#i made her good at school here because reasons
Request: hcs for Malleus(u can throw other characters in if you want) dealing with a fem prefect asking him to get her some feminine products because she’s too embarrassed to ask Crowley for some?
Malleus and Ace are here
Leona and Rook are here on
This is for Floyd and Idia
Idia Shourd
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No existing manga, anime or video game prepared Idia for this moment.
He would be really surprised when you call him this early.
Fortunately, Idia happened to wake up to your call.
He had stayed up late at night again.
However, when you called her and asked her to come to your dorm, Idia would go.
Physically and not with the help of his tablet.
He would regret this later.
Idia really can't describe his feelings when you have made your request.
They would definitely blush and her hair would turn bright red.
Idia could not form a reasonable sentence in a moment.
He would even be so confused that he forgot your first request.
In addition to health supplies, you also asked for help with Internet connections.
You're definitely not going to drag yourself to school if you're really sore on your period.
Idia would probably order health supplies online.
He couldn't really go and buy them on the spot.
He would surely die if they tried.
Money would not be a problem for Idia.
You would probably have very large inventories.
Floyd Leech
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It was a late night at the NRC.
Floyd had promised to escort you to your dorm.
He noticed that someone was bothering you and decided to ask about it.
And you told him about your concerns.
Floyd would stop and just stare at you.
Floyd might not be aware that menstruation is even a thing.
These things might work really differently Merfolk pepol.
So before you ask him for something explain this situation.
And before you explain the situation, make sure Floyd is in a good mood.
Floyd would be interested in this concept.
He would ask you sensitive and less sensitive questions.
I hope you have an answer for them.
If you asked Floyd for help, he would certainly help.
However, you would be his partner.
But you should send him a picture of the item you want.
Otherwise, Floyd wouldn't really know what to get.
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Do You Know This (Non-Canon) Autistic Character?
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Evidence below the cut!
He has a special interest, dungeon monster, which he knows a great deal about and will talk at length to anyone willing to listen. He is not good with social cues, he did not know a member of their party didn’t like him for years until the man flat out told him because he never picked up on the hints being given. People find him off-putting because of his interest and lack of social awareness and he doesn’t understand why, he tries really hard. He is extremely loyal to his friends and sister
First Submitter added:
A second submitter said:
He is an amazing character and a great portrayal of autism in media that isn’t either cutesified or demonized, showing the positives and negatives
He is canonicly socially awkward. He often misinterprets and fails to understand the "tone" that's being held in a social situation. He is notably interested in monsters, to the point of having extensive knowledge of many different species, he also canonically has an monster OC. He has made comments that were deemed inappropriate by his teammates, for example, he was happy to be eating different monsters (due to his interest) while searching for his sister, in a moment, to seem positive he said "If Falin [his sister] hadn't been eated by the dragon [the reason they're looking for her], we would have never tasted all of this flavors!" (Or something along the lines) To wich he was respondes "SO YOU'RE HAPPY FALIN ISN'T HERE?", he then tries to find support in another character and said characters tells him something like "This is not the appropriate moment". On another occasion, he had the opportunity to milk a minotaur because there was no cows, the scene is difficult to describe if you don't know the manga/anime, but he was basically living the dream. After having milked the minotaur, he told one of his companions, very excited, "They let me milk a minotaur! It had four nipples!". In that same day, he also requested to be specificly fed minotaur meet dispite knowing he was the only one who liked the idea. It is also canon that he dropped out of school because he couldn't keep up with it. And that's just some of the stuff. Autistic people who know the manga and/or anime know what i'm talking about, these are just some of the examples (and also i might be wrong in some scenes since i haven't watched the anime, and i haven't read the mangas in a long time)
I, Pixie, would also like to add that I definitely see him as autistic and I wish it were made canon!
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iamthecomet · 20 hours
15 years ago, today, my friend Ellen died. And I can't let this day go without telling you about her--at least a little.
She was 17. It was five days after graduation (she was barely allowed to participate because adults can be such assholes to kids sometimes). It was raining. It was her first time driving that far by herself.
She didn't know how to steer out of a skid. Her mom hadn't taught her yet. There was time.
Ellen and I weren't best friends. We lived an hour and a half away from each other (each of us had a 45 minute bus ride in the morning). We didn't hang out outside of school--except when we went to see Twilight on opening night the November before she died with a group of other girls.
But, we were friends. We liked the same things (books, and music, and writing, and acting). We commiserated. And laughed. And sang. And raged together. We loved each other the way high school girls do.
And I could write thousands of words about her. I have. I will again. I wish I could tell you all about her. I wish I could give you the joy of knowing her--wish I could conjure the magic of her so you could feel it, just for a moment.
She was an artist. A musician. An actress. She was an extra in a real Hollywood movie, with a brief second of screen time that still kills me to watch. She was a teenager. She was annoying and loud and dramatic and made good choices and bad ones. She had one of those laughs--you know the ones. She was a lot. All seventeen year olds are.
She exists now in art left behind. In old recordings. In the songs she wrote that her mom sings for her. In the video of her graduation speech. In the ring of hers I wear around my neck every day. In the index card she made for me on a bad day--proclaiming her love for me when she knew I needed it most.
I love her. I miss her. She has been gone almost as long as she's been alive. I wish I knew how to share her with all of you. I wish I had more reasons to talk about her. I am endlessly glad I knew her.
If you read this far. Thank you. Thank you for spending a couple minutes with me. And with Ellen.
Grief stays with you. It sneaks up on you. It lives with you. While I wish with all my heart it didn't happen--that she was here--it did. And she isn't. So I am glad for my grief sometimes. It means she was here. It means I was lucky enough to know her.
I wish you could have known her too. She should have had so many more years than seventeen.
I'll leave you with her words. Ones that will never leave me. I hear them sung in her voice--even though I never got to hear her sing them (I've heard her mother sing them though, maybe that's close enough).
"And yes, the sun still shines. But never the same as when you were alive."
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razzipree · 2 days
yeah sexy bitches it’s extremely goofy headcanon time
(disclaimer: some of this would be specific to a human and/or modern au, because i love drawing them as humans, love the designs i gave them, and was not yet born in 2000- let alone conscious to remember anything about it. also i like giving them tails, even in the human au. this ended up being very long, so here’s a courtesy cut!)
max goof:
this man is BISEXUAL!!!!!!! he and roxanne were bi4bi, but they (mutually) broke up their senior year of highschool bc roxanne was moving for college across the country. after a bit of time, they went to just being close friends :3
speaking of college: we know that the goof family is poor. THEREFORE, i raise you: max is at college via a full ride scholarship. he worked his ASS off to be able to go to college without having to take out loans or “leech” from his dad, and it paid off!
he’s actually REALLY smart but a lot of people don’t know that bc “oh that’s some alt skater boy. he’s probably scraping by with a C average at best”.
he’s also the only reason bobby has passed any classes since junior year of hs
he came out to goofy the summer after he graduated high school. goofy cried bc he was so happy max trusted him enough with that and threw max 2 parties. he is the type of dad to buy max pride socks and wear a shirt that says “i love my gay son” for all of june. max is more than a little embarrassed, but overall? he loves his dad, and he’s really glad his dad loves him no matter what
idc what yall say he is NOT a little white boy as a human 😭😭😭 was literally jump scared the first time i saw him drawn white bc like i just thought it was agreed upon that he’s a POC
continuing with him as a human: yall will see this when i post my designs, but he’s pierced UP ‼️ he’s got snakebites he wears rings in (outwardly mimicking his buck teeth, since i draw the rings thick), both a madonna and monroe piercing, heavily gauged lobes, a double conch and double helix on his right ear, an industrial on his left, a right eyebrow piercing, and a tongue piercing. i also toyed w the idea of hip piercings but thinking abt dermal piercings makes me genuinely sick so
he also taught himself how to do piercings and pierced bobby’s lobe. a good half of his piercings were done at home. do not follow his example <3
(he tried to pierce his nipples and failed horribly, so he just took out the jewelry bc he was NOT having uneven nipples. this is based on one of my friend’s experiences!)
