#i just really love the lutece twins
drawn-twogether · 6 months
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In which the Lutece twins rethink their entire theory of whether or not it's going to work with Booker. Seriously, if you're not digging through the trash, are you really playing Bioshock? 😂
Since it was the 11th anniversary of Infinite yesterday, figured now would be a good time to share this here 🤣
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joanna-lannister · 4 months
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I promised I would make a masterlist of all my favorite JC fanfictions, so here you go. Those fics aren't sorted out by Canon or AU, they are just a mix of what I loved over the years.
How My Story Ends by Millie55 Cersei and her army arrive in Winterfell to aide in the battle against the Night King. Or Cersei and Jaime reunite in Winterfell.
Casablanca by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 Tywin extends Jaime’s business trip abroad at short notice with express instructions to fly directly to the next country. Jaime however rather likes the idea of a detour, and he knows the perfect person to join him. Aka As long as he gets there by Monday morning it doesn’t really matter what he does in the meantime, does it?
They Want to Make Me Their Queen by Millie55 Cersei has lost everything except 2 things: Jaime, and her Kingdom.
Until Death Do Us Part by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 A new law is passed in parliament that changes Jaime and Cersei's lives for good, allowing them the opportunities, freedom, and happiness that they once could only dare to hope for.
my blood alone remains by houselannister The Austrian Princess is barely fourteen when she leaves her homeland for France. She speaks very little French, and is wilful, stubborn and capricious. She leaves Vienna with an escort of two thousand men, loyal Austrian soldiers.
The Ribbon by Magnolie Cersei is shipped off to France by their mother to part her from Jaime. But there is no without each other for them, only together.
Oh come all ye faithful by Magnolie Jaime and Cersei have their own ways and excuses to escape the boring Christmas Parties and even if they have to stay... there is always a way to spice things up.
therefore each to other bound by copacet Having escaped Stark custody, Jaime returns to King's Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater—thus solving some of his family's problems while also creating several new ones.
of love and beauty by liesmyth “We’re lions.” Jaime’s hand clasped around her own. “Let them all choke on it.”
The Price of Love by nightingalesighs Cersei studies her sleeping twin’s face one night trying to pinpoint when Jaime’s feature’s had changed. When his hair had started going grey and what caused the wrinkles on his familiar face.
She's always been afraid of storms by vwoolf Cersei's afraid of storms and seeks out her brother's company.
you gave away what you never really had, and now your purse is empty, I can see why you're sad by houselannister It's been five years since Jaime left London. Now Tywin is dead, and business is business. Cersei flies to Paris to get what's hers.
foreshore by lutece Still, the lions linger—perhaps they are dead across the sea, but in Pentos they have flourished with their cub.
The Better Cure by corrielle After being unhorsed by Loras Tyrell on Prince Joffrey's name day, Jaime visits Cersei to soothe his wounded pride.
perihelion by houselannister London, 2020 - After Tywin Lannister's death, Jaime and Tyrion uncover their father's most precious secret: a hidden sister. Money and power intersect with family and obsession.
Prophecies & Promises by spinsterclaire When the 18-year old Lannister twins find themselves locked out of their father's townhome, they visit an old acquaintance to escape the Manhattan blizzard. There, they must confront their fears about keeping promises, accepting fate, and bringing new life into the world.
Study Me, Study You by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 Jaime needs help with his homework, and who better to help than Cersei?
Take My Hand, The Night Grows Ever Colder by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 Across the Narrow Sea, in a stone house on the shore of Pentos, Cersei Lannister dreams of her children.
The Loneliest Girl in Town by Millie55 Cersei fears she may have lost Jaime for good - every last piece of him.
Quiet. by frozenpapers Tywin interrupts Cersei and Jaime.
Hush. by frozenpapers A phone call interrupts Cersei and Jaime.
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kretan06 · 10 months
Just finished Bioshock Infinite for the first time with the dlc as well. Spoilers if you haven’t played the ten year old game.
Watching Suchong’s final moments and remembering his audiolog of it made me die of laughter.
Oh mein gott! Booker is Commie Cornstalk. It makes sense when you look back at the Hall of Heroes though.
I think Elizabeth has problems. Finds out how Commie Cornstalk and Booker are both the same person as well as the person who took her from her father who is also them. And then devotes herself to killing every version of them. Can’t even let the grieving father be.
Playing as Elizabeth is different, I hated it at first but grew to actually like the feeling of being basically crap in a fight. I hardly got into gunfights with her which I’m pretty sure was the intention.
Alright. What the actual fentucky kried fricken was the plot? It starts as normal and then right after Commie Cornstalk is killed the train leaves the rails and proceeds to drift to eurobeat all over the place. Bro what?
The Lutece twins killed it in every scene they were in, god I love the dynamic where there’s a dimension hopping being that’s playful and I also really like twins who finish each other sentences and jokingly bicker with each other and the combo is really great.
||LOWENTHAL VOICED A CHARACTER|| (specifically he voiced a grunt enemy type but still. That’s basically his thing to voice a background character/enemy)
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everydayyoulovemeless · 6 months
Can I request Bioshock characters (Julie, the Luteces, + anyone you'd like to include!!) kissing headcanons, please? Hope that's not too vague ^^
Kissing Headcanons for Julie Langford, The Lutece Twins, and Booker DeWitt
➼ Word Count » 1.0k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic
Julie Langford
When the two of you are in private she likes to grab your hand gently before leaning toward you and placing a kiss on your cheek, while running her thumb over your knuckles. She thinks it feels more intentional when no one else is around to see it.
Her lips are always soft and she always leaves with a slight blush dusty her cheeks. Kissing you will always make her feel warm and, on colder days, you'll find she's much more prone to finding ways to kiss you.
Julie's quite bold when it comes to leaving trails of kisses on you. It's one of the only ways she finds that she can make you flustered, even if it's only a tad.
If you've been working out in Arcadia or come back seemingly exhausted from work, she'll pick your hand up slowly and plant a string of kisses on the palms of your hands.
In the mornings when she gets up and in the afternoons, right before she goes to bed, she'll place a light peck on your temple.
Her hands will sometimes grab at your sleeves or wrists while she leans in toward you. She does it to both stabilize herself and keep you in place.
She never surprises you with them, she thinks it's better when they have a purpose to them. Every kiss from her means something, and you can feel it through the firmness and adoration she puts into the action.
Robert Lutece
Robert will often quietly come up behind you and press a kiss against the spot right between your neck and shoulder, his hands holding you firmly before releasing you and disappearing off to do whatever.
He's not big on showing his affection for you publically, but if he feels the urge he'll grasp one of your hands and kiss your knuckles lightly, before releasing it and letting it fall back down to your side.
Although, despite him not being crazy about physical affection, when he catches you in private, he'll graze his hands down the sides of your arms kindly.
He's very gentle with you, afraid of coming off too strongly or intimidating in any way. It's almost as if he thinks you'll shatter right before him if he does anything too rough.
