#i found one where he's trying to do something relatively similar to what he's doing in my fic. they're like. the same.
jonathanrook · 6 months
how to explain i'm not plagiarizing colgate the show is just that predictable
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sunderwight · 4 days
SV fic where Luo Bingge discovers that Shen Jiu had a long-lost half-brother or something, and subsequently decides that he's going to infiltrate the minor sect which this "Shen Yuan" belongs to in order to get close to him and then indulge in revenge fantasy 2.0 when it inevitably turns out that Shen Yuan is like Shen Jiu (i.e. a horrible abusive scum teacher).
So Bingge uses some magical object or technique or other, makes himself look like a scrawny 12-14 year old, then puts himself in Shen Yuan's path in hopes of convincing the man to take him on as a disciple. The idea being that after Shen Yuan abuses him, Bingge will be justified in reenacting his Shen Qingqiu Revenge Arc again and maybe finally feeling some closure about the whole thing.
Yes, this is a very deranged plan. No, no one is going to tell the emperor of the three realms that. Bingge also wants it to be clear that this has nothing whatsoever to do with his recent escapade in an alternate universe, except that he was inspired to find Shen Jiu's relative as a consequence of that. But he's absolutely sure that this guy is going to turn out just as rotten as his brother, given the opportunity. That is definitely the only reason he is doing this!
Flash forward about four years. Bingge's retainers are begging on their knees for him to actually come back and do some administrative work. The harem is running itself at this point and they're all very terrified of the situation with Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing (i.e. ruling with lesbian iron fists) and whatever the heck Ning Yingying is up to (no one is certain but it's something). The outer provinces are rebelling. Mobei Jun's somehow found another weird human surnamed Shang to cavort with, except this one is basically running admin for the entire northern kingdom now and no one's even sure if they're fucking or if it's some kind of mind control situation or what.
Bingge is annoyed. He doesn't have a good explanation for why a bunch of demon lords would be showing up on the doorstep of Tiny Cultivation Sect to beg him for anything. They're going to spoil his cover! And they're interrupting his schedule! It's already four o'clock and he hasn't started on Shizun's dinner yet! Shoo! Get lost!
Anyway, eventually some of his demon followers get desperate and dramatically kidnap him. Shen Yuan is horrified and grieved when it seems that his precious disciple, so like white lotus Luo Binghe from the novel, has been captured by demons. He tries to track the assailants down, but they've covered their tracks too well. In the end, there's only one path left to him to pursue: taking this matter to the protagonist!
Yes, the protagonist! Because the thing is, Shen Yuan noticed the similarities between his disciple and the book character he so admired. Not only that, but he did manage to glimpse Bingge one time from afar. It wasn't anywhere near to a real interaction, but it was enough for him to notice the strong resemblance between the protagonist and the mistreated little lamb who showed up at his doorstep. A resemblance for which there can only be one explanation:
Shen Yuan's disciple is one of Binghe's kids!
Yes, he had it figured out since fairly early on. Not only was there a resemblance, and not only were their dispositions quite similar, but also the boy showed a lot of signs of some demonic heritage. Shen Yuan was just working up to broaching the subject, partly because he had been trying to avoid any direct or even indirect interactions with the emperor, and partly because he... became somewhat reluctant to part ways with his student. Sue him! He got attached! And anyway, he knew how missing child plots usually went. There was probably someone in the harem who was out for his disciple's blood, and it wouldn't be safe to send him back into that mess until he was strong enough to look after himself.
But as is inevitable, the plot seems to have reclaimed Shen Yuan's student all on its own.
He just... needs to make sure that it isn't a tragic outcome. It seems it falls on him to make the emperor aware of his son's survival, and subsequent peril, and help launch a rescue!
Which also means approaching Luo Binghe in person, which he knows is very risky indeed, due to his connection to the infamous Shen Qingqiu! He'd been avoiding the protagonist at all costs for that exact reason.
But if it's his only hope of rescuing his disciple, he will simply have to take the risk, and hope that enough time has passed that Luo Binghe doesn't read too much into a shared surname and a passing resemblance. Or that restoring the emperor's long-lost son to him will be worth seem lenience for the crime of being connected to Shen Qingqiu. Maybe if he's lucky, he will even be allowed to continue visiting his disciple! (Ha, yeah right! More likely, Luo Binghe's going to take his head for hiding his own kid from him for so long!)
Anyway, cue Luo Bingge running around swapping between his Emperor and Disciple forms, dramatically trying to orchestrate a situation where he can fake the emperor's death and go back to the sect with Shizun as his disciple, or something, only for it all to blow up in his face because Shen Yuan keeps flinging himself between Bingge and potentially fatal threats that could plausibly kill him???
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unclewaynemunson · 8 months
Pt2 to this post
'Is something wrong?' Nancy asks, not long after the two of them have taken their familiar spots on the hood of Steve's car. They're basking in what might be the last warm sunlight of the year, looking out over the quarry, at a safe distance from the edge.
It's become a tradition the two of them share, ever since they reconnected back in March. It calms them both, to just sit here and take in the view, no one around but each other. Nancy is one of the few people Steve can share a comfortable silence with: sometimes they sit here quietly for what feels like hours, side by side, listening to music or to nothing but the birds singing around them. But they also have their best conversations here: it's the place where Nancy entrusted him she wanted to break up with Jonathan; it's the place where they talked about their shared past and decided they would always love each other as friends; it's the place where they finally talked about Barbara in a way they couldn't when they were younger. It's where Nancy talked about the ghosts still haunting her and Steve talked about how lonely he sometimes felt.
Steve huffs. 'How did you guess?'
'When you frown, you always do it with your whole face,' Nancy notes. 'So it's hard to miss, really.'
Steve glances at her side profile. There's a serenity to her features that's still relatively new. It means she's healing, slowly learning how to be happy again. It means she stopped waiting for the end of the world and started believing in a real future again. It makes Steve proud of how far they both have come.
'I had a fight with Eddie,' he confesses. 'And with Dustin, I guess.'
'What happened?'
He sighs. 'It's complicated.'
'Wanna tell me about it?'
The look in her eyes is kind and inviting. Steve hesitates. He wants to, but he doesn't know if he can. It's a risk. It's scary.
But he can't imagine Nancy Wheeler ever being careless with his secrets. He can't imagine her judging him, can't imagine her being as small-minded as most people in this town.
He was planning on telling her anyway, because things had been going so well with Eddie lately and – no, he shouldn't think about that right now. But maybe it would actually be nice to talk about it with Nancy.
'So, um...' His throat feels tight and his hands are sweaty. 'I recently discovered some things about myself. I-' The words get stuck somewhere on the way to his mouth, and he clears his throat.
Nancy doesn't push, but only gives him an encouraging nod, waiting for him to find his voice again.
'I found out I like boys,' he finally manages to confess. 'And I need you to know that – that that doesn't mean that what I felt for you wasn't real. It was. I loved you, and now I fell in love with a boy. And-'
'Steve.' Nancy's hand suddenly covers his, causing him to finally jerk his head away from the view over the quarry, to focus on her face again instead.
Her eyes are wide, and she squeezes his hand.
'You don't have to explain yourself to me,' she tells him. 'We're good. But thank you for telling me. For trusting me with this.'
Steve heaves out a relieved sigh, and Nancy smiles; it's that genuine kind of smile which reveals all kinds of dimples and soft lines across her face.
'We might be more similar than you thought,' she tells him, a faint blush spreading over her cheeks.
'Really?' Her words make his breath catch in his throat. He squints at her, trying to see her in this new light. 'Are you saying what I think you're saying?'
She shrugs. 'I don't know. I'm not sure yet,' she admits. 'Still figuring things out.'
'Take your time, there's no rush,' he tells her. 'But...' He bumps his shoulder against hers. 'When you're done figuring it out, talk to me, okay?'
She nods. 'Okay.'
For a while, it's quiet between the two of them. Some kind of raptor circles high above them in the sky. They both follow it with their eyes until it disappears among the tree tops west of the quarry.
'Is it Eddie?'
Steve blinks dumbly a couple of times.
'Wha- what?'
'The guy you were talking about. The one you fell in love with. It's Eddie, isn't it?'
'Jesus, Wheeler, what kind of sorceress are you?' Steve exclaims.
Nancy laughs again. 'You're not being as subtle as you think,' she tells him. 'The two of you have been hooking up for a while now, haven't you?'
Steve huffs dramatically. 'This is unfair. You know everything; I can't even tell you my own secrets anymore!'
'So what happened?' Nancy asks. 'You said you had a fight with him?'
'It's fucking stupid,' he sighs. 'Dustin was getting way too excited about the fact that I was gonna be hanging out with you, so I told him I was seeing someone. Next thing I knew, he was telling Eddie all about how I was seeing a girl.' He waves his hands around to make annoyed air quotations. 'I wanted to tell Eddie it was a misunderstanding, but Dustin was there, so I couldn't out us just like that, and he looked so betrayed and heartbroken... He didn't wanna listen to me.'
Steve sighs; he still can't manage to forget that look in Eddie's eyes when Dustin delivered the big news. 'I wish I would've talked about what I felt for him earlier. I should've been honest when I had the chance, y'know. But I was afraid he wouldn't wanna label what we had, that he wouldn't feel the same way – and now we're in this whole mess. God, he must hate me right now, Nance.'
To his surprise, Nancy gives him an unexpected slap against his arm.
'Ouch, what the hell was that for?!'
'What are you even doing here with me, Steve? You should've gone after him, tell him how you feel!'
'I tried, obviously, but he didn't wanna listen to me!'
'So make him listen! You're in love with him, he obviously feels the same way about you, and you let him leave to wallow in a broken heart he doesn't even need to have!' She rolls her eyes and slides off the car, adding something under her breath that sounds suspiciously like an exasperated 'Boys!' before she pulls Steve off the car as well. 'C'mon, time to get your ass over to the trailer park. Right. Now,' she says through gritted teeth. And, well, Steve knows better than to argue with a determined - and truthfully quite terrifying - Nancy Wheeler.
Read the last part here Taglist: @withacapitalp @ultimatedreamer104 @irregular-child @jcmadgirl @estrellami-1 @myguiltyartpleasure @hallucinatedjosten @jaybren @thew1ldblueyonder @melodymeddler @alycatavatar @zoeweee @lolawonsstuff @fairy-princette @saramelaniemoon @phirex22 @krazyperson @xxsky-shockxx (I only put people on this list who explicitly asked to be tagged. That's really no problem, I love to do that so dw about asking, but I got a lot of relatively vague reactions to the previous post that i'm not gonna dissect and interpret, bc I don't wanna clog anyone's notes unwanted. So just to be clear: i consider it a huge compliment if anyone asks for a tag but please do it clearly if you do!)
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harrysmimi · 11 months
After Show
Synopsis: Harry and YN finds some alone time after one of his shows to catch up
CW: Smut
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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One thing YN was so grateful for were the opportunities she gets to travel now more freely.
It gave her a weird ich, even to think about going to a different country alone. Especially when her family doesn't really seem to care about her existence. She feared for her safety because apparently we still live in a world where no one, especially women can't walk alone.
So, when Harry offers to accompany her, she'd now learnt to taked up the offer. Of course only if she can afford the trip, as she doesn't like to rely on him for anything. She's also gotten more confident traveling alone. She'd learnt to get out of her comfort zone and actually talk to people other than just asking for their coffee orders and serve them.
That also gave her a sense of acceptance about herself as she found people who went through, or are going through similar life situations as hers. Yeah, she loves her friends, Alec and Brielle, she would never trade them for anyone else. But it's nice to make mew acquaintances.
Today, she was going to see Harry after a long time. She had unfortunately missed his birthday this year as her family was nice enough to drag her along with them to their relatives' wedding. It was two week affair. And she hadn't seen him since the after new year's.
She saw him at his concert venue directly, with her luggage bag in hand. He had just gotten off doing the soundcheck. He was surprised because he was supposed to meet her back at his (their!) hotel room, her flight was supposed to be delayed which didn't happened and she got to see him early. Least to say he attacked with a bear hug, as she ran towards him and with her limbs wrapped around him.
"I missed you so much!" She mumbled, her face resting in the gap between his neck and her arm.
"I missed you so much too baby!" He scoffed happily, holding onto her tightly so she doesn't fall straight on her butt. She wouldn't let go. Honestly, he doesn't want her to either. "You good?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, and jumped back on her own two feet. Her arms slipped to wrap around his torso as she looked up at him. "Better now. With you."
"Oh my god, you need to stop flirting with me. I'm engaged for god's sake!" He rolled his eyes jokingly.
"I miss you too much when you're gone!" She snuggle her face into fabric of his hoodie. Harry sighed, slipping his fingers through her hair he massaged her scalp gently.
"I miss you too baby." He whispered, "just a month and we'll be getting and off to our honeymoon, then I'm all yours! For now let's go to my green room." He dragged her and her luggage along with him back stage to his green room. "want a cuppa baby?"
"Sure!" She nodded and looked around his room. The sofa was different but the pillows were same, his humidifier, clothes box, his own suit case with regular clothes. It was felt like him and it felt like home to her. "It's cold here, isn't it?"
"Yeah, a little. The AC's on." He said, "don't feel it while I'm performing though."
"Thank you!" She took the cup of tea he gave her and sat next to her.
"How was your flight?" He asked, his hand rested on her thigh as he scooted closer to her.
"It was fine." YN nodded. "I have to tell you something though!" She placed the hot cup of tea to the side.
"What is it, baby?"
"You remember we talked about trying for a baby, right?" She started off, "well, ummm... I talked to my gynaecologist and my physician, I can get off birth control and we can see from there. They have to change up few of my medications like the painkillers I take for my arthritis and start with prenatal vitamins."
"You sure that's fine with you, baby?" He asked, "changing up the medications and all? I know they'll have to cut off a few things which help you, I don't want you in pain all throughout that time. Being pregnant is hard as it is."
"I don't know." She shrugged, "I have never been pregnant before. But we can see."
"Only if you're so sure about it." He sighed not knowing what to say further, "or we have other options we can opt for always."
"Don't be upset, love!" He sighed, "I said we have other options only if it doesn't work put of us, okay? I just want to make sure you're fine."
"I am." She assured him.
"Okay." He smiled and placed a tender kiss on her cheek, holding her close to him, "would you like to practice baby making after the show then?"
