#i managed to eat one of the packs but then had to freeze the other before it expired
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Lads. How do I defrost hot dog sausages. Can I defrost hot dog sausages? Should I even have frozen them in the first place??
#i bought two fucking packs of frankenfurters and then i immediately dislocated my knee and lost the ability to cook#i managed to eat one of the packs but then had to freeze the other before it expired#and now it’s been there for like a month and i keep looking at it in trepidation like hiiiiiii#what is the vibe here? they were refrigerateable originally. they Can be frozen; i did check#they were about a day or two off their expiry when i froze them so idk if that means i only get a day before i have to eat them#they’re all just in like one flimsy pack so i don’t really want to open that and just take two out and thaw them#i’d rather just defrost the whole thing if at all possible#i know about the cold chain. i do have food hygiene level 2. unfortunately i work in food service kind of#so i know i can’t break the cold chain#i just am not sure if sticking them in the fridge for a day and then cooking them is the vibe#can i eat 10 frankenfurters in a day? yes probably but the question is SHOULD i#i’ve just realised it’s frankfurter isn’t it. jfc#this is like my only malapropism that i have but i love hot dog sausages so it ALWAYS comes up and people are like ‘uhhhh isn’t that from#rocky horror’ shut UUUUUUUP#it could be worse. my grandma called me up the other day and said ‘ellen would you like to come over and eat pasta carabanana’#i was like ‘i genuinely don’t know’. it turned out she meant spaghetti carbonara. i went and it was good but why this#anyway. should i eat 10 hotdogs in a day? discuss#personal
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russo-woso · 1 month
hiii would you please write something like arsenal women are playing just dance as a team bonding and reader is really really good at it to the point where everyone is shocked and filming it and the fans make loads of tiktok edits that the team all see and send round each other and reader manages to get viv to join in next time (she usually refuses but loves reader to much to deny her anything) maybe teen or early 20s reader?! thank you!!
Just Dance || Arsenal Women
“You don’t understand, I used to do just dance all the time in PE. If it was raining, we’d all be in the hall doing just dance. I’m a pro at it.” You tell most of the girls.
Everyone was in the changing rooms after a training session and were all discussing team bonding that was taking place at Leah’s, and your, house.
Being only 17, the team agreed that it wasn’t best that you lived by yourself and so Leah offered that you moved in with her.
Living with Leah had its advantages and disadvantages.
For starters, she had the appetite of a five year old, only eating chicken nuggets and the most basic foods.
However, it came with many advantages that outweighed all the bad ones.
Leah was one of your team mums, along with Kim, Beth and viv, but Leah was the one you were closest to.
With your parents living up north, Leah took it upon herself to make you feel at home in north London.
And that’s exactly what she had done. Now it wasn’t just Leah’s home, it was yours and Leah’s.
“Y/N, our living room isn’t big enough to do just dance.” Leah pointed out, packing her stuff into her bag before starting to pack yours, knowing that you’d forget to do it otherwise.
“It’s enough for me to do just dance and maybe one other person. Come on, Le. Please.” You looked at her, battering your eyelids as you did your best puppy eyes.
Leah loved you with every ounce of her body, but the one thing she hated, was your eyes.
Them stupid eyes had you hooked around her finger.
Leah tried to fight them this time, but as you put just as strong a fight, Leah sighed before nodding her head.
“Thanks, le le. Right, it’s official. I get to show everyone just how good I am at just dance.” You announced to the changing room, a smile appearing on everyone’s faces at how excited you were. “I’m gonna beat all your arses so best get your dancing shoes on.”
“Sure you will mini gunner.” Katie’s Irish accent filled the room as giggles escaped everyone’s mouths.
“You just wait and see McCabe.”
Later that evening, the whole team was gathered round in yours and Leah living room whilst you set up just dance on the TV.
You were going to go up against Alessia first but lessi being the clumsiest person ever, went and fell off the sofa, nearly breaking her neck.
To Alessia’s disappointment, you insisted that she didn’t play, scared that she’d somehow break her leg.
Instead, you decided to just do it by yourself.
Everyone got their phones out, ready to capture the embarrassing moment.
But what everyone didn’t expect, was their phones to capture a moment where you showed them the truth.
You really were a pro.
Finishing with a perfect score, you turned around and saw everyone’s jaws on the ground.
“I told you. I perfected my dancing in PE.”
Everyone took it in turns trying to beat your score but it was no use.
The night continued, and one by one, everyone left leaving just you and Leah.
You out something on the tv as you cuddled up to Leah’s side, freezing cold even though the heating was on.
“I’m gonna head up, le. See you in the morning.” Leah hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Night, tiny dancer.”
“Viv! You posted it on Instagram?” You shouted over the phone.
You had woken up about five minutes ago, and picked up your phone.
You didn’t have many notifications but there was one that stood out.
Viv had tagged you in a video.
You clicked on it, curious as to what video she’d tagged you in, but as soon as the familiar setting of your living room, and the tv with just dance in it appeared, you knew exactly what viv had posted.
That’s what led to a very angry you shouting at your phone.
“It was too good not to post. I had to.” Viv explained, but you were too focused on Beth laughing in the background.
“Beth, do you seriously find this funny? You don’t understand, everyone is making edits of me playing just dance.” You stated, your mouth wide open at the fact they find this funny.
“Kid, you were good. Viv isn’t the only one who’s posted videos of you dancing.” Beth pointed out and you jaw dropped to the floor.
“What? Who else has?”
“Alessia, Katie, even Leah.” Viv responded.
Jumping up from your bed, you stormed over to Leah’s bedroom, banging on the door before an annoyed what was heard.
“You posted the video on TikTok. Out of everyone, I thought you’d be the last one to post it.” You said to Leah, a sense of betrayal in your voice.
“Sorry, kiddo, but I had to. And anyway, the fans love it. Look at what the fans are saying.” Leah suggested and you opened tiktok, Beth and Viv still on the phone.
“Listen, Y/N, the fans loved it. They even want more just dance videos.” Beth stated, as you scrolled through the comments of fans saying how well you did.
“Forgive us now, kid?” Leah asked, noticing how the frown on your face had disappeared.
Whilst Leah spoke to you, a specific comment caught your attention.
We need Viv and Leah to do it now
“I will, but under one condition. You and Viv do a dance with me.” You grinned cheekily, knowing that you were a soft spot for both Leah and Viv, so you knew they wouldn’t say no.
Leah’s face dropped and Viv let out a grunt of annoyance.
After just a matter of seconds, both of them agreed and you knew that this was gonna be good.
“Viv, you’re doing it wrong! You go to the left, not the right.” You exclaimed in a fit of laughter as you recorded Leah and Viv dancing.
The whole team had gathered round to watch whilst they all recorded the embarrassing moment.
“I am going left! Leah’s just going the wrong way.” Viv defended, throwing her hands up in annoyance and anger.
“Follow the instructions on the tv. It’s easy.” You explained and both, Leah and Viv, turned around to look at you, disbelief written on their faces.
“It’s easy? No it is not, kid. This is fucking exhausting and hard.” Leah shouted, out of breath from the dancing.
“We couldn’t all do just dance in PE.” Viv pointed out and Leah nodded in agreement.
“Yeah because you’re both old.” You muttered under your breath, thinking you’d get away with the snarky comment but boy were you wrong.
You heard a gasp from next to you, turning your head to be met with Kyra and a cheeky smile in her face.
“Y/N just said you’re both old.” Kyra snitched and you squeezed your eyes close, dreading what was to come.
“You little shit. You make us do just dance and then call us old?” Leah frowned, hand on her hips.
“Fine. Maybe you’re not that old, but you’re not exactly young.”
“Right that’s it.” Leah grabbed ahold of you, tickling your sides as you helplessly tried to get her off you.
Desperate for help, you called out to your other teammates but it was no use, everyone was in a fit of laughter.
“Say you’re sorry and I’ll let you go. Actually, I’ll stop if you let us have chicken nuggets tonight and not complain.” Leah said, despite the laughter that was leaving your lips.
“Fine, fine. But only if I get to post the video of you and Viv dancing.” You compromised and Leah thought about it for a moment.
“Hey, I never agreed!” Viv shouted, and you gave her a confused look.
“Sorry, I don’t understand you with your Scottish accent.” You stated, the sneaky comment sending laughter throughout the team.
“Right, that’s it kiddo. Leah, have chicken nuggets for the rest of the week.”
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bachiras-toaster · 2 months
Bf!Rin headcanons? 🤭
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RIN ITOSHI x gn!reader
authors notes. i am IN LOVE with rin so im glad i wrote this instead of my college essays
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╰┈➤ the type of person to keep your relationship strictly private. in fact, it’s because he loves you so much that he wants to keep your relationship private.
╰┈➤ private, not secret.
╰┈➤ it was no surprise to the public when it was discovered that professional footballer, rin itoshi, was dating you, especially since you did have connections to the Itoshi brothers previously anyway.
╰┈➤ from the beginning, the paparazzi pressing on the matter pissed him off. he hated how interviewers would always eventually get to bringing your name up, because it meant that your relationship was starting to be shared with the world.
╰┈➤ but more than that, it was because he had a such a soft spot for you that he couldn’t help but become nervous when people brought you up. and as annoying as the interviewers were, he couldn’t stand to be mad at them when they gave him an excuse to talk about you.
╰┈➤ he’s probably half the reason your relationship wasn’t as private as he’d hoped. he was just such an unintentional blabbermouth.
╰┈➤ when you’re actually with him in public, he tends to get overprotective.
╰┈➤ when you’re in the streets, you need to be holding hands; when you’re at social gatherings, his palm needs to be attached to your hip.
╰┈➤ not just for safety reasons, but he supposed he also needed to constantly remind people that the two of you are together.
╰┈➤ when he realises that he’s getting approached by fans in the street, he’ll subtly hide you behind him so that you’re not pestered, and you’ll watch with a soft smile as rin is forced to take photos and sign autographs.
╰┈➤ despite maintaining a cold facade, he somehow manages to talk do gently when it’s to you.
╰┈➤ if the two of you are at a party he’s clearly uncomfortable being in, he’d slowly scoop your hands into his and plant a gentle kiss on your knuckle before muttering, “it’s getting loud. do you want to leave?”
╰┈➤ honestly, it’s quite impressive how quickly he’s able to switch tones.
╰┈➤ he can go from kindly whispering words of affirmation in your ear to screaming expletives to a random man, threatening to fight him where they stood and ordering him to stop hitting on you.
╰┈➤ rin’s jealousy is actually an unheard of level of rage.
╰┈➤ every time bachira jokes with you, isagi compliments you, or any of his other team members hang out with you one-on-one, it’s like a ticking time bomb in his mind. 
╰┈➤ rin trusts you with all his heart, but his possessiveness is a little louder than his compassion, and he’s rather eat both of his shoes than put you aline in a room with a man that isn’t him.
╰┈➤ he is willing to start the most outrageous scenes over it.
╰┈➤ once, shidou publicly dedicated a shot to you during an important match just to piss rin off, and he went ballistic.
╰┈➤ he had maintained himself on the pitch, but as soon as he reached the locker room, rin was already prepared to pack shidou up and send him to the emergency unit.
╰┈➤ a good fight definitely would have ensued, had he not been stopped by his teammates holding him back.
╰┈➤ plus, you continuously warned him not to fight because you hated seeing him show up to your dates with bruises and marks— his injuries from football were already enough. 
╰┈➤ he hated defying you, but sometimes he just really couldn’t help himself.
╰┈➤ the days where he would literally feel himself freeze before knocking on your apartment door because he knew that his injuries would tell you that he got into another fight were the worst for him.
╰┈➤ because you always looked at him with that certain face of disappointment before simply sighing and letting him in, ready to properly tend to his wounds.
╰┈➤ he’s so gentle when he’s in private with you.
╰┈➤ you could spend hours cradled in his arms, listening to the dulcet mumbles of his voice as he told you about his day.
╰┈➤ when be gets home from a match or training, all he wants to do is cuddle you mindlessly with a tv show in front.
╰┈➤ sometimes he’s mumble about how annoying his teammates were today and how he’s glad he can finally lay down with you.
╰┈➤ to many’s surprise, he’s really the sweetest boyfriend ever.
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ficmashup · 6 months
Captive Patient
Summary: You join TF141 after something happened on your last deployment. They take you in and while it takes some time, you find yourself warming up to them, and them to you. Perhaps especially to the Captain.
A/N: Heavy Price-involved chapter! Took me a bit longer to write because it's a bit longer and because I wanted to get it right. Sorry for the wait! But, hope you enjoy. :)
Warnings: Vague SA mentions, illness, some crass language, so much fluff.
Word Count: 4.6k
Feral Masterlist
Shopping with Price is different than shopping with Simon.
With Simon, it’s all quick jabs and taking the piss with each other down every aisle. We were even scolded by the manager once when I sent a pack of jerky shooting towards his head with deadly accuracy. A single look from Simon had them scurrying away and I couldn’t stop giggling for two straight minutes.
It’s just…easy with Price.
“Grab the gnocchi for me?” I ask, pointing up at the item while I crouch and reach back to gather chicken stock on the bottom shelf.
“The what?” Price looks directly at the package with furrowed brows.
A smile pulls on my lips as I place my things in the cart before walking over to him. “Gnocchi? Just there.” I tap the bottom of the shelf and he reaches up to get it for me as he looks it over.
“The hell is it?” He asks and I chuckle, gently taking it from his hands and putting it in the cart as he looks at me.
“Like…dumplings? Little, pillowy potato bites. Never had them before, I take it?” I ask with amusement in my voice as he shakes his head, following me as we walk down the aisle again.
“Can’t say that I have. What do you do with them?”
“Other than eat them?” I tease, smirking as he gives me a look.
“I mean, how do you cook them?” He corrects and keeps pushing the cart as I grab a few things, add them to the cart, then slide back into place with him beside me. He coughs again, covering his mouth with his elbow while I listen closely. It’s a wet cough. Maybe he has some congestion dripping down the back of his throat?
I focus back on the conversation. “Hm, well, this time I’m making a sort of twist on chicken pot pie. Same ingredients go in one big pot and it simmers for a few hours, then you’re done.” I explain, unconsciously making hand gestures for the pot, stirring, and so on. There’s still a slight furrow to Price’s brow when I look back at him.
“Why not just make chicken pot pie?”
“It’s supposed to be easier.”
“But aren’t you missing the crust?”
“The gnocchi take the place of the crust.”
“The crust is the best part.”
I shake my head amusedly at his insistence, and slide in front of the cart as I gather a few things. “Look, I’m making it today. Why don’t you come try it yourself?” My hands freeze as I hold a package of chicken, my eyes not even seeing the price as I replay what I just said. This is the problem with things being so easy. I’m usually a bit more careful, a bit more on my guard, but like this…I say things without considering them first. But Price responds before I can take the words back.
“Alright.” He agrees and my eyes snap to his. Those pretty eyes crinkle as he nods, leaning against the cart. “And I’ll make you a real chicken pot pie this week. We’ll compare.” His smirk grows as I realize that I’m staring and I quickly shove the chicken into the cart before pushing it forward a bit.
“You cook?” I ask, struggling to keep my mind from spinning and my body catching on fire.
“Occasionally. I don’t set toast on fire like Johnny.” He chuckles and I relax at the sound, the tension fading from my shoulders as he moves back to my side. “I’ve taught myself a few things over the years. Pot pie was my mother’s favorite, so I taught myself how to make it.” That catches my attention and I can’t think about anything at all when he speaks in that soft, gruff tone.
“You made it for her?” I draw the obvious conclusion and he shrugs a shoulder, half-grinning.
“Tried to. She nearly spat it out the first time I tried. She, ah, she wasn’t the type of woman to hold back her opinions.” He recalls fondly and his eyes look off for a moment as if reliving the moment. My lips press together as I try to hide my smile as he looks back at me with a slightly sheepish grin. “But I got better.”
“Mm, I’d hope so.” I tease and take in the warmth in his eyes like a reptile in the sun before we move on.
*     *     *
It’s easy enough to sneak a few things into my cart that he doesn’t notice. I don’t have to ask him to help me take my groceries up to my flat, and its child’s play to get him to sit on my couch for a few moments under the guise of waiting for a cup of tea. He sits and I note how tired he seems when he thinks I’m not looking. He leans against the back of the couch with a heavy sigh. His eyes shut while his hands slide over his thighs and I try not to get too distracted by him as he spreads his legs to get comfortable.
Quickly, I grab the secret things I got from the store and set each in front of him on my coffee table. His eyes open, looking at me while his brows furrow. “Drink one of these.” I point to the bottled water and a glass filled with a golden liquid. (Electrolytes, lemon-flavored.) “Then we’ll wait a few minutes until I can take your temperature. If it’s higher than I like, then I’m keeping you here until it goes down.” It’s very clear that nothing I’m saying is a suggestion.
Price blinks at me. “What?”
I set my hands on my hips, fingers drumming over my hipbones. “You’re sick. You’re coughing, you’re feverish, you’re taking more deep breaths than usual as if you’re having trouble getting enough air. It’s also obvious that you���re exhausted and I’d guess you’re not sleeping either because of congestion or hot and cold flashes at night.” I look pointedly to the drinks I set in front of him and he slowly leans forward to take the water bottle, but doesn’t drink it just yet.
His eyes narrow at me. “So you decided to back me into a corner with the promise of a home cooked meal?” Surprise pulls his brows up, but there’s amusement and something almost like pride in his eyes.
I cross my arms over my chest and stare him down. “Yes. Blame yourself. You told me that you’re insufferable when you’re sick, so I took things into my own hands by making a tactical move.”
He can’t keep himself from smiling now and my stance softens just a touch at the sound of his soft laugh. “Damn. I’ll remember that when considering undercover missions for the team.” He leans toward me with his elbows on his knees, head tilted up at me. My fingers flex against my arms as I see him in this position and I beg my mind to pull itself together. “But I’m fine. No need to go to any trouble.” A particularly bad cough chooses this moment to rattle his chest and I give him a pointed look once he’s finished hacking his lungs up. He returns the look with all the innocence in the world.
“Right. Let’s test that theory.” I pick up the thermometer and hold it out to him, raising a brow when he doesn’t take it. “There are many ways to take your temperature, Captain. Either let me take it willingly or I will shove this up your ass.” There isn’t a hint of hesitation in my voice and Price’s eyes widen a touch. His jaw flexes as he thinks it over before sighing and accepting the thermometer.
“Starting to feel bad for the boys if this is the treatment they got when they needed fixin’ up.” He grumbles as he slides the thermometer under his tongue with the end sticking out between his lips. It’s almost like a poor imitation of his cigars.
“I only treat my stubborn patients this way. If you’re good, then I’ll be sweet as sugar.” I glance at the clock, noting the time so I can be sure he keeps it in long enough for the reading to be accurate.
“Bet you would be.” The words are barely spoken under his breath, but my eyes snap to his immediately. Tension stretches taught as a rubber band between us and my body goes hot as he shifts slightly in place on the couch.
“What was that?” I whisper, frozen in place as I wait for his answer.
“Said I’ll try to be good then.” He responds gruffly and our eyes are locked on one another’s before the thermometer beeps, startling us both. A deep breath vanishes down my throat as I steady myself. I lean forward and slip the thermometer from between his lips, not meeting his eyes now as my hand skims his cheek. My thoughts narrow as I see the digital numbers flashing up at me.
“101. Low-grade fever. Still insisting you’re not sick?” I shoot Price a scolding look while he huffs. I pull away and clean the thermometer and put it away while gathering a few other things. It helps to get a little distance from Price anyway. “Alright.” I walk back to him and press pills into his hand. “Take these and drink as much as you can. Rest. I’ll work on the dinner I promised.”
Price looks utterly dissatisfied. “You want me to sit here while you cook? That’d make me a poor guest.”
I smile and hum in amusement. “But a good patient. You can come sit at the counter, but I’m not having you do much until that fever is down.”
He stands up, shaking his head. “I feel fine—"
“John.” I use my firm voice, holding his gaze without flinching as I place a hand on his chest. We hold that position for a moment, neither of us backing down while I think about the best way to handle him. My stance softens and I sigh softly, leaning into him a bit so my hand pushes against his chest just enough to drive my point home. “You trust me to take care of our team, you trust my advice on missions, now I’m asking you to trust me enough to let me take care of you. Let me.” My fingers tap lightly over his heart and mine beats faster at the vulnerability of asking him for something. Especially since I’m asking for his trust.
His jaw flexes a moment before he sighs, a smile pulling on his lips as his hand slides over mine on his chest. “Fine, sugar. You got me.” He agrees at last and I swallow at the sound of his soft, deep voice as he surrenders.
“Thank you. Now, where do you want to sit?” I raise a brow, seeing if he actually meant what he said.
He shakes his head slightly as if he can’t believe himself. “The counter. I’ll lend moral support.”
I grin, tapping his chest twice before reluctantly sliding my hand off him. “Good. That’s the most important kind.” He chuckles and grabs the drinks I bought him before settling on a stool at the counter while I walk around it to start cooking.
“Think I’d take air support over moral support.” He comments and I chuckle as I get everything out.
“You think so? You’d take a chopper over having the team at your back?” I challenge with a smirk as I get out two cutting boards and knives before organizing what needs to be done. He gives me a look, but can’t keep the smile off his face.
“Touche.” He allows and amusement flits through me. Conversation continues to be easy and John actually behaves well enough after I give him a job. (Cutting vegetables for the soup.) We eat together and it takes me a few minutes to settle as we both sit together and eat. It’s been a long time since I’ve done something so mundane and while I’ve eaten here with Simon, everything with John feels different.
His gaze follows me around the room and the weight is comfortable, soothing, and the very fact that I like it makes me nervous. The only thing that keeps me steady is the fact that he still needs care because he’s sick. It starts getting later and later, but the only thing that I’ve managed to help is his congestion. At least he can breathe a little easier.
I’m curled up in a ball on the opposite end of the couch as I debate making him stay, hating the idea of sending him home to his empty flat. Especially since I know he won’t call me if things get worse. My mouth opens to at least start the conversation, but before I can get a word out, a soft snore fills the room. I glance over at Price with wide eyes to find his head tilted back on the couch cushions, fast asleep. My lips press together to keep in a giggle as I relax back into place.
His position isn’t putting too much strain on any part of his body and if he’s fallen asleep so easily, he really must’ve been having trouble recently with the dripping down the back of his throat. I’ll let him sleep like this a while, then move him to the guest room a little later. I find myself watching him. He looks utterly relaxed slumped on my couch, hands still resting on his spread thighs as soft, rumbling snores leave his lips and each one makes me smile. What’s truly surprising is how comfortable I am having him here. The last time I had a man in here was…a very long time ago. A one-night stand to scratch an itch. Then, more recently, I’ve started having Simon here.
Simon was a bit easier because we have an understanding. Scars that neither of us have voiced, but that we both can see. Scars that are shared. It’s been a give and take of trust with us, always keeping things even, keeping each other steady until we relaxed into friendship. I’d let him into my apartment for barely five minutes the first time since he was the one who invited me to tea. A fair exchange. Then he let me into his place for longer, then I did the same, until we spent hours with each other and found we no longer needed to keep score.
With John…he’s already given me more than I could ever repay. He let me on the team, provided a place for me to fit in, a job to focus on, and provided me with friends within that job, people I could trust and depend on. That’s why it’s so easy for me to find myself off-balance with him. He’s given me so much so freely and only expects me to carry my own weight. Maybe that’s how normal people are supposed to interact and I’m just fucked up, but whatever.
Gently, I ease myself onto my feet and turn the tv off. “John.” My voice is soft as I move close, but don’t touch him just yet. “Hey, John. Come on, I’ve got to move you or else you’ll regret it in the morning.” My foot nudges his boot and he sighs heavily, shifting in place.