Robert likes to leave long, drawn-out pecks along your skin rather than something sloppy and quick. He likes being able to take his time with it, covering little areas of your skin until you get flustered and push him away.
He's not the greatest with words, so he feels as if he really needs to show his adoration for you through these sorts of actions. Every kiss from him has to be meaningful, if it's not he feels he's failed you.
He likes being able to catch you off guard. Every once in a while he'll come up silently behind you before slowly leaning in and kissing the area just below your ear.
He always pats your shoulder when he's done. Just a few kind taps to let you know he loves you and that he'll stop bothering you.
Rosalind Lutece
Rosalind's a lot more spontaneous than her brother. She'll stare at you for a moment before leaning in to gently grab your chin and press a firm kiss to your lips.
Although it doesn't happen often, she's not as afraid of PDA as Robert is. She has no qualms about kissing you in front of others. She couldn't care less.
She likes to hold your face in her hands and inspect it slowly, tilting it around curiously before she finally just plants a kiss on the tip of your nose and releases you.
She's quite firm with how she does it as she likes to make her affection for you known. She believes the best way to get someone to understand how you feel toward them is by spelling it out so they can't miss what you're trying to convey.
Similar to her brother, she loves it when she's able to catch you off guard. She relishes in the little jump you do whenever she appears behind you and presses light kisses along your shoulders.
She likes to play with the hair at the nape of your neck. Usually, that's the only sign she'll give you before she starts to lean into you.
She likes to count the amount of times you look away from her or stutter after she's done. She loves being able to quietly chart your habits.
She has this in common with her brother, but her lips are almost always far colder than how they normally should be. It always manages to add to the surprise and involuntary shivers she elicits out of you.
Booker DeWitt
Booker has a habit of bringing his hand up and entangling it somewhere in your hair when he kisses you. He likes having a strong hold on you, no matter what it is the two of you are doing. It helps reassure him that you're here and that you aren't leaving.
In the mornings he'll lazily trail his lips across your forehead before either going right back to bed or groggily getting up.
His kisses are rough and fast-paced, leaving no room for talking. He likes it better when he can push you up against a wall or a surface of some kind and press himself into you.
He hates doing anything physical with you in public, but when he gets you alone, he likes to hold you against him and press a series of kisses along your collarbone.
His lips are dry but you hardly have time to feel with how quickly he wraps an arm around you and leans into you.
Booker likes it when you get on your tiptoes and attempt to kiss him first. A lot of the time he'll just lean away from you, but occasionally he'll slouch down so you can reach him.
The only downside is that he almost always tastes like smoke and cigarette ash, but he makes up for it with how sweet he is toward you.
Right before you both start heading to bed, he'll take your hand and kiss your fingertips. It's the only time he's ever gentle with his affection.
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highlifeboat · 10 months
Male!Cassandra: Well, this is awkward.
???!Melony and ???!Melony: *Standed next to each other once and now forever psychiacly linked*
Male!Cassandra: I can't tell them apart.
Female!Cassandra: Well, which is the real Melony!
Male!Cassandra: So rude, girl! They both real!
Female!Cassandra: Y-you right, you right. I'm sorry... But which one is mine?
Male!Cassandra: It's not that hard, really. My Melony wears binder, so...
???!Melony: I... actually didn't put it on today.
Male!Cassandra: What? Why?
(Other)???!Melony: You said you liked my boobs!
Male!Cassandra: ...Never have i expected my love for man's boobies to betray me.
I like this idea that if two Melony's meet they are forever linked.
Like the Lutece Twins from Bioshock.
And they've decided to be menaces by just confusing their respective Cassandra's for fun.
...Also weirdly like the Lutece Twins from Bioshock.
Honestly if Melony was bisexual the Cass-es would probably each just take one and see where it went from there. Unfortunately for them it is not that simple.
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a-m-pyra · 5 months
1,2,4,8,24 and 30 :>
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2. Actually, it's P's POV. I LOVE writing him curious but confused if it comes to Alex's and whole orphanage magic practices.
4. I want to write ✨The Team✨ft. Alice and P spending time together, but I don't really think I want to post it anywhere. I'll write it for my own pleasure if ever (for real, it's like my daydreaming for like some months)
24. Because of my VERY PROBABLE ADHD, it's like I have at least 2137 ideas per 10⁻³⁴ of second, and I can't decide which one I want to use, it's almost never like I don't have any idea, but when it does happen I do this crazy shit:
[I'll write here the sassiest shit THE CHARACTER would ever tell or any other scene] AND WE GO FURTHEEEEER, WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK (music works as well, I recommend music or any other favorite media crthdtrfh)
Anyway, it's The Cruel Saints. I always wanted to write a book with Holy Grail, intrigues and Luteces from BioShock type of twins. And I love Victoria and Victor as fuck.
But I like The Diaphony as well (legal thriller in Warsaw). Ben is my ADHD bi child, I love him, he deserves everything.
OH, AND THE COVEN (but tbh, I just love to make Bumby dirty :3)
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After replaying the BioShock collection on the Switch I thought I'd share my thoughts on the games now that I've taken a new look at the games after a couple years. Most of my thoughts revolve around Infinite but I had a bit to say about all three. Spoilers ahead of course.
BioShock: 15 years later this is still a fascinating story of free will and a nice critique of Objectivism. Rapture is an incredible setting to go back to and Andrew Ryan is a fascinating villain and Fontaine is just hateable enough to like. Gameplay is pretty clunky at points but overall it's still pretty good. Plasmids are fun and the weapons are acceptable (if a little bit underwhelming in the sound department).
BioShock 2: If I'm being honest I enjoyed this one quite a than the first one. They really upgraded the combat and plasmids, making them feel much more punchy. Rapture is as beautiful as ever and the story is actually quite good for being a direct sequel from a different studio. Sofia Lamb and co. are passable antagonists and Eleanor Lamb is pretty cool even if I wish she played a bigger role overall.
BioShock 2 - Minerva's Den: Short and Sweet with an incredible twist. Charles Milton Porter is a really interesting character overall and the plot is really interesting with the THINKER and Reed Whal going crazy. Gameplay wise... it's more BioShock 2 with some extra cool shit.
BioShock Infinite: This is the one that I've thought the most about over the years and even now going back to it, especially since this is one of my favorite games of all time and it had a big personal impact in my life. However I can't deny how much my thoughts have changed over time. The story as a whole is interesting but there's so much that... just doesn't work. The in your face critique of American exceptionalism and the awful shit that went down during that time is done fairly well but that kindly falls to pieces when the game veers off into the multiverse angle and especially when the Vox Populi enter the equation. The plot has more holes than a block of swiss cheese and...yeah it's hard to ignore the unfortunate implications that the game makes with Daisy, the Vox and the angle they chose with their revolution. Also Booker did deserve to die and I stand by that.
