#i just wanna float n drink n smoke and then get back for a huge meal that’ll beach me
housecow · 8 months
still think you’re gonna make it to 300 before you’re 22?🫡 how long you got left?
about half the year!! plenty of time.. have to say i’m worried about hoisting myself in and out of the river when i’m swimming this summer though 🫣
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willow-tree-writes · 4 years
❀Bet {2}❀
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: The good girl goes on a date with the bad boy and actually enjoys it. So that leads to a few more dates. A few stolen kisses. A few introductions to knew people. The catch? You might realize it sooner than later...
Request: N/A
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for all the support you guys gave me on the first part! I did not think it was going to do as well as it did. I got this out a lot sooner than I thought I would.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Cursing
Part 1
!I don’t own this gif!
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“I think this is really cute.”
You laughed a little, looking at the sundress. “Of course you’d pick that, Mom.”
She gave you a look. “Tell me it’s ugly and I’ll put it back.” 
“You know I can’t say that.” You smile at her and take the dress. It was a really cute dress, to be honest.
Your smile drops a little and you sigh to yourself. “I don’t know why I’m trying to get all pampered for this.” It wasn’t like you had actually said yes to the date. You just had no choice. Yeah, that’s right.
Your mom watched you for a moment as you played with the fabric of the dress. “Because it’s your first date. Just let yourself have fun.”
“You don’t understand, Mom.” You set the dress down. “This guy’s idea of fun is smoking, drinking, and having sex. Period, end of sentence.”
She nodded, but it didn’t seem like the information was really settling in. “If he’s so out of your line of sight, why don’t you just not go?”
For some reason, that didn’t really occur to you. He seemed so dead set on taking you out, not showing up to the date wasn’t an option.
“There’s some part of you that likes him, Y/N/N. Whether you’ll admit that to Dina or not, you can’t hide it from me.”
She gave you a kiss on the forehead as she picked up the dress and went to go check out.
You rubbed your fingers along the case of your phone, flipping it to check the time every minute it seemed.
3:23… 3:24… 3:25…
You were only a couple minutes early. But he still wasn’t here. And you doubt he’d ever show up.
It was probably some prank. Him and his friends thought it would be funny to mess with a tipsy Kook.
It’s not like you had anything to give him. The Pogues didn’t care too much for what Kooks had, especially when those Kooks can barely get by in life.
Pogue and Kook. What stupid terms. Who even came up with those?
You felt all the anxiety you tried to fight out come out victorious. This was going to either be a set up, or a stand up. No in between, it was one or the other.
You looked down at your sandals as you tried to kick the sand out from between your toes. 
You were overexaggerating. You knew that. Being a minute or two late wasn’t that bad. You’ve been late to important meetings and such. So why were you so upset about this?
“I didn’t think you’d show up.” 
Your head jolted up as you watched the figure of the boy approach you. He was wearing the same stupidly goofy smile as yesterday. His outfit was simple, a grey tank top with shorts, but it looked good on him.
You shrugged a little, holding onto your phone a bit tightly. “I had nothing better to do today.” You tried to cooly answer. You wanted to make up for how he saw you yesterday.
He nodded, just taking the information even though it was clear he didn’t believe it. “Well, I hope you’re wearing a bathing suit, cause we’re heading out on the water.”
“On the water?” You repeated. “Like, on a boat?”
JJ started walking backwards, holding out his hand for you to take. “Yep.”
You were hesitant, but grabbed his hand anyways. By showing up, you agreed to the date. Whether you thought of that or not. The least you could do was go along with what he has planned.
As soon as your hand touched his, he smiled and pulled you along down the beach with him.
Strangely, his hand was soft. Yes, it had a rough undertone to it, but it’s not something you’d notice if you were just shaking it or holding it for a couple seconds. There was no way he could make his hands feel like this in one night for one girl. It had to be something he worked on daily, weekly at the least.
“Say hello to the HMS Pogue.” JJ gently took your senses from your hands back to your eyes.
The boat in question had the words ‘HMS Pogue’ painted on the side of it. It was in fairly decent shape, you made sure to note in your mind.
You glanced at him, noticing he was watching for your reaction to his friends’ prized possession. 
Giving him a smile, you look back at the boat. “She’s really nice.” Usually, you’d just say something like this to get out of the conversation. You couldn’t say anything bad, in case it came back to bite you in the butt. This this, now this was genuine.
The smile he had from before seemed to grow more sincere, though that wouldn’t make sense to anyone but a person who has been watching the teenager for years.
He let go of your hand as he hopped in the boat. Your hand felt weird now, as if you wanted his touch again, even just for a second more.
That want was somewhat fulfilled as he held out his hand to you once again. This time it was to help you on the boat. Which you gladly took.
Now the boat wasn’t huge, but for two people, it was pretty spacious. It looked like it had been recently cleaned to the best of the boy’s ability. But what caught your attention the most was the basket that was down in the middle, a blanket thrown out under it.
You glance at the boy that was driving the boat away from the dock. “A picnic?” You smooth out the back of your dress before sitting yourself down on the blanket and taking off your sandals.
“Is that not a good first date idea?” It was obvious he wasn’t the dating kind of guy. He was used to hooking up, not meeting up. This would be his first real date.
But it was also your first date.
Shrugging, you rub your hand against the softness of the blanket. “I think it’s nice.”
If you were paying attention, you might have seen the smile that cracked onto his face that held more than just the idea of his plan working. If you were paying attention, you might have seen the way he shook off that smile as quick as it came.
“Good, good.” He mutters, nodding. He clears his throat after a while, after you are pretty far out into the water. “I hope you like sandwiches.”
You look over as he sits down on the other side of the basket, opposite of you. “As long as you have turkey.”
Eight sandwiches later, between the two of you, JJ was sitting on the edge of the boat telling stories as you sat in a safer place, listening.
“So, John B actually took the bottle, and it was glued to his hand for the whole day!” 
You smile and shake your head, holding back a laugh. “That’s such a cruel prank. It must’ve hurt to get it off.”
JJ chuckles and kicks his shoes off before standing. “All I know is it was hilarious to watch him try to do the simplest of shit.”
There was a moment of silence between you, giving time for JJ to pull off his shirt out of nowhere.
You quickly redirected your eyes as a blush crept up your neck to your cheeks. “JJ, what are you doing...?”
“What? I told you you better be wearing a bathing suit.” He tossed his shirt over by the empty basket.
Shaking your head, you bring your knees up to your chest. “Well, I’m not.”
“Can’t take no for an answer, sorry.” Without much warning, he jumped down from his spot and picked you up. 
“JJ!” You squealed as he threw you over his shoulder.
He walks up to the edge of the boat. “Last chance; do you wanna take that cute little dress off before I toss you in?” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
A furious blush once again covered your cheeks. “I-I am not taking off my dress…”
He shrugs. “Be that way.” Before you could ask him oh so sweetly to not toss you in, he tosses you in.
Another squeal erupts from your throat as your body comes into contact with the cold water. It was an unrefreshing wakeup call for anyone who needed it. 
You gasped for air as you broke the surface. A gasp that took in water from a splash right in front of you. 
“JJ!” You called out again as he resurfaced, laughing his ass off.
He swam over next to you. “Come on, Kookie. Live a little.”
You scoff a little and splash him right in the face. “Not when I just bought this dress earlier today.” You mutter.
He smirked as he got even closer. “‘Bought it earlier today’? As in, just for me?”
You blush yet again and look away. “N-No…”
With one hand he grabs your hips, and the other one places itself on your cheek to make you look at him. “Is Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes lying to me now?”
The tone of his voice made your breath hitch in your throat. The space closing in between the two of you made the hair on the back of your neck stand.
Surely, he wasn’t going to kiss you, right? It was only your first date. Wasn’t that kind of thing left for the end of it? Or maybe even the second? Or third? Definitely not the middle of the first, at least.
But then again, here you were, inches away from your lips touching their first boy. And you weren’t moving away. You weren’t rejecting it. 
It might have been because of the warmth that radiated off him as you both floated in the cold water. It might have been because of the way his touch made you feel like you were on cloud nine.
His lips never moved away, only closer. They didn’t hesitate, when centimeters away, to press themselves to your lips and steal any air that might have occupied your lungs.
His lips, much like his hands, were softer than you imagined. But unlike his hands, there was never a hint of roughness. It didn’t feel like hundreds of other girls have done the same as you; you felt different. Special.
Your lips danced together for what seemed like an hour. His took intricate steps, as your’s tried to follow him to a tee and only slightly tripping over yourself.
When you parted, you felt yourself leaning into him. Any doubts about kissing in the middle of the first date left your mind as you just wanted more.
JJ lightly squeezed your hips, pulling you over with him closer to the boat. “Wouldn’t want to ruin that dress too much.” He says as he slowly lets go of you.
“Yeah, right…” Biting your lip, you try not to make it evident that you craved his touch, if just for a moment more. That the cold water was unbearable without him near.
You said nothing as he climbed out of the water and into the boat. He extended his hand out for you, which you took probably a little too quickly. After he helped you in, you managed to slip on some of the water that dripped from you. You slipped right into him.
He caught you without a problem, laughing a little. “Falling for me already?”
You laughed a little along with him, but didn’t give him an answer or anything like that. “Doesn’t really seem like this was your first date.” You just would change the subject.
Shrugging, he went over to drive the boat back to land. “I’m just full of surprises.”
The rest of the ride was kind of silent. But it wasn’t an awkward silence. At least, after a while it wasn’t. Maybe it was just a little awkward for you.
Once he parked the boat, JJ hopped off, tied it down, and went over to help you get off. He made sure you didn’t slip this time.
You smile at him as you start to walk down the dock. “I actually had a really nice time…”
“What? You thought you weren’t?” He asked, fake offended.
With a shrug, you say, “Well, you’re-”
Before you could finish, JJ’s phone started to ring from in the boat.
“Hold that thought.”
You hadn’t realized the two of you were holding hands until he dropped your’s to run back to the boat and hop inside.
JJ picked up his phone and looked at the name of the caller. He rolled his eyes and answered. “What do you want now?”
“How is everything going?” Gavin’s voice made JJ want to hang up immediately.
He glanced over at you for a split second before looking out over the water and lowering his voice. “Just fine. Goodbye.”
“Wait, wait!” Gavin called out before JJ could put his phone down. “Has she mentioned anything about her friend, or me?”
JJ shook his head. “No. Why the fuck would she?”
There was brief talking in the background. “Just wondering. Your money for this date will be given to you after school Monday.”
“Good.” Once again, JJ’s gaze trailed over to the girl who was standing by the end of the dock. The girl who was soaking wet from head to toe. The girl who bought a new dress just for his date. The girl he went on his first date with.
Without saying anything more, he hung up the phone. He was bound to break your heart, but he didn’t know if he wanted to.
____ ____
Tag List -  @outerbanksbabes ♛ @camillemonty ♛ @http-cherries ♛ @lonely-kermit ♛ @iccyyyybitch ♛ @Bearfacesbitch ♛ @itsagurl ♛
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brelione · 4 years
Rapunzel (Topper Thornton X Reader)
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So I hate canon Topper so like I made up my own Topper kind of a little bit thats like not an asshole :)
You were that one kook that nobody really knew.You werent anyones enemy but you werent anyones friend either.Your parents were quite wealthy.Like really fucking rich like the Thorntons and Camerons combined.Your house was really big with a long,smooth driveway.One room literally had a window for a wall.That was your room.You had a natural pool with flowers floating at the top and shells that you had collected on the bottom.You had a lemon tree and a peach tree,roses and blueberries.You had a hammock in your room by the wall so you could stare out at the street and the people walking by.You had four bathrooms,two living rooms,an art room,a huge kitchen,three guest rooms,your own personal library and two dining rooms.Topper saw you as a princess.He thought you were kind of like Rapunzel,locked up in your room as you stared outside.He didnt know your name so he just called you by Rapunzel in his head.He went on jogs every morning and would purposefully go down your street.He had never seen you at the beach or at parties or even out on your family’s huge boat.You just stayed up in your room.He couldnt blame you,you really had no reason to ever leave your house.
He had tried asking around about you.He had been with Kelce and Rafe,out on the beach to smoke weed cause Topper couldnt smoke inside his house. “Do you guys know anything about the (Y/L/N)’s daughter?”He asked.Rafe furrowed his eyebrows. “They don't have any kids.”He replied,inhaling.Kelce frowned. “No,no I think they do.I don't know anything about her though.”He replied.Rafe shook his head. “Nope.If they did have a kid it would be dead by now.Has anyone ever seen them at their own house?”He asked.Topper shrugged,taking a hit of the blunt. “I’ve seen her around in her window before.Never seen her outside though.”He answered.Kelce grinned. “You watch her through her window?”He asked.Topper rolled his eyes. “No,I stop outside her house and she just happens to be where i’m looking.”He answered.Rafe stared out at the clouds,a frown on his face. “What does she look like?”He asked.Topper sighed. “I mean….her hair is kind of long but like not really long.It's like in a bun or braid or something whenever I see her.She looks kind of short but I don't know.”He shrugged.
Rafe’s eyebrows furrowed. “That’s not helpful at all.”He mumbled.After leaving them he decided to jog by your house.He stopped at the front,squinting his eyes.He could barely make out your figure sitting up in the hammock,looking down at him.He waved,feeling like a fool.He watched you stand up,stepping closer to the window.You lifted your hand and sent a quick wave.He grinned,thinking about what to do.He took out his phone and pointed to it.You just stared at him confused.He pointed to it again,making a texting motion before holding the phone to his ear.You grabbed your phone,looking back at him.He held up his hands,making different numbers.You typed each one into your phone as you blushed.Once you got all the numbers you pressed the call button.His phone rang.He answered it. “Hi.”He mumbled.You laughed,putting your phone on speaker as you sat in your hammock. “Hey.”You answered.You heard him clear his throat.  
“So um,i’ve never really seen you around.What’s your name?”He asked,putting his hand in his pocket as he still looked at you. “(Y/N).Is your name Topper?”You asked.He hummed. “How’d you know?”He asked.You shrugged,knowing he couldn't see you. “I mean,your name kind of goes around.Who the hell names someone Topper?”You giggled.He bit his lip. “My parents,apparently.So what’s the deal with your parents?”He asked.You sighed,placing a pillow on your stomach and resting your arms on it. “I don't even know you and you’re asking about my family life.You’re a real go getter,Topper Thornton.”You stared up at your colorful ceiling,waiting for him to answer. “So...what do I have to do to get you to tell me about yourself?”He asked.You bit your lip,glancing down at the street. “I dont know.I’ll text you when I come up with something.”You answered.He smiled.That meant that you’d definitely talk to him again.
He didn't wanna piss you off or get on your bad side.Your family was like royalty and you were literally a princess. “Okay.So you’re going to text me?”He asked.You rolled your eyes. “That is what I said.”You grinned.He scratched his collarbone with a grin. “Cool,cool.”He answered,almost not believing this was actually happening.You sighed. “So….why are you outside my house in the middle of the road?”You asked.He laughed.He didn't exactly know how to explain it. “Um...I don't know.I mean i've seen you around.Well,no,I haven't seen you around but like ive seen you through your window-not that I stare at you through your window but like I was just thinking its like….im sorry,im gonna restart that sentence.So,I've seen you in your window and I didnt even know that the (Y/L/N)’s had a daughter so I was like “Oh wow that's crazy I wonder if she’s being held captive” so I figured i’d try to call you and make sure you weren't being held captive.”You watched as he covered his face with his hand and waited for you to say something.
 “You’re checking if I'm being held captive?”You asked.He hummed. “Well,I am being held captive.Thanks for checking in.”You held back a laugh.He squeaked,trying to form words. “Are you serious?I can't tell if you're kidding or not.”He mumbled.You let out the laugh you were holding,turning on your side so you could still look at him. “I'm totally kidding,Thornton.”You answered.He nodded. “So,why don't you go out anywhere?”He asked.You shrugged.It just wasn't something you did.Your parents were always gone and you really enjoyed having your house to yourself all the time.You had no idea where they went or when they would come back but they transferred money into your bank account for you to buy food or clothes or whatever.You could play your music loud,take long baths,watch rated R movies and drink any of the alcohol that they had. “Because its dumb.”You answered.He grinned. “I can change your mind.”He answered.You looked outside to see him looking up at you. “Bet.”You replied,sitting up so you were looking right back at him.He smiled.
 “Alright.I’ll text you later,then.”He tapped his foot on the cement. “Hey,do me a favor.”You mumbled.He nodded. “What?”He asked. “Get your ass out of the road before you get killed.”You grinned.He rolled his eyes,stepping onto the sidewalk and out of the road. “Done.I’ll talk to you later.”He scratched the side of his nose. “Bye,Topper.”You grinned. “Bye (Y/N).”He grinned before hanging up.He held his breath,trying not to jump up and down before continuing his jog.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
The Marvelous Misadventures of One: S. Marvin Argentum Ch. 1: To County Kerry and Back Again
Summary: Marvin goes to clear his head, and gets caught up in a huge conspiracy in the process.
A/N: *side eyes at the recent Techno and Quackity lore* I saw it, and I’ll address that loaded but fun character development it another time. I don’t have Dream in jail . . . yet, maybe . . . so fortunately so I don’t have to adhere/spoil it too closely.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
Marvin relaxed a bit, as much as he could, into the train seat he was in. His train was traveling from Althone down to his mom’s home in Kelly’s Bay, Ireland.
He’d lost his mask and cape long before he got to the train, and he felt very exposed and uneasy without them. The long scars down his face on display for all to see. But he was going to distance himself from everything that had happened recently.
Fortunately he had nine hours to nap and think. His phone was silenced, except for emergency calls. This would be the start of a time for meditation and reflection.
And it was, for about two hours.
The mage did everything in his power not to jump or startle. But when he looked over to see Ghostbur materialize right next to him, he just about launched himself out of his own seat.
“Fook!”[1] Marvin cursed.
“Oh sorry,” Ghostbur held up his hands in apology. “I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wasn’t sure it was you at first without your mask.”
“How the fook[1] did yeh[2] find me?” Marvin hissed, trying to keep his voice down.
“Well I followed you and Average to the station,” Ghost admitted. “You looked really sad and lonely, so I figured I should keep you company.”
“Ghostbur,” Marvin tried to keep his voice down and his anger obviously. “I’m tryin’ ta get away from the heroes. Not brin’ it with me.”[3]
“Yes, you mentioned that, but I just wanted to keep you company,” Ghostbur told him. “Toms was lonely when he was sent off and I didn’t want you to be lonely.”
Marvin was about to snap back that being lonely with his thoughts was the whole point, but at the mention of Tommy, or “Big Man”, and about some more pieces of what had to have been a very tough period in Tommy’s life he decided not to.
“Yeh sure Tommy won’t mind yeh bein’ here with me instead ‘a with him?”[4] Marvin asked.
Ghostbur looked at him hands, “Tommy has Tubbo and Ranboo and . . . Tommy likes them more.”
Feeling like that hit him a bit too personally, Marvin sighed. “Fine, yeh[2] can come with, just make sure yeh[2] don’t tell people who I am.”
Smiling, Ghostbur perked right up, “I won’t, I won’t, I promise.”
Ghostbur more or less kept his word. He meandered up and down the train and they reached County Kerry. Ghostbur was enthralled by the nearby sheep fields. He would lean over the fence and feed them. His sheep companion field often trotted by his side. The farmers and dogs weren’t too keen on him, but the sheep seemed to adore Ghostbur.
One rental car later, Marvin slipped into a petrol station to grab some snacks. No one seemed to recognize him anymore, which Marvin was eternally grateful for.
The ghostly young man was floating next to Marvin as he was in the back grabbing some drinks. He was floating upside-down.
“Mar— uhh, mage I don’t know, uhm,” Ghostbur immediately corrected himself.
“What?” Marvin sighed, closing the fridge door a bit harsher than he needed to. “An’[5] Marv is fine.”
“One of the demon hunters is here,” Ghostbur whispered, hunching in on himself to make himself smaller.
“From Egoton?” Marvin tried to look around the shelf and saw someone in a dark cloak talking to the person behind the register.
“Fook,”[1] Marvin magicked his mask into his hands and put it on. “I’m supposed ta[6] be on leave, stay back here and[5] stay down.”
“Okay,” Ghostbur nodded nervously.
Marvin braced to start casting spells as he walked out. “Well, this is a shite meetin’. The fook yeh doin’ so far from home?”[7]
The hunter turned and pulled down their hood, revealing themself to be the Grandmaster’s second-in-command, “I thought I detected your aura close by.”
“Why don’t we take this outside?” Marvin snarled. “Leave the nice human out ‘a[8] this?”
“Of course, of course,” Taylor promised, and began to back out. Marvin rushed to pay for his things and handed the bags to Ghostbur, who was ordered to stay back in the shop as Marvin stepped out. People were definitely starting to recognize who he was now.
“Yeh need ta turn back around an’ head back o’er ta Egoton, before this fight gets nasty,”[9] Marvin warned. “Not on the clock, supposed ta[6] be headed back home.”
“I would have left you be, but I need help,” the hunter said.
“That’s what the rest ‘a yer Guild is fer,”[10] Marvin spat.
“The Guildmaster is planning another attack on Egoton, but she’s got help,” Taylor told him quickly. “I’ve tried everything to stop her, but she’s only doubling down, all she cares about is killing demons.”
“Why haven’t yeh[2] told the other heroes?” Marvin demanded.
“Are you kidding me?” They spat. “Spade would kill me. Besides, the Host didn’t let me even get close. I’m being watched by the Guildmaster’s favorite hunters. I only just managed to lose them.”
“What are they gonna[11] do?” Marvin demanded.
“The Guildmaster has been talking with the CIA and some showboat freak that’s got a vendetta against the Entity. He passed all the tests as a human but there’s no way that thing is human.” Taylor wasn’t meeting his eyes and they looked pissed. “I think his name is Mark or Marcus.”
Something triggered in the back of Marvin’s memory. He wasn’t sure if he’d heard something in passing but he could have sworn he knew what person the hunter was talking about, but his mind couldn’t conjure a message.
Either way, the demon hunters team with a dangerous personal enemy of Dark’s and the government was a bad idea.
“Shit!” Taylor spat, looking back and pulling out a staff from their robe. “No!”
Marvin looked around, expecting to see more Hunter walking over to him, but he only saw Ghostbur fall out of the little convenience store’s door. He was desperately trying to be discreet and failing.
“Wait, he’s with me,” Marvin got in between the hunter and Ghostbur, readying his cards to defend him.
“With you?” Taylor balked. “Are you insane? Do you know who that is?”
“I work with a guy who’s sleepin’[12] with a mob boss behind my back, an’[5] a demon kid who talks ta[6] squirrels.” Marvin could already feel his blood pressure rising again. “Don’t talk ta me about knowin’ who people are, ‘cause I don’t, an’ I think you do either.”[13]
Ghostbur began getting close but was clearly nervous. Marvin looked at the people watching them and Marvin decided, “Maybe we should get outta[14] here.”
Taylor looked around and threw down a smoke bomb, letting Marvin get into the rental car with Ghostbur and the hunter and driving away, which was immediately tense because Ghostbur was obviously nervous. She was sitting in the back of the car.
Ghostbur was turned around his his seat, looking sadly at her, “I’m sorry if old me ever hurt you in the past. I can’t remember if we’ve ever met.”
“What are you playing at?” The hunter snapped.
“I’ve had really bad memory since I discorporated,” Ghostbur ducked behind the chair. “I know I was a terrible person but I don’t remember you.”
“We never met,” Taylor told him and Ghostbur visibly calmed down.
“Oh, that’s a relief,” Ghostbur sighed and turned around. “Have you met Friend? He’s quite lovely.”
“Don’t summon yer[15] sheep inta[16] my car,” Marvin told her, he knew he shouldn’t be driving to his Mom’s house but he knew that if he didn’t visit her after telling her he was coming back to town and didn’t visit her he would be in trouble. She would find him and that was the last thing he wanted. Besides, he could probably keep the hunter in the car. He glanced at the hunter in the rearview mirror. “So yeh’ve ne’er met Ghostbur, but yeh know who he is?”[17]
“Their entire pact has titles,” Taylor told him. “Philza the Angel of Death, Techno the Blade, Lady Death, Wilbur the Sootling, and Tommy the Child Soldier.”
Marvin thought back to Tommy, laughing and joking around with Ethan and Tubbo. He’d seen Phil and Techno, knew they were dangerous, but he could only imagine the kinds of things Tommy had been through before meeting him in an almost empty sheep field with Ghostbur.
“I’m Ghostbur,” Ghostbur corrected, trying to hide behind the seat again. “Wilbur is dead.”
“Is that so?” The hunter demanded. “Why would the Angel of Death allow that?”
Ghostbur fell quiet, and Marvin verbally moved in to save him. “Hey, I’m gonna[11] call the heroes before I lose all my service out in the middle ‘a[8] fookin’[18] nowhere.”
Before the hunter could argue, Marvin was already speed dialing Chase.
  It took a couple rings before Chase actually picked up and Marvin could tell there was someone else talking to him but over the hum of the car on the road there was no way to tell if it was Dark or Jackie.
“Yeh[2] good?” Chase asked.
“Wish I was,” Marvin told him. “The demon hunters are plannin’[19] an attack on the city next week.”
“What?” Chase demanded in shock and someone on the other line was talking to Chase. “Is it on Friday?”
Shit! Marvin thought and his eyes darted back at Taylor and his knuckles went white on the steering wheel. “Is it on Friday?”
“Yeah, why?” Taylor asked.
“Shite, that’s the wedding,” Marvin hissed, then shouted back at the phone, “Yes!”
“Fook!”[1] Chase spat. Then Chase leaned away from the phone. “The fook yeh wanna do?”[20]
More muffled speaking followed.
“That . . .” Chase cut off, leaving Marvin unsure if he stopped talking or Marvin just couldn’t hear his rebuttal. But it let Marvin narrow down who Chase was probably with and talking to. “Look, Marv, I’ll call yeh back later. Gotta talk ta Dark about this.”[21]
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Marvin said, “take care ‘a yerself, ‘kay?”[22]
“Yeah,” Chase hung up, leaving the car in silence.
“What happens on Friday?” Taylor leaned forward closer to the driver’s seat.
“There’s a wedding, one ‘a Dark’s sons an’ one ‘a our aged out apprentices is gettin’ married next week, an’ this is too coincidental,”[23] Marvin explained.
“Is that what the event is?” Taylor realized. “We were told there was some big festival or gathering.”
“Nothing bad ever happens at a festival,” Ghostbur mumbled blankly, as if recalling some past, bad memory.
“Okay, okay, we’re comin’ up ta my stop, I gotta talk ta someone an’ then we can come up with a plan,”[24] Marvin told his passengers.
“Alright,” the hunter seemed to calm down.
Accessibility Translations:
1. Fuck
2. you
3. I’m trying to get away from the heroes. Not bring it with me.
4. You sure Tommy won’t mind you being here with me instead of with him?
5. And
6. to
7. Well, this is a shit meeting. The fuck are you doing so far from home?
8. of
9. You need to turn back around and head back over to Egoton, before this fight gets nasty
10. That’s what the rest of your Guild is for,
11. going to
12. sleeping
13. Don’t talk to me about knowing who people are, because I don’t, and I think you do either.
14. out of
15. your
16. into
17. So you’ve never met Ghostbur, but you know who he is?
18. fucking
19. planning
20. The fuck you want to do?
21. Look, Marv, I’ll call you back later. Got to talk to Dark about this.
22. take care of yourself, okay?
23. There’s a wedding, one of Dark’s sons and one of our graduated apprentices is getting married next week, and this is too coincidental
24. Okay, okay, we’re coming up to my stop, I have talk ta someone and then we can come up with a plan
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burts-baked-bees · 5 years
Saving The Boogeyman:
A 1978!Micheal Myers x reader fan fiction By oh hey-mishamigosx
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Chapter Two: A Day In The Life.
Teacher Institute Days were an absolute godsend. After a not so relaxing weekend of homework and regular work, having a Monday free from the confining walls of Haddonfield High was like winning the lottery. Senior year was coming to an end for Y/n, and she couldn’t wait to escape the early mornings of high school and trade them in for the self picked classes of collage. It was no lie that she loved the small town she grew up in, but her heart longed for a city or town outside of the corn-ridden fields of the midwest.
October was drawing to a head as the weather had finally began to cool down, and the leaves were all but gone now. Halloween decorations littered front lawns and store fronts as Haddonfiled prepared for the spooky time. But Halloween was not a normal time for the residents of the small Illinois town; it never had been.
Dead leaves crunched underfoot as Y/n made her way down the street, her mind focused on a hot cup of coffee/tea at the diner just down the street. She was planning on meeting a few friends from school there to talk about the possibility of a party on the 31st, and she was excited to say the least. The only visible downside to the party was the sheer fact that she wouldn’t have a date to accompany her, which often mean eating candy and dancing to the new music from Grease or Rolling Stones greatest hits so far. She didn’t mind it terribly, she hadn’t met her match yet, but watching all her friends get down and dirty around her often led to the party being more of a discount porno then a fun get together. She was used to being the odd one out in her friend group by now, but that didn’t stop her from craving the fun she always had when with them. Even if she did end up leaving halfway through the party, prepping and decorating was her favorite part anyway. Setting up decorations, making spooky snacks, all of it was fun enough to warrant the party almost pointless by the time it rolled around.
