#i feel like i did this. because this preview came out right after i made that post about them last night
sonknuxadow · 2 years
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visionofhope04 · 1 month
Viper (Part 1)
Batfamily x Batsib!Reader
Part 1 (here) Part 2 (coming soon!)
Ages(probably not accurate, just go with it please): Alfred (Immortal), Bruce (45-ish), Barbara (30), Dick (29), Cass (26), Jason (26), Stephanie (21), Tim (20), Reader (18), Damian (16)
Warning(s): cursing, explosions (not detailed), speak of poison and poisoning, (very) minor violence
Part 2 of this headcannon
A/N: Sorry this took so long 😭. So in the preview I posted I said I'd try using third person and they/them pronouns. It hasn't been working out which is why I didn't post this sooner, I'm sooooo sorry :( I've switched it back to using you because I figured it's still inclusive. Hope you guys enjoy this tho! I’m ngl I had a heart attack bc I thought this draft got lost to the void and I was abt to post it.
Your boots pounded ferociously on the concrete as you ran and made a sharp right turn into another alleyway. He wasn't far behind you, it would only be a matter of time before you were caught. You had to lose him, fast. Your heart beat against your ribcage, your breaths came out in pants from your nose. You were sweating, and not just from the physical effort. Despite being a trained assassin, you were nervous. Getting caught would change everything, but you were confident in your abilities. However, that did little to stop the lingering feeling of dread you felt every time he got a little too close. You sped up and turned right again into a narrow alley. The Red Hood, who was chasing you, did not expect this and couldn’t slow down, and passed the alley. Frustrated, he backpedaled and ran down the alley he saw you go into.
He reached the end of the alley and slowed to a stop. The alleyway opened up to an empty street, and there was no sign of you anywhere. All he saw was the odd stains on the alley’s walls, a dumpster, and garbage bags strewn about. He lost you.
“Fuck!” He exclaimed, then kicked the dumpster for good measure.
You jolted in your hiding spot, hopeful he wouldn’t notice the extra weight when he kicked it. Your heart began pounding harder, as if it was trying to escape your body, if he found you, you honestly thought it might. Blood rushed in your ears as you waited with bated breaths. Would he open it? Find you? Compromise everything you’ve worked so hard for? You wouldn’t go down without a fight, but with the Lazarus pit in his blood and not much of it in yours, you doubted you’d be able to take him with strength alone. You’d have to be smart about it, as always. Though you didn’t know how your poisons would affect someone the Lazarus pit had such a strong hold on, you’d stupidly never tried it before. You doubt your mother or grandfather would’ve approved of it, as they would’ve been the ones you tested it on (never Damian, you’d never do that to your precious little sibling), but the knowledge would’ve been helpful at the moment. You desperately hoped that he wouldn’t find you, so you wouldn’t have to find out on him. You didn’t want to kill him after all, he’s a part of Damian’s new family. You couldn't ruin your little sibling's chance at a family, at least one of you could find happiness.
After agonizing moments that seemed like years with your overactive brain, you heard him mutter a few more profanities and his footsteps receded. You held your breath as you waited and observed the sounds you heard. Water dripped from somewhere, most likely a roof, and then rustling. Your heart began to pound harder, assuming he was searching, only for you to hear a quiet ‘meow’ and instantly relax. Once you were sure no one was there, you carefully lifted the dumpster lid and peeked. No one. Perfect. You slinked out of the dumpster and grimaced at the smell. Gross, yes, but it worked. It wasn't by far the worst place you've hidden in, but you'd definitely need to shower as soon as you got back to your hideout. The things you do for this job. You trudged in the direction of your current main base of operations, taking great care to stay out of everyone's sight, especially Oracle's.
That was your first run-in with Red Hood. It took him longer than expected to figure out what was going on. Took him even longer to find you. You didn't mind though, it gave you more time to work with. It wouldn't be long before Red Hood kept failing to catch you and decided to involve the Big Bad Bat, though. With Batman would come Robin, then Red Robin, and then Nightwing. If Robin found out, it would ruin the whole plan.
The plan was simple, really. Take over Gotham's underground unnoticed, gather members and create a gang, find a perfect time to cause a gang war to distract the Batfamily, and then Talia would initiate her plans to take over Gotham while the bats are busy. Well, that's what the agreed plan was. You'd always been a loose cannon. Since Red Hood had been so close to catching you, the "unnoticed" part had been foiled, albeit a bit later than anticipated. 
"Hey boss, what brings you in today?" Your loyal henchman, Hopper asked you.
"We've got a job to do. Grab some explosives. We're sending a message."
“These places feel haunted.” Willow, another one of your most trusted henchmen, said as she placed one of the four explosives into place. 
“It’s probably the Joker’s victims’ souls, he loves warehouses, like typical villains. Maybe they’re here to warn us, ‘Don’t go into the basement, that’s where we’re buried!’. Or maybe they’ll kill us, who knows.”
“This isn’t a joke, you’re scaring me Tina!”
“You guys done?” You ask impatiently, but reluctantly slightly amused.
"Seven simultaneous explosions have just been spotted around the perimeter of the city."
"Head to the site closest to your current location. If you're paired with someone, split up. Oracle, call in Nightwing and Red Hood if possible. Do not engage with anyone, survey the damage only. "
"Yes sir!" Chirped Spoiler.
After two hours, at 3 am, everyone returned to the cave.
“I take everything I said about explosions back, I hate explosives.”
“Welcome to the club, Timmy! I’ve hated explosives ever since-”
A chorus of groans resonated throughout the batcave, “We know, Jason!”
“You’re not special Todd, most of us here have died in one way or another.”
“Yeah but have you-”
As Damian and Jason began bickering and the whole group headed to the lockers, Dick pulled Bruce aside. 
“B, I didn’t want to say this in front of the others, but I think something bigger is going on. I found these objects around the warehouse I investigated.”
Batman took the bag Nightwing offered and observed the strange objects. Metal letters. Two A’s, one I, one L, and one T.
“It spells Talia.” He observes.
“She would never do something like that if she was behind it, and she wouldn’t leave a calling card, especially not in that form.”
"I know. Hmm. The damage seemed deliberate. It only destroyed the warehouses on the edge of the city. It caused minimal to no damage to surrounding properties."
"You're saying whoever did this is sending a message, about Talia." Nightwing inquired.
“But who would do this? And why would they warn us? And what exactly are they warning us about? They must be close to her to have an idea of what she’s planning.”
“We’re going to find out.” He says, then turns to Tim, who had just exited the lockers. "Red Robin, check all security footage at all explosion sites and around them, report back all your findings."
Red Robin nods and heads to the Batcomputer to get to work.
Dun dun dunnnnn! So how'd you like it? It's been a while since I've wrote anything and it's because I hit a MAJOR writing block. Hope you enjoyed! I was fighting with these tags fr
Tags: @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @rosemary1225 @azazel-nyx @chevelledahuman
@danonered @cantbecreative
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Brand New One Shot - Second Preview
I cooked a little :3c
Warning for masturbation!
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You made your way up to his tower, replaying the scene in the lobby over and over in your head. Things were going well, weren’t they? He seemed so apologetic when you told him how you felt. And then he just…disappeared like he always does. You really didn’t mean to push the issue, but perhaps you came on a little strong. Plus your rescue of him was a little more than awkward. Not that you minded the closeness, even if it was fleeting. The picture of his head resting against your chest flashed in your mind repeatedly. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks once more as you were now mere steps from Lucifer’s door.
Focus, you mentally scolded yourself, can’t think about that. It was an accident! It won’t happen again so just…focus. No wonder he ran!
You stood in front of his door now, your knees somehow weaker than they were a moment ago. Those mental images really didn’t help at all. With a deep inhale, you went to knock, but you stopped short when you heard something from beyond the door. You heard your name.
What?, you thought, How…How did he know I was here? Lucifer didn’t sound angry fortunately, but the inflection in his voice made him sound almost sad. And…breathless? You cracked open the door slowly, a little embarrassed at being caught. You went to open your mouth to apologize for the intrusion, but not even a whisper left your lips. Because what you saw in that room left you completely and utterly frozen where you stood.
Lucifer, the great ruler of Hell, was propped up against the obscene amount of pillows on his bed with his pants pooled at his ankles, his very much erect dick in his hand. His eyes were shut, he hadn’t seen you catch him in this extremely vulnerable state.
Run, run, run, RUN! your mind screamed. Everything in your brain was telling you to shut that door and get out of there as fast as you could. But your body refused to react, you remained motionless. You were completely entranced by the scene before you. You watched as Lucifer stroked his cock, mumbling a number of curse words with your name leaving his lips like a prayer.
“Hnng, G-God damn it-ffffuuuccckk….” Lucifer mumbled, his hand gradually picking up the pace as he stoked his shaft.
You tried to wrap your head around what you were seeing, but you were coming up blank. You couldn't believe this. He’s…He’s touching himself…to me?!? How is this…? Why would he…? Your brain was a jumbled mess at this point. It was really beyond your comprehension. You felt tension pool in your stomach at the sight of him becoming undone at the mere thought of you. The sinful sounds he was making went straight between your thighs, to the point where it became uncomfortable that you weren’t giving yourself any attention. The tiniest bit of you wanted to push open that door and give him what he really desired. But before you even begin to think about acting on your carnal instincts, you watched Lucifer's hips bucked up as he came all over his hand. It took every fiber of your being to hold in a whimper that threatened to escape your throat.
Lucifer’s breathing was labored, you watched him toss his arm over his eyes and throw his head back on the pillows. "What the hell is wrong with me?!" you heard him ask. "Why am I doing this?! It’s been months now and I’ve barely had a normal conversation with her! And of course the only time I’ve really talked to her was after my damn head was forced against her…her…s-shit.” He waved his hand, a tissue appearing between his fingers. You watched as he cleaned himself up, thankful that he still hadn’t looked towards his door. Lucifer kicked himself out of his pant and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his head hanging low. “And what an absolutely fantastic exit I made! “Sorry, gotta go! My dick is hard as a rock right now because of you!” Great job, Lucifer! No wonder she thinks I don’t want her here!” He sighed heavily. “I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t right. I need to stop being a coward and just tell her how she makes me feel…”
A small gasp escaped your lips. Fuck.
Lucifer's head shot up immediately, his panicked eyes fixating on the door. You didn't even close it behind you as you took off sprinting down the hall, praying to anyone who could hear you that he didn't see you. You didn’t stop running til you made it back to your room, slamming the door behind you. Your knees gave out from under you as you dropped to the floor. In that second, it all clicked for you. Why Lucifer seemed to avoid you at every turn, why he tripped over his words when he spoke to you, and why he practically begged you not to leave the hotel.
Lucifer liked you. Lucifer really liked you. That thought alone could have made you scream if you weren’t trying desperately to hold yourself together. And it’s not like you didn’t have passing thoughts about him. He was gorgeous, after all. But not only that, you saw how he acted with the others at the hotel. He was sweet, and silly, and fun, even though you never got to experience it first hand. Now you knew where Charlie had gotten it from.
But of course those thoughts never stayed. He didn’t like you, right? So instead of wallowing in what could never be, you thought it best not to dwell. But now…now those thoughts were coming back in full force. The aching between your legs only grew as the very fresh images of Lucifer naked and moaning in his bed flooded your mind.
There was a knock at the door.
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reel-fear · 7 months
Bendy And The Power Of Representation
So those graphic novel pages huh? Seems I posted my cover post at just the right time because literally minutes after I was informed the preview pages came out and uh. This is Buddy and Norman!
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Oh dear... I'll put the full graphic novel pages down below but I have so much to say on how awful this is it'll need several posts. However, right now I want to mostly talk about representation and briefly touch on why it's so damn important + inform others about the current shit Mike and Meatly are saying about the books n such.
Now note: All the things I'm saying below are based on my personal experience, maybe some people don't care about seeing the representation of their identities in the media they consume. Maybe some will think I'm merely being dramatic and I might be but I'm not lying when I say I personally believe being represented and seen in the media you consume can be one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.
Look I'm not here to argue with people who think that Norman in particular was never meant to be a person of color, I would argue he is very coded but the points I'm making here are not about how Norman particularly had to be black. The point I want to make is the lack of diversity in our cast in general and how Norman's design has heavily dwindled it considering most people [including myself] rightfully assumed he was at least one of three black characters in our cast. Not according to this though and looking at the the rest of the pages our chances of seeing any kind of decent diverse character designs dwindle more.
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So firstly... Buddy a character who has been said to experience discrimination for being Jewish, lacks any kind of ethnic features at all. That's... Cool but yeah I think this shows a rather grim future for the character designs as a whole.