As for the positives, there's actually quite a lot (even if I just skewed the plot with a rusty pitchfork). Elizabeth is the standout character by far and is one of my favorite video game characters of all time. Her powers help a lot in combat and are very visually satisfying even if they do shoot the plot in the leg. It makes me so damn sad to see what happens to her but I suppose there really wasn't much room for a (explicitly stated) happy ending. The combat is pretty fantastic going back to it, though I do understand a lot of people's dislike of the two gun system. I really loved how visceral the combat is. Heads exploding left and right and vigors that feel as painful as they are flashy. Columbia is both beautiful and haunting as a setting. I actually like it a little bit more than Rapture (sunlight is a major plus for me). The Lutece twins are really fun as characters even though I can't help but realize they're the true villains here.
Comstock is...okay I guess. He's basically just your typical cult leader villain but with a bit more flair with the multiverse shenanigans. Songbird looks threatening and there's interesting lore around it but ultimately it just kinda falls flat when he just...drowns. The ending is mind-melting in both senses. Like it's nice to finally get answers to all the questions you have throughout the game but it really doesn't make much sense when you sit down and think about the events that go down.
Overall a very good game with some pretty major flaws.
BioShock Infinite - Burial at Sea: No. Bad. I'm not even going to dignify it with a lengthy rant. It's not even canon in my eyes. Ken Levine really fucked up.
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savefrog · 2 years
I have left off after finding Chikara’s second half
Ok not sure how much of this is obvious at this point but that Tokiko bit talking about chakra as points really blew my mind. I am pretty sure what is implied is that when the bodies are split in half the chakra points acting as a split particle whose halves are still connected through Quantum Entanglement which somehow kept the bodies fresh for 6 years?
And maybe this same concept is being used to relay information between timelines? (Similar to how the same particle was used by the Lutece Twins to communicate between realities in bioshock infinite) maybe we’ll know more when we get to Komeji’s body since we saw a timeline in which he lived????
I feel like Dahlia Boat was moreso a code to hijack Ryuki’s mind, maybe from another timeline or time. Or maybe just making him experience the Mandella Effect. My dude got Berenstained. i feel theyre laying it on very thick that he’s involved in the appearance of Chikara’s other half. And he would also know about shoma’s robot. But he’s not Tearer, i feel like Tearer has a strong motive to try and make people believe the serial killings were supernatural to get them to believe they are in a simulation. Perhaps Tokiko’s kid, who is apparently dead but we don’t know much more about them. But also maybe Tokiko’s kid is the masked girl who is similarly messing with timelines (wasn’t she gonna die in like a month 6 years ago?)
Im gonna be honest im having a hard time keeping track of all these total mystery characters like big sis and tokiko’s kid and the aioen experiment kid (tho that was apparently mizuki but tokikos kid ALSO ended up at Aioen) and random info like shoma’s genetic shit its just so much lol
Will note i love the use of a QR code leading to a real youtube video in a game that is toying with the 4th wall with how much it is referencing being in a simulation/game and not yet sure how far it will go since i feel the first game stopped short of getting TOO crazy and was relatively grounded but anything’s possible. Not to mention the ARG. Will they realize they’re in a game?
Also love how much swapping sides is done in the mechanics that fit in with the bodies split in half theme….the control swaps…the mental lock opening animation…other things i dont remember
Edit: wait no im stupid im pretty sure tokiko’s kid may be Gen? Maybe? He would be the right age and he was in tokiko’s somnium? And some weird shit has happened to him that would make masked girl say he already is dead??? Maybe just in her timeline and she doesn’ t realize theyre the same person??
We have THREE freaking characters with masks.
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Bioshock Protagonist Hierarchy
Delta is my favorite, then Jack, Booker doesn’t really place because there’s several secondary characters in the various games that I like far more than him.
Delta wins out over Jack by virtue of his ability to actually forge relationships with other characters, and the fact that he has an actual past with a lot of characters we meet over the course of Bioshock 2. He’s got his bond with Eleanor, who loved him so much she managed to bring him back from the dead like a necromancer. He’s got his mutual beef with Sophia Lamb over their custody dispute. He’s got this one-sided hatred from Grace, due to an incident in the past. He’s got past betrayals by both Stanley Poole and Augustus Sinclair. He’s got history with Gilbert Alexander. We even hear about him from an Audio Diary from a fellow Persephone inmate. For a man who doesn’t ever speak, the guy has a past rich in relationships that affect the plot. Like the man has a past, one that we get to learn about.
Jack only knew 3 people in Rapture, and one of them is already dead by the time he returns. Leaving only Tenenbaum and Fontaine as his only personal connections. Tenenbaum is more concerned with the Little Sisters than with Jack or the on going war, and Fontaine is literally mind controlling Jack to do his bidding. While also pretending to be someone else after having faked his death. So he doesn’t really have any deep personal connections to anyone in the whole game. I know the good ending has him adopting a five of the Little Sisters he saved, and maybe staying in contact with Tenenbaum after everything. But his future daughters aren’t distinguished in anyway from the rest of the Little Sisters in the game, so they’re just generic daughter figures and not actual characters. He has a connection with Andrew Ryan, that does affect the plot, said connection is partially what kicks off the whole plot. But it’s not a relationship, Jack never even says two words to the man before he beats his face in with a golf club, and before that Ryan was flat out treating Jack as his enemy. Not to mention the man just let Jack murder him to prove a point.
Booker loses because while he does have a connections to various characters in Infinite, none of them are really personal, or they only develop after the game starts. He’s got that thing with the Lutece twins, but that’s more business than anything else. They’re using them to make sure Comstock’s goals don’t come true. And they don’t even care about him as an individual, considering that when Booker dies in Infinite he’s not actually brought back to life, he’s literally just replaced with a version of Booker who didn’t. At least you are if you die before you manage to get to Elizabeth. Something that’s implied to have happened at least a dozen times by the time the game starts considering the coin flip experiment the Lutece’s are doing at the start of the game. He’s Elizabeth’s dad, but that’s only discovered later on in the game, and before that it’s more along the lines of co-workers, and is tainted by the fact that he sold her to pay off his gambling debt. He finds out another version of himself is Comstock and that messes him up. The only deep personal relationships he seems to have in canon is with his deceased wife Anna, and she died giving birth to Elizabeth more than two decades ago. Booker-stock in Burial at Sea did in fact have a deep and meaningful personal connection with someone, his adopted daughter Sally. Sure he was a shit parent, one of the few things about Comstocks & Bookers across all timelines apparently, but he did in fact care for her. Said deep and personal relationship was then swiftly used to manipulate him into getting killed. Even though the man wasn’t actually doing anything, and the fact that the baby Anna/Elizabeth he was trying to kidnap died was an accident. So he was a crap parent to Sally, but crap parents were the default in Rapture, and among Bookers, so I kind of struggle to see why Elizabeth felt the need to go out of her way to murder him. He didn’t even sell Sally to pay of any sort of debt the way actual Booker did, she got kidnapped. When she went missing he looked for her until someone he trusted to tell him the truth lied and told him she was dead. He wasn’t a good person, but no version of Booker who managed to have anything to do with the Anna/Elizabeth deal was ever going to be.
