#i even remember some things I blocked out and 😬
bashfulmusician · 1 year
63! Days! Until I move out of the same town that my emotionally abusive mother lives in! Then I'll be in a two bedroom apartment AND be just down the road from work AND be able to legally have all my animals!
I'm so nervous and excited!
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allisonlol · 1 year
HII !! could you do dazai, chuuya and fyodor with a s/o that forgot pretty much everything from their past/forgets a lot in the present due to trauma? if possible male reader, and if not gn works aswell! thank you :))
a/n: felt this req hard LOL
warnings: memory loss, past trauma (not elaborated on)
(Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor) With a S/O with Memory Loss From Trauma
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i feel like dazai can relate in some ways because he too has immense trauma but instead of forgetting it, he remembers it too well
therefore in a way he's grateful that ur brain is blocking those memories so u don't have to remember the pain
dazai had noticed your forgetful behavior the second he met you, and had already categorized it as due to trauma in your past
honestly finds your forgetfulness adorable but it also enrages him bc someone hurt you enough to cause it
simply does not comment on any of this though. if you mention that you forgot something that happened literally yesterday he'll simply smile at you (is that a hint of sadness in his expression?) and reassure u that it's okay
will text u updates throughout the day to make sure u aren't forgetting anything
pictures pictures pictures!!!! literally photographs everything u guys do together so you can always look back to remember :)
but unbeknownst to you, dazai will secretly do some deep digging into your past to find out exactly what happened and who to get revenge on <3
^trust me when i say they will deeply regret everything they had ever done to you
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it's canon that chuuya can't remember what... the first 7 years of his life? so he totally understands
he won't question u at all abt the reasonings for your memory loss unless u wanted to talk abt it
does get worried abt your current forgetfulness though. with a job as strenuous as being in the mafia, having a good memory is important
^if any of the higher ups knew you weren't "sufficient enough" in that department, despite your other strengths, you would be disposed of
this added stress doesn't help you at all but chuuya does his best to keep you safe
^having a boyfriend who is also your executive is very useful in this aspect
leaves little notes and reminders on your desk so u won't forget anything important
hell, chuuya will even fill out reports for you if u were having trouble remembering the events that took place
i feel like he would also pay very close attention to everything u guys do together so, if you forgot, he would be able to tell you all about it
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another one who categorized your memory loss as due to trauma the second he met you
unlike the others tho, he will question u about it
if you’re honest with him & say that it’s due to traumatic events, he’ll ask if you want him to do anything about it for you (in other words, find and eliminate the ones who caused it 😊)
^if you say no to this, he’ll nod and agree with u but secretly hunt them down on his own
however if you lie to fyodor and say that you’re just forgetful (not due to trauma) he’ll frown & keep asking probing questions until he gets the truth out of u
has he heard of privacy? like damn
^its out of love tho. not saying it’s right but fyodor shows his care by learning as much abt u as possible. he needs to know everything, good or bad
finds your current forgetfulness adorable, albeit irritating at times (remember who we’re talking abt here)
if you forgot an event or important piece of information he will get slightly annoyed with you & might say some insensitive things 😬
^tho once he sees that he’s upset you, fyodor will usually sigh and apologize
recommends u keep a journal for reminders, however he also logs all events that u do alone or together so you won’t forget in the future
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @creamygojo @disa-ster
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lxvvie · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 "𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐥𝐮 𝐢𝐬 (𝐧𝐨𝐭) 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐥𝐮"
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disclaimer: I am in no way advocating for this AT ALL, okay? I was inspired by @ceilidho's post and who wouldn't love the opportunity to torment a lovesick Ghost? I based this off what I call the 'Spirit of Avoidance', which essentially boils down to me keeping things at arm's length when it gets too real or just... avoiding adulting when I can. Doesn't work out for long, though. 🙃
It was only supposed to be sex. Just some good dick, no strings attached, right? Right? Then how the fuck did it turn into this... thing?
Ghost who catches feelings but is perpetually pissed off because he can't express them, not like he wants to, because your ass won't let him. You're too busy trying to convince yourself it's just some good dick to really pay attention and, um... 😬
Let's talk about the fact that Simon tried to broach the subject with you before through text but you responded with an emoji and not only did it piss the man off even more, he had to block your number to clear his fucking head but that didn't last long.
Let's also talk about the fact that Simon tried again in person but rather than, you know, actually have a meaningful conversation, you began to giggle. Which turned into a full-blown laugh. In his face. In his fucking face. He just stared, hard, and the look in his eyes haunted you more than you let on. And he just... left. You didn't even get good dick that night he was so fucking done, and Simon would never know how mortified you were that you just did that but what else could you do when it came to matters of the heart?
Ghost who feels like a fucking kid with a crush when it comes to you. He tries to put space between you two but the sex is too fucking good and his armored heart can't really take it. When he's away, he texts you and it's a guessing game as to how long it takes you to respond. The longer you take, the more on edge he gets. Bonus points if you send one-word responses because you don't know how else to respond.
There was that one time he tried to call you because he needed wanted to hear your voice and you... didn't answer. Fuck. Then he called you again and if he had some alcohol nearby, he'd down that motherfucker in a second because what the fuck was that conversation?—"D'aww, missing my body that much, Simon?" What the fuck?
Simon who remembers you mentioning something you liked during pillow talk (what fucking pillow talk?) and when he got it for you, you played that shit off and the man was fucking THROWED. Internally, you were so flattered.
Simon who realizes that he's smoking more than he usually does. In fact, he's spending more money on cigarettes than anything else. He looks just like he feels: a fucking mess. Fucking hell. Piss off, Johnny, and stop looking at him like that.
You two fuck like rabbits because the thought of even letting your guard down is much scarier than swapping fluids. There's an urgency and desperation there you two hadn't experienced before, and you avoid looking at him, avoid his eyes, his tenderness, because you don't want to see; you don't want him to see...
And when all is said and done and you want nothing more than to kiss the bastard breathless, the moment is ruined with your jokes and giggles and Simon wants to fucking snap but he settles on the next best thing. Another damn smoke. And another round of sex. If you two weren't first class on the Hot Mess Express™, your tongues would be down each other's throats. But they aren't, and the smoke takes his breath away. He'll fuck you, try and bare his heart, you'll laugh or avoid the conversation altogether, he'll try and fail to put distance between you two, and the cycle will begin again...
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hi there, i assume you're most likely flooded with requests currently but here's my shot if you feel like it : how about how the Badbatch reacting to their s/o posting simple normal stuff on their social media (like spotify links, cute pics all that)? I think that would be so cute 🥰🥰🥰 i don't think you've done something like this before so it's totally okay if you don't want to!
Indeed, I am, and I barely have time to work through them, but I do, bit by bit, hoping no one hates me for being so slow 😬😅 Interesting question. Let me look into this....
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Your Social Media
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Warnings: Mostly Fluff/Maybe Slightly Angsty
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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Our shy Tech uses social media to find out things about you, even before you're a couple. Stalker? Yes and no. Basically, he just uses it to try to find out what music you like, what movies, if you like to read, and if so, what books. Tech spends a lot of time browsing.
He is looking for information about you that will make it easier for him to start a conversation with you, to surprise you in a positive way and to respond to you. Tech feels more confident approaching you when he already has some background information.
But he also likes to check in on things in the future, keep up to date. He's often in the tunnel at work, and that's how he finds out if he's missed anything when he's on a mission. Maybe you've discovered a new favorite song, or something culinary, or you're reading a new book.
Of course, he doesn't miss the opportunity to send you links to reports, documentaries and the like, about whatever he's excited about. The last link was a report about upcoming, groundbreaking new hyperspace technology.