"I would love to!" She chuckled, giving him a kiss on his mouth. Harry pulled her in before she could try to retrieve, buttoning his mouth back on hers. His hand wandered down to her hips back up inside her shirt rather quickly. "Harry, not here please." She managed to speak up, "anyone can walk in on us."
"Yeah, I'm sorry." He sighed, "just missed you so much!"
"I missed you too." She cooed.
They both cuddled for next two hours till he had to get ready for the show, having a nice baby talk. YN fell asleep there.
"Hey baby, do you wanna wake up?" He gave her arm a soft squeeze.
"Hmm?" YN wome up confused.
"Do you want to wake up? I'm about to go on stage in a bit." He shared.
"How long did I sleep for?" She sighed feeling groggy from being woken up from deep sleep.
"A couple of hours."
"Oh, I'm sorry." She sat up, "and yes I'm up now. Want to see you perform."
"Yeah?" He smiled, "well, I have twenty minutes if you want to change to freshen up or something?"
"Yeah, I need to pee. Where is the toilet?"
"The left door." Be pointed behind him. "Wait!" He pulled her back to steal a quick kiss. "Chop-chop baby love." He smack her bum but recieved one right after. "Ouch!"
"Yeah, ouch!" She yawned walking to the bathroom.
"Last kiss and I'll be out!" Harry promised as he stole another kiss from his missus.
"Harry, stop hogging your missus you need to be on the stage, now!" Tom yelled at him.
"Yes!" Harry yelled back. "Stay safe, okay?"
"I will." She nodded, "go break a bone!"
He felt another smack on his butt. "You're gonna pay for it." He challenged her before he was ready to run out.
"Sure." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the little VIP area by the stage where a few of Harry's industry friends were going to be.
YN's not had a good time with Harry's industry friends except the rest of 1D boys and his immediate work friends like, Jeffery and his wife, Tom, Tyler and the Love Band, well in short his immediate circle of friends. She still had a good amount of amazing people to hang out with whilst her soon-to-be husband worked.
Harry came up on the stage, YN was stood at the side back stage where she can watch him perform. He's like a toddler running around the stage, stumbling and even falling sometimes. Throughout he kept looking at her and smiling.
He's indeed very happy today, especially now his soon-to-be wife is by his side.
He was so happy that he still had the adrenaline pumping through his body when they got back to their room hotel.
"Ow!" YN gasped when he pinned her to the wall, one shoe off as she was stopped by him. He smeared his lips over hers, gathering her hands behind her back. She knew exactly where this was going to go and she didn't mind at all.
It reminded her of their first time. Similar situation, he had just gotten home from a heavy workout session all sweaty. Leading her to his bedroom upstairs, leaving her on the bed for a moment before he went and washed his hands. He debunked that thing for her which she always watched in the movies. And he gave her a head. That's all they did that night. And oh boy did she enjoyed every milliseconds of it, and still remember. YN shocked herself with how comfortable she is with him now versus she was the first time around.
He took off his jacket and threw it on the floor as he picked her up with his hands on her bum. He made his way to the bed, placed her carefully on the mattress as he managed to fit between her thighs. He broke the kiss to give her a breather.
"I missed you so much!" He mumbled leaving a chaste of sloppy wet kissed down her jawline to her neck. A moan slipped through her mouth when she felt his hand on her breast. He lifted his head up to press another kiss on her mouth. "Is it alright if go down on you?"
"Wait..." She stopped him, "haven't shaved down there."
He looked at her in disbelief, "does it look like I care, baby!" It wasn't a question though, "still okay?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, feeling a shiver run down her spine. She missed him as well, in every way. But this not their usual thing after being away for months. They usually get a take out, watch TV or just catch up because Harry always tired and jet lagged. Even though he's a horny animal, she's suggest against his needs and make him rest first.
Her man doesn't like to rest.
With one last kiss on her mouth he got to unbuttoning her jeans and taking them off with her knickers. She layed there vulnerable, visibility wet and dripping. Before she could get another moment to get awkward his mouth was on her clit. As much as he loves to make her come with just his mouth, she loves that too.
Feeling his warm tongue move against her already sensitive and swollen bud of nerves, how his fingers occasionally slip inside of her wet hole. Making her squirm under him. Just to replace his digits with his tongue. He's a skill full man.
"Oh, I'm so close!" She muttered with her voice now becoming more breathy and heavy. It's been what feel like an eternity but mostly because they've been away for so long from one another. The feel of his warmth tongue and his digits now pumping inside of her was pushing her just closer to the edge of her orgasm.
"You gonna come for me, baby?" He asked before he gave her clit another hard suck all the while pumping his fingers in ger pussy, "come for me, yeah?" It wasn't long until she was reaching her orgasm. "Was that good?"
"Amazing!" She chuckled, his weight on top of her as he kissed her cheek moving to her neck. "It tickles."
"I love you."
"And I love you more."
"Not a chance!" He scoffed jokingly, "I love you more. And I am sweaty."
"I don't care, I've missed you!" With her arms around his neck it was enough of a que for him to kiss her again.
"Wanna hop in the shower with me then, baby?" He suggested, finally giving her a moment to breathe.
"Mhmm." She nodded. He briefly crouched to take her off her shoe which he barely gave her a moment to take off herself. Slipped off his shoes as he guided her to the bathroom.
"Is that my hoodie?" He realised-- rather late-- she was wearing his black hoodie with 'DAMN.' written on it as he washed up his hands.
"Our hoodie you mean? Yes." She admitted.
"Cheeky!" Harry chuckled, "c'mere." He placed his hands on her hips he propped her up on the wash besin counter. "Want this off?"
"Yes please." She nodded. Despite him being careful, the fabric got caught in her necklace. "Whoops!"
"It's alright." He fixed it quickly as she sat there giggling. It was like the very first time, how her shirt caught up on her earring and she apologised for laughing at that silly thing. "Remember how flustered you were the first time?" He pressed a kiss on her cheek and chin with his arms wrapped around her naked torso.
"Still embarrassed about tha--" her body shuddered feeling his fingertips run feathery strokes on her spine, wetness in between her legs growing once again.
"Still find it to be the most adorable thing." He moved down to her to her neck, leaving a trail of feathery kisses on her warm skin, finally he looked up to place firm kiss on her mouth, "it makes everything feel so much more better. Remember how I got a cramp in my leg the other day?"
"Yeah, you were screaming in a high pitched voice." She giggled.
"Well, I'm not embarrassed about that because it was my fault I didn't drink enough water that day." He explained, "we can have a little laugh you know." With that be picked her up and walked in the shower to place her back on her feet carefully. He took a moment to shed his pants and boxers, the evident kind of hard on of his was now on a full show.
"Harry it's too cold!" She gasped feeling the water fall over her body.
"If I up the temperature, we're going to be boiled by the end." He pointed out.
"It's not that hot!" She argued, and turned rhe heat up just a tiny bit. "Please?"
"It's summer!" He groaned in defeat. She still kept on her cheeky puppy face to convince him as be buttoned her mouth on his standing on her tippy toes. "You're lucky I love you."
"The luckiest one." Her hand slowly crept downwards over his chest and pecks.
"Cheeky!" He kissed her her again. He still enough of her, he hopes it stays that way. Just as he was about to say something, he felt her warm hand wrapped his hardene penis. "Fuck, fuck!"
"Can we go now?" He asked, "just missed you so much!"
"Yes!" She nodded, as she did his hand was behind her knee lifting her leg up at the same time pushing her against the shower wall. Slowly slipping in through her folds. Just heavy breathing to be heard, especially from Harry. Low grunk and cussing in his voice which only grew deeper.
Air in her lungs gor sucked out when he started moving. His hard and deep thrusts making a new rhythm, making her wrap her arms around him for support.
"God I missed you so much!" His forehead rested on her, "so warm for me." It wasn't enough, he slip out, turned her around to slip right back in her. He picked up his pace, making her orgasm right again.
Least to say, they spent about half an hour there.
"Can we order Pizza?" YN asked, as she tied her bathrobe tie around her waist. Harry had already placed her back on the counter.
"Of course baby, which one do you want?" He was already walking out to grab the hotel phone.
"A small cheese one, thank you." He ordered for the pizza and went back to her, "wanna help you with that." He stopped her as she was about do the last few steps of her skin care. Well, it was just four steps, step was done in the shower. Last two were serum and moisturising.
Harry loves to pamper her.
"Here lemme do that too!" She pulled her Fiancé back towards her caging him in between her legs.
YN placed a few dots on the moisturiser on his cheeks, his forehead, his chin and lastly on his nose for comedic purposes. She proceeded to work the product in his skin, his prominent stubble was poked the skin of her palms. He looked like a little kitten being petted, as she ran her thumbs on the apples of his cheeks.
"Done!" She announced.
"Do you want to be little spoon?" He asked as he picked her up again with one on her back and other behind her knees.
"You know I'm never going to say no to that." She booped his nose, "and you got to let me walk, bestie."
"Just fucked the shit out of you and you're calling me bestie?" He cocked his eye brow up carefully placing her back on her feet just for her to cling back onto him. She tried her best to stand on her wobbly legs, but she was scooped right off her feet and carried to their shared bed.
"I loved it though."
"Yeah!" She nodded. But they were interrupted by the room service.
"The pizza is here, your majesty!" He presented her the pizza in a grant way along with a bottle of water, though he took a sip of it first. "Asked them put extra cheese on it for you my love."
"Thank you!" She grinned.
Harry lied next to her on his spot over his tummy, dressed in his purple bathrobe. "So, about the baby?"
"Are we good now, or do we have to wait till to start trying?"
"Still need to get off birth control." She shared.
"Wait, doesn't that help you with your period?" He realised.
"Kind of, but I think I can go without those now, it's complicated. So these other medications for my arthritis made my period have rave parties every month, it should be good as I'd have to stop taking those meds and switch to something else." She explained, offering him a bite of her pizza which he accepted. "Do you want to go with me to the next appointment? It's after the tour is finished."
"Of course I'd love to go with you darling." He agreed, "and about the wedding. Did you find a dress yet?"
"No..." She pouted, "my grandma doesn't want me to get a white dress."
"Why so, isn't that the traditional colour?"
"Not in India." She smiled sheepishly, "well, everyone does whatever they want now-a-days but my grandma's a little old fashioned. And white is worn at funerals generally."
"Oh, it's so different everywhere then!" He never thought about it until now, "what colour do you want to get then?"
"I want a white, but ahe wants me to get a red one. She said 'You're not having your funeral, you're getting married', it pissed me off. Not like she's paying a single penny. Just not going to take her or my mum to the next appointment at this boutique Brielle found." She shared mocking her grandma's way of talking, giving him yet another bite of her pizza and he was eating it. "Like she's ever going to be invited to either of those."
"Hey, don't say that!" He gasped.
"Right, she won't live that long anyway."
"Oh god, you're a meanie." He gasped again, "big, big, big meanie!"
"Yeah? And that old wrinkly lady isn't?" She chuckled, "she was trying to find me a guy at my sister's. I was fourteen years old!"
"Yeah, and she did. A thirty-two year old man." She added. "Luckily my parents got minds of their own and stood up for me."
"What the fuck!"
"Yeah." She nodded. "He was rich actually, he owned a big finance and insurance company in Saudi."
"So he is rich, rich?" He was stunned.
"Yup, a turn of about eighty-five mil to one billion." She shared, "he died though, Cardiac arrest, five years ago."
"A big loss." He scrunched up his nose.
"Meh, I don't care." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, and now you've a Fiancé who's a decent, indie singer." He nodded, "worth it."
"You are anything but Indie, darling." She laughed. "My wait was worth though, now I can be a trophy wife I want to." She leaned back over the fluffy pillow.
"Oh definitely wouldn't mind that." He agreed and scooted closer to sit next to her taking a yet another bite of the slice in her hand, maintaining a eye contact.
"What in the Italian Christian Grey!" She almost choked on the dough in the mouth.
"What's gotten into you today?" Harry laughed, he fetched water just in case. "Being so funny, did you get accidentally drunk?"
"That was sexy not gonna lie." She shared ignoring his remarks.
"Well," he blushed.
"Awh, look at you blushing, my shy baby!" She cooed leaning forward to kiss his cheek. Just just make him giggle again as he chewed on the fold.
Alas he pulled himself together and draped his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to him. She was just too busy dipping the crust in the complimentary cheese dip.
"Where do you fancy going to for our honeymoon?" He asked. To be honest they planned anything of their honeymoon. Harry wants it to be special and somewhere she haven't been to before, which is a lot of places. He's just lucky he gets paid to travel and perform in diffe parts of the world.
"I don't quite know yet," she spoke with her mouth full of food, "is there anywhere you want to go?"
"I want to know where you want to go, baby." He pushed the baby hairs off her face, "just want to listen to you with this."
"Finally!" She gasped dramatically. Harry has taken almost everything about the wedding planning on himself. "Finally you admitted it!"
"No, you've taken over everything. I don't know how you switched the plan of The Savoy hotel to your house in Italy!" She sighed dramatically. "The Gucci room isn't available on our wedding, is it?"
"It is, but figured it would be more private if we got married on our own property, baby." He explained, "everything we have, we share now."
"Okay." She nodded, "I don't know how long I'd be able to take on the break for. I guess we can go somewhere near England?"
"Doesn't matter baby, just tell me two of your dream vacation countries or cities and I'll take you there." He said, "and the owner of your cafe is my school friend, I can talk to him for you."
"What?" She almost chocked on cheese and dough, "he's your friend and you never told me that?"
"Well, I never got the chance to.' he shrugged sheepishly, "but I can still talk to him."
"I don't know, I love my job." She pouted. "I don't want him to fire me."
"He won't baby." Harry assured her, "now come on give me two names."
"We can either go to Puerto Rico or Greece?"
"Those are amazing options!" He never thought of those places, "and I've never been to countries. How about we go to both? We can spend a month in Puerto Rico and a month in Greece."
"That's a lot."
"No it's not." He countered, "I've been touring for two and half years, I deserve a long, long honeymoon and vacation with my wife by my side."
"What about our new house? We haven't even started looking for one." She reminded him.
Look, YN can either afford to pay at least some amount for the house or spend it all on their honeymoon plans. No way in heavens Harry's gonna make the trip cheap. He'll find his way to make it extravagant. She'd feel too bad if he's the only one paying for everything.
"We'll start looking for one as soon as we get back." He assured her, "and we have a lot more work to do, we have a baby to make!"
"Yes we do." She blushed. "But seriously, Harry, I don't think I can afford a trip that long."