yall already KNOW he’s got that smudgy eyeliner look going on
that takes about 2 minutes. his hair, however, takes him a good 30! and an ungodly amount of hairspray.
his mom left when he was 5 and he barely remembers her
he and the goof troop became quick friends with tank after the x-games, and max definitely had a hand in tank giving bradley another chance
has a pet king snake and a pet tarantula! he got them when his powerline phase was still SUPER strong and named them both after him/his songs. whenever people ask him to explain their names, he gets lowkey embarrassed
long, double coated black tail
bradley uppercrust III
closeted gay man
he’s the typical frat boy who’s been with a ton of girls, and he just kind of assumed that sex was a chore people went through and it was supposed to be be kind of unfulfilling for everyone
nah it’s just bc he wasn’t actually attracted to women 😭😭 he didn’t realize that he’s gay until his junior year of undergrad
(max and his stupid mouth full of stupid piercings that pours out stupid words and dumber retorts is what made him realize)
(he was literally like a little boy pulling on his crush’s pigtails and didn’t even realize it until about two weeks after the x-games, when he couldn’t stop thinking about how max still smiled at him and called off the bet afterwards)
on this topic: realizing he was gay caused an absolutely gigantic crisis, especially since he didn’t have a support system at all
(tank needed a lot of time to process everything, and even longer to begin forgiving bradley)
(speaking of that, while bradley was still officially the president of the gamma mu mu fraternity on paper [his dad paid everyone off], tank took over his position after the x-games. bradley was basically ostracized)
the main part of why his being gay was such a horrible realization for him is because his dad is the epitome of conservative. his mom believes queer people are just misled.
oh good lord, now it’s time to talk about his horrible father!!
as we’ve said, bradley’s dad is extremely homophobic. he’s the kind of guy to say spew absolutely every false “fact” or “statistic” and homophobic rhetoric anyone could have, and did this to bradley
he also put insane amounts of pressure on bradley
in the words of myself after watching a sad tiktok:
“[bradley is] so comphet and horrible neglectful parents who put far too much pressure on him core. he’s such a trust fund baby except the people who created that trust aren’t even in his life. he’s so simultaneously absent father and father who is constantly There, in his mind, judging him. he’s so internalized homophobia [because of this]”.
his father is definitely financially abusive btw
while he’s extremely rich, he threatens to take away any and all funding and shut down bradley’s cards at even the slightest hint of failure
being gay wouldn’t just get bradley’s funds cuts, though. it’d get him cut entirely from the family.
he’s meant to be perfect because he’s meant to be exactly like his dad and take over his dad’s place after retirement.
even one mistake would “warrant” his dad yelling at him for hours
bradley’s extreme daddy issues is what caused him to react so strongly to goofy saying “well clearly you don’t understand the bond between a father and son 🙄”
also bradley’s dad is the kind of guy to go for younger girls. he had four wives before bradley’s mom, but would leave them as soon as he found out his spawn was to be a girl instead of a boy. he needed a son to take on his “legacy”, and if they couldn’t provide that, they were worthless
and them being ~21 means they wouldn’t know any better
plus, he believes in the stupid “a woman’s prime childbearing years are 16-23 🤓” bs
so like even as he got older, he kept getting with women in that age range instead of those of his own
aka bradley’s mom was 21 and his dad 36 when they got married and had bradley within the same year.
on this note , bradley’s mom is.. not as bad
she holds the same values as his father, but isn’t nearly as extreme
she wouldn’t disown bradley for him being gay, but she would cry and cry because she thought it was a sign she failed as a mother. she’d beg him to “take it back”
to bradley, this is even worse than his father’s anger, since he was a mamas boy through and through.
she wouldn’t ever stand up to his dad, but even when he was young, bradley understood that it was out of fear
if she could get away with it, his mom would always comfort him after his dad’s outbursts
but if she was caught, his father would yell that all this soft treatment would turn him into a (slur i’m not comfortable saying!) and he needed to learn his lesson
all im gonna say is she blames herself
however, speaking of when bradley was young..
his mom has wavy/curly blonde hair
when he was young, he had the exact same hair as his mom
however, as he got older, his hair got darker
until it eventually became the same shade as his dad’s
bradley knew this made his mom a bit sad, but neither of them commented on it, because they both knew bradley was even more upset
it meant that he was now a near carbon copy of his father- minus his hair still being curly, and his lack of facial hair
however, when he got older and his hair became darker, his dad started pressuring him to straighten it, too
of course, he did, even though he hated it
… and at college, as a very subtle way of rebelling, he stopped straightening his hair until he had to see his father
anywayssss onto lighter headcanons!
(roxanne as well interlude !!)
bradley’s maternal aunt is married to roxanne’s maternal uncle!!
(this has absolutely zero basis btw 😭)
minus tank, roxanne was the closest friend to bradley growing up
his dad wasn’t really happy he was so close to a girl, but since roxanne is family, he let it slide; he’s supposed to be such a good family man, after all! it’s the uppercrust image!
anyways, as i said, they were super close
they would gravitate to each other every family get together (christmas, thanksgiving, etc) and would beg their parents to let them visit each other as often as possible
it was much more common for bradley to visit roxanne’s house than vice versa, since roxanne’s parents just have a feeling about bradley’s father. bradley had no issue with this at all
however.. max knew absolutely nothing about this!
whenever roxanne would say “sorry, i’ve got family over right now, i can’t hang out today”, he just wouldn’t question it
and bradley would passively listen to roxanne talk about her crushes, but since he couldn’t relate, it just sort of went into one ear and out the other
they also started to drift a bit during highschool
roxanne coming out to bradley was.. a lot. but he loves her, and knows she’s the best person he’s ever met, and so slowly, he begins to unlearn what his parents taught
roxanne is extremely proud (lol!) of bradley and bradley is.. feeling a lot of things, but he can’t say hate for others is one of them
for a long time, even when bradley was growing closer to the goof troop, winning back tanks everything, and accepting his feelings for max, roxanne was who bradley could always count on. she’s the person he came out to first, and he actually went to her for boy (max) advice multiple times 😭
she caught on quickly but didn’t mind at all
anyways, neither roxanne nor bradley knew that the other knows max- let alone that they eventually both date him
for the first time max is friends with bradley and roxanne comes back to spoonersville for christmas, max introduces them
except they already know each other.
and instead of “hello, im ___”, what he sees is them absolutely booking it towards each other with an “OH MY GODDDD!! HIIIII!! IT’S BEEN WAYYY TO LONG!! I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN, LIKE, 2 THANKSGIVINGS!!!!! HOWVE YOU BEEEN OMG WE NEED TO CATCH UP!!!!”
they both completely ignore max and he’s stood there absolutely DUMBFOUNDED
he is the EPITOME of ?!?!?!
bc what are the chances they know each other?? roxanne is NOTHING like the front bradley puts on, and her parents sure as hell aren’t millionaires
and what are the CHANCES max ends up not only having a crush on, but ends up DATING both?????
more roxanne: curled, medium-short haired, solid ginger tail
back to bradley
secretly loves it when max calls him brad instead of his full name
before max, no one had ever shortened his name
it feels like a separation from himself and the uppercrust name
it feels like he’s his own person, and not just an extension of his father- bradley uppercrust II
it takes him a good while and a few drinks to ever admit this, but afterwards, “brad” stops being only a teasing nickname- it has a new undercurrent of warmth
an everything shower takes him about 2 hours. he has very long, very specific skin care (both face and body), hair care, nail care, and grooming routines
these include the usages of no less than 30 different products
he has glasses but would rather wear contacts or just not be able to see than EVER wear them in public.
curled, very fluffy tail with a white bottom and tan top
(his dad forced him to always be in complete control of his tail; to never let it wag, never tuck it, anything. always hold it up high and steady)
(the only time he would let himself forgo these rules is when he was with only roxanne)
(the first time he felt the tell that his tail was about to wag when with max, he left IMMEDIATELY, and it took a while to unlearn all of this)
bobby zimuruski
biggest stoner any of them have ever met
he’s high for the entirety of both movies
genuinely uses brainrot speak (rizz, sigma, gyatt, etc)
this spread to max, and eventually pj
…and when bradley caught himself thinking a brainrot word for the first time, he was absolutely MORTIFIED
he refuses to say the words.