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cute-angi · 3 years
Tagged by @esperata​
Rule: list your favorite (male) characters from ten different fandoms
That's very difficult
SSDD - Same Shit Different Day
Stephen King's Dreamcatcher - Douglas Cavell
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Duddits! There's no explanation there. It's Duddits! Love him!
The Riddler: Edward Nashton (Nigma)
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I don't think it needs a big announcement that this was coming. As soon as I lost myself in Arkham and heard his transmissions, I was blown away. That's when I fell in love with him.
Final Fantasy XV - Verstael Besithia
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I know what everyone is thinking right now. Why doesn't it say Ardyn? He's the cool villain after all. Or where are the chocobros? Nope... I already liked grumpy Verstael and then episode Ardyn just made me see pink-red as soon as I saw the trailer. (My interpretation of him, of course, has only become so "cold-hearted" over the years. You know how it is with fangirls...)
''The artist has a duty to seduce the ear and delight the spirit.... Say hello to an evening with Sander Cohen!''
Bioshock - Sander Cohen
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I thought about it for a long time. And first I wanted to mention the Lutece twins. Those two are always my favorites. Then I thought of Augustus Sinclair. A man of honor! I love Sinclair. And Bioshock contains so many more brilliant characters. There are no bad ones. But then I just had to go with Cohen, because Fort Frolic won't let me go. Especially after reading Rapture and having more insight into his character. This man just so often reflects what most of us are like at our core. We are artists of the world and so vulnerable because of it. We walk the narrow path between madness and genius.
Because we're talking about artists...
The Evil Within - Stefano Valentini
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I am, after all, someone who likes Tchaikovsky. And yes, of course the first game, was often better than the second. The second one didn't cost me much effort. I hardly managed the first one on easy at first. And Ruvik is one of the most interesting characters ever. But Stefano, like Cohen, has something ... strangely great about him.
Strange... I'm about to be hated by everyone.
Avatar The Last Airbender - Long Feng
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Okay... okay... listen to me, please. Of course Iroh is the best character in the series and has helped me through so many stages of life.But I have a thing for really bad guys and as I get older, tastes change. Well, Long Feng is just sneaky? But he runs the Dai Li and through it he owns Ba Sing Se!  Hello? Of course I watch AsianDramas and yes please make me your queen. So I finally live behind safe walls.
"There is no war in Ba Sing Se" Okay... can the Dai li please adopt me as a lost princess?
Now that we have the embarrassing behind us, here comes something all too understandable:
Resident Evil (Village) - Karl Heisenberg
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Instead of Male Characters, the rules should say, "Favorite Daddy Characters."
Okay...I have to do it...break the rules....
Mommy? Can I please stay up late and play with Bela, Cassandra and Daniela? I love this woman. Mommy!
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Okay...don't forget the love for Donna!!!! Donna Beneviento~!!!!
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Let's get serious again.
1, 2, 3, 4... Did you miss me, Monte d'Or?
Professor Layton - Descole
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I triggered you guys with that quote, didn't I? Randal is really wonderful.I have just replayed Miracle Mask. But I've been in love with that damn guy since part 4. Descole is My childhood love that comes back every year.
Kingdom Hearts - Xehanort (And Eraqus)
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Here again my love for evil. I never dared to admit that I love "Ansem" so much in the first game. Well..... now I'm allowed to and it's just the character around Xehanort that enchants me. But Xehanort doesn't exist on its own either. Only with the best of the best: Eraqus!
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And now we come to the anime track:
Attack on Titan - Willy Tybur
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I really like Levi a lot. But I'm also someone who tries to jump off the hype train. I like Levi. And I love Zeke Yeager. But with the first appearance of Willy Tybur in the manga... phew my heart. I was hoping at the time that he would still be the Warhammer. There' s a lot of content lost on his family.
Because we are talking about manga:
Naruto - Tobirama Senju (and Izuna Uchiha)
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It's been a long time since I watched or read Naruto. But it helped me through my "most difficult time". I have the sign of the Senju clan tattooed on my back. And it always gives me strength to get through everything. And with Tobirama you also have to like Izuna. With him you love Madara and with this Hashirama. Oh these four... my heart.
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Because of talking with @atlas-slut-of-the-people about the idea of if somehow Call Of Duty ever did some Bioshock crossover crap with Warzone like they have done with things like the Halloween events and the upcoming Godzilla Vs Kong/Operation Monarch thing. I straight up wrote LEGIT dialogue if Ghostface ever talked to some of the characters. Be warned, some of this is extreme. Despite...there’s a few little funny ones.
Ghostface to Jack: Hello Jack. Would you kindly break a puppy's neck? Ah wait, you already did before.
Ghostface to Tenenbaum: Hello Dr. Tenenbaum. I want to play a game. And for every question you get wrong. I'm going to harvest a Little Sister.
Ghostface to Ryan: You ask me what's the difference between a man or a slave? I don't care. I'm not the one who threw tantrums and got his whole city fucked over *Does a little chuckle after that*
Ghostface to Fontaine: You know Mr. Fontaine. I'm a big fan of your work actually. REALLY big fan. I'm...also an actor in my own way.
Ghostface to Atlas: Moira and Patrick were gutted like fish...wait...they don't exist. Just like you Frank.
Ghostface to Suchong: Hello Dr. Suchong. Do you have a drill up your ass yet?
Ghostface to Peach Wilkins: You thought Fontaine was scary Peachy? I'll make Fontaine look tame when you meet me.
Ghostface to Julie: You know, I was wondering how I would kill you Dr. Langford. Maybe I strangle you with your own plants? Isn't that creative for a frat boy?
Ghostface to Diane: Ryan, Atlas, and whoever else. Oh poor Ms. McClintock. Always falling for men that betray you in the end. Maybe you can start over with me...but I'll just use you for a game.
Ghostface to Jasmine: Hello Miss Jolene. You're wondering where Miss Culpepper is at? Oh, she's fine. She's just ready to be gutted if you don't do what I say.
Ghostface to Anna: Hello Miss Culpepper. Do you know where Jasmine is at? Ah that's right, she's with me right now. Ready to be gutted if you don't play along with me.
Ghostface to Cohen: You think you're an artist Sander fucking Cohen. I'll show you what REAL art looks like when I carve your insides out and decorate with them.
Ghostface to Steinman: Ugly, ugly, ugly. Just wait till I cut your face off Dr. Steinman.
Ghostface to Delta: Subject Delta. Johnny Topside. I don't care. I'm going to carve out your entire body out of that suit when I'm done with you.
