#i don't like getting into arguments with people but some of these excuses floor me
brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
The number of times I've seen people argue that Bruce is a decent father and that he is not abusive absolutely blows my absolute mind.
Yes, you can hc whatever version of Bruce you want. You can even blame it all on bad writers or reject canon. You can claim comic!Bruce isn't your Bruce and main a different version of him. Those are all valid.
However, you can NOT say that he has ever been justified for hitting his kids. There is no excuse for him willingly laying his hands on his kids. It doesn't matter if the person is drunk, drowning in grief, lost in emotions, whatever. Hitting kids is not okay.
Continually, the physical abuse is a very obvious sign of Bruce being a shit dad in the comics. On top of that, there is so much emotional abuse and manipulation as well. He's shitty as fuck to his kids and there's no reason this is okay. He may love those kids, but that doesn't excuse his behaviors.
Anyways, reject canon Bruce all you want. There's certain aspects of other characters I reject, and DC stands for Disregard Canon. Feel free to have whatever version of Bruce you desire.
What is NOT okay is excusing or accepting canon Bruce's actions/behaviors as acceptable.
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mascdestr0yer · 5 months
can you do a friends to lovers Paige x reader
Private, but not a secret
Warnings: some fluff, and the reader (you duh) being oblivious. It's a little cringe, but you'll live
Paige bueckers x fem!reader
Synopsis: You and Paige have been friends since the seventh grade, now you're both seniors at Hopkins highschool, as graduation nears Paige still hasn't told you what offer she's accepted yet. But you haven't either, the conversation never comes up until now. finding out you both are going to UCONN was exciting, but what you both didn't know, it would actually push you away.
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You're waiting for Paige outside of her classroom, of course she's the last one out. She finally walked out with that stupid grin of hers,"we still going to the mall after school?" She asked, as we walked towards the cafeteria, dapping a few people up when they passed by. Intertwining our fingers, continuing to push through the crowd of students.
"I don't know, I might-"You started, she sucked her teeth, letting go of your hand. "Paige,"
"be honest, do you even like hanging out with me anymore?" She questioned me, still keeping her gaze straight ahead. You looked up at her, quickly fixing your gaze straight ahead.
"why would you even ask that?" You were a little confused on why she became so upset. Trying to touch her hand to comfort her but she snatched it away.
"every time I ask you to hang out, you say yes. Then when the time comes, you start to make up some lame excuses." Paige obviously irritated, runs her fingers through her hair. "You told me that you couldn't make it to my game because of family issues, then you post on your story you at the beach with your Friends." Her voice laced with jealousy, sitting down in the cafeteria. You sat down across from her, fidgeting with your fingers.
"Star's boyfriend cheated on her, we had to comfort her." You mumbled, slightly embarrassed by the way she called you out. Paige scoffed in response, rolling her eyes in the process.
"then why did you lie? There was no point, you had a valid reason not to come, so why lie to me." She interrogated, resting her arms on the table in between you both.
"can we drop it?" You pleaded, clearly wanting nothing to do with the situation as it was petty and unnecessary. Paige on the other hand, wanted to keep questioning you. She knew the "argument"was stupid, but she continued to poke at it with a stick.
"answer the question." She "demanded" (she's letting out her inner alpha), looking directly in your eyes.
"I don't know, thought you would be mad at me because I couldn't come to your game, so I thought maybe if I made the situation sound more intense you wouldn't get mad."
"I'm more angry at the fact that you lied to me," she grumbled, picking at her nails, not daring to look you in the eyes anymore.
"can you forgive me?" You asked, poking her cheek gently. She grips your wrist to stop you from poking her again, her grip getting tighter making it hurt.
"only if you come to the mall with me," she smirked, making her grip tighter and more painful.
I winced in pain, "okay okay, just let go!" She quickly dropped her hands with a slight smirk. "Paige that's not funny, I will beat your ass."i scolded her, flicking her neck.
"oww, that's not fair you have acrylics." She complained, whining ever so slightly.
It's been about a week since then, you and Paige are sitting on the floor of her room. You do her hair while she yaps away. "UCONN is a really good school and my mom is proud of me ow-" she begins complaining about you pulling too tight and you not doing it right, you literally do her hair every time.
"hush little girl, or else I'll leave you like this." You warned her, with a comb in your hand.
She nods quickly, sitting back down in between your thighs, her back against your chest since she was taller than you. "I mainly chose UCONN because it's good for basketball and I know you're going, which is a bonus."
"I never told you where I'm going, how do you know that..." Your voice trailed off, a little scared or confused, both.
"how do I know that? I saw the UCONN merchandise in your trunk and your dad told me." She explains, drawing shapes on your thighs with her fingertip.
"when was this?" Tilting your head to the side as you braided the girl's hair, wanting to know more about the situation.
"I don't know, a little UCONN's acceptance letters came out. I asked what school you're going to, thinking it was UCLA, but I was clearly wrong."
"UCONN gave me a full ride, so I chose it. I didn't expect you to copy me and follow me to school too."
"you know you love it," she teased, sitting up when you stopped touching her hair signaling you were finished.
"Love is an overstatement," you began standing up, walking out of Paige's room.
"you finish my hair and leave me alone," she sighed, being dramatic once again. She begins following you downstairs, she watched you slip your black Crocs on and walked out the front door. Like the creep she is, she watches you through the window to see what you're doing. She watches you grab something out of the backseat of your car and walk back inside.
When You and Paige entered college, you guys tried, I mean tried to make time for each other, classes, basketball (Paige), and your studies. If Paige were to describe her friendship with you the first year of college, it would be called a disaster. You both just needed to adjust to college and your new schedules, wrong. Paige was always so busy she really pushed you away, basketball was important to her and you were proud of her.
The less time the two of you spent together, the more you both faded away from each other. Well, until junior year, you were the girl's volleyball team media girl(inspired)for two years, meaning you went to home games and away games, meetings, their practice, and etc.
When one of the sports directors heard about the women's basketball team lacking in the media department she had a meeting with you almost immediately.
"Listen, you've been doing an extraordinary job and I have a great offer for you," Ms. Adams leans in slightly, her arms resting on her desk.
"if it's about the wbb team, I would love to, but I don't know if julie is ready nor capable to run the volleyball team without me,"
"I've already talked to her, she said it's okay,"
"I mean, if you say so,"
"excellent, Geno !" She calls for someone, a mature man walks in, clipboard in hand. "Y/n this is Coach Geno for the wbb, Geno this y/n your new media girl."
We both shake hands, "he's here to introduce you to the team, the people you be with for the next two years."
You followed Coach Geno to the basketball gym, where the girls were "practicing", "alright, huddle up !" They quickly walked over to both of you, as you try to adjust your camera, you could feel someone staring into your soul, you looked up and saw her.
"This is y/n, she will be the head of this teams media department."
After a few practices, the team is starting to really grow on you. I was sitting down on the bleachers in the gym, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"yes," you answered monotoned, not bothering to look up from your laptop.
"can we talk?" A familiar voice asks, I looked up seeing a certain blonde.
"yeah, we can talk later, I need to finish-"
"no, I want to talk now, come on."she cut you off, you rolled your eyes as you sat your laptop down and followed her outside. The taller girl hugs you immediately, burying her face in your neck, you hesitated and eventually hugged her back.
"I'm sorry, for pushing you away," she pulled away wiping her tears, now you were even more confused, why was she crying.
"what- it's not your fault, you were busy with basketball and classes,"
"no, you don't understand, I wasn't busy, I was scared,"
"scared ? Scared of what ?"
"this," she grabs your face, kissing you. Your heart was racing, you could feel your face burning up, you kissed her back.
When the two of you pulled away she looked directly into your eyes, "you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that,"she smirked, holding your waist pulling you closer.
"how long?"
"since the seventh grade, I mean wasn't it obvious? It was really obvious during high school, how did you not notice?"
"I don't know, I thought we were just good friends,"
"you're an idiot," she chuckled, caressing the side of your face.
"I'm the idiot? You went two years without talking to me because of some stupid crush,"
Her face drops, "that's low." You laughed at her expression.
"you're just mad you have no game,"
"shut up." She rolled her eyes, biting back a smile.
Paige and KK were live on Instagram in your dorm room, KK's phone was set up on your vanity, there was about 13k people watching. KK was showing them her singing skills. Paige messing with your make up and smelling your expensive perfumes (no bath and body here😛).
"this one smells good, smell it." She puts the pink high heel shaped perfume in KK's face.
"ouuuu, it does." She grabs the perfume out of Paige's hands, smelling it.
"two hundred dollars?" Paige asked in shock, as she read the price of the perfume off her phone.
» User.1: who's dorm are they in ?
» User.2: it's so cutesy in there
» User.3: it's my room, duh
» User.4: why is Paige in another girl room🙄
» User.5: KK keeps re-smelling the perfume😭
» User.6 who's perfume is that
"It's Paige's girlfriend," KK answered chat. Paige side eyed her,she snatched the perfume out of KK's hands. "No, not her girlfriend romantically, our friend that so happens to be a girl."
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pretzel-box · 1 month
I really love reading your works!! Could you write something with Sebastian and a plus sized reader? :}
A little pick-me-up
Words: 1,1k
Tags: Plus-Sized/Chubby reader, reader gets bullied for a short moment, positive affirmations from Sebastian
Authors note: I feel like Sebastian is insecure about his looks and will definitely stand up if someone gets bullied for their appearance.
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Sebastian had never been one for company. In the depths of the Hadal Blackside, solitude was often a blessing rather than a curse. But today, as he sorted some of the newly recieved data in his shop, his mind started preoccupied itself with the latest group of recruits sent down to this watery hell. Urbanshade's current victims by avoiding prison time by jumping straight into their death.
The sound of muffled voices reached his ears, a mixture of cruel laughter and low, taunting whispers. He tiled his head and saw them coming out of the vent: a group of three, clad in the standard-issue diving suits, mocking you who was visibly uncomfortable, shifting awkwardly under their jeers.
"Maybe if you stopped stuffing your face, you wouldn't have to squeeze into that vent," one of the voices sneered, the words dripping with malice.
"Yeah, it's like you're taking up all the space and getting us stuck," another chimed in, their laughter echoing off the metal walls.
The target of their bullying—a chubby figure, their diving suit snug but by no means too tight—stood there, visibly shrinking under the barrage of insults. In other words, you. Your head was lowered, trying to keep their composure, but Sebastian could see the way your hands clenched into fists, the way your shoulders hunched as if trying to make yourself smaller.
Something snapped inside him. Maybe it was the memories of his own mistreatment, the endless experiments and dehumanization, or maybe it was just the sheer injustice of it all. But before he even realized what he was doing, he was moving toward them, his long tail scraping against the floor, the low rumble of his approach silencing the laughter.
The bullies looked up, their expressions shifting from amusement to confusion, and then to fear as they recognized who was bearing down on them.
"If I were you, I would shut up," Sebastian growled, his voice low and dangerous, the tone leaving no room for argument.
The leader of the group tried to stammer out some sort of excuse, but Sebastian wasn't interested in hearing it. His eyes narrowed, and the bullies took a step back, their bravado crumbling under the weight of his glare. Without another word, they turned and scurried away, their retreat almost comical in its haste. Instead they rushed to grab the keycard and went back into the darkness of the vent.