“Y/n!” The voice came from behind her and she spun around to face the girl jogging down the sidewalk. There was a huge smile on her face as she trailed her boyfriend behind her. “Hey! If it isn’t the queen of Halloween herself! How are you enjoying this lovely October day off?”
Y/n laughed a bit as she pulled her hair from her eyes, “Hey Courtney, hey Jude.”
“Just like the Beatles!” Countney laughed as she tugged on her boyfriend's arm. He rolled his eyes as smiled,
“Sure thing babe.”
“You guys wanna head inside?” Y/n asked as she jabbed her thumb towards the diner door. Without another word the three burst into the doors of the diner, all laughs and smiles as two more boys stood from their corner booth and waved them over.
“Jesus Christ,” The woman behind the counter scoffed, “Aren’t you brats ever in school?” The ring of the bell in the cooks window drown out any response the teens could have fired back.
“Hotcakes! In the window!” Came the chefs booming voice. Y/n watched as the woman went to the window and brought the plate to a nearby table. She followed her friends to the back booth with a smile, and placed her bag on the floor as she squeezed in next to Courtney.
“So,” Jude began, “What are we having?” The two boys who had arrived earlier; Sam and Conner, laughed at the question with devilish grins.
We got enough whipped cream to kill a small village and even more chocolate milk then you could fathom.” Sam quipped with a grin. Y/n laughed at the comment and turned to the boys,
“You guys ever wish we were normal teens that got high and drunk instead of sitting at a diner drinking milk?” There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she swiped her finger through Conner’s whipped cream. The blonde retaliated by pulling his drink away from her with a scoff. She placed her finger in her mouth with a laugh enjoying the sweetness on her tongue.
“I like to remember my parties when their done thanks.” He took a huge swig of his drink and looked back to the group, mouth now full, “Plus. I’m no saint. I smoke cigarettes.”
“And that’s why your single asshole, no girl wants to french an ashtray.” Jude snarked, moving to plant a kiss on Courtney's lips.
“Good thing I’m gay as fuck then.”
There was a roar of laughter from around the table as others in the small space began looking to the teens with wary eyes. Y/n felt her face grow red as she peeled over with laughter, Conner smirked and took a bite of the pancakes that were hiding behind his coat on the table top.
As the laughter died down the sound of the TV on the other side of the diner became more clear in the air. The group continued the conversation but Y/n felt her mind drift to the broken words floating over the music and talking in the restaurant.
“Haddonfield…… free again…… nurse hurt in the process…… 14 victims….”
Y/n felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on edge as she stood, her friends looking at her very confused. She drifted slowly over to the counter, her mind in a fog as she found herself wondering why she was interested in the news at all. A sudden wave came over her that she couldn’t quite explain, but it was telling her to listen.
“Y/n. What’s wrong?” Came Courtney's voice from behind.
“Can you turn that up?” Y/n shouted as she looked to the red-headed news reporter on the screen. The snooty waitress from before furrowed her brow and grabbed the remote from under the counter, turning the volume up enough to hear clearly.
“You heard it hear first ladies and gentleman, the notorious Haddonfield Boogeyman escaped custody at Park Hill Sanatorium just last night, leaving his nurse injured but alive. Many of the guards were killed in the escape, but there is little known about the killer Micheal Myers current location.”
The diner fell silent as the news cast continued on, hushed murmurs soon filled the air as Conner stepped forward.
“Hey Y/n, doesn't your mom work there?” Jude elbowed Conner in the gut as the woman in the corner booth with her husband uttered a “Please God, not again.” Y/n froze as she stared at the name flashing on the screen.
Michael Myers.
Tag List: @h-e-l-l-b-r-o-k-e @uirene @perhaps-im-dave-rolland
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stonedstozier · 4 years
The Walk
a/n: this imagine is based on the kiss scene from the spectacular now
pairing: stozier
word count: 1185
warnings: use of marijuana
modern day au, aged to 17
The final school bell rings and Stan makes his way out the school doors and down to the dirt trails home. He holds onto his backpack straps and kicks the rocks as he walks the familiar path home. 
"Hey, Stan!" a well known voice yells from behind. Stan turns around to see the one and only Richie Tozier running after him. 
"Hey, Richie." Stan says once the boy is caught up to him. "Do you walk this way home?" 
"Uh, no. I usually take the dumbass bus home, but I thought I'd just walk with you today." 
"Okay," Stan smiles as the two walk side by side down the woodsy trail back so their humble abodes, or a shitty abode according to Richie, he likes Stan’s house more than his own. 
"So, how was your day, Stan The Man?" Richie asks as he takes his gaze from focusing on his beaten up shoes to Stan’s beautiful, warm, golden brown eyes.
"You were there for most of it," Stan slightly laughs. 
"I know," Richie laughs along. "But I still want to know how your day was." 
"It was, you know, whatever. Just your average day, I guess?" Stan shrugs his shoulders. "You?" 
"Pretty much the same," Richie sighs. "How’s life at home? You know since..." Richie trails off, hinting to the huge fight between Stan and his father about their religion, something Stanley doesn’t believe in.
"It's," Stan pauses. "I feel invisible - ignored. It feels like I’m disowned rather than being… Loved... My parents don't really pay attention to me anymore." 
"You can say that again," Richie chuckles bitterly, relating to Stan and feeling heartbroken for him. Richie doesn’t want Stan to have the same home life that he does.
"Hmm?" Stan hums in question.
"I'm in the same boat," Richie looks at Stan then at the trees ahead. "My parents don't notice whether I'm home or not. I don't think they really give a fuck either." Stan opens his mouth to say something but he just sighs instead. "It's pretty shitty," Richie says and pulls out a joint from thin air, putting it in his mouth and lighting it. 
"Is that weed?" Stan asks as he furrows his brows together. Richie puffs out smoke and nods his head.
"When your life is shit when you're sober, why not make it more fun by being fucked up?" Richie smirks at the other. "Wanna try?" he holds the joint out and Stan takes it without hesitation. 
"I don't know how-"
"Just put it in your mouth," Richie cuts him off. "Take a hit, and breathe in as much smoke as you can." Richie explains.
Stan does as Richie directs and immediately starts coughing uncontrollably. Richie breaks into laughter and takes the joint back. 
"Oh my god," Stan says through coughs. "Woah." Richie just continues to laugh at Stan’s reaction. Stan has never been the one to drink or do any type of drugs, but when he’s with Richie, things are different. He feels loose, he can let go.
"Don't worry, I was the same way when I first started smoking." Richie chuckles as he takes another hit. 
"Can I try again?" Stan asks shyly, cheeks tinting pink. 
"Knock yourself out, Uris." Richie says and hands the joint back to Stan. Stan takes another hit, inhaling the smoke better this time.
"Wow," Stan says as he exhales, coughing as smoke floats past his lips. Richie looks at the other boy and flashes a heartwarming smile. 
"What?" Stan asks nervously.
"You're beautiful, Stan." Richie admits, Stan's eyes go wide at Richie’s statement. 
"Are you high?" Stan questions, meeting Richie’s gaze.
"Not yet," Richie smiles wider. "Why?" 
"Then you must be insane, Richie." Stan looks away and runs his hand through his curls. "I'm not beautiful. I don't understand how-" Stan's interrupted by Richie's lips on his own. Without realizing it, Stan kisses Richie back. Richie pulls away after a bit, Stan staring at him with his mouth agape. 
"I hope you know that I'm in love with you," Richie admits and begins walking again. 
"You are?" Stan asks in genuine shock.
"Yeah…” Richie sighs, taking yet another hit. “I have been since as long as I can remember." 
"That's crazy because," Stan takes a deep breath before continuing his sentence. "I'm in love with you too." Richie stops dead in his tracks and raises his eyebrows at the golden-eyed, shorter boy.
"You’re in love with me?" Richie laughs hysterically like it's the best joke he's heard of all time. 
"Yes," Stan says in a high-pitch tone of voice. 
"Are you high?" Richie mocks Stan's question from earlier. 
"I think? But that doesn't affect what I said, how I feel about you.”
"You, Stanley Uris, are in love with me? Richie Tozier?" Richie takes another hit. "You're the one that's insane." Richie shakes his head, almost shaming Stan. "What is it that makes you so ‘in love’ with me?" Richie uses air quotes.
"I think you're lovely. You're funny and you don't care what other people think of you, you're not afraid to be yourself. That's a thing a lot of people are scared to do." Stan explains to the boy. Richie stays silent for a moment, processing everything that Stan just said. 
"You're quite lovely yourself, Stan The Man. The loveliest person I've ever met, in fact. If it wasn't for you, we'd all be fucked right now. You keep us all together, you know? And you understand me, the other losers don't. Who knew two people could bond so well over shitty parents?" Stan smiles at the ground  as Richie speaks. "We're so opposite, Stan. How can someone like you ever fall for someone like me?" 
"You're what I want to be," Stan speaks softly.
"You're ridiculous," Richie chuckles. 
"No, seriously. I want to be like you." Stan grabs the joint from Richie and takes multiple hits. Richie just stares at the other in awe. "You're a good person, Trashmouth." 
"Whatever you say," Richie rolls his eyes playfully. 
"I mean it," Stan nudges Richie gently in the side. 
The two continue to smoke until they're completely high, Richie throwing the joint way into the woods, causing Stan to laugh. Richie laces his fingers in between Stan's as they walk down by the quarry instead of going to Stan's house. They talk about random things and eventually find a place to sit. Richie sits on the ground making Stan sit on his lap, facing him. Richie doesn't hesitate and kisses Stan again, sliding his tongue across Stan's lower lip, begging to let him in. Stan obliges and their lips move in sync. Many, many moments pass before Stan pulls away, panting for air. Richie looks at him, eyes full of infatuation.
"I want to do this more often, get high and make out." Stan blushes as he bats his eyes at Richie.
"Yeah? Me too," Richie smiles warmly. Stan rests his head on Richie's shoulder. 
"I love this," Richie begins to rub Stan's back softly. "I love you." 
"I love you too, my lovely." Richie kisses the top of Stan’s head as they begin to bird watch.
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
the dragon and her shadow | b.b.
Summary: You fall in love with the Winter Soldier, and they punish you for it. Sentiment is weakness, but what can they do? After all, they cannot kill the Fist of H.Y.D.R.A. and mortal men cannot even begin to comprehend slaying a dragon.
WARNINGS: HUGE ANGST, but happy ending, DARK, torture, blood, traumatic events, it’s war, massive injuries, angst, swearing, messy lives, everything that comes with the Winter Soldier’s past, love triangle-ish, Bucky’s a sad boy, scene leading up to smut and then mentions of it after so it’s SFW, also HAPPY ENDING Pairing: wintersoldier!Bucky x fem!enhanced!Reader Word Count: 7.1k
A/N: I have no justification for writing this. I’m just in a mood.
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It’s 1945 and the war has started. Men come in droves to fight with their enlistment forms. You’re good at swiping blank ones. After all, a nurse can go anywhere. All it takes is a smile and a silly little excuse, and a woman is invisible.
You give them to the scrawny boy waiting outside, cross your arms, and smile fondly. 
“You know they won’t accept you,” you tell him and his thin little face turns up to you. You’re wearing your uniform, and there’s your little nurse hat atop your head. He’d say you look gorgeous if you weren’t working and you wouldn’t slap him.
“Then why do you keep giving them to me?” he asks. The expression falters. Your arms uncross and cup his cheek. Leaning down, you press a gentle kiss to his cheek, then his mouth. He kisses you back, and you sweep his hair out of his eyes.
“You know why.” The air shifts. You look away. “I have work to do.”
“Thank you, firebug,” he whispers and you take a glance of him again. He doesn’t say much more, and you turn around, turn to get back to work.
“Wait,” he calls and you pause from where you are halfway into the medical centre. You arch an eyebrow, he smiles in his flustered way. Something inside you melts as he worries and twists the enlistment forms in his hand. “Bucky invited me to the Stark Expo tomorrow, and uh, he’s bringing a date, and I thought…” He trails off and you sigh softly. This adorable man who doesn’t know his way around women really is trying his best. All he needs is your little push.
“I was just wonderin’, firebug, if you, uh, wanna go to the Stark Expo? With me?”
Your smile is the summer sun as you tell him, “Of course.”
You fly out to Italy. They tell you Steve Rogers is flying to do a tour around Europe. You frown, because the scrawny kid you’ve known is allowed into a war zone? Unheard of.
But they’re not wrong. Everyone’s speaking of it, of some dancing monkey you know isn’t your Steve. No, your Steve is a fighter, and you want to know what on Earth they’ve done to him because this war can’t take away Bucky and Steve, who doesn’t even know his best friend’s gone.
You tell the Colonel you want to be there when he shows up, and he promises that you will be. You tell him that this is important to you. That your Steve is not going to leave until you see him. The Colonel arches a brow at how familiar you are, and insists that you’ll be there. Don’t get twisted over it. He tells you he’ll be here waiting for you right after an evacuation of a village five miles out.
You plan to ask him the day after the morrow what’s happened to him when you return back to camp with the innocent citizens you’ve rescued from this rural little village on the edge of the water. You stitch up small cuts, ration out food and water, tell them they’re going to be just fine as you rehearse what you’re going to say to the boy turned soldier, but still, your Steve.
But then fire rains down on you, making you seem like a huge liar. It is hell incarnate, the seventh level, and there is blood on your hands as a bullets slam into the dirt around you. The girl you’re treating, her name is — was — Sofia, lays in your arms, three bullet holes punched through her. You can hear the soldiers screaming to run, get back to the truck, and you stand, looking around you. 
They drop like flies, and you see the white of one of the uniforms stained with blood and dirt and ash as the body of a nurse is burned alive in one of the homes the Germans torched. The air ranks of rotten flesh and shit and piss, and you remember you have to run if you ever want to think of being alive again. You run through fire and flame, through smoke and ash that stick to your throat and lungs. A soldier is reaching out for you on the back of the truck, and you stretch your hand forward.
The bullet tears through you before you can reach him and the blood seeps into the dirt. You fall.
You watch as the soil drinks your blood hungrily. This land has been torn apart, and the war’s barely started. The soil soaks in every tear that leaks from your eyes, every drop of blood from the river that spills from your chest, near your heart. You know you will die, and you wish it’d come sooner than this. 
Flanders fields, you muse, the air thick from the fire, humid from the sea. It causes you to sweat, and the blood to rush thickly under your face as you stare out over the cliff side. The water is so very blue despite the grey skies, and through the smoke, you think you see the sun.
The sea glimmers underneath the sun’s rays far away from this devastation, and you think that perhaps poppies could grow here. Make something savage beautiful. Let flowers drink your blood, taste the burnt ashes of those who’d fallen here, and make it beautiful. The thought brings you peace, as your fellow brothers and sisters fall all around you.
Someone steps on your wound. You see stars and scream. The poppies vanish in your head. When the butt of a rifle slams into your head and your vision goes black, so does everything else.
For every time they put the Winter Soldier in the chair, they do it twice as long for you, for every time you sleep, they can hear you scream for Captain America to save you. 
Your cell is made of concrete and glass, things that don’t burn underneath your magma touch, and only opens for a few reasons. 
Most often: the Winter Soldier comes to tell you that you have a mission. You follow him easily, get dressed — it’s routine by now, as you strap on Kevlar and Velcro, holsters and knives as your eyes watch the Winter Soldier. His handler puts on his muzzle as someone inserts an electro-chip beneath your neck. One step out of line and you drop, a burning corpse.
Then he asks, if you’re ready. You ask who is the target. That’s how things run between the two of you; you and the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier. Before, you remember you’d think Bucky. Now, the first thing you think is soldat and you wonder who even was Bucky? And Steve? What are these names and why do they float in your head?
It comes with time, you think. You forget the things that don’t matter, but they still linger. No matter. You have a mission to do and the Winter Soldier is your partner. He’s your constant, your guardian and companion, and sometimes something you want to hide from the people who control you.
The two of you bring governments to their knees, the ghost and the rage that follows him. People cannot comprehend the power you possess, so they resort to names you don’t care for. They call you wicked, a beast, dragon.
You merely laugh, the Winter Soldier an ever present shadow behind you, and ask them how they want to die.
Most say bullet to the head, but they all end up in flames. It doesn’t matter, you figure. They’re all corpses in the end.
For some missions, you don’t get to have any part. You merely crouch beside the Winter Soldier and let him take his shot. You tell him he does a good job every time. The only time he thanks you in his way is when the two of you watch as Jackie Kennedy crawls to the back of the limousine, her husband’s blood still splattered on her pretty pink suit. The motorcade stops, and you two leave.
You never stay for the aftermath.
“Dragon,” you repeat thoughtfully as you run a hand over your knee. The Winter Soldier looks to you from where he’s cleaning his gun beside you. He used two bullets, no rifling, Soviet made. One through the throat, one through the head, just to make sure. They’ll be proud of him, even if they never say so.
You flex and squeeze your fingers over your knee. The thought nags you. That and the fact that you’ve been informed that you’re to take one last test. One more session. You’re prepared for any test. You’re prepared for the chair.
“Do you like being called dragon?” he asks carefully behind his muzzle, and you smile strangely, a remarkable little thing stretched across your lips. The heat of stars runs beneath your hands as you look out through the windows of the cockpit. You can just begin to see the mountain ranges.
“It reminds me of something,” you tell him. “But I can’t quite remember what.”
“It will come,” he says and you find his eyes on you, pure blue and soft, like a child. He stops cleaning his gun, his eyes searching your face. For a moment, you wonder if he’s reckless enough to do what you know he wants to do here. But then he turns back to cleaning his gun, disassembling and reassembling over and over again. “But do you like being called dragon?”
You smile again and tell him you do, but only by him.
The test is for you to kill the Winter Soldier.
When you tell them you can’t, make up some excuse that he is your partner, you work better with him, you can’t just kill him, they tell you two that they’re disappointed. The words strung together form your worst nightmare. They sit you down on the table, and clamp the electrical device to your head.
As it burns through your brain, they take your right arm and slice it off. 
Partners, they spit down at you as you bleed over metal and black leather. Weakness. You nearly bite through your tongue if it weren’t for the mouth guard and your vocal cords bleed as you scream. Tears trail down your face, burning lava across obsidian rock, as they tell you that you’re well and truly two halves of a whole now. Is this not what you wanted, soldat? they ask. You merely scream until blood floods your mouth in response. Have you learnt your lesson?
When you thrash, things catch on fire. They begin to burn your memories away and you reach to grab the torture machine as your blood smokes in your veins. The electro-chip activates, sending blue beneath your skin and you let out a harrowing scream, the cords of your neck throbbing underneath the current as they begin to burn red and purple. You bend fingers that are no longer there, and the cold air of this prison kisses your flesh as you lose control of what is real and what is not. Black flames lick at your vision as you weep.
Your eyes widen, blow out, and you search the room because you know they must’ve made him watch. Made him suffer, in a way you cannot describe. It is simply their way. You spot in the corner of the room the Winter Soldier breathing heavily, the whirring of his arm coming to life as you sob into the mouthguard, blood spilling out of your mouth and shoulder. 
It takes six men to sedate him. When you see him fall, the dragon awakens. 
It takes eight to put out the white hell you leave in the room, and even then, most of the equipment is melted away.
When you come to, it is decades later, and the arm they’ve made, synthetic, metal, fake but near real, channels the energy stored in your heart. In fact, it amplifies it, and when you’re sent on your first mission since you’ve been frozen, you burn the whole city to the ground.
The Winter Soldier watches from the jet. You turn to him, see him holding his sniper rifle, and you smile emptily. He does not respond even though you know he can see you.
Sentiment. Weakness. Punishment.
Such is the way of your life.
Yet you can’t help but steal your moments. After all, they cannot kill the Fist of H.Y.D.R.A. and mortal men cannot even begin to comprehend slaying a dragon.
You love the Winter Soldier. You love him far more than anyone in your entire life. You’re sure of it.
So when Washington goes to shit, and you see him plummet into the Potomac, you meet him at the bank. 
“I know him,” he whispers raggedly, your hands in his. He’s freezing from the lake, sitting on the bank of the Potomac as you crouch beside him, staring at the unconscious man the Winter Soldier pulled out of the lake. Your hands travel to his face, wiping away the river from his skin as he tries to catch his breath. “He knows me.” A hard swallow. “He’s Steve. Steve, and… and I’m Bucky. Barnes. Bucky Barnes. It doesn’t make sense.”
“Bucky?” you repeat, dumbfounded, gaze hardening at the blond soldier whose face is swollen and bleeding. You kiss the Winter Soldier gently, because no one is here to see when the Triskelion is in ruins, and he leans against you, still panting, and bleeding and you touch every cut, every bruise. Who dares hurt him? Your blood roars murder but he merely gapes against you, clutching at parts of you, any part of you he can. You hold him tight, hold him close, as his eyes shut. His cheek soaks through your shirt and he reaches for your chin, making you look at his open eyes once more. 
“We have to run. They’ll come for us, we have to leave,” he whispers hoarsely against your chest, flesh arm tugging at your black jacket. The dried leaves around your feet begin to smoke as he speaks. They won’t take you away from me again, you promise.
“You’re hurt,” you whisper raggedly but he shakes his head. Your eyes drift to the unconscious blond. “So is he.”
“It doesn’t matter. Come on.” He pulls away and tries to get up, tries to tug you along with him. “We have to go!”
“Bucky,” you repeat again, reaching forward for the drowned man.
“Stop saying that. We need to leave, now!” His metal arm grab yours, but you fling him off as the blond soldier mumbles something under his breath. The Winter Soldier falls to the smoking leaves, still struggling to regain his balance but you don’t see him. You only have eyes for the man. Your eyebrows knit together and the blond’s lips move, forming indiscernible words.
“Steve?” you try, the name tasting foreign but familiar in your mouth. You touch his swollen face gently with your flesh hand, feel the curve of his cheek, the porcelain of his skin.
“Firebug,” he whispers, the first thing you can hear fully, and the sounds slam into your chest. Like a scythe, it cuts you in pieces, steals your stomach, macerates your heart, and you swallow something that tastes like blood down your throat as his eye opens. The other, swollen shut, still struggles to see and he lets out something like a laugh as his bloody hand reaches for your face. “You’re here…”
“Steve?” you try again and his eye opens wider. His hand falls, too weak to continue. “Who are you?” Your words come out bitter, torn out and shredded.
“We have to go, now,” the Winter Soldier murmurs in your ear, and you turn to him, eyes wide, desperate, searching for answers you don’t know exist. Steve’s fingers reach for your metal hand and you jerk back, into the Winter Soldier who wraps an arm around you. 
As you disappear into the forest, you turn back to see a figure swoop down and take hold of Steve.
Your heart feels shattered, and you know not why.
You enjoy domestic life with Bucky. The name is still something you have to get used to, but you enjoy it. You’ve cut out the electro-chip in your neck — well, Bucky did. It was mere surgery and he’s always careful around you. Even if you are hiding, you like that there aren’t eyes on you anymore.
You stay in the museum with him, your knuckles brushing his and you glance around. No one recognizes you with your new hair color, new clothes. After all, who’d think the Ghost and his Dragon would stand in some museum, waiting to be caught? But you’re still afraid. Still afraid to touch him in public. Those sorts of things are reserved for their own little moments, in the privacy of your little hideout beneath a bridge. But you don’t mind when Bucky’s fingers play with yours, so maybe you can get used to that too.
You read about Steve Rogers, and you hear Bucky’s name being called from some other audio farther down the hall. Drifting off, you spot footage of a man who looks like Bucky and a man who looks like the drowned one in the Potomac. They laugh with each other, ride the trucks together, run side-by-side.
“Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard, and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in the service of his country.”
Your eyes rake over Steve’s face, blinking as you read over the little displays, the tiny little tidbits that reveal who Steve Rogers was to the public.
But not to you.
Bucky takes his hand, tells you we have to go.
Your eyes linger on Steve Rogers. The fear that swells up inside makes you sick, and you blame it on the sea as you and Bucky stow away on a freight ship to Romania.
Steve finds you two years later, and you hold up a gun to his face before he pulls you into a crushing hug. You do not hug him back — you barely know the man, but you know he meant something to you before. He promises to fix you, the both of you, and brings you to Wakanda where Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Princess Shuri all await you. They dismantle H.Y.D.R.A.’s network within you, but nothing can take away memories, no matter how hard H.Y.D.R.A. tried, so it’s all well and good that the three smartest minds in the world cannot give them back either.
No one can burn off the feel of Bucky’s body against yours, but you can tell anyone who listens the shade of Jackie Kennedy’s suit the day her husband died.
You don’t tell Steve what has happened in the years you’ve been in H.Y.D.R.A.’s claws. He assumes and you nod to what is correct, ignore what is not. He still loves you. You can see it in the way he speaks to you, and you so desperately want to love a good, gentle man, who promises soft beds and warm food, but over the years, you’ve grown used to rough love and concrete against bare backs. 
You stole those moments with the Winter Soldier, and you don’t want to give them back.
And that is the simple poetry of your shattered heart.
“Maybe we can try again,” you whisper as Bucky is frozen away. His body needs the rest, and you think it’s your turn to take care of Steve. Your memories aren’t in-tact, having withered away in the cold of Siberia, but you can try your best. That’s all any of them can do now.
Steve looks at you, hopeful and bright and lively, and it pains your heart to see him love you this much still, after all these years. He takes gentle hold of your fingers, your flesh fingers, and smiles in such a way that it nearly eases the ache in your soul. You think you say this because you’re trying. You’re trying to find something, and it’s either a way to relieve the guilt you harbor in your heart, or the comfort you think you once took in Steve’s smile.
His smile tells you everything will be okay, and you convince yourself into thinking, yes, perhaps it will be.
Steve holds your hand, leads you away from where you’d awoken, fixed in the ways that mattered, but you cannot help the second look back at Bucky as you exit Princess Shuri’s lab.
You tell yourself it’s easier when Bucky’s not around. It isn’t.
You want to fall in love with Steve again, like you did once. 
He calls you firebug where the Winter Soldier had called you dragon, and loves you gently, warmly, fully. His kisses are what wake you up in the morning, and his hands match the warmth of a hearth as he makes you laugh, makes you smile.
He introduces you to the other Avengers, to his family, and you try not to act like you didn’t nearly kill some of them once. Steve doesn’t care, though. You didn’t know what you were doing, firebug, he tells you when you wake up from a nightmare in his arms.
How can you not love this man?
In your heart of hearts, you know why.
You don’t yearn for ocean blue eyes and golden hair. You don’t want the heat of summer, the blasting rays on a dry day. You don’t want the beach, the sand, the hot, humid air. Maybe you did, once, but not anymore.
You twist and turn in your sleep. The fire inside you is aching to be quenched, and you wish Siberian mountains stared back at you. You wish long, dark hair curtained you away from the world. You wish the Winter Soldier would come and save you from the fire inside you, instead of feed you tinder.
You wish you didn’t feel so guilty over loving Bucky so that you could love Steve instead.
It’s months later before they say Bucky can be unfrozen now. His body has healed, and his brain has bounced back far better than yours has. Something about how the experimentation with the Tesseract, the tests that’d given you your powers, has warped your chemical makeup and reacted to the treatment in unexpected ways. Your memories are lost to you permanently, but they can learn. 
Bucky is better, memories in-tact, with all his personality and spunk again. 
Meanwhile, you’ve gained nothing at all; fragments, pieces, mist that you cannot hold onto. All you have is every kill you’ve ever completed, every burnt corpse you left lying on pavement or dirt or grass, every time they set you down in that chair.
Bucky has the pain, but he has the pleasure too, and you hate him for it. All you’re left with is your guilt and your sins. The bitterness is so unexpected that it makes you throw up when Natasha asks if you want to see him. 
You hate him so much. You hate him more than you thought was possible for a being. You hate him because you love him, and he deserves this, but don’t you deserve it too?
Wicked, a beast, dragon.
Jealousy is a green-eyed monster.
You don’t even speak except to ask T’Challa if he has something you can burn, because anything else you have to say is not something you should say in front of a king.
The King of Wakanda tells you there is an empty vibranium cave far below the surface, and takes you down there before leaving you alone.
You scream that it isn’t fair, to love, and to lose everything. It isn’t fair that Bucky can come back and you can’t. It isn’t fair.
It isn’t fair.
“Life isn’t fair,” Bucky says and you spin around to see him standing next to the door from whence you came. You hadn’t realized you’d said those words out loud. Or perhaps he’s read your mind, as he has before. “T’Challa told me where I could find you.”
“What do you want?” you ask warily, unsure of yourself around him. You aren’t keen to find out if the fire he can stir within you is willing to be ignited again. You’d long since told yourself it couldn’t be. That is a fire long gone. 
But to see him here, now, before you in the shape of all the pieces you’re missing in yourself, makes you ache in ways you’ve never ached for anyone before.
If Steve is the sun; warm, reliable, bright and golden, then Bucky — the Winter Soldier — is a volcano; dark, unpredictable, full of molten fire and bursting with blazing heat.
And dragons love their fire more than they love the sun on their scales.
