#i hope this still counts
estrellami-1 · 1 year
Steddie Week 2023
May 25th Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
Eddie’s waking up when Steve bursts into the room. Dustin, already at his bedside, excitedly waves Steve over.
Eddie groans, coughs twice, then opens his eyes, looking blankly around. His eyes sharpen in recognition when he sees Steve, and a small smile cracks his face when he looks at Dustin. “Hey, dude,” he mutters, trying to lift a hand to reach Dustin.
Dustin meets him halfway, grasping his hand, practically bent in half with emotion. “You asshole,” he gasps. “You- that’s- not fair, I thought you-” he bites his lip, shakes his head, and bursts into tears.
“Oh, hey,” Eddie says, trying to pull Dustin closer. “C’mon, man, it’s alright, I’m okay.”
Eventually Dustin calms down, moving away just long enough to drag a chair close enough to keep hold of Eddie.
Eddie looks up at Steve. “King Steve,” he says. “To what do I owe the honor? Or are you here to finally finish me off?”
To his surprise, Steve backs up, eyes suspiciously glassy. “I- sorry. Um. I’m gonna… check on Max.”
“Steve!” Dustin calls.
“Stay here,” Steve responds, not looking as he quickly walks out of the room.
Dustin turns an unimpressed eyebrow on Eddie. “I know you’re in pain and all that, but that was a dick move. I thought you and Steve were okay.”
Eddie laughs, then just as suddenly winces. “I haven’t talked to the dude since he was in high school, little buddy.”
“What? No, but you- he- the gates, Lover’s Lake- wait, holy shit-”
“-do you remember why you’re here?”
Eddie shrugs. “I heard something about an earthquake? And I vaguely remember trying to keep you safe.”
“Oh, fuck,” Dustin breathes, and runs out of the room yelling for Steve.
“What, what, what?” Steve asks, irritated.
Dustin pauses to catch his breath. “Eddie doesn’t remember,” he tells Steve, whose eyes widen. “He thinks you haven’t spoken since you were in high school. He thinks he’s here because of an earthquake.”
Steve’s head drops to his chest as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Okay,” he says. “So what do we do?”
“We have to tell him,” Dustin says. “He’s still wanted for Chrissy. He needs to know what’s happening.”
“Okay,” Steve says, taking another breath. “Alright. Let’s go then.”
They make their way back to Eddie’s room, where he’s looking out the window. “Eddie?” Dustin asks.
“Henderson,” Eddie responds, smiling. “What was all that about?”
Dustin sighs, sits heavily in the chair. “Do you remember Chrissy?”
Eddie frowns. “Cunningham? The queen of Hawkins High?”
“Former queen,” Dustin says softly. “She died.” Eddie’s eyes widen. “In your trailer.”
Eddie’s eyes are saucers. “What?”
Dustin nods. “We know you didn’t do it, but a lot of people think you did.”
“Jason Carver,” Steve cuts in, scoffing. “Fuckin’ prick.”
Eddie raises a brow. “I woulda thought you two would be friends.”
Steve makes a face. “Maybe back when I was in high school. You do remember Byers beating the shit outta me, right?” He smirks. “I deserved it. Actually thanked the guy, if you can believe it.” He shrugs. “I haven’t been king of anything in a while, and I’m fine with that.”
“Well, shit,” Eddie says. “Sorry about what I said, then.”
Steve offers him a half-smile. “Considering you have no memory of what landed you in the hospital, you’re forgiven.”
Eddie frowns. “But I do remember. Or- not remember, per se, but while I was out I heard people talking. There was an earthquake.”
Steve screws his face up. “That was a cover up,” he says quietly. “The real story is way harder to believe.”
Eddie looks between Steve and Dustin. “Okay. You have my attention. What’s the real story?”
They slowly tell him, trading points, adding details when the other forgets.
“We were just about to separate,” Steve’s saying. “Me, Robin, and Nancy, and you and Dustin. You said my name, so I turned back around, and you said-”
“Make him pay,” Eddie whispers. “I remember. Holy shit. Holy shit.” He takes a few deep breaths. “Henderson?” He asks, not taking his eyes off Steve. “Give us a few minutes?”