He has no idea about social media, he himself has had no contact with it until now, and Hunter has never been interested in it. Until Wrecker points out to him that you're on social media.
"Have you seen that funny Loth cat video your sweetheart shared?"
Hunter frowns.
"What, shared, I don't quite understand."
Wrecker shows and explains everything to him in general terms, and Hunter ends up making a social media account on the Holonet. The cat video was amusing, but not the reason. He wants to know what else you share, if maybe there are hobbies he doesn't know about, or events you'd like to attend.
In fact, three days later he surprises you with tickets to an event you're dying to attend, but can't find the money in time.
Hunter doesn't spy on you, you can do whatever you want. He just picks out a few little things, like this event, to make you happy.
He stays away from it completely. In fact, he hates this social media nonsense. There was even a whole format of its own for clones, and he remembers well how some of his brothers used to act online. He doesn't really need that.
You can do whatever you want, of course, but he won't touch that stuff unless you explicitly ask him to. Echo still won't spend much time on it, just occasionally liking one of your shared posts, but that's all you can expect from him.
Echo is not comfortable on the Holonet, it's not nearly the same, yet it always kind of reminds him of his imprisonment by the Techno Union.
"You spend way too much time with this devil stuff".
He is all over the place. Wrecker has an account on every social media site, and he posts as regularly as he can. Cute and funny animal videos mostly and in stark contrast, videos of explosions. Every now and then a music video and articles about guns and explosives.
In fact, he bombards his pages so hard that sometimes you completely lose track of what's going on and don't really manage to keep up. But Wrecker miraculously knows, despite his own constent-posting, what's going on with you in social media.
Among other things, you once posted a picture of him when an admirer wouldn't leave you alone. After endless attempts to get rid of him and several block attempts whereupon the nag just kept making new accounts, you shared Wrecker's picture in full gear, with you next to him.
"This is my boyfriend, if you want me, work it out with him".
Wrecker drops the holopad laughing and says, "What's going on? You didn't tell me that someone was bugging you."
You shrug your shoulders, "Always wrote to me privately. I thought it was time to expose that person."
"Hm," growls Wrecker, "Let me know if he doesn't stop."
One of those who talk badly about social media, very badly, avoid it for quite a while and then suddenly sink into it almost like an addict. Crosshair has his holopad in his hand every free minute, checking his messages, new links and likes.
Crosshair will never admit it, but he really enjoys the attention, being anonymous in a way and still being noticed. Of course, he also digs through your social media, and you can assume that he scrutinizes everything.
He knows the guys who are on the Internet, make immoral offers, send nude pictures and want to have nude pictures and so on. Otherwise, he flies over the things rather so casually, he's not really interested, he rather wants his contributions to be seen, shared and liked.
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ashsostrange · 11 months
it’s stand on business o’clock, cz i know y’all sick gw*les & p*nkflower shippers + delulu gwen stans ain’t try to run my girl bree (@breeandhermunches) off her blog… you got me all the way fucked up and ima tag this in ALL the categories. you can’t do anything about it 🤣 if you’re upset, then scroll ho. if you know i’m not talking about you, then have a great day! 🫶 if the shoe fits, then wear it.
i’m getting disrespectful. ima return the energy you hoes dished out n you better take it like some mf champs. y’all wanted to fuck around so now you gotta hear my mouth and find out. read it ‘n weep. clearing you bitches gives me life.
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such a shame we’re back here, but y’all are mad, mad miserable. like, i’ve never seen a fandom so chronically online. are you even trying to mask the fact that you rarely step outside anymore…? 😬
let me making it so very clear why i’m making this post in the first place, bc y’all seem to struggle with my main concerns never clicking in your heads.
y’all have the time to sit in somebody’s inbox and complain about their hatred towards fictional ships, meanwhile the people y’all complain about stay on their pages and mind their business? 🤨 those people being US. ion recall none of us going directly to YOUR pages to hate on punkflower and gwiles. if we hate, it’s on our pages. i don’t go looking for a mf fight, that’s mad childish. y’all were riding bree’s dick like crazy. at this point, her hate for gwiles must keep y’all up at night. talk to a therapist about that. it’s not healthy. i’m gna address ALL the bs y’all be on.
so now that you know why i’m posting this, let me set few things straight for y’all.
“don’t use the ship tag to hate! 🤬🤬” the day you copyright and trademark the tag, present me with an official “tumblr etiquette” rule book or, show me proof that you own tumblr is the day i’ll stop. ima do wtv i want whenever i want, please get that thru ya hollow ass heads. y’all aren’t entitled to anything. not respect, not no damn “common courtesy,” ESPECIALLY not over dysfunctional ships/fictional characters 🤣 i don’t owe you SHIT.
some of were y’all tryna go back and forth with me at the grown ass age of TWENTY. over GWILES. a sixteen yr old vs a twenty yr old, see your life 😂😂 it’s truly alarming. go get employed. if you alr are, then call your manager and pick up some more shifts bc you clearly ain’t doing enough. if college graduation rates begin to decline, i know exactly who to come to. everything’s going up and even tho you should be standing on some mf business so you can afford the cost of living, you’re arguing with teenagers online instead. a lot of you have too much free time.
“you posted this publicly under the tag, you can’t expect people not to want to argue” yes i can! block me and scroll. we don’t have to argue. i don’t remember starting an argument? i was never on your pages. i only reblog shit when it appears on my dash. like i said, i’m not searching far n wide for no damn fight. 🤷‍♀️ nobody told y’all to bitch, whine, and reblog mine or bree’s shit. your issue is that you have no self control. you don’t know when to hold yourself tf back, so you feel obligated to reply. god forbid someone has a differing opinion. my post was never even about the flaws in miles and gwen’s relationship. i was talking about how it is disappointing to see miles’ story be reduced to a love story. unfortunately, y’all forgot to put your glasses on beforehand and read “i hate gwiles.” yes, i hate gwiles!!! but that was not the point of my post. y’all are either illiterate or trying to let off some serious steam. i’m not having any of it. maybe y’all are upset i called you delusional, but you’ve effortlessly proven my point.
this is the internet. you have the tools to avoid seeing what me n bree hv to say, so why are you throwing a tantrum like a goddamn child instead of utilizing them?? you’re not special. the world doesn’t revolve around you and what you want. people are dying n you’re worried about a hate post under a ship tag?? mind you, that was the one and only “hate post” i’ve EVER put under that fuckass tag 😭 bree will make one post about gwiles, and y’all are the ones who’ll drag it out, then call her “obsessed.”we’re doomed bc y’all are doomed.
the white mfs complaining ab the term “snow bunny”… jesus 🤦‍♀️ ts didn’t even mean what you think it meant in the first place. it was originally used to refer to female skiers. some of y’all swear up, down, n all around that being “racist” to white people is the same as racism towards black people, and it’s not. let’s use “snow bunny” and the n-word as examples:
snow bunny had an alternative use before it was used to refer to white people. there’s no significant history behind it at all, unless you count tiktok as history. the n word has always been the n word. it’s always been derogatory, and anyone will a brain would know it’s mad history behind the word. it roots in deep hatred. people continue to use this word to belittle those who are black, or use it lightly around their friends nd behind closed doors as if it’s a common cuss word. y’all’s experiences with “racism” are nowhere near comparable to the experiences black people have BEEN facing and will be facing for fucking ever. white people have and always will be seen as the superior race, therefore, you face minimal to no “racism” outside of the internet, and i’d do anything to be able to say that. don’t even @ me talking about “🥹🥹 that doesn’t make racism against white people oka—“ i don’t care. at all. drink some water. you’ll be fine.
