#i never did the abandoned factory too though
Saving Batboy
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It was as though he was being led through the city. Dick seemed to know exactly where he should go next as he drove.
Dick turned off his location as he closed in on Joker's location. If anyone had doubts about what would happen tonight they knew now. The clown dies tonight.
Batman never did it because he knew there would be no coming back once he crossed that line but he was not Batman.
Tim knew the moment Nightwing's symbol disappeared that he had found Joker's location. He knew he could track him still based on where he was before but he held off. The last time Dick crossed the line and killed the Joker, Tim was there to stop him. In the time since Tim had grown to regret it. Especially after Jason's return. He should be avenged after everything that happened.
Tim never put much thought into what happened when he was kidnapped just like Danny. Joker Jr was just a nightmare and everyone pretends it didn't happen. His past self doesn't exist to him and the gaps in his memory are better as they are.
If Dick was really going to finish this then Tim wasn't going to stop him. Bruce's code was his code alone. What of the Robins that suffer for it? What about his kids that he loves to the point of self-destruction if they die?
It was clear to Tim now. Batman isn't strong enough to kill Joker. If he can't handle it, someone else would.
Maybe Dick just cared more. Or maybe he had seen this happen too many times to sit by and let it happen again. The cost be damned.
Tim took a deep breath. He knew it was a bad move but he shut down the bat computer. No one could locate each other for the next 10 minutes. Enough time to give Dick the lead he really needs. All the comms are down and no information can be shared.
Tim looked up and saw Alfred putting down a cup of tea for him. Tim felt like a child caught doing something wrong under Alfred. But Alfred nodded wordlessly before turning to leave. He cast a forlorn glance at Jason's robin uniform before ascending the stairs.
"I was hoping Batman would come for the little bat. Oh sorry, I mean the boy." Joker mocked holding Danny by the back of the neck.
The teen's body was limp. His silver locks stained a rusty brown from dried blood. Blood covered his back and legs. If there had been any doubt if the wings were real there is none now.
"…" Nightwingwing said nothing. His fist clenched.
"You know I debated skinning him next. That fur of his would be a lovely shawl. It's so soft. But it looks like I won't have the time now." Joker provoked, running a hand through the boy's white neck fur.
"Get your hands off him." Nightwing demanded, his eyes locked on Danny for any signs of life.
"You know I am so curious what he was doing here. I was about to build a new trap here for fun when I stumbled upon this little guy here. Practically gift-wrapped. Did he run away from you? Just like you did from good ol'papa bat." Joker's smile widened sickeningly "This all feels so familiar, doesn't it little bird? Are you going to finish what you started?"
"I'm never letting you hurt my family again." No witty one-liners. No games. This bad joke ends today.
Batman had scoured the area. He memorize the last location Dick was before the system went down. He wasn't these kids' father for nothing he knew what they were doing.
When sound came back he had already made it to the abandoned factory. The comms rang back to life as the sounds of crying came through.
"Nononono…please no. Wake up. Please wake up." It was Dick's voice. "It's okay. I'm here now. So just wake up. We need to get home soon. Your favorite show will be on soon. WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T DIE!"
Batman bolted to their location and found Dick hovering over Danny trying to resuscitate him.
His son looked at him with pleading eyes.
"I can't hear his heart. He's not breathing." He let out a shaky breath. As distressed tears ran down his cheeks.
Bruce knelt next to them. Danny didn't react to the pressure on his chest. The pain should have at least caused an involuntary jerk if he wasn't too far gone.
Bruce signaled Dick to move back as he checked Danny's pulse again. Nothing. And he wasn't breathing. Bruce looked at his son. Deep down Dick probably knew.
"I'm sorry. He's gone." Bruce said simply as he took off his cloak.
Danny looked so peaceful. Like he was sleeping soundly. Bruce hated that his own suspension had been the thing that had prevented him from having a relationship with his own grandson. He felt foolish to not realize that of course Danny and Batboy were the same. It was a brilliant disguise. But he'd never get to say this to the boy.
Bruce wrapped the boy in his cloak.
"Come on. We'll fix this." He told Dick, carrying Danny for him.
The journey back to the manor was silent until.
"I'm sorry." Bruce said.
"Don't. Just Don't. He's my son. Its my fault." Dick rasped his voice scratchy from crying.
Bruce felt a bitter sting. That was exactly what he felt when he lost Jason and what happened with Tim. When Damian lost his life. These pains didn't go away.
When they arrived back in the Batcave Bruce laid Danny's body on the table. The others were notified about what happened and had already gathered.
Barbara looked like she had bawled her eyes out as she hugged Stephanie.
Damian had pressed himself close to Tim as the older brother told him that it was going to be okay.
The new hole in the wall was clearly Jason if his bloodied knuckles were any clues.
Cassandra paced the floor deep in thought. She was moments away from starting a new crusade.
Duke stared off into the distance. His anger boiling under the surface. All he could think about was the number of lives ruined by the Joker and even in death he took another.
Dick stood still as a statue. Thinking about if Danny could be brought back and even if he was his wings were gone. What if he was gone for good? Could he live like that?
Never had he understood Bruce more than in that moment.
Bruce braced himself for what would come next. He had a plan to bring Danny back at any cost.
But suddenly a sound broke through the tension.
A sneeze.
A fucking sneeze.
It came up from under the cloak.
Everyone snapped to look at the body hidden under the cloak. It shifted under the heavy black blanket groggily and yawned. Then Danny jumped up twisting to feel his back.
"What happened!!" He yelped.
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quil12 · 1 year
Why are they threatening me...?
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence summaries of every TMA episode
(1-60 i'll add more soon)
part 2 up!
world's most effective anti-smoking PSA
man DOES NOT open coffin. everyone claps.
woman is judgemental towards neighbor even though she has hobbies that are just as weird.
book makes multiple people fall off chair.
man finds bag of teeth and decides he absolutely needs to fuck around and find out.
worm sti.
there was a SCARY MAN in the WAR.
fuck this tree
well at least ted bundy was a great father :)
i'm like 55% sure vampires are real and i'm willing to take those odds
bitches be dying. you're next.
we kill this man because he made the soda too warm.
sorry ur husband's dead. maybe get some help.
Unbox with me ! (GONE WRONG)
hah i'm safe from this one because i have decided to Never Go Into a Cave Ever.
man is so annoying about this spider that even his cat can't be bothered
man's bully finds a book about a Bone Turner and subsequently begins turning people's bones.
this guy sucks at DIY home improvement
aw maybe this priest didn't do anything THAT bad!
oh fuck nevermind
the worms stole my identity. i haven't left the house in days.
man beats german children at game of bravery and wins a coin (he later loses this coin)
my ex boyfriend gets casted in the muppets and dies
sorry mom, i've abandoned jesus for a new religion : jesus in the dark.
tall squiggly and HANDsome
old man arm wrestles demon through door knob
the buzzfeed unsolved guys finally catch a ghost but it's their sound tech
immortality but at what cost
working at the big meat factory was so traumatizing it made me vegetarian
i go to america and get almost killed by a furry
well if you love that wasp nest so much why don't you MARRY it (and then she did)
antisocial boat crew bands together to exclude one guy from a midnight party. he dies from the rejection.
bone apple teeth
remember when that norwegian guy threw a tantrum about us not digging a hole? turns out we were right to not dig that hole.
babe come over my parents have taken ill and passed away
man fucks around and it costs him everything
oh god oh fuck the worms are here
thank you for participating in worms! please rate your wormsperience from 1 to 10.
the wormsperience has left me deeply scarred. i'm going to get lost in a tunnel about it.
🎸music makes me loose control🎸
spooky stories to tell at the next police slumber party
child threatens to run away and join the circus one too many times, and now the circus has come to cash in.
these mosquitoes are mad sus
man frequents local barnes and noble and then dies(?) after liking a book too much.
realtor gets eaten by the backrooms twice. it's a terrible shame.
both me and this weird goth dude have an unsatisfying italy vacation
guy who turns people's bones gets a new job where he continues to turn people's bones.
man who should never be allowed to build prisons builds a prison.
Something Big Is In The Water.
what if u heard me about 15 feet behind you fumbling around and calling out ur name 😳 (and we were both prison guards)
i'm going to be honest i didn't retain anything from this episode except that this guy has the silliest old man voice ever
everybody hates the tax man, including these creepy taxidermy animals
hmmgh. ant house.
so turns out being only 55% sure that vampires are real in my career as a vampire hunter has had some consequences.
the only thing keeping you company in space is your abandonment issues
🎶 the snack that smiles back 🎶 (my husband!)
maybe the real treasure was the house siblings we encased in spider web along the way.
your dead brother wrote books about ancient myths and WHAT
Part 2
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obsessivevoidkitten · 21 days
The Invasion
Cat Man Alien Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader
CW: Painful noncon, reader gets smacked, biting, collaring, owner/pet, pet reader, reader tied up, reader is an idiot, alien invasion, shapeshifting, general yandere behavior
Word Count: 1.2k
(Popped into my head, finished at 2-3am this morning, hope you all like it. Please leave comments and consider tipping to support the senior's bake sale, I love you all <3)
Twiggy was a rescue. He had been brought into the animal shelter you worked at and was pretty injured. Once he was nursed back to health, you immediately adopted him.
He was a bit standoffish, even by cat standards, but he slowly seemed to tolerate you. Then, almost actually like you. It's like he would enjoy affection and then catch himself and hiss before running off.
Even though you made sure never to let him outside, he always seemed to get out anyway, mostly in the dead of night. 
In an effort to discover just how he was escaping, you set up cameras. But they always ended up knocked down or broken before catching anything. Then you put a cat cam on him, but every night, he would fling it off after you went to sleep.
You had enough. It was getting creepy. You decided you would follow him. He never tried to leave while you were awake, though, so you had to pretend to sleep. 
The sound of the door could very faintly be heard closing, so you got up silently and slunk into the living room.
Astonished, you looked at the door. It had been unlocked, and Twiggy was missing. He had somehow figured out how to open doors. It wasn't entirely unheard of for a cat to manage a door handle, but the lock?
You quietly left the building and saw Twiggy moving with purpose down the road.
After a while, you thought yourself stupid. He was just going to do random cat stuff. Why were you following him? He probably just smelled something that gripped his attention.
But as he kept going through various alleys and back roads, a few other cats joined him without any reaction from him. They proceeded in orderly and determined fashion right into the old abandoned factory. 
You followed and had to hold back a gasp at what you saw. Down in the basement level was Twiggy standing on a pile of scrap with dozens of other cats gathering below him.
It was some sort of cat cult. 
But if you thought that was shocking, you hadn't seen anything yet. Suddenly, Twiggy effortlessly shifted into a nude man with curly brown hair, a tail, and cat ears on his head.
After he transformed, all the others did the same. The room was filled with naked men and women with tails and cat ears. This was getting too weird. The best course of action now was to make a silent retreat.
As you began to back away, Twiggy pointed in your direction and stated something you were too far to really hear.
In a flash, the cat people were upon you, dragging you over to Twiggy and forcing you to kneel before him before they tied you up and gagged you so you couldn't speak. 
He addressed the others without sparing a glance at you. 
"I infiltrated this human's place of employment and then their home." 
He stroked your hair in a manner similar to the way you would pet him in his cat form. 
"I have learned that we can use their workplace as a front and get adopted as their pets. We will use this method to infiltrate every home before taking over and turning humans into OUR pets!"
Twiggy turned to an androgynous looking cat person.
"River, I need you to take the form of this human and work at the shelter as we discussed at the last meeting. Come over tomorrow to my human's house, and I'll give you the schedule."
River nodded in affirmation.
After that, the meeting came to an end, and Twiggy dismissed the others. He pulled the gag off of you and allowed you to speak.
"Twiggy, w-what's go-"
The cat man smacked you harshly. It left an echo resounding through the large empty room. 
"That's a gross pet name. My real name is Declan."
You whimpered and then flinched when he pet the spot he had smacked gingerly. 
"Sorry, I shouldn't have hurt you, you didn't know… You probably have lots of questions."
Of course, you had questions. And Twig- Declan… answered every one of them patiently. 
He explained that the cat people were aliens who just happened to have a form that looked like a common earth house pet. They could also look like any human they wanted, though they had to hide their feline features. He was the leader. And now that you were aware of everything, you got to be the first pet. His personal one. He promised to treat you well.
After the Q&A, he put on some clothes he had and took you back to what was no longer your house. He put your gag back in so you couldn't scream on the way.
True to his word, he treated you like a precious pampered pet, since you had helped heal him and took such good care of him. He even gave you a jeweled collar for you to wear as proof he owned and cared for you.
Though he had started to care about you in ways that he probably shouldn't have.
But after a while, he couldn't help it anymore. One night when your head was laying on his lap while the two of you watched a show he liked, something he forced you to do as he stroked your arm and side, his cock stirred under your head, and he had to give in.
He stripped you of all your clothes; you struggled and protested, but his strong, lean body easily overpowered your own.
He pulled off your collar and bit your neck hard to get you to submit as he mounted you, before shoving his cock in you deeply all at once with no preparation. 
The cat man fucked into you ferally, going off pure instinct, pushing your head into the couch cushion so no one could hear your screams.
You were sure you were going to die, that you were going to be split apart by his girthy cock, that the last things you would hear were your muffled screams, the sound of his nuts slamming into you, and his animalistic growls.
Declan's cock pistoned in and out roughly as tears streamed down your face. You felt a sense of shame as he forced you to orgasm despite the cruelty of the way he was violating you.
It wasn't enough that he took your house, job, and way of life and eventually would take your planet, but now he was claiming your insides with his throbbing cock as well.
He came in you roughly and finally seemed to gradually come back to his senses. He licked away your tears and the blood and cum that were mingled and leaking from your hole.
"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help myself! I'll be more gentle and use lube next time, okay?"
The cat man comforted you as best he could, bathing you as you sobbed. He sincerely regretted hurting you, but he couldn't deny his instincts and really needed some release. Going forward, he decided you would be his mate as well as his pet, so he didn't go wild with pent-up emotions again. 
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coff33andb00ks · 2 months
Rule Breaker - Pt 7
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pairing:max Verstappen x single mom!reader x logan sargeant {masterlist}{prev} {next} warnings: cursing, minimally proofread Summary: you can start a family who will always show you love, you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own word count: 4.7k auth.note: this was supposed to have smut in it but the smut gods have abandoned me spotify: i made a playlist
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He was watching her.
She swallowed anxiously as she poured water from the kettle into the mugs. Of course he was watching her. He hadn't taken his eyes off her since she'd opened the apartment door. And of course she was making tea, because it was too late for coffee, and she also knew he hated coffee.
You're just a coworker.
Except he wasn't. He never had been, not since taking it upon himself to show her son cars at the factory. Not since he'd listened to her like no one had before. Not since…
He'd so seamlessly stepped into her and Kevin's lives, helping without being asked, and asking nothing in return.
Licking her lips as she watched the tea steep, she closed her eyes.
She could still taste him.
Gentle, tender, everything he never showed the world. As though she was precious and perfect. As though her lips were his place of worship. Her lips parted to gasp, surprised, and—
He shifted and her eyes snapped open. He was still there. In her kitchen, leaning against the counter just a few feet away. Her heart hammered in her chest as she picked up a mug after stirring in a little sugar and held it out to him.
"Y/n," he whispered.
"I'm not allowed to kiss you."
He'd said that weeks ago. Over a month ago. She sucked in a breath and finally turned to face him. "What changed?"
To his credit, he didn't play stupid. He took a sip of the tea and turned the mug in his hands. "Nothing changed."
"How can you say that?" Gripping her mug, she forced herself to take a sip.
"I'm sor—" Max cut himself off and pressed his lips together. "No, I'm not sorry. I've wanted to do that since… Since I met you."
Y/n took another sip of her tea. It wasn't sweet enough, but she couldn't bring herself to move to get some sugar. All she could do was stand there, holding her mug tightly and sip, staring at him, floored by the revelation that he'd wanted to kiss her for months. "You said you couldn't," she whispered.
"I still can't." His voice was strained, as though it hurt him to say it.
"Jesus christ," she groaned. "Max—"
"You're with Logan."
She froze, slowly raising her eyes to his. "Yeah," she whispered. "We're… Figuring it out as we go."
He winced slightly. "What's there to figure out?"
"God, Max." Why did he care? "Everything."
"Little mate worships him."
She shouldn’t say it. Don't say it don't say it don't say it don't— "He worships you, too."
Max shook his head. "He—"
"He called you Daddy. He's never even…" She reached up, angrily brushing the tears from her eyes before they could fall. "He's never cared about not having a father until recently. He asked months ago why he doesn't have one and I told him not everyone does and he was okay with that. Until…"
He stepped closer, taking her mug and setting it with his on the counter.
"I've fucked it all up," she gasped. "I've done the worst thing haven't I?"
"Y/n, no," he murmured.
"I'm supposed to protect him from heartache and pain. But I let him get close to you and you…" She couldn't finish the thought, much less the sentence. If there was one thing she was sure of in her messed up world it was that Max would never hurt Kevin. She wasn't stupid, she had put together the pieces and figured out that he'd been abused as a child, whether he saw it that way or not. But he had only ever treated her son with gentleness.
"I won't hurt him," Max whispered, and she sensed rather than saw the tremble in his fingers as he brushed her tears away. "I could never…"
"I know," she breathed.
"Don't…" His fingers lingered on her cheek, and the look in his eyes was almost desperate. "Don't lock me out, y/n."
