#i WILL rant about him if given the chance but for now have this beautiful piece of art i made about himb <3
spoondoodles · 5 months
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You don't have to believe every single thought That tumbles through your head Just 'cause it sounds like you talking... - Turn Out The Lights by The Crane Wives My minotaur aasimar I played in two different oneshots (one in dnd5e, the other in pf2e) who I love very, very much. He's just a big lad, a nice boy with many, many angelic spirits in his head. Young, dumb and ready to help you out! I tried v. v. hard with this piece I spent like 10-15 hours on it altogether aaaaaaa
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minus-plus-zer0 · 1 month
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Beauty Pageant Headcanons
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♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
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You entered the U.A. Cultural Festival's beauty pageant, with Bakugou acting as your coach.
How the hell did this happen? Well, you both lost a bet with Ashido, that's how.
The girl ships you two pretty hard, and although she doesn't always say it directly, it's obvious from her behavior. She rigged the bet in her favor just to get you together like this.
Bakugou's livid, but you hold him back from committing murder. You're really good at keeping Bakugou out of prison, it's like your second Quirk at this point.
So instead Bakugou turns his attention to you, and he starts ranting about how it's not TECHNICALLY murder if they don't find the body, but you're not having it and you're really just fighting for Ashido's life here.
Ashido knows not to invest in life insurance, but instead to invest in YOU. That's why she's letting you deal with this while she scurries into hiding for the foreseeable future.
Anyways, you and Bakugou are stuck together. Lucky you!
He's blaming you for this, since he knew it was a trap by Ashido. But you were just too cute and sweet, too willing to go along with whatever Ashido was planning, and that's what got you into this mess. He's really trying to convince you to not defend her at every chance, like you do with EVERY Bakusquad member he attacks, but it's hard to find his arguments persuasive when her life is in mortal peril, so you dismiss his anger pretty easily.
He HATES having his anger dismissed, and this only makes him more pissed. You try to calm him down, like you always do, all sweetness and smiles.
You're actually not even 100% against the idea of entering a beauty pageant, so it was easier to convince you than it was to coerce Bakugou into even being here. He can't understand your giddiness right now, it's more confusing to him than Ashido's.
But Bakugou is yelling your ear off while you check out the various clothes available on the clothing rack. You're trying to find something real cute and your style, but there's nothing that catches your eye. You're still looking through the racks and you're a little worried nothing is gonna look good on you.
Bakugou notices you worrying and he criticizes a lot of the outfits available here. He's got an eye for fashion, given that his parents work in the industry. But he usually doesn't pay attention to fashion magazines, models, beauty pageants, it's all stupid useless shit to him. That's another thing you disagree on.
But you're a bit embarrassed about wearing any of these outfits around him, knowing he's so critical. Regardless, he's grabbing some clothes off the rack and pushing them towards you and directing you to the changing room to try it on. Shyness be damned.
You put on the first outfit he gave you, but it's showing a bit too much skin and you're wondering what the heck was running through his mind while he picked this.
He's telling you to show yourself already so he can judge it but you're no fool. You say you can check it over yourself haha, no need to see this and to embed it into your memory forever haha!
Well he doesn't agree. "Stop being shy and get over here!"
"Make me!"
He can't exactly do that, now can he? He's flustered at the thought.
"...Can you please come out? I won't fucking judge you, alright?"
'Please' is a rare word coming out of his mouth, and you're one of the few he tells it to. So you do as he asks.
You emerge from the changing area, wearing the outfit he picked. He's checking you out in a thoughtful and not creepy way.
"That one doesn't work," he says, paying no attention to your offended expression. "Try the next one."
This goes on for the next few outfits. You didn't know what he was looking for, but he wasn't getting it. To be honest, you weren't really fond of how some of the outfits looked on you either, which made the whole thing more disappointing. Your earlier giddiness is gone.
"Can we stop?" you ask. "It feels like I'm ugly no matter what I'm wearing."
Bakugou opens his mouth to speak, then closes it. He looks like he's thinking his next words over carefully. Then, the words fall right out of his mouth before he can stop them.
"You're NOT ugly. They're all gorgeous, but none of them are the best. We need the best to win."
You're shocked he just called you 'gorgeous', but he's shoving you back into the changing room before you can keep looking at his embarrassed face.
After trying on some more outfits and being repeatedly shoved around by a red-faced Bakugou, you emerge one final time. Still red, Bakugou is now grinning like a serial killer and you hope that means good things.
"Perfect." Bakugou's grabbing your hand and he's pulling you out of the dressing room. "We gotta go practice your routine!"
Before you can even comment on his reaction, you're at an adjacent private training ground for contestants. You're distracted by trying to get him all tomato-faced again. You're pinching his cheeks saying "Where did that other guy go? The one whose face could change colors? You looked so similar, was he your cousin?" but Bakugou's warding you off and telling you to work on your form.
You spend a few hours perfecting it until Bakugou's finally happy. By the end, you're questioning Bakugou about why the heck he even cares so much, but he's telling you that it's getting late and you both should shower and get some dinner.
Post-shower and dinner, you're looking around for Bakugou who's been avoiding you all evening. You're a little hurt. You text him asking him why he's ignoring you. He finally texts back, saying he's not ignoring you and to come over.
You're allowed into his dorm room, and he's waiting for you on the balcony. He's out here alone in the dark, with the balcony lights on and with nothing but his phone. His screen shows your texts.
You take a seat beside him and then pinch his cheeks.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"For avoiding me like I've caught a disease! Bakugou, I thought we were buddies?"
He's grumbling to himself. "I wasn't trying to hurt you, dummy."
"Then what were you doing?"
He's looking away from you and you're trying to catch his expression. Then, he finally meets your gaze, embarrassed but determined.
"I know you care a lot about this crap, and it'd make you sad if I didn't even fucking try to help out. It's not my fucking thing, but I'll make sure you win."
He looks a little torn before he says the next thing.
"Because I love you, alright?"
You're kissing him now and he's shocked, you almost wish you could've taken a photo of that cute flabbergasted face before he pulls you in by the collar, kissing you back. It's his first kiss and you stole it right from under him, and he couldn't be happier.
The big day comes. You've prepared as much as you can with your (now) boyfriend the night before. Ashido is nowhere to be found, she'll likely in the crowd somewhere.
You complete your routine as planned, it's very cute and it's very you, but it wasn't a crowd favorite. Nejire ends up winning anyways. Bakugou doesn’t get it, all he’s seeing is you after the contest is over, happy as hell he picked out that outfit for you because you look great in it as he's kissing you passionately.
To him, he still knows you're the best in his heart, and that's what matters most. He's happy knowing that he got you and that Ashido's days are still numbered.
You enjoy the rest of the Cultural Festival, and you and Bakugou make sure to find some private alone time now and again…
Until Ashido texts you, saying "So have you asked him out yet?"
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springtyme · 1 year
Hiii can we get some dating Richie headcanons :)
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐡 ♡
We certainly can! Thank you for the request, I love this disaster of a man so much! I had so much fun with this and I'm so excited for season two 💕 I also couldn't contain myself and made a Richie playlist
word count: 1.4k
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Richie had almost given up on love before he met you. Almost.
After a series of failed dates and a couple of meaningless hookups it had seemed to him like love just wasn’t in the cards for him anymore. But then you had come along to prove him wrong. 
Despite how he might come off to some, Richie is definitely a lover boy. Putting himself ‘out there’ after his split with Tiff had been hard, but he knew that he deep down, in the essential core of his being, desperately craved to have someone to share his life with. 
Someone to come home to and share the little moments with. Someone to rant to about how Carmy had been acting like little bitch about the new dishtowels, or how another building downtown has been torn down to be turned into another fucking nightmarish cement parking house. Someone who he could have a laugh with and who would give him a chance to rise above the label of deadbeat loser that the universe seems to have put on him. Someone who could see him for who he truly is. Someone who wouldn’t judge him or think less of him for having sold a little coke from a back alley in a desperate situation. 
Richie will do anything for the people he cares for, so what if his methods are a little unorthodox? He is loyal to the bone and he cares, he fucking cares.      
And that is all he wants, someone to care for. Someone to love and someone to love him. That was all that he dreamed of before, but he had started to lose hope.
But then, when he finally had started to come to terms with the idea that that might never happen, he met you. 
It had all started with a slightly awkward date. He had been quite nervous, way more than he normally was. You just seemed too good to be true, way too good for someone like him anyway. He wanted to give off a good impression so bad that it slightly backfired, or it maybe would have backfired if you weren't you. 
He had been loud and acting confident in a way only a man who’s trying to hide how nervous he actually is can. He had been accidently laughing at his own jokes before the punchline had even landed and stumbling over his own words from time to time, but luckily for him you had found it rather charming. You couldn’t keep the wide smile from spreading on your face as he started rambling about Bill Murray and some old roman goddess. 
He had visibly relaxed after you had declared with a smile that you probably had to give him a call one of these days so you could hear the voicemail from the story, but that you certainly wouldn’t mind if he just happened to pick up the phone.   
He did pick up the phone when you called, and you were not disappointed in the slightest that it was Richie’s voice and not Bill Murray’s that had greeted you.
That first date turned into another, which turned into yet another one and no matter how scared he was that you would suddenly realize how much of a shitshow his life truly is he just didn’t seem to be able to scare you off.  
He’ll be your number one cheerleader, always so proud of you, and he will tell everybody who lets him about you. And he loves to show you off. You are in his opinion way out of his league and he is just so damn proud to have someone as amazing and beautiful as you to call his and to love.
He loves taking pictures of you. Just silly little pictures, you picking up produce at the farmers market or silly little selfies of the two of you as you wait in line at Arby's. He just wants to remember all the nice little moments with you.
He’ll proudly flaunt you on his instagram for all his 36 followers to see (well, 37 now that you follow him)
You will usually try and match your lunch break at work to fit with family at the restaurant. Stepping into the restaurant to be met with a huge smile from Richie is one of the highlights of your day. The staff of the beef are essentially family to him and he is so happy to share you with them. You have become part of that little family and it is more than Richie could ever have dreamt of.
Neither of you are in a rush with your relationship. He is a divorcee with a daughter and you have never had any wild dreams about a wedding or an on paper ‘picture perfect’ relationship with a house and a white picket fence. You just want someone who loves you for exactly who you are and that someone is Richie.
It is about a year into your relationship that you say ‘I love you’ the first time you don’t know if it is late or not but one thing for sure is that the love had been there from early on.
It was four months into your relationship that he had asked you if you would like to meet his daughter and honestly that had been a bigger confession of love than anything else could have been. He loves his daughter more than anything in the world and you know that he would never bring up introducing you to her if it wasn’t because he was serious about you and wanted you as a permanent part of his life.  
You had been a little nervous to meet her, you know how much she means to Richie and you had just really wanted her to like you. You had, however, not been the slightest bit nervous about how you would feel about her, she’s Richie’s little girl after all, a part of him, and you love every part of him. 
Luckily for you, she absolutely adores you, and you adore her. It had meant everything for Richie to know that his baby girl and you were getting along so well. 
It had been on that same night as you had uttered your first ‘I love you’s’ that he had asked you if you wanted to move in together. He had been so happy when you had kissed a ‘yes’ into his lips. 
Living together is everything Richie could ever have dreamt of. Not waking up to an empty bed and knowing that you are at home waiting on him when he comes home from work is like a dream come true.   
He is an early riser, usually you wake up to an empty bed, and even though you sometimes wish you woke up to warm, morning-cuddles it is always made up for by the sight of Richie in the kitchen. He is usually only wearing one of his, seemingly never ending supply of, ‘The Beef’ shirts and a pair of boxers.
His back will be turned to you as he’s in the midst of getting your coffee ready for you. It has become a fixture in your life with Richie, something you wouldn’t give up, even for all the morning-cuddles in the world.
You will sneak up on him and let your arms sneak around him, hugging him tight from behind and he will lean softly back into your embrace.
If he is having a smoke you will pluck the cigarette from his lips and take a few drags as you squish your cheek into his back and slowly let the comforting smell of brewing coffee wake you up. When the cigarette is smoked and ashed into the sink to later be thrown into the ashtray, Richie will turn around, engulfing you in his long, lean arms and press a gentle kiss to your forehead, kissing a ‘good morning’ into your still sleep-warm skin. 
Your relationship with Richie is warm and loving. It doesn’t mean that it is constant smooth sailing, but you always work through the bumps you come across along the road together. That is the true beauty of your relationship with him, the constant reassuring feeling of togetherness.
You are in his life to stay, you are family now and Richie will do anything to keep you happy and by his side.
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rynwritesreid · 11 months
Enamoured Expectations|| Spencer Reid
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Summary: You and Spencer have been dating for a while (there isn’t a specific timeline in this story, so you could have been dating for as long as you want) and Penelope tells you a hunch she has.
Content: Established relationship. Use of Y/N and Y/L/N. This is all just fluff. Fem! reader.
words: 1.4k
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You were truly and utterly deeply in love with Dr Spencer Reid. You knew if you hadn’t been friends with Penelope, you two may have never met, and even if you had, you doubt that Spencer would have even given you a second look. Spencer treats you like a princess, he texts you every chance he gets when he is on a case, he buys you flowers and books when you are feeling down, he orders your favourite food when you don’t feel like eating, he calls you beautiful when you are feeling ugly, and he always says “I love you” before going anywhere.
Whenever the team was away on a case, you would go hangout with Penny. She was your best friend after all. You would bring her lunch and let her rant about whatever case they were all working on at the moment. She would always bring up how Spencer couldn’t shut up about you and how amazing you are. Penny thought she was the best match maker to walk on this earth.
On one particular evening, you were hanging out with Penny at her apartment. Spencer was away on a case, but he had called earlier to say goodnight and tell you he loved you. It was sweet and made your heart flutter with joy. You and Penny were watching a movie and munching on popcorn when she suddenly turned to you.
"Y/N, I have something to tell you," Penny said, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
"What is it?" you asked, curious.
"I think Spencer is planning to propose to you," she said, grinning widely.
“What makes you say that?”
Penny leaned in closer, a conspiratorial glint in her eyes. "Well, he's been acting super secretive lately, and he's been asking me a lot of questions about what kind of engagement ring you might like. Plus, he's been talking about the future a lot and how he can't wait to spend the rest of his life with you."
You and Spencer had talked about marriage before, you’ve even talked about having children. You had been in love with the idea of been Mrs Reid, and the mother of his children after the first month of dating each other.
But hearing that Spencer might be planning to propose felt surreal. You felt like you were in a dream, and you didn't want to wake up. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your hands were shaking with excitement.
"Penny, are you serious?" you asked, trying to contain your emotions.
"Dead serious," Penny replied, nodding her head. "I've never seen Spencer this happy before. I think he's finally ready to take the next step with you."
You felt a rush of warmth spread through your body, and you couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. You had been waiting for this moment for so long, and now it seemed like it was finally going to happen.
"I can't believe it," you said, still in shock. "I mean, I knew we were in love, but I didn't think he was ready for marriage yet."
“If you could hear how he talks about you, how he talks about his future with you, then you would understand that he most defiantly ready for marriage, and more.”
Penny's words hung in the air, and a smile slowly spread across your face as you felt a wave of happiness wash over you. You had always dreamed of spending your life with Spencer, and the thought of him proposing sent shivers down your spine. You could feel your heart racing as you thought about the moment when he would ask you to be his wife.
"Wow," you breathed, still trying to process the news. "I can't believe it. Do you really think he's going to propose?"
"I do," Penny said confidently. "And you know what that means, right?"
You raised an eyebrow at her, not sure where she was going with this.
"It means that you're going to have to start thinking about wedding planning," she said with a grin.
You laughed at her teasing tone, but inside, your mind was already racing with ideas. You had always loved the idea of a small, intimate wedding, surrounded by your closest friends and family.
Spencer had returned home from the case, he seemed down, it had obviously been a tough case. You hated seeing him like this.
You greeted him with a hug and a kiss, feeling happy to be in his arms again. As you both settled on the couch, you couldn't help but notice the sadness in his eyes. You reached for his hand, and he entwined his fingers with yours, holding on tight.
"Is everything okay, Spencer?" you asked, concerned.
He let out a sigh and shook his head. "It's just the case. It was a tough one, and I can't stop thinking about it."
“Is there any way I can help you? Do you need anything?”
“No. You just been here and been you is all the help I’ll ever need.”
You smiled at him, feeling grateful for his love and the comfort he always provided. You knew that talking about the case would help him, but you also knew that he needed some time to process everything on his own.
"Okay, well, if you need anything, just let me know," you said softly, pressing a kiss to his temple.
Spencer leaned his head on your shoulder, and you could feel his warm breath on your skin. You loved the way he fit perfectly against you, and you felt a deep sense of contentment wash over you.
"I missed you so much," he said, his voice muffled against your skin.
"I missed you too, Spencer," you replied, stroking his hair gently.
You loved him like this. He was open with you, he trusted you, and he was vulnerable with you. It made you feel like you had a special place in his heart, and that you were truly meant to be together. As you held him close, you knew that you would do anything to make him happy, and that included saying yes to his proposal.
Suddenly, Spencer sat up and turned to face you. "Y/N, there's something I need to ask you," he said, his eyes shining with intensity.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked into his eyes. You could see the love and affection he had for you, and you knew that this was the moment you had been waiting for.
"What is it?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Spencer took a deep breath and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small velvet box and handed it to you, his hands shaking slightly.
"Y/N, I love you with all my heart. You make me happier than I ever thought was possible, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. And I imagined I would do this in a different place, at a different time. But you’ve made it impossible for me to wait any longer. Miss Y/N Y/L/N will you marry me?”
You felt a rush of emotion flood through you as you looked at the small box in your hand. You opened it to reveal a stunning diamond ring, sparkling in the light. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you realized that this was it. The moment you had been waiting for.
"Yes, Spencer," you said, your voice quivering with excitement. "Yes, I will marry you."
Spencer's face broke into a wide grin, and he pulled you into his arms. You could feel his heart beating against your chest, and you knew that this was where you were meant to be. Together, forever, and always.
As you both sat there, holding each other tightly, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the love you shared. You knew that this was just the beginning of your journey together, and that there would be many more ups and downs along the way. But with Spencer by your side, you truly didn’t care.
The rest of the night was a blur of emotions and excitement. You called your parents, and Spencer called his mom, to share the good news. You of course called Penny, while Spencer informed everyone else on his team. Everyone was thrilled for you both. You couldn't stop staring at the ring on your finger, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.
This, this was it. Life was only going to get better from here. The world had brought you two together (the world basically been Penny) and you could not be more grateful. Nothing from your past, or his, mattered now. You two had a future together, a future where you would share the same name, and become a family. He was your great love, and you were his.
All reblogs/feedback/comments/likes are appreciated.
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beababoobies · 8 months
Oh, oh! I love him this snake boy so much! May I request a sort of part two to Somethin’ Stupid where it fouces on their relationship afterwards?
Pentious getting the love he deserves? Yes. Absolutely. I’m on it. You got it boss, we love the silly snake boy!
Somethin’ Stupid - Part 2.
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part one here! Sir Pentious x Reader. words : 1k.
Ever since that night - full of tears and embraces, kisses, and even some discovers of more of a certain body part than you had expected - your life at the hotel at flipped. It went from dejected rehabilitation as your complete last resort to something out of one of those stupid teen romance books you read when you were still alive. 
Your days were still spent trying to get into Heaven, sure. You still had to do all the motions of rehabilitation, you still had to get up early and deal with Angel and Husks’ bickering, your favourite wall being consistently blown up, and Charlies’ occasional toxic positivity breakdowns where you were worked out of your mind. But you did it hand in hand with your anxious, yet charming serpent boyfriend. 
You spent your nights cuddled up against him, you had even given up your room to share one with him. You had also learned that he could shed. Not your favourite thing about it, to put it nicely, but you accepted every part of your little ball of insecurity. Because he was your little ball of insecurity. And he made you feel like the prettiest sinner in every ring of hell. 
He would bring you flowers, compliment you at any chance you wanted. He was good in bed - though that was just a bonus. He listened patiently, and he gave you your space. And now that you could actually get close to him, you discovered that not only was he adorable, he was also your new best friend. Your personalities fit together like a puzzle piece.
And here you were, thinking all this, cuddled up against him with him gently holding you to his chest, listening to him go on about his old rivalry and big fights. His egg boys - who were practically now your egg boys as well, and you loved them dearly. He started on about how he admired you for so long. This, you wouldn’t mind listening to. 
“I thought you were the mosssst beautiful a ssssinner could be.” He says with a soft sigh, hand rubbing small anxious circles into your back. “Thought you had to be an Angel, becausssse I didn’t know ssssinnerssss could be that angelic.” He hums out, pressings a kiss to the top of your head, cuddling up against you, feeling content. He looked the most relaxed in the past weeks than you’d ever seen him. 
“You were very.. oddly charming.” You day with a small giggle, looking up to see him all pouty and confused, making the smile on your face grow wider as you try not to laugh at his expense. “You’re clumsy, and anxious but.. you don’t try to hide it behind anger.” You say as you lean up and peck his cheek, watching his face grow red. You sigh contently. “You’re so unforgivably vulnerable and that’s why I love you so hard.” 
He melts at your words, bottom lip trembling and you giggle, nuzzling your cheek against his before noticing his state, tears forming in his eyes as he tries to hold back tears. “Are you about to cry?” You say with a small giggle, gently holding his face in you palm, sighing softly. “‘S okay baby, you can cry around me.” You say with a genuinely smile.
He bursts out into a half-sob half-rant about how lucky he is to have you, how he doesn’t even believe you’re real because you’re so pretty. You listen to it with a big smile and it gets so sweet you even feel tears forming in your eyes, using your thumbs to wipe the tears away from the face of the man you love oh so much. 
“I jusssst - jussst love being around you. Can’t believe i’m with you. That you l- like me! Me! I feel like I ssshould be calling up my mom, telling her I made it.” He says between sobs and sniffles, and all you can do is nod along with his words. Sighing softly as you watch him pour out all his loving emotions to you. “I ssstood there for monthsss, thinking I don’t have a chance. Sssshouldn’t even talk to you. But I don’t even want redemption now. I have my Heaven right here..” he mumbles out the last part, looking up at you with those teary eyes, hiccuping softly.
“I think Heaven might suit you a lot better, though.” You say sweetly, gently leaning down to press another kiss to his other, now tear-soaked cheek. “Think they need someone as kind as you up there.” You say reassuringly, watching him shake his head, making you smile. “Don’t want redemption. I have you.” He says again, nuzzling his cheek against your palm.
“Y-you know.” He starts, raising one of his hands to cup at your cheek, and so you take one of your hands from his face and cradle it against his gentle and loving touch, raising your eyebrows. “I know?” You question with a smile, watching him smile. 
“I’m glad I went and ssssaid ssssomethin’ ssstupid like….” He pauses, realizing he hasn’t said it since, piercing his lips together as he realizes the awkward situation he’s put himself in. You chuckle softly and squeeze his hand, getting his attention back on you.
“I love you?” You question, ending his statement for him. You watch as he lights up all over again, eyes still wet with tears, agreeing to your statement with a kiss, before pulling away. He nods again. 
“I love you.” 
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heejayy · 6 months
Young and Beautiful
Nanami x black reader
Warning: none
Word count: 1.2k
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You let out an exhausted sigh as you slipped your hair out of its tight bun; you'd finally finished sifting through and responding to all of your emails, as well as reviewing some documents your boss had sent you. Your eyes are dry and strained, and your fingers are cramping after hours of typing. You checked the time and it was 10:53 p.m., which wasn't too bad given that you'd previously left work much later. Ready to depart, you stood up, stretched, and began gathering your belongings before heading home. You collected your binders, slid your home computer into its case, and grabbed your heels, which you had kicked off hours before.
As you closed your office and approached the elevator, your watch chimed with a message.
Bossy pants:
Mrs. Y/l/n, please meet me at 6:30 to look over the paperwork I handed over to you. There was an error.
"Fuck me!" you muttered, feeling rage rise in your chest. This man never gives you a break; he always relies on you, and he never bothers anyone else, which is driving you mad.
"Ugh he's always bothering me he acts like he doesn't have two other assistants to go over his project with but no it has to be m-"
"Y/l/n is that you?" You froze. Every muscle in your body stiffened up; you didn't expect him to be here so late; he usually leaves around 7 p.m., so what on God's green earth is he doing here at 11 p.m?
"M-mr. Kento?" Your chest tightened as you feared he had heard your angry rant.
"Come here," your body responded to his instruction before you could even think about it. You found yourself at the doorway of his office, playing with your acrylic nails, too frightened to look him in the eye, so you looked elsewhere.
His tie was unfastened, and his hair was tossed all over the place, in direct contrast to how it had been precisely slicked back and combed that morning.
“Mr. Kento "I didn't realize you were here this late... why is that?" You asked cautiously, hoping he hadn't heard your dramatic outburst earlier.
"Had to finish some paper work, I'm assuming you did as well?" You nodded, giving him a forced smile. An uneasy silence settled over his office.
"Tell me y/n do you think I work you too much?" He clearly heard your small outburst.
"I- listen I didn't mean-"
"I made you the senior executive assistant for a reason. You're a hard worker, honest, and trustworthy. You and Suguru are the only two people I trust to oversee this floor and manage my schedule; I wouldn't assign you anything you couldn't handle."
“Mr. Kento I understand you mean well, but this is just too much at times, and I'm not saying I don't want this position; I do, and I thank you for it, but I'd like some extra help if it not too much trouble." He took a sharp breath in and pushed his chair from behind his desk, then opened a drawer and pulled out a wine bottle and two glass cups.
"Join me?" You were taken aback by your boss's casual approach toward you; he was always known to keep matters strictly business-related.
"Um sir-"
"When's the last time you had a chance to wind down or hang out with your friends?" You blinked quickly, unsure of how to answer this question.
"My friend sort of abandoned me a long time ago due to me flaking on them for work." He gave you a kind of frown. "I know exactly how that feels."
Your boss strolled over to his couch and patted the empty space next to him, "Join me?"
You tilted your head in confusion, but decided that one drink wouldn't hurt.
2:45 AM
You ended up having more than one glass, and now your cheeks are heated, and you're leaning slightly into your boss, giggling at a story he just told you.
"You don't even seem like the type to get wasted I can't believe you did that!" He chuckled, savoring the last of his wine.
"Yeah well I was young and foolish and I also had bad influences for friends."
As you rested your head on his shoulder, a comfortable silence descended over the room; perhaps it was the wine, but your mood was subdued. Your mind wandered away, thinking about how you'd become drawn into the toxic work culture and how it was draining your youth.
"Nanami i'm tired."
"Tired of what love?"
"I'm tired of feeling as if I have to work until I drop, as if even if I achieve every goal, something is missing, as if I haven't done enough because there's always someone who will outdo me." Sometimes I just want to quit and move to a remote island to be happy."
"Keep this a secret yeah, but sometimes I feel the same way." Your head snapped up.
"Really? No way!” You spoke sarcastically, he chuckled “do I seem that miserable at work?”
“No you just- you don’t seem like this is something you enjoy doing.”
“Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate having this job but if I had a chance to run I’d take it.”
“Run where?” You asked curiously. He glanced down at you with a small smile “let’s make a deal, when I make a break for it I’ll take you” you giggle feeling flustered.
“Ooo where we going?” You asked with a hint of flirting.
Present Time
"Baby you ready?" You snapped out of your daze when your husband called for you. You placed the photo frame to the nightstand; it showed you and your husband celebrating your first anniversary on the beach in Malaysia. You were both young, happy, and much in love. To think you ended up marrying your boss, the same guy you used to gripe about on a daily basis. Now, you can't picture living without him.
"I'm almost done my love."
You're now in your 50s and still go to the same beach on your anniversary, but sometimes you wonder if you should've taken advantage of your youth and explored more instead of being locked up in an office all day.
"What's on that pretty mind of yours?" He inquired, and she wrapped his arms around your figure, rocking you back and forth.
"Nothing much, just reminiscing back to when we were younger. I feel like I wasted my youth chasing something I didn't want only to impress others, and now that I'm older, I feel like I missed out on the opportunity to be young and happy.
I wish I could rewind time to tell myself to enjoy life before it’s too late.”
"What are you saying before it's too late? We're only in our early fifties. We still have so much more to explore, and now that we're retired, we have all the time in the world, so put all this 'I'm old' rubbish out of your head and let's get ready to leave," you smiled at his attempt to cheer you up.
"Doesn't matter what age we are I will always love you."
"Yes beautiful?"
"I love you more." You cupped his face and kissed him gently, but that wasn't enough for him. Nanami gripped you by the waist and pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss. One thing this man knew how to well was make you weak in the knees.
"That's impossible love."
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©heejayy 2024 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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lexmakeshit · 4 months
To anyone saying that Orym has the more trauma than Laudna I just want to say you’re wrong. Yeah Ludinus’ cult attacked his home and otohan murdered his father and husband then killed him and his friends but I’m sorry Laudna was tricked by Delilah then beaten to death and hung from a tree as a warning and then spent 30 years alone with in the woods with the disembodied spirit of her murderer living in her head. Was Murdered by Otohan as a threat to Imogen then forced to relive her trauma and then woke up in the same place as when she was first killed and now Otohan is the reason her friend is dead. If we are gonna play trauma olympics she is by far the winner
Girly has been constantly going through shit the entire campaign and has been in and out of a downward spiral since the airship fight of course she is starting to lose it. Y’all could get how Liliana was brain washed by years under ludinus but can’t understand how Delilah has so deeply fucked up Laudna sense of reality that her actions are in her mind perfectly logical because all she cares about is Imogen and Delilah who is both a master manipulator and been in her head for 30+ years is using that to gain power.
I also want to point out that laudna is the last member of the group other than Dorian to have given in to a potentially corrupting influence for more power in this fight and to protect the people they love. Imogen gave in partially to predathos and got exhalted, Chet got training from the gorgenyi and gave into his inner wolf and made a deal with nanna morri, fearne and Ashton both absorbed a part of a titan and fearne made a deal with champion of asmodeous, orym made a deal with nanna morri and FCG literally gave into his inner rage and blew himself up to save them. So Laudna has spent the last few weeks watching all her friends make deals and give in for power and now that she is doing the same to protect the person she loves most in the world after watching them barely win and lose someone despite everything they have done to get more powerful she is getting shit for it.
I totally agree that laudna shouldn’t have have done what she did but orym shouldn’t have made a unilateral claim on any of the Otohan stuff so close to FCGs death especially without the group having had a chance to talk or process at all and I can totally understand how Delilah has manipulated laudna to the point that she believes that what she is saying is true.
I wanna say I am by no means hating on Orym I am just really not a fan of the way Laudna is be treated like some evil manipulative abuser when she actually a very traumatised person who is struggling in a manner very similar to someone fighting a addiction while being constantly re-traumatised which is being essentially ignored.
I genuinely love all of the characters in C3 and actually have a lot of thoughts about them particularly as allegories for the spectrum of disability and how poetic and heartbreakingly beautiful and complex they all are as characters and a group. I just have been getting really frustrated at the lack of nuance being used by some folks for a group that is deeply morally grey and some folks seeming lack of ability to assess multiple perspectives in a campaign that is all about multiple perspectives and what makes someone the good or bad guys.
Sorry for the rant I might delete this later and make what might be a more coherent post when I am more calm and it’s not so late at night but I just needed to get my thoughts out.
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Classy Turtle
Okay, here’s part 2. Second parts were never good but I was dying to make this one. Just the mental image of it. Been watching the critics reviews of this glorious movie and every single one I’ve read are just terrible reviews of movies the audience absolutely adored (it’s the freaking Super Mario Movie, it doesn’t have to be the new Godfather) And those people who want to cancel Bowser, the villain of the Mario saga, for acting like a villain and singing a villain song that slaps? Are they okay? Don’t they get the basic concepts of villainy?
Previous Parts: 1
Next Parts: 3,4,5
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff​ @harpy-space​
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You kept coming back to the palace to visit whenever you had the time. You really enjoyed spending time with your new friends and learning more about the Mushroom Kingdom. It’s like everyday there was some new adventure!
You also met the famous fearless Toad who had accompanied Peach and Mario throughout their dangerous journey to the Kong Kingdom and were lucky enough to eat one of his even more famous meals. You weren’t sure you had tasted something so divine in your entire life, goddamn it, Toad, drop the secret recipe book.
But if there was also a not entirely malicious ulterior motive for your visits, it would probably be your endearing wittle piano playing turtle that on his free time commited war crimes. It’s not like you were obsessed (liar), you just found yourself completely enamoured by the concept of some tiny musical tot that spoke highly of himself in a high pitched voice.
You were no fool. You knew he was dangerous and that given the chance, he would commit all those atrocities again. But he was SO LITTLE AND CUTE NOW. You just have to be careful with your gushing. The least you wanted is to cause the literal Third World War over a turtle.
It became an habit of yours to bring some gifts for everyone of your friends whenever you came to visit, and that included him, be it a tiny chair from an old house, a Ken doll, that always ended with his head chewed off, some lettuce (or whatever this turtle ate)...
Presenting him your offerings always was a tricky task. Peach and the bros had kindly drawn a perimeter around his cage that was called the “no-no zone”. Anyone that dared to cross that line, would meet their untimely end at the hands of a flame with the burning power of some kid using an aerosol flamethrower. Maybe it was a bit dramatic but he nearly burnt part of your hair last time so better not risk it, as he was an amgery firey boi. Unfortunately for him, you had put your wicked mind to use and had developed a system that didn’t put your hair or any part of your body in danger of suffering third degree burns. You called it “The Salad Tongs Solution”.
You had decided to use them instead of sticking to the classic put them in while he sleeps. Next time you tried to put a blankie over him when he slept he got scared so badly he went inside his shell and started spinning against the walls of the cages like some deadly top toy. Never again. Poor baby needed his beauty sleep.
So today, you were bringing in a special gift. After some rumaging through your old toys, you found some old tuxedo from one onf your dolls, you didn’t remember which one. But hey, maybe he would like this one?
Welp, he didn’t. As much as Mario would have loved to see him in it, nope, this turtle had expensive tastes and apparently this old tuxedo wasn’t up to his standards. Awww, classy turtle. The high pitched voice just made his rant look like an angry smurf that swore like a sailor. It was so adorable, you were not even bothered he didn’t like it. “It’s okay sweet baby!” You cooed to him. 
Bowser was bewildered at your audacity, your nerve! How dare you not praise him like the feared warlord he is! This will not stand! He will get out, and when he gets out the world shall get a taste of his revenge! You will bow to him in reverence! You will- oh, there you go again, looking at him with that dopey smile and those adoring eyes. Disgusting. Embarrassing. He is NOT a cutie patootie, thank you very much. He is KING OF THE KOOPAS, the strongest and baddest there is! That’s why you should look at him adoringly! Not because he is burger shaped!
A couple of days later Luigi sent a message with a photo attached to the groupchat. Opening it was the best decision in your life: there he was, your little buddy dressed in the tuxedo with the most disgruntled face he could make and being held with the salad tongs. A warm feeling spread through your chest, and for the rest of the day a huge smile was plastered on your face. He was such a dapper little gentleman.
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inkareds · 1 year
Hiya there!
I just discovered your tumblr and I wondered if you were still writing for Wally West? Because if you do, I'd love a lil' something about Wally West and a gender neutral reader being domestic and cute and stuff. Maybe the reader could be reading to him while they're cuddling. Maybe the reader can say cute stuff to him in another language? (I personally speak french but whichever language floats your boat!)
Thank you very much nonetheless and have a very beautiful weekend. Take care! ♡♡♡
Classical Boredom Wally West
nav // dc m.list // ko-fi
✧.* word count: 1.8k ✧.* genre: FLUFFFF DOMESTIC FLUFF ✧.* warnings: The reader speaks French
Wally West hates classic literature, but when it comes to you, he's open to giving it a second chance
this request is so cute and I literally couldn't help smiling throughout writing this. Also kudos to my French friend who helped translate the French parts of this. ALSO I'M GETTING THROUGH MY REQUESTS FINALLY!!! I'm not ridiculously busy anymore!!!
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“I never understand how you’re always so patient to finish a book.”
Wally West, nicknamed the fastest man alive should also probably be given the nickname most impatient man alive as well. As with a lifestyle like his that bred on how quickly he could finish his task at hand, things that he couldn’t rush or just didn’t have a shortcut felt tedious to him. 
Yet somehow he was blessed with a partner like you. Someone who loved the slower things in life, the small domestic moments between the two of you. The slow mornings when he’d groan any time you’d try to leave the bed. The quiet trickling of rain as you read a good book. 
That was another thing Wally didn’t understand. 
How people could read books. 
Especially classics. He loathed classics. He absolutely hated it when he needed to read a classic in school. He just couldn’t see someone actually choosing to read a piece of classic literature and enjoying it when they’re not forced to. 
That is until he met you. 
“It’s interesting,” you shrugged before going back to your book. 
At this point, you’ve dated Wally long enough to get used to his bewildered expression every time he found you nose-deep into another classic book. It wasn’t a month ago that he saw you just as you were about to finish Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. The sight of the grey-bound book caused him to go on a rant on how annoying his middle school English teacher was when he had given the book to read as Summer homework. 
You remembered laughing whilst softly caressing his hair, as he lay on your lap, content in distracting you from finishing the book. Like always you told him to give the book another try as you assumed the reason he never enjoyed reading was because he never actually read due to his own volition. And like clockwork, he refused, jokingly stating that he’ll leave the academia stuff to you whilst he saves the real damsels in distress. 
“What are you reading now?” He asks, coming out of the bathroom in just his sweatpants.
Wally had just finished a day’s work of saving people and was now ready to just collapse in bed with you. But since you seemed so engrossed in your book, the least he could do is entertain your interest as well. 
“Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë,” you told him, smiling to yourself as you watched your drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend look for a comfortable t-shirt to sleep in. 
Gone was the focus you put onto your book when Wally West in all his red-headed glory was in front of you, brows furrowed as he picked up one shirt after the other. If it was up to you, he should just sleep shirtless, but for now, you kept your mouth shut. 
“You know I can feel you staring?” He chuckled turning towards you. 
Unabashedly you rolled your eyes and continued to stare at him. With his gorgeous muscled physique and messy, still slightly damp, hair, he looked positively radiant. 
“Can’t help it, I have a really attractive boyfriend.” You shrugged. 
Wally beamed at your compliment, grinning widely and flexing his muscles at you. Causing you to laugh and throw a pillow from the armchair you were sitting on. He obviously easily caught it and watched you laugh, thinking to himself that nothing could sound more beautiful than the sound of your laughter. 
When you stopped, a comfortable silence lay between the two of you. Two lovers staring at each other, content and happy at the mere existence of the other. Your smile never left you, even when Wally zoomed over towards you, quickly picking you up and speeding to the bed, making sure your hand didn’t let go of your book. 
“Walls!” You scolded him, lightly punching him on his chest as he pulled you towards him. 
He didn’t respond, only embracing your body tight against his own, deliberately squeezing you so much you almost felt suffocated. All before relaxing and peppering a lot of kisses on your face. 
Not a second goes by when he’s out on the street that he doesn’t miss you. Now here he was, able to give you all the love and devotion he knows you deserve. Even as you giggled and tried to wriggle out of his ticklish hold, he held you tight against him as he planted kiss after kiss all over your face and neck. 
“Okay! Okay! Walls! I’m going to drop my book!” You yelled out trying to push him away, causing a boisterous laugh to leave him, rumbling against your back as he finally relaxed. 
“Oh, so your book is more important than me? I see how it is.” He pouted while burying his face deep into your neck. 
You rolled your eyes at how clingy he was being. 
“Yes, Wally West, it definitely is.” At your statement, Wally groaned loudly. 
“What’s so interesting about Wuthering Heights anyways?” 
You smiled warmly at him, any other time you’d brush his question off, knowing he probably wouldn't be interested in the content of your book. But this time, you decided that the book might be fitting for both of you. 
So, you lifted up the book so you could read it properly while Wally was still nestled beside you. You bookmarked the current page you were on and instead went back to a page you had tabbed a few days prior seeing how it was a heartwarming section. 
“This specific book is a romance and it’s just really sweet. Like here, for example.” You pointed at a part on the page, Wally cracked open his eyes slightly to see what you were pointing out, seeing a part that you underlined. 
“Read it for me.” He hummed against your skin, making himself even more comfortable beside you underneath the blankets causing you to giggle. 
“He’s more myself than I am,” you began, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. My great thought in living is himself.” 
You felt Wally’s breath hitched as he listened on. 
“If all else perished, and he remained,” you decided to continue, “I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.” You finished. 
When Wally stayed silent and still, you bit the inside of your lip in slight anxiety. He probably thought it was boring and cliche. 
“I know it’s kinda cliche but it’s a bit cute and I don’t know-” You rambled, “It’s silly, I know.” You nervously giggled, going to close the book and put it away. 
The last thing you wanted Wally to think of you is a hopeless romantic who lived between the lines and letters of books. Yet before you could put the book away Wally’s hand reached to stop your own. 
“No, I think it’s sweet,” he said opening his eyes to look straight at you, “Read me more.” 
You felt embarrassment creep into your face with how earnestly Wally was looking at you after stating that. Quickly going to a different part of the book you tabbed to read. 
“My love for Heathcliff, resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.” You chose to stay silent after that one. 
You felt the way Wally grinned against your skin after you finished, when he looked up at you he had such a boyish grin that you wanted to flood him with your love. 
“This feels like a roundabout way to say how much you love me.” 
His statement immediately made a tirade of embarrassment flush your system as you quickly placed down your book and pushed him off in a small tantrum. 
“You’re insufferable!” You yelled out causing him to erupt into bursts of laughter. 
“No! Baby! I didn’t mean it!” He was able to speak through his own laughter, grasping at you to pull you back into his embrace. 
When you finally let him, he still hasn’t stopped laughing. 
“Awwww stop pouting. I love you too. You’re everything I am and for that I love you.” 
Though you tried holding it in you couldn’t help the smile from creeping up into your face at his confession. 
“Was that poetic enough for you?” 
You rolled your eyes and would’ve reached for a pillow to hit him over the head with it had he not held your arms in place from his tight embrace. When the two of you finally settled, you wiggled one of your hands out of his tight hold to caress his hair. 
Gently untangling some knots from his tossing and turning just before, he hummed in appreciation as he leaned more into your touch. The comfort of it all warmed both of you in a way that would heat your entire being even in the coldest of winters. His being was like fire embers and sunlight personified. But to him? You were the home and shelter that would house his never-ending passion. You were comfort and he was warmth. 
“Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi.” You muttered thinking he was asleep only for him to hum lazily. I can’t live without you.
You chuckled, shaking your head slightly. “Nothing mon amour.” 
“Nuh-uh, you said something in French.” Wally stated, suddenly awake. 
“Mhm, I did.”
“So, what’d you say?” he propped himself up on his elbows, his body above your own. 
“Nothing important.” 
“I don’t believe that.”
You threw your head back in laughter.
“Believe what you want to believe!” 
“Tell me!” he complained causing you to shake your head again. 
“Je suis à toi, Wally West. Mon cœur t'appartient.” You brought your hand up to his face, telling him with so much conviction that even though Wally didn’t know what you said, he could feel love tug against his heart. I am yours, Wally West. My heart belongs to you.
Wally grinned at a mischievous idea snuck itself into his head. 
“Fine then, speak your fancy language. I’ll just make you tell me.” Before you could query what he meant by that his lips were quick to assault your neck.
His feather-like kisses littered against your neck in such a light way that it felt way too ticklish. You laughed and squirmed under him especially when his hands started ticking at your sides. Causing bursts of laughter to leave you as you try and try to push Wally away. 
Wally laughed between his little kisses, knowing nothing in life would feel better than now. 
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anrieee · 1 year
⇝ 32 - (✍︎) double date
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“It’s nice to see you again, y/n.” Ei smiled at you softly. She’s always been fond of you.
“Yes, it’s been so long. I hope you’ve been doing well?” You asked awkwardly.
“I’ve been well. How about you? I hope Kuni here has not given you too much trouble.” Ei talked in a way that seemed like she already knew what occurred. Which you won’t even be surprised about if she did know, since Miko probably told her. That and she has connections.
You smiled slightly and looked towards Scara, unknowingly the smile on your face grew. “It’s fine. He’s making it up to me, so I’m giving him an equally hard time.”
“That’s a relief. Don’t go easy on him.” Ei laughed softly. It made you wonder if their family all had a pretty laugh. Must be a gene thing, maybe it runs in the family? “It’s good that you can put a reign on him. You balance each other out.”
“That’s… haha, thank you.” You couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly, you decided to take her statement as a compliment.
“I have always supported the two of you together.” Ei leaned onto the balcony as she looked out at the tall buildings in front of you two. She had a distant look like she was also having a conversation with herself.
“Wha- where did this come from?” You sheepishly rub your nape, as your eyes nervously wander and eventually lands on Scara which makes you more flustered once you make eye contact with him. You smiled at him reassuringly when he gives you a worried glance.
“I am aware that Kunikuzushi has done… some things that have hurt you. It would have been completely understandable if you had cut all contacts and never forgiven him, but the fact that you stayed…” Ei stares at you for a moment then glances at Scara briefly with a fond look. She looks back at you with a grateful look and graces you with a warm smile. “I’m thankful. That boy has always felt lonely, to know that you are by his side is a relief.”
“I am not that heartless. I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t even give him a chance to make up for his wrongdoings. He is not the only one repenting, since I have also done terrible things.” You confessed with a sigh, then you closed your eyes as you took a deep breath. Behind your closed eyes, you could vividly see the efforts Scara has been putting for the past week which makes you grin like a fool. “His efforts and his willingness makes my heart flutter to be completely honest. Seeing him this soft on me makes it hard for me not to like him more.”
“I know. I know you are both trying your best for each other. In any case, it’s evident that he is much more at peace now.” Ei said in deep thought. “He smiles more frequently. I think you’ve given him a bit of solace.”
You smiled slightly, “Is that so? I’m glad.”
Ei looked at you seriously and asked, “Then you like him?”
“Yes. Kuni is precious to me.”
“I see.” Ei looked satisfied. She looked at the direction of where Scara and Miko were, beside the food bar, and you follow her gaze curiously. You are quick to notice that they are both walking towards the both of you now. Scara has a cheeky smile on his face which makes you overthink whether he heard your rant conversation with his sister or not.
“Fuck you.”
Ei snickers.
“Honestly, I was fully expecting the double date to be cancelled.” Miko has a sly smile and you can’t help but feel it’s directed at you.
Why is this couple out to embarrass you tonight?
You give Miko a glare, but that makes her smirk widen. “But of course, I’m not calling anyone out,”
“I wish it was called off.” Scaramouche deadpanned. Everyone in the table paid Scaramouche’s unfiltered comment no mind, mostly because they’re used to it. “Why did we have to do this on a company’s official event? I thought we would have more privacy”
“If I had known, I would have dressed myself more appropriately.” You commented. Scara turned to you, looked you up and down, then spoke with nonchalance.
“But you look beautiful.”
You didn’t know if it was the way he said it or because he said it in front of Miko and Ei that you feel embarrassed. Either way, you feel your whole body heat up.
“Thank you. You look really good in that outfit yourself.”
Scara smiles cutely.
You feel like you’re about to faint from both his compliment and how he practically sparkled when you complimented him.
And Yae Miko wants to tease the both of you.
“Look at you both acting so lovey dovey~”
You and Scara look at Miko with a sour look.
“It’s not flirting.” You said.
“We’re just complimenting each other.” Scara added.
“So defensive for no reason, I wasn’t saying it like it was anything bad.” Amusement glints in her eyes. “You two are always so easy to rile up.”
You squint your eyes as you catch a glimpse of a familiar blonde and brown hair.
‘Is that Hu Tao and Lumine?’
You put your hand on Scara’s arm to get his attention. You lean into his ear to whisper so only he could hear your query. “Is it just me or does that look like Lumine and Hu Tao?”
He looked around then he spotted the people you were talking about along with a mop of ginger and green hair. “No, it’s not only you. Venti and Childe are also here.” He pointed to their general direction.
“Why are they here?” You said outloud, it was mostly a question to yourself.
“Perhaps the youngest of the Kamisato siblings invited them?” Ei suggested with a lazy smile. Was she trying to reassure you? Well with a smile like that, how could you not be? Again, the Raiden family and their pretty faces.
“Fair enough.”
You mentally set a note to yourself to have a chat with them later.
“Let me drive you back.” Scara insists. The ‘double date’ is now finished and it was time to go back. After saying your goodbyes to Ei and Miko, you were left alone with Scara.
“Alright.” There was no reason to refuse, especially if he was offering. You bite your lips to stop yourself from smiling. Small things like these that he does always have you teetering to the edge.
“Am I this affection starved?”
And after much debate (not really) with yourself, you decided that yes, you are. Maybe with a side of mommy and daddy issues too, but that was besides the point.
Once inside the car, he asked you questions about the double date. Like how his sister treated you and if you were, at some point, uncomfortable. You reassured him, his sister was wonderful. That tonight was amazing.
“I’ve never been on a double date before. I’m not sure if that was how it was supposed to go.” You confessed.
“Me neither. But it’s fine right? It was all about spending time together.” He said softly.
A beat of silence passed by. You look at him briefly and before you could stop your mouth, you blurt out a question that you’ve been wondering. “Do you prefer being called Kunikuzushi or Scaramouche?”
“As long as my name is uttered from your lips, I have no objections.” He answered too quickly. Without any hesitation. Like it was a natural response. You’re rendered speechless at his nonchalance and his words echo in your mind.
“As long as it’s uttered from your lips.”
The rest of the ride is quiet. Scara — or Kuni — or whatever, has a mischievous smirk at your lack of response. The drive passes too quickly.
“We’re here.” He turns to you with a smug smile that seems to have been glued to his face. The same annoying one he used whenever he knows he’s won. “Unless you want to stay with me longer?”
“I’m fine!” You grumbled, your ears tinted pink. You quickly unbuckled the seatbelt and opened the car door.
“Dream of me.” He said with a teasing tone. You hate him for that, because you’re gonna be thinking about him whether awake or asleep.
“Fuck you.” I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight. You don’t say the rest of the statement. He would absolutely delight in you admitting to that. You raised your middle finger to emphasize your point.
“I’m sure you’d like that.”
“Shut your mouth. Right now.”
“You should do it yourself.”
“I will tape it shut.”
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just a hater — [ prev | masterlist | next ]
Synopsis: In which you major in astronomy and scaramouche is the biggest astronomy hater (in your eyes). What happens when someone confesses their feelings for you, and you not knowing how to handle affections, suddenly blurt out that you are already taken. By who? Well, scaramouche of course.
a/n: oml fontaine is dropping in 10 days or smth. time passes too quickly, i cannot believe we’re like halfway through 2023 wth. anyway, i started reading the cruel prince trilogy and cardan 🤭
taglist: @lovelyiez @linn-a-a @itsyourgirlria @beriiov @kunikuzushiit @bubiblossom @jiminscarmex @starfruiitzz @baelloraa @bleedingwhiteroses222 @zanashair @criminalinthemaking @dee-zbignuts @shizunxie @lxry-chxn @mangobee @sukunasrealgf @reverse-iak @monochromaticelliot @scaranaris-lil-niko @zannivrs @lovely-scaramouchie @ireallylikehamsters @angryhope @monaypo1 @shirmxie @pooonyo @ladyv1n @thenightsflower @aerinrin @suzukara @lfgceo @elysiasbae @saoiirsee @kairxse @prefesro @purpl3bo1 @insomni4ac @otomegame-oneshots @mcryv @kunikuzushisbeloved @cupids-chamber @justawalkingdisaster @scaraapologist @elakari @hishui @loveroftheoldestdream @doppoluvbot @crowbird @lunavixia @mirology @k1an4a
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solarisstyles · 1 year
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: 3k+ Warnings: angst, pining, stubborn!reader, oblivious!harry Summary: You're too scared to admit you're in love with Harry. Harry is oblivious to how obvious you are. Niall's there. A/N: yes, this is based off the Taylor Swift song.
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 “Hey, Niall. Who’s that girl Harry is talking to over there?” You asked, watching Harry as he had what seemed to be a very amusing conversation with a beautiful brunette. 
While the music was far too loud, you could tell that she was making him laugh loudly at whatever she was saying. He was standing too close to her for your liking, and if it were possible, your skin would have been green from the jealousy you felt at that moment.
Niall looked over to Harry, a knowing look in his eyes as he looked back to you. “I think he said her name is Joslin. Judging by the daggers you’re sending her with those icy eyes, I don’t think you care though.” his response causing you to cut your eyes away from her, giving him an apologetic stare. 
“Sorry, you know how I get when other girls get close.” and he nodded, understanding your stance. 
“I just don’t understand why you don’t tell him how you feel.” Niall said. 
You glanced back at Harry and then back at Niall, trying to enunciate the current position you were in, “Rejection isn’t really a kink of mine Ni. He’s clearly preoccupied.” nodding your head in Harry’s direction. 
Niall laughed, shaking his head slightly “Only for the moment. If you don’t make a move though you could lose your chance.”
“You say that like I even have a chance to begin with.” you argued back.
Holding his hands up in mock surrender, “Hey, I’m just saying. You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.” earning a snort and laugh from you. 
“That was very prophetic, Niall. Thanks.” 
He smiled, patting you on the shoulder, “I save the best advice for those I love. You’ll thank me later.”.
  It’s been four months since that night and Joslin was a bigger thorn in your side than you’d ever imagined. Anytime you wanted to hang out, she was there, anytime you called Harry, she was there, even when you would randomly join his family for dinner, she was there. You were thankful for Niall being a generous listener. He was set to be awarded a purple heart for the service he gave to you. 
- - - - - - - - - 
  “I just don’t understand why she always has to be everywhere I go. Is it too much to want time alone with my best friend?” you ranted through the phone. 
Niall sighed softly, adjusting his body to be more comfortable on the couch he lounged on as he talked to you, “I mean, no it’s not. But, that’s his girlfriend. It’s kind of expected for her to be around a lot. Have you tried talking to him about it?” he suggested. 
Rolling your eyes, you let out an unamused huff of air “No. He’s too far up her ass for me to get a moment alone with him to even try that. And you see the way she looks at me! If I even suggested talking to him alone she would bite my head off.” 
Niall couldn’t help but laugh softly, “Yeah, I think the dislikable feeling is mutual on her end too.” he agreed. He had, as she said, witnessed how Joslin would give her looks that could kill if possible. Much like you had given her the night you first saw her with Harry. 
“I don’t know what else to suggest you do though. I feel like you guys aren’t communicating very well and I hate feeling tension between my two best friends.” he confessed, feeling a little nervous about your response. 
It was your turn to sigh, feeling guilty for putting Niall in such a position, “You’re right. I’m sorry that I’ve put you in the middle like this. I love Harry so much, and I love that he’s happy. I just hate that he’s happy with her.” you said, enunciating the last word of your sentence. 
“I know what you mean. And if it helps you at all, I’m not very fond of her either. It all seems very forced on Harry’s end and I wish he would see that he has you right at the tip of his fingers.” He told you, feeling sympathetic. 
Niall knew you were selfless enough to push your feelings aside if it meant Harry was happy, but he completely understood as Harry’s other best friend that you wanted that happiness to be found in the right person. Joslin was definitely not that person either to either of you. 
“You have no idea what a comfort that was to hear Ni. Thank you.” you softly responded, a relieving feeling washed over you hearing that you weren’t alone with how you felt. It was nice to know somebody else felt the same way, especially Niall. 
“Of course. I’m always going to be here for you. You’re my best friend just like Harry is.” he assured you,making your heart swell with fondness. 
“You’re my best friend too Ni. I’m gonna go to bed now. Thank you for listening to me.” hearing him yawn on the other end he then responded 
“Always here to listen. Just give me a call or come over. Goodnight.” he said. 
Telling him goodnight as well, you ended your call, feeling like you could fall asleep without feeling upset about Harry for the first time in months.
- - - - - - - - - 
  It was on Harry and Joslin’s one year anniversary that you could officially say your heart was broken in two. You banged on Niall’s apartment door, hot tears streaming down your bright red cheeks as you waited for him to answer. 
He was quick to do so, instantly pulling you in for a big hug. 
“He fucking proposed!” you sobbed into his chest, your fists clenching his shirt in fear of falling to your knees. 
Niall’s heart broke for you as you cried in his arms. “I know, I saw the Instagram announcement too.” he assured. 
“How could he want to marry her after the shit she said to him?! She called him stupid and said he’d never make a living in the job field he’s dreamed of since we were five.” you sniffled, scrubbing your sleeve against your cheek to wipe away the tears. “She doesn’t even support him.” your words cut through the air. Spite and anger fueling the fire that blazed inside of you. 
“He’s a dumbass.” Niall agreed, softly rubbing your back in an attempt to sooth you. “I told him the same thing months ago when he talked to me about buying a ring. I told him not to make such a stupid mistake. We can all tell he’s not happy, so I don’t understand why he’s taking it this far.” leaning his head on top of yours, he sighed. “It’ll be okay. Hopefully something will bring him to his senses.” you could hear the hopefulness in Niall’s voice. 
And as much as you wanted to have that same hope, you feared nothing would make Harry see sense.
 Being the best friend you were, you sent Harry your congratulations regardless of how broken you felt. 
Harry sent back his thanks and let you know that Joslin would love to have your help with the planning. 
You knew she didn’t genuinely want your input. It was just another way for her to press the dagger further into your beating heart. Not wanting to disappoint Harry though, you agreed to help. 
Joslin dragged you through so many venues for both the ceremony and the reception before settling on one at a country club which just so happened to be where Harry asked Joslin’s dad for permission to marry her after a round of golf one Sunday. Joslin exaggerated the details of it but the thought of Harry doing that stung nonetheless. 
And she knew it. It was like Joslin was getting a sick thrill out of seeing you slowly break. 
You weren’t even in the bridal party but she made sure you were there when she said ‘yes’ to the dress. You couldn’t deny that it was stunning and Harry was bound to be breathless over seeing her in it. You wished so bad that it was you, and it’s like Joslin could read your mind as she looked at you through the mirror in front of her as she tried on dress after dress. 
As you were all leaving the bridal store Joslin softly grabbed you by the elbow before you could walk to your car, “Can we have a little chat?” she asked, her voice oozing in a fake feeling. 
“Sure.” you nodded, turning to give her your full attention. 
“I’m going to just be very transparent with you. I see the way you look at Harry. And frankly it makes me sick that you would be so disrespectful as he’s happily spoken for. I understand you might be having some regrets but he’s mine. We’re going to be married soon and I would really appreciate it if you would back off.” Her words were cold as ice, just as you suspected her to be originally. 
While you weren’t shocked, you couldn’t help but feel taken aback at her sudden need to be so possessive over Harry. 
You blinked, breaking yourself from the shocked stare you gave her in response, your shock quickly turning into defensive anger as you narrowed your eyes at her “I beg your pardon? I’ll have you know that I will not be ‘backing off’ as you demand.” you began, putting air quotations around her words. “Harry has been my best friend since grade school and you will not change that.” You Let her know, standing firm in your position in Harry’s life. 
Joslin laughed in a way that resembled nails scraping down a chalkboard, then leaned in close to you to speak low, “I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to be forceful here but you’ve left me no choice. I don’t want to see hide nor hair of you at our wedding. Is that clear?” she asked, tilting her head in a mocking way. 
“Crystal.” you simply responded, your voice flat with no emotion, eyes as dull as you felt inside. 
Taking that as your que to leave, you walked away from her to your car.
  Your grip on the steering wheel was so tight your knuckles turned white as you drove, Niall’s shrill voice booming through your car’s speakers, “She did WHAT?” he exclaimed. 
“You heard me.” you confirmed, filling him in on the argument between Joslin and you. 
“What a bitch. Harry’s not going to stand for that.” he spoke confidently. 
“Ha!” you laughed out, “That’s if she even tells him the truth. Or at all.” 
Niall groaned, clearly frustrated “I’ll tell him then.” he declared. 
“No, no Niall don’t!” you quickly spoke, a surge of panic rising in you. “Don’t tell him anything. I feel like I’ve caused enough problems as it is and I don’t want to be a problem during what’s supposed to be a happy time for him.” 
Your reasoning caused Niall to roll his eyes,“What are you gonna do then? He’s going to be hurt if you’re not there.” he asked. 
You bit your lip, in thought about your options. “I’ll sneak in. But, I’ll need your help.”
- - - - - - - - - 
  It was the day of the wedding and thanks to Niall your plan was in full swing. 
You sat in your car parked outside the venue where the wedding party was getting ready inside on separate sides. Your leg bounced with nerves as you waited for Niall to text you that the coast was clear. 
Currently the groom party was getting some shots done by the photographer of them getting ready. It was the last task they had to do before meeting up with the bridal party to walk down the aisle. 
Hearing the text alert ding on your phone, you quickly opened it to see Niall letting you know that the coast was clear and that Harry would be alone for a good thirty minutes before it was time for the wedding to start. 
Getting out of your car, you followed the directions Niall gave you to Harry’s room, thankful to avoid anybody that might question your presence. Standing at the door, you stared at it, your heart beating faster than ever before, your palms suddenly sweaty as you brought your shaky hand up and rapped your knuckles against the door to knock on it. Taking a deep breath as you awaited him to answer the door, you felt the wind knocked from you again when the door opened. 
He looked so handsome in his fitted tux, his curly hair perfectly styled for the occasion, his skin was tan and glowing as if he’d been in the sun for days. His bright smile nearly blinded you as he pulled you in for a hug, “I’m so glad I got to see you before the wedding.” he happily said, pulling back to look at you. 
Noticing your casual attire, he couldn’t fight the slight confused look from his face, “Dressed pretty casual for a wedding huh? I’d hoped I was special enough for you to dress up.'' His teasing tone brings you more nerves. 
“She didn’t tell you?” you asked, wanting confirmation of your thoughts. 
“Who didn’t tell me what?” he asked, even more confused. 
Sighing, you looked down the hall, worrying about somebody seeing you. “Can I come in? I need to talk to you.” desperately wanting to have more privacy as you spoke. 
Harry could see how nervous you were and ushered you into the room, closing the door behind him. “What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at you concerned.
  Swallowing around the thickness of your throat, you took a shaky breath, “Joslin uninvited me to the wedding.” you told him, looking into his eyes so he could see you were being honest. 
“What?” he asked, “Why would she do that?” he further asked, feeling hurt and confused. 
Taking another deep shaky breath you began to explain the argument you and her had outside of the bridal store, filling him in on her wickedness. “I understand you love her, and I want you to know I support that. I can’t stand back and watch you marry somebody that’s so obviously bad for you though. She’s right, Harry. I’m in love with you and it has been absolutely killing me helping her plan this whole day for you two. I went through with it thinking it could help me move on, cause your happiness means more to me than anything.” pausing, you wiped away the tears that had begun to leak from your eyes.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I know it’s not fair to dump all of this on you on today of all days. I had to get this off my chest though before you became a married man. I genuinely hope you have a lifetime of happiness with her.” you concluded. 
Harry was speechless, all he could do was stare at you with wide eyes, his mouth gaped open like he wanted to respond but couldn’t find the words. 
The moment was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, Niall opening it and peeking in at the two of you with a sympathetic smile on his face, “It’s time.” he softly said. 
Looking from Niall back to Harry, you gave him a tiny nod, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his cheek, then walking out the door to go back to your car and leave.
 When you left the room, Niall stood in the doorway, staring Harry down as he stood in absolute shock. 
“I fucked up.” Harry said, his eyes meeting Niall’s. 
The weight of the situation was slowly sinking in for him. You loved him. How could he have been so blind to it? You were his best friend. How did he miss something that was probably so obvious? 
“I mean… if we’re technically speaking… you still have time to fix this.” Niall said, pulling his phone from his pocket to check the time. “About five minutes to be exact. So, I’d move fast if I were you.” He told his best friend, a smile slowly forming on his face. 
Harry slowly began to smile back at him, “Joslin will never forgive me.” he said. 
“Fuck Joslin. Go get the girl you really wanted to marry since you were twelve.” Niall encouraged, holding the door open for Harry. 
As Harry walked through the doorway, he pulled Niall into a tight embrace “Thank you.” he said. 
“Yeah, yeah, I better be your best man. Again.” Niall dismissed, pushing him away. “Now run before she gets to her car and leaves,” he instructed. 
Nodding, Harry took off running down the hall, bursting through the emergency exit that led to the parking lot. Spotting you almost to your car, he sprinted towards you, calling your name. 
Your head whipped around at the sound of his voice, your tear stained face laced with shock as he approached you. 
Grabbing your face with both of his hands, he crashed his lips into yours. 
The shock instantly melted away as you melted into the kiss, your hands wrapping around his wrists and pulling yourself closer to him. 
When you both eventually pulled away from one another for air, you pressed your forehead against his, your eyes still closed as you tried to catch your breath, him doing the same. 
“What are you doing?” you breathed against his lips. 
“What I should have done a long time ago.” he said, rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks softly. “I love you too. I have since we were kids. I’m so sorry that I was too stupid to see that you felt the same way. I didn’t think I had a chance with you.” he confessed. 
You were shocked, your eyes finally opening to look into his own. “Really?” you asked. 
“Really.” he confirmed, smiling at you. 
“Give me your keys. I’ll drive.” he said, bringing you back to the reality of where you were. 
“But your wedding-”, 
“Fuck it. Joslin’s not you so I don’t want it.” he interrupted, holding his palm out for your car keys. 
You couldn’t help but giggle, fishing your keys out of your pocket and handing them to him. 
You both were quick to get in your car, Joslin running out of the venue screaming at your car as you both drove away into your happily ever after.
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laniusbignaturals · 1 month
re: Honest Hearts, its especially bad when you consider the truly disgusting history of mormons slaughtering indigenous people. on playing it, i, as a native person, felt MASSIVELY weird about a mormon inserting himself into indigenous people’s cultures, the caricatures of native people lauding him as their great white savior one of their own, him being “their only hope” of survival—and honestly a lot of that paternalism that pervades much of the legion’s narrative (like ugh. uuughhh how visceral it is that the revived roman empire is swallowing up indigenous cultures again. ouch. but it feels like a bit of a hamfisted metaphor, and also why do all our stories in media have to center genocide all the time, it is so exhausting!)
it was really visceral, too, after having heard a professor/menotr of mine recounting his great-grandmother’s experience at the bear creek massacre. like this is real and tangible and painful. it made me feel so weird. mormons in general also have exquisitely bizarre beliefs about native folks.
honestly the whole dlc makes me have such conflicting feelings. on one hand, the region is beautiful, and seeing indigenous people reclaim a national park as their land is kind of nice? on the other— the white saviorism, the choice of making joshua & daniel not only white saviors but MORMONS, the accents, the paternalism that leeches into every part of the narrative. the vibes of the dlc are interesting and appealing to me. the portrayal makes me feel sick.
anyways sorry to rant in ur inbox i love ur blog 💖
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, we’re telling “adverse psychological responses to being surrounded by dehumanizing narratives” stories now? I found out my family had a cross burned on their lawn in the 80s around the same time Outlast revealed its new villain was a member of the KKK. The fact itself wasn’t quite as upsetting as the subsequent shift in the community, wherein a bunch of young white people loudly bickered over whether or not it was okay for them to publicly thirst over the Klan member, brazenly prioritizing their own self perception as a group instead of paying any heed to the experiences & opinions of players of color, even though. Y’know. That was the group of people whose brutalization the story was commenting on in the first place. Putting up with this shit is genuinely taxing, and that’s why so many POC leave fandom entirely, which creates a feedback loop - white sensibilities are given precedent, people of color decide to stay away, so fandom remains predominantly white, so white sensibilities are given precedent. This is a tale as old as time.
The trouble with Honest Hearts the story is that it, like most anti-indigenous media, callously lifts existing cultures and warps them into whatever shape is necessary to make then effective narrative tools for the white protagonist, or perhaps more accurately the predominantly white audience consuming them. I play this game on a $50 PlayStation Three that’s old enough to vote, so I’ve yet to get the chance to play Honest Hearts, though I’ve watched it. And while I’m grateful to have never had to wade through the discomfort of actively participate in that narrative, the fact that the most well-known of FNV’s dlcs is densely populated with anti-indigenous caricatures has repercussions on the game’s broader community. It’s for that reason that simply eating around media racism is more difficult in practice than in theory.
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harlowtales · 6 months
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Jack finally realizes how he feels about his “bestie” Y/N but is it too late?
18+ adult themes and language
“C’mon Y/N pass it!! For fuck sakes I’m open!” Jack shouted from in front of the goalie net ready to kick in the soccer ball. You took the shot instead of passing it to Jack, a move the goalie didn’t see coming. Ismail in goal dove across the net to save it but it hit the goal post just the right way and went in over his head. You SCORED!!!
“Whoooooo!!!! Eat that bitch!” You screamed to a humiliated Ismail on the ground now with his head in his hands from an epic miss.
You were the only girl on the Private Garden soccer team. You grew up playing soccer with Jack and all the guys. The day they found out you were a girl is a day Jack will never forget. You were all about 8 years old and you had all your hair hidden up in your hat so they would allow you to play, but it had proven to be difficult to play soccer with a hat so when you were subbed in you looked over at your dad who gave you a look for you to go for it, and you took your hat off to which your long curls came cascading down.
To Jack in that moment you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and the most beautiful girl to him still, but telling you all that would ruin years of friendship and mess up the whole friend group. Add to that him being famous and it was a recipe for disaster if you knew how he felt. Sometimes it was harder to hide how he looked at you than other times, but this was not one of those times. He was pissed you took the shot instead of passing him the ball.
“Fuck is wrong with you Y/N?? There ain’t no I in TEAM.” He lectured, his curls all sweaty and jersey wet, he peeled it off with a look of agitation firmly fixed on his face as his sweat dripped down his chest and abs and he guzzled back some water. Any girl would be unable to speak given the sight of him but you were too mad to care.
“Fuck is wrong with you Harlow?” You shot back just as irritated. He hated when you called him that because you only did it when you were pissed. You started walking away with a sack of balls over your shoulder which made him extra mad.
“Yo Y/N you legit have the biggest sack here.” Sunni called out to you and you dropped the sack and fell on the ground howling. Sunni had a way of getting you going. Seeing how you just blew him off Jack walked over to you fuming.
“Y/N we need to talk. NOW.” He said standing over you on the ground as you were wiping tears of laughter. Sunni was waiting for you in the distance to catch up.
“Get over yourself bro. It’s a game. I took a shot and I scored. Why are you so jealous? I score more than you do. On and off the field.” You said mercilessly glaring at him as you got up and dusted yourself off with not even a hand up from him.
“Since you started playing in college you got a real fucking attitude you know that?” He said in your face. “You’ll never play pro anyway. You’re a girl Y/N. A GIRL. Remember?” His words stung and put your anger in overdrive.
“I’m going to the olympics!” You defiantly spat back
“Oh yeah? And then what? Huh? It’s not the WNBA. There’s no chance to be a star and you have a massive ego.” Jack continued on his rant.
Sunni ran back to broker peace between the two of you. “Yoooooo chill bro. Yes she is a girl so back up a bit.” Sunni defended you and made you blush. A lot of the time you kind of forgot you were female. You were raised by your dad and uncles as your mom couldn’t look after you due to battling addiction so your dad took full custody from the time you were 2 and it was just you and him. You learned how to fix cars and play sports. He wasn’t sure how to raise a girl so he just raised a boy as best he could.
Jack suddenly felt bad for tearing into you as Sunni gave him a wake up call about his attitude. “It’s our sister Y/N bro. Not some random. Chill out.” Sunni said calmly. “Y/N you coming by? I’m doing some fresh lasagna.”
“Bro. I’m there right now! I’m starving.” You said smiling ear to ear. Sunni was an amazing cook.
“No invite for me?” Jack said now calmed down
“Uh…not this time bro, me and Y/N kinda just chill together on Thursdays.” Sunni said taking Jack by surprise as he was unaware this was something they did just with each other.
“Fine, I gotta hit the studio anyway. Y/N, nice goal.” He said in a truce hugging you.
“No worries fam.” You said but were upset he came at you so hard. You couldn’t shake the feeling he was going through something. “You good?”
“He’s fine.” Sunni interrupted eager to spend time with you alone.
Jack couldn’t shake the feeling of irritation and had no idea why he was in such a bad mood lately. He was snapping at everyone. Even Neelam had a talk with him that he was getting out of pocket too often. Once at home he hopped in the shower and fed pups. He was sore all over and decided to order a pizza. Half way through watching Dune he lost track of the story as his mind wandered to what you and Sunni were up to and why neither of you had told him about the exclusive Thursday night just the two of you hung out.
He decided to call Urban and see what he knew. “Yo Urb what up?” Jack said casually
“Nuthin bruh just chilling with Azura and the fam.” Urban said as he was just sitting down to eat with his family and girlfriend.
“Yo did you know Y/N and Sunni just hang together alone every Thursday night?” Jack asked trying not to have the way he felt about it show up in his voice. He uncomfortably cleared his throat.
“Um no, I didn’t.” Urban said not thinking much of it. To him Y/N was one of the guys so much he forgot it was possible anything could be going on.
Jack delayed responding deep in thought. “You still there?” Urban said “I gotta go bro it’s dinner time.”
“Yeah no worries. See you tomorrow.” Jack said distracted by how weird the whole thing was. He couldn’t resist and called Sunni.
“What up” Sunni said as Jack FaceTimed him so he could see what was happening. Sunni had his shirt off having just showered and was busy taking a steaming lasagna out of the oven. It had a perfect cheesy crust bubbling on top. The smell of it made Y/N wander into the kitchen who appeared gorgeous having just showered off the game as well. She was wearing Sunni’s tank too and shorts with no bra.
“Sunni OMG!! I can’t wait to try it!” You said coming up behind Sunni and giggling as he kept you from attacking it. You were clearly relaxed and having a great time.
Jack nearly dropped the phone. He fought the urge to jump in his jeep to go over there and punch Sunni in the face. He kept his cool knowing he had no right to be mad anyway. You weren’t his girl and in fact whenever you took a shot in the past he always curved you for some other super girly girl who wore next to nothing and was always what you could never be.
You had no idea how beautiful you were. At some point in time almost every guy in the crew had a crush on you, but decided it wasn’t worth messing up friendship. Jack had always loved you but was expert at shoving his feelings aside. He would distract himself with other girls but as he was getting older, thinking about what was important in life, and spending more time in Louisville, a lot of what he always felt for you became more impossible to hide and his luxury condo seemed so empty.
However in typical Jack fashion he just lashed out at you as he had done all these years whenever he felt something for you. “You know bras are a thing.” He said harshly.
You shrank in embarrassment and subconsciously covered your chest leaving the kitchen.
“Why are you always on her like that bruh?” Sunni said shaking his head as he perfectly portioned out some lasagna with a kitchen towel slung over his shoulder like the chef he was “You know it’s starting to get old.”
“Old?” Jack said taken aback by Sunni’s tone.
“Yeah…and mean.” He said further
“Well fuck don’t let me ruin your special chill night.” Jack said sarcastically rolling his eyes.
“You know what bro?” Sunni said “I like Y/N and she likes me. Okay? So lay off her. She’s not your punching bag anymore. Got it?” Sunni was unaware of the dynamic between you and Jack over the years. You never told him seeing as Jack ignored you every time you let him know you thought of him as more than a friend. Why make something that was never anything a thing?
“Yeah got it loud and clear.” Jack said abruptly ending the FaceTime.
Jack started pacing and opened the freezer hunting for some ice cream. He ate the whole pint and snuggled in with pups to get a good nights sleep, but even his dreams were haunted by images of you laughing on the ground that day, your dimples popping and hazel eyes shining. You were so carefree in spite of so many challenges growing up with just your dad. He was kind of afraid of someone like you because he knew with you there would be no turning back. With you it had to be for real. You weren’t someone he could kiss on the forehead and send home with no emotion after sex.
Jack had barely heard from you in a few weeks. Quick texts here and there let him know you were busy with finals and soccer season coming to a close, but Sunni knew everything you had been up to and Jack couldn’t stand it. He was busy putting the finishing touches on his album and planning tour so he didn’t like you were on his mind so much. He had too much to do to be preoccupied.
Chilling with all the guys at puzzle night at his place he asked Sunni how you were as you couldn’t make it. You were travelling to Lexington to play UK the next day.
“Y/N’s really doing her thing isn’t she?” Jack said wistfully and partially digging for information.
“She sure is. Top scorer and honour student. She’s amazing.” Sunni said off handedly not really wanting to get into it with Jack.
“So you guys a thing or what?” Jack asked slightly insecurely and frustrated he couldn’t find the puzzle piece he wanted, kind of a metaphor for his life at the moment.
“She got a lot going on, but yeah, we’re talking. I’m being a gentleman if you know what I mean. She don’t need anymore bullshit in her life yuh know?” Sunni said as he threw his head back to eat a handful of beer nuts.
“So you haven’t….you know” Jack cautiously inquired
“Um that’s kinda our business bro. Respectfully.” Sunni said tapping Jack on the shoulder signalling he was done with conversation.
“This can’t continue. I gotta let Y/N know how I feel. Let her decide.” Jack said to himself, forever the alpha male not wanting to concede that easily. He decided to drive up to Lexington in the morning. Sunni was one of his best friends. Jack assumed it would be all good if Y/N chose him which of course she was going to do once she knew how he really felt.
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow @okaaay-mice
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xshybutdeadlyx · 7 months
Questions for the demiromantic and demisexuals out there
Ok, so I've recently found this term thanks to an aroace character from a show I watched. I knew of the sexuality but I didn't really know the specifics because I always thought I was bi but now looking into it I didn't know how aroace was like a literal umbrella and there was so much more to it then meets the eye. Which I'm 30 I feel like I should know more than what I do. But with doing research into it trying to understand it better, I learned about all the terms, and I learned about demiromantic and demisexual and it really resonated with me. But I wanted to ask for advice, I guess? Like I like romance I love reading it seeing art and what have you but when it comes to romance for myself I'm not a big fan? And maybe it's because I literally have to unlearn so much romance equals a, b, and c when that's not really true. I literally been in only one relationship in my life and it consisted of hand holding small kisses (no tongue, honestly I have an ick with spit and the only reason I "wanted" to do deeper kisses with the boyfriend I had at the time was because I felt like it was a requirement) but I honestly didn't feel attraction towards him until after getting to know him and being friends with him for months well into almost a year. And he's the only one I ever felt that way for I hardly ever had crushes or when I did I almost kinda forced myself into having them if that makes sense? It was "natural," and every kid was supposed to have crushes. Nothing ever came from the "crushes" though.
Now, like I said, I'm well into my 30s, and the relationship I just mentioned was the only relationship romantic wise I've ever had. I have had strong feelings for two of the friends I have but one friend is straight as they come and the other is married lol the one that is married though we have a strong bond that I wouldn't trade anything for. She tickles my hand, and she lets me cuddle her all the time, and we just spend nights just playing games together, just like when we were in high school. I love her so damn much, and I'll cherish what we have even when we are both dead and gone. She is my forever person.
Sorry, I went into a mini rant about my platonic love, but she's the best, and when I start talking about her, I have to gush lol, but anyways back to my sexuality crisis
So anyways, when there is even a chance of someone having an interest in me, I honestly kind of freak out. Or like if someone tries to set me up with someone, red neon flashing warning signs pop up for me. I don't know that person, and honestly, I get put off by big romantic gestures. Like, I appreciate it, but I don't think it's necessary? Can we just go get McDonald's, sit in the parking lot, and just shoot the shit? Play some games? We can watch movies or shows too.
I've also been on the dating websites and such as well, and I'm just always immediately put off. "Hello beautiful," ugh. "Insert pickup line here." please God why. "Unsolicited romantic or sexual advances right after a day of talking." Haha, no. There was literally one guy I thought was cool and we kinda flirted but it was really just talking everyday about the games we were playing I feel like if given time a connection could of been built but he ended up finding someone else immediately. Which honestly was fine I was kinda bummed but like if he wanted romance immediately, I wasn't gonna be giving that to him. I wanted to still be friends, but apparently, we had "too much history," so he ended up blocking me. lol oh well.
I've also literally only have had two "crushes" in like in a 5 year time span (only because this is what I can remember lol) one of em was so goofy and seemed so fun but then it seems like they turned out to be very self absorbed instantly done the other had baby mama drama wasn't into that. Honestly, those things seem to be things that could be worked through? Maybe? But once I just see something off-putting, it's all I see, which seems more like a personal thing because of past traumas.
As of now I'm honestly content with no romantic relationship but I feel like I do want one but I don't want one with just anyone and it just doesn't seem like many people out there are willing to wait or willing to be friends first and want to hop into relationships immediately when I very much don't. It takes me a while to be comfortable with people, and I want to get to know them as a person.
For a long time I felt like I just wasn't doing things right or that I had to actually change something that I was doing. I thought I was wrong or that I should just force myself into the uncomfortable situation of being someone's girlfriend immediately but then if it turns out I just don't have those romantic feelings then there the whole process of hurting them which is just anxiety inducting.
Also, with all that I'm saying, it does go into the demisexual portion, too. I've still never been with someone sexually because even in the one relationship I have had, I haven't met someone I've trusted to give myself to. The thought of one night stands or anything of the like just makes me wanna crawl into myself. I don't mind anything sexual but I want to be with someone sexually that I trust and care about with my whole being, not some dude Craig or some chick Wendy from Tinder. I'm content with that, but a lot of the times, I'm almost made to feel bad because I haven't done anything sexual. But boy, can I read all the smut on Ao3. Like it all in theory, but dunno about in practice lol I just don't have much of a drive in general, but I don't know if that's just because I've never been with anyone before? I keep getting told, "As soon as you're with someone, your sex drive changes," and like, does that shit really happen? Lol
All in all, I really feel connected to the terms demiromantic and demisexual. Even when I just said I'm bi, it just never felt right, but for once, I feel like I finally found something that I felt connected to and finally found me. But I guess I also wanna feel like I'm right in assuming so? I dunno I feel like it'd be disrespectful in using a label that isn't really you? Which doesn't sound right because everyone has the right to find themselves, and sometimes people go through a list until they finally find themselves, which is what's happening to me right now. But my feelings also just get jumbled up and I have a hard time distinguishing what's been conditioned in me, like how you date, you get into a relationship, ya do couple things, then you get married ect. When all I wanna do is get to know you, really know you, then actually date but even then I feel like a lot of my stuff is more on the platonic end? Like, I like cuddling and kissing, and I do like romance but on a more tame level? I kick my feet when reading "he bought her all these extravagant gifts then he swept her off her feet and dipped her into a kiss" so cute but like if I was actually in that situation like bro put me down for real and I'm so awkward when given gifts lol
I dunno I'd just would really like to discuss this with others who have found themselves because I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this. I've talked to my friends and they of course support me and love me but I feel like they don't really get it? And my family just chalks it up to " Ya just don't have a lot of experience it'll all change when ya get out there and mingle with people"
Thanks in advance for reading all this if ya made it this far I know it's a lot of word vomit as I like to call it but I don't have very organized thoughts and I just kinda write what I'm thinking in the moment lol
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indigo-constellation · 5 months
It's taken me far too long to have this thought out in public
Daniil should be Artemy's sacrifice in the termite ending.
tl;dr Haruspex route is the only one Daniil doesn't fit the criteria for a sacrifice in and it's been haunting me for years.
NOW, what's the criteria we get for the sacrifice? Beautiful young woman who is in love with Artemy right? well, yes, but that prophecy is given to the player by Katerina, the false mistress, all of her other prophecies are in some way wrong, why is this one followed to the letter? Well there is another definition to the sacrifice Artemy must make, two actually. (it's one, I know, but this is easier for me)
The first is that it has to be equal to the udurgh, which the polyhedron isn't. This is why Artemy does not become the foreman in the termite ending and why that ending feels so deeply unsatisfying and unfitting for him, because he never actually fulfils his goal (THIS IS WHY HARUSPEX ROUTE UTOPIAN ENDING IS SO MUCH BETTER but I already ranted about that) Aglaya fills that criteria.
Now you might ask why, and that leads very cleanly to the second point, the real need in the sacrifice to be equal to the udurgh is that it isn't a man, and in Aglaya's own words, "Simon was almost human. And me-I'm not quite human." Aglaya is not quite human, because she is aware of her status as a doll.
What does this have to do with Daniil?
Well, Daniil is "not quite human" himself in the two other routes.
Bachelor route is very simple to explain, not only does he get to discover that he is a doll, but even if he doesn't heal another bound and meet the powers that be, he is still the player character, he still has this level of separation from the world caused by the player, this distinction between the player and the character is made most clear in the Haruspex route where it's explicitly said that Aglaya isn't in love with Artemy, she's in love with the player, as the player themselves say, "Did you fall in love with him because he was free? But that wasn't him; it was me." Meaning that the player is separate enough from their character to justify the player character being "not quite human."
Now Changeling route is where this gets interesting. because there it is also not his route but Daniil is still aware of his status as a toy in it, claiming it to be the third time he's been deceived, outright stating, "I'm a plaything! And so, undoubtedly, are you." Now this obviously makes him fit the criteria of "not quite human" as established by Aglaya, but, this is where it gets interesting.
Because in that same conversation, Daniil can say, "Self-denial is the meaning here, silly. Deny yourself and you win. Yes, that's how it is! That's the essence of my discovery." And this, this line. This one line, which is specifically set after the player played the Bachelor's route, implies that he has known since. Now that might be a bit of a stretch but with the recommended order of playing being Bachelor -> Haruspex -> Changeling, how hard is it to believe that there is a chance that he is aware during the Haruspex's route? Honestly that makes that possibility so fascinating, because he is right when he's saying that he only wins by self-denial, because by denying to himself (and to Artemy, ie, still himself) the fact that he is a doll, he is keeping himself alive. Because otherwise, he would fit the criteria, being a Healer, a past (or future) player character, and "not quite human" he would very well fit the criteria to be an equal sacrifice to the udurgh.
Let us revisit the prophecy by Katerina, by Artemy's own description, Daniil is handsome, he is 28/29 so arguably young, not a woman, and well, in love with Artemy. Considering the fact that Katerina's prophecies are never outright true, this is as close to confirmation as I am going to get.
Why do I care?
WELL, one, potential, so much potential, I have a wip waiting about this.
But also, it would make the problem of Haruspex route termite ending being a kind of boring and unfulfilling ending not be that, and add another layer of tragedy to it. Let me explain, the problem with termite ending (Artemy route) as it is, is that Artemy makes the wrong choice, it's said multiple times that the right choice for him, is to destroy the town, this is stated in Clara's ice prince story, in the character selection screen, as well as the conversation with the executor in the end which states that "inevitability" is the only true villain. Daniil being his sacrifice would prove that wrong. It would give Artemy a way out of that trap laid for him. It would mean the acceptance of the butchers and Artemy gaining access to the living blood below the earth, not just what will spill from the polyhedron's base. It also adds another interesting aspect to the game in that this would be the one chance for a player character not your own to die, and it will be by your hand. Which assuming the player played/is planning to play Bachelor route, would hurt.
I'm not even going to go into the queer interpretation of that possible ending just know that I am thinking about it constantly
I hope this was somewhat coherent, I have been thinking about this specific thing for years and it's not leaving me alone.
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lightwise · 7 months
TBB S3 E4 Recap and Reaction
- Poor Crosshair keeps getting stuck on cold planets.
- Batcher banging on the chair ready to get out 🤣🤣
- These shuttles are really interesting to me. It’s rare to see a ship that size that can be piloted by two different people.
- Baby girl, I totally understand your logic in wanting to pull the data logs to see where Tantiss actually is, but given how tactful we know Hemlock has been so far in keeping his location hidden, most likely it wouldn’t pull up anything.
- What a dreary spaceport. Feels very Andor and very like Norwegian Star Wars.
- The level of snark that Omega is giving back to Crosshair is cracking me up. We don’t see her showing this level of talking back or being sarcastic with any of the other Batchers, which proves my theory that Crosshair’s constant level of highly annoyed at everything around him brings out the sarcasm in everyone else he encounters.
- Love that his knowledge as a former imperial is coming to play to help them.
- Also love that Omega was the one to recognize that they need different clothes (and the obvious pan of the camera on the clothes hanging on the line in the first shot of the spaceport to accentuate that fact).
- Quilted clothes in Star Wars is my fave (yes more Andor parallels).
- The uplilt and little scoff that Omega gives and the look she gives Batcher after Crosshair snarls about bringing “the hound” along is PRECIOUS
- Also Cross and Omega cross their arms the same way. Okay okay I’ll never be over their dynamic here.
- Crosshair’s trucker hat/scuba apparatus is hilarious. He doesn’t look too bad though. Surely he’s at least warmer now.
- The credits negotiation omg. I love how Cross is just waiting for this to play out before he makes a move.
- YES omg are my baby girls strategy skills FINALLY coming back into play??
- Oh no no no no no this kid is going to rat them out isn’t he. You guys need to be more mindful of your surroundings!! Ahhh (okay I’m glad this didn’t happen).
- Honestly at this point Crosshair would be me as well. Just lots of very annoyed sighing.
- I love that Crosshair is getting to see all the things about Omega that the other boys know already, but he hasn’t had a chance to witness yet. We know she can wipe the floor with most people on strategy games/gambling.
- Yep nope this captain is not good news. Don’t get distracted by ranting about Imperial bribery, don’t do it, don’t….*sigh* I hate the Empire so much.
- Oh no this is so bad! I swear WHY is every imperial such a slimy self aggrandizing POS.
- Aww Crossy hunched down at almost table level ready to tear the room apart if anyone touches his baby sister. Adorable murder kitten. 😸
- Also Crosshair when all of this is over: where the HELL did you learn to gamble like that!?! Omega: 🤷🏻‍♀️😇😁
- Also also what game are they playing? Those cards are beautiful.
- Oh no they’ve found the shuttle already. Dear god this episode is so stressful!!
- Okay I was hoping Omega would let him win bc this isn’t going to go over well
- Whoa I didn’t actually expect him to concede. Maybe he’s not quite as slimy as I thought. Doesn’t matter though, the shuttle will give them away regardless.
- Of course. There it is. Let all the seedy businesses thrive as long as you get your fine out of it. Ugh. This is paralleling a lot of imperial activities in Rebel Rising and the Ahsoka novel as well.
- I also love how Omega uses touch with Crosshair to calm him down and communicate with him.
- Whoa I did not expect Omega to throw the credits and basically give Crosshair the choice of abandoning her or not. Nor for him to actually have to think about it for a moment.
- “My skills are being wasted” the boy does not like feeling helpless. I understand.
- This is going to give Cross some understanding of what Hunter has been going through the last few years. Especially if he ends up losing her.
- “Don’t push it” and the extra head shake after lmao.
- Geez this man is just lining his pockets every which way isn’t he. Despicable.
- “Alright, let’s try things your way” “Finally” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
- Animal stampede!
- Oh gosh is Cross going to get left behind??
- Aw he finally called her Batcher.
- We are clearly seeing how much Omega has actually been tempered by the rest of the Batchers being around her until now. The unfiltered combined powers of Omega and Crosshair at their most unhinged is maybe more than the galaxy is ready for 🤣🤣
- Also a very Andor reference with the captain being stampeded almost to death and having his gun kicked away from him in the melee
- Awwww Batcher licking Crosshair’s face. He’s so done for.
- They got away. Wow. I actually wasn’t expecting that. And with most of the money too.
- Okay. Smart girl. She did not pick Pabu.
- What an ending. Wow. So. Similar to Mando season 3 (which is also scaring me) — what the heck is the rest of this season going to be about?
- This reunion is everything. 🥹🥹🥹 the hugs. The running. The tears. The worry. The anger. The hesitation. The fear. The literal and metaphorical distance between their ships that someone will have to cross. They better not fast forward a millisecond when the next episode picks up I swear.
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