"Baby!" He cooed, "it's a wedding present from me to you. And you're refusing for me to get you an actual present. So this is perfect."
"I'd feel too bad." She pouted, "you won't let me get you anything either."
"I'm sure you're not going to sit still until you get me anything, baby, so I'd say it's fair enough." He pointed out, "come on, please? Let me take you somewhere you've always wanted to go!"
"Okay, let's go to Greece but just for two weeks."
"Four?" He negotiated.
"Okay!" She sighed in defeat, there is no point in negotiating with his there. He's going to just tease her further. They sealed their deal with a kiss. "Oh god, why is this so stressful? We have to register for our marriage certificate."
"We'll have my lawyer do that for us, baby, don't worry about it." He assured her.
"Can I tell you something?"
"I, uhhhh, want to take your last name." She shared hesitantly.
"You want to?" He looked rather shocked.
"Mhmm." She nodded, "you don't mind that right, you seem shocked?"
"Of course I don't baby. I just did not expect that, yes. But I'm happy either way." He shrugged. "You really want to do that?"
"Mhmm." She nodded snuggling closer to him.
They talked more about their wedding planning, and preparations until one of them was fast asleep. Well, it was YN fell asleep first.
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hauntingrabbits · 19 days
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More Batman/My Little Pony au art because these are ridiculously fun to draw. Part 1 here!
More info under the cut!
1. Sweet Talk/The Harlequin (Harleen Quinzel)
Originally contracted to work as a psychiatrist for the Tartarus villain redemption program, Sweet Talk had a unique relationship with the Joker. This relationship was proven to be even stranger than her coworkers had originally assumed when she broke him out and joined him in his life of crime.
Devoting herself entirely to her new life and relationship with the joker, she covers her original cutie mark at all times. Snce her horn was snapped she can no longer cast precise spells, leaving her magic mostly emotion-based and intensely volatile, (typically manifesting in the form of sparks, zaps, and explosions).
Other Notes:
-Using Tartarus as a substitute for Arkham Asylum for this au because why not.
-The villain redemption program did NOT go well. Sorry Twilight.
-Mostly based on BTAS Harley because I adore the original costume.
-Her horn was cracked by the Joker
2. Pudding Pie/The Joker (The Joker)
Batpony’s most notorious foe. Said to have been just a regular pony until he fell into a vat at an Ace Potions factory during a conflict with Batpony.
He doesn’t have a Cutie Mark, but it’s unclear whether this was always the case or instead a result of his accident. The effects of permanent Cutie Mark loss—the only known cases of which occurred via long-banned magic and/or traumatic injury—are largely unstudied, and it’s ramifications are unknown. Some ponies theorize this may be the reason for the Joker’s mental state and general disposition.  
Sundown has a different opinion on the matter.
Other notes:
-Based mostly on BTAS joker and the ‘89 Nicholson joker.
-His name is just based on Harley’s “pudding” nickname for in in a lot of versions, but I think it would also be hilarious if he was a distant relative of Pinkie Pie.
-I could leave it ambiguous but. Yeah the potion vat didn’t actually do anything beyond slightly altering his physical appearance. He’s just like that and he never got a cutie mark in the first place.
3. Gadiel/Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Raised among ponies, Gadiel was relentlessly bullied for being gangly and birdish, earning him the nickname “Scarecrow” in his youth. Though he later successfully became a professor and psychologist in Gotham, Gadiel was eventually fired when he was found to be testing his fear-inducing potions on his students and purposefully putting them through terrifying and dangerous situations. Deciding to take his experiments to the masses, Gadiel donned the mantle of Scarecrow and weaponized fear to become a career criminal.
As the Scarecrow, he’s known for his skill in manipulation, psychological torture, and crafting dangerous potions and gas. The effects of fear on magical creatures are unique and intense, much to Gadiel’s delight and interest.
Other Notes:
-I wanted to make his front half a crane but I couldn’t get the long neck to work right with the mask, so he’s more crow-like instead.
-according to the wiki 1/3 of Griffin names start with a G so naturally I was extremely tempted to name him Gonathon and you should all be very grateful I did not. The name Gadiel has origins in the bible as the name of an archangel which I thought was fitting given the insane religious trauma some versions of the scarecrow went through. I thought about trying to do something similar for this version but given that the mlp universe uses Princess Celestia as a replacement for God in expressions like “Celestia knows where” and “Oh my Celestia” I wasn’t really sure how to go about it. There’s probably some kind of sun-worshipping thing in equestria idk.
-I spent a long time on the mlp wiki but from what I could find the only “fear” magic in the show is just used by one guy and its just called “dark magic”. I thought for sure there would’ve been some random plant or magical creature they dealt with at some point that maybe did something similar I could use for his blurb but unfortunately there was not.
4. Mandible/Falseface (Basil Karlo/Matt Hagen)
Hungry and deeply resentful of the changeling queen for forcing her underlings to share what little stolen love they had with her, Mandible went rogue early on and split off from the hive to pursue his own ventures. Finding success under the name Claypose as a pony actor in Gotham, he was sustained primarily by the one-sided love of his fans for years, despite the false identity having no real prior personal relationships to leech from. 
After a magical special effects accident on set revealed his true nature, he went into hiding and immediately started crafting a new persona, but soon found in his distress and rage over losing his identity as Claypose that he could no longer sustain any disguise long enough to keep up a long-term facade. Blaming the accident, he targeted the unicorn responsible by posing as his wife to leech his love, but ended up killing the pony in a panic when his disguise failed much faster than he’d anticipated it would. Unable to keep up a new identity or return to the hive, Mandible turned to a life of crime instead, doing dirty work for the bigger criminal names in Gotham and leeching love from his employer’s targets to survive.
Other notes:
-Clayface being a changeling was an obvious pick given his power set but I really wasn’t sure how to tackle the main issue of him being unable to keep a solid form for long. I went with his distress and frustration being the main thing keeping his disguise flimsy (so he gets put in kind of an ourobouros cycle where his disguise being bad makes him upset but him being upset makes it harder to fix his disguise), but the magic accident probably also contributed somehow.
-Why are all the changelings straight up just named after body parts in this show whats that about. The “Clay” in Claypose is obviously a reference to his title/schtick in the comics while the “pose” comes from both his job as an actor and the fact that he’s posing as a pony. Mandible is the name for the jaw part of an insect.
3. Winglon/Killer Drake (Waylon Jones)
Originally intended to be used in an entrance exam, his egg was stolen from a Canterlot delivery cart on its way to Celestia’s school of magic and sold on the black market to a Pony Island circus. Raised to be part of the freak show, Winglon was pitted against circus performers and overconfident challengers in ring fights for money and entertainment. Enduring abuse and injury throughout his life from ponies that he was always fundamentally stronger than, it was only a matter of time until he snapped. Garnering the name Killer Drake for his actions, Winglon escaped into the Gotham sewer system.
Not knowing how to return to the dragonlands or whether he’d even fit into dragon society at all, he continues to lurk in the dark away from any life, deeply resenting ponies and all other manner of magical creatures that make friends with them.
Other notes:
-I like silly names ok. Winglon Jones. -I like the theory that the dragon egg used for Twilight’s entrance exam was actually fake/meant to be a no-win scenario, but I also don’t think it would be that hard for enterprising ponies to get their hands on dragon eggs. The practice probably stopped in the later seasons when they made friends with the dragonlands or whatever though.
-Given that dragons threaten to eat or kill ponies at multiple points in the show, the cannibalism is actually kind of understandable. And also not even cannibalism anymore. Still murder though.
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Can i request headcanons of arthur pendragon(both 7ds and 4koa) with a couple like katherine Howard from six? Maybe they meet eachother from childhood and k.h reader gets a happy ending!
I FUCKING LOVE SIX THE MUSICAL!! And Katherine Howard was so cute! Deal!
Arthur Pedragon SDS/4KOTA x Katherine Howard! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings:reader had a life similar to Katherine Howard (that is, a life full of neglect, abuse, etc.) but she ends up having a happy ending :3, Arthur from 4kota is a warning himself but Arthur from 7ds is a sweetheart, Angst and Fluff.
Plus: read this while listen this song>
(reader)'s life was always a roller coaster.
His father belonged to one of the richest families in Camelot at the time, but since he was not the first son, he did not receive much of the prestige or inheritance that would have been his.
(reader) lived in a relatively well-off place despite everything, with her parents and siblings.
However, when (reader) was little, her mother died, which led her father to have to ask for many favors to be able to keep the house afloat on his own.
In the end she failed, and (reader) was sent to live with a distant relative in the center of Camelot, where she was supposedly better off.
and to be fair, it was.
because there she met him...
One day, (reader) had left her relative's house to avoid the music classes that were scheduled for that day.
The bad thing is that since she had never been to that part of the city, she got disoriented and lost quite easily.
Fortunately for her, a boy (the same age!) saw that she was having problems and offered to escort her home.
Now, (reader) was a sociable girl, so it was quite easy for her to make conversation with the boy and get to know him a little better.
It turns out that he was practicing how to handle the sword with his brother Kai (a bad btw), but since he got angry with him he took a break.
His father was a holy knight! (reader) didn't understand what they were, but the stories she read about knights when she was bored gave her the idea that it was something exciting.
In the end, the boy said goodbye to her and left the way he came, although at least not without giving his name.
As you may have noticed, (reader) knows Arthur in his time before he had the sword, when he was something like his father's squire.
and definitely after that he started looking for (reader) on his own when he knew where she lived.
They even began to have a rather funny dynamic in which Arthur would try to make her laugh in the last minutes of their peeking (through the windows).
and in general they were one of the few friends the other had.
But when a certain... incident... happened with (reader's) music teacher.
Arthur only arrived to see how some holy knights took him away, but he knew that for some reason (reader) he skipped that man's class...
and when he found out, well, let's just say the music man was lucky Arthur hadn't been there.
Arthur was furious! How dare that pig put his hands on (reader)?
You could say that this determined the dynamics of their friendship during the following years thanks to (reader's) love-struck nature.
While Arthur trained with Merlin and became stronger, (reader) became more popular with men for her beauty and cute personality.
Although of course, it was a double-edged sword.
There would always be someone who would be especially insistent or who didn't understand "no", but luckily Arthur could take care of that easily ;)
When Arthur takes the sword out of the stone, (reader) is the first to run towards him to congratulate him, she even gives him a small kiss on the cheek as a "reward" (Arthur is as red as a tomato at the time, he flatly denies it) .
Thanks to him being king, Arthur and (reader) can't see each other as much as before :( but they maintain communication through letters and try to see each other as much as possible.
low key, (reader) admires Merlin quite a bit at first, it's a hunch (a powerful and beautiful woman in complete control of the situation and her body, you can get the idea).
For this reason, they both talk a lot about the deadly sins and share the enthusiasm.
Now, if in the events of NNT's story (reader) she ends up meeting her "Francis" or worse yet, her Henry VIII, let's just say things are going to get... ugly.
There is no way in which Arthur will not see the giant red flags of either relationship (in a way by seeing certain parallels with the case of the music teacher), so he will be quite firm in his dislike of said relationships. especially with the Henry.
After all, what is a 50-year-old man doing near a teenager? creepy vibes.
Also influencing a little is the fact that Arthur may or may not realize that he likes her (reader), although part of him just wants to say that she is his friend! that she is very kind and pretty and that she sings and dance very well and that her talks about dog breeds is the most beautiful thing he has ever heard....
Oh no--
If we're talking about a scenario in which (reader)'s family arranged a marriage with this Henry, Arthur puts his foot down and may even use his position as king to get (reader) to break the engagement herself (which she happily does).
(Regarding Francis, they would both simply agree to ask Merlin as a favor to use illusory magic and give him the scare of his life. It's super effective).
(reader) was definitely extremely traumatized when Arthur was "killed" in the second holy war. absolutely horrified (even more so by that time they were already dating).
and when Arthur is resurrected by (the power of the script) chaos, let's just say they're both stuck with each other for quite some time...
and that translates into the current relationship they have in 4kota. which is like Katherine Howard's happy ending basically.
(reader) was obviously very marked by the holy war and definitely by Arthur's almost death, so she tends to be around him a lot of the time.
more after the total destruction of Camelot.
They both officially get married! (probably before Merlin left) and overall you could say that their relationship has only become more secure in several ways.
Arthur is still quite protective, but on a much more visible and understandable level, after all (reader) she is his wife, the queen of Camelot, if his enemies try to get to him, one way to do it is through her, so of course The times when (reader) decides to leave Camelot (usually on her family's funeral anniversary) she usually goes with Arthur.
Besides, it's not like Arthur is offering to spend extra time together.
(reader) developed her dancing skills over the years! apart from that he was even able to learn to play several instruments (with extra supervision of course).
from time to time you can hear when (reader) does a little performance for Arthur in the throne room when there is nothing to do and he is bored :3
Although yes, only he can see (the reader) dance, if someone does it, whether by accident or secretly, it is at least a safe pass to the dungeon :)
ARTHUR BRINGS DOGS TO THE PALACE! Canonically, the man is pet friendly, so seeing how much (the reader) loves dogs, there is no way I wouldn't get him at least one.
It would probably be some cute but protective breed, like a Labrador or a Collie.
Arthur acts like he can't stand said dog/dogs very much, but after a week the dog/dogs already have a place at the table next to (reader)😅🤣
Arthur is fine with (reader) not advancing in her studies, honestly it is a lot (for the time) that she knows how to write and read so well, but if she wants to help out with the paperwork aspects, he will allow it! oe will assign someone to guide you through the process until you can do it alone or, if you can, you will teach it to them.
Arthur feels very good teaching (reader) new things.
(If the reader's previous "suitors" are still on the loose or didn't die in Camelot, you can bet Arthur is going to correct that).
(reader) has a fashion sense quite inclined to French fashion, and Arthur doesn't blame her, she looks very adorable in the soft colors.
(reader) may even develop the habit of embroidery to pass the time when Arthur is away, she makes quite nice pieces (Arthur definitely shows them off to "Merlin")
(reader) is not really involved in politics due to her lack of education, and honestly Arthur is grateful that this is the case because he knows that (reader), being the empathetic being that he is, would not like to see a good part of what he does. for the sake of the eternal kingdom, but he knows it will be worth it.
Arthur and (reader) dancing together🥺 it doesn't matter if it's in sds or 4kota, I can definitely see (reader) dragging Arthur to the floor to dance together.
