#i know he had the worst time and i love that for him
dollyyun · 3 days
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
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RELEASE DATE: Friday, 21st June 2024 (subject to change)
PAIRING: non!idols enha hyung line x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), semi-college au, adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes.
WARNINGS: mentions of christianity, profanities, smoking, mention of drugs, alcohol consumption, violence, blood, murders, yandere & tsundere, manipulation, corruption, toxicity, heavy angst, dubcon themes, unprotected sex (no!), dom hyung line (rip), name calling, degradation, possible voyeurism, mild bondage, gagging, choking, blowjob, fingering, edging, manhandling, spitting kink, orgasm denial, crying, squirting, creampies, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, threesomes (twice), more to be added....
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3.1, PART 3.2, PART 4, PART 5
The passage of time appears to be slowing down, with the red neon luminosity encompassing you gradually fading into a blur, while the bright sign of 'exit' ahead remains a beacon to your fortitude, but your quest to the road of freedom grows languid as the eventual exertion dawns on your body.
Tears welling in your lower eyelids are a recrudescence of terror, parallel to your inner turmoil that remains unabating, and you feel as though it is eating you alive from the inside, dwindling the hope you so desperately clutch onto.
Your ears perk up at the sound of familiar, heavy-booted steps from not far behind you, eliciting a forlorn cry from you before you force your weary body to pick up the speed, despite the unknown yet lethal substance streaming through your every fibre and taking its major effect on your whole being.
No, this is not how you imagined facing your demise. You never would have thought that one of your worst nightmares had manifested itself and plunged into your reality.
Your skull is throbbing painfully, with blood seeping from the fresh wounds that trickle down the side of your face, while your heart aches tremendously. A sob emerges from the back of your throat before waterworks cascade down on you, but you refuse to allow yourself to die tonight, not when you’re nearly getting the taste of freedom.
Before you know it, you use the force of your body to push the door open as it swings outward violently, and you continue to run on the asphalt ground, having no clue of your current location, while your heaving chest is starting to hurt with how ragged your breathing is that mingles with the sobs.
“Please.” You choke out, your tearful eyes blurring your vision, while you feel as though more needles are piercing into your skull. “Please let all of this be a nightmare.” You manage to whisper in between broken sobs, nearly succumbing to the hyperventilation that renders you unfocused on your surroundings as your body remains in a fight-or-flight mode.
The next thing you know, you bump into a solid chest that nearly has you staggering back if it weren’t for strong arms latching onto your trembling form. The moment your eyes meet his concerned eyes that soon blaze with anger, a frightful shriek tears from your parched throat before you push him away from you, as though he is a disease.
“Princess?” Sunghoon, whose head is fogging with confusion, frowns visibly as he sees the way you are looking at him as though he is a terrifying stranger.
The movements from Jake and Jay catch your heightened sense, prompting you to cower away from them as you back away. “Stay away from me!” You shout at them, the fear is palpable in the tremor of your voice, to which they halt their movements.
“Baby, it’s us!” Jay exclaims while trying his utmost not to give away the tempest of wrath that storms within him upon seeing the state you are in. 
“Lovely…” Jake takes cautious steps towards you, but even his loving, gentle tone is not enough to dispel the betrayal and heartbreak you are still reeling from.
“I said don’t come close to me! Please!” To see you hyperventilating as you sob hard hits them in the face, but what pains them is the terror you exhibit right now because they never wanted you to fear them as though they would really hurt you.
You turn around with the intention to run from them, but this time, Heeseung’s figure is a hindrance as he blocks your way. His hands find their way to hold you firmly while you attempt to thrash and struggle in his captivity.
“Let go of me!” You become relentless, your fear is now eclipsed by anger that stems from the fresh betrayal.
Despite the confusion upon seeing the blazing anger in your crystalline eyes, Heeseung remains calmly collected as he holds you effortlessly yet is unable for you to escape from. “Sweetheart─”
Being utterly overwhelmed and blinded by the maelstrom of pain, betrayal, sadness, and anger, you raise your hand and bring it down to land a harsh slap to his now-stinging cheek, shocking the other three from behind.
“Do you think this is meant to be humorous to you?!” The rage in your voice is unmistakable as it sounds foreign to your ears, but your focus remains on his face as he slowly turns to look at you while you are oblivious to the raging storms in his dark eyes. “Is this really your endgame?! Once you’re satisfied after fucking me, you'll kill me?!”
Heeseung’s deadly silence only seems to fuel your wrath, and so you begin to throw punches into his chest that don't even have any effect on him. “Fight back!” You scream in between sobs, tears relentlessly streaming down your cheeks. “If you want to kill me, do it now!”
“Y/N, stop.” Jake and Jay appear from behind, intervening as they grab you away from Heeseung’s defeated grasps while you continue to struggle and fight against their strong hold valiantly despite feeling debilitated.
“What are you talking about?” Heeseung’s calm voice manages to reach your ears despite the sound of your hysteria.
“Yeah, what do you mean by killing you, lovely?” Jake asks with a frown as soon as you shoot him a glare. “We would never do such a thing─”
Miraculously, you manage to escape from their grasps, and your glaring eyes penetrate into each of them. “Don’t lie to me! I know you’re the ones who kidnapped me and brought me to this God-forsaken place, and for what? To kill me!”
“We didn’t!” Jay objects vehemently, disbelief lacing his tone. “Why would we ever want to kill you?”
“Liar!” You retort before breaking down again, the sound of your cries only fuels their anger to hunt down whoever dared to hurt you. “If you weren’t the ones back there, then how did you even know where I was?”
“I installed a tracker on your phone. It’s the reason why we managed to track your location.” Jake steps forward, his softening eyes seem to balm your hysteric nerves. “But you have to believe us, love. We would never do anything to jeopardise your life.”
You open your mouth to speak, but a whimper comes instead as you feel the familiar pain plummeting into your skull, prompting you to clutch your still-bleeding head, and Sunghoon, being the nearest to you, holds you steady against him just as your body sways lightly.
“You’re still bleeding, princess.” Sunghoon murmurs, his gentle tone and his touch send you into a whirlwind of confusion. Disappointment seeps through him as you push him away while your mind is waging a battle of internal conflict, recalling the girls’ words about them, but at the same time, your love for them remains palpable, which only makes your head spin.
“Don’t touch me.” You protest weakly as you attempt to yank your arm from Heeseung’s firm grasp, but the substances injected into you that flow in your system wholly revoke the remnants of your vitality, rendering you debilitated as you find yourself leaning into him.
Without a word, Heeseung effortlessly carries you in a bridal style, with your whole body going limp as your consciousness slips away faster than you like before the darkness welcomes you once more.
“Gather all the knights from your respective houses. We’ll be having a meeting tomorrow morning.” Heeseung orders calmly, causing the three to exchange glances. “All of them, and not a single person is to be left out.”
“You got it.” Jake gives him a firm nod.
Heeseung catches Sunghoon and Jay’s eyes, and they immediately understand his deadly intent. “Find those fuckers inside and do what you need to do. Bring their heads to me.”
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thirdsaltyhunter · 1 day
Lost With You
Dean Winchester x gn!Reader
Summary: getting caught in a storm with your sweet boyfriend
Warning: FLUFF, kissing, swearing probably, gn but use of 'sweetheart'
700ish words
A/N: little gif drabble, not proofread all mistakes are my own
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You had set out for a hunt in Minnesota earlier in the morning. Sam was out of commission due to hurting his leg on the last hunt, so that left you and Dean to deal with the latest pop up of werewolves alone. Even though you hated seeing Sam hurt, you'd be lying if you said you minded the alone time you were getting with your boyfriend. You loved the long drives with Dean; it felt freeing being with him, windows rolled down blasting music.
At this point the sun had long since set and you had been driving most of the day, aside from the occasional food or gas stop. You had hoped to make it to the motel and get some shut eye before scoping out the town in the morning. Driving down a stretch of backroads, everything was going as planned until the sky suddenly decided to unleash the most intense rainstorm you had ever seen. The sky darkend even more and the droplets pelted the windshield so hard you couldn't hear the radio anymore.
"Son of a bitch, the bottom really dropped out didn't it," Dean said clicking on the brights, not that it helped.
After a few minutes of struggling to see the road and losing the reception on the GPS, Dean pulled over onto the side of the road. As good of a driver as he was, he knew when to throw in the towel. Right now he couldn't see more that two feet in front of the car, had no idea where he was going, and he was not willing to put you or his car in danger for the sake of making it to the motel.
"Guess we're stuck here for a while" he turned to you.
"Where even are we?", you asked pulling out you phone to see if you had any reception. To no avail.
"Honestly I have no idea" he said with a humorless laugh "But get comfy, I don't think it's clearing up anytime soon". He turned and reached over the seat, digging into one of the duffel bags and pulling out a few lore books.
Turning back, he tossed one to you before resting his back against the door and started flipping through his book.
After about a half and hour of reading, you started to lose focus. You were tired physically and tired of researching. Your eyes drifted up to your boyfriend, you couldn't help but admire how he looked right now. It was pitch black outside, but the glow of the dashboard lights illuminated the side of his face, bringing out all of the contours of his face, the curve of his lips, the soft freckles on the bridge of his nose. You loved him so much and it was moments like this that made you realize that all the more. Moments like this where you were able to make the best out of the worst situations; together.
You're definitely staring and now he's looking at you. "What?", he asks wondering why you're staring at him with a peaceful smile on your lips.
"What?" you echo softly, sounding dazed and tried.
"You're staring" a teasing smirk graces his face but he can tell you're still lost in thought.
For another moment you look into his eyes, losing all sense of reality and you can't help but reach over and cup his cheek. There's a brief look of confusion the crosses his face before he closes his eyes, leaning into your touch.
"You ok?" he asks eyes still closed before opening them to gauge your reaction.
"Sometimes I love you so much it overwhelms me."
You said it so genuinely that Dean was taken aback. He didn't really know how to respond to that and if he thought about the weight of your words it would probably make him cry. Before he could think about it, he was reaching for you.
"C'mer," he said tossing his book into the floorboard and pulling you to lay between his legs with your head over his heart.
You sighed contentedly, nuzzling you face into the warm flannel lining of his jacket.
"I love you too, sweetheart", he said pulling his spare jacket over you and rubbing his hand up and down your back.
He looked down at you and could see that you were teetering on the edge of falling asleep. "Let's just stay here for tonight", the rain was still coming down heavy and he was pretty sure he was too tired to find his way to the motel.
"Ok," your voice was muffled by how your face was hidden in his shirt.
Dean smiled down at you and felt sleep tugging at him too. He settled back against the door, feet propped up on the bench seat with you laying on him, and thought that, in the grand scheme of it all, there was nowhere else he'd rather be than right here. Lost with you.
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Hi! I was wondering if you take request for Astarion and co.? The reader gets an aura migraine (worst kind of migraine in my opinion). But because of her/their past being a mercenary/hunter/warrior (whichever one), the reader doesn’t tell or even realize it until it’s too late. Just some angst and then love and care from Astarion.
I love your writing! So please take all the time you need to write this if you want to.
HIHI I'M SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR SO LONG!!!!!!! I've been very tired as of late from all the schoolwork and I swear it's almost like I don't have any down time. Writing through this slog has been difficult as well and I don't like forcing/rushing things. Still, I managed to finish this, hope you like it!
Summary: You collapse right in front of Astarion due to a particularly bad aura migraine episode. Panic and emotional constipation ensues
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Your head is splitting. Again.
Inhaling sharply, you let out a slow breath, willing the pain away so that you can focus on the task at hand. Black spots creep in on the edges of your vision but you blink them away, you can’t falter now. You swing your blade, slicing through another of Orin’s assassins before ducking as a dagger stabs the spot your head was at just moments ago.
Even with spotty vision, your battle instincts are enough to help you survive the fight, but you don’t emerge from the fight unscathed. One of the assassins manages to sneak up on you and gets a hit in, tearing open your shoulder.
You hiss in pain, whirling around to cleave the assassin in half with your blade. Your injured arm shakes from the exertion, fresh blood streaming from the wound with each motion. The throbbing pain doesn’t help your migraine in the slightest and you nearly keel over.
“My dear, you look terrible.” Astarion catches you just before you hit the floor, a hint of concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine.” You grab onto him to steady yourself, blinking as your vision begins to swim and push yourself upright, flashing him a grin. “See? Perfectly fine!”
And then the world spins before fading to black.
Bright light fills your vision as you open your eyes, causing you to throw your arm up to block out the light, only for white hot pain to shoot through said arm.
Right. You had injured your arm.
Groaning, you rub your eyes with the other arm and tenderly push yourself upright, letting out a croaky yelp when your injured arm buckles beneath you. Closing your eyes, you breathe out slowly, releasing your annoyance at the current situation.
“How are you feeling?” A familiar deep voice sounds.
“Fine.” Your reply comes out harsher than you intended and you internally cringe when Halsin noticeably pauses, taken aback by your tone.
“Sorry,” you mutter quickly. “How long was I out for?”
“Sufficiently long to make everyone worry.” He hands you a flask of water. “Drink up.”
You down the flask almost immediately, feeling the cool liquid slide down your throat and let out a contented sigh. The throbbing in your head has dulled to a quiet hum, but it will remain for a few more days, if past experience is anything to go by.
"Thank you." You hand the now empty flask back to Halsin.
"If you're feeling well enough, you should go and talk to the others. Some of them were particularly worried when you fainted on them." Halsin gives you a sly smirk. "Especially a certain vampire."
You raise an eyebrow and Halsin laughs, "he was the most worried. I had to chase him out of the tent just so I could tend to you."
"He was that worried," you murmur to yourself, frowning slightly. You hadn't meant to do that, well not like you had meant to faint in the first place but knowing just how much of an impact your little 'accident' had on Astarion made you feel bad.
"Watch yourself out there, you were lucky you only collapsed after all the enemies were defeated," Halsin chides as he rebandages your wound and hands you a healing potion. "Try to tell someone when you're not feeling well, alright?"
You laugh, waving him off, "I'll try, no promises though."
The moment you exit the room, the others rush over to check up on you, save for a pale elf who sends a scowl your way before disappearing into his own room, his door left ajar. You reassure the others, quickly making your way past the conversations and slip away with Halsin's help, ducking into a familiar room.
"Hey." You attempt to make conversation but a scowl remains firmly on his face, his gaze buried in the book he's holding. Sighing, you make your way to the bed and nestle into the remaining space, feeling his cooling skin press against your burning one.
"I'm sorry for making you worry."
"You're sorry? That's it? You're not going to explain why I suddenly had your unconscious body in my arms, why you had the audacity to tell me you were 'perfectly fine' before collapsing, why you —" He stops to take a breath he doesn't need, feeling every emotion rush to the surface and tears prick the corners of his eyes. He's mad, mad at you for not telling him anything, mad at himself for not noticing earlier, mad at himself for not being able to express his concern in a normal manner.
"You can't just say sorry and expect everything to be ok! Sorry fixes nothing!" He yells, wanting nothing more than for you to yell back at him so that he can release the emotions he doesn't know how to deal with in the only way he knows how but you remain quiet, head hung low, and that frustrates him even more.
"You're right. Sorry fixes nothing. I…" You let out a deep sigh, lifting your gaze to meet his. You can see the tear streaks that have formed, the fear in his eyes, the anxiety and it steals your breath away.
"Halsin wasn't kidding. You really are extremely worried for me." You can't help but give a small chuckle despite it all, a quiet smile making its way onto your face.
"Of course I'm worried!" Astarion snaps.
"Thank you for being worried." You slip your hand into his. "No one's ever been this worried about me before."
"Have you fainted in someone's arms before?" He huffs, annoyed, but he has simmered down.
"Well…not quite. I always went on quests alone, fought alone, but the times I wasn't alone…let's just say things didn't go so well for me." You laugh, giving his hand a squeeze. "You all…you…are the first people I don't mind calling friends."
He clicks his tongue and looks away, but you can see the red on the tips of his ears. Your own cheeks are burning from the confession, your heart thundering like never before and you want nothing more than to bury your face into your knees.
"Why aren't you angry at me?" He mumbles after a while, still refusing to meet your gaze.
"Is there a reason I should be?" You murmur, running your thumb along his skin. His grip on you tightens and he bites his lip, shifting anxiously.
"There are many." The words leave his lips in a whisper and he wishes he could take them back when he sees the way your face falls.
"I can't think of any. I can, however, think of reasons for you to be angry at me." You shake your head. "I should have told you about my migraines earlier instead of having you find out like that, I should have done more than a simple 'sorry', I should have thought about you instead of just keeping to myself."
"You were just doing what you knew was safe. I'm no better."
"But you chose to open up to me. You spilled your deepest darkest secrets and yet I kept mine from you because I didn't want to look weak. I should have returned the favour, but I didn't." All your regrets come spilling forth, its flow stemmed only by the feeling of soft lips against your own.
He kisses you gently at first, and then it deepens, becoming more urgent as he conveys his feelings to you the only way he knows how.
"You're strong. You're the strongest person I know. You've been through so much, and yet you refuse to let any of it stop you. You've been dealing with your migraine by yourself for so long, putting up with the pain by yourself, nothing about that is weak in the slightest." He presses his forehead against yours, pulling you into his embrace. "Let me share in your burden as you share in mine."
"It's only fair, I suppose." Your lips curve into a grin. Letting out a quiet breath, you entangle your fingers in his curls, feeling him lean into the touch. "Promise?"
