damien Haas was your best friend next to Courtney. If you needed a laugh or even just a break from whatever you were doing he was there to provide a joke or a distraction. 
With his question, you had to think fast on your feet. “It’s nothing, I just wanted to go back to see my parents for a little but I wasn’t too sure when would be a good time so I didn’t want to mention it.” 
While that wasn’t completely a lie, Damien still looked skeptical. He read the look in your eye and slowly nodded, allowing that to be your answer. “Alright, if you say so.” 
You smiled at him wide and moved past him, leading Courtney to where all the filming equipment was stored when it wasn’t in use. She helped you put most of the equipment away before she brought up a point that you had been debating for a good while. 
“People are going to find out eventually, Y/n. You can’t just pretend that absolutely nothing happened,” Courtney sent you a pointed look. You pursed your lips and slid the last piece of equipment on the shelf. 
“I know, I just don’t want to make it into a big deal,” you shut the lights and closed the door behind you. You looked at the time on the clock on the wall. “You should get to costume, you start filming in an hour.”
She glanced at the clock and panicked for a second. “Just don’t isolate yourself, okay? And this isn’t something you need to keep from anyone. We’re all adults and if anyone gives you a hard time, that just means they still have some growing up to do,” she started to walk away, doing a half-backward, half-sideway walk. “We’ll go for lunch later and talk more, yeah?”
You nodded and confirmed the lunch plans, intending to go out for lunch anyway. After sorting through a few stacks of editing notes and creating a mental list of things you had to accomplish for the day, you headed into the room dubbed as the ‘editing cave,’ and prepared yourself to watch all the footage from this week’s episode of Maricraft. 
Shayne had woken up late that morning, distraught and a general mess. He arrived that the office, cutting it close by a mere two minutes and immediately getting himself to costuming. The velvet box weighed heavily in his backpack and despite how last night had played out, he couldn’t bring himself to take it out. 
When he sat down in the chair for the hairdresser to do his hair, Damien found his way to his side and poked his side. “So,” Damien wiggled his eyebrows. “How’d it go last night?”
All Shayne did was pull the box from his bag and hand it off to his friend. “Did she reject you? Is that what she and Courtney were talking about in the elevator this morning?”
“She and Courtney were in the elevator this morning?”
“Yeah, she told Courtney not to say anything about something and Y/n made an excuse about visiting her parents,” Damien noticed his friend’s distressed look. “Hey dude, you okay?”
“So, last night didn’t exactly go as planned,” Shayne wanted to fall in on himself. “I might have broken up with her instead of proposing.”
“What?” Damien was taken aback, blinking a few times to make sure he was awake at the moment. “You’re telling me that you got to the carnival last night, got onto the ferris wheel, and broke up with her on the top, and then had to drive her home right after that?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what happened and I don’t know how to fix it and now Courtney knows which means a lot more people will know pretty soon and,” Shayne made a noise that was not unlike what a cat being strangled would sound like. 
Damien took some time to calm him down. “I’m sure that all this will take is a conversation with her. Y/n is a very reasonable person and I’m sure you can make it up to her.”
“I sure hope so,” Shayne caught Courtney’s eye. She was looking at him with a scowl on her face. Shayne sunk into his seat. “I think our first step is telling Courtney what happened, maybe she’ll know how to fix this.”
By the time lunch rolled around, Courtney was aware of the plan and was sent to fetch you for lunch. You had your headphones on, hyperfocused on a black-and-white clip of Damien. She lightly tapped on your shoulder causing you to jump slightly before settling down upon realizing that it was just Courtney. 
“You ready for lunch?” she asked, pulling out the seat next to you and sitting to watch your process. You clicked on the save button and saved the footage to an external hard drive as an extra precaution. You stored the hard drive in a small drawer on your desk before standing up and stretching. 
“Yeah, let me just tell Matt that I’m heading out and that I’ll have this Maricraft episode ready for posting when I get back,” you powered your computer down and grabbed your phone and wallet from under all the papers.
When you left the office and walked side-to-side with Courtney to her car, you were relieved for the slightly longer break you both would be getting. Not only were you ahead of schedule but Courtney’s next call wasn’t for another two hours. 
“Now I know you and Shayne just broke up, but we’re going to lunch with him and Damien.”
You looked at Courtney with a dead look in your eye. “I’m fine with it, just because we’re broken up doesn’t mean I can’t be civil.”
Shayne and Damien were already in the car, sitting side by side in the back which caused you to look confused. “I gave them my keys so they could start the car’s air condition before I got you,” she explained. 
The drive was an awkward one, the four of you decide to take the time to drive to a nicer Italian restaurant as you all had the time to spare. When you arrived and were seated, Courtney smacked her forehead and mentioned that she left her wallet in the car. Damien offered to go with her and that left her and Shayne at the table together. 
You played with your fork and avoided all eye contact with him for as long as you could. 
“Y/n,” he said. You slowly turned to face him, not wanting him to see the hurt in your eyes. There was something in his hands but you couldn’t discern what it was. 
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he explained and you let him, deciding that you would’ve had this conversation one way or another. “And I still never do want to hurt you but last night was the biggest mistake of my life. I didn’t bring you up to the top of the ferris wheel to break up with you. I just panicked and I wasn’t really thinking.”
“Shayne, you don’t owe me an explanation or anything,” you wanted to look away but he seemed like he still had more to say.
“I didn’t bring you up there to break up with you, in fact,” he opened what he was holding in his hands and you let out an audible gasp. You watched as he moved to get out of his chair and then kneel next to you. “I made a horrible mistake last night and while I’ll never know how it happened but I really wanted to get down on my knee last night and ask you this question.”
“Y/n, you’re a wonderful person and you’ll be a saint if you’ll even allow this. But I truly want to marry you. I promise I’ll never cause you any pain anymore and I’ll be apologizing for my mistake for the rest of my life. But, Y/n, will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you processed what was going on. On one hand, he had caused you the most emotional pain that you had ever gone through and on the other, he was trying so hard. You made up your mind, nodding vigorously and pulling him up from the floor as the restaurant patrons around your table clapped. 
He slipped the ring onto your finger as Courtney and Damien returned to your table, smirks on both of their faces. “You were both in on this, weren’t you?”
“We had some help,” Damien explained. “Ian overheard our conversation and he went to talk to Matt Raub to convince him to give us four an extra hour for lunch in case things went south and we had to do some drastic measures but everything turned out alright.”
“Remind me to thank Matt when we get back, but I think we should eat lunch while we’re here,” you laughed with your friends and at that moment, you knew everything would be alright.
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saibh29 · 5 years
Minor Head Trauma (Part 3)
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Pairing: Will Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Drugs (misuse)
AN: I’m not a doctor, please don’t think my medical advice etc is in any way accurate. Also i’m not American and haven’t been to Chicago so I apologise if my geography or depiction isn’t right. 
When an old friend of Ethan Choi show’s up in Chicago ED she’s about to make life very uncomfortable for Will Halstead
Part One  Part Two 
Predictably, you had not been allowed to rest when you’d gotten back to the base. After giving your team a debrief of what had actually happened to you the General had then sent you straight back to regular duty. Sometimes he made you wonder whether he was more inclined to be your General or your father. You only thought about it sometimes, because if you tried too hard and really thought about it you were worried you wouldn’t like the answer.
That had been a week ago, your head was pretty much fully healed, you were still getting the occasional headache but it wasn’t anything that was making you suffer too greatly, you suffered much more simply from having to deal with Nolan 24 hours a day.
Rooting around in the pockets of your jeans you found a handful of change and counted it up desperate that it reached the right amount for a large mug of black coffee.
Luckily it seemed your pockets for once were deep enough to scrounge the right coins.
You pushed your way into the tiny coffee shop near the base, it was always filled to the brim with off duty service men and women. Men and women who had more sense than to risk the base’s cafeteria.
Elbowing your way to the front of the queue and glaring at any squaddies that tried to get in your way you ordered your coffee from the overly stressed barista and then fought with another customer who insisted that the coffee you’d ordered was his instead of yours.
By the time you squeezed back out of the café you were once again in a miserable, pissed off mood. What you saw though in front of you shocked you right out of that mood once again.
“Dr Halstead?”
“Captain Y/L/N” he looked almost embarrassed.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was, uh, I was looking for you”
“for me?”
Rubbing at the back of his neck Will took a few steps towards you. “I thought I’d check up on you, on your head”
“My head is fine. I told you, it’s pretty thick” you moved out of the way of a group of squaddies coming through the doors again which put you a bit closer to Will. “How’d you even find me?”
“Oh, uh, Nolan, he had to give a phone number on your arrival to the ED. I rang him, he told me you’d probably be here”
“Ok” frowning you sipped at the coffee in one hand. “next question, why?”
“Why are you ringing Nolan and turning up outside the coffee shop I go to to try and find me?”
Ok, now he really did look embarrassed. It was sort of cute, but didn’t answer your question. “Are you busy? I mean, do you have to head back to the base straight away?”
“I don’t” you did. Why were you saying you didn’t? You were going to get in so much trouble for this. Will was smiling though and your brain wasn’t functioning. “What did you have in mind Dr Halstead?”
“You really need to call me Will”
“You going to stop calling me Captain?”
He was too charming for his own good, with that little half smile thing he was pulling off, hell the man was just… yummy. “So, what do you want to do Will?”
“Walk with me?” It was getting to be Autumn and even though the chill was starting to settle it was still warm enough to walk without turning into an icicle. “You look good in a uniform Captain”
“You didn’t look bad in your own either Doctor Halstead”
Together you walked down the street, you weren’t in the best area of Chicago and dilapidated social housing marred most of your view. Windows boarded over with chipboard and gang tags sprayed onto them. You didn’t even notice though; you were focused on Will.
Being focused so much on Will was probably what made you miss it, the shadow in the alley coming up in front of you, the hand waving at you and then suddenly the whisper of your name.
Stalling beside Will you peered around him and found the frantic eyes of your informant. What the hell was he doing this side of Chicago.
“Daniel, what the hell?” you moved quickly pushing him back into the alley out of sight of any curious residents who still had glass in their windows. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you Y/N, real bad like”
The boy was shivering and trembling uncontrollably and the frantic look in his eyes filled you into the problem quite quickly. “Fuck Daniel, you’re strung out”
“Please Y/N…”
“I told you” you snapped “no drugs, I'm not fuelling your addiction”
“Y/N?” Will, crap, he’d followed you into the alley and was looking at Daniel in concern. “He doesn’t look so good”
“He’s fine”
“No drugs Daniel. It was our deal”
“I think they were bad” he chattered out “Y/N, I'm not high like usual”
“What?” you weren’t a doctor, you had no idea how different drugs affected the body. Really looking at him though you realised that maybe Will was right. Daniel didn’t look good and you’d seen him at some pretty fucking low points. “Will?”
Will was already moving to Daniel pushing him down onto a broken packing crate, the young man’s trembling seemed to have turned almost violent now and the shivers were racking his whole body.
“What did you take?”
Daniel’s eyes flicked off Will and back to you, not strung out enough to not be naturally nervous of a stranger he didn’t know. “Speak Daniel, he’s safe”
“Don’t know” you could barely understand him, he was finding it difficult to speak from the chattering of his teeth. “They gave me a syringe”
“You fucking idiot, and you just took it?”
“I had no choice”
“Y/N, we need to get him to the ED” Will was pressing his fingers onto various parts of Daniels body, obviously looking for something.
“How did you get here?”
“Let’s go then”
Will got his shoulder underneath Daniel’s arm and helped get the younger man back up to his feet he then rooted around in his pocket throwing his car keys at you. “I want to keep an eye on him, you drive” Will pointed back down the street. “Car’s that way”
That was quite a decent distance to go in broad daylight. The last thing Daniel, or you for that matter, needed was to be seen together. “Wait”
Pulling off your jacket you removed the top layer of your uniform, the simple khaki fleece, put the jacket back on and then shoved Daniel’s skinny arms through the fleece which also had a hood thank the lord, you pulled that over Daniel’s head.
Will thankfully didn’t question this just held Daniel still enough for you to dress him. When you were as happy as you could be that no one would be able to recognise him you nodded at Will. “Let’s get him to hospital”
Will bundled Daniel into the back seat of his car getting in as well and you started up the engine. Your driving skills had been honed in a military Humvee, driving through the sand dunes of Afghan being shot at by insurgents hence it had been mentioned by your civilian friends that you were a little… crazy.
Your dangerous (you’d debate that label) driving meant you got back to Chicago Med in record time. Daniel was now turning a sickly yellow colour and sweat was beading his face. He really didn’t look good.
Will had to practically carry him into the ED shouting for various other drugs and tox screenings while he laid Daniel down onto a trolley.
“You idiot” you said again, a lot less vehemence behind it though this time. “What was your big plan here? Wait in that alley until I randomly turned up?”