Ghostface to Sofia Lamb: I know you're gonna try to get all psychological with me Dr. Lamb. But here's something I would like to say. With everything you're saying to me, to break me. Is any of it true when you don't fully know who I am? How can you break someone who you DON'T KNOW...still a fan of your work though.
Ghostface to Eleanor: Blah blah, love is a chemical and we give it meaning blah blah. I can't wait till I carve that slug out of your stomach!
Ghostface to Grace: I'm sorry about the fact you can't have children...maybe I can arrange that by taking out the pieces that prevent you from doing so.
Ghostface to Booker: Let me tell you something Booker. Compared to everyone else. No matter how much you want to change. No matter what everyone thinks of you. You're past the point of redemption. And you damned yourself the moment you were conceived into existence.
Ghostface to Porter: *Tries speaking like Pearl* Charles...Charles...is that you? I miss you. *Starts laughing* Did I get you Porter?
Ghostface to Elizabeth: You think you're so special don't you Elizabeth. Now here's this. Have you ever wondered that your entire existence brings pain and misery? And that change is utterly meaningless with you involved? Because that's what you are.
Ghostface to the Lutece twins: Can you two just shut the fuck up?
Ghostface to Daisy: Ah Daisy Fitzroy...how does it feel knowing because of some stupid assholes...your entire purpose and revolution is meaningless...just for some to make you a period metaphor?
Ghostface to Comstock: Gonna admit Comstock...I'm not really a fan...Sofia Lamb does a better job than you with the whole cult crap!
Ghostface to Sinclair: You know Mr. Sinclair, I'm kind of a fan of your work...shame you didn't realize how horrible you were until you died.
Ghostface to Ken Levine: I swear to God Ken. If you start talking about the cycle of abuse, and how you don't want people to bone Elizabeth. I'm going to gouge your throat out!
Ghostface to Lonnie:.....I don't know you really. But you seem fine...maybe I'll cut off your muttonchops...I don't know.
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beardycarrot · 4 years
I, lying awake in bed because that’s how it always is the day before you have something important to do... am going to try to guess what the plot of Bioshock Infinite is, based on what I’ve seen in the first few hours and with knowledge of the other two (and a half?) games. Spoilers for the entire Bioshock series, except maybe Infinite, but I intend to knock it out of the park.
So. The first Bioshock is set in a futuristic (by 1950’s standards) city at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, created by a hardcore libertarian named Andrew Ryan as a way to once and for all live in a society free of government regulation. I won’t get into all the “sea slugs that produce a gene-altering wonder drug” and “child slaves brainwashed to drink corpse blood” stuff; very interesting, very important to the plot, but if I tried to explain the world of Bioshock I’d be lying here typing on my phone until the sun comes up. That stuff aside, the major plot points are that you’re not actually a guy who just happened to crash-land near the entrance to the city but are, in fact, Andrew Ryan’s son, and the guy who’s been guiding you through the city was actually using a Manchurian Candidate-style activation phrase to manipulate you into doing whatever he wanted. It’s a big, mind-blowing reveal (as is the realization that your character is actually about four years old... science fiction, man).
Bioshock 2 didn’t really have any big plot twists... or plot, for that matter ...but it was developed by an entirely different team, while the original’s team also did Infinite, so I’m expecting a return to form. Just as an aside, Bioshock 2 had a short DLC campaign called Minerva’s Den, which had a fantastic story, and a twist that the player can figure out on their own if they’re paying attention. Your goal is to get a very smart computer (for 1968) out of the underwater city and back to the surface so you can use it to cure all the victims of the slug-borne gene manipulation, and you’re guided over radio by the computer’s creator. At the end, you learn that the one guiding you was actually the computer itself, and that you’re its creator, slowly recovering from brainwashing. For the record, the endings to all three of these have made me cry.
So! With those kinds of twists in mind, what am I expecting from Bioshock Infinite? Well, I went into the game only knowing the names of the protagonists, that rather than underwater it was set in a floating sky city, and that there was some kind of religious theming but also a lot of old-timey Americana. As it turns out, the people of this city worship— no, have DEIFIED the founding fathers, and are lead by a man called Father Comstock. I’m pretty sure that name is a reference to the Comstock Act, similar to Andrew Ryan being named after Ayn Rand... but he could actually be called Father Cornstalk and I just haven’t been paying attention.
Anyway. Just a few minutes into the game, I noticed that a statue of Comstock looked suspiciously similar to my character... before deciding that I didn’t actually have that clear of a mental image of my character, they wouldn’t pull the “secret son” thing twice, and as much as I love it there probably isn’t going to be any time travel. Le sigh.
So, your goal is to get a girl named Elizabeth out of the city, and there is some legitimately weird stuff going on with her prison. Like, they have some of her personal possessions from various points in her life in containment: a teddy bear, a diary, and a bloody cloth labeled “menarche”. Gross. Why would you keep that. Well, when an electric current (or something visually similar) is applied, the bear and diary change color, and the blood disappears from the cloth. The reason I’m not sure if it’s electricity is that there’s some kind of siphon system set up, it looks like a bunch of subwoofers, and it’s absorbing... something? When she sings, maybe? Is the energy being siphoned what changed the quantum states of those objects, or whatever was happening? There was also a chart showing that when she hit puberty... something, really spiked, which is what forced them to build the siphon. I can’t claim to know what’s happening here, but when I finally saw her she was day dreaming about Paris, and.. I guess opened some kind of portal, TO Paris? But then a bus or something barreled towards her, so she quickly closed it. In the couple seconds that the portal was open, I saw the marquee on a movie theater that... well, was in French, but I’M PRETTY SURE said “Return of the Jedi”. I should probably mention that this game is set in 1912. That smells like time travel to me, baby!
So, this is where it gets interesting, and confusing, and complicated. I think Elizabeth is Comstock’s daughter, from various signs and posters about Comstock’s seed being their salvation, and The Lamb of God being locked in the tower, and such... and signs about a “false shepherd” who would try to take her away (again, lots of weird divergent Christian sect stuff). One sign showered the false shepherd’s hand as having the initials AD branded on the back, which the protagonist Booker does indeed have. Before rescuing Elizabeth, Comstock confronts you, and seems to know all about Booker’s past, including his wife Anna (who died in childbirth), and claims to know his future as well. Being a prophet and such. Thing is, the way it’s presented, that whole thing could’ve all been in Booker’s head...? Shortly after rescuing Elizabeth, you run into someone who mistakes her for someone named Annabelle. Hmm HMMM. I’ve also run into a diary by someone named Rosalind Lutece (I think she’s one of the creepy twins who keep popping up everywhere) talking about physics and what sounded like the concept of quantum superpositioning, as well as a little informational kiosk in which she claims quantum mechanics are what enable the city to float. There were also a couple diaries that seemed to imply Elizabeth came from... somewhere else, and a part of her might still be there, or something?
SO. Finally, we get to the part where I theorize on what’s going on. In short... iunno.