Arthur from sds definitely prefers to dance faster and "funner" things and vary a little from ballroom dancing (actually it's because it makes him nervous)
Arthur from 4kota is fine with whatever style (reader) chooses, but he has definitely learned to 1-improve his dance skills (thanks to reader) and 2-appreciate the closeness that ballroom dancing provides. especially in the throne room.
Either version will not tolerate any attempt to shame (reader) for her "history with other men" and will take it VERY badly.
Arthur from sds will defend (reader) tooth and nail, but if he can't reason with people, he simply applies a *little* bit of violence so they learn not to defame a pretty lady (he breaks their nose) .
with Arthur from 4kota...do I really have to say it? They will be lucky if they are whole after saying such blasphemy in front of him.
Arthur is definitely VERY determined to maintain (reader's) little remaining innocence, they've already been through so much, let them have a happy ending (even if that includes eliminating all races).
In general, no matter what past or "history" (reader) may have, Arthur loves her and sees her as her own person, let things move forward in their time, and will fight for his lady's honor.
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Thanks for the Request ❤️
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nastyavolk-cp · 5 months
The Angel of Hades I
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Tagging: @aphroditelovesu @the-broken-truth General warnings: Yandere themes (next part), platonic love, kidnapping, themes about autism and ADHD, mental health discussion, etc. Notes: Bianca and her mother are my OCs, do not use them without consulting me. Everyone else belongs to Rick Riordan and belongs to the Percy Jackson universe. Good reading, welcome to the part one!
“You are a demigod, Bianca.”
The young girl swore she had heard something similar in the past, more specifically the phrase 'You're a wizard, Harry.' When she had a phase of liking Harry Potter and witchcraft, in her defense she was a child who had just found herself. in a fandom she liked. But now she was over 17 years old, one step away from reaching the age of majority, she finished high school and was already listing all the public universities in Curitiba, her hometown where she currently lives with her mother and relatives, to take the entrance exam to college.
This news, however, was one of the most unexpected things she had ever heard, but it did not appear, at least in her mind, as something impossible. Since she was a child, she has seen some very unlikely things and has experienced situations in which she thought impossible to happen, but which unfortunately were very real, she believed it was because of her diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that she received. aged seven, in addition to his confirmed Autism Spectrum Disorder, which was diagnosed months after ADHD.
But at that moment, she was facing a fucking satyr, or faun? This didn't matter to her at the time, because the moment he had said what she really was, with her mother present, Bianca had her doubts.
“A demigoddess? Like, daughter of some god?” She asked just to make sure that was what he was talking about, as obvious as it was, and the creature nodded, confirming her suspicions. “Whose then?” The young woman continued, her pale hands trembling slightly, her right leg swayed in a discreet way but which made the satyr and her own mother a little nervous, who looked at her with a look of compassion.
“I’m not sure, you’ll only find out once you’re at Camp Half Blood.” The creature explained before taking a sip of the fresh cup of coffee that her mother, Isabel, had prepared for this visit.
“Camp Half-Blood? What is this place?” Bianca asked, leaning a little towards the coffee table, her hazel eyes showed curiosity but also slight fear, did she really have to go to this place?
“It's a camp, obviously, dedicated to training demigods, just like you, from all over the world. This specific Camp is dedicated to the direct descendants of Greek gods, I don’t know if you’re already familiar with━”
“Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Eros, Aphrodite, Had━”
“Yes, yes, those same ones. I can already see that you are already familiar with this matter.” The satyr comically interrupted the young woman listing all the Greek gods that came into her head, extending his hand and making a stop sign right in the young woman's face.
Bianca quickly returned to her original posture, she seemed more tense than before, she didn't know exactly what to do with these feelings, she felt like her chest was about to explode, or maybe she was close to having a heart attack, either way, she didn't seem to be taking this news very well.
“Do I... have to go to this place, where is it?” She asked nervously, seeing her mother looking worried, who immediately went to sit next to her daughter to try to calm her down and prevent a possible panic attack.
“It is in the state of New York, in the United States of America.” The satyr replied, drinking the last sip of the cup of coffee and placing it carefully on the coffee table. “It is rare that we find demigods who are already reaching adulthood, we usually get demigods who are entering adolescence. Maybe because you live here in Brazil it made our search for you a little more difficult. A few years ago we found a demigod just like you, but younger, who was from Rio de Janeiro. Maybe you two can get along.”
"No! I do not want to go!" Bianca said sounding a little too desperate, surprising the satyr and Isabel with her tone of voice, the latter immediately tried to comfort her.
“I don’t think that’s an option, young lady. When a demigod is discovered, heit needs immediately go there. It’s protocol and this serves to increase your chances of survival.” The satyr explained but the young woman shook her head.
“What part don’t you understand that I don’t want to go to?!”
“But sweetheart, you will be safe there, you will meet people like you, you will make friends there━”
“I don’t want to go!” The girl interrupted her mother, with tears already forming in her eyes, she couldn't stop acting like a child who refuses to go to school, but in her defense she was being forced to go to a place she didn't know, mixing with people she didn't know and the worst part of it all was that she wouldn't have any relatives or family there. How the hell is she going to stay in a camp in a different country and how is she going to get back to Brazil? Furthermore, she had everything prepared so that she could enter a public university in her city, wanting to study Arts or History, her plans could not be snatched away from her like that.
“Bianca please-” Her mother was startled when the young woman got up from the sofa and walked away, with Isabel desperately going after her worried daughter, at the same time apologizing to the satyr and asking him to wait in the living room, but the girl as soon as she arrived in her bedroom, she closed the door and locked it before her mother could reach the handle and try to open the door, the latter had no success.
As her mother insistently called her, Bianca threw herself on her bed and began to cry into the pillows, when everything seemed to be stabilizing and her life was getting back on track, a fucking satyr came and ruined everything and told her the whole truth, in addition to wanting to force her to go on this camp without respecting the decisions she wanted to make for the life that was hers.
The young woman didn't know how long she cried, ignoring her mother calling her, who eventually gave up when she saw that she wouldn't have any response and that the whole situation had upset her, but at the end of it all, after feeling her eyes pulsing and swollen , her face burning and a throbbing headache, Bianca fell asleep out of the blue, she would undoubtedly wake up feeling bad afterwards but that didn't bother her as she could finally have an escape in her dreams.
Not long after she woke up, she felt really bad, the headache was worse and her eyes hurt a lot, she rubbed her face against the pillow that had previously been used to dry her tears, which were not few. She moved her arms a little until in her hands she felt the softness and fur of a stuffed animal, she turned to the side and saw that it was her plush of Tigger, a character from Winnie the Pooh, one of her favorite childhood cartoons and since she was little she was attached to him, taking him anywhere, no matter where.
Then Bianca took her old stuffed animal and pulled it towards her, hugging it tightly and rubbing her freckled face against it. This immediately improved her mood. She felt calmer, lighter, but when she remembered what had happened previously, She felt shame invade her and her first thought was…
“Ah… my mother must be upset with me…” She said, vocalizing her thoughts. Bianca was very disappointed with herself, he must have embarrassed her mother in front of that satyr, or faun…?
At the same moment, she heard someone knocking on her bedroom door, she already knew who it was because of the rhythm and tone of the knocks, it was her mother. She got up from the bed, still holding the Tigger plushie, and went to her bedroom door, she turned the key and immediately opened the door.
Isabel stood before her, with a guilty look, and in her hands she held a gourd with the already prepared chimarrão. Upon seeing her daughter's swollen eyes, the older woman sighed, feeling even more guilty about what happened.
“Mama… I’m sorry…” Bianca began, her voice was a little hoarse, her mother looked surprised but it was nothing unpredictable, her daughter apologized for many things even if she wasn’t at fault.or causing any problem.
“Honey, this isn’t your fault. I know you were upset because you… well… had other plans and no one expected that…” Isabel began and entered her daughter's room, the two then sat on the bed, the older woman handed the chimarrão to her daughter, and she took it. and drank some of it through a straw, it was bitter but at the same time it relieved the tension in her body, now allowing her to relax again.
“He told me that you really need to go to this camp, that it would be for your own safety and that you will be prepared to defend yourself from monsters. I swear, my dear, that whatever these monsters are, I know you will be more than capable of protecting yourself. I believe in you, my love. Everything will be fine."
Everything will be fine…
“How long… how long do I need to stay there…?” Bianca asked before taking a few more sips of mate.
“3 months, it would be like spending the whole summer there.” Her mother explained, this worried the girl a little because in the northern hemisphere summer would be June, July and August, and if she entered a university, she would only have a single month of full vacation which in this case would only be July. Hmm..
“And would it be that if I went to college I would only need to stay there for a month?” It was a valid question, after all she didn't want to give up going to college, and it was already the beginning of July, she spent half the semester studying so she could take the entrance exams for public universities in her state.
“You can try to negotiate.” Isabel said, encouraging her. Bianca felt more relieved, of course she was still very insecure, as this was something that came up suddenly, but with her mother's unconditional support, she could begin this journey as a demigod daughter of whoever.
"I love you my love. Mama is here, always.” Isabel said, kissing her daughter's forehead, she was one of the only people who could do that to Bianca, since she didn't really like physical touch and affection in that way, but her mother was the exception, as she was her daughter. greatest comfort person, your companion and even partner in crime.
Bianca felt scared, as it was normal for everyone to feel scared, but if she was to actually go there, she could finally answer the questions she had been asking her entire life.
Starting with the fact that she saw ghosts, but it was probably something that anyone could see, right?
She had a few hours to prepare for that day, her mother had said the same day the satyr was at her house that he would show up the next day to take her to Camp Half Blood via teleportation. Yes, Bianca really thought she was living in a fiction book just like Harry Potter, but obviously all of this was different for several, many reasons.
Her mother helped her separate her clothes into a large gym bag as well as some personal hygiene items, makeup (at her own insistence), her medicines and even some drawing materials if they had free time and she didn't die of boredom. In the end, she was ready, at least physically, emotionally she couldn't unfortunately say the same.
Now it was her time to go, after having breakfast, taking a shower and getting ready, she knew that the satyr would be there waiting for her, her mother, in a way of bringing comfort to her daughter, had prepared soup for her to eat in a thermos cup, it was one of her comfort foods and safe for her to eat, since she preferred creamy foods with a soft texture as they were what pleases her sensitive palate. Before going to the satyr who waited before them, Isabel hugged her daughter, feeling that this would be the last time she would see her and who knows, after three months she would return to her arms again.
“Are you ready for us to go, miss Bianca?” The satyr asked, as much as the young woman wanted to say no, she lightly bit her lip and nodded yes. In one of the creature's hands there were two small shiny spheres, the size and shape of a marble. Bianca took this marble while the satyr explained that these pearls were used to teleport them wherever they wanted to go.
“Close your eyes, miss. Allow me to guide us to Camp Half-Blood.” Bianca sighed and closed her eyes, he instructed that on three, they would throw the pearls on the floor while holding their hands free. When the count was over, the two threw the pearls on the floor and the young girl felt a sensation like butterflies fluttering in her stomach, but she didn't dare open her eyes.
“Miss, we are here.” The satyr said in a gentle voice, still holding the hand of the teenager who slowly opened her eyes, which little by little became accustomed to the natural luminosity of the Sun and hearing birds singing in the distance, sounds that looked like laughter, screams and moans. “Welcome to Camp Half Blood, miss━”
“Bianca… please. Call me Bianca.” The girl responded by letting go of the satyr's hand and letting out a deep sigh, relieved to be able to breathe fresh air and release all the tension that existed in her body and soul. She looked at the entrance to the camp, there was a text in ancient Greek but she couldn't understand what it was, then suddenly she heard the sounds of horse footsteps and in front of her was a large centaur, but it wasn't just any centaur.
“Good morning, Miss. Santos or Miss. Alves?” Chiron he said, probably lost because she had two last names and wasn't sure which one she would feel comfortable being called.
“Alves, you may call me Bianca Alves.” The girl replied in English, it wasn't the best and had her paranaense accent, and without looking the centaur in the eye, who dismissed this flawed presentation and extended his hand to her. Still without making eye contact, she shook his hand but quickly let go, not wanting to prolong this physical contact.
“Understood, Miss. Bianca Alves. Welcome to Camp Half Blood, I believe you have already received a brief explanation about our camp and the purpose for which it was created.” After a brief pause,Chiron continued. “We are happy to have you here, how did you manage to stay out of our sights? And monsters too, I suppose?”
“I don’t know… until yesterday I didn’t know I was a demigod in the first place.” Bianca responded by scratching her neck, which was true, the information that she was a demigoddess came very quickly and she still didn't know how to handle this news well.
“Usually we welcome and find demigods a little younger than you, you must be around 17 years old, we find demigods who are 10 to 12 years old, younger than those ages, it’s not difficult, but older demigods? They are a rarity here, as many… do not survive to adulthood.” The centaur explained and the last part scared the young woman, Chiron immediately realizes that his words may have frightened her and changes his approach so as not to prolong her despair any longer. “However, miss. I believe it must be because you probably haven't manifested your powers yet. Tell me, have you never noticed anything ‘abnormal’ in your life?”
“Well, I believe that something that is out of the ordinary is the fact that I see ghosts, but I think it���s nothing too out of the ordinary.” She replied, she didn't want to go into details about her autism and ADHD, if no one asked, she wouldn't need to talk, for now.
Then the centaur invites the girl to go with him, she follows him while he gives a brief explanation about how the camp worked, the daily activities, about the cabins, basically saying what was necessary and of course clearing up any doubts the girl had along the way. He also responded how she could contact her mother whenever she wanted, preferably during her spare time, and that if she joined a public college in her country of origin, he could make an exception for her to attend the camp in a single month, despite showing his concern about how little time she will stay compared to the other campers, but education comes first so it wasn't difficult to convince him.
He also explained that, as she has not yet been acclaimed by her divine relative, she will stay in the Hermes Cabin, along with the children of the god Hermes and some other campers who were not acclaimed yet. But there was a moment when as she looked at the cabins, she felt the centaur's gaze on her, narrowing his eyes at something.
"Is there any problem…?" She asked, a little embarrassed and the centaur quickly realized that he made her uncomfortable.
“Ah, my apologies, Ms. Alves, now having a good look I swore I had seen you before, but I don't think so, you must just look like someone I must have known a long time ago.” Chiron explained but the subject died once and for all, as Bianca didn't want to ask anything about it. They immediately walked around the camp again, with some campers looking at them and the Brazilian girl becoming even more uncomfortable with all this unwanted attention, she used her black hair to hide her face more from anyone who saw her from afar.