“Hmph.” He makes a disgruntled noise and I can’t help giggling. That’s what entices him to crack one eye open. “Am I dreamin’?” His voice is low and gruff and sends warmth seeping through my body.
“Are your dreams the only place you make women laugh?” I tease, leaning forward and taking his hand in mine along with wrapping my other around his bicep. “Come on, I’m getting you to bed.” Slowly, I heave him onto his feet and grunt as I duck under his arm, the heat of his body searing my side as we shuffle towards my guest room.
“Don’t often get to hear your laugh.” He mutters, his eyes only half open as I struggle to guide him around my furniture. “Such a damn pretty sound.” My body is boiling from heat and I’m not sure whether it’s because of embarrassment or pleasure.
“You should tell me more jokes if you want to hear me laugh.” It’s the only thing I can think to say and the warmth gathering in my stomach isn’t helped by the soft chuckle he gives me.
“Not much good at jokes, but I’ll keep that in mind, sugar.” He nods once and a tingle slides down my spine at the little nickname. I wonder if it’ll stick. “Wait.” We reach the doorway to my guestroom and Price reaches out, catching the doorframe with his hand while the arm I have a hold of tightens around me. He blinks a few times and I see him trying to wake up. I can’t imagine how deeply he must’ve been sleeping to have this much trouble. On missions, he’s up and ready to go in seconds, has to be.
“Don’t start thinking now.” I tease lightly and keep gently tugging him forward. Tired eyes meet mine as he lets me. “You’re in my flat, I’m putting you in my guest room because it’s late and I don’t trust you to take care of yourself.” I explain as much as is needed and finally sit him down on the bed. He allows it with a heavy sigh and rubs a hand over his face.
“Sorry for falling asleep on you.” He shakes his head at himself and I smile softly, wondering if his despondency is due to thinking of how his mother that he’d cooked for would think him a bad guest.
“I wanted you to sleep.” I step closer and press the back of my hand to his forehead. The only light in this room comes from the lamp still on in the living room, the warm light spilling across the bed like a shard of amber. It catches Price’s eyes just right and leaves them half a clear blue, and the other half shadowed like a stormy sea. I nearly forget what I’m doing as I stare into them. “You…you still have a fever. I’ll check in the morning, but for now, some more rest will do you good.” My other hand rests lightly on his shoulder and I don’t realize until after I move away that it wasn’t for any reason. I just wanted to touch him.
The thought makes me flustered as I swallow. “I think I have something you can wear, if you’d like.”
Price raises a brow at me. “Don’t think anything you have would fit me.” He presses the toe of his boots against the heel as he slips them off.
I give him a look, though I’m glad he’s not putting up a fight about staying here. “Wasn’t planning on giving you my clothes. I think there are some men’s clothes still shoved in the back of one of my drawers from an old boyfriend.” Mentally, I look through my drawers and try to pinpoint where I left them.
“Hm. No, thank you, sugar.” He shakes his head and I focus on him again. “Don’t usually sleep in much anyway.” I blink a few times before quickly nodding.
“Right. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.” My feet carry me to the bathroom and I flick on the light, grabbing a washcloth and dampening it with cold water. I wring it out in the sink and purposefully don’t look at myself in the mirror as I walk out. I don’t need to think about what I’m doing and I’m afraid if I meet my gaze, I’ll start reading into all the thoughts spinning around in my head.
Next, I grab two bottles of water and head back into the room, nearly tripping when I see Price’s shirt and pants slung neatly over the end of the bed. His socks are also tucked into his boots just under the cuff of his folded pants. My steps slow and I curse myself for being an idiot as I set the bottled waters on the bedside table. It’s not like I haven’t seen him shirtless before. I’ve seen every member of our team stripped down to their underwear when we had to cross a freezing river in the mountains. Not to mention I’ve treated their cuts and scrapes, Price least of all, but enough to see most of him.
But this is different. This isn’t in the field with the team or on base with half a dozen nurses around. We’re alone in my home with no one to watch or check in. It’s just us.
Price coughing brings my head swinging back towards him and I frown, sitting on the edge of the bed as the coughs ease. “Your throat raw from coughing?” I ask as he sighs, nodding as he leans his head back against the headboard. “I have something for that, hold on.” My hands gingerly lay the folded, cool cloth over his forehead before I get up and come back again with cough syrup.
“That looks like it’s going to taste great.” He grumbles as he peeks at it and I sit back on the bed beside him with my hip pressed against his thigh. He’s pulled the blankets up a little past his hips so we’re…relatively decent.
I smirk and pour the thick, molasses-type liquid into the cap before holding it out to him. “Better than whiskey.”
“Hmph, bite your tongue.” But he takes it anyway, grimacing as it slides down his throat and he hands me back the cap. I screw it back on and set the container next to his waters which he instantly chugs half of to try to get the sickly-sweet medicine taste out of his mouth.
“Alright, I’ll leave you alone for the night.” I say softly, meeting his gaze as I think of anything else I can do. “Come get me if things get worse. I mean it.” I shoot daggers at him with my eyes and he only smiles warmly, nodding in acceptance.
“Yes, ma’am.” He agrees and I’m about to get up when I feel the pads of his fingers brush mine on the bed. “Thank you for this.” His gaze holds mine and I freeze as his fingertips ever so lightly slide up and down each of my fingers. “Been a long time since I let someone take care of me. Longer still since someone wanted to.”
“It’s…my job.” I reply and the words taste like a lie.
His fingers pause for a moment, then he continues with a slow nod. “If you’d like to think that, then that’s fine. I won’t push and your standing with the team and with me won’t change. I’ve never lied to you and I hope you can trust me that much.” My brows furrow and I nod. I’ve trusted him with my life and with knowing more about me than nearly anyone else. I trust him not to lie to me. His eyes still haven’t wavered from mine and I’m comfortably caught in them, his words only half-sinking in for now. “But I’m not here because you’re my medic. And I don’t think you’re lettin’ me touch you like this because I’m your Captain.” The words are gentle, wrapped in the warmth of his rumbling voice, but the actual sentiment is blunt.
I blink a few times, keeping my body absolutely still. John is patient and his fingers don’t stop moving against mine. Thoughts whirl through my head, most tinged with panic, but Price is still here, still steady, still keeping his eyes on me as if ready to talk me down or let me run out of here. He’s not saying this like it’s a problem. He’s saying this like he’s trying to break the news to me, as if I don’t already know, as if I haven’t been fiendishly ignoring every little flutter of warmth his every word or gesture gives me.
I finally move, reaching up and pressing my fingers to my temple as I try to think. “It sounds like you have something you want to do about that.” I say softly, feeling like we’re encased in a little bubble here and speaking too loudly will break it.
He quirks a brow at me, surprise in his eyes. “We could start with a date.”
Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “A date.” I repeat, my fingers curling just a touch towards his as he keeps petting mine.
“Mmhmm.” He hums a confirmation with his head tilting just slightly as he watches my reaction. It’s clearly not what he thought it would be.
“You want to take me on a date?”
“Yes, sugar.”
“You realize what a bad fucking idea that is?” My voice is still hushed, my brows furrowed with confusion while Price keeps watching me with that steady gaze. “Forget the headache it would be on base, the gossip, the paperwork, possibly screwing with team dynamics, but you’ve read my file.” My voice shakes, but I don’t break away from John’s gaze. I’ve never hidden myself from him before and I’m not about to start now. “You realize what a nightmare it would be to try and date me? Do anything like that with me?” My words are a warning, bright red and flashing.
“I understand.” He says levelly and glances down to our hands for just a moment. “But I’m used to nightmares, sugar. I’d be glad if you’d let me tackle yours by your side.” His eyes lift to mine and if there was any doubt that he was earnest, the sincerity in his gaze immediately puts them at ease. I bite down hard on my bottom lip as I try to use the dull pain to keep the tears stinging the back of my eyes at bay. “But you don’t have to answer now. Sleep on it.”
“I have limits and boundaries that I don’t even know about yet. Things…wouldn’t be easy. Do you really want to navigate landmines in your personal life and your professional life?” I push anyway, needing his answer if I’m even going to consider this. I need him to know what he’s asking for.
“I understand.” He repeats, his fingers still moving soft and sweet against mine. “Yes, I do.” My next breath is a little shaky as I take in his words and the certainty in which he says them.
“You should sleep.” I say quietly, shifting closer as I flip the cool towel on his forehead and don’t resist the temptation to let my fingers linger. My hand rests against the side of his face, my thumb brushing over his cheek while his hot skin brands me. “Ask me again tomorrow.” His eyes scan my face as he nods, agreeing. Neither of us says anything else as he gets comfortable in bed and I slip out into my own room, curling up underneath my blankets.
For a while, I lay there while my mind swirls. The tears come next and my sobs are quick and quiet as I try to wrap my mind around what John is saying. He wants me. He wants to try. He’s willing to face my nightmares and stay. When I eventually fall asleep with tears smeared over my cheeks, there’s a small, hopeful smile on my face.
Taglist(hello lovelies, lmk if anyone else wants to be tagged!):
@under-the-dirt @jj-ara33 @sorchateas @cherry-blosom-tree
@thriving-n-jiving @jinxxangel13 @emsstuff1 @missmidnight-writes
147 notes · View notes
sinning-23 · 11 months
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.3
Yall is eating this UPPP (rise of the mirage simps lmao) and I appreciate that so so much! Thank you all for the 300+ followers that's insane! Also, the taglist got bigger too! I got yall don't even worry about it lol. Anywho, there's a fuck ton of tension in this one and in the final part, I think yall know what's going diz-ownnnnn (alexa play pony by genuine) Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
(Heres the link to pt.2 luv)
(Heres the FINALE)
Without further ado, ENJOY! (this one is a little short but pt.4 will be kinda lengthy)
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Gimmie one margarita imma…
He was far taller than Mirage, robotic features more stressed-looking than anything. And before either you Noah or Mirage could protest, he pick you up by your shirt, your hands reaching to flatten your skirt. There was about a 99% chance you’d just flashed both Noah and Mirage. 
The larger bot who you assumed was named Prime scans you, and soon his voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Who are you?” 
The question is simple really but knowing you and the fact that he just picked you up with no kind of manners makes you slightly more irritable in your answer. Maybe you were a little butt hurt Mirage didn’t volunteer this information about there being other to you but know him he’d probably just say ‘You never asked!’ With that stupid, pretty, dumb, adorable look on his faceplates.
“I’m not answering anything because you just picked me up and expected me to give you answers. That’s rude first of all. Mirage, come get him-” You huff, seeing the larger bot raise a brow in response and look at the silver and blue-clad Autobot.
Mirage only chuckles nervously, removing you from Prime’s grasp, and putting his hands up in defense. You’d been only a tinnny bit aggressive when you’d met a couple days ago so why he expected you to be all peaches and cream with Optimus somewhat interrogating you, he had no idea. 
“Listen, had another tiny setback. I promise this one isn’t always so…fussy. She’s cool. Cross my spark.” He explains nervously, seeing Prime's optics narrow. This mf just called you fussy? Like a damn infant??? 
You go to speak out, but the depth sounding in Prime’s vocalizer makes you freeze. 
“You seem to have no concept of that undercover means. How you’ve landed in this predicament twice still baffles me” Prime sighs, looking back down at you. 
You’d managed to take refuge behind Mirage, still embarrassed by the fact that you were almost 100% sure he got a glimpse of your panties. Despite the garage being empty yesterday, it obviously had some other tenants who hadn’t a clue in the world you existed until now. This was way outta your league. Robots and 3 more of them at that, were far too overwhelming and you’d be damned if you wound up in the middle of some cyber bullshit.
Sure you liked Mirage, his personality and kind of play boyish looks made you swoon MAYBE a little bit….but from the looks of it, there were already girls like that back where he lived, hell one of them was just standing behind Prime while he chewed out Mirage…..AND WHY WAS SHE KINDA CAKED UP? That was beside the point though, they already had one human (Noah), and Prime wasn't looking for any extras (you) from what it looked like. 
Taking your chance to escape, you grab your purse and slide out of the garage quietly. The others were going from somewhat scolding Mirage to discussing a plan for something you didn’t quite care about at the moment. The best option was to disengage and maybe things could go back to normal! You could pack up for your apartment. Go back to work, maybe you’d do something with mechanics after this instead of nursing all day? You pop your AirPods in and press shuffle. 
It was getting late but there was just enough sun to find you a spot to wait for an Uber home. You’d talk with Mirage later, it looked like he had other priorities. Speaking of which, what was that whole interaction??? You shake the thought away, that moan replaying in your mind. This was so wrong.
Your heart beats faster at the thought of how he seemed to melt under you, his servos hovering over your hips, wanting to touch but being so unsure. The way his otic seemed to be hazy and the way his fan picked up in speed. You run your hands down your face and sigh, definitely feeling like a drink would be the best option….speaking of which, you never did get your night out.
It didn’t take long before Mirage realized you weren’t behind him. You’d obviously hightailed it during Optimus’s scolding and slipped past him like a thief in the night. Part of him knows you’re capable of handling yourself but the other half knows it’s not safe, especially now that you both have been formally introduced. And with what Arcee had reported, Brooklyn wasn’t getting any safer.
Apparently, a few more terrorcons had made their way back and we’re trying to do a bit of avenging considering Optimus ended Scourge rather brutally. In all, Mirage wasn’t one for the violence but when it came to helping his friends and the ones he loved, he’d set that aside for the best. 
Anyway, he didn't want you going anywhere without him, a sense of more or less responsibility for you washing over him. It was more of a protective feeling than anything, wanting to be the one to save you and keep you safe no matter what. The thought of you thanking him as your hero makes him weak. You knew what you were doing, touching him like that. He still couldn't get over the fact that you claimed it was for science….bullshit. The feeling was quickly becoming addictive and the longer you spent together the more he wanted you…fat chance. 
Remixed renditions of Kesha songs blast through the clubs' speakers as you and your girls dance the night away. You each took about 3 shots to get your blood pumping and your closest friend was about to make it 4. Your body moves on its own, bass filling your chest as you catch any and all ass your friends decide to throw. You took pictures and posted them on your story and everything seemed good!...sorta. The last of your worries should be some cyber alien crush that isn't even here right now…you can't help but let your mind drift.
A wave of…what was that guilt? Washes over you as you take a break from the dance circle, alerting your girls that you be ‘going to the bathroom’ a lie of course. Maybe this wasn't a good idea? Part of you felt kinda committed to Mirage. Before you could make it down the hall past all the commotion, a pair of hands are warm against your hips. Whoever it is… they're tall. The faint smell of motor oil fills your senses and you whip around to see a pretty good-looking stranger with eyes blue as the damn sky smirking at you. 
“Where you going, mamas?” He questions, moving his hips side to side playfully with the rhythm of the music.
You can't help but giggle. Something about him was so.. comfortable and fun and familiar, and so so so damn charming! He's smiling right back at you freckles somewhat adorning his face as his curly black hair falls over his eyes. He looks mixed, more so Hispanic or Latino and black. Blue eyes were odd though, but it didn't matter because, at the end of the day, this man looked like he'd won the genetic lottery.
Soon enough, you're back on the floor the cheers of your homegirls reaching your ears and you shake your head. This was just some spontaneous dude that just HAPPENED to catch you before you made it to the bathroom, not like you really needed to go anyway. He sways you, pulling a few cheesy dance moves here and there but it is enough to make you giggle. The previous song soon is chopped and screwed and transitioned to what sounded like a reverbed version of ‘Streets’.
Either way, the air had changed while people, couples or otherwise began finding space on the floor to dance up on one another. He didn't say much, spinning you slowly just before pulling your body to his gently. You may talk a lot of game, but you'd never danced with someone like this, let alone be so close. The feeling of his front pressed to your back makes you weak, the feeling sinking lower and lower as he holds each of your hips.
“Cálmate mama’s. You know I got you right?” He hums, your body relaxing a bit as you find the rhythm again, rolling your body with his to test the waters
That voice was so familiar….you ignore it, thinking it must the alcohol. There was no way he could…could he?
You didn't care, letting your head roll back and rest against his shoulder, your bodies synching with each other, his touch never feeling forced or aggressive. It's soft, kind, and almost loving...like he just wants to be able to feel your warmth, know the way you move. You work up the courage to speak, voice small, almost nervous. 
“I didn't catch your name stranger.”You state, hoping his response would answer your question.
If this was really him, then there was no reason to feel bad about how up close and personal this was getting. 
“You know my name, pretty girl. Kinda rude of you to walk out on me don't you think? You're lucky Noah was able to see where you were at based on your story.” He reveals, making you smile. 
So it was him but how? Some kind of alien car tech you didn't know about? You didn't care, he was here and you were ACTUALLY holding him somehow. 
“I'm sorry, looked like that meeting was important.” You explain, pressing against him more now, his grip tightening when you did, a hiss escaping his lips. 
“It was but when I noticed you’d left I panicked a little. Noah told me where to find you and I knew I couldn't just waltz in. I'm parked outback, this is just a holoform.” He explains, flashing that stupid smile. 
“So that's what this is, you look good 'Rag. Not the first time you've done this I'm assuming. You're far too good of a dancer.” You joke hearing gasp in faux hurt. 
“Wowww it's like that lil mama? You're breakin' my spark.” He chuckles, pressing into you, making a gasp escape your throat.
You felt it…holy shit it was right against you, the miniskirt not helping at ALL, in fact, any more friction and he'd be right against your panties. The grip on your hips is only making you hot and his voice so close to your ear isn't helping. He smirks against the skin of your neck and takes the risk of kissing there. Another gasp, only this time it was more or less a whine. 
“I'm not doing anything else until you tell me I got the green light. We both know this tension can only build for so long ‘til one of us breaks and I'm for damn sure about to fall apart if I can't taste you soon.” He admits, his voice trembling slightly when he speaks.
He was right though. The last 2 days had been filled with nothing but flirting, touching, and teasing and before you were so rudely interrupted in the garage earlier you were sure you were closer and closer to giving head. The music is still playing and most of your girls had given the two of you space to ‘dance’ a couple texting you to let you know where they were in case you needed them. It was definitely time to leave because any longer in this dark little corner of the club and you'd be trying to peel your clothes off. 
He can practically feel your begging to lose any sense of morals, a few drink making your brain only a little foggy. That’d ware off by time you made it back home if you played your cards right. Turning to face him you cant help but let your eyes drift to his lips. 
“You gonna let me ride?” You hum, lips pressed to his neck.
Aweeee shit the perfect set up for pt.4 cause in the words of miss Megan thee stallion... we finna ride that dik like a stolen car HAHAAAA
No-so-mini-Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy @panty-h03 @justmare @merpmederp @rainbowpr1sm @mad-simp420 @insane-scientist
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roosterforme · 2 years
Is It Working For You? Part 10 | Rooster x Reader
Just in case you need to start at the beginning or visit an earlier chapter, check out my Masterlist!
Summary: Bradley gets a glimpse of the domestic bliss he never knew he wanted. He's in it deep now, but is he the only one?
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst, fluff, some swears, adult banter
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
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Bradley snuggled with you for a while, playing with your hair and telling you secrets. In his best estimation, he had about twenty-five Hawaiian shirts, and some of them had belonged to his dad. You estimated that it would take you months to see them all. He told you he had always wanted a dog but had never had one, and he promised to take you to a super secret ice cream shop he knew about just off the Naval base. 
At the mention of ice cream, you heard his stomach growl. "Ready for more dessert?" you asked, crawling off of his warm, delicious body and standing up.
"Are you talking about ice cream and cookies or more sex? I mean, my answer is the same either way. Yes, I am ready."
Bradley climbed out of bed and buttoned you into his Hawaiian shirt as you giggled. It was comically large on you, but it was very soft and it smelled like him.
As he pulled on his underwear, he slowly shook his head. "I love how that looks on you, Sweetheart," he said, scooping you up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed his scars as he carried you into the kitchen and set you down on the counter. The granite was freezing against your bare thighs and butt, and you wriggled around a bit. But Bradley warmed you up with some kisses.
"Here, have a cookie. You're going to need your energy for the rest of the night," you told him with a saucy wink. You took the lid off of the container of homemade cookies and held one up to him. He took a bite as he ran his fingers up and down your legs. He even looked good in the dim fluorescent light. How had you managed to get a guy who had six pack abs? Unreal. 
"Mmmm," he groaned before taking the rest of the cookie out of your hand with his teeth. He chewed it up and moaned, making your breath catch in your throat. You fed him two more and ate one yourself. 
Watching him eat made you focus on his mouth, and focusing on his mouth made you think of sex. You were needy for him, but you didn't want him to know how bad it was. You pressed your thighs tight together, and nibbled on your cookie. Then Bradley had the audacity to lick his fingertip. 
"Are you still hungry?" he asked, wiping a crumb from your lips.
You shook your head no and ran your bare toes along his legs, using your feet to pull him closer to you. He obliged with a smirk on his face.
"If there's something you want, Baby Girl, you can go ahead and ask for it. I won't tell you no."
You spread your thighs apart, exposing yourself to him as you guided him into place with your feet. You scooted to the very edge of the counter until your wet pussy was pressing against the front of the boxer briefs covering his hard dick. Bradley was licking his lips.
"I want you to fuck me again," you said in a much steadier voice than you expected, given how much your heart was racing.
"God damnit," Bradley groaned as he wrapped his hands around your thighs and met your lips with his. He used his big hands to push your legs further and further apart, then ran his index finger through your wetness and slipped it inside you. 
You cried out as his other hand slid up underneath the Hawaiian shirt and pinched your nipple. You had to grasp his shoulders to keep yourself upright. Then you slipped one hand into his boxer briefs, pulling his cock out and stroking his length. 
"I need to get another condom before we get started," Bradley whispered, his voice so raspy. He crooked his finger inside you before pulling it out of your soaking wet slit. He looked down at your pussy where you were wiggling and ready for him, perched on the very edge of the counter. He had pushed your legs so wide, it was indecent. "Don't you dare move an inch, Baby Girl. That's such a beautiful sight."
"I'm on the pill. And I'm clean," you gasped, so turned on, now you were clenching at nothing. "We don't have to use a condom if you're clean. But I mean, we still can if you want to." 
Bradley just looked at your eager face, completely dumbstruck at first. "I'm clean. I just had my standard issue, annual Navy physical."
You giggled, "Me too. But it's cool if you want to use a condom, oh my God-" Bradley was pushing his tip into your entrance with a firm grip on both of your thighs. He slid all the way in with one smooth, steady motion that had you whining and grabbing for his body. 
Heavenly. Silky. Warm. Perfect. Bradley bottomed out inside you and withdrew, over and over. His rocking motion had you rubbing your hands frantically all over the front of his body. He kissed your jaw and told you your body was made for him. It had been years since he'd done this without a condom, and you felt incredible. He was convinced you were the best. 
And the noises you were making? "Please, Bradley. Roo- Oh!" Beautiful. 
Bradley gripped your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him as he picked up speed. He watched your gaze go hazy as he rubbed his thumb across your clit. You were already squeezing his cock, and he didn't know how he was going to last. 
"Look at me, Sweetheart. Tell me what you need."
"Harder," you gasped out, and he was more than happy to oblige. He fucked you hard and fast on your kitchen counter. His hand snaked around your lower back to support you, and he pumped into you. You were the stuff of fantasies. Sex had never felt this good before.
"Roo! Rooster!"
He grabbed one of your ankles and planted your foot on the edge of the counter, the new angle making you scream. Your face crumpled in pleasure, cheeks flushed, mouth open. Your cries echoed around the small kitchen as his body slapped yours. 
"Roo!" you called out again, and Bradley's movements became ragged, slamming into you more haphazardly as you squeezed around him. Bradley came in your sweet pussy, head thrown back, chanting fuck, fuck, fuck.  
