#i like her a lot though and i hope.. something happens
rabbitsrants · 3 days
disclaimer: gosho's imagery is subtle and therefore often overlooked, so in order to highlight it, i'll be referencing the work of suzanne collins, an author who tends to spell out her metaphors more
chapter 882-884
how the case begins:
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how it progresses:
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this isn't gosho's first time exploring the theme of sharks in the manga:
chapter 311
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both shinichi and haibara relate to sharks, they're self-admittedly drawn to blood and darkness. but why?
haibara was born into it, she didn't have a choice... and even though she's no longer a part of the black organization, she still carries the past with her.
shinichi on the other hand? he seeks it out. he directly confronts it, because he wants to defeat it. his unfaltering idealism is what pushes him to be a shark.
ran is very idealistic too, which i talk about here. so why doesn't she act like a shark?
"Finnick knows then what Haymitch and I know. About Peeta. Being truly, deep-down better than the rest of us." - Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire Chapter 19
the closest that gosho comes to spelling it out like this, is haibara's line about ran "i'm up against dolphin, one of the most loveable creatures in the ocean"
ran's defined by more than her virtuous nature, she's also unbelievably compassionate and sensitive. that's what makes her a dolphin.
her unmatched kindness is constantly displayed throughout the whole manga.
sometimes it irks shinichi:
chapter 787
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sometimes it hurts him:
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but most of the time it baffles and touches him:
chapter 258
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now i'm going to say something that might be controversial: from what i've gathered, shinichi doesn't just appreciate ran's tender heart... he depends on it.
and i'm not saying that lightly, i'm aware that ran's caring nature affects a lot of dcmk characters - it's the reason why vermouth calls her an angel, why haibara refers to her as a dolphin and sees her as a sister figure, hell, it's the reason why kogoro's able to function most of the time.
but i'd still argue that nobody relies on it the way shinichi does, which brings me to the next symbol i want to analyze:
cherry blossom
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flowers can represent a variety of concepts, depending on your source and in what context you use them for your writing. the same rule applies to cherry blossoms.
gosho's used it as symbol for justice in the past:
chapter 687
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it's interesting to look at it through that lense, but i don't think that's what the cherry blossom represents for shinichi.
after doing some research, i came to the realization that cherry blossoms are widely believed to symbolize hope and the beginning of spring.
i think that interpretation makes a lot more sense for shinran. especially if we examine their first interaction:
chapter 924
shinichi shows ran his deduction skills to impress her... ironically he ends up impressing everyone but her. shinichi's condescension leads to a full-blown argument:
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but then something completely unexpected happens... despite the fact that they don't know each other, despite the fact that shinichi insults ran, despite the fact that ran's completely put off by his arrogance, despite all of that... she offers him a cherry blossom and along with it the kindest smile he's ever seen:
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and i just can't help feeling like ran's cherry blossom is symbolically very similar to suzanne's dandelion:
"I found him staring at me  from across the school yard. Our eyes met for only a second, then he turned his head away. I dropped my gaze, embarrassed, and that’s when I saw it. The first dandelion of the  year. A bell went off in my head. I thought of the hours spent  in the woods with my father and I knew how we were going to  survive.  To this day, I can never shake the connection between this  boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the  dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed. And more  than once, I have turned in the school hallway and caught his  eyes trained on me, only to quickly flit away." - Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games Chapter 3
"What I need to survive is not Gale’s fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that." Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay Chapter 27
and clearly, only ran can give that to shinichi...
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let me further elaborate by revisiting the shark analogy:
the most beautiful dolphin in the sea sees a shark like him, calls him out on his bluff and instead of avoiding him, she actually welcomes him. ran shows him genuine affection, despite having so many reasons not to. how could he not fall for her?
for someone like shinichi, a cool shark who's able to recognize other predators in the sea from such a young age, seeing the innocence and warmth of a dolphin is pivotal for him, because it reminds him that there's so much more to life than constantly familiarizing himself with other sharks (in his childhood by reading and later by investigating them)... there's good too.
to summarize... shinichi sees a delicate cherry blossom, a gentle dolphin and holds on to her for dear life. he desperately clings to the promise of hope and spring, he depends on her affection and warmth. he needs ran, because without her winter would never end, he'd never escape to coldness of the sea, he'd freeze.
which explains why
a) he's so protective of her
b) ran's smile serves as a compass for shinichi throughout the whole story - while his mind is busy chasing sharks, shinichi's soul is persistently searching for the same smile that strummed his heartstrings all these years ago. which is why he immediately notices when ran's not okay (even though she's very skilled at concealing her pain) and why he always tries to make her feel better
and that's ultimately why
a) shinichi's keeping his identity a secret
b) he's so focused on getting his old body back
without ran, shinichi wouldn't have a constant inner conflict as conan, without her, he'd lack purpose and as a result, detective conan would be empty and lifeless.
ran's not just a love interest y'all...
she's the heart of the entire manga.
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visit the shinran library for more
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buddie911abc · 3 days
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For the sake of discussion, let's say that Eddie comes out or has some sort of revelation about himself early in season 8. What do you guys want next? Personally, I want to continue with the slow-burn romance for a while longer, but I am ready for it to pick up speed. Seven years to get out of the closet was longer than ideal, but it gave us a lot of good material. As long as Buddie is happening, I'm going to trust the writers because I've enjoyed the Buddie moments so far. That said, I do have a wishlist of what I hope will happen.
If he has his moment of revelation (about his sexuality) in season 8 and we are guaranteed a season 9, then by the end of season 8, I would like him to realize he has feelings for Buck.
Also, by the end of 8, I would like him to come out to at least one person and confide in them about his feelings for Buck.
For Buck, by the end of season 8, I want him and Tommy to have parted ways as friends. I don't want Buck to get into another serious relationship, but I would like to see him go on a series of dates both male and female. I want the audience to be clear on the meaning of bi-sexuality.
By season 9, I'd like to see Eddie continue coming out to people around him, but not Buck. (obviously, not because Buck wouldn't take it well. Eddie has perfect trust in showing Buck every part of himself. He can't tell Buck because he knows that once he starts with the truth all of it would follow.
For Buck, I'd like to see him questioning why he can't hold onto any relationship and maybe through a conversation with Maddie, she could ask what he wants in a life partner. He might list a few characteristics that match Tommy (overlooking that the same match with Eddie.) Maddie does ask him if maybe there was someone else who shared those characteristics, and he has no answer. On Maddie's part, she is getting tired of biting her tongue and waiting for Buck and Eddie to figure it out. Chim thinks Buck needs to figure it out on his own. Maddie points out that if Buck had done that the two of them may still be pretending to be just friends.
I'd like to see more private conversations about Buck and Eddie because I do feel that at this point everyone who is closest to them knows they have feelings for each other. [This is not to be mistaken with knowing how they identify themselves sexually, though Buck coming out and perhaps Eddie's private conversations only solidify their certainty that the two are in love. So, in essence, Bobby and Athena are talking about it in private and with no one else. Maddie and Chim are talking about it privately and with no one else. Hen and Karen are talking about it privately and with no one else. The only clueless person is Ravi.