She started playing with her rings, it was one of the ways she used to calm herself, to relax her body and release any unpleasant emotions from her, while she listened to what Chiron was saying, she continued to look at every corner of the camp, not believing that this was her life now. There were many sensations and feelings at the same time and she continued to play even more with the rings on her fingers, trying to remain calm.
“Miss Alves, are you okay?” The centaur asked, noticing that the young woman was tense, he had already noticed something the moment he met her, the two stopped in front of the cafeteria, and Bianca didn't know how to answer that question. “Do you have something you would like to tell me? No need to be afraid, I’d like to help you fit in and get involved here.” He said reassuringly, his voice gentle and concerned.
“It's just… I don't know if there will be others like me… I'm autistic, sir. And… I don't know if I'll get along like everyone else here…” She explained, without still looking at him, the centaur contemplated the girl's words. He was thoughtful about her concerns, but in the end he was satisfied that she had told him the truth and opened the game so he could help her.
"Ms. Alves, I'm very relieved that you told me this, besides autism, do you have any comorbidities?”
“Hm, I figured. Do you take any medication or psychological treatment?”
“I do both, I take medication for ADHD.”
“Interestingly, no demigod here is taking or has had treatment with medication or even psychological support, you are a rarity, but of course that doesn't mean it's something bad and that it excludes you from others, in reality I believe it will be the opposite, I would like to know how it will handle your training and on missions if you are called upon. I want you to know that I am willing to do my best to help and support you on your journey at this camp, you can come to me and I will give you my support when you need it. But everything in its time, in no way do I want to pressure you or speed you up.”
"… Thank you very much. I mean it." She said, feeling embarrassed, but Chiron's words managed to reassure her enough, now she was less tense and they were able to continue walking around the camp. In the meantime, she met some campers and finally, when Chiron needed to take care of some matters about the camp, he left Bianca with Ares' children, where Clarisse La Rue took her in and was willing to be her trainer to teach her, for now, simple combat skills.
Hours had passed, Bianca had already settled in the Hermes Cabin and met some of his children, although she was still not comfortable, she had started well with Clarisse, the daughter of Ares, even though she seemed brutal and bloodthirsty, she was patient and welcomed her quickly at the speed of light. Bianca felt grateful for having achieved a new friendship, even quickly for her standards, as this rarely happened to her.
It was then that one of Ares's children ended up getting injured and someone ran to call one of Apollo's children who worked as healers. A few minutes later a blond boy a little younger than her appeared with a first aid kit. He didn't take long to tend to the son of Ares' injuries and at the same time scolded him to be more cautious in the next fight.
“I don’t want to see you hurt again today, capiche?” The blonde said and when he got up he immediately looked at Bianca, a little surprised to see someone he had never seen in his life, but he opened a huge warm smile when he realized that she was a new camper. “Oh, hello! You must be the new camper that arrived today, right? What’s your name and where are you from?”
“A-Are talking with me?" The Brazilian girl asked, surprised and embarrassed, pointing to herself and when Apolo's son approached, she was embarrassed and couldn't look him in the eye.
"Yes, I am!" The blonde stated, waiting for an answer and left his hand extended to shake her.
“I'm Bianca Alves, actually Bianca Heloísa Alves dos Santos, but you can just call me Bianca Alves. And I’m from Curitiba, Brazil.” She said, feeling ashamed at having made this shabby introduction, but still reluctant to shake his hand. Upon realizing this, Apollo's son lowered his hand seeing that she wasn't going to do it but didn't seem offended by her apathetic gesture.
“I'm William Andrew Solace, but everyone here knows me as Will Solace, son of Apollo! I hope we get along well, Bia!” Will said happily, Bianca expressed surprise at having already gained a nickname in a matter of seconds of interacting with Apollo's son.
“Ehh.. me too, I guess…” She replied, putting her hands in the pocket of her coat, she felt very embarrassed. It was getting close to dark and someone had mentioned Capture the Flag, a common activity in this camp. She was hesitant because she didn't know if she would be successful in this game or if she would end up experiencing some kind of humiliation or embarrassment, either by others or by herself. fault.
The Brazilian girl felt Will was still watching her, she had the feeling that he was analyzing her and that made her even more awkward, but Will quickly decided to leave saying that his obligations called him and that he had to prepare for the Capture the Flag.
“I hope I don’t fuck anything up.” Bianca thought, sighing deeply and deciding to follow Clarisse so as not to miss one of the only familiar faces. But little did she know that someone, from far, far away, was closely watching her and her movements.
Bianca can definitely say that she hates the Capture the Flag, she obviously stayed on the Ares children's team and Clarisse put her in a hunting position, the part of facing rivals was up to her, as leader, and the others. However, at a certain point when Bianca was distracted by some noises, she lost her team.
She felt panic but tried as much as she could to calm down, not wanting to destabilize herself in this way, but that proved impossible, the desire she had to sit on the dirt floor and remain silent, dealing with her panic attack alone as he often dealt with when he was younger. However, she needed courage and to move forward, of course the feeling of guilt also bothered her, as she only had one job and she was already capable of failing miserably.
But patience, that was all she needed, one time or another she would meet other people, whether they were on her team or not, but the darkness of the forest didn't really help her get around or get to where she was, she tried to guide herself through of the sounds but seeing that she was basically lost, she reconsidered actually sitting down and crying, waiting for someone to find her and later being seen as cowardly and scared.
So after walking so, so much, and not finding herself anywhere, just in front of a stream but still without finding anyone, she sat down near a tree and started crying, how was she really able to get lost like that? Bianca knew that this was not a grown-up attitude, that she should be more resilient and courageous, but it was impossible to contain herself like that.
One sound, however, caught her attention, she heard it as if it were several people celebrating from afar, is the game over? For how long was she lost? Did her team win? When she got up to finally go find her colleagues, something appeared from the shadows and appeared before her. It was a huge dog and had black fur with scarlet red eyes, thirsty for blood.
A hellhound.
Bianca stood frozen, watching in terror at the creature before her, ready to make mincemeat of her, growling loudly at her, then the creature waited for her to make a sudden movement to attack it and at the height of her panic, Bianca walked back, stepping on a branch and breaking it, opening the gap for the creature to attack ferociously.
She let out a cold and dark scream, but she was quick enough to avoid the hellhound, being narrowly caught by him, but Bianca fell to the ground and she wouldn't have time to get up and run away, it would be useless, she continued to scream. desperate, an attempt to get someone's attention but she had no hope.
This was definitely the end, it was almost pathetic, die on your first day.
But when the creature got dangerously close to her, ready to attack her, with Bianca still screaming and hearing sounds of people getting close, something hit the great hellhound and the earth beneath her shook, she couldn't see what was really happening, but the hellhound moaned and made sounds of pain, as if something was hitting him from behind and finally, the creature couldn't resist and fell to the ground, revealing its back pierced by sword blows and a bunch of skeletons holding swords.
Bianca was paralyzed once again.
The skeletons looked at her with their non-existent eyes, they were wearing gladiators' uniform and had shiny bronze swords in their hands, there were three of them and one of the group walked over the dead hellhound and walked towards her, she managed to recover her movements but was left with her back pressed against the tree, thinking that perhaps her destiny was to die.
To her surprise, the skeleton raised his bony hand and gently patted her head, as if she were a scared puppy, and she felt as if he was trying to comfort her from her fright, she thought he had even said 'It's okay. It's okay, my lady.' The footsteps became more audible and the voices called her name, suddenly a light took over the ambience, the glow came from the top of her head.
When the light dimmed and many of her campmates arrived, she saw that a figure was forming in the middle of that glow, it was a bident, Bianca could see the shock on the faces of everyone who was with her, the skeletons took off their helmets and knelt down before her, which left her even more confused but it didn't take long for Chiron, who was in front of her, to take action.
“Everyone hail to Bianca Heloísa Alves dos Santos, daughter of Lord Hades, the Unseen, God of the Underworld, Riches and the Dead.” With that, everyone without exception hailed before Bianca, who couldn't handle all the pressure towards her and lost consciousness quickly.
She is Daughter of Hades...
For Nico di Angelo, it was just another normal day, he could easily sum up his day as staying at his cabin, spending time with Will and some friends, as well as sending Iris Messages to Hazel, Reyna, Jason and Frank at Camp Jupiter. However, he knew, through some campers, that there was a new girl wandering around, but he didn't pay any attention to it, after all, it was just another one.
How wrong he was.
A whole day had passed, after having spent hours talking with his Roman friends, he left his cabin and went to meet Will, who he had heard was in the arena area to take care of a neglected son of Ares. However, when he entered, but still hidden through the shadows, he saw his blonde boyfriend talking to a girl, but he couldn't see her face well.
“... I hope we get along well, Bia!” The son of Hades only managed to capture this phrase coming from his boyfriend and he froze when he heard the nickname, Bia was the way he affectionately called his older sister Bianca, who had died so long ago and who he missed every day. Curious, but slightly afraid, Nico came out of the shadows a little while still remaining hidden so he could closely observe the girl with whom Will was trying to have a decently animated dialogue.
Now a little closer, Nico could see some more features of this girl, although he couldn't see her face, it was scary how similar she was to his sister, she had straight black hair that went past her shoulders, she wore a wide brown flannel coat, a long ankle-length skirt with several cutouts of distinct dark prints and black sneakers. Nico wanted to tell himself that this was just in his head, there was no way the girl could be his sister, as she was obviously dead.
But when her boyfriend walked away from her he could see a part of her face, even though she couldn't see him, he froze. Identical. Almost an accurate reflection of her sister, except that she looked much older, perhaps around 17 years old, the same age Bianca would be if she were alive, had paler complaxion, quite similar to his, her freckles were subtle and she had a languid, delicate form.
"My love!" Will said, appearing next to his boyfriend, Nico almost jumped and looked at the blonde with his black eyes looking at him seriously, he didn't really like being surprised but as he was his partner, he ignored it most of the time. They greet each other with a quick peck but even with that, Nico couldn't stop seeing the girl in his mind and how frighteningly similar she was to Bianca.
“Will, who was the girl you were talking to just now?” Nico asked, wanting to quell his curiosity, maybe it was all in his head, maybe just a freak out he was having.
“Ah, it’s Bianca, she’s the new camper who came from Brazil.”
Nico froze once again, he hadn't heard it wrong, the girl's name was Bianca, it wasn't possible that fate was playing a sick joke on him, as if the fact that he had lost his older sister several years ago, suddenly, wasn't enough. Just because he got over it, a girl came along who looked extremely similar to her and had the SAME NAME AS HER.
He was just a few steps away from having a mental breakdown and Will quickly realized that his boyfriend was acting strange, but decided not to ask at the moment, considering it might make the son of Hades more uncomfortable than he already was. The blonde took his boyfriend's hand and decided to take him to the infirmary to spend time together, but he wouldn't forget the strange way his boyfriend had reacted when he found out about the new camper.
Hours later, everyone was playing Capture the Flag, after some time, the game had ended, resulting in the victory of the team led by Athena's children, but Ares' children showed concern not because they had lost the competition but because they noticed the absence of a person and just when they began to question themselves, screams were heard from not far away, many ran to help the missing camper who was in obvious danger.
Nico went with the crowd with his boyfriend Will and some friends, following the sound of the camper's screams, but as soon as they arrived at the scene, they came across an unusual scene. A dead hellhound was on the floor, with a bunch of skeletons wearing gladiator clothes with swords in their hands and one was patting the new girl, Bianca, on the head.
Then, with a touch of magic, a bright source of light appeared on her head, which gradually revealed itself to be the sign that she had been acclaimed, and she was the daughter of none other than Hades himself.
“Everyone hail to Bianca Heloísa Alves dos Santos, daughter of Lord Hades, the Unseen, God of the Underworld, Riches and the Dead.” Chiron spoke and everyone with no exception hailed to her, but due to the shock and fright Bianca fainted. Clarisse was in charge of taking her to the infirmary where she would be taken care of and they would carry out general examinations to locate possible serious injuries.
When Clarisse passed by his side, Nico couldn't help but look once again at the passed out girl, her unconscious face was really and inevitably identical with his long deceased sister.
Who was she? What did Fates have in store for them? Why is she identical to his sister and why the same name? Was it really all coincidence or was it the work of the Fates, ready to fuck with Nico di Angelo's life again?
Oh my God, guys. Finally I did it, it took me whole weeks to write it, I know my writing skills aren't refined and English obviously isn't my first language, but I want to thank everyone for reading the first part of Angel of Hades, I'm so excited to write the next part, I promise it will be way more interesting than this part, since it's only an introduction!
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And yeah, Isabelle Fuhrman is Bianca's face claim, keep that in mind, hehehe ❤️
Edit: Oh God, how embarrassing. I corrected some writing mistakes I just noticed now 😡😡
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Hi! Could i request Ace, Dwight, Deathslinger, Wraith and Spirit with an opposite role reader, whose life before the fog is almost identical to theirs, except for places, names and the outcome? Doesn't really matter if it's romantic or platonic, i'll take anythingggg
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Dwight Fairfield:
Dwight, honestly, was utterly shocked when he found out you were…normal before you were a killer. No, he knows most killers were relatively normal before they were taken here — but you were normal like he was normal. You worked an office job and had dismissive coworkers. You had to go to office parties where no one talked to you. No wonder you wanted to kill people. But in all honesty — he feels strangely comfortable with you. You’re someone he can relate to, there’s no one else really similar to him here, everyone else is far too interesting. He finds it a bit funny to try to chat with you like you’re both standing around the water cooler…even if he’s afraid it might get him killed for bringing back old memories.
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Ace Visconti:
Honestly, Ace can totally see how gambling lead to murder. He had his fair share of threats of knee-breaking, he knows at some point, someone in the same boat as him would’ve turned to murder to solve their problems. That’s not for him, but hey, each to their own. He’s more interested in sharing trade secrets with a fellow gambler, likelihoods, percentages, even ways to cheat. Even if he can’t exactly gamble as easily in the fog, it’s still his passion, and now he has you to share it with. Sometimes he likes to make little bets with you during your trials together, typically gambling with his life. He knows you enjoy a good game as much as he does.