Your foot slipped off the edge of the counter and you wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him inside you. Bradley kissed your lips hard and then buried his face in your neck. You slung your arms loosely around his neck, just whimpering, "Roo...Brad...Roo," unable to complete either iteration of his name. Listening to you calling him Roo was making him weak.
He ran his hands through your messy hair and planted kisses all over your face, and he felt you smile as his mustache tickled your cheek. You looked up at him like he had just single handedly solved all the world's problems. He could really get used to seeing you limp and satisfied, clinging to him. You were so fucking capable all the rest of the time, he loved being the one responsible for this. 
You smiled and then moaned as he withdrew himself. Bradley kept your thighs apart and watched as his cum dripped out of you and onto the counter. "Fuck, that's gorgeous." He was completely mesmerized, stroking the side of your neck, keeping you still until you'd made a pretty little mess with your combined cum. "Let me get us cleaned up, Sweetheart. And then I'm going to make myself even more irresistible to you."
"I don't think that's possible," you whispered as he cleaned up the mess with a paper towel and gently wiped you clean as well.
"Sure it is. I'm going to clean up the kitchen and feed you cookies."
You were deeply in lust with this man, who was currently collecting all of your dirty dinner dishes and pans and loading them into the kitchen sink. Bradley was one of the most beautiful men you'd ever seen, and he was just strutting around your living space in his underwear, being large and sexy and helpful. You were still perched on the counter, just inches from where he was working.
"You want another cookie?" he asked, offering you a bite and then eating the rest of the cookie himself. He hummed along to whichever song was in his head as he alternated washing a few dishes and then peppering your face with kisses. Every once in a while he would share a cookie with you, leaning with his hand on the counter next to you, his bicep bulging. He was in your personal space. Your heart felt so full, so content. 
You checked the time on the microwave clock. It was 8:30, and you both had to work early tomorrow. What if everything ended when this night did? What if you both went to work tomorrow, and nothing felt the same with him? The weekend had been magical, but it wasn't reality. And you couldn't exactly have him kissing your neck and telling you how sweet you are all week at work. And what if he didn't even plan on anything else with you after this? He had told you he wanted you to take him seriously. But how serious did he mean? 
"Is this the recipe you made?" Bradley asked, breaking into your thoughts with that sexy voice. He was holding up a sheet of paper which you had definitely meant to put away before he had a chance to see it. 
"Oh, that's, um," you mumbled, reaching for the recipe page, but Bradley held it high, out of your reach. It was the special recipe your grandma had created for her husband decades ago. 
"It's called Marry Me Chicken?" he asked, referring to the name at the top of the page with a grin. "That's what you cooked for me?"
"Stop, just give it back," you begged, feeling your face flushing with embarrassment. "It's just the stupid name my grandma gave the recipe. I don't know why." You continued to reach for the page, but he just smirked. 
"Shouldn't it be called Marry Me Rooster instead? I feel like that would just make more sense in this scenario," he said as he handed you the paper. You stuffed it into the cabinet behind you as if it had burned your hands. 
"Oh God, now I'm embarrassed," you groaned as you turned slowly back toward Bradley. But he just looked you in the eye, all pretense of teasing gone. 
"Don't be," he rasped, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you close, running his hands up and down his Hawaiian shirt covering your back. "You have no reason to be, Sweetheart." 
But you couldn't even make eye contact with him. "Y/N, don't be embarrassed, Baby Girl. I loved that dinner."
"How about an ice cream sandwich?" you quickly asked, grasping at a new topic to bring up. You hopped down from the counter and slid down the front of his body. "Let's have some."
But he caught your wrist as you stepped out of his embrace. "Sounds good," he murmured, scooping you back up into his arms and carrying you to the freezer. Clearly he didn't want this weekend bubble to pop yet either. 
Shit. Bradley had embarrassed you, but he hadn't meant to. The recipe was called Marry Me Chicken? That was hilarious, since he'd be lying to himself if he hadn't already subconsciously thought about having a future with you. This should have been absolutely unheard of, but there it was, a life he wanted, dangling right in front of him.
He tried to reel you back in as you and he settled on the couch with the homemade ice cream sandwiches. He pulled you down onto his lap by your waist, and with a giggle you settled back against his chest and leaned onto his shoulder. Yes, this was better, this was where you belonged.
Bradley devoured his snack in two bites and then he pulled back the shirt collar and placed soft kisses on your silky skin. He let his hand rest on your bare hip under the shirt and you relaxed against his chest even more.
"Thanks for washing all the dishes," you said, and Bradley watched you lick some of the ice cream that was about to drip out of your sandwich before taking the last bite. "It would be worth keeping you around just for that, I guess. Plus I've noticed some other perks that you have to offer."
Bradley grinned against your ear. "Other perks?"
"Mmhmm, you're pretty good with your hands. And your penis."
You were always doing that, always bringing the topic back to physically being with Bradley. He wanted more. 
"I'm not good for much, Y/N, but I would be so good to you." 
Carefully you spun around in his lap so that you were facing him, probably checking to see if he was serious. He kissed you gently, your lips still cold from the ice cream. Your hands made their way into his hair as you deepened the kiss, and started reaching for the front of his underwear. Bradley would be crushed if you didn't want to take things further with him, but he was also not capable of denying himself this physical connection with you right now. Because it was too good. 
"Do you want to take a shower with me?" you asked him softly. Suddenly it was the only thing he wanted to do. 
"Lead the way," he replied, and as soon as you had him in the bathroom, you were all over him.
You started out bent over the bathroom vanity, Bradley fucking you from behind while the shower warmed up. This slowly dissolved into him fingering you as you grabbed along the shower wall and his back to keep yourself steady. Then Bradley kissed you so softly and reminded you that you were such a good girl, the only girl for him, while he pinned your back to the tile wall and slammed into you. 
After coating your belly in cum, he made sure to gently clean you off under the hot shower spray. He took his time, playing with your tits, and focusing on your legs as well. He used handfuls of your body wash coating you both in the scent. He would smell like you at work tomorrow, and he probably wouldn't be able to focus. 
Then he watched you wash your hair before you lovingly washed his as well. He felt like he was physically melting into your touch. Had anything ever felt as good as you did? 
By the time you were bundled up in fluffy towels, lounging in bed, legs tangling together as you kissed and played with his mustache, Bradley checked the time on his phone. Nearly 10:30. Maria would be returning soon. Tomorrow was Monday. The best weekend of his life was coming to an end. And where did he stand with you? He wasn't sure, but he also was not willing to broach that conversation with you yet.
"Will you promise me something?" you asked him. "You're never allowed to shave your mustache off without my permission. How does that sound?"
Bradley laughed and tugged you against him by your towel. "Deal. My mustache belongs to you now."
Your eyes went wide with mischief. "You must really like me. I wonder what else I could get away with..."
Bradley rolled onto his back, "A lot, Baby Girl. I would let you get away with too much."
You giggled and kissed his scarred cheek. He needed this. He needed you.
Then the front door of your apartment opened quite loudly, and Bradley heard Maria's voice. "I'm back! It's me! Please acknowledge! Please confirm you're not currently doing something dirty on the kitchen counter!"
You groaned at the same time Bradley cracked up, needing to bite his fist to keep from howling. "Well you just missed that by a few hours...." Bradley said when he could finally talk again. You rolled on top of him and covered his mouth with your hands.
"We're in my room, Maria!" you yelled in response to your roommate.
"Sounds good! Have a good night! And Y/N, we will talk tomorrow."
"God, you're the worst," you said before kissing Bradley deeply.
After an argument that involved more kissing than words, you agreed to set an alarm for 6:30 for Monday morning. Bradley needed to be on base at 8:00 for an early flight simulation, and you probably had a million emails to respond to. 
But when the alarm went off and you woke up draped across Bradley's naked body, you absolutely did not want to move. Bradley woke and reached for his phone to silence the alarm. Then he took a survey of your body on his. He ran his hand up and down your back before squeezing your butt. "Morning, Sweetheart," he told you, and his voice was the raspiest you had ever heard it. The need was immediate. You rolled onto your back and pulled him with you. 
He kissed your lips, your face, your neck, everything. He kissed you like he hadn't seen you in a month. He kissed you like he needed you as badly as you needed him. Pushing back your bedding, he slid lower down your body. Kiss after kiss landed on your breasts, then your belly and your hips. 
Bradley paused and looked up at you, that cocky look you adored was plastered all over his face. "You must have known, Baby Girl. God, you must have known how much I would love this little landing strip, me being an aviator and all." He ran his thumb down your mostly waxed bikini line, and you bucked up toward his face.
"Are you going to put your mouth on me?" you asked, your voice trembling with want.
Bradley smiled up at you, his mouth just inches from where you needed him. "Do you want me to eat your pussy?"
"Yes," you hissed and he smiled the cockiest smile before pushing your legs apart and licking you all the way from your entrance up to your clit. You cried out, slapping a hand over your own mouth, wishing for a moment that you didn't have a roommate. Bradley's rough mustache hit just the right spot for you, and then your hands tangled in his hair as you thrashed against his mouth. Within a minute, he had you rocking against his face. Occasionally you could hear him mutter perfect or beautiful as he expertly licked and fucked you with his tongue.
His fingers and mouth were a lethal combination for you. You heard the whines coming out of your mouth, but you couldn't believe you were actually making such lewd sounds. Bradley sucked on your clit with just the perfect amount of pressure while he fingered you, and when you came, you saw stars. 
Bradley kissed your lips, leaving your own taste there. "And any time you want that, Sweetheart, all you need to do is ask."
Moments later, you knew Bradley was moving around you, but you didn't want to open your eyes and acknowledge that he would be getting dressed to leave. When you finally looked, he was pulling his flight suit up over his black tee and admiring the way you looked in bed. 
"I'll make you breakfast," you managed to say as you stood and wobbled on your feet. 
Bradley pulled you against him to keep you upright, and the feel of his flight suit rubbing your naked skin was sinfully hot. "You don't need to do that."
"I want to," you replied and managed to pull on some random clothing, dragging him to the kitchen with you. Bradley sat at the small table and watched you carefully as you made him an omelette. You knew your hair was a righteous mess, and you were makeup free and wearing your glasses. You also realized the sweats you tossed on were two sizes too big for you. But, oh the way he looked at you. If he wanted either of you to get to work on time, he shouldn't be looking at you like that. Like he needed you. 
You set his food down on the table along with two mugs of coffee and the bottle of hot sauce he bought for you. He pulled you onto his lap, holding you to him with his left hand while he ate. "Am I going to see much of you today, or will you be in one of the offices working?"
You shrugged. "I'm not sure how many emails I will have to respond to, but I'm sure I could make an appearance near the tarmac."
"I would like that," he said, feeding you a bite of breakfast. "So much." 
And this is how Maria found the two of you as she came to get her own breakfast ready. 
"Goooooood morning," she sang and had to press her lips together to keep from grinning too much. "Everyone have a fun time last night?"
Bradley nuzzled your neck with his nose and told her, "The absolute best, thanks for asking." 
Ahhhh, Marry Me Rooster, AHHH! He's too precious. Thanks for reading along! There's just so much smut, because Bradley is irresistible. We've got a bit of a bumpy road ahead of us though, so hold on tight!
Read Part 11
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aloneinthehellfire · 8 months
Chapter Ten: Part One: The Lab
Gates Of Hell Masterlist
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Word Count: 7921
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, blood/gore, horror
[A/N: I went a little crazy, threw in a buttload of angst, and then proceeded to eat 3 packs of oreos so... we're in for a wild one. I also haven't proofread this properly so it could be the single worst piece of writing you've ever read. Enjoy :)]
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Part One: The Lab
“Ow! My arm doesn’t bend that way, idiot!”
“Sorry, your highness, but there’s not much I can do when you’re caught in metal wire.”
“I actually hate you both.”
When you finally manage to snag your arm free, you send a glare to the boy hiding a laugh and take your shotgun from him.
The ride to the lab had been quick, immediately finding a safe place to park and scope out the area. It was pure chance you had managed to notice the tear in the surrounding fence, a quick and quiet entry.
Robin steps through next, holding her arms to her chest like she would lose them, and meeting you on the other side. She blinks, relaxing her shoulders.
“Wow, that wasn’t nearly as hard as you made it look.” She chuckles and you purse your lips in irritation.
“Can we just get into this lab?” You say, looking back at the white building in the distance. There was still a stretch of field ahead, no guarantee that it would be monster-free.
“We keep our weapons ready, stay alert, take it easy.” Steve comments, suddenly appearing next to you.
Noticing the closed distance, you shuffle away from him and look to Robin, ignoring the frown on his face.
“You good?” You ask your friend, her eyes wide as she slowly nods.
“Oh, yeah.” She sighs, looking defeated. “I am perfectly fine with crossing an open space to a lab with some kind of interdimensional gate that these apocalypse monsters are crawling out of. What could go wrong?”
“Just stay close.” You sympathise with a hand on her shoulder.
Steve took lead while you covered behind, leaving Robin safer in the middle. She was weapon-less, and you all needed to make it through this.
The occasional distant sound of a snap echoed across the grass and the walk across the field barely lasted six seconds before Robin shakes her head in refusal.
“Okay, someone’s gotta talk to me or I’m gonna freak out.” Robin gasps, jumping at another sound of a snapped twig.
“About what?” Steve frowns, eyes darting around the clearing with his bat wielded for battle.
“Anything.” She pleads, finally looking to you. “Y/n?”
“Uh… sure, Robs, just ask a question or something.” You say, not really paying much attention. You’d rather keep your sight on the space behind you all, ensuring there were no blind spots for a surprise arrival.
“Okay.” She sighs, taking deep breaths. “Um, what, uh… oh, how was detention?”
You almost laugh, shaking your head. “It was detention, Robs, not a vacation.”
“I know but the last time I saw you, you were heading there and then, like, half an hour later the world blew up.” Robin reminds you as she bites her lip.
“Well,” You continue, knowing that if you stop, she’ll only panic more. “It was okay. Holloway was being his usual self, I was trying to get work done. Harrington decided to crash the party.”
“You were a delightful host as always.” Steve comments and you scoff.
You roll your eyes, glancing over your shoulder every now and then to make sure you didn’t accidentally step on Robin’s heel.
“Were you there when everything started?” She asks and you almost freeze, breath hitching.
“Yeah… yeah, we were.” You swallow that fear.
“What happened?”
You were silent, a little too silent. Steve usually revelled in making you agitated and uncomfortable, but he had that churning feeling in his gut when he saw the startled look on your face.
“Look, Robin, it wasn’t really something we wanna talk about.” He tries but you clear your throat.
“No, no, it’s fine.” You say, gripping the shotgun tighter. “We were in the classroom when we, uh, heard something. Outside. Holloway…”
“Wait here, please. I’ll be back as soon as I find out what’s going on.” He announces, collecting his keys and leaving the room, the door clicking shut behind him.
“Holloway went to investigate.” You gulp, already regretting this decision. “He, uh, he was gone for a while. There was a scream and I… I thought it was just some other kids being assholes, you know? So I left to find him and…”
“And?” Robin prompts, but you’ve slowed your steps.
He’s snarling as he claws at your jumper, pulling you down to the ground with him. In haste you try and push him off of you, but this man was a lot bigger than you, wrapping his hands around your throat and smashing your head into the cold ground.
Struggling against his weight, he rears his head closer to you.
“Stop!” You try, his tightening grip on your neck releasing the word as a strained whisper.
Steve glances back to see you’ve stopped completely, gently holding out his hand before Robin crashed into him. She turns, wide eyed.
“Y/n?” She moves closer.
“He attacked me.” You say quietly, hearing your friend’s breath hitch in her throat. “He… was different. His mouth just… opened. And he was strong. A lot stronger than me. I thought he was gonna kill me. He was going to kill me.”
Steve finds his fist curling at his side, eyes wide as you finally tell the full story.
“What happened?” Robin questions with a whisper, almost like she was too scared to know the truth.
“I stopped him.” You sigh, turning to see they were both looking at you with mournful eyes. “I killed him, okay? I grabbed a fire extinguisher, and I swung it as hard as I could into his head.”
Steve felt sick. You had both been through so much since detention that it had barely crossed his mind.
His feet rounded the corner so quickly he almost slipped on the slick floor. He glanced down, heart racing until it burned his throat with bile. Blood.
‘I’m too late.’ he thought, dodging a body laying against the wall. It wasn’t you, the build all too different to have him second guess.
He hadn’t connected the dots, barely even glanced at the body, the face. In fact, Steve hadn’t thought about what happened to Mr Holloway at all until just now. And he made himself sick realising that maybe you were right. Maybe he only ever focused on himself.
“Y/n-” Robin reaches out.
“It’s fine.” You interrupt, shrugging. “It’s the freaking apocalypse, right? All sorts of messed up shit is gonna happen. I killed Holloway. And I killed Steve’s neighbour.”
You laugh awkwardly, Robin’s features growing in concern.
“But they were… mutants. Part Demogorgon.”
“Part what?” Robin blinks and Steve tunes back into reality, looking at her.
“It’s a DnD thing.” He replies and Robin raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I know that, dingus, but why the hell are we saying part Demogorgon?” She stresses, looking back to you. “Is there a real-life Demogorgon?”
“How do you know this nerd stuff?” Steve questions.
“I happen to like some of that nerd stuff.” She challenges with squinted eyes and he simply raises his hands in surrender.
“We’ll explain everything to you later, okay?” You say, giving her a gentle nudge to keep moving. “Let’s just get in the lab, find Hopper, and we’ll deal with it all then.”
“Yeah, the lab.” She repeats, looking up at the building. “Uh… how does one get into the lab?”
“Isn’t there a front door?” Steve asks.
“No, Harrington, it’s a building without-” You say immediately before biting your tongue. “Uh… yeah, I assume there is.”
Steve narrows his eyes with pointed curiosity. That was weird. “Uh-huh.”
Another twig snaps and Robin jumps yet again. You bite your lip, trying not to roll your eyes.
“Robs, stop, it’s literally just a-” You say, flailing your arm out in the direction of the sound before focusing, your stomach dropping.
Robin watches your face fall and gulps. “Um… by any chance is that terrified look on your face because you are secretly scared of butterflies and there’s a butterfly behind us?”
Steve frowns, slowly craning his neck and his eyes widen. His whole body felt stiff.
“Are you by any chance also afraid of our beautiful little insect friends?” Robin’s voice squeaks, lowered to a whisper.
“I think you know the answer.” You finally breathe, locking eyes with something even your imagination couldn’t possibly think of.
It was big in build, charred black like it had caught fire. It had round and bulbous eyes, just staring at you with dangerous heat. None of its bones looked as if they were in the right place, a twitching in its bald head as something like black tar trickled from its mouth.
Its veins protruded around its eyes, a black space filling the void beneath eyelids. It was looking at you. It looked like it was… grinning.
“Y/n.” Steve hisses, growing more and more uncomfortable the longer that thing stared at you. “Y/n, we’re gonna run.”
“Run where?” Robin asks with a small voice, “We don’t even know where the front door is.”
“It’s gotta be on the other side.” Steve states, trying not to move. “Last year, there was a giant gate out front that led there. And I’m pretty sure we’re behind the building right now, just trust me.”
“Trust you?” Robin says as if it was unimaginable. “I don’t even know-”
“Trust him, Robs.” You plea, not taking your eyes off of the creature, its smile growing wider by the second. “Do whatever he says, and don’t look back.”
“We’re all gonna run on the count of three, okay?” Steve whispers, eyes darting to the corner of his eye to locate the quickest path around the lab.
“Okay.” Robin agrees, looking towards you when you don’t answer. “Y/n?”
Every part of your body felt like it was alight with anxiety, a tremble in your arms as you stare back at this beast. Running was the only option. But as you look at it, something churns in your stomach.
It should have attacked you by now, immediately when it saw you. But it wasn’t moving, just grinning. It was obviously waiting for you to make the first move which, truthfully, was the scariest part of all.
It liked the chase. Which meant realistically, none of you would out-run it.
Or, as you realise, one of you.
“On the count of three.” You breathe out, biting the inside of your cheek. The plan in your head was merely unfinished. Maybe it was for the best, better not expect the ending when you know it won’t be a happy one.
Steve frowns, hearing the strain in your voice. Something was off. But he needed to get into that lab.
“One.” Steve starts, shifting his body as slowly as he could.
“Two.” Robin squeaks out, licking her lips.
You take a moment to reconsider, trying to sense if there was another option. But as it smiled at you with those dead, endless eyes, you were out of time.
“Three.” You finally gasp out and you push your arm out to get Robin going.
Steve watches you shift towards them and pulls Robin along gently, letting his legs take over his body. His heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest, hearing Robin’s ragged breaths of panic behind him. But she was keeping up, thankfully.
He was gripping the bat until his knuckles turned white, praying that your shotgun wasn’t weighing you down, that you would all out-run it.
It wasn’t until he reached the corner of the building that he realised he only heard one set of footsteps behind him and a chill ran up his spine.
He spins around just as Robin catches up, bat held out ready. You weren’t behind them. And neither was the creature.
Steve turns his head to see your retreating figure, shotgun grasped tightly in your hands as you sprint to the other side of the building.
“Shit.” He curses. It wanted you, and you took that opportunity to set them free.
“What do we do?” Robin cries, seeing the thing hot on your tail.
“We meet them at the other side.” Steve nods quickly, grabbing her arm and tugging her along. He didn’t want to be brutal with his handling, but he had to make sure there were no delays.
He felt sick, running around this giant building with no idea if you would be there or not. And it stabbed at his chest even more knowing that he had no control. Your life wasn’t in his hands, not determined by how fast he was running. It was up to you.
When he locates the edge, he’s practically stumbling around the corner, his heart dropping when you’re not there waiting.
“Wha-” Robin’s panted breaths start just as something rounds the other side.
They both feel that relief wash over them when you run into the open, very much alive.
And then you’re on the floor before their eyes could even decipher what was happening.
The heavy weight of something tackling you down had knocked the air out of your lungs, sending the gun flying from your hands. It tries to pull you back, grabbing onto the backpack for leverage. You’re quick, retracting your arms from the straps and it falls away from you as you try to stand.
But just as quickly as you’re free, it grabs hold of your leg, pulling you back down and you barely catch yourself. It’s trying to drag you back and you’re reaching for the shotgun laying in front of you, your fingers clawing against the grass, the green now a startling black.
You could feel its hand wrapping around your right ankle, sharp nails digging in and you cry out. It had cut through the bandages you had forgotten about, making you relive that aching pain as it shot up your leg.
A loud shot rings out and the grip loosens, allowing you to pull your leg away and scramble back.
Steve cocks the shotgun again, watching as it continues to stand even as its back bled out. It was unnatural, turning to face him with a blood-curdling smile. This time, the shells pierce directly through its head, sending it backwards onto the blackened grass. He stares at it for a moment, the grinning face now a pile of mush in the dirt. It definitely wasn’t getting back up, but it didn’t make Steve any less afraid.
“Holy shit.” Robin gasps out, running towards you. “Y/n, your leg, are you-”
“I’m fine.” You say, quickly tugging your jean leg back down. Its nails hadn’t drawn blood, only leaving a dull ache against the wound you already had. “Barely a scratch.”
“What is wrong with you?”
You stand up and turn to see Steve holding your shotgun in his left hand, dangling at his side. His lips were tight, a look in his eye you hadn’t seen before.
“What?” You frown and his eyes widen.
“What is wrong with you?!” He repeats, louder this time. Robin blinks, holding out her hands.
“Okay, let’s-”
“You didn’t stick to the plan!” He continues, ignoring Robin’s attempts at peace.
“You said we run, so I ran!” You point out and he lets out an unintelligible groan.
