#i like grapes but i’m really okay with just eating a few of them
fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
I was going to take a tolerance break starting today but I have some grapes that need eating and there’s no way I’m devouring half a thing of grapes sober
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Aita for not getting my roommate a birthday gift and insulting them when they got mad about it?
I don’t really think I’m the asshole (or at least the only asshole) but it’s become such a Situation I need some outside input.
So I and my roommate Ollie (both 18, gender irrelevant) have been living together in a college dorm for a couple months now. We aren’t friends, but we’re friendly. We talk a little in passing but nothing more. We get along for the most part, but my main issue is that Ollie has so much stuff.
I’ve lived with it for months but it’s always a mild annoyance. There’s stuff on our bathroom counter, the kitchen counter, always dishes in the sink and their desk is always a mess. We have separate sides of the room and separate spaces for our food and dishes in the sink and for our shower stuff and bathroom stuff but it still drives me crazy because there’s always clutter around. I haven’t talked to them about it because I don’t want them to get mad at me for trying to micromanage them—I don’t know if they would’ve but now they definitely would.
Also, I think we have a pretty big gap in how much money we have. We both have a meal plan so we can eat at the cafeteria on campus but their part of the fridge is always overflowing. They have a ton of expensive and what look like kinda redundant products, like five bottles of perfume on their desk, and I even saw cotton candy grapes in the fridge?? I haven’t been to the store in a while but I don’t think those are cheap. There’s also a ton of Starbucks and takeout food in the trash too. I on the other hand have to save the money I have (a couple hundred) to put towards a summer class. Even if I wanted to get them a birthday gift, I think it would come down to that or, like, gas money to go home for a weekend
Ollie’s birthday was a little over a week ago. They spent the day out with their friends from what I could tell off social media and when they came back they had a few grocery bags and an Amazon box or two, and once they set them down they asked me what I’d gotten for them.
I asked what they were talking about, and they said for their birthday. I told them I didn’t get them anything and then they started mumbling about fake friends and how they were nothing but nice to me and I couldn’t even give them anything in return. I’m not great on social cues so they might have been joking or sarcastic here but I told them they were crazy if they thought I was gonna add to any of their piles of useless stuff around here and called them a hoarder (that may be too harsh but I mean, I saw a Wendy’s receipt from October on their desk last week. It’s February.) They got really pissed and started swearing at me and I forget most of what was said after that but it escalated, we ended up screaming, they left for the night, it was bad.
Since then their friend from high school, we’ll call her Ruby (21F I think) has been blowing up my phone. Telling me I have no right to talk to Ollie like that, that I’m a shitty friend and she ought to just block me (we aren’t friends so idk where this one came from), and told me that apparently Ollie’s mom was some kind of a reclusive hoarder and Ollie has been crying and worrying about becoming like her. I honestly don’t believe this last one because I met their mom when we moved in last September and she seemed like a completely nice person.
Ollie hasn’t been back here. I think they got their essentials while I was in class and is staying with Ruby now, she lives in a building just off campus. I reached out to make sure they were okay and, you know, alive, and they just said “don’t fucking text me I’m fine don’t worry about it.” I have pretty bad anxiety, it’s been six days and it’s still almost all I can think about. I feel like I should apologize but I’m honestly not sure if I’m in the wrong or not. So, aita?
What are these acronyms?
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Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 7.7k
Notes: No cause actually I’m just finishing this now and it comes out Thursday how could I do this to myself it’s Tuesday. And more importantly why is it so LONG cause it’s cute that’s why and this is the SET UP chapter okay
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Episode 6: Beach Blanket Bingo
Approximately three weeks after your first date Buck has the third one all set up and ready to go
He did not want to wait, in fact, he wanted to plan five dates in five days which would have been cute but Eddie said no. He had to take his time and show you that he cared about you so he went along with it because Eddie was his patience.  
Eddie helped him set the whole thing up, they went to Target and had a little shopping spree. They bought a cute pink blanket, a checkerboard print picnic basket, and two beach chairs. Eddie threw in a few other things, A couple of portable silverware sets, and a strawberry-shaped serving bowl. Actually, he got two of those because he really wanted one too. 
Everything they have is very colorful and Buck hopes you like it. Eddie knows a private beach area, from a friend and he got that spot for Buck just for tomorrow 
“You really think she’s gonna like a beach date? What if she secretly hates water or something”
“Did she tell you she secretly hated water?” Eddie asks as he cuts up the strawberries for the fruit salad they’re making 
“If it’s a secret how am I gonna know” he makes a dumb face at Eddie and Eddie has to take a second, just to remember why they’re friends and why he loves this man 
“Yeah…you’re so right” He puts his head down, returning to cutting the strawberries. 
“Anyway” Buck throws some grapes he cleaned off into the bowl and pops one in his mouth 
“I should probably get cooking. You mind being my guinea pig?” 
“For what?” Eddie asks warily as he slides the strawberries off his cutting board and into the bowl 
“I’m trying out a new seasoning mix for burgers I want to know if it’s good and I can’t eat it myself because then I won’t be hungry later!” 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he starts on the watermelon 
“Fine, I suppose I can suffer through this,” He says sarcastically, but his growling stomach gives him away 
Buck is so particular with the way he cooks these burgers, he’s so careful about how he seasons and what he seasons with and Eddie sits on the counter, handing him things and watching him. He even times how long he cooks each side and puts the bacon in the oven 
“You’re doing great dude,” Eddie says as he holds out the plate Buck puts the toasted bun on 
“You think so?” 
“I have literally no idea how this could suck. Like it’s beautiful” He hops off the counter, setting the plate down and Buck plates it exactly how he wants it to be and takes a couple pictures
“Ketchup or not?” He teases him and Buck rolls his eyes as he hands him the ketchup
“After you try it plain. You probably won’t even want it!!” 
“Oh, we’ll see about that” Eddie pokes at his side before picking the burger up and taking a bite out of it. Buck puts his hands to his face, nervously watching as Eddie takes his time considering it. He sets it back down and puts his hands on Buck's shoulder 
“That’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever made me in our entire lives and you’re right I don’t want ketchup”
Buck has four swimsuits he could possibly wear and a speedo Eddie said that he should burn and it literally didn’t even fit his junk properly 
Not his fault he’s too big for it
So he and Eddie settle on his shortest pair because it shows off his thighs the best and they’re really short and they make his butt look good and they really think you’ll appreciate that
Not to mention they have super cool sharks on them. 
“You nervous?” Eddie asks as he blows up the cute pink and white beach ball that Buck bought especially for you 
“Incredibly. Like what if I mess this up?? You’re usually there to save me, what if she thinks I’m like a freak or something, or what if I accidentally drown her”
“How?? How would you accidentally drown her?” 
“It’s called an “accident” Eddie! I don’t know! Oh god, what if she can’t swim?!” 
“Then you get to hold her in the water? You haven’t asked her if she can swim?”
“Oh god, I should have asked oh my god. Eddie!! I’m already ruining this!!”
Eddie rolls his eyes and takes out his phone, dialing your number “You’re not ruining anything Buck you’re putting way too much on yourself, she would not have accepted a beach date if she couldn’t-“ 
“Oh hey!” Eddie holds the phone up between him and Buck “Just a silly, crazy, cute lil question… can you swim?”
“Uhhh” He hears through the phone and he looks horrified as you take too damn long to answer this question 
“Y/N” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose and you nervously giggle, Buck looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. In fact, he sits down on the floor just staring at his hands 
“Yes, Eddie?” You say so sweetly he’s sure his teeth just rotted 
“You can’t swim, can you?” 
“Okay okay hear me out-“
“Hear me out!!” You yell and Eddie groans loudly as Buck lays out on the floor, waiting for death to take him 
“I’m not a strong swimmer okay!! But you know… I can… float and do little kicks….”
“Jesus fuc-“
“Besides!!! I figured you know… um… see okay I was thinking that I could just tell Buck when we went into the water and just ask him if he didn’t mind holding onto me you know?? I just- I thought hey maybe he’d want to and- and that way like-“
“Are you telling me you’re using the fact that you can’t swim to get Buck to have to keep his hands on you??”
“For safety!!” 
Eddie hears May laugh and you shush her, he looks down at Buck who’s got his hands over his face and he can’t tell what he’s feeling. 
“Don’t tell him okay?? He might back out if he knows” 
“I don’t think he’d back out, he’d rather die than cancel a date ”
“Promise me you won’t tell him!!” You whine and he rolls his eyes 
“Fine. God. Goodbye, Brat.”
“Bye, bestest friend in the entire world!!!”
Eddie scoffs as he hangs up, nudging Buck's foot with his.
“God sometimes I think you two dumbasses really were made for each other…Well?” 
Buck squeals at a level only dogs can hear and Eddie slaps his hand over his face 
“She wants me to hold her!!” 
“I’m packing water wings” 
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This was such a bad idea, this was the worst idea he and Eddie could have ever come up with. Why did he think he could do this? 
He and Eddie picked you up together from the house, Eddie came with you as a decoy because Buck just had to pick you up from the house. 
Eddie lets out a low whistle as they look up from their phones, Buck’s mouth drops open and Eddie closes it for him 
You’re walking towards them, a little skip in your step. You’d just bought a new swimsuit anyway so Buck’s idea of going to the beach was perfect. The red material clings to your body, it's low on your chest and cut high on your hips. May called it your Baywatch swimsuit as you spun around giggling while showing it to her the other day. 
“Are you gonna be okay?” Eddie asks as they watch you walking over to them. That bounce in each step is causing him to feel things 
“Huh?” He mumbles, still staring at you. It feels like it’s taking years for you to get to the car, Oh okay he kinda understands the slow-motion runs now. 
“Hi, guys!” You say as you open the front door and climb into the jeep. Eddie wolf whistles and you giggle, handing him your bag to put in the back 
“Damn, Pamela” He jokes and you roll your eyes, pulling your cover-up tighter around your body 
“That’s literally what May said. I think it’s cute!” 
“Oh trust me I’m not disagreeing in the slightest,” He says, putting his arms on the backs of your seats 
“You think he’s ever gonna snap out of it?” You turn your body towards Buck and Eddie and Eddie shrugs 
“Eventually… this one really is a banger though sweetheart it might take him a minute”
“Does he even know I’m in the car?” 
Buck’s hands are on the steering wheel, his palms are sweaty, and his stomach flutters like crazy… maybe he’s sick. He’s definitely sick, he’s gotta be sick. He should cancel the date he doesn’t wanna make you sick 
“Buck?” You poke at his arm 
“Breathe… dude” Eddie rubs his shoulders and Buck starts to relax slowly 
His voice is robotic and plain, and his hands grip the wheel tighter
“Hello, you look nice. Are you ready to go?” 
Eddie falls back in his seat laughing and you pull him into your chest, hugging him
“Buck come on!” You whine as you smother him like he does to you 
“Snap out of it so we can have fun!” 
He groans loudly and wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his head into your bare chest, definitely getting glitter all over his face and hair 
“You look So. Damn. Good. I swear Y/N I could just eat you up right here right now” 
“Please don’t do that. We’re still in the driveway” Eddie says from the backseat, reminding you both oh yeah he’s still here 
“Wait the driveway is your problem?” Buck turns to face Eddie, still keeping his head on your chest 
“Why did you say it like that” Eddie slaps his arm and Buck starts giggling as he finally pulls away, he starts up the jeep again and leaves the driveway to drop Eddie back off at home 
“It’s fun to harass you” 
He reaches for you as soon as he gets to a stop sign, cupping your face in his hands, he lets everyone go first as he kisses you, sliding his tongue in your mouth and wrapping it around yours. Your cheeks flush deeply, the butterflies in your stomach going wild as you kiss him back, fighting him for dominance 
“Oh my god, do you want me to freaking drive? Go!” Eddie yells at Buck as cars start to honk behind him and he pulls away quickly, hitting the gas. 
You hook your phone up to his Bluetooth and pull up the playlist he’d made for you. Jessie’s Girl plays through the speakers and you squeal, turning up the volume. You play the guitar while Eddie does the drums and Buck looks over at you, enjoying the way you sing into your fake microphone and cue Eddie for his drum solo 
“You’re singing this, way too intensely” Buck looks down over his sunglasses into the rearview mirror at Eddie as you and he sing together and he bursts out laughing, falling over in the backseat as you kick your legs, hiss laughing 
“Shut up!” 
After your little laughing fit you mostly talk with Eddie as you drive back to his place, he’s not coming with so you give him a little extra attention, but that doesn’t stop you from cuddling up to Buck and blowing in his ear softly. At first, it tickles and he’s trying to fight you off with one hand while you giggle and keep blowing. But one particular moment sends a spark of electricity down his spine and he’s fighting a boner with every… bone in his body. He shifts awkwardly and his eyes shoot up to Eddie’s in the review mirror, silently begging him to save him and he shrugs, getting your attention back easily and Buck can finally breathe again.
Which isn’t even easy in the first place because you smell good. He wonders what it is, he could bathe in it. Maybe you’ll spray some on his pillow for him, he’d do it for you in a heartbeat if you asked. 
He’d do a lot of things for you if you asked. 
Once you pull into Eddie’s driveway he hops out and you open the door, giving him a big hug. He winks at Buck who rolls his eyes and flips him off 
“I’ll see you two later! Enjoy your day!” He steps back from the Jeep waving as Buck pulls out of the driveway 
“Bye, Eddie!! Have a good day!!” You wave back as you speed off toward the beach. 
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Buck and Eddie showed up earlier and got everything all set up so when he grabs the picnic basket from the backseat and takes your hand his nerves quiet just a little. He really wants this date to go well, Eddie was right, he wants to show you how much he cares. 
“Buck this is really cute,” You say as you kneel down on the blanket and reach out for the basket. He hands it to you before sitting down and straightening out the blanket a little 
“I can’t take all the credit, Eddie helped set things up” He watches you take out the food and set it out. You grab a plate and serve him first and he blushes, it’s so domestic and it makes his heart do flips 
“I should be doing that for you” He takes the spoon from your hand and puts some of the fruit salad on a plate for you and you sit with your legs out in front of you 
“You did everything else, the least you can let me do is serve you, it’s not that difficult you know” 
“I know… but I want to do it anyway. He hands you the plate and you smile, leaning forward and kissing him sweetly
“Thank you, for everything”
“It’s my pleasure, Doll,” He says, kissing your nose and sitting back with his plate 
You and Buck eat the fruit salad first because it’s your favorite part and you taste even sweeter when he kisses you again. His hand trails up your smooth thigh, pulling you closer to him by your hip. He nuzzles his head against yours and you melt into his touch. He smiles, pulls away, and goes back into the basket 
“You know we should probably actually eat” 
“Personally I think there are more interesting things to taste but okay” You shrug and his cheeks turn red 
“Oh haha, very funny” He sticks his tongue out and you bat your eyelashes playfully 
“What can I say, I’m a slut for a dirty joke” you quote him from earlier and he slaps your thigh, handing you a warm bowl. You take off the lid and there’s a delicious-looking burger inside. 
“Where did you get this” Your mouth is already watering as you put the little container up to your face, inhaling the delicious aroma 
“I made them myself! But wait-“ he grabs a couple of buns from a bag and hands you one “I didn’t want these getting soggy” 
You carefully take the burger from the container and put it on the bun, he hands you a napkin, and you wipe your hands off before putting the bacon on and wiggling a little 
“It’s gorgeous,” you say through fake sniffles and he rolls his eyes smirking when you take a bite. Your eyes widen before rolling back in your skull and you sigh 
“Oh Buck” you moan and his cheeks flush deeply. He knows you mean his cooking but like…. Like could you just do that again??
“I think I’m in love” You giggle as you eat and he opens the bag of chips for you both 
“Well that makes two of us” he winks and you blush as you take the chips and nibble on one 
It’s quiet when you’re eating and you can’t help it, because it’s good and who even knew Buck could cook, because he hadn’t cooked for you before and now you wish he would again, or maybe you could cook for him next time, you set your empty container aside, leaning back in your chair a little as you chew the tip of your sunglasses in deep thought 
“What are you thinking about?” Buck asks as he sips his capri sun “You kinda zoned out a little there” he chuckles and you shrug 
“Maybe… for one of our dates? I could do something for you. I want to do our next date okay? You can have the last one!” 