Okay, well, I feel like my idea should be obvious by now. I think Comstock might be a future, or ALTERNATE REALITY FUTURE, version of Booker, and Elizabeth is... either a past version of his wife, before she went back in time and married him, or an alternate-reality version of his daughter? But then who is the Annabelle that the girl thought Elizabeth was? Did Booker’s child not die along with his wife, and was secretly wisked away to skytown? Comstock’s wife is consistently referred to as Lady Comstock, but what if her name is Annabelle too? Maybe it’s the same concept as the Heinlein story By His Bootstraps, with the protagonist only realizing that he IS now the old man from the beginning, and has to get his younger self into this weird time loop in order to live the life he’s lead?
I might be going a little off the rails; I mean, I’m pretty sure that the statue of Comstock I saw earlier actually reminded me of Handsome Jack, a character from another game I haven’t played who happens to wear an outfit similar to Booker’s. That said, there’s DEFINITELY some kind of time travel or dimension-hopping shenanigans going on here. There are good writers on this game, and I refuse to believe the Annabelle/Anna thing is a Batman v Superman-level coincidence.
The weird part is that in the tower where they were keeping Elizabeth, they have documentation of her dating back to one year old, so she was clearly exhibiting... something, unusual, even as a baby. The game also has yet to explain Vigors, its versions of the Plasmids from the first two Bioshock games, which were basically superpowers granted by the substance produced by those sea slugs. If I had to guess, Vigors are... a result of some kind of quantum something-or-other, which they made from whatever it is they were siphoning off of Elizabeth? Maybe it’s a Scarlet Witch kind of thing... you don’t actually change yourself, you just find yourself in an alternate reality where everything else is 100% the same, except you’re a version of yourself who can shoot crows out of your hands.
Right, so. My... official theory is... that... I have no idea what’s going on. Yeah, sorry, something in that mess up there is bound to be close, but when you get into time travel and/or dimension-hopping, all bets are off the table. Or all bets, a literally infinite number of bets, are on the table. Which is a lot to try to comprehend.
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The Luteces x reader (”How come you never do that with us?”)
Request: Hello, I don't know if this is where we can make requests but if so could I please have prompt 26“How come you never do that with me?” with the luteces and reader? (If you are comfortable writing for a poly (not really??) relationship of course). This prompt gave me the idea of the reader being very affectionate with friends but not with them even if they are dating because the Luteces really don't seem to like physical affection and all... Anyways, your work is lovely, thank you for writing them!!
Fandom: Bioshock
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
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Robert and Rosalind Lutece watched from the steps of their home as their significant other, (y/n) had their arms wrapped around a friend of theirs. The Luteces looked emotionless as they both watched the love of their lives hanging off of someone that wasn’t either of them.
Not that (y/n) was ever affectionate with the Luteces. The twins wanted nothing more than for their significant other to wrap the two with kisses and other forms of affection but (y/n) simply wouldn’t.
The Luteces wanted to find out why. 
With stern gazes, the Luteces watched as (y/n)’s friend slowly sauntered off of the property and down the road, finally far from the throuple. 
The twins waited until (y/n) was facing them and only a few feet away to finally explain their concerns, "How come you never do that with us?" They spoke in unison, which would be creepy for anyone else but (y/n) was used to it. 
To answer the question, “Do what?” 
Rosalind, being a tad less patient of the two, dragged them inside the large establishment before she and her brother explained their frustrations. 
The Luteces stood in front of (y/n), finding their composure before they spoke to their partner, "Why do you only show affection to everyone else-" started Robert.
"But not us?" Rosalind finished. 
(Y/n) knew that they had some explaining to do. They never really pegged the twins to be the romantic or affectionate type. So, (y/n) never bothered to try, even when the three decided to start a relationship. 
"I'm sorry. I just didn't think either of you liked physical contact,”(y/n) explained. 
The twins glanced at each other, silently seeming to communicate before they surrounded (y/n); one in front of them and one behind. 
“Then let us convince you,” Robert said.
Robert stood in front of (y/n), one hand interlaced with (y/n)’s and his other rested on their hip, tugging them close enough to feel their heartbeat through their chest. While Rosalind was behind (y/n), wrapping her arms around their incredibly nervous form, moving as close as she could to the two in front of her.
"I know that we look busy most of the time, but we absolutely love you and crave your affection, so please don't hold back," Rosalind finished. 
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dirthavarens · 4 years
And Now He is My Last [Bookerbeth]
Fandom: Bioshock Infinite (Burial At Sea) Characters: Booker Dewitt, Elizabeth Comstock, Frank Fontaine Relationship: Booker/Elizabeth Rating: Mature Warnings: Character Death Word Count: 1533 Notes: Fuck your ending, Levine.
or read below;;
She felt...free. A normal woman with a normal pinkie finger being granted a normal death. Elizabeth had resigned to her fate, knowing that all she had done was for him, to grant revenge for the man whose life she took. Every subsequent life taken was for him, in his name, for him.
Or was it for her? 
Perhaps both. She glared up at Fontaine, knowing that her short life was fizzling out and coming to an end. The way he spun the wrench in his hand, his eyes fixed on her like a wolf devouring a fawn. 
“Well, love, if you ins--”
“Atlas! We have company,” a frantic voice scratched through the radio. A gunshot sounded and then the heavy click of shoes approaching the radio. “No, pl--”
The sickening crack of vertebrae. 
“Don’t just stand there,” Fontaine barked to his men, “Go see what the fuck is goin’ on!” 
The two men at his side nodded curtly and rushed off with guns raised. Fontaine seized Sally’s wrist so hard, she thought the poor girl’s bones might snap in his grip. 
If there was hope for her to get out of here...anything to get Sally to the surface...
“Looks like we got a visitor, darlin’. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t leaving a job ‘til it’s done.” He set the wrench down and pulled the pistol from his holster, setting it against the girl’s head as she struggled. “Now that we have the code, we have no use for you or the little sister.”
Two clear gunshots fell in succession behind her, followed by the sound of bodies dropping and the door opening. Whoever had made it this far had no idea the cruelty of Frank Fontaine, this self-proclaimed savior of Rapture. She had had enough prophets for two lifetimes, let alone one.
“Drop it, pal.” 
A voice. Clear. Familiar. So damnably familiar it set her soul on fire and she twisted her aching neck as far as she could to see...if maybe...just maybe...
“And just who the hell do you think you are, boyo?” Fontaine’s resolve in the face of what Elizabeth knew to be certain death showed a specific flaw that all “invincible” men held, misplaced moxie. 
Part of her thought she was hallucinating or already dead, but the man who stood behind her with his pistol raised and green eyes burning with rage...
It was him.
She didn’t need a tear to tell her that he was her Booker. 
A bullet zipped by her head and she turned in time enough to see Fontaine’s limp body fall to the floor, a hole in his head. Sally scrambled to her feet and turned tail, fleeing from the scene before Elizabeth had time to call her name. 