“No. No, you had to make it all about yourself and go in the opposite direction.” He huffs, dropping the shotgun in front of him, the contact with the weapon too much for him to handle right now.
“Wha-” You scoff, shaking your head. “I led that thing away from you, so, you’re welcome!”
“We would have been fine!”
“No, we wouldn’t have!” You yell back and Robin places her hands on her head, slowly turning in a circle as she looked around the path you found yourselves on. “Didn’t you see the way it was looking at me?! If I hadn’t taken the long way ‘round, it would have caught up and killed all of us!”
“How did you know that?” He points, chest rising heavily.
“I-” You bite your lip, brows furrowed. “I didn’t, I just had to take the chance.”
“Exactly.” He breaths, looking at you in concern. “You didn’t know. You never know.”
You shake your head.
“That day in detention.” Steve starts, taking a step forward. “You heard a scream and you ran to it, not knowing. I found you being dragged across the floor by a demodog!”
“Demo-dog?” Robin questions with a scrunched face, still circling.
Steve chooses to ignore her, eyes focused on you. “You were gonna head to the cabin with just a knife, not knowing. And- and you blew up a freaking car! Not knowing if that was gonna work. And now, just now, you thought ‘hey, this thing looks like it wants to kill me so I’m sure running away from the only person that could help me is the right decision’, huh?! Why?! Why do you do that?!”
“Why do you care?!” You’re almost screaming at him now, fists clenched at your sides so tight, your nails began to cut crescent shapes beneath their fury.
“Because I can’t go through this apocalypse with someone who clearly has a death wish!”
“Well, congratulations, you’ve made it to the lab, you don’t have to put up with me anymore!”
You both give one last shout, before turning away from eachother, arms folded. There was a stinging in your eyes, a hot rage that was about to bring tears any second. You didn’t need that, especially knowing that Steve would probably do the right thing and apologise. You didn’t want his pity.
“Okay.” Robin sighs, turning back to you both with her hands placed on her hips. “How are we feeling? Feeling good, like we just got it all out of our systems, yeah?”
Neither of you answer, avoiding eyes.
“Great, now that we’re finally being quiet,” Robin steps forward, nodding to the building. “The front door glass has been smashed so getting in is gonna be easy, and I took the time to actually take in our surroundings and if you look to your left, you will find a Hawkins Police car that I assume our beloved chief drives.”
You both immediately turn to your left and see that there was, in fact, a Chevrolet parked by the gate, the police station logo stamped along the side. You had to admit, seeing it there lifted a weight off your chest.
“So let’s untwist our panties and get in there.” Robin waves her hand, arm extended to the door. “Andale!”
Without another word, you fasten the straps of your backpack and swipe the shotgun from the ground at Steve’s feet, never acknowledging him. You’re already leading the way by the time Steve recollects his bat, taking a moment to compose himself.
He wouldn’t have been so angry if he didn’t care so much.
The crunch of glass was deafening as you all stepped into the lab, your shotgun raised and ready. It felt too quiet.
“You think they’re in here?” Robin looks to you and you hold your breath, hoping some remnants of a voice would pull you to them.
“The car was out front, right?” You suggest, walking forward. You were taking the lead, much to Steve’s silent objection, peering in the small windows of each door you passed. Everything was empty.
“And we’re sure they’re uh…” She couldn’t finish and you chose not to answer, just leading them forward.
When you reach the end of the hallway, you realise you’re faced with two options. You either go left. Or you go right.
Closing your eyes, you take a breath and turn around, locating Steve’s hazel eyes in the dimmed light.
“Do you know where this gate is?” You ask and when he realises you’re talking to him, he clears his throat.
“I’ve never been in here before. Just a few of the others.”
“Right.” You sigh, biting your lip. “So… left?”
“Yeah.” Steve nods, “Yeah, sounds good.”
“Aw.” Robin comments, smiling sarcastically. “We’re like a happy family.”
“You got me detention.” You deadpan and her smile drops.
“You know how sensitive I get about that, I said I’m sorry.” She complained as you smirked, steering her left and heading down yet another corridor.
It was eerie, how quiet it was. Only the soft echo of your footsteps, the occasional breath of relief when something wasn’t lurking around the corner. It looked empty, abandoned. But Hopper’s car was right outside. They had to be here.
“Guys.” Robin calls out and you both turn to see her peering through another door. “I see some screens in there. Maybe cameras?”
Steve looked hopeful, nodding and trying the door. It wasn’t locked, but something was jammed behind it. He hands the bat over to Robin – she held it like it was a bomb about to go off – and tries to force open the door, ramming his shoulder into the wooden blockade.
One last push, and the door eventually slides open, still feeling heavy. He steps inside, doing a very quick scan of the area, before holding his arm out and allowing you and Robin to duck under before the door closed.
Robin was right. The room was small, holding a computer with multiple screens attached like a security system. It looked like a map of the lab, some cameras still working.
You each glance between them, trying to spot some friendly faces in this desolate building.
Steve thought he saw something moving, a mere blur. But then again, the camera feed was already looking busted, fuzzy images were bound to occur.
“Where are they?” You mutter, eyes flickering between the screens. You had never felt so anxious in your life. It was like your body was fighting against wanting to find them and praying they weren’t here. Because if they were… you’d have to face what you did. And you weren’t sure you were going to be forgiven.
“Wait, there.” Robin sounds, pointing to the top right corner. You all whip your heads up, eyes widening. Someone was in the lab with you.
“Do we… know them?” Steve squints. His eyesight had been poor lately but he had refused to get them checked. Glasses just felt like another burden.
“I can’t tell.” You sigh, staring at the shape.
They were walking down a hallway, holding what you assumed to be a shotgun. They didn’t seem particularly tall but then again you weren’t sure how tall the walls were meant to be.
“Turn around.” You whisper like they would hear you, begging to see a face you knew.
“It’s a girl.” Robin comments and you raise an eyebrow. “What? Look at the movement. That’s a girl.”
You look back at the screen and you had to agree with Robin. There was something more feminine about their posture. And you could just make out the ponytail concealed in the shadow of the camera feed.
“Wait.” You lean forward, getting a closer look. Just in time for your mysterious friend to turn around, and your eyes widen.
“You know who it is?” Steve asks, peering over your shoulder with a frown.
“Um.” You nod, leaning back and looking up at him. “They’re definitely here.”
Steve tries to get a look at the screen, but the figure is gone. “Who was it?”
You simply give a strange smile, almost one that looked painful, and he pulls a face.
“Don’t do that, it’s creepy.”
“It’s Nancy.” You finally say, noticing Robin’s confusion. “Nancy Wheeler.”
“Yeah, I know who Nancy is.” She says, still frowning. “But why is she here?”
“Oh.” You realise, noticing Steve’s expression. It was like all of his emotions were hitting him at once, unsure of how he should be feeling. “Long story short, these guys have known about the freaky stuff for like, two years? Don’t ask me though, I wasn’t cool enough to be apart of it.”
Your last comment flew right over Steve’s head as he straightens, collecting his bat from Robin’s hands and clearing his throat. It was fine. He was cool. Everything was… chill. It was just that he hadn’t seen Nancy since their break-up. And even seeing her on a tired tape of camera feed was enough to have him feeling hurt all over again, reliving that same nightmare where he knew Nancy had chosen Jonathan long before she ever admitted it. But other than that… he was fine. Totally.
“Did you have a stroke?” Your voice snaps him back into reality and he grimaces.
“No. Let’s go. Now we know they’re here.” He says, turning back around before abruptly stopping, staring down at the floor.
“Oh god.” Robin covers her mouth and you step forward, brows furrowed.
“Now we know why the door was so hard to open.” You comment, staring at a dead body.
The chest had been ripped into, covering the lab coat in blood. It looked like they had bled out, escaping whatever had attacked in the first place.
“Let’s find them and get out of here.” Steve finally breaks the deafening silence, gently grabbing Robin’s shoulder and leading her out o the room.
You stare for a moment longer. It didn’t look like an old wound, maybe a day or so. That wasn’t the part that was captivating you, however. It was the man’s face. The skin had been cut around the nose and mouth in the same way you had seen so many times before, the people turned monsters. He had already been one of those things when something killed him. Which meant…
“Y/n.” Steve pats your arm and you adjust the shotgun in your hands, nodding.
One problem at a time.
“So because Nancy is here, we are just assuming the rest of them are also?” Robin inquires. You were used to her voicing her questions, not necessarily because she wanted to know or wasn’t aware of the answer. She had just seen a dead body. This was her way of protecting herself.
Steve hums a response, nodding. “We always stick together.”
“They’re the real happy family.” You say, a little more venom on your tongue than you intended and he sends you a look.
“Can we just… call out to her?” Robin peers around a corner, sighing relief when something wasn’t staring back.
“She looked like she was getting ready to shoot something.” You recall, remembering her stance, the way the gun had moved in her hands. “We can’t risk being any louder than this.”
“Y/n’s right.” Steve agrees and you raise your eyebrows. “I know. Even I’m surprised you can make good decisions sometimes.”
“On second thought, we shout out and let it chase Steve.” You narrow your eyes at him and he feigns fear.
“Oh no.” He mocks, rolling his eyes.
“You two just solidify the fact that I am never having kids.” Robin comments as you pass through another set of double doors, carefully slipping through. “Are we even sure we’re going the right way? This place is huge.”
“I’m just following the door numbers, I think Nancy was by-”
Your thought process derailed and you come to a complete stop, staring down the hallway.
“Y/n?” Robin frowns, following your gaze. “Did you see something?”
It’s a long stretch of hallway, lights illuminating the path down to a single door at the end. Just like in your dream.
Except the walls weren’t smeared with blood, and there was no beast banging against the wood.
Steve’s hand rests against your shoulder and you take a breath, looking up at him. He searches your eyes for some kind of answer. You must look petrified.
“Sorry.” You shake your head. “Must’ve had some weird wave of deja vu.”
“You’re sure you’re good?” Robin asks and before you can reassure her, she’s pressing her hand against your forehead, pouting.
“What are you doing?” Steve looks on in amusement, his own hand now resting back at his side.
“I don’t really know.” She shrugs and Steve almost laughs at the confused look on your face. “I see people do it in movies.”
“I’m not sick, Robin.” You bat her hand away, eye catching on the reflecting light of her charm, tightening your throat. “I think we took a wrong turn, we needed the other double doors.”
“You sure?” Steve raises a brow, taking a few steps down the hallway. Your heart reacts before your brain.
“Stop!” You yell before covering your mouth, eyes wide.
Steve freezes, turning around to look at you. “What the hell?”
“Sorry.” Your voice is muffled against your hand.
Robin’s lips are thin, a nervous expression staining her features as she takes in the silence.
“Do you thinking something heard us?” She asks with a whisper and you squeeze your eyes shut.
Of course you had to shout after telling everyone to be quiet. Of course it had to be you to break the one and only rule, yet again. The nightmare was just a nightmare. Every lab probably looks like this one. You’re being dramatic and paranoid and you’re only putting your friends in danger.
And judging by the looks on their faces, they agreed.
“Let’s find the others before something finds us.” Steve’s voice is low and you can’t even argue. You can barely apologise. He walks back the way he came, striding straight past you and peering out behind the double doors.
“Come on.” He orders, stepping around and holding it open. He barely glances at you as you walk past and you can feel some wave of embarrassment rush to your cheeks.
But even so, you felt calmer already. Like avoiding that door had settled the uncertainty in your stomach.
“Are you feeling okay?” Robin asks, hushed voice close to your ear as Steve leads ahead, checking the corners.
“I’m fine.” You nod with a tight smile. “Really. I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
“Guys, we need to be quiet.” Steve hisses with a glance over his shoulder and Robin raises an eyebrow.
“Somebody’s grumpy.” She comments, trying to make light of the situation. She really hated it when people fought.
“Only because somebody can’t follow a simple rule.” He mutters under his breath. But the walls in this lab were acoustic, and it bounced right off his tongue and into your ear.
The regret already seeps in as he hears your footsteps falter, turning around with a silent curse to see your glaring eyes.
“I said I was sorry.” You say with gritted teeth. Not like you were angry, no. A different kind of upset.
His shoulders drop with defeat, the bat hanging down from his hand. “We just… we need to be more careful.”
“I know that.” You say, biting your lip as you try and relax. Your eyes catch the doors beside him, looking like another security room just before the corner turns. Maybe it would be useful to track Nancy with again.
“We can’t-” Steve takes in a breath, studying you. There was something you weren’t telling him. And usually he would be fine; you can have secrets. But not when it was risking everything. “Is something… something going on? That you’re not telling us?”
“What? No. No, I’m fine.”
Robin looks at you with suspicion, tilting her head. “Something happened back there, Y/n. You looked terrified.”
You observe the way her features furrow, a concern woven into her eyes. It was the same look Steve bore, one that tore into your soul as you struggled with the truth of it. They would think you were crazy, tell you it was just some dream and you’re being dramatic. Just like you feared.
“It’s been hell.” You finally sigh, a quiet laugh slipping from your mouth. “I’m just on edge and… and I didn’t really sleep last night so I guess I’m getting kind of delirious. But I’m fine.”
At least for now, you weren’t lying. Just omitting the truth. That had to count, right?
“So no more shouting randomly and making your best friend crap her pants?” Robin questions and you smile, nodding.
“You’re lying.” Steve frowns and your breath hitches.
The apocalypse may not have been long physically, but it felt like he has gotten to know you better than this. The way you constantly repeated ‘fine’ like it was a chant you were trying to convince yourself, the vague descriptions that held no meaning, even the way you bit your lip when you felt uncomfortable. He knows you now better than he had before. Something wasn’t adding up.
“Steve, we need to keep moving.” You warn, like you were giving him a second chance to reconsider his next actions. You were right. He never wanted to stay in the same place for very long, especially not in this nightmare asylum. But he had to know.
“What are you hiding?” He asks and your expression falters. He takes a step forward, noticing his casted shadow disappearing from the next hallway as he steps away from it. “You don’t have to pretend like you’re fine. You know something and we need to-”
Whatever convincing remark was going to leave his lips had been taken away with his breath as he feels something hard strike his back, knocking him down.
You push Robin behind you as you raise your shotgun, immediately moving towards Steve and aiming at the figure stood behind him, a cricket bat in their hands.
They looked human, nose and mouth covered by a mask while the eyes are hidden beneath wild hair. You couldn’t risk it. They attacked Steve. You weren’t even sure if they were human anymore.
You’re about to pull the trigger when you hear Robin’s squeak behind you, pausing.
“Put the shotgun down or I shoot.”
It wasn’t Robin’s voice. And you didn’t have to turn around to understand that threat. With a frown, you slowly place the shotgun at your feet, close to where Steve was trying to push himself to his feet. He catches your eye as you stand back up, and you prayed he understood.
“Now who the hell-”
Steve grabs the gun and spins around, pointing it directly at the masked attacker and you almost smile. You hadn’t expected that to work.
“You put down your gun, and we’ll-” You turn to face whoever had Robin in their grips and feel the breath leave your body. “Nancy?”
Steve almost dropped the shotgun, raising an eyebrow as he risked a glance. Yep. Yep, it was Nancy.
Her hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, some marks across her face that he could assume were dirt. She had a pistol in her hand, pointed at Robin’s head. Her mascara coated eyes widen in disbelief as she flickers between you and Steve, stuttering her words.
“How- what… what the hell are you guys doing here?” She gawks and you stare at her gun.
“I’m not answering that until you stop pointing a gun at my best friend’s head.” You comment and she steps away, letting Robin walk over to you after sending a glare over her shoulder.
“Nice to meet you, too.” She mumbles, nodding when you brush her shoulder.
“Nancy.” Steve says like was testing if she was really there or not. She gives an awkward smile and Steve blinks. “Uh…”
Steve turns back to the eyes currently glaring at him from the barrel of the shotgun and he frowns in confusion.
“Who the hell is this?”
The mask is pulled down with a tug and Steve lowers the shotgun, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, you.”
“Hi.” Jonathan nods and you raise your eyebrows at the tension between them, sharing a look with Robin.
“Where’s Hopper?” You get straight to the point, studying them both as they look surprised yet again. “I assume you came here with him.”
“Yeah.” Nancy answers, Jonathan nodding with her. “Yeah, he picked us up like an hour after everything happened. We’ve kind of been at the lab since.”
“Hm.” You sound, trying to ignore how that stung. He went and collected the kids he wanted and left you to fend for yourself. Lovely.
“So he’s here?” Steve questions and she nods again.
“He’s with the gate.” She relays.
“They’ve been trying to get it shut for ages.” Jonathan says, but his eyes are still on you, barely hanging onto his own words. “Where were you guys?”
Steve frowns, and looks at you. “Uh… surviving the apocalypse. Which, by the way, not as easy as it looks in movies.”
“Amen.” Robin breathes out.
“Why are you both looking at us like that?” You finally ask, the shocked eyes of people you barely knew staring at you and Steve like you weren’t even real.
“Sorry.” Nancy rushes, blinking. She pockets her gun into her belt and steps forward, sharing looks with Jonathan. “It’s not you. It’s just…”
“Just what?” Steve tenses, closer to you now.
“We…” Jonathan tries and you force yourself not to let out a groan. Luckily, Robin does it for you.
“Come on, spill it.” She begs, smiling when they frown at her. “Hi. I’m Robin, by the way.”
“Did you guys not expect us to make it this far?” You ask and Steve furrows his brows, questioning it himself. “Look, if Hopper doesn’t want to see me, that’s fine, just say so-”
“No. No, it’s not-” Nancy takes a deep breath, looking very uncomfortable.
“Then what?” You stress, getting fed up of the mystery.
Another step closer and she suppresses whatever emotion threatened to jump out, looking too sympathetic for your liking.
“We thought you were dead.”
Stunned silence cut across the room like the swift swipe of a blade, cutting deep. Of all you had expected when coming here, the news of your demise was not one of them.
“What do you mean, dead?” Steve asks and Nancy looks at him with a twisted expression of concern and relief. “You thought- why did you think that?”
As if it pained her to say, she looks away and wraps her arms around herself. Jonathan rests a hand on her shoulder and speaks instead.
“When everything started… it was all so fast.” He explains, head low. “We were lucky. Nancy and I had managed to get to mine without a run-in. Met our brothers there and Hopper found us within the hour. Got us all away from there before anything worse could happen.”
“We drove through the town.” Nancy clears her throat, meeting Steve’s eye. “Went looking for any survivors. There was already so much smoke and demodogs running around. We finally found someone, warning us not to go any further. They told us… they told us it started at the school. And that everyone there was dead.”
You and Steve look at eachother automatically.
“We knew…” Nancy gulps, shaking her head. “We knew you were both there. I saw Steve heading to detention and Hopper had gotten a call you were in there, too.”
You lower your head. It was stupid to feel ashamed when there were worse things to worry about now.
“Hopper didn’t want to believe them. He went there anyway and… and we saw it. Bodies. The demodogs… it was like a massacre. And then we saw your car-”
Her voice broke for a second and Steve shakes his head in silent disdain.
“He managed to get into the building.” Jonathan continues, eyes on you this time. “He tried looking for you. He found your backpack. He barely spoke when he got back to the car. Just… drove.”
“He’s barely spoken to us since we got here.” Nancy shrugs. “When he finally had enough of the kids asking, he told us you were both dead. That there wasn’t a single survivor and… and now you’re here, and we have no idea how to even process that so…”
“Well,” Robin breaks the air, sucking it in before awkwardly clapping her hands. “That’s intense. But, you know, they’re alive. Ta-da. And we made it here. And I don’t really know how to act right now because I’m uncomfortable. I usually talk until someone stops me-”
“Robs.” You breathe softly and she nods, pointing.
“Like that.” She whispers out and you straighten the hoodie currently clung to your skin, trying to get some air.
This whole time you thought Hopper hadn’t cared, hadn’t tried looking. But he had thought you were dead. You and Steve were both KIA until you showed up against all odds. And you should be proud of that. But all you could think was that Hopper was trying to save Hawkins right now, thinking that he lost another child, all because you were too stubborn to admit you were wrong. If you had never stormed out of the house, decided to take detention to avoid an apology…
“Who else is here?” Steve asks as he notices that fallen look upon your face, staring at your sneakers like they were the saddest things.
“The kids, Joyce.” Nancy nods with a tight smile. “Like two people from school but not that many compared to… to how many people are out there.”
By that, she meant the sea of dead bodies that flooded Hawkins’ streets. Steve tried not to let it get to his head.
“So why are you guys out here?” Robin pouts, ogling the gun strapped to Nancy’s waist.
“On look-out.” Jonathan sighs, running a hand down his face as he peers down the hallway. “We keep thinking we can hear something out here. Haven’t found anything yet but… that doesn’t prove anything.”
“Well, the building was being guarded by a creepy asshole when we got here.” Steve nods slowly and you try not to show any emotion. “Took care of that but who knows how many there are.”
“We’re way past Demogorgons now.” Nancy says, face fallen to a serious look.
“Right.” Robin raises her brows. “Now, can someone tell me about this Demogorgon thing because the last time I checked, they were just monsters in a board game.”
You had zoned out by the time Robin asked that question, leaving it to the other three to talk about their experiences. Not that you could really put in your own thoughts considering as you were sort of in the same boat as her; you hadn’t known about any of this nightmare until a few days ago. Part of you still hoped it was only a nightmare. That way you could be sure it would be over eventually.
You should feel safer. Hopper was merely a few doors away, El, the kids. But that churning feeling in your gut that lit a wave of nerves was fire on your skin. Nothing felt like it was getting better. No. No, it felt like this was just the beginning.
Lights flicker out the corner of your eye, only catching your attention. The others were still deep in their exchange of scary stories, not noticing the flickering bulb locked behind a door just further down.
And then you watch as it dims completely, almost in a snap. You shouldn’t think anything of it. The world was literally ending, electricity was easily one of the first resources to go. Except… don’t these places usually run on a generator?
The light in the next room starts flickering. And when that bursts, it moves to the next, and you feel your hairs stand on end. You can see the bulb lose its spark, your breath foggy against the glass.
Since when were you this close to the door?
“So, yeah, if you see a big scary spider in the sky, just assume you need to run.” Steve shrugs at Robin’s appalled face.
“Like I was gonna stay and say hi?!” She exasperates and shakes her head. “Okay, officially information overload.”
“It’s a lot.” Nancy sympathises, “But at least we’re all together through this.”
“Yeah.” Steve sighs. “You have no idea how happy we are to see you guys. Right?”
Steve glances to his left to see that you weren’t there. He looks to his right. Nothing.
“Y/n?” He spins around, frowns on everyone’s faces. They hadn’t even realised you had walked away. “Y/n?”
“How is she so sneaky?” Robin mutters, peering around the corner. “Y/n?”
They all started calling out, confusion setting in. You were just with them. How could you have possibly disappeared when you were right next to them only a moment ago?
“Does she do this often?” Jonathan suggests, but Steve silently shakes his head, the panic in his chest setting in.
“Only when something is really wrong.”
Nancy turns her head to him, brows furrowed. “Like what-”
A scream rips out into the silence, echoing down the hallway like some kind of omen. Steve swears his heart stops, his own scream already building in his throat, choking on it.
“Oh my god.” Nancy breathes, grabbing her gun and moving towards the noise. But an arm stops her.
“No, wait.” Steve says and when she goes to protest, he raises his finger to his lips.
Reluctantly, she stays quiet, ears straining to catch even a pin drop of what he was trying to assess.
The scream echoes out again, and this time he knew.
“It’s not her.” He whispers and Nancy’s eyes widen.
“How do you know that?”
Steve looks down at her in seriousness, gripping tightly onto the bat in his hand. “I just do.”