He reaches for you, but you back up just as quick, one quick word passing breathily between your lips. “Don’t.”
“Is it ‘cause you love Steve?” he asks softly, approaching you slower. Your eyes flicker from his attire to his face. You’re both startled deer, too scared to move but wanting to with every inch of your being. And you’re not sure if the direction is towards or away. “Because if you do, I… I don’t hold it against you.” 
Here is the one person that made all of that bearable, and you swallow through the knots tied into your ashy throat. He can’t possibly think it’s fine for you to move on.
“Why do you care? You have your memories back so you can get on with your life.” The words come out stone cold, flat, hard hitting and Bucky blinks. You just hope they’ve hit your mark, because if he thinks you love Steve, he’s got another thing coming.
“My life has been you,” Bucky whispers and you turn away. You hate him so much. Hate him so much that it aches to even be apart from him. But you’re so happy for him, so grateful. You love him enough to be happy for him, but not enough not to be bitter about it. Love and hate are separated by a fine line, and you stand upon it in your broken mind. “It’s been you for decades.”
“I can’t even look at you,” you hiss, words unexpectedly poisonous. “You got everything back. I was just some lab rat. Like always. It’s not fair.”
The Tesseract. Threads of pure cosmic energy flowing in your veins. They can’t control you, but they can control your handler.
They send the Winter Soldier into your cell.
“It’s not fair. They cut off my arm. They burned me alive. They made me a monster. It’s not fair.”
He backs off, stung, and the space left by his body is filled with the cool, stale air of the vibranium mine. He lets his hands drop from where he had them raised — he was working up the nerve to touch you — like he’d expected this reaction, and when your eyes drag over to his wretchedly, you want to burn that soft, sad smile off his face. 
“You deserved what I got,” he says. You watch the tiny twitches on his face, the little tics that let you know what he’s thinking. It used to be the only way you two communicated, and now, with so many words between you two, it’s one of the only things you understand. Tells you; helps you understand that the words he wants to say are not the ones he does. “You deserve to remember Steve, because he’s good to you. So when you walk up there, you choose him, you hear me? When you see the two of us, standing there, you tell him that you choose him.” 
He looks lost, more an animal behind a cage than when he was the man muzzled by his handler. Everything numbs in you, and you can’t feel your fingers anymore as he regards you in a way that reminds you of an injured wolf.
“‘Cause you know I’m no fucking good for you.” 
Each word is a punch to your gut, a bullet that tears through you, and you’re so empty inside that you take these words and try to make them fill up the space he’s left in you. You don’t even recognize he’s leaving, until you remember that he can walk away. There’s no one stopping him now, and there’s no one stopping you.
“Bucky—” A strangled noise leaves your throat in the shape of his name. He pauses from where he’s walking back to the door and you rush towards him. Your hands shake, fingers burning as you turn him around and touch his face. Your metal hand rests on his metal arm, and you’re reminded on why it was cut off in the first place. Two halves of a whole. 
The Ghost and his Rage.
The Dragon and her Shadow.
Fire and Ice.
Two halves of a whole.
“Bucky, I don’t love him,” you whisper in a breath. The wind knocked out of you, you inhale sharply to try and calm your frantic heart.
“You should. He waited for you. You should.”
“But, I can’t. I want to, so badly, so fucking badly, but I can’t.” You cup his face, making him look at you, and you’re not sure where this bravery comes from, but you hope it stays. Although you have no memories left of who you are, you know your name, and you know the man who stands before you. You know the Winter Soldier, and the man beneath it. You’ve seen it in glimpses, seen it through the lightning haze.
“I love you,” he murmurs and his words brush against your mouth, leave you aching as he tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Love you more than anything. But Steve loved you first, so I can’t.”
“It doesn’t fucking matter if he loved me first if I can’t remember it.” His lips barely brush yours and you feel the twist of your stomach release. Sighing softly, you let your eyes roam his face freely, taking him in. This beautiful tragedy. This broken spirit that fits perfectly with yours. “It doesn’t fucking matter because I love you.”
“Yes. You think you’re the only one who was tortured? It was me, too. And you were the only good thing out of it. You were there every step of the way, and you understand.” Your voice rises in volume as you dig a finger into his chest. “Fuck your code of honor. It’s stupid. I’m right here and I’m choosing you.” He ducks his chin to look at you, a spitfire in his arms, a volcano close to erupting. You’re burning hot to the touch, but Bucky’s never cared about that. He likes the pain.
“You are the only reason I’m alive right now, Bucky Barnes. You saved me, in so many ways. Even if you are the Winter Soldier, you saved me. So, don’t you dare tell me that because Steve loved me first, I can’t choose you, okay? I couldn’t choose anything back there. Who I killed, what I did, where I was, who I loved. Who I love.” 
You sigh, out of breath and near tears, and Bucky feels a pang of guilt slam into him for making you shed tears. He has never wanted to hurt you, but he also remembers who you were, even if you don’t. That girl from the 40′s. His best friend. The girl who’d stitched him back up when he got too rough with the boys harassing Steve. The girl who’d chosen Steve. The nurse from Italy. His best nightmare in that H.Y.D.R.A. base.
“You don’t even know who you are,” he rasps and your finger on his chest slides until your whole hand presses against his chest. It trails up to his shoulder, to his neck where you feel his beating pulse, trace the shadows left on his skin. 
“But, I know what I want,” you whisper, lips brushing his with every word, “and I just want you. Is that too much to ask?” 
His hands have found your hips on their own, and trail downwards, feeling the shape of you. Your fingers curl against his face, brushing hair back behind his ear as his gaze searches yours. You pull down the neck of his shirt and his head falls forward, gasping for air as your lips find the cord of his neck, find the spot that makes him kneel.
“‘M no fuckin’ good for you,” he mumbles, eyes smokey and you feel him suck in a gasp as your hips press flush against his. The grip he has on your hips tightens and you pull his head back up to press a kiss against his mouth. He continues to speak against your lips, try to protest why this is wrong and you don’t want me, and it becomes messy as you lose yourself in the feel of him. He’s grabby and tender in a way he’s never been allowed to be before but all you want is familiar and familiar means rough, and quick, and you want it to hurt. 
“Fuck, I can’t,” he breathes against your mouth. He draws back, panting heavily as his gaze tries to find an ounce of sense in yours. “I can’t.”
“Y’know I’m toxic. ‘M not a good man.” His voice is thick and cloudy, and rasps in a way that you imagine it sounds in the morning. You want to find out.
“Who the fuck ever said I wanted a good man?” you ask, and he stares at you for a moment before ensnaring your lips between his teeth. He takes hold of you, his tongue marking the inside of your mouth and your hand digs through his hair, tugging hard. His head jerks back, mouth opening wide beneath yours as he moans through your kisses.  His hands work frantically at your clothes and you rip off his jacket, fingers undoing his belt with ease.
You know how to do this quick. You’ve had to steal these moments together for decades. There was always a time limit, always someone waiting on you, always something. But now, you have all the time in the world. Tugging his pants below his waist, you let out a quivering sigh as he presses wet, open mouthed kisses down your neck, onto your collarbones, everywhere. Your head tipped back, you allow him to hoist you up and his mouth works back up to your jaw. 
Your whole body burns as he sinks to his knees, laying you down on the floor. He drapes over you, kissing your swollen lips, biting, teeth clinking, employing all the right moves, and all the right places ache for the Winter Soldier.
“Come here, Sergeant,” you croon, and your words get lost in a soft, fulfilling sigh.
Everything about him feels right and rough and hot in a way that ice burns you. In winter’s embrace, you indulge yourself with all the time in the world.
When the two of you leave the vibranium mine, there is an impression on the ground the shape of your back, cracks webbing from where something had slammed into a pillar, scorch marks and deep gashes along the dusty floor.
Natasha tells you that you have to pack. She doesn’t say anything about the dust on your cheek or the fact that Bucky’s neck is bleeding from the bite marks along his collarbone. It peeks out beneath his zipped jacket, and he tugs at it a lot. She also doesn’t say anything about the remarkably dirty state of your arms. Bucky hides his metal one behind his back. You pretend to dust yours off, and pick a rock off a crevasse between two metal plates.
Bucky shakes his head, and you adjust the collar of your jacket as you follow after Natasha to hide the fact you’re wearing Bucky’s shirt backwards.
He doesn’t say goodbye. You know he’s made a choice.
Life isn’t fair, his words echo in your head as you pack your bags. Coming back from the war was supposed to be easy. 
Turns out, it’s the hardest part.
Bucky stays in Wakanda. You, and every other Avenger, head back to New York. Steve holds your hand, as you board the quinjet. Natasha sends you a dirty look, silently telling you to break it off.
“It doesn’t fucking matter if he loved me first if I can’t remember it. It doesn’t fucking matter because I love you.”
You tell Steve it’s over a few weeks before Thanksgiving. He nods, as if knowing, accepting. You aren’t that girl in the 1940s, and he isn’t that boy anymore. 
Times have changed, he says with a shrug, trying to hide his hurt, just wish it didn’t have to.
You smile sadly, and agree. You give him time, so you spend Thanksgiving alone besides the dinner the Avengers hold, and tell yourself the space is good.
There are so many times you almost text him, Skype him, ask him if he still remembers you.
The only time you give in is the day after Thanksgiving, where you tell Bucky that Steve knows.
“Steve knows the truth. He knows I’m not that girl anymore and there’s no hope for her to come back,” you say in more elegant words. “I know you think there’s still some sort of code between you two, but I hate that I’m the reason you’re away from your best friend. I’ve been telling myself space is good, but I think the two of you have had enough space. I’m not part of the picture anymore, Buck. Happy Thanksgiving. I’m always gonna be grateful for you.”
He doesn’t respond. You delete the message from your phone.
On Christmas Eve, you hear his voice for the first time in months from the audio clip he sends you at 6:01 PM. It’s Christmas in Wakanda, and he wishes you a Merry Christmas. It’s seven seconds long, but you play it over and over again until you fall asleep.
You dream of fire and ice, and wake up screaming. 
Steve asks if you’re okay through your door. He still loves you, the devil on your shoulder sneers. Why? Who could love a monster?
“I’m fine,” you croak. “Go back to sleep, Steve, or you’ll catch Santa.” You hear him chuckle a bit as you slide back under the covers.
You wake up to the smell of sweat and burnt cotton. Your pillowcases have holes punched right through them, smoking on the edges. You ask Wanda if she can patch the holes up, make some new pillowcases for you for Christmas. 
She smiles sadly at you, pushes the pillows down from your tear-stained face, and says that there are some things she can’t fix.
“You’re getting worse, huh,” Natasha says, joining you for your latest insomnia drink. “Have you called Barnes?”
“It’s not like he’ll call me back.”
“That bad?”
“I don’t blame him. We’re no good for each other,” you rasp. Your vocal cords are torn and shot, and you hope the honey tea is your remedy. “It’s fucked up. What we have, Nat, it can’t be fixed. We won’t ever be what we want to be.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, pulling out tea leaves for her own mug. “Doesn’t need to be hard, though. All you gotta do is shift your expectations.” Her eyes meet yours as she leans on the counter. She smiles, and you wonder how you’ve ever gotten so close to the woman Bucky put a bullet through. “Call him.”
“Because every time I see you, you look like you’re two seconds away from stealing a quinjet and flying to Wakanda yourself.” She pours hot water into her mug. The smell of chamomile and lemon linger in the kitchen. “And he misses you more than he needs to breathe.”
On your first New Year’s Day in New York, you send Bucky a text wishing him a happy new year. Nat tells you to take a leap. It is, after all, a new year.
I’m still afraid, Buck, that someone’s gonna come tear you away from me, even though I know you’d never let that happen. We’re all sorts of fucked up and unhinged and broken, but someone told me that the only thing that’s stopping us is our expectations. 
We’ll never be some fucking perfect couple who gets everything right and I’m just coming to terms that that’s okay. It’s okay if you’re not a good man, because who said I was a saint?
We both hid under that bridge. We both hid in Romania. We know we can make it work and I know all we gotta do is try.
I miss you, Buck, and I love you. I hope you’re having a good day, and maybe it’s selfish, but I hope you’re thinking of me, too. 
The firecrackers popping outside your window, you hear the cheers of New York City celebrating the ball dropping as you hit send. You wait, fingernails tapping your phone as you wonder if he’ll respond this time.
He sends a text telling you to go to bed.
Then another, telling you he loves you, too.
And lastly, one final text, the morning after, on January 2nd. 
Romania was the best years of my life. Somehow, we lived in domestic bliss for a solid twenty-six months before Steve found us, and I gotta tell you, waking up next to you, brushing your hair, going to the library, the simple little things are what burn the brightest. We made it work, and I know we can, again, but you shouldn’t be willing to try.
You deserve better, even if you insist that you don’t. 
You’ll tell me I have to come to terms with that fact, and I know that, because for some god awful reason, you’ve chosen me. 
It’s hard to even read out. We’re split by oceans, and you’re still out there, choosing me over some guy who doesn’t remind you of your past.
Shit. It’s hard to move on without you, and I don’t want to try anymore. Space has only made everything go from awful to more awful, and I think we need people in our lives who can actually think rationally.
Thank god for that someone on your end, huh. Lowering your expectations is a solid strategy.
Happy New Year, dragon. I’m boarding a jet as I send this to you, but I’m hoping the next time I tell you these words, it’s in person.
I love you.
-Bucky xx
TAGS: bucky: @beyond-the-ashes @aryaes @buckybarneshairpullingkink permanent mcu: @teawithbucky @jcc04220 @shenala @schwankyblock permanent: @dulharpa
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Park Jimin/Reader [F]
Genre: College AU, Enemies->Friends->Lovers, Fluff
Warning(s?): Mentions of Drinking/Smoking, Jimin’s Tattoo
Words: 9.7k
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Summary: Park Jimin was a hot topic name floating around campus on the daily.  Always seen with a girl at his hip with a different girl on his thigh just a few days later.  Rumor has it he’s never had a fling with one girl lasting longer than a week.  With your gossip-addicted best friend and his friendship with Jimin, Jimin comes to learn about you.  A week isn’t so hard sticking around one girl, the hardest part is when day 7 stars approaching. So, he decides he wants to make a wish instead. Wishing on a dandelion has to work. 
a/n: this is sloppy bc I did it all in one sitting and I apologize
“I heard Jimin broke up with his girlfriend!”  The first thing you were greeted with at lunchtime and it was your overly excited, sparkly-eyed best friend.  He was always the one to get any and all gossip he could just because he wanted to be part of the circle of gaudy gossip.  You could care less about half the bull that comes out of his mouth.
“And why would I care?  What, is it his longest lasting relationship or something.  Wow, 5 days with the same chick, whoop-dee-doo.”  You slid into a cafeteria, blue chair unloading the tray filled with two wrapped chicken sandwiches and a styrofoam bowl of strawberries.  
“Oh come on, you can’t deny that it’s odd.  There’s talk about him actually liking this one, maybe he’ll go back in for a double dip.”  
You gagged.  “Eugh, can’t you go and tatter off to your other friends?  I don’t wanna hear anything about Jimin’s sex life, Jackson.”
Jackson slumped over in the seat next to you as he sighed dramatically into the air. He would always act like you just kicked over a tower of legos he spent 4 hours building whenever you would blatantly refuse to care about his gossip. It was no surprise that Jackson knew all the haps of anything ever.  He was a people person, who knew everyone ever it seemed.
If you called some random number over in LA, you had no doubt if you mentioned Jackson, they would answer back ‘oh, yeah I know him!’.  He’s been everywhere and you were always curious as to why.  He wasn’t a homebody by any stretch.  
“I can’t talk to other people about his hips girl, all because they’ve all been with him before.  You- albeit- haven’t! So, I can talk to you about him with a clean slate honey.”
“That reasoning and your stupid use of pet names have no correlation of why I need to hear it and I’ve also revoked your drunk stay over privilege until next Monday.”
Jackson gapped at you.
“Your couch is my drunk home! Don’t evict me you, she-devil!” He whapped at your shoulder and swapped right back to the topic at hand.  “Besides, I’m his friend, why aren’t you?”
“Do you really have to ask?  He doesn’t know I exist for one and I’d like to keep it that way.  All he’s gonna do is try and wedge his half-dollar-coin-sized dick between my legs.”
“Sometimes, you really do need to get laid.”
“If you don't think I won’t knee him in the balls if he comes even within a 4-foot radius of me, you’re wrong.”
Sensing the conversation die, Jackson finally moved onto a different topic altogether.  Even if the topic shifted from Jimin, the conversation he yapped your off about how unsanitary the school campuses bathroom is, was still far from welcome.
Munching on your food, and nearly finished Jackson stopped his yammering when someone clapped his shoulder.  Looking over his shoulder, he busted out into laughter at the irony as you could see their figure in the corner of your eyes.  Only offering a small and short eyeroll.
Park Jimin stood behind Jackson, his hand on his hip with a pair of shades and a beanie on his blonde head. His leather jacket covered his yellow flannel that hid his white tee with his jeans that were ripped at the thigh.  His biker boots were worn and frankly needed some care to them.
You remain unbothered and silent as the two began to speak to another.
“I was told to pass along the message,” Jimin said as he held out a small scrap of folded paper.  Taking it with a pluck, Jackson flipped it open and scanned the words written along it.  
“Right on, right on. Whose place is this one at?”
“Jin’s setting us up.”  Jackson whistled with a smirk.
“Of course.  Mr. Connections, always pulling through.”
Jimin nodded, Seokjin always had connections.  Be it with a house to throw parties or what flower shop to go to when your little 3-year-old niece wants a bouquet of daisies for her birthday. He always had a go-to.  Perks of being a rich kid who knew any and everyone with the social skills to back you up.  You’ve even asked him once if he knew a place in town that sold old, used textbooks. He was cocky about it, but at least he gave you an answer and a promise to save some money.
“Friday at 8.  Don’t forget like last time and show up at 3 when everyone is already passed out or getting fucked in a room, yeah?” Jimin quipped with a smirk on his face.  Jackson only rolled his eyes as he swiveled around to you, shoving the paper in your face as you popped a strawberry in your mouth.
Reading the words in sloppy handwriting, it looked like a kindergartner wrote it.  It just showed a location, a time and date.  Probably all the for party that you assumed to two were fawning over.  You shifted your eyes to look over the paper into Jackson’s face.  A gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face.  Far too suspicious.
“Why am I looking at this?”
“You’ve gotta come with me!”  You rolled your eyes as slapped the top of his hand, making him retracted it and rub at the skin with a pout. “Rude,” he muttered.
“If you think I’d enjoy being in a loud, sweaty, drunken club with all your frat friends looking for a night less than 20$ and 5 shots, you really need to revoke your friendship with me. I’d rather stare directly into a high voltage flashlight for 2 hours and go blind, thanks.”
You popped another strawberry into your mouth as Jackson laid his head down on the table and looked at you.  Lips pouted and eyelashes fluttering like a damsel in distress.  
“Not happening.”
“Okay okay,” he reasoned before he sat up and snapped his fingers.  A stupid plan forming in his head, you could feel it. “How about it’ll be a favor for me?  I’ll owe you one!” You sighed as you rubbed your forehead.  He was such a headache.  “Please, I won’t ask anything more for the rest of the month plus I’ll even owe you a favor.  Any favor, you know I'm down for anything.”
“So long as it doesn’t end up with you sitting in a holding cell?” You quipped with a smile as you remember back in high school he was running around town, causing all sorts of trouble with beer on his brain instead of logic.
“That was a long time ago! Let it die!” He whined.
As the two of you bickered, the both of you had failed to register Jimin still stood at the table.  Jimin knew a lot of the student body, even if the campus and college were diverse and huge.  Though, he hadn’t seen you before.  Arguing with Jackson about not wanting to come to a world-class frat party was amusing enough.  The fact that you seemed to know Jackson already, only made it better.  You probably had so much dirt on him it was laughable.
You seemed stubborn, probably annoyingly so.  He moved to rest his rear on the table top, lounging with one leg propped up as he watched you two.  He wasn’t needed here, he wasn’t required to stay and listen in on a conversation that had literally nothing to do with him.
Yet, he was intrigued all the same.  Then, you noticed him.
You peeked around Jackson as you threw the last strawberry from your bowl into your mouth, the red from the fruit staining your lips in a way he wanted to forget, but somehow knew he wouldn’t.  
“Can we help you?” You asked in a spiteful manner.  He lifted his hands in defense.
“Oh no, carry on.  This is fun,” he replied as you rolled your eyes.  “Besides,” he started again, “it’s just a party.  There’s nothing wrong with that.”  
“Some of us have other things to do believe it or not.  Maybe I’m not into alcohol, or maybe I’m just not a party person.  Ever think of that genius?”
He hissed in a playful manner, dramatically clutching his chest.  
“That stings.  And to think I was inviting you.”
“No, Jackson was inviting me.”
“But, I invited him.  So through correlation, I am the mastermind.”
“Oh my god,” you sighed as Jackson bit his lip in amusement. He knew Jimin had no idea who you were, yet he was chatting you up like you’ve been talking for a week.  “I don’t really want to take an invite from some rando guy who hops from girl to girl like frogs from lily pads.  Please shut up.”  
Before anything else, you looked at the watch face on your wrist and pushed out your chair.  Loading the tray with your trash and empty strawberry-stained bowl, you slung your bag over your shoulder. Jackson stood up as well, taking the tray from you as you huffed.  
“I’ll take your trash,” he kindly said.  It was suspicious once again, but you’d allow it.  “You’re going to work on your camera right?  Didn’t you get a new one?” You nodded.
“I did.  I was going to go back to the dorms and fiddle with it.  I don’t have another lecture until 4, so I can afford some practice photos.” He nodded.
“Make sure to take a photo of a dandelion and show it to me first!”
“What if I wanted to show my roommate?”
“You know she won’t be there.  She’s always out late.”
“You’re right,” you added with a playful smirk.  She worked late and after that, she always had something to do. It was a good night when she came sauntering into the dorm at 2 AM.  
“Go on, shoo you, little photographer, you.” You shook your head with a chuckle and began to walk off.  Swerving around chairs and people, you plugged your headphones into your phone and placed your sound muffling cuffs over your head and toned out the world.  Leaving the cafeteria, the school and then to the campus grounds.  
Jackson as he said, dealt with your trash as Jimin hopped up from his seat on the table top and meandered his way back through the cafeteria to his mob of friends.  All talking about one thing or another.  
All Jimin could think about as he drummed his fingers on his arms was how to convince you to come to the party on Friday. He had something he wanted to know about and, quite frankly, he felt like you inadvertently challenged him.  So, of course, he had to prove a point now.  
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Having someone banging on your door Friday evening at 6 PM was something you surely didn’t want to deal with. Already cozy with one of your old hoodies and a pair of shorts with your hair a damp mess from your shower earlier on, you were lounging on your couch flipping through TV channels utterly bored.
Jackson had spammed you with text after text trying to convince you to come to the party.  He tried every bribe in the book, but you just would not yield.  You only assumed that Jackson was the one pounding down your dorm door, but when it didn’t stop and your phone never chimed with a text to let him in, you grew curious.  
Growing tired of the constant bangs that didn’t seem to stop anytime soon, you rolled off the couch and stomped to the door, swinging it open without even peeking through the peephole who is inside.  Ready to be met with your best friend's face, yet not so.
“What the hell?” You whispered to yourself.  There, in front of you and your dorm room who just shoved his way past your shoulder to saunter inside was Park Jimin himself. “Um, excuse me?”
He, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his mint green windbreaker, turned to you with his tousled blonde hair and dark eyes.  “Yes?”
“Get the hell out?” You questioned as you motioned to the door.  He untucked his hands as he cupped his chin and puckered his mouth and crinkled his chin in a false thought motion.  He was already trying your patience.
“I think I’m good. Thanks for the offer though!” You groaned as you begrudgingly shut your door, glad for once that your roommate never comes back until way later than 6PM.  When you waltzed back into your living room, Jimin had made himself comfortable on your couch with your TV remote like he lived here.  You were offended, obviously so.
You stood in the doorway of the room as Jimin waved you over as you took skeptic steps towards him and sat on the far end of the couch.  Clear away from his grabby fingers that probably need a sanitize or two.
“I don’t bite you know,” he chuckled as he dug his phone from his pocket.  He opened his messages and you watched his thumbs drum away on the screen.  Messaging, hitting send, opening a new conversation and repeat.  How many friends did he have?  “We’ll leave in an hour.”  He said without batting an eye.
“Excuse me?”
“Jin’s party? We’re going.” Who did this man think he is?!
“Says who?!  I’m not going, I’m pretty sure I made that obvious before. You were eavesdropping so you know this mind you.”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I was just listening.  It’s not like I was hiding behind a wall and listening in while you and Jackson bitch back and forth.  Which is funny, by the by.” He dropped his phone into his lap as he hiked his arm up on the back of the couch, looking at you, your knees pulled to your chest with your feet on the couch cushion.  “You’re actually quite cute.”
You quickly jumped up and sat perched on the arm of your couch, pointing a finger at him as you opened your mouth and furrowed your brows.
“Ah-ha! I knew it!”
“Knew what?”
“You’re just a sleazy, shady, horny college frat boy who is just following me around because you don’t know me!” Jimin offered an annoyed eye roll, his eyes sticking up to his eyelids before he looked back down with a snarky grin. “I’ve heard your resume from Jackson, and I know better than to throw myself at you.”
“Oh, so you know about me?  Well, that’s unfair as I know nothing about you.”
“In fact, come any closer and I’ll punch you in your stupid face.”  Jimin just shook his head as he huffed out through his slightly parted lips.  He watched as you sat perched on the arm of your couch like some sort of bird of prey, practically hissing at him. You had obviously heard all the rumors from Jackson, most of which are probably true.  Most.  Not all of them are true though, however, he won't deny that he couldn't count the numbers of girls he's 'dated' on his fingers and toes combined.
"You know, I'm not all that bad.  I'm not gonna just get you drunk and pull some cheap trick on you like some jock would." He slid his phone into his windbreaker pocket.  "How about we compromise."
"Sounds sketchy," you reply without missing a beat.
"Now, now, hear me out.  I can tell you don't like me much," you interrupted him with a sarcastic 'oh really' before he continued talking over you, "but I'm not so much as a horn dog as I am something willing to give someone something they want.  I'm not into sex if it's not consensual, so don't worry about me making any moves on you."  He spoke like he was being truthful, but you still weren't a hundred percent certain you could take his words at face value.  He sighed, "look, if you go with me, we don't have to stay the whole time," he tacked on.
"We? Makes it sound like you're expected me to tail you all night."
"Not exactly, I will be hanging around you though.  Jackson said parties aren't your scene, and I absolutely know that if you had the option, you'd be a wallflower all night." You squinted at him as you held your pinkie towards him.  He looked at it with ticked brows then back to you.  "And this is?"
"A pinkie finger," you answered.
"No shit genius, why are you sticking it in my face?"
"Oh please, it's like you don't know what a pinky promise is."  You rolled your eyes.  "I'll go to the stupid party if, and only if, you stick to your word and not abandon me to flounder on my own because I'm actually a big wimp and I will cry and I will cause a scene otherwise."
Jimin busted out laughing as he linked his pinky in yours.  Extending your thumb, you pressed it against the pad of his own and 'locked' in the promise.  Now he absolutely wasn't allowed to go back on his word.  Or else you'd probably throw a knife set at him.
Jimin shooed you off as you walked to your room, swaying and moaning the entire way before you shut it behind you.  So much for a boring, cozy night in.  For once, maybe you'd see your roommate if you weren't out all night.  You sighed as you sadly stripped out of your hoodie and shorts replacing them with skinny jeans with holey knees and a white shirt.  Fixing your messy hair and tying it back with a stretched out hair tie, you slipped on your worn out flats and grabbed your phone from the nightstand.
It was nothing glamorous, and you expected other girls to probably be dressed more... openly to put it nicely.  Though, you were only going because you were peer pressured into it, not to get laid and definitely not to get hit on.  If anyone even came close to you with a stupid, drunk pick up line, you're most likely to panic and flee the scene like you committed murder.
You sighed as you looked into your mirror.
"Why am I a pushover to some jerk who hardly knows me?"  Then, you gasped as you stomped your foot, finally registering that Jackson had blabbed to JImin about you. "That snake!!  I'm taking away his drunk couch privileges indefinitely!" All while Jimin sat on the couch in the living room, laughing to himself as you screamed at nothing and shot Jackson a text that you were coming with him to the party.
To say Jackson's reply back was overbearing was an understatement.  He acts like an idiot towards you, but the 'Don't you dare try anything with her, I swear to god,' text he received told him that the relationship you two have is more than just back and forth banter.
When Jimin's ears perked up at the sound of your door down the hall unlatching, he picked himself up off the couch and watched as you came back into the living room changed and much more party ready.  He let out a loud whistle as you adjusted your shirt, tucking it in and letting the boy see just the smallest sliver of your stomach and if he was being honest, it was more attractive than he thought it would be.
You were teasing him and you weren't even aware of it.  That was the most painful thing about you so far.  He cupped his chin as he looked at you.  Peeking up as you fumbled with getting your shirt just right, you caught him inspecting.
"What?" You bit.