“Awww you don’t have to! I like spoiling you” He boops your nose and you giggle, wiping off your hands grabbing the hand sanitizer, and spraying it 
“I want to Buck!! You deserve to be spoiled too” 
“I can think of other ways you could spoil me,” he says dreamily and you roll your eyes as you stand up and stretch out for a second before bending over to grab a drink from the cooler. You fall out of your top a little and stop for a second, putting your hand over your chest 
“Hey! That was one of them” 
“Oh shut up!!” You swat his thigh and stand tall, opening your little drink 
He eases himself out of his chair and onto the ground, pushing his chair away a little, and opens his arms
“C’mere cutie” 
You step over him and he looks up at you, goddamn are you a sight to behold as you straddle his lap and sit down. 
“There we go! Nice and comfy” he smirks and you wrap your arms around his neck 
“Oh yeah, soooo comfy,” you say as his hands slide down to your ass and squeeze gently 
“Oh? Is this not to your liking?” He slides his hands up your sides while laying back and bringing you with him. You blush as you’re laid out on him 
“How about this?” 
“Even better” you purr and he sighs, his hands shaking a little as he feels you up 
“You wanna go swimming soon?” He cups your face in his hands, mushing it around and making silly faces and you snicker, pushing his hands away
“Yeah!! But um… I gotta tell you something about that” You say quietly and he slaps his hands on your butt, making you jump and yelp and you punch his chest 
“And what would that be?” He starts tapping out a little beat on your butt and you reach behind you trying to bat his hands away but he just smacks your butt 
“Would you quit that!!” You wriggle on him and he gasps, his hands stalling. 
“Oh? Oh, you like that huh?” You smirk evilly 
“I mean you’re literally inadvertently grinding on me so yeah I think I like that” 
“You want me to do it on purpose?” You ask quietly, reaching up to twirl his hair with your finger. His mouth drops open 
“Wait- seriously?” 
“If you don’t want-“ You start to get up and he shakes his head fast, pushing you down against him by your ass 
“No- no!! I want, I want!!” He says pleadingly and you laugh, burying your face in his neck for a moment before you start to roll your hips. His breath hitches and he sighs, melting into the sand below him 
“Mmmm that’s my girl,” He says quietly as you sit up, putting more pressure on his cock 
“Did I mention you look super, super good today?” you say and he blushes 
“Uh huh, your sharks are so cute” 
Buck perks up a little as he holds your hips 
“You really think so??” He sounds so cute and excited and it makes you blush at how adorable he’s being
 “I named this one Kevin!!” He points to one of the sharks on his swim trunks and you stop grinding for a second to look down 
“Hi Kevin” you giggle and wave at the little hammerhead shark and Buck sits up now, looking at Kevin 
“Yeah he’s pretty cool… just don’t tell the others” He whispers in your ear and you bite your lip before kissing him, knocking him backward into the sand again. He moans quietly, wrapping his arms around you and squishing you down onto him a bit. He laps at your tongue, tangling his with yours as he kisses you passionately and downright dirty 
“God you’re just so cute sometimes” You pant in between kisses and he pushes down on your ass as you start to grind on him again, he chuckles, grinding back against you and you gasp against his lips 
“Cute huh? I don’t wanna be cute right now…” He rolls you over onto your back and grinds into you, bending down and kissing you breathless. Your body shudders as he’s a little more aggressive with his movements now, thrusting his hips gently into yours. 
You tug on his hair, your hands tangling through it as you open your legs to him more, lost in the moment of pleasure he’s giving you. You can tell by the way he’s angling his hips he’s after one thing 
And he’s hitting it over and over again. 
Oh, he’s definitely boyfriend material. 
He gasps in your ear, a soft little pathetic noise that sends a shiver straight up your spine. Your heart flutters and your pussy clenches around nothing desperately 
“Jesus Buck” you pant, wrapping your legs around his waist and he chuckles darkly as he ruts his hips harder into yours. 
His phone rings and he completely ignores it while you claw at his back, egging him on. The heated desire between the two of you could practically make glass underneath you. You slide your hands down his lower back, going to ease his shorts down-
It starts to ring again and you turn to look at it “Who is that??” Your chest bounces with each of his thrusts and he’s practically mesmerized by the way you look underneath him 
“Uh I’m not-“ He moans desperately, letting his head fall onto your shoulder “Fuck it’s Eddie” He bites down and your body arches into him
“Shouldn’t you answer it?” You pant softly as you look over at it 
“I’m kinda busy??”
You laugh as you reach your arm out toward his phone, wiggling your fingers to grab it and answer it. He stops for a second, grabs it, hands it to you, and goes right back to kissing your shoulder and leaving hickeys across your chest 
He’s definitely not going to stop this time, in fact, he makes it worse by pulling the front of your swimsuit down 
“Buck!!” You shriek as his hands cup your breasts, he places featherlight kisses on them, trying to refrain from biting 
“Yes, beautiful?” 
“Put the phone up to his ear” Eddie hisses and you do as he says 
“I swear to god if you fuck her in the middle of this beach”
“How do you know what I’m-“
Buck's hips freeze in place and you can hear Eddie laughing his head off 
“What did he say??” You ask and Buck looks around frantically “Uhh nothing baby nothing” He gets up, tossing a towel over your chest, and awkwardly pats it 
“I really really need to take this call,” he tells you and you nod fast handing him over the phone 
“No, go ahead!” 
He jogs away a few feet closer to the ocean so you can’t hear him 
“Where are you?!” 
“Actually pretty far, you were so nervous I thought I’d show up for a bit and make sure you were okay… and now I really wish I hadn’t” 
“Did you see…her-“ He gestures around his chest and Eddie laughs
“No, I looked away. But it seems like you don’t need me, man. So… I’m going to Chipotle”
“Wait bring me home some queso” 
“Oh yeah sure okay. I’ll send you my locaysh so you don’t have to be paranoid I’m still here”
“Wow, thanks how’d you know I would be?!” 
“Because I know you better than you do buddy. Also, she’s going toward the water, 9 o’clock”
“Mmmm I can’t tell time” Buck turns around 
“Jes- Goodbye” 
Buck jogs back over to your little picnic and tosses his phone down. He looks over at you as you walk towards the water, your backside covered in sand… god he loved that swimsuit. 
He follows after you, walking right next to your footsteps and semi-fangirling over the way they look so cute together 
“Is everything okay?” You look up at him and god you really have given him a size kink 
You’re. Just. So. Petite. He could pick you up and throw you. God okay he doesn’t wanna actually throw you. But you’re like five feet tall and that’s cute 
“Earth to Buck” you wave your hand in front of his face and he flinches “You good”
“Huh?? Oh. Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about throwing you” 
You blink at him and he blinks back, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips for a moment really just thinking  
“…Just gonna leave that there huh buddy?” 
“Leave what where?” He asks, looking around 
“You- you just said you wanted to throw me?” 
“Oh shit! No fuck no!! Shit god no that’s!?? That’s weird I just- no I meant like you- you’re just so tiny and-“
You’re letting him dig his hole deeper as he fumbles over his words 
“And-and like so easy to pick up and like no god no I’d never throw you I- know I would never hurt you” 
You shake your head, listening to him with a wide grin on your face 
“I’m- I’m making this worse aren’t I” 
“Yes” you shake your head giggling and he groans loudly, spinning around in a little circle and throwing a tiny tantrum 
“It’s like when you see something just so darn cute you wanna squish it forever!!” 
“So you’re saying you think I’m so cute you just wanna throw me?” 
“Yes!!!” He throws his arms out and you nod 
“Yeah no okay I get it now. Like how I want to be Lady Dimitrescu’s vanity” 
“Goddamn, what I wouldn’t give to be that” Buck wholeheartedly agrees and you both stand there for a moment, just… dreaming. 
“So you wanna get in the water?” Buck asks 
Maybe Eddie was right, maybe you were made for each other. 
The bimbo to his himbo 
Buck sighs dreamily as he takes your hand, pulling you closer to the water. What a match made in heaven. 
You nearly drown in a wave that knocks you flat on your butt. 
You forgot to tell Buck you couldn’t swim and Buck forgot to remember you couldn’t swim. 
Both of you blame it on the messing around earlier. 
Buck pulls you up the beach before flopping down on the sand next to you, both of you panting heavily 
“You terrified of the ocean yet?” 
“I think I just swallowed half of it” 
You look over at him, you look like a drowned rat. The cutest drowned rat he’s ever seen. He chuckles as he leans into you, kissing you slowly and putting his arm over your waist 
“You wanna try that again?” 
“You promise you’ll hold onto me?” 
“I promise baby” He kisses your nose and you blush 
“Okay…” you get up, bending over to brush the sand from your legs and Buck smacks your ass 
“Hey!” You yelp and shoot up straight and he puts his hands up in mock defense 
“I was just trying to help” He pats his eyelashes sweetly 
“You’re groping me way too much today” You scold him as he takes your hand again and leads you back to the water, it seems to have calmed down 
“Honestly, if it’s too much please ask me to stop and I absolutely will. On the other hand… if you like it. You know you can do it right back, right?” He smirks as you look at him, a light blush dusting your cheeks 
“Huh?” You say and he takes both your hands, walking backward into the water 
“Might I remind you I have a butt too? A very cute one” 
You giggle as he walks you out a little deeper so you’re floating and he’s still standing 
“I also have- you know,….something else if that’s to your liking” He winks and you roll your eyes, wrapping your arms securely around his neck. He stops at a safe distance and bends his knees so he’s floating with you on top of him 
“I’m just saying… I’m giving you permission you know… if that’s something you’re interested in and you know now that I’m saying that I’m sorry I didn’t ask to use your booty as bongos”
You laugh into his shoulder and pull back again to look at him 
“It’s okay, you’ve got pretty good rhythm, and I’ve got a pretty nice ass”
“Oh boy do you” He sighs softly, tilting his head cutely “I just can’t get enough of you, my sweet, sweet little bunny” 
“Bunny huh? What happened to Doll?” You ask, booping his nose and he nods 
“It's Bunny when I’m ready to take a bite out of you” He growls and nips at your finger and you squeal, pulling away from him and he pulls you back closer
“No-no-no!!” You try to push him away from him laughing loudly “Don’t eat me!!” 
“You better watch out or my sharks are gonna get you!!” 
He purposely drags you to shallower water and lets you go and you run away 
“I can’t tell if that was an innuendo or not!!” You call over your shoulder and he nearly trips from laughing so hard 
“Oh my god, I didn’t even think about that!! Now that’s exactly what I mean!” 
You know he’s running so much slower than he really can, no matter how hard your little legs pump you know he could catch you if he really wanted… and maybe that’s what you both like about it so much. For as much as you run and dodge his lunges you know he’s just toying with you at this point and you sort of do feel like a little bunny, like his prey. 
“Awww come on! You’re starting to slow down bunny! I thought this was gonna be more of a chase!” His voice is borderline sinister? And that’s hot. 
What a great distraction. 
You shriek as his hand grabs the back of your swimsuit and yanks you backward, pulling you down into the sand with him, the waves lap against your bodies as he pins you to the ground and stares at you, his pretty eyes, dark and stormy now 
“Well, well, well, look what I’ve caught” He runs his finger down your cheek as you pant beneath him, his eyes roll back slowly as his hips connect with yours, grinding against you 
“You gorgeous, gorgeous little bunny. I like watching you run from me” He whispers in your ear, his voice dripping with a seductive husky tone. Your eyes widen as you shove him off of you, sitting up fast. He falls onto his butt, stunned for a second, and looks at you 
“Too far??” He asks worriedly and you run your hands over your hair, they’re shaking so hard he can see them 
“That was the hottest damn thing I have ever experienced in my entire life I need a minute,” you tell him and he falls backward laughing loudly 
“You scared me! You brat!!” 
“Oh, I’m just supposed to be completely normal. When you treat me like prey?? And you’re all “Grrr, I’m…I’m some sort of…”I don’t know what kind of animal do you wanna be?” 
“I’ll be a wolf, it’s funny” 
You giggle into your hands as you fall back into the sand “Okay, my very own werewolf boyfriend, Nice!” 
“Hey I’m on TikTok, I know what booktok is okay. You’re into it” 
You burst out laughing, throwing wet sand on his chest “Are you kidding me?!” 
“Let me see your Kindle unlimited Y/N!! Let. Me. See. It” 
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Buck has another little surprise but you have to wait for it to get darker he says so instead you guys go for a walk down the beach. He’s picking up little random pieces of wood as you go 
“So you think we could have a sleepover sometime?”
He asks as he picks up another and you shrug, smiling “It sounds nice, but how are we gonna get around that one?” 
“If Eddie’s there I’m sure Bobby won’t mind” 
“Right…right Having a sleepover with two, grown, attractive, men! That totally sounds like something he’d go for!” You poke his side and he giggles 
“Maybe we can say May is invited too! She’d cover for us” 
“I could always ask her, you think Eddie will be available?” 
“Yeah to cover for us, no way am I having my best friend come over when I’m trying to have a completely innocent, wonderfully pure, amazingly sinless sleepover with my girlfriend” 
“Oh, we’re gonna fuck huh?” 
Buck bursts out laughing, grabbing your arm as he almost falls to the ground and you steady him, laughing with him. He giggles and kicks the sand, trying to stop laughing all the way back to your little slice of heaven. He drops the wood he was collecting and plops down in his chair 
“I hate you so much” 
You snort as you sit down next to him “It was funny!! You’re the one who laughed for six hours” 
He kicks some sand on your leg and you slap his thigh, to which he slaps yours. Your mouth opens a little and he sticks his tongue out at you. 
“You wanna go? Because I’ll fight you right here right now” you tell him and he flicks you off with both fingers 
“Come at me, Princess” 
He doesn’t know what he expected, even though if he was actually paying attention he would have known. You tackle him out of his seat and he yelps as you two go rolling in the sand. He screams laughing as you tickle him and kick his legs as you end up back on top of him 
“Stop!! Stop I’m gonna pee!!” He screams and bucks his hips trying to knock you off but you just hold on tighter, attacking him more
“Nice try! But I’ve won the bull riding contest at Lucky Jacks four times!!”
He grips your wrists, holding you off “Wait you’ve what???” He pants harshly, holding you back as you struggle 
“Yeah! I’m actually really good at it” 
“Are you telling me with a straight face you’re good at riding” 
You stop wriggling so much and think for a second, humming softly 
“Yeah okay, I’ll go with it. I’m amazing at riding” you purr seductively and he groans, rolling his eyes back and letting your wrists go 
“Oh god you’re my dream woman” He sighs and you giggle, bracing your hands on his chest 
“Are you good at taking it?” You ask, letting your head tilt to the side as you look down at him 
“A-am I what?” His voice is hoarse and his eyes turn wide as saucers 
“Are you good… at taking it?” You ask again and his heart nearly shoots out of his chest 
“I wouldn’t know,” he says simply, quietly. But damn is he starting to think he wants to find out 
“Are we talking about the same thing?” You giggle and he shrugs because he’s sure he’s got little hearts radiating in his eyes right now 
“I don’t know” 
You both leave it at that (much to his dismay) and you get off of him, going back over to your little setup and grabbing a dry towel from the pile Buck brought 
“Suns just about right for some last-minute tanning!” You say as you spread it out and grab another, spreading it out next to yours for him 
“Hey uh…just how private is this beach?” You ask and he looks up from the cooler where he’s grabbing two water bottles 
“Extremely, they kinda keep a tight lid on this but rent it out for parties and stuff sometimes” 
“So…there’s no danger of anyone showing up expectedly?” 
“None at all, Why?”
“I don’t really like tan lines” 
You turn away from Buck, slipping the straps of your swimsuit off and rolling it down your body so it looks like it’s just a pair of bottoms and he has to turn away before his sharks start to get a little too tight. 
He walks past you to his towel and you turn again, covering your chest with your arms 
“No peeking,” you say and he closes his eyes 
“Didn’t I literally full-on grab them earlier?” he asks and you kick his thigh lightly as you lay on your stomach, it’s not a sustainable position but it’ll be fine for a little while at least 
“Yeah, you did. You can look now” 
He looks over at you, laid out on your tummy with your legs crossed and your head resting on your hands and he smiles, shaking his head before looking up at the sky 
“I ever tell you how pretty you are?” 
