#i do imagine he dyes it black though
rotten7rat · 8 months
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I wasn't happy with the scars so I added more on my phone photo editor which is why it looks jank djdjfj its okay
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obsessedwrhys · 1 month
hi baby, you can make an hcs of the characters from The Boys with a Harley Quinn! readers?? With all characters including Soldier Boy
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ᯓ★ looots of goofy shit, dark humour, gore, sensitive topics (abuse, toxic relationships, etc), toxicity, reader is fem!!
ᯓ★ Characters included (I couldn't do everyone so I just did these guys, I know yer kind missy 👴): Homelander, Black Noir (Old and New), Butcher, Soldier Boy
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He's honestly so fed up with you.
Sure he loves watching you mess with people but he does not like it when YOU DO IT TO HIM!!!
"Quinn!" He'd shout for your name and you'd open the door to see him standing outside your room. You laugh when you see him covered in ketchup. One of your many pranks.
"What?? You needed the upgrade for the suit cupcake" You smiled all innocently.
That being said you LOVE pulling pranks on him.
Whether if it's putting hair dye in his shampoo or stealing his suit so he wakes up searching for it.
It's just your favourite thing to do.
There have been times he's tried to kill you due to his rage but it takes every cell in his body to stop himself because he knows that he's not able to do that.
Because why? Because he thinks you don't even deserve to be killed by him directly.
You disgust him that much.
He just wishes that you weren't such a pain in his ass.
If the pranks weren't bad enough that it had him double checking every item he uses, AKA worsening his trust issues. You've also came up with nicknames to mock his superhero status.
"If it ain't the flying dick!" You'd address his entrance to everybody the moment he walked in the meeting room.
Just imagine him suddenly stop and standing at the door like 🧍‍♂️
If you wanna know more nicknames, we've got captain narcissist, america's buttplug and sperm cell.
Trust you are never sent on safely planned missions, only the ones he knows are highly dangerous in hopes of you dying...
There was this one time he sent you on a suicide mission and he was all proud of himself, but just as he thought he finally got rid of you, the elevator door slides open to reveal you, some fabrics of your clothes were ripped and there were bruises all over your body but it didn't seem to bother you.
"What's up toots?" You'd smile even though your nose was bleeding. That's when he looked down to see the head of the guy he asked for you to assassinate.
Who also happened to be one of the most protected men in the nations by the way.
Like how the fuck did you do it?
You're not even an ACTUAL supe!!
Regardless, he has his respects for you but really why WONT YOU LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE.
You once did that during a meeting and the sight of him yelping as his body jumps was unforgettable!!
You're JUST like a bee addicted to its pollen. P.S, he's the pollen.
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He.. doesn't... understand you??
Why do you enjoy showering him with love??
You say it's in your nature but why do you always ask to be carried around the tower??
And why does he obliges each time??
Apparently how your mindset works is that you find extremely deadly things to be adorable.
In this case, he's the extremely deadly thing.
With his silent nature, you just NEEDED to get a reaction out of him.
You tried tickling him or making him sneeze but he always just stares at you in confusion.
You can't see his face but you can tell he's giving you the "What are you doing?" Face.
That's when your bright ass thought of a plan.
A dumb and reckless idea... but hey! You have suicidal tendencies so this is fine!
You'd put yourself in danger on purpose just for him to always come rescuing you. He has lost many body parts when doing so but you could care less, you would give him those heart eyes as he carried you back to Vought in bridal style...
Just for the managers to lock you up in a small prison cell to prevent you from pulling more of these stunts.
Though they were never enough to hold you back.
Naturally there would be rumours in the industry if you two were dating and you never hesitate to push those rumours even more.
Imagine for a premiere for your movie, you'd walk on the red carpet in a dress with Noir beside you, still in his signature suit.
"You're looking real good tonight, handsome. I'm liking what I see" You'd say with your arm wrapped around his. He looks at you as you winked at him seductively.
Someone save this poor boy from your endless flirting.
Jokes aside, there has been times he's seen you in your lowest, like that time you trashed your room with your makeup melted from your tears.
Apparently you got rejected from a movie role you wanted to get so badly. Which was Mario but stupid Chris fucking Pratt got it instead.
Seeing the state you were in, he'd grab you by the shoulders firmly and make you sit down, then putting a blanket around you. He'd leave the room for a couple of minutes... to come back with a bucket of ice cream for you to happily snack on as you rest your head on his shoulder.
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"EW!! Get this mo'fuckin' bastard away from me!" Literally your words when you heard about the replacement.
Is a bit hurt by your disgust towards him??
But that just means he knows what he's doing right or wrong with this new role.
No because seriously everything he does, he would stop to watch for your reaction, most of the time you are never impressed.
Like how he killed those homelander fans to frame the starlighters. He'd hold the bat, his mask all bloody as he turned to see you, arms crossed, no reaction to his performance.
UNTIL at the end of season 4 where he began killing people within the company, that was what got you to start growing interest in his character.
Even though you're fine with him, for now, you really don't like it when he pushes things.
As in trying too hard to replace the old Black Noir. You just don't fw it 😡
"Hey! Hey! Harley wait up!" He'd call out for you while you ignored him and decided to speed walk away. Anyways, he manages to catch up with you.
"The team wants us to attend the premiere of your next movie together.. since.... y'know... we're rumoured to be dating??" He said and you had to stop walking to put your entire energy into giving him the most NASTIEST look. The second he sees you take a deep breath, he knew it was over.
"I ain't yer GODDAMN babysitter, and don't you think that for a second that wearin' the suit makes you my damn boyfriend, alright? I ain't here to hold yer hand and coddle you. I got better things to do than listen to yer constant whining and need for attention. So knock it off, ya copy-cat!" You'd point at him before walking off, hand on your hip.
You can bet that he asks Deep for advices on how to win your heart.
That's why he thinks making you fall for him is one of Noir's characteristics.
You love mysterious and threatening looking people? Okay gotcha.
You want hyenas for pets? Cha-Ching! Got it!
But seriously someone please tell him to stop before he gets his ass beat. He does not want that Brooklyn smoke.
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Ah great another crazy chick.
The only possibility to why you'd be apart of the boys is if someone vouched for you.
50/50 it's either Hughie or Frenchie.
Though surprisingly enough, you were the first to notice the symptoms of his virus. Like he could be fidgeting at the office and you'd point it out so casually that everybody turns to look at you in confusion.
Everybody thought you were crazy at first, it's to be expected, but the second his virus was confirmed to be lethal. Everybody has started to take you a bit more seriously.
Read carefully. A bit.
He finds your weapons fascinating though. Like how your gun has words engraved in it, your initials being the biggest. Not to mention the designs being the inspiration of poker cards.
"That must make you the clown" He once said when you whipped it out to shoot someone. You smile mischievously at his remark.
"Oh you'd better watch your tongue before I make you the punchline of my next joke!"
He likes you.
ONLY if you don't fuck anything up.
Sure you guys do argue a lot but theres also strange moments of understanding between you two.
There was this one time he found you alone in the office, your legs placed on the table and you were literally downing a bottle of alcohol. It was when he came closer that he noticed the bruises on your body.
"What the hell happened to you?" He said and you sniffed as you quickly wipe away the tears in your eyes.
"Oh, I'm just peachy, tough guy... Can't you see I'm having a little cry-fest over here after a lover's spat with my oh-so-darling ex-boyfriend. Yeah, he just looooves to use me as his personal punchin' bag, y'know? But don't worry 'bout me. I'll be back to my ol' crazy self in no time. Just need a minute to let the tears dry and the bruises heal"
For the rest of the night he'd stay to talk about how shitty both your lives are. You guys actually BOND over your past traumas.
The booze just making the conversation ever more fun.
Will go out of his way to take you to places for shopping or eating at a restaurant to make you feel better.
After understanding you better, he realised you're just a once normal person who became a psychotic sociopath after whatever the supes did to wrong you.
He may not show it to you but he really cares about you and would not hesitate to protect you despite how much he says he wish you'd just fuck off.
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You have to be some kind of masochist right??
He says the most disrespectful shit to you and you just squeal in excitement from it.
It's starting to weird him out.
Everything he does or say, you love to mock him, like he could be giving orders and you'd be at the back using your hands to mimic his talking like a puppet as you mouthed along and made faces.
But he has to say, he finds your insanity amusing. Because deep down, he sees a tiny bit of himself in you.
He calls you Looney Tunes. Why exactly? Nobody knows its for his own entertainment.
He's into older women but that doesn't stop you from flirting with him. He finds your efforts interesting.
"You're a tough nut to crack, Soldier Boy, but I'll get you to crack a smile eventually" You'd say and it'll be enough to have him grinning at you.
"You gonna tickle me?" He'd say, returning the same energy.
But that doesn't mean he's interested in you, he's just toying with you.
AND YOU KNOW IT. But apparently red flags just look like a go flag to you 🤷‍♀️
Despite that, if any other guy did the things he did to you, he would be fast to knock out the fucker. That's because he knows you value loyalty and he does too.
Everything aside, he really appreciates it when at the end where everybody turned against him you stayed by his side. Just imagine him driving the car while you're in the passenger seat singing your heart out to Cherry Bomb by The Runaways.
He'd simply shake his head with a smile on his face.
But the more relationship develops, he'd actually start to show you his softer side. Not soft side. Soft-er side.
Will literally lecture you into standing up more for yourself and stop being a doormat for every man in your life.
How ironic huh?
"You might act all tough and macho, but I see that big, marshmallow heart under there, sweetheart" You'd boop him on the nose that has him rolling his eyes with a smirk.
"You already said that. Are you a broken record or just dim?" He said.
If you stay obedient and don't push the wrong buttons, he might just keep you around.
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theillustraitor · 4 months
My human Dan design! Plus some ghost Dan to practice drawing him.
I'll explain more in depth below the cut for those who are curious, but the basic ideas for why he looks this way is that his human half is a mix of Danny and Dan(with a small sprinkle of Vlad). It was supposed to eventually match his ghost form more, but things had to be cut short on that path so he got kinda stuck with a middle of the road body(he's roughly late teens).
I'm desperate for him to not look exactly like Danny, but I also had this funny idea that he would somehow end up attending Casper High after he is decently redeemed(so his human body had to be younger than his ghost form). Like just imagine the interactions. Dan would *definitely* get revenge on Dash lol
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More detailed explanation:
The clone Dan was stuck in was pretty much constantly destabilizing post AGIT. This was due to the imperfect nature of them, Dan's high power, and the physical difference between the two forms. Vlad and Danny kept it from totally falling apart by using the ecto-dejecto. They had to use it *a lot* though.
Vlad tweaked the clone to be able to be shaped by Dan's ghost(to fix the incongruence of the bodies, and to possibly make it so the body could handle Dan's power better). This is what led to the mixing of Dan and Danny; the body was going from Danny to Dan in terms of appearance. It was taking some time though and they were definitely going to run out of the ecto-dejecto, *especially* since Dani also needs it(I like to think that the ecto-dejecto wasn't a permanent fix, so she has to use it on occasion. There's also no way Danny would give a mid-morph sample at this point cause he and Dani are still pretty distrustful of Vlad.)
Since Jack had originally made the ecto-dejecto Vlad could not figure out how tf to replicate it. Jack had also forgotten how he made it because, I mean, it’s Jack(nevermind that he wouldn’t even have a reason to remember how to make something that’d help ghosts/was a failed version of an experiment)
Vlad then developed a way to convert the ectoplasmic nature of the clones to good ol’ human meat(aka permanent stabilization for Dan). Vlad ended up having to do that to Dan before his human form could completely match his ghost form, hence the mix and being physically younger than his ghost form(a note: the bodies not matching remains a problem, but not a crippling/kill him kind of one. Dan is usually in pain after going ghost, especially if he used his powers a lot, but it fades relatively fast. Additionally, he(unrelated to body stuff) cannot be ghostly for too long because the ghost half will destabilize(not goopy, time/reality)).
I also had this idea that the ghost catcher could be used to permanently fuse Dan's ghost to the human body. I doubt he's fused with the clone body in AGIT, and this would continue to be a problem with my idea; Dan is basically just puppeting/overshadowing the bodies. The catcher has a merge side, sooooo
Finally, some design stuff(and a bit about him going to Casper). As mentioned Dan looks younger, which means he is capable of attending Casper High, and he does so because he never actually finished school(and he would be able to stalk/keep an eye on Danny and the others better. By this point he no longer wants to kill them, and is instead paranoid about the possibility of them dying, so yup, stalking). He'd be put in the same grade as Jazz so they could hang out and what not.
Vlad is also glad to have any time away from Dan because they fight a lot lol
But once at Casper due to his Vlad half he plays football(Vlad fusion aside, it’s a sport where he can be violent w/o problem). Dan got a letterman jacket from that, but he still hates the popular kids so he had Sam dye it black.
The hair streak is also from Vlad, but Dan's hair style is just his ghost form's minus the whole fire thing.
His clothing style is a mix of Vlad and Danny’s(except the jacket). Shirt is from Danny, pants from Vlad, then sneakers + dress shoes = boots.
Finally, it’s a bit subtle but he has heterochromia; one eye is Danny's color, the other Vlad’s.
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dollfacefantasy · 22 days
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pairing: light yagami x fem!reader x naoya zen'in
summary: light yagami is not gay. he has a girlfriend. naoya zen'in is just a special case.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, oral sex (m receiving), anal, fingering, threesome, mlm, misogyny, internalized homophobia, infidelity & cheating
a/n: people say bring back crossover fics... bring back silly fics... so i did... my masterpiece... picture of naoya by @ sso_s__ on twitter
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Light felt as though he was looking into a funhouse mirror right now. The man that stood across from him in the alley resembled him in so many ways. The blonde hair swept into pointed bangs, the seemingly permanent scowl curled onto his lips. Even this guy's way of standing matched his own.
But there were also strong differences between them. The other man's hair ended with black tips. Shining silver studs pierced his earlobes, complimenting his pretty face. His golden eyes were even framed with inky liner.
Light could never imagine looking so stylish. He'd always relied on his natural looks to impress those around him. Never had he thought about enhancing his appearance with hair dye or jewelry or makeup. That stuff should be of no concern to a god. Light decides who lives and who dies in this world. Not if he wants his eyes to have winged tips or be double lined. Still, he felt a draw to it for some reason.
He'd been walking back to his apartment when Ryuk warned him something strange was lurking up ahead. Expecting a shinigami or at least another death note owner, he crept forward on guard. But all he found was this guy, who despite his striking appearance, seemed normal. The only thing of any significance was the way he was staring back with confusion.
"Can I help you?" Light asks, the words tasting hesitant on his tongue.
"Where am I?" the other man is quick to respond, clipped and expectant.
Light blinks at the question. "Are you lost?" he responds without answering the question.
"No," he replies so fast it seems automatic, "Well... sort of."
Strange. Light pulls out his phone and flips it open, thumb ready to dial a number. "Is there someone I could call for you?"
The other man's eyes catch on the device, examining it with a combination of curiosity and dismissal.
"What do you have that old thing for?" he scoffs. "Haven't seen one of those in a while."
A frown pulls at Light's lips. Sure, the phone wasn't the most modern model, but it wasn't that old. For someone needing help, this guy had an attitude about him.
"I know it's not like the new touch screen ones they have out now, but it works for me," he says flatly with a shrug, "Now did you have anyone who could pick you up or give you a ride home?"
Despite his attempt to move the conversation forward, the stranger still seems stuck on Light's choice of electronics. His brows have furrowed together, a gleam of bewilderment taking over the golden flecks in his irises.
"You know they have ones that can flip open with a touch screen. Why don't you get one of those? I doubt that thing can even play a video without burning a hole through your hand."
Light's eyes narrow at the other man. 
A flip phone with a touch screen? Why would this guy feel the need to tell such an inconsequential lie? Does he think I'm stupid? Was this a prank or a test of some sort? But for what? He's tested nothing but my patience so far.
He shakes his head after thinking to himself, still undecided on the motives of this pretty boy.
"I don't need it to play videos. I have a computer for that. Do you want me to call someone for you or not?" he huffs.
"It's 2018, phones are computers. Why restrict yourself?"
"Don't tell me you don't know when you are either," Light retorts.
"It's not 2018. It's 2012."
This guy glances across the alley as if he's suspicious. Of what, Light has no clue. He wasn't the one loitering around a dark alleyway as the sun went down, getting into arguments with strangers about the year and flip phones.
He almost rolls his eyes but sighs instead. "Look, I don't have all night. I'd be happy to help you, but if you don't need anything, I really should get going."
In the first bit of uncertainty from this man, he pauses. "Could I go back with you to your apartment?"
Light's brow quirks up. "I don't think that's a good idea. I don't know you, and my girlfriend wouldn't be too happy about me bringing a stranger home."
A sneer even more severe than the one he'd given before takes over the man's features. "Please. Why would I be interested in thieving off someone carrying around a flip phone? My life is much more lavish than your own, I just don't want to wait around in an alley while I decide what to do."
Light feels his own arrogance boiling within, begging to bubble over and show itself. But before he can defend himself, this guy keeps talking.
"But, if you let your girlfriend decide who is and isn't allowed in your apartment, I doubt you'd be much help to me anyways," he says.
"She isn't the one who decides, but I don't want to deal with her getting upset because I brought some random guy home."
"You make it sound like she'd be jealous," the man smirks, a hint of teasing in his voice.
The words knock the wind out of Light. He audibly sputters. 
Why would she be jealous of a man? She knows I'm not gay. It would be pointless. Why would this guy even suggest that? Does he think I'm gay? There's no way. Is he gay? He's playing at something. He wants to rile me up so I'll let him come with me. But why? I'll go along with it just to see what he wants. If anything goes wrong, I have the piece of the death note on me. All I need for that is...
"What's your name?"
"Naoya Zen'in," he answers smoothly, "And yours?"
"Light." No way he was giving away his full name to this guy. He didn't know if he had a death note of his own on him. "I'll let you come with me, Naoya. But as soon as you get yourself together, you're gone."
"Works for me. I doubt it will take long, Light," Naoya agrees and crosses the alleyway to approach him, "Let's get going."
The two of them walk side by side in silence down the narrow pathway between buildings. Silence fills the space between them. Light continues to ruminate on the previous conversation while Naoya trots with an air of smug satisfaction about him.
"So why were you even in that alley in the first place? And why don't you know what you're going to do?" the younger man asks.
"I'm not from here. Well the city, I mean. My family lives outside it. I just have to figure out what to do about getting there," Naoya says, answering the second question first, "Last night, they had a party, and those things can get kind of wild. I don't really remember how I got out here."
A simplified explanation, Light can tell. "A party? So were you drinking or something?" he inquires further.
"Something like that... my family is different than most. You can't really understand if you're not one of us. This is probably like a test or something."
"Testing your ability to call a cab or get someone to give you a lift? Sounds pretty pointless," Light says. This guy was so casually arrogant. It rubbed some part of Light in a way he couldn't explain.
"My trip home will be farther than you might think," is all the older man says back.
Another pause comes over them. The sound of their shoes on the pavement takes the place of voices. Looking down, Light notices their paces are in sync. He lags for a moment to disrupt that.
"So you were coming home from work?" Naoya asks, picking up the slack in the conversation. From the way he speaks, it seems as if asking others about themselves is foreign to him.
"Something like that," he shrugs. A sigh leaves him. 
I should try to be social. To appear normal. If this is a test of some sort, I can't let him know he got in my head.
"I work on the Kira case. The investigation team aimed at discovering his identity," he tries again.
"Kira?" the other man asks. When Light turns and looks at him, it seems as though he had no clue what any of that meant.
"Yeah, Kira," he says. There was no way there were people who still didn't know about Kira. Not believing or agreeing was one thing. But not knowing was impossible. Not after the domination he'd achieved over the world since L's death.
"Am I supposed to know what that is?"
Light scowls and grumbles in irritation. It chips at both sides of his pride, even if he doesn't want to admit it. "Very funny."
"I told you my family lives far out of the city," Naoya defends.
"You'd have to be from another world to not know who Kira is," Light shakes his head, "Just follow along. We're almost there."
Naoya shrugs and continues on behind Light as they reach the final bit of the journey to his apartment. Thunder cracks in the cloudy sky above, indicating some rain would pour down in the coming hours. The wind was picking up too. Light pulls his jacket tighter around his frame and bounces up the stairs to his floor.
He pulls the key out of his pocket when he gets there and jams it in the lock. The door creaks open, and the both of them head inside. All the lights in the apartment are still off, meaning no one else has come home yet. Before doing anything else, Light slips his coat off and hangs it up along with his bag on the sleek rack fastened to the wall. He then drops his keys and wallet on the nearby wooden side table.
Walking further into the apartment, he clicks a light on. Once Naoya can see, he scans the place. It's much neater than he would've expected from a young couple. No belongings strewn over couches or chairs, no mail piling on the counter, or furniture that's damaged but yet to be replaced.
Light heads into the living room, so Naoya trails a few paces behind. It's modest but comfortable in here. A basic sofa and a plush set of chairs. A tv on the wall that was nice for the time. The kitchen in an alcove off to the side, and then a hallway towards the back which he assumed led to the bedroom and bathroom. The two of you even had a sliding door to a balcony on the wall opposite him. He could see the angry storm clouds brewing in the distance.
The first piece of evidence that this place is lived-in sits on the bookshelf next to the tv. Naoya's eyes linger on the object the moment he notices it. A framed photograph. Bordered by silver, Light and you. Your hand cupped beneath his jaw, fingers squishing his cheeks as you plant a kiss to his face.
"Is that your girlfriend?" he asks. He tries to sound neutral, but his natural disdain seeps through.
As if snapped out of his thoughts, Light's head whips in his direction. His eyes search for what Naoya's referring to, but once he sees, he nods. A simple gesture, no real pride in it.
"Yeah, that's her."
"She's pretty, I guess."
"Have you been with her long?" Naoya asks and turns to face Light completely.
The other man sits down in one of the chairs, silently beckoning Naoya to do the same.
"Yeah, about... four years now."
"Is she the only one you've ever been with?" he asks as he sits down on the couch instead.
"Yeah. The only lasting one, anyways."
"The only one you've ever fucked?"
Light's cheeks fill with color at the question. First implying he was gay, and now this? What was this guy's problem? He sits up straighter in his chair, clearing his throat and smoothing out some wrinkles in his pants.
"That's really none of your business. You shouldn't be so blunt as a guest in someone else's home. Maybe your family never taught you that."
A grin breaks out across the other man's pretty face. "It's a reasonable assumption. You two live together. You're adults."
"Then why do you even have to ask?" Light mutters. 
He's far too good at bothering me. Maybe I should try playing by his rules. Be blunt. Take the offensive. Find out if he's up to something.
"I'm just trying to figure you out," Naoya interrupts his inner monologue, "You don't have to get all defensive about it. Even if you're a virgin, I won't judge."
"I'm not a virgin," Light says quickly, putting that to rest before it can even become a debate.
In truth, his sex life with you was a sore spot. He wasn't a virgin - that was true - but that's not to say you two have sex often. A month had passed since the last time he'd been inside you. It was never bad... he just had more important things to do. He still cared about you, in a way. He always made sure to keep you safe. But he didn't have time for romance. Not while crafting a new world.
That had been a point of contention in your relationship for years, something you were constantly getting upset about. There was no way Naoya could know that from the thirty or so minutes they'd known each other though. So why was he asking?
"What are you even trying to figure out? Shouldn't you be more worried about getting home than what me and my girlfriend do in our alone time?" Light says, a bit snappier than before.
Naoya's grin becomes more fox-like. "I'm still thinking about that. Can I not wonder about you too?" he asks. When he receives no response from Light, he continues speaking. "I just thought it would make sense if you were a virgin. But it still adds up that you've never been with anyone else. That's why you let her have such a handle on you."
The words inflame Light, but he tries to suppress any reaction. "She doesn't have a handle on me. I handle her."
"Didn't seem like it when I asked if I could come over here."
Damn it. He got me there. What am I doing? I don't have to put up with this. I don't even know this guy. Who the hell does he think he is? I could have him dead in minutes if I wanted to. He should be on his knees- I mean bowing at my feet, thanking me for sparing his life.
Light's expression grows more agitated. "Well I do. I'm sure you think you're some kind of expert on this, but I doubt you've ever even had a girlfriend before," he fires back.
And Naoya laughs. He fucking laughs at him! Unbelievable.
"You're right, I've never had a girlfriend before, but I've been with tons of girls," he says.
Light rolls his eyes so hard, they're in danger of falling out of his skull. "I can't say I don't see why they didn't stick around."
"It's not them who make the decision to not go forward. I have no interest in having a girlfriend," he says simply, "Women are only kept around because God knew that men couldn't be burdened with the curse of bearing children. So he saddled women with that duty. That's their purpose. I don't understand why we have to pretend their existence should amount to anything more."
Silence fills the room after that mini-speech. Light had never heard anyone say anything so... like that. This guy's family really must have been out there.
"That's not-"
"It's the truth. Any man who says otherwise is lying or has been tricked into believing that he should love something so wholly beneath him," he continues.
Light doesn't even know how to argue with him when he seems so confident that he's correct. How did the conversation even get to this point?
"I can see it in your eyes, you know she's not your equal," he says and gestures to the picture with you on the shelf, "You don't have the connection with her that you have with even me, and I've known you less than an hour. She can't understand you."
The words are uncomfortable in Light's ears. They wriggle their way inside his head and wrap around his brain, squeezing and trying to push their sentiment onto him. Part of him felt it was true. Oftentimes, he didn't think you could understand him. Not from lack of effort, just as if it was something you're incapable of.
You'd whine at him for attention, pressing against his side on the couch in an attempt to get him to cuddle you. And he would sometimes, but not as much as you wanted. So your rants about his lack of affection never seemed to end. You never thought to look at it from his perspective. Always jumping to the conclusion that he didn't love you, never once considering that he just wasn't a physically affectionate person.
He still felt some guilt clawing at his stomach though, like he shouldn't be thinking of you like this.
As if Naoya can read his mind, he softens his words a bit for his next point. "I'm not saying you can't care about them - though, to be clear, I don't. But maybe you do care for your girlfriend. You just don't love her. She's a companion for you. Like a pet. Something that makes you feel needed."
"It's not that," Light says, "I know I'm needed. And I'm needed for much greater things than taking care of her. We've been together for a long time. And... we just... go together. I can't just get rid of her. Plus she can be useful sometimes."
Naoya nods, his brows rising into a patronizing look. Light hates it. Despises the assumption that he's weak for not hating you. It's just the truth, even when you drive him crazy and annoy him to levels he didn't think possible, he didn't hate you. He didn't feel passionate enough about you to hate.
He wants to talk about something else though; to leave this subject behind in favor of something that would put Naoya in the hot seat and make him insecure too. It's not his proudest moment, but he swings at the lowest hanging fruit he can think of.
"So... what's with the makeup and the hair? Did your dad not give you enough attention or something?"
Naoya laughs again, the winged tips of his eyeliner crinkling in amusement. "No. I'm daddy's favorite," he says, unaffected.
It stirs envy within Light, the way he could be so casual about being prodded at. He didn't get defensive at the implication or start stuttering and tripping over words. His jaw clenches as he tries to think of something else that could get to Naoya, but the older man beats him to it.
"You don't like it? Or are you jealous?"
He got him yet a-fucking-gain because Light freezes. He stares at Naoya, unsure of what to say.
"I'm not jealous. I was just curious. Most guys don't wear that stuff."
"I'm better than most guys," he says as if it's fact, "I could show you how to do it if you want."
"W-what? I can't- There's- I don't have any of that stuff."
"Your girlfriend doesn't have any makeup?" he asks, unconvinced, "It looks like she's wearing a lot in that picture."
"She does, but-"
"Then go get it, and I'll show you how. I can tell you want to. You may not like it, but you want to know."
And that was true. He was curious if anything else. That's what he tells himself as he rises to his feet and goes into your shared room. He sees you'd made the bed this morning before you left for work.
Your bedroom was visibly divided into two sectors. Light's was pristine. Clean without clutter, well-kept and functional. The made-up bed was the only part of yours that appeared that way. Pieces of your personality littered your nightstand. A pile of clothes he'd asked you to put away sat in the corner on the chair. And then in the farthest corner stood the vanity where you did your makeup.
He creeps over there as if you'd suddenly jump out from under the bed and scold him for even thinking about it. Looking down at the dark wood of the table, he finds that you're not very organized. A few different containers sit atop the surface, holding brushes and tubes of cream. You have a holder for your hair ties and combs. A rack for your perfume. Nowhere among these things though, does he find a black eye pencil.
Opening the drawers, he scans their contents. One is dedicated to eye shadow palettes, the next is filled with lipsticks and glosses. Finally the third has a thin, black stick tucked towards the back. He grabs it and returns to the living room where Naoya is still sitting on the couch.
Light makes his way over and sits on the adjacent cushion. He shoves the product into Naoya's palm, briefly getting a feel of how smooth the other man's hand is.
"Alright, sit back," Naoya says.
"What-" Light starts before his eyes widen. 
Naoya climbs on top of him. He's straddling him. Everything in Light screams at him to push him off, shove him to the floor and rocket to his feet to kick him out of the apartment. His heart thunders in his chest, his breaths shaking before they can even leave his lungs.
He can feel the heat of the other man's body above his. This close, he can see his golden eyes in detail. They look like that of a fox's, cunning and sly.
His slender fingers curl over Light's shoulders as he adjusts. He huffs out a laugh, and Light can feel the heat of his breath fan over his face.
"Calm down. I just have to get close enough or else it'll come out crooked. This is the easiest position."
Light nods and clears his throat. He exhales slowly, allowing his awkwardness about the situation to leave him. It's fine. He's just messing with him. He'll probably leave right after this. It's just fun.
But if it's just fun, why do his eyes keep darting towards the door to see if the knob rattles with your arrival?
Naoya scoots a little closer, his pelvis pressing against Light's belly. The cap of the makeup tool pops off, and he tucks it into his pocket.
"You have nice eyes, Light. Deep brown. Pretty," Naoya mutters as his fingers come up to tilt his head back against the couch.
A loud pop of thunder echoes through the sky outside. Following it is the soft pittering of rain against the balcony. Light swallows hard. He feels an involuntary rush of heat creeping up his neck. He hopes it's not visible, but he knows his wishes haven't been granted when Naoya chuckles.
"Blushing from just that? Does she give you any attention?"
And that's the bad part. You do give him attention. Tons of it. So much he feels like he's drowning most days. You adore calling him pretty boy, to which he scowls every time and tells you to quit it. You love running your fingers through his hair and complimenting the smooth texture before he swats your limb away and rolls the eyes Naoya just praised. He wasn't pushing him away though.
The pad of his thumb sweeps over Light's cheek, assessing the space it'd be working with.
"Close your eyes," he directs, his voice the softest it's been since they met in the alley.
So he does. The rich chocolate brown becomes obscured by his delicate lids. He shudders suddenly, realizing he was in an extremely vulnerable position. He'd let this man lure him straight into a trap. If Naoya did have any ill intent, he could certainly act on it now.
But he doesn't. All that happens is the tender stroke of the pen along the edge of his eye. Naoya doesn't say anything while he works. Repeated brushes of the tip ghost along his lashes. He feels the wetness dragging up into a point in the outer corner. The other eye gets the same treatment, the process done for the second time on that lid.
"Open," the man above him purrs.
His lashes flutter up as his eyes come back into view. He's met with a wild grin across Naoya's face. His heart feels like it's stalling in his chest, like it's losing its rhythm, unable to beat right under the pressure of his gaze.
"Wow," he croons, dragging the back of his finger over Light's cheek, "You look good. Almost as good as me."
This time, the heat stirs in a different part of Light's body. He tries to shut it down immediately. Think of something else.
"Let me see how I look," he says. If he saw how goofy he looked, surely any feelings of desire would dissolve.
"You should've brought a mirror," Naoya taunts as he gets up. He grabs a decorative one off the shelf and brings it back to the sofa. Instead of taking the opportunity to return to his previous spot next to Light, he returns to his lap. He holds the mirror up in front of his own face, letting Light look at his own face staring back.
He blinks a few times, watching as his lashes flutter and accentuate the deep lines Naoya had drawn. They stretch down to his inner corners up in the direction of his temples. The urge to reject what he's seeing gnaws at him, but he knows he likes it. He can't deny it.
"So what do you think?" Naoya asks and puts the mirror behind him on the table.
"It's not bad. Better than I thought it'd look." He figures it's better to give a half-truth rather than a complete lie. Less ammunition for Naoya to tease him with.