He rushed to her, arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her, fingers nestling in her hair as she breathed in a scent she had thought was lost to her. Gunpowder and tobacco with but a hint of musk.
“You’re safe, Elizabeth.” Booker’s words rumbled in his chest when he spoke and she let a wash of calm rush over her for the first time since the Big Daddy killed her. “I’m here.” 
“But you...” Tears formed in her eyes as she nuzzled into his chest. She returned his embrace, fingers digging into his back as she started to sob. “But I killed you. Booker, how are you here?”
“Lived, lives, will live,” he repeated one of the Lutece’s mantras. “Those twins drive a hard bargain, but I’m used to the odds being stacked against me. All that matters is that you’re safe.”
Without her sight, without the ripples in time and space, Elizabeth felt powerless. What once felt so full of possibility was now abuzz with questions to which she had no answers. A blind woman stumbling in the darkness with but a man to hold onto. 
There was a familiar groan in the distance that forced her to pull away from Booker. The time for her questions would be delayed a bit longer. Her blue eyes searched his green and then grabbed at his hand to see if...Just one answer would be enough... She just needed...
There was a fresh scar splitting the initials on his hand.
It was her Booker. In all of the universes she had jumped through. All of the worlds she traveled, her reality didn’t hum with misinformation, with change, as it had around the Comstocks. 
“Come on, Elizabeth. We have to get outta here. I don’t know what the hell that thing is, but I ain’t stickin’ around long enough to find out.”
“Booker...” His name was a whisper on her lips and she slipped her hand into his before they took off. 
The journey to the bathyspheres was a hectic one but she felt an odd comfort in having what should be a ghost at her side. 
“Where’d you learn to shoot?” Booker asked once they were finally able to catch their breath. The seal of the bathysphere closed around them and they began their ascent.
“Spend years of watching war heroes shoot, you learn a thing or two,” she explained wryly, staring down at the heavy pistol in her hand. It felt heavier now that she didn’t have to use it. 
“You really did it, didn’t you? Killed Comstock...”
“A million million times.” Elizabeth collapsed onto the seat of the bathysphere and dropped the gun beside her. “But I couldn’t save one little girl. Booker, what have I done?”
She leaned against his weight when he took residence beside her. 
“You can’t save everyone, Elizabeth. Getting rid of that son of bitch Comstock saved more lives than you could know.” Booker adjusted himself to make her more comfortable and she brought a hand to rest on his thigh.
“All of those years I spent missing you, of wanting you to come back, of hating myself for what I did...where were you? When I died...I was in Paris.”
“I don’t know,” he started slowly then she felt him go rigid beneath her. “What do you mean, when you died?”
“I died, Booker. Rosalind and Robert Lutece gave me one last chance at life. Look,” she raised her little finger to him. “A normal pinkie. I’m entirely mortal now. No tears, no omnipotence, nothing. Just a normal girl trapped in 1960.” 
Booker grabbed her hand in his, bent her fingers, and placed a kiss at her knuckles. The years she had spent wanting to know him more, to feel him around her, to be able to tell him all of the things she had left unsaid at the river...
One last chance at redemption.
“I missed you,” he uttered against her fingers. “I don’t know where I was...but every moment I spent there, I wanted to get back to you.”
‘I think Booker would miss you...’
The echo of her own mind’s words brought the sting of liquid back to her eyes. She had spent years crying internally, wanting him to come back, twisting in on herself with guilt. 
But he was there.
“And you did.” 
She sat up and withdrew her hand from his, her eyes fixed on him as she felt the first tear fall to her cheek. 
“Hey, none of that,” he whispered and pulled her closer. Her legs set on either side of him as she took residence in his lap and her head found its place in the nape of his neck. “I’m here, okay? I’m not goin’ anywhere this time, you hear me?” 
Elizabeth swallowed and shifted back to take in the sight of him as though he’d disappear if she looked away. She brought a tentative hand to caress his stubbly cheek and traced his upper lip with her thumb. 
“You aren’t, are you?” She leaned in and rested her forehead against his, tasting the air that slipped from between his lips. Elizabeth’s mouth crept open and her lips wavered.
“Not a snowball’s chance in hell...”  
An unfamiliar fear nestled in her stomach as she inched closer to his lips with her own. He was her father... Would he really allow such a thing? 
“Can I kiss you, Booker?” The question came in a breath as she watched his eyes close, her nose tracing against his. 
He said nothing, but held her to him as he closed the gap between them. His chapped lips were warm against hers and she gladly accepted the muted passion in his movement. Elizabeth held to his cheek as she parted her lips to him and indulged in the way his tongue dipped slowly, experimentally, into her mouth.
Her free hand curled into the fabric on his shoulder as they kissed. Their mouths moved in a synchronicity that even the Lutece twins could not match, and it had Elizabeth’s mind erasing desired fantasies with concrete memory. She broke from him with a soft moan and felt like she was breathing for the first time.
Booker was there. He was holding her. She was kissing him. They were returning to the surface. They were alive. They were in another time.
But above all, they were reunited. 
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cordycep-creations · 4 years
Tagged by
Name: Xavier
Nickname: Xav, Xave, X, Hat
Zodiac sign: Cancer (June 24th)
Height: Like,,, 5′4-5′6
Languages: English, fair amount of Spanish, really wanna learn Esperanto
Nationality: American
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite flower: Call me basic but roses are fuckin cool ok
Favorite scent: Sandalwood or cumin, probably sandalwood
Favorite color: Blue and purple
Favorite animal: Foxes, Crows, Pigeons, birds in general (Not sparrows though, they’re assholes)
Favorite fictional character: The Lutece Twins from bioshock infinite, with Jim Moriarty coming close second. Moriarty doesn’t have a crazy amount of backstory or anything he’s just fun
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Cooooooffeeeee
Average hours of sleep: Next question!
Dog or cat: Gat
Number of blankets you sleep with: Usually just one or two tbh
Dream trip: Probably either London or New York City. London is really pretty, and I feel like I’d enjoy “The city that never sleeps”
Blog established: I joined tumblr in like 2017, but this particular blog was established in 2019. bb blog
Followers: How do you expect me to check this while I’m typing this? Now I gotta open a new tab. 49!
Random fact: I freaking love cooking and am actually pretty good at it
Tag timeeee @childish-not-glad-beano @starbean-o3o @faygodealer @homestuck-in-the-thread @akihimura
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spiteweaver · 5 years
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“Lutece!” Banrai cried.
“Lutece?” Dreamweaver said again.
“Lutece!” Myrtle exclaimed.
“Lutece!” Phantasos declared.
“All right,” said Dreamweaver, “that’s enough of that.”
Lutece laughed, and to a crowd of cheering bystanders, leapt from the side of the ship. Dreamweaver clutched Banrai’s arm tightly, their hair growing wild with panic, but Lutece landed before them with all the grace of his lovely mother. (Although they thought he more closely resembled his reckless father, in a number of ways.)