“you guys hate women!!!” “y’all hate gwen bc she’s white!!” like, you sound so fkn dumb nd all i can do is sit and stare at you.
me nd bree are black girls. people from EVERY race and EVERY ethnicity hate black people and EVERYONE hates black girls. hell, not even black men like us. why on god’s green mf earth would we ever want sb else to feel that way??
yk what y’all need to do? y’all need to quit whining and accept the fact that bree doesn’t like gwen because of what she did to miles. it’s as simple as that. stop trying to complicate things bc you so desperately want to deem her and other people who hate gwen “racists” or “misogynists.” no. i fw gwen heavy, nd me and bree are able to coexist bc neither of us are fucking delusional and regularly touch grass 🤷‍♀️ same thing with all my other mutuals.
meanwhile, you hoes get your panties in a twist when sb calls gwen a snow bunny as if she’s a sentient being who’s going to cry over ts, like, no. your feelings are hurt? take a fucking walk! nobody has to like her.
and punkflower, oh my god 😐 i’ve never been homophobic and i never will be. i’m literally queer. i’m not about that friendly fire before y’all try and call me homophobic. my thing is, if hobie was originally supposed to be a nineteen year old, n now his age is unconfirmed, why in the hell would we go and age him down to sixteen?? all y’all wna do is ship that man with miles or write smut about him. some of y’all wanna do both!! you change his age when it’s convenient to you. if you don’t see an issue with that, then i can’t help you. you’re weird. until i hear otherwise from one of the directors, he’s 19.
ghostflower or gwiles 🙃 the reason y y’all are sobbing or wtv. i thought y’all were exaggerating when you said gwiles was your religion, but it’s looking like i was very incorrect. real talk, ion like that fuckass ship. i don’t have to and neither does anybody else. just like you lames do with gwen, you dig deep in your ass for every problematic reason possible. “you have a racial bias!!!” “you hate interracial relationships!!” the fuck?? 😭 do you cunts read what you write before you post it?? “they’re more obsessed with gwiles than we are” “they must be in love with ghostflower & gwen”
…huh? covid really set some of y’all back tremendously because it seems a concerning amount of you lack critical thinking skills. in reality, just like hating gwen, the reason we dislike gwen and miles together is SO very simple. it all boils down to the fact that gwen did miles dirt. and i’ve made a separate post, i’ve talked about why they would never work imo. when i present y’all with my logical reasoning, you dgaf! so the only thing you can do now is shut the hell up, unclench, and cope. since you wna get in your feelings bout it, fuck gwiles, n fuck you too.
y’all even got some of your own people agreeing w me, props to y’all btw 👏 it’s never you i’m talking about.
i hate that y’all made it this deep bc it didn’t need to be. this is a fucking movie. none of this is real, yet you continue to harass me and bree like we murdered your immediate + extended family + the family dog that had cancer. i find myself hoping that one day y’all will realize how dumb you sound, but then i remember some of you niggas are already grown, so it’s looking quite improbable.
and also, don’t b up in my reblogs chattin’ it up about shit i’ve explicitly stated that idc about. i won’t repeat myself because you can’t read. if this post hasn’t shown you i don’t give even half of a fuck about you or your feelings regarding ANYTHING at this point in time, then i don’t really know what will 🤷‍♀️
if i made you mad, go ahead nd suck it up fa me. we won’t be going toe to toe and debating on MY blog because you’ll be actively wasting your own time, as i am not willing to hear anyone out. it’s been that way from the start and it won’t change. if you send an anon message or any type of inbox w some bs then it’ll sit there until the end of time or be swiftly deleted. if you reblog this post trying to invalidate anything i just addressed, i won’t even give you the time of day, bc i said everything that needed to said. i was very articulate and extremely clear. know that i can’t and won’t be swayed in the slightest. we’d just go back and forth until you decide to shut your mouth or block me. so block me now. ian the one.
if you don’t get it, then you don’t fucking get it, but what y’all aren’t gna do is treat people the way y’all were treating bree just because she hates two ships + gwen stacy. you complain about how the fandom sucks like you’re not the same people who make being in fandoms in unenjoyable.
you usually have to go to a therapist and pay for reality checks. luckily for y’all, i gave you one for free! you needed to be humbled and i happily did the humbling. lil piece of advice: stop trying to force people to gaf if they clearly do not. block and move on with your life. you gon get tired one day. leave me, bree, n anyone else you bother tf alone. spend your energy trying to change people’s minds on REAL ISSUES that actually matter, not fucking spider-man.
whew, ANYWAY… i hope i never have to speak bout this again. act right in the near future n i won’t have to “invade your tags” with long paragraphs in which i set you fools straight, thank yewww! 🫶
god bless!! 💗
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silver-wield · 6 months
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What does this mean back in OG? Is it a red herring? You pointed it out in rebirth.. but even then, if it's that important? Why isn't it enough to help him out? Imo, I don't see her being expressed as someone "that" important, like "deepest part of heart" level? Is the "searching for" part the reason for their obsession with KH? Which leads me to believe this section is a red herring, because he is searching most for Sephiroth here even in main game, which led him to loose himself. The most important thing to him.
In my understanding , in rebirth, sephiroth gave him some slack when her life was threatened. It's not yet her time to die yet. He was able to help her out because, you know, she's also a friend. But if it was the same as Sephiroth having full control over him, she isn't capable of inspiring cloud to get out of Sephiroth's control, in the same way Tifa does.
Do you suppose, the same would apply had it been Barret, Yuffie, nanaki instead? I mean same as aerith's?
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You've got a mistranslation in there. The OG English script is shit. This is what the line actually says, and they're talking about what to do about meteor because they don't know how to stop it after the materia filled rocket failed. They're all at a loss and bugenhagen says to search their hearts for what to do, and Cloud says he remembers Aerith because of what she did with the white materia, which leads them back to the forgotten city and finding out that she did actually successfully call holy which Sephiroth's now blocking.
It's the plot.
Just because someone mentions the word "heart" doesn't make it romantic 😬🤦‍♀️
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novelcain · 2 years
I have a small head cannon now with my version of reader that I wanted to share with you:
She has a lotus pin in her hair due to her association with Quanyin and it has the added bonus of extra protection (like a protection seal)
Just wanted to share, now I’m going back into my hole to finally finish a fic that’s been giving me writers block for two months now.
*gets slapped with writers block in the face*
Gosh darn it….
(By the way any tips on how to overcome writers block?)
That's a pretty interesting idea. Like a lil fashionable talisman~
And good luck with your writing hope you can get through the writers block
As far as tips go, I unfortunately can't help much in the writer's/artist's block since I don't really get it.😬 If anything I just get bursts of laziness where I don't wanna pick up my laptop cause that's too much effort and so end up curled up in my nest scrolling through tiktok all day. But to remedy that, I just force myself to pick up my laptop or @lovesick-ritz will kindly hand it to me so I can get things done.
So here's the tips that I could think of:
Set a designated area or method for writing (ex. I only write on my laptop bc I've assigned it mentally as my preferred place to write)
Make it as easy as possible for you to write (ie. leave the writing tabs open. I personally never have word closed there's always at least my notes tab open but I usually have at least 3 word tabs don't ask me why I'm addicted to keeping tabs open)
Try to get rid of as many distractions as you can like unneeded social media (having a tumblr tab open is always my down fall cause I get distracted by asks)
Since I have adhd and autism complete silence honestly distracts me more than anything so I like to play this 10 hour thunder storm video on YouTube (this also helps with my tinnitus in case anyone else got that)
Another thing I've been told that help is just start writing little notes or just anything at all and maybe that'll spur you into what you want to be writing
Also some random tips if found useful when it comes to writing/drawing:
If you hyperfixate on writing and drawing for long periods of time like I do (like I'm talking about 8 hour sit down don't move sessions) get water and a couple snacks before you start and be sure to stretch at least once an hour
Remember to specifically do full hand stretches to avoid carpal tunnel and writer's/artist's arthritis
Try to get up and walk around as much as possible (if you can as someone with walking issues I know that isn't always easy or even possible)
One thing I like to do to rest my eyes and brain is after a few hours I'll go to Spotify and play a few songs (or in my case one song on repeat I've been particularly obsessed with the Epic sagas since they've come out and have been constant listening to Survive in the Cyclops saga) with your eyes closed. Staring at a screen all day can be harmful to your eyes and brain.