Also, Norman... As I mentioned he was largely assumed to be black due to his southern dialect, his voice, and other factors. But nope, he's a generic white guy. With... Gross looking hair tbh...
Sadly this is not the first time the topic of poor representation has come up concerning Bendy either.
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[note how he disregarded the other mentioned minorities and specifically cites LGBTQ+ characters]
This sucks as a response but sadly considering Mike's recent behavior it seems to fall in line with the Bendy team's general lack of care towards representing anyone who isn't straight and white.
So how did Mike respond to all of this? Well...
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TDLR - "Who cares if the Graphic Novel we're selling to our fans for full price sucks, we now no longer consider the books canon."
This is horrible, I know Mike and Meatly are only really in this for the money, the fact BATIM is in the state that it is proved that, but they really couldn't have been less obvious about it?
So basically when it benefited them, AKA when it meant people would have to buy the books to understand important lore like Boris' identity... [the character you spend all of chapter 4 trying to rescue] They were considered canon... At least the author sure thought so.
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Hell even in the tweet Meatly made here he doesn't say the books aren't canon, he just says they're not needed to understand Bendy's world. Now Mike is using that as a shield instead of doing the right thing and saying "You're right, the poc in our fanbase deserve better we'll have it fixed right away!" Like most reasonable people would considering how his studio has literally been accused of bigotry, poor rep, and general lack of diversity before. Why risk making more people avoid this franchise?
Also just... Imagine how insulting it would be to be an author who helps flesh out so much of this world and gives its characters depth like NONE of the games have managed to do, filling in plot holes, creating a timeline for events, etc... Then because they couldn't bother to change the graphic novel for ur story to be better they instead throw out all ur writing and declare it non-canon.
If I were her to put it bluntly I'd feel insulted and horrible. Why make her do all the work of making sure her works align with the timeline and game's canon if they're not part of it?
I can't speak for her obviously but Meatly and Mike know of her account, so speaking out against this could very much risk her being fired or at least not allowed to work on Bendy anymore... So I would take all her tweets on this situation with a grain of salt. She very much is not in a position where she could be honest if she was against this.
So with all that history now, the question I'm sure many are wondering is... Why does this even matter? Who cares how diverse the characters are when it doesn't affect the story?
Well for one thing, if you think like that consider having more empathy for your fellow human beings but also it does affect the story. One of DCTL's themes is about the bigotry of the period it is set in.
Now the Bendy team has managed to make the discussion of this book centering around their bigotry which is ironic in a way I almost find funny... Though this entire thing is just a bit too hurtful and upsetting to find any humor in, at least for me...
But another thing is representation can bring people such joy when it's done with care. It really shouldn't be understated how far it can go to make people feel more comfortable in their own sense of self to have a franchise choose to represent them and their experiences. I know this from personal experience.
Now if you've been following me for a while, you know I'm a big fan of Transformers. I no longer engage with it much due to baggage from the fandom's awful treatment of me, but before I left I remember being able to witness the release of Transformers: Earthspark first few episodes.
These introduced the Maltos the family who meets the Transformers and serve as our protagonists and guess what?
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It's a family of Filipinos!
Now look I'm not Filipino, but I am half Mexican and I have a lot of love for that part of me. So seeing the representation of any Spanish culture in this franchise I loved made me so happy! I remember just watching the first episode I was happily telling my partner how fun it was to see people like me and my family in a world I love!!
But it didn't end with the Maltos in fact... There was another character who spoke to me, their name was Nightshade. Their pronouns are They/Them and they spoke about it on the show! Not just mentioning it and moving on but actually sitting down to speak about their experiences...
This clip in particular really turned them into an absolute favorite among fans and well... I'll let you see it for yourself.
This scene... Fills me with a joy I cannot describe. It is the creators of a franchise I love telling me they see people like me and find the stories of people like me important enough to include in this series. There really is nothing like being able to say there are Non-Binary characters in a franchise I have so much love for. I was far from the only one too.
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This is amazing, this is wonderful, this clip and character were moving to so so many people and...
This is a joy the Bendy creators have no interest in giving their audience. They don't care how you feel as a queer and/or black person, which... Hurts...
I... Discovered I was trans while in the Bendy community... It was where I learned the word Non-Binary and started using it for myself. To me Bendy will always have that connection... But the devs themselves seem to hate the idea of being forced to actually represent that in their games... And I still haven't really gotten over that pain or betrayal if I'm being honest.
With Norman now being portrayed as white here, we are down to two black characters. Thomas [who Meatly has claimed is white in the past] based on a vague conversation with Sammy in DCTL they could easily ignore... And Jacob.... A book exclusive character which according to Mike means he is non-canon.
If we don't count Thomas' vague talk with Sammy about disrespect as confirmation he's black [which the devs don't seem to think so] then we have one black character in all of Bendy... And he recently got retconned into non-existence. Great.
Look... The Bendy fanbase has always been full of wonderfully diverse designs for the staff and even more diverse people creating them. Bendy's fandom was built with the work of queer people from all kinds of places.
If the Bendy team continues to show how little they care for anyone who isn't straight or white... I wonder who they are counting on to buy this book or in general financially support their franchise?
I know right now, I am furious, I am hurt and I most certainly don't feel like buying a book that's currently just a massive fuck you to the fans and I hope I've expressed why I feel this way in an easy-to-understand way here...
Either way, I will not be forgetting this anytime soon and I hope the fanbase does the same. Maybe just maybe, if there's enough backlash to this series of horrible decisions they'll learn better.
Right now, it's kinda of our only hope for a better future, and if you know any poc who are into Bendy right now... Maybe consider making sure they're feeling okay.
I know from experience how much this sort of thing hurts, to have the creators of a world you love straight up tell you they don't intend to fix the fact no one in their stories represents your identity or life...
What I'm trying to say is...
This is a really low point for Bendy and its fans... Even more for the poc who have to witness such ignorant and careless attitudes from Mike and Meatly towards their feelings.
Please don't forget them when you discuss these tweets or this situation. That's exactly what Mike and Meatly want right now.
For them to be unrepresented and therefore... Unheard.
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luvscrazy · 2 months
"I can save you." Part-2
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Katsuki Bakugo x Fem reader
Summary: (Preview if you wanna overlook the series idea, the quirk, and the timelines that will occur.) You were born with a medical quirk called Life-Link, which means you can transfer your vitality to others at any time. You decide to take it upon yourself to apply at U.A. What will happen with your non "Heroic" quirk, at this school? Will you achieve your dream of becoming a hero? or are you just useless, like you've been thinking?
Warnings: Minor Language. Mentions of slight death, nothing gory though. (For future reference.)
Parts: Part1
Awakening of the Quirk: A Hero's Journey Begins.
Waking up that morning was dreadful and hopeful. How could you feel both emotions at the same time? Don’t know, but I was. I put on the ironed uniform. I didn’t know how to tie, so I asked my mom if she could help me. Luckily she didn’t leave for work so she had time to help me. The world is a crazy place. Parents who have quirks can have kids who don’t have quirks. Some parents don’t have quirks, but they have kids who do have them. That's my case. I never knew where I got my quirk from, it was a shock to my parents when I manifested it at just 4 years old. An incident happened that day. We were walking on the streets after shopping and a massive villain came out and started attacking civilians. Hero’s jumped in, so many at the time. Even all might himself. I like all might. The symbol of peace. I wish it was always like that. My parents and I hid because what could we have done besides getting killed? I watched since it was my first time seeing heroes and villains up close. Instead, I put my father's life in danger. Since the villain could see me peeking out from the corner, which I hadn’t noticed, she dashed towards us, and using her poisonous quirk, vines with thorns and poison ivy on them, circled my dad. I can’t lie when I say that was the first time I was scared or intimidated. Me and my mother ran. Tears seeped down my and her face. Come on heroes. I kept relapsing the same thought in my head. The heroes will save my dad, it's gonna be alright. Those thoughts lead to my tears and breath being controlled. I watched as police and ambulances came towards the injured. Did that mean the fight was over?, yeah it was, Thank god. Me and my mother rushed over to my dad's body which was lying on the ground. I got on my knees put my hands on my dad's chest and lay my forehead too. My tears seeped through his shirt. He wasn’t alive. Then I felt this tingling throughout my body like it was being evaporated out of mine and into someone else. My hands were glowing like green, and the aura my dad's body had was the same color. I looked up and was scared. WHAT'S GOING ON WITH ME?. My dad was soon then breathing. The tingling stopped. The feeling of my body being evaporated stopped. I latched off of him scared, and my eyes widened. Was I dead? Was I seeing a ghost? Maybe. He sits up and looks over at me. “Sweetheart.. You saved my life..”. I guess I did. The ambulances and other pro heroes around us, saw it as it happened. Impressed with my quirk of bringing the dead or injured back to life and healthy. After that day, I got a bunch of letters from medical agencies or top-notch hospitals or medical facilities who desperately wanted me. That made me feel good about myself and my quirk. I got praised, for being a “life saver”, just like a hero would. I was a hero. And the beginnings of being a hero, are about to start as right now I am walking into the U.A. entrance. Here we go.
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holybibly · 10 months
Object of Desire | OT8 | Preview
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Pairing: otx8 x reader
Genre: sugar daddy au, dark romance, smut, vampire au,
Word Count: ....
Summary: Caught in a web of deceit and forbidden pleasures, Nabi quickly learns that some obsessions can be deadly and love can bite.
WARNING: only!18+ Blood drinking, blood kink, obsessive behavior, voice kink, daddy kink, master/pet game, pet names, explicit sexual content, explicit language, emotional manipulation, possessive behavior, seduction, BDSM, polyamory, mirror sex, marking, voyeurism, power play, and more.
Disclaimer: I do not support themes of violence, obsession, possessiveness, or emotional or psychological manipulation. This book is intended for entertainment purposes only.
A/N: Another vampire ot8 that no one asked for. Someday I will learn to stop being seduced by random ideas.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Part 1. Do you want to make a deal with the Devil?
Now going out of town in the middle of the night with Yeonjun seemed like a bad idea.
A very bad one, I thought.
God, what was I thinking when I agreed to do this? Yesterday, this whole venture seemed like a great way to solve my problems, but now the prospect was not so rosy.
Sometimes I feel like a complete idiot, and this is one of those times.
Outside the window the dark landscape was sweeping by at high speed; the bare trees were shrouded in an ominous gloom, and only the dim light of the tall street lamps over the road was the only source of illumination to guide us in the darkness.
It seemed that the darkness around us did not stop Yeonjun from driving. His posture was relaxed and his hand was sure as he turned the wheel in the right direction, the diamond bracelet on his thin wrist sparkling with starlight. One of the many family jewels that Yeonjun treated with special affection.
In contrast to him, I couldn't relax and kept fidgeting on the leather seat made of black Iberian leather, no less.
Every part of my body was begging me to stop and come home before it was too late.  Not so, I had imagined that we were going to an elite club. I knew that we would be there late at night, but the fact that the club was way out of town came as an unpleasant surprise.
At the moment it's an hour's drive from Seoul and more than an hour and a half to the destination on the GPS.
The whole thing was strange and made me dizzy, or was it the thick smell of Yeonjun's perfume? It was a dense, smoky scent with a hint of vanilla. Powerful enough to draw the eyes of everyone around to its source, and sexy enough to make you want to kiss the naked skin of the wearer of this tantalising scent.
It would be several days before I was able to wash off the remnants of his perfume after our meeting, so much of it had eaten its way into my skin.
I glanced at Yeonjun; a stray yellowish-white light from the lantern momentarily illuminated his face, and a shadow of long velvet eyelashes fell on his pale cheeks. His black raven hair was streaked with flashes of platinum and gold. He looked otherworldly - I would even say demonic.
I felt a palpable shiver run through my body, as if someone had just dipped my heart into a bucket of icy water.
"Jun." My voice was terribly uncertain. "I don't think I can do this." I said as my fingers pulled down the hem of a short dress. The expensive material looked luxurious in a perfect shade of white and was decorated with a sprinkling of crystals. Yeonjun insisted that I wear it tonight and said that I would be grateful for it as soon as we got to the club. I don't think I'd ever choose something like that for myself, and not just because of its crazy cost; Jun's fashion preferences were so different from mine. He was a fan of overt sexuality and bold lines; I, on the other hand, preferred neutrals and comfort. "I have changed my mind; this proposal does not suit me at all. Maybe we can go back..."
Yeonjun smiled softly as he turned to me, but in the darkness of the drawing room the smile was more ominous than reassuring, his lips the most breathtaking shade of red I had ever seen.