You blush and shrug, “Not nearly enough” you tease 
He chuckles and scoots closer to you, your faces so close you can feel each breath he takes 
“You are the most stunning little thing I’ve ever met” His voice is husky as he turns over, trailing his fingertips down your back and you shiver under his touch “So beautiful and I get you all to myself”
“How lucky you are” you tease and he leans closer, kissing you softly 
“Damn right I am” 
You lay together in the sun for a while, just relaxing and occasionally talking. He likes to listen to you talk, he especially likes to listen to you laugh. He’s falling faster and faster every second and he’s starting to not care about Eddie saying he needs to wait to tell you he loves you 
As the sun finally starts to set, Buck gets up and dusts off his legs 
“You ready for your lil surprise?” He asks excitedly and you perk up, carefully sitting up and keeping your chest covered 
He turns around so you can fix your top again and picks up his towel, shaking it out 
“I wanted to just leave you here and surprise you more but to be honest I kind of want to show off” 
You snort as you get up, shaking out your own towel and taking his hand to walk back over to the chairs 
“Well whatever it is I’m excited about it” 
“You can help if you want! Or I can do it myself” 
“Well if you’d just tell me whatever it is, I’m sure I’d be happy to help” you tease him and he smirks as you both toss your towels down. He brings you a little ways away from your stuff and there’s a little pile of rocks and his sticks 
“Just make a big circle with the rocks in the sand alright? Brat” he smacks your butt and you swat his hand away, putting the rocks in a circle as he told you to, you make them pretty, setting them out nicely as he arranges his sticks in the middle 
“You know…” you start to help him pile his sticks “I’m pretty sure I know where this is going now and a firefighter starting a fire is pretty funny” 
“I’m an expert!! Trust me I can even start it with two sticks okay you’ll be so impressed!!” 
He gets up with a little pail and goes running off to the water and you watch him, shaking your head and groaning softly 
“Why is everything he does so damn cute???” 
You finish setting up the sticks for him as he comes back, setting the pail down. He can indeed start a fire with two sticks, and it is actually pretty impressive as the fire roars to life. He slowly throws some more sticks on it, feeding it carefully and you scoot next to him, putting your head on his shoulder 
“That’s pretty hot,” you tell him and he looks down at you
“Oh? Do you wanna scoot back??” 
You giggle and push him a little “No, Buck. You’re hot” 
His cheeks flush as he looks at the fire in front of you both and rolls his eyes “Oh, thanks” 
You wrap your arms around his and snuggle against him “No, thank you. Today was really really great” 
“You think so?” He pulls his arm away for a second, putting it around you instead and cuddling up with you. He kisses your head and you blush 
“Yeah I know so, I’ve never been so happy with someone before,” you say quietly and he smiles, laying his cheek on your head 
“Yeah me either” 
The sun finally sets, the air around you becoming colder as you cuddle in front of the fire. He reaches behind him and pulls over the cutest little box in the shape of a giant s’more and you laugh 
“Oh my god I love that” you smile as he hands you a skewer with a marshmallow on it and you put it over the fire 
“I saw it at Target and have never put something in my cart so fast it’s literally so cute and a total waste of money” 
You toast your marshmallows to a nice brown while Buck literally sets four on fire and this doesn’t surprise you in the least. He likes making them almost as much as he likes eating them. He looks over at you, a wide grin on his marshmallow-covered cheeks and you giggle, sitting on your knees in front of him and licking his cheek 
He snorts and tosses his head back “You could have just given me a napkin”
“No this is way funnier” You give his other cheek a little lick and he reaches forward, yanking you into his lap 
“Maybe I’ll just use you as a napkin!!” You squeak as he kisses all over your face before kissing your lips, he tastes good, like the sweet marshmallows and dark chocolate, and a little summery and warm. 
“Mmmph” You whimper against his lips and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He can’t get enough of your body, enough of your existence. 
“So gorgeous” He mumbles against your lips and you grin, nodding along with him 
“Damn right you are”
His cheeks flush as he gets a bit shy and pulls away some
“Why do you compliment me so much?” 
You look at him curiously, pulling away now too “What do you mean?”
“I just… you tell me I’m gorgeous or- or handsome” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” You look taken aback 
“I mean- why would you??” He asks quietly, looking up at the night sky and shrugging and you take a second, looking down at the sand before looking back at him and cupping his cheek to tilt his face to you… kind of understanding now where he’s coming from 
Evan Buckley is a breathtaking man. And you’re not sure anyone’s ever told him that he’s so much more than his looks. 
“Evan Buckley, you’re one of the sweetest, most caring guys I’ve ever met. You’re funny and sensitive. And I know you try your hardest with everything you do… I’m not- I'm not just into you for your looks Buck. I’m into you for your heart and the way you care for everyone around you with every last breath in your body. You save lives every day Buck! You’re a hero, you’re my hero” 
He didn’t mean to tear up, but he couldn’t help it, no one… no one really sees him for him when he goes on dates, sometimes his friends don’t even see him.
But you do. 
He wipes at his eyes quickly, clearing his throat and rolling his eyes trying to reign himself in before looking away from you 
“You’re such a sappy baby” 
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Buck lays back, propping himself up on his elbows as he stares up at the stars. That’s his real surprise, how dark it is over here. You can see more than you ever have before. He looks over at you, watching the sky like he is and his heart melts. Your eyes are so wide and sweet, there are literal stars in your eyes
He can’t stop thinking about what you’d said, or the way you tackled him over after he called you a baby and tickled him until he had to run to the ocean to pee to which you screamed in horror and he started chasing you around the fire. 
“I love you” 
You look over at him, the fire illuminating your soft honeyed skin, and he’s sure he’s seeing an angel all over again. His heart hurts with how badly he wants you, the air is sucked from his lungs the longer he stares at you 
“I know” 
“You don’t have to say it back, we aren’t even together yet and you know today was amazing but we still have a lot to learn about each other and I love you.”
You smirk at him as he rambles, because honestly? Truly? It’s on the tip of your tongue too. 
“Eddie’s gonna kill me for this”
“I won’t tell if you won’t” You put out your pinky finger and he smiles, linking his with yours 
He drops you off at home around 2 again and he knows Athena is definitely gonna kill him for this. He always brings you home way too late. You make him park down the street from the house so you can climb into his lap and make out with him one more time before going in. It’s a bit messy, he doesn’t bother being proper as he feels you up, his hands sliding up and down your sides and over your ass. It makes you giggle against his lips and nip at them while pulling his hair back. 
“So you’ll come over tomorrow, right? Since we stayed out so late today and you’ll sleep over? Just me and you?” He looks so sweet and hopeful as he asks, like a cute little puppy wagging his tail for treats 
“That sounds like a perfect plan,” you tell him just as excitedly and he squeezes you, hugging you dramatically 
“I can’t wait to spend the night with you”
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i love your monster au so much!!
pls consider the twst charas reacting to yuu cracking their joints and being like
"did you... just break your bones.....?" or "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU OKAY??????"
or or them reacting to yuu telling them how dangerous human bites are like,,,
"did u know human bites are the second most dangerous animal bite?? (after mosquitos!) because of the amount of bacteria they carry? yeah lol sometimes ppl who get bitten (mostly by children) have to get that limb AMPUTATED bc of infection :))"
"what........ the. fuck???"
these have probably been mentioned before, but i'd love to see you elaborate or share your thoughts on them! it's not a request, but you can write something about it if you want to! :) <3
Technically the human bite one was touched up on in this ask here, but as for the other one...
It’s amazing how—despite the fact that cracking joints is healthy for us when we’re out of sorts—there are so many people who are shocked or recoil when they hear someone seemingly crack and pop every single joint in our body. XD
Humans are weird even to themselves, let alone to monsters who know next to nothing about us hoomans. :V So let’s take an extra crinkly Yuu and toss them in amongst these monsters, shall we?
It was another normal day at NRC, the sunlight streaming in through the clean windows of the freshly renovated Ramshackle Dorm. Stirred from their slumber, Yuu slowly sat up—minding Grim as the chimera continued snoozing beside them—and yawned. Despite the bed being comfortable, they still woke up stiff and tense. Without a second thought, they put a hand to their chin and—
“Mrah!?” Grim yowled as he jumped, staring at Yuu in horror as they repeated the process on the other side and earned more pops and cracks. “What the heck was that?! Are you okay!?”
“Mornin’ Grim,” Yuu greeted, stifling a yawn before twisting their back—earning a multitude of creaks and pops. “Just slept a little funny last night and woke up stiff, so I’m getting the kinks out.”
“Okay, I’m ready!” Hopping out of bed, they started getting ready and asked, “So what do you want for breakfast today?”
“…I think I lost my appetite,” Grim uttered.
“Okay, breakfast sandwich to go it is, then.”
“Gah! Yuu, what the hell?!”
“Are you okay?!”
“Human! Are you injured?!”
“Wot the hell?!”
“Can’t the Great Grim eat his breakfast sandwich in peace?!”
“Sorry guys! I just woke up really stiff this morning and needed to stretch.”
Ace looked at them in horror as he said, “Are you kidding me? Everyone thought you broke your arms and legs with all that cracking you did at PE this morning! How can you still be making more noise?”
“What? I was just loosening up a few joints with some stretches so I could keep up with everyone!”
“Coach doesn’t even chase you as hard as he chases us around the track, yet you’re the one who sounds like a crumpled soda can,” Epel commented warily.
“Is this normal for humans?” Deuce asked in concern, forelegs shuffling nervously as they made their way towards their next class. “It sounded like it really hurt…do you need to see the nurse?”
Yuu shrugged and said, “No, I’m fine, really. It only really hurts if you try to force it and don’t let the muscles relax first. Back home, we have people called ‘chiropractors’ who do the cracking for us when we’re in too much pain to move a certain way. Don’t your joints crack and pop too?”
“Well yeah, whenever we stretch it can happen sometimes,” Ace answered. “But if it’s constant clicking like what you’ve been doing, it usually means that something is wrong like an injury or something.”
“In canine monsters, it usually means that there’s a torn ligament or it’s bone rubbing against bone,” Jack explained. “My father experienced that once before, and it took him a while to heal after he got the problem fixed.”
“Oh wow…sorry, I didn’t mean to make you guys worry so much,” Yuu said, thinking back to the grape incident as they entered the classroom together. “I’ll try not to do it as often, okay?”
“If you have to do it, then don’t do it before or after I eat!” Grim said.
“You’re still eating the breakfast sandwich I made even though you complained about losing your appetite this morning.”
“As if the Great Grim would ever let good food go to waste…”
Class began as normal, Yuu listening to Professor Crewel as he instructed them on what was on the agenda for the day as the homework assignment was collected. For the most part it wasn’t bad, but today Yuu was feeling more tired than usual after the workout from this morning. As they sat at their desk, they shifted a little uncomfortably. There was some tightness in their upper back, and no amount of shoulder rolls or slight stretching could ease the pressure.
Out of the corner of their eye they saw one of their monster classmates begin to stretch, stretching his arms over his head as he yawned before settling back in his seat. Maybe that was the kind of stretch they needed to do…worth a shot anyway!
Raising their arms and interlocking their fingers, Yuu straightened their back and curved as their arms bent back—
The whole classroom fell silent, multiple pairs of eyes turning to face Yuu as they sat frozen in their seat with arms still stretched over them. Even Yuu was stunned by the sheer volume of the cracks that escaped their back, faintly making out their friend’s expressions as they stared in open mouthed disbelief and horror. That was the loudest crack they’d ever heard their body make! At this point Yuu was afraid to move, looking like some comically stretched out statue.
Before anyone could ask if they were okay, Yuu asked, “…am I dead?”
Despite the sheer amount of panic and concern the class had over their wellbeing, Yuu was given the all clear by the medical researchers after a quick x-ray revealed that they had not—in fact—broken any bones. It was during a discussion with the researchers that it was discovered that chiropractors were in fact a thing in Twisted Wonderland. But given the fact that most monsters don’t use it as often as other medical practices such as acupuncture, it’s become a rare practice that very few still teach.
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nabibeans · 2 months
The stars align: Matz; Prededubt
•this story is set before Ateez’s official debut. The story of Matz and how they fell in love.
They were filming another video for their debut when Seonghwa realized he might be royally fucked; well to be honest, Jongho and Wooyoung had helped him realize he might be fucked. It was one of their filming days as KQ Fellaz; and they’d just been allowed their lunch break when Hongjoong shyly approached him with soft eyes and a warm smile, “Seonghwa-hyung, wanna have lunch with me?” Seonghwa in a sense of panic had blurted out a “no!” Before he could even register what he was saying. Though he didn’t miss the audible gasp and the crack in Hongjoong’s voice when he responded a soft, “okay, I’ll have lunch with someone else.” As he quickly turned around and walked away. Wooyoung; who had been eves dropping came up to him looking worried, “what the hell was that Seonghwa?” He asked sternly.
Seonghwa sighed running his fingers through his hair, “I don’t know!? I panicked!” Jongho had also joined the conversation at some point and added in , “hyung looked like he was going to cry.” Seonghwa felt awful of course, he hadn’t meant to say no. In fact; he’d actually really wanted to have lunch with Hongjoong, his brain just seemed to short circuit and force out an answer. “You panicked why your friend asked you to eat with them?” Wooyoung arched a brow, looking just as confused as Jongho beside him. “I guess? I dunno, he just looked so cute and I panicked.” Jongho laughed at that, clutching his stomach as tears came to his eyes he laughed so hard. “The way you say it…it sounds like you have a crush on Hongjoong-hyung.”
Wooyoung’s eyes went wide at that. “Do you!? Do you like Hongjoongie-hyung!?” Seonghwa shushed them both, the silver brown haired male was only a few feet away conversing with Yeosang and Yunho. “Hey if it makes you feel better, Yeosang and I are talking.” Jongho stated matter of factly, clearly proud he’d staked his claim on the shyest member. “And I might have a crush on San.” Wooyoung added. It didn’t make Seonghwa feel better, “I’m not gay though.” , “don’t have to be gay to like boys. How about this!? Let’s play truth or dare later during free time!” This was going to be a terrible idea, Seonghwa could already feel it. “Fine, just don’t make it awkward.”
Wooyoung had in fact made it awkward, by seating Seonghwa right next to Hongjoong. The smaller male wearing sweatpants and a cropped tank top that read ‘short but sassy’ on the front in English, Seonghwa had decided after staring at the younger’s soft tummy for longer than he should have he’d stare straight ahead. “Okay!! We all know the rules right!? Whoever doesn’t want to do their dare or speak their truth. Has to take a shot of Sour grape juice.” San proudly showed off the bottle, they were all 19 and younger, no way they’d be caught drinking.
“Okay I’ll go first! Sannie, truth or dare.” Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows playfully. San thought about it for a moment before answering, “dare. I’m no chicken!” , “do the chicken dance in front of the staff.” San’s jaw dropped, yet he did do as he was asked. The members all laughed in unison; though Seonghwa made a mental note that Hongjoong was staying oddly quiet, only letting out muffled giggles into his sleeve. “Are you alright?” Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong shrugged, “a little nauseous. Not feeling good. I’m fine.” Seonghwa nodded, though he kept an eye on their leader. “Okay.”
The game continued; every member doing their dare or speaking the truth, now it was down to the final round, and Wooyoung had an idea. “Hongjoong-ah~ truth or dare.” Hongjoong, who had been fidgeting with his paper cup looked up. “Uhm…truth? I guess.” Wooyoung smiled proudly, before pouring another cup of grape juice just in case. “Have you ever had a girlfriend?” Hongjoong blushed deeply, taking a deep breath he eyed the cup before answering. “No. I’m gay.” Seonghwa choked on his drink beside him, he wasn’t expecting Hongjoong to come out just like that. “Seonghwa hyung don’t choke.” Mingi spoke from beside him as he patted his back. “You’re gay!? So am I!” San spoke up so Hongjoong wouldn’t feel so alone, the other members confirming they were all a part of the lgbt community as well all but…”how about you Seonghwa?” Wooyoung teased playfully.