"Have you met my son?" She sniffled. "He'd tear the door down for you."
He smiled sadly. "Would you let him?"
"Yeah," she said after a moment.
"You haven't fucked it all up," he murmured.
"I feel like I have." His fingers were still on her cheeks, even though for now there weren't any tears. But she didn't mind. They were warm and tender, almost lovingly caressing her. And she wondered what it said about her that in this moment she didn't care about anything or anyone else.
Max's fingers stilled on her cheeks at the sound of Kevin's voice. Before either of them could move she heard the patter of Kevin's feet entering the kitchen.
"Mama, I—" Kevin gasped. "Mister Max?"
He pulled back and turned. "Hey, kleine maat… You alright?"
Kevin rubbed his eyes as he shuffled over. "Had a bad dream," he mumbled.
Y/n was half a second too late to scoop him up, and she looked on as Max lifted him up. Reaching over, she smoothed her son's curls. "You wanna talk about it, doodle bug?"
Kevin shook his head, settling comfortably against Max's shoulder. "'M'okay, mama," he promised.
Max shared a look with her over the top of Kevin's head. She could practically read his thoughts – he's alright – and nodded. He rubbed the boy's back in a soothing manner and she let herself enjoy the quiet warmth of the moment. Standing close as Max held her son, she listened to him gently murmur comforting words while she continued to smooth his hair, smiling fondly as she felt Kevin relax.
She felt a flicker of hesitation when Max offered to tuck him in, but didn't object. Leading him to the bedroom she shared with Kevin, she opened the bathroom door when he murmured he had to go, leaning in the doorway while Max set him down by the toilet.
No wonder Kevin looked to him as a father figure. He was so natural at it, so patient and kind.
Everything a father should be.
He carried him into the bedroom, squatting down next to the toddler bed to settle him and tuck him in. "Welterusten, kleine maat," he whispered.
Kevin blinked at him. "Is that goodnight?"
Max nodded. "Welterusten."
Y/n picked up her son's stuffed Snoopy and leaned to place it next to him while he practiced saying the word.
"Welterusten, Daddy. Goodnight, Mama," Kevin murmured, eyes already closing. "Love you."
"Goodnight, sweetie. Love you," she whispered, blinking back tears.
Max seemed frozen for a few seconds, but he finally straightened, dragging a hand over his face as he left the bedroom. She followed him out a moment later, pulling the door almost completely closed behind her. Pausing outside Ellie's door, she continued through the apartment to the kitchen when she heard no sign of her friend being awake.
He was leaning against the counter, his expression troubled.
"Max," she whispered.
"Where's his dad?"
Surprised by the question, she paused, rubbing her hands over her thighs before stepping over to pick up her tea. "I don't know."
"Does…" Max exhaled harshly. "Tell me it's none of my business."
How could she tell him that? "It's not, but… If Kevin's tearing the door down for you, you should know, I suppose."
"Does his dad know about him?"
"Only that he exists." She couldn't have this conversation standing. Motioning for him to follow her, she headed into the living room, sitting in the corner of the couch after he pushed away from the counter. "He wanted nothing to do with a baby."
Max made a face of discontent but said nothing as he sat next to her.
Holding her tea with both hands, she pulled her knees to her chest. "He wanted me to have an abortion. And I was going to… I was still on the outs with my mom, working two jobs to pay my bills, I couldn't afford a baby. But – and this is gonna sound so crazy and stupid."
"Tell me," he murmured.
Y/n sighed. "I had a dream about a baby and it—" her breath hitched. "—it felt so real and in the dream I felt whole, like some missing part of my soul had found its way back to me. I woke up craving that feeling, and well, I decided against the abortion."
Max was silent for a few seconds. When he spoke, she could see him fighting a smile. "You're right, that does sound crazy and stupid."
Groaning, she lowered her head. "I know. I know. But—"
"Making life decisions because of a dream is—"
"I know, Max, god you sound like my mom."
He paused, his smile fading. "I'm sorry. Go on."
"That was it. I chose to have the baby. Josh refused to have anything to do with me or him. I haven't seen him since I told him I wasn't having an abortion." She refused to go into how much that had hurt. How stupid she'd felt as the pregnancy progressed, things still strained with her mom, only Ellie to lean on for emotional support.
"He doesn't support him?"
"I refuse to ask him for anything. Kevin's better off without him in his life. Ellie's been more of a father than he ever could have." She finished her tea and set the mug aside. "He knows that he exists. I sent word through his sister, and I've had no contact with anyone in his family since. It's like they don't care. It hurt at first, but now I know it's better this way."
"I'm sorry, y/n."
She shook her head and tucked her chin on her knees. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."
He sighed. And she felt him relax for the first time since he'd set foot in the apartment. The quiet stretched until it was almost uncomfortable, then he exhaled softly and reached for her hand.
"I don't mind him calling you daddy," she whispered as their fingers weaved together. It wasn't a conscious movement, and she felt as though her fingers already knew how to slot around his. Just as they did whenever her hand found Logan's.
Logan. God. How could she feel the same but different for two men?
"Are you sure?"
She nodded. "Maybe it's just a phase. Maybe he has some anxiety because all his new friends have dads."
"He…" Max cleared his throat and when she glanced at him she saw him staring at their hands. "He asked me in Montreal. Mentioned Laura."
Y/n smiled. First Kevin had been over the moon that a driver shared a name with him, then had fallen sort of in love with the older Kevin's daughter.
"He said you told him not everyone gets a mum and a dad. That he loves you."
She swallowed hard, nodding. If ever she was unsure of everything else in her life, she would always know her son loved her.
"Then he said—" Max sighed. "He asked if I thought Logan would be his dad. And you like mama."
She jerked her head up. "Did he ask you—"
"No. But I think he was going to."
What would you have said, how would you have answered him. And would you, Max? Would you be his dad? Would Logan? She closed her eyes, fighting the wave of questions she longed to ask, her feminist rage rising. He doesn't need a dad, damn it. He's perfectly fine without one. He's well rounded, intelligent, and empathetic. Having a 'dad' would ruin him—
For fuck's sake. "Nothing changed," she reminded him. "You still can't."
"Doesn't mean I don't want to."
"I'm dating Logan."
"Is it serious?"
Yes. No. She didn't know. Logan didn't talk about that sort of thing. Still figuring it out. Still learning to show he cared. "Max, don't make me do this."
He squeezed her hand. "I'm not asking you to make a choice. I… We couldn't be open like you and Logan are."
It wasn't as though she and Logan were public. She was sure they'd been spotted together but it wasn't as though they were in each other's social media posts. "Because you'd get into trouble."
Groaning, he tossed his head back and stared at the ceiling. "You would lose your job."
Not him, though. Because he was the world champ. The dominant force to be reckoned with. Everyone on the Red Bull team would be fired before they let Max go. The realization annoyed her, even though she understood the reasoning. In the grand scheme of things she was nothing, a minor cog in the workings that could easily be replaced. But really what annoyed her the most was—
"I can't be the reason you lose your job, y/n."
Goddamn him and his nobleness. "Then… What are we even doing?" she sighed, moving to stand, trying to slip her hand free of his. But he held fast, pulling her back down.
"This," he whispered, raising his other hand to her cheek.
"But we—"
"Tell me no," he breathed as he dipped his head.
Her breath stuttered and she moved her hand to his neck, felt the muscles tense beneath her fingers. "Max…"
"I'll go. Just… Tell me you don't want this."
His forehead was against hers and his hand was sliding into her hair and she couldn't have told him no. Tilting her head, she let her lips brush over his, whining softly at the sensation. "I shouldn't," she whispered. And, god help her… "But I do."
He exhaled into the kiss, letting go of her hand and wrapping his arm around her. So gentle, so tender, she almost cried.
The last rational part of her brain screamed what about Logan and she pulled back slightly, eyes widening in panic. "We shouldn't."
He nodded. "I know," he murmured, pulling away.
"I want to," she blurted. "But…"
"Logan," he said flatly. "I thought you were figuring it out."
She ran a hand over her face, trying to ignore the tingling in her lips and the longing to slide back into his arms. "Would you want me to see him if I was figuring it out with you?"
He met her gaze and seemed to search her eyes for a long moment. "I would want you to do whatever it took to find happiness."
And she could tell that he meant it. She wished this was the Max that the world saw. The understanding, gentle Max that he rarely showed publicly. "Even if it was without you?"
His jaw twitched and he slowly drew in a breath. "Yes."
"I like him, Max. And I like you too."
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Apparently, meeting on the track was now their thing. Max found he didn't mind so much this time, and decided he didn't want to investigate why. It wasn't as though he disliked Logan – in fact he liked him quite a bit. He just had let his own jealousy cloud his behavior. And now… Well, now things were different.
Logan fell into step with him and they chatted about the weather and y/n and Kevin and the burn was still there, eased a little by memories of silky lips and soft murmurs.
"How's your car looking?" Max asked, changing the subject as they walked along the track.
"I don't know, honestly. Do you ever just…" Logan sighed and shook his head, shoulders rounding. "Nevermind."
God. Max opened his mouth to tell him to go on, ask whatever it was that was on his mind – just get fucking on with it – but decided against it. Not everyone said what was on their mind. Not even him, some days, depending what was on his mind. He'd learned to bottle a lot of things, even if people thought he had no filter.
"I like him, Max. And I like you too."
How can you like us both?
He knew how. He just didn't know why. Why did she like him? He was the opposite of her precious American.
Logan cared. About everything. He cared too much. What people thought, whether he was doing well, how he carried himself. He was gentle and – damn it, caring – towards everyone, from a little boy with no father to people who didn't deserve a second thought.
Whereas he was… Gruff. An asshole on a bad day, a jerk on others. He did care, but he was selective. And he had learned at a young age that being gentle, being caring, led to being hurt and disappointment.
Gonna cry, boy?
"You have to stand up for yourself." The words came out of his mouth and hung in the air, too cold and brisk for the man walking next to him. "Sorry."
Logan drew in a breath. "Max—"
"Actually, no I'm not sorry." How many times had he said that in the past week? Twice. Which was twice too many. "It's true. You can't let them walk all over you. Because they'll do it until they find another pushover."
"They're not renewing my contract."
Well, fuck.
"They haven't said it. James is giving me the runaround every time I bring it up." Logan kept his eyes straight ahead and so did Max, not sure he wanted to see whatever emotions were showing. "But I know it's coming."
"He's such a spineless cunt," Max muttered.
Logan sputtered on a laugh. "Jesus," he chuckled nervously.
"He is." Max glanced at him. Swallowed down the little bit of bitterness. "You deserve a team that believes in you."
He nodded. "I know. But I don't have that."
"Don't give up hope," he said, the words surprising even him. "There are teams with vacant seats next year."
"I'm American. Hope's all I got," Logan said without enthusiasm.
Max chuckled softly. "Sometimes it's all you need."
As if he would know.
"I appreciate it, Max. Really."
"I can't give advice." He grimaced. "I suck at it. But I'm here if you need someone to talk to."
Even though he wasn't looking at him, he saw Logan's smile. "Thanks, mate."
For once it didn't sound weird when Logan said it.
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A win in Barcelona and, somehow, y/n found herself in the VIP section of a club with several drivers and a few girlfriends. No one seemed surprised or upset by her being there, and she laughed and drank a little, enjoying the downtime. Logan pulled her into a dance and she felt…
Taking a break, she got another drink and found herself next to Max while he talked to Charles about someone she didn't know. A few moments later Charles was dragged away by his girlfriend and she was, relatively, alone with Max.
Max leaned close, speaking directly into her ear, loud enough to be heard above the music. "I can see why you like him!"
Her brow furrowed at his words. "You can?"
He nodded, leaning back to take a swig from his drink. "He's nice. Looks at you like you put the stars in the sky."
"Max," she murmured in surprise, her expression softening. She looked past him to where Logan was laughing with Lando and Oscar.
"See." Max chuckled next to her as Logan turned to look at her. "If he looked at me like that, I'd fall too."
A surprised laugh bubbled up. "Max! Are you drunk?"
He shook his head. "Not even close."
The coloured lights flashing around them pulsed faster and she watched him finish his drink. "Max–"
"He's in love with you." Max's face was serious.
She nodded, because suddenly she couldn't speak. If she did, she might tell him things she should never say. Nodding again, she looked down at her drink. Logan had all but said I love you to her. He'd said he loved being with her, loved hearing her voice, loved spending time with Kevin, but hadn't said he loved her.
"We have that in common," Max said, and she barely caught the words, his voice was so low.
Jerking her head up, she blinked. "What–"
"Hey babe."
A long arm snaked around her and she was pulled back against Logan's chest. Confused to see Max grinning, she wondered if he was drunk, because he usually looked annoyed whenever Logan was around. Well, not as much this past week as he had before, but…
Logan bent down, lips brushing her ear. "Having fun?"
She nodded, unconsciously stroking the arm around her as she sipped her drink. "It's a little noisy," she said loudly. "But fun."
He squeezed his arm around her. "Let me know when you're ready to go?"
She patted his arm and nodded again, smiling as he slipped away to go talk to Oscar.
Max tipped his head thoughtfully. "You're shit at lying."
"No I'm not?" She frowned at that. "I'm not lying."
"You're having fun?" he asked, arching his eyebrow.
She delayed answering by taking a sip of his drink.
He laughed, rolling his eyes. "You'd rather be at the hotel, wouldn't you?"
She made a face. "Yes. But—"
He grabbed her hand and tugged her along behind him, stopping to speak to Logan. They were right under a speaker so she couldn't hear what he said, but she saw Logan's concern as he nodded. Confused when he leaned to press a kiss to her cheek, she opened her mouth to say she was fine, but no one seemed to hear her above the thudding music. Logan didn't seem bothered by Max holding her hand and she remembered that she'd talked to him about it, that he was weirdly okay with her exploring her options as he'd put it—
Logan's lips moved to her ear. "I'll see you later, babe."
"Max what are you doing?" she asked a few moments later when he guided her out a side door of the club. Despite the heat outside it felt cooler than the club and she breathed in a lungful of fresh air.
"Taking you to the hotel," he answered simply.
She blinked as a car turned down the side street – alley? she wasn't sure what to call it – and stopped in front of them. Turning to him, she pinched her brows together. "You're supposed to be celebrating your win."
Max shrugged. "I can celebrate anytime."
With that, he opened the back door of the car and motioned for her to climb in. And she couldn't argue. Well, she could but it would be pointless. Arguing with Max was much like arguing with Kevin. It would lead nowhere except to a headache, she was sure. Settling in the backseat, she opened her handbag to get her phone, checking to make sure Ellie hadn't messaged her with an emergency.
"Je bent mooi," Max murmured once the car was in motion.
She could barely see him but she looked at him anyway, watching the passing lights flicker across his face. "Thank you," she whispered, remembering what the words meant.
You're beautiful. Not you look beautiful, that dress looks great on you. You're beautiful. She wondered if he understood the difference and thought that he might when his hand found hers.
It had been just over a week and it was still so new, so unexpected, the secret looks and touches. The stolen kiss that morning, the quick hug in the post-race confusion. All weekend she'd kept waiting for someone to notice, to say something, but no one had.
"When's your birthday?" she asked suddenly.
"End of September… Why?"
His thumb was tracing the back of her hand, making it hard to concentrate on her thoughts. "That's… Right after Singapore right?"
Max hummed. "Yeah I think a week after?"
"Well what are you doing to celebrate?" she asked, shifting so she was facing towards him.
He chuckled, and in the flickering lights she saw him shaking his head. "I don't celebrate birthdays."
"Y/n…" he mocked.
"You have to celebrate," she sighed.
"Uh, no, I don't have to."
"Didn't you love birthday parties as a kid?" she asked as the car stopped. Glancing out, she realized they were parked behind the hotel. She kept forgetting that Max could do things like that.
He thanked the driver and climbed out, turning back to help her out. "I didn't celebrate them much as a kid," he finally said.
"Oh," she said softly.
Max groaned, guiding her through the door, nodding to the hotel security. "Don't."
"I didn't—"
"You're not throwing me a birthday party," he insisted with a shudder.
"It's just another day."
She scrunched up her face as he guided her onto the elevator. "If you'd let me speak—"
"No, because if I do it'll end with me wearing a stupid pointy hat and you blowing confetti in my face," he muttered.
Y/n huffed. "I wouldn't blow confetti."
He turned to look at her.
"I wouldn't!" she insisted. "I'd blow noisemakers—"
"You really don't want to celebrate? Cake? Friends? A few presents?"
"I don't like cake, if I want to see friends I do, and if I want anything I buy it." He tipped his head. "I don't need a party for any of that."
"It doesn't have to be a party," she persisted as the elevator stopped.
"I appreciate what you're trying to do," he said, glancing left and right before steering her towards her room. "But I don't see any reasons to celebrate."
"It's a special day, Max."
"You're not going to let this go are you?" he sighed as they stopped at her door.
She shook her head, opening her handbag to get her keycard. "Nope."
Max rolled his eyes and took the card, unlocking the door for her and following her inside. "Why is it so important to you?"
Slipping off her heels, she pushed them next to her suitcase. "It's a time to celebrate… To reflect and appreciate what you've been given."
Leaning against the dresser, he set the keycard down and folded his arms. "You don't think they're childish and unimportant?"
She looked up from gathering her pajamas to change into. Frowning, she shook her head. "That's your father speaking, isn't it?"
His eyes shuttered and his stance grew tense. "I'm not…"
"Is he why you didn't celebrate?" she whispered.