By the end of season 9, with a guarantee that there will be a season 10. I would like an EPIC emergency. I can't imagine what. During it, Buck and Eddie get separated and think the other is dead. (Not necessarily this specifically but something that causes Buck to realize it was Eddie all along and causes Eddie to realize that he couldn't live knowing he never spoke his truth to Buck. Bonus points to the writers if they have Eddie skip over "coming out" to Buck and go straight to a Kiss or Love confession.) In fact, a kiss at the emergency scene when they discover each other alive would be a great time for everyone to see them do it. Bobby, Hen, and Chim all pull out their phones to Facetime and record with their wives/partners. Ravi is standing there with his jaw on the floor and asking what is happening. (His shock is not about their sexuality so much as the fact that it is Buck & Eddie)
Early season 10 will see Buck and Eddie navigating their new relationship. I don't know how far ABC will go with allowing love scenes between two men, but if it is allowed, I'd rather it not be something that just happens off-screen. If it does happen off-screen, I hope that there is a lead-up to consummating the relationship that we can see on screen. I just feel like we've all waited so long, it should be special for the audience as well and not something that happens off-screen and never talked about. Depending on whether or not the show keeps going. Ten seasons would be pretty epic on its own, but if there is at least one more season (11), then the remainder of 10 should be a series of adjustments and learning that their friendship has not stopped, it has expanded. Depending on the status of the show, possibly a wedding at the end of season 10 or engagement if it goes into season 11.
Yep. I've thought that far ahead, but I've tried not to be too specific on how they get there to allow for changes. If the show is not renewed beyond season 8, I'd want the show to rush it. I would hate to have them rush it, but I would like to know that a happy ending is set up, and Buddie officially ends as canon.
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kamiko1234 · 1 day
Okay so I FINALLY got back around to continue with The Sea of Monsters. Right now I'm at chapter 7. And boy to I have THOUGHTS, so first off ? Tantalus is SUCH a jerk 💀 Like unironically he's replacing Ares for the "biggest jerk in the book" spot. Like- how come that seemingly EVERY ADULT (with the expection of Chiron, Sally , Poseidon and Hermers) that got a speaking role somehow has it out for Percy. But also campers apperantly having DIED in the past during those chariot races !? And them having been abolished being a pretty NEW thing !? That's honestly SO messed up like- I KNEW the gods didn#t really care a whole lot about their kids. But for them to allow THIS !? At a camp where those children were supposed to be SAFE !? I am repeating myself, BUT NO WONDER LUKE SNAPPED !? I WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME IN HIS SITUATION ! Also this is double shitty if you think about the implications of TYSON being claimed. This is not attacking him by any means but- imagine you're a demigod at camp Halfblood. YOu are unclaimed, basically abandoned by atleast one of your parents. You are stuck in an overcrowded cabin. And then suddenly this litteral, bc definition, MONSTER arrives, and get's claimed BEFORE you !? After only having been in camp for a REALLY short time ????? While you (possibly) have waited YEARS and got NOTHING !? I'd be pissed. Clarisse going out on that quest to save camp also gives me... not god feelings. Like I feel like she's either going to die on this or she will get a redemption of sorts. I hope we will get to see a bit of her backstory and thought process, wonder if her attitude is personality or trauma. The most shocking thing for me though is Hermes being.... surprisingly nice ? He seems to genuinely love Luke, even somewhat defending him when Percy said he couldn't be saved anymore and saying you always stick to family ? I wonder what happened between them. I mean, so far Luke has more than enough reason to be going of the deep end. Why didn#t Hermes interfere or something ? He seems very aware of his son's hate for him. Considering how Hermes also send Percy to "save" Luke, I'm hoping we'll get a redemtion arc of sorts. Or atleast see more sympathetic Luke. I'm still unsure about the whole Grover and Thalia's tree being poisoned thing will go or what to think of it. I just hope both will be okay at the end of this. Well, that was all. Thanks for listening !
(Please mark any spoilers in any of your replies/reblogs so I can avoid the spoiler part , thank you very much ^^)
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lauraameyauthor · 2 days
I'm not going to lie, that was rather disappointing. Episodes 5 and 6 were great, but those last two were much less so. I expected Colin to be upset at the Wistledown reveal, and I was ready for plenty of that lovely angst... but I also expected that to be resolved by the wedding, even if the wedding was delayed. To see Polin get married and yet not happy was not appropriate for this couple's dynamic. They are a slow burn couple, one that has been building for years, if the wedding was not to be the happy endgame, then that wedding should have been part of that slow build and happened a lot sooner. To have it be part of the third act breakup just left a sour taste that is hard to be rid of in the best of times, let alone in a show of such an ensemble cast with many different side-plots to take up screentime. The characters and the actors deserved better.
It wasn't all bad, however. Something that was done well, I feel, was Penelope's relationship with her family. It was nice to see her and Portia fight and come together and admit their similarities and wrongdoings. It was also nice to see some love between the sisters.
Francesca's story was also quite nice. I do like John and am sad to know he is not endgame. Though I am sure Michaela will be a nice choice, also.
Benedict's story, on the other hand, was pointless. The scenes between the three lovers - scenes which should have been crucial to his character development - were treated as little more than cutaways between more important storylines. The only benefit I can see coming from his story arc is Tilly's speech about love and society, which might have relevance for next season considering Sophie's social status.
One that note, I was very happy to hear that line about the masquerade ball. Much like I love a wallflower story, I love a Cinderella story, so I am looking forward to meeting Sophie. (And this time I will know better than to pay attention to PR)
Eloise I am in two minds about. She is a very self-centered character, but she is finally starting to realise her lack of understanding of others, so it felt good to see her take that step herself and request to go to Scotland. So, while I hated her for a lot of episodes 5 and 6 (she treated both Penelope and Cressida very poorly), I did not hate her enough to not look forward to her development.
Cressida I am a bit disappointed about however, and now wish she hadn't had the depth added earlier in the season. Making her more than the two-dimensional bully but giving her the just deserts of one did not reflect well on Penelope. Having the heroine's happiness at the price of someone who was in much a similar position does not feel fitting for a romance.
So, conclusion: There were plenty of good things (like I said, episodes 5 and 6 were great), and I will be sure to be reblogging gifs of them when I see them, but I had hoped for a more satisfying conclusion to the romance that brought me to the show.
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Bridgerton Season 3 Is Completely Out - Here's My Thoughts (Not Spoiler Free!)
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I never expected myself to become a sucker for Bridgerton yet here we are. It started after promotion for Season 3 began earlier this year. They began to drop the snippets, specifically the infamous "your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue" scene. So, as soon as these scenes dropped, I felt some appeal. However, Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton really PULLED me into the trap. The PR and their genuine friendship brought me so much comfort and idealization. I still feel like an imposter in this fandom as I haven't watched the show from beginning to end. I'm hesitant to start it. I've already found myself being emotionally attached to these characters and their actors. It's formed a hyperfixation so that's a great new addition to my shelf of many fixations. But with that comes, a lot of dread to start a series in fear of me disliking their characters in previous seasons or feeling no appeal to other characters. I don't want to be that person.
Yet I still watched Season 3. I may not know every character and have a basic rundown of what's happened in previous seasons but I've enjoyed what I've seen. The first part of Season 3 focused on establishing the friends-to-lovers phenomenon between Colin and Penelope. Some aspects felt rushed but to me, it was pretty well done. However, when it comes to covering a book, there should definitely be more aspects of the book included. Many things were excluded, some for completely valid reasonings and others that didn't make sense. As many of the dearest gentle readers watched the second half of the season, many have echoed the same disappointment. Where was his declaration of love from the books? Why was there more anger than happy scenes? Why did they seem to skip many events from the book adaption?