"You shouldn't have doubted my talents," he teases, "Let me do the bottoms now."
Without leaving room for argument, he guides Light's head back to where it had been before.
"Keep your eyes open this time."
Just as before, he obeys Naoya's command. He looks at the ceiling. He didn't think he'd be able to quell the feeling between his legs if he looked into those gilded eyes. The way his pupils dart away, as if running from Naoya's own, makes his thought process obvious.
"You have such good features," he praises in a murmur, "Cute nose, defined cheeks, pouty lips. Pretty."
And with those soft words he feels himself start to fill out his pants again. He squirms, trying to adjust in preparation for the worst case scenario. Fuck, this was humiliating. The only bright spot was that Ryuk had made himself scarce as soon as Naoya climbed on top of Light, so he wasn't here to mock from the sidelines. That would be the only thing that could make this worse.
Or so Light thought.
Because then the hand of Naoya's that isn't applying eyeliner comes up to cup his jaw. His thumb rubs across Light's plush bottom lip. Back and forth, tantalizingly slow.
He chokes back a whimper, but there's no way to hide the dilation of his pupils. Naoya catches it, of course. It's obvious by the way he leans in closer.
"Your lips feel just as soft as they look," he breathes before lowering his head further and replacing his digit with his lips.
Light moans into the kiss. His eyes shut again, and he melts beneath the gentle touch. Naoya takes the invitation to move in further, scooting even closer on Light's lap. His ass lands on the other man's thighs, the heat of their bodies' melding into one.
Flicking his tongue over the seam of Light's mouth, Naoya deepens the exchange. He tastes the sweetness of his saliva, and feels the smoothness of their tongues brushing against each other. Their lips move slowly, exploring each other more than anything else.
Naoya pulls back for a second to glance down at his face. "Your girlfriend... she can't understand. None of them can. They don't know what it's like to be one of us."
Light hangs on every word, and then leans up to go in for more. Naoya reciprocates, dropping the eyeliner onto the couch to leave streaks Light would have to deal with later. Kisses turn into full blown making out. Naoya still manages to get a few words out against his mouth.
"They don't understand how to please. What feels good," he mutters as a palm slides down to palm at Light's solid bulge, "I do though."
His hips buck into the touch on instinct, a gasp leaving his throat in tandem. Fuck, that felt so good. What was happening? He wasn't gay. Light was sure of that. He liked girls. Well maybe not liked, but he was attracted to them. He had you. He didn't think about guys like this.
Even with Naoya mentioning you, the thought of you doesn't cross Light's mind until he hears the sound of your voice. The feeling of Naoya's lips on his own had him too distracted to notice the cue he'd been previously waiting for.
"What the fuck?" you cut through the fog of lust with your sharp tone.
It almost doesn't feel real, like the nonsensical part of a dream that lets you know it's just that. He turns his head to look at you, to try and explain what you walked into. His lips leave Naoya's, but that doesn't deter him from planting a few kisses on Light's throat before looking over at you too.
What to say, what to say, what to say? Fuck. He couldn't use the cliche 'it's not what it looks like.' But what even was the truth? He was cheating on you, but... it didn't feel like it? He gawks at you for a moment before making the first attempt at justification.
"I- um... I swear, just let me explain to you-" he starts, but it's like you don't even hear him.
You stomp over to the couch, rage blazing in your eyes. "Is that MY fucking eyeliner?" you ask, absolutely incensed.
It was one thing to cheat on you, but to use YOUR makeup for the foreplay?? A whole other matter entirely.
"Yes," he says and moves Naoya back onto his part of the couch.
He quickly realizes that decision was a mistake though when the outline of his stiff cock against his pants becomes visible for everyone in the room. The evidence of his arousal just seems to upset you more. Tears start welling in your eyes, and Light's mind scrambles to defuse this situation before it gets out of hand.
It wasn't so much you being hurt that bothered him; rather he worried you might do something irrational to get back at him. This was the part of your relationship he didn't want to admit to Naoya. You knew most of his secrets. Being together since the two of you were eighteen, you saw so much of him. Not only could you expose what you saw right now, you had the potential to ruin his life.
He considers writing your name down on the piece of paper he keeps in his pocket, but it was far too risky. You'd know what he was doing in a second, and you had a piece on you too. You could scribble out Light Yagami just as quickly. His only hope would be that you'd be so tempted to write him out a long, horrible death, that it'd give him the advantage of time over you.
But instead of testing fate, he decides to deal with the problem head on.
"Baby," he starts, forcing out one of the pet names you always begged him to call you, "Just listen to me, ok? You have every right to be upset, but just don't do anything irrational. I can explain what happened."
You stay where you are, body visibly rigid with anger. But you don't lunge at him or storm off, so that's a good sign.
Before he can continue, Naoya scoffs from behind him, sounding more annoyed by the interruption than anything else. "Women. Creatures of pure emotion."
That does set you off. "Who the fuck even are you?"
Light reaches out for your hand and guides you to sit on the couch next to him before this can get any worse.
"That's Naoya," he begins. He then gives you a summary of the last hour and a half, leaving out a few choice parts.
Your face slowly loses emotion and retreats into a neutral expression. It both worries him and settles his nerves.
"So are you gay?" you ask at the end of his story, "Is that what you're trying to tell me? Is that why you won't touch me?"
"What?" he says defensively, "No! I'm not gay. I'm just... is that really all you took away from that?"
You shrug. 
Naoya chimes in from behind again. "You can't blame him not wanting to touch you on being gay. That just seems like the reaction any sensible person would have."
"Why the fuck are you still here?" you snap at him, "Claire's is probably missing their best customer, so feel free to leave."
"Light told you why I'm here," he smirks. He leans forward and rests his chin on your boyfriend's shoulder, looking at his face. "I think I was right before. She is jealous of me."
Light's pretty sure you're about to lunge over him and tackle Naoya through the sliding glass door, out into the rain.
"Stop," he says, shooting the other man a look.
He then grabs your hand and squeezes it, a gesture that's supposed to be reassuring.
"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. You didn't deserve it," he says, speaking in his usual calm tone of voice, "You aren't the problem. I'm the one who felt the need to do this. I just have so much going on, and I feel trapped. I don't know where to go, so I went for the first sign of escape I could find. And that was wrong, I know. I should've just talked to you about it."
It was all what you wanted to hear, and you wanted to believe it so badly. He knew just how to play you.
"You don't have to leave though. You're important to me. You can be a part of this too."
"This isn't a porno, Light. I'm not just gonna drop my panties because you said sorry."
Your external rejection was a display meant to hide your feelings within. You hated that he wanted to continue whatever this was with this guy, but you were at least happy you had the option to be included. You wanted to believe that this was simply him getting swept up in the thrill of something new, but that he'd always return to the comfort of familiarity with you.
He reaches out and cups your cheek, pulling a little to scoot you closer. You follow along and inch over to the middle cushion.
"See? Obedient like a pet," Naoya whispers, nipping at Light's earlobe and pecking the skin beneath.
You shoot him a glare, but it does no good.  He doesn't even look your way.
Light doesn't respond to the animosity. He focuses on walking the thin line between you and Naoya, keeping this situation balanced and you from exploding and reigning hellfire upon his life.
"Good girl," he mumbles. Another name you'd asked for before. He'd have to dial it back a little in a moment, or it'd be obvious how thick he's laying it on. "Just try it for me. You'll feel much better with us then you would be sulking alone in the bedroom."
You pause, taking one last moment of hesitation. Your eyes rotate between them as you consider getting up and keeping your dignity. Lightning flashes outside and thunder follows. You know you shouldn't do this, but you can't rid the part of you that wants to please Light. That wants him to care for you like you care for him. It's so deeply rooted, that it's easier to just give in than try and weed it out.
You nod your head.
His hand pulls you all the way in, connecting your lips. He's not as passionate as he was before, but you didn't get a close enough look to know that. In a way, he feels like he's mimicking Naoya's techniques on you. You sigh softly and shut your eyes, returning the affection in full.
On Light's throat, Naoya attaches his mouth. That strikes a spark within the younger man again. His lips float up and down the column, gliding over the tender skin with precision. It works a whimper out of Light, and that's when Naoya's hand creeps around his body and slides up his thigh. His palm finds his erection, which hadn't fully dwindled yet.
"Still hard, Light? You must want me bad," he taunts before using his teeth to pull at the flesh on his neck.
He moans, and your eyes flash with jealousy. You stare into the golden spheres, hating this man you barely even knew.
Bringing your lips down, you begin to work on the other side of Light's throat. You lap at his pulse point before attaching your lips and sucking a little mark onto the pale expanse. In tandem, your hand slides down his chest to rest on his thigh teasingly.
As if switching positions with you, Naoya rises to Light's lips. He resumes the kiss that you had interrupted. And even with your hand getting closer down below, he keeps his own cupped over Light's cock, like he's his instead of yours.
Light whimpers from all the attention on him. He sinks back into the plush cushions, and both you and Naoya follow along. His eyes droop closed, allowing him to just feel. 
Without the visuals, he can still tell the touches of Naoya and you apart. Your lips are smaller, your touches more delicate. Your fingers linger and tease, coaxing a reaction. Naoya goes for what he wants, and what he wants is Light to squirm and whine. He paws and grabs, rough squeezes and harsh bites between kisses. He makes his heart pound and his head spin, struggling to keep up.
Before he knows it, a familiar hand is creeping up his shirt while one he doesn't recognize so well slides into his pants. He gasps as Naoya's fingertips make direct contact with his dick. They swipe at the sensitive tip, rubbing the ridge and drifting across the slit. His hips writhe, pushing him further back into the couch.
You huff. It wasn't fair. Of course you wouldn't be able to make Light feel as good when you only had access to his upper body. It was an unfair disadvantage, but you decide to try your hardest anyway. Your nails lightly scrape circles around his nipples, teasing the buds but not touching them just yet
His eyes snap open and dart to you. You'd never tried that before. "Wh-what are you doing?" he asks.
"Nothing, baby. Just trying to make you feel good," you whisper. 
You didn't understand how you touching his nipples earned him questioning you, but this guy he'd known for two hours could hold his balls in the palm of his hand without a shred of hesitation. You just decide to silence your annoyance by leaning in to kiss him again.
Naoya had left Light's lips in favor of pushing down the man's pants and watching his cock leak and drool. Shimmery beads of precum oozed out of him with each firm tug to his cock.
"So much coming out of you already... we should get to the good stuff so you don't cum too early," he mocks with one last squeeze to Light's shaft.
He then stands up and removes his own clothing. You follow suit and do the same for yourself, not wanting to be unmatched.
At first, Light lazily watches the both of you, taking in the sight of your breasts and Naoya's toned stomach. But once Naoya's removed his shirt and discarded it to the floor, Light's eyes lock on the other man.
Silver piercings shine through Naoya's nipples, and it's obvious Light's never seen anything like it before. He studies them as though he's discovering something for the first time. His jaw doesn't drop, but it might as well have from how wide his eyes are.
You drop the rest of your clothes without much effort, annoyed by the lack of attention from your boyfriend. Meanwhile, Naoya takes his time. He peels off his pants, building the seductive tension with a measured pace.
Crawling back onto the couch, you nuzzle Light's neck like a kitten, cooing in his ear. "Need you inside me, baby. Want you so bad."
He nods vaguely, your words clearly going in one ear and shooting right back out at you. His eyes are still on Naoya, who's now standing there stroking his own cock to full attention.
You scowl. Of course, Naoya's length is as pretty as the rest of him. It's a good size with a proud head that makes even you crave a taste. He's well-groomed, everything about him, enticing.
He smiles at your boyfriend, arrogance written all over his face. "You can fuck your little girlfriend, Light. And she can get me ready for you."
Without a second thought, Light nods, and suddenly, he's much more invested in you. He guides you to lay back on the couch and gets to his knees at the end of you. Naoya takes up the spot next to your head, leaning against the cushions for stability.
Disrobing the rest of the way, Light lines up his dick to your entrance, faster than he'd ever done when it was just the two of you. He slides the tip in, grunting at how tight you are. Your slick coats him inch by inch until he's bottomed out.
Up top, Naoya strokes your hair and looks down at you with sinister intent. His cock awaits your mouth inches away from your lips.
"Use any teeth, and I'll make sure you have none left before I'm done with you," he says lowly.
Your eyes harden into a glare, but when the reddened head bumps your lips, you accept it. The shaft slides over your tongue to the back. The man above you lets out a groan and tilts his head back.
"Mmmm... she's got a good mouth," Naoya hums, "You teach her that, or is she just naturally such a slut?"
Light had been focused on rabbiting his hips against your center, finding some relief from how worked up he'd gotten. The words bring him back to reality. He looks up at the other man, taking a second to process the question.
"Oh... she's always been good at that," he says.
And it was the truth. You gave good blowjobs, and Light's favorite part about them was that they made you feel connected to him or something. All he had to do was sit back, close his eyes, and let you make him cum, and you wouldn't bitch about the lack of intimacy between you two.
He curls his fingers into your thighs harder, lifting them a bit so he has leverage to fuck into you harder. Sounds of your elicit activities fill the room. Skin claps against skin while you gag on Naoya's cock. Hips pump against your face, a hand cupped on the back of your head to make sure you take it all. You can barely breathe. Your nails dig into the cushions, and your body squirms more in an attempt to find some reprieve.
All Naoya does is laugh. He grins wider as he watches you struggle beneath him. His hand extends to paw at your breast and casually tweak a nipple, bringing broken whimpers from you in between the garbled groans.
"Look at you," Naoya coos. He doesn't even know you, but it seems he can't help mocking. "This is what you're good for, huh? Light's been too soft on you. Hasn't shown you your place."
The lack of oxygen makes the words roll over you like water. You keep sucking the best you can as Naoya fucks your face and Light pounds into your cunt. They both thrust with one thing in mind: their own pleasure. You're nothing more than a conduit between them.
Soon, that changes. Naoya pulls his dick from your mouth. It drips and gleams with your saliva. You inhale deeply, enjoying the fresh sensation of air hitting your lungs. He steps back and goes down to stand behind Light. His hands land on your boyfriend's sides, rubbing up and down the lean expanse of his torso.
"Feeling good? Is she tight?" he whispers as he kisses up the other man's neck, nosing at his undyed hair.
"Y-yeah," Light stammers. He feels like he's gonna malfunction.
His hips rock without error, seemingly unable to stop ricocheting into the warm, wet embrace of your pussy. Naoya scrapes his nails down Light's stomach and scratches at his v-line. His back arches and a series of whimpers pours from his lips.
"I bet you're even tighter."
Light's previously drooping eyes widen, and before he knows it, Naoya's hand has slid to his ass, fingers already prodding at his entrance. He whimpers again, trying to think of a question or a protest. This couldn't be happening.
But then it does. Two digits slip inside. And fuck, it feels so right.
Back and forth, back and forth. He maintains the steady rhythm while fucking you. From your angle, you're not totally sure what he's doing, so you let your head fall back and bliss out.
"That's right," Naoya breathes, "Fuck yourself back on my fingers. Stretch yourself out for the real thing."
And Light continues to do just that. Naoya keeps it at two fingers, never trying out a third. After he believes the other man's had enough practice, he pulls his fingers out, relishing the needy mewls Light makes.
He slots his wet dick between his cheeks before slowly pushing it in. Light has to stop for a moment. Give himself some time to adjust to the feeling of being full. A shiver sweeps up his body, and he clutches the dough of your thighs harder.
Naoya soothes the sensation by rubbing a hand up and down his spine rhythmically. Once he's calmed down, the same hand slides into his soft locks and grips hard. He yanks him, forcing his back to arch, and fucks into him harder.
You can clearly see what's happening now, but even if you couldn't, the loud moan Light lets out would have clued you in. He whimpers, still moving inside you a bit, but the movement of his body is more controlled by the force Naoya's using to pummel into him.
His eyes roll back and his jaw goes slack. He'd never felt anything like this.
"What'd I tell you? I understand," Naoya grunts, "You're never gonna be able to go back when you've had a taste of this."
Light shakes his head, though he feels so hazy, he's not sure if the motion is clear. As he becomes more used to the feeling, he starts to be able to move against you a little more. You reach a hand down and rub at your clit. Light didn't seem to be too concerned with getting you there, so you would ensure you made it yourself.
The extra stimulation on your clit makes you tighten up on Light's cock. He whines and bites his lip as Naoya continues fucking him mercilessly.
"You gonna cum? Fill her up while I fill you," he grunts behind him.
Light nods, body growing shakier as his orgasm comes closer.
Only a few more desperate swirls on your bundle of nerves, and you reach your peak. You spasm around Light, writhing on the couch beneath him. He can't take it, the feeling of Naoya battering a sweet spot inside he didn't even know he had combined with your walls trying to milk him dry.
With a whimper, his cock starts to spurt inside you. It kicks with each rope of cum, his hips twitching in between the two bodies on either side of him. His head falls back to rest against Naoya's sweaty shoulder. The other man's breaths feel cool on his own slick skin.
Naoya can tell he's cumming from how his body moves and takes it as an invitation to pump his own load deep inside of Light. He thrusts all the way in and lets loose, moaning as his release floods the other man. He fucks it in a few times, noting every little twitch or sound Light makes.
When all is said and done, the room is quiet. The only sounds are the harsh breaths leaving each of your lungs, and the tail end of the storm raging outside.
Naoya's the first to pull out, easing his cock from Light's hole. He watches a bit of cum leak out afterward and grins at the sight.
Light goes next, slipping out of you and crumpling down onto the sofa.
You stay where you are for the moment, just taking in what happened.
The silence feels awkward for you and tense for Light but satisfying for Naoya.
You need some time. You can't think while they're both sitting right there. Standing up, you stretch your limbs a little. You intend to just leave, but then your eyes catch on the black eye pencil from earlier.
Your eyes narrow at Light when you snatch it from the couch.
"You and your boyfriend better buy me new eye liner," you pout before turning on your heel and making your way to the bedroom.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
oh well if you didn’t get itI basically said that move to will probably not be able to control mui because he only appears to turn into ai but it’s just an illiusion.
for my request it was another mitsuri like us x character but we are sad about our past.
Due to mitsuri eating so much food, having be reallly strong and have pink and green hair. She was called a pig and one EX said that only a cow or pig would ever marry her which made her dye her hair black and eat 9x less than she needed. And when she found another partner she realized she don’t keep on pretending. One headcannon can I have about her is that you do this she gained an eating disorder. Where she will not eat as much as she needs.
can the characters be: wanderer,albedo,diluc,kaeya,xiao and one of your choice. I love your works and also My cat just had 3 KITTYS!!! I plan on naming them scarameow,kokkie and coco.🐱🐱🍫🍪
Ohhh! You know I really seem to write this show alot and I've still never seen it... :p CONGRATULATIONS on kittens!! Those are such cute names!! I hope they are all doing well ❤️❤️
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Mitsuri like reader~༺}
CW: Angsty! Reader has a eating disorder, has been called a pig and is self conscious about weight! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon chérie, my love,
A/n: I just wanted to say that if you've ever been called a pig, or cow or made fun of for your weight, please don't listen to them. Your body is beautiful and me personally I think you're amazing wether you're skinnier than average or heavier than average. You are gorgeous! ❤️
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Xiao, Wanderer, and Kaeya!)
Diluc set a plate in front of you, sitting in the chair across from you with a hopeful gleam in his red eyes...,"I haven't seen you eat anything all day...please, just a few bites. It's your favourite, fresh out of the oven." You looked down at the fresh warm food, the wonderful smell making your stomach churn unhappily, it was such a fatty dish...
Suddenly the harsh words of others started playing in your head, reminding you why you wanted to loose weight so badly..
You pushed his cooking away, unable to even take a nibble, "I'm not hungry...sorry Diluc. It smells amazing though..." you tried to smile at him, but he clearly wasn't happy with your response. He took your hand into his and placed a kiss on your fingers, whispering against them with sorrow in his voice, "You are beautiful the way you are...please, don't listen to them."
Lyney hurried up to you, holding a freshly baked croissant in his hands that he'd gotten for the two of you to share, silently hoping you'd eat it with him...that all of his suspicions weren't true, "Mon chérie! Looks yummy hmm? Want to sit down for a bite?" His eyes met yours and he simply couldn't imagine how someone could say anything horrible about you, you...were the most gorgeous person in his eyes and he wished so desperately he could show you that.
"I don't mind if we sit and chat while you eat! I'm not really in the mood for a croissant right now, thank you though." You tried your best to sound sweet and truthful, feeling so guilty you had to lie to him...but you wanted to be perfect for him and loosing weight seemed to be the only way...at least in everyone else's eyes.
"...my love, I'll get you anything you wish to eat.."
"I'm just...not hungry right now Lyney."
He grasped your wrist softly, stopping you from walking away so he could kiss your lips...he'd find a way to show you your own beauty, he'd tell you every hour on the dot if he had to...
Albedo bit his lip, for once in his life he had encountered a problem he just had no idea how to solve, he thought of you as the true meaning of life, the very being that made him want to get out of bed every morning and show his love for you any way he could, a inspiration that never ceased to look perfect and yet...you didn't feel that way about yourself...
How could it be, how could someone break your heart...call you a pig for enjoying food...a cow, it bothered him to no end and he just couldn't wrap his head around that cruelty..."Klee and I made cookies...they are chocolate chip...with a few sprinkles, would you like some?" He sat next to you, Klee following after him, "Ohhh please try one! The sprinkles make them extra yummy!" She looked at you with such a cute face...that for a split second you considered it...they smelled so good and even with sprinkles you could tell they'd be delicious..but, you felt sick at the thought of taking bite...
"Awe next time Klee, I'm...not hungry right now..."
Albedo sighed...how was he going to fix this...
Xiao was having a hard time understanding your situation, it didn't make sense, why would the pathetic humans who couldn't compare to you in the slightest tell you such awful things...and why would you ever believe them? He was so worried about you, your normally plump cheeks sunken in slightly and your happy smile gone, you didn't enjoy eating...in fact he almost never saw you eat at all anymore.
He had to remind you every two minutes, just to take a few bites and even then you'd refuse, "You should eat...you need to. Please." You'd look away, slightly angry...slightly sad and just say you didn't want to, and it wasn't like he was going to force you to, but he wished there was a way he could help. He'd just have to keep telling you what was true...clearing their sick words from your mind with his sweet sentiments,
"You are the true meaning of every beautiful thing in this world, those mortals are threatened by it and seek to destroy you because of it...don't listen to them."
"You look perfect in my eyes..."
"Why are you listening to those idiots! They probably wouldn't know what beauty was if it slapped them in the face! You are...ughhh" Wanderer groaned in annoyance, knowing full well yelling wasn't going to help you...but he was just so angry, how dare anyone bully you like that, get under your skin. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to shout, I just, you can't believe what they are saying! Hell if someone like me, who's never loved anyone before...who never gave a damn what people looked like...could fall so goddamn hard for you, you have to be goregous. I will say that as many times as I have to!"
You fought the urge to cry, he didn't usually get so emotional over things like this, but he was worried about you and...for good reason, "Wanderer, I'm fine.." You tucked a piece of your pink hair behind you ear, trying to hide from his prying eyes that starred daggers at you, did you truly think he'd buy that? "Don't lie to me. You're not fine, you're hurting yourself...making yourself sick. Just tell me what to do! How do I help! What do I say...you're fucking perfect to me...isn't that enough?"
"Oh...are you sure you don't want just a bite. I've gone and ordered two, you wouldn't want me to have to eat both would you? I'd surely become ill with a stomach ache.." Kaeya scooched the plate in your direction, using every persuasive method he could think of...he'd already tried complimenting you over and over, flirting with you more often, showering you with kisses and love, but you still wouldn't enjoy a meal with him. This was his last resort...
"Pretty please...just a little would make me so happy..."
You sighed, thinking about how much you'd eaten...or more rather, how much you hadn't eaten and took a small bite, the flavours tasting good, but not like they used to...it was difficult to even swallow. Kaeya seemed so proud though, so...hopeful.
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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roseykat · 7 months
TITLE: Venom Eater
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SUMMARY: Moving on proves its challenges. Not everyone has the ability to accept that what happened, happened - and what was, was. So as you try to lead a new life, single and trying to heal, the journey proves to be far from easy. It’s worse than difficult and more painful than what you could’ve imagined. The only comforting source is that what will be, will be. And there’s no changing that.
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won’t be able to regulate/monitor every potential interaction with those posts so please do not engage with me, my work, or page whatsoever.
TAGS: mentions of breakups, exes, angst, arguments, swearing, smut, slices of life here and there, alcohol (Jisung is drunk but there isn’t much detail on it), confrontation.
WC: 6K+
TAGLIST: @emikisses @linos-kitten @chansbabygirlsstuff @lixiespick @frogieeheart @/fuckthinking @nimx9 @/shishou1687 @inniescandy-01 @konstanceee @/rose13255 @queenmea604
Venom Biter (Part 1) | MASTERLIST
A/N: the long-awaited part 2 to Venom Biter! This was originally meant to be longer but I decided that I wanted to flesh out the plot a little bit more so things will get worse and or better who knows…
There’s never a grey area about what people do after a terrible breakup. It’s always black and white. Whether someone cuts their hair, dyes it, alters their aesthetic, or goes on holiday to escape the reality. 
The gym can make for the perfect best friend to subtly take revenge on someone a person once had.
But your new best friend was Tinder. A platform of opportunities to explore and select at your perusal. Providing you with gorgeous men who were looking to fuck and nothing more than that. If Tinder wasn’t the buzz for you that night, it would be going out with friends - friends that didn’t include ones that you made through Minho. 
These ones’ you would only see about once every three months then band together again as if nothing has changed in the space between. It’s not awkward when you’re around them and so far, it has taken your mind off the past two months. Since then, your connection with Minho has been one of which where-
“God fuck I’m cumming!”
Minho knows he is too when his eyes screwed shut, laying back as he lets you use his cock, “shit, so am I,” he breathes out, watching you roll your hips in a frantic craze to get yourself over the edge. You miss this. 
The way that you squeeze around him is the final straw that breaks the camel's back. Minho swears towards the ceiling, back arching as his dick glides in deeper. Within a couple of seconds, his vision flashes just as white as your insides that he fills. 
The top half of your body flops forward onto his chest, spent from the past fifteen minutes that you’ve been riding him non-stop. Now it’s almost possible to hear the rapid thumping of his heartbeat that violently bashes from within. Not wanting to stay in that position for any longer, you peel yourself back, hopping off his body. 
“I need you out by seven,” you declare, picking up his sweatpants and t-shirt from the floor and then throwing them right at him. 
Minho grumbles but doesn’t flinch, “seven? Fucking hell.”
“Well, I have to go to work so you’re not staying.” 
“I figured that,” he fusses before sitting up. “At least let me use your gym here.” 
You pause for a second to look at him, wondering where he gets his audacity from sometimes, “fine.” 
“Thank you,” he replies then starts donning his clothes as you make your way to the bathroom for a hot shower. 
This is what it’s been like for a while now - a pernicious seesaw effect of meeting up with Minho, sleeping with him (usually in the mornings), and going about your day as if he wasn’t in your guts twenty minutes ago. 
It’s always a good feeling in the moment but after, there’s a lingering icky weight that you’re tirelessly towing along with you wherever you go. You’re not sure if Minho feels the same because even though you’ve talked to him a few times, there’s no talk of each other's feelings anymore. It’s not that neither of you are ready for that looming and tender conversation. It’s just as if there’s no point. 
By the time you were out of the shower, Minho was still on the edge of your bed, fully clothed and ready to leave. 
“I’m not making you breakfast,” you say to him, wrapping the towel around your body a little tighter. 
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t expecting you to,” he responds. “I need to talk to you about something.”
“Can it wait until the end of the day, because I need to get ready for work.”
He groans, getting fed up, “surely you can get ready and listen at the same time.” 
You rustle through your drawers for a pair of underwear and bra, “to other people maybe.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“If you want to use the gym, go now,” you instruct sternly, hoping that he’ll just disappear. 
When he detects that he can’t get through to you right now, he gives up. It’s too early to argue, so places his hand on the door handle, opening it for himself to leave and head down to the first floor, leaving you to prepare for another day’s work in peace.
After a quick breakfast, getting dressed and decent, you grab your bags and depart. On your way out, you spot Minho using the weights while you dart past the foyer, briefly thinking about how the time to cut him off is fast approaching. 
You can’t keep doing this. There’s no way to move on if you’re both still latched onto each other's ankles like how kids are with their parents. That need for one another is still present. 
“Who even am I when I’m not with you?” Minho asked you two weeks into sleeping with him again after breaking up. His comment sums up the reason of ‘why you decide to keep running back to each other’.
It’s not a hard statement to understand. You’ve been with Minho for a long time, you’re both still young and haven’t dated anyone else except between yourselves. It’s like being a dog that was never socialised as a puppy, unable to interact with others because it’s not sure how. 
Suppose it’s the fear and anxiety that comes with separating from your favourite person. 
The world and society have become scarier than it previously was and life is not as secure when you’re not with the person who can shield you from those things. There’s no comfort, only pure vulnerability, and what better way to feel protected than to return to a lover even when there’s nothing but a feeble spark that’s left over from what was once a blazing forest fire. 
Seungmin challenges that particular view of yours at dinner with Felix as well after a long day at work. He wanted to see where you were coming from but also because he’s there to force feed you the icy, sobering truth when you don’t want to hear it. 
“If there’s no romance, what’s the point of going back to each other?” he asks. 
“They were dating for years Seungmin, you don’t just get over someone that quickly,” Felix responds instead like he was the one being offended.
Dissimilar to Seungmin, Lix will let you down gently and is afraid to hurt you with the sharp use of words that can be sometimes. 
“Supposedly,” you mutter to yourself knowing full well how fast it was for Minho to just go ahead and fuck someone else after you had broken up. 
“Do you still love him?” Seungmin questions swiftly. 
“No,” you respond promptly. 
“If there was an opportunity to get back together with him, would you go for it?” 
“No,” you answer again. “I couldn’t.” 
Felix blinks, not expecting that answer, “well…then…”
“Then stop seeing him if you know what’s good for you,” Seungmin continues. “Those icky feelings that you get after sleeping with him - not good. That’s the regret you’re experiencing and it’ll never feel any better.”
There’s no crack or fault in his advice. Had you not dished out the truth about the details of your messy breakup before and after, you would’ve still been glued to the same spot. It’s important to have someone humble you, and there’s no better person to do that than Seungmin. 
“Just keep thinking about it, okay? On another note, Hyunjin’s coming back from France next week so we’re having a dinner and drinks,” Seungmin mentions. 
Your mind briefly departs from the subject of your ex, “is he? Has it really been that long?”
“Yeah,” Felix replies, also surprised. “You’re coming right? We’re going to have a few drinks too, and catch up.”
“What time?” You ask.
“Around six,” Seungmin answers. “Does Minho know?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” you shrug, the thought of him returning to your mind once again. “I don’t know if he’d have any interest in going since they’re not friends anymore.” 
Felix recalls that factor, “that’s right. But, if the rest of us are going to be there, we should invite him too, no? Unless it’s too difficult for y-”
“It won’t be difficult,” you reply, punctuating the rest of Felix’s sentence a little too quickly. “He and I can get along for about…ten minutes before things go sour. Plus, I don’t mind not going if he wants to. I can always catch up with Hyunjin another day.” 
“You’re our friend too, remember? Don’t let your asshole of an ex-boyfriend stop you from seeing us. You broke up with him, not us,” Seungmin sends you a powerful reminder. “I’ll have a chat with him so that you don’t have to.”
He has a full understanding that if you and Minho were to attempt another civil conversation, it’ll go haywire and lead to more regret that you don’t need to be feeling right now. It just goes to prove that he’s beyond correct to even assume that fact.
The minute you both try to convey how or what it is that you’re both feeling, tensions boil over. For some reason that tension is only resolved by being bent over the nearest surface and fucking it out together. 
It’s not healthy. 
You go to remind Minho of what he did to you which he hates hearing, not because he denies it but because he does truly feel guilty. His only saving grace to that argument was that you had both technically broken up, meaning there were no ties to one another afterwards. Still, he missed the point of the fact that he hurt you as a result of those actions. It was too fresh to have done that to you.
Even when he recognised that factor, it was hard for him to accept that he actually caused you some form of irreversible emotional harm
However, Seungmin was right in the fact that you broke up with Minho and not your friend which enabled you to leave that dinner feeling a bit better and with a clearer judgement about going forward with a decision to cut all ties with Minho. It wasn’t something to look forward to. 