Once they were gone, Sebastian turned his attention to the person they had been tormenting. You were still standing there, shoulders tense, clearly bracing yourself for whatever might come next. But Sebastian wasn't like the others.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice softer now even when he kept his usual stoic face, the edge gone.
You looked up, your eyes wide with surprise. Then you nodded, though it was clear that the encounter had rattled you.
„Y-Yeah... thanks," you mumbled, your voice small but sincere.
Sebastian could see the pain in your eyes, the way you were trying to hide how much the words had hurt. It was a look he knew all too well—one of vulnerability, of being made to feel less than what you were.
"Don't let them get to you," he said, his tone firm but gentle. "People like that... they're the ones with the real problems. You don’t owe them anything."
You looked at him, studying his face as if searching for any sign of mockery or hidden intent. But all you found was honesty, and maybe a little bit of understanding.
"Thanks," you repeated, a little stronger this time. "I guess... I just wasn’t expecting that."
Sebastian nodded, his eyes softening as he took in the sight of you. He could see the strength it took for you to stand there, to not crumble under the weight of your teammates’ cruelty. It reminded him of his own battles, the way he had been broken down and yet somehow still found a way to keep going.
"People here can be cruel," he said, his voice low. "But that doesn’t mean you have to let them define you. You’re more than what they say, more than what they think."
For a moment, there was silence between you, the oppressive atmosphere of the Hadal Blackside lifting just a little. Then, you nodded, a small but genuine smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Thanks, Sebastian," you said, your voice steady.
He gave a small nod, and for the first time in a long while, Sebastian felt a sense of camaraderie, of connection with someone else in this forsaken place.
"It’s… it’s not easy, but I guess you just have to keep moving forward, right?"
"Yeah," Sebastian agreed, nodding a little too quickly. "That’s right. But, uh… there’s something else I wanted to say." He paused, fidgeting with the belts around his chest with his large hands, his fluorescent eyes flicking to you and then away again. "I know it’s not easy to hear stuff like what they said. But… I just want you to know that… well, I think you’re…"
He trailed off, his cheeks darkening as he struggled to find the words. The usually stoic and composed Sebastian was visibly flustered, and it was clear that he was venturing into unfamiliar territory.
"I think you’re perfect just the way you are," he finally blurted out, his voice softer, more earnest. "Your size, I mean… it suits you. You’re… you’re strong, and you’re real. And… I like that."
You blinked, taken aback by his sudden confession. You could see the sincerity in his eyes, the way he was nervously fiddling with the item in his hands, clearly out of his element. It wasn’t often that someone like Sebastian, someone who had seen so much darkness, would say something so vulnerable, so genuine.
"Sebastian," you started, your voice barely above a whisper, "thank you. That… that means a lot."
Sebastian looked down at you, his expression a mix of relief and embarrassment. "I’m not good with words," he mumbled, glancing away again. "But I just wanted you to know… you don’t have to change anything about yourself. Not for them. Not for anyone."
You smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made something in Sebastian’s chest tighten. "I won’t," you said, your voice steady. "And… thanks, really. It’s nice to hear that from someone who… who actually sees me."
The tension in the air slowly dissipated, replaced by a comfortable silence. Sebastian, still a little flustered, busied himself with rearranging a few items on the table next to him, trying to act like he hadn’t just said something so out of character.
But there was no denying the shift in the atmosphere. The connection between them, once tentative and fragile, had grown a little stronger. And as they spent the rest of the time together in the shop, it was clear that, for the first time in a long while, neither of them felt quite so alone.
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halfagone · 11 months
Is it Canon or Fanon?
A little over a week ago, I received a very thought-provoking ask that wondered whether the Fenton parents could be considered good parents after everything they've done throughout the show. I did leave a response to that ask, and you can find the original answer here. But even afterwards, it had me thinking:
Why did we start depicting Jack and Maddie as Bad Parents to begin with?
I aim to answer this question through canon evidence to see where this argument might have come from. Now, something to keep in mind is that we still tend to ignore canon a lot of the time, so there may be some people who won't take this meta to mean all that much anyways. But for the purpose of fanfiction, we have to acknowledge that there needs to be an in-universe explanation to these events and sadly, the 'it's a Butch Hartman show' or 'it's an early 2000s cartoon' excuses don't really cut it.
So let's start with some basic stats. There are 49 episodes to the Danny Phantom cartoon (we will not be using the Graphic Novel, A Glitch in Time, for examples); 20 for the first season, 17 for the second, and 12 for the third. If you looked this up on Google, you might notice that these numbers don't line up with the episode list provided. This is because I counted any two-part episodes as one for convenience's sake. Season 2 has three two-parters: "Reign Storm", "The Ultimate Enemy", and "Reality Trip". Season 3 has "Phantom Planet".
Jack appears for 43 of those episodes, although he does not have any speaking lines in the episode, "Frightmare". Maddie, on the other hand, appears in 40 episodes. The three episodes that Maddie does not appear in, but Jack does, are as follows: "Memory Blank", "Flirting With Disaster", and "Double Cross My Heart".
Let's Start with Season 1:
"Mystery Meat": Jack is shown as dismissive to Danny and his friends' preferences, telling them, "True, I've never seen a ghost, but when I do, I'll be prepared. And so will you, whether you want to be or not." Later on, when Sam and Tucker are visibly shaking and Danny is panting from exhaustion, he doesn't realize something is off about this. When Jazz offers to drive Danny to school, the Fenton parents quickly assume that she's a ghost and go off to track them down... even despite her previous argument that she was mentally an adult (should I be concerned that Jazz called Danny an 'abused, unwanted wretch' to make a point to their parents?) A POINT TO MADDIE, she worried about hurting Jazz if she really wasn't a ghost but Jack quickly dismisses that, as their ghost-hunting device only hurts when gets into human hair (spoiler alert, it gets into Jazz's hair). She also insists that Danny is not a ghost, but unfortunately she ultimately doesn't try to stop Jack when he insist Jazz is a ghost. Standing aside and letting abuse play out does not mean Maddie is innocent of hurting her daughter too.
"Fanning the Flames": When Jazz and Danny are struggling to study for an upcoming test, Jack decides that they should put their kids into the 'Fenton Stockades' which is basically an iron maiden. And yes, the Fentons have an entire floor that is meant to torture people. I feel like that should probably be addressed at some point. A POINT TO MADDIE, she stood her ground and refused to let him put their children inside, and even locks him inside instead.
"Teacher of the Year": After hearing displeasing news about the state of Danny's grades in a parent-teacher conference, Maddie lectures Danny by saying, "Get this straight Danny. You're a Fenton. Fentons get As. Or in your father's case, B minuses." Before this, when Danny tried to explain himself, Jack shuts him up with, "Now that's enough of your sass talk mister." Do a lot of parents act like this? Yes. Does that make this a good, conductive way to help your child improve their grades? No, it does not. In fact, Maddie's response in particular probably reinforces the idea that Danny doesn't fit in with the rest of his family and further proves that Jazz is the favorite child. Not a great parenting moment.
"Fright Knight": In this episode, Jack tells Danny, "If I didn't consider it a sign of weakness, I'd weep with joy!" Not a very promising sign when a parent tells their child that it's wrong to show emotion. It's especially telling, however, when it's crying from joy and not even sadness. Yikes.
"13": This is the episode where Jazz 'dates' Johnny briefly, and we see Danny stalking them on their dates. I've seen people give Danny a decent amount of flack for that as well, so this would be a good time to say that the Fenton parents were there too and even encouraged him to keep stalking his sister. Danny was wrong to ignore Jazz's privacy like that, but he definitely learned it somewhere.
"Public Enemies": Here we see more of the Fenton parents' aggression towards ghosts. We get a line from Jack: "I'm gonna tear that ghost kid apart into a million different-" Notice something here? He recognizes that Phantom is a ghost 'kid' and yet still fully intends to shoot at him with the intent to hurt if not straight-up kill him. The only time Maddie disagrees with him is to insist that she does the dirty work because she has better aim than him. These are not the type of people you should let children stay with.
"Maternal Instincts": Okay, I gotta say it, this is a really cute episode. We get to see Maddie reminiscing over how close she and Danny used to be and wishing they had that bond again. Unfortunately she does get some points docked off for deciding what they should do as a bonding activity instesd of asking what Danny wanted to do and maybe learning more about his interests and who he is as a person now that he's a teenager. But there is this really sweet moment where Maddie tells Danny 'I love you' at the campsite which absolutely melted my heart and then later on when she saves Danny from the ghosts, Danny tells her she's awesome and gives her a hug. So sweet. But then she kinda ruins it by asking her son to act as a distraction and- Please do not ask your teenage children to keep skeevy old guys 'entertained' when you know he's a creep. A POINT TO JACK, while all this is going on he's defending his daughter and even shouts, "Back off, she's a minor!" That's some Dr. Doofenshmirtz energy right there, I respect it. He also talks about making Jazz an action figure, which was a really cute moment amidst the chaos.
"The Million Dollar Ghost": This episode is filled with some great Danny-Jack bonding moments and goes to show how much Danny cares about his father that he's willing to get caught to make Jack feel better about himself. We also get to see how much Jack cares about how Danny views him and he wants to be someone in Danny's eyes. Unfortunately, this is the episode where Danny gets lectured for not doing all his lab chores, such as cleaning the beakers and changing the ecto-filtrator- despite knowing that the portal could blow up if they don't change in time and knowing that Danny is bad at cleaning his own room. And we literally get a scene where Jack knocks something over and tells Danny to clean it up because he was too busy running around to do it himself. Is it important to give children chores? Yes, it teaches them responsibility. You should not be asking them to deal with hazardous, dangerous chemicals that can literally cause an explosion capable of killing people. Something to keep in mind.
Now let's look at Season 2:
"Doctor's Disorders": In this lovely (sarcasm) episode, we have Jack saying to Danny's face: "Poor Jazz. She's always been my favorite." I don't feel like this one needs much more explanation for how horrible this is. Also, this isn't really too relevant to the bad-parent-thing and more to the "they wouldn't take Danny's reveal well under other circumstances" thing, because Maddie literally says to Tucker: "Everybody knows humans can't have ghost powers." Which would technically, probably, dehumanize Danny in their eyes.
"Identity Crisis": There's one line in particular in this episode I wanted to point out, which is from Jack where he says, "Safety features? Why, safety features are for punks." ...I know this is probably supposed to be a joke, but when you think about it, it's even worse than you might think. In fanon we do tend to stress how forgetful the Fentons are when it comes to lab safety, but it's one thing to forget and it's a whole other thing to purposefully dismiss it. I could even argue that we're doing the Fentons a service by characterizing them as simply forgetful.
"The Fenton Menace": This is one of the episodes I referenced in the original ask as well, for its... plethora of concerning material. There are lines such as, "Whether it's air land or sea I won't stop until we capture a ghost and tear it apart. Molecule by molecule." A POINT TO MADDIE, she told her family she loved them by saying, "Nothing like spending quality family time with the people you love." However she immediately loses those points when she and Jack attempt to 'spin the crazy' out of Danny. The episode transcript reveals Danny's reaction to this, which is described by, "Danny screaming, his face and hair flying around. Zoom out to show him strapped to a table, which is attached to a metal arm. Zoom out to show the metal arm connected to a centrifuge-like device on the ceiling." As well as, "Danny is shaking, hair sticking up with bags under his eyes." Is this supposed to be a joke? I wouldn't know because quite frankly, I'm not laughing.