however, beret girl is never infected!!
religious game grumps viewer
he tried to be a twitch streamer for like two days
pasty ass mf 😭😭
he has to wear spf100 every single time he goes outside in the summer or he WILL get 3rd degree sunburns
short and short-haired ginger tail
absolutely, 100% in love with bianca
im talking he’s already saving up for an engagement ring
(she would say yes in a heartbeat)
he stops wearing the beret he’s seen in at the end of the movie after a while
bianca assured him that, although she’s flattered, she’d love him just as much if he stayed the exact same as when they first met
his new found love of poetry is as genuine as can be tho
the designated driver for SURE
the “what the flip” to max’s “what the fuck” and bobby’s “what the sigma”
(PJ very rarely curses bc his dad does often. if yall didn’t know, his dad. erm. canonically sucks!! not as badly as bradley’s, but his dad is the “your kids should respect (FEAR) you” type”
has a short haired, black bobtail
beret girl
her name is bianca jeanette greene (b for beret, jeanette bc i like it, and g for girl)
also bi but leans heavily towards women
she’s a psychology major
she bonds with max over piercings bc she’s also got a few non-standard piercings!
she’s got double lobes, a helix, a forward helix, a conch and a daith on both sides
she wants a nose piercing but feels like, in regards to her future field of work, she’s already pushing her luck with all of the ear piercings
they’re partially why she wears her hair so long
by far the best at advice and the most level-headed out of the (extended, which includes her, roxanne, bradley, and tank) goof troop
has a long, smooth, long-haired tail the same color as her hair
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ninyard · 2 days
hii. as someone who hates driving or even being driven by most people I was having Thoughts about the monsters and their driving. like who taught them? are they good at driving? why did andrew trust nicky and neil but not aaron nor kevin with his fancy cars? how did aaron feel getting in the car with andrew after tilda’s death? kevin after kayleigh’s (is it canon she died in a car crash? I forget)?
here are my thoughts please add or disagree as you’d like
I think nicky and aaron would have taken driving lessons at school. I think aaron drives really safely but will only drive if necessary, while nicky is passable but will volunteer to take you places (with the music on blast ofc)
I think andrew learned from nicky after juvie though, but due to his car obsession has really good intuition. like he doesn’t necessarily follow all the rules since he likes going fast, but he knows exactly when it would be safe/reasonable to break them.
neil obviously learned from mary on the run so he’s good at navigating dangerous or crowded roads, but I have no idea if you’d *feel* safe with him driving. I could see him driving like a grandma or a reckless teen but no in between.
kevin would be the ultimate passenger princess. like he has a drivers license but it’s useless since the nest gave out its own drivers “tests.” he has no common sense while driving so four way stop signs confuse him so bad (me).
okokok here’s my thoughts
- Cass taught Andrew how to drive. He was way too young to be driving, but he mentioned once that he always wanted to learn, and so she grabbed her keys and took him out to an empty parking lot, and showed him how. One of the perks of Cass was that she taught him so many of these little life skills, and every once in a while he’d ask if they could drive. Definitely illegal and definitely not the safest but Cass loved to see Andrew smile, and when he had the freedom of driving down a long open road or when she clapped at him reversing into a parking spot perfectly, there was a part of him that was still young enough to find joy in that. Andrew is safe when he drives, you wouldn’t be afraid being in a car with him, but that’s not to say he doesn’t drive and park like a dick. He has a fucking sports car. Trust you’ll be glad you made it home alive if he ever gave you a ride. Plus he’s just a general menace. Don’t you dare take more than two seconds pulling off on a green light or he’s honking that horn. He drives too close to everyone. Pressures learner drivers. Cuts people off all the time. Takes up two spaces when he parks. King of parking illegally. But he wouldn’t dare risk damaging his car. He’s reckless but safe.
- Aaron has a license but I feel like he either doesn’t really drive because he doesn’t have to/need to, or else he’s like a Climate Conscious king and takes the bus or cycles places. I think him and Nicky would’ve learned together, and Nicky had a beat up piece of shit car when he was in highschool. Nicky drove them to school and blared music out the windows at 7am and Aaron always covered his face in the passenger seat. If Aaron did drive he’d probably be the safest driver. Nicky is a pretty safe driver too but he HATES driving in heavy traffic. He has such bad road rage when it’s busy.
- Neil is messy as fuck because he never learned from an instructor or anything. He had bad habits from the START. I like to imagine he either learned how to drive in the UK and is used to driving on the left side of the road, or else he’s just hoping and praying that muscle memory is going to save him every time he steps into a car. He also is more used to driving manual/stick shift so he occasionally forgets the difference in pedals, and brakes far too hard with the wrong foot. He also can’t parallel park. At all. He either takes corners way too quickly or wayyyy too slowly. He’s competent. But he’s rusty! And either drives like a grandma, as you say, or like a boy racer. There’s no in between.
- (Andrew is sitting in the passenger side for some reason one time he’s driving the Maserati and he makes him pull over. He asks Neil if he ever actually learned how to drive and he’s like well…not technically no. And Andrew tells him that if he was driving behind him he’d cut him off because he drives like a fucking jerk.)
- Kevin. Passenger princess Kevin. “Knows” how to drive. “Learned” how to drive. Can drive, but if you’re near him in traffic you better have a dash cam because oh. He nearly crashes into people because he merges without checking his blind spot and then just goes whoops and keeps going. Will quickly change lanes if he’s going to miss his turn without double checking that he’s safe and like. It’s completely unintentional. Kevin has no idea that he drives like an idiot. But people blow their horn at him so often he fucking hates driving because he’s like god what am I doing wrong?? When he’s just nearly caused a four car pileup. You’ll be waiting for hours if you get caught behind him coming up to a roundabout. It’s just Kevin “no thoughts head empty” day with the clicking of his blinker and a dozen missed opportunities where he could’ve gone ahead. Kevin Day is and always will be a passenger princess. Which he deserves and is fully allowed to be btw. It’s just a miracle he hasn’t been in a huge accident. But I bet his perfect Raven car that has been gathering dust in the PSU parking lot with flat tyres and a handful of parking tickets under his wipers is dinged up TO FUCK. Scratches down the side where he misjudged the position of a wall. Dents in his bumper from when he parked too fast and bumped the car into bollards. Ask that man to change a tyre and he’ll cry. Kevin is NOT a car guy.
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anonymousewrites · 1 day
One Hell of a Love (Book 3) Chapter Five
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Five: One Hell of an Inquiry
Summary: The investigation continues, and Sebastian and (Y/N) have to amuse themselves while the case stalls.
            “I offer you this pledge and ask that you be my drudge, Ciel Phantomhive.”
            “I humbly accept.”
            The plan had worked. Ciel was one step closer to the P4 and discovering the inner workings of Weston College—secrets and all.
            Ciel groaned as he collapsed in the armchair in Sebastian’s office. The entire day he’d been mobbed by classmates that were impressed with how quickly he became Clayton’s drudge.
            “I feel like I’ve become an opera singer or something,” he sighed.
            Sebastian chuckled. “Your masterful performances here have been quite splendid as of late. Why not continue in this fashion and aim to be an actor instead?”
            “If you’re in the mood to make cutting remarks, I’m ready for you,” grumbled Ciel.
            “Far from it!” Sebastian smiled brightly. “I was offering you my heartfelt praise.”
            “That’s even worse!” exclaimed Ciel.
            “Well, you did play the P4 perfectly. It seems they cannot resist dealing out justice and seeing someone act honorably,” said (Y/N). Their lips quirked upward in a smirk. “What an exploitable weakness.”
            “And yet I am nowhere closer to my ultimate goal,” said Ciel, frustrated. “The Queen’s orders were that I investigate the reasons why a number of students, including her blood relationship Derrick Arden, have shut themselves up in this school and broken off all contact with the outside world.”