Warning bells began to ring in my head. There are times when you can sense danger even before you are faced with it.
"Nabi, my dear, there is nothing for you to be worried about. We have already discussed this. Remember?" His hand was cold as he laid it on my knee. "I will take care of everything. You're my guest tonight, which means you're under my protection." The long fingers shrank a little, a kind of confirmation of his words. His fingernails were painted glossy black, and his fingers were adorned with several silver rings.
I would like to believe that nothing is going to happen to me, but my insides are tied up in a tight knot of fear.
Miss Kim Seoyun's words echoed in my head like thunder: "Humble yourself and surrender to destiny; you are where you are supposed to be.
When did I start believing all this? This is no time to panic, Nabi.
Everything will be fine.
To be honest, Yeonjun was never my first choice when I needed help, and I always tried to keep a certain distance from him for a number of reasons. There was something so predatory about him, almost animalistic, that lit up the red lights of danger, but I was desperate; student loans, rent, insurance and food were starting to pile up. I was in desperate need of money, and preferably a lot of it, fast.
The threat of being left out on the streets and being thrown out of university has never been as real as it is now.
The only thing that gave me the slightest bit of confidence was Jimin's assurance that I could trust Yeonjun completely and how carefree he was.
Damn, Jun looked like we were going on a spontaneous romantic trip instead of a closed elite club outside the city in the middle of the night.
I asked myself again, "Why did I agree to this?" Oh yes, money. A lot of money.
A few days ago, Yeonjun contacted me and offered to help me with my money problem. Of course, Park Jimin couldn't keep his big mouth shut and told him about my problems. He told me that one of his friends at the private club had a good deal for me. I could make a lot of money out of it.
The income was enough to pay off all my debts and the number of zeros on offer was enough to turn my head.
It was an unequivocal and desperate "YES" and at that moment I did not think at all about the consequences or the characteristics of this proposal.
Jun also promised me a lot of fun but after I signed the NDA and read the multi-page contract with its veiled meaning and rather vague wording of some specific points, doubts blossomed in my chest, and I began to understand what kind of fun was being discussed.
Looks like I made a deal with the Devil.
The dress was delivered on the eve of our trip, a few hours before Yeonjun's chic Ferrari pulled up outside my dorm room. The all-white gown, richly embroidered with blue topaz and opal, was incredible. The plunging neckline of the corsage barely covered the lace bralet of the same colour as the dress.
I have never seen my breasts look so full and so soft. I would even call it seductive. Everything I moved had to be clean and graceful; if I moved too sharply, the soft pink halos of my nipples would start to show. This was beyond the limits of my modesty. At one point, I could even feel Yeonjun's searing gaze resting on my cleavage. It was a carnal look with a shadow of hidden lust in the depths of the dark, shining pupils. It was the first time in the several years of our dubiously friendly communication that he had shown such a desire for me.
The dress and underwear came with four-inch heels. Of course, if my life had been in danger and I had tried to escape, there would have been no chance of success. Incidentally, I'm a terrible runner; I bet I couldn't have run more than ten meters before I collapsed with breathlessness. I should have gone to the gym when Jimin offered it to me.
Oh my God, Nabi, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?
Jun's silky voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
"You have such a tense look on your face, my darling." He purred. "We'll be there soon, Nabi. Try to relax; you're going to love "Crescent", I'm sure."
Why did it have such a sinister ring to it? "Crescent" - the name was sweet enough, I would say poetic, but the way Yeonjun rolled the word over his tongue as if he could feel its taste - thick and viscous - made the name something forbidden and sinful. Well, the idea of the cult was not so absurd to me. And that stupid prophecy never left my mind.
"You're where you should be..."
In the reflection of the small mirror in the car, I met my gaze. My pupils were dilated like those of a hunted prey. And though I tried to calm down, I could feel the cold, predatory touch of Youngjoon's hand all too well. Baby, it looks like you're going to get caught.
I ask myself again. Why did I find myself in this situation?
Dressed in the most luxurious designer clothes, like a real doll. Ready to become an exclusive blood donor for a very wealthy private community whose clients needed this kind of service, accompanied by one of Seoul's wealthiest heirs.
Now I can say: "Hey, Nabi, you really screwed up."
To be continued…
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delulustateofmind · 3 months
Baked with Love (Geto x Reader) - Drabble/preview
Summary: You were a fresh out of college and happened to become roommates with one of the most dangerous curse user and his two adopted daughters. Could you cook your way into his heart? Takes place a couple years after the KFC breakup. 
a/n: There is not enough Geto fluff on this site :( Taking a break from writing ACOTAR fanfics! Also, not using Geto’s famous word because it makes me feel…weird..so I’m just using non-sorcerer a lot. Sorry! WC: 1.5k
After recently graduating from Tokyo University with a finance degree and landing a not-so-wonderful corporate job, you decided to splurge on a high-rise apartment with amazing views and a rooftop garden. Shortly after moving in, you occasionally heard two little girls playing in the apartment next door, either on the patio or through the thin walls. A nice family next door must mean a peaceful complex. Little did you know, the most dangerous curse user, who threatened the lives of non-sorcerers, lived in that quaint, peaceful apartment right next to yours.
A week goes by, and after starting your new corporate job, the nine-to-five lifestyle quickly begins to leave you stressed. To unwind from a dreaded day of spreadsheets and numbers, you picked up a new hobby: cooking and baking. However, one issue arose rather quickly. You end up making too much nearly every night, more than you can even bring to work. Sure, you could bring the dozens of muffins you made in five different flavors to the office, but what are the chances someone would actually grab a couple? You were new, after all, and didn’t have the proper work clique. Another thought: you could always drop some off for the peaceful family next door. With two small children, surely food wouldn’t go to waste.
So you decided to walk over, with a bag full of various breads and muffins. Tomorrow you wanted to try and make a cake so you needed the counter space. It was only eight in the evening, might be a little too late in the evening with little ones, but you knocked on the door regardless. After a few moments, a man with tired bags and gorgeous long inky black hair clad in a black shirt and sweats opened the door and gazed down at you with those soft violet eyes that reminded you of ube, perhaps you’ll make ube mochi later this week. 
“Can I help you?” His velvet-smooth voice, like honey, slipped through a polite smile that seemed almost trained. A voice that left your cheeks dusting the faintest shade of pink. Your eyes seemed to want to look everywhere but at him as he raised a brow.
Were you taking too long to speak? Why won’t words come out?
“Hi, I’m your neighbor… I just moved in next door. I happened to have baked too much, and I was wondering if you would like to take some bread and muffins off my hands.” Your words came out slightly stuttered, perhaps a little too fast, a little too loud, but the message got across.
That polite, trained smile tilted down for a second until he gave a shrug.
Suguru watched you stutter over your words, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. For a non-sorcerer, your nervousness was endearing.
“I see…” Suguru leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms across his broad chest, and looked down at you for a moment longer than necessary before shifting his gaze to the pink bag in your hands.
“Well, thank you. I’m sure my girls will appreciate that,” he said, the sweet, polite smile crossing his lips again, making your heart skip a beat.
“Of course, I just happened to have baked a little too much… wait, your girls?” The words slipped out of your mouth before you could catch them. You figured this was like an older brother or an uncle, but the dad? This man in front of you looked around your age… there’s no way he could possibly have children. He looked like a recent college grad. Who are you to judge, though? You swiftly chastised yourself.
Suguru chuckled softly, a light, amused sound slipping past his lips as he noticed your surprise. It was clear that you were probably expecting the girls' father to be some middle-aged family man, not a twenty-something. Yet, he found your surprise endearing, enjoying the way your cheeks dusted pink and how you seemed entranced by his every word. He had that effect on people, after all.
“Yup. Two little girls. Twins, actually—Nanako and Mimiko. Quite the handful, but they’re both sweethearts. I’m sure you’ve heard them from time to time.” Suguru spoke with a soft smile on his face. He wouldn’t dare reveal that they were adopted to a stranger; he might as well have you assuming that they were his legitimate children.
“Ah, yeah, that must be a lot of work… well, if you ever need any baked goods… I’m next door, so… yeah… feel free to knock,” you spoke softly, mentally cursing yourself for being so awkward. You work with people every day, how was this any different? How could you be fumbling over yourself this much?
Suguru enjoyed the way you stumbled over your words, amused by your bout of shyness. The way you seemed so awkward was kind of cute… no. Suguru had to remind himself that he hates non-sorcerers, that they are the reason why curses exist. That… this neighbor bringing him a giant bag of baked goods could create a curse. Suguru reminded himself to be polite, to play the role.
“I’ll keep that in mind. I’m sure the girls would love for you to spoil them with sweets,” he said, his voice smooth and polite. After that, he bid you goodnight. You bowed slightly before he closed the door and you entered your apartment. After shutting the door, you sank to the floor, leaning against it. Wanting to scream at yourself for being so awkward.
As you sat there, replaying the conversation in your head, you couldn't help but smile a little. Despite your awkwardness, he was kind. Maybe this could be the start of a nice neighborly relationship. You took a deep breath and stood up, deciding to focus on the positive. You had done a nice thing, and that was what mattered.
Meanwhile, in Suguru’s apartment, he debated what to do with the bag of baked goods. Should he throw them away? The three different flavors of bread, including a rosemary-scented loaf he presumed to be sourdough, made his stomach almost growl. The blueberry muffins looked a little too perfect, and the milk bread seemed as soft as a cloud. He should throw these away; the food was tainted by a non-sorcerer, after all.
Suguru debated for a few moments, finally deciding to just leave them on the counter. The twins would eat them anyway. At eight years old, they were both eating quite a bit. He was only slightly tempted to partake but decided to leave them there for the night.
It was currently nine in the evening as he made his way to his own bedroom. He double-checked to find both girls sleeping soundly in their room, leaving the door just a crack before heading to his own. As he lay in bed, he read through any documents that needed to be signed for the organization that his assistant had sent over.
As he sifted through the paperwork, his mind kept drifting back to you. Your awkwardness, your genuine offer of kindness—it was disarming. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had approached him so openly, without any hidden agenda. It was a refreshing, albeit confusing, change from the norm.
He shook his head, focusing back on the documents. Relationships with non-sorcerers were complicated, dangerous even. He had to maintain his distance. Yet, a small part of him couldn’t deny the curiosity about his new neighbor.
The next morning, Suguru woke early as usual. He prepared breakfast for the twins, trying to ignore the tantalizing smell of the baked goods still sitting on the counter. When Nanako and Mimiko finally shuffled into the kitchen, their eyes lit up at the sight of the muffins and bread.
“Geto-sama, did you make these?” Nanako asked, her eyes wide with excitement.
“No, our new neighbor did,” Suguru replied, watching their faces for any reaction.
“Can we try them?” Mimiko asked, already reaching for a muffin.
Suguru hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Go ahead.”
The girls eagerly took bites of the muffins, their faces lighting up with delight.
“These are so good!” Nanako exclaimed, her mouth full of muffin.
“Yeah! Can we meet the neighbor and thank them?” Mimiko added, looking up at Suguru with hopeful eyes.
Suguru smiled softly, their enthusiasm infectious. “Maybe later. For now, enjoy your breakfast.”
As he watched the twins happily munch on the baked goods, Suguru couldn’t help but feel a small pang of guilt. Perhaps he had been too quick to judge. Maybe, just maybe, not all non-sorcerers were the same. Or maybe, you were the one that was different from the rest of them. He pondered for a moment, what would you think of his lifestyle, would you be afraid of the blood on his hands, would you still look up at him with that awkward shy smile of yours?
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lavellenchanted · 9 months
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The Courtship of Peggy Carter (fic coming soon)
When Steve returns to the 1940s, he knows he wants to be with Peggy, but he can't help but worry about how the years they have both lived through have changed them - so he proposes that they start dating and get to know each other again. But Peggy has her own ideas about how their courtship will go, and is a woman determined to get what she wants. Namely Steve. In her bed. Sooner than he seems to be planning to get there.
Happy holidays @margarethcarter! I'm your Secret Santa this year - I'm so sorry your gift is so ridiculously late, but this month has just been incredibly full on. I am hoping to get your gift finished and up soon, but I didn't want to end the year without you getting anything.
You said you prefer post-Endgame time period and mentioned Peggy finding out that Steve's acquired some game since she last saw him, which what inspired this fic, so I hope when it's finally finished you will enjoy it, but in the meantime here is a little preview for you!
“And this . . . you being here . . . is it for good? Or do you have to go back?”