"The Fright Before Christmas": So in this episode we learn why Danny hates Christmas! Which is because he got peed on by a dog. As a baby. What kind of parent lets their baby get peed on by a dog? Again, child neglect is a criminally punishable offense, and if they had left him out, in the cold, with dog piss on him, we could have had a lot bigger problems here. They also ignore both their children for most of this episode due to their arguing, although they go back later on and tell Danny that he shouldn't be alone for Christmas and where was all this concern before?
"Secret Weapons": Ah... This is the episode where it happens. Here we get the infamous interaction. Please note how a ghost is referred to as an 'it'. Not a person, not even a kid. But an 'it' that can feel pain that will go ignored.
Jazz: "Does it hurt the ghost?" Maddie: [laughs] "Oh, Jazz! You know your father and I don't care about that. Jack: "Yeah! If we hear it scream, then we know it's working."
"Micro-Management": At the very end of this episode, Jack makes a comment to Danny, "I'm so proud. Our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president. Here's to you son." Clearly it's meant to be a compliment, but I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't take this as a compliment.
"Masters of All Time": This one takes a more distressing turn, because after Maddie catches Danny for snooping around, she has his strapped down to a table and fires a laser at him to interrogate him, thinking he's a ghost (though the laser doesn't hit him, just threatens him, which... isn't much better). And this is after he's already insisted that he's her son. He is still very clearly a child, and even if she doesn't believe that he's her son (for admittedly understandable reasons, people usually remember when they bear children), the fact that she strapped him to a table at all does not look favorably on her. Especially when he very clearly believed that she was his mother, and he was her son. And she still did this to him. Yes, there were time shenanigans involved, but that doesn't make this any easier on Danny just because he knows the truth.
"Reality Trip": This episode showcases that the Fenton parents can actually be decent parents. While they have a hard time believing the truth at first, they do eventually accept it. However, it is still important to remember that Danny could have never known what their reaction would be, so his fear is understandable and rooted in real concern for his life. Here are some of the best points from this transcript:
Jack: "Imagine, our own son has had ghost powers all this time and has kept them a secret from us. [confused] But we love him! [turning to Maddie] I wonder why he didn't trust us enough to tell us." Jazz: "[sarcastically] Hmm, let me guess. [mimicking Jack] "Hey, Maddie, let's destroy the ghost!" [mimicking Maddie] "No, Jack, let's dissect the ghost." [mimicking Jack again] "I know, let's catch the ghost and rip it apart molecule by molecule!" [normal voice, sarcastic again] You guys are so understanding." [Jack and Maddie drop their gazes, ashamed.]
Moving onto Season 3:
"Eye for an Eye": This is more a passing mention, but Jack seems to be a little obsessed with the GIW and huge fans of their work, and you do see it some more in "Livin' Large" later on in the season as well.
"Girls' Night Out": We see Jack trying to make an effort with Danny in this episode again. I did point out in the original ask reply that Jack was obviously trying to be a good father for Danny, which definitely deserves some points. However, it is still important to point out how generally uninterested Danny was in the bonding activity. It goes back to how Maddie ignored the chance to give Danny a choice, and how dismissive they tend to be towards him. I still want to award Jack a point for looking for advice from 'Father/Son Relationships For Stupids!' but I do so half-heartedly. Their interactions in this episode definitely reek with discomfort, but considering everything that has gone down in between now and "The Million Dollar Ghost", that does make sense.
"Torrent of Terror": This is another instance of extreme lack of safety precautions- the airbags don't deploy? In the GAV??? Somewhere out there, OSHA is crying.
"Forever Phantom": Maddie and Jack show a lot of anti-Phantom rhetoric in this episode. So this tracks how uncomfortable and/or threatened Danny might feel at home. Some examples include:
Jack: "He keeps this up he's liable to make people forget he's nothing but a putrid rancid ball of self-aware protoplasm."
Maddie: "Don't be fooled sweetie. He's up to something. Remember that time he attacked the mayor? Or stole everyone's Christmas presents? Once a filthy ghost always a filthy ghost."
"Livin' Large": Something to remember, the GIW intend to fire a missile into the Ghost Zone after gaining access to the Fentons' portal. While they didn't have the password right away, it cannot be understated that the Fentons basically gave away their house in exchange for wealth. Thankfully the missile was just a fake and not a real weapon of mass destruction, but do not mistake this to mean that- had it been real- the GIW wouldn't have gone through with it. And the Fenton parents would have been just as responsible.
And that concludes our canon research for this argument! Let's wrap things up with some stats. Of the 49 episodes in the show, we have evidence in 21 episodes. That is roughly 43% of the show, and this does not include comments that Danny has made about his parents and how they treat him. Obviously, at the end of the day, human error is possible. There is always a chance that I could have missed another piece of information, or perhaps another thoughtful addition to this list. However, 43% is no laughing matter.
Yes, the Fenton parents had their shining moments, but with all the other evidence presented that overshadows those little gems, can you confidently say that they are good parents? And most of all, if you were in Danny's shoes, would you say the same thing?
It's easy to excuse this as a cartoon. When you're writing in this world, playing with these characters, that excuse instantly evaporates.
Thank you for reading, I hope you all learned something about the Fenton parents like I did.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
sometimes when talking to cis white women i’m just like. completely floored by what a warped perception of privilege and oppression they have. i was talking to a white cis woman i’d just met, right after the emergency order went public in missouri restricting gender affirming care for trans missourians of all ages, and we were just casually talking about clothes. i mentioned that i often have a hard time finding men’s clothes that fit, and she responded “well at least you have the privilege of pockets now.” i laughed, thinking she was joking, but instead she doubled down and insisted that having larger pockets in my pants was a legitimate societal privilege because it meant i didn't have to spend money on purses. and again, this was after the missouri attorney general had pushed through emergency legislation targeting trans missourians, legislation that will absolutely kill trans people.
i've also had cis white women tell me i'm privileged because apparently they thought that as a trans man all i'd have to do to get sterilized is just say 'pretty please' and any doctor would immediately approve a hysterectomy. they told me that "cis women have to fight for the right to have sterilization surgery, but trans men don't because it'll just get covered under gender affirming care." which is just so absolutely fucking wild on so many levels. 1. trans men do regularly have to fight for the right to get sterilized, and our fertility is frequently used as an excuse not to provide us any sort of gender affirming care at all. it's one of the most common arguments republicans all over the country have been using in order to ban gender affirming care. 2. it's incredibly common for sterilization to be pushed onto people of color and disabled people, and even some trans people.
and idk i feel like that very much contributes to this attitude among cis queer women that trans men just have it so easy, because their perception of oppression is based entirely in their experience as a cis white woman, so if someone doesn't experience oppression exactly like they do then clearly they're not experiencing Real Oppression. idk it's just wild.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
Imagine the firsts getting competitive over queens blood
Why Queen's Blood Is Banned From SOLDIER, A List
• Some people don't know how to play fair and make up rules on the spot, which results in arguments between opponents. One time Zack made up the rule that slapping down three cactuar cards automatically wins the game, and Kunsel was so enraged he shoved a cactuar card down Zack's throat.
• Some people⏤Sephiroth⏤are too good at QB and and it angers others who don't stand a chance against them, leading to cheating accusations. This came after Angeal was so convinced Sephiroth was cheating that he called the police. This resulted in Lazard having to explain to the dispatched officers that the "cheating" in question was because of QB and not Sephiroth cheating on his apparent lover Angeal.
• Some people⏤Genesis⏤don't know how to lose, which turns the above point violent. Genesis has been known to throw entire decks out the window and set them on fire if he loses. If he loses to Sephiroth, guarantee the table will be broken in half and they end up on the ground in a fist fight.
• Sephiroth lost to Genesis once and Genesis never let him forget it, bringing it up in every conversation. Sephiroth grew tired of this, so he did the healthy thing and attempted to staple Genesis's mouth shut.
• The matches take too long because no one wants to lose, so they spend time planning their moves and strategies. One match between Angeal and Zack took three hours, they skipped a giant mission they had been prepping for weeks for, Lazard had a heart attack, and in the end Zack realized he had spent three hours pouring his concentration into the game for nothing. He had to be sedated.
• The Counterfeit Booster Pack Fiasco: Kunsel started selling shady "limited edition" QB decks behind Lazard's back⏤selling things is also banned from the 49th floor. They started selling like hot cakes, but Lazard caught wind that there was something going on. So he interrogated Sephiroth.
Lazard: I know that there's unauthorized goods being distributed amongst the program.
Sephiroth: You don't say.
Lazard: Tell me what it is.
Sephiroth: How would I know?
Lazard: Eyewitnesses claim to have seen you purchase something from Kunsel in the men's bathroom this morning.
Sephiroth, not thinking AT ALL: It was candy.
• And that's why sniffer dogs were brought in at 9 AM on a Wednesday and everyone had to do a drug test.
• Random people pop in at random times of the day to play against SOLDIERs. Reno uses this as a way to bet money and has scammed Zack out of three paychecks already. Cloud swings by on occasion to beat all three 1sts, enjoy watching them lose, and leaves.
• Deck theft runs rampant. Every day there are reports over stolen QB decks and accusations that have ruined several friendships, which hinders everyone's ability to work together. No one is safe. Sephiroth's deck got stolen, Genesis's deck got stolen, Angeal accused Sephiroth and Genesis of theft, Zack....has a suspicious amount of good cards.
• People play when they should be working.
Lazard: Angeal, where's your mission report?
Angeal: Genesis ate it.
Lazard: Excuse me?
Angeal: I beat Sephiroth in a QB match and Genesis was so jealous and enraged he grabbed the report right off my desk and chewed off a chunk.
Lazard: I'm convinced that there's crack in those apples.
• The straw that broke the camel's back and got QB officially banned, though, was the match between Sephiroth and Genesis that ended in them getting stitches because they discovered a way to effectively stab each other with the cards.
• Its rumored that the mere mention of Queen's Blood is enough to make Lazard have a nervous breakdown.
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hi, can you please do pros and cons of dating captain price?
This was incredibly fun to write, thanks anon!! ❤️
| Blog HQ | MW2 Masterlist | Merrick's Version | Hesh & Logans Version |
3 pros and 3 cons of dating John Price
He's a planner, especially when it comes to you and your wellbeing
You held back a snort, watching as your boyfriend brought threw his bag into the backseat before getting in himself.
Softly sighing under your gaze he mindlessly mumbled "just say it, already" as he started driving.
"You remembered your purse, I see" you chuckled, finding it forever amusing that he always had his backpack when the two of you would go out.
Your amusement was cut short later that day when the weather took a turn and the wind picked up. Crossing your arms over your chest, grumbling about how John always seemed to be warm no matter the situation; you missed him sliding the bag off his one shoulder.