            “However, we have not been able to lay eyes on them,” said Sebastian.
            “No, not a single one,” said (Y/N). Their nose twitched. “This situation clearly has more to it than we’ve seen.”
            Ciel nodded. “I thought I’d compel them to return home by force, but the Queen bade me to simply ‘investigate the reasons why.’ Most definitely, she is aware that this situation is not the result of youthful rebellion on the part of the students. As (Y/N) said, something peculiar is going on at this school.” He leaned back with a grumble. “However, the school is enslaved to its own rules, and I can’t even make the necessary inquiries. It’s like I’m a prisoner!”
            “But is that not why you re attempting to get into the good graces of the prefects, the keepers of the rules, Young Master?” remarked Sebastian as he poured tea for Ciel and (Y/N). “And by employing much more peaceful methods than usual as well.”
            (Y/N) smothered a chuckle as they took a sip of tea. Ciel fought off an irk mark.
            “True, but I’m still only the drudge of the prefect’s drudge,” said Ciel. “In my position, I can’t take part in the ‘Midnight Tea Party’ hosted by the Headmaster.”
            (Y/N) nodded. They had heard about the Tea Party, and it was clearly prestigious and secretive. Because they had not been able to make any contact with the Headmaster, they absolutely needed to as soon as possible. His absence was suspicious,
            “It would seem you still have a long road ahead,” said (Y/N).
            “At least I’ve finally made it into the P4 Entourage,” said Ciel. “I’ll try sounding out the P4 directly about Derrick.”
            “Yes,” said Sebastian, nodding. “And in all likelihood, the most useful information lies with the house into which Lord Derrick was transferred.”
            “Violet Wolf,” agreed (Y/N). “And it’s prefect, Gregory Violet.”
            “Housemaster Michaelis, Housemaster Noir,” said a fellow housemaster, approaching the pair as they were grading assignments from their classes. “How are you?”
            “We’re doing very well,” said (Y/N) pleasantly, smiling.
            “Merely getting some work done,” said Sebastian.
            “Excellent!” said the housemaster, nodding to them. “I just wanted to say good luck this year. It will be your first time assisting with coaching the Interhouse Cricket Tournament.”
            “Yes, it is,” said (Y/N). Sebastian and they had made sure to do their research on such activities so that they were prepared for all their duties as housemasters.
            “And Sapphire Owl never wins—or, almost never—so, good luck,” said the housemaster. He smiled cheerfully. “It’s still good fun!” He nodded to them and walked off.
            (Y/N) hummed and tilted their head. “This could be useful…”
            “Indeed?” remarked Sebastian, prompting them to continue.
            They smirked. “You saw the rules—the most valuable player of the tournament is invited to the Midnight Tea Party.”
            Sebastian smirked, teeth flashing like a predator ready to lunge. “Precisely the opportunity we need.”
            (Y/N) sighed. “The only problem with the tournament is that outsiders are invited to the celebrations before and after, and that means the Midfords will be present.”
            Sebastian grimaced. Francis in particular was a force to be reckoned with, even for him, and he’d prefer to avoid her. Additionally…they could recognize (Y/N) and Sebastion. Hopefully, she’d see that they were there on duty with Ciel and refrain from identifying them…
            (Y/N) sighed. “As long as Lady Midford or Marquess Midford are kept from speaking up by Marchioness Midford, we should be alright…” They frowned. “However, if I’m caught dressing like a man, that could prove confusing.”
            “More likely, they’ll all be beguiled by your good looks,” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) gave him a deadpan look. “Unlikely in the case of Marchioness Midford.”
            “However, she recognizes when the Queen’s Guard Dog is at work, so she’ll likely overlook the supposed ‘impropriety,’ ” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) nodded. Fortunately, that was the turn recognition would likely take.
            “For now, we should focus on gathering information,” said Sebastian. “If we can, we could discover why Arden and the other students were transferred.”
            “And where the Headmaster is,” agreed (Y/N).
            “I shall inquire with Vice Headmaster Agares,” said Sebastian, rising from his chair.
            “Then I shall inquire with the other Headmasters,” said (Y/N), standing.
            “Shall we reconvene later?” said Sebastian, raising a brow and smirking.
            “To share our discoveries or for something else?” said (Y/N), eyes filled with amusement.
            “Why not both?” teased Sebastian.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “Insatiable demon,” they said.
            “Tempting darling,” returned Sebastian.
            “Derrick Arden?” repeated Agares.
            “Yes. I am worried because he has failed to attend classes for some time,” said Sebastian, smiling pleasantly.
            “You even extend your concern to the students of other houses, do you?” said Agares.
            “The house in which a student resides is of no import to me,” said Sebastian.
            “He was an excellent student,” said Agares.
            “Oh? Then why was his house assignment changed?” said Sebastian.
            “I don’t know. It was the Headmaster’s decision,” said Agares, formal and voice unvaried as ever.
            “Perhaps his truancy can be attributed to the shock of the transfer?” suggested Sebastian.
            “I could not say,” said Agares. “It was the Headmaster’s decision—”
            Agares tripped and fell down the stairs. Even Sebastian jumped at the sudden tumble.
            “Mr. Agares?” he said in surprise. He moved down the stairs after Agares. “Are you alright?”
            “Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me,” said Agares. Blood dripped from beneath his cap.
            “Shall I take you to the infirmary?” said Sebastian, assisting him to his feet. He paused as he smelled the blood and sensed something strange within it. He narrowed his eyes. Undoubtedly, something was going on at this school, and everyone was hiding it.
            “How unfortunate that I cannot find Arden,” said (Y/N), sighing as they shook their head. “I worry that he is falling behind on his studies.”
            The housemaster they spoke to averted his eyes from theirs. “The Headmaster always makes the best decision for students.” He smiled. “Though your worry is commendable.”
            (Y/N) smiled, and the housemaster looked away as he looked at the attractive person before him. “Well, thank you for trying to help,” they said. “I am so glad to know that other housemasters are worried for students at Weston College.” They smirked. “They only hire the best, after all.”
            “Y-Yes,” said the housemaster, fighting off nervous red cheeks.
            (Y/N) entered the library in the dead of night, and instantly, someone appeared behind them and wrapped a hand around their waist while closing the door.
            “Hello, darling,” said Sebastian.
            “My love, we have a job to do first,” said (Y/N), smiling and rolling their eyes. “Did you discover anything from Mr. Agares?”
            “No,” said Sebastian, trailing one hand up (Y/N)’s body to their chin. He tilted their head back and kissed them. “He insisted it was the Headmaster’s decision, and that was all.”
            “The housemasters I spoke to said the same,” said (Y/N), kissing him again.
            “Hm,” said Sebastian, pushing aside the collar of (Y/N)’s robes to kiss their neck. “I did sense something strange with Mr. Agares, however.”
            “Oh?” hummed (Y/N), sighing as he kissed them.
            They lifted a hand and laced their fingers through his hair. With his hand around their waist keeping them flush against him and their hand keeping his head close, if they were found, it would be quite the intimate picture.
            “His blood…It is different than a regular human’s,” said Sebastian.
            “How odd. So many layers to this mystery,” said (Y/N), eyes closing as Sebastian’s hand on their waist trailed up.
            “I think there are other layers to concern yourself with,” said Sebastian, pulling (Y/N)’s robes from their shoulders.
            “Indeed,” said (Y/N), smirking and arching back into him. They pulled his collar open and kissed his neck. “Yours.”
            Sebastian smirked positively devilishly and spun them around to devour their lips in a kiss. (Y/N) eagerly kissed him back, reaching up and using the cross around his neck to pull him closer.
            Sebastian groaned at the roughness. Oh, how he loved Felis.
            (Y/N) smirked against his lips before kissing him again. They truly loved Corvus, every aspect of him.
            (Y/N) brushed the dust from Sebastian’s robes, and he rebuttoned their shirt, hands trailing on their skin as he did.
            “Corvus,” said (Y/N), rolling their eyes with a smirk.
            “Felis,” said Sebastian playfully, smirking as he redid their tie. He pulled it tight and then pulled them in. He kissed them and lingered for a moment. (Y/N) kissed him back.