Steve held her gaze, serious and steady, the way he always did whenever he wanted her to know that what he was about to say was something he had thought over carefully.
“I’d like it to be. I came back because this place, this time, is where I belong. I wanted to come home, to have the life I never got a chance to have. And I want, very much, for that life to be with you.” 
For a moment Peggy felt as if she had forgotten how to breathe, her chest tight and her heart beating painfully hard against her ribs. She opened her mouth to tell him yes, that she wanted a life with him as well, but before the words could form he had brought a finger to her lips to keep her from speaking.
“But,” he continued softly, a tenderness in his expression that made her glow with warmth, “I don’t think that’s a decision either of us should be making right now.”
A faint frown creased Peggy’s forehead. “Why not?”
“Because of how good this feels.”
She couldn’t help quirking an eyebrow, one corner of her mouth curling upwards. “That’s a bad thing, is it?”
Steve chuckled. “No. I just mean . . . I’ve dreamed about being here with you for so long, it would be easy to rush into this. To forget that . . . a lot of time has passed, for both of us. And that we’re probably both different people than we were when I went into the ice.”
Peggy let out a slow breath. Part of her - the part that for the last four years had been filled with grief, sorrow and longing whenever she thought of Steve - was afraid, terrified that this moment of joy in finding him again was going to be cut short, and leave her with nothing but echoing silence of his absence once more. She wanted to cling on to him as tightly as she could, to hold him to her so she didn’t have to face the pain of losing him again.
Another, regrettably more sensible part of her, recognised that what he was saying was true. The four years she had spent being overlooked at the SSR had left their mark as surely as the war had, and now she was reinventing herself again as the Director of SHIELD. She felt very far from the young agent that had worked on Project Rebirth. 
And Steve . . . right now she could only guess at the sort of things Steve had lived through, the reasons for the weariness that lurked at the back of his eyes, the sadness  that seemed etched into his face, mingling with his joy when he had asked her if he could finally claim his dance.
“So what are you suggesting?” she asked, forcing a calmness she didn’t entirely feel. 
But to her surprise - and a little to her relief - Steve smiled.
“I’m suggesting that we date. Like we would have - should have - if things had gone the way we planned. Get to know each other as we are now. And if after we’ve dated for a while, we’re both sure this is still something we want . . .  well, then we can talk about what’s next.” 
Peggy almost wanted to laugh. “Are you telling me you travelled back nearly a century in time just to ask me on a date?”
His smile widened to a grin. “To start with, anyway.”
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laylawatermelon · 3 months
I didn't like the dinner scene... Or the progression of Buck's relationship.
Let's talk about it!
I've been lurking and waiting to form my full opinion (away from my buddie mind) and I will compare the two.
I came in the fandom rather late and before season 7 aired. Buddie had been the consensus ship let's say.
I want to talk about these things
Bi buck
Bi buck episode
The aftermath
The rise of tommy
The fall of tommy
Buddie and BuckTommy relationship
The wheel
As a fan and a writer I recently started doing in depth analysis for my favorite TV shows to challenge myself and learn the trade I'm eventually going to work with.
I'll start with my problem/observation with the hamsterwheel --> bucktommy relationship --> separation of Buddie --> differences between the relationship.
First the hamster wheel I truly believed that when he mentioned having to work hard and it being new and different I really expected something special.
Now as a Buddie before this happened I was like OMG its happening. All the way up until the last part of 7x04 (where i promptly blacked all the way out) and that Buck was going to work for Eddie.
In the case of the preview and marketing they did in fact put a beautiful buddie shaped blanket over the whole thing and pulled it away for a new ship.
Now it would make sense some fans would be mad. Most people have an otp. That doesn't change with anything.
Buddie was still very prominent with all the female love intrests so it became confusing to me with the response but I'll get back to that in a minute.
The kiss (which he didn't ask before and it was really sudden / can argue Buck was okay with it cause hot guy duh but still a lil mehh) was quick. It felt very hamster wheel like he's jumping into something new.
Then subsequently in the other episode called you don't know me aka the BUCK!! date where a closeted joke was made (funny in tv but not in real life).
Granted Buck could've handled it better but he literally brain melted. Your straight (?) friend catches you on your literal first date with a man in secluded past of town. Yeah I'm taking myself outside for a sec.
The Evan thing also applies. On screen we haven't gotten a denounc
ement of the name Buck and what it means. I don't know it feels like two separate lives if I think about it.
He's Evan with him but Buck with everyone else (this is very convoluted).
That name thing has been and will continue to be debated. 🤷🏾‍♀️
The hamster wheel sped up expeditiously when he invited him to his sister's wedding. Right after Eddie stated he is rushing too fast.
(Which Buck also does due to ✨abandonment issues✨)
Then the bachelor party where he didn't dress up.
I know people made real life excuses but the things is I'm a canon more than a fanon person.
(yes buddie isn't canon hypocrisy ik but WAIT)
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What I mean by that is that I take what characters say and do at face value. That information forms my opinions of them.
Unfortunately there's been about 7 years and all couple parallels with Buddie so my brain was like yep, that's canon.
When Tommy was being discussed at first (and now) I'm still saying as that he's a blank sheet that the fans who've wanted Buck to be in a loving reciprocal relationship so that's being projected on him.
So that equates to him being a let's say "out of character" personality in the online space.
I said in an episode analysis that Tommy's interested and not invested and I stand by that until the show proves other wise or writes their relationship on a deeper level.
Fanon Tommy's character would've worn a costume, hell they might've been the ones matching.
Because he's that dedicated and invested.
In canon, he didn't even come up with a simple enough reason and just brished it aside.
Now once again the you don't know me and writing wise it's significant that Buck's not acknowledged as Buck, and his lover isn't allowed to call him that. They're cooking something.
Idk what it is or if it's burning or not. But it's cooking regardless.
Deep conversations. Honesty with Eddie.
Tommy. Redirection and minimization. (and a smidgen of jealousy)
I also had some qualms about the sexualization of Buck's character or the minimization or common theme of Buck being used/useful.
They make it a poetic irony that the man who failed to be useful in saving/being savior baby then be used throughout his adult life.
Whether that be a substitute/donor for his older brother, a fantasy or story for some, or a quick fling/easy relationship the writers haven't fully gotten him out of the hamster wheel.
(but they're cooking ik it. Im praying. Im hoping. Please be cooking!!)
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The writing of the relationship is failing it. Unless it should be like that.
For the rest of the topics I was talking about the bi buck episode and how much it meant to TV.
As we still know, Hollywood/American TV is a global thermometer let's say and tends to be discussed/acknowledged/distributed worldwide. As a result when certain things are done in the shows it can be a milestone.
I can admit I overlooked some things (as I am an avid hunter of media especially HAPPY! queer stories being told of POC and otherwise) so I can sometimes forget how impactful/important certain things are for the American/world audience to see.
Like henren, a black lesbian couple with a kid! Married! Both incredibly successful in their respective jobs.
Like that alone could be a TV show honestly.
That's why when Bi Buck happened I was happy. (I legitimately blacked out because I didn't see or hear the preview right after 🤣🤣 I was distressed when I came to)
But honestly I am still happy and proud that it happened.
I didn't get the significant of the extent of visibility of having a male (later in life is important!) come out or be acknowledged as bisexual.
Granted in cannon the word hasn't been uttered or expanded on but they head a rough 10 episodes so I'll give em some slack.
But as a viewer and a writer I see how important it is to have it happen and the significance of it through real life stories and anecdotes and for that I am happy for that party of the relationship. 🥺
I won't take that moment away from them. Was it perfect (including all the other stuff afterwards?) No.
But was it necessary and messy and awkward like real life? Absolutely yes and I love it.
This is peak TV I tell you. (I've never blacked out like that to TV before so that was a first🤣)
But on a real note I was excited (and neutral towards Buck and Tommy being together).
I still ride the Buddie ship all start for to the context clues (slutty dangerous barbell scene anyone??) that it may be confusion on his part or at least leaving the door partly open for Buddie.
(it really could be just gauging the audience reaction)
I won't really talk about the second half of Buddie sexual identity because that either deserves it own post and has to be expanded on.
(Eddie i beg. The women of the world DON'T need you right now. Be a beautiful centerpiece. Do not traumatize the women of la no more. Take care of your son. Don't go through treacherous roads. Take the journey elsewhere. I beg!!!)
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But on a serious note I noticed the quick turn I would say on the characterization/head canon of Buck's love interest.
I find it interesting that for female counterparts there hasn't been such a response. (I have heard about Buck Taylor riders though)
(this is my inner thoughts. Very hot. 10/10. My soul was pleased. Couple? Awful. Friends? Brilliant. Taylor motives? Nah you can't be round me with all that sneaky stuff)
But her character was the most expanded on.
But with Tommy, most of what's stated about the relationship at the beginning was headcanon.
I think where the shows heading is to show the incompatibility between them.
Tommy's scenes so far have been casual, smooth and easy.
He doesn't mind a quick date. He doesn't want to dress up for the theme. He'll be there but it's not too important to fuss about it.
The deleted scene is avoidant (which may become a character trait about emotions) to deeper conversations. We see this reflected as well when they're at the dinner after Bobby's finally pulled through (and Buck lost his son😭😭 I'm not even on no shipper shit that's his baby😭😭) and he starts to be vulnerable.
I expected it to lean more towards a heartwarming or honest conversation but one again he shuts it down.
What I think they're going to do with his character/have been doing is show that he's avoidant to confrontation.
(i could argue that for his friend he might do more because the Eddie flying things still throws me for a loop in comparison to how they're portraying their relationship)
But I stick by the interested not invested point.
With the little screen time they've had to develop his character they've shown that it's not really endgame they're just incompatible. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Comparing the Buddie and Tommy relationship the investment/support becomes a bit evident.
Not matching with Tommy. Incompatible.
Matching with Eddie. Compatible.
Deep conversations. Honesty with Eddie.
Tommy. Redirection and minimization. (and a smidgen of jealousy)
Now you can argue (as a writer in gritting my teeth as I type this) if they do go down the route of his love "changed" me, it it's a possibility to write him becoming a better partner through love or sum.
As Buck is very emotional and he can get him to open up be more serious as he sees him taking it seriously.
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As a buddie that killed me!!!!! but as a writer i had to speak up.
Anyways... If it goes that route I'll hate it a little. Hare it and like it seesaw kind of (look ik potential when i see it)
The hate part is that once again it'll be uaed/hamster wheel/i have to prove or gain your love or show that you appreciate me.
Like it cause who doesn't like a good you changed me by being yourself?
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I'm a hater through and through. 😤
Tommy as a character I was neutral on at first. I'm still lukewarm about the relationship itself but the character is falling into the same old box all love interests get.
Not enough character but more than enough sex.
Regarding Buck's relationship they're always a give and take, Buck ending up being more of a giver (I'm not defending no white man for his mistakes though he do be doing some things side eye worthy).
But because the love interests are just that and not fleshed out characters, they end up not being able to stand on their own and be interesting enough outside of the one off appearances.
With the exception of Karen my love, my sweetness.
But most of Buck and Eddie's love interests can sometimes be reduced to props to move plot along/give character development.
(which as a writer i didn't hate as it's a multi lead drama series but..... If they want a long term partner to be introduced they can write it like Karen)
I can think of many scenarios and ways to actually make the character less off-putting to some.
Examples: more enthusiasm/effort actually being put in (or maybe that's where the statement Buck had to work for it applies? That Buck had to work for his love ??? I'm speculating now), being more straightforward, the jealously not being brought up like twice now.
Sirens are blasting with that one 🚨🚨
(The characters actions being vetoed off screen doesn't help either. It also applies to a lot of problematic things that sweep under the rug. Only the queer characters cheating? Violence against each other? Goading into drinks? Kissing/cheating? Manipulation?.... Eh it's drama but the cheating storylines and the characters it happens to makes me a lil 👀...)
All in all me and my homegirls not pleased.
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I ain't been swayed anywhere and the way the wind in this writing ain't blowing nowhere.
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mister-e-muss · 2 months
I figured I’d give you guys a sneak preview of a KFP fic I’m writing. Working title is ‘Temtping Fate’
The Jade Palace was a place of calm tranquility, constantly made contradictory by intense physical labor. It was a place of meditative peace, where its residents perfected their abilities to fight. A mountain palace, that taught people how to throw someone to the floor in three moves or less.
Po rarely thought about it that deeply. He knew Kung Fu inside and out by now. It made sense to him that self-improvement, be it physical or not, would require both loud, high energy exercise rooms, and more introspective quiet areas. The chef in him likened it to broth-less noodles and noodle-less broth. You could do one or the other, but it was much better balanced together.