"My mom tried," he said after a moment of tense silence. "She'd make a cake or get me a little something. But…"
He pushed away from the dresser and walked across the room. She sat back on her heels, watching him pace before he stopped at the window. Heart breaking for the little boy inside him, she pushed to her feet and walked over, tentatively sliding her hand over his.
"We didn't celebrate. Even when I won." His voice was hoarse, as though it hurt him to say the words.
"Oh, Max," she sighed. She hesitated, still not used to this sort of closeness, and finally leaned her head against his arm.
He let out a shuddering sigh and she realized he wasn't used to it, either. Slipping his hand free, he wrapped his arm around her slowly and cautiously, as though afraid she was going to push him away.
"Can I throw you a small party?" she asked after a moment. "With just a few people who care about you?"
Groaning, he pressed his lips into her hair. "If you must."
"Who would you want to invite?"
He snorted. "You and Kevin." Tucking his chin on the top of her head, he wrapped his other arm around her. "You can invite Logan, too."
Surprised, she leaned back, heart skipping several beats. "Logan?"
"He's special to you and Kevin. You and Kevin are special to me." He paused, eyes meeting hers. "So he's special to me too, I guess."
"Max," she whispered. "You mean that?"
"Don't say it like that, don't make it—"
She leaned up, silencing him with a kiss. Don't make it weird. But it already was.
And she kind of loved it.
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Taglist: @d3kstar | @leodette | @driverlando | @maxlarens | @forzalando | @landinhoe | @trisharee | @littlegrapejuice | @lilypat | @manicpixiemom | @spookystitchery | @halleest | @lyannesworld | @llando4norris | @kravitzwhore | @younxii | @silentreader128 | @samantha-chicago | @mrsbrxkkxr | @cmleitora | @jasons-little-princess | @toldyouitwasamelodrama | @aundercoverosh | @kiwi43-81 | @awritingtree | @voidsfics | @misartymis | @goldenchemistry | @colmathgames2 | @elliotts1one | @lovin-fangirl | @czennieszn | @a-beaverhausen | @vicurious28 | @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp | @mcmuppet | @eveninggstar | @scorpiomindfuck | @larastark3107 | @classychalamet | @mavies-stuff |
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xxresi-rotxx · 2 years
Avoiding You- L.S. Kennedy (pt. 2)
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It was well into the night when you decided to depart from the base. You had been trying your hardest to get Leon out of your head. Why was he so interested in your lead? Was he upset at the move you pulled? 
It didn’t matter, at least you got the satisfaction of seeing his face when you mentioned Ada and how you saw the two of them. It wasn’t entirely the reaction you were expecting though. There wasn’t a trace of anger or embarrassment, but more of shock and shame. 
It didn’t make sense in your head at all. Leon was probably the most loyal, down to earth agent you had ever met; it seemed so out of character for him to fall for someone like her. But then again, maybe you didn’t really know him. You definitely didn’t know him the way you thought you did. 
You had been walking through the back streets of the city for a good half hour now, making sure you weren’t being trailed. It was close to pitch black out now, the dusk quickly turning into night, and you finally began scoping out your lead. 
It looked like an old, abandoned warehouse. Perfect setting for a bioweapon. Almost too perfect actually. It felt off to you; the hairs on your arm standing on end. You didn’t like this feeling; you knew something was wrong and you went on high alert trying to figure out why. 
Before you could react, someone was behind you. They made quick work of disarming you & pinning you to them. A hand covering your mouth and an arm around your waist, you slammed back into something solid. 
“Relax Y/N, it’s me.” The hold on your body becoming looser. 
You forcefully yanked your body away from Leon, a flood of emotions coursing through your veins. Fury, embarrassment, confusion, excitement; it was all so much. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” You quietly shouted at the man. 
“Look, I would have explained this all to you earlier but you stormed off at base and-”
“And what?” You interrupted, earning an exasperated and tired look from Leon. 
“And you really shouldn’t be here alone.” 
“And why is that?”
“You know why” Leon’s tone turning serious “I don’t know where you got this lead but it’s right, the bioweapons” he paused to glance at the factory “are right in there. What were you trying to prove by going alone?”
You hated that he could see right through you. 
Before you could think of something to say another shadow emerged from the street’s edge. It took every ounce of restraint you had to bite your tongue and hold back the anger you felt just looking at this woman.
“I told you tonight wasn’t a good night Leon.” Ada purred as she got closer to the two of you.
“We were just leaving.” Leon responded, grabbing your arm before starting to walk away.
Ada put a hand on his chest, halting his movement.
“And who’s this?” She asked gesturing to you.
You opened your mouth to respond but Leon beat you to it.
“Nobody.” His voice dripping venom as he spoke. You rarely heard Leon this clipped, angry.
He pushed the two of you past Ada and began walking towards base. Keeping to the street’s edge to avoid unwanted attention, his grip on your arm never wavering.
“Mind telling me what the hell this is all about?” Leon asked the second you arrived back at base.
“I could ask you the same thing.” You replied, ice in your tone. This whole situation was so confusing. Was he making things hard on purpose? He was the one who rejected you, not the other way around.
“What Ada?” Just hearing her name leave his lips killed you a little. “She knows more about those bioweapons than we do at this point, she’s been giving me intel on the situation there.”
You scoffed at that.
“Seriously Kennedy? I saw the two of y-”
His interruption left you speechless.
“You keep calling me Kennedy, it’s Leon incase you’ve forgotten.”
If looks could kill you’d both be dead on the spot. Your stares penetrating each other, neither one backing down.
“Okay Leon,” the memory of the last time you said his name haunting you “why not share your intel hm?”
“You think I trust Ada?” Leon scoffed, his voice slighter raising in volume. “I learned a long time ago never to do that. There’s a reason they only ever have me contact her, I’m the only one she won’t immediately betray.”
“I wonder why that is.” You mumbled under your breath, your emotions getting the better of you.
“There isn’t a price I wouldn’t pay to keep those I care about safe Y/N, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy paying it. I figured you of all people would know that.”
You had no response. Starting to feel guilty for saying what you did. Leon would do anything, give anything, to keep you all safe. You knew that for a fact. Your heartache made you forget so much, made you forget everything you had ever known about Leon just to try and ease the pain.
It had been over thirty seconds and you were still speechless.
Leon let out a laugh, “Okay, well”, he turned on his heel, leaving you frozen standing alone in the dark.
You came to your senses and ran to catch up with him, going past him to stand in front of him, blocking his path. To your surprise, he spoke first.
“You know if you really saw us you would have known that much, following a lady’s lead isn’t my style.”
You thought back to when you saw them, Leon against the tree with Ada pressed against his chest, her clearly taking the lead.
“So why then?” You could hear the slight tremor in your voice but chose to ignore it. Avoiding Leon wasn’t going to work anymore, something had to give.
“I already told you-”
“No not about Ada, why did you reject me?” You bit your tongue, trying to swallow it the way you wished the earth would swallow you.
“Reject you?” He asked, voice laced with confusion.
“I tried to kiss you Leon, don’t tell me you don’t remember. I made a mistake clearly, but if you didn’t want me like that you could have just said so.” You broke eye contact with the man to stare at the ground. Had you become a masochist? This conversation was leading you to believe you had.
“I didn’t reject you.” He lifted your chin, locking eyes with you once again.
Had you heard him correctly? You stared deeply into his eyes looking for any trace of insincerity but found nothing.
“You didn’t reject me? Leon you pulled away from me, the message behind that is pretty clear.”
“You don’t get it.” He sighed, leaning his forehead against yours.
You missed him. God you missed him so much. You just wanted to reverse time, forget you ever tried to kiss him. You missed his banter, his scent, his voice, having him by your side for every mission.
“You’re right,” you whispered “I don’t.” Leaning against his forehead gave you some sense of relief. At least he couldn’t see how shiny your eyes had gotten, glistening with unshed tears.
“I didn’t kiss you for multiple reasons, not a single one of them being that I didn’t want to.”
You tore your head away from his to look into his eyes.
“What?” You spoke, trying to piece it all together.
“Did you not realize where we were when you tried to kiss me? How many people were around?”
“So? So I didn’t want people to think that I was using you. That that’s the reason I specifically requested you for each mission I went on.”
“Specifically requested me?”
“You didn’t think that was random did you? That we just happened to get paired for every mission.”
“You requested me?” You spoke like a broken record, he requested you? Specifically?? Every time?! You heart was beginning to beat faster, feeling better with each word he spoke.
“Every time, without fail. I pride myself on a lot of things Y/N, but my self control isn’t one of them.”
You smiled a little, thinking about past memories proving his statement to be true.
“I wasn’t worried about my reputation, there’s no rule against dating other agents in the DSO, but I was thinking about yours. You hear the shit everyone mumbles when Ada’s mentioned, I didn’t want that happening to you. That I would have minded.”
“I was right then?” You asked barely above a whisper, “to kiss you I mean, I didn’t misread you?”
“No you didn’t misread me, in fact I’d been waiting for you to figure it out. But after you tried to kiss me and I stopped it, you went radio silent. Every time I tried to find you or talk to you, you weren’t there. And when you were, you wanted nothing to do with me.”
You thought back to the debriefing, when you saw his steps hesitate, turns out you hadn’t imagined it. Leon broke you from your thoughts.
“I thought maybe you had regret it.”
His eyes were the ones to break contact first, glancing down at his boots before looking back to you.
“I did regret it, but for a completely different reason I assure you.” He smiled slightly at your comment, you continued on “But when we saw Ada just now?”
“I barely trust her with my own life, you think I’d trust her with yours? Better she have no idea who you are.”
Everything was starting to make sense now. You started to feel so stupid thinking of all your wasted emotions and pain. The stupidity you felt was quickly replaced however by pure joy. You were right, Leon did feel something for you.
“I can’t believe I spent all this time away from you and it was for nothing.” You grumbled.
“Well not for nothing”, Leon smirked, staring down at you, “I heard you’re one hell of a shot with a 12 gauge now.”
You laughed, a genuine laugh, and Leon’s smirk grew bigger.
“Let them say what they want about my reputation Leon, I have a feeling they won’t dare.” You smirked back at him.
“In that case…” Leon grabbed your chin and leaned down, his lips connecting with yours. It was so soft, so gentle; his lips meshing with yours so perfectly.
You both disconnected, a comfortable silence hanging between the two of you.
“For a man who doesn’t pride himself on his self control, that kiss was pretty impressive.” You teased Leon.
“You know, teasing me isn’t going to help that so called self control of mine.” He teased back.
“I’m counting on it, Kennedy.” Using his last name on purpose, only fueling the fire.
Leon moved faster than you, throwing you over his shoulder and giving you a slight smack on your rear, earning a squeal from you.
“Where are we going?” You laughed, trying to lift yourself off his shoulder.
He jumped slightly, making you fall back down onto his shoulder.
“Someplace more private”, he responded “I intend on hearing my first name fall from your lips tonight, over and over actually, until I can be sure you won’t forget it again.”
You stopped trying to lift yourself up and surrendered into his hold, after all you had a long night ahead of you….
I LOVED THIS SO MUCH😭😭I hope this was the pt 2 everyone wanted! I’ve officially reached over 200 followers here and I’m so flattered❤️❤️I love this fictional man and am so happy I found others who do too😂enjoy my writing lovelies😘😘
(Also sorry if this looks funny, I finished it on my phone)
Taglist: @levisbebe
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lightwing-s · 1 year
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pairing: jason todd x villain! fem! reader
summary: they should hate each other, but from how long they each stay on the other's mind, they clearly were not paying attention to that. they took I'll fuck you in the complete opposite direction.
rating: 18+ (MDNI)
word count: oh god 6,8k warnings: smut, unprotected sex, chocking, dirty talk, oral sex, foreplay, language
a/n: so yeah, here's finally to part 2! thank you to every single message i got about pt 1, i was so overwhelmed by the response to it that i had to make some time to wrap up the story. also, special thanks to @igotanidea for being the most supportive person I've ever met online and for handling me breaking down over this week while trying to finish this post. to you i owe so much ♡ a/n 2: guys, pls, go easy on me as this was my first attempt at writing smut. so so sorry if this ends up looking ridiculous lol
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
pt i
⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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For the past 48 hours, Jason had been absentmindedly searching for Y/n. Searching for signs that everything that happened two nights ago was real, and not just a product of his imagination.
Two mornings ago, he woke up confused, not knowing exactly where he was or how he had gotten there in the first place. He woke up in his brother's living room, laying in his brown leather sofa, shirt missing and head banging from pain, with the extra addition of the sun beaming its morning rays straight into his eyes. 
Handing him a cup of warm milk, Dick filled in on how he found him passed out on top of an abandoned building, just as the sun was coming up in the horizon and he was ready to drop his vigilante outfit for the night. According to him, he was already missing his shirt then, his broken helmet was beside his body, and he was the only thing in the otherwise completely empty building, not even his motorcycle in his line of sight. He couldn’t figure out what had happened to Jason earlier, and he only wondered just how the hell did he get there?
Jason couldn’t offer him an explanation, though. 
He had a hunch of just who had put him there. But he wasn’t sure. Everything that happened that night, the kisses, the touches, they couldn’t just not be real. They had to have happened, the memories were too clear in his mind for it to be just a dream. It felt too real to be just a hallucination.
It had to be real, or someone had been playing with his mind way too well. The Mad Hatter is known for his devices, Ivy had been on the loose for a while. Or his mind had simply just acquired the skills to produce extremely realistic scenarios in his head, better than any porn he had watched recently.
That or he was just too addicted to Y/n.
It felt massively wrong. Like he was committing the worst of sins, or something like that, he wasn’t really religious to understand. She was a thief, a villain, someone he was supposed to hate and fight against, throw her in jail and never think of her again until she eventually fled Blackgate just like every other criminal in this god damned city. 
But here he was. Standing atop some old factory in Gotham, heavy traffic not flowing just below him, while he looked for any clues or indications she was still around. 
Someone just radioed GCPD that there’s a drug trade going on in Tricorner Island, he heard through the coms.
I overheard two guys talking about it. Oracle, send me the location, I’m on my way.
Just did it, Robin. Nightwing, how’s north Gotham doing?
Er… Going, his brother answered through the sounds of grunts and punches.
Where’s  Jason? Haven’t heard of him all night and…
Before Barbara could say anything else, Jason turned off the coms, not wanting anything else adding up to his bad temper. He didn’t even know why he had come to patrol tonight, as fighting crime was the last thing he had on his mind. Returning his gaze to the traffic below, he let his thoughts wander elsewhere.
The loud sounds of honks and engines reverberated in the air, with the screams of angry drivers rushing their ways home to rest for the night playing along. The muffled sound of an ambulance siren got lost in the distance, hopefully driving someone with a chance of survival to Gotham General Hospital. All of those noises entered Jason’s ear on one side and left on the other, seemingly going unnoticed by the tall man. It was like he wasn’t there. Physically he was standing on top  of that building, mentally he was somewhere else. Where, he didn’t know. With whom, though, he had a clear answer. 
She had been missing from the streets for a while, but very much present in his mind. Cupid, Y/n, or whatever she went by, lived in his thoughts. The whole entire day, every second he wasn’t busy with something, he was thinking of her. And for that he was a goddamned loser.
Fortunately, or not, he was constantly thinking of something else he was missing too. His precious motorcycle had been MIA since the incident, and was, for some reason, untraceable by the Cave’s systems. Not riding it for two full days was getting to his nerves, and added to the agonizing feeling he had been under lately. 
Riding was his therapy, the cure for every troubled time he went through. There was no anxiety attack, no emotional turmoil, no stupid  fight with Bruce that couldn’t be erased by a 100 mph drive along Gotham’s damp streets. Not doing so made him feel like at any moment, anything, even the smallest of words, could make him explode.
Alone, he sometimes could hear the roaring of the V4 engine coming from nowhere. He’d look left and right, searching for it, but finding nothing. Loud, explosive, distinguishable. A hallucination, a very realistic hallucination. Very real. Very… Real?
Speeding up the road, he saw it. Cutting through the traffic, dodging cars and other vehicles, he recognized his motorcycle making its way in his direction. It was it, he was sure. There was no universe where he couldn't identify his favorite thing in the world, even from  afar. Moving closer to the parapet, almost flying over it, he tried to get a glimpse of who was riding it, but if anyone asked he’d have a guess.
Her. It had to be.
Whoever was on it was dressed all in black, and as it got closer he saw the same jacket he had seen two nights before. Hooded just like his. And, as the vehicle drove past him, the dark helmet turned, looking directly at him. As if she knew he was there. As if she knew he was waiting.
She definitely knew. She knew pretty well all his movements at this point, understood him well enough. How she learned all that, how to manipulate him like this, he didn’t know, but he knew her intentions. As much as she knew him, he got to know about her. She knew he’d recognize his motorcycle  anywhere, and she knew he’d want it back. 
So, somehow, he followed her.
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The neighborhood he found himself in was dark, the streets were wet and the air was humid. Light rain had just started pouring down on him, as he followed the trails left by the mucky tires of his bike, leading him further down the road. He should’ve been more careful, hiding in the corners and studying the place before making his way in. But tonight he simply couldn’t, all sense of carefulness completely gone, being replaced by hot tempered decision making. 
Jason arrived at an old abandoned parking garage. The first two floors were empty, dark and smelled of mold and trash. Climbing the ramps to the last floor, though, he spotted the red motorcycle right in the middle of the lot, parked and with its light still on, blinding anyone who’d go in its direction. They stopped him from seeing much else in the area, but considering that the only sound he could hear was from his own boots hitting the concrete floor, he quickly understood he was also alone.