            The door to the library creaked open, and the pair stepped apart. They had been expecting Ciel at this time, so it was time to get to work once more after a “recreational” pause.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian sensed another soul approaching, and Sebastian grabbed Ciel. He tucked him beneath his robes, and (Y/N) grabbed a book of Latin to “discuss” with Housemaster Michaelis.
            The door opened again, and Bluewer entered. He looked around suspiciously, and Sebastian raised a brow.
            “What are you doing here at this hour?” asked Sebastian, all pleasantness.
            Bluewer hesitated, uncomfortable as the attention of the room fell on him.
            “Well, we can hardly expect our prefect to not be hard at work,” said (Y/N), smiling. “After all, just as we ensure we are prepared for every lesson, so does Mr. Bluewer. He is a model student.”
            Bluewer didn’t reply and just nodded shortly. “I was looking for a book.”
            “Which one?” said (Y/N).
            Bluewer’s eyes went the one in their hand, and (Y/N) nearly laughed. How foolish to choose that one. It was so obviously suspicious.
            “That one. However, I can see it is in use,” said Bluewer formally. He nodded to them. “Pardon me, Mr. Michaelis, Mr. Noir.”
            “You’re excused, Bluewer,” said Sebastian.
            Bluewer turned and left. The door closed behind him, and Sebastain pulled his robes from Ciel’s head.
            “Pardon me for being rough, but it seemed as though you were being followed,” said Sebastian.
            “Guess I’ve done one too many things to stand out,” said Ciel. “But sniffing around was useless. No matter what I asked, the ultimate response was always, ‘It was the Headmaster’s decision.’ ”
            “The staff replied the same way as well,” said (Y/N).
            “The staff, too, hm?” said Ciel, frowning. “We’re getting nowhere like this.” He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth. “Well, if that’s how it’s going to be, I’ll have to use whatever means necessary to make contact with Derrick directly.” He walked to the window of the library and pushed it open. “Come on, Sebastian, (Y/N).”
            “But, Young Master, are you not sure to be penalized with two Ys if you leave your house at this time of night?” said Sebastian.
            “Isn’t it the masters who mete out punishments to the students?” said Ciel, rolling his eyes. “Mr. Michaelis, sir?”
            “Ah. Yes, you are correct,” said Sebastian, smiling with closed eyes.
            (Y/N) smirked.
            Sebastian, (Y/N), and Ciel stood outside the gates to Violet Wolf House. The gothic architecture in dark colors rose upon the hill, dark against the inky blackness of night. The only lights were the few lanterns near the house and the one Sebastian held.
            “This house is even more atmospheric at night,” said Ciel.
            “Well? How will you meet with Lord Derrick?” said Sebastian. “You are forbidden from entering the other houses.”
            “Sneaking it and being caught will undoubtedly end our investigation,” said (Y/N). They were hoping they’d get to do something exciting in this school for once—outside of sneaking around with Sebastian.
            “Will you be relying on our powers?” said Sebastian, smirking. He, too, wished for some amusement.
            Ciel huffed and took the lantern from Sebastian. “I don’t even have to go as far as to depend on you two. If I can’t get into his house, I just have to get him to come out.”
            He wound up and threw the lantern towards the house. It crashed through a window and broke on the floor within. Flames leapt up from within Violet Wolf House, dousing the mysterious house in the bright light of burning destruction.
            “Are you aware of Article 87 of Weston College’s school regulations?” said Ciel, smirking.
            “ ‘In case of an emergency, such as the onset of a fire or other calamity, within the school buildings or houses, all students must promptly evacuate to the schoolyard and answer to the roll call taken by the prefect,’ ” quoted (Y/N). They smirked. What an excellent plan.
            “Your conduct is deserving of expulsion if you are found out, Phantomhive,” said Sebastian with a smirk. “But as the Queen’s Guard Dog, your actions are deserving of great praise, Young Master.”
            “Prefect Bluewer was right,” said Ciel, smirking. “I should know the school regulations by heart.” He crossed his arms in satisfaction. “I look forward to seeing what kind of fellow he is. We’ll meet at last, eh, Derrick Arden?”
            (Y/N) grinned with a mischievous glint in their eyes as they watched the flames rise in Violet Wolf House. Finally, some excitement at Weston College.
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epickiya722 · 2 days
You know what, I expected that they would have Chloe not mention Chad at all. We already know they do not care about continuity.
But I'm going to tell you my problem with not having Chloe mentioning Chad.
Just throwing it out there, it's not that the fandom really cares about Chad like that. I don't really care about Chad like that. (They could have done better with his writing. As for a lot of other characters.)
It's not that the fandom is like "oh, how dare they take away our favorite white boy". It's not that. No, scratch that. It's part of this following reason.
It's that the OG VKs and AKs were done dirty before and it continues. Oh, but it's not just that. See, them leaving most of them out is an "excuse" for something else that I'll talk about later.
Just follow with me here.
Not too long ago they released the Red version of Uma's song, What's My Name. In the song there is this part...
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This is Red's part, just so we're clear. They had her make remarks that the VKs are "middle-aged". Mind you while on a song belonging to UMA. The VKs would just be reaching their 20s at this time. Just their 20s!! If you're including Celia, Dizzy and the Smee Twins as VKs (because technically they are) they would probably still be in school.
What's makes this part worse is the "cradle to the grave" lyrics. The songwriters obviously were not thinking when they put that in. They didn't register what fans might they think when hearing those lyrics. Do I have to say it? Like, really think about it.
With this part of the song and no mention of Chad in Chloe's video, it's them saying "well, it's not like the AKs and rest of the VKs are important anyways!"
That's the problem right there. And that's a problem that leads into a bigger problem.
Let's think about the Sea Three. It's like they're already trying to replace them with Uliana, Hook and Morgie.
"But Uma is there!" They knew damn well that Uma would bring in more fans to watch that movie. Uma is a beloved character, why wouldn't they include her? It's the same reason Brandy and Paolo are back playing as Cinderella and Charming.
See, Disney will market off Black and other people of color. They'll be like "oh, we can give this character this, but not this". They can have some good traits, but they still have to get some bad. (Example, Tiana could be a princess!! But she had to spend most of her movie as a damn frog!)
Let me start with Uliana.
What sucks about Uliana and her crew to me is that it seems this time they really want fans to hate on a Black girl... again.
See, I bet in 2017 they didn't anticipate on fans adoring Uma and actually sympathizing with her. And it helps that China is a damn good actress and singer.
They made Uma the "big bad" in the second movie, continuing the "let's make the Black girls and women antagonistic" (Audrey, being played by Sarah Jeffery who is half Black, being mean to Mal and Cruella being played by a Black woman, Wendy Raquel Robinson).
Again, though, that shit didn't work so they're trying it again.
Don't believe me?
Here's the thing. If they wanted Bridget to have this sad backstory who was bullied... why did they make it a Black girl? And why is this character just so happen to be Uma's aunt and Ursula's sister? They couldn't have made another villain character be her bully? To be the reason as to why Bridget aka Queen of Hearts hates Cinderella? In fact, how about Maleficent? She's right there!!
From the looks of the trailer, it may be Uliana did something that made Bridget hate Cinderella. So they couldn't have Maleficent be manipulative and do that then? Why come up with a whole original character related to one of the most other notorious Disney villains (who is Black in the Descendants universe, by the way, Whoopi Goldberg) for just that? Hm?
No, Disney said "let's make trick the fans, make them think that Dara will be playing a sweet, innocent princess and then reveal she'll be playing this bully who we made up".
See, they couldn't use Morgana from the second Little Mermaid movie because one, there's her name. We have Morgie in the movie and his mother's name is Morgana. Two, when the first Descendants movie came out, Disney made it a point to make it seem that the first films of the animated films were canon. Meaning that, yeah, sequels were ignored.
In the case of Chloe and Chad!
As I mentioned before, it comes off that the AKs and VKs are being brushed aside. And yes, it's a problem.
The problem isn't having a new generation. I personally am not upset seeing these new characters, let alone new actors. I hate how they (not the actors, not them) went about this.