Balance was always one of Shifu's, and by extension Oogway's, chief lessons. Inner peace, the acceptance of oneself, and the need to push forward we're all key ingredients in making the flavor of one's soul. It was what added heat and depth to the proverbial soup of consciousness.
It was a good thing that such lessons were everywhere in the Jade Palace, because at the moment Po felt about as balanced as a one-legged chair during an earthquake.
He ran through the halls and gardens of the palace, yowls and shouts escaping him as if he were being chased.The groundskeepers, by now well trained to the Dragon Warrior's ways, moved precious decorations and fragile plants out of his way, hardly sparing him more than a passing glance or a roll of their eyes.
It was as Po barrelled through the doors into the east wing, rounded the corner on the left, and shot down the hallway after making two rights, that he caught a familiar glimpse of orange fur. Said orange figure spotted him a moment later, barreling towards her at high speed. 'Tigress!" Po said, digging his heels in an attempt to brake himself.
Tigress' eyes went wide, and in a moment of instinct, braced for impact. Po's body was grabbed and turned around before being set down firmly.
Po stood still and blinked for a second. "Oh good, I found you!" His next words spilled out in a single breath. "I need your help, but I kinda need you to promise not to hate me first, because I feel like you might hate me a little bit if I just come out and say it, but I really do need your help and-"
"Po," Tigress said firmly. "Breath. Slowly." After Po did, and stopped shaking so much, Tigress continued. "Now, from the top, what were you saying."
Po sighed and hid his eyes. "This is gonna take a bit of explaining. Okay, so, you remember Temutai, Warrior King of the Qidan Clan, right?"
Tigress nodded. "That yak that you had to challenge for the princess, right?"
"Yeah, that guy. Big dude, big voice, ego more inflated than a lantern. So, I got a letter a few weeks ago from one of his guys. Apparently he got engaged."
"Temutai. Engaged," Tigress remarked drily.
Po shrugged. "I know, weird right? Guess there's somebody for everybody. Anyway the thing is, he has a sister apparently, and he wants her to marry someone in the Valley so he doesn't have to worry about trade dealings and stuff." Pink started to creep its way up Po's face. "Temutai wrote me last week and said that apparently I was his first choice. 'My sister is a warrior of the Qidan clan, so she must marry a warrior!' That's what he said, anyways."
"I. . . see," Tigress said. "You didn't accept, did you?"
Po scoffed. "No, no! You kidding me? Of course not!"
Tigress wanted to feel relieved, but instead her gut coiled. "So how did this lead to you needing my help?"
Po's face went from pink to red. "See, that's kinda the thing. I couldn't just tell him no: Temutai's an actual king, and an egomaniac besides. So, I had to find a way to tell him no, but gently. I knida just. . . wrote him back the first thing that came into my head." Po stole a quick glance at Tigress, whose face had grown from passively concerned, to hard and searching. Po took another breath. "I told him I was already married."
"Meaning you couldn't get married." Tigress nodded. Not the most impressive coverup, but the logic was sound enough, by Po's standards that is.
"Exactly," Po said. "I thought that would just be the end of it, but apparently Temutai found a groom for his sister somewhere else and wants me there when she gets married."
Tigress crossed her arms. "Easy enough. I still don't see what you need my help for."
Po adjusted the fur on his head, refusing to meet her eyes. "Temutai doesn't just want me there. He wants me, and my wife there."
Tigress mouth hung open, while her arms went limp. She dreaded the next few words, but she forced them out anyways. ". . . And this would-be blushing bride is. . ?"
Po inhaled deeply. "I told him I was married to you." Po then bowed his head over double and held his hands in front of him. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you back when I got the first letter, but I thought it would be funny. It isn't, but I really need your help to bail me out of this. So will you please be my fake wife while we try not to offend a warrior-king!"
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mairitess · 4 months
ebbs and flows pt. 2 // jaya
a/n: i wrote this bc i got back into ninjago and i needed to write something for them bc i'm not caught up enough to be able to read the current fics + also on ao3 in caps
words: 1.5k, part one here
tags: angst, fluff, post-skybound, post s10 ninjago: masters of spinjitzu, jaya, no beta we die like kings, they r so traumatized after nadakhan, minor violence mentions from skybound, kiss kiss rated t just in case
she might’ve missed it, if she weren’t so keyed up already. “you’re my yang, nya.”
the ninjas returned to the temple absolutely beaten. they’d defeated the latest ninjago city menace, but it took more effort than usual. their entire way home, jay was tapping his foot incessantly.
“can you stop that?” cole said, irritated. “you sound like a walking time bomb.”
jay started to apologize. “i’m sorry! i can’t help it. i’m…”
“nervous? anxious? stressed?” the suggestions came in a popcorn chorus from zane, pixal, and kai.
jay put his head in his hands. “yes,” he sighed, defeated.
cole put his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “what happened…?” to you and nya?
“i have no idea.”
everyone was quiet until they got to the temple. they knew jay was doing his best, and they knew how stubborn and guarded nya could be, too — much like her brother. when they landed, jay filed out last, worry troubling his stomach.
“you got it, jay,” lloyd said, clapping jay on the shoulder. “it’ll be okay.” he turned from jay to look at cole, also unsure. they’d known nya had been different recently, as much as she tried to hide it. but they didn’t know what they could do, especially if jay wasn’t able to fix it.
with heavy heart and steps, jay made his way to nya’s room in the early morning hours. misako and wu were standing just outside her door, making jay even more nervous. he rushed over.
“what happened? is she okay? where is she?” he couldn’t keep his voice down, his lightning energy rushing into his veins again.
“she’s fine,” misako said, placing her hands on his shoulders. “she’s okay. but…” she trailed off, as nya’s door started to open.
it was the first time she’d really looked at him in weeks, and jay’s heart dropped as he saw her bloodshot eyes and dark circles. as much as he was exhausted from their fight in the city, she had been draining for far longer.
“hi, jay.”
he followed her into her room, gently closing the door behind them. when she sat on the edge of her bed, he sat a foot away, careful to keep some distance. he didn’t want to make things worse.
“i missed you,” he said, unable to keep it in. “i miss you. i love you. i…” jay suddenly felt too loud, too brash, and worried he’d scare her away again.
“i love you too,” nya replied, tears brimming again. “and i think i’m ready to tell you what happened — or, what’s been happening, and i’ve been so worried to tell you before because i’m scared you’ll hate me and want to leave me but i love you and if that’s how i make you feel then i just want you to be happy and safe and secure and i’m scared when i tell you this you’ll —“ nya cut herself off, too scared to speak into reality one of her biggest fears. “you make me feel more special and confident and myself than anyone i’ve ever known,” she whispered. “and i’m scared you’ll throw me away when i tell you.”
sometimes, even when jay wasn’t talking, nya could still hear the lightning coursing through him. this time, she couldn’t. she was scared to break the silence. she needed to know if he even wanted to hear what she had to say.
and she might’ve missed it, if she weren’t so keyed up already. the quietest he’s ever been, the most hesitant yet gentle and kind.
“you’re my yang, nya. nothing you could say could ever change that.”
jay knew nya well enough to know she was struggling with not feeling like she was doing their relationship “right”. a perfectionist through and through, as soon as things started to dissolve, so did she. but jay needed her the way the moon needs the tides, the skies reaching for the waters beneath. she knew ebbs and flows, but so did he, because he yearned for her throughout.
nya told him of her nightmares, and how she thought she was dying that day. she drew in a deep breath, before she told him that his hold felt the same way. she thought she was angry he wasn’t upset like she was. she wasn’t angry anymore.
he was quiet, processing, until he asked, “do you really think i’m not upset like you?” nya stilled.
“all our friends died. i had just seen you in a wedding dress, and you were about to marry someone else, even if not by choice. and then you started to die in my arms, by a tactical choice i made. it would’ve been all my fault, if you…” he paused. “you’re the love of my life, nya. and i held you as i cried because i don’t know what life there is without you.
“i made my last wish holding you. and everything was good again when we went back and you took my hand. i know that right now my touch feels like… death, but i need you to know that to me, touching you gave us a new chance at life.”
nya was stunned; all she could do was sit there, his words ringing over and over again in her head.
“i love you, nya. i just… need some time to think about it, too. okay?” jay said, standing up. he smiled, but it was small and somber. nya couldn’t help feeling like she’d hurt him, that she’d thought so little of his actions. she nodded, and it wasn’t until her door closed again that she was able to mumble, “i love you.”
nya didn’t leave her room all day. she was feeling better, but she didn’t want to step out. kai brought her dinner and they sat side by side as she ate.
“how’s jay?” she asked, and kai shrugged. “he’s been in his room ever since we got back. so i don’t know. but it was a pretty bad fight, so maybe he’s just resting. though normally he’d rest by playing some video games,” kai joked, nudging nya lightly with his shoulder. she quieted again, looking down at her food.
“i think i messed up,” nya said, swirling her spoon in her congee.
“i don’t think you could with jay, sis. he loves you.”
“i know. but that doesn’t mean… that doesn’t mean things will always be okay.”
“sure. but it also doesn’t mean you two can’t be okay, either.” kai paused. “uh, let me say that again. you guys will get through it. that’s what love is. love is about getting through things together, not keeping things perfect all the time.”
nya smiled, genuinely, for the first time in awhile. “when did you get to be wu number two?”
kai laughed. “probably when i realized how much you and jay love each other.”
nya understood it was time to stop fighting the flow. it took the master of water long enough.
it was just after 10, and nya needed to see jay. but as soon as she opened her door, there he was, hand poised to knock. he jumped back. “gosh, nya! you’re quiet.”
they stood in her doorway, just looking at each other, not quite sure what to do next. they started speaking over each other in a flurry.
“jay, i—“
nya laughed, and jay could feel everything start to lighten. “come in.”
they lay down on nya’s bed next to each other, closer than they’d been in weeks past.
“i’m sorry, jay,” nya mumbled, drawing circles with her finger into her pillowcase.
“no, i’m sorry, nya. i shouldn’t have left the way i did earlier.”
“it’s okay.” jay raised an eyebrow and nya nodded. “i promise. i’ve… been thinking about it longer than you have. it’s only fair.”
he smiled, and nya kept looking between the freckles across his face and his brilliant blue eyes. how could she have ever been so afraid of what he would say?
“so…” she started. “what now?”
“i don’t want to rush you into anything,” jay said. “i love holding you, and you know how much that means to me, but we don’t have to touch or anything until you’re ready. but i do think it could help,” he offered.
nya shook her head as he talked. “you could never rush me. and i want to fix things. so maybe… we start here?”
she gently grabbed his hand, and placed it on the side of her face, holding him there. nya nudged closer to jay until they were a breath apart. she tilted her head up and gazed at him, waiting.
“i missed you,” nya said, and jay met her halfway, their lips melding into each other where they belonged. softly, first, then as nya grew more incessant, jay matched her, and it was like breathing and drowning in confessions of love all at once.
jay was careful not to move his hand from her cheek, but as they kissed, she moved his hand down to her back, and he pulled her ever closer. nya broke their kiss first to breathe.
“i missed you too,” jay said, one arm behind her back, the other under her neck, cradling the back of her head. they laid there for hours, and just as nya was starting to doze off, jay asked, “nya… what do want me to do if you have another nightmare again?”
she thought about it before, but wasn’t sure what would work until they tried. “just don’t let go,” she mumbled into his chest, and he held her tighter.
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britcision · 1 year
I have not slept more than 5 hours together this whole fucking week and not more than 7 hours a day
It is therefore appropriate today to give you TIM! And TUCKER! All aboard the Lore Drop!
Chapter 14’s nearly fucking done I swear I was waylaid but I think I have solved the problem. Now the new second secret much bigger problem is my intense desire to commit Dragon Age crimes
Soooo chapters will probably stay a lil slower here for a bit, but hopefully not this slow again until June, when I will be Busy As Shit
A Good Excuse To Be A Bad Influence V
It was a weird feeling to have his body shaken while his consciousness was so far from it.
Feeling his face pull into a frown not quite mirroring what he felt it should be. Tucker could never have explained precisely what part of him entered his devices; just that it was him.
Quintessential, pure essence of Too Fine. Everything he was without the meat he was born in.
But then he did have to slot back into that meat, and trying to do that without matching positions always left him feeling weirdly off kilter the next day. Like he’d put on a shirt but the shoulders were skewed too short.
So despite not being conscious of a face on his extended form, Tucker tried to form it into a frown anyway, sliding back under his own skin like a teen sneaking back through a window after curfew.