You couldn’t understand a single word that Daniel said this time. Instead you took hold of his hand. “Will’s a good doctor. He’ll get you fixed up. Then me and you, we’re going to have a discussion”
Will was back and breaking the hold you had on Daniel’s hand as he moved you out of the room. “He needs to be registered on the system”
“He can’t be registered Will”
“I thought that may be the answer”
“I'm sorry…” nurses were running in and out of the cubicle that Daniel was laid in, doing the various tests that Will had ordered. “I can register myself again”
“I came back for a check up for my head. Charge me for everything”
“You wouldn’t need those tests for a head wound. It would be questioned why I ordered them”
“Will” grabbing his hand you pulled him away from the bustle of the ED and into a quieter corner. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you’re being involved in this but understand me when I say that Daniel can NOT be registered at this ED. For more than his own sake”
Will remained silent staring down at you.
“I’ll bring you the forms. Fill them out for yourself… Y/N if this…”
“It won’t bounce back on you. I promise I won’t let it”
“The general?”
“Among other things. Just don’t let him die Will”
“You’re going to be a problem, aren’t you?”
Before you could really compute what was happening Will had bent down, pressed his lips against yours in a kiss that seared a trail all the way through your body and then he’d disappeared again. Striding back into Daniels room, where you could hear his voice shouting out demands for even more tests.
Fuck, this was going to be all kinds of problems and you weren’t even sure if it was Daniel that you were thinking about.
@clementines-x​ @the-chosen-one-time-lord​ @no-other-names-availible-blog​ @angelaiswriting​ @selldraug​ @angryares​ @thenovarose​ @georgiagrl1990​ @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered​  @dontstopxx​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @madelinecraig03​ @ka-x-in​ @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell​ @something–awesome @weirdpotato-14​ @putinontheritzz​ @soulslaststand​ @fuckthatfeeling​  @ember1201​ @morganlb23​ @kitkatbadass @tomhopperarms​  @fakingintrest​ @artprincessbree​  @dreamer-lover-laughter​ @artprincessbree​ @rime-warrior​ @captainvaneswife​ @jaib2-blog @kapolisradomthoughts​ @thingsandstuffienjoy​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @aya-fay​  @itsbubbaog​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @emmykinzs​ @thatbadassunicorn​ @sassywingednightmare​ @weirdnewbie​ @goyawriter​ @shipperfangirling​ @nathaliabakes​ @stillreadingfantasy @waywardblueshun
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parkneroses · 5 years
Parkner #04 please! MJ, Ned, Peter and Harley are #squad, but Peter and Harley have a love/hate relationship (even tho it's obvious to everyone else they're idiots in love). I've blown through every AO3 fic and need more content :/ Thanks!
04 - “I’d punch you, but that’d ruin your perfect face.”word count: 2034 | if you enjoy this, buy me a coffee?
“Hey Penis, nice sweater! What’s it made of, your mom’s chest hair?- Oh, wait, never mind,” said Flash, pushing in front of Peter in the cafeteria queue. Flash’s little group of cronies forced their way in behind their leader and snickered, glaring at Peter whenever they could.
Harley smacked his tray down on the table Ned and MJ were sitting at. Ned jumped about a foot in the air and stared at Harley in shock. MJ didn’t even flinch.
“This motherfucker is really tryna make me hate Mean Girls.”
MJ looked up from her book. It wasn’t something that happened often, so Harley decided he would sit down. To, like, show her some respect. It wasn’t weird.
“Peter’s been leaving decathlon early for the last two weeks. He only does that so he doesn’t miss the train when he’s too sad to swing home. Some good news might be pretty good for him right now. And it might be good for you too. You can thank me later.” MJ said, breaking the illusion of disinterest that usually surrounded her. Her voice was always a little softer when she spoke about Peter.
Peter had that kind of effect on people. They would take one look at him, five foot something always clad in baggy cargo pants and a sweater that didn’t fit him, and suddenly every paternal instinct they didn’t know they had would come out to shine. Harley wondered if he bought his clothes like that on purpose. Maybe it felt nice being surrounded by so much soft material? Being six feet tall, fairly muscular and with very broad shoulders, Harley tended to be a larger size anyway, so he’d never really tried it. Sometimes he liked to imagine Peter in his clothes. Maybe in a hoodie, with the large hood pulled so far over his head it hung in front of his pretty brown eyes, or in one of his many flannels, complaining about how country Harley was while breathing in his scent. It was a pretty sight- or at least, Harley imagined it to be. He didn’t exactly know if he’d ever get the chance to see it in real life.
He was pulled out of his reverie when Ned spoke.
“What do you mean? What good news do you have Harley? Ned furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Nothin’. None. Don’t got any news, I dunno what she’s talkin’ about.” Harley muttered. He hated that MJ could read him so easily. Nothing was ever going to happen between Peter and him, so he tried not to get his hopes up. Harley wasn’t even quite sure if Peter even liked him. He didn’t even mean, like, in that way. It was just that-
Peter was so damn pretty. And Harley really liked looking at him. And in New York, that was okay, but Harley wasn’t from New York, he was from bumfuck Tennessee, where looking at pretty boys got you hung from your itchy school tie on a clothes hook in the boys’ locker room. It was kind of traumatising, and so Harley had learned to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, which resulted in him ignoring Peter, or being extra cold towards him for no reason, which then resulted in arguments, and fights, and- yeah, there was no way Peter would ever like him. Harley hated being the reason Peter stopped smiling, but he had this bad habit where every time he caught himself getting lost in Peter’s eyes, or staring at his pretty lips, he would force himself to stop by saying something snarky to Peter that he one hundred percent did not mean. Then he would have to watch the corners of Peter’s lips turn down in confusion, and then his eyes would narrow and he would say something equally snarky back, and then they would be bickering again and Harley could feel his chances slipping away through his fingers.
It wasn’t so bad in the lab. At least, Harley didn’t think it was. Peter seemed pretty reluctant to fight in front of Tony. They would work quietly on opposite sides of the room, or when Tony was in the lab with them they would use him as a buffer for their awkwardness. If Tony noticed anything weird about how they acted around him, he didn’t mention it. Though Harley wasn’t entirely sure Tony ever paid attention to things outside of what he was fiddling with at any given time. It would explain a lot.
Today, they were alone in the lab. Tony had been forced out by Pepper for some business proposal, so he had reluctantly decided to just leave the two teenagers to their own devices.
“Try not to blow anything up!” Tony had yelled before leaving the lab, to which Peter had rolled his eyes, and Harley had replied “No promises!”
Peter was tinkering with his web-shooters, forehead creased and eyes squinting in concentration. He was so beautiful when he worked- and so clever, formulas and diagnostics dancing off his tongue, stars in his eyes as if the little pieces of metal in front of him yielded a whole world of opportunities. It was breathtaking to watch, yet also heartbreaking because Harley knew as soon as Peter caught him staring, the ethereal smile would slip off his face and he would bundle himself up as though he was trying to hide from the big bad world around him.
Harley gave up. There was no way in hell Peter would ever like him back, and he cared about the little shit too much to continue pretending to hate him. Harley would just have to suck it up, and try and be friends with Peter without falling infinitely more for him. He would start simple - get him coffee. That was a thing friends did for each other, right?
Peter didn’t notice when he slipped out of the lab.
Harley placed the grande Starbucks cup down on the workbench in front of Peter, who was still tinkering with the same part of his web shooter- albeit now with much less enthusiasm, bags under his eyes now much more prominent as he stared with blank eyes at the mechanical puzzle he couldn’t seem to figure out.
“What’s this?” He asked.
Harley shrugged and took a swig of his own black coffee. Peter eyed the cup apprehensively, before reaching out and taking a tentative sip. He looked up at Harley in confusion.
“How’d you know my order?”
“Dunno. Guess I just remembered it.”
That was a lie. He had a vague idea it was something with lots of caramel and sugar and whipped cream, but in hopeless fear of getting it wrong he had texted both Happy and Tony to ask. Tony hadn’t replied- not because he was in a meeting, he had read the message, but most likely because he was an asshole who liked to watch the world burn. Or at least, Harley’s world.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” Peter said, a pretty peach blush spreading across his cheeks. Harley felt himself melt at the sight. He took a step forward and put his cup down on the bench. Peter didn’t look up, continuing to fiddle with his project, so Harley grabbed the wheely chair from behind his own workbench and pulled it up to sit across from Peter. He faced the chair away from the bench and sat down on it backwards, with his chest resting against the padded back support, reaching his arms around to grab his coffee again.
“What’cha doin’?” Harley asked.
Peter wheeled his chair to the hologram table beside his workbench and gestured for Harley to come with him. He pulled up a projection of his web-shooters, and began taking pieces away and zooming in to the pressure sensor on the release mechanism.
“This fucking thing,” Peter said and Harley chucked.
“What’s wrong with it?”
Peter looked up at him incredulously.
“It… doesn’t work?”
“Oh. Can I take a look?” Harley asked. He wasn’t really as smart as Peter when it came to chemistry, but he was a mechanic, an engineer. He could do wires and metal. Plus, a fresh pair of eyes were always helpful. Peter nodded and the pair walked back to where the little demon device was sitting on Peter’s desk.
Harley picked it up gently, turning it over in his hands and examining it. He gently moved Peter out of the way and sat in the chair that was in front of the magnifying glass. He searched the table for something small enough to prod at the device- his fingers weren’t as dainty as Peter's, and they were callused from years of working with heavy metals and power tools. He found a scrap piece of copper wire and used it to pick up the flap of metal covering the pressure sensor. He held it under the magnifying glass, and-
“Peter, you’re gonna kill me.”
Peter choked on his coffee. “What’d you do? Did you break it? I swear to god Keener if you broke my web shooter you are replacing it yourself because I am so sick of-”
Harley cut him off.
“No, I didn’t break it. I found the problem,” he said. Peter’s eyes went comically wide, and Harley budged himself half off the chair so Peter could sit next to him. He was acutely aware of how close they were once Peter sat down- hips pressed together, Peter’s head only reaching his shoulder, but he forced himself to ignore it.
“See here?” Harley said as he lifted up the flap again. “The wire that actually connects to the pressure sensor is coming up at a weird angle so it’s attached when you look at it like this,” Harley held the device up for Peter to see, “but every time you actually hit the sensor the wire detaches and it stops working.”
Peter’s shoulders dropped and he grabbed the shooter back from Harley and stared at it, before turning to Harley with fire in his eyes.
“I have been working on this fucking thing for six fucking hours and I couldn’t figure it out and then you come here, look at it for TWO MINUTES, and you fucking figured it out. I can’t fucking believe this. I’d punch you, but that’d ruin your perfect face.” Peter ranted, although he didn’t sound angry so much as he was annoyed.
That shocked Harley, but he tried to play it cool. “You say fuck a lot when you’re mad. It’s kinda hot. You think my face is perfect?” he said.
Peter blushed.
“Wh- I didn’t say that” He lied. His cheeks turned a shade Harley could only describe as fire-engine red as he realised what Harley had said. “You think I’m hot?” He asked.
Harley smiled. “Yes, I do. And yes you did, you said you don’t wanna punch me ‘cause it’d ruin my perfect face. So which one you gonna do?”
Peter stared at him in confusion.
“The punch or the face?”
Peter still looked confused.
Harley sighed. “I’m phrasing that badly. I was tryna be smooth but it ain’t workin’ right now so I’m just gonna say it. Parker, I want you to kiss me until I can’t breathe. But if you don’t wanna do that, you’re welcome ‘ta punch me instead.”
Harley didn’t think Peter would punch him, but he braced himself anyway. Squinting his eyes shut and scrunching up his face, he waited for a hit he knew wouldn’t come. He wondered if the other boy could hear his heart racing. He could feel Peter’s breath on his face from how close they were sitting, and barely heard the faint whisper of his name before a pair of soft lips were pressing up against his, and Peter’s hands reached up to grab where Harley’s undercut was growing out. Harley relaxed and kissed him back desperately, sliding his hands up under Peter’s giant sweater to hold him properly.
This was not how he’d expected trying to be friends with Peter to go, but he couldn’t exactly complain. He supposed he would have to thank MJ after all.
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agent-ccarter · 5 years
defence. sirius black.
Request for @ideas-nocturnas
Request: Hey there, I would like to request a Sirius x reader but I'm about to make it a little bit complicated 😅 since you want details here they are: I've been thinking of a story where Remus and Sirius both like the reader (a gryffindor girl) and she likes them both but eventually picks Sirius. Maybe Sirius asks her to be his DADA tutor (which we all know he doesn't need lol) idk you can change that if you want. Maybe prompts 30 and 41 can help too. Thanks!
Pairings: Gryffindor! Reader x Sirius, Gryffindor!Reader x Remus
A/N: this is pretty fluffy, and I didn’t use the prompts as I just couldn’t make them fit! I tried to make it a lil angsts but it jsut didn’t feel right, so I hope this is ok!!
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You’d be naive if you didn’t admit that both Sirius and Remus liked you: a lot. The pair had clashed about it over the years many times, but their tight knit friendship meant that they always worked things out. However, ignoring it had become much more difficult over the past year or so, as you had to embrace that your feelings were mutual for them both. On one hand, Remus is kind and sweet and funny, however on the other, Sirius is rebellious and outgoing and fun. You couldn’t choose, and it was the most antagonising thing ever that you even felt the need to choose; you were both are your friends, and you don’t want to ruin it with either of them.
“Earth to Y/N!” Lily waved her hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts, “are you ok?”