They could have easily announced Malia Baker playing Chloe from the start. But no, they didn't do that. On top of that, no mention of Chad??
Disney didn't have Chloe mention Chad because they want to play off him being an OG AK and white and have the fandom feel some kind of way towards Chloe who is of color. They want people to be antagonistic towards and annoyed at Chloe. See, they let this Black girl be a princess... but they'll probably have her be annoying in the movie, some perfectionist, oh and no mention of her supposed brother.
When you think about it... while Uilanna is the Uma here, Chloe is the Audrey.
Hm, a girly princess who wears blue, who is the daughter of a beloved Disney princess whose race was changed for the Descendants, played by an actress who looks racially ambiguous but happens to be Black, who has some connection to Chad (or lack of), who also comes off as some perfectionist, an often annoying character trait.
Now, don't that seem like Chloe is the Audrey here? Just this time, our princess is nicer.
Like with Uma, Audrey was meant to be disliked, but come the third movie fans grew to like and sympathize her.
This time around with Chloe, it's like Disney is trying to be sneakier about getting the fans to hate her.
Again, it's the "they can have this but they can't have this" with their Black and other characters of color.
"It's not about race." Disney made it about race. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have done previous antics with the other characters. If wasn't, Disney would have easily kept Cinderella and her family white from the animated films, if they still wanted fans to dislike her, just as they could have with Aurora and her family, but they didn't. They made fans believe Dara was going to play a princess and just knew fans would be like "Brandy could be Cinderella" because of that, and once they had Brandy be Cinderella? Well, you see what happened.
Simply, just my opinion, Disney has the intentions to make Chloe hated or at least less popular. They're just not trying make it not racist, but still still are racist about.
Now, I'm not saying the movie is going to be oh so terrible. The thing is, a fourth movie could have been a more excitable thing for fans if Disney stopped doing most of these characters dirty with their racism and favoritism.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
A short fic i wrote about Normal feelings about his sister. I am not really a writer, but i really wanted to share this.
Hero was objectively better. She was good with computers. Her art projects didn't end with her covered in glitter and glue with only a mess to clean up as a result. She didn't cry over math homework, she wasn't stupid, everyone could see that. She passed all her classes, with barely any studing, she was just naturally smart. She didn't do all nighters just to fail a test again, when it was her last chance, and only because the teacher was nice. She didn't struggle to understand basic grammer. Her writing didn't look like trying to make a pen work again.
She had friends, real ones, not just circumstancial ones that had nothing in common with her apart from saving their dads. She did get chemistry, and all the nonsense of physics. PE didn't fill her with dread, the thought of crammed locker rooms, partnering up when it is not assigned or just plain old playing didn't make her uncomfortable. She wasn't clumsy enough to trip over her own feet.
She didn't have to sit at the very end of the cafeteria table by herself. She didn't have to listen to her own father explain to she was wierd and that he wasn't proud of her to realize she was wierd and nobody really liked, and that they were actually making fun of her, because she wasn't and they weren't. She was cooler, older, and just generally better at like, everything. Technicly no one made it a competition, but the winner was clear.
But she wasn't the one with glowing hands desperatly trying to sew his friends hurt bodies together after a battle in a sentient bus, on a dimension that once could have been what they called home. She didn't have a father that loved but didn't like her. She didn't have a crush on a boy that had three quarters of his body nearly melted in cheese, and now was covered in scars because of it. She didn't have to sit on a throne to learn more about the ancient horror beyond comprehension that has been plaging their family for generations. She didn't have to scream her throat raw as she saw it was as much of a misunderstood teen as herself. She didn't have to sacrifice herself for the greater good. She didn't have to do all that stuff at all, because she was far away, a plane over, being the better sibling at collage. She wasn't the one chosen.
Maybe for once, for just one second he could try something and be just a bit better at it then his sister, and maybe just maybe his too big heart could finally do something else then hurting him and actually be useful for once.
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i-really-like-phrogs · 2 months
Re-design of my un-named Beetlejuice OC from back when I was thirteen
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Original Reference under the cut:
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#my art#beetlejuice#toonjuice#beetlejuice cartoon#beetlejuice fanart#beetlejuice movie#procreate#I don’t really make OC’s for fanwork anymore… but the ones I had when I was younger almost never got named 🥲#When I first made her I really really liked her- and her story was very self indulgent#Looking at it now is almost way too weird for me… (and honestly a little unintentionally homophobic???)#Basically she was one of the girls from Dante’s inferno… except she got kicked out because she only had attraction to girls#(This was BEFORE I suspected that I was a lesbian— mind you.)#Yeah but anyway she went to the Deetz/Maitland house looking for a place to stay but drove everybody crazy#She was super flamboyant- loved everything pink n fluffy- and was well meaning but did more harm than good trying to do nice things for the#She had this one sided crush on Delia??? Like musical Beej and Adam except less perverted and more flirty/sappy? I was an odd kid- okay? 🥲#Anyway… the old design didn’t really do much to show off her personality… so I ended up upheaving the whole thing#It was okay for what I knew at the time- but I know what I was trying to say then and now I have the knowledge to say it better#Also— the reason I gave her horns here is so silly.#When I was younger I was in a Christian school where I wasn’t allowed to draw witches-ghosts-demons-etc.#So even though I based her on the Dante girls… I refused to give her horns because I thought that was ‘too sinful’#I even remember having so much guilt while looking for references of the Dante workers#I couldn’t even look for more than five seconds!#Anyways… she really pushed the boundaries for me at the time and it’s fun to see how I’ve changed and grown since then.
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deva-arts · 3 months
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☆ Nathaniel Wilson ☆
I Really Like Nathaniel because the guy embodies Hope and Positivity without forcing it down the gullets of everyone around him.
He looks like he'd be a pleasant individual to actually be around at 7 am. Even before his coffee. [ Sera should be too, she doesn't seem like an unbearable person to be around in La Matinée ( the Morning ) . But still, she is alot grumpier than her other half. ]
With that said. Insert Happy music here. Nujabes or Smth.
Submitted by @mettamorphoses!
Love the way you drew Nate here! such a clean style and serious face :> He's my favorite little quadfocal guy... friendly, polite, and a good conversationalist! You're absolutely right, he's one of the easiest people to get along with. It's almost like he knows exactly what to say to people.
Sera isn't grumpy so much as she is disinterested and dismissive. She heads to work without bothering to make small talk besides a basic "Hello." if she passes you by. Not the worst outcome, really, if silence doesn't bother you.
#submission#yeah. i'm in Tags too. wassup witchu#Aight but seriously i wonder how literally anyone would be like at 7 am.#Deva's tags start here =>#If he's home for the day he will always be a good conversationalist and offer breakfast or coffee on a morning#This is literally so cool#queued post#As for people at 7 am...#Sera is up by 4 AM unless Nate doesn't have work. By 7 she has already had breakfast and gotten ready to work on her projects.#If you catch her it is likely after she returns from a morning flight. She'll be civil but it can easily come off the wrong way. aw.#Nate takes a lot of long shifts that stretch into the night. Due to this he and Sera have very contrasting schedules.#If you see him in the morning it is usually only because of the weekend or whatever other days he takes off. He is a very tired guy#Vincent has a very erratic schedule and he is always out and about doing things that fancy him#He is also a HEAVY sleeper. Nothing can really wake him except for a very specific noise#Said sound makes him wake up in a horrendous mood. Most mornings are thankfully safe from this sort of temper.#It is hard to say what new bizarre thing he will get himself into next. Like doomcrying while hidden on the roof of a religious congregatio#Sonia is not up by 7 AM without a good reason to be. She is down at the kitchen in a bathrobe by 9 to eat some breakfast.#Which made her the unknowing first victim of Vincent's newly founded pyramid scheme#Amon is a late riser since he is still used to his old schedule from his time at the Ricciardi mafia. Sleeps late? wakes late!#If it's a weekday he will always be up at 6 AM regardless of the amount he slept to take Adra to school.#Eric tends to wake up early but often gets caught up in personal projects. He loves music and editing his tracks but it really eats his tim#So Eric will be going to sleep at 4 and see Sera making herself coffee whilst Nate is also coming home from work and crashing on the couch.#Not even Amon heads in that late. Maybe Vincent does though. If he's “Traversing the night.” Like he says he does.#Vince can't see very well at night anymore. And the sun is almost blinding now. But it's nothing to an immortal like him! ha! bow before hi
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hzrnvm · 1 year
emotional. happy, pissed off, all that.