"Here" he simply stated, holding out a sweater for you to put on. "Low chance of showers today, but thought I'd bring sweaters just in case"
He is the king of home DIY. You want anything upgraded, fixed or built? He's got this.
"Hey, so I was thinking" you started one afternoon, leaning against the door of your shared bathroom. Explaining to your boyfriend the shelf idea you had seen on your phone a few hours earlier.
"Let me finish showering and we can go to the shop to buy supplies"
He always offers you a drink or snack whenever he gets up to grab one for himself. Sometimes brings you one back anyway (even if you said no)
"I'm going to grab something to drink, would you want anything?" He pointed toward the kitchen as he stood from the couch.
Totally does the "I was not asleep" thing when he was 100% asleep. Will fight to the end of his life that he was not sleeping
"Wake up, John" you whispered, nudging his arm. You came home to find your boyfriend laying on the couch asleep, controller on the floor.
Giving you a small groan, before shifting closer into the cushions he mumbled: " 'm awake"
Rolling your eyes, you opted against arguing that he was sound asleep not even a second ago. Shoving his legs back, you sat on the couch with him. Hand running over his bicep as he slowly woke up, stretching his shoulders as he explained that he was wide awake that entire time.
Gossips like a little old lady. Usually in public when he runs into someone he knows.
You stood awkwardly off to the side, shifting your weight between the heels and balls of your feet. John had been chatting with an old colleague of his in a random isle of the shop for at least 15 minutes.
While they were deep in conversation, you had excused yourself to not only finish the grocery shopping as planned, but also pay for and load said groceries into the vehicle. Only to come back to the isle to find they hadn't moved more than an inch.
"I should let the two of you get back to your shopping. We should meet up for a pint sometime though" his friend smiled, patting his shoulder before bidding you a polite goodbye.
"Sorry love, now what do we need to buy from here?" John smiled at you, eyebrow raising when you gave him an amused expression in return. Grabbing his hand, leading him out of the store as he slowly realized just how long he had been visiting for.
Has unconsciously used his work voice during some of your more heated arguments
Not that he ever means to, as with most people work stays at work. Home stays at home. We don't blur the lines.
Except the rare nights where emotions are high, words are escaping both your lips before your brains can process them.
"Are. We. Clear?" He enunciated, voice firm as he stared down at you. Irises hidden behind his pupils as his jaw locked.
Equally as angry, you simply spat: "Yes, Captain" before turning on your heel to go cool off.
There were many apologies shared the next morning when you both calmed down.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @bowtruckleninja @v1naco
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niki-phoria · 2 years
Can you do headcanons about how chishiya,arisu and kuina are after arguments and how they say sorry?
Have a good day!!!!
‧₊˚✩ chishiya, arisu, and kuina reaction - apologizing after an argument
warnings: ooc chishiya, mention of a knife (i was going for silent acts of service, like chishiya gives up a weapon so reader can be safe but idk how obvious it is), sad arisu :((
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i don't write headcannons and when i get asks for them i turn them into reactions lol but i hope you like it :))
gn reader (no pronouns used)
requests open !! read my rules first
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‧₊˚✩ chishiya
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i've used this gif so many times and i'll keep using it LOOK AT HIM SKNSLKS
word count 347
chishiya sits at the table in his makeshift workshop, making adjustments to another bomb. you lean back against the door, debating whether or not to disturb him.
“i was about to come find you,” he says, setting the can aside. chishiya turns to face you before gesturing for you to come closer. you obey, sitting down beside him. “i found this earlier.” he slides a switchblade across the table to you. “you should use it.” 
you open the knife, checking the way the light glints off of the side. “thank you.” an awkward atmosphere falls across the room. it’s like you can feel the weight of all your unspoken words mixing with chishiya’s, forcing their way down your throats and keeping both of you silent. 
chishiya stuffs his hands into his pockets, leaning back against the table behind him. he stares at the wall in front of you. “listen… i’m sorry.” the admission almost catches you off guard. chishiya sighs. he doesn’t look at you as he continues. “i shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. you didn’t deserve that.” 
“you really hurt me, chishiya. you know i hate people yelling at me.” he shifts so he’s facing you again, hesitantly reaching out to grab your hand. you let him gently stroke his thumb against your knuckles. 
“i know, and i’m sorry. i’m not… good at talking to people. i thought years of being surrounded by death in medical school and during my work would’ve prepared me for this, but… it didn’t.” you look up at him when he pauses. some of the tension eases from his shoulders when you squeeze his hand. “i’m scared. we’re not safe here. i’m worried about dying. about you dying. i thought you were being reckless and i was upset so i yelled at you. i’m sorry.” 
“i forgive you.” you bring a hand up to his face, stroking his cheek. “we’ll be okay. i love you.” 
chishiya lets a small smile spread across his face. he grabs your hand and presses a kiss against your knuckles. “i love you too.” 
‧₊˚✩ arisu
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word count 394 not a big fan of this one tbh
sharp, continuous knocking wakes you in the middle of the night. you shift, rolling over onto your side to face the door, willing whoever is knocking to just go away. after a few seconds of silence, the knocking continues. you let out an annoyed sigh, forcing yourself to get up and answer the door. 
you’re met with an anxious arisu standing on the other side. his hair is disheveled, eyes bloodshot and red. all of the anger drains from your body as he lowers his hand, looking down at the floor. “can we talk?” you step aside, opening the door and making room for him to enter. arisu whispers a small ‘thank you’ as you shut the door behind him. 
he sits on the side of your bed, fidgeting with his fingers. you lean over to turn the bedside table lamp on before sitting down next to him. arisu looks up at you before back down at his hands. “i’m so sorry.” his voice is quiet and shaky. “i shouldn’t have said that to you. you didn’t deserve that. i was drunk and stupid. i know it’s not an excuse and that saying this won’t make it up to you but i need you to know i’m so, so sorry.”
you sigh, pulling your knees up to your chest. “do you know why i refuse to play games with you?” arisu looks at you, teary eyes staring into your own. he thinks for a second before slowly shaking his head. “it’s because i love you. and more than that, i trust you. i don’t want to be forced to choose between my life and yours because i’ll choose yours.” you pause, forcefully blinking away stray tears that threaten to fall. 
“oh, y/n,” arisu pulls you into a hug. you let yourself be vulnerable, clinging to him. “i’m sorry.” he repeats the words like a mantra. like all of your worries will disappear if he keeps saying the words. “i’m so sorry.” 
you sniffle when you pull away, forcing yourself to look up at him. “i forgive you. but this can never happen again.” 
arisu nods. “it won’t. i promise.” he wipes away a few stray tears you hadn’t realized had fallen, coaxing you back into another hug. you wrap your arms around his waist, letting him rub your back. “i love you too.” 
‧₊˚✩ kuina
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word count 317
kuina slowly makes her way over to where you sit on the rooftop, sitting down next to you. you don’t acknowledge your newfound company, still completely focused on the stars above you. the sky is clear, providing a nice view of the night. “you know, i’ve never really seen the stars before.” kuina glances at you, silently waiting for you to continue. “i’ve always lived in the city. you can’t see space with all of the billboards and light pollution blocking the view.” 
“i went stargazing once.” kuina says, returning her attention to the sky. “we were in the mountains. it was before my mom got sick.” her voice drops to a whisper. “i want to take you camping one day. we can make smores and stargaze and curl up together when the night gets cold.”
you reach over to grab her hand, intertwining your fingers together. kuina’s skin feels hot against your own - it always does, as if you’re the ice to her fire. “i’m sorry,” you murmur. your voices remain quiet in the darkness. 
“you shouldn’t be,” kuina dryly chuckles. “it was my fault. i overreacted. i’m sorry.” 
“it was my fault too. i should’ve told you before i left to hang out with her.” 
“y/n,” kuina sighs. she brings a hand up to your face, leaning in a little. “you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“no,” she leans in even further so her forehead rests against yours. “i’m sorry i yelled at you. i shouldn’t have done that.”  you can’t help but stare down at her lips as she continues talking. “how can i make it up to you?” 
“a kiss would help.” 
kuina laughs, a bright smile spreading across her face. the sound makes you smile in turn before she presses a sweet kiss against your lips. when she leans back you pull her back in for another, and another, and another.
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
hi! i'm a new Ghost fan and i would love to get some fic recs since i don't know where to start. 😊 i'm pretty much open to anything but something with lots of feelings (hurt/comfort), Papa IV x someone, and around 15,000 words would be great. thank you in advance 🧡
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hellooo! welcome to our little satanic corner of tumblr!! i'm so sorry this took me so long—i had a tough time finding fics that matched your criteria. i hope it's okay that i focused on "feelings" more so than hurt/comfort specifically. definitely give these writers a follow if you haven't already. (i also wasn't sure what you meant by "x someone" so i threw in a mix of x reader, x ghoul, and x oc.) feel free to dm me or send another ask if i didn't get it right this time! i can also point you towards a bunch of fantastic writers ♡
recs under the cut!
x ghouls
paper armor - @ratballet - copia x dewdrop
“Horns,” Aether says quickly, like the words in his mouth are searing him. “It’s his horns.” He spares a glance at Dewdrop’s door, like he’s afraid he might be pressed up against it, listening. “He’s shedding them." Dewdrop is shedding his horns. Copia tries to help.
Steadfast Love, Not Sacrifice - @st-danger - copia x aether x dewdrop
It’s a bit like a shark smelling blood, he thinks as they follow close behind. It's natural they were going to want to taste it, too. “Well,” Copia says, “some of us need our beauty sleep.” He hesitates, and then proceeds to look nervously between the two of them and continue, “I meant me, of course. You two are already very, erm. I should go to bed.” It’s such a flimsy excuse. The elevator reaches the third floor before any of them speak again. Aether clears his throat. “You don’t want to though.” Copia looks very called out, but can’t do much more than stare, before realizing the two ghouls beside him are waiting for an actual answer of some kind. The elevator beeps as it passes the fourth floor. “No,” Copia says slowly, and Aether’s stomach does a little swoop. “I don’t.” Or, Sometimes the reward is worth the risk. *No Man Taketh From is another favorite of mine with Papa IV and Aether.
x reader
A Message From the Bulletin Board - @writingjourney - copia x reader
The ministry’s bulletin board, ordinarily used for missing items or party announcements, contains a particularly interesting request this week – a lonely hearts ad. Or: You and Copia are secretly crushing on each other. You both have to reach maximum desperation before you make a move. * if you're in it for the long haul PLEASE read I Knew Nothing But Shadows THE hurt/comfort fic of all time. you won't regret it.
Confessional - @da-rulah - copia x reader
As a sister of sin, it was your duty to confess at least once a month, to have your sins praised by a higher up member of the clergy. But you only ever chose Thursday nights, when you knew he was on duty. And tonight, you were working up the courage to confess your darkest sin - the dreams you had been having… *check out Rituale Septem while you're at it. lotsss of feelings but with Papa III, instead.
x OC
sweeter red - @anamelessfool - copia x oc
Your kiss so sweet, your sweat so sour…sometimes I’m thinking that I love you... but I know it’s only lust. Copia is a scrungly little nerd and this totally happened to him. There's something about Cardinal Marian. Maybe it's the way she infuriates him with her laissez-faire attitude, or ingnites his soul with envy of her free spirit. Rage and love, at a certain point they merge together into an overwhelming burning in the heart and mind: passion.
you found the ache in my argument (series) - @the-lisechen - copia x oc
In which two reasonable people from different religious disciplines have a conversation. (A study in faith, hope, and love.)