“She’s fineeeee,” Marlene droaned, “you two have it easy! James runs after Lils like a lost puppy, and Y/N has Remus AND Sirius! Quite frankly, it’s greedy! Didn’t your parents ever teach you to share?” The girl teased, knowing she could push as you’d take it as a joke.
“Believe me, you can have them. It’s exhausting, Marl,” You pushed the food around your plate, quickly losing any remnants of appetite you had before the conversation began. You sipped at the drink in your goblet, glaring at the reflection of your face staring back at you in the liquid, “I just want friends. It’s our last year at Hogwarts, and I don’t want to ruin it by breaking up multiple friendships.”
“You don’t need to worry about it, Y/N.” Lily smiles at you, knowing that the stress of the final year was enough without dwelling on boy trouble.
“Good evening ladiessss,” James was sliding onto the bench, swiftly wrapping his arm over his girlfriends shoulders, Lily rolling her eyes on queue. Remus quietly took a seat beside the boy, sending a subtle smile your way. Remus was far more quiet about his feelings for you. Sirius, on the other hand...
“How are you, Y/N?” The boy smiled, taking the seat next to you. He had a way with girls which you had seen many times before, which certainly lessened your attraction to the Black boy.
“I’m ok, Sirius. How are you?” You asked politely.
“I’m good, but...I need a favour?” Marlene audibly sniggered, figuring this was probably some kind of beginning of a pick up line. Sirius turned around, facing away from the table and invited you to do the same. You obliged, swinging your legs around and facing away from your friends.
“I need your help.” He sighed, clearly distressed.
“Of course, with what?”
The boy lowered his voice slightly to assure no one else would hear, “I’m failing defence against the dark arts, badly.”
“But you always get good grades.” You shot back, unsure of how he often does well in the class if he doesn’t understand.
“I just copy from whoever is sat next to me,” he glanced back behind him, “it’s usually Remus. But he hates it when I do, and if I asked him to tutor me he’d realise that I have been copying from him all year when I swore I wouldn’t.”
You sighed, “I don’t know Sirius, I’m not to great-“
“Don’t be modest, Y/N. You’re always at the top of the class,” he smiled, which he knew you could barely resist, “Please? I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t incredibly necessary.”
“Fine. I’ll meet you in the library at 8.” He sighed a breath of relief, but he didn’t want to hug you in case Remus saw; even though it felt like the two were competing, Remus and Sirius were still best friends, and he didn’t want to hurt him.
“Thankyou so much.”
You managed to get out of the common room with the simple excuse of that you were going to study, and your friends merely bid you farewell and then continued with the conversation. To you surprised, when you arrived at 7:55pm, Sirius was already sat at a table, his parchment and quill out ready.
“Wow, this is serious.” You said, which was further proven by Sirius’ ability to resist making a name joke.
“Yep,” he said, pulling out the chair to let you sit down, “now, where should we start?”
You were still confused as to why Sirius needed help, especially as he achieved at least and exceeding expectations in the subject in his O.W.L’s. Maybe he just hadn’t been revising the content properly, or perhaps he just hadn’t been properly revising and hadn’t been listening properly in lessons, and had indeed been copying Remus all year.
“Uhmmmmm,” You hummed, flicking through the text book, “let’s start easy, the Unforgivable Curses.”
“Yeah, well, there’s the killing curse, the imperius curse and the, uhhh- oh, the cruciatius curse.” He smiled, clearly happy that he had managed the remember them all.
“And what do they-“ you started, but you couldn’t even finish before he cut you off with the answers you were looking for.
“The cruciatius curse is used to torture people, imperio lets you control people, and the killing curse, well, it kills.”
“Good.” You smiled, impressed by his knowledge. Sirius let out a look of almost relief, and it didn’t take you long to realise that he didn’t really need the tutoring.
“Yeah,” he looked up out of his book.
“You don’t really need the tutoring, do you? Was this just an excuse to..” you couldn’t even finish your sentence, as you knew what his answer would be.
“To be alone with you? How’d you guess?” He smiled, knowing he’d been caught out, “ironically, defence against the dark arts is my best subject.” The pair of you sniggered.
“You could’ve just asked me, you know?”
“I thought you’d like Remus.”
You sniggered, “Remus is one of my best friends. And believe me, I’ve spent a hell of a lot of time trying to figure out how I feel. But, it’s you. I like you. A lot.”
“I like you too.”
“I don’t want to sound big headed, Sirius, but you think I didn’t know? You and Remus argue over me all the time!!”
“Remus.” The two of you sighed, knowing the lovely boy would be pretty upset.
“I’ll speak to him first.” You smiled at Sirius, knowing that this should be fine, and Remus would be understanding. Of course, Remus was fine, and was happy for the pair of you. Of course, your other friends were happy too, just because it stopped all the waiting for you two to get together, and it meant they had another couple to tease.
Hope this is ok lovely!! Request are open!!
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endless-vall · 5 years
Not Born, but Made - TCATF fanfic, Chapter Four - Interrogation.
Summary: Before Kenna can talk Annelyse into supporting her cause, she needs to pass the test of an associate of hers.
Author’s note: I think that if Kenna wasn’t royalty (from the start) her and Raydan’s dynamic could be even more interesting (seeing as Raydan wouldn’t be reluctant to flirt with her) but I’m getting ahead of myself, we’ll get there later.
As I said, I’m on a semi-hiatus, but I have a bunch of these chapters already written out, so I figured, why not post another?
Tagging : @endlessflame @frugalchoicer @regina-and-happiness @stopforamoment @mariamulroney @indiacater @wolverinesbeer 
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They walk in together, hand in hand. A servant announces them, although no one really knows their names, yet.
“Kenna Rys and Dominic Hunter, from Stomholt.” A few faces do turn around to watch them as they go down the stairs, but they are all looking at Kenna, Dom realizes.
She does have that affect on people.
So he smiles and plays his part.
They finally arrive to the bottom of the stairs, greeted by the most dazzling ballroom they’ve even been to.
To be honest, it’s the only ballroom they’ve even been to - But they’re sure it’s more impressive than many other ballrooms. It has to be, decorated in so much golden statues and marble.
Both Kenna and Dom smile, greet people, and mingle until they come to a stop.
A few steps before them, stands a beautiful woman. She’s wearing a golden dress, and has a jewel decorating her wavy, long, black hair.
“This must be the queen,” Kenna whispers to him.
“How do you know?” She looks promising, but so are many other ladies in the room.
“Well, for starters, she has guards.” Kenna points out.
Huh. They aren’t so visible, in first sight. The golden woman does have guards around her, but they aren’t standing so close, and look as if they belong there.
“And her outfit is all-gold. You know.” Kenna mentions, adding.
Dom shrugs. “I guess you’re right.” He nods back.
“I’ll go talk to her. You talk to the nobles meanwhile? Try to charm them before saying anything about a plan about-”
“Overthrowing the Nevrakis regain? Yeah I won’t start with that, I promise you.” Dom chuckled, and Kenna joined him, realizing she was being too bossy, and too obvious.
“I’m just nervous,” She admits. “I want everything to go according to plan.”
Dom takes a deep breathe, and lets go of her hand. “And it will.” He assures.
“Now go get her.” Kenna feels a light push on her back, and lets it guide her towards the queen of Aurelia, who turns out to be a charming lady named Annelyse.
The conversation flows greatly, before Kenna mentions anything about Luther or a rebellion.
“I have to admit Annelyse, I did come to Aurelia with a favor to ask in mind.” She tells her, as Annelyse offer her a glass of the finest wine Aurelia has to offer.
“I figured as much,” Annelyse’s smile never falls.
Annelyse hands Kenna the wine, and hums to herself while a servant pours another one, for Annelyse herself. “Most people come to Aurelia to seek something. I didn’t think you to be different. Please don’t be offended, though, you’re the first one I don’t really want to decline tonight.” She explains,
And Kenna nods.
Kenna sips from the wine. It tastes amazing, better than anything she’s ever drunk.
It tastes a lot better than the glasses she’d manage to sneak while playing with Dom in the summers, and better than the ale she’d shared in the tavern with Val, Jackson and her other new friends.
“Mmmm, this is delicious,” She doesn’t forget to compliment Annelyse.
“I’d hope it would be. It’s the best wine Aurelia has to offer,” Annelyse smiles at her, and something tells Kenna she isn’t lying.
It seems Kenna had charmed Annelyse, and maybe the favor she was going to ask of her wasn’t too far-fetched, after all.
“So... Should I tell you of my plan, and let you decide whether you want to help me or not?” Kenna tries her luck, keeping her voice down and her features unchanged.
For a stranger, it would seem her and Annelyse were still talking about ballroom stuff, just like they had been for the last hour or so.
“Of course not!” Annelyse giggled, placing a hand on Kenna shoulder and keeping with her act. “It’s a party.” She reminded her, talking into her ear now.
“But you should meet with me later for some privacy, and we could discuss that.”
Annelyse gives her a meaningful look, before looking around the grand room. “Well, I have tons of other guests to attend to, but I’ll see you, later.” She winks at Kenna, and with that, sways out of sight.
“So, how’d it go? It seemed like it was going so well for a while, but then she disappeared.” Dom found his way back to Kenna.
“Well, it went... Well? Though I haven’t introduced her to our cause yet.” Kenna furrows her eyebrows for a moment, before remembering she still needed to put on a show and dazzle the nobleman around her.
She put a mask back on her face, figuratively speaking, and smiled as decisively as she could.
“What?!” Dom exclaimed, although they were speaking in hushed tones and whispers. “You haven’t told her yet?”
“She invited me for some private time later, she said discussing those things in a party wasn’t really wise, and she’s right.” Kenna pointed out.
Dom sighed. It was true. It would be dangerous to discuss their plans in here. But he wasn’t sure how he felt about Kenna being with Annelyse in private, either.
“What about you?” Kenna changed the subject. “How did it go with the rest of the nobles?” 
Dom assured her he was quite the charmer. He swayed a few major families to their side, already blindly supporting whatever idea they’d suggest.
“That’s good to hear-” Kenna smiled, but stopped in her tracks when she saw someone approaching them.
Before they could discuss their plans any further, a beautiful, dark and mysterious man stood before her. 
“May I have this dance?” He was offering her an arm.
Kenna only blinked at him once, before shaking herself out of her shock and breaking into a smile. “Of course.” 
Dom couldn't help but feel a rush of jealousy running throughout his entire body.
He came to this party with Kenna by his arm, and yet he lost her so easily.
He just hoped the stars he was seeing in her eyes were still just a part of her act.
“What a beautiful evening,” Kenna commented, being let by the mysterious man on the dance floor.
“It is,” He answered, but unlike her he wasn’t looking around them at all, his eyes were focused all on her, and her only.
Kenna felt her cheeks turning red, but tried to fight that feeling.
What was that feeling, anyway?
“May I ask, who are you, exactly?” She gulped a little, trying to regain her courageous persona.
“My name is Raydan, Raydan Lykel. I’m an... Associate of lady Annelyse’s.” He explained, though his tone wavered a bit when he mentioned ‘Associate’.
“Well, Raydan the Associate, seeing as I haven’t seen you all night long, and the fact that you weren’t announced when you entered, can I deduct that you’re not just an associate, but maybe...” She leans closer, trying to intimidate him just in the right amount, and whispers in his ear. “Her spy?” She guesses.
When she leans back, she’s surprised to see Raydan smile. It still looked like he had the upper hand, and that’s not a situation where Kenna usually were.
“You are correct, my lady,” He nods, spinning Kenna with elegance and grace just in queue with the song. He never missed any beat, Kenna realizes, and he’s been leading her this whole time, with the song. Someone watching them from the side would not be able to tell it’s the first time Kenna has danced to this song.
“And if we’re already playing a guessing game, let me deduct that you’re not royalty, are you?” He looks at her feet, as if he’s motioning for the fact that he was, in fact, leading her this whole dance.
“And still, you got invited to this ball. You’re here because you have some kind of cause in your mind, and you need Annelyse to do it.”
Kenna nods, unsure what her next move should be. He could expose her at any moment. Hell, even more, she fell for his charming smile and silver tongue, but he was just Annelyse’s spy and doing his job, marvelously so.
“You’re also nervous, I can tell,” He continues, answering Kenna’s prayers so she doesn’t need to speak up.
“Don’t worry, I won’t expose you. Not yet at least.” He assures her.
“You won’t?” She can’t help but raise her eyebrows at him. She let’s her guard down, once again, but this time purposely. “Why?”
Raydan seems to think about her question for a second, before smiling to himself, brilliantly. He dips her, just in time for the song.
She lets him guide her, relaxing in his touch and trusting him to pull her up when he needs to. She closes her eyes, and lets the world around her to fade away, for just a moment.
“Easy,” He says, making her open her eyes back. He’s lifting her up, and she watches as the light around Raydan seems to shine brighter than it does around the rest of the room. “It’s because I like you.” He smiles, and twirls them around again.
“You like me?” She blushes again, before reminding herself it might just be an act. “You don’t even know me.” She scowls at him.
Raydan chuckles to himself. Kenna doesn’t like that.
“Since the first moment you set foot in this ballroom, it was obvious you had a cause. A cause you’re ready to fight for, and I respect that.”
“You watched me since the moment I stepped into the room?” Kenna questions.