“I’m not gay.” He stated. Hongjoong made a noise beside him; before jumping up and spilling his cup in the process, “I’m sorry be right back.” He rushed out, hand covering his mouth as he made his way to the bathroom. “I’ll get him.” Yeosang quickly got up to follow after their leader. “Man, never seen someone get physically sick at the idea of straight person.” , “thanks Jongho.”
In the bathroom; Hongjoong fell to his knees in front of the toilet, vomiting up the very little he’d eaten. Hands shaking as anxiety overwhelmed his system, why had this caused such a reaction in him? He’d known Seonghwa wasn’t gay…so why did he still hope? “Hey you okay? Most people don’t normally hurl when they find out their crush is straight.” Hongjoong wiped his mouth, turning to face Yeosang. “I already wasn’t feeling well…that just added the cherry on top of the cake.” Yeosang frowned sitting beside him, “you should at least tell him you like him. Maybe Seonghwa just doesn’t realize he could be gay, or bi at the very least.” Hongjoong shook his head, tears began to line his eyes. “Why? He isn’t gay. He’d never want to go out with me.” Yeosang frowned, rubbing their leaders back. “Let’s get you to bed, I’ll get you a puke bowl from the kitchen just in case.” Hongjoong nodded, flushing the toilet and getting to his feet.
When Yeosang returned later he gave a thumbs up to the rest of the members, “Hongjoong-hyung threw up, he said he already wasn’t feeling well but he’s okay.” Seonghwa sighed in relief though he did feel bad. Why was he feeling bad over upsetting Hongjoong? It wasn’t like he was attracted to him; that soft smile he had when he talked to the members, his pointed nose that brought his small face together, soft brown eyes. What wasn’t there to…”I like Hongjoong!” Seonghwa suddenly blurted out, catching the rest of the members off guard. “You like Hongjoong-hyung? Since when? You’ve shown no interest romantically before.” Mingi asked.
Wooyoung chimed in next, “do you have a crush on him or is he just cute? You gotta think about this before you say anything to him directly hyung. You don’t want him to believe you want to date him when you don’t even know what you feel yet.” The other members nodded in agreement, “Wooyoung is right, take a few weeks to decide what your feelings are before you say anything to him.” Seonghwa sighed, though he did agree. He didn’t want Hongjoong to think something was going to happen if it wasn’t. Not so close to debut; he couldn’t break their leader’s heart when they were so close, though he was sure he already did. “Okay, I’ll think about my feelings.” He agreed. The other members smiling. “You got this hyung.”
Seonghwa did NOT have this. He’d done what the other members had suggested; taking time to think about his feelings for his leader, to think about if it was a crush or admiration for the boy. Seonghwa had figured out he did in fact have a crush on Hongjoong. Lately he’d found himself blushing when the small male looked his way, he’d been more inclined to join him for lunch where they’d get so lost in conversation they forgot to eat, Seonghwa’s heart would race when he at the boy’s lips for longer than a few seconds at a time. Wondering what it would be like to kiss them, wondering what flavor his chapstick was, wondering how Hongjoong would taste. These thoughts plagued him day and night; he needed to say something, and he needed to say it now. Just as he was gearing himself up to confess to their captain he was stopped by a staff member, “Seonghwa, your turn for make up.” Damn it.
Hongjoong found himself in a similar situation; blushing whenever Seonghwa would talk to him, kicking his feet like a school girl every time the oldest member posted a photo online, admiring his hyung from a distance. He was ashamed he’d even gotten off to the idea of being sexually active with the woman oldest member; realizing after an intense orgasm that he was in love, in love with Park Seongwha.
Yeosang had told him that he needed to be honest with himself; especially now that he and Jongho had officially began dating, the first couple to do so after Yunho and Mingi confessed they were more than friends. Hongjoong sighed as he slumped down on the couch; waiting for their debut stage to begin, “what if he doesn’t want to date me Sangie!?” , “I’m sure that’s not the case Hyung.” Yeosang piped up from where he laid in Jongho’s lap. “You’re still in your head about this? I swear Wooyoung and San will start dating before you and Seonghwa do.” Jongho agreed with Yeosang.
Hongjoong only huffed; he knew they were right, he needed to be honest with his feelings towards Seonghwa. Speaking of the devil, Seonghwa walked in looking as beautiful as ever. His hair and outfit really pulled together his whole look; making him look elegant despite their pirate concept, Hongjoong’s heart was pounding loudly in his chest now. “Seonghwa hyung you look great!” Wooyoung came in next, hand in hand with San. Jongho didn’t hesitate to send an ‘I told you so’ look in Hongjoong’s direction and the couple walked past. “Thank you, I really like this outfit.” Seonghwa smiled, and Hongjoong’s heart exploded. “It does look good on you.” The leader agreed while blushing, fidgeting with his rings. Seonghwa blushed looking away, mumbling a quick, “thank you.”
This was going to be hell. Getting through a debut stage while his crush looked absolutely stunning. They were almost there; about to officially debut; Hongjoong was beyond nervous as he stood at the front, Yunho behind him offering support. “We can do this hyung, besides it’s only one song. You’ll make it.” Hongjoong smiled at his friend, nodding softly. “Thanks, I needed that. H-Hey Yunho?” , “hmm?” Hongjoong took a deep breath before whispering. “ I’m going to confess to Seonghwa after the stage. Can you distract everyone while I talk to him privately?” Yunho’s eyes went wide, but nonetheless he nodded.
“Yeah sure! You got this hyung.” Man he sure hoped so. A few inches away Seonghwa was chatting with Yeosang and Wooyoung, “I’m going to confess to Hongjoong. He deserves to know how I feel even if nothing comes out of it.” Yeosang smiled happily, agreeing with what his hyung had said. “It’s about time you two figure this shit out.” Wooyoung slapped his friends hand for cursing but agreed. “You’ll make a cute couple. Now come on, let’s debut!” The stage hand signaled it was time for them to go on, the members doing their signature chant before stepping onto the stage.
The debut stage was a success! Everyone exhausted afterwards and changing back into comfortable clothing so they could celebrate with dinner after such a long journey on the road to debut. Hongjoong had announced he was going to use the bathroom before they left; his small bladder had begun to bother him half way through their showcase and he hadn’t gotten the chance to go, his leg bouncing making it far too obvious. “Hurry back.” San teased while he helped Wooyoung clean the makeup off his face. Once Hongjoong was out of earshot Seonghwa began to speak, “okay guys, how should I do it?” He was nervous. Really not wanting to mess things up with Hongjoong. “Just be honest, maybe hold his hand while you tell him so he knows you’re sincere.” Mingi was surprisingly good at giving advice, especially dating advice. “Mingi is right. Just be yourself.” Seonghwa nodded. That’s what he would do; just be honest with himself, that was all he could do.
They’d arrived at the beach; a little treat on behalf of the staff, the city lights casting their glow over the water, even the moon showed its face against the black water. The members were excitedly running around in the sand; all except Hongjoong who leaned against the railing in thought, his hands numb as the gripped the cold metal. He was so proud of how far they’d come, even as KQ Fellaz, it was almost like destiny for them to be together like this. No, it was absolutely destiny. The small leader was so lost in thought he didn’t register someone coming over until a hand settled on his shoulder making him flinch, “ah sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Seonghwa smiled as he joined him at the railing. “Nah it’s okay, I was just thinking.” Hongjoong smiled, inching his hand closer to Seonghwa’s slowly. Inching and inching..until soon they were holding hands; looking over the beach together as the members played, laughs and shrieks filling the air.
“I’m glad they’re having fun. It makes me happy.” Seonghwa stated, his eyes soft as he watched his friends. “Yeah me too.” Hongjoong bit his lip, “hey Seonghwa?” , “yeah? What is it?” The silver haired boy sighed, running a thumb over the back of Seonghwa’s hand. “I uhm…I..I think I uhm…fuck!” He looked away, blushing a deep pink. Seonghwa laughed softly beside him, “it’s okay take your time.” Hongjoong looked back up to him, his eyes shining under the street light. “Seonghwa, I…I love you.”
Seonghwa gasped softly; his eyes going wide before softening, “I….Hongjoong, I love you too.” The pair stared at each other in silence, both too scared to move. Surprisingly, it was Seonghwa who broke the silence, “ah fuck it.” He cupped Hongjoong’s face, pulling him into a kiss. Hongjoong shivered as he accepted the kiss, allowing himself to kiss Seonghwa’s lips in return. After a few seconds of kissing the pair separated, breathing heavily to catch their breath. “Wow…what a kiss…my first kiss.” Hongjoong touched his lips, the tingling sensation making him buzz with excitement.
“It was mine too. Hongjoong, wanna…wanna try being boyfriends?” Hongjoong nodded eagerly, pulling Seonghwa into another kiss. “Yeah! Yeah let’s try this out. I’m excited to see what the future holds.” Seonghwa smiled, rubbing their noses together under the light. “Yeah…me too.”
\\: I’ll admit this isn’t my best work. But I hope you enjoy it anyway!
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windblume-wishes · 2 years
Perfect The Way You Are - A Genshin Impact Story
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Based on the fanart drawn by @art_broskev on Twitter. Permission was granted by the artist to write this story. Please follow them!
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It was October, a perfect time for harvesting the remaining grapes of the vineyard, there was still much work to be done to prepare the Dawn Winery’s signature wine for the coming winter and fall festivities. As the workers worked hard in the vineyard, Kaeya and Diluc also lended a helping hand to get the work done faster while still finding time to play.
“Diluc! I think my basket is fuller than yours!” Kaeya smirked, finding the grape collecting a game.
“Really? Because I think your tummy is even fuller than your basket! Haha!” Commented the red head boy, pointing out the obvious grape stains on Kaeya’s face.
“Well- uh- I was hungry! My tummy was rumbling and the grapes said ‘Oh kaeya! Eat us! Eat us’!” It wasn’t true, but it made for good humor, Diluc only rolled his eyes with a laugh as he cleaned Kaeya’s face with his shirt.
“Oh! That reminds me! Could you go get the grapes from the first row? I got this little row but I see a few still over there.” Diluc pointed and Kaeya nodded in reply, running over to the row in front of Diluc, leaving his basket by his brother.
Kaeya began to pick the grapes happily, stuffing them in a makeshift basket with his shirt, once it was full enough he proceeded to walk back to his brother, but suddenly there was an old, angry looking man standing tall before him. His cane making aggressive taps in the dirt and his cold grey eyes stared like daggers into his blue eyes. Kaeya froze, he was scared, he had never seen this old man before at the winery.
“Hey! Who are you, kid?” Kaeya remained silent in fear, the man only continued to yell at him. “I haven’t seen you here before, are you even a local?”
Kaeya could only nod, his body still shaking in absolute fear. His eyes began to sting with the formation of tears.
“And- Those are Master Crepus’ grapes!” He grabbed Kaeya by the ear, harshly dragging the little boy who struggled in his grasp, sniffling and letting out small sobs.
“You are coming with me, little theif! You will apologize to Master Crepus and return everything you have stolen!”
“I-I’m not a theif! Diluc!!”
Diluc heard his brother’s cry, something was terribly wrong, he poked his head from the vines and saw it, an older man was dragging his baby brother by the ear to be scolded for simply helping. He felt his face grow heated and red with anger, running to the rescue. Diluc whipped out a small fist and punched the old man’s arm, releasing Kaeya who fell to the ground.
“You let my brother go!” He yelled, absolutely livid, his eyes burned like an angry flame as he shielded his little brother who sat on the ground still frightened and shaken.
“Excuse me?” The old man glared at the Ragnvindr boy as if daring him to try and talk back.
“I said to leave my little brother alone!” He growled, helping Kaeya up and dusting him off. “Come on, Kae, let’s get that knee patched up…”
Diluc dragged his brother away from the man, Kaeya looked back to see the old man staring with disgust at him, he shielded his face and cried a bit.
“But… he does not even look like a Ragnvinder at all!”He yelled at the two boys. “He’s too dark to be one of you!”
Those words struck Kaeya in the heart worse than any arrow or sword ever could. Did he truly need to look like them to fully be a Ragnvinder? Was he not fit to be one even after all he had been through? Were the adoption papers nothing….? Kaeya did not know, he just looked back with absolute heartbreak, such words are like stabs to an adopted child’s heart, Kaeya knew that now. His heart ached and he just wanted to be alone.
“Kae? You still with me?” Came a soft yet sweet voice, it was Diluc, looking at him with worried eyes.
“Y-yeah…” he sniffled, wiping his eye with a small fist.
“I just patched up your knee, you are gonna be okay now, I’ll tell father what happened. You just go sit down and relax, okay?” Diluc spoke softly, hugging kaeya close, gently petting his hair.
When Diluc let him go, Kaeya walked quietly up the stairs to the nursery and sat down in his bed, looking over to the craft drawer, he remembered the red paint. If he did not look like his new family, he would have to at least try too. Kaeya sighed, hopping off the bed and over to the craft drawer. He opened it and found the can of red paint, perfect, this should be the right amount.
Kaeya looked over to the mirror, picturing himself with red hair, in his imagination, he looked rather stunning, however the results of that would have to be seen before he could judge. He quickly opened up the paint can and sat on the stool, taking a deep breath in, he counted down.
The paint poured over his beautiful dark blue hair, covering it with the same colour as his brother and father. Now he could finally look like the rest of his adoptive family, he would no longer be an outcast, at least he hoped he would not.
“He’s too dark!”
That was right, he was darker than his family, but did that really, truly matter? Kaeya felt his heart sink at the thought invading his mind again, hot tears flooding from his eyes as he sat there.
“Kaeya? Kaeya, are you- oh my!” It was Crepus, Kaeya jumped and stared at him with a hint of fear. “Now what have we here?”
There was no harshness or disappointment in the man’s voice, it was soft and loving. He felt a towel atop his head and his father’s hands rubbing his head, the paint coming off his hair.
“Why would you even do that, silly boy?” He smiled, wiping the last of the paint out of the hair, Kaeya only sniffled and wiped away some of his tears.
“C-‘Cause I don’t look like you and Diluc… the old man said I wasn’t a Ragnvinder at all… I don’t look like you…” Kaeya wailed, his body now being pressed against Crepus’ broad frame.
“Oh Kaeya… you do not have to look like us to be a part of our family, kid. You know that right?”
“B-but the old man said it too dark to be one of y-you…”
Crepus stared at Kaeya in shock, he felt his blood boil at those words. Never in the past year that he had Kaeya as his son was there ever a soul that dared comment about the colour of his son. Kaeya could sense Crepus’ anger rising, clinging to him shaking in fear. Did he say something wrong? Did he do something bad?
“F-father…? A-are you m-mad at me? Did I-I say somethin’ bad…..?” Kaeya shuddered against his frame, hoping to Barbatos that was not the case.
“Archons, no! You did NOTHING wrong, I’m just angry at whoever dared speak such filth to my son!” Crepus said, trying to hide his anger. “Who said it? What did they look like?”
Later that day Diluc successfully pointed out the man who harassed his little brother while Kaeya remained in the nursery the rest of the day to take a well deserved break. Crepus dealt with the man immediately, a firm and much deserved talk was given and he was immediately fired. Kaeya was happy the man was gone, and admittedly so was the rest of the winery staff. Adelinde eventually carried Kaeya downstairs so he could be with Crepus and Diluc who enveloped him into a tight hug.
“Kaeya, I want you to know that no matter what happens, or whoever says otherwise, you are perfect the way you are.” Crepus cupped Kaeya’s face in his hands, planting a small kiss on his head. “Do not ever forget that, you too Diluc, you both are perfect the way you are. Do not let anyone say otherwise.”
Let it be forever known that the colour of one’s skin, eyes or hair does not dictate what makes a family, the bonds are stronger than the blood that runs through the veins.
Love has no bounds, ever…
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
Stuck With You (Joseph x Reader) (Request Part 3)
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Stuck With You (Joseph x Reader) (Part 3)
Warnings: Mentions of emesis (vomit), mentions of sex, mentions of labor, mentions of menstrual products. 