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Philip Ojomo / The Wraith:
After learning you had gone through exactly what he’s been through, Philip could never bring himself to kill or even hurt you. He’d heard your story from another survivor under their breath, when he was skulking around behind them. He wasn’t sure what to do with the information, and he began avoiding you where he could so he didn’t have to hurt you. Plausible deniability, if he never saw you, he couldn’t very well sacrifice you. Sometimes, you caught his eyes while he was injuring or downing someone else, and you could tell he knew something about you — and you could tell that you had his sympathy. It takes him a while to want to get closer to you, but you know he loves you. You know he always feels safe around you.
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Rin Yamaoka / The Spirit:
Rin is not known for getting very close to other killers, let alone any of the survivors. She keeps to herself. She had heard your story from another killer — you were just like her. You were bullied and disdained by your family, too. She was never sure, exactly, how to approach you. She knows you're probably just as upset and angry as she is all the time, and she knows she doesn't like being approached. For a while, she just left you notes where she knew you'd see them, saying the two of you are kindred spirits, you're one in the same and she understands your pain. She seemed very happy when you came to her after exchanging notes to get to know her better.
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Caleb Quinn / The Deathslinger:
When Caleb hears that you were just like him before you were taken, a rough-and-tumble bounty hunter, he knows the two of you will get along perfectly. He had never paid you much attention before, but knowing you had lived a life of crime just like he did, and had someone you hated more than anything…he felt a sense of obligation to get to know you. He’s missed his posse for a long time, and you’re the first step to getting something like that back. He constantly sought you out and told you that you were welcome to come with him on his hunts. You two are almost never seen apart, always lounging around together and ranting about your arch-nemeses. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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pathetichimbos · 1 year
What kinds of decorations do you think Thomas has in his room? Is he pretty goblincore with handmade animal skin trinkets and various pretty things stolen off visitors? Or does he keep it classic and relatively bare?
Hmmm, I've always headcanoned he keeps a blank and empty room, but I know he enjoys making things... So, let's talk about it!
I think Thomas enjoys making things like jewelery with things he finds interesting, like various nature related things he's found outside, or even cool looking teeth or something off a victim, and of course a claw or something from an animal
It's not exactly a relaxing process but he's gotten really good with working with the jewelery over the years and it gives him something to focus on, and when he's wearing something he's made it gives him a way to stim and provides comfort when he's overwhelmed with something, so he makes the jewelry really strong so he can pull on it, maybe lightly snap it against his wrist, or just rub the charms between his fingers. Though, this habit died down a lot as he got older thanks to Hoyt and Montys unfriendly teasing.
He'll make other similar things from time to time, like wind chimes or sunlight catchers, using things like (again) bones, or sticks that make a certain noise he really likes when they clonk together, pieces of glass from a busted window in the barn, or light catching jewelery or anything of the sort off a victim.
I also think he'd enjoy working with clay. I like to take from the original movie and assume there's a lake nearby the Hewitt household that Thomas used to skip school (when he first went) to go play at as a kid, when no one else was around. He used to dig clay out of lake shore and make little sculptures to leave in the sun and dry. He still goes to the day, but it's harder to do since he has such a big responsibility in the household, but when he manages to sneak off he'll enjoy trying to make something again.
As for keeping things from the victims, I think Hoyt generally has first grab rules that Thomas doesn't try to fight against, and he gives his mother any particularly pretty jewelery he thinks she'd like. After that, it's free game, though there's not much left usually, so that's why he works with the actual body so much more.
But, at the end of the day, where's all this stuff go? You've been in Thomas' room, there's just a bed and a dresser, even the mirror is covered with a sheet. No trinkets, no decorations, nothing.
You've seen him make a few things, on one of the occasions you were sent down to fetch him by Luda Mae, and he's even given you a couple of the trinkets himself.
You'll see them in the house, scattered around. An unidentifiable clay figure, sitting on the shelf with family pictures. A handmade bracelet in the bowl kept by the door. A light catcher swinging around in the kitchen window, even a few he really liked kept in the basement at his crafting station, but never any in Thomas' room.
But, you can find them. If you start showing extra interest in his makings, asking to watch him work, lighting up like a Christmas tree when he gives you something, you can find them.
You'll be laying on the couch with him, your legs thrown over his lap as you lay out, his hand in your own lap as you tug and stim with his bracelet as the two of you watch the old black and white TV across the room, and you'll mention how nice the bracelet is, and how you wish you had one of your own.
You didn't really mean much by the comment, just sort of lazily mentioned it as you zoned out watch the cartoons you had found, but suddenly Thomas is standing up, one arm under your knees and the other cradling your back as he lifts you with ease.
He carries you up the stairs, and you're caught a little off guard when he takes you to the bedroom the two of you have been sharing.
It wasn't uncommon for him to simply grab your hand and pull you places when he needed or wanted something, since he couldn't exactly tell you directly, but it wasn't often he carried you like this.
He'll set you on the bed after shutting the door, and hesitant for a moment, before pulling a small wooden box from his closet and showing you.
When he opens it, it's filled with a lot of things he made over the years, things he couldn't part with but couldn't find anything to do with. Several bracelets are inside, all with different kind of textures and things, and he insists you pick your favorite and keep it.
You can't help but notice several things you really like, though, and you ask him if you can keep them out and put them on the dresser.
His immediate answer is no, after all, men aren't supposed to make things and fill their room with such pretty and happy things, right? That's too childish, that's too girly, and that's exactly what he hears for years from his uncles.
You're persistent though, after all, *you* were the one that wanted them out, if they had such a problem with it they could take it up with you, and after living there so long you had built up a thick skin to the two men, something that Thomas admired and worried over often.
So, in the end, I think Thomas would love to decorate his room with all the pretty rocks he finds and trinkets he makes, but he won't really do it unless he's given that push, because Hoyt and Monty are old school, even for the 70s, and Thomas would rather comply than deal with their relentless bullying.
Thanks for sending in the ask!!!
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unhappy-last-resort · 4 months
Wanshi's Report Log
Warning: yandere themes
A/N: another drabble, trying to work out how I want these fuckwads to be written
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I got assigned to a scout mission in City 006 to investigate an old research lab. Everything went according to the plan Captain planned out, though he put some emphasis on finishing this quickly... Guess Captain's busy. Hopefully that means I can catch up on my sleep.
Anyway, Me and Camu went on either side of parameters of the lab while Captain and Kamui started investigating inside. Nothing too unusual, other than catching a glimpse of someone scurrying out into the city...they looked pretty similar to that ascendant Roland, the one with the newer frame.
I told Capt about it and he told us to continue investigating the outer areas and keep an eye out for anything else before meeting up in the center of the lab.
We continued investigating and didn't find anything of note, other than some dusty puppets and a makeshift stage in an abandoned apartment. One of the puppets looked like Roland, and the others looked like Alpha, Luna, Lamia and... Uh, I forgot the last one.
I told Captain about the puppets when we met up, though he was acting a little weird. He was smiling to himself and had his hand on his in-ear piece...he's been doing that a lot lately, Kamui even made a joke that Captain must have a partner, but then Capt scolded him about staying focused. Even though it was a joke, he seemed unusually upset about it...
Sorry, this doesn't belong in a mission report. Anyway, we searched through the rest of the lab with only an occasional corrupted impeding our path. We successfully found all of the mission targets and are currently en-route to Babylonia.
A soft click of my terminal announces the end of my report log. All things considered, this was relatively easy, especially for something that called the entire Strike Hawk squad. A displeased sigh left my lips as I stared idly at the ceiling of the transport craft. I could've been sleeping in the Gray Raven lounge instead of doing this.
I steal a glance at my teammates. Kamui is playing a game he somehow got on his terminal, Camu is sitting farthest from us seemingly thinking about something, and Captain... He's doing it again. Chrome's sitting across from me and staring at something in his private terminal while listening to something on his in-ear piece, whatever he's watching...it's certainly making him happy in a way I've never seen before.
I look at him for a moment longer in apprehension. In the recent past, I wouldn't hesitate to ask him what's going on... but now, there's something drifting between us. Between all of us that no one seems willing to talk about.
I have my suspicions of course. Like how Kamui and Camu seem excessively clingy to the Commandant, excessively so, and how Chrome always seems to be watching the Commandant like a hawk whenever they're in his vision.
I'm in no place to judge though. I can't say with confidence my weekly visits to their room are entirely pure in nature anymore, I'm also finding it harder to be without them. I look down at my hands for a moment and close my eyes, it's not my fault their room is so much more comfortable than anywhere else and how their scent is so relaxing.
I sigh again and cast a glance over my three teammates again, carefully observing their facial expressions and body language. If it wasn't for them keeping me grounded, I don't know where I'd be. Probably killed by some self-righteous Purifying Force member by now. That's why I can't stand that this is happening. Even if the Commandant finally gives themselves to me tomorrow, if I can't live with Strike Hawk by my side, then what's the point? I'd be dead if it wasn't for them, no way am I letting something come between us.
Maybe I'm too greedy, but I can't help it. I want what's mine to stay mine. I can't let go of either of them.
I inhale deeply as a multitude of ideas and potential outcomes race through my M.I.N.D.. "How troublesome." I mutter to myself close my eyes and ready myself for a nap. I'll need the energy for what I have to do later.
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
what are some plot holes in jttw? would be fun to try to make sense of it as a fan
Hmmm, surprisingly not a terrible amount at least when I did my first and second run-through! It helps that in the story, each arc is nearly a self-contained story within itself so really they don't like contradict each other. But that doesn't mean that this story is perfect as this was made with a combination of multiple of stories that Wu Cheng'en collected and gracefully mashed together to create this novel.
I would say the biggest plot hole you would see people bring up is why Wukong is so much weaker on the journey compared to his Havoc in Heaven. He went against 100,000 soldiers and even defeated the Jade Emporer, about to smash his head in if not for Buddha coming in last minute. And the out-of-story reason is that... there NEEDS to be a story at all and we can't have Wukong bulldozing through every arc, that isn't isn't actually a compelling narrative. In-story-reason we are never given but I have two! One is that Wukong lost power under the mountain, not just from being weakened and he has to slowly regain his strength but that he lost his mental fortitude. Wukong was defeated in battle for the first time (not including his draw with Erlang Shen) and everything he knows about might is right is gone. He has not only lost the battle but also lost the foundations of his philosophy. His actions do have consequences and while he was able to use his power with near reckless abandon he knows how this self-awareness to himself he didn't have before that is almost mentally blocking him from using his full strength, something that even he refuses to acknowledge within himself because that would be confronting that part of himself. Another theory is that the demons that he fights along the road ARE just stronger than demons he has fought in the past. That a new generation of demon, inspired by the legend of the Demon Monkey that took on heaven, gained power rapidly within the 500 years he was down and Wukong found himself unprepared for a new world of demons that were aiming to be just as powerful as him.
The second plot hole you see many times in the arcs is maybe asking 'why is it that Wukong could use sleeping bugs in his arc and he doesn't in every arc' or like 'why doesn't he just turn invisible every and just snap demons neck' or something like why doesn't Wukong or the gang use like their magic powers in more complex plans to take down their enemies and that is similar to the first out-of-story reason that there needs to be a narrative and there is a lot of magic powers that cannot all be counted. In-story-reason is that Wukong is an impulsive man and usually does pick his first plan before thinking out others, as I will say he does show that he is a fan of espionage and can transform into anything to sneak into his enemies' lairs. He COULD just make the whole room pass out when he is just a fly on the wall sure but that wouldn't be nearly as fun.
There was a time Wukong claimed he ate humans but this cannot be true as later Sanzang has Wukong perform a life-giving magic that neither Bajie nor Wujing were able to do because they have eaten humans before. This mostly likely being that Wukong only said so to make a point to Sanzang but in reality, he has never eaten a human because his soul is still pure.
Azure lion appears twice in the novel, once as the Lion-Lyxn Demon and returning as the Azure Lion in the Camel Ridge Arc. This appearance is not commented on but it isn't impossible considering the first time he was asked to be a trial, and the second time he was running away from his Master.
Erlang Shen burning the mountain is most likely him following the nine familial exterminations where all families of a criminal must pay for their relatives' crimes. We see that Wukong actually THANKS Erlang Shen the next time they meet, even calling him his sworn brother, after seeing his Flower Fruit Mountain. While never outright stated this is to be believed that Wukong was grateful that Erlang Shen didn't not follow those orders to the letter and kill all his monkeys, rather he spared enough to still live on the mountain. This would still show Erlang Shen as a rebel in his own right which does follow his own lore.
Bailong doesn't get involved in most of the journey but this could be that he lost his scales and horns in his punishment. While not stated this could have greatly devalued his powers or perhaps even taken away his abilities to turn back into a dragon altogether until they reach the West. We see that he can still transform into a human form but he reverts back to his horse form when injured.
Wukong claims that he got his sleeping bugs from a bet from one of the Heavenly Kings, but we also see that he can MAKE the sleeping bugs with his fur as well... meaning that him having the real bugs is a moot point. He keeps enough to make sure they can reproduce.
Never try to power scale. Wukong is able to defeat Nezha, but wasn't able to defeat Bull Demon King (despite him running away every time before the fight could finish), but the Bull Demon King was taken down by Nezha just shows that all these guys are powerful yeah but like every battle is circumstantial and like while some people are strong, some are stronger just for this fight.
Wukong's demon-revealing eyes unable to tell if Azure Lion or Sanzang were the true form, could suggest that Wukong's eyes are always infallible. This was brought up to me recently by Ryin but Wukong's eyes work more like to see aura rather than x-ray vision, as he can tell when someone is a demon but he can't tell what kind or who really underneath. He does this again in the Jade Rabbit Arc where he knows that the princes is a demon but their aura isn't strong enough that he can tell who they are under their human disguise.
Not really a plothole but they can't just fly all the way to the West cause Sanzang can't stay on the cloud being a mortal. We see this at the end where they recount that he hasn't done all 81 trails and he loses his cloud mid-flight causing the scirptures to get wet.
It is never stated that Wujing ate all of Sanzang's past lives but it could be suggested since Wujing's necklace is made from nine scripture pilgrims, suggesting that perhaps Sanzang never lived past 30 in all his past lives. This is more of a theory than anything else.
Wukong's staff being stolen in the Twany Lion Arc despite being so heavy no one could lift it. This could be that Wukong is able to command the weight of the staff and thus he made it light for the servants to pick it up as they made replicas for the king but that it has to be within his range to make it heavy again.
Sanzang has healing spit and we never get to see that in action again after he cruses his grandmother's blindness.