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, leave kudos and/or comments!
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daddysfangirls-dc · 3 months
UnTamed Ch.19
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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"It has potential," Jason said as he stepped over some broken floorboards. 
"It needs work," Asta said, lifting her cloak as she tiptoed across the weak floors. I don't smell mold. The roof and outer walls are intact. That's all good." She watched rats scurry across the floors. It was an abandoned apartment building sitting between Crime Alley and the Narrow. They plan to renovate it and put it to use.
They were still debating the use. Of course, they wanted it to house people, but the kind of people was the argument. Jason didn't want to put any stipulations on allowing all people in the building who needed it. Asta didn't want sex workers, drug dealers, or drug users. She had no problems with these people. Their activities and professions, however, were dangerous.
She had first had accounts of sex workers and drug dealers being followed and attacked by clients she didn't want to endanger the other residents. As for the drug users, they use and sometimes overdose; children didn't need to see that. Sometimes, they got desperate and stole. These people were already at rock bottom. They don't need their junkie neighbor stealing what little they have. And she witnessed enough dealers vs users fights to know housing them together wasn't a good idea. 
Asta figured they'd find or make housing for them elsewhere. Honestly, the argument didn't matter at the moment. It was the middle of late winter, and the snow was still piled high. Nothing could be done until the snow started to clear.
"This could be a room for the children. A playroom or daycare, perhaps?" 
"Perhaps? You talk like Damian."
"What's wrong with that?" she looked to the corner of the room where the ceiling had caved in. The damage was heavy. 
"Damian sounds fancy and talks as such." he steps over the debris to get a closer look. " You, however, have a street accent. It's just... sounds funny. Not trying to make fun of you or-"
" You think you can hurt me," she says as she looks out a broken window. There's a lot of space out back, and they could make a playground. I don't wear clothes, I walk around bear-footed, I can't... I've heard or thought of worse," she chuckles to herself. She had a lot of experience with Gotham's cruelty. 
"The Basement could be a laundry room," Damian said. He smirked at Jason's flinch.
" What are you doing here?" he was ignored.
" You'll have to order new machines and clean up the needles."
Asta approached him, giving him a peck on the cheek. " It needs more than a clean-up, Damian. Why are you here?"
"To see you and what you're working with. Also, Dick wants some sibling bonding. He and  the others are waiting in the car." 
Jason groaned before and started making his way outside. "
I don't—" he showed her a bag before she could finish. There went her excuse. " I made sure they were soft and comfortable." She dropped her cloak and pulled a dress from the bag. " It's soft cotton." She slipped on the grey sweater dress. It was soft and thick and stopped just above her knees. He pulled out a pair of socks and black boots that stopped just below her knees. 
"Do I look civilized?" 
"You look beautiful."
"Why dresses?" Asta asked. She noted that it was always a dress whenever Damian brought her clothes. No matter the season, weather, or occasion, it was always a dress. And Damian did indeed have reasons.
"You don't like clothes. Dresses are flowing and easy to remove once you tire of them." how thoughtful. She smiled and took his arm as he led her out of the building. 
"It's an Arcade," Dick said. "We can see that, stupid," Jason said, walking past him with the others. 
"What's your favorite game?" Duke asked, falling behind to walk with Asta and Damian." Um, cheese Viking," she said, although it was the only thing she played, so there were no other references. " Cheese Viking, really?" she shrugged. " They have one somewhere around here. Maybe you can beat Damian's score." She looked at Damian.
"Challenge accepted," Damian smirked before taking her hand and leading her away. 
Duke smiled as he watched the couple disappear into the crowd, looking for the game.
" Never would I have imagined Demon brat with a girl," Tim said as he stood with his other siblings watching Dick and Cassandra play air hockey.
" I always thought whoever he did end up with would be as crazy or weird as him, " Steph said 
"That's the problem," Jason said. " The moment you stop calling him crazy and Demon brat, you'll remember he's just a kid. It's quite easy to see they're just weird kids." with that said, he and Duke walked off to play an open shooting game together.
"Cute," Cassandra said as she looked at the young couple. She was just as competitive as Damian if her focus said anything. Damian looked very entranced with her. Finish their game, Dick approached the couple, who were now arguing. 
"Well then, call me Lady Luck because I just beat your score." 
"How about a rematch, Lady Luck?"
"how about you give others a chance to play," Dick said. 
"We have Cheese Viking at home." Damian whispered, " Let's find another game." 
They found a motorcycle game Damian vs. Tim. While Dick and Asta watched. 
"How did you meet him?" he asked. She smiled. " he was working... work? He caught me stealing from thieves. Robin Hood situation, he let it slide when I told him why-we met off and on during his work until he finally decided I was a friend. We were near inseparable after that." she looked on at him in adoration.
"How did he get you to be his girlfriend?" she turned to him, confused.
" He asked?"
"No, I mean, how did he do it?"
"why? Need advice? I'd talk to Alfred," she teased. " Lunch. He got me a fancy dress, took me to a fancy lunch, and told me his feelings had changed and grown, and he wanted to proceed into a possibility. A romantic relationship. His exact words. I said okay, and here we are," she said almost breathlessly.
Dick smiled as he thought about it. It definitely sounded like Damian. He could imagine Damian speaking in his posh tone, treating it more like a business meeting. All stiff and proper until she agreed. He couldn't imagine how he relaxed, though. He couldn't imagine Asta relaxed either. The only he'd ever seen her as relaxed was when she was unconscious. Any other time she was tense or anxious. They could always see it. She was never calm or relaxed despite everything they tried. Alfred hinted at seeing her relaxed but never told how.  Even now, Dick could see her anxiously pulling at her dress.
Despite her smile, she wasn't comfortable here. " Have you ever played Pac-Man?" he asked, maybe he could distract her. 
"I've heard of it."
Hours later, the group found themselves in a pizza parlor indulging in an amount of grease Alfred would not approve of. But everyone was enjoying themselves, so maybe he'd let it slide. 
"Alright, I see it now," Tim said. " You two are a perfect competitive match."
"Yes, we've come together to kick your butt," Asta said smugly. The others laughed and teased him. It was then that she noticed.
She arrived at the manor. Asta had been having trouble with her empath abilities, being emotionally overwhelming all the time but hiding so as not to be upset or seem rude. She focused on one person's emotions, usually Damian or Alfred. Damian was aware of her abilities and tried to help. And Alfred was simply more put together than others and held his emotions as such. They were easy to cling to.
But here she was now, surrounded by all his siblings, clinging to no one for the first time since entering the manor. She was taking in all their emotions (aside from Bruce and Alfred), and she was doing fine. She felt their joy, amusement, and love, and it felt so good. She felt so good.
Turning to Damian, she grins and takes his hand, engulfing him in the surrounding happiness she felt. He gasps at the sudden feelings. He grins, too, turning to her and pulling her into a kiss. Just a peak, but it was enough to have his siblings cooing and teasing. They did not care because with that one peck she felt all his love. 
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hey you're the only person whose atheism takes i actually like AND you share some fandoms with me so i wanna ask how you'd approach this cause i'm short on ideas
i'm a big fan of fantasy gods and religion (zelda, final fantasy, dnd, etc) but it always boils down to "The Gods are de facto real and good so we worship them" or "There are some Good and some Evil Gods" but I'm kinda religious-traumatized so every time I try to work with the setting (and don't get me wrong, I like it as fantasy worldbuilding!) I accidently don't know where to go except angst and cult-stuff
but I was wondering if you had some other ideas for an antitheist depicting fantasy gods that doesn't feel like opening old scars or staring into the abyss, or if you know any resources i can look at
I love this ask, religion in fantasy is something that does fascinate me! Because as you say, a lot of works have a pretty generic "these are the Good gods the good guys worship and these are the Bad gods that the bad guys worship", which is, y'know. Honestly fine, if religion isn't a big theme in the work, but is also overlooking a ton of potential.
I think in something like dnd, where the gods are demonstrably real and there's little to no argument about who they are and what they want, the debate shifts from "is this true?" to "this is true, but why should I care?" Do people think gods are inherently worthy of worship, or do they expect to get something in return? What do the gods have to offer their worshipers? What do they demand in return, and why? In what way does worshiping or not worshiping a god impact your average peasant's day to day life? What would draw someone to one god over another? Dnd gods usually aren't all-powerful, so in what ways are they limited and how do they deal with that? Are the gods trying to achieve some sort of goal, and if so why? If your protagonist is worshiping someone, is it important to them or is it something they just do out of habit/family tradition?
I'm also a fan of the Terry Pratchett method of "the gods are real and are mostly minor annoyances". I mean sure, they're there, but you don't go around believing in them, because it would be like believing in a table. I think this is a funny option when you want to keep the gods around as part of the setting, but don't really want to do any religious narrative stuff. (Although as Pterry proves in Small Gods, you can also use this setup for a very powerful narrative if you so choose.)
And for my own part, I mostly ignore religion when I'm writing for the same reason I ignore romance: I simply don't care about it and don't want to write about it so I pretend it doesn't exist. My world now baby!!
As far as resources go - I haven't listened to much of the Writing Excuses podcast so I can't guarantee quality, but they do have a few episodes focusing on writing different types of religion in fantasy that might be worth checking out.
Anyway I'm opening this up to the floor because I would genuinely love to hear other people's takes on this. There's SO much potential for fantasy religious worldbuilding that I think gets overlooked in favor of "good vs evil pantheon" or "catholic church with the serial number filed off".
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ynbabe · 2 years
Can I get some strong hurtful angst with the Jason and Dick (separate)?
We all know they basically have dual personalities, Dick/Nightwing and Jason/Redhood.
What happens when Y/N gets into an argument (like full blown yelling and throwing things around) with NW and RH but then Dick and Jason clean up their aftermath????
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Word count: 1258
Genre: angst
Warnings: Violence, Cursing
Pg rating: 13+
Requested: Yes
No pronouns mentioned
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The world was a horrible, shitty place that tried its best to suck the hope out of all good people, and through all the pain and misery it was yours and Dick's job to make sure hope remained. That people like Lex Luthor or the Joker didn't kill the spirit of the world and crush it into crude, lifeless ash.
Of course, being the barrier between hope and evil was going to weigh on both of you.
Of course, it would chip away at every being of your soul and make it much tougher to love yourselves and each other, that's what evil did.
"Nightwing, I'll clear the left hallway for you, that's the only way to the civilians on the fourth floor," you ran up from behind him and jumped into the building through a broken window.
You heard static on your comms as you tried to find a way to take out the Joker goons without bringing much attention to yourself. 
"Y/H/N don't engage. Stand down." He huffed out an order in a rough tone making you stop out of anger.
"Excuse me? Nightwing, this is the only way to the–" you tried to explain yourself but he cut you off making your irritation grow.
"Y/H/N." He didn't falter but you weren't going to back down either.
"What's your plan then, boy wonder?" You spat out knowing he hated that nickname, especially when he was in the field.