Before we delve into this deeper, if you haven't read the original book (Romancing Mister Bridgerton: Penelope & Colin's Story by Julia Quinn), this is what we as a fandom are referring to:
“I love you,” he said, his voice low and fervent. “I love you with everything I am, everything I've been, and everything I hope to be.” “I love you with my past, and I love you for my future.” He bent forward and kissed her, once, softly, on the lips.
In many ways, we technically got something similar to this towards the end of Episode 8 but most longtime readers and watchers were looking forward to this moment. Not only that but the almost reversed sequence of events. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, this is a live-action adaption of the novelization. The novelization will forever reign superior.
Stlll, Luke and Nicola brought these characters to life with their blood, sweat, and tears. You can see through their art how serious and important these characters are to them. I think it's fair to say that I cannot wait to see them in future seasons, even though, they will no longer be the leads. I think that's another reason I dreaded the end of this season. I've enjoyed all the press, interviews, photoshoots, and friends made along the way.
To finish this off, I would like to applaud Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton. Not only did they provide us with happiness and joy but they showed their close friendship, highlighting their immense respect for each other. You don't see things like this in this business often. Of course, they played into some aspects of the PR but their friendship was never PR despite sites like DeuxMoi wanting to claim.
And with that dearest gentle readers, this is where we part. Not literally but this season has been an amazing journey for us all. I can't wait to see what the future has in store. I hope and pray that Nicola and Luke remain friends through all hate and rumors, as well. This won't be the last you hear of my Bridgerton ranting and rambling as I hope to actually start from beginning to end. I hope you all enjoyed this season as much as I have, even with some of the hurdles with the second half.
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Bridgerton season 3, what to say. I loved it but I was also disappointed at the same time. Spoilers if you haven’t already watched it all
Disappointment #1 I understand what Kanthony fans meant about last season now. There were just too many subplots going on. There’s always the main plot and at least two to three subplots but at least two of those subplots tie into the main one and the other one doesn’t . We got that with Cressida’s story and the Featherington family heir. They tied into Colin and Penelopes story. Why Penelope was desperate to get married and why Cressida was so desperate to get the Whistledown reward.And the ones that didn’t were Francesca’s and Benedict’s but Francesca’s still made sense because her story starts after she’s been married to her first husband for a minute, she gets married her first season and then after a couple years we see her again so her storyline this season made sense so even though it didn’t tie into the main plot it still fit with the season as a whole especially if you’ve read the books. I hate to say it because I love him so much, but Benedict’s storyline was so unnecessary this season. I enjoyed him getting to explore himself and his sexuality but to me that’s something that could’ve been done in his season.
Disappointment #2 we didn’t get Colin’s speech “ I love you with everything I am, everything I’ve been, and everything I hope to be.” I just loved that moment so much in the books and I’m so sad we didn’t get to hear him say it.
Disappointment #3 I think we all knew as soon as we got the Featherington subplot that this is what was going to happen especially when we didn’t get the Penelope/Lady Danbury friendship which is the whole reason they named their firstborn after her but I’m still mad they took Agatha from us. They already took Amelia away with Simon n Daphne so they better still give us Agatha eventually when Colin n Penelope have a girl.
Disappointment #4 the entire season did feel really rushed but that’s because it kind of was cause they only give us 8 episodes and there were 600 other stories going on at the same time,thankfully we already had two seasons of Polin buildup to work with.
Like #1 Polin of course. I loved everything about them.
Like #2 The Featherington family subplot.I actually enjoyed Prudence and Philippa a lot this season. They were just so cute. I loved them being so excited about their ball. Also Mr. Finch and Dankworth are just the cutest. They are totally “my wife” bros like Colin. Portia was going through it this whole season lol. I loved her realizing and opening her eyes to how she’d treated and overlooked Penelope for years and them kind of realizing they had more in common than they thought. And just seeing that a lot of what Portia did was to protect her girls cause her husband kind of put her between a rock n a hard place.
Like #3 I still hate Cressida but I liked her storyline and the friendship with Eloise because one someone needed to put Eloise in her place a bit, and two it showed that even one of the most popular debutantes still had her reasons to be just as desperate to find a husband. I think it helped open Eloise’s eyes a bit more to really listening to people and not disregarding what they were saying simply because she didn’t want the same things and didn’t understand why they didn’t feel the same way she did. It showed that even the girl who is everything a debutante is supposed to be was having just as much trouble as someone like Penelope who was considered the opposite of what a young lady should be in society. It showed that she could be a genuine and nice person but she lets her own desperations and wants overcloud that and that she was willing to turn on someone she considered a friend to get what she wanted. Whereas when Penelope wrote about Eloise it wasn’t to help herself , it might’ve still been wrong but she had genuine good intentions.
Like #4 I loved how Eloise and Penelope’s friendship came full circle. I think they really needed the time apart because Penelope needed to see she was letting whistledown go to her head and not really thinking about who she was hurting at that point and I think Eloise needed to really see that she needed to start listening more and understand that just because someone’s opinions or wants were different than hers doesn’t mean they weren’t still important. And how even though she was so angry and hurt that she still wanted to protect Penelope when she was hurt. She also saw how easy it was to hurt someone herself without meaning to.
Like #5 I loved Penelope standing up for herself. I loved her owning up to her mistakes. Her saying I made some mistakes and could’ve handled certain situations differently and I’m sorry for them I truly am but I’m still proud of what I’ve done and achieved as a whole. And more importantly her not letting Colin bail her out of trouble. Her saying you know what no more lying. No more running and hiding, it’s time to take responsibility and own up to what I’ve done all I need you to do is love me and stand by me.
This last one isn’t necessarily a disappointment or a like. But them turning Michael into Michaela. I knew people were speculating and I’m not sure if it had been confirmed before the season dropped and I just didn’t see it but I was surprised by it. At this point in time I don’t hate it but I’m also not sure how I feel about it. I haven’t read Francesca’s book yet so it won’t really change any of that for me. It’s more of I don’t have any specific feelings about it at the moment and a wait and see how they do the storyline in that particular season for me kind of thing. I could absolutely love it.
Also I think it was made pretty obvious by Eloise bringing up the masquerade that Benedict’s season is probably next and I’m excited for him and Sophie but I’m also a little worried and curious about how they are going to tie his behavior in the book into the show cause oof Benny boy you was troublesome
At the end of the day I enjoyed the season as a whole, it was good.
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prettycottagequeer · 3 months
I'm so fuckeddddd 100% gonna die this is so bad
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 20
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#dimension 20#dimension 20 spoilers#d20 introductions#fhjy#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#WOW dang. what a season#i'm glad the episode didn't end on like. as bleak of a note as it could have for the ratgrinders#being literal teens that were taken advantage of by adults that groomed them and all#was honestly REALLY obsessed by the implications of like how kipperlily's shatterstar was willing and the rest of her friends' weren't.#like there are so many fucking ways that could be interpreted#was she the last to go? was she the first? did she KNOW? was she complicit in it? did she do it by her own hand? what HAPPENED there?#i'm so obsessed. like holy fuck#also this is something vague i was hoping for but like- in the combat when ally said they wanted to go for oisin after he died at first#i was thinking of something like. that they might revive the ratgrinders whose shatter stars already left to have them rejoin the fight#on THEIR side for the purposes of saving the others? but that didn't happen and went on otherwise#i can't. fucking believe. that we got fucking blimey'd AGAIN. fucking insane#and now K2 canonically exists in the real world#fig has an army of inevitable automatons hunting her. fabian has a literal unborn nemesis. adaine has a wizard mom to kill.#senior year problems..... honestly i feel like the high level play this season was really fun to watch#and i think i'd really enjoy seeing a senior year too#what a season. i was IMMENSELY enjoying it for the majority of it that like Starkly dropped around eps 18 and 19 that left a bad taste#but i don't know. i feel like the finale managed to salvage some of that good that i'd really enjoyed over the course of the season#what a ride though‚ I did enjoy it a lot#see y'all next season!!