His footsteps echoed through the walls, the muddy lines left by the tires beside him. As he reached the vehicle, for the first time in days, he felt a portion of tension that he was holding onto for a long time, leaving his body. With a heavy sigh in relief, he turned off the lights before quietly caressing the scarlet tank, the leather seat,  admiring his most faithful partner in its long awaited return.
“I took good care of her, don’t worry” he heard someone say. Startled, he lifted his head from where it was looking down, and instantly recognizing the voice, he searched for the source of the heavenly sound.
Then, he found her.
Resting against a concrete column at a far end, Y/n watched the outside, the falling rain and the night sky. Where she stood, the moonlight hit her precisely, like a spotlight in a play, like the moon knew no one else but her. Like she was a favorite. The light made her skin glow, her eyes sparkle. It made her look like a goddess.
He didn’t remember her ever looking this good. Maybe he was too blind by anger he didn’t notice, or there was something different tonight. He knew she was pretty, really pretty for that matter. But he was still so intoxicated from last time, so captivated, bewitched. Looking at her now, he knew getting rid of her thoughts would only get harder. Damn it!
Wearing a similar outfit to the one she wore on the underground, he noticed her jacket was open, and a silver necklace decorated her collarbone. The wind blew at her hair,  exposing her chest, her neck, her jaw, her lips. Speechless, Jason stood there, admiring her, for way longer his conscious self would be proud of. 
Following his silence, he heard her chuckle, bringing him back from his land of dirty dreams.
“You took my bike” he simply stated, mentally slapping himself for not being able to form a coherent sentence.
“A bit obvious, isn’t it?” she replied, finally looking in his direction, smirk glued on her glossy lips. Licking his own, he didn’t know how to reply, preferring to thank her for delivering back his vehicle  scratch free. “It wasn’t difficult. I took care of you, didn’t I?”
So it was real, he thought. He wasn’t going crazy. Or was he? One could argue that. Y/n was driving him insane.
“Thank you… for helping me that night” he said. “How did you know I was there?”
“I was following you.” she replied.
Shrugging, she gave him her answer. 
Truthfully, Y/n didn’t know why she was following him that night. After they left the subway tunnels she could have gone home, done with the last favor she owned Cobblepot. However, deep down her mind, he was there. And she worried about him. She knew Penguin well, she knew what he could do. And she didn’t want harm getting in his way. So she followed him.
She wanted to make sure he was alright. Why? God knows why. Y/n doesn’t. Or she refused to admit the real answer.
Jason. The sweet name stuck in her mind since he’d given it to her, and she urged to know what he looked like behind the mask. Put a face to the name, as they say. Did he look as fine as his name sounded? As his voice did? As his body would let on?
“You were pretty quiet these past few days” he said, circling the motorcycle and moving her way.
“I took some time to think.” she replied, returning her gaze to the rain.
“About what?”
“Curious much?” she joked, entertained by his need to get to know her. “About my life. Or what’s left of it”
“Hmm. Could have guessed you were working on another plan.” he joined in with a light joke.
“I got plenty of time for that, too.” she threw him a smile, blinding him for a second. “There’s just so much going on right now. Its…”
“Exhausting?” He cut her. “I guess working with Penguin does that to you”
“I don’t work with him” she threw back at him, her tone a bit sharper.
“For him, with him. It all sounds the same to me.” he said, opening his arms in contemplation.
“You wouldn’t understand,” she said, shaking  her head.
“Then explain it.” he requested. “Why do you do that? Why do you…”
“Steal, rob, trade, cause chaos” she cut him off. “I’m broke”
Pushing herself from the column, she moved to rest her hands on the window opening. The way she licked her lips and shook her head. The way her voice sounded ever so slightly broken. How she uncomfortably shifted on her feet after that comment. It wasn’t much of a choice, her way of life was perhaps the only solution. Jason felt sorry, he wanted to get closer, but he knew to stay away for now.
“I’m fucking broke. My family is gone. I don’t feel like working my ass off all day just to get paid in crumbs. So I decided to take my life in a new direction, and it turns out I’m good at that.”
“I’d say, really good at it.” Jason complimented. 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to enjoy that” Y/n looked at him over her shoulder and, shaking her head, gave him a smile.
Shrugging, he said: “I like a good challenge.”
Jason liked whatever this was much more than the angry, frustrated talks they had while chasing each other. It was light, fun. He could work well with that.
“By the way. I took it for a ride, hope you don’t mind” she said, resting her elbows on the short wall, and her cheeks on her hands. “That’s a really, really, sweet ride you have there” 
Gulp. With air tightening at his throat, he opened his helmet, taking it off and placing it on the tank of his bike. Jason's sweaty hair stuck to his face, cheeks still puffed from the heat after running all the way to the parking deck. 
That’s something I would like to take a sweet ride on, Y/n thought, but shook it away as soon as possible.
“What was that?” Jason asked her.
“What was what?” she pretended not to know, begging the universe he didn’t notice.
“What were you shaking your head at?” Eyebrows arched, she knew he noticed. “Like what you see?”
“You’ve been staring at my boobs from the moment you got here and I haven’t commented a thing” she said, turning her face so he couldn’t see her cheeks growing red.
Raising his hands in defeat, Jason tried to change topics.
“It was custom made.” he explained.
“Then you’ll have to tell me who did it, because I might be interested in getting one myself”
“I built it” Jason proudly informed. “It took me a while, but I got it done just how I wanted.”
“Wow” she moved one more time, facing him fully now, and crossing her arms over her chest. “You must be great working with your hands then”
Looking down, Jason stared at his own hands. Calloused, with a few bruises here and there, and desperate to have them exploring all over her. “I have my talents.”
“I see.”
A moment of silence followed. Not awkward, not tense. Just quiet, as both tried to stray their eyes from each other.
“Just don’t put anyone in danger, alright?” was all Jason asked, turning around to leave. 
“So you’re really leaving?” Y/n blurted out, not proud of sounding desperate, but desperately not wanting him gone. “Just like this?”
If he was stupid, he wouldn’t have noticed the slight tint of sadness on her voice, or the light touch of desperation ingrained in it. But he wasn’t, he heard it. And mysteriously, it boosted something deep inside him, an ego he didn’t know he owned.
“I have work” liar.
“Do you?” she questioned, walking in his direction. 
Jason was already mounted on his motorcycle, ready to turn the engine on. But the sight of her getting closer stopped him from doing anything else. He felt trapped somehow, like something was keeping him tied there. But there was no rope, not chains, not guns pointed at him. Just her.
All the way, her eyes never left his, looking at him through seductive eyes, challenging him, inquiring the truth. However, he saw, deep down, they were also begging him to stay. Watching her every move, lips sore from biting, his mouth hung open when, upon reaching him, she crossed her right leg over the tank of his motorcycle, sitting on it.
Her knees touched his thigh, the space between them minuscule. She was close, oh so close to him. His hot breath hit her face, making her eyelashes move. Her own blowing directly at his lips. 
“Do you really have to work tonight?”she questioned him one more time, hands sliding up his tights, eyes hanging low and falling on his lips. His own hands traveling to her waist, as Jason saw himself drawing her even closer. 
“Not if I don't want to” he stated in a breath, voice weak and desperate. He could feel his pants getting tighter, and heat building up from his neck.
“Don’t then” she whispered against his lips, hers dangerously close, almost touching his.
“I won’t” he said, one hand flying to the nape of her neck and finally, finally, closing the space between their mouths.
Ferociously, Jason’s mouth wandered over hers, tongue immediately sliding in. He held strongly at her neck and waist, as her hands laid and caressed at his tights. The kiss was wet, hot, and desperate. He wanted to drown himself on her lips, lose himself in her touches. And Y/n was just as needy, as her hands traveled up and down his tights, and her sweet moans filled Jason’s ears like a soft lullaby.
Lifting her legs over his, tangling them around his waist, she drew her body closer, locking the small gap they still had between them and grinding on his clothed crotch, while her hands dangerously made their way to where he wanted them most. Palming his dick, Y/n let out a surprised gasp, as her small hand barely cupped his size entirely. 
Y/n already expected him to be big. Looking at his body size, it was an easy assumption to make. Sometimes when they met, she would notice the bulge in his pants and spend the rest of the night just thinking about his potential. And, when they were making out on her guest room bed, she could feel just how big he was. 
With Y/n massaging him up and down over his pants, Jason would release deep guttural noises, but never bothered about ever ungluing their mouths. His kiss was sloppy, wetting even her chin. He’d suck at her bottom lip, biting it occasionally. The silvery taste of blood filling his taste buds.
As she tightened her hold on him, he grunted loudly into her mouth. Taking both her wrists with one single hand, he took them away from his crotch and held them tightly behind her back. Lowering her onto the panel, being careful to not hurt her head, he stood on his feet as he dry humped her jeans. The thick fabric of her pants adding to the feeling on her already sensitive clit. WIth her legs still wrapped around his waist, she assisted his movement with some of her own, moaning out his name like a prayer, as nibbled at her neck. 
He kissed his way down her neck, sucking and biting on it, certainly leaving his mark on her skin. Knowing the bruises she would have by the next morning only grew his lust, a sense of power in having her marked as his own. With his big hands, he wrapped them around her breasts, picking at her nipples over her shirt. Y/n moaned, arching her back and exposing her neck even more for him to reach places he couldn’t before. 
He wanted her stained, body covered in purple, as his little art project. He wanted her mindless, no thoughts in her head, drunk from pleasure. He wanted her under his power, dependent, addicted. He wanted her so bad, so good, so wet for him. He wanted to fuck her here and now.
But he had to wait. Against his own nature, he had to stop, before it was too late.
“Get off” he demanded, raspy voice making shivers run down her spine. Pushing away, he unhooked her legs from around him and with the back of his hand, he tried to clean his lips. 
Upon his words, her eyes shot open, confusion and disappointment evident in her irises. Jason had to hold himself as to not fuck her then and there, as she looked fucking desperate for him. Needy of his touch.
“I’m not fucking you on my motorcycle.” he state, handing her his hand to help her off his bike. “I know a way better place for us to go.”
“Are you gonna be able to wait till we get there?” she asked, still breathless from seconds ago.
“You made me wait two days already. I guess I can handle a few more minutes. Can you?” he traded a question, raising one eyebrow at her.
Biting her lips, she rolled her eyes at him and shook her head, looking all messed up still. A part of her told her to go, leaving him hanging with his own ego she knew pretty well was getting inflated by each second she spent under his touch. But her horny side, the one speaking the loudest tonight, just wanted to get its release. 
Climbing over the back of his bike, she wrapped her arms around him, feeling the ripped muscles of his well shaped abdomen, and rested her cheek on his back.
Turning on the engine, he looked at her over his shoulder. “Hold tight”
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A fan of speed, Jason had a feeling he had never driven faster. 
All over the city, he had secret hiding spots where he’d store weapons, money, and gadgets he needed for patrol. Small spots, needed mostly for storage and the occasional stitching up after a tough fight. But one of them was larger, his safehouse, built from two stacked up containers at an abandoned port storage lot. Jason considered it almost like a home, being there most of the time while out of patrol and not being busy with his civilian stuff.
He knew it was dangerous to bring her there, she could very well be tricking him, trying to get deep within his skin and rip something out of it. But every ounce of carefulness left his body the moment he crashed his lips to hers.
Parking outside in the dark lot, they climbed out of his vehicle and Y/n waited as he opened the container’s door. Inside, she was surprised by the tidiness of the place, not something she was expecting to see. It was clean and well organized. It contained a small kitchen, a living room and a bedroom on the opposite side to the door.
Y/n curiousness was heightened. This was so different to what she expected his home would be like. She thought he’d be like every other guy she had met, with a messy bedroom, unorganized book shelves, clothes hanging from everywhere. Sure, she hasn’t been with the type of guys that wouldn’t be messy, but his bunker was a very welcome surprise.
A stack of books decorated his coffee table, the only slightly “messy” thing in the entire unit. Taking the one from the top of the pile, Y/n was satisfied to see the early edition of Jane Austen’s Emma among his recent reads.
On the wall, a display showed a series of guns, knives and other weapons, drawing Y/n’s interest in seeing them from up close.
“Admiring the knives, Y/n?” Jason asked, breaking the silence hovering between them since they arrived in the place.
“You have quite the collection.” grabbing a larger knife in her hands, she turned back to him and continued. “No ropes, but knives. I see you’re into some kinky shit, Jason”
“We all have our thing” he didn’t deny. “Fire, isn’t it?”
Y/n liked cocky and fun Jason so much better than the angry annoying one she’d get most nights. Although she enjoyed annoying him, seeing how frustrated he’d get every time they met, this new calm, tranquil version of him was growing in her heart. 
It was hard to admit she had a thing for him, the guy who so desperately wanted to take her behind bars. She didn’t blame him, she knew what she did wasn’t that great. She didn’t have to do it like that, there were other options that wouldn’t have been as “easy”, but wouldn’t certainly get her into this much trouble. But all his trouble led her here, to his home, or she so assumed this unit was.
Almost every night, they’d meet, even if briefly, between all the other chaotic events in the city of chaos Gotham City. And every time they meet, religiously, Y/n would spend the rest of the night with him on her head. There was something about his hooded self, the mystery behind the mask, that attracted her. The fact he would do anything in his power to send her to Blackgate or any other prison added a risk factor that only made him hotter.
Then, she became obsessed. She'd learned his watching spots, always making sure to show up just around the corner. On the day of the Tiffany’s robbery, she knew he was close, and decided to strike before anyone else got close.
She didn’t think he’d like her back though. That night in her apartment came as a very welcoming surprise.
Everything that led to this event came as a surprise too. She was supposed to go home, rest after being done with her last debt to Penguin. But she saw him on her way, tiredly looking beyond at, seemingly, nothing, just waiting for something to happen. And then, she just stood there, watching him under the bridge, watching him fight with the two idiots she had met before at Penguin’s club, and watched him almost getting beat by Solomon Grundy. If she didn’t intervene soon enough, he’d have. But she wouldn’t let him, not under her watch.
Taking him from the floor, she carried his body with much difficulty to her apartment. Not all the way, as she stopped to rob someone’s car to drive him there, ensuring the driver she’d would return the car the very next day. She did, and even left him a thank you letter. 
Bringing him home was a stupid idea. At least at first. But when he looked at his cuts and scratches, she couldn’t help the primordial instinct of taking care of him. And when he looked all hot and needy, and when he kissed her passionately, bringing him home was suddenly the best decision she had made in a while.
But she couldn’t let it happen then. She was a criminal, but she still had a moral code. Don’t steal from the poor, only the rich. Help those around if you can. Don’t fuck anybody with the slightest level of unconsciousness due to alcohol, meds, drugs, or whatever. Basic human ethics everyone should know.
She regretted it, of course, as him doing things to her body were all that clouded her mind the entire day, her hands and toys not doing enough to send those thoughts away.
There was also the thought in the back of her head telling him he only wanted to fuck her because she was “hot”. Sure, maybe she wasn’t the prettiest, or had the hottest body, but it seemed like was more attracted to her than into her. She couldn’t say the same, feeling exactly the opposite. She imagined once he’d fucked her, he’d fuck with her and had her trapped and sent away.
She didn’t want him to break her heart. Yet, where she was now, she was waiting for it.
“Penny for your thots… Er-hm thoughts” he coughed, worrying about her sudden silence.
“Nothing important.” she replied quietly.
“Really?” he questioned again, wanting to be sure she was fine. “Anything I can help with?”
He was walking closer ever so slowly. Reaching her, he set his arms around her, on the same table she was holding herself against, trapping her in place and forbidding her from getting away.
Just fuck me out of this thoughts, she mentaly replied, for some reason too ashamed to say it out loud. 
His face rested mere inches from hers, and she could feel his minty breath once again.
“I want to kiss you” he admitted. “Can I?”
Biting her lower lip seductively, eyes glued on his, Y/n closed the space between them one more time. This turn, though, the kiss was softer, more contained, yet still as hot. His hand flew to caress her cheek with his thumb, palms resting on her jaw and the nape of her neck.
This slower pace, although really enjoyable, from Y/n perspective just wasn't enough. Her underwear felt sticky from the arousal she had earlier, and her core still twitched in desire. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer and speeding up their kiss, becoming slowly as sloppy as it had been before.
He held onto her thighs, wrapping them around his waist. The close contact between their cores heating up their surroundings. She grinded on him, begging for some attention down there, as his lips wandered from her mouth to her neck, leaving bites all along. 
She could feel his hardening member growing inside his pants, the junction of his bulge and the hard fabric causing the friction against her clit to feel even better. Her moans were becoming louder and couldn’t stop fleeing her lips. Jason, on the other hand, kept his composure.
The tables were turned now, and Y/n was the one desperate for release. 
Sliding his large hands under her shirt, he pulls it up her head with ease. He watched her chest heaving under her pink lacy bra, the sight driving him closer to the edge. While he stared, Y/n swiftly slipped her hands down to take off her jeans too, as Jason took the hint and removed his jacket and his shirt too.
Y/n pulled him by his belt, ending their distance to kiss him once more. His hands flew to her boobs, tightening his hold and playing with her hardened nipples. Slowly, he made his way down to the valley of her breast, kissing and sucking every inch of skin he could find. Looking up, they locked eyes, Jason making sure to not look away as he pulled the cloth covering her tit with his own teeth.