“Wrong. I watched you since the moment you stepped into the city of Aurelia.” Raydan finally gives away more information, and Kenna feels dizzy.
“Since the moment I entered the city? But... How...?”
“We don’t just let any travelers into our city’s walls,” Raydan explains. “Annelyse tasked me with this.” He shrugs.
“And I also know why you’re here.” He adds, his eyes finally leaving Kenna, as he looks at something behind her shoulder, his eyes getting dark and distant and serious again.
“You do know? And you’re not going to stop me?” Kenna’s voice isn’t so sure of herself as it was in the beginning of this conversation, but the dance is not over yet and she clings to the moments they have until they finish it.
Raydan doesn’t answer, but he looks back at her, the corners of his mouth rising into a light smile, telling her that no - in fact, he wasn’t going to try and stop her.
“Does Annelyse know?” Kenna continues questioning.
“No.” He answers, giving Kenna the answers she wants to hear. She wonders how come she’s so lucky, to meet not one but two people that decide to take a chance on her. The carriage rider and now Raydan, the spy who’s loyalty she should be questioning right now, but she isn’t.
“Now, if you don’t mind, can we finish the dance without further interrogating each other? I do enjoy dancing with you, even if you’re quite inexperienced.” Raydan tells her, making her blush again.
This time, Kenna laughs, and throws her head back. When she returns to face Raydan, he’s watching her intently, her eyes glistening with curiosity.
She rests her head on his shoulder, continuing to dance. “Sure. I enjoy dancing with you too.” She lets only him know, as she’s speaking into his ear again.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
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The Happiest Place on Earth
Summary: You have been an Avenger since the beginning and Thor has always been one of your closest friends. When Tony declares a Disneyland vacation is in order, Loki decides to finally force you and his brother to face your feelings.  
Pairing: Thor x Reader
Word Count: 1550
Warnings: Relentless sibling teasing. It’s pretty fluffy guys, but if I missed anything then let me know!
A/N: This is my first Thor fic and I am beyond excited to share it with you all. He is my baby and I hope I did him justice! I also love Disneyland, so this was a bit self-indulgent. I wrote this as an entry for @caplansteverogers Caplan’s Disney Challenge. She’s so talented guys I highly recommend checking out her master list. My prompt is in bold.
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On occasion, all the criminals in the world would decide to take a vacation from their evil ways. This would leave you and the team without any missions. These breaks were usually spent relaxing in the facility, but Tony decided that the team could use some fun. What better place to go than to the happiest place on earth?
The whole team, along with Pepper, boarded one of the quinjets and set off for California. After unloading at the hotel you all make your way down the street to the entrance of the park.
“I’m so excited for this,” you say excitedly as you shake Thor’s arm. “Steve and Bucky’s first time was magic, you and Loki are going to love this!”
Loki looks up from the map in his hands and tries keep a bored expression on his face. “A Midgard amusement park is hardly magic, but I will give it a shot for your sake.”
Bucky turns around at the sound of his name and drops Steve’s hand to pull his sunglasses off his face so he can look at Loki. “I saw you looking at mouse ears on the computer last night, so you’re not fooling anyone. No shame though, it’s great here.” He shoots you a wink and turns back to Steve who presses a kiss to his brow.
Loki brings the map to his face and Thor’s booming laugh fills the sidewalk. “I for one have no problem expressing how excited I am. Y/N and I have been watching movies in preparation.”
“I’m sure you have been,” Loki says eying you and Thor.
You turn away from Thor with furrowed brows. “What’s that supposed to mean, Lo? I invited you to watch with us.”
“I had no interest in intruding on your date, pet.”
“It wasn’t- we weren’t���” you trail off and look to Thor for help. His cheeks are ruddy, and he is keeping his attention anywhere but you. “I’m uh- gonna go check on Pete. Tony can’t keep him entertained forever and I promised May that I’d watch after him.”
You push past Bucky and Steve to make your way to Peter. “Why do you have to say things like that to her? She’s always so kind to you,” Thor scolds.
“I am simply tired of the two of you tiptoeing around one another. You have always acted like a scared little boy when it comes to her.”
“I am through talking about this, Loki. If you know what’s good for you then you will drop the subject. She is my friend and comrade in battle, nothing more.” Thor swipes the map to the park out of his brother’s hand and dashes down the sidewalk after you.
“Imbecile,” Loki mutters loud enough for Thor to hear.  
After signing autographs for countless kids and a few adults you finally push through Main Street and into New Orleans Square, where the lines for a few of the rides are.
“We have to start with The Haunted Mansion! It was closed last time we were here. Thor, we watched the movie, remember?” you steer the group toward the dilapidated building with a grin on your face.
Thor nods his head eagerly and smiles down at you. “Yes, sunshine, that was the one with the risen dead and the ghosts.”
You hum at him and grab his wrist to tug him along with you. “Yeah that’s the one. The ride is so much better than the movie, though. You’ll see,” you look over his shoulder and notice Peter standing alone near the back of the group. “Pete you can ride with me if you want.”
He looks at you with a grateful smile. “I wish Ned could’ve come, but you are a close second.”
You rub the back of your neck and look up at Thor. “Sorry, big guy. I’m sure Loki will make a good seatmate, though.” You drop his wrist and move next to Peter’s side.
Loki appears next to Thor and digs his elbow into his side. “Say something, she wanted to sit with you.”
“I told you to drop this nonsense,” Thor growls under his breath.
“You never learn, brother.”
“I don’t know what you’re suggesting…” Thor trails off as he looks ahead of him in the queue. A wide smile spreads across his face as he watches you joking with Peter in front of him in line. He can’t take his eyes off of you as you point out the different decorations that are placed around the room.
“Stop staring at her, you buffoon, and go and talk to her.”  
Thor’s head snaps toward his brother. “Careful, Loki, someone might think you actually care about someone other than yourself.”
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I just cannot bear to watch you pine. It’s disgusting.”
Thor rolls his eyes at his brother and leans against the wall. “I am not pining. We are friends, it’s nice to see her laughing.”
Loki looks to you and then back at his brother, a smirk spreads across his lips. “Perhaps you wouldn’t mind if I invited her out to dinner this evening, then? Hm? I’m sure we’d end up in my room, you know Stark splurged for the suites. I’m sure we could make use of that big bathtub.”
A growl tears its way out of Thor’s throat. “Leave her be.”
“Why would you care? Why wouldn’t you want your friend to be treated to a nice evening? I’d make it very nice, she deserves it. Say it and I’ll back off.”
Thor looks up to you and his eyes soften. “There’s nothing for me to say.”
It’s Loki’s turn to roll his eyes and he makes the snap decision to force his brother’s hand. He wiggles his fingers and watches as Thor’s long hair ties itself around the candelabra above him on the wall. “The line’s moving, brother. Let’s see if I like this ride as much as Y/N said I would.”
Thor goes to move but groans as his body slams back into the wall. “Loki what did you do?”
He winks and turns toward where you are standing. “Y/N, I believe that dear Thor could use some assistance,” Loki calls to you and nods his head to his brother who is leaning his head against the wall.
You look closer at Thor and notice that he is stuck to one of the candlesticks that are hanging on the wall. You erupt in laughter and quickly slap your hand over your mouth when a grimace spreads over his face. “Sorry for laughing, honey. Don’t worry about it, we’ll have you unstuck in a jiffy. Just be grateful that the fire is fake, or this could’ve been bad.”
A deep blush spreads across Thor’s face and he tries not to jerk his head. “Thank you for helping me. Loki seems to think it’d be a good idea to leave me trapped.”
You run your fingers over the candelabra that is wrapped up in Thor’s golden hair and suck in a deep breath. “Why is your hair so long? This is going to take a while to undo. How’d you manage to get so tangled up anyway?”
“It’s totally a Game of Thrones thing,” Tony says from beside Pepper. “He’s like Drogo and has never lost a battle.”
“While that may be a nice notion it’s because he overheard someone talking to the Widow about how much they liked long hair,” Loki mutters.
Thor’s eyes widen, and he grits his teeth together. “Loki stop talking.”
You can feel your cheeks heat up as your fingers work at the nest of his hair. You glance at his face and he meets your eyes. “I do like it, for the record,” you whisper.
He looks at the ground with a small smile and leans his head into your soft touch. You run your hand through his hair again and it magically releases from the candlestick. Your brows furrow and your eyes snap up to Loki. He avoids your eyes and ushers the others toward the doom buggies at the front of the line. Thor nudges your shoulder with his and your attention snaps back to him.
“Would you care to share a carriage with me? It appears that Loki has ditched me.”
You bite your lip to hold back a smile and glance over at Peter giving you two thumbs up. “I’d love nothing more.”
“Kiss her, Point Break,” Tony shouts as he steps onto the ride with Pepper. She elbows him in the ribs and then smiles at you and Thor.
“I guess that leaves me with the spider-child,” Loki mutters.
“It’s Spiderman, Mr. Loki. But, you can just call me Peter.”
“Don’t test me, spider-child.”
Thor pulls you to the front of the queue and presses a quick kiss to your cheek. “After you, milady.”
Once the two of you are settled in the seat and ride begins you pull his face to yours. You reach up and tangle your fingers through his hair as your lips work against his. He smiles broadly at you as you startle away when a clap of thunder booms through the speakers. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”
His thumb reaches up to stroke your cheek. “Me too, sunshine.”
In front of you, Loki shrieks from his carriage and both of you erupt into a fit of giggles.
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nomadmilk · 5 years
Big Break (Peter Parker x F!Reader) - PART 4
Summary: It’s difficult working as CEO of Stark Industries, even if it was temporary. Stress has gotten the better of you, and so has Parker’s. Together, somehow, you guys find a way to escape your busy work lives.
Total Word Count: 10838 (Split into parts).
Warnings: Fluffy Spoodermam. Did I mention swearing before???
Author’s Note: Much of my attention is towards my essays and dissertations this month... And counting down to ENDGAME... Enjoy!! And thank you!!
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Peter stands alone. He’s a couple of feet or so away from you, and holding something fluffy and green in his hand.
You were waiting for him to say something.
“Isn’t that the frog we were trying to get from the machine?” Your eyebrows rise, and your forehead dips a little, gesturing to the green, googly-eyed frog peeking through the grip of his hands..
Pepper’s desk toy span three times.
“Oh. Yeah. This… Is for you.” His arm locks to present the frog, the frog itself lying upside down in his palm. He strides forwards, standing on the other side of the desk, and positioning the frog directly in front of you, the right way up. “It’s, uh, just without a hat.”
You place your pen on top of some unfinished paperwork, and pull yourself closer to the desk to reach over to it. Peter’s eyes removed themselves from your leaning figure.
“How’d you get this?” You question, inspecting the fabric and the seams.
Peter didn’t want to respond. Tony must have bought the entire arcade place just to get that thing.
“And what was Tony doing here?” You pry a little more. “Is everything okay?”
Showing his hands in front of him, as if it was an appeal to prove his innocence, he rushes to sit down on cushioned chair. “Everything’s fine. And Mr Stark was here cause’- I mean, I think he had…”
He didn’t finish his sentence; lying to you wasn’t something he wanted between the two of you.
“Mr Stark actually got it.” He exhales. “I don’t know when he got it, or how. But he told me to give it to you.”
“What?” You were befuddled. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to get it and give it to you-“
“Oh, my God. Was he spying on us?”
Peter’s lips thinned straight. “I-I think he was.” His shoulders hunched unsure and tightly. “F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“Ugh. Peter, I’m sorry-“
“I wasn’t in trouble with Mr Stark, that’s not why he’s here. He’s just here to speak to me about…” He had a few seconds to think, sitting in the empty chair in front of you. “Something.”
“Right… As long as you’re okay.”
“Y-you wanna’ go on a date?”
“You wanna’ go on another break?”
“Like, now?”
“You’re free for the rest of the day, aren’t you?”
“How’d you know that?” You shook your head. “And how about you? Don’t you have anything to do?”
“Yes.” Peter inched his chair forwards to you, you both hear the creaks as the legs of it scratch the floor. “I can do it later. I just want to pay you back for what you did for me yesterday. I’d like to-to, y’know, take you somewhere that I-I think you might like.”
“Are you sure?”
He sprung out of his seat, clapping and rubbing his hands together. He took hold of the computer monitor and the keyboard, and swung it so he could view it. From the corner of his peripheral, he saw you dazed as he proceeded to save and exit files, and close down windows, and log you out of the system.
His back straightens, and he folds his arms in triumph.
With no reply, you got to your feet. You took hold of a bag strap and slipped it onto one of your shoulders, picking up the frog. It sits and sinks into your bag. You can’t fully seal your handbag, so the frog lies at one end, squished a little by the pressure of the zip. You smile at him, and he returns it. And you curse yourself in doing so as it just confirmed your suspicion of a second weak spot.
“U-u-unless it’s not good for you right now.” Peter’s face shifted to worry, as if the words just generated out of thin air. “Which is fine. It’s cool. Then another time-“
Even with the heels, you still needed to use the tip of your toes for your lips to reach his cheek. He felt your hand on his arm, as you used it for support to lean into him. It was only a millisecond, and you had pulled away quickly, but there were aftershocks.
He let out a brief chuckle, but his face looked at you with disbelief.