Author’s Note: Don’t hate me lol. I was going to leave this at three parts but there was some ground I wanted to cover. I will have one more part and that will officially be the end of this little series. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read this, love it, or reblog it. It means a lot to me. My inbox is open for requests for Joseph x reader or Eddie x reader, however, it may take me a few days to get them out as I have four in line. I’m sorry if this is not as good as the others but the last part will be the best. :)
Request: Could you write one where the reader and Joseph are trying for a baby? Could it be smut including unprotected sex? (I will put the rest of the request in part four—the last part now since I don’t want any spoilers lol) @thomas-ellis
Since you asked to be tagged dear! @kellysimagines
Another month had passed, making you an estimated twelve weeks pregnant. You documented every week with a picture of your still barely noticeable bump. Your morning sickness was at its peak, happening almost every morning. You usually climbed out of bed in a hurry, causing Joseph to jar out of his sleep, quick to come behind you and hold your hair back. You usually skipped breakfast which you knew you shouldn’t be doing but you couldn’t keep it down.
This morning was no different. You snapped out of your sleep, immediately feeling nauseated. You threw the cover back and sprung out of the bed. You barely made it before you began throwing up. This was your new morning routine. Just a minute later, Joseph was behind you pulling your hair back. Most men couldn’t tolerate it but he didn’t seem to mind it. He hated you were having morning sickness, the one symptom you wish you could have skipped.
You closed your eyes, flushing the commode before leaning back against the door again, the cold tile on the floor feeling comfortable in contrast to your warm body.
“Love, I’m so sorry.”, he sighed as he rubbed your shoulders.
“It’s fine.”, you coughed out as he handed you a towel. 
“This is kind of my fault.”, he chuckled easily, trying to make you smile.
“It’s really okay, Joe.”, you smiled lightly, wiping your face with the towel before attempting to stand up.
He helped you stand up and you walked over to the vanity, eyeing yourself in the mirror. You looked rough but you felt even rougher. Today was your monthly appointment and you were glad you made it in the afternoon after how you were feeling. You all had been debating when to tell your all’s families. You were still hesitant, wanting to make sure everything was okay. 
Joseph was going out of town in a few days for a week and this would give you an opportunity to decide when to tell them. Joseph had a bigger family that consisted of his mom, dad, brother, and two sisters. They liked to go out to dinner and on holidays so you all thought about a trip to break the news. 
“Do you want anything to eat, love? A banana? Apples? Grapes? Toast?”, he listed a few things easy on your stomach.
“Just toast, Joe.”, you breathed easily as you began brushing your teeth.
“Anything on it?”, he asked.
You shook your head and he kissed your cheek before going downstairs. He was really encouraging you to eat something. You knew you needed to. But it was so hard when you always woke up sick every morning. You spit out your toothpaste before rinsing your mouth. You reorganized your side of the vanity before going downstairs to buy Joseph a couple of minutes to make his food before yours. You couldn’t stomach the smell.
After you felt satisfied, you made your way downstairs to see him getting your toast out of the toaster. He gave you two pieces, hoping you would eat them both. You smiled at him, appreciating his effort. He had already placed his breakfast on the table. You sat down at the table and he brought your toast over. He gave you some water to drink as he knew you didn’t want anything else. 
You all talked through breakfast, excited to see the baby again and this time hopefully you’d be able to hear its heartbeat. You all wouldn’t know the gender of the baby for a few more weeks but you all had debated keeping it a surprise. It would be harder for the family to buy anything but sometimes ultrasound technicians were wrong. You were able to make it through one complete piece of toast, an accomplishment for you at this point. 
You sat in the doctor’s office once again. You checked in and sat back down beside Joseph. It was calmer today with just a couple of pregnant women. They were noticeably pregnant unlike you. This made you feel slightly awkward. Joseph picked up an expecting parent magazine, flipping through it to pass some time away while you all were waiting. You giggled at him easily as he raised an eyebrow at you playfully. 
Thirty minutes passed before they called you back into the office. The nurse checked your weight and blood pressure, both normal. The nurse explained you had actually lost two pounds instead of gaining, raising slight concern in you and Joseph. You were asked about any new symptoms before the nurse instructed you to pee in a cup to make sure there were no early signs of gestational diabetes.
Dr.Bennett came in a few minutes after you had come back from the bathroom. She listened to your heart and lungs again, everything checking out. She asked if you had been having nausea and you explained to her it was every single morning with maybe an exception of one. She reassured you this was normal and the probable cause for losing a few pounds and not to worry right now. She prescribed you some Zofran to have at home to help alleviate that feeling of nausea.
This made you feel better. Dr.Bennett asked you to lay back and she felt your abdomen, measuring it easily. You were on track according to her. She asked if you needed anything else before sending the ultrasound technician in. You denied any further needs and she stated she would see you back in another month and for you to make another appointment at the front desk on your way out. 
You went ahead and laid back on the table, anticipating what would happen next. Joseph smiled over at you as the door opened just seconds later. It was the same ultrasound technician you had last time. She once again squirted some of the cold gel on your stomach, causing cold chills to appear. Joseph took your hand as she began running the transducer over your stomach again. All of a sudden instead of a bunch of high-pitched noise, you heard a strong, steady heartbeat. Joseph smiled at you, already wearing the look of a proud daddy on his face. Tears were noticeable in his eyes and yours. 
“Baby has a nice, strong heartbeat. 142.”, she smiled.
“That’s our baby.”, you smiled.
“Yes, love. Our Baby Q.”, he smirked, blinking his tears back, running his free hand over his face, sniffling.
You all had gotten into a habit of calling your baby, Baby Q as a little nickname. This time the ultrasound showed the baby had gotten a little bigger, its head becoming more defined. You could see its little nose and mouth. You could see its legs more this time, even its little foot. Joseph getting emotional was so sweet and made you realize you had made the perfect decision by choosing him as your baby’s father. 
“Your baby is being very cooperative. They usually are shy.”, the ultrasound tech laughed.
She was busy taking some pictures for you all while you all admired your little baby. You all were head over heels. She printed the images as you wiped the gel off, sitting up. Joseph helped you off the table as she handed you all the pictures. You all scheduled yet another appointment which would be your 16-week check-up. Then would be your 20-week check-up. It was hard to believe it would soon be your halfway mark.
Once you got home, you admired the pictures of Baby Q. It was so hard for Joseph not to tell his parents. He and his mom FaceTimed quite often. While he was gone to cons and doing interviews, she called often and checked on you. It was nice that his mom liked you. You dreaded that Joseph was leaving in a few days but you were proud of him. He asked you again and again if you would be okay while he was gone. You assured him you would.
He told you if anything happened to you or the baby, he wanted to know and he would be home on the next flight. You told him you’d be okay but assured him if anything happened, you would let him know. He was satisfied with that answer. That dreadful morning came when he was leaving and you began to feel overly emotional. He grabbed his suitcase at the bottom of the stairs. 
Joseph was delayed for his flight by a few minutes. You began crying and sobbing, begging him not to go. This ripped his heart out and he debated canceling last minute, but you quickly dried your tears. You knew it was the mood swings beginning and told him the fans needed him and you didn’t want to stand in his way. Once he felt you were okay, he left for the airport. You would count down the days while he was gone. 
Your 20-week check-up went well. The baby’s heartbeat was normal and Baby Q was measuring a week ahead now. Your nausea was still intense but the Zofran was giving you some relief from throwing up. You had gained a pound back since your last visit. You and Joseph had decided once he got home you all were going to take a trip to his childhood home in South London, England. His brother and sisters were going to be in and you both figured this would be a perfect opportunity to tell his family.
At 20 weeks and three days, you and Joseph had been in bed, his hand on your stomach as you all watched television. He always talked to the baby before bed. You thought it was the cutest thing and you brushed through his curly hair as he got close to your growing stomach. He rubbed your stomach just like he always did as you fell asleep. All of a sudden, he gasped and his eyes lit up.
“Did you feel that?”, he asked, excitedly.
You nodded. “Felt like a kick. Man, this kid has got some power behind it.”
He chuckled. “Baby Q is showing out for mommy and daddy tonight, aren’t you?”
You were now 22 weeks pregnant and it was becoming slightly obvious. It would be harder to hide while you were on your all’s small holiday. The baby was active during the day, sometimes even active as you were trying to sleep from pure exhaustion. You seemed to stay tired all the time, barely feeling like doing things around the house that had to be done. Joseph jumped in and helped as much as he could. You all also decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise until its birth. 
You all were leaving in the morning for London and you were nervous about flying this time. Especially being pregnant. You zipped your suitcase, feeling your back aching. Joseph came into the bedroom, noticing you.
“Hurting love?”
“Yeah, a little. But I’m done packing.”, you smiled. 
You packed a lot of dresses, babydoll tops, oversized shirts, and leggings. Your jeans would hardly zip nowadays. Joseph grabbed your suitcase and took it downstairs with his. Your all’s flight left early in the morning. You honestly dreaded getting up, praying maybe for one morning you wouldn’t be sick. How were you going to hide your morning sickness at Joseph’s parent’s house? His mom was over the moon that you all were coming to stay for a week. 
You all mentally went over a list of everything you needed to take with you. Your Zofran was a must-have. The only thing you were waiting to pack was your make-up. You all fell asleep by seven-thirty that evening, exhausted from packing. The alarm clock went off sooner than it should. Joseph yawned, hitting the snooze button before sitting up in bed. You laid there, feeling him get up and begin getting dressed almost immediately.
For once, you didn’t have nausea waking up. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. London’s time zone was five hours different and it would take you some getting used to. Jet lag was in the cards for you and Joseph. You eyed the alarm clock. Four-thirty. You groaned, throwing your covers back before stretching, feeling the baby move easily. 
“Good morning Baby Q. We are leaving to see Nan and Grandad and tell them all about you.”, you laughed as Joseph came back into the bedroom.
Joseph said his mom and dad would prefer Nan and Grandad and you all had got in a habit of calling them that already, careful not to in front of them yet. 
“I see you’re feeling better love.”, he said kissing you before touching your stomach.
You nodded. “I hope it lasts.”
Joseph kissed your cheek before going downstairs to load the suitcases in the car. You quickly slid on black leggings and a flowy white top. It hid your growing baby bump well enough for now. You quickly did minimal make-up, and put earrings in before you met Joseph downstairs. He had loaded everything and you all were ready to go to the airport. It was still dark outside as you all drove to the airport.
Joseph yawned, still visibly tired. He focused on the road, making small conversation with you along the way. You all parked at the airport, unloading your suitcases. You all went through security checkpoints which took a little while. Soon, they called for your flight and you boarded with no problems. You both slept for the majority of the flight before waking up for the last few hours of your flights. It was already daytime and that was messing with your head.
His parents were meeting you all at the airport so you wouldn’t have to rent a car. You all landed and got through customs before getting your luggage. You were nervous meeting his mom and dad again, even though you had met them in Paris after your all’s engagement. He held your hand as you all waded through the crowds of people before he spotted his mom and dad waving wildly. 
He chuckled as you all neared them, his mom taking him into a huge hug.
“Joseph, we missed you so bad dear.”, his mom kissed his cheek, causing him to blush. 
“Nice to see you again, Y/N. How was the flight?”, his dad asked you as he hugged you lightly. 
“Good, just I feel so tired.”, you laughed.
“Time change is a wanker.”, his father agreed.
His mom finally released him before turning her attention to you. “I’m so glad you and Joseph came to see us Y/N. You look beautiful—just glowing.”, his mom smiled as she hugged you.
The last sentence made you shoot a glance at Joseph with wide eyes before smiling. He picked up on it too. She released you and you prayed she hadn’t hugged you too tight to notice your stomach. They helped you all with your luggage. You had the ultrasounds in your purse. Every set you had. You were nervous to tell them but Joseph seemed to not be as nervous. 
His mom already informed him his sisters and brother were waiting for him at home, excited to see their brother. It didn’t take long to arrive to their house and there were several cars parked in the driveway. Joseph grew up in South London and you were excited to see his childhood home for the first time. Joseph helped you out of the car as his parents unloaded your all’s luggage. 
You all cleared the door, and immediately were met with his two sisters running to hug their brother. They almost tackled him with hugs, teasing him easily about getting a girl as pretty as you. His brother came to the door, instantly grabbing him in one swift motion, holding him under his arm, giving him a noogie, and messing up Joseph’s perfect hair. He quickly went to smooth his hair back down, beginning to introduce you to his siblings. Everyone made you feel right at home. 
The week seemed to pass all too quickly. Joseph’s mom and dad had made you feel right at home. The time change really messed with you, causing you to sleep in most of the second day but after that, it got a little easier. Baby Q didn’t like the time change though. Tonight was the night you were going to tell his parents. You admired the dress you had chosen to wear since you all were going out to a nice restaurant. You checked your make-up one last time as Joseph slid on his loafers to match his grey suit. 
You had gotten sick a few times while at his mom and dad’s house but Joseph helped them chalk it up to the time change. You had the ultrasound pictures in your purse. Joseph had already called the restaurant ahead of time to order a dessert to surprise them. His siblings were joining with their spouses. 
“Joe, I’m so nervous.”, you laughed easily. 
He smirked. “It’ll be okay love. They’ll be over the moon.”, he reassured you.
The restaurant was private. It was a warm evening, so you all opted to sit outside. You all joined everyone at a huge table. You sat down beside Joseph, nervously running your hands over your dress as the waiter asked for your drink selection. Everyone else including Joseph’s parents ordered an alcoholic drink—that was except for you. 
“You’re not gonna drink dear?’, his mother questioned beside him, looking down the table at you. 
“No, thanks. I’m still not feeling the best.”, you excused, politely, opting for water instead.
Joseph eyed you from the corner of his eye. The waiter brought everyone’s drinks and your water before going around the table asking for everyone’s food selections. Everyone began reminiscing, sharing stories about each other. His family had a strong bond and that was refreshing to see in this day and time. You laughed, smiling at Joseph throughout dinner especially when his mom told a funny story about him.
You knew soon you all would have a baby and get to watch it grow up, developing its own unique personality. You knew it was getting closer to dessert and your stomach was twisting in knots. You were unsure if the baby didn’t like dinner as you were not used to eating food from England or your nerves. Personally, you hoped for the latter. 
“Are you all ready for dessert?”, the waiter asked.
“I’ll take care of it.”, Joseph spoke up, the waiter already informed of the surprise. 
“Joseph.”, his mom interjected. “You don’t have to do that.”
He quickly dismissed her, ordering a few different desserts for everyone. Your heart dropped into your stomach and you felt the twisting feeling in your stomach intensify. It seemed like an eternity passed before the waiter, followed by another came back out, bringing all the desserts. One waiter went around the table serving a small brownie with ice cream or vanilla cheesecake to each of his siblings and their spouses.
The other waiter went over to Joseph’s parents, sitting down a large brownie with icing on it before stepping back. Joseph grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze and smiling at you as his mom and dad squinted to read it. 
“We-love-you-Nan and Grandad.”, his mom spoke slowly. 
It took them both a moment to register what they had just read. His mom’s eyes instantly lit up and she jumped up from her seat. All of his siblings and their spouses wore surprised looks but quickly turned into excitement as they cheered. 
“You’re pregnant?!”, she eyed you. 
You nodded, not being able to avoid the tears welling up in your eyes as you smiled.
“Oh my God. I had no idea!”, she exclaimed as she came over and kissed Joseph and hugged you both. His dad followed suit, congratulating you both. 
Joseph was proud of this and it warmed your heart to see him like this.
“How far along are you?”, his mom asked, wiping her tears back before laughing.
“She’s twenty-two weeks and six days now?”, Joseph eyed you.
You nodded. 
“I’m gonna be a nan. My baby boy is having a baby. Do you know what it is?”, she asked.
“We are keeping it a surprise until the baby is born.”, you smiled at Joseph.
“Imagine a little girl. A granddaughter.”, his mom smiled at his father.
“We might get a little grandson.”, his father smirked back to his mother. 
Joseph had been right. They were both over the moon at the news of Baby Q. His mom and dad were playfully debating whether it would be a boy or girl, causing you and Joseph to laugh. His mom and dad insisted they would fly to the States and be there for the birth of their grandchild. 