Hadn’t those been heady days?
Eyes slowly opening, it took Tucker a moment to remember how to focus them. That they weren’t cameras. But then Tim Drake-Wayne came into focus, and the frown changed to a grin even before he fully “woke up”.
“Morning,” he mumbled, rolling and stretching, getting used to the feeling of a body again. It was a little weirder each time, which he might have worried about if he didn’t see himself as an extension of his PDA anyway.
“You were singing in your sleep,” Tim told him without preamble, returning the smile.
Tucker hesitated for a moment, suddenly embarrassed. If… well. If he’d been singing along, that…
Look he’d picked songs that’d embarrass Danny, he wasn’t gonna give a fuck about it. The only actual question was, did he tell Tim?
Who else would ever understand better just what it meant to interact with tech the way he could? Could get excited with him about how cool it was?
He wasn’t fucking gushing to Technus. No way. Tuck was easily the one winning that ongoing hackathon, but it was the principle of the thing.
To the zone with it. Tim knew about Amity Park, he knew about the ghosts and the liminal tech. And while they hadn’t exactly discussed liminal people, it’d come up.
Tim could have a sneak preview. As a treat.
Decision made, Tucker gave the younger man another broad smile because yeah, bragging about your super powers to a very cool and impressive person? That felt good.
Tim might be a vigilante too, but Tucker was pretty sure Jason was the only souped up Robin. Most of the bats were famously power free.
“Oh, yeah. I was bullying Danny,” he explained with a light chuckle, glancing up to find his beloved PDA, Ida. She was half under a blanket now, so he tugged her back out.
Tim chuckled softly, leaning back and stretching himself.
“Good dream?” He asked and Tucker snickered, stroking gently across the screen.
“Danny wishes it was a dream.” Tucker paused, frowning a little at the confusion on Tim’s face. “So you remember we kinda talked about the whole liminal thing?”
That seemed to jog Tim’s memory, confusion fading into an analytical frown that Tucker was already becoming familiar with. That good ol’ geek face.
“The humans with budding ghost powers,” he agreed, and Tucker had to wonder if maybe he just hadn’t put the right pieces together yet.
He hadn’t exactly said that most of Amity Park were liminal, but it was a little hard to remember he had to. Like, they lived on a portal to Hell.
Maybe he shoulda.
Well, at least it was a cool way to introduce it to him.
Tucker pulled Ida into his lap, flipped her over, and tapped the plain plastic backing to demonstrate.
“Mine’s a low level technopathy at the moment,” he explained as the PDA hummed and then began playing… well, still Montero, so he flicked it again and changed it immediately to Country Roads.
Tim was watching him with a kind of hungry fascination, and Tucker turned the music off with a thought, then passed her to Tim so he could check for secret touchpads.
“It’s not something I can do with anything,” he explained with a modest shrug, grinning with pride as Tim immediately got to scanning the casing.
All simple plastic, not even biometrics; what would be the point? Even touching the PDA was pretty much a formality at this point. She was a part of him.
“Technopathy? So you can control it with your mind? Why not with anything?” Tim asked eagerly, hands stroking over the plastic, eyes darting between it and Tucker.
Like he wasn’t sure which was more interesting, Tuck or tech, and Tucker absolutely took that as a compliment.
“It has to be a device I’ve really gotten into. Like, down to the source code, or something I’ve cracked before a couple times, and then I can just feel how all of it works.”
Tucker wiggled his fingers demonstratively and the PDA beeped to life under Tim’s hands, making the other man gasp. And yeah, totally envy in those cute blue eyes he turned all balefully on Tucker.
“How many of the functions can you use? Anything the PDA can do, or…” Tim trailed off, clearly thinking of everything he’d already seen the PDA do.
The real question would have been what couldn’t Ida do. And honestly? Yeah, Tucker remembered the trial phase.
He gave another shrug.
“Technically? Yeah, anything it can do, but I still prefer hacking the old fashioned way. Most of the network stuff too, cuz I’m only really “in” the PDA. Or Danny or Sam’s phones.”
Tucker hesitated, wondering how best to really explain the difference. Danny had never been any good at it, Tucker’d had no idea what he was talking about from the video game thing right up until he’d been sucked in himself.
Which… was probably gonna be a next-hangout adventure for Tim and the bats. And Oracle, if he could swing it.
For now he gave up, giving Tim a hopeless grin.
“Honestly it’s something you’ve really gotta feel for yourself. Danny’s great at the transition from real world to code, but he always just punches things, y’know? Turns out knowing how code is actually supposed to work doesn’t translate well to being part of it,” he added with a sigh.
Because frankly? It was bullshit unfair. Tucker could code an entire other galaxy around Danny with his eyes closed, but put them in the same metaphysical layer as a firewall and Danny could just.
Punch it.
Which, theme for the week, was also not how firewalls fucking worked. At some point Tuck figured he’d either gain a new level of understanding through liminality, or give up and ask Technus a couple questions.
Technus was currently Tucker’s subject instead of Danny’s anyway. They’d made a bet.
Which meant Technus shoulda told him about their shenanigans in time, which was probably what Tucker would hold over his head for the whole firewall thing.
It was so nice when things just worked themselves out.
Tim looked a little disappointed, but mostly still intrigued. Tucker could see his fingers just itching for his own tablet to take notes.
“Do you think that’ll change?” He asked, blurting it out like he couldn’t hold back now that Tucker stopped talking, “I mean, if you become more liminal? Or just practice your abilities more?”
And see, this was what Tucker loved about Tim Drake-Wayne. They were on the same wavelength. He grinned back.
“Probably. But I mean, it’s kinda cheating too. For now I kinda like that I have to do things the way I always used to first, before any ghostly powers kick in. It’s more me, y’know?” And like hell he’d let anyone think his code skills were just some meta ability.
He’d worked damn hard for those skills, and he was damn good. One of the best, and he was also good enough to know he still wasn’t actually top of the charts.
That was the Oracle, although knowing they still hadn’t cracked his servers felt really good.
Tim was all but vibrating, clearly full of questions, but they were both interrupted by a loud growl from Tucker’s stomach. Immediately echoed by Tim’s, so at least he wasn’t alone.
The two shared sheepish grins, and then Tucker stretched.
“So, breakfast and then Twenty Questions?” He offered cheerfully, and Tim nodded at once, thrusting the PDA back and rolling off the frankly massive bed.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai
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latenightdecaf · 5 months
There are just so many things that don't sit right with that ep 14. (And I won't be able to do my work today if I don't write it down.)
Honestly, I've been enjoying this drama because of its fast pacing and the way it resolves things fast and as clean as they can. I didn't mind the inconsistencies to be honest, and some gaps in history
like why the fuck was haraboji's gf, so mad in the first place anyway?? like yes she went to prison, had a son, left that son and worked for haraboji and then??
the 1031 baby miscarriage was fine not to be addressed (unfortunately, I can forgive that - given that I have friend who went through the same thing and honestly did not really confront or grieved that with her husband either - they never moved on, but never talked about it either, so fine - we move forward.)
But honestly, this episode is just different than the rest in an unsettling way.
First, the scenes were cut so weirdly... like honestly, what do they want us all to feel here? They had the most beautiful confrontation about life, yes they walked to the hotel without looking at each other. Yes, Hae In stayed true to her character not wanting other girls to look at Hyun Woo. But honestly, that shit felt shallow and her charcter could've been more. They could've walked into a restaurant after fighting, with Hyun Woo just holding her wrist and her noticing the small ways this unbelievable man takes care of her even when he's mad - opening the door, ordering her food, idk, slicing it for her. It could've been slow, it could've been realizing that he had wrinkles now, that he looked tired, that he was having a hard time too - realizing that she wanted to live and be loved by this man no matter what. That if given a chance, even as stranger she'd still surely fall in love all over again. Her as the stranger, NOT those girls who was just prying. They could've twisted that up in a melo way. (But of course, we needed the romcom so of course.)
I could not even begin to point out how weird that car accident was. As viewer, I already know she's not inside... I know that moment was needed but again for Hae In to somehow magically realize she wanted that surgery but that's just torture by now. After everything they've gone through in Yongduri, she already knows how loved she was. Things could've slowed down a bit. And I'm sure Kim Ji Won would've executed that brilliantly (hello, my liberation notes). Idk, Hae In could've had more stronger reasons to live, or that case could've been built differently. Hae In is not shallow but they made her that way and yes, by the time she'd be regaining or building her connection back to Hyun Woo that script will be back again not wanting anyone else to have him. (ugh, Hae In :( I need more!!)
Third of course, Eunseong - so far his character just became so predictable that it totally put me off. Honestly thought (based on the preview without any actual context, that Hae In would be in the car accident with Eun Seong and then he dies to save her so he can finally be someone who actually saved Hae In) but yeah. He came in so conveniently in the hospital that no one even bother to ask why this stranger is now the legal guardian of Hae In like come on. (I know it's kdrama but come on that was WAY TOO CONVENIENT)
And lastly, that fucking surgery. Every single build up, every single suspense gone. She woke up after 5-10 mins inside the drama not even a bandage to her head!! They've could've dragged that a bit, not make her wake up too soon. Mess with us up some more, have the doctors come in, tell them "these things take time". Make Eunseong nervous! But no, she had to wake up immediately. Like come on!! It could've messed with everyone if that was dragged a bit more to the next episode. They could've deported back Hyun Woo to Seoul while Hae In is still unconscious with the devil by her side. We could've been at the edge of our seats if suspense was all they needed and now it just felt too rushed and too much by now. And then, Hae In will be back in Seoul like nothing happened with her (physically) and then she's with Eun Seong now. Ugh.
But despite it all, I'm thankful for this drama. I'm still going to be there next week to see this through. Honestly, what a world-class acting from Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won.
I'm just wrapping up my thoughts so I can finally go on with my day.
Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.
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peachjaem00 · 1 year
Teaser; The moon to my starts
Tumblr media
PAIRING; childhood best friend!jisung x fem reader
SYNOPSIS;  jisung has been in love with you forever but kept it a secret because he was too afraid to ruin your friendship. he had to endure watching you make a life without him until one day he could not hold it any longer, he couldn’t let the moon leave his stars. or jisung being a complete and absolute simp for the reader since he was a little boy. 
HONORABLE MENTIONS; twin brother! Haechan, jeno, yeji (itzy), jaemin, chenle, renjun
WC; 14.5k
THEMES; fluff, angst, pinning, friends to lovers, non idol! Jisung
WARNINGS; swearing, female reader, mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood, physical fight, mentions of bruises, jealousy
AN; just a little preview for a fic i have been working on since august 2021 based on my jisung’s timelapses [01:10 pm], [12:30 am], [02:00 pm] let me know if anyone wants to be added to the taglist or any questions. you don't have to read the timestamps to understand the fic.
also big shoutout to @cappujeno and @ichorai for beta reading this and for their support, this fic would have not happen if it wasn't for your help!
He was five when he saw you for the first time.
You noticed how shy and nervous he was, so you came closer, grabbing his hand and rubbing your little thumb on his knuckles in an attempt to calm him down. 
“Do you want to come and play? I promise we're nice people,” you said in the softest voice. It only took a look into your eyes to make Jisung forget about his shyness, the warmth in them was enough to make him feel safe. 
He was 10 years old when he discovered he had a crush on you.
He was on his bed, trying to sleep, but he was wide awake, his chest heavy and his mind was empty, only you in it. He didn't understand why. Why was he thinking so much about his friend? Why did that hug feel so nice? Why did that kiss make him so flustered? Why couldn't he get you out of his mind? Or maybe he knew, maybe he had known for a while but he didn't want to admit it…
“Oh no…”
He was 15 years old when he realized he was in love with you. 
“Oh, c'mon dude, calm down.” 
“I can't because you were right.” 
“About what?” 
“I do love her.” 
He was 16 years old when he got in a fight.
“You fucking asshole!” And after that he punched Jeno in the face, making his lip bleed. “How fucking dare you!?” And another, he could hear your screaming but he was blinded by rage. “You don't love her enough!? Then you never loved her in the first place!” And another, and another and another.
He was 18 year old when he entered university.
“How did we let this happen?” 
“I don't know.” 
“We promised nothing was gonna change after me leaving.” 
“I know.” 
“Then why is everything different?” 
“Because…” He wanted to tell you, he wanted to confess but the words got stuck once again. He didn't want to do it like that, during a phone call while you were kilometres away. “We're dumb?” Your laughter made the ambience lighter. 
“Yes, we’re very, very dumb.” You wiped a few tears away and cleared your throat. “Let's start being smart again.”