And for drawing with adhd, if you're working on a long piece it can get frustrating to work on one part for long periods of time so keep in mind that if you're start to feel bored or tired with the part that you're working on it's ok to move to a different part. (ie. you've been working on the hair for a while and start to feel understimulated to move to the face or even a completely different area so get that stimulation) It's not like a story where you gotta remember plot points and continuity the whole thing is right there so just work on whatever part catches your fancy. Or hell if you get bored just draw lil scribbles for a second in a corner somewhere until you feel up to going back to the piece.
Please keep in mind while reading these that I by no means have healthy habits. As I stated I hyperfixate on projects and will often neglect my human needs for extremely long periods on accident; however, I am lucky enough to have a very attentive partner that reminds me and encourages me to take care of myself and helps me when I can't. (Love you Ritz. Literally couldn't live without you~ mwah💜)
HOWEVER! Because of this I am extremely used to living with unhealthy habits and have an OBSENE amount of tips for dealing/living with them so if anyone wants some autism/adhd/depression/anxiety (all of which I have kinda extreme forms of) life tips lemme know and I'll write a whole essay for you. Tho again I will say these tips are not cures. These conditions are permanent so these tips would just be ways to make living with them a little easier. (Honestly I might just make that post even if no one asks for it on the off chance that helps even one person)
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bisluthq · 3 months
Is it weird that I'm sorta proud to have no idea about the themed wedding because I blocked so many people and (as someone who has recently been placed on the spectrum lmao) I felt I was getting too involved in fandom because a lot of it wasn't fun anymore and people weren't nice and I felt shit instead of excited so I pulled back a lot and only look at a few blogs now lol
I used to be all over the main topics and the Kays (even reading about basement baby despite thinking 'this is icky and dangerous ', I had to know what was being said) 😬 and now I don't even know what theyre doing (and don't want to get sucked into that world again 🙅‍♀️).
I'm spaced out and can't remember where I was going but I'm curious about the themed wedding but it also feels satisfying to no longer know the broader strokes of what is going on lol 😂
But I'd totally steal the idea from the mine video and hang photos from a tree if I got married! I think that's super cute as a photo background and I like garden weddings Lol
look, unironically I think some things could be cute - the mine tree absolutely. I’d not even judge the Love Story dress. What I judge is like Taylor themed tables and Taylor in your video like that’s not normal and speaks to your partner not being that into it lol. Like I said, man or woman I can’t imagine requesting that like I think my ex, who’s a poet and loves Taylor and did want to marry me would’ve been freaked out if I’d said like “okay I’m doing it but it’s Taylor themed” and I honestly don’t know how I’d even go about broaching that convo with a whole ass man.
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Peter Parker x Reader
Day 1 of the 13 Nights of Halloween Spooktacular!!!
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(Gif not mine)
A/n: yes I’m aware the Gif is a corn maze and not a hay maze… 😬😂
Requested? No
Summary: Peter’s had a crush on (Y/n) for, quite literally, as long as he could remember. But, was he going to tell her? Absolutely not! That would ruin everything. He’d practically resigned himself to never speaking to her at all, for fear he’d open his mouth and say something stupid, but, what was he to do when she showed up to the same fall festival as him, wearing the cutest costume he’d ever seen, and screaming for his help when things went sideways like they, inevitably, always did?
Warnings: starred out swear words, significant lack of adherence to original plot line, MJ’s a lil mean but in a friend kinda way? 🤔😂, I picked out your costume, sorry 🤷‍♀️😂 Oh, and you’ve got a lil sibling 👌👌👌
Pairing: Tom!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
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“God, Parker, you’re such a loser! And that Spider-Man costume’s not even good!” Flash Thompson called out across the street, which was bustling with children and teenagers alike, all collecting candy in their Party City best.
It was Halloween night, and Peter and his friends had decided to spend the evening at a festival just down the street from his apartment, complete with booths full of candy, costumes, and goodies of all sorts. And, of course, the shining diamond of the event: an almost two block long hay maze. Peter was still unsure where they’d gotten permission for such a structure, though opted not to think too much about it. He knew from experience the wacky stuff one could get away with in this city if they had enough money.
Ned rolled his eyes, as the trio took in the poorly constructed Marty McFly costume Flash was currently sporting. Clearly, in Ned’s opinion, it was nothing in comparison to the Spider-Man costume in question, which, you caught him, was just Peter’s suit without the mask. But, what can he say? Costumes are expensive and never worth the inheritance you have to give up for them, anyways.
But, Peter didn’t care what Flash had to say. He thought he looked great and he was intent on having a good time, even if it killed him. Which, judging by the sheer amount of sugary treats in some of the stalls around them, it certainly might.
“He’s such a jerk.” Ned complained, flicking his cape in disgust. Peter, regrettably, wasn’t quite sure who his best friend was supposed to be. But, based off the reaction MJ had received for a similar question earlier in the evening, he decided that keeping that small fact to himself was in his best interest. Speaking of MJ…
“You did kind of ask for it dressing up as Flash’s boyfriend.” She pointed out, joining the conversation. MJ was dressed in her normal clothes, of which, in typical MJ fashion, she had blatantly refused to change out of. Sometimes that girl confused Peter, but, currently, he was too offended to care.
“Spider-Man’s not Flash’s boyfriend.” He argued, almost vomiting at the notion. Flash was the literal worst. He didn’t deserve Peter. He*l, he didn’t deserve a ball python with trust issues.
“Woah, calm down defensive.” MJ fired back, smirking as all this did was work the boy up more. But Peter couldn’t help it. She was poking her nose into something she shouldn’t. It was hard enough with Ned having figured out his secret.
“I’m not defensive!” He argued, his voice cracking a little at the end, and making Peter want to shove his head in the apple bobbing tub in the next booth over, wondering if his powers would prevent him from drowning himself.
“Clearly…” MJ replied sarcastically, before something Ned said caught their attention.
“Hey, look who it is!” Peter turned his head, to follow where the other boy was pointing, and his heart began beating erratically in his chest.
“Is that (Y/n)?” MJ asked, but Peter’s eyes remained on the angel just across the street. It was, indeed, (Y/n), the cute girl from their school that Peter had had a crush on for quite literally as long as he could remember. She was dressed different than usual, obviously, and Peter almost hadn’t recognized her with the white wings and cartoon halo. But there wasn’t another smile in the world that could send butterflies fluttering like crazy the way they were in his stomach. Or, perhaps bats were more on brand for the holiday season?
“Woah, she looks…” Peter couldn’t even put together a sentence, his mind all foggy with sickeningly sweet romance sh*t. That is, until Ned opened his mouth again.
“Hot.” Peter smacked him on the shoulder harshly.
“Dude!” He complained as Ned rubbed the sore spot with a pout.
“He’s not wrong. She does look great in that costume.” MJ interjected, shamelessly watching the angel girl as she spoke to a much younger devil. “You should go talk to her.” She added, watching the devil run off with a group of more elementary school age kids. Peter rounded on her in horror.
“Are you crazy?!?! She’s… and I’m… Ya know?!?!” Peter gestured wildly to prove his point, though even he was aware his words meant little to nothing. MJ raised a brow.