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cluescorner · 4 months
I gave myself a writing challenge and I am fascinated by it
So basically I put the robins in a randomizer to give them a new order/role (because I just...kinda wanted to see what would happen + I like role-reversal AUs) and got results that are giving me a fucking brain blast.
Stephanie, the first sidekick who defines the role
Tim, the sidekick who dies and comes back wrong
Dick, the sidekick who saves Batman from himself
Damian, the sidekick who was never supposed to be a sidekick but would go on to prove everyone wrong
Jason, the youngest sidekick who is still the Kid Wonder
...So this is fucking wild. I've got some ideas and several of these fit perfectly (Dick's role is pretty similar to his one in canon), but some of these are fucking INCREDIBLE to explore (Steph being the first Robin is something I never even considered but tbh I kinda love it).
I probably won't write a fic or anything because tbh I don't like publishing my writing that much, but I might expand this into a full AU and post about it. I might randomize other stuff too (ie, stuff that I cannot change vs stuff that I cannot keep the same) but this fucking rules as a starting point.
#uhhh what am I calling this??#randomizedrobinsau#stephanie brown#oh my god I am so excited to figure out how tf to write this.#because she's my favorite of these characters and having HER be the first sidekick + the one who has a mentor/older sister relationship#with the others?? kickass. though I'll probably keep her and Tim's relationship as 'dating-then-exes' because I think it's funny#and then SHE can be the Robin who Tim got fixated on + figured out her identity?? holy fuck and then the angst of Tim later dying#Tim Drake#tbh I kinda wish he'd gotten a different position because 'sidekick who dies' Tim has kinda been done a lot with the standard#reverse robin aus. But it'll still be fun to write. Definitely going the Joker Junior route with this because Batman Beyond kicks ass#Dick Grayson#He'll honestly probably be the easiest. Like...his role has not changed much outside of being younger/not the one who defines this#But I still think it'll be good to see how well I know Dick beyond his eldest brother thing (which is my best way of relating to him)#Damian al ghul#damian wayne#oh this is gonna kick ass#Bruce does not want his son to be a sidekick but Damian just kinda forces his way into that role#and everybody doubts him because of his history with the league but he later proves himself more than capable#to the point that he can set out mostly on his own and still thrive#Jason Todd#Jason being the baby of the family is also something I have never thought about but holy shit it could kick ass#I really hope that I don't roll 'Jason must die' or 'Robin 5 must die' on the randomizer. I just kinda want Jason to live this time#But unfortunately I double-screwed him because he's on the 'must happen' wheel twice now. I did not think these prompts through#TBH I am so happy that none of them rolled their OG roles. because that would have been so fucking boring
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Talking more about Violet/Kit? Why yes, yes I am—there’s just more stuff that I want to talk about involving her.
She never really knew her father that well—when she was born, her parents were still together, but when she was about two (she’s ten in the present), the two of them got divorced.
Though, they were both still on friendly terms and everything, and the young Violet would still see him for a little longer. At least until she was about three.
Long story short, her father died from an illness. So she just doesn’t really remember him much—she has a few little memories here and there, but that’s it.
Then, also keeping it more short/simple, she went to the Pizzaplex, and met Glamrock Bonnie—who helped her out, and as time went on, became a father figure to her.
Violet is autistic.
Mentioned a few times prior already, but ‘Kit’ (which can be a baby bunny) is a nickname given to her by Glam. Bon, and she loves it.
She originally wanted to grow up and work as a vet, but ended up changing her mind—now wanting to work at the Pizzaplex whenever she finally can.
The mask that she has, Violet made it all by herself a year prior. It makes her feel a bit more comfortable and safe during certain times—and it’s just a rather nice thing, too.
She always carries it with her, whether actually wearing it over her face or not. You’d never really see her without it.
Of course, Violet would keep going to the Pizzaplex, but as you’d imagine... Glamrock Bonnie eventually disappeared, causing her distress.
A few times after that, Violet would keep going back to the Pizzaplex—hoping to potentially find where the rabbit went, but every single time, she didn’t have any luck.
Eventually, Violet, saddened by the disappearance and not finding anything, eventually stopped going to the Pizzaplex.
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ofpd · 6 months
came across an old post and saw the timestamp and was like woah i wrote that on barricade day 2021. how was i thinking about atla when it was literally barricade day
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box-of-sims · 1 year
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My sweet baby 💜 I miss her so much 😢💔
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
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Khare never used to be quite so dim-witted. Her slower thought process and ability to learn has been heavily impacted as a result of her mutation but she's still canny enough to gauge a situation or look of a person and go "Yeah, that is somebody I probably shouldn't piss off."
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
don't worry guys if you're ever in a bad place emotionally and seeking guidance some woman with an entirely different outlook on life than you will thrust shitty advice upon you whether you like it or not and then make you feel completely fucking awful about her wealth of wisdom that she is so genuinely convinced she has despite not having any idea . this will make the bad place so much more bad also
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he's going to be fighting a bunch of these things on his own, huh?
#wednesday spoilers#I don't think anyone really likes the im2-ish plot regarding h*ward but then duggan did warn us that he wanted to expand on whatever#happened in hickman's shield run so that's a thing that's happening now I guess.... I just hope he wraps it up quickly#emma was pretty annoying in this issue imo like idk if she's genuinely underestimating feilong or just not letting some things on due to#her being on the council etc. but it's probably going to backfire badly. I liked that tony & sunfire interacted though it's been a while I#think. I don't really know what to say about the h*ward stuff except that I liked that tony didn't become emotional or lose his head when#he was mentioned & he also didn't say anything nice about him so that's fine I guess...#I like that while he won pretty easily in the last issue the sentinel is clearly extremely powerful & tony was outgunned & retreated and I#like that there was no mention of his ego or whatever even though having to run would mess with anyone's ego a bit. I'm sure he would've#fought it anyway if it endangered anyone else but since it didn't he didn't fight a losing battle for whatever reason which shouldn't be#surprising but considering the quality of a lot of his previous runs it's nice#this issue wasn't as strong as the last one imo & I wish the stark employees resigned in protest the way they always did in the past#although it hasn't been his company for a while & usually when they resigned it was about tony and that one dude was clearly unhappy about#what was happening so maybe we'll see something in later issues? idk#I could've used a lot less h*ward but then I was expecting him to come up plus I'm glad it's happening now & not during cantwell's run#I'm pretty excited for the next issue since it's a flashback to the wca/silver centurion era... overall I think the characterisation is#still pretty good so I'll just hold on to that#iron man#marvel 616#tony stark
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screampied · 2 months
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ᡴꪫ‎ sum. you get more than what you bargained for by getting involved with two boxers—two boxers that can’t keep their hands off the pretty new journalist. what happens in the ring stays in the ring though…. right?