"Something just seems, off?  Something is missing from this look."  He hummed as he walked around you.  The shirt was fine, the jeans were aesthetically pleasing and the small choker you hooked around your neck was a touch of college that worked wonderfully with the outfit in question.  He came back to your front as he scrunched his eyes and then shot them open with a snap and a small ah-ha moment. "I know! You need a jacket!"
"Because it's a staple in fashion to have a jacket with a look so simple.  Your shirt and jeans combo with a flare of the choker is appealing, but a jacket always seals the deal!  Or, if it's too hot than settle for a cardigan."
"What are you, a fashion guru?"
"No, but I do take a high deal of pride in my fashion sense."  You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms.  Why white?  It was almost too transparent, your stupid yellow star printed bra was just barely visible in the bright lights of the living room.  Surely it'd be fine at the party, it'll be dark in the house, save for the random rave lights that Jin is bound to have.  He goes all out when it's his party.
"And I assume you'll want this jacket to be black?" He nodded, it would be just wrong to have a white jacket over a white shirt.  It would clash too much.  "Too bad, I don't have one.  I have a grey one?" He shook his head.
"Nope.  Monochromatic is good, but not with this look.  Black is the only option.  Ah, you know what, I have something at my house I could lend you.  It'd so perfect with you!"  He smiled as he grabbed your wrist.  "Come on, I live 10 minutes off campus.  We've no time to waste!"  He whined as he dragged you through the dorm and eventually out the door.
Soon, within the next hour, you found yourself climbing off of his motorcycle- that nearly frightened you to death with him as the driver- in his leather jacket outside a house too big to be real and almost envy-inducing.
The house was two stories and looked like a widened stock photo with how wide it was.  All the window shades were open and lights of blues, reds, purples flickered in uneven patterns through them.  The music was just bass boosted enough you could feel it in your feet when Jimin marched you both up the patio and through the door.  It was like walking into a speaker the way your body met with all the heat, lights and loud music.
You couldn't hear yourself think as you weaved through people, behind their backs and gasping when you nearly ran into a couple more than ready to take their lip lock elsewhere.  You shrunk in on yourself as you stumbled around before Jimin took your wrist again.
"Come on," he leaned closer to you and spoke loud enough you could hear him.  Letting him drag you off somewhere, he quite rudely pushed people away and maneuvered through the crowds of drunk college kids. He was definitely used to this- the way he moved through the masses was a clear indication of that.
Soon he had pulled you into the kitchen where it was much less crowded than you figured it would be.  You would think since all the liquid was stored here, it would be a madhouse, but only a few bodies stood around sipping from the typical red cup with rosey, drunken cheeks.  The music had dulled back in the kitchen, so a conversation wasn't totally out of the question.  You placed your hand on your chest and sighed at the room to actually breathe.
Jimin, beside you, chuckled as he rubbed your back between your shoulder blades.
"you really aren't cut out for tight spaces, doll."  You glared at him.
"Oh, so you just now realize that you moron?" He only chuckled as he whipped out his phone and sent a text to someone.  Just one text, as opposed to an hours earlier when he was texting anyone and everyone nonstop in sequence.
No soon was Jackson waltzing into the kitchen.  JImin watched as you seemed to lighten up at the face of someone so familiar to you.  Jackson sauntered out with a smile, nearly jogging at he bumped into your side with his own.  Wearing a snapback and some jersey with a pair of old, acid washed jeans, he looked like a jock ripped straight out of some gross teen-movie.
His breath stunk of booze, but he was still partially sober.  He could hold his alcohol better than you thought he could, to be honest. You pushed away his cheek that was far too close to your face to get the radiant smell of beer away from your nose.
"you're gross and smell, get away from me you sweaty-"
"Do not insult me when I know for a fact you're so ready to shit bricks."
You gaped at him as you smacked the back of his head, making him whine and wince as he rubbed it.  Sure you were nervous being here, but you weren't that nervous.  You crossed your arms as you pouted, Jimin once again finding a sense of adorableness between you and Jackson's interactions.
"I hate you," you muttered as Jackson feigned hurt.  He dropped his act as he playfully slapped your ass, making you squeak before he turned to Jimin.
"How'd you get Straight-Lace-Y/n out of her room on a Friday my man?  I gotta know, for future reference of course."
"You would never believe how easy she is to persuade if you say the right things."  Jackson gasped.
"You didn't make some sketchy deal did you?!"  You squawked as Jackson quickly pulled you against his chest, nearly knocking you over in his haste as he practically hissed as Jimin.  "Don't be touching my little Y/n! She's way too young!"  You whined.
"I'm only a few years younger than you!"  Jimin didn't know how old you were exactly, but if you were younger than Jackson, you were around his age then?  Jimin just shook his head as he slipped his thumbs through the front belt loops of his pants, leaning back just enough for it to almost be attractive.  Almost.
"I won't disclose our agreement with someone who didn't witness it.  Clients secrecy."
"Stop!" You grumbled.  "That makes it seem so bad!"  Jimin laughed as the three of you soon took to sticking in your little group and chatting.  Jimin had finally got you to loosen up enough to at least have one cup of something to drink.  Beer wasn't typically your thing, but after not being impressed with the rest of the liquor lineup, it wasn't so bad in comparison.
Eventually, you seemed to even start enjoying yourself.  Playfully quipping at anything Jackson or Jimin had to say and even smiling or laughing at some dumbass joke that came out of one of their mouths. Jimin laid off the alcohol for the most part, as he was your ride home and he may be wild, but drunk driving is definitely not his main game.
Soon, Jackson abandoned ship and Jimin had begun to wander around and meet of people he knew, all while you remain attached at his side with his hand over yours.  True to his word, he never once left you on your own the whole night and when Jimin finally suggested you go back to your dorm it was well past midnight.  You didn't want to stay out this late, but you weren't particularly fussed about it either.
Weaving back around passed out drunks, far too attached couples and still dancing troopers, Jimin and you ended up back outside and across the lawn to his motorcycle where it had sat parked all night.
As he placed his helmet on his head and climbed on, you followed he flipped up his visor to look at you.
"It wasn't so bad, now was it?" His muffled voice asked.  You rolled your eyes, hating to admit that anything Park Jimin did for you was actually enjoyable unlike you previously thought.
"It wasn't awful, but don't expect this to happen a second time, Park." After dropping you off and making sure you got into your room safe and sound at ten after 1AM, he drove back home.  He lived in an apartment off campus, well off enough to afford it before he needed to get back into the part-time job department of life.
Stripping free of his party clothes and swapping them out for sweats and a thin, stretched out grey shirt, he flopped onto his bed.  Realizing two things. One, you still had his leather jacket and two, he hadn't stopped smiling since you wrapped your arms around his waist on the way back to your home.
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You were rudely awoken the next morning at 10AM with your phone that blared for the 4th time beside your head.  Groaning, you grabbed the stupid piece of screaming plastic that continued to ring and finally looked at the screen.  Though it was sunny outside, your blackout curtains in your room made sure to keep that pesky sunlight out, so the screen brightness did little to no good on your retinas.  
Unknown Calling…
You squinted at your screen.  Who was calling you? Sighing, as soon as the call dropped for the 4th time, you noticed that the same number had been the same one to call previously.  Rolling lazily onto your chest, your blankets tangling around your legs as your you felt your hair tangled around your neck and around your ears.  You stared at the black screen of your phone, as you were testing a hypothesis. True to your suspicious, the screen lit up as your ringtone blasted for the 5th time.  
Answering it seemed to be your only option at this point.  Five back to back calls was way too excessive to be some random coincidence. Swiping to answer it, you pushed your hair out of the way and placed your phone by your ear.
“Hello?” You answered the best you could with sleep still thick in your voice.  
“Your sleep schedule is awful.  It’s been like, what? Nine hours and your ass in still in bed?” You groaned as you flopped onto your back.
“How did you get my number, Jimin?”
“Take a wild guess?” He teased.  Obviously, it was Jackson.  You muttered a ‘snake’ under your breath as Jimin chuckled into the line.  “Get up, we’re going out.”  You blinked at your dark ceiling.  
“And if I said no?”
“Then I’ll come bang on your dorm door again. I’m already sitting outside the campus dorms.  It’s not too long of a trip up the stairs Y/n.”  You groaned again knowing full well that Jimin absolutely meant it.  “No?”
“Fine, give me like 15 minutes.”
“Don’t push me,” you cut as you hung up on him. Tossing your phone aside,  you crawled out of bed with a whine as you wobbled around your room, trying to wake up enough to wash your face before getting dressed.  
Jimin stood at the curb of the dormitory, leaning against a light pole.  He watched as you cut the call off and your number faded from his phone screen.  Shaking his head, he pocketed his phone as he took a breath out.  Part of him was wondering what he was doing?
He could’ve made other plans today, but he didn’t.  Rather, he didn’t want to.  He fell asleep with you on the brain and woke up the same exact way.  After texting Jackson all morning, trying to pry information out of him and successfully doing so with the promise of a week’s worth of lunch on him, he finally got your number out of him too.  So, the calling began.  
He was rather shocked it only took 5 calls to wake you up.  He laughed to himself as he plucked his phone from his pocket and sent you a text before you came down.  
Jimin: Bring my jacket back, I miss it. :((
He laughed out loud when you shot back nothing but the middle finger emoji.  What a highschooler move.  It was chilly out today.  The clouds kept hiding the sun as they rolled under the light, only letting brief spots of warmth out at a time.  A small breeze was in the air as Spring had just begun with the promise of rain in the afternoon no doubt.  
His blue jeans and hot pink hoodie stood out, yes, but he was proud of that fact. His hair free of a cap lifted with each small gust of wind.  It was exactly 17 minutes when he saw you walking out of the dormitory, a red flannel purse on your hip. His jacket on your shoulders with a black shirt with the picture of a cat on the breast pocket and a pair of blue shorts.  Your hair was down, without anything covering or added to it.  
Part of him didn’t want the jacket back now.
When you got to him, the first thing you did was greet him with a harsh stomp on his foot with your shoes.  He whined as his thin converses did nothing to guard his foot against your heel.
“What was that for?!”
“Calling me five times and then proceeding to force me out of my dorm on a Saturday!”  You argued as you huffed and crossed your arms. “As punishment for stealing my lazy day, I’m keeping your jacket until I return home.”  He grinned, he wasn’t totally against that.  
“Have it your way,” he was easy to give him.
“What did you want anyway?”  He stood back up and swayed to your side.
“A week.”
“A little birdie told me that you can’t believe I can go a week with one person.  So, I’d be honored if you took me up on the challenge to so spitefully requested of me.” You shivered in mock disgusted.  “Hey!”
“Calm down, Queenie,” you teased with a grin of your own.  “I actually meant that towards all your flings, but sure.  If you think you can handle a week of me arguing leaving my room, by all means, give it a whirl.” Jimin looked at you with questions in his eyes.  “What now?”
“You gave in waaay too easy, Y/n.”  
“Yeah, well if I declined, I have a suspicion you’d whine to Jackson, who in turn would whine to me and I’m not really up for any more of that than I have to deal with on the daily.” He smiled as he pushed playfully on your shoulder, making you smile again.
“Look at you! Already guessing and knowing my habits.  We’re basically best friends already!”
“Don’t let Jackson hear you.  That will also result in whining.”
“Duly noted.”
Soon, Jimin had started walking around in random locations towards the city.  Something about wanting to window shop and making you come along with him.  You watched when he pulled out a Zippo lighter with a small, nearly empty pack of cigarettes directly off campus.  You rose your brow when you asked him about it.  He was a smoker, but he was in the middle of trying to quit.  He had slowed down from a pack in two days to only a few smokes in that time.  He wanted to pace himself until he cut them off completely.  Ht told you once this pack was done, he would try not to buy any more.
You then started offering him solutions to cravings.  Candies or small habits were a good way to get the urge to smoke off the brain.  Or, if he absolutely found himself not able to quit, e-cigarettes surely weren’t so bad.  Expensive, but not an awful half solution. He took your suggestions to heart, not actually expecting you to take that topic and run with it.  
He had snuffed out the bud when you both got closer to the shopping strip of stores after stores with a cafe on nearly every corner.  It was always busy during the weekend, and Jimin had a feeling you didn’t get to shop often.  The way you seemed to light up and become more bouncy at the idea of maybe actually getting something for yourself today was proof of that.
You both went to store after store with enough coffee breaks to power an engine.  Eventually, Jimin had walked into some indie store, more than curious about the odd patterns he saw in the display window.  You trailed after him, winding through aisles and stopped when you saw a small charm necklace.
The necklace itself wasn’t the best and the chain was weak enough that if you pulled just a bit too hard or it snagged in anything it would surely break. But, it wasn’t that which intrigued you.  It was the pendant itself.
It was a small dandelion. It’s small, metal puffs pushing out in the circle as it if you blew just hard enough the puffs would scatter. Jimin stopped when he noticed you weren’t tailing him anymore, turning to see you bent over and looking at it.  He backtracked to stand at your side, hands in his pockets as he observed it with you.
“You like this?”
You nodded.  “I do.  Dandelions are my favorite flower.  I don’t really like when they bloom into the yellow ones, Jackson used to pluck those and smear it’s pollen all over my arms when we met.  I do like the wish ones those.”
“Wish ones?”
“Yeah, the ones you make a wish on.  If you find one like this,” you poked at the necklace, “and you make a wish, you have to blow as hard as you can.  If you manage to get all the seeds to blow off, then your wish is supposed to come true.” You chuckled at yourself.  “It’s all fairy tale sounding, but you can’t deny its got its romantic side.”
“Huh, who knew an everyday weed is so meaningful to other people.”  You stood up as you huffed.  
“I’ve seen moms get mad at their kids for pulling dandelions and giving them to them as gifts.  They’re not weeds, so just accept them!”  You pouted as Jimin laughed.  You spun on your heel as you trotted off, Jimin watching your back as you disappeared behind some racks of clothing. He rolled his eyes at your dramatic march off as he stood up and followed you, not before grabbing the necklace though. 5$ isn’t too much to spend.
After he secretly purchased the necklace, he placed the small pouch it was in promptly into your purse when the two of you were at yet another cafe while you were in the bathroom.  Apparently, this specific cafe stop was for you to pee, as you had decided that a whole soliloquy about how your bladder was about to burst was absolutely necessary.  It wasn’t. When you returned, all you did two was chat like old friends who knew each other since you were in diapers.
Jimin wasn’t nearly as awful as you thought, and part of you felt guilty for judging him so quickly.  Sure, his reputation was a bit black, but the boy himself was a sweetheart, and you made sure to offer him an apology and a chocolate chip muffin as compensation for your rotten attitude.
Day by day went on and as classes rolled on, Jimin would walk you to and from class, pick you up from your dorm and drop you off and even bring you lunchtime coffee just because you couldn’t say no to something he already paid for.
Eventually, the dawn of day 6 in the week broke and Jimin had called up Jackson.  Telling you that he had something planned to do and that he would see you tomorrow.  He had grown so used to hanging around you, a stab of pain hit him when you replied back to him with an ‘ok :(‘.  You were far too cute he reasoned as he put the back of his hand against his mouth as you added on a ‘you owe me, Park >:(‘ to your message.  
Jimin: I owe you? For what spoilt brat
You: For leaving me alone to drown in boredom.  How dare you??
Jimin: It was literally just last week you were biting my head off for dragging you out of your room. Now your complaining that I have something to do without you?  My my my, how they grow up so fast. Bless
You: Choke and die.  I’m going to take a nap
Jimin: It’s 8AM don’t sleep and mess up your schedule!
Jimin: Y/N!
Jimin: Stay. Awake.
You: …
You: Fine.  Guess I’ll play Overwatch by myself
Jimin: Ew, who plays Overwatch?
You: yOU-
H laughed when you stopped replying.  Whether or not you actually started playing or went back to sleep was a mystery to him as he walked out of his apartment to meet with Jackson.  Jimin wanted to ask him a few things before the end of the week came.  He also had a few woes to lay on your best friend's shoulders.
A game of basketball was what Jimin had planned for the day with Jackson.  Going to the public gym and meeting Jackson with sports gear and a basketball in hand, the man-to-man day would begin.  
Jimin, walking onto the courts with his sports shorts and tank top watched as Jackson lazily threw baskets in a jersey and sweats. Dribbling the ball, he passed it to the smaller man who met him on the court.  Jimin, dribbling it around and getting a feel for it watched as Jackson crossed his arm before he stretched.  
“Really, Jimin? Basketball?” Jimin rolled his eyes.  
“Listen, I have a friend who aces in basketball, so shut up.” It started with the boy just taking turns shooting before a small match of one on one began.  Squeaking shoes on the floor with heavy breaths filled the nearly empty Thursday noon-time gym.  Lay-ups were shot left and right, 3-pointers and of course, the ever dreaded airball followed by laughing at the lame excuse of a shot all came with the game.  Soon, the two men were sat on the far wall, sweat covered and drinking out of water bottles purchased from the vending machine outside the doors.
“Now that the exercise part of the day is done, what is it you wanted?” Jackson asked. Turning towards Jimin taking a drink of water as Jimin craned his head up at the dim lights that definitely were going to go out soon.
“I think I have a crush on Y/n,” Jimin yelped when Jackson spit out his water on Jimin’s lap.  “Thanks for the shower, jackass!” Jackson coughed as he wiped at his chin while Jimin shook his shorts and his arms disgusted.  
“I can totally help you confess!” Jimin looked at his friend. “I’ve got this whole scene I’ve been cooking up for her lucky future boyfriend since like freshman year.  I’d spent a lot of time on this, and you- my lucky man- are gonna be the one to do it!”
“You’re okay with it?” Jimin asked, his voice skyrocketing as he barely spoke in a whisper. Jackson only shrugged as he put his back against the wall again and took a more steady drink since his last attempt ended covering Jimin.
“Yeah, why not?  Sure, you were a sleazy a week ago-”
“-But, it seems like you get along with Y/n. And she’s not just gonna snub you once the weekends because that’s what you said in the beginning.”
“She told you about that?” That was true, Jimin had only planned on staying with you a week, but now he wanted an extended date.  Permanently if he had the option.
“Of course she did dude.  Look, so long as she doesn’t call me up one day bawling because you did something to her, I have no reason to knock your lights out.”  Jimin shuttered.  He wasn’t unfamiliar with the strength Jackson possessed.  He didn’t fight often, normally pretty laid back and easy going, but he’s heard rumors.  All focus solely around you and how you were picked on freshman year of college.  He got suspended for 2 weeks, but you weren’t picked on anymore.
Jimin looked at his lap as he moved and stuck out his pinky.  He remembered the party night and how serious you were about a small pinky promise.  Then, that thought somehow shifted to how you seemed to take dandelions seriously.  Jimin sighed as he turned back to Jackson, sitting cross-legged and at the utmost attention.
“Alright, tell me what I’m gonna do about this.”  A grin broke out on Jackson’s face as he clapped Jimin on the shoulder.
“Buckle in, Park.  This is gonna be one romantic fuckin’ ride.”
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It was Friday as you sat in the library, reading and rereading the same paragraph in your textbook.  It was like your brain wasn’t registering the words, no matter how many times to read them over and over again.  You’d get halfway through, realize you clocked out only to repeat the process. You sighed as you slammed your head into the books fold and someone slid into the seat next to you.  
They rubbed your neck as you whined at your lame attempt at actually studying.  Turning your head and blowing your hair out of your face just enough to see who sat next to you, you weren’t entirely shocked to see Jimin. In his comfortable college dressed glory and his leather jacket, you had finally returned to him. His arm propped on the table as his palm held his chin. He was smiling, probably laughing at your obvious lack of concentration.
“Howdy, bookworm.” You rolled your eyes at him as you planted your face back into the book that smelt far too old to be a 2018 edition of World History. He chuckled again at you. “You know, you can always ditch the books?”  
“I’m so close to almost not having a B in this class it’s laughable.  I’ve never gone below that!” You whined, quietly of course as the librarian was a soundhound when it came to any loud noise ever.  She’s search out the source of the sound like a dog and quickly take to eliminate it.  You’ve been kicked out more than once in your attempts to studying turned to whines.
Jimin rolled his eyes.  Ever the drama queen.  His hand moved from your neck to treading through your hair and massaging your scalp.
“Let me rephrase,” he stopped and started again. “How about you stop for the day, hang out with me and then maybe I’ll help you study later.”  You sat up briefly, his hand remaining on the back of your head as you looked at him like a puppy dog would when offered treats.
“Can we get snacks?” You pouted and Jimin smiled enough his eyes began to close.  Patting your head, he nodded.
“Yes, we can get snacks, you big baby.”  You smiled as you sprung up and slammed your book shut, wincing on how loud the action was before you shoved it in your bag.  Jimin stole your bag before you could pick it up yourself and you pouted when he refused to give it to you. “Let me be a gentleman, Y/n.”
“You? A gentleman? Like you? As in Park Jimin who smokes and drinks?”
“I’m trying to stop smoking, you know that.”  
You nodded, pointing a finger at him.  “Ah, yes, good point.  I revoke that accusation then.” He just pulled up on his lips as he grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the library, stopping by your locker to ditch your bag inside it and then dragged you to a small convenience store to stock up on the snacks of your choosing.
However, you felt a bit bad when Jimin snatched your wallet from you when you went to grab your card and handed the cashier his instead.  You stomped and whined, but he was adamant that the bill was his to foot. You guilt was short lived when he placed the plastic bag of snacks in your arms though so you could offer him one of your marshmallowy-goodness cereal bars.  His payment for footing the payment.
Jimin gladly accepted this.
He convinced you to come back to his home so he could get out his bike, as he had told you he wanted to take you somewhere.  Not sure where he was going, you were half sure he was gonna take you someone and murder you with how sappy he’s been all afternoon, but also half as sure that he wouldn’t.  With a laugh and a promise to not kill you from his mouth, you decided to trust him.
“If you do kill me though, I’m so haunting you so think wisely,” you warned as you climbed onto his bike, your bag of snacks in a holding compartment under the seat as you sat behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist.  
You always just held onto his shirt, to offer him as much space as you could as you literally clung to him not to fly off while he zooms down the road. Though, before he even kicked up the stand, he pulled your hands from his shirt and tucked you close to his back.  He made you clasp your hands together at his stomach, saying it was ‘safe’ though he’s never said that before.
Taking a breath to cool down your heated face, you could see his stupid smile in his eyes as he flicked down the visor on his helmet and kicked up the stand before revving away.  
He took you down some country roads before an hour passed and he stopped when he was at an open field with a small farmhouse not too far off in the distance.  The cattle were off in a group as you could see their small black and white bodies look like ants from how far they were from the two of you.
“Are you sure we can be here?” you questioned when Jimin took off his helmet and ran his hand through his hair.  You hated when he did that, how dare he do that multiple times over and not be aware of it or his attractiveness skyrocket when he does.  Damn frat boy.
“Yeah.  I got a friend of a friend’s permission to be here.  It’s all cool.  We’re not trespassing so come on.” You swung your leg back over the motorcycle before Jimin linked his arm with yours and began to walk off, setting his helmet on his bike seat and not forgetting to grab your snacks either.  
The two of you just walked around.  Treading through the grass and making sure not to step on any flowers of innocent bees doing their hard work of collecting pollen.  Though, Jimin did wave and scare off a wasp once or twice. Which was dumb because that only resulted in the bug buzzing angrily after the two of you before it gave up.
Eventually, you both came to a grove of trees.  They were tall and proud.  You had no doubt they had taken years upon years to grow up to this level of brilliance.  It was just the right time in spring in flowers flew from the treetops and the green returned to the leaves. The wind that knocked the flower petals around was like a cinematic effect.  
Jimin was quick to plonk himself down at the base of one of the trees, sitting cross-legged while unloading your snacks.  Bags of chips, plastic bins of cookies, small individual wraps of brownies and of course some soda to tied you two over while you feasted.  Definitely not healthy, but oh so worth it.
The two of you sat under the tree as ate while you talked more.  It was strange that Jimin and you never ran out of things to talk about.  Any quiet gap between the conversation was quickly filled because all you two were doing was chalking up more conversations to have.  It was comfortable and the air around it made it seem like Jimin enjoyed it more than you did.
“Oh! I forgot, Jackson told me that you have a tattoo!” Jimin ticked his brow up at two things.  Yes, he did, but how did Jackson know that?  Then he remembered just who Jackson Wang was: Gossip Farm Member No.1. “How dare keep secrets in this relationship.  I demand a refund of time and lies.” Jimin shoved at your shoulder as he shrugged off his leather jacket, leaving him in a navy shirt.
“How about I show you and we can forget all about that refund?”
“If you whip your dick out and show me some weird cockring tattoo, please forget it.”  He laughed, nearly falling onto your lap as you braced his back. “I’m serious!” You cried in your own laughter.  He shook his head, putting the back of his hand against his face and looking at the sky through the tree’s leaves.  
“I cannot believe you sometimes.”  He swung his jacket around your shoulders.  “It’s on my rib cage, so hold my jacket for me.  I don’t want to get it all grassy.” You’d complain, but you did have a soft spot for this jacket. So, you slipped your arms through the sleeves and huffed in peace as the jacket warmed you up from Jimin’s body previous being in it.
Jimin slipped one of his arms back through the short sleeve of his shirt as it appeared under the bottom of it and pushed it up to reveal his torso.  The sharp, black ink of NEVERMIND engraved on his ribs. You awed at it.  It was something you wouldn’t expect to be on Jimin, yet the idea and the look of it suited him so well it was almost painful.
“Honestly, if you keep springing these attractive attributes on me I’m going to cry.” Jimin rolled his eyes as he- instead of putting it back on- removed his shirt altogether.  Showing you his back where a spade tattooed lay between his shoulders.  “Another one?!” He chuckled.
“You said not to spring it on you,” he slyly remarked as he watched your face heat up.  “What, too attractive?  Come to think, did you back-handedly compliment me a moment ago?”
“No. Shut your trap you stupid college frat.”
“You’re very good at sending compliments like insults.”
“Ugh, fine!  You’re attractive- is your ego gloated enough now?” He smirked as he took his shirt and threw it around your neck, dragging you closer to him. Your breath caught when he bumped his nose against your, scanning your face like a computer would a test sheet to make sure a No. 2 leaded pencil was used.
“It’s can be inflated a bit more, truth be told.” He watched your eyes switch between his own. “Remember what you told me about dandelions? How they make wishes come true?” You nodded. “Good,” he breathed before he kissed you.  He eased his shirt from around your neck when you didn’t fight or push him away.  He pushed down on you, pushing you further against the trunk of the tree as the sun made the shadows of the leaves dance.  
It was like the shimmering of the sea on your skin as he cracked open his eyes when he pulled away from you just long enough for you to grip the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his hair and pull him straight back.  He wasn’t complaining, smiling as the kiss became fervent.
He didn’t know how long he spent hunched over you in an intense lip lock, and frankly, he didn’t really care either.  Though, there is one thing from the Park Jimin a week ago that wasn’t snuffed out.  The playboy heartbreaker surely died, as you killed him within less than a week.  However, his tolerance and patience when it came to things that looked to become more heated than not, was still at an all-time low.  
He whined as he forced himself away from you, watching as your kiss-swollen lips breathed harsh air out in gasps and your face was as red as the blood rushing to them.  He chuckled as he kissed the tip of your nose and from previous knowledge of seeing it earlier, moved back from you and plucked a dandelion that sat behind him at the base of the tree trunk.
Jimin turned to you and held it in front of your face before he smiled and blew on it.  All the seeds scattering onto your face and into your hair as it left the stem bare. You blew out your lips, trying to make sure no seeds were unsightly inhaled at his assault.  
He laughed again.  “Wanna know what I wished for?”
You plucked seed after white seed out of your hair before you looked up at him as he tossed the stem over his shoulder. “You can’t tell.  That’s literally rule number 1 of wish making.  Telling someone the wish makes it void and it can’t come true!” You pouted.  “Though, I am curious.”
He smiled as he moved and pinched your side.  He kept pinching you until you got to your knees before he grabbed your waist and dragged you over to him.  You walking clumsily on your knees found yourself sat forcefully on Jimin’s thighs as he intertwined his fingers behind your back.
He pouted cutely at you as his blond hair was like that of the sun.
“I wished you would kiss me again.”
“You’re awfully cocky,” you replied with that same crimson on your face.
“I didn’t hear a no?”
“You didn’t, because you know damn well I’m not gonna say no!”
“It’s not nice to yell at your boyfriend who bought you snacks and only wants a kiss or two.”
“You’re actually the worst.”
“Kiss me!”
“Why should I?” You teased as he pushed his knees up, making you fall closer to his chest.  
“The dandelion said so,” so he laughed and kissed you again for certainly not the last time.
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Thirteen
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff A/N: Smut warning for this chapter!
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“What are you staring at?” Tiffany questioned, eyes shifting to him from behind her menu with a smirk. 
Returning the same impish grin, he brought his glass of whiskey to his lips as he shrugged at her. After taking a sip he sat the beverage down, crossing his arms on the table as he leaned forward, “The hottest bitch in the fucking planet.” 
“Oh, really? Where?” Tiffany teased, sarcastically glancing around the room, “Let’s fuck her.”
“I already did,” Colson shrugged again, winking at Tiffany, “But I wouldn’t mind doing it again.” 