“Gee, that makes so much more sense now. Thanks for clearing that up.” She said sarcastically, ignoring Peters look of intense loathing as Ned spoke up.
“Seriously, dude, what’s stopping you? She’s right there…” He turned to where Peter knew (Y/n) was, before frowning. “Well… WAS right there…” Peter spun around to see what he was talking about and found that, his perfect little angel had disappeared.
“Where’d she go?” He asked no one in particular as his eyes searched the street for her figure, though, it was as if she had dissolved into thin air.
“Why do you care?” MJ asked with a sadistic chuckle. “Were you finally gonna tell her you’ve been pining after her since the third grade?” She asked, making Peter shrug, uncomfortable under her gaze.
“Maybe…” But MJ just rolled her eyes.
“Sure you were. C’mon, Ned. I want to look at those witch hats and you need to find something to distract from that terrible cape.” She said suddenly, pulling the other boy along with her and sending Peter a smirk over her shoulder, Ned following along as he was told.
“Okay… wait- what’s wrong with my cape!?!”
Peter chuckled at his friends before the realization seemed to set in: MJ had left him alone to go find (Y/n)…
+ + +
(Y/n) really should’ve assumed that when (Y/s/n) had asked her to take them trick or treating, she was really only being used for a ride. The pair hadn’t even been at the fall festival for fifteen minutes before (Y/s/n) was finding their friends, and leaving (Y/n) to fend for herself.
She supposed she wasn’t entirely alone. She’d seen a few kids from her school, Flash Thompson, among others, but (Y/n) surely wasn’t yet desperate enough to go searching for the likes of him to keep her company. She’d rather be the sad loner, thank you very much.
Although, standing out in the open might seem the teensiest bit pathetic…
Well… now there’s an option.
+ + +
Peter was pathetic. He knew that. Surely MJ knew that, what with the unprecedented amount of teasing she’d subjected him to in the last ten minutes. And (Y/n) had probably figured it out somehow too. He wasn’t exactly discreet about his deplorability.
Now, Peter Parker wasn’t scared of much. Being a superhero will do that to you. He’d fought Captain America for Hulk’s sake. But everyone who’s ever met him knew, Peter was downright terrified of not having (Y/n) in his life. It was stupid. He knew that. But try telling his heart that.
And, Peter knew, he couldn’t scare her away if he never spoke to her in the first place. It was a heartbreaking paradox of his own making, but there was nothing he could do about it now.
“Alright, MJ, lay off him. He looks like he’s gonna cry. You okay buddy?” Ned asked the last part in a whisper, as he patted Peter on the back. The pair had returned from their feeble attempt to fix Peter’s love life to find him exactly where’d they’d left him, though, substantially more dejected than before. The spider-boy shoved the comforting hand off him, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment.
“I’m fine. Can we just talk about something else?” He asked, hoping to get his mind off his hopeless crush. MJ, it seemed, finally decided to cut him some slack and nodded her head, before gesturing towards a sign up ahead.
“You guys wanna try our luck?”
He supposed that could work…
+ + +
Peter still wasn’t entirely sure how they’d gotten so lost. They’d only been in the maze for what felt like moments, before, somehow, Peter, Ned, and MJ had gotten themselves so turned around that they hadn’t only lost their sense of direction, but, rather, one another as well. Peter had a sneaking suspicion MJ had something to do with the situation, but supposed it didn’t matter now. He was in it, and all he could do was keep on walking and hope he was going the right way. There had to be a turn up ahead that revealed some sort of destination, whether it be the maze exit or perhaps a just-as-confused Ned, searching for him as well. Peter had no hope MJ was still looking for either of them. He’d bet his left web-shooter she was already out and laughing over their poor directional skills.
If all else failed, Peter guessed he could always go full Spidey and swing out the top. He knew it was cheating, but, really, who would know? He’d just go back in right before the end and pretend he found his way out just like everyone else. Poor Ned, though…
Suddenly, however, Peter’s contemplations were interrupted by a shrill shriek coming from somewhere further in the maze. His eyes widened in worry, and he threw caution to the wind, his mask quick to cover his face. as he readied himself to swing. He’d recognize that voice anywhere…
+ + +
In hindsight, it wasn’t THAT scary. The whole “haunted hay maze” thing was, honestly, a tad cringy at best, the plastic skeletons and colorful strobe lights acting as nothing more than a corny backdrop for an otherwise relatively entertaining game.
The rat, however, had seemed to come out of nowhere. And, while screaming like a little girl was not necessarily in (Y/n)’s nature, the thing was huge for a rat, and had brushed up against her leg with a considerable lack of warning.
How was she to know Spider-Man would show up because of her momentary freak out? As if she wasn’t already embarrassed enough…
“Are you okay? What happened?” He was checking her over for injuries, his hands holding her close so that he could inspect her, but that wasn��t what got (Y/n)’s words caught in her throat. That voice…
+ + +
The white eyes in Peter’s suit widened, in no way hiding his shock from the girl in front of him . How did she…?
“Um… what? Im not- I mean- I’m Spider-Man. What are you-“ He tried to lower his voice, in an attempt to disguise it, but it was too late. The damage had been done. (Y/n) had already figured it out, somehow…
“Really, Peter? I know it’s you.”
Peter Parker was sure he’d never been more shocked in his entire life. Even that time when Tony Stark showed up in his house and kidnapped him to go to Germany couldn’t compare to right then: standing there, a foot away from the girl of his dreams, listening to her shatter his whole world with no more than a word. How did she figure it out? He thought he’d been so careful. Peter shook his head quickly, unintentionally making himself seem a million times more suspicious.
“It’s not me. I mean- I’m not-“ Could this get any worse? But Peter didn’t know the half of it…
“Wow. You know, I thought you were different. But turns out you’re a total jerk just like every other guy at school.”
Well that felt like a punch in the gut… If Peter was confused before, that was nothing on how he felt now. If she really had figured out his secret identity, that he was a superhero in his spare time, why was she yelling at him like he’d just shoved her into a locker and stolen her lunch money?
“What did I-“ He started, but she was not done, her rant sending her pacing in front of him in a way that reminded Peter far too much of his aunt when she was angry.
“You know it’s one thing to pick on me for being scared, but it’s really low to use your Halloween costume to pretend to be Spider-Man.” And suddenly Peter understood. He probably should have been grateful that she hadn’t discovered his biggest secret. But the alternative…
“Wait! (Y/n) please just let me explain-“ He tried, but the girl wasn’t having it.
“What’s there to explain? You thought it’d be funny to mess with the weird lonely girl. Well, congratulations! It was hilarious! Now I’d like to go home please, if I can ever find the end of this stupid maze!” She kicked the hay bale beside her harshly, though it did nothing more than stick little pieces to the bottom of her pants, as she groaned in annoyance.
Peter wanted to help and offered just as much, but (Y/n) was still fuming.
“I don’t want your help. I don’t need your help. I’ll be fine on my own. I don’t need some fake Spider-Man-“ It was at this point that Peter made a rash decision.
“It’s not fake!” He practically screamed, his whole body seething at the mere notion that he could do something so terrible to her. And she completely believed it too. That was the worst part.
Now, spilling the beans about his super alter ego to the girl he’d been crushing on for forever certainly wasn’t how he’d expected the night to go, but it also wasn’t really the end of the world. Ned knew. And that hadn’t caused too many problems as of late. Of course, it would help if she’d just believe him…
“Really, Peter, can you just-“
But, this time, their screaming match was interrupted by someone else: an all too familiar masked figure flying through the air over the festival, pumpkin-shaped bombs at the ready threateningly.
Peter’s face hardened at the sight of the Green Goblin, his fingers itching for his web shooters. Why now? Why tonight of all nights?