wc. 5.7k
warnings. fem! reader x t. fushiguro & s. ryōmen, boxer!au, thrēesome, manhandling, unprotected, semi public, size kink, ōral (f & m receiving), head lock, spīt, sqūirting, they fight over you, brēeding, fīngering, implied multiple ōrgasms, nipple play.
an. based on this ask, haven’t recovered since :,)
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sukuna ryōmen and toji fushiguro. . .
the talk of the town. top most infamous boxers of your city, they were supposedly rivals but ended up becoming super close friends. 'friends' was probably a stretch. acquaintances was probably a far better word to describe the two. there was hardly anyone that didn’t tune into your detailed magazines about them—your occupation? a journalist. you’d be the first to write about their fights, their strengths, weaknesses, their total wins & losses, and even a few unnecessary things like their love life. you were new, but you were good. always in the front row, you’d watch them spar against some of the most scariest opponents imaginable. something about guys taking it out in the ring right before your eyes got your panties in a twist. how unprofessional..
you only did it for the money, the publicity— a lot of people adored your skill to make such stories so interesting. between toji and sukuna, they were almost always compared, and oh did they hate it. ex rivals continuously pinned against each other, it’d piss anyone off. although, you were in dire need for a new story topic to write and you just so happen to stumble into their private gym.
“yo,” a rough sly yet cunning voice mutters, and it’s so deep—you recognize it from anywhere, toji fushiguro in the flesh. “are ya lost? no fuckin’ autographs.”
“don’t be rude, ‘toj,” and your eyes avert towards sukuna— he’s a few inches taller and your eyes roam at them both. they had droplets of sweat racing down their washboard abs, scars coating their skin with ruffled hair as if they’d just finished a match. sukuna drags his feet towards you before his eyes light up. “ohh, i know you,” he snickers, grabbing your notepad before nudging his friend. “she’s our little journalist toji. and she’s a damn fine one too..”
“. . . uh,” was all you could make out, feeling a sudden tightness in your stomach. your eyes continue to stare, your lewd thoughts only become more and more vulgar. seconds pass before you realize sukuna took your notebook, toji pauses his sets to get a good look at you. “i thought this was the ladies' room.”
“girl bye,” toji grumbles with two hands buried into his shorts pockets— he reads right through you as if you were some sort of exposed novel. people said he was a lot sassier in person but you didn’t think it’d actually be true. green dark eyes linger onto you for a long time before he stretches, leaning down to get a good glimpse at your figure. “did you come here just to stare or what?”
you were taken aback at how blunt he was.
a coy grin appears on his lips as he watches you struggle to formulate a good enough response.
you were nosy, you were really really nosy. for once, perhaps you didn’t wanna just jot down things about these two— just maybe, just maybe . . you wanted a hands-on experience.
“i… needed new material for my article before the next match starts,” you utter, squeezing your thighs together. sukuna tilts his head, eyeing you in a way that makes you feel hot. toji’s stare was ten times more intimate, darkened irises practically staring right into your soul—you knew this wasn’t the bathroom, you were lying. “i was hoping maybe you’d give me some uh . . inspo.”
they were both towering over you with height, you felt small—like an ant that was preparing itself to be crushed by a villainous shoe.
“inspiration, she says?” sukuna hums, his voice is low—raspy, an almost purr hiding underneath it before he moves closer towards you. “just tell us what you really want, princess.”
“nah don’t get all shy now,” toji chimes in once he sees you grow more sheepish. they both close in on you—you felt like you were trapped in a fever dream, you weren’t exactly complaining either. they smelled so good, a mixture of sultry sweat and a loud scent of heavy cologne that wafts throughout the entire training room. “you got our attention so spit it out, girl.”
“i— i want you both.” you finally mutter after seven long consecutive seconds. with the way toji’s staring right through you, you felt like your stomach sank between your legs - your legs that were throbbing with nothing but mere arousal, again perhaps this was unprofessional. no, it was very unprofessional—but anyone would kill to be in your position, being sandwiched between the top two boxers of your city.
sukuna snickers. “both? what makes you think i’d wanna share with this bum?”
“shut up,” toji snarls, and the way his facial expressions tense a bit—so attractive. the headlines + press was right about toji, he was a lot more handsome in person. he was a fairly new boxer yet a pure lady's man. he’s had a plethora of fangirls while in the ring and maybe you were one of them. as he inches towards you with a hand softly gripping underneath your chin, he inhales. his entire facial structure, so chiseled—brief dark stubble coats the entirety lower half of his jaw and he rubs his left boxing glove against his left knee. “that really want you want? both of us?” and his voice softens. it’s a bit more pitchy and low, and he sneers. “on me, look at me when you reply too, girl.”
your lip gradually pulls down from his thumb playing against it. you felt so hot, the air suddenly felt thick.
a sudden lump gets caught in your throat before you mumble. “i want you both,” and your eyes meet the dark-haired boxer, simultaneously glancing at his attire— shirtless, boxing shorts on with his custom-made ‘fushiguro’ briefs wilting near the top—only showing the hem part. just a teensy detail like that was so enticing that you even spot a few parts of his exposing snatched waist. only after awhile you then abruptly snap out of your vulgar fantasm. “…please.”
“the real question is, pretty little journalist,” sukuna steps in, a hand stroking against your chin. you didn’t know where to even look. both boxers had their hands on you and the tightened squeezing between your plush thighs grew even more. “can you handle both?”
“yes.” you’d speak in a soft voice, most likely as of now you were probably speaking from between your legs—you didn’t care though, everyone’s a little delusional at some point. emphasis on a little in your case, because you had no idea what you were getting in to with these two.
toji snickers. “hm,” he mutters, eyes focusing on you for a long time before he raises his chin. “fine. let’s test your strength then,” and he briefly gazes at sukuna. “sukuna. we can take her ‘n the ring.”
and they mean it quite literally— taking you, the both of them versus you, except you weren’t relatively fighting.
not in that sense, but it was versus an opponent that was throbbing between your thighs.
the arena was empty, about a good hundred or more vacant blood-shot red seats scatter everywhere.
inside the ring, it was a mere raised platform, guided and shaped by strong stringy ropes that were yanking between poles at each side and corner. you lay on the spongy canvas of the ring’s floor before biting back a moan.
“scared yet?” sukuna hums, and he props himself right between your legs. this was risky—entirely risky, anyone could just walk in. besides, you were pretty sure they had a match in about a good forty-five minutes. with sprawled-out legs, he moved closer before dragging a thumb down your panties. his voice was a bit deeper than toji’s, they both shared the same amount of rasp.
sukuna had the charm, toji had the suaveness.
you shake your head, feeling yourself grow even hotter the more he stalls time. it feels warm, the entire air around you is humidly thick and you whine as he teasingly bites your panties. not enough to pierce his teeth into your folds, but he bites near the fabric—you watch, the string of your underwear slowly dragging with him. yet, you can’t help but glance at toji who’s just standing there—arms crossed and that same scowl that stuck against his face. “mhm,” he jibes, eyes flickering towards toji. “toji. she’s looking at you.”
“i know she fuckin’ is,” he grumbles, and your head tilts upward. you’re face first with his bulge that was right against your face. talk about space, it was right there. such a big bulge, who were you even kidding though—you found yourself gawking at his bulge at every match he had. with the skin-tight shorts he’d worn, you just knew he was nothing more than a packer. “nosy girl. y’er mouth bored or somethin’?” and he watches your hands paw at the hem of his tucked-out briefs. “need a bit of throat training, huh?”
sukuna’s playing with your panties still. by now, he’s peeling them towards the crevices of your thighs and you whine whilst you feel a thumb of his drag down your honeyed slit. sopping wet, just a three-second stare and he was suddenly esurient.