But what was, is the dinner in the upcoming week. It’s the prime opportunity to see everyone again for the first time in over a month. 
Despite your collection of text messages and calls from the likes of Chan, Jisung, Changbin and others, it was hard to associate yourselves with them in fear that all they’ll do is unintentionally remind you of Minho. It was the same way he felt when he was clearing out his house - not wanting to be around anyone or anything that would refresh his memory of you. 
Now, all you want to do is move on. 
Work had a helping hand in that process. Having been so busy with things piling up, your mind was free from Minho during the day. You were able to focus on tasks instead of wallowing and thinking about whether or not to give him a second chance
If it weren’t for Seungmin texting you the details of the upcoming dinner, work-life would’ve swallowed you up whole and made you forget. 
From Minnie: 6 pm we’re meeting up, Also, just a heads up, Minho said he’s coming. Take it with a grain of salt though bc he might change his mind. 
To Minnie: Thank you :)
You inhale a breath of fresh air. Going to this dinner was necessary whether it was going to be difficult or not. The presence of Minho wasn’t going to stop you from seeing your friends, and with that, you decide to get ready and head straight to the venue. 
The restaurant has a separate open area for functions and tables people can book out. The dim golden lighting brings a warm and cosy vibe to the venue, coupled with a beautiful earthy aroma from reed diffusers distributed around the place and the smell of promised good food. It’s a relatively fancy setting, but not to a degree where you would be denied entry if you didn’t meet a dress code. 
As you walk further down, you can already see Chan and Jisung chatting up a storm in the corner while they wait for the others. It’s a relief that not many people have made it so far in order to keep as low of a profile as possible and to not draw attention to yourself. However, little by little, they will definitely notice you’re there. 
Jisung is the first to spot you, his jaw becomes unhinged as he drags himself out of the booth, speeds over with his face lit up, and throws his arms around you in a bone crushing hug. He nearly squeezes and shifts all of your organs out of place. 
“Do you know how much I’ve missed you?” he exclaims loudly in your ear. 
Chan laughs in the distance at his best friend's behaviour, “let her breathe Jisung.” 
He releases your body for a rush of oxygen to surge back to your brain, “sorry, I just can’t help the fact that I haven’t seen you in a month!” 
“You Facetimed me Jisung,” reminding him of that one and only time you accepted him reaching out to you to see if you were okay. 
“That’s completely different, anyway sit down,” he offers. “I’ll get you a drink.” 
Without wanting to hear any protest from you, Jisung darts off to the bar nearby, ordering a beverage or two. Chan then waves out, ushering you to come and sit before you walk towards the booth. 
“If I had gone another week without seeing you, I’d probably start to forget what you look like,” Chan jokes, patting his hand down on the space of cushion beside him for you to sit. 
“That wouldn’t be such a bad thing,” you respond. 
The second you’re seated, you can already feel Chan’s mind trying to intrude yours. There’s no point in lying to him when he’s akin to one of those Occlumens from Harry Potter, an all knowing person who can hear every one of your thoughts at will. Regardless of the fact that he’s not, it’s his parental nature which exudes that. 
“Going okay?” He asks you. 
You take a deep breath in and sigh out, “I could be worse.”
“You’re still here though,” he responds wisely. “And so are we.” 
Chan never wanted to ask why you never told them or came to them when you first broke up with Minho. They all had to find out through one another then needed to text or ring you to confirm that it was actually real. However, they all knew that you must’ve had your reasons. Naturally, it would’ve been tough to accept let alone leaning on your close friends for support. 
“Thank you,” you respond. 
“Here we go,” Jisung calls out, carefully returning with two different types of cocktails. “They’re both strong as hell so don’t try to choose.” 
“Not that you’d have it any other way right?” you reply, helping him with the glasses as he sits down beside you. 
He pats your head as he goes to sit down and slings his arm around your shoulder, “you know me too well. Anyway, Changbin and Hyunjin are here. He just texted me before.” 
Chan sulks, “what? No! he was supposed to wait until everyone else was here.” 
“To be fair, they were meant to be here twenty minutes ago so Changbin is actually on time,” Jisung responds. “Anyway, how are you missy?” 
“Better now that I’m with you guys,” you answer, giving him a bit of a friendly nudge before leaning into him.
Jisung grins, genuinely relieved on the inside to hear that you are. Not that you have been able to notice, but they were all worried for you at one point. The lack of information regarding your whereabouts or even the state of your well-being was concerning. It was almost like you had dropped off the face of the earth at one point, right up until you finally made the decision to start accepting people trying to contact you. 
Unfortunately for your friends, they had to learn about what you were up to through Minho, and even today, you’re not sure if what he said to them was the truth. Nonetheless, they all knew at the end of the day, if they were ever unsure or suspicious of what he was feeding to them, they were mature enough to come to you to double check. If they were able to get through to you. 
“Good. Now come back and hang out with me because these guys are boring.” 
Chan goes to lift a finger and point across at Jisung to object his statement before Changbin rounds the corner with Hyunjin trailing at his side. 
The last you saw him was some five years ago, just before he went away to an arts’ school in France to study. Now he returns taller with much more cut and distinct features and a head of light brown hair that’s visibly eclipsed his natural jet-black colour. Despite that, he also seems softer or shy when he gives everyone at the table a half smile. 
“Who’d you say was boring?” Changbin prods into the conversation. 
Jisung points up with his beverage in hand, “you and Hyunjin!”
Hyunjin’s eyebrows knit together with worry, “is he drunk already?” 
A bright smile fashions on Changbin’s face when he notices you, “Y//N! Now it’s two welcome home parties!” 
Hyunjin turns to look down at you in surprise, “have you been away as well?”
His question serves as a reminder that he has been relatively out of the loop since he’s been gone – not that you expected him to be fully aware of everything since he probably had better things to do. Hyunjin was still active in the group chat, but none of you prefer to communicate that way when hanging out is the better option. Whilst he’s missed out on a lot of stuff that’s happened, he hasn’t been so oblivious to other things. 
“Not exactly,” you respond awkwardly. “But welcome back by the way.”
He smiles softly, “thank you.”
The get-together officially kicked off when Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix arrived just before the second round of drinks was ordered. Everyone was happy to have Hyunjin back. Even for you, it was nice to see him again after so long – it was nice to see everyone in general. The setting was reminiscent of old times when everyone banded together. Whether it was at karaoke, dinner, a bar, someone’s house, or at some event, it’s always a good feeling when you’re around them. 
It leads you to feel slightly upset that you haven’t seen them in so long. You’ve missed hearing their laughs, their jokes, and the safety that you feel too. But for a very painfully obvious reason, none of it seems to be the same without Minho. 
“Didn’t show up did he?” Seungmin, who had been chatting up a storm with someone at the bar, walks over and takes a seat opposite you at the cornered booth. Just about all of them were alternating from the table to the bar, and a space they’d found to stand up to talk, or in Jisung’s case, dance by himself. 
“Mm,” you mumble. “Which I’m sure is a good thing.” 
He shrugs carelessly but with a small grin, “for your benefit. Not that I’m an expert in relationship problems but I can speak from personal experience.” 
“That’s true,” you respond, remembering that he has in fact had his heart broken a few times by the same person. 
Luckily for him, he’s ceased the chase and gave an account the other day at dinner of how freeing it was to be his own individual. It’s something you can only hope to achieve at this point – to be liberated from that sticky dependency you have on Minho. 
It’s not love that you feel for him anymore, you’re sure of it. But it’s similar to a violent craving. His skin, voice – oh his voice. Everything about his body has you itching under the surface to have him by your side even though things end in a fiery argument, which is usually how it goes. 
It wasn’t love anymore. It was dependency. A type of separation anxiety that fills you up with this icy cold feeling that won’t go away until you specifically have Minho near you. Still, deep down, you knew you didn’t love him anymore. 
“Is Jisung okay?” Hyunjin ticks his head towards his friends’ direction. 
Judging by the fact that Chan was holding a barely conscious Jisung up was a clear indicator that he definitely wasn’t okay. Never has he been able to handle his alcohol well and it was evident by the lack of control over his own body. 
Seungmin looks over concernedly then looks down at his phone to check the time, “shit, I have to take him home too.” 
He abandons you briefly to help out Chan. Both of them collectively agree that Jisung needs to go home or at the very least be removed from the bar to sober up. They take him to an empty table nearby and ask the bartender for some water. Meanwhile, Hyunjin turns a blind eye to the chaos and talks to you instead.
“How have you been Y/N?” He asks. 
“Yeah, good. You? How was France?”
By the look on his face, it was as if your question brought back a whole heap of good memories to the forefront of his mind, “I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.” 
“That’s good to hear,” you reply. “So have you graduated already?” 
“Three months from now I will be,” he answers. “Why? You wanna come watch me walk across the stage over there?” 
You consider his offer, “what if I said ‘yes’ to that?” 
“Then I’d be over the moon,” Hyunjin emphasises then offers a brilliant suggestion that springs into his mind. “In turn, maybe I can show you around France and all the places I went to.”
“Is that a deal then?” 
“Sounds like a solid deal to me,” he responds and whether he was joking or not, either way, it seemed a pleasant idea. 
During the last hour of the dinner, you spent having an in-depth conversation with Hyunjin. From what he got up to in France, what he wants to do in the future, then covered what you’ve been doing as well
The topic of your ex-boyfriend was difficult to navigate, but you managed it well by diverting to another subject. The last thing you wanted to talk about was Minho for fear that the more you think about him, the more you’d want him. 
Then again, you’re reminded once more of the fact that Hyunjin and Minho aren’t friends. He may not have any interest in him whatsoever. But it’s not like they left each other on horrendous terms. Not like how you and Minho did. Plus, it’s hard to see this fresh shade of Hyunjin in front of you, hating anyone he doesn’t like or doesn’t know. 
The Hyunjin from five years ago would’ve held a grudge, but now you can see by his shift in personality, that he’s let it go. 
When it came down to having to leave, everyone seemed to have their own plans. Seungmin would have the misfortune of taking care of Jisung. Felix, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Changbin decided to go bar hopping while they were still stable on their feet and even encouraged you to come with them. It took a lot of convincing to tell them ‘no’ after you were set on heading home to the comfort of your own space.  
Seungmin assured Chan that he was fine to handle Jisung, then thought it would be a polite gesture to accompany your side when you decided to walk home, regardless if it was only a minute's commute from the restaurant. 
“How are you holding up?” Chan addresses the elephant in the room. 
His question could be seen a mile away. It made you wonder if that was the reason he chose to walk you home since his place is in the opposite direction. Although he wasn’t confronting you, that’s exactly what it felt like. 
“Somewhat okay, I suppose,” you answer. 
“No, how are you really? We see Minho all the time. In fact, he won’t leave us alone. But we haven’t seen you,” he responds. “You can still hang out with us you know?” 
“I know that,” you almost whine, especially after offering your ear to Jisung just for him to repeat the same words for over two hours. “I’ve been busy.” 
“I guess being busy is a positive.”
“It’s when there’s nothing to do or I don’t feel good and I don’t have anyone around,” you respond and both come to a halt when you reach the entrance to your apartment building. “That’s the hardest.”
“That’s when you call us,” Chan says strictly. “I know you know this too, but all of us would drop whatever it is that we’re doing to come and help you. Not just Minho, even though I had some reservations about seeing him after what he did.” 
The last parts of his words surprised you. Chan actually thought about cutting Minho off too when he found out what happened…
“So he did tell you everything.”
“Everything,” he confirms. “Including everything that you’ve both been up to now. Like how you still see each other now and then – and not for the reasons I had hoped. So why do you keep seeing him when you want to move on?”
Your eyes narrow at him, “how do you even know that I want to move on?” 
“The fact that you still sleep with him but won’t pursue any sort of communication to get back with him romantically, says a lot Y/N. And I know that because he’s told me,” Chan answers bitterly, but not in a nasty way. “Your body might miss him, but I know your mind doesn’t.”
He’s bitten through the truth which you can’t seem to, his elderly brother-type personality forces you to see reason. You’d be offended if Minho tried to initiate a conversation about wanting to get back together, knowing that he’s not in any position to be making requests after what he did. 
“Why are you telling me all of this?” You ask tiredly. 
“I want what’s best for you,” he says. “Yes, Minho too in some way, but I told him he needed to figure out what he did on his own because I can’t help him with that. That’s his punishment.” 
You supress a laugh, “thank you.” 
Your short talk with Chan made you realise how empty your cup had been since you last saw him – since you last saw all of your friends under one roof. It was rewarding and it felt like home to be near them. However, his words weren’t there for you to just defer from. You had to listen to him. He was right in saying that your body misses Minho but your mind doesn’t because the next time he came around, you swore to yourself that it was going to be the last time you saw him.  
But it needed a conversation, one that you weren’t even sure if you were ready to have, too scared to rip that band aid off. 
As you don your bra back on and shimmy on your underwear that Minho almost tore off, you think of all the possible ways to approach this situation, bearing in mind that it does have the potential to blow up. 
“W-We need to talk,” you stammer, wondering if that’s a good way to start. It’s a start, that’s all that matters. 
Minho stares at you from the other side of your bed, halfway through putting on his t-shirt, “okay, what about?” 
Without any warning, you blurted out what needed to - what must be said, “we should stop seeing each other.”  
Heavy silence drapes over the room, except for the cogs working overtime in Minho’s brain, trying to decode your words could almost be heard. You can most definitely see it on his deadpan face. It illuminates the seriousness of the situation compared to what it was five minutes ago.
“Can you give me some more detail about that?” He requests. 
“I just don’t think it’s healthy that we continue to sleep with each other when we’re not going to get back together,” you inform him. 
“You don’t want to get back together?” Minho poses the long awaited question that hurts to even conjure an answer. 
“Be honest, we’d be together right now if you knew that I was serious about it,” you say truthfully. “I’ll never not love you, but I can’t love you in the way that I used to.” 
The sheer surprise of the conversation made Minho realise that he’s been consuming too much of a good thing. That he actually wasn’t prepared to talk to you about this. It’s been creeping around the back of his mind since you both started seeing each other casually but ignored it so as to spend as much time with you as he could even though you weren’t with him anymore. 
“Look, just…don’t go cold on me, because I do want to talk to you about these things,” you plead with him. 
“Such as?”
“Such as our friends,” you start off. “All of us hang out a lot, but I didn’t want our…breakup to stop either one of us from seeing them. They’re your friends and mine too. I’d hate for us to be driven away from them because we can’t coexist anymore.” 
“Fair enough.” 
You can sense that he’s already starting to shut down. An obvious coping mechanism that’s triggered by something he wasn’t prepared to hear. But while the final shreds of his rationality are still with you in the room, you make haste, and dish out the important points he needs to know.
“We might not ever be friends again even though that’s not what I’m hoping for-“
Minho stands up from the edge of your bed, cutting the rest of your sentence off in the process, “if you’re serious about everything that you just said, then I don’t want to see you text or call me first asking me to come over. This isn’t a one-sided deal that only applies to me, you have to stick to it as well.” 
“This isn’t even a deal Minho. I am telling you not to.” 
“What? Telling me ‘not to’ because you can’t control yourself around me? Fine. I don’t know if you realise this, but the majority of the texts between the both of us, are mainly sent from you - you asking for me, telling me how lonely you are, or how much you miss my body. So don’t start handing out instructions when you’re not going to adhere to them as well.”
There’s a viper-like sting to his words that keeps piercing your resolve. A truthful sting that seeps poison into your blood, making you feel sick and cold. He’s torn you off your high horse for a moment, bringing you back down to earth to realise that it’s not just him who needs to see reason as well.
He had a very strong argument.
Minho sighs and tails more information to his tangent, “look I will do whatever it is that you want me to do. But, if this is what you want, then you can’t deny that it will only work one way.” 
There’s an efflorescence of achiness in your chest. A familiar one that you felt in the early days after breaking up with Minho. It was the same one you would feel whenever you’d have to lock the door to the spare bedroom in his house whenever he bought someone else over. 
It lingers when he finally leaves with the promise of never reaching out to you again, at least for sex because there was no way of avoiding him in the future. That fact was impossible to refute. But this is what breakups consist of. Not one hairline shy off of being messy. It could, though, be much worse. That’s as much you had to be grateful for when you have to start from square one all over again.
Changing things up was necessary. You had already moved out from Minho’s, which there was no choice behind, but that meant new scenery. Different places to peruse in your own time that you hadn’t yet ever since you had moved out
It opened up new opportunities to visit some local things, especially on your way back home from work as you decide to call into a small cafe.  
Soft bossa nova plays calmly in the background as you stand and deliberate on something sweet to take home with you for after dinner. If it weren’t for the many niche options to select from, you would’ve almost missed the voice talking from beside you. 
“I heard the matcha bread is nice here.”
Your surprise gets the better of you, almost forgetting how to speak for a split second when you see a familiar tall figure you met once more from the other week. 
“Hey,” he smiles. “Wanna sit down together?”
You end up ordering yourself a warm drink and a sweet pastry to go while Hyunjin found a small table right in the crook of the cafe. His sudden appearance was rather pleasant, allowing you to divert from your own thoughts for a bit. Plus, it’s always nice to sit and chat with a friend. 
“I thought you might’ve been here to meet up with one of the others,” you say to him. 
Hyunjin nods, putting his coffee down, “I just spent the last couple of hours helping Changbin buy clothes just down the road at one of the shopping centres, so that’s where I came from.”
You smile, “well he trusts you more than the others in that department.”
“As he should,” Hyunjin grins softly. “How are you?” 
“I’m well, I just finished work and was heading home,” you respond.
“I’m not keeping you from going am I?” He asks politely.
“No, not at all,” You quickly exclaim. “The longer I stay, the more of an excuse I have not to do the mountain of things I need to for work.” 
Hyunjin chuckles, “well, as long as it doesn’t get you into trouble with your colleagues.”
“I should be fine,” you hope. 
“You know, when I think about it, you and I never really spoke that much back then,” he points out. “I only just realised that from last week when I saw you again.” 
His comment makes you think back too
Hyunjin was definitely part of your friend group, but not one who you would hang out with individually or with another person. He was just there, almost like he was known to you by association. Aside from the fact that he’s well-mannered and kind, the only aspect of his personality that seemed to have changed is how boisterous he used to be.
Although, that’s to be expected when people mature and cross the bridge from adolescence to adulthood. 
“True enough,” you reply and start snickering when you remember something funny. “But I have good memories of you though. Like when you threw that bottle at Jisung.”
Hyunjin’s eyes nearly pop out of his head, “I remember that. I could’ve killed him with that too.”
“Or when Chan had to pull you up from the train tracks because you fell off the platform and got stuck,” you add on.
“Most of those memories seem to have some type of mortal peril attached to it,” Hyunjin discovers. 
“You were young,” you remind him tenderly. “They make for the best memories anyway.” 
He agrees, staring into a space on the table as he reminisces, “true. So much has changed since I got back. I feel like I’ve missed out on growing up with you all even though we were just teenagers back then and adults now.” 
“Maybe, but we’re still young though and some have more growing up to do than others,” you hint very cryptically at one person who automatically springs to mind. “So don’t feel sad that you’ve missed out when there’s still a lot for us out there.” 
Hyunjin sits a bit more comfortably knowing that. As you both continue to talk, he realises how much you’ve changed yet somehow remained the same. You grew into your features, enhancing what was already there to a finer degree. Your looks were Hyunjin’s first impression of you when you first met as devious young teenagers. 
That was before he discovered that you are as kind and cool as you come across. But you were just distant friends back then. Now, Hyunjin detected a space for that to potentially change. He wanted to get to know the friend he hung out with here and there.
Even though time threatened to cut the starting opportunity short, it was still a start nonetheless, and Hyunjin was confident that there would be other times to arrive as well. So as the baristas begin cleaning up behind the counter and around the cafe, both you and Hyunjin took it as a sign that it was probably time to head off. You both take your belongings, thank the staff on your way out and head into the night. 
“Y/N,” Hyunjin says to you. “We should get coffee again sometime.” 
You nod, “I’d love that. I still have your number.” 
“So do I,” he replies. “What way are you heading?” 
“I’m just literally around the corner, not even a minute away,” you answer. 
“Okay, I’ll look forward to your text then,” he says. 
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thecrystalquill · 3 months
Hi again!
after a lot of thinking, i would like to ask you to write for Percy Jackson. Like a cute winter day or something where Reader and Percy just do cute stuff together.
maybe they cook/bake together, idk. if you need more to this you can tell me and i'll try to think of something more to add.
I went with Apollo!reader bc I’m biased. Hope you like it :) also very excited for my first post in the pjo fandom!
Also I’d like to thank my adhd for allowing me to write about my favourite demigods more accurately lmao (bless uncle Rick for making them like me 🥲)
(Book) Percy Jackson x Apollo!reader fluff
It was December. Persephone had been long reunited with her husband, and her mother - still bitter about their arrangement - let the world know of her sadness.
There was snow at Camp Halfblood, and the demigods who remained were enjoying it fantastically. All except the remaining children of cabin seven. With the sun weak and the weather cold, they seemed to slump about with low energy, no matter how they tried. Seasonal depression was often a little worse for children of the sun.
Which was why (Y/N) was glad to have Percy.
“What’s going on? Where’re we going?” She asked, letting him drag her by the arm through the snowy paths.
“Well, if I told you it kinda wouldn’t be a surprise.” He grinned that big stupid smile he reserved for occasions like this. He pulled her towards the kitchen, eager to see her reaction.
They entered the kitchens and (Y/N) saw before her a table arranged with bowls, utensils, and more ingredients than she could imagine using in a single recipe, along with three cook books all open at different pages. “We’re…baking?” She asked, kicking off the snow from her boots before she approached the display.
Percy rolled his eyes. “Oh, actually it’s a science experiment - I thought we’d have a try at making a bomb.” He sassed, ignoring the light slap to his arm and instead opted to help his girlfriend out of her coat. “I thought we could make a pie?” He explained, though it sounded more like a question.
(Y/N) smiled; it was times like this that she felt so lucky to have someone like him. “What kind?”
Turning to the pantry, Percy rummaged through for options, coming up with a bag of apples, a sack of peanuts, three oranges, and a black banana. “Uh… apple and cinnamon?”
At that moment, it could be a mud pie for all she cared. “Sounds perfect.”
Within ten minutes, they’d gotten everything together and started on the dough. Flour, water, salt, sugar, and butter. Easy.
“Why is it so… gooey?” Said Percy with dough stuck all around his fingers. “Am I not kneading it enough?”
(Y/N) looked into the bowl to assess the problem. The consistency was definitely off. “Maybe just add some more flour?” She suggested, grabbing a handful from the paper bag at her side to throw in the bowl. Only, she also threw about half of it all over his jeans.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, jumping back and almost dropping the bowl. He pushed as much of the sticky dough off his hands and grabbed some flour to throw back before she could defend herself.
“What’re you doing? Stop!” She squeezed, but laughed despite the powder on her shirt.
He did as she said, but the mischievous spark in his eye remained.
When the crust dough looked… good enough, they split it in half and rolled it to the size of the pie dish. They chopped and sugared the apples as the recipe said in the blue (or was it the red?) cook book, and Percy added the cinnamon until his heart told him to stop. (Y/N) mixed the filling while he preoccupied himself with decorating the edges of the crust. Her eye wandered as she stirred and listened to Percy talk about fun words he’d heard of in German (how did they get onto that topic, anyway?), until she saw an open cupboard with a tub of food dyes. Curiosity got the better of her, and she snuck a peak while her boyfriend was distracted. Red, purple, yellow, pink, green… why did they even have so many?
She grabbed two and sneakily poured them in - maybe a little too much, but Percy wouldn’t be distracted for much longer - and took her chance while Percy adjusted the oven. In the filling went, and she hurriedly covered it with the pie top.
“Hey, that was fast.” Percy complimented, unaware of the sly adjustment to the mix. “Just gotta put some holes in it and glaze the top with milk and sugar.” He smiled and picked up a fork.
“I’ll do it.” (Y/N) said, and Percy was more than willing to let her, happy to see the beautiful smile on her lips.
When the pie was finally in the oven, they let out a breath and leaned against the messy table. “Do you have a timer?” She asked.
Percy looked around but came up empty handed. “Nope. But it’s fine, the book says thirty minutes. We’ll remember.”
Famous last words.
Forty-eight minutes later, they scrambled to open the door and hoped with fingers crossed that it wasn’t burnt. Fortunately, luck was on their side; the edges were too brown and the top had started to darken more than the recommended golden colour, but it was salvageable.
The pie was sat on a wooden serving tray in front of them, and the couple pulled up some chairs. They’d worked up quite the appetite.
(Y/N) pulled out a knife from a draw and handed it over. “Would you do the honours?” She asked, and Percy bowed his head as he took it.
He licked his lips a little as the knife cut through the crumbling crust, and proudly pulled back the slice to see its sweet appley insides, chunky and sugary and… brown? “What the hell? Why’s it look like that?!”
(Y/N) looked around to see from his view and groaned. “Aw dam,” she sighed loudly, “I tried to make it blue.”
“You did?” Percy asked, and smiled anyway when he saw the frown on her lips. “That’s okay, it’s the thought that counts. Let’s just try it.” He said as he reached for some forks and handed one over.
They tapped their forks together and tried it at the same time. For a moment, it tasted pretty good.
And then that moment ended.
“Why does it taste like that?” (Y/N) said with a scrunched face.
“I don’t know! We followed the recipe…” Percy reached for the book and checked the ingredients. “See - five cups of flour, a pinch of sugar, two teaspoons of salt—“
“Woah, how much?” (Y/N) interrupted.
Percy held up the green book in his hands. “That’s what it says. Page thirty-one, ingredients—“
He was right, (Y/N) realised, the book did say that. Only, it was the wrong book. “Oh, Percy, that book’s green.” She said, and Percy looked at her in clear confusion, until she held up the book in front of them and one to her right “The ones we were comparing was the blue one and the red.”
Percy’s eyes widened comically large and he gasped. “Then what did I…” he flicked back a page to read the description. “Aw man, this is for a sea salt bread!”
“Yeah, ew!” He groaned and banged his head on the table in a clear display of hopelessness. “I’m sorry.” Percy grumbled weakly, sounding beyond disappointed.
(Y/N) sympathetically placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a little squeeze. “Why’re you sorry?”
“I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Percy muttered, still with his head on the wooden surface.
“Hey,” she said, easing him to lift his head up and look up at her with his big, sad eyes. He had flour smeared on his forehead from the still messy table, and she giggled while dusting it off. “You did. We had fun.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I guess. But the pie sucks.”
Pausing for a second, (Y/N) opted to pick up her fork and take another bite, ignoring his protests. “It’s not so bad the second time.” She said. Sure, the crust was salty and crumbly, and a little burnt, and the filling was an unappealing green-brown, but she’d had worse. She scooped up another forkful and put it to Percy’s lips, waiting for him to take a bite.
He wrapped his lips around the offering, and tried not to think about the salt or the strong cinnamon flavour. “I guess it’s… okay.” He said, and he smiled at her gesture.
He hasn’t expected her to laugh at him, though.
“What?” He asked, frowning in confusion yet again, only making her laugh more. “What?”
The sight of a clueless Percy Jackson, with flour on his face and brown-coated teeth, was one she’d give a fortune to have on camera. “Y-you- you look like you ate sh—“ she managed before she was cut off by more laughter. If she wasn’t already sat down, she would have collapsed already from the near violent laughs taking over her body. Tears streamed down her face, and her stomach hurt like she’d done a minute-long plank, and she’d started laughing so hard that no sound even came out anymore.
Percy couldn’t help but laugh too, harder and harder each minute, until they were both exhausted and heavily meaning in the table for support. “This whole day was a disaster.” He chuckled and shook his head.
(Y/N) moved forward to cup his floury face in her hands. “Not at all - it was perfect.” She swore, and thanked him with a sweet, cinnamon flavoured kiss.
It was the best date they’d had in a while - sweet kisses were the perfect ending - and the clean up could wait until after. They’d remember.
The camp’s snowman building contest was interrupted an hour before dinner by a scream from the kitchen.
It might be best to skip dinner that night…
Thank you for requesting :) what did you think?
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lightlycareless · 22 days
I feel like this is soooooo Y/N and Naoya coded
It feels like it’s happen for the Y/N and Naoya that we’re in the secret relationship or something X3 Hehe I just thought it was super cute. I find myself going out of my way to find cute couples videos just to imagine and Y/N and Naoya 😝
Omg this is sooo cuteeeeeee!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I didn't want to say it out loud in fear of being judged but yes, this is exactly how I envision them to be when completely alone, and Naoya in need of being pampered hehehe
Naturally, had to write something :) Hope you enjoy it!
warnings: none. fluff. highschool AU. Naoya is deeply in love with you. maybe hints of something more intimate but you barely notice it; unless you're a pervert like me.
Happy reading!
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Imagine comforting Naoya after a long, tedious week of exams, projects, both practical and theorical—simply continuous scrutiny by teachers and clan elders alike to the point where your boyfriend just wanted to disappear and forget about everything once he was done.
Well, make you help him forget about everything. Nuzzling against your chest as your arms wrapped him in a warm embrace, gently reminding him of all the things he already knew he was, but never minded hearing them again from your lovely voice.
“Hmm, it must’ve been an exhausting week, huh, Naoya-kun?” you cooed, hand delicately threading his soft black locks—he’s been so busy, he’s barely gotten time to dye his roots; Though you’d never tell him that out of the two, you preferred his natural color. “My poor boyfriend…”
“It’s been awful, princess.” He groans against your chest, gently squeezing your sides. “I don’t want to be anywhere else but here from now on.”
“Did you miss me, baby?”
“So, so much…” Naoya sighs, leaning deeper into your chest and taking in your scent—that lovely, sweet perfume he once admitted to greatly enjoy; and ever since, it’s all you wore. “You’re all I thought about, my beautiful mochi… I love you so much I’d rather be die than to be away from you.”
“I love you too, Naoya.” You blush, hugging him tighter against you. “My busy, talented, hardworking heir of a boyfriend.”
“You can say that again…” He says, never one to cower away from being complimented; or more like reminded of his greatness.
“There’s no one better than you. My boyfriend is the best sorcerer in the whole school—no, whole country!” you continue on, with Naoya lifting his gaze to you, eyes softening as you declare your heart’s greatest happiness. “He’s handsome, funny, and generous. He always knows what to do to make me happy and there’s no one in the whole world I’d rather be with than him!
But most importantly, he’s all mine.”
“Hmmm, you certainly know how to get me in the mood.” He murmurs while leaning even closer to you, enough so that his lips were just a few centimeters away; his breath over your skin. “I wouldn’t mind hearing more of what you have to say if so…”
“How about I show you instead…?” you respond, moving forward to finally place your lips over his, taking him in a kiss that felt as if it were the first time; such things were to happen after going on an eternity without seeing one another.
All you’ve gotten were a few glimpses here and there across the hallways before Naoya dove right back into his tests and you onto your projects. So hectic, you couldn’t even have lunch together—a complete nightmare!
But hindrances like these only made your fated reunion much sweeter as seen in the soft yet passionate way in which Naoya nibbled at the bottom of your lip before moving towards your mouth, slipping his tongue within and intertwining it with yours, causing you to gently moan in response, much to his pleasure and excitement.
Ah, after a long week, there was nowhere else he wished to be than here, with you, doing this—a small taste of the future that awaited him alongside you, if you so desired. His life after work unfolding like this:
You, his princess, patiently waiting in the home he’d get for you, or the Zen’in estate (depends of what you want—he’s already set his eyes on an apartment anyways) for his return. A warm smile on your lips as you welcome him with open arms, ready to wash away all his stresses with those kisses he can never get enough of; and perhaps a bit more.
From there, a warm meal. Getting to sit down with you and complain of the stupidities he’s already predisposed to expect from work, though he won’t burden you much with them, preferring to spend his time with you doing something else—entirely different.
And finally, at the end of the day, laying beside you. Tightly holding you against him as he once again takes in your comforting scent; there’s no doubt in Naoya’s mind that you’ll do everything in your power to receive him appropriately, if you know what he means. A wonderful way to end the night.
God, why can’t life be like that already? Why does he have to go through tedious ordeals just to spend a few measly hours of the day with you?
Naoya would give everything  in the world to be completely alone with you and do all the things he’s been playing with in his mind—
And save himself from the following humiliation.