“The itsy bitsy spider went swinging through the hay…
C’mon little Spider boy! Come out to play!”
Peter didn’t want to. He wanted to stay here, with (Y/n) and finish explaining everything to her. He really didn’t want to leave her alone thinking the horrible things she had been about him. He wanted her to know everything… about Spider-Man… and his feelings…
But, Peter knew he had a job to do. Spider-Man did. And he’d take (Y/n) being mad at him a million times over if it meant she was safe. And as long as the Goblin was here, she wasn’t…
+ + +
“Who the he*l is that? Peter, we should… Peter?” (Y/n) spun in a complete circle, searching the narrow maze hallway for the boy who she swore had been there just moments before. But, alas, Peter was gone. Her gaze caught sight of a familiar red and blue figure swinging through the air in the direction the Goblin went, and her eyes widened in realization…
“Holy, sh*t… Peter Parker is Spider-Man…”
Tag lists are open!!!
Tags: @electriclcvewp @kaqua @missryerye @simp-for-fictional-people @nickangel13 @miaandthediamonds
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shurisneakers · 7 months
Okay before I start I just want to say that I love you and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve read Harmless. I literally just finished rereading it last week and I miss it already. BUT THEN I FOUND OUT YOU POSTED THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS OF UNSOLVED AND I AM ALREADY ADDICTED!
Also FYI this is gonna be a long ask and I’m sorry 😬
But hear me out, okay. As soon as I read the first two chapters of unsolved I thought of this story. A couple years ago my mom and I had this ghost show craze and the things people claim to have gone through is insane (I’m not really sure whether I believe in ghosts and stuff or not, tbh) But anyway this one show (which I can’t remember the name of) did a segment on this graduate student who was renting an apartment from her professor at a discount rate sometime during the late 90s/early 2000s. She moves in and starts being followed and watched by a shadow person/poltergeist who does poltergeist shit like open cabinets, steal keys, bang on things, etc. Most notably though, it steals a whole block of cheese which she was using to make mac and cheese. She tears the kitchen apart to find it, knowing that she just had it on the counter beside her, but cannot find it. Weeks later she opens her utensil drawer and there’s the block of cheese, molded. (I don’t know if you’re looking for actual cases or making them up or a bit of both)
So anyway, I had some thoughts on how Bucky and his partner would potentially respond to this story (all of which is potentially very lame and cringy so I’m sorry in advance for that, too.)
Okay, so my thoughts are that Bucky asks what kind of cheese it was and the reader thinks ‘why the fuck does this matter?’ But she replies something like “idk, she’s a poor college student so probably velveeta or some shit.” He says “that shit doesn’t mold! It’s got enough preservatives in it to kill and mummify a horse!” and she’s like “well maybe it was some other cheese, then” already exasperated at the frivolous line of questioning. But he continues to be a little shit and says something like “maybe she didn’t look for it in the utensils drawer” and she responds, incredulously, with “she would have had to get a fucking fork at some point” and he says “maybe she got ’em from take out” and she’s like “she’s a poor grad student?!” And he’s like “it’s called living beyond your means. Maybe she didn’t care about her credit score.” And the reader is sure that she’s gonna have an aneurysm. Also I know he would steal cheese or some other food item from Sam or Clint or the reader later just to fuck with ‘em.
Thanks for putting up with my rambling 😊
HIIIII VIOLET ❤️❤️ I just wanted to say that I see your reblogs all the time in my notifications and i appreciate it so so much. Thank you reading my fics, it really means the world to me!!
I do make up the cases in Unsolved! i didn't want to accidentally disrespect anybody or beliefs, and that becomes a tricky area to navigate when you're using IRL cases so i thought that fiction was the best way to go about it
Why did I think you were going to tell me that the professor was living in the dorm and just screwing with her. Like those other cases where food disappears from kitchens and the homeowners realise that there's someone else living in the home with them
you're absolutely right, he would call out the stupidest fucking details and the kind of cheese is most definitely at the top. i LOVE this exchange you've written-- it really does feel like them especially the whole "she's a fucking grad student??????" part lmfafhfhf
I'd love to turn this or something similar into a mini drabble one of these days, if you'd be okay with that!
thank you so so much for this ask. i loved it and read it like 15 times today. and thank you for the time and effort you spend in reblogging my nonsense, i appreciate you so much ❤️❤️❤️
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
I'm back!!!!!!!! Omg I have so many things to tell you you will get sick of me. First of all. Happy new year!! I'm not much into holidays and I don't really like December, but I'm actually looking forward to this year because it feels like it's going to have many new things...
Anyway, I have been keeping up with LBAF as it comes out because I am weak and can't resist not reading it. I haven't talked here about it but trust me if I say it is in my mind 24/7. Like, I can be in class just thinking "wait what if Lance destroys Idris because Theia dies???" And then I accidentally don't pay attention for the rest of the day... I have a problem and I have no intentions on getting better :)
Leaving that aside, I have so many things to catch up to you!!! Mmmm I think I haven't been here since August? Omfg... Many things happened, my phone stopped working for like two months, my family renovated my house and it was a mess for like a month. Exams were horrible but I'm done with that shit (at least for now). And there's probably tons more, but I'll remember them as I go by...
Oh, and so much drama istg... I accidentally got the lead role on a play some guys a little bit younger than me are doing even though I technically didn't audition... And I also got into a situationship(?) with someone😬. Don't ask me how I got here, it had more to do with me being an idiot and also no one but Andrew knows (he's had a great time making fun of me 🙄 lol) because I like to keep the fact that I'm stupid to myself. So I'm doing some secret "dating"/ just friends who kiss each other thing. Yeah, that's a whole other story, let me know if you want the whole story because it's actually really funny and stupid and it makes the whole my-life-is-a-comedy thing to keep getting more fitting every time lol.
I will leave the theories and screams in different asks because they are a lot. I HAVE NOTES AND RECEIPTS YOU WILL WANT TO BLOCK ME!
But also, hoping you are feeling better!! 💙You better be having some rest or I am throwing hands🔪
Happy new year. I am kind of looking forward to this year too 👀
I saw a tiktok about friends to lovers and istg my first thought was NOT my characters but "man I wonder what Noah and Andrew are up to dcjkncjksndks" I AM SORRY
And omg so much has indeed happened and please feel to give me the tea about the situationship 😏.
I am feeling all over the place and can you believe my doctor had the audacity to say "what is most crucial is stress management because stress can make your condition worse" and I was like "MY GUY-" jdfnjksdfnks.
PS - I could never ever get sick of you. looooove you 🧡
PPS - Thanks in advance for all the LBAF asks. I was delirious when I read them and now I can read them 'properly'.
PPPS - I hope the lovebirds (the actual birds, not like real people hehehe) are doing well 🥺
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bita-bita · 1 year
Last night I had a dream where I broke up with Erwin for some reason, but we still loved each other. (As always I was a civilian in the dream)
After that, my close friend (adult) Eren started to be closer to me, being even more caring than before, and he sorta confessed that he's had feelings for me all this time (which I already knew). And we started a relationship but I told him to take it slow because I was still dealing with my emotions about the previous relationship. He accepted.