“look at me, not him,” toji lightly turns your head to face back up to him again. his bulge, his damn bulge that was right up against you. you nod, feeling your mouth dry—you wanted your throat to be filled, it wasn’t even a question. toji gruffs lowly, moving your chin side to side. “huuuh? girl, i don’t speak silence. thought i told ya how to use those words when you speak.”
“i- i wanna suck you off, ‘toj,” and you get cut off once he pulls his boxing shorts down halfway, bringing your face close to his briefs. you’re taken by surprise once he makes you rub your face against his hardened bulge—you moan, as if on instinct, your tongue lolls out just to taste him. even if it’s just the clothed fabric protecting his actual cock, it was something.
he scoffs. “y’er a nasty girl, huh,” he mumbles, peering down to see sukuna starting to lick against your cunt. your legs quaver upon impact and you slump back against the corner of the ring. “can’t wait, yeah. want me to train this empty throat? maybe it’ll make ya a better journalist, nosy ass.”
you’d almost laugh at his little side remark if it wasn’t for sukuna’s tongue lapping against your slick entrance. your lips part as you lean back, a hand going through his hair. “mphm,” he grunts, one hand squeezing the right part of your thigh. “sweetest taste i’ve had in a . . . looong while.” and he’s so sloppy, not even a few seconds pass before he’s already slurping. your panties were lazily shoved to the side and that’s when toji hauls down his briefs.
you gulp, damn.
he wasn’t just big, he was huge…
your mouth starts to salivate the more you stared at the swollen shaft. toji was a big guy . . hence meaning, toji he was a thick guy.
staggering height and a fat base to back it up, he had about two veins running down the side. his tip was a reddish pink, you could already taste him throbbing in your mouth. toji was quite well shaved a bit— though, it was a few specks of black hairs scattered everywhere. however, his happy trail was so pleasing to look. it roams all down his sculpted body, he sighs once you slowly wrap a hand around his cock.
“spit the fuck on it.”
five words and you didn’t hesitate to roll out your pink tongue once more.
you gather a good amount before watching it coat against his pink sweet tip. he groans, watching your hand stroke him a bit. he was so big, so fucking big that you could barely wrap your entire hand around his dick. toji groans, watching you make a total mess out of yourself. pretty glossy lips, pretty glossy lips that would soon be wrapped around his hefty length.
once you get it wet enough, you gently move your mouth onto him. he hisses, the warmth of your throat has his abs clenching.
“m-mhm,” you’d moan out, though your words were purely muffled. sukuna’s sucking on your clit, occasionally nipping and nibbling on it just to make you squirm even more. it was cute— the way your legs could barely hold still, so this was your weak spot. it’s what he thought to himself, lapping his tongue against your slick entrance. brief kisses coat near your folds before he maneuvers such circles against your pussy. feeling his canines nip against your folds every few seconds had you feral in the best way possible.
“y’er makin’ her squirm all over, ‘kuna,” toji lowly chuckles, such baritone in his voice that it makes you soak even more. you didn’t even know how it was possible with the way you were just profusely dripping like a faucet. not even—you put faucets to shame with how slick you were, quickly coating the lower part of sukuna’s chin with your syrupy taste. “open that mouth a ‘lil more, yeah . . . yeah,” and he tilts your head back a bit, prying your mouth open some more. he starts to slowly sink his cock in, so slow. the pace was incredibly tantalizing, your tongue runs against his slit before he pushed more inches inside. “fuckkk, girl,” he continues to grunt out, knees already starting to buckle. the way you took him in, hollow cheeks all puffed, you were already starting to drool a bit. small amounts of your saliva trickle past the corners of your lips as he goes deeper and deeper. deeper until his tip ends up mashing against your uvula and you gag.
“. . ooooh,” he hums, and just a simple noise as that was so seductive. “good…. good,” he swallows, a hand digging through your hair before maintaining a good grip against it. “now . . let’s test this pretty throat’s durability, hm.”
your little nod makes his sly smile widen, your jaw hangs and he starts to gradually piston his hips. such a mess, he was just so big that you were surprised all of it even fit.
“alllll the way down, shit,” your head starts to move, bobbling as your tongue swiftly running against his pulsating head. he gnashes his teeth together, dim eyes flickering towards your hands. you were feeling hot yourself so you made a cute attempt at reaching between your legs. doing so only greets you to a soft concise smack.
“hands to yourself, silly girl,” sukuna grumbles, and this time he grabs your wrist. he simpers, watching you try to even still rub one out but with his grip, you weren’t getting anywhere. as your mouth was occupied with such inches, you whimper once you feel sukuna spank your cunt a few times. “don’t touch my pussy.”
one turns into two, then three, then four. . .
your pretty cunt starts to become his new obsession—the way you’d squelch for him so easily, he gets hard in his boxers. so wet, he knows the layout as if he’s so used to doing this. you wouldn’t be surprised, especially with a tongue like he had. lapping left and right, he parts your legs just a bit farther before the tip of his tongue swirls all around it. he lays it flat, getting a good enough taste before giving it yet another mean spank.
you whimper, feeling your tummy cave in before toji makes you face him once more. “eyes up here, eyes on me,” and he sounds almost jealous the more you focus your attention strictly on his boxer acquaintance. you’re still stroking him, a thumb sliding down a vein that prods alongside his shaft and he groans. your throat, so warm that he starts to feel his right thigh bounce. “should be . . usin’ this throat for shit like this instead of running that mouth.” his voice pitches lower, boxer shorts pulled down and his hair was slightly ruffled. you stare up at toji and he gives you that same cunning smirk. oh, you were soaked. again, this simply felt like a fever dream. even if at the slightest chance that you were dreaming, you never wanted to wake up.
toji’s quite talkative throughout the entire thing, sukuna’s dragging you further and further onto your incoming release and your legs start to rapidly shake even more. you whine and mewl out such sweetened moans, occasionally coming back up for air as you kept his cock warm in your mouth. each time it hits the roof of your mouth, you let off a straddled noise and he finds it so cute, so filthy.
“relax y’er throat, girl,” he mutters, a firm grip on your scalp. with glossy eyes, you follow his words and you stop gagging a bit. he grunts, getting hard every time your pretty eyes make direct contact with him. “such a pretty girl when you listen.” and his tone gets a bit more sensual, more tender.
you whine, feeling sukuna insert a single finger inside of you—you swallow his digit almost immediately and you cringe at hearing your own salaciously lewd squelches.
soaking, sopping wet,
three perfect words to describe between your legs, you choke out a moan once you feel that sensation brew right up inside your stomach. steadily, it was coming closer and closer. you’re breathing through your nose—feeling a few of his pubic hairs tickle against you. you’re moaning, eyes becoming half-lidded and droopy. toji had a mere pout stretching against his face and he felt himself coming close too.
the icing on the cake was your tongue, the way you swirl and slide it against his frenulum—he groans out a low grunt that rings throughout the arena. it reverberates, it's raspy and it only makes you even more aroused. “s-shit, you close too?”
you nod, and toji jeers, finding it amusing to taunt with you as you’re about to reach your inevitable peak. “yeah? gonna make a mess on ‘kuna’s face?”