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” A whiny shriek, so loud that could probably be heard from all the way to the other side of the school, is suddenly heard; making the two freeze on the spot, eyes peeled wide open as you question whether to turn around and face the culprit or remain there, as if keeping still would make them go away.
But that wasn’t to happen, of course not! If anything, acting the fool would only worsen the situation, and such, you and Naoya slowly begin to turn into the direction of the shriek, to be received with the horrifying, blood curling sight of Suguru and Satoru intensely staring at the two—admiring a part of your relationship they weren’t supposed to know of!
“AHAHAHAHA What are you two doing glued together like that?!??!” Satoru continues to jest, dramatically laughing at the two in hopes of further embarrassing them.
And it would’ve worked had it been any other occasion; with you reacting shyly, too startled to do anything else but cower behind your boyfriend and let him deal with the problem.
Not today, though. For you were too annoyed from being kept away from Naoya for a whole week. Too uninterested in playing coy this time yet motivated enough to put Satoru back in his place once and for all.
“Don’t you have manners?!” You shrieked, pulling yourself away from Naoya and angrily heading onto the pair. “Of course not, you’re just an arrogant idiot!”
“Hey—hey, Y/N-chan! No need to get your panties in a twist!” Satoru laughs, finding the sight of you, someone way shorter than him attempting to scold him, hilarious. “I was just teasing!”
“And you couldn’t just keep walking, could you?! You always have something to say about every little thing that crosses your path!” you continue. “God, why are you so annoying?! At least Suguru has the decency to not be a jerk like you!”
Kind of. Suguru thought just about the same as Satoru, only that he was much more skilled in keeping it hidden.
And approaching the situation with tact.
“If you didn’t want to be caught then maybe don’t do that in the common room?” Suguru suggests. You frown.
“I’m not going to let you losers tell me where to be and what to do with my boyfriend!” You cry. “That’s why you guys will remain single forever! Because you don’t know anything about love!”
“Pfft, what?!” Satoru scoffs. “You’re so silly; do you even hear yourself?”
“You don’t have to worry about us, Y/N. It’s not like we’re planning on stealing your busy boyfriend.” Suguru says—so much for not being a jerk!
“Oh, Naoya-kun, you’re the best sorcerer ever!” Satoru plays along.
“You always know how to get me in the mood, princess."
“I missed you so so much, pookie!!”
“I just want to stay with you like this forever!”
“You—You idiots!!!!”
Instigated by their jests, you reach out for whatever you had in hand and throw it at Gojo, followed by frantic punches against his chest (which he only felt as tickles, of course—mostly amused by your antics) and curses that eventually led Naoya to act by grabbing you from the shoulders and pulling you away.
“Let me go, Naoya! These idiots need to know to leave me alone!” You argued, trying to free yourself from his hold.
“Y/N, they’re not worth it.” Naoya responds, though he won’t deny that seeing this protective side of yours was doing things to him.
“You could be kissing me, mochi!! Hm??!” Satoru making kissy noises effectively pushes you over the edge.
“That’s it, you’ve done it!!”
“—Alright, that’s enough now.” Geto intervenes this time around by pulling Gojo away from you, just before you could injure him. Not that you could, but he’s never seen this kind of determination from you before, nor does he want to put it to the test.
Besides, there’s always this lingering threat that where an upset Y/N, an angrier sibling appears, and that’s the last thing this situation needed.
“Stop it, Satoru—you’ve done enough.”
“Ah, Suguru!! I was just getting to the best part!”
“I’m sure they were too.”
“Suguru!” You accuse.
“We won’t disturb you anymore, lovebirds. Just be sure to be safe.” Suguru teases one last time.
“Or the Zen’in will have another member!” Satoru adds.
“You—” but before you could add anything else, they were gone.
It was unfair how the two always managed to escape just before they could face any real trouble, having a peculiar talent to come along, always know what to say to stir the pot, and leave unscathed, with the victims of their teasing being the ones forced to deal with their actions.
Well, if this is how it always went, then there was no reason to break your head trying to outsmart them. Not when you could easily spend all your energy in continuing where you and your boyfriend were left off, if not in a better disposition after Naoya got to see what your ire could do.
Something he’ll have to exploit later on, right after dealing with your persistent anger.
“Those idiots can never leave me alone!” You breathe, still furious and embarrassed by their antics. “They’re only jealous of me! It’s not my fault that they’re such idiots no one wants to date them.”
“Well, not everybody is as lucky as me.” Naoya smoothly adds, quickly overturning your emotions and making you blush.
“I’m glad you’re not like them.” You smile, walking over to him. “Kind of.”
“Kind of?” Naoya raises an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, nothing.” You giggle, acting coy.
“Ah, no you’re not.” And in one swift movement, Naoya places his hands behind your legs, picking you up and subsequently making you squeal. You hide your face in the crook of his neck soon after, unwilling to be exposed yet again. “And I’m not letting you down until you tell me.”
“Stop it! Someone is going to—someone is going to see us!” you fret, unwilling to go through that whole ordeal again. “Naoya!”
“Then you know what to do, princess.” He smirks, kissing the top of your head.
“I’ll tell you if we go somewhere private… please.”
“Really?” He asks. “And how do I know you’re not doing this to distract me, hm?”
Your only response comes from a stare, with those doe eyes that immediately have him wiping the reason of his annoyance out of his mind, not that it was affecting him much either way. Naoya was too enamored to care beyond you.
“My dorm or yours?” he eventually suggests, and you lean in to kiss him, a promise to continue off from where you were once interrupted.
There was much work to do, after all. All his stresses to deal with, which thankfully, had you, a loving girlfriend, to do so.
Naoya just hopes you’re prepared to take it.
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It's the second time I've made Gojo and Geto appear out of the nowhere to pester out favorite couple, I gotta think they're doing it on purpose.
I mean, maybe; seems very in character for Satoru at least 🤣 and on that note, I'm very glad I got to write a angry Y/N; I've always wanted to do something where she's all defensive of Naoya and he's totally into it. I had another thing written somewhere with the same topic, not sure if I'm going to finish it though...
Anyways, thank you so much for sending in this!!! omg it was so sos sosososo cute I love it, Naoya reduced to nothing but putty in Y/N's hands. oitajkhjakjhgjkasg he's been completely converted to a SIMP and I will not accept any other opinion stating the contrary :)
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon... and more of these adorable videos 😭😭😭❤️❤️ UGH I NEED MORE.
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tzuchuyu · 2 months
hair dye.
short dabi fic! 💌 fluff, sfw, and black hair dye basically
To be loved is to let his hairdye stain your shirt.
♠️. ୭ ˚.⁺⊹ .ᐟֶָ ⋆
It’s not every day that you see Dabi, the all too known infamous villain, sitting on your bathroom counter along with his cheap hair dye that he probably acquired by “borrowing” from a random supermarket down the street.
Faint music plays from the living room.
It isn’t really known to everyone that Dabi isn’t a raven head. However, you’ve seen it all before. How he left a supposed nursery into ashes and was left to the streets. You soon learned that the man you saw with those unique burns was Dabi—Touya. You met Touya. You hear him say that he was not looking for friends, “I don’t need your help or your pity.”
But you didn’t see him like that.
and he laughed.
The look on your face was a mix of emotions when you see him stumble across your door. It was years later when you’ve seen the boy again.
He presented himself as Dabi.
You don’t remember his scars looking this bad. His hair is new, but his face remains stoic as ever. The look on his eyes isn’t as soft as before. You reckon how his demeanor was more soft, as both of you were children back then.
He was sixteen yet he was also thirteen.
Dabi would swing by often— encounters like this aren’t uncommon.
You’d come home to less papers on the coffee table and your bedsheets are made after you’ve left them unkept due to running with time.
You don’t expect much but still, it’s the things like these that matters.
Only time could tell what would blossom between the two of you. He was blunt, but he can’t escape what makes his stomach turn in a way nothing and no one else can.
With everybody watching, he hopes he’s trying his best to keep you away from everything, from the horror of it all.
For the first time, Dabi finds the only one he’s certain with all the uncertainties.
He stares at you from the mirror he’s facing. Holding up a brush in his right hand and parting the overgrown roots of his white hair.
“You can’t keep dying your shit forever, you know.” leaves your lips as he’s raising one brow at you.
After a pause, “Well, of course. I don’t want to suffer forever.” follows.
You come up to him to check if he has covered all of his hair behind.
“What do you think?” says Dabi.
“It isn’t half-assed.. but I still think you look better with white.”
Dabi rolls his eyes before saying “Pfft, what are you? A man who imagines his girlfriend walking through the aisle?”
You show off a smile.
Sometimes, he would tell you stories about how the dye rolls down his neck when it hits contact with rain.
and sometimes, he tells you how his group was getting kinda irritated at him because he keeps dripping the black dye everywhere.
He swears he washes it thoroughly, though.
You would believe it if it wasn’t for the random stains you would find in your small apartment.
How the bathroom countertop is stained with black ink. How the color of his hair would leave stains in towels, clothes, and even pillows. Where you could find smudges in your cabinets and tables from the stains in his hands —
And how you’re laughing with him and he has the urge to pull you closer, never minding the dripping dye that sits on his hair.
If it was anyone, they would probably get mad for the mess he’s making.
But this is you. It’s you who he kisses and leaves a black smudge on your cheeks that came from his palm. It’s your t-shirt he accidentally holds and stains. It’s your smile that he sees after pulling back. It’s your laugh he hears after you notices what he’s done.
“Shit. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, It’s okay, It’s okay. I don’t mind, Touya.”
This apartment screams his name. And you wouldn’t trade that for anything.
To be loved is to let his hairdye stain your shirt. Each smudge is a fragment and mark of the moments you’ve shared. You wouldn’t mind having faint black dye in your home if it isn’t Touya the reason for this chaos.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i don’t know honestly, but i saw this prompt from tiktok and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since + it suits touya 🤫
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writeyouin · 10 months
How would mtmte Miminus, Thunderclash and Swerve react to the liaison(who has a crush on the bots but the bots are oblivious but maybe like them back) dying their hair their color scheme?(kinda in the style of rainbow hair) Also, I adore you and sorry if I misread any of your rules! 💜 Stay safe!
MTMTE Bots X Reader Headcanons - Oblivious
A/N - I peeked at the vote results early by voting once myself. I have zero patience. So, since it's a mix of headcanons and fics, I'm gonna go through my inbox and do a few asks as headcanons and save the rest for fics. Oh, also I missed out Thunderclash, just 'cos I'm less familiar with him and I haven't read the comics in a while.
Warnings - None.
Rating - T
Minimus Ambus
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You work with Minimus a lot, reporting to him on Megatron's behaviour.
He was used to your previous hair colour, red and blue with a few white streaks.
What a coincidence that you should dye it green, black, and blue just as he is becoming more comfortable going about his tasks without the Magnus armour.
"Do you like my new hairstyle?" You ask him, quietly hinting that it's him you really like.
"It's in line with regulation, so it's more than adequate."
Honestly, you didn't know there were hair regulations until Minimus said that. You should have guessed. He is meticulous after all.
You thought you were being direct, but you'll have to be more to the point if you want this boyyo to notice you.
"I thought it would be nice to match you."
You think you can hear Minimus' cooling fans click on.
"Yes, well," He clears his vocaliser. "I am proud to have been a positive influence on you."
He hastily finds an excuse to look away from you, staring pointedly at his beloved paperwork.
It's only when he sees you practising your handwriting to be more in line with his that he thinks he might be feeling something akin to love.
Nope, no, not love. Probably just a spark infection. He'll see Ratchet to make sure his systems are functioning optimally later.
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Swerve notices the change in your hair and clothes immediately. He always notices the things you do.
Oh wow... Do you even realise that you match his colour scheme now? Probably not. This was likely just a happy accident.
Oh, if Swerve could match you, he would.
He likes to imagine those happy couples on Earth with the same Christmas jumpers on, and you would send a card to everyone you knew. There would be a dog of course, and three children, all in the same outfits, and- did you say hi to him? Primus! He'd been so far off in his fantasy that he'd completely blanked you.
"Do you like dogs?" He asked point blank, forgetting himself momentarily. He's checking for accuracy. If not, he's going to change the fantasy pet to a cat.
"Sure," You grin. "Dogs are cute."
You've got up to the bar now.
"Your hair looks nice," He says after a minute, smiling softly. "I really love you- IT! THE HAIR! Not- Not you. I love your hair. It's nice that we match, 'cos like, orange is a good colour, which is why it's my paint job, so it's good to see you like it too, 'cos you match me- Wait, did that sound arrogant? It did, didn't it!"
Now he's spiralling. He's trying to wave off the embarrassment and he's knocked some energon on you.
"Shoot," You say, though you're not too upset, it's just a mild annoyance. "I don't have any other orange clothes. Guess we won't match any more."
You want to match him? Even when he was such a glitch. Swerve has hearts in his optics.
Okay, he's working up the nerve to ask you out. He's gonna do it. Just give him like a month to build up the courage.
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yuurei20 · 9 months
Hello! I'm wonder what is known about the suits of cards on the faces of the students from the Heartslabyul?
Hello hello! Thank you for this question! I think the most information about the suit symbols might come from the Magical Archives Game Guide:
"The symbols on the students’ faces are magically applied by the housewarden when they are accepted into the dormitory, who decides what their symbol will be. After that initial application, the students apply their own symbol themselves via either make-up or magic." - Twisted Wonderland Magical Archives Game Guide (2020)
(Update: this has recently been confirmed in-game!)
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Since Riddle became housewarden in his first year this seems to mean that he might not have decided the symbols for the current 2nd years or for Cater and Trey, but he did assign Ace's and Deuce's!
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This information doesn't seem to track with certain, in-game scenes like Riddle's and Ace's ceremonial robes vignettes where Ace is wearing the heart-shaped makeup before he has been assigned to Heartslabyul, but this is likely just a limitation of the visual-novel medium.
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Another example of users being asked to use their imaginations to compensate for the limitations of the sprites comes up in Phantom Bride, where Idia describes the outfits of Riddle, Rook, Ace and Epel as "burnt and tattered," "ripped" and "sweaty," when in game they do not look any different than usual.
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(Though we do get a chance to see what it is that Idia is seeing in his Suitor Suit groovy!)
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Since the creator's original intent maybe couldn't be reflected in the game (possibly due to technical limitations), it seems like it would be fine to go with whatever explanation you prefer for, for example, fanfic purposes, as the sprites themselves might just not be able to reflect the official explanation, which makes what is technically "canon" into something of a paradox.
Other things that Yana mentions in the guidebook are: ・Jade and Floyd being bio-luminescent in their eel forms (which we have yet to see in the game) ・Sebek trying to grow his hair out so that he can style it all back (which has not been mentioned in any in-game dialogue) ・Rook often wearing gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints (while he is usually wearing gloves, there is no in-game explanation about why) ・Lilia dyeing his hair (it is explained that his natural hair color is black and he changes the color depending upon his mood, so it is not always pink, but this has yet to come up in the game)
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As for what we have actually seen in the game, we know that the suits are capable of changing color!
Ace's heart is black for his ceremonial robes and Playfulland looks, gold for Fairy Gala IF and silver for the Platinum series, while Deuce's is blue for the Rabbit Fes event, Trey's is silver for the Platinum series and Cater's is black for his ceremonial robes.
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imasoftieforbarb · 11 months
Floyd x a old timey singer (I’m talking like flapper type girl<feather boa’s, the iconic slim black dresses and jet black hair!!> Maybe she’s monochrome or black and white bc of her music taste!)
NAYWAYS feel free to go WILD with these!! Any scenarios you’d like!! And if you’d like you can throw ur own spin of them!! Tysm!! Take care!!
-nurse anon🏩
Nurse anon your ideas are MY DRIVING FORCE! Please keep sending them in <3
I loved writing this one, the others should be done today too!
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Floyd with an Oldies! Singer:
He likes oldies music
I like to imagine that maybe grandma liked to listen to oldies
So he’s familiar with the genre
BUT he’s never met someone who sings them
He’s shocked when he finds out that you’re colour blind- specifically you can only see black, white and greys
Though he decides that it makes sense due to the fact you don’t really match your outfits (colour wise)
He tries to describe colours to you but ends up giving up for a bit
To him you look amazing- your various flapper dresses
(though he can admit that he gets the most flustered when you wear your red shorter one)
The little heels you wear- he didn’t even know trolls wore shoes- you have explained to him that they’re for dancing- but he’s still convinced you want to be taller than him
All your accessories? He’s obsessed!
If you make your own music and songs he buys a phonograph so y’all can listen to it together
Low-key wants to learn how to do the Charleston but gets confused what to do with his hands
He likes to buy you things that remind him of you
A beaded handbag with tassels? He’s thinking of the time you complained about not having enough room in your little purse you carry
You find it on your bed that night with him smiling sheepishly
He leaves your house grinning with a dreamy look and bright red lipstick marks all over his face
He will learn some sort of dance with you- he is determined!
He finally discovers how to describe colours to you (though it is inconvenient)
“Floyd- what do the colours look like?”
“You remember the time John Dory cooked that apple pie-!”
It was rainbow tie dye and you wore that like it was the most fashionable item ever
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syuga-s · 5 months
who do you blame?
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w.c. 11.9k pairing. Yoongi x fem!reader, Taehyung x fem!reader genre. hello again ANGST, slight smut, romance a/n. NSFW MDNI !!! curse words, alcohol, sexual content (just fingering this time),, i may or may not have a second part to this fic 😼 ENJOY pookies <3
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Don’t know if I can call it insomnia if I literally sleep at this hour all the time.
I want to dye my hair black again.
But this restlessness feels different.
Maybe that third cup of coffee’s doing its thing.
I was so close to having a panic attack; I did cry, though. And I still want to for a variety of reasons.
I’ve been thinking about a lot of things this week. I really want to see Yoongi like, right now. That’s how I know I’m not doing well.
Lately, I’ve been pondering the idea of resentment and how it means that envy is the emotion you’re feeling. At first, I dismissed it because how do you go from one emotion to a completely different one? But hell maybe they’re right.
I may envy people and their ability to forget how someone else made them feel. Or how they’re able to just overlook someone’s actions. Because I can’t do that. I take everything to heart.
How can you not when those actions were directed at you? Even though I’m used to excusing them and saying, “maybe they’re going through something big, and I just got the short end of the stick,” “maybe they didn’t actually mean it,” or the great, “maybe you’re not the only one that they treated like that, don’t feel so special.”
Alright, but why does it have to happen? Is it that tough to be considerate of someone’s feelings?
Good thing I haven’t texted Yoongi. I’m pretty sure I’m having a weak moment.
Do I want to keep up with that mess? Because that’s what it is.
I just can’t stop thinking about him. I think I miss him. But I refuse to be the one that reaches out for him this time. I’m still pondering if I genuinely miss him or if I’m just fucking lonely again.
Pretty sure it’s the second one.
At the same time, I wish he would grow up more and be ready for something serious.
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“Sooooo… I dyed my hair again last night,” you confessed to Gemma on the phone. She was on her way to your house to pick you up because tonight you two were attending a concert.
Your best friend sighed, and you could practically imagine them rolling their eyes. “What color is it this time?” Gemma sounded exasperated, but she wasn’t; it didn’t even surprise her anymore. All her concerns were how you managed to not fry your hair whenever you wanted another makeover.
“I guess it looks kind of black?” You muttered and pressed your lips while you waited for your friend to say something.
“UGH, I can’t wait to see you!,” “you better be ready too because I’m hungry, and you know our pho place closes early!”
“I know, I know. Surprisingly, I AM ready; I’m just looking for my keys.”
This was your and Gemma’s ritual almost every Friday or Saturday night, depending on your plans. Tonight, it was Friday, and you had your usual king size pho, talking about work, your hair on this occasion, and most importantly, the band you were going to watch in a few hours.
You forgot to mention how you’ve been feeling about Yoongi. You thought that conversation could be saved for another time.
As soon as you arrived at the venue, the band came out.
It was one of these L.A. indie bands that both of you discovered this same year. Whenever Gemma was over at your place, you always ended up watching their music videos, fawning over the vocalist. So, when you found out they were doing a concert soon, you knew you had to be there.
It lasted around an hour, which was a little underwhelming compared to the other concerts you’ve attended. Still, all was forgotten because that damn vocalist was as dreamy as you imagined.
When the concert ended, Gemma and you found yourselves a table to keep talking over drinks. You didn’t count on Sam, one of your other friends, calling and telling you she was coming over.
You didn’t usually mixed your plans, but it felt kind of inevitable tonight.
You also thought the place felt kind of dead and guessed it wouldn’t hurt to have more people with you.
Sam arrived with her brother’s girlfriend. Before anything else could be said, they both said, “This place is dead.”
“What were you doing in here?”
You laughed at the confused expression your friend had on her face. She knew you were at a concert, but you then explained you were just sitting and drinking, nothing special.
“We should go somewhere else! What do you say about going downtown?” The brother’s girlfriend addressed you.
You pursed your lips and turned to look at Gemma to ask her what she wanted to do. “I’m staying over with you, so I’m giving you the privilege of deciding.” You smiled at your friend and thought about it. You wanted to keep drinking; it was barely 11 p.m.
You turned to Sam to tell her it was okay, but before you opened your mouth, she tried to convince you, “Come on, let’s just go for a while; Hoseok’s over there with some friends!”
Hoseok is Sam’s brother.
Hoseok is Yoongi’s best friend.
It’s pretty evident that wherever Hoseok was, Yoongi was there too.
Fuck, did I manifest this?
“Let’s go then.”
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What a miracle, what a coincidence.
A kiss on the cheek. All kind. Warm greetings—the kind that makes you want to kill whoever invented manners. You see each other from time to time, often at random places and gatherings like tonight.
You haven’t seen Yoongi in over ten months.
You haven’t seen him since that last date you had. If you can call it that.
Last year, life was kicking your ass, and Yoongi was everything you had. You truly needed someone, and he stayed with you throughout the messiest months of your life. He was your everything.
You were perfectly aware he was never going to be serious about you. He’s been in your life for eight years, and both of you have left the other countless times before. You two were just a bad joke. You never understood why he always insisted on coming back to your life just for him to treat you like always. Never something special. Never been the exception, always the rule.
But for those seven months, he acted like the person you always wanted him to be. You knew you were both a joke, but you always liked what “us” meant with him.
Last Christmas was the first time you spent a holiday together. It felt so important to you back then as if life was finally going your way.
You never expected what he had to say to you right on that day.
“First of all, Merry Christmas, honey”. He smiled as he looked at you. “You know I’ll always wish for you and your family to be healthy. I know this is important to you, but I’m sure you can rest a bit about that matter from now on.”
“I’m really happy you’re spending these days with me. You know I’m not fond of the holidays, but I want you to know this feels important to me.”
“I genuinely, truly, really want to keep you with me and for us to go out as much as we can, if you want to, of course. Because to be honest, if it were up to me, we would be doing a bunch of stuff together all the time, but it’s not just a matter of me wanting, so I hope you’d like that too.”
With his words, you went through all the emotions known to mankind. It’s been the first time you’ve heard something like that coming from him, and you felt strange. Thinking how you may have wanted that for years, now when it’s actually happening, you feel so disconnected from yourself, you start to think, “What can he possibly like in me? I’ve only shown him chaos these past months.”
But as soon as that thought crossed your mind, your heart told you, “Yet, he’s still here.”
He made you feel safe, so you committed to being the best version of yourself once again. After all you’ve been through, he’s never stopped being so good and patient with you.
He’s always going to have a piece of your heart.
Then came the inevitable change of heart one of you had every time.
This time, it happened to him. Of course.
You were supposed to go out one night, but you ended up going home in the middle of the “date.”
It’s like you weren’t talking to Yoongi anymore. He was acting cold, apathetic, indifferent, you name it.
You felt awful on your way home. You didn’t even want to think about the reason for his attitude towards you.
You wanted to feel hopeful, happy, and even in love, but it didn’t feel like that anymore. You wanted to trust in what Yoongi had told you just a few weeks ago. Maybe it was just something you wanted to hear, but you didn’t catch on to the intentions behind his words.
I actually fell for it this time.
There have been multiple times when you told yourself there was no future for you two. Why do you keep staying? It just makes you feel like shit in the end.
I just keep building unrealistic expectations, as if there was actually someone who could save me from my own problems1.
This time, you were hoping he was tired of you and would finally choose not to be with you anymore.
Farewell comes. Once again, you bury memories deep in the deepest ocean. Then it comes back and floats up.
There were eight people sitting close together at a little round table, and to your luck, you ended up facing Yoongi.
Beer never stopped coming to your table.
You had an impressive way of acting as if everything was normal. You were always like this. Of course, Yoongi made you angry, but you’ve never resented him for something. Acting full of hostility in front of both of your friends would never be one of your goals.
On some other occasion, maybe you would’ve ignored him and his glances, but you can’t deny that you’ve wanted to see and talk to him for the past few weeks.
Your friends weren’t fond of your “relationship,” yet they were always curious about how you two treated each other whenever you saw each other after a while. Everyone always knew when you two were together and how many months you had spent without talking.
You can’t tell if that’s good or not, but everyone knew it was just a matter of time before you started seeing each other again.
Tonight was going well. You haven’t seen Hoseok or the other guys in a while. Aside from whatever you had with Yoongi, they were your friends, too. Not too long ago, you always went out on weekends to bars, parties, and the occasional concerts.
Ever since you distanced yourself from them a little, they got into relationships. It wasn’t until today that you actually spent time with them and their partners and got to know them a little.
Jimin was sitting on your right, and eventually, you found yourselves talking apart from the others. He started telling you about his partner and how he got in a little fight with them over whether it’s right or not to look at other people at the gym.
Later, the others were all over that topic, arguing whether it was socially acceptable or not to look at someone else at the gym while your partner was there with you. All the alcohol you’ve drank made itself present. Your overall volume rose with each minute, with everyone voicing their opinions.
You had already told tipsy Jimin your point of view, so you got fed up with the subject when it turned into an actual discussion between Hoseok and his partner.
Sam and Gemma were still talking with Jimin over what he did, his partner’s words, and whatnot. So you found your chance to get up and go to the jukebox.
It took less than two minutes of you looking through the catalog when you suddenly saw a tall figure standing by your side.
“Hi,” he said.
You turned to look straight into his eyes. “Hi.”
“You look radiant, better than before.”
You bit your smile back and answered, “can’t complain.” Still searching for a song.
He came closer to you, “we meet again.”
A smile escaped from you. “It’s been almost a year, huh.”
Now they’re walking on ice. To see who slips first. No strings intertwined. They were never anything, but there was always something.
“I know, it’s crazy.” He wasn’t going to waste any more time. “Can we meet later?”
There was something.
“My friend is staying over.” You had already picked two songs but still had three more credits.
“I can come by.”
You were thinking hard about which songs to pick, but Yoongi was making it really hard to concentrate.
Of course, I want you to come over. Yet, I still want to hang on to the small remains of my pride.
“I think it would be better if we go out sometime this week if you want.”
Filled with anxiety over what you were arranging, you started tapping your fingers against the machine, not remembering which artist you were looking for in the first place.
“I thought you no longer wanted to see me.”
You lifted your chin to look at him and gave him a smirk. “Well,” you said with a nervous laugh, “I did, but I can’t lie to you; I’ve been thinking about you for days.”
“Why? What do you mean why?”
“I don’t know, I thought you were done with me.”
“Yoongi, we can’t talk about that here.”
You were finally searching for the last song. “Well, I’ll see you at your house later.”
Again, you turned to look at him but gave him an annoyed expression. You kept going through Pink Floyd’s songs, your distress not letting you find your favorite song by them.
“Can I? Just for a while. I want to talk to you.”
“Talk about what Yoongi?”
Finally, <The Great Gig in the Sky>.
“About why you left like that back then.”
You finally turned your whole body to answer him, “Alright then, you can come by later.” And with that, you returned to your seat at the table. Everyone asked what took you so long, and while you explained that you couldn’t find the songs you wanted, Yoongi came back to his seat, too. All eyes were on you, his included.
It actually got you happy that he talked to you first.
Untethered intertwining. They were never anything, but there was always something.
Sam, Hoseok, and his girlfriend left around 2 a.m., but the rest of you kept finding things to talk about.
You never stopped drinking, but you weren’t feeling drunk yet. In one of your trips to the bathroom, Gemma told you she liked Yoongi for the first time, and it got you all giddy. As you were walking back, you and Yoongi couldn’t take your eyes off of each other. Both of you were getting impatient to finally be alone again.
You’re both talking to your friends, and you’re laughing, and you look across the table. You’re not even far apart, but you catch each other’s eyes, and it’s this secret that exists right there, unnoticed, and no one else knows about it, no one else but you and Yoongi.
The rest of your friends were already drunk, so he told you, “We should go.”
“Come on, I’ll take you both home.”
Gemma hopped in the back of his car, and you got yourself in the passenger seat.
All your actions were too familiar for someone who hasn’t seen this guy in over ten months.
The next thing you knew, your phone connected automatically to his car, and he urged you to put some music on.
It was until this moment, on your way to your house, that you realized you were very drunk. You don’t even remember which playlist or songs you played.
When you arrived home, you gathered all your might to get Gemma inside. (Yoongi helped you open all the doors and, most importantly, carry Gemma to your room).
You got Gemma into your bed, changed her clothes, and left her a glass of water on your bedside table. You also used the moment to gulp a glass of water yourself. Meanwhile, Yoongi was already settled in your living room, his eyes not leaving you. Lying on your couch, recognizing when you were feeling more than tipsy. “Are you drunk?”
His voice scared you for a second. You did not realize he was still there or that he was watching your every move. Your smile gave away that you were indeed feeling a little drunk.
“A little? Maybe?”
The way he laughs always gets you. It has this cute yet manly note that you’ve always loved so much.
You curled up on your couch next to Yoongi, facing him. You truly wanted to hear what he wanted to talk about, but this newfound comfort of being on your couch made you sleepy. At the same time, the way he was looking at you was letting the alcohol in your system wear out.
His heavy gaze no longer made you think about talking with him. All you wanted was for him to hold you and kiss you like he used to as if he couldn’t wait any longer to press his lips on yours, to interrupt you while you were saying something with a kiss filled with the desire you both had for the other.
“Are you dating someone else?” His question shocked you. You looked at him wide-eyed. Yoongi looked directly at your eyes like they were the only thing in the room, fearing that if he looked somewhere else, he’d miss the truth coming from your eyes.
Your face turned into a frown, and drinking in his words confused you. You sat straight to ask your first question, but he beat you to it. “Is that why you left me?” The blood drained from your face.
Is he serious? Is he genuinely clueless? Or is he just being stupid?
“Is that what you want to hear? That I’ve been dating around?”
“I don’t know. It’s just that you disappeared again; if you wanted me to go to hell, you could’ve said so.”
“What are you even saying, Yoongi?”
“I thought you were dating someone.” He let out what must have been a bitter laugh.
“Well, I’m not… I don’t have time to go out with ‘people’.”
Do you even know why it’s so goddamn impossible for me to let you go? Because every song, every moment, and every person reminds me of you.
Why did you even want to see him this time around? Have you ever thought about that? It didn’t even matter because it was always the same. You suddenly forget how you feel or whatever you wanted to say as soon as you’re in front of him. Even if you said something, he wasn’t going to listen. He never does.
“Are you dating someone?”
“That’s not what I wanted to talk about. I need to know why you left me that night.”
“So, you are dating someone...”
“Just tell me why you left me.”
“Fine, I bet I won’t even remember this in the morning,” you laugh softly, maybe in preparation for what you would say next.
You collapse back onto your couch, sighing as your head sinks into the soft cushions. Your eyes drift upward, fixating on the blank expanse of the ceiling above you.
“It’s just that… I don’t know; that day, you were acting so strange toward me, and I truly thought you weren’t my Yoongi anymore. It’s like you were dying to get out of there, and I figured it would be better if I was the one who left first”. You smiled, but everyone could have seen the bitterness behind it. “I trust- no, I hoped… that what you told me that you wanted for us was true, but I couldn’t see a trace of that in you anymore. I didn’t want to turn into an anxious mess and think about you non-stop or… try to find out why you acted like that, so yeah, I left you again.”
He felt a tightness in his chest when he heard you say, “My Yoongi.” It wasn’t helping that your words sounded so real to him at that moment. This was easily the third time he’d seen you somewhat vulnerable. He was going to regret talking about this.
“Do you want me to ask you what was going on with you that day?” Your head was still on the couch, but it was now turned to get a better look at his face. You were still smiling.
He thought, Why is she smiling? Why is she always smiling?