"My plan," he hissed from behind you as he finally found your vantage point, "is to surveil them, close off all exit points and wait for backup." He stressed the waiting part, but all you could think of were the innocent people stuck in the building.
He looked at you incredulously, eyes wide and nose flared, "No? Y/H/N are you kidding me, fighting them now would be a death sentence."
You distanced yourself from him, getting ready to run, "So is being held hostage by Joker's men." You started and jumped down from the rafters and began your assault on the small militia that had gathered in the hallway.
You kicked one man out the window, and another into the wall, and used him to crush another onto the floor, on the other side of the room Nightwing was fighting a few men on his own. 
These idiots didn't even have guns, why was Nightwing so against you fighting them? This was your job? Did he not trust you? Did he think you were weak?
Your mind strayed away from the fight and the thug took advantage of that, punching you hard in the face, the sound of his fist connecting to your jaw making Nightwing yell out.
You snapped out of it, still, a little disoriented, and stabbed your opponent with a kunai in the gut, snapping his hand and kicking him out the window to finally end the battle.
You leaned against a wall to regain posture but Nightwing came running towards you, making your anger flare.
"Y/H/N, I told you to fucking wait for backup." He screamed at you making you shrink into yourself but you gained confidence as you remembered what got you punched in the first place.
"Oh of- fucking - course you'd trust kid flash or one of your brothers more than me." You got into his face finally letting out what you had been feeling these past few days.
"This is nothing about trust," He pushed back, walking back to let space between the both of you.
You walked up to him again, "Of course it is, I could have taken them out in my sleep! This is my job." You were frustrated and angry and you wanted to know why your partner didn't trust you.
"Just because it's the job doesn't mean I'm going to let you die for it." He jabbed your shoulder, making you wince.
"That's big talk for someone who would've gotten himself killed if it wasn't for everyone else in his life," You pointed your finger at his chest, "You know what? for being so high and mighty, you're just. like. Bru-" he shoved your hand away from him before you could finish your sentence, you turned on your leg, kicking him in the side with the other.
He grabbed your foot and threw you into the wall, which you crashed into, making your ears ring.
You stood up quicker than you fell, readying a knife as he pulled out his escrima sticks.
"At least I'm not the one who begged to get out of helping Poison Ivy!" He yelled making me see red as he charged toward me.
"Fuck you" You cried out as you ran towards him, ducking under his hands, shoving your knife into his thigh.
He cried out in pain and slammed the escrima sticks into your back, crashing you into the floor.
Your back ached and you could feel blood pouring down your face. 
Nightwing stood opposing to you, both of you heaving from your injuries and the sudden outburst of emotions.
You were angry, frustrated, and tired and from the look on Nightwing's face so was he but you weren't going to stop this time. 
You tried to go back for another attack but the comms link went online,
"Uh, guys Robin and I are on my way, two minutes to ETA." You heard Tim's voice, waking you up from your war, you finally got a good look at Nightwing, his face was bruised and battered, one eye swollen shut, the knife you stabbed him with was still sticking out of his thigh, blood spreading into his suit around it.
He looked worse than the goons you had beat up.
You switched off the comms and threw them towards him, "Don't talk to me again." Your voice cracked as you turned your back on him.
xX At home Xx
It was the middle of night now and you were supposed to go out as Y/H/N but you just couldn't get yourself to do it.
You were sitting in the empty tub, your suit long discarded behind the closed door, you hadn't even bothered to wash the blood and dirt off you.
You hurt him... you hurt him.
It seemed like your heart was going to tear with all the pain it was feeling but you couldn't even formulate what your brain was going through right now.
You zoned out, staring at the blood stains on the tub wall, barely hearing the door creak open. 
You didn't look up as you heard the uniform fall to the ground and footsteps came towards you.
He sat down next to you, skin to skin, and laid his head on your shoulder.
"You removed the knife?" You whispered with a hoarse voice.
"Uh-huh," he hummed out, nudging you to see the amateur gauze on his wound.
"I'm sorry," he pleaded, "I trust you, I never wanted to hurt you Y/N," nuzzling further into your neck, you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his.
"I'm sorry I stabbed you," You said softly, trying to hold your tears in.
He sniffled softly and moved closer to you, if that was even possible, "I love you, Y/N."
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Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it! pt.2 with Jason will be out soon!
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gingerjunhan · 11 months
Hihi!! It's 🧈 anon, and I was wondering again if maybe you could write a fic for Jun han?
Like the reader is kinda like the laid back reader except they use substances like smoking and drinking (if you're not comfortable with this just leave it out), and Jun han is going to a party that the reader is hosting but the rest of the group tags along.
And the reader ends up starting a fight with one of the members (maybe gunil or o.de) and they both end up bruised and battered but Jun han only patches up reader bc he has that "I can fix him" mentality but reader just starts being an ass to Jun han and says some hurtful things
Definitely want it to be hurt and angst with no comfort. I want to feel terrible, that's just the mood I'm in for.
If you don't wanna write this, please feel free to say no!
Have an amazing day!!!
☆彡 I’m still not the best at writing angst, so you’ll have to excuse me. It’s definitely not as physical as you wanted- it’s mainly just an argument. My bad. Also, sorry this took so long! I ended up dropping a class this week! Haha! I love college!
word count: 1,515 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: angst, established relationship | cws: drinking/ getting drunk (reader is a lightweight lmao), protective Seungmin, strong language, arguing, short physical fight, reader is a bitch tbh, no happy ending, implied breakup, Gunil dancing 😟 (mentioned), partially proofread, let me know if I missed anything!!!
Throwing parties was never unusual for you. Almost every other week you seemed to be throwing a rager. This week was no different.
Your boyfriend and his friends had just arrived at your door now that they were done with work, and all of them were displaying different emotions. Your boyfriend, Hyeongjun, seemed happy to be there- or at least to see you. He was a little awkward, granted, but happy to be there. Jiseok and Jooyeon were right there along with him. They were happy to be out and about on a Friday night as opposed to being cooped up in the studio practicing.
Gunil presented himself with a pleasant smile and wave, nothing more. The same with Jungsu, although he also came off as a little more nervous. Seungmin, on the other hand, you could tell was not in the mood to be here right off the bat. He occupied himself on his phone as you greeted the group and welcomed them into your home. He wore a slight scowl on his face, and it didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Your small house was full of people. 30 at least. The music was loud, the air was sticky, and there were people everywhere. Jooyeon and Jiseok quickly made their way to the kitchen.
“Thanks for coming, baby,” you yelled to Hyeongjun over the music. You already had a drink in your hand- your second one of the night. Seungmin rolled his eyes at you as you flung your free arm over Hyeongjun’s shoulders. The party had only started about an hour ago, and you were already on your way to making a fool out of yourself.
“Of course,” Hyeongjun chuckled. You were so dazed from the combination of alcohol and the warmth coming off of his body that you didn’t pick up on his tone. Hyeongjun isn’t a partier. It took a lot of convincing to get him to come over tonight. He clearly wasn’t very comfortable in this atmosphere, but you were too out of it to notice.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” As you looked at Hyeongjun, he began to take note of the slight pink hue in your cheeks.
“Um,” he looked down at your cup. “I’ll just have a water. Somebody’s gotta take care of Jooyeon later.”
You laughed and quickly gave him a kiss before disappearing into the kitchen. It was at this point that Seungmin took his opportunity to come talk to Hyeongjun.
“Dude,” he said, putting a reassuring hand on Hyeongjun’s shoulder. “You don’t have to stay. I know you told (Y/N) you’d come over tonight, but I doubt they’d want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, uh,” Hyeongjun took a second to look at the floor before returning his gaze to Seungmin. “It’s alright. I can stay.”
“Are you sure? I know this isn’t typically your type of thing.”
“Yeah, I’ll be alright. Besides, I don’t plan on drinking or anything so I’ll be fine.”
Just then, you returned with a cup full of water for Hyeongjun, and your cup had been topped off as well. You handed him his cup and took a sip out of yours. A new song started to play over the speakers, and you gasped excitedly.
“Oh my god I love this song! C’mon, Jun, let’s go dance!”
Hyeongjun quickly averted his eyes to the group of people all dancing together in your living room. He saw Gunil dancing with a girl on his arm, laughing to each other as they bobbed to the music. Hyeongjun couldn’t help but to smile.
“I think I’m okay with just watching. You go have fun though. I think Jiseok is out there somewhere if you want to find him.”
“Nooo,” you whined, practically throwing yourself at him. “I don’t wanna dance with Jiseok, I wanna dance with youuuu. C’mon, baby, pleeeease.” You took one of Hyeongjun’s hands and started slowly walking him out towards the crowd of people. He didn’t say anything, he just swallowed hard, accepting his fate. That was, until, a voice spoke up.
“He said no.”
You looked over Hyeongjun’s shoulder to find Seungmin glaring at you.
“Excuse me?” You walked your way over to him, still keeping a firm hold on Hyeongjun’s hand. You took another drink out of your cup.
“Hyeongjun told you he didn’t want to dance, so don’t force him to. He can stay here with me.” Seungmin’s expression was stern, but his voice was calm. For some reason, this made you angry.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you looked up at him. “Am I suddenly the bad guy for wanting my boyfriend to have a good time? Because I don’t think I am. So why don’t you-“ you poked Seungmin’s chest “just shut the fuck up?” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hyeongjun’s eyes widen. “C’mon, babe, let’s go.” You started to pull on his arm again.
“What did you just say to me?” Once again, you turned your attention to Seungmin. You dropped Hyeongjun’s hand entirely, and got close to Seungmin. He stood straight up now, and if looks could kill, you’d be on death row.
“I said,” you couldn’t see it, but Hyeongjun sent Jungsu a pleading look once he was located across the room. Jungsu noticed immediately. “Shut. The fuck. Up.”
There was a beat of silence between the two of you again before Seungmin finally responded.
“Make me.”
With that, something inside of you snapped, and the drink in your hand was suddenly all over Seungmin. He wasn’t typically one to fight, but he wasn’t going to stand by as you did something that blatantly made his friend uncomfortable. As the people in the room slowly began to take note of the situation at hand, Jungsu began to budge his way through the crowd. Seungmin was quick to react, reeling his hand back and swinging an open palm at you, landing a harsh slap wherever he could reach. He ended up catching your cheek, and one of his rings caught your skin.
Before you could do anything other than yell more profanities at him, Hyeongjun was grabbing you- throwing his body around yours and pulling you away from Seungmin. Jungsu quickly made his way up to Seungmin, putting a hand on each of his shoulders and holding him back as well. As you continued to yell, Hyeongjun pulled you away to the small bathroom down the hall. Once inside, he locked the door and stood in front of it, forcing you to stay inside and take a second to breathe.
“What was that for?” He asked softly. “I’ve never seen you act like that before, and suddenly you get drunk and start fighting with one of my friends?”
“Oh, so you think I’m only doing this because I’m drunk?” You were yelling at him. Hyeongjun was surprised. He assessed the scratch left on your cheek by Seungmin’s ring, and he began looking for bandages.
“Yes, (Y/N), I do.” The bandages were located quickly. He held it up to you, “Come here.”