“Later, player,” she replied, quirking her eyebrow as she turned the page of the menu with a sigh, “You gotta buy me dinner before you get dessert.” 
“Spoiled brat.” he sneered as he opened his own menu, eyes moving back and forth over the options as she continued to smirk at him.
“Yup.” She returned, popping the ‘p’ at the end for emphasis, “And if I remember correctly, you’ve had a lot to do with that over the years.” 
“Oh, baby, just you wait,” He beamed mischievously, eyes glistening as if a thousand ideas were popping through his head at that moment, “You gonna be spoiled spoiled.”
Tiffany rolled her eyes as she sipped her margarita, the strong tequila making her cheeks rosy as her lip ticked with the hint of a smile, “I will not complain.” 
“In fact, you know what? I got an idea for when we leave here.” Colson planned, drumming his fingers across the table and nodding one at her before clasping both palms together, “Yup. Got an idea.”
“Never something I wanna hear come out your fuckin’ mouth,” Tiffany laughed nervously, putting her menu down to eye him suspiciously, “I’m not gonna go to jail again, am I?”
Colson snorted, covering his mouth with his hand that had picked up his glass again, “Uhh...No promises”
She propped her elbow on the table and pointed at him with her long, acrylic nail and opened her mouth to scold him, but was interrupted by the waitress finally approaching their table to take their order. 
Tiffany smirked at the blonde teenager, the poor girl obviously knowing who he was as she bumbled over her words. Her hands were shaking as she wrote down his order, and Colson couldn’t help but drink up the attention. He gave her that signature smile of his and she damn near melted, and Tiff had to stop herself from snorting at the girl. 
“And what do you want, baby?” Colson queried once he was done telling her what he wanted. He reached across the table and placed his hand over hers, a cheesy smile adorning his face to accompany the display of affection. 
Tiffany grinned at the man in front of her before turning to the blonde and gently and politely telling her what she wanted to order. 
The girl nodded pertly before they watched her scurry off towards the kitchen, Tiffany’s eyes shifting to Colson as her eyebrow lifted again, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re over dramatic?”
Colson bobbed his head as he sipped his glass, lacing their fingers together with a wink.
They finished their meals and a couple more drinks before he finally pulled her from the restaurant, the cool breeze of September air floating around them as he lead her to their next destination. 
“Kelssss, where are we goiiing?” Tiffany whined as he tugged her along by the hand, his long legs making his strides twice the size of hers
“Shopping, duh. I just said I was gonna spoil you.” Colson returned as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“What the fuck? Really?” Tiffany asked, her eyebrows raising quickly in surprise as she chuckled, “Like, are you sugar daddy-ing me right now?”
“Yup,” Colson smiled proudly, swinging their hands back and forth before reeling her into his chest to kiss her, “and you better give daddy some sugar.”
Tiffany had four new pairs of designer heels waiting to be delivered, as well as a white gold and diamond necklace and bracelet set, and three different sparkly rings that she had put on before the time the spree had ended. Colson’s smile couldn’t help but shine just as brightly as the jewels around her neck as they made their way down the street, the couple headed in the direction of Central Park. 
“This is gonna be so fuckin’ great.” Colson beamed, throwing his arm around her shoulders as they walked. Tiffany lit a cigarette with a sigh, shaking her head at the childish adventurism that he constantly projected. 
“Where are we going?” She asked once again as she exhaled a plume of smoke, her arm wrapping around his waist. 
“One of my favorite places in the city. Came here with Pete the last time I was out.” Colson answered, looking down at her with a smile, “you’re gonna love it, trust me. It’s so fuckin’ dope.”
They stopped and took photos of each other at a few of the different sights, Colson not surprised at all when she pulled her work camera out of her bag to take a few shots of him and the surrounding landscapes. 
“You still haven’t turned your phone back on?” He asked curiously, noticing she hadn’t pulled it out at all throughout the night.
“Nope,” she replied, shrugging as she looked at him through the lense before snapping the button, “Haven’t wanted to deal with any of it.” 
“That means you haven’t seen my post I made,” Colson pouted, the face earning him getting his picture taken again, “it was sweet and everyone liked it.” 
“Do I need to see what you did?” She questioned, cocking her eyebrow at him from the other side of the camera.
“No, No,” Colson answered with a chuckle, shaking his hands in front of him, “just wait until tomorrow.”
Tiffany found herself eyeing him out of the corner of her eye, her lips pursed together as she wondered what he was up to. 
“Here it is,” Colson pointed, interrupting her suspicions. He tugged her hand again to make her walk faster, stopping only when they’d reached the huge circle in the middle of the walkway. The gigantic field in the area past it was delicately lit, a peaceful vibration emanating from the entire space. 
“Woah,” Tiffany gaped, earning her another prideful smile from Colson at the sight of her happiness, “This place is fucking beautiful.”
They found a spot away from everyone else on the soft grass, and the two of them lay back staring at the night sky while they passed a joint back and forth. 
“Thank you for this, Kels.” Tiffany said after a few minutes of silence, moving her hand so he could take the jay from her fingers, “It really means a lot.”
“It means a lot to me that you’re even here, Tiff.” Colson replied, turning his head to look at her, “Laying here with you means more than you’ll ever know.”
He hit the joint deeply, exhaling slowly as the smoke twirled above them and into the heavens. He turned his head back towards her as he passed it back, licking his lips before he continued, “I never thought I would get a chance to be anywhere near you again. When I fucked up, again, I was sure it was done.”
“It was,” She croaked, flicking the ash away from the joint as she fought back the emotions threatening to spill over with his words, “That hurt me more than I’ve ever been hurt, Cols.”
“Then how did you let me back in so easily? That night at the party…” Colson started, but trailed off as he looked away again to take another hit.
“I don’t know, K. Honestly, I don’t. I guess I just can’t stay away from you.” Tiffany chuckled lowly, bringing the roach to her lips for a final drag before tossing it. She rolled over into her side and propped herself up on her elbow, her head resting on her knuckles as she met his eyes, “I love you.”
“You were right, you know. When you said I waste love.” He commented, looking up at her when she put her other hand on his chest on top of his.
“I know.” She nodded, no hint of malice in her voice despite the opportunity.
“I’m not gonna waste you anymore, Tiff. I’m not gonna make you anymore bullshit promises, but just know,” Colson vowed, his eyes misting over and twinkling in the dim light, “You’re it for me.”
Tiffany leaned over and kissed him in response, her tongue instantly tangling with his as he pulled her on top of him. She straddled his hips as their jaws rocked together, his hands instinctively grasping her thighs under her skirt. He moaned against her mouth when he remembered she was bare underneath the flow of fabric covering them, his dick hardening as his fingers dipped into the apex of her thighs. 
It was all breathy moans and whispered words as she sunk down on his length right there on the grass, the surrounding foliage and her skirt the only things giving them any sort of privacy. His hands left fingerprints in her flesh as he guided her hips, the feeling of her gripping heat squeezing his dick making him wanton and needy. 
“I’mma marry you.” He proclaimed suddenly, his hips bucking up into her as he wound a hand through the waves of her hair, “God damn, I swear, I’mma fuckin’ marry you.”
Their lips met again in a sloppy kiss, his arm not tangled in her tresses wrapping around her waist as he pulled her flush with his chest. He continued to fuck up into her, the friction and angle of his heavy cock stretching mixed with his words making Tiffany’s head swim as she mewled into his mouth. 
“You wanna marry me?” He breathed the question, his eyes wild and hopeful as he stared at the beautiful woman once they broke apart. She bit into her lip as she sat up, her eyes rolling and head tilting back as she took him all the way inside her. 
Colson lifted his back from the grass to hold himself up by one arm, his other weaving into Tiffany’s violet tangles. Tiffany moaned at the new angle as Colson’s mouth attached to her neck, his fingers pulling her head back again while his teeth found her pulse point. 
“Say it, baby.” He whispered against her skin, his tongue laying at the wound as she ground her hips into his, “You know you wanna.”
“Colson,” She whimpered, eyes meeting his as she lifted herself up and plunged back down, “Fuck.”
“Come on, baby,” he breathed, laying back down. He pushed one hand under the fabric of her skirt to find her clit with his thumb, bucking into her while gripping her breast with the other, “Say you’ll marry me, and I’ll let you come.”
“Fuuuuhk.” Tiffany groaned, almost a little too loudly, her body tensing as Colson worked her over, his hard cock hitting deep inside her fluttering walls. She was right on the edge but he was holding back, just enough to keep her right at almost. “Yes, yesyesyes, yes! I’ll marry you.”
Tiffany’s fingers dug into his shirt as his thumb moved in faster circles, his hips tilting just right and hitting the secret spot inside her only he could find. Stars erupted around them and she couldn’t stop the shout that left her lungs, her soaked pussy squeezing his cock as she came over him. 
“That’s it girl, come for me,” he hissed, bucking up into her faster as he snaked his hand from her breast to her throat with a squeeze, “Gonna nut in you.”
“No!” She protested unexpectedly, pulling off of him quicky. Colson was about to question what she was doing but the words caught in his throat, the feeling of her mouth wrapping around him making him lose all coherence. 
“Holy fuck!” Colson barked, his hand instantly shooting to the back of her head as his come flooded the back of her throat, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” 
Tiffany swallowed every drop he had to give her, wiping her mouth of the salty fluid once he was done. Colson had just finished zipping his pants when a voice was heard on the other side of the brush, the light of a flashlight shining through the leaves.
“What are you two doing over there?” 
Colson and Tiffany’s eyes immediately met as the two of them froze. Tiffany  was the first one to move, pulling Colson to his feet as she grabbed her bag and darted off as fast as she could. She hadn’t bothered to put her shoes back on so she was barefoot, able to move faster then with them as they both took off. 
“Oh shit,” Colson hissed, yanking her by the arm to duck behind a building at the edge of the park. They listened as the guard looked for them, dipping and dodging his beam of light until they were able to get to the exit. 
“Where the fuck did you park?” Tiffany heaved, her hands on her knees as she bent forward to gasp for air. She only had a moment to recover before multiple shouts could be heard headed toward them.
“Uhhhh….this way!” Colson guessed, snatching her by the hand again right as the guards came into view.
“You better fuckin’ hope so!” She exclaimed, the two of them running as fast as their legs would carry them in the opposite direction of the cops. 
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Tags:  @cobainscocaiine @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs @buckyscrystalqueen @mgkobsessed @iamdorka @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @xxencagedxx @xxkellsvixen19xx  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @bvibunny138
*credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer
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lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
A Queen Protects Her King (Colt x MC, ROD, N*FW)
A/N: @brightpinkpeppercorn‘s inspiration and my lack of self control created…whatever the hell this is.
Pairing: Colt x MC, ROD
Length: 6180 words (really long, sorry, I don’t know what happened here)
Rating: N*FW (Smut. But there’s plot for once!)
Summary: A mission goes awry and, as always, Colt is damn lucky Ellie’s there to save the day.
Logan opened his mouth then closed it with a sigh, running his hands through his hair with a sigh. “I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important.”  The base thundered from the club next to them, vibrations running up her spine. It was already giving her a headache.
Ellie already knew it was important. He and Toby both looked pale and worried, more scared than she had ever seen them. In turn, that scared her. “We’re supposed to be having girls’ night.”
“Well, now it’s work night.” Logan shrugged, pacing in the dim light of the alley way. “I don’t know what else to do. The earpieces aren’t working. Maybe he’s in the basement?”
“I just don’t understand.” Ellie turned to look at Mona, her face hidden in the shadows. They were supposed to be having a fun night, Mona agreeing to take her and Ximena to Hyrieus for a night of dancing and blowing off steam. Apparently, the boys had other plans. “Why not Mona? She is much better suited for this.”
“They know what we all look like, all of us. Except for you.” Toby was wringing his hands in front of him. 
“How do you know that?” 
“Kaneko said as much on the phone. Ellie, he was panicked, panicked. I’ve never heard him like that! You know how he is.” Logan rubbed his temple. “He’s still an hour away, he’s not gonna make it in time.”
“But…but…Logan, you hate him.”
“That doesn’t mean I want him dead!” He breathed out, words harsh between his teeth, eyes blazing.
Ellie froze, stomach dropping. “You think they’ll kill him?” .
“I know they’ll kill him if we don’t get him out of there.” Logan eyes were serious, deadly serious. Ellie could feel the color draining from her face as she looked at them all in turn. She was met with only frowns. The walls of the alleyway began to in on her as she tried to force air into her lungs; she blinked, a few times, willing her body to stay upright.
“I’ll be in your ear, ok?” Logan handed an earpiece to her. ”I’ll give Mona the other piece as well.”
Mona nodded and clasped her arm. “We got you.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“We don’t really have a choice, do we? I have the blue prints. Toby and Ximena, can you guys come up with a distraction? Something big in case we need to run.” Logan turned to her and put his hands on her shoulders, the comforting gesture insufficient to warm the chill in her bones. “The plan is simple. Get in, get Colt, get out. You got it?”
She took a deep breath and nodded, stuffing her hands in her pockets so he couldn’t see them shake. Get in, get Colt, don’t die, get out. She got it.
“What now?” The room was loud and chaotic, barely clothed partiers jumping and gyrating en masse on the huge dance floor in front of her, lasers shooting across the ceiling in a dizzying array. A few months ago, she wouldn’t have known places like this existed outside of movies, being so far removed from this scene. But now? Not only was she in this world, she had the life-or-death responsibility of getting Colt out of here in one piece. If the lights weren’t enough bring her close to vomitting, the circumstances and stakes of this night definitely were.
“Ok, do you see the kitchen? To the left of the bar, back wall?” It was hard to hear Logan over the drunken shrieking and Rihanna echoing around the room; she covered her ear with her fingers to dampen the revelry around her.
Her gaze trailed around the room, through the crowd and lights. “Yep, I see it.”
“Ok. We think they are in the basement and the only way down is through the kitchen. Go in and it looks like the door should be on your left, past a walk-in freezer.”
“You want me to just sneak into the kitchen?”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Ellie watched a small girl balance an impossibly heavy tray of drinks on her shoulder. She moved around the crowd easily, sidestepping the drunks before arriving at a high-top table and handing out martinis. “You know, I think I do. Is there an employee break room on those blueprints?”
It was easy enough to get into the break room, following the directions that Mona fed into her ear, keeping her head down as she edged through the club. She was able to find the uniforms, skimpy as hell, but stashed in an open locker. She was even able to find one that fit and put it on. Fortunately, she fit right in with the clubbers and staff and pounding music and blinding strobe lights. Unfortunately, she looked like a stripper. She studied herself in the mirror, trembling fingers trying to pull the wisp of a shirt both down and up at the same time.
She shook her head. This would have to do. She headed out towards the dance floor, spinning past dancers and edging into kitchen. Her disguise seemed to be working, the other staff members barely paying her any mind as she walked though the din, eyes darting back-and-forth, shoulders tense. She had just made it to the freezer, mere steps from the basement door, when a harsh voice stopped her in her tracks.
“If you’re going down there, you better help me with these.” Ellie spun to see a waitress next to a full tray of drinks, stiletto heel tapping a harried beat against the floor.
“Umm….ok.” The girl barely gave her a glace as she lifted the tray onto her shoulder with the fluid movements of a pro. Ellie took a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves. “Just so you know, it’s my first day.”
“Urgh.” The girl groaned, eyes rolling to the back of her head. “Of course it is. I’m Ginger and here are the rules: Downstairs? Anything goes. Anything to keep them happy. I don’t care if they want you to strip naked and drizzle chocolate sauce all over your whooha, you do it.”
“Wait, what-”
Ginger continued, barely sparing Ellie a glance. “Also, you keep your mouth shut. Hear no evil, see no evil, all that shit. You wanna get paid? You need a quiet lip. I’ll carry the drinks, you take the lighter, don’t fuck it up.”
With a huff, she opened the door and descend into darkness; Ellie could only follow, praying that Logan was right and she was heading in the right direction, not a underworld portal guaranteeing either her doom or chocolate sauce in inappropriate locations.
Carefully, she shut the door behind her and crept down the stairs, eyes on her feet so she wouldn’t fall in the obscene heels she swiped. Ellie was slightly envious; the full tray of drinks, a mix of martinis, shots, and glasses full of dark liquid, barely swayed as Ginger floated down the stairs. It was definitely better for everyone that Ellie could focus on walking, one foot in front of the other. It was all she could do to keep the dread in the pit of her stomach at bay.
The air was stale as she descended, the music dimming, base barely filtering though the walls. It smelled of booze and smoke, old smoke, the kind that seeps into walls over decades of illicit activities. Ellie shivered despite herself. It was dark, foreboding; this room had seen its fair share of secrets and lies.
When her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she had to bite her lip to keep the gasp in. There were four people sitting around a low table, sleek couches and plush chairs pulled together to facilitate a subdued conversation, voices quiet, so low Ellie couldn’t make out a word. And, thank God, Colt was indeed there, sitting on the couch furthest from her, long limbs splayed out, showcasing the confidence that drove her crazy when they first met. He was in a suit, sharp lines perfectly fitting the definition of his chest, arm curled over the back of the couch as he spoke to someone next to him. She could feel her shoulders relax just seeing him alive and well, knowing he was mere steps away.
She took a deep breath and willed her feet to follow Ginger; all she wanted to do was sprint across the room, grab Colt’s hand, and pull him out of here as fast as she could. He hadn’t noticed her yet, intent on the conversation, eyes tracking the man next to him. Now that she looked around, everyone was in a suit and everyone seemed dangerous, hard eyes, tense posture. Crap, she did not want to be here.
Ginger wordlessly held out the tray, indicating with her head where the drinks were going. Martini here, shot there. Finally, a dark amber liquor, on the rocks, and Ginger inclined her head towards Colt.
He turned his head as she approached; she could pinpoint the exact moment he realized it was her. His eyes widened as they met hers, a quick awkward cough escaping his lips, followed by a sweep of his head where he took in the look on her face, her outfit, the drink in her hands. Quickly, so quickly she hoped everyone else missed it, he schooled his face back into an neutral expression, trying to hide the recognition that flashed over his features. However, his eyes were still trained on her as she slid the glass in front of him, watching his jaw work as he swallowed, eyes following her every move.
“Thank you.“ 
She only smiled back, a quick quirk of her eyebrows. How was she going to be able to talk to him here?
One of the men laughed, low and dangerous, to her right. “I’ve never known you to take an interest in our other offerings before, boy.”
Colt’s eyes narrowed, slightly; Ellie only saw it because they still hadn’t broken eye contact, were still staring at each other. Now that she was here, in front of him, the butterflies in her stomach were for a completely different reason. Her fear was fading into the back of her mind, supplanted by heat in Colt’s eyes, arcing through the room and settling in her spine.
“Maybe your offerings were never interesting until now.” His voice was rough, a tone she was familiar with after long nights of little sleep. His eyes traced down, looking again at the outfit, what it covered and what it didn’t, gaze a slow meander back up. All the air had left the room, left her lungs; she was drowning in his eyes, boring into hers, all hunger and danger and desire.
She slowly raised her hand to flick the lighter, trying to break his spell on her, to bring her focus to the mission at hand. “Anyone need a light?”
She went around the room, carefully sliding around couches and legs, flicking the lighter for the pair with cigarettes hanging out if their mouths. She meant to pay attention, to study their faces to remember for later, just in case. However, she couldn’t stop sneaking glances at Colt, watching him through her lashes, watching him watch her.
He reached toward the table. “I’ll take a light.”
She had to bite her tongue to stop the ‘you don’t even smoke’ from slipping out. His eyes never left hers as he slid the cigarette from the pack, placing it between his lips with an quick incline of this head. Her stomach dipped.
She was aware of the eyes on her, everyone in the room watching the sway of her hips and tilt of her head as she sauntered over to him, stopping so close that she fit in between his splayed legs, looking down, taking in the long lines, graceful form, gathering her courage.
Slowly, she dropped down, sliding into his lap as his eyes widened, darkened. Her skirt was hitching up, dangerously high, but she couldn’t bring herself to care as their hips met and Colt placed his palm on her bare thigh. She leaned forward, even further, feeling his soft exhale against her ear as their chests met and she slid her cheek next to his.
Once there was no space between them, body lighting up where they were touching, she spoke, barely a breath, as softly as she could. “We have to leave. Now.”
Then she pulled back, still in his lap, still connected hip-to-hip, cheek sliding back against his, a slow brush of skin-on-skin, to deliver the ghost of a kiss to the corner of his lip. He gave no indication that he heard or understood the message and just stared at her, eyes smoldering, hand still edging higher and higher up her thigh. She flicked the lighter, holding the flame to the end of the cigarette as he slowly inhaled.
Carefully, she stood, disappointed when she had to back away, nerves still tingling where they had touched. But, she couldn’t resist one last caress, one last curve of her hand down his jaw line, his chin, as she pulled away, keeping his eyes on hers as she turned.
Before she went up the stairs, she paused, turning her head to look, flashing a coy smile when their eyes met again.
Not that she needed to check. His eyes hadn’t left hers since he saw her.
“They want to see you again.“
"Hmmm…?” Ginger came up the stairs behind her. Ellie was scoping out the kitchen, trying to figure out the quickest way out. 
“Apparently, you caught the eye of a VIP.” Ginger rolled her eyes. “Private room. This way.”
Ginger led her out the kitchen’s back door, down another corridor, another set of stairs. The maze of this place was confusing; thank God Logan had the blueprints to this place. Ellie had doubts about her ability to get them out safely by herself.
Another corridor and turn of a door knob. Ginger held open the door for her, ushering her in, closing it with a click behind her before her eyes had a chance to adjust.
It was dim in here, smaller than the other room but the feel was the same, dark and dangerous. There was a single chandelier bouncing flickering light across the furniture and, standing across the room, facing away, was a dark silhouette.
She heart leapt to her throat. She would know that figure anywhere. “Oh my God, you-”
Colt whirled around and caught her eye, the small shake of the head making her pause. Before she could speak, he strode forward. “I’m Colt.”
“Colt, I’m-” The look in his eyes made her stop. She followed his gaze around the room before it clicked. “Uhhh...I’m new?”
His eyes sparkled and he took a step closer, predatory. “Is it your first day?”
“Yeah…” She bit her lip. “What were you doing in there?”
Colt’s grinn widened. “Business.” Another step closer so he could trail a hand down her arm. “But now could be the pleasure part of the evening?”
Before she could respond, he came even closer, ducking his head to speak in her ear. “Shhh….room’s bugged.”
“Pleasure part of the evening?” She whispered, unable to keep the smile from her voice. “Dear God, that was an awful line.” She could feel Colt smile against her lips and then they were kissing, the taste of smoke and booze sliding onto her tongue, his hands finding their way into her hair. 
She didn’t know if she could pull this off but kissing Colt? Convincingly act like all she wanted to do was fall into his arms and his bed, act like his touch caused sparks over her skin and lightning up her spine, act like her body craved to be twined with him in every way possible? That was no problem at all.
He pulled back to take her hand. “Come here.” He led her through the room, opening the door on the far side to pull her in. It was a bathroom, marble and white gleaming, a stark contrast to the dark rooms she had been in.
“Cigarettes are gross, you know?”
He turned to her with a wicked grin. “Not when you’re the one lighting them.”
Colt let go of her hand to shut the door and turn on the bathtub, as strong as it would go, water thundering out to echo around the tiles.
“Ok, now we can talk.” He turned, eyes flashing as he took her in. “What are you doing here?”
“Your cover’s blown. We need to leave. Now.” She fiddled with the plastic in her ear. “Logan? Mona? You guys there?” She could only hear static, maybe a snippet of someone talking; she couldn’t make it out.
“What do you mean?”
“Your dad called Logan, in a panic. They know who you all are, have photos, everything. They know everybody except for me.” She stepped closer, eyes boring into hers. “They’re gonna kill you if we don’t get out.”
He breathed out, a long exhale. “I can’t leave yet. I don’t have what I need.”
“Colt!” Still only static in her ear. “You’re never gonna get it, whatever it is, if you’re dead.” Her voice wavered at the end, not coming out as convincingly as she hoped. She forced a breath through her nose. “We have to leave. Now.”
“Logan tried to get you on your earpiece but he couldn’t get through. I’m only getting static.”
“Whoops.” He shrugged, completely unconcerned and unapologetic. “I tossed it when I got here.” 
“I didn’t exactly want him droning in my ear all night. Besides, not all of us can hide it behind long hair.”
She groaned, shoulders falling. “Then what was your plan?”
“Same as it is now. I need five more minutes, that’s all, I swear.” He took her hand, lacing their fingers together.
“Then what?”
“Meet me at the back door of the kitchen. Just five minutes. That’s all I need.”
“Colt…” She could only glare at him. “I swear to God…”
She trailed off at his tight smile as he pulled her close. He winked and ducked his head, lips finding where her neck and shoulder met, suction and teeth making her moan. She squeezed his hand, nails digging semicircle indents into his skin as she hovered right on the precipice between pleasure and pain. All too soon, he pulled back, examining the mark his mouth had left. She struggled to catch her breath.
“What are you doing?”
“We’ve been in here for a while.” He threaded his hands through her hair, mussing the strands and shaking them out as she looked at him. “We’ve got to sell it.”
She glanced in the mirror and saw the mess atop her head, familiar now after long nights spent in his bed, the mark on her neck distinctly reddening, where the memory of his mouth still lingered. She did look debauched.
He was impossibly smug, looking at his handiwork, and she surged forward, catching his lips in hers. Her hands flew to his hair, twirling the strands in her fingers haphazardly while her teeth found his lower lip. Next up were his clothes; she ached to pull them all off, make a mess of him the right way, so that there would be no doubt what they spent their time doing in the privacy of this bathroom, where the steam rising to match the heat in her stomach. However, this would have to do. She grabbed the fabric in her hands, pulling and twisting, unbuttoning the suit jacket, loosening the tie, sliding half of his button down shirt out of his pants and popping a few buttons. All the while, her lips never left his.
When he moaned, deep in his throat as her teeth caught his upper lip, she pulled back to survey her own work. Cheeks red, lips chapped and swollen, clothes wrinkled so badly that it was immediately noticeable? “There. Now you’re selling it.”
He only stared, eyes dazed as she turned to leave. Right when she reached the door, she felt a hand on her hip. Without warning, he spun her, pushing her up against the door, soft thud as her back hit the wood. He leaned into her so their lips and hips met, again. But this? This wasn’t to sell anything. This was just for them, for her to feel his hands curling around her waist as his lips battled with hers, for him to grind his hips into hers as the friction made them both moan.
She had to gasp when he pulled away with a whispered, “Five minutes.” It hung in the air between them as he backed away to turn the knob on the bathtub. Even the silence was loud in the bathroom as she caught his eye and took a deep breath. 
Here, they had the illusion of safety, a space where it was just the two of them. Once they opened the door, it was back into the wolf’s den, with no guarantee they would ever emerge.
One more calming breath, a nod, and then she opened the door.
It was easy to duck away from Ginger, claiming that she needed a few minutes; Ginger’s sly smile confirming that the subterfuge was successful. She crept into the hall behind the kitchen, fingers fiddling with the ear piece. “Mona? Logan? You there?”
“Ellie, what’s happening?” Logan’s voice was fading in and out, static overtaking some of his syllables, but he was there.
“Thank God.”
“We couldn’t hear you. I was scared we lost you.”
“I know, I was in the basement.” She looked up and down the hall, goosebumps forming up and down her arms. Were they due to the chill? Her nerves? Who knew? “Listen, I found Colt. We are gonna get out of here in five minutes.” She spoke quickly, not certain how long she could count on being alone.
“What about right now?”
“He said he needed to get something, something important. He is going to meet me behind the kitchen and we’re gonna make a run for it.” She gnawed on her thumbnail, her nervous tic blooming to life while all alone, hallway becoming more menacing by the second. “How is that distraction looking?”
“I’ll check. Five minutes you said?”
“Yeah, prolly less now.” She rubbed her hands on her arms. It was freezing back here, in this dingy hallway, where dangers hid in every shadow. Where was Colt?
“Ok, I’ll check on Ximena and Toby, Let me know when he gets there.”
She leaned against the wall. The base was still audible but quieter here; unfortunately, that meant she could hear her own thoughts, her own terror. She straightened up and started pacing, back and forth, trying to keep her feet and her head busy. On her 13th lap, up and down, past the door, side-eyeing it every time as if she could will it to open, finally, finally, the door cracked open and Colt emerged, carefully closing it behind him.
“Thank God.” She couldn’t stop her hand from reaching out to brush his arm. He was here, real, alive. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face when Colt clasped her hand with a gentle squeeze.
“I got it. We’re good to go.”
“Logan? Mona? We’re all set, we gotta go.”
Mona’s voice was short on the line. “We might have a problem with the distraction.”
“Well, Toby wanted to hook up a NOS system to this abandoned car but then he started taking the spark plugs out and now we don’t really have much of a car. Or a distraction.”
Colt hovered by her side. “What’s going on?”
“Delay on the distraction.”
He rolled his eyes. “Tell them to screw it and meet us back at the garage.”
She relayed the message and turned towards him. “Now what? We can’t just make a run for it.”
She followed his gaze down the hall, alighting on a small red box on the wall. He turned to her with a smirk. “I think this counts as an emergency, don’t you?”