The sight couldn’t have been sexier, Y/n not noticing the moan she let out just at that. 
Mouth clashing against her soft skin, Jason sucked violently on one boob as his hand played with the other, causing Y/n’s head to roll back and hit the knife display on the wall. Her sudden move dropped a few of his knives onto the table, but they couldn’t have cared less, both letting out breathy laughs over the incident.
When he felt he was done with her breasts, he licked his way down belly, sending shivers down her spine. When he reached the waistline of her panties, Y/n’s breath hitched. The hot air from his breath hitting her core. She watched him attentively, waiting for his next move.
“I can smell how excited you are, Y/n” he commented, eyes glued to her core. “I wonder how you’d taste like”
Y/n had to hold tight onto the table to not let out a scream, Jason’s warm tongue sending jolts of electricity up her spine. He licked up and down her folds, one stroke at a time, driving Y/n nuts from impatience. He noticed her despair, and he enjoyed it thoroughly, slowing his pace even more, taking his sweet time licking at her clit.
“Jay…” Y/n begged, a hand moving to grasp at his hair.
“Pantience, sweetheart.” he mumbled between her tights.
Deciding to attend to her pleas just this once, Jason shoved his face down her soppy pussy, tongue moving at a much faster pace. Y/n’s legs went instinctively to rest over his shoulders, and he grabbed them tight to keep her trembling body from moving. Y/n’s lower abdomen twitched, as Jason devoured her intimacy like a hungry man. 
Jason was focused, himself enjoying every moment he spent licking her cunt. Sometimes he would give some much needed attention to her clit, and watch her squirm and shake above him. Her warmth overcoming him, her liquids sliding down his jaw, face all wet from her pleasure.
“Ah, you’re doing so good!”
“We’re just starting, Yn.”
And dropping her legs down, he stood up from the floor, shin glistering. Confusion and disappointment much more evident on Y/n face this time, frustrated with being so close to release. 
Jason breaks them apart, Y.n’s head rolling backwards immediately, as she begged for air. For a few seconds, he took some time  to admire her pose, boobs hanging out, face crunched from pleasure. But he didn’t waste any time before shoving his mouth on her nipples, drawing a surprised scream from the back of her throat.
“W-why did you stop?” she asked under heavy breaths.
“C’mon Y/n. I’ve never been easy on you. What made you think I was gonna do it this time?”
A smirk on his face, he spread her weak legs apart and stood in the middle, cupping her cheeks and leaning in for a kiss. Y/n could taste herself in his tongue, his soaked face staining her own with her juices.
“Do you wanna go to Blackgate?” he suddenly asked. Not understanding a thing, Y/n just stared at the muscular guy ahead. “Answer me Y/n. Do you wanna go to Blackgate?”
Y/n just shook her head.
“Good” he said, giving her a chaste kiss. Reaching behind her back, Jason grabbed one of the fallen knives. “I guess you won't be needing this tonight”
Gliding the blade carefully up her tights, Jason cut her panties and with a swift movement threw them aside. He grabbed the back of her legs and wrapped them on his waist, propping her up to carry her to his bed.
As she laid in his bed, exposed and vulnerable, she took some time to admire his strong body. Ripped muscles modeled his arms and abdomen, and basically every body part she landed her eyes on. Standing at the edge of the bed, staring her down while holding a knife, he looked dangerous and borderline frightening.
“Tonight, Y/n, I’ll be giving you a sentence.”
Slapping hard at her cunt, Jason’s hand massaged her clit with his thumb as two fingers slid inside of her. “And you’ll leave here a good, reformed citizen”
Y/n couldn’t hold back the loud moans that escaped her mouth. Arching her back, she screamed his name like a prayer. Hands grabbing onto the bed sheets, Y/n saw her mind go blank with her first orgasm of the night.
“Such a good girl”
As Y/n heaved and panted, trying to ease her breath, she listened to the sound of his belt falling to the floor. When she looked up to face him, Jason was  stroking his dick, grunting by himself as he watched her struggle to keep herself together. She observed his red tip drip with pre cum, her tongue instinctively hanging out.
“Do you wanna lick?”
She nodded innocently, moving to stand closer, but he pushed her back to fall on the bed again. 
“No. Not tonight.” pulling her to him, he slapped his dick on her soft cunt, teasing her entrance with his own tip. “Tonight I’m fucking you”
With one hard movement, Jason slipped his entire length inside of Y/n. She cried out his name, as his thickness stretched mercilessly, the sharp sensation causing tears to form in her eyes. He thrusted hard into her, the sound of skin hitting skin filling the room.
“Oh, god. F-fuck!” she cried out.
He held her tight for support, pulling her and he pumped his cock deeper, getting lost in the warm sensation of being wrapped inside her tight wet cunt. 
“Sweetheart, you’re so fucking tight. You’re making me feel so good.”
He watched her clothed tits jumping up, and angrily removed her last clothing item from her body. Palming her breast, he played with them as his thrusts started getting sloppier. H could finally feel his frustrations fading away with every thrust, and as she sang out his name he could feel his release getting closer. 
With one last hard thrust, he pushed himself out.
“Turn around” he demanded, and she quickly obeyed.
His hard hand hit her ass, surprising her and drawing out a loud cry. He slid his hand once more between her folds, watching her tremble under his touch.
“Jason, please, please. Just make me cum”
“Not yet, princess” he warned, as she cried in complaint, but as he kept stroking her clit she came undone on his fingers. “Tsc tsc tsc. I told you not yet.”
“I’m s-sorry, Jay. I just couldn’t… you were making me feel s-so good. Aah”
Jason pushed her head down onto the mattress, holding her in place by the neck.
“You better keep yourself together. Or do you want me to send you to Blackgate right after we’re done”
“No, please”
“Then wait till I let you cum” she nodded her head, tears soaking the bed.
He lined himself at her entrance once more, teasing it with his tip and he felt her cum melting on his tip. Snatching her hands from where they were supporting her up, he held them fiercely behind her back, as he made his way deep inside of her.
His cock hit heavily at her cervix. Her wall is tightening around him, sucking him even deeper. He was losing himself on her while he fucked her dumb. After so long trapped in intrusive thoughts and in unholy dreams, Jason felt in heaven. He grunted out her name, thankful for choosing a safehouse so far from everybody.
His thrust were getting clumsy, his dick missing entrance her a few times. As she placed him back where she wanted him most, she thrusted back, giving him a moment to rest before returning his moves once again.
“Jay” she whispered out. “I getting close”
“Shhh. Not now, baby. Just a little bit more.”
Grabbing her by the neck, he yanked her up to meet his chest. Her head rolled back to rest on his shoulders as he gained speed, the new position making him hit her favorite spot. Y/n cried out in his ears, when he fingered her clit for a third time.
He bit and sucked on the skin of her shoulder, holding back moans of his own.
“Jay, I-i” she tried to speak, but he cut her off by crashing his lips to hers. Still clutching her neck, he sucked on her tongue as he felt her nail dig into his ass.
“I’m almost there” he announced, sucking on earlobe. “Just tell me. Tell me you’ll stop.”
His drive never seeming to slow down, he requested, voice muffled her neck. he requested. 
“Tell me you stop stealing, robbing, dealing. Tell me you’ll stop, then I’ll let you come”
“I’ll stop. Yes, please. I’ll stop, I’ll stop. Jason, please let me come.”
“Look me in the eye tell me this again. Like you mean it” he demanded, capturing her chin and moving her look him deep in the eye.
“I’ll stop. I’ll be a good girl… just for you.”
Jason’s hands rubbed her harder, his thrusts making her mind go blank from ecstasy as her body melted onto his. The know below his stomach coming undone as he filled her with his seed, her own orgasm makes her body spasm against his hold.
Riding out his high, he pushed in at a much slower pace. Leaving butterfly kisses on her back as he lowered them both to rest on the mattress.
When he pulled out, Y/n groaned, already missing the sensation of him filling her up.
After cleaning themselves, Jason watched her back rising and falling, breathing finally even , her eyes closed as she laid on her belly. It wasn’t a sight he expected to see anytime soon, or ever, really. But he was glad to be seeing it, he was glad she was here. With him.
Getting back on the bed, he pulled her and hugged her from behind. He laid a soft kiss behind her ear, hearing the quiet sound of her breath.
“Do you bring many of his villains here?” she gently asked.
“Only the potentially dangerous ones.”
“I hope you have tapped your night with the Joker then. I’d be really interested in watching that”
Throwing his head back, Jason blurted out laughing. Y/n’s heart beat faster at the sound, wishing to hear it more often.
“Relax. He didn’t catch my attention like you.” he confessed, returning to leave kisses on her skin, something he found himself addicted to. “No one did.”
“Good!” she said, and she tightened his hold onto her middle. “I don’t want your attention anywhere else.”
. tag list (i can't believe i've got one of those lmao, thank you so much for the love you've given this story ♡
@dolliezxo @stevesdick @miraculous-panic @kk00789 @alecmoress @parkjammys @biggetywitch @jasontodd-artemisgrace4life @dakotali @theendofthematerialgworl
723 notes · View notes
avaantares · 10 months
Wait, Zhao Yunlan's gun is actually a...?!
(I've never claimed production meta for @guardianbingo before, but after the amount of time and research I put in on this, I feel like I've earned the "Zhao Yunlan's Gun or Whip" square, haha)
Maybe this is something fandom as a whole figured out back in 2018, but I, who didn't hear of Guardian until 2020, did not realize until now and I need to share the knowledge because when I finally noticed, I made an unholy sound.
I've tracked down where Zhao Yunlan's gun came from -- or at least, what it most likely started as. Not the in-universe dark-energy-maybe-uses-bullets-maybe-doesn't-device-that's-best-not-thought-about-too-long, but rather the actual fake-steampunk-revolver-that-is-best-not-looked-at-too-long-because-it's-awful prop.
Y'know, this disaster:
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I was actually working on a different Guardian Bingo fill and needed to look something up for continuity, so I'd flipped through a couple of episodes at super high speed trying to find a scene. As luck would have it, one of my skips forward happened to land on the scene I screencapped above, when ZYL confronts Zhang Shi.
Normally we don't get this clear (or this stationary) a shot of the godawful gun prop. I'd assumed all along they had just taken a plastic gun, glued some extra bits and bobs on it to make it look fancy, and hit it with some dry brushing (fun fact: you can watch the paint flake throughout the series; check out the top of the barrel and the side of the cylinder in the above screenshot!) to make it look #steampunk like the abandoned aesthetic of 25% of the show (as I've said before, I have theories about what happened in preproduction, but that's another post). This sort of thing is exactly what I've done for cheap cosplay weapons or background props for film work that aren't going to be seen at HD detail range.
Anyway, since the detail showed up better here than in other shots, I paused the video to look at the random screws and hex bolts (why??) they'd glued on it, since I recalled that I had the aforementioned gun/whip bingo square to fill.
That's when I noticed a detail that had eluded me before: An inverted V shape at the bottom of the grip.
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Only looking more closely, that's not an inverted V. It's a symbol that I've seen a whole series of variations of over the past 15+ years... every time there's a new installment of the Assassin's Creed video game series:
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So I started hunting. The principal weapons in each game turned up no matches, but eventually I found a gun that looks almost exactly like ZYL's:
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It's not a perfect replica, but the details are certainly all there: The stylized logo; the leaves and swirls on the grip; the feathers up the back; even the Victorian scrollwork beneath the barrel.
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Now, what's really interesting is that this gun isn't actually from the AC game series. It's part of an elaborate fan project by artist David Paget that started as a class assignment back in 2014. Even though it gathered a bit of steam in the AC fandom and generated a couple of forum role-play groups, OCs and the like, nothing about this artwork was ever connected to a real Assassin's Creed title. So why would there be a physical version of a gun that was only someone's fanart?
This is where the smoking gun (*rimshot*) goes missing, because I can't prove any of this, and it's been long enough that digging through the archives of the internet to find answers is going to take way more time than I can afford to spend on a project I'm not getting paid for. But there are two likely possibilities:
Scenario A: Some employee in a toy factory somewhere in China got told, "This Assassin's Creed franchise is really big, so we need to be producing replicas from those games to sell. Work up some designs." So the employee Googles "assassin's creed gun," finds David Paget's very professional-looking art, and whips up a replica to mass-injection-mold without realizing it's not actually from a game. Later, someone on the cash-strapped Guardian production team needs a gun to mod, and finds a cheap toy revolver on clearance after several years of sitting in storage because there was little demand for a replica of a gun that was never in a game. They buy several, glue hex bolts on the cylinder for reasons unknown, and poof! Instant pseudo-steampunk!
Scenario B: Other fans were involved in the design. Someone did build a 3D model of David Paget's design that's still available on Sketchfab (screenshot below), and it's not unreasonable to assume that other fans could have thought it looked cool and built 3D printable models. Later, someone on the cash-strapped Guardian production team needs a gun to mod, and acquires the 3D print file of one of those models from the interwebs. They mod the file a bit, print some, glue hex bolts on the cylinder for reasons unknown, and poof! Instant pseudo-steampunk!
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Personally, I find Scenario A far more likely than Scenario B, for two reasons: First, the hero prop looks more injection molded than 3D printed, especially given the technical state of 3D printing back in 2017-8. And second... Budget-challenged dramas do have a history of picking up bulk video game replicas and using them as cheap props. I made a post back in 2019 about the WoW Horde shields we spotted in a different drama...
Anyway, no firm answers about the source of the hero prop -- the world may never know! -- but we have now confirmed that in some alternate universe (possibly one of the first eighty?), Zhao Yunlan and/or Zhao Xinci is an Assassin.
Wait, wait, wait... *recalls mechanics of how the whole Assassin's Creed frame story is supposed to work* Uh... so... who wants to write a genetic memory explanation for the whole Kunlun -> [lots of lifetimes] -> Zhao Yunlan thing?
(I did actually check the catalogue of a friend of mine who makes replicas of props from various media franchises to see if he'd done a commission of the David Paget design, since a surprising number of his custom pieces actually do end up on film and television, but while he has a gorgeous replica of a revolver that actually appears in an AC game, it appears he has not done the Zhao Yunlan gun. I didn't really think it likely, since he's in the U.S., but you never know.)
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olivialau · 2 months
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Shadow's Embrace Ch. 14
Sukuna x Reader
This is a work of fanfiction based on the universe of "Jujutsu Kaisen," created by Gege Akutami. The original manga, anime, and characters belong to their respective owners and creators.
This story unfolds in the Jujutsu Kaisen world, set in a slightly altered universe where Sukuna inhabits his own vessel distinct from Itadori Yuji's body, making him a separate entity.
Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, becomes fascinated with a female sorcerer rich in potential but lacking control. Initially seizing her for his destructive plans, Sukuna aims to bind her abilities through a contract. Yet, as he tries to dominate her, he finds himself intrigued by her strength and determination. Over time, his interest evolves from strategic advantage to a deeper, personal connection.
CHAPTER 14 - Black Flash
Without further ado, Sukuna swung open the door at the bottom of the staircase. The sight that greeted you beyond was a chilling echo of the past.
Sukuna had manifested his innate domain in the space under the apartment. A grotesque landscape that was all too familiar. The pile of skulls, the damp, murky floors, and the jagged rock formations—it was the same domain he had taken you to on that first fateful night.
It was here that he had unleashed a horde of curses upon you, pushing you to the brink of collapse in a brutal test of your abilities.
As you stood at the threshold of Sukuna's domain, you were surprised to find that the usual chills of fear were absent. Perhaps the constant exposure to danger over these past weeks had hardened you, forging you into a more resilient person.
Or maybe there was a part of you that recognized the potential for growth in this twisted arrangement. Sukuna, in his own way, was offering you the chance to become stronger, to hone your abilities through his 'training.'
The notion of power as the ultimate currency in this world was not lost on you; it was a harsh truth that had been imprinted upon you from a young age.
Your parents' tireless efforts, their kindness and ambition, had been swallowed whole by a world that favored those in power.
And Ayumi... the thought of her stung sharply, a wound that refused to heal. Her lack of strength had cost her everything, and your lack of strength had left you unable to protect her.
That is why you had decided to become so incredibly strong that you'd never feel helpless again. Besides, it was the only thing that could be gained from the vow that was forced upon you—and you were determined to exploit the circumstances to their fullest.
With a steadfast stride, you passed through the threshold, following Sukuna into the gloomy domain.
Your feet splashed against the muddy ground, and you thought about how you had much preferred the openness of the abandoned factory over the dark, oppressive atmosphere of this place. Bringing it up would be completely futile though, knowing that the King of Curses couldn't care less about your preferences.
Instead of assuming his usual position of 'towering dominance' atop the pile of skulls, Sukuna stood before you, only a few feet separating the two of you. He stared you down, his expression morphing into a scoff.
"You know," Sukuna began, his voice a low, menacing purr, "I sought you out because I'd heard whispers that Satoru Gojo himself had taken an interest in you. That arrogant fool claimed you possessed 'great potential.'" He spat out the words as if they left a foul taste in his mouth.
"But what did I find upon dragging you here? A weak, pathetic insect, not even worth the effort of squashing beneath my heel."
He took a deliberate step closer, his cursed energy pulsing around him like waves. "And yet..." Sukuna's voice dropped to a near-whisper, "that insufferable sorcerer isn't one to waste his time. So what could he possibly see in you?"
It was as if being in Sukuna's domain enhanced the weight of his presence somehow—it felt more suffocating than ever before.
You could barely focus on what he was saying, but Sukuna continued his monologue nonetheless. "It didn't take me long to notice it—that spark of potential he thought he could cultivate."