#hzrn#im cool with being annoying hypothetically but the real kicker is that no form of communication exists that i can really use comfortably#every single form of communication out there. i can't use it. i can't fuckin talk bc the sounds are too hard.#i can't fuckin type bc the buttons are too hard.#i can't fucking body and hands bc motions are too hard.#i can't fucking art because art involves all those things.#damn fucking WORDS are too hard. i put so much work into them and i get nothing. nothing!#who made the world this way?! why is it that all communication and socialization is so. fucking. hard!!!!#i tried! i really really fuckin tried man! all last year i tried so so hard.#i fell FLAT on my face. NO ONE liked me. they called me a retard! they said i was scary‚ awkward‚ hard to be around!#they did coordinated social attacks on me! then when i come back to school this year and i even *think* about trying again‚ they say#'nobody wants him here. and he should stop caring'#well right about then‚ is where she gives up! she has closed her eyes‚ she has given up hope!#i gave up trying to exist socially at school. the two paths are being myself and getting bullied‚ or not being myself and getting nothing#today was a good day for me all in all but idk.#the only reason i dont hold grudges like crazy is because of my object impermanence shit#although this might as well count as a grudge. i think it's somewhat justified though‚ because in my case it's more like#if you hurt me seriously then i'll think about it pervasively until you do something to redeem yourself in my mind.#probably that's part of the reason im so scared of being myself and shit#this is probably the reason why im so scared of being myself. bc everytime i tried i got bullied‚ mocked‚ demeaned. and that shit piles up.#i just spend mosta my time not thinking about it! just like i spend mosta my time not thinking about who i am‚ my future‚ my past and on!#siiiigh. sigh sigh siiiiiiiiigh#it's ok to like this post by the way#in fact it's encouraged. im directly and clearly asking you to.#im not making this post for nothing. im making it in the hopes that someone will read what i said.#although really no one will. why the hell would anyone fucking read this. get fuckin real.#i know for certain i'll wake up tmrw with this at at maximum like. 1 like. 2 if im really the luckiest girl in the world.#and i know how i sound caring about likes and shit. but really all it tells me is someone read this. and i really fuckin need someone to re
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astrxealis · 1 year
really want to read more and more literature (esp classics!) aghhhh yesterday iirc i was on a walk with my mom and twin and an old guy (not a weirdo dw) who was jogging or walking too actually asked what book i was carrying and it's a little funny bcs uhm he just went "oh a classic!" you see. i was carrying dante's inferno. which i still haven't properly started to read but anyways he might... if my mom is right... be the local parish guy so oopsies !! LMAO anyways yeah really interested in lovecraft for a while now! horror scares me and gives me paranoia but i also enjoy the writing of it? and i remember once that something/someone said my writing is kinda similar to his. hm.
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i never talk about literature here but hi i grew up reading books and i really love literature. both fiction and non-fiction! admittedly i#less prefer modern books because i prefer classics and all that? and i kinda fucking hate people who only like boring and/or famous#literature lmfao fuck you but anyways putting my bitterness aside! arthur conan doyle with 'sherlock' of course & 'a dream within a dream'#dazai with 'no longer human' is something i think i'll really enjoy reading one day as well and hmm#i never properly read 'lord of the rings' despite my relative having the books and i borrowed it once? but didn't make the time to actually#read it unfortunately :(( 'the great gatsby' is something i also have yet to read and then jane austen's works!#and then. louisa may alcott ... i asked my mom right now about her books that we have/had and i did not fucking know we had#'little women' all this time holy shit. i remember reading 'a modern cinderella' but also i am unsure now... but yeah. that/those too!#shakespeare's works are of course a must-read hehe we do have 'the tempest' and i've read a couple of his works but only a little bit#either based off the knowledge i just. know. or for school back then! but yeah. you probably know his works already lmao <3#and then uhmm 'phantom of the opera' we have now as well! bought it alongside yk. 'the tempest' 'inferno' 'paradise lost & regained'#a few months ago but tbh i haven't made it very far in reading any of them yet but i really want to sometime! and learn more guitar!#and get back to playing piano and also finish and play more games but anyways. yes.#george orwell's books! we have a few if i'm not mistaken (love my family fr) i really want to read them. my dad keeps recommending#his works for us to read. especially 'animal farm' but i've heard '1984' is really good. i also really want to read more of narnia!#only ever read the first book and wow it meant a lot to me tbh? with. growing up and all. and then i read a bit of another book hmm.#'to kill a mockingbird' was something i have wanted to read since i read 'the hunger games' as a kid because i for some reason connected#the two in a way because of the word mockingbird. and then uh other books that i don't think are as... classics. idk what are classics tbh.#BUT okay yeah i still haven't read 'a monster calls' but i know it made my twin and mom cry! and then 'the fault in our stars' we have but#i also haven't read it... haven't read the witcher books either and then george r. r. martin's stuff. tbf i'm not an adult yet so lmfao.#'the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy' i know my dad really wants to read and i know my tita has it but i'm not completely sure if we have#it ourselves too now? but yeah. really interested in that book as well. and then i have yet to read 'frankenstein' and then i'd love to#reread books from my childhood from authors like roald dahl !! and then man i should read more from#neil gaiman ... i've read his short stories? and a book. or few. i can't really remember.#anyways. okay. running out of tags but i really love literature ..... <3#also want to read more of modern literature tbh! the ones that are actually good tho <33
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agentemo · 3 months
nowhere near a cute lil boop message so I'm over it but read tags for an epic prank my class pulled in 6th grade spoilers it doesn't go well the whole time
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nope-body · 9 months
#so at some point in the near future my co-op is going to have a discussion about masking and what our guidelines are going to be#and it’s going to go poorly. and here’s why:#last year there was a. girl (who is not at this school anymore!) who had trauma surrounding wearing a mask#and we also had a disabled person who needed people to mask for health reasons. like. they could die if they catch covid#and the voting system is ‘I think this is good for the co-op’ ‘I think this is bad for the co-op’ and major objection#a major objection results in a mediation process and a whole bunch of other stuff because it’s basically saying#‘if this proposal passes I will have to leave the co-op’ and there were multiple discussions that all ended in major objections#and this created a ton of tension between people who masked in the co-op and people who didn’t and people are afraid of that happening again#why they didn’t just make a policy saying masking is mandatory but x person is exempt I do not know#why people refuse to realize that the person who made her issue with masking a co-op wide problem (because she was against just like all#masking. even if she didn’t have to) I also don’t know#that was a one off issue that happened last year and people are terrified to death to discuss masking again#but guess what! there’s multiple immunocomprimised people in this co-op!#and we already had one covid outbreak and fall break is coming up fast#there’s evidence pointing to pots being caused by the immune system and my experiences fully back that up#i consistently get flare ups with my pots after I am around a lot of people with or without masks or a small group of new people w/o masks#like last night we had a discussion at dinner inside and that meant a lot of people in one space with their masks off#and today I have a flare up! I went to a fall equinox gathering at a friends house and not everyone was masking and there were some new#people and next day? flare up#first week and a half of school? one fun prolonged flare up#like my experiences directly support the idea that POTS could be immune-related#I need people to wear masks because when they don’t it doesn’t matter if they have covid or not. my immune system still has to combat#a shitload of stuff! which causes a flare up#the orgs I participate in the most require masks (the burlesque group and disability group)#and there is a reason why I participate in those more! I feel safer!#even before I connected the dots between flare ups and lack of masks
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louisa-gc · 1 month
how to start reading again
from someone who was a voracious reader until high school and is now getting back into it in her twenties.