Dustin looks between the two of them, but must see it on their faces, because he simply walks out without a word.
“Eds?” Steve asks, tearing up.
“Stevie,” Eddie answers, wiping his face. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Steve mutters, curling into Eddie. “Eddie.”
“‘M right here,” Eddie murmurs. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve leans up, brackets Eddie’s face in his hands. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” he whispers. “I was so scared-”
Eddie grimaces. “And then I scared you even more, huh? I’m so sorry, babe.”
Steve shakes his head. “You didn’t know. It’s okay. I just-” he sniffles. “I thought you’d finally wisened up, y’know? I thought you finally realized I’m always gonna be that douchebag I was in high school.”
“You’re not,” Eddie whispers, trying to tilt his face up. “Hey, give me a hand, here, I’m trying to kiss my boyfriend.” Steve laughs wetly, but seals their mouths together. “You’re not him,” Eddie whispers into Steve’s mouth. “You’re so much better.” He starts to grin. “You’re still bitchy, though, which personally I love.”
Steve looks at him hopefully. “Yeah?”
Eddie softens. “Yeah, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Steve whispers, pressing a last chaste kiss to Eddie’s lips. “What’re the odds Henderson’s right outside and heard everything?”
“It’s not my fault you’re not being quiet!”
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qblester · 2 years
5, 10?
Already did five we are bumping up to 6! "What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?" He's not like, into hi-fi sound or into music really (insane thing to say about someone) but he does always have insanely expensive headphones, like 500 is the minimum he usually spends, he has like a dozen pairs of the same studio monitor folding style over ear headphones in his closet. This is part of why he also carries a like, iphone port to female sound adapter. Like sennheisers or highbrow audio technica's.
"What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?" sorry he does not like this question i have been sitting here for like a while trying to get him to answer this (another insane thing. i promise he isnt a real tulpa hes just skittish) im bumping this up to 11 in a similar fashion
"If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?" there are TOO many little things he does for anyone to impersonate him. like anything from saying or typing the 'correct' word instead of a quinton-ism, making too many expressions, flapping his hands too much, ect.
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rika-mortis · 2 months
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Headcanon: Deep down they both want to be their fairy godparent/godkid again after losing them, but don't believe they deserve each other and feel like they aren't worthy to be their companion anymore
They both need counseling and therapy as a whole package
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farshootergotme · 1 month
Wait, how tf did I miss this.
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #7
You're telling me Forever Evil happened in this universe? You're telling me SPYRAL happened in this universe? I'll have to hope that everything went down very differently because otherwise there's a lot to unpack there that clearly this comic isn't ready for.
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chaos0pikachu · 4 months
the (mcu) avengers could NOT handle the fact that eddie is basically living out a live action tentacle hentai every thursday through sunday and sometimes on wednesday if he feeds venom tator tots okay?
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seventh-district · 5 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 2
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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bizarrelittlemew · 10 months
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Ed + Eyes for @saltpepperbeard's birthday 💗 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JODI!!
my beloved Jodi. always with the most interesting (and sometimes angsty 🔪) words and ideas in the tags and everywhere else. and the most beautiful gifs!! my fellow warrior in the fight against gif stealers, i can always count on you no matter what. so kind and funny and full of love, it's a joy to know you and be your friend 💗 and it is always an honor to 🤡 with you! hope you have the most amazing day!!
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cora-illus · 4 months
(GTN Spoilers) a locked tomb animation/amv i've been working on for uhhh.. you know what just roll it
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zephyrchama · 4 months
hi!! please can you spare a crumb of leviathan fluff please?
You knocked on the door to Leviathan’s room out of courtesy, but he was already calling for you to “come in.”
“No password?” you asked. You had been expecting a fun trivia question like always.
“No need. I could tell it was you.” From the sound of your approaching footsteps to the way you knock, and even the little pause between those two actions. Everyone seemed to know your distinctive traits better than you did.