He took one more step towards you, closing the already small gap between you. The weight of his cursed energy now intensified exponentially, crushing down on you as your breaths became ragged, each inhalation a struggle against the pressure.
"It's laughable, really. You possess this power, yet you're too pathetic, too ignorant to even grasp the nature of your own cursed technique. What a waste."
It was as if a curtain fell away when he turned around and walked away again, finally giving you room to breathe.
Only now could you truly process his words. What did he mean by 'your cursed technique'? The very notion puzzled you.
You were still grappling with the basics, still trying to find your footing in the world of jujutsu, where a cursed technique seemed to be a must in order to become a powerful sorcerer. And all this time without a proper cursed technique had left you wondering if maybe you'd never develop one at all.
But now Sukuna was telling you that you already possessed a cursed technique? There was no way...
Though thinking back, this wasn't the first time someone had implied that there was something latent within you, a power you were oblivious to.
Gojo's remarks during your training with the bear-shaped cursed puppet suddenly resurfaced.
"That's amazing," Gojo had said, a rare note of surprise in his voice. "That thing you're doing with your cursed energy – it's quite impressive. Though a bit scary, too..."
His words echoed through your head. God, this was frustrating. Why couldn't you see?
It pained you to admit it, but right now you needed Sukuna—you needed him to tell you about your cursed technique. So you swallowed your pride and turned to him.
"Tell me," you called out, your voice firm despite the churning emotions within. "What is my cursed technique?"
Sukuna's laughter erupted suddenly, a harsh, grating sound that echoed throughout his domain. It was as if your question was the funniest thing he had heard in ages. His eyes gleamed with cruel amusement as he looked down on you. "You think I'd just tell you outright? Stupid little sorcerer...You'll have to earn it."
Of course, nothing came easy with Sukuna. He thrived on torment and challenge—what had you expected?
Sukuna spoke up, the laughter now subsided and his voice more serious. "I'll give you a clue, under one condition," he said, as he started circling around you.
"You must land a Black Flash on me."
Black Flash. You were certain you had heard that term before, but to be fair, you couldn't remember at all what it meant. Your confusion was apparent, and Sukuna's expression twisted into one of disgusted amusement. "You don't even know what that is, do you?" he sneered. "Pathetic."
The gap between you and him seemed wider than ever, a chasm not just of power but of understanding. Doubt gnawed at you—did you have any right to call yourself a jujutsu sorcerer?
Sukuna sighed, obviously annoyed that he had to bother with an explanation. "A Black Flash is a moment of pure synchronicity between your cursed energy and a strike. It's the mark of a true sorcerer's power and control." He stopped his circling, as he sought your gaze and locked eyes.
"If you can manage that," he continued, his voice low and menacing, "I might consider telling you more. But don't get your hopes up. Weaklings like you rarely achieve such feats."
You squared your shoulders, meeting Sukuna's gaze with newfound resolve. "Fine," you said, your voice steady despite the storm of emotions. "I'll do it."
Sukuna spread his arms as if welcoming you to attack him. "Excellent," he purred. "Then let's see if you're capable of anything more than being a disappointment."
Steeling yourself, you channeled your cursed energy, feeling it pulse through your veins. You launched yourself at Sukuna, aiming a punch at his face. But he sidestepped effortlessly, his mocking laughter ringing in your ears.
"You call that an attack? Put some real force behind it, woman."
Gritting your teeth, you whirled around and swung again, this time with more power. Sukuna barely moved, parrying your strike with a flick of his wrist. The impact sent a shockwave up your arm, but you pushed through the pain and kept attacking.
"Too slow," he taunted, his voice without any trace of effort, as he kept evading your hits. "Your moves are obvious. Make it less predictable."
You tried to take his advice, mixing up your strikes, but each one missed its mark. Sukuna danced around you, his movements a blur, his contempt palpable. Desperation gnawed at you as you felt your energy depleting.
"You're not focusing your cursed energy properly," he snapped, catching your wrist mid-punch and twisting it painfully. "Feel the flow—let it enhance your strikes, not hinder them."
With a grunt of pain, you wrenched free and tried to focus, feeling the cursed energy coursing through you. You aimed a kick at his midsection, infusing it with everything you had. Sukuna caught your leg effortlessly, throwing you to the ground.
"Disgraceful," he spat, looming over you. "Do you even understand what you're trying to achieve? Synchronize your cursed energy with your physical movements. It's not just power—it's precision."
Scrambling to your feet, you tried to absorb his words, feeling the frustration boil over. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, focusing inward, seeking that elusive synchronicity he spoke of.
When you opened them, you felt a faint but noticeable shift in your energy.
You charged at him again. This time, Sukuna's expression shifted ever so slightly, from mocking amusement to mild interest. You swung, and though he still dodged, it was by a narrower margin.
"Better," he acknowledged with a condescending smirk. "But still far from enough."
Breathing hard, you didn't relent. You pressed the attack, each strike coming closer to its mark. Sukuna's movements remained fluid, but you could sense his attention sharpening.
"You've got some fire in you, brat," he jeered. "But do you have the guts to finish it?"
Now he was just asking for it.
With a roar, you focused all your energy into a final punch, feeling a sudden, intense alignment of your cursed energy and physical strength. As your fist hurtled toward him, the air around it seemed to distort. For a split second, time seemed to freeze.
You felt an unbelievable sense of confidence. Everything came into focus—the flow of your own cursed energy, his. It was as if, for the first time, you could truly see it.
Sukuna's eyes widened slightly, and he moved to block, but your punch connected, a burst of energy rippling through the air. The force made the ground tremble, and you both stood still for a moment, the echo of the impact lingering.
Sukuna's expression shifted to one of mild approval, though his eyes still glinted with his usual menace. "Well, well, look at that—a proper Black Flash. Perhaps there's a sliver of worth in you after all, though it's hardly anything to brag about," he drawled.
God, you hated his guts, but right now, you didn't care about that. You felt a rush of exhilaration, high on the fleeting sense of power you had just experienced. It was intoxicating, and without a second thought, you charged at Sukuna again, driven by a surge of impulsive confidence.
But Sukuna was quick to remind you of your place. With a swift, effortless flick of his wrist, he sent you crashing to the ground with brutal force, leaving you gasping and reeling as pain flared through your body.
You struggled to push yourself up, casting a weary glance at Sukuna, who stood imposingly above you.
"Know your place and don't get too full of yourself, brat, or you'll find out exactly how powerless you are against me."
The impact of the blow shattered the exhilaration from your earlier success, bringing you back to reality. As you lay there, pain still radiating through your body, your mind fixated on one thing: understanding more about your cursed technique.
"You promised me information about my cursed technique," you said, forcing the words out despite the ache in your chest. "I need to know more."
Sukuna's eyes narrowed as his lips twisted into a mocking smile. "Oh? Still hungry for answers, are we?" he drawled. With a languid motion, he walked over to the pile of skulls and seated himself at the base with a relaxed posture.
"Fine then," he continued, surprisingly compliant for once. "Did you notice the flow of cursed energy during that Black Flash? Can you sense your own energy and that of others more clearly now?"
You nodded, feeling the residual effects of your earlier effort. "Yes, it's like I can see it clearly now."
A smug grin spread across Sukuna's face. "Good girl. Here's your clue: From now on, pay close attention to the flow—yours and others'—especially at the moment of impact."
He moved his gaze from the floor below him to meet your eyes, and somehow you found you couldn't look away from his crimson stare.
"That is where the key to understanding your technique lies."
Thanks for reading! I appreciate the support 🙏❤️
Taglist: @sukunasthightattoos , @tomiokasecretlover , @6demonize6me6 , @blindbabycadder , @domainofmarie , @marcoschuitmaker , @geniejunn
If you want to be added to the taglist, so you don't miss any updates, please let me know in the comments or with a private message. Thankyou!
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bleedingichorhearts · 6 months
𝕸𝖔𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: "Another one."
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
Маленькой ангел - Little Angel (Russian)
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself. Even it’s just a tiny cut. I also don’t ᴄᴏɴᴅᴏɴᴇ these 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
TW // Slight SMUT/NSFW. Yandere Themes, Language, Google Translation.
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Ruslan was… disappointed. His gauntlet tightening and loosening around the object in his hand as he stared at it. A faint scent wafting around it, compelling his mind like crazy.
Never in his lifetime did he ever have someone pass through his finger tips. Through his senses. Through his skill, and it was done from a human, no less.
He knew there was something different about the human, but he couldn’t just pin it down. Their smell was a little off, faint even. Their height was smaller than an average human male he perceived them to be and he didn’t feel like he needed to unmask the human to know, but it weirdly lulled at him. Called at him to take off their mask. See what lies beneath it.
It had him thinking, if they were a cursed human or not when he was returning from getting them something to eat after capturing them. He had a bit of decency for them as they were here for 3 days. Trying to get information out of them without having to eat their flesh.
Though, when he did enter back into the factory with a plate of food. He saw the human trying to escape from the vents of the abandoned factory he's chosen to harbor them in.
That’s when he confusedly grew frustrated. Becoming more and more disappointed with himself with each step he took around the old factory, listening for any bangs in the vents for them. It was like he really didn’t want them to go. Like he really didn’t want to see them leave. To leave him.
These rather instinctual thoughts confused him to no end. Why was he suddenly feeling so needful? It wasn’t like him to be so. He was a Dark Angel. He was trained to overcome these thoughts, these commands, these desires. Desires that he hasn’t had since the beginning of his creation. Desires that he never really put a single thought on it. Too wrapped up in his duty.
Sure, there was a fling of a wish here and there, but it never lasted long enough for him to linger so much on until his brethren and other Astartes started talking about their bonded. Saying that it was something they could return back to. Saying that it was nice to return to a comfortable homebase, and that talk slowly grew on him.
At first, he wasn’t keen on the idea of the talk of the bonded. It was obstructing their thoughts of duty. Affecting their minds with their… affection, but he never really saw one of his brethren, that was bonded, falter in battle. They seemed more efficient. Tearing down his enemies with quick succession. That's when he and some others realized that maybe it wasn’t a bad thing, they were to be potentially bonded?
Of course, it wasn’t that easy to convince him that a bonded wasn’t obstructing their line of duty. He still didn’t think it would be a useful part of him then, but when the centuries passed by him, and he saw how more of his brethren were bonded, and him without. He grew more longing; more wanting.
He wanted to know how his bonded would feel like underneath him and withering. To feel them struggling to take him and his seed as he would grind into them, touching all of their sweet spots just as they would do to him, enduring them to take him. His seed and their climax leaking around his c*ck that he would just have to fill them up again, won’t he? Throne, he thought these desires didn’t exist in his mind. He thought he was better than this.
However, when the days started to pass like any other regular day. Without a sight of a potential bonded. He grew more silent, becoming more aggressive with each mission he took on. Becoming a ruthless, formidable opponent to encounter anywhere. Believing, that he was destined to not have a bonded after not encountering his bonded for eons. Becoming one of the older Astartes without a bonded.
Couped up in his thoughts, he only snapped out of it when he barely caught them popping out of the vent to the side of him as he didn’t hesitate to shoot out his hand and capture them by the neck, dragging them up the wall to his height. His red visor glowing up against their own mask. Reflecting off of it.
He watched them struggle in his hand for a moment. Their hands desperately looking for a place to dislodge him. The urge to pull off their mask becoming stronger, and stronger until it screamed at him. So, he pulled their mask off without thinking, and it stunned him.
Underneath his hand was a woman. Underneath his hand was his bonded.
He didn’t even snap out of it when she edged a knife under a plating of his armor, barely doing anything to him, but it still made him drop her. A faint snap echoing out as he watched her leave him. His hearts, painfully clutching in his chest. Something he only ever experienced when he was in a bad spot.
Pulling the knife out from under his armor plating. He tossed it to the side and brought forth the other object in his hand closer to his helm. It was an object his bonded dropped when she ran from him, a dogtag he remembered what they were called. Something he can very much use to his advantage as he inhaled the scent of the dogtags. Resisting the temptation to dart off and follow the scent trail like some sort of slobbering Space Wolf.
He needed to be more smart about this. More cautious of it now, but at least he knows what kind of human he was dealing with now. Unfortunately, he had to report his… failure to his brethren.
“Unexpected.” His brother responded to him over the vox. “But redeemable.”
“It was but, that's not the problem, brother.” He sighed, inhaling the scent on the dogtags once more. Throne, this was like an elixir to him.
“Then what is?” His brethren asked.
He ran his tongue across his teeth, hesitant to tell before he admitted. “She's my bonded.”
The silence on the other end was deafening to him. The wind whistling through the air and whipping against his hooded cloak was the only sound that accompanied him in that moment.
 “...Make her repent. She will be forgiven then.” His brother spoke after a while. His words putting Ruslan's mind at ease. Thankful that his brethren were acceptable to this.
“Thank you, brother.”
“Return to the mission, Dark Angel.” His brother commanded before logging off the vox. Ruslan’s form standing up from the roof. Watching as his little bonded entered a building through the moonlight.
You may have escaped from me once, but you will not escape me again.
I will have you, my Маленькой ангел.
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soullessduck13 · 9 months
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Oh. Well, alright!
Honestly, I feel like Tubbo's itching for lore that's not too emotional in order to keep his attention on the server beyond maintaining his factories, talking to his friends and feeding Sunny, like it's either information or a new mod, something to give him stuff to do that's not the same thing he's been doing for months since he joined.
Thus, Time Travel!
I do think it will become a lore thing with him having promised Sunny to work on it, though tbh I dont think it was planned, maybe he'd thought about it a bit but it came up very naturally and I don't doubt his theories were stuff he came up with on the spot
I think he's gonna do exactly what we're all thinking and go to the past, post Fed but before the Ice Prison, and he and Sunny will figure out how and why he was there in the first place. Personally, I was never a big fan of "Tubbo was part of the Fed" theories because that kinda feels like it undermines his compassion towards the workers, but I'd love it if he did have some involvement with them, such as him getting someone to rebel, and it eventually getting him in ice.
I do also think he will only be able to travel back so far, because of the island itself. I'm still a firm believer that the Quesadilla Island all this is happening in is not a real physical place, and instead something like a computer program, and so Tubbo would only be able to travel as far as the earliest version of it.
But I also can't think it wouldn't be cool if Tubbo ended up being the one who created the Fed, or made Cucurucho/the Census Bureau, or the one who started the human testing (turning norma people into Fed Workers, Hybrid stuff, the islanders themselves being there, etc.)
Honestly it would be nice to have someone find out about Jaiden's stuff, not because of snooping around or eavesdropping but because they remember info they technically already had, from before the island, like having her as their coworker/employee. Or having someone find out about Baghera's stuff, period.
now your turn. give me your thoughts
OKAY OKAY OMG okay. so first thought
How I think the time machine works is that it's stationary and is fueled by cobbled deepslate, and another block that moves them forward in time!! It also freezes the users (tubbo and sunny) age until they get back to their time period
Now lore wise? I don't think this is something Tubbo has planned beforehand, but I think it would be AWESOME if the admins actually picked it up and asked Tubbo if this is something he wants to do, and if he doesn't? hey, that's what aus are for!!!
I think they go back to a time where the island is abandoned, maybe right before the first spanish and english speakers arrived and the fed doesn't notice them because tubbo already exists in their system (ice prison) and sunny? well.. the eggs are practically confirmed to be fed experiments.
I think they would hide the machine and succeed because the area they plan on using went completely untouched before I believe? Yeah. It wasn't being used. They grab their motor boat and start their travels. They're going far, far out!! To build a shack and live there
But!! I just love the concept of time machine goes haywire and they don't have any clue at all when they are in the timeline. sooo shenanigans ensue and they start to explore the current times! maybe they have some kind of timer where the machine tells them they need to get back? idk
this is what sparked my previous post!! the one about sunny hearing or like finding out about tallulah wanting to protect their siblings but not them
i also think thats how tubbo would try and stop fitpac from happening but fail miserably, and maybe get to know some of the old islanders that aren't as active or not active at all nowdays
they would watch from afar and see how some of the eggs used to be back in the day and the islanders and just. yeah. i think they would end up leaving in the end, even if they managed to get to know the islanders and the eggs, because it always comes to that
Tubbo and Sunny leaving
and maybe their next adventure takes them to the federation's beginnings, but I do agree that they can't travel as far back as they would like due to the island's nature, but i think it would be cool if Tubbo joined the federation, or infiltrated it, and then found out about the rebellion, betrayed them both and went on the run, only to be caught in a block of ice and for Sunny to never see him again
And the cycle repeats
Silly adventures include:
-Meeting Jaiden, maybe when she's talking to Cucurucho
-Watching both the brazilians and the french arrive
-Witnessing Wilbur take care of Tallulah for two weeks before leaving for tour
-Meeting the dead eggs, before they died
-Tubbo trying to break Fit and Pac up before they connect, failing miserably
-Realising they can go back in time to talk to themselves
-Realising that is a terrible idea and decide against it
-Doing it anyways for the bit
there are more options but just a few ideas,,,
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Every Step of the Way
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Actor, Elvis 2022, Elvis Movie
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Original Male Character, Baby Presley, Gladys Presley, Vernon Presley, Dodger Presley
Word Count: 3227 // Rating: Mature
Summary: Elvis isn’t going anywhere.