You approached Hyeongjun and crossed your arms. He began to unwrap the bandage. “I was trying to get you to have some fun, Jun. I was doing that for your own good. Seungmin’s just a bitch.”
“Hey,” Hyeongjun pulled away from you now. The tan bandage on your cheek held a strong contrast compared to the flush over the rest of your face. “Don’t call him that.”
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes! Seungmin was just trying to help me.”
“Help you?” You scoffed. “That’s so stupid. I was just trying to make you loosen up a little.”
“And I didn’t want to do that, but you clearly didn’t care enough to realize.”
“God, you’re so fucking boring.”
Hyeongjun felt a pain in his chest. He always worried about being “boring.” You knew this. It was a huge insecurity of his.
“So first you’re going to get in a fight with one of my best friends, and now you think I’m boring?” He was finally starting to raise his voice a bit.
“Yeah, I do,” you confirmed. “You and all of your stupid friends. The only one out of all of you who knows how to have fun is Jiseok. Maybe I should’ve dated him instead.”
That was it for Hyeongjun. He knew things between you weren’t going to be the same the second you raised your voice to Seungmin, but this just solidified it.
“Yeah,” his voice was quiet again, but still stern. “Maybe you should’ve.” He began to walk towards the door, and your rampage only continued.
“Yeah, leave!” You called out to him. “Go cry to Seungmin. I wanna see what he’ll do now.”
Hyeongjun slammed the door on you before making his way back down the hall. All of Hyeongjun’s friends were waiting for him in the kitchen. He silently rushed past them all as he made his way towards the front door. Seungmin tried to apologize, but Hyeongjun just kept walking.
“Let’s just go home. We don’t have any reason to be here.”
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masterwords · 1 year
something like sanctified
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Summary: Hotch & Morgan have a little accident while messing around. Now, their bed is broken and Hotch is a little broken too. Shopping for a new bed is more than a little embarrassing with your arm in a sling. (Alternate summary: they're too damn old for this shit.)
Pairing: Hotch/Morgan
Words: 3k
Warnings: sex & a shoulder injury (no explicit sex, just obviously that's kind of the theme of these hijinks)
Notes: Today we're using a prompt from my forever muse @unionjackpillow - "Shopping for a new bed because the old one - that they got only 2 years ago - broke. Now they’re trying not to tell the sales person why exactly the frame is no longer in one piece." Oh. Well. I don't think they needed to say anything at all, do you? This fits into the Chicago Timeline, so they're older and have creaky bones but they're definitely not wiser. (The title sounds very serious but it's a line from "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye so...)
Read on AO3 if you prefer!
“They don't need our whole life story,” Hotch said, perhaps a little too stiff as he tried to pull himself out of the car. He didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it did need to be said. Most people would assume that to be the case...not Derek. Not the man who could charm his way into a new friendship any place he went if he was in the right mood. Today seemed like one of those dangerous days. “Okay? You're not on the market for a new best friend, just a bed. Because you broke the last one...”
“We broke the last one. And why are you so mean anyway? You were having just as much fun as I was.”
“You’re right. I'm sorry. I’m tired and my shoulder hurts, I probably should have stayed home. I shouldn't take it out on you, even if it is your fault.”
Derek rolled his eyes dramatically and hooked his arm around Hotch's waist, careful not to bump against his sore arm. He did have a point, they had been a little rough the night before and when you’re on the bottom of some intense acrobatics when your bed breaks and your arm takes the brunt of two people’s weight against an unforgiving hardwood floor...Derek supposed he had a fairly good excuse for being a little on the grumpy side. “I'm gonna tell 'em everything. About how you dislocated your shoulder, about how I offered to set it back in place and you growled at me to keep my hands off...about the trip to the ER at 2am, everything.” Hotch wasn’t proud of his reaction but the injury had blindsided him. He was nearly finished, his mind was way out in the stratosphere and then WHAM! His entire world exploded in bright hot agony. It took him nearly a full minute to even figure out what happened and in that minute he did not want to be touched. He’d already apologized about one hundred times.
“I would prefer you didn’t.” How was that for diplomatic? What he really wanted to say was the fuck you are, but he didn’t swear often and he really didn’t think it would come across as (almost) playful as he meant it. Better let that one die on his tongue. Derek’s jovial mood was hanging by a thread, too, and he was a lot better at hiding it but Hotch knew how easily they could devolve into a bitter argument.
They ended up at the mall, purely because Derek was hungry and planned to send Hotch on a mission to grab them some lunch and wait at the food court while he talked his way around the furniture store. The problem in that plan, he discovered, was that Hotch with only one useful arm wasn’t going to be able to easily carry trays of food on his own, not without risking some very embarrassing public mishaps. Like he needed to draw more attention to the humiliation of the injury.
Derek did plan to be vague, he wasn’t a complete maniac, but it was fun to let Hotch think that their antics would be center stage. Hotch turned down the food court idea promptly, insisting that they go together or not at all. The pain in his shoulder was making him feel a little sick, and he wanted nothing more than to stand beside Derek quietly observing. There wasn’t much Derek could do when Hotch looked at him with those sleepy dazed eyes, the look of a man who was just beginning to feel the effects of the pain medicine he’d taken before they left the house so he could get through the day as comfortably as possible. There was a time, years ago, when he wouldn’t have touched the pills but he was too old for that now. His body already hurt whether he injured it or not, and dislocating your shoulder is a young man’s game as the doctor had said. Scolded. It was kind of a scolding. “How do you dislocate your shoulder at this time of night?” he’d asked, and Hotch had no good answer. In his days as an FBI Agent that answer was always easy, it hadn’t occurred to him that he no longer had that safety net. Derek wasn’t even in the room with him, just to be a little less obvious. It didn’t matter. “Take it easy, you’re no spring chicken. This’ll take a little longer to heal.”
Longer to heal spelled trouble anyway. He’d dislocated his left shoulder which meant writing was going to be a challenge down the line. Hopefully taking longer didn’t mean past Spring Break, or at least that he would have some command of his arm by the time classes resumed. He hated to have to add taking time off to the list of indignities he was suffering for having a little too much fun with his boyfriend. Lesson learned. Maybe. It was fun.
“Just time for an upgrade?” the salesman asked with a wink, eyeing Hotch in his sling with a knowing look. Hotch felt the flush of utter humiliation rising like the tide in his neck. How did he know already? Were they that obvious?
“Anything in particular you're looking for?”
Derek grinned. “Can we look at the ones with the padded headboards?” He was tired of hitting his head on hard wood, he’d been complaining about it for months. Now was the time to make a change if there ever was one.
Hotch wanted to die immediately, this was only getting worse. He should have gone to the food court. Dropping a tray of soda and pizza in the middle of hungry families eating would have been preferable to the horrors of this interaction. The salesman glanced from one of them to the other and nodded sagely. “Of course. We have some very nice ones, just got ‘em in.”
While they walked toward the showcase area, Hotch rubbed absently at the back of his hand resting in the sling. His fingers were tingling, they felt the way he imagined the inside of a snow globe might feel all liquid and glitter swishing and moving around. It wasn’t quite static, it was less intense than that but still unnerving. An unfortunate but temporary side effect of the injury they assured him would pass within a day or so. Sometimes nerves got jostled or pinched, but as long as it wasn’t painful or numb it was probably fine. He didn’t care for the word probably being used in a medical capacity. Come back if it doesn’t go away in 24 to 48 hours, that’s the drill. Hotch flexed his hand and sighed. At least, for the first time that day, he didn’t feel his tendons pull angrily at his injured joint. It was blissfully unaware of the movement below.
“I like the gray one,” Derek said pointing to a dark gray tufted headboard. It was nice. Looked like a bed and a wing back chair had an elegant baby, and he didn't mind it. Didn’t particularly like it bu the didn’t hate it either, and he wasn’t terribly picky about what his bed looked like. He cared a lot more about the mattress. “What do you think?”
The bed frame was upholstered in the same dark gray fabric, low to the ground, with no foot board. Metal, not wood. “It’s nice. You choose, I really don’t care as long as I can sleep in a bed tonight.” He was grouchy, running on about three hours of sleep and he was in pain...not really his shoulder, but every overcompensating muscle group that surrounded his shoulder ached deep and complained loudly. He wanted to be sitting down. He couldn’t possibly keep it still enough to be comfortable otherwise.
“Looks sturdy.”
“I've heard plenty of stories of beds being broken,” the salesman started with a sly smile. Hotch turned away. “If you can imagine it, someone has told me about it. Of course there’s the naughty stuff, but there’s also animals and kids and people rearranging a room, earthquakes…” he was rambling, he’d already clearly decided they had sex, he kept eyeing Hotch’s sling and the bags under his eyes. You don’t end up in a sling because your dog jumped on your bed, or your kid, and there hadn’t been an earthquake in Chicago recently. It was a pretty sure bet. “But not this style. Indestructible. How’d you hurt your arm anyway? Looks fresh.”
Derek, sensing the way Hotch immediately bristled at the question and moreover the implication, stepped in. “Work accident. I think we’ll take this one, it’s nice. Matches the rest of the bedroom. How soon can it be delivered?”
They’d told Jessica and Jack the same thing. A work accident. Jessica just gave them that look, wondering what kind of a work accident a professor of law could possibly get into (especially while his students were on spring break) and Hotch was sure he would fold if she asked for details...he couldn’t lie to her. But she didn’t ask, and Jack only rolled his eyes and said yeah, right, whatever. Hotch couldn’t tell if it was the kind of sarcastic yeah right that said he knew exactly what they were doing, or if maybe he thought Hotch had been doing something stupid like climbing a ladder without Derek there to support him...wouldn’t put it past him. Could go either way. He hoped for the latter of the two. In any case, the two of them were back in Virginia so Jack could spend his spring break with Roy. The broken frame was removed from the house and Hotch could live with that lie. Of course they’d have to answer for why they had a new bed once Jack returned to Chicago but that was a problem for next week.
“This afternoon. You’ll be sleeping in your brand new bed tonight.”
“Do we have to build it ourselves?” He sounded like a wuss, he knew it. He could build the damn thing himself he just...didn’t want to. He wanted to sit with Hotch on the couch and not worry about it. He wanted to throw a nice big tip at someone who was willing to do it for them.
“We can send someone out to put it together,” the salesman said, leading them toward the cash register. “It’s a two person job, and it appears you only have one able to work so I get it. They’re booked out a few days but I’ll see if I can’t get someone out there for you today.”
The bed was delivered and built without issue while Hotch took a much needed nap on the couch with Hank. Hotch needed the nap more than Hank did. Fran was fussing over him, knowing exactly what happened and not shying away from shaming her son for his childish antics. “You two are grown men, you have children who live in this house…”
“There weren’t any kids here, ma. We had a night free to be grown ups and do what grown ups do. We’re not allowed to have a little fun?”
“That is not the point, Derek Morgan. Look at him. That poor man. Was it worth it?”
Derek, glancing into the living room at Hotch sleeping with Hank on his chest, carefully tucked into the crook of his good arm, smiled. They were huddled beneath a blanket that left only the fluff of Hanks unruly hair and the top half of Hotch’s face visible. “I dunno. It wasn’t not worth it. You see that new bed?”