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One day, I knew Erwin would be in some part of the forest in some sort of a meeting or something. And I sneaked into the forest to see him from afar. (PATHETIC) I missed him so much T - T
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And while coming back, I lost my way but found a road and walked along it and then my Military Police Captain dad accidentally saw me and left his work to take me back to our area 😬😁
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When I arrived home it was early morning and Eren was very worried (me and Eren stayed in the same house 🤔)
And I think I lied to him about where I've been... 😞
That night, we were both sitting on Eren's bed, and I was thinking of Erwin all the time and I was so frustrated with myself that I couldn't just forget about him and focus on Eren who clearly cared so much about me. In an overwhelmed state of feeling too many emotions at once, without thinking, I leaned in and kissed Eren. It was our first kiss since I had asked him to take things slow with me. He was shocked but then relaxed and slowly returned the kiss. After a while I pulled back and had tears in my eyes. I was angry with myself that I had kissed him and made him think we're making progress while I still had Erwin on my mind. But I couldn't bring myself to say my thoughts out loud in fear of hurting Eren. Eren wiped my tears and comforted me, and I left as quickly as I could to sleep in my bed in a separate room.
So... we had phones in this dream? And there was an app in this universe.. which had a vintage cozy vibe to it. I can't remember its name. I had a few people followed on it, and Eren wanted to cheer me up and entertain me so he shared Hange's and Levi's accounts with me so I could follow them, and I did, but then noticed there are some very scary images on their accounts, some of them were about titans and titan shifters, they were way too scary for me to handle and I started crying and rushed to Eren's room, He quickly sat up and opened his arms for me, I curled up against his chest. He gently kissed my temple and forehead, murmuring an appology saying that he didn't notice the images would be scary for me and he only meant for me to be entertained.
I gave my phone to him so he could unfollow Hange and Levi for me so I wouldn't have to look at their accounts myself. And as my new boyfriend, he just decided to unfollow Erwin too while he was at it 🙄 and blocked him too. WHY EREN?????
Then he continued to comfort me until I could fall asleep in his bed that night (well we always had been close even before this romantic relationship started)
The next day the scouts were at the beach
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Not for swimming, but.. idk. Maybe they wanted to search the sea and find out more about it. And I was there too xD But it was a chill trip to the beach. None of them were in uniform. Erwin was there too, and Oh. My. God. He looked GORGEOUS under the sunlight. I wanted to cry, okay???
He was wearing a thin white button-up shirt, the top part was unbuttoned, and I think he was wearing light brown/beige pants and had folded them up a bit so they wouldn't get wet. He was standing on the beach near the sea, he had found a... dragon. And was trying to tame/befriend it. The dragon was pretty chill with Erwin.
@wyvernslovecake I'm sure I had the dragon part in my dream because of you, Cas hahah
So, for some reason, no one was surprised by the dragon we just thought, "Oh cool, a sea creature perhaps." And it was only, hmm.. a bit bigger than a horse or a bear. I'm sure it wasn't the kind to breathe fire. It was white, with blue eyes, and was standing next to Erwin. The pair of them looked so graceful jehishsihsosj Erwin deserves a white dragon by his side T - T
And I just missed him soooooo much, so I went up to him. I didn't have anything to say. I just really really needed to interact with him, or I would have died T - T
Erwin looked at me with a gentle expression, but I knew him, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He held a hand to the dragon's head to keep it back so it wouldn't unexpectedly move towards me or something even though it was unlikely. The dragon seemed way too chill to want to attack or anything.
I looked at the dragon for a while, admiring its white scales under the sunlight. Then I looked at Erwin, and after a few moments of silence, we started to talk. Erwin was very polite and gentle as always. And at some point I told him "Eren treats me well, and he loves me so much.. but I miss how it feels to love..." implying that I didn't love Eren back
Erwin's expression softened even more, and his beautiful blue eyes showed even more emotion now.. he was doing a good job of masking his emotions, but I could tell! I knew him well enough to notice. He looked away a bit. We were both conflicted about the situation we were in. We were both holding back ourselves not to jump on each other and just hold onto the other one. I couldn't help the tears that were forming in my eyes and to not make it hard for him, I started walking away while silently crying and thinking oh just how beautiful his golden hair looked under the sunlight and how his blue eyes matched the sea behind him T - T *dramatic music in the background lol*
I was gonna go tell Eren that I couldn't try with him anymore and that my mind was.. focused elsewhere. And I was TOO sad that it woke me from the dream ×_×
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luthordamnvers · 1 year
fanfic emoji ask: 🤡🎢😈🛒🎯💖🎃🎉✨🤭you don't have to answer them all, or at all. Thanks for the time.
HEHE, thank you for all these.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
This exchange was inspired by my twitter feed fascination with KT's tattoo, and it makes me giggle every time I remember it. From DEBS AU:
It was their third day together and honestly, Lena always forgets about them, so when in the midst of passion, Kara let out a giggle behind her, Lena furrowed her brows.
“Nice to meet you, Purity.” Lena stilled, and had to fight against the fog in her brain to figure out what the hell did that mean. When she did, she groaned and buried her face on the pillow right in front of her. 
“Could you please continue with what you were doing and forget about that?”
“As you wish…”
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think my Supercorptober fic. Mostly because I didn't INTEND on writing anything for supercorptober, but I was in the middle of the MOTHER of writers block, and i tried to use it as a thing to make me write. I started it I think on third day of the month, so I was already late and couldn't see where i was even going, but I managed (i think) to find a coherent story at the end of it.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I mean, not intentionally, but I think that leaving a chapter in a BIG cliffhanger for six months kinda counts? 😬
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I consider myself a fluff writer, I don't really do angst, or crack very well. I do often call Kara "KD", which is a nod to Stay The Night, my beloved. I always keep Lena being younger than Kara, and Andrea is often Lena's ex. I headcanon that Lena as a genius skipped grades and graduated early, and that Mount Helena's is in Ireland, so that bleeds into my writing. Also, unless I have too acknowledge Newfoundland, she's also Irish. Alex and Sam had a friends with benefits relationship, before they met their respective SOs.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
I'm not sure? It's possible. I don't think my plot twists are a secret, I think I telegraph them a lot.
💖 What made you start writing?
Supercorp. As simple as that. I remember when I was a teenager i did write a bit of my then fandom (that shall not be named now because fvck that author) But supercorp grabbed me by the throat and made me want to write on a language that i've always felt insecure about. The first idea I had I never got past a few lines, but then I saw that there "wasn't" a DEBS AU, and that was inconceivable to me. I decided to do it myself. I found out when I was writing the penultimate chapter, that there was indeed a DEBS AU, but it wasn't finished.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
Not by choice? Like there was a Halloween prompt in Supercorptober, so I wrote that. But there is a Christmas WIP somewhere... on my folder, because you don't choose your inspiration, the inspiration choses you, or whatever
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Quantitatively, Kudos. But I find it so heartwarming when people contacts me via social media and tells me they liked X fic of mine. And if they give me bullet points... bless their hearts 💜
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
uhm, I think I got better as time has gone by. I think I'm good with the creating a coherent story? Other than that... I have no idea.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
"No editor I die like an idiot" Which is not even true anymore. But it's very me.
Again, thanks for all these, this was fun!
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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👑This is a rp+ ask blog for Starscream from Transformers
👑 Mun is 25 and would much prefer if partner was at least 18.
👑 Ask games/ memes will never expire. Also feel free to drop stuff in my inbox anytime! ( just please don't go too overboard)
👑at least semi lit. And I would highly suggest partner to give me at the very least a paragraph to work with or the thread is going to die quickly (sorry but I just can't really work with one-liners) now this does not really apply to those aak games when you first send them in.
👑 NSFW isn't completely off the table, but I wouldn't expect it right off hand either. Gore and dark themes are absolutely fine though. Major character death is even a-okay here!
👑 AUs acceptable but it must be thoroughly talked about before hand to make sure we both agree/ are on the same page. If you are wanting a specific Screamer (examples: Animated, Shattered glass or even some of my pure Au stuff) then it must be specified or you are getting my IDW/ G1 aligned by default. While I don't hate TFP Star, he is by all means not my most favorite, so please don't be offended if I deny using him ( not completely off the table but...😅)
👑 Please have patience as mun is a actual person outside of this blog and may be busy. If I feel you are pressuring me then i'm going to block you.