"Promise," he murmurs back, soaking in the moment. There's only you and him, bodies pressed against each other, embracing like it's the last time you'll ever see each other, washing away the throbbing in your head and the ache in his heart.
He closes his eyes, relishing in the warmth of your body tightly pressed against him, breathing in your scent that speaks of love, comfort, safety, feeling the rhythmic strokes of your fingers through his hair, and wants for nothing else. Pressing a kiss to your temple, he smiles, genuinely, and saves this moment in his memory.
"Get well soon, my love."
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fastandcarlos · 11 hours
Hot Water Bottle : ̗̀➛ Daniel Ricciardo
summary: periods are never fun, but with daniel looking after you, at least they become a little more bearable
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A sigh came from you, guilt eating away at you straight away as you looked at the deep red stain that soaked into the middle of the cream sheets. With the stabbing in your stomach you had a feeling something was coming, but still you found yourself stood in surprise.
Your body cringed as the bedroom door opened, with Daniel following your eyes, he was able to join the pieces together pretty quickly.
“Y/n,” he whispered, tentatively approaching you and draping his arm across your shoulders. “Come on love, let’s sort you out.”
You allow Daniel to take a hold of your hand and lead you into the bathroom, opening up the drawer. He pulls out the pack of wipes and positions you leant against the bathtub. It doesn’t faze Daniel at all as he pulls your pyjama bottoms down so they sit around your ankles.
As much as you want to push Daniel away and not let him see you like this, the tight grip that he has on your leg leaves you with no choice but to stay. Daniel ignores your embarrassment as he gently wipes the wipe against both of your inner thighs, removing as much of the stains as he can. It shouldn’t feel as intimate as it does, but it’s Daniel’s way of showing you just how much he cares about you.
Your periods had notoriously been bad from day one, it was the week of the month when you were at your weakest. You hated losing the strength, the ability to do the things that you usually do, but worst of all you hated feeling as if you needed to rely on Daniel. Periods were never something that you never got used to, however Daniel was quickly learning how to deal with it all.
It was times like these when you felt most grateful for Daniel, how he’d reassure that it was no big deal and pretend like nothing had happened, although secretly you were sure that he was a little grossed out by what unfolded in front of him.
You couldn’t help but sigh when Daniel stood back from you. “I can take it from here,” you mumbled, too embarrassed to let Daniel take anymore care of you when you were such a mess.
The expression on his face was filled with sadness as he saw how embarrassed you were, unable to bring your eyes to meet his own. Daniel can’t help but worry, seeing you so unsteady, so flustered, kills him inside. He wants more than anything to be able to do more, to do whatever it takes for him to make sure that your period is as comfortable as possible for you.
He steps forward and rests his hand over the top of yours, “are you sure? I don’t mind helping you out if you need me,” he tells you, but your head shakes back at him. Daniel respects what you tell him, so instead he reaches back in the drawer and finds a hairband to be able to tie those loose, sweaty strands out of your face.
You hold onto Daniel’s arms as you push up from the bath, slowly walking towards the shower. “I promise that I’ll shout if I need you for anything.”
“You better,” he jokingly insisted. “Just take as long as you need, make the most of that hot water and try to relax for a little bit.”
“I’ll sort everything once I’m out,” you then tell him, leaning into the shower and turning the water on. You stay out for a moment as the water warms up, beginning to see the steam filling the room. “I’ll go crazy if I come out and find that you’ve tidied everything up Daniel.”
“I refuse to make any promises,” he smirked, pressing a kiss against your cheek, “even though I know your hormones are through the roof.”
Once the water feels hot enough, you lazily lift your foot up and place it into the cubicle. Daniel is there to steady you, offering you his hand as you make yourself comfortable before pulling the curtain across, acting as a barrier between you both.
“Stay in there and enjoy yourself, don’t worry about anything out here.”
“Daniel! I’m warning you!” You shouted, but he had already left the room.
After a few minutes you heard the door open again, peering around the curtain. You couldn’t help but smile as Daniel placed a clean set of comfy clothes for you on the floor before grabbing a clean towel and placing it just beside the exit of the shower for you to use.
“I should’ve known better, shouldn’t I?” You teased, turning off the water and pushing the curtain back, making Daniel jump in surprise.
“Sorry,” Daniel whispered, bending down and picking up the towel. He stretched his arm out, passing it across to you so that you could dry off.
You wrapped the towel around yourself, smiling appreciatively across at Daniel.
“I’m going to go and sort the bed out, I’ll meet you downstairs,” he then informed you, heading for the door.
You wanted to argue, but you were far too tired to even try and protest to Daniel anymore. “Thank you for always taking such good care of me. I’ll be as quick as I can,” you called out as he began to leave you alone to sort yourself out, getting comfy enough to get through the day.
“Don’t rush just for me, you need to take your time right now,” Daniel insisted, beginning to strip the bed, making sure to leave both doors open just in case you shouted for him.
“Daniel, honestly, I’m alright,” you laughed.
You weren’t quite sure where Daniel found the time from, but as you headed downstairs your living room was already kitted out for the two of you to relax in. You barely stepped into the room before a hand slipped into yours and led you across to your sofa filled with cushions and blankets.
Daniel pulls you down with him so that you’re resting against his chest. “Feeling better?” He asked whilst pressing a kiss to the top of your head, watching as you relaxed into him.
“I mean, it hurts, but I’ll be alright,” you replied, resting a hand against your stomach, “I wish more than anything that periods didn’t exist, it’s not fair that we have to suffer like this.”
Daniel nodded in agreement with you, offering a sympathetic smile. “I can boil the kettle and get you a hot water bottle if you want one?”
“You actually have one?” You asked in surprise, impressed by how prepared Daniel was for your period.
He proudly smiled, knowing he’d shocked you, “I got one just for you, I know how much they help.”
“You’re the best,” you complimented, staying exactly where you were. Daniel’s brows knitted together in confusion as you remained in your spot, as much as you wanted that hot water bottle, finding the strength to move your body from your comfortable position was another problem entirely.
Daniel reads you like a book, knowing exactly what you were trying to tell him. “I’m not a magician, I can’t magic it over here y/n.”
Your head nodded as you stretched up ever so slightly, close enough to kiss against Daniel’s jawline. It was the first time that morning you’d truly been able to show him just how appreciative you were for all of the things that he did for you. How he always took care of you without ever expecting anything in return for his kindness.
Reluctantly you lean back, and move your body back with you. “I guess I’ll let you go to get it, as long as you hurry back as quick as you can.”
“You’ll barely notice I’ve gone,” Daniel spoke as he heaved himself up, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you sunk back down into the sofa and tried to get comfortable again.
It felt like a lifetime waiting for Daniel, staring out of the window as you noticed that the day seemed as miserable as you did.
As promised, Daniel moved as quick as he could, soon returning with your prized possession. Your hands reach out, humming in thanks as you place the hot water bottle to the spot where you’re sorest to try and relieve some of your pain.
Your head tilts back in relief as soon as it hits the spot, finally feeling a little bit of comfort again. “This is so good,” you whispered to yourself.
“I’m glad I could help,” Daniel noted as he tucked himself back into your side, moving his hand to rest on the bottle and keep it in place for you.
You went to speak, but stopped yourself as you rested your head on Daniel’s shoulder. Your eyes began to flutter shut, which Daniel was quick to notice, brushing his free hand gently against the length of your arm.
Whilst you got some rest beside him, Daniel reached across and turned on the television. What played was secondary to him, with you as his priority, nothing else really mattered to him.
Every so often you shuffled, never quite being able to find that sweet spot for too long. Each time Daniel looked at you in panic, only to settle again once he realised that you were alright. As soon as you gave him that smile, he knew that things were all good with you again.
What never changes though is the feeling of Daniel watching over you, he’s never quite able to switch off from you. “Haven’t you got work or something today?” You asked, glancing up and meeting Daniel’s eyes.
“Yeah, but I’ve changed my mind on that.”
Your hand pressed against his chest, “you can’t just cancel work like that, practice it’s important to you.”
“And so are you,” Daniel shrugged, as if what he was saying was obvious, as if it didn’t need a discussion.
You went to argue but reminded yourself it was pointless, Daniel was stubborn, especially when it came to you and being the one to protect you when you were hurting.
You reluctantly moved your hand off of Daniel and laid back into his side. He chuckled proudly as you did so, nothing that that was you admitting defeat to him.
For the first time you find yourself sitting comfortably, much to Daniel’s delight. It was all that he wanted, for you to be alright.
After a few moments, Daniel breaks the silence between the two of you. “Can I get you anything else sweetheart?” He asks, pushing the hot water bottle a little bit further into your tummy for you to feel the full effect of it.
“Take the pain away?”
“I wish that I could do that my love,” Daniel smiled weakly in response.
It was wishful thinking, but at this point, you’d do anything to take the pain away and go back to being your usual, excitable self again. “You’ve already done more than enough for me today, I can’t remember how I ever survived a period without you there to lion after me.”
“It’s no problem, I do it because I love you,” Daniel reminded you, but you were already well aware, period or not, Daniel always went above and beyond in order to take care of you.
You’d heard it a thousand times, and yet it still made your heart skip a beat. “What did I do to get so lucky Mr Ricciardo?”
Daniel finds himself lost for words, unable to give you an answer. If anything, that was the question that he was always asking himself.
“I think I might try and get some sleep for a bit.”
“Go for it,” Daniel agreed, pushing you closer into his side. He assured you that he would still be there when you woke up, keeping an eye on you and making sure that you were alright, happy to get anything that you needed from him.
“You should try and rest, you won’t get much sleeping next to me and my cramps,” you teased.
Daniel did as you said, happy to close his eyes for a little bit too.
You weren’t quite sure how long your eyes were closed for, but when you woke up you found yourself back in your bedroom. The cream sheets that met you this morning were replaced with black ones, your hot water bottle was still pressed against your tummy, although seemingly it felt like it had been refilled a couple of times. Everything felt comfortable around you, the light was dim and your duvet had been pulled up so that it was nice and snug around your frame.
After a few moments, your bedroom door slowly opened. Daniel peered round, his smile growing as he realised that you were awake. His hands carried a mug of tea that he placed on the bedside table beside you. Once he had done that, he came and laid himself down beside you, brushing your hair out of your face before pressing a kiss against your forehead and snuggling as close to you as he possibly could.
He studies you momentarily, you look a lot more relaxed than you did earlier that morning when you were greeted with your mess.
You still seemed slightly unsettled, giving Daniel no choice but to press his hand against your hot water bottle and make sure that it was still hot. He was on the ball with everything, quick reactions were needed for driving in formula one, but those reactions definitely came in handy for Daniel when he was around you too.
Once again Daniel didn’t seem to take his eyes off of you, every time your expression changed he’d panic, when your hot water bottle dropped he’d pick it straight back up. You wanted to be used it, but you just couldn’t, Daniel still somehow drove you crazy, even when you were hormonal and being hit with plenty of pain.
He knew all too well that he occupied your mind too, your smile told him everything.
“Stop staring,” you laughed, jabbing your hand against his stomach as he turned to face you.
“Are you alright?”
“My period still hurts.”
Daniel hums in acknowledgement, “do you need anything? Food? Pain relief?”
“Just you,” you mused, much to Daniel’s satisfaction. “When did I even get in here?”
“Not long ago, you were starting to get restless so I thought you’d be comfy here,” he informed you.
“You should’ve woken me,” you argued, but he was having none of it, especially when you were in pain.
“You needed the rest baby.”
You hummed as he spoke, “I still feel sleepy.”
“Go back to sleep then silly,” Daniel chuckled, pecking a kiss against the rosy tint of your cheek.
Your head shook, “I feel like all I’ve done is sleep.”
Daniel paused for a moment, noticing how tired you still looked. “If it’s what you need, then it’s okay to close your eyes.”
“Will you stay here with me?”
He chuckled at the hope in your voice, “if it helps you, then of course I will.”
You nod proudly in reply, “a cuddle from you would make any situation better.”
“I’m supposed to be making you feel better, not the other way round,” Daniel joked back at you.
“You are making me feel better,” you insisted, wriggling your aching frame closer to his chest.
Daniel’s hand came up to run through your hair, “and you’re absolutely sure that I can’t do anymore?”
There was a moment before your reply as a quick yawn escaped from you. “I promise that I’m all good, unless you can take my period away completely.”
“I wish,” Daniel sniggered, moving his other hand to wrap around you and keep you as tight to him as possible.
Silence came into the room as the two of you settled. It took you a moment to find that position that felt comfortable enough to close your eyes, and Daniel waited patiently for you to do so, moving with your body and giving you as much attention and understanding as he could.
“Sleep well beautiful.”
“Daniel,” you whispered as you heard his faint voice, “I love you, you know that, don’t you?”
Daniel nodded against the top of your head, “I do baby, just as much as I love you.”
You immediately shook your head, “no, I’m sure that I love you a little bit more.”
“No way,” Daniel chuckled, knowing exactly where things were going. “Let’s agree to disagree.”
You tapped against his chest, “are you telling a hormonal woman that she’s in the wrong?”
Daniel pondered for a moment as he realised what you were hinting at, “no…I would never do that.”
“Good, because I love you the most,” you smirked, settling back down again. “Sleep well Daniel.”
“And you, my love.”
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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belovedjaeyun · 3 days
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Synopsis: On her 21st birthday, Y/n wakes up overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow. It’s not just her birthday; it’s also the third anniversary of her high school boyfriend Jake’s tragic death. Surviving the accident that took Jake’s life, Y/n is haunted by memories of their love and the future they lost. In a moment of desperate longing, she makes a wish to see Jake again and is miraculously transported back in time to when Jake was alive. However, she finds that Jake now hates her, adding a new layer of pain and confusion. Determined to change his fate and earn his tolerance, she resolves to do everything in her power to ensure he escapes death this time
Reader: Jake x Reader
Author’s note: Hi! Hope everyone is having a good day/night 🫶. The first chapter is finally out! I hope you guys like it and I know it’s all over the place and yes, it’s intentional 😭.
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You woke up with your heart pounding in your chest. The room was still dark, the early morning light just beginning to seep through the curtains. You lay there, staring at the ceiling, feeling the familiar heaviness settle over you. Tomorrow was your birthday, but it was also the anniversary of the worst day of your life.
Three years had passed since the accident, but the pain was as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. You could still hear the screech of tires, the sickening thud, and the deafening silence that followed. Jake had been your world, your first love, and he had been taken from you in an instant.
As you sat up in bed, you felt the tears begin to flow, unchecked and relentless. Guilt gnawed at your insides, a constant reminder that you had survived while he had not. "Why him and not me?" You whispered into the void, your voice trembling with anguish. Every year, this day brought a renewed sense of loss and a crushing weight of survivor's guilt.
You reached for the locket around your neck, a gift from Jake on your 18th birthday. Inside was a picture of you and him, smiling and carefree, a stark contrast to the broken person you had become. You clutched it tightly, as if hoping to draw strength from the memory of his love.
The hours dragged on, each second a painful reminder of the life you had lost. You tried to distract yourself, to push the memories away, but they were relentless. Every corner of your room held a piece of your past, a reminder of the plans you had made and the future you would never share.
You made your way to the kitchen, your movements slow and deliberate. You poured yourself a cup of coffee, the mundane task offering little comfort. As you sat at the table, you stared at the empty chair across from you, imagining Jake sitting there, his infectious smile lighting up the room.
The guilt was suffocating. You had tried to move on, to live a life that honored his memory, but it was never enough. Every laugh felt like a betrayal, every moment of happiness tainted by the shadow of his absence. You had survived, but you weren’t really living.
The day stretched on, a blur of tears and memories. You decided to visit his grave, despite it being a harsh reminder of the finality of his loss. You stood in front of the mirror, trying to make yourself presentable despite the tears streaming down your face. You thought about how badly you needed comfort, and how there was no one who could provide that except Jake.
You fumbled with your hair, attempting to smooth it down, but your hands were shaking too much. You tried to dab at your eyes with a tissue, but the tears kept coming, making it impossible to hide the redness and puffiness. Frustration bubbled up inside you as you realized you couldn't make yourself look composed, no matter how hard you tried.
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The cemetery was cloaked in the deep blues and purples of twilight. Each step feels like a struggle, your legs weighed down by the overwhelming grief that has settled in your chest. The wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it the faint scent of earth and flowers, a bittersweet reminder of life and death intertwined.
You stood alone, your shoulders shaking with silent sobs as you clutch a small bouquet of Jake's favorite flowers, your fingers trembling as you approach the familiar headstone. The sight of his name etched into the cold, unyielding marble is a cruel confirmation of the reality you wish you could escape. You fall to your knees, the flowers slipping from your grasp and scattering across the grave.
"Jake," you whisper, your voice barely audible, choked with emotion. "Jake, I miss you so much." The words spill out, raw and unfiltered, as if speaking them aloud could somehow bridge the chasm between you.
Tears stream down your face, unchecked and relentless. You reach out, tracing the letters of his name with a trembling finger, your touch gentle and reverent. "Why did you have to leave me? Why did this happen to us?" Your voice cracks, breaking under the weight of your sorrow.
Memories flood your mind, each one a dagger to your already shattered heart. You remember his laughter, the way his eyes sparkled with mischief and love, the warmth of his embrace. The pain of his absence is unbearable, a gaping wound that refuses to heal.