start with an old favourite. even though it felt a little silly, i re-read the harry potter series one christmas and it wiped away my worry that i wasn't capable of reading anymore. they are long books, but i was still able to get completely immersed and to read just as fast as i had years and years ago.
don't be afraid of "easier" books. before high school i was reading the french existentialists, but when getting back into reading, i picked up lucinda riley and sally rooney. not my favourite authors by far, but easier to read while not being totally terrible. i needed to remind myself that only choosing classics would not make me a better or smarter person. if a book requires a slower pace of reading to be understood, it's easier to just drop it, which is exactly what i wanted to avoid at first.
go for essays and short stories. no need to explain this one: the shorter the whole, the less daunting it is. i definitely avoided all books over 350 pages at first and stuck to essay collections until i suddenly devoured donna tartt's goldfinch.
remember it's okay not to finish. i was one of those people who finished every book they started, but not anymore! if i pick up a book at the library and after a few chapters realise i'd rather not read it, i just return it. (another good reason to use your local library! no money spent on books you might end up disliking.)
analyse — or don't. some people enjoy reading more when they take notes or really stop to think about the contents. for me, at first, it was more important to build the habit of reading, and the thought of analysing what i read felt daunting. once i let go of that expectation, i realised i naturally analyse and process what i read anyway.
read when you would usually use your phone. just as i did when i was a child, i try to read when eating, in the bathroom, on public transport, right before sleeping. i even read when i walk, because that's normally a time i stare at my screen anyway. those few pages you read when you brush your teeth and wait for a friend very quickly stack up.
finish the chapter. if you have time, try to finish the part you're reading before closing the book. usually i find i actually don't want to stop reading once i get to the end of a chapter — and if i do, it feels like a good place to pick up again later.
try different languages. i was quickly approaching a reading slump towards the end of my exchange year, until i realised i had only had access to books in english and that, despite my fluency, i was tired of the language. so as soon as i got back home i started picking up books in my native tongue, which made reading feel much easier and more fun again! after some nine months, i'm starting to read in english again without it feeling like a huge task.
forget what's popular. i thought social media would be a fun way to find interesting books to read, but i quickly grew frustrated after hating every single book i picked up on some influencer's recommendation. it's certainly more time-consuming to find new books on your own, but this way i don't despise every novel i pick up.
remember it isn't about quantity. the online book community's endless posts about reading 150 books each year or 6 books in a single day easily make us feel like we're slow, bad readers, but here's the thing: it does not matter at all how many books you read or what your reading pace is. we all lead different lives, just be proud of yourself for reading at all!
stop stressing about it. we all know why reading is important, and since the pandemic reading has become an even more popular hobby than it was before (which is wonderful!). however, there's no need to force yourself to be "a reader". pick up a book every now and then and keep reading if you enjoy it, but not reading regularly doesn't make you any less of a good person. i find the pressure to become "a person who reads" or to rediscover my inner bookworm only distances me from the very act of reading.
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Not quite Yandere yet but here is a snippet of the Yandere single dad short story. And a kindergartener obsessed with you being his mom
Yandere Short Stories: Mommy (Prequel)
Eventual Yandere Single Father x Teacher Afab Reader
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A pale hand shakily held the drawing his son, Jesse, made in horror. Who on earth could the smiling woman beside little Jesse be? Had another snake tried ti sink their fangs into the Isbert family once more?
Liam Isbert was the heir to the Isbert family. A man of extreme power and wealth who many women (and men) tried to woo. Only one had successfully baby trapped him which resulted in Jesse’s birth.
“Who is this woman?” Liam glared at the elderly nanny who frowned at Liam’s anger. “What kind of wench had been filling my child’s head with lies? She is not his mommy.”
“I assure you Miss (last name) is just his teacher. Your son is extremely attached to her.” The nanny told Liam which only made him angrier.
Impossible. She had to be after their family’s money and that’s why she sunk her fangs into a child. How cowardly!
“Notify the school that I wish to have a private meeting with his teacher.” Liam told the nanny as he ran a hand through his dark, wavy locks. Liam was so frustrated with these gold diggers. They were all the same…
He might have to homeschool Jesse now…
Liam sat in the back of his limousine as he watched Jesse excitedly run into the kindergarten. Liam has never seen his son so excited for anything in his life.
The brunette took a long drag from his cigar when he saw a beautiful young woman head towards Jesse. A smile as warm as a ray of sunshine on her face when she saw Liam’s son.
The little boy hurdled his small body into his pretty teacher. Jesse’s arms wrapped around her legs, while his blue eyes stared up at her with so much love it made Liam want to puke. How on earth did this woman charm his antisocial son?
Liam reeled down the window and was about to scream at her when he heard her laugh.
“Goodness, Jesse. It’s only been a day. Are you that excited to learn?” (Your name) smiled down at the dark haired boy who nodded his head.
“I just wanted to be with mom-“
“Jesse, it’s Miss (last name).” (Your name) ruffled Jesse’s dark brown hair which made the little boy pout. “I’m your teacher.”
“Why can’t you be my mommy? You’re so nice to me…”
(Your name) laughed as she bent down to pick Jesse up. “Because I would have to date your dad and I don’t really have any interest in men.”
Jesse thought for a minute and then he scrunched his face. “Daddy is kind of mean and he’s smelly.”
“You’re not supposed to say your daddy is mean or smelly!” (Your name) loudly giggled as she carried Jesse into her class.
Liam sat frozen in his limousine in shock. She didn’t want to date him? And… what did Jesse mean by him being mean and smelly?
“Sir, your meeting with the teacher will be at three in the afternoon. Do you want me to take you to the office.”
Liam shook his head and reeled up the limo’s window. “Yes. That would be nice, Allen.”
For the first time in many years, Liam felt his heart flutter.
“You must be Jesse’s dad. It’s nice to finally meet you.” (Your name) warmly smiled at Liam who remained silent. Liam couldn’t hear a word she said due to how loud his heart beat in his ear drums. His beating muscle would bring a snare drum to shame.
“Mister Isbert?” Liam was brought back down to reality when his teacher addressed him. His green eyes focused on her concerned expression. “About your reason no for a meeting… Jesse seems to be quite attached to me due to his lack of a mother. I try to correct him but he seems adamant about it. I am so sorry to inconvenience you-“
“What is your motive?” Liam narrowed his eyes at the young woman who seemed shocked. Motive? Whatever did he mean?
“What do you mean-“
“How much money do you want? I’m willing to pay you if you leave my son alone-“ Liam was shocked when (your name) slammed her hands on her desk when she stood up.
“How dare you… I’m sorry that other people have wanted such things from you but I do not. I care about Jesse. He desperately wants a parent that loves him and he’s not getting that from anyone in his house.” (Your name) scoffed at Liam’s shell shocked expression. The young woman shook her head. “This is extremely unprofessional of me, but you never spend any time with your son so I’m not surprised you don’t notice his concerning behavior of wanting to be loved.”
Liam gasped when she slapped a file in front of him that was full of letters from Jesse. Dozens of notes asking her to adopt him. Why did his son want this woman so badly?
“Be a better parent before you point fingers. Now get out of my classroom.”
Liam felt his cheeks heat up and his heart pound in his chest. She didn’t want his money… she just wanted Jesse to be cared for…
Liam was shocked to see Jesse outside the door. Jesse’s little hands clutched his lunch pail so tightly, his knuckles were white.
“Jesse-“ Jesse shoved past Liam to stand beside his teacher.
“Mommy, I want to eat lunch together! Can you cut the crust off my sandwich? I don’t like the crust.”
(Your name) smiled down at Jesse and took the lunchbox from him.
“It’s Miss (last name), Jesse… but of course I can take off the crust.”
And that’s when Liam noticed the pink blush on Jesse’s cheeks. Jesse loved his teacher… and who was he to separate them?
Liam shoved his hands in his suit jacket pockets and left the school in a hurry. His fingers itched for a cigar to try to calm down the rush of emotions he felt.
Perhaps he’d apologize to Miss (last name)? He wondered if she liked roses?
Liam blushed at the thought of her accepting roses from him. She’d be so pretty in red…
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