“told ya don’t call me that,” sukuna grouses, resuming to pump not one but two fingers into you now—you’re almost there. it’s a hot feeling stirring up near your lower abdomen, a pool of it. your eyes start to roll, still slobbering down toji’s cock before he starts to thrust and thrust into your mouth.
“make me.” toji stared at him—and the both of them grew quiet before laughing with each other.
your maw opens just a bit wider, and he’s shoving himself in and out of your tight throat—the noises that follow are so lewd, he finds you so pretty like this. mascara all smeared and runny, your hand continues to wrap around his length—his sagged base, so full. you start to salivate again, imagining what his taste was like. you craved it like you crave sweets, sukuna’s tongue running against your clit only made things far more intense before you start to convulse.
“f-fuckkk, ‘m gonna cum,” toji rasps, tilting your head back a bit more. you stare at him, tongue still grazing against the pulsing slit before after a few more pumps—he shoots a nice velvety load into your mouth. he grunts lowly, nostrils flaring up, jaw tightening and all. “. . damn,” he swallows, allowing himself to slow down. you end up finishing around the same time, costing sukuna’s mouth with a honeyed amount of your slick and he hums. you whimper, legs barely able to hold themselves up before you feel toji’s dick pour the remnants of his cum flat on your tongue. “nah, don’t fuckin’ swallow yet. stick it out, lemme see that shit.”
your legs felt like they were about to fall off, sukuna’s kissing near your now swollen entrance and you slowly loll out your tongue. obeying, you didn’t exactly swallow yet and he hums. “best savor that shit,” he groans, giving his veiny cock a few subtle strokes before he smacks his angry tip against your tongue. “and where’s my thank you for the meal, baby?”
“t—thwak y—you toji,” you speak, barely coherent with his seed splattered all on your tongue. you didn’t wanna spill any, and if you did—you didn’t wanna stick around to find out his reaction.
“yeah,” he huffs. “you can swallow now. get every drop in.”
sukuna moves towards you, you’re still laid on the ring’s mat before he softly wraps a hand around your throat. “hey. don’t let this bastard have all the fun, i want a taste too,” and you're taken by surprise once he pulls you into a deep steamy kiss. you moan, feeling him quite literally take your breath away. your tongue drags against sukuna’s chin, the bitterness. a concoction mixture of your saliva and his mixes, and you whine once he snakes a hand up your blazer. you taste yourself on his tongue and it’s so dirty, hot breaths mash against each other, teeth gnashing, and only then do you feel his cunning smirk.
“no one told you to hog her,” toji grumbles, pulling you back towards him. you briefly gasp for air and they both stare at each other, then you. “tell me, baby. who’d you think win in a fight? me or this . . . thing.”
sukuna glares.
“i don’t … know,” you pant out, heaving from your current orgasm—so cute, yet you only wanted more. from kissing sukuna to having your throat entirely filled, you didn’t know which was better. “can we finish?”
“aw, is someone impatient?” sukuna titters, and you stare at his glistening body—beads of sweat race down his precious v-line, the ideal body for a boxer. you just couldn’t stop staring at his pecs, so chiseled. you even thought his pictures were edited, but seeing them up close . . you wanted him, you wanted both of them. “hm. how ‘bout this? we teach you a few ah, moves. full nelson to start, ‘s pretty easy.”
easy, sure.
with it all being easy, you’d least expect to be put into a full nelson position. a mere popular wrestling position, although you’d be performing it with no one other than sukuna.
he’d have you slump back against him, hooking both arms underneath your thighs as you’re taking such mean thrusts from him. time and time again, you’re spasming out. mouth all open, saliva running down the very corners of your lips before you moan. “s—sukuna, oh my godddd,” and you glance up at toji who’s got a cute pout, stroking himself. you lost count of the time, it’s probably been about a good thirty-three minutes by now, thirty plus minutes of various teeth shattering orgasms. your head hits back against him and each time his tip smacks against your cervix, you short circuit. “fuck, fuck, right there, hit it thereee.”
“you coachin’ me how to fuck, dumb girl?” he chortles with a groan shortly following—he was so deep, the heftiness of his base taps against you each time you bounce back against his cock. he sucks his teeth, the way you easily took him had him groaning all up against your ear. “gotta get a little more stretchy, we gotta . . hah, work on your flexibility too, huh.”
“sukuna hurry the fuck up. watching you fuck my girl ‘s boring as shit,” toji grouses, pumping his cock into his fist every few seconds—you stare and he’s so needy, you could tell. his scowl he had earlier forms into a cute pout, dark eyebrows furrowing together and he’s growing impatient.
you caught that though. ‘my’ girl.
who would have thought toji . . the womanizing boxer who’s never had time for any woman throughout his career would start batting for you?
“your girl?” sukuna snickers, resuming to hold your legs up a bit further. he reaches so deep, that your stomach starts to seize and your maw drops. hooded eyes, your lashes flutter and you felt continuous strained breaths get yanked from your lungs. “your girl yet she’s gettin’ fucked by me? the better boxer?”
toji snarls, and he kneels to kiss you. you moan, barely able to return the gesture since you were in the midst of taking sukuna. with being gifted with such sharp thrusts, you dig your nails into his thighs before running tangling your tongue alongside toji’s. his breath was warm, you whine once you feel one of his hands stroke your cheek.
“aha, look at him. already whipped before me,” sukuna snickers, feeling you sink and gape around him—he stretched you out so good already, it was so relentless. each time you bounce back against his lap, the ringing in your ears grows louder and louder. he feels his dick twitch inside you. seeing you make out with toji irks him a bit before he spanks your ass—the recoil making him even more aroused than before. sukuna hums, seeing the current pout on toji’s face before nodding, “aw. toji wants a turn too, yeah? don’t ya . . big guy?” and he intakes a breath, your pussy constricting around his length as sukuna pulls you further to slam back and forth against him. you’re moving against him now as his dick jackhammers right into your gummy was. your mouth idly dangles with your tongue stil shamelessly lolled out. a raw moan rips from the back of your throat at the pure feeling of utter bliss.
so thick, so girthy—you gasp once you feel his fingers tend towards your neglected tits. toji shortly follows, a hand going between your thighs. your cunt was all stuffed of sukuna, feeding your swollen pussy was so many inches. “hngh, f-fuck, fuckkk,” you’d whine between wet, saturated kisses. toji purposely feels against your folds, all stuffed and sopping wet. he rubs a thumb against your slick entrance as your legs were just about to give out. “toji, m-more. need you to touch me more.”
“you don’t need shit, little girl,” he corrects you, squeezing your lips together before presses a kiss against it. you moan, your ass stinging every few seconds from the stings of sukuna’s palm making direct contact against your ass cheek. spank after spank, oh how he adores the jiggle. he could watch it all day, even in slow motion if he could. “such a cute thing though, had the nerve to say you thought our training room was the fuckin’ ladies' room.”
you cringe once he repeats that. the same ringing going through your ears once more. your ears perk, hearing sukuna’s raspy grunts against the shells of your lobes before you start to stammer, “toji, touch me.”
“i’ll touch this messy body when i wanna,” he gruffs, leaning to nip kisses near your neck. sukuna’s still holding you up—you’re like a rag doll, eyes goggling from the stretch before you start to feel it. not your orgasm, but something entirely different. it was a new type of pressure, sweet whiny moans emit out of you before you feel sukuna’s rude tip thrash against your g-spot again, and again, and again..
toji’s thumb softly strokes underneath your neck as he pulls you into a short kiss. you whimper, pulling away before spreading your legs a bit further.