“I can't do this without you," you cry, your voice rising in desperation. "I need you, Jake. I need you here with me." You cover your face with your hands, sobbing uncontrollably, your body shaking with the force of your grief. The world around you seems to blur, your vision clouded by tears and anguish.
As you sit there, broken and weeping, the reality of Jake's absence sinks deeper.
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From a distance, Sunghoon watched you, his heart aching with every step he took. In his hands, he clutched a bouquet of sunflowers, their bright yellow petals a sharp contrast to the somber surroundings. They reminded him of Jake's infectious energy, his ability to light up even the darkest days.
Sunghoon approached quietly, not wanting to startle you. As he got closer, he saw you wipe away tears with the back of your hand, your breath coming in ragged gasps. He hesitated for a moment, then softly cleared his throat.
You turned around, your eyes red and puffy from crying. "Sunghoon," you whispered, your voice cracking.
“Hey," he said gently, holding out the sunflowers. "I thought these might brighten things up a bit. They reminded me of Jake."
You took the bouquet with trembling hands, a small, grateful smile breaking through your tears. "Thank you," you murmured. "He would have loved these."
Sunghoon nodded and took a seat next to you, the two of you sitting in a heavy silence for a few moments. Finally, he spoke, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and fondness. "You know, Jake was always the one who could make us laugh, even when things were tough."
You nodded, your eyes fixed on the flowers. "Yeah, he had that gift."
"Remember the time he tried to start a YouTube channel with Jay?" Sunghoon continued, a small smile tugging at his lips. "He was so convinced they were going to be famous. 'The Jaykesters,' they called themselves."
You let out a choked laugh. "I remember. Jay couldn't even start the camera. He just stood there looking completely lost."
Sunghoon chuckled, the sound breaking through the tension that hung between them. "And Jake was so mad when we told him they sounded like a bunch of cats fighting. But he couldn't stay mad for long. He ended up laughing with us."
Your smile grew as you wiped away more tears. "He always had a genuine heart”
You stood in silence for a moment, the weight of your shared memories hanging in the air, but somehow, it felt a little lighter.
Sunghoon took a deep breath, looking up at the sky. "You know, Y/N, even though he's not here with us physically, Jake's spirit is still around. Every time we laugh at one of his old jokes or remember his crazy ideas, it's like he's here with us."
You nodded, clutching the sunflower tighter. "It's comforting to think of it that way. He wouldn't want us to be sad forever."
"Exactly," Sunghoon agreed. "He'd want us to keep living, to keep making new memories, and to keep each other strong."
You smiled through your tears. "You're right. And as long as we have each other, we'll keep his memory alive.”
Sunghoon put an arm around your shoulders, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "We'll get through this together, Y/N. One day at a time."
There was another silence, but not because it was awkward—though maybe it was for Sunghoon. He knew tomorrow was also your birthday, as the day of the accident the whole friend group was together before it happened. He wasn’t sure if he should say anything, but every time he felt scared or wanted to back out, he remembered Jake’s words: “Always look after Y/N.” Jake said this when they first started dating and continued to say it throughout their relationship. He knew he couldn’t always be there to protect you, so he wanted his friends, who in a way were also yours, to help him with that.
"Hey, Y/N," he said softly, trying to muster a smile. "I know tomorrow isn't easy, but I wanted to give you something."
You looked at him curiously as he reached into his big jacket. From the inside pocket, he carefully pulled out a small cupcake, its frosting slightly smudged from the journey.
"I know it's not much," Sunghoon said, holding it out to you. "But I thought we could still celebrate your birthday a little early, even if it's just a little bit."
Your eyes filled with tears again, but this time they were mixed with gratitude. You took the cupcake from him, your hands trembling slightly. "Thank you, Sunghoon. This means a lot to me."
He smiled, relieved that you appreciated the gesture. "I know it's not what you might have wanted, but I thought it might bring a bit of light to today."
You nodded, your voice choked with emotion. "It's perfect. Thank you for thinking of me."
They stood together once again in silence for a moment, the cupcake between them a small but significant symbol of their bond. Despite the sadness of the day, Sunghoon's gesture brought a touch of warmth and comfort to your heart.
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You stumble through the front door of your home, your emotions a whirlwind of confusion and pain. Sunghoon's thoughtful gesture at the cemetery had touched you deeply, but it also made everything so much more complicated. It was clear that people cared for you, but the thought of celebrating your birthday without Jake, who would forever remain the same age, was unbearable.
You can't do it. You can't think of growing older while Jake is gone. The weight of it all presses down on you, suffocating you with its intensity. With trembling hands, you frame the cupcake wrapper as a reminder of Sunghoon's kindness, a small beacon of light in your dark world.
As you stare at the framed wrapper, memories of Jake flood your mind. The way he used to smile, the sound of his laughter, the warmth of his embrace. It's all too much. You sink to the floor, clutching the frame to your chest, your sobs echoing through the empty house.
"Why did you have to leave me, Jake?" you cry out, your voice breaking. "I don't know how to do this without you. I don't know how to live without you."
The silence of the house seems to mock you, amplifying your loneliness. You look at the framed wrapper again, your vision blurred by tears. "Sunghoon tried so hard to make today bearable," you whisper. "But it's just not enough. I can't do this, Jake. I can't."
With a sense of finality, you rise to your feet and make your way to the bathroom. Your hands shake as you open the medicine cabinet and take out the bottle of pills. You stare at it for a moment, the weight of your decision settling over you.
"I'm sorry, Sunghoon," you murmur. "But I just can't keep going."
You pour a handful of pills into your palm and swallow them all in one go, the bitter taste lingering in your mouth.
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You sat on your bed, clutching a worn-out photo of Jake, your fingers tracing the edges of his smiling face. Tears streamed down your cheeks, each drop a painful reminder of the love you had lost. "I miss you so much, Jake," you whispered, your voice breaking. "Why did it have to be you?"
The weight of the past three years pressed heavily on your chest, suffocating you with the memory of the accident. The screeching tires, the shattering glass, and Jake's lifeless body haunted you every waking moment. You had survived, but at what cost? The guilt gnawed at your soul, leaving you hollow and broken.
As the clock struck midnight, marking your 21st birthday, you closed your eyes tightly, your heart aching with a desperate longing. "I just want to see you again, Jake. Please, just one more time," you pleaded, your voice barely a whisper.
As the darkness begins to close in, you feel a strange sense of peace. You close your eyes, your last thoughts filled with memories of Jake, hoping that soon, you will be with him again.
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You find yourself surrounded by a blinding white light, so intense that you have to shield your eyes. As the light starts to fade, you notice familiar shapes and colors coming into focus. You realize you're standing in a place filled with memories—your old high school.
Suddenly, you see Jake, standing at the edge of the field, smiling at you just like he used to. The sight of him brings a rush of emotions, and memories flood your mind.
You remember the first time you met Jake in freshman year, the way he awkwardly introduced himself and offered you a seat next to him in class. You recall the countless hours spent studying together, sharing secrets, and laughing at inside jokes. You remember the way his eyes would light up whenever he talked about his dreams and ambitions.
"Hey, Y/N," Jake's voice echoes in your mind. "Do you remember our first day here? You were so nervous, but you still managed to ace every test."
You smile at the memory, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "Yeah, I remember. You were the one who helped me calm down."
The scene shifts, and you're now reliving the time Jake asked you to the prom. He was so nervous, fumbling with his words and blushing furiously. "Y/N, would you... would you go to prom with me?" he had asked, his voice trembling.
You had said yes, of course, and the dance was magical. You remember the way Jake held you close, the soft music playing in the background, and the feeling that everything was perfect.
Just as you're lost in these memories, the white light returns, brighter than before. You blink, and suddenly, you find yourself sitting in your high school classroom, wearing your old uniform. The room is filled with students, and as you look around, you notice Jake sitting across the room, his eyes fixed on you.
He gives you a small, knowing smile, and you feel a sense of deja vu. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.
You nod, trying to make sense of everything. "I... I think so. This feels so real."
Jake leans closer, his expression serious. "Y/N, sometimes the past can help us understand the present. Remember the good times and let them guide you."
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You suddenly feel a jolt, as if being pulled back to reality. The white light around you dissolves, and you hear a loud, incessant beeping.
When you opened your eyes, you were no longer in your room. You found herself back in your high school hallway, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of a time long past. Your heart pounded in your chest as you spotted him—Jake, alive and well. The sight of him brought a flood of emotions, a mix of joy and unbearable sorrow.
“Jake?" You called out, your voice trembling with hope and fear.
He turned to face you, but the look in his eyes was not one of love or recognition. It was a cold, distant stare that pierced your heart. "What do you want, Y/n?" he snapped, his voice dripping with bitterness.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt as if the ground had been ripped out from under you. This wasn't the Jake you remembered. This Jake despised you, and you had no idea why. The pain of his rejection was almost too much to bear, but you couldn't give up.
Determined to change his fate and win back his trust, you vowed to do whatever it took to make things right and ensure he escaped death this time.
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taglist: @belovedsthings @en-chantedtomeetyou @syazzzlisa @k1ttylvr @jaeyunpinkyring @dreamiestay @soobs-things @capri-cuntz @beomgyusimp @heelariously @thinkinboutbin @jyunsgf @lwavander @chaewonshoney @maliakealoha @addictedtohobi @welovechaes @shaniandme @chocminteu @lilyuwon @kgneptun
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coolprettyleo · 2 days
the black dog - will smith ☆
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will smith x reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: breakups. heartbroken. angst. fluff? longing. talks of nudity. lmk if I missed any!
you stared at your phone for what felt like hours. re-reading the headline over and over again.
will smith signs an entry-level contract with the san jose sharks!
you had a lot of emotions running through your veins right now; and breaking down crying was the one that overcame it all.
of course, you knew this had nothing to do with you, but maybe that's why it made you feel like shit. there used to be a time when that very same boy used to tell you his secrets, his accomplishments, and his thoughts.
you were no different than a stranger, and that's what pierced holes in your heart.
you had met will during a communications lecture when he asked to borrow a pencil. you immediately found him charming and cute, so it didn't take long for you to ask him to get coffee. he liked your forwardness, and one thing led to another; the two of you began to talk.
soon after, he began to call you his girlfriend, and you even met his family as he did yours. you were living the college dream and the cheesy part inside you loved it.
everything was perfect, in your eyes. so imagine the surprise you had when your boyfriend told you he wasn't looking for anything too serious. almost six months into dating you.
the two of you had been cuddled up on top of your twin-size bed as you did what any college couple did. talk about your future. what meant to be playful pillow talk, turned into your worst nightmare.
"I can't wait till our sophomore year. we'll finally have our own rooms," you said, thinking about the fact it was hard to get alone time in bed, due to the fact you both had roommates. knowing sophomore year was when the students upgraded to apartments.
you felt him still, and you looked up to see your boyfriend deeply in thought.
"are you okay?" you asked softly as he looked to be contemplating his next words.
"i've been meaning to talk to you"
"what?" you asked cluelessly as you stared at your boyfriend as he pulled away from your touch. he pulled away as if you were burning him.
"I'm just-- I'm not looking to go into a serious relationship right now. I have a lot of things to deal with right now, and I'm not going to be able to be there for you. you don't deserve a half-ass boyfriend." he told you. you searched his face looking for a single ounce of jokingness. nothing.
"I- I don't get it? are you thinking about signing?" you asked him as he ran his fingers through his face and into his hair.
"no. it's just not a good idea to be focusing on anything other than hockey right now. I'm sorry" he told you after a moment of silence. as you stared at your fingers with glossed eyes, praying to god your tears stayed at bay.
"why did you wait," you said after a long silence.
"what?" he asked cluelessly.
"why would you wait. wait till now to tell me this? wait till I completely fell in love with you? wait till six months to tell me this" you said with a spark of anger shining in your eyes.
he looked away before licking his lips and sighing.
"I'm sorry" was all he said before he reached for his phone and walked out.
you shook the memory off as you continued to read the article. apparently, he had known he was signing since men's worlds. he broke up with you a little after that, meaning he decided against telling you. meaning he lied when he told you 'no'.
there was a time when he used to tell you his secrets.
you wondered if he had made to move to san jose already. you'd never admit it to anyone, but you still looked at his location. he had forgotten to turn it off, and it brought you comfort seeing it.
that comfort you were looking for was nowhere to be seen as you saw his contact walk down a street in boston filled with bars. you stared at the screen as his location walked into some bar called the black dog. you knew it was a bar because you yourself have been there.
you yourself had danced with him there after they beat bu. you were there when he had been so hyped up about winning and chose to kiss you for the very first time that night; you were there and you remembered it. you remembered it all too well.
your eyes filled with tears. thinking about all the scenarios that could be happening right now.
maybe he would meet a girl. who were you kidding? of course, he was meeting a girl; any girl would be lining up to have him. he would jump up at the opportunity of a pickup line when the bar played his favorite song. a song you showed him, but at the end of the day, she'd be too young to even know the song. since the two of you always thought of yourselves as being 'old souls'.
it was no secret you had taken the breakup harder. while the holes he pierced through your heart knocked you down, he seemed to be doing the complete opposite.
why didn't he miss you? why didn't he miss you like you missed him?
that thought lived in your head, and you just hoped that it all at least meant something; something to him at least.
you went back to work, seeing as your break was over, contemplating the idea of whether or not to reach out and congratulate him for signing. you knew he had dreamed about being in the NHL since he was a kid. you longed to jump into his arms and soothe away the nerves you knew he had.
"what if I'm not as good as everyone thinks I am," he said, looking out into the city lights. the two of you had just gone out for a sweet treat, and he took you to a spot his grandpa used to take him and his sister to. the view was breathtaking. you remembered.
you scoffed before looking at your boyfriend. he was truly an electric player, and the fact he even closely believed he wasn't good enough was baffling to you.
"you wouldn't have made it this far if you weren't"
"no-- I mean, what if i get to the NHL and I crumble, it's happened to players before"
"but it won't happen to you. your amazing, and you put in the work every day to be extraordinary, and I promise you, you'll get rewarded for that"
he smiled before leaning over to lean against you
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you," you said softly as you raked your fingers through his hair.
you wondered if he missed that. he always liked it when you ran your fingers through his hair.
there were a lot of things he liked.
he used to like showering with you. you even kept some of your hair products at his place. you wondered if he missed you whenever he showered. he probably threw them away but did the empty void of that area remind him of you?
you shook off the thought as you went back to work with a bland look. a look you've been carrying for a few weeks as you had been someone who was moving through the world with a heartbroken.
you ended the day choosing against the text of congratulations, your longing will stay unspoken and it will continue that way. hoping that one day you'll have the guts to move on.
although that didn't seem plausible to you, due to the fact you didn't know if you could ever open up to anyone the way you had for him.
you remembered telling him everything, every memory, every experience, from best to worst.
you remembered the way he consoled you through your parent's divorce, the way he held you and told you he'd never leave you; like your father had done to your mother.
you wanted to laugh at how well he had played the role of a 'brave man,' so well, until you believed him. It was cruel. so cruel that you wondered if it was all just a scheme. was it hazing so he could get into some fraternity he had secretly pledged to? you laughed knowing damn well, will would rather die than join a frat.
you just didn't understand. you didn't think you ever would.
did he hate you? is that why he did what he did?
even though it had been six weeks since he walked out of your life. six weeks since you started breathing 'clean air' faraway from him, you still missed the smoke more than ever.
you missed the way he held you, the way he kissed you, and stupidly, his hockey jokes that you would never understand. thinking back on it, he might have been making fun of you.
you arrived home after a long day, and looked around your room to see it look normal to the average eye. but to the heartbroken girl within you, all you saw was the ghost of him.
the hole in your wall from the nail of a picture frame of the two of you at the beach. the lego flowers the two of you had built together, the nightstand he helped you assemble, hell, even the shirt you were wearing was one he gifted you.
you wanted to sell everything you owned and set fire to all your clothes.
everything reminded you of him. every corner was haunted by his ghost. you even thought about hiring a priest to come and exorcise the house, but that would be stupid. or would it?
you would die screaming if it meant forgetting him.
a part of you wanted him to hear it, to hear what he did to you, and to know the pain he caused you. maybe then he'll feel bad. maybe then he'd miss you.
you looked back at his location to see him still there.
still there living his life, and you just hoped it was shitty in that damn bar. you hoped he was having a miserable time and stood on the sidelines as he missed you, ultimately deciding to leave with his tail between his legs, humiliated. was that too much for a girl to ask for?
you lied in your bed as you stared at the empty spot where he used to lay.
you fell asleep with one thought.
you still couldn't believe it.
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yuesya · 21 hours
Gojo-sensei is bleeding.
It’s a jarring sight, one that sends Yuta’s thoughts screeching to a stop for a single awful, broken moment. Because Gojo-sensei doesn’t bleed. To bleed means that there’s someone who managed to get past the barrier of his Infinity, and that means–
Oh, wait.
Yuta blinks rapidly a few times.
Gojo-sensei… isn’t bleeding. That’s not his blood.
Yuta lets out a small sigh of relief, releasing a breath that he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. There’s a lot of blood covering the man, especially surrounding the hole in the clothes on his back –but the skin underneath is smooth and unmarred by any injury.
Gojo-sensei turns around with a breezy laugh and friendly wave, “Hey, Yuta! Fill me in on the current situation?”