“Lead the way.” You simper.
You walk side by side as you leave the office. As you both leave the building, Happy is already outside with the car. You guys both hop into the back, and start commenting on how the car’s leather seats never seem to get worn down or faded after years of being a chauffeur car. Then Happy overheard and eliminated all solutions with telling the both of them that Tony Stark is a trillionaire now.
“You really think he’s not gonna’ hire people to clean the car?...”
The car, windows tinted, reflected the gleam of a low sunset as it drove through New York. It was able to drive past the flat where Peter lived. Even though he slept and ate at the Avengers compound, he sees Aunt May on a regular basis to have dinner with her; the meals were never successful, and they’d end up ordering takeaway instead. You’ve never met Aunt May, and she hardly attended the compound. You saw her one time with a cake box in Peter’s lab to celebrate his birthday. Peter was nonchalant when he spoke about her to you, but you could tell they’ve been through a lot together, and you admired that familial relationship. It was nice seeing him laugh as he told stories; he didn’t talk that much usually, and he didn’t even stammer once.
The car passed Midtown High, and you both saw students still exiting the gates.
“Why are they just leaving? It’s 5pm.”
“Yeah.” Peter shrugged. “That’s only the first half of the extracurriculars.”
You were bewildered. “The first half?”
“There’s extra extracurricular afterwards.” Peter said.
The car then pulled up into a parking lot, and you both head out of the vehicle. Happy drives off, promising to return if Peter gave him a message.
Peter held his hand in yours as you both turned around a street corner. He lead you into a convenience store named ‘Delmar’s Deli-Grocery’. Peter, pushing the door open, greeted a man behind a counter, the bell’s chime was heard in two shrills by the movements.
“This place has got the best sandwiches in New York. Can’t help but get one if I ever get the chance to…” Peter then proceeded to ask you what you’d like and, once taking your order, paced to the counter where he met an old man with a handshake, which was brought in for a hug.
As you left Peter by the till to catch up, you saunter over to the aisles, looking at snacks and magazines. As you switch to another aisle, you peer over to the till again; Peter still had his back towards you, and he was still having a chat. The old man catches your glimpse, smiles and nods at you. You awkwardly smile back with a small wave.
You scan through random DVDs, and drinks, and even took a gander at the toiletries aisle just to kill a little more time.
“Uh, Y/N,” You hear Peter call you, “Grab anything you want. My treat.”
“What do you want?”
“Anything. Get some snacks.”
“What else are we doing after this?”
“We’re seeing my Aunt May.”
As you agreed and went back to the snack aisle, you miss Mr Delmar’s nudge at Peter.
You get some popcorn, chocolates and a couple of wine bottles; a Pinot Grigio for Aunt May, and Merlot for yourself. You head over to the counter and stood next to Peter, setting the items next to a couple of freshly made, toasted, sandwiches.
Peter fishes through his pockets for a couple of dollar notes and hands them to the man behind the till. “Thanks, Mr Delmar.”
“It’s not a problem, kid, it’s always nice to see your face.” Mr Delmar says, handing him some coins in change. There’s a snap beneath the counter, and he whips open a plastic bag to place the items in. “Who’s your lady friend here?”
You make eye contact with him. “I’m Y/N. I just work with Peter-“
“Ah! I thought I recognised you!” Mr Delmar exclaimed, like a light bulb had lit above his head. “You’re head of Stark Industries.”
You shrug, receiving the plastic bag, “It’s only temporary. Pepper Potts will be back to resume position.”
“You still must be a busy woman.” He points to Peter. “How have you got time for this guy?”
“Oh. Thor was busy.”
The man chuckles, as you smirk at Peter; he glares at you, with a small beam twitching on his lips.
The bell jingles as you both walk back outside to the queues of cars filling the streets, illuminated by headlights, neon store signs and changing traffic lights. The sky was a deep purple, blanketing the sky with velvet against the hubbub of people passing you and Peter on the sidewalk.
You’re pretty nervous about meeting Aunt May officially. You were glad that you were in your work clothes, so at least you felt presentable. Chatting with Peter about random topics, and munching on your warm delis is easing you. On the other hand, as you arrive at the flat, you realise that you had just been blocking all that stress. Are you sure seeing Aunt May was a good idea?... And why were you stressing out about this? It should be fine. The wine should be fine. Maybe she doesn’t drink?
You stand behind him, plastic bag of snacks and drinks held in one hand and an almost finished sandwich in the other. The hallway is empty, and at the very end is a window, showing the sky, darker than before.
The sandwich had disappeared from Peter’s hands, and some of it was on his cheek, or had fallen as crumbs on his collar. He sifts through his back pockets for the sound of a set of keys, and unlocks the door.
“Aunt May?” Peter shut the door, the keys jangling in a bowl. “Think she might be working late.”
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daysswithyou · 6 years
III. Jae - Truth
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Characters: Jae x you
Genre: slice of life, fluff, romance, bff-ery
Words: 6.1k
Description: enemies to lovers!jae
Warning: slight (very slight) swearing
It’s one of the things you have a love-hate relationship with.
You love coming back to once again immerse yourself in the subjects you enjoy studying for but at the same time, you hate having to back amongst the crowd of raucous boys – and you’d thought that college-aged boys would be more mature than that. You could go on and rant for days about how much you couldn’t stand all the rowdy people in school but there was just one thing that would beat all of that – Park Jaehyung.
Boy was a plague that should be avoided at all costs.
He would always have some trick up his sleeves, each one more drastic than the last one. It baffled you how he managed to get away with all his jokes and you were beginning to think that he possessed some sort of magic that would allow everyone around him (including the teachers) to forget his antics.
 You’d always been the prim and proper one, the kind that never stepped a toe out of line. As all your friends called you, The Perfect student Y/N: always on time for handing up your assignments and being where you should be.
Naturally, for people that do not fit within these neat rows, you tended to avoid them. Not because you looked down upon them, but simply because you knew that you wouldn’t click well with them. Therefore, it can be said that you didn’t go out to find trouble, trouble found you instead.
“What’s on your lunch menu today, Y/N?”
“I’m going to go with some Japanese food, been craving that stuff for days now.”
It was a normal queue experience; save for a few pricks that always cut the queue. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the sight – why can’t these people just queue up like everyone else? But alas, in life, there are bound to be pricks around so you just let it slide.
“What’s with that long face?”
“Queue-cutters is why.”
Your friend Rachel merely gave you a small smile, twirling her fork in the air a little before saying, “Just let it slide.”
“I would, but when you only have a 30 minute break and these people take up 10 minutes of your time, surely you would be bothered.”
She suddenly stopped twirling her fork in mid-air before focusing on something behind you.
Or to be more accurate: someone.
“Hey Y/N?”
On instinct, you reacted to your name and the next sensation you were aware of was someone’s lips on yours.
And that certain someone was Park Jaehyung.
In the beginning there was the sensation of your brain going numb from the shock and all you’re aware of is the feeling of his lips on yours – they feel soft? Like really soft; think marshmallow soft. But once your brain got past that stage and alarm bells went off in your head, you were harshly pushing him off and acting on instinct.
 A sharp crack resonated through the entire canteen and you only realised what you had done when you felt the stinging pain on your palm.
 Half of you were angry at him for pulling that prank on you, but the better half of you was feeling guilty for hurting him.
 Before you could work out an appropriate response to the scene that both of you had caused, Rachel was dragging you away from the cafeteria and for the rest of the day, when you caught your reflection in the mirror, you found yourself involuntarily remembering the feeling of his lips against yours.
It didn’t help that you had many shared lessons with Jae (reason why you knew he was so infamous in the first place)
Seeing him gave you terrible flashbacks of That Day and the snickers from the rest of your classmates weren’t helping very much. In a bid to reduce your chances of being the target for his next prank, you chose a seat right at the back of the classroom, which was far enough from him, in your opinion.
But it seems that fate loves to deal you a shitty card so within the next 15 minutes, you found yourself face to face with him, your official designated partner for the year end History project.
Just as you were lost in your own thoughts (cursing and swearing at your terrible luck), you saw a hand waving in your peripheral vision followed by a snap of the fingers that brought you out from your trance.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Jae asked with a quirk of his eyebrows. He then stretched out his arms along the length of your desk before propping himself up with his elbows as his cheeks rested on his knuckles. He then used the fingers on his free hand to drum lightly against your desk and for the first time, you notice the thin black band on his middle finger.
You leaned back in your chair, backing out of your own personal space now that he has taken over that space. You frowned a little, baffled at his behaviour.
How is he so…calm? After that prank that he pulled and the fiasco that he caused, how is he so calm around me?
But seeing as to how he didn’t seem fazed at all, you decided that you would not be the one to make things awkward, and opted to put that incident behind you.
“Nothing. Let’s get started.”
The next hour went by uneventfully as both of you decided on your thesis and you thought that, maybe, just maybe, that you could possibly work with him.
 Well, you thought wrong.
Jae was an absolute PAIN to work with.
Nothing about the project went to plan – all thanks to him. His research always came late and he was never on time for your discussions. You were seething inside – but – enough time had been wasted.
It was in these moments that you decided to put your intelligence to good use – so – cost-benefit analysis right? You decided that the cost of wasting time reprimanding him was less than the benefits of making headway for the project so you simply settled for rolling your eyes at him before getting started on the project. After a couple of such incidents, you were now used to him running off mid-way during your discussions, leaving you to burn the midnight oil just to get through your thesis bit by bit.
 Day of submission was finally approaching and with your knowledge of Jae performing for the upcoming school festival, you knew he wouldn’t have time left to meet you so you merely left him a text, asking him to get the last few paragraphs out over the weekend at his own time. You got an “ok” emoji back from Jae a couple of hours later and you left it as that. But when you checked back on the document the morning before submission, you nearly spit out your coffee all over your pristine white laptop.
 The document was blank, entirely BLANK. Submission was in 10 hours’ time and the document was…BLANK? Fury surged through your veins and right at the moment, the devil called.
 “YAH Park Jaehyung!”
“Y/N it’s 8am in the morning, why are you screaming into my ear?”
“You’re unbelievable. You have the audacity to ask me WHY I’m screaming at you at 8am in the morning? Tell me Jae, what do you think I’m screaming at you for?”
“Eh…that’s because the document is still blank?”
“Thank you for your response, I see you still at least have half a brain left to give me the correct answer.”
“Look, I’m sorry, band practise ended late last night because we had some loose ends to tie up. But thing is I’m calling you now…”
“You’re calling me because?”
“I need help with the thesis. I’m at the Coffee Time, could you come down to help me out…?”
Getting no response from your end of the line, Jae decided to use the magic word.
You took a deep breath as you closed your eyes to do a quick analysis in your brain.
1.      You do not help him and the cost is that you get a bad grade for History – you might even fail.
2.      You help him and in that manner tacitly condone his deplorable behaviour.
As much as you hated yourself for it, you knew the decision was a clear one.
“I’ll be there in 30 minutes. But you sir, better get something out in the meantime because I will give you hell later when I see you.”
“Gotcha sweetheart, thanks.” You heard him make a vague kissy noise before the line went dead. You positively gagged before hauling yourself to the bathroom to make yourself look presentable.
You found him in the corner 30 minutes later sipping on black coffee with 3 other empty cups around him.
“What are you running on – pure caffeine?”
“Unfortunately so for the next 10 hours, I’ll crash properly once we hand up this assignment.”
Right at that moment a cup of green tea latte was placed in front of you and you couldn’t even mutter out a thank you before the waiter disappeared behind the counter again. Then the afterthought hit you: you hadn’t even ordered anything yet so what was this?
“Jae, did you order this?”
“Honey, you’re asking the obvious.”
“Just checking…how’d you know I usually get this though?”
“That’s, like, the only thing you get whenever I have to meet you here.”
“Didn’t think you’d have noticed…”
“I notice everything. I just don’t necessarily comment on it.”
In response, you raised an eyebrow before taking a sip of the familiar sweet drink.
“No problem. Ok but I really need help with this thesis, could you come over here and look at this real quick?”
Shifting your body over to sit beside him, you focused your eyes on where he was pointing at on the screen and you did a quick scan of the paragraph he just wrote.
"I think you can explain further on what motivated the Soviet Union to end the Cold War. There are more reasons than just these."
You'd then spent the next 15 minutes explaining it to him before he finally got what you were saying. As he nodded in understanding, you were about to scoot away so that he had space to type but soon you were trapped within his arms. 
Instead of asking you to move, Jae simply moved his long arms over your body before letting it settle by your side. So there you sat for the next 10 minutes, trapped between his chest and his right arm, as he typed out the paragraph. As much as you wanted to critique as he wrote the paragraph, the close proximity of your bodies was too distracting for you. Those 10 minutes also gave you sufficient time to realise how your small frame fitted nicely between the crevices of his body; he didn't even seem awkward typing with your whole body stuffed between his. You made a mistake of glancing to your left and you caught a glimpse of his milky white collarbones, realising your height difference just by sitting down. 
I'm probably only around the height of his shoulder.
"Done. Help me check?"
You merely nodded, and you finally could breathe again after he kept his arms back to himself. 
"This seems fine."
"Woohoo yes baby."
"Yea just keep typing. I'll move back."