“So, there’s someone else screaming bloody murder at the same time Y/n goes missing?” Robin questions, panic in her voice as she stares at Steve, silently pleading.
“When Y/n and I were trying to get to the cabin, we saw one of those monster people things.” Steve starts and Jonathan raises a brow.
“Monster people?”
“Half demogorgon, half human.” He replies, gulping. “It was making these sounds of pain, made them seem more human. But it’s a trap. Whatever it is, it’s trying to lure us. Make us think that there’s someone out there that needs help.”
“And you’re sure. Like, 100% sure?” Nancy voices her concern, looking back down the hallway as another scream travels to her ear. “Steve-”
“Trust me.” He pleads, moving away from her eyes that clouded his senses, placing a hand on Robin’s shoulder. “Someone needs to take Robin away from here, to where the others are. You don’t have a weapon, I can’t risk-”
“Hey, I’m not objecting.” She laughs awkwardly, clearly nervous. “Just… please find her.”
Steve gives a nod while Nancy and Jonathan whisper to eachother, coming to an agreement that made Jonathan’s face twist with hesitancy. But he knew he couldn’t stop Nancy.
“Jonathan’s going to lead her back to everyone else, I’ll go with you.” Nancy nods, watching the protest build on Steve’s tongue. “You need back up. I’m going.”
“Fine.” He finally huffs. “You guys head off, we’re gonna-”
He feels his body flash cold, the hair on his arms prickling from the trail of goosebumps along his skin. That was your voice. That was definitely your voice.
“You guys need to go now.” He orders at Robin and Jonathan. The other boy doesn’t argue, cricket bat held tight as he nods to Robin and leads her in the opposite direction of the cries.
But they don’t make it out of the double doors.
It’s already swinging open before Jonathan can reach for the handle.
Robin covers her mouth with both hands, suppressing a cry. Steve feels frozen.
Dead eyes crinkle from the stretch of a blood-curdling grin.
Charred hands holding a familiar shotgun, bent at the barrel.
Its smile… blood-red.
Chapter Ten: Part Two: An Ode To The Complicated ->
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taglist: @manyfandomsfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose . @palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear. @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep . @sadslasher13 . @80saestheticismyfav
61 notes · View notes
cosmicjoke · 5 months
Winters in the Underground are bleak.
It’s the drafts, Furlan knows, coming in through the holes in the caverns roof, the ice melt which sinks down through the sewer grates, and flurries of fat, freezing flakes of snow. There is no sun to melt it as it carries on the strange currents of wind which suck down like a vortex into the open space, blowing endlessly through the dark tunnels of their world.
Isabel hates it. Complains constantly about how cold it is, shivering and shaking as she tries in vain to warm herself by their pitiful firepit.
Levi bears it like he bears everything. In silence, grim faced and unreadable.
Though, sometimes, Furlan catches the tremble in his small hands.
This year is worse than usual.
There’s a famine up above, apparently. No rain during this last spring resulting in fields of dead crops.
It’s well hard enough getting food down here, even when things up top are thriving.
But people struggling for food on the surface meant people starving to death in the Underground.
It’s been hard for everyone, even the three of them, who usually did a descent enough job staying afloat, thanks, mainly, to Levi.
But these last, few weeks, they’ve had to take to scrounging through the gutters in hopes of finding some tossed out and molding piece of bread, or wilting, days old vegetables, just to get by.
There’s no food. The merchants from the surface willing to come here, few and far between as they are, have all packed up their stalls and left, and whoever’s left has nothing to sell at all, stands left bare and empty, their owners gone and out of sight.
Levi had managed to hit one of the fleeing merchants about a month back now and steal a sizable sack of dried goods from him, and they’d been living off that ever since. But, between the three of them, even with Levi skipping meals and leaving the bulk to Furlan and Isabel, much to their dismay and protests, they’d finally bled the haul dry, and now they had nothing.
Each new day was weighted with uncertainty, then, as to whether they would eat or not.
They all knew what starvation felt like. They’d all been through it.
That didn’t make bearing it any easier.
It didn’t make the pain, or the fear, go away.
And the cold was only making things so much worse.
It was fucking freezing, even holed up in their little space as they were, clinging to each other for what little warmth they could share. Levi has his arms around both of them, drawing them against his sides as they hunch with their heads together in front of their meager fire, and Furlan can feel Levi shaking just as violently as he and Isabel.
Through the thin material of Levi’s shirt, Furlan can feel his ribs and the ridges of his spine. He’s lost a lot of weight, from skipping so many meals these last weeks.
“… I’m gonna’ die, ain’t I?” Isabel’s voice breaks the pressing silence, dried and cracked and barely more than a whisper.
Furlan feels Levi stiffen.
“Don’t be talkin’ like that.” He scolds her, his own voice barely seeming stronger. “You ain’t gonna’ die.”
“… B-but I’m so hungry, B-Big Bro, and… and I’m cold. Oh, God…”
“I know. But ya ain’t gonna’ die, Izzy. I wouldn’t let that happen. Alright? You trust me, don’t ‘cha?”
“Y-yeah Big Bro. Yeah…”
Levi’s arms squeeze tighter around them, and the room goes silent again, but for the pops and crackles of the fire.
Furlan squeezes his eyes tight and bites the inside of his cheek ‘till he tastes blood.
He knows Levi means it. He means it when he says he isn’t gonna’ let them die. Knows Levi would give his last damned breath to keep both him and Isabel going. But… strong as Levi is, it doesn’t amount to much when there just isn’t any food to be had.
Shit… they might have to resort to trying to catch rats soon, if things don’t improve.
Furlan doesn’t think Levi would eat a rat. He doesn’t think Levi could bear it, twitchy as he is about disease and filth and the like.
Something to do with his mother, Furlan thinks, who Levi told him died from disease when he’d been a child. He hadn’t said more than that; Levi rarely spoke about himself at all. But Furlan can guess at the ugliness of the thing.
“… I’ll go out and look for somethin’ to eat. You two stay here.” Levi says after a while, and he starts to stand.
Furlan is slow to react, his energy sapped almost to nothing, and it takes too long for Levi’s words to process. By the time they do, Levi is already wrapping his cloak around his shoulders.
“Levi, wait…” he starts to protest, beginning to stand. “you can’t go out there now. It’s too cold. You’ll…”
“Stay here Furlan. You and Izzy keep holdin’ each other, try to stay warm. I’ll be back soon as I can.”
“Levi, please, you could die out there…”
Levi just shakes his head, starting for the door.
“I’ll be alright. I’m strong Furlan. You know that.”
“Y-yeah, but…”
“I’ll be fine. Stay with Izzy. Don’t leave. Don’t come after me neither. Alright? I’ll be back, soon as I can.”
Before Furlan can lodge any more protests, Levi is gone, the shabby wooden door creaking shut behind him, and Furlan feels what’s left of his energy drain outta him as he sinks back to the floor. Isabel throws her arms around him, burying her face against his shoulder.
“H-he’ll be alright, won’t he Furlan? Big Bro’s the strongest, s-so he’ll be alright. Yeah?”
Furlan puts his arm around her, laying his cheek to the crown of her head and holding her tight against his side.
“… Yeah.” He promises, and wishes he felt as confident as he forces himself to sound. “He’ll be alright.”
Levi doesn’t come back ‘till almost four hours have gone by. Isabel had fallen asleep, somehow, and Furlan had been grateful for it, because he’d been starting to grow sick with worry, more and more convinced with each second that past that something horrible had happened to Levi.
He didn’t know what they would do if something happened to Levi.
He didn’t know how they would survive.
But then Levi walks in through the door, carrying a heavy looking sack over his shoulder.
Furlan stands immediately from where he’s still sat by the dwindling fire, stumbling forward a step, before coming to a halt partway, eyes wide.
Levi’s got blood on his face, a thick smear of it coated across his brow, over his eyes, running from what Furlan can see is a large gash, just a little above his left temple. Gaze dropping to his hands, and Furlan sees Levi’s cut up and already swelling knuckles.
He’s been in a fight, then. A bad one, from the looks of it.
Furlan can’t help the words which spring unbidden to his tongue, a tight, sick knot in his gut.
“What happened?”
Levi looks dolefully back at him, silent.
It wasn’t that Furlan was surprised.
Levi was rough stock. He came from some kind of hardship extreme even from down in this place, and for a long time, violence was his only friend. The only thing he could depend on to make it from day to day. Furlan knows that. He knows. Even though Levi rarely spoke about his life before he met him, or Isabel. You could hardly miss the scars littering the kid’s hands, or all over his body. Knife fights, long, gnarled ropes of raised, white skin, some clean and straight, some jagged and twisted, like whoever’d done the cutting meant to make it ugly as possible. There were starburst shaped patterns of raw, too smooth skin on his chest, parallel in place on his back, and Furlan knew those to be entry and exit wounds from bullets.
Yeah, Levi was rough stock, and he’d made his way before mostly through fighting.
That was the thing down here, in this place. Predators picked off the weakest looking prey, and Levi was small. Just a tiny kid. The top of his head barely reached to Furlan’s chin. Hell, Furlan knows, when he’d first seen Levi, he’d thought like everyone else. Short, scrawny looking kid, should be an easy mark, even though, by then, there’d started to be talk of a scrappy little midget who could take down men twice, three times his size, even. And like everyone else, Furlan had wanted to see if the rumors were true.
Well… Levi was rough stock. He was fucking terrifying. Stronger than any man Furlan had ever seen. He’d felt it, one time. How strong Levi really was. One time, when a guy from a rival gang had come charging at Furlan, ready to sink his knife into his back, and Levi had caught Furlan by the arm and jerked him outta the way before it could happen. In his panic, Levi’d grabbed him hard, harder than he’d meant to, Furlan knows, and the power in his hands, in his grip, had stolen the breath right outta his lungs. He could break bones with his bare hands. Furlan knew it then sure as he knows his own name. And then that’s what he did. He took hold of the man who’d tried to put a knife in Furlan’s back, and he’s crushed his hand. Mangled it, ‘till he couldn’t hold a knife, or any other kind of weapon, ever again.
You didn’t fuck with Levi.
That’s what kept Furlan and Isabel safe. Because everyone knew. You try anything with them, and it was Levi you’d bring down on your own head. And you didn’t fuck with Levi.
Unless you were the MP’s. They fucked with Levi all the time, ‘cause they fucked with everyone, down here, and ‘cause they knew Levi wasn’t fool enough to kill no government workers. That’d draw attention. That’d get people from up above involved. And Levi was always telling him and Isabel, it was best not to get people from up above involved, ‘cause they had money, and money gave ‘em power, and they could take everything from them. Levi was always saying. They could take everything.
Furlan’s eyes catch on the sack over Levi’s shoulder. It’s one of those stitched potato sacks, starched white, and printed out in bold, black letters across the front, are the words “Government Property”.
Well, shit…
“Levi… what happened?” Furlan asks again.
Levi slides the sack down, lying it gentle onto the floor.
He doesn’t say anything as he kneels down on one knee, starts undoing the tie round the bags end.
“Levi… did you kill military police?” And even as the words leave him, Furlan feels a dizzying horror in his head, threatening to black out his vision. If Levi killed police, then…
“… I didn’t kill ‘em. Just roughed a couple up. They ain’t dead. Just socked ‘em, some.”
“They did me first. I… I tried talkin’ to ‘em Furlan. You know how I ain’t good with no words. But I tried talkin’. I told ‘em I could do stuff for ‘em, if they was willin’ to spare some ‘a their food. They got… all this food, Furlan. More ‘an they need. It ain’t fair. It ain’t right, down here, what you got people starvin’ to death, droppin’ dead in the streets from starvin’, and cold. I told ‘em Fur… I said…”
“Levi, alright. It’s alright.” Furlan says, keeping his voice even and level.
Levi got like this, sometimes. He got emotional, like this. He kept himself so even keeled most of the time. Was most of the time so reserved. He only got worked up like this when he was real upset about something.
Levi sniffs, wipes the back of his hand against his nose, and keeps working at the bags tie. He gets it open after a minute, and starts pulling what Furlan can see are dried goods, mostly. Crackers, standard military rations, some cans of beans. Stuff like that.
Levi’s hands are shaking.
“… What did you tell ‘em you could do for them, Levi?” Furlan asks, even though he doesn’t want to.
Again, Levi says nothing, just keeps pulling the goods from the bag.
There’s a lot.
Enough to last ‘em several weeks, Furlan thinks.
Their lives are saved.
“Levi, you didn’t…”
“I said, ‘cause, like… you know.” Levi cuts him off. “I said I could do ‘em some jobs. If they needed anything, like… like, I could steal stuff for ‘em, or what. You know how good I am at that stuff Furlan. You know, ‘cause I’m small. I can sneak into any place. You know it, right?”
Furlan nods.
“Sure do, Levi.”
“Well, but then they got to laughin’ at me. And one of ‘em says, he says, what I could do for him is suck his dick, ‘cause I’m… ‘cause he says, I’m the perfect height for it. And they were laughin’ at me Furlan. And I got mad. So I beat ‘em up, and took a bag. They got dozens ‘a bags, Furlan. They won’t miss just the one.”
“… Okay.”
“They were laughin’ at me Furlan. They… they used to laugh at Mama like that. I remember. They used to laugh at her just like that. I got mad.”
“Okay.” Furlan feels his heart sink.
“But I didn’t kill ‘em. I just socked ‘em good.”
“… What happened to your head?” Furlan tries, and Levi blinks at him.
Furlan points to his own head, near his temple, and he sees understanding come into Levi’s eyes.
“… Yeah. I socked the one who said about my height, and the other one came in and hit me with his billy. Caught me good too. I almost went down.”
“God, Levi…”
Levi shakes his head.
“But I kept my feet. Kenny says to me, you gotta’ keep your feet, no matter. No matter what they hit you with. So I kept my feet, and I socked him too. I just knocked ‘em cold Furlan. I didn’t kill ‘em, so you don’t gotta’ worry none about that. Don’t worry none. Only, maybe we’ll have to move soon, in case anyone comes sniffin’ around. Them MP’s don’t like to be stolen from. You ask me, they’re the ones stealin’. There’s people starvin’ to death in the street, Furlan. There’s little babies dead out there in the cold.”
“I know, Levi.”
Levi looks at him, and his eyes are, for a moment, so damned hurt, that Furlan has to look away.
“Well, I gives some ‘a what I stole to some poor lady, ‘cause she had a baby, Furlan. I lied, before. I’m sorry. I took more than one bag. I… I took a couple. And I gives one to some poor lady. Don’t be mad, Fur. We gotta’ eat. You know that. We gotta’ eat.”
“I ain’t mad Levi. God, I ain’t mad at ya.”
And he isn’t. He can’t be.
Fuck, Levi just had too much feeling in his heart, and Furlan couldn’t ever be mad at him for that.
It got sometimes so he could hardly stand to look though, for all the hurt Levi had in him. All the hurt he had for everyone else.
People didn’t know, ‘cause Levi was rough stock, and he grew up learning to keep it all in, pressed down so nobody could use it against him. He kept it all in, usually. But when he got like this, there it was, plain as anything, all that feeling and hurt he carried around inside him for everyone else, and sometimes Furlan could hardly stand to look.
He couldn’t imagine what that felt like, to be carrying around all that hurt, keeping it all inside like that.
“… Yeah? Well, alright then.” Levi says and starts up emptying the sack again.
“Say, Levi, that can wait ‘till later. I should clean up that gash you got on your temple. Okay? Fix up your hands too.”
Levi keeps unpacking the canned goods for a moment, before he stops, rubbing at his nose again.
“… Okay.” He finally agrees, and Furlan feels an almost dizzying relief.
He has Levi sit down along the bench in what they’ve designated the living area of their small hovel, and tells him he’ll be right back, going to fetch a bowl of water and some clean rags.
They’d filled a couple wooden buckets with water a few days ago, when the ice stopping up the well a little ways from their place had final broken enough apart, but they were gonna’ have to get more soon. Assuming the well hadn’t frozen over again. It probably had. Furlan tries not to think about it. Getting drinkable water down here was almost as hard as getting food, now.
He sees Levi’s removed his cloak, finally, as he makes his way back towards him, and he’s got his arms crossed against his chest, his hands stuck in the pits of his arms. He’s shivering, and Furlan knows he must be freezing, though Levi won’t ever complain about it.
Furlan knows better than to make a fuss about it either. Levi never liked anybody fussing over him.
Instead, Furlan just takes a seat across from him and sets to work, cleaning his wounds.
The gash along his temple is pretty bad. Might even need stitches, Furlan thinks, frowning to himself. He tells Levi as much, and Levi huffs, but doesn’t otherwise protest as Furlan gets up to set the bowl of water to boiling over the fire and fetch a needle to sterilize. He needs to add some kindling to the fire to make it hot enough, and Isabel tosses and turns in her sleep, mumbling incoherently to herself, dreaming.
“She alright?” Levi asks as Furlan comes back.
Furlan shrugs.
“Sure. Good as she can be, I suppose. She’ll be happy to see you’ve got us food.”
“… Yeah.” Levi says, and goes quiet again.
Furlan doesn’t say much as he sets to cleaning and stitching Levi’s wound, good as he can, and Levi doesn’t complain, sitting stiff and still, mouth pulled tight at the corners.
“Hands.” Furlan orders after, and Levi dutifully holds them out for him.
There’s scar tissue all over Levi’s knuckles, the skin split and bleeding now. It must hurt, but Levi gives no indication of it as Furlan works, trying to be gentle as he can.
“Alright.” Furlan says when he finishes, letting Levi’s hands go.
“Thanks, Fur.”
Furlan smiles tightly back.
“No problem.”
Furlan packs the materials away, leaving the used rags in the bowl of water to soak for a bit. He’ll have to clean them later, or Levi will get upset.
Levi busies himself by storing away the food items he’d nabbed, and there’s a heavy, comfortable silence which falls over the place.
Furlan wants to ask Levi if he really thinks they’ll have to move again soon, but he knows Levi will let him and Isabel know if they do. If he’s anything, he’s cautious, and keeps his eyes open and ear to the ground. He’ll know if their spot’s been compromised.
Furlan rummages around in their pile of wood bits they’ve been collecting for kindling, throwing a few more pieces on the fire, stocking it and building the flames back up.
“Levi, you should rest.” He calls to the smaller man after a while, watching Levi move restlessly about the space. He’s got his duster out, aimlessly waving it at different surfaces. Even from half the room away, his face looks gaunt, pale and too thin. The circles under his eyes are like dark bruises. He must be exhausted.
Levi stops, but he doesn’t turn to face Furlan, just stands there, staring at the ground.
“Come on, Levi. You can lay by the fire, try to warm up a little. You need rest.”
“… Okay.” Levi at last relents, placing the duster down and making his way to where Furlan and Isabel are lying together. Furlan scoots some to the side and holds his arm out, inviting, as Levi settles down, nestling against him.
They’re quiet for a while, and Furlan stares absently at the ceiling above them as Levi turns, pressing his face against his shoulder.
There’s a thousand and one things Furlan thinks he wants to say to Levi. He wants to beg him to stop doing this. Going out and putting himself in so much danger like that. He wants to thank Levi for it, for taking care of him and Isabel, even at the expense of himself. Wants to find a way to show Levi how much he appreciates it, how grateful he is. Wants to understand why it is Levi seems to care so little about himself in turn. Why he… treats himself like a tool to be used, instead of a person who matters.
Maybe it’s his fault, Furlan thinks dismally. Maybe, because when he first met Levi, that’s all Furlan saw him as too. A tool. Somebody he wanted, so he could use him to move up in the Underground gangs. Somebody who’s strength he coveted.
He was still using Levi for that, in a way. Even though Levi was their de facto leader, he let Furlan make all the plans, let Furlan, ultimately, call all the shots. He didn’t have to. If Levi wanted, he could rule their gang with an iron fist, and there wasn’t anything Furlan, or anybody else, could do about it. But Levi only ever leant his strength to make Furlan’s plans reality, only ever did all the hard stuff, the dangerous stuff, and Furlan let him.
He thinks he shouldn’t.
But he does, and he knows it’s because it’s comfortable for him, this way. Because he’s too selfish to try and change their setup. Because his plans, he knows, wouldn’t even be possible if he didn’t have Levi backing him up.
So he says nothing now, just curls his arms tighter round Levi and Isabel both, lets the silence settle over them as the night deepens outside.
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unabashegirl · 1 year
Different 1 (HS)
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Summary: Harry is just like any other college student. He is a senior in Chicago University. He keeps to himself except when he is spending time with his closest friends, Sarah and Mitch. His world revolves around his future career, friends, and family. His quiet and routine driven life takes a turn, one weekend when he meets Y/N Y/L/N. She is way too different from him. She spends most of her days surrounded by people who care for superficial and materialistic things. Her parents are never home, and they think that with money everything can be solved. They are both from different worlds yet something that night clicks and Y/N can never again get him off her mind.
Author's note: I've decided to post the first chapter of Different. It is a story that is EXCLUSIVE for my Patreon subscribers. There are already NINE chapters posted.
Word count: 2.5K
DISCLAIMER: the following story is only available and exclusively posted on Patreon.
“So, are you coming?” Mitch asked him as they sat in the dining hall of the university and attempted to eat what they had chosen as their meal. Harry had ordered a warm tortilla soup and a side salad with some lemonade. He was a messy eater, and so he was careful not to spill any soup on his white sweater or worst yet, stain his sleeves.
“To Y/N’s party?” He asked unbothered and disinterested in the idea of partying at some rich girl’s house. “Are you even invited?” Harry had no intention of getting in trouble, especially for such a superficial thing as attending a party of an almost stranger.
“Obviously not” Harry rolled his eyes at him as he looked through the notes of his upcoming biochemistry class. “Emma was and I am sure if we ask her, she’ll help us get in.”
“We are barely friends with her!” He argued getting annoyed by his persistence. “Why are you so interested in going?” Harry challenged wanting to know the true reason. “We rarely see her. She is on another major and most importantly you don’t know her!”
“Isn’t she studying psychology or something ?” Sarah asked as she continued eating the grapes that she had carefully packed that morning. Mitch only nodded and took a sip out of his vitamin water.
“So what? I want to get to know her. It’s senior year, H. Let’s finally do something fun” Harry snorted but eventually gave in. Mitch had always craved to be popular and well-known around campus. Although he barely could count his friends on one hand. He blamed it on not having enough time to manage everything. Yet he barely turned in assignments. On the other hand, Harry was an introvert. He hated the uncomfortable silences that surged in conversations with strangers. Therefore, he avoided talking and making conversation altogether.
But either way no matter how annoyed Harry got with Mitch, they were still best friends.
That weekend they found themselves crammed into a small vehicle heading up north, where Y/N’s family house was situated. In a small town named Lake Forest. The town was known for its enormous and pricey houses. As soon as they pulled up into her street Harry already regretted leaving the dorms.
Mitch decided to park the car a few blocks away from the house due to the high congestion of cars. Emma was already waiting for them at the front of the gate with a drink in her hand.
“It’s about time you showed up! I am freezing my ass!” She complained evidently cold from the already low temperatures at the North Shore in early August. Y/N’s house was right on the coast of the Michigan River making the breeze even colder. “Come on already!” She stumped her food on the ground just like a little kid would do when throwing a tantrum. Regardless, she reached over and dialed the intercom.
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“Hello?” A soft voice greeted them.
“Hey babe is Emma, could you open the door?” Her tone was completely different from the one that she was using a few minutes ago with them. She was cheerful and happy and kind.
“Oh hey! Yeah sure! Let me buzz you in!” Then within a matter of seconds, the front doors of the house opened up to them revealing a long driveway towards the house. The sides of the driveway were decorated with trees and bushes. Emma lead the way as the rest of them looked around awestruck.