“Show me your baby bump.”, his mom insisted, her excitement evident. 
You stood up at the table and pulled your dress tighter, making your growing bump visible. It was significantly bigger than it had been. You ran your hand down it. Joseph was smiling, beaming just like a proud daddy. 
“Oh my. Look at that.”, his mom beamed at his father, them both smiling. 
She asked if she could feel your bump to which you agreed and tried to guide her hand enough where she could feel the baby kick because Baby Q had been kicking like crazy. Joseph kept his eyes on both of you, slight tears noticeable in his eyes, him wiping them away every few minutes. He was already a proud daddy. Her eyes lit up when she felt it, laughing with pure joy as she felt the baby kick. 
“Joseph used to do that to me all the time. He give me the hardest time.”, she looked at him.
Joseph’s cheeks grew red as he brushed a hand through his curly hair. A motion he did when he was embarrassed but you thought it was cute as ever. His mom immediately followed by asking if you had any ultrasound pictures. You informed her you had all of them with you. You opened your purse, pulling them out before handing them to her in order.
“Oh my God. Look at it.”, his mom smiled as she showed his dad, making over your all’s little peanut. 
They took their time looking at each ultrasound image, making over Baby Q. Joseph motioned for you to come over to him. He stood up, kissing your cheek and holding you. His brother and sisters got up, and began looking at the pictures, making over the fact their baby brother was having a baby. You smirked at Joseph thinking this was the cutest thing. His mom and dad hugged you both, congratulating you and handing the ultrasound pictures back to you. 
His mom made it clear that at the next appointment she wanted pictures texted to her immediately and she wanted to FaceTime with you all every now and then to see the progress of your bump. You all agreed immediately. Dinner was soon over and everyone went back to the house. The night was filled with photo albums and home videos. Joseph seemed a little embarrassed but you assured him he was absolutely adorable. You couldn’t wait to have memories with him and your baby. 
Before you knew it, it was time to board your flight home. The week had been a nice getaway but now it was time to go home and focus on your all’s growing family. The next few months flew by as Joseph was gone for a few weeks every now and then working on some new projects and doing meet and greets. In the next few appointments, everything looked good and your glucose test came back good with no signs of gestational diabetes.
You were now 36 weeks pregnant and feeling every second of it. You only had four weeks to go if you could make it to 40 weeks. Baby Q was still measuring a week ahead. It didn’t feel as though the baby had dropped yet so labor was still a ways out. You had felt Braxton Hicks contractions quite frequently. Dr.Bennett assured you that real labor pains would be in your back and not so much in your stomach. Baby Q was more defined, even being able to see facial features. Joseph couldn’t believe how clear the 3D ultrasound was. You all had decided Baby Q had Joseph’s nose. No question about that.
After that week, you had an appointment every week. By week 37, Baby Q was still not head down. You could feel the baby in your rib cage, making it harder to breathe and sleep near impossible. Joseph loved that he could feel the baby kick more and the baby’s movement was much more defined. You were ready to have this baby in your arms. You had your baby shower, realizing you were cutting it close. All of your friends and Joseph’s came, amazed by the fact you hadn’t gone into labor yet. You and Joseph took the cutest pictures, some you framed immediately.
Week 38 came and your belly had dropped according to Dr. Bennett. Baby Q was also head down, a sign labor was imminent. Joseph helped you with the baby’s nursery as you began nesting mode. You all had decided on grey and white for the nursery as the gender was a surprise. You all had decided to wait to buy the crib bedding. You all had diapers, wipes, pacifiers, blankets, bottles, and gender-neutral outfits galore. His mom and dad were going to buy a few things once they flew in and found out the baby’s gender. 
Joseph added finishing touches as you sat in the floor organizing everything. You both felt satisfied as you stood back and admired your work. You and Joseph had the hospital bags packed and were prepared at any time. You had ordered an outfit for a baby girl and one for a baby boy. This would be the baby’s going home outfit. It was exciting for you both to be surprised with the gender of your all’s first baby. You all had decided on names for either a boy or girl. 
Week 39 was uneventful. Dr.Bennett decided to give you another week before she would induce you. Everything was perfect with Baby Q. You groaned as you left the doctor’s office in the car.
“What’s wrong love?”, Joseph asked, already knowing the answer.
“So miserable. I just want to have this baby already.”, you groaned.
Joseph took one of his hands off the steering wheel before holding your hand, lifting it up to his lips, and placing a gentle kiss on it. “I know love. Maybe we should take some of Dr.Bennett’s advice?”
Dr.Bennett had given you all a few ideas to help induce labor. Exercise, relaxation, eating spicy foods, and even sex. You had relayed to her that you would like to go into labor naturally and hopefully have a natural childbirth if you could withstand the pain.  
“Maybe go for a walk this evening?”, you sighed at him, trying the simplest idea first.
He agreed. You all arrived at home and you decided you were going to take a nap first. Joseph sat in the living room with you, stroking your hair as you fell asleep with your head in his lap. He allowed you to sleep for about an hour and a half before waking you up for that walk. Part of you was slightly pissed at him at first but you remembered you really wanted to have this baby. 
You all went for a walk, enjoying the nice fall weather. Leaves were on the ground in front of you, crunching underneath your all’s tennis shoes. You both talked about how exciting Christmas would be, now that you all had a baby to share it with. Joseph’s parents were flying out first thing in the morning and would be staying with you all for a little while. His mom made it a point that she didn’t want to wear out her welcome, however, you both knew you would value her help with a newborn baby. 
The walk didn’t help. You tried to sleep on your body pillow but couldn’t get comfortable no matter which way you tossed or turned. You groaned in disgust.
“Can’t sleep, love?”, Joseph yawned as he flipped on the lamp.
You shook your head. “Nope. Baby Q thinks mommy doesn’t need sleep apparently.”
He chuckled. “You know we could try the other idea to help induce labor.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Seriously, Joe?”
“Dr. Bennett recommended it, you know.”
You thought for a moment. “Yeah,but look at me. I’m a cow.”
You were a little self-conscious of your changing body but Joseph reassured you that you were still beautiful and you were carrying his child. 
“You’re beautiful, love.”, his eyes filled with desire.
“Really.”, he beamed, slowly tracing your hip.
It didn’t take much convincing before you found yourself on top of Joseph, you all making love most of the night until you both passed out from exhaustion. It was the some of the best sleep you had gotten since your stomach had gotten bigger. You struggled to ease out from Joseph’s arm without waking him up. He stirred slightly  but turned over, grabbed his pillow, and settled right back down.
You waddled your way to the bathroom, flipping the light on. You felt like going to the bathroom may ease some of the pressure and pain in your abdomen. It didn’t. You sighed as you made your way to the mirror, looking at yourself. All of a sudden, you felt a gush of fluid and looked down in the floor.
“Joseph!”, you yelled out, fear in your voice. 
It didn’t take him a second before he was in the bathroom after hearing the panic and fear laced in your voice. 
“Whats going on lo-oh my God. Is that—?”
“My water broke.”, you interrupted him, panic taking over you.
He was going to keep his head about this. He grabbed a towel from the closet, tossing it in the floor to dry up the excess so you wouldn’t fall. 
“Love just go to the bathroom and wash up real fast and we will go to the hospital, okay?”, he kissed your cheek as he helped you into the bathroom. 
“Joe, I’m scared.”, you breathed, tears on the brink of falling.
“You’re going to do fine, love. We get to meet Baby Q soon. Do you need me to help you?”, he asked calmly. 
You nodded. He helped you into the shower before going and grabbing your clean clothes, towels, and washcloth. Dr. Bennett had you if your water broke to come in immediately to be checked. You were shaking as you turned on the water, trying to get your senses back. You had seen this happen on television but it was different in real life.
Joseph stayed in the bathroom to help you as you needed. Your shower felt like it was in slow motion as your mind was realizing this was real. Joseph handed you your body towel to wrap up in as he helped you out of the shower, ensuring you didn’t fall. Once you were finished drying off, you grabbed your clothes and slid them on.
“Can you hand me a pad Joe?”, you asked sniffling.
Without hesitation, he handed you one. This would help until you got to the hospital. He helped you downstairs to the couch while he quickly loaded your all’s bags. He immediately made a phone call to his mom and dad as he went out the door, hoping he would reach them. He came back in for you, helping you to the vehicle. 
He knew you were scared, frankly, he was too but he was excited to finally meet his son or daughter. 
“Love, you’re going to do great.”, he held your hand again. 
“I’m just nervous. I want everything to be okay.”, you sighed.  “Did you get in touch with your mom and dad?”
He nodded. “They’ve landed and they’re going to the house first until we hear from the doctor if you’re in labor or not.”
You once again admired your engagement ring before looking up at Joseph driving. You almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if this was a dream.
“Do you think I’m gonna be a good mom?”, you asked hesitantly. 
Joseph snorted easily. “Do I think? I know you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
He smiled over at you and you looked up at him, smiling. It didn’t take just a few more minutes before you all turned off near the hospital. It was early morning that the sky had light blue hues with some pink and yellow mixed in. Joseph parked near the ER entrance. He came around and helped you out of the vehicle, allowing you to move at your own pace. You all walked across the parking lot, wondering if this was the moment you all had been waiting for. 
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
hello! can i request a soldier x spy fic that spy takes soldier to go on a victory date because they won over the blue team and they go to a Really fancy restaurant and solly get embarrassed that he doesn’t know how to use fancy forks and spoons and spy helps him out, spy not getting frustrated with solly lake of knowledge on all the fancy stuff and in the end enjoying their meal (sorry for being a long request i just NEED more content of them and Thank you very much in advance!!!)
Never be sorry for long requests!! You have no IDEA how much i love these goofballs
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
His collar is itchy. His blazer is sweaty. His shoes are too tight. Soldier gives his tie a gentle tug, hoping to loosen it enough for him to breathe. He looks down to his arm where Spy linked hers. He looks so graceful. Every step in her heels is smooth as if he’s worn them hundreds of times. He probably has actually. The same goes for her dress. A smooth burgundy that hugs her figure down to the knees. Beneath it, a pair of nude stockings sit upon shaved legs.
The waiter guides them to their table. Soldier does his best to squeeze through the sea of tables despite the strange look. The waiter probably doesn’t realize that Soldier is, well, a soldier! He knew taking off his helmet was a bad idea. Even if Spy knows, it’s not enough for Jane. What good are his medals if he never shows them?
“We’ll start with salads.” Even her words are graceful. Soldier looks around, trying to make sense of the whole restaurant. It’s Italian, which explains the strange decorations. It should be American themed with flags and steaks!
“Is everything alright, Jane?” Spy looks up from her menu. His red lipstick shines in the low lighting. How the hell is anyone meant to look at the menu let alone see?
“I am perfectly fine!” A few odd looks. Damnit, too loud. Soldier lowers his head, focused on the menu. Where are the pictures? What the hell is ‘mersalsa’? If anything, he can point to something random and hope for the best. That usually works.
Soldier glances at the glasses of wine poured for them. He grabs the neck with his fist, which makes Spy raise her brow. Okay, maybe just his thumb and index? No, that’s not it. Damnit, how does Spy do it again?
“I’m surprised to see you interested in wine, mon étoile.” Spy can’t count the number of times he watched Soldier guzzle cans of beer. Certainly enough for him to wind up blackout drunk, and naked, in the common room. A traumatic sight for a very unfortunate Scout.
“I like wine. It tastes…good.” He takes a sip, resisting the urge to gag. Damn thing tastes like rotten grapes. How can Spy sip it so easily? Soldier watches her drink and quickly fixes how he holds the wine glass. Its a shock that his big, meaty hand didn’t shatter the thin glass.
Their salads finally arrive. Soldier isn’t sure why it has little red things that look like raisins, but he doesn’t mention it. He unrolls the silverware only to see three forks, four spoons, and two knives. Soldier reaches for the middle fork. No, wait, the one on the left. The biggest fork has to be for the main course, right? So its the tiny one, or is that the dessert fork?
As Spy bites into her cranberry salad, he notices the turmoil Soldier is in. His hand hovers over the forks, and the spoons for a brief minute, struggling to pick the one for salads. Her hand lays atop his, guiding him to the middle one.
“That one, dearest.” Soldier thanks her and finally begins eating. He tries to shovel massive clumps of lettuce into his mouth, but Spy clears her throat. He takes the smaller knife, demonstrating how to cut into their starter before taking a bite.
Soldier wants to beat the crap out of whoever made so many different types of utensils. He gives a grumble, trying to cut the lettuce without shaking the table. He’s not trying to be so brutish, but its all he knows! How can Spy do this with every meal? They should just get rid of forks and only use hands like nature intended!
“Jane, I don’t mind if you don’t know which one to use.” Their empty plates are set aside. Soldier tries to relax, but his shirt is one slouch away from bursting open. He grabs one of the rolls from the basket, ripping it in half only to groan. He’s supposed to use a knife! Is he even allowed to pick it up with a bare hand?
“I wanted to impress you. I know you like fancy men, but I learned my manners in the trenches.” Meaning Soldier would roll around in abandoned war zones and pray he didn’t step on a landmine. Would be fun now since he has respawn, but not so much as a 10 year old digging for free memorabilia.
“I’m not dating you for your manners. I’m dating you because I love you.” Spy reaches over, cupping his face affectionately. The two share a kiss, and Spy does the unthinkable. He takes a dinner roll and rips it in half like a barbaric animal. Soldier laughs, raising one of his halves like a glass and clinking it against Spy’s.
While not a perfect man, nor one with refined taste in any way, Soldier is a good lover. Spy doesn’t mind his improper ways of eating or the amount of sauce that managed to stain his mouth. She loves Soldier, flaws and all. Even if they get a few side eyes during dinner. He can always stab anyone that gives them trouble.
Need me a girl like Spy -H
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yumizcorner · 1 year
Innocent ~
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Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
!! Dom!reader | sub!Hyunjin | face sitting | slight degradation | cum eating | usage of toys | overstimulation | choking | everything else I didn’t mention !!
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Y/n and Hyunjin we‘re on their way home from a long tiring day. They went to ikea and other stores like that to find some fancy furniture for their new flat. They moved into an apartment together just a few weeks ago so everything was pretty new. They already had the most they needed and the only stuff that was missing was some decor and some pillows for the couch.
Somehow y/n felt herself getting pretty turned on by the way Hyunjin acted lately. He was pretty stressed and exhausted from the day wich meant that he talked to her in a harsh way sometimes and acted pretty mean. Y/n couldn’t explain herself why but in fact she could even feel herself getting a little wet. As soon as they arrived their apartment y/n started to kiss Hyunjin in a needy way. After a few minutes her boyfriend understood her acting and stopped kissing her. „Why are you like that huh?“ y/n tried to send signs that she was needy but Hyunjin didn’t seem to get the hints so she sighed,finally telling him what was wrong. „I’m horny Jinnie and I need you baby,please“ she said a little whiny. They actually rarely had sex because Hyunjin always thought y/n was innocent. Innocent and cute even tho he knew that she was the completely opposite of it. Sometimes he was even scared to go too rough on her,afraid to break her. „Baby let’s do that tomorrow or some other day okay? I’m gonna take a shower now.“ y/n stopped him from walking towards the bathroom as she grapes his wrist. „Take me with you.“ she said smiling. „You know I don’t like that.“ he said and closed the bathroom door. And some point y/n even believed that he didn’t find her attractive and that he didn’t like her body but she tried to just ignore those thoughts.
What she didn’t know was that Hyunjin actually wanted to make the next move with her but he was just afraid to push y/n too much and he didn’t want it to happen too fast.
While her boyfriend was in the shower y/n went to the bedroom and decided to wear some special lingerie wich she had to surprise Hyunjin one day. As soon as she was done with that she casually laid down in the bed,the blanket covering her whole body.