“Delphine and Corentin’s boy,” Dreamweaver said, and immediately pulled Lutece into an embrace equal parts warm and crushing. “I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to see you again, dear one. It’s been far too long.”
“I wanted to come back sooner,” Lutece insisted, “but I thought I ought to get established first--augh!”
“You--didn’t--visit!” Phantasos chided, lifting Lutece off his feet with ease. “You--didn’t--write! You were my first love, you know? You said you’d never forget me, and then you ran off to the Shifting Expanse for two cycles!”
“Am I still your one and only?” Lutece asked.
“Eh, you were taller than me then,” Phantasos replied (Dreamweaver could tell that Lutece wanted to point out Phantasos’ ability to change his height at will, but wisely kept it to himself), “and you could beat me in a wrestling match. I’m pretty sure I’d wipe the floor with you now.” He swung Lutece around, then set him back on his feet. “Case in point.”
“So that’s how you choose your drakes,” Lutece teased.
Looking at him now, Dreamweaver could hardly believe he was the same little Lutece they had known so long ago. He’d grown into a fine young drake, with wild eyes and calloused hands. They recalled him as quiet and shy, always found in the shadows of his peers, but now he kissed Phantasos’ cheeks without a hint of bashfulness, almost seeming to revel in the attention.
Their expression softened, and they guided Lutece back to them (much to their son’s chagrin), brushing the hair out of his face. “You’ve come into your own,” they said. “The Shifting Expanse did you some good, I see.”
“You’re not really allowed to be timid over there,” Lutece replied with another laugh.
“What brings you back?” Banrai asked. “Not that we aren’t thrilled to have you, but I hope it isn’t anything serious.”
“Not at all!” Lutece assured. “I’d always meant to come back! Maman and papa have gone into exaltation, my siblings all have lives of their own, business is booming, and so I thought now was the perfect time!”
Lutece cleared his throat, and Dreamweaver saw a shard of the boy he’d once been in the way he cast his gaze downward. “I wanted to come home once I’d made something of myself,” he confessed. “I couldn’t show my face if I had nothing to offer...”
“Oh!” Dreamweaver took his hand in theirs. “That doesn’t matter,” they said, “we’re just happy to have you back!”
“Stop,” Lutece whined, “you’ll make me cry.”
“We’re the ones who should be crying,” Banrai said, and slung an arm around Lutece’s shoulders. “When we last saw you, you were no bigger than Morpheus and Phobetor.”
“Speaking of...”
Phantasos gave a shrill whistle, and the twins came to him--Morpheus tumbling head-over-heels, Phobetor with their hands shoved in their pockets. Phobetor gave Lutece a thorough examination before asking, “Who’s he supposed to be?” in just about the rudest tone they could manage.
“Brat,” Phantasos jeered, but before he could tug on his younger sibling’s ear, Phobetor had scurried out of reach. “He’s your elder, so show some respect.”
“Respect is earned,” Phobetor retorted.
Dreamweaver smirked. “You’ve taught them to be a bit too independent, haven’t you, Phantasos?”
“Hullo, Mr. Lutece!” Morpheus said, and thrust out their hand for Lutece to shake--which he did, very graciously. “I’m Morpheus, and that’s Phobetor! We’re Phanny’s little siblings!”
“Th-they’re yours, founder?” Lutece stammered. “But I thought...”
“They were even more of a happy accident than Phantasos,” Dreamweaver replied. “We never expected to have another successful pregnancy, let alone twins. Morpheus, Phobetor, Lutece was born in the territories, and now he’s come back; you can trust him.”
“Why’d he leave in the first place?” Phobetor asked, crossing their arms over their chest and jutting out their chin.
“My father was a mechanic.” Lutece squatted, and Phobetor’s bravado wavered. They took a step back, dragging Morpheus with them. “Feldspar wasn’t exactly technologically inclined in those days,” Lutece elaborated, “so him and my maman--that’s my ma--picked up the whole family and moved us out near the Lightning Farm.”
“Don’t let Phobetor’s cold welcome get to you,” Banrai said, “they just take Dreamy’s lessons about ‘stranger danger’ to heart!”
“Bet a ride on Cloud Nine’ll change their tune.”
Phobetor crinkled their nose, but Morpheus peered from behind their sibling’s shoulder with wide eyes. “What’s Cloud Nine?” they asked, their little fingers fidgeting with Phobetor’s shirt.
“My illustrious and esteemed vessel.” Lutece winked. “Want a tour?”
“Really?! I can go aboard?!” Their uncertainty all but forgotten, Morpheus bounded forward to yank on Dreamweaver’s sleeve. “Dede, please, please let us go!”
“What ‘us?’” Phobetor grumbled.
“You’re coming and you’re gonna like it!”
“That’s what you meant by ‘established?’” Dreamweaver turned to survey the airship, once more marveling at its great size and immaculate artistry. Now that they looked closer, they could see its name carved into its side in bold letters: Cloud Nine. “You’re a pilot?”
“Pilot,” Lutece replied, “and captain, and navigator, and mechanic--although I leave most of the technical stuff to my business partner!”
“Business partner?”
“You didn’t think I did all this on my own, did you?” Lutece snorted and rolled his eyes. “Shasta’d kill me if I didn’t give her equal credit--or, actually, majority credit, seeing as she’s the one who designed ol’ Nines. We’ve been working together for, oh, a full cycle now, I’d reckon.”
“Is she cute?” Phantasos asked, nudging Lutece playfully in the ribs.
“Sure,” Lutece replied, “but I’m not really her type. She’d date Dreamweaver before she dated me.” Grinning mischievously, he nudged Phantasos in return, hard enough to make the young heir double over. “We’re thinking about nesting, though, since we both want kids ‘n all. That’s another reason I came back; no better place than Feldspar to raise a family.”
“My spleen,” Phantasos wheezed, “my gallbladder.”
“Those aren’t on the same side, Phantasos,” Myrtle said. “Isaiah would be very disappointed.”
“Hey, you lazy son of a bitch!” As one, the group looked up to where another figure now stood, leaning over the very railing Lutece had leapt from. Judging by the blue-green feathers along her neck, she was a Coatl--and not a happy one. “I know you like playing at being a rogue without a cause,” she spat, “but we need every hand we can get up here!”
“Shasta,” Lutece hollered back, “these are the founders and their children! You should come and greet them!”
“Are you off your fuckin’ block?!”
“Well,” Lutece said, “if she won’t come to you, I suppose I’ll have to bring you to her.” Timidly, painfully so, he offered his arm to Dreamweaver, and they were struck again by how much he had grown, and yet how little had changed. “If you’re amenable,” he went on, “I’d like it if I could give all of you the grand tour.”
Dreamweaver smiled. “I would like that too.”
@nostlenne  @serthis-archivist @airris-fr @reanimatedfr @jollyroger-fr @megane-pigeon @griminal-rising @windkissesfr
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