“Who needs such a long driveway anyway?” Sarah questioned clearly annoyed by the attention that they were all giving Y/N without even having to meet her.
“Please don’t be weird” Emma pleaded with them when we came to the end of the road and across her huge house. “She is really nice. So, no need to be assholes” They all nodded before Sarah opened the door.
It wasn’t like Harry expected it to be like. He had assumed that the party would be filled with snobby super-rich kids complaining about their lives but to his surprise, there were people from all over, including people from their major.
There was also space to walk, talk and even sit without having to push or shove people around. Harry knew it was one of the perks of having a big ass house.
“Emma! Hey!” A girl smiled at her and began approaching them. She leaned in and hugged her tightly. “I am so glad you made it!”
“Hey! You look great!” Emma smiled widely at her “How’ve you been?”
“Good! How about yourself?” Emma goes on to explain her boy's problems and the issues about the current gossip going around involving her. All while the rest stood back and tried their best to follow. “Oh! These are my friends Harry, Sarah, and Mitch” She introduced them after a few minutes. I looked up and smiled at her still not sure what to make of her. “This is Y/N guys”
Y/N Y/L/N was pretty known around campus. She was an extrovert. She had at least one friend in every class. Y/N would befriend anyone who seemed lonely. She had this resting bitch face which people misinterpreted.
Harry’s eyes scanned her body and face wanting to confirm everything that Mitch had told him. He spoke about her none stop and even stalked her social media and followers.
She had this gorgeous, thick hair that ran down her back and stopped a few inches above her butt. She had doe-eyes that could move crowds. Y/N wore some type of black shirt, with blue jeans and an oversized cardigan. Her hair was pushed back, and she wore a shiny necklace that stole everyone’s attention. It had been a gift from her grandfather. It held a special place in her heart. She has never taken it off ever since it was gifted to her.
“Hi, guys, nice to meet you” Her voice was even appealing — Harry thought. She shook all of their hands, and she shook Harry’s hand last.
Y/N had never before interacted with him. She had seen him around campus with Emma yet she had never had a conversation with him. Let alone notice his natural beauty. She instantly found him attractive. He wore a simple black hoodie, beige jeans, and vans. His hair was stunning and his face structure reminded her of the carved statues in the museum.
Harry licked his lips and looked away. He felt intimidated by her glaze. His mouth was suddenly too dry and he needed a drink.
“Please help yourself in the kitchen and enjoy yourselves. Let me know if you need anything else” Y/N insisted just before she disappeared in the wave of people.
“What the fuck was that?” Mitch gasped for air, seconds after she left. “Did you see that ass?” Harry chuckled and shook his head at him. “Isn’t she stunning?”
“Yes, Mitch” Harry muttered. Mitch dragged him towards the kitchen in search of some drinks and snacks. “And you wonder why you are still single”. Harry said to him.
Mitch chuckled and continued to pour vodka into three red cups.
“That kind of girl only dates guys with trust funds,” Sarah remarked reaching out for a cup. “And you two don’t qualify”.
“Somebody’s cranky” Mitch poked her on her side. It was clear that Sarah wasn’t too happy. She knew it was silly, yet she couldn’t explain the feeling that bubbled within her. She was pretty but her confidence made her uncomfortable.
“Somebody needs to shut the fuck up” She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Now what?” Harry walked behind them as she exited the kitchen.
“Now we look around the house and try to guess how much everything is worth” Mitch winked, there were two huge glass doors that gave out to the backyard. They were open, expanding the length of the living room. People stood out around a small fire pit. Green grass extended and covered all of the property, ending by the wooden dock over the lake. “She has a fucking boat. Unbelievable” Mitch gasped under his breath.
“It’s my father’s” Her voice startled them as she walked up to them from behind. She barely used it anymore because the weather was starting to get cooler “It’s useful during the summer” Y/N would use it as a car and would drive to her other friends’ docks. “What’s your major?” she finally asked.
“Biology” Harry responded, “Mitch’s is engineering, and Sarah is in economics”.
Y/N leaned against the back of the couch, looking for some support for her back. She had been spending too much time hunched over the books in the library.
“That explains why I rarely see you on campus” Harry was studying biology with the intention of entering medical school. He had even already presented all the standardized exams to enter. He was just waiting for the results. Meanwhile, Mitch was staying in Chicago and Sarah was looking at job opportunities on the east coast.
“Y/N” a guy roughly around their age, walked up to them. His name was Brian and was pretty known around campus. His friends and he studied economics with Sarah. She tried her best to ignore him most days. She sat in front of him and detested the way he talked with superiority to others. Brian wrapped his arms around Y/N as he owned her. Like she was his and the world needed to know.
The gesture generated a small spark of jealousy within Harry.
“Hey. I am glad you made it” She slowly and gently tore off him. Y/N felt uncomfortable and so she took a step backward, trying to gain some distance between them.
“I bought more drinks. The boys are taking them into the kitchen”. Sarah rolled her eyes at the mention of the ‘boys’. She felt like she was back in high school when the popular kids were in this one group that was untouchable and desired by many. “Sorry and who are you?”
“These are my friends” Y/N warmly smiled.
“Right,” he nodded as he stared down at them. “Sarah! I didn’t know you came to these types of things”. She faked smiled back yet held back from insulting him. Brian would really get on her nerves.
“Go get yourself a drink” Y/N suggested, embarrassed of him.
Harry paid no attention to him. He was too invested in holding stares with Y/N.
“Will I get to speak to you later?” Brian looked down at her with a hard state, “Alone” he added. Y/N nodded slightly earning a soft stroke on the side of her face before he left them.
“Sorry about that. Brian plays hockey and his father is the owner of this amusement park corporation, and he thinks he is the big shit” They laughed but Harry could tell that she was still bothered by his attitude.
The party picked up after a few hours. Everyone was spilling drinks and the floor had gotten to that point where it was sticky, but people were having fun. Harry sat on the kitchen floor because all of the couches were occupied by horny couples. He was tired from all the dancing that Sarah and Emma had forced him into.
“A- a bit” he stuttered surprised to see Y/N sitting beside him. “Y-you?”
“Very much” She admitted. She lived in an apartment in the city that her parents had bought for her during her freshman year. It was a small studio apartment. It was her haven which is why she never threw parties there. That and the fact that it was too small. Therefore, she had driven just like everyone else.
“Aren’t you worried they are trashing the place?” He was curious as to why she wasn’t kicking everyone out of the house, and she was so relaxed.
“They are having fun” Y/N watched Sarah and Mitch holding each other’s hand and spinning around in her living room and hysterically laughing at one another. “That’s what matters. Plus, it’s my parent's house” she shrugged.
“Aren’t they going to kill you?” Y/N’s parents were a touchy subject for her. She isn’t tensed up and quieted down. Harry instantly noticed that his comment had made her uncomfortable.
“They don’t really care” The psychology student confessed. She was surprised by herself. Y/N never spoke about them. She had a difficult relationship with them.
“I- I understand the feeling” He smiled at her weakly. And so, they allowed the comfortable silence to engulf them.
A few hours later, Mitch was drunk and so was Emma. Most people had already left. It was mostly them and three other friends of Y/N’s.
“I guess we should get going” Harry rose to his feet, pulling Mitch up too.
“Would you like some help?” She asked as she pulled Mitch’s other arm over her shoulder. They quietly dragged him out of the house and sat him on the steps leading up to the main entrance.
“Why don’t you go get the car and I’ll buzz you in, so you don’t have to drag him all the way down the street” She suggested. Harry remained quiet and ran out for the car. Meanwhile, Y/N woke up Sarah who had passed out on the couch in the living room.
Harry pulled up and unlocked the car doors so moving/ carrying Mitch was easier. Sarah got in the car by herself. Meanwhile, Harry and Y/N helped Mitch sit upright on the seat.
“You are so beautiful” Mitch slurred to her as she leaned over him to bucked him in. “Date me” he divulges. Y/N laughed at his drunken state.
“Next time big boy” She kissed his cheek and winked. Mitch threw his head back and passed out with a big smile.
“Oh! forgot about Emma!” Harry exclaimed, he felt Y/N’s hand on his forearm which instantly stopped any movement.
“She can stay here. Let her sleep. My parents aren’t home so the company would be nice” She pointed out. “I’ll drive her tomorrow”.
“O-okay” Harry stuttered then cleared his throat “Thank you for having us” Y/N leaned in and hugged him gently.
“Thank you for coming” She muttered before she pulled away. “I had lots of fun! Drive safe”
Harry smiled at her before getting into the car. He watched her through the rearview mirror as she waved. He found himself perplexed by her kindness, her beauty, her eyes, and her simplicity. It was too bad that they belonged to different worlds — he pondered.
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bridgyrose · 3 months
Angsty ask for you Blake gets rabies (maybe from a bat?) and goes Cujo
(Be warned, I've never read Cujo, so... have a twist on this)
“Ouch!” Blake yelled out as she swatted a bat away after it bit her. She had already regretted following her team into the cave to clear out some ravagers, not that they really had a choice. The ravagers in Vacuo had started to get a bit more restless, attacking people who managed to get too close to their caves. Though, the bats and other creatures that lived in those same caves also seemed to be just as restless. “How much longer until we reach the nest?” 
“Not… too much… farther!” Ruby said as she tried to swat a few bats away with her folded scythe. “Yang, Weiss, can one of you do something about these?” 
“Duck!” Weiss yelled. 
Blake ducked with the rest of her team, covering her ears as created a glyph and sent out a jet of flame down the cave, scaring off the rest of the bats as they fluttered away over the flames and out the cave. As the flames died down, Blake sighed and checked her wound, cleaning it and bandaging up. 
Yang sat down and sighed. “I think here’s a good spot to rest.” 
Ruby nodded and sat her pack down. “We’ll stop here for an hour, so go ahead and eat and check your weapons before we go deeper. Once we find that nest, we wont be able to leave.” 
Blake nodded and relaxed a bit as she caught her breath, already feeling the bat bite start to itch. That was to be expected as her aura tried to heal the wound now that she could sit down and rest, though the bats being this aggressive was a bit off. Usually they kept to themselves unless they were agitated. 
A few echoing snarls and the sounds of wings flapping furiously through the cave gave the sign that her rest was coming to an abrupt stop as glowing red eyes started to become visible. 
“Get ready!” Ruby yelled as she unfolded her scythe into its sniper mode. “Weiss, slow them down with a few ice glyphs. Yang, see if you can use a few of the rocks to thin them out. And Blake, keep Weiss covered in case there’s any other tunnels we missed.” 
“Got it,” Blake said as she got behind Weiss, watching the dark for any red eyes as the air went cold. Even without looking, she could tell that Weiss was using her glyphs to try to freeze as many as she could while Yang used a few loose rocks and stones to try to shatter the ravagers that Ruby missed. She blinked and pulled back when she saw a deathstalker come into the light, arms shaking as she took a few shots. 
“Everything good, Blake?” Yang asked as she threw another rock at a frozen ravager. 
“I-I’m fine!” Blake called out as she watched another few shots go straight through the grimm she saw in front of her. The *click* of the empty gun sounded out to her as she tried fumbled around for a new magazine. Then, as the light flickered, the grimm disappeared. She relaxed a bit as she watched the dark tunnel, listening to her teammates take on the ravagers behind her. 
Blake sighed as she felt her forehead, a fever still going strong. She splashed some water over her face to help try to cool herself down a bit as she tried to get herself ready for the day, pausing in her step as she heard a knock on her apartment door. Without a second thought, she picked up her weapon, hands shaking as she made her way to her front door and peeked out the peephole. 
“Blake,” Ruby asked. “Are you home?” 
Blake took a deep breath as she tried to relax, still holding tight to her weapon as she opened her door a crack. “Yeah, I’m… I’m still sick.” 
“Would it be alright if I come in to check in on you?” 
Blake nodded and opened the door to let Ruby in, fingers twitching as she laid her weapon down on the table next to the door. She took another breath, feeling her chest tighten a bit as she went to sit down. “I thought you were giving your report to Ozpin.” 
Ruby sat down next to Blake. “I want to, but I’m worried about you more right now. You havent been the same since we got back from Vacuo.” 
“I’m fine!” Blake said with a half growl, almost angry at the accusation that she wasnt alright. She looked away from Ruby when she noticed the look on her face, her heart hurting for a moment. “I’m… I’m fine. Its just a fever. A few days of rest and medication will make me feel better.” 
“Its not just the fever, its everything else. Ever since we’ve gotten back, you havent been yourself.” 
“I told you I’m fine.” 
“Are you?” 
Blake sighed, then paused when she thought she saw Adam sitting where Ruby had been. She blinked a couple times, still certain about what she’d seen. “Y-yes,” she answered after a long pause. “I-I, uh… I’m fine.” 
“Maybe we should take you to the doctor-” 
“Dont touch me!” Blake paled as she watched Ruby’s form start to twist in front of her, hearing a hiss of a grimm she couldnt see. With a few careful steps, she made her way to her weapon, clumsily picking it up in a hurry. “Leave me alone!” 
Ruby took a step back. “Blake? Its just me.” 
Blake shook as she held the gun of Gambol Shroud out at Ruby, hearing Adam’s voice in place of hers. Her eyes darted to the window, taking a step closer as she watched Ruby’s image continue to twist. “P-please, stay away from me!” 
“Tell me what’s going on and I can help you-” 
Blake took a shot as she watched Ruby move close to her, fingers shaking on the trigger as her ears rang. Panic set in as she watched Ruby change into a grimm, taking another couple shots as she watched the grimm move out of the way of the first shot, then wince as the second hit. Finally, she shot the window and jumped out, running down the street as the world around her seemed to twist, seeing faces from the White Fang watching her from the side of the road. Her heart raced as she continued to run down the street, two words running through her mind.
Run. Hide. 
Those two words echoed around her as she kept running down the street, taking shots at the grimm and White Fang around her until she was able to leave the city. Her vision cleared up as she ran into the trees, dropping to the ground as her fever started to worsen and her body gave out, exhausted from the panic she felt.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Jason being soft for apprentice!reader?
Jason held up his hand to cut off Bruce's protests and smiled a little, "She can't relocate here. And right now she needs me more than Gotham does."
Bruce shut his mouth and nodded slowly, "Is she any better?"
"Not really," he said shaking his head, "but at least she's not losing weight like she was, she's managed to find a few more things she can eat."
He nodded again and exhaled slowly, "How long-"
"As long as it takes," he said shrugging. "She can shorten my commute for me but right now- she doesn't have the energy. And honestly it's bad." Jason raked his fingers through his hair feeling guilty. The month you'd spent struggling had been hard on you. And even if you were doing better now and you didn't blame him- he still hated seeing what it did to you.
"Let us know if you need anything," he said sincerely, feeling a sense of pride. "Like an engagement ring-"
Jason rolled his eyes but his feet shifted anyway, "You know it's not 1950 anymore right?"
"You don't want to marry her?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"She doesn't care one way or the other," Jason snorted. You waited to have sex because you wanted it to be your true love. You wanted to follow that tradition. It wasn't some weird puritanical idea. It was just... tradition. Marriage wasn't necessarily a part of it though.
And as Jason walked out of the study, going to make his way back to your pokey little house, all he can do is shake his head. And he hoped that everything was going to turn out alright. The thought of Jason if anything happened to you... or the baby he was already starting to love, there was going to be hell to pay.
Jason led you up the steps and kissed the side of your head, "You okay?"
You nod, mint clicking against your teeth and sigh, "Just tired."
"Sorry sweetheart," he said softly. "We won't stay long and I'll take you home and put you in bed. Alfred threatened me with blackmail if I didn't bring you to Sunday dinner."
"Even if I can't eat it."
Jason snorted and tilted your chin up to steal a kiss before leading you inside to face the onslaught.
It started fine. You accepted hugs and teasing with your usual good humor. Letting Steph and Cass pester you about baby names and make promises to beat Jason up for you if he said anything else stupid. It was almost like it had been, except for the almost visible shock they couldn't quite hide when they saw how breakable you looked.
It got less fine very suddenly when you went to stand up to follow Steph to go look at something she found on the internet that she thought might be bullshit, but she wanted you to try and cast it to see.
You wavered on your feet for just a second and before Jason could make it there to catch you, you crumpled to the floor like paper, your head hitting the floor with a crack that made his stomach turn.
He knelt next to you, and felt your hand as he adjusted you on the floor. It was freezing and he winced.
"What can we-"
"Just a blanket and something with sugar in it- Not orange juice. Not unless you want to watch her puke it back up," he answered, not caring who'd spoken as he shifted you into his arms to carry you to a sofa. "Maybe an ice pack. And a trash can."
He stroked your hair gently and kissed your forehead. All he could do was wait for you to come back around. And when you did, struggling to get up, startled, he held you still. "You fainted," he said quietly, "You're okay. We're gonna get you something and a blanket. Just lay still for a minute."
When you shake your head in protest, he takes the trashcan and sets it down for you, holding your hair out of your face carefully. Glad no one could see the way he cringed every time you dry heaved. "I'm sorry sweetheart," he soothed, taking a box of tissues from Cass with a smile of thanks.
"Oh dear," Alfred said, concerned. Holding a glass of juice in one hand an an icepack in the other.
"It happens," he said exhaling slowly. "I think I should take her home."
"She needs to see a doctor," Bruce started.
"We have a check up tomorrow," Jason said, rubbing your back and handing you tissues so you could wipe you face off before you sat up.
"Why ow?" Jason asked, concerned.
"My ribs hurt," you groan, letting him help you lay back.
Jason offered you the juice, glad it wasn't cold and help you take a sip. "Anything else hurt?"
"Why does my head hurt?"
"You cracked it on the floor pretty good," he said, tucking the blanket closer to you.
You sigh and push the juice away, afraid to drink anything else, "Lame."
"Yeah," he snorted, "A mild concussion is exactly what you needed right now, huh?"
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sweet-lemon · 2 years
Little Vixen Pt.7
Pt. 6, Pt. 8
This took longer than I expected, but I kept going back and changing it. I finally got it to a point that I like. I hope you like it!
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Reader POV
The man before you grinned as his eyes followed Emily’s running form. Before he had the chance to chase after her you were already shifting and charging at him.
As soon as he saw your form coming at him, he turned towards the woods. Almost like chasing after him was all a game. Not this time, you would make sure this was his last day in Forks. That thought alone seemed to make you faster and more focused.
It felt as if seconds had passed as you closed the distance. He was about to jump into the branches above until you crashed into him. Slamming your whole body into his side.
This caught him off guard and made him forget about trying to run. Instead he turned all of his attention on you. It was a stale mate as you both circled each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.
This gave you time to really look at him. His skin was somehow paler than the other vampires you had seen. His red eyes more manic than the deep burgundy of the older ones. He didn’t look newborn but the erratic energy you were getting from him confused you.
“Who are you?” You asked.
“Branislav.” He said as he held his hand over his chest and tipped his head down. His accent and name sounding foreign and antiquated at the same time.
“What are you doing here?” You tried again, not liking his one-word answer.
“Enjoying the festivities as you were.” The grin on his face spread wider.
“For someone who’s sure to have seen many festivals in their lifetime a small town like this must seem boring.”
“Not at all, the food is particularly good.”
“Well I’m afraid the food is no longer available. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.”
“I’m sorry my dear, a friend has requested my services. Thus, I must extend my stay.”
“And who would this friend be?”
“A beautiful woman with red hair as lively as your fur.”
You immediately knew he was talking about the vampire you had seen before. Her red curls descending the cliff flashed through you mind. If Paul hadn’t stopped you, you would have jumped after her.
“What kind of services do you provide?” You asked.
The chuckle that reverberated from his chest seemed to expand out of his body and surround you. You closed your eyes to try and shake that echo in your head, but when you opened them a second later he vanished right in front of you.
Quickly looking around the trees you tried to spot him. You thought he must have run off again until you felt a shiver run through your body. You felt his breath ghost over your right ear before his voice followed.
“My services…” His soft whisper somehow making your body freeze in place. “..could be compared to a psychiatrist.” He chuckled once again, though this time you felt it reverberate through your head until it was pounding against your brain.
“Except, I can do whatever I want with your mind.” The dull pounding against your brain seemed to shatter a barrier at his last word.
Suddenly your eyes were blurring, and your hearing was dulling. In seconds all of your senses were shutting down and the world around you had disappeared.
In a panic you didn’t know what to do but call out for help. There was only one person you had started to look up to, started to trust, started to see as your alpha.
Wolf pack POV
They managed to snatch two picnic tables that were placed by one another. They would be able to seat everyone and eat in peace. Sam, Paul and Jared took a seat while everyone else went to get everyone something to eat.
“So did you ask her out yet?” Jared asked.
“What?” Paul asked a bit bothered by the question.
“You guys looked like you were having a lot of fun back there. I just figured you asked her out already.” Jared replied nonchalant.
Sam just nodded his head in agreement. He had seen how close Paul and [Y/n] were getting. Even if [Y/n] didn’t know about the imprint it still meant that they were bound to be close. Be that as friends or something more, they were supposed to be in each other’s lives.
“No, I didn’t ask her out.” Paul grumbled out.
“Aww, why not?” Jared continued.
Sam was ready to step in and stop Jared’s teasing. It was one thing to get Paul riled up in the privacy of his cabin, but out in public was a dangerous line to cross. He was about to ask Jared to calm it down until he notices Paul’s frustration fade and his shoulders sag.
“I just… I don’t know. You guys heard her talk about how she imprinted with her old pack. What if…” Paul seemed to be thinking if he should voice his concern out loud.
“What is it Paul?” Sam asked trying to understand his friends’ feelings.
“What if she imprints on someone else? What if I’m not her soul mate?” He answered quietly almost like he was ashamed about his worries.
“Paul, imprinting is a hard thing to understand. I loved Leah, I thought she was going to be the girl I would marry and spend the rest of my life with. We don’t get to choose who we love or what our imprint means to that person. All we can do is hope for the best and try to do right by that person.” Sam answered the best he could.
He knew it was a hard subject to get into. He still hated how much he had hurt Leah, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. Emily was everything to him. He would do anything for her.
Just as he was deep in thought about his imprint he caught sight of her running towards him. He instantly got up and met her halfway, Jared and Paul close behind them. The look on her face alerting him to danger.
“Emily, what’s wrong?” He asked as soon as he reached her.
“The vampire is here… [Y/n]’s with them.” She managed to breath out.
Jared went to alert the others as Paul and Sam ran out to the parking lot. The farther out towards the parking lot they went the heavier the stench of death became. It wasn’t long before they found the dead body behind the cars.
Sam took one look at the body and immediately began scanning the trees lining the woods nearby. He saw a dent in the bushes and new they had gone in that direction. With Paul behind him and the others not far behind he shifted as soon as he entered the darkness of the woods.
As soon as his paws landed on the leaf covered ground a voice he had only heard in human form rang through his mind.
He instantly sprinted into action. It seemed like his body knew where he was going before he did. Paul followed him without question. The clear worry written all over his face.
It wasn’t long before they spotted bright red fur shining through the trees. Sam was racing towards her until Paul blocked his path.
“Wait! Something’s not right.” Paul said looking back at the fox shifter.
“What do you mean?” Sam asked looking at her as well.
“I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right.” She was standing still and blankly staring out into the woods. Almost like she was in a trance.
“Paul I heard her; she needs our help.” Sam didn’t understand Paul’s hesitation.
“You heard her?” He asked, confusion lacing his every word.
Sam was about to answer him when he heard the others running towards them. Leah came up to them puzzled at their stance away from [Y/n].
“Why are you just standing here?” She asked.
“Something’s off.” Paul rushed to say. Though he was too late as he saw Embry almost crash into the fox.
“Hey are you okay?” Embry asked taking a step back from her.