“But you said you weren’t gonna remember this in the morning.” There goes his sweet laugh again.
“We can try.”
“Can we try with a kiss instead?”
Only the sound of cars driving by could be heard.
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You don’t even remember that kiss anymore.
That should have been a dead giveaway that everything was bound to turn out very wrong after that night.
The following days were even worse. Your conversations over text were boring and awkward. You felt that he was being an ass on purpose, as if he was making you pay for what you “put” him through. Sick and tired. That’s how you were beginning to feel towards this ongoing joke. Over the week, you started remembering the first thing you wrote about him. It was the first time you’d drifted apart.
“I want to see you. I want to be with you now. I hate feeling this needy. I like you so much that I don’t know what to do with all these emotions. Remember that night when we kissed for the first time? Our lips touched, and I think my heart lost its rhythm for a few minutes. It’s okay if you don’t remember it the way I do. But I want you to know that I’ll never forget how you made me feel that night. I think I fell in love with you since then. I’ve missed you almost every day since you left. I realized that I look pretty when I’m sad, but I look prettier when somebody says your name, and I smile uncontrollably. I wish I could explain the physical pain I feel inside my chest when I think about you. And I wish that pain could be erased if we’re being honest. I don’t know what’s wrong with us. I’m running out of ideas to make this work, and I feel like if I don’t do something to save us, you won’t do it either; even though I know you care, I know you’re just going to stand there, arms crossed watching everything drift away. I can’t get out of my head that time you said that you felt that you were hurting me instead of making me feel good, and I said that sometimes I think I hate you. I swear I didn’t mean it. It’s just that I’m too scared of losing you for good because I have this feeling that I won’t feel like this ever again; I’m afraid I’ll have to lose this part of myself that feels genuinely in love with someone. I thought we were made for each other. I thought you were one of my soulmates. I still think we are. But we keep fucking it up every single time. I won’t lie; I’m fine some days, but the smallest things break me. I know it’s not your fault that I’m so damn sensitive, but my feelings have always been this intense, this is who I am, and I was hoping that you would learn to love the whole mess that I am just as much as I love yours. It’s not that I can’t be with someone else and forget about you—I know I can—but I don’t want to be without you. I don’t know what it is about this day, but my head feels so much heavier when we’re having problems. I feel mad at you, and I bet you’re mad at me, too. Have I always been this hard? Or are you just realizing that being with me is a lot of work and I’m not worth it? I’m not ready to let you go. You’re the only guy I’ve ever wanted to keep around. You treat me so well when we’re together. I love when you take my hand in yours. I love every time it’s just you and me, and we talk about life. There’s no one for me but you. You’re the only face I can see. I hope you know I’m only pretending to hate you when I love you so much. After all, I’ll always hope it’s you and me in the end. I’m happy if I get to be with you.”
That was seven fucking years ago. Funny huh?
It was never supposed to turn out like this. Who would’ve thought that someone could pull you down like this under the guise of love? Was it really only an individual’s fault?
Did it keep going because no one wanted to be the bad guy? If we didn’t have feelings for each other, if we didn’t think of each other, would we have dragged it on like this?
Those words played over and over again in your head. Whenever you came to be together again, that was eventually all you wondered about.
That first letter was born when the first layer that was blinding you was uncovered. It was as if something was finally letting you see the shape of the person Yoongi was—or at least the person he was with you.
Next year. The second “letter” came.
“Everything’s been so weird lately. I don’t get you. You didn’t talk to me for three days, yet you still think I’ll say yes when you want to see me late at night when you finally feel like it? Seriously? I’m angry at you, but mostly, I’m angry at myself. How can I be so blind to not realize that nothing will ever happen between us? Why am I still here? I know it’s because I want to be with someone, but maybe that person is not you. Because if you wanted to, we would be something by now. I know you won’t ever change because it’s been 2 years since this started, and you’re still the same. Maybe I fell in love with the hope and longing. All I did was imagine myself with you, I thought I was being patient about us. I can’t help but be a hopeless romantic, that’s all I’ve been my whole life. Occasionally, I find myself doing dumb shit all the time, like apologizing to the stars on behalf of both of us for not keeping our promises. I’ve been thinking about how sad I have been lately. Telling myself I’m stupid for loving you after all you’ve made me go through, how useless I feel, and how painful every day gets, honestly, this love I feel for you is making me crazy. But I shouldn’t be worrying about this. I know it may seem complicated to live with a broken heart, crying until your tears make you blind. I keep saying to myself, “It’s time you get yourself together, fall in love with yourself again, and forgive yourself for thinking you were stupid when you only acted out of love for someone who couldn’t see all you were.” But let’s be honest, being aware of all this still doesn’t make it any easier. I still feel so lost. And confused. I wish I knew how to stop loving you. I miss my peace of mind. I know what I’m supposed to do but don’t know where to start. I know that one day we’ll cross paths again, and I won’t feel a thing anymore, but until then, I’ll keep trying to convince myself that I don’t want you anymore. What have you done to me? What have I done to myself? What is it about you that ended up putting me through this hell? For the past few months, we barely saw each other. I still remember the last words we exchanged, and I feel sick, I keep wishing you would’ve done something else, hoping you would’ve said something different, but wishing for this doesn’t matter anymore, I’ll just keep hurting myself if I keep thinking about this version of you that I kept romanticizing. I’m tired now. All this was too much for me. But let me tell you one thing. I never even thought for a second that I was wasting my time with you. Not even when all my friends told me so. I took pride in myself for “knowing” when a guy doesn’t want you, but you were so confusing. You used to always be there. You knew exactly what to do and what to say so I could keep my love alive, making me think that maybe one day we would be together, but now I’m truly fed up with you. I’m angry. I know I can live without talking to you, but I don’t think I can be in the same room with you and not feel a thing. I’m telling you this because I want you to understand me. I want us to end on good terms because I know it’ll be impossible for us to stop seeing each other. So please help me, because this won’t be easy for me. I still care about you. I love you, but I can’t do this anymore. I need to keep crying, but understand me, I’m not crying for you. It’s just that I have so much inside me that I could never say to you. I know now that I was too much for you.”
In the span of two years, all that relationship lay before your eyes, yet somehow you didn’t want to see it. You decided to keep your hope alive even if it hurt you.
Several breakups between the two of you. A few relationships with other people in the middle of it all. Countless times you wanted to run to him just one more time. The occasional texts came from him, asking how you were and if you wanted to meet again.
You tried to be strong most of the time. You even felt you had gotten over Yoongi on every period where you’d stopped running into him. Those were the times when it was easy. But it was also quite embarrassing how quickly you’d fall into his trap once he got into your head again.
So yeah, you caved in after that kiss from last night.
You were letting this happen. You wanted this on this occasion.
It should be fine, right?
Eventually, after a few weeks, both of you started sorting out your emotions and everything felt pretty normal again.
Why do I make things so complicated when there’s no need to?
You can’t help but doubt yourself and doubt him. You want to know what’s in his head, yet you know it should be enough for you that he wants to keep seeing you.
All these doubts made you realize that maybe, just maybe, you’re treating this in the same way you would’ve years ago.
Just focus on the now.
Aside from that…
You like him very much. He can talk about a bunch of things with you. He can be cute when he wants to be. You used to have a lot in common in terms of music. You like his style. And let’s not get started on his tattoos. ON TOP OF THAT, HIS ARMS. For some weird reason, I always forget he has dimples.
Ultimately, years pass and you always run back to him. You genuinely enjoy being in the same room as him.
No one has gotten close to how he makes you feel. Every time you see him again, everything feels the same. Your feelings towards him haven’t changed.
The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle but never break.
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A month later
Ah, shit.
You were having a relatively good weekend. It was the 4th of July. You spent it with your family and now it was almost midnight but you were still texting with your best friend. She was at a party with Sam, Jess, and all the guys. You were experiencing a mild fomo, but you had a deal with your parents, so you had to pass that party this time.
Even Jungkook texted you earlier asking why you weren’t there. But that’s another story.
Your best friend was getting drunker with every text she sent, but she had put herself on the task of updating you with all of Yoongi’s whereabouts and doings.
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I mean go ahead I guess. It makes me feel like it’s my fault for not showing enough interest again. This is making me uneasy. Because I like him but turns out he doesn’t like me enough? I WANT TO SCREAM.
I shouldn’t be angry because it’s my fault. I know so. I’m not trying enough, and maybe this was bound to happen. I can’t ask him to just talk to me. He needs to live his life too, he’s human, and he gets tired of waiting for someone who doesn’t seem “invested” in him. FUCK.
He ended up coming to your place around 1 a.m.
And this time, you actually talked. You were worried he’d drank too much, but he showed to be as sober as one can be.
Before he got there, you were extremely nervous, but once you sat with him on your couch, all your tension and fears calmed down. You valued that he was able to make you feel that way.
Your feelings went on a rollercoaster in a matter of a few hours, it was so fucking strange to read those words. To paint yourself a picture of what Yoongi was doing with you.
“Why weren’t you at the party?”
“I spent the whole weekend with my parents, so I couldn’t go.” “I wanted to, though.”
“It would’ve been cool if you had gone, everyone was asking about you.”
A smirk appeared on your face. “And what did you tell ’em?”
“That you didn’t want to see me,” He joked.
You started playing with him.
“That’s sliiightly true,”
After that, he laughed but got closer to you. He even got a lot more talkative, narrating to you everything he and your friends did earlier on. You were pretty entranced in him. It’s risky when you love to hear someone just talk. He took in the way you were gazing at him and figured there was no point in wasting more time. It was obvious Yoongi only went to your place to see if he was getting lucky tonight.
You realized his face was inching closer to yours. Your eyes scanning his own. Him doing the same, with the occasional glance at your lips. You weren’t gonna kiss him. Still, you let him get close enough so your lips could brush each other.
Then you smiled.
You weren’t gonna miss the chance to let him try to explain to you what the hell was going on, so you thought you’d go straight to the point.
“Can I ask you something?”
He returned your smile.
“Wait, let me guess”- “You want to know if I have a girlfriend”.
Your smile faltered slightly at him guessing the question, but he maintained eye contact with you. “Yeah, I figured that’s what you wanted to ask,” he replied. His tone is a mix of playfulness and seriousness. “No, I don’t have a girlfriend.”
The way his mind immediately went there. We’ll worry about that later.
Yoongi’s words echoed in your ears, you couldn’t help but believe him. There was something about his voice, his gaze, that made you blindly trust his every word.
Yoongi’s expression softened, his gaze unwavering. “I want you to know that I’m being genuine right now. I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m not seeing anybody formally, romantically, emotionally, or whatever you imagined. I want to give us a chance to make things right for you.”
You clung to the hope that this time he was telling the truth.
A sense of relief washed over you as you leaned closer to Yoongi. Ignoring the cautionary whispers in the back of your mind, you let yourself be swept away by his intoxicating presence.
His lips met yours in a passionate kiss, and for a moment, it felt like all your doubts and worries faded away.
Days turned into weeks, and you reveled in the blissful illusion of having Yoongi in your life once again. Yoongi seemed attentive, caring, and utterly devoted to you. He showered you with affection, making you believe that you were his only one this time.
Over the next months, your interactions with Yoongi were limited to texts. There were no dates or visits to your house or his place, for that matter. It’s like he was growing bored. But that’s nothing new anymore.
You started to grow tired of his refusal to let you go, even if he didn’t like you the way you liked him. You knew it was time to move on and find someone who would honestly reciprocate your feelings.
And then, on a spontaneous note, one day, you stumbled upon someone through Instagram.
thv replied to your story.
It started with you two sending each other songs for a few days.
Then, when you got to actually talk to him. You realized he was funny, his music taste almost immaculate, he was extremely nice to you, and he cared about what you had to say. You basically had the same interests. And hands down, you enjoyed talking to him a lot.
Ever since you started talking to this new guy, called Taehyung, you felt like something had shifted in your life. And it’s only been 3 days since then.
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This time, it turned out you were wrong. Wrong about everything.
I can’t regret anything, because I tried, I wholeheartedly tried. I don’t plan to try and understand him anymore.
Yoongi had been lying through his teeth the whole time. He did have a girlfriend, and he reveled in his power over you. He enjoyed playing with your emotions, relishing in his control over you.
You found out a few days ago, and you struggled to know what to do. You weren’t going to just ghost him. You couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be passive-aggressive toward him, and it showed in your texts.
But you weren’t counting on that he was even more of a cynic than you. And you were getting angrier that he wouldn’t accept anything and refused to let the conversation die.
So yeah, it took 3 days.
It took you that long to get yourself way ahead of everything. About Taehyung specifically.
You don’t remember having met him before.
If only you knew that he remembers the first time he saw you in college and several parties after that.
He’d grown attracted to you every time he saw you. However, you never once seemed to acknowledge his presence.
And don’t get him wrong. He didn’t mind. You were just a platonic interest. Somehow he knew you weren’t exactly available even if he never saw you with a guy before.
He just took his chance a few days ago, not expecting anything. Just with the simple excuse of finally getting to know you.
He was a good listener, interested in your thoughts. With each message exchanged, your connection grew extremely fast.
This got you scared. You had barely talked to him and were already getting VERY INTERESTED.
On the fourth day, he invited you to the movies, but ended up going out to two bars and then dancing.
You shared even more stories, talked about your dreams, and even found yourselves discussing your insecurities in your love life.
Taehyung made you feel seen, heard, and valued – something you hadn’t felt in a long time. He was patient and understood your reservations.
On the cab, in the way back to your place, you rested your head on his shoulder, hand in hand, you truly felt so calm, it had been the nicest date ever.
Hell, you haven’t even had a proper date in years. So, no one can blame you when you finally let yourself be vulnerable for once.
Taehyung knew he’d like you, but never to this extent. He wasn’t scared when he realized he was falling in love with you. All he wanted was to see you every single day from now on. He took the initiative to plan a date next week, but you went out of town to visit your cousin.
So Monday it is. There was only one thing that you had to take care of. Before you let yourself move on to the next step in your love life.
Dealing with Yoongi was getting tiring, so it finally happened. The long overdue conversation occurred. Over texts, but it happened.
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For once, you didn’t see the point in continuing. You and Yoongi have been through this road way too many times, and nothing has changed.
You decided to cut ties with Yoongi for good on that Monday. From now on, Taehyung could be the only one in your head.
As you were getting ready for your date with Taehyung, you couldn’t help but think about your conversation with Yoongi just a few hours ago. It was strange how life presented you with new opportunities right on the heels of letting go of the past. The decision to leave Yoongi was still fresh in your mind, but you hoped that this date with Taehyung would make you feel different, as bad as it could sound, but a distraction to that awful bit.
Taehyung took you to the movies, and from the moment the film began, your hands found each other’s, fingers intertwining. The dimly lit theater provided the perfect backdrop for this quiet display of affection. The movie itself was fun at times, but it was almost a blur of scenes and dialogue because your attention was elsewhere. You didn’t realize that Taehyung also spent that entire hour and a half not watching the movie, but watching you. He observed the way your eyes lit up at the funny parts, the sound of your laughter made his heart skip a beat. It was as if he had his own private screening of your reactions, and to him, it was the most captivating thing in the world.
The next stop on your adventure was an arcade, a place filled with flashing lights and the noise of all the games you can imagine. You couldn’t resist the air hockey table, and without hesitation, you both grabbed the paddles. As the puck glided across the smooth surface, it was evident that both of you were really good at it. Soon, a couple of small kids had gathered around, their eyes wide with fascination as they watched you play.
Taehyung, multitasking effortlessly, started chatting with them while maintaining his competitive spirit. A little girl, no older than seven, stood beside you, her eyes sparkling with innocence. She looked up at you with a hopeful smile and asked, “Are you going to beat your boyfriend?” Her question caught you off guard, and you burst into laughter at her adorable bluntness. Taehyung, engrossed in his conversation with the other kids, didn’t hear the question. All he could see was how your laughter sounded like the sweetest melody in the world.
Distracted by your laugh, Taehyung lost to you in the game. The little kids erupted in cheers, celebrating your victory as if you had just won a championship. They eagerly lined up to give you high-fives, momentarily forgetting that Taehyung even existed. That was until he, still keen on entertaining the kids, asked if they knew how to play. The result was an excited chorus of enthusiastic and loud ‘yes’s’.
It was an endearing sight as Taehyung listened attentively to the kids. Meanwhile, you couldn’t help but smile at how easily he connected with them.
“Okay, guys, what’s the next game we should play?” Taehyung asked, genuinely intrigued by their suggestions.
The kids seemed to have a dozen ideas at once, and it was all a jumble of arcade classics, from racing games to shooting hoops. One girl, with a mischievous glint in her eye, pointed at the dance machine in the corner.
“Can we try that dance game?” she asked, her excitement infectious.
Taehyung exchanged a playful glance with you, and you both agreed, despite the potential embarrassment that awaited you. The music blared from the machine, and you gave it your all, dancing like nobody was watching (except a group of kids, of course). Taehyung joined in nervously, even though his dancing skills were almost too good.
The kids burst into laughter at everyone’s dance moves, cheering you on with each step. It was one of those moments where embarrassment turned into pure joy, and you couldn’t have cared less about who was watching.
It was heartwarming to see him engage with them, making sure each child had a good time. After making sure the kids had enough tokens to keep playing, Taehyung gently took your hand, and together you wandered through the arcade. The place was a riot of flashing lights and game sounds, but it all faded into the background as you explored hand in hand.
Eventually, you came across the game involving knocking down rows of clown figures. You both paused, taking in the challenge. With the timer ticking down, Taehyung turned to you. His eyes sparkled with affection, and amidst the blinking lights and arcade tunes, he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
You paused for a moment, your heart racing as you looked into Taehyung’s eyes. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss him - far from it. In fact, you felt a strong pull towards him, a connection that seemed to grow with every passing second. Even more so, after the side of him you saw today.
But there was something holding you back, a nagging doubt that whispered in the back of your mind. You had just met Taehyung, and even though the chemistry between you two was sweet, you wanted to take things slow. You didn’t want to rush into anything, not after what you’d been through with Yoongi.
So, with a soft smile, you gently shook your head and replied, “Not yet.” It was a response that carried a promise, a promise that there would be time for kisses and more in the future, once you were both ready to take that step. Taehyung nodded understandingly, his smile mirroring your own, and you continued your adventure to a bar, still hand in hand.
As you settled into a cozy corner of the bar, the atmosphere shifted, becoming more intimate. The soft hum of conversation, clinking glasses, and mellow jazz music in the background created the perfect backdrop for a meaningful conversation.
You started by talking about your time at the arcade, laughing about how the kids had cheered for you when you won the game. Taehyung joined in, sharing his amusement at their excitement. It was a light and joyful conversation that made you feel even closer to him.
Taehyung was genuinely interested in getting to know you better. He asked about your family, and you shared stories about your parents and siblings. In turn, he spoke fondly about his own family, reminiscing about childhood memories and you noticed how much he loved them.
Work became the next topic of discussion. You both talked about your careers, your aspirations, and the challenges you faced in life. Taehyung’s dedication and passion for his job shone through, and you found yourself admiring his determination.
As the night wore on, the conversation deepened. You talked about life, dreams, and the things that truly mattered to you. It was a conversation that left you feeling a sense of connection you hadn’t experienced in a long time. You realized that this was different from anything you had with Yoongi, something that was still scary to you.
As the night progressed and the conversation with Taehyung deepened, you couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast between him and Yoongi. Taehyung’s genuine interest in getting to know you, his kindness, and his openness were like a breath of fresh air compared to the complexity and uncertainty of your history with Yoongi.
The realization that this connection with Taehyung was different, something new and potentially beautiful, both excited and scared you. It was scary because it meant stepping out of your comfort zone, venturing into unfamiliar territory, and leaving behind the emotional rollercoaster that had defined your relationship with Yoongi.
But that fear didn’t deter you. In fact, it fueled a sense of courage you hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe you were ready to embrace something real, something stable, and something built on honesty and trust. It was a daunting prospect, but for the first time in a while, it might be worth taking that leap into the unknown.
The night had stretched on longer than you had initially planned, but you didn’t mind one bit. In fact, you didn’t want it to end.
As Taehyung’s car pulled up to your place, reality seemed to rush back in. With the engine turned off and the night’s silence settling around you, you both remained seated in the car. It was one of those moments where time felt suspended, and neither of you seemed in a hurry to say goodbye.
You gazed into Taehyung’s eyes, his warm and sincere gaze locked onto yours. Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. You knew what you wanted, and in this moment, you felt a surge of courage you hadn’t experienced before.
Taehyung’s voice was soft, barely above a whisper, as he said, “I had a really great time tonight.”
You smiled, your heart racing. “Me too,” you admitted, your voice equally hushed.
For a moment, neither of you moved, the weight of the unspoken words hanging in the air.
Finally, you took a deep breath, your nervousness mingling with excitement. “Taehyung, can I ask you something?”
His eyes were curious. “Of course.”
Without overthinking it, you leaned in, closing the gap between you and Taehyung. In the dimly lit car, your lips finally met a gentle and electrifying connection that seemed to seal the promise of something new, something real.
As you pulled away, your foreheads touching, you whispered, “I’ve actually been wanting to do that all night.”
Taehyung chuckled, feeling a newfound hope. “Me too.”
Unable to resist kissing him way longer, you reached out again. The kiss started slow, a tantalizing exploration of each other’s lips. Your mouth was warm and inviting, and Taehyung couldn’t resist the urge to deepen the kiss.
Your lips moved together with a fiery passion, tongues dancing in a tango. There were no more words, just the intoxicating taste of each other. Your hands roamed, tracing all of his torso, igniting a fiery desire within both of you.
Taehyung bit your lower lip, sending shivers down your spine, and you responded with a soft moan. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss grew more fervent. It was a hunger that had been building all night, and now it was impossible to contain.
The kiss was wild, a passionate exchange, a language of desire and longing. You explored every inch of each other’s mouths, savoring the taste of your newfound connection.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were left breathless, lips swollen and hearts pounding. Taehyung’s eyes bore into yours, filled with an intensity that matched the fiery kiss you had just shared.
He whispered, his voice husky, “I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you.”
You grinned, your own desire burning bright. “I’m glad we finally did.”
As you entered your home, the soft glow of your phone illuminated the room. You couldn’t help but smile as you saw a series of texts from Taehyung, sent with an urgency that mirrored the fiery passion of your kiss.
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From that moment on, there wasn’t a single time of day when you weren’t texting each other. The connection between you two was electric, and it seemed like every message, every word, only deepened your bond. It didn’t take long for Taehyung to invite you again on a date, and he chose a taproom for the occasion.
Taehyung arrived the following Saturday at your doorstep around 7 p.m., his charming smile lighting up the evening. Dressed casually but looking effortlessly handsome, he greeted you warmly.
“Hey there,” he said, his voice a pleasant melody. “Ready for our night out?”
With a nod and an excited smile, you locked the door behind you and joined him. The short drive to the taproom was filled with easy conversation and soft laughs. When you arrived, you were greeted not just by the cozy atmosphere of the taproom but also by some of Taehyung’s friends who had already gathered there.
Taehyung couldn’t contain his excitement about introducing you to his friends. He made the rounds, enthusiastically presenting you to each one of them, his introductions filled with admiration. As the evening went on, his friends couldn’t help but tease you both when they knew you weren’t officially a couple.
However, that made them gush about Taehyung. They spoke of his kindness, his sense of humor, and his unwavering loyalty. They assured you that you’d found someone truly special, and it was clear they thought he’d done the same in finding you.
Throughout the night, amidst the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging. Taehyung’s friends were welcoming, and their approval only added to the unique feeling of the evening.
As the night continued, the connection between you and Taehyung deepened. Your hands naturally gravitated towards each other, fingers interlacing as if they had always belonged together. There was a palpable comfort in being so close, and the world around you seemed to fade into the background.
In the midst of this enchanting evening, a message from Sam popped up on your phone. She was suggesting a plan for tomorrow - a baseball game. Without a moment’s hesitation, you enthusiastically said yes.
But what made your heart race, even more, was the eagerness to include Taehyung in your plans. You turned to him, a radiant smile on your face, and said, “Hey, my friends just invited me to a baseball game tomorrow. Do you want to join us? It’d be amazing if you’d come with me.”
His eyes lit up with delight at the invitation, and he nodded, “yeah, I’d love to be there with you.”
It felt like a natural step, merging your separate worlds and bringing Taehyung closer to your heart.
In your world, your friends were your anchors, your family, and the people who knew you best. If someone couldn’t fit into that crucial part of your life, it was often a telling sign that the relationship might not make it.
As you looked forward to the baseball game the next day, there was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You believed in Taehyung and the genuine connection you shared, but there was always that sliver of doubt. Would he mesh well with your friends? Would they see what you saw in him?
But deep down, you had a feeling that this was a significant step. If Taehyung could seamlessly become a part of your world, it would be a powerful confirmation of your relationship.
Thoughts of tomorrow’s baseball game, and the potential changes it might bring, had temporarily vanished. All you craved at that moment were the hugs, kisses, and the warmth of holding Taehyung’s hand.
The atmosphere seemed to hum with your love surge, an electric charge that coursed through you, making every moment feel like a heart-pounding adventure. As you bid farewell to Taehyung’s friends, you couldn’t wait to be alone with him, to dance again at the same bar where your love story began.
Tonight, something was different. Your excitement was on an all-time high. The tension that had built up between you over the last dates, the unspoken desires and emotions, were now rising to the surface. The connection between you two was undeniable, and your touches were igniting sparks that seemed to intensify with each passing second.
In the dimly lit bar, the pulsating beat of the music coursed through your veins, syncing with your every move. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and as you moved to the rhythm, your dance became a sensual invitation. Your body swayed and undulated in harmony with the music, your hips swiveling provocatively to the seductive melodies.
Taehyung watched you with desire burning in his eyes, unable to resist the magnetic pull you had on him. Your dance was a mesmerizing display of confidence and allure. Your hands moved sensually across your own body, tracing the curves and contours that begged for his touch.
Unable to contain himself any longer, Taehyung stepped closer, his hands finding their way to your hips. His touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine. His fingers traced the curve of your waist, pulling you closer to him as he succumbed to the same fiery rhythm.
Your bodies moved together, pressed intimately against each other. The heat between you grew with every tantalizing sway, and the world around you faded into obscurity. In that moment, there was only the two of you, lost in the lights of desire and passion, each movement drawing you closer to an inevitable collision of lips and bodies.
As the night at the bar wore on, the two of you shared more than just dances. After one particularly intense moment, you found yourself with your back pressed against Taehyung’s chest, the thumping bass of the music reverberating through both of you. His breath was warm against your ear, sending delightful shivers down your spine. In that space, with his arms wrapped around your waist, it felt as if the world had disappeared, leaving only the sensation of his closeness and the rhythmic beating of your hearts in unison.
Between dances, you took breaks to calm yourselves with a beer or whatever drink you saw first at the bar. Each moment spent apart only seemed to fuel the intensity of your attraction. With every sip of your drink, you couldn’t help but glance back at Taehyung, a magnetic pull drawing you together once more. The atmosphere was heady with desire, and your chemistry was through the roof. Each dance, each stolen moment, was a step closer to something neither of you could resist any longer.
After those couple of hours of dancing that left you slightly breathless, you decided to seek refuge in one of the dimly lit booths at the corner of the bar. It provided a temporary sanctuary from the dance floor, allowing you to catch your breath and collect your thoughts amidst the lust that was echoing in your ears. The low hum of laughter and conversation from people around you provided a calming backdrop as you settled in, your heart still racing from the intimate moment with Taehyung, who had managed to stir emotions you hadn’t felt in quite some time.
He slid into the seat opposite you, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent shivers through your body. In the closeness that the booth offered, you could feel something deeper between you. It was as though the music, which had once enveloped you in its intoxicating embrace, was reduced to a mere murmur in the back.
With a playful grin, Taehyung finally broke the silence that had settled between you. “You know,” he began, his voice a low, seductive murmur, “I think we might just be causing a lot of jealous looks in here.”
You chuckled, the sound husky and filled with desire. “I noticed.”
His fingers traced patterns on the table, drawing invisible lines as he continued, “It’s not just about dancing, though. I’ve been imagining being with you like this since the first time I laid eyes on you, and it’s been killing me all night.”
You met his gaze, your heart pounding in your ears as you whispered, “Since the first time you saw me?” Not trusting yourself enough to say what you were really thinking, so you mirrored his words.
Taehyung’s hand reached across the table, his fingers lightly brushing against yours. “I can’t keep my composure anymore,” he admitted, his eyes never leaving yours. “I’ve been thinking about more than this all week.”
He paused, his gaze locked onto yours with a smoldering intensity. “You know,” he added with a sultry smile, “seeing you getting along so well with my best friends earlier, it just… made me so hard.”
The anticipation hung in the air like a charged current, a palpable magnetism drawing you closer together. It was a sensation you couldn’t ignore, a magnetic pull that seemed destined to ignite into something more profound.
You bit your lip, your pupils were blown, unable to contain the emotions surging within you. “Taehyung,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper, “if you keep this up, I think I might fall in love with you.”
His eyes sparkled with a mix of desire and affection as he leaned in closer. “Is that so?” he murmured, his lips tantalizingly close to yours. “Maybe that’s exactly what I want.”
Moments later, Taehyung led you to his apartment.
“I’m glad that we can finally be together like this.” He said with a sincere smile, his hand moving lower to cup your ass. He couldn’t resist anymore; he had to have you right then and there.
He slid his hand under your skirt, feeling the smoothness of your skin against his fingertips. Traced the outline of your panties through the fabric of your bottom. Taehyung felt a wave of arousal wash over him as he painted himself a picture of what lay beneath. Slowly, he slid his hands up your legs until he reached the hem of your panties. With a gentle tug, he pulled them down, revealing your wetness to him.
The sudden exposure caused you to blush slightly, but it only fueled his desire further. You couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of what came next “*Aren’t you going to see how wet I got because you?”
He leaned in and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek, then gently placed his hand on your inner thigh. As he did so, he whispered in your ear. “Do you really want me to do this?”
“I want this, trust me.”
He slid his hand up higher, feeling the warmth and dampness of your cunt. He could hear your soft gasps and moans as he touched your pussy. He continued to stroke you gently, feeling your muscles tighten around his fingers.
He heard your moans and started to become even more aroused. He could feel his own hard on growing in his pants, and he knew that it would only be a matter of time before you both got carried away. He slowly pulled back from you and looked into your eyes, his face flushed red with desire. You could tell that he was just as affected as you were.
You nodded, your eyes locked with his as desire coursed through your veins. You breathed, “I want you to touch me. I need your hands in me.”
A low growl rumbled in Taehyung’s throat as he gave you a hungry look, his fingers inching closer to your dripping core. “Fuck,” he muttered, unable to contain his own need. “I’ve been dreaming about this for days. About burying myself deep inside you.”
The raw desire in his words sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that burned hotter with each passing second. You could feel the wetness pooling between your legs, desperate for his touch.
His fingers brushed against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, teasingly avoiding direct contact with where you needed him most. The anticipation was almost unbearable as you fought to maintain a hint of control.
“Please, Taehyung,” you whimpered, “don’t make me wait.”
A wolfish grin tugged at the corners of Taehyung’s lips as he finally gave in to both of your desires. His fingers dipped into your wet heat, eliciting a moan from deep within your throat.
“You’re so fucking wet for me,” he groaned, his voice rough with lust. “Did I make you this way? Did I make that pretty little pussy of yours ache for me?”
All coherent thought flew out the window as Taehyung pumped his fingers inside of you, hitting all the right spots that made pleasure surge through every nerve ending in your body. You could only manage to nod and let out a desperate moan in response.
He wrapped his other hand around your neck, pulling you closer to him. He could feel your pulse racing beneath his fingers, and he knew that you were enjoying this a lot.
He started to apply pressure to your neck, feeling your body respond to his touch. You let out a small gasp of air, and as he continued to choke you, he leaned in closer to your ear and whispered. “Do you like this, baby? Is this what you wanted?”
His thumb found its way to your clit, circling the swollen bud and sending jolts of electricity straight to where you needed it most. The pleasure was overwhelming, bordering on blissful torture, as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
“Cum for me, baby,” Taehyung whispered, his hot breath fanning across your ear. “I want to feel you cum around my fingers.”
His words were all it took to push you over the edge. The coil of pleasure that had been building inside of you snapped, sending waves of ecstasy crashing through your body. You clung to him as you rode out your orgasm, his touch the only anchor keeping you grounded in a sea of sensations.