“I think I do.” She beamed at him as they hurried to the fire alarm. “What’s the plan? Pull this and then what?”
He bit his lip, looking at her. “Too risky to head back to the kitchen. There should be an emergency exit at the end of this hall.”
“Ok. Got it.”
“Would you like to do the honors?”
“Gladly.” She grabbed the mallet and swung; the glass sprinkled to the ground and her careful fingers avoided the sharp edges to pull the lever. Immediately, the fire alarm kicked in, its blare echoing down the hallway. Shouting began in the kitchen, raised voices confused and panicking as emergency lights started flashing around them.
“Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and together they took off.
They burst out the door, back entrance to the club leading to an alleyway, trash and probably worse piled high in rusting dumpsters. Ellie wrinkled her nose as they strode out into the street, fire alarm still loud behind them. She could hear shouts, yelling, and squeezed Colt’s hand.
“This way.” He led her down a block, ducking into another alley that led into a dead end, imposing chain link fence separating them from.
He pulled her along to the fence. “Come on, bike’s just over here.”
She sighed, watching him place his hands on the fence, pulling himself up easily. She groaned. These heels were not meant for hopping fences. With a roll of her eyes, she kicked off the shoes and positioned her toes on the fence. With one last scan above her, she climbed, one step after another, before joining him at the top of the fence.
He looked surprised to see her perched next to him. “I was going to give you a hand.”
“Did you think I was a damsel in distress?” She scoffed at him.
He smiled, soft, before squeezing her shoulder. “I know you too well for that.”
“I could use a hand getting down?”
“Fine, fine.” He swung his leg over and leapt, landing hard, wiping his hands on his pants before reaching up to her. 
She screwed her eyes shut and jumped, crashing into him, his hands curving around her waist to steady her. She looked up at him, close enough to see the lashes lining his eyes, his lips curving into a smirk. “My hero.”
He only grinned and held her close, dropping a kiss on her forehead before turning to go.
“Hey, Colt?” She didn’t move, just stood there, looking up at him. “What did you need to get so badly?”
He sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small fob.
“What is it?”
He twirled it between careful fingers. “Car key.”
“For what?” She plucked it from him, studying it in the dim light.
His eyes darkened and he looked away, jaw tense. “Yet another payment to The Brotherhood.”
“Colt….” She handed it back to him, her fingers brushing his, before she put her hand on his cheek to turn his face, to look into his eyes. “We’re gonna figure it out. I swear.”
He looked at her and grinned, a small twitch of the lips that didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah. I know.” He sighed again. “I know. But for now, we got what we need. We should get out of here.” She nodded and laced their fingers together again. Time to move.
They were almost to the end of the alley, so close to the main road, when Colt grabbed her hand, hard, He pulled her back, into the shadows, pushing her into a small alcove underneath a fire escape. Her breath left her lungs at the speed, the suddenness of it, then she heard what he heard. Footsteps. On the street. Coming this way.
She craned her neck but couldn’t see anything yet. Colt had her bracketed between him and the brick, profile sharp in front of her as wary eyes looked behind his shoulder, hands protectively falling to her waist.
She tried to slow her breathing, muffle any noise as the footsteps moved closer and she and Colt huddled in the dark.
The footsteps slowed, then stopped, right outside the alleyway, six feet from them. Ellie could hear her heart, Colt’s heart, both hearts pounding wildly, just waiting. She held her breath.
It could have been seconds, it could have been hours, she couldn’t tell, but finally, finally the person moved, footsteps trailing away from them, moving down the street, their hiding spot safe.
Ellie sagged against the bricks, still clutching the lapels of his jacket. “That was close.” The adrenaline was leaving her, the familiar shake coming back to her fingers.
Colt turned back to her, letting out a slow breath. It was so dark in the alcove, streetlights not reaching their hideaway; she could see his outline, the whites of his eyes, his teeth. Everything else was faded shades of grey, even as close as he was. He gave her a soft smile as his eyes trailed down her face, to her neck, to the juncture between her neck and shoulder. The smile faded, replaced with something that made Ellie’s stomach twist, her cheeks warm.
He trailed his thumb down her neck, focused intently on the skin before him. She didn’t realize what he was doing until he pressed firmly. The hiss that escaped her teeth shocked her, the pleasure-pain when he touched the mark he left, the sensitive skin a reminder of his lips on her neck.
“Colt?” It was a whimper, barely speech. She didn’t know who moved first but someone did, maybe they both did, and their lips collided, inelegant and hungry. She pulled on his suit jacket, hands clutching the fabric so hard she worried it would rip; even after their hips collided, no space between them, she knew would never get him as close as she wanted.
The kiss was rough, possessive, the kisses of people who outsmarted death and escaped terror and needed to feel something, something vibrant and wild and free, in order to embrace life again. She couldn’t stop the moans from deep in her throat. All she wanted to forget the fear of this night; maybe they could replace it with a better memory, a memory of what they had, not what they almost lost.
“Fuck, Ellie.” Colt bent to attack her neck, the hickie, every inch of her that he could reach with his mouth and his teeth as her head dropped against the wall.
“Please.” She slid her hands underneath his shirt so she could feel his skin under her fingertips, warm and solid and alive, feeling every inch of him in front of her. She started moving her hips, unconsciously, the alley and the danger fading away. “Colt, please.”
“Fuck.” His voice was low, mouth moving against her chest. “We can’t, Ellie, we-” He trailed off with a moan as Ellie’s fingers made their way to his pants. They were clumsy, shaking, but she managed to pull the zipper down and reach inside.
She started stroking, rhythmically, pulling him out into the night air as he moaned, voice catching as she worked him over.
“Ellie, fucking Christ.” His hand slid up her leg, callused thumb drawing a line on her inner thigh that made her moan, and continued under the skirt to shift her underwear to the side. “And they say I’m the bad influence.” She moaned, again, as his finger teased her slit before ducking inside. She was so wet that it slid in easy, another finger quickly joining the first as his thumb circled her clit.
“Please.” It sounded like she was crying, begging, voice wet, back arched away from the wall, desperate for more than his hands inside her.
“Fuck.” He pushed the skirt up, hands rough as he pushed her underwear down to the ground. “Fuck, anything you want, baby.” He grabbed the back of her thighs and, all of a sudden, she was in the air, being lifted against the bricks, trapped between the cool wall and Colt’s warmth. 
She reached down to help, position and angle awkward and new, but then he slid his hands lower down her thighs and swiveled his hips and then, oh my God, he was inside her, one smooth motion making her head slam back against the wall. He was deep, angle driving him so deep she could feel him in her throat, and she had to breathe for a second, eyes closed, tears leaking.
“Colt, move, please.” His grip was tight behind her legs, fingers digging into her flesh and holding her up as he slid into her, falling into a practiced rhythm as Ellie tried to get oxygen into her lungs. She knew what a risky situation they were in but she couldn’t stop the noises from coming out of her mouth, gasps and moans that only increased in volume with every thrust of his hips.
“Ellie.” Colt sounded wrecked, voice pulled from his throat as he kissed a trail down her neck, moving the strap of her tank top with his teeth so he could mouth the skin there. “Ellie, touch yourself. I can’t- Fuck, I don’t want to drop you.”
She reached down, pushing the skirt out of the way so her fingers could circle her clit, pace frantic to match the movement of Colt’s hips, the heat building in her spine, the scrape of the brick on her back, the smell of the smoke in his hair, the overwhelming sensations short-circuiting her brain as waves of pleasure started in her core. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t scream, burying her head in Colt’s neck as he thrust once more and everything exploded.
When she opened her eyes again, Colt’s head was resting at her neck, her arms in a death grip around his shoulders. Slowly, he eased her down; she moaned, a bereft sigh, as he slipped out of her and she put her feet on the ground.
He pulled back to watch her, amused. “Fuck, Ellie. And they think I’m the risk taker.”
She could only smile back, helplessly, running her hand through his hair. “You make me brave.” The words were weighty, serious.
“You already are brave.” His eyes gleamed in the night, fond smile playing on his lips. “You’re everything.”
She couldn’t stop the chuckle. “Really.”
“You are. You and me? We could run LA together, just you wait.” He ran his fingers down her face, thumb trailing over her lower lip.
“With you getting stuck in the basement of a nightclub?
“Well, you’d be there to bail me out.”
She could only gaze at him. "You’re lucky." 
“I know I am.” He pulled her to him. “Ellie, you’re my queen.”
He didn’t answer, letting the adoration on his face speak for him as he kissed her again and again and again.
It was late when they got to the garage. She was a mess, they both were. She was wearing Colt’s suit jacket, which barely covered her skirt. Her underwear was long gone, used to clean herself up and then tossed in a dumpster. His shirt was missing most of the buttons and their hair was pointing in all directions.
She slowly crept through the shop floor, clutching Colt’s hand. Logan’s car was here, as was Mona’s. Apparently everyone had made it back safely, thank God. What a night.
“Hi, Ellie, Colt.”
“Ahh.” Ellie screamed as both she and Colt jumped.
Colt recovered first, “Hi, Mona. What are you doing up?”
“Just wanted to make sure you both got back ok.” She stood, rising from the folding chair she was perched on, sauntering towards them, dangerous smile wide on her face. Apparently, she had been waiting up for them.
Ellie took a deep breath. Weird. “Ok, I’m just going to go up-”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go up there.” Mona walked towards Ellie, eyes dark, sway of her hips hypnotizing. 
Ellie shared a nervous look with Colt. “What are you talking about?”
“He’s a little….” Mona stopped, right in front of her, and pushed a lock of Ellie’s hair behind her ear. “…Scandalized.” With a flick of her wrist, Mona pulled the ear piece from Ellie’s ear, holding it up between two fingers, grinning wickedly.
Ellie gasped, face paling. “Did you hear…?”
“Oh, Ellie.” Mona tilted her head to look at Colt, standing stock still, eyes incredulous. “He’s weak, he had to stop listening after two minutes.” She took a step back, biting her lip. “But I heard everything.”
Ellie could only gape at her.
“So yeah, you might wanna find somewhere else to sleep tonight.” Mona winked at her. “I’m gonna go charge this. You never know what you might hear, am I right?”
Ellie couldn’t say a word, could feel her mortification staining her cheeks.
Mona smiled again, dark and wicked and absolutely delighted, before patting Ellie on the head. “Good night, your highness.”
Tags:  @deimosensblog @alegria1580  @choicesarehard @thefarrari @client-327 @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown@soniadotalves@jolietmaraud @hazah@flowerpowell@poeticscolt@brightpinkpeppercorn @zaira-oh-zaira@desiree-0816 @leelee10898 @maxwellsquidsuit @liamzigmichael4ever 
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7team7 · 5 years
SasuSaku Month Day 7: One of These Nights
Title: Sasuke and Sakura’s Night Out! // Rating: M (drugs, language) // Summary: Sakura and Sakura don’t get out much, but just one night is enough to make up for a lifetime of staying in. Very much inspired by my love for both the movie booksmart and those memes where it’s like aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to just go absolutely fucking feral? Yeah, nerd SasuSaku going feral basically // ao3 link 
A/N: something to make up for yesterday’s angst, this was a ton of fun to write!! Also why do i keep writing things i dont know about?? Idk anything about the good old mary jane or drugs in general lol but just go with it this isn’t really supposed to make sense Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto, Booksmart, or anything mentioned in this story. I’m just a wee speck of dust in the universe
“One of these nights we should do something actually fun.”
“Since when did watching movies with me stop being fun? Did you want a snack or something? I saw that post you tagged me in this morning, I guess we can build a blanket fort on the trampoline, but you can’t complain about it being cold.”
Sakura sat up from where she was lounging on Sasuke’s bed, staring at the wall. “Now that you mention it, I could go for some boba. Or an edible.”
Sasuke, sitting in his bean bag, stared at Sakura in disbelief, “do you even know what’s in those?”
Sakura straightened up even more and looked down haughtily, “of course I do. Naruto told me a long time ago. And doesn’t a brownie sound so good right now?”
“Sakura, you got drunk off a few sips of your Aunt Tsunade’s rice wine and you’re telling me you want to get high? We’re about to go to college and you want to fry your brain?”  
“We’re about to go to college and we’ve never done anything. Do you know how lame that is?”
Sasuke seemed to contemplate Sakura’s words for a moment before giving her a wolfish grin, sounding every bit the teenage boy he was, “that’s not true. We’ve done stuff. We’ve had sex. Lots of it.”
One of Sasuke’s pillows sailed across the room towards his face, accompanied by a screech, “I knew it, I knew you’d say something dumb! What does it matter when you’re already a stupid boy with no brain. Those ads are totally false, by the way. What’s the harm in trying weed, Sasuke? I wanna try, so you should do it with me.”
Despite being the captain of the speech and debate team, he couldn’t find anything to argue about. He texted Naruto; at least he could trust their “plug” or whatever he’s called by half the school.
Except, they actually couldn’t because he was somehow all out and directed them to Kiba instead.
“Seriously? We’ve known Naruto, like, forever? And he lets us down now? Kiba is smelly and weird. His weed probably...smells like weed.”
Sakura doesn’t let up, “just text Kiba, he’s not that bad. Don’t be lame.”
“What should I even say? Leaf emoji? Side eye emoji? Plug emoji? Is he going to give us a friends and family discount?”
“Sasuke, I know you love using color coordinated spreadsheets to organize your life, but now is not the time. Mention my name. Maybe he’ll give us a hot girl discount.”
“I just sent him ‘weed’ with a question mark. Oh, he already responded. He said come over right now and he’ll ‘give us the hook up.’ Sakura, does that mean he wants us to have a threesome with us?” Sasuke asked with false, exaggerated concern.
That earned Sasuke another pillow thrown at his face (this time it’s his favorite dinosaur plushie) before Sakura gets to her feet and announces with a rather dramatic clenched fist, “get in the car, we’re going to Kiba’s.”
“Yooo, Sasuke! Woah! And Sakura? The Kiba Hut is going to have a blessed night if these two legends are here! Come on in guys, we’re having a kickback.”
As Kiba opened the door wider to let them in, a haze of smoke wafted out and the smell hit them like a wall. They had definitely come to the right place.
They saw Kiba’s usual crew, Hinata and Shino, sitting on the couch looking very blissed out already, along with a number of other kids from their school. Sakura checked her phone, isn’t it like 9 pm? Is this late or early for this kind of stuff?
“My guy Naruto told me you’re here for some famous Kiba Hut edibles, and like, welcome to the bake sale, but I’m telling you man, you gotta try the newest from Shino. Shit’s dank, bro.”
The couple turned away from Kiba to look at Shino sitting there with his sunglasses still on despite being indoors. He raised a single hand in greeting, then gestured to a plate of brownies plus something less familiar in front of him. “The new goods or pot?”
Sasuke looked disturbed by the sight and was about to say “neither” before Sakura elbowed him sharply in the side, “we’ll take both!” she cut in with a big smile.
“Adventurous! I fucking love it! Man, you kids are too cute, I’ll give it to you real cheap. You got Venmo?” Kiba pulled his phone out to start the transaction.  
Sakura glanced around, they had never been to Kiba’s house before, so this was a new experience all around. She spotted a bowl of water by the kitchen, “uh, can dogs get high?”
Kiba laughed, “you’re probably wondering where Akamaru is! He’s chillin’ in the backyard. He’s cool with it though, he’s a total bro. He’s got hella treats out there, we’ve got hella treats in here. Equality, you feel?”
“For sure, for sure. I’ll just approve the charge now and we’ll be on our way!”
“Not so fast you two! Here at the Kiba Hut, we support tripping out in a safe environment, so you should take Shino’s new-new here.”
Sasuke and Sakura exchange glances. What did they have to lose?
Well, for starters, their grasp on reality.
They sat at Kiba’s kitchen table to take what Shino gave them and saved the edibles for later. And it was like nothing they had ever experienced.
“Sasuke. Your eyes are really red. Like not just the whites but your uh, pupil or whatever is the colored part.”
Sasuke rubbed at his eyes, “no they’re not. I can see them. So I know they’re not red.”
“Uhh, okay? They totally are though. And..did your head get bigger?”
“No but yours did. Ha, if only Ino was here. Hey, forehead. Wait—what the fuck, when did we get so small?”
“Oh my god, you’re so cute. You’re so short, Sasuke, you’re so small!”
*A/N: please imagine them as the SD versions of themselves*
Sakura started scooting forward on her chair. “What do we do now? How do we get down? We’re so small. We can’t stay here. What the fuck is going on? What did they give us?”
“It’s so hot in here. What did Kiba say about getting ready to hot box? What does that mean, like sweaty boxing? Where’s our water?” Sasuke looked up to their glasses of water on the table, which seemed miles away in their shrunken state.
“There’s no way we can reach up there. My head feels too heavy for my body, I’ll fall over if we try to jump.”
“Shit. Shit, okay, take your jacket off, first of all, am I the only one melting? Are the walls melting? Just throw it on the ground and to make a cushion. I’ll throw mine down on top and we can jump down.”
“Are you insane? What if we die?”
Sasuke gave Sakura a judgemental look, “we might as well be, I’m so fucking high! Just jump, I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Plus, I’ll go first and I’ll catch you,” he finished with a wink. He threw his jacket down on the floor with a pointed expression. A burgundy cardigan soon followed. And Sasuke jumped.
A voice sounded from below, “it worked! I made it! Jump now!”
Somehow Sasuke’s now doll proportion arms caught Sakura despite her now huge head. He set her down and started looking for the exit. There was no way they could push the kitchen door open, and he didn’t even want to see Kiba at the moment. It was so hot in the kitchen, he just wanted to get out of there.
“Sasuke! There!” Sakura pointed across the kitchen to the backyard. The doggy door.
“Fucking score! Let’s go.”
He grabbed her hand and they scurried across the tile as fast as their little legs could take them. But they needed to climb up a small threshold to get through the door, and the run combined with the heat of the kitchen had really drained them. They exchanged a look. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Akamaru’s dog bowl was full of water.
“Give me a boost!” Sakura told Sasuke as they faced the metal bowl. The way the metal warped their reflection made her feel even more tripped out, if that was possible. She just needed water now.
Sakura climbed up onto Sasuke’s clasped hands, grabbing onto the edge of the bowl. She held herself up on the edge and dipped her head to take a cool, refreshing drink.
Except her mouth encountered strands of white dog hair floating all around the water. She nearly toppled backwards as she tried to spit it all out, “ew, ew! Disgusting!”
Sasuke lowered her and asked as if it wasn’t already apparent, “so I’m guessing I shouldn’t drink the dog water?” She shook her head, “let’s just go outside.”
They walked to Kiba’s lawn and collapsed. It seemed like the sprinklers had just finished their cycle, so the cool, wet grass was a welcome change from the stuffy kitchen. “Sorry for dragging you here. I didn’t think it would be like this,” Sakura spoke quietly. Sasuke was a bit of a homebody to say the least, so when he didn’t have a good time during their outings, she always felt guilty for pushing him too far for comfort.
But he didn’t care as much as she always thought he did, he just enjoyed spending time with his girlfriend. They would both cherish these memories in the future since they were attending separate colleges. “It wasn’t that bad. Makes for a good story, I guess.”
Except the night wasn’t over, because a deep growl sounded from the shadowy corner of the yard.
Sakura bolted up, “Akamaru?!” before Sasuke dragged her back down, “are you trying to get us eaten? Keep quiet and just run!” Sasuke pointed to the side gate and without another word, they made a break for it. They didn’t bother locking the gate up again, too intent on getting the fuck out of there.
Sasuke took one look at his car and said, “nope. I’m not getting in that thing. We’re still coming down and it’s not safe. What if I get a DUI? What if we die? My dad would kill me either way.” Sakura nodded along as they started walking down the street, not another soul in sight.
Konoha wasn’t a huge town, despite never visiting Kiba’s house before, they could easily make their way back. “Hey, the park isn’t that far away. We could go sober up there then come back for your car?”
It seemed like whatever Shino gave them had mostly worn off during their walk and their stone bench looked more inviting than ever. They had shared countless moments there, from their first kiss, to their first “I love you”. They even opened their college acceptance letters there. Sakura swung her legs back and forth on the bench, “You know, I still have the edible in my bag. Should we?”
Sasuke ran a hand through his midnight hair, “Jesus fuck, alright. We’ve gotten this far and I know you wanted to try it. We can split it.”  
They had been sitting and talking for quite some time when Sakura started giggling more and feeling some type of way. “Woah. Is this why half our classmates came to school high everyday? What have we been missing?”
Sasuke’s eyes were half lidded as he slouched on the bench, “maybe Naruto is actually onto something. We should call him. Haha. Naruto. What a loser.”
Sakura started patting around her pockets to call their friend, “Sasuke. I think I left my phone in my cardigan pocket, which we left on the kitchen floor. Fuck, I’m so stupid,” but she was still laughing a little and Sasuke just shrugged. “It be like that. I left mine too. We can get them later and we can call Naruto later. Life is so chill.”
Sakura smiled, “exactly, it really do be like that. And life is so chill. Like woah. Are you hungry by the way?” Sasuke perked up a bit and nodded, “starving. Ichirauku is just around the corner.”
Sitting in the vinyl Ichiraku booth waiting for their cheeseburgers, Sakura was relieved to be somewhere she’s familiar with. But then she spotted a face she’s very familiar with after years of sleepovers and flower shop visits: Ino’s dad. She ducked down started tapping her palm the table, “Sasuke, don’t look, don’t look, it’s Ino’s dad. This is terrible, he’s like a fucking mind reader or something he’s totally gonna know we’re high.”
“Can you stop, he’ll look this way if you keep making noise. Just be chill or something.” He couldn’t help but steal a glance over his shoulder to confirm if it really was Inoichi. “Holy shit, wait. Is that Shikamaru’s dad?”
Sakura craned her neck to see over Sasuke’s head, “it totally is! And they’re with Chouji’s dad too! This is crazy. If they see us they’re gonna tell my mom. And then I’ll be on permanent house arrest.” She sank lower into her chair until her pink head rested on the table.
Sasuke placed his chin on his folded hands. He had endured enough shenanigans for one night, it was time to just wait this one out. Once he got his cheeseburger with extra tomatoes he was ready to go home and knock out.
Except Chouza’s laugh carried across the diner, and so did his booming voice, “just like the old days, right guys? We still get the munchies!”
Sakura perked back up when she heard this, “did he just say the munchies? Oh my god, Sasuke they’re high. They probably smoked weed and now they’re here because they have the munchies. Just like you and me. This night is too fucking weird.”
Thankfully as the trio of dads was about to walk out with their food to-go, the waitress arrived with their order and blocked them from view. The pair ate in relative silence, glad for a moment of calm. But it didn’t last because not long after the dads left, another familiar figure walked in.
“Sakura, you’ll never fucking believe it. Actually just look, it’s Kakashi.”
She whipped around to see that it really was none other than their favorite literature teacher. She waved him over without thinking twice and Sasuke kicked her under the table. “What are you thinking,” he grits out. Kakashi was cool, hell, cool enough to let everyone call him by his first name, but he was still their teacher. An adult who worked for their school. Someone who could totally get them in trouble. Like, worse than detention, and they’d never even had detention.
“If it isn’t my favorite students,” Kakashi smiled as if seeing them outside of school was a perfectly normal occurrence. “What are you doing here?” Sakura questioned innocently, as if it wasn’t well into the night and she didn’t reek of weed.  
“Picking up some food,” he answered matter-of-factly. “I could ask the same of you two, you’re normally home studying at this time of night, am I wrong?” Nope, he was 100% correct.
Sasuke chose his words carefully, “tonight has been an anomaly. But I am ready for bed now.” Kakashi nodded, “I see. You look like you’re done eating, so it won’t be long now. Drive carefully.”
The students exchanged a look before Sasuke swallowed his pride and started to beg as best as he knew how, “please, can you drive us home, we walked here from somewhere else and I don’t feel comfortable operating a motor vehicle in my currention condition, if you know what I mean.” Kakashi considered the two of them. They were certainly acting strange. Was Sakura trying to wink at him or was that a nervous twitch?
His eyes crinkled, “one ride won’t hurt, it’s late and what kind of teacher would I be if I left my students out to fend for themselves? I’ll just pick up my order and we can leave.”
They got situated in the car, just to find their former elementary school teacher Iruka sitting in the passenger seat. Sakura’s jaw dropped as she looks between Kakashi and Iruka. “You,” she points to the gray haired man, “and you?” she points to the ponytailed man. “Huh,” added Sasuke, “I thought Iruka hated tardiness, but Kakashi is late to class everyday.”
“Honey,” Iruka laughed nervously, “did you not tell your students about us? You always call them your precious students, I mean, I thought you’d tell at least these kids and Naruto.”
“Yeah,” jeered Sakura from the back seat, “what other secrets are you hiding Kakashi?”
“Sakura, shut up, shut up, Naruto texted me to come over now. He has something really cool to show us—or so he says. I wanna see, plus he owes us for sending us to Kiba’s. Kakashi take us to Naruto’s instead.”
Kakashi sighed, “I’ve seen some shit being a teacher, but I never thought I’d become a chauffeur for my students. But alright.” He made a U-turn and headed to Naruto’s. He had been there plenty of times, seeing as Minato was the school principal and something of a mentor to Kakashi.
After a car ride filled with the Mamma Mia soundtrack (Iruka claimed it was neutral territory, everyone loves it), they finally got dropped off at Naruto’s. They knocked on the door, ready for whatever surprise Naruto had to show them. When he flung the door open, they had never seen their friend so excited. His blue eyes were sparkling, “hurry! My room!” and he scurried into the house before they could even take their shoes off.
Naruto’s room was already quite a sight to behold considering the orange color scheme and ramen cups littering his desk, but his new orange quilt wasn’t what had Sakura screaming. “Why the fuck do you have a fox? Is that legal? Where did you get that thing?”
The blonde sniffed, “excuse me, ‘that thing’ has a name. Say hi to Kurama. Isn’t he a cutie?” Sasuke crossed his arms. Yup, their best friend had lost his mind. Even the fox’s collar and ID tag were orange. “And just what do you plan on doing with a fox, idiot?”
Naruto considered this for a moment, “I dunno. Didn’t think that far. I got it from this guy I know. Do you think Suna State allows pets in the freshman dorms?” Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose. Hopeless, he was really hopeless. And then he remembered how Naruto had let them down earlier, but he didn’t think it was because he had acquired a new pet. “What was that all about earlier? How do you not have weed?”
“Oh yeah! I have something else to show you! It’ll explain everything. Come into the basement. Say bye to Kurama first.” Sakura half-heartedly waved at the rather grumpy looking fox in his cage before they followed Naruto down below.
There was no way the universe wasn’t fucking with them. “Sai? Why the hell are you in Naruto’s basement?”
“So rude, Saucey-k! He’s my guest, you’re a pest! And he’s painting, duh.” Their very strange and very pale friend was sitting in front of a giant canvas that nearly stretched the entire span of the wall. He was adding details to what looked like a picture of Naruto in a loincloth. He was lounging on his side, eating grapes with one hand, and petting a fox with the other.
“Yeah no shit, I can see that,” Sasuke quipped, “but why?” Naruto huffed at him again, like it was obvious, “he needs money for his college tuition, so I commissioned him to paint me and Kurama. I’m looking pretty sexy, right?” Sakura didn’t bother answering him, “how does this ‘explain everything’, though?”
Naruto snapped two finger guns at them, “oh, right! Sai is an artist. And he does his best work when he’s high. He obviously needed a lot of weed to complete this masterpiece, so I gave him all my weed. It’s like, paying it forward or something.” If at all possible, Sasuke was even more irritated than before. He couldn’t spare a gram for his lifelong best friends, but he could give it all to this guy? Traitor.
“Well, now that you’ve seen it, we should leave Sai to work in peace. Looks amazing, cutie! Kurama, we’re coming back up, did you miss me already?”
“Wanna pet him? He’s only bit me six times in the last hour, I think he really likes my vibe or something.” Before either of them could protest, Naruto started opening the cage. “Kurama, come here, come here. Who’s a good boy? Who wants to get pet?” His arms made a circle for Kurama to settle into when the fox started stalking towards the cage door. He pounced through the gap in Naruto’s arms and hit the ground running.
“Kurama, wait! We were just becoming such good friends! Come back here!” The trio immediately chased after the animal, but he was too fast and he escaped out of their doggy door and into the night. They rushed into the backyard just in time to see Kurama leap over the fence and out of the Uzumaki property.
They all plopped down onto the grass and Naruto started wailing, “he’s gone! What did I do wrong? Please, you guys we have to find him!” They definitely weren’t high anymore, they were too tired for this, but they weren’t shitty friends, so they agreed to go look for him.
They had even enlisted Sai to help them out. As they walked around Naruto’s neighborhood calling for Kurama, Naruto’s phone started ringing, “do you think Kurama is calling? He wants to come home!” He started excitedly fishing his phone out of his front pocket, “Kiba? Why would he be calling now?” Sasuke and Sakura settled on the sidewalk, expecting some weird conversation between dealers.
“You found him? Holy shit man! Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there soon! Thanks bro!” he hung up the phone and faced his friends, “Kiba found Kurama! Let’s go, we have to go now before Kurama starts missing me too much!”