The way she slowly turned to face him sent a chill down everyone’s spine. Her eyes had lost their [y/e/c] hue and instead a smoky white peered out towards them. She gave out a warning growl, but in Embry’s confusion he just stood in front of her.
“Embry get back!” Sam called out to him. Paul was right something was wrong with her.
Embry jerked his head to the side to look at Sam. The sudden movement had set her off. The snarl that took over her face was more animalistic than they’d ever seen her. It was like her human side was gone and the animal had taken over.
Her snarl grew pulling her ears back and finally lowering her body into a crouch. She was ready to attack at any second.
Sam took a risk and slowly approached her. Once she spotted him her snarl deepened and she growled his way. He lowered himself to her level and kept his eyes locked on hers as he moved in front of Embry.
“[Y/n]” He called out to her. There was a jerk of familiarity in her face before it quickly disappeared.
“She can’t really hear you my friend.” A voice called out from above them.
Sam dared to take his eyes off her form to look up. In the trees a blond man wearing all black glanced down at them.
“What did you do to her?” Paul growled positioning himself under the man.
“Nothing yet.” He called out jumping onto another branch. “It’s not your pack that I’m after.”
“Who then?” Sam asked.
“That small brunette. Apparently she is the reason for the death of my friend’s mate.” He replied in a cool manner. “With you all here Victoria has nothing to worry about.”
Sam knew Jacob was still with Bella, but he wouldn’t be able to catch the vampire if she tried running again. He jerked his head towards Leah and Seth wordlessly asking them to catch up to Jacob and Bella.
“Tsk tsk, bad choice. You won’t be able to get both of us if your pack is separated.”
“Then we’ll just have to kill you before we kill your friend.” Paul growled still positioned to attack.
The blond man chuckled before jumping onto the next tree branch and began making his way through the tree branches. Paul sprang into action to chase after him but was shoved out of the way by a mass of red fur.
“What are you doing?” Sam called out to her. It looked like she heard him but that only made her charge in his direction.
“Don’t lose him, I’ll take care of her.” He called out to them. The others ran out to follow the order, but Paul hesitated.
“I won’t hurt her.” Sam called out to him. With a jerky nod Paul began running in the direction of the vampire.
“[Y/n], I know you can hear me.” He tried talking to her. They were circling each other now waiting for the other to slip up. “You called out my name, I heard you.”
Her eyes that were tracking his every move suddenly looked lost. The look vanished instantly just like before. The small moment of hesitation seemed to frustrate her to the point of lunging in his direction.
He dodged away from her as much as he could. She was focused on his every move and began to notice what he was doing. When he went to dodge her next attack she moved to tackle him from the other side.
Once she was on top of him it was hard to get away. His arms were much longer and were the only thing keeping her from biting into his flesh. Her fangs were sharp and dripping saliva onto the fur of his neck.
When she tried pushing her weight down to chomp at his flesh he used the momentum to flip them over and pin her down. It didn’t matter to her in her feral state. She was still snarling and trying to bite at anything near her.
“[Y/n]!” He growled using his alpha tone. That managed to grab her attention.
For just a split second the white covering her eyes appeared to fade. Suddenly she used strength he didn’t know she had to shove him off. She began to charge at him again, the feral look back on her face.
The vampire must have thought they were a joke because it didn’t take long for them to catch up to him. He would stop every once in a while to mock them.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Paul grunted as he jumped from the boulders the vampire had just passed.
“We need to catch him first.” Jared called out.
“We could split up and corner him.” Quil said running beside them.
Jared nodded as he split off to run further north. Quil and Embry veered south, and Paul stayed on course to make sure he didn’t lose sight of him.
“What’s wrong little volk, did your friends leave you?” He taunted from a cliff side.
Paul growled and started to climb the slope of the cliff. He began running alongside the leech on a lower ridge. Paul was growling and snarling anything to keep his attention on him.
He could hear the vampire laughing all the while. It was when the laughing was abruptly cut short that Paul knew Jared had caught up.
The vampire jumped over him towards the trees below the ridge. Before he could make it to the branches Embry and Quil sprang out of the woods each one biting onto an arm.
Paul jumped down from the ridge with Jared right behind him. The vampire was cursing in his native tongue as he struggled between the two wolves.
Paul walked up to him and pressed his weight down on the pale man’s chest. The rough cracking of his arms being ripped off rang through the air. The man’s yell thundered even louder as he started writhing on the ground. Paul leaned forward snarling in his face.
“Stop! If you kill me now your friend will never return to normal.” He cried out trying to save his pathetic life.
It was Paul’s turn to laugh at the man. “We know that your powers stop working as soon as you die.” He said as he held him down with all his weight.
Jared positioned himself in front of them and easily tore the head off his body. The stiff body, discarded arms, and emotionless head looked like every other vampire they had killed before.
They were about to gather the pieces together to move on to the next step of disposing the leech. As soon as the pieces were close though a weird smoke began rising from the body. The smell that lifted into the air was worse than death.
The four boys took a step back wrinkling their noses from the stench. Confused and disgusted they watched as the smoke started bubbling on the crystal skin that peeked out from his tattered clothes.
“What the fuck is going on?” Embry asked.
“I’ve never seen this before.” Jared replied.
Before anything else could happen the smoke around the body thickened. It quickly enveloped them in a thick fog blinding them from their surroundings.
“Jared?” Paul called out. The only response he got from the fog was a rumbling chuckle.
“Did you really think it would be that easy to kill me?” A dark silhouette asked from the gray mist. It stepped closer but the only thing that became visible was a wide grin. The sharp white teeth taunting him.
Paul lunged at the figure, but it seemed like he didn’t move an inch. The figure was the same distance it had been a second ago.
“Uh-uh little volk, it doesn’t work like that.” It said wagging a dark finger in the mist. “Tell that little foxy I will see her soon.” It said as it stepped back disappearing into the gray nothingness.
At the mention of a fox Paul felt his anger rise. He chased after the figure in the fog determined to sink his teeth into him.
It felt like he ran a mile until he saw a figure close in front of him. Without thinking he rammed his whole weight into the figure.
“Wow Paul calm down.” He heard Jared’s voice call out.
The fog around him began to evaporate as the figure began to turn into a chocolate-colored wolf.
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked stepping off Quil.
“Yeah, are you?” Quil asked back.
Reader POV
You could see everything you were doing. The way Sam was avoiding your attacks and holding you back when you managed to pin him down, made you upset. You tried to stop, tried to get control of your body.
The muscles on your body tightened before you sprang towards a tree. The bark scraped against your paws as you used it ricochet your body towards Sam. He wasn’t able to move out of the way, instead he twisted his body using your own weight against you. You could feel the sting of rocks and exposed roots digging into your side. Sam’s weight settling over you.
You were so tired. You didn’t want to move, but your body jerked against him. You mouth snarling and biting in his direction.
“[Y/n]!” He called out your name again. Every time he called out to you an invisible force in your chest lurched towards him.
Your fox wanted to submit to the alpha and follow his orders. Yet the sensation was quickly yanked back by another force. It felt like an invisible hand had a hold on your soul and yanked it in the opposite direction.
Another surge of energy rushed through you like a zap of lightning. You were about to push him off when your body suddenly went limp.
You didn’t care that Sam was still on top of you. You used the control you regained over your body to take a deep breath. It was almost like you were hyperventilating as you tried to calm your body down from the unusual adrenaline that still coursed through you.
“[Y/n]?” Sam asked as he slowly began to move away from you.
“Yeah.” You said in between breaths.
“Jared,” You heard him call out. “What’s going on?”
All you heard was silence, but Sam seemed to hear a reply as he kept talking to Jared. You ignored the one-sided conversation in favor of standing up and trying to ease your tight and cramping muscles.
“Are you coming?” Sam asked close beside you.
“The guys are close; we’re heading over to Bella’s house.” He explained. The look he was giving you was still wary with a hint of concern. You could feel a familiar sense running through your body as you looked back at him.
Mentally smiling you nodded your head and followed after your new alpha.
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thecosmicsailor · 1 year
Haiii I’m posting my cowboy writing bc I have the overwhelming need to make other people look at them. Enjoy :}
Out in the wastelands, everybody you meet is an enemy. Resources are scarce, and good hiding places are even more so. Any potential threat to your supplies is a potential threat to your life.
So when Sidney finds another teenager sleeping in the ravine wall he had been camping out in, his first thought is to kill him.
But… he managed to get a pretty big kill on his last hunt, and he had just found a pretty good amount of wild fruits, and the kid doesn’t seem like he touched too much. All that’s missing is some roots and a few pieces of jerky. He scowls and grumbles, but puts his bag down and nudges the kid’s side until he moves. “C’mon dickhead, get up.”
He squirms on the floor for a moment, but groggily rubs the sleep out of his eyes. They’re bright orange, and nearly entirely hidden under his hair and giant stupid wizard hat, but they’re filled with a kind of fear that Sidney is very familiar with as they look up at him. The kid tries to scramble away from him, but he’s already backed up against the wall so he ends up just banging his head on the stone.
Sidney just sighs as he stands on shaky legs and backs further into the cavern. “I-I’m sorry,” he stammers, “Please don’t kill me, I’ll leave, I-I can give you, um… s-something! I—”
“Shut up, squirt, I’m not gonna kill ya,” Sidney snaps. “Just, fuckin’...” He scoops up a coyote skin and ties it around a part of his last hunt, along with a few of the berries he just gathered. He stomps over to the kid, who has now backed up as far as possible, and shoves the package into his arms. “There. Now get out,” he growls, punctuating it by flinging his own arm up to point to the exit.
The kid just stands there, mouth open. Sidney’s eye twitches. “Git!” he snaps, and the kid is off like a rocket.
He huffs. Hopefully he won’t just end up getting himself killed by freezing like that again, or he’d’ve just wasted a good bit of food for no reason.
A week or so later, Sidney finds a bundle of roots shakily tied with snake skin in his cavern, along with a note.
Thank you
The next time Sidney sees Alex, he’s moved to the side of a mountain, and he’s out on a hunt.
It’s been a good day. He’s got a fox in his sights- a big one, and after he’s already bagged a few rabbits in his traps earlier. He lines up his revolver, and-
The hair on the back of his neck stands up as the fox leaps out of the way of a thin, orange spear and sprints into the brush. A few more spears get shot at it, but they’re sloppy and go wide. He hears a soft “Nooo…” and who steps out from behind a boulder but the teen with the stupid hat. Gods, he doesn’t even have any goggles.
“Great job, asshole,” Sidney shouts as he rises from his spot. Alex looks like a deer in a god’s sights when he snaps his head towards him.
“S-sorry,” he mutters, and practically folds in on himself. “I, uh. Didn’t know you were around here.”
Sidney rolls his eyes and strides over. He claps a hand onto Alex’s shoulder and starts dragging him away from the clearing, ignoring his yelp. “Won’t matter if anyone steals yer kill if y’ can’t even hit anything. Let’s go see if we can’t find that fox again.”
They did end up finding the fox again, and Sidney ended up coaching Alex into aiming at it properly this time. They eat together later that day, and sleep in a small alcove with their backs to the walls.
When Sidney wakes up, Alex is still asleep, with his head buried in his hat. His first thought is how easy it would be to kill him, but he brushes it off. He’s put a stupid amount of effort into keeping the kid alive, it’d be counterproductive to just kill him himself. Instead, he brushes his bangs out of his face, cracks his sore joints and gets to work on packing his things up.
He’s gotten to cleaning his guns when Alex wakes up. Sidney’s left all his stuff alone, so he gets to packing his own things up after orienting himself.
Sidney stands and slips his goggles on, and moves to leave the alcove. “See ya, Alex. Keep yerself alive out there,” he says. He tosses a wave over his shoulder and doesn’t look back.
He’s only gone a minute or so away when he hears footsteps behind him. He turns, and Alex is running after him.
“Whaddaya want, squirt?” He grunts.
Alex takes a moment to catch his breath, and adjusts his hat. “D-Do you think, um, I could come with you? I mean, it’d be easier to, like, get more food with more people, and—”
Sidney cuts him off with a long groan. “Fine. C’mon squirt, we’re goin’ foraging.”
“Yer gonna hafta get some goggles if ya wanna keep yer eyes for much longer, squirt.”
“Why d’ya keep calling me that? I’m taller than you. Actually, how old are you anyways?”
“Yer gettin’ bold, squirt. Nineteen, you?”
“Eighteen. Seventeen, actually. I turn eighteen soon, I think.”
“I, um. I don’t think I ever actually learned your name.”
“Hm. Sidney Buckner.”
“I’m Alexander White. Nice to meet you, I s'pose.”
“Same t’ you.”
“Alex. You can do magic, right?”
“Oh! Uh, yeah, though I’m not great at it. Why?”
“Is it just, like, all kinds a’ magic, or… what?”
“Eh, I can do a bit of everything if I’ve got th’ right spells, but I’m best at animating things. Bringin’ stuff to life, makin’ it move. I’ve also been getting alright at attacking stuff, you’ve seen me do that.”
“Yeah, y’ sure got a knack for blowin’ things’ heads off, that’s for sure.”
“Wh— hey, that was one time!”
Sidney looks up from his hiding spot, where he was counting his bullets, to see Alexander jogging towards him.
“I found a town pretty close by! Maybe we could, I dunno, find some extra supplies or somethin’.”
He perks up at that. Towns are few and far between, and not many of them survive for more than a couple years. If you come across one that’s still living, it can be invaluable.
“Good find, Alex. Which way?”
They have to duck out of the sight of a god that’s flying overhead and hunker down to shake off the nausea, but they manage to make it to the town mostly unscathed. It’s a small thing, but it’s got a motel, a blacksmith, and a general store, and that’s good enough for them. They don’t have any money, but they manage to haggle with the motel owner for a room in exchange for some of their food.
Alexander stays there to work on something, and Sidney goes out to see if the smith has anything useful.
There’s no bell, but the door creaks loud enough that the owner notices him come in anyways. “Howdy, stranger,” she says. “Whatcha lookin’ for?”
“Y’got any bullets yer willin’ to get rid of?” He asks. She shifts, tense.
“Why’d y’ want ‘em?”
He hesitates for a beat, slightly nervous. “...I’m almost out. Hard t’ hunt anything if y’ can’t kill it.”
Some of the tension leaves her shoulders, and she pulls some trays of bullets from behind her counter. “Alright then. Sorry fer th’ hostility, stranger. Bandits’ve been settin’ up around here, and we’ve been gettin’ more n’ more of ‘em lately.”
Sidney hums, and picks out a set that fits his guns. “What’ve they been doin’?”
“Mostly just stealin’ shit, but our barkeep got shot when a couple a’ them picked a fight. They ran off with some booze n’ supplies.” She scowls. “Along with a lotta my bullets. Speakin’ of, those’ll be $1.75.”
Damn. These better be real good bullets. “Got no money on me, but I’ve got food if y’ need it.”
The smith grunts in exasperation. “Lucky for you, I do, but yer on thin ice. Whatcha got?”
Sidney leaves the blacksmith with a hundred new bullets and without two birds and a bundle of roots.
Bandits are a menace in the wasteland. They’re ruthless, steal everything they can carry, and are almost inevitable, so Sidney really shot himself in the foot by being so unprepared for an attack.
A bullet whizzes above him, almost knocking his hat off his head. He and Alexander are huddled behind a rocky outcrop, but he can hear the footsteps of the bandits approaching. One of his guns is knocked away, and the other is out of bullets. He can feel his heart racing. We’re gonna die here. We survived this long, and we’re gonna die here.
“Wait, wait-” Alexander fiddles with a small pouch on his belt with shaky hands. From it, he pulls a small crystal the same color of his eyes. His brows scrunch up in concentration, and orange streaks swirl around it as it starts to glow.
“Whatever yer doin, y’ better do it fast,” Sidney hisses.
“I know, I know, just- there!”
Alexander shoots to his feet and launches the crystal over their hiding spot. A gunshot rings out, but it never hits.
Gales of wind soar over the top of the outcrop, knocking Sidney’s hat off and toppling Alexander over onto his back. It dies down quickly, but he’s frozen in place.
Alexander’s bangs are slightly singed, and his face is scratched from debris. But then he starts laughing— it’s shocked, and happy, and ever-so-slightly manic, but at least it’s not blood-filled. Sidney sweeps his flyaway hairs back, and cautiously peeks over the top of the rocks.
There’s nothing. No more bandits, no footprints, no evidence of them ever existing except for a large, sparking scorch mark where they used to be. Alexander comes up beside him, shaking slightly and holding his hat out to him. Sidney takes it with a trembling hand, and stands up next to him. “...Mind tellin’ me what that was, squirt?”
Alexander laughs a bit. “W-Well, it’s, uh, it’s like a bunch of magic all packed into a really small form, and then I kinda… y’know when you blow a balloon up real big, and then you pop it, and all the air comes out all at once and makes it explode? ‘S like that.”
Sidney takes a moment to process that, staring at the scorch mark where two men used to be. “...You made a bomb!?”
Alexander looks very tentatively proud of himself. “I mean— yeah, I guess. Saved our lives though, didn’t it?”
He’s not wrong.
“Th— you— holy shit, Alex.” Sidney puts a hand to his forehead, and cracks a slightly hysterical smile. “Y’ got a real talent fer blowin’ things up, huh?”
Their first crime is a simple theft— with the promise of extra firepower backing them up, it’s easy to find the confidence to break into a general store at night and steal some supplies. They fix their cloaks up, and Sidney makes some metal linings for their clothes for extra protection. The town would live without it, the two of them might not.
They steal a few horses next— Sidney calls his Sally, and Alexander calls his Swift. Swift and Alexander get along well enough, but Sally is tough and moody. A horse is a horse though, and faster travel is a serious advantage in a place without a lot of cover from the sky.
They have a few more encounters with bandits. Most of them get taken by surprise and don’t come out alive, but a few get away. One of them they steal the gun of, and so Alexander gets a non-magic alternative. In one town they pass through at night, Alexander finds a bounty on the message board with a rough approximation of their faces on it.
His gut twists uncomfortably, but a spark of pride bubbles in his chest.
“Hey, Sid.”
Sidney looks up from the food shelves he’s currently ransacking to see Alexander standing in the doorway, holding two bottles of bourbon.
“Happy 21st, yeah?”
Alexander hums and turns away from the campfire to face Sidney, who is holding a stack of something leather.
“Here— little tabs, so you can keep yer crystals all around you fer easier access. Made ‘em m’self. Happy 20th.”
Sally is a moody horse, and Sidney is a snappy person, so it’s no surprise that the very big and tough animal doesn’t obey him sometimes. She doesn’t take too kindly to being stolen and having a new owner.
Sidney grips her reigns tight as she thrashes around, almost knocking his hat off if it wasn’t for the string tied under his chin. “Shit, shit— Sally!” With a final buck, he’s flung off her back and faceplants into the dirt.
“Snrk-” Alexander stands by Swift, stifling his laughter.
“Yeah, laugh it up, asshole,” Sidney grumbles.
“Sorry, sorry, just—” he snickers. “—heh, what’s the ground taste like, Sid?”
“Tastes like your face when I kick it in.”
“Just like Sally just did t’ you?”
Alexander leans on Swift with a stupid grin on his face, only for his own horse to give a rough shake and send him stumbling into the sand as well.
“How’s the ground taste, Alex?”
Enoch is a seedy town with a bad reputation. It’s popular among bandits because everyone will turn a blind eye— they know who you are and why you’re there. Sidney and Alexander have gotten notorious enough to get a couple stares among the few people on the streets, though they’re certainly not the biggest fish around.
No, the biggest fish would be Ezekiel Sutton, who Sidney has the misfortune of meeting alone.
An hour later, Alexander finds him with a scar on his cheek, a bloodied arm, and a newfound fear in his heart.
Sidney doesn’t tell Alexander about where the stinging in his arm came from, but it’s obvious just by looking at him that something happened. He eyes everybody with a new kind of wariness and sticks close to his friend, gets more hostile towards strangers. Alexander mirrors him, stands taller to be more intimidating. He wears his magic crystals on every surface, always with reach. Sidney starts collecting knives, and makes sure Alexander always has a few on him too.
Alexander doesn’t press, but it’s obvious that he’s concerned.
Sidney starts resenting the gods more than people at some point.
In idle moments, he starts thinking. The region is a wasteland because the gods rove over everything in their paths, and resources are scarce because everything gets destroyed one way or another. And because resources are scarce, people compete for everything. The only way to guarantee that you can live another day is to take it from somebody else.
There’s a lot of gods. Too many.
He wonders if they bleed.
They find a town that’s been destroyed. It’s unsettling, but a lucky find nonetheless. There are canned goods that are still mostly edible, and supplies and ammunition that haven’t been scavenged by anyone else yet. The stables are intact too, so Sally gets a good place to sleep for however long they stay here.
Swift ran off a few months earlier after giving Alexander a broken nose, and they hadn’t been able to find another horse for him yet. He got over it fairly quickly, but now Sally was getting testy, carrying them both and their bags.
They stay for a few days, longer than they tend to stay in one spot. Alexander presses to stay a few more days though, for another one of his projects. Sidney grumbles and gripes, but relents. He passes the time by patrolling around over and over while Alexander stays cooped up in the stables, and he tries to ignore the anxiety that twists in his chest that comes from leaving him alone.
Two days later, Alexander comes out of the stables with dark eyebags and an enthusiastic grin. “Sidney! C’mere, I gotta show ya somethin’!”
With a slightly relieved “fuckin’ finally,” Sidney follows his friend in while absently brushing some stray hay out of his curly hair. Sally is in the back, where Alexander is leading him, sniffing at…
“Alexander, is that a damn horse?”
Sure enough, a horse-shaped figure is nudging Sally, but it’s segmented and wooden, and its eyes are dark and beady. Its mane sheds sorghum when it shakes its head slightly.
“Yep!” Alexander looks proud of himself, even covered in hay and wood chips and swaying from exhaustion. “I kinda used Sally as a model, n’ I built him outta a buncha brooms n’ wood that I found n’ broke down, n’ then I put a buncha magic in him. I’m namin’ him Broom.”
Broom walks over, a bit stiff, and bonks Alexander with his snout. The man staggers back into Sidney and would’ve fallen over if he hadn’t caught him.
“... How long’ve you been awake, Alex?”
“Eh, maybe like… what time is it?”
Sidney checks his watch. “Five PM.”
Alexander zones out for a moment. “Oh. Uh… ttthree? Days?”
“... Go to sleep, Alex.”
“Yeah, that’s… I’ll do that.”
They spend the night in the stable, and Sally and Broom join them.
Sidney knows he’s paranoid, but he also knows that paranoia is a good trait to have if you want to survive. Especially when people who could kill him in a hundred different ways were one unfortunate coincidence away. He’s still reeling from his encounter with Sutton, even two years later, and he’s always eyed everybody with a little (a lot) more consideration since then. He tries to avoid thinking about him.
Enoch is hushed when they next visit it— Sidney would’ve avoided it if he could, but a prominent bandit group they needed information from was stationed there. The bounty board is the most prominent thing in the square, and a good group of people is gathered around it, whispering. Alexander looks at him nervously, but they move towards the people together.
Sidney puts a hand on the shoulder of a woman— Posie Red, he thinks she’s called. “Mind fillin’ me in on what’s goin’ on here?” He asks in a hushed tone. Alexander hovers behind him, scowling.
“Y’ haven’t heard?” Red says. “There’s a real big bounty missin’ from the board.”
He looks back at it, closer this time.
“Sutton’s gone. Why?” Alexander mutters. “He didn’t get locked up, did he?”
“Rumor has it that he went into Haventown n’ got caught by their sheriff,” Red replies.