As the last tremors of pleasure receded, Taehyung pulled his hand away and brought it up to his lips, sucking your taste off his fingers with a look of pure satisfaction on his face.
After a few hours spent in tangled in touches, the clock ticked its way to 4 a.m., signaling the impending end of the night’s bliss. Despite the energy that was bubbling up between you, the evening hadn’t ventured beyond the boundaries of those lewd touches, leaving something else lingering in the air. As the minutes kept passing, a sense of reality nudged its way back into the forefront of your mind.
“You’re even sweeter than I imagined,” Taehyung’s voice, thick with desire, caressed the dimly lit room, echoing the sentiments of the night.
With a hazed smile playing on your lips, you gently disentangled yourself from Taehyung’s embrace, the need for rest tugging at your consciousness. “I have to go home, Taehyung,” you murmured softly, your words tinged with regret at the thought of parting, “I should get some actual sleep if we want to spend the whole day together again.”
Your fingers traced soothing circles along his shoulders, a silent reassurance of your affection. “You are coming with me tomorrow, right?” you queried, hope flickering in your eyes as you awaited his response.
In the hazy glow of his room, Taehyung’s gaze met yours, a promise dancing in his eyes. “Absolutely,” he affirmed, his voice laced with determination, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
With a final exchange of tender kisses and lingering glances, you reluctantly bid farewell to Taehyung’s warm embrace, bracing yourself for your way home.
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Despite the lingering effects of last night’s alcohol roaming your body, a surge of adrenaline pulsed through your veins as you rolled out of bed, battling against the persistent fog of a very hungover you. With each groggy step towards the bathroom, the anticipation of the day ahead infused your weary limbs with energy, overriding the dull ache in your head.
As you splashed cool water on your face, the mirror reflected a mix of exhaustion and excitement in your eyes. Today was the day you’d introduce Taehyung to your best friends, a prospect that filled you with nerves. The thought of seeing their reactions, of sharing this part of your life with them, ignited a spark within you.
After downing a much-needed glass of water and popping a couple of painkillers to combat the lingering headache, you set about getting ready for the day. Despite the persistent throb at your temples, you couldn’t help but hum a tune under your breath, the thrill of today’s plan chasing away the last traces of drowsiness.
With each minute, the excitement grew, the clock ticking in slow motion as you counted down the moments until Taehyung went to pick you up. Finally, the sound of the doorbell shattered the quiet of the morning, heralding the arrival of your lover boy.
With a quick glance in the mirror to ensure you looked somewhat presentable despite feeling like shit, you hurried to answer the door, a smile of genuine delight spreading across your face at the sight of Taehyung standing on your doorstep, two large cups of coffee in hand and a grin that mirrored your own excitement.
“There we have my pretty and hungover girl,” he greeted you warmly, his eyes alight with anticipation, “are we all set for the big day?”
With a nod and a grin, you took the cup he handed you, the aroma wafting up to greet your senses. “Definitely”.
As you and Taehyung arrived at the stadium, the vibrant atmosphere of the bustling crowd greeted you with a wave of excitement. Sam, Gemma, and Jin were already waiting for you near the entrance, their infectious laughter echoing in the air as they exchanged playful banter.
“Hey, look who finally decided to show up!” Sam exclaimed, her grin widening as she caught sight of you and Taehyung approaching. “And who’s this handsome stranger you’ve brought along?”
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lmk if you're up for reading the second part of this mess 🤭 bonus. just a little jungkookie for fun
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 9 months
HI!!! could you do Tim wright but he’s a father figure to a scene/emo teen - headcanons 😎
like he’s not biologically their dad but he’s like a dad to them 🕺
it’s like this exhausted man who is a heavy smoker and never sleeps and is very depressed and then this scene/emo teenager that absolutely looks up to him and thinks he’s so cool lol.
Stop this is too cute! I love dad Tim
Dad Tim with a Scene daughter
Grumpy old man with a very lively daughter
Almost like black cat and golden retriever
But not in a couple way
You play really really loud music and are super expressive
He couldn’t care less for anything and very rarely smiles
You remember the first time you made him smile though
You had told some dumb joke about a new band you started listening to, something about a black veil? Tim had no clue
But he found it funny
And he smiled
And you smiled back, face lighting up in pure happiness
Best day ever
You get him really cheesy mugs (#1 dad) and he gets you new belts, hair stuff (dye, conditioner, literally whatever you need), and all sorts of other stuff
If you’re a killer, you’re probably good friends with Nina
And by that, then also Toby, Clockwork, EJ, and others you know and are on decent terms with
Id imagine you’re really cool with Nina
I think a Tim daughter (but whose like grunge and cold and stuff) x Nina would be so cute
But that’s not this post
Tim’s always nervous about you killing
He always makes sure you have something with you, like firstaid, all sorts of weapons, pepper spray!
But it’s ok, cuz he gets you band stickers, other stickers (like hello Kitty, invader zim, etc) to make them look cute
So while you might be covered in blood, you look cute
And Brian loves it
Brian thinks y’all have a great relationship
And so even if Tim isn’t the best dad
He tries, and even though y’all fight sometimes and you scream at each other
He loves you, he really does
He tries his best to be a good dad, but he never thought he’d actually be one
You might not understand everything he does for you, or why he may ground you, or why he won’t let you go out with Nina and them one night
But it’s really because he cares and just wants you to be safe
He’s not perfect, but he tries to be the best dad ever
Also, a core childhood memory is you in the back seat, heavy metal playing on the radio, and him making you tell him the name of the song and the band
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florsial · 8 months
There isn't enough Bartylus content, I'm throwing a fit
And here's a lil playlist i made and realized gave off slight bartylus vibes<3:
Spectrum and Hot Gum gives off such bartylus vibes!!
Here are some Bartylus hcs!!!
-I do believe in canon Barty is younger than Reg by about a year but I don't really like that, so I imagine Barty is just younger than Reg by about a few months (i do what i want)
-Though they first met at a pureblood event when they were both 8 years old and Barty finds himself being pushed to talk to the sickly-looking boy who clung to Evan Rosier while his brother was being pulled away by Walburga and Orion. He didn't get to talk to Regulus at all that night, but Evan was nice.
-When he sat with Evan and Reg on the Hogwarts Express for the first time, Regulus still didn't talk to him. Just starred. It was then that Evan explained that Regulus didn't know any English, only French.
-So Barty tried to teach some to him, but since he was pretty stumped on English too, being used to Italian most of his life, it didn't do much for Reg. Though it did make him laugh.
-They started dating in their 4th year, at first it was just casual dating, neither of them actually thought they would last so long but that did. Though with a few split-ups here and there.
-Once when Regulus got extremely sick, Barty took a walk to pass the time (since Reg insisted that his boyfriend keep a distance so he wouldn't get sick too) and ran into a stray black cat. It reminded him of Reg so he took it with him and presented it to Reg who opted to name the cat Artemisia
-Regulus likes to write letters and poems so he can slip them into Barty's bag for him to read.
-Cue soft dancing between the two, they def do it in private as a way of comfort
-Barty finds random shit he thinks Reg will like and just bring it to him like a cat, Reg a has about 2 boxes for it all
-They both know exactly when the other is lying. Both of them grew up in households that would lie often so they would see through each other so quickly. This is why surprises between them are basically useless but Reg likes to do so anyway because it's the thought that counts in his head
-In my little head they ran away to elope and just never told anyone. In canon compliant, I would imagine them eloping in the middle of wartime and planning to announce it when everything was over, but it just never happened cuz Reg died.
-I think it would be more fun if it was in a muggle/modern au where shortly after Sirius runs away, Reg and Barty run away to elope and they just disappear until years later when Sirius sees his little brother who he thought was still living with his parents and the little fucker is married to the psychotic bitch who threw knives for fun in high school (i might actually write a fanfic on this holy shit)
-wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses tehe
-Regulus paints Barty's nails cuz Barty has shaky hands that can never keep still
-Partly blond Regulus who lets Barty dye his hair
-They like to play tag together, while on the outside it's just a sweet thing, it is always a bit more symbolic than what people think
-Regulus knows how to sew so when he sees that some articles of Barty's clothes are ripped, he takes them and fixes them up. When Barty takes notice of this, he takes care to buy Reg a bag of candy and extra kisses as payment
-I don't really see them as super chaotic more like, unnerving in the sense that someone will be like: Evan: Yo your boyfriend is creepin me out Barty: K, he does that Barty: anyways you wanna see this macabre painting I made of someone getting eaten Evan: . . .yk what sure
-Painter Barty/Writer Regulus who are each other's muses hehe
-Barty learned how to make rings out of paper clips so he would make them and just throw them at Regulus. He started making them in 3rd year and has yet to just give them to Reg. He has to throw it. Barty says it's tradition, Evan calls bullshit, and that Barty just likes seeing Regulus confused about where the ring fell on the ground (it's true)
-Regulus likes to sneak up on Barty but over time Barty has become more aware of Regulus sneaking up on him.
-They share jewelry but the vibes are always the complete opposite when they wear it so people don't realize they are wearing the same piece. Regulus would wear it in a fancy and sophisticated way and Barty would wear it in what I think of as the "dirtbag" way (idk how else to describe forgive me)
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
throttle - jjk | six
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one/ two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven
warnings - heavy on the angst, we finally learn jungkook's true motives, we learn about what happened to his mother, mentions of death, written before we knew jk's birth time so (1) inaccurate saturn placement, general smut, titty sucking, unprotected sex, very intense breeding thoughts from jk, it's angsty!! he dnf :( sad :(, hair dye, showering, fingering, jungkook's time runs out </3
throttle has 3 defined acts - this is the end of act 1
word count - 20k
minors dni // posted to wp late 2021 // series masterlist
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It's warm when you wake.
Daylight pours in through the curtains, of which neither of you bothered to close last night, and it rudely intrudes on the intimacy you've fostered together - yet when the man beside you begins to stir, small squeaks signalling that he's now awake too, you don't seem to mind all that much.
His hair is tousled like the waves of Busan's shoreline, lapping against the sand, adding a soundtrack to the sound of his breathing. You love it when he looks like this; serene and secure in the sanctuary of your company.
Last night's tête-à-tête is a distant memory, chalked up to a misunderstanding between the minds of two lovers who aren't yet aligned, but are getting pretty close to it. Rome wasn't built in a day, and nor was any love worth withstanding the test of time.
You're still learning about one another. Prior to last night, you knew nothing of Jungkook's romantic past, and while part of you is smug to have your initial assumptions about him proven right, it also makes your chest feel all heavy, too. Melancholic, almost, but you think it sounds far too poetic.
When you're met with his drowsy morning gaze - all puffy and unable to open in the way his eyes typically do - you can't imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt him. The thought of his eyes turning black when he looks at you, instead of their usual deep chocolate brown, has the chime in your stomach ringing like an alarm bell. You never want that. Ever.
He yawns, and says good morning to you with a smile that seems almost surprised to still see you in the sheets with him. He pulls you a little closer, nestles his nose to the crown of your head and inhales. He'll never get sick of that scent. Sick of you.
You're like gasoline spilt in the forecourts before a spring shower. It'll wrangle with the puddles of rain, which will pour and pour and pour - but still, it'll remain. An iridescent rainbow that refuses to fade.
You'll never wash away, he thinks. Forevermore; eternal.
He knows, just like you predicted, that he'll think of you whenever he passes gasoline puddles. Five, ten, twenty years from now. It won't matter how distant the memory of your laughter becomes, nor if he even remembers the colour of your skin as it blushes after a few too many drinks.
What he will remember is how your hair always smelt like gasoline.
It's a gateway drug to everything you are. One sniff; he's hooked.
Though he doesn't wish for death often, he hopes that when he does go, it'll be in his car. Hopes that an oil slick on a wet road will be the reason why. He'll smile as he thinks of you for one final time.
You'll get your vengeance, love.
But why waste time thinking of the inevitable future, when he could just revel in the present?
He's the first to suggest sleeping in, staying together, for a little bit longer.
"I'll call my dad, see if we can switch to this afternoon instead. You cool to run your errands in the afternoon? I'll take you to that place I wanna show you this morning. Then you're free to do as you please with your day."
A nod grants permission for him to set about altering his plans, and you watch him with curious intrigue as he opens up his contacts and heads straight for his father. You don't even have your father's number, anymore.
It's oddly comforting to hear Jungkook on the phone with his dad. The call is short, more formalities than anything, but you can hear his father's voice vibrate through the speaker.
You're integrated into Jungkook's life, now, you think. You're a part of family affairs, his plans, without even so much as a second thought given.
'Thank you' seems like a strange thing to say, but you consider it.
His openness with you is rancid. So sweet, so sickly; enough sugar to rot even the most frigid of hearts.
It makes you wanna tell him everything; who your father is, and how you can't call him anymore. You think Jungkook would understand, or at least he'd try to - and that would be the most meaningful thing a man has done for you in quite some time (though you're sure Yoongi would disagree, and cite one of the many things he's done for you that have gone unnoticed).
The words you want to say to Jungkook are lost in the feather down quilt, expert seams flawlessly keeping the pair of you pristine. It's like a shield, in a way. The world can't hurt you when you're beneath it. The needlework is exquisite, the finest cotton - Egyptian, you assume, but know better than to ask.
Not because you don't want to know, but because Jungkook hates itches he can't scratch.
He wouldn't have a clue of the sheets origins, but you're almost positive he would ask the reception staff for clarification later that morning, just to be able to give you an answer.
You don't want to trouble his mind with such trivial things. Especially not if it's working as hard as yours seems to be right now. You're counting every thread - two, four, six, eight - just as a way to distract yourself from him.
He's playing with your hair, and asking about your dreams - you didn't have any - and it's getting pretty overwhelming just how much of your brain you seem to be willing to share with him.
Sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four; you're asking about his, too, and he doesn't hesitate to answer.
He's talking shit about a praying mantis that stalked him as he slept, and reaches for his phone so that you can google what it means together. He doesn't hide his screen, doesn't clear his notifications, doesn't check what he was last searching for to spare himself from embarrassment.
Not that it matters, but he'd been checking to see if Lotte World was open. It's endearing, the way he seems to want to experience life with you. Comforting. Snug.
You lose count of the threads, and you don't care to start again.
"Positive and negative," Jungkook muses over his dream as he scrolls, holding his phone up in front of you both.
His arm is looped around the back of your neck, and you're busy watching the tendons of his wrist flex beneath his skin as his thumb flicks up and down the screen.
There are Seven Natural Wonders of the World, but you think the adjudicators must have gotten it wrong.
They clearly hadn't met Jeon Jungkook.
He's brighter than the Northern Lights; gets you higher than the peak of Mount Everest. More breathtaking than the Grand Canyon, more fire in his heart than Paricutin. Gets you wetter than Victoria Falls, but that's not really what constitutes him as being one of the greatest natural wonders of the world (though it surely helps). He rivals the Great Barrier Reef, and Guanabara Bay; expansive, a facilitator of life, new beginnings.
But the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and Guanabara Bay is the product of erosion. Everest is a death trap, the Grand Canyon too, and Paricutin forced hundreds from their homes. Droughts around Victoria Falls are threatening its very existence, and soon, what once was could be no more.
The only wonder worthy of comparison to Jeon Jungkook is Aurora Borealis. They burn brighter than before, making their way through their eleven-year cycle undisturbed, undimmed. They're magic in the mundane, and so is he.
He hums, unaware of how you're romanticising him to be far more than what he is, and it sounds like he's frowning. You reach over, thoughts absent, and take his phone to continue reading for him.
"To dream of a praying mantis could mean many things," you recite mindlessly. "Firstly, it could indicate that you need to remain calm and assess situations before you dive right in. Be patient. Alternatively, it could indicate that you are preying on others. Have you been calculated recently? Devious? Perhaps reflection is due. There are positive indications associated with the insect, though. A baby praying mantis suggests a bright, wise future ahead. To dream of being attacked by a praying mantis suggests that you are faced with a test that you are strong enough to pass."
You ignore all the bad, because of course you do, pass him back his phone and say, "see? Nothing to worry about."
He locks his phone, and lets it drop down onto the bed. The hushed clunk of it hitting your sheets is drowned out by his voice, all dulcet and dreamy in your ear.
"Wasn't worried, baby. Got you here with me." His lips press against your temple. "I got you."
Hook, line and sinker. Yeah, he's got you good.
But within half an hour he's got you coming undone; got you mewling his name, got you gripping his neck as he fucks himself into you like he always does so well. He's got you where he wants you, got you in missionary 'cause of that one time you lied and said it was your favourite, got your nipples in his mouth 'cause there ain't no way he can have you naked and not indulge himself just a little bit.
Jungkook has you. Has his way with you.
But you have him, too; have him whispering how gorgeous you sound, how much he loves the way you feel.
You have him coming undone.
Perhaps, neither of you 'have' nor 'has' the other.
Perhaps, you aren't commodities to be owned.
If anyone was to own you, though, you think you'd quite like it to be him. You think he'd keep you forever. He once said he would, so it's not like it's a foolish thing to daydream about.
And so you do just that as he weaves through traffic in the hustle and bustle of Busan. You think he's mad for choosing to drive instead of just getting the subway, but Busan is spread out so far that it would have taken a handful of changes to get to where he's taking you.
He's still not told you where you're going. Even when you ask for a dress code, he simply says, "as you are, baby. You're perfect."
He calls you baby a lot lately.
It used to just be when you were naked, but he calls you baby when you're all wrapped up now, too. When he puts his hand on the small of your back, to guide you in whichever direction he wants, and when he pulls your hand to rest on the gear stick beneath his, it's 'baby' that he hums.
In fact, he calls you baby so much that CC has taken a backseat.
The radio drones through the speakers, neither of you connecting to the aux. It's all very grown-up, you think, listening to the traffic news, and whatever is currently charting. It doesn't hit in the same way that your playlists do, but it reminds you of driving to the coast with your parents as a kid. The memories are fond - cherished by you - and it's how you like to think of your family.
Or at least it is, until the disk jockey segues into the morning news. There's the usual mindless garbage, celebrity gossip, upcoming festivals and community events - and then there's politics.
"The Mayor of Daegu Metropoli-" is as far as the broadcaster gets before you change the station. Jungkook doesn't react initially. In fact, it takes him a few seconds to reply, and when he does, it's inconspicuous.
"Not into politics?"
"Not into politics."
You're sharp as you deliver the lie, and Jungkook can feel the blade of your tongue slice his heart. He's deserving of it, admittedly, but you aren't aware of that. Not yet.
He switches the radio back. "I am."
You want to be sick, but you put it down to the fact that Jungkook drives a little faster than he really should do, and that breakfast had been substituted for sex. "You are?"
Silence resume as you listen to the broadcaster. It's an innocent report about cities linking for eco-initiatives. Apparently, Daddy dearest will be visiting Busan just as you're leaving. It's an odd thought. You've taken pride in not keeping tabs, and yet here you are, wondering if you'll pass his car on Monday morning as you leave the city and he enters it. Unlikely.
A possibility, but unlikely.
When you pull your hand back to your lap from beneath his, Jungkook lets you. It's a call for attention. You want to see what he does. Want him to pull it back, want him to question why you've pulled it away - but he doesn't.
Instead, he talks.
"I hate politics," he admits. There's a sternness to his face. An honesty. "I can't name you a single politician who actually seems to care about the communities they represent. They're bastards," his voice quietens. "The lot of 'em."
Only then does he reach for your hand, again. He's the one searching for comfort, now.
There's something about the way Jungkook doesn't look at you, but grips your hand far tighter than he had done before, that has you concerned. It's unlike him.
"I agree," you tell him. "S'why I don't care for it."
He nods, pulling his bottom lip beneath his teeth, as if he's trying to stop a secret from coming out.
You wouldn't mind if one did. You'd quite like to know his secrets - even the deep, dark, scary ones. Especially those ones, actually. His jaw rocks gently, the pillow of his lip being massaged by his teeth, eyes hard on the horizon line.
"Probably should have given you a little warning as to where we're going," he eventually divulges, pouting his lips and letting air squeak through them as he inhales a breath.
Your lift your brows and furrow them slightly. "Why's that?"
The question is answered as soon as he flicks his indicator on. You look to the sign above the highway, and that's when you realise you're going off the beaten track. There's only one destination listed on the reflective sheet of metal: a marine life conservation hub.
Something tells you that you're not headed towards the marine life conservation hub.
Something - or someone- by the name of Jeon Jungkook, and the way as soon as his indicator is flicked off, his hand is holding yours oh-so-tightly, again.
Your eyes follow the trajectory of the road, and the small row of parking spaces covered in fine gravel. You're partway up a short mountain, and you know exactly why you're here.
Mounds of earth rest neat and uniform on the mountainsides, clustered together, decades of tradition lacing the soil. There's a small path that stretches to the upper elevation, where a set of mounds lie perfectly still, small statues and floral arrangements decorating them in the most beautiful of ways.
You know hillsides like these. It's been a while since you last visited one, but the memories of places like this tend to haunt people.
He doesn't reply to your earlier question. He doesn't need to. You already know exactly where you are.
His name escapes your lips, voice quiet, but pacifying. You rub his thumb with yours, which only makes him squeeze your small hand even tighter.
He's silent, but he's hoping you know that he's sorry.
Sorry for a whole host of things. Too many to list. This - taking you to a fucking graveyard unannounced and non-consenting - is what he's currently apologising for in the guise of silent squeezes.
"Your mum?" You ask, as he pulls into a space on the gravel parking lot.
He's only mentioned her once, and the fact that she would have been 'rolling in her grave' at the thought of him being rude to you. You'd clocked it at the time, but had never dared ask since. Figured that when he was ready, he would tell you. Seems like he might just be ready.
Jungkook nods, and when he looks at you, he seems younger. Eyes wider, searching for refuge; finding it in you.
When he makes no attempt to move, seemingly a little frozen in place, it's you who starts to squeeze his hand right back. "You wanna go see her?"
And again, he nods. There's a bottle of soju in the back from one of his many GS25 trips, so you reach for it, knowing that there was no way the pair of you could visit somewhere of such importance without an offering of some kind. He whispers a thank you, as if you've done something of value. It's just soju, and it's his, regardless. You wish you would have known. You'd have insisted on picking up banchan, or something more substantial.
There's reluctance as he leads the pair of you, second-guessing his every step. It's important that he shows you this part of him, although, when he thinks about it, he's sure he could have just explained it. Over a coffee, or on a walk by the river. He didn't need to be so dramatic about it all. The past has happened, and he lives with the consequences.
But that's this thing - the past has happened, and Jungkook is still living with the weight of it like it was just yesterday. The consequences of it rule his daily life. He needs to show you, because simply telling you wouldn't have been justice enough.
His mother's grave is well-kept. Tended to. The flowers - large, white, and glorious, though you're not sure what kind - are wilting slightly, but are fresh enough to put the dead foliage of the winter mountain to shame. The mound above her is small, so you think that perhaps she was, too.
You just can't help yourself, can you? Another assumption made.
Your thoughts are cut short as he reaches for the bottle of soju from your hands, and nods towards the small ceramic dish that's been collecting rainwater. Supplies are low - the winter is incredibly dry, and had it not been for a storm that blew in a few days ago, it would be empty.
"Can you?" he asks, but doesn't finish. You let go of the soju bottle which is now secure in his hands, and head towards the direction of his nod, to rinse off the flat stone ready for offerings - though a cap full of soju doesn't feel like enough.
He walks further ahead, while you tend to the service stone, pouring soju into the bottle cap, and tossing it in the woodland as an offering to the mountain God; a thank you for watching over his mother. It's been too long since he last visited. Things have just gotten so busy, and he's under so much pressure. He can't think straight, let alone do anything that makes any sense and - oh God, the weight of it all - it's all just too much. He can't handle it. Refuses to. If he could scream right, he would - but nothing comes out.
His lungs are heavy in his chest, heart pounding. He doesn't know why he gets like this. He thinks it's the guilt; the fact that his mother would hate what he's become. She didn't raise him to be like this. Vengeance wasn't part of her vocabulary. She was kind, and she was considerate, and she cared so deeply about him.
In a lot of ways, you remind him of her. The acknowledgement of this only serves to make him feel worse.
When he finally turns to face you again, you're waiting by her grave, watching him with curiosity. You've been to many graves, but only ever those of your own family members. Never somebody else's. Traditions vary, and you don't wanna do anything that he wouldn't appreciate.
It had always been the same in your family; the eldest men bowed first, down through to the youngest, and the women watched on. The respect of women wasn't worth anything, you see.
As Jungkook comes to stand beside you, he takes your hand, positioning you directly next to him.
"Will you do it with me?" he asks so timidly that it almost doesn't sound like him. "Please?"
You're hesitant. It's a big ask, not because it's a difficult task, but because you know the first bows are always reserved for those closest to the deceased.
"I never normally do it alone," he adds, noticing your reluctance. "I'm normally with my brother. I just... I don't want to do it alone. I'm no good at shi-" he cuts himself off, not wanting to curse. "I'm no good at stuff like this."
It's a request you can't refuse. You follow his lead, getting to your knees, torso folding to the earth as a sign of utmost respect. He holds his bow for longer than you expect, but you match it second for second. He rises and repeats. You follow suit.
You think it's important that you don't overstep boundaries, not in a place so sacred to the boy beside you, so you let him take the lead. Not once do you move before him, but when he resumes to a seated position, you turn your body to face down the mountain.
It's not tradition, not really, but it feels like the best way to honour his mother; to provide her time with her son, but still offer support should he need it.
"I'm not doing recitals," Jungkook says tenderly, a pain in his chest pinching and soothing when he sees what you've done. "You don't have to face that way."
But you shake your head.
"I do," you reply with so much kindness in your voice that Jungkook thinks it's a wonder he hasn't melted and become at one with the earth, too. "Just pretend like I'm not here."
He wants to laugh at such an instruction. How the hell could he be expected to ignore you, when the way he feels about you burns brighter than the North Star whenever you're close by.
Instead, he just tells you that you're dumb, and sits beside you, facing his mother's grave. You hear him unscrew the cap of the bottle, metal cracking just how it always does upon its first few opens, followed by a small glug.
You twist your head, and catch him pouring soju into the bottle cap, before he places it in front of his mother. He nods towards her, as if she could actually see him once more, then brings his arms to hug around his knees, pulled tight to his chest. The bottle is still in his hand, so he takes a swig. There's a faint grimace as he swallows it back, and then he passes the bottle over his shoulder to you.
It's kindly received, and his actions are mirrored by you once more, a shot finding its home in your throat. The soju is lukewarm, the heat of his clammy hands altering the temperature.
The bottle is passed back and forth, Jungkook silent as he tries to muster the courage to speak up. There's so much he wishes he could say, but so little that feels safe to divulge. It's not until the bottle is halfway done that he seems to have the strength.
"It's been four years," Jungkook eventually says. You stay silent, the words you want to say threading through your lips like cotton through a needle, keeping your mouth shut. Nothing that could be said would make any of this any better for him. "Doesn't get any easier."
Instead, you lean your head on his shoulder. You're still looking down the mountain, and he's facing up towards the peak. His head rests against yours, and there's comfort to be found in his posture. The support he feels from you goes beyond that of physical.
"It was a long time coming, so we had time to prepare," he adds.
He brought you here because he wanted to share this part of himself with you, so he knows he needs to make the effort to actually speak up. Nothing cryptic. No half-truths.
"How can you prepare a kid for that, though? 'Hey Kook, mum's really sick'," he imitates the voice of his older brother. "'Probably won't make it through the winter'. She did, though. Make it through winter, that is. The hospital couldn't figure out what was wrong with her for the life of them. First, they said it was a pancreatic thing, then decided it was liver. Kidneys, bladder - you name it, they tried to pinpoint it as that. Round and round in fucking circles. So much time wasted. Years. I was 14 when she first got sick. 19 when she passed."
He lifts his head from yours and hugs his legs tighter into his chest. He hates this mountain. It's like he's got hayfever, even in winter, as his eyes start to warm a little. Realistically, he knows that it's perfectly apt to cry in such a place, but he doesn't want to. Doesn't want his mum to think he's upset. Doesn't want you to think it, either.
Deep down - although really not that far down when he comes to think of it - he's still just that scared boy, knowing he's going to lose the person he loves the most in the world. Funny, how history likes to repeat itself, even if in a slightly different hue. The colours of grief are always the same.
"She ended up getting referred to a specialist in Daegu," he sighs, knowing that he's about to divulge far more than he should.
He's thought about this alot. Thought about what he'd say to you before he knew you - like, really knew you - and how he'd deliver the lines with such venom your throat would swell and you'd choke on the faux pars of your family, just like his mother had.
But none of this was your fault. You were still just a kid, like he was, when all of this transpired.
You had no jurisdiction over budget cuts or the shift patterns of overworked hospital staff. You weren't the one syphoning money out of the public health sector, and you weren't the one who followed orders to treat common symptoms with the same cheap medicine, regardless of the fact it could have been wrong for the patients.
You weren't the one who decided that those who benefitted from the specialist centre were expendable. You weren't the one who cauterised their funding. You weren't the one who ignored the pleas and cries for help from the families of those suffering.
You weren't the negligent medical staff who mistreated Jungkook's mother, and you weren't the man in charge of the budget who decided that her life didn't matter anymore.
But your father was.
And so Jungkook has thought about this moment a lot. He's thought about how he'd tell you that you deserved to lose just as much as he had. He's thought about how he wouldn't feel a damn thing except for satisfaction when your father got his just deserts.
Now that the time has come, however, all he can do is shrug.
"They were great. The staff at the centre in Daegu, I mean. Really fucking great. Genuinely wanted to help - but you know Daegu," is all he could really muster. "They don't have the money for shit like that. And nor did we."
Daegu's local government did, however, have the funds for a fucking waterpark installation, which opened three weeks after the clinic was shut down indefinitely. "We sacrifice the good of the few, for the good of the many," your father had once told you, and it makes you just as sick now as it did back then.
"Anyways," he tries to downplay it, as if the memories don't haunt him. "Funding got cut. Mum got sicker. It was..." he struggles to find the words to articulate just what he went through. "Dad was always a hard ass, yanno? Do your homework, go to school, you wanna end up with a shitty job? Drop out like me! That kind of stuff. It's only 'cause he wanted what was best for us, he just.... didn't really have a nurturing bone in his body. Just how he was built, I guess." He pauses. Gathers his thoughts. Shrugs. "Mum... Mum was soft. Do you need help with your homework? How's school? You can be whatever you want to be. Didn't have a clue what I wanted to be, just knew I wanted to be like her. Seeing her get sick..."
He stops talking. There's a heaviness that looms over him like a cloud blocking the sun in the height of summer. It's stuffy and claustrophobic, yet there's nothing that can be done to ease it.
"The specialist centre treated her for as long as they could, ran as many tests as they could afford, but-" He cuts himself off. "Well, I mean, we're at her grave, aren't we? Doesn't take a genius to work it out."
He doesn't mean to be so scathing with his tone, the words delivered with a snarl typically reserved for his boxing opponents (or Namjoon when he takes the lead in a drag race), it's just that he doesn't know how to articulate himself. Not when it comes to this topic. He's never shared it with anyone before. Never thought he would.
And especially not with you.
There are parts he leaves out. Just little tidbits. Anecdotes, like the way he spent the night his mother died just driving and driving and driving, only coming to a stop when his tank had exhausted the very last drop of gas - at which point he just sat, grief-stricken, cheeks wet until sunrise.
He didn't speak to anyone for weeks. Didn't do anything except fill his tank up, get out of town, and occasionally train at the club. The force of his fists against another person never helped, though. Even beating the shit out of Taehyung didn't lift his spirits.
How he quite ended up in his current predicament is a little more complicated.
It started the same as any other night he'd crawl through the streets, red tail lights leaving a trail that evaporated into nothingness, thanks to the winter fog. Eventually, he ended up in Daegu. It was a common occurrence.
The shadows seemed darker in Daegu; sinners glowing red in the haze of smog and winter frost. It felt like home in a way. Somewhere to hide when he no doubt sold his soul to the Devil.
Sometimes, he'd drive in circles around the affluent streets, just hoping, praying, to see the Mayor out for an evening stroll. Of course, it would be an accident when he put his foot to the floor, full throttle, wheels turning in the Mayor's direction. A freak mishap. A car fault.
And if he were to suffer the same fate as Jungkook's mother? Oh, well what a fucking shame that would have been.
He never did see the Mayor, though. Of course he didn't.