And they were headed back to the place where the night had begun.
Thankfully Kiba only lived a few blocks away because Sakura’s feet were dragging with exhaustion. They were standing in Kiba’s backyard and she leaned against Sasuke’s shoulder as they listened to the explanation. The back gate was mysteriously left open, and Akamaru wandered out into the front yard. He was having a relaxing evening chewing a bone on the front lawn when a fox appeared. It seemed that the fox smelled Akamaru’s treat bank in the back and wanted a taste for himself. When Akamaru started barking like mad, very peeved that some other animal was trying to get at his precious treats, Kiba went outside to see what was going on. He just thought he was hallucinating since he was super high, but it was really a fox.
“And then I saw he had a tag and it had your name and number!” Kiba finished. Naruto had tears in his eyes, “that’s amazing. Kurama probably smelled Akamaru and just wanted a friend. Friendship is so powerful!” He was hand feeding Kurama treats, who looked much more complacent now that he was being fed.
They all made their way back into the house just as Kiba’s kickback was winding down. Sai disappeared into the kitchen for a while, returning with a cardigan and a jacket. “Ugly, this is a terrible color I’ve only ever seen you wear. And your boyfriend is basically attached to you, so I’m assuming this is his.” Sakura reached out to grab them from his hands before settling back on the couch.
“Thanks again, Kiba. I’m gonna take Kurama home now,” Naruto turned to face Sasuke and Sakura. “You two live in the opposite direction. Are you gonna walk?”
“I can drive.” The whole group looked to the front of the room where the voice came from. “Shino?” asked Sakura, “I didn’t even realize you were still here. And aren’t you high?”
“I’m the supplier and the designated driver.” When he offer any further explanation, Sasuke and Sakura shrugged and got up from the couch. Sasuke could get his car tomorrow. A free ride back to his comfy bed sounded wonderful.
Sakura had fallen asleep almost immediately when she got back to her own room, not even bothering to change her outfit. It had to be well into the afternoon when she finally woke up. Her head felt fuzzy and her mouth was dry. Was last night even real?
She grabbed her phone out of her cardigan pocket just to find that it was dead. But her pocket also held a napkin, “what is this? I don’t remember putting this in here?”
She unfolded the white napkin to see one of Sai’s signature ink drawings. It depicted Sakura, drawn in red pen, leaning against Sasuke, drawn in blue pen. He even added a bit of background—it looked like the grass and fence of Kiba’s backyard. He must’ve drawn it when he went into the kitchen. Sakura plugged her phone in and flopped back down onto her bed. She stared at the little drawing, wishing she was with Sasuke right now.
So last night was real.
A/N: this isnt meant to make nerds feel bad about staying at home. im writing fanfic so i am the nerd at home
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swellwriting · 7 years
Who’s Love?
Fandom: Harry Potter Marauders Era
Pairing: James x Reader
Warnings: Smut, drinking, more smut
Request: Hey, I really love your writing! Would you be able to write a James x reader where she loses her virginity to him? And James isn't a virgin? Thanks x
Authors Note: Thank you for your request and thanks for the compliment it really means a lot ! sorry this took so long hope you enjoy xx
Word Count: 2k
You felt the music run through your body at its ridiculously high volume. The usual calm sounding songs of Fleetwood Mac playing so loud the speakers would probably be damaged by the end of the night, later requiring Peters magic repairing skills.
You sat on a sofa surrounded by the other party guests swaying to the music and trying to have conversations with both their intoxication levels and the loud music making it nearly impossible. Some people chatted in the slightly quieter kitchen and some people like Remus sat outside enjoying the cold weather as they smoked to their heart's content.
Your earlier suspicion was correct as you noticed Peters head pop up from behind a speaker, trying to take note of the damage but he’d be too drunk by now to fix anything. The boys always made him pre drink early since he was terrible at parties when he was even slightly sober. You looked around for your other friends and saw Sirius trying to make toast using a muggle toaster in the kitchen, the toaster still unplugged. You were unsure if it was his heritage that was to blame for his complete unawareness with muggle technology or his drunken state.
You yourself were not drunk, you were on your third drink and it was just enough to make you feel like you were floating and you had a lazy smile plastered on your flushed face.
Last time you drank you invented a terrible mix of alcohol and large amounts of cotton candy which you named Blue Candy, dangerous because that's exactly what it tasted like, there was no notice of the alcohol hidden inside. To make it worse you also ventured outside to Remus that night to discover that weed and Blue Candy didn’t mix well, by the end of the night you were hanging over the kitchen counter throwing up into the sink while James held your hair and rubbed your back. James! oh where was he tonight, you looked around the room, your vision blurring as you turned your head too fast. As you looked to your right you saw someone sit beside you casually draping their arm across your shoulder. Somehow your lazy smile got even wider as you realized that someone was James.
“James!” you exclaimed leaning into his touch and then pulling away to talk to him.
“Y/N!” he mocked in the same excited tone, “How are you doing tonight love?”
You blushed at his words, you and James were known for flirting back and forth but never really acting on it. The small amount of alcohol you had consumed was just enough to take your witty comebacks and throw them out the window leaving you to mumble lame jokes and incomprehensible pick up lines.
“I am wonderful now that you're here, how are you love?”
James chuckled. “Oh so i'm love now too? I thought that was just you.”
You smiled sipping from your drink. “Of course you are love, look at you, love, my love.”
Okay maybe you were a bit more drunk than you previously thought.
“Your love? So you love me now?” James questioned a smirk on his face but a worried look in his eye as he awaited the response.
You attempted to wink as you flirtily said. “I believe I could grow to, some day.”
Something about your words took James’ breath away for a moment, he didn't think you would actually ever want more with him. His mind raced with all his previous day dreams about you possibly becoming real but he was snapped out of it when you placed your hand on his thigh, instantly gaining his full attention.
He gulped, the reality of this situation weighing on him. “ S-some day?” He said quietly but still loud enough that you heard him over the music.
He almost held his breath waiting for your response. You instantly noticed the change in his demeanor, you shifted moving to face him on the small sofa, your leg becoming entangled over his in the process.
Your shyness becoming more evident, your confident tipsy personality sinking away for a moment. “Well, yeah someday, maybe someday soon, maybe not.”
James’ arm that was wrapped around you pulled you closer to him so you were face to face, you could almost taste the fire whisky in his breath as he spoke. “I like the soon option much better.”
He finished his words as he closed the gap between the two of you, you finally adjusted into his lap your hands moving to his cheeks and then the back of his messy hair. He kissed you feverishly, trying his best to impress but the fire whiskey was working against him.
You had never been kissed like this before, you have been kissed during drunken spin the bottle games and after lame Hogsmeade dates with boys you couldn't help but compare to James but that was about it.
James on the other hand had been on the Quidditch team, and was quite popular so he had no problems getting dates that were willing to give everything to the Potter boy just for bragging rights. Nothing worsened your mood like hearing girls gossip about how good he was in bed. You knew most of them were lies as he hadn't actually slept with more than a handful of people, but their words made you jealous and got your imagination going just a tad.
You were snapped out of your brief thoughts when James slid his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss and somehow making it even more sloppy than before. You decided now was a better time than any, and James was a better person than any to take things a bit further, you drank up the ecstasy in the air and lost yourself in his kiss. You grinded down into his lap causing a surprised quiet gasp to leave his preoccupied mouth. You could tell he tried to stop and pull away to question you but you answered his question by grinding into his lap again and moving your mouth to his jawline leaving wet kisses all the way down his neck, sucking slightly like you had seen others do but you were painfully inexperienced and had no idea how hard to suck.
James let his hands roam to your ass were he squeezed gently, he had thought about this many times but never imagined actually being able to touch you, he slowly worked his way from your ass and slid his hands up your sides underneath your shirt and almost whimpered when you pulled away, a huge frown on his face as he felt he went to far.
“Shit I’m sorry Y/N I know you’ve never done anything like that and you've had a few drinks i shou-” you cut him off with a quick kiss.
“Were you planning to fuck me here on the couch then James?”
He stumbled but abruptly got up picking you up with him and putting you on your feet. “Right, right we should uh, we should go somewhere.”
You couldn't help but laugh at how flustered he was. “ Hey James shouldn't I be the nervous one? You’ve done this all before I haven’t. This is Remus’ house so we should go to...”
James started walking out of the room with his hand around your hip holding you close.
“Uh my house?”
You rolled your eyes pulling him towards the stairs.
“No, hun your parents are home, don't think they’d appreciate that. How about Remus’ room?”
James laughed realizing finally where u were going as you continued talking.
“He won't mind, I don't think anyone wanted us to get together more than he did, and we will wash the sheets.”
James squeezed your hand. “Get together?”
You stopped almost at the top of the stairs and turned to him “What is this just a one time thing for you?”
James pulled you close into another heated kiss practically carrying you to Remus’ bedroom he paused for a moment to answer your question. “Oh merlin no, I have wanted this for so long, wanted you for so long y/n.” You smiled and kissed him back as he placed you on the bed hovering above you “then show me how much you want me” and he did just that as he desperately grinded into you, your core growing wetter by the moment. He kissed down your neck and you moaned at the sensation, now that you two were finally alone he eagerly pushed his hands up your shirt pulling it over your head.
He kissed down your chest wasting no time as he reached behind you, you lifted your back up so he could unclasp your bra. He massaged your breasts and covered them in kisses and light sucks trying not to be too excited or be too rough with you. 
“James.” You moaned trying to form a thought but all hope was lost when he slipped his hands down your pants circling your clit with his thumb roughly while he slipped two fingers inside you causing you to gasp, you sucked on his neck harder this time leaving red marks that would be purple bruises by morning.
“Love, you okay?” You smiled into the crook of his neck. “I'm more than okay love”
James pulled away and you whined at his absence “I thought we decided you were love, not me.” He joked as he undid his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear leaving him bare, the sight of him left you speechless and unable to comeback with a witty response so he spoke again as he pulled your pants down too.
“Or were we too busy shoving our tongues down each others throats to decide.” You chuckled as he returned to his spot hovering above you.
“Are you ready? You still wanna do this?” You pulled him down into a kiss as you parted your legs to make space for him you nodded your head a bit nervous for the new sensation but as he leaned into you, you adjusted to his size and gasped.
After a few seconds he started to move and oh was it wonderful. His size and his speed, you couldn’t get enough, you raised your hips to meet his thrusts. His head lay in the crook of your next as his body laid upon yours.
It didn’t take long, all the pent up sexual tension and flirting for so long. You felt a tension in your stomach building and building. “James i'm -i'm-“
He interrupted you with an open mouthed kiss as he twitched inside you, your walls clenching around him. You moaned into eachothers mouths, stopping the kiss to catch your breath. James rolled to your side staring at the ceiling, he looked to you, a stupid grin on his face.
“That was amazing Y/n.” you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled close and teased “Not bad for a first time.”
James snickered. “Oh there will be many more to come.”
Just as he finished the door swung open and instead of pulling up a blanket James used his own body to shield yours.
“Oh Merlin, fucking hell you two.”
You giggled being half crushed by a fully naked James. “Rem give us some privacy please.” Remus covered his eyes and he grabbed his bong from the side table. “Privacy, this is my bloody room, fucking privacy.” He walked to the other side of the room grabbing a chocolate bar from a drawer and shoving it in his pocket. “Give me some privacy by not fucking in my fucking bed.” Remus mumbled.
James laughed. “Well if its a fucking bed at least we are using it right, unlike you.” You hit James on the shoulder but tried not to laugh yourself.
Remus just shook his head and walked towards the door closing it behind him before opening it again. “All things aside i'm happy for you two.” You just giggled and placed a kiss on James shoulder deciding cleaning Remus’ sheets was a tomorrow problem.
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5saucefanfic · 7 years
Rookie of the Year: 2 - LH
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Hey Guys. Here’s part two of Rookie of the Year. Also, has anyone seen the fact we’re GETTING A NEW 5SOS SONG?! Let me know what you think of this part of the story, and also your reactions to their posts and the song.
Warnings: Recreational drug usage (Weed, ganja, marijuana, mary jane. Whatever you wanna call it.)
Portland had been good for the UCLA baseball team. They won all three games by a large margin and Luke had pitched very, very well. Better than expected, if it was even possible It was almost enough for y/n to leave him alone for the rest of preseason...but almost was the key word.
“So I think you should set up a specific training routine for Luke, and maybe even the backup pitchers just in case something happens to Luke we can’t control. It would help with his speed and consistency, mostly,” she said while looking over Luke’s stats from that previous weekend while sitting in her brother’s office in the athletic center on campus. Nick could only roll his eyes and smirk at her, y/n not noticing one bit, so focused on the paper in front of her. “His batting average could be better too.”
“Y/n..cut him some slack. he gave up maybe ten runs this weekend out of all three games. And I may not even have him bat this year to protect him and his arm. He’s doing great. I don’t want to scare the kid into going somewhere else. He’s gonna do great things here,” he said as she rolled her eyes.
“He could make it pro, Nicky. He’s got a real shot at it. We need to think about him, not just UCLA,” she said, her voice completely serious. “He’s another you, although I still don’t get why you chose not to get drafted.”
“I don’t even know if that’s what the kid wants to do...and we don’t talk about it,” he said sitting back in his chair taking a sip of his water. “Why don’t you ask him about getting drafted since you were up his ass all weekend and haven't stopped. Or, better yet, why don’t you talk to him like a normal human and not a baseball crazed woman. I’m sure you’re scaring him. It’s not gonna help if you’re trying to date him.”
“Oh shut up Nicky,” she mumbled rolling her eyes looking back down at the sheet of paper with Luke’s face on it, bright dimpled grin as he smiled for the photo taken on media day.
“You going to the boys’ party tonight?” he asked as he watched her shrug putting the stats on his desk. “Maybe you’ll see Luke” he teased as she threw her pencil at him causing him to laugh. “What?”
“I’m not going to date your pitcher. I don’t even like him like that,” she grumbled as he chuckled. “Stop laughing at me.”
“Go to the party and have fun, okay? Otherwise I’ll call Ashton and tell him to make sure you go. Now go get ready for practice. You’re working with Geoff today on conditioning them.”
She wasn’t a party person. Drinking didn’t bother her and neither did the drugs. It was the people that bothered her. She’d rather sit in her dorm room with two or three friends and watch a movie while drinking or smoking. That was fine, but throw her into a large house with over one hundred strangers, that was a different story.
Y/n was currently sitting outside, blunt in hand, as she inhaled the smoke to hopefully slightly ease her nerves. She closed her eyes breathing out the smoke sighing happily loving the feeling of the high.
“Is Bossy actually letting loose?” Luke asked standing by the door, red solo cup in hand as he watched her. Her body was relaxed, hair up in her signature bun. She had traded her usual shorts and long sleeve shirt for a pair of daisy dukes and crop top. She looked great, he wasn’t going to lie.
“I am, barely” she said before taking another hit, eyes fixed on his as she blew the smoke out slowly once again. “You smoke before?” He shook his head slowly, curls bouncing on his head as she waved him over to sit with her on the bench.
“But what about drug testing…?” he asked softly, legs moving towards her as he took the spot next to her despite his question.
“I promise you they aren’t drug testing for another month” she said before relighting the piece puffing it to make sure it was lit before handing it to him. “Just inhale it as you would if you were smoking anything. Don’t hit it to hard though” she said watching him take the hit, inhaling the smoke getting ready to blow it out until she covered his mouth with her hand. “Hold it for a bit,” she instructed in a whisper dangerously close to his face before moving her hand letting him breathe the smoke out.
“That wasn’t too bad,” he said before letting out a few coughs, a laugh escaping her lips hearing him cough as she took another hit from the rolled up cannabis. “Can I do another?”
“You can do as many as you want” she said letting the smoke escape handing it back to him. They passed the rolled blunt back and forth between the two of them, a comfortable silence filling the air as they smoked.
“So why are you out here alone?” he asked as she put out the roach in one of Ashton’s flower pots on the porch knowing she’d hear about it later from him.
“I’m not a huge party person. Nicky told me to go out tonight so here I am,” she shrugged taking out her backwoods starting to roll another blunt. “What about you?”
“I don’t like crowds,” he shrugged, the high starting to hit him all at once, and she noticed smiling softly laughing at him. “What?”
“You look wrecked is all” she said smiling softly pouring her crushed up bud into the long piece of paper, skillfully rolling it evenly and tightly before giving the edge a good look and sealing it. “Wanna shotgun?” she asked before lighting the blunt, Luke’s head cocking to the side not exactly sure what she meant by shotgun.
“I have no idea what that is…,” he said softly as she laughed softly.
“Okay...close your eyes and I’ll show you,” she said softly watching as his eyes fluttered closed shutting out the blue orbs as he did what she said. She took a long hit of her blunt before pressing her lips to his letting the smoke flow from her to him, her free hand cupping his cheek. Luke’s eyes shot open in surprise noticing she was kissing him, quickly relaxing letting her do what she wanted. He brought his his hand to her waist pulling her closer to him gently as she pulled away, the excess smoke floating into the air as he breathed out his own portion.
“Wow..” he mumbled softly as she bit her lip sitting back quickly taking another hit trying to calm her body down before offering him a hit. “Where did tha-,” he started before being cut off by Ashton coming out looking for her.
“Y/n, there you are, I need your help,” he said biting his lip softly looking at her not knowing what he had just interrupted, but very desperate for the girl he had known for so long. She sighed softly nodding handing Luke the rest of the blunt that still had small wisps of smoke flowing from the tip.
“Here you go Hemmings. Finish it up before I come back,” she said before going into the house with Ashton a bit confused about what he could want, Luke’s eyes trained on her retreating figure the entire time more than a little upset Ashton had interrupted their moment...not even really sure if that’s what he could call it.
“You did what?” Calum asked choking on his coffee. They were sitting in a small cafe just off campus trying to kill their hangovers with caffeine and carbs.
Luke hadn’t seen her the rest of the night, Luke having gone inside to try to find her after he finished the blunt, but according to the guys she had left with Ashton who had left his own party, no one really knowing why. Luke had been trying to keep his mind at ease all night worrying about if she was actually into him, if ashton was into her, why they had left so abruptly...so many thoughts swimming through his mind that kept him from sleeping, none of the thoughts helping when his head was buried in the porcelain throne from the ten shots he took right after that only made his thoughts worse.
“Well she asked if I wanted to shotgun and I didn’t know what she meant because I’ve never even seen weed until yesterday, and then she tells me to close my eyes. Next thing I know, she’s kissing me and there’s smoke going in my mouth,” he explained quickly, a small blush on his face as Calum chuckled softly. “What?”
“You’re whipped,” he teased as Luke rolled his eyes, Calum’s eyes flicking to the door as he heard the bell. “Speaking of said female, she just showed up with Ashton.” Luke’s head turned quickly seeing the two walk in looking around before both of them started heading to the table spotting Calum and Luke.
“Morning,” Ashton said taking a seat next to Calum, y/n sitting down next to Luke quietly as she took the menu from Luke looking at it.
“Good morning to you two sunshine,” Luke mumbled softly watching her. They were both off, seeming a bit distant since the previous night.
“You weren’t looking at it,” she said not looking over at him. Her eyes seemed a bit puffy and red and her hair was up sloppier than usual. She was also wearing the same pants from last night, this time sported with a shirt he recognized that Ashton had worn in the weight room earlier that year and his heart sunk.
“We gonna talk about yesterday?” he mumbled so only she could hear waiting for a reaction. Her face didn’t falter and she didn’t look uncomfortable in the slightest.
“Not the time or place,” she mumbled back, menu closing when she had decided on the plate she wanted before looking at him to see a frown on his pouty lips. “What?”
“If you two fucked you can just say it,” he said not trying to be quiet now, Calum and Ashton listening in on their conversation now, a frown on both their lips.
“Excuse me?” she asked turning to face him cocking her head to the side.
“You heard me,” he said crossing his arms, Calum and Ashton both shocked.
“No, Luke, I didn’t fuck Ashton last night,” she said seething, silently thanking they were only one of two tables in the establishment. “In fact, I haven’t even laid down or slept since after practice. If you wanna talk, fine, let’s talk. You and I fucking kissed once and we were high. Once. I’m not your girlfriend, or even close to being your girlfriend, asshole. You know absolutely nothing about me. So, you boys enjoy your breakfast, I’m going to bed,” she said sliding out of the booth and leaving the establishment where they resided. Luke bit his lip nervously looking to Calum and Ashton, the both of them glaring, shaking their head at the younger once sitting in front of them.
“Good going, Hemmings. Good luck fixing this one,” Ashton said shaking his head as he groaned. “You’re really fucked up Luke. I suggest you try and fix this before coach finds out.”
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Redneck Yacht Club
Summary: The Avengers all needed a getaway, so they travelled to the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. A small town, no cell service, and hardly any people. It’s the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a vacation. Until their pontoon boat breaks down, that is…
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my fic for @caplanbuckybarnes songwriting challenge! Enjoy!
Oneshot Masterlist
Steve turned the key for what seemed like the millionth time, a scowl etched on his face. Bucky stood by the boat motor and shook his head as the machine spluttered and stalled.
“No luck,” Bucky said, hopping off the seat. Steve banged the steering wheel console, leaving a small dent on the fiberglass.
“Watch it!” you chided. “This is a rental, remember?” Your boyfriend merely shook his head in frustration and walked away from the motor before he could do any more damage.
“This is ridiculous,” Sam muttered, laying out on one of the benches. Nat sprawled out on the bench across from him to soak up some sunlight. She had barely lifted her head from her sun-induced slumber when the boat had stalled out fifteen minutes earlier.
Coming to the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York had been your idea for a team vacation. Everyone, especially Steve, was coming undone at the seams from all the stress of work. Raquette Lake had a small population, an even smaller town, and hardly any cell service. It was the perfect place to unwind and relax.
Unless your pontoon boat broke down in the middle of the lake, that is.
Steve held up his cell phone and sighed. “No service,” he frowned. “Where the heck are Stark and Banner?”
As if on cue, the small bay you occupied was filled with the sound of a whirring motor. Everyone (except Nat) turned their heads and watched as Tony and Bruce cruised next to them in a little skiff. They dragged Clint behind them on a towable inner tube.
“Now, friends,” Tony said, cutting the motor, “it makes more sense to be fishing closer to the shoreline, not the middle of the lake.” He turned the wheel as Bruce grabbed hold of the pontoon. You threw across a rope, and he tied the two vessels together.
“Geez, Tony, why didn’t we think of that?” Bucky snapped back. “Oh right, because our boat isn’t working!”
Tony’s ears perked up at the mention of the broken boat. “You need me to fix it?” he asked. Then his eyes fell. “Crap, my tools are back at the cabin.”
“You mean you didn’t bring a suit?” Sam asked, raising his eyebrows.
“I brought a bathing suit,” Tony replied.
“That’s not what I…” Sam trailed off. He shook his head. “Never mind.”
“Can you just tow us back?” Steve asked.
“Of course!” Tony replied, rubbing his hands together.
“No way,” Bruce said at the same time. Steve and Tony stared at Bruce expectantly.
“And why not?” Tony asked, crossing his arms.
“Size difference, for one,” Bruce answered. “Two, this skiff is almost as old a Cap. Plus we don’t have enough horse power.”
“I agree with Bruce,” you replied. “We’re not towing this thing anywhere.”
Tony scoffed and pulled out an extra rope from under his seat. “Ye of little faith!” he yelled. “Just watch!”
Tony re-tied your rope and his rope so they were in optimal towing position. Clint undid his own ropes and dragged his tube onto the pontoon. Everyone sat down as he cranked his engine and began driving. Slowly, your pontoon began to move, and everything was looking up.
Then Tony’s engine started smoking.
“TONY!” you shouted over the roar of the motor. Bruce turned around and slapped Tony’s back repeatedly until he turned around too. He immediately cut the engine, but it was too late. The force of trying to tow the larger boat was too much.
“Crap!” Tony yelled, yanking the cover of the motor off. The smoke died down, and Tony ventured a look inside. His grim face told everyone what they needed to know.
“Well that’s melted,” he admitted, scratching his neck. “Whoops.”
Bruce put his head in his hands. “You idiot.” Tony just shrugged sheepishly.
“So we’ve got two boats with motors that don’t work, no cell service, and no people in sight,” Steve groaned. “You know what I call this? A disaster!”
“Actually,” you pointed out, “it’s vacation.” Everyone stared at you, and even Nat had peeked her head up. “What?” you asked. “It’s a gorgeous day, and we have plenty of food and booze. I say we wait it out and enjoy it.”
Bucky was the first to respond. “I agree, doll,” he said, pulling out the cooler. He took out a beer and toasted it to you. “We’ll never have this much silence when we get back to the city.”
“Tin Man’s right,” Sam added. “Let’s party!”
You smiled and pecked Bucky’s cheek as he scowled at Sam. Tony hopped onto the pontoon while Bruce opted to lay out and read in the skiff. He even brought his own pillow from the cabin, and soon, he was entranced with his book. Clint stuck to getting a tan on his water tube, and the rest of you stripped down to your bathing suits as the sun shone high in the sky.
You couldn’t have asked for a better day. The sky was crystal clear, and there were no clouds in sight. There was a slight breeze that made the air the perfect temperature. Trees surrounded you on all sides, and you could make out some cabins on the shoreline. That was the cool thing about Raquette Lake. Some of the islands were so remote, that the only way to get to them was by boat because they didn’t even connect to the main road.
You sighed and stretched your arms out to reach the sun. Something cold touched the back of your neck and you shrieked. You spun around to find Sam grinning at you, a bottle of beer in his hand.
“Sam!” You slapped his shoulder. “You jerk!”
Sam just waved the beer in your face, but you shook your head. “We can’t operate the boat if we’ve been drinking,” you informed him. “I’ll DD.”
“Suit yourself,” Sam said, unscrewing his cap. He chugged the beer and burped.
“Have some manners, Bird Brain!” Bucky called over his shoulder. Stretched out on his stomach, he took up the entire front of the pontoon. His metal arm gleamed brightly under the intense sun. He laid back down as Sam hurled back some more insults.
“Watch this,” Sam whispered, putting down his empty beer bottle. He crept over to the side of the boat and climbed over the railing.
“CANNONBALL!” he screamed as he jumped into the lake. A huge wave engulfed Bucky, whose peaceful expression turned into one of rage. He coughed and spluttered as he shook the water out of his hair.
“WILSON! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Bucky jumped off the pontoon and the two men began fighting in the water. Not one to be left out, Tony jumped in after them with an inner tube around his waist. He repositioned himself so he lazily floated around the boat as Sam and Bucky tried to drown each other.
Steve’s stoic expression hadn’t left his face since the boat broke down. As he watched the hilarity in front of him, he couldn’t keep a small smile from popping up. You wrapped your arms around his stomach and kissed his bare back, now warm from the sun. He turned around in your arms and captured your lips in a soft kiss.
“M’ sorry,” he mumbled, rubbing small circles on your shoulder blades.
“Vacations are supposed to help you unwind,” you gently reminded him. “Not make you more stressed.”
“I know, I know,” he sighed. “I’m just so used to having every minute planned out that it’s hard for me…” He trailed off and looked out at the lake.
“It’s hard for you to relax?” you finished. Steve nodded. “I can help you with that,” you whispered, pulling him in closer. He raised his eyebrows in anticipation as your lips traveled closer and closer to his own. While he was distracted, your hand reached out for the cooler behind Steve and pulled out a bottle of beer. You innocently held it up between you two and wiggled your eyebrows.
“Ahhh, you’re killin’ me, Y/N,” he groaned. But he took the beer anyway and popped the top off.
“Oh my gosh, Captain America is drinking a beer!” you gasped dramatically. “Captain America is smiling! Captain America is-” You yelped as Steve picked you up and held you over the side of the boat.
“Keep it up, Y/N,” he chuckled as your squirmed in his grip.
“Nonononono,” you repeated. “I don’t wanna get my hair wet!” Steve finally relented and put you back on the boat. You got ready to give him a piece of your mind when Tony let out a shrill scream.
“What the heck was that?” Nat asked, finally sitting up. Her red hair shone in the sunlight, and it sat in perfect curls on her shoulders. How she always managed to keep her hair so neat was beyond your comprehension.
“I can feel something!” Tony yelled again. “It’s touching me!” He held his legs high in the air while trying to keep his butt out of the water. As a result, the inner tube shot out from under him and he sank beneath the surface.
“Tony!” Sam exclaimed. “What the heck are you…ack!” He yanked his hands off of Bucky’s submerged head and spun around in the water. “I felt it too!”
“Slimy!” Bucky spluttered. “There’s something slimy!”
“Guys, chill,” you said. “It’s probably just some weeds or a fish.”
Tony, Sam and Bucky all looked at each other and then back at you.
“A FISH?!” they screamed. You had never seen three grown men try to swim to a boat so fast in your entire life. It was like a competition to see who could get out of the water first.
“You’re rocking the boat!” Nat complained as she tried to steady her soda on her knee. She took a bite of one of the sandwiches you had packed in the food cooler and frowned.
Tony reached the platform first, but fell back into the water as Bucky shoved him out of the way.
“You did that on purpose!” Tony screeched, pulling himself back up. “You’re such an-ooo is that food?” His demeanor changed completely as he watched Nat eat her sandwich. Bucky and Sam also stared at her hungrily, their plight with the fish completely forgotten.