A little ways behind him, a cursed spirit is suddenly ground down into paste by an invisible force, leaving nothing but a splatter on the sidewalk. Gojo-sensei’s smile doesn’t waver.
“We heard you were sealed, sensei.” Clearly that was misinformation, though, given that Gojo-sensei was standing here perfectly fine. Although, given the blood that covered him… it had likely been a difficult fight that he’d been involved in, down in the subway station alone. “The sorcerers on standby around Shibuya were all sent in. We were heading towards the station–”
“Aww, to rescue little ol’ me?” Gojo-sensei laughs again. Yuta flushes slightly in embarrassment, even though his teacher’s tone is one of giddy delight rather than anything mean-spirited. “I feel so loved.”
Not that he’d needed the help, evidently.
“What happened, sensei?”
“Some upstart Special Grade cursed spirits decided to ambush me while using civilians as meat shields.” The casual sentence is enough to make Yuta turn green from imagining the gory scene that’s painted from it. “Also, a brain-thing was puppeting Muneyoshi’s body. I killed them all.”
Yuta blinks. “… Who’s Muneyoshi?”
“Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn’t know about him,” Gojo-sensei hums, “Our father.”
“Oops. Not you, Yuta! Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” How could he possibly not worry? Discreetly, Yuta gives his teacher a careful, long look. Gojo-sensei’s default state is cheerful and smiling, but in this moment there’s something about the man’s demeanor that almost seems to be a little… manic. “Now, it seems like we have some other rats scurrying around in Shibuya right now, and I’ll need to–”
Gojo-sensei pauses mid-sentence, head whipping around to his left. A heartbeat later, Yuta is hit by a vague sense of dread, something that pricks at his skin. The cursed signature energy that just flared up out of nowhere, it’s–!
A swooping sensation falls in his stomach. “Ryomen Sukuna?!”
… This has got to be the worst Halloween, ever!
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misshoneyimhome · 2 days
Inexperienced reader seeing him riled up from the game after being out due to injury during the playoffs, and she gets so hot and bothered she would not be able to keep her pussy out of William. After the two of you wake up in the morning, you mount him for your 4th round in the past 24 hours. Your cervix hurt, his cock was sensitive, and you couldn’t take any more stimulation, but whenever you looked at him and saw his beard, rings, and muscles, you couldn’t help but think about your pussy. You're riding relentlessly as William admires your ass as he leans up against the headboard with his hands squeezing your hips as he watches you. Your pace quickens as you approach your climax. You let out a loud moan as he grasps your hips tighter and fucks you with more force. You ride him until you finally reach your climax, and he follows suit and pulls out, releasing his load all over your ass. I apologize I had to share my Sunday slutty thoughts, especially after last night.
Alright, darlings, we're back again 🤍
Truth be told, I found this chapter a bit challenging to write 🌺 Part of me didn't want to use William's difficult times as a source of entertainment, so I want to stress that this chapter is written with nothing but pure love for him ❤️ My heart truly goes out to him, and honestly, I'm just glad he pulled through 💕
Furthermore, clearly I don't know the full details of the situation, so what I've included in this chapter is based on rough information found through social media - Please, don't read too much into it ❤️
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy it 😊
Warnings; where to begin - 18+ smut; fingering - vaginal and anal; *rimjob* (f receiving), anal toy (butt plug); unprotected vaginal penetration (in combination butt plug), protected anal sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), more vaginal fingering; unprotected sex (p in v), cum shot; please, let me know if I missed something;
Word count; 8K+
Combo of other requests: [taste so good] [riled up]
「Inexperienced!reader x Willy」
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny @Fortheloveofnylander @justwanderingbutneverlost @cixrosie
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt XVII I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️💦🌶️ 🌶️ 🔥
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You never imagined your heart could ache this much for a man. After your latest break-up with your ex, you were certain you had built a strong enough wall to prevent anyone else from controlling your deepest emotions. But then along came William Nylander.
William was the most exciting, intense, thrilling, and concerning relationship you had ever been in. The turmoil of your time together was much like to a roller-coaster, with breath-taking highs and gut-wrenching lows. Yet, most days were filled with pure joy. The love between you, the connection you shared, was so profound that you were convinced you could overcome anything together. However, this situation, you had no idea how to navigate.
You had done your utmost to support your boyfriend through everything. Through thick and thin, wins and losses, you always stood by his side. You had learned the hard way what it entailed being an NHL girlfriend, both the good and the bad. And just as much as you relished the highs of the celebrations, you had grown equally fierce and strong to keep yourself steady during the tough times.
However now, you were seeing William at his lowest. The worst you had ever seen him, and you had no idea how to bring him back, how to be the support he needed, the light to lift him. He had always been your rock, the one to pull you out of your darkest moments, but now the roles were reversed, and you felt helpless.
You tried everything: comforting words, silent companionship, even giving him space, but nothing seemed to work. The weight of his struggles pressed heavily on you both, and the feeling of inadequacy was overwhelming. You just wished you could do more, to be more for him.
And it was in this moment of despair that you realised you couldn’t do it alone. William's father had always been his anchor, the solid ground and mentor he could rely on. And knowing William had already had numerous calls with him about his emotional state, you understood you had to call in stronger forces: his family. So, you reached out to his mother, with whom you already had a good relationship, explaining the situation and hoping that their presence and unwavering support would be the key to bringing William back to his true self.
The love you had for him was boundless, and you would go to any lengths to see him smile again, to watch the light return to his eyes. 
The Toronto Maple Leafs were heading into the first round of the playoffs, and everyone was beyond excited. Despite the several losses the team had faced in the final games of the regular season, the players did their best to keep their spirits high and focus on bringing their A-game to the first match.
And naturally, they had to face the Boston Bruins—a sworn enemy and one of the toughest teams for the Leafs to beat. Yet, as with most sportsmen and women, the challenge often served as extra fuel, igniting a strong determination to beat the unbeatable.
It wouldn’t be easy; everyone knew that. Despite all players putting in extra effort to train and prepare, anxiety still lingered, the fear of the outcome hanging over them as they geared up to bring their best, knowing otherwise it would be final.
And you did everything you could to be the greatest support for William. You knew how hard he’d worked for this, to play his best in the playoffs and possibly take the team further this season, especially after his contract extension.
You had just had one of the most intense nights together—remarkable, considering how most of your intimate nights were rather intense—sharing the deep connection that had bonded you from the very beginning of your relationship. However, what followed was something you had never seen coming.
The following morning, the atmosphere was different. William was unusually quiet, his face a mask of concentration and underlying tension. You tried to engage him in light conversation, but his responses were short and distracted, and you could see the weight of the upcoming game bearing down on him, the pressure mounting.
In an attempt to ease his stress, you decided to surprise him with his favourite breakfast. And as you moved around the kitchen, you kept stealing glances at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of the carefree William you knew. But instead, his eyes were distant, lost in thoughts of strategies and plays.
And when you finally sat down together, you reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Hey, you’ve got this," you whispered as you flashed him a soft smile, your voice filled with all the love and encouragement you could muster. He looked at you then, really looked at you, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of the man you loved so deeply. But just as quickly, it faded. “Hey, what’s wrong, babe?”
It was the first time you’d ever been this worried about him. The empty look in his eyes, his pale skin, and the fact that he hadn’t taken a single bite of his food had you beyond concerned. You could almost feel your own stomach turn the more you looked at your distraught boyfriend.
And the worst part? He didn’t even say a word. Instead, he just poked his pancake with his fork, letting out a deep sigh.
You reached over, gently placing your hand on his again. "Willy, talk to me," you urged softly, hoping to break through the wall he seemed to have built around himself. "Whatever it is, I’m sure we can handle it together."
But William just let out another deep sigh, rubbing his forehead with his free hand, and you could truly see his distress, something you’d never experienced before with this usually cheerful and strong man. This morning, he just seemed like he’d been run over by a bulldozer.
And knowing William well enough not to pressure him into talking more than he felt like, you let the moment be silent, offering him time and space to breathe, trusting he would eventually talk when he was ready. But he still didn’t say anything. Minutes went by, and only silence hung in the air.
It was almost unbearable. Seeing the love of your life in pain like this, not telling you what was going on within him, what he thought, made your heart ache. You felt your palms getting sweatier and your eyes welling up a little as you awaited his words. But still, nothing.
You only felt a small relief when you watched him take two bites of the pancake, but then he quickly put down the fork and rested his face in his palms. Letting out a deep breath, he hid his face, and that prompted a tear to escape from your eye.
“Willy… what’s wrong?” you whispered.
“I don’t know,” he mumbled into his hands.
“I said I don’t fucking know!” he suddenly shouted, looking up from his hands and sitting straight in his chair.
You were baffled. William had never yelled at you like this before, and you didn’t know why he did. You were aware of the pressure he was under due to the impending games, but you also knew he was more than capable of managing the situation. After all, it wasn’t the first time the Leafs had been in the playoffs - in fact, just last season, they even progressed to the second round. So, why William was suddenly furious and behaving in this way caught you completely off guard. And you were unsure of how to respond.
So, you found yourself holding your breath, then exhaling deeply as you maintained your gaze on the man in front of you. You had to swallow hard, attempting to meet his eyes, yet he continued to avoid yours and glanced around. You could sense his frustration. He couldn't remain still, his head moving from side to side, up and down, his hands combing through his hair, and then back to staring out of the window as he nervously bit his lip.
Once again, there was utter silence. Only the faint buzzing noises from the outside world hummed in the background as you allowed another tear to trickle down your cheek. This was unlike anything you had experienced before. This wasn’t one of those situations where one of you was jealous because of an ex or an attractive person flirting. No, this was something different. This was William in anguish and distress, and clearly struggling to cope with it.
And a part of you simply wanted to walk over to the other side of the table, embrace him, kiss him passionately, and let him vent his frustrations on you. If releasing his anger through a good fuck was what he needed, he could direct it towards you. Regardless of any bruises or other consequences he might inflict, all you wanted was to comfort him.
But you sensed that that was not what he required at this moment. So, you allowed him his space. Remaining still in your seat, you simply observed him with a defeated expression, waiting for him to speak. However, the only interruption to the silence was the ringing of his phone.
Releasing another heavy sigh, William answered the call. “Hey… yeah… sorry… Hmm, yeah, I’m… I’m on my way.”
You could hardly find your voice. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched him walk away without a word, and once again, you had to brush away a tear. You knew it likely had nothing to do with you. You hadn’t done anything wrong, so you convinced yourself he was probably just frustrated. Yet, as you remained seated and wiped away a few more tears, you felt a pain inside you. Like a dagger to the chest.
Minutes went by after the door shut close before you rose and cleared the table, your movements mechanical. You needed to keep yourself occupied, to divert your mind from the tumult of emotions, and as you washed the dishes, you replayed the morning in your head, scouring for any signs you might have overlooked, any hints to what was truly transpiring in William's mind.
And when the kitchen was all cleaned up, you leaned against the counter, gazing out of the window. You understood the importance of resilience, not just for William but for yourself as well. This wasn't the first obstacle you had encountered together, and undoubtedly wouldn't be the last. You had to trust that your love was strong enough to withstand whatever this was, that you would emerge even stronger on the other side.
Choosing to give him some space, you only sent William a brief text. "Take your time, I'm here when you're ready. I love you." You hoped the message would provide him with any kind solace, even just the tiniest bit of reassurance that he wasn't facing this alone, even if it felt that way to him.
The remainder of the day then dragged on, each moment stretching like an eternity, as you attempted to occupy yourself, yet everything served as a reminder of him. The vacant chair at the dining table, the echo of his laughter reverberating in your mind, the lingering fragrance of his cologne. It all became overwhelming.
And just as hope began to wane, your phone buzzed with a message from William. "I'm sorry about this morning. I love you too. Be home soon."
Relief flooded through you, the tension in your body easing slightly. It wasn't a resolution, but it was a step forward. 
However, the days following the morning turned out to be more challenging. And what made it worse was the uncertainty of what to do. Even William himself was at a loss, as he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was wrong.
All he could articulate was a sense of unwellness. Initially, he mentioned discomfort in his shoulder, feeling unable to engage his physique as usual. But then, there were mentions of stomach issues, or perhaps it was his lower back?
One thing was for sure: you were clueless about what was happening, and you lacked any guidance on how to navigate such a situation. Neither the team's medical staff nor the physiotherapists could provide William with any relief. He was simply in agony, and the cause remained a mystery.
In fact, he was in so much pain that he missed out on the first two games in Boston. Despite attempting to train, hoping to find a workaround on the ice with slow, controlled movements, he still couldn’t function properly. His usual precision in aiming and shooting was compromised, and his body continued to ache.
The frustration was tangible, evident in every crease of his brow - he, a seasoned warrior, found himself side-lined by an invisible adversary. And the uncertainty surrounding his condition only made his distress worse as his customary confidence was replaced by a haunted expression that tugged at your heartstrings.
So, when he phoned after the Leaf’s victory in Boston while his teammates celebrated, expressing his reluctance to join, you took action based on what you believed was best and reached out to the person who knew him best: his mother. And it didn't take long for his family to arrive in Toronto, just before the team returned for game three.
And fortunately, it seemed that their presence brought a measure of solace. Camilla, his mother, with her nurturing nature, immediately took charge of caring for William. And as she prepared his favourite meals, ensured he took his migraine medication, she provided the emotional support that only a mother could offer. Meanwhile, his father and siblings lent their undivided support, engaging him in light-hearted conversations and reminiscing on shared memories.
"Thank you, y/n," Camilla spoke softly as the two of you stood in the kitchen, her words barely audible amidst the distraction of the TV captivating the others. "For reaching out – we all know this isn’t easy for you."
You nodded, offering her a gentle smile as you found solace in witnessing your boyfriend's gradual improvement. "Well, thanks for arriving so quickly," you sighed softly. "I'm not used to this... I mean, I just want to support him so desperately... but I feel fucking helpless," you admitted, feeling the tears welling up again as the depth of your emotions for William overwhelmed you.
"Simply being here means the world, dear," Camilla reassured you. "Trust me – sometimes, there's nothing more you can do, no matter how much you wish otherwise," she added, briefly glancing at Michael sitting on the couch, the man she had supported through the peaks and valleys of his hockey career.
"I know," you almost whispered, your gaze fixed on William. "It's just..."
"You love him," Camilla finished your sentence, offering you a compassionate smile as you turned back to face her.
"Yes, I really do," you affirmed, returning her smile.
"Good – because he loves you too, and you being here for him through it all, that's what he needs most right now."
The sentimentality of the moment was palpable, and thankfully, despite his lack of good sleep lately, you even managed to earn a few smiles from William's lips. You simply made sure to demonstrate that you were still by his side, and he even reciprocated by kissing you goodnight before the day of the third playoffs game, which was to be held on home turf in Toronto.
All of you went about the day slowly and just taking a moment at the time. William was finally eating properly again, and you sensed that his pain was gradually fading, smiles softly curving on his perfect pink lips as he looked at you with nothing but joy. 
And before the match, you and William took the dogs out for a stroll to soak in some fresh air, just like you’d usually do before you’d send him off to a game. Meanwhile, his family ensured everything was set for some quality time together, as they were all aware that watching the game from home wouldn’t be easy on William, understanding his longing to be back on the ice. Nonetheless, supporting the team was paramount at that moment.
And as you wandered through the park, William's hand sought yours, giving it a tender squeeze. "Thank you," he murmured softly, his eyes reflecting the gratitude and affection he held. "For everything."
"You don’t need to thank me, Willy," you simply responded, leaning closer to him. "I’m here because I love you. Besides, I've already told you, we’re in this together."
William nodded, his expression softening as he gazed. "I know we are. It's just tough not being out there, you know? Watching the team and not being able to help... it's hard."
"I can only imagine what you’re feeling," you confessed. "I know I don’t fully understand what you’re going through right now, but you'll make it back onto that ice – I'm certain of it – and when you do, you'll be stronger than ever."
A genuine smile graced his lips, warming your heart as the two of you walked alone with the doodles by your feet. "I hope so."
And upon returning home, the condo was infused with the comforting scent of dinner, as his family had prepared dinner, and the atmosphere exuded warmth and unity. And as everyone gathered around the table, conversation flowed effortlessly, and for a moment, it felt like normalcy had returned.
Then, after the meal, as game time drew near, you settled into the living room along with William's family. Sitting next to William, you could sense the tension in his demeanour, his eyes fixed on the screen, every muscle in his body tensed with anticipation.
And as the game played on, the room buzzed with a blend of excitement and apprehension. Every shot, every save, every moment on the ice was observed with held breaths, and William's family alternated between cheering and groaning with each play, striving to maintain high spirits.
"Come on, come on – you've got this," William muttered under his breath as the game drew to a close. However, as the final horn sounded, the score stood at a disheartening 4-2 victory for the Bruins, eliciting deep sighs from everyone.
The disappointment etched on William's face was evident. It wasn't solely the disappointment of his team's defeat, but also the frustration of being unable to contribute. And you knew that no words could assuage his feelings at that moment. All you could do was exactly as Camilla had advised: stand by him and reassure him that regardless of the circumstances, you weren’t going anywhere.
So, as the night drew to a close, you bid farewell to his family, allowing them to retire to their hotel room while you and William sought solace in the comfort of your bed. And amidst it all, you found a glimmer of comfort when William enveloped you in a tight embrace.
"Thank you for being mine," he whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."