She smacked his arm with the pot holder and shoved him out of the way so she could get into the oven for her roast. She had insisted on making them dinner, as if Hotch’s minor injury meant they couldn’t do it for themselves. Sure, at least for today, Hotch was more or less useless but if he had to do something he would have. He just didn’t have to. He had the luxury to lay around with a toddler tucked against his chest and sleep off a good night that turned a little sour. Sleep off sore muscles and joints and a late night hospital visit.
“I was going to offer to keep Hank the Tank again tonight so you could take care of Aaron but I’m a little afraid you’re going to misunderstand me. Can I trust you?”
“No,” Derek said with that infuriating smile. “Of course you can’t. But you can probably trust him. I don’t think he’s planning on any hanky panky for a while.”
“Well at least one of you is using the brains God gave you.”
“Aw, ma, don’t bring him into this. Go sit down with your coffee and I’ll finish up here. I’m perfectly capable of making dinner for my family.”
She rolled her eyes but set the pot holder down, lifted her coffee and made a beeline for their bedroom to see the new bed (it was very nice, she had to admit) before wandering back to the living room to have a seat and wait for him to ask her help setting the table or waking the sleepyheads.
She did end up taking Hank back to her place for the night, just to make things easier. She also loved having him stay the night, he made every part of her house more cheerful just by his presence and she was missing Jack’s afternoon visits a little more than she thought she would while he was back in Virginia. She had a countdown on her fridge with a big circled date for her biggest grandchild’s return. It was partially for her, partially for Anthony, they both missed him fiercely. Their afternoons spent playing board games and drinking lemonade were a lot less fun without Jack and his unique brand of humor.
“You wanna give it a shot?” Derek asked as they started the arduous process of getting ready for bed. Hotch was struggling to pull his t-shirt off around an arm that he didn’t want to move. It wasn’t exactly stiff, the joint just felt weak and achey. And the tendons felt weak, like if he moved too far or too fast his shoulder would slip right back out and he’d be in a world of hurt all over again. His entire arm felt like it was hanging by a threat, unstable and dangerously close to blinding pain. He’d abandoned the cumbersome sling sometime around dinner time, deciding instead that he would rather just rest the sore arm in his lap or against his chest, engaging some muscles made it feel a little more secure.
Reaching out, Derek grabbed the shirt and helped maneuver it around the swollen mound of his mottled purple and red shoulder. He slid it down around the elbow and off, trailing warm soft kisses in the wake. He started at the deep bruising, the odd stretch marks in the skin where it had popped, and followed the line down to his elbow before standing up and finding eager and waiting lips instead. Maybe his idea that Hotch would be against hanky panky was a little off. It was a delightful revelation. “I’ll be gentle. I promise.”
“What would your mother say?” Hotch asked with a small smirk, already on board.
“Uh-uh, don’t you dare invoke her name in this bedroom…” Derek warned, already undoing Hotch’s belt and then his pants. Hotch was content to let him do all the work. He just watched with that amused little smile while Derek undressed him eagerly. “You trust me?”
“Against my better judgment…” Hotch whispered against Derek’s lips. “Always.”
That night, shoulder injury notwithstanding, they gave the bed its maiden voyage. Slow and steady, Hotch still riding the last bits of his paid med high.
Not a squeak, not a shift.
Derek had propped Hotch up on pillows, he really was less an active participant as he was a very involved observer. Eager and willing to let Derek do whatever he wanted. He did what he could, he wasn’t a cold fish, but ultimately found himself met with Derek chiding him, telling him to be still, to just enjoy the process. He barely even felt it in his wrecked shoulder or the angry muscles holding it in place. It was so comfortable, so quiet that they went at it again almost immediately before hopping in the shower to clean up. The discussion was limited to “yeah?” and “yeah”, monosyllabic and quick. Derek helped Hotch wash his hair and had trouble restraining himself when their hips brushed and rolled against one another, when their fingers touched, when Hotch sagged against him tired and finally, having exceeded the length of his medication and badly in need of another dose, feeling considerable pain. The muscles running the length of his spine ached as they worked twice as hard to hold his arm still.
“No more?” Derek asked and Hotch shook his head. He was tapping out. Derek wouldn’t argue.
“I’m ready to sleep.”
Derek was too, he wanted to lie down in bed, prop Hotch up with as many pillows as it took to make him comfortable and crowd in on him. Absorb his heat, give him heat, touch him and breathe him in. Tangle their legs and drape his arms and drift off. He wanted all of that too, but he feigned disappointment anyway. Because that was fun.
“Yeah...alright. I am a little tired. Guess we should see if the bed is good for that too, huh?”
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#soundwin AU where Win spent most of his childhood to early adulthood in the streets and became a sneak thief specialized in pickpocketing, but one day while he's doing his "job", someone grabs his wrist and twists his arm, resulting in him getting pushed face on the wall.
"Now be nice and give back what you took from these people"
Win smirks, completely unbothered.
"Don't see how I can do that if you don't release me"
It takes a moment but finally the person frees him, but only for a few seconds, just the time for Win to turn around and be caged in the arms of the most handsome guy he's ever seen.
"Now give it back"
"And what do I get in return"
"I don't know, maybe walking free? Not getting caught by the c0ps?"
"Nah, I don't think you're offering a good bargain"
It takes all but a couple of moments, and suddenly Win has pushed the pretty boy away from him and swiftly sent him on the floor, but when he's about to run away, he gets tricked and tripped on the floor, colliding once again with the face of the attractive guy.
"We should stop meeting like this"
Another movement, and now Win's back is on the cold floor, with pretty boy on top of him, holding once again his wrists down.
"We should stop meeting altogether"
"But that would defeat the purpose of the game"
Win has just the time for a brief smirk before two lips come crushing on his, and it takes all of his willpower to not take from his beautiful, most amazing mistake everything he's craving.
"Can you please stop making me chase you around, Win"
Win raises his hand and gently strokes Sound's hairs.
"Now, weren't you the one saying we should stop meeting"
Sound closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, which amuses Win, who can clearly see him mentally counting to ten.
"You know what I mean, d*ckhead. We wouldn't need to meet if you just finally decided to move in with me"
"Pumpkin, one night stands don't work like that"
It was Sound's turn to smirk.
"One night stands are also supposed to happen once...not once a day"
"Only because you keep following me around"
Win can't help but laugh when Sound gives him the most unimpressed look with a perfectly raised eyebrow, and he decides to concede, while slowly sliding his hands on Sound's sides.
"And your body is definitely a great argument working in your favor"
"But not enough to stay"
It doesn't matter how many times they have this conversation, it still breaks Win to see the love of his goddamn life think he might be the reason Win doesn't stick around.
"Sound, I can't. This is my life. And it's dangerous. I might upgrade to assassin if someone ever hurts you."
"Then you should've never gotten into my life"
"I know, baby. I'm sorry. The moment I saw you, I just couldn't walk away. I needed to know you. I needed to taste you. But once I did, I just couldn't move on. And that's why I need you to do it...for both of our sakes"
Sound just scoffs, completely unaffected, and proceedes to get up, but not before putting all of his weight onto Win to leave him out of breath.
"Nice try. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go home, before my one-time-a-day stand shows up and begs me to forget the bullsh*t that came out of his mouth just hours prior"
Sound starts to leave, but not before showing Win, who's still lying on the floor, some of the stolen stuff that he managed to pickpocket from the thief in charge himself. Damn, he was getting too good at it.
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the0ldmann · 1 year
Shaun and MC get into a small argument over his newest project.
"Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack" is adult only media, and the associated fandom is an adult only space. Minors and ageless blogs are reminded to stay away or they will be blocked on sight.
Writing below the cut.
"You're going to do WHAT?!"
"Hey, hey, calm down. I know you don't like horror, but this is a little out of character don't you think? What's got you so worked up?"
Shaun was standing there confused while Ian was in the background holding a blue wig and looking as equally perplexed. It was clear by the expression on your face you were angry as hell, fists clenched at your side.
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Why the hell should I calm down when you're defacing some poor man's legacy?!"
"It's not defacing a legacy it's- look. We were hired by the company to make a horror movie about a character they've had sitting in a vault. It's not like that character is modeled after anyone real!"
"Excuse me, but some guy trying to make sense of his life, takes on the role, gets killed in the role so it's all he was ever known for, and the company apparently erases any trace of him or the role if the fact internet searches turning up nothing means anything. You look at all of that and tell me that taking this story and turning it into some spooky mumbo-jumbo isn't defacing a legacy. Go on."
"When you put it like that, it certainly doesn't sound good. B-but it's just a character, and this is our breakout chance! It's not like you knew the man yourself or his family, so why the hell is this striking such a nerve?"
"You know what, I can't do this anymore right now." A proper response was not something you could think of without giving away Jack's precarious existence, so you turned around and stormed off with a huff. You slammed the door to your bedroom behind you. Leaning against it, you closed your eyes and slid down to the floor. Your breathing was ragged and you were shaking as you could feel gloved hands pick you up off the floor.
Gently Jack placed you on your bed and then swiftly went over to lock the door. You were already starting to curl up when he came over to lay down next to you.
"Hey, Sunshine, are you alright?" All you could do was shake your head as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close.
"No. I can't believe what they're doing. You're a person too, and I just-"
"Shhh," Jack was doing his best to calm you, "I know, and I appreciate you standing up for me. But you've got me more worried about you! I've never seen you this worked up before, and anyone being this worked up is liable to say things they regret or even hurt themselves on accident. You being hurt because of me is the last thing I want."
"I know, I know, I just..." You struggled to even your breathing. Jack held you close while you proceeded to silently cry into his chest. You were scared. People were assholes, and if this movie made it big like everyone- like the studio- wanted, then it was going to be impossible for Jack to avoid facing it. You knew he was set in the ways of this character, you knew and you've grown to accept it.
But had Jack come to fully accept it? How was this going to affect him? Was he going to break down at all in the barrage of what people were going to see him as? Especially if that something just wasn't him?
You didn't know how he'd handle it at all. If he broke down, if he disappeared and you lost him and were left all alone again...
"Hey," you could feel him rubbing circles into your back. "We're going to figure this out, okay? If they won't listen to reason, then there's got to be a way to stop the project."
"Dude, what the fuck was that about?" Ian went back to trying to fluff and style the wig, though it was hard to focus after that outburst.
"You mean to tell me you don't have a clue what would have set them off, despite having known them the longest and having also dated them at one point? No wonder the two of you are ex's."
"Hey! That's uncalled for!"
"So was that outburst. Really don't have a clue what could have prompted that?"
"No, not a single one. You were right, that was extremely out of character for them."
Shaun sighed, throwing down some papers and leaning against the table. Ian only looked up briefly to see that he actually looked worried.
"What, you're not actually taking what they're saying to heart, are you?"
"They make a valid point but that's not what I'm concerned about."
"There's something else to be concerned about?"
"You might want to take a seat."
As confused by everything as Ian was, he was more curious as to what the hell Shaun was talking about. He put the wig up and walked over to the table, taking a seat. Shaun kept looking around, and it was about a solid minute before he was able to look at Ian.
"I've been doing digging- on the actors from the old show and I found... Well, there might be something that could throw a wrench into our plans. Rather unfortunately, it might have something to do with your dad..."
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