"No just sit here. It's more efficient if I type and you check at the same time." 
Tugging you down by your wrists, you found yourself wedged between Jae and his arm once again and the cycle repeated itself for the next 5 hours until he finally got the last word out. 
"And...we're...done! Alas!"
Jae then raised his arms above his body in a stretch before allowing himself to sink against the comfortable plush seat. You'd let him catch a few moments of rest as you scanned through the document one last time. As much as you hated his lax attitude throughout the process, he was able to produce quality work in the end and you suppose you can't really argue with that. 
"Oi Jae." You slapped his biceps as you tried to shake him awake.
"We need to get this printed and in his letter tray within the next 2 hours."
"So let's get this stuff printed!" 
"Alright relax. We can get it done here."
"What, in the cafe?"
"Yea. Gimme a moment." 
Taking the thumb drive from your hands, Jae disappeared behind the counter into the kitchen and reappeared a few moments later, as promised. 
"Done. Let's just wait here for the next few minutes." 
"How'd you even..."
"That, darling, is called connections."
"Ok I get that but we need to establish something: you need to stop addressing me with all these terms of endearment. I have a name that you can use, you know?" 
"But that's so boring!" 
"Excuse me; are you insulting my given name?" You peered down at Jae's figure that was now sprawled out all over the couch, narrowing your eyes at him as you placed your arms on your hips. 
Jae, unfazed as always, merely cracked an eye open to look at you before shutting them again.
"No, that isn't what I meant. I think you have a great name Y/N, I sincerely do. It's just that everyone calls you that and I wanna do something different, ya know?"
"And, what for?"
"Well, just because I am original."
You were in the middle of formulating your thoughts when a stack of papers landed beside you.
"Jae-hyung, your papers."
"Oh thanks Wonpil."
You cracked a small smile at the red-haired boy and he gave you a nice eye smile back before disappearing behind the counter again. 
"Let's hand this in and call it a day."
When both of you finally placed the document in your lecturer tray, it felt like an entire weight had been lifted off your shoulders. 
Walking along the largely empty hallways, Jae brought up the idea of dinner and you were bickering with him about suitable dinner options when you froze as your grip on Jae's shirt tightened. 
 Coming straight in your direction was your worst nightmare. It felt like death was coming - you could almost feel the icy cold fingers of death wrap around your throat. Why now - after all your effort to forget him? 
 Your cheating ex was currently walking towards you and by his side was the girl that he cheated on you with. It felt like getting shoot. Twice. It took you a year to forget the humiliation, to be able to walk down the school hallways comfortably without feeling like everyone was either staring at you in pity or disgust. It took you another 6 months to stop thinking about him daily, and another 6 months to start meeting new people again, to start being alright with talking to someone of the opposite gender. 
 It took you so long, so, very, long to finally settle into a new routine and get back to living your life like how you used to. 
 But just the sight of him sent your house crumbling, leaving it in shambles again. 
 It was all too much to take in and you swore you stopped breathing all the way until you felt someone tug your chin towards them. 
 "Hey Y/N, stay with me and listen to me ok? We're just gonna stay like this till they're gone and I'm gonna talk to you. I'm gonna laugh, I'm going to say nonsensical stuff. All you gotta do is play along but if you can't do that, just nod your head when you hear me say something." 
"See, that's it. You're doing great. So back to the question: what's for dinner today?"
"Eh. Eh. Eh...sushi."
"Sushi. Perfect. What's your favourite sushi?"
You were about to open your mouth when their loud peals of laughter broke your train of thoughts. You physically winced at the noise - like that noise hurt you. You swear you heard Jae curse under his breath and now he was pulling your hair from behind your ears to cover your ears before he whispered into them. 
"Ignore them. Just close your eyes and lean your forehead against my shoulder if you need to. Don't look at them, don't process their presence." 
Right at that moment as they walked past, Jae took you into his embrace, his hands deliberately covering your ears and his shoulder obstructing your view of them. When he was sure that they were gone, he then let you go slowly before peering down at you from his superior height.
"So we were saying: sushi for dinner?"
"I want to drink."
So there you found yourself a few hours later, empty plastic containers lying in the sand around you, a bottle in hand as you took another chug from the lip of the glass.
“So you’re the type to drown your sorrows in alcohol.”
You let the bitter liquid burn through the back of your throat, your face turning into a grimace. With tear prickling the edges of your eyes, you turned your profile towards Jae before saying,
“I found that it’s the most *hiccup* effective *hiccup* way *hiccup* of drowning out one’s sorrow.”
“Ok you’ve had enough for tonight, give me that.”
Jae proceeded to take the bottle from you before placing it down on the sand beside him.
“Also…I’m not crying because of that asshole…it’s just the alcohol…”
“Ok you’re babbling nonsense now Y/N.”
“No I’m serious!”
“You just downed 3 bottles because you saw him today.”
“Do you always have to be so brutally honest?”
“I just am towards you because I know you can handle it.”
“I might be one, but at least I’m nice enough to drink with you.”
And to that, you didn’t have a defence so you just turned back to face the sea, watching the moonlight illuminate the surface of the midnight blue sea.
“If you wanna say something, I’m all ears.”
You scoffed a little, not quite sure how to respond to Jae’s offer.
“I don’t even know where to begin.”
“If you have no destination in mind, where you start doesn’t matter. You can start anywhere and end up anywhere and be alright. I’ll just wait here.”
“True. It’s just that…it’s just that I’ve been trying so hard, but I don’t think I can ever fully let go of what he’s done to me. And it scares me to have to live with this baggage for the rest of my life because it makes me feel like I’ll never be able to find love again. I know it sounds silly – because he’s just 1 guy out of the billions of people that make up the male population in this world. But once is enough to make me scared. But I don’t want to be scared.”
Jae merely hums in understanding and this goes on for the rest of the night – you spilling all your fears and secrets out, in which the only witnesses are Jae and the moon. At some point you ended up crying (though you don’t remember why or how you started) and soon you were breathing in the familiar cologne scent as Jae gently slips into the space beside you and holds you close.
Close enough to make you feel comforted, and almost close enough to help stick your broken pieces back together.
Jae didn’t know why he was so kind to you – almost everyone else was just a subject of his pranks but he felt so strongly for you. Admittedly, you were once (and only once) a subject of his pranks, but for Park Jaehyung to partake in the act of comforting someone? Even Jae knew that was something out of his league.
But he felt compelled to do so; maybe even obliged to do so. He wanted to make you feel better, and to stay by your side to make sure that you were alright.
You thought you would be able to get rid of Jae once the project was over but boy wouldn’t even leave you alone for a second. Your phone would blow up every minute, the screen displaying some notification from him. He was literally everywhere – blowing up your social media and messaging applications. Jae would also “mysteriously” appear at the café whenever you were studying there, claiming that he was “coincidentally” there when you were. That happened a couple of times – until you called him out for him and very publicly told him that he could have just asked if he really wanted to study with you. From that day onwards, study sessions became official. On most days they were fine, but you hated days when you had to deal with Jae that was running low on caffeine. Those were the days where you bickered with him so much, it felt like both of you were enemies once again. He would also turn into the most distracting thing in the whole world, successfully earning dirty glares from patrons around you. Once, it got so bad that Jae, with a quarter of his mind still functioning, had asked you to strap him to the chair with a cable tie.
“Strap me.”
“I said strap me!”
The whole café immediately turned to stare at the both of you; even Wonpil had stopped making his coffee because of what Jae said.
“Jae, would you stop being so loud! Now people are going to think that I’m some kinky girl holding you hostage!”
“Sorry, I didn’t realise how loud my voice would be. But please, Y/N, could you just strap me into the chair? If not I swear within the next 5 minutes I’m going to run back to the dorm, waste my entire weekend away, and fail this test on Monday.”
“Are you serious about this?”
“Yea! I even came prepared.” He held out a bunch of white cable ties in his hand and you gingerly took some of them.
From your spot under the table, you hissed at Jae,
“Seriously who taught you this?”
“No one. I was just staring at the loose cable ties Sungjin had on his table and decided that I could put that to good use.”
“This is why I would never let you make the plans.”
“This is also why you’re smart – because no one ever lets me make the plans.”
Everyday your interactions with Jae stayed the same but gradually over time, something changed. And it took a whole lot of stumbling and falling (literally) before Jae realised what had happened to him.
 You felt someone step on the back of your shoes and the next sensation you're aware of is falling forward. Judging from the gasps around you, you figured you must have had a pretty nasty fall even though you don't feel the pain yet. 
Just as you managed to get yourself up into a sitting position, someone was already by your side and you'll be able to recognise this voice even from a million miles away. 
"Give me your hand."
Without even waiting for you to say anything, Jae was tugging your wrist gently towards him as he slowly poured water over the wounds on your palm. It stung, and you tried to suppress your hiss of pain by biting onto your lips. 
"I've washed off all the dirt for now; we'll get that dressed at the infirmary. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
You shook your head and proceeded to stand on your own, only to fall again if it hadn't been for Jae's hand supporting your waist. 
"And someone said she wasn't hurt anywhere else." 
"I'm not lying! It really didn't hurt just now until I tried to apply pressure on it..."
Looking at you with his eyes, Jae sighed a little before crouching down before you, his wide back towards you. 
Tapping his shoulder, he said, "Get on. I'll carry you to the infirmary."
"Wait, what, no!" I can walk there myself!"
"Don't make me-"
Just to prove your point, you tried to take a step towards the school building but all you did was yelp in pain. 
"OK I'm doing it."
Before you could register what was happening, Jae was carrying your bridal style. 
"Eppp!" Unused to the feeling of being off the ground, you involuntarily let a yelp slip through your lips as you buried your face into Jae's neck. 
"Scared of heights?" 
And of course, it wouldn't be Jae if he didn't decide to tease you a little. 
He proceeded to toss you into the air before letting you drop lower into the ground, just to get a reaction out of you. 
"Ok, ok I'll stop...let's go for real now."
You don't show your face for the rest of the trip to the infirmary and naturally, you miss the soft smile on Jae's face when he feels your grip on his neck tighten as he holds you a little closer to him.
Setting you gently down on the bed, Jae then walked around getting supplies from the different cabinets around. 
"How do you know this place so well Jae?"
"Let's just say I'm a frequent visitor to this place due to my pranks that go awry."
You nodded in understanding as he makes his way over to you with his hands full of supplies.
You stretch it out as you did just now and Jae gently applies the ointment on for you, blowing at it every few seconds to ease your pain. The sensation of his breath against your wrists causes you to shiver, which earns a response from him. 
"You cold?"
He raises an eyebrow, says nothing else and goes back administering first aid for you. 
"Better now?", he asked, as he smoothed the band aid over your wound. 
"Don't move. I'm gonna get the nurse over to check on your leg."
In 3 jogs, he was out of the infirmary, leaving you behind, slightly missing his touch. 
 "No walking for a week."
"Yea you heard me right young lady. No walking for a week. That was a pretty bad fall. Anyone you can call to pick you up?"
"No. They're out of town."
"None either."
"Well then, guess I gotta keep you here till someone can come and get you."
You fiddle a little with the sheets, unsure of what to do next. You didn't expect to be spending the night here...in your gym clothes...
"I'll stay with her."
By now you don't ever botherb
"By all means, Jae. I'll be back tomorrow morning to check on her. And you young man, better keep your hands to yourself."
"What? I am hurt Mr Kang, how can you have such a bad misjudgement of me?"
"You're not known for being the Troublemaker King for nothing. See you two tomorrow!" 
With a click of the doorknob, Mr Kang left the two of you alone, for the night.
Seeing as there was nothing better to do, you decided to lie down on the bed and ignore the dull ache in your ankles. 
"I'm going to stay right here, so just call me if you need anything."
Jae then tried to settle into the bed next to you. Keyword: tried. 
 "No, not there!"
"Too close." You then made a shooing gesture with your hand, and Jae finally got the message. 
Rolling his eyes a little, Jae slid off the bed into one further away, leaving a gap of 1 bed between the both of you. 
With his back facing you, he said in mock amusement, "Is this ok for you now, Your Highness?"
"Yes. Stay like that and don't face me."
He said nothing and merely stuck a thumb in the air to signal "ok"
But once he heard the rhythmic rise and fall in your breaths, certain that you had fallen asleep, he quietly turned over to face you, a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he watched the way the moonlight softly lit up your face, making you glow like a fairy.
 And in that moment – something within Jae snapped. Why was he smiling? Why does his heart feel so full watching you finally at peace? Why does this moment feel so sweet – sweetness that can rival even the sweetest, most diabetes inducing candy in the world? Jae tried to put the pieces together: that overwhelming need to protect you, that urge to be in touch with you every single day, the small sense of loss whenever he doesn’t…
And the urge to want to hold you close and call you his forever.
Jae understood what that all meant immediately.
I’m in love. Holy shit I’m in love with Y/N.
Once you finally got better, you were back to your daily routine of studying with Jae at the cafe. Although he didn’t seem to be studying much these days; he always seems distracted by something, and was a lot more fidgety around you as compared to others. He couldn’t look you in the eye anymore, and his hands would immediately retract the moment they made contact with yours. He was constantly tapping the end of his pen on the pages of his books, or humming the occasional odd tune. It was driving you crazy and – you snapped.