"And you’ll never have to find out, Willy," you responded, your heart swelling with love and pride. "I'll always be here. No matter what."
Fortunately, your plan appeared to have worked just as you had hoped. And the following day, William was up and about, eager to give his all and return to the ice as soon as possible.
Perhaps it was the solace of his family's presence, perhaps it was your steadfast support, or perhaps it was simply William being William, pushing himself as he always had. Regardless of the reasons, you remained by his side, and the moment you witnessed his determination to return to the playoffs, you knew he was fuelled by nothing but resolve.
His usual confidence had returned, his gameplay was stronger than ever – just as you had predicted – and as he laced up his skates, William couldn’t shake the thought that he needed to express his gratitude to you once the season concluded. However, that moment was not yet at hand. Right now, he needed to concentrate on the game.
Yet, focusing was easier said than done. Despite William's triumphant return to the game, effortlessly gliding over the ice, the match evolved into a fiercely intense and frustrating contest. Van Riemdyk's goal served as the first setback for the Leafs, yet it paled in comparison to the gut-wrenching blow of the second Bruins goal, scored by Marchand. And to top it off, William's old friend and now rival, David Pastrnak, extended the Bruins' lead to 3-0.
William wasn’t just frustrated; he was furious. Furious that despite giving his all, his heart pounding with every shot on goal, and his adrenaline surging with every miss, he found himself on the losing end. His anger simmered, and he lacked the energy to even attempt to conceal it.
And the dynamic on the bench shifted dramatically when Mitch then voiced his complaint about a missed penalty for the opposing team, asserting that he had been unfairly treated by the referee. William, feeling the weight of the game and the mounting frustration, reached his breaking point. Without hesitation, he delivered a swift remark to his teammate, reminding him of the high stakes they were facing.
"Stop fucking crying, bro!" William's outburst echoed across the bench. "This isn’t junior!"
You had never witnessed William in such a state. While he had been fired up on occasion during your time together, frustrated by the game, this was an entirely different level. Sitting just a few seats away, watching his heated expression on the big screen as the game progressed, you found it difficult to tear your eyes away. He wore his emotions on his sleeve, the tension and intensity of the playoffs were clear.
And, if you were being honest, it ignited something unlike anything else. Whether it was due to ovulation or not, witnessing this side of your boyfriend stirred something primal within you. You found yourself clenching your thighs together in your seat, biting your lower lip as your mind wandered to the untamed fantasies of what he could do to you in such state. 
"Hey, are you alright?" Sanna's voice broke through your reverie, concern evident in her tone as she noticed your distracted state.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," you breathed out, offering a smile. "Just nerves from the game…"
Sanna nodded in agreement, sharing the same level of anticipation as the game went on. "Yeah, better get used to it. Nothing compares to the playoffs, believe me," she attempted to lighten the mood with a touch of humour in her voice.
However, unbeknownst to her, your thoughts were elsewhere. You had already witnessed your boyfriend at his lowest, offering him unwavering support and reassurance of your love, promising to face any challenge together. So, that wasn’t it.
No, what truly had your mind spinning, was the arousal stirred within you as you watched him take to the ice once more, utilising his size and strength to navigate through the opposing players. His prowess, especially evident during his penalty in the third period, left you in a state of heightened desire, causing your thoughts to wander into forbidden territory. And you caught yourself pressing your lips together to suppress any sounds that might betray the illicit fantasies running rampant in your mind.
However, as the final whistle blew, you were jolted back to reality, shaking your head to clear the haze of desire. It was then that you noticed Mitch had managed to score a goal while your mind had been preoccupied. Yet, it proved insufficient.
Tonight, had undoubtedly been one of the most challenging experiences you had experienced with the team. And you feared that more such nights lay ahead. The only comfort came during William's post-game interview, where he explained that the heated exchanges on the bench were just part of the game, and the team understood that no one took it personally. 
And as William's reassuring words to the press echoed, dispelling any doubts about his relationship with Mitch Marner, your mind continued to replay his earlier display of raw emotion. The way he had unleashed his frustrations had left you throbbing with lust, yearning for his touch. And given the recent lack of intimacy between you due to William's struggles, you were eager to feel your boyfriend's closeness sooner rather than later. 
Despite your longing, you made sure not to pressure William. You understood the challenges he had been facing, not only with physical pain but also with his reluctance to seek assistance, so you respected his need for time and space.
What you didn’t consider, however, was that William was yearning for you just as much. He knew his focus on himself was important, recognising his priority was his health. Yet, he also craved for release, and more significantly, he hungered for the euphoria that only the two of you could reach together.
So, as you stepped inside your condo, the air crackled with tension. William quickly closed the door behind you, as he drew you into a passionate, fervent kiss, and his hands explored your body eagerly, grasping your waist and pulling you closer.
"Willy," you gasped into the kiss. "You don't have to... it can wait."
"No, I need you," he murmured against your lips, his voice thick with longing. "Baby, I need you so much."
You sensed the lingering tension from the game still simmering. Despite the soft words he had spoken during the interview, there was an undeniable intensity of frustration brewing within him, seeking release.
So, you nodded, your breath hitching as his hands slipped under your shirt. "I need you too, Willy," you whispered in response. “You’re so fucking hot when your mad during a game.” 
And without another moment's hesitation, William lifted you effortlessly, carrying you to the bedroom, his lips never parting from yours. As he gently laid you down on the bed, his eyes smouldered with desire, his touch a delicate yet commanding caress.
In a flurry of movement, your clothes joined his on the floor, and as he hovered above you, his breath hot against your skin, the anticipation surged to almost unbearable heights.
"I've missed this," he confessed, his lips trailing down your neck, igniting a fire within you that had long been dormant.
"Me too," you breathed, your fingers threading through his hair as he continued his exploration.
He savoured every moment, rediscovering your body with an intensity that reignited the flames of thirst between you. The warmth of your skin against his, his growing hardness against your thigh with each kiss and touch. And you had just the idea of what would satisfy his needs. 
William had broached the subject some time ago, before facing his recent injury. However, you hadn't felt ready at the time, and William never pressured you when it came to such matters. You had only done it once before, and he understood that you needed to prepare yourself before considering it again, mentally, and physically. Yet tonight, it felt like the perfect moment to allow him to touch you in that way once more.
Truth be told, the need had been brewing within you too, longing for the kind of intimacy you could only share with him, to reach such heights. So, as you both were entwined in each other's heat, sharing passionate kisses, you leaned back slightly to meet his gaze.
"Willy," you whispered softly. "I want... I want you to... make love to me... the other way..."
"You mean?" William's voice was barely above a whisper, his heart racing with anticipation.
You nodded gently. "Yes... like that..."
William hesitated for a brief moment, wanting to ensure that you were absolutely certain about your request and that it wasn't just about fulfilling his desires. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, yet hints of excitement. 
Once again, you nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm sure."
With William, you always felt safe, and you appreciated how he always double-checked to ensure your comfort. Yet, in this particular moment, you were more than certain about your suggestion.
So, William then withdrew slightly, the air between you thick with unspoken desire. Slowly, he moved away from you, reaching over to the nightstand where you expected him to retrieve the handcuffs, as he had done countless times before. However, to your surprise, he retrieved a small box, a soft grin spreading across his handsome features.
"I ordered this a little while ago... but I didn’t want to use it, because... you know," William confessed, his voice trailing off as he knelt in front of you, his gaze fixed on you as he placed a small box before you.
His eyes bore into yours as you picked up the box, opening it to reveal the dark blue butt plug, adorned with his golden initials that shimmered under the dim light. A surge of anticipation rippled through your chest, causing your breath to catch slightly. Seeing his initials on such an intimate item filled you with a mix of arousal and profound emotional connection. It was another layer of your shared intimacy, a testament to how well he understood your desires and how eager he was to explore them with you.
"Do you like it?" William asked, his voice low and filled with desire.
And you could only nod, locking eyes with him as you softly spoke. "Yes, I love it."
A soft smile graced his lips, transforming into something more possessive and heated. "Good. Because tonight, I want to remind you just how much you mean to me. I love you so much, baby."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, your body already responding to the promise they held. And moving closer, William's hands then caressed your skin with a tenderness that left you yearning for more. He set the toy aside for a moment, his lips finding yours in a slow, passionate kiss that left you breathless, making sure you felt completely at ease. 
"You’re mine," he murmured against your lips, his hands tracing every curve of your body, igniting a fire within you. "And I’m going to make sure you feel it."
Your heart pounded in your chest as he guided you on the mattress, gently positioning you on your knees and elbows with deliberate movements filled with intent. The coolness of the sheets contrasted with the heat building inside you, and as William's hands then trailed down your back, his fingers slowly grazed over sensitive spots that elicited gasps from your lips.
Your knees sank beneath you and your hips arched into the air, as you felt a wave of anticipation wash over you. Peering back, you watched as William sat up still on his knees, his hand running over the curves of your ass. "Such a nice fucking ass," he praised, his voice thick with desire. "Do you like it when I play with it, äskling?"
You responded with a nod, pushing back against his hand as a silent signal of consent. His palm smoothed over the curve of your cheeks, sending tingles of excitement coursing through your body, and when his finger then very gently pressed against your tightest entrance, your breath caught in your throat. It was a kind of pleasure unlike anything else. And only with William did you feel yourself ease into the moment. 
Taking in a deep breath, you concentrated on relaxing your body. And only when William sensed your comfort, you felt the sensation of his hot saliva dripping down your opening before his finger slowly and carefully pushed inside, making your body tremble with pleasure.
"Relax, baby," William encouraged softly. "You've done this so well before... I'm sure you can do it again..."
And as he gently buried his finger inside you, passing through your tight ring muscle, a rush of pleasure washed over you, causing your toes to curl and your fingers to grip the sheets. Paying attention to your soft moans, William then began to work his finger in and out of you slowly, each movement sending waves of ecstasy through your body. And squeezing your eyes shut, you surrendered to the pleasure.
**Then, to your surprise, William gently pulled out his finger, and you suddenly felt the new sensation of his hot tongue against your hole, eliciting a whispered expletive from your lips as you bucked forward in pleasure.
“Oh… oh yes…” you moaned under your breath. 
His hands roughly gripped your cheeks, spreading them apart to give him more access. "Do you like that?" he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine as he continued to lick and kiss you. "I knew you would." 
The work of his mouth caused you to let out a loud moan as your body rocked with pleasure, the sensations coursing through you overwhelming in the best way possible. William then looked up at you with a satisfied smirk, his eyes gleaming with desire as he moved his hand to your face, his thumbs caressing your cheek as he whispered, "You taste so good."
Unintentionally, you pressed your body against him, feeling his throbbing cock behind you, dripping with pre-cum as your eyes locked, and you both knew it wouldn't end there.**
Then pulling back slightly, William then reached for the plug once more, coating it with lube before positioning it at your entrance. "Relax for me, älskling," he whispered, his voice both soothing and commanding.
And again, taking a deep breath, you allowed your body to yield to his command. Slowly and carefully, he began to insert the plug, creating a sensation both unfamiliar and intensely arousing, and the stretch and fullness drew a soft moan from your lips as your body adjusted to the feeling.
"Good girl," William praised, his hands gently massaging your hips as he pushed the plug in completely. "You're taking it so well."
The feeling of being filled, combined with his words and touch, had you trembling with need. You felt your cunt tingling in anticipation, yet you knew tonight you were taking it slow. 
William then leaned back on his heels, admiring the sight of you with the butt plug in place, his initials marking his claim on you. And leaning over, his lips brushed against your ear. "How does it feel?"
"A-amazing," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want more."
William’s chuckle was low and seductive. "Don’t worry, älskling. I’m not done with you yet."
He then positioned himself behind you, his hands spreading your cheeks apart for a better view. The sensation of fingers running up your wet folds, briefly stretching your vaginal entrance, sent shivers down your spine. And soon following you felt his hard cock pressing against your entrance, the anticipation almost too much to bear.
Then with a slow, steady thrust, William entered you, the fullness from the plug in your ass enhancing the sensation of his cock inside you, causing you to moan loudly, your body arching back to meet his thrusts.
"Fuck, you feel so good," William groaned, his pace slowly increasing as he lost himself in the pleasure. "So tight and perfect for me."
The combination of the butt plug and his cock was overwhelming, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body. And as your chest was pressed into the pillow below you, your fingers seeking comfort in the sheets and William’s motions quickened, you felt the pressure building inside you. The knot in tummy forming, and your orgasm was approaching rapidly.
“Oh my… fuck… Willy…” 
Words were long lost on your tongue. Only the rush of a high taking over as your boyfriend pounded into you from behind, his hands holding you in place as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. His cock offered the perfect stimulation of your walls inside you, while the butt plug offered an extra intense sensation. 
And as William’s hands gripped your hips tightly, his movements becoming more erratic, he could feel you nearing your release. "Come for me, älskling," he commanded, his voice strained with desire as he slammed his hips against your buttocks. “Show me what a fucking good girl you are.” 
And your body almost instantly obeyed, the tension snapping as your orgasm crashed over you, causing your head to sink into the pillow below you, your fingers clenching the sheet as you cried out his name. Your body convulsed with the intensity of your release, feeling completely filled and utterly consumed by pleasure as your mind went into a blissful haze.  
William couldn’t contain his smirk as he felt you clench around him, the sensation of the butt plug touching him inside you driving him wild as well. Yet, he wasn’t ready to finish yet. He knew you wanted more, and so did he.
So, as he sensed you were slowly calming from the intense rush of an orgasm, he then tenderly withdrawing from you, letting your fluids trickle down your inner thighs as you whimpered in pleasure. He returned to the bedside table and retrieved a condom, before wrapping himself up, and then applied an extra layer of lubricant, ensuring your comfort and safety.
Yet just for a moment, while you were still refilling your lungs with air, William paused to admire your body before him. You were stunningly beautiful, and he had to remind himself that you belonged to him. Then, with careful precision, he grasped the anal plug, his initials shimmering as he delicately removed it.
"Oh, fuck baby," he murmured, observing your tight opening ready for him. And your gentle moans only spurred him on, his erection throbbing as he set the toy aside. "Remember, use the safe words if I hurt you in any way, alright?"
You nodded, breathing heavily, as you prepared yourself for what lay ahead. And then you felt it, the tip of his cock pressing against your anus, slowly and very gently penetrating.
"Yes, please..." you whispered softly, clutching the mattress as William tenderly entered you. The blend of pain and pleasure as he stretched and stimulated you was exquisite, and you couldn’t hold back your moans, signalling the pleasure he was causing you. 
And William had to release a deep growl of his own, feeling the tightness around him igniting intense arousal within him. But he knew he must maintain control. Though a part of him was still fuelled by the earlier frustrations, urging him to increase the pace, intensity, and depth, he was also determined to make sure your pleasure matched his own. So, with a desire to avoid causing you any discomfort, he moved his hips slowly, allowing his length to glide gently in and out of you.
But it was a lot for both of you to handle. Though the motions were steady and controlled, his thrusts gradually increased in speed, hitting you deeper and overstimulating your inside with every motion. And as you soon sensed another orgasm approaching, you knew you couldn’t hold back for long.
"Willy... oh fuck god... keep... keep going..." you moaned breathlessly, closing your eyes as the overwhelming pleasure almost consumed you. It wasn’t painful in the slightest – just pure, intense pleasure, as William felt nothing but incredible inside your ass, and you could feel how stretched you were.
"Fuck it, baby..." William grunted deeply, unintentionally increasing his speed even more as he pounded vigorously into you. "I can’t... hold back. You’re so tight," he almost spat out, feeling his climax building with each thrust.
His fingers dug into your hips as his pace quickened, and you couldn’t even alert him to your impending orgasm. A rush of pleasure surged through you as your mind blurred once more, your toes curling, and your fingers gripping the sheets even tighter than before. The wave of passion was more intense than anything you’d ever felt before, and as the world around you faded away, you cried out loudly. "Willy... I’m... oh god..."
You reached a peak of ecstasy like never before. Everything from the work of his mouth, the stimulation of the butt plug while he penetrated your cunt, and now, his vigorous thrusts pushed you once again into a euphoric state of mind as he made love to you anally.
However, as much as William enjoyed turning you into a mess below him, he longed to see your radiant face as he reached his climax. So, with as much care as possible in given situation, he pulled himself out, then swiftly turned you onto your back. Leaning over, he kissed you deeply, before guiding his cock towards your anus and penetrating you once more.
Your hands instinctively grasped the back of his shoulders, your nails leaving marks on his skin as pleasure surged through you once again.
"You’re so incredibly beautiful, baby," he murmured into the curve of your neck. "I fucking love feeling you around me... shit... love you so much... baby, I’m going to..."
And before he could finish his sentence, William released a deep growl and spilled himself into the condom.
It was a mind-blowing experience for both of you. The anticipation from the time you had spent apart, the intensity of the game, and the profound connection of your bodies in such an intimate manner. You both needed several minutes to return to reality, and while William stayed put inside you for a little longer, attempting to regulate his breathing, you both simply enjoyed the moment before withdrawing slowly and deliberately then collapsing beside you.
The air hung thick and heavy; the room permeated with the scent of sex. You felt your body tingling from the intense stimulation, your mind still spun in a whirlwind of ecstasy. And it was all worth it.
William had always prioritised ensuring you felt nothing but pleasure under his touch, and tonight was no exception. Even as he gallantly escorted you to the bathroom for clean-up, delicately rinsing your tender skin from the remnants of lube and sweat, in the shower his movements exuded genuine care and affection.
