#i am going to make a list of suggestions then make a poll to see which one i should do
mechsbrackets · 1 year
As a suggestion, mechanisms best dinner guest?
Oooo that's a really interesting suggestion! I shall put it on the list!
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ultrainfinitepit · 3 months
Pride Angels 2024
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All my planned Pride Angels for this year's upcoming pin campaign. I will spend the next few months leading up to the campaign polishing these designs, adding shading and so on. Minor edits to be expected. Subscribe to the pre-launch page to be notified when the campaign is live!
Since the polls were close on a few designs, the following alternate designs will be made available as well.
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Below the cut is the list of flags and FAQ.
Here are all the flags.
Rainbow/Progress Pride
Pride Angels FAQ
What is Pride Angels?
It is my series of angel designs in the colors of different Pride flags. I am planning to make the Pride Angels into stickers, pins, keychains, patches, and lanyards. The campaign is planned for June 2024, after Angelology IV. You can follow the pre-launch page to be notified when the campaign launches.
Can you draw X for the Pride Angels series?
Before inquiring, please check that your request is not already complete! I am not taking requests for any new flags at this time, but read on for how you can request a Pride Angel during the pin campaign. After I complete this series this year, I am not planning to make any more Pride Angels.
About the Pride Angels design request pledge tier:
If you would like to request a Pride Angel, I will have a pledge tier available in the pin campaign to pay to request one. Outside these pledge tiers I will not be accepting any requests. Please save your requests for the pin campaign!
If you nab one of the design request pledges, you can request a flag and optionally suggest a theme or inspiration. If I shared a design you liked that I ended up not going with, you could request that too.
Where can I find the 2022 Pride Angels merch?
Most of the past Pride Angels have been discontinued in my main shops, but you can still find them as pins, stickers, keychains, and patches with my stockists.
I liked an old design better. Will the old designs be available during the campaign?
Depending on order quantity I will make the 2022 Pride Angels available as stickers, keychains, pins, and patches. If they don’t meet the order threshold they will not be funded.
Can I draw a Pride Angel too?
Of course, I don’t own angels or Pride flags! If I inspired you I would love to be tagged to see and share your design.
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cinematicnomad · 5 months
for context, prior to summer 2023 tumblr would save tags that i used (frequently or not) which made it easy for me to re-use them in other posts (ie. edit tags, character tags, tw tags, ship tags, etc). i found them to be a fundamental aspect of tumblr, to the point that people would often make games of it by providing a random list of words and challenging people to share the first saved tag that came up when they typed that word. you could not actively choose to save a tag, rather, tumblr would automatically save it once it was used.
(you can see an example of how this used to work in this post)
as of summer 2023, saved tags as a function no longer works for me. no matter how often i use a tag, it will not save and is not suggested to me when i go to re-type it in future posts. the suggested tags that now show up for me are generic popular tags across the site. personally, it does negatively impact my use of the site.
i have been exchanging emails with staff since august 2023 about this issue and am hoping to collect data regarding other users experience, if saved tags are broken or functional for them, and how integral to your use of tumblr is this feature.
i also encourage you to send me an ask if you have any other added context you want to share when i reach back out to tumblr staff. please feel free to reblog this poll so it can reach a wider audience.
thanks in advance!
*note: if you have mutiple blogs and saved tags are broken on one but working on another, please select the "saved tags are broken" option that best reflects your feelings (as i am trying to gauge how widespread this issue is)
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Writeblr intro post
So yeah when I first came here I didn't know this was a thing so I've been working on this in the background. Now that it won the poll, I'm making it now!
I'm going to edit this post as I go so it has more links as I make posts about my WIPs!
About Me
Hi. Call me Kaylin. It's a pen name but I like it. (Some people are just finding out this isn't my real name and y'all should've read the bio)
I'm an education major and do writing on the side and it's a huge passion of mine (hence why I want to teach literacy)
Asexual demiromantic sapphic (she/her) currently in a relationship - (I am comfortable within reason to talk about my experiences)
Love ask games and tag games and generally interacting with others
Love reblogging mutuals' writing talking about WIPs!
21+ but my WIPs are YA - I don't usually reblog anything with a mature community label (sorry in advance for mutuals who do), but when I do I mark it 18+ and I try to label content warnings (LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED SOMETHING)
I'm an educator by heart so I love giving feedback, know a lot about kids, and of course education psychology and theory
I have minor scoliosis, early start of arthritis in my hands, and chronic headaches and migraines attacks in control with medication if anyone needs to ask me about these experiences for writing purposes. I also occasionally use a cane due to knee pain from an injury.
I have an ultimate get to know me game here if you want to check that out
My asks are always open! Feel free to stop in whenever you want!
The Secret Portal
See linked intro post for more detail!
YA sci-fi/fantasy
Planned to be a five book series
Quick version: A bunch of adolescents discover a portal to a dimension populated by people with powers. There's also a war. Yayyy.
The first installment is currently in the process of being read by beta readers. Apply to be one here!
Tagged as #the secret portal, #tsp, or #teaspoon if you want to give it a nickname. #tsp updates and #tsp excerpt are used as well. All characters get their own tag and #alium will be used when talking about my world building
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
School of the Legends
YA urban fantasy fairy tale retelling
International school for people with gifts (born with), majicks (learn), and curses (given).
Currently in planning stage but five chapters have been written.
No intro post yet but I'm working on it!