These are some theories/plot holes that I have found, but honestly there isn’t a lot. Xiyouji has the advantage of having several self-contained arcs within the story that that does help keep up with consistency. I would say that the only big problem is that if a character uses a power in the past, it can be questioned why it’s never brought up up again, but that’s hardly “plothole” and just a miss opportunity. But understanding from a writing perspective, it does require the plot to go on!
Overall, if I missed anything or anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to add!
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aritsukemo · 7 months
Hello, if requests are still open, then I would like to do just that. Can I have a request with Hero and Kel or omori gang with a reader who has abusive parents? This could be shouting, insults, beatings, pressure from grades and much more, in principle, how strong the cruelty will be is not very important to me, although I would like to at least get to small beatings, severity, insults and screams (I just have similar situation), but do it as you want. If I can't make a request like this for some reason, can I have a request also with Hero and Kel and with a reader who is overloaded with studies and activities, and later is on the verge of a breakdown or freaks out? The gender of the reader is not very important, but I would like either a GN!Reader or a Fem!Reader. I immediately apologize for any mistakes and if I somehow broke the rules, all the best to you!
Bandages and some much needed comfort | Omori
Characters: Hero and Kel
A/N: Okay. First off, I am so sorry this took so long! Second, I had a lot of trouble completing this request and since I haven't written anything Omori-related in a hot minute, I probably wrote these two out of character but I hope you don't mind. I'm not really accepting request right now but I decided to write this because I wanted to bring you comfort in your difficult times! I hope you enjoy this! :D
Warnings: Abuse is heavily implied! Reader has a vase thrown at them ( Hero ) and gets punched in the face ( Kel ) so please, if this upsets you, don't read this!
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"Well that was..interesting." Kel mumbled before letting out an awkward laugh. A mistake he realizes a bit too late as you look up at him, your face relatively stoic aside from the unshed tears that are bubbling.
"Oh, uh- ..My bad." He mumbles in a hast, forcing himself to look away from the dark spot that's slowly forming around your eye. You had been feeling down lately and Kel wanted to surprise you by visiting you. It was unfortunate that your mom had the day off today..
At first, it wasn't bad. After he introduced himself, your mom gently urged you to come downstairs. When you came down, your heart dropped to your ass when you saw your best friend at the door—Your best friend who apparently found out where you lived without your knowing.
Completely oblivious, Kel watched the whole ordeal go down. How you seemed oddly nervous as you quickly explained that he was just a friend you met at the park, how your mom practically glared at you only to look back at him and flash him a smile similar to the ones his mother would give him when she wasn't trying to look bad in front of guests, up until she told him to wait outside for you and shut the door in his face.
He waited outside for what seemed to him like forever but after a while, he heard some yelling and you had finally walked outside, your face bruised and beginning to swell.
And now he's walking with you in complete silence. Just great..
What is he supposed to do now? This silence is killing him..but how is he supposed to get rid of it? By asking questions about what happened? No, it's way too soon for that.. Should he crack a joke? Doubt you'll find anything funny right now..
..Agh, forget this. Just say something already.
"Hey, let's go to the store," Kel blurts out. You pause, your feet coming to a halt as you finally look back at him, your brows beginning to scrunch.
"Don't worry, you can wait for me outside. I just want to grab some stuff so we can bandage up your face," He pauses, "..I'm not the best when it comes to medical stuff so you might need to help me out.."
"Kel," You begin, but he's quick to interrupt you. Smiling brightly as he says, "Hey, do you think Gino's will give us a discount if you come in looking like a mummy? I know Halloween has passed but if we dress you up in a good enough costume I'm sure that pizza guy will give us something!"
You stare at him with a wide-eyed look and for a moment, Kel feared that you saw through his flimsy attempt at cheering you up—or even worse, he accidentally offended you with his joke. Luckily, it seemed like neither happened, you even laughed a little.
"I don't think that'll work Kel," You say, a small grin beginning to make it's way on your face. It causes Kel's smile to widen.
"Oh come on, it's a foolproof plan! If we just wrap your entire body—"
"I am not letting you wrap me head to toe in bandages."
"Well not with that attitude you aren't."
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A wince sounds, sucked in through clenched teeth as a small, burning pain sets fire to your skin. Hero's eyes momentarily break away from your arm, his eyes looking up to shoot you an apologetic glance before they quickly return to the small cuts that litter your arm.
"I'm sorry, but I have to clean them to prevent an infection.." He mumbles. His tone as soft as the clouds outside his window. Despite this, it does little to comfort you.
"I know.. It just stings a bit," You reply lowly in which Hero nods his head, now completely focused once again.
"I can't believe he did this to you," He says after a moment, his brows dipping to form a deep v, "And over something like this.. It makes me so angry.."
"It was my fault," You quickly say, "I shouldn't have left my phone unattended."
"He shouldn't have attacked you because you're living your life."
"My father wants me to focus on my grades so my scholarship doesn't go to waste. Plus he isn't fond of the idea of me getting into any kind of relationship so—"
"That gives him the excuse to put his hands on you? To throw a literal vase at you?" Hero questions, his words leaving his lips like sharpened daggers, none of which were directed at you. Even so, it makes you feel awkward and you end up falling silent as a result.
"Listen, I understand that you probably think this is normal since you've dealt with his behavior for so long but this isn't normal. Constantly having to be patched up because your father can't control his anger isn't normal."
"Of course I know that!" You say, beginning to raise your voice, "I know it's not normal but what can I do, huh? I'm a broke fucking college student! Hell, I can barely afford pizza let alone my own apartment!"
"I don't know if you know this, but not everyone has a nice life filled with loving friends and family like you do, Hero! Not everyone has caring parents who'll be happy for you and'll want to provide for you like your parents have!" Slowly, Hero's eyes begin to widen. Not because of your harsh words or the mean glare that he knows isn't fully directed at him, but because of the crystal-like tears that have begun to roll down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry.." You sniffle, "I.. I'm so sorry.." You begin to curl into yourself, your tears splashing on knees, "I.. I'm just.. I—" You cut yourself off as you choke, Hero's eyes soften.
"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it," Hero murmurs, tone soft as he slowly pulls away from you, sensing how overwhelmed you are, "And I'm sorry for being so inconsiderate. You were already upset and I made it worse.."
Putting his first aid kit aside, Hero slides back to lean against the foot of his bed, pulling his knees up to his chest as he listens to your sobs in silence.
He's not used to this side of you. He's not used to you being so vulnerable around him. You had always put on such a strong front around him, always showed such a caring and sweet façade to him, and as nice as that was at times, he often felt as if some wall was put between you two. One that was iron solid despite being made out of cotton candy and sour gumdrops. He always felt that when it came to certain things, you always hid how you truly felt as to avoid concerning others so in a way seeing you like this, your true feelings bursting out like water flowing out of a broken dam makes him feel as happy as it does sad. ( An odd feeling seeming as his partner is having a breakdown on his bed right now )
Eventually, Hero slides up onto his bed, his fingers slowly inching towards yours, "Would you like me to hold you?' He asks, scanning your hunched over form for any sign of rejection before snaking his arms loosely around you.
"I've been thinking lately. Well, a little longer than lately actually.." Hero mutters, "What if you moved in with me? You'd still have to wait a little while since I'm not allowed to live off campus yet, but you can always visit like you've been doing."
"I'm sorry that I can't rescue you immediately but if you'll be patient, I promise it'll be worth it. I've been looking at a few apartments and found some really good ones. We can look at them together tomorrow if you'd like. Speaking of which, what do you want for breakfast tomorrow? There's not much we can make without a stove but if push comes to shove I can always get something to eat. Of course, you'll have to leave the same way you came to avoid getting caught by security.."
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest
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cinderella-ish · 1 month
For the Fruits Basket asks: 2, 3, 19, and 18/20 for Momiji!
Oh, yay! I'm so glad you asked! (ask game here)
2. This might be the hardest question of all, because all the characters are so richly developed and I genuinely like (almost) all of them! I have a certain soft spot for Yuki and Momiji, of course, as the characters I relate to the most, and a similar soft spot for Ayame and Arisa, because I relate to them in a way as well, though to a lesser degree.
I've been writing a lot of Kyo, Saki, and (weirdly) Hiroshi, so I feel really attached to them right now. I mean, Kyo is a character whose happiness genuinely healed me. Saki's unapologetic weirdness is just the best (and uhhh my friend group in high school had a few people who shared several traits with Saki, so I was bound to like her). And Hiroshi and Yusuke are literally the best part of every scene they're in. (Especially Hiroshi in Cinderella-ish. Seriously, his narration is top tier!)
And Machi and Kakeru have a special place in my heart, too, partly because of their roles in Yuki's development, but also because of the ways I relate to each of them. And, of course, Tohru. I mean, there's so much to say about her, but her deep, deep empathy and the richness of her arc and development are just gorgeous.
I do keep coming back to Yuki and Momiji, though. They're central to two of the scenes that I found most surprisingly powerful; Yuki when he tells Kakeru "that isn't what I want!" and Momiji in his speech to Akito, when he says "a happiness might exist for me!" Outside of the major plot points of the series (which are nearly all centered around Tohru and Kyo), these two moments are, I think, some of the most satisfying developments for any of the characters, period.
(Oops, that turned into an essay 😅)
3. If we're sticking to named characters, I think Katsuya is the only choice. I know Takaya couldn't develop every single character in the series, but Katsuya is one whose development would have enriched not only him, but Kyoko, Tohru, and Grandpa Honda as well.
I think that the Katsuya-Kyoko relationship can be read as problematic and even predatory exactly as written. It reads as romanticized because it's told from Kyoko's point of view. But Katsuya himself remains kind of an enigma, and it's just really hard to like him when we don't even know what made him think pursuing a middle schooler was okay.
19. Oh gosh. You're going to get a few long answers, I fear. 😅
I have several favorite fanworks! Off the top of my head:
Ripples, by @proseprincess
So, canon divergent AUs are probably my favorite type of fic, and I especially love fics where one canon event changes, and everything that follows changes due to something like a butterfly effect. In this two-part series, Tohru never met Kureno in the park, which changes everything that came after in a big way. I love that this tackles some massive changes to canon, yet they all feel grounded in the world and characters we all know. The second installment is incomplete, but still very worth the read IMO, not only because part 1 ends with a massive cliffhanger, but because it's just so inventive and unlike anything else I've read. Maybe my very favorite fanwork.
I'll be Standing There By You, by Eboni_A
This is a beautiful, devastating AU told from Yuki's point of view where he finds out in the final weeks of her life that Tohru has terminal cancer. We see Yuki drop everything to come and support Kyo and be with Tohru in her final weeks, we see Tohru die, and we see Kyo and Yuki (and everyone else) try to keep going afterward. It's heartbreaking yet hopeful, and the author made relatively recent comments about a potential sequel! Fingers crossed!
Inertia, by miss_coverly @lesbian-kyoru
This is another canon divergent AU where Kyo and Tohru become friends with benefits before the curse breaks. It's honestly shocking how beautiful this work is. The prose is gorgeous, the angst is dialed all the way up, the sexual tension is dialed even higher, the characterization is crystal clear, it's honestly a masterclass in POV, the sex is sexy, and I could go on and on. I never thought a blowjob scene would make me cry, yet it did.
The Pursuit of Repeating History, by RiddleAfar @mistergrass
So, when I first started reading fanfiction, I stuck strictly with canon-compliant works. Then, I dipped my toes into canon divergence AUs like those above, but I heavily resisted reading anything with alternative pairings.
Then, I got curious about that one really popular Yuki/Kyo soulmates AU fic, and gave it a read. By the end of the first chapter, I couldn't put it down. And when I was finished reading, I knew I had to check out everything else by that author, which is how I ended up reading The Pursuit of Repeating History.
This story honestly showed me the power of fanfiction. The author legit crafted lore for the Fruits Basket universe. And the "lore" chapters (I think they're referred to as "intermissions") are each beautifully-told stories in their own right. But the author also grappled with how the curse might work, and I think they did an incredible job. I'm actually rereading this beast right now!
We'll Work it Out Together, by inheritanceofgeek @mrsmarymorstan
Okay, I'm a sucker for anything with lots of Hiroshi and Yusuke, and this story is probably the most Hiroshi-and-Yusuke-focused story on Ao3. (Probably worth mentioning the author's sideblog, @2d-iendfrays which is an absolute treasure!) In it, Kyo figures out he's asexual, then figures out he's demisexual, all with the help of his two wholesome buds.
Like almost all the authors on this list, inheritanceofgeek has some other really fantastic works that are worth checking out, from sexual humor to Yuki/Machi smut to a touching piece about new parenthood.
How Can I Thank You, by SharkFairy77
Another brilliant Yuki/Kyo piece, in which Yuki hosts Kakeru and Komaki for dinner (at the apartment he shares with Kyo), and at the last minute, Kakeru asks if Machi can come. (Machi is Yuki's ex in this universe)
The piece starts with dinner prep, and then dinner, and the character writing is just incredibly spot on. I loved the arc of the story through the dinner, and the way Kyo and Machi come to an understanding.
But then, we get into some A+ YukiKyo smut.
I'll Be Here, by Blanche2023 @biancanekoyokai
(Full disclosure - I beta read this work!)
This is a very sweet and sad piece about Kyo's first few days in Kazuma's care after his mother's death. Blanche's characterization is outstanding, and she handles tricky things (like writing a young Akito who's also performing head-of-the-family duties) in a really clever way.
I don't think there's enough pre-canon fic out there, nor enough gen fic, and this piece is just beautiful.
Escaping the future, by Modzy78
I really love the way Modzy78 thinks about the Fruits Basket universe, and her take on the canon-divergence of "what if Tohru never confessed to Kyo" is inventive, suspenseful, fluffy, and just such a fun read! I also really love her other canon divergent AU Cursing the Cursed. And Modzy78 is honestly a superhero for the fandom.
The Talk, by Geoduck @drgeoduck
Honestly, Geoduck has a ton of works you should read, but I'll mention this one because it's probably the funniest thing I've ever read. And then it somehow gets even funnier!
The Ones Who Walk Away From Sohma House, also by Geoduck
If you're a fan of Ursula K. Leguin (my very favorite author!), then you are probably familiar with her famous short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, and this short fic is an absolute must-read.
no one is lost, by emphasis
Momiji bumps into Ritsu in a gay bar. Not a pairing I ever imagined, but an excellent fic that puts Momiji in the position of "elder queer" to Ritsu. (Honestly, I wish there were more Momiji-as-elder-queer fics!)