However, despite the gentle caresses and tender gestures, along with soft kisses and a romantic ambiance charged with desire, both of you still found yourselves unable to suppress the lingering mutual yearning.
Hands roamed eagerly over each other as your lips vied for dominance. You felt the hair on his chest beneath your palms, the warmth of his skin scorching against your touch, as his strong, muscle-defined arms pressed you firmly against the cool tiles of the shower wall. His beard was rough and scratchy, grazed against your cheeks as your hands cradled his face, drawing him nearer.
Despite the lingering soreness from your earlier activities, your body throbbed with a craving for more. And William wasted no time in fulfilling your desires. Tracing his lips tenderly along your jawline, he knelt before you, his gaze never wavering from yours. He planted kisses on your lower abdomen, his strong hands parting your legs gently, as his mouth then found your sensitive clit, eliciting electric waves of pleasure that surged through your body.
"Oh yes, mmm Willy," you moaned loudly, your hand entwined in his blonde locks. With your eyes then instinctively shutting, you leaned your head back against the tiles, the cool surface offering a refreshing contrast to the heat building within you.
And it didn’t take long for William to introduce two fingers into the equation, effortlessly sliding them into you. And with expert precision, he stretched your walls once more, bringing you to yet another orgasm. He knew your body like a map he had personally charted, every curve and sensitive spot committed to memory.
So, when it was your turn to reciprocate the oral favour, you did so eagerly. Switching positions, you skilfully took him into your mouth, your tongue and lips working around his already hard cock, as you relished the taste of him while he moaned above you. 
And just like yourself, William came harder and quicker than he’d usually do. "Turns out, I'm not the only one who tastes good, baby" you smirked up at him after swallowing his load.
That night, both of you slept deeply, sinking into a peaceful slumber that had been elusive for so long. The stress of William's injury and the intensity of the playoffs had weighed heavily on both of you, and as you were finally able to give into the much-needed rest, William’s arms held you closely to his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his breathing. 
As the morning light softly filtered into the room, casting a golden glow, you awoke with your naked bodies wrapped in each other, the memory of the previous night's passion still fresh. William’s morning erection stood proudly under the sheets, and as you watched him still peacefully asleep, your own cunt yet again pulsed with lingering desire. Yet, you waited patiently, taking in the serene sight, and reminding yourself that he was your boyfriend, a reality that sometimes felt too good to be true.
Minutes went by, but then William slowly stirred from his slumber, his ocean blue eyes opening to meet yours. He curved a faint smirk that melted your heart and soul all over again, and as his hands instinctively began to roam your naked curves, just as they had the night before, both of you leaned in to share a passionate morning kiss.
No words were needed. Everything in that moment was perfect, as you once more shared the lustful connection between you. Despite the soreness in your cervix and the sensitivity of his cock, the sight of his beard and muscular physique ignited an insatiable desire within you. Just like within William. 
So, with sensual motions, you gently pushed him onto his back, climbing atop him, facing away, to align your already wet core with his hardness. And William was quick to respond, sitting up slightly to lean against the headboard, watching you intensely as you lowered yourself onto him, allowing him to fill you up again.
William admired the view of your ass, his hands firmly gripping your hips as you began to slowly rock your hips. And he couldn’t help but bite his lip as he watched your cheeks bounce up and down his shaft, both of you edging closer to yet another climax.
With your hands braced on his thick, muscular thighs, you felt your climax gradually approaching, a moan escaping your lips as you intensified your movements under William’s guiding, tight hold on your hips. Desperate for more, as if you had been deprived of sex for weeks, William began to thrust into you with increased force, his hips slamming upward against you as he too approached a release.
And with his forceful thrusts, he drove you to orgasm, loud moans escaping your lips. As he too got closer to his own climax, with a dominant motions, William then pushed you forward, withdrawing his cock from your cunt before letting out a deep grunt and releasing himself onto your cheeks, marking you as his with his sticky, white cum.
It was another intense moment, your third or perhaps fourth sexual act since the game last night. Both of you were completely exhausted, out of breath from the intensity, yet still found space for soft cuddles.
And as you calmed down from yet another high, William held you close, your eyes meeting in a gentle gaze, sharing smiles and giggles. It felt like falling in love all over again, riding the high of a honeymoon phase as you savoured the moment, holding each other.
William’s thumb softly caressed your cheek, and as your breathing steadied, he broke the comfortable silence.
“I can’t describe how much I love you, y/n.” His voice was raw, low, and husky, his eyes deeply locked onto yours. “With everything I put you through… you still choose to be with me, and I can never tell you enough how much I love you for that…”
“Willy, you don’t need—”
“Shhh,” he pressed his pointer finger against your lips. “You don’t have to say anything, älskling. I just need to tell you that you’re the love of my life. I’m sure of it. And… I know you called my family to help –which I’m really grateful for – but you need to know that you’re truly my anchor. You make me want to be a better version of myself. You make me feel calm, make me feel like a good person, and there’s no way in this world I can ever show you how fucking grateful I am for that. I don’t ever want to be without you.”
You were lost for words. This man kept on surprising you, and you didn’t know how to articulate the fact that you felt exactly the same for him. So, simply placing his hand on your chest, you offered him a soft smile, and all you could manage to say was, “My heart belongs to you.”
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Vampire's Kiss | Chapter Three
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Pairing | Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 4,4k
Warnings | +18, trouble for MC is not over, use of a dating app to look for someone, Jungkook is absolutely cute and sexy, kisses, fluff
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⤷ Summary | Humans have finally unveiled and accepted the centuries-old existence of vampires, in a modern world people share their lives with these peculiar and mysterious creatures, but it is not all roses.
Will two souls belonging to such different species be able to be together?
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! ❤️
I apologize to all of you who have waited so long for chapter third to arrive, I'm really sorry, but life has been really hectic and I'm also working on many other stories, so I hope you enjoy the chapter now 😭💕
Let me know what you think, I always love your comments ❤️
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie @peterstarkchrishiddleston @reallygenerouskoala @btsuga-d @angelicsmilesworld @jimincrystal @velvet-stardust2002 @ke1k029 @kylafox09 @pantara @takemeaway5402
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You're going to kill Park Jimin.
It's been a whole week since that party and you're still spinning in your head his words, which had the effect of making you even more depressed.
“In truth ... they specifically told me that they don't believe our relationship, they will only believe it when we go to their house for lunch.”
The idea of spending time with them again haunts you, Jimin had said one evening. One.
Yet, you still have to help him, because his parents did not see passion from both of you, you were blatantly fake in their opinion.
Well, kudos to Father and Mother Park, you certainly don't lack the nose like bloodhounds!
But why at their home of all places? Are they going to secretly feed you to their servants? You shudder just thinking about it. They are certainly up to something, Jimin repeats to you that you should stay calm, but it is easy for him to talk. You are nothing to them, just a dirt stain on their perfect son's shirt.
You must be eliminated somehow.
But the worst thing about all those days spent thinking and agonizing between you and you is the wrong idea that Jungkook may have gotten about you.
Shit, he's just a guy you met briefly at a party, so why can't you get him out of your head?
You always think back to the way he held you close, to his cautious and sweet look whenever he tried a more direct approach with you... and there they are, the damn butterflies! They don't leave you alone for a moment, your wormy little brain even dares to loop back his last words, before Jimin cursed Park ruined the atmosphere.
You roll over on the bed hugging your faithful stuffed animal you've been carrying around since childhood, gazing into his inane black eyes, you sigh.
“What should I do, Little Sunshine?” but the teddy bear, predictably, does not answer you.
He has left without deigning you another glance, perhaps seeing you there with Jimin he must have thought of who knows what, they know each other and must know of your best friend's reputation as a womanizer.
You violently plant a hand in your face, long ago to fuck Jimin it was enough to be his acquaintance, it wasn't necessary to get up to girlfriend status, you may have said Jimin is just a friend ... but in someone else's eyes there may still be a possibility that the two of you are some sort of fuck buddies.
Besides, why else would a human like you willingly accompany a vampire like Jimin?
You feel like screaming like crazy, you don't just do it because you sense your phone ringing in the darkness of the room.
You try to compose yourself, imagining it was a business call, but it turns out to belong to your best friend.
You stare at the phone screen with tears in your eyes almost.
<<Ellen!>> you shout, on the other side your friend whines, <<My sweetest Ellen! You called at just the right time>>.
<<You scream like that again and I'll block the phone in your face!>>.
You ignore her empty threat and begin to tell her what happened with Jimin and about the meeting with Jungkook, omitting nothing. By the end of the explanation you are out of breath and your eyes are glazed over, why do you have to feel that way about a stranger? What is happening to you.
<<Let me understand... Jimin asked you to be his fake girlfriend and this Jungkook, whom you described as more handsome than a normal vampire, flirted with you for at least half an hour or so and then left offended?>>.
You frown, <<He didn't flirt with me! He was just being nice...>>.
You hear a laugh stifled on the other end of the line, <<I used to say the same about Shawn and look at him now, chained to me in the sacred bond of marriage>> a smile escapes you… actually it doesn't sound bad.
<<What should I do?>> you ask more to yourself than to her.
<<Uhm... you said he works with Seokjin, right? Isn't Seokjin the creator of Vampire's Kiss? Maybe he's on that site too, try looking for him... and maybe contact him, they even created a very convenient app!>> you widen your eyes. Sure! That could work...
<<But what if he doesn't want to hear from me? I mean, he didn't leave on the best of terms, surely he must have thought of something strange>>.
<<Take your balls out and look for him! You said you felt something different next to him, right? Don't let such an opportunity pass you by, what you felt doesn't happen to everyone ... and for your sanity and mine too, put your mind at rest once and for all>>.
You nod, she has a point, then you hear her stifle a shriek.
<<Wait a minute! ... You said that just looking at him turned you on-!>> you close the call in half a second, redder than a tomato! There, that thing you might as well have avoided revealing it to her, even if it simply slipped out of your mouth without realizing it ... such a thing has never happened to you, neither with humans nor with vampires, that was a detail as embarrassing as it was surprising.
You make a decision and install Vampire's Kiss on your cell phone, the app's simple and intuitive screen allows you to enter your account right away, go to the purple heart with the magnifying glass and search for Jeon Jungkook.
The results are immediate and the search leads you to no less than five users, but only one is the one that immediately hits you like a bouquet of soft flowers in the middle of your face.
He is right there, posing for a photo taken in the middle of a summer day, not at all concerned about possible sunburn, and you smile instinctively at his caption, which is short and absolutely adorable.
So your impression was right, this is a good guy. You zoom in on the photo and look admiringly at the sunlight softly shining on him, he is also smiling and without thinking about it you take a screenshot, do you look crazy? Probably yes, but your chest tightens at the idea of not being able to see him every day.
It's really crazy... it's just a stranger.
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But you and this stranger have one thing in common. The two of you are desperate for love, to the point of signing up for a dating site to find it, your finger trembling, undecided whether to press your purple heart to follow him and thus engage in conversation with him or just drop everything and move on from your lightning-fast meeting at the party.
You turn off the phone with a sigh. Even if you wanted to try, you are nothing compared to him. You would only have wasted his precious time.
“But seeing you there, under the moonlight, I-”
You shake your head violently, it's no use daydreaming, he didn't even finish the sentence. That only indicates one thing, that it was not meant for you two to continue the acquaintance, period.
Suddenly an annoying noise starts from your stomach, you cast a glance at the time -- 2:11 p.m., you haven't even had lunch and there is nothing edible in the fridge, in short, the typical life of a single career woman. But below the house there are several small stores open 24 hours a day that sell noodles and allow you to cook them immediately after purchase. Yes, you would have graciously taken advantage of their services, that is also the beauty of living in Korea, every place becomes home.
You turn on the light and look around for your shoes, heedless of the eyes burning at the sudden impact.
Next mission: don't starve.
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You look thoughtfully at the shelf stuffed with packages of noodles, there are all flavors and colors, but maybe you'll have to buy some instant cook rice too to satiate your stomach more, and speaking of your stomach, you hear it growling once again.
Ungrateful, why doesn't it give you time to think?
You grab a packet of spicy chicken-flavored noodles on the fly, then reconsider -- better two.
Excited to eat, you jump merrily without looking over your shoulder, like the clueless fool that you are, you feel your head collide with something sharp and immediately see the stars in the middle of the convenience store, a stifled moan escapes your lips and you squeeze your eyes shut trying to chase that pain away, being interrupted by another unexpected moan of distress.
You turn back to the source and notice a boy behind you, head down, you can just make out a wonderful mass of dark, wavy hair.
You blanch, your own flushes of pain sidelined. Did you hurt him? Medical bills are fucking expensive.
"I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you very much? I didn't want to, believe me."
The boy makes a strange noise, as if he has suddenly held his breath, then slowly his head rises and you find yourself going wide-eyed.
In front of you Jungkook in casual clothes and a jacket far larger than his own size is holding his chin with one hand.
“Gosh, you knocked me out,” he chuckles with difficulty, removes his hand and you see a red spot take shape on that area of smooth, soft skin, “I didn't think I'd find you here....”
You're frozen, you can't utter a single word, the only thing that assures you you're still alive is the slow pulsing of the bump on your head, but is this guy made of granite or what? A very sexy granite, of that there is no doubt.
"I didn't... I didn't think so either” for the simple fact that not even twenty minutes earlier you looked him up on a dating app, then clandestinely saved his picture like a poor desperate spinster.
"Are you okay? I think you were the one who got the hardest hit,” he asks worriedly, out of the corner of your eye you notice how his hand tries to rise, but he instantly lowers it, you gloss over the incident by waving yours away.
"No, absolutely! I'm fine, I'm so sorry, I'm stupid,” you mutter to yourself, feeling guilty.
You see him looking around carefully, “I'll get you some ice, wait here!” not even time to tell him to let it go, it vanishes in an instant.
You lower your eyes to the packages of noodles, “This happened because I never buy real food, right?”
You both find yourselves so seated face to face in front of the convenience store, you're uncomfortably pressing ice on what appears to be quite a bloody good bump. Jungkook just stares at you with that innocent look on his face, is he seriously a vampire?
You take the floor, trying to fill that uncomfortable silence, deliberately ignoring the palpitations of your heart, “Does it still hurt?” you point to his chin, which seems to have returned to normal coloring, in fact he denies it.
“It's okay, for us vampires pain is momentary, we heal quickly.”
Okay, now what?
There, meeting him was not some kind of miracle, but a curse.
"Um... you look different, I mean... with these clothes you look normal, no wait! I mean you look great even without clothes, No! T-those elegant clothes! But you look fabulous even like this, really!” you stumble over your own words and god, you want to hole up in some dirty hole on top of a remote mountain. You look great without clothes, really?!
“Hey, hey, don't worry, you look very good in your normal clothes too,” he smiles amused, then changes his expression, “Did you have a good time at the party when I left? I apologize for how I left you, I don't usually go to parties and I don't know how to behave,” he explains, his voice sounds colorless, different from the sweet voice he used before and even during your first meeting.
Something has been bothering him and you even know what it is, or at least you think so. You shouldn't worry about it, but you like him and want to clear it up.
You take a breath, “Jungkook, I don't know what you thought seeing me there with Jimin, but I assure you we're just friends, there's no romantic or ... well, sexual interest,” you just want to calm him down, but evidently your words have the opposite effect, because he whitens starting to gasp.
“Oh god, I made you feel like a lowlife, didn't I?” he puts his hands to his face shaking his head, “I'm just an idiot, you don't have to pay attention to me,” he complains with his forehead pressed against the surface of the table.
"You didn't make me feel like a lowlife! I just wanted to make it clear that I didn't lie to you, I was really there to accompany Jimin” maybe it's best not to specify the plan that brought you there that night.
But the boy continues to shake his head, at times in despair, “I never thought you had lied to me or anything...” he raises his eyes to you fearfully, “I was just... disappointed, your knight for the evening had returned and my company therefore no longer needed, that's it, I was disappointed and envious,” he chuckles exasperatedly, most likely at himself.
You feel the same pleasant grip on your heart as a smile makes its way across your features. Should you tell him?
Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all, you would have loved him even in case of rejection, he seems like a really good person.
“I'd like to tell you a secret...” you start by saying and immediately come back with a straight back, in his eyes you can glimpse ill-concealed curiosity, “I too felt disappointed... my real knight left that night, leaving me with one of his underlings,” you sigh sadly.
“That knight may have felt he was in over his head in that situation,” he says embarrassed, but you shake your head.
“He shouldn't have left me there, it's his duty to make sure I'm okay!” you don't know where all that courage came from, you just feel it's the right thing to do.
He tilts his head to the side, biting his lower lip with what you identify as a canine, the soft scarlet skin drooping under his pressure, but not tearing. Images and thoughts of what he could have done to you with those luscious lips of his leap into your head, adding to all the erotic dreams you've had over the past few nights, they always knocked treacherously, but you let them in willingly.
“Even this knight has a secret to confess” he leans toward you, enough to breathe your own air just inches away, you remain in awe of his deep irises, where you catch a vermilion flash, “Wasn't the moon beautiful that night” you begin to cough because of your own saliva, you didn't expect such a statement, not from someone like him toward someone like you. You beautiful? Is he really saying that? The darkness must have been to blame, the moon cannot be darkened by a mere human, he must have seen wrong.
But wait… vampires see in the dark as nocturnal predators, don't they?