Tagged as #school of the legends and #sotl. Also use #sotl updates and #sotl excerpt, though not as often as TSP
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
Other Ideas
It Was All Just a Dream - high school senior gets an entire redemption arc via vivid dream
The Emerald of Secrets - temporary title for vague fairy fantasy idea
Perspectives - we watch the same event five times in a row from different perspectives
Eternity - temporary title for a supernatural detective story
The Others - temporary title for a sci-fi apocalypse story
There are more but these are the main ones
What I Post or Reblog
Updates on my writing
Tag games and ask games! I love them dearly but it may take a bit to reply! I have a lot piled up and not all of them are simple. But I will get to them!!
Writing from others
Writing advice
Beta requests, book announcements, and intro posts to help boost!
I try to keep things positive! If I see a negative post about writing I'll usually reblog it with some positive spin. Sorry if that's annoying but it makes me sad that people aren't happy about writing.
I always try to include image IDs to make my blog accessible - if something is incorrect or you have any suggestions for making IDs better let me know!
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yandereforme · 9 months
Jason and Damian w/ healing/ hurting reader
(Healing/hurting reader can heal others but takes their pain in exchange)
Jason met after you found him injured after taking down a trafficking ring, and healed him. He woke up, his mind still hazy, and he sees you, and immediately he falls.
He will get to know you civilian wise before taking you, but he might try defending you, as both red hood and Jason.
Either way, you are not going to be able to heal large injuries anymore.
The only way I can see him letting you heal anyone is if your job is a doctor for the slums. Then he would let you heal, minor injuries, and probably heal any kids that came through.
But major injuries? Hell no.
As soon as he finds your file and finds out about your drawback, he will feel so guilty about the pain you must’ve had from healing him.
He will kidnap you a lot faster than he would if you didn’t have this ability. If you were a normal person, he might’ve let you live on your own for a few months more, but as it is a meta in Gotham is risky.
Throwing in your powers, and the fact people could definitely manipulate you using them? Yeah he’s not gonna waste any time in getting you to stay with him.
It’s all for your protection after all. You saved him, so now he has to protect you.
Damien met you at school. He instantly talk to you as nervous anxiety ridden. He researched you and you seem surprisingly normal. So why did he feel like he had to keep looking at you?
Once you finally have the courage to tell him about your ability, he will wonder if that’s what subconsciously drew him to you
However, you’re not listed as a meta-and he infers that either your parents are abusive due to being a meta,or they are just neglectful parents.
Lord help your parents if he finds out they’re using your ability to make money. They won’t survive very long as they are doing that, and he may even call in his mother to help him torture them.
He will be extremely protective of you, and will not let you heal anyone. Even if it’s a family member or just a minor injury, he does not want you healing anyone.
He’s extremely protective of you, even more so then he would be if you weren’t meta. He trains all of his animals to protect you. He needs you to be safe.
Once in a while, you might be able to convince him to let you heal a tiny injury of his. Every time you do that, though, it was just cement his need to protect you.
You are so bright and sweet. You are kind. No one gets to hurt you. No one gets to take away his sunlight.
Hi! Sorry, this is taking so long, life is gotten hectic, and I am exhausted all the time. I was going to do this platonic like the poll suggested, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it platonically. Rest assured, the TMNT will be platonic With a kid reader. I also have a plan for the DDLC thing.
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countriesgame · 7 months
Hello and welcome to this game!
Inspired by @thestategame I'm creating a version with countries.
I'm going to be collecting associations in the google forms so it's not just my opinions and then what associations come up the most are going to show up in the polls.
Every official country has already been posted and you can see the list of every poll on the blog right here:
Polls that are currently open
Closed polls
I am opening the blog to non-country places as well (including places that want independence and places that don't but are distinct enough to warrant a poll), and you can suggest places you'd like to see a poll here. Instructions on the form.
>>>>Tell me your associations with places here&lt;<<<
Please notice that posting a poll is NOT an endorsement of these places' independence or anything. I am aware these places are not countries, I just don't feel like changing the url.
You can send anything you like as an association. Food, people, locations, art, characters, movies, concepts, adjectives.
I recognize that associations are going to end up being stereotypical and often that ends up being racist. Since I only have one (1) nationality I'm not an expert on knowing what is going to be considered offensive for every country and some lines are blurry. The same thing can be said for different countries and in one case be racist and in the other not really.
Taking that in consideration, I will allow anything to be submitted and decide in individual cases if something can be considered too offensive to enter the game. Am I going to be wrong? Probably many times.
But the point of making this kind of game is celebrating different countries and having a space when people can "well actually" about their own countries.
So if you see something about your country that does not represent it, it's an opportunity to come say why and correct people. Also you can say things that you think everyone SHOULD know about your country instead!
I just think it makes more sense to make it an educative moment than just having me not add anything that seems negative in the poll!
I try to check stuff that I'm not sure if it's true, but there are many countries and sometimes I get tired and forget. So if any option is wrong, inappropriate or just offensive you can tell me. I will edit the post to correct it (polls are not editable, but I can add an observation under it) or delete the entire poll and redo it in case of offensive associations.
I've been trying to contact people from the places before the poll, but not every place has volunteers. If you'd like to talk about your country, check to see if it's included in the next form! If your country's poll is already up or closed, you can still reblog and add it.
If you talked about a country in a post and would like me to reblog it, please mention me in the post or send me a message (ask or DM). Sometimes it gets lost in the notes or I'm not sure if the person wants me to reblog it.