👑 You may get to know Mun if you wish ( just please don't be weird) examples: telling me you are rubbing one in/ out. Mun also tries their best to be nice and stay out of drama, but I'll rip your head off if I have to, so don't get into a attitude with me because you aren't getting your way with me
👑if you have a problem with another user then it's been you and that user. If you have a problem with me then please don't be hesitant to tell me so we can talk it out like adults.
👑Mun does ships Megastar and content of said ship will be shown here, so just warning you now. Other ships are welcome as well so long as they are mech! He likes them big and chunky :p ( unless it's Nightbird pegging him then that's the only exception ) Though it would be extremely difficult to actually get close to him on a intimate level beyond a good frag or using his affections as a means of manipulation unless it's one of those plots where he is trying to change for the better as I do at times wish to see him get the MTMTE Megatron treatment or Shattered glass. Contrast to this if I flat out mention I ship something, please don't try to get me to interact with these muses as filiation-like bond 😬 I understand people view things differently but i'm not the partner for you then. It's just safe to talk close relationships out in general beforehand honestly.
👑 Now I'm not going to necessarily bite your head off if you forget something, i'll just remind you because as said: I don't expect you to remember EVERYTHING ( especially if it's not canon) Hell! I'm guilty of this myself! But if I have to keep on or feel you are doing it intentionally then I'm dropping you.
👑If you need me to trigger warn anything, don't hesitate to tell me! Please! :0 hurting you is the last thing I want to do.
👑 Feel free to ask if you have any questions! It's encouraged in fact!
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neganium · 2 years
1 and 7 for the ask meme 👀
Hrmmmm. If I answer the first one, nobody would know what the hell I was talking about, anyways... But uh. I have a good one, I think; particularly bc this apparently became canon in an even more obscure sequel series to Kaitou Joker, Kaitou Shounen Jokers (Kaitou Boy Jokers); it's a nextgen story, so right off the bat we're in dangerous territory of potentially ruinous proportions. These kinds of things are always very hit or miss. The biggest issue I have with it, though (other than characters from the previous series barely making cameos at all, in spite of presumably being at least tangentially relevant to the plot as legacy characters, and one of my absolute favorites apparently not appearing at all, even so much as a mention as far as I am aware), is that to facilitate the existence of who is basically the main character, i.e. the previous titular character's son, they paired said character off with a a girl who is basically his sister in the original narrative. 😬
Like, they are not blood relatives (as far as is told, which, the manga in particular isn't really heavy on details bc the author wrote it by the seat of his ass nearly the entire decade-long run, barring a couple of exceptions; really the anime is a lot better irt a cohesive storyline), but like... I remember reading somewhere (and this is hearsay, so like... idk man, it's apocryphal at best but) that the author himself once described them as being like brother and sister, as opposed to a romantic relationship. And then he went and shoved them together for some kind of comphet nonsense, even tho there were at least a few other characters he could have potentially paired off with him if the comphet bullshit was really mandatory (including one that old posts in the tag speculated was the most likely suspect before the series properly released, but instead got paired with a character who is like 8 in the main series when she herself is clearly closer to Joker's- the main character's- age, which isn't clearly defined but is estimated to be somewhere in his early to mid-teens due to a comment by the author; bc Bee Puns, ig); but no, set him up with his own goddamn sister, why don't you. Fucking nasty asses.
As for seven, ah... maybe?? I have a lot of issues with Astro Boy nowadays. I don't outright hate it, tho, I don't think. Then there is uh, Roppu-kun? I barely know anything about that one, but it was kind of soured for me after a random falling out with the one other person I knew who also liked it (at the time, anyways; I suspect they were being petty about smth I said to them in private, about how they were behaving publically- as in, I got blocked, and it took me a few days to realize it LMAO). Pretty neutral towards it now, tho.
Honestly after learning something about my more recent obsession, Kaitou Joker (or more like, confirmation about something I was beginning to suspect/dread; went into that a bit on the catchall sideblog iirc), it came dangerously close to killing that for me. It still has the power, actually, if I think about it too much... Shit's already pretty tainted, after learning about what just the fans liked to do to these characters. Yick.
If I am not entirely coherent rn, it's bc I'm pretty seriously sleep-deprived and therefore having a hard time keeping my run-on sentences in check. Apologies.
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ruminate88 · 5 days
Fake Accounts?
09/17/24 at 6:29 AM
Recently I’ve been able to recall things I had forgot about…. After Cody ghosted me, this “Fernando” started reaching out to me and talking to me but eventually “Fernando” also blocked me on kik too. Fernando sent me selfies and I was torn between could he have been “Cody” ACCEPT, Cody messaged me from his actual Twitter and I googled the shizz out of cody. So then was this Fernando guy not Cody?? They were both from Cali. Both loved same type of music…. Yet with this Fernando sending me his “selfies” I was torn. I remember when Fernando blocked me, I cried thinking “Why do I keep getting blocked”??
OKAY, so I’ve seen videos where people say that ex does not leave you alone. That they’ll even block you but then make a random weird account and continue to follow you. Even though they don’t “love you”, they still believe they own you… They know you’re obsessed with them and they need that constant validation to prove it. AM I CRAZY???
I mean, I’ve always felt stalked by from Jake because he would always find a way to talk to me when I would be going through a “break up” but I never thought Cody was stalking me. After all, he ghosted me. How would he keep tabs on me? I would Google cody once every year or so, just to see how he is doing. NOT because I think I own him, just wondered was he doing any better cuz of how many times he begged me to “Please fix him” but I realize now, it was a manipulation tactic. Making me feel sorry for him, so he can use me to get his way.
Sure, when Cody first met me, I was suicidal!! He spent some time “talking me down off the ledge” making me believe he’s truly understanding and concerned for me… gah 😖 I was not aware back then! I trusted him and felt very safe with him. No one told me that he was only getting my trust so that he can start to abuse me. It wasn’t very long when suddenly he starts giving me alllllll of his childhood trauma!!! Telling me his sob stories and taking all of the focus off of me and onto him. Suddenly I’m not suicidal but I’m sad for Cody and I’m ready to “heal him”. I tried too! (No one told me I couldn’t heal Cody cuz he doesn’t actually want it) wow….. 😮
I AM NOT CRAZY!!!!!!! The manipulation these men use to make you their toy. Does the mental abuse ever end???? Do you ever stop feeling paranoid??? It’s the “Toy Story method” basically when they get a new toy, you go in their toy chest until they’re ready to play with you again…. It’s sick!!! 💀 I am a person, sirs. You done played with my feelings and I let you go free!! I don’t even wish a punishment on you. The way you treated me WILL come back on you IF you’re not careful. Not cuz I say so, that is just how life works. “YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE”!!!!
I am not sorry to my exes that I was “obsessed” with them. THEY STARTED IT! They acted obsessed with me first… I was just trying to feel smart and pretty. They saw that and used it against me. They didn’t win though. I’ve been doing alllllllll the hard work to heal myself and come back stronger!!! They won’t recognize me 😬🫦❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Besides. I thought I loved those men. 😔 It’s NOT my fault or problem that they don’t know how to love and treat a woman. Call it whatever you want, I call it selfish and self-centered. Maybe your parents allowed you to be selfish. I imagine you didn’t have an easy childhood but how do I even know and trust that???? Given me all of your sob stories… What about MY CHILDHOOD????? I was the family caregiver at 15!!!!!!!!! I raised my bro’s kids. I didn’t get to be a teenager. Look, no one is better than the other and no one has it easier or harder than the other. Not trying to judge anyone but they both lied soooo much, how do I EVER believe anything they say?????
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