A grin from him surprises you and you also understand the motivation behind it, after all, the rush of excitement your body undergoes is not ignorable. Now you also have confirmation that vampires perfectly sense a person's emotional and physical changes.
You try to compose yourself, bringing a lock of your hair behind your ear, he remains firm in his position.
“I like you, I've done nothing but think about you, do I have a chance?” his bluntness amazes you in no small part, he is showing much more courage than any other man who would have gone around us instead.
You swallow, not knowing what exactly to answer, so you try with resolving one of your doubts, “Y-You know I'm human, right?”
It seems a silly thing to ask, but it's very important to you that he knows what he's getting into, you two have different rhythms and abilities, you don't want him to feel stuck in a relationship too different from the ones he was used to with women of his own kind.
But his eyes soften, you feel you can also calm down.
“Of course, I knew right away...the sound of your heart beating is something I couldn't give up, your skin is warm and it warms mine,” he takes your hand between his, the ice falling to the ground from your shock. Doesn't he care about that? “Can we at least try?”
In that instant you realize that you cannot give up on him so easily, you nod contentedly as your eyes glaze over, incredulous that such a thing could have happened to you.
From that moment you continued to go out every day, especially at night hours, as he wrote in his profile on Vampire's Kiss, he loves to take walks under the dark sky and he also took his dog, Bam, with him from time to time. You, who usually prefer cats, found no difficulty in falling in love with that handsome, hyperactive dog, so similar to his daddy in both physique and character.
You and Jungkook are now hand in hand at the seashore, neither of you speaking, simply listening to the sound of the waves calmly crashing on the shoreline.
You see him lying comfortably on the sand, heedless of the grains that go to hide in every fold of his comfortable clothes, without much thought you follow his example.
It is nice to gaze at the stars like that, but turning your head in his direction you find yourself thinking that the best show is there by your side.
Unlike you, he has never looked away from you, you have literally found the boy of your dreams, “What is it?” you ask with a laugh in your voice, he doesn't answer right away, settling on his side.
“I feel a little confused,” he replies, frowning a little worriedly.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I love this beach at night, but the only thing I can think about is you next to me, it's a little confusing to me, now whenever I come here without you, I'm sure I'll be thinking about you nonstop.”
You watch his face engulfed in darkness, yet you can make out the brightness of his eyes; he is a nocturnal predator, you lift yourself up on one arm to get a better look at him.
“Who says you'll come back here without me?”
He inhales sharply, “Don't say such things, don't make promises you can't keep, baby,” he hisses an inch from your face, he has never called you that. Sometimes you forget that he is an adult vampire, much older than you. You like being called that by him, with Jimin it's a game... with Jungkook it's something more intimate.
"Why, Jungkook... Have I been giving you a lot to think about these days?” you are literally talking on his lips, clenching a fistful of sand tightly, the urge to kiss him is becoming more and more pressing, but he shakes his head, pulling away suddenly.
“You always make me think a lot of things, but no ... you don't have anything to do with it, it's just that all my relationships have ended one way,” he laughs without humor, “That is, with a broken heart, mine. It's funny coming from a vampire who doesn't have a heart, isn't it? Or at least, not as alive as you humans',” he explains with a look up at the sky. No, you can't believe it, it's impossible that there is someone who can leave such a boy.
"Are you so convinced that this will also apply with me? If that's really the case, then why have we come to this point?” if he believes it will end badly, why the hell did he invite you on all these dates?
He shrugs, “I've never dated a human girl, I look good with you! I would never say otherwise, but...."
Sighing, “You're afraid,” you finish for him, “But you know what? I have never dated a vampire guy, yet I want to give myself and him a chance, even if it ends badly, with him now I want to think it will be okay."
Silence falls between you, you return with your back to the sand, unsure of what just happened.
Perhaps you have both gone too far in such a short time? Oh... maybe he wants more space for himself, that's why he talked about going to the beach alone, your lips begin to tremble.
“Jungkook... maybe I'd better go home,” you murmur, rising slightly again in search of your bag and shoes, but a hand on your arm stops you instantly.
"What? Why?” he stares at you like a lost puppy, unable to understand your intentions.
“Maybe I rushed you too much, I'm sorry,” you try to wriggle your arm still in his grip, but all you get from it is an imprecation from him that makes your eyes go wide, he has never cursed in front of you, and before you can say anything to him you see his figure descend entirely on you, just like the vampires in the old movies, with only one difference, at that moment he is not interested in your blood.
His moist lips make contact with yours without hesitation, you accept them willingly using your free arm to anchor yourself to his blemish-free neck, you close your eyelids inhaling his wonderful scent, crushing his weight on you as if your very life depended on it, he lets you do it by filling your lips with numerous small kisses in the mold, your heart threatens to melt under all that tenderness and you note with happiness the softness of his lips that taste like cherries, not resisting you lightly grasp a flap of his lower lip between your teeth, savoring it on your tongue.
His shoulders shake and he releases your arm from his grip so you can sink a hand into your hair, this encourages you to do the same with his, enjoying his little moan. Jungkook with an extra bit of resourcefulness deepens the kiss, tapping his tongue against the seam of your lips, which you open willingly to his passage.
You kiss him as you've never kissed in your life, in your chest a soft warmth pushes to bring you to accept him in his entirety, your eyes moisten from that almost suffocating instinct, it has an effect on you that you can't even imagine. It scares you a little, but that is bearable if it means keeping his taste alive on your lips.
He separates from you slowly, “I've been dying to do this,” he whispers an inch from your noses, you take a big breath.
“So it's okay?” you whisper, you don't want barriers between you two, it's hard enough to accept the fact that you are not yet an actual couple.
He brings his head to your chest, resting his ear exactly over your beating heart, then nods.
“I think I've lost hope, every woman I've had wanted different things from me, mainly money and sex, then there were the ones who wanted to own me in everything... I've just come to a dead end after all these years, it's not easy for me to open up now.”
Gently you stroke those locks from which only a sweet floral scent comes, “Jimin said you never attend parties like that.”
“It's not easy for me to stand by and watch couples who are doing much better than me,”he look up with huge eyes, almost as if you want to express something very obvious, “I'm a very envious guy, you know?” you burst out laughing, sounding like a child, and lean slightly toward him to print a tender kiss on the tip of his nose.
He looks surprised and awkward for a moment, then returns to hide his expression.
“I'm talking seriously, and you go and do things like that,” he mumbles, shrugging.
“You're so cute,” you whine, he lets out a grunt.
“A little human talking like that to a vampire much older than she is.”
A question mark the size of a house makes room in your mind, “I've been wondering this for a while... how old are you?”
You hear him smiling at you.
“S.e.c.r.e.t,” he punctuates nicely, before lifting himself up on his arms and planting another soft kiss on you, “I'll tell you my age, if we're good together.”
You arch an eyebrow, “On Vampire's Kiss you wrote twenty-five, so I already know how old you are,” you say in an offended tone.
He shakes his head, “Twenty-five years I've been living in Seoul, baby.... We vampires tend to fake our age so as not to scare you humans."
Oh dear. He always has an answer for everything!
“All right, how long would you be willing to make me wait?” he clearly pretends to think about it, his expression too theatrical, but you let him. You find that side of him really adorable and would never try to change it in any way.
“A hundred days, a hundred days and you'll know who you've decided to spend your life with,” he chuckles, wrinkling his nose, nodding in agreement.
“A hundred days.”
You both don't know each other very well yet, but already hearing him say such a sentence sent your heart to heaven, and the butterflies in your stomach to a valley in bloom.
How much more can you like Jeon Jungkook?
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chenziee · 1 day
I firmly believe that Zoro and Perona are the worst siblings ever in the sense of.. they are super close, they tell each other everything, trust each other with their lives, but they also rip into and shittalk each other mercilessly
And THAT is the worst because if you don't know them or aren't a Luffy-level emotionally intelligent person, you have zero idea that's just their love language and/or just one big inside joke, that they only tease each other over stuff they 100% know doesn't matter and it's totally consensual
The amount of times that Mihawk had to be called to school because some kid thought it was a great idea to say something bad to Zoro/Perona about the other and got beaten up for it is frankly ridiculous and Nami has a town-wide betting poll on "X days since swordgoth's last bullshit"
(Mihawk always wins)
(Nami has Shanks on speed dial and always videocalls him when witnessing a beatdown because the man thinks it's really fucking funny (he pays her for this))
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corruptedcaps · 3 days
Love of a good man
Jenny and Brad had been dating for nearly a year. While they had yet to be sexually intimate with one another they loved each other deeply. Brad had asked a few times but each time she shot him down saying she wasn’t ready. However she was ready and had been for sometime. Brad was handsome, athletic and everything she wanted in a man but she held a dark secret.
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“Ok this is all gonna sound a little crazy but there has been a reason we haven’t had sex all this time and first off I just want to say that I am ready.” She said to him one night. He looked at her slightly worried but excited that they were finally going to make love.
“Ok here goes. A few years ago I was cursed by a witch. This curse gave life to a part of me that was... bad. You see every time I would have sex with someone I would change. A new me would come out and take over until the next time I had sex. This dark reflection of me ruined my life and every relationship I had. She is an evil, scheming, spoilt slut of a woman who lives to cause misery. She calls herself Natasha.” Jenny said looking sadly out the window.
“Natasha? As in your sister Natasha?” Brad asked dumbfounded. Jenny turned to look at him.
“I told you my sister lived to torture me. Well the truth is I have no sister. I am an only child but she does live to torture me. She transforms my good body into one devoted to pleasure. She is a big breasted vain conceited bitch and I wish I wasn’t stuck with her. The worst part is I don’t know what she does when she takes over! The last time she took over I was gone for months!” Jenny said on the verge of tears. Brad held her face in his strong hands.
“If she only comes out when you have sex then why do you want to have sex now?” He asked.
“Because there is a way to break the curse so that I can be free of her forever. If I have sex with my true love then it with eradicate the bad part of me. After a year together I know we are meant to be, that you are my true love.” Jenny said tears running down her face now. Brad pulled her tight into a hug. He held her and she felt safe. She pulled off his shirt and began kissing his perfect chest. She had wanted this for so long. She had to be certain otherwise she would lose another man to that bitch.
They stripped the clothes off each other like wild animals. They were both starved of each other but now they would finally feast. Jenny for the first time saw what Brad had packing and she was not disappointed.
His big cock slipped easily into her wet pussy and she nearly orgasmed right then and there. It felt incredible to be having sex again after so long and with one she loved so much.
“Oh Brad this feels so good, I knew you were my true love!” She groaned as she rode his cock. However his demeanour seemed to change, his thrusts becoming more aggressive.
“Oh shut up you fucking loser, thank god I won’t have to deal with you much longer.” He said coldly. Jenny’s eyes went wide.
“W-what are you saying? Wait! No! I can feel something. I need to stop…. Ooohhhh fuck but why fight it?” She moaned, her voice turning into a slutty purr for a moment. Brad grinned.
“Come out Natasha, it’s time to take over just like we planned.” He said pumping faster.
“Like you planned? Brad how could you do this? How could you be sooooo mmmm evil. Bad boys really turn me on! No! That’s Natasha, that’s not me!” Jenny groaned trying to fight it, trying to urge her body to get off Brad’s dick but it all felt too good. Then the changes began.
Her tits strained against her B size bra as they grew massive. Her chubby belly tightened and crunched in giving her a perfectly toned tummy.
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“Mmmm much better, being a hawt sexy bitch is much better than being some nobody loser. No! This isn’t right, this is my body! Oh please dear YOU wish this could be your body!” She said fighting with the emerging Natasha as the changes continued.
Her bony behind grew extra layers of fat to give her a bubble butt which Brad appreciated as she slowly bounced up and down on him. Her short sensible hair grew down her back, becoming thick and full.
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“Oh Brad my love I can feel her almost gone, then we can be together forever! That’s right Jenny, the true love curse works both ways, it’s just Brad happens to be mine and not yours.” Natasha said with a cackle as she felt Jenny slip away more with each second.
Long fake nails snapped onto her hands that she joyously ran down Brad’s chest. Her lips inflated into a bitchy pout and makeup covered her face finishing her transformation. However Jenny wasn’t gone yet, Natasha had to do one more thing to get rid of her.
“Oh fuck baby make me cum! I need to cum NOW! Ohhhhh fuuuuckkkkk yesssss!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she orgasmed hard solidifying her dominance over Jenny’s body.
Collapsing onto the bed in orgasmic joy, Natasha could feel no part of Jenny still lingering.
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“Was it good for you?” Brad said slyly.
“Life changing.” She replied with an evil giggle.
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theredcuyo · 7 hours
You know those AU/fics where the kids met earlier?, like, Dick is just old enough for Damian to be a baby kind of situation and somehow they all met and get adopted within no time from each other and all that
Well, i think the perfect dynamic for a fic will be this one:
He wasn't happy at first. At all. He went from a life of a single child to older brother of like 4 or 5 now?? In like, less than a year.
He didn't even have time to adjust to Jason before he found little Tim following him around in patrol. Not time to get around that little stalker child before Jason found a lost girl in need of help who couldn't talk. No time to even get a hold of signs when Talia came to drop a baby on Bruce.
The worst part? While he can't get around it, because he's still dealing with his grief, and anger, and why does it seem like B gets tired of his last child every week, where does that leave me, And why do this kids that i barely know look at me with eyes that say they'll follow me to hell and back-
That's the thing, his new sibblings follow him like newborn duckies, they observe and copy, and do everything he does except to leave him alone. And he's not sure how to feel about it.
He's overwhelmed with all the attention, with how this house that used to be silent has become anything but that.
And also, he can't go up to the chandeliers now. The babys try to follow behind him and he knows that non experienced people shouldn't do that. That also sucks.
Wally is making fun of him. That's one sibbling for every time you complained about not having any, he says.
He gets used to them as time goes on tho, he couldn't imagine a day without Jason coming to his room to tell him an over the top sight into the book he mentioned to have to read for class.
He can't imagine not to see tiny Tim bright up every time they see each other in the hallway.
He even forgets to actually talk sometimes instead of signs because Cass just wants to spend so much time with him and they both practice the signs a lot.
Damian is the weirdest baby ever, but he's the only member in the family who doesn't complain about being hugged for long times, at least not yet, so that's cool.
He's just happy to be here.
He didn't knew what exactly a family was, and when he found out there was another kid there, he felt a bit more safe, they could team up if it was necessary to protect themselves against the adults.
The closest thing he had to sibblings before where other kids in the streets that helped each other out, the older kids got jobs at convenience stores and sometimes they'll leave out food for them, you had to protect the youngest.
He was happy to have an older brother, and Dick clearly knew what he was doing, so everything was good.
And then he found Tim inside a trash can when he was allowed in a recon mission. He was so, so tiny, like the other kids he had met, and he knew the little thing needed protection from the world. He also had a camera with pictures of B and Robin, and that was probably important.
But whatever, two sibblings instead of none now had to be a jackpot! He did feel bad sometimes about B getting tired of him because of Tim, but, at the same time, he loved that little gremlin so much he could forget about it.
Until he wasn't so sure when Tim found a lost girl wandering around town. (He isn't Even allowed to go out alone, whats wrong with him?) don't take him wrong, Cass is great, she joins them in pranks and in spying on Dick, but she also doesn't let him forget that she's older than him (just a few months damn it!) but it's just-
She's just so much better than him too. She can't read, he has her on that, but that's all. She's stronger than him (she beated his ass in training at least twice now), she's faster, she doesn't cause problems, She's smarter than him for fucks sake.
So, why-
Why would B still want him around with this kind of upgrade?
It's not like he can ask tho, B is been very busy since that lady came to give him a baby. Literally.
And, sure, Damian is a weird ass baby, the only one he's seen that doesn't cry for most things. But he likes the little guy, he just hopes he'll still be here by the time he learns how to walk.
Tim didn't expect to be caught. He also didn't expect for it to be the new kid who found him, and as if there was anything else to surprise him with, said child auto proclamed himself as his big brother from now on.
He didn't knew if his parents will like that, because the didn't like children, not even him sometimes, but when they came back the next week and the police arrested them for working with black mask and tax evasion they didn't even ask to see him, or tried to when he reached out, so he couldn't ask.
Jason did become his brother tho, when Mr. Wayne adopted him after that, the same Mr. Wayne he knew was Batman. Huh.
Well, anything was better than an empty house, and now Robin was his-
Tim was overjoyed to know this. Everything was nice, Dick was cool, he didn't talk much with them, but he's Robin, nothing's cooler than that.
And Jason does spend time with him, he loves beating his ass in maro kart.
And then he found Cass when he went out to buy a new camera, he wasn't allowed to go out alone, but it wouldn't be for long, they wouldn't notice surely.
They did notice, but the good thing was that it saved him from taking Cass home on his own.
She's nice too. He never had a sister (or brother too) before, but he likes her, she helps him find hide spots around the manor.
Who he doesn't like a bit is the baby. That Demon spawn.
First he appears out of nowhere. Second, he only seems to cry when someone is talking to Tim.
What is wrong with that thing.
He also follows him around for some reason, and grabs his shirt, but if Tim tries to look at him or hold him he cries. Really, what's wrong with this baby?
Like, sure, Bruce did have him by accident, and so did Tim's parents, but the fact that Damian's did want to keep him around and pay attention to him didn't give him any right to be like this.