Tags/ Warnings: Pre Martial Sex, Pregnancy, Established Relationship, Religion, Kissing, Hugs, Betrayal, Family Arguments, Abandonment, Arguing, Violence, Punches, Pregnancy,Mentions of Sex, Request, Requested Fic, Love, Babies, Marriage, Births, Angst, Fluff, Set Early Days Elvis, 
Notes: im up watching the oscars so i might as well do some writing about our boy huh?
Elvis Tags: @caitlin1996​ @literally-just-elvis-fics​
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Request @elvispresleyisfit12 - Erm could it be like a fic were readers older brother best friend is elvis and him n yn have like a secret romance she ends up pregnant (elvis knows she’s pregnant btw ) reader n elvis sit brother n parents n tell them snout yn the brother is angry the end yn is giving birth
‘I can’t do it,’ I said looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes dropped to the slight curve of my stomach, the reason for the dread inside me. Elvis moved in behind me, kissing my cheek tenderly as his hands snaked around my waist and rested on my stomach. ‘You can,’ he said, his blue eyes locking on mine in the reflection, ‘I’m right here. Every step.’ ‘What if they hate me?’ I said, thinking of my parents sitting a room away none the wiser. ‘It won't come to that,’ he said nuzzling into my face though it didn’t nothing to reassure me.
Elvis and I hadn't been together long but I had known him for a while. I had adored him from the first moment I had laid eyes on him but he was forbidden fruit. My brother’s best friend. They had met at work though neither of them had much interest in spending the rest of their days in a factory. My brother longed to be a guitar player but didn't want to sing and meeting Elvis meant he finally had someone to play with. They hung out all the time and though he was nice I never anticipated he would like me. Then his visits got more frequent. He even started showing up when my brother was out, choosing to wait around with me until he got home. The day he kissed me I thought I was going to die from happiness.
But we knew it was complicated. My parents didn't want me dating until I had finished school which I was due to do in a couple of months and my brother would freak out if he knew we were together. So we kept it a secret. Stolen kisses, longing glances and lingering touches. It had been so perfect. A cocoon of love and adoration. One that had been cruelly ripped open the morning I awoke feeling nauseous and sore. I had gone to him with my ludicrous fears hoping he would tell me I had nothing to worry about but his baby blue eyes betrayed him. He was happy about it though, happier than I was at least, and he assured me that no matter what he was going to be by my side. He’d even gone out the same night and bought a ring. It wasn't huge or expensive but I cherished it all the same, even if I did have to hide it in my nightstand so my parents wouldn't see.
Elvis had been open to keeping it a secret for as long as we could because he knew I was scared. My parents were southern Baptists and strongly against sex before marriage. Elvis was too but we’d been too overcome with love to stop ourselves. Now I worried how they’d react. I worried they’d blame him when it wasn’t his fault, not really. But time was running out. My mother had commented on how I had put on weight and without a second thought I had run to the bathroom to assess myself. As I stripped myself bare I could see it. My soft flesh was now outlined with definition, a slight bump protruding in front of my eyes that I couldn't stop. The same bump that Elvis now had his hand on, his thumb moving back and forth gently across it.
‘Baby we have to tell them sometime,’ he said. ‘I know,’ I said morosely as I turned to look up at him, my arms wrapping around my neck as his hands moved to my waist. He leaned down to kiss me gently, pulling back with a soft smile that should’ve made the lead-lined feeling in my gut go away though it failed to. ‘Every step,’ he said. I nodded and sighed. ‘Let’s get this show on the road,’ I said as we headed to the door and out into the hallway.
My brother and father were at the table, chatting about football when we got to the dining room and my mother was just coming in with pots that billowed a waft of aroma into my nostrils that made me nauseous. I felt him stand close behind me, his hand on the small of my back where my family couldn't see.
‘You’re staying for dinner right Elvis?’ my mother asked as she sat down gesturing for us to sit. Elvis nodded and took a seat at the table and I followed trying to fight my itching feet that longed to run out of the house and never look back. ‘Yes Ma’am. Thanks for having me,’ Elvis said politely. Even in the most anxiety-ridden situations that boy still oozed southern charm. ‘It’s our pleasure, in fact, why don't you say grace?’ my mother said. As my father and brother offered their hands out dutifully Elvis looked at me and offered his hand. I slipped mine into his large one only to find it drenched in sweat. He was as nervous as I was and yet he had held himself together not showing a flicker of worry so as not to panic me. The swell of fear inside me turned to one of love and before he could start speaking I did.
‘Actually, before we have dinner there’s something I wanna say,’ I said. Confused glances flicked around the room but no one spoke encouraging me to start talking. My bravado waned a little until I locked eyes with Elvis who was watching me with an encouraging smile on his face. ‘What is it sweetheart?’ my father said. ‘Um, I need to tell you something. All of you. And I don't know how to say it but I hope you’ll be okay with it because I am. We are,’ I said looking at Elvis and gripping his hand tighter. Everyone else had dropped hands by now so our interlinked hands were enough to garner attention. ‘Elvis and I are together…have been for a while,’ I said daring to look at my father who seemed to be digesting everything before he spoke, ‘and I know you didn't want me dating but we’re happy. Really happy and I know you love him just as much as I do so I want you to be happy for us.’
Silence fell for a moment before my father beamed a smile and clapped Elvis on the shoulder breaking the uneasy feeling that had been bubbling inside us both. One hurdle down, one to go.
‘Well of course we are,’ he said. ‘Really?’ I asked allowing hope to fill me. ‘Of course, I mean you’re right we didn't want you dating just yet but Elvis is a good guy it could be worse!’ he laughed. Elvis laughed too though it was a tad nervous not that my father seemed to notice as he continued.  ‘Hell for a moment I thought you were going to say you were pregnant!’ he joked though it fell into thick tension almost immediately. I watched as the realisation dawned on my father’s ageing face and recoiled as it turned to one of anger. He didn’t have time to react though as across the table, a voice piped up capturing my attention. Scotty. My brother.
‘You knocked her up?’ he asked. His gaze was not on me but on Elvis, a venomous expression on his face. ‘Scotty-’ Elvis said though my mother spoke over him. ‘Is it true?’ my mother asked. ‘Mama it was an accident,’ I said trying to explain but my attention was diverted as Scotty spoke. ‘Any girl. You can have any girl in this god-forsaken town and you pick my sister. My baby sister,’ Scotty said in disbelief. ‘Scotty man it wasn’t like that,’ Elvis protested as my brother got up and started to pace. ‘Scotty I know you're upset but we can talk about this properly. Just sit down,’ I said but he continued to pace. ‘I told you she was off limits. She’s just a kid for fuck’s sake,’ Scotty said. He stopped and looked at me, gripping the back of the chair in front of him so hard his knuckles were white as he said, ‘he force ya? Did he make you do something you didn't wanna do?’ ‘No of course not!’ I said but Scotty still didn't let up. ‘You force her? Cos I know my sister she ain't no whore,’ he said. ‘I didn't force her to do anything!’ Elvis said, ‘I love her and she loves me. And it might not be proper but we can't change it.’ ‘Love her,’ Scotty scoffed, ‘you’re in love every five minutes! And where’s she gonna be then huh? Who’s gonna pick up the pieces?’ ‘No one’s gonna need to do anything because I ain't going anywhere. I love her and we’re gonna get married,’ Elvis said standing up to match Scotty. I stood too gripping Elvis’ sleeve and trying to pull him back. ‘Baby, sit down,’ I said nervously. They were swaying into dangerous territory and I feared what might happen if I didn't de-escalate them. My parents continued to look on in stunned silence.
‘Baby,’ Scotty scoffed. ‘Don't take it out on her man,’ Elvis said, ‘it’s me you’re angry at.’ ‘Why not. I mean she was the one sneaking behind my back too. Did the two of you have a nice laugh about it? Stupid Scotty not noticing the pair of you sneaking about,’ Scotty sneered. ‘Well maybe if you took a minute to stop chasing anything in a skirt you would’ve noticed,’ Elvis said sternly and before I could stop anything Scotty had launched himself across the table, taking Elvis to the ground.
‘Stop it!’ I screamed as I watched my brother’s fist connect with Elvis’ face, a crunch of bone echoing in my ears as I rushed forward trying to pry him off of him. Fists and limbs flew and I had to dodge my way around them as I tried to prize brother off of him. Scotty didn't let up and though Elvis managed to get a shot or two off he was stuck on the floor, taking punch after punch. As blood poured from his nose and mouth I shrieked for Scotty to stop until I couldn't hold myself back any longer and dove forward immediately feeling an elbow connect with my cheek sending me back onto my ass.
Silence fell.
Elvis appeared at my side in an instant, assessing the damage as he hit me with a barrage of questions trying to make sure I was okay. I nodded though the pain in my cheek was blinding and I could feel tears watering down on half of my face.
‘Scotty,’ I said climbing up onto my feet ignoring Elvis’ continued worries as I watched my brother pull himself up. He looked at me with a sneer before he left the room. As I tried to leave Elvis wrapped his arms around me holding me in place as he watched me, concern in his big blue eyes. ‘You’ve gotta stop him. Go and talk to him please,’ I sobbed as Elvis looked at me sympathetically though he didn't move to help. I looked past him to where my father was standing watching us both with a grave expression. ‘Daddy please go and get him. I can explain I just need-’ I started to beg, hoping that someone would fulfil my please but my request was cut short by one sentence.
‘Get out,’ he said simply. The lead-lined feeling returned as I watched him and tried to process what was happening. ‘Daddy,’ I said. ‘Get out,’ he repeated. ‘But-’ ‘Both of you. I don't want you here,’ he said, shattering my heart into pieces. ‘Daddy, please. You don't mean that. We can talk about this,’ I said rushing forward. Elvis let me go but kept my hand gripped in his, tethering me to him. ‘Don't I?’ he scoffed. ‘Daddy, please. I know you’re angry and I know it’s not the best situation but I’m still me. I’m still you’re little girl,’ I said with a sniff as I placed my hand on his only for him to yank it away. ‘My little girl wouldn't have done this,’ he said. And then he left the room, my mother following silently behind him. Elvis embraced me from behind, wrapping his arms around me as I collapsed to the floor in a flood of tears.
‘She’s so little,’ I said looking down at my newborn daughter with adoration. She was finally here, bundled up in my arms and sleeping quietly entirely unaware of the ordeal she had put me through for the past twelve hours. ‘She’s perfect,’ Elvis said his finger sweeping down her plump cheek as he sat beside me on the bed, his arm wrapped around us both. ‘Yeah even if she did keep me waiting,’ I chuckled, as he moved his hand to put his finger in her little fist where she gripped it tightly, a slight smile on her face. ‘She was worth it,’ he said kissing my temple. ‘Agreed,’ I murmured looking up at him. He was watching us both with love and adoration and I could feel tears prick in my eyes. I couldn't believe how much I loved him. He had been my rock. Since my parents had kicked me out our relationship had been catapulted into fast forward. His parents and his grandmother had been amazing allowing me to move in and sorting everything out for us and the baby. We’d even managed to get a lovely, intimate if not small wedding together before everyone found out I was pregnant. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or father for my baby girl.
‘Thank you.’ I said after a moment. ‘Thank you? What are you thanking me for you’re the one who did all the work,’ he said, ‘you’re a champion.’ ‘Couldn't have done it without you,’ I said. ‘Told you’d I’d be here. Every step remember,’ he said kissing the top of my head. Our moment was disrupted though as his Mama, Daddy and Dodger came in all looking excited to meet their new addition.
‘Where is she?’ Gladys said coming to stand at his side and looked down on my baby girl with the same adoring expression Elvis had. ‘Ain’t she something Mama,’ Elvis said bursting with pride. ‘She’s an angel,’ Gladys cooed, ‘can I hold her?’ ‘Of course,’ I said as they swapped places so I could move the little bundle into her grandmother’s arms. As we manoeuvred into position there was a knock at the door and it opened as a set of balloons came in before the person did. Then appearing from behind it was my brother. He came into the room, looking sheepish when he noticed everyone was inside.
‘Oh, sorry,’ he said, ‘I can come back.’ ‘No!’ I said quickly making the baby stir in her sleep, ‘I mean don’t go.’ ‘Yeah stay,’ Elvis said though it was a little terse. Scotty nodded and moved closer, standing by the end of the bed and allowing the balloons to rest at the end of it. ‘Mama, give us a minute,’ Elvis said looking at Gladys who looked down at her granddaughter before looking at her son with a scowl. ‘Fine,’ she said decanting the baby into Elvis’ arms, ‘but five minutes tops! I’m not missing a second of her.’
As they moved out of the room Scotty didn't move closer instead he lingered by the edge of the bed unsure of what to do. My heart ached though I didn't know why. I had my beautiful baby, my husband by my side and a scrap of my family nearby yet I was worried it wasn't going to be enough.
‘How’re you?’ Scotty said at the same time Elvis said, ‘what are you doing here?’ ‘Elvis,’ I chastised as he handed the baby to me. ‘What? It’s a fair question,’ he said irately. ‘He’s here,’ I said. ‘And I’ve watched you cry your heart out for the last few months because your family abandoned you. Forgive me if I don't want him ruining our first day with our baby girl,’ Elvis said. I fell silent. He was right. I had spent months crying over the loss of my family. Though I had gained more than I could ever wish for the loss of my parents and Scotty had been too much to bear. ‘He’s right,’ Scotty said, ‘and I’m not here to cause trouble…I just...I messed up. I made it about me and it’s not about me…so when I heard you’d gone into labour I thought better late than never right?’
I glanced at my baby girl who was sleeping soundly in my arms, seemingly unaware of the palpable tension in the air. Then I looked up at Elvis who was watching us both with a frown on his face. I tried my best to express my thoughts to him in one glance. I wanted to say yes but I was in a fog of hormones and upset. I needed a clear head. I needed my rock. The man who had been with me every step of this journey. Elvis seemed to see what I was hinting at and looked up at Scotty with a serious yet sympathetic expression. It softened a little though, cracking a small smile as he said, ‘you wanna meet her?’
Scotty nodded and came to my other side, peering down at his new niece with a smile. ‘She looks just like you,’ he said with a small smile. ‘I think she looks like Elvis,’ I said as I noted her pouty lips and long eyelashes. ‘Nah she’s not that unlucky,’ Scotty said nudging me and smirking at Elvis who rolled his eyes. ‘Could’ve been worse she could look like you,’ Elvis ribbed. ‘True,’ Scotty said. Elvis cleared his throat and kissed the top of my head. ‘I’m gonna go and get Mama and Daddy ‘kay?’ he asked. I nodded and watched as he left the room leaving the three of us behind.
We were quiet for a moment before I looked up at my brother. He smiled weakly making the tears prick my eyes once more. ‘Oh don't cry,’ he said slipping an arm around me. ‘I’m sorry,’ I sniffled, ‘I’m just all full of hormones and emotions.’ ‘I know,’ he said, ‘it’s okay.’ ‘I just…I missed you y’know,’ I said as he perched his bum beside me on the bed, his arm around me. ‘I missed you too,’ he said. Neither of us was looking at each other now both finding it easier to look at the tiny girl in my arms who was now watching us, her ocean-blue eyes large and inquisitive. ‘Are mom and dad?’ I said not managing to finish it as my heart squeezed tighter in my chest. ‘No,’ he said sadly, ‘I tried but-’ ‘It’s fine,’ I lied. ‘It’s not,’ he said, ‘but it’s their loss. I know it wasn't proper or whatever but who cares.’ ‘So you’re not mad about me and Elvis?’ I asked. I couldn't believe how much I felt like a kid again. Even now as a married woman holding my child in my arms, I still felt like that little girl getting caught doing something they shouldn't. ‘He made something as special as her,’ he said stroking the top of my girl's head gently, ‘he can't be all bad.’ ‘I wouldn’t be here without him,’ I said honestly.
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4rainynite · 3 months
Welcome to Dreamworld oc Sunny pt 1
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This is something I've been thinking since I joined the fandom; If there's a Star Light and a Night Light, is there a Sun/Day Light?
Think about it we have a star (Lewis/ Starlight), a moon (Night Light/ Sara's childhood female bully), but where's the sun animatronic?
Lewis never made a sun animatronic (as far as we know) and if it weren't for what happened in the series he would've made one.
Sara/Litho designed a sun animatronic
Wiatt's soul will inhabit it.
Story: During Dreamworld's infant stage the animatronics almost completed with Star Light and Night Light being the first.
When Lewis revealed Star Light and Night Light to Sara, Oliver, and Eric were impressed by their first working animatronics. But, Eric did wonder:
"If there's a Star Light and a Night Light, is there a Sun/Day Light?" 
Lewis openly admits he never thought of a sun animatronic. After a good group laugh Lewis decides to make a sun animatronic to go with the celestial theme. But after incident Night Light, the sun animatronic was scraped with only the frames being made and designs still in the concept art stage.
After, Sara killed Lewis she went to work on the sun animatronic as a 'sorry I killed you' apology gift. Unaware that it would come in handy.
Long story short - Litho kills Wiatt, Winnie finds out Wiatt is his granddaughter, and as a last resort to save Wiatt puts him in the sun animatronic!
Everybody meet Sunny:
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I don't have her image inked or colored yet, but I'll have that done later.