After a few minutes Hyunjin entered the room too and laid down next to her. He gave her a little kiss on the cheek and just did some stuff on his phone. At this point y/n didn’t care anymore. She was needy and if Hyunjin wouldn’t dominate her,she would have to be that part. In fact her goal was to make her boyfriend as needy as she was right in the moment. She didn’t really think and just went for it. She removed the blanket and crawled onto her boyfriend sitting on his lap. Her boyfriend didn’t really seem to care about it wich made y/n even More upset. She then took his phone and laid it down somewhere else. Hyunjins eyes widened as he saw how his girlfriend looked right now. Sitting on top of him looking needy. She casually started to kiss him while he seemed a little helpless. Y/n then took his hands and placed them on her ass. „I’m not made out of glass baby~“ she said smiling at him. „But you’re too innocent.“ he said looking into her eyes. „Mhhh well then…“ she got off of him and grabbed some stuff from the nightstand wich she hid there. She started to tie her boyfriend onto the bed. „What are you doing baby?“ he asked looking a little confused. „Showing you that I’m not innocent“ she said smiling sweetly. She took his hand and was on her way to tie em‘ as she looked at Hyunjin to silently ask for consent. Her boyfriend nodded and she kept going. Once he was all tied up y/n got on top of him again. She started to kiss his neck going down to his collarbone,spreading hickeys all over. She then admired her piece of art and smiled. Once she was done with that she slowly moved her hips back and forth,casually grinding against her boyfriends clothes dick. He hissed and y/n softly bit her lip in pleasure. She bend down to him a little more, connecting their lips again and making out with him. Sometimes she slightly moaned into the kiss to tease him a little,knowing well that he liked the soft,sweet,loving sounds she made. Y/n smiled as she was able to feel something hard under her sensitive spot. She grinds a few more times,enjoying the feeling and then getting off again. She then picked something from the nightstand again not showing her boyfriend what it was. She sat down next to him onto the bed showing him what she got. She held a few special toys in her hands. She laid them down again softly kissing her boyfriend and then whispering „I hope you’ll enjoy watching ur baby~“ against his lips. She sat back down,sliding her underwear to the side,revealing her wet pussy. She started to casual touch herself with her bare fingers, enjoying how her boyfriend watched her touching herself. After a few minutes she grabbed a vibrator and at first only lined it up and down her more than just wet folds. She then pushed it in,moaning softly. She started to move it in and out throwing her head back and rolling her eyes to the back of her head. She then pressed the toy onto her clit using her fingers to satisfy her. She could hear her boyfriend whimper as she started to moan more and more. „Please baby let me touch you~“ he cried out making y/n chuckle. „Oh no you wanna touch me? Too bad that I’m having that much fun with myself right now…wanna see how much I enjoy it?“. She then sets the vibration level to the highest while still holding it against her clit,sometimes moving it down her pussy,pushing it inside. As her moaning started to get more loud and more intense she looked her tied up boyfriend directly into the eyes. She sticks two fingers into her moving them in and out of herself while moaning extremely. As she started to curl her fingers inside of her,it became too much for her and it send her over the edge. She came with a high pitched moan,still not looking anywhere else than in Hyunjins eyes. After she came down from her high she laid her fingers on her heat,coating it with her essence. She then teasingly licked and sucked her finger moaning as she was tasting herself. „Its tasting so good baby~ you want a taste?“ she said smiling at him. Her boyfriend just nodded at her making y/n grin. „Then enjoy it baby~“
She crawled over to him placing each leg beside his body. Then she placed a kiss on his cheek before placing herself above his head. Her boyfriend hungrily tried to reach her wich made her giggle. „pathetic.“ she said as she sat down on his face. In an instand he started to eat her out like she was the last eatable thing in the world. He kept on sticking his tongue into her while,not even purposely,softly rubbing her clit with his nose. „mhh Hyunjin~“ she moaned out,hearing the dirty and wet sounds her boyfriend made while eating her out. She couldn’t hold herself back anymore and hold onto the headboard of the bed while starting to grind on his face. Hyunjin moaned as she did that,sending more pleasure to his girlfriend. She started to grind harder and faster. Her boyfriend tried to catch all of the leaking juice from her,loving the taste of her. She then grinds more softly,hands moving to her breasts softly touching them. She teasingly looked down at her boyfriend,knowing how much he wished he could touch them right now. Suddenly her boyfriend started to move his tongue in and out of her in an impressive quick pace. „Fuck Baby~“ she said holding onto the headboard again. Her legs started to shake while she kept on making such sweet whiny sounds. As she came close to her second climax today she held Hyunjins head in place,grinding again. Her boyfriend still kept on licking her,trying to give her as much pleasure as possible. She kept on moaning faster and faster,breathing faster,grinding harder,low-key pushing herself really hard onto her boyfriends face. She came with an loud scream still grinding while recovering from her intense orgasm. Hyunjin was licking up the leaking liquids again,moaning a little bit from her taste. She then lets go of his head,breathing heavily. She wasn’t even able to move much because of how hard she came so she only sat down on her boyfriends chest. Her liquids kept on leaking onto Hyunjin chest but either of them cared about it. „You did so good baby,fuck“ she said,bending down to him kissing him. She could still taste herself on his tongue. She patted his head softly. „I guess it’s time to please you now right?“ she didn’t even wait for him to respond and just kept going. She went down a little bit and touched her boyfriends dick softly. He immediately whimpered and pulled the chains trying to get free. y/n grinned and touched his tip with her palm,moving it in circle motions. Hyunjin moaned softly while his girlfriend kept on going. The pace of his breath got faster and faster and so did y/n. As her boyfriend started to twitch under her touch,she pressed her hand harder onto his tip and then after a few seconds she removed her hand. Hyunjin moaned and whined in pain. He thrusted his hips into the air as much as he could,being needy for y/n‘s touch. She giggled „awww did you really think I would let you cum that easy?“ Hyunjin looked at her and furrowed his eyebrows saying „please~“. y/n smiled „you wanna cum?“ her boyfriend nodded quickly. „Fine.“ she got on top of her boyfriend,looking down at him watching every single move she made. She looked at him with innocent eyes. She lowered herself on his dick,gasping a little. She got lower and lower until she took him fully. „Fuck~“ she moaned as she started to move. She slowly started to move up and down on him getting used to him. She laid her hands onto his chest and moved faster. As she she kept on moving faster she moved her hands to her boyfriends neck slowly pressing it. He moaned a bit as he felt the pressure. Y/n moved rougher,mostly up and down. She came closer and closer to her high and as she did that she choked Hyunjin harder and harder. She could feel him twitch inside of her as she squeezed his throat hardly. She started to moan faster and faster again,throwing her head back in pleasure. Hyunjin closed his eyes as he came at the same time like y/n ,painting her walls white. He expected y/n to slow down and stop after she came but she didn’t even think about doing it. She would use him as her personal toy tonight.
Y/n kept on moving even tho her legs were shaking already. She moved at the same pace,milking everything out of her boyfriend. She watched her boyfriend as he moaned from the overstimulation,rolling his eyes to the back of his head. Maybe that also was because Y/n choked him as hard as she could because of cumming that hard. She choked him a little less,letting him breath again. Y/n wanted to reach another high so she started to bounce hardly on her boyfriends dick,moving the cum inside her in and out. While she kept on moaning again and choking him more she looked down at her boyfriend. He was completely fucked out,mind foggy. He couldn’t even build a sentence right now. He was still feeling the rush of his previous orgasm,yet not able to calm down from it. He looked up at Y/n,seeing how much she enjoyed it,moaning and almost drooling at the sight under her. Hyunjin kept on twitching inside of her,sending her over the edge again. She screamed,squirming hardly around her boyfriends dick. She then finally slowed down and then got off of his dick. Hyunjin looked at her with a needy look as he was still horny and needy to cum. She smiled and started to jerk him off again. She used her hand and moved it up and down fast,still mostly teasing his tip. When he finally reached his high,she licked the leaking cum off of his tip,same with the cum she had on her fingers. She moaned,showing him that she enjoyed his taste. She gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and removed the chains. Hyunjin sat up and Y/n smiled. „U did a great job bby“ they pecked each other on the lips and then took a warm bubble bath together. While Hyunjin searched for some comfortable clothes,Y/n changed the bedsheets. After that,both of them laid down in their bed,cuddling each other. „I love you so much“ y/n said,looking at her boyfriend with loving eyes. „I love you too“ Hyunjin said,kissing her head. Y/n then fell asleep on Hyunjins chest while he was still watching some shows on the tv.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
i’m incredibly sleep deprived and nearly falling asleep as i’m typing so i don’t account for anything in this post okay
also don’t question me being sleep deprived at 10pm. idk either
anyways i think kisaki has his own little mini fridge in which he stores some soft drinks, a bottle of beer that hanma snuck in (only one because kisaki doesn’t really like beer) and, most importantly, a few lemons. he’s always stocked up during summer. he can’t even remember why, but he’s made it a habit to eat a cooled down slice of lemon or two during the heat, as some sort of refreshment. he’s very insecure about this as the one guy he eventually told made fun of him for it because it’s so strange. but he finds it somehow just works best for him when he wants to cool down.
he also always keeps a bowl of frozen grapes in his freezer. there’s also a teeny tiny snowman that hanma made for him. well, actually, it’s a replacement he made himself, because the power went out once and it melted, flooding his freezer, but he didn’t have the heart to tell hanma so he subtly kept him away from his freezer for four months until snow fell again and he could replace it with a new snowman. hanma still thinks it’s the original.
also. shower oranges!! (for anyone confused, look it up on reddit, there’s a whole subreddit for it. no, it’s not a fetish/kink. at least not for me i just think that shower oranges are neat) i think both kisaki and hanma have shower oranges. kisaki does treat them a little violently sometimes, when he fails. hanma, on the other hand, is very gentle with his shower oranges. someone once wrote a fic about him having hypochondria (health anxiety) and it hasn’t left me since so, even if he knows it’s stupid, he fears citrus fruits coming in contact with his skin. eating them? no problem, he knows that his insides are more resistent against acids. he hates pineapples, though solely because they actually feel/taste acidy. he loves oranges but can only barely eat them even when he’s extra careful, so when he found oranges in kisaki’s shower and got an explanation after asking what they’re for, a new world had opened before his eyes. now he tries to keep some oranges and tangerines ready for his showers because he doesn’t have any problems with getting dirty when the water immediately washes it away anyway.
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maerenee930 · 1 year
least favorite vegetable, fruit, and condiment
thank you so much for asking this ellie!! 💙
i’m so so sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this!
okay so my answers for this are long (i’m really sorry, i didn’t mean to write so much) and since i’m sure not everyone wants to sit here and scroll through my rambling nonsense, everything is under the cut 😅
sooo ngl, i’m a pretty picky eater 🙃😅 and i don’t actually eat a big variation or vegetables or fruit. a good portion of why is cause it’s a texture thing. i just- *shivers* nope, i’m sorry. i can’t do it 😅🤦‍♀️
so since i don’t eat a big variation or either, most of both of those are my least favorites lol. like i can’t do broccoli! cooked or uncooked, i just can’t! between the texture and the actual taste just- no thank you friend. 😅 (when my mom cooks vegetables like with dinner, she cooks them until they’re like mushy cause that’s how she ate them growing up and she likes it but i just can’t do it.. couldn’t as a kid, still can’t as an adult)
but it also doesn’t make a lot of sense cause i love bananas. and they’re mushy and have a weird texture and yet, i love them lol. maybe it’s cause the actual like taste of bananas is like sweet (idk how else to describe it lol) and that like makes up for the texture. but the texture just also doesn’t bother me. it’s so weird 🤦‍♀️
although, i have grown to like how onions taste and that was both a taste and texture thing for a long time. but a few years ago (i don’t remember how long ago lol) it changed and i could get past the texture depending on how they were cooked and they just actually started to taste really good 😅
so yeah if it’s not cucumbers, apples, bananas, lettuce, onions (like in a salad, on a burger, onion rings or if it’s like cooked into something), watermelon, carrots (uncooked) or grapes, the rest are on my least favorite list. lol.
have i tried every kind of fruit and vegetable? no.
then how do i know i don’t like them until i try them?
because i’m picky and thanks to my stubborn brain, i can’t and won’t take the chance that they have a gross texture or just don’t taste good.
and until i’m really ready to try it and it’s on like my terms, (and i don’t feel like i have to eat it/feel pressured to eat it/try it or someone is giving me a hard time about it and making me feel bad, so to appease them, i’ll try it) i just don’t like it. 😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
and as for my least favorite condiment -
if it’s not ketchup, some kind of italian dressing or like my family’s pasta/tomato sauce, pretty much any other condiment is my least favorite 😅
i love being a picky eater 🙃😒😑
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iamirissss · 2 years
Purging  harm reduction for us mia girls (and boys n enbies ofc) - copy and pasted from MPA with some tips of my own
Okay, to dispel some of the harmful “Pro-Eating Disorder” tips, I’m going to share a list of safety tips. Mainly since I know if I ask you to quit doing what you are, it will fall on closed ears.
1a. Somebody just messaged me with this, thank you to that person, this is a huge risk and very important!! vocal cord dysfunction, its fucking terrifying, i thought i was dying when it started happening to me. i’ve never purged, but my stomach sphincter is weak and stomach acid leaks into my throat daily. it burns my vocal cords, giving me VCD. it can happen to anyone who commonly has stomach acid coming in contact w/ the vocal cords. the sensation of VCD is similar to being strangled. the extreme constriction of the throat is terrifying. Laryngospasm is the worst form of VCD. were NO AIR gets through the vocal cords. you are literally choking at this point. you can help reduce the risk of developing VCD by drinking, eating or taking something to neutralize the acid in the throat. pepto bismol is honestly best for this, but milk or creamer also can work if you dont have it i really dont want people to have this happen to them and freak out because of it, since there is literally nothing you can do when it happens but stay calm and focus on doing breathing exercises but when you suddenly feel like your being strangled and your making a noise you’ve never made before, its really fucking hard to stay calm
1b. @strwbrrypoundcake reblogged with this and i thought it’s important to add: flushing" is horrible. Do not drink water in between to get it out. It dehydrates you even more and is not worth it.
Pro Anorexic sites say, to purge, you “Tie a small candy to a string, and swallow it, then pull it up and you can purge” THIS IS NOT TRUE: - What if it goes down the wrong hole? - You will choke. - It doesn’t work. At all. Don’t try. - According to a study, those who came into the emergency room for choking, a portion of them tried this method. It didn’t work and two people died.
DO NOT USE: - Spoons, Toothbrushes etc. Choking is prominent.
WASH YOUR HANDS RIGHT AFTER. The stomach acid will burn and damage you’re hands.
After you purge. Have an electrolyte replacing drink. Hydrolyte, Gatorade, Powerade, etc. You don’t want to have a heart attack. A girl in America, after being bulimic for only 6 months, was normal weight and died from a heart attack.
If you purge a tablespoon of blood, that’s enough to go to the ER.
Don’t use ipecac syrup. That stuff is death in a bottle! Seriously, they don’t even use it for poisoning anymore because so many people have died after taking it.
If you do purge regularly it is worth asking your doctor from time to time to have your blood electrolyte levels checked.
If you must purge, use a saline rinse and wash out your sinus cavities. Stomach acid and food particles can make it up into these areas and cause serious infections, chronic breathing problems, etc.
If you’re purging via laxative abuse: - 2 full glasses of prune juice is as effective as pills and is kinder to your body. - Eat things like grapes, oranges, cabbage to help the difficult process of weaning yourself off of laxatives. - Drink plenty of water. And do NOT be an idiot and take both lax and water pills, or you’re going to seriously dehydrate yourself and pass out.
If you feel dizzy or lightheaded stop immediately.
If you repeatedly blackout during/after purging, take a break for a few days if possible.
If you heart flutters during, stop immediately.
If you lose sensation in your legs and feet stop immediately.
After a purge, dissolve baking SODA in warm water. Gargle it, rinse your mouth, etc. Wait about 20mins then brush your teeth.
Do NOT brush your teeth right after a purge. It’ll actually rub the stomach acid into the enamel!!!
Helpful things: -avoiding acidic foods -avoiding spicy foods -drinking LOTS of water -avoiding soda and other carbonated drinks -avoiding or limiting caffeine consumption 
my own things to remember: 
make sure theres at least one person you know irl who knows in some capacity about ur ed in case something goes wrong and you need someone to talk to doctors for you
avoid purging things you’ve heard are hard to get up as they can be a choking hazard! these include bread, peanut butter and thick oatmeal.