“i— something’s coming, i f-feel tingly.”
sukuna roughly laughs against your ear, seemingly getting what you were implying. “yeah, gonna make another mess on us, princess? oh. i mean on me, heh?”
you shudder, your pussy feeling entirely stuffed and your eyes merely roll way back. he fit nice and snug, you bare around him before a whine drags out your throat. so deep, so so deep, you’re spasming—each relentless piston of his hips makes you whine louder. a feeling that was purely euphoric welts right against you, and you’re laid all back against sukuna’s bare chest, riding him in reverse. “c-choke me, ‘kuna, choke me, please.”
“want me to put you in a headlock, yeah,” he whispers to you in a rough low voice. you moan, feeling him lick against your earlobe before toji strokes your cheek. you could tell he wanted a turn too, the pout on his lips stretching even further. you’re nodding against him before your cunt gapes more. “sure. i’ll let you in on what my opponents feel, pretty girl.”
you moan, his voice was so low up against your ear, you’re about to cum. or were you, you swallow thickly despite having a sudden dry throat— voice all raspy and strained from moaning for such a duration that your head’s woozy. it feels too good, your thighs ache and quaver before you feel a beefy arm wrap around your neck. “upsie daisy, thereee we go,” and he scoots you on his lap just a bit farther. he’s buried to the hilt. you moan, toji pulling you into the nth kiss of the night, lips moving in pure tandem. just when you’re about to finish, you feel him rub against your stuffed cunt once more. yet that’s only when you decide to move your hands towards the boxers . . . nipples.
“t-the fuck,” he grunts in a hoarse tone, his voice was suddenly a bit shaky. it was cute—you couldn’t lie to yourself, you found yourself staring at toji’s chest way more often than you should. practically always shirtless, his pecs were huge. such pink swollen nipples, you slide a thumb against it and he shivers from your touch. “fuckin’ weirdo. ‘m sensitive there, s-shit.”
he doesn’t tell you to stop—instead, he grips your hair not so tightly but firmly. you look up at him, speaking in a tiny yet sheepish tone. “can— can i?”
“can ya what?” he grits, watching as sukuna continues to feed your cunt of his cock — you were just about to burst, you felt it and your toes clench and curl all up. so cute.
with a thumb still sliding against his pecs tenderly, you murmur. dilated pupils flicker towards his chest, then back up at him. “. . can,” you huff out in short breaths, tummy seizing, breathing hot and heavy. “can i suck on them?”
“no you can’t fuckin’ suck on them. what kinda question is tha—”
“toji, don’t be fuckin’ mean. you claim she’s your girl so let her suck your tits, big guy.” sukuna chimes in, releasing his soft grip against your neck. you gasp, leaning way back against him now. he was so warm pent up against you—you whimper out, sukuna leans against your ear and he starts to talk you through your incoming orgasm. “right? wanna make toji a little whiny bitch?”
“shut the fuck up,” he rasps, and his pecs literally stare at you—so beefy, you could have sworn they twitched. he groans, watching you give him such eyes before he inches closer towards you, bending down. “…….fine. whatever.”
still grinding against sukuna’s lap, you hold toji’s pecs before latching your tongue against it. his face scrunches up and it’s so cute, for whatever reason, the way your tongue curls against his perky nipples feels … good. awkwardly, he pulls your head closer towards his chest, eyeing closely as you briefly start to suck. as usual, you were so sloppy too—moaning up against his sensitive skin, rolling your tongue all against his nipple.
“nasty little g—girl,” he chokes out.
you glance up at him, parting your lips away before he makes you go back to tending to his tense nipples. “i didn’t tell you to stop. use y’er fuckin’ tongue some more. and stare at me while you do that . . . weird shit.”
toji’s voice significantly pitches and you’re so into it that you don’t even realize that before you know it, you end up squirting. everything comes at once, you’re pulsing with sukuna’s cock still twitching vigorously inside you and you whimper, mouth still sucking onto toji’s tits nipples. low laughter could be heard from behind you, and it’s all so much. your pussy was equivalent to a waterpark, gushing out all into sukuna’s lap. “fuckkk, princess,” he chortles, slowing down your hips and he ends up finishing a few seconds after you.
when he came inside, it came out quite a lot too. a hefty amount, it came out in ropes to where he paints the entirety of your womb. so warm from the inside, your tummy briefly caves in and your legs felt like mush.
“heh, did you just squirt?” sukuna points out, cock still twitching inside but he just lies still. you’re stretched out literally on the mat, seeing pure stars— the lights of the arena merely blinding you before you lie back against him. “a squirter and you’re tapping out already? aw boo. ‘n here i thought you could handle a few more rounds in the ring, princess.”
“i— i can,” you protest, parting your lips away from toji’s sheeny pecs. your lips were spit-glossed, he stared at you before squatting down to stare at the mess right between your legs. so messy, sukuna lifts you off of him and it just pours right down between your thighs. “i can go for more.”
toji hums, taking a quick three-second glance at his watch. “five fuckin’ minutes, ‘s all you’ll get with . . me,” and it’s cute because a mere pink forms on his face.
he’s still embarrassed from you sucking on his nipples that he tries to act all tough—but that only makes his tone quaver even more. “match’s gonna start soon. sukuna, let’s take her both.”
he snickers, pulling your shirt that was tucked underneath your blazer all the way up.
“both?” and sukuna lifts you to sit on top of toji, straddling him. you were being preparing to be overly stuffed with not one but two cocks. you fall face forward into toji’s broad chest, the coldness of his chain that wraps around his neck brushes against your skin before he helps you align yourself.
you moan, feeling sukuna get behind too—you gulp, toji’s fondling your breasts that almost poke out through your unbuttoned shirt whilst sukuna was behind. you’d be taking them both— one in each hole. “can you handle us both at the same time, pretty girl? toji’s known for his record of lasting a good ah . . . two solid rounds.”
toji glares, feeling himself start to open you up again. with his plump crownhead of his cock, he splits you open, and he is a tad thicker than sukuna—you moan, wrapping flimsy arms around him before sukuna enters from behind with toji focusing on the front. “shut up. you say that ‘n act like i won’t k.o. you right now.”
“oh yeah?” sukuna cavils, and you gasp, landing on the cold canvas with an 'oof' once the boxer lightly places you down. you pout—glancing up at the two of them who were having a face off at a time like this. sukuna already pulled out and they stared each other down before toji slyly smiles. “is that a fact?” and for a brief moment, he leers down at toji’s sheeny lips— the dark-haired boxer slides his tongue against his scar before humming.
“don’t play, you know it is,” he replies, giving you one ogle before turning back towards his rival. “y’know, ‘kuna. you sure talk a lot of shit but you couldn’t even pin me down if you tried.”
sukuna rasps lowly, inching closer before they were inches apart—you thought they were gonna kiss at this rate. oh, something like this would be such a good inspiration for the headlines.
“if you wanted my attention, should have said so,” sukuna sneers, rubbing his hand that was carefully wrapped up in a white bandage against his slim torso. “besides, i think we all know who can last more rounds.”
“did you two just forget about me—?” you furrow your eyebrows, literally still soaked and laid against the corner of the ring. they shoot you a glance before turning back towards each other.
toji scoffs back at sukuna, ignoring you. “prove it then. pin me the fuck down, hot shot.”
“bend the fuck over then, big guy. we’ll show the pretty journalist who’s gonna win this night’s match. round fuckin’ one.”
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