It's not like he's better than them, B adopted them all out of a sense of duty.
Suddenly, communicating is a thing.
If she has something to say it's that she's happy. She got a baby brother, two actually. And a Big brother. And then a very baby brother.
And a Dad that loves her. And a granpa that feeds her anything she wants except for burgers. But dad buys her a burger in the secret if she tells him.
She likes spying on Big brother. She likes learning to read with baby brother big, and to hide with baby brother tiny.
She likes to stare at very baby brother. He stares back.
So everything is good.
She's happy.
Baby Damian tolerates his family. He let's Dick hug him, and Jason carry him around talking about who knows what until he falls sleep.
And gets into staring contests with Cass.
But the one he really likes is Tim. He likes to have his attention, and he doesn't like when he doesn't have it.
But he also doesn't like to fully have it, he gets overwhelmed.
Basically, baby Damian wants Tim's attention but not too much.
The family also makes a bet on who will make Damian laugh first.
They all lose when it's Tim, even Tim loses because he had all his money on Dick.
Because apparently, his presence comforts him when he misses Talia.
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forestshadow-wolf · 8 hours
Soap knows he's too much. one partner he asked why and they ssid he was too clingy. And that hurt. That struck a chord.
he tried to tone it back for then next partner thereafter. But still.
So the partner that followed he made sure he wasn't. And they left because he'd been unloving. And he found that that urt far more than being clingy had
But he doesn't know how to balance it out. So he tells himself to just stop with it. No more. No more "his person"
So when he meets Ghost and feels himself starting to fall for him he tries to push it away. To ignore it. He soves it in a box and jumps on the lid until it slams shut.
But then Ghost keeps doing that thing with his fingers when he wins a bet with soap over who could hit the most targets or who could lift the most or or or- it's that thing where he flicks his middle then forefinger
And ghost makes the worlds worst puns at him. And ghost sits beside him at mess. And ghost gives him the last seat at the meeting table
And fuck- soap can't find the hole that all the feelings are spillind out from the box
But even still he pushes it away
And when ghost finally asks him, his mouth nearly vomits "yes absolutely" but his brain catches it on time, ajd he freezes. Must've been a ggod few seconds because he can see ghost about to take it back and he so desperately wants it. He does. But ghost doesn't know what he's getting himself into.
"I- you'll regret it. Everyone does." And Ghost's gaze goes from rejected to confusion so he clarifies "everybody who thinks they want me find that they don't. I'm- hard to love." He settles on. And the sad look in Ghost's eyes has to be for himself because soap couldn't possibly explain why it was for him.
And because soap doesn't even know when it's too much. Because soap so truely hates himself, must eb that. Because soap never feels the pain until after the fact he says, "it's a yes if you can promise to not let me down easy when it becomes a no for you." He's since learned that the "easy" let off hurts far more that whatever it is when there's screaming and crying involved somehow.
Ghost's mouth op3ns and closes three times before words come out. "You're not hard to love." And soap almost laughs, but he plays off the smile like it's acceptance, even if it doesn't reach his eyes.
"You didn't promise."
"I promise. You're not hard to love." But it sounds like i promise you're not hard to love. Soap knows that's not what he means. He's just trying to make soap feel better, soap appreciates it.
"Then it's a yes." Soap smiles
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b0r3dtod3ath · 2 days
Hiay so read the one you did for sebastian vettel the one where they break up??
What if xoz did a part two??
Where maybe it is rumoured that reader has started dating mark or jenson? But not really casue he did to show that seb still loves her
Shenanigans happens and in the end seb and reader are back together?
Thank you ❤️❤️
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a/n: Thank you for requesting! Part two takes place around five years later. Sebastian drives for Ferrari. 
Part 1
Couple of years have passed since your breakup. You thought you moved on but you couldn’t bring yourself to get in a relationship with anyone other than Sebastian. You had no idea how he was doing. Anything you knew came from a tabloid or scant information provided by your mutual friends. He seemed more mature and calm than before which made your heart ache as the lack in those aspects caused your splitting. 
Sebastian leaned back in his chair, the hum of the paddock a distant murmur as he scrolled through his phone. His eyes widened as he stumbled upon the latest headline: "Mark Webber's New Flame: Sebastian Vettel's Ex?" He clicked on the article, his heart pounding as he saw pictures of you and his now ex-coworker at a charity event, laughing and appearing close. The rumors spread like wildfire, and his mind raced with a mix of jealousy and sadness.
He tossed his phone onto the table, frustration bubbling up inside him. The thought of you with Mark stirred something deep within - a realization of how much he still cared about you. The memory of your breakup, the harsh words exchanged, and the lingering pain of your absence came rushing back. He had been trying to move on, he changed a lot during the last couple of years, but seeing you with someone else, especially Mark, made it impossible to ignore his true feelings.
A few days later, after a practice session, Sebastian found himself pacing in his hotel room. His mind was a cluster of thoughts, and he couldn't shake the image of you and Mark together. He knew he had to talk to you, to clear the air. He couldn’t believe it was true. You two hadn’t spoken for a long time but dating Mark was unlike you. 
He picked up his phone and hesitated for a moment before typing a message: "Can we meet? I need to talk to you”. He still had your number saved on his phone, hoping for a moment like this one where with a rush of adrenaline he would text you.
The reply came quicker than he expected: "What happened to “hi, how are you”? Sure. How about that cafe near the circuit tomorrow at 3?"
The next afternoon, Sebastian arrived at the cafe, his heart pounding with nerves. He spotted you sitting at a corner table, looking even more beautiful than the day you two broke up and certainly more beautiful than in the pictures alongside Mark. As he approached, you glanced up, your eyes meeting his with a mixture of surprise and anxiety.
"Hi, Seb," you greeted him softly, a hesitant smile on your lips.
"Hi," he replied, taking a seat across from you. For a moment, there was an awkward silence as you both gathered your thoughts.
"I saw the article," he finally said, breaking the tension. "About you and Mark".
You sighed, shaking your head and smirking. "It's not what you think. Mark and I are just friends. The media blew it out of proportion, as usual. You know I wouldn’t break up with you and just go date your enemy”.
Relief washed over him, but he still felt the need to explain. "When I saw those pictures, it hit me hard. Not because I don't trust you or I'm not a fan of his, but because it made me realize how much I still care about you. Even after all those years".
You looked at him, your eyes searching his face. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I never stopped thinking about you. I know I messed up, and I've spent every day regretting it. The partying, the distractions - I let them come between us, and it was the worst mistake of my life."
"Seb..." you started, but he cut you off gently. "Please, let me finish. I've changed. I’ve had to face some hard truths about myself, and I realize now what I lost. Seeing those rumors made me confront the fact that I still love you. I never stopped loving you. I have changed a lot, you know it".
You were silent for a moment, processing his words. Then, you reached out and took his hand, your touch sending a jolt of warmth through him. "I never stopped loving you either, Seb. But things can't just go back to the way they were. We have both evolved".
He nodded, squeezing your hand. "I understand. I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I just want a chance to make things right”.
A small smile spread across your lips. "Then let's take it slow, one step at a time. We'll see where this goes".
Sebastian's heart swelled with hope. "I'd like that. More than anything. So, how have you been? What were you up to for those past years?”.
As you both sat there, hand in hand, the world outside the cafe seemed to fade away. For the first time in a long while, Sebastian felt a sense of peace and excitement thinking about your relationship. You spent hours catching up, getting to know each other and rebuilding broken bridges between you. 
Not even half a year later the two of you were spotted walking hand in hand and giggling. This time the headlines weren’t lying. 
June 9, 2024
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thefallennightmare · 2 days
If it’s not too much for you, I was wondering if I could request a Noah headcannon??
The reader has been ill for a while and when she goes to visit Noah while he’s on tour, he notices that she doesn’t look good, and tries to take her to the doctor.
To humor him, she goes but when she sees the doctor and getting a few test done and an ultrasound she finds out that she’s pregnant and due in two weeks.
It kind of like that “I didn’t know I was pregnant” tv show.
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@thescarlettvvitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @Karenfranco @its-inourblood @amelia-acero @xxkittenkissesxx @cncohshit @xserena-13 @collidewiththesavannah
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Noah rubbed soothing circles on your back, trying to calm your nerves as you sat in the middle of the bed in the doctors office.
You'd been sick for a few weeks now; nauseous, vomiting, and so exhausted.
Noah had been worried about you and tried to get you into the doctors but you kept waving it off claiming it was food poisoning.
"Food poisoning doesn't last this long, angel."
Today was the worst it's been. You'd been hunched over the toilet in the tour bus for the entire morning thanks to the smell of the breakfast Matt ordered everyone. You looked pale and the dark circles under your eyes made everyone worry.
So Noah took you to the local Urgent Care in the city they were playing later that night to get checked out.
The doctor finally returned after what felt like hours and had a neutral face which scared you.
"Do you have the test results?" Noah asked.
They poked and prodded you to figure out what was wrong.
"He's your-?" The doctor asked you while pointing to Noah.
You linked your hand with his. "My boyfriend."
You'd been dating for less than a year but knew that there was a future with each other. Both of you decided to wait until the life of Bad Omens slowed down to start that future.
"Well, I have some good news. You're pregnant," the doctor broke out with a large smile.
Both you and Noah froze, blinking wildly at the doctor.
"She's what?" Noah asked, still confused.
"That's not possible," you tried to say but suddenly realized it very well could be possible.
You and Noah weren't exactly the safest, but you'd dealt with issues with your body for years and thought getting pregnant wasn't something for you.
"If it's alright, I'd like to do an ultrasound to see how far along you are since we can't do that with a urine sample."
Your eyes met with Noah's who immediately nodded. "It's alright, angel."
Almost immediately as you watched the screen, your breath caught in your throat when you caught sight of the fetus moving around inside of you. And when the doctor told you that you were measuring at about nine months, you could feel Noah stiffen next to you.
"How could I not have known? I'm not even showing," you asked the doctor.
They gave you a reassuring smile. "Sometimes many women don't know."
Noah had been quiet the entire time so you glanced up at him. "Love?"
He blinked, finally tearing his gaze away from the screen and down to you.
"We're having a baby?"
You swallowed the burn in your throat. "I guess we are. And seems like soon."
Just as you were about to worry, Noah's face broke out in a huge grin and kissed your forehead.
"We've got a lot of work to do," he muttered into your skin.
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mollymooo · 23 hours
Hi ! I would like to make a request if I can please. This is my first time doing this, so I hope I did it right!
I often read things like Spencer and the reader don't have a good relationship, he says something really mean and the reader -
just breaks down and cries, or goes with their tail between their legs and immediately forgives Spencer after not even feeling an OUNCE of anger at what he said.
It annoys me. You can believe that if someone who doesn't like me for any reason insults me or verbally hurts me, I won't forgive them after a simple apology 😤.
Do you think you could make a scenario where the reader really gets angry and doesn't take the shit Spencer throws at them with tears and immediately forgives him like a puppy in need of love, please?
Like, the reader is ANGRY and makes him feel it and makes him run to make amends.
All I Wanted Was You.
tw:lots of yelling and cursing, a little OOC spencer, sorry!
summary: something had felt off about your fiancée and it’s time to finally talk to him about this.
first, i love me some good angst and this rlly got my gears turning 🤭 second, tysm for the ask!! my asks are pretty much always open so feel free to request some ideas! also sorry for this being so late, writers block is cray cray
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He had left abruptly,
In the middle of the night just like he had many times before. The bed felt cold and empty without the warmth of your beloved fiancée. He felt cold. These past few weeks Spencer had been away from home more than ever.
You missed him.
You chewed slightly at your nails, constantly watching the clock with the slight tinge of nerves poking at your chest. The door slammed open and you jumped as a bag was half heartedly thrown on the floor
“Hey.” He slammed the door, much to your dismay due to the time of night. His eye bags were much more prominent than you seemed to remember.
“How was work?” You stood up slightly with your arms crossed, the nerves still very much there.
“Fine.” Spencer sat down on the sofa and leaned his head back with an exaggerated sigh, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.
“Can we… can we talk?” You sit down timidly next to him while his eyes watch your every move.
He sits up slightly, crossing his arms and staring into your eyes, “Of course… what’s up?”
“Well, trust me when I say this, I understand that your job is very demanding and i’m sure you’d love to be home more often just as much as I would..” You trailed off slightly, almost rambling to yourself.
“I just think… It would be nice if we could spend more time together.” He scrunched his eyebrows slightly and sighed heavily as he leaned back on the sofa. You add, almost pathetically at the end, “I miss you, Spencer.”
“I understand, but my job doesn’t really allow that baby.” He looks back at you, obviously not willing to keep talking. He was rubbing his temples with his eyes scrunched close
“I know, but… even when your off, you’re either posted in your office here and shoo me away when I try to say hello, or your at some library or-“
“Working in the FBI isn’t exactly easy.” He snaps. His eyes didn’t hold that same warmth like when you met him, he didn’t look at you like the flowers after the rain anymore.
It hurt.
“Baby, I know..”
“Do you? I mean, I work day and night to make sure you can live comfortably. I see the worst people in the world, the scum of the planet, just to you are happy. I work consistently to make sure WE can live happily.” He stands up suddenly, walking over to the wall across from you, leaning against it as his hands move wildly with his words. “And what do you do?”
“What do I do..?” Something about his malice. The venom hanging in his words doesn’t sit right with you.
“Yeah, what DO you do? Complain? Because thats what it seems like.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean, you have everything you ever wanted. What else can I give you?”
“Some love, and affection maybe once a week?” You snapped back.
“Oh yeah, let’s make this all about you.”
You stand from the shared couch. Your hands formed small fists as the fire coursed through your veins. “I understand your frustration with your job, but that does NOT mean you take it out on me.”
“You don’t understand! My job isn’t easy. It’s hard enough balancing this, and a relationship” He moves from his place on the wall, getting somewhat closer to you.
“You agreed to this when we got engaged. YOU agreed to take care of me. It would be nice too see my own fiancé for more that two or three hours everyday.” You could feel your face getting hotter as your voice got louder.
“We can’t all get what we want.”
You pause, forcing down hot tears with your fists unclenching slightly
“Who are you?” You shook your head “Because right now? You are not the man I promised to marry.” You look down at the ring on your finger, the small diamonds sparkling in the orange glow from the lights. You carefully pull it off your finger and set it on the coffee table, grabbing your phone and wallet while swiftly walking past Spencer
“Babe… come back.” He follows you as you throw a pair of shoes on and unlock the door. His hand grazes your shoulder and something inside you snaps. It wasn’t a loving graze dripping with apologies. It was harsh. You pull your shoulder away violently and stare at him with unforgiving eyes
“Don’t touch me. Call me when you’re ready to talk like an adult.”
The door slams behind you, and you walk.
You walk and walk while tears run down your face with red hot intention. Something was different, and you’re not sure if it would be the same again. The Spencer that was left in the apartment, with his head between his hands wondering what he just ruined wasn’t the Spencer you had loved.
Maybe his work had been stressful, or maybe his day had just been awful. That’s no excuse for his to treat you like the spider on the bottom of his shoe. Like filth.
The park bench below you was cold and unforgiving. Your phone sat beside you silent, as you had put it on do not disturb shortly after you left. You chewed the options on your plate and hated the bitterness of each one.
Leaving Spencer was the first option, going back to your apartment in the morning, packing up all your stuff and leaving. It was an option, but it was not the one you wanted to pick.
Staying at a hotel or friend’s house until you were ready to talk was another. It was the most responsible and level headed decision but the fire inside your chest made it seem unlikely.
Maybe you just need to go back. But your unwillingness to back down and his attitude made that seem like a decision that would end with tears.
You sighed and picked up your phone. Your eyes budged at the view of 28 missed calls and 50 messages.
Come back.
I’m so sorry.
I just want to talk.
I wasn’t listening
Among others. The messages were glazed with apologies and they kept coming, one after another. The phone buzzed in your hand as Spencers call rang through the silent park
“Yes?” You answered, against your own judgment you answered. Even under the anger, he was still Spencer.
“Oh thank god. Where are you?” His voice was breaking as he spoke and wind blew in the background
“Are you looking for me?”
“Of course! I don’t want you to get hurt, I never did. Please… come home.” He sounded broken.
“Get back inside. I’ll meet you at home, Spencer.”
The walk back to your apartment felt shameful almost. You didn’t want to forgive him, but the love you held for him was stronger than any argument.
The door opened softly to a silent hallway. You could hear soft cries in the distance.
“Spencer?” You could hardly walk three steps in the house before his towering figure was hugging your frame with such gentleness.
“I am so sorry.” You could feel him sobbing in your arms while you petted his hair gently. “I was stressed out because of a case and I should’ve told you before we started arguing.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you with everything I have and I never want to hurt you. You mean the absolute world too me and losing you is out of the question.” He held you tightly, as if when he let go, you would walk back out the door and not look back.
“I want us to work. Us is what wakes me up in the morning with any energy to start my day. I go to work with the excitement that I get to come home and see you, even if it’s for a few hours. I’m so sorry I said what I did, and I promise it’ll never happen again.”
He sounded broken and desperate. Desperate too keep the one human who has loved him despite his flaws. The one person who has loved him past his teeth.
“Thank you for the apology. It may take me a bit too fully forgive you. Can we please go talk like adults now?” You tipped his head off your shoulder and gave him a gentle forehead kiss, anything harder and he would’ve shattered.
“Of course.”
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