Nat nodded her head slowly and put her hand up as the men tried to move closer. “You don’t get food if you keep rocking the boat. Got it?” They all nodded, and she waved her hand, granting them permission back on board. They tiptoed around her as they made their way to the cooler of food.
Soon, everyone had more beer and food to go with it. Steve turned on the radio and a country song floated through the air. You nestled up against his side and relished in the warm sun.
Anchored out and gettin’ loud all summer long
Side by side there’s five houseboat front porches
Astroturf, lawn chairs and tiki torches
Regular joes, rockin’ the boat that’s us
The Redneck Yacht Club
After a full stomach, Sam decided to blow up the extra pineapple-shaped water float and join Clint back out on the water. Since it had a solid bottom, he wasn’t worried about getting attacked by another fish. Bucky and Clint shared the big water tube, and Tony blew up a pizza-shaped float. You shook your head as you stared at the goofy floats the boys had picked out at the general store.
“Children, all of them,” you chuckled, turning around the face Steve. He gave you a sleepy nod as he spread out his beach towel and laid down on the pontoon. Before long, everyone was enjoying an afternoon nap in the sun. You sat at the driver’s chair and leaned against the side of the pontoon, humming along to the music.
“So when are you going to tell them?” Nat asked as she perched herself on the card table across from you.
“Tell them what?” you asked.
She quirked her eyebrows and held up an extra gas line from behind her back. “This,” she replied.
“Put that away!” you hissed. When you had picked up the pontoon boat the day before, the owner of the rental place had mentioned the gas line was old, so he gave you an extra just in case. When the boat had stalled out, you had immediately known the source of the problem. But who said getting stuck in the sun was bad for anyone?
“They needed a break,” you whispered as Nat hid the gas line under a beach towel. “I’ll fix it eventually. I mean, look at them.” You both stared at your sleeping friends.
“They do look pretty relaxed,” Nat admitted. She yawned and let out a laugh. “I think I’m gonna join them.” She gave you a small wave and went back to her spot.
You grabbed a beach towel and made sure the gas line was still hidden. You laid out the soft fabric next to Steve and sighed contentedly. Strong arms pulled you towards Steve’s body, and you grinned as he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
“Love you,” he mumbled sleepily. You gave him a gentle kiss on his nose and smiled.
“Love you too.”
TAGS:  @buckyappreciationsociety @iamwarrenspeace @theassetseyeliner @melconnor2007 @yknott81 @snapplejuice @sammnipple @fuckkoffcourtney @gab-pas-arm @capttainamericaa
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andtheniwrotemarvel · 7 years
Salamander (Part 6)
Newt Era HP!Steve/Bucky/Peggy x Reader
Assumed female reader
Word Count: 2349
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
With Peggy dressed up in red and you in silver, you apparated to the entrance of The Blind Pig. It was concealed by a large poster of a woman looking at her reflection in a mirror. As soon as you appeared, the woman's eyes moved to focus on you. You stepped forward, knocked on the wall four times, and as soon as you did, the eyes whipped back to reveal the eyes of a suspicious guard.
"Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?" he said.
"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella," you responded.
"Come on in," the guard allowed.
The door swung open, revealing a raucous speakeasy filled with all sorts of beings. A glamorous goblin created smoky images with her wand and sang a jazzy tune that you thought you might have heard the last time you were here. It wasn't hard to find Queenie and Jacob flirting over by the bar, and you quickly spotted Newt's blue coat in the crowd.
You sat down next to Newt and Tina, who were sitting next to each other at a table, greeting them with a bright smile.
"Tina, this is Peggy Carter. Peggy, this is Tina Goldstein, and I'm sure you remember Newt," you introduced.
"It's a pleasure, Miss Goldstein," Peggy nodded.
"Likewise, Miss Carter."
"And you, Mr. Scamander? How has life treated you these last years?" Peggy asked.
"Better than I expected," he said with a little glance at you. "I'm living out of a suitcase, but it's a rather impressive suitcase if I do say so myself."
"It's more like he lives in a suitcase," you corrected. "The very small area that I've seen of it was rather impressive."
From across the room, Queenie signaled to Tina. From the depths of the speakeasy emerged a smartly-dressed goblin smoking a cigar. He eyed you, Peggy, and Newt warily before sitting at the head of the table. A house-elf hastily brought him a drink.
"So you're the guy with the case full of monsters, eh?" Gnarlak asked, paying no attention to you and Peggy.
"News travels fast," Newt commented. "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there have been any sightings. Tracks. That sort of thing."
The goblin downed his drink, and another house-elf brought him a paper to sign. "You've got a big price on your head, Mr. Scamander. Why should I help you instead of turnin' you in?" he asked threateningly. The house-elf scampered away with the signed document.
"I take it I'll have to make it worth your while," Newt said.
"Let's consider it a cover charge," Gnarlak confirmed smugly.
Newt naively pulled a couple of galleons from his pocket and slid them across the table.
Barely looking up, Gnarlak sniffed, "MACUSA's offerin' more'n that."
Newt thought for a moment, then pulled a beautiful metal instrument from another pocket.
The goblin almost seemed interested as he said, "Lunascope?" but then let everyone down, saying, "I got five."
Newt rummaged in another pocket and pulled out a frozen, glowing red egg. "Frozen ashwinder egg!" he exclaimed.
"You see, now we're--" Gnarlak stopped, suddenly spotting Pickett, who was poking his head out of Newt's pocket. "Wait a minute, that's a bowtruckle, right?"
"No," Newt lied, placing his hand over the pocket protectively.
"Ah, come on, that's a bowtruckle--they pick locks, am I right?"
"You're not having him."
"Here, you can have my fist in your face. Does that appeal to you?" you snarled, your eyes narrowing. Beside you, Peggy snickered. She hadn't seen this side of you, her favorite side of you, since Hogwarts.
"(Y/N), this would normally be very attractive, but now is not the time," Newt warned you.
"Miss (L/N), if you so much as raised your fist to try and hit me, I've got guys all around us that'll make sure you're dead before you follow through," Gnarlak smirked snidely. "Well, good luck gettin' back alive, Mr. Scamander, what with the whole of MACUSA on your back." The infuriating goblin stood up and started to walk away.
In agony, Newt stopped him, "All right." He extracted Pickett from his pocket and offered him to the goblin, the bowtruckle clinging to his hands and crying. "Pickett," he whispered softly. Newt couldn't even look at the little green creature after Gnarlak had him in his disgustingly bent fingers.
"Ah yeah," he smiled wickedly. "Somethin' invisible's been wreakin' havoc around Fifth Avenue. You may wanna check out Macy's department store. Might help with what you're looking for."
"Dougal," Newt whispered. "Right, one last thing. There's a Mr. Graves who works at MACUSA. I was wondering what you knew of his background."
Gnarlak stared knowingly at Newt, but didn't reveal anything. "You ask too many questions, Mr. Scamander. That can get you killed."
A house-elf carrying a crate of bottles rushed into the speakeasy. "MACUSA are coming!" he alerted, shouting loudly, then disapparated. Others in the bar hurriedly did the same.
"You tipped them off!" Tina accused Gnarlak angrily, getting to her feet.
"You slimy, stinking--"
"Not right now, (Y/N)," Peggy advised.
The many wanted posters hanging on the wall updated to show Tina's, Newt's, and your faces as aurors began to apparated into the speakeasy.
Seemingly innocently, Jacob sauntered up to Gnarlak. "Sorry, Mr. Gnarlak," he apologized, then punched the goblin's face. "Reminds me of my foreman!" he shrugged to Queenie.
"Oh, so Jacob can hit him, but I can't?" you protested.
"Take a stab at it while you can," Peggy encouraged you. "Not a literal stab, though. Actually, you do whatever you feel you need to do."
Drawing your fist back, a still-dazed Gnarlak dropped Pickett to shield his face. It was to no avail, however, as you nailed his nose with a loud crack.
Newt crawled around the floor, looking for where Pickett might have scurried off to. He finally found him clutching a table leg. Only just in time, the group congregated in the center of the bar. Jacob knocked down a shot of Gigglewater, letting out a high-pitched laugh before everyone disapparated.
The six of you reappeared in front of Macy's Department Store. You had passed by it once or twice before on your little adventures around the city, but you had never actually thought about going in. As you looked through the windows, you spotted a handbag sliding down a mannequin's arm. The sudden movement caught everyone else's eye, as well, and you all rushed to the window to watch as the bag floated deeper into the store. All four of the women in your group sensed that Now was not the time for dresses, so you used magic to change your clothes into something more practical. Then, quietly, the group tiptoed into the store, hiding behind the Christmas displays so as not to startle the creature carrying the bag.
"So Demiguises are fundamentally peaceful," Newt whispered, "but they can give a bit of a nasty nip if provoked."
"Let's do our best not to provoke it, then," you said.
The Demiguise then appeared. Covered in long, silver fur, it was a fairly short creature, perhaps the size of a small child. It reached up to a counter to snatch a box of sweets.
"You three," Newt said to Tina, Queenie, and Jacob, pointing to the other side of the Demiguise, "head that way." They began to move away quietly. "And try very hard not to be predictable."
They exchanged confused glances, and Tina looked to you for a possible explanation. You shrugged, not knowing any more than they did.
From above you came a muffled roar that you knew wasn't coming from the Demiguise. The little hairy creature looked up toward the ceiling upon hearing the sound, then resumed shoving sweets into the handbag.
"Was that the Demiguise?" Tina mouthed to Newt.
"No, I think it might be the reason the Demiguise is here," he whispered back. He motioned to you and Peggy to follow him closely, and you began creeping quickly down an aisle toward the Demiguise.
It turned around, realizing that it had been discovered. After looking at Newt quizzically, it moved up a set of side stairs. Newt gave a small smile and followed it. Everyone else followed. At the top of the stairs was a huge attic, walls lined from top to bottom with shelves with boxes full of china kitchenware.
The Demiguise shuffled through the attic in a patch of moonlight, and after taking a quick look around, it turned out its bag of sweets onto the floor.
"Its sight operates on probability, so it can see the most likely immediate future," Newt explained softly.
"That's why you told us to try not to be predictable," you realized. "How interesting!" Newt nodded, a broad grin on his face. He began creeping up to the Demiguise, the grin being replaced by worry.
"So what's it doing now?" Tina asked.
"It's babysitting," the wizard answered as the Demiguise held up one of its sweets, offering it to something unseen.
"What did you just say?" Tina questioned.
"This is my fault," Newt started defeatedly. "I thought I had them all, but I must have miscounted."
"Miscounted what now?" Peggy pressed.
"An Occamy."
"Merlin help us," you groaned.
"Why? What's an Occamy?" Tina worried.
As Jacob and Queenie stepped forward to look around more of the attic, the moonlight shifted to reflect off of the blue scales of a giant snake-like bird hiding in the rafters.
"It's babysitting that?" the brown-haired American witch queried in awe and fear. The Occamy snaked slowly down toward your group and the Demiguise, which again offered up a sweet.
Newt remained unmoving. "Occamies are choranaptyxic, so they grow to fill available space," he stated slowly and calmly, trying not to spook the huge creature. It turned its head to the sound of its caretaker's voice, and he held up a hand gently, cooing, "Mummy's here."
You couldn't help but smile at that; Newt considered himself the mother of his creatures, not just a caretaker.
Queenie took a few steps forward, accidentally kicking a Christmas ornament, which made a small jingling noise.
The Occamy, startled by the sudden sound, reared up with a loud screech. Newt's attempt to calm it was fruitless, and the creature scooped him onto its back as it swooped.
Queenie and Jacob staggered back to find cover from the violently thrashing Occamy, and you pushed Peggy and Tina back and out of the way, shielding them with yourself.
"Right, we need an insect, any kind of insect," Newt shouted, sounding logical even in the midst of the danger. "And a teapot! Find a teapot."
Tina dropped to the floor, army-crawling and trying to find either of the two items.
The Occamy's wings crashed down to the floor, barely missing Jacob as he scrambled for safety, which was difficult with the creature now clinging to his back. As it grew more and more distressed, its wings thrashed upward, destroying the building's roof.
"Are we witches or not?!" Peggy shouted.
"Right!" Tina called back.
"Accio insect!" you yelled, a disgusting little bug then zooming into your hand. The Occamy, still scared and thrashing about, slammed you into a wall with its tail, the bug escaping your grip as you were buried in shelves.
Performing a bit of nonverbal magic, Tina summoned a teapot. "Teapot!" she cried out once it was safely in her grasp.
At her shout, the Occamy reared its head, pinning Jacob and the Demiguise against one of the rafters. Jacob had acquired a bug, a cockroach, as well, but as he and Tina were on opposite sides of the attic, they had no way to get the roach into the teapot.
Suddenly, everything went still. The Demiguise looked shiftily upward, then disappeared. Jacob followed where the little creature's gaze had been, and found the Occamy's face very close to his own as it stared intently at the cockroach in his hand.
Newt, trapped just on the other side of the Occamy's head, whispered, "Roach in teapot..."
Jacob gulped, knowing what he had to do. In a last-ditch attempt to soothe the Occamy before he acted, he shushed it shakily. He cast a meaningful glance at Tina, warning her of what he was about to do.
He threw the roach.
It soared through the air, and the Occamy followed it. Newt managed to jump off of its back and land safely on the floor, while Queenie took cover, using a colander as a helmet. Just as you cleared the shelving from your head, the Occamy's tail knocked more down, again covering you.
Teapot outstretched, Tina ran across the attic, hurdling over the creature's coils as she went. She fell to her knees and slid to the center of the room, the cockroach landing perfectly inside the teapot. The Occamy reared once more, and began to shrink rapidly as it dove into the teapot.
Newt leapt forward and jammed a lid on top of it, trapping the Occamy inside. Everyone sighed heavily in relief.
"Choranaptyxic," Newt said. "They also shrink to fit the available space. He took the top off of the teapot to see the now very tiny Occamy thoroughly enjoying its cockroach.
Peggy and Jacob helped clear all of the broken shelving from off of you, Jacob helping you to your feet after they got enough off so you could stand.
"That's a nasty cut you've got there," he commented, looking at a slice on your forehead.
"I've been through worse, believe me," you smiled at the muggle--or no-maj, whatever they called them here. You and Peggy walked over to where Newt and Tina were looking at the Occamy in the teapot while Jacob went to check on Queenie.
"Tell me the truth," Tina said. "Was that everything that came out of the case?"
"That's everything, and that's the truth," Newt confirmed.
"What about the Billywig I saw while we were on recess?" you asked. "I'm assuming it came from your case."
"Billywig?" Tina questioned.
Newt's face flushed red. "He's fine. He's not noticeable enough to cause a ruckus."
Tags: @shamvictoria11 @cookies186 @sweeneytoddler
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Mardis Gras Fantasies & Enough Polygamy to Shut Down Bourbon Street {ABC's} -C*NT
A/N: Hey guys! Been a little bit, I know. I’m terrible with titles so apologies. I’ve been blocked lately, but I had some random inspiration to get this finished before the fic challenge is over! I used the words Beads, Blonde, and Hip Bone. It’s a mardis gras fic (spoiler alert) starring the ABC’s. It’s short, 2.5k words, but I was happy with it and wanted to share since there isn’t enough ABC. I will admit, it’s a tad more focused on Biadore, but there is ABC action promise! TW: Smut, drug use, throuple, alcohol. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy 💕
“Guy’s we’re here!” Adore exclaimed, eyes glued to the window.
Down below, was the beautiful city of New Orleans, lit a lovely pink with the early morning sunrise.
Bianca was finally home.
She audibly sighed with relief as the plane began to descend, but then remembered how much work she had to do once they were back on the ground.
As per usual, Bianca was named the grand marshall of the Mardi Gras parade, arguably the biggest celebration in the country. Since Courtney and Adore hadn’t been back to New Orleans in a long time and needed a break from their incredibly busy schedules, they decided to accompany Bianca and see what all of the fuss was about.
Courtney was familiar with the Australian Mardi Gras, but had never celebrated it elsewhere. She knew that it was a huge deal in the bayou country, and that there would be no end to half naked guys in costume. While on the other end of the spectrum Adore had no clue about Mardi Gras, (it wasn’t really a huge deal in southern California) but she was always open to partying. Especially with her two best friends.
Sometimes Adore felt like she felt something more though. Courtney and her always had amazing chemistry, but Adore had never really done anything more then make out with her in a music video and once at a bar.
Bianca was another story. There had always been this horribly sexual tension between the two of them. Whenever Courtney left the two of them alone, the energy in the room shifted almost immediately. It was always thick with tension, like a spark went off and traveled throughout her entire body. It would take everything in her not to attack Bianca then and there, and if she did get too touchy she would just say she was drunk. She didn’t expect a relationship out of Bianca, especially since she was always working. She never considered the attraction to be mutual.
But little did Adore know, underneath Bianca’s long dirty blonde wig and thick layers of makeup were some deeply buried feelings for the two of them. She tried to push the feelings aside as they exited the plane and quickly rushed from the airport to their shared hotel room to drop off their stuff.
Bianca was secretly elated that she was introducing Adore to a proper celebration of Mardi Gras. As they walked to their float, she watched her green eyes growing wider and wider as they quickly walked past all of the different glittering cars and displays. Everyone was dressed in their best attire for the occasion, there wasn’t one place you could turn where you wouldn’t find a sequin, and the three of them fit right in.
Courtney noticed that Bianca looked the most at peace around this time of year, usually because it was the one time her theatrical makeup blended into the crowd. She always loved how different Bianca was, and appreciated her uniqueness. Sometimes, she’d let herself brush her hands against the older queens arm and she’d feel her shudder. Courtney would pretend not to notice, but she always did.
As Adore squealed at a nearby fan, Courtney couldn’t help but smile. She had such an enthusiasm for life when she wasn’t struggling with depression, and it was so refreshing. When they made out or partied together, Courtney swore Adore would let her lips linger on hers when they made out. Courtney didn’t mind it one bit, it felt good to kiss someone with no strings attached.
The parade went rather quickly, especially with the three of them entertaining each other throughout the whole event. They decided afterwards that they would go back to the hotel and recharge before going out later that night.
Making her way through the hazy bar later on that night was none other than Adore. The atmosphere was thick with smoke and the stench of sweat. They had just gotten back from freshening up at their hotel, the sun was casting a faint orange glow across the bar signaling the end of the crisp February day.
Adore had just left 15 minutes ago to go flirt with a guy at the bar, she usually didn’t reappear so early into the night. Bianca raised an eyebrow as the redhead reappeared, not looking as defeated as she usually did.
“Aw, the new southern belle didn’t get to kiss her frog tonight?” Bianca teased, a bitter tone of resentment hidden underneath.
“Fuck off, I just flirted with him cuz I wanted his beads.” Adore rolled her eyes playfully, dangling the sets of colorful beads in front of them. “That’s not all he gave me.”
“Buy beads, get herpes free!” Bianca mocked, taking a sip of her cocktail. Courtney almost choked on her drink and slapped Bianca playfully.
“Pussyface, you are in rare form tonight.” Courtney chuckled, wiping around her lips with a napkin. She wanted to make sure her lipstick didn’t run, just in case she found a hot guy later on. The night was still young.
“Guys don’t you wanna know what he gave me?” Adore whined, feeling impatient.
“What, pray tell, did the strange beaded man give you?” Bianca asked, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.
Adore opened her palm and revealed 3 small blue pills, and a tiny bag of cocaine.
“Drugs!” Courtney exclaimed excitedly.
Bianca froze, staring down at the small pills. She had never done ecstasy, cocaine was one thing that she had tampered with when she was younger but most likely wouldn’t do it again.
“How do you know those are what he says they are?” Bianca asked seriously.
“Well I don’t, but it’s fucking Mardis Gras and we’ve been working non stop guys. I say we do it!” Adore exclaimed, punching the air with her fist.
“C’mon pussy willow, let’s let loose for once. When was the last time you did party drugs?” Courtney encouraged.
“At a party.” Bianca deadpanned. “Listen, I’d love to, but I’m not touching the coke since I don’t know where it’s from. For all I know it could be bath salts.”
“Hmm. You’re right.” Adore shrugged and tossed the coke into the garbage.
“We’re really gonna do this then?” Courtney asked, eyeing the pills hesitantly. “I was expecting you to be a party pooper like you always are B.”
“It’s Mardis Gras. I’ll make an exception.” Bianca tucked a curl behind her ear and downed the rest of her drink. She had already drank her fair share of cocktails this evening, she was ready to shake it up a bit. It had been a long time since she had let loose, Bianca was no stranger in keeping an incredibly tight schedule with very little time for fun. Maybe it was because she was home, but for some reason tonight she was feeling adventurous.
“Okay then. Let’s do it man!” Adore exclaimed, jumping up and down. She held out her milky white hands, allowing the two other queens to take the small chalky looking pill out of her hand. Without hesitation, they each popped it into their mouths chasing it respectively with the drink of their choosing.
It was foggy. The room was spinning, and all Bianca could focus on were the multi colored lights swirling around her in the club. It had been about an hour since they had all taken their pill, and she swears she could feel the music pulsating into her 41 year old heart.
“Do you feel it yet?” Adore exclaimed, as she whipped her long red hair around to the music. It was just a dull early 2000’s mix, but Adore felt like it was the best remix she had ever heard in her life. She was loving everything right now.
Courtney jumped up and down animated next to her, holding an open bottle of champagne and taking a swig every now and then from it.
“Yeah, I definitley do.” Bianca slurred. “Gimme that bottle.” She reached for Courtney’s hand, staggering forward before Court handed it to her.
Bianca didn’t even put the bottle to her lips, instead she tilted her head back and poured the sparkling gold liquid down her throat with ease.
Adore cheered and clapped her hands as she watched Bianca down the bottle. Fuck she was so hot, Adore thought.
As if Bianca had read her mind, her eyes locked with hers. It felt like they were the only two in the room as they openly stared at each other. Bianca let herself really look at Adore for once, scanning the slim queens body. Her eyes kept searching her groin for any sign of a popped tuck, but no luck.
Adore felt butterflies as she watched Bianca openly check her out. She returned the favor by up and downing her, but she couldn’t get away from her hypnotic eyes. The warmth in her brown eyes always got her, she didn’t know what it was but she just couldn’t resist.
Bianca was dressed in a simple gown by her standard, a short black sequin gown that rested off the shoulder. Classic but elegant.
Easy to get under, Adore thought.
Bianca grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. She gasped, enjoying the rare contact. Courtney looked on with wide eyes at the two of them.
“You. Me. Dance.” Bianca ordered half drunk, leaving Courtney to her own devices.All she wanted right now was her cute party animal to dance with.
“Man, I’m always the third wheel!” Courtney whined.
Adore felt electricity pulsing through her at Bianca’s touch. She really loved Bianca so much, and tried her best not to show the excitement from being ordered to the dance floor by her. She couldn’t help herself though, as she smiled and let Bianca’s hands dip under her clothes.
Bianca was blunt with her. Adore liked that. Her rough hands brushed up against her chest, sliding down her torso to her exposed hip bone, idling there for a moment. She was not being modest like she usually was. If her hands dipped any lower Bianca would be very aware of her tuck that was about to bust open.
In fact, Bianca felt like she was about to bust open. She wanted nothing more then Adore to open her up and make love to her. Instead, the sloppy dancing would have to do for now. She could feel herself growing very warm and very eager for her touch, the longer they pulsed to the music together.
It was times like this when Adore hated that Bianca would dress in floor length gowns and dresses. She couldn’t exactly slyly feel her up, every touch she let linger would be jarringly obvious and not unseen.
But at this moment, she didn’t care. She let herself really feel Bianca, pulling her close into her chest as she gripped the older queens lower back. She let her hands run up and down Bianca’s long torso softly, feeling like she was on fire as they danced.
Soon, Adore felt arms around her torso too, and then another pair shortly after.
“I didn’t wanna be left out of all the fun.” Courtney whispered huskily, pushing a strand of red hair away from Adore’s ear.
She realized she was in the middle of a Bitney sandwich now, chuckling at the two of them holding her and the thought of Bianca actually captioning one of his pictures with the ridiculous Bitney hashtag.
But then she felt full. She felt balance.
Why was monogamy a thing?
“What we have is beautiful.” Courtney murmured, as if she had read her mind as the three of them swayed on the dance floor.
“So we shouldn’t fuck it up.” Bianca retorted.
“Being together wouldn’t fuck it up.” Adore smiled lazily as she felt their arms around her. “Monogamy is dead. All I need are you fuckers.”
It was as if they were all on the same level, realizing the same thing all at once as they stared in disbelief.
Bianca, lusting after Adore.
Adore lusting after Bianca.
Courtney lusting after both of them.
All three of them, lusting.
They had taken care of each other before, but never in the way that they were all thinking.
Adore smiled, reaching for Bianca’s hand, who then reached for the australian’s. They nodded in agreement silently as they made their way out of the bar.
Stumbling into their shared hotel room, Adore flicked on the light and shielded her eyes.
“So bright.” Adore whined.
“We don’t need it.” Bianca shrugged, flicking it back off.
The room fell silent as they shut the door, letting their eyes adjust to the very dark moonlit hotel room. They all sat on one edge of the bed together, staring down at the floor as time slowly passed.
Bianca looked up and admired how the pale blue moonlight made Adore’s red hair glow. She brushed a piece of it off of her shoulder softly, watching the younger queen shiver under her touch.
The tension was there again, but this time it was between all three of them.
Adore couldn’t take it anymore, she grabbed Bianca’s hand and pulled her close, letting their lips meet for the first time. Their mouths moved in unison as they let themselves fall all the way down on the bed. Bianca let her tongue swirl inside her mouth, making Adore groan. She felt her tuck become undone as her boner finally revealed itself.
Bianca was so soft, Adore thought as she let her fingers graze slowly across her cheek, settling on one of her dimples. She felt Courtney move behind her, laying down with them. She began stroking her shoulder softly as she she planted a kiss on her back. Courtney then let her hands slide across her back to her torso, where she undid Adore’s shorts.
The need for both of them was overwhelming. Adore could never possibly choose. Monogamy was stupid. Courtney was a celestial being in the night, her masculine features still softened by makeup and the heavy darkness that filled the room. Her blonde wig was glowing as she moved softly behind her.
Then there was Bianca, so smart, funny, and quick she could put her in her place faster than you could say Azusa.
Her cock twitched as the touching became more rough and desperate. Bianca’s kisses became more fierce, and more desperate, while Courtney tugged at her clothes and wig trying to reveal their true personas. First Danny was revealed to the world again, as he felt his wig fly off of his head and to somewhere in the distance. Then Shane emerged, removing his Wigs by Vanity with ease. Roy was the last one, he was so wrapped up in Danny that he couldn’t focus long enough to remove it. Shane had to remove all of the meticulously placed bobbi pins and hair pieces before he could remove it completely.
Once the hair was all thrown off, Shane moved to be behind Roy and caressed his back. He lifted up his dress gently, exposing his smooth brown skin. Danny moaned as he moved from Roy’s lips down to his now exposed chest, while Shane let his lips hover over his neck before he peppered kisses up and down his shoulders.
They were all at a mutual understanding, there was no jealousy. Roy wasn’t more Danny’s then he was Shane’s and vice versa. They all belonged to each other in perfect harmony. Kisses became more frantic, hands became more curious, and soon they were all naked. Bare skin wrapped around each other, pulsating against each other in perfect harmony. Roy was inside of Danny, as Shane was inside of Roy, as if they were all one.
Roy grabbed Danny’s ass and dug his nails into his back as he felt himself become more and more aroused from Shane. He usually didn’t bottom, but those pills had made him make an exception, and at this moment he was feeling very glad that he had. He really loved these bitches, he never realized how much until this moment. They would be bonded for life after this, always sharing this quiet taboo moment of love. He felt Danny quivering around his length as he pushed harder and harder, not being able to hold his orgasm much longer.
“Shane please.” Roy whimpered, feeling his body tremble in warning.
“Ugh Roy.” Danny moaned, pumping his cock in his hand.
“You can’t come until Danny’s ready.” Shane ordered sweetly.
“I’m ready!” Danny groaned exasperated, gripping onto his shaft desperately. He felt Roy sigh in relief as he thrust into him one last time. Danny felt the warm hot stream enter deep into his ass. He shivered with intense pleasure as he released all over the sheets. Shane had came into Roy, shortly after and all three of them collapsed into each other on the bed.
“I love you guys.” Roy murmured, sandwiched between Shane and Danny as they gasped for air.
“I love you too.” Shane and Danny whispered in unison, as they wrapped themselves around Roy. Danny held Shane’s arm and rubbed it soothingly and Roy leaned his head into Danny as they laid there.
They were on the same wavelength, hearts beating rapidly as they held each other closely.
“Things won’t be weird right?” Roy asked, showing rare vulnerability.
“Never.” Danny murmured, gently pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
“Let’s make a pact, that even if we all go our seperate ways after this; we know that we will always be each other’s no matter what.” Shane suggested encouragingly.
“Deal.” Roy and Danny said in unison.
They all laughed, squeezing each other tighter in the process.
“We’re always connected now.” Shane whispered, snuggling closer into Roy. “I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“Me either.” Roy whispered.
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