“Park Jaehyung what is wrong with you?”
“Oh really, it’s nothing? You’ve been fiddling around with things for the entire day! And you’re telling me it’s nothing!”
“I’m serious, it’s nothing.”
“Don’t lie to me! I know something is wrong so would you please just say it and then get it over with?”
“But there is nothing to say.”
I don’t have time to play guessing games with him. I am this close to ruining that pretty little face of his.
“Fine. If you don’t want to say it and your heart isn’t into studying today, you can just go, you know?”
He chewed on his lower lip before throwing his hands up in the air.
“Fine, Y/N, if you’re so angry with me, I’ll leave.”
“What? Jae I’m not angry at you, I’m just saying that if you can’t focus today, maybe you could use a break.”
“Now I’m going to throw your words back at you: don’t lie to me Y/N. I know what you truly mean when you said that.”
“Ok, then leave. You’re just being completely unreasonable now Jae.”
“I am.”
And without another word or so much as a backward glance at you, Jae took off down the flight of stairs, leaving you exasperated. That felt like the final blow dealt to you and for the rest of the night you tried to fight back the tears whenever you thought of the fight you had just now.
It wasn’t the first time you’ve fought with Jae ever since you knew him – but why did his words just now hurt and sting so much?
For the rest of the week, none of you said anything to one another, both your pride being prized much more than the friendship. But you won’t deny it – you missed hearing his voice, missed hanging out with him. When he wouldn’t even acknowledge you when you walked past one another in the hallways; not even a glance in your direction, it felt like the ghost of your past relationship was catching up with you again. The fear struck deep into your core – what if this is really the end of your friendship with Jae? You wondered: was it killing him as much as it is killing me?  
The answer: Yes.
For the past one week, Jae also had to battle with his inner feelings. Whenever he saw you, he wanted to run up to you and just hold you tight but he can’t do that – not after his outburst, and not before he could figure out what it was that he wanted to say to you.
 After much debate and self-berating, Jae decided that the best thing to do would be to just say it. So he decided to call you one night, and he knew you missed him as much as he missed you when you picked up on the first ring.
“Hi Jae.”
“Hey, erm, can we talk?”
“Maybe not now…I’m still the café.”
“Why are you still at the café? It’s already 10pm, you should be resting.”
“No I can’t rest yet…”
The weariness in your voice was evident but Jae knew what was on your mind. You were having one of those moments again – worrying too much and doing too much, so much so that you’ll neglect yourself. It was these moments in which you’d knew Jae to pull you out from the cage you’ve trapped yourself in; your own mind.
“Y/N I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Don’t move.” And he didn’t even wait for your response to know that he’s been given the green light before he sprinted off in search of you.
 When he got there, the whole place was empty and he found you sitting by the corner, at the same table both of you would always use. He found you with your head against the table and he treaded over carefully.
You lifted your head slightly and he could tell you were in bad shape. The circles under your eyes, your pale lips and the lines along your forehead all said too much – though he could see the fire in your eyes as you fought to keep that flame alit.
“Hey.” He tried again to reach out to you, this time holding your hand in his and he used the other to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“You need sleep.”
“I look that terrible, huh?”
“Yea you do. Come on, let’s get you home.”
He then proceeded to stand before he got pulled down by you again.
“No I haven’t gone through this chapter yet, if it comes out tomorrow-”
“You’ll answer it just fine Y/N. You’ve already gone through this once when you taught me, remember?”
“That doesn’t count.”
“It does. Come on now…”
“No I can’t.”
“Y/N, please stop making me worry, I love you and-”
“Whatever you just said – say it again.”
“What did I say?”
“That 3 word phrase – say it again.”
“I said what?”
“You just that you loved me.”
You watched as his eyes grew wide and he slapped a hand over his mouth. That’s when you heard a very muffled “shit” come from his mouth.
You stood up to face him closer and said,
“Did you mean what you said?”
“I messed up, this wasn’t how I planned it in my head but since I’ve already said it, let me finish it.”
He tugged you by your wrist towards him before trapping you in his embrace.
“Y/N – I love you. With all my heart, I do. Fate and time has brought us closer together and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve managed to find someone that I want to protect and treasure for the rest of my life – and that someone is you. I’m usually good with words but in case – screw it. In case you can’t hear my thundering heartbeats, I’m going to tell you now that it’s racing at a hundred miles per hour and this is the best confession I can think of right now. I promise that with more time, I’ll become better with my words but for now please accept my heart.”
“I hate you Park Jaehyung.”
“What? I just said that I love you very sincerely-”
He was cut off by a very sudden attack on his lips and his mind that was already goo became even goo.
“I hate you because you chose the worst time to tell me this. How am I supposed to sit for the exam without this moment replaying in my mind?”
His face lit up at your comment but that smile immediately turned into a smirk,
“Well, in this case, maybe I should make things harder for you.”
“Jae, no! This much for a night is enough.”
“Just kidding – I need you to do well so that we can go on our date in a good mood.”
“Yea, of course! I need to bring you out on a date! Park Jaehyung not bringing his girl out on a date to show off as to his friends? Unthinkable.”
Concern washed over your features and Jae immediately lifted your chin and connected your foreheads together.
“What’s wrong?”
“This…this isn’t a joke right? This is not another one of your pranks right?”
“No, this isn’t a prank. I’m done with those. This is real, this is true, ok?”
You smiled very softly and Jae connected your lips once, twice, then again and again. He did it again and again, until it was enough for you to see the truth behind his words.
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crayonicornn · 5 years
|COR: Question|
“Nice throw.”
Nathan stood still as Jax loomed over him. He couldn't take his eyes off the velvet cushion that stayed clutched in Jax's hand.
“You’re a little later than usual,” Nathan says bluntly, watching him cradle his hand. Instead of the olive skin, it was gleaming white. He also noticed that his hand now revealed a few splotches of red, located at the palm. Bandages? "Hello to you too..." was all he said as his famous grin surfaces with an eye roll. Yet that didn't stop Nathan from getting answers, he decided to find out in the calmest way possible. "Where the hell have you been?!" Nathan didn't realize how loud his voice was until he saw his friend's luminous red hues squint slightly in response. So much for being calm, he sighs mentally. Unconsciously, he covers his pursed lips with his right hand, his skin now as warm as his cheeks. Nathan looks toward Jax for a response to his question, only to receive his ear to ear grin that somehow got wider. That's when he finally became conscious of the fact that his friend was attempting, or rather...succeeding in containing his laughter. Getting even more irritated, he removes his hand and begins to open his mouth to talk before Jax beats him to the punch. "Shh, shh," he hushes at Nathan, now a few steps across from him, "don't want to attract some unwanted company now do we?". Nathan only huffs at this, suddenly losing the motivation to talk. Instead, he resumes analyzing his friends wound, the bandage slightly bloodier than before. He looks back up only to find his friend glaring at him with a little frown, eyebrows slightly scrunched up. If looks could kill, I would've been dead long ago.
“So how did it go?” Nathan asks, combing a hand through his dirty blonde hair.
“It went fine.” was all he had to say.
“Are you sure?” Nathan interjects, surprising himself with the sudden sharpness of his tone. “Because if it went like the usual, you wouldn’t be hurt.” Jax lowered his head and released a low sigh, yet it didn't deter Nathan in the slightest; who now has his arms crossed. At last, after a few moments of silence, the ebony haired teen glanced back up at him. "Before you say anything...yes, I did make it to the place," he says to him slowly, articulating every single word. Nathan nods in approval, waiting for more to be revealed. However, what was said next left him truly speechless. "but I may or may not have been followed..." "Look, man, ever since we commenced this I just thought something's not right." "I think we've been watched this whole time." As if on a camera reel, all of the thoughts flooded into Nathan's mind like a speeding train. "Huh?" was all that he could manage to utter. The abrupt feeling forced him to lean against the velvet couch. "I didn't realize until I was literally a friggin' foot away ok?" Jax hurriedly resumed, as if he sensed his confusion and loss for words. Now it was his turn to rake a hand through his hair. Nathan's heart began to lurch as he processed the situation, his own words drowning out all of the sounds around him, repeating over and over again. He was being followed...yet even I didn't predict that, was all he could think of. At the time it was only a fleeting thought, a simple sign of worry towards his friend. He should've known. He didn't feel the couch sagging to his left until he spoke. "It's not your fault Nate," his ears perked up at Jax's softened tone, "I should've taken your words into account and have been more careful." Jax, now leaning against the velvet couch next to him - still protecting his hand - looks solemnly at the ground. The gentleness made Nathan feel lighter, yet he remained silent. Once his thoughts gradually cleared away, he peers up to find lowered red hues brimming with disappointment. "It was more me who didn't see him coming." Jax continued, focusing towards one of the paintings near the stairs. The unexpected remark caught Nathan's full attention. "Hold on, how do you know the stalker is a 'he'?". He doesn't fail to spot Jax's eyes widening, not to mention his uninjured hand clutching his other more tightly. "Jax..." he reluctantly glances up to Nathan emotionlessly, as if nothing ever happened. "Well...just when I got there, he got the best of me." A stifle of laughter erupted from Nathan's mouth just as he turns away. "Hey! It's not funny!" Jax blurts out as he turns to face him again, clearly both embarrassed and annoyed. "It totally is." he grins widely, only to receive silence and a long scowl in return. He decides to finish off this topic before he gets hit with something that isn't a cushion. "Let me guess, put to sleep?" "Yup." Jax emphasizes the 'p'. No further questions were asked. "What happened afterward?" Nathan requested next, propping himself up on the couch. Now Jax looks away, bringing a frown upon his face. His head hung low, as his ebony hair swept across his eyes. An admission of defeat.
“Jax, what happened?” Nathan says again, never taking his eyes off him. As if on queue, he finally looks up at him, causing Nathan to freeze. His hues are now darkened, losing the glint that Nathan has always known. It made him reconsider what he was about to say because, without that accompanying glow, he was terrifying.
“Would you believe me?” Jax says, much lower than before. It sent a chill down Nathan’s spine. Yet he wasn’t finished. “And would you never tell anyone? Not even her?”
Nathan softly gulps, registering all of his words. It was the first time that he has ever said something like this, after all, he wasn't usually one to tell secrets or personal information about himself.
"Of course." as much as he would love to confide Grace about their scavenges, he had agreed with Jax that they will not get her involved...in order to keep her safe.
Yet, she's the one who's the best at mediating in times like this, not me,
Nathan mentally scoffs.
As if on cue, a sudden roaring of footsteps came cascading down the stairs, causing both him and Jax to look.
"Oh god damn-" was all Nathan could hear from him before he was tackled onto the couch. He shuffles himself to look behind only to find a blob of auburn hair.
"Nice to see you too Grace..."
Jax mutters as Nathan rests in the right armchair close to the kitchen, watching the scene before him. Grace - now lacking her coat and goggles - pokes and prods at his wound gently, entirely ignoring him as he lies on the couch.
"How'd you get this?" she demands, finally releasing his hand to stand up swiftly.
"I broke a window," he replies nonchalantly, cradling his soaked hand once more. She slowly places her hands on her hips, making Nathan quietly chuckle. He can imagine her pouting at Jax like she usually does whenever he does something either bad or stupid...or both.
"Why'd you break a window?"
"Cause I had to..."
"Why'd you have to?"
Here we go again, Nathan sighs as he continues observing his two friends, Jax already irritated and Grace already impatient.
"Because I was under pressure."
"Why were you under pressure?"
"I felt like I was being watched."
"Was there any other way you could've escaped?"
Grace now takes a step back and whips around to face Nathan, who looks up to her. Just as he thought, her pout was still visible on her face, her hazel hues now glimmering with amusement.
"Is he telling the truth?" she asks, disregarding Jax glaring daggers at her. His eyes travel towards Nathan.
"I'm sure he is." He says, returning his focus back to her. She sighs heavily as she eventually looks back towards Jax, who is now crossing his arms and his legs. As if satisfied, Grace claps her hands together.
"I'll go grab the med-kit." Is all she says before she heads down the hall, leaving only a trail of clicks behind her. Jax watches her leave impassively, sighing once she's fully out of sight.
"Why is she here?" he asks Nathan, kicking his legs off the couch and placing himself into a seating position. The sudden question leaves him baffled for a few beats before he was able to snap out of it.
"She came because she thought I called her only to find that you," Nathan answers, fully emphasizing the 'you' and pointing towards his dark-haired friend. "called her." He finishes.
Jax's intense stare unexpectedly softened and averted his eyes from him, causing Nathan to raise a single brow.
"...oh right, I forgot I did that..." he murmurs, rubbing his eyes before returning his hand to his wounded one.
"Why did you?" Nathan instantly asks, ignoring the fact that Grace wasn't present. Jax slowly looks towards him with his mouth slightly open, as if he's processing what he was about to say.
"I'm back!" her voice booms across the room, interrupting whatever he was about to say. Nathan slightly frowns as he watches her skip happily towards the lounge, med-kit in tow. The med-kit was heavily decorated with a range of colored stickers - that Grace personally bought - that covers the entire emerald case. Jax commented on how childish it looked when she showed it to us for the first time but got used to it in the end.