He was 19 years old when he confessed his love towards you.
“God, I fucking love you.” It was a whisper. It was innocent and said out of instinct, he didn't even realise what he just said until you left his side. 
“Nothing.” He was ready to leave but your hand on his wrist stopped him. You made him face you.
“That was not nothing.” He didn't dare to look at you. “What did you just say Park Jisung?” Your tone was demanding and serious, not in an aggressive way but you wanted an answer.
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foggyfanfic · 10 months
How Mariano Got Betrothed to the Wrong Madrigal
Oneshot Preview: Thankfully, Isabela was his best friend, and knew him well enough to read the answer on his face, “So why are you going along with this?”
“With this! With our abuelas setting us up?”
Now, nobody had ever accused Mariano of being an intellectual. In fact, he was frequently accused of the exact opposite. Which was fine, kinda hurtful, but he couldn’t be too upset about being called stupid.
Not after this marvelous mess up.
It started on the first day of school, he just happened to be the same age as the two oldest Madrigal kids, and was thus sat at the same table as them. Isabela was fun, but she hogged all of the brightest crayons, except for red. 
Red belonged to Dolores.
Dolores was patient, even at the young age of six. It seemed like it didn’t matter how many times he needed help, she always gave it. The three of them played together everyday at recess, Dolores would be the princess, he would be the shining knight, and Isabela took great delight in being the plant breathing dragon.
Then they grew up. Not instantly, of course, little by little.
The first sign of their impending adulthood was when Isabela came to school in a brand new dress and said, “Abuela says I want to be the princess sometimes.”
“Oh, ok,” Mariano agreed, because he knew how important it was to listen to your abuela.
Dolores being the dragon was kind of fun anyways, because she didn’t have plant powers so they had to wrestle for the princess. Unfortunately, Isabela got bored with that game a little while after that and they had to find a new one.
Time marched on, and slowly by slowly, Isabela started wearing more dresses she wasn’t allowed to get dirty. Both Mariano and Dolores missed playing with her, even if she did hog the brightest crayons. 
If Mariano could go back in time, he would not have mentioned to his abuela that he missed playing with Isabela.
When they were nine, going on ten, both Isabela and Dolores were promised visions from their Tío for their birthdays. Isabela was all smiles the day after she got her vision. Dolores avoided him for a week after she got hers.
When they were eleven, Mariano realized that his favorite games to play with Dolores all involved wrestling. And really weird, he didn’t mind losing to her when they wrestled. Dolores would huff and pout at him if he tried to wrestle with her when she wore her favorite red skirt, and although he didn’t like to make her upset, he thought she was cute when she pouted.
At thirteen he realized why he liked wrestling with Dolores. His parents raised him to be a gentleman, so he stopped.
At fifteen, he started planning their wedding. It would be wonderful, he would read her a poem for his vows, and she would speak hers so quietly it would sound like a secret just for him. Isabela would make a bouquet of deep red roses for Dolores, and he would pluck one out to put in her hair.
She always looked so beautiful in red.
At sixteen, Romero asked Dolores out, she said yes.
To Mariano’s great relief they only went on two dates. However, he couldn’t ignore what it meant that Dolores had agreed to date Romero in the first place. She didn’t see him the same way he saw her.
Nobody ever accused Mariano of being an intellectual, but he liked to think he was raised right. When a woman demonstrates that she doesn’t have feelings for you, you respect that.
He tried just being her friend, but it seemed as they grew, she just became more and more beautiful. Eventually, he realized if he wanted to get over her, he would need space. Mariano spent a month torturing himself, trying to think of a different way to move on, but then she giggled at a joke her little brother made and it felt like somebody had wrenched his heart out of his chest to give to her.
So, at seventeen, he began hanging out with the other boys his age instead of Dolores. He still spoke to her at parties, and if he happened to run into her at the market, and of course, when their abuelas decided their families should have dinner together.
And he still loved her.
No matter how much time passed, Mariano still loved Dolores more than he could ever say. He tried writing poems about his feelings, but the words paled in comparison, so he gave up and wrote poems about other things.
When he was twenty he noticed Isabela dancing in the square, spreading flowers around. Dolores was just behind her, smiling quietly. Isabela made Dolores a red and orange flower crown and Mariano couldn’t hold back a sigh at how beautiful she was.
“She’s quite graceful, isn’t she?” his abuela asked, seemingly appearing out of thin air by his shoulder.
“Oh, uh, sí. She is,” he glanced nervously between his abuela and Dolores, who stood with her usual poise.
“And quite beautiful.”
“Sí,” Mariano gulped, did she know?
“I remember you two used to play together everyday at school.”
“Sí,” Mariano said, failing to keep all of his longing out of his voice.
“How long have you had these feelings for her?”
He stuttered and babbled for a little, but she just watched him with a knowing grin, so he gave in and admitted, “Since we were children, but she doesn’t feel the same way.”
“Oh? Are you sure?”
“Have you asked her?”
“Mariano, mijo, you can not know a woman’s true feelings unless you ask her.”
He blinked at his abuela for a little, then turned to look past Isabela at Dolores. She was very quiet, and usually very good at keeping secrets. Was it wishful thinking driving him to listen to his abuela? Or did he have a chance?
“Perhaps you’re right,” he said.
“Of course I am, now go ask her.”
Mariano nodded, and started to walk away, before he remembered himself. Dutifully, he turned back to press a kiss to his abuela’s cheek, and thank her for her council. When he turned around, Dolores was gone.
He frowned, slowly approaching Isabela as he searched the crowd for a flash of red. She noticed him and waved, he waved back then pushed through the crowd so he could speak to her.
“Where’d Dolores go?”
Isabela paused in her dancing to look over at where Dolores had been standing, finger halfway raised to point. She deflated a little when she noticed her cousin was gone.
“I don’t know,” she frowned a little, then looked quickly at her audience and with a magnanimous smile rained flowers down on them.
“You don’t have to stop on my account,” he said, recognizing the flower confetti as the finale it was.
“No, I wanted to do some shopping with her,” Isabela waved at people as she broke through the crowd, gifting a few of the children with extra flowers, “she’s so good at picking things Abuela likes.”
“Oh, great, then we can look for her together,” he smiled, “been a while since we spent any time together.”
“It has, hasn’t it?” she huffed out a quiet laugh, shaking her head, “When was the last time? New years?”
“Sí, sí, sounds right,” he eyed Dolores’ favorite fruit stand as they passed it, “how’ve you been?”
“Oh, wonderful,” she was also looking at the stand, then turned to peek into the book shop, “I recently learned how to do a new trick on my vines.”
“Oh?” Mariano asked with genuine interest, he remembered how much Isabela enjoyed her acrobatics, “I would love to see it!”
Isabela flashed him a warm smile, then glanced down at her fluttery lavender dress, “You should come by Casita for lunch tomorrow, I can show it to you then.”
It had been forever since he’d gone to Casita for lunch, and he suddenly realized how much he’d missed the sentient house. He had spent many an afternoon playing hide and seek there, but recently he’d only been when he was accompanying his abuela and had to be on his best behavior. Plus, it meant that even if he couldn’t find Dolores today, he could talk to her tomorrow.
“I would love that!”
“Great. I’ll let everybody know.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon looking for Dolores, and when they didn’t find her, he helped Isabela pick out some cloth for a new dress.
“I definitely want something purple,” Isabela said, looking over the bolts of fabric, “Abuela says it compliments my skin tone the best.”
Mariano, used to helping his Mamá with her shopping, hummed thoughtfully and reached for a deep purple linen. Isabela looked at it, and her eyes got all bright, a smile twitched at her lips. 
Then she stood up just a little straighter, folded her hands over themselves and said, “It’s lovely, but I prefer pastels.”
Mariano felt his brow wrinkle, because it had looked like Isabela had been really excited about it for a second, but then again, he could be wrong. It had certainly happened before.
He helped her select a different bolt of purple. A pastel purple. The shopkeeper offered her a steep discount in exchange for fresh flowers to fill all of her vases.
Isabela obliged with the same perfect smile she used to use when she was playing the princess.
They parted ways not long after, Mariano reported to his abuela that he would be having lunch at Casita the next day and she’d cheered. He did not realize until later the misunderstanding that had taken place, and by then, it wouldn’t matter.
Dolores didn’t make an appearance at lunch the next day, but Mirabel did.
He watched Isabela and Mirabel snipe at each other, even as they planned what embroidery Mirabel would put on Isabela’s new dress.
“That’s too many colors,” Isabela said.
Mirabel rolled her eyes, “You know, you used to like colors, back when you weren’t boring.”
“I’m not boring, I’m an adult, with a little something called responsibilities,” Isabela hissed.
Mirabel rolled her eyes even harder.
Mariano chuckled, accidentally drawing both their attention. Isabela sat up straight, primly folding her hands in her lap, but Mirabel pushed the sketchbook towards him. Coincidentally, although he didn’t think much of it at the time, Señora Alma walked into the kitchen at that exact moment.
“What do you think, Mariano?” Mirabel asked, voice friendly, but sharp eyes pointed at Isabela.
“Oh, uh,” he might not have been the brightest crayon in the box, but even he knew a trap when he saw one, “I think Isabela looks perfectly lovely in everything.”
He did not notice Señora Alma turning to examine him.
Mirabel gave him an unamused look, not fooled by his hedging, “Great. But what design do you like best?”
Mariano gulped and looked down at the sketch book, then he said, “Oh! How about the one with the little avocado? It’s like that character you and Dolores made up when we were in school, remember?”
“Doctor Avocado?” Isabela blinked into the middle distance, a slow smile growing across her face, she chuckled quietly, “I’m surprised you remember that, it’s been years since I thought about any of that stuff.”
Mariano shrugged a little sheepishly, then admitted, “I still have the drawings you made.”
And here’s where Mariano truly messed up, because personally he felt everything up to this point wasn’t really his fault. Technically, what Mariano meant to say was “I have the drawings you guys made”, which involved using the plural form of “you”; however, his mind was on Dolores and Dolores only, so without thinking he used the singular, familiar, form of “you”. It was a small detail, and even though he heard his own mistake, he didn’t think it important enough to correct it, but it’s one of those mistakes that snowballed into a really big problem. Like when he assumed the dog could be trusted not to jump on the kitchen counter while Mariano ran to the bathroom really quick.
Because what Señora Alma apparently heard was “My dearest Isabela, I have treasured that most fine art of an avocado with a medical practice for all these years simply because it was crafted by your perfect hand.”
Isabela did not end up picking the design with the little avocado, instead she went with a much more understated design. One with little pastel flowers that gracefully tumbled down her pastel skirts. Mariano finished lunch with the two sisters, then lingered in the courtyard with Isabela, hoping Dolores would make an appearance. He finally left in defeat when the sun rested on the tops of the mountains.
Fortunately (at least he thought it was fortunate) Señora Alma started inviting him and his abuela over for dinner more often.
Unfortunately (and he was correct about this being unfortunate) Dolores was always seated at the opposite end of the table from him, and barely looked at him whenever he was around.
Once again, Mariano sat himself down, and forced himself to accept that Dolores just wasn’t interested in him that way. Despite what his abuela had said.
At least he was rekindling his friendship with Isabela. They had a lot in common, both were the eldest grandchildren and carried the weight of their abuelas’ expectations. He had missed her, to a certain extent, and it was nice talking to somebody who understood what it was like to stand in front of a mirror and practice saying “Sí Abuela” in just the right tone of voice. His male friends had apparently never done that, and had in fact teased him for being vain when he’d asked. They hadn’t understood that it wasn’t about vanity, he didn’t need to look good for the sake of aesthetics, he needed to be neat and well groomed in order to set the proper example for his younger siblings and cousins. Isabela understood that, better than anyone else.
One day, his abuela asked him to take Isabela to the market, to get her help picking out gifts for the young girls in the family. Isabela had agreed, but had walked a little slower than usual, and kept getting distracted.
“Is something wrong?” he eventually asked, when he finally realized she was frowning and sighing a lot more than usual.
“I-. Well, I don’t know,” Isabela glanced at him, then at the market as it passed by around them, “Mariano, how do you feel about me?”
“What do you mean? You’re my best friend,” he had answered, because by that point she was.
“That’s it?”
“Uh, sí? Why? Has somebody-.”
“Do you… have feelings for me?”
Mariano’s eyebrows almost jumped off his face, he should have said “No” and would have said “No” but he was a bit busy gaping at her. It had never occurred to him that Isabela was somebody he even could have feelings for.