[Image ID: A full body image of Sunny the sun animatronic with a mischievous smirk on her face. Sunny has hooded-brown-eyes with the left sclera being black with sky blue eyeshadow and right sclera is white with midnight blue eyeshadow. Her hooded eyes give her a sleepy/moody appearance. Her design is similar to Star Light and Night Light, with the split color bowtie, suit, and face, but instead of a coattail she had a split peplum. Sunny's left side is yellow and her right side orange fitting her sun design. On her suit she has the sun and two mini stars images on the chest part, on her shorts she has the sun with the three stripes colored yellow, light blue, and orange.  She has a round face similar to Cheer's, but except for seven (or five depending on who draws her in which episode) pink flower petals she has five sun rays three large ones on her right, left, and top of her head and two smaller ones between the left and right rays. /.End ID]
The new sun animatronic awoken in a dark room holding the bodies of Litho's latest victims all alone. Believing they're in a kill room tries to escape the facility only to be caught by Hazel, Cheer, Eric, Ribbon Dancer, Allison, and Morris.
Once, they return to the group, they realize they have a problem when the sun animatronic has none of Wiatt's memories. Not even mentioning Lewis triggers the sun animatronic's memories. This shocks and scares everyone as not only is their ace to stop Litho is gone, but so is their good friend who helped them this whole time is gone too.
The sun animatronic doesn't like being referred to as Wiatt due to not knowing him even though a part of his soul is the reason she's alive. And she hates being called Day Light or Sun Light; creating a new problem on what to name her.
Ribbon Dancer gives her the name Sunny due to her being a sun animatronic and her sun rays resembling sunflower petals. Sunny agrees, only because she couldn't think of any other names.
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Unlike the other animatronics Sunny doesn't have a backstory, gender, or character bio so she's a blank state.
At first Sunny doesn't trust anybody in the murder factory masquerading as a children's facility where an evil demon is trying to open the gates of hell and wants the soul residing in her. Deep down she's scared and just wants answers to what's going on.
But she never refuses to abandon the others or their fight against Litho. Over time Sunny begins to trust them and sees why Wiatt despite the odds against him tried to fight Litho to save everyone.
Personality: Despite being a Sun, Sunny is not a happy person. She's very melancholy, jaded, and guarded due to her situation. Sunny bottles up her anger until she explodes only to feel guilty afterwards and will apologize for her actions. She is caring and doesn't want to see anyone down, after seeing how much Wiatt meant to them, she does her best to cheer them up and give them hope of them bringing him back and being human again.
She even has bits of Wiatt's personality such as being sarcastic, mischievous, quick-witted, swearing, and wanting to protect those close to them.
Design: While designing Sunny I had to pay attention to Star Light and Night Light's designs and I studied Cheer to help with facial design.
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Another character I studied for Sunny's design was Sally Starlet from Welcome Home; I even got the idea for Sunny's eyeshadow from Sally.
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I wanted Sunny's design to be similar to Star and Night's, but I gave her a peplum instead of a coattail to give her a feminine look. The similarities between the three are: split-colored faces, blush/cheek marks, bowties, suit, blush stickers, and celestial markings.
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I had a hard time designing Sunny's face due to the sun rays, but each attempt was either ridiculous or would take too long to while looking over the other animatronics design I realized Cheer would be a good reference for Sunny's head and facial expressions.
Human disguise: Like Night Light and Lorenzo, Sunny will have a human disguise when she enters Dreamworld Facility. Unlike, the decommissioned animatronics who claim to be entertainment critics works as a mechanic and her alias is Sunny Nicolson, Wiatt's cousin covering for him after a bad car accident to help pay medical bills & pay for college.
She'll be covered head-to-toe like the others and wears a wig by created Morris, Astra, and Star that resembles Wiatt's hair but in a ponytail.
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Traits: Curious, tomboy, sarcastic, uncertain, loyal, and brave.
Voice: Tough, sarcastic, tomboyish
Talent: Mechanical, filming, and singing.
Oddity finds one of Wiatt's other cameras and gives it to Sunny who starts filming and finds it oddly calming and familiar. She mainly uses it as a video diary and helps with the investigations.
Sunny has an amazing singing voice that ranges from soothing lullaby to hardcore rock!
Like Wiatt she's an excellent mechanic, in fact she can repair herself and the other animatronics. When she repairs herself it's similar to how Sally from TNBC sews herself back up.
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Corrupt: Sunny will have a corrupt mode where she gains an attack mode similar to Mommy Long Legs from Poppy Playtime and Alice Liddel from American McGee's Alice.
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Gender: Female
Sexuality: AROACE
Bonds : At first Sunny has a hard time bonding with the group and the workers of Dreamworld Facility due to just coming into existence and them being concern about her not having Wiatt's memories. Over time she bonds with them and finds out about their history. She is protective of the kids the same way Wiatt was.
I won't lie Star Light and her struggled at first due to the whole: she's technically Wiatt, but doesn't have his memories, and is her own person. They really need to sit down and talk things over and become close friends. 
I want Sunny and Ribbon Dancer's friendship to be similar to Polly and Scott's from the Monster Prom series.
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Refs: Here are some refs of Sunny in Wiatt's place.
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Take a picture, because Sunny rarely smiles.
[Image ID: 1st image of Wiatt smiling from episode 5. 2nd image is of Sunny with the same smiling expression. /.End ID]
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[Image ID: 1st image of Ribbon Dancer and Wiatt smiling at each other from the music video 'Out of Sight'. 2nd. Image of Sunny in her human disguise (minus the face mask and sunglasses) with Ribbon Dancer (forgive me, I messed up his nose). /.End ID]
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[Image ID: 1st image of Rex's hand while Wiatt grips onto his crow bar to protect himself and Night Light from the music video 'Out of Sight'. 2nd image is of Sunny protecting the kids from Winnie. Winnie's shadow looms over Sunny and the group in a menacing way aready to attack. Oddity, Masquerade, Mimic, Melody, Cheer, Lolli & Pop, Hazel, Night Light, Lorenzo, Gruff, and Millie have frightened expressions on their faces while Sunny has a furious expression yielding an axe ready to protect the kids from Winnie. 3rd image is of Sara, Winnie, Oliver, and Allison evilly looming over our heroes. /.End ID]
Gosh Darn It to Hey-Hey! I just realized I forgot to add Allison; I'll add him when I color this in, plus he's a tough little cookie. Like I said before Sunny is fiercely protective of the kids and doesn't care who or what the enemy is Sunny will fight to the end to keep her loved ones safe.
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[Image ID: Sunny in keychain form with her signature mischievous smile./.End ID]
Yeah, I was in the zone when doing keychain Sunny, only to find out I didn't have enought room for her other leg (When, I ink and color the images later I'll add the other leg). At first, I was going to give Sunny an angry expression to go with Star's smile & Night's frown. But I like her little smirk better, it gave her an 'I know something you don't know'/mischief vibe.
I hope this gives you some information on Sunny. You can find out more about her in my fanfic: Stars, Night, and Sun Shine.
Okay, I'm gonna end this here. Bye!
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gntownhall · 11 months
— sentence starter game!
welcome to golden bell town's first ask box game! in order to participate, just reblog this post so others can send you messages - and please make sure your inbox is open (anon is not required). you are allowed to reblog this post and send others messages until thursday, november 23 - after this date, though no new asks can be sent, members are still allowed to post the messages they received previously. * edit: this has been extended until november 30!
send me a random number 1-50 off anon and i will write us a starter based on the list below (assumed connections might be implied!) ↴
"ready for an adventure tonight?"
"what's the plan now?"
"feeling brave enough?"
"i don't think this is the right way."
"i don't get scared easily."
"did you hear that noise just now?"
“i trusted you once and i’m never doing it again.”
"this place is giving me the creeps."
“it’s just a scratch, don’t worry.”
“i can’t do this without you.”
“what a dumb thing to say.”
“i feel like i’m losing my mind.”
"exploring an abandoned factory at night was a bad idea, huh?"
"shadows and secrets in yellow creek…"
"we're locked in!"
"i just saw something move…"
“i’m not crying. i don’t cry.”
"what do you think the forest is hiding?"
"i won't give up on you."
"there is no one watching the pool at the resort at night. just saying."
“i thought there would be stars.”
"gaenari city park, beautiful or creepy?"
"i know you're keeping a secret from me."
“why can’t you just let me go?”
"this silence feels too heavy."
“would a bonfire be too cliche?”
"is staying here tonight a good idea?"
"hooking up at a graveyard at night – what's the worst that can happen?"
“personally, i would choose violence.”
"i want to see your true face."
“it’s not your fault.”
“please just hold me.”
"tell me your favorite gaenari story."
“because i care about you, okay?”
"you look like you just saw a ghost."
“we could have been beautiful together.”
“why does every house look haunted?”
“don’t worry. this isn’t my first time doing this.”
“scream all you want. no one will hear you.”
"where is this fog coming from?"
“i told you not to do this.”
“surely they won’t even notice one or two cabbages missing.”
“i don’t even recognize you anymore.”
“maybe we should make our own escape room.”
“i’m happy that you feel safe with me.”
“i didn’t want to show up empty handed.”
“are you okay? i heard there was a fire…”
“this place is boring. let’s go somewhere else, just us.”
“the nightmares feel so real…”
“this is not a threat. it’s a promise.”
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meanderfall · 1 year
on my hands and knees, BEGGING the fandom to stop saying Qui-Gon abandoned Obi-Wan on Melida/Daan.
Look, if you haven't read the book, THIS is how the confrontation actually plays out:
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I feel like even without the added context of the entire book, it's pretty clear that Qui-Gon is giving him a CHOICE, one that Obi-Wan seems pretty well-informed about what it means and the consequences for him.
But like, fine. Without context, it might seem that Qui-Gon isn't being fair because all Obi-Wan wants to do is help these people. I have two arguments against though, 1) other options as to how to help these people are brought up during the narrative, ones more in-line with how the Jedi operate, and 2) Obi-Wan's predominant reason for wanting to stay is not because he wants to help.
This is one of the very first options we encounter as to how this issue could be resolved, or at least helped:
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This is shortly after they first meet the Young and comes from Cerasi herself, one of the leaders of the group. Asking for more Jedi support or at least broadcasting the situation so that maybe other organizations within the galaxy can help. Which is well-within their means as Jedi to at least try and get more support, and doesn't go against their roles as diplomats and peace keepers. (Obi-Wan, of course, doesn't even bother trying this route, nor does he bring up this possibility with Qui-Gon so we could at least see it being debated and how viable it would be.)
And of course there IS a more hands-on approach that they could take:
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Qui-Gon himself tries to come up with a more diplomatic and objective way to broker peace. And the mission was already completed by the way. They were only supposed to rescue Tahl and MAYBE broker peace, but rescuing the other Jedi was the priority. Yoda even tells him before this moment to leave the planet with Obi-Wan as soon as possible because the situation is just too volatile, and he almost lost one Jedi in an effort to help. Qui-Gon is only doing this because he knows how important this has become for Obi-Wan. (And if anyone tries to tell me Qui-Gon doesn't love Obi-Wan, imma start swinging)
It doesn't work, of course. Everyone living on this planet has been steeped in so much anger, hatred, and revenge, that no side, not even the Young are actually willing to talk and really reach for peace. For all that Cerasi and Nield say they want Jedi support, they don't. Not really. Qui-Gon gets stonewalled by them. Both of them mock Obi-Wan whenever he listens to Qui-Gon. What they actually want is for the Jedi to join their army and help them make the Elders listen to them. This is why Yoda wants them to get the hell outta dodge and Qui-Gon feels uneasy and like they can't actually help here. No one actually wants to listen to reason, and the Jedi are not supposed to be soldiers fighting in wars. It gets incredibly obvious in the next book, especially on Nield's end that he wants revenge (a young little warmonger, his parents would be so proud), but honestly? I think we can see it even in this book.
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Hey, did you guys know there's a bunch of kids living away from this war. Like, thousands of them, actually. They literally do not have to fight. Nield could take his group of kids (taking the factory working and conscripted kids with him) and fuck off and let the Elders kill each other, and only this generation would be left. They could ask for resources and protection for their new settlement from the Jedi or galaxy instead of manpower to back up their cause and help fight in a war. If Nield ACTUALLY cared about stopping the war and wasn't out for revenge, this would probably be the best choice.
But this possibility never gets brought up, ever, because Nield hates the Elders and wants "justice", Obi-Wan is too inexperienced to realize this is an option, and no one tells Qui-Gon until it's already too late and the Young have declared war on the Elders if they don’t agree to a cease-fire.
All of these options are a more Jedi way of handling the situation in my opinion. Unbiased and working towards actual peace and the end of violence instead of perpetuating it.
And as much as I love Obi-Wan and I know his heart is in the right place, Obi-Wan doesn't care about that, about doing things the Jedi way. Obi-Wan is very clearly taking a specific side in this conflict. I'm not going to put up all the screenshots I took because there are already a lot in this post (and there are. so many more i could put up), but I have quite a few where it's explicit that Obi-Wan is not taking the side of the Young because it's the objectively correct thing to do, but because he likes them. He feels a sense of community with them. He wants to help them, not as a Jedi but as a friend. He is getting involved. Attached.
And, look, I'm not here to argue the morality of that choice. Choosing a different way of life isn't a failure or flaw. Helping your friends in whatever way you can is good. Wanting to stop war and reach for peace is right. There's probably a bunch of people who think Obi-Wan is making the right choice here, and while I might disagree, I can certainly see where they're coming from. I just feel like there's a huge misconception of what actually happened on this planet and what Qui-Gon’s ultimatum is actually about.
Obi-Wan has snuck out time and again to help the Young.
Obi-Wan has used their starfighter, their ONLY transport off the planet, to help the Young on a mission that could very well have shot down the ship. They could have ended up stranded on this planet and might have lead to Tahl's, the rescued Jedi's, death.
Obi-Wan has not been acting like a Jedi. Qui-Gon knows this. Obi-Wan knows this. And in that moment, Qui-Gon is telling him "helping and supporting the Young in such a personal and attached manner is not the way of the Jedi. Do you want to continue on this path?"
And Obi-Wan makes his choice.
(And if anyone tries to argue that Qui-Gon should have brought Obi-Wan with him anyway instead of letting him stay on a war-torn planet, I'm going to start screaming. Yeah, no shit. In the real world, that's probably how he should have reacted.
But this isn't the real world. It's a kid's book. Where kids are the main characters and they go into dangerous situations. So the children reading can see themselves in them and learn how to be brave. How to navigate difficult situations. To learn it's okay to choose a path and maybe realize at some point it isn't what you wanted at all.)
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ofcoming4th · 10 months
I'm doing this far too much lately. Saying goodbye to a friend I never met.
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The man in the striped shirt is Shane MacGowan, first lead singer and songwriter for The Pogues - the first Irish punk band anyone had heard of widely in the USA.
He died today, November 30,at the age of 65. With Shane if you didn't know him the first things you might think is, " Oh he passed pretty young" . If you did it was, "Wow he made it that long?"
Shane was a towering talent, a junkie, a poet and often a complete bastard. His own band had to put him out because of his drug problem and general arsehole behavior - supposedly he said, "What took ya so long?"
In the early 80's there were rumbles in the music magazines about a band who went by Pogue Mahone ( which my mom used to yell at people who cut her off in traffic). They had to change it to just The Pogues because too many people knew the same phrase and they could not get any television spots or be on MTV.
Elvis Costello was a fan and helped produce their first widely played USA album "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash" in 1985. I was in my punk/proto New Wave phase at the time and was able to get someone to drive me to the nearest large city in order to buy the LP in a ratty little store next to a CBGB wanna be bar. I'll admit that the title was the big selling point for my immature self and I had no idea what to expect (as Mr. Joel said, you can't get the sound from the pages of a magazine, even if that magazine was CREAM).
The 5th track was "A Pair of Brown Eyes" and Shane's plaintive not quite on key voice caught me as he mourned the cost of death and hate while staying intensely human. On Side 2 was "Dirty Old Town" by Ewan MacColl. For an Irish American kid from a dying mill town who didn't even have a word for her sexuality the lyrics and Shane's voice put words to my experience even an ocean away from the trauma and violence of Ireland in the 80's. "Dreamed a dream by the old canal. I kissed my girl by the factory wall... " that was me, a bumbling scared girl in a tiny canal and mill town hiding to kiss a girl because it just made more sense even if I knew it would make life even harder.
And that album has never left my possession, changing formats but bringing me back to who I once was when I owned that first LP. Nostalgia is sweet when you know you will never have to be that self in that situation ever again. But good music is good music.
I kept up with Shane through the wild swings of his career and life . Though I don't think his post Pogues music was ever up to the level of those albums - "Red Roses for Me" to "Hell's Ditch" set the standard and pointed the way for bands like Dropkick Murphy's and Flogging Molly with the blending of Irish traditional influence and modern storytelling.
And he made it to 65,changing music, writing the song "Fairytale of New York" ( will somebody explain to me why this is considered a Christmas song staple? Has anyone besides me actually listened to the real lyrics which require cutting on broadcast radio? Just because Christmas is mentioned several times doesn't make this a happy Christmas song!)
I'll stop clutching my pearls and get back on track.
I needed to write this to just get my feelings out . Shane and the other members of the Pogues were the soundtrack to a vital part of my life where I found love, lost it, and found that love had never really gone , I just needed to get my self in good enough shape to accept it.
Thank you Shane, you magnificent, miserable , romantic, drunken junkie of a poet and music maker. Your voice is always in my memories of a muggy summer evening by an abandoned paper mill in Nowhere , New York.
If you haven't heard anything by Shane besides "Fairytale" go now and give a listen to " Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash" and its follow up "If I Should Fall From Grace with God".. You will see that even punk Irish bands during the IRA's height - with all the anger, sorrow and joy that life means, can make you want to get up and dance.
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