But he did, however, spot Kang's. The light had still been on, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. He knew Kang's, thanks to his club in back in Busan, and he wanted to fight. Wanted to pummel any fucker who voted the Mayor into power. Wanted to break their nose; have them swallowing their teeth.
Of course, seeing a jumped up kid - who, as Namjoon put it, looked 'fresh out of nappies' - with a vendetta against the most powerful man in the city had the older boys amused. Truth be told, they laughed in his fucking face. Told him he was in the wrong place, 'cause there ain't no way any of them would be caught dead voting for that pompous fucking twat.
Jungkook learnt a lot that night; learnt that he wasn't alone in his fight, and that other people had lost unfathomable amounts of their lives, their livelihoods, and their loved ones, as a result of your father, and his wasteful, inhumane policies.
Though not a single one of those boys shared the same story, they all shared the same callous, complacent antagonist.
And they all wanted vengeance.
That wasn't the only thing he learnt that night, mind you. It was also the evening he learnt your name.
It'd be romantic, if the situation had been... well, anything but what it was, really.
He learnt who you were, what you meant to the Mayor, and just how you could be the winning ticket for their vengeance lottery. A plan was devised over a few too many Soju's, and before he knew it, he was playing the long game. They wouldn't initiate the plan for years. Sleeping dogs had to lie, dust had to settle.
There was another election; your father reinstated to his position. Only after then did you stop making public appearances with him, and the rest of your family. You didn't seem to be part of the in-crowd anymore. Didn't really matter to the boys. All that mattered was that you had fewer eyes on you, now. You faded into obscurity; Jungkook into obsession.
See, he's like you in a lot of ways. He makes assumptions, too. Had this whole idea of who you would be mapped out in his head. Pin by pin, you realigned his red string; tied it around his pinky and linked it with yours.
"Dad isn't who he used to be," Jungkook finally admits. His Mother's suffering may have ended with her passing, but his Father's seemed to only begin as hers ended. She passed a baton, Jungkook thinks, and his Dad is still running the race. "Doesn't really talk all that much. Loves to fucking gamble, though. All of her life insurance is gone. Half of my salary goes to the loan sharks that he owes from a bad spot he got himself in a few months ago. S'why I needed to come, had to check that everything was okay and that he hadn't got himself into too much trouble. Nasty fuckers, sharks are."
"How bad is it?" You ask, knowing that sharks are more like parasites. "The sharks, I mean."
"Um," he pauses, and shrugs. There's no way you'll be able to understand what it's like being in financial difficulty. Not a fucking chance. "Pretty bad. They were hounding him to the point where he just locked himself up in the house, wouldn't answer the door for weeks. My brother's just had a kid, he can't afford to help, so I'm stuck footing the bill for the interest Dad's having to pay. 'Bout half my salary. I'm gonna be paying them off till I'm six feet under. Bastards raise the interest whenever they fucking feel like it. I'll never be able to pay it all back, not all of it, and Dad's too fucking out of it to get himself a proper job. Whole situation is fucked."
That's a tiny little lie. Should everything go to plan, he'll have the money he needs to pay the sharks off within a week or two.
Should everything go to plan.
See, this isn't about vengence. Not now. Not anymore. This about surviving the sharks - but Jungkook has blood on his hands, and it makes him so much more tempting.
When you lean your head on his shoulder, comforting and reassuring all in one gesture, he swallows back a sob.
He's sharing all this because he wants - no, needs - you to understand why he made the choices that he did before he knew you. He needs you to know that the guy who is going to fuck you over next week isn't the guy who's been, well, just fucking you for the past couple of months.
He rests his head on yours, hair interlinking, silky and smooth, as if you're one.
The way that he feels about you oozes from him like the blood of a fresh wound; red and hot, sticky and sickening. Yet he knows that he'll never let the wound heal. He'll pick at it like it's a scab, because he'll never want to lose the feeling that the potential of a happy ever after with you gives him.
His body relaxes a little, spine curving, posture sloped. There's no need to remain poised; no need to be anything other than the imperfect version of himself that you seem to like so much.
"I'm so sorry that this happened to you," you whisper, eyes closing to hide the foot of the mountain you're sitting on. It feels so wrong you being here. Feels like you're intruding; encroaching. Perhaps you're the parasite.
The weight that's lifted from Jungkooks shoulders presses itself against your sternum. It cracks your ribs and impales the snapped bones into your heart. It's quite aggresive, you think, for a secret.
They say a problem shared is a problem halved, so if this is only a mere fifty percent of the pain that he's endured, you don't even want to imagine his reality. Now is not a time for pitying yourself, or lamenting the fact that it was your father who ruined Jungkook's life by proxy. You're sure it wasn't your father's intention, but you also know that he wouldn't have cared had he known the impact that his choices would have.
So much is left unsaid. Nothing you can do nor say will erase the hurt caused by the man who provided for you. A private education, wanting for nothing, your heart's desires fulfilled all came at a cost. Jungkook is just one of the many receipts; ripped at the edges, ink faded, paper creased in such a fashion that it can never be undone.
The guilt will weigh on you for eternity.
There's a part of you that wants to tell him. Wants him to know who you are, where you come from, how you ended up here - but you're convinced as soon as he knows, he'll wash his hands of you. Especially now. It feels kinder to just stay silent.
And so you do. You let him process his grief, and follow his lead when he decides that enough time has been spent by his mother's side. There's little chatter as you make your way down the hillside, his hand outstretched whenever you come to a rocky patch, just in case. It seems he doesn't want you to fall.
He also doesn't mind the silence. In fact, he quite likes it. He knows you're probably uncomfortable. Burial sites aren't exactly on the itinerary list of many romantic getaways, and he's not deluding himself about your actual reason for staying silent.
You make assumptions. He knows this, and wonders if you just assume he knows who you are.
But if he tells you - for definite - that he knows, and that it's okay, and that it doesn't change a single thing about the way he feels for you, it'll be game over.
For him, for you, for God knows who else.
By keeping you in the dark, he thinks he's keeping you safe until he can figure a plan that really will ensure your safety.
The drive to the nearest subway station is silent, too. You lie about your errands, and tell him that catching a subway would be easiest, simply for the fact it is closer to you than any of the bus stops.
You just want to be out of the car.
It's not that you don't want to be with him; it's that you do. It feels wrong to lie to him, deceiving him.
Opposites attract, or so they say, but they're wrong. You're birds of a feather, apples that have fallen from the same tree, left to rot in the height of a Daegu summer.
Your day is spent without him, and yet you're utterly consumed. He's in every shop window, his laugh rattling in the exhaust pipe of every shitty car that drives past. There's no escaping Jeon Jungkook. He's not the kind of guy you can just forget.
In fact, you're so consumed by him that all you want to do is head back to your hotel and lay in wait for his return. You don't know when that will be, and refuse to text him when he's spending much needed time with those closest to him, but the idea is so tempting that you find yourself sprawled on the sheets for hours regardless.
Your day is wasted, but you think that days without him are wasted, anyway.
It's nearly seven by the time he gets home. There's a hum as a keycard is tapped outside your door, the metal of the lock grating against itself to bid the intruder of your heart a welcome entry. Your eyes move to the door, because of course they do. Watching the man you... enjoy spending time with come 'home' to you is something that you never realised you would enjoy so much.
You wonder if it's the highlight of his days, too.
The location never matters, for it's in his eyes that your find your home - though 'home' looks a little different when his eyes are all puffy and bloodshot, his dark irises acting like a curtain. The window is covered. He's hiding his soul from you.
Hard to notice, though, when his cheeks are wet, and you mistake that as his biggest vulnerability.
"Hey," you whisper, legs unfolding as you stand and walk towards him. The door shuts by itself, Jungkook not caring for it. He doesn't even toss his bag down; just kind of stands there. Sniffs. Shakes his head, goes to speak, but chokes on his words and how big they feel in his throat. "It's okay, it's okay," you reassure, a hand on his cheek, the other on his collarbone. "You're safe. What's up?"
He leans into your touch, jaw tense, eyes resting shut. It's been a long time coming, and he knows it. Wonders how the fuck he hasn't already broken. He wasn't made for shit like this; for lies and deceit, especially not when it's someone that he really cares for the will suffer the consequences of his actions.
All he wants, all ever seems to want, is to be in the shower with you. Doesn't even care about stripping bare. Wants to be saturated with the promise of purity; in the way he feels for you, how you feel for him, and how your life could be together.
There's nothing inherently sexual about his desire, though he knows he wouldn't be able to resist to the eroticism of having you naked and wet - it's just not his intention. He simply wants to be close to you. Wants to care for you. Wants to wash your hair and rinse you off; ease the burdens of everyday life.
He forgets that water isn't strong enough to cleanse him of his sins. It will run black, always, because of what he's done; what he will do. Like ink bleeding from his tattoos, he'll still be left with scratch marks of the choices he's made; scars in the place of his missteps.
No answer is given to your question. Instead, he sobs a little harder. Hugs you, now. Drops his bag to the floor and holds you so tight he's afraid you might break.
He'd rather this, though.
Rather his affections for you be the breaking point, and not his sheer cowardice that will no doubt shatter your perception of him.
Your arms wrap around his neck, feet strained to the very tips of your toes, your hand in his hair. You've never been good with those who cry; never known how to comfort. It's not your fault. Just how you were raised. Nannys and au pairs were all well and good, but they never had a mother's touch. Your scrapes and scratches got bandaids and banana milk, but never any kisses better.
There's a curious softness to the way your hold Jungkook. There always has been. You've never really understood it; the need you feel to nurture him. Perhaps part of you always knew - could always tell - that the loss of his mother had been more profound than he could articulate.
You don't want to mother him. It's not your job. Maternal instincts aren't your thing - but the way you care for Jungkook is so pure, so unadulterated, that you find yourself wanting to ease him of all his pains.
And so even though it's not your job, you'll kiss his wounds better, just so that someone does. You'll fulfil his needs. Be everything he needs. Why would he ever want for another when he could simply just have you?
Your lips press against his temple, willing him to heal. Whatever's wrong is clearly bottled up inside, and a small part of you hopes that your lips could draw the venom from within. It's fruitless.
"Tell me what you need," you say softly. You're not a mind reader. Life would be much simpler if you were."What do you need?"
He thinks it's a stupid fucking question. Doesn't understand how you can be so oblivious to it all; but also doesn't realise how much of an impeccable liar he is. It's a learned trait. He wasn't born to be like this.
He was born to be soft, to be gentle, just like you. Under the bravado of your sarcasm and vulgar language, you're nothing more than a heart in search of its place. More fool you for thinking his ribcage would be a fitting dwelling for it.
And so Jungkook tries a little softness back.
"Need you," he finishes his sentence with a slight hiccup, his irregular breathing throwing everything out of whack. "Need to know you'll stay."
It's cruel, the way he makes you promise the idea of forevermore, when he knows full well that come next week, that heart of yours? The one sitting comfortably in his chest beside his own? Yeah, come next week it will be in his hands, blood coating his fingers as they dig into the muscle and tear it apart.
How beautifully unaware, you are.
"As long as you need," you whisper back. "I'll stay for as long as you need me, Kook. You don't need to ask. You know you don't."
And that's the kicker.
It's what has him in such a sorry fucking state.
Your hairband around his wrist, and the scrunchie on his gearstick, had been the catalyst to his tears; you're his demise.
There's a dusty footprint on the dash, right by the passenger seat glove compartment. It's yours, small and insubstantial, from the drive back from the beach the day before. Anyone else and he'd had tapped their legs, made them put their feet down.
In fact, he did with you, too. He'd tapped your leg, and was met with refusal, so instead he had just wrapped his hand around your ankle, and kept it there until he need to change gear down from fifth. He knocked it straight into third, and as soon as he was off the clutch, his hand eased off the stick and wrapped around your ankle once more.
It's gonna be you, it's gonna be you, it's gonna be you.
When he's cold and alone in the weeks to come, it's gonna be you he thinks of at night.
When he spills a couple drops of gas onto his clothes at the pump, it's gonna be you he thinks of when the scent of it makes him feel all lightheaded and nauseous.
When he gets into the ring at Kang's and is perishing just to feel a little rush, it's gonna be you that he thinks of.
It's gonna be you.
Far sooner than you realised, and for far longer than he can even imagine.
"Shit," he hisses, pulling away from you and heading towards the window. His back hunches as he leans on the ledge with one hand, pinching the bridge of his nose with the other. He sniffs back the evidence of his upset and shakes his head. "Sorry. Just been a long day. That's all."
You perch on the side of the bed, understanding that space is needed. You're not good with comfort, but you are good with recognising the needs of others, at least.
"No bother," you shrug, not that he sees it. "We don't have to talk about it."
"Nothing to talk about," he says as he turns to face you. His features are all red and puffy, the friction of sleeves against his cheeks tarnishing them in flecks of crimson. A weak smile is plastered on his lips, and he knows it's not convincing. "I'm good."
And so you pretend that you are convinced, for the simple fact that he wants you to be. "I know. Was just saying. If you did wanna talk, you could. If not? We can do something else."
Jungkook's mind jumps to fucking away the upset. Seems like a good distraction.
But he also knows that if he fucks you right now, he'll cry. He won't mean to, but he'll feel the way you pulse around him, and he'll start thinking about your heart, and then his nose will be nestled in your hair, and he'll be thinking about all that he stands to lose, and then he'll break the fuck down; buried in your pussy, suffocated by the adoration he feels for you. It's a grave he's dug himself.
He pouts as he shakes his head, bottom lip protruding as if he doesn't give a fuck what you do. "Not fussed. What do you wanna do?"
You hold out your hand to encourage him to walk towards you, and he does it without a second thought. He kicks his shoes off by the foot of the bed and takes your hand, climbing onto the mattress with you.
"Not fussed, either," you hum all rather pleasantly, pushing a few strands of his hair back and out of his face. The blonde is growing out, and there's a warm band where the toner has faded. It doesn't look bad, but you also know there's nothing better than fresh hair to boost a mood. It's your classic hot girl in crisis mood. He might not be a girl, but he's hot as fuck, and seems to be in a crisis, so maybe it could help. "Why don't we dye your hair?"
There's a grin on his lips, his brows lifting as he pushes your hair behind your ear, too. "Dye my hair? You saying you hate it?"
"God, you're so dramatic," you laugh - and that's the exact reason why he's so bloody dramatic. He loves to hear you laugh.
"You do hate it?!" he cries, feigning pain. "You think I look like shit?"
"The shittiest," you confirm, though the way you're smiling at him says otherwise. If your smile was anything to go by, he'd think you love his hair.
He'd be right.
But maybe it just went with the territory; a byproduct of loving him for everything he is.
The thought of you loving him flashes in his mind like a weather warning: Storms ahead. Take cover.
It's replaced by mindless banter; you telling him how ugly you think he is, and him pretending like his feelings are hurt. There's a tussle between the pair of you, just for an excuse to be touching one another. It's inevitable that you end up on top of him, holding his hands above his head to stop him from tickling at your sides. He lets you take this role of dominance, even though he could overpower you if he really wanted to.
He wants you in charge; wants you calling the shots.
"Let's dye my hair," he agrees and seals the deal with a kiss. "You gotta do it too, though. Yin to my yang."
"Matching hair?" You raise a brow as your hair hangs delicately around your face, tickling at his.
"Matching hair," he nods, because fuck it. He's never gonna get to do the couple shit with you. Never gonna get you a matching pair of sneakers, never gonna switch the sim card ports in your phones. If this is his only chance, he's gonna take it. "You'll do mine, I'll do yours."
It's a fair trade. One you can't argue with - and so you simply smile. "Alright, fuck it. I'm in."
"Forgotten something?" you hum, as Jungkook makes a u-turn on your way out of the city. You're not really surprised, nor concerned about his change in direction. You trust him. Wherever he goes, you'll follow.
The blue of Busan's endless harbour darts past you, teasing you, mocking the freedom you think you have. You're shackled, cuffed to the armrest, a prisoner of the way your heart beats a little faster, a little harder, whenever you're inside his Pony. It never eases. It's just like that chime in your stomach, which only gets louder with every rev of his engine.
You're sad to leave the city. Had never cared much for Busan before. You care for him, though, and that's what makes the difference.
"No," he says with a small smile, one that he's trying to hide. There's excitement in his gaze, celestial entities sparking in his midnight eyes.
"Hotel's a little further up," you add.
"I know," he smiles again, simple and pure. You're a bad listener, he realises. Stubborn. Believe your own assumptions, even when presented with contradictory evidence. It's a flaw, yet he can't help but find it endearing. "We're not going there."
He glances over towards you and catches the way your face changes as you recognise the road you're heading down.
He loves that little thing you do with your brows; the way they furrow for just a second as you try to figure out what's happening. It's a common occurrence, brief confusion, and it only ever flashes over your features for a moment or so, but it's undeniably one of his favourite expressions of yours.
You're holding it now, brows still pushed together as a grin rests on your lips in disbelief. He flicks his indicator, and it's all but confirmed: you're heading towards your bucket list hotel, the one you've dreamt about for years but never fancied booking alone.
It's been mentioned between you once, maybe twice - and he remembered. Maybe it's the bare minimum. Maybe it isn't as much of a big deal as you think it is - but your heart swells like proofing dough in a baking tin, waiting for heat to transform it into its final form. Soft and warm, it'd be everything he needs to survive.
And yet the only thing you can articulate is, "fuck off."
He takes it all in good humour though, because he knows you, and he understands that you're overwhelmed with an abundance of delight. It trickles from every part of you, your happiness infecting him like some sort of disease. A glorious cause of death he thinks it would be, to perish from your pleasure.
"Can't," he grins. "The booking is under my name. You need me here, Little Miss Clutch Control."
The change in his tone from factual to flirty has you all hot and bothered. You didn't expect such a lame term of endearment to get you feeling like this, but something about hearing it in full glory really gets to you.
The car pulls to a stop, but neither of you get out. You continue talking, bantering, existing next to one another. You're prolonging it, the anticipation that makes your hands all clammy, feet tingly. He's the one to break from the cautious climate between the pair of you, when he says, "if you go check us in, I can bring our bags."
They say that you should never meet your idols; that the disappointment of them being just like any other human breaks the infatuation.
The same can be said for a hotel.
You've dreamt about this moment for so long. The room is gorgeous - not quite the top floor, but close enough - and it looks exactly how you always imagined it. White marble coats the floor, the walls, the ceiling, too. It's grand and demure, but it's cold. The bed is flush to the floor, and there's little else to look at other than the view which pours in. It's blue. Cerulean. Sky and sea, with nothing in between.
It's everything you expected, and everything you wanted.
But what you want isn't always what you need.
You find yourself missing the old hotel. Just a little bit. You miss the intimacy you felt in the previous room with Jungkook; the warmth, the limerence you shared. It's hardly surprising. That room saw your fledgling romance crash and burn, but it's also where you patched each other up and promised not to let it happen again. A lot was learnt beneath those sheets. On top of them, too.
Still, every inch of you - your face, your body, your posture - is draped in delight. You're radiant.
The hotel really doesn't matter. It's the effort that he's gone to which has you so enamoured. It's more than you think you deserve.
But most of all? You can't believe that he actually cares so much about your desires, your dreams, your wants, that he tries to turn them into realities.
"Gone to a lot of effort for 'just a friend from Daegu,'" you simper into his lips as he joins you by the window, watching a ship seep across the ocean.
He smiles. Pecks you once. Twice. Holds it a little longer. Withdraws. "My best fuckin' friend," he growls, a little frustrated with the way he knows you're gonna be using that against him for months (if you make it that far, that is). Pinkies beneath your jaw, thumbs on your cheeks, he kisses you again. "Stop saying shit like that, C."
"Or what?"
"Or," he laughs tenderly against your lips. "I'll be left with no choice but to show how much your... 'friendship' really means to me."
The worst part of it all is that Jungkook actually believes it. He really does think you're his best friend.
It's a shame. He always thought that once he found his best friend, then that would be it. He'd settle for life. Loyal like a dog, is Jungkook, yet he'd always anticipated his mating habits being like those of a wolf. After all, what's a soul mate if not your best friend?
Big, big shame.
For now, though, his focus is on the present. There's a future outside of these four walls, and he'd love for you to be it.
And so he behaves in such a way that he convinces himself you could be. You; his, eternal. No sharing. No take backs. In this shit together for life.
Comfort comes in the form of his smile, and the way he makes you feel so secure in yourself. He laughs at all your jokes, reciprocates humour that matches your own. Tells you tales of childhood, and has you thinking maybe one day you could have little terrors of your own. You ask him what he'd call his kids - and proceed to tell him that his hypothetical son, 'Manta Ray', would 100% hate him. He asks you what you'd call yours. You list your girls names. They're pretty. Standard. Nothing remarkable. For a son? You look at him, lashes low, smile saccharine, and simply say, "Manta Ray."
It's that statement which has Jungkook determined to fuck you raw tonight; fill you up, toy with the idea of what it could be like to get you pregnant. It's far too soon for any of that, but the thought of it gets his balls all tight, cock twitching in his sweats. He thinks about the way your body could change; all shapely and swollen because of the semen he's fucked into you. He thinks about your tits, and it's when he thinks about tasting your fucking milk that he knows he has to stop. He's way too far ahead of himself, all horny and engorged, wetness seeping from his tip.
It's inevitable that you'll end up naked at some point.
But it's not just because he's like a dog on heat, right now.
See, your dream of staying in this specific hotel comes in two parts.
The first is sweet; innocent pleasure found in the harbour view.
The second is far less innocent. It's still about the view, but more so about how much you wanna get railed in front of it.
Jungkook wises up to this pretty quickly, without complaint.
It's impossible not to - primarily because he's reclined on the bed, legs spread, cock hard as he strokes his thick shaft, watching you strip for him by the time night has fallen.
He takes in the sight of you under the silver moon; ethereal in the way she beams on you. The curves of your body are accentuated by the shadows, his lips desperate to devour every inch of your skin.
You're made for the moonlight, he thinks, made to be more than just a being of the sun.
He's always thought he belonged to the night, but maybe he was wrong. Maybe he belongs to you.
It's not long before he's taking in the rest of you in; your scent, the way you sound, the tremor of your sternum as you laugh while he dapples kisses down your body.
You're celestial, laid bare, your soul for the taking. His lips are tender against your skin, as if he knows he could steal it. Keep it forever.
He's trying not to. He doesn't want to keep you, not like that, and not forever. He wants you to find happiness after him - but selfishly, he never wants anyone else to hear your laughter, not when it's coated in syrup, sweet enough to devour.
It's all very conflicting.
He can't wrap his head around it.
Can't make sense of any of it - but he can wrap his lips around your swollen pussy, tongue teasing as his fingers find their home inside you. He can make you forget the world, and that's exactly why you'll never be able to forget him.
His name is lodged in your throat as you come undone for him; a block of ice that melts with the heat of his limerence as he kisses through your post-climax comedown.
Body heavy on top of yours, his cock digs into your thigh as he ruts a little, unable to stop himself. He tries to hold back, but your tongue is in his mouth, hands are in his hair, and you're moaning.
The sound of your desire vibrates against his lips; has him shifting his hips until the tip of his cock is kissing your soaked entrance.
You tell him that you want him. Need him.
He shakes his head, and smiles, though he doesn't find much happiness in the admittance that comes with the gesture. "I'm no good for you, CC."
"Bit late for that, don't you think?"
His lips press into your throat; travel down to the hollow of your collarbone, skirt the tops of your breasts, and then he kisses right where he thinks your heart might be.
"You're so good for me," he whispers, lips brushing against the skin of your bare chest. You're more than he's ever deserved; more than he'll likely ever experience again. There's a fear - a very valid one - that this could be the last time. Part of him doesn't want it to happen. It will all feel so final, he thinks. Alternatively, perhaps it would give him closure - but what about you?
He's trying to do right by you, but it's so gut-wrenchingly difficult when all he wants is to give you what you want, instead.
He's slow as his hips begin to pulse, pushing ever so gently against your entrance before he retracts. He repeats this; once, twice, three times. Asks if you're ready. Waits for your nod. Feels his heart ache when you do. Sinks into you, slowly. Sheaths himself within your walls. Whines as he hits your cervix, balls ghosting your perky little ass as he does so.
Full capacity, you're stuffed with his cock, and yet he pushes just a little deeper to hear the way you gasp.
It won't take long to have him unloading himself into you. Doesn't even thinks he needs to fuck you. Your throbbing walls could milk him, even if he stays entirely still on top of you. He knows he'd make you so filthy, cunt throbbing, plugged with his fingers because he wouldn't want any of his creamy load to escape your pussy.
He knows exactly how he'd fuck you, how he'd position you afterwards, how he'd keep you reaching Nirvana again, and again, and again, just to increase the chance of fertilisation.
Jungkook is losing his fucking mind.
He's always been thankful for your birth control, because he loves to fuck you raw, but he hates it now. Wishes your body would just let you mother his future children. Doesn't give a fuck about anything else.
You're it.
He thinks you're fucking it.
His lips wrap around your nipple, mainly to stop himself from saying things he can't take back. Doesn't imagine you'll react too well to him growling about how much he wants to see your belly all round, tits engorged and leaky, body destroyed (though he'd argue it was beautiful) thanks to his insatiable cock and need to keep your pussy as his.
His mouth is warm; wet and gentle but firm with its movements. He's doing it with intent. You know why. You know what he's thinking about, cause you're thinking about it, too; how you're built for him to ruin in the most beautiful of ways, and how it's only fair he should reap the rewards.
"I know, baby," you husk, fingers stroking his hair as he groans against your soft chest. There'll never be another him. Ever. "It's cause we're good for each other."
There's something going on with him. He's always fucked you well, fucked you right. This is more than that, you think.
You aren't an idiot - but as vulnerable as he may seem, now doesn't feel like the right time to ask. You've dated men in the past who grew irate when sex would be interrupted by matters of the heart, and you've been conditioned to not 'ruin the moment.'
Jungkook wishes you would. Wishes you'd tell him to stop, tell him that he shouldn't do this, tell him that you don't want him - but you do, you do, you do.
There's movement; your hips working against his own, your hot walls milking his length.
He knows he shouldn't let himself indulge in such a ludicrous fantasy. You'll never get the picket fence. Never get the rose garden. Never take the kids to basketball practise on a Sunday, and fuck in the car as soon as you get a moment of peace together.
On the contrary, you think he should indulge in these little dreams - but there's hesitation, and it confuses you. All of his movements stop. His forehead rests against yours. He's inside you, still, but not how he was.
"You wanna stop?" You ask with a voice so tender that Jungkook just wants to melt into you. His lips find yours, pressure controlled, restrained.
One hand is supporting his body above you, the other holds the underside of your jaw. There's no further discussion, just mewls; groans of want, need, desire. Your legs wrap around his thighs, encouraging him to follow through on the pleasure that the hardness of his cock is promising.
He could do it. Make you his. Fill your sweet little cunt up so well like he always does. Have your back arching, body at his disposal. It'd be so easy.
Or at least, it would be if he wasn't getting soft.
It's not you. Fuck. God, no. Nothing to do with you. He's just so inside his head over everything - the way he feels, the fact he knows you arent built to last - that he's finding it hard to focus. That family he thought of? The happy one he could have with you? It'll never exist.
Jungkook can't think straight, let alone keep his prick straight.
You can feel that his cock isn't as firm as it was, but you think maybe it's just a blip. Maybe Jungkook trying to make himself last longer? You're not really sure of the mechanics involved in that, but it seems plausible.
You move your hips to give him a little encouragement, your pussy stroking against his shaft ever so gently. You're wet - so fucking wet - for him, and it gets him even more wound up.
Why is his body not responding in the way he wants it to? Why won't his head just let him fuck you like he wants to fuck you? Unfair, he thinks, so unfair.
You don't mind the fact he's not rock hard. He's only human. It's natural for things to not always go right, and it's not like he'd be the first boy you've ever known to have performance issues. It happens to everyone at some point or another - yourself included.
"What do you want me to do?" You offer, because you think it will help; think that by showing you don't mind helping out, it will make him feel more comfortable.
But he knows you've noticed and it's fucking mortifying. This never happens to him.
Then again, he's never fucked a girl he likes as much as he likes you. Naive of him to think he could trust his body not to betray his mind at such an important moment. Only fitting, really, considering that it's his mind that will betray his heart when it matters most.
It's a cycle, and Jungkook's struggling to get to grips with the pedals. He'll fall off, crash and burn, if he's not careful.
"Shit," he hisses as he bridles his hips and pulls himself away from you. His back meets the mattress with so much force that your body shakes, cold and alone without the weight of him on top of you. He lies next to you, staring at the ceiling, cock limp, jaw tense. So fucking embarrassing. "Dunno what's wrong with me."
You tell him that it's normal, nothing unusual, and that you don't care - but it's not normal. Not for him, and especially not when it comes to you. He's been a walking boner since the moment he met you. Hard as a steel pole for weeks. In fact, if anything, he's barely soft these days.
"Just give me a moment," he says, though he doesn't move. He's trying to focus.
He breathes, in and out, slowly, his eyes glued to the ceiling, tattooed hand draped across his sternum. In, and out. He remains flaccid, cock resting shamefully against the top of his thigh.
This is, he thinks, hands down the most mortifying experience of his adult life.
You don't give a shit, but he's so uptight; lips pressed shut, eyes hard, as he seems to look anywhere but your direction. It gets you feeling all insecure. You didn't think you were the problem at first, but now it's starting to feel like you are.
The awkwardness is uncomfortable, and the fact that you're naked is even more so.
You're both on top of the quilt, so you can't even hide. Instead, you have to reach down the bed for the closest piece of discarded clothing - Jungkook's flannel shirt.
It's about now that he wants to die. Not like a brutal, slow death (the kind that he knows he deserves). He just wants to be zapped like a fly with an electric bat. The kind you see Ajummas with during the summer, wafting them around in the air, tasing everything they come into contact with.
He rubs his palm across his face, and when he's done, his hand comes to rest over his pathetic cock. The worst part of it all is the minuscule trail of precum that has oozed from the tip of his cock and onto his thigh, tangled in his leg hairs.
He could have fucked you. Could have fucked you so well.
But instead, he's watching you get dressed - although he isn't even doing that. He can't even bring himself to look at you.
He had asked for a moment, so you decide to give him just that. You head towards the bathroom unannounced, and Jungkook wants to tell you to stay, but he can't get any words out.
Door locked, closed, metal threaded through a loop, you're alone - and you fucking hate it. You're embarrassed and ashamed and confused. Your acceptance of his performance issue was genuine, but it doesn't stop it from hurting. You think his desire is dwindling, and you don't know what you'll do if it burns out completely.
You breathe. Take a second to reset yourself. Everything is fine. Everything is okay. Jungkook is just having issues. It's not me, it's not me, it's not me, you tell yourself, though you don't really believe it, and then you head back towards the bedroom.
When you return, Jungkook's got his underwear on.
He's sat with his back to you, facing the sea view, legs crossed, knees raised for his chin to rest upon. There's a crease in his stomach, his posture pathetic and feeble.
You'd never tell him, because you know that he trains so hard at the boxing club, but you sort of like it when torso creases like this. It makes him seem human. Soft; his hard exterior subdued, just for you.
The bed shifts as you walk across it and plonk yourself down beside him, mirroring the way he sits. There's a tugging in your chest, like your heart is clawing against your ribs, begging to be let out so it can go and sit beside Jungkooks. You tell it no, that it has to stay put.
But then he inhales a sharp breath through his nose, and you can hear he's torn himself up over what just happened. Your head rests on his shoulder, and your heart pacifies. His bottom lip is beneath his front teeth, the pressure so great that it feels as if he could burst through the skin. He doesn't ease up.
Silence remains. You can hear the waves crashing through the double glazing, and you wonder why you find such peace in something so hostile. The sea could kill you without a care in the world, and yet you'd let it, if meant your final moments were as peaceful as this.
"I'm sorry, CC," Jungkook eventually whispers. His voice shakes, and your lips press a gentle kiss onto his shoulder.
"You don't have to be."
Oh, but I do, babe. You'll never know how sorry I am.
You continue, knowing Jungkook won't clarify any of his misgivings. "C'mon," your head knocks back. "Let's sleep. Check out is early."
And so he settles into the sheets with you. Doesn't really say much. Just spends an eternity looking at you. Such a sight to behold; a work of art framed by the sea view.
That's the thing about works of art: you can see all their imperfections up close.
You've an eyelash that sticks out straight, while the rest of them curl. There's a small scar just below your ear from a childhood accident. He must have pressed a thousand kisses against that spot and never realised before.