“What’s up?” Leviathan didn’t look over. He was too preoccupied with his manga. He held it up in a way that obscured most of his face. His legs were sprawled out on the floor with his back against an ottoman and a stack of the latest releases by his side. Leviathan had a knack for lounging comfortably in the most inconvenient positions.
“I was looking for something to read. Mind if I browse your collection?” "Mmhmm.” Having unfiltered access to Leviathan’s collection was a rare privilege extended only to you, who could be trusted to borrow things without damaging or losing them. Or selling them, spilling food on them, bending the pages. There had been an extensive list of detailed rules you pledged to follow.
You spent a couple of minutes browsing the shelves. Honestly, nothing stood out. The room was silent, save for the occasional turn of a page and the humming of the lights. You were just bored and hoped to spend some quality time with a certain nerd, however, he was busy.
Giving up on the shelves, you decided to plop down in front of Leviathan. He was so immersed in his comic that he didn’t notice. A lead-up to a large-scale battle scene occupied so much of his attention, he failed to realize you were crawling over his legs like a spy in an action flick. You finally grabbed his attention by squeezing your shoulders between his arms, bumping your head against the book as you tried to worm under it.
“Hey! Ahh!” Leviathan was startled. He raised his hands in shock, or maybe to preserve his manga, but either way it created a wider path for you to take immediate advantage of. You snuggled up to his shoulder with the determination of a thousand shounen protagonists.
“What… what? What are…? Whu?” Leviathan was at a loss for words until he finally settled on demanding, “what is this?”
You were still trying to get comfortable, which was causing Leviathan a lot of discomfort. You rolled over to lay your back against his chest and bent your legs over his knees. Tugging his arms back down so you could see the manga, you explained, “I wanted to read this one.”
“It’s volume 18 though…?”
You nodded, “cool.”
“Did you even read the other volumes? You won’t get it at all.”
You tilted your head far back to look up at Leviathan, catching his eye for a brief moment before he glanced away. You felt him shudder. “I wanna read this one, though, so explain it to me.”
Far from the upcoming battle in his manga, Leviathan faced a raging battle in his mind. He couldn’t even remember what happened on the last few pages. He’d have to go back and re-read them.
“If it’s too much, just pretend like I’m not even here. I’ll figure it out on my own,” you said. The art looked good enough that you could admire that, even if you didn’t know anything about the plot.
“As if I could do that,” Leviathan complained. With a sigh, he hooked his arms under yours and brought his legs up so you fit better in his lap. Now you wouldn't slide down or constantly readjust your position. His movements were slow and deliberate attempts to make the both of you comfortable. He was cautious, as if you might jump up and run off at any moment.
“We can voice the lines out loud together,” you suggested, “but you’re gonna have to speak up or I won’t be able to hear you.” A chance to play voice actor sounded great to Leviathan. He was definitely interested. ”I’m right here though? What do you mean you can’t hear me?”
“Sorry, what was that? Come closer, the thumping in your chest is just so loud.”
With an embarrassed groan, he slapped the manga against his head and buried his blush-stained face into your hair where you couldn't see.
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comikadraws · 2 months
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Weasel Boy.
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haunted-xander · 6 months
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Meme Prompt 2
Thinkin of feral halfa Jason again. No surprise there.
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sporeclan · 2 months
SporeClan Family Tree(s)
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Last updated: Moon 25
This only contains SporeClan cats with familial relationships. For full allegiances, [click here!]
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oifaaa · 8 months
No joke I honestly think Mei Chang is one of the best characters in fma like this girl at the age of 11 with nothing but a small panda and the clothes on her back crossed a deadly desert that's stated alot of grown adults find difficult to cross, found a serial killer and his weird weasly little sidekick and went yep these are the guys I want to travel with from now on I will also defend this serial killer like im his professional bodyguard despite me being a tenth of his size, finds a sentient suit of armour and proceeds to fall deeply in love with him and later when he asks her to help sacrifice him to get his brothers arm back she does not hesitate and all that's on top of her being an outstanding fighter, alkahester and a princess
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nesperus · 1 year
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fridge photo
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cl-0v3r · 14 days
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":3" lookin ahh
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