Some other favorites:
The Night We Met, by pettyimperfections
Hold On, by Danyu
Heart Strain, by Kitty0430
I think about you all the time, by lucybeee @riceballcatfb (incomplete)
Making Nice, by Itsalreadyhalloweenright @riza-rin-rose (incomplete)
What's a White Lie Between Friends (& My Family)? by AnxietyAvocado
My Hands on You is Just a Fantasy, by unscheduledmakeouts
This Air is Blessed, by KyoDoodles
Please, Let Her Live, by @goldfishoflove
And that isn't even touching the dozens of phenomenal Yukeru fics! Just a small selection of Yukeru favorites:
fit back in, by @luftballons99
woebegone, by a-bigail @yunsoh
The Other Side of Paradise, by reconquer @yukisohmasmokesweed
If I Ever Feel Better, also by reconquer
if i do anything i regret tonight, no i didn't, by sacrificialParsnip (another fic where Momiji is an elder queer!)
i wanna be dyed with your colors, by halfhope
Like Fireworks in the Night Sky, by Princely_Hairdos (incomplete, currently being updated!)
President Perfect, by draebelle
tongue tied, by b_o_i (note: heed the warnings!)
And if you're familiar with OnigiriCat4Ever's canon continuation series, Always and Forever, some of my favorite works from that series include My Brother, Truth and Consequences, You Don't Understand, I Want to Understand, and all of their smut (collected in a separate series called Tohru and Kyo's Amorous Adventures, plus one explicit Hajime/Mutsuki fic).
And, of course, I'm really proud of my longfic, Bloom Within Us, and wrote it because it's the sort of thing I'd want to read. It's currently in progress, and I took a break from writing due to a family emergency, but I'm back at it and hope to start regular posting within a month.
uhhhh so I think I'll have to make my Momiji headcanons another post (hopefully tomorrow) because this got long! 😅 Thank you again for asking!
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dipplinduo · 3 months
So, I'm really looking to write a Dipplinshipping series myself and I really love the depth that you go into for S&D Dipplins (and its related spinoffs, I am very up to date).
Do you have any tips for keeping up with/writing longer works? I think my idea may take at least 10 chapters, but I've never been able to finish anything but oneshots before... I admire your consistency with the quality of your work (there has not been a single miss, not a one) and I hope to be able write like you one day.
No pressure to come up with anything if you don't know what to say. Regardless of anything, I hope this message reaches you well and that you have a fantastic day!
Omg I love writing talk asks and I'm so touched that you thought to ask me this question!
I'm gonna share stuff I found helpful to keep in mind:
- Take your time with storytelling. The advantage of having more chapters is that you can reallllyyyy enjoy your pacing. One way I do this is through gradual hints and breadcrumbs that build to the major plot points. It's a fun way to develop your story over time while keeping readers interested and theorizing. And when you're not focusing on the main plot, you can focus on other aspects of the story.
- Outlines and general note pages for your fic as a whole are your best friends. They will do the work of keeping track of different story elements for you.
- Listen to your readers. Their feedback is invaluable. If you get a lot of comments about something people seem to be enjoying, this may suggest that it's part of the voice of your fic. It can help you figure out what you'd want to emphasize more down the line - whether it be through side stories or through the main plot.
- Switch up some dynamics overtime. If you find yourself feeling stuck because you feel like you're trying to write similar kinds of moments, thoughts, or dialogues, this is a sign that it's time for you to move on and shake things up. I've done this with Kieran & Juliana in S&S D after I felt I have described Kieran seeing Juliana as a witch (who he has a hard time resisting lmao) so many times.
- Flush out the roles of supporting characters. They don't need their own character arcs, and they don't need to be focal points of the story. But they can influence some events, and it can help with the movement of your fic. (E.g. I often use Drayton to instigate moments one way or another, and this suits his character given that hes relatively chaotic neutral).
- Focus on the quality of telling your story first and foremost; you do not need the permission of certain chapter "markers" to progress. You don't need to wait for Chapter 10 or 15 or whatever to have a big moment happen. If everything is set up and ready to go, just do it. This is why a big moment of S&S D happens in Chapter 9 rather than Chapter 10; there was enough in place and I felt dragging it out would've diminished the moment. No one's really gonna care that much about how things line up to a chapter number. They're gonna be happy they got a big moment, and if anything, your ability to break this norm can keep readers on their toes.
- On the opposing ends of things, know when you have enough in a chapter to stop even if you know where you're going next. If you flushed out descriptions of someone's feelings or some scenery or whatever, and you feel you have enough? It's okay to stop writing and publish. Giving yourself more time to soak on ideas can improve the way you're going to pick up where you left off. I personally don't have a hard rule around this, but I tend to cut things off at the 15-20 page mark for a chapter of S&S D.
- If you feel like you're writing a filler chapter, think of ways it can build to your overarching story. You really don't need filler chapters if you think about it - even if you want to delay going somewhere specific. So if your work could be summed up when completed, what would you want someone to say? Think of ways you can slip in gradual storytelling from multiple angles - whether it be through plot or through some of the lighter moments (that may build to the heart of the fic like found family or dorm life or whatever). This can help breathe life into any chapter update.
- Remember that by taking your time, you're actually developing the voice of your writing and of the story. My original conception of S&S D and where it's at now are wildly different, and that's because there's no rushed time table. That goes for the storyline, the characters, the plot points - everything. LMAOOO, even the beach episode content is going to be very different because I gave myself permission to delay it until I figured out the exact roles I want Paldean Squad to play! It was a better decision that will lead to better characterization (even though I'm nonetheless very grateful for people's patience).
- Write on your timetable, not anyone else's. I occasionally put due dates on myself to get me going (e.g. by teasing a chapter update), but I never promise that I'll have chapters out on a weekly basis or whatnot for anything I write - S&S D related or not. This is deliberate. Life happens and the last thing you need is to write for the sake of writing and nothing else. I feel it's the easiest way to kill your passion if it becomes stressful for you.
- Lean into what inspires you. I find a LOT of motivation through comments, reactions, asks, fanart, etc., so I make it a point to respond to every comment on AO3 and engage continuously with the community on here and whatnot. I've also been loosely inspired by art pieces that have nothing to do with my work. This is just what works for me, though. Sometimes you might be inspired by other media, or maybe by things that you've seen or experienced in your own life. Whatever it is, draw from it.
Hmmm that's what comes to mind for now. Happy to give more later if they come up, & hope this helps! Best of luck with writing YOU GOT THISSSSS 🤗💛
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yepthatsacowalright · 6 months
Doctor Who, The Process Of Healing From Trauma, and Me: A Text Post Essay No One Asked For
Back in 2006ish, when I first started watching Doctor Who as a teenager in late high school/early college, it captivated me mind, body, and soul. I ate that early 2000s, broody-complex-hero shit up.
I loved that the Doctor grappled with the guilt and regret from some truly fucked up shit he did, and I loved that he gave the middle finger to it by going on wild, ridiculous-special-effects-ed adventures instead of attempting the mortifying ordeal of opening up about it.
I'm sure, judging by how popular the 2005 version of the show became, a lot of my generation felt similar. 9/11 hadn’t been that long ago. We were coming of age and starting to sense that the world kind of sucked major ass, and perhaps the older generations had been super lying to us about most things this whole time.
As such, Rose Tyler was living the dream as far as I was concerned. Abandoning her place in this bullshit society to go help people and save lives with someone who never settled, who always ran towards the darkness, who found ways to laugh and dance in it even…Rose's lifestyle was goals.
Not only did the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's struggle to opening up about what they'd been through or forgive themselves for it not bother teen me at all, I preferred it. It was understandable and relatable. I wasn't ready to actually look at and deal with any of my own problems either, I just didn't want to pretend like I had none. Admitting there's a problem is the first step, and that's where Nine, Ten, Rose, and me all hung out and had fun.
Rose’s "death" was when I started to feel differently. It wasn't that I didn't still enjoy the show - I kept watching through Martha and Donna's seasons, and also a little bit into Eleven's run - but it wasn't the same. I could never quite get over the loss of Rose, or how the Doctor chose to get over it by doing what he always did - ignore and repress.
It had been much easier to watch the Doctor do this with trauma when I didn't know much about what he'd been through, but every time he avoided the topic of Rose, or minimized who she was, it pissed me off. It felt bad to watch him do that to the memory of someone who mattered.
I was starting to realize that just admitting you had problems wasn't sustainable. I couldn't stay on that first step indefinitely, and Doctor Who didn't feel like it was my show anymore, which was fine. After all, it's a family-friendly series. An episode on intergalactic talk therapy is not going to be a hit with the kids.
I was off to have the one adventure the Doctor never could - to understand and manage my own mental health. Learning about psychology, learning about trauma, going to therapy. I processed, I surprised myself, I found new stories to obsess over that resonated with a different, older version of me.
Whenever I popped back into Doctor Who, it felt more nostalgic than anything else. It reminded me of how I used to feel, and how far I'd come. I had that bittersweet feeling of wishing I could connect with it the way I used to, but being grateful that the reason I couldn't was a positive, therapeutic one.
And then…the 60th Anniversary Specials.
David Tennant didn’t even do anything that different in his performance, and he admits as much in interviews. Trying to replicate what he did as the Tenth wouldn't make sense because he isn't the Tenth, and trying to do something completely new wouldn't make sense because then why bring back David at all?
He just played the role as an actor who's lived 10 more years since the last time he played the role, and brother that shit hit me hard.
All the natural, subtle, perhaps subconscious changes in him made me feel the weight of slightly too many years passing. Despite knowing I am relatively young, l’m at a point in my life where I, for the first time, feel old.
Gray hairs and smile lines that were only on the faces of grownups are now on the faces of me and my friends. I know I don't know it all, and also realize I know even less than I thought I did. Love feels deeper, loss feels heavier. I'm compelled to express feelings of gratitude and affection I used to always keep to myself. Oh, is that who I am now?
I love that the Doctor's body didn't just go back to Ten's face, but to an aged version of Ten's face. A version that would align with the aged version of Donna's. I know this was not a creative choice, it was literally just what David and Catherine look like now, but how perfect for time itself to play a role in the story, too.
I love that the Doctor, at last, had to catch up with what his body was telling him. To notice his feelings and learn what those feelings meant. Like the title of one of my favorite (and extremely relevant to this this post) books says, the body keeps the score.
And I loved the bi-generation.
I loved that Fourteen made the choice to stop and ask his friends to help him do it.
I know that RTD proposed a theory that in that moment all the previous regenerations became bi-generations as well, but I like the idea that all the others could have bi-generated, but didn't. They weren't ready to look at themselves, or ask for that help from anyone. Not until now.
And I love love LOVE Ncuti Gatwa as Fifteen. I love that the healed next Doctor is a millennial. That he is a Doctor who can freely say he loved his friends, he loved Rose, can tell his former self, "I love you."
The show's become such a beautiful portrayal of generational trauma and healing that did not know that's what it was until its end.
And now, it begins again.
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ghostieboi1 · 10 months
Papas and Pets
Papas I, II, III, IV
Summary: The types of pets the Papas would have and what kind of "animal dad" they'd be. (I was writing this while my cat was napping on me, he's very sweet 🥹)
Genres: Headcanons and fluff.
Warnings: Nothing other than tooth rotting fluff, all gifs are not mine
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Bird dad.
It's pretty simple logic, he's out in the gardens a lot more after retiring from being Papa and where do you constantly see birds? In gardens.
He's also fond of animals that aren't quite domesticated like opossums or raccoons but absolutely adores birds.
Any bird works for him but he has a particular fondness of owls, he has one in his room that's allowed to fly around freely most of the time.
That same owl can be seen wherever he's allowed to take it, whether it be on his shoulder or flying around him in a room.
He prides himself in being able to tame wild birds since it seems he's the only one in the Ministry that can, he calls himself the bird whisperer.
He's also the one you go to if a bird accidentally flew into one of the rooms in the Ministry because he'll wait until the bird lands near him then picks it up like it's just a rock or something and bring it outside.
For those cultured out there, you know that scene in Shrek 2 where Snow White sends those birds to attack those tree guard dudes? If he had to, Primo would probably be able to do it too.
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Snake dad.
I feel like he's also kinda snake coded, the vast majority of people are afraid of him because he looks scary but then there's the few that love him to death (me) and see he's just a silly man.
He's known for scaring anyone that openly talks shit about him with one of his pet snakes, so most people keep their opinions on him in private.
The first snake he had was when he was younger and Primo freaked out a little after a snake hissed at him and Secondo just picked it up was like "I'm keeping him and his name will be Tommy."
And since then he's always had at least one pet snake around, he started naming them after fictional characters that were often associated with snakes, including naming one of them Slytherin.
He can and will make the "May I take your jacket, sir/ma'am?" joke when one of his snakes sheds their skin.
Let's his snake mostly free roam his room when he's in the room as well so if he thinks they might get stuck or hurt, he's there to prevent it from happening.
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Cat dad.
This man LOVES cats, and he will openly cry if he sees anything where a cat is hurt or in danger even if it's fictional.
His favorite are black cats, mostly because he's sad they aren't shown enough love and because they seem to be the nicest cats.
He's also tried finding almost completely wild cats to adopt because he finds them absolutely beautiful.
Both Sister Imperator and Nihil have found him walking relatively fast in the Ministry's hallways late at night holding his jacket closed and stopped to ask him what he was doing and every time, without fail, the cat he was trying to hide meowed.
If he wasn't living in the Ministry, he'd be the crazy cat lady down the road that would even feed the stray cats his house couldn't hold.
COVERED in cat hair and cat scratches/bites all the time, it's impossible for him to get rid of them.
He's the "I found this cat malnourished in a garbage dumpster and I brought him here and he's my baby now" cat dad.
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Well, we can all guess what animal dad he is; Rat dad.
He used to be afraid of them but then he became fascinated with them and the rest is history.
Most people don't know about his pet rats so when they visit him in his office or room they get startled by them and maybe scream as Copia is just sitting at his desk/on his bed like "No! No! It's okay! It's okay!"
Similar to Terzo, he smuggled rats and would get caught by Sister Imperator every time.
Definitely gives his rats weird names like "Ratty Fatty" or some shit like that.
Also makes his rats fly when he wants to, but most of the time his rats will be napping somewhere on him.
Refers to his rats as his kids so when new Siblings of Sin join, they think he means actually children until they meet his rats.
Baby talks to his rats 24/7, and teaches his rats tricks when he's bored.
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