The silence dragged on without him denying his feelings out loud, forcing anyone who might overhear the exchange to draw her own pessimistic conclusions. The silence dragged on so long, in fact, that if any eavesdropping pessimists had decided she didn’t want to overhear confirmation of what she thought was destined to happen, then that eavesdropping pessimist had plenty of time to escape to the soundproofed portion of her room. Another thing he didn’t realize was a mistake until much later.
Thankfully, Isabela was his best friend, and knew him well enough to read the answer on his face, “So why are you going along with this?”
“With this! With our abuelas setting us up?”
He gaped at her a little more.
She frowned at him.
Silence stretched between them once more.
“Mariano, you do realize that’s what’s been happening? Don’t you?”
He could only shake his head.
She groaned, “What did you think was happening?!”
“I- I don’t know, I just thought… we’re friends,” he shrugged, “that’s-. Aren’t we friends?”
Isabela softened, she smiled a little, “Sí, we’re friends.”
“Bien, that’s uh, that’s good,” he frowned down at his shoes, then looked back up at her and asked, “they’ve been trying to set us up?”
“Sí, for months now, my abuela is starting to hint at marriage,” Isabela said. They had slowed to a standstill as he had processed what she was saying, but now she started walking again. She held her chin high, with all proper poise, and looked straight ahead with a contemplative look on her face.
“Oh,” he walked beside her, feeling comparatively clumsy and oafish, even as his steps passed smoothly over the cobbled road.
“I… am going to go along with it,” Isabela said, quietly, “there’s no other man in the village I think I could-. You’re my best friend, if I’m not going to fall in love, I might as well marry you.”
They walked in silence for a while.
“What do you think?”
“About marrying each other?”
“I uh-,” he hesitated, then quietly admitted, “I’ve been in love with one girl my entire life, I can’t imagine being with anyone else, but- but- she doesn’t-.”
He couldn’t continue, it always broke his heart a little to admit that Dolores didn’t love him back, but now, here, when talking about marriage, when seriously thinking about his future, saying it out loud was unbearable. He found himself sniffling a little, his bottom lip trembling. 
Isabela put a hand on his shoulder.
He looked at her, and suddenly, he could see a path he’d never considered before. A path in which he married Isabela, moved into Casita, spent his life with his best friend, just down the hall from the woman he loved. He would have kids with Isabela, and raise them with her, and see Dolores every day for the rest of his life. It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but it would be cruel to marry somebody who was in love with him, knowing he could never give them his heart. And it would be good for his family, to be so connected to the Madrigals.
And it would mean he would always be close to the love of his life.
“If I can’t be with her,” he said, slowly, “th-then I can’t imagine anyone better than my best friend.”
Isabela nodded, giving him a small smile. It wasn’t one of the ones she’d practiced, it didn’t match his own practiced grin. It was quiet, and warm, and reassured him that he could be happy with her.
Months continued to pass them by, and Mariano found himself thinking more and more of this life spent with his best friend. They would make an excellent team, him and Isabela, and they would have wonderful kids, kids Mariano would get to spend plenty of time with. In most households, the men were expected to go out and work, but not in la familia Madrigal. When you married a Madrigal, it became your job to stay home and take care of the kids so that the Madrigals could share their blessings with the village. He’d once thought he’d be raising Dolores’ children, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he would be just as happy raising Isabela’s kids. The more Mariano thought about his life to come, the more he realized how much he wanted to be a father.
He started spending more time with his youngest cousins, eager to practice for his oncoming life as the primary parent.
There were nights, of course, where Mariano had guilty fantasies in which Dolores would fall in love with him a little later in life, and Isabela would give him permission to be with her. These fantasies sometimes featured him saving Dolores from her horrible husband, or comforting her when her husband died in a very tragic and painful accident. But nobody needed to know about those nights, or those fantasies.
He focused on the thought of his future kids, and tried to ignore all else.
Mariano picked out the ring, he drafted up lists of baby names, he planned what he would say in his proposal with Isabela, and he tried not to think too hard about how close he would be to Dolores once he had moved into Casita.
And then his and Isabela’s plans all fell apart the night of the proposal.
In the scant hours between that disastrous dinner and Casita falling apart, all Mariano could think about was how embarrassing the evening had been for him, and the fact that Dolores had seen the whole thing. He wondered if the miracle had been trying to tell him and Isabela something, if it had been trying to discourage the match.
Then, when he found out that it had nothing to do with him, he felt horrible for being so self pitying while his best friend and the love of his life were dealing with such a crisis.
Mariano was the first to grab a shovel, and rallied the other villagers to do the same. He figured he would worry about his love life later, when Casita was done being built. He thought that neither Isabela nor Dolores had the energy or time to think about him. He thought he would never be a Madrigal, and he would just have to accept that.
Nobody ever accused Mariano of being an intellectual. In fact, they often accused him of the exact opposite, and after hearing Dolores’ side of the story, he couldn’t blame them.
“You’ve had this since we were ten?” he asked, for the fifth time. He was holding an old vision tablet, the magic long since faded from it. In it, he was on his knees, holding a ring out to Isabela as she sat primly at her dinner table.
“Sí, and I’ve looked at it almost every night since,” she shook her head ruefully, “trying to force myself to get over you.”
He stared at her, “Are you sure you don’t want to get married right now?”
Dolores giggled quietly, “I’m sure. I seem to remember you had all these plans for your wedding.”
“Our wedding,” he corrected, “it was always-. I thought you didn’t return my feelings, but I was never able to picture another bride. Not really.”
She smiled down at her lap. They were sitting side by side on a couch in the newly finished first floor of the new Casita. He was vaguely aware of the rest of her family milling around, of her father keeping a close on them, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away from her face.
“You knew? When we were ten? That you love me?” he eventually asked.
“I’ve known since I got my gift.”
Mariano blinked rapidly, trying to hold back tears as a smile took over his face. He leaned over and kissed her check, only to jump back when Señor Félix loudly cleared his throat. Mariano flashed him a sheepish smile, but didn’t want to spend too long not looking at Dolores.
“I-I was a little bit slow,” he admitted, “I didn’t figure it out until we were thirteen.”
“But that was when you started to pull away?” she asked.
“Pull-? Oh! No! No, no, no,” he grabbed her hand, “I was trying to be respectful. I… enjoyed being close to you in a way that uh, I figured I should get permission for before I uh, well, indulged. If that uh, if you get what I'm… getting at.”
“Oh,” Dolores giggled again, “I see.”
“If you’ve loved me all this time, why did you date Romero?”
“My Pá said that’s the best way to get over someone,” she shrugged.
Mariano couldn’t help it, he turned to look at Señor Félix with his hurt and betrayal clear on his face. Señor Félix looked startled, and actually took a step back. For a brief second Mariano was reminded of Camilo, as Señor Félix held his hands up in a questioning shrug and seemed to silently ask, “What did I do?”
“Amor,” Dolores gently pulled Mariano’s face back towards her, “it’s not his fault, I asked him for that advice.”
Mariano still couldn’t help but pout a little, “He could have told you to ask me how I felt before giving up on me.”
“Sí, and I could have asked him for advice on getting your attention,” she shrugged, “I thought this was just another case of people ignoring me in favor of Isabela.”
“I would never,” he breathed, “Dolores, she is my best friend, but you! You’re the sun in my sky, the song every bird sings, the passion too great for words to capture. You’re steady ground in an earthquake, a shelter in a storm, and the burst of laughter that cures a bad day. How could anyone not see your kindness? Your poise? Isabela is all the bright colors in a meadow, but you’re the red in my veins. I have warmth in my heart to share with others, because you keep it beating.”
Dolores was so often quiet, so often silent, but this was the first time Mariano had ever seen her struck dumb. Her lips parted in surprise, and her eyes shined with love.
Mariano knew he wasn’t an intellectual, but he liked to think he was raised right, so even though he wanted to hold her tight and kiss her, pour all the passion and longing he’d stored up into her, he didn’t. Instead he squeezed her hand, then brought it to his lips, so he could leave a gentle kiss on her fingertips.
Dolores gaped at him for another second, then with her free hand she took the old vision out of his lap and threw it like a frisbee across the room.
It hit the ground and shattered.
“So,” she said, “marriage?”
“Sí! I’ll bring my wedding journal tomorrow and you can tell me what ring design you like best,” he said, launching into an explanation of everything he’d planned.
Nobody ever accused Mariano of being a genius, but he’d stumbled his way to marrying the love of his life. So, he figured he was smart enough. 
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flam-burr · 2 years
Mama bear - Yautvember day 4
Content: Yautjas are a very religious species, which leads them to have a high respect for anything that goes beyond the living plane and cannot be hunted the traditional way. Too bad you learned it too late.
Tag: Fluff, gn Yautjaxgn reader
A/N: Hello fellas! Not gonna lie, this prompt was difficult af... I'm just not the best at writing fluff things, but I hope it passes. Thank you for all the feedback from the previews stories and check out @jacklycan for the original prompt list!
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You always liked to spend time with children, so when you arrived on Yautja Prime you felt naturally driven towards the pups that roamed the village’s streets.
Of course you never approached any of them without the explicit consent of their mother -your mate had warned you of how protective they could be with their offsprings. Maybe it had been your soft and non threatening body or the submissive and calm nature, but eventually you made your way to the Matriarch’s heart and were trusted with the role of caretaker.
That day the pups were misbehaving while their mothers were out, slowly driving you crazy, and when they almost broke your instruments, you decided you had enough. You screamed you would have called the Boogeyman if they didn’t calm down.
Being pups, the new word attracted their attention like a magnet and stopped their campaign of destruction long enough for you to tell them the same story your grandma used to tell you when you were little.
You expected those little pests to laugh at your silly rhyme: they weren’t sucklings anymore and they were in that particular stage of childhood where there is no ruler outside of their mothers.
Instead, they froze on the spot and after a few seconds of silence they tidied up your instruments with surprising efficiency.
They became angels for the rest of the day and you baked them some cookies, once you calmed yourself, like any other day of babysitting.
Their mothers came to take them home by the evening and you just took a little me-time before your mate came back.
They laid down by your side after a nice and rough “cuddle”, their breath a little heavy in your ear as you slowly drifted away in sleep.
“How was the day with the pups, my star?”, they asked.
“Up and downs.”, you muttered, fighting to stay awake enough to answer. “They made me crazy… and I told them the story of the Boogeyman.”
“The Boogeyman?”
You could feel your mate adjusting themself, their attention all for you. They liked to listen to your stories, both because they got to focus on you without you being shy about it and because they were just as curious about your culture as you were of theirs.
You sighed, stirring a bit to focus, but giving up quite fast on the idea of repeating the whole rhyme with the right tone, so you resolved yourself to paraphrasing the legend.
“The Boogeyman is a wraith that is all pitch black and hides under the bed.”, you say with a yawn. “He takes the naughty pups and eats them.”
You felt your mate stiffen to your words and you patted their shoulder.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a kids’ story.”, you said, finally falling asleep.
The next day you found all the pups quietly waiting for you in the common tent you used as a daycare.
It was such a rare sight you almost didn’t see the front of mothers watching you with killer eyes right outside.
You knew better than to keep staring at them and lowered your head, stopping a few steps from them.
The biggest of the females approached you, covering you with her shadow.
“Hi Cithi.”, you said with a feeble voice. “How can I help you?”
The female’s chest rumbled with a growl, low enough to reverberate in your bones and cover you in goosebumps.
“You can start by not threatening the pups while we are not around.”, Cithi snarled.
You blinked, trying to remember when that happened, but kept quiet as the female resumed.
“I don’t care what you think of our pups: if I hear you call your monster, you’ll meet your end before the sun rises again. DId I make myself clear?”
You held your hands together to prevent them from shaking, yet something in her words felt… off.
“I have no… ‘monster’, Cithi. I barely have a hound- “
“Don’t try my patience, ooman.”
You fell silent, crushed under the threat in her voice, and swallowed as she approached another step.
“Your Boojimen won’t touch any of our pups.”
You lifted your gaze on Cithi and the females behind her: you finally noticed they were wearing their hunting gear and watching with careful eyes the trees around the village. They weren’t here just to talk with you, they were moving to hunt a shadow.
“I see…”, you muttered. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding here.”
Explaining what happened hadn’t been easy, Cithi was terribly stubborn when it came to protecting her offspring, but after a few tries you managed to convince the hunting party not to engage a hunt over a non-existing entity. Cithi insisted on a few adults still patrolling the borders that day and night and stayed with you and the pups to keep an eye on you, still suspicious even giving you the benefit of doubt.
After that, you learned an important lesson: Yautjas don’t make light of ghost stories, even the kid’s ones, especially mothers.
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