"Yay, my hero..." Jax sarcastically says, feigning a relieved expression. To even make it more sarcastic he presses his uninjured hand against his heart. It doesn't seem to faze her, as she places the kit onto the small coffee table and opens it up.
"What were you guys talking about earlier?" She inquires, collecting a new set of bandages from the box. The sudden question made Nathan uneasy.
"...oh right, I forgot I did that..."
What did Jax mean by that? He thought, what was he about to say?
He looks towards Jax who was observing Grace unwrap his bandaged hand, muttering something to her. She flicks his forehead in response, making him wince. Nathan was glad she didn't do that to him much, as he found out too soon that her nicely manicured nails are surprisingly sharp.
"Can you not do that? That hurts!" Jax complains, prompting Grace to giggle.
Nathan pushes his thoughts away as he continues watching his friends with a newly-found smile.
He's glad that the gang is back together again.
"Hey, Nate can you help me with this?"
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damijon-supersons · 7 years
Can I request a DamiJon and TimKon where Kon is flying Tim to their favorite place over Gotham to watch the sunrise, but Damian and Jon are there instead (probably making out)? Queue Jon and Kon yelling at each other 1000 feet in the air, with their BatBoys clinging onto them.
Hope you don’t mind if i altered it a little :p Also, writing is slow because i’ve had barely any time to write this week.
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“This is going to be great, trust me,” Kon said giddily as he held Tim in his hands.
“Don’t get too excited in case you drop me,” Tim smirked. Even when he was 50 feet in the air, he wasn’t afraid of falling at all—not when his boyfriend Kon was carrying him.
Kon had invited him on a special date. It was special enough that Kon said that it’d be worth waking up for at five in the morning. Tim grumbled and groaned, but he just couldn’t refuse his boyfriend, especially when he made that pleading look with his bright sky blue eyes.
“It’s just over that hill,” Kon added, in response to Tim’s yawn.
As the the super teen explained, he’d stumbled upon a lonely hill with a small plateau just outside of the Gotham City limits. Not only did it provide a great view of the city, but it also was a spectacular place to watch the sunrise. It was quiet and secluded, and was the perfect spot for a private breakfast picnic for just the two of them. Tim liked the idea—he definitely needed a break from his crazy family.
As they neared the hill, Kon frowned. Tim could sense his hesitation from his look.
“What’s the matter?” Tim asked in concern.
Kon gave him a mildly apologetic look. “We…ah…someone beat us there.”
Tim knit his eyebrows until they got nearer and saw what Kon had meant. His little brother Damian and Kon’s little brother Jon were making out on a picnic mat on top of the grass.
The two younger boys promptly broke their lip-locking when they sensed their brothers hovering above them. They looked up to see Tim riding atop Kon’s shoulders, the latter looking sheepish while the former looked livid.
Tim broke the awkward silence first.
“Damian, seriously? First you were eating each other on the couch at the manor, and now you have to do it at our special spot, too?”
Jon’s face reddened as Damian rose to defend himself.
“Who said this spot was yours, Drake? I don’t see a flag here with your name on it!” Damian shouted from below.
“I don’t have to have my name on it, you twerp! That’s not how land ownership works!” Tim fired back.
“I know that!” Damian retorted.
Kon shook his head and gestured to Jon to come up above. With a sigh of resignation, the younger Superboy got Damian to ride on top of his shoulders, and he flew both of them to meet their brothers in the air. The two Wayne heirs continued to bicker while riding on top of their respective Superboys.
“So,” Kon began, trying very hard to sound calming to his younger brother, “How’d you guys find this place? I just kinda saw it when I was flying by two days ago.”
“Damian found it when he was checking his routine drone patrols,” Jon replied, looking very embarrassed. “He thought it would make a great vantage point or whatever, but I convinced him that it would make a great dating spot, too.”
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“Hey, it’s cool, little bro,” Kon smiled. “I had the same idea so I took Tim here…tell you what, we can make it a double date!”
Jon’s eyes lit up. “Sure that’d be awesome!” He then glanced worriedly at Damian and Tim. They were both growling at each other and looked just about ready to throw each other to the ground. “These two don’t look happy, though…”
Kon looked at the Tim and Damian thoughtfully, then turned to Jon. “I have an idea,” he said and he quietly explained what he had in mind. Jon beamed at him with a hint of mischief.
Moments later, Kon winked at Jon and then called out to the two Bat Boys, “Hey, you two! Stop it already! You’re both technically brothers and I know that deep inside, you both love each other! Didn’t you tell me how much you loved Damian, Tim?”
Jon snickered at the expressions on Damian and Tim’s faces.
“Kon, what are you talking about?” Tim asked incredulously. He glanced back at Damian, who was now sticking his tongue out at him.
“I don’t care how many declarations of love you make, Drake I hate you—!”
“—I hate you too—!”
Before either of them could finish hating each other, Jon and Kon simultaneously pitched forward. They found that the best way to shut Tim and Damian up was to make the two of them kiss.
Jon and Kon laughed heartily as Tim made gasping and retching noises. Damian spat out as much spit as he could.
“Drake! Disgusting, eugh! I think I felt your tongue!”
“That wasn’t on purpose!” Tim coughed.
“I don’t know what Damian’s complaining about. Tim does good tongue,” Kon shrugged at Jon. Jon, meanwhile, flushed a deep crimson.
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“Isn’t this nice?” Kon asked.
“Yeah!” Jon replied eagerly. “I love egg and cheese sandwiches in the morning!
“Guys,” Tim croaked, “I’m sorry, okay? Can we call a truce?”
Kon looked over to him and answered, “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”
“Okay, okay!” Tim said in a panic. “I’m sorry I got mad at you, Damian. There. Now can you please untie me from the tree? Ants are starting to crawl up my pants!”
“Damian, you have to say sorry, too,” Jon chided.
“Never!” Damian said defiantly. “Just you wait! I’ll undo these ropes and I’ll get you back…!”
“Gah, Damian! Stop struggling!” Tim groaned. “You’re making the ropes tighter on my side!”
“So,” Jon began as he casually chomped on his next sandwich. “How long are we leaving them tied to that tree?”
Kon glanced casually at their boyfriends. “Until they get along, at least for now.”
“That might take a while…” Jon said with a wistful smile. He looked over at Tim and Damian.
Over by the tree, Damian continued to struggle against the ropes. “Drake! Stop sending your ants to my side, they’re crawling up my arm!” he yelled.
“I can’t control ants, idiot, it’s not my fault!” Tim snapped.
Kon shook his head. “They’ll see sense soon enough. In the meantime, we can watch Game of Thrones on my phone,” he said to Jon.
“Okay,” Jon giggled, “Maybe an episode of Game of Thrones would be good. Damian and I like watching it but, he’s really obsessed with it and he hasn’t watched the last episode before the finale yet.”
“No kidding?” Kon asked. “Tim and I love it too! But he’s like three episodes behind. Let’s watch that finale.”
“Gah, Kon, no! I’ll get spoiled!” Tim groaned.
“No, don’t!” Damian’s face fell. “I’m sorry!”
Tim and Damian’s pleas fell on deaf ears.
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swaggosu · 6 years
HC + slow burns.
❛ an oddly-spliced series about haechan and his impractical ways of recovering from heartbreak.  special props to @uikkuri​ & @jvngyuno​. 
          fair, quite at first, then tolerable as pain starts to queue itself. afterwards it suddenly becomes peremptory and demanding, louder and louder with a ring of a thousand bells; all compressed within a gash he has managed to inflict upon himself... maybe he could let out a swear, or a groan, or anything to lessen the searing heat that infects not just his hand but his whole body. donghyuck had realized only one thing: he should’ve listened to himself more and worn the oven mitts.
          “how’d you get that?” yuta speaks in utter disgust, his query much more of a remark rather than a question, aiming at the scalded skin that ran across side of donghyuck’s wrist. sometimes donghyuck just hates how yuta’s so good at korean; his pronunciation expresses revolt, whether accidental or not. donghyuck just grimaces in return.           “were you baking again?” the older one appends, rummaging his hand among the limited pantry that he shares with eight other boys.           “yeah.” donghyuck answers, properly this time. it was news these days, about donghyuck and his appearance near the oven. no one quite knows why he does it, but there’s only one explanation: he was beyond brokenhearted. the members blamed it on his hormones, and how he’s at the very apex of puberty, thus causing new urges and appetite... either way, the other guys are just grateful donghyuck expresses his frustration through baking. the need to bake arises whenever the young boy feels an influx of emotions. he believes it’s a better resort rather than sitting in the dark and allowing the tide to roll in; michael jackson blasting in full volume to conceal his sobs.           yuta never seemed like the character to approach at a time of heartaches and and woe, rather, he was more of the type to speak to once the hurting is over. he offers backup in times of confrontation and set-tos. but donghyuck knew it would be shamefully immoral to send a full grown adult to trouble a young girl. who in their right mind would even think of doing that? not donghyuck. anyway. the teen was just relieved the conversation didn’t drag any further. he was not in the mood to disclose today’s roster of feelings. at least not after he just got burned.
          donghyuck has always been odd in his ways. he did not conform to anything, nor does he allow himself to entertain emotions that showed vulnerability, yet would yell “DON’T TEASE ME, I’M SENSITIVE.” right off the bat at someone who prods at him in the lightest manner. bizarre as it was, he never noticed his temperament until she came around. for the sake of anonymity, he calls her “richard” because, as we know, richard is another name for... well... you can figure that out on your own. but to disclaim it to anyone who asks why he chooses the said name, he reasons that he copes with sadness through deprecating humour, and to merely utter her actual name would bring him grief that could last him a lifetime and a half, therefore he settles with “richard”. going back on track, haechan was the happiest around richard, and he firmly believed that he would share a life with her, and perhaps actually bear children with his last name one day. a bit far fetched, true, but nothing is ever impractical when it comes to love.            alas, haechan was never a part of the lucky ones that got to keep one partner for as long as they can live. he used to reprimand those types of people before he met richard, only to find himself wishing that he had his share of fate that these couples possess. haechan reflects and ponder and re-lives the archive of memories he has managed to keep, mostly consisting of: screenshots of their messages, a few selfies they had taken together, and the half the matching mittens he has bought during the winter that they were together; these things no longer had substance to them, just like the hopes of forever. 
          he wasn’t ready to throw these items out yet. maybe he can keep it for a little bit more until it outgrows him.
          “...i had a dream about her,” he murmurs to jaehyun, his roommate who only could care for music and unrealized romantic stories; sad to say, haechan’s was realized, and somehow bitterly tragic in a non-poetic way, therefore: jaehyun doesn’t care.           the latter, idle in his bed with his phone above his face faces the teenager that emanated angst. “oh yeah?” jaehyun says, rather disinterested (as usual), “what’d you dream about?”           “i had a dream i was sliding down a snowy mountain slope, and she was there to catch me before i fell to my thousand-feet death.” the younger one mumbles, bumping his knees together whilst he sat by the edge of his bed.            at least the exaggeration piqued jaehyun’s attention, he lifts a brow. “okay.” he says, a signal that instructs donghyuck to go on with his story.           “she was hanging just by the middle of the slope, perfectly lying down, when she grabbed me by my arm as i slid by her, and caught me... and then she tells me “hey it’s okay, i got you.”” donghyuck states further. there was a brief moment of pause between the two, donghyuck was anticipating a quick word of consolation before they returned back to their quiet states, but instead all he got was a burst of laughter from jaehyun; haechan, moved by the unprecedented mirth, offers an awkward chuckle too. 
          jaehyun is very pretty when he laughs. donghyuck retreats from staring too long, and instead glances over to the burn scar that has been lingering around for over a week. he forgot to tell jaehyun how he wished he could be held in her arms for one last time, just like in his dream.
          though already reliant to music and songs to help him delve deeper in his emotions, he has taken a stronger interest in break-up songs lately. of course. if one were happy and content, it would be natural to listen to songs that consisted of mid-tempos and acoustics that integrates its background vocals quite nicely: it’s a given to listen to a song that reflects upon your mood.            instead of ballads and instrumental lps, and given haechan’s constitution and a mess of a personality, he resorts to a rock band namely 6th Day. all they ever really talk about are letting go and how the girl’s pretty... he’s sure there’s more to them than that, but the music he religiously listens to ALL talks about the said topic. he finds the drums and guitar fitting. enraged. passionate. yeah, that’s the word: passionate.           but among all the aversions he has manage to conjure for himself, listening to music evokes what haechan could not express therefore bringing forth the sadness he’s (satisfactorily) repressed. it burns more than the injury from baking, or combing through his archived recollections, or feeling as if the validity of his lost saints and first love could never be justified.
          or maybe he just feels this way because it's half past midnight, where all inhibitions are null and non-existent. dear god.
         in the end, it’s him in the dark: wound tightly in a corner, back pressed against the wall, hands tightly clenched around his brown locks, and a shirt’s collar doused with blame and self-hate.
[ A;N ! ] this is kinda au-ish ... peep 6th Day sjhdsjhdsj. ah, and this might turn into a two-part thing, but that’s when i get the actual motivation to write the second/final part and actually get my ideas together without jumping from one thing to another. in no way do i mean to point fingers or express anything hateful in this para. just ‘creative expression’, and a rather bad expression at that. 
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