#i cannot say more i'll be killed (btw the fact that i'll be killed is infuriating in its own right)
pocketgalaxies · 4 months
i'm gonna scream though, actually
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dr-spectre · 5 months
Splatoon 2 Callie Explained - (In my interpretation)
So in this blog post I wanna go over what is going on with Callie in Splatoon 2 because there's a lot of misinformation being spread around due to how unclear the events of Splatoon 2 were. I'm going to provide my own thoughts into how the Hypnoshades actually affect Callie and clear up what hypnosis actually does to a person, because a lot of people think that Callie was kidnapped and then mind controlled but its actually a lot more complicated than that. I've done a ton of painstaking research into this so if you would like some sources to what I'm saying then I'll be happy to provide it in the comments below when asked!
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Okay so first off we need to establish one thing right off the bat, no, Callie was not kidnapped in the sense that she was snatched up by DJ Octavio and then brainwashed while she was kicking and screaming trying to stop him. The idea that Callie was snatched up randomly is simply not to true due to the fact that the OFFICAL Splatoon 2 relationship chart states that Callie was willing to hear out DJ Octavio and go with him. Why? Because if you look at Sunken Scroll 21 and 22 in Splatoon 2, it gives insight into Callie's declining mental health as she struggles to put on a happy face as she walks through a huge crowd of people, as well as the fact that she drew a squid with a sad face on it in Sunken Scroll 22 which is a very clear giveaway that she isn't doing well. Also keep in mind Marie was busy with her own solo thing too and Callie even states in the relationship chart that she's busy and lonely. It also explains why Callie doesn't experience any sort of trauma, turmoil or resentment after Splatoon 2 because well, she wasn't kidnapped and the shades were not forcibly put on her. (Also in Squid Sister Stories chapter 7 there's an artwork piece of Callie walking towards DJ Octavio's star mark so there's that too....)
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Now I want to get into how hypnosis actually affects a person and what being hypnotized is actually like. Being hypnotized is described as having "heightened attention, increased focus and heightened suggestibility." You do not get put to sleep and become a puppet as popular media shows it to be, but instead you are hyper aware of what is going on around you. It's also said to be highly relaxing and can help with patients who struggle with anxiety and other mental issues, which might explain why Callie kept putting the shades back on, she enjoys wearing them to some degree as it helps her deal with the pain of being a celebrity, kind of like an addiction but unfortunately Splatoon 2 doesn't explore it at all and Marie (CALLIE'S OWN GOD DAMN COUSIN BTW!) jokes about it..... ugh...... at least she overcomes that addiction OFF SCREEN unfortunately....
Now that part about "suggestibility" is important to consider because contrary to popular belief, you don't lose awareness and memories while you are hypnotized and the person who is in charge of hypnotizing you, CANNOT force you to do anything that's against your wishes and you do NOT lose control of your behavior. Meaning that on some level Callie actually wanted to side with the Octarians because her life beforehand was shitty. The shades do not control Callie but instead put her in a hypnotic state that relaxes her and increases her attention and suggestibility.
For example, if DJ Octavio were to tell Callie to kill Marie instead of Agent 4, she would probably have a ton of hesitation about it and probably not follow his orders. Callie doesn't want to kill Marie, but she doesn't care or know about Agent 4 and that's why she had no problems with following DJ Octavio's suggestions. She also didn't try to attack Marie during the final boss when she was flying around and she just wants Marie to leave her alone because guess what, she's suffering from mental health issues!!!!!! And her relationship with Marie got worse and worse overtime as shown with the Squid Sister Stories.
If you were hypnotized and then the person responsible of your hypnotism handed you a weapon and told you to kill your best friend, you wouldn't do it because it's against your wishes (unless you secretly wanna kill your best friend for some reason....)
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With all of this information laid out, it actually does make Splatoon 2's admittedly mid story a bit more interesting, it shows that Callie does have these dark traits and flaws about her, and the Hypnoshades bring out the worst in her. The angry, power hungry and harsh side to her, that was even built up from Splatoon 1. If you look at the dialogue from the Naughty vs. Nice, Early Bird vs. Night Owl and Callie vs. Marie Splatfests, you can see that Callie actually got upset at Marie multiple times due to her attitude.
It really does make Tidal Rush more emotional and powerful as a song if you really think about it. It's a clashing of two cousins whose relationship has been broken apart and Marie is desperately trying to reach out to Callie and fix what she has done. Maybe Marie blames herself for why Callie ran away and that's why she sounds like she's on the brink of tears in the song.... And it makes Spicey Calamari Inkantation more triumphant as a song too.
It does make me a bit angry that Nintendo doesn't wanna dive into these topics as well as Callie. She is flawed and has dark traits about her but, she doesn't try to change or grow from them in any significant or well written way, its like they forgot about it in Splatoon 3 which.... sucks man. I'm hoping we get a Side Order type deal with the Squid Sisters for Splatoon 4 and we dive deeper into the psyches of these girls, because what we have is really interesting but it lacks explanation and nuance and everyone keeps boiling it down to "welp Callie got kidnapped and mind controlled!" Which... its more complex than that... With Agent 3 and Marina it's for sure mind control and i would like to talk about them in a future blog but, with Callie? It's different and there's a lot of layers a lot of people tend to ignore because Splatoon 2's story is just... meh.
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shkika · 1 year
All, any, and every drop of Pebbles & Suns content adds +5 years to my lifespan. Every word from you about them is double that. Thank you for your service
I'm really charmed you like my rambles though oh gosh. Let's try to do a small Suns and by extension Pebbles ramble.
A warning from me is that this will be a VERY headcanon-y, because we know so little about Suns. I'll still reference the game, but I will also fill any holes I see fitting.
Which means btw that this will be very LONG I am sorry hehe.
I'm gonna pick apart their natural conversation they have in the deep green pearl. I think it's unfair to craft an idea of how they interacted when Suns was worried about Pebbles literally dying WHILE killing his sister.
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WHICH HOLLY SUNS. I think they have ISSUES! Because god you are MEAN to someone who is being genuinely vulnerable to you. And sometimes that means you yourself are scared of being vulnerable.
Even after Pebbles tells them to ease down, because he's genuinely looking for advice, Suns doesn't miss out on implying he's stupid.
We also know Pebbles really looked up to Suns as well, with them acknowledging this in their conversation with NSH and with Pebbles himself referring to them as mentor-like.
In my interpretation of Suns' character, they were made by a very religious colony. As in they were kind cultish in their way of treating Suns. You've seen vague(?) hints on my blog pointing towards this with Moon saying they have political power over their own colony and with the entire deal of that one Sunstone comic I made (x). (and even here (x) "Blesseth be my name" as a little joke that people probably use their name to exclaim.
I don't think they ever wanted that attention or responsibility. I think things were messy and words were often put in their mouth by various houses. Pushed to make decisions they wouldn't have really made. Their fluffy over the top garments didn't really fit at first until they grew to play the god they were made to be. They played being an all knowing god and they hated it, but they grew into that persona until it became an undeniable part of their character.
They LOOK really put together. And they LOOK like they have a lot of power and are revered by the ancients with no drawbacks.
At least that's how it looked to Pebbles at first.
Not only was he referred to as an abomination from before being even built. With some ancients on Moon REFUSING TO MOVE on him, because they don't want him.
Now we have Suns who by all means is kind of the opposite in every way of the person who Pebbles is constantly compared to (Moon) and is STILL adored, even worshiped.
And you get the idea of how maybe they became someone who he really looked up to. And they had very similar interests too!
(Time for canon lmao)
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Moon about the music pearl (riv campaign) states that there were those that loved cultural archiving. Obviously Pebbles is one of those iterators and given he and SRS were close friends I don't doubt they enjoyed being art nerds together. <3
So they clicked. They were genuine friends, but there was some sort of dynamic there. Suns was probably kind of condescending all the time as we see in the conversation. They tried their best to be good influence, but I cannot tell you if they succeeded.. eeh
They also didn't spare him any harsh truths, despite of what Pebbles might need to actually hear. Which ironically I think perhaps made Pebbles feel more respected. Aside the fact they showed genuine interest in his research and theories and so on.
I also think Suns really enjoyed Pebbles' company, despite the fact I can't tell you how healthy it was for them to have yet another person look up to them so much.
In conclusion those two are a complicated mess to me I think!!!! They care and they left each other deeply hurt and it's sad they never got to reconcile.
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earlgodwin · 3 months
Hey, so I don't know how much you know about love languages or not (I, myself, only know the bare minimum), but what would you say are Juan, Cesare, and Lucrezia's top two? For me, I can figure out Cesare and Lucrezia are acts of service and physical touch with acts of service being how she receives and how he shows love and then physical touch being how they both show and receive love, but Juan I cannot quite figure out and since he's your fave I thought perhaps you might know? (btw, in case you're not familiar with them, the five love languages are: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and receiving gifts and this could be how someone shows love but also how they receive love). :)
ohhh i love this question! you know i'm obsessed with lucrezia and cesare's adorable little physical intimacies, like the chin touching, nose bopping, cheek pinching...or even in darker moments like cesare bringing the knife that he used to kill her abusive husband which is also considered a love language in their own twisted way lol. they're so compelling! that being said, all the tenderness and love were very evident and built up from the very beginning <3
with juan, he is in fact a very frustrated and complicated person. deep down, he loves his family so much and wants to impress them. however he often resorts to begging for love by clawing and lashing out at his family. it's almost as if he doesn't know how to ask for love without aggression. only when his emotionally, physically, and mentally damaged self gains clarity, he can ask for love with sincerity and what's Ironic is when he does express his need for love sincerely, he gets stabbed and thrown off a bridge lol.
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that being said, let's start with his love languages, and one of them is physical touching! the way he was soft with lucrezia and put his hand around lucrezia's back while protecting her ❤️‍🩹
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and while he was drunk, he was getting all touchy-feely with cesare and tried to get the admission of or elicit a confession of brotherly love from him..like it was evident how eager he was for cesare to love and respect him as an equal.
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another one of his love languages is bearing gifts to his family. the panther gift was a great representation of his love for lucrezia, as it symbolized her feistiness, beauty, and her entrapment within their father's ambitions. also the panther biting her represents how lucrezia and juan will forever remain disconnected, no matter how hard he tries to make her happy or win her respect and reconcile with her.
aside from how affection and playful he is with his mother and little brother gioffre, that's all i can think of! (for now btw! when i remember more i'll definitely make a separate post)
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vacantgodling · 2 days
LEGGOOOOOO (fyi i am randomizing what wips i am gonna have a ramble about)
(1) cage universe
KSKSKS i've kinda taken a mini break from planning schism but that's just kinda bc my irl life exploded and i've been tryna get over a lot of the bs that's going on, but where i left off with planning everything was just the entire chapter 2 which tldr (spoilers ig) cass and han are in paris and cass wakes up early to get them some breakfast. he ends up getting accosted at the food stand (cuz its in a lone-ish alley) by some talon goons and is gonna end up being taken to chateau guillard however he doesn't know that. what he also doesn't know is that when he's shoved into the van that the person sitting across from him with a bag on his head is actually jack, he got captured on purpose bc he's insane. and i really need to write bittersweet btw. idc about jack most of the time but jack and vincent provide me with a certain kind of brainrot that him and reapsies cannot replicate for me. i just kinda want the two of them (jack and gabe) to like fist fight each other but not even in a sexy way just like try and kill each other or smthn lol. its really funny to me that i don't ship them bc for all intents and purposes they have a dynamic that i normally love, but tbh i think its just the fact that i havent' imprinted on either of them like a baby deer so idc.
(2) purple haze
i'm actually in a weird place regarding purple haze. calvin and jake are the oldest ocs that i have and still "use" but idk if i feel the same burning need to write purple haze like i did when i was 20. but i think it's bc a lot of the pain that i was feeling i channeled into it when i was younger and now that i'm getting older and more removed from the sitautions that made me feel that way in the first place, i just don't feel the same burning itch to write it. this isn't to say that i'm getting rid of the story or cal and jake or anything like that; maybe i'll write it for myself one day? but for now i just like thinking of all the characters and their relationships whenever they do happen to cross my mind. i'm glad they're happier.
(3) supernatural dads
I CAN'T DECIDE WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH KASPIAN TBH it drives me nuts. like i don't want him and his third baby mama to get together (i don't think? like they just seem like friends to me, though i could explore it ig? they have good chemistry its just not what i thought was gonna happen and i still don't think it will tbh). and i keep waffling back and forth between if i want him to have any type of p h y s i c a l relationship with either hue or jihan (cuz make it messy why not) and etc. i keep thinking on it and gnawig on it. but i want him to be happy too!! i just dk what that looks like for him and it could be because he doesn't know what that looks like for himself.
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ga-yuu · 8 months
Things we learn about Rikka...
These are all the facts I learned from reading his past story with Tamamo and 1st chap of Ibuki and Kurama sequel. Rikka route isn't out yet btw. I'll keep releasing new facts and cute moments as I read the next chaps of Kurama and Ibuki's sequel.
Rikka and Tamamo were best friends. Their friendship started even before they were known as some of the strongest demons of Japan. Tamamo knew Rikka since he was a kid. So it looks like Rikka is younger than Tamamo.
Rikka is from the Yukijoro clan. There are basically different clans within the Otherworld/Demon world. There is the Fox clan, Oni Clan, Tengu clan (which doesn't exist now) and now the Yukijoro clan consisting of Yuki-onnas.
Rikka is basically the male equivalent of Yuki-onna. In the Yukijoro clan, it's all women. These Yuki-onnas, go to human village, find a man to have sex with, gets pregnant, gives birth to a baby girl and comes back to their clan. Sometimes, some of these Yuki-onnas would even kill the men they had sex with by freezing them to death.
Within the Yukijoro clan, like I said consists of only females, but every 100 or 1000 years, a baby boy could be born. There is no guaranteed, but a chance. That's how Rikka was born. Rikka doesn't seem outcasted by his clan, he's more of a loner and an introvert. Also unlike Yuki-onnas who's only mission is to trap men, have sex with them and get pregnant, Rikka's mission is something else. We don't yet know what it is.
Tamamo only knows very little about Rikka. He only knows what Rikka tells him and nothing more. Tamamo also doesn't want to look into Rikka's business because Rikka has a habit of disappearing without giving a word. So he fears that Rikka might disappear on him forever if he were to look into Rikka's business.
Tamamo was also feeling exhausted and wanted leave his clan. So he asked Rikka if he wanted to run away with him so they can be with each other forever. Rikka, at that time, rejected the idea because he cannot seem to let go of his duties and missions unlike Tamamo. I didn't get this part!
When Rikka tries to say goodbye, meaning that this will be the last time they meet, Tamamo held him back saying that he didn't want Rikka to say 'goodbye'.
After meeting with Tamamo, when Rikka returns to his clan, which is on the north most side of the Otherworld map, one Yuki-onna, who was hired to keep an eye on Rikka saw Rikka meeting Tamamo. When confronted, the Yuki-onna suggested that they must team up to kill Tamamo, Rikka threatens her with a smile - "Try it, I dare you. If anything happens to Tamamo, I'll freeze the whole world." (I think Rikka really loves Tamamo. I think he's bisexual)
In the sequel prologue, we see Yoshino run towards the Shogunate because there is a meeting among the SHogunate members, the Rebel members and the Imperial Court trio. While running, suddenly from the corner of her eye, she noticed something black in the dark alleyway. She noticed a man sitting with his head down. Thinking that he might be sick she approached the man to help him. That man was Rikka. Yoshino was stunned by his beautiful face and Rikka touched her with his cold fingertips. Rikka was sitting in the shade because he couldn't handle the summer heat. Rikka thought that Yoshino approached him to have sex with him and Yoshino denied it immediately. After making sure he's all right, she walks away quickly.
Rikka on the other hand, remained in that alleyway and smiled while watching her go. The rest of the prologue is not changed.
Later in Kurama and Ibuki's sequel chap 1, after the whole meet and greet with the hentai monster and getting hero's might, the whole gang were walking through the forest towards the Shogunate to plan out their next move. Suddenly the surroundings became all foggy and Yoshino gets separated from the rest. Ofc guess who catches her? It's Rikka.
Rikka hugs her without her permission and Yoshino's body was feeling all cold. Because Rikka is cold. Rikka apparently doesn't know what 'giving someone some space' means because he was touching her cheeks and was checking her out.
On the other hand, the male leads realised that Yoshino was mission and Ibuki sensed a demon's presence. Soon they all started feeling cold and Tamamo feels a snowflake on his cheek. The fog starts to disappear and the male leads found Yoshino walking towards them with a man hugging her from behind. lol
Tamamo recognised Rikka and Rikka also recognised Tamamo. Tamamo thought Rikka was dead, but apparently Rikka went into lockdown for 100s of years and he came out because he missed Tamamo. So he came all the way to the human world despite the heat and found Yoshino in the streets. He realised that she had Tamamo's scent on her, so he followed her and found Tamamo.
Rikka was quiet jealous that Tamamo made many friends while he was in lockdown.
Tamamo explained everything that's happening and Rikka asked if Tamamo really wanted to help humans? Tamamo said yes, because he thinks the other male leads as his friends. Hearing that Rikka decides to join them and give them a helping hand. We don't know what are his intention behind this.
Everyone was suspicious about Rikka but since he was Tamamo's friend and keeping a demon under a close eye is better than having him do whatever he wants somewhere else, everyone agreed to bring him to the OKURA PALACE HOUSING COMPLEX, rent-free.
As soon as Rikka entered the Shogunate, he rushed to the shadiest corner of the meeting hall because he feels hot and sits there. Tamamo also joins him happily and everyone decided to leave Rikka in Tamamo's care because Tamamo knows him better.
Rikka is cute man!
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st-asya · 3 months
Okay, so my passion is whatever my current hyperfixation is and commenting something everyone has already commented. Here we go.
1. Things did not go as planned...
Love the way the colour of the font switches to red instead of staying some basic white as the rest of the text, cause my life always does the same, metaphorically speaking, when shit happens (well if somebody typed everything that happens in my life). It's like honey, red means passion and your passion (one more) is turning every single thing in your life to shit when you wanna change something really bad, so imma change the colour for you not to forget that you're gonna fuck something up. Right off the bat, symbolic. Red is my fav colour btw, wonder why (it's, as fall out boy said, a sign (×5) indeed).
2. Pirate bard (?) sounds pretty nice (and beautiful), I already like Frenchie.
3. The "what we're about do will be perilous" speech.
(Why did I instantly think about Lord Farquaad, what's wrong with me?)
And oh my God, the whole bit where Stede talks to the crew is borderline ptsd-loaded flashback, cause I used to work as a teacher so I had to talk to the kids ofc and say something to a class full of students who looked at me the exact same way.
4. Wee John's raised hand and saying that they gotta talk about whatever they're gonna take part in and Stede's enthusiastic yes, damn that hit too close to home. These kinda students are a blessing, btw
5. "We talk it through as a..." and the reluctant ass "crewwwww", my ptsd horrors persist, but so do I. That's the exact same experience I had at work, there's no difference.
6. "Keep it straight if you can" (they couldn't, in fact, keep it straight). Love the way there's a place for choice, cause it's not an order, it's a pretty mild (gentlemanly, see what I did there, huh?) request. Love the way it's not strictly needed (and completely forgotten as the story goes on).
7. Lucius's face expressions throughout the ep are my normal face expressions, wonder why people don't usually think I'm friendly and always ready to chat actually (that's prolly cause they can't read my mind, that's on them duh).
8. "I'll be your robber here today", we all fell for him right this instant, didn't we?
It reminds me of the time I worked as a shop assistant (my career choices are a mess, I know), cause essentially that's who I was, I just had to word it slightly differently so customers would give us their money willingly.
9. The leg crossing and uncrossing is just... Yeah. Idk how to elaborate, I just get it. Completely in character for the character, let's put it that way.
10. The arts and crafts bit is the school experience all over again, I cannot shake this feeling. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being a teacher a great deal (that's exactly why I don't work as a teacher anymore, yeah).
11. Going from making dresses to being a pirate sounds precisely like my careers changing plans, really.
12. "Do you think Blackbeard's crew sews?" Holy shit, I'd love to see Izzy sew.
13. The mini speech about cats, why is Frenchie so adorable omg
14. Not killing your captain for the sake of hearing the story in full sounds like a solid idea, ngl
15. The complete collective aversion to Lucius's wooden boy voice pls. Turns out Stede stays alive only cuz the crew doesn't want to hear Lucius read, that's loyalty right there.
16. "I've made a mistake, I'm not a pirate, I'm an idiot". Well, omitting the pirate part, it's as relatable as it can possibly get. Ouch
17. Eye. No thoughts, just eye.
18. Stede hiding from the navy is me hiding from my problems, we've got the exact same style of solving them.
19. "It's always the quiet ones", cause usually it's the quiet ones who have to put up with all the shit there can possibly be and they're usually accused of being soft at the same time, I mean you cannot blame Stede for snapping, that's what Badminton deserved (I sound way too bloodthirsty, don't I...)
20. Oul's "might as well enjoy it while it lasts" speaks to me on more levels than I'd like to admit. I love Olu's levelheadedness (is this even a word)
21. I love the way all the flags are up there, it's important for everyone to be included, love this detail so much.
So that's basically just a retelling of the plot with bits of my tho(ugh)ts, tried not to digress too much and not to make it way too personal (initially there were 31 points😅). I'm just genuinely curious to know what the dynamic of my perception of the series will look like at the end, so dear diary, 🎶be prepaaaaaaaared🎶
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fishymom-art · 7 months
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This time all of them are tall lol XD
Info under the cut (btw, some info about the rest of the characters (mainly their voice claims) were changed, I'll do something about it a bit later)
Charles and Barry are the King in the Human Realm - 2 out of 3, in fact. The rest of the characters on the ref sheet are the five Overlords of the End Realm, who rule next to Raff. They're all responsible for different things (I will say later) and of course, come from different realms too. Charles and Barry have personal beef with Tim, hahaha.
Charles Drew - Human - he/him - Pansexual - 27 y.o - The King of Clubs. He is one of the Kings in the Human Realm. - (Inspired by: Thomas Jefferson from Hamilton Musical, Vox from Hazbin Hotel, Sammy Lawrence from BatIM) - Voice Claim (for now): Christian Borle
Bartholomew Brachet (Barry) - Human - he/they/she - Asexual - 30 y.o - The King of Spades. Rules the Human Realm along with Charles and another King. Mostly acts as scary dog privilege. - (Inspired by: Maui from Moana, Repair Androids from Doctor Who (The Girl in the Fireplace) ((very specific, I know))) - Voice Claim (for now): Black Gryph0n
Zachary - Ziz/Gryphon - she/he - Lesbian - 20 y.o - The Lady of the Word. The youngest of the Overlords in the End Realm, who's responsible for the people and is their voice. She was banished from the Occult Realm, but not even she knows why. - (Inspired by: me, to be fair) - Voice Claim (for now): Penelope Scott
Chantal - Gargoyle - he/him - Straight - 40 y.o - The Lord of the Earth. The oldest of the Overlords in the End Realm who's responsible for everything on the ground (agriculture, for example). Left the Occult Realm by himself. - (Inspired by: no one, I think. (maybe a bit of Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel went into his behavior haha)) - Voice Claim (for now): Jeremy Jordan
Delmar - A spirit - she/her - Straight - 37 y.o - The Lady of the Seas. One of the Overlords in the End Realm, who's responsible for everything in the Seas. She's also Master to all Sea/Water Fairies. Was banished from the Void Realm for going against the rulers (might've killed someone). - (Inspired by: La Llorona, Ballora from FNaF) - Voice Claim (for now): Carmen Goett
Gua-Yin Hsü - Ghost (previously Angel) - she/he/they - Aroace - 38 y.o - The Lady of the Dead. The most mysterious (and tallest) Overlord, who's responsible for the Dead. People in the End Realm cannot escape by simply dying. Was banished from the Ether Realm but used to be a ruler there. - (Inspited by: Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy in Chinese folk religion, as well as King Yan, the God of Death; Queen Angela from She-Ra) - No voice claim yet, but I take requests!
Caelus - Angel (by this universe's definition) - he/him - Bisexual - 35 y.o - The Lord of the Sky. The Overlord who is responsible for everything in the sky (duh). Was banished from the Ether Realm alongside Gua-Yin Hsü and ruled that realm alongside her. - (No real inspiration, but pls don't compare him to Amon from My Movie 14, it's a coincidence that they look kinda similar T_T) - Voice Claim: Benjamin Stuart Steele
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halucynator · 10 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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dangermousie · 1 year
I have been feeling in the mood for rewatching something very melo and old-school and of all possible dramas, the one that comes to mind is delightfully melo 2004 kdrama Say You Love Me with very young Kim Rae Won. 15 eps of deliciousness. The plot is take Dangerous Liasons but make it wholesome ie the best thing ever.
Kim Rae Won and Yoon So Yi are a pure and unworldly couple brought up by Buddhist monks who consider holding hands the height of sexual ecstasy. Alas, they end up in the Big City of Sin and things are about to go pear-shaped as they meet Yina, who the drama tries to claim is more complex than what she really is - a batshit secondary girl so beloved by old kdramas and yours truly. She becomes KRW's boss but does not like seeing all that pure and happy love so she asks her hot friend with benefits to seduce the girl while she decides to work on Kim Rae Won. Honestly, I watched this over a decade ago, so all I remember is monks, KRW's cheeks, happy ending with bicycles and the below scene where Lady Cougar finally gets her claws into Buddhist Virgin. (@aysekira is now groaning because I shared it with her earlier.)
So, our pure as the driven (or more aptly never driven) snow KRW brings his drunk boss to her house.
He: OK, I brought my supposedly drunk boss home, can I go now to dream of butterflies and puppies? She: I have Kim Rae Won in my house! In other words, not so fast, buster! I know the lighting is arthouse but this drama ain't!
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He: OK, I really need to go home, my equally virginal gf is coming back in the morning! Maybe she will let me get to the second base, I must be ready.
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She: I can talk or take my top off. It's a kdrama, so I'll talk.
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Does she mean she is into bdsm? Well, at least she is being honest, even if he doesn't seem to be happy with it.
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At this point, even almost a monk dude is realizing something is way off and trying to steer it into safer channels.
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Seriously, adorable! I want to pinch his cheeks! So does she, even if it's a different set of cheeks.
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God, I miss the craziness of old school secondary girls. They were so unhinged and glorious! Also, clearly there was no sexual harassment and hostile environment claims in old timey kdrama Korea because she's not just any cougar, she's his boss! (If you ask me what job monk educated dude of monkishess could possibly, I will frankly admit that I do not remember, and cannot honestly imagine.)
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We have all so been there with truly awkward convos with insane people.
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OK, I laughed. She literally pounces on him from behind like a demented bear. Btw, the fact that they are wearing about 17 layers of clothing makes it even more surreal. Between them they are exposing about three inches of skin total and that includes the noses.
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Meanwhile, in case we don't get the irony, his Pure Girlfriend is gazing lovingly at his necklace and thinking 'I love my boyfriend because he'd never give up the jewel he promised to Jesus Buddha to anyone but me. Certainly not the sleazy boss lady who must have more STDs than James Bond'
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Meanwhile, at the Den of Sin, Buddhist Virgin tries to extricate himself. However, he is surprisingly non-efficient for a man who's a foot taller and a good 100lb heavier. Even if his Buddhist principles prohibit punching her in the kisser, surely he can shove her or something. Or just fall backward on top of her and smoosh her.
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And then she goes for the kill. I note that despite his clenching his fist in emotional agony, soon he's macking on her quite thoroughly with his mouth. That is what happens when you get abstinence only education and never enjoy yourself despite healthy libido. Your poor hormones probably go "quick quick before his beliefs suppress us again, this is our only chance!"
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Birds and bees indeed! (Also, I see where your hands are, buster. They are around Ms. Cougar!)
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(I half expected it to be a rose and for it to wilt or at least a petal to fall off, iykyk)
In the morning after, she is enjoying her beauty sleep and he's understandably freaking out. (Sinfully, he is now down to mere two layers of clothing and secondary girl, to show her sluttiness, is down to merely one!)
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OK, I like to make fun but I do genuinely feel bad for the kid especially since I am much much older than I was when I first watch this drama and I just want to cut crusts off his sandwiches, tell him to avoid strange women and carry mace or something.
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He bolts from her touch and she is genuinely surprised. I am not sure why as he's a devout dude with a serious girlfriend; if she wanted a more pleasant end to her night, she should have dragged in a character played by Jang Ki Yong, who's sort of made a niche for a younger hunk rejoicing in casually being banged by older ladies. (If you want to feel really old, Jang Ki Yong was 11 when this drama came out. You are welcome.)
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If you think this face means realized this was a dumb choice and unlikely to lead to anything good, you are not familiar with old time kdramas. I genuinely do not get her obsession because sure KRW is cute as hell but the sex couldn't have been much good and he generally treats her as a leper.
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His gf comes home but he doesn't meet her because he is too dirty and unworthy to see her!
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And then they talked it out and worked it out.
Ha!!!! This is a 15 ep drama, we are only getting started baby!
So yeah, watch me rewatch this insanity.
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hypernova-blitz-arts · 11 months
Okay so i have an idea- TMC but with a storyline based off of FAITH. basically a crossover. ik it's been done before but i'd like to present my own take on it. Long ass character info list under the cut
Btw if you wanna rb this, please do! It let's me know people are interested
To start, I think the AU would/should be called When Faith Prevails.
The cult still exists, Preacher is the leader of the lower ranking members. The cat is the cult mascot because yes. I'll elaborate later.
All of the humans are traumatized!! Yaaaaay!!!
Mark (Father Heathcliff)
- 36
- absolute wet cat of a man
- takes on a role similar to John
- decided he wanted to be a priest so he could help people. Only wanted to become a priest after an incident in his childhood in which he attempted to finish an exorcism. One which the priest that had been called to the scene died during.
- Continuing the above, the faithful boy did what he could, as he was instructed to by O'Brien. He wasn't fast enough.
- Insomnia, night terrors, PTSD, anxiety, depression
Dave (Father Lee)
- late 50's
- Takes on a role similar to Father Garcia because it's fucking hilarious to me to imagine Dave blasting a demon with a shotgun
- he's too cool that's why he dies later
- cares for Mark a lot, considers him family
- became a priest due to his Visions (TM) as a child. He's been revered as a holy prophet since.
- somehow the most stable guy in this entire AU, had a good family life, decent childhood, stayed out of trouble, a very good child. He's mostly chillin, save for the fact that he Witnesses The Horrors every night in his sleep.
Father O'Brien
- died during an exorcism.
- he done goofed.
Cesar Torres
- Died at 16, somehow aged as a ghost? maybe because he's still attached to his body.
- a spirit bound to what's left of his mortal form. Cannot be at peace until his body is killed.
- an alt possessed him and took his body during a botched attempt to exorcise it out of his house. Turns out there was more than one.
- "talks" to Mark sometimes (leaves things out that mean different things, writes notes)
- "bleeding" constantly
- hates seeing Mark spiral like this
"Cesar Torres"/Alt Cesar
- Killed Cesar and took over his body.
- watch it gain humanity later (i'm sorry but giving Alts humanity and then making them spiral is my favorite thing to do. It's so much fun to watch an unfeeling entity, one made to kill, drive itself insane over being a failure)
- they/it at first, he/it later on.
Sarah Heathcliff
- before i go on, this is only an AU loosely based on FAITH. That being said, Lisa (or any replacement thereof) x John (or any replacement thereof) does not exist.
- 32
- Mark's distant sister, lives in the Cult's apartment building.
- stays away from religion because of her childhood
- some flavor of emotional management issues, that's what makes her so easy for an Alternate to manipulate/begin to possess.
Thatcher Davis
- look, i refuse to make him as young as he is canonically. not as old as Dave, but close. bro is at least in his 40's here. maybe very early 40's but 40s nonetheless.
- cop that hangs around the church for security.
- hangs out with Dave, calls him old man a lot
- trauma. so much trauma.
- Dave taught him how to exorcise an alt out of a given place, but Thatcher has something stronger (a gun)
- "I'm a brave boy" *Sees an alt* "NOT A BRAVE ENOUGH BOY FOR THIS"
Ruth Weaver
- used to live in the cult apartment building.
- She was sacrificed.
- Thatcher is still looking for her.
- He won't like what he finds.
Adam Murray
- He's just Michael Davies here what else can i say
- humanity? gone. none left.
- he's in so much pain all the fucking time help him
Jonah Marshall
- Adam's best friend
- alive. for now.
- anxiety, so much anxiety, hallucinates a lot.
- he knows how to use a GUN in this one folks
Lucifer/The Morningstar/ UNSPEAKABLE
- you see how he looks in canon? make it worse. make it a million times more uncomfortable to look at.
- eyes. All of the eyes. So many eyes.
- limbs? Many. Wings? Yeah, he has those too. They're leathery and bat-like with a layer of blackened feathers along the top.
- merciless
- created the alternates to twist the world to his design.
- likes to watch humans go mental, it's so funny to him <3
Important side characters (mostly Alts)
Six/The Anglerfish
- lures children in to either make them join the cult or sacrifice them, often replaces them with an alt to "spread the vision of it's creator"
- Warned Mark of what was to happen, was there to observe Mark failing his best friend
- bastard. Kill him. Right now.
- him and stanley are one in the same. Six is the anglerfish hiding in the darkness behind its lure. A monster behind a friendly face.
- Kind of equivalent to Malphas but usually takes a form like that of Miriam's
- right hand to the UNSPEAKABLE
- bastard boy bastard boy bastard boy
- manipulative little prick
The Sacrifices
- various sacrificed animals possessed by lower ranking alts
- THE fucked up sacrifice
- little fucking bitchass daddy's boy. Asskisser of the antichrist. Desperate for the UNSPEAKABLE'S attention
- Alu's replacement
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
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Welcome to the estate of purple creatures!!
003: Valentine
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Seeing the darkness and chaos reach out to him, he already felt hopeless a he fall down to his knees. No longer trying to escape what's have been done for hundred of turns.
'why do I even remember...
This pain....' tearfully he felt sick wanting to change his destiny. He always found himself in the same loop of fate where his controlled by someone who look like him, killing his friends and destroying his own world. It's either this or be killed what become of his one of his dear friend..
< So you want asylum from all of the chaos?>
He heard a voice spoke to him, his eyes widen in shock before fear creeps into his heart, he saw the core fae who's one of the reason those event happened to him—appeare before him.
< I'll help you >
Before he can say anything. He heard a snap and he found himself in another place. a beautiful garden. The fae turn to a smoll pixie and look at him while floating around.
< Purples like you shelter in this place. You should able to stay here everytime chaos takes over your body. >
"H-huh... Why are you helping me..... What do you want from me!?" He felt panic, he can't trust this person. There's no good reason someone would help him. His not even close to them!
< Because your Ai close friend. And it's a canon event for you to stay here. > They shrugged their shoulder before they give a candy to him.
< From today on, you'll be called Valentine or val. In this minor where theres lot of you who have the same Original name, you need identity to be called your own.> They added.
They seems to be in a deep thought for a moment:
< that name would protect you and you can stay here because you have an "original" name >
"What .... Please! Pls explain more!" He really don't understand what's going on.
< Take care of yourself val~ till next time. Btw you need to pay rent in this place. This is not free~ byeeeeeeee>
Before he can ask more the core fae disappear leaving him even more confuse.
"Oh my, what's this? A new < friend > that I don't know would arrive~ tell me, ghost am I seeing things?" He heard someone spoke behind him, he turn around quickly In defense mechanism and was about to throw what's his holding in his hand but he saw someone who look like him but have a short hair..
"A-are you that chaos...?! N-no you don't have long hair or butterfly feature like him... You look more " sane" that he was...." He was nervous but break down his own assumption.
"Me "sane"? Oh?? How rare." The other him in a lab coat seems to find his description quite interesting.
"Quite interesting in fact, I'll let you stay instead of feeding you to My dogs." He smile innocently at valentine. Who's eyes widen in shock, the person turn around and start to walk away.
"Ghost can bring you to a room. Your rent, would be pay by a task or orders. Through you don't need to pay anything yet. I find no use of your help for a moment.... Till then, < Valentine of Core world > " the doctor disappear into a door, and the door disappear with him.
"What's going on...." Val cannot help but question many things yet he felt someone tap him the shoulder and he back away and look defensive as he stared yet to another look alive but this time he seems to be wearing a butler like outfit. Holding a notebook and saying.
[ I'm Ghost clown #01 of all purples. Please to meet you. Please come with me. I'll take you to your room ]
This person reminds him of a dark fae energy but he seems tame... He nodded his head and can't do anything and went to follow along.
It was the day where he come to the estate, a place full of alters of his that's here for a reason. But it's different reason than he have.
Two Days before the Dinner:
03:00 AM
Estate- Kitchen
- Valentine -
Val doesn't understand why he was force to stay up late to make chocolate with this crazy lunatic ( doctor ) when he could be enjoying sleep. But like anyone else can deny the orders of this bastard. So he is force to mix the big pot of chocolate as the doctor put lots of Crystal hearts that He ( Val) was force to farm from back in his world.
"I don't think that's..." Should be mix with the chocolate..' he wanted to say but. Keep the rest of the words as the doctor already putting something sparkle and something that look like a black hole inside a box to the pot, causing a smoll mushroom explosion of rainbows to happen, but Val already put defense magic before hand to not be effected by it and doctor is wearing a full biohazard suit.
So there's not much of effect cause to the two but did mess in the stove, it will be clean by Ghost tomorrow.... Probably.
"There's no "I don't think" people are just dumb to not even try~" doc said as he put "fish eggs"...????? To the pot before he close the lid. "Anyway, we just have to let it cook for like... 3 days." He stared at his watch before he look at the mess in the kitchen.
"Tell ghost to use the second kitchen and not this one. I don't want anyone entering this place when I'm out... Also go get clean up, you smell like unicorn waste mix with rotten golden duck eggs." He cover his nose through the mask as he step away from Val who felt very offended by what doc said cause clear this is the fault of his!!
"I--" he can't even say anything to complain when the others open a door that appear beside him and then walk through it, the door disappear as it closes. Val sighs as he look at the pot, he rub his fingers together out of nervousness and trying to stay warm. As he did that he suddenly realize what Doc mean that he stink.
"Ack... Aghn... SO STINKY!" His eyes water before he suddenly felt his skin is nothing but full of dirt and disgusting. He quickly went out of the kitchen and went to take a bath in his room, through he did passes by Niki who's chatting with Xeoren in the aquarium.
"That smell...." The undead monarch stared at the direction where val went in hurry before he stared at the sea folk in the aquarium who tapped a Morse code to him.
"So that [ doc ] is working on your wish?" Question Niki, the other nodded before yawning. "... I don't really understand how contract works, through I'm just a space renter in this place, a living in cook that help with that Ghost fellow.
"Oh well... Those sort of things will only cause me to be hungry." He mumble before he wave his hand farewell to his fish friend, going back to his "room" but went pass one of the doors that his well familiar with, but the owner of the room isn't in the estate anymore.
he notice the door is slightly open. Peaking inside, he saw his friend Solitaire with Kiseki sleeping peacefully, soli seems to be telling stories to Kiseki as there's a book in bed but the young child hugs hugs his blue dragon and pink swan stuff toy tightly in the sleep while in the arms of his father.
"Niki...?" He heard his friend called for him as he is a light sleeper. "Did something happen?" Soli ask in a low tone not wanting to wake up his child. "Nope. I was just roaming around. It's devils hours anyway. I'll go sleep later." The undead commented not wanting to disturb the two and quickly leaving the room.
He went to his room that was shared with the other undead in the estate, that person is rather... Tame at the moment staring at the window. Reflecting the moon.
"What's wrong Z...?" He appraoch the fellow undead who just stared silently in the moon. The other ignores him, and just stared at the moon.
"Well good night then." Niki sigh as he went to his side of the room and slept for the night. He still need to cook for breakfast with ghost in the morning after all.
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Character Profile #5
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Purple creature #17: Valentine
A fae from the core world / Crystal hearts. A victim of Chaos Butterfly ( in which golden rings in eyes is one of the sign ) is in the estate cause of core, lives there to take asylum from constantly being game over and possession.
He rarely interact with everyone in the estate because he doesn't trust other alter of his especially after Chaos era. But he can be social if wanted to.
Abilities: his a bat fae. He have a bat form but his not a vampire. He can do expertise in magic as well but he rarely the type that would attack anyone. He flee than fight.
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myreputatioooon · 7 months
I can't be bothered to make an actual fic series so take this fake one instead. BTW if you wanna use this yourself, your more than welcome to.
Please just credit me as the one to come with this idea even through you don't have to
[ Fuck You : The Series ]
(§) The Shards have seen many-a-worlds over their quest for eternity, some holding very, very interesting qualities in their species, and if warped they could prove excellent components to creating Data.
OR: I use the Entities being dicks as an excuse to make em shove several fanfic tropes into the WormVerse. Despair ensues.
A/N: Expect each installment to be non-chronological, non-linear, canon-compliant(?), and contradicting snippets told in episodic format since I can't be bothered to wrap my head around just how much any of these additions to the cape scene would in turn change canon.
Fuck You ★ OmegaVerse AU
In one version of the multiverse, keeping a secret identity is pretty easy. Just wear a mask, cover up features unique to you in particular unless your power says fuck you to that and bam! You a whole new person to everybody else!
Here? Pretty much the same if you ignore the secondary sexes. Alpha, Omega, Beta, and the many variants inbetween. And also the ruts and heats. And the pheromones *shivers*
Scion save the medical industry— OH WAIT.
End A/N: Fun fact about my parahuman omegaverse if you haven't noticed yet, consistency is dead!
One omega is a murder machine towards parahumans and normies who aren't pack and the other has a glorified sweat.
As similar as two parahuman's secondary sexes may be, their own personal biology is tailor made to be unique to them alone and often to make them suffer even further (if i care to do that that is, teehee!)
Fuck You ★ Soulmate AU
The Shards of this realm have managed to create an ever bigger mess than those who brought the Omegaverse to humanity.
How? Though soulmates. I'm talking the kinds with timers counting down to the meeting, the ones that share each other's pain, the ones where the first has a tattoo of the second's first words to them who in turn hears any music the first listens too, the three plus soulmates, the platonic, the familial, the enemies, everything you have already and never seen before! Throw it all into a blender! ALL OF IT! WITNESS AS THE CAPE SCENE GETS FUCKED OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN BY THE ENTITIES MATCHMAKING!!!!!!!
Also um uhhh . . . Civilians get caught up in the soulmates bullshit too, but in every pair or more starts with at least one member is a cape lmao. That or a member is 100% without fail going to become a parahumans.
End A/N: yeah soulmates are Legos here. Typically it's two or more bound to one another by one or more means but it can be anything
One parahuman and their biological family tied with fifteen soulbinds each unique to each person. A whole parahuman gang who's marks only come complete after joining as one
Soul enemies who become stronger together and use that strength to do each other in
Biotinker creations with a Lifespan tied to a civilian who in turn cannot be more than 5 feet away from another parahuman tasked with killing the biotinker creations in question
There's so much more ideas I could give but I can't come up with them all right now and maybe I'll come up with some cruel, cruel ideas to use or you will come up with something I'll use
The omegaverse and adjacent stuff will also still be a thing here but not for every parahuman just some of them (unlucky lmao)
Since I'm feeling extra kind, the next chapter will feature Coil & Piggot being in the know about being one another's soulmates ;) Love ya!
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Helloooo! I'm sorry that your inspiration well has dried up, but writing something so long must be draining! Anyway it's a marathon not a sprint! Tbh I discovered your blog when you had written 5-6 chapters, and by then I thought that the fact that they were not in chronological order was a conscious choice on your part? Only after I discovered it was a "happy accident" lol.
Anywayyyy the most iconic line of the series must be "I'm your kitty no? So pet me" (I don't remember the exact wording but I am on mobile and I cannot open another tab to check). Also "don't take her on the couch or Jin will kill you" had me chuckle more than I would like to admit ahahah. (I cannot even think about the NJ you write, or I'll drip in a puddle right now).
Plus I'll add that your characterization of Taehyung has me weak in my knees 😩😩 and he isn't even my bias!
Furthermore I'll admit you were the only person in the word that was able to get me to read an hybrids fic, I was so thirsty for more CEO stuff that I caved 😂 and tbh I loved your take on it
Btw if you don't like writing something, please don't push yourself, move to stuff you enjoy more! And I say it as someone who's the n1 fan of the CEO fic ahaha
I cannot read yandere fic because I really don't vibe with the concept, but still I am excited when a notification with your name popps up because I like reading your answers to people, and just what you write in general! All the best my darling! 🐼
Oh lovely 🐼 anon, honestly I love the stories and I want to write them but I’m just knackered 🤣😭💀 I have almost finished this chapter though 💪🏽 and I cannot wait to hear what you think
I never write anything in order 🤣 I love the fact it’s not chronological which is odd for me because I can’t read stories that are like that
THE LINES YOU QUOTED ARE FROM MY FAVOURITE CHAPTER! I think it’s called appraisal and oof it was a funny chapter but I loved writing it
I am so honoured that you read the hybrid version of them 💜🥺 honestly that’s a big win for me 🥰
And honestly each to their own, not everyone likes yandere fics not everyone likes fluff or angst or certain tropes, if we were all the same life would be boring and it’s why I have so many stories on the run atm 💜
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Okay so this is the confession place for aroace people. Ummm so I may have done something to one of my parents. This was mostly unintentional. The parent was talking about crushes that the parent had when parent was younger. The crushes in question were of both girl and boy gender. Parent (to my knowledge) is hetero. I asked if parent was bi. Parent said parent had always liked both but was hetero. Uh sorry, I don't remember where I was going with this but um,,,,, This, I guess??? Currently also confused as to whether I'm actually aroace or just a very late bloomer. So I've never had a crush in my life and I don't really want one, but according to a parent (the very same one I talked about earlier) they're not something you can ask for or refuse. I also feel like crushes would just be a waste of time (for me, this doesn't necessarily apply to anyone else). I'm also a romantic according to the very same parent, but I still don't know what that means? Please tell me what it means. I mean, I love romances and close friendships in stories and cute romantic things, but just as long as I'm an outsider looking in. (Wow, that sounds really creepy haha. I don't actually mean it in a creepy way though!!) Sooo maybe I am aroace, maybe I'm not? Another thing, I got a few plants but for the life of me I absolutely cannot get them to stay alive :(. A bit sad about that. One of the other states of affairs in my strange life is the fact that my extended family on the other side of the world is bonkers! I feel like I'm watching a sitcom without the funny bits! I'm so glad I don't live near them! My little sister is also getting kind of weird around me :(. She has a best friend now who isn't me and they talk about everything (I could be wrong though). We're kind of growing apart and I don't like it :(((.
I also really want a cat.
Will I ever hit my rebellious teenager phase? I hope not. I love my parents and don't want to cause them any more anguish. They have a bunch to deal with already (including my bonkers extended family).
I'm kind of hungry now. maybe I should have lunch early?
Worried about college too. I need to take my SAT and apply and do a whole bunch of other stuff and I'm worried I won't be successful. I'm worried I'll fail my SAT, I'm worried I won't get into college, I'm worried I won't graduate college, I'm worried I won't find any jobs, I'm worried I won't be accepted by any jobs, I'm worried I'll hate my job, I'm worried I won't ever retire, I'm worried I'll fail life basically.
I'm also nonbinary (agender) and the same parent I've been talking about doesn't want me to come out publicly because parent says I'll "face many hardships and might get hurt/killed and I don't want that for my child". I mean, I get where parent is coming from, but dang, that's kind of a wild thing to say to a kid who has thousands of other things to worry about. Also I don't want to pretend I'm a girl for the rest of my life, that would suck so bad.
Oh another thing, racism sucks :(. I'm not white btw. When you get mad at brown people, you do not tell them to go back to their own country or some bull like that!! I mean I haven't experienced that yet, but both parents and sister have experienced things in that vein. I, however, have experienced so many little microaggressions (so has my sister D:<). For example when we go biking, one of the first things people ask us is "Are you from here?" or "Do you live near here?" I mean, come on! I know this is a mostly white neighborhood but you don't go around asking people those things! You never ask the white kids that! Don't pretend it's something you ask everyone! So rude!
Well I've been typing for about 20 minutes, maybe this is enough? No, I still have more to say.
I'm kind of tired of everything I deal with :(.
Also I hate what went down with Dobbs. The justices just yeeted our rights out the window, huh? Anyway reproductive rights should be protected on both the state and national levels.
More stuff,,, uhm,,,,,another confession... I am deeply uncomfy around republicans. They kinda just remind me of all the bad stuff.
Also I have no irl friends :(. (not counting my sister). Parent (yes, that one) says I'll make friends in college but I'm worried nobody will like me for who I am. When I was younger I had no problems being myself around other people, but now I just tailor my personality to fit other people because I want them to like me. I have no problems making 'friends' with people multiple times my own age, but making friends with people my own age is just difficult.
I'm also worried about the people I love dying because about 6 years ago, a close family member died. I also saw a post here that said you'd treat people better if you pretended everyone was going to die at midnight, and now sometimes I still can't shake the feeling that it might actually happen. I do try to be nice to everyone.
My sister says I'm too trusting of people, and I'm also too optimistic. Anxiety and optimism isn't the best combination haha.
My parents are nice, but they don't really understand all this stuff and everything I'm going through. For example, I told one of them I had anxiety and was believed! And then I told the other (yes, this is the parent who I've been griping about through the whole thing, the very same), but was told "no you don't have anxiety because other people get more worried than you". HGJK BVNKM SO FRUSTRATINGGG!!!
Also I'm half-convinced that parent (yes, that one) actually dislikes me?? :( The parent in question says parent wants what's best for me and stuff but I don't know...
Also the pandemic has taken a large toll on my mental health. Also the Roe v. Wade being killed thing. Also the midterm elections. Also climate change. Also capitalism. Also college stuff. Also being a human. I wish I was a jellyfish. Immortal jellies are really cool. Also Portuguese man-of-wars are cool. Also Sailor-by-the-seas. Jellyfish salad is pretty tasty though.
Sometimes I just wish the earth would swallow everyone else up and I'd be alone with the animals and Earth could start anew.
I wish life wasn't so complicated.
Also I got a therapist recently, she's helping a bit. She told me I have anxiety (not a surprise). She said I may also have ADHD too (also not a surprise).
Anyway, if you read the whole thing, have a nice day!!! Even if you didn't, you can have this ->❤<-
~ (:)Anon(:)
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simplyghoulery · 7 months
Is my first actual post on this page gonna be about a niche, criminally underrated performance of A midsummer night's dream? Yes. Is no one gonna know what I'm talking about? Yes. Is anyone gonna actually read it? Idk. Maybe some poor soul will stumble across it and wonder why tf someone would take time outta their day to write an essay no one will read. But at least I'll get it out of my system, that is the main goal after all.
Let me explain to you exactly how gay Puck is.
The performance in question features so much sexual tension between Puck and Oberon I was in literal shock the first time I stumbled across it. There is no heterosexual explanation and I will stand by that till this world has returned me to the tender ground beneath my feet.
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This is his introduction.
The chaotic man fae is singing his heart out while Oberon is patiently putting up with his drama.
Besides Puck already being characterised by his hypersexual, chaotic nature I think it's worth noting how this in and of itself does not mean much more than that, but context just makes everything make sense, especially when the context is gay.
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This is him, taken by surprise by one of Titania's closest servants, Mal. She confronts him, wanting to know who he is and to confirm her suspicion she says (translated literally by me):
"But those who call you Puck, and give you other beautiful names, those you help with good fortune in everything."
And he replies, "Oh you are so right."
This line really sets the tone for who Puck is as a person and the suggestive performance really brings it all full circle. This exchange also lays the foundation in Puck's relationship to Oberon. Oberon is one of those people who calls him by his name, and Puck is the one who grants him fortune by doing his bidding. But why???
Because Puck not only respects Oberon, but is also emotionally dependent on him.
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This is the first interaction we have between them.
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This is also the first interaction between them.
They really can't seem to keep their hands to themselves. There's such a wonderfully feral energy between them. In the last picture, Puck has rejected the request of getting the love flower for Oberon and Oberon, with a seemingly normal amount of pleading, dives between his legs and snakes himself around him to convince him to do this favour for him. THIS IS THEIR EVERY INTERRACTION BTW- the whole first half of the play is them just acting sexually erratic.
Like there's the bike scene.
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In the pictures above, Puck is picking out the love flower Oberon asked him to get, which he has stuck in the front of his pants. And Oberon isn't phased at all. They are lewd and jesting with each other. Their level of casual intimacy (lewd jokes, constant touching, often in a sensual way, and just general physical closeness) isn't really seen anywhere except between the explicit couples in the play.
If anyone is reading this and the thought crosses your mind "puh this is nothing, the sexual inuendo is just another part of his charactization, it doesn't have to suggest anything about his sexuality."
I hear you, but this is not the end of it. We haven't even gotten to the best part.
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The woman in these frames is Titania.
First frame: Titania is entering the stage, her own sidekick Mal (mentioned above) has gone out of frame, BUT as she enters, Puck lurks at the edge of the screen, at some point reluctantly turning away as these two magical power houses start to interract with one another. But he's there, almost like a reminder. But of what?
Second frame: Following the previous frame, as Titania and Oberon bicker, she moves onto her monologue about the dire consequences of their conflict (ie. nature is killing itself and famine etc etc.) and in the middle of her speech, PUCK SNORTS. This dude has the audacity to disrupt the fae queen herself. I cannot stress the fact that this was a deliberate decision by someone. BUT WHY???
Third frame: There are several moments (above being the glaringly obvious one) when Oberon is talking about Titania and his plans to get his wife back and Puck is just hovering in the background. WHY??? His bi ass can't stay away.
His everlasting presence in this married couple's relationship is so palatable, you keep wondering why?
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This scene is when Oberon is berating him for messing things up and Puck says (again directly translated by me):
"They would have it too easy if everyone was suddenly loving the right person."
Which, in my honest opinion, just sounds like projection. Like if his relationship to Oberon is interpreted as being analogous to a toxic queer relationship he is literally in a relationship with a married man who doesn't intend to commit and is instead continuing to leading him on.
And following this scene is this:
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Look at this sad puppy face. He really is coming to terms with the fact that he messed up big time and Oberon is so pissed. Like their relationships is based on a mutual sense of humour but this time, Oberon is not having his continued fuck ups. He needs to fix this. This is his most somber moment in the whole play.
And after he puts his forehead to the man's shoulder, asking for one last chance, Oberon turns to him and gives him the antidote. But day is drawing near and they realise they don't have much time. Puck, freaked out, urges for them to "return to the worms." But Oberon is not having it, he needs to go get the boy and fulfill his plan tonight. He starts to walk away. Puck, however, is torn and panics, letting out a scream of anguish, he drops to his knees, crying.
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He cries about the shame of having to flee the light. And Oberon, holding him in his arms, tells him: "But we are spirits of a different kind. The blush of dawn is my friend."
And then he does the one thing that made me lose it the first time I watched it.
To comfort Puck, Oberon makes a low rumbling in his throat. Whether or not it's some sort of magic at play is really up to interpretation. Whatever is actually happening is most likely not brainwashing. Because Puck, after this acts characteristically like himself and let's be honest it would just kinda deminish any meaning behind anything happening if Oberon could just brainwash people to do what he want. Rather: Oberon is either using magic to calm him, or this throat rumbling is just a non-magical (and lets be honest, kinda intimate) way for him to calm someone in distress. More evidence for this not being magical is the fact that he has previously USED IT WITH HIS WIFE.
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Look at these parallels. He is using the same method for calming his "friend" as he is with Titania, his actual wife. And I genuinely believe this gives Puck hope. Hope for commitment. Hope that after all this, he might still have a chance. But then...
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Look how he holds him back, tries to peel him away from Titania. How he keeps reaching for Oberon even when Oberon is pulling away. How his hand stays in the air as he is left behind.
"King of shadows, it is time, the lark is sounding, the day draws near."
He doesn't want him to go west with Titania. He wants him to stay. He wants them to return to the shadows together.
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But then, despite his efforts, Oberon and Titania leave, and he is left to clean up the rest of his mess all by himself. He looks so somber as he gestures helplessly to the humans behind him. Aren't you gonna care? I did everything you asked.
And he's so sad. Quietly, and with a noticable venom in his voice, he breaks the remainder of the spell and leaves, walking of the stage, towards the light.
The ending just sends me everytime. That's supposed to be a heterosexual??? That is how you act when you've helped your totally only friend manipulate their partner to get them back together?? A plan which you btw agreed to help with from the beginning?? It's so fishy I can literally feel the scales piercing my eyehole.
You didn't see this coming? You didn't want him to leave you? Oh you just wanted to crawl back into the ground and snuggle with the worms together? Totally makes sense. Yes. Absolutely.
tldr: evidence suggest Puck was queer coded af, being in a toxic relationship with Oberon, in this one criminally underrated swedish theatre production from the 80s and I just went on an unhinged rant about it to not lose my mind.
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