Sidney shudders. Haventown. They’ve got a history of ruthless sheriffs. Werewolves, too. It and Salvation Town were famous for being both the longest-lasting towns around and the most dangerous to get caught in if you’ve got any kind of blood on your hands.
He doesn’t want to think about it anymore. He grabs Alexander by the arm and stalks off to find the gang they’re here for.
Alexander gets a rifle into his hands and takes to it like a duck to water. He’s in his element perched on the top of a plateau, waiting for the perfect shot. It ends a week with him streaked with magic, and he experiments with shooting his crystals instead of regular bullets. The craggy clearing they camp out in is filled with pockmarks from laser-focused explosions.
The wizard takes up woodcarving to pass the time, and the rifle’s hilt is the victim of many amateur engravings. Alexander is proud of them though, and fills each of the marks with a bit of orange glow.
It’s not only good as a gun either, as he demonstrates a few days later. He slams its hilt into the back of a bandit’s head when she gets too close, and it sets her hair on fire.
“Y’know what, Alex?”
“…I wanna kill a god.”
Alexander chokes on his water. He coughs for a moment, before asking “N’ why’s that?”
Sidney glowers at the black and red sky outside the mouth of the cave they’re in, looks as close as he can to that damned eye at the top of the sky before his head starts hurting. “I’m tired a’ this. I’m tired a’ fearin’ for my life every time I look up a little too much, or if some god just up n’ decides we’re too in its path to let live. We’re like worms to ‘em, and I’m tired of it.”
“Well… how’re y’ gonna do that?” Alexander adopts a thoughtful look. “You’d need a pretty specialized plan, I think… maybe if we wanna go after one a’ the flying ones, we could make some kinda wing-trap.”
Sidney hums in consideration. “Maybe.”
He glares at the fringes of the sun, and a blazing anger takes the place of the resentment at the bottom of his heart.
It’s been a while since Sidney cut his hair. His bangs are long enough to sweep back with the rest of it, and he’s had to start tying it up with a strap of leather to keep it from flying in his face. Alexander’s is only being kept short by how much he singes it with his magic.
He’s also started growing out his sideburns, now that he’s moved on from the annoying young-adult-patchy-stubble that he’s had for the last few years. He thinks it’s a good look. Alexander makes fun of him for it.
“Hey… Sidney?”
“D’you think that we could be brothers?”
“...Brothers. That sounds nice.”
They start celebrating their birthdays together, just because they’re so close— Sidney’s is July 27th, Alexander’s is August 4th. Sidney makes Alexander new boots with metal heels and toes for his 25th birthday, and Alexander carves Sidney a few sigils that can combust if he shakes them for his 26th.
Sidney nearly burns his eyebrow off when he uses one, and Alexander lectures him about magic safety afterwards. Sidney calls him a hypocrite for all the times he’s set off bombs right next to himself.
One night, in Enoch’s biggest bar, Sidney gets to talking about the gods again. His anger has aged like whiskey, and he finds company with people who share his sentiment.
The gods are destroyers. The gods never deserved their worship. The gods shouldn’t keep the land in fear anymore.
It’s cathartic knowing that he’s not the only one thinking like this. Even surrounded by enemies, he feels for a moment like the gods couldn’t take all of them.
At 27 years old, Sidney dies.
There’s a chill in the air that day, and clouds. Winter is moving in, and with it will come storms. But that day it’s quiet.
Sally is agitated, and even Broom seems a bit tense. There’s static in the air, making the hair on the back of Sidney’s neck stand up.
Around the edge of a cliff face, right in their path, he sees it- a god. It doesn’t fit, like it’s a newspaper clipping that got pasted onto the sky. It’s surrounded by a halo of something— a shifting, buzzing feeling that his eyes can’t really process while he’s looking at it in his peripheral vision.
He hops off Sally’s back, as quiet as he can. He feels that anger in his heart flare up, filling his bones and screaming in his mind. Do it. Now. NOW!
He takes one of his guns in his hand, and he hears Alexander coming up behind him and worriedly saying something, but he’s sprinting forward before he gets it out. The sands spray out from under his feet as he scales the hill underneath it, and he raises his gun and his eyes to the sky.
Time freezes, it feels like.
S ta ti c roars in his ears—
— th e r e ‘s a scre a m beh ind him
W H I T E fl ood s hi s visi on — -
and only for a moment, he feels his mind start to unravel, before a wave of force crashes into him and everything goes black.
Lightning slams into where Sidney stands, and Alexander screams. In an instant it’s gone, but he hardly notices behind the bright sparking of orange coating everything, and suddenly he’s kneeling next to a skeleton covered in ashes.
His vision blurs with tears, and the crackling in the air is no longer god-static but his own. His arm and face and blood burn with magic, like they’re being ripped apart, but he can’t bring himself to care while he’s busy channeling the bright flames, so seamlessly that it doesn’t feel real, into the skeleton below him. It shifts from orange to a bright, bright yellow. A maelstrom of sand swirls around them, but leaves them pristine in the eye of the storm.
Then, like a coin, it drops. The white sand drops to the ground and settles. Magic crackles and fizzes, but doesn’t react. The clouds begin to move normally again. The god is nowhere in sight, already moved on with no attention given to his outburst. Deep, deep exhaustion hits Alexander like a bullet. He collapses, then and there.
He lands on top of his brother, cold and sharp, whose pinprick eyes glow yellow.
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clatterbane · 2 years
You may be old and overly domesticated when you find yourself immoderately excited over finally getting another large grocery delivery. 🥴 And a pretty big one, by recent standards.
This time, from a new place: Willys! Haven't managed to try them in person yet, since there aren't any locations really convenient by public transport. But, the prices and selection did look pretty good.
Some ongoing weird disability-related food insecurity issues probably help too, yeah. Along with going so long without local bank accounts/BankID to make basic stuff like buying food myself much easier. I've mostly been relying on Mr. C to buy groceries, which has been less than ideal in multiple ways.
But yeah, we were starting to run pretty low on some basic staples, and there were some things that I specifically had a taste for. (Including more seasonal vegetables and some hopefully decent cooking apples!) And now we have most of that.
I even have a decent-looking chuck roast to work with (högrev here)--which was trickier to find than you might expect in the UK! Some other cuts decent for similar uses, but not what I would call chuck. Our usual grocery store nearby has an awesome-looking meat counter, and there's also a halal butcher shop that stays pretty busy in the same shopping center. Now that I can mostly reliably eat a better variety of stuff, I keep wanting to check both of those out more. But, for now? Some packaged högrev bought sight unseen is pretty damned welcome!
Tentative plans over the next few days, spoon supply allowing:
* For tonight: some easy sauerkraut and weenies, with mashed potatoes. I like to fry a chopped onion in with the sausage pieces, also season with some pepper, and let it all simmer covered for a while like for regular cooked kraut.
* Mix up some basic bulk pseudo-sausage with a pack of ground pork, to let sit a day or two before hopefully turning out some biscuits and gravy! 😋 (Not the exact seasoning blend I tend to throw in, and no need for any sugar IMO. But, the same general style. I don't think I've ever tried a recipe from Homesick Texan that I didn't enjoy, though!)
* Beef stew with cornbread! And probably freeze the other half of that chuck roast.
* Do something with most of those apples. Possibly apple crisp, because that's both easy and good. We should also have everything for that, besides some ice cream to go along with it.
We also have some turnips, which I'm glad are much easier to get hold of here. (Though I really want the greens too!) Will probably use some in that stew, but still not sure what I want to do with other few.
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guildwarsgirl · 1 year
My own lore for Shiro Tagachi (PART 3):
Hey, it’s been a while. So, I’m back from hiatus to continue my weird ass non-logical posts about my own personal for Shiro Tagachi and his entire family (Yes, this will include Guild Wars 2).
When last we left off, Shiro had somehow managed to get Sarah Natsuko, the widow of Dante Natsuko, pregnant with his child. How that came to be, through magic or sheer will, we do not know. We may never know, honestly, but hey, whatever. Let’s just fucking roll with it at this point, this entire canon of mine has no logic whatsoever.
So, Shiro confesses to Sarah that he did all this because not only does she deserve to be treated with respect, but also because he’s fallen in love with her. Sarah confesses that she does feel the same, but she wants to get to know the real him, and not have him practically pose as her dead husband. He agrees to do so, then they make a plan.
Because she is now pregnant with his child, as allying or being affiliated with the Betrayer of Cantha in any way, shape or form is punishable by death, Sarah and Shiro must flee. Word of Dante’s death had already begun to spread, and his widow knew she couldn’t hide. Thus, she packed her bags and hit the road, with Shiro in tow.
Shiro was able to hide himself from view of everyone, except for those who are Weh no Su, also known as “Closer to the Stars.” Becoming Weh no Su allows one to see the spirits of the dead, even if they are hiding from mortal eyes, as well as becoming capable of entering the Realms of the Gods and learning new secondary professions. Sarah was one of those, having become Weh no Su after she had graduated from Shing Jea Monastery.
Within four months, the forbidden lovers had gotten to know each other, and grown close while making a trek through the mountains south of Kaineng City. Since Shiro was pure spirit, he didn’t have to worry about eating or sleeping, and instead kept the mother of his child safe and warm, even fishing daily to make sure she always had something to eat, especially when the rations ran out.
Eventually, they stumbled across a large estate in the mountains, owned by Cantha’s Minister of War, Wona Yurigi.
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Shiro had to persuade the gate guards to let them in, lest Sarah freeze to death. It’s obvious Wona wasn’t going to be happy about this...
This concludes Part 3. I will pick it up probably next Saturday.
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Out of the House
Summary: Ever the paranormal enthusiast Remus is excited when he finds an abandoned house creepy enough to have ghosts in it with no chance of being caught trespassing. He quickly finds himself in over his head however when his fantasies come true, fighting to solve a mystery with the only possible outcome being losing someone he comes to love.
Chapter Warnings: Mild violence, swearing, ghosts
Ships: Background Lociet (Logan x Janus)
Word Count: 2871
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 -  I’ll be Here by Day
“Do you mind?” Remus grinned as his platforms were slowly but surely nudged off the chair, Logan's nose scrunched in disgust as ze examined the dirt on zir pencil. “Highly unsanitary.”
“It’ll help your immune system.” Long fingers reached over to flick at the pages of whatever book Logan had had zir nose buried in for the better part of an hour. He snapped them back with a yelp however as his knuckles were rapped hard with the pointy end of the No. 2.
“That's if you eat it Remus, and such sentiments are usually reserved for children to placate parents when they can’t keep their spawn from shoving every little thing into their mouths-”
“Well if you wanted to lick my boots Logan you just had to ask.” Remus waggled tiks eyebrows suggestively, grinning wide as the other turned beat red.
“Logan, honey, volume. And Remus stop being gross we invited you here to study not air our desperation.” Janus’ quiet drawl diffused the situation immediately as both parties screwed their mouths to the side and looked away. Remus heard the librarian huff and stalk away with furious clicks of his heels, no doubt miffed at the missed chance to kick them out for the third time that week.
“Jannie Jan. J-anus. Jan-ass. Jan-assist me with this b-”
“Afternoon Remus. New piercing already?”
Nodding excitedly, Remus leaned over Logan’s books, ignoring the put upon sigh behind him and staring at the redhead with wide eyes. Janus smirked as he watched the other’s eyebrows jump up and down, the fluorescent bulbs of the library catching the two studs placed right at the end of the left brow that morning.
“Looks nice. I like the green.”
“Remus if you keep doing those yourself you’re going to get an infection. Please, I’ve told you so many times I know the tattoo artist down the street, I can get you discount piercings.”
Remus craned his neck nearly all the way around, a manic grin thrown over tiks shoulder as Logan stared at him in horror. “Awe you like meeeeee.”
Shooting Janus the “it’s your turn look” while being bumped repeatedly in the shoulder by Remus’ swaying hips Logan pressed zir mouth into a thin line as the return eyebrow raise of “you owe me for last time” was shot right back. Rolling zir eyes Logan shoved back with zir shoulder sending Remus right back in the chair. “You.” Logan hissed. “Are going to get us kicked out again. I quite enjoy this library, so take this and for the love of god stay relatively quiet!”
So saying a silicone sword on a string was pressed into Remus’ hands, who inspected the obnoxiously green object for a moment before shrugging and shoving it into his mouth. “Long and thick, I like it.”
The undignified snort Janus didn’t quite manage to cover followed by a shriek as his shins were kicked from under the table was enough to teleport the librarian over to them. Glaring down his nose at the two properly chastised of the group and the one currently grinning like an idiot he pointed aggressively towards the door in a way that dared them to argue.
“Yes ma’am.” Logan and Janus muttered as they collected their things. Remus jumped up with a salute that received an icy glare stern enough to freeze if Remus had actually been paying attention- as it was tik merely swung his pack up and over tiks shoulder nearly hitting the man in the process. A final self satisfied huff and a slammed door later found all three of them kicking pebbles on the sidewalk, put out and annoyed but certainly not surprised.
“Remus, I care for you a great deal but at the moment I would like to yeet you into the road.” Logan turned to Janus slightly. “Usage?”
Ignoring Remus’ giggling, Janus nodded. “It’s correct.”
“We could go to your flat?” Logan asked hopefully, wilting as Janus shook his head.
“Roommates are having their own study session and between Remus’...” Janus paused and watched as the other tried to snap a bug into his book, nearly snapping his nose as tik tripped in the process. “...Remus and my more distracting noises I don’t think we’d be welcome back just yet.”
“They could just wear headphones.” Logan muttered, clearly annoyed.
“Yes well, not everyone understands vocal stims and I don’t want to get into another argument with them about it. I rather enjoy my flat and if I could continue to live in it that would be lovely.”
“I know a place!” Remus jumped suddenly between them. “I found it last week looking for-”
“Remus we are not studying in a graveyard or a morgue or a house you think is haunted. I understand your love of ghosts but-”
“This one’s really nice I promise!” Remus interrupted, giving Logan puppy eyes that had zir rolling zir eyes yet again. “It’s in that weird in between of broken down enough that no one wants it but not enough that the government or whatever wants to step in yet...so I think technically no one owns it?”
“Is that how that works?” Janus turned to Logan curiously.
Logan opened zir mouth to argue, finger already in the “in fact it isn’t” position before pausing to consider. “I- I’d like to say no but I don’t know enough about property rights in this state to argue.”
“In this state?” Janus’ question was ignored in favor of Logan blocking Remus’ book from slamming into zir nose.
“It’s safe?” Janus asked instead.
“Yeah! Well-” Remus mumbled around tiks chewelry, tugging the book out of Logan’s grip and stuffing it uncaringly into tiks bag. “Just don’t go on the second floor I guess...stairs look a bit not great. But! It doesn’t have a basement so the first floor is safe! And most of the windows are broken so it doesn’t smell or anything.”
“....and we’re taking those as good points and moving on. Logan?”
Pinching the bridge of zir nose and pushing zir blue tinted hair out of zir face, Logan eyed the man currently bouncing up and down in excitement and nearly jostling the papers out of tiks open backpack. Smiling fondly ze shrugged. “If it's quiet I don’t see why-”
“Yes! Come on, I know a shortcut!”
Janus and Logan watched as Remus took off at a sprint, using the momentum to throw his pack over the fence and picking up half the papers that flew out of it before hopping it tikself. Scooping most of his things back up he continued running across the residentials backyards and turning out of sight around the far corner.
Holding his hand out Janus smiled wryly. “I know which house he’s talking about, it isn’t far. Sidewalk or yards?”
“The sidewalk is better- I can’t hold your hand trying to hop a fence.” So saying Logan slipped zir hand into the others’, but not before smugly observing his reddening cheeks.
“No, a flirt?” Holding in his laughter, Janus tugged Logan along, walking faster than normal in the hopes that the wind would cool his face.
----- “Ta-da!” Remus twirled in the entryway, flinging his bag to the side of the hall as tik did. Sneezing in the resulting dust he quickly shuffled back further into the house. The space had probably been a living room before the previous owners moved, though as it stood now it seemed even the house had forgotten what it once was. Old, warped floorboards held only water damage as memories, groaning and giving slightly when anyone stepped on them. As it was they protested heavily as Remus uncaringly rocked back and forth on his heels, waiting for the others to actually step inside.
“You’re sure this is safe?” Logan cautioned as ze stepped gingerly around a pile of plaster that had long since crumbled off the wall by the door.
“Oh absolutely! Nothing’s fallen on me yet that wasn't already on the floor when I got here.” Tik paused as tik glanced towards the stairs- rickety, broken things that looked like blowing a fan in their direction would collapse them- and winced. “Just...don’t use the stairs. I put my foot through the first one by accident trying to explore the other day.”
“Of course you did.” Janus sniffed, looking them up and down before he stopped to squint at the top. It looked like they led to a hallway that turned a corner to the rest of the second floor, a small window letting in a meager amount of sunlight through the dirty glass. The hallway and resulting corner was shrouded in half shadow that made shapes dance around the edges and goosebumps race up and down his arms. Only half paying attention to whatever Remus and Logan were currently arguing about, he took a step closer to the staircase, back tensing even if he couldn’t make anything out that could be triggering such a response.
Squinting harder he tilted his head trying to get a better angle from his vantage point at the very bottom of the steps. The shadows seemed to shift every so slightly right at the turn of the wall that would lead into the hallway, making him blink and step back in surprise. Hackles raised in earnest now he frantically searched up and down the stairway and everywhere he could see of the upper landing but there was no more movement in any direction. The top of the steps however was brighter now, as if the dirty panes had only been a trick of dust in his eyes. Now it was simply slightly smeared glass- nevertheless letting sunlight through cheerily and letting it shine halfway down the steps- hardly a trace of shadow to be found in what he could have sworn was a dingy landing only moments before.
“Hey Jannie Jan you good? You look like you saw a ghost.”
“...Remus, you’re sure this house is empty? You never heard anything or saw any- I don’t know empty wrappers or anything?” Stepping fully away from the stairs Janus turned towards Remus and gripped the straps of his backpack tight enough to bruise his fingers.
“No, why? I mean- no one else is here. I’ve spent a few days exploring this place and hanging out, there’s just the first floor which is pretty clean other than well,” he gestured around at the wallpaper, plaster and dust littering the floor, along with the broken glass shoved carefully back underneath the windows. “And the second floor I already said I couldn’t get to and I doubt anyone else could even if they wanted to. I never heard anything other than what I think is a mouse or squirrel or something in the wall over there.”
“That doesn’t completely eradicate the possibility of squatters in the building but considering the state of the place I’d say it’s very unlikely.” Logan nodded at Remus before turning back to peer at Janus curiously. “I would assume that was what you were implying, Janus. Are you alright?”
Janus screwed his mouth to the side, considering just dropping the subject or lying to save face somewhat. Just as he was about to snark out something about watching too many of Remus’ cheesy ghost hunting shows, a wave of dread so solid it left him breathless slammed into him. Ice filled his veins and his legs tensed as every reflex in his body told him in no uncertain terms to run before it was too late.
“I want to leave.”
“What, why?” Remus quickly jogged over to where Janus was reaching for the door handle, Logan hot on his heels.
“I don’t want to get arrested for trespassing! And this place-” He turned around and glanced to the stairs again. “It doesn’t feel right. I’d rather brave my roommates.”
“Are you scared?” Remus asked incredulously.
“No!” Whirling around the other man locked eyes with Logan. “You agree with me right?”
Logan twisted h=zir fingers for a moment, not looking at either of them. “It does feel odd I suppose.”
“Then that’s that then! Stay in your creepy house if you want Remus, we’re leaving.” So saying Janus grabbed up Logan’s hand and bag, practically dragging zir out the door.
Remus stood inside the doorway for a moment before tiks shoulders slumped and tik turned back inside. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy to fix them getting kicked out of the library...again. The house was creepy sure but it had been abandoned for who knows how long and was falling in on itself, what had they expected?
Idly he kicked at a loose nail and sent it skittering across the floor towards the stairs. Tik hadn’t ever felt scared in this house- not even when his weight snapped the first step and he thought he’d be stuck in the house until tiks body rotted through the hole he’d made. A less favorable thought sure but not one tik wasn’t familiar enough with to hold it against the house. Huffing he flopped down against the far wall and drug tiks bag over to tik, fishing around for his phone so he could apologize to Janus and Logan and hope they weren’t too mad at tik...again.
He nearly dropped his phone when something bounced off the back of it, clattering to the floor between tiks feet. He leaned forward to see...a nail? Raising his eyebrow tik looked up to the stairs while flicking the nail towards them, searching for the one he had kicked but seeing nothing other than dust. The one tik flicked bounced off the bottom step and spun for a minute before stopping suddenly just a few inches away. Remus slowly lowered his phone and watched it curiously, the hairs on his arms standing in alarm but refusing to eat tikself actually be scared. It was a nail- an old rusty one at that- and the house was old with its windows smashed through. The air currents were probably playing around with-
There was a slight pain in his outer ear and tik flinched to the side to see what bug had bit him. Instead he saw a nail embedded into the wall, still quivering slightly with the force it had apparently been shot with. Swallowing nervously tik glanced back to the stairs searching frantically for the one he had seen not five seconds ago only to see nothing but dust once again.
“Okay.” He exhaled shakily and stood up, pocketing his phone and grabbing up tiks bag. “Yeah, okay. So- ghost right? Listen, I love being nailed as much as the next person but-”
He was cut off with small, unassuming jingling sounds, almost sounding like hail hitting the outside of a window. The sun was still shining brightly however, despite the rapidly declining temperature inside and he began to look around in earnest to make out what the sound was. Tik had always told himself that if tik ever had an experience like this he’d be sure to catch it in camera- and none of the shaky handed blurry footage shit everyone else tried to pass off thank you very much Logan- but at the moment his phone was forgotten in a white-knuckled grip. He watched as bits of glass slid over the worn floors with enough force to gouge the wood, jingling merrily on their way to a rapidly darkening staircase with shadows dripping like black mold from the second floor above.
Tik could do nothing but stand frozen even as every instinct and shred of common sense he had ever had screamed at tik to turn and run while he still could. The glass whirled around a shape in the middle of the stairs, a ball of shadow descending step by step that seemed to stare through him though tik couldn’t see any indication the thing had eyes. His vision tunneled and distantly he was aware tiks breathing had picked up- mildly concerning considering the microscopic pieces of glass ripping through the air- everything narrowing down to this one moment. This one entity that without a shred of doubt in Remus’ mind he knew wanted him dead.
“G̸̮̗̘͔͔̖̕E̴̛͚̣͖͇̗͙̺̭̔̈́̂̈́̔̕͠͝͝T̵̨̜̹̲̬̦͕͇͒̓͒̀͑ ̵͕͖̳̱͎͕̝̥̐̉͗̃Ǒ̵̡͎̥̣̳̙̜̜͓̠̲͍̿̐͐̎̓̽̊͘͘͜͝͠Ṷ̶̢̟̠͙̯̱̝̠̹̪͚̠̽̇̄́͌̔̀̌͠͝T̸͎͐̆̐!̵͉́̅̋̑͑̈̈́̄!̷̰̈́̑̾͌̊”
The force of the distorted voice rattled the walls and sent plaster raining down onto Remus, who finally felt his legs twitch just as tik felt the first pinpricks of glass against his face. Wasting not a second more he turned on tiks heel and tripped tiks way through the entry hall and out the door, hearing it slam shut behind him as he hopped the fence and took off down the road faster than tik had ever run in his life. Shocked gasps rushed past his lips as tik just kept pumping his legs and let tikself be led on autopilot all the way to his apartment, bursting through the door and slamming it behind him. Heavy breaths filled the short hall and he slumped to the floor, mildly surprised when his phone thunked to the floor in front of tik.
“Holy shit.” He whispered, tiks head thumping heavily into the door behind him.
“Holy fucking shit.”
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