DRINK WATER!!! lots and lots of water, before, during after
if you cant purge, up your cals for a few days if ur restricting, take a week long break or whatever, if you still cant, go to the doctor, something might be wrong
my biggest tip of all:
DONT PURGE!!! if you can help it
if theres any chance of recovery, recover! im just posting this because bulimia is a illness and not everyone has the chance to get better
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calamityandme · 10 months
Oh man, today has been really awesome :)
I got groceries this morning and doing that always brightens my week. Having fresh food in the house is such a relief.
Then I got ready, put some makeup on and got dressed up kind of cute. Danny and I went on a lunch date with a couple family friends of mine. They made us a wonderful lunch and even made dessert and a fun juice blend haha. It felt so bougie. They really treated us and it was a blessing to get together with them. They really liked Danny and we all shared some good laughs together.
Then I came home and I rested. Danny left me a bigger than average joint to myself so I have been slowly smoking on it all day. I started around 2 or so and I am just now finishing it at 9 lol. It was very pleasant. I watched some shows on the couch and mended some old shirts with noticeable holes.
I splurged a week ago and I bought my dog Fish a brief toy subscription to Bark Box. She used to get them as a puppy but it’s been a few years since we could get them since we’ve had such financial struggles recently. I decided she needed some new toys/treats so I caved and got the box. It was kind of pricey, I got the super chewer toys and the box was around $38. It came with three toys and three treat bags plus a food chew stick. My dog absolutely goes ham whenever she sees the bark box and she knows it’s for her hahaha. It makes me just as happy as her to see her play with her new toys. It’s been keeping her occupied while I’ve been home today.
I also decorated the house for fall today. There weren’t as many decorations as there were last year but that’s okay. Some decorations break lol. Life happens. I want to try to craft more decorations so I don’t have to buy any.
I just feel very loved. I have a lot of people in my life who have been trying to show me they care and it means a lot. I don’t want to seem unappreciative. Days like today are good for my soul.
Now that dinner is done I’m probably going to watch more of my show, smoke some more and finally eat. I have been so busy I have not felt like I could eat much.
Tomorrow is my cleaning day. I have some big plans lol. Danny says I say that every week. But every week I genuinely mean it. If I have time after I get caught up on all the laundry I wanna wash the bedding + pillows next. The house is messy from our busy week and I just am itching to fix it. I had to stop myself many times from cleaning today.
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Unrelated pic of our grape tomato harvest so far. It’s a shame I’m not able to eat much tomato right now lol
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nicolamarchette · 2 years
A Little Taste 
The pregnancy had made her tired, more so than she had been with Waverly. She had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie with Waverly. Cooper had curled up next to her while Mylo was laying with Waverly fast asleep. Nicola hadn’t slept very well. She was finding it harder to get situated the right way and she hated how much room the pregnancy pillow was going to take up. She had gotten up and got on the couch the last few nights and she hadn’t expected Theo to follow. She was having the most vivid dream about their family. She could see Waverly chasing Mylo around the yard of their house. She smiled as she heard a little voice call her “Momma”. She bent down and she could feel their arms wrap around her. She smiled. “Now where is your daddy?” Nicola picked up their child and stood up. Seeing Theo she smiled. “There’s daddy.” She smiled as she put their child down and they took off running towards Theo as they screamed “Dada.” She woke up to the sound of notifications going off on her phone. She groaned as she reached over and grabbed her phone. Some of it was from Marc who was taking over a lot of her work load, a few missed texts from Gabe and Theo checking to see if she was okay or if she needed anything. She loved how attentive Theo was being with her since they had found out that they were expecting. Even if it meant going out late to get whatever she wanted to eat he did. 
Sitting up she felt Cooper stir next to her. She smiled as she saw that Waverly was still fast asleep. Nicola’s relationship with her biological parents was not as it should be. She didn’t feel love from either one and she didn’t want her children going through that. She stood up and grabbed the cover that had been knocked into the floor and placed it back over Waverly and Mylo. She leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and headed into the kitchen. She shook her head and smiled when she saw the cotton candy grapes that she had fallen in love with since the beginning of her pregnancy.Theo always made sure that she had way more than enough or anything that she was craving. She grabbed the grapes and some apples. She grabbed a plate and cut her apple into slices and sprinkled a little bit of salt on them. She grabbed the peanut butter and smeared some next to the apples and then placed some of the grapes onto her plate. She placed a hand on her stomach. “I just want you to know that you are so loved by me and your daddy and your big sister. I really wish that your other big sister could be here. She would love you so much. She had such a big heart just like your sister Waverly but I can promise that Sarah will watch over you and protect you.” Tears filled her eyes and slowly fell down her cheeks.
Hearing her phone ring she smiled as she saw that it was Theo. “Hey honey. I just woke up a little bit ago. I’m fine I promise. I was just talking to the baby and then I started thinking about how Sarah will never know her siblings and it just hit me all of a sudden but I’ll be okay.” She smiled as she listened to his voice. “You know you look so good in my clothes.” “How do you know that I’m wearing your clothes?” She questioned. “I bet you are standing in the kitchen with those grapes you love so much and apple slices with peanut butter and probably just a little bit of salt.” She laughed. “Turn around.” At first she thought she was hearing things. “Honey just turn around.” Shaking her head she turned around. She hung up her phone. She laid her phone down and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him. “I needed this.” She admitted. “I told you I’d be fine.” She looked up at him. “And like I’ve told you I know you and when you said you are going to be fine you are anything but.”
It didn’t take long before Waverly came running to the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around Theo’s waist. “Did we wake you?” Waverly laughed a little. “No.” She came around and got up in a chair. “You didn’t wake me up. I…I had a dream and then I heard dad—Theo and I wanted to come see the two of you.” Nicola smiled. “What did you dream about?” Waverly looked down and then back up at the two of them. “I dreamed that I had a little brother and a little sister.” Nicola laughed. “Are you sure that you and da-I mean Theo aren’t going to have twins?” Nicola didn’t know what to say. She bent down and whispered to Waverly. “Do you want to ask him what you were talking to me about?” Waverly nodded her head. Nicola smiled. She knew that she was probably going to get emotional. Ryan wasn’t in the picture and Theo was the only dad that she knew. “Go ahead. You can ask him.” Waverly was a little nervous but she still looked up at Theo and smiled. “Can I…..would it be okay if I called you dad?” 
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tangiesjourney · 2 years
Wednesday, August 10th
I suck at consistency. Whatevs.
Day 7: Eggs ☹️
I absolutely love eggs so this day sucked the most. Since I started this elimination thing, eggs became my go-to food. I could mix them with veggies, fish, cheese, anything. So yeah, I miss eggs.
Day 8: Nightshades
I didn’t even know what the hell these were. But this one wasn’t a huge deal for me except for the potatoes and peppers.
So I have officially eliminated everything and now I have to stick with it for another 7ish weeks. And I have to say, I’ve been sticking to it and every day is getting easier. Mostly. I’m struggling with finding things to eat but the cravings for shitty foods is slowly going away.
I’ll eat a sweet potato almost every day- fried or mashed, as a side or mixed with tuna or something. I’ve found some really good vegan cheese so I’ll have a tuna melt sort of thing every few days. Fish is my best friend- I don’t care if it’s a can of tuna or salmon or a piece of cod or tilapia. I basically have some sort of fish every day and that’s pretty much my main source of protein.
I’m trying to go light on the fruit because of the sugar content so watermelon, grapes or apples have become my dessert. I fried up banana slices in coconut oil the other night and sprinkled them with unsweetened coconut and cinnamon and it was so good I honestly felt like I was cheating.
Working out is still a thing but the way I work out is changing as of tomorrow. I put together a whole plan for Kennedy based on her needs and decided to do it with her to keep her motivated. Turns out she’s totally over the gym so for the past two weeks I’ve been sticking to this stupid schedule that does nothing for me. I’m going back to a kick-ass plan I got from Bodybuilding.com years ago. It was hard and tiring and I loved it. If Miss K decides she still wants to go to the gym, she’s on her own. I have to do what’s good for me.
So that’s where I’m at. I’ve noticed a small increase in energy, not much change in mood yet (but I currently have shit going on) but I HAVE noticed that physically I don’t feel sick every day. That was the norm for me- waking up and feeling just, ick. Never totally sick but never good. Lately I wake up feeling good and I know it’s only going to get better.
I’m trying not to weigh myself too often but I did today and I’ve lost maybe 3 or 4 pounds since I started this thing. I wasn’t expecting much since I’ve also been going to the gym regularly but I was expecting a little more than that. I’m not discouraged though because I’ve stuck to this thing for 10 or 11 days. Okay, I’ve already lost count so I should probably get that figured out so I know when to start eating other foods again. But this is legitimately the longest I’ve gone without sugar in years! So yeah, I’m pretty awesome. 💜
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Overdoing It
Prompt: The reader has been busy and stressed and decides to blow off steam an extra hour after the week comes to a close. Reader over does it but doesn’t take care of herself, leaving Bucky worried.
One shot
Paring: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: Indication of body issues and eating problems
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              I open the fridge looking for anything that seems appealing. The cloud of fog thickens in my head and my eyelids are heavy. I’m starting to realize my extra time at the gym this morning may have been a mistake. The second mistake is living with a bunch of guys who never have food in the refrigerator.
              I grab the contents to make a sandwich and make my way over to the counter. Scratch that, I’m making myself two. I’m not sure what I am putting on the sandwich, as long as it ends up in my stomach who cares.
“Hey doll,” Bucky walks over and kisses my temple from behind.
              We’ve been dating for a few months but Steve introduced us years ago. He has been very slow to warm up, but hopefully he knows I’m not going anywhere. When we first met it was almost comical. He barely said a word and hardly looked into my direction. He later admitted that he was afraid of scaring me or hurting me somehow. So he kept his distance, up until we all came back from the blip and Steve left us.
“Sweetheart, you look a little pale.” He comes to the other side of the counter and gets a better look at my face. “Are you feeling okay?”
              I feel my energy depleting by the second, but I respond with a nod. If I look this worn out, I couldn’t image how I would sound. I just need to get some food in me and I hope that is enough. Maybe a nap, a nap sounds amazing right now too.
              Bucky’s gaze lingers on me for a moment more before leaving my peripheral vision. I hear cabinets open and Bucky wrestling around with crinkling bags. Next, he moves onto the refrigerator. He grabs some of the things I am no longer using and returns them to their spot, and I hear him grab something else as well.
              Bucky appears besides me once more and arranges a plate of food. He places a little pile of grapes, along with a thick slice of watermelon. Two hands grab at the sandwiches before me and places them on the plate of fruit.
              Before I can even look up at him in protest, Bucky lightly takes his hand in mine and leads me to the couch in the next room. His head nods for me to sit down and I oblige. Bucky places the plate of food on my lap and takes a seat next to me. I knit my eyebrows in confusion but his face gives nothing away. His beautiful eyes flicker to my food and back to my face.
“Okay fine.” I say with a smirk before popping a grape in my mouth. He seems pleased as his posture becomes more relaxed. His fingers twirl some hair hanging from my ponytail and I can feel him silently urging me to eat some more.
“Buck I’m okay.” I plead, but truth is I’m too tired to really convince him.
              A few months ago, I had more time to workout and I did. I spent as much time as I did today in the gym 5 days a week. Most of the day following I was pretty tired. I remember going through two or three cups of coffee a day to make it to bedtime. And suddenly it clicks.
“You don’t look okay,” Bucky whispers.
              His eyes flicker to mine and I see some of the worry he keeps hidden. I take a bite out of a sandwich. The surge of energy waves through my body almost instantly. I know it isn’t taking effect yet, but if I feel this great already then it is a start. I figured out recently I wasn’t eating enough back then. I felt like I was sleepwalking through the day. I never told anyone because I didn’t want them to worry, I scaled back on my workouts, and made sure I was eating enough for what I was doing. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who noticed I wasn’t eating enough.
              I finish eating my plate a lot faster than I anticipated. The dried sweat clings to my skin and clothes to my back. Quickly I excuse myself and run to a shower.
              The warmth of the water feels good against my skin. In true girl fashion I grab my shampoo bottle and begin singing along with the tune playing off my phone. The shower is my stage and the sound of the water mimic my cheering fans in the audience. Sam has complained a lot about me using all the hot water. I told him that the show must go on.
              Only this time the show may need to be cut short. The music seems to be coming from a distance and my eyes are beginning to feel really heavy. I lean my body against the cold shower wall and find a little comfort in it. The peace only lasts a moment as my body heat replaces it.
              On instinct I get out of the shower and grab a towel. I take a seat on the floor and place my head in between my knees the best I can. Taking deep breaths, I find the world come back into view, enough to get myself from the floor and into my bedroom.
              I grab the closest things resembling clothes that I can find as the world begins to shift again. Struggling to put them on, I stay on the ground as I decide it is good enough. Closing my eyes, I tell myself I will only stay here for a few minutes and then I’ll go get coffee.
              I allow my body to lay a few minutes more after I start to feel better. Letting it soak up as much strength as it can to get me into the kitchen, and hopefully without running into anyone in particular. Except I am not that lucky.
              Bucky rounds the corner of my door frame and I nearly knock into him. It takes more strength than I’d like to spare to catch myself and stay balanced. Thankfully there is no spinning, just overwhelming exhaustion. But the next thing I know, my feet are no longer on the ground and two arms cradle me into a toned chest. They set me on my bed and find a nearby blanket to wrap around me.
              He doesn’t say anything before he leaves. Bucky doesn’t say a thing and leaves me alone in my bedroom with the door open. If it wasn’t for being so tired, and my bed being comfy, I would have followed him. I would have tried to convince him that I was okay and ask he joined me for another morning snack.
              Guilt begins to make its home in the pit of my stomach. Bucky cares so much about me and I can barely take care of myself. It’s selfish, I shouldn’t be worrying him. It is not like I am trying to do this. It was a mistake; one I’ve made before but hasn’t taken this much of a toll on me before. The best way I could describe it is feeling like a stale cookie that has not slept in a week. Well, I guess if cookies slept that would make more sense.
              I hear his footsteps down the hall from my door. Maybe he’ll yell at me. That would be better than the silent treatment. At least I would know exactly how he is feeling instead of having to guess.
              Bucky enters the room with a tray of food and an unreadable expression upon his features. Great, this will be fun. He carefully places the tray next to me and takes a seat near my feet. I sit up a bit and see that the tray is filled with all of my favorites. Not really caring which one I want first, I grab a random item and start to devour it.
“The last time you looked this pale was months ago.” Bucky breaks me out of my thoughts. I can see him trying to decide if he wants to continue. “I’m worried about you. You started acting like you again once you stopped working out so much. Your eating never changed but you had more energy.”
“Bucky I am eating, see.” I take another bite of the sandwich. Please, I just need him to see that I am okay.
“It isn’t enough.” Bucky sighs and soothingly rubs my feet through the blanket. “If you keep doing this, you’ll have to eat all the time until maybe the afternoon, maybe. I know you and you won’t do that. It will slow you down.”
              We sit in silence as I continue to eat. Bucky moves his hands to my calves next and I can feel more of my muscles loosen. His eyes seem far away in thought, not like earlier when he watched me eat. I wonder what he is thinking. I understand that not eating enough is dangerous, but I can’t help but feel like I am eating too much when I do. It has been a constant struggle since I was a teenager, and for the most part I felt like I was doing an okay job up until recently.
              I try to imagine what it would be like if the roles were reversed. If I was the one having to beg him to eat enough, or to stop working out quite as much. I paint the picture of us sitting on his bed while I massaged out his muscles while I make him eat a plethora of foods. Seeing him on the ground because he is too exhausted to even crawl to his bed or for help.
“I’m sorry,” my voice comes out course and small. I can sense tears not too far behind.
“I know, doll.” Bucky gives me a little smile and his dazzling eyes find my own.
              I finish all the food on the tray and set it to the floor beside the bed. Bucky comes up beside me and helps us both slip in under the covers. I cuddle into his chest and his warm arms engulf me to him. Forever safe in his embrace and it reminds me of things I already knew but needed to be reminded of. Bucky is the best man I could ever ask for… and I need to try to do better, not just for him but for myself too.
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