He's never paid much notice to your piercings - lobes, double; helix, single - but he notices now that the stud in your cartilage has a stone in it. Opal, he thinks, but isn't sure. He wonders why you chose that one. Doesn't think you chose it just because it's pretty. You put too much weight on intangible things like fate and karma to have not chosen something specific.
You'd had a field day when you found out he was a Virgo, but he didn't have a clue what you meant when you said, "Saturn in your seventh house? Curious."
He was even more confused when you apologised for the fact you have Mars in your seventh. At the time he'd made some juvenile joke about sticking his seven in Uranus, but he wishes he'd listened more carefully, now.
It was the first time you'd shown belief in something other than the power of peach teas to remedy a bad mood, and it was significant. Not to him, admittedly, but to you. In turn, it made it important to him.
There's very little he actually can say about you - concrete things, like your childhood hangout area downtown, or the career path you had dreamt about. He knows how you laugh, what kind of humour gets you, but not what makes you sad. Doesn't know how you grieve.
How much of you does he really know? Or has he just been infatuated with the idea of you?
After all, you're everything he was hardwired to hate. Perhaps he's fooled himself. Maybe the wool he's been pulling over your eyes is over his, too.
He's the one who's been knitting, though. The crochet is a product of his own making. He's only got himself to blame.
But of course, neither of you are to blame. Not really. This was never meant to be more than what it is. You're just a friend from Daegu, after all.
It doesn't feel like that, no, but for all intents and purposes, that's what you are. You aren't his girlfriend. He's never asked for more, and nor have you. Keeping things simple has only served to make everything so much more complicated.
"Hey," he whispers quietly, just to get your attention. He's embarrassed, and it shows in the way he's nibbling down on his lip, but he doesn't want to be. Deep down, he knows that there's no shame to be found in what happened, and yet he can't help but think maybe you like him a little less, now.
Maybe that would be good. Maybe you should like him less. Actually, he's certain that you should.
But he doesn't want that. The idea of you looking at him with anything less than utter adoration has his stomach in knots. He's so used to it now; the way your pupils widen, lashes flutter. It's juvenile, and he knows it doesn't mean as much as he thinks it does, but he's convinced that your eyes don't lie.
He and you both are nothing but spinners of yarn; the tellers of tall tales, romancers of wrong-doings. Rumplestiltskins' of sorts, spinning gold where there once was straw.
You murmur a noise, but your eyes are still shut. It isn't enough for him. Needs to be greeted with your eyes; to be welcomed home. And so, he tries again, thumb stroking your cheek, the side of his head nestling into his pillow as he shuffles in a little closer. "CC?"
A delicate breath huffs from your nose as you smile, curiously smitten with how tender his voice sounds. Part of you is tempted to feign sleep a little longer just to have him addressing you like that again, but you find your eyes open - and once you're looking at him, it's borderline impossible to stop.
"Morning," you smile, even though the moon is still peering in, checking in on the lovers she's nurtured to a point of no return.
"Morning," he smiles back. The clock on the wall behind you read 2:24am. "Missed you."
"Been right here," you counter, as if the chime in your stomach isn't ringing like Jungkook's phone always seems to do whenever he's getting lost in you. His thumb strokes at your cheek again, then pushes your hair behind your ear. He wants to see all of you. Every inch of your skin, every fleck of colour in your iris, every strand of hair; wants it all. The hollow of your collarbones, the slope of your shoulders, the curve of your chest beneath his flannel shirt. All. Of. It.
"Too far away," he pouts.
"Too far?"
"Too far," he doubles down, still stroking hair behind your ear just because he can. Your head nestles into the pillow as you figure out what he's after. 'You' is the simple answer, but what exactly he wants from you is unclear.
"I can be closer," you whisper.
All he does is nod. He doesn't want to ask for what he wants, fearful of repeating his earlier mistakes - and to be honest, he doesn't really want to fuck, anyway.
But Jungkook hasn't fucked you in a long time. Sure, he's been sleeping with you - having sex with you - but he can't qualify it as fucking. It's too brash. Too careless. Inaccurate.
The way he fucks himself into you lately is deliberate; a facilitator of the way he feels. And he's not gonna call it what it is, because the term makes him uncomfortable, but it's undeniable.
Jungkook fucks you like he loves you. Kisses you like it will be his last, touches you like it's still the first. He's tentative. Tepid. Tactful.
More than anything, though? He's absolutely fucking terrified.
The fear doesn't leave; not when your body grinds against his, not when you end up on top of him, not when he's kissing you like he means it, stroking your skin as if you bruise like a peach. It never dilutes. Never ceases.
He can be rough, if he wants to be - but he doesn't.
He wants softness, with you, always.
And he'll only have himself to blame when he loses it all.
There are 38 boxes of hair dye facing Jungkook, and he thinks they all look the same. 
You had been in Daegu for less than a minute when you reminded him to swing by an Olive Young to pick up some hair dye - and how could he ever refuse any of your requests?
It's so simple making you happy. A peach tea from a drive-thru on the way home, no complaints when you change what's playing through the aux after 20 seconds because you get bored, the way his hand squeezes your knee at red lights. Making you happy is the easiest thing in the whole wide world - but of course it would be.
There's no hardship that comes with your happiness. Everything Jungkook does is second nature, as if he's been doing it his whole life, and not just a few months.
"See, this one is ashy," you say, and he pretends as if he understands. It's been twenty minutes now, and no conclusion has been reached. You thought it would be easy, an in and out job, but Jungkook is full of surprises. It's not like you mind though. Learning his ways - how he behaves when no one else is watching - is a luxury that very few are able to indulge in.
He catches your gaze occasionally, and the way you marvel at him without even realising it. It makes him smile. Make him blush. Has him scared you're gonna start noticing his imperfections.
You won't - and even if you do, you'll file them under 'endearing habits' or 'cute quirks'. He's nothing short of perfection as far as  you're concerned.
Foam or serum? Powder or liquid? He didn't remember it ever being this hard before.
But of course, it wasn't. He wasn't actually the one who had dyed his hair blonde. Namjoon's sister had; a trick to foster intimacy with him when he wouldn't reciprocate her longing gazes after casual fucks.
He hadn't told you that, obviously. Didn't have a death wish - but he did remember that, for a short period of time, her attempt at faking closeness seemed to have worked.
It was a moment of madness for Jungkook, one too many sojus and he'd been seduced; a couple more and all of his clothes were on Naejeon's bedroom floor. He did as he always had done with her; took her from behind, spanked her ass when he was done and offered to drive her home after the alcohol had worn off - but he'd been foolish and gone back to hers that evening. While he was still a little bit worse for wear, he'd agreed to let her do his hair. He thought it'd be fun. She thought that maybe he'd realise there was more between the pair of them than just a good time after dark.
It wasn't long, and it wasn't love, but Naejeon had him reassessing whether or not it was just fucking, through the simple means of hydrogen peroxide coated strands of hair.
As much as he lamented the time he had spent with her towards the end of their arrangement, for a while she had been good for him. He'd become kinder, more gentle, and it seemed you were the one who reaped the rewards.
"And ashy is..." he carries his words on, as if the answer is on the tip of his tongue, but you know him well enough now to know that they're not. He's overwhelmed by the choices, simultaneously wishing he could pick without a care in the world, but also worrying about making the wrong decision.
"-Bad, yeah, that's what I was gonna say," he bullshits, but you don't mind the white lies all that much. He goes to say something, then cuts himself short. "And why is it bad again?"
It's the fourth time you've explained colour theory to him. "It's bad because you need a warm tone over the blonde, otherwise it will go green."
"I like green," he speaks with a small pout, not realising the green his hair will go isn't the same green as the trees in May. It will be murky, and grotty, like the streets in April rain.
"So do I," you smile. "But not for my hair. How about this one?"
His eyes follow your hand to one of the thousand boxes: a deep crimson red. It's not a shade he was expecting, nor one that he thinks will work on your hair. You know it won't, so you add "we can just bleach a little bit first. Like the underneath layer, or something."
His head tilts, a dimple forming as he tries to imagine what it will look like. You can see he isn't sure, and that he feels a little hesitant. He wants to do this. Wants to reinvent himself with you - an artist fixing up an old oil painting, filling in the cracks, restoring it to its former glory - but he's scared that what's done cannot be undone.
Ironic, really, that it's his hair that he's scared of. Consequences have meant little to him as of late, and yet here he is all pouty, huffing through his nose a little bit because the poor baby can't decide.
It makes you laugh how childish he can be. He just needs a little push you think; a helping hand.
"You trust me?"
The question is asked so flippantly that it would seem unfathomable for the trust between the pair of you to be broken. Flirtatious in your tone, he knows this is all just fun to you. Maybe he should loosen up. Maybe it should be fun for him, too.
Yes is the answer to your question - not that he'll give it to you. Words are dangerous. They can be used against him.
"I think you're mad," he tells you, but there's a smile that he just can't hide. It rests on his lips, crooked and glorious; sun breaking through a storm. It's yours, you think. Mine, all mine. "Get the bleach, you little fucker."
"See," you grin back, all big and pleased, and Jungkook thinks he'll never be able to smile without you. "You do."
You do as you're told; grab the bleach, get in line. Jungkook stands behind you, kisses your hair, tells you he likes it enough as it is, but that he's excited to do this with you. And then he's whispering some bullshit about how he wants kombucha, but the one he likes is sold out, as per usual.
When you go to pay, his card is already in the machine. It's on him. Everything during your trip has been. There's something charming about it; chivalrous. You've never needed a man with a white horse, but you got yourself a boy with a red Pony regardless.
Scarlet in colour, his car screamed danger when you first met him, but as you ride in the passenger seat, feet on the dash, hand beneath his on the gear stick, you feel safe. There's a world out there around you and yet none of it can penetrate the metal body. You like to think it's bulletproof.
It's an old car. A heap of shit, if you will, especially by today's highway standards. You had made a point to pay your respects a little longer at the road safety shrine at Haedong Yeonggungsa when you visited in Busan. 
A bullet would tear through it - but how lovely it is to pretend that you could be invincible together.
You ask if he fancies doing his hair at your place.
It's the first time you've ever offered.
You asked if he trusted you earlier that evening, and now you're the one showing him that you trust him.
This is bad. Really bad, in fact. In too deep; six feet under. He's sinking, buried in the way that he feels for you, but thinks that it's just his guilty conscience that's tickling at his tummy.
Your apartment isn't too dissimilar from his; a little one-room, cheap and drab, but brightened by your personality. There are photos on the walls, pictures with friends, postcards of art, memories of times you barely remember, now. Your bed is sort of hidden, a shelving unit separating it from the rest of the room. The first thing he notices about it is how many pillows you have. Plushies, too. He looks bewildered, but you simply shrug and smile. "Never take me to an arcade."
Your statement only serves to make that an insatiable desire of his. He's obsessed with the idea of you in front of the machines, neon lights glowing in your eyes, lips parted as you aim for yet another ridiculous plushy.
In fact, it's all he wants to do now, go to an arcade with you. Considers saying fuck it to the hair dye, and heading downtown instead.
But you usher him into the bathroom, and say, "c'mon, buddy. I gotta bleach mine first before we can put colour on."
Perched on the closed lid of your toilet seat, Jungkook watches on in awe as you get to work on your hair. The way you called him buddy plays on loop in his head. He thinks it's a joke because of the fact he told Taehyung you were just a friend, and he'd be right to consider that. He realises, rather quickly, that he doesn't ever want to be just a friend to you. Impossible, he thinks.
Mindless chatter takes hold as you paint bleach onto your hair. It's only on the underneath layer, and it washes out to be the most god-awful orange, but it's fine. All you need is a base for the colourful dye to stick to.
You've done this before, he assumes, but doesn't like that he's picked up that trait of yours - so instead, he asks about it.
"Shoulda seen me in high school," you smile. "Rebellion was my middle name."
It's said in jest, but Jungkook wonders just how true that is. You're the black sheep of a family you're pretending doesn't exist.
"Did it win?" He teases. "The rebellion?"
He likes the idea of your defiance being nurtured at an early age. You've always had fight in you, or so it would seem. It's something he finds attractive, the way there's bite behind your bark, and yet he appears to have you tamed.
You don't look at him as you smile, putting on a pair of latex gloves and reaching for the tub of crimson dye. The plastic container fits into your palm like it was made to be there. This new identity? The one that matches Jungkooks? Made for you.
Painting the dye onto your hair without much care, you shrug. Consider telling him about your family. Stop yourself at the last minute.
"Rebellions endure," you tell him, all matter of a factly and as if you know what you're talking about. You don't. You're a sham. Wouldn't know rebellion if it bit you in the ass. Stupidly, you think that disowning your family counts as an act of rebellion - but you did it all so quietly that no one even noticed. Rebellion would have been publicly denouncing them - also would have saved Jungkook a whole lot of hassle, that's for sure. "There's no winning. Just perseverance."
He doesn't agree. Thinks that life is a rotating door of winning and losing; a turnstile in the subway that will let anyone through given they can pay for the fare. That's what life boils down to for Jungkook; who has money, and who can spend that money.
The ones with the wallets always win.
Give it a week, and his wallet will be fat enough to run with the big boys - and yet he's never felt less powerful in his whole entire god damn life. He's watched girlfriends fuck about with his friends, his family disintegrate, his mother die. You - and your stupid fucking smile, the way your eyes always land on his lips before they meet his eyes, the smell of your gasoline tainted hair - trump it all.
He's a loser in this game, whether he 'wins' or not.
There's no winning without you.
There's a clamminess to his palms, a beating in his chest that goes a mile a minute, far too fast for a healthy heart. You're a comedown short of a cocaine upper, and Jungkook knows that his addiction has grown out of hand. Cold turkey is going to leave him in tatters, but he can't seem to ween himself of your body, your touch, the way your pinky loops with his. He knows what this is. Knows that the way he feels is far too much for what you are.
You catch him looking, his stare stern, and hard, and it has you smiling. He looks so serious - angry, almost - but you know he isn't. He's just thinking. Contemplating. He does it when he eats, too, and he's never angry when his belly is full. When you smile, the furrowing of his brows eases, and he begins to smile, too.
"What?" He questions, his eyes so fond that you can't believe you get the luxury of a man like him looking at you like that. Lucky bitch, you think. Luckiest in the whole wide world.
"Nothin'," you grin back, and he rolls his eyes. He looks so pretty, a strand of hair hanging over his forehead as you wait for the dye to process. His will be brighter than yours - just the tips of his hair where the bleach once was, but you think he'll look so pretty with a little colour against his honey skin.
He won't be able to hide the way he's paired with you. You've always scoffed at the couples who walk down the street in matching shoes, matching clothes. You think it's cringe. Vomit inducing. Gross.
But you're also so smitten that your lips are constantly curved into a smile, eyes fond as you look at him. You're absolutely infatuated.
So is he, but chooses to downplay it. Has a smirk on his lips as if he isn't obsessed with every little thing you do. "This is so dumb. Can't believe we're doing this."
"You suggested it!" You protest.
So hot, he thinks as you whine. He just wants to have his way with you, right then and there on the spot. Feels like he can never be close enough to you.
"So? Didn't think you'd agree," he smiles as he sinks his lips onto yours and forget all above the fact he's supposed to be careful.
Within half an hour, he's spraying you in the face with the showerhead, when he should be rinsing your hair instead. He laughs when you squeal, not caring for the fact you're both still fully clothed. A kiss is gifted and received, then given back, water from the shower hitting you both.
You're both in black, so the running red dye doesn't matter, despite the grout in your tiles turning pink.
"This doesn't seem like the most efficient way to rinse out hair," you husk against his lips, but he ignores you. Presses your back to the wall, and supports his body with a palm on either side of your head. The shower is clamped beneath one of his hands as the head sprays directly onto the wall, but he doesn't care.
"Yeah you're right," he agrees, his showerless hand cupping one of your breasts and squeezing it through the fabric of your soaked shirt. "Would be far easier if you weren't wearing this."
You laugh now, 'cause he's just so bloody predictable. A one-track mind, but you're glad he's thinking like this again. He's so much more himself when he isn't in his head over things.
His shut down yesterday has scared you; left you thinking that maybe he didn't want you anymore. The way his lips are on your neck, rough, teeth present, not caring about the crimson water running down your throat, suggests otherwise.
"You're a menace, Jeon Jungkook," you whisper, voice airy and light as it dances around the room, weaving between the droplets of water that pitter-patter on the ground. A menace; a maverick. Both could be true. When you look at him and see the way the dye is dripping down his skin, too, you think 'masterpiece' may be more apt.
He holds the showerhead over himself, letting the water run faster, more freely. The red feels never-ending, as if he'll be forever tainted by the colour of your love.
He then does the same to you, deliberately aiming straight for your face just to fuck with you. He loves how cute you sound when you squeak, body instantly shifting to defend itself.
"No, no, no," he koos, pulling the shower away and hugging you close just so that you don't retaliate against him. 
The way his clothes stick to his skin is uncomfortable, but you love the way his muscles feel beneath the drenched cotton. His chest is strong, arms even more so. Needless to say, he's obsessed with the way you look too: his shirt over your shoulders, water collecting in the fabric and forcing it to stick to the contours of your curves.
Reaching for the taps, he knocks the temperature down a little bit. 
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispers, pressing a kiss into the side of your head. The shower pours onto your feet, but you can feel it travel up your legs. There's a shift in your position as Jungkook says 'You should lift my shirt a little bit."
You feign naivety. Pretend like you don't know what he's going to do. "Like this?"
It's inched just a little further up, resting just above the lace trim of your underwear. You're a tease; Jungkook your favourite victim.
He nods. Swallows. Rests his lips ajar as he struggles to breathe. "Just like that, C."
The heady nature of the steam fogging up the bathroom fails to hide the fact he looks nervous; intent on succeeding where he had failed the night before. He watches as your lips part, brows furrowing. 
The way your chest heaves isn't lost on him, but he finds himself lost in you, and the way you look at him when he begins to hit just the right spot with the steady stream of water. You grip onto his arms, rising to the tip of your toes. A moan husks in your throat, and he smiles.
Crown of your head to the tiles, you let your head tip back, eyes closing. Your showerhead isn't something you often indulge in for pleasure by yourself, favouring your hands or a toy instead - but there's something so deeply erotic about the way he's watching your body respond to the water that he's controlling.
Occasionally he'll dip his hand down to your clit, not wanting the showerhead to take all the responsibility for what Jungkook knows will be his favourite part of the day. It's noticeable, the way a little extra moan will escape your lips whenever he uses his fingers. It's ego-boosting. Cock-swelling.
Your nails begin to dig in deeper to his muscles, no doubt leaving a print on his skin. Your whines, sultry and slow, take dominance over the running water which has been soundtracking your build-up.
"That's it," he keens, finally slipping his middle finger into you. He curls it, and the way you silently gasp has him smirking. He's still got a firm grip on the shower, his wrist moving in small circles to make sure he hits all the right places. "You gonna come for me, C?"
You're not there yet. Just a little further. A little more. A little - oh, fuck -deeper. You wanna tell him yes, yes you will, but all you can do is nod. Your eyes are shut, too embarrassed to look at him when you know you're going to finish in record time. The way you moan is sinful, and it only gets worse when you feel his tongue circle one of your nipples through the soaked shirt. He sucks, and lets it go with a pop.
"Keep-" you try and speak, but it's lost to the pleasure that's running down your spine.
He laughs. "Keep what?"
The question is answered by the way his lips wrap around your other nipple in place of a question mark. His tongue works at the swollen bud through the shirt, massaging it just enough to have your hips grinding against the pressure of the water, riding on his finger.
It's when he adds a second finger that things really start to become out of your control. Nothing you're saying makes any coherent sense. His replies are simple hums that vibrate against your chest as he sucks on it.
The thing that tips you over the edge is his third finger. The sounds you're making are lewd, and filthy, reserved only for him.
"The way you take me, baby," he grits against you, amazed by everything you are. "God, you take my fingers so well, don't you?"
"Kook-" you try, but are cut off with his lips against yours. His tongue is in your mouth, your hands in his hair, heart pressed against yours - and then you're unable to think, let alone kiss back. Your moans melt into his mouth, onto his tongue, and he devours every single one of them.
"Shit," he moans right back. "Yeah. Fuck my hand like that. Like that, CC. Coming all over my fingers aren't you?" His teeth graze your neck. "Filthy fucking slut."
The hands that are in his hair drop to his throat, and squeeze. His eyes are on yours as you ride out your high, but it's a warning you're giving him. He knows this. He likes it.
"Not like that one?" He teases, jaw hanging slack in a crooked kind of fashion that makes him look like he's from an 80's movie. You shudder a little, the ends of your orgasm still washing over you.
On the contrary; there's nothing you'd enjoy more than being bent over his leg and having him call you nasty little names while he leaves handprints on your ass. You're just fucking with him. Know that he'll take the graze of your nails as an indication you wanna fight. And you do. Just in such a way that you end up fucking, too.
You're still shaking as he withdraws his fingers. He looks at them, how they're coated in your juices, and debates who should get the honour of licking them clean. His eyes are on yours as he licks a stripe up his index finger.
"Fucking hell," he husks, lips wet from your mess. No one's ever tasted as good as you before. He doesn't think anyone else will ever compare.
He was gonna be strong about this; gonna take a sample and then give you the rest - but he just can't help himself. He sucks on his fingers - index, middle, then fourth - one at a time, before all three are in his mouth.
If you were breathless before, then you think you might have stopped breathing altogether, now.
He stares at you. Sucks. Withdraws, but only a little. Pushes his fingers further into his mouth. Closes his eyes. Groans. Moans. Grunts. Begins to withdraw. Opens his eyes. Releases his fingers with a kiss at the tips.
His eyes look down your body, then up to your eyes. "Where were we again? Ready to shampoo?"
The visual of him sucking on his fingers plays on repeat in your head. You need to see it again.
It's almost embarrassing how paper-thin you are when you shake your head, and say, "rinse and repeat. Gotta do that again."
He raises a brow. "Which part, C?"
There's a playful nature to him, pleased and protected in how easy he finds it to get you coming undone. He feels safe, now. There's security to be found in your eyes; a sanctuary, a dwelling, a hearth. Somewhere to curl up on the cold nights. A place to congregate. Someplace to call home.
You'd give him a key, if you had one. Put it on a chain around his neck. Maybe you'll just match your door code to his, instead. Cute couple things. The kind of shit that makes you roll your eyes and gag a little.
Ironic, really, when you think about it, as you wash the remainder of the dye from his hair. He reciprocates, but you don't think he's done it properly. It's only now that you pull his shirt off your body and let it fall to the bathroom floor with a loud slap. He sits on the closed lid of your toilet, still fully clothed, drenched, ruby red hair framing him perfectly. 
It suits him, even now, before it's styled pristine in that rugged kind of way he manages to perfect so effortlessly. He watches as you run the water through your hair, and you're surprised when you glance in the mirror to find him looking at your face. You thought his eyes would be elsewhere. 
In all honesty, they had been - you just caught him at a good moment.
Smiles are exchanged between the pair of you without your consent. Funny, how everything with him is involuntary, but in the best possible way. You don't have to think about happiness, it just comes.
"You look like a mermaid," he tells you, cheeks dimpled and bright. You cast your eyes to your legs - which are very much legs and not a tail - and give him a questioning look. "The hair," he clarifies. "I mean the hair. Bet you'd look fit as fuck with a tail though."
"My lord," you groan, tilting your head back in jest. "I'm dating a dude who's into fish?"
"Dating, eh?" Jungkook's ears grow red and hot, but he hides them well.
He wouldn't mind it if you were dating. Would quite like it actually.
You ignore him for a moment, caught out in the admittance of how you view the relationship between the pair of you. You don't feel embarrassed as such, you just didn't want to be the one to elevate the status of what you are.
"Not anymore," you say. "I prefer men who like girls with feet."
"I'd let you give me a foot job any day of the week," he protests almost too quickly. You reach over to knock the tap off, so Jungkook reaches behind himself to pull the towel down from the rail. He stands as it falls, opening it up for you to wrap around your body.
Gestures like this are normal for Jungkook; thoughtless thoughtfulness. You notice it often, and you always say thank you, but he just shrugs. He doesn't see it as a gesture. He's doing what he wants to do, and what he wants is for you to feel comfortable. He wants to ease your burdens.
Perhaps it's guilt. The knowledge that he's about to be the biggest burden you've ever encountered.
Or perhaps it's the language he speaks when words aren't enough.
Perhaps, just maybe, he's in lo-
The moment is cut short when Jungkook's phone begins to ring in the kitchen. You usher him out, tell him to get it, and head to your bed. Flopping down, still wrapped in your towel, you listen in to the conversation - "Jin? Yeah. Yeah. Back in Daegu. Tonight?" - and notice the way his posture changes. His back grows tighter. Voice becomes agitated. He's whispering, but is seething. You sit up, eyes trained on him.
He glances over to you, brows hard, eyes narrow. He looks away. Looks back again. Looks like he might fucking cry.
"No Jin, tonight is a bad idea. It just is, alright! No- Fucking hell, would you listen to me alright? Jin, she- No! No."
He looks at you again, eyes wider than the full moon peering in through the kitchen window. Divine feminity washes over him and berates him for his choices - but you mistake it for the sheen of a good man.
It's guilt that glitters in his eyes when he looks at you. He thinks you're gorgeous, but knows you must be a little bit stupid, too. 
How the fuck did you let him in this far? Why didn't you see right through his facade? Why didn't you just cut him off? 
God, he adores your brain - is absolutely enamoured with it - but fucking hell.
A beautiful fool is what you are, and to play a fool is to lose.
He wishes you never agreed to go on that fucking date. He only asked in the first place because he couldn't bring himself to let you get hurt, but it's gonna be so much worse now. Infinitely more destructive. Physical pain you'd have gotten over. Maybe even forgiven.
But this?
Jungkook's standing on dynamite. If he even takes one step toward you he'll catch the tripwire that will strike a match on the wick, and everything will be in fucking tatters.
It already is.
And all the while, you're reaching into your wardrobe to find him a pair of sweats big enough for him.
"I don't care what Joon says!" He hisses into the phone as you finally find the pair of sweats you had in mind. They're far too big for you, but hopefully they'll do the trick for him. "How far am I? From Kangs? 'Bout half an hour."
You close your wardrobe and look at him, head tilted, brows pinched together. He's barely a five-minute drive from Kangs. Ten tops. You figure he must just want more time with you before his boys steal him away.
"Jin?" He says into the phone, but is met with what must be a response he doesn't like. "Jin? The fuck man! Just listen to me! Please! Plea- fuck."
His words are interrupted by the crack of his phone hitting the steel sink basin in your kitchen. Shoulders hunched, he rests his palms against the counter, his breathing accentuated by the way his back is moving.
You're not scared, but you are cautious. You know he boxes. Know he has the potential to lose his temper.
If only you knew how well he's controlling his emotions in this moment. He should be given an award. A medal. A plaque. Jeon Jungkook, Container of Emotions, 2022.
Or perhaps 'Liar of the Year' would be more apt.
"You good?" You asked, edging towards the kitchen, sweats in hand. "Here, change into these. You'll catch a cold, otherwise. I'll put the heating on tonight."
Jungkook shakes his head. Stays silent. Sniffs. Is cold when he finally growls, "no, you won't."
"It's fine," you promise. Your heating bill is never that expensive. "I don't mind."
"C-" He begins, but cuts himself off.
When he turns to face you, his eyes are black. Just like they are in your nightmares. You always thought you'd die if he ever looked at you like this. The way your skin crawls has you thinking you might.
"What?" you speak so quietly that Jungkook wants to set himself alight on the gas stove top behind him.
He closes his eyes. Hangs his head in shame.
"You trust me, right?"
Something about his tone, his demeanour, has you frozen.  Your kitchen light is off, bathroom too, and there are shadows on his face that obscure his intentions. 'No' echoes in your head, but you can't bring yourself to speak it into existence. 5 minutes ago, it would have been an unequivocal, unwavering 'yes.'
He tries again. Eyes wide. Still focused on the floor. Petrified. You mistake them for being honest. 
"Tell me you trust me, C."
"I-" you choke on your words, heart lodged in your throat. He refuses to look at you. Heat gathers on your lash line, and it confuses you. He confuses you. You don't understand what he's asking of you. He's in your home. You invited him here. Is that not proof enough?
"C," he demands an answer. His eyes are on you now, finally looking in your direction. They're black, and they look right through your skin, as if he's watching the way your heart beats beneath your ribcage. You find yourself cowering into a shadow of the woman you are, and it's just another thing he adds to the list of reasons to hate himself.
You're meek and pathetic when you nod in response and say, "of course I do. Why would you even ask that?"
He's never seen you timid. Never seen the way you used to be before you left your family and became a human in your own right. There's something deeply unsettling about the way he's managed to revoke you to this version of yourself, and he knows this just as much as you do. 
He sniffs back a sob. Turns away from you. Rakes his fingers through his damp hair, and turns to face you again. Jungkook is struggling to survive inside the vessel of his which has been taken over by a fucking monster.
"Yoongi," he speaks quickly, not wanting to waste time. "Your co-worker, right?"
You nod. Say nothing.
"He lives around the corner, right?"
There's no reason for Jungkook to know that. No feasible reason at all. You can feel your pulse. You're panicking. Why does he know that?
"Take the fire exit and go to his, okay?" He says. "And fucking stay there until you hear from me, alright? Don't leave his place. Stay with him."
He expects you to nod. Expects the pathetic demeanour that's masking who you really are to agree with him. Yes, Sir. No, Sir, Three bags full, Sir.
But you stopped letting men tell you what to do a long fucking time ago. You don't take orders from any man - and you especially don't take orders from boys.
You stand straighter. Taller. Raise your chin, and look at him through your nose. For a second, you almost forgot who you were.
"What the fuck is going on, Jungkook?"
The question is stern. Sterile. 
He's so taken aback by the way you address him that he feels winded. Cannot breathe. Will die.
"You said you trust me-"
"Yeah, and you'd never given me reason not to trust you before now, but what the fuck is this?" You gesture between the pair of you. "You say jump, I say how fucking high? Nah, fuck that, Kook. What's going on?"
He paces, pushing a tense hand through his damp hair, before rubbing his face with his palm. The red runs through his fingers like a warning sign. Danger. You better run, too.
"C, you just gotta trust me-"
You laugh now. At him. Trust? When he's behaving like the sketchiest dude you ever met? You think the fuck not.
"I don't trust you," you spit, and rightly so - although you know you're being reactive. You should be calmer. Evaluating the situation, considering why he's asking this of you - but you've seen red, and it clouds your better judgement. "It's earned, not owed. Either you tell me what's going on, or you get the fuck out of my house."
"Do not try and reason with me, Jungkook," you assert. "You tell me, or you go."
And that's when he realises. 
That's when he knows there's no coming back from this.
"I can't," he whispers, the crack in his voice so painfully tortured. "I can't do either of those, C."
"You're gonna have to."
No, you think. You told him not to try and reason with you. What does he think he'll achieve? You'll magically say yes?
"Get out."
"I can't."
"I'll even open the door myself, if I really have to."
"You've got thirty seconds."
"You gotta just-"
"You're not even giving me a second!"
"You want the fucking truth?" He shouts.
"Three," you smile. Yes. I do.
"You really want the truth so fucking bad, do you?"
Oh, you big fucking baby, you taunt internally. Men. Always too good to be fucking true. Always have to do something to go and fuck it all up. 
You toy with the possible answers of what the truth could be. Fucking someone else? The other woman planning on showing up for a fight? Maybe the mother to a child of his, or something like that. He seems to be good at running from his responsibilities, so it would make sense.
He pauses. 
And then he thinks fuck it.
You want the truth? You'll fucking get it.
"I know who your family are, C. Know all your dirty little secrets. Everything. And I also know that if you don't shut the fuck up and listen to me, you're gonna get real fucking hurt tonight. That's why you have to trust me. You have to get out of here. Something bad is gonna happen thanks to the past you keep trying to hide, so I need you to trust me. I don't want you to get hurt."
Bull. Shit.
This might all make sense to you one day. 
But for now, all you can focus on is the audacity that the man in front of you has.
You reach over to your front door, and open it wide. His time is up. 
"I don't fucking trust you. Now get out of my apartment before I call the police and have you arrested for breaching the peace. Clock struck one, Cinders. Time to flee before I find out who the fuck you really are."
He looks at you, helpless and confused. This isn't what he had expected. Not in the slightest.
"One. Now fucking leave."
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