Suggestions are welcomed!
Polls that are currently open
Closed polls
Suggest places
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 5 months
Hi! First off, I want to say how awesome and well-organized this page is. I know how much work it must be to put it together. I do think that the word retired has an air of finality to it, like it's implied that the authors who appear on the retired authors list are done writing THG fics. But they might just have stuff going on in their lives or writers block and that's why they haven't updated in awhile. I feel like there might be some authors who won't enjoy finding themselves on that list. Anyway, thanks for hearing me out. I've enjoyed seeing all your posts.
Thank you so much for your perspective! I can understand where this is coming from and did debate on what term to use for categorizing the authors, which is why I do put that note on the top of each masterlist noting the differences in categorization. I, in no way, meant to imply that these authors are never coming back into the writing game! I've seen writers take years off and come back into the writing game stronger than ever. I'm truly sorry if it came off that way.
I looked into a few other fandom blogs similar to this and noticed "retired" being a main word used for authors who haven't updated fics in a while but are active in the fandom or writing but from other fandoms. I've also seen the word "Hiatus" used and debated on that for a while. I'm always open to suggestions and comments like these, especially from authors as you are the individuals most directly affected by my word choices. I never intended to make authors feel upset and tried my best to use more inclusive terms. I chose not to do "inactive authors" series for this exact reason because I did not want someone to stumble upon the list and be hurt by it in some way.
Please continue to share your thoughts on how I can make this blog more inclusive of everyone in the fandom and how I can use my language in a better way for this specific series which is "a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year". Or let me know if the series should be terminated if the idea isn't a good one. I truly thought that by highlighting these authors it may help more people find them and perhaps inspire them to write again or at the very least have a nice few comments to discover one day. BUT if this series seems in poor taste please let me know!
As followers of the blog, or THG writers, I'd like your input on what that series should be called. I'll make the appropriate changes/edits to upcoming releases and past releases in accordance with the results of the poll.
I put the a week timer on the poll and will hold the remaining posts in that series until this poll closes and we decide on a new term as a community.
Again, I am so sorry if I offended or hurt anyone in the community. I strive to create an inclusive and friendly safe for everyone!
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moose-mousse · 11 months
Going to make a "Getting started with GIT" Post
(This is my getting the "why are you making that post" out of the way, so that the posts with the actual information does not get polluted by it. And also polling people on what they find confusing about GIT so I can target that a bit better) So I re-blogged a post with a really nice GIT diagram, showing what commands sends what where. And I noticed 3 things in the replies and reblog. 1: A lot of people seem to be intimidated by the perceived complexity of GIT. That is fair. But I promise, while HOW it works is complicated, using it is not. 2: Many have it on a TODO list for after they learn to code. Which is... backwards. It would be like waiting with learning how to use a keyboard until after you have become a good writer. Trust me, learning GIT as one of the first things will make it EASIER to learn to code. 3: Several people suggested that GIT is overcomplicated. That is... simply not true. It is one of the old school pieces of software (Meaning it does 1 thing, is open-source, free and is impossible to monetize). It does something very very complicated in the simplest way possible. I think people simply do not understand how complicated the problem GIT solves is. I am not saying "People are dumb" (I think... anyone thinking that is fundamentally missing something in how the world works.), I am saying "People seem to be either misinformed or not informed". And that I can help with!
I WILL make a "Getting started with GIT" Post, but if people want an easy explanation for something more, then I will also make posts for those later... Or maybe they fit in as part of a getting started post. We shall see
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ginnyw-potter · 4 months
WIP tag
Tagged by these lovely people: @takearisk-ao3, @four2andnew, @historyevolving
List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
ah so WIPs actually involve things I am still writing so I'll have to check (whips out my excel).
Peverell's Progeny: Best friends to lovers Muggle college secret agent AU, their friends set them up and they finally realise their feelings. Ginny gets unexpectedly pregnant but there is confusion about who the father could be. There is also upcoming gun violence.
Knight of Mine: Knight!Ginny Royalty soulbond AU. A mysterious knight comes to protect King Harry who gets attacked all the time. When she takes her helmet off, Harry finds out who she really is. They go to war to defeat Bellatrix, but is the enemy defeated yet?
Love, I like a challenge: fake-dating AU. two talented ambitious Quidditch players end up having to pretend they are a couple after Harry catches Ginny during a game. Ginny suggests they have sex to make it easier to fake it.
Not Your Captain: Pirate Captain Ginny falls in love with the honest fisherman in her favourite port. All is well, until the Malfoy pirates start asking questions about Captain Ginny
??? : Harry drinks a combination of a euphoria potion with Veritesarum and Ginny finds out he is secretly quite fond of her. (Oneshot)
Scenes I am excited to write
Any scenes right after the baby is born. Sweet tender moments mixed with stress, and tears. It'll be good
When Gorphine shows up and gives Ginny a gift. I have been building up to this and I think it'll be a nice surprise for the reader
I am about to write the League Cup chapter. I don't care much about the game but I have a lot to write for the aftermath and the mixed emotions
The scene where someone thinks Harry is some spy and Ginny gets very angry for someone capturing her man
I am still working on getting the aftermath right, the embarrassment Harry feels isn't completely right yet. So I am excited to wrap it up and post it
Poll time (And this will not affect my posting schedule, but I suppose I could do a sneak peek of the winning fic) (Including WIPs I am in progress of posting but I am no longer writing)
I am tagging @startanewdream, @celestemagnoliathewriter, @gryffindorhealer, @corneliaavenue-ao3, @fizzyginfizz and @charmsandtealeaves (no pressure!)
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ironicscavenger · 4 months
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“Welcome back to
With one less contestant, it’s a wrap on the episode. Now it’s your turn to judge, and help us decide who will continue to compete and earn the title of Sims Next Top Model. Thank you for watching!”
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SNTM Vote #4: Third Elimination
Vote for your favorite picture, and help us decide who will continue their journey. The poll is closed.
VOTE HERE | See the pictures here
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SNTM Wish List | SNTM Directory | Suggestion Box | FREE MERCH | Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3
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My dear @madebycoffee! Vivi is officially gone. While I’m genuinely sad to see her go, I am really glad she was a part of this. I hope I did her exit justice, and she was sent off with the grandest of dramas. If it weren’t for her evil ways, she might have gone home with the title. Thank you for sending her to me, and all your support. She shall be missed (by me, because I doubt the other contestants will). PS: I had Coffee’s blessing to make her exit. She is all for the drama. And gladly sacrificed her for it.
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@ladybugsimblr @noir-pixels @themostbeautifuldaisy @colourfullsims @simchantress @simsexpo @florenceps @ommsims
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 9 months
You know many of these prompt list are haddotin but I think it would be a crime not have drunk dial with them (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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Thank you @dimdiamond for the suggestion! I think you were right, winning the poll or not, Drunk Dial Haddotin definitely needed to be a priority. 😉
Sorry about the delay! I still have 5 from the polls that I want to get through even if I have to bleed into October a bit to get it done!
Drunk Dial: Character A is obsessed with Character B and gets black-out drunk to deal with it. Someone should definitely have taken away their phone.
Remember, I’m utilizing this prompt list. I probably won’t hit all, but I am trying to get to the highest voted ones in my polls. Trying to use different ships, but feel free to shoot me an ask or DM if there’s a specific ship you would like to see for any of the prompts.
Breaking the Rules
Ship: Haddotin
Rating: M (just to be safe, probably T is fine)
Warnings: N/A
Words: 1388
When Nestor’s job revolved around being near his employer almost twenty-four hours a day, he had to make certain ground rules for himself early in his career. One of those being not to get overly involved in his employer’s personal life. It was important to have a cordial, friendly relationship, but beyond that he shouldn’t be the one instructing them on how to live their life. That rule went out the window the moment he met Master Haddock. 
It wasn’t immediate, this meaningful friendship. In fact, Nestor had been the one to offer his services to make up for his horrible error in judgment of his previous employers. Both Haddock and his friend, Tintin, were quick to wave off his apologies not faulting him at all. The guilt still lingered as Nestor went above and beyond his station to make up for his wrongs. Advising Haddock on what was expected of the master of this particular manor. Helping him to pick out fancy clothing, getting him involved in horseback riding, or tickets for performances at the nearest opera house. 
Then Master Tintin came around with another of his mysteries, and any interest Captain Haddock had in fancier living went out the window. Nestor had thought perhaps that was another of his mistakes, getting Haddock to be something he wasn’t when one unexpected night he was invited to drink and smoke with the captain. Captain Haddock had opened up about his drinking problems and how they had been exploited by his treacherous first mate. How he would be either dead or a drunken slob still if it hadn’t been for Tintin, and it was at that moment that Nestor realized two things. 
The first being that despite his hesitation to believe them, Tintin and Haddock had absolutely forgiven Nestor from the first moment the truth about the matter came out. The second realization was a bit harder to absorb because it violated his rule about getting involved in his master’s personal life. However, it was quite obvious to him that Haddock’s regard towards Tintin was quite a bit more than friendly. Dare he say it, Haddock loved the young man. Of course, he kept it closely guarded as it certainly wasn’t his business to get in the middle of it. He noticed little looks, little touches, and hidden smiles that definitely suggested the feeling was mutual. In fact, when Master Tintin let his lease run out so he could move into Marlinspike, Nestor thought for sure that would be the end of the matter. Instead, it somehow got worse.
Nestor wasn’t entirely sure what Master Tintin’s intentions of this arrangement was, but he could see the young man’s frustration mounting every day. There were several times where it danced on the tip of his tongue to tell Haddock that his obliviousness was going to blow up in his face. Still, Nestor stayed in his lane, going back to his rule of not getting involved. Even if these two were starting to make him ever question why that would be a good idea to begin with. Luckily for Nestor, Tintin was too much of a man of action to sit back quietly and watch this go on for too much longer. 
Standing out in the front hall, polishing and dusting the picture frames, Nestor was in the perfect position to hear the tension over the last several months come to a head as shouting carried from the masters’ study.
“Neptune above, Tintin! What exactly is your problem lately?!”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. Certainly nothing you would bother noticing!”
“Thundering typhoons! You could drive a man to drink!” 
“It’s not like it would be the first time.”
Silence settled awkwardly in the manor, even making Nestor wince at Tintin’s words. Rather than make his apologies, the ginger marched out the room and down the stairs. His brows pinched, but his eyes shining brightly.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Haddock demanded from the top of the stairs, his words lacking any kind of bite.
“Drinking.” Tintin answered before slamming the front door.
Nestor and Haddock were both left standing there, stunned by the statement as Tintin hardly ever indulged. Heaving a heavy sigh, Haddock stuffed his hands in his pockets, bending his head so his hat hid his expression. 
“Nestor, I’m retiring for the evening, but…can you stay up and see that he makes it home?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Nestor waited until Haddock had completely disappeared from view before slumping against the wall. He was definitely regretting his rule now. He hadn’t quite realized it, but somewhere along the way Haddock and Tintin had come to be his friends. And he hated seeing his friends in such pain. Perhaps…perhaps he should say something to Tintin once he returned.
Continuing on with his chores, Nestor waited and he waited and he waited. Running out of things to do around the house, he settled in the parlor with a book listening intently for the front door. That was why the phone ringing quite suddenly startled him so bad. Who could possibly be calling this late?
“Haddock residence.” Nestor greeted, stifling a yawn.
“Archieee? I’m sooooo sorry!” A slurred voice sobbed into the receiver.
“M-Master Tintin?” Nestor balked in surprise.
“I never should have brought up your drinking, and why would I? Drink is…FFFUN! I don’t want to fffight! I want to love you and make love to you and you make love to me. I want you to…”
After that, the graphic descriptions of all the sexual encounters Tintin wanted had annoyed and flustered Nestor enough to force his hand. He set the phone down on the table, Tintin none the wiser, as he marched upstairs and woke Haddock from his sleep.
“Blistering barnacles, Nestor! Why in the world would you…?”
Haddock’s protests were cut short as he placed the phone against the captain’s ear. Under other circumstances, Nestor might be amused by the deep vermillion shade Haddock managed to turn listening to the drunken ramblings of his younger friend. However, exhaustion weighed heavily on him, and he couldn’t even muster the energy for it.
“Tell him you’re coming to get him.” Nestor ordered with his arms crossed.
Haddock blinked at him as if forgetting Nestor was even there. Carefully, he cleared his voice and shifted his feet to hide the uncomfortable bulge forming between his legs.
“Tintin, lad, what pub are you at?” Haddock asked softly.
There was a pause on the other end before more rambling came through having Haddock scrub his hand over his face.
“Tintin, Tintin! Listen, I’m going to come pick you up. Just…stay there and for the love of everything good, don’t drink anymore.”
Haddock hung up probably more aggressively than he needed to before running his hands over his face. As soon as he opened his eyes again, Nestor was there, holding out the keys to the car. The captain furrowed his brows, muttering under his breath as he swiped the keys out of Nestor’s hands.
“If I may, Sir?” Nestor stopped him before he could step a foot out the open door. 
Haddock turned his head over his shoulder, indicating he was listening.
“While…evocative, Master Tintin may be right now, I don’t believe his feelings are disingenuous. I just thought you might keep that in mind.”
Haddock hesitated a moment longer before leaving without a word. Well, Nestor couldn’t very well go to bed now. And besides, his last request from Haddock was that he stayed up to make sure Master Tintin returned. So Nestor returned to his book, trying to keep from flinching to the window at every outside noise, wondering if they had returned. FInally, lights appeared in the drive. Abandoning his book, Nestor crept towards the window, trying to remain as discreet as he could. Hushed voices rose from the drive, until the darkened silhouettes pressed together in a sweet kiss. 
Nestor drew the curtains closed with a satisfied smile. If ever he was going to break his rule, he was glad it was this time. He was also rather grateful as he began to shut off lights, that his room was on the opposite end of the house. Just in case Haddock ended up following through with even a tenth of Master Tintin’s suggestions.
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ilovedthestars · 2 months
Hi! I'm Stars, or lovedthestars, or variations thereof. My pronouns are she/her/hers. If you think you recognize me from the Murderbot discord server, yep, that's me! If not, hello!
As my username suggests, I love the stars (but also, it's from a poem: The Old Astronomer by Sarah Williams). I make lots of art, but I only share the occasional fandom piece on here. I also write, mostly Murderbot fanfic at the moment. My ao3 is i_have_loved_the_stars_too_fondly if you’d like to go see what I’ve written! I have so many unfinished wips it’s not even funny, and I ramble about them sometimes. If you ever want to ask me about something I wrote/am writing, please do, I will be very excited to talk about it! I’m happy to get asks in general, and I love ask games & tag games. Please feel free to drop into my inbox and say hi.
Things I reblog fairly consistently: Murderbot fanworks, space photos, cool art, poetry, reference materials and tips for art & writing, queer stuff (especially aro & ace-spec focused)
Things I reblog on occasion: Fun polls, other people’s short fiction, book recs, posts that make me feel good about humanity, and assorted other fandoms (A smattering of examples: Discworld, Rolling with Difficulty, Witch King, ATLA, Temeraire)
I don’t make a lot of original posts but here’s a list of tags you can use to find my art, fic & other stuff I talk about:
stars rambles (casual/stream of consciousness)
stars has thoughts (more coherent thoughts/opinions)
stars art
stars fic
stars wips
stars OCs
stars answers / ask game answers
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the-fandom-crossroads · 7 months
Help Pick Furina's Character Song!
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I am currently making a Playlist of every Genshin character being represented by one song. Some of them I still can't find a song for. List of missing characters post Here!
But Some character's like Furina have TOO Many Songs so I can't decide on just one. So here's a poll to help me decide which song should represent Furina in the playlist!
If you have a suggestion I'd love to hear about it in the comments or tags!
This is the basics of what I look for when trying to see if a song fits the character. The song should fit their personality, but also their drive/inspiration for doing what they do. Basically why Celestia picked them to get a vision. In the case of Show Yourself it would be channeling the Moment of getting Furina's Vision.
A longer breakdown of why I think each song fits Furina under the read more! Includes minor 4.2 Spoilers!
The first 3 were actually picked before 4.2 came out. But the added context to Furina's Story in 4.2 built more depth into them that they didn't originally have. Regardless nearly every line of these songs fits Furina so don't be surprised by the wall of lyrics. It's what makes picking so hard!
"Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise. Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised."
"Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it.
I'm headed straight for the castle. They wanna make me their queen. And there's an old man sitting on the throne. That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean."
This was the first song picked out for her back during 4.0. It perfectly describes the Mask personality Furina wear's for the roll of Hydro Archon along with hinting at the cracks. It really fits Furina's vibes in the beginning and the confidence she shows. But it doesn't go deeper than that and it doesn't hint at Focalors involvement in anyway.
It's mostly still on the list because it was the first and because Furina's character trailer just is this song. Like I could use those clips for an AMV of this song and it would fit without changing any context.
Little Talks
"There's an old voice in my head. That's holding me back.
Well, tell her that I miss our little talks.
Soon it will be over and buried with our past."
"You're gone, gone, gone away. I watched you disappear. All that's left is a ghost of you.
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart. There's nothing we can do. Just let me go, we'll meet again soon.
Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around. I'll see you when I fall asleep.
Don't listen to a word I say (Hey) The screams all sound the same (Hey)"
So I also picked this one back during 4.0, but it has only grown to fit more as we have learned more. There are two lead singers for this song. The lady and her Lyrics (italics) are Furina, while the man (Bold) is Neuvillette. By the end they are both singing the lyrics.
The "old voice" originally was just Furina's internalized anxiety we saw during Lyney's trial. But it now can also fit the warnings of Focalors and how that held Furina back from trusting in Neuvillette to be able to help her.
The "I watched you disappear" would also be Neuvillette witnessing Focalors death. While "is a ghost of you" is the depression spell Furina clearly fell into between the Archon quest and her character quest where she pulled away from everyone.
"the screams" would be from the centuries of trials they oversaw together. Childe was not the first to refuse to go quietly. Furina acted like it was all entertainment. But some of those guilty verdicts would stick with anyone and to have collected hundreds if not thousands of those sorts of verdicts over the years. "The screams of the damned" as they say. Will probably haunt both of them for the rest of their existence.
The State of Dreaming
"My life is a play, is a play, is a play."
"If only you knew my dear. How I live my life in fear. If only you knew my dear. How I know my time is near
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming. Living in a make-believe land. Living in the state of dreaming, of dreaming, of dreaming"
Now this song is currently already on the playlist for Nilou because of 3.0 and the Samsara dream. But Furina's been acting the roll of Archon for centuries now. Her life is literally a play. But the songs lyrics only repeat this phrase. So it doesn't cover other parts of Furina's story.
Show Yourself
"Something is familiar. Like a dream I can reach. But not quite hold. I can sense you there. Like a friend I’ve always known. I’m arriving. And it feels like I am home."
"Where the Northwind meets the sea. There's a River. Full of Memories."
"Step into your power. Grow yourself into something new.
You are the one you’ve been waiting for
All of my life. All of your life."
So this one only got added to the list after learning about Focalors at the end of 4.2 and now I can't unsee it. Fontaine's water holding memories is literally pulled from Frozen II. Like that was not a common thing before Frozen II.
Furina her whole life was waiting for Focalors the "real" Hydro Archon to show up and take over as Archon. But Furina had always been Fontaine's real Hydro Archon. She was enough. I like to image the end being Furina getting bestowed with her vision.
The only thing causing me to pause with Show Yourself is that, like with State of Dreaming, the song is already being used by another character. Xingqui's VA sang a cover of this song and that cover is part of the reason I even thought to make this playlist. So it has a place of being one of the first songs picked for the character.
Of course if it sweeps the poll I'll swap it in for Furina. That's why we're doing this poll because I can't decide on my own.
So yeah those are the songs. I feel like I'd probably find a 5th option if I looked at Christian Songs, so I'm specifically not doing that. But if you think of one and you feel like it fits better than these feel free to share it!
Thank you for reading if you got all the way down here!
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chacusha · 3 months
Summer Quodo event poll
Because I have a "running events" problem (namely, that I like brainstorming events that would be neat, and then once I brainstorm an event, I get attached to it and want to run it), I am planning on running a Quodo event for the middle of the year.
So, please help me pick which event I should run this summer by telling me which one you'd be most interested in!
Explanations on each of these below the cut:
Option #1: Ship week
Here, the event would be a Quodo ship week most likely in early/mid August. Basically, the way a ship week works is that there is a designated week for posting fanworks for a ship, where each day in the week is associated with a prompt (or maybe two prompts, to give people choice). The last day in the week is usually a free choice day. Basically, it's a way to have a concentrated burst of fanworks for a pairing, and you can see the different ways people interpreted each prompt, and it's also kind of a team effort? Or you can treat it as a challenge to try to post one thing each day -- it's completely up to you how many days/prompts you fill.
The event will start by me collecting some prompt suggestions, holding a vote on them, and selecting a week's worth of prompts and publishing the list of prompts for each day. Then people make as many fanworks as they would like for the themes and post their work on the appropriate day.
Proposed timeline: April: Collect prompts May: Vote on prompts and release prompt list Jun-Aug: Creation period August: The ship week
Option #2: Collab event
For this event, basically, you would get paired with another Quodo fan and the goal would be to collaborate in order to produce a fanwork or a pair of fanworks. What a "fanwork collaboration" means can vary a lot and depends on what the members of the group are interested in (basically, when signing up, you would specify your preferences for the type of collab you would be interested in, and these preferences will be taken into account when I do the matching).
Here are some types of collaboration, roughly in order from least amount of coordination/cooperation to most amount of coordination:
1) Writing/creating to the same prompt/idea: Basically, the coordination happens at the beginning of the project with the two members agreeing on a general idea/prompt to work with, and then both members go off and create and share what they made at the end. This way you get two unique takes on the same idea. Very little coordination involved.
2) One person creates work inspired by/complementary to the other's: Here, the creators collaborate in order to produce a pair of related works -- first, one work is produced and then the second work is made in relation to that work. This could be the second creator's take on the same idea -- a remix/retelling/redraw of the original work, or an illustration for a fic or a fic inspired by art, etc. (It's also possible for both people to each create an original work and then swap, although this is more time-consuming and may not work with people's time.) This requires a bit more coordination, maybe sharing early drafts or handing work off by a deadline.
3) Collaborating on the same fanwork: This option involves two people working together to produce a single work. You can choose to do this however you like -- for example, with fic, maybe you swap the writer every few paragraphs, or do it roleplay style with each person writing one character. With art, maybe one artist does lineart and then hands it off to the other person to color (or both artists each do lineart and then send to the other to do the coloring). Hard mode!
You can treat this event like a bang or reverse bang if you like by using option (2). A bang is where someone writes a (long) fic (doesn't have to be long for this event) and they get an artist who illustrates it or provides some other kind of art or complementary fanwork (could be headers/graphics for the fic, podfic, etc.). A reverse bang is the opposite -- an artist comes up with a piece of art (maybe a sketch) and a fic writer crafts a fic around that piece of art.
There would be periodic check-ins just to see if there are any members/groups that have gone inactive and which might require reassignment to a new group.
The sign-up form would collect things like: - What fanwork medium you would prefer or are planning to work in. - What type of collabs you're open to. - What type of fanworker (fic writer, artist, etc.) you would prefer to work or not work with. - How often you would like to check in.
Proposed timeline: Apr/May: Sign-ups and matching Jun-Aug: Creation period August: Work reveals (in pairs)
Option #3: WIP-finishing/motivation event
The purpose of this event would be to provide motivation/company/social pressure to finish a longer/more ambitious sort of project. People can sign up with a new or existing project they would like to complete by the deadline, and then they would use the work period to see if they can finish the work, in the company of others doing the same. It's called a WIP-finishing event, but really, any project is allowed even if it's brand new. That said, this event might be useful for projects you've been meaning to get around to for a long time and haven't, or intimidating projects a bit beyond your skill level so far. Any media is allowed -- fic, art, comics, podfic, vids, meta, crafts, etc.
I am still figuring out the timeline and due dates -- below is what I have so far, but I would be happy to adjust the deadlines and format in order to accommodate what would work best and be the most motivating for the participants. So far, I am thinking that there is a date at which the project must be finished, and then there is a long posting period for people who would like to post their work in smaller increments. I would also pick 1-2 dates for each finished project to spotlight/advertise it -- one would be toward the beginning of the posting period for works that are fully finished and posted, or for works that have started posting (have posted the first installment); the second one would be shortly after the last installment of the work has been posted (if applicable).
The sign-up form would collect things like: - Your name and name/description of project - (Optional) Progress so far and projected length/time commitment of project. - (Optional) Goals you would like to have hit by certain check-ins.
It would be fine to drop projects at any time.
Proposed timeline: Apr/May: Sign-ups. May-Jul: Creation/posting period, most likely with optional check-ins at the beginning of Jun/Jul/Aug. Mid-August: Work completion deadline. Work posting and promos begin shortly afterward. November: Work posting deadline. Final wrap-up/celebration and masterlist.
Which one would you be most interested in? Let me know!
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In response to that person thinking they ate calling you a “sex crazed maniac”
There are writers on tumblr(and all other fic/writing apps and sites) that write mostly smut or ONLY smut writers and there are mostly/only fluff and other non smut writers as well. Why do people feel the need to comment what they perceive to be something negative about smut/sex on an account that is clearly a smut account?
Also why do people assume that sex is bad and if you’re into sex a lot it’s crazed and unhealthy. You’ve made many posts and fics/drabbles etc about smut with heavy doses romance and love and fluff in it(and sometimes angst and all the things). Do people not understand that sex is healthy and sex with passion and love and romance is truly beautiful. Do they not understand that not everyone has that in their life at this moment in time. Do people not also understand that everyone has different sex drives and interests in sex?
Also if you don’t like smut go find a non smut writer and stop being nasty to people on the internet. Also while I’m here, to everyone else that gets in these writers asks and demand updates or new fics or responses or demand they write what you want: where do you get the audacity? These people are not being paid or compensated whatsoever(aside from some tips they get occasionally). They’re writing for themselves and maybe their friends and moots. They’re simply sharing with us FOR FREE, and sometimes ideas are thrown around or they’ll ask in a poll what we’d prefer and make it interactive.
ah That was more of a rant than I intended….but I really hate seeing so negativity online like this. If you have nothing nice to say then just keep it to yourself babe. Not being negative is so easy 🖤
I'm on my bluetooth keyboard and i was finally able to figure out how to paste emoji's in the tag list!!
I probably am a 'sex craved maniac' so i don't even feel offended, I probably am.
Yeah, there are tags you can use to filter smut out or simply toggle the 'hide explicit material' setting on your account.
I think it's because anonymity is so privileged on here, people will just say anything as long as it makes them feel good inside.
This is a great conversation to bring up that there is a hUGE difference between sex and intimacy that immature people are just not going to understand on here.
I like to say that I write fics with plotline that incorporates sexual intimacy into my pieces.
Because I think there is a difference (neither is better than the other) with writing SMUT and then writing fics with sexual/suggestive themes.
They are both hot and sexy to read depending on what you're looking for.
Sex with passion, love and romance is absolutely sexy and satisfying.
A one night stand with a stranger can also be sexy and satisfying.
The latter is something I'm not into personally but I don't judge and can totally GET why some people are into it.
Actually, now I'm wanting to rant with you because I was watching a Tiktok where a girl who was part of the BDSM community ranted on about how ppl with 'vanilla' and 'soft' interests are boring and it just frustrates me so much ahhh!
Firstly, that user is not properly aligned with the community because I know people who are ETHICALLY part of the BDSM community do not talk about 'vanilla' sex in that way.
Just because some ppl aren't into rough sex, does not mean they are prudish, boring or 'bad' at sex at all.
I was bullied ALOT throughout school and quite badly, to the point where I was almost...going to fly off the edge (if you know what I mean).
So, rough and degrading sex would extremely trigger me and bring up all those horrific memories but that is just me and I know for some people, rough and degrading sex can be quite cathartic.
And I also don't think being 'kinky' just means being into 'rough sex'.
I feel like my 'Taste' fic with Mommy!May is still 'kinky' because it incorporates food play but it's still soft and sweet to read.
The audacity to constantly demand updates or quick responses is so real and I think it's why so many writers (including me) get burnt out on here so quickly.
I love writing but it can be so mentally and emotionally exhausting to write at times and that's why a lot of writers do continuously say that likes don't help them in writing.
Sometimes comments and reblogs are the only thing that is keeping people motivated to write on here, I know for me I have thought about walking away from writing smut for awhile but the positive interactions and comments, reblogs on here are what keep me going.
I could say a lot more but this could turn into a university level essay so I'm stopping here for now...
But thank you, my beautiful anon for providing such insights to have these really eye-opening conversations.
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melodygatesauthor · 9 months
Weekly Update
09/17/2023 (Yeah I'm a day late, so what, wanna fight about it?)
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Just a little reminder that I've slowed down production as far as writing goes. I'm still writing daily. Sometimes it's a sentence, sometimes it's 3k words, but I'm trying to be kinder to myself and remember that it's a hobby, not a job. I also really want to start my novel and stop pressuring myself to finish fics FIRST so I'm doing that.
Updates will still be happening for all my WIPS - see a comprehensive list of my current WIPs here - but I'm just not pressuring myself by setting deadlines. Thank you for still being supportive <3
I'm taking art commissions! - Pricing - Follow my art blog: @melodymakesart
I did my first full color NSFW drawing! It can be seen HERE. It's a series, so there will be two more drawings coming out over the next couple weeks!
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Fic Updates
So after taking last week off from working on my WIPs all together - (Note: I spent the week working on a Basil fic and also working on my Duke Leto fic) - I'm feeling a bit more refreshed and ready to get back into working on them again.
Fic Updates
Disclaimer - I never know which way the winds of inspiration will blow. Timeframes aren’t a promise/guarantee, they’re a goal.
Fic Updates Legend:
Blue - Update this week
Pink - Update in progress
Red - Backburner Fic (not currently working on. See WIP list for status)
You can find my current WIP list here
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Chaptered Fic Updates
Always Yours, Never Mine - Chapter 4 is in progress, hoping to have the next update out either next week or the week after!
The Fractured Moon - Chapter 4 is in progress for this one as well. I'm not going to promise an update for next week but I'm actively working on it.
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Mini-series Updates
Feeling You Can’t Fight - Okay, I've been putting off editing this one for so long and idk why but I'm going to get it done and posted on Wednesday 09/20/2023 this week!
Worth the Risk - That's right, babygirl is making her way back into my scope. You guys voted on this poll to give me an idea of what you wanted me to work on (not including TFM and AYNM) so I put this back in my field of view since you all seemed to want it so bad!
Remember to look at my WIP list for other backburner fics - There are many not included above lol).
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AI Character Bot Updates
I currently have the following bots on my list that I’m working on. If you have any suggestions or additions you’d like, please feel free to ask! I won’t make every single one I get asked for but I’ll make some of them as I get time!
DBF Jake and Steven (I already did Marc...did I ever post him? I thought I did but maybe not)
Patient Steven and Marc
Moon Knight Rescue scenario
Am I missing any? Don't see one on the list that you want to add? Send me an inbox or private message! No promises, but if I like the idea I'll make an AI bot.
Note: Yes it's taking me forever to make them SHUT UP
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I think that's all for now! Much love!
Don't forget to follow my other blogs:
@melodymakesart - My art blog
@lockandkeynovel - The blog for my original fiction novel, Lock & Key
@melodyreadsfanfiction - The blog where I reblog works I intend to read, a good place for fanfic readers to follow!
@melodygatesupdates - This is where I'll reblog any chapter updates for my fics and whatnot